[phpsoa] Re: Status of issue with SDO scoping of anonymous types with same name

2008-02-14 Thread simonslaws

On 11 Feb, 18:35, cdouglas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you


Hi Chris

The Tuscany team kindly made a fix for this problem (PECL-13101). I
just committed it to the FULMAR branch. Give it a spin and let me know
if it works for you. If so I know Matthew wants to do a release so it
can go in.


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[phpsoa] Re: Status of issue with SDO scoping of anonymous types with same name

2008-02-11 Thread simonslaws

On 31 Jan, 10:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 30 Jan, 14:05, cdouglas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I just grabbed the Fulmar branch and tried it and it still happens.
  The issue is that the items failing are defined as such:

  xs:element name=attribute nillable=true minOccurs=0

  xs:documentationset to nill to remove this attribute/




  xs:extension base=xs:string

  xs:attribute name=name type=xs:string use=required/




  and the XML looks like this

  scn:attribute name=ETH_GW xsi:nil=true 
  scn:attribute name=ETH_IP xsi:nil=true 
  scn:attribute name=ETH_MASK xsi:nil=true 
  scn:attribute name=SN xsi:nil=true xmlns:xsi=http://www.w3.org/

  So for each attribute that exists in the XML doc, it throws an error

  SDO_DAS_XML_ParserException Object
  [message:protected] = SDO_DAS_XML::loadString - Unable to parse the
  supplied xml string
  30 parse error(s) occurred when parsing the string:
  1. Parser found unknown element attribute
  2. Parser found unknown element attribute
  3. Parser found unknown element attribute
  4. Parser found unknown element attribute
  5. Parser found unknown element attribute
  6. Parser found unknown element attribute


  I can email you the entire XSD and XML doc if the above isn't

  Thank you

 OK Chris, I'll try and take a look at the sample you posted. I'll
 shout if I need more.



Chris, A bit of an update on this. It looks like a Tuscany problem so
I passed the problem over there. I believe they have found the issue
so I hope to see confirmation soon. I raised a bug to track it (http://

I'll post here again once we have something in the code base.



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[phpsoa] Re: SCA not working on PHP 5.3

2008-01-29 Thread simonslaws

So you got there first! Are you exclusively on 5.3 now?

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[phpsoa] Re: .NET and XSD element having a complexType

2008-01-10 Thread simonslaws

On 9 Jan, 22:02, Silvano Girardi Jr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 I am trying to use many-valued elements. They work fine when using with PHP,
 but when I try .NET I get the following:
 Microsoft (R) Web Services Description Language Utility
 [Microsoft (R) .NET Framework, Version 2.0.50727.42]
 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 Error: Unable to import binding 'ContactServiceBinding' from namespace 
   - Unable to import operation 'report'.
   - The datatype 'http://example.org:CustomerPlan'is missing.

 If you would like more help, please type wsdl /?.

 My XSD looks like:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 xs:schema xmlns:xs=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema; 
 targetNamespace=http://example.org; xmlns:tns=http://example.org;

   xs:complexType name=SinglePlan
   xs:element name=id type=xs:integer /
   xs:element name=name type=xs:string /

   xs:element name=CustomerPlan
 xs:element name=CustomerPlans type=tns:SinglePlan
 maxOccurs=unbounded /


 I noticed that if I change the XSD to:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 xs:schema xmlns:xs=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema; 
 targetNamespace=http://example.org; xmlns:tns=http://example.org;

   xs:complexType name=SinglePlan
   xs:element name=id type=xs:integer /
   xs:element name=name type=xs:string /

   xs:complexType name=CustomerPlan
   xs:element name=CustomerPlans type=tns:SinglePlan
 maxOccurs=unbounded /


 it works fine.
 What can I do to make the first one work?

Hi Silvano

What does the XSD that uses these types look like? If you have
something like xs:element name=someElement
type=example:CustomerPlan / Then I would expect you to have to use
the second version of the XSD.


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[phpsoa] Re: Returning Data Objects to the client side

2008-01-03 Thread simonslaws

On 27 Dec 2007, 14:31, aouriques [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello friends,

 How can I return a Data Object to the client side?
 I am using the SDO_DAS_XML to create the data object but I cannot send
 to the client the correct object.

 I have tried this example (and a lot 

 My service file:
 include SCA/SCA.php;

  * @service
  * @binding.soap
  * @locationhttp://mydomain.com/SOA/Weather/WeatherService.php
  * @typeshttp://Weatherhttp://mydomain.com/SOA/Weather/AreasTypes.xsd
  * @typeshttp://Weatherhttp://mydomain.com/SOA/Weather/TemperaturesTypes.xsd
 class WeatherService {
  * @param Areas $Areashttp://Weather
  * @return Temperatureshttp://Weather
 public function getTemperature($Areas) {
 $Temperatures = SCA::createDataObject('http://Weather',
 $Pair = $Temperatures-createDataObject('entry');
 $Pair-state = 'CA';
 $Pair-temperature = 65;
 $Pair = $Temperatures-createDataObject('entry');
 $Pair-state = 'UT';
 $Pair-temperature = 105;
 $Pair = $Temperatures-createDataObject('entry');
 $Pair-state = 'ND';
 $Pair-temperature = -20;
 return $Temperatures;


 My client file:
 include SCA/SCA.php;

 $weather = SCA::getService('http://mydomain.com/SOA/Weather/

 $Areas = $weather-createDataObject('http://Weather','Areas');
 $area = $Areas-createDataObject('area');
 $area-state = 'CA';
 $area = $Areas-createDataObject('area');
 $area-state = 'UT';
 $area = $Areas-createDataObject('area');
 $area-state = 'ND';
 $Temperatures = $weather-getTemperature($Areas);

 echo Received temperatures from Web service:br;
 foreach($Temperatures-entry as $Pair)
 echo $Pair-state . :  . $Pair-temperature . br;

 The AreasTypes.xsd:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 schema xmlns:xs=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema;
 targetNamespace=http://Weather; elementFormDefault=qualified
 complexType name=StateType
 element name=state type=string/
 element name=Areas
 element name=area type=ns1:StateType 

 The TemperaturesTypes.xsd:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 schema xmlns:xs=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema;
 targetNamespace=http://Weather; elementFormDefault=qualified
 complexType name=PairType
 element name=state type=string/
 element name=temperature type=float/
 element name=Temperatures
 element name=entry type=ns1:PairType 

 The WSDL file:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 wsdl:definitions xmlns:tns2=http://WeatherService;
 xmlns:wsdl=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/; xmlns:soap=http://
 schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/ xmlns:xsi=http://www.w3.org/2001/
 XMLSchema-instance targetNamespace=http://WeatherService;
 xs:schema xmlns:xs=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema;
   xs:import schemaLocation=http://mydomain.com/SOA/Weather/
 AreasTypes.xsd namespace=http://Weather/
   xs:import schemaLocation=http://mydomain.com/SOA/Weather/
 TemperaturesTypes.xsd namespace=http://Weather/
   xs:element name=getTemperature
 xs:element name=Areas type=ns1:Areas/

   xs:element name=getTemperatureResponse
 xs:element name=getTemperatureReturn


   wsdl:message name=getTemperatureRequest
 wsdl:part name=getTemperatureRequest
   wsdl:message name=getTemperatureResponse
 wsdl:part name=return element=tns2:getTemperatureResponse/

   wsdl:portType name=WeatherServicePortType
 wsdl:operation name=getTemperature
   wsdl:input message=tns2:getTemperatureRequest/
   wsdl:output message=tns2:getTemperatureResponse/
   wsdl:binding name=WeatherServiceBinding

[phpsoa] Re: Extending the restrpc binding output data

2007-11-22 Thread simonslaws

On 22 Nov, 12:57, Tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Great thing you like the idea. Some new thoughts below.

 On 22 Nov, 11:50, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Currently the restrpc binding will only return data in XML format.
   Unless anyone has a better suggestion we will be extending our
   installation of phosoa to check the Accept header of the client to
   determine the format of return data.
  Sounds like a good idea to me. There is the opportunity in
  restrpc/Server.php to convert the response into the required output format
  so I think this will work.

 Using only the header turns out to be impractical when calling
 the API from a browser based script when not using the XMLHTTPRequest
 object, since it's then not possible to modify the request header in
 any way.

 My suggestion is to, instead of looking at the accept header, or as an
 override possibility, add an optional parameter after the method name:

 That would make these calls valid:
 /MyService.php/myMethod/json?a=bc=a returns JSON
 /MyService.php/myMethod/xml?a=bc=a returns XML
 /MyService.php/myMethod?a=bc=a returns XML for backwards



Hi Tom

If you can't manipulate the accept headers can you use the JSONRPC
binding which will return JSON formatted messges? Looking at the code
it seems that the JSONRPC binding will only handle POST requests in
JSON format at the moment. There is a TODO about parsing GETs but  the
code from the RESTRPC binding could be used here to get the effect I
think you are after. I.e. HTTP params in, JSON out.

If that isn't a viable alternative then I don't have a particular
objection to adding the path info. I'd like to understand a little
more about the problem setting accept headers though as that sounded
like a neater solution. What mechanism are you using for making the
calls from the browser?


