[Zope3-dev] Re: Better default namechooser

2007-10-15 Thread Christian Zagrodnick
On 2007-10-12 10:21:28 +0200, Philipp von Weitershausen 

Christian Zagrodnick wrote:
I constantly run into the fact that the default namechooser in Zope 3 
is too dumb.

Does anybody object in making it a little more smart? That is:

* replace all non us-ascii and otherwise harmful chars by something   
useful (base-form or alike)

Why would you want to replace all non-ASCII characters by default? 
Names of contained objects can be unicode, and URLs can contain unicode 
segments as well (encoded as UTF-8). Having the default namechooser 
make the arbitrary decision of disallowing everything that's not ASCII 
seems quite arbitrary.

Of course they can. But looking from the browser/user perspective any 
URL containing %XY looks just strange. Also those urls are often 
garbled by mail programms or alike.

* replace spaces by - or _

Again, object names may contain spaces. I don't understand why this 
should be the *default* policy. If you need this kind of stuff, then I 
suggest you write your own namechooser; it's quite trivial.

Of course it's trival. Only that I've *always* had to replace it with 
something else for every single project so far. So from my perspective 
the default might work but is sort of useless.

But well, maybe it's not work the effort since we've eggs now.

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Better default namechooser

2007-10-11 Thread Christian Zagrodnick


I constantly run into the fact that the default namechooser in Zope 3 
is too dumb.

Does anybody object in making it a little more smart? That is:

* replace all non us-ascii and otherwise harmful chars by something 
useful (base-form or alike)

* replace spaces by - or _

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: ZCML-Directive for DirectoryResource factories?

2007-10-08 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-10-05 14:30:14 +0200, Fred Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Meant to send this to the list...

On 9/18/07, Christian Zagrodnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The only thing is, no I'm not going to register every file in ZCML. I
want to use the zc.resourcelibrary.

The follwoing makes it possible, but it's not too nice to have that
somewhere in the code:

DirectoryResource.resource_factories['.js']) = (

I'd rather have a ZCML-directive to do that. Would that fit into

I think the right approach would be to make the new directive a
sub-directive of the resourcelibrary and/or the resourcedirectory
directive.  Then there could be a separate extension - type map for
each directory of resources.  An alternative would be to allow the
library or directory directive to refer to a map defined elsewhere
(say, in Python), making it easier to re-use maps.

This makes a lot of sense to me, since the provider of each pile of
resources knows what they put in it and what the processing
requirements are.  A global map seems like a bad idea here.

You are right, a local map would be much better.

I basically came up with the global one, because its already there. But 
local sounds good.

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: ChoiceField and the use of sources/vocabularies

2007-10-05 Thread Christian Zagrodnick
On 2007-10-01 21:41:36 +0200, Philipp von Weitershausen 

Christian Theune wrote:

Zagy and I are trying to make z3c.form compatible with sources.

Shrug... Why wouldn't it be compatible already? Shouldn't the widget 
abstract everything away?

We had to investigate zope.schema for that and found the mess of vocabularies
and sources that is still around.
Here are some facts we found:

- The Choice field has an attribute `vocabulary` which it says to be an
  'IBaseVocabulary' object.

- Reading the code of the choice field turns out that the actual
  contract is an 'ISource'.

Actually it behaves as follows:

choice.vocabulary is either ISource or None
if choice.vocabulary is None, choice.vocabularyName will not be none, 
but that's an internal.

If the field is *bound* bound.vocabulary will be ISource in any case.

- Most client code working against the `vocabulary` attribute actually
  assumes it to be an IIterableVocabulary.

That should be fixed then. Adaption to some iteration interface seems sensible.

- The vocabulary code is badly entangled and mixes up concepts that
  sources get right.

- Widgets for the choice field have to react differently to sources and

We think:

- The contract for the `vocabulary` attribute should be ISource.


Making a contract more loose than it already is is always possible.

- Client code (e.g. a widget) should adapt the generic source it gets to
  a more specific and richer interface like IIterableSource.

- Widgets for the choice field shouldn't have to care for two different
  things that the source could be.

- Vocabularies ought to die.

No can do. But perhaps we can keep the amount of BBB dance as small as 
possible. Vocabularies are just special ISource implementations. They 
should work, even if they mix stuff. Mixing stuff isn't forbidden...

Well ... producing terms is so boring I'd not want to do it ;)

We'd love to remove all traces of vocabularies from zope.schema and it
more clear how to use sources.

+1 to making sources more straightforward.

Actually you cannot make sources more straightforward as 
zc.sourcefactory made it.

As deprecation has fallen out of favor, we wonder how to get rid of
vocabularies. We definitely do not want to fork zope.schema. Would a
sufficiently newer version (3.5, 4?) rectify breaking something in this

I estimate that providing BBB is going to be a real pain. :/

So pain it is...

So, when the contract is ISource, a widget would need to adapt 
choice.vocabulary to IIterableSource to get the values. For terms it 
should multiadapt (choice.voabulary, request) to 

There probably could be standard adapters for:

IIterableVocabulary - IIterableSource
IVocabularyTokenized - ITerms (using multi adapter of (vocab, request))

We also might think about not using choice.vocabulary but choice.source 
... but that might break quite a lot more

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Pagelet and LayoutTemplate recursion

2007-09-27 Thread Christian Zagrodnick
On 2007-09-26 17:30:21 +0200, Stephan Richter 

On Wednesday 26 September 2007 11:23, Christian Zagrodnick wrote:

Ok. Would this break anything when z3c:template suddenly uses a
different interface?

I don't think so, because this is not used in Python code usually.

Thanks for fixing this!!

I released a z3c.tempalte 1.1a1 to downloads.zope.org and made 
z3c.pagelet trunk depend on it. So that problem should be gone.

