Re: [WSG] question about max-width's behaviour

2007-11-21 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Nov 21, 2007, at 5:05 PM, David Laakso wrote:

This site uses min/max width and the behaviour I see is the same  
as mine.

Oops, forgot to post the url in my previous post. (one of the best layout I even seen!)


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] question about max-width's behaviour

2007-11-21 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Nov 21, 2007, at 5:02 PM, Jermayn Parker wrote:

good example of this is:

 It behaves the same as mine as well as the think vitamine.

This is because em is a measuring unit relative to the font size of  

page, so as you increase the font size, the size of 1 em increases as
well, and therefore your max-width of 60em gets larger and larger.

I DO understand this. Perhaps what I don't understand is the max- 
width concept. I thought 'max' means there is a limitation regardless  
what condition a page is, and I thought this 'limitation' should  
include the 'em' unit. The purpose of max-width loses if it can't  
overruled the em's behavior.

Do I making myself clear or stupid? :)


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] question about max-width's behaviour

2007-11-21 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Nov 21, 2007, at 3:30 PM, Adam Martin wrote:

What are you putting the max-width declaration on? a div for example?

I have something like this right now:

#wrapper {max-width: 60em; min-width: 600px;margin:0 auto; }
#container, #btm_wrap { margin:0 auto;position:relative;text- 

It was this:

#wrapper {width: 100%}
#container, #btm_wrap { margin:0 auto;position:relative;text- 
align:left;max-width: 60em; min-width: 600px;}



None of them changes anything, even with the #wrapper div removed  
(which I just realized can be safely removed)

This site uses min/max width and the behaviour I see is the same as  


List Guidelines:

[WSG] question about max-width's behaviour

2007-11-21 Thread Tee G. Peng
I thought  max-width tells the browser: This is the limit of the  
width you can expand, regardless how big the screen is.

But  my testing shows that, with a max-width of 60em, a 1680px wide  
monitor, when a browser is opened in full screen, with fontsize  
increases, the page just continued expanding until it reaches 1680px  
full screen. If I drag the screen to the second monitor, it keeps  
expanding.  If I make the screen smaller to 900px, then expansion  
stop there.

Am I missing somthing?

I tried setting a max-width of 1024px and 60em width , it doesn't  
work, my test shows that FF and Safari ignore the max-width.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Site check

2007-11-16 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Nov 16, 2007, at 7:23 PM, Kenny Graham wrote:

I don't think the grey used nicely; give me an impression that it's  
an advertising firm with very conservative, uncreative image. Content  
area without bg color may looks cleaner.

Home page is the most important real estate for a site, I think it  
presents better if making it to 2 columns floated with 2 rows, so  
that your visitor can see the 4 big buttons without having to scroll  
down to find out what services your firm offers .

Brand | Print
Web   | Media

Make it elastic with min/max width support, so user with big screen  
won't see the big empty space on the right, and those who prefer  
viewing at 800px can see what you have now.

I really don't like to have to scroll up so that I can navigate to  
another page.

Lastly, when I click the home button, I see  'about' text  popping up  
on top of about button, this happens to other 3 buttons too.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Skip nav links, tab through

2007-11-15 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Nov 15, 2007, at 5:42 PM, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

You need to turn FKA (Full Keyboard Access)  'on' in System  
Preferences > Keyboard and Mouse.

Also for Safari and Camino:
Safari: Preferences > Advanced: see the checkbox.
Camino: Preferences >  Web Features: see the checkboxes at the bottom.

Thanks Steve and Philippe,

Finally got it working. I didn't check the 'Advanced' as I am average  
user :-)

So much for the universal access of Apple!

Glad to know Camino has this feature too (I swear I checked it) as  
this is my default browser for web browsing.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Skip nav links, tab through

2007-11-15 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Nov 15, 2007, at 7:13 AM, Steve Green wrote:

 Links are not on the tab sequence in Safari by default, but you can
turn that on in the Preferences. I have no idea if users actually  
do in


I still unable to figure out how Safari tab feature works. I already  
have  it turned on but when I 'tab', the feature never work for any  
sites but the Safari menu (address bar and bookmark bar) only. I  
don't know what I am missing, as I obviously  can get the tabbing  
work in Firefox.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] opera doesn't play nice with Opacity

2007-11-13 Thread Tee G. Peng

Many thanks again to everyone who replied to my post.

On Nov 13, 2007, at 5:52 AM, Navjot Pawera wrote:

I have 9.5 Alpha Beta. Do you know if Opera is quick to bug fix?  
If not, I don't want to bother to report the bug. :-)

I just checked the thread and saw this discussion. It would a big  
help if you could file that bug (as you've already been playing  
around with it - you'd probably will be able to explain it better).  
You can be assured that we'll do our best to get this rectified in  
the newer builds as soon as possible (if it is a valid bug of- 
course - I haven't really been able to check the

Navjot, yes I filed it early this morning.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] opera doesn't play nice with Opacity

2007-11-13 Thread Tee G. Peng


I have no idea whether Opera uses Qt4 or 3 but it may filter  
through in
time to a new Opera release (try Opera 9.5 beta - it may have it  

I have 9.5 Alpha Beta. Do you know if Opera is quick to bug fix? If  
not, I don't want to bother to report the bug. :-)


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] opera doesn't play nice with Opacity

2007-11-13 Thread Tee G. Peng


On Nov 12, 2007, at 9:31 PM, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
 After going over the whole thing with a colour sampler, I could  
'see' the difference :-) (that is : the OS X colour-picker saw it,  
not my eyes).

You are kidding right :)
See what I saw in my browsers.

What Opera 9.5 beta is trying is puzzling. The whole footer has a  
yellow background.

I don't see this in my Opera. The yellow background is the body  
No trace of any background-colour as specified in the style-sheet,  
not on #ftr_wrap and not on #col1, #col2, #col3.

yes, they do have background colors, they are located at  
goldenlotus.css. I wanted to use this style sheet for structure  
layout and the content.css for positioning and presentation, probably  
not well organized.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] opera doesn't play nice with Opacity

2007-11-12 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Nov 12, 2007, at 8:56 PM, Ben Buchanan wrote:

You are correct: Opera doesn't do opacity.

Actually a quick test in Opera 9.24 (PC) shows that Opera does do  
opacity; so opacity support isn't the issue. Perhaps a selector/ 
inheritance issue?

Test case:

Hi Ben, thanks for the test. It doesn't quite work in my Mac Opera   
9.50 Alpha, when mouse over, nothing happens, but I can see the  
opacity effect if I select the h1 text.

I  also found another problem, this confirms Opera has Opacity bug.

In the left column of golden lotus's page, I also use the opacity for  
this id:

#bgtop {background: #efefef;opacity:0.95;border:6px solid #fc5;}
#left_col {background:#fc3;color:#212121;}

probably should remove this div entirey but my first draft was using  
a rounded corner image for the top of left column, thus extra div was  

The text in the #left_col should be black text, there in Opera some  
of the texts are showned in #fc3 color which is the background color  
of #left_col.


List Guidelines:

[WSG] opera doesn't play nice with Opacity

2007-11-12 Thread Tee G. Peng

On this site,

body {background:#FFB701}

where footer wrap has opacity of 0.92 with a bg color

#ftr_wrap {background:#0d0d0d;

and 3 columns has

#col1, #col2, #col3 {background:#1a1a1a;}

I think Safari and Firefox got it right, that the 3 columns' elements  
are 'inheriting' the opacity from the #ftr_wrap, which is what I wanted.

But Opera doen'st seemed to agree.

Also, I know I am asking something close to impossible for pixel  
perfect, but is there a way I can make it less obvious between PC and  
Mac for the h1 text.

I have h1 fontsize first set to 380%, then settled for 3.8em for now.
Golden Lotus

#logo was first floated left with margin-top, the text was 3px lower  
in my PC's FF and Opera, so I changed it to

#logo {margin-top:290px;position:absolute;}
It doesn't change at all.



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Styling [Forms]

2007-11-04 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Nov 4, 2007, at 5:27 AM, James Jeffery wrote:

Hi all

I have a select box that has a greater width and hight then the
standard size. I am trying to center the default option that displays
in the select box. I have tried padding: xem 0; and it centers the
options when the list is displayed, but the default option does not

Basically i want to center (vertically) the default option in a  
select box.

Anyone got any ideas i have tried for a while and can't get it to  

When I run into this problem, I declare width for 'select'.

select {width: 250px}

If I want to style the option values in Firefox, I add a class like so

.option {border-bottom : 1px solid #efefefe; padding: 3px
;width: 250px}

If a class is added, I don't declare width in 'select'.

IMHO, this looks so much better than making text center just for the  
Gecko based browsers. I do care the aesthetic inspiration, but using  
JS to overwrite browser default for option attribute isn't something  
I aspire :)

'width' works for all browsers I have tested : Safari, IE, Opera,  
Firefox and Camino
'text-align' only work in Opera and Firefox. In Camino, only the  
first option value works.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] skip to content: care of accessibility causing usability

2007-10-30 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Oct 30, 2007, at 5:56 AM, willdonovan wrote:

I dont seem to get any of the flicking effects that everyone is  
talking about.

I'm using Firefox

Hi William, thanks for checking. It was eliminated :)

This site has something similar to what I did - I think I must have  
gotten the idea from it ;)


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] How z-index works

2007-10-29 Thread Tee G. Peng
Thierry, excellent work! This is a good case of a picture worth  
thousand words - I think I pretty much understand how z-index works  
(after many hours of testing and an assignment from the CSS.2.1  
class)  but I still not able to get a comprehensive understanding  
from that article on z-index.

On Oct 29, 2007, at 10:57 PM, Thierry Koblentz wrote:

Hi John.
Sorry to hear that, but I don't know what to say as nobody else has  

having problems :(

You may want to have your web host take a look. It may be DNS caching  
(not sure if it's correct word) with your IP address. I encountered  
this problem with sites from Asia and Europe , because I really  
wanted to see the sites, so I reported the problem, and suggested  
them contact their web hosts. After that I was able to get the sites  

You maybe able to find out yourself from by entering  
your IP address, then report to your webhost. The first time I  
couldn't see a site and the site owner had no idea why, someone from  
another list told me to look up the IP address of that site to look  
for anomaly, thus I was able to tell the site owner to seek help from  
his webhost.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] skip to content: care of accessibility causing usability

2007-10-28 Thread Tee G. Peng

Georg, thank you so much!

IE6 displayed correctly except the header problem I wrote. I did  a  
lot of tweaking in the main stylesheet after my post , and didn't get  
to check on IE6. You saw the 'wrong version' :), but I notice the  
header's reloads disappered now the right column sits below the  
left.  this makes me rethink maybe the mini-cart that has negative  
margin top causing (I ruled this out before), or the "auto-expansion".

Thanks for the advice on hasLayout tricks. I will give it more  
thought next time I tempt to use again.

A fixed-width approach will _just work_ in all browsers, and make it
much easier to get IE6 to behave like a browser.

I need to accommodate 800px screen for a very specific reason, but  
this layout doesn't look good (especially in product page) in 800px.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] skip to content: care of accessibility causing usability

2007-10-28 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Oct 28, 2007, at 3:56 AM, Stuart Foulstone wrote:

But the point is that, this accessibility feature is for people who  

use a mouse - i.e. they cannot "click" anywhere.

Ah yah right A good point you have made. I am a 'mouse' user, and  
I do find skip to (content/navigation) useful for me. Now you pointed  
out ( John and other did too but I was blind :) ), makes me realized   
I was mainly viewing this feature from my own' benefit.

Glad that I asked. Sometimes one has to show one's ignorance so one  
can learn something important :)


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] skip to content: care of accessibility causing usability

2007-10-27 Thread Tee G. Peng

I agree with you: the 'hover' technique is way more annoying, and  
it will annoy way more people.

Thanks all for your response. I now can clearly see I got myself  
carried away by my 'try-to-do-thing-right' little obsession :)

Ok, three of you said "skip to content is of little use in this site,  
but if I still want to keep it (and able to keep client happy), I  
suppose this won't upset users right?

