Re: [Zope3-dev] LocationProxy+None

2007-08-14 Thread Jeff Shell
On 8/14/07, Adam Groszer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A strange thing happened today:
  x = LocationProxy(None, foo, bar)
  x is None
  x == None

 Is this OK or I'm just missing something?

You have to understand how Python's ``is`` differs from ``==``. An
`is` check is an identity check, not an equality check. It's generally
faster than comparing equality. It's basically like this::

   a is b if id(a) == id(b)

The Python `id` function is basically a memory address of that
specific instance. None, True, and False are all basically constants
that have the same identity unless that name is overridden in a local

When proxies enter the picture, you're wrapping the object with a
proxy, so it's no longer the same by identity.

 from zope.location import LocationProxy
 located_none = LocationProxy(None, foo, bar)
 id(None) == id(located_none)
 located_none is None

Since the proxy object is masquerading as its wrapped object, equality
checks works. But identity doesn't. The `zope.proxy` package includes
some functions that you can use for help.

 from zope.proxy import removeAllProxies, sameProxiedObjects, isProxy

You have the option of removing all proxies, which would return the
object wrapped up by the proxy. Since we wrapped up None, it would
return the actual None object and identity checks would pass:

 removeAllProxies(located_none) is None

Or you can use `sameProxiedObjects`, which does the identity check on
the internal objects of one or two proxies:

 sameProxiedObjects(located_none, None)

You can see this when wrapping another instance of None with a location proxy.

 singing_nun = LocationProxy(None, 'austria', 'jane')
 singing_nun is located_none
 sameProxiedObjects(singing_nun, located_none)

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] zope.cachedescriptors outdated

2007-02-24 Thread Jeff Shell

On 2/22/07, Christian Zagrodnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


the cachedescriptors package is quite aged as it seems. It hasn't been
updated for decorator use.

Actually there are only three descriptors:

  CachedProperty – Needs to be updated to be used as decorator. But I
guess we need a deprecation period.

  Lazy – Works like charm as property decorator.

  readproperty –can go away i think. The property builtin is find. I'd
add a 12 month deprecation warning.

As long as `Lazy` doesn't go away, I don't mind. CachedProperty is a
little overwhelming.. I guess I haven't had a need for it. I use Lazy
a lot in views and other objects that exist only during the
request/response cycle. It's super handy in those situations.

I wouldn't mind seeing `Lazy` renamed or aliased as `lazyproperty` or

I use `readproperty`, but I have my own copy of it. I didn't realize
it was in cachedescriptors. As I understand it, `readproperty` is
different from the built-in basic `property` descriptor: you can write
to a readproperty. You can't write to a basic `property` that is used
only as a decorator around a getter method.

class Foo(object):
   ... @property
   ... def bar(self):
   ... return 42
f = Foo()
   42 = 33
   Traceback (most recent call last):
 File stdin, line 1, in ?
   AttributeError: can't set attribute

With `readproperty`, you can still have the simple
getter-method-wrapper property, with the ability to replace the value
on instances. So no, the builtin 'property' descriptor is not fine.
`property` came into being when Python got descriptors, but before it
got decorators. By grand design or divine accident, the fact that the
first argument for `property` is the getter function makes it a useful
decorator. But it wasn't written with decorators in mind. It was
written for ``x = property(getX, setX, delX)``, or some combination

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] zc.resourcelibrary resources positioning in head

2007-02-21 Thread Jeff Shell

On 2/21/07, Shaar Gabriel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

a little thought about zc.resourcelibrary. shouldn't the added
resources (at least javascript) be closer to /head than to head.
this way the specific javascript resources can make use of the more
general ones included in the skin with the template. does this make
sense ?

Like Gary, I don't put more general items in the main template. I
shout out my need from the head of the main template::

   tal:resources replace=resource_library:brcms-rsrc /

So I would want my items to be towards the top. Usually. The more
specific resources should be wired to require `brcms-rsrc` or one of
its dependents. This is how I've always expected resourcelibrary to

But I've been thinking about resourcelibrary. In fact, I logged in to
GMail to ask some questions about it. It's such a useful tool, in some
regards, but it falls short in others. I don't know how to fix it
properly without changing the paradigm (which I would like to do).

One of my complaints is similar to yours, but I want better control of
the positioning. I've thought of making a second pipeline in the
result that would look for very simple markers - just a kind of string
insertion template language (no conditionals, loops, etc). So that
instead of looking for a ``head`` tag, it might look for
``!--#resourcelibrary:all--`` or something like that... maybe even
an XML processing instruction?

Short of an aggressively object-oriented system like Seaside, where
one is building a document page out of objects instead of just
rendering a template / raw string, I guess I really want some kind of
pipelining. I don't want the pipelining to bound to ZPT in any way.
But I imagine there might be some kind of lesson that could be
extracted from how resourcelibrary mucks with the implicit result; or
even with explicit results?


   def _implicitResult(self, body):
   #figure out the content type -- this is straight from resourcelibrary
   content_type = self.getHeader('content-type')
   if content_type is None:
   if isHTML(body):
   content_type = 'text/html'

   # now we veer off in the land of hypotheticals
   postprocessor = queryAdapter(self, IResultPostProcessor,
   if postprocessor:
   # the resourcelibrary code that writes all the script and
   # style tags would be in this `process` code.
   body = postprocessor.process(body)

   return super(Response, self)._implicitResult(body)

That might be easier to customize. Resourcelibrary is falling short of
my needs / wants in a few areas. Having an easier plug-in point for
tweaking the response would be dreamy.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: future of fssync (was: RE: [SpringCleaning07])

2007-02-08 Thread Jeff Shell

This is a very delayed response, I'm sorry. I seldom get/make the time
to check GMail these days. Eternally busy, for better or worse :).

On 1/2/07, Stephan Richter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wednesday 20 December 2006 16:03, Jeff Shell wrote:

 It's too bad that this seems to have gone unfinished. The biggest pain
 (well, one of the big pains) we experience with Zope 3 is the lack of
 anything like Zope 2's export/import. Or, going further back,
 'manage_exportHack'. :). This is a side topic and I'm not going to
 elaborate further except to beg for some low to medium level
 export/import capability. It seems that fssync was one of the
 alternatives, or could be, if I recall correctly.

The question is why you need it. zope.fssync was originally developed
for TTW development via the filesystem. I think this use case has gone
away. What use cases do *you* have for using fssync?

More than anything, we need export/import, ala Zope 2. If my memory
serves, 'fssync' was often described as the Zope 3 replacement for it
when I brought it up in the past.

In Zope 2, export/import was often used by us as a release mechanism:
export a folder/site from a development instance, import it into a
production instance. Since we don't really do much in the way of
through the web development in the Zope 3 era, this hasn't been a
terribly critical feature. However, we do large CMS based web sites
and sometimes have sub-sections or sites that we need to build up in
house with lots of graphic design, customer sign-off, etc, that then
needs to be integrated with the existing production servers. For these
purposes, I don't really care what the exported / sync'd files look
like. I'd just like to be able to move elements from one machine /
instance to another without having to replace the entire Data.fs file.

And again, if memory serves, it seemed like fssync was often pitched
as the potential answer to this situation. But it was pretty clear to
me back then that fssync's development had stalled. I didn't have the
time to contribute (hell, I barely get time to check GMail any more),
and haven't had the time to look into our own solution, so we just
blunder-force our way through these particular deployment scenarios.
Fortunately we've had only to deal with a few such cases.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] SOAP support?

2007-02-08 Thread Jeff Shell

On 1/7/07, Andreas Jung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am actually looking at options for bringing SOAP support into Zope 2.
Is there some SOAP infrastructure available in Zope 3 (or some add-ons)
and might be re-used in a reasonable way?

FWIW, I managed to bang out a brute force RPC style SOAP publisher,
based on the XML-RPC one in Zope 3. I used ZSI to handle the parsing /
writing, and expect my views / published methods to do the same -
ie, I can't just return a dictionary or list and have it all get
bundled up correctly. This is because SOAP, as far as I can understand
it, suuucks.


I had to bang this implementation together because a customer has an
old flash applet that retrieved some data from a ColdFusion Component
exposed as a web service. They apparently don't have the Flash source
any more, and we've been unable to get much help from their developers
or anyone in regards to what this Flash tool expects. All we have is
the cold fusion component source - and we don't even know what data is
actually being returned! At most we can see the columns / keys. Ugh.

I'm glad that Zope 3 has a built-in place to attach a SOAP request
factory/handler/thing, but I definitely wouldn't expect or want any
more than that. I had to pull some nasty hacks to get the generated
SOAP response to be handled properly by the Flash client - what ZSI
generated was probably close to some kind of spec, but just didn't
behave in the same manner as these two Macromedia, er, Adobe tools.

It feels like the best chances of any kind of interoperability come
from servers and clients built by the same provider. What a mess.

I've attached the publisher side of what I've managed to cobble
together so far in case anyone is interested. I'm probably not going
to take this thing any further as it basically provides just enough
functionality to allow us to communicate with the Flash client. The
Zope application side of my project used ZSI's `wsdl2py` and
`wsdl2dispatch` to generate the skeleton code, typecodes, and rough
ideas on how to write a response handler.

The S Stands for Simple is definitely a great read. It's terrifying
because it's true. (At the same time, I can see the appeal of SOAP in
the heavyweight compiled commercial crap tools business - exposing a
ColdFusion Component as a web service is as easy as adding ``?wsdl``
to the URL, and I was able to attach the web service to a table in
Flash 8 Professional and witness data being returned, and I don't know
or use Flash (or ColdFusion) at all. Ugh. Shame it's such a crap
system. Viva AJAX with JSON! Viva View-Source! Viva good old fashioned
GET and POST HTTP requests that don't have additional traversal steps
buried in a body that one could never type by hand!)

- 100 for adding this kind of support to the core. It's way too much
of a mess, and the Python SOAP libraries all seem to be in pretty bad
Jeff Shell

Description: GNU Zip compressed data
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RE: [SpringCleaning07]

2006-12-20 Thread Jeff Shell
 to be able to move documents from Writeboard (Textile
format) to our KBase for long term storage, as well as being able to
post our own reStructuredText based documents.

'' is a bit confusing, but its disappearance could be
critical. Again, I don't mind too much of it disappears from the core
distribution, as long as it's made obvious (ie - not buried in a wiki
page on some far flung remote site) and can be easily

I'll note that the removal of several of the* packages means
a further distancing from TTW, offering the casual newscomer even less
to look at. I am okay with this direction, but others might object
strongly. This should really be brought up on zope3-users or other
high-level mailing lists.

I'm also for this. Besides, the casual newcomer can't really do much
with the stock TTW objects anyways. For casual TTW style development
with all of its features (and drawbacks), Zope 2 is a far better

Side Topic: When you install Pylons, you don't have anything to look
at. But making a quick and simple application with it was rather

On the other end of the spectrum is Django, whose admin screens are
actually usable by other humans and very very easy to customize. How
easy is it in Zope 3 to customize a folder contents view so that it
shows different columns, allows sorting only on certain ones, and
allows quick searching, grouping, and filtering? I know (or assume)
that 'zc.table' can provide for this functionality, but it's nowhere
near the core. As a developer, doing custom 'listing' or index pages
is something I need to do all of the time. 'title', 'size', and
'modified' aren't interesting to me in a folder full of invoices.

I would be interested to know if anyone has succesfully used the TTW
ZPT Page and SQL Scripts or SQL Exprs to make a usable application.
Those never seemed to be the focus of Zope 3, and with the lack of
auto-acquisition and Python scripts, they felt extremely crippled
compared to their Zope 2 cousins. I certainly could never get them to
do anything useful, because I had no answers about what
objects/namespaces/modules/etc I could even access. All of the things
that were easy in Zope 2's TTW environment didn't seem doable in Zope
3's. But that's OK, as custom Python / product / etc development is
much easier. I'd rather see the elevation and inclusion of tools like
'zc.table' and 'zc.resourcelibrary' which can be useful across so many
application domains and could solve some very common problems.

And if we want to give casual newcomers something to look at, lets
focus on how Instance Homes and Products/Applications are used and can
be built. Perhaps give templated starting points like paster does::

   $ paster create --template=zope3product easytodo

The Zope 3 experience does nothing to start the casual newcomer
towards building a simple starter application. Both Pylons and
TurboGears have a 'quick wiki' tutorial which includes a line similar
to the one above. Unlike 'mkzopeinstance', the generated directories
and files reflect a working product with some starter modules,
classes, and templates: the equivalent of 'BoringProduct', in a sense,
but with some skeleton parts (class names, etc) filled in instead of
having to be manually replaced.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: [SpringCleaning07]

2006-12-20 Thread Jeff Shell

On 12/20/06, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Rocky Burt wrote:
 On Wed, 2006-20-12 at 12:52 +0100, Martijn Faassen wrote:

 Inspired by Kid (in turn among others inspired by ZPT), the main
 template language of TurboGears, written by the people who also created
 Trac, and it seems to be getting traction. TurboGears among others is
 going to adopt it, but also things like the creator of SQLAlchemy (and
 Myghthy) spending time optimizing it, etc. It's close enough to ZPT to
 be palatable to me, and has some nice features for reuse.

I both like and dislike ZPT and other such languages these days.
They're great when working on some design-heavy sites. But in other
situations, it's an awful lot of useless typing and structuring.

It matters to me especially when we're talking about reuse. Template
languages differ significantly in their approach. I also prefer to pick
something that has a certain momentum and a certain performance.

If TAL / Page Templates isn't really made available to anyone else,
how could it get momentum? 'zope.tal', 'zope.tales' and
'zope.pagetemplate' could probably be combined into a nice
world-usable egg. With the right extras and entry points, they could
be used with Buffet and then available to TurboGears, Pylons,,

Performance is also a strange game, as template languages differ
significantly in how (or even if) they compile, and how/where they
store that compiled manifestation.

Pylons uses Buffet, or at least a customized version of Buffet,
alongside 'Beaker'. 'Beaker' is a WSGI middleware thing that uses
Myghty's containers (which I guess basically make up the heart of
Myghty's supposedly powerful caching system) to cache templates,
fragments, all in a template-language-neutral way apparently. It would
be nice to be able to use things like that with Zope. Keep TAL, allow
for use of Buffet or something like it (perhaps something using the
same entry point) so that any other supported template language could
be plugged in.

As a side topic, I'm also slowly coming to the conclusion that tales
path expressions are a waste of time and effort. We spent a lot of time
making sure that we can express something as a path expression, and a
Python expression would be just as easy to read and explain. We're not
stopping people from writing more complicated python expressions anyway,
and there are real cases where they're needed. A very different
templating mechanism where there is no Python at all and data is always
pregenerated before rendering is still attractive for other reasons, but
in the ZPT case I've become less and less convinced it's worth the hassle.

The nice thing then about something like Genshi is that instead of:

I can simply write:

Python expressions in TAL are cumbersome in part because they're simply
hard to type, not because they're necessarily *complicated*.

It's not TAL's fault - path expressions are just configured to be the
default for the engine used by Page Templates.

It should certainly possible to set Python Expressions as the default
for your ZPT Page Templates. I did a simple-stupid string template
language that basically looked for the following pattern::

   {{ expr }}

and ran the TALES expression inside. For that setup, I set Python
expressions to be the default. This was used for generating emails,
etc. Kindof a slightly fancy mail merge::

   Dear {{ or 'customer'}},

But I could use string, path, whatever as well.

Doesn't Genshi allow for {{ expr }} type things in its templates? Or
was that Kid? Anyways, I hate having to type a whole bunch of TAL to
generate a fake tag and all of that to do a simple insertion in cases
where I could really do without that overhead::

 tal:insert content=structure view/featuredFlag /br /

'view/featuredFlag' renders lots of fancy HTML on its own, so I don't
need a span or div or anything right there.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Do not serialize one attribute

2006-12-14 Thread Jeff Shell

On 12/14/06, Florian Lindner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a object, derived from Persistent when contain one attribute which is
not serializable and that's not a problem for me, but Zope complains about
Can I mark this attribute somehow as not to serialize and make Zope call a
member function when it has unserialized this object so I can reinstantiate
this attribute?

What do you need to do to re-instatiate the attribute? As another
reply mentioned, you can use the Python property descriptor in
combination with an `_v_` attribute. The ZODB will not serialize an
attribute whose name starts with _v_ (v means volatile).

Alternatively, you can override ``__getstate__()`` and ``__setstate()__``

   Classes can further influence how their instances are pickled; if the
   class defines the method __getstate__(), it is called and the return state
   is pickled as the contents for the instance, instead of the contents of
   the instance's dictionary. If there is no __getstate__() method, the
   instance's __dict__ is pickled.

   Upon unpickling, if the class also defines the method __setstate__(), it
   is called with the unpickled state.13.5 If there is no __setstate__()
   method, the pickled state must be a dictionary and its items are assigned
   to the new instance's dictionary. If a class defines both __getstate__()
   and __setstate__(), the state object needn't be a dictionary and these
   methods can do what they want.

So let's say that the name of this particular attribute is
'unserializable'. You'd remove it from the 'state' dictionary returned
by 'getstate', and add it back in during 'setstate'.

Warning: It's been a long time, I think, since I've used these
methods. There may be better practices.


   class Example(Persistent):
   ... (other code)

   def __getstate__(self):
   state = super(Example, self).__getstate__()
   # you _might_ want to add '.copy()' to the above to play safe.

   if 'unserializable' in state:
   del state['unserializable']
   # Alternatively, you might want to store a tuple or some way
   # of restoring the unserializable object if you can. Some
   # kind of small memento.

   # This is what gets pickled and stored in the ZODB.
   return state

   def __setstate__(self, state):
   # here is where you can re-instantiate 'unserializable'
   state['unserializable'] = unserializableReinstantiationCode()
   super(Example, self).__setstate__(state)

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: Re: [Zope3-dev] Do not serialize one attribute

2006-12-14 Thread Jeff Shell

On 12/14/06, Jeff Shell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 12/14/06, Florian Lindner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello, I have a object, derived from Persistent when contain one
 attribute which is not serializable and that's not a problem for me,
 but Zope complains about that.  Can I mark this attribute somehow as
 not to serialize and make Zope call a member function when it has
 unserialized this object so I can reinstantiate this attribute?

What do you need to do to re-instatiate the attribute? As another
reply mentioned, you can use the Python property descriptor in
combination with an `_v_` attribute. The ZODB will not serialize an
attribute whose name starts with _v_ (v means volatile).

Is this the IJabberClient object you were asking about a couple of
weeks ago? I just saw that thread today. Anyways, the _v_ option is
probably what you want if that is the problem.

   class JabberClient(Persistent):
   ... (other code) ...

   def client(self):
   if not hasattr(self, '_v_client'):
   self._v_client = xmpp.Client(...)
   return self._v_client

You could try using this descriptor as well (something like this might
already exist. If not, perhaps it should? This is a simple
implementation, but it should work)

   class volatile(object):
A descriptor that reads and writes to a volatile attribute 
   def __init__(self, name):
   self._volatilename = '_v_%s' % name

   def __get__(self, klass, inst):
   if inst is None:
   # return this descriptor if accessed on the class
   return self

   return getattr(inst, self._volatilename, None)

   def __set__(self, inst, value):
Set the value on the instance in a volatile attribute 
   setattr(inst, self._volatilename, value)

   def __del__(self, inst):
Clear the volatile attribute 
   delattr(inst, self._volatilename)

And here's how it would be used.

   class JabberClient(Persistent):
   ... (other code) ...

   client = volatile('client')

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Applying schema data on an object

2006-12-13 Thread Jeff Shell

On 12/13/06, Christian Theune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I've been trying to DRY some code and found that the following pattern
keeps popping up:

class SomeObject(object):

def __init__(self, many_keyword_arguments):
self.y = y
self.x = x
self.z = z

From the outside this then is called from a view (where data comes from
a formlib AddForm:

def create(self, **data)
return SomeObject(**data)

I'd like to remove the explicit assignments from the constructor and use
a function to do this in a generic way. I didn't find anything that does
this yet, except from a formlib function that requires FormFields
instead of a schema, so I wrote my own:

def set_schema_data(context, schema, data):
Update the context's attributes with the given data that belongs
   to the specified schema.

for name in schema:
field = schema[name]
if not zope.schema.interfaces.IField.providedBy(field):
if name in data:
field.set(context, data[name])

I've used a similar pattern for a while - especially in a couple of
non-zope experiments that used interfaces and schema. I've noticed
that I seldom write initializers for my persistent objects anymore, as
I often have formlib or some other function applying data. That's
probably a bad habit.

