Re: [Zope] Newbie: MS Access ODBC connection strings

2000-05-18 Thread Rik Hoekstra

-Original Message-
From: Andy Gates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: donderdag 18 mei 2000 11:24
Subject: [Zope] Newbie: MS Access ODBC connection strings

>Before you all start, I know, MS Access is pants and I should be using
>a "real" database.  And I shall, once the "proof of concept" stage is
>passed and I can migrate the existing data over to one.  But for now
>I'm stuck with it.
>Right, that over, here's my plea: I'm trying to create a connection
>object to a MS Access 97 database.  I've installed the ODBC DA product
>but I cannot get my connection to actually connect.  The error I get is,
>"invalid connection string: project,"  (project is the DSN name).
>According to the docs that come with the ODBC-DA, there's usually no
>need for a connection string and accordingly I have left it blank; I
>presume that the DA is defaulting to connecting using the DSN name as
>its string.  The database has no security settings that might limit
>What's going wrong?  Help!

Hm, a few possibilities I haven't seen yet:

- You don't happen to have spaces in the Access file name? This may upset
one object or another.
- There isn't an Access workgroup type of authentication going on (just


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Re: [Zope] Has anyone...?

2000-05-18 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> multiple instances of Zope on an NT machine?
>I guess I should ask first if anyone has been successful getting thier NT
>Web Server to handle authentication/authorization to zope users via pcgi?

yes. I don't see what the problem (in a theoretical sense) should be.

>I'm not running IIS but I imagine the problems are similar.

We had it running before, without trouble behind IIS using pcgi. I changed
jobs in between and recently there seem to have been problems with the NT
box, though (from what I've heard I doubt if they're Zope related, though)

> I'm using
>Oreilly's Website Pro and have asked about this here before.

I know nothing about this.

>I want users to be able to log on to thier zope projects or zope products.
>manager should be able to get to the management area and say, a squishdot
>admin should be able to review articles and any portal member should be
>to log-in via the front end server.. I seem to be finding just enough
>info to keep me trying.but no successes.
>I would appreciate hearing any NT server solution(s) to this.  I'm stuck...

Could you be more specific as to where are things going wrong?

>Thanks for any help on this...



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Re: [Zope] Some examples of DTML scripts ?

2000-05-19 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>I'm a french new Zope developper and I'm a little bite lost with the
>documentation... I think that some examples will help me a lot. So, if
>have some and can spend two minutes to send them tome, I will be very

You should try the zdp site (, especially the FAQ and
the ZSnippets stuff, though it tends to be somewhat advanced (to say the


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Re: [Zope] Nesting ZClasses=='bad juju'

2000-05-19 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>David Holden writes:
>> Hi, I'm working throw the ZDevelopers guide, and want to try using nested
>> ZClasses,
>There was a thread about this a while back that talked about design choices
>and nested ZClasses.  Due to some of the current conventions in the
>ZClasses implementation, nesting them really didn't seem like the way to
>go.  You lose some functionality, and things get hard to change.  Putting
>all the ZClases in the root of your product folder is probably a better
>idea.  (I'm sure I'm not the only one who believes this).
>Just my 2 cents,

I second this (having learnt the hard way)

that makes 4 cents


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Re: [Zope] Win98 and WEBDAV - you ought to see it if you can

2000-05-22 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>When I try to "Add a Web Folder" on Win98 I get a 404 error on the resource
>_vti_bin both on my own web sites and on Any idea why or what
>is _vti_bin?

Yes, it is (one of the) the dreaded Frontpage extension(s). Why you would
get it and someone else wouldn't ... I don't know. Perhaps you have MS
products that use FP extensions (Frontpage, Interdev, whatever) installed?


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Re: [Zope] uploading a batch of files

2000-05-22 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>I need to upload a batch of files into the zope database, what would be the
>best way
>thanks :)

What about ftp? Zope comes with a built-in ftp server. Point your favorite
ftp client to your server. Don't forget to set the right port - see
/ for this. Enter your username/password and you're set.

>Have a great day!!!

Same to you !


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Re: [Zope] FTP

2000-05-23 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> David Shen wrote:
> Hello,
> Can Zope system be accessed by FTP? If yes, how to do so?

Yes. Assuming you have a standard Zope installation and you've not
tampered with the ftp settings of ZServer (you'd know about ftp then
wouldn't you). THe ZServer ftp is running under the (non default) 8021
port. You should point your ftp client to ftp://yoursite:8021/

That's it.

Happy ftp-ing


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Re: [Zope] Feeling like a newbie.. document id if statement?

2000-05-24 Thread Rik Hoekstra

"J. Atwood" wrote:
> Ok.. this is really dumb, but for some reason I can't get this to work.

I believe this should be 


(isn't dtml nice sometimes)


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Re: [Zope] Feeling like a newbie.. document id if statement?

2000-05-24 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> >  
> I wonder if someone would be kind enough to translate Rik's code into Enlish
> for me. I know that expressions inside "" are Python, but what is the
> function of the [] and _?

Hm, I'm afraid this is a DTML trick (nothing more). I hope I can explain
this right. Please correct me if I go wrong.

Normally in DTML, you access variables in the current namespace with
, which actually stands for 

In an expression like the one used by J you actually use an expression,
, in which case you do not get the id variable in
the current namespace, but the actual value of the id attribute
(property) of the object in the current namespace.

The problem here is that the id of index_html is a python method (which
is actually returned by ). This will never be equal
to 'index_html' as that is a string.

The solution is to call the variable in the current object namespace by
using it like a  dictionary in the python expression . 

Because it's a method, you could (in this case) also use , in which case a string is returned (so that  will once again be useful. However, the
_['id'] is preferred, because it will work on different objects and the
id of most other objects is a string. For example:

 do something nice

would work, whereas   would break if
there are objects whose ids are not methods (assuming File is one of
them, which I wouldn't know)

So the different forms are (actually there are some more, but they do
not matter here):

 will give you an error

Now that was probably more English than you'd hoped for



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[Zope] Re: [ZDP] Re: [Zope] Re: [ZDP] Re: [Zope] The agony of the ZOPE Documentation

2000-05-25 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> > The ZDP has "only" got
>> > the aim to point to existing stuff. Restructuring the existing docs
>> > is not our job.
>> Maybe it should be? How about rebuilding as a generic 'Zope
>> Portal' with the building and documenting work being done more by the
>> community? (ie: integrating ZDP and
>You got it.  I think that the ZD portal and should be
>seamlessly integrated.  More to the point, I have the authority to make
>it happen on DC's end.  I am *very* interested in integrating the
>community's effort more completely into

Good. We (=zdp list) pleaded various times for an integration of ZDP and
Zope documentation.

>Furthermore, this *is* a major part of what I need to do with
>It is, indeed, part of my Job Description:
>4. Use direct assistance, tight documentation integration, collaborative
>tools and appropriate koans to provide a path to Zope Zen: a gentle
>learning curve that takes participants from novice DTML work to hacking
>zope internals
>So I *do* have time to help with this, and I don't imagine my employer
>will give me flack :)
>I will admit that I am not exactly up to speed on who's doing what with

Neither are we, and moreover everything there is in a flux. We called it
comfortable anarchy when ZDP just started, and so it's stayed ever since.

>nor am I trying to impose a vision.
>So what do you folks think?

1) I have pleaded before for ownership of several documentation efforts. We
now have something called maintainers on the ZDP site (Maik overall
maintenance, ZBook Tom Deprez I suppose, Kamon Ayeva - hm, something else,
and me ZSnippets). Perhaps ownership is taking it to far, but a bit of
coordination left and right and (taking initiatives for) setting priorities
would do much good. So far, no one is inclined to take responsability for
more than a part, though.

2) The ZDP Tools of Maik Roeder and the Subject/Topic hierarchy stuff by
David Kankiewitz (if I spell his name right) are great stuff with a lot of
potential, even if they may not appear consistently on the ZDP site right
now (to say the least). There is some documentation available about them
somewhere, but Maik may be able to answer questions better.

my 2 cents


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[Zope] Re: [ZDP] Re: [Zope] The agony of the ZOPE Documentation

2000-05-25 Thread Rik Hoekstra

-Original Message-
From: Jerry Spicklemire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: donderdag 25 mei 2000 1:11
Subject: [ZDP] Re: [Zope] The agony of the ZOPE Documentation

>(forwarded from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Jason Cunliffe wrote:
>Perhaps you have a better crazier idea..I hope so:-)
>Maybe. I too have had problems with the ZDP stuff, but not specifically
>those mentioned by others in this thread. When I try to use the ZDP I am
>impressed by the effort and sheer volume of material, but unfortunately it
>seems to be mostly supported by non-native English speakers. The result is
>that I am often uncertain that I clearly understand what the author
>intended. That leaves me in a state that is nearly worse that where I
>began, potentially more knowledgable, but certainly more confused. Now, for
>that crazy solution.
>If the ZDP were in some Wiki-ish form that could be edited by readers
>("Edit This Page", a la Frontier?), a new version of a page could be
>created to fix the most obvious misexpressions. The author might then be
>able to review the updates, and either approve the fixes, or clarify cases
>where a misfix has resulted from a misinterpretation, which itself is a
>verifiable indication that the original text was somewhat obscure. After a
>few passes through this process, the ZDP might be dressed up and ready to
>go to press!
>In a case like the proposal above, anyone willing to do some copyediting
>would be free to edit a paragraph at a sitting, if that's the all the time
>available, or a page, or a chapter. Whatever works. I know I have been
>reluctant to commit to any extensive participation simply because my time
>is very limited. Still, as tight as the schedule is, it isn't quite in the
>negative microseconds yet, so a graph per shift is better than nothing!
>With this in mind see the very recent post:
>This is a way to manage Zope Objects, stuff that usually lives in ZODB,
>using CVS. This can provide versioning, checkout, checkin, etc. It could be
>used as a way to let ZDP Authors know what's changed, at a very granualr
>level, to keep from having to wade through the page looking for somthing
>that isn't precisely as it was last time they saw it. ZDP is itself a Zope
>site, so this could be just the ticket.

Perhaps, but i think this is not necessary (though I liked the product
idea). Should you become a member of the ZDP site, than Maik already created
many such tools, including commenting, reviewing, discussing etcetera (and
search possibilities for documentation that needs it). We badly need people
for these tasks, though, and nobody has taken these tasks up yet. Mindlace
just yet announced serious involvement by DC, but we never had input from
them before (sorry to say so)

Please take into account that at the moment the whole ZDP, including
programming, writing documentation etc, takes the effort of far less than
ten people, who work at it in their spare time. Or to put it differently:


Help us out and the whole Zope community will benefit.