Would somebody test it and release it on pypi?

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Pagelet and LayoutTemplate recursion

2007-09-26 Thread Christian Zagrodnick


there is a recursion problem with Pagelets and layout templates when 
you don't register a template for the pagelet.

A layout template could be registered as follows (from z3c.formdemo):


This registers an adapter providing ILayoutTemplate.

The BrowserPagelet's render method retrieves the template for the 
pagelet's contents (i.e. not the outer wrap) as follows:

   template = zope.component.getMultiAdapter(
   (self, self.request), IPageTemplate)

The problem is, that ILayoutTemplate is derived from IPageTemplate. 
This is why the pagelet tries to render its contents with the layout 

I'm not sure what to do about this.

a) Explicitly check that the template is *not* an ILayoutTemplate in 

b) make z3c:template use another interface which is also derived from 
IPageTemplate and use the new interface in BrowserPagelet.render.

c) ... ?

Comments, remarks?

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: AW: Re: skin support for xmlrpc

2007-09-26 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-09-15 17:35:20 +0200, Roger Ineichen [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Hi Christian

Betreff: [Zope3-dev] Re: skin support for xmlrpc

On 2007-09-14 18:54:01 +0200, Fred Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

On 9/14/07, Roger Ineichen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If you register views for a base request type, you

probably will open

a backdor in other projects. Because

I'm not advocating registering views for the base request types
generally, but only the way to specify in the URL what the request
type is.  Because sometimes we really do want completely

separate sets

of XML-RPC (or whatever) interfaces.

Ok, then I suggest:

* Provide an IRequestType interface in zope.publisher
* Provide an ++api++ traverser in zope.traversing which does
`getUtility(IRequestType, *name*)`.
* define class IBrowserSkinType(IRequestType)
* Leave ++skin++ for IBrowserSkinType or just make it the
same as ++api++
* Keep layer= on xmlrpc:view, browser:page etc.


If I understand the concept correct. This is a builtin backdoor.

Doesn't this allow to bypass the Apache rewrite rule?
With: http://www.foobar.com/++api++xmlrpc/doSomething

If the rewrite rule in Apache is:
RewriteRule (/?.*)

Or does the ++api++ namespace recognize the skin?
Which means the url rewritten url is.
With: http://www.foobar.com/++skin++OnlyHere/++api++xmlrpc/doSomething

A way to avoid this is to allow applying a skin / request type only once.

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[Zope3-dev] Re: skin support for xmlrpc

2007-09-26 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-09-18 19:51:43 +0200, Dieter Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Christian Zagrodnick wrote at 2007-9-18 08:35 +0200:

On 2007-09-16 09:03:47 +0200, Dieter Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Ok, then I suggest:

* Provide an IRequestType interface in zope.publisher

Does this name sound wrong?

It suggests the the interface has to do with request types,
maybe browser, xmlrpc, ...

It that what we want?


/me is confused again. :/

Me, too.

Terms are very important for me -- and I could not understand
RequestType. What should it mean that zope.publisher provides
an IRequestType. What types are these? Do you mean types
in the sense of browser requests, xml-rpc requests, ftp requests, ...
or something else?

I figured that what I actually mean is IHTTPRequestType, which is a 
generalisation of IBrowserSkinType for all HTTP requests.

Does this make sense?

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Pagelet and LayoutTemplate recursion

2007-09-26 Thread Christian Zagrodnick
On 2007-09-26 17:01:45 +0200, Stephan Richter 

On Wednesday 26 September 2007 10:19, Christian Zagrodnick wrote:

there is a recursion problem with Pagelets and layout templates when
you don't register a template for the pagelet.

Yep, nasty, isn't it?

The problem is, that ILayoutTemplate is derived from IPageTemplate.
This is why the pagelet tries to render its contents with the layout

I'm not sure what to do about this.

Roger and I discussed this issue over the weekend and just have not had the
time to work it out.

a) Explicitly check that the template is *not* an ILayoutTemplate in

Good solution. :-)

b) make z3c:template use another interface which is also derived from
IPageTemplate and use the new interface in BrowserPagelet.render.

Also a good solution. :-)

I think both approaches are fine. Roger and I had decided on (b) when we
discussed it.

Ok. Would this break anything when z3c:template suddenly uses a 
different interface?

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: skin support for xmlrpc

2007-09-18 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-09-15 17:35:20 +0200, Roger Ineichen [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Ok, then I suggest:

* Provide an IRequestType interface in zope.publisher
* Provide an ++api++ traverser in zope.traversing which does
`getUtility(IRequestType, *name*)`.
* define class IBrowserSkinType(IRequestType)
* Leave ++skin++ for IBrowserSkinType or just make it the
same as ++api++
* Keep layer= on xmlrpc:view, browser:page etc.


If I understand the concept correct. This is a builtin backdoor.

Doesn't this allow to bypass the Apache rewrite rule?
With: http://www.foobar.com/++api++xmlrpc/doSomething

If the rewrite rule in Apache is:
RewriteRule (/?.*)

I suppose you're right. Even though I wonder if you couldn't also say


to get another Browser-Skin. But you're right, that you must never get 
a XML-RPC method with an BrowserRequest.

Or does the ++api++ namespace recognize the skin?
Which means the url rewritten url is.
With: http://www.foobar.com/++skin++OnlyHere/++api++xmlrpc/doSomething

But then, do we need to regsiter the ++api++ for each
layer? I guess this is not what you are asking for. right?

No, it's quite the same as with skins, i.e. You can concider one Layer 
as a Skin or aggregate multiple Layers into one skin.

My main issue on this thread is allways the same:
Skins are a security layer. And don't bypass them,
then this let us use views which we don't like to
provide in a layer/skin.

