Re: [Flashcoders] attachMovie() with non-library-symbols

2008-10-24 Thread Matthias Dittgen
Have your received my email with the Test SWF?

> What's an RSL ?
Remote Shared Library.

Imagine Main.swf loading Sub.swf.
Sub.swf consists of Library Symbol exported for AS and for "runtime sharing"!
Then in Main.swf Symbols from Sub.swf can be attached as if they were
directly in Main.swf.

Symbols from Main.swf can always be attached to Sub.swf or its childs
(without being exported for runtime sharing).

> I'm not sure that the movie *is* working.
> I mean, could as well be that the attachMovie with unexistent
> symbols are just garbage in the SWF, or hooks for the case in
> which the movie is loaded by another one, which contain the syms,
> but optional.
As long as you work with third party SWF files, we can only make
speculations about its content and how it was coded. You should work
with SWF files, where the source is available.

> Is the sym library of a 'loader' movie supposed to be available
> to 'loaded' movies for use ?
yes, see above

but the sym library of a "loadED" movie is only available to the
"loadER" movie, when exported for runtime sharing (RSL).

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] attachMovie() with non-library-symbols

2008-10-23 Thread Matthias Dittgen

I should try
var func:String = "register";

instead of

to see, if an all code based attempt is working without having the
compiler do EXPORT tags.

I have attached a test situation build in current FlashDevelop on
WinXP as AS2 project.
Let us know, how it goes.

btw. what is your realname and what is your motivation working on
gnash? What else do you do?

nice to read you! You've been a motivation to play with AS2 for a long
time for me.


On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 11:38 AM, Peter Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The code on my old blog works for content published with Flash
> authoring. However, it works because Flash inserts the export tags in
> the swf automatically. If you have a swf that has a working
> attachMovie, but no export tags, then it must be attaching the symbol
> from another swf. An RSL perhaps?
> Peter
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 9:31 AM, strk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:01:37AM +0200, Matthias Dittgen wrote:
>>> if you mean EXPORT tags in the swf bytecode,
>>> I am not aware of the tags that are written by the compiler when using
>>> the code explained by Peter Joel, but I could imagine, that when using
>>> MTASC for compiling only DOACTION tags are written and no EXPORT tags.
>>> But I usually don't read SWF bytecode after comiling. ;)
>> I've seen a few compilers automatically adding non-action tags as
>> a side effect of AS interpretation...
>>> > My problem with the dmplayer.swf above is that it ends up
>>> > looking for symbols like 'video_frame':
>>> >  ERROR: No export symbol video_frame found in movie dmplayer.swf.
>>> > Which do NOT appear in any EXPORT tag.
>>> How do you know?
>>> Where does the SWF come from?
>>> Do you do some kind of reverse engineering?
>> The SWF comes from the web. I know by using an SWF dumper
>> (listswf from Ming -
>>> >> This way you can attach classes that don't have a library symbol but
>>> >> extend MovieClip.
>>> > You mean it is possible to add entries to the 'symbols library'
>>> > trough DOACTION blocks only ? I mean, not something automatically
>>> > done by the AS *compiler* but something done by the actual VM/player ?
>>> I think so, but I am not sure about the bytecode/tags written by the
>>> compiler interpreting the code.
>> Could you send me (a private attachment if the list doesn't let you) a small
>> SWF produced as a proof of concept ? If it contains no EXPORT tags
>> but has a working attachMovie('symbol',..) I'll go on with the research.
>> This is for eventual compatibility fixes in Gnash (The GNU SWF Player).
>> --strk;
>> ___
>> Flashcoders mailing list
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] attachMovie() with non-library-symbols

2008-10-23 Thread Matthias Dittgen
> Talking about SWF8:
which btw. means Actionscript 2.0 (AS2)

> Thank you for the pointer, but reading that article doesn't
> help me much. For example, I don't understand if the resulting
> SWF from that syntax is expected to contain EXPORT tags or not.
if you mean EXPORT tags in the swf bytecode,
I am not aware of the tags that are written by the compiler when using
the code explained by Peter Joel, but I could imagine, that when using
MTASC for compiling only DOACTION tags are written and no EXPORT tags.
But I usually don't read SWF bytecode after comiling. ;)

> My problem with the dmplayer.swf above is that it ends up
> looking for symbols like 'video_frame':
>  ERROR: No export symbol video_frame found in movie dmplayer.swf.
> Which do NOT appear in any EXPORT tag.
How do you know?
Where does the SWF come from?
Do you do some kind of reverse engineering?

>> This way you can attach classes that don't have a library symbol but
>> extend MovieClip.
> You mean it is possible to add entries to the 'symbols library'
> trough DOACTION blocks only ? I mean, not something automatically
> done by the AS *compiler* but something done by the actual VM/player ?
I think so, but I am not sure about the bytecode/tags written by the
compiler interpreting the code.

The magic line of code actually is this one:
Object.registerClass("", Rectangle);

first argument is of type String, specifying the classpath of the
Rectangle class.
second argument is of type Function and is a reference to the
Rectangle class constructor function.
In Peter's example Rectangle extends MovieClip.

this way if becomes possible to do the attachMovie call:
"RectangleInstance", getNextHighestDepth());

> If so, can you provide the smallest example of such thing ?
see above and Peter's blog entry.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] attachMovie() with non-library-symbols

2008-10-14 Thread Matthias Dittgen
You're talking about AS2?

See here for the answer:

This way you can attach classes that don't have a library symbol but
extend MovieClip.
These classes can for example have visual content using the drawing API.

Have fun!

On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 3:49 PM, strk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've found a few movies out there using attachMovie()
> with symbol names which are NOT exported in the SWF
> movie containing the call.
> Are the SWF bogus (containing useless actionscript)
> or is there another interpretation of attachMovie()
> first argument ?
> --strk;
>  ()   ASCII Ribbon Campaign
>  /\   Keep it simple!
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list
Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] [crosspost] Flash community chat

2008-09-17 Thread Matthias Dittgen
In advance, I apologize for crossposting!!!
Please don't answer to this crosspost, because your answer could be
crosspost as well ;)

A month ago, Mike Chambers from Adobe created a new chat on his server
for the flash playtform community. Mike is working on a standalone AIR
client for that XMPP/Jabber based chat server, but meanwhile you can
access the chat as described here:

I could try to find the right words, but it's much easier to quote
what Jens Brynildsen wrote on today:
"Just after it's launch, the Flash Platform Chat was full of people.
Mike Chambers and Ryan Stewart from Adobe were regulars and there was
a flurry of Flash/Flex users from all over the world discussing
everything from the weather to skinning Flex Components. The last
week, things have calmed down a bit, but there's still enough users
for it to be a nice place to hang out and get help if you're stuck on
something. The chat is open to all and the more people dropping by,
the more useful it will be for all."

So if you like more synchronous communication than on the list, you
might give this chat a try. ;)

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] smooth animations? AS3

2008-09-04 Thread Matthias Dittgen
I had a similar problem a short while ago and the solution is quite easy.

1.) You have to turn smoothing on (for library symbol too by checking
the checkbox in the dialog) by dynamic Bitmaps using smoothing
2.) You have to set PixelSnapping to NEVER for Bitmaps by code.
3.) and the most important: just scale your Bitmap and/or
MovieClip/Sprite to a value near but not equal to 1, e.g. scaleX =
scaleY = 0.99!
By scaling your MovieClip you'll force FlashPlayer to calculate
subpixels! That is doing the trick!

Good luck!

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 5:57 AM, Zeh Fernando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are two things wrong with that example:
> One, the square image you have has an outline. Because of the way Flash
> renders outlines, it'll always snap perfectly vertical and horizontal lines
> to the pixel, hence producing what looks like a hard bitmap move. In fact,
> if you cut a diagonal line on the square and try to move it, you'll notice
> only the vertical and horizontal sides will "snap", which is pretty odd (but
> expected behavior). Turning on "stroke hinting" actually forces this same
> behavior for all lines.
> And two, you turned on bitmap caching ("use runtime bitmap caching") for the
> object, which forces it to render as a bitmap on round pixels and then
> transfer to the screen. Your object acts like a bitmap with
> smoothing/antialias off.
> So if you turn bitmap caching off and remove the outline and it'll work.
> Check it out:
> These techniques are only good for this example scenario though, which
> probably isn't the problem that you're facing on your actual work (specially
> if you're using images or text), so you'll have to test to see what's up
> with your specific case.
> But what I can tell you is, don't use runtime bitmap caching as default. Not
> only because it'll force your renders to be based on the pixel most of the
> times, but because it'll mess with your movies in a number of different ways
> like forcing a large use of memory and garbage collection when not needed.
> Don't get me wrong, it's a great feature to have, but it has to be used
> sparingly and there's a reason why it's off by default.
> Zeh
> sebastian wrote:
>> ok I don't normally ask this, but I have made a very simple test flash
>> file with just one vector graphic and with Tweener I am moving it across the
>> screen; it doesn't move smoothly.
>> The code you will find in my flash file is just this:
>> package {
>>import flash.display.MovieClip;
>>import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
>>//main timeline AS file:
>>public class testas extends MovieClip {
>>  public function testas () {
>>setAnimation2 ();
>>  }
>>  private function setAnimation2 () {
>>  Tweener.addTween (testMC, {x:-1800, time:8000,
>> transition:"linear"});
>>  }
>>  }
>> }
>> the file with my FLA, which like I said has only one vector-item of a
>> square on the timeline is:
>> Can anyone help me fix this?
>> Much appreciated!
>> thanks!
>> seb.
>> sebastian wrote:
>>> also I tried replacing my PNG with a simple vector of a square, but it
>>> STILL skips as it moves every pixel... surely I am still missing something
>>> simple here...
>>> hmmm
>>> sebastian wrote:

 Thanks Jack and Zeh,

 I have the bitmap smoothing on on the image's properties in the library,
 and I also turned on for every MC it is placed in 'use runtime bitmap
 caching' but i STILL get staggered movement...

 It's nothing complicated, aside from using the Tweener AS3 class, I'm
 trying to move PNG's [with transparencies] over a BG image. The blend mode
 on all layers is set to 'normal'. No alpha is being used except for the
 inherent PNG's alphaness. I've also tried setting the bitmapCaching at
 runtime to the holding MC, but none of this is helping...

 Any other suggestions? Am I still missing something? Is the PNG the



 Zeh Fernando wrote:
>> I have tried basic timeline motion tween, and also the AS3 Tweener
>> class; but in both cases I get the issue that the slow animation makes 
>> the
>> image do little 1 pixel jumps that are VERY visible and break the effect 
>> I
>> am going for [which needs to be extremely subtle].
> If that's an image, set its anti-alias to antialias for animation. If
> it's a bitmap, turn on smoothing on it (on the library). If it's a loaded
> bitmap, turn on the Bitmap's antialias.
> Zeh
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] MouseEvents on overlapping siblings in AS3

2008-09-03 Thread Matthias Dittgen
Thanks for all the answers!!!

So I went back to a solution where the upper MovieClip listens to the
MouseMove event and hittest while the lower MovieClip is using
Rollover now. That works for me. But nonetheless it is frustrating
that there is no other way to get an ROLLOVER event for two or even
more overlapping siblings other than hittesting them all.
When it comes to performance - hittests are usually more cpu intensive
than rollovers, right?

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 7:31 PM, Meinte van't Kruis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think rollover means it will fire once, wether or not it 'rolls' over a
> child of that parent. With mouseover,
> the event will fire each time the mouse also get's over a child of the
> parent which is listening to the event.
> (in short; rollover is like a parent with mouseover only with mousechildren
> set to false).
> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 5:26 PM, EECOLOR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Just a guess, but you could change the listener to MOUSE_OVER instead of
>> ROLL_OVER. The difference between the two is very subtle and explained at
>> the reference documentation of InteractiveObject. I am not sure if it is
>> applicable to the problem posed.
>> Greetz Erik
>> ___
>> Flashcoders mailing list
> --
> M.A. van't Kruis
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] MouseEvents on overlapping siblings in AS3

2008-08-29 Thread Matthias Dittgen
but imagine one of the mc overlapping the whole other mc.

MovieClips: A and B. A is overlapping B

if the mouse is over A but not over B: i want receive a ROLL_OVER for A
if the mouse is over A and over B: i want receive a ROLL_OVER for A
and a ROLL_OVER for B

an I don't want to replace them. A and B are siblings and will always
be siblings.

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 1:30 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> drop them in a movieclip and add an event Listener to that
> --Original Message--
> From: Matthias Dittgen
> Sender:
> To: Flash Coders List
> ReplyTo: Flash Coders List
> Sent: Aug 29, 2008 6:03 AM
> Subject: [Flashcoders] MouseEvents on overlapping siblings in AS3
> Hello,
> this was probably asked before, but I can't find.
> Imagine two or more sibling MovieClips. Both listen to
> MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER. When the mouse rolls over the overlapping region
> I would like the event to be dispatched to both of them and not only
> to the one above the other? How can I achieve this without using
> hitTest or enterframe scripts?
> Regards,
> Matthias
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list
> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list
Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] MouseEvents on overlapping siblings in AS3

2008-08-29 Thread Matthias Dittgen

this was probably asked before, but I can't find.
Imagine two or more sibling MovieClips. Both listen to
MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER. When the mouse rolls over the overlapping region
I would like the event to be dispatched to both of them and not only
to the one above the other? How can I achieve this without using
hitTest or enterframe scripts?

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Flash developers Berlin - are there any?

2008-04-16 Thread Matthias Dittgen
Hi Jiri,

I moved from Freiburg to Berlin half a year ago and I don't know any
flasher group here other then my colleagues at work and some
freelancers. Perhaps we can start a new one (online first) and see if
we can go also offline, when we have aquired some more members. ;-)
What do you think? Write me offlist.


On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 8:59 PM, Jiri Heitlager
> A bit of topic but here goes anyway. I currently moved from Amsterdam to
> Berlin and I was wondering if there are any Adobe flash groups or flash
> related gatherings in Berlin. If anybody knows about some place (on/offline)
> here in Berlin where I can meet some Flash developers I would be really
> happy to know
>  Thnx
>  Jiri
>  ___
>  Flashcoders mailing list
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Video has no mouseEnabled, help (AS3)

2008-01-25 Thread Matthias Dittgen

oh, I found a solution. I have to do a parent.mouseEnabled = false,
too, because parent is the parent of the video as well as the sprite.
That's it! Oh, this saves my day! :-)
Your suggestion would become my next attempt, Glen. I am glad, I now
don't have to do that.


On Jan 25, 2008 3:18 PM, Glen Pike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Overlay video with a transparent Sprite??
> Matthias Dittgen wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a Sprite listening for MouseEvents below a Video. Video
> > overlaps half the Sprite. The Sprite only receives mouseEvents where
> > it is not overlapped by the Video.
> > If Video was a Sprite, too, I could mouseEnable = false it, but Video
> > doesn't have this property.
> > Any suggestion?
> >
> > Matthias
> > ___
> > Flashcoders mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Glen Pike
> 01736 759321
> <>
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list
Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Video has no mouseEnabled, help (AS3)

2008-01-25 Thread Matthias Dittgen

I have a Sprite listening for MouseEvents below a Video. Video
overlaps half the Sprite. The Sprite only receives mouseEvents where
it is not overlapped by the Video.
If Video was a Sprite, too, I could mouseEnable = false it, but Video
doesn't have this property.
Any suggestion?

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] BitmaData.paletteMap inspiration

2008-01-23 Thread Matthias Dittgen

I would like to swap a colorgradient (red to darker red) in bitmaps to
another gradient using paletteMap, but I can't figure it out.
I am able of greyscale aand other more simple effects, but the nearest
I get, was to cut colors that have a huge part of red, but that also
effects lighter colors, because they also have a big part of red in

__blueArray[i] = i;
__greenArray[i] = i << 8;
if (i<0xcc)
__redArray[i] = i << 16;
__redArray[i] = 0x33;

I am aware, that each Array r/g/b can consist of 256 32Bit values, but
I can't think of a better conspet right now.
I would welcome any help, tutorials or just ideas on that topic.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] load flv and its metadata without start to play

2008-01-21 Thread Matthias Dittgen
Hi Jason,

that's true. Of course I could read out all metadata and store it into
an array or xml. It's the usual decision of flashdevelopers to have a
every-situation-solution vs. a best-for-this-project-solution, right?