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Re: [Zope] ZWiki - how to dynamically add a page?

2000-05-25 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>Dear Chris,
>Thanx a lot for your suggestion. Zwiki is indeed something very helpful to
>I've got a couple fo questions, though:
>1. How can I dynamically add a Zwiki page?
>It says there:
>"To create a link to another wiki page, just write its name. (If you
>don't use a WikiName, you must enclose
>the name in square brackets).

You edit the page, put in a WikiName (is a name with some uppercase and
lower case characters like, um WikiName). That is all; it will show on the
edited page with a question mark.

>If the page does not yet exist, a ? will be displayed - click it to
>create the new page. This is how new wiki
>pages are added."
>Where do I have to write the name?? There's a form field in the upper right
>corner of a Zwiki Page header, but inserting a new name there doesn't work.
>2. How can I add dynamically ZWiki Pages to different folders in
>/Control_Panel / Products / ZWiki / zwiki_examples /   folder???

What do you want to accomplish?


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Re: [Zope] ANN: Perl For Zope

2000-05-25 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>Seriously, Python and Perl are two scripting languages, similar in
>scope, both successful.  The Java market has about a thousand choices
>for app servers, whereas the Perl market's need is largely unmet.
>> would be Java floating around in Zope's bowl before Perl! Perl?
>> Jeeze... what a great but very scary thing. I trust that DC will do
>> it right.
>Yes we will.  As Jim is fond of saying, we allow methods in a lot of
>languages already: Python, HTML (DTML), SQL, and soon XSLT.  The latter
>is *definately* one that will make Perl look readable. :^)
>Don't worry, this is a Good Thing.  Scripting languages should work
>together and present a strong alternative.

Agreed, but the need for a Zope best practices guidelines (when to use what,
and when _not_ to use it) is growing with every new language/method ;-)


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Re: [Zope] Properties

2000-05-25 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>Is there any way to manipualte properties outside of the Zope
>management area?

Yes, you can do it using the manage_addProperty method from dtml (or from
Python/External Methods). In the same vein you can change them

>I have a lot of properties I need to add to a certain document
>and it's really time consuming to enter then one by one.
>Also, Is there any way to arrange the order of properties?
>For instance, I've added a bunch called story 1a through
>story1z, and story1r is misspelled as "stry1r". Currently, it
>seems to keep them in order I have to delete all the properties
>after the 1r property and enter them all again.

Keep them in order in what way? In the propertysheet? Then that's the only
way. If you make your own form to edit the properties you might either call
them directly, one by one, or gather them in a list, sort it, and then
display them.

Hope this makes sense


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Re: [Zope] Count specific objects

2000-05-25 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>In subfolder "ref_links" I have a another folder called myLinksandURLs
>(which actually is a product called URL Directory).
>In that folder (myLinksandURLs) there are a couple of objects called Simple
>URL derived from the product called URL Directory.
>I  now want to count the number of 'Simple URL' .
>I have tried this.  but that counts only
>number of letters in Simple URL.
>How do I tell the _.len function to count how many objects exists in a
>specific folder?

  .objectValues(['Simple URL']))">

if the specificFolder is the current folder it may be omitted


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Re: [Zope] Add property ?

2000-05-26 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> calvin33 wrote:
>  Normally :
>  How to change "object_O" with another variable "var_V"  ?

Have you tried 




Sorry, no time to test, but they should work

Rik, (who is wondering why he is answering this getitem thing at least
three times a week)

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Re: [Zope] Help with simple dtml-if compare

2000-05-26 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> yep.. well... this is quite a common question, all up.  It comes from people
> using shorthand, but not relaising it.  sometimes i wonder if this feature
> should be removed.
> the line:
> is actually shorthand for:
> which means your expression is handled as a python expression, not a DTML
> one.  In which case, you are comparing a function object (id)  with a string
> object ('index_html').
> the simple fix is, of course, to 'call' the function
> should do what you're expecting.

Um, except that id is not always a method ;-(, hence the _['id'] idiom
(see discussion earlier this week)


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Re: [Zope] Higher Education

2000-05-26 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>Phil Langton wrote:
>> Someone has mentioned that Digital Creations has taken on someone who
>> is to implement a zope-based virtual learning environment tool kit.
>> Is this so?
>> Any mailing lists or contacts or test areas?
>You're probably referring to me.  I haven't taken an active role in
>this area recently because of the time it takes to get married
>(January/February), change jobs (March/April), move across the country
>(April), and get settled in a new area. :-)
>The zope-edu project was doing well for a while but we were unable to
>define the scope of the project.  There are a lot of facets involved
>and everybody was approaching it with a very different perspective.
>And nobody knew the technology well enough: it's too easy to
>re-implement things in Zope that have already been done by others.  A
>battle ensued over naming conventions (ZSchool? ZopeEdu? Something
>else?) and the mailing list eventually reached an activity level of

Which IMHO was actually mainly due to the maillist server severely suffering
from outage and millenium bugs, because before that I recall discussions
were very much alive, and of a high quality.

>We could start again with a new approach: a Wiki!  Wikis work very well
>for initial designs.  We could take the good posts from and
>put them into the Wiki right away.
>How many are still interested in this?

I was among one of the first to be active in the zope-edu list and I am
still interested and even working on a product for course maintenance. I
even sent Shane an immature snapshot, but had to reimplement the product
because of nesting ZClasses (sigh). Moreover, I was changing jobs as well,
which did not exactly help in getting things from the ground.

So - yes I'm still interested Shane.


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Re: [Zope] Higher Education

2000-05-26 Thread Rik Hoekstra

-Original Message-
From: Charlie Derr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: vrijdag 26 mei 2000 21:28
Subject: RE: [Zope] Higher Education

>|-Original Message-
>|From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
>|Timothy Wilson
>|Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 12:44 PM
>|To: Rik Hoekstra
>|Cc: Shane Hathaway; Phil Langton; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>|Subject: Re: [Zope] Higher Education
>|On Fri, 26 May 2000, Rik Hoekstra wrote:
>|> >How many are still interested in this?
>|> I was among one of the first to be active in the zope-edu list and I am
>|> still interested and even working on a product for course maintenance. I
>|> even sent Shane an immature snapshot, but had to reimplement the product
>|> because of nesting ZClasses (sigh). Moreover, I was changing
>|jobs as well,
>|> which did not exactly help in getting things from the ground.
>|> So - yes I'm still interested Shane.
>|I'm still very much interested in this. School's out in a week or so, and
>|plan to work hard this summer worked on developing Zope stuff to be used
>|here at school. I would love to renew the discussions.
>Where do i find out how to subscribe to the zope-edu list?
>It doesn't seem to be listed on

Look at the sourceforge address mentioned before


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Re: [Zope] Higher Education

2000-05-26 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>You know, there's the python edu-sig (
>- i wonder whether there's some point in crossing over the efforts?  On
>the plus side, there's a number of educators there with real interest in
>teaching programming in a good way, on the minus side, their charter is
>pretty much python oriented, and zope may be a more narrow context than
>they would wish to dwell within.  I mean, i'm not sure how the slightly
>different agendas would work out...

Hi Ken

I have been lurking on the edu-sig for a while now. I think your concern
about divergent interests is quite justified. The zope-edu list was more
about getting a coherent framework in Zope, while the the edu-sig is more
about teaching programming in the Computer Programming for Everyone program,
even if discussions seem to be narrowing down to teaching computer math to
everyone. There has been an occasional mention of ZOpe, though. If a
Zope-edu effort would bring a Computer Mediated Instruction environment,
this might be of great help also for them

my 2 cents


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Re: [Zope] Zope Email (syndication)

2000-05-26 Thread Rik Hoekstra

-Original Message-
From: Karl Ulbrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: vrijdag 26 mei 2000 21:49
Subject: Re: [Zope] Zope Email (syndication)

>> Well... I think that it's probably the shortest route to a functioning
>> zope archive to use mailman-  already written in python, and modular
>> enough that we should be able to take it one step at a time.
>In browsing the MailMan lists, I recall reading about someone
>setting up an archiver script that received each mail message
>and saved it into Zope via WebDAV, so each msg became a document.
>I didn't save the link, but that might be the *fastest* way to
>get started with archiving (and potentially indexing, etc) mail
>in Zope:
> - script (in Python, of course!) receives mail, or add to Mailman
> - script talks WebDAV, and saves it into a folder (or
>   subfolder by-date?) in Zope
> - this becomes a DTML document -- I don't know enoug Zope
>   yet to know if this could be a customized/subclassed DTML
>   doc that was smart enough to parse RFC822, save
>   fielded and raw search info into ZCatalog, etc).
> - everything Zope can do with a collection of items is yours!
>This sounded cool to me...  Anyone going to try?

Not me. I just wanted to add that imho saving an rfc822 object (using the
standard python module) might not be a bad idea. I used it for a product
(using bobo that was, I changed it after ZOpe came) that eats a Netscape
inbox, by way of a maillists digest.

And what about an XML derivative of the rfc822?


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Re: [Zope] FW: trying to connect zope to m/s access 2000 d/b

2000-05-29 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>am using windows 98 & have constructed a ms access 2000 db that i have been
>trying to connect to via zope. wasn't sure so i downloaded zodbc db
>a couple of problems if my connection depends on this. 1st i add it to the
>top level of the zope installation but it is installed lower down & 2nd i
>require a id & password to connect to my zope applications so do i need to
>put in a connection string & if so where? at the moment the only db it is
>giving me access to is the gadfly demo. do i even need the zodbc adapter?
>thanks in advance. much appreciated

Um, Michael, one stupid question: did you create an odbc connection for your
database (in the control panel of your win98 machine)
No, two stupid questions: did you restart your Zope installation after
installing the ZODBCDA?


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Question about sorting

2000-05-30 Thread Rik Hoekstra

"Patrick J.M. Keane" wrote:
> Does sort only sort in one direction?  I am looking to sort news items
> so that the newest items are on top, and when sorting on a date field,
> I get the opposite behaviour.  Any easy way to reverse the sort order?