One thing that I like about formlib is the ability to combine fields
from multiple Interfaces together, and have adaptation apply them.
Outside of form usage, however, this might not be as necessary. With
forms, it's excellent, as DublinCore fields (like 'title') can easily
be included in the field set.

There are more complex things you could do in here, such as validation
or setting of defaults. Even without that, here's what I would do::

   import zope.schema

   def applyschema(target, data, schema, validate=False, applydefaults=False):
   for name, field in zope.schema.getFieldsInOrder(schema):
   field = field.bind(target)

   if name not in data:
   if applydefaults:
   field.set(target, field.default)

   value = data.get(name)
   if validate:
   field.set(target, value)

There is a function around already which comes from zope.formlib and
requires the schema to be specified as a FormFields setup. I'd like to
not have the formlib dependency in this code.

I propose to include the given function in zope.schema or
zope.interface. Eventually this could also be spelled as a method on a
schema (symmetrical to field.set): schema.set(object, data)

Would that then be a function of Interfaces? zope.schema is basically
nothing but a bunch of extensions of `zope.interface.Attribute` and
some helper functions to filter out Field objects from the Interface's
members. If applied to zope.interface, you'd have to either move the
basic definition of a 'schema field' to zope.interface (which I
believe is beyond its scope), or have 'schema.set' work for Attributes
(but not interface.Method, which is also extensions of Attribute).

I'd propose putting this in `zope.schema._schema` or some other module
in zope.schema for utility functions. It could also include my
favorite trick - a schema-to-dict-by-way-of-tuple-pairs iterator!

   def __iter__(self):
Yields pairs of (name, value) reflecting IStreetAddress 
   for name, field in zope.schema.getFieldsInOrder(IStreetAddress):
   yield (name, field.query(self, field.default))

Since ``dict(iterable)`` works if the iterable produces (key,value)
pairs, this is a handy to get consistent mappings out of objects. I
use the above heavily to copy / move address data around between ZODB,
RDBMS (via SQLAlchemy), and CSV files. Maybe made as a general
function like this? ::

   _marker = object()
   def pairs(source, schema, applydefaults=True):
   Yields pairs of (name, value) from `source` based on the schema fields
   in 'schema'. If 'applydefaults' is True (default), missing values will
   be replaced with the default specified on the field.
   for name, field in zope.schema.getFieldsInOrder(schema):
   value = field.query(source, _marker)
   if (value is _marker) and applydefaults:
   value = field.default
   yield (name, value)

   address = dict(pairs(contact.address, IStreetAddress))
   # or
   pprint.pprint(list(pairs(contact.address, IStreetAddress)))

that latter one is handy when debugging.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Bugday today

2006-11-16 Thread Jeff Shell

On 11/15/06, Christian Theune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


just a quick reminder: Today is a bugday to help get Zope 3.3 virtually
free of bugs (by handling bugs from the collector.)

Any status report on this? The collector state(s) seem unchanged.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope 3.3.0 - Why is the minimum generation for '' 1? What's a good practice to update to generation 5 prior to my own evolver?

2006-11-06 Thread Jeff Shell

Oops; I think I sent this reply (initially) only to Christian. I'm
sharing it now with the group. I still don't know what's going on. I
finally got it working (it appears) for us by writing my own evolver
that forced removal of all old Utility Registrations and also forced
removing the Dependencies on the local utilities themselves.

But it wasn't enough. We have to go back to Zope 3.1 for this
particular project. We've lost way too much time wrestling with
obscure issues last week, and I've declared Zope as hazardous to my
health as it was the final straw that got me smoking again after two
months clean.

On 11/3/06, Christian Theune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jeff Shell wrote:
 On 11/3/06, Christian Theune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 what about calling the evolve() scripts from your generation? That would
 be reasonable IMHO.

 I'm trying to do that now. And now it seems that evolve3 (for is failing because it wants to use the new Registrations
 system to do something to Pluggable Auth group folders...? But of
 course, the new registrations system won't work until evolve4!

 Blargh. I was hoping to run the registrations fairly
 properly through the schema manager, starting from the current until
 I got to the level I require... But it looks like I'll have to
 manually monkey with the order...

Humm. I know that. I thought we evened that out during beta.

Out of curiosity: did you try bumping the minimum version to 5 so all
generations get run at once?

I tried running the 'evolve-maximum' subscriber, and set my product's
maximum to just be '1' for now instead of 2 (2 being the one that
wants to use the registration system). It still errors out in
generation 3... Waaa!

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Zope 3.3.0 - Why is the minimum generation for '' 1? What's a good practice to update to generation 5 prior to my own evolver?

2006-11-03 Thread Jeff Shell

I'm working on moving an old customer to our updated CMS. Their
current site is running on Zope 3.1, with our new work being done on
Zope 3.3.

I've gone through their project, removing deprecation warnings, and
watched the code work against a fresh / clean ZODB. But when I moved
one of the old development databases over, things started blowing up

It appears to be coming from our CMS core's evolver code. The latest
generation (2) removes the old instance and replaces
it and its indexes with a new zc.catalog Extent Catalog and indexes.

On the last job I worked on (the first customer developed with our
revised CMS), this evolver script ran fine. But that customer's ZODB
started out fresh on Zope 3.3.

New customer (on fresh ZODB)::

connection =; cr = connection.root()
   [(u'br.cms', 2), (u'', 5)]

Old customer (old ZODB, trying to evolve to new, running on Zope 3.3).
This is the report _FROM_ the Zope 3.3 instance::

connection =; cr = connection.root()
   [(u'br.cms', 1), (u'', 1)]

I would like those numbers to be 2 and 5.

But Zope's default evolution mechanism is to evolve to minimum, and
the schema manager is configured like this::

   ZopeAppSchemaManager = SchemaManager(

Great. Well it turns out that generations 2 through 5 do some pretty
important things. In my case, I'm interested in generation 4 which
evolves the Registrations so that I can unregister and delete an old
catalog and replace it with zc.catalog. Unless my ZODB is updated to
at least generation 4, I can't even do this from the ZMI.

I downloaded Zope 3.3 again just to look at the docs to see if there
was any tidbit that I missed about using generations. Because this
'evolve to minimum' scenario is just raising hell. Go ahead - find an
old ZODB, run it on Zope 3.3, and try to unregister or remove a
Utility in a ++etc++site/default scenario. I doubt it will work.

Has no one else run into this? This is another element that seems very
broken: there's this code to update one's ZODB instance when moving to
a new Zope version, but it's not configured to ever execute by
default. And there isn't any how to update your ZODB documentation
that even mentions you may want to add the following to your
overrides.zcml to ensure that the ZODB is updated to its current
generation, as the minimum generation may not work on your data.

Is there a reason for this?

Finally, is there any way that I can easily add guards in my own
scheme manager evolve() scripts to ensure that other evolutions have
happened first? My `br.cms generation 2` evolver depends on the new
registration system, which isn't in place on older ZODB instances
unless is at generation 4 or later.

This is a huge issue. I promised my boss that we could update and
upgrade this old customer's code in less than a day. The customer's
code now loads up without deprecation warnings on a fresh ZODB, but
I'm struggling to load up an old ZODB copy with real data, and am now
suddenly behind schedule.

We have at least three more customer code bases beyond this one that
we want to update as well. I'm trying to think of a better way to
automate this situation for us so that development and deployment can
be pretty transparent.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope 3.3.0 - Why is the minimum generation for '' 1? What's a good practice to update to generation 5 prior to my own evolver?

2006-11-03 Thread Jeff Shell

On 11/3/06, Christian Theune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


what about calling the evolve() scripts from your generation? That would
be reasonable IMHO.

I'm trying to do that now. And now it seems that evolve3 (for is failing because it wants to use the new Registrations
system to do something to Pluggable Auth group folders...? But of
course, the new registrations system won't work until evolve4!

Blargh. I was hoping to run the registrations fairly
properly through the schema manager, starting from the current until
I got to the level I require... But it looks like I'll have to
manually monkey with the order...


I blame myself. I should have gotten more involved during the beta
testing period for Zope 3.3, just to test it against our old

It's been a rough week.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Big Problem with FTP in Zope 3.3.0, seems to be the result of using `v = self.get(name, self); if v is self...` in a land where Proxy objects can kill identity comparison

2006-10-31 Thread Jeff Shell
 first try - Let's see if IReadDirectory is doing the right
thing by firing up debugzope.. - worked as expected.

Moral of the story: don't use ``query/get (..., default=self)``, ``if
value is self`` paradigm? Be careful of identity comparisons? Is there
a moral?

Is there any reason why the ``_marker = object()  get(...,
default=_marker)`` paradigm isn't used?

After encountering this, I am rather uneasy about the number of places
in which I see this self as default marker check paradigm. My
biggest unease comes from not knowing proxies and when things are
proxied and when they're not and when I have to be careful about them
and when I don't.

Anyways, for our particular FTP problem, I can patch around it since
we have a custom Read Directory adapter anyway.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: Big Problem with FTP in Zope 3.3.0, seems to be the result of using `v = self.get(name, self); if v is self...` in a land where Proxy objects can kill identity comparison

2006-10-31 Thread Jeff Shell

I have to follow this up. While I thought I was doing a good job
reporting and testing the problem, I didn't do a hard enough
control-group study. So, I started to investigate further:

Even though I saw absolutely nothing about our ReadDirectory subclass
that would cause the strange behavior, I decided to double check the
behavior against a fresh install of Zope 3.3.0, with only my
pdb.set_trace statement in place (this time I placed it in
```` so I could
watch traversal).

Trying to chdir to '/customer/bogus' in FTP yielded the desired result::

   ftp cd customer/bogus
   550 /customer/bogus: No such file or directory.

After seeing that, I stepped through the debugger. Sure enough, the
``if v is self`` failed in ``ReadDirectory.__getitem__``, causing the
situation I explained before:

Basically, in the FTP situation (or any situation wherein proxies are
being made), the following scenario happens. The _dir is used in place
of 'self' to show that it's what ultimately gets returned to the

1. publishTraverse('bogus') from customer
2. _dir = IReadDirectory(customer)
3. _dir['bogus'] is called

   a. v = _dir.get('bogus', _dir) [returns _dir]
   b. ``if v is _dir: raise KeyError('bogus')`` fails, as v and _dir
are the same proxied objects, but have diferent identities at the
Python level.
   c. Instead of raising a KeyError on the bogus (ha!) name, ``_dir``
is returned.

So this phantom ReadDirectory object gets sent out to the publisher.
The same situation is happening on a clean Zope 3.3.0 instance and on
the instance on which we found the problem (which provides a
subclassed ReadDirectory adapter for our container objects). If Zope's
ReadDirectory and Bottlerocket's ContentContainerReadDirectory are
being pushed up to the publisher as phantoms in each case, why does
the default setup return the proper FTP No such file error where the
Bottlerocket setup allows one to enter this non-existing directory?

I traced the behavior down to
```` and the *callObject*
method. `callObject` essentially is doing this (staying with the
'_dir' object mentioned above)::

   _dir = ob
   view = queryMultiAdapter((ob, ftprequest), name='ls', default=self)

Ignoring the ``default=self`` here, `queryMultiAdapter` **fails on the
default setup, but returns FTPView in our custom setup!** Again - we
do nothing special in our ZCML registration, and our custom setup
subclasses from the default ReadDirectory, what's going on? I decided
to look at the list of provided interfaces at the moment of

The behavior of a *clean setup*, doing ``chdir ... bogus``::

   (Pdb) pp list(providedBy(ob).__sro__)
implementedBy __builtin__.object,
InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface]

Hmmm. So I tried this on our *custom setup*, and got this::

   (Pdb) pp list(providedBy(ob).__sro__)
   [implementedBy br.cms.folder.ContentContainerReadDirectory,
InterfaceClass zope.filerepresentation.interfaces.IReadDirectory,
InterfaceClass zope.interface.common.mapping.IEnumerableMapping,
InterfaceClass zope.interface.common.mapping.IReadMapping,
InterfaceClass zope.interface.common.mapping.IItemMapping,
InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface,
implementedBy __builtin__.object]

Well it turns out that there's one place wherein we diverge from the
base ReadDirectory: we include a ``zope.interface.implements``

   class ContentContainerReadDirectory(ReadDirectory):

Between the screaming and the sobbing, I commented out the
``implements`` line and tried again::

   (Pdb) pp list(providedBy(ob).__sro__)
   [implementedBy br.cms.folder.ContentContainerReadDirectory,
implementedBy __builtin__.object,
InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface]

And lo and behold, our custom setup worked::

   ftp cd /customer/bogus
   550 /customer/bogus: No such file or directory.

So!!! This situation happened because our class had the audacity to
declare its instances' provided interface! The same interface that the
ZCML adapter declarations say they provide. It seems to change the
interface / specification order in a way that then elicits different
behavior. The FTPView commands are registered for IReadContainer,
which is the direct parent of IReadDirectory.. So when I had the
``implements`` line in our custom setup, we could change into those
non-existing directories since the IReadDirectory adapter of the
parent directory 

Re: Re: [Zope3-dev] Grrr. wikis are evil.

2006-10-11 Thread Jeff Shell

On 10/7/06, Jim Fulton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Fred Drake wrote:
 So whatever the ZF's plans for dealing with, I think there's
 no way to go wrong with the wikis except by keeping what we have now.
 While it's nice to use a Zope-based solution, I think we need to just
 get a solution that works.  That could be a Zope 2 installation with a
 recent version of ZWiki, or something else (MoinMoin would make me
 happy as well, and has good reStructuredText support these days).

reStructuredText support would be greaet. As well as EXPLICIT Wiki
links. All those damn question marks on things that shouldn't be
drives me absolutely batty. I believe that Wikipedia is incredibly
useful because its links have to be explicit, and not accidently by
way of FunNy SpellIng.

 Yeah, I'm grumbling.  It's Friday night, and I've had it with the
 archaic StructuredText.

If we end up using Trac, we'll be using that wiki.

I have some wiki desires of my own that I'll probably never realize:

- HTML WYSIWYG Wikis that don't use any form os structures text (small s)
   and just use an HTML editor.  I think that structured text of any kind
   is an obstacle to Wiki use.  Moin moin's markup rules drive me as batty
   as old Structured Text drives other people.  ZWiki supports EPOZ
   editing and I'd love to see that used.  Of course, this sort of experience
   avoids the need for preview or structured-text documentation.

I think reStructuredText and Markdown are quite acceptable structured
text syntaxes, especially for an audience that is largely technical. I
think a system that facilitates easy copying and pasting from doctest
documents, formatted doc strings, emails, etc, is ideal. We have a
Knowledge Base application developed in-house that allows use of
Textile, reStructuredText, Markdown, Plain Text, etc. The big benefit
is that its easy to bring in data from sources ranging from
Writeboards (Textile) to Zope 3 doctests and our own docstrings and
other in-code documents with just a copy and paste.

WYSIWYG editors for browsers are getting better, but they can still be
a bit slow, taking me back to using geoWrite on the Commodore 64.
Type'n'wait :).

But yeah... I've found it much easier to share and upload technical
documentation when the Wiki / Knowledge Base / Whatever supports the
structured text syntax I've been writing in.

Oh well.

I absolutely agree that we need to replace the existing wikis.  One other thing
we'll need to consider is anti-spam capabilities.

I'll agree with this agreement.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: Re: [ZF] Re: Use launchpad ! (was Re: [Zope3-dev] the maintenance of change logs)

2006-09-29 Thread Jeff Shell

On 9/29/06, Steve Alexander [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On a small aesthetics side, I find Launchpad's side bars incredibly
 distracting, and I don't like looking at the page because it feels
 like there are too many things vying for my attention and I have a
 hard time really reading the text in front of me. The content gets
 squished. And then I find myself looking at all of these links and
 buttons around the page trying to figure out what has the information
 I'm interested in. The sidebar on bothers me in the same way
 when I try to read the Zope 3 wiki - but feels nowhere near
 as noisy as Launchpad. I'm sure their tools are great, and the hosting
 service is a good feature.

I understand what you're saying about the Launchpad UI, and I agree with it.

There's a significant re-design of the Launchpad UI underway right now
that ought to address many of these issues.  It won't be on the live
site for a couple of months, though.

I see that you have Matthew P Thomas involved. I know he's had some
good writings in the past about usability and consistency.

And after looking at `` really quickly, I now
realize the big seller for Launchpad: bug tracking across multiple
projects. With all of the little Zope things out there (zc.catalog,
zc.buildout, etc), it would be good to be able to share such data
between them. Actually, this is an issue that my very small company
runs into frequently - needing to focus on specific projects while
also keeping an eye on the underlying tools and frameworks. So many
other systems seem suited for just-one-project-at-a-time, and it's
frustrating to try to keep track of issues four layers down from
customer-specific code.

So: I really like Launchpad's goals and intentions. But its a
usability nightmare to me as a casual visitor. And I've found that for
me, personally, it's hard to stay involved with or on top of a project
in that situation, especially when I'm stressed out (like I have been
the past few days). I look forward to seeing the re-design.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Python version for Zope 3.4 ?

2006-09-28 Thread Jeff Shell

On 9/28/06, Philipp von Weitershausen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Christian Theune wrote:

 Baiju M wrote:
   What is the target Python version for Zope 3.4, is it Python 2.5?

 Right now it's still Python 2.4, as Zope 3.4 is scheduled for next year,
 we should consider using Python 2.5 though.

We should definitely try to *support* Python 2.5, but we can't require
it till Zope 2 has been certified for it.

Why isn't Python 2.5 even supported at present? Does Zope 3.3.0
flat-out break when run on 2.5? Or does Zope 3.3 + Python 2.5 work,
but it hasn't been tested enough to say it's usable, but not

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: Re: [Zope3-dev] Python version for Zope 3.4 ?

2006-09-28 Thread Jeff Shell

On 9/28/06, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jim Fulton wrote:
 Baiju M wrote:
   What is the target Python version for Zope 3.4, is it Python 2.5?

 That's a good question.  I fear it will take a fair bit of work to
 get to it and, frankly for me there are higher priorities.

I think we'd be okay in not supporting Python 2.5 yet for this release.
Python 2.5 has just been released, and the 9 months or so will give it
time to gell out, Python extensions a bit of time to catch up with the
newer version, and for us to do some experimenting. Linux distributions
will likely still be supporting Python 2.4 (along with 2.5) at that
stage as well.

Are you talking not-supporting Python 2.5 at all? Or just not wanting to
require it?

If Zope 3 can't at least run on Python 2.5 within three months of Python 2.5's
release, I don't think that looks good for us. I would hope that by being more
Pythonic and free from the old ExtensionClass magic - especially in Zope 3 -
that Zope could keep better pace with Python. But nine months? A year? Can I
expect the developers of toolkits we use, in some cases more heavily than Zope
itself, like SQLAlchemy to hold off on requiring Python 2.5 for that long?

So unless a volunteer steps up to do lots of hard work between now and
march next year, let's stick with Python 2.4. Otherwise let's plan it in
for Zope 3.5 and Zope 2.12

I really really really hope it doesn't take that long to be able to at least
run on Python 2.5: even if it has to be with some caveats or mild warnings.

If security and restricted python / security proxies are the main issue, what
about if one is running Zope sites with absolutely ZERO through the web code -
no page templates, nothing - can't there be a lighter weight security
implementation that wouldn't take half a year of lots of hard work?