On Jan 21, 2008 6:07 PM, Jason Van Cleave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you could use flvtool2 to get the metadata server-side and store it in a
> database
> flvtool2 -P Prints out meta data to stdout
> On Jan 21, 2008 11:31 AM, Glen Pike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >Have a look at these 2 possible things to combine / work-around
> > getting the meta-data & streaming via PHP.  It is a different thing
> > altogether, but you may be able to parse the FLV's and store the data in
> > XML or something?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Glen
> >
> > Matthias Dittgen wrote:
> > > Steven,
> > >
> > > I can't figure out a way to use ByteArray. I am able to load the flv
> > > as ByteArray, but I can't see a way to load this into a Netstream
> > > object. Any thought on that?
> > >
> > > private function load(url:String):void
> > > {
> > >   var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
> > >   loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,completeHandler);
> > >   loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR,errorHandler);
> > >   loader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR
> > ,errorHandler);
> > >   loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
> > >   loader.load(new URLRequest(url));
> > > }
> > >
> > > private function completeHandler(e:Event):void
> > > {
> > >   var loader:URLLoader = as URLLoader;
> > >   trace(; // :-) how to go on from here?
> > > }
> > >
> > > Matthias
> > >
> > > On Jan 21, 2008 12:48 PM, Matthias Dittgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >> Hello Steven,
> > >>
> > >> yes, I noticed that. I am waiting for ns.bytesLoaded == ns.bytesTotal,
> > >> and I wait even until  metadata are received, as mentioned earlier.
> > >> I have shut off the unwanted sound behavior now, but don't know, how I
> > did it.
> > >>
> > >> pause(false) ist AS2, Steven?
> > >> AS3/FlexBuilder doesn't allow me to have parameters for ns.pause().
> > >>
> > >> Sure, we talk about flv from file and
> > >>
> > >> I changed ns.bufferTime to a higher value, now.
> > >> That's everything I changed lately, and waiting for metadata seems to
> > >> become faster (can't explain). I know, that it'll take time to load
> > >> the header/metadata portion of a flv, Steven, but it felt to long.
> > >> Now, with bigger buffer time (sounds crazy, I know) it is much faster.
> > >>
> > >> I'll try the ByteArray idea...
> > >>
> > >> Regards,
> > >> Matthias
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> On Jan 21, 2008 12:07 PM, Steven Sacks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > >>
> > >>> Glen,
> > >>>
> > >>> Unfortunately, I discovered a bug with the code I posted. The
> > >>> NetStream.Buffer.Flush does not fire if the NetStream is paused.  You
> > >>> have to check to see if the ns.bytesLoaded == ns.bytesTotal in the
> > >>> onProgress.
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> Matthias,
> > >>>
> > >>> I have never had any unwanted sound behavior when I use:
> > >>>
> > >>>;
> > >>> ns.pause(true);
> > >>>
> > >>> If you are hearing an audio blip, it's simple to fix by applying a
> > >>> SoundTransform with the volume set to 0 before you play/pause the
> > NetStream.
> > >>>
> > >>> var transform:SoundTransform = ns.soundTransform;
> > >>> transform.volume = 0;
> > >>> ns.soundTransform = transform;
> > >>>;
> > >>> ns.pause(true);
> > >>>
> > >>> For the sake of this discussion, I'm going to assume we're talking
> > ab

Re: [Flashcoders] load flv and its metadata without start to play

2008-01-21 Thread Matthias Dittgen
Hi Glen,

i am somewhat satisfied with my current solution, now, but this is a
really interesting ressource you mentioned! Thanks for sharing!


On Jan 21, 2008 5:31 PM, Glen Pike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Have a look at these 2 possible things to combine / work-around
> getting the meta-data & streaming via PHP.  It is a different thing
> altogether, but you may be able to parse the FLV's and store the data in
> XML or something?
> Glen
> Matthias Dittgen wrote:
> > Steven,
> >
> > I can't figure out a way to use ByteArray. I am able to load the flv
> > as ByteArray, but I can't see a way to load this into a Netstream
> > object. Any thought on that?
> >
> > private function load(url:String):void
> > {
> >   var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
> >   loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,completeHandler);
> >   loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR,errorHandler);
> >   
> > loader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR,errorHandler);
> >   loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
> >   loader.load(new URLRequest(url));
> > }
> >
> > private function completeHandler(e:Event):void
> > {
> >   var loader:URLLoader = as URLLoader;
> >   trace(; // :-) how to go on from here?
> > }
> >
> > Matthias
> >
> > On Jan 21, 2008 12:48 PM, Matthias Dittgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Hello Steven,
> >>
> >> yes, I noticed that. I am waiting for ns.bytesLoaded == ns.bytesTotal,
> >> and I wait even until  metadata are received, as mentioned earlier.
> >> I have shut off the unwanted sound behavior now, but don't know, how I did 
> >> it.
> >>
> >> pause(false) ist AS2, Steven?
> >> AS3/FlexBuilder doesn't allow me to have parameters for ns.pause().
> >>
> >> Sure, we talk about flv from file and
> >>
> >> I changed ns.bufferTime to a higher value, now.
> >> That's everything I changed lately, and waiting for metadata seems to
> >> become faster (can't explain). I know, that it'll take time to load
> >> the header/metadata portion of a flv, Steven, but it felt to long.
> >> Now, with bigger buffer time (sounds crazy, I know) it is much faster.
> >>
> >> I'll try the ByteArray idea...
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Matthias
> >>
> >>
> >> On Jan 21, 2008 12:07 PM, Steven Sacks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Glen,
> >>>
> >>> Unfortunately, I discovered a bug with the code I posted. The
> >>> NetStream.Buffer.Flush does not fire if the NetStream is paused.  You
> >>> have to check to see if the ns.bytesLoaded == ns.bytesTotal in the
> >>> onProgress.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Matthias,
> >>>
> >>> I have never had any unwanted sound behavior when I use:
> >>>
> >>>;
> >>> ns.pause(true);
> >>>
> >>> If you are hearing an audio blip, it's simple to fix by applying a
> >>> SoundTransform with the volume set to 0 before you play/pause the 
> >>> NetStream.
> >>>
> >>> var transform:SoundTransform = ns.soundTransform;
> >>> transform.volume = 0;
> >>> ns.soundTransform = transform;
> >>>;
> >>> ns.pause(true);
> >>>
> >>> For the sake of this discussion, I'm going to assume we're talking about
> >>> progressive downloads as opposed to FLVs streamed from FMS.
> >>>
> >>> You cannot attach a single NetStream to multiple Video instances.
> >>>
> >>> If you fully load an FLV and caching is turned on (never a guarantee,
> >>> but likely) then the FLV will load instantly for the next NetStream that
> >>> loads it.  HOWEVER, if it is not cached and you start a second NetStream
> >>> to load the same FLV before it is finished loading, it will load the
> >>> entire file again since it's technically not cached according to the
> >>> browser.
> >>>
> >>> I disagree that waiting for metadata is "really ugly".  How is any
> >>> client, Flash or otherwise, s

Re: [Flashcoders] load flv and its metadata without start to play

2008-01-21 Thread Matthias Dittgen

I can't figure out a way to use ByteArray. I am able to load the flv
as ByteArray, but I can't see a way to load this into a Netstream
object. Any thought on that?

private function load(url:String):void
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
loader.load(new URLRequest(url));

private function completeHandler(e:Event):void
var loader:URLLoader = as URLLoader;
trace(; // :-) how to go on from here?


On Jan 21, 2008 12:48 PM, Matthias Dittgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Steven,
> yes, I noticed that. I am waiting for ns.bytesLoaded == ns.bytesTotal,
> and I wait even until  metadata are received, as mentioned earlier.
> I have shut off the unwanted sound behavior now, but don't know, how I did it.
> pause(false) ist AS2, Steven?
> AS3/FlexBuilder doesn't allow me to have parameters for ns.pause().
> Sure, we talk about flv from file and
> I changed ns.bufferTime to a higher value, now.
> That's everything I changed lately, and waiting for metadata seems to
> become faster (can't explain). I know, that it'll take time to load
> the header/metadata portion of a flv, Steven, but it felt to long.
> Now, with bigger buffer time (sounds crazy, I know) it is much faster.
> I'll try the ByteArray idea...
> Regards,
> Matthias
> On Jan 21, 2008 12:07 PM, Steven Sacks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Glen,
> >
> > Unfortunately, I discovered a bug with the code I posted. The
> > NetStream.Buffer.Flush does not fire if the NetStream is paused.  You
> > have to check to see if the ns.bytesLoaded == ns.bytesTotal in the
> > onProgress.
> >
> >
> > Matthias,
> >
> > I have never had any unwanted sound behavior when I use:
> >
> >;
> > ns.pause(true);
> >
> > If you are hearing an audio blip, it's simple to fix by applying a
> > SoundTransform with the volume set to 0 before you play/pause the NetStream.
> >
> > var transform:SoundTransform = ns.soundTransform;
> > transform.volume = 0;
> > ns.soundTransform = transform;
> >;
> > ns.pause(true);
> >
> > For the sake of this discussion, I'm going to assume we're talking about
> > progressive downloads as opposed to FLVs streamed from FMS.
> >
> > You cannot attach a single NetStream to multiple Video instances.
> >
> > If you fully load an FLV and caching is turned on (never a guarantee,
> > but likely) then the FLV will load instantly for the next NetStream that
> > loads it.  HOWEVER, if it is not cached and you start a second NetStream
> > to load the same FLV before it is finished loading, it will load the
> > entire file again since it's technically not cached according to the
> > browser.
> >
> > I disagree that waiting for metadata is "really ugly".  How is any
> > client, Flash or otherwise, supposed to know anything about a file it's
> > loading before it starts loading it?  The only way it could is if you
> > hard-code it ahead of time because you know what it is.
> >
> > If you're waiting for Flash to determine it dynamically, it has to
> > access the file to get the header information (metadata) that describes
> > the FLV.  Because you can play/pause, the metadata can come before you
> > even addChild() the video to the display stack.
> >
> > I don't see how any of this could be considered "really ugly" but if you
> > do end up writing a psychic script that can determine a file's header
> > data without ever accessing the file, be sure to let us know.  ;)
> >
> > The ByteArray idea might work, I've never tried it, and it would
> > probably take you anywhere from 5-15 minutes to try it out.  I'm not
> > sure what benefit it would provide you other than guaranteeing that it
> > would be stored in memory if browser cache was turned off.  At best, you
> > might get a few milliseconds faster start-up loading from a ByteArray vs
> > from cache.
> >
> >
> > Steven Sacks
> > Flash Maestro
> > Los Angeles, CA
> > --
> > blog:
> > gaia:
> >
> >
> > Matthias Dittgen wrote:
> > > Hi Glen,
> > >

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3 addChild() strange behaviour

2008-01-21 Thread Matthias Dittgen
yes, I have seen problems like these a lot, lately.
Do you gotoAndStop/gotoAndPlay on the timeline?

If so, your timeline does not execute their script as expected?
Timelines are very different in their behavior from AS2 based
timelines. So for example a dynamic textField with the same instance
name given in the Flash IDE but in different keyframes on the same
timeline, is not initialized after a gotoAndStop to that keyframe. It
also losses their dynamically assigned text value and so on...
AFAIK there are only workaround to this problem. You can wait for that
frame to be initialized. An elegant way to do so is to use

But perhaps you have a different problem, which relates to pureMVC or the like.


On Jan 21, 2008 4:23 PM, Toby de Havilland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I have run into a strange problem and its seriously affecting my deadline, i
> just cant seem to find the problem.
> - I am using PureMVC and as3.
> - I am building a dynamic menu based on XML returned from the server
> - I am attaching MovieClips from the flash IDE library dynamically
> - Some of these Library MovieClips contain small amounts of code (rollovers,
> stop() commands etc)
> If i simply build the menu and do not request the XML the menu appears fine
> at the actionscript inside the MenuItemMC works as expected.
> If i invoke my HTTPService to request the XML, and fire a PureMVC
> sendNotification() when the data is returned and then call
> buildMenuItems()... the actionscript inside the MenuItemMC is ignored.
> Has anyone else seen this problem where MovieClips added using addChild()
> appear to ignore their timeline scripts?
> --
> Regards,
> Toby de Havilland.
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] load flv and its metadata without start to play

2008-01-21 Thread Matthias Dittgen
Hello Steven,

yes, I noticed that. I am waiting for ns.bytesLoaded == ns.bytesTotal,
and I wait even until  metadata are received, as mentioned earlier.
I have shut off the unwanted sound behavior now, but don't know, how I did it.

pause(false) ist AS2, Steven?
AS3/FlexBuilder doesn't allow me to have parameters for ns.pause().

Sure, we talk about flv from file and

I changed ns.bufferTime to a higher value, now.
That's everything I changed lately, and waiting for metadata seems to
become faster (can't explain). I know, that it'll take time to load
the header/metadata portion of a flv, Steven, but it felt to long.
Now, with bigger buffer time (sounds crazy, I know) it is much faster.

I'll try the ByteArray idea...


On Jan 21, 2008 12:07 PM, Steven Sacks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Glen,
> Unfortunately, I discovered a bug with the code I posted. The
> NetStream.Buffer.Flush does not fire if the NetStream is paused.  You
> have to check to see if the ns.bytesLoaded == ns.bytesTotal in the
> onProgress.
> Matthias,
> I have never had any unwanted sound behavior when I use:
> ns.pause(true);
> If you are hearing an audio blip, it's simple to fix by applying a
> SoundTransform with the volume set to 0 before you play/pause the NetStream.
> var transform:SoundTransform = ns.soundTransform;
> transform.volume = 0;
> ns.soundTransform = transform;
> ns.pause(true);
> For the sake of this discussion, I'm going to assume we're talking about
> progressive downloads as opposed to FLVs streamed from FMS.
> You cannot attach a single NetStream to multiple Video instances.
> If you fully load an FLV and caching is turned on (never a guarantee,
> but likely) then the FLV will load instantly for the next NetStream that
> loads it.  HOWEVER, if it is not cached and you start a second NetStream
> to load the same FLV before it is finished loading, it will load the
> entire file again since it's technically not cached according to the
> browser.
> I disagree that waiting for metadata is "really ugly".  How is any
> client, Flash or otherwise, supposed to know anything about a file it's
> loading before it starts loading it?  The only way it could is if you
> hard-code it ahead of time because you know what it is.
> If you're waiting for Flash to determine it dynamically, it has to
> access the file to get the header information (metadata) that describes
> the FLV.  Because you can play/pause, the metadata can come before you
> even addChild() the video to the display stack.
> I don't see how any of this could be considered "really ugly" but if you
> do end up writing a psychic script that can determine a file's header
> data without ever accessing the file, be sure to let us know.  ;)
> The ByteArray idea might work, I've never tried it, and it would
> probably take you anywhere from 5-15 minutes to try it out.  I'm not
> sure what benefit it would provide you other than guaranteeing that it
> would be stored in memory if browser cache was turned off.  At best, you
> might get a few milliseconds faster start-up loading from a ByteArray vs
> from cache.
> Steven Sacks
> Flash Maestro
> Los Angeles, CA
> --
> blog:
> gaia:
> Matthias Dittgen wrote:
> > Hi Glen,
> >
> > thanks, but that's exactly what I do, but it answers not the related 
> > questions:
> >
> > a) what, if I need the video for a second DisplayObject at the same
> > time on stage, does it load faster, because it was cached?
> >
> > b) play() and pause() leads to unwanted sound behaviors when the video
> > consists of sound
> >
> > c) how to set the video to the real size? I always need to wait for
> > metadata, which is really ugly. Otherwise the video is set to default
> > 320x480.
> >
> > Any thoughts?
> >
> > Is it perhaps possible to load the FLV as ByteArray and later load the
> > Netstream from this ByteArray, which might be faster and done a second
> > time, too?
> >
> > Matthias
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] load flv and its metadata without start to play

2008-01-21 Thread Matthias Dittgen
Hi Glen,

thanks, but that's exactly what I do, but it answers not the related questions:

a) what, if I need the video for a second DisplayObject at the same
time on stage, does it load faster, because it was cached?

b) play() and pause() leads to unwanted sound behaviors when the video
consists of sound

c) how to set the video to the real size? I always need to wait for
metadata, which is really ugly. Otherwise the video is set to default

Any thoughts?