Right. But it's not *really* about security. For a browser you usually 
define how a web page looks like and thereby of course define what's 
possible and what not. For XML-RPC you define the API. But ultimately 
this is not security. Security is achieved by the security proxy. You 
must take  care that an unprivileged user cannot access a method which 
he should is allowed to. And you do that via the security engine.

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: skin support for xmlrpc

2007-09-18 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-09-16 09:03:47 +0200, Dieter Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Christian Zagrodnick wrote at 2007-9-15 12:34 +0200:

Ok, then I suggest:

* Provide an IRequestType interface in zope.publisher

Does this name sound wrong?

   It suggests the the interface has to do with request types,
   maybe browser, xmlrpc, ...

   It that what we want?


/me is confused again. :/

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] ZCML-Directive for DirectoryResource factories?

2007-09-18 Thread Christian Zagrodnick


I was just playing with z3c.zrtresource a bit and it seems to be quite 
a nice approach to (for instance) set the server URL in javascript.

The only thing is, no I'm not going to register every file in ZCML. I 
want to use the zc.resourcelibrary.

The follwoing makes it possible, but it's not too nice to have that 
somewhere in the code:

DirectoryResource.resource_factories['.js']) = (

I'd rather have a ZCML-directive to do that. Would that fit into 

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Transaction bound cache

2007-09-18 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-09-17 16:04:12 +0200, Jim Fulton [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

No, that would introduce a dependency on zodb.  I suggest a separate  package.

I figured that I latetly added something to zope.cachedescriptors which 
was adding a dependency to ZODB quite unnecessaryly. Removed the 
dependency now again and will create another package for the 
transaction bound cache.

On Sep 17, 2007, at 6:03 AM, Christian Zagrodnick wrote:


i've got a very simple transaction bound cache implementation. That

is the cache gets invalidated on transaction end.

It's used like this:

class Foo(object):

  data = TransactionBoundCache('_v_store_it_here', dict)

where `dict` is the cache factory.

Shall I add this to zope.cachedescriptors?

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Transaction bound cache

2007-09-18 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-09-18 11:38:47 +0200, Christian Zagrodnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

On 2007-09-17 16:04:12 +0200, Jim Fulton [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

No, that would introduce a dependency on zodb.  I suggest a separate  p


I figured that I latetly added something to zope.cachedescriptors which 
was adding a dependency to ZODB quite unnecessaryly. Removed the 
dependency now again and will create another package for the 
transaction bound cache.

I created gocept.cache: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/gocept.cache/ and 
added it there.

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Transaction bound cache

2007-09-17 Thread Christian Zagrodnick


i've got a very simple transaction bound cache implementation. That is 
the cache gets invalidated on transaction end.

It's used like this:

class Foo(object):

  data = TransactionBoundCache('_v_store_it_here', dict)

where `dict` is the cache factory.

Shall I add this to zope.cachedescriptors?

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: New Contributor References

2007-09-16 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-09-12 15:32:42 +0200, Jim Fulton [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Lately, I've started being a bit more careful about accepting new  
contributors.  In particular, I'm requesting that new contributors  
provide the name of an existing contributor who is familiar with them  
and their work.  I (or someone) really need to add this to the  
contributor agreement, but I'm not sure when I'll have time.  Now,  
It's taking a fair bit of time writing new contributors to ask for  
references. I encourage folks to request committer access, I just ask  
that people provide the names of one or more existing committers who  
can vouch for them.

I think that is good. It's just like noting references on a job 
application. Sobody you (as employer) can call/mail and ask about the 

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: skin support for xmlrpc

2007-09-15 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-09-14 18:54:01 +0200, Fred Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

On 9/14/07, Roger Ineichen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If you register views for a base request type, you
probably will open a backdor in other projects. Because

I'm not advocating registering views for the base request types
generally, but only the way to specify in the URL what the request
type is.  Because sometimes we really do want completely separate sets
of XML-RPC (or whatever) interfaces.

Ok, then I suggest:

* Provide an IRequestType interface in zope.publisher
* Provide an ++api++ traverser in zope.traversing which does 
`getUtility(IRequestType, *name*)`.

* define class IBrowserSkinType(IRequestType)
* Leave ++skin++ for IBrowserSkinType or just make it the same as ++api++
* Keep layer= on xmlrpc:view, browser:page etc.


Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: skin support for xmlrpc

2007-09-14 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 13.09.2007, at 18:07, Roger Ineichen wrote:


Betreff: [Zope3-dev] Re: skin support for xmlrpc

On 13.09.2007, at 17:28, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Christian Theune wrote:

Let me propose a change:
1. We revert the change.

Any news on this?

Yes. Over the last few days I pondered about how to do it
without xmlrpc layers. But there doesn't seem to be a way
nice and easy  way.
So I will need to implement the layer support in a different
The revert will be done till monday, maybe already tomorrow.
Sorry for the delay.

Anyway, could somebody who had an error with that tell me
what the problem was? I just heard we had a problem.

Why revert? We need layers in every kind of context, request
adapter registration because it's the concept which permission
get registered in different projects on a single server sharing

The problem is simple, XML-RPC has used the IBrowserRequest
and now it uses the IXMLRPCRequest. This is why the XML-RPC
views in different projects don't work anymore. This means
the XML-RPC uses a browser request which is bad because it
enables the views everywhere.

No no. XML-RPC did use IXMLRPCRequest before. All I added was the  
IXMLRPCSkinType which did not exist.

What I also changed is the ++skin++ traverser which was registered  
for * instead of IBrowserRequest. But I consider the old behaviour  
a bug since skins were only valid with IBrowserRequest.

The solution is to provide the request interface which was the
default before the changes.

But don't take the option way to use other request interface then
the default for registration.

I'll need it. Because I'll take care on security and don't like
to register everything on whatever.