#skip_nav a {display: block;padding: 0.35em;text-indent: -200em;text- 
decoration: none;}

John said don't use display:block. Actually the very reason I used it  
is because I want a user able to click on any area of the top. Is  
this as bad as the annoying hover effect?

Georg, can you kindly take a look on IE6?  The horizontal menu  
doesn't load smoothly, when the page is fully loaded, the header's  
part reloads, I suspect it has to do with the clear both class yet I  
can't figure  a fix for IE (tried all tricks from hasLayout)

background image xxx




#logo {float: left}
#header search {float:right}
.clear {height:0;clear:both}

IEs show a  6px to 8px gap between h1 logo and the menu., so I have
margin-top: -6px for IEs. my guess is the clear class causing it.
It works except that in IE 6, as described, the header reloads after  
the page fully loaded.



List Guidelines:

[WSG] skip to content: care of accessibility causing usability

2007-10-27 Thread Tee G. Peng
I am having an issue and I can't seem to see the whole picture  

Thanks to your influences,  it has become my second nature to have  
'skip to content' in every site I do (sites I have control over the  
design and layout); when I do markup coding, clients often ignore the  
'skip to content' and 'skip to nav' - I managed to convinced them a  
couple times with a compromise to hide it from browsers by using  
'display:none', because, according to them, only screen users need  
'skip to content'.

I am doing a site that I have control on design and layout, client  
asked to remove the 'skip to content' when I showed him the first  
layout, I tried to talk him out by stating how important it is to  
have the 'skip to content' implemented. He didn't buy it, so I came  
out with this technique: (move your mouse to the top to see the result).

Haven't show it to client yet. Been working on this site in the last  
2 days, I find that I am getting so  annoyed by the "surprise'  
everytime the hover pops up. There is no way to miss it everytime I  
move the cursor to the top.

If I, the site builder,  find it annoying, what will the users find ?  
I am beginning to think this is causing a usability issue and is  
killing all other usable elements that I work so hard to try to get  
them right.

Please give me your thought.

Many thanks!


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] browsers render differently with "Optroup"

2007-10-24 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Oct 24, 2007, at 12:14 AM, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

On Oct 24, 2007, at 3:27 PM, Tee G. Peng wrote:

I am working on a web form that has Optgroup in it, and the first  
time I realized browsers render this attribute differently.

IE Mac displays 'CA' in your 1st example
IE 7 Win displays 'CA' in your 1st example
Opera 9.5 alpha: idem ditto.

I made an example page with markup copied from the above page

Under 17.6.1 it says (specifically for label in option):

label = text [CS]
This attribute allows authors to specify a shorter label for  
an option than the content of the OPTION element. When specified,  
user agents should use the value of this attribute rather than the  
content of the OPTION element as the option label.

That sounds, to me, as validating what  Safari, IE Mac, IE Win  
Camino are doing.

Note that Firefox is not wrong by the description given above.

I am sorry I only understand this thing half.

We must use 'label' right?

  PortMaster 2 with ComOS 3.7option>

So Firefox reads "PortMaster 2 with ComOS 3.7" and the rest of the  
browsers read from 'label' attribute, so the screen reader?

Can 'value' be removed?  Everytime I work on a web form, the same  
qeustion kept throwing back to me. Is there any attribute one can  
saftly remove without causing browsers, screen reader and form script  

label and ID are needed, Name also needed for the form script I use;  
this leaves the 'value' which I never able to decide the *value* of  
its usage.

I really find a markup like this is too much
My form 


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Title attribute and screen readers

2007-10-24 Thread Tee G. Peng

So it's concluded that title attribute is as useless as tabindex  
and accesskey and therefor shouldn't be used at all?

Need acknowledge by your accessible mastero :)

Need acknowledge "from" your accessible mastero :-)

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Title attribute and screen readers

2007-10-24 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Oct 24, 2007, at 4:27 AM, Patrick H. Lauke wrote:

Try tabbing to a link with a title via keyboard, and tell me if it  
brings up a tooltip or similar to let a sighted user read the title...

So it's concluded that title attribute is as useless as tabindex and  
accesskey and therefor shouldn't be used at all?

Need acknowledge by your accessible mastero :)


List Guidelines:

[WSG] browsers render differently with "Optroup"

2007-10-23 Thread Tee G. Peng
I am working on a web form that has Optgroup in it, and the first  
time I realized browsers render this attribute differently.

I have something like this:



In Firefox, it display: California

In Safari and Opera, it displays: CA

p/s. Haven't check on IE yet.

According to w3c's html spec

I made an example page with markup copied from the above page

represents the following grouping:

  PortMaster 3
  PortMaster 2

In 17.6.1 Pre-selected options, scolled down to the end of 17.6.1,
It says: A graphical user agent might render this as : (screenshot  
from old Netscape I think)

 Gecko based browsers are graphical user agents yet Safari and Opera  
are not? (!!!)

Screen reader isn't graphic user agent, so it will read 'CA" instead  
of 'California'?

It's quite annoying if I have to add :


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Priority 2 error - Clearly identify the target of each link.

2007-10-20 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Oct 20, 2007, at 3:31 PM, russ - maxdesign wrote:

Hi Tee,

Is it an "Idiotic error"?

Imagine you're blind...

Ok, since you put it this way, I will reconsider my choice of word :)
(thanks for the grammar correction).

You have given a good reason, still, I think that criteria should  
have room for flexibility (just as George has given the same reason)  
because, link texts in the articles aren't the same and the excerpt  
of the article should have given enough information for a user  
(including screen reader user) whether he wants to continue reading  
the full article. If my argument is prudent, I think validator should  
have something like

if {this}
else {that}

argument, so that it doesn't blindly flagging an error when it finds  
two same texts for title attribute:)

If law requires websites must passed mechanical check, yet the logic  
behinds that criteria has flaw but validator can't verify it, I think  
we have a big problem here.

I don't have screen reader to test, so  I can't verify your argument  
about the frustration that may cause to a screen reader user if he  
jumps from one link to the other, although, I would thought he would  
have the software read out the excerpt, because, when I use Apple  
VoiceOver, that is exactly how I will do.

Despite many posts and articles I have read, how screen reader  
behaves is a myth to me. I think I remember reading someone (Steve?)  
said that no all screen readers read the title attribute.

Guess I still haven't gotten  my question answered :-(


List Guidelines:

[WSG] Priority 2 error - Clearly identify the target of each link.

2007-10-20 Thread Tee G. Peng
working on a project that must meet all mechanical check for priority  
2, via WAI or Total validator. Client is from UK and according to an  
article I read, by year 2008, all government websites must meet the  
priority 2 is that correct? This is not a site for government but  
client wanted WCAG AA compliant.

In the site, there is a section for blog, and the excerpt follows  
with a 'continue reading' link (title attribute generated by the blog  
or CMS script I have yet to find out, and can't find a way to change  
or customize it).  In the same page more than one article is listed,  
that means more than one title attribute with 'continue reading', as  
a result I am unable to pass the Priority 2: 13.1 Clearly identify  
the target of each link.

Can this idiotically error be ignored?



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] introducing a prompt to download or open a pdf

2007-10-16 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Oct 16, 2007, at 12:39 AM, Chris Price wrote:

BTW Macs don't have a right click.

Hi Chris, Mac has right click. It's just Steve Jobs made it so  
difficult with his Apple mouse (a piece of pricey junk). If you use  
Apple mouse, use the combination of "control" on keyboard + click on  
mouse, this will open up the right click window for options.

I think it worth to include this little info for user education when  
a web design opted to use right click for download/open new window.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE 7 check please

2007-10-14 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Oct 14, 2007, at 12:14 AM, Donna Jones wrote:

Tee, i just looked more at the site.

yes, i get the scroll bar at 800 wide in IE7 (not standalone).  and  
yes, its because its not chopping off the footer (wouldn't have  
noticed, probably, though if Kepler hadn't noticed and then you re- 
mentioned it).  In IE6 it doesn't chop off the footer and there is  
no scroll BUT its broken, the divisions don't line up right (they  
sorta fall all over the place).  In mozilla there is no scroll but  
the footer is chopped off. so, it seems like out of those three  
that IE7 is handling it best.  In mozilla, using Tidy, it says  
there are 136! warnings.  and , some in particular are missing  
division endings.  also, just noticed at 800 wide in mozilla the  
divisions overlap in a way that doesn't work well, at all.  i think  
someone needs to take a look at it!

Thanks Donna, thanks for checking.

I am not concerned how thinkvitamin has errors and warnings and text  
got chopped off because that is beyond my control but the owner of  
the site.  That site is made for wider screen audience but made  
consideration for 800px screen user (a close to none-existence for  
its audiences I would say). So my take is they aware of the issue and  
decided not to bother.

My quest is whether IE 7 has issue with "elastic + fluid' layout, as  
shown on that two sites and mine.

Anyhow, I found the answer myself. In my layout I have an element  
with background image, and I have a span class for image replacement.

h3 {url(image.png) no-repeat}
h3 span {position:absolute; text-indent: -3000px}

heading 3

Apparently the position:absolute or the text-indent was causing that  
extra 70px white space in IE 7, thus resulting a horizontal  
scrollbar. Note that 70px extra is there whether the screen is 800px  
or 900px. it's just not noticeable with wider screen.

It goes away when I change the absolute to relative, or text-indent:  
-3000px to 'left: -3000px'


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE 7 check please

2007-10-13 Thread Tee G. Peng

Hi Kepler,

Thanks for checking.

For -
I'm not seeing a horizontal scrollbar in IE7 until you resize below  
770px (after the 3rd column drops below the 2nd). I suspect this is  
behavior you wanted since FireFox behaves the same way. One thing I  
did note

was the search heading remained at the right and didn't drop below the
second column like the rest of the 3rd column. I suspect it is  
because it is

contained in the second column's div:

I guess this one isn't a good  example of what I was trying to find  
out in IE 7 as it's min-width is smaller than 800px.

For -
This site has a scrollbar in IE7 around 884px. It appears that this is
caused by the footer. In FireFox it just ignores that the right  
portion of
the footer is being chopped off and doesn't give you a scrollbar  
but as soon

as the footer content doesn't fit in IE7 the scroll bar appears.

I didn't noticed that the content in footer being chopped off, but  
yes, this is what I was trying to determine whether IE 7 has issue  
with elastic + fluid layout (is there a name for such layout?), or  
other browsers that got the words chopped off is wrong.

I made the screenshots for Firefox in  Mac and PC, and IE 6 Vs IE 7  
standalone. - you can clearly see IE 7 has  
scollbar at 800px and the reason for it is footer text.

I am trying to fix a similar layout that I submitted to  My layout initially was elastic and aimed  for 1024  
screen user, however they found horizontal scrollbar at 800px - 800px  
without horizontal scrollbar is one of the criteria. I wanted this be  
fixed, so I amended my layout to "elastic + fluid" like the above two  
sites, and I am getting some 70px scrollbar at 800px screen in my  
standalone IE 7, not IE 6. (no special treatment is served for IE 6/7  
for the outer wrap). At 800px screen in other browsers, no words  
being chopped off though.



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE 7 check please

2007-10-12 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Oct 12, 2007, at 10:33 PM, Tee G. Peng wrote:

Can you please tell me if you see a horizontal scroll-bar in these  
two sites in IE 7 (not standalone), in 800px wide screen.

I forgot to mention, in the above site, it actually is about 776px  
before you see a horizontal bar, but that doesn't eliminate my  
suspicion that IE 7 has issue with elastic layout, becaus at IE 6,  
the scollbar appears when the sreen is smaller that 769px.



List Guidelines:

[WSG] IE 7 check please

2007-10-12 Thread Tee G. Peng
Can you please tell me if you see a horizontal scroll-bar in these  
two sites in IE 7 (not standalone), in 800px wide screen.

I am working on a similar layout and in my standalone version it has  
scroll-bar, not in IE 6 though, therefor I don't want to fix  
something I am uncertain whether that is a bug in IE standalone and  

If it also show up in IE 7, has anybody encountered similar before  
and if you know the quick fix?