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[phpsoa] Re: How can I access a property containing a hyphen (i.e. portfolio-id)

2007-11-14 Thread simonslaws

On 9 Nov, 21:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 9 Nov, 20:16, Harm Bandstra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hello All,

  I'm not sure if this is the right place for my question, but here

  I have an XSD file with properties containing hyphens. I can't get it
  to accept any changes to the properties. In part this is because php
  doesn't accept hypens in variable names, but I found that Simple-XML
  uses some sort of work around. I have the following php code:


  $xmldas = SDO_DAS_XML::create('xsd/pre_qual_wso.xsd');
  $messagebody = $xmldas-createDataObject('','MessagebodyType');

  // This gives a syntax error (duh)
  $messagebody-portfolio-id = 'BST';

  // These 2 give the following error:
  // Problem creating an XML document: DataObjectImpl::setSDOValue -
  path not found:
  $messagebody['portfolio-id']   = 'BST';
  $messagebody[0]= 'BST';

  // This is the way it's done in simple-xml, but also doesn't work
  $messagebody-{'portfolio-id'} = 'BST';


  Can it be done? Any help will be appreciated.

  Kind regards,

  Harm Bandstra

 Hi Harm

 Yep,  you found the right place to ask the question. I don't know the
 answer off the top of my head and I'm in the middle of rebuilding my
 PHP environment today so I'll take a look when I get it sorted. Sorry
 about the slight delay. I'll get back to you shortly.

 In the mean tim, if anyone else knows the answer feel free to jump



Hi Harm

Sorry this took me a while to get to. Have just managed to get my dev
environment up on my new machine following the demise of my old one.
The reason that this is failing is that the Tuscany SDO implementation
that we rely on for SDO support doesn't recognize the - character as
a valid character in a name. I think that it should in as much that it
is a valid name character [1]. Can you raise a bug report on this and
I'll log it in Tuscany and make a change. I can make the change
locally on PECL in the first instance. If people have doubts about
this then let me know.



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[phpsoa] Re: Finer-grained control over service methods (Pecl Request #11944)

2007-09-10 Thread simonslaws

On 8 Sep, 09:30, Graham Charters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just a quick status update...

 I've done the code to optionally allow an interface to be specified
 and tested this independent of a protocol binding and all works fine.
 Unfortunately, when called from a remote invocation, the classexists
 tests for the service implementation fails.  Get_declared_classes()
 confirms that it does not have the definition and
 get_declared_interfaces() confirms that it knows about the
 interfaces.  Removing the interfaces makes everything work as before,
 so it appears to be a PHP nit.

 I'm going to try to create a little test case to reproduce this
 outside SCA.  If anyone has heard of anything which might be relevant,
 please let me know.


 On 3 Sep, 13:18, Graham Charters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It sounds like we may have consensus.  To summarise:

  1.  We should add the ability to specify an optional interface for the
  service on the @service annotation (e.g. @service
  MyServiceInterface).  This would only be used to limit the methods
  exposed by the service, so we would not look for any other metadata in
  the interface (we could support this later).
  2.  We should not include methods in service descriptions which have
  not been appropriately documented (this is to avoid generating duff
  services descriptions, and is not meant to be used as a means of
  controlling the service interface).

  Hopefully I'll be able to take a look at 1 sometime towards the end of
  this week, unless someone else is itching to do it :-D


  On 31 Aug, 15:03, Matthew Schultz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Actually 
  after a second glance, I see all annotations are still set in
   the class.  It probably wouldn't make any sense to have SCA parse
   annotations in the interface.


   On 31 Aug, 06:20, Graham Charters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Comments 
   inlined below...

On 31 Aug, 11:35, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Graham

 Some more comments in line...

 On 31 Aug, 11:26, Graham Charters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Simon, thanks for the rapid comments.  Here's my thoughts on the
  two issues you identified:

   1/ What should SCA do if it finds a method without annotations, 
   no type information

  This probably depends on the type of service.  Service types which
  don't have a service description (e.g. local, REST and Atom), don't
  require this information to be specified.  Service types which do 
  service descriptions (soap, json-rpc, xml-rpc), do (to varying

  I think if the binding type requires documentation then we should 
  and not generate (rather than generating something which is of no
  use).  If the binding type doesn't require documentation then it's

   2/ How can methods be omitted from the service interface, i.e. we 
   don't want to expose the method

  I don't think the absence of comments should be used as a control
  mechanism for the reason you and Matt have already highlighted 
  want to document something but still not have it on the service

  I quite like the idea of using interfaces to add this level of
  control.  It would also be consistent with SCA (SCA Java does this 
  also supports the same class implementation approach we use (i.e.
  where there is no interface)).  How about something like:

   * Scaffold implementation for a remote StockQuote Web service.
   * @service StockQuoteInterface
   * @binding.soap
  StockQuoteImpl implements StockQuoteInterface, ANOtherInterface {


 So I like @service StokeQuoteInterface

 If you are suggesting that we can parse the StockQuoteInterface to
 pull out the method names which should be provided as service
 interfaces (without the need for further annotation on the interface
 itself) then this could work. My approach was a contraction of this by
 just providing the method names after the interface name in the
 annotation but your approach is more forward thinking.

We should be able to update this in SCA_AnnotationReader.php.  I
believe all the information is available through Reflection.  You can
call getInterfaces() on the ReflectionClass, which returns an array of
ReflectionClass objects, one for each interface.  I don't think we
would require further annotations in the interface, but we will need
to decided whether to use annotations/documentation in an interface if
it is provided.

 Presumably the default would be to provide all methods if no interface
 is described.

Yes, so this would be backwards compatible.

  This would be taken to mean that only those methods defined on
  StockQuoteInterface are part of the soap service.  Those in

[phpsoa] Re: about JMS Binding

2007-09-10 Thread simonslaws

On 10 Sep, 15:04, Jack Zai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Simon

 i've fixed the tests, and made a new patch against FULMER with all of
 the changes.



 On 31 Aug, 10:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 25 Jul, 17:02, Jack Zai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi Simon,

   I checked out the code from EIDER branch, and made some changes.
   Also I wrote some test cases for the message binding.

   I've just uploaded a patch file patch.txt, which includes the changes
   and test cases.



   On Jul 24, 9:33 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 9 Jul, 14:57, Jack Zai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My binding is not only a proxy to a JMS service, but also for exposing
 a RPC-style message service. For example, assume we have a SCA file
 MyService.php with soap binding. We can replace the annotation
 @binding.soap with @binding.ms plus some config information about the
 target queue.  Now, if we issue command php MyService.php, the
 service will be started by running a listener to the target queue.
 then incoming JMS messages at the target queue will be processed by
 the wrapper and pass on to appropriate operation of the service. So in
 this case, the message sender could be a non-SCA JMS client.

 In addition, I am sorry for the wrong link to the spec, which should
 be as below :

 On 6 Jul, 17:04, Caroline Maynard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Jack Zai wrote:
   Unlike any of other bindings, where an http server is used for
   listening to the ports, for the ms binding, a service is started 
   a console (e.g.  php myservice.php). Once the service is 
   started, it
   will keep trying to get message from the queue, and it can be
   terminated by pressing Ctrl + C.

  Can you explain a bit more? In an enterprise environment I would 
  the JMS service being started by some mechanism outside the scope of
  your binding. So your command-line service, is that just a way to
  bootstrap a JMS service locally?

  I'm assuming that your SCA binding is a client only, that is, it
  provides an SCA proxy to a remote JMS service, but not a wrapper 
  for a
  local service to be exposed to non-SCA JMS clients. Is that right?

Hi Jack

Sorry this took such a long time for me to get to. I've just checked
your code in. Thank you.

I've changed the binding name from ms to message. I think the
latter is a little more meaningful.
I've fixed up the class names etc but am unable to run/test it as
there are no test cases included

Based on the checked in code can you construct some test cases fur us?

Also I've created a new link on the web site [1] for the documentation
for this binding. If would be great if you could write a few words
describing how to use the binding and what its various features are.
We can then put that up there.



[1]http://www.osoa.org/display/PHP/SCA+with+PHP-Hidequotedtext -

- Show quoted text -

  Jack, sorry this took me a month to get to. Heads down doing Java
  releases. Anyhow I have applied the patch locally and am seeing
  notices when I run the tests which I assume are because I haven't yet
  configure SAM in my PHP installation..

  ...I...I...PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant SAM_HOST
  - assumed
   'SAM_HOST' in C:\simon\Projects\Tuscany\php\branch-build\pecl\sdo
  unit\MessageBinding\MSTest.php on line 46
  PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant SAM_PORT - assumed 'SAM_PORT'
  in C:\simon
  est.php on line 46
  PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant SAM_BROKER - assumed
  'SAM_BROKER' in C:\s
  \MSTest.php on line 46
  PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant SAM_ENDPOINTS - assumed
  n C:\simon\Projects\Tuscany\php\branch-build\pecl\sdo\tests\SCA\phpunit
  inding\MSTest.php on line 46
  PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant SAM_TARGETCHAIN - assumed
  N' in C:\simon\Projects\Tuscany\php\branch-build\pecl\sdo\tests\SCA
  ageBinding\MSTest.php on line 46
  PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant SAM_BUS - assumed 'SAM_BUS' in
  t.php on line 46
  PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant SAM_USERID - assumed
  'SAM_USERID' in C:\s
  \MSTest.php on line 46
  PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant SAM_PASSWORD - assumed

[phpsoa] Re: json rpc patch

2007-08-31 Thread simonslaws

On 7 Aug, 11:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 7 Aug, 10:55, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The patch I have uploaded includes a change to see whether the
  $content_type variable contains the string application/json-rpc
  rather than checking whether it is equal to it.
  The patch will change the file pecl/sdo/SCA/Bindings/jsonrpc/

 Thanks Tom. I'll take a look at it a bit later.


Tom, thank you for the patch. I've now applied it to the FULMER



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[phpsoa] Re: Finer-grained control over service methods (Pecl Request #11944)

2007-08-31 Thread simonslaws

Hi Graham

Some more comments in line...

