Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-11 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu

On Fri, 7 Mar 2014, shaun everiss wrote:

I say this to be telling everyone my opinion.

Everybody is entitled to their opinion, as the popular saying goes.  What 
follows are some of my own.

And I am trying to be as nice as I can.

I think this needs work. JMO. :)

To be honest I do not agree that its all bad.
True expect a bit of bad press everyone should expect some everyone has their 
If you are getting to much then somewhere along the line you have an issue, 
now I realise it may not be that obvious but still to say there is to much 
bad comments is really not correct.

Regardless of whether this community suffers from groupthink or 
fragmentation, this is not the conclusion I would make.  We got more 
useful, constructive feedback (both positive and negative) as well as 
community contributions from our own lists, all while we were being flamed 
to death here.

I realise you may need to waid through a bit but thats life.

I'd much rather cater to the users that were open to our design 
philosophy.  We already knew we weren't going to be favoured by some here, 
but that was fine by us -- some of the choices we made were necessary 
evils and we felt that we'd be getting a lot more by improving what we 
had.  Which we did, and I think it paid off.  Others disagree, of course, 
and that's fine too.

What is not fine is reading lots of email from people who were unwilling 
to even _try_ to understand what was going on, but instead bashed the game 
purely because it did not meet their immediate expectations.  Far from 
being as objective as possible, many simply complained that the game did 
not work in exactly the way that they thought an audio game should. 
Rather than try to accommodate the way that the game worked and understand 
how it could be enjoyed -- and I recognise that this was quite difficult 
-- they simply condemned it in its entirety.

To be honest, in some ways I fear that new up-and-coming developers will 
find this forum before they develop their game, or will be so absolutely 
discouraged by some of the behaviour here, that I hope that they finish 
their games before they find this and similar venues to announce it in. 
I completely understand that people have expectations based on past, 
well-developed games, and we should certainly not put up with anything 
that is less than perfect simply because it is trivial to exploit our 
disability, but frankly there is an abundance of unreasonable, ungrateful 
people in the community who simply will not acknowledge anything that they 
do not immediately approve of, and instead generalise the developers and 
their games as crap.  This is a great shame, since it perpetuates a 
stereotype about entitlement among the blind, as well as hurting our 
chances of more mainstream advancement.

If its broke I have not been affraid to say it and where it is and what may 
be wrong.

Absolutely, and it pays to do that.  Devs want to know how things can be 
better, and why.  This is important.  However, you must show some respect 
for the developer; it isn't all about you.  Ask for features, and do not 
demand them.  Likewise, a good dev will listen and not fail to acknowledge 
the facts.

All I am saying as devs and users need to have some flexability with this 
sort of thing.

Well, yes.  Sadly it doesn't quite seem to work like that with some in 
this community. :(

I agree, flaming for no reason but to get noticed is really bad form however 
at the  same time saying everything is fine because you are to scared to 
actually say it isn't is not good.

Flaming to get attention is generally trolling of one kind or another and 
can generally be spotted easily.

There is no need to be scared of the developer if all you intend to give 
is constructive criticism.  Even if the dev is in good standing, politely 
pointing out any flaws is nothing to be ashamed of.  Perhaps you should 
think twice before making controversial statements, though.

I strongly feel that more people need to say what is not good rather than 
saying its all fine and expecting it to be fine when its not.

Well, depends on what you mean by What is not good.  If meaningless 
attacks on the dev and games is what you mean, then no, I think we can 
have less of that, thankyouverymuch.  Otherwise, agreed.


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-10 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

Well, not knowing anything about the conversation in question it is
hard to comment on it, but a lot of people have unrealistic
expectations. Especially, if it is their first time beta testing and
have little to no actual skills with software development. Some
people, for whatever reason, are just flat out jerks.

Whatever the reason for the criticism though the best solution is
communication. I am not just talking about the end users making the
criticisms against a product. It is a two way street and it is
certainly helpful if the developer can explain why some suggestion
won't work, is unrealistic, and takes time to address criticisms and
objections as best he or she can. Some developers though don't want to
do that so ignore the criticisms or fail to respond making the problem
that much worse by their silence.


On 3/10/14, shaun everiss wrote:
 Yeah I agree with you there, someone over skype to one of the devs of
 the group I work with or at least one of them went nuts at him
 probably because he expected far to much.