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Jquery and/or Yahoo UI

2007-10-12 Thread Tee G. Peng

Can you comment on Ext JS ?

I'd been wanting to know how it measure up  with standards but  
thought this is not a place to ask, but where is the better place to  
get a better answer regarding standards? :)


On Oct 12, 2007, at 10:56 AM, Christian Montoya wrote:

On 10/12/07, Simon Cockayne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Anyone using jQuery ( or Yahoo UI
( ?

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Cost of Accessibility

2007-10-08 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Oct 8, 2007, at 8:32 AM, Joseph Taylor wrote:

There's plenty of people all around me that build crap sites for  
cheap. Always will be.

If I may add, there are plenty of people all around me that build  
crap sites for $$$ and I had worked with a few of them -  
my insistence on building accessible site only got myself fired.  
Always will be if there is no law telling them they must build  
accessible websites.

My dilemma is, I don't want the law tells me I must build accessible  
websites, and I don't want to build accessible sites because I afraid  
people with disability might sue me. I want to build accessible sites  
because that is the right thing to do and I have pride in what I do.

Sometimes I do wonder, are some people (including me) in the WSG list  
live in our fancy world.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Form styling

2007-09-26 Thread Tee G. Peng

I, on the other hand, love form styling :)

this is what I came out, a bit heavy on markup but it works  
consistently accross browsers, including IE 5 (except extra line- 

size="40" value="insert value" /> 

I used to use "label" and "input" for floated left and right.

label {float: left}
input {float:right}


but with checkbox, which the label tag is on the right and I found  
that the floated left 'label' was conflicting with it, so I decided  
that adding extra span classes works better and less headache with  
IEs; If I remember correctly, IE didnt' behave quite well without  
extra span classes.

What fruit do you like?:




This is my latest creation that includes :active and :focus, and is  
WCAG AAA compliant. You are welcome to use my code.


On Sep 26, 2007, at 10:15 AM, Tom Livingston wrote:

Hello list,

OK, I hate form styling. It's my least favorite thing. I have started
using Eric Meyer's "Reset" style sheet.  Does anyone have a favorite
resource for dealing with forms. I am tired of resorting to... [cough]
tables. I do manage on occasion to pull it off w/o tables, but it's
always a struggle. Especially where labels are to the left of text

Thanks a bunch in advance.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] question on 'logical tab order'

2007-09-22 Thread Tee G. Peng
Hi Stuart, thank you so much for the suggestion. I like what you have  

  As you tab from one

to the next, the current item is highlighted to help show which has

I think mention of logical tab order or pseudo classes (even though  

what you've done) will only serve to confuse accessibility users -
remember keeping explanations as simple as possible is also part of

Will improve this :)

I still don't think my question get answered. I want to know, without  
using the tabindex, can one still claim to have the tab order in  
place? Or rather, how you guys define/understand 'logical tab order'?

A google search on 'logical tab order', shows up  results that are  
related to tabindex.

best and good weekend!

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] opera bug on hover, and the use of margins and left/right on absolute position

2007-09-22 Thread Tee G. Peng
Forgot to ask another question about tooltips (using hover span  
technique) Vs title attribute

I have a concern regarding accessibility on this technique, if
show/hide result isn't so much of a concern,would 'title' attribute a  
better choice?  Because, if style sheet is disable or pag viewed in  
Lynx Viewer, content in the span class is revealed. But we don't  
always want this.


On Sep 22, 2007, at 6:21 AM, Tee G. Peng wrote:

Got an impression that  Patrick and George are experts of Opera  
browser :) Can you guys take a look on this?

Al, I reckon you have no problem that I bring this question here.

It came from a question someone asked on other list and Al from  
PVll gave a tips that I found can be improved a bit for browser  
compatibility, because on so many occasions, I found that using  
margins instead of left/right to manipulate position in an absolute  
position gets consistent result in browsers (except IE 6 and below,  
but that can easily solve) .

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] question on 'logical tab order'

2007-09-22 Thread Tee G. Peng
Simon, thank you so much for the English lesson. Thousand times  
better than my high shool English teacher who declared I absolutely  
cannot write a sentence in English, and that I should married myself  
out the moment I finished my high school, because, according to her,  
that was the only career I could had for my future :)

I would first point out is that this will be almost meaningless to  
anyone other than people familiar with html and css - so this is a  
message to web designer colleagues, but certainly not to the  
general public!

That is quite true, however on different perspective, I do think that  
sometimes putting a message like this on a site helps educate general  
public how to use their browsers to enhance their browsing  
experiences. Of course, only if they care to read the accessibility  

Best regards,


List Guidelines:

[WSG] opera bug on hover, and the use of margins and left/right on absolute position

2007-09-22 Thread Tee G. Peng
Got an impression that  Patrick and George are experts of Opera  
browser :) Can you guys take a look on this?

Al, I reckon you have no problem that I bring this question here.

It came from a question someone asked on other list and Al from PVll  
gave a tips that I found can be improved a bit for browser  
compatibility, because on so many occasions, I found that using  
margins instead of left/right to manipulate position in an absolute  
position gets consistent result in browsers (except IE 6 and below,  
but that can easily solve) .

a.tooltip:hover span {


the result in Safari and Opera (doesn't work properly for opera 9.5 alpha  
and Opera 9.02)

Opera 9.02 has a problem with :hover span, part of the  popup box
overlapping the link element's background on hover. When link is
clicked,  the popup box shows up fine.

[2] my version:

a.tooltip:hover span {
top:0;  left:0; 
margin-left: 5em;

} (work for Opera 9.5 alpha without clicking
the link element; still doesn't work for Opera 9.02)

I noticed this problem before Opera 9.5 alpha came out, but didn't  
bother to seek for answer/solution because very rarely I need to use  
#2 on client's project. Now that knowing it does work for Opera 9.5  
alpha, guess it's good to find out what causes the problem in #1.  
Also,  can someone explains the use of margins over  left/right [3]  
units with absolute position. I don't think I ever read anything from  
all those known CSS gurus (including you :) ) about the benefit on  
using margins or left/right elements when absolute positioning comes  
to play.

[3] top or bottom doesn't seem affect anything but quite needed; at  
least in many occasions when I use an absolute position, I always  
need to declare a unit in top or bottom with 'zero' unit in left or  
right, then in combination with margin (left or right) to get it  
works properly.


List Guidelines:

[WSG] question on 'logical tab order'

2007-09-22 Thread Tee G. Peng

Trying to polish up my accessibility statement.

First, I don't have tabindex implemented in the web form and links as  
I concluded it's like access keys, prune to cause confusion than  
helpfulness. I have 'skip to content' and 'go to top' links,  
with :active and :focus, and I thought linking structure wise, I have  
a logical tab order planned out.

So I wrote:

You shall able to navigate this site using tab features with your  
keyboards comfortably. Logical tab orders are taken into account to  
prevent confusion;  :active and :focus pseudo classes are used so  
that links and form items are highlighted when they are 'tabbed to'. [1]

Decided to read more about tabindex and tab orders, after a few  
articles, I left with a confusion. For example, article written by  
Molly E.H defines 'logical tab orders with 'adding tabindex  
attribute'. Accessibility statements on a few sites claimed to have  
the logical tab orders but I don't see the tabindex attribute in the  
the markup.

[1] I am pretty sure that paragraph is full of grammatical errors but  
I can't pinpoint them as I have difficulty with " when to add 's' and  
where 's' should be added". So if you can correct my errors and  
explain to me that will be great :)

Many thanks!


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Accessible Open Source CMS

2007-09-12 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Sep 12, 2007, at 5:43 PM, Vlad Alexander (XStandard) wrote:

Tee wrote:

Personally I don't think there is a fully accessible
WYSIWYG Editor existed that delivers pure clean code.
It all depends on how you define "fully". XStandard has a keyboard  
accessible interface and most definitely delivers clean, accessible  

Well, yesterday I finally learned that the Mac version finally came  
out - a very long wait, must be at least 2 year; after 6 months of  
waiting, I gave up and completely forgotten as if it never existed.  
Haven't try the lite version so I will take your word and give a  
benefit of doubt, but until then I will reserve my insignificant 2  
cents :)

I remember there was a thread regarding XStandard porting to Modx and  
you and the developers were going to see if possible. That seems went  


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Accessible Open Source CMS

2007-09-12 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Sep 12, 2007, at 7:57 AM, Vlad Alexander (XStandard) wrote:

This article may be useful:

Hmm, I wonder why they didn't include Modx. The survey was done in  
May, maybe Modx (v 0.9.5) wasn't quite ready yet! The v.9.6 has  
improved a lot and we are promised something even sweeter in the next  

That said, if you pay attention and practice web standards, it will  
be a fooled to not  pay attention to certain things from certain  
people in the web standards groups. The same goes with Modx CMS, if  
you are looking for a scalable, accessible and web standards  
compliant CMS that offers many flexible and powerful features through  
plugins and snippets, it will be a fool that you don't even spend a  
few minutes to take a look simply because you already have a favorite  

Dive into Modx and make a template (or convert one of your static CSS/ 
XHTML layout) isn't difficult at all. Modx is very user-friendly for  
web designer however the learning curve is a bit higher (but not more  
than WP, Joomla, Textpattern,  EE, Plone of the sort in my opinion (I  
have tested them all)) if one PHP knowledge's is a bit weak (someone  
like me). Currently Modx lacks a good documentation and the admin  
interface have room to improved (again! we are promised that they  
will be changed in the next release);  Many tips and tutorials are  
hidden in the Forum that need a bit of digging and dedication.

Modx doesn't control/limit what you want as far as code and  
functionality concerned; it gives you what you want to have, the way  
you wanted it.

Personally I don't think there is a fully accessible  WYSIWYG Editor  
existed that delivers pure clean code. TINY MCE is the default plugin  
for Modx which I find difficult to use and a memory eater; I prefer  
something like textile from Textpattern; someone was making Markdown  
integration I think. It has a QuickEdit front-end content editor  
which I like very much.

Ditto, Jot and Reflect snippets make Modx a wonderful Blog CMS (if  
you only want a blog). Ditto aggregates articles (aka documents)  
(this snippet can do a lot more tasks); Jot takes care of comments   
and Reflect handles the archives. There is a plugin called PHx  
(Placeholders Xtended), enable, can add the capability of output  
modifiers using placeholders, template variables (A very powerful  
feature of Modx - you no longer limited to Content area) and settings  
tags. Jot + PHx, you get: moderate, edit, delete comments at front- 
end. As for the ping and trackback features that bloggers concern  
about, there is a Trackback snippet, and a Japanese developer wrote a  
SendPing module :

What does this plugin do?
This plugin is supposed to send pings to various (editable) websites  
using the XML-RCP library and ping protocol. The goal of this is to  
update these services that there has been added new content to your  
website, which will make sure these services crawl your website. This  
feature is mainly interesting for those who use MODx to blog, but the  
usage of pings is growing all the time as it's an comfortable way to  
instantly get updated data for search engines.
In addition to this it'll also notify Google that your site has new  
content and your sitemap.xml should be spidered again (exact filename  
also configurable).
Also, according to ZeRo's email this currently supports multi  
domains, which could be useful for the heavy users.

What doesn't it do?
It wont make you coffee nor breakfast, sadly, in addition to that it  
doesn't automatically notify these services as of now; you'll have to  
run the module manually, ZeRo has planned a plugin to handle this  
with his next version.

Trackback allows blogger to send/receive pings to other blogs whereas  
SendPing will notify blog search engines/social networking sites


Many interesting and powerful snippets/plugins/modules that can  
enhance features, functions and make your live sweeter,  can be found  
in 'forum > In Development'.