On 31 Aug, 11:26, Graham Charters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Simon, thanks for the rapid comments.  Here's my thoughts on the
 two issues you identified:

  1/ What should SCA do if it finds a method without annotations, i.e.
  no type information

 This probably depends on the type of service.  Service types which
 don't have a service description (e.g. local, REST and Atom), don't
 require this information to be specified.  Service types which do have
 service descriptions (soap, json-rpc, xml-rpc), do (to varying

 I think if the binding type requires documentation then we should warn
 and not generate (rather than generating something which is of no
 use).  If the binding type doesn't require documentation then it's

  2/ How can methods be omitted from the service interface, i.e. we just
  don't want to expose the method

 I don't think the absence of comments should be used as a control
 mechanism for the reason you and Matt have already highlighted (might
 want to document something but still not have it on the service

 I quite like the idea of using interfaces to add this level of
 control.  It would also be consistent with SCA (SCA Java does this and
 also supports the same class implementation approach we use (i.e.
 where there is no interface)).  How about something like:

  * Scaffold implementation for a remote StockQuote Web service.
  * @service StockQuoteInterface
  * @binding.soap
 StockQuoteImpl implements StockQuoteInterface, ANOtherInterface {


So I like @service StokeQuoteInterface

If you are suggesting that we can parse the StockQuoteInterface to
pull out the method names which should be provided as service
interfaces (without the need for further annotation on the interface
itself) then this could work. My approach was a contraction of this by
just providing the method names after the interface name in the
annotation but your approach is more forward thinking.

Presumably the default would be to provide all methods if no interface
is described.

 This would be taken to mean that only those methods defined on
 StockQuoteInterface are part of the soap service.  Those in
 ANOtherInterface or just in StockQuoteImpl would be excluded.  I'd
 prefer to pursue this approach rather than creating a new annotations
 which may go away in the near future.

 Does this make sense and seem sensible?

 On 31 Aug, 09:30, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 31 Aug, 08:42, Graham Charters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Pecl Request #11944 (http://pecl.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=11944) is
   asking for finer-grained control over the methods which are surfaced
   on a service interface.  We currently just use class visibility (i.e.
   all public methods) to control this.

   There's a small amount of discussion in the request, but I thought it
   would be good to raise it here to get greater visibility and gather
   more options/opinions.


  Following up on the comments made in the feature request...

  It is true that in the Java SCA implementation the @Service
  information is associated with interfaces so a class will implementat
  one, or more, interfaces and this tells the runtime which methods of
  the class should be treated as service methods.

  This is not currently how the PHP SCA implementation works. All
  annotations are placed on the class itself. This leads to a level of
  simplicity in service construction but we pay for this in lack of
  flexibility, for example, in excluding some methods from the service
  interface. At least given the set of annotations we have at the

  Having said this I'm not convinced that the use of unannotated (is
  that a word?) methods as part of the service interface makes a lot of
  sense give the way that the implementation works at the moment. If you
  look at what is actually generated in the WSDL in the case of the
  method function foo($bar) in the feature request it doesn't seem to
  be that useful. I.e. it defines null input and output types. I assume
  this is because there are no annotations for SCA to use for typing the
  interface. Fine for PHP but not so great for a service interface.

  So there are two issues here

  1/ What should SCA do if it finds a method without annotations, i.e.
  no type information
  2/ How can methods be omitted from the service interface, i.e. we just
  don't want to expose the method

  As first suggested we could omit methods that don't have comments at
  all.. However this is problematic for issue 2 as annotations may have
  been included for producing the documentation that the annotations
  were originally designed for. However I think we should consider
  omitting methods without annotations due to issue 1 so this could be a
  short term solution 2.

  Following the conversation on for issue 2. Maybe, as an alternative to
  @scaExcludeMethod we could defined some new annotation for the 

[phpsoa] Re: Real world SDO/SOA examples

2007-08-06 Thread simonslaws

 I've been reading a bit about SDO recently and using it with PHP and
 have just started trying to put it to use. Apart from building a
 slightly more complex version of the tutorials/demos I am really

 My question really is: Does anyone know of any open source projects
 that leverage SDO? Or is anyone writing about how SDO can fit into
 your overall architecture?

 I really see gaps in how SDO fits into business logic and how object
 selection works. Maybe this is me not searching hard enough or maybe
 it's the documentation not being complete enough.

To get straight to your specific question about projects using SDO.
There are a few people on this list who have been using SDO on its
own. However I think the real advantage of SDO isn't clear until you
start programming with services. By services I mean any program or
script that has a well defined interface/function and that you might
want to access remotely or that you might want to provide for others
to access (I'm sure that's not the best description of what services
are all about but it works for this conversation).

If I write a PHP service that talks SOAP then I might fire up the SOAP
extension, read in some WSDL and, with simple type parameters I'm good
to go. With complex type parameters, e.g. objects and arrays, it's a
little harder but not too hard to get it going. Now if I want to do
the same thing with, say JSONRPC or XMLRPC, for example, I have to
fire up a different set of APIs and work out how to shuffle my data in
and out of the the remote method calls. Again not hard but different.

We have used SDO in the SCA implementation to abstract this away so
that service methods deal in SDOs and service clients call remote
methods using SDOs. As we have a common format for data (SDO) a
programmer can switch bindings will with very little, if any, change
to the actual business logic. The SDOs are converted to the correct
format for the protocol in use, e.g. XML for SOAP and JSON for
JSONRPC. Both ends of the client/service connection are not forced to
both use SDOs but they could.

SDO allows us to do this as the concept of the Data Access Service
allows the data in memory in an SDO to be converted into the correct

Now SDO isn't the only way of doing this kind of thing, for example,
in the Tuscany Java implementation of SCA users can use several
different approaches to representing data depending on what they are
most familiar with, for example, SDO, JAXB, XML Beans. I'd like to see
a similar flexibility in PHP SCA, for example, by allowing PHP Objects
to be used alongside SDO but we haven't had the bandwidth to support

As SDO is a fairly widely recognized way of representing data another
advantage is that implementations are available in various languages,
e.g. PHP, Java, C++. This gives some consistency to the way you treat
data if you have people who have to work in these different

I'd be interested to understand the gaps you talk about and maybe we
can fill in some of them. All help is gratefully received of course.

Hope that helps


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[phpsoa] Re: ATOMPUB binding

2007-07-17 Thread simonslaws

On 17 Jul, 10:08, Matthew Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Shame I didn't read it through carefully before posting - that should
 that has *not* quite made it to the outside world ...

 On Jul 17, 10:06 am, Matthew Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  that has quite made it to the outside world. It was mostly written by

+1 checking it into PECL cvs sounds like a good idea to me.


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[phpsoa] Re: about JMS Binding

2007-07-06 Thread simonslaws

On 6 Jul, 13:28, Jack Zai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Unlike any of other bindings, where an http server is used for
 listening to the ports, for the ms binding, a service is started from
 a console (e.g.  php myservice.php). Once the service is started, it
 will keep trying to get message from the queue, and it can be
 terminated by pressing Ctrl + C.

 Reply to information is provided by the client using the
 'scaCallbackQueue' user property or the JMSReplyTo header, in other
 words the name of the reply-to-queue should be found in the message's
 header. And the client can change its reply-to-queue at any time by
 calling setReplyQueue method.


 However, according to the spec, the reply to information does not
 contain any information about the message provider (e.g. host,
 port ...). so I have to assume the reply-to queue is in the same
 broker of the service queue.

 At moment, my solution is implemented in a synchronous manner. A
 reference is expecting the response immediately after a request being
 sent.  I think we have many options to achieve asynchronous
 communication, but I am not sure how users want it be done, that is
 one of the points we need to discuss more about. Currently a client or
 a reference can tell the proxy not to expect response by calling
 setWaitResponseTimeout(-1) to a negative value.

 Answer to the last question is no, you can not receive messages from
 service implementation. Actually I don't see why you need to, as that
 would cause problems if later you want to expose it as soap or another

 Finally, I singed CLA a few days ago and I am happy to join you as a


 On Jul 5, 6:41 pm, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 7/5/07, Jack Zai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I am developing a JMS binding and would like to discuss some of the
   work i've done. basically, a message service listens to a queue at
   some JMS message provider e.g. ActiveMQ or IBM Websphere MQ. And a
   client or a reference can invoke the service's method by sending
   message to its destination queue, and receive the response from a call
   back queue, which can be provided at runtime by the client.

   I found there is an existing specification for SCA JMS Binding [1]
   from OSOA. This spec describes stuff like when receiving a request
   which method should be invoked, and how the data/parameters are packed
   into a JMS Message. I've already implemented section 1.5 and section
   1.7.2 of that spec, and have some thoughts about the conversations
   (section 1.7.3), but not yet implemented.

   In addition, my solution requires another pecl extension SAM [2] for
   connecting to the message providers. The reason of choosing SAM is
   because that SAM provides one API for different messaging
   infrastructures, and also provides a generic extension mechanism which
   makes it easy to add new support. Currently SAM only supports XMS[3]
   for IBM products and MQTT, but I've also developed a new Stomp support
   for Active MQ, which will be included to the next release of SAM very

   If anyone is interested in the JMS binding or have any questions,
   please join the discussion here.

   Jack Zai

   [1] SCA JMS Binding V1.00 (PDF)

   [2] SAM - Simple Asynchronous Messaging for PHP (http://pecl.php.net/
   [3] XMS -

   Hey Jack, that sounds really cool. A couple of questions.