Before I'll revert the layer-support will be there in a third party  
package, probably using ++api++.

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: skin support for xmlrpc

2007-09-14 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 14.09.2007, at 08:49, Fred Drake wrote:

On 9/14/07, Christian Zagrodnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Before I'll revert the layer-support will be there in a third party
package, probably using ++api++.

Better to be specific than general when it's for a specific type of
request; why not ++xmlrpc++?

Unless ++api++ is for more than XML-RPC support; perhaps it should be
for IHTTPRequest?

I'd actually rather avoid a proliferation of ++namespace++ usages
myself, and prefer ++api++ for IHTTPRequest.

So you're suggesting using ++api++ to choose the request type for all  
IHTTPRequests. That's fine for me. I just wonder why I should remove  
the skin support for XML-RPC since that is just choosing the  
request type...

/me is confused.

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: skin support for xmlrpc

2007-09-13 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 13.09.2007, at 17:28, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Christian Theune wrote:

Let me propose a change:
1. We revert the change.

Any news on this?

Yes. Over the last few days I pondered about how to do it without  
xmlrpc layers. But there doesn't seem to be a way nice and easy  way.  
So I will need to implement the layer support in a different package.  
The revert will be done till monday, maybe already tomorrow. Sorry  
for the delay.

Anyway, could somebody who had an error with that tell me what the  
problem was? I just heard we had a problem.

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: skin support for xmlrpc

2007-08-24 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-08-24 07:55:08 +0200, Jodok Batlogg [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

hi christian,

it seems like your recent changes to support skins in xmlrpc views =20
introduced some troubles.
we spent several hours to debug not working xmlrpc views and finally =20
found that nailing the zope.traversing egg to 3.4.x resolved the =20

while looking at your changes we were wondering why you want to =20
support skins in xmlrpc views? for me, a xmlrpc call is a remote =20
procedure call and has to do nothing with skins. it's not yellow, =20
pink or orange and has no templates associated. can you explain your =20
use-case for this?

Oh, thanks for the reminder, I completely forgot writing about that.

Though I wonder what the problems were.

The term skin is probably missleading but was taken to keep it 
simple. It's more an api-set.

Usecase: Different API on the same server

We have a lot XML-RPC methods defined for ISite which get all their 
data in. This is quite unlike one would register XML-RPC mehtods 
normally, but the clients using the interface are not sophisticated 

Now there are different systems talking with Zope. The systems have 
some things in common, some not. One systems calls a method, say 
list_foo anonymous, while another needs to authenticate for list_foo.

The idea is now to register list_foo for different 
layers/skins/api-sets. This could also be achieved by creating dummy 
model-objects and/or traversers, but would be much less understandable.

What essentially happens is that the views are registered for different 
request types.

Usecase: Authenticate Users depending on the skin

As i said before there are different systems which need to 
authenticate. The systems have disjunctive sets of users with 
potentially the same login names. There needs to be a way to 
authenticate without guessing which set of users we're talking about.

This could also be achieved by a custom traverser or namespace.

As you can see, there is no usecase which can't be solved differently. 
But still we think that using the same system as skins for browser 
views is the right way to do that. We might want to talk about the 
naming though and call it api or alike.

It probably would not be much of a problem to remove the skin things 
again and put it directly to the project or another third-party 
component. But it doesn't feel right.

Now shoot :)

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] __repr__ of ValidationErrors in zope.schema

2007-08-24 Thread Christian Zagrodnick


I'm implementing the getValidationErrors thingy right now and once 
again stumbled upon the ValidationErrors. Their __repr__ is all but 

For instance TooSmall:

TooSmall(8, 10)

8 10

Another sort of related issue is that you only get the __doc__ string 
when calling the .doc() method. Value is too small. doesn't help a 

Something like The value 8 is too small. At least 10 is required. 
would be much more informative.

What should we do about this?

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Leak in zope.component?

2007-08-22 Thread Christian Zagrodnick


I'm doing things wich z3c.zalchemy and trying to find out why my 
database connections are kept open  even after unregistering everything.

Given the following very simple test:

import sys
import zope.component
import zope.interface
class IUtil(zope.interface.Interface):

... pass

gsm = zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager()
utility = object()


gsm.registerUtility(utility, IUtil)


gsm.unregisterUtility(utility, IUtil)


sys.getrefcount(utility)  # this fails


line 17, in dispose.txt

Failed example:
   sys.getrefcount(utility)  # this fails

So there are now two more references than before register/unregister. 
Am I missing something? Or is it leaking somewhere?

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Leak in zope.component?

2007-08-22 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-08-22 16:12:42 +0200, Jim Fulton [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

On Aug 22, 2007, at 8:16 AM, Christian Zagrodnick wrote:


I'm doing things wich z3c.zalchemy and trying to find out why my  
database connections are kept open  even after unregistering  

Given the following very simple test:

import sys
import zope.component
import zope.interface
class IUtil(zope.interface.Interface):

... pass

gsm = zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager()
utility = object()


gsm.registerUtility(utility, IUtil)


gsm.unregisterUtility(utility, IUtil)


sys.getrefcount(utility)  # this fails


File /Users/zagy/development/z3c.zalchemy/src/z3c/zalchemy/tests/ 
dispose.txt, line 17, in dispose.txt

Failed example:
   sys.getrefcount(utility)  # this fails

So there are now two more references than before register/ unregister. 
Am I missing something? Or is it leaking somewhere?

Here's what I get with the trunk of zope.component:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/p/zope/component/trunk$ bin/py

  import sys, zope.component, zope.interface
  class IUtil(zope.interface.Interface): pass
  gsm = zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager()
  utility = object(); sys.getrefcount(utility)
  gsm.registerUtility(utility, IUtil); sys.getrefcount(utility)
  gsm.unregisterUtility(utility, IUtil); sys.getrefcount(utility)

So I can't reproduce what you are seeing.