Lastly, I almost hate to mention my site as it hasn't completed yet -  
it's powered by Modx using just a few snippets/plugin with a nothing- 
to-show-blog. This is not a good example to demonstrate how flexible  
and scalable and accessible Modx can give you, but I hope it's a good  
example of 'artisan's work' (borrowed Partrick's word) made by Modx.  
In the blog individual article page, I even managed to score WCAG AAA.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Accessible Open Source CMS

2007-09-12 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Sep 12, 2007, at 2:13 AM, Web Dandy Design wrote:


Can anyone advise on the most accessible, open-source CMS between  

Drupal or Plone?

Modx cms


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Speaking of alt tags . . .

2007-09-11 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Sep 11, 2007, at 2:16 AM, Patrick H. Lauke wrote:

Quoting "Tee G. Peng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

If it's decorative image, why not make it to background image?  
This is

most appropriate way to handle it, and you don't need to worry about
blank alt tag.

Depending on the situation, it's not always possible to add images  
as non-repeating CSS. For instance, think of a CMS environment with  
multiple, non-technical authors using a WYSIWYG plugin/editor. It's  
unrealistic in those situations to expect those authors to assign  
an ID to a container element, add appropriate padding, and set the  
image as CSS background (also often they won't even be able to add  
CSS in the first place).

For hand-crafted pages, done by a web artisan, it's true that using  
CSS is the more elegant solution. It's just not appropriate in all  
situations at this point.

Hmmm, I didn't think about that. My clients asked me how to add  
*decorative* images by themselves, I asked are they any meaning/ 
purpose of those images, are they echo to your content, they said no  
I just wanted my page looks nice in certain area. I told them sorry  
you can't do that, because if it's decorative purposes I already took  
care of it in the CSS.

To me, an decorative object is something that pleases or upsets my  
eyes, it may bring up an emotion, but taking it away (or without  
adding extra later on), the purpose of the 'website' is still  
complete. Those photos in Flicker, are not decorative images to me.

I guess this is just how one interprets 'decorative' :)


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Speaking of alt tags . . .

2007-09-11 Thread Tee G. Peng

Hi Bob,
On Sep 11, 2007, at 1:42 AM, Designer wrote:

What is the current wisdom about the syntax of alt tags?  I believe  
that if I have a decorative image I am supposed to put a blank tag.

If it's decorative image, why not make it to background image? This  
is most appropriate way to handle it, and you don't need to worry  
about blank alt tag.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] click on select element triggers block popup in IE7

2007-09-09 Thread Tee G. Peng

Thanks for the confirmation, Choan.

Although I don't use IE7 standalone anymore, I remember this  

The IE developer toolbar works in IE7 too.

The developer toolbar works in IE7 standalone, the issue is, I  
haven't have a need to use the toolbar in IE 7 in the last 8 months,  
but I need it for IE6 on almost  every project I do, just the  
'outline div' this simple feature helps trememdously to find what  
causes layout to break. I have sufficient CSS knowledge to avoid many  
famous IE6 bugs from happening to begin with, but when a finished  
page is submitted to client, I often get a reply that the page breaks  
in IE 6 when he started adding new CSS codes.


List Guidelines:

[WSG] click on select element triggers block popup in IE7

2007-09-09 Thread Tee G. Peng
I am testing a form on IE7 standalone, when I click the dropdown  
selection option, it triggers the 'popup blocked' message. Can you  
confirm if this only happen in IE7 standalone hacked version. I can't  
find any info from google search with phrase like so : click on  
select element triggers block popup in IE7

Can't show the page but I made a screenshot from a site somewhere.

Sorry to mention this, but in cause you recommend me to install IE 7  
and run IE 6 standalone instead. I don't want to do it yet because I  
need  developer toolbar runs on IE6, and it doesn't work for the  
standalone version.

Thank you and have a good weekend!


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] lack of 'lang' attribute fails WAI

2007-09-08 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Sep 8, 2007, at 2:40 AM, Andrew Cunningham wrote:

 Its passible to have metadata in more than one language, but it  
came become problematic. Anyway the title element should  
realistically only have one langauge.

Hi Andrew, I am curious, is there guideline from WCAG that state  
there should only be one language for the title?

I am trying to look at this matter with Search engine perspective.  
For a bilingual or multilingual site which has more than one language  
in the page, an author may make good use for having title as as well  
as other metedata in different languages. Although search engine  
giant google can search sites in any language but it maybe prudent to  
add special treatment for other native search engine that specializes  
in its native language, for example, a search engine from India maybe  
more capable in its Search algorithm with 18 Indian languages as well  
as  its neighbors' languages such as Nepali, Urdu and Tibetan;  
whereas, baidu, a popular Chinese search engine not just does a  
better job for Chinese site searching but other languages such as  
Tibetan, Mongolian and Uyghur because they official part of China  

If a site contains English and one or more of the above mentioned  
languages, it's likely at least x% of users who visit the site may  
use a native search engine, thus a valid reason to have more than one  
languages in the metadata.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] XHTML+Voice

2007-09-07 Thread Tee G. Peng

Hi Philippe, a quick question before I forgot to ask.
 A bit off-topic: yes I use VoiceOver sometimes; the built-in voice  
options are awful, so far Vicki is the only one I can listen for more  
than 15 mintues. I'd been wanting to purhcase a pleasant voice sample  
but don't know where to look. Anybody knows about this?

Hopefully Leapord will improve.


List Guidelines:


2007-09-07 Thread Tee G. Peng

Has anybody done this on your (and client) site yet?

It's showing up on Opera site, so I reckon it's supported for 9.50  
Alpha? And Safri Beta 3 too?


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] lack of 'lang' attribute fails WAI

2007-09-07 Thread Tee G. Peng

Hi Kepler,

Personally I think it is an accessibility issue to mix two  
languages on the

same page.

I am not sure about this, I don't find it an issue at all, due to my  
background it's actually a rather common thing to read/speak two  
different langagues in a single conversation/page. If you ever watch  
Bollywood movie, you will see that it's very common too. Heck! Even  
those Booker prize winners Indian writers have to insert a few Hindi  
here and there. Do French in Quebec do this?

UTF-8 makes it possible to have two totally different languages put  
on one page, and website no longer is a mono-language rule it all,  
based on this logic, I think one really can't argue it's an  
accessibiility issue if a website contains two languages in one page,  
as long as the nature of the site has this needs based on its culture  
and custom preferences.

I am just curious why you did that.

Well, I guess this is arguable if I really need it. I guess I don't  
need to but I have a good reason for doing it - I am redesigning my  
web design service site (+ blog), and I want to target a particular  
audiences that are both English/Chinese capable and comfortable with  
using both and have the preferences to give the business to one who  
is capable of both languages. To do this, I need to demonstrate that  
to them - it's just a matter  how one go about doing it, and yes,  
serving one version for English and the other for Chinese is one way  
to go. However, say, in the home page and other pages I want to show  
blog entries that have English and Chinese articles in certain block,  
it makes more sense to have two languages in one page instead of two  
different pages specifically for English and Chinese.

There is also this possibility that a site needs two languages in one  
page, for instance, a site offers language learning.

If it is a requirement, you
can identify a particular block as being in a different language by  
the lang attribute on that one block. Then use the lang attribute  
on the

html tag to identify the main language of the page ( ) .

Thanks for the pointer. This no doubt is a good way.

I currently am working on a multilingual site myself. It is not  
live but you
can see it at ( ). The  
links on the
lower right allow you to switch between languages. I am using UTF-8  

setting the lang attribute based on the currently selected language.

Wow!! Powered by Zencart! I know it's not ready for production  
environment, but did you check the Magento?


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] lack of 'lang' attribute fails WAI

2007-09-07 Thread Tee G. Peng

Patrick, Diego & Jixor, thank you.

Is every page on your site in both chinese and english, all in one  
Some pages contain two languages and that was the reason I thought  
'lang=en' isn't quite appropriate.

I guess I must draw the dice and pick one.

According to WCAG 1.0:
4.3 Identify the primary natural language of a document. [Priority 3]
For example, in HTML set the "lang" attribute on the HTML element. In  
XML, use "xml:lang". Server operators should configure servers to  
take advantage of HTTP content negotiation mechanisms ([RFC2068],  
section 14.13) so that clients can automatically retrieve documents  
of the preferred language.

Techniques for checkpoint 4.3

Is this 'clients' refers to normal browsers (Opera, Firefox for  
example) or Screen reader (including Apple's VoiceOver)? If the  
later, I don't think there is  Screen reader that can speak both  
Eastern Asian language and English (except one make by Indian,  
Japanese or Chinese then there is hope :) I heard Chinese has one but  
only work for PC ). Up till this point, the whole purpose of lang  
attribute  is at fault. Will WCAG2 amend  this or perhaps introduce a  
new attribute for bilingual site?


List Guidelines:

[WSG] lack of 'lang' attribute fails WAI

2007-09-07 Thread Tee G. Peng
I am working on a bilingual site (chinese/english) that needs to pass  
at least WCAG AA, the site is UTF-8 charset and I didn't use lang  
attribute in the meta because it's a bilingual site.

and I am getting this error on Priority 3 Verification Checklist:

4.3 Identify the primary natural language of a document.

* Rule: 4.3.1 - Documents are required to use the META element  
with the 'name' attribute value 'language' in the Head section.
  o Note: This rule has not been selected to be verified for  
this checkpoint.
* Rule: 4.3.2 - The HTML (Root) element must use the 'lang'  
  o Failure - The HTML (Root) element does not use the  
'lang' attribute.

What do you propose I should do to make the 'failure' goes away?



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] will Eric Meyer's CSS SCULPTOR put me out o f job?

2007-08-27 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Aug 27, 2007, at 8:41 PM, Al Sparber wrote:

Both products produce standards-based CSS layouts that work in  
modern browsers (ours also addresses IE5.0x, too). I can only speak  
for our product (CSS Layout Magic). It is a rapid deployment (one  
click) tool that produces a minimally styled, structurally sound  
layout set up with easy-to-edit faux column images. The idea is  
that you get a rock-solid structure on which to build and enhance.  
While Jakob Neilsen might consider it a finished design, we  
don't :-). You have to have a basic understanding of CSS and markup  
to use these tools to their full potential, other wise the pages  
you produce will always look like a rental house with white walls  
(in this case, a lot of yellow). The faux images approach allows  
quick customization to easily turn this: 

Thanks all for your feedback. I guess I asked the question  
incorrectly and the subject line was to draw eyeballs I am afraid.

Al, I am not afraid you CSS Layout Magic will put me out of job  
because I saw some of your customers managed to mess up your layout  
and I actually helped a few to clean up their messes :) Not saying  
your extension is not good or not as good as  the CSS Sculptor,  
besides, I am in no position to compare because I never use either of  
them. What prompted me to ask this question is because, I guess, the  
impression  I got is the way it's being advertised- "The ultimate Web  
standards compliant CSS layout"

I see so many web designers using CSS without a bit of understanding  
of semantical and structural markup, and the way I see it, the way  
they do with the div classes is nothing different than the table  
layout, so I always thought extension like yours provides a good  
ground however, exactly like you're saying "You have to have a basic  
understanding of CSS and markup to use these tools to their full  

Guess it probably just a marketing gimmick to market an extension  as  
"The ultimate Web standards compliant CSS layout", but I respect Eric  
Meyer so much (no he doesn't know my existence) that I want to  
believe "The ultimate Web standards compliant CSS layout" is exactly  
as it advertised, that it really can help many web designers to use  
the CSS and markup correctly, semantically and structurally. If so, I  
may even consider to purchase it myself to help enchance my  
production :)


List Guidelines:

[WSG] will Eric Meyer�s CSS SCULPTOR put me out of job?

2007-08-27 Thread Tee G. Peng

Please don't be misguided by the subject :) 

I am just curious, what you do guys think of the dreamweaver  
extension like this one and the PVll CSS layout Magic, and the Google  
Blueprint ?
Can they take over the carefully crafted CSS and structural markup  
you deliver to your clients? There first one even take care of IE  

I notice fewer people ask me to do CSS and XHTML templates lately :)


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] display:table equal height and print style problem for Firefox

2007-08-10 Thread Tee G. Peng

Hi Georg,

Many thanks again!