Is it perhaps possible to load the FLV as ByteArray and later load the
Netstream from this ByteArray, which might be faster and done a second
time, too?


On Jan 21, 2008 10:52 AM, Glen Pike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Steven Sacks posted this the other day.
> Glen
> "Preloading FLVs is easy peasy.
> var progressTimer:Timer = new Timer(10);
> progressTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, updateProgress);
> var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
> nc.connect(null);
> var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
> progressTimer.start();
> ns.pause(true);
> private function updateProgress($event:TimerEvent):void
> {
> dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, false,
> false, ns.bytesLoaded, ns.bytesTotal));
> }
> private function onNetStreamStatus($event:NetStatusEvent):void
> {
> if ($ == "NetStream.Buffer.Flush")
> {
> progressTimer.stop();
> dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
> }
> } "
> Matthias Dittgen wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I want to use video for character animations and so I want to preload
> > several videos without to play them while preloading.
> > How can I do this in AS3? I found only the play("something.flv")
> > method. Are there any other possibilities?
> >
> > Also, I am currently waiting for my metadata handler to be called
> > before I accept a video as loaded, because I need to set its height
> > and width, which only works using these values.
> > video.videoWidth and video.videoHeight doesn't work for me all the time.
> >
> > And because I have more than one charactor of its kind, do I need to
> > load the flv as often as many characters I have?
> >
> > Any suggestions?
> >
> > Matthias
> > ___
> > Flashcoders mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Glen Pike
> 01736 759321
> <>
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list
Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] load flv and its metadata without start to play

2008-01-21 Thread Matthias Dittgen

I want to use video for character animations and so I want to preload
several videos without to play them while preloading.
How can I do this in AS3? I found only the play("something.flv")
method. Are there any other possibilities?

Also, I am currently waiting for my metadata handler to be called
before I accept a video as loaded, because I need to set its height
and width, which only works using these values.
video.videoWidth and video.videoHeight doesn't work for me all the time.

And because I have more than one charactor of its kind, do I need to
load the flv as often as many characters I have?

Any suggestions?

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Re: AVM1Movie unload and static variables

2008-01-10 Thread Matthias Dittgen
Hi again,

out of interest: Is it possible to delete classes this way in AS3,
too? I am aware of ApplicationDomains, but if I would e.g. only want
to delete a single class and reload this class, can this be done?


On Jan 10, 2008 9:59 AM, Matthias Dittgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Rob, Hello Hans,
> that's it! You saved my day! I was not aware, that I can classes are
> saved as a tree of objects and functions below _global in AS2. Now
> that I know, I was able to delete them before loading the Movie again.
> That works great!
> I have now written a method to recursivly remove whole classpathes
> from _global (and memory). That's fantastic. Only drawback is, that I
> have to know the classpath, I want to delete, but this is no problem
> in my case!
> Thank you a lot!
> Matthias
> On Jan 10, 2008 9:46 AM, Costello, Rob R
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > my impression of this is that if you have static variables or methods of 
> > the moveclip then you have a class that extends MovieClip?
> >
> > if so, my suggestion is make sure the references to the class are set to 
> > null / out of scope - in my experience unloading a class that extends 
> > MovieClip does not always delete the reference to the associated subclass 
> > of MovieClip
> >
> > hth  - and might be barking up the wrong tree
> >
> > rob
> >
> > 
> >
> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Matthias Dittgen
> > Sent: Thu 1/10/2008 2:20 AM
> > To: Flash Coders List
> > Subject: [Flashcoders] Re: AVM1Movie unload and static variables
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > In fact this problem applies not only for AS2/AS3 interop.
> > How can I unload MovieClips and thus unload static variables to have a
> > fresh startover, when loading the same MovieClip later again?
> >
> > Matthias
> >
> > On Jan 9, 2008 3:32 PM, Matthias Dittgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello Flashcodes,
> > >
> > > I isolated a recent problem I had using AVM1Movies. I have build this
> > > everywhere mentioned Proxy for "old" Flash content (Flash8 and
> > > before), that enables my AS3 Application to communicate with the
> > > loaded AS2 based MovieClip using LocalConnection.
> > >
> > > Now I load an "old" Movie for the first time into an own container
> > > within my proxy AVM1Movie and I lockroot it, too. Later the Movie gets
> > > unloaded and sometime later the Movie ist loaded again to a new
> > > container. The second time, the Movie does NOT work as expected,
> > > because static variables from its former incarnation are still set.
> > >
> > > Questions:
> > > Why are these variables still there and not deleted by garbage
> > > collection or the like?
> > > How can I have it work? Is there more than lockroot, I can do?
> > >
> > > Any help or comment on this is welcome.
> > >
> > > Matthias
> > >
> > ___
> > Flashcoders mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Important - This email and any attachments may be confidential. If received 
> > in error, please contact us and delete all copies. Before opening or using 
> > attachments check them for viruses and defects. Regardless of any loss, 
> > damage or consequence, whether caused by the negligence of the sender or 
> > not, resulting directly or indirectly from the use of any attached files 
> > our liability is limited to resupplying any affected attachments. Any 
> > representations or opinions expressed are those of the individual sender, 
> > and not necessarily those of the Department of Education and Early 
> > Childhood Development.
> >
> > ___
> > Flashcoders mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Re: AVM1Movie unload and static variables

2008-01-10 Thread Matthias Dittgen
Hello Rob, Hello Hans,

that's it! You saved my day! I was not aware, that I can classes are
saved as a tree of objects and functions below _global in AS2. Now
that I know, I was able to delete them before loading the Movie again.
That works great!
I have now written a method to recursivly remove whole classpathes
from _global (and memory). That's fantastic. Only drawback is, that I
have to know the classpath, I want to delete, but this is no problem
in my case!

Thank you a lot!


On Jan 10, 2008 9:46 AM, Costello, Rob R
> my impression of this is that if you have static variables or methods of the 
> moveclip then you have a class that extends MovieClip?
> if so, my suggestion is make sure the references to the class are set to null 
> / out of scope - in my experience unloading a class that extends MovieClip 
> does not always delete the reference to the associated subclass of MovieClip
> hth  - and might be barking up the wrong tree
> rob
> ____
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Matthias Dittgen
> Sent: Thu 1/10/2008 2:20 AM
> To: Flash Coders List
> Subject: [Flashcoders] Re: AVM1Movie unload and static variables
> In fact this problem applies not only for AS2/AS3 interop.
> How can I unload MovieClips and thus unload static variables to have a
> fresh startover, when loading the same MovieClip later again?
> Matthias
> On Jan 9, 2008 3:32 PM, Matthias Dittgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello Flashcodes,
> >
> > I isolated a recent problem I had using AVM1Movies. I have build this
> > everywhere mentioned Proxy for "old" Flash content (Flash8 and
> > before), that enables my AS3 Application to communicate with the
> > loaded AS2 based MovieClip using LocalConnection.
> >
> > Now I load an "old" Movie for the first time into an own container
> > within my proxy AVM1Movie and I lockroot it, too. Later the Movie gets
> > unloaded and sometime later the Movie ist loaded again to a new
> > container. The second time, the Movie does NOT work as expected,
> > because static variables from its former incarnation are still set.
> >
> > Questions:
> > Why are these variables still there and not deleted by garbage
> > collection or the like?
> > How can I have it work? Is there more than lockroot, I can do?
> >
> > Any help or comment on this is welcome.
> >
> > Matthias
> >
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list
> Important - This email and any attachments may be confidential. If received 
> in error, please contact us and delete all copies. Before opening or using 
> attachments check them for viruses and defects. Regardless of any loss, 
> damage or consequence, whether caused by the negligence of the sender or not, 
> resulting directly or indirectly from the use of any attached files our 
> liability is limited to resupplying any affected attachments. Any 
> representations or opinions expressed are those of the individual sender, and 
> not necessarily those of the Department of Education and Early Childhood 
> Development.
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list
Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Re: AVM1Movie unload and static variables

2008-01-09 Thread Matthias Dittgen
In fact this problem applies not only for AS2/AS3 interop.
How can I unload MovieClips and thus unload static variables to have a
fresh startover, when loading the same MovieClip later again?


On Jan 9, 2008 3:32 PM, Matthias Dittgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Flashcodes,
> I isolated a recent problem I had using AVM1Movies. I have build this
> everywhere mentioned Proxy for "old" Flash content (Flash8 and
> before), that enables my AS3 Application to communicate with the
> loaded AS2 based MovieClip using LocalConnection.
> Now I load an "old" Movie for the first time into an own container
> within my proxy AVM1Movie and I lockroot it, too. Later the Movie gets
> unloaded and sometime later the Movie ist loaded again to a new
> container. The second time, the Movie does NOT work as expected,
> because static variables from its former incarnation are still set.
> Questions:
> Why are these variables still there and not deleted by garbage
> collection or the like?
> How can I have it work? Is there more than lockroot, I can do?
> Any help or comment on this is welcome.
> Matthias
Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] AVM1Movie unload and static variables

2008-01-09 Thread Matthias Dittgen
Hello Flashcodes,

I isolated a recent problem I had using AVM1Movies. I have build this
everywhere mentioned Proxy for "old" Flash content (Flash8 and
before), that enables my AS3 Application to communicate with the
loaded AS2 based MovieClip using LocalConnection.

Now I load an "old" Movie for the first time into an own container
within my proxy AVM1Movie and I lockroot it, too. Later the Movie gets
unloaded and sometime later the Movie ist loaded again to a new
container. The second time, the Movie does NOT work as expected,
because static variables from its former incarnation are still set.

Why are these variables still there and not deleted by garbage
collection or the like?
How can I have it work? Is there more than lockroot, I can do?

Any help or comment on this is welcome.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Problems loading AS2 into AS2 then into AS3 holder

2008-01-09 Thread Matthias Dittgen
I encouter similar problems on my current project. I load a AVM1Movie
(AS2) which shall work as Proxy to load other AS2 based Movies into
itself. These Movies can be remote controlled using LocalConnections
between the AS3 part of my Application and the AS2 Proxy . This works
great for the first loaded Movie, but the second time, I havae similar
problems like you. I now try to load the whole proxy a second time to
load the second AS2 based Movie in this proxy. Can't tell, if this
will help me, yet.
Anyone else had these problems?


On Jan 8, 2008 1:10 PM, Alistair Colling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there, I have an AS3 movie in to which I load as AS2 movie, this
> works great.
> My problem starts when I then load another AS2 movie into the first
> AS2 movie. I am using MovieClipLoader and although the swf I am
> loading loads (I have put a trace on its timeline so I know it's
> there), the onLoadComplete/onLoadInit events do not fire!
> If anyone could let me now if this is a known problem or if there is
> a way around this I would be really grateful, I can call a function
> from my loaded movie's timeline but this is soon going to get very
> messy as the app is quite complex.
> Any suggestions, advice or simply encouragement much appreciated
> otherwise I'm going to have to convert my AS3 app back into old AS2 :(
> Cheers
> Alistair
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3 Events, Delegates and passing parameters

2007-08-25 Thread Matthias Dittgen
Hi Dimitrios,

I stumbled over the same questions only some hours ago, and after
spending a lot of time searching the web, mailinglists and forums I
finally found the new Delegate class from Ian Thomas here:
@Ian, when reading: Great work!
It's especially useful, when porting from AS2 and rewriting Events or
targets is not an option.


2007/8/25, Troy Rollins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Aug 24, 2007, at 3:42 PM, Dimitrios Bendilas wrote:
> > Now for my new framework, I want to use the new extended event
> > model of AS3, with addEventListener
> > and subclassed Event objects. The problem is that I cannot find a
> > solution that does not uses a Delegate object.
> > I know that in AS3 callbacks are now executed with the proper
> > scope, so this does not require a delegate as before,
> > but I still haven't figured out how to pass parameters.
> If I understand the issue you're having, I think maybe your AS2
> experience is clouding the issue for you. In general, what I do in
> AS3 is to create a class which represents a value object, and also
> create a custom event subclass to carry an instance of that value
> object within the event itself.
> The event broadcaster packages the value object with properties that
> represent the parameters you want to pass, and then wraps it within
> the new event type and dispatches it. An event listener catches the
> event, and unwraps the value object as needed, effectively using its
> properties as parameters.
> --
> Troy
> RPSystems, Ltd.
> ___
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> Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
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Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] AS 2.0 constructor inheritance

2007-08-14 Thread Matthias Dittgen
Interesting thread, Alan!
What is ECMA Specification saying to that situation?


slightly OT, but I have noticed some time ago, that Flash IDE claims
the super() call to be the first line in the constructor of the
extending class. But I noticed to the same time, that when compiling
with mtasc this is not true and even with Flash only claims (warning
only) but does allow this.

class Bird
public var name:String = "bird";

public function Bird()
trace("--> "+name);

public static function main()
var b:Bird = new Bird();
var e:Eagle = new Eagle();

class Eagle extends Bird
public function Eagle()
name = "eagle";
super(); // this is not allowed, but works

--> bird
--> eagle

2007/8/14, Hans Wichman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> when the superclass has a default contructor without parameters, there is no
> need to call it explicitly.
> I'd like to turn it around though, no matter what or how you have defined
> them, always call them explicitly for clarity's sake and self documentation.
> greetz
> JC
> On 8/14/07, Alan MacDougall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Compare these two situations:
> >
> > class SuperClass
> > {
> >private var list:Array;
> >
> >public function SuperClass()
> >{
> >   list = new Array();
> >}
> > }
> >
> > class SubClass extends SuperClass
> > {
> >// when instantiated, the list variable is automatically initialized
> > }
> >
> > This is as it should be. The superclass constructor is executed when the
> > subclass is instantiated, as long as the subclass doesn't override it.
> >
> > class Button
> > {
> >private var clip:MovieClip;
> >
> >public function Button(clip:MovieClip)
> >{
> >   clip.onRelease = Delegate.create(this, handlerMethod);
> >}
> > }
> >
> > class SpecialButton extends Button
> > {
> >// does not override the superclass constructor
> > }
> >
> > In this case, code such as "var foo:Button = new SpecialButton(clip);"
> > does NOT execute the superclass constructor. Instead, I need this:
> >
> > class SpecialButton extends Button
> > {
> >public function SpecialButton(clip:MovieClip)
> >{
> >   super(clip);   // now it works
> >}
> > }
> >
> > My understanding of inheritance is that I should not need to explicitly
> > call the superclass constructor as long as I'm not overriding or
> > extending that method of the superclass. What gives? Is it a language
> > quirk?
> >
> > ___
> >
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Re: [Flashcoders] onKeyDown/Up fires twice in dynamic TextField

2007-08-14 Thread Matthias Dittgen
returns "13"

my workaround is sufficient for my needs. But I think, it is not a
problem of Enter, only. I have to check if Muzak is right and this is
a kind of a scope issue.

2007/8/14, Danny Kodicek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  > Don't rant me for using _root, cause this was only for
> > testing. I count the doubles out, which works fine for
> > keyDown. The following code traces:
> > enter down
> > enter up
> > enter up
> If this is only happening with Enter, I wonder if it's because Enter is
> actually putting two characters into the text? (\n and \r?). Maybe you're
> getting both of them from the OS. Is this a platform-specific problem?
> Danny
> ___
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Re: [Flashcoders] onKeyDown/Up fires twice in dynamic TextField

2007-08-14 Thread Matthias Dittgen
Don't rant me for using _root, cause this was only for testing. I
count the doubles out, which works fine for keyDown. The following
code traces:
enter down
enter up
enter up

var keyListener:Object = new Object();
_root.onEnter = function() {};
_root.countEnter = 0;
keyListener.onKeyDown = function()
if (Key.getCode() == Key.ENTER && 0==_root.countEnter++)
trace("enter down ");
keyListener.onKeyUp = function()
if (Key.getCode() == Key.ENTER)
_root.countEnter = 0;
trace("enter up");

Thank you all,

2007/8/14, Dennis - I Sioux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Guess you could check the focus?
> And count the doubles out.
> ----- Original Message -
> From: "Matthias Dittgen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Flashcoders mailing list" 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 11:26 AM
> Subject: [Flashcoders] onKeyDown/Up fires twice in dynamic TextField
> > Hello,
> >
> > in my current project the onKeyDown event is fired twice, when the key
> > is hit in Textfields.
> > I googled already this problem and always found only a description of
> > the same problem as my one but no solution. Anyone solved this
> > already?
> >
> > Here's some example code (nothing special):
> >
> > // trace "Enter pressed" twice, while Enter is pressed only once
> > keyListener.onKeyUp = function()
> > {
> > if (Key.getCode() == Key.ENTER)
> > trace("Enter pressed");
> > }
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Matthias
> > ___
> >
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> >
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> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > This message has been scanned for viruses and
> > dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
> > believed to be clean.
> >
> --
> This message has been scanned for viruses and
> dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
> believed to be clean.
> ___
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Re: [Flashcoders] onKeyDown/Up fires twice in dynamic TextField

2007-08-14 Thread Matthias Dittgen
But there is probably no guaranty that the event is fired twice on all
So I would have to reset the state variable "manually".