Try adding:

 import gc; gc.collect()

before your last getrefcount call.

That doesn't change a thing. Could it be the testrunner having an eye 
on registrations?

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Add function for schema validation in zope.schema

2007-08-20 Thread Christian Zagrodnick


zope.schema defines how a schema can be validated, defines errors and 
provides a way to validate single fields.

I think we should add a function to validate a given schema on a given 
class. This should include constraints and invariants:

validateSchema(IMySchema, myobject)  [or alike]

I'm not sure about return values or exceptions. There are different use cases:

1. Is the object valid? - True/False
2. What's wrong with the object - {attribute/field-name: what's 
wrong}, what's wrong with invariants.

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Add function for schema validation in zope.schema

2007-08-20 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-08-20 14:59:52 +0200, Fred Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

On 8/20/07, Christian Zagrodnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think we should add a function to validate a given schema on a given
class. This should include constraints and invariants:

I do presume you mean object, rather than class, as your example implies.

validateSchema(IMySchema, myobject)  [or alike]


I'm not sure about return values or exceptions. There are different use cases:

1. Is the object valid? - True/False
2. What's wrong with the object - {attribute/field-name: what's
wrong}, what's wrong with invariants.

There should probably be a specific exception that's defined for this
purpose, and it could directly support the mapping interface to allow
detailed information to be extracted.  I suspect a common use would be
to simply verify the object and raise the exception in the invalid
case, denying whatever operation was being attempted.

This also suggests that there's no interesting return value; either
the exception is raised or it isn't.  Code that wants to introspect
the exception can catch that and act accordingly.

Yes, I like the idea.

Will add it with the exception as time comes by.

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] browser:page's for= can be class browser:menuItem can't

2007-08-20 Thread Christian Zagrodnick


I just figured, that the browser:menuItem cannot be registered for 
classes. But you can with browser:page. I think if a browser:page can 
be registered for a class a menuItem should support this, too.

Also a browser:page for=someclass menu=... / will break on 
getting the menu items because the implementation doesn't support 

Should we fix that?

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: SVN: zope.location/trunk/src/zope/location/location. added method quite like in zope.app.container.contained

2007-08-17 Thread Christian Zagrodnick
On 2007-08-17 13:57:05 +0200, Christian Zagrodnick 

Log message for revision 78902:
  added  method quite like  in zope.app.container.contained

That should have been

added `located` method quite like `contained` in zope.app.container.contained

  U   zope.location/trunk/src/zope/location/location.py
  U   zope.location/trunk/src/zope/location/location.txt

Modified: zope.location/trunk/src/zope/location/location.py
--- zope.location/trunk/src/zope/location/location.py	2007-08-17 
11:48:10 UTC (rev 78901)
+++ zope.location/trunk/src/zope/location/location.py	2007-08-17 
11:57:04 UTC (rev 78902)

@@ -44,6 +44,18 @@
 object.__name__ = name

+def located(object, parent, name=None):
+Locate an object in another and return it.
+If the object does not provide ILocation a LocationProxy is returned.
+if ILocation.providedBy(object):
+locate(object, parent, name)
+return object
+return LocationProxy(object, parent, name)
 def LocationIterator(object):
 while object is not None:
 yield object

Modified: zope.location/trunk/src/zope/location/location.txt
--- zope.location/trunk/src/zope/location/location.txt	2007-08-17 
11:48:10 UTC (rev 78901)
+++ zope.location/trunk/src/zope/location/location.txt	2007-08-17 
11:57:04 UTC (rev 78902)

@@ -75,9 +75,13 @@

  from zope.location.location import LocationProxy
  l = [1, 2, 3]
+ ILocation.providedBy(l)
  p = LocationProxy(l, Dad, p)
 [1, 2, 3]
+ ILocation.providedBy(p)
@@ -94,3 +98,36 @@
  p.__doc__ == l.__doc__

+The `located` function
+`located` locates an object in another and returns it:
+ from zope.location.location import located
+ a = Location()
+ parent = Location()
+ a_located = located(a, parent, 'a')
+ a_located is a
+ a_located.__parent__ is parent
+ a_located.__name__
+If the object does not provide ILocation a LocationProxy is returned:
+ l = [1, 2, 3]
+ parent = Location()
+ l_located = located(l, parent, 'l')
+ l_located
+[1, 2, 3]
+ l_located.__parent__ is parent
+ l_located.__name__
+ l_located is l
+ type(l_located)
+class 'zope.location.location.LocationProxy'

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: zope.annotation dependency to zope.app.container.contained

2007-08-15 Thread Christian Zagrodnick
On 2007-08-09 20:51:26 +0200, Philipp von Weitershausen 

Roman Joost wrote:

we're doing some dependency checking at gocept and I discovered that
zope.annotation depends on zope.app.container in its factory.

What shall we do with this dependency to zope.app.container? Moving this
factory to zope.app is probably not the best solution.

To be clear, zope.annotation doesn't depend on zope.app, it depends on 
zope.app.container which is its own package and egg (and in fact, 
zope.annotation's dependencies are refreshingly few). The real problem 
is that zope.app.container depends on a whole bunch of other things. 
The question is why.

Okay, actually I think that zope.annotation uses IContained. This is 
just wrong but also results in an underspecification of IContained:

class IContained(ILocation):
   Objects contained in containers.

When you read it very carefully you figure that it actually says is 
that object.__parent__[object.__name__] would result in the object 

IContained states how you can get the object from the __parent__. 
ILocation doesn't do that.

For the annotation factory using zope.location and ILocatable would be 
sufficient. So we could get rid of the zope.app.container dependency.