  - How does a service listen to message queues. I.e. is there really a
  listener or do you rely on user events before going and reading input

  - Does the service take notice of the reply to information that can appear
  in messages?

  - How does a reference generate reply to information

  - What does it mean to have a reference defined with a ms binding. Does it
  mean calls through that reference will be synchronous, asynchronous or do I
  get to choose.

  - Is there a way I can programmatically receive messages from within a
  service implementation.

  It would be really good to get a look at the code. I'm not sure what the
  process is for getting it from you. Have you signed a project Contributor
  License Agreement (CLA) to indicate that you are free to give us the code
  and are happy for us to use it?

  If you have we could transfer it via the files section of the group but I
  notice that it's set at the moment so that only managers can upload files.

  We could do that via email and have one of the maintainers patch the code
  into the branch for all to see. But what does everyone think about how we
  should handle contributions like this. Should we have a separate place where
  people can put contributions (like the file section of the google group)?


  Simon- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

Thanks for the 

[phpsoa] Re: about JMS Binding

2007-07-06 Thread simonslaws

On 6 Jul, 16:31, Jack Zai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've uploaded my code as an archive file - ms.zip.


Thanks Jack, I see it. I'll take a look.


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[phpsoa] Re: Upgrading EIDER to latest Tusany code

2007-07-05 Thread simonslaws

On 5 Jul, 14:23, Matthew Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For info, I took a look at Tuscany JIRA 1112 again last week on Friday
 and am convinced that the recent namespace changes are not right; and
 a backward step on what was in there before which was not right
 either. I have updated the JIRA - I'll wait another day and then
 enquire what the outlook for a fix is. In the meantime, Simon, I'll be
 glad if you don't check in the recent changes :-)


 On Jun 28, 10:46 am, Matthew Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I will look at the JIRA and answer it for sure in the next two days,
  and also reply back here with what I find.

No problem

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[phpsoa] Re: Upgrading EIDER to latest Tusany code

2007-07-05 Thread simonslaws

On 5 Jul, 14:25, Matthew Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 What happened to Simon's userid?

  simonslaws-gM/[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Not sure! It's decided I don't need an alias anymore.

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[phpsoa] Re: New article about SCA and SDO

2007-07-05 Thread simonslaws

On 5 Jul, 14:15, Matthew Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Thanks for spotting that. What a nice article it is! I am very
 impressed - it seems no matter how neglectful any of us have been
 about the documentation (for example I only just got round to changing
 @binding.ws for @binding.soap in the docs), Tyler Anderson has
 deciphered what we have been up to and made it all look slick and


Good spot Caroline, have added it to the places that talk about us


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[phpsoa] Service that implement interfaces?

2007-07-04 Thread simonslaws

It would seem to be the case that if you implement a service using a
class that implements an interface then SCA doesn't recognize it as a
service. For example, with the service:

 * @service
 * @binding.restresource
 * @types urn::orderNS Orders.xsd
class Orders implements SCA_Bindings_restresource_ResourceTemplate

I get the

SCA::initComponent - included by a client  script that is not a
component In the log. Am just investigating now but I'm assuming this
is not by design.


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[phpsoa] Release Announcements

2007-07-02 Thread simonslaws

I've just been doing a Tuscany blog post about the 1.2.2. release. I
notice that the release announce didn't go out on the PECL dev list.
There appears to be a problem with the process. Wez is looking into it
see [1]. Where else can we make the release annouce so that people see
it as they aren't getting the info through PECL dev at the moment?



[1] http://www.nabble.com/PECL-release-announcements-tf3996552.html

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[phpsoa] View this page Contents of Release From EIDER Branch

2007-06-25 Thread simonslaws

Created next release contents page

Click on 
- or copy  paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't

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[phpsoa] Tuscany SDO code branch

2007-06-25 Thread simonslaws

For information...

The Tuscany SDO team have branched the SDO C++ code tree to allow them
to start tidying their iterfaces w.r.t to the SDO C++ specification
while still supporting the set of interfaces we currently use.

See the thread here (http://www.mail-archive.com/tuscany-dev
%40ws.apache.org/msg19239.html) for discussion on the branch.

I expect we will either have to petition for the specified interface
to be extended or change the way that we use Tuscany SDO in order to
move back onto the trunk code.



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[phpsoa] Re: DUNLIN RC2

2007-06-22 Thread simonslaws

On 21 Jun, 22:40, Graham Charters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Matthew,

 Thanks for fixing the wsdl schema fetching problem and spinning RC2.
 It all looks good to me on Windows.  Unit tests all pass (phpt and
 phpunit).  Service generation for wsdl, xmlrpc and jsonrpc all work.
 Json-rpc mail example runs.  Ebay soap example runs and caching works.



 On 21 Jun, 16:24, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 6/21/07, Matthew Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I just uploaded a new release candidate for DUNLIN (1.2.2) into the
   files section of this google group. I deleted the previous one, so the
   one that is there, and says it was uploaded at 8:10, is the one to

   wrt to the going out on the web for no schemalocation problem, I
   went for the following compromise:

   if (strstr(file_name,2003-02-11.xsd)) {
   xmldas-xsdHelperPtr-defineFile(file_name, false);
   } else {
   xmldas-xsdHelperPtr-defineFile(file_name, true);

   i.e., for our soap and wsdl xsds, don't go out, for others, do.

   Ok, Matthew, pragmatic as ever. It looks like the real fix is going to

  take a little time. Thanks for respinning the RC.


On FC6 I see 5 unit test failures and 1 phpt failure. They seem to be
to do with modification of the order of namespace definitions on
generated XML, for example,

 5) testGETForm(SCA_RestRpcTest)
Failed asserting that text is equal to text.
--- Expected
+++ Actual
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
-HelloType xsi:type=HelloType xmlns:tns=http://www.example.org/
Hello xmlns:xsi=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance;
Fred/greetingreversedderF olleH/reversed/HelloType
+HelloType xmlns=http://www.example.org/Hello; xsi:type=HelloType
xmlns:tns=http://www.example.org/Hello; xmlns:xsi=http://www.w3.org/
2001/XMLSchema-instancenamename/namegreetingHello Fred/
greetingreversedderF olleH/reversed/HelloType


I'm assuming this is to do with the WSDL validation changes but I
thought the test expect results had caught up with this. They don't
stop the samples running though.

I also have a problem running one of the JSONRPC samples which I think
is a configuration problem. Give me a little time to investigate this.


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[phpsoa] Re: DUNLIN RC2

2007-06-22 Thread simonslaws

On 22 Jun, 10:13, Graham Charters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So there is :-) .  Strange this it's just the order in which the
 xsi:type and xmlns:tns are written out.  Given that, I would say it's
 good to go, but we need to get to the bottom of why the order is
 different between Windows and Linux to avoid this in future releases.

 Agree? Disagree?


 On 22 Jun, 09:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 22 Jun, 09:14, Graham Charters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi Simon, can you post what you're seeing for one of the failing unit
   test for comparison?


   On 22 Jun, 09:08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 22 Jun, 08:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 21 Jun, 22:40, Graham Charters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Matthew,

  Thanks for fixing the wsdl schema fetching problem and spinning RC2.
  It all looks good to me on Windows.  Unit tests all pass (phpt and
  phpunit).  Service generation for wsdl, xmlrpc and jsonrpc all work.
  Json-rpc mail example runs.  Ebay soap example runs and caching 



  On 21 Jun, 16:24, Simon Laws [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On 6/21/07, Matthew Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just uploaded a new release candidate for DUNLIN (1.2.2) into 
files section of this google group. I deleted the previous one, 
so the
one that is there, and says it was uploaded at 8:10, is the one 

wrt to the going out on the web for no schemalocation 
problem, I
went for the following compromise:

if (strstr(file_name,2003-02-11.xsd)) {
xmldas-xsdHelperPtr-defineFile(file_name, false);
} else {
xmldas-xsdHelperPtr-defineFile(file_name, true);

i.e., for our soap and wsdl xsds, don't go out, for others, do.

Ok, Matthew, pragmatic as ever. It looks like the real fix is 
going to

   take a little time. Thanks for respinning the RC.


 On FC6 I see 5 unit test failures and 1 phpt failure. They seem to be
 to do with modification of the order of namespace definitions on
 generated XML, for example,

  5) testGETForm(SCA_RestRpcTest)
 Failed asserting that text is equal to text.
 --- Expected
 +++ Actual
 @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 -HelloType xsi:type=HelloType xmlns:tns=http://www.example.org/
 Hello xmlns:xsi=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance;
 Fred/greetingreversedderF olleH/reversed/HelloType
 +HelloType xmlns=http://www.example.org/Hello; xsi:type=HelloType
 xmlns:tns=http://www.example.org/Hello; xmlns:xsi=http://www.w3.org/
 2001/XMLSchema-instancenamename/namegreetingHello Fred/
 greetingreversedderF olleH/reversed/HelloType


 I'm assuming this is to do with the WSDL validation changes but I
 thought the test expect results had caught up with this. They don't
 stop the samples running though.

 I also have a problem running one of the JSONRPC samples which I think
 is a configuration problem. Give me a little time to investigate this.


So I have all the examples running ok now (was a curl config issue) so
there can't be much wrong with it. Unit tests still fail. I can't just
go fix the expected output for the tests though if you are not seeing
these failures so I would like to know why our platforms are producing
different output. Here's what I'm running.

Fedora Core 6
PHP 5.2.0
libxml 2.6.29



  There is one in my original post

I've just tried the code on Windows and it does get a clean bill of
health for me. So I've raised  http://pecl.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=11401
but yes +1 for going with RC2.