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: Re: Use launchpad ! (was Re: [Zope3-dev] the maintenance of change logs)

2006-09-28 Thread Jeff Shell

On 9/25/06, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Baiju M wrote:
 On 9/22/06, Jim Fulton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Finally, I'm experimenting with using launchpad for bugs:

 and feature requests:

 So far this is working OK. I haven't really stressed it. Launchpad
 makes this very easy to set up and I don't think they are allergic to
 having us create lots of projects.

 Let's move Zope3 issue collector to launchpad?
 (Once this discussion came to ZF list, I think there were more +1)

Before we move any issue collectors to launchpad, we need a bit more
experience with the launchpad issue tracker and its capabilities. I'm
also wonder whether launchpad has good issue export facilities in case
we want to move to another system.

With Tres, I think we should also explore options like Trac. I
personally think Trac has attractive features in the way it integrates
the development process into things like an issue tracker.

I love Trac. I've never installed it or used it to manage any projects
on my own, but I find that I stay on top of open source projects more
if they're using Trac.

On a small aesthetics side, I find Launchpad's side bars incredibly
distracting, and I don't like looking at the page because it feels
like there are too many things vying for my attention and I have a
hard time really reading the text in front of me. The content gets
squished. And then I find myself looking at all of these links and
buttons around the page trying to figure out what has the information
I'm interested in. The sidebar on bothers me in the same way
when I try to read the Zope 3 wiki - but feels nowhere near
as noisy as Launchpad. I'm sure their tools are great, and the hosting
service is a good feature.

But my temper is short these days. My attention span is not: if I can
find and read a page that's not full of distractions, I'll stay and
read it and learn. But when there are boxes on all sides chock full of
colors and links, reading is much harder.

A nice simple example is this nice page in SQLAlchemy's Trac wiki (a
page I read over and over as I migrated code to 0.2):

It's very nice. I can read that page, print it, save it to a local
permanent archive, etc.

There is something about Trac's feature set, implementation, and in
how it's installed (in most cases) that make it very nice for a
cantankerous, stressed out, often overburdened worker like me to stay
on top of and even want to get involved (even on some small level)
with a project - and that I can do this in small amounts of time. The
Zope 3 wiki, collector, and even subversion browser, all feel like
they require more of a full time job to stay involved. And if not a
full time job, then at least some seriously set-aside time. It's very
hard to get answers to what's gone on recently?, what are all of
the bugs, and let me see and sort them quickly on some different
criteria, and let me then see how they were fixed, and then let me
quickly find some minor annoyance issues that I might be able to fix.
With a Trac setup like SQLAlchemy is using, I feel like I can do this
at home in the morning during my browse-and-drink-coffee-time. With
the current Zope tools (and my limited experience with Launchpad's
tools), it does not feel casual at all to keep up with everything
going on. And that makes it hard to stay enthusiastic and energized
about a project.




I wish there had been something like that Trac milestone page for Zope
3.3. Of course, it doesn't show everything going on. But it would have
made it much easier to find out what may have been slowing the release
down so much, and then easier to want to get involved and make it
happen sooner.

The lack of distracting side columns, the integration of the Wiki, the
Roadmaps/Milestones, the Subversion integration (being able to refer
to tickets, wiki pages, etc in commit log messages and having the
links generated in the web. [ticket:309], etc), the custom issue
tracker reports: it's a very nice system to use, even casually.

The Timeline is like a Wiki's Recent Changes on crack. Except the
crack is filled with helpful vitamins: recent wiki changes, recent
checkins, recent issue tracker activity (bugs submitted, opened,
closed). It just feels so much more alive.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Riddle: zope.interface versus zope.formlib

2006-08-25 Thread Jeff Shell
 haven't explained the situation adequately. I
understand what you're saying: Oh, suddenly I wanted/expected
IBar['title'] to be bound to IBar when really it was bound to IFoo,
but I don't understand the solution that you're trying to get to and
why. Specifically, I don't get how it hurts formlib.

I think a good copy-and-modify tool for zope.interface.Attribute (or
at least zope.schema.Field) objects would be a more useful tool. I
think it should be part of the Field interface so that complex fields
(like the vocabulary-using ones) can do extra work if required.

And I think that some more clarity about how adaptation is used in
formlib's different setUp*Widgets and applyChanges methods might be a
good thing to have. I really like the pretty-much-automatic adaptation
that goes on, most of the time, but I find myself having to mind-trace
the source quite a bit just to remember the impact of different
options, parameters, or methods.

I think it would also be nice if it were easier to register/use
one-shot adapters that are made for just one form (I've done this in
the past, and it feels like a waste of typing and time and effort to
go through all the joys of ZCML registration and naming and thought
just to use a particular Adapter class/factory once - especially if
I'm doing the adaptation for just two fields out of, say, eight).

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] ZCML, Paths, and the Things You Actually Want To Change At Configuration Time

2006-04-03 Thread Jeff Shell
No sir, I am a real horse

Another frustrating aspect of ZCML is that the things you actually
WANT to have sys-admin style control over the configuration of seem to
get buried. I'm talking about things where the configuration is always
specific to the running environment, things like:

* RDB adapters (database name, connection/login information, etc)
* Mailers (hostname, port) and Delivery systems (queue directory, etc)
* Additional browser Resources (ie, using a special directory outside
of instance home as a drop-zone for a webcam, so that a zope
application can just refer to the resource like @@/webcam/latest.jpg
or whatever).

These are the things that can easily get buried in source code, in the
midst of enormous ZCML files or lost within a large package hierarchy.
And it's not until you move from a development server to staging (or
back) that you realize oh crap, can't load up, that directory doesn't
exist here!)

Is there any good pattern for dealing with this? The best we can think
of, right now, for our policy at Bottlerocket is to have an
INSTALL.txt file that provides descriptions / examples of expected
mailers, rdb connectors, etc, so that they can be put into
overrides.zcml (I guess that's the right place?) and set up easily for
their target environment. We've also talked of having an etc/ or
environments/ directory in a package/application that would house ZCML
files that configured the machine-specific resources, would keep them
in source control, and in each deployment the includes would include
something like:

  include package=example.environments file=staging.zcml /

This is an area where I would like to see ZCML really provide help for
configurations - where the application's configurations (sigh) could
specify expects mailer utility with name 'example-mailer' or
expects an RDB adapter with the name 'example_db', and at startup
time the ZCML could complain if at the end of all of the meta,
configure, and overrides loading it never came across an
'example-mailer' declaration and could say The Example package
requires an email utility with the name 'example-mailer' - set one up
by putting something like this in overrides.zcml to configure mail
support something that'd make it obvious that a machine specific
resource was missed, or not configured. These are the little things we
forget about (especially when more than a couple of months have gone
by since active application development), and whenever code has to be
moved between machines, we deal with all of these bits blowing up
because they were just forgotten.

Speaking of mailers. The path support in ZCML is lousy and fights
against customization and environmental configuration. Tools like the
Queued mail delivery should *probably* be putting things in
$INSTANCE_HOME/var. At least, that would be a good option to have.
Then one could configure some of those things in the application's
configuration and generally have it work anywhere. As it stands right
now, the queue directory and other such paths are local to the
configuration. And I had many a CVS update blow up because I didn't
have a 'mail/...' directory inside a package I had checked out. It
would be nice, I think, to expose some sort of environmental variables
to the Path field in ZCML to refer to the instance home and maybe to
other variables that could be set up in ZConfig (other common roots),
since ZConfig actually supports the ability to define new variables
for things like that.

I also suggested, a long time ago, to support a way to address paths
relative to packages. I remember in early Zope 3 experiments making a
little product, and then trying to make a product that built on it. In
one product, I'd have something like:

package: example1:
browser:page class=Foo ... /

In another package, I subclassed Foo and wanted to register that as an
alternate view.

class SubFoo(example1.Foo):

browser:page class=SubFoo template=??? /

You can't refer to here! You have to copy it! This really bit
me when it came to using the browser:*form directives in a base
framework we used to build our apps, and then tried to use in other
packages. This is one of the HUGE reasons why I grew to hate the
browser:* directives and found them to hinder reuse much more than
they ever helped it. But anyways, I thought (and still think) there
should be - if this kind of ZCML is to continue - a way to address
package relative paths. I swear someone made an implementation of this
at some point.

browser:page class=SubFoo

As far as I can tell, the 'Path' schema field is not much more than a
string. For a 'configuration' language, that's rough.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: a plan for widgets?

2006-03-20 Thread Jeff Shell
On 3/17/06, Fred Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 3/17/06, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As far as I understood, vocabularies are on the way out in Zope 3.3:
  in zope.schema.interfaces:
  # BBB vocabularies are pending deprecation, hopefully in 3.3

 That's correct.  Gary and I invented vocabularies to solve some
 problems.  Jim followed up with sources, which have fewer warts.  In
 Zope 3.2, Benji and I added iterable and named sources, so I think
 sources now have the same basic range of functionality as
 vocabularies.  It should now be possible to use a source wherever a
 vocabulary was used in the past.

And it's all incredibly confusing. Gluttony of choice they call it.
I settled on Vocabularies for an interesting widget/requirement
because they were documented in the book. Trying to translate
doctest-speak to how-do-i-make-this-work-in-my-project-speak on
Sources was hard.

Many ways of doing things, no way to understand when to choose one
over the other. And it was frustrating to finally figure out
vocabularies and see the oh, but they'll probably be deprecated soon
comment in the code.

Not that I have anything against Sources. But for me, sources and
vocabularies were another long headache. My fancy vocabulary and
widget implementation is *GREAT* and now I understand the reasoning
behind the design. But the road there was very long.

And I still have absolutely no idea how the queriable stuff is
supposed to behave.

  I may have this wrong, but that's what I read in the code. We've used
  vocabularies before, but apparently they're deprecated.

 Please try to revise your applications to use sources.  If there's
 anything missing for sources, it may make sense to delay the
 deprecation of vocabularies.  It would also indicate that what needs
 to be added to allow sources to replace vocabularies.

Vocabularies are at least documented in the Zope 3 books that are out
there. It took me a couple of re-reads of the chapter just to
understand *them*. I printed out the Source doctest docs and started
down an implementation path in a different application, but I didn't
get far (mostly due to that experience being an experiment).

I'm going to keep pushing the guys I work with to let me have a
sandbox where I can put up a site with recipes and tips and whatnot.
If I'm supposed to try to revise my application to use sources,
there needs to be a couple of good narrative pieces about what this
means. I depend heavily on custom vocabularies for a customer
application I'm about to resume work on this week. I don't think I'm
going to have time to do any such revision. But I would like to know
(or help others know) how to apply such a revision in the future.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: a plan for widgets?

2006-03-20 Thread Jeff Shell
On 3/17/06, Tres Seaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jeff Shell wrote:
  By the way, isn't it pretty easy to provide straight up values anyways
  for those quick drop-down situations?

 snip Python example

 You're missing the point -- the vocabulary is *not* software, and Python
 is *completely* the wrong place to define it:  it is *pure* policy.  THe
 fact that you are administering all the sites you build blinds you to
 this fact.

 My examples move the definition of the vocabulary out into integrator /
 administrator land, which is where they belong.

No. I think they are software. Or can be as much software as anything
else. Sometimes I don't care what the values I get for a Choice field
are. Sometimes I care very very very much. With the interfaces,
vocabularies can come from a lot of sources. Personally, if I were
giving someone an editable vocabulary list in text because they were
an 'integrator/administrator', I'd write a Vocabulary object that used
something like YAML. Or CSV if that's what the user that's meant to
maintain it is. But I'm not going to turn over site.zcml or
overrides.zcml with all of its other crap just to let a secretary add
an airport code to a preferred destinations vocabulary.

There's nothing in the Zope 3 implementation stopping you from having
the definition come in from outside. But don't restrict me from using
Python just to make a bone stupid simple list of values when I have
100% or even 80% surety that it's *not* something that needs to be an
editable policy. It's a waste of time, it's another layer of
confusion, and as I said above: this is another policy thing that may
not even be maintained by any 'administrator/integrator'. So if there
was just one concept of a registered Vocabulary: that of a named
utility providing the IVocabulary (or a derivative) interface, then
it's easy: write one for your integrators/administrators that sources
itself from ZCML, OPML, RDF, whatever. I don't need it. For me, it
becomes a maintenance nightmare, or just a roadblock early on.

So maybe I am blind. But I **absolutely do not need to worry about
integrators/administrators**. And I absolutely hate wasting time
writing something that hurts me to write and maintain for a role that
I, nor my colleagues, nor my customers, really have to play. Maybe you
do. But then, you should do like I do and build yourself some
frameworks on top of Zope that suit your world, your customers needs,
etc, and work through those. Don't make me have to jump through hoops
and XML pain just to make a yes/no/maybe option list just because
there's this theoretical person out there that might want to add a
maybe not after they find it buried deep within the trenches of XML
files buried in an Egg.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Coarse-grained reuse.

2006-03-16 Thread Jeff Shell
On 3/16/06, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jeff Shell wrote:
  I don't think there's anything wrong with custom Python code to set
  this up. It's programmatic, isn't it? A lot of it may be repetitive,
  and if that's the case, functions/methods can help. Are we all just so
  used to writing big long blocks of code in Zope 2 Python Scripts that
  we've forgotten we can do this?

 Writing Python code for setup is very handy, but we've also seen where
 it went wrong in Zope 2. Writing Python code for setup therefore worries
 me. What's the Zope 3 idea on this? It used to be simple: we had ZCML
 for such things. But when I started using Zope 3 ZCML turned out to be
 insufficient from the start for this activity, so I used Python code
 (with an event hooked up to the site add event, too). And now, ZCML is
 not going to be used for some of this anymore, so I become less certain.

 Where I think just using Python code starts going wrong (potentially)
 is when I want to combine my setup Python code with your setup Python
 code to build a larger application.

Then you write a third batch of Python code that further tweaks,
removes, or adds to what the combination of the first two do.

This is only kindof setup. ZCML, again, is registering very very very
core things. Like in Formulator's initialization code: set up the
registries, register the core fields. That doesn't stamp out a form.

When I build a Knowledge Base site, I'm going to need X and Y and Z in
order to use it. I'm going to need each of those to be configured
according to how I designed the knowledge base. Python gives me the
best option for automating that, because it is (in a way) a kind of
business logic: I'm indexing on these fields, I'm building Extent
catalogs on these, uh, extents, I'm setting up groups and roles for
user management according to these requirements.

 I'd like there to be common patterns so there's at least a reasonable
 chance that you can plug my TTW UI for user management into your
 application without having to rewrite large parts of either. I'd also
 like this pattern to be there when I'm *writing* my larger application,
 so I say, 'okay, this is all for TTW user management' then, and then
 more easily extract it later.

I don't want your TTW UI for user management. No offense to your TTW
UI for user management, but the chances of it meeting my requirements
for style, presentation, ease of use, look and feel are not high. If
you have tools that make it pretty easy, I'd probably love to use
them. But I'm going to be customizing it to my application anyways.
Now - this is for applications whose user management may be turned
over to the customer, or is expected to run within the user interface
of my custom application. If I were using a more generic data
management interface for administration (ZMI, etc), it might be a
different story.

  I'm trying to abstract some common Bottlerocket patterns out into new
  base framework/library for my company to use, and this is actually one
  of them. I was trying to come up with something last night for just
  this issue. Basically, I thought of writing a couple of interfaces
  that would do something *like*, but instead of
  being a 'database opened' event response, used to automatically patch
  persistent data with the expectations of code, these things would work
  on a 'site added' event. What I didn't spend any time thinking about
  was whether to have future upgrades go through this tool, or through

 This may be in the direction of a solution. I haven't studied
 generations in detail, myself. Anyway, any such solution needs to be in
 the common codebase, otherwise we're going to end up with a lot of
 custom ones.

Maybe. But I don't even know what the common codebase is going to be
or wants to be these days. This is also a chance for someone to offer
a here today alternative for others to install and use.

 [snip design ideas]

  * Using an adapter to bind the configurator to the site allows the
'framework' to handle when and how the configuration gets run for
a particular site / added object, but doesn't worry about what it
  * Use the wonders of object oriented technology to provide a base
class with helpful methods for the common configuration chores.
  * Use this same wonder to allow common sites to share common tasks
for establishing local utilities.
  * Still have the power to be as programmatic as needed, which can
ensure that the utilities are established in a proper order and
deal with specific situations regarding their establishment. Or
just to handle dealing with very repetitive situations in an
easier fashion.

 I think ordering may become important eventually. I.e. I can only
 install my Foo thing into a site if Baz is already installed. I'd think
 I'd like to be able to express such ordering in some declarative way.

Why not keep a lot of that declaration in Python? It has

Re: [Zope3-dev] what is ZCML?

2006-03-16 Thread Jeff Shell
On 3/16/06, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Shane Hathaway wrote:
  But the ZCML I've
  written gives me a sick feeling, because I don't know how to refactor
  ZCML.  The sick feeling doesn't go away, so I get scared of Zope 3. Then
  I come here, hoping to find comfort.

 I share these sentiments. Not that I have a particularly sick feeling
 (I've been immunized by too much exposure? :) but because I'm grasping
 for ways, patterns, to make my code look better, briefer, shorter, less
 repetition, more reuability.

Reuse is overrated. :)

Honestly, I think reuse best happens in Python. I've found it easy to
wrap and roll things up into more common APIs for personal use. This
has been one of the really positive things of Zope 3. But for that
sort of roll up to happen, the environment needs to support common
refactoring patterns (extract method/class/etc). I do not believe that
ZCML supports that.

  I would feel more comfortable if one of the following things were to
  1. The group acknowledges that repetition in ZCML is bad.

 I definitely acknowledge his one.

  2. Someone shows me how to avoid repetition in ZCML.

Use less ZCML. Be creative. Have fun. This answer doesn't work for
everybody, and isn't as easily applicable as I would like.

  3. We decide that ZCML is a failed experiment.

 On the one hand, I'm not willing to do that. On the other hand, if ZCML
 is to be a simple registration language, I am starting to idly wonder
 why a bunch of CSV tables wouldn't do (and might not be clearer and

Because editing CSV tables sucks an even bigger electrical outlet.
(Honestly - I'm too stupid to understand Excel... But maybe I'm saying
that after spending a week writing an CSV inventory importer. Ugh).

 If ZCML is to be a simple registration language, I'd also like there to
 be a 1 to 1 mapping of ZCML statement to Python code. Right now there is
 a mapping and while it may be reasonably straightforward, I personally
 am still lost in APIs (and it looks like Jeff Shell is too). This
 learning curve should be smaller.

I agree. I think Jim said early on that ZCML should be theoretically
replaceable. Looking at many of the directive implementations, I do
not see this.

If the Zope 3 CA vision that I had is to have a good chance of
succeeding outside of this community, I'd hope that it doesn't ship
with or require ZCML.

 Whatever we do, if ZCML is to be replaced we need to replace it with
 something. I think many of the notions of ZCML are dead on - this
 registration shouldn't be happening in normal Python code mixed with the
 rest but as a separate activity. It should allow overriding. It should
 be amenable to analysis.

I'm mixed about whether this should happen in normal Python code. A
few months ago I laid out a vision for how I think it would work.
Basically, configuration would have to be a very locked-down module:
it couldn't really be imported by regular code, wouldn't really
execute when called from 'regular' code. It would, in short, try to
somehow enforce the importing a package should NOT automatically
register its components.

  4. We decide that ZCML should gain more qualities of a high level language.

 I personally am quite interested in exploring this, but I'd like to see
 some examples of what this would actually look like, concretely.

We have a high level language. It's Python. I think that people just
have gotten bad at thinking in objects and usable APIs and have
somehow developed a strange fear of the language. I don't get it.

class ArticleEditForm(form.EditForm):
form_fields = fields.FormFields(IArticle, ITaggable)
form_fields['tags'].custom_widget = ...

Wow. So much better than browser:editform. It's possible to design
other parts of the system like this. I just know it is.

like this? yes what is this? respects the Python developer.