We should be a bit more specific about the IContained interface. Does 
it make any sense to have an IContained object without __name__. I 
think not. Chaning that would make __name__ a required attribute on 


Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.form/trunk/src/zope/app/form/browser/te FileWidget tries to be smarter about not deleting the currently stored content when the user did not upload a new file.

2007-06-27 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-06-26 22:41:25 +0200, Gary Poster [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

On Jun 23, 2007, at 6:38 AM, Christian Zagrodnick wrote:

Log message for revision 76975:
  FileWidget tries to be smarter about not deleting the currently  
stored content when the user did not upload a new file.


Modified: zope.app.form/trunk/src/zope/app/form/browser/textwidgets.py
--- zope.app.form/trunk/src/zope/app/form/browser/textwidgets.py	 
2007-06-23 10:25:23 UTC (rev 76974)
+++ zope.app.form/trunk/src/zope/app/form/browser/textwidgets.py	 
2007-06-23 10:38:37 UTC (rev 76975)

@@ -475,6 +475,11 @@

 def _toFieldValue(self, input):
 if input is None or input == '':
+# There was no input. With File-Upload this usually  means 
that the

+# value should *not* change. Let's try to get the old  value.
+content = self.context.context
+if self.context.interface.providedBy(content):
+return self.context.get(content)
 return self.context.missing_value
 seek = input.seek

Hey.  This has a couple of bugs, IMO.  It might also be a misfeature,  
but I'm less sure about that.

First, return self.context.get(content) assumes that this widget  
will be used on an edit form (not true for us).

Second, if self.context.interface.providedBy(content): assumes that  
the schema field is part of an interface (not true for us).

Hum. From that I make that there are not enough tests. :/

I figure that the .interface attribute doesn't seem to be part of any 
interface anyway. So in fact this is not a nice thing to do.

Neither of these are valid assumptions generally for a form field, IMO.

I'm also not sure about the semantics.  Shouldn't this be handled  more 
at the form level?  I can see why you want to do this here, but  it 
seems pretty gray, and I'm not sure how to solve the bugs in a  sane 
and reliable way.

No, thinking about it it's not the right way I did it. Basically I 
wasn't aware about the different conexts. In general I know that, but 
sometimes you're just blind :)

I agree that this is a tricky problem, and it would be nice to solve  
it, but your solution is not correct for a generic form widget.  The  
only suggestion I have ATM is to revert this, unfortunately, but I  
welcome other approaches that solve the issues I raised.

Solving it on form level is of course possible but not really the thing 
you want to think about. I suspect there should be some 'i have not 
changed' marker value.

There is some strange thing in zope.formlib.form.applyChanges 
preventing updates of the value already:

def applyChanges(context, form_fields, data, adapters=None):
   for form_field in form_fields:
   name = form_field.__name__
   newvalue = data.get(name, form_field) # using form_field as marker
   if (newvalue is not form_field) and (field.get(adapter) != newvalue):
   changed = True
   field.set(adapter, newvalue)

   return changed

newvalue is not formfield? To me this does not make much sense. Why 
would I return self.context to indicate the value has not changed?

Questions over questions :)

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: deprecate ++etc++site/default?

2007-06-20 Thread Christian Zagrodnick
On 2007-06-19 14:46:55 +0200, Stephan Richter 

On Tuesday 19 June 2007 06:16, Christian Zagrodnick wrote:

as far as I am informed it's no longer suggested to put utilities etc.
into the default package since the whole package mechanism was not the
right idea.

One point to change would be zope.app.appsetup.addUtility which puts
the utilities into the default package. It should add the utilities
directly to the site manager.

What are the oppinions here?

I have suggested this before, but back then we decided to leave things 
as they were. Maybe the time has come to change that.

Having said that, this change would break a lot of code, including all 
opf my projects, since I do not use zope.app.appsetup.addUtility. Since 
we are not working with egg-based releases yet, BBB must be provided. 
Depending on how good the BB is, this could be an easy or very hard 

Just to make it clear: I don't want to take addUtility away. I want to 
change the behaviour of addUtility.

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: AW: deprecate ++etc++site/default?

2007-06-20 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-06-19 22:13:59 +0200, Bernd Dorn [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

On 19.06.2007, at 19:46, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Christian Theune wrote:

I can't remember who I talked to about this who pointed out to me  that,
in most cases, you don't have to care about the `default` folder  and can
put the utilities that you don't want in content space just directly
into the site manager.
Due to that I don't see a reason for a `default` site-management  folder
inside the site manager. I never had the use-case for more than one
package, but I'm also somewhat unsure what they really are about.
I just re-read the doctests in zope.app.component and they only talk
about the mechanics of the site managers and site-management folders.
They give a vague hint that they can be used to logically  organize your
software. I don't think I'm going to organize my software in the
ZODB, so I'm a bit puzzled at what that means.

Site management folders had a meaning and incorporated machinery  once. 
That's gone now. They're just dumb containers now. The  'default' thing 
is an artefact. It is totally possible to add your  local utilities 
anywhere you want, they don't even have to be in a  container as long 
as they're persisted in the registry.

In the interest of removing cruft and making things more straight- 
forward for newbies, 'default' should be ripped out. In the  interest 
of existing projects, however, BBB must provided.


I suggest a hack: We remove 'default' and from now on put utilities  
directly into the site manager. For BBB, we allow access to a  
'default' subcontainer which is faked::

  Let's get a site and look at its site manager:

 site = getSite()
 site_manager = site.getSiteManager()

  The site manager is empty or, in case of the root site manager,  it has
  a few default utilities:

['ErrorReportingUtility', 'ClientIDManager', ...]