2007/8/14, Ricky Bacon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Matthias Dittgen wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > in my current project the onKeyDown event is fired twice, when the key
> > is hit in Textfields.
> > I googled already this problem and always found only a description of
> > the same problem as my one but no solution. Anyone solved this
> > already?
> >
> > Here's some example code (nothing special):
> >
> >   // trace "Enter pressed" twice, while Enter is pressed only 
> > once
> >   keyListener.onKeyUp = function()
> >   {
> >   if (Key.getCode() == Key.ENTER)
> >   trace("Enter pressed");
> >   }
> Use a state tracking variable instead of an event based call for
> repeatable input events.
> -Ricky
> ___
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[Flashcoders] onKeyDown/Up fires twice in dynamic TextField

2007-08-14 Thread Matthias Dittgen

in my current project the onKeyDown event is fired twice, when the key
is hit in Textfields.
I googled already this problem and always found only a description of
the same problem as my one but no solution. Anyone solved this

Here's some example code (nothing special):

// trace "Enter pressed" twice, while Enter is pressed only once
keyListener.onKeyUp = function()
if (Key.getCode() == Key.ENTER)
trace("Enter pressed");

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Re: [Flashcoders] Loading xml in AS 2

2007-08-03 Thread Matthias Dittgen
Your code should trace your XML, when calling new LoadXML().

Have you checked against another XML, Omar?
Are you sure your xml-file is in the same folder as your swf?
You might also try the onHTTPStatus and onData events the XML class offers.


2007/7/30, Omar Fouad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> class LoadXML {
> function LoadXML() {
> var xmlData:XML = new XML();
> xmlData.ignoreWhite= true;
> xmlData.onLoad = function (success) {
> if(success) {
> trace("loaded");
> }
> }
> xmlData.load("data.xml");
> trace(xmlData);
> }
> }
> this is not working
> --
> Omar M. Fouad - Digital Emotions
> +2010 - 2346633 - +2012 - 261
> ___
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Re: [Flashcoders] Q:Papervision 3D for 'simple' rotating cube effect

2007-08-03 Thread Matthias Dittgen
This was crossposted by J.Bach to the osflash mailinglist, where Glen
Pike answered with interesting links! Don't know, why the answer was
posted only there. So here are the links, he mentioned:

2007/7/30, Sunil Jolly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi J.Bach,
> It would be interesting to see/hear how you get along with this if you
> can post a link back here when it's done?
> Thanks,
> Sunil
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Zeh
> Fernando
> Sent: 30 July 2007 17:35
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Q:Papervision 3D for 'simple' rotating cube
> effect
> Use PV3D. Just create a couple of planes, place them on the correct
> position, rotate them, and you're done. Works with AS2 and AS3 and
> should be something pretty simple as long as you understand the concept
> of 3d space and cameras.
> Zeh
> > I am trying to achieve an effect similar to the 3D User switching
> effect in OSX.
> >
> > Would implementing Papervision 3D be overkill for something like this?
> >
> > Or is there an 'open source' solution available somewhere that uses
> matrix transformations, etc.
> >
> > My concerns for implementing this in order of priority are:
> > 1) Must be AS2 compatible (but ideally easilly upgraded to AS3)
> > 2) File size, don't want to add 80k in code to achieve this!
> > 3) Learning curve, I need to implement within 2 days!!
> >
> >
> > Thanks for any advice!
> >
> >
> > [e] jbach at
> > [c] 416.668.0034
> > [w]
> > 
> > "...all improvisation is life in search of a style."
> >  - Bruce Mau,'LifeStyle'
> > ___
> ___
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Re: [Flashcoders] Searching within XML

2007-07-25 Thread Matthias Dittgen

I think, it is not available at the moment.
I'll send you the AS2 sources offlist.

2007/7/25, Omar Fouad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

com.xfactorstudio.xml.xpath??? where can i get it???

On 7/25/07, Alan MacDougall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Omar Fouad wrote:
> > I am doing some application on flash that uses an XML file to store
> > data...
> > This application has a search form. I understand how to get through
> > the xml
> > by loops but i can't figure out how to get flash to know if this
> > "word" is
> > included within the xml nodes or not... Any simple idea?
> The steps would be something like this:
> 1. get all the nodes which might contain the word (probably as an array)
> 2. loop through the array, getting the string from each text node
> 3. use String.strpos to see if the word is present.
> Which step is giving you trouble? My code would look something like this:
> import com.xfactorstudio.xml.xpath.*;
> function findInXML(rootNode:XMLNode, target:String):Boolean
> {
> var nodeArray:Array = XPath.selectNodes(rootNode, "xpathQuery");
> for (var i:Number = 0; i < nodeArray.length; i++)
> {
>if (nodeArray[i].nodeValue.strpos(target) != -1)
>   return true;
> }
> }
> And there you go. The XPath query would be something like
> "parentNode/childNode/text()".
> ___
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Omar M. Fouad - Digital Emotions

+2010 - 2346633 - +2012 - 261
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Re: [Flashcoders] Fullscreen problem

2007-07-06 Thread Matthias Dittgen

but why?
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Re: AW: [Flashcoders] Turn image around effect?

2007-06-29 Thread Matthias Dittgen

have you tried to contact their developer directly? ;-)

2007/6/29, Peter Oliver Geller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

But when you use the image distortion effect (Bitmap Data)
with a two image flip, it´s tricky to program your mask on the point of
intersection where the image turns around, because on that moment you
display the front and backside and I think group94 use another type of
technique which is definitely easier.

Hmm or you can really simple do a gradient alpha flow on the two images in
an inversely direction?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Cedric
Gesendet: Freitag, 29. Juni 2007 11:40
Betreff: Re: AW: [Flashcoders] Turn image around effect?

maybe by creating the illusion of only one image that is front and
back ??
My guess is that there are two images flipped in the same time: one
from visible to invisible and the other one from invisible to visible


> I know the card flip effect,
> but I think its more like the effect Jesse Graupmann posted.
> The question is how ja shows the image backside???
> I have no idea how to combine the image distortion to switch from
> front to
> backside and vice versa?
> Any ideas?
> Peter
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von
> Pedro
> Taranto
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2007 19:37
> An:
> Betreff: Re: [Flashcoders] Turn image around effect?
> Card Flip Effect:
> class-with.
> html
> --Pedro Taranto
> Peter Geller escreveu:
>> Hi list,
>> can somebody give me an answer how this turn around effect was
>> made when
>> you click on the speech bubble?
>> Or is it done with a visual flatted 3D Image made with
>> ?
>> Another nice technique which interests me is used on this side:
>> same technique?
>> Maybe some of you have a link for me how this is done?
>> Thanks a lot
>> Peter
>> ___
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Re: [Flashcoders] how to "get" controls and anchors of curve, gradients, etc.

2007-06-26 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Hello Andrew, Burak and Peter!

@Peter: nice to 'meet you'! Beside the fact, you code links are dead
now, it is hard to get through to you. ;-)

I have looked for those classes some time ago, and Burak and other
helped me out. I also found some nice transformation objects that can
be applied to Arrays based on the 'ASVDrawing' format.
I always wonder, why this format has not experienced wider
distribution, especially in the open source community, because when
using a mtasc/compiler-only based workflow, it makes sense to draw
vectors on runtime, I think. One could e.g. implement components and
skin them using different 'ASVDrawing' formatted arrays.

Greetings from the stormy black forest in Germany,

2007/6/26, Burak KALAYCI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


Yes, Peter's classes ship with ASV along with Ivan's AS2 class. Both of the
main class codes are also duplicated in ASV help file, available online.

I can send the class code to anyone interested, just email me and have "ASV"
in the subject line else I may miss it.

One can get Peter's code and see pages through .

Best regards,

Burak KALAYCI, Manitu Group

- Original Message -
From: "Peter Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 12:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] how to "get" controls and anchors of
curve,gradients, etc.

>I think those links are dead now. I lost some files a couple of years
> back, during an ill-planned move. They are possibly lurking somewhere
> on an old backup. But I think all the AS files ship with ASV anyway,
> or else are available somewhere on It's worth asking Burak
> for them.
> Peter
> On 6/25/07, Matthias Dittgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If you can't find all necessary files and classes, I can probably help
>> you out.
>> But I have not bought ASV yet myself - but I like the ASVDrawing
>> format. It is also used by Helen Triolos classes to draw SVG using
>> Actionscript.
>> So if Flash would save directly as SVG (does Flash CS3?) your workflow
>> would include using SVG. ;-)
>> You're probably right about old Illustrator format. It is near to be
>> human readably though, isn't it? At least it is (well) documented.
>> You might want to ask Burak (the ASV Guy) yourself, what ASV could do for
>> you.
>> Matthias
>> 2007/6/25, Andrew Sinning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> > Thanks Matthias.  I'll look into ASVDrawing.
>> >
>> > If I'm not mistaken, old Illustrator uses cubic-beziers, whereas Flash
>> > uses quadratic.  There are some algorithms for approximating a
>> > conversion, but I'd rather not go down that road
>> >
>> > Matthias Dittgen wrote:
>> >
>> > > Hi,
>> > >
>> > > if your artist produced vector graphics using Flash, you could use
>> > > the
>> > > commercial version of ASV ( ASV can
>> > > export
>> > > these graphics and produces an intermediate format for them based on
>> > > Array.
>> > >
>> > > You can use this Array directly in your AS Code and draw the graphics
>> > > via script using the Drawing API methods of Actionscript. You can
>> > > easily modify the data in the Array before you draw them to screen.
>> > >
>> > > See the links below or search for "ASVDrawing":
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > If using dynamic drawing via Actionscript is an option for you, you
>> > > could "export" your data to Actionscript also using other detours,
>> > > e.g. exporting to 'easy to parse' vector formats like old Illustrator
>> > > formats and importing/converting them afterwards to Actionscript.
>> > >
>> > > hth,
>> > > Matthias
>> > >
>> > > 2007/6/24, Andrew Sinning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> > >
>> > >> Our artist has built a set of graphics using Flash.  Now I need to
>> > >> derive a set of algoriths to reproduce the different graphic
>> > >> elements at
>> > >> any scale or hue.  Is there any way to "get" curve, gradiet, and
>> > >> fill
>> &g

Re: [Flashcoders] how to "get" controls and anchors of curve, gradients, etc.

2007-06-25 Thread Matthias Dittgen

If you can't find all necessary files and classes, I can probably help you out.

But I have not bought ASV yet myself - but I like the ASVDrawing
format. It is also used by Helen Triolos classes to draw SVG using
So if Flash would save directly as SVG (does Flash CS3?) your workflow
would include using SVG. ;-)

You're probably right about old Illustrator format. It is near to be
human readably though, isn't it? At least it is (well) documented.

You might want to ask Burak (the ASV Guy) yourself, what ASV could do for you.


2007/6/25, Andrew Sinning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Thanks Matthias.  I'll look into ASVDrawing.

If I'm not mistaken, old Illustrator uses cubic-beziers, whereas Flash
uses quadratic.  There are some algorithms for approximating a
conversion, but I'd rather not go down that road

Matthias Dittgen wrote:

> Hi,
> if your artist produced vector graphics using Flash, you could use the
> commercial version of ASV ( ASV can export
> these graphics and produces an intermediate format for them based on
> Array.
> You can use this Array directly in your AS Code and draw the graphics
> via script using the Drawing API methods of Actionscript. You can
> easily modify the data in the Array before you draw them to screen.
> See the links below or search for "ASVDrawing":
> If using dynamic drawing via Actionscript is an option for you, you
> could "export" your data to Actionscript also using other detours,
> e.g. exporting to 'easy to parse' vector formats like old Illustrator
> formats and importing/converting them afterwards to Actionscript.
> hth,
> Matthias
> 2007/6/24, Andrew Sinning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Our artist has built a set of graphics using Flash.  Now I need to
>> derive a set of algoriths to reproduce the different graphic elements at
>> any scale or hue.  Is there any way to "get" curve, gradiet, and fill
>> data about the various layers of a movie clip using AS2?  What about
>> AS3?
>> My goal is to create a skin.  Am I going about this the wrong way?  The
>> online literature about skinning AS2 components is pretty weak.  Are
>> there any great books on this subject?
>> ___
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Re: [Flashcoders] how to "get" controls and anchors of curve, gradients, etc.

2007-06-25 Thread Matthias Dittgen


if your artist produced vector graphics using Flash, you could use the
commercial version of ASV ( ASV can export
these graphics and produces an intermediate format for them based on

You can use this Array directly in your AS Code and draw the graphics
via script using the Drawing API methods of Actionscript. You can
easily modify the data in the Array before you draw them to screen.

See the links below or search for "ASVDrawing":

If using dynamic drawing via Actionscript is an option for you, you
could "export" your data to Actionscript also using other detours,
e.g. exporting to 'easy to parse' vector formats like old Illustrator
formats and importing/converting them afterwards to Actionscript.


2007/6/24, Andrew Sinning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Our artist has built a set of graphics using Flash.  Now I need to
derive a set of algoriths to reproduce the different graphic elements at
any scale or hue.  Is there any way to "get" curve, gradiet, and fill
data about the various layers of a movie clip using AS2?  What about AS3?

My goal is to create a skin.  Am I going about this the wrong way?  The
online literature about skinning AS2 components is pretty weak.  Are
there any great books on this subject?
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Re: [Flashcoders] attachMovie fails on embedded clip in a movie, why?

2007-06-22 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Hi Chris,

I can't follow your code snippets too well, but I try to guess your mistake:
You can only attach MovieClips/Symbols with attachMovie, that are
available (exported for AS) within the container SWF.

MovieClip A.swf contains a MovieClip Symbol "S" in the library (exported for AS)
then you can attach S to any Movieclip inside of A.swf, that was
created using attachMovie or createEmptyMovieClip.
MovieClip B.swf conatain a MovieClip Symbol "R" in the library (exported for AS)
When you load B into A via loadMovie, you can then inside of B only
attach R, not S.

(I guess, this example is near to your description when you see
"person101" as "S".)

Tipp: To be able to attach S as well, you should read about "shared at runtime".


2007/6/21, Chris Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi Flash Friends,

attachMovie works on a clip that is inside a clip that has been loaded
by attachMovie but fails on a clip that is inside a clip loaded with

This should be so easy, but it is simply not working. I'd appreciate any
tips pointing me to the part that I don't understand ...

The setup:

- Main movie (mainMovie)

- A symbol (person1)

- A symbol (template1) that contains a movieClip (chair1)

- A swf (template2) in the same folder as the Main movie that contains a
similar movieClip (chair2)


Load the symbol (template1) using attachMovie

attachMovie(template1, "mainMovie", 250); //hardcoded depth here for

On release of a button, attach a symbol to a the chair1 movieClip inside

template1.chair1.attachMovie("person1", "person1", 101); //hardcoded
depth here for clearness

(keeping everything the same except loading the movie from an external

Load the swf (template2.swf) using loadMovie


On release of a button, attach a symbol to a the chair2 movieClip inside

Template2.chair2.attachMovie("person1", "person1", 101); //hardcoded
depth here for clearness

Is there some limitation to attachMovie that I'm missing? Any guesses,
suggestions, ideas?



Chris Bell
IT Manager
University of Colorado Law School
My home phone which forwards to me while I'm out of town: 303-443-9621

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Re: [Flashcoders] splitting the list?