Now I know forms are a special case, as Tres or Shane or both brought
up. I was just impressed by the amount of actually-helpful objects,
APIs, and base classes in formlib. That one package has made me more
productive and flexible than most of the rest of Zope 3's default
elements (zope.interface/component/schema/app.container excepted). I
think we can learn something from it. At least, I hope we can. Zope
can, at the end of the day, only provide some good core tools. I think
those tools, and the concepts behind them, should be simple. Then if
someone wants to build the giga-framework on top of it, they can. But
also, if I'm writing what should be a simple application like the
PyWebOff example, I don't have to waste time on countless elements
that don't apply. I don't have to waste time editing more XML than
Python. Etc.

Honestly: Rails is very appealing with its we use Ruby for
everything message. But Ruby's syntax and use of blocks seems to make
this more tenable than it is in Python. I'm not a big fan of their
convention over configuration design, but it's winning me over
slowly. The more I fight

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: a plan for widgets?

2006-03-16 Thread Jeff Shell
On 3/16/06, Tres Seaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 Martijn Faassen wrote:


  * sources and terms are nice, but we should at least provide some basic
  sources and register some basic terms for them; that bit is completely
  missing in Zope 3 right now. People should be able to at make a simple
  drop-down widget happen without having to figure out how to tie all
  these components together - they should just import and use the right
  source, perhaps import, use, and register the right term, and there they