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[phpsoa] Results of fixing up the schema loading problem

2007-06-20 Thread simonslaws

I have a fix for the extra calls to the network that C++ SDO seems to
be making when loading the WSDL schema. I tested the fix with the C++
SDO tests and it's OK. I applied the fix to my local copy of DUNLIN.
Test 04 runs fine now. However the testSOAP XML DAS unit test now
fails with the same error. I don't remember this failing before I'm
guessing that this is the first place that we try and read the schema
using the namespace.

I have another thread started re. the likely implications of the
change for type loading so I'll wait to see what comments come back
before committing.



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[phpsoa] Re: DUNLIN RC1 testing

2007-06-19 Thread simonslaws

Thanks for trying that Graham. I've fix a few more things..

1/ I've fixed the case of the Helloworld.php?smd reference

2/ examples/SDO/rss-media missing. I didn't get a response to this so
I have removed the example from the examples/SDO/index.htm.

3/ I've  put an example of how tests can be skipped into the ebay
binding test. This relies on a method in the proxy  for that binding
which performs the dependency check, so that we only have the check
coded in one place. The proxy is not the ideal place for this but it
is one of the few classes all bindings have. I'm tempted to create a
specific class for this tests that all bindings can implement.

So the failing test 4 is the last thing to fix.

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[phpsoa] Re: DUNLIN RC1 testing

2007-06-19 Thread simonslaws

On 19 Jun, 10:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for trying that Graham. I've fix a few more things..

 1/ I've fixed the case of the Helloworld.php?smd reference

 2/ examples/SDO/rss-media missing. I didn't get a response to this so
 I have removed the example from the examples/SDO/index.htm.

 3/ I've  put an example of how tests can be skipped into the ebay
 binding test. This relies on a method in the proxy  for that binding
 which performs the dependency check, so that we only have the check
 coded in one place. The proxy is not the ideal place for this but it
 is one of the few classes all bindings have. I'm tempted to create a
 specific class for this tests that all bindings can implement.

 So the failing test 4 is the last thing to fix.

I've looked close at test 04 and it does only fail when it's run from
run-tests. If I use run-tests with -verbose and cut the command out
that it says it's using that that works OK. So it looks like it's
something about the environment it's creating to run the tests in.

As an aside there is a question of why it is apparently (don't really
know that it actually is - error message appears to imply this) going
out across the network to fetch the WSDL schema in this case. Has
there been a regression in the bit of Tuscany that prevents it from
doing this when it already knows about the namespace?

I've re-run the RC1 tests on Linux and they are fine, this is OK on
windows except inside the phpt run-tests. It needs sorting out but I
don't think we should delay the next RC for it.




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[phpsoa] Re: DUNLIN RC1 testing

2007-06-19 Thread simonslaws

On 19 Jun, 18:11, Matthew Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  2. There are some horrible network delays. I am working at home on a

 For example I just got a timeout. We can see it is going out on the
 web forhttp://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:

 .br /
 bWarning/b:  SDO_DAS_XML::create(http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/)
 [a href='function.SDO-DAS-XML-create'function.SDO-DAS-XML-create/
 a]: failed to open stream: A connection attempt failed because the
 connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or
 established connection failed because connected host has failed to
  in bC:\php\PEAR\SCA\Bindings\soap\ServiceDescriptionGenerator.php/
 b on line b65/bbr /
 br /
 bWarning/b:  SDO_DAS_XML::create() [a href='function.SDO-DAS-XML-
 create'function.SDO-DAS-XML-create/a]: I/O warning : failed to load
 external entity quot;http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/in bC:
 \php\PEAR\SCA\Bindings\soap\ServiceDescriptionGenerator.php/b on
 line b65/bbr /

So is this  definitive proof that the fix in Tuscany is not preventing
SDO from chasing URLs even when it has the types to hand?


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[phpsoa] Re: DUNLIN RC1 testing

2007-06-18 Thread simonslaws

On 18 Jun, 10:56, Matthew Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 SCA_SDO-1.2.2.tgz - the version that Simon has been using above, no
 fixes yet - is now in the files section.

OK, I've done the easy fixes in DUNLIN. I've also overhauled the
installation instruction so if people could go and review them that
would be good.

 Things left to do If any one fancies taking a look

1/ examples/SCA/helloworldscajsonrpc/ there is a issue with the case
of Helloworld.php. For some reason I can't spot what I thought was
wrong with this one.

2/ examples/SDO/rss-media missing. It's in the branch so we either
need to ship it or remove the example from the examples/SDO/index.htm.
Is there a good reason why we don't ship it?

3/ I haven't done any of the suggested skipping stuff in the unit
tests. Not essential for this release but a nice to have.

4/ phpt tests 4 and 13 fail for me.  I'm looking at 4 now.

001+ Warning: SDO_DAS_XML::create(): php_network_getaddresses:
getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known.  in C:\simon\Projects
\ServiceDescriptionGenerator.php on line 65
003+ Warning: SDO_DAS_XML::create(http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/):
failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\simon\Projects
\ServiceDescriptionGenerator.php on line 65
005+ Warning: SDO_DAS_XML::create(): I/O warning : failed to load
external entity http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/; in C:\simon\Projects
\ServiceDescriptionGenerator.php on line 65
007+ Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SDO_DAS_XML_ParserException'
with message 'SDO_DAS_XML::create - Unable to parse the supplied xsd
008+ 1 parse error(s) occurred when parsing the file 'C:\simon\Projects
009+ 1. xmlSAXUserParseFile returned an error -1
010+ ' in C:\simon\Projects\Tuscany\php\branch-build\pecl\sdo\SCA
011+ Stack trace:
012+ #0 C:\simon\Projects\Tuscany\php\branch-build\pecl\sdo\SCA
013+ #1 C:\simon\Projects\Tuscany\php\branch-build\pecl\sdo\tests\SCA
014+ #2 {main}

13 (bug 10049) is a memory leak being reported



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[phpsoa] Re: DUNLIN RC1 testing

2007-06-18 Thread simonslaws

php04.php works fine if I run it from the command line fbut fails if I
run the phpt test case using run-tests?

Anyone else seeing this behaviour?


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[phpsoa] Re: DUNLIN RC1 testing

2007-06-15 Thread simonslaws

I'm still having problems with my Windows environment. All of my phpt
tests fail with empty output files. Anyone any ideas?

Anyhow here's what I found...

  PHP 5.2.0

 ln 407 - requires SoapBinding rather than SOapBinding

 There is a issue with the case of Helloworld.php. The index page
refers to
 it as HelloWorld.php. Best to be accurate.

  examples/SDO/rss-media missing

  XP SP2
  PHP 5.2.0

  All of the phpt tests failed (am still investigating - must be
something wrong with my environment)

- sort out reference to DEV_BRANCH
- Would be worth noting that we distribute examples and they end
up in
   copying this dir to htdocs gives allows you to read about/try
SCA and SDO examples.

  There is a new dependency, via PHP, on open ssl in the tests (deep
joy - that kept me entertained for a while - not SCA-SDOs fault
though). It would be useful to note somewhere  what  extensions we
expect to be turned on to get a clear test run.
pdo + you favourite driver for the DAS tests

 Having these tests fail because the extension is not enabled in
valid but not an SCA_SDO problem. I could add a note to the web site
and/or README ?

   We should have an index.html page in the examples dir point to SDO
and SCA index pages.
   We should have in index.html in examples/DAS for completeness to
explain what's going on

  Remove interop tests from
 We don't ship these test (still useful for local testing though)

Can you tell me where I should put fixes?



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[phpsoa] Re: DUNLIN RC1 testing

2007-06-15 Thread simonslaws

On 15 Jun, 12:31, Caroline Maynard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm still having problems with my Windows environment. All of my phpt
  tests fail with empty output files. Anyone any ideas?

 What happens if you run the generated php scripts manually?
It turned out to be a Release vs Debug thing.

There is a new dependency, via PHP, on open ssl in the tests (deep
  joy - that kept me entertained for a while - not SCA-SDOs fault

 Not sure what you mean by via PHP. I know that the ebaysoap binding
 has a dependency on openssl - and I did add a check to that binding to
 make sure openssl is loaded.  Are you talking about something else?
No, that's it. We require certain things to be loaded into PHP so it
would be useful to say in the docs that some tests will fail if you
don't have the right things loaded. It's OK that they fail but it's
not our fault. Good that the tests bindings are kind enough to tell

 It would be useful to note somewhere  what  extensions we

  expect to be turned on to get a clear test run.
  pdo + you favourite driver for the DAS tests

 A good way to do this is to add a check to the SKIPIF section of the
 test, so that it outputs an explanatory message if the required
 extension is not available.
Not sure about this. I was specifically thinking about the unit tests
which blow up if the right extensions are not available but probably
useful to see that as if they don't show an error people might think
all of the features are availalble when they aren't.


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[phpsoa] Re: Time for DUNLIN to peck its way out?

2007-06-14 Thread simonslaws

On 14 Jun, 11:22, Caroline Maynard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Matthew Peters wrote:
  I have just checked in some changes to the SDO C++ code (thanks, Pete
  Robbins) and a one-liner to one of the classes in the soap binding
  which I think fix 11012 and 11004. Both the wsdl and the soap messages
  now validate correctly with soapscope and Java Xerces, which I think
  must be what soapscope is using (since the error messages are

 Matthew, I'm glad you and Pete got this sorted. Some more process stuff:
 remember to change the status of the Tuscany defect from Resolved to
 Closed, and make a note of the new Tuscany revision level (seems to be
 546761) in the release notes. Also, although I may sound like a rusty
 worn-out gramophone, please check in regression tests for the php
 defects. It's not so much that the testcases haven't appeared yet as
 that you haven't acknowledged either of my requests that's troubling me ...