Yes, by adding reverse to the sort tag ;-)

 sort= reverse>


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Re: [Zope] images in access database

2000-06-02 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>I would like to be able to have gifs/jpgs stored in an MS access
>database and then pull the out using zope and display them in rendered
>documents.  I am completely new to access.  I have successfully
>installed the ODBCDA into zope, and are able to connect to an access
>database and pull ordinary text data out of tables.
>I have created a table in access with a column of type 'OLE object' and
>put a gif image in as data.  This is the only way I know how to get an
>image into the table.  The problem I think with this is that it is a
>link to the gif on the HDD, and doesn't actually have the data in the
>table?  Anyway, when I pull the data out of the table from zope, access
>puts a header and footer around the gif binary data, and hence a simple
> wont work to display the image.  Has anyone else every
>pulled images from an access database.  Will I have to write a method to
>strip the header and footer from the returned data before displaying the

Um, in general you'd have to have very strong reasons to put large objects
like images in a database (especially in Access). This has a negative effect
on the performance of your application as it adds to the overhead (putting
another layer between your webserver and your image retrieval). I don't see
what the gains would be.

If you consider putting image descriptions in your database, do so and no
more. Put the images on a filesystem somewhere and make your database
records point to them. This is much easier and much faster.

If the number of images is large you may have to do some thinking about the
directory structure.



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Re: [Zope] Newbie question: graphics in subdirs

2000-06-07 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>However, I want to keep all of my commonly used image files in a
> subdirectory called /images.  So I create a folder called "images", upload
> another copy of logo.jpg into it, everything's fine.  I change the dtml in
> the "test" document to be "".  And it doesn't
> work, giving me an error message of:
> Error Type: KeyError
> Error Value: /images/logo.jpg
>Looking through the docs and tutorials I can't find anything on this --
> and I know it's mindlessly simple.  Can someone whack me with a clue-bat?
> TIA.

 1. Don't use URL separators in dtml expressions. Use dots 2. You
shouldn't have used dots in the logo.jpg name as it confuses zope, look
below what that gets you ;-):

sorry 'bout that (untested, but should work)


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Re: [Zope] How do you changing web port address of Zserver installed as a service on Win NT4?rvice on Win NT4?

2000-06-07 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>I am looking for some guidance on how to change the web port address of my
>Zserver. I can use the -P option START.BAT file and start it manually but I
>haven't been able to figure out how to change it when I am starting the
>Zserver up as a service on a WinNT 4 box.
>It works fine on port 8080 but I now need to move it off of  that port.

Look in the file in your  directory (say c:\zope or
something). you can change the http port in there (it is rather heavily
commented; you should have no problem). Restart your service and your set.

Alternatively you might tweak the registry at key
with the -p switch. But the first is easier i'd think ;-)

Also see:

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Re: [Zope] Python, Zope, and PowerPoint slides

2000-06-08 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>>   * Amos released updated "Zope training material",
>> that he and Michel Pelletier have been working on for
>> the past couple weeks.
>>   There are twenty slide presentations which cover such topics
>>   as DTML, application design, and developing Python products.
>>   Note: the PowerPoint slides are built by a Python script
>>   that reads Structured Text and talks to PowerPoint over COM - cool.
>How about taking the extra step and using 'PythonPoint' to make a pdf
>presentation for non-MS'ers?

IIRC Pavlos Christoforou made a Zope product that creates pdf from stx files
(goes to look it up) Yes. See

Though I agree a packed up version would be nice (I'm a windows user, so
pythonpoint is ok for me) Any chance the python-powerpoint script could be
made public anyway?



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Re: [Zope] Python, Zope, and PowerPoint slides

2000-06-08 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>>IIRC Pavlos Christoforou made a Zope product that creates pdf from stx
>>(goes to look it up) Yes. See
>I was quite exited when I saw this pdf possibility but I can't seem
>to get it to work. I'm running Zope on my Win NT4.0. But I have some
>questions 'bout it:

Hm, worked for me (on my humble win95 homebox). It's been a time since I
used it, though

>1. When I d/l the zpdf file it seems that something is missing. Where
>exactly should I put it ?

Unpack it in the /lib/python/Products

>2. Is it a precompiled python file ?

python will compile it at runtime

>3. Should'nt it have some kind of extension to it to work in a windoze env

apart from python no (but zope won't run if you don't have that ;-). It is a
python only product as far as I can see.


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[Zope] Re: [ZDP] Links between DTML language and Python language...

2000-06-08 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>In the last mail I sent, I explaint my problem to know if a specified item
>in a list. Oleg helped me and said that : "Learn Python". Now, I wonder if
>there are strong links between DTML language and Python language. Because,
>the DTML language reference, you can find nothing meaning that.

As such the links are not really strong. But knowing Python helps you  to
understand what is going on in python. Moreover, you may sometimes want or
have to resort to External/Python methods to stuff DTML is not usable for.
DTML is really just a presentation language. As now there are no real
guidelines as to when to use what. Use your own intuition ;-(

>Sometimes, I see functions used in DTML which are not referenced in DTML
>language reference. I guess that it's Python functions. So, I ask the
>if it's advised to be introduced to Python before programming in DTML. I
>like to know too, if there is any rule that specify how to use Python
>in DTML language, and if all Python functions are accessible in DTML...

everytime you use an expression in DTML ( or plainly
) the part between quotes is a python expression, which does
not respond to dtml rules, but to python rules. Usually these are quite
simple, but to use them you have to know some Python.

Note, that learning (some) Python is not very difficult. And there are good
training materials (and books) available.



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Re: [Zope] Zope URLS (was re: WebObjects)

2000-06-08 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>Gregor Hoffleit wrote:
>> Regarding wget:
>> AFAICS, the problem is that traditionally in a static web server, if you
>> to access a URL like 'http://host/xyz' (without trailing slash), the
>> will return you an error '301 Moved permanently' and will point you to
>> new location 'http://host/xyz/'. Zope instead (if 'xyz' is a folder and
>> there's a document 'xyz/index_html') immediately returns the rendered
>> index_html if you request 'http://host/xyz'.
>> Now whenever the 301 to the URL with a trailing slash happens, wget takes
>> this as a hint that this path must have been a directory, and saves the
>> result as index.html. With Zope, wget doesn't get this hint.
>> Reading this again, I wonder if this qualifies as a bug in Zope, or is
>> a good reason for this behavior ?
>It's not so much a bug as a complication caused by the fact that Zope
>isn't a filesystem server, but an orb presented through the web (correct
>me if I'm slightly out ;-)
>For example http://host/x/y/z
>Could be:
>-A container object z (which should have a / after it?)
>-A dtml-document in folder /x/y/
>-The result of executing the z method on the y object in the /x/ folder.
>-The result of executing the z method on the result of executing the y
>method on the x object in the root folder.

>I'm sure acquisition adds some more options/confusions to this... ;-)
>So, that's the problem, I don't know what the solution is :(
>I do think there must be a better way than Zope's kludgey BASE tag
>Maybe all Zope URLs should end in a / ?

so what is the use of the /? Couldn't all Zope URLs end without a /?

>Quite radical, but maybe the most sensible and least confusing? :/


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Re: [Zope] Re: ZSQL Bug in 2.1.6 [patch]

2000-06-08 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>The zope list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is great for this sort of question ;-)
>Phill Hugo wrote:
>> Sorry to bother you. I've a quick question regarding acqusition in ZSQL
>> methods. When I pass args the method ignores the REQUEST stuff unless I
>> specify it in the args list. Is there a way to pass one arg specifically
>> while allowing the others to be seen in the aquired namespace?
>So you're calling ?
>If so, you want:
>If you're doing that already, I can't help you, it's probably a bug :/

Hm I'm afraid Phill was bitten by the SQLMethod only accepting named
parameters and fiddling with the namespace in ways I now can't remember.
Perhaps your solution helps, though



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Re: [Zope] dtml-tree with data from multiple tables

2000-06-08 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>I'd like to generate a tree with data from different
>SQL tables depending on the tree level. In other
>words, the first level data  comes from one table,
>second level comes from another.
>How can the branches_expr expression determine what
>the current tree  level is? Can I pass a parameter to
>let me know the current level? I tried the following,
>but it didn't work...
>  branches_expr="child_lookup(_['tree-level'])">

I think Anthony baxter's "Some neat tricks with dtml-tree" > will help you out


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Re: [Zope] PARENTS

2000-06-08 Thread Rik Hoekstra

-Original Message-
From: Tom Scheidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: donderdag 8 juni 2000 22:07
Subject: [Zope] PARENTS

>Hi All,
>I can't get
>to work.
>I want it reference the folder containing the folder
>containing the document, but i get:
>Error Type: KeyError
>Error Value: PARENTS[1]




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Re: [Zope] PARENTS

2000-06-08 Thread Rik Hoekstra

-Original Message-
From: Tom Scheidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Rik Hoekstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: donderdag 8 juni 2000 22:27
Subject: Re: [Zope] PARENTS

>The wierd thing is:
> gives me the parent folder. (notice no quotes)

? strange

> gives me "Error Type: KeyError, Error Value:
> gives me the parent folder.

>None give me the parent-parent folder.

which wasn't your original question. So use 
PARENTS is a list of parent objects, from the nearest parent to the root.
The root is always the last element in the PARENTS (that is written as



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Re: [Zope] redirecting from inside a frame

2000-06-09 Thread Rik Hoekstra

The onlyway I can think off, (which doesn't mean its the only way), is to
launch a new window and send a HTML document whose content is JavaScript. It
would either rewrite the original frame or the entire window depending on
you original input and then close itself.

[rh] Hm, even for frames, there is a more zopish way to do this using Phil
Harris' method (using target). Suppose you want to make a text and then
display it in a frameset (this may not have been your original question, but
it is just about the hardest to without javascript)
This bugged me for a long time, so I thought i'd write it down:

make your frameset look something like this:





of course you could complicate this for plain page/frameset etc, but that's
the easy part ;-)



  - Original Message -
  From: Fusion Group
  Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2000 6:03 PM
  Subject: [Zope] redirecting from inside a frame

  I'm attempting to submit a form from inside of a frame, and depending on
the information submitted, redirect to a new page which I no longer want
displayed inside of that frame.  I want the new page to displayed in the
full browser window, but not a new window. Any help would be greatly



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Re: [Zope] Zope-Edu?

2000-06-09 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>What ever became of Zope-Edu?  Have they disbanded?

No, on the contrary: revived. See
There is also a sourceforge site.

Contributions more than welcome


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Zope on NT - port problem

2000-06-14 Thread Rik Hoekstra

- - wrote:
> Hi all
> How do I customise the port number that Zope installs to? I'm
> running NT and there is already a service running on the default
> port 8080.

The easiest way is to tweak in your zopehome directory. It is
heavily commented; this shouldn't be a problem.

> Also, is anyone using dreamweaver and zope? I want site designers to use the
> tools they already have and then content management etc will be done with
> zope.