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-10 Thread Stephen
Slagging on a customer for finding too many crash bugs is also 
another way to become very unpopular.

At 02:48 PM 3/10/2014, you wrote:
No need to get bent out of shape. Tom's post I thought was quite 
reasonable and accurate.

Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
-Original Message- From: shaun everiss
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 9:19 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Ok, Ok!
Enough is enough.
I wasn't going to chime in because of the reasons below.
However enough is enough.
No one has pushed this and yes I expect to get a backlash from here
but it needs to be said.
With my testing groups I have never sugar coated things.
If something is really bad I have said so.
To be honest while there are a few trolls on this list forums etc and
there will always be some, I strongly feel that when you are a
dev  you need to expect and deal with a bunch of flack from your users.
If your stuff sucks I'd like to know so I can fix it.
I don't want people to say how good it is then I find later its total
crap and guess what I can't fix it because its to hard to do so.
I do agree we learned a lot from james north's mistake.
Preordering is fine but if you don't have something close to
finnishing then well.
The sighted  preorder stuff munths in advance at least 6 months in
advance sometimes but still a few years is a bit much to wait.
Releasing something before you actually plan to release it without
allowing yourself headroom is not a good idea either.
And thats where the line must be.
Now I know some won't like me because of this but I strongly feel it
needs to be said.
I never brought james stuff because I honestly never got round to it.
I did support the general user base though my experience was not as
it is now I'll give you that.
Its my opinion that though maybe not meaning to supporters of some
devs decide to adjust the story to suit their god like devs.
I realise that all the james north stuff never happened on the lists
in fact I know a lot of it wasn't.
I just remember things went weird towards the end.
And before I am flamed off the list, I understand all sides.
I know about the stresses of actually designing stuff for games now
and also what the user expects and what its like.
I say this to be telling everyone my opinion.
And I am trying to be as nice as I can.
To be honest I do not agree that its all bad.
True expect a bit of bad press everyone should expect some everyone
has their critics.
If you are getting to much then somewhere along the line you have an
issue, now I realise it may not be that obvious but still to say
there is to much bad comments is really not correct.
I realise you may need to waid through a bit but thats life.
There I've said my piece, take it or leave it.
I can't force you to believe anything however in the short time  I
have done design and testing I have always said how it is.
If its broke I have not been affraid to say it and where it is and
what may be wrong.
All I am saying as devs and users need to have some flexability with
this sort of thing.
I agree, flaming for no reason but to get noticed is really bad form
however at the  same time saying everything is fine because you are
to scared to actually say it isn't is not good.
I strongly feel that more people need to say what is not good rather
than saying its all fine and expecting it to be fine when its not.
This is now I feel.
I will not argue with you on this, I have a good idea what some of
the people on here will think of my opinion and thats fine I don't
expect everyone to think as I do.
I only put this out as an alternate opinion only.

At 03:26 PM 3/7/2014, you wrote:

I personally won't be holding my breath. LOL.

Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
-Original Message- From: Charles Rivard
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 7:22 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

I don't think you could have said it any better, and I hope every list
member reads this and, more importantly, remembers it.  It should have been
learned when James North left the scene, but the lesson still did not hit a
lot of homes.

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished,
you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Hi Shaun,

True enough. I think a lot of developers choose not to say anything
unless they have something of substance to say because a lot of us
have gotten sick of negative feedback from this and other accessible
gaming communities. The minute a developer announces he or she has
something in the works right away people want to know when it will be
released, will want constant updates on how it is going

Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-10 Thread shaun everiss

It does depend ofcause if those bugs are lagit or made up.
That may be hard to tell I guess.
Classic example were the people that bothered aprone only to be found 
that their reports were fake and they wanted to disrupt things which 
sadly they managed to.

At 08:30 PM 3/10/2014, you wrote:
Slagging on a customer for finding too many crash bugs is also 
another way to become very unpopular.

At 02:48 PM 3/10/2014, you wrote:
No need to get bent out of shape. Tom's post I thought was quite 
reasonable and accurate.

Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
-Original Message- From: shaun everiss
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 9:19 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Ok, Ok!
Enough is enough.
I wasn't going to chime in because of the reasons below.
However enough is enough.
No one has pushed this and yes I expect to get a backlash from here
but it needs to be said.
With my testing groups I have never sugar coated things.
If something is really bad I have said so.
To be honest while there are a few trolls on this list forums etc and
there will always be some, I strongly feel that when you are a
dev  you need to expect and deal with a bunch of flack from your users.
If your stuff sucks I'd like to know so I can fix it.
I don't want people to say how good it is then I find later its total
crap and guess what I can't fix it because its to hard to do so.
I do agree we learned a lot from james north's mistake.
Preordering is fine but if you don't have something close to
finnishing then well.
The sighted  preorder stuff munths in advance at least 6 months in
advance sometimes but still a few years is a bit much to wait.
Releasing something before you actually plan to release it without
allowing yourself headroom is not a good idea either.
And thats where the line must be.
Now I know some won't like me because of this but I strongly feel it
needs to be said.
I never brought james stuff because I honestly never got round to it.
I did support the general user base though my experience was not as
it is now I'll give you that.
Its my opinion that though maybe not meaning to supporters of some
devs decide to adjust the story to suit their god like devs.
I realise that all the james north stuff never happened on the lists
in fact I know a lot of it wasn't.
I just remember things went weird towards the end.
And before I am flamed off the list, I understand all sides.
I know about the stresses of actually designing stuff for games now
and also what the user expects and what its like.
I say this to be telling everyone my opinion.
And I am trying to be as nice as I can.
To be honest I do not agree that its all bad.
True expect a bit of bad press everyone should expect some everyone
has their critics.
If you are getting to much then somewhere along the line you have an
issue, now I realise it may not be that obvious but still to say
there is to much bad comments is really not correct.
I realise you may need to waid through a bit but thats life.
There I've said my piece, take it or leave it.
I can't force you to believe anything however in the short time  I
have done design and testing I have always said how it is.
If its broke I have not been affraid to say it and where it is and
what may be wrong.
All I am saying as devs and users need to have some flexability with
this sort of thing.
I agree, flaming for no reason but to get noticed is really bad form
however at the  same time saying everything is fine because you are
to scared to actually say it isn't is not good.
I strongly feel that more people need to say what is not good rather
than saying its all fine and expecting it to be fine when its not.
This is now I feel.
I will not argue with you on this, I have a good idea what some of
the people on here will think of my opinion and thats fine I don't
expect everyone to think as I do.
I only put this out as an alternate opinion only.

At 03:26 PM 3/7/2014, you wrote:

I personally won't be holding my breath. LOL.

Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
-Original Message- From: Charles Rivard
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 7:22 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

I don't think you could have said it any better, and I hope every list
member reads this and, more importantly, remembers it.  It should have been
learned when James North left the scene, but the lesson still did not hit a
lot of homes.

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished,
you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Hi Shaun,

True enough. I think a lot of developers choose not to say anything
unless they have something

Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-10 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Stephen,

I imagine it would be extremely unpopular for a developer to slag a
customer or tester for finding too many crashes or bugs. Fortunately,
I can not think of too many developers who would do that, because the
number of bugs customers find the easier it is to gather information
about the bug, find out under what conditions it occurs, and hopefully
fix it.


On 3/10/14, Stephen wrote:
 Slagging on a customer for finding too many crash bugs is also
 another way to become very unpopular.

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-10 Thread Bryan Peterson
Not that I've ever heard of a dev slagging a customer for finding too many 

Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
-Original Message- 
From: Thomas Ward

Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 10:08 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Hi Stephen,

I imagine it would be extremely unpopular for a developer to slag a
customer or tester for finding too many crashes or bugs. Fortunately,
I can not think of too many developers who would do that, because the
number of bugs customers find the easier it is to gather information
about the bug, find out under what conditions it occurs, and hopefully
fix it.


On 3/10/14, Stephen wrote:

Slagging on a customer for finding too many crash bugs is also
another way to become very unpopular.

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-10 Thread Stephen

it's what James north did to me.
At 03:19 PM 3/11/2014, you wrote:
Not that I've ever heard of a dev slagging a customer for finding 
too many bus.

Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
-Original Message- From: Thomas Ward
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 10:08 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Hi Stephen,

I imagine it would be extremely unpopular for a developer to slag a
customer or tester for finding too many crashes or bugs. Fortunately,
I can not think of too many developers who would do that, because the
number of bugs customers find the easier it is to gather information
about the bug, find out under what conditions it occurs, and hopefully
fix it.