Um. Straight up sources are pretty easy, especially when you use terms
directly. We have a few Choice (and our own 'RelaxedChoice') fields in
one application that get their values, at present, from tuples in a
```` file. ``values=values.area_codes``. Works fine for
straight and simple sources.

The problem I have with vocabularies is, ahem, the vocabulary. they
should just import and use the right source, perhaps import, use, and
register the right term, and there they go... what? As I mention
below, I've ultimately started to find Vocabularies very useful. But I
also found them incredibly daunting with a surprisingly high entry
barrier. Terms, Tokens, Titles, deferred vocabulary loading and
binding, direct vocabulary-field binding, the vocabulary registry
(versus the Utility registry), the different vocabulary registry set
up in, ... It's been hard to control and understand. And
especially (strangely) hard to learn by interaction in the Python


 Hmm, another case where high-level ZCML support would be useful:
 defining simple terms for a vocabulary.  Why should somebody who wants
 to tweak a vocabulary have to edit software?  E.g.:

  vocabulary name=philosophers
   term id=platoPlato/term
   term id=aristotleAristotle/term
   term id=kantImmanuel Kant/term

 Of course, we could also keep the vocabularies in another data file, and
 merely have the high-level directive source it:



If - and only if - and really really really really really only if -
you mean to do this, fix the HELL up the vocabulary registration
stuff. That's where most of my time got lost when I had that debugging
session the other week that pissed me off to no end about ZCML. I have
no idea how I fixed my situation either.

By the way, isn't it pretty easy to provide straight up values anyways
for those quick drop-down situations?

trip_type = zope.schema.Choice(
title=_(uTrip Type),
description=_(uTrip Type),
values=(uBusiness, uPersonal),

replacementOptions = SimpleVocabulary((
SimpleTerm(value='none', title='No - keep all current articles'),
SimpleTerm(value='matching', title='Only replace matching IDs'),
SimpleTerm(value='all', title='Yes - replace all existing articles'),
class ImportSchema(Interface):
importfile = zope.schema.Bytes(
title=uImport Zip File,
description=uZipe file of items to import.,

replace = zope.schema.Choice(
title=uReplace existing articles?,

class ImportArticlesForm(form.Form):
@form.action(uImport Articles, failure='handleFailure')
def importArticles(self, action, data):
replace = data['replace']
zipped = self.openZip(data['importfile'])
if replace == 'all':

Maybe someday I'll force us at Bottlerocket to make the time for me to
at least put up a version of my knowledge base app so I can publish
recipes I put up on the mailing list. I think that a lot of the easy /
relatively easy aspects get obscured or lost. A recipe or tip for how
do I make a simple drop down? would be nice.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: a new zcml directive?

2006-03-15 Thread Jeff Shell
On 3/15/06, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In the new world for ZCML, ZCML as a language falls apart in a
 minimalistic XML language, and some support code (such as to help it do more advanced things.

That's what I'd like to see! :)

 One remaining benefit of higher-level ZCML is that it gets picked up by
 apidoc and thus can be discovered fairly easily by developers as part of
 the configuration story. While AnnotationFactory is doing definition and
 is in Python code in the new world for ZCML, this act of definition is
 closely associated with the act of registering it in ZCML.

I agree with that benefit of higher-level ZCML. But I've found in
practice that documentation is still terse and sparse. That alone is
what has had me digging into the code to try to figure out ok, what
does that mean?

name - TextLine (default = None)
Adapters can have names.

This attribute allows you to specify the name for this adapter.

So, yay for documentation. That bit's good. But things like this could
really really benefit from some examples. Especially on core things
like adapter, whose 'locate', 'permission', and 'trusted' properties
and their impact on each other are a bit tricky to figure out.

But Python code and interfaces get picked up by apidoc too. Well, most
of them (schema fields have gone missing in action.. I think a search
will turn them up, but they can't be browsed to directly).

One of the biggest downsides of higher-level ZCML to me is that it
feels totally disconnected from Python. The documentation, as it
stands now, generally documents the fields. But it doesn't go into
what's being done behind the scenes, or why I should be using
directive X, or how to use the results of directive X. The other
downside is that higher level ZCML needs the ZCML 'runtime' in order
to work.

Besides, AnnotationFactory isn't just associated with registering
something in ZCML. It can be associated with registering something


I know that the adapter directive does a bit more than just provide an
adapter. But the point is that it could be used outside of ZCML.

 It would be nice if we somehow retained discoverability for APIs that
 are meant to work with ZCML - it's obvious from this subthread that it
 takes some idiots^H^H^H^H^H^Hpeople a while to pick up an API... We'd
 like people working with annotations to be able to find out that we have
 this available. Perhaps a README.txt in the annotation package is enough
 for now, though. Perhaps we can think of other ways to help make this

I don't know the status of the static-apidoc tool, but maybe that
could help in some ways...

By having , not only is there a great
online API reference, but it's (of course) searchable by the search
engine of choice. Hopefully there will be a day when a search for
'zope annotations' will have the API reference and a couple of darn
good recipes/articles/tips as the first set of results. I know it's
been helpful to see a reference to something in Rails and google
``rails validates_presence_of`` and usually get to the api reference
first. (Not that I'm leaving Zope for Rails, but I have been toying
with it a bit, I admit).

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: what is ZCML?

2006-03-15 Thread Jeff Shell

on line 294 of browser/configure.zcml is NOT going to be foreign? It's
only marginally (and I mean *marginally*) better than the following

  adapter name=kbase.importzipform

What kind of non developer are either of those options going to appeal
to? If I'm deploying an application, I'd probably prefer to have:

'import zip = off'

As a developer, I can at least from the second ZCML example above, I
can translate that 'for' into a 'getMultiAdapter' call. Which any
'integrator' whose doing their integration in Python may care about
more anyways when they're trying to look something up
programmatically. Besides, looking at any of the above, you're
probably going to have to consult code at some point to really know
what's up with the above. I don't see anyone who doesn't understand
Python and Zope 3 as someone who would prosper in a land ruled only by
ZCML. And I don't see anyone who understands Python as not getting
infuriated with ZCML's roadblocks at some point of ZCML grows towards
a more specialized language.

 The fact that such developer-admins are the primary users of ZCML so far
 is due to the small size of the Zope3 market to date.

I actually see very little of ZCML as it stands now as being
beneficial to admins who don't have some degree of developer in their
blood. ZCML feels more developer oriented. But it also feels like it
tries to coddle the developer to help them get up to speed faster. The
downside of that is what happens when you're at full speed and ZCML
locks you there.

Besides, I think some of the reasons for the small size of the Zope 3
market (to date) is that ZCML is intimidating, or just annoying, to
Python developers looking in from the outside. I still think that
appealing to good, intelligent, passionate Python developers is what's
going to grow Zope 3 by allowing many different kick ass products,
sites, and applications to be built. Making it easy for a site
administrator to install a couple of components isn't going to do much
if there's not a lot of appeal for other developers who haven't
already drunk the kool-aid to write those components. If you could get
all of the lines of XML required to register a viewlet (in a readable
style) down to:

adapter name=kbase.importzipform factory=.export.BatchImportViewlet

And have everything else in the Python code::

class BatchImportViewlet(ViewletBase):

I think it's then a lot more appealing to a Python programmer. There's
nothing stopping a knowledgeable administrator from overriding that
adapter configuration call and establishing different permissions,
or different 'provides'/'for' settings. Or a different name even. But
I would expect such a person to be knowledgeable.

Since most web sites and applications are matters of some degree of
custom development and *not* just configuration, I think ZCML should
be a thin layer and the Python layer should be robust. I think it
would promote better code, components, applications, sites, etc, if
the Python developer remained the chief focus of the current round of
development. The community of developers will then provide the kick
ass automatic-generated interfaces, or the 'ez-system-configuration'
toolkit, and those will appeal to and be used by their specific
audiences while a strong, clean, and powerful Zope rules all. And then
I never have to lose a day finding out why my Choice field doesn't

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Coarse-grained reuse.

2006-03-15 Thread Jeff Shell
 plugins (default groups). There's no way I'd want to
automate that in anything BUT Python. (Plus, in its current form, this
code can also be used by a view that responds to there being no auth
system setup).

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] what is ZCML?

2006-03-13 Thread Jeff Shell
On 3/13/06, Alec Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Monday 13 March 2006 10:59, Dieter Maurer wrote:
  Note, that configuration files should be understand and
  adaptable by administrators. Therefore, they should be readable
  and understandable -- without an understanding of the implementation
  (but with reading of the component documentation).

 +1 The first time I saw:

 adapter factory=.MyFactory /

 I was a bit disturbed.  What's the point?  It tells you nothing unless you
 refer to the actual implementation.  Why not just put the registration in
 python alongside the implementation if that's where the configuration of
 provided and required interfaces is going to be?  I had considered one of
 zcml configuration's greatest benefits was that it could give a high level
 overview of how pieces of a package were interconnected.  Of course it's
 still possbile to do things the old way, but I get the impression that it's
 discouraged.  Brevity is not always a boon, though that cuts both ways here
 (adding a new magical seeming zcml declaration to save a copy/paste here
 and there may not be the best idea either).

I consider one of ZCML configurations greatest detriments is that it
does many things that cannot be easily replicated in Python (one day,
you'll probably come across having to set up just the right unit test
harness and you'll realize what I mean).

I consider one of it's greatest detriments is that it completely
destroys Don't-Repeat-Yourself. You can do:

adapter factory=.MyFrank
for=.interfaces.IBun .interfaces.IRelish

class MyFrank(object):
def __init__(self, context):
# ...

See? No declarations on MyFrank that says what it does. Or you can do:

class MyFrank(object):
adapts(IBun, IRelish)

def __init__(self, context):
# ...

And do the full adapter line in ZCML. But then you've just said the
implements / adapts twice. Using different words, I should point out.
Or you can do the adapter line the short way and let the Python code
say what it does.

Three options. I know I'm not consistent with the ones that I choose.
I just know that I spend more time looking at Python code and I'd
rather understand what the Python code is doing by looking at the
Python code.

Three options. That sure kills the there should be one, and only one,
obvious way to do it theory too. Don't even get me started about when
I might want to use 'zope:view', 'browser:view', or just plain old
'adapter' (since a view is just a multi adapter, as are content
providers and viewlets and all sorts of other fun and useful

Anyways - for me, the point of adapter factory=.MyFactory is that
I already said in MyFactory that it implements and adapts certain
interfaces already. I don't want to say that twice. And I think it's
very important for the Python code to say what it does, so when I come
back to a module five months later I'm not staring at MyFactory going
yeah, but what is it?

And I also think it's important for code to be debuggable,
inspectable, so that when there's a bug from ... well, wherever it
came from, code can be traced. It's very hard to trace through ZCML
statements, and what they've produced. From dynamically made classes
to the weirdness of the code (handlers,
discriminators, etc) - all of those things get in the way of a
productive pdb or why is this thing blowing up? session real fast.
In my experience anyways. So I figure - the less ZCML I use, the
better it will be for me to maintain in the future.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] what is ZCML?

2006-03-13 Thread Jeff Shell
On 3/13/06, Dieter Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Martijn Faassen wrote at 2006-3-13 17:15 +0100:
 A newer interpretation of ZCML is:
 ZCML is a configuration language that configures a number of basic
 directives for configuring the component architecture and security:
 adapters, utilities, security requirements, and little else. Everything
 else should be done in Python code, as configuration in Python code is
 more flexible and packages can form a more self-contained whole. ZCML
 should reflect the underlying universality of the component architecture.
 If two directives work with, say, adapters underneath, they should
 really be one directive. ZCML should be simple and minimal so it is easy
 to grasp.
 ZCML is not readable standalone. ZCML is simply used to turn on various
 adapters and such, hooking them into the system, but we do not get a
 clue what the adapters are doing by just looking at the ZCML - Python
 code needs to be consulted.
 I believe that this interpretation is the up-and-coming interpretation
 of ZCML.

 I hope not...

 Note, that configuration files should be understand and
 adaptable by administrators. Therefore, they should be readable
 and understandable -- without an understanding of the implementation
 (but with reading of the component documentation).

I think differently. ZCML is primarily for programmers. ZConfig style
configuration is what administrators deal with more, isn't it? Maybe
ZConfig and the things in the root $INSTANCE_HOME/etc/ ZCML files.

I don't think of ZCML as administrative configuration.

I'd rather have Python files that I can read and understand what's
going on without having to consult ZCML files, directives,
documentation, and so on, just to understand why a certain class whose
code I'm looking at is getting its behavior when I can see no
superclass. I'd like to know that a class I'm looking at is an adapter
and what it provides and what it adapts without having to dig through
a large ZCML file.

An administrator is not likely to override my 'inplace_editor' view.
He may want to configure global services (if my application is written
that way) such as RDB connection parameters and mail services. But
beyond that, just loading it up in package-includes or in a specific
file is likely to be the bulk of 'administrative' effort.

Did administrators go into your ``initialize(context)`` functions in
your Zope 2 Product's files and change things? That's what
I view ZCML as being - a better version of that. (Better in only that
configuration and initialization can be executed separately from
Python imports)

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] what is ZCML?

2006-03-13 Thread Jeff Shell
On 3/13/06, Shane Hathaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Martijn Faassen wrote:
  A newer interpretation of ZCML is:
  ZCML is a configuration language that configures a number of basic
  directives for configuring the component architecture and security:
  adapters, utilities, security requirements, and little else. Everything
  else should be done in Python code, as configuration in Python code is
  more flexible and packages can form a more self-contained whole. ZCML
  should reflect the underlying universality of the component architecture.
  If two directives work with, say, adapters underneath, they should
  really be one directive. ZCML should be simple and minimal so it is easy
  to grasp.
  ZCML is not readable standalone. ZCML is simply used to turn on various
  adapters and such, hooking them into the system, but we do not get a
  clue what the adapters are doing by just looking at the ZCML - Python
  code needs to be consulted.

 IOW, most of the directives we need have already been invented. [1]  We
 don't want to build high level directives; ZCML will follow the BASIC
 school of language design. :-)


 While I was initially on board with the idea of reducing the number of
 directives, I've changed my mind.  I think we want high level directives
 and we want people to feel free to write new directive types.  We want
 tools that let us inspect and search the resulting low level directives.
   If we have to use ZCML, then ZCML should be expressive.

Then why do we have Python? Is Zope going to be a write ZCML
directives to write your Zope app system? Or is it going to be write
Python code to write your Zope app system?

I don't know if it's possible to use a ZCML configuration-execution
outside of ZCML, which makes testing an awful hard beast sometimes.
There's functionality that's locked away inside the directives that
you then have to have not only the Zope environment set up to run, but
a ZCML environment too. Pain pain pain pain pain.

Unlock the magic. If it must exist, make it available and
understandable to me. Don't hide it under more layers and verbs and
nouns that conflict and change meaning depending on if you're using
ZCML and Python.

Make ZCML More Expressive - did we learn nothing from DTML
Expressions? It starts out simply enough, but how long until we have
more and more logic in ZCML? We already have this conditional that I
barely understand (but appreciate in theory).

Why design a language at all? I only want ZCML to allow me not to take
on a packages provided components when I import it. I don't want to
start thinking I can write an enterprise workflow and document
management system in it. Let Python be the language. Let ZCML exist to
do the final step of loading/registering registerable objects in a
predictable manner, and to provide the few things that we don't want
to pollute our (or others) Python code with, like security

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] a new zcml directive?

2006-03-10 Thread Jeff Shell
On 3/10/06, Shane Hathaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Martijn Faassen wrote:
  If I'm doing this quite a bit, this looks like something that would be
  better expressed in a... new ZCML directive (..waiting for the crowd to
  start flinging stones).

 A possibly valid direction we haven't discussed yet is to embrace ZCML's
 flexibility and make new high level directives often.  For instance,
 every time I feel like I'm repeating myself in ZCML, maybe I should make
 a new high level directive to eliminate the repetition.  The risk is
 that configuration ends up more magical, but maybe new tools can
 mitigate that risk.  Thoughts?

No. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
no no.

There are very few ZCML directives whose code I can read. It's way too
mystical and magical and full of weird things that I *still* don't
understand like 'discriminator'. And there are leading and tailing
underscores all over the place.

This bit me like a mother recently when I was trying to write a
unit test to cover a bug I found in my own code. It depended on me
setting up enough of the test environment to mimic what was happening.
It wasn't quite 'smallest unit of work' type unit testing as
could/should often be done. But it was the amount of detective work
and pain and trial and error and trial and error and trial and error
to follow so many ZCML trails to set up what I needed for my test that
really kicked off my recent round of frustration. A 3 line test, a 4
line fix, and over a hundred lines of imports / helpers / harness
support from a long day's work into the night to support those seven
lines... And really, so much of it was just trying to figure out what
the ZCML was doing and how to mimic enough of that to set things up
for my test... That's where the time was lost. I still steam up
thinking about it.

Why not provide helpful classes and functions, and make it obvious
that they're there to support programmer code, not ZCML? (I noticed
this with some of the odd little deferred factories around that get
registered as utilities for things like vocabularies). Automate
repetitive tasks with Python. I see something, theoretically, like
this as a possibility:

class AnnotationsAdapter(object):
def __init__(self, annotationsKey, factory, assignName):
self.annotationsKey = annotationsKey
self.factory = factory
self.assignName = assignName

def __call__(self, context):
annotations = IAnnotations(context)
return annotations[self.annotationsKey]
except KeyError:
obj = self.factory()
annotations[self.annotationsKey] = obj
# to please security...
obj, context, self.assignName)
return obj

# In some other module
from zope.annotations.helper import AnnotationsGetter
FOO_KEY = 'foo.key'

FooBarAnnotationsAdapter = AnnotationsAdapter(FOO_KEY, Foo, 'foo')

And then in the zcml:adapter registration, or directly in the Python
(either place above), declare the provides/adapts for this thing. I'm
sure it can be done without requiring another ZCML directive.

The bulk of my frustrations with Zope 3 have involved going down the
rabbit hole of ZCML. Whether it's just trying to understand how
something works, how I can provide a slightly different version of
'something' (ie - menu items with javascript actions), or trying to
determine whether some erratic behavior is a bug on my part or Zope's,
I inevitably end up in land. And it's the hardest
code in Zope to read - even the metaprogramming in Interface and the
sys._getframe tricks are easier to follow!

So, please no. No more ZCML for automation. Please yes only for
registration control. Please yes (or maybe) for global utility
configuration like how to connect to an RDBMS (watching the Turbogears
community start to realize that '' may not be a good thing
because certain test and documentation tools will try to run it as
Python and not set up its magic made me chuckle).

But I beg you not to add to the ZCML pile because you had to copy and
paste 12 lines of Python code. I think annotations are useful and I
ran into having to write a similar bulk of code the other day -
although my adapter and annotator had a larger separation (so
'zope:annotation' wouldn't have helped me anyways). I would argue that
most situations requiring some sort of automation can be done by Plain
Old Python Objects and Helpers and Plain Old Adapters and Utilities
that can, wherever possible, be registered in short form adapter

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope Eggs

2006-03-06 Thread Jeff Shell
Cool effort.

One thing that I noticed in Rails when I downloaded it this weekend
was how you installed plug-ins. Very easy. There are various 'sources'
that can be loaded up which work, I assume, in a similar manner to how
you can point easy_install at a web page and tell it 'find links'.

To install a plugin into an application instance (similar to a Zope
instance home), it's just an effort of:

$ script/plugin install acts_as_taggable

The plugin is found, and installed in the instance home equivalent.
This uses 'gems' under the hood from the looks of it, and adds in the
knowledge of a Rails application layout. It was pretty gratifying,
being able to start adding in functionality so easily.

I think a good goal would be to have something like this: A Zope
instance home aware package/egg loader, so that in an instance home
you could add in packages like this:

$ bin/package install zc.catalog
$ bin/package install hurry

On 3/5/06, Nathan R. Yergler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 During the Zope3 sprint following PyCon, Paul and I, with Jim's
 guidance,  began work on exploring how Zope can utilize eggs and be
 packaged using eggs.  Since we're still experimenting with how eggs
 will be used, I wrote a script, zpkgegg, which reads the zpkg
 configuration information for a package and generates a standard from which an egg and vanilla sdist can be generated.

 You can find the script in subversion in the projectsupport project.
 For a brief overview of how the script is used, see README.txt (in  The eggs
 generated by zpkgegg do not attempt to distinguish between runtime,
 testing or development dependencies, so almost all packages will
 want zope.testing.  README.txt contains a brief example of how to
 point easy_install at the appropriate folders so that easy_install can
 resolve the dependencies.

 Note that at this point we're still experimenting with how we'll use
 eggs, so suggestions, feedback and comments are welcome.


 Nathan R. Yergler
 Zope3-dev mailing list

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope-dev] Re: Two visions

2006-03-04 Thread Jeff Shell
On 3/3/06, Chris McDonough [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mar 3, 2006, at 3:08 AM, Max M wrote:
  Splitting up Zope to let people use seperate pieces of Zope aka Zed
  is not a valid reason. Good software practise is a valid reason.
  But catering for those few developers that wants to use just a few
  pieces is probably not worth the effort.

 Here's one of the reasons I want good packaging:  I'd like to
 continue using Zope-the-technology even if the Zope-the-brand loses
 all recognition.   Whether in the future I'm working on
 DjangoRailsGears 3.0 or Zope3006 or Plone-NG, I'd like to be able to
 carry the various bits of technology that make up Zope around with me
 reasonably easily and run it under different Python platforms.  I say
 this with my cynical and Zope-bigoted consultant hat on.  There.  I
 said it. ;-)

Today I tried installing Ruby on Rails 1.0 and TurboGears 0.9a1. And
now I'm really with you on the good packaging bit.

$ gem install rails --include-dependencies
$ easy_install -f TurboGears

Although, I also really like Zope's configure/make/make install
process and the fact that I don't need to set up no stinkin' mysql
server to use Zope.

But as I watched TurboGears install and saw all of the pieces it's
pulling in, I have to admit that it was really impressive. That page
in the link above is intimidating to look at - there's just a lot of
links to lots of different packages with version numbers like 0.5.0a1.
But the easy_install thing worked. I've been avoiding Eggs and the
like for a while now (The name 'eggs' bugs me for some unknown reason,
and I'm petty enough to avoid something just for that reason). Seeing
them in action was impressive.

One of the impressive things: having/extracting PyProtocols and
RuleDispatch out of PEAK has made those things widely used. PEAK has
some interesting ideas in it, but it's big and scary to me, and I'm
sure it is to others as well. PEAK has some web stuff in it, from what
I can tell, so in some ways TurboGears is a competitor to the full
PEAK package. But since PyProtocols and RuleDispatch are available
separately, TurboGears can include them and use them.

And maybe that's a good argument for renaming some of the core stuff.
I just think 'Z' and 'Zed' are terrible names. But it's a good
argument for packaging, especially fine-packaging of the core tools.
From those core tools, lets build and let others build wild and crazy
applications, app servers, and even competition.

One of my thoughts for some weekend hacking was to look at zope.bobo,
or play with my own concept just to see if I really understand how the
publisher/publication interact. As I started thinking about that, I
started wondering (a) how to get the pieces I needed and only the
pieces I needed, (b) how/where to install them while I was developing,
and (c) how to package them up if I was able to come up with anything

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Notice: zope.interface is now a separate project

2006-03-04 Thread Jeff Shell
On 3/3/06, Thomas Lotze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Am Mon, 27 Feb 2006 15:56:16 -0600 schrieb Paul Winkler:

  We are planning to do this to a number of other packages:

 What was the reason for choosing these and not choosing others? What
 about, e.g., zope.schema? I think that one's as interesting for non-Zope
 use as, e.g., zope.interface and zope.component.

I agree. I think zope.schema is integral. It has so many potential
uses, not to mention that it really makes 'zope.interface' a complete
design by contract system since it can be used to enforce constraints
on data / arguments / etc. It's also fiendishly good for formatting
and translating data to/from objects. I've used zope.schema to
serialize values to and from reStructuredText style fields, as a way
to do fancy declarative programming in Python through deferred object
constructors that used zope.schema to enforce/convert arguments. This
latter one was in an experiment in using the zope component
architecture in a totally not-Zope application.

I highly recommend adding zope.schema to this list. I believe its
dependencies are pretty small, and I think it's a good system to use
for people who like the concept of 'static type safety' while being
much more adaptive, useful, usable, and flexible than most basic type

I think that zope.schema, zope.component, and zope.interface could be
highly effective when combined with a tool like 'sqlalchemy'.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-01 Thread Jeff Shell
, while
sticking with the current timed release plan as well. And it would
finally make a useful and usable Zope Without Zope downloadable
option available as Zope 3 CA.

I can envision the web site now, and may mock a simple and sexy text