2007-05-24 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Gmail is that good in searching your mails, that it pops up
advertising related to the words within your (private) mails! Look at
the right side! Yeah!

Each of us, who is using Gmail for flashcoders is storing the same
information - which is the definition of redundance, isn't it? So,
don't get me wrong, I like Flashcoders Mailinglist, because it just
works for me, but why do Forums or (Google) Groups not work as well?

There are at least two german web forums ( and, which are highly used, but it can't beat the
international discussions of Flashcoders.

And: I would also not split Flashcoders..


2007/5/24, Andy Herrman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I second that suggestion.  Gmail is really good for storing mailing
lists.  My account has this one (fairly high traffic) and a couple
gentoo related ones (massively high traffic).  Between the two lists I
have over 19000 conversations (which can each have a large number of
individual mails). on the mac and thunderbird had problems
dealing with that much stuff if I wanted to search through them, but
gmail's search is pretty much instantaneous.  I've found it's much
faster to just search my e-mail account than to try and search the
list archives too. :)


On 5/23/07, Count Schemula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Consider using a Yahoo! or gmail account specifically for this list.
> Helps a lot by threading e-mails with the same header and isolates it
> from your normal or work e-mail account.
> On 5/16/07, Nimrod Huberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This list include very interesting and helpful subjects, but for me its
> > large amount of posts each day make it less useable.
> >
> > Nimrod
> --
> count_schemula
> ___
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Re: [Flashcoders] Need help creating an old-skool arc or circularscrollbar

2007-05-23 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Mark is true. Respect! :-)

I used Math.atan(), too and if/else to know, in which quadrant of the
circle the drag element is moved.

I uploaded my quick&dirty source now. Please be kind! :-)

it consists of the circle drag mechanism, but I think, the scrolling
can be easily applied then with a 'rule of three' and the angle.


2007/5/23, Mark Winterhalder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On 5/23/07, Jesse Graupmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Trigonometry

No need, apart from Math.atan2() to get the result -- assuming the
anchor point of the container is in the middle, just normalize the
vector from the centre to the mouse and then scale it to the desired
radius, that's the position of the handle.

About like this:

var xmouse = ...
var ymouse = ...
var radius = ...

var magnitude = Math.sqrt( xmouse * xmouse + ymouse * ymouse );

var x = xmouse / magnitude * radius;
var y = ymouss / magnitude * radius;
var angle = Math.atan( ymouse, xmouse ); // devide by Math.PI * 180 if you wish
// now set the position of the handle to x, y and broadcast an event
with the angle.

If you want to set it to a certain angle (in radians), it should be
something like...

var x = Math.cos( angle ) * radius;
var y = Math.sin( angle ) * -radius;

...which might turn into the wrong direction or be set off by
Math.PI/2, in that case, flip the sign of y and/or add/subtract
Math.PI/2 to the angle.

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Re: [Flashcoders] Need help creating an old-skool arc or circular scrollbar

2007-05-23 Thread Matthias Dittgen

yes, Trigonometry! :-)

would this one help you:
Mail to me offlist for the source!


2007/5/23, Ash Warren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

A lng time ago it seems these things were all over flashkit etc. and now
well not so much ;)

Anyway, I wanted to create a scroller on an arc or radius like this example:

Can anyone point me in the right direction to create something like this?  I
have no problem coding a simple single-axis scrollbar but have been having
problems with this one trying to keep it on the curved track.

Thank you so much in advance.

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Re: [Flashcoders] Need help creating an old-skool arc or circular scrollbar

2007-05-23 Thread Matthias Dittgen

link seems broken here.

2007/5/23, Ash Warren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

A lng time ago it seems these things were all over flashkit etc. and now
well not so much ;)

Anyway, I wanted to create a scroller on an arc or radius like this example:

Can anyone point me in the right direction to create something like this?  I
have no problem coding a simple single-axis scrollbar but have been having
problems with this one trying to keep it on the curved track.

Thank you so much in advance.

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Re: [Flashcoders] jFlash and other web-based, non-browser options

2007-05-20 Thread Matthias Dittgen


The 'old' Version 3 of Screenweaver would fit to your needs, I think.
But I don't know, where and if that version is still available.
That was a really cool solution, because you have a Actionscript 2.0
API to Windows System functions.

So you could give HaXe and ScreenweaverHX a try, which Nicolas would
probably post here himself, if anyone else would. ;-)


2007/5/21, Andrew Sinning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Sounds like a good exe shell for Flash, but it requires an exe, i.e.
Admin rights.  The advantage of Java is that end users in corporate and
other environments can typically run Java apps without Admin rights.

Steven Sacks wrote:

> mProjector
> Andrew Sinning wrote:
>> What are the options for delivering Flash over the web, but outside
>> of the browser?  Has anybody used jFlash (a module that allows you to
>> use Flash content in stead of Swing within Java)?  Our objective is
>> to deliver an interactive IRC/remote-control which will float over
>> other windows.  We'd like to throw up an alert message before letting
>> the end-user close the window, and we think it would be really cool
>> if the window could be semi transparent.
>> A Windows only solution would be acceptable in the short run.
>> Thanks.
>> ___
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Re: [Flashcoders] Flash animation like

2007-05-17 Thread Matthias Dittgen

I think your workflow DOES matter!!! :-)

I only know of the workflow that is based on single frames. There
might be workflows that directly manipulate video.

So for our workflow, there were the following things very important:
* use tools, that can do batch jobs, sometimes called actions or macros!
* your source material/video should be of few colors or high contrast
to allow seperation of shapes from background
* the quality of your raster2vector tool. we used photoshop magic tool
to automatically select the background (not the shape), then inverted
the selection and transformed the selection into a path, which could
be exported to illustrator. So Photoshop was our raster2vector tool,
and turned out to be really good. You can also prepare your raster
images with photoshop using de-interlace filter (if your source is pal
video), sharpen, enhance contrast, etc.

Sorry for repeating myself, but I forgot to mention the magic
selection tool before. ;-)


2007/5/17, Gustavo Duenas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

My advice to whoever want to do this kind of animation for a
client...charge them very good, this looks actually a lot of work,
doesn't matter the kind of programs you might use.


Gustavo Duenas

On May 17, 2007, at 10:52 AM, Jay Carlson wrote:

> another way would be to use final the dancing/movement
> on a green screen, bring it into final cut, mask the dancing with
> the green screen effect and make the background black, then reverse
> the image so the body was black and the background was white.
> there's your video to convert to a flv or keyframes.  it might make
> the task a little easier than using quicktime or photoshop &
> illustrator.  it will also keep your file size down if you leave it
> as a video...this is all in theory as well.  I've never actually
> done it.  maybe off topic, but can a flv be given a transparent
> background and be used as a mask?  that might help as well.
> On May 17, 2007, at 8:55 AM, Gustavo Duenas wrote:
>> In Theory, I've actually never done something like that, is simple:
>> 1. convert the movie to quicktime (use qtpro)
>> 2. export as a jpg sequence of images.
>> 3. import into illustrator and do the graphics there. Use live
>> trace in the imported images, then use expand and you'll have the
>> paths.
>> 4. export the sequence of Illus Paths to flash and there create
>> the movie clips and you could use a time line if you want this a s
>> a flv or use behaviours like tellTarget(fl8) in any of the MC
>> timelines in order to have this in this own time.
>> 5. add the sound
>> 5. export the swf and pray.(heheheh) is joke .
>> This is the way i'll do this in Theory, I've never actually done
>> something like that.
>> Regards
>> Gustavo
>> On May 16, 2007, at 2:59 AM, Matthias Dittgen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> we did something similar some time ago, but for a small sequence
>>> only.
>>> We wore black clothes and were filmed in front of a white wall.
>>> We did
>>> post-production in Photoshop and Illustrator. We used actions (batch
>>> processing) in Photoshop and converted Selections into Pathes which
>>> could be exported/imported to Illustrator, where another action
>>> converted them into fills and saved to single-frame SWF files. These
>>> files were imported into Flash as sequence. And there you are..
>>> You can then use these shapes as masks and have nice effects this
>>> way.
>>> hth,
>>> Matthias
>>> 2007/5/15, Helios Pregioni Bayma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have a project with animation of a person, and the client is
>>>> in doubt
>>>> about real person animed or silhouette like the one in
>>>> Do you know what are the best techniques for both? The iriver
>>>> example, what
>>>> technique do you think it uses?
>>>> My weakeast point in Flash is animation, and the design company
>>>> will take
>>>> care of it, but they asked me that cause they know nothing about
>>>> Flash.
>>>> Anyone has a tip for doing those differente animations?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Helios
>>>> ___
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Re: [Flashcoders] Flash animation like

2007-05-16 Thread Matthias Dittgen


we did something similar some time ago, but for a small sequence only.
We wore black clothes and were filmed in front of a white wall. We did
post-production in Photoshop and Illustrator. We used actions (batch
processing) in Photoshop and converted Selections into Pathes which
could be exported/imported to Illustrator, where another action
converted them into fills and saved to single-frame SWF files. These
files were imported into Flash as sequence. And there you are..
You can then use these shapes as masks and have nice effects this way.


2007/5/15, Helios Pregioni Bayma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I have a project with animation of a person, and the client is in doubt
about real person animed or silhouette like the one in

Do you know what are the best techniques for both? The iriver example, what
technique do you think it uses?
My weakeast point in Flash is animation, and the design company will take
care of it, but they asked me that cause they know nothing about Flash.
Anyone has a tip for doing those differente animations?

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Re: [Flashcoders] Mortgage calculator in Flash or other technology?

2007-05-15 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Two things, that quickly came into my mind:

1) Try the new OpenLaszlo Version, which can render to Flash as well
as to DHTML(upps, needs Javascript, :-))

2) Use Flash and offer a projector (exe or the like) for those, who
can't install the FlashPlayer plugin - which I can only imagine within
a coorporate environment. On the other side, I can't think of a
company that don't allow flash these days.

I would use Flash7/Actionscript2.0 which is really widely spread these days.


2007/5/15, Paul Steven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi there

A client has asked me to create a mortgage calculator for their site and I
was thinking of doing it in Flash. However the client is concerned that not
everyone has Flash plugin. Therefore I need to consider the alternatives,
one of which is to do it in javascript. However I read that 7% of internet
users do not have javascript turned on.

I would appreciate any advice on what the best technology is to create this.
Hopefully Flash is the answer:)



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Re: [Flashcoders] ASDT code hinting / auto completion

2007-05-09 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Hi Johan,

which version of ASDT are you using?
If 0.0.8, Have you set everything within the Window > Preferences.. menu?
I would like to encourage you to post this question again on the ASDT
Developer Mailinglist, if you can't find a solution, which is:


2007/5/9, Johan Nyberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I have a hard time getting the code hinting to work in the ASDT in
Eclipse. I have MTASC installed, and I've tried setting the classpath to
all these different paths, but to no avail:

C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Flash 8\en\First Run\Classes

C:\Documents and Settings\Johan Nyberg\Local Settings\Application
Data\Macromedia\Flash 8\en\Configuration\Classes



Am I missing out on something?



Johan Nyberg

Web Guide Partner
Sergels Torg 12, 8 tr
111 57 Stockholm
070 - 407 83 00

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Re: [Flashcoders] getting XML response body when HTTP status is not 200

2007-05-07 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Where do you actually get your XML?
I noticed some time ago, that it makes a difference, if I use the
onLoad in my listener object and then use the XML object itself.
Instead you could use onData(src:String) whenever you have a response
of type 400 and parse your XML manually in this case. See
( for onData.
It says: "This handler is invoked before the XML is parsed, and you
can use it to call a custom parsing routine instead of using the Flash
XML parser."
So perhaps FlashPlayer is receiving your XML body, but fails parsing
when using onLoad().

hth *without warranty*,

2007/4/28, Vishal Kapur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I am loading an XML response from a web service using XML.load().  The
web service is defined such that when a request is made with
parameters that are not in the bounds of the application, it will
return an XML response with an error code/message.  This response will
have an HTTP header status of 400 (Bad Request).

When I use XML.load(), however, I find that the XML in the body of the
error response does not get loaded into the XML object.  It looks like
whenever the HTTP response comes back with a status that indicates an
error, the body of the response is thrown away.  I would like to be
able to get the body of the response in all cases.

Does anyone know of a way around this?  Or is there another class that
is more appropriate for what I am trying to do?

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Re: [Flashcoders] AS2: generating new instances dynamically?

2007-05-03 Thread Matthias Dittgen

This discussion is very interesting, so I would like to offer my
approach of attaching/construction of visual classes. I am open for
optimization hints.
I am using something like this:


class com.path.MyVisual extends MovieClip

public static var _SYMBOL_NAME:String = "";
public static var _SYMBOL_OWNER:Function = MyVisual;
public static var _SYMBOL_LINKED =

private var __width:Number;
private var __text:String;

public static function create(target:MovieClip, initObject:Object,
depth:Number, name:String):MyVisual
depth = (depth!=undefined?depth:target.getNextHighestDepth());
name = (name!=undefined?name:"myVisual"+depth);
return MyVisual(target.attachMovie(MyVisual._SYMBOL_NAME, name,
depth, initObject));

public static function createInitObject(width:Number, 
return {
__width: width,
__text: text};

private function MyVisual()
// I can use __width and __text here, if I like so.

I use the static create/createInitObject methods. The latter gives me
its signature when the editor supports code completion. This way, it
feels like a constructor and I get the correct type returned:

var mv:MyVisual = MyVisual.create(this, MyVisual.createInitObject(200,
"Hello World"));

Have fun,
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Re: [Flashcoders] AS2: generating new instances dynamically?

2007-05-02 Thread Matthias Dittgen

You can assign values to private and/or public variables of the class
using the 4th argument of attachMovie. Just read the API
public attachMovie(id:String, name:String, depth:Number,
[initObject:Object]) : MovieClip

initObject can be predefined or used on the fly, which looks like:
_root.attachMovie(libraryID, instanceName, depth, {myString: "Hello
World", _x: 20});

This is not the same as using params in the constructor, but these
variables are set before the constructor is called, so you can use the
values within the constructor, which is nearly the same and works fine
for me.


2007/5/2, sebastian chedal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> If it is a movie clip you want to instantiate then you have to use:
> _root.attachMovie(libraryID, instanceName, depth);

> The class associated with it will construct and the onLoad event will
> trigger if it is being listened to.

this indeed works, but then i can't pass any values to the constructor.
Is there any way to attachMovie and at the same time pass values to it?

I supose I can always refer to it afterwards on the time line and call a
custom function... but it would be nice to use the constructor's

I had hoped I could generate new instances just by calling a constructor
instead of attaching it to something; but i guess logically i it needs to be
attached to be "on the timeline". Correct me if I am wrong.



On 5/1/07, O. Fouad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> are u executing the class post view?
> On 5/1/07, Andy Herrman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Or have the function return it, which is what it seems like would be
> > the right thing for that method.
> >
> >   -Andy
> >
> > On 5/1/07, Ron Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I am not sure if you are showing all the code but in your code
> fragment,
> > > newPost is a local variable that will be destroyed as soon as
> createPost
> > > ends. A short and brutal life.
> > >
> > > It needs to be a class property and you will want to have a getter to
> > > access it.
> > >
> > > Ron
> > >
> > > sebastian chedal wrote:
> > > > Hello Flashcoders,
> > > >
> > > > Sorry to bother you with another simple AS2 questions, I'm making
> good
> > > > progress but I am stumped with one simple thing.
> > > >
> > > > I have one class/object that I want to use to generate copies
> > > > [instances] of
> > > > another class.
> > > >
> > > > The second class is an object in the library with an ID and an
> > assosiated
> > > > *.as file [in the linkage panel].
> > > >
> > > > The code is:
> > > > =
> > > >
> > > > //
> > > >
> > > > import com.blabla.PostView;
> > > >
> > > > class com.blabla.PostModel {
> > > >
> > > >   public function createPost (__id) {
> > > >var newPost = new PostView (__id);
> > > >   }
> > > > }
> > > >
> > > > =
> > > >
> > > > When I run this code, the class doesn't construct an instance...
> > > >
> > > > What am I missing? If I need to call the Library Identifyer instead,
> > how
> > > > would I do that?
> > > >
> > > > I don't want to attach the PostView to the PostModel class, I just
> > > > want to
> > > > create instances of them and attach them to _root [or some other MC
> in
> > > > the
> > > > timeline].
> > > >
> > > > Thanks!!
> > > >
> > > > Seb.
> > > > ___
> > > >
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> > > >
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> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > ___
> > >
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> > >
> > >
> > >
> > ___
> >
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> >
> >
> >
> --
> O.Fouad - Digital Emotions
> ___
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Re: [Flashcoders] Adobe to Open Source Flex!!!