On 3/10/14, Stephen wrote:

Slagging on a customer for finding too many crash bugs is also
another way to become very unpopular.

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-09 Thread john

Freedom scientific offers two different versions, the larger of which is 
premium. I'm not sure where those fall on the scale of quality, but figured I'd 
toss the info out there.

- Original Message -
From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Sat, 8 Mar 2014 23:44:25 -0500
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Hi Dark,

I don't think I have ever heard your Fighting Fantasy podcast, but I'd
like to hear it if you have a link to it. Not just for the voices, but
I'd be interested in hearing it for its own sake.

As for the Vocalizer voices there are actually three different
versions on the market. Apparently Nuance has a fast and responsive
version which uses less memory but isn't quite as high a quality as
say their Plus or Premium versions. The higher the quality the voice
the less responsive and more laggy it is, but the higher the quality
of the voice. Most screen readers like Jaws and perhaps Supernova are
using the Expressive versions which sound okay, not as good as the
premium voices, but are more responsive and better suited for day to
day use with a screen reader where their higher quality versions is
better for something like Text Aloud which only reads books and other


On 3/8/14, dark wrote:
Hi tom.

The orphius voice you heard was likely synthetic dave, which is indeed very

robotic. However, in Supernova version 6 dolphin started shipping the human

voices as default, and if you hear my podcast about the fighting fatnasy
project game that I made in 2007, it has that voice. Unfortunately for some

crazy reason dolphin stopped shippping in version 10, though the human
voices are still available for download from dolphin's site plus I have them

backed up on my harddrive and if the orphius synth itself hadn't crashed on

me I'd likely still be using them, sinse I did always find them the best
compromise between speed and clarity, albeit vocalizer does seem to have
sorted the responsivity issue at least.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-09 Thread shaun everiss

Ok, Ok!
Enough is enough.
I wasn't going to chime in because of the reasons below.
However enough is enough.
No one has pushed this and yes I expect to get a backlash from here 
but it needs to be said.

With my testing groups I have never sugar coated things.
If something is really bad I have said so.
To be honest while there are a few trolls on this list forums etc and 
there will always be some, I strongly feel that when you are a 
dev  you need to expect and deal with a bunch of flack from your users.

If your stuff sucks I'd like to know so I can fix it.
I don't want people to say how good it is then I find later its total 
crap and guess what I can't fix it because its to hard to do so.

I do agree we learned a lot from james north's mistake.
Preordering is fine but if you don't have something close to 
finnishing then well.
The sighted  preorder stuff munths in advance at least 6 months in 
advance sometimes but still a few years is a bit much to wait.
Releasing something before you actually plan to release it without 
allowing yourself headroom is not a good idea either.

And thats where the line must be.
Now I know some won't like me because of this but I strongly feel it 
needs to be said.

I never brought james stuff because I honestly never got round to it.
I did support the general user base though my experience was not as 
it is now I'll give you that.
Its my opinion that though maybe not meaning to supporters of some 
devs decide to adjust the story to suit their god like devs.
I realise that all the james north stuff never happened on the lists 
in fact I know a lot of it wasn't.

I just remember things went weird towards the end.
And before I am flamed off the list, I understand all sides.
I know about the stresses of actually designing stuff for games now 
and also what the user expects and what its like.

I say this to be telling everyone my opinion.
And I am trying to be as nice as I can.
To be honest I do not agree that its all bad.
True expect a bit of bad press everyone should expect some everyone 
has their critics.
If you are getting to much then somewhere along the line you have an 
issue, now I realise it may not be that obvious but still to say 
there is to much bad comments is really not correct.

I realise you may need to waid through a bit but thats life.
There I've said my piece, take it or leave it.
I can't force you to believe anything however in the short time  I 
have done design and testing I have always said how it is.
If its broke I have not been affraid to say it and where it is and 
what may be wrong.
All I am saying as devs and users need to have some flexability with 
this sort of thing.
I agree, flaming for no reason but to get noticed is really bad form 
however at the  same time saying everything is fine because you are 
to scared to actually say it isn't is not good.
I strongly feel that more people need to say what is not good rather 
than saying its all fine and expecting it to be fine when its not.

This is now I feel.
I will not argue with you on this, I have a good idea what some of 
the people on here will think of my opinion and thats fine I don't 
expect everyone to think as I do.

I only put this out as an alternate opinion only.