Yes, there is even a zope extension (experimental) for dreamweaver
(check out Normal working with
dreamweaver is ok, but you'll have to add an extension to your zope
objects to work with dreamweaver (it won't open things without


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Re: [Zope] Accessing Superclass methods?

2000-06-14 Thread Rik Hoekstra

Nils Jeppe wrote:
> Hello,
> I have yet another question (sorry to spam y'all)..
> How do I call a ZClass'es superclasses' methods in dtml? :-)

They're automatically available


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Re: [Zope] Accessing Superclass methods?

2000-06-14 Thread Rik Hoekstra

Nils Jeppe wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Rik Hoekstra wrote:
> > > How do I call a ZClass'es superclasses' methods in dtml? :-)
> > They're automatically available
> not if I overwrite them...
> In Java I think you can do somethink like call super.method().

You can't from dtml as far as I know. You might consider not overriding
methods if you need them. It would seem like blurring your design anyway
to me, especially if you go on to using acquisition. But I don't know
what you want to accomplish of course...


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Re: [Zope] Could not lock database file

2000-06-14 Thread Rik Hoekstra

kwan wrote:
> Hi,
> I am setting up pcgi with IIS.
> I got the following error:
> Zope Error
> zope has encountered an error while publishing this resuource
> exceptions.ImportError
> (,'Could not locak the database file.  There must be \012another
> proccess that has opened the file.\012
> ')
> I had this message before also, when I test with a test mechine.  But
> that was my mistake that I forget to put the -p "D:\zope\zope.pcgi" when
> start the zope server.
> After I put this in, it work perfectly.
> However, this time, I did make this argument when start up the server.
> I am still can make it work.
> Can anyone give me idea?

Are you sure you didn't start zope as a service yet?


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Re: [Zope] sequence-item as a method argument

2000-06-14 Thread Rik Hoekstra

Hello again

I´m still testing the usability and reliability of Zope. To accomplish this
goal I am developing a very very simple shopping cart. But I got troubled by
something aparently simple. This is the code:


SESSION['cartItems'] is an array created in another DTML document using the
well known SQLSession product. Here I am retrieving the itens of this array
and passing it to a ZSQL method to get the selected items.

The sqlSearchProduct, alone, works well. If I substitute the inner  for a simple  the block works fine,
otherwise it gives me the following error:

Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.

Error Type: NameError
Error Value: sequence

change the line

in the line as it is now, sequence-item is interpreted as a Python
expression, meaning sequence minus item. The second incantation gets the
variables 'sequence-item' from the current namespace _



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Re: [Zope] Simple tabular data. Do I need SQL?

2000-06-15 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>On my web site, I have made a "News" page. The "News" items themselves
>are listed as a "lines"-property named "Items" on the News folder:
>They are accessed in a dtml-method:
>  dat="lin[0]"
>  txt="lin[1]">
>Since this is a small listing, this is still manageable. But: I do find the
>";"-delimited fields a bit hackish, so I'm looking for a better way to
>handle this kind of very simple tabular data.
>Do I really have to go all the way to a proper relational database and
>learn SQL? Or is there another way? If I do need to go with a real
>database, do I have to pay attention to the "Demo Only" warnings in

No, as long as it doesn't grow too much Gadfly will probably be fine (it is
an in memory db)
Another possibility is to use TinyTable, a contributed product by Ty Sarna.
It's at
Still another possibility is to use the Catalog to catalog news items. The
Catalog approach has the advantage that your news items will be monitored
dynamically. The Catalog is built into Zope



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Re: [Zope] Virtual hosts: How to make proper intra-site URL's?

2000-06-15 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>Thanks to a nice access rule, both the left and right names can be
>used to refer to the information. So far so good.

>I have not been able to produce this effect using either BASE0..N or

You probably need the SiteAccess product by Evan Simpson to do this. It is
at . I don't use it myself, but
apparently many people on the list do. I don't know if it's already safe to
use it with 2.2 beta, but for a production site you probably won't run this


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Re: [Zope] PCGI application Question?

2000-06-15 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>In the way of PCGI work.
>PCGI Wrapper sends request to PCGI Application throught INET port.
>This is what mention on ZAG document.
>However, it also has a note said that the PCGI Wrapper is capable of
>launching the PCGI application, if it is not currently running
>My problem is, how to found out that the PCGI application is not running
>and which cause the PCGI Wrapper to launch it instead?
>My situation is like this:
>I setup Zope communicate with IIS.  However, after I use the
>the var/ got changed.  As the ZAG document mention above, it
>looks like
>after the Zope server startup... somehow, the PCGI Application (is it
> dead/shutdown.  Which makes PCGI Wrapper
>(pcgi-wrapper.exe?) to launch its own one.  Hence, a new proccess with
>different PID.  Since it is a different proccess, it is not allow to
>touch the Database file and cause me get the error message "Could not
>lock the database file"  Am I right on this?

yes, I suppose so

>If this is the situation, how do I check to make sure the PCGI
>Application actually dead or not response after Zope start up?
>What can I do to check what cause it to close?

check the services, and the task/processes list in NT as to what is running.
Do you have any old copies of Zope running, that could be in the way?
You should (once more) check your Zope registry key.
IIRC it's CURRENT_CONTROL_SET/Services/Zope under the Parameters item (don't
have an NT machine here to check). Perhaps there is some information in  the
relevant ZBook draft on the ZDP site

(sorry for the long url, it'sprobably wrapped)

>Thanks very much for your time

Oh, and one more option (and perhaps not the worst): you could try and
reinstall Zope (stop service, doubleclick the Unwise.exe in your zope home
and reinstal zope). In any way you'll know if it's working from a clean

Good luck

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] left(string) equivalent

2000-06-16 Thread Rik Hoekstra


> If it can't be done in the query, and I have to get the whole string in the
> sql method and slice it later, I can live with that, but then I have another
> problem: I let the wizard create a report for me and it gave me results that
> include:
> works fine.
> so I changed "description" to "description[:4]" (no quotes, though).  If I
> try to view the report I get an error.

Uh, keep the quotes. description[:4] is a python expression.  is shorthand for ,
whereas  is shorthand for . Since you have no variable called
description[:4], this results in 

> Error Type: KeyError
> Error Value: description[:4]


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Re: [Zope] Problem with adding items to ZClass instance

2000-06-18 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>I discovered something bizarre that happens in my 2.1.4 and 2.2b1

Bizarre, yes, unusual, no.

>I have a ZClass based on ObjectManager.  In an instance of the ZClass, I
>"Add" most of the available objects (DTML Documents, DTML Methods, User
>Folder, MailHost to name a few).  However, for at least two items
>and ZMySQL DB Connection), when I add them, they show up in the container
>folder, not in the ZClass instance.  Then, if I check it to delete it, it
>gives a "does not exist" error.  Upon refreshing the container folder, the
>item still shows, but then I *can* delete it.  Equally interesting is that
>can Copy the item from the container folder and successfully Paste it into
>the ZClass instance.  However, since ZMySQL DB Connections don't support
>Copy/Paste, that won't work.
>What's going on?  Is it a problem with my ZClass, the Product manage_add,
>Zope?  Or me?

This is not so easy to answer. ZClasses do strange things to adding items.
If your ZCLass definition (in the Product) is nested in another ZClass, then
it is your ZClass. If the ZClass  definition is defined in the top level of
your product. There may be other things going on, including all of the above
You'll need to provide more details to  be able to say more about this.



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Re: [Zope] Problem with adding items to ZClass instance

2000-06-19 Thread Rik Hoekstra

Ron Bickers wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Jun 2000, Rik Hoekstra wrote:
> > This is not so easy to answer. ZClasses do strange things to adding items.
> > If your ZCLass definition (in the Product) is nested in another ZClass, then
> > it is your ZClass. If the ZClass  definition is defined in the top level of
> > your product. There may be other things going on, including all of the above
> > ;-)
> > You'll need to provide more details to  be able to say more about this.
> I'm not sure what kind of information would help.  Let me know what and
> I'll be happy to provide it.  I'll provide the Product .zexp which
> includes a single top-level ZClass, a couple dozen methods and a single
> property sheet, if that would help.  There's nothing especially complex
> about it.  It uses ZSQLMethods (w/ MySQLDA) and TinyTables, and once I can
> get the stuff in the right place in the instance, everything works just
> fine.

Hm, this is getting hard to answer. Adding normal instances of ZCLasses
to other ZClasses should work. Are you adding everything straight from
the management interface or programmatically from DTML? 
If from the management interface, are you sure you always add TinyTable
etc from within the instance?
If programmatically, could you send the code?

Perhaps you could try and adding one of the problem products in another
way (from a dtml method instead of the management interface or the other
way around).


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Re: [Zope] PropertyIds

2000-06-19 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> I have a very simple documentclass in very simple structure in method that
> should return the properties of the document:
>   // RESULTS is a ZClass Object Manager
> // tmp is a
> document with an id equal to the cookie

this line should read:

Two things going wrong:

1. the dtml-return tag is for DTML Methods that should just return
something. You want dtml-var.
2. you call propertyIds in an expression (the line is shorthand for 
 - in that case you have to call it
as a function. 

> During the application i add properties to the document and want to display
> them with the above method.  The Property ids does not get shown though.
> I've tried:

this should get you a list, like ['title', 'prop1, ...]

> and also:

this doesn't work for reasons outlined above.


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Re: [Zope] PropertyIds

2000-06-19 Thread Rik Hoekstra

Thanks Rik it works.

I've noticed in some cases that one puts empty brackets at the end of
certain zope object methods.  Is that there for methods that can take

[rh]Um, not quite, it has to do with the way of calling the object methods
in question. DTML has two ways of calling: by name and through expressions.

1. The 'normal' Zope way of writing things is . This
is shorthand for .

2. The other way is . This is shorthand for
. Everything inside the expression is treated
as a python expression. If you call it without the brackets, you're just
referencing the method. If you try that in a DTML Method and look in the
source of the diplayed document you'll see something like
. If you want to _call_ the method, you'll
have to add the brackets (with or without arguments).

Hope this is clear.