This often means CSS based column-layouts can't be (re)created for
print, which, IMO, isn't a bad thing since multi-columns running over
several printed pages doesn't make all that much sense.
Linearizing - one "column" after the other - makes a lot more sense  
on print.

I aware of this and already suggested to client. The end-client  
wouldn't listen, just as he wouldn't listen the fontsize issue. It  
hasn't been a pleasant project to work on, as much as I wanted to,  I  
cannot just quit half-way because this will be irresponsible  
(secretly I do hope I get fired though!).

Generally: you should not reuse your screen-styles for print and  
rely on
overriding with print-styles. Starting from scratch with a complete  

of print-styles, will usually result in less complex print-styles and
more reliable results.

It works however I run into another problem. First I realized I  
forgot to add 'media="screen" for the style sheet and was getting  
different results both from Safari, Firefox (both don't seem to  
render correctly) and IE (it shows correctly). As soon as I added  
the  'media="screen", they work well but the content in IE is gone.

Had the #outer and #inner declared overflow: auto (*also tried  
'visible' ) and height: auto (tried 100% too); removed the 25000px in  
#middle and #right, still, the content is missing. It comes back if I  
remove the 'media="screen" in other stylesheet. And yes, the  
print.css is with "media="print".

Checked your perfect equal height page in IE6, there is a big gab  
between the first and second column. I don't see you have a print  
style sheet but the equal height column declaration doesn't get in  
the way. How come? My IE7 is standalone version, the print preview  
doesn't work therefor I can't test it. This is the same site that I  
can't show the URL, I wonder if it's ok if I send you the page  
offlist again to take a look?


List Guidelines:

[WSG] display:table equal height and print style problem for Firefox

2007-08-10 Thread Tee G. Peng

Anybody know if there is a way for this.

A 3 column layout used the display table equal height technique

#outer {display:table}
#inner {display:table-row}
#left, #middle, #right {display:table-cell}

and the logo with floated left is placed outside the above divs.

 content left 
   content middle 
content right 

For the print style sheet, client wanted to remove the left column,  
but keep the middle and right column, so the print shows two columns.

If I have all ids (except the left column that is declared  
display:none) floated left, the right column in Safari floated to the  
left , placed above the middle column. Right column floated right  
aslo get the same result in Safari

If only #middle and #right are floated and no special treatment for  
#outer and #inner, then Safari, Firefox and Opera respect the columns  
but in Firefox, the logo which is placed outside the #outer wrap,  
stays in page 1, and the #middle and #right columns jump directly to  
page 2, with a empty page 3. In IE (floated elements are used), the  
right column is missing.

I am not going to worry the IE at this moment yet ( I understand I  
can use Conditional comment for print style sheet too?), but want  
to know if there is a way I can make the logo and the middle/right  
columns stay in one page in Firefox. Obviously I can't declare  
display:none for #outer and #inner.



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] (X)HTML Best Practice Sheet goes live - correct link

2007-08-10 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Aug 10, 2007, at 12:53 AM, Dean Edridge wrote:

Frank Palinkas wrote:

Kind regards,

Frank M. Palinkas
Microsoft M.V.P. - Windows Help
W3C HTML Working Group (H.T.M.L.W.G.) - Invited Expert 
M.C.P., M.C.T., M.C.S.E., M.C.D.B.A., A+   Senior Technical  
Communicator Web Standards & Accessibility Designer  

website: email:  
Society for Technical Communications (S.T.C.) Guild of  
Accessible Web Designers (G.A.W.D.S.)Web Standards Group  
Supergroup Trading Ltd. Sandhurst, Gauteng, South Africa website:

Work:   +27 011 523 4931 Home:   +27 011 455 5287 Fax:+27 011  
455 3112 Mobile: +27 074 109 1908

Wow! this is the longer signature I ever seen and it's quite  
unpleasant to need to scorll down in order to read the message.

Sorry, Dean and Frank, I am not making any compliant. I am here to  
learn the best web practise from many of you guys and I see that some  
of the members condemn top posting; I think bottom posting (is this  
how it's called?) is equally bad when one needs to scroll all the way  
down to read a few line of message. I think this is one of the  
accessible issue perhaps not many people pay attention to.  One of my  
client is semi-paralyze and doesn't make use of assistive software  
because, according to her,  it's too expensive and too much learning  
curve. One time she made a comment to me that I should write my  
message in the top so that she doesn't need to scroll all the way  
down ( I always trim my post when I response). I was in her office  
recently and witnessed how she uses computer, it was unimaginable  
inconvenient and uncomfortable for me to watch. She has mobile  
problem on her hands too. I watched her literally spending some 3 or  
4 minutes to scroll all the way down in order to read an email.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] setting fontsize in body

2007-08-07 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Aug 7, 2007, at 4:01 AM, David Dorward wrote:

This would be the older generation who tend towards having poor  
eyesight and needing larger font sizes?

I've never seen a designer make body text bigger then the vendor  
default, only smaller and harder to read.

clearleft dot com comes to mind. I headed for that direction too, but  
was horrify to see the body text of my site shouting boldly at  
friends and clients' PC monitors. I think this is the problem we  
constantly facing here because too many website are with smaller  
fonts and that people suffer (they probably don't know they can use  
the zoom in /enlarge fontsize feature) too much, so my friends and  
some unweb-savvy clients, although have 1280  and higher resolution  
for their monitors, they all changed it to 1024. I bet they would  
have changed it to 800 pixel if their monitors allow it.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Shop Products Markup

2007-08-07 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Aug 7, 2007, at 12:45 AM, James Jeffery wrote:

Depends on what you want to achieve. You can use the microformats  
hReview to provide product reviews, but i dont think there is  
anything specific for listing products.

You could use XML, but only if you had real reason to, if your  
using XML for the sole purpose to add semantic meaning to your  
products i wouldn't bother with it. You can add just as much  
semantic meaning using Classes. Example:

Harry Potter
Some Author (I really dont know :P)

If you are going to create a centralized service based around your  
e-commerce site and plan to create your own software, widgets,  
toolbars and stuff then XML might be a better option, but before  
you use XML you would need a reason to in the first place.

Hi James, I am curious as to the 'but before you use XML you would  
need a reason to in the first place' comment. What kind of reason it  
have to be?

I am asking this because I was exploring the Foxycart script with  
Modx CMS for one of my site. Foxycart people said that JSON/XML data  
feed prevents duplication of data. I really love what I have learned  
and have implemented (with TVs in Modx) so far, however the monthly  
fee and the launche date of Open Source Magento kind of put me in  
limbo with the Foxycart.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] designing for handheld

2007-08-05 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Aug 5, 2007, at 12:45 AM, Stuart Foulstone wrote:


You could try the cellphone emulator at:

for an idea on rendition on cellphones.


Do you know how accurate the renditionis for this emulator? And  
compare with Opera Mini and other simulators.

I tested  couple of sites I did on Opera mini and the DM device  
center last night, the results are quite acculate and with  some 5%  
differences between Opera mini and the device center, mainly the  
paddings left/right  issue. I am actually suprised and pleased to  
know over 70% of the sites I did so far, already render well  
(provided what I saw are truly what I saw) in handheld devices even  
without a different stylesheet for mobile. Even with the 3 column  
layout in Pixel, it shows the first column, scroll down to the bottom  
of first column, there following the second column, then the third.

But with this mobi emulator, what I see is, the site shrinks  
porpotionally, like the IE 7 and Opera zoom  feature does. I didn't  
download the iphony yesterday, but decided to try it when writing  
this message, and see that my sites are all shrink porportionally  
like the mobi emulator does (mini-my-site version:) ), so does the  
thiess kentz site John showed (I see he has a handheld stylesheet in  
the header).

So which emulators (simulators) are correct?


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] designing for handheld

2007-08-04 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Aug 4, 2007, at 6:42 PM, John Faulds wrote:

The only site I've done with a handheld stylesheet is: http://

As far as testing goes, not sure how reliable DW's previews would  
be considering how bad their design view is.

Other testing options include: (Mac only)

Hi John, thank you so much for the response. I ran the site in Opera  
Mini and a few from DW Device Center, it renders quite closely. The  
obvious different is that there are two "Thiess Kents" logo, one big,  
one small, the small one overlapping the "Engineers & Constructors"   
Opera Mini puts the horizontal menu in a tree menu with a "+  
(expand)" icon, is this how you set the mobile stylesheet renders it?  
Padding left are gone for paragrahy and heading elements in the  
Device center (just like my pixel perfect three cols layout).

I never see a website in a handheld device (my cellphone allows me to  
brows the internet but I am unwilling to test it as I don't know how  
much it will cost when the bill arrives ), therefor willing to give a  
benefit of doubt for the Adobe DM Device Center.


List Guidelines:

[WSG] designing for handheld

2007-08-04 Thread Tee G. Peng
Hi, a project I'd been working, client asks if I can port the layout  
for handheld devices. Current layout is pixel width with every pixel  
carefully culculaated in different sections/columns, so there is no  
way I can simply adapt the style sheet. At this stage, it's simply an  
inquiry from client whether I am competent to do the stylesheet for  
handheld devices. I am very keen on getting my hand dirty even it  
means sacrify a candle light dinner at a romantic soothing restaurant  
on Sunday night. I have never done layout specifically for handheld  
devices, think this is a great opportunity, but I don't know how much  
complication (apart from learning curve) it involves. The articles  
and books involving with buildibg accessibily websites that I read  
all these years, some of them touched the handheld devices but no  
much, and I don't think I remember all I have read.

First and core question: structure wise, is it just a matter to  
making the layout liquid? I happened to  download the Adobe   
Dreamweaver CS3 trial version last week, and see that it has 'preview  
in device center' that covers many brand of handhelds, with many  
different models and display sizes. The layout (3 columns) I  
mentioned here doesn't break, it displays first column, second column  
and the third vertically. It appears that layout intergrity doesn't  
suffer except herhaps differnt margins/paddings needed. Does this  
means I have the basic covered?

If you have done sites for handheld devices, could you be so kind  
post it here so that I can take a look and perhaps study your style  
sheet. Recommendation on building accessible sites for handheld  
devices also welcome.

Thank you!


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] setting fontsize in body

2007-08-03 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Aug 3, 2007, at 8:19 PM, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

On Aug 4, 2007, at 10:45 AM, Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

Back to Tee's problem with 'body {font-size: 62.5%}' etc in Opera/ 
Mac. It may be caused by the preset value for 'minimum font size'  
in that browser/OS.
If someone can check the preset value for 'minimum font size' in  
an unaltered Opera/Mac, as I set mine to '14px' years ago and have  
since just updated it, and I can't remember the preset value. Now  
I can't even check Tee's problem, because my Mac is off-line.

Unless my copy is sick, the default is 9px

Mine is 12px. I don't remember I ever altered the fontsize in Opera  
(9.22), as I only use this browser for testing.

Monitor Screen resolution: 1680 x 1050.

Just got an email from client, his client doesn't care the Opera, if  
it can be fix with a 'conditional comment' like we treat the IE than  
it's great, go ahead and do it,  if not, ignore. Which is very  
unfortunately and I must admit I get discourage by this type of  
attitude. It would be nice if every client can have the same attitude  
toward IE :)


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] setting fontsize in body

2007-08-03 Thread Tee G. Peng

Hi Thanks for all the insightful feedback.

I have a very limited freedom on this particular project. A previous  
version was done quite messy and it seemed time were waste quite a  
lot, so I was brought in to fix, clean up the code, but the end- 
client wanted the fontsize stays the same. The problem I am facing  
now, is that in Opera Mac version, fontsize in every element is 2  
pixel bigger than other browsers, the PC version stays consistent.