  Even though there seems to be no 'default' folder anymore, it's  still
  possible to get it:

 default_folder = site_manager['default']
['ErrorReportingUtility', 'ClientIDManager', ...]


  (I imagine site_manager.__getitem__ simply returning self when
   key == 'default')

i think we should let people create a thing called 'default' if they  
want to, it just doesn't matter

why not just raise a deprecation warning if no default folder is  there 
and some code traverses default, but if an object is there with  this 
name it should be alright because then the default folder was  created 
in an old release or by intent.

Right. I guess we should check if there is an object called default. If 
there is just don't do anything special. If there is not return self 
with deprecation warning.

  Note that adding a subitem called 'default' won't be allowed:

 site_manager['default'] = object()
Traceback (most recent call last):

Your -1 goes was for this part, was it not?

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] deprecate ++etc++site/default?

2007-06-19 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

Hi there,

as far as I am informed it's no longer suggested to put utilities etc. 
into the default package since the whole package mechanism was not the 
right idea.

One point to change would be zope.app.appsetup.addUtility which puts 
the utilities into the default package. It should add the utilities 
directly to the site manager.

What are the oppinions here?

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: SVN: zc.sourcefactory/trunk/src/zc/sourcefactory/browser/source.py fix typo

2007-06-08 Thread Christian Zagrodnick
On 2007-06-08 14:56:02 +0200, Fred L. Drake, Jr. 

Log message for revision 76498:
  fix typo

  U   zc.sourcefactory/trunk/src/zc/sourcefactory/browser/source.py

Modified: zc.sourcefactory/trunk/src/zc/sourcefactory/browser/source.py
zc.sourcefactory/trunk/src/zc/sourcefactory/browser/source.py	2007-06-08 
12:29:50 UTC (rev 76497)
zc.sourcefactory/trunk/src/zc/sourcefactory/browser/source.py	2007-06-08 
12:56:01 UTC (rev 76498)

@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
   class FactoredContextualTerms(FactoredTerms):
-A terms implementation that knows hwo to handle a source that was
+A terms implementation that knows how to handle a source that was

Interesting how I could fix the weired character w/o seeing the typo. *wonders*

 created through a contextual source factory.

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: System python for *development*? (Was: 3.3.0 tag broken by zc.catalog eggs?)

2007-05-21 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-05-21 07:39:57 +0200, Martijn Pieters [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:


However, it appears that the switch to eggs requires additional
precautions to avoid your python system to be 'polluted' with various
Zope3 packages. Perhaps we should recommend using workingenv for
development work instead?

No. Use buildout. Nothing will be installed into the system Python, 
everything will be wired correctly. Use buildout. :)

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Add flexibility to zope.formlib.form.EditFormBase

2007-05-09 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-05-08 08:02:37 +0200, Michael Howitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Am 07.05.2007 um 08:19 schrieb Christian Zagrodnick:

You can, but there's a trick to it---call  handle_edit_action.success()
instead of calling handle_edit_action directly.

Right. I used something like this here in a custom form:

   def handle_edit_action(self, action, data):
   super(EditForm, self).handle_edit_action.success(data)
   return Redirect...

This looks not nice because you have to redeclare the whole action  
including translation of the name and the condition.
But if nobody agrees to my suggestion of a customizable applyChanges  I 
will have to do it this way. (Although the two solutions do not  

If it makes your life easier change it. I'm not really seeing the point 
in not chaning it, I was just posting my solution.

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Add flexibility to zope.formlib.form.EditFormBase

2007-05-07 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-05-05 20:07:07 +0200, Marius Gedminas [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

On Fri, May 04, 2007 at 09:26:17AM +0200, Michael Howitz wrote:

I'm using zope.formlib.form.EditFormBase and want to normalize data =20
before saving it.
Saving is done by the applyChanges function which is called from =20
The problem is that handle_edit_action is an action, so I can't =20
easily subclass and do a super call to handle_edit_action.

You can, but there's a trick to it---call handle_edit_action.success()
instead of calling handle_edit_action directly.

Right. I used something like this here in a custom form:

   def handle_edit_action(self, action, data):
   super(EditForm, self).handle_edit_action.success(data)
   return Redirect...

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: ZPT missing header

2007-03-19 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-03-10 08:20:04 +0100, Dieter Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Christian Zagrodnick wrote at 2007-3-9 15:07 +0100:

zope.pagetemplate.pagetemplatefile is removing the header. So it is the 
pagetemplate, yes. It did so for resources as well. But *only* for the 
plain HTML header, *not* an XHTML header. I don't see why they should 
behave different.

While I agree that they should behave identical, I do not see
a reason to remove the header. Why adding additional complexity, which
may introduce bugs (as we have seen)?

Right. I just wonder about the intensions to remove it initially. If 
nobody objects I will remove the stripping of the HTML header (as time 

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: ZPT missing header

2007-03-09 Thread Christian Zagrodnick


On 2007-03-09 13:40:17 +0100, Stephan Richter 

On Thursday 08 March 2007 21:06, Roger Ineichen wrote:

Some test do not pass in our application with
the newest Zope3 trunk.

Can somebody explain what's happen to the meta header info.
In our Page Template the following header get lost:

meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8


Roger forgot to mention that this is probably due to this checkin:

   See checkin 73025 from zagy:
   - zope.pagetemplate.pagetemplatefile introspects the html http-equiv
     header to guess the content encoding. This did not work for XHTML
   - zope.app.publisher.browser.pagetemplateresource sets the Content-T ype
     header like the other page templates do it.
   This basically fixes page templates in resource directories having a 
 byte order

   mark. Those were delivered as text/plain.

If we do not get an explanation what happens here including a fix, I am 
goi ng to revert this checkin.