At 03:26 PM 3/7/2014, you wrote:

I personally won't be holding my breath. LOL.

Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
-Original Message- From: Charles Rivard
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 7:22 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

I don't think you could have said it any better, and I hope every list
member reads this and, more importantly, remembers it.  It should have been
learned when James North left the scene, but the lesson still did not hit a
lot of homes.

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished,
you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Hi Shaun,

True enough. I think a lot of developers choose not to say anything
unless they have something of substance to say because a lot of us
have gotten sick of negative feedback from this and other accessible
gaming communities. The minute a developer announces he or she has
something in the works right away people want to know when it will be
released, will want constant updates on how it is going, and if a
developer fails to deliver a game by the expected date then they can
expect a lot of grief from the community wanting to know why it wasn't
released on such and such a day.

Point being if gamers are worried that developers are not developing
games, not making announcements, etc they really have themselves to
blame. there are developers like myself who are working on stuff when
they can, but we do not want to make any big

Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-09 Thread Bryan Peterson
No need to get bent out of shape. Tom's post I thought was quite reasonable 
and accurate.

Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
-Original Message- 
From: shaun everiss

Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 9:19 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Ok, Ok!
Enough is enough.
I wasn't going to chime in because of the reasons below.
However enough is enough.
No one has pushed this and yes I expect to get a backlash from here
but it needs to be said.
With my testing groups I have never sugar coated things.
If something is really bad I have said so.
To be honest while there are a few trolls on this list forums etc and
there will always be some, I strongly feel that when you are a
dev  you need to expect and deal with a bunch of flack from your users.
If your stuff sucks I'd like to know so I can fix it.
I don't want people to say how good it is then I find later its total
crap and guess what I can't fix it because its to hard to do so.
I do agree we learned a lot from james north's mistake.
Preordering is fine but if you don't have something close to
finnishing then well.
The sighted  preorder stuff munths in advance at least 6 months in
advance sometimes but still a few years is a bit much to wait.
Releasing something before you actually plan to release it without
allowing yourself headroom is not a good idea either.
And thats where the line must be.
Now I know some won't like me because of this but I strongly feel it
needs to be said.
I never brought james stuff because I honestly never got round to it.
I did support the general user base though my experience was not as
it is now I'll give you that.
Its my opinion that though maybe not meaning to supporters of some
devs decide to adjust the story to suit their god like devs.
I realise that all the james north stuff never happened on the lists
in fact I know a lot of it wasn't.
I just remember things went weird towards the end.
And before I am flamed off the list, I understand all sides.
I know about the stresses of actually designing stuff for games now
and also what the user expects and what its like.
I say this to be telling everyone my opinion.
And I am trying to be as nice as I can.
To be honest I do not agree that its all bad.
True expect a bit of bad press everyone should expect some everyone
has their critics.
If you are getting to much then somewhere along the line you have an
issue, now I realise it may not be that obvious but still to say
there is to much bad comments is really not correct.
I realise you may need to waid through a bit but thats life.
There I've said my piece, take it or leave it.
I can't force you to believe anything however in the short time  I
have done design and testing I have always said how it is.
If its broke I have not been affraid to say it and where it is and
what may be wrong.
All I am saying as devs and users need to have some flexability with
this sort of thing.
I agree, flaming for no reason but to get noticed is really bad form
however at the  same time saying everything is fine because you are
to scared to actually say it isn't is not good.
I strongly feel that more people need to say what is not good rather
than saying its all fine and expecting it to be fine when its not.
This is now I feel.
I will not argue with you on this, I have a good idea what some of
the people on here will think of my opinion and thats fine I don't
expect everyone to think as I do.
I only put this out as an alternate opinion only.

At 03:26 PM 3/7/2014, you wrote:

I personally won't be holding my breath. LOL.

Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
-Original Message- From: Charles Rivard
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 7:22 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

I don't think you could have said it any better, and I hope every list
member reads this and, more importantly, remembers it.  It should have been
learned when James North left the scene, but the lesson still did not hit a
lot of homes.

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're 

you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Hi Shaun,

True enough. I think a lot of developers choose not to say anything
unless they have something of substance to say because a lot of us
have gotten sick of negative feedback from this and other accessible
gaming communities. The minute a developer announces he or she has
something in the works right away people want to know when it will be
released, will want constant updates on how it is going, and if a
developer fails to deliver a game by the expected date then they can
expect a lot of grief from the community wanting to know why

Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

Yes, it is true if a person is a game developer, a software developer
of any kind for that matter, he or she must willing to put up with a
certain amount of flack from the user base. That is all apart of the
territory of designing software. Someone will like what a developer
does and others will down right hate it. However, the important thing
to me as a developer is how that flack or backlash is worded.