2007-04-26 Thread Matthias Dittgen

So they are probably separating technology from IDE's!

Technology becomes open-source.
Therr IDE's (Flash CS3, Flex Builder) remain products to be sold.

This way, they are still market leader to a market, which becomes more
open and thus stronger than before, right?

2007/4/26, Muzak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Make sure to read the FAQ

What components are being released to open source?

Adobe plans to release all of the components of the Flex SDK needed to create 
Flex applications, including the Java source code for
the ActionScript and MXML compilers, the ActionScript debugger, and the 
ActionScript libraries that make up the core Flex framework.
Adobe Flex Builder, the Eclipse-based IDE, is not part of the open source 

- Original Message -
From: "Newsdee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Adobe to Open Source Flex!!!

> Is the Flex Builder going to be open sourced?
> Still, good news... must be a response to Java's open sourcing.

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Re: [Flashcoders] setNewTextFormat

2007-04-17 Thread Matthias Dittgen

What do you want to achieve, Danny?

AFAIK setNewTextFormat is meant for user entered text, like mentioned
in the LiveDocs, which works well for me.

public setNewTextFormat(tf:TextFormat) : Void

Sets the default new text format of a text field. The default new text
format is the new text format used for newly inserted text such as
text inserted with the replaceSel() method or text entered by a user.
When text is inserted, the newly inserted text is assigned the default
new text format.

2007/4/17, Danny Kodicek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hopefully a quickie:

Am I the only person that can never get setNewTextFormat to work? When I
change the text of a field, I always seem to have to run setTextFormat, even
if I've setNewTextFormat to the format I want. Is there some foolproof
system for getting this working without having to keep running setTextFormat
over and over again?


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Re: [Flashcoders] empty textfield of type "input" and embedded font

2007-03-26 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Thanks to you all, even Steven! ;-)
I now use setNewTextFormat again, which worked and works best for me.
It works not in combination with htmlText, so I still use plain text
for my input fields. I make a note to myself to not trying to change
again. :-)))

@Bianca: Yes this workaround with react on getting focus is possible
but makes things very complicated.

@Arul: I am not so convinced of using onLoad(), because I don't see
any advantages, because my MovieClips are made by classes only and
everything they use like embedded fonts are already existent/loaded to
the flashplayer, that I am sure.
And in the API Doc stands "You use this handler only with movie clips
for which you have a symbol in the library that is associated with a
class.", so I don't know, if it makes a difference to my textfield
problem. I am going to check this..

@Steven: I am into Flash for a while now! I am not going back! :-) I
don't like to always wait for one frame, because these frames would
become more&more the more UI classes I would attach within the
configUI methods of their parents.. you know.
Hacks and workaround are not so special to ActionScript, I think. I
think, Javascript is beating AS a lot since AJAX arrived.

But thanks to all again for sharing their suggestions and experience,
because this is, what makes Flashcoders and the Flash community that

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[Flashcoders] Re: empty textfield of type "input" and embedded font

2007-03-26 Thread Matthias Dittgen

when not using html = true and htmlText, the solution is the
setNewTextFormat method, which seems not to work in combination with
htmlText. :-(
There must be a pendant to..
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[Flashcoders] empty textfield of type "input" and embedded font

2007-03-25 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Hello list,

I have a dynamic textfield like this in the constructor of a class
extending MovieClip:

createTextField("tf", getNextHighestDepth(),0,0,__width,__height);
__textField = this["tf"];
__textField.type = "input";
__textField.selectable = true;
__textField.embedFonts = true;
__textField.border = false;
__textField.background = false;
__textField.html = true;

setText looks like this:

public function setText(text:String)
__text = text;
__textField.htmlText = ''

If the TextField is left empty on start, it is impossible to write to
the textfield or even to get a cursor to appear in the textfield.
If the TextField has content on start, it is possible to change the
text. It is also possible to delete all characters and enter new.
But it is not possible to click behind the last character and type
something behind on start. After marking the whole text, this is

Is this a focus problem? I really searched for this problem this list
as well as many forums, but could not find a real solution. I could
switch back to using html=false and using TextFormat, but I would
really like to use htmlText.

Every suggestion is welcome.
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Re: [Flashcoders] Got milk? (the game)

2007-03-23 Thread Matthias Dittgen

And there's too much preloading which lasts too long, even with fast DSL.
That's annoying.
The big plus for this game is the idea.

2007/3/22, Kerem İşeri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Really amazing game but i dont think there is hard programming behind it.
Maximum 2 developer can handle the coding. I think graphics and 3d's are so
cool. It takes a lot of time to get these kind of qualified and optimized
renders. Its beautiful.

Respect!! :)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 4:16 PM
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Got milk? (the game)


How much time for this game project? How much developer?

C'est magnifique!

Laurent Untereiner

> skype : laurentuntereiner
> aim   : luntereiner
> icq   : 294429730

> <

mes photos sur fotolia:
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Re: [Flashcoders] Re: Component and attachMovie

2007-03-16 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Now I understand...
Thanks, Muzak and Attila!!!

2007/3/16, Muzak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Read the "Editing the movie clip" part.


- Original Message -
From: "Matthias Dittgen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Flashcoders mailing list" 
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 8:22 AM
Subject: [Flashcoders] Re: Component and attachMovie

> Hello again,
> it is just as usual. Thanks list, that I wrote something about my
> problem - this way I've found a solution (not the best, but
> acceptable). I have placed all Symbols to the Stage of the Component
> and removed the instances at start. After been one time to stage, I
> can attach them using attachMovie. So I am happy now, and it might
> become a nice Friday today. :-)
> Thanks for "listening" ;)
> Matthias

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[Flashcoders] is there a "export to first frame" size limit

2007-03-16 Thread Matthias Dittgen


my earlier mentioned Component works in an empty FLA, but not in a FLA
File that exports huge symbol to first frame itself. Especially the
embedded font of the Component does not work then.
That's why I think, there might be a limit for exporting to the first
frame. Is there?

When I gradual remove the export to first frame from the symbols in
the FLA, the Component embed Font works again.

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[Flashcoders] Re: Component and attachMovie

2007-03-16 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Hello again,

it is just as usual. Thanks list, that I wrote something about my
problem - this way I've found a solution (not the best, but
acceptable). I have placed all Symbols to the Stage of the Component
and removed the instances at start. After been one time to stage, I
can attach them using attachMovie. So I am happy now, and it might
become a nice Friday today. :-)

Thanks for "listening" ;)

2007/3/16, Matthias Dittgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


sorry, but I can't find the solution. I want to create a component (or
some other kind of precompiled movieclip) to hide some logic and
MovieClip Symbols used by that logic. :-)

I have a MovieClip Symbol "Framework" in the library which is linked
to a Class "" in the same directory. The class extends
MovieClip. I make a component out of that specifying the Framework
class again.
After copying the SWC to the component path I can use it in a clean,
new FLA File. I put the Component "Framework" to the Library. In the
first frame I put it on Stage using attachMovie("Framework", "fw",
nextHighestDepth()); Calling fw.init() executes the code inside the
Component (trace output).

The problem:
in fw.init() not only trace commands are used, but also attachMovie
using MovieClip Symbols, that should be also packed in the Component.
THIS does not work. WHY?
I exported these Symbols to Actionscript before creating the Symbol. I
even tried to connect an empty class extending MovieClip to each of
them. But everything does not work.

Do I have to extend from UIObject? I don't think so, because
UIObject.createObject() also only uses attachMovie. So where is my

This is really urgent, so I would really appreciate any help you can give.

Thank you,

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[Flashcoders] Component and attachMovie

2007-03-16 Thread Matthias Dittgen


sorry, but I can't find the solution. I want to create a component (or
some other kind of precompiled movieclip) to hide some logic and
MovieClip Symbols used by that logic. :-)

I have a MovieClip Symbol "Framework" in the library which is linked
to a Class "" in the same directory. The class extends
MovieClip. I make a component out of that specifying the Framework
class again.
After copying the SWC to the component path I can use it in a clean,
new FLA File. I put the Component "Framework" to the Library. In the
first frame I put it on Stage using attachMovie("Framework", "fw",
nextHighestDepth()); Calling fw.init() executes the code inside the
Component (trace output).

The problem:
in fw.init() not only trace commands are used, but also attachMovie
using MovieClip Symbols, that should be also packed in the Component.
THIS does not work. WHY?
I exported these Symbols to Actionscript before creating the Symbol. I
even tried to connect an empty class extending MovieClip to each of
them. But everything does not work.

Do I have to extend from UIObject? I don't think so, because
UIObject.createObject() also only uses attachMovie. So where is my

This is really urgent, so I would really appreciate any help you can give.

Thank you,
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[Flashcoders] AS2 Code Refactoring, Eclipse Plugin

2007-03-11 Thread Matthias Dittgen


I know, that there have been a few threads about Actionscript Editors,
whether open-source or not. But I would really appreciate, if there is
an editor that can do refactoring task, as renaming variables in a
bigger project over more than one pakage or file and that btw. would
ideally fit into my Eclipse based workflow (FAME). ;-)
Is there nowadays such a tool? And if FDT does this - does it this
good or are there any OS?

ASDT seems to be not in development anymore. Are there any attempts? I
think AS2.0 is still widely used and more than AS3.0. I am able to
code in Java, but I have no experience in Eclipse Plugin Development
so far. Is there anyone interested in further development of ASDT?

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[Flashcoders] test

2007-02-27 Thread Matthias Dittgen

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[Flashcoders] BitmapData 3D texture mapping to ball/organic shapes

2007-02-14 Thread Matthias Dittgen


does anyone know, if it is possible to map a 2D image as texture to a
organic shape like a 3D ball or ellipsoid using BitmapData?
Of course, this is possible. I know. But are there any solutions that
make this more easy? Does Sandy offer this already?

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Re: [Flashcoders] Coding Standards: Use of Get/Set

2007-02-13 Thread Matthias Dittgen

You always compare "implicit getter/settter" with "explicit getter/setter".
Just a thought of mine is to compare "implicit getter/setter" with
public variables.

When you use someClass, that was written by someone else, you do not
know if the following code uses "implicit getter/setter" or is just a
public variable:
someClassInstance._fancy = 10

If it is an "implicit getter/setter", it can do for example some kind
of event handling, like like calling onFancy() or broadcast("onFancy")
everytime you set the _fancy property.

So "implicit getter/setter" are hiding such things effectivly from the
user of you classes.


2007/2/14, T. Michael Keesey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

One of the few reasons to use explicit getters/setters in AS2 is as
part of an interface. AS2 does not allow implicit property getters and
setters in interfaces.

// Will not work in AS2:
interface Ratio {
   function get percent():Number;

// Will work in AS2:
interface Ratio {
   function getPercent():Number;

Fortunately, AS3 has remedied this problem.
Mike Keesey
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Re: [Flashcoders] Anyone hate flash 9 already?

2007-02-13 Thread Matthias Dittgen

We love Flash! And we hate Flash!
That's why we read [Flashcoders]. :-)

2007/2/13, Arseniy Shklyaev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Anyone hate flash 9 already?

-Arseniy Shklyaev
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Re: [Flashcoders] tabbing in flash

2007-02-12 Thread Matthias Dittgen

I think you can't change the yellow rectangle - you can only change
the color on FlashLite (Flash for mobiles).
So if you want to use your own solution, you need to turn that feature
off (as mentioned before), and implement something similar on your

2007/2/12, Jah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

thanks. apparently one has to treat it as skinning a component.

On 2/12/07, Muzak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> docs: _focusrect
> Muzak
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 4:53 PM
> Subject: [Flashcoders] tabbing in flash
> > hello list, simple question for youis there anyway to modify the
> > yellow bounding box around "form" fields when tabbing through them?
> > I've tried searching the livedocs for something on the subject, but
> > apparently i'm not using the right keyword here as nothing is coming
> > up to help.
> > thanks in advance.
> ___
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Re: [Flashcoders] SVG format

2007-02-05 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Oh, I see, so in short you look for:
FlashPlayer output conversion into SVG - at runtime (after user input, I guess)

a) you exclusively use the drawing api in your Flash, then the
solution is to replace the methods of the drawing API with custom

b) you use also use "other" vector graphics and even raster images
that are created with the Flash IDE at creation time, then I don't
know of a solution, that works scripted/within the FlashPlayer. You
would probably need a custom FlashPlayer. ;-)


2007/2/5, Amandeep Singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi Matthias,

I need to do the same at runtime. How can I convert the flash output into AI
at runtime and then convert the same to SVG?

Thanks anyways for replying.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matthias
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 1:26 PM
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] SVG format


you might try export as AI (Adobe Illustrator) and convert it with an
appropiate software, like Adobe Illustrator to svg, can't you?

2007/2/5, Amandeep Singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Thank you sir,
> I knew it, if no one answer, then you will be the one to answer.
> Thanks a lot sir.
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of rishi
> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 10:08 AM
> To: Flashcoders mailing list
> Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] SVG format
> Hi Amandeep
> You can use SVG Parser provided by Burak Kalyaci. Also you can write
> your own svg files. Its same as xml just a little bit study for
> different mappings of your objects as well as there properties on stage.
> Keep in touch.
> Rishi
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Amandeep
> Singh
> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 10:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Flashcoders] SVG format
> Hi,
> Can anyone tell me that how can I get the SVG format from flash through
> ActionScript at runtime.
> Let say I am designing a template in flash which uses text, images, and
> vector graphics. I need to export the same as a high resolution JPEG and
> also need to export the same as SVG format.
> I know how to export the high resolution JPEG, but I don't know how to
> export the SVG format. Can anyone help me in doing the same?
> Thanks in advance.
> ___
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> ___
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> ___
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Re: [Flashcoders] SVG format

2007-02-04 Thread Matthias Dittgen


you might try export as AI (Adobe Illustrator) and convert it with an
appropiate software, like Adobe Illustrator to svg, can't you?

2007/2/5, Amandeep Singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Thank you sir,

I knew it, if no one answer, then you will be the one to answer.

Thanks a lot sir.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of rishi
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 10:08 AM
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] SVG format

Hi Amandeep

You can use SVG Parser provided by Burak Kalyaci. Also you can write
your own svg files. Its same as xml just a little bit study for
different mappings of your objects as well as there properties on stage.

Keep in touch.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Amandeep
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 10:02 AM
Subject: [Flashcoders] SVG format


Can anyone tell me that how can I get the SVG format from flash through
ActionScript at runtime.

Let say I am designing a template in flash which uses text, images, and
vector graphics. I need to export the same as a high resolution JPEG and
also need to export the same as SVG format.

I know how to export the high resolution JPEG, but I don't know how to
export the SVG format. Can anyone help me in doing the same?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [Flashcoders] Flash 8 Pro - new interface (for me)

2007-02-01 Thread Matthias Dittgen

in the german version it is called "Film Explorer" (Alt+F3), where you
can look through your scripts and such. If you speak of class file
(.as-Files), I suggest using some external tool.



just a quick question..
I just upgraded to Flash 8 and am switching back to Flash after a Director 
project so my mind is trying to overcome inertia and go back to actionscript 

Is there a way in Flash 8 to search all scripts in a project for instances of a 
phrase (as we can in Director)???

Thanks for any suggestions..

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Re: [Flashcoders] Flex vs. Laszlo

2007-01-30 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Nicolas is developer and promotions team for haXe all in one. ;-)

But haXe alone can't compete with Laszlo and Flex in some aspects. For
example, just because these frameworks offer a XUL like attempt for
fast developing GUIs. What I mean is, that both are using a
declarative, xml-based programming language (MXML or LZX) sometimes
mixed with some ECMA-Scripts. Of course Flex generates AS classes out
of the MXML before compiling, but you don't have to bother about that
all the time while you write nice apps.