The point is, that a header like

 meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 

i.e. plain old HTML was going away all along. I made it consistent so 
there is the same behaviour for HTML and XHTML. What the PT resource 
does is taking the http-equiv header and making a real HTTP header out 
of it.

Frankly I have no idea why it is *removing* the http-equiv then. Maybe 
because it is redundant. But it would be easy to just keep it.

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: ZPT missing header

2007-03-09 Thread Christian Zagrodnick
On 2007-03-09 14:55:46 +0100, Stephan Richter 

On Friday 09 March 2007 08:32, Christian Zagrodnick wrote:

Frankly I have no idea why it is *removing* the http-equiv then. Maybe
because it is redundant. But it would be easy to just keep it.

So, is PT removing http-equiv? If this is the behavior in page 
templates all along and just got fixed for resources, then we will 
adjust our code.

Not exactly.

zope.pagetemplate.pagetemplatefile is removing the header. So it is the 
pagetemplate, yes. It did so for resources as well. But *only* for the 
plain HTML header, *not* an XHTML header. I don't see why they should 
behave different.

I stumbled upon that when inserting an XHTML file with a BOM. This file 
was published as text/plain while a HTML file with a BOM was published 
as text/html.

Thanks a lot for the clarification.

You are welcome.

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3.3 branch: zope.app.interface.tests.test_interface.PersistentInterfaceTest failing

2007-03-08 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-03-07 17:54:35 +0100, Ross Patterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Christian Zagrodnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


the Zope 3.3 branch tests fail here:

Error in test test_persistentDeclarations
Traceback (most recent call last):
File /sw/lib/python2.4/unittest.py, line 260, in run

183, in test_persistentDeclarations
AttributeError: 'PersistentImplements' object has no attribute

That's mine, I just finished taking a look at it.  I did fresh
checkouts of branches/3.3 and trunk and ran make test on them both
just to be safe.  I can't reproduce this failure.

I'm not really up to speed on the eggs or buildout stuff.  I'm just
using the SVN bundle at:

svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/repos/main/Zope3/branches/3.3

Should I be using something else?

No, same URL here. Just did make clean  make and rerun. But I keep 
getting the error. Could this be a Mac issue only?

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

Zope3-dev mailing list
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[Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3.3 branch: zope.app.interface.tests.test_interface.PersistentInterfaceTest failing

2007-03-08 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2007-03-08 19:36:06 +0100, Ross Patterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Christian Zagrodnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

On 2007-03-07 17:54:35 +0100, Ross Patterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Christian Zagrodnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


the Zope 3.3 branch tests fail here:

Error in test test_persistentDeclarations
Traceback (most recent call last):
File /sw/lib/python2.4/unittest.py, line 260, in run



in test_persistentDeclarations
AttributeError: 'PersistentImplements' object has no attribute

That's mine, I just finished taking a look at it.  I did fresh
checkouts of branches/3.3 and trunk and ran make test on them both
just to be safe.  I can't reproduce this failure.

I'm not really up to speed on the eggs or buildout stuff.  I'm just
using the SVN bundle at:

svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/repos/main/Zope3/branches/3.3

Should I be using something else?

No, same URL here. Just did make clean  make and rerun. But I keep
getting the error. Could this be a Mac issue only?

Ah, that's it!  Somone committed a fix to a Mac specific issue on
trunk but didn't back port it to the 3.3 branch.  I got my hands on a
MacBook and was able to reproduce the error.  I've merged the
changes and now the tests pass on said MacBook.

Ah. Now they're passing. Thanks Ross.

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Zope 3.3 branch: zope.app.interface.tests.test_interface.PersistentInterfaceTest failing

2007-03-07 Thread Christian Zagrodnick


the Zope 3.3 branch tests fail here:

Error in test test_persistentDeclarations 

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File /sw/lib/python2.4/unittest.py, line 260, in run
line 183, in test_persistentDeclarations

AttributeError: 'PersistentImplements' object has no attribute 

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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[Zope3-dev] Zope 3.2 branch: zope/app/ftests/doctest.txt failing

2007-03-07 Thread Christian Zagrodnick
   + nbsp;
   + /div
   + /div
   + /div
   + div id=footer /
   + div id=logger /
   + /td
   + /tr
   + /table
   +   /body
   + /html

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

Zope3-dev mailing list
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[Zope3-dev] Re: Need to get more involved in Web SIG (was Re: Fixing ZServer bugs?)

2006-12-20 Thread Christian Zagrodnick

On 2006-12-19 16:12:47 +0100, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

I think only Michael Kerrin actively supports Twisted. I'm not sure
what the status of that is.  The last time I made time to pay attention to
this, at the time we released Zope 3.2, the Twisted WSGI integration
had a lot of problems.  I tried to address the most urgent ones, but
ended up with a server that was much slower than ZServer, which was
much slower than the Zope 2 server.  I was also alarmed that we were
maintaining our own Twisted WSGI integration.  I don't know if the Twisted
community has gotten behind WSGI.  If not, I'm not sure we gained anything
from using Twisted.

I'm having second thoughts about the Twisted integration for a number 
of reasons:

* Twisted people actively dislike eggs. They won't eggify Twisted any 
time soon.


* Twisted async approach doesn't really match Zope's threaded approach.

I'm not sure how the twisted integration works at all. But combining 
both worlds in a way seems good.   Twisted's callLater would be very 
handy for instance. The zc.async package allows some support for 
asynchronous calls. All that would be gone w/o using twisted.

and your reason:

* Who is maintaining Twisted's WSGI integration? If that's us, then that sucks.

That's true. Especially because the Zope people think differntly than 
Twisted people ;)

Christian Zagrodnick

gocept gmbh  co. kg  ·  forsterstrasse 29 · 06112 halle/saale
www.gocept.com · fon. +49 345 12298894 · fax. +49 345 12298891

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