I think that creating the suggested tests is a good idea. I've seen
several emails pass by about release process and have to confess that
I don't remember the details. While I'm not a big fan of being too
process oriented our build and release is sufficiently complicated
that it would benefit from having this written down. Caroline, would
you be prepared to commit what you think the various important things
to get right are to a page up on the web site a osoa.org? If you don't
have time to do this I could extract thoughts from the email archive
and document but would be good to get a brain dump.

A note on the release. I'd like to help test it. Can I get a preview
of the release candidate before it gets posted to PECL?



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[phpsoa] Re: Time for DUNLIN to peck its way out?

2007-06-14 Thread simonslaws

+1 to this idea. In the context of this thread, if I could encourage
you to put you thoughts down about the bug filing and fixing process
that would be excellent.


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[phpsoa] DUNLIN RC1 testing

2007-06-14 Thread simonslaws

Hi Matthew,

Just been giving the release candidate you sent me a spin and having a
few small problems. I can easily fix what I've seen but I'm a little
confused about where to do it. I thought we released out of head but
head doesn't seem to be at 1.2.2.

Here are  the things I'm seeing so far.

 ln 407 - requires SoapBinding rather than SOapBinding

   All of the phpt tests failed (am still investigating - must be
something wrong with my environment)

I think we need to fix the project README as if refers to the DEV-
BRANCH file which is not shipped.

More later


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[phpsoa] SOA World - New York - Anyone going?

2007-06-12 Thread simonslaws

I've managed to wangle a trip to SOA World in New York from 25th to
27th June. If any PHP SOAers out there are going it would be good to
meet up. Let me know.



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[phpsoa] Re: rest resource binding?

2007-06-11 Thread simonslaws

I agree with Matthew's sentiment. I think we have enough ideas here to
have a crack at the simple CRUDE case. I view the second case as being
similar to the first case but with more complex URIs. I think it is
useful to point out that this extra complexity is required in reall
applications (which Joes presentation that Graham references makes
clear) but I think it's something we should consider as an extension
to the simple case.



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[phpsoa] Re: rest resource binding?

2007-06-07 Thread simonslaws

Its a good analogy. We could consider the resource binding to be the
parent of other bindings that apply particular sematics or data
formats over and above the basic ability to call the CRUD methods at a
particular endpoint.

Do you think there is a more fundamental binding that this
rest.resource binding should inherit from?


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[phpsoa] Re: rest resource binding?

2007-06-06 Thread simonslaws

Yes, I had imaginged that it would be a pass through mechanism of
sorts. There has been some work on dealing with specific fixed
formats, for example, RSS and ATOM, in the REST environment in SCA. So
you could consider these to be representative of bindings that deal in
concrete and fixed body types. I'm not suggesting that they are
repurposed in any way just put them up there as a contrast.

I don't know how the path info/body information should be presented. I
Assume that there are limited types of data that can arrive in the SCA

   Params on URL
   Form params on URL or Body (x-www-form-urlencoded)
   XML in body (xml)
   Form params on URL or Body (x-www-form-urlencoded)
   XML in body (xml)

We could take take the view that the CRUD interface is generic and
that we need to be able to pass this data into each method in a
generic way, e.g. parameter arrays, stdclass, generic SDO, simpleXML
etc. I'm also interested in allowing people to use SCA to define what
type they are expecting. Maybe this sits between being a pass through
and a specific encoding. I.e. it's a specific encoding for a
particular service but the binding is not restricted in the types on
encoding that can be specified.

On the return we need to allow either a simple or complext type to be
returned. In this case I think we can take the approach we have taking
before of allowing simple types or SDOs to be returned.

The other thing we need to support is the various HTTP error codes
that can be generated.



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[phpsoa] Re: SDO_DAS_Relational + SCA soap binding?

2007-05-23 Thread simonslaws


I was just thinking about this part of your issue...

 I wrote an XML schema to match the schema used by the relational DAS
 (i.e. using the urn:app_namespace, and all primitives were strings).
 This got me nearly all the way there, but then I hit the main snag
 which I hadn't foreseen.  The XML which was produced did not follow
 that of the XML schema.  It was basically using the default SDO
 serialization, where all primitives are attributes (the schema defined
 them as elements).  This meant that on the client side the result came
 back as empty (did not deserialize properly).

How about writing your schema so that it matches the default
serialization of SDO?

 I think what is happening is the SDO's type still ties back to the
 Relational DAS, rather than the XML, during serialization.  The
 equivalent XML type has some additional information which enables it
 to be serialized according to the XML schema.  Because the SDO type is
 the relational one, this information is not available so the default
 XML serialization rules are used.

This tricky issue you raise here is what the technology specifc schema
is going to look like. In your situation what you did is hand generate
it. In fact what you did is introduce a transformation based on how
you though the output XML should look. There are many ways that XML
schema can be constructed to represent, in this case, relational
schema. To cater for this variability we would have to introduce some
sort of transformation step to ensure that the SDO model can be
converted to the required schema and ensure that that it is output in
that form. ALternatively we could instigate a default transformation
that determines how relational models will be represented in XML. I
guess the output you see now is the default rule.



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[phpsoa] PHP docs install instructions lead to wrong SCA_SDO version being installed

2007-05-23 Thread simonslaws

I just tried the install instructions we have in the PHP Docs for the
SCA_SDO package.

pecl install sdo

This causes version 1.0.4 of the package to be installed. Can someone
who knows how, fix this, so that it reads

pecl install SCA_SDO

or tell me how to fix the docs and I'll do it.


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[phpsoa] Re: Off Topic. Visual Studio WS Consuming

2007-05-14 Thread simonslaws

Hi Mike

I had a go at this a while back so I repeated the simple experiment I
carried out back then. I took the greeting.wsdl from examples/SCA/
helloworldscawsservice/wsdl. I fixed it to remove the xsi:type
attributes ( :-( need to fix this) and then imported it into my
VisualStudio environment. Now I currently have a fairly old 2003 copy
of VS.net so your experience may differ but I imported it as a web

I then wrote a little bit of C# relying heavily on code completion to
tell me what to do.

using System;

namespace HelloWorld
/// summary
/// Summary description for Class1.
/// /summary
class Class1
/// summary
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// /summary
static void Main(string[] args)
// TODO: Add code to start application here
Console.WriteLine(Hello World Test);

WebReference1.GreetingService greetingService = new
WebReference1.greet request  = new 
request.name = Fred;
WebReference1.greetResponse response =



I then ran up the PHP SCA samples by copying examples into htdocs.
Then I ran this C# app in a console and got.

Hello World Test
hello Fred

Clearly not an exhaustive test but it can be made to work at the very
basic level.

Hope that helps


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[phpsoa] Re: Some problems with the new release

2007-05-14 Thread simonslaws

Ok, good spot Jack. I would add a note of the fix to the PECL bug you
raise with SAM.


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[phpsoa] 4 phpt test failures

2007-05-11 Thread simonslaws

I am getting the following 4 phpt test failure when I run the tests on
the code in CURLEW (I also see them in the 1.2.0 released code so It's
not specific to CURLEW).

SCA 004
SDO bug 10049
SDO bug 10842
SDO bug 8694

Can someone tell me if we are exepcting these to fail?


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[phpsoa] Re: .NET integration and SCA_SDO 1.1.2

2007-05-11 Thread simonslaws

Thanks for doing that Mike


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[phpsoa] Re: New eBay Soap binding in HEAD

2007-05-11 Thread simonslaws

Nice Graham. Don't have any feedback yet but a quick question. Did you
mean to check it into HEAD rather than the branch?


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[phpsoa] Re: Release 1.2.1

2007-05-11 Thread simonslaws

Nice one Matthew. I tried it on Fedora Core 6 and Windows XP SP2. It
gets a clean bill of health on linux and all is OK on Windows apart
from the two phpt problems I have problems with but you don't.

SCA php004.phpt. I'll just keep an eye on this one as the same code
works in the unit tests
SDO  bug10049.phpt. Which is the memory leak that cem pointed out.
I'll raise a bug for this

I've updated the web site front page with the release new. I'll also
add a FAQ entry about having to turn the xml-rpc extension on now we
have the bindings turned on properly.

Thanks simon

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[phpsoa] Re: nillable

2007-05-09 Thread simonslaws


I don't know either. I took a look at the code and you are right that
it seems to always apply nillable to the types that it finds. Maybe
it's trying to capture some optionality of PHP parameters but I'm not
sure. We need to get Matthew's view on it.


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[phpsoa] Re: Wrong parameter count for SDO_DAS_XML::create()??

2007-05-09 Thread simonslaws

OK, I did a pecl install SCA_SDO on my linux box and the sample
worked. I spotted another problem but not related to this so I'll
raise it on another thread.



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[phpsoa] JSON DAS not in 1.2.0 release?

2007-05-09 Thread simonslaws

I looks like the JSON DAS is not included in the 1.2.0 release. At
least I can't see it. Is this on purpose or a slip? I'll carry on and
test the rest of the examples as I know Matthew reported he was having
some problems with web services examples on linux.


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[phpsoa] Re: Google Groups are broken

2007-04-27 Thread simonslaws

On 27 Apr, 14:24, cem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 .. in deference to the grammar police.

It's seems that Google have made a few changes recently (I've seen
changes to the interface) and they seem to have introduced


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[phpsoa] Re: Running PHP Unit tests

2007-04-27 Thread simonslaws

On 27 Apr, 14:20, cem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 26, 5:03 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  In the run.bat file under /tests the command line is

  phpunit SCA_SDO_TestSuite TestSuite.php

  Should this be

  php path/to/phpunit SCA_SDO_TestSuite TestSuite.php

  Or am I doing something wrong/have the wrong version of something?