based one up later this evening. We could even get it up now
( anybody?).

- Zope 3 CA: Provides the core elements and concepts for building and
  sustaining loosely coupled Python programs, as well as the fundamental
  object publishing toolkit that's been powering Zope based web sites
  since 1996 (1995?). [download now | more information]

- Zope 3 AS: The Zope 3 Application Server. A new approach to Zope web sites
  built entirely on the Zope 3 Component Architecture and Zope Object
  Database. A full stack for developing custom web sites and applications
  using only Python and your imagination. [download Zope 3.2 now | more info ]

- Zope Suite: Built on Zope 2 and leveraging elements of the Zope 3 CA and
  Zope 3 AS, the Zope Suite provides a robust and mature web development
  environment that is in place already behind many web sites and applications
  worldwide. [download zope 2.9 now | more info | roadmap ]


I think this keeps Zope 3 as we know it alive, keeps the Zope brand
intact, and offers a future for Zope 2 and similar caliber desires for
a Big App Server while not interfering with the more pure and simple
concepts that makes Zope 3 appealing for developers like me.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-01 Thread Jeff Shell
On 3/1/06, Shane Hathaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jeff Shell wrote:
  - Zope 3 CA: The Zope Component Architecture. Core services. Would
include zope.publisher and most other current top level zope.* things.
Usable as a library, as a publisher for other environments, perhaps as a
simple standalone server. Easy to deploy against WSGI, Paste.deploy,
  - Zope 3 AS: The Zope 3 Application Server. A Zope 3 CA stack using the
ZODB, ILocation, and most of the services but without any content
objects. Perhaps only an application server configuration skin (process
management) but no ZMI. Maybe have the current configuration installable 
an option.
  - Zope Suite (or Zope Web or Zope DE): This is the full application server
perhaps Jim is envisioning. A comprehensive web based user interface, 
on features (and implementations) of both Zope 2 and Zope 3 application
servers and offerings.

 That's quite appealing, IMHO.  Could you agree with the following

 - Zope 3 CA expects the model (and the method of persisting the model)
 to be completely defined by the Python programmer.

Yes, although Zope 3 CA could also be used in non-web environments
(I've used it in an internal package manager experiment, for example).

I'd like the Zope 3 CA download to include some useful examples and/or
skeletons (possibly configured for Paste Deploy) to show some of the
different options - use with SQLObject, other template packages (page
templates would be included with the core though), etc. It could also
include some other publisher/publication objects that could show
integration with tools like Routes, for example. These extras would be
outside of the core library, of course.

For purposes of documentation and evangelizing, the Zope 3 CA can
provide improved documentation about core Zope concepts like object
publishing, without having to put Zope 3 AS expectations or terms on
the programmer, giving them an entry point to the larger world of the
Zope Application Servers without being overwhelming.

Then we (or someone else) can write Python on What Have The Romans
Ever Given Us, which would show how you can do a rails programming
by convention style system using the component architecture. The CA
would automatically create adapters/views to bind
``models/``, ``controllers/``, and
``views/person/`` together. How those adapters are registered
and used by the publisher would show off the CA.

 - Zope 3 AS expects most of the model to be stored in ZODB and implement
 ILocation.  However, it still expects model objects to be defined by the
 Python programmer.

Yep. Zope 3 AS might also yield a solid foundation of base interfaces
to allow easier use of 'sqlos' and/or 'sqlalchemy' backed objects that
still provide a core set of useful and usable information (dublin
core, etc), and could offer the option of using one of those instead
of the ZODB while providing the caveat that use of other (third party)
'model' components may require additional work to map.

Essentially, Zope 3 AS would be the option for those who like the Zope
3 + ZODB way. So many of these other web 'frameworks' with their O-R
mappers show off applications that don't really need the full power of
SQL. If you don't need it, why go through it? The ZODB is very
credible - perhaps more so now than ever.

Zope 3 AS would also downplay or replace the ZMI. I think there should
be a skin available for configuration - ie, for adding a site (a
complete application like Schoolbell, a customer CMS, etc) and maybe
giving access to configuration options, like the stuff in ++etc++site,
but that's it. I think the current ZMI suffers from being both a
system administrator tool and application / data entry tool. I know
that security settings can filter out a lot of the administrative
features, but the interface that's left still feels a bit incomplete.
And it raises the question should I provide for it? should I define
some zmi_menu menu items, just to be useful? should I use it as my
user interface?

Django is killing us on automatic data (not system) administration
pages. If web based configuration/administration (add a site, set up
users, maybe select that site's skin, flush caches; process
administration) was separated, then someone could build and provide
something like Django's admin screens or Turbogear's Catwalk for doing
the data entry. But it would be an option to use that as a
view/skin/tool, and clearly marked as such.

Some applications, like many CMS's, need something like the ZMI as
they often separate the concept of data entry/management from how it
is presented to the site's visitors. But an application like
Schoolbell or a Knowledge Base may have just one skin. All data entry,
display, etc, is managed through that. Having to support (or wonder
about supporting) the ZMI shouldn't be a concern of those

It's just a point of removing

[Zope3-dev] Django, Catwalk, nice admins (was re: Visionaire! (All your problems, solved))

2006-03-01 Thread Jeff Shell
On 3/1/06, Gary Poster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mar 1, 2006, at 11:02 PM, Jeff Shell wrote:
  Django is killing us on automatic data (not system) administration

 I didn't follow this, probably because I don't know Django.  Do you
 mean they excel in automatic data entry forms, a la Zope 3 edit forms/
 formlib?  As in Ruby-on-Rails slick SQL-driven AJAX forms?  Or...?

It's not just formlib, but it's on the contents screen. This effbot
post summarizes it pretty well:

It includes example code and a screen shot. In a very few lines of
pure Python, he has an edit screen for announcements. There's a search
field, the columns are sortable, etc. There's also a 'date hierarchy'
which gives clickable years across the top of the listing to filter.

Django comes out of newspaper focused content management, and has a
polished CMS style UI (based on the screen shots I've seen, I've never
actually used it) and ways of rapidly putting it together. I'm not
fond of the way they put it together in the code, but the results are

A low priority project I have is to make a new base 'admin' skin and
collection of components/tools for us at Bottlerocket. One of the
things I really want to do is create a formlib inspired contents
view(let). The contents view we have in our current CMS is based
(stylistically if not subclassed) on the one in It has ajax elements (inline
renaming and title editing), and no copy and paste. But it does have
delete. Delete (and the other things) are methods of the contents
view, and a lot of the display is bound up in the template. When my
co-worker wanted to adapt it for more specialized content listings,
where he wanted grouping and no renaming, it was quite a bit of work.

It's late, and I've been watching nothing but South Park and Monty
Python's Personal Best series (an hour of Terry Gilliam animations -
dada enlivened!), but I envision something like:

class AnnouncementContents(ContentsView):

contents = JSSortableContentsTable(
ViewAction(icon=Resource('rsrc/delete.gif'), viewname='delete',
   title='Delete', post=True)
contents.order(table.columns['modified'], reverse=True)
contents.columns['title'].widget = InPlaceEditor

*shrug*. That's a bit messy. But it's also only fantasy right now. :)

Anyways, Django has a very nicely polished 'admin' interface. Which,
as I mentioned earlier, is something that is very attractive for
certain application types. It allows the focus to be on the
application's real skin, and offers an easy almost-no-brain data entry
skin to be made that's also quite usable.

Something like this would be a great option, emphasis on option. It's
not usable for every situation. At Bottlerocket, we want to brand and
customize and this has often been one of the reasons we've made our
own apps instead of using something like Plone. Hmm. Looks like
Plone. We don't want something that looks like Plone... (This was
only really bad when it came to trying to figure out how to publish a
site that didn't look like plone to end users, but did for data
entry). This is one of those issues that spirals out of control, and
easy usability - wrap this interface around all your models in one
line of code! - and customizability start to clash. But having it as
an option to startup could be priceless.

An even more interesting application is CatWalk, which is now part of
the TurboGears 0.9 toolbox. One metric I saw was that it's 1200 lines
of Javascript, 900 lines of Python. It does a LOT via Ajax/JSON. And
it's _extremely_ impressive, especially when it can actually be
wrapped around your model objects in a single line of code (or just as
a launch option!).
(he also has a model designer running - )

The nice thing with TurboGears and these tools is that they feel like
*additional options*. At least, that's the feel I get just from some
semi-casual observations on my part. They don't feel like the default
UI that you don't know if you have to support or not.

Anyways, the other communities have things like this going on and
we're still debating over release / roadmap / naming strategies?

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope3-Users] Visionaire! (All your problems, solved)

2006-03-01 Thread Jeff Shell
On 3/1/06, Terry Hancock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 1 Mar 2006 21:43:10 -0500
 Chris McDonough [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From a marketing or user convenience perspective, labels
 like the ones proposed remain useful, however.  Personally,
 I think they're fine. I'm not sure I wouldn't ditch the 3
 though, and just call it Zope CA/Zope AS or even Zope
 Component Architecture and Zope Application Server --
 would there actually be any ambiguity?

Yes. There's a dominant Zope name out there. It's not the Component
Architecture nor is it built on it. It's starting to use it, but it's
not based on it. However, since the project that Zope 3 [AS] came out
of is still identified in the Wiki as the 'Component Architecture'
project, maybe the '3' can be dropped for that one. But not for
application server:

That dominant Zope, aka Zope 2, is also an application server. So
there really needs to be a separate definition. This was discussed
here a couple of months ago when people were enamored with the concept
of totally different names or code names or release names, which I was

Zope 3 is Zope. But Zope 3 is Not Zope. Zope 3 has *some* degree of
buzz around it, more than something with a new name. I still believe
that the '3' has meaning, at least for now. Maybe it can disappear
over time.

The Zope 3 Application Server can be defined, I think, as the result
of the Zope [3] Component Architecture Project, Zope 3 AS builds a new
Zope application server and library purely on the core Component
Architecture and its principals. It is not meant to be a replacement
for the popular Zope 2 server or the new Zope Suite. Instead it
provides a smaller subset for developing new custom web applications
that take advantage of Zope's core concepts while providing the blank
slate to build the system you want. Zope 3 AS is targeted primarily to
Python programmers, and is a powerful toolkit for building the web
application of your dreams.


I think keeping the 3 in that one is important, and keeping the 3 in
'Zope 3 Component Architecture' ties those two together, and puts them
out there as the tangible results of the Zope 3 project. The Zope 3
as a someday successor to Zope 2, maybe message goes away. 'Zope 3'
becomes less of a product name on its own and comes to stand for the
work done to re-imagine Zope as a loosely coupled collection of
components, and the possibilities that it opens up. The message then
becomes Zope 3 CA and Zope 3 AS, and the individual packages that
make them up, are the products available now from the Zope 3 group.
The Zope Suite leverages that work into the established Zope 2

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Two visions

2006-02-28 Thread Jeff Shell
On 2/28/06, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Gary Poster wrote:
  On Feb 28, 2006, at 10:06 AM, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
  I think focusing on one app server and a dedicated set of libraries
  would be a good alternative to two concurring app servers.
  ...if the single app server is based on acquisition,  __bobo_traverse__
  and friends, objectValues and friends, ZCatalog,  and so on, I'd rather
  have two, thanks: at least I can have one I like.

 I can see where Philipp is coming from: yes, it would be good to
 collapse the Zope 2 and Zope 3 communities into one if that frees up
 more development resources and lets us do less duplicate work.

I still fear collapsing them into one. This is no offense to any of
the hard work people are doing on all projects. Someone said Zope 2 +
Zope 3 + Five is big complexity, and I agree. A lot. It's easier for
us to use only one or only another. I prefer Zope 3. It's simpler. But
already there are some design decisions that have happened in recent
months that make me less comfortable about that.

All of these big features are neat and well. But I want less. I don't
know how to use less. There are dependencies on creeping into
packages allowed in zope.*, and I understand that more of that is
likely to happen in the future. And that terrifies me.

An acknowledged Zope 2 problem is the large inheritance structure that
objects have to support to be useful and usable, and that it creates a
tight coupling that can't be broken.

But having a large collection of loose couplings that can't easily be
broken is not a better solution. Having to load up and configure 80%
of the zope library to use 30% of its features isn't tenable. The size
of Zope 3 app server as it stands now is still overwhelming to me.

I think we could still stand to do with some smaller cleaner core
features first. The part of this vision that worries me tonight is
that it gives priority to the Big Complex Application Server With All
It's Features (as good as they may be). Instead we could do good by
giving that thing a better base to use, and benefit others among us by
having a better base to use with less overhead (says the man bit by
ZCML browser dynamic class generation again today). IE - move some of
the *core* widget concepts out of and into formlib, and
finding ways of severing the dependency from zope.formlib.
Move some of the core interfaces up a level, and make the ones in extend those core ones.

If application server (still a term I'd like to see defined in this
context) becomes a priority, or a separate priority, or we just start
thinking about what needs to be done to make core things simple,
powerful, and sharable; and how to build the Application Server on
that to give people a variety of development/deployment options or
pre-built tools to help with so-called large applications then I
think this could be a good thing.

But if it all becomes one big overwhelming library/server/solution
again, I can't stick around for that. I don't need something with the
weight of Plone or the CMF to make an itinerary manager. Super
terrific content management tools aren't going to help me build a
state heavy e-commerce application. Getting too tied up in the
concepts of containers/containment/all objects are like this
mentality isn't going to help us deliver a sprawling enterprise
payroll management system from five different data sources.

The loose coupling of Zope 3 makes doing these different systems in
Zope using a similar development technique for each possible. I want
to make sure that the loose coupling remains useful and usable, that
trying to use a particular widget isn't likely to make my system need
to register 80 supporting components and sub systems. Hopefully some
simple guidelines can stay in place and stuck to in regards to how to
make sharable components sharable.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Two visions

2006-02-27 Thread Jeff Shell
. ;)

Perhaps it's not the greatest name, but I've become enamored with *lib
names like 'formlib'.


Hmmm. Not the prettiest thing. But it does say Zope Library. If that
becomes the *core* of the mythical Zope 5, awesome.

I still like having a web server with Zope 3.

Advantages of this vision:

- Zope 2 users don't need to leave Zope 2.


- Zope 3 doesn't have to reproduce all Zope 2 features.


- There wouldn't be confusion about 2 Zopes.

It is important that Zope 5 be backward compatible with both Zope 2
and Zope 3, although not necessarily in the same
configuration. Many people are building Zope 3 applications today
and they should not be penalized.


Would it be a significant retread or loss of traction to do this now?
I wouldn't want to be stuck with Zope 3.2 for another four years.

On the other hand, if this gets the zope.bobo project moving forward,
and re-addresses packaging/setup, I'd be all for it. Regarding
packaging/setup, I'd like to answer how do I install just part of
Zope?... Or I guess, really, I'd like to see something that (I
guess?) works with paste.deploy, or an enhancement/replacement of the
current instance home builder. One that would provide options like:

* Create skeleton zope.publisher application. Provide your own
storage. Best for completely custom or small applications using other
available options for templates, etc.
* Create skeleton zope.publisher + zodb application. Provide your own
root and skin. Develop rapidly and store Python objects naturally
without a translation layer.
* Create full Zope 3 application server instance. Customize skins,
packages, etc, by modifying configuration. Work with other Zope 3
application server packages easily!

Maybe with options regarding the server as well. (twisted,
zope.server, 'I have a WSGI server already'). But this way, all of
Zope could still be in a single download (no having to pick through a
hundred different editions ala Microsoft), but provide entry points
for web application developers and situations that don't need the full

I see a lot of simplicity combined with a fair amount of power in some
other offerings, from Ruby On Rails to TurboGears to Seaside. But I
think that many of those (perhaps with the exception of Seaside) have
a mediocre or magical core architecture that could grow up to suffer
problems similar to those that affect Zope 2, problems that the
component architecture is meant to solve.

Those are my own selfish desires anyways. I still believe that if we
can build and deliver a solidly defined core, then we (or others) can
do anything on top of it - a full on replacement for ZClasses,
continuations based development with through the web shadowing of file
system code for custom inline tweaking, continuations based
programming where a page fades away as a concept and it's all just
live objects on a screen with a natural flow for development of state
intensive apps, something without any of that for development of
state-carefree content delivery apps with nice URLs and aggressive
caching, and so on. :)

So again, if this would help us define that core *and make it usable
in a variety of configurations*, then again I say 'yay'.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Brainstorming about browser pages

2006-02-17 Thread Jeff Shell
 Python class
- all you needed was ZCML. But when you needed to step up and do just
a little bit more, or just a little bit different, or just run the
status message through your own page notification API, things got a
*lot* harder. (This is a common meme of mine, it seems - if you go out
of the way and make things really easy for certain use cases and take
care of too much behind the scenes, you may get a happy user for the
first two days. But on the third when he needs to do something more
than the automatic tools provide and tries to find answers and finds
brick walls or mazes of ZCML metadirective handlers, THAT's when you
lose them; THAT's when the learning curve complaints start; THAT's
when you see strange hacks in other peoples code that make you go why
did you do that? and they go I couldn't figure out any other way to
do it so I copied this from the root and changed some things but I
still don't know why it does what it does...).

 Third thing:
 What if someone wants to customize this view by changing the template
 but not the helper method? You either have to subclass this view class
 and add a custom __call__ to your subclass, or you use *named
 templates* from zope.formlib:

 Nh. I don't like this, but I can't tell you why. Maybe just
 because it's too complicated. Same goes with your usecase 1. I
 actually don't want to create a boilerplate class just to hold page
 templates. And sure, if we could get rid of the automated class
 creation in Usecase 3b, then I'd might opt for getting rid of this
 class creation too, but now I just don't see why.

 On the other hand, in most cases it means I'll create one view class
 per object and tuck a lot of templates on it, but still, it doesn't
 feel quite right...

I'd say it feels very wrong, in fact, had I not done something sortof
similar with head resources recently. But those were just ways of
compressing five lines of viewlet registration per javascript/css
resource that were meant to be used on every-single-page-in-the-system
into a single line of Python each. But those items aren't providing or
requiring the sort of intelligence that a view might.

Maybe I feel that way because I use page templates less and less and
have broken things out into small work units that generate HTML
through a simple generator based (loosely) on Nevow's STAN. About the
only full Templates I register any more are macro collections -
standard template, form templates, etc. I find that with almost
everything else, at least based on recent work, that I do want a view
class living along side my template. Very few objects in my system
really have the guts to format their data on their own properly, so I
always need at least *some* kind of support.

If done properly, having this::

class ArticleDisplay(PageView):
template = ViewPageTemplateFile('')

browser:view for=..interfaces.IArticle name=article.html

seems pleasant enough. Then when you need to format the 'description'
field through something like newline_to_br, or present computed dates
('updated 4 and a half hours ago'), you already have a place to hang
them. Whereas with this::

browser:page for=..interfaces.IArticle name=article.html

You don't. And then you won't want to put the nice formatter on their
because your brain hits the oh, I need to make that into a class...
Ugh, not right now moment. And you find yourself staring at a page
that you want to make prettier, but there's _just_ enough annoying
effort involved to keep you away from it. At least, that's been my
personal experience, but I'm also a bit of a crank.

So this (what I show immediately above with the false 'PageView'
subclass) is effectively the pattern I've started enforcing for all of
our new work, and it can be done now in what ships with Zope 3.{1,2}.
A two line boilerplate Python class now saves headaches later.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3 web root

2006-02-17 Thread Jeff Shell
On 2/17/06, Shane Hathaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Incidentally, I find it difficult to make any argument about anything
 because I fully appreciate many sides of the issue. :-)

You and me both :)

 Gary Poster:
  one could argue that ZODB-based TTW dev got to be so  problematic
  *because* it was so successful.  There are strengths there.
  That said, I'm eager to see what you might think up as an  alternative:
  I think both paths might be fruitful.

Personally, I like the idea of third party alternatives. I think one
of the most extreme and interesting portlet style implementations is
Seaside's halos. When they're turned on, from what I can tell from the
few times I've looked at Seaside and related documentation, you have a
lot of customization power. It's not for everybody. But I think it's
an implementation that personalizes Zope 2 style Through The Web
capability by localizing what you edit to the component that you see.

CSS, HTML, and Smalltalk Source for everything is accessible - but
it's accessible *in place*, not buried in a completely foreign
interface or buried deep within a master template or script... It's
still object oriented. Fascinating. But as I said earlier, this is
something that Smalltalk's image oriented development supports (where
all of the code lives inside a virtual machine/environment, away from
any concept of files). The ZODB *can* behave like this, but that only
works best if all concept of code-in-the-ZODB-image is separate from
any-kind-of-data that might be in it.

Anyways, that's an aside. It's not something I nor any of my customers
need. But it would be an interesting thing to see someone take up.

 The web root is my best idea for an alternative.

 Although I've been talking about addressing the needs of new adopters,
 I'm really trying to address *my* needs.  I want to build a complex web
 site using Zope technologies, but I don't yet know enough about what I'm
 building to be able to do any model/view separation.  I intend to write
 dirty, filthy, unmaintainable code.  It's the right thing to do!  If it
 works, I'll clean it up.  If it doesn't, I'll throw it away and try
 something else.  If I write it with Zope technologies, I know I can
 succeed at cleaning it up because Zope has the most powerful tools out
 there.  If I write it with Apache, I'm certain I'll end up building my
 own framework to support whatever flavor of messiness the solution
 generates, it'll take twice as long, and it will be impossible to clean
 up, so I'll have to start over if I want it to last.  Gimme Zope!

 While I'm writing messy code, I also invent messy processes along the
 way, and ZODB can't easily support my random new processes.  I often
 write automated tests for messy code.  I often think to myself, what is
 the ugliest possible way I can write this?  Then I really do it and
 laugh.  That gets me moving when I'm stalled.  Sometimes I rewrite
 something ten times, relying on version control to get me back.  It
 turns out that the CMF skins tool is much better at supporting this kind
 of work than Zope 3 currently is.

 I want Zope to encourage clean code just like everyone else, but
 interesting things rarely start out clean!  If Zope wants to be a
 platform that people can use to invent crazy new things, it has to allow
 for messy code and processes.

Where doesn't it allow this? I wrote about this in Griddle Noise
earlier this week. I feel more free to mercilessly restructure in Zope
3. I feel free to write things crappy or mediocre initially. Most of
our big projects have been done under hard deadlines and technical
debt was accrued along the way. But much of that debt was easy to pay
back, sometimes with just a day or two of postmortem reconstructive

How is the skins tool better than actual Python classes as view
objects? They're still on the file system. They can still be under
version control. The page templates are still on the file system. They
can still be under version control.

I guess I still don't understand how you're using Zope 3, because it
sounds like you're using it very differently than I am. I've long
since abandoned the ZMI. I never see that list of addable objects (in
fact, in my newest applications, I completely bypass IAdding). I
basically see the Zope 3 ZMI long enough to add one of my
sites/applications. At that point, my skins take over, and that's all
I see. The rotterdam skin is there as last resort to get out of
trouble or to tweak local utility configurations.

I guess I've just made some supporting libraries and frameworks to
help me. I had this with Zope 2 too, but it's been easier to do with
Zope 3. I encourage everyone to do this.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope 3 web root

2006-02-16 Thread Jeff Shell
On 2/16/06, Shane Hathaway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jeff Shell wrote:
  I agree that better integration with external data should be a
  priority for Zope. But what does that mean? In theory, if something's
  a Python object it should work with Zope 3 with relative ease... If
  that's not the case, perhaps we need to look at how much work is
  required to take some random Python object that may be created by some
  random data access library and get it into a Zope 3 published web
  page. If it kicks and screams and resists security and interfaces, or
  what not, maybe we need to take a look at all of that.

 Let me focus the discussion: I think it's nearly always a bad idea for
 anyone, newbie or expert, to put a template or script in ZODB.  Do we
 have any agreement on that point?  I wish we did.  I enjoy ZODB for many
 purposes, but not for storing templates and scripts.

I agree, generally. For one customer, we (sparingly) use page
templates in the content space of the ZODB. But those are usually only
just one or two lines. Nothing fancy, nothing programmatic. But also
not a situation that would require a special view object in that

Other than that - I completely agree. Your proposal just sounds like
you want to have things like we had in Zope 2, but as pages and
scripts on the file system that are executed/rendered
semi-automatically. And that seems like it comes back to a problem
that existed with Zope 2. Ignoring the ZODB for the moment, there's
just a bit of a gulf between templates and scripts and browser view