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Re: [Zope] Problem with adding items to ZClass instance

2000-06-19 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>> Hm, this is getting hard to answer. Adding normal instances of ZCLasses
>> to other ZClasses should work. Are you adding everything straight from
>> the management interface or programmatically from DTML?
>> If from the management interface, are you sure you always add TinyTable
>> etc from within the instance?
>> If programmatically, could you send the code?
>> Perhaps you could try and adding one of the problem products in another
>> way (from a dtml method instead of the management interface or the other
>> way around).
>The items I'm adding aren't other ZClasses, but rather from python
>I haven't come up with an exhaustive list of which items cause the problem
>and which don't, but I know at least the TinyTable and ZMySQL DB Connection
>do, and the DTML Methods/Documents, MailHost and UserFolders don't.
>Everything is being added via the interface.  I haven't tried adding them
>via DTML.  I've never done that because I haven't had a use for it, so I'm
>not sure I know how.
>I setup a series of screen shots to demonstrate exactly what's happening.
>Take a look at if you're

I looked at it, and found it fishy. The strange thing is, I tried to
reproduce it, but I can't. To be sure I added a tiny table plus to an
instance not a straight tiny table and a ZODBC adapter, but I doubt whether
this would make a difference. Anyway, they both work straight away. This is
getting very strange indeed. It seems strange things are happening to your

I can think of some things that may cause problems, but this is all

This may be a bug, but then it's a special one. Anything special about your
ZClass - what does it derive from (just objectmanager? anything else that
might cause strange behaviour?).
Is there a subobjects tab in it's definition? Are the products in there?


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Re: [Zope] Problem with adding items to ZClass instance

2000-06-20 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> I don't think there's anything "special" about my ZClass.  It's derived from
> Catalog Aware and ObjectManager.  I believe I reproduced it without the
> Catalog Aware and got the same results.
> I'm using Andy Dustman's version of the MySQLDA and TinyTable v0.8.2.  They
> both work just fine once I get the objects in the right place.  Maybe the
> problem just happens to be with these two products, but I have no clue.
> You're welcome to fetch the product at
> if you want to give it a
> look.  It's a one day throw-together port of the issue tracking system used
> by the PHP project with modifications for my own needs.

OK, I downloaded it and I think I found your problem (not wure how to
remediate this, though). If you look in the source of the management
http://localhost///manage_main, the
dropdown list for adding Product looks like this:

Available Objects
  DTML Document
  DTML Method
  Z MySQL Database


As you see, most of the items have a manage_addProducts/ as a start.
Not so with TinyTables and MySQLConnection. They call the
add_TinyTableForm and manage_addZMySQLConnection form. They do not
switch the namespace to manage_addProduct (not in the form). Why this is
a problem, I can't tell, but this _is_ the problem.

I'm not quite sure about the solution. Probably it's best to make a
custom manage_main form that does the right incantations for adding
products and then map this to your Contents View in the ZCLass

As a side I'd like to remark that all products should comply with the
same manage_addProduct interface, because the current situation leads to
nasty problems.


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Re: [Zope] Internationalization 2nd post

2000-06-20 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>How are my fellow Zopers handling Internationalization, especially text.
>We have a site that is composed of several hunderd pages. We don't use
>classes but we have made heavy use of aquistion though. For example we
>have one back button that is aquired thoughout the site etc etc.
>Basically if the functionality (or code) is used in more than one place
>it has been but into a method and aquired.
>Any thoughts or hints?

You could use a number of different 'language specific' folders and make
your site acquire from them. There is a caveat, however, because you have to
be careful to use acquisition in this way. There is a bit of information in
my Changing Contexts in Zope 2



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Re: [Zope] scared

2000-06-20 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>I have reinstalled zope and zodb, and copied the data.fs across.  It was
>about two days old.  All the changes that I had made were gone.  Luckily I
>made a backup of my app yesterday by exporting it.
>I must have a bad understanding of how this works.  I had imagined that
>everytime I hit CHANGE, that the data.fs file would have been updated.

It should

>When the computer crashed where were all my current changes?  Is there a
>temp file I might be able to recover, as I am still missing quite a few
>hours work!

THis never happened to me before, but it did yesterday (zope 2.1.4 on Win95)
! This seems like a bug.

As for your error: I have had to throw away a corrupted (read: one that
couldn't be opened) logfile before on NT. It made it possible to restart
Zope again. I have wondered what strange corruptions could happen to a
logfile, but apparently this may happen at times (especially if the logfile
is getting big)



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Re: [Zope] Writing to LocalFS

2000-06-22 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>(thanks to Jonathon and Dieter... for the permissions problem. That
>did the trick)
>Again, after some searching, I am looking for the syntax to write  a
>file / append to a file in a Local File System.
>This is certainly where my Python days seem to slow my down b/c I
>would have just:
>contents = open('/path/file.txt', "r")
>to read and
>contents = open('/path/file.txt', "a")
>to append.
>I am sure that I am missing some bit of Zope Zen here...
>Please point me in the right direction...

Not sure if this was the question, but here's a relevant quote from the
python library reference

Return a new file object (described earlier under Built-in Types). The first
two arguments are the same as for stdio's fopen(): filename is the file name
to be opened, mode indicates how the file is to be opened: 'r' for reading,
'w' for writing (truncating an existing file), and 'a' opens it for
appending (which on some Unix systems means that all writes append to the
end of the file, regardless of the current seek position).

Modes 'r+', 'w+' and 'a+' open the file for updating (note that 'w+'
truncates the file). Append 'b' to the mode to open the file in binary mode,
on systems that differentiate between binary and text files (else it is
ignored). If the file cannot be opened, IOError is raised.



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Re: [Zope] Invalid Header (0) error

2000-06-23 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>Does anyone know what an Error Type: Value Error, Error Value:Invalid
>Header (0) error represents ?
>It's interesting in the way it shows itself up. I added a a_dtml_method> to a dtml method and it generates this error. This a_dtml_method> is nested inside a  and would definitely not be
>rendered the first time the 'calling' dtml-method is rendered.
>I took out the  and I still got the same error.
>I put a  as the first line of the 'calling' method and
>everything then renders correctly with no error. Even the a_dtml_method> renders correctly when it should do so.
>Any ideas, suggestions ?
Hm, I had this a few times, but in occasions entirely unrelated to the one
you  describe. The solution always was to add a header to the DTML Method.
This was even with a DTML Method that wasn't showing. I always wondered why
this would give an error.



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Re: [Zope] Python install included with zopeBeta.exe?

2000-06-23 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>Starting over...beta2 not working on IIS.
>Uninstalling Python
>Uninstalling Zope (why does running unwise.exe not remove EVERYTHING?)

It almost never does remove everything

>Deleting everything in Zope web site virual directory.
>Looks like I installed Python and then Zope installed Python again.

? I missed the part where you installed Python. But Zope does install it's
own Python, to be able to run it right away, without having to fiddle with
PYTHONPATH, name clashes and all.

>Did I miss this in the docs? (that Zope installs python in addition to
>installing Zope with the x86.exe?)

Are there official installing docs then? Never seen 'em (there is something
called installation tree at the zdp site, but I lost track of that).

>Seems like beta2 is working properly now (Quickstart and all).



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Re: [Zope] getting the type of an object from within dtml ???

2000-06-26 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> >> would you please elaborate what are you trying to determine the
> type of?
> Sorry for my lack of clarity.
> I would like to get the class of the object, just using dtml. (and
> without using external method)
> Typically, the idea would be to define a dtml method (for instance
> getclass) that return the class
> of the object, so that I could write:
> --- in a dtml-method defined for a Class A, and that can be called
> from instance
> of class A or subclasses of A.
> ...
> My class is :

If you call an object like so ">, without
parenthesis, in the source it will give you what you want. It is just
that Python returns it like . Because
it's like a html tag, it will only show in the source of your object. If
this is the information you want, you should find a way of escaping the
< and >. You might use and external method for this (calling this
getclass perhaps).

Otherwise, the meta-type is the best solution, as these are unique for
classes anyway. Most classes are called the same as their meta type

> ...
> >> Zope namespace ... eventually the namespace will be explained and
> documented better.
> I believe this is not a matter of documentation.
> It is just that is is uselessly too complicate.
> Note:
> I very much like some of the ideas behind Zope. (such as the good
> integration
> of an OO database in the system, use of a dynamic language, etc.)
> But I can really not get used to some of the other aspects that are
> very well
> addressed by other systems, but are so poorly addressed by Zope such
> as:
>   * the namespace.

Yes this can be complicated, but most real complications are caused by
acquisition, which is one of the main Zope features. What is a pain, is
the way of handling namespaces in DTML. But   DTML wasn't created for
that. I'm not entirely convinced changing to Python/External Methods  is
a much better solution to many problems, though.

>   * bad integration with python.

Zope as a whole is very tightly integrated with Python IMHO. 
You probably mean DTML integration with Python, which is true. You could
change to using PythonMethods, which (arguably) make complicated logic
easier. Or contribute to making DTML more Pythonish.

>   * can not change the inheritance tree once a class has been created.

Of a ZClass you mean. That's true. Changin classes inside a Python
Product shouldn't be too bad, however.

> (I have tried one of the trick that was posted somewhere, but it
> does not work 100%).
>   * very bad support for pointers (object1 --> object2).

Yes, that's true, though clever use of the Catalog might help you there


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Re: [Zope] parsing strings in DTML

2000-06-26 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>I'm working on what should be a simple problem.
>I pulling an address out of an ldap query and the data is in the form of a
>$-separated string. Example:
>101 Main St.$Anytown$MN$12345
>Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I could probably do "REQUEST.set('parsed_address', _.string.join(old_address, '$')"> except for
>the fact that getting "old_address" (the $-separated one) would require its
>own  statement. I can't nest s so how to I
>combine these?

I'm not sure I get you right.
try something like (untested):

for parsing the string

>Second question... Once I've got my string parsed into a list called
>"parsed_string", what's the syntax for accessing certain elements of the

By slicing:

gets you the first element parsed_string[1] the second etc

parsed_string[1:] is everything after the second ;-) element of the list

parsed_string[:5] is everything up to element 6

parsed_string[1:5]  is everything from element 2 to element 6

parsed_string[-1] is the last element of the list.

If you want to know more, you should probably look at the Python docs, as
this is Python stuff.

>P.S. Maybe I should do this in an external or python method, but I thought
>it would be overkill for a single operation like this. Am I wrong?

No, I think you're right, but others may disagree.



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Re: [Zope] Newbie: String work

2000-06-27 Thread Rik Hoekstra

Andy Gates wrote:
> Simple stuff from the simple people today: string manipulation.
> I have a string variable which has various chunks delimited by double
> tildes ~~. In order to do what I need to do, I need to extract the
> section of the string after the last double-tilde, so that
> "fred~~bloggs" returns "bloggs"
> "fred" returns "fred"
> "fred~~bloggs~aardvark" returns "aardvark"
> I can see that rfind is the thing I need to use, but as usual (gah!
> newbie!) I'm stuck on the syntax.  Help!

what about (in convoluted DTML very lightly tested):

If you want the part after the ~~, you'll have to add +2 to the string
index, like instr[ix+2:]. Making this fit for the 'fred' case is left as
an exercise for the reader ;-=)



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Re: [Zope] ZCatalog counting?