Here are the basic codes for font size adopted from the previous  
version and I am not allowed to touch it.

body {font-size: 62.5%}
#nav li {font-size: 1em} /*10px */
p {font-size: 1em} /*10px */
h2  {font-size: 1.2em} /*12px */
h3  {font-size: 1.1em}

no specific declaration is made for IE, but there is no issue there  
as far as consistency concerned. Mac version Opera makes everything 2  
pixel larger. It looks fine and acceptable for the content area  
(nobody seems to care how this browser render the fontsize as long as  
the layout looks the same and thing doesn't fall apart) but because  
the navigation tab is a bit crowded, thus making the last  tab drops  
to next line. And this is the problem I need to fix, I suggested a  
change to 100.1% in the body and adjust other element accordingly  
because from my experience, I know I can get a better result for Mac  
version Opera. No, can't do it because I can't  touch the fontsize if  
it affects the size in other elements.

What I don't understand is, why the Mac version Opera behaves so  
erratic. My guess is the 62.5% causing the problem.


List Guidelines:

[WSG] setting fontsize in body

2007-08-03 Thread Tee G. Peng


I got an impression that setting 100.1% fontsize in body tag is a  
better approach and have been doing so for many sites. Also, with the  
100.1% in the body, I usually declare .85em (.95 for my site as I  
love big fontsize :) ) for paragraph and lists. I also find that I  
get a more stable, closer fontsize across browsers.

Working on a project, client has the fontsize declared at 62.5%, and  
the paragraph, nav list at 1em. It works ok for most part, my  
responsible is to clean up all messy code and restructure the layout  
structure. I had the fontsize changed to 100.1% which affected many  
elements, so I changed it to 70% and adjust fontsizes in other  
elements accordingly, but suggested client to go with 100.1% so that  
I can rework the font size in every elements. The tab nav that is at  
1em, break to second line in Opera, and the fontsize appears to be 3  
or 4px bigger than other browsers (however the 1em in p more or less  
the same. I aware that Opera often makes the size a bit bigger but  
this is a bit unusual for me. If I change the 62.5 to 100.1, nothing  
gets change for the Tab nav in Opera, it still shows 3/4px bigger  
than other browsers but the second level link text shrinks to like  4  
or 5 pixel in IE, thus making it impossible to read.

Client sent me this link, kind of suggesting that 62.5% is the better  
approach because his client isn't happy that now the heading texts  
are too small and the paragraph texts are too big due to the changes  
I made.

What do you think?

Sorry I can't post the url for you to take a closer look.


List Guidelines:

Re: RES: [WSG] HELP with CSS

2007-07-28 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Jul 28, 2007, at 10:17 AM, David Hucklesby wrote:

I don't think this is a matter of HTML skills,

But understanding HTML syntax help isn't it?

Personally I found this selectutorial help understand semantic markup  
greatly (thanks Russ again!), especially this 'the document tree  
- it's a family thing"


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Site test & Google analytics

2007-07-26 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Jul 26, 2007, at 2:24 PM, Jason Robb wrote:

Hello everyone,

I launched a site today. - I'm  
looking for some criticism, any suggestions are appreciated. On a  
side note, I posted a thread back in late May on Photo Gallery  
markup. My solution is located here: http://

Also, when including Google Analytics, they ask to insert the  
script into the , just before the end of the .

Hi Jason, in Firefox, there is a one pixel gap between the tab and  
the color bar. I only took a look from Mac, but pretty sure the same  
thing is showing in PC too as I had encountered the very same problem  
with a site that also have color coded tabs. The color bar is quite  
thick therefor you can use line-height or padding bottom to  
compensate easily.

The collections page loads a bit slow for me though - I am on cable  
broadband. I was once quite fancy with this lightbox gallery, but  
very soon I got so sick of it I can't even bear to look at it :)  
Think it goes better with blog.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Re: please avoid forcing people to open pdf in browser!

2007-07-23 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Jul 23, 2007, at 3:31 PM, Patrick H. Lauke wrote:

> "Content-disposition: attachment; filename=document.pdf"

Joyce Evans wrote:
This seems to be a good idea.  Could you please give an example  
where this code would be placed on the web page or how it would  
fit into the code?  I’m having a “blank” moment.  Thanks.

You would put that in your server configuration (e.g. in Apache's  
httpd.conf or in an .htaccess file)

I am curious:  because  browsers treat PDF differently, shouldn't it  
be better to provide an info for user to choose download or open new  
window for  PDF with right click?

With Safari, it's indeed irritating that PDF opens in the same window  
unless I right click my mouse for options; Firefox asks how I want to  
view the PDF file. Despite my passion for the use of PDF, I don't  
always want to download PDF from websites though, especially when  
there is no telling the link I am gonna to click is PDF or just a link.

I don't think I like it much that the only option I have is download,  
some websites do exactly what you suggested, especially the Adobe,  
which forces to open up my Acrobat Professional even though I have  
specifically tell my browsers use Preview only for PDF. In the view  
of usability, I think this option falls short.


List Guidelines:

[WSG] a question for Aussie

2007-07-23 Thread Tee G. Peng

Hi, sorry for my post, and please kindly reply to me OFFLIST only.

I need to send a package to Australia and must have it delivery no  
later than  Tuesday 31st July, because I am paying for the delivery  
therefor would really like to save some money if possible, and I have  
the options for 2 days delivery and 3 - 5 days delivery, the cost for  
the 2 days delivery is double (not the cost of a cup of Latte but at  
least 20 cups :)  ). The destination is St Ives, NSW. Had a look on  
Google Maps, it seems that the city isn't far from Sydney. Based on  
many of my international shipping experience, I know when a carrier  
says 3 - 5 days, it usually safely can reach the destination if it's  
a capital of the country or the large busy metropolitan city, in 3  
days; if the place is a remote area, it may take another 3 - 5 days,  
so I am actually looking at 6 - 10 days delivery option.

Question: How far is St Ives from Sydney, can it be reach within a day?

Thank you and please reply Offlist, so that I don't annoy people more  
than I already have by posting this message.



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Wide Display

2007-07-20 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Jul 20, 2007, at 9:48 AM, CK wrote:

That would help:
On Jul 20, 2007, at 11:43 AM, Tee G. Peng wrote:

try remove the 'min-height: 100%;' from the same div or make it less  
than 100% if you really must use it. I did a quick test on Firefox  
developer toolbar  with the Edit CSS tool, it works and the footer  
sticks to the bottom of the browser screen. Is this what you wanted,  
fixed footer?

May I know why you want the min-height: 100%; declared for this  
simply layout? Also, isn't 100% the default browser height? I have  
never used min-height before as I tend to code with conservative,  
anything that requires lots of  hacking to make IE works, I try to  
avoid in most cases. Also,  I haven't encounter a layout that needs  
to use min-height so far.

By the way, I think 1600px max width is just too much, looking a your  
page, I don't see the reason this layout needs more than 900px, also  
it will be better if you wrap your navigation menu inside the
div#bd_container, so that when a user have the browser open with a  
very wide screen, take 1600px for example, the menu wont' stay to the  
far left (assuming you have the max-width set to 900 or smaller)


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Wide Display

2007-07-20 Thread Tee G. Peng
Oh, one more thing, are you serving your page application/xhtml+xml?   
If not, you probably should removed the "encoding='iso-8859-1' ?> from your top of your document and change  
the dtd to xhtm 1.0 (transitional or strict) or html 4.0 strict

I don't know well enough to explain to you why? Hope this interview  
article can serve as a good introductory  on doctype. From there you  
should be able to find more info from the links the article provided.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Wide Display

2007-07-20 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Jul 20, 2007, at 8:53 AM, CK wrote:


Your solution was great, now I've developed a problem with a  
vertical scroll bar. some of the math has went awry. Would you assist?

please post the url.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Re: please avoid forcing people to open pdf in browser!

2007-07-20 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Jul 20, 2007, at 7:54 AM, Hassan Schroeder wrote:

Oh, although no statistic to proof it, but I do believe we manage  
to save quite a few forests each year by having the PDFs be  
available on one's website, on the internet.

?! You're entitled to your enthusiasm for PDF (which I don't share)
but this one escapes me -- how do you figure?

This is heading a OT direction I am afraid.
I should add the 'on one's website, over the internet, via email'

Will, take myself for example, for print/web design services, I don't  
send paper invoice unless client specifically requested; I have  
another business on the side that requires making catalogs - each  
copy of color catalog cost me US$1.75 (17 x 11 by 16 pages), and I  
print some 500 copies a year, most of them are wasted, go directly  
into trash bin even though I don't send them unless a request catalog  
is made via web form /telephone/ fax. I have the catalog in PDF  
version available for download from my website and always encourage  
people who requested the catalog to download the PDF version instead.  
And on the printed catalog I had it printed "help saves a tree and  
help us save our cost, please download our catalog at 

Although I am environmental conscious and make it a practice in my  
daily lives but It will be hypocritical to tell people 'help saves a  
tree, please download catalog at ".

I don't print out anything (PDF) unless necessary; I don't request  
printed material unless absolutely necessary, many things I needed  
for references purposes for me to conduct my business can be obtained  
on the internet in PDF, not just forms. I work very hard to try to  
make a paperless home office - impossible but I make great effort to  
reduce the use of paper. I don't have my bank sends paper statement  
to me via mail each month and other services I subscribed to that are  
not technologically savvy or lack of resources to make them HTML  
(either this option is available thing can goes wrong and you will  
have another reason to blame the web) but PDF only. The incoming fax  
I received are also in PDF.  Everthing is in PDF

I do not work in papermill industry but my previous life as a print  
designer and the business I do now and the awareness I have as to how  
we mindlessly polluting our enviornment, require me to know a lot  
about how paper being made, what materials are made of, what  
chemicals are used and how much virgin fabric are used for the paper,  
where the source comes from and are the fabric that made of 100% pure  
white shining glossy paper from the tree that takes decade to grow or  
corps that are farmed and regenerated annually etc... You feel good  
about your country has a toughest law in protecting forests and  
preventing certain industries from destroying the beautiful forest in  
your own land, but perhaps what you don't know is, your people (my  
people) go to other countries that have less tougher law or no law in  
protecting the forests, exploiting others' beautiful forests and  
lands so that you can have beautiful gift paperwrap for birthdays,  
for Chistmas, and for your shning glossy paper prensation that you  
present to your clients.

Chances are, any information that is offered as a PDF option for  
download over the internet, help saves energies/resources, less  
pollutions  and help saves a tree one way or the other. If 50% of the  
people that reqeusted catalog, forms last year from me, from my  
clients, from any government websites opted for PDF version, everyone  
wins to some extend.

Like I said, blame the messenger - blame the people who created the  
PDF for not making it accssible and easy for the users. Don't blame  
the PDF itself - it's innocent and in fact in my opinion, a  
beneficial technology Adobe has invented.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Wide Display

2007-07-20 Thread Tee G. Peng

Hi CK,
On Jul 20, 2007, at 6:21 AM, CK wrote:

Hi All,

Could use your savvy in creating a style that would prevent the  
services content from sliding out of position when viewed on a very  
large display.

div#bd_container {max-width: 1000px /* for example */}

 and also read the max width support concerning IE browsers

Hope this helps!


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Re: please avoid forcing people to open pdf in browser!

2007-07-20 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Jul 20, 2007, at 3:39 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Saying that PDF's are needed by Government Websites is a very circular
argument for allowing them - why are they needed? In my experience  
it is

only ever because of laziness or poorly designed workflows, and as you
point out, we all hate them, especially when they cannot be opened/ 


I love web standard and practice it with the best of my ability, and  
I love PDF too - use it, create it, deliver it (for client), I love  
it especially when I need to download form, I love it even more when  
I can fill up the form with my keyboard directly from browser, then  
print it out, sign my name and post it; I also love it when an ebook  
I purchased (rarely because most ebook in PDF version are badly  
created) have hyperlink option where I can jump to certain page/ 
section with a click on link, and jump back with another click. I do  
hate it when a PDF file I downloaded, the text is unreadable with  
300% zoom

A Chinese physician will tell you anything that is medicine, contain  
30% of poison - over used, over dosed, if not kill you, will at least  
make you suffer (irritation is one of the suffering emotion I  
supposed) - today a Western journalist will write that anything that  
is Chinese medicine MIC, contains 100% poison (alas! unfortunately  
with some true in it), your statement came out to me like a Western  
journalist who wrote an article saying that all Chinese medicine  
contains 100% poison. Alas! as much as I know it's not true and you  
didn't know anything about Chinese medicine except quoting/reading  
something from some source or had a one tiny bad experience the last  
time you travelled in China, but I feel helpless to defend the  
Chinese medicine due to those rotten poising evil apples that do  
exist and have creating quite a stir.