I personally can take constructive criticism. If someone doesn't like
something I do by all means tell me, but also suggest how it might be
made better. What I can't take is negative comments like your
software sucks, its crap, it is buggy, whatever without pointing
out how this or that might be fixed or improved upon.

The other issue is being realistic. I suppose because most users are
not developers themselves they sometimes have wildly unrealistic ideas
such as put in an extra mode, an extra setting, or add this or that
and be able to turn it on or off at will. That might sound reasonable
to an end user, but they aren't the one having to rewrite entire
sections of code to make that happen, nor do they have to deal with
the issues of debugging the code when something breaks because of
adding said setting or mode. The point being if a person is going to
make a suggestion try and think of one that does not involve an
unrealistic amount of work to be done to change it.

As far as pre-ordering goes I have mixed feelings about that. Sighted
developers often take orders six months in advanced because they have
a team of developers, working regular hours, on a pretty regular 9 to
5 schedule and can pretty much estimate down to the day something will
be released.

Audio game developers are at most one or two man operations. As a
result many of them have families, other jobs, and their programming
schedules are likely to be erratic at best. Even if they have nothing
else to do but write games anything from the common cold to a nasty
case of the flu can throw development off days or even weeks because
there is no safety net to rely upon. A single developer has no team to
take up the slack for his/her illness. So it makes it nearly
impossible to give an exact release date unless that person works
really hard to release on that date come what may. Even then it is
pretty iffy.

As for you not having bought any of the games from Alchemy Game
Studios, AKA James North, I'm not sure that is relevant to this
discussion. What happened to him is unfortunate, but the important
thing for us to do is to live and learn from that situation. I don't
really care to get into a debate about that affair again.

What I think we have learned as a community is that if we want to buy
games, take pre-orders, we need to be able to offer up stable demos or
builds for people to download and try while the game is in active
development. Rail Racer, for example, was developed at the same time
Che was taking pre-orders for the game, but it worked out just fine.
People who wanted the game could download all the betas, the patches,
etc and not have to worry about Che just taking their money for
pre-orders and not giving them a product in return. That worked out
fine, and if I were ever to do pre-orders that is the way I'd do it as
a developer.

There is also another option here. It is to release a preview or demo
of the game the way Philip Bennefall did for Parilous Hearts, take
pre-orders, and then give himself six months to complete the game.
Even if it wasn't fully completed in six months there would be at
least something available for the paid customers to play such as a
unlockable demo or a beta to play.


On 3/6/14, shaun everiss wrote:
 Ok, Ok!
 Enough is enough.
 I wasn't going to chime in because of the reasons below.
 However enough is enough.
 No one has pushed this and yes I expect to get a backlash from here
 but it needs to be said.
 With my testing groups I have never sugar coated things.
 If something is really bad I have said so.
 To be honest while there are a few trolls on this list forums etc and
 there will always be some, I strongly feel that when you are a
 dev  you need to expect and deal with a bunch of flack from your users.
 If your stuff sucks I'd like to know so I can fix it.
 I don't want people to say how good it is then I find later its total
 crap and guess what I can't fix it because its to hard to do so.
 I do agree we learned a lot from james north's mistake.
 Preordering is fine but if you don't have something close to
 finnishing then well.
 The sighted  preorder stuff munths in advance at least 6 months in
 advance sometimes but still a few years is a bit much to wait.
 Releasing something before you actually plan to release it without
 allowing yourself headroom is not a good idea either.
 And thats where the line must be.
 Now I know some won't like me because of this but I strongly feel it
 needs to be said.
 I never brought james stuff because I honestly never 

Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-09 Thread Bryan Peterson
I didn't think Philip took preorders. I know he contemplated it but I 
thought he'd resolved not to, especially given the uncertain status of that 
particular project at the moment.

Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
-Original Message- 
From: Thomas Ward

Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2014 10:02 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Hi Shaun,

Yes, it is true if a person is a game developer, a software developer
of any kind for that matter, he or she must willing to put up with a
certain amount of flack from the user base. That is all apart of the
territory of designing software. Someone will like what a developer
does and others will down right hate it. However, the important thing
to me as a developer is how that flack or backlash is worded.