2000-06-27 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>A presumably simple question:
>Is there an easy way to count the number of occurences of a certain meta
>type in a Catalog? E.g: I want a dtml snippet that outputs:
>There are 123 DTML Documents in the Catalog.
>I've browsed the howto's, but didn't find anything like this. Can anybody
>offer me some assistance?

To quote a mail by RD Murray from a gew days ago:

 How do I find the size of the results returned by the catalog?
  <-- the results' length -->

Also at the zdp site:


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Re: [Zope] ZWiki/Structured Text formatting surprise

2000-06-27 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>Just noticed that (_.None,_, gets rendered as (.None,, in a structrued
>text wiki. Not useful :/

Hm, in a structuredtextdtml Wiki (such as the Zope edu Wiki) this works. See
the SandBox there So I can't
reproduce it now.

>I've got around this by doing ('_'.None,_, but that's not really the
>right idea.
>Does anyone know of the proper way of escaping this?

Won't the !_.None help?


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Re: [Zope] ZCatalog counting?

2000-06-27 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>On Tue, 27 Jun 2000, Alexander Limi wrote:
>> Is there an easy way to count the number of occurences of a certain meta
>> type in a Catalog? E.g: I want a dtml snippet that outputs:
>Couldn't you do:
>This folder (
>number of objects with the meta type DTML Document.

um, not to be nitpicking, but if you'd want to know the number of objects
with a certain meta-type in a folder, the following is a bit shorter and
saves you an iteration:


This folder (
 number of objects with the meta type DTML Document.

   This folder (
   number of objects with the meta type DTML Document.

 not entirely sure of the dtml-let syntax, but you get the idea


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Re: [Zope] tree problem, addendum

2000-06-28 Thread Rik Hoekstra

Chris Withers wrote:
> "Walter A. Aprile" wrote:
> > It appears I have messed up the Id propery, but I do not know how.
> If you could send the code for the Article class to the list, maybe
> someone can spot what's going on...

does your Article happen to be a ZClass deriving from
DTMLDocument/Method? Then you have run into the ZClass ID Bug. Perhaps
the relevant Howto about the bug may help you. It is at:



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Re: [Zope] DTML question

2000-06-28 Thread Rik Hoekstra

Luke Tymowski wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to retrieve the last 3 filenames from a subfolder and display them in
> a document. If I set the size of the retrieval to 1, I get just 1 name
> returned. If I set the size to 3, I get everything in the folder. (if I use
> 2 I also get everything in the subfolder )
> Here is my code (using 2.2b2):

You could try (untested):




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Re: [Zope] How to upload 900 files, in one shot ?

2000-06-30 Thread Rik Hoekstra

Jonathan Desp wrote:
> Hi, anyone here can help me with that problem below ? -v
> > How I can upload 900 files inside Zope, if I want to be able to manage
> > them by the Zope Interface, I cannot browse inside data.fs, and I cannot
> > upload my 900 files by FTP ing them. Because the server cannot use the
> > 8021 port. I cannot upload them with Itamar program -> LoadSite, because
> > it's not working, windows close the program.

Um, perhaps a stupid question, but can it use other ports for ftp and/or
can you reach the server? If so, you can easily change the ftp port in
the program in your zoperoot (it's heavily annotated, so that
shouldn't be a problem).

As to loadsite, is there an error message (or a traceback) with which it
closes loadsite? If the window closes too fast you may need to run it
from a dos window. WIth \bin\python
\ (arguments)



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Re: [Zope] queries and tiny tables and python methods... oh my!

2000-06-30 Thread Rik Hoekstra

Timothy Wilson wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> (Please excuse the vague Wizard of Oz reference in the sub., but my brain
> may be imploding. :-)
> I'm trying to merge several type of Zope objects, and I'm getting lots of
> little errors. I wonder if someone could suggest where my problem lies.
> 1. I'm querying our LDAP server to retrieve the records for a given person
> in the directory. No problem there.
> 2. I'm parsing one of the entries in the LDAP directory to retrieve the
> user's location. Python method code is simple.
> 3. I'm using a Tiny Table to look up a value for one of the parsed strings.
> Easy.
> The problem is hooking them all together. Passing the query to a
> PythonMethod is throwing up the following error:
> Error Type: TypeError
> Error Value: argument l: expected read-only character buffer, instance found

The error means you're trying to split up a string, but the argument is
no string, but an instance (a Python Object). In many cases this is
caused by an omission of parenthesis, like so 

called_object instead of called_object()

in which case the object is referenced instead of called and nothing is
returned (of course). I did not find the culprit in your description,

> (Object: parseLocation)
> (Info: ((['SB_B208'],), {}, None))
>   File , line 2, in parseLocation
> TypeError: (see above)

I do not quite get what part you want to parse. Is it 'SB_B208'?
accessing this in python is a bit strange due to the returned value. You
get to the 'SB_B208'part in the following way:

whateverreturnstheresult()[0][0][0], meaning (in this

the first element (of the list) of the first element (of the first
tuple) of the returned tuple

> parseLocation is a Python Method which takes 1 argument (a string) and
> returns the first element of the list that's formed by splitting the string.
> That first element is a two-letter code that's looked up in a Tiny Table
> called buildingCodes which returns the full name of the building.
> OK, it looks to my relatively inexperienced eyes that the Python Method
> isn't getting an argument of the type is expects.

yep, see above

> Here's the code for parseLocation ('l' is the argument):
> x = string.split(l, '_')
> return x[0]

I may be reading badly, but can you explain what the l is (or is
supposed to be)? Is it the tuple in the traceback?

> (BTW, changing it to x = string.split(`l`, '_') eliminates the error, but
> nothing is rendered.
> qry_person is an ZLDAP filter method that takes one argument (uid). The
> original dtml to display this mess looks like:
>   # 'building' comes from the Tiny Table
> I'd appreciate it if anyone has any ideas about this. I'm probably making
> the whole thing too complicated, but for reasons of code reuse, this seemed
> like the most efficient approach.



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Re: [Zope] SQL method: Trying to be too clever?

2000-06-30 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>Is it possible to pass a variable into anything other than the values
>of a SQL method?  I'm trying to pass a parameter to a method, such that
>the param is used to define which field is affected by the action:

The only thing is you'll have to define the param in your sql method
definition. In this case this would be field, besides storytitle and value.

>insert into related (rootstory, )

in that case you just want a  (you not passing it as sql
query values)

>values (,
>Possible?  This doesn't work, of course...



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Re: [Zope] queries and tiny tables and python methods... oh my!

2000-06-30 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Rik Hoekstra wrote:
>> > The problem is hooking them all together. Passing the query to a
>> > PythonMethod is throwing up the following error:
>> >
>> > Error Type: TypeError
>> > Error Value: argument l: expected read-only character buffer, instance
>> The error means you're trying to split up a string, but the argument is
>> no string, but an instance (a Python Object). In many cases this is
>> caused by an omission of parenthesis, like so
>> called_object instead of called_object()
>OK, that makes sense.
>> in which case the object is referenced instead of called and nothing is
>> returned (of course). I did not find the culprit in your description,
>> though.
>> I do not quite get what part you want to parse. Is it 'SB_B208'?
>> accessing this in python is a bit strange due to the returned value. You
>> get to the 'SB_B208'part in the following way:
>> whateverreturnstheresult()[0][0][0], meaning (in this
>> case):
>I was trying to walk the fine line between providing too much detail and
>enough. Briefly, 'SB_B208' is an example of the type of string I'm trying
>parse. I do a string.split('l', '_') (where 'l' is the argument to the
>string-splitting Python method) and get ['SB', 'B208']. 'SB' is one of the
>two-letter codes that gets lookup up in the Tiny Table and 'B208' is an
>office number. Together, these two strings represent a person's location in
>our LDAP directory.
>I don't understand where the weird tuple in the traceback is coming from.
>> > Here's the code for parseLocation ('l' is the argument):
>> >
>> > x = string.split(l, '_')
>> > return x[0]
>> I may be reading badly, but can you explain what the l is (or is
>> supposed to be)? Is it the tuple in the traceback?
>'l' is passed to the Pyton Method. Examples would be: FH_123, SB_A231,
>DO_111, etc.
>> > (BTW, changing it to x = string.split(`l`, '_') eliminates the error,
>> > nothing is rendered.
>> >
>> > qry_person is an ZLDAP filter method that takes one argument (uid). The
>> > original dtml to display this mess looks like:
>> >
>> > 

have you tried (untested of course)


see my previous explanation.

>> > 
>> >   
>> >   # 'building' comes from the Tiny Table
>> >   
>> > 
>Anyone see where the problem lies?


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Re: [Zope] Accesing a new context from a manipulated string

2000-06-30 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>Here's my problem:
>given a method itemURL(), that typically returns a site
>relative URL such as '/about/', I need to change to the
>appropriate directories context using .
>In short I need to do the equivalent of .
>The closest I've gotten so far is:
>which generates a KeyError: /about/ in the traceback.
>Can anyone help me truncate the extra '/'s off of this
>string and pass it to the ?

This is going to be awkward in DTML, but it can be done. But there may be
some different cases (all untested):

simplest case '/about/' :

strippedURL -> 'about'

more intricate case '/about/whatever/'


strippedURL -> 'about.whatever'

or, more convoluted


if you're not certain if your itemURL has a starting and a trailing /, you
will have to make this conditional. You're better off using a PythonMethod



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Re: [Zope] get 2 properties at the same time

2000-06-30 Thread Rik Hoekstra


I need get 2 properties of Zclass at the same time.

[rh]Unless I understand your question wrongly, this is going to be more easy
then you think


(sidenote that this dtml-in is iterating the objects in Locality, not the


I need get another property, for example MASTER_REGION, in this moment.

[rh]Just call it

(doesn't matter whether it's an object or a property - as defined in a
ZCLass Propertysheet)

If you want to do the same thing as with the Locality objects, just repeat
your code here.

If you want to do something else, you'll have to rephrase your question.



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Re: [Zope] Fun with Trees

2000-07-03 Thread Rik Hoekstra

Charlie Wilkinson writes:

After RTFMing and flailing at DTML all night, I'm about stumped.
No pun intended.