I think in this case, blame the messenger, not the source that made  
of what it is.

PDF can be accessible, not in the sense of web standards, create it  
and delivery it  with care and best practice, it's not evil at all,  
especially compare with flash, imho.

Look at the economic aspect, all government sectors on earth are  
talking about budget cutting constantly, I personal feel Government  
websites stand a good argument for providing PDF forms for free easy  
access. Don't know which country you live in, do you remember when  
was the last time you needed to visit post office or a city hall  
department to obtain a form, or worse, you need to pay for it from a  
third party agent that does nothing creative but make money from  
selling forms provided free of charge by governments.

Oh, although no statistic to proof it, but I do believe we manage to  
save quite a few forests each year by having the PDFs be available on  
one's website, on the internet.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] (Phillipe) margin problem in Firefox

2007-07-20 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Jul 19, 2007, at 8:39 PM, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

I would use the following structure:

%number John Doe on Jul 7, 11:34 AM
comment here

Ah! this does look a lot better!

Thank you so much!


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] (Phillipe) margin problem in Firefox

2007-07-19 Thread Tee G. Peng

 Phillipe wrote in CSS-D:

It is a bug in Gecko. [1]

Here is your list, simplified.

The top one is wrong, the bottom one is fixed.

li.poster {-moz-float-edge:content-box;}
does all the magic.

(one could argue about the semantics of your list construction, but  
css-d is not the place for that).

OK Phillipe, please tell me what I did in-correctly with this  

(1) The List not being semantical for the comments markup?

I have doubt for this myself as I thought DL or even simply P tag is  
more appropriate. Yet 10 blog sites I checked, only one use div class  
with P tag. The rest are OL and LI

(2) The P inside the LI ?
Added P tag for the comment message because there will be people  
leaving more than one paragraph of texts and I don't want a break in  

(3) The numbering should be placed inside the 'poster' class instead  
of giving its own class?
I think placing the numbering inside the  li.poster class is more  
appropriate, but I don't want to do that because adding a new LI is  
more straight forward and easier to position the mustard box :)
Did it with a guilt but decided to go lenient for myself. Now you  
mentioned it, I feel very bad and uneasy even without hearing what  
you are to say.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] margin problem in Firefox

2007-07-19 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Jul 19, 2007, at 3:04 PM, Kepler Gelotte wrote:

Not #comments li.msg_left as you assumed. Adding a margin-left:  
5px; to your
#comments li.poster and #comments li.myresponse definitions will  
fix the


Hi Kepler,

Thanks for the suggestion. It doesn't quite work though as it throws  
Safari and Opera (I am sure IE too but haven't check) to the  
opposite, where the 'poster' class background moving to left, I  
already tried adding margin in that two classes.

See screen shot taken from Safari.

I noticed you added 'scroll' for the background element. What is good  
for this? Because I don't see any effect in the browsers. I must  
admit I never use scroll though as never occur to me it's of useful.



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] My Website

2007-07-19 Thread Tee G . Peng

On Jul 15, 2007, at 5:43 PM, Marvin Hunkin wrote:

check out my website at the bottom of this message.
cheers Marvin.
Check out my home page at

Hi Marvin,

I am a Star Trek fan. :)

Is there anything particular you would like us to look at?

I understand that this site is your school assignment and that it's a  
site makes for visual impaired in particular (are people with this  
disability use screen reader only? I doubt.) - first  I must said the  
color contrast is too much for my eyes to bear, especially the galaxy  
background image. My thought is, they must have a way to accommodate  
normal users and users who are visual impaired so that their stays at  
your site are an enjoyable experience.

Also, there must have a purpose and information provided for a  
website, but I don't see it quite clearly. First your headline states  
that it's a 'Star Trek Portal' but you also tell us we can find  
information on Star Trek and Disability. Ok, fine, but what is your  
objective for the site? Are the two topic equally important?

Do you want to make a site for both Star Trek portal and information  
about disability? Or are you actually wanting to make a site about  
Star Trek that is built with accessibility in mind so that people  
with disability can view it regardless what browsers /screen readers  
they use?

Also, as a Star Trek fan, I expect too see some background info on  
the homepage about Stark Trek (it can either be one the series or all  
series, it doesn't need to be like this page in wikipedia (http:// but a bit of information will be  
very useful. I see you have provided many star trek links in other  
page, however  Providing background info on Start Trek on the  
homepage can help and motivate your visitors who may not  know what  
Star Trek is,  to stay a bit longer at your site


List Guidelines:

[WSG] margin problem in Firefox

2007-07-19 Thread Tee G. Peng
Hi,  I don't seem able to solve this very simple position problem for  
the comment area.

First I wasn't sure whether I should use OL or UL or P or DT for the  
comment (my first question), after looking at some blogs I decided to  
go with OL (with a question mark hanging in my head), everything  
seemed working as expected until I started adding pretty background  
colors/images and Firefox doesn't obey my rule. Been spending last 4  
hours trying to figure what I did wrong with Firefox but I am unable  
to see the error.

Pleaseee lend me your crystal clear eyes.

There shouldn't be a gap for the mustard background (#1, #2...)  and  
the 'john doe on july 15, 11:34am' gray background
codes in question:

#comments li {margin-left:96px; /* because the gray background image  
is 96px wide}

#comments li.msg_left {font-size:1em;
	margin-left:51px; /* this one is causing the problem in Firefox but  
I need this declared because I wanted the the box stay 51px away from  
the left */


It appears that in Firefox, the li.poster inherits the "margin-left: 
51px" from the li.msg_left which I can't make sense of it.
#comments li.poster {width:auto;padding:5px 0 5px  
15px;background:#2E2F30 url(images/curve-top.jpg) no-repeat right top;}



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Visual Design Of Websites

2007-07-14 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Jul 13, 2007, at 1:57 AM, Nick Cowie wrote:

I think that everybody has missed the original point of Marvin's post.

Marvin was looking for help in completing his visual design units  
in his web design course, as Marvin is visually impaired and is  
trying to build websites for sighted people using a screen reader.  
And you thought is was hard the other way round.

I assume Marvin must pass the visual design units to complete the  
course. Do not pass the course and no qualification, no chance of  
further education and less chance of a job in the field he wants.

Marvin is after advice, help, tips, tricks and techniques for  
visual design, such as colour theory, image size etc. as well as  
suggestions on how to storyboards and flowcharts.

Nick, I wanted to thank you for reminding us on Marvin's need. I  
understood what he was looking from his post but didn't have idea on  
what to recommend/suggest, and from some of his posts in the past, I  
got an impression that he seems particularly interested in developing  
sites for visually impaired people but never bother to find out why  
( probably because this is web standards list and I learned it's  
impolite to ask person question).

Ironic isn't it, here in the WSG we hear list members talk about  
developing accessible sites for people with difficulties, and often  
times with big theory, idea with their owned ideology, yet we  
shamefully make an genuine quest from a list member  who is visually  
impaired, turned to a 'thread closed'.



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Visual Design Of Websites - THREAD CLOSED

2007-07-12 Thread Tee G. Peng
Russ maybe there is a way to filter the incoming post that is "thread  
closed' from being delivered as soon as the moderator(s) announced it?

So that it saves everyone frustration and irritation? :)


On Jul 12, 2007, at 8:07 AM, russ - maxdesign wrote:


This is the second reply to a closed thread. No more!

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Page Structure

2007-06-27 Thread Tee G. Peng

Curious,  what if you use this ?

Rugby World Cup 2007 Packages
and also putting all important keywords in the title

I was asked recently by someone to tell her why with certain keywords  
search, her site shows up in first page in google and yahoo.

This person has no html and web design knowledge whatsoever, let  
along the SEO and structural markup, however she managed to build her  
site in Dreamweaver with table layout and many divs styles, font  
face, br are inserted in the code. It's a site about greeting card  
and almost no way she, even me able to bring the site to the first  
page in google search with the word 'greeting card, notecard, etc'.

But her site comes up in the first page with keywords 'humorous  
card', 'humorous greeting card', and 'humorous blank card'. I looked  
at her source code, she has 'humorous' this word in the title, h1 and  
a p tag with em. She didn't know what  for, and the reason she  
used it was because she wanted itallic.

Obviously she was hitting on luck and I got to learn a new SEO trick.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG]shorthand doesn't work for bg position (was auto-hiding bottom part of bg image when resizing fontsize

2007-06-20 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Jun 20, 2007, at 1:18 AM, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

your stylesheet for that page has this:
'fixed is an invalid value for background-position.
You are probably trying to specify 'background-attachment:fixed';

Maybe take 5 minutes to actually read the css 2.1 specs ?

Thanks for the reminder! yes I need to be reminded again and again :)

I *did* read it though, and actually wrote back again. Not sure about  
others, but my message usually shows up at least 10 minutes later  
(sometime longer) on this list, so you probably didn't see that  
message coming in when you wrote.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG]shorthand doesn't work for bg position (was auto-hiding bottom part of bg image when resizing fontsize

2007-06-20 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Jun 20, 2007, at 12:46 AM, Tee G. Peng wrote:

In this page,
where I removed 'fixed' in the background property, and have it  
replaced in 'background-position', the headline image doesn't move.

Am I missing something obvious?

OK, I think I found the answer, because 'fixed' is not a background- 
position value so browsers simply ingored it, and 'fixed' was not  
needed at all for background property in this case.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG]shorthand doesn't work for bg position (was auto-hiding bottom part of bg image when resizing fontsize

2007-06-20 Thread Tee G. Peng

Hi Philipe,

I forgot to mention, in the below page, if you make the screen  
shorter show that it shows vertical srollbar, and try scroll the  
page, you can see there 'writing, coaching...' headline image being  

Here is the test page:

In this page,
where I removed 'fixed' in the background property, and have it  
replaced in 'background-position', the headline image doesn't move.

Am I missing something obvious?


But don't forget that 'fixed' means fixed to the viewport.

Philippe Wittenbergh

List Guidelines:

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG]shorthand doesn't work for bg position (was auto-hiding bottom part of bg image when resizing fontsize

2007-06-20 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Jun 18, 2007, at 12:24 PM, Robert O'Rourke wrote:

By the way, I have a question regarding fixed background position

it doesn't work in this way in Safari and Firefox either.
#container {background: url(image.jpg) fixed no-repeat}
so I changed to
 #container {background-position: fixed}

Im pretty sure it was working for me in Firefox just before... the  
background image scrolled with the page. Not sure why it wouldn't  
have worked for you.

Rob, I meant to reply this yesterday.

Strange! it really doesn't work for me for my testing in Safair,  
Firefox and Opera.
I tried placing 'fixed' before and after the 'no-repeat', also after  
the x/y positions.

Here is the test page:

Accroding to CSS shothand guide, placing the 'fixed' in the  
background should work.

#container {background: url(../images/pic.jpg) fixed no-repeat 459px  
top  ; /* I was certain it worked for body {background: url(../images/ 
pic.jpg) fixed no-repeat 459px top} in the first version I posted for  
help, but I tested it now in body, it doesn't work anymore.  
Unfortunately I can't duplicate what I did with entire style sheet */

and here is the working one where I removed the 'fixed' from  
background property

#container {background: url(../images/pic.jpg) no-repeat 459px top;
width: 999px; text-align: left;}

 Can someone explains why it has this behaviour? I am trying to  
think maybe it has a dependency and inheritance, when, for instance,  
a relative position is declared somewhere. Hmmm, if I don't get an  
answer to feed my curoisty from you gurus, I will need to run more  
tests to find the answer myself.



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] site check please

2007-06-19 Thread Tee G. Peng
Hi Jermayn, I notice the left and right columns white background  
colors (or image) are overlapping the 'g-background.jpg'.