 I'm not sure they should be there at all - they look as if they belong
 with an older version of phpunit, and they are not present in the MAIN
 branch. Even if they worked, what advantage would they offer over
php TestSuite.php
OK, so shall we dump them?


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[phpsoa] Re: New tests and examples

2007-04-27 Thread simonslaws

On 27 Apr, 16:39, Matthew Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I did get some misbehaviour when I run these tests, but I have fixed
 them both.

 One stems from the lines like this on in RestRpcTest.php::setUp() as

 $this-response = file_get_contents(SCA/phpunit/RestRpc/

 I have fixed them to be like this:

 $this-response = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . /

 which makes the tests independent of where they are run from.

 I have also changed uses of header() to SCA::sendHttpHeader(), which I
 originally put in so that we could add unit tests for anything coming
 out of header(); also it means you don't get the Cannot modify header
 information messages which I otherwise get all the time.

 I have checked these changes in.

 There is now only one failure which is the SMD generation test.  Shall
 I mark this as to be skipped? Or raise a defect?


 On Apr 27, 2:31 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've checked some tests in for JsonRpc and RestRpc Although they run I
  am getting some warnings. I've taken the approach with the tests of
  trying to push tests messages through as much of the infrastructure as
  possible and parts of it are complaining about being run in a test
  environment. Anyhow I prefer to have the tests with warnings rather
  than no tests at all.

  I've also added some more SCA examples base on some of the examples
  that have been used at recent conferences.


Thanks for doing that Matthew. I didn't get a failure with SMD
generation so let me try it again wit your changes.


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[phpsoa] Examples index - was: contents of next release

2007-04-26 Thread simonslaws

I'm just looking at putting some tests up for JsonRpc and RestRpc and
I notice that the index.html under examples/SCA is inaccurate now.
Does anyone want to have a crack at fixing it and maybe adding in the
complete list of examples (well the ones that will run is a browser)?


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[phpsoa] Running PHP Unit tests

2007-04-26 Thread simonslaws

In the run.bat file under /tests the command line is

phpunit SCA_SDO_TestSuite TestSuite.php

Should this be

php path/to/phpunit SCA_SDO_TestSuite TestSuite.php

Or am I doing something wrong/have the wrong version of something?


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[phpsoa] Re: SCA and WSDL: what to do when SOAP-ENC is missing ?

2007-04-25 Thread simonslaws

On 25 Apr, 16:19, cem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 25 Apr, 07:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 24 Apr, 22:22, cem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   One of our long-running bugs ishttp://pecl.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=8428,
   where a remote WSDL depends for its type definitions on an import like

   xsd:schema targetNamespace=urn:UrbanSearch
   xsd:import namespace=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding//

  Well it seems to be a valid XML in the WSDL types section so It would
  be interesting to know where this is actually going wrong. The xml
  schema import processing should be following a process (loosely)
  defined in section 4.3.2 of the xml schema spec [1]. So here, is it
  the case that the import is being processed by libxml2 and not being
  translated into SDO types successfully or is it the case that the
  import is not being picked up at all?

 libxml2 is not honouring the import, but it's not bothered as I don't
 think it is being asked to validate the schema, only that it is well-
 formed (which it is). Then Tuscany also processes the import during
 its defineTypes() processing - it also does not honour the import but
 that leaves it with unresolved types.

 Anyway, I've subsequently found (by reading the code) that an unknown
 Tuscany developer did actually put the fix back in as optional
 behaviour but didn't update the defect to say so. So everything is
 rosy in the xml schema garden.
Cool - so does that mean we have it in the branch. Or do we need to
take another cut of Tuscany SDO?

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[phpsoa] Re: hello

2007-04-13 Thread simonslaws

On 13 Apr, 14:39, Adler Medrado [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all.

 My name is adler medrado, from Brasilia, Brazil and i am joining the
 group to share experiences related with PHP and SOA and to learn more
 about phpsoa too.

 Best regards,

 adler medradohttp://www.neshertech.net/adler

Greetings Adler and welcome. Look forward to hearing your experiences.
Let us know if you need any help if you get to looking at SCA and



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[phpsoa] Re: Problème with PHP SDO

2007-04-11 Thread simonslaws

On 11 Apr, 10:59, WFX [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hum, I tried my link, it's working (again ?) now ...

 Anyway, I uploaded all the XSD package here 
 It seems that SDO doesn't like ComplexType or something like that.
 I don't know if it may be related to bug described here 


 On 10 avr, 17:32, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 10 Apr, 14:52, WFX [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi all !

   I found ths extension very usefull. I tried to use it with the
   following code :

   try {
  $xmldas = SDO_DAS_XML::create(./ddex_xsd/dsr.xsd);
 print($xmldas);} catch (SDO_Exception $e) {



   but I get this execption :
   Cannot add property Namespace of type commonj.sdo#String to this data

   xsd file can be downloaded here :http://ddex.net/xml/2006/dsrm/10/dsr.xsd

   Is it a bug in this SDO release ?



  Hi there. Thanks for trying SDO. I tried to go and look at the schema
  at the link you provided and I couldn't get to the server. If I google
  up ddex it definitely thinks there should be awww.ddex.netbutI
  can't ping it at the moment. Is it down?


  Simon- Masquer le texte des messages précédents -

  - Afficher le texte des messages précédents -

Hi, don't know what went wrong yesterday but I can see your schema
now. This looks like the same problem from the bug report that you
reference, i.e. SDO doesn't seem to handle simple types which are
extensions (or restrictions) from complex types. I note that this is
pretty old and clearly nothing has been done about it. Sorry about
that. I took a quick look at the code and the error you are getting is
raised when the infrastructure tries to add a new property (attribute
in your case) to a simple type which in SDO can't have properties.
This is an issue in the SDO implementation from Apache Tuscany that we
use so I will have to investigate further. I expect a special trap
will be needed to test for the case where simple type extends a
complex type and in this case create the type as a data object instead
of a data type.



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[phpsoa] Re: Qualified Elements

2007-04-10 Thread simonslaws

On 30 Mar, 19:41, Charlie Moad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 29 Mar, 19:27, Charlie Moad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 29 Mar, 17:30, Charlie Moad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 28 Mar, 20:59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi all,
I just started using SDO_XML and it is proving extremely 
   I just wanted to ask a quick question that someone might know.  I 
   several schemas that use qualified elements, so I have to put a 
   on the element names.  Is there anyway I can force the saved xml 
   have a prefix on the default namespace?


  Hi Charlie, I don't have a difinitive answer for you but looking at
  the code it looks like this is the way that libxml2 does things so 
  may be stuck with it for the time being. This is the line from
  SDOXMLWriter.cpp that writes out the root element:

  rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, elementName,

  So it looks like its down to how libxml2 handles the elementName and
  namespace URI. There may be a way of changing this so I'm hoping one
  of the SDO experts will jump in if that is the case.

  I have found the qualification (or not) of elements to be a bit of a
  minefield.  Can I just check that when you say force the saved xml 
  have a prefix on the default namespace? I assume you are talking
  about having:

  tns:SomeElement xmlns:tn=my namespace/

  as opposed to

  SomeElement xmlns=mynamesapce/

  At the root element level.  Is that right?

 That's the gist of it.  I should clarify that the validation problems
 really only pop up when I am required to use qualified attributes.  I
 think a way to address this would be to have a function to bridge to
 DOM.  DOM allows you to control prefixes.  How hard would it be to add
 a new function:

 DOMDocument SDO_DAS_XML::saveDOM(SDO_XMLDocument $xdoc)

 Just writing to a string and file can be somewhat limiting.


That's an interesting idea. Would we need to go the other way as well?
Do you know much about the PHP DOM implementation?

   I started suggesting the two-way bridge, but I think it would require
   a lot more work to make a DOM-to-SDOXML function.  It would have to
   make sure the document is a valid schema or schema instance.

   I only know the DOM api is a cover of libxml.  I have not looked at the 
  Ok, off the top my head, we could look at doing a simple PHP user
  space conversion from SDO to DOM, I.e. we could do the write side of a
  DOM DAS (Data Access Service).  I made a simple JSON DAS a little
  while back and that wasn't too hard.

  It would be more efficient to do it in the C extension but harder to
  code I guess. If in the future someone wanted to convert it to work at
  the libxml level I'm sure it could be done. What do you think? If you
  feel like having a go at it let me know.

 I can always do the following:


 I was just hoping the underlying implementation was using libxml, and
 it would be trivial to return a DOMDocument instance.

 I just won't have time in the near future to look at this since it
 will require me to understand a lot of php/c-api stuff I have never
 worked with.
Hi Charlie

The SDO implementation does use libxml under the covers to parse
incoming XML using the SAX like interface but I think we would have to
create a DOM on the fly from the SDO data tree. This would be more
efficient to do in C but not a straight read from the libxml
structures. Anyhow I've added it to the wish list (http://www.osoa.org/



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[phpsoa] New Bindings

2007-04-10 Thread simonslaws

Just back from my Easter hols and I notice that a few new bindings
have appeared in the BUZZARD branch. Can someone give me a quick
update of what the status is?



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[phpsoa] Re: Writing a transaction service

2007-03-26 Thread simonslaws

On 19 Mar, 22:46, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 19 Mar, 16:22, jon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Mar 19, 6:29 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi Jon

   Sorry this is a rather tardy response. I've been out on a few days
   leave. You raise some very interesting points here. I have to admit up
   front that I'm not a distributed transaction expert and also that we
   haven't thought about this in detail in PHP SCA/SDO yet.