I'm trying to use dtml-tree to create a selective menu of objects based
on whether or not the object has an "add_to_menu" property.  I've pretty
much figured out that I need a wrapper around objectValues that will
filter out the objects that don't have the "add_to_menu" property.
This wrapper would be called with dtml-tree's "branches" attribute.
I'm trying to do this wrapper in a DTML method and I've gotten all the
way to where I have to return a list of "actual objects", so says the
DTML Quick Reference.

Is there someone who could 'splain to me how to build a list of objects
in DTMLese?

Here's what I have so far (obviously not working):


Try (yes, this is tested):



Two notes:
- the string approach is an unnecessary hack. I changed it to standard
Python list idiom
- if you append sequence-item it will include your whole method, which
presumably is not what you want in your tree. Use id.



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Re: [Zope] Fun with Trees

2000-07-03 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> Not sure.  Supposedly objectValues() returns "actual objects", and
> I assumed that using sequence-item would be something closer to that.
>   The finer points of python are still lost on me, but I'm working
> on it.

Hm, you're right of course.

> The bigger problem seems to be the namespace issue that Dieter was
> speaking of.  When I tried your code, I got Attribute errors on
> __getitem__.  It appears that Tree does not inherit the usual DMTL
> namespace.  I've been looking at Tree trying to figure out how to add
> it back in or somehow sneak my namespace into it, wondering what I'll
> break in the process.  (But that's what makes Zope so interesting! 8-)

Yeah tree does some things. What does your tree-code like? 


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Re: [Zope] [newbie] cgi-tasks howto? stupid question

2000-07-04 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>i tried out this but this isnt working  out for me. can you point out the
>my index_html file is
>Enter name: 
>the print file is
>when i submit the form the print page is outputted but the value of the
>textbox(valname) is not outputted. whats wrong?

Um, perhaps a stupid question, but since you are talking about files - is
this a Zope object that is in the Zope object database or is it a file that
is on your file system? If the last, it will not work. Zope keeps it's
objects (files) in it's own database, the ZODB. It is
/var/data.fs. You can't read it directly, it is an object database

>another thing i havent understood is that is running on zope,
>then why they donot have url based on 8080. if they are using pcgi then
>the url must have been   isnt this so?

No, apache let's you circumvent this.

>i also want my url to be simply on http://localhost, what do i need to do
>for this.

 Zope has it's built in webserver, called ZServer. It will run on any port,
as long as you have the right privileges. If you want to change the port,
change / It is heavily commented. Look for the http port
section, it shouldn't be a problem.


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Re: [Zope] cookies

2000-07-04 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>can you tell me how can I use the "cookies"



   no blurk today

Also see the relevant portion of the DTML reference guide

and the dtml-snippet


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Re: [Zope] Problems and ponderings

2000-07-05 Thread Rik Hoekstra

In my site I have folder with subfolders and I would like to generate

a menu to go to those subfolders.

What I have now is:


which gives emptynes.. I've tried all kinds of combinations, tricks
from the tips and howto's, but nothing.

[rh]First, why do you use sequence-key? Use sequence-item instead



Actually I start thinking that zope is not for me. Yes, I'm a
programmer, but here and now creating websites. I want to create a
website, not publish objects. An abstactionlayer between zope and
python would be a good thing. (and don't tell me DTML IS an
abstractionlayer. It confuses the matter, it doesn't simplify.
Including perl straight into the pages would be simpler. Not to
mention that Python is actually decently documented..)

[rh]No one will tell you DTML is ideal,. It's meant to be a presentation
language and for that  it's powerful. If you want to write python inside
Zope - use PythonMethods.
If you really want to put perl into your webpages - there is PerlMethods
coming up, that presumably can do the same as PythonMethods.

Anyhow, I'm not giving up yet let's check my mental image:

A zope site is an tree of objects, objects inherrit from parents.

[rh]Yes, and they acquire from parents. Acquisition is a type of dynamic

do I check if a parent exists?) so there should be a way to refere to

the parent (PARENTS[]) to refer to the current object (?).

[rh]current object is this() for most purposes.  I do not quite get what
you're aiming at. But the current object depends on the namespace and the
namespace is a stack determined by parents, using acquisition. Traversing
the namespace changing the current object, and so do dtml tags like dtml-in
and dtml-with. The best introduction to these is probably in

I guess there should also be a way to refer to objects in an other
branch of the tree (I would like to have a tools folder which is also

searched when asking for a DTML-methode)

[rh]This can be accomplished (simply) by using

your code

or more directly


But there are many other methods of doing this in more sophisticated ways,
depending on your needs

Is my mental image to limited? Does it need adjusting?

[rh]it may need adjusting in your appreciation of Zope flexibility


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Re: [Zope] Problems and ponderings

2000-07-05 Thread Rik Hoekstra

Woops, pressed send too soon

>In my site I have folder with subfolders and I would like to generate
>a menu to go to those subfolders.
>What I have now is:
>which gives emptynes.. I've tried all kinds of combinations, tricks
>from the tips and howto's, but nothing.
>[rh]First, why do you use sequence-key? Use sequence-item instead

If the code is contained in a DTMLDocument (that is an object on its own,
unlike DTMLMethod), you will have to add a , like



for a menu you'll have to add hyperlinks etc, but I'm sure that wasn't the


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Re: [Zope] RE: Reportlab and Zope

2000-07-06 Thread Rik Hoekstra

-Original Message-
From: Jorge Magalhaes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: donderdag 6 juli 2000 0:15
Subject: [Zope] RE: Reportlab and Zope

>In my last post i search for help concerning to the use of the libs
Reportlab in to Zope environment. I make some research in Reportlab mailing
list and Osmin Lazo (Canada) suggests my to use the following buffer class
># Buffer Class
>class buffer:
>def __init__(self):
>self._buffer = []
>self._size = 0
>def write(self,line):
>def read(self):
>data = string.join(self._buffer, '')
>return data
>def tell(self):
>return len(self._buffer)
>My is:
>import string
>from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas
>from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A3, landscape
>from reportlab.pdfgen.textobject import PDFTextObject
>from types import *
>class buffer:
>def __init__(self):
>self._buffer = []
>self._size = 0
>def write(self,line):
>def read(self):
>data = string.join(self._buffer, '')
>return data
>def tell(self):
>return len(self._buffer)
>stream = buffer()
>c = Canvas(stream, pagesize=landscape(A3), bottomup=0)
>c.setFont("Times-Roman", 12.0, leading=10.0)
>c.drawString(100,100, "Hello World")
>My main problem is:
>When i tried to add the External method i have the following error
> IOERROR: [Errno 13] Permission Denied 'helloworld.pdf'

this seems to be a filesystem problem rather than a Zope one- what OS are
you on? Are the permissions for the directory set right (Zope runs as nobody
on Unix I think)

One more small suggestion - the last line of your method has a typo


I might want to change it to



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Re: [Zope] Is Zope slow?

2000-07-06 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>Well, i do appreciate the 'extra' features that Zope provides, but speed is
still a matter of concern here. Imagine showing my boss "what my website can
do" and all those advanced features, but it crawls like a snail...
>Anyway, thanks for your reply. I will certainly pick up 'Zope':), but just
wondering whether it will replace what i have been using, i.e. PHP.

If you have many accesses to Zope there is also the ZEO (Zope Enterprise
Option, currently in alpha) that let's you turn your Zope server into a
distributed one, scaling to many reads. This makes it suitable for _high_
traffic sites. See

my 2 (euro)cents


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[Zope] Re: [ZDP] Re: [Zope-Annce] ANN: Forthcoming Zope Book

2000-07-07 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> > We're excited about the book and think that it will fill an important
> > hole the current official Zope docs.
> Most importantly, have you chosen an animal for the front cover yet?

Aren't there any pictures of Zopes?


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Re: [Zope] TypeError trying to use Dtml-in on Zclass

2000-08-09 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>I have a Zclass object called States
>built with folder and renderable
>When I try
>I get
>Error Type: TypeError
>Error Value: hasattr, argument 2: expected string, int

>Does anyone know why this is happening?

because you feed it (some method but presumably not dtml-in)  int, not
But seriously, could you give us some more details about what your code has
and preferably a traceback also. That way we might be able to help you


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Re: [Zope] confusion

2000-08-09 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>Can someone explain the difference between:
> stuff here...
> stuff here...

Do they behave differently? In what way?


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Re: [Zope] Bug zClass subobjects?

2000-08-16 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> (Second post)
> (I speak french, sorry for my english!)
> I created a ZClass, zRow.  This class can contain other ZClass: zField_Text,
> zField_Date, etc.
> This let me define the columns contained in a zRow.
> I then defined a Class zTable, wich contains zRows.
> Question:
> -  In my manage tabs, I needed to have a tab "Define columns".  To
> achieve this, I inserted a ZRow Instance (with id "Definition") in my zTable
> product definition, and a method called "Define_Columns", containing:

Perhaps it is a better idea to assign the Define_Columns in the Views of
you zTable zclass definition (it is a separate tab in the management
interface there). You can assign any tab name there to any method in you

But I'm not sure I understand this correctly

> And I defined a view "Define Columns" pointing to that method.  When
> i click on the "Define Columns", I can see the manage screen of the instance
> "Definition", that's what I wanted.
> But when I try to add a zField to "Definition" instance, the zField
> instance is created at the zTable level,
> not IN "Definition" instance!  All the classes are derived from on
> CatalogAware, ObjectManager.

Are they by any chance nested ZClasses? If so, this is a known problem.
If not, it is not entirely clear what you're doing. In general, if you
create a ZClass instance to make it appear in the target you intend, it
is important to do so through calling it through a
manage_addProduct['yourclass']._factory and _not_ directly
through the _add method.

But once again, it is not entirely clear to me what you try to do

> I HAVE to deliver the product for the end of the week, so PLEASE
> help me!



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Re: [Zope] I think, it is a bug in acquisition

2000-08-16 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>Maybe I have found a situation, where images are not working or rather
>For example, you create 2 documents and one image
>  doc1  (DTML Document)
> contents: "document 1 
>  doc2  (DTML Document)
> contents: "document 2 
>  image (Image)
> contents: image
>When you put everything in one folder and try to render doc1, everything
>works fine. You get your image at the end. But if you put doc1 in a folder
>below like
>  doc2
>  image
>  subfolder
>you get the appended error.

>When you remove the image call from doc2
>everything works again.

You're probably right about this, or my Zen has left me. I did some testing
and it will work allright if you move doc2 to the subfolder. i wonder if it
is an acquisition bug, though, as it seems to work with other objects in the
same setup. Could this be an Image bug?