You either need to may transparent color for left/right column or if  
background images are used, use nee to  make them narrower or maybe  
add z-index properties.

Small detail that doesn't interfer with website's function but IMHO  
this is what  differential good and best web deisgners :).

Also, the two columns collapse with two fontsize enlarge - this one  
really put me off because I always need to enlarge at least two time  
of fontsize for many sites I visit.


On Jun 18, 2007, at 7:21 PM, Jermayn Parker wrote:

Hi folks,
just wondering if people can have a quick look at the following  

for any major errors, suggestions etc

The one thing that has given me major trouble is aligning the columns
the same over browsers (I am sure I have a few gray hairs from  
that), so

unless its horriable wrong, I am not going to worry about it, unless
someone knows a fix.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] auto-hiding bottom part of bg image when resizing fontsize

2007-06-18 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Jun 18, 2007, at 11:49 AM, Thierry Koblentz wrote:

I may be wrong, but I'm not sure ie6 does transparent border (if I  

it turns them black).

Yeah, it doesn't. I actually not sure how to write the rule.
I had {border-top: 5px transaprent},
{border-top: 5px; border-color: transaprent}

It doesn't work in Firefox and Safari, then I realized even if I got  
it correct it probably won't won't in IE.

So I used {border-top: 5px solid wheat } /* wheat the same color as  
the h2 background */

By the way, I have a question regarding fixed background position

it doesn't work in this way in Safari and Firefox either.
#container {background: url(image.jpg) fixed no-repeat}
so I changed to
 #container {background-position: fixed}

But I am certain this works
body {background: url(image.jpg) fixed no-repeat}



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] auto-hiding bottom part of bg image when resizing fontsize

2007-06-18 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Jun 18, 2007, at 9:39 AM, Robert O'Rourke wrote:

Hi Tee,
nice looking page! It doesn't get a vertical scroll bar though  
(firefox 2 latest)...
could you attach the background image to the bottom of the main  
content area as opposed to a fixed position on the body? that way  
it would move up if the text size was reduced.

Thanks Rob.

I think for notebook users,  vertical sroll bar will show . Moving  
photo to the container creates a small problem, with vertical  
scrolling, the tagline image jumps. I need to work out a precise  
calculation in pixel or change that big image to alpha PNG.

One other thing I noticed was when you hover the large links they  
change height slightly, looks nice but when you hover just on the  
edge you get some mad flickering. You could maintain the height by  
replacing the padding with a transparent border.

 Ah yah! I was thinking to have a pseudo javascript transition  
effect  :). Thanks for the tips!


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] auto-hiding bottom part of bg image when resizing fontsize

2007-06-18 Thread Tee G. Peng

Hi Jamie, Rob and Thierry

Have you tryed giving your #wrapper a height or min-height: should  
i say.

Yeah! min-height works better and I needed to move the photo to the  

I would have a poper look but remove that stupid password because  
time i try and use firebug to edit the CSS its asking me for the  

every few seconds.

Sorry about this.


List Guidelines:

[WSG] auto-hiding bottom part of bg image when resizing fontsize

2007-06-18 Thread Tee G. Peng
In this page I have the photo placed in body background with fixed  
position. When fontsize enlarge, the bottom part of the photo shows  
the background color which is fine because I intentionally wanted it  
appears as if it's part of the design, however when fontsize reduces,  
the footer moves up as expected, but I want to make the bottom part  
of photo moves up with the footer.

I can't think of a way to make it happens. Can it be done with CSS?

login: public/public



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] why is this text not resizable,?

2007-06-17 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Jun 16, 2007, at 8:05 PM, Thierry Koblentz wrote:

I believe it is sIFR (Flash)

Thierry |

Thank you Thierry, David and others who response and provided extra  
link for other method.


List Guidelines:

[WSG] why is this text not resizable,?

2007-06-16 Thread Tee G. Peng
I was at Media Temple reading mySQL stuff, and one thing caught my  
eyes. First I saw the h3 text seems to have shadow effect so I tried  
to select it to see if it's graphic. It's not and then I notice the  
font isn't enlarged when I resize the fontsize.

Look for blue heading under the 'Notable features'.


List Guidelines:

[WSG] I need to ask a non-web design question from Aussie

2007-06-11 Thread Tee G. Peng
Hello Australians , I am so so so sorry I have to post this to ask  
you kindly write me offlist so that I can ask the question - (without  
'but') this is the only list I know full of Aussie that can give me  
the information I needed. It is a non-web web standards no web design  
question so I will refrain myself from asking publicly.

Thank you and very truly sorry for the OT!


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] WCAG Samurai Errata

2007-06-10 Thread Tee G . Peng

On Jun 7, 2007, at 10:22 PM, Kane Tapping wrote:

I have been reading with interest the WCAG Samurai Errata ( http:// ) and am suprised to have not  
found it discussed on WSG as of yet.

Hi, I finally got a chance to read the WCAG Samurai Errata. Maybe  
something to do with my understanding in English, I see there is  
autority tone in there. Overall impression is it's a good thing, it  
seems the standard is higher (maybe it was because I am always so  
confused with the WCAG ambiguous used of language thus never able to  
fully understand) in claiming an accessible site.

Curious, is there an entity to issue certificate or safegaurd what  
sites can really claim to be WCAG Samurai Errata compliance? Will the  
validators be update to cater  for Samurai Errata? Or just our  
judegement with human eyes and best parctise be the call?

Lastly, I did not aware we can do this ? Did a brief reading in CSS 3  
spec and I tried testing it in Safari, Firefox and Opera  (thought  
one of the browsers has already supported some of CSS3 elements) but  
none of them work.

If images must be used for list bullets, do so only using CSS, as  
with ul { list-style: url("arrow.gif") disc }"


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Firefox bug with legend tag

2007-06-01 Thread Tee G. Peng

Hi Thierry, 

Definitely will take a look and pass it to client.

Many thanks!


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Firefox bug with legend tag

2007-06-01 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Jun 1, 2007, at 5:36 AM, John Faulds wrote:

Hi Tee,

I wrote something about styling legends a while ago which might  

Hi John, Thanks for the article. After reading it, I went visit one  
of the site I did last year that the form was styled with fieldset  
because I remember I didn't have trouble getting Firefox to work (IE  
doesn't look nice though), and the legend has background color.  
Looking at the fieldset and legend elements in the form style sheet,  
I can't however remember whether it's my code though because it's  
just too weird I would have coded it this way (repeating fieldset). I  
have little reason to believe the in house designer who took over the  
website after the template is done, messing with my CSS  because last  
time I talked to him, he hadn't been able to make a simple CSS page.

fieldset {
padding: 15px 10px;
margin: 20px 0;
border: 5px solid #eee;
background-color: #fff;
overflow: auto;

fieldset fieldset  {
border: 1px solid #ccc;
legend {background: #369;
padding: 10px;
color: #fff;
border: 1px double #ddd;
font-weight: bold;letter-spacing: 1px;
fieldset fieldset legend {
font-size: 95%;

and here is the link

The problem I am having is the background image (as oppose to  
background color) doesn't work for Firefox and IE ( the bugger maybe  
able to tame using conditional comments?!), I see that the 'width'  
and height are not recognized by Firefox. If I make padding top and  
right values larger than the actual background image dimension, it  
seems to compensate the problem Firefox has issue with.  However IE  
still not playing nice.

Can't post the actual page but the code:

#f-left fieldset legend {
padding:5px 20px 44px 10px;
	height:39px;	 background:url(../images/paper_catalog.gif) no-repeat  
left top;



List Guidelines:

[WSG] Firefox bug with legend tag

2007-06-01 Thread Tee G. Peng


I am working on a form layout that utilize fieldset and legend and I  
need to take care of presentation as well as screen reader needs.

The legend tag has a rounded corners background image, Safari and  
Opera have no issue with positioning and width but I am finding  
Firefox (all Gecko browsers actually) doesn't recognizing width  
element (haven't check on IE yet but I figure it's buggy too). Did a  
google search on Firefox bugs and found this:

Here is the screen shot of the result from above mentioned browsers.

The background image has to stay, I guess my last option will be  
removing the legend, and use p tag instead, but this is really not  
desirable because the page has two forms, one for newsletter, the  
other for personal info submission. Consider I need to take care of  
screen reader's users, the legend should stay too. Or am I still able  
to make the form accessible without legend?

I am inclined to sacrifice the presentation needs however it's not my  
call. Client hasn't see the layout, but I know he wants to keep both.



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Need help with CSS breadcrumbs and navigation

2007-03-30 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Mar 30, 2007, at 12:53 AM, Stuart Foulstone wrote:


I would suggest you use a line-height greater than 2pt in #breadcrumb.


Hi Chris,

Stuart's suggestion is good, however I do think there are more  
underlying problem in your code that needs to fix.

To begin with, you may want to add this rule in your CSS.
* {margin:0; padding:0}

Because headings and other html tags have their default top/bottom  
margins and paddings, by using an universal declaration, you are  
removing the default margins/paddings. You then adding your desired  
paddings/margins in the id and classes selectors directly.

Be aware that the universal declaration is a double-edged sword,  
somewhere down the road when you are more comfortable doing CSS and  
code for more complex CSS layout, you may find it not so good but  
getting  into your way all the time, but for now... I think it's good  
for your layout.

Your breadcrumb declaration is a bit heavy and some are unnecessary:
#breadcrumb {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
color: #FF;
background-color: #00;
width: 100%;
height: auto;
position: relative;
list-style: none;
float: left;
line-height: 2pt;   
#breadcrumb ul {
list-style-type: none;
#breadcrumb li {
float: left;
margin-right: 1em;
padding-bottom: 10px;

I will slim it down to this:

#breadcrumb {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
color: #FF;
background-color: #00;
width: 100%;

You don't need the last 5 declarations in the #breadcrumb. Only  
declare 'list-style' in the 'ul' and 'ol', as for float, there is no  
point for it when you have only one column of content to go in a  
block. 'position' here will require 10 pages of A4 paper for me to  
explain, even if I bother to do so, you will end up more confusing,  
so I will skip it :) Declare line-height in the 'li' instead.

#breadcrumb ul {
list-style-type: none;
	margin:0; padding:0 /* if you don't want universal declaration, then  
you must zero out paddings and margins here */

#breadcrumb li {
	display: inline; /* here you can choose to use display: inline or  
float: left - personally I favor inline because the breadcrumb is  
just a run-in text to me */
	padding:  0 20px; /* note that when display:inline is used, the top  
and bottom padding won't work because now your breadcrumb is "inline"  
element. Our list dad Russ wrote an excellent article about it: */
line-height: 30px /* 30px pleases my eyes, but it's fine with me if  
you want something higher or lower */


Also, the position of your drop-down navigation behaves erracticlly:  
in Safari. It shifted to the left, about 80px nears the menu before  
it, for example, I hover on 'Hospital Services", the zero position of  
the X axis of drop-down starst somewhere between Home and Emergency;  
in Firefox, it starts from the 'p' word in 'HosPital'.

Another thing, you may like to pick up CSS shorthand to slim down  
your style sheet, the obvious example is you can use this in the  

#breadcrumb {
font: 10pt Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: #FF;
background-color: #00;
width: 100%;

Hope this helps a bit


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Markup for Poetry?

2007-03-29 Thread Tee G. Peng

On Mar 29, 2007, at 5:24 PM, Christian Montoya wrote:

On 3/29/07, Jeremy Boggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm working on a website that contains a number of poems. Are there
any discussions or examples on strategies for marking up and styling
poetry? I haven't started doing markup yet, but if it would help
folks on the list, I could that and post the links.

If the visual formatting of the poem is important to you (say, visual
poems that have extra whitespace a the beginning or middle of lines)
then you will probably need to use the  tag.

Hi Jeremy, I was going to ask this question last week :), but decided  
to do a google search first... and ended in this article by Molly E.  

No conclusive answer there however I decided to go with one of the  
comment left.

Thanks for asking the question!


List Guidelines:

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