I have made a comparison of several workflows/frameworks (Laszlo VS.
Flex (1.5 at that time) VS. Flash IDE VS. FAMES VS
DHTML/XmlHttpRequest (AJAX)) in my diploma thesis, which is written in
german. The biggest problem in comparing such workflow/frameworks is
in setting up nice criteria in which one can compare them. I wrote the
same calendar application using all of these workflows/frameworks.
Interesting for me: I finished the application fastest with
OpenLaszlo, which I had never used before.

Don't get me wrong each workflow (also haXe) has its advantages and
disadvantages. It depends on your problem/project definition.


2007/1/30, Nicolas Cannasse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> At this point, the only runtime Flex 2 targets is Flash Player 9/AS3.
> Laszlo targets FP7/AS2, plus Ajax/DHTML and soon Java ME.  I believe Laszlo
> shows future development targeting FP9/AS3.

BTW there's also haXe which targets FP6-7-8 and FP9 as well.

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Re: [Flashcoders] AS2 best practice question - attachMovie or static create method

2007-01-19 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Yes, your method is mentioned in the current thread about "Override
_xscale and _yscale setter in AS2 " as follows:
"Don't use extending. Use composition..." :-)
But you have always to write wrappers for the usual MovieClip methods
or you have to offer a reference to the MovieClip you're using in your

class Something
   private var mc:MovieClip; // not shared

   public function attachMovie(...) {
   mc.attachMovie(...); // wrap method



class Something
   public var mc:MovieClip; // share mc

Yes I do prefer the static create method by myself, but I always have
to write the "individual" create method. I thought, I could perhaps
leave this out. But I learned in another thread about FDT that Eclipse
offers class templates. I use ASDT/Flashout, so I'll check, if this
applies to my workflow, too.

Thank you both!

2007/1/18, Ian Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

*sigh* The line:

return MyClip(ClipUtils.createCodeClip(" com.mycompany

should of course have read:

return MyClip(ClipUtils.createCodeClip("com.mycompany.MyClip


On 1/18/07, Ian Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/17/07, Matthias Dittgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > And is there a way to automate the writing of SymbolName,SymbolLinked
> > and create for all my classes which extend MovieClip?
> Personally, I use b) (for clips which aren't in the library). There's no
> way to automate the writing of symbolName etc. (unless you start looking at
> preprocessors), but you can get rid of symbolName etc. completely to make
> life easier. For example:
> class com.mycompany.MyClip extends MovieClip
> {
> public static function
> create(parent:MovieClip,initObj:Object,depth:Number,inst:String):MyClip
> {
> return MyClip(ClipUtils.createCodeClip(" com.mycompany
> ,MyClip",parent,initObj,depth,inst));
> }
> }
> where ClipUtils looks like this:
> class ClipUtils
> {
> public static function
> {
> if (depth===undefined)
> depth=parent.getNextHighestDepth();
> if (inst===undefined)
> inst="inst"+depth;
> var constructor:Function=getConstructorFromPath(classPath);
> Object.registerClass("__Packages."+classPath,constructor);
> return parent.attachMovie
> ("__Packages."+classPath,inst,depth,initObj);
> }
> public static function
> getConstructorFromPath(classPath:String):Function
> {
> var arr:Array=classPath.split(".");
> var obj:Object=_global;
> for(var i:Number=0;i {
> obj=obj[arr[i]];
> }
> return Function(obj);
> }
> }
> In case it's not clear, you can then write:
> var clip:MyClip=MyClip.create(parentMovie);
> and everything else will default to something appropriate.
> Hope that makes sense,
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Re: [Flashcoders] OpenSource System layer for FlashPlayer7 for PocketPC

2007-01-18 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Hello Nick,

seems like I hava to take a closer look at .NET.
I was hoping, someone has done that before. ;-)


2007/1/18, Nick Weekes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Bit of a guess Matthias, but what about the .net compact framework?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matthias
Sent: 18 January 2007 10:37
To: Flashcoders mailing list; Open Source Flash Mailing List
Subject: [Flashcoders] OpenSource System layer for FlashPlayer7 for PocketPC


does someone know of a systemlayer api for the Flashplayer7 that exists for
PocketPC (Windows mobile 2003 and WindowsCE 5)?

I am looking for something like what Screenweaver is for
Actionscript/FlashPlayer on Windows, that makes it possible to
a) run applications standalone (not in pocketIE)
b) have filesystem access
c) (not a MUST) has access to other system related things like battery
status, phone etc.

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[Flashcoders] OpenSource System layer for FlashPlayer7 for PocketPC

2007-01-18 Thread Matthias Dittgen


does someone know of a systemlayer api for the Flashplayer7 that
exists for PocketPC (Windows mobile 2003 and WindowsCE 5)?

I am looking for something like what Screenweaver is for
Actionscript/FlashPlayer on Windows, that makes it possible to
a) run applications standalone (not in pocketIE)
b) have filesystem access
c) (not a MUST) has access to other system related things like battery
status, phone etc.

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Re: [Flashcoders] how to know that thae video is finished?

2007-01-17 Thread Matthias Dittgen

use this:

myNetStream.onStatus = function(infoObject:Object):Void {
if (debug==true)
status_txt.text += "status (" + this.time + " seconds)\n";
status_txt.text += "\t Level: " + infoObject.level + "\n";
status_txt.text += "\t Code: " + infoObject.code + "\n\n";
if (infoObject.code=="NetStream.Play.Stop")
// use some Delegate.create(...) here

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[Flashcoders] AS2 best practice question - attachMovie or static create method

2007-01-17 Thread Matthias Dittgen


beside the many AS3 questions, IMHO most of the current real-world
projects are still based on FlashPlayer 7 and 8 and thus on AS2,
because of the player penetration.
This was probably asked before, but I want to know which workflow
works best for you guys:

Do you prefer
a) the attachMovie method
b) the use of a static create method
c) a GUI toolkit like ASWING and extend from JComponent
d) some other workflow

Here's a class to illustrate (a) and (b):

* SomeMovieClip
import net.lizu.*

class net.lizu.SomeMovieClip extends MovieClip
// register class
public static var SymbolName:String = 
public static var SymbolOwner:Function = SomeMovieClip;
public static var SymbolLinked = 

public var _some:String;

// constructor
public function SomeMovieClip()

// alternative to attachMovie call
public static function create(target:MovieClip, name:String,
name, target.getNextHighestDepth(), initObject));

// entrypoint
static function main()

{_x: 30, _some: "Hello 1"});
SomeMovieClip.create(_root, "clipId2", {_x: 30, _some: "Hello 


And is there a way to automate the writing of SymbolName,SymbolLinked
and create for all my classes which extend MovieClip?

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Re: [Flashcoders] Boids algorithm in as2 or as3?

2006-12-07 Thread Matthias Dittgen

you could start probably start here:

Have fun,
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Re: [Flashcoders] hints for arabic (rtl) text

2006-12-07 Thread Matthias Dittgen

flashrtl was my starting point in the first mail of this thread!
At our project, we left out the arabic version at the moment, so I'll
come back later to that topic again, I guess. Meanwhile: Thanks to
all, who answered!!!

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Re: [Flashcoders] hints for arabic (rtl) text

2006-12-05 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Thank you Danny, thank you Yehia!
I am really looking forward to your Demo, Danny.
Flaraby needs the serverside python script, which is not my favourite
attempt to solve the "arabic" Problem. :-)

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[Flashcoders] hints for arabic (rtl) text

2006-12-04 Thread Matthias Dittgen


has anyone a working solution to display arabic text that comes out of
a xml correctly with flash? I've found "";, but
it seems not to work for me. I can't read any arabic. I have a correct
formatted word document as draft only, which I want to "convert into
Any ideas?


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Re: Re[4]: [Flashcoders] onChange or onResize or onX event - howto?

2006-12-01 Thread Matthias Dittgen

The set/get (former addProperty) methodology seemed to offer the
solution, but now I see, that I can implicit (not writing
uio.setSomething, but uio._something) set a value, but _something is
private and thus code completion etc. will not work.

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Re: Re[4]: [Flashcoders] onChange or onResize or onX event - howto?

2006-12-01 Thread Matthias Dittgen


I learned a lot now about broadcasting events, but still haven't
achieve my initial intention, which was as follows:

I want to have a class (kind of black-box), I call MyUIObject.
Then I want to create instances of MyUIObject:

var uio:MyUIObject = new MyUIObject();

I want to have a classical on event mechanism:
uio.onSomething = function()

And I want to change the value of a "property" in an implicit way:
uio._something = "hello";

1. --> uio._something might be a property of MyUIObject, which was set
up using the set/get keywords. But this way it would be private and
code-completion in ASDT for example would not work. I want it to be
public, because it should "feel" and behave like _x,_y,_alpha,
_visible, etc. known from the intrinsic MovieClip class.

2. --> I want that the trace command above would output the new value
I assigned to _something, not the former one (undefined).

So perhaps I missed something, but I still don't get this right. :-(
Can you help me out with this?

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Re: Re[4]: [Flashcoders] onChange or onResize or onX event - howto?

2006-11-30 Thread Matthias Dittgen

You guys are right, I have mixed two questions into one:
1: properties in AS1/AS2
2: watching properties, EventModel

Hello Rákos,

thank you for the link to the documentation of the set/get keywords.
On that page, you can read:
"NOTE Implicit getter and setter methods are syntactic shorthand for
the Object.addProperty() method found in ActionScript 1.0."
So I was on the right track and it was only a syntactical AS1-to-AS2
question. ;-)

You say: "AsBroadcaster is quite obsolete, why don't use the event dispatching
mechanism introduced in MX 2004 ("
I agree with eka on that, saying: "EventDispatcher isn't native in the
AS1/AS2", the mx classes are just AS Code from MM, and thus is not
intrinsic to the FlashPlayer in a way. AsBroadcaster is intrinsic.
And I have to take a closer look on EventDispatcher, because I
currently don't understand, how it can detect changes made to a
But I'll check the other event modell classes, too. So thank you for
your very good input into this direcion.

Hello EKA,

you live in france? Europeans seem to be a strong part of the
flashcoder community. :-) I am in germany.
Are there any documented comparisons between AsBroadcaster,, GDispatcher and VEGAS, yet?

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Re: [Flashcoders] onChange or onResize or onX event - howto?

2006-11-30 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Hello eka,

perhaps I can cotton up with (btw. is this good english?)
AsBroadcaster, since it is availablefrom flash version 6 and above.
But I can't find documentations about the set/get syntax you used. But
it works just perfect. And I guess this set and get keywords are
available within all classes, and thus in classes extending MovieClip,
too, right? That is an advantage to addProperty, which is only
available to Object.

You write "In my personnal AS2 OpenSource framework".. I guess, we all
have our own personnal AS2 OpenSource framework at home. :-) Currently
I try to implement layout mechanisms other than absolute coordinates.
This is, why I want this onX events and such things.


2006/11/30, eka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

ooops...  ui.addListener(this) ; is no necessary now in your test in my last


2006/11/30, eka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello :)
> you can but a good event model use AsBroadcaster or other system to
> dispatch the events :) In my personnal AS2 OpenSource framework i use a
> event model compatible with W3C Dom3 event model for example (like AS3
> framework) it's more easy to use a event model to dispatch information
> in callbacks methods ! If you want dispatch the information in your class...
> use this.addListener(this) and you can use onX method directly on your
> instance :)
> class MyUIObject
>  {
> /**
>  * Constructor of the class.
>  */
> public function MyUIObject()
> {
> this.addListener(this) ;
>  }
> /**
>  * Inject addListener, removeListener and broadcastMessage methods in
> the prototype of the class.
>  */
> static private var __INITBROADCASTER__ = AsBroadcaster.initialize(
> MyUIObject.prototype ) ;
> // Public Properties
> /**
>  * The code of this method is injected by the AsBroadcaster tool.
>  * Use this declaration in the AS2 compilation.
>  */
> public var addListener:Function ;
> /**
>  * The code of this method is injected by the AsBroadcaster tool.
>  * Use this declaration in the AS2 compilation.
>  */
> public var broadcastMessage:Function ;
> /**
>  * This method is empty but can be override by the user in this code
> to notify the x value modification.
>  */
>  public var onX:Function ;
> /**
>  * The code of this method is injected by the AsBroadcaster tool.
>  * Use this declaration in the AS2 compilation.
>  */
> public var removeListener:Function ;
> /**
>  * (read-write) Returns the x position of the ui object.
>  */
> public function get x():Number
> {
> return getX() ;
> }
> /**
>  * (read-write) Sets the x position of the ui object.
>  */
> public function set x( value:Number ):Void
> {
> setX( value ) ;
> }
> // Public Methods
> /**
>  * Returns the x position of the UI object.
>  */
>public function getX():Number
> {
>return _x;
> /**
>  * Sets the x position of the UI object.
>  */
> public function setX( value:Number ):Void
> {
> _x = value ;
>  broadcastMessage("onX" , this, _x) ;
> // Private Properties
> /**
>  * The internal x position of the UI object.
>  */
> private var _x:Number ;
> }
> And in your code :
> var ui:MyUIObject = new MyUIObject();
> ui.onX = function ( who , x )
> {
>  trace("onX : " + who + " with the value : " + x) ;
> }
> ui.addListener(this) ;
> ui.x = 25 ;
> EKA+ :)
> 2006/11/30, Matthias Dittgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > Hello EKA,
> >
> > thanks for your reply.
> >
> > to your 1: yes, i really don't wanted to use watch. the watch method
> > is less performant, I have read on this list sometime before. That's,
> > why I asked my question. It admit, it has been more than only one
> > question. :-)
> >
> > to your 2: I usually give my constructor the same name as the class.
> > This is a typical mistake, when I use the copy&paste&change method to
> > write emails.
> >
> > to your 3: "is AS2 used get and set keywords to create virtual
> > properties and don't use addProperty method!", I was not aware of the
> > set and get keywords. Is this syntax supported by both Flash IDE and
> > MTASC? Be sure, I'll try that!
> >
> > to your second 3: "you can use in your example the Asb

Re: [Flashcoders] onChange or onResize or onX event - howto?

2006-11-30 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Hello EKA,

thanks for your reply.

to your 1: yes, i really don't wanted to use watch. the watch method
is less performant, I have read on this list sometime before. That's,
why I asked my question. It admit, it has been more than only one
question. :-)

to your 2: I usually give my constructor the same name as the class.
This is a typical mistake, when I use the copy&paste&change method to
write emails.

to your 3: "is AS2 used get and set keywords to create virtual
properties and don't use addProperty method!", I was not aware of the
set and get keywords. Is this syntax supported by both Flash IDE and
MTASC? Be sure, I'll try that!

to your second 3: "you can use in your example the Asbroadcaster class"
But I don't have to. The way you use "set x(x:Number)", "get
x():Number", "setX(x:Number)" and getX():Number", I could just change

public function setX( value:Number ):Void
   _x = value ;
   broadcastMessage("onX" , this, _x) ;


public function onX():Void {} // can be dynamically overwritten
public function setX( value:Number ):Void
   _x = value ;

,can't I?

But again: thanks a lot for introducing the set and get keywords to
me. I'll try that now!

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[Flashcoders] onChange or onResize or onX event - howto?

2006-11-30 Thread Matthias Dittgen


I often need to recognize for some of my gui elemets when the embedded
gui elements (childs) have changed or vice-versa the parent elements
has changed in a property, like "_x", "_width", etc. to repaint the
necessary elements of the GUI.
So what is the best way to do this?

I stumbled over the methods of Object to add or watch properties. This
allows myself to build something like this:

class MyUIObject extends Object
public var _x:Number;

public function GUIObject() {
this.addProperty("_x", getX, setX);"_x",onChange,{test: 123}); // possibility 2

// possibility 2
private function onChange(prop, oldVal, newVal, userData):Boolean
if (prop=="_x")
return true;
} else {
return false;

private function getX(Void):Number {
return _x;
private function setX(x:Number):Void {
onX(x); // possibility 1
public function onX(x:Number):Void {

This way I can set and get _x:

var muo:MyUIObject = new MyUIObject();
trace("1: "+muo._x)
muo._x.onX = function(x)
trace("2: "+this._x);
trace("3: "+x);
muo._x = 100;
trace("4: "+muo._x)

But the onX method is invoked BEFORE _x is actually set, why?
1: undefined
2: undefined
3: 100
4: 100

Is there a better way to have an onX method, which perhaps is invoked
immediately after _x was set?