   First a point of clarification. It seems from your note that you are
   interested primarily in the ability to share a transaction context
   amongst distributed applications (as opposed to distributing a
   transaction spanning multiple transactional resources). Is this the
   case? If so then I guess you still need to generate a global
   transaction id in order to share this amongst the client application
   but that at the data resource there is only one transaction with many
   clients providing updates to that transaction. Is that right?

   This seems to fall between you suggested solutions 1) and 2) (maybe
   I'm missing something?) in that you could rely on an RDBMS with XA
   capabilities to manage a transaction ID for you but you still need to
   share that transaction ID between participating clients. You also need
   to know when the transaction should be committed or rolled back of

   Having said this you still end up having to do some  work yourself,
   I.e. I've not come across any off the shelf PHP transaction
   coordination implementation. Some work has been done in the web
   services space, for example, several companies created a set of specs
   for supporting the coordination of distributed actions at the WS
   message level (http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/library/
   specification/ws-tx/). But you would have to provide some kind of
   implementation. Maybe the Axis PECL extension will start to provide
   some of this but I haven't seen anything yet.  A short term solution
   might be to provide a service which interacts with the database and
   accepts the transaction id as a parameter to CRUD operations and
   provides interfaces for starting, and committing the transaction.

   It sounds, from your background piece at the end, as if you are
   starting to think about how to apply SOA principle to your application
   suite.  Maybe some of this thinking will allow you work around the
   implementation of complex distributed transaction support by pulling
   the distributed parts into common services. This is not always
   possible of course.From an SCA point of view clearly we need to provide 
   better support

   for managing the details of the transports provided. As you may have
   seen from the mail trail SCA more widely defines a system of policies
   and intents. In this case we would be interested in understanding how
   those related to transactions can be applied to PHP SCA. No progress
   has been made here yet but your experience of trying to do this could
   be really useful here.



  Thanks for your response Simon,

   First a point of clarification. It seems from your note that you are
   interested primarily in the ability to share a transaction context
   amongst distributed applications (as opposed to distributing a
   transaction spanning multiple transactional resources). Is this the
   case? If so then I guess you still need to generate a global
   transaction id in order to share this amongst the client application
   but that at the data resource there is only one transaction with many
   clients providing updates to that transaction. Is that right?

  Yes, that's right... The applications (and associated services in a
  SOA solution here) may or may not have their own transactional
  resource (some write to their own DB or backend for example, but many
  services would be dealing with the same shared resource, usually a

  I have mocked up a transaction coordination service with SCA and a
  couple of middle tier services that do very granular inserts (my
  solution number 2). A top-tier script calls the transaction service,
  gets a global ID and that is passed around to the middle tier services
  as they do their work. Currently the logic for deciding to commit or
  rollback resides in the top-tier script and that decision is passed to
  the transaction service. (each transactional resource would need it's
  own coordinator and be composable in such a way that they can take
  part in a more global cross-resource transaction, but at this stage,
  I'm just trying to deal with one transactional resource within one
  business process)

  This all works as an early proof-of-concept, but I have realized that
  my current implementation is unworkable because of the synchronous
  nature of the PHP SCA implementation and how I've used it to make
  calls. To execute only two inserts across these coordinated services,
  about 6 SOAP messages/responses have to be delivered. Because of

[phpsoa] Re: Status of PHP/SDO/DAS/Relational

2007-03-19 Thread simonslaws

On 19 Mar, 00:01, tompaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There's one more thing I forgot to ask about: multiple FKs. Currently
 that's the main reason why I can't use SDO instead of Qcodo's ORM in
 my projects.

 I found the thread  Many to Many, but it's unable to reply in it (I
 guess it's too old - Sept 2006). So here's my question: are there
 plans of implementing multiple FKs in Relational DAS?

 If not, do you know any hacks to that limitation? Almost all of my db
 designs use multiple FKs, and since you didn't implement that feature
 I'm beginning to think there's sth wrong with it. But the real-world
 objects are also multiple-fk'ed, for example this post has BOTH author
 and a thread, right?

I don't think there is anything wrong with using multiple foreign
keys. We just haven't got round to adding support yet. Sorry about
that. The relational DAS was put together to show how it could be done
but doesn't implement all of the features that you may want when
compared, for example, to the relational DAS implementation in Java
SCA. A couple of people have asked for this now as well as support for
many to many relationships so we should try and bump it up the
priority list. If you feel like having a go yourself at adding support
you are most welcome of course;-). No idea why Google didn't allow you
to post to the original message. Very strange!

I don't know of anyone who is using the relational DAS in anger just
yet (maybe we will see posts if someone is). We would like to move
toward that but as you say not having many to many and multiple
foreign key support makes that difficult for people at the moment. If
you have time to try it, even if only in your test environment, and
feed back that would be great.

There is nothing targeted specifically for people in Europe looking at
or working on OSOA things as far as I know. There have been people
talking about OSOA at a number of European PHP conferences as well as
US ones. Is that what you mean?



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[phpsoa] Re: Randomly appearing strings when working with CDATA

2007-03-12 Thread simonslaws

On 12 Mar, 15:43, cdouglas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a way I can email it to you since I can't post it here?

Hi Chris

If the data is sensitive/confidential it's better not to send it out
to me. I'll mail you directly and I'll get you to describe the general
shape of the data.



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[phpsoa] Re: Randomly appearing strings when working with CDATA

2007-03-12 Thread simonslaws

On 12 Mar, 17:35, cdouglas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 An example XML doc structure pulled from the CDATA section of the
 parent xml doc is:

   group name=group1
  parameter name=param1Value/parameter
  group name=group2
 parameter name=param2value/parameter
  group name=group3
group name=group4
 parameter name=param4value/parameter

 An group section is here that demonstrates the issue.  The issue
 occurs 3 times just in this small section, this is typical.
 I am currently running the following commands to clean it up before

 $cdata = str_replace(![CDATA[,,$cdata);
 $cdata = str_replace(]],,$cdata);

  gro]]![CDATA[up name=callFlow
 group name=message
 parameter name=allowY/parameter
 group name=talk
 parameter name=maxDuration600/
 group name=acceptance
 group name=allowMethods
 parameter name=DTMFY/
 parameter name=passiveY/
 parameter name=PulseN/
 group name=cp
 parameter name=allowY/
 group name=messages
 parameter name=userDefinedN/
 parameter name=talkOverlayN/
 parameter name=talkRandomN/

Hi Chris

Thanks for that. I tried this by creating a document with 20 or so
ApplicationData elements in CDATA sections and didn't see the effect
you are seeing (am running with the AVOCET branch at the moment). The
places you are seeing the CDATA markers are really strange and it
lookes like they are valid in as much that the CDATA section is
terminated and then started up again. I wonder if this is a buffering
thing somewhere. I.e something reads part of a CDATA secton and sends
a CDATA event which SDO uses to create a CDATA section. As only part
of the CDATA has been read the next part gets put in a separate CDATA
section. Anyhow just thinking aloud as I don't see any references to
this kind of thing in a quick web search. I need to investigate



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[phpsoa] Re: curl and required directories

2007-03-10 Thread simonslaws

Hi Rob

On 9 Mar, 16:58, Rob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was playing around with the json bindings and ran into a couple of
 issues that imho should be changed.
 First is the reliance on the directory structure. Originally only the
 SCA directory was needed. When I tried to call a remote json service,
 I found out that the top level SDO directory was also needed as there
 is some pathing looking for a SDO/DAS/Json.php file (So with my layout
 I added the entire pecl tree to the include_path entry). Either it
 should be SCA/ and DAS/ OR SDO/. Personally I would prefer not to go
 the SDO/ route just for the fact that it could contain a lot of other
 things. Much easier to be copying the SCA and DAS directories
 somewhere than having playing around cleaning up the SDO directory so
 only the PHP code is left. Another possibility is to create some other
 structure that encapsulates all the callable PHP code. In any case
 consistency here would be good.

Yes, I fell for this one again when doing some JSON-RPC tests earlier
and I put the wrong path in.
DAS is part of SDO because having a DAS on its own without SDO doesn't
really make any sense. What you have highlighted though is that when
we make the next release, including the JSON-RPC functionality, we
need to remember to ship the JSON DAS also. When you do a pecl install
SCA_SDO then SCA and SDO directories are created containing just the
PHP code from the package. Given the current scheme the json.php would
be expected to appear in SDO/DAS

 On to curl. It would probably be better to use the PHP stream support
 if possible than relying on curl. For example, I have no curl support
 on the system because its really not needed anymore - I use PHP
 streams and like to keep my build lean. One less requirement the

Good idea. Not tried it but have added it to the wish list. (http://




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[phpsoa] Re: Randomly appearing strings when working with CDATA

2007-03-10 Thread simonslaws

On 9 Mar, 17:26, cdouglas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
After the fix was put in to handle CDATA in XML docs, I started
 having garbage strings show up in the CData sections.  Its always the
 same but randomly in the cdata.   Is anyone else seeing this?  I am
 just using a str_replace to get rid of it, but I would rather not have

 This is what is getting put in randomly.



Hi Chris

Sounds like the fix is a bit over zealous about putting the CDATA
markers  in. Due to way that the internals of SDO works it takes them
out in the XML read logic and puts them in again when the strings are
stored in the SDO properties. So obviously something is going wrong in
some cases. I haven't seen this happen. Do you have an example where
it always happens or can you describe what sort of document it happens
in so I can reproduce it.



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