>I checked this with JPicture - the same. Beside,
>today I posted another mail with "[Zope] __call__ error message - I gave
>up". In this situation I thought my coding was wrong because I wanted to
>list all documents with

try (untested)


the object items returns you a tuple with (id, ). Are you sure you
want that - it won't show on the html page





will bring you more luck

>Any Help?



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Re: [Zope] modifying/changing DTML properties

2000-08-16 Thread Rik Hoekstra

first: consider changing to the 'new' dtml syntax

>- I have a folder in my zope tree called spam. 
>- spam has one document called "foo"
>- spam has a property called "eggs" which is set to "green"
>foo looks like this:
>  hello
>   ( &dtml-eggs; )
>I want to be able to change the value of eggs to, say, "blue" like so:

>  eggs is now 
>how do I do this?
>I am running Zope 2.1.6 under debian linux.

this is platform independent



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Re: [Zope] Workaround and a tree and dtml-in problem

2000-08-18 Thread Rik Hoekstra

-Original Message-
From: Chris Withers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Phil Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: vrijdag 18 augustus 2000 14:44
Subject: [Zope] Workaround and a tree and dtml-in problem

>Phil Harris wrote:
>> Why isn't _ available in the tree tag?
>The workaround is to wrap it in a
>But now I'm confused.
>should produce the same results as:
>It doesn't :(

A guess (I never quite understood this either) Isn't the difference :
- first example the 'postingValues' in the context of your 'posting' object
- the second the 'postingValues' in the context of the default objectlist  -
presumably objectValues

>Why am I doing this you may ask? Well, I want to do batching at the top
>level and, AFAIK, dtml-in doesn't support this :(
>any ideas?

if so, you might want to wrap the postingValues as well in a

just guessing


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Re: [Zope] The tree tag, SQL and what should be simple

2000-08-24 Thread Rik Hoekstra

>I thought this was going to be simple but having read numerous postings on
>mailing list and all related HOW-TOs I can find, I think I can confirm I am
>stuck. This is sad because I've just spent a very productive couple of days
>Zope and MySQL making the world a better place.
>I have a table for chickens. Basically it looks like this

>It would appear that I need to feed two things to the dtml-tree tag.
Firstly my
>starting levels (my types) and then the related data underneath but I can
>feed one SQL query to the tag. All the stuff I read seems to assume the
info at
>the top level comes from the same file (and from a key id). How do I do
this or
>indeed, is it possible? I have a nasty feeling I am missing something

Unless I do not quite understand you I think you missed Anthony Baxter's
tree_and_sql howto
( ). It will probably
give you either exactly what you want or enough ideas to get you further.



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Re: [Zope] Run a java applet in Zope

2000-08-25 Thread Rik Hoekstra

Michel Houben wrote:
> Dear,
> I have a dtml-document with a Java-applet and I can't get it runnning in
> the Zope envirronement. I hope someone knows it and can solve my problem.

AFAIK, this is perfectly possible. We need more details to be able to
help you.
Any specific point where it goes wrong - any tracebacks or other error
Does it work in a plain (not dtml) HTML page? 
If so, what did you change with dtml to make it stop working?


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Re: [Zope] ZClass Property : DTML Document ?

2000-08-25 Thread Rik Hoekstra

Vincent wrote:
> Dow do I create a ZClass Property of the type : DTML Document ?

If you want a DTML Document accessible in all ZClasses - just include it
in the ZClass. If you want you may make it available as a View by
mapping it under the 'Views' tab (in the ZClass definition area)



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Re: [Zope] is possible ?

2000-08-27 Thread Rik Hoekstra

I have a lot of REQUEST like this one to check, depending on what
documents are in the folder.

RH: this should work. It works with me

so i gave all documents concerned 2 properties

(in our example
myPropName : SOMEREQ
myPropValue : defaultvalue)

So i'm able to iterate the documents and check the properties and
set the REQUEST.


this works OK.

But, I can't find a way to generate the

Passing the value of myPropName seems to fail (erreur while
parsing the syntax, or check the 'myPropName' instead of his
I tried a lot of things and syntax around , but it failed.

RH: Um, as you describe it, you mix up the name of the  property and its
value (but that might be a matter of desciption). Try something like the

note that 1) this will only work if there is a myPropName and a defaultvalue
variable in the namespace and 2) this won't change the value of the property



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Re: [Zope] DTML horror

2000-09-05 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> Nick Trout wrote:
> DTML is pretty horrible. Does anyone have any solutions to allow DTML
> methods to be generated using a more Pythonesque interface? It seems
> to me that DTML is a bit of a shoddy half way house between HTML and
> Python.

Use Python Methods ( or
External Methods (available in all Zope installations RTFM). They will
probably not completely replace DTML though. 



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Re: [Zope] That :method thingy.. where's it documented?

2000-09-05 Thread Rik Hoekstra

Brad Clements wrote:
> I've searched through all the how-toos and documentation on the zope
> site, but I can't find any reference to :method types.. I know they exist,
> but searching for "method type" returns too many hits.
> Can someone remind me where to find this documented? Thanks

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Re: [Zope] DTML Question on lines

2000-09-07 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> I am trying to itterate through a lines property in the folder so that the
> options will drop down. I did not think that the following code would work
> but I could not think of anything else.
>   valid_codes> 

try (untested):


assuming of course that valid_codes is a list



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Re: [Zope] Need help with ZJetDA, Winnt4 and Zope 2.2.1

2000-09-08 Thread Rik Hoekstra

"Farrell, Troy" wrote:
> As you have no doubt heard my cries for help, I figure that very few are
> running NT4.  

More than would admit it, probably. Perhaps no one knows the answer to
what seems to be a rather specific situation. For one, I have the
impression most people use zodbc connections to access database then use
the zjetadapter (so do I, so chances are I might be just blabbering).

> I am having a permissions difficultie with ZJetDA trying to
> modify data in an Access97 database.  On my server, the DA is able to SELECT
> * FROM tablename with no problem, but when it comes to INSERT INTO tablename
> VALUES (...) or UPDATE, I get a Query Error with a value of INVALID
> OPERATION.  I mirror (It is identical, i checked 5+ times) all the objects
> on my NT4 laptop and it works ok.  The databases are Identical, I copied the
> working one to the non-working server and still no go.  The traceback is as
> follows:

hm one stupid question: isn't by accident the working one read-only by
accident (this happened to me more than once and it _will_ happen if the
access file is not copied properly. Who knows what copying properly is -
please speak up). 

> __call__
> (Object: bmsdb_jet_select_browse_state_sub_insert_into_temptablebrowse)
>   File C:\PROGRA~1\JESTER\lib\python\Products\ZJetDA\, line 130, in
> query
> Query Error: (see above)

you could try this with the zodbc adapter. Please make sure you odbc
connection is made under the system account though.

> Rant:
> I've been working on this for days.  I don't seem to understand the security
> model since I didn't have any problems before 2.2.x.  If I cannot get this
> resolved, I'll move back to the 2.1.x series.  I really want this to work as
> it is my companie's introduction to open source software.  Have a :) day.

hm is the Zope version the same on your laptop and your server then? If
so, then the security thing should be the same on both,  right? If not -
then how can you say all objects are the same? Did you copy you data.fs
database from one machine to the other?

success, let us know how it goes



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Re: [Zope] Lock and Transaction in Zope.

2000-09-08 Thread Rik Hoekstra

Zope has no built in locking like that, but IIRC there was some hack in
the wiki code to prevent simultaneous editing (which wasn't bullet
proof). Perhaps you can look there. I doubt whether it will solve the
problem you pose, but I don't see why you'd want to do what you pointed
out in your mail anyway.


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Re: [Zope] This must be a namespace problem

2000-09-08 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> But it uses the "root" folder "content". How can I make it us the "content"
> in the current directory, but the index_html from the root folder. Can this
> not be done??

This is an acquisition problem we will all be bitten by at one time or
another. There is some documentation about this, including Jim Fultons
Acquisition Algebra talk
and my Changing Contexts in Zope

a way of showing acquisition is described in:


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Re: [Zope] How to Pass values to a DTML method ??

2000-09-11 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> I have a DTML method that is called from a document. I need to pass a
> to it like a parameter would be passed to a function.

try something like:


for a longer expose see the faq:



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Re: [Zope] My Z Class

2000-09-12 Thread Rik Hoekstra

Karl Munroe wrote:
> I have constructed a z class which contians other products. Is it possible
> for me to have access and edit the properties of the objects contained in
> the z class.
> For example. MYZClass contains an image do I change the and
> edit the photo contained in the class

I don't know if I get this right. The point of ZClasses is that they
provide common behaviour for all instances of the class. This means that
if you have an image in the ZClass, it will be available in all the
instances, but if you change it 1) that can only be done in the ZClass
definition and 2) this will affect all your instances.

If you want an image that is specific for your ZClass instance, you'll
have to put it into the instance. You can change it there like any
normal Zope object. Creating the Image object inside your instance can
be done at the time the ZClass is created and you can also customize the
image object at that time. 

Please provide more details as to what you try to attain if I got your
question wrong.



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Re: [Zope] TEXT FILE Operation

2000-09-12 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> anyone know how to let Zope interact with text files on the system on it
> is running.

I take it you mean files external to the ZODB database

> Like making changes to files, search and replare some text or insert or
> delete text and save the file again?
> I'm pretty new and i don't know if it is possible for Zope.

You can just about anything you want using external methods (written in
Python) or Python Products, including reading, writing, deleting and
changing and using regular expressions. Be aware of security issues,
though, as you'll effectively be opening up part of your filesystem to
access through the web


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Re: [Zope] TEXT FILE Operation

2000-09-12 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> infact this is the problem, right now i'm not able to program in python
> but only on using zope.

Hm, you'd be surprised how easy the Python bit is. THere is excellent
documentation at the Python site (

> I used the FSSession product before and i think that should be a Similar
> product to make changes on files.

It seems to me the problem is too general to be able to make a sensible
product to deal with it.

> thank you for the help.

You could also have a look at the LocalFS product
( It will let you
incorporate local directories into your Zope site as if they were inside

There is also some documentation about writing files outside Zope

Perhaps this will get you started some more


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Re: [Zope] dtml-in theentiresite

2000-09-12 Thread Rik Hoekstra

> Any other good solutions are welcomed!

There are several 'Sitemap' solutions that do this more or less, but...

Any reason you can't use a catalog for this and catalog on the property?
This is much faster and much more flexible


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