Thank you,
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[Flashcoders] runtime shared symbols and path problem

2006-11-18 Thread Matthias Dittgen


I use runtime sharing to export some symbols, for example:
chapter1.swf with symbol "chapter1"
chapter2.swf with symbol "chapter2"

I import those like this into my main.swf:
"chapter1" from chapter1.swf
"chapter2" from chapter2.swf

when I run main.swf it works fine.

Now I need to load main.swf into another framework. This is done by:
chapter1.swf, chapter2.swf  chapterN.swf shall be also in /pathTo/

when I run the framework main.swf is loaded, but does not load the chapters.
Any idea?

My goal is, that main.swf can run stand-alone as well as loaded in the

Sorry for my poor english.

Thank you,
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Re: [Flashcoders] am i stupid?

2006-11-09 Thread Matthias Dittgen

You probably just need some content in your _root!
onPress, onRelease etc. do only work if the mouse is over some content
of the MovieClip, even of _root.
For better understanding: If you have a filled circle as movieClip,
onPress events work only within the circle, not in the "corners" of
its bounding rectangle box. So onPress is working on _root only, if it
has some content you can click on.

you should see a handcursor above clickable movieclip instances or
even _root, when you set _root.useHandCursor = true (default).


2006/11/9, John VanHorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

i know it doesnt make any sense to use onPress on the root because of
children, and nested mc's, its just something i ran into today. i was
debugging something, and i arbitrarily chose _root.onPress to fire off a
trace. when that didnt work, i figured out that _root.onPress was being

what makes no sense, is that _root IS a movie clip.or so i thought it is
supposed to beit at least acts like one and has all the methods and
properties of a MovieClip.

trace(_root instanceof MovieClip) //traces true

and heres something else i tried:
in a new flash document, on the root timeline, i put:

this.onPress = function(){

published, and nothing happened. i then created another new document, made
an empty movie clip and loaded the other movie with the code above, and it
workedthe onPress was being assigned to that movie.

it just seems weird to me that onPress is a property of the movieclip class,
but just doesnt seem to work with the _root movieclip.

On 11/8/06, Reuben Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think the explanation stated that _root is not in fact a MovieClip
> in the same sense. onMouseDown works because it fires globally in
> response to the mouse, not because _root is a MovieClip.
> Can I ask, why do you need to use onPress and onRelease on _root
> anyway? Is there some other solution? If you use a release handler on
> _root it will make the release handlers on all nested MovieClips
> inaccessible which seems like a bad way to go to me...
> On 09/11/2006, at 3:19 PM, John VanHorn wrote:
> > no, no.
> > i totally understand the difference between onMouseDown and onPress
> > for
> > movieclips. i am saying only one works when placed on the root. the
> > player
> > seems to ignore _root.onPress or _root.onRelease.which makes no
> > sense to
> > me because it is a movieclip and the events will work when assigned
> > to any
> > other movie clip. even using a mouse listener does not work. i even
> > tried
> > setting the hitArea of the root, but to no evail. when the stage is
> > clicked,
> > onPress and onRelease will not fire. you dont even get a hand cursor.
> ___
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John Van Horn
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Re: [Flashcoders] Easy to learn and use 3d program

2006-10-27 Thread Matthias Dittgen

I do prefer something like:
modelling: Blender or the like for modelling, and export to 3ds file
format or the like
rendering: Swift3D (IMHO: good for rendering, only)

Have fun,

2006/10/27, Mike Mountain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Cinema 4D by Maxon is both simple to use and very powerful


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Of Johan Nyberg
> Sent: 27 October 2006 08:50
> To:
> Subject: [Flashcoders] Easy to learn and use 3d program
> Hi, I'm looking for an easy to learn and use 3d program to
> create content for Flash. What are your suggestions? I want
> to do fairly simple animations, but I need something that are
> a bit more complex than say, Xara3d.
> --
> Varmfrontsgatan 1
> 128 34 Skarpnäck
> 070 - 407 83 00
> 08 - 37 16 73
> ___
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[Flashcoders] private member accessible with init object of attachMovie

2006-10-11 Thread Matthias Dittgen


the answer to my question would probably not change my workflow, but I
want to know this:

When using the attachMovie method, it is possible to set values of
member variables. These values are set before the constructor is
Why that?

And furthermore:
Even private member variables can set this way and even the
constructor can be private. And why that?

Is there a special explanation or something obvious I missed?

For example:

initObject:Object = {_x: 20, _myPrivateVar: "Hello World!"};
this.attachMovie(MyExample.SymbolName, "myExample",
this.getNextHighestDepth(), initObject);

class MyExample extends MovieClip
public static var SymbolName:String = 
public static var SymbolOwner:Function = MyExample;
public static var SymbolLinked = 

private var _myPrivateVar:String;

private function MyExample()
trace(this._myPrivateVar); // traces the "Hello World!"

Thank you,
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Re: [Flashcoders] geometry // oval around text

2006-10-06 Thread Matthias Dittgen

You don't need to excuse, Andreas! This way I found your really cool
implementations of some very useful spline algorithm. I really like
the LineGeneralization
that's awesome!
I'll try Danny's suggestions after the weekend.


2006/10/6, Andreas Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Sorry, wasn't aware that you were looking for a real ellipse, I thought
something nicely ovalish, kind-of-roundish would do :-)

You'll find a bit more on CatmullRom here:

Andreas Weber

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matthias
Sent: Freitag, 6. Oktober 2006 13:10
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] geometry // oval around text

Hello Andreas,

your CatmullRomSpline is really impressive, but it draws not a real ellipse.
If it would, this code should produce a circle, right? var points:Array =
new Array(
{x: 0, y:  0},
{x: 0, y: 50},
{x:50, y: 50},
{x:50, y:  0},
{x: 0, y:  0});
var spline:CatmullRomSpline = new CatmullRomSpline(points);
var approxLineLength:Number = 3;
spline.plotAll(mc, approxLineLength);

How is the bend of the curve defined?

2006/10/5, Andreas Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Instead of re-inventing the wheel (which can be a lot of fun!) you
> might find it easier to use an already existing Spline class, e.g. my
> CatmullRom
> Spline:
> .html
> The advantage is that you can just pass in the corner points of the
> textfield (or, if you want some 'padding', it's easy to calculate the
> corners of the outer rectangle) - the spline will automatically curve
> through these points.
> If you are interested in the Math of Splines, don't miss the in-depth
> tutorials by Jim Armstrong:
> hth
> --
> Andreas Weber
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Matthias Dittgen
> Sent: Donnerstag, 5. Oktober 2006 09:41
> To: Flashcoders mailing list
> Subject: [Flashcoders] geometry // oval around text
> Hello,
> I need a tipp for drawing an oval around a dynamic textfield with
> variable line numbers and variable width? Perhaps, someone can point
> me to a good tutorial dealing with such geometry questions. The
> drawOval methods I am using have width and height as parameters, but
> of course I can't use width and height of the textfield without a
> padding. How can I calculate an i   appropriate padding?
> The drawOval methods:
> public function drawOval_Old(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number,
> height:Number):Void {
> movieClip.lineStyle(lw, lc, la);
> movieClip.moveTo(x,y+height/2);
> movieClip.curveTo(x,y,x+width/2, y);
> movieClip.curveTo(x+width,y,x+width, y+height/2);
> movieClip.curveTo(x+width,y+height, x+width/2, y+height);
> movieClip.curveTo(x,y+height, x, y+height/2);
> }
> public function drawOval(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number,
> height:Number):Void {
> x+=width/2;
> y+=height/2;
> width/=2;
> height/=2;
> var j:Number = width * 0.70711;
> var n:Number = height * 0.70711;
> var i:Number = j - (height - n) * width/height;
> var m:Number = n - (width - j) * height/width;
> movieClip.lineStyle(lw, lc, la);
> movieClip.moveTo(x+width, y);
> movieClip.curveTo(x+width, y-m, x+j, y-n);
> movieClip.curveTo(x+i, y-height, x, y-height);
> movieClip.curveTo(x-i, y-height, x-j, y-n);
> movieClip.curveTo(x-width, y-m, x-width, y);
> movieClip.curveTo(x-width, y+m, x-j, y+n);
> movieClip.curveTo(x-i, y+height, x, y+height);
> movieClip.curveTo(x+i, y+height, x+j, y+n);
> movieClip.curveTo(x+width, y+m, x+width, y);
> }
> Thanks,
> Matthias
> ___
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Re: [Flashcoders] geometry // oval around text

2006-10-06 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Hello Andreas,

your CatmullRomSpline is really impressive, but it draws not a real
ellipse. If it would, this code should produce a circle, right?
var points:Array = new Array(
{x: 0, y:  0},
{x: 0, y: 50},
{x:50, y: 50},
{x:50, y:  0},
{x: 0, y:  0});
var spline:CatmullRomSpline = new CatmullRomSpline(points);
var approxLineLength:Number = 3;
spline.plotAll(mc, approxLineLength);

How is the bend of the curve defined?

2006/10/5, Andreas Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Instead of re-inventing the wheel (which can be a lot of fun!) you might
find it easier to use an already existing Spline class, e.g. my CatmullRom

The advantage is that you can just pass in the corner points of the
textfield (or, if you want some 'padding', it's easy to calculate the
corners of the outer rectangle) - the spline will automatically curve
through these points.

If you are interested in the Math of Splines, don't miss the in-depth
tutorials by Jim Armstrong:

Andreas Weber

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matthias
Sent: Donnerstag, 5. Oktober 2006 09:41
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: [Flashcoders] geometry // oval around text


I need a tipp for drawing an oval around a dynamic textfield with variable
line numbers and variable width? Perhaps, someone can point me to a good
tutorial dealing with such geometry questions. The drawOval methods I am
using have width and height as parameters, but of course I can't use width
and height of the textfield without a
padding. How can I calculate an i   appropriate padding?
The drawOval methods:

public function drawOval_Old(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number,
height:Number):Void {
movieClip.lineStyle(lw, lc, la);
movieClip.curveTo(x,y,x+width/2, y);
movieClip.curveTo(x+width,y,x+width, y+height/2);
movieClip.curveTo(x+width,y+height, x+width/2, y+height);
movieClip.curveTo(x,y+height, x, y+height/2);

public function drawOval(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number,
height:Number):Void {
var j:Number = width * 0.70711;
var n:Number = height * 0.70711;
var i:Number = j - (height - n) * width/height;
var m:Number = n - (width - j) * height/width;
movieClip.lineStyle(lw, lc, la);
movieClip.moveTo(x+width, y);
movieClip.curveTo(x+width, y-m, x+j, y-n);
movieClip.curveTo(x+i, y-height, x, y-height);
movieClip.curveTo(x-i, y-height, x-j, y-n);
movieClip.curveTo(x-width, y-m, x-width, y);
movieClip.curveTo(x-width, y+m, x-j, y+n);
movieClip.curveTo(x-i, y+height, x, y+height);
movieClip.curveTo(x+i, y+height, x+j, y+n);
movieClip.curveTo(x+width, y+m, x+width, y);


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Re: [Flashcoders] Hough transform

2006-10-06 Thread Matthias Dittgen

What are you trying to do, dan?

2006/10/6, Martin Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I dont have a simple way to do it but I can point you to some teaching materials
so you can learn how to do it.

There are some good descriptions of implementing the hough transform and other
techniques for finding shapes like active contour models.

There might be better resources on the web but I know these as it was the course
I did way back when I was an undergraduate. :)

dan wrote:
> Hi guy's
> Im tring something tht might work
> Heres the idea
> Find the edge of a picture
> And use the Hough transform to find the shape :)
> Kinda stuck
> Does anyone have a simple way to use the Hough transform?
> 10x
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Re: [Flashcoders] Google code search

2006-10-05 Thread Matthias Dittgen

and it just works!
example search term to finde out, if Actionscript is searchable:
file:\.as$ aral balkan


2006/10/5, Mike Mountain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Already loving


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Of slangeberg
> Sent: 05 October 2006 16:02
> mailing list;
> Subject: [Flashcoders] Google code search
> Not sure how many have seen this yet, but I'd be intrigued to
> see what kinds of good stuff people might turn up. As it is,
> I'm not even real sure where to start!:
> eed&subj=zdnn
> : : ) Scott
> ___
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Re: [Flashcoders] geometry // oval around text

2006-10-05 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Hello Andreas,
thank you a lot for your open sources! Your work with splines is
impressive. I asked my question here on the list, BECAUSE I don't want
to re-invent the wheel. So I am happy now to find the solution.

Hello Ivan,
thank you for the link.

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Re: [Flashcoders] geometry // oval around text

2006-10-05 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Hello Danny,

thank you, that sounds great. I'll take a closer look at your
formulas. I also thought of a nearing solution that uses the ratio of
textfieldWidth and textfieldHeight. I was drawing different rectangles
on a paper in front of me and surrounding them with ovals. :-) I don't
want a mathematical perfect solution, I just need a good

Thank you,
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[Flashcoders] geometry // oval around text

2006-10-05 Thread Matthias Dittgen


I need a tipp for drawing an oval around a dynamic textfield with
variable line numbers and variable width? Perhaps, someone can point
me to a good tutorial dealing with such geometry questions.
The drawOval methods I am using have width and height as parameters,
but of course I can't use width and height of the textfield without a
padding. How can I calculate an i   appropriate padding?
The drawOval methods:

public function drawOval_Old(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number,
movieClip.lineStyle(lw, lc, la);
movieClip.curveTo(x,y,x+width/2, y);
movieClip.curveTo(x+width,y,x+width, y+height/2);
movieClip.curveTo(x+width,y+height, x+width/2, y+height);
movieClip.curveTo(x,y+height, x, y+height/2);

public function drawOval(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number):Void
var j:Number = width * 0.70711;
var n:Number = height * 0.70711;
var i:Number = j - (height - n) * width/height;
var m:Number = n - (width - j) * height/width;
movieClip.lineStyle(lw, lc, la);
movieClip.moveTo(x+width, y);
movieClip.curveTo(x+width, y-m, x+j, y-n);
movieClip.curveTo(x+i, y-height, x, y-height);
movieClip.curveTo(x-i, y-height, x-j, y-n);
movieClip.curveTo(x-width, y-m, x-width, y);
movieClip.curveTo(x-width, y+m, x-j, y+n);
movieClip.curveTo(x-i, y+height, x, y+height);
movieClip.curveTo(x+i, y+height, x+j, y+n);
movieClip.curveTo(x+width, y+m, x+width, y);

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Re: [Flashcoders] Ridiculous problem

2006-10-02 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Hello Andreas,

try with casting:

var textForwarder:ClassName =

attachMovie has MovieClip as return type. You would like to cast to
your class which you call "(TextForwarder is a )MovieClip extension".
I use the syntax above, and it works perfectly for me. The only
difference is, that I use something like this:

var instanceName:ClassName =

and my Class looks like this:

class ClassName extends MovieClip
public static var SymbolName:String = "";
public static var SymbolOwner:Function = ClassName;
public static var SymbolLinked = 

// constructor
public function ClassName()

Have fun!
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Re: [Flashcoders] Embed fonts problem

2006-09-20 Thread Matthias Dittgen

Hello Leonardo,

please try the following:
in your publishing settings dialog, enable the size report option. This will
show you your exported fonts and their names in the output window (F2).
There you should see your "Arial" exported. If you see there for example an
"Arial 11px" or the like, you should try to embed your font "for animation".
Anyways, you should use the font name, you found in this report as font face
of your textfield.

Have fun,

2006/9/19, Leonardo Sá <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Actually im setting it via actionscript like:

instancename.text = "something";

"something" will show up just fine if i dont use any embedded fonts. It

Thanks for the reply!

On 9/18/06, Craig Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Leonardo
> Type some text into the text field anything like 'text field' and it
> will then show.
> Cheers-Craig
> Leonardo Sá wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I have set up a regular dynamic text field in flash. However, when I
> > try to
> > embed a font on it (which is Arial) it just wont show up. It shows no
> > text
> > at all where it supposed to be. When i use no embedded fonts, the text
> > shows
> > up fine, but anti-alias does not work. Any ideas?
> >
> > best regards,
> >
> ___
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Leonardo Sá
EMBRATI - Soluções on-line
Rua Conde d'Eu 118 - Boa Vista
(81) 8822 7374
(81) 3221 2494
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