 The obvious question is, if templates and scripts are special enough to
 not belong in ZODB, what else is so special?  It's really hard to say.
   In fact, I can think of rare situations where I actually do want to
 put templates and scripts in ZODB.

Well, anything can theoretically be stored in the ZODB. You can put
scripts and binary images into an RDBMS just as easily. Whether that's
a good idea is a separate issue.

I think that Zope 2 suffered heavily from the too many ways to do it
when it came to ways of doing development, and there were gulfs
between each style. Each style had its plusses too. ZClasses certainly
had an appreciative audience who liked defining schemas and building
forms automatically through the web with little programming required.
But working with templates and scripts in  ZClasses had a bit of a
different feel and behavior than working with those things in the
'content' space of the site. And it was very different than working
with file system based products.

If there's one (and only one) dominant way of developing for Zope 3,
that story is easier to tell. Do you want to make things easier for
newbies by telling them well, you can just put some scripts and
templates on the file system, it's that easy! and well, if you want
to really develop properly for Zope 3, you need to do this...?

That's where I think this web root makes things easier for newbies
argument falls apart. If you want to do scripts and SQL on the file
system, there are lots of other options that do the job better than
us. I think we have more important things we could spend the energy

On the other hand, if I've completely mis-interpreted your initial
proposal, feel free to ignore all of the above.

 At one extreme, ZClasses tested the hypothesis that everything,
 including code, belongs in ZODB.  I think experience has proven that
 hypothesis wrong.  The persistent code idea in Zope 3 tries to give
 ZClasses a new birth, but it seems to have turned out even more
 complicated than ZClasses.

There are certainly advantages that can be gleamed from image-based
development. I've seen some really impressive things done with
Seaside. But Smalltalk (and its developers) are used to that kind of
environment. It's less natural for Python. If persistent code doesn't
behave quite like regular Python code, then there's still a gulf that
has to be crossed when one wants to move up from persistent code.

So yeah, I agree - not everything belongs in the ZODB. I agree
vigorously! And that's what I'm arguing in favor of. It's so easy now
to just have:

class Article(Persistent, Contained):
tags = ()
body = u

And bam - articles! No translation layer, nothing. Put those in the
ZODB and go to town happy.

 That eliminates the two extremes, so there's no need to talk about those
 anymore.  We have to choose what belongs in ZODB and what doesn't, and
 the decision is often important but not easy.

I think that the decision only gets important when one is concerned
about optimization of writes, reads, etc. IE - when does one really
want the ZODB, and when does one want an RDBMS because it has better
disk access or backup tools or supports a kind of ad-hoc querying
needed by a particular application?

I guess I saw that templates and scripts are there in the Rotterdam
skin. I seldom even see that skin any more so I guess I just don't
notice. I think I tried using a 'through

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Last chance to comment on Simplify skinning

2006-02-15 Thread Jeff Shell
On 2/15/06, Philipp von Weitershausen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I find Zope 3's approach much simpler and much easier to explain than
 the CMF's approach. In Zope 3 (especially with my proposed changes in
 place), a layer is simply a label (read: marker interface) on the
 request. When we now look up pages and resources (e.g. images), we take
 the request into account and therefore inevitably that label. We will
 only find pages and resources associated (read: registered) for this
 label. Good news is that any page or resource can be associated for this
 label, we just have to remember to do that in their ZCML directive.

When you say with my proposed changes in place, I don't understand
how that differs from what currently exists, or what can exist. We at
Bottlerocket started serious Zope 3 work with Zope 3.1. We've been
defining skins and layers as Interfaces since that time. I didn't
understand it entirely at first, but when I was debugging some issues
that arose with a fix to multi-adapter lookup that came in Zope 3.2, I
understood it more, and now it makes a lot of sense to me.

So coming from that world, I'm not entirely sure I understand how your
proposal is really different, except for this:

In your proposal, 'Skins' are just gone as a separate concept - yes?
What is now treated as a Layer can also be treated directly as a skin,

Here's a situation from a recent application of mine. The comments and
doc strings are verbatim. Notice that I leave a number of breadcrumbs
behind about which is the skin and which is the layer::

# Layer
class KBase(IBrowserRequest):
 The ```` **Layer** 

# Skin
class KnowledgeBase(KBase, CMS, IDefaultBrowserLayer):

The Knowledge Base Skin. Uses the CMS layer, but **not** rotterdam.

The Knowledge Base skin is very specialized and does not need as many
generic features as the Content Management or default ZMI skins. The
primary dependance on the CMS layer is to get its resources (javascript
libraries, icons).

I assign most things in my application to the KBase layer. The
KnowledgeBase Skin builds from three layers. Very early versions of
this app did a mix of layers and skins in the bases used for
``KnowledgeBase``, but the skin it used brought in too many views that
I didn't want interfering with things accidentally, so I went with the
``CMS`` layer instead so I'd get things from our CMS layer, but not
get *everything* that was chosen for the *Content Management* skin.

Does that make sense?

If I understand your proposal correctly, the Layer and Skin above
would both basically be the same thing, right? The only thing that I
guess really differentiates them right now (in my application) is how
they're registered in ZCML. But they're each the same basic collection
of interfaces. ``KBase`` is shallow and dedicated to the browser
view/resource components in my application, ``KnowledgeBase`` is rich
and pulls in components from others.

The only thing that I don't understand right now is this concept of
Interface Types. I don't have our Zope 3 book in front of me right
now, so I'm not sure if it has anything helpful to say. But I'll just
say that Interface Types have been an elusive concept for me, so far.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] One namespace for ZCML

2006-02-14 Thread Jeff Shell
On 2/13/06, Stephan Richter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Monday 13 February 2006 07:57, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
  Yet again looking for comments, this time at:


 Here some comments:

 - You do not argue how the decision-making process is highly inconsistent.

 - I do not understand what's so bad about coming up with your 3rd-party ZCML
 directives. They are extremely easy to write and use. I think that 3rd-party
 ZCML directives are not a bad thing. And yes, I would like to keep those in a
 separate namespace.

I am also -1.

But I take issue with your second statement. ZCML directives are the
hardest and scariest code in Zope 3 to understand. It was easier to
figure out what was going on with multi-adapter lookup than to figure
out how menuItems work! (I lost a day trying to figure out if I could
just put a javascript condition on a  menu item before coming up with
a glorious trick).

I still HATE magical ZCML. But I still think ZCML is a good thing and
should be modularized. Simplified - yes. Modular (namespaces) - yes.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Jeff Shell
 drive me crazy after a
point because I just don't find the worth in keeping my internal
translations up to date.

If the next release is going to be sexy, I still think that there
should be good articles written as the release approaches. From New
in 3.2: zope.formlib, why it's better than, how to start
using it to Deprecated in 3.2: i18nmessageid versus i18nmessage and
how it affects you (especially if you don't know anything about

It's like the difference between this, which we have:

and this, which I absolutely love:

I know that even I would care a lot less about new Python releases if
it weren't for Andrew's terrific documents. And while they're not
comprehensive, they're great for quickly getting that oh, so that's
what that new thing is! enlightenment.

But with 3.2, some of the new big features seemed to be surprise to
even some core developers: Viewlets made it? Whoa... So if Viewlets
are in Zope 3.2 Xing Hua and no one knows about them, does the fancy
branding make a sound?

This is an important discussion and I don't think I'm saying anything
new here, at least not new for me. I just want to say that 'brand' is
very important, and not to be taken lightly. But also there are far
more important things than coming up with fancy names. There's been a
lot of discussion about packaging and releases - very important, I
think. I had to write my own little semi-packaging system because I
was pulling in so many disparate and useful third party tools and had
our own stack and getting it all out of the various subversions and
CVS repositories and into something usable and something I knew would
work with the released version of Zope (or released version we're
using for a particular suite of apps). 'zpkg' was way too hard to
figure out. Eggs... Hell if I understand them anyways. So while it's
great there are so many useful tools and libraries people have made
available, who thinks they could write a page for the mythical Zope 3
web site that says You've just downloaded Zope 3.2 - Now what are
some other things you can use with it? [list of packages, easily
downloadable and installable] Again, knowing I have Zope 3 Clemens is
of no concern if I have to spend another hour arguing with subversion
and CVS and then finding out what I checked out worked with the
upcoming Zope Big Muddy but not Clemens.

So I say - let's focus on the points you and others have brought up
about good informational resources, and just make 'Zope 3' a strong
brand by making it a strong brand. Otherwise, it's like those episodes
of The Wire where Stringer Bell, basically in charge of half the drug
trade in Baltimore, was trying to figure out how to keep people coming
to his corners when their product was inferior to the dope the east
side boys were slingin'. In a business class he learned that changing
the name was an option, and soon the corner boys were calling out
different names every other day for the same sorry product. Without a
change in quality, it doesn't help.

 This is the proposal that considers the most serious consideration in my
 opinion. The original discussion showed that a lot of people found Zope's
 lack of branding a problem. Now it's time to find a solution to that

Something that I admire about Ruby on Rails, Django, MochiKit, and
TurboGears all is that they're opinionated, proud of it, clear in
their message, and all seem to have a similar degree of respect for
simplicity and communication. I hope that's the message that people
are getting. You're right in what you say earlier - you can visit
these sites and instantly get a grip on what's going on. (On the other
hand, 'eggs' and 'paste' and all of these other things, I still don't

Alright, I've stayed up way too late on this.
Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

2006-02-07 Thread Jeff Shell
On 2/7/06, Stephan Richter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tuesday 07 February 2006 05:09, Jeff Shell wrote:
  Alright, I've stayed up way too late on this.


 you always make great points! I would like to nominate you as the Zope 3
 Propaganda Minister! :-) No seriously, you have a great way of explaining
 why Zope 3 is better than the latest hype; I think you are probably the best
 qualified to lead the marketing efforts? Are you willing? Anyone seconding
 me? :-)

I'm willing, if I can make the time. And if I can make the time to
write the lengthy emails that I do, I can write a real document,
right? :)

Last night I was looking at this page:

and going damn, that's nice and then damn, I wrote a lot of that!
There was some pre-existing material, but I remember updating it into
the form that it stands at now and has stood at since. It really makes
me want to register a and putting a page like that
up. I've really really really been wanting to do this, and I've talked
with the other guys here about doing something.. anything... to give
back to the community. Heck, I've been wanting a little server here
that I could play with in making a public facing Zope 3 application.
But our resources have been severely limited :\. I may still go ahead
and make a static page for now, or a post in Griddle Noise. Or even
make a Writeboard.. Or a page in my Backpack account.. Or.. So many
options, but so many deadlines.

But I'll do my part to try to do something in the next few days.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] ZCML bad ;-)

2006-01-24 Thread Jeff Shell
On 1/24/06, Chris Withers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Gary Poster wrote:
  FWIW, me too.  I'm no XML guru (as Fred will attest ;-) ) but reading
  the namespaces on an XML file seems like basic XML procedure.

 Well, the reading of them is the lesser of my two complaints...

 I find it irksome to have to type them at the top of ever file. Is there
 no way that they could be pre-bound in the XML parser? That way you'd
 only need to inlcude them if you wanted to rebind them...

It's like those damned imports in Python. Why can't everything just be
available in one big honkin' namespace automatically?


Seriously - it's not that bad. ZCML's use of namespaces is judicious,
I believe. There's no namespaced attributes - just the directives. I
too use browser: as the default namespace in my browser focused ZCML

There's only one or two things to type, ever. The namespaces are easy
to remember. I can't believe it's a big deal at all. It's certainly a
case of 'explicit is better than implicit', I believe. Like with
Python code and modules and avoidance of import *, it makes all names
easily traceable.

Are you using an editor that makes it difficult to go to the top of
the file to check on the names?
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: ZCML bad ;-)

2006-01-21 Thread Jeff Shell
concept. I'd like to see more of a move in that direction for the core
facilities. Instead of write these n lines of ZCML to auto-generate
an edit form for a schema/interface, it should be write these 5
lines of Python to generate that form, and 1-2 lines of ZCML to
register it, name it, and protect it. And then, as the user may need
to customize the form, they can add to this class instead of having to
span the two worlds of ZCML automation and Python. It's much easier to
go up a good and simple base class tree and read / understand the code
than it is to go through ZCML meta configurations. And it makes the
distance between the main doctest documentation and how things work a
lot shallower. (I liked viewlets a lot more while reading the main
viewlet info file, and liked them less after reading about and
wrestling with their ZCML directives).

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] schema api

2006-01-17 Thread Jeff Shell
I noticed that modules that begin with an underscore aren't shown in
apidoc in Zope 3.2. I think (but am unsure) that Zope 3.1 showed
these. I'm sure there may have been a good reason for doing this, but
it makes navigating the zope.schema package for documentation even
more difficult.

In particular, there are the convenience functions in the
module that are useful for schema querying. getFieldNames, getFields,
etc... I can never quite remember what's in there and which ones
return sequences of tuples and which return mappings or lists or

There's also no easily visible list of all of the fields available
from zope.schema.*. The interfaces are there, but people interact with
the classes in this package more than their interfaces. Since all of
the fields are defined in _bootstrapfields and _fields, they're no
longer visible. They can be found from the interface down in the
factories/classes section, maybe that's good enough?

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Principal Comparison and/or References

2006-01-12 Thread Jeff Shell
I found an issue with's ZODBUndoManager wherein it only
could undo principal transactions if the principal in the request came
from the global principal registry. I tried patching our copy by
changing it to look up the principal of a transaction record from
zapi.principals() (gets the nearest IAuthentication utility).

When it tries to do the undo, it compares request.principal against
transaction['principal'] with identity comparison (' is '). That
doesn't work for pluggable auth principal folder based principals,
even if by my own assumptions and simple application setup they are
the same.

With all of the other principal / group mini-proposals going on, does
there need to be a way to strongly (if that's the right word) compare
a principal looked up from an id that came out of... well, somewhere
(a transaction log record, a string stored in the 'creators' dublin
core sequence, etc), or even against each other?

 b3_1 = zapi.principals().getPrincipal('brcms.user.3')
 b3_2 = zapi.principals().getPrincipal('brcms.user.3')
 b3_1 is b3_2
 b3_1 == b3_2

Comparing the id attribute works. Is it reasonable to assume that
zapi.principals().getPrincipal( should return the
same principal as request.principal? And thus if
somerecord['creator_id'] ==, that's considered a
good match?

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: RFC: abolishing python: expressions in ZPT TALES

2006-01-04 Thread Jeff Shell
On 1/3/06, Wade Leftwich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Andreas Jung wrote:
  To bring it to the point: _scripters_ should be able to develop in Zope
  3 as easy as in Zope 2 :-)

 Or at least almost as easily as in RoR or Django. TTW is not a
 requirement; Chris McDonough's TTB posting was right on target

Are those 'scripters'?

I see RoR and Django going down the same path that Zope 2 went down.
They're great, they're young, they're inexperienced. Django's horrible
query syntax reminds me of the cryptic early index querying that Zope
/ Principia had that was geared primarily for input coming in from web
forms and not scripting. I see both of those projects taking either
shortcuts or blanket we only do things this way statements. [Django:
we don't support HTTP auth. We've never needed it.].

It's not to say they're bad products at all. To work in Django, you
essentially are using Django's admins, which apparently many of
their target users don't mind. This is akin to just using and
promoting the Plone UI, the ZMI (zope 2 or zope 3's) or whatever.
Neither I nor my customers have wanted those UIs. I love Zope 3 for
finally giving me the freedom of detaching from the ZMI completely
(with me having the option to use it for emergencies, but our own much
more focused skins should do the job well enough to not need it).

 There are 3 PHP developers in the group I work in, and they know they
 want something better, and they like Python. But when they look at Z3
 they get all upset  confused.

I like Ruby. But when I look at rails I get all upset and confused. I
still have no idea how its widgets work. With Zope 3, I was able to
follow the adapter lookup chain. Granted, I'm pretty familiar with
Zope 3's component architecture by now.

Zope 3 needs better advocacy. It needs better web site(s). If turns out to be a Wiki I promise to take extra medication
and try to add some helpful material to it as possible, because I
think Zope 3 is really lacking in different levels of tutorials from
different authors who have different perspectives that may better help
different audiences. *whew!*

That's the problem. It's great that there are books out there. But
there's no good central and well promoted advocacy sites. Many Zope 3
developers, like myself, I imagine are often very heavy with real work
engagements and finding spare time to write and advocate aren't there.

 Is this (increased usability for non-experts) a possible project for the
 Zope sprint at Pycon? I'll be there. And since I am not an expert
 myself, I will have a head start.

I still think that a great increased usability could come from a
zope3 focused web site that is simple and fun. With the time based
releases, it's known what's going to be in each release. My gods, I'd
LOVE to see articles like Exploring Zope 3.x: New feature -
Viewlets. I'd LOVE to see clear documents like Exploring Zope 3.x:
what's deprecated, why, and how to fix it.

The doctest documentation about content providers, forms, and viewlets
are great for experts. At least there's fairly comprehensive
documentation that I can read and figure out and go ahh!. But
turning that into a more comprehensive non-expert story on a web site
would be a good thing.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: abolishing python: expressions in ZPT TALES

2005-12-29 Thread Jeff Shell

I use them very rarely, and expect to use them less with Viewlets now
in the picture. But there are still little situations where Python
expressions are handy, especially on big-macro templates where there's
not a backing view. I'm not advocating programming in page templates,
but there are some boolean or quick-transformation (ensuring a
potential iterator/generator is a list and has length) that needs to
be done out in this phantom land.

As I mentioned above, I really believe that Viewlets and Viewlet
Managers will help with these big complex templates which provide the
look and feel of the front page or the basic template. But I know that
sometimes, when putting those pages together from a designers input on
a tight deadline with multiple browsers to test, the quick math and
other small expressions we can squeeze into those spots have been a
life-saver, even in recent weeks.

On 12/28/05, Rocky Burt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 Please don't mistake this as a proposal or anything of the sort but I
 was just curious what the rest of the zope3 community thought on this
 particular topic.  (Please forgive me if this topic has been exhaused to
 death already)

 Its my personal opinion that anytime a page template requires logic
 complicated enough to warrant using a 'python:' expression, that logic
 should be re-thought and placed into a view class.  I know that some
 python: expressions are fairly simple, but for an HTML designer, *any*
 python: portions are dangerous to touch (and shouldn't be touched by the
 HTML designer).

 What do you all think?


 Rocky Burt
 ServerZen Software --
 ServerZen Hosting --
 News About The Server --

 Zope3-dev mailing list

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] URGENT RFC: Is anyone using response.write in Zope 3?

2005-12-19 Thread Jeff Shell
I was using it in some custom views for HurryFile based images. I've
removed it since I started testing our code against Zope 3.2. Right
now I just return the hurryfile binary data with a return statement
(one big chunk), but am looking forward to knowing how to return long

On 12/19/05, Jim Fulton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When we refactored the Zope 3 pubisher to work more closely with WSGI,
 we decided to remove the response.write method.  We should have written
 a proposal for this, but we failed to do so.  Over the last few weeks
 there has been much discussion of this in which I asserted many times
 that I didn't think any applications outside of Zope 3 itself used this
 method.  No one has disagreed with me.  I want to double check this.
 Does anyone have any Zope 3 applications that are using response.write?

 Assuming that the answer is no (or that no one answers today), I'm going to
 more clearly document how to return long output and I'm going to add a
 method that generates a hopefully helpful error.

 Note that we may add this method (or something like it) back in the future
 to support chunked streaming output,


 Jim Fulton   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Python Powered!
 CTO  (540) 361-1714
 Zope Corporation
 Zope3-dev mailing list

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] URGENT RFC: Is anyone using response.write in Zope 3?

2005-12-19 Thread Jeff Shell
Yes, it's hurry.file. What's Tramline?

We're using hurry.file for small images, generally, and it's been
working fine. We've recently written a cache manager that writes the
images out to the file system where Apache can serve them. So when
that's in place (and working), efficient image serving from Zope is
not that big of a concern to us...

But back to the issue at hand - knowing how to better serve those out
to the response would be a big help.

On 12/19/05, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jeff Shell wrote:
  I was using it in some custom views for HurryFile based images. I've
  removed it since I started testing our code against Zope 3.2. Right
  now I just return the hurryfile binary data with a return statement
  (one big chunk), but am looking forward to knowing how to return long

 Is HurryFile the same as hurry.file? You know of course hurry.file is
 pretty inefficient if you don't use tramline (which still needs
 integration into hurry, patches welcome :).



Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: View lookup changes in Zope 3.2?

2005-12-13 Thread Jeff Shell
Is it related to this? Bug in Multi Adapter Lookup?
('fixed' in Zope 3.2b1)

That's my suspicion. This is a major blocking / freaking out kind of
issue. I'm trying to figure out now how to crawl through the debugger
and test the 'getMultiAdapter' lookup for this skin + object to
compare the results and hopefully.. I don't know. I have a pretty
complex view declaration that's meant to replace 'contents.html' for a
lot of our containers, and I'm hoping that I don't have to re-declare
the view for each container type. I guess I should also learn more
about how everything collaborates to establish an objects interfaces
and in what order so I can ensure that the base Zope interfaces are
lower on the providedBy list?

On 12/12/05, Jeff Shell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Today I finally got around to installing Zope 3.2b1 and started
 testing one of our sites against it. I'm running into a few problems,
 some of which are my fault, some that I don't quite understand, and
 one that is really bad.

 We have been basically rolling a custom CMS in Zope 3, and the content
 management skin that we made has been working wonderfully in Zope 3.1.

 One of the key parts of our CMS's user interface is a custom contents
 view that uses MochiKit for javascript/DOM based table sorting (easy
 sorting on item name, title, and size), and uses MochiKit's AJAX
 support for inline renaming/retitling of items in the container.
 That's registered as 'contents.html' for our own base contentcontainer
 interface. We've also made a custom metadata view that allows editing
 of keywords (subjects).

 In Zope 3.1.0 both of those worked fine.

 In Zope 3.2b1, I'm getting the Rotterdam or default contents view,
 wrapped up in our template. The same goes for the custom '@@+' view
 I've made for the same objects, which is used to filter certain Zope
 entries out of the add menu. For our container objects, I'm also
 getting the Zope meta-data view, but on some of our custom content
 objects I get our replacement view.

 I use our own menu, 'cms_views', for tabs, and have contents and
 EditMetaData registered as actions.

 If I rename my 'contents.html' view to 'contentsplus.html', I can see it fine.

 Here's my skin setup:

 from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest
 from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IDefaultBrowserLayer
 from import rotterdam

 class CMS(IBrowserRequest):
 The `cms` layer.

 class ContentManagement(CMS, rotterdam, IDefaultBrowserLayer):
  The Skin 

   layer name=example.cms
   skin name=example.cms.ContentManagement

 and the contents.html view starts with:
   view name=contents.html for=example.cms.interfaces.IContentContainer

 I'm referring to the layer with its interface path in ZCML, always.

 If I moved 'rotterdam' out of the base interfaces for the
 ContentManagement skin and set it as the base for the CMS layer
 object, the same behavior still shows up.

 This setup works as I expected it to in Zope 3.1, but breaks in Zope 3.2.

 FWIW, I opened up a debugzope session in both Zope 3.1 and 3.2 in this
 same configuration just to check the list of providedBy(obj) for the
 same folder in each site, to see if the interface resolution order
 might have changed, but the lists appear to be identical.

 Bug? Or did I do something wrong in my Zope 3.1 implementation that
 Zope 3.2b1 has fixed?

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: View lookup changes in Zope 3.2?

2005-12-13 Thread Jeff Shell
On 12/13/05, Jim Fulton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jeff Shell wrote:
  Is it related to this? Bug in Multi Adapter Lookup?
  ('fixed' in Zope 3.2b1)
  That's my suspicion.

 That would be my suspicion too.  It should be easy to test.
 Just get a check out and merge out that change:

svn merge -r40385:40384 svn+ssh://

 and see if you still have the problem.  If you don't, then you still have some
 digging to do.  If you do, then  well, lets get into that if you
 verify that that is the problem.

 This was an honest-to-gosh bug.  It is also the case that there were
 registrations in Zope that depended on this bug and had to be changed.

Going through a lot of debugging, it looks as through it has to do
with how things are ranked in
zope.interface.adapter.AdapterLookup.lookup() for multi-adapters. I
haven't stepped through it in the debugger in Zope 3.1 yet, but I just
got finished doing it in Zope 3.2 and these are my results:

 from import setSite
 from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
 from import zapi
 from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import ISkin, IDefaultSkin
 conman = zapi.getUtility(ISkin, name='')
 customer = debugger.root()['customer']
 winter = customer['winter']
 contents = zapi.queryMultiAdapter((winter,
TestRequest(skin=conman)), name='contents.html')
(class '', class