I personally can take constructive criticism. If someone doesn't like
something I do by all means tell me, but also suggest how it might be
made better. What I can't take is negative comments like your
software sucks, its crap, it is buggy, whatever without pointing
out how this or that might be fixed or improved upon.

The other issue is being realistic. I suppose because most users are
not developers themselves they sometimes have wildly unrealistic ideas
such as put in an extra mode, an extra setting, or add this or that
and be able to turn it on or off at will. That might sound reasonable
to an end user, but they aren't the one having to rewrite entire
sections of code to make that happen, nor do they have to deal with
the issues of debugging the code when something breaks because of
adding said setting or mode. The point being if a person is going to
make a suggestion try and think of one that does not involve an
unrealistic amount of work to be done to change it.

As far as pre-ordering goes I have mixed feelings about that. Sighted
developers often take orders six months in advanced because they have
a team of developers, working regular hours, on a pretty regular 9 to
5 schedule and can pretty much estimate down to the day something will
be released.

Audio game developers are at most one or two man operations. As a
result many of them have families, other jobs, and their programming
schedules are likely to be erratic at best. Even if they have nothing
else to do but write games anything from the common cold to a nasty
case of the flu can throw development off days or even weeks because
there is no safety net to rely upon. A single developer has no team to
take up the slack for his/her illness. So it makes it nearly
impossible to give an exact release date unless that person works
really hard to release on that date come what may. Even then it is
pretty iffy.

As for you not having bought any of the games from Alchemy Game
Studios, AKA James North, I'm not sure that is relevant to this
discussion. What happened to him is unfortunate, but the important
thing for us to do is to live and learn from that situation. I don't
really care to get into a debate about that affair again.

What I think we have learned as a community is that if we want to buy
games, take pre-orders, we need to be able to offer up stable demos or
builds for people to download and try while the game is in active
development. Rail Racer, for example, was developed at the same time
Che was taking pre-orders for the game, but it worked out just fine.
People who wanted the game could download all the betas, the patches,
etc and not have to worry about Che just taking their money for
pre-orders and not giving them a product in return. That worked out
fine, and if I were ever to do pre-orders that is the way I'd do it as
a developer.

There is also another option here. It is to release a preview or demo
of the game the way Philip Bennefall did for Parilous Hearts, take
pre-orders, and then give himself six months to complete the game.
Even if it wasn't fully completed in six months there would be at
least something available for the paid customers to play such as a
unlockable demo or a beta to play.


On 3/6/14, shaun everiss wrote:

Ok, Ok!
Enough is enough.
I wasn't going to chime in because of the reasons below.
However enough is enough.
No one has pushed this and yes I expect to get a backlash from here
but it needs to be said.
With my testing groups I have never sugar coated things.
If something is really bad I have said so.
To be honest while there are a few trolls on this list forums etc and
there will always be some, I strongly feel that when you are a
dev  you need to expect and deal with a bunch of flack from your users.
If your stuff sucks I'd like to know so I can fix it.
I don't want people to say how good it is then I find later its total
crap and guess what I can't fix it because its to hard to do so.
I do agree we learned a lot from james north's mistake.
Preordering is fine but if you don't have something close to
finnishing then well.
The sighted  preorder stuff

Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Bryan,

No, Philip didn't take pre-orders for Perilous Hearts for precisely
the reasons you stated below, nor did I mean to imply he did. What I
meant to say was that a game developer can release a preview or demo,
to give perspective customers an idea of the game, and then optionally
take pre-orders based on that preview or demo. That way, it isn't like
the customer has to wonder how far along the game is, what it will be
like, and the demo version is something the developer can use to build
upon which means most of the really hard work will probably already be
done speeding up development time.


On 3/10/14, Bryan Peterson wrote:
 I didn't think Philip took preorders. I know he contemplated it but I
 thought he'd resolved not to, especially given the uncertain status of that

 particular project at the moment.

 Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-09 Thread shaun everiss
Yeah I agree with you there, someone over skype to one of the devs of 
the group I work with or at least one of them went nuts at him 
probably because he expected far to much.