So then I do a,
TestRequest(skin=conman)), name='contents.html')) and it's inside
AdapterLookup that I get the following. When all of the adapters for
this container and the request with the name 'contents.html' are
looked up:

(Pdb) pp byname.get(name)
   InterfaceClass zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IDefaultBrowserLayer),
  class ''),
 ((InterfaceClass br.cms.interfaces.IContentContainer,
  class ''),
 ((InterfaceClass br.cms.interfaces.IContentFolder,
   InterfaceClass zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IDefaultBrowserLayer),
  class '')]

The one the I want is the second set in this list, ''.
Unfortunately, that's the one that loses out in the ranking algorithm
that ranks based on interface's ranking in the spec resolution order.
(NOTE: The IContentContainer there is different than the Zope
IContentContainer! This has cause some confusion in house)

The first one (IFolder, IDefaultBrowserLayer) produces the rank: (4, 4)
The second one, which I want, (IContentContainer, CMS) produces the rank (12, 2)
The third one, which I'm suspecting is generated from a zcml
containerViews directive, wins with the rank (3, 4).

It wins because the 'best' tuple is kept around. A rank wins 'best' by
being less than the current 'best', and (3, 4) is less than all of

I understand why this is happening, but it's (obviously) not what I
want to have happen. I want MY skin layer's declaration of
'contents.html' to win out. It actually works for all container types,
so maybe I need to declare it for a root Zope container interface for
my layer?

I've been living under the impression that the layer a view was
assigned to had higher precedence than may have been intended, and
maybe this is part of the discussion going on in the
'SimplifySkinning' proposal/thread which I should take a closer look
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Interface implementation declaration weight (was Re: View lookup changes in Zope 3.2?)

2005-12-13 Thread Jeff Shell
On 12/13/05, Jim Fulton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jeff Shell wrote:
  Going through a lot of debugging, it looks as through it has to do
  with how things are ranked in
  zope.interface.adapter.AdapterLookup.lookup() for multi-adapters.


 I don't know enough about the relationshipd between your content
 interfaces, to comment directly, but I will note that the intent
 was that content interface would have precedence over skin.  This
 was not the case before due to a bug in  multi-adapter lookup.

I'm sure that's the issue here. The software worked fine in 3.1, or
basically worked in a way that I assumed was fine.

The situations where this is affecting us is in some of our oldest
major Zope 3 code, and it's code we've had issues with before. Those
issues, and this one, are likely due to it being early code and us
(namely me) still learning a lot of core concepts and maybe not
applying them so well.

So I have a new question: with the different ways that 'implements'
and 'provides' may be applied to an object, is there a document that
details how those affect the interface/spec resolution order?

I'm thinking of things like interface inheritance, class inheritance,
ZCML's 'implements' directive, 'zope.interface.implements(IFoo)' in a
Python class statement, and any interfaces said to be provided by a
particular instance - how much weight does each method provide?

A concrete example being: my content management system wants to
provide a new 'contents.html' view for the content management skin for
all of my different container types, most of which subclass core Zope
objects somewhere along the way. I thought that having a root
'IContentContainer' interface was the best way to go - but as
subobjects embrace and extend other container types, the
'IContentContainer' interface seems to be getting buried in the
resolution order - for the object that I debugged, it ranked 12, while
Zope's IFolder ranked 4th and a more specialized CMS content folder
interface ranked 3rd. But I want the specialized contents view, which
has a lot of sub-pages, so its not something I'd want to have to
duplicate in ZCML for every interface, to work for all of them. How
can I ensure that IContentContainer (or IManagedContent, or any of my
other core-core-core interfaces) DO take precedence over core Zope
interfaces for situations where I subclass core Zope objects?
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] View lookup changes in Zope 3.2?

2005-12-12 Thread Jeff Shell
Today I finally got around to installing Zope 3.2b1 and started
testing one of our sites against it. I'm running into a few problems,
some of which are my fault, some that I don't quite understand, and
one that is really bad.

We have been basically rolling a custom CMS in Zope 3, and the content
management skin that we made has been working wonderfully in Zope 3.1.

One of the key parts of our CMS's user interface is a custom contents
view that uses MochiKit for javascript/DOM based table sorting (easy
sorting on item name, title, and size), and uses MochiKit's AJAX
support for inline renaming/retitling of items in the container.
That's registered as 'contents.html' for our own base contentcontainer
interface. We've also made a custom metadata view that allows editing
of keywords (subjects).

In Zope 3.1.0 both of those worked fine.

In Zope 3.2b1, I'm getting the Rotterdam or default contents view,
wrapped up in our template. The same goes for the custom '@@+' view
I've made for the same objects, which is used to filter certain Zope
entries out of the add menu. For our container objects, I'm also
getting the Zope meta-data view, but on some of our custom content
objects I get our replacement view.

I use our own menu, 'cms_views', for tabs, and have contents and
EditMetaData registered as actions.

If I rename my 'contents.html' view to 'contentsplus.html', I can see it fine.

Here's my skin setup:

from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest
from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IDefaultBrowserLayer
from import rotterdam

class CMS(IBrowserRequest):
The `cms` layer.

class ContentManagement(CMS, rotterdam, IDefaultBrowserLayer):
 The Skin 

  layer name=example.cms
  skin name=example.cms.ContentManagement

and the contents.html view starts with:
  view name=contents.html for=example.cms.interfaces.IContentContainer

I'm referring to the layer with its interface path in ZCML, always.

If I moved 'rotterdam' out of the base interfaces for the
ContentManagement skin and set it as the base for the CMS layer
object, the same behavior still shows up.

This setup works as I expected it to in Zope 3.1, but breaks in Zope 3.2.

FWIW, I opened up a debugzope session in both Zope 3.1 and 3.2 in this
same configuration just to check the list of providedBy(obj) for the
same folder in each site, to see if the interface resolution order
might have changed, but the lists appear to be identical.

Bug? Or did I do something wrong in my Zope 3.1 implementation that
Zope 3.2b1 has fixed?
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Ajax in Zope 3

2005-12-06 Thread Jeff Shell
Bottlerocket has also chosen MochiKit. It's not full of flashy
effects, but its Ajax support is nice, it's well tested, and it brings
a lot of Python style functionality to JavaScript which makes
JavaScript suck a whole lot less (for real - the DOM and Iterator
libraries are absolutely great).

In the Bottlerocket CMS, Mochikit has been used to give us sortable
tables (used in contents view - click a column header to sort by name,
order, title, and so on), Ajax based inline renaming and title editing
in the contents view, a 'dynamic table' widget which allows adding and
removing rows from tabular data for web pages, and more. I generally
loathe JavaScript, but working with MochiKit has actually made it a
lot of fun.

 FWIW, as far as Ajax libraries, ZC has chosen mochikit so far.  It
 has a lot going for it.

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Generations - a missed use case? (Evolving an application for the first time)

2005-11-18 Thread Jeff Shell
I have an application where I'm trying to use ''
for the first time. And after much pulling of hair and looking at the
core code, I found what may be a missed scenario.

Basically, we deployed this application for a customer and now they
want some changes. It changes the schema of one item to store values
in tuples instead of strings. I wrote an evolve module, ''
in myapp.generations, made the schema manager, registered it as a
utility, bla bla bla. But my code seemed like it would never run.

I'd run the debuzope script and look at the database
root[''], and there was 'myapp' with the value of
1. I'd keep deleting that key and committing the transaction, but my
code would still never run. I tried running it manually using to step through it and make sure that it was finding the
right objects and doing its job. My code was fine. So I looked at the
code in and found this interesting

for key, manager in findManagers():
generation = generations.get(key)

if generation == manager.generation:

if generation is None:
# This is a new database, so no old data

if IInstallableSchemaManager.providedBy(manager):
Failed to install %s,

generations[key] = manager.generation

 (the code continues from there

There's one problem here - in my situation, it's NOT A NEW DATABASE.
There is old data that needs to be evolved, but there's no record of a
generation for this application because there was no need for a schema
manager until now.

I really like the concept and general implementation of the schema
manager, but this scenario is driving me crazy. I could write an
'install' script, but that doesn't really cover this situation. After
install is run, the database marks the application generation. This
makes sense for new applications installing themselves - there's no
old data to update, so if the application is at generation 5, for
example, it doesn't need to be evolved to '5' if all of the data
that's installed or used is already in generation 5 form. (ie - if I
were deploying my application fresh today, my fields would already be
tuples instead of strings).

But my situation, where I already have a deployed application, is not
covered by this. I *could* write an 'install' script for the schema
manager that did this first evolution that I need to do. But then that
installer would have to be updated with all of the future evolutions
as well - since in theory, I could update an application from before
the schema manager and need to bring it up to generation 5 or 8 from
essentially 0.

It seems like the Schema Manager needs an 'evolve from 0' option, with
'0' being set by the evolution script of no previous evolution was
found but (somehow) existing data could be detected. The other
solutions seem to be:

* Write an install script that then manually calls all of the evolvers
to bring things up to the current generation.
* Always put a schema manager in your application, with the starting
generation of 0, so that you can upgrade in the future.

Neither option seems quite tenable - like a bad hack that goes against
the Zope 3 concepts. You shouldn't need a schema manager utility until
you need it, and having a script that manually does
'evolve1.evolve(context); evolve2.evolve(context)'... seems like it
goes against the sort of problem that the generations system is trying
to solve.

Is there something about the schema manager/generations system that I missed?
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] hurry.query in Zope 3.2?

2005-10-28 Thread Jeff Shell
I love hurry.query. Whether it's in the core or not doesn't phase me,
but it is really really helpful. We got bit by not realizing that
FieldIndex queries passed directly to the catalog/index had a low and
high range. It was a small bite. But it took us a while to figure out
why searching for 'summer' pages included 'winter' ones, but searching
for 'winter' pages only returned winter. So we put in hurry.query. And
were able to do it without depending on zc.catalog. It made the
catalog experience a lot nicer.

I'd put my vote behind inclusion. While the catalog is certainly
cleaner and easier to understand than the Zope 2 catalog, querying it
is still kindof a pain, which is mentioned in

This is somewhat problemetic. It means that application
code that calls apply has to be aware of the
expected query type. This isn't too much of a problem now,
as we have no more general query language nor do we have
any sort of automatic query-form generation.

It would be nice to have a system later for having
query-form generation or, perhaps, sme sort of query
language. At that point, we'll need some sort of way to
determine query types, presumably through introspection of
the index objects.

hurry.query seems to fill in this hole.

On 10/24/05, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi there,

 Would there be any interest in merging hurry.query into Zope 3.2?

 What it does:

 hurry.query - higher level query system built on top of the Zope 3
catalog. Some inspiration came from Dieter Maurer's
AdvancedQuery. See src/hurry/query/query.txt for

 Here's the code:

 And here's a doctest:

 Of course, it probably needs a review and adaptations before it's
 accepted, and time until the feature freeze in november is short. It
 would be a very useful addition to Zope 3's featureset, however. It
 exposes features of various indexes that the normal catalog API does not
 expose, or if so, only very obscurely. :) Now that I think of it,
 exposing the ZCTextIndex properly with the various features involved may
 need the most work.

 If there's interest, I'd really appreciate volunteers for putting up a
 proposal on the wiki and integrating it into the codebase. This way it'd
 get a review by that person. If it'd be up to myself I likely won't have

 By the way, is zc.catalog up for merging with Zope 3.2, or won't this
 happen yet? hurry.query has a dependency on zc.catalog, though I believe
   I succeeded in keeping this optional.


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Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: zope3 website report?

2005-10-12 Thread Jeff Shell
Why is WYSIWYG so important? Who's going to be editing all of that? I
don't want another I think that is a good
site and that there should be an area of the site that's like that
which may be open to the world - but I'd like serious / fun / USABLE
documentation to be separate from that. You all know my feelings about
Wikis. I walk away from so many technical wikis frustrated. I finally
find a page I'm looking for, and it's contents are either:


A multi adapter adapts multiple objects



I found this link to a tip on this other site and it seems cool.

As an outsider trying to get started, it doesn't take long for me to
get frustrated and walk away. When I may be more settled in and
curious about more, full community recipe sites or wikis may be a
trove of terrific information. But don't waste my time making me click
on page after page. Look at how accessible the quick start, the about,
the docs, and more are accessible on TurboGears:

Ruby On Rails has a wiki, but it's a few steps back from the front
page, which again makes information well available:

Django's got an informative web site:

Most of the information one would want on these sites are available
within a few clicks, without their front pages feeling cramped and
overloaded. Tutorials, quick starts, downloading, getting involved -
all close.

There are two nice quick start documents written in ReST already. Why
don't we make it easy for those authors to put those in a common place
first instead of debating over WYSIWYG editing? Let the smart people
put the first content together. Make it easy for new people to find
information over making it easy for new people to add noise. Are you
trying to attract outsiders so that they'll get excited and grow the
platform's base, or are you trying to keep Zope 3 within this small
community and make it easy for those within this small community to
tell each other what most of us already know? It sounds like the
priority has been on the latter - make it a site to drive development
of the Zope 3 platform itself. I think development is going fine with
the tools already in place. Lets drive adoption by making our message

And again - that's not to say that the development wiki or a community
wiki is excluded from that. But as I showed with the comments of just
one smart outsider - getting information about Zope 3 is a frustrating

On 10/12/05, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Stephan Richter wrote:
  On Tuesday 11 October 2005 12:41, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
 If anyone here really needs WYSIWYG, please make a point, but I doubt that
 there will be one...
  It's a top priority for Jim. Uwe and I agreed we would prefer ReST.

 I got the impression from Jim that this was just an idea that he wanted
 to try out. Ideas you're eager to try are different than top priorities,

 Unfortunately having a wiki page in HTML and in ReST is rather
 incompatible; while you can translate ReST to HTML, HTML to ReST would
 at best be unreliable and confusing. This means HTML pages can only be
 edited as HTML ever.

 Then again, I'm interested in seeing how the idea would work. Whether
 that should be driving a Zope 3 site as a whole is another question.


 Zope3-dev mailing list

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Why I posted about (the outsider's thoughts that got me thinking)

2005-10-11 Thread Jeff Shell
 stream, but more dedicated so it's known that
relevant information shows up).

I think that Zope 3 has its own momentum away from Zope 2. Five is
what is going to be appealing to Zope 2 developers learning about Zope
3. There should be something that appeals to the general Python crowd
that I still believe to be the main target for Zope 3 as it stands
right now - a shorter path between your Python objects and publishing
them on the web. Or a shorter path between writing some plain old
Python code and seeing a result.

I need to read more of the other thread about this. I just know that
there's some debate of whether Zope 3 should be a part of the
site. I'm for having it be separate. There are a lot of Python
developers out there who have bad memories of Zope 2 but just may be
the kind of developers who'd like or love Zope 3 if they could really
see and understand what makes Zope 3 so great.

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Why I posted about (the outsider's thoughts that got me thinking)

2005-10-11 Thread Jeff Shell
On 10/11/05, Stephan Richter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tuesday 11 October 2005 13:24, Jeff Shell wrote:
  I'd really like to give Zope 3 a try, and I keep trying to. The docs
  are just nauseating. They might look good or fine to someone who's
  used Zope for years, but to someone new they're horrid. As I
  mentioned, the site is laid out horribly for someone who wants to
  learn Zope 3. Why is the left bar saturated with links when I just
  want Zope 3?
  It's incredibly frustrating and disappointing to hear about all the
  cool stuff you can do in Zope 3, and not see anywhere that shows it
  actually being done with descriptions on how it works, etc. Where are
  the examples? Where are the recipies to do cool thing X?
  The developers I see talk about Zope are all in companies that use
  it, that have teams that use it, that have tons of actual knowledge
  that doesn't exist on the website. I really really want to give Zope
  3 a spin, I have a few fairly complex projects I'd like to try out
  with it. How do I get started?

 I would say, buy the books. It is too hard to keep documentation up to date,
 if you do not get paid. The alternative are doctests of course, which we have
 available as mentioned in my previous mail. Again, I think it is a lack of
 manpower, my own included. I would love to update the Web site to the version
 of my book that has actually been printed, but I just do not have time. All
 it needs is someone to merge the stupid DOC files to the TeX master documents
 and it would be online. Note that I already put them in a
 repo, so anyone can work on that task.

That was my response to him. But for people evaluating Zope 3, or just
starting out and not knowing whether it's a worthwhile technology to
continue with, buying a book is probably a non-starter. Some good
quick starts and recipes would help there. I don't think that the
type of documentation that is in a book should be on the web site and
maintained constantly. It's too big and too hard, a fact I'm sure
you're aware of.

The API Doc tool, the books, are all useful things to have once you've
really committed to a project. But getting people that far is where or maybe or something - anything! - would be
useful. Instead of trying to update reams of documentation with new
features in Zope 3.2, one could post a document like Zope 3.2 -
Introducing zope.formlib or Zope 3.2 - deprecated functions

Because, for example, I see the warning about using 'getView - use
getMultiAdapter instead', but there's no explanation of how a
getView(...) call should be translated into a getMultiAdapter call..
One can figure it out, but it's a couple of lines that could be in a
document that many of us here can write.. I just don't want it lost in
the desert sands of the wiki. I can find proposals about simplifying
the component architecture, but there's no final document about what
that simplification really produced and how it affects me. The
deprecation machinery is great at telling me about these things (again
- I think it's a great feature), but oh man - I think any major
architecture like Zope 3 that gets *simpler* in a new version is
something to sing about.
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Why I posted about (the outsider's thoughts that got me thinking)

2005-10-11 Thread Jeff Shell
On 10/11/05, Stephan Richter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tuesday 11 October 2005 13:24, Jeff Shell wrote:
  Personally, I really like the Z3ECM project site - It has a
  combination of blogs, papers, demos (animations) and documentation.
  That's still a project in its infancy, but it's a good looking site
  with a variety of sources feeding into it. If there were to be a model
  for a Zope 3 web site, that would be it.

 I have followed the mailing list the last months and the site a little bit,
 and I still do not know what the project is really working on at the moment.
 I know that Roger helped developing a high-level workflow engine atop WfMC
 and Jean-MARC works on CPS skins (why CPS skins, if there is no CPS for Zope
 3), but that's pretty much it.

Specifics about the Z3ECM project aside, it's just a nice site in my
opinion. The front page layout - 'Latest News' and 'Spotlight
Information' on top, the list of documentation updates, blog posts,
documents and white papers on the side, the explanatory text further
down - it's great. It's not super flashy, but it gets information
across and has the feel of freshest information on top and avoids
the feel of lots and lots of new and old information all over the
place that has (which stems from's noble efforts as
a community site which has built up a lot of data over the years,
which is why I think a good Zope 3 marketing / information site should
be more 'invite-only' in regards to publishing information, at least
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] fssync and export/import for Zope 3

2005-10-11 Thread Jeff Shell

I mean. Yes! Backup/restore, and deploy. We're deploying a customers
site in chunks - one section, then another, then a third. It's content
that's being migrated off of Zope 2. The other developer here was
complaining about having to do the third chunk on the live server. All
of these chunks are well sectioned off, and import/export would be

fssync isn't in the release (we try to only use release code around
here - easier to manage), and we didn't know what it meant that the
code looks like it hasn't been touched in over a year - is it simple
and stable enough to work with production Zope 3.1, or has it fallen
behind? We didn't know this, but were thinking that now that things
have settled down (somewhat), it might be nice to investigate.

So - yes! This exactly mirrors a conversation we had just a couple of
minutes ago.

On 10/7/05, Garrett Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is anyone interested in using export/import capabilities in Zope 3?

 As we get more Zope 3 deployments, I think this will become an important 
 topic. It looks like the fssync code has become only slightly stale. With a 
 little use, this could be break-out feature for Zope 3 developers.

 As Jim just pointed out, there are a couple a 'visions' associated with 

 - The export/import functionality people are used to with Zope 2

 - A checkin/checkout functionality that would let someone make long-running 
 changes to a part of a site, with the option of commiting or aborting those 

 I suspect the export/import feature alone will be attractive to anyone with 
 production servers, as it enables object-specific backup and restore.

 If anyone is interested in using this, let me know. I'll be looking into 
 adding a simple command-line tool for object-specific backup/restore (i.e. 
 export/import) and it would be helpful to have some other users, if not 

  -- Garrett
 Zope3-dev mailing list

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[Zope3-dev] KeywordIndex

2005-07-18 Thread Jeff Shell
I'm working on a simple application which is the first time I get to
use the catalog in Zope 3. I'm writing against Zope 3.1b1. I was
dismayed not to see KeywordIndex in the main catalog set, but then I
found it in zope.index.keyword. But it seems to be a bit behind. I
have it somewhat working through subclassing, etc, but it's been
purely guess work on my part to get things this far. In my product
package, I have the following:

from import IAttributeIndex, ICatalogIndex
from import AttributeIndex
from import Contained
from zope.index.keyword.index import KeywordIndex as KeywordIndexBase
from zope.proxy import removeAllProxies
from BTrees.IFBTree import IFTreeSet, IFSet, multiunion

class IKeywordIndex(IAttributeIndex, ICatalogIndex):
 Interface-based catalog keyword index. 

class KeywordIndex(AttributeIndex, KeywordIndexBase, Contained):

def index_doc(self, docid, value):
# All security proxies need to be removed from the value.
value = removeAllProxies(value)
return super(KeywordIndex, self).index_doc(docid, value)

def apply(self, query):
# Keyword index doesn't implement apply(query) either.

def _insert_forward(self, docid, words):
insert a sequence of words into the forward index 
# Replaces parent _insert_forward because apply() claims to want IFSets
idx = self._fwd_index
has_key = idx.has_key
for word in words:
if not has_key(word):
idx[word] = IFSet()
I first overrode index_doc because the base KeywordIndex does an
isinstance(value, (ListType, TupleType)), which failed on a security
proxy guarded value. Then I added 'apply()' when I noticed that the
base KeywordIndex didn't implement apply. Looking at the other
supported indexes and at the index interfaces in zope.index, I noticed
that IFSets were what was desired as the output of apply(), and that's
when I replaced _insert_forward with a near identical copy that uses

This works... so long as I only search for one keyword. If I search
for more than one through the catalog interface (and I imagine I would
get the same result manually), I get the following traceback:

line 22, in search
results = catalog.searchResults(tags=query)
  File /Library/ZopeX3/3.1/lib/python/zope/app/catalog/,
line 105, in searchResults
results = self.apply(searchterms)
  File /Library/ZopeX3/3.1/lib/python/zope/app/catalog/,
line 84, in apply
r = index.apply(index_query)
line 36, in apply
  File /Library/ZopeX3/3.1/lib/python/zope/index/keyword/,
line 139, in search
rs = f(rs, docids)
TypeError: invalid argument
'f' is IISet.intersection()

The implementation of search() in the base KeywordIndex uses IISets
for default values. I don't know if this is conflicting with the
IFSets I set up in my subclass. I tried quickly editing
zope.index.keyword.index to use IFSets instead, but I got the same
traceback and then quickly reverted back to leaving the code

It's been *years* since I've even touched simple indexing code, so I
don't really know what's going on here or what's required.

I would really like to have Keyword Index. In fact, such an index is
the core of my application. I can throw together my own, I'm sure,
that's a bit more brute force for my own purposes if necessary. I
don't claim to have a solid understanding of how indexes and the
catalog work (although it's been much easier to figure out in Zope 3,

Is there any reason why KeywordIndex seems half-abandoned? I guess
it's not exposed to because of this. What would it take to
make it catch up to FieldIndex?

Jeff Shell
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] KeywordIndex

2005-07-18 Thread Jeff Shell
Hi Gary! I'd be very interested in this. It's not critical for me
right now, so there's no need to rush making something available. I
have an inefficient but fun solution for my system that can be
replaced when this comes along. I primarily wanted to know the state
of the indexes.

Is what's there right now going to be what ships with Zope 3.1 final?

On 7/18/05, Gary Poster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jul 18, 2005, at 11:14 AM, Jeff Shell wrote:
  I'm working on a simple application which is the first time I get to
  use the catalog in Zope 3. I'm writing against Zope 3.1b1. I was
  dismayed not to see KeywordIndex in the main catalog set, but then I
  found it in zope.index.keyword. But it seems to be a bit behind.
 Hi.  Yes, we needed it too.  Here's another thing we want to open
 source.  Look at the attached .txt file; if you want it then tell me
 and I'll make it available in a sandbox.  We'll move it over into the
 Zope repo (probably with a new name, or rearranged on the appropriate
 locations (zope.index and, etc.) RSN.
 - Note that some functionality requires that you use an extent
 catalog, another goodie in the package.
 - We have some refactoring of this that we want to do.  We'll have
 legacy issues ourselves, then.
 Additional upside:
 -  This package also includes a replacement for the field index
 (called a value index) and customizations of the value and set
 indexes specific to timezone-aware datetimes, as well as a few other
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