At 05:02 PM 3/10/2014, you wrote:

Hi Shaun,

Yes, it is true if a person is a game developer, a software developer
of any kind for that matter, he or she must willing to put up with a
certain amount of flack from the user base. That is all apart of the
territory of designing software. Someone will like what a developer
does and others will down right hate it. However, the important thing
to me as a developer is how that flack or backlash is worded.

I personally can take constructive criticism. If someone doesn't like
something I do by all means tell me, but also suggest how it might be
made better. What I can't take is negative comments like your
software sucks, its crap, it is buggy, whatever without pointing
out how this or that might be fixed or improved upon.

The other issue is being realistic. I suppose because most users are
not developers themselves they sometimes have wildly unrealistic ideas
such as put in an extra mode, an extra setting, or add this or that
and be able to turn it on or off at will. That might sound reasonable
to an end user, but they aren't the one having to rewrite entire
sections of code to make that happen, nor do they have to deal with
the issues of debugging the code when something breaks because of
adding said setting or mode. The point being if a person is going to
make a suggestion try and think of one that does not involve an
unrealistic amount of work to be done to change it.

As far as pre-ordering goes I have mixed feelings about that. Sighted
developers often take orders six months in advanced because they have
a team of developers, working regular hours, on a pretty regular 9 to
5 schedule and can pretty much estimate down to the day something will
be released.

Audio game developers are at most one or two man operations. As a
result many of them have families, other jobs, and their programming
schedules are likely to be erratic at best. Even if they have nothing
else to do but write games anything from the common cold to a nasty
case of the flu can throw development off days or even weeks because
there is no safety net to rely upon. A single developer has no team to
take up the slack for his/her illness. So it makes it nearly
impossible to give an exact release date unless that person works
really hard to release on that date come what may. Even then it is
pretty iffy.

As for you not having bought any of the games from Alchemy Game
Studios, AKA James North, I'm not sure that is relevant to this
discussion. What happened to him is unfortunate, but the important
thing for us to do is to live and learn from that situation. I don't
really care to get into a debate about that affair again.

What I think we have learned as a community is that if we want to buy
games, take pre-orders, we need to be able to offer up stable demos or
builds for people to download and try while the game is in active
development. Rail Racer, for example, was developed at the same time
Che was taking pre-orders for the game, but it worked out just fine.
People who wanted the game could download all the betas, the patches,
etc and not have to worry about Che just taking their money for
pre-orders and not giving them a product in return. That worked out
fine, and if I were ever to do pre-orders that is the way I'd do it as
a developer.

There is also another option here. It is to release a preview or demo
of the game the way Philip Bennefall did for Parilous Hearts, take
pre-orders, and then give himself six months to complete the game.
Even if it wasn't fully completed in six months there would be at
least something available for the paid customers to play such as a
unlockable demo or a beta to play.


On 3/6/14, shaun everiss wrote:
 Ok, Ok!
 Enough is enough.
 I wasn't going to chime in because of the reasons below.
 However enough is enough.
 No one has pushed this and yes I expect to get a backlash from here
 but it needs to be said.
 With my testing groups I have never sugar coated things.
 If something is really bad I have said so.
 To be honest while there are a few trolls on this list forums etc and
 there will always be some, I strongly feel that when you are a
 dev  you need to expect and deal with a bunch of flack from your users.
 If your stuff sucks I'd like to know so I can fix it.
 I don't want people to say how good it is then I find later its total
 crap and guess what I can't fix it because its to hard to do so.
 I do agree we learned a lot from james north's mistake.
 Preordering is fine but if you don't have something close to
 finnishing then well.
 The sighted  preorder stuff munths in advance at least 6 months in
 advance sometimes but still a few years is a bit much to wait.
 Releasing something before you actually plan to release it without
 allowing yourself 

Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-08 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Bryan,

Oh, I don't know about that. I have gotten use to Espeak and it isn't
that bad once you get use to it. Of course, it is the default voice on
Linux and I have used it with NVDA a lot so I probably have just grown
use to the sound of Espeak. Either way, the voice of Keynote use to
get under my skin when I had it, and I don't have that problem with


On 3/7/14, Bryan Peterson wrote:
 No kidding. Espeak is worse as far asI'm concerned.

 Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-08 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Lol. No, Angela Carter wasn't suppose to be Australian, but I didn't
see the voice of the game as being representative of her voice or
nationality. I just considered the voice of the game as the TTS
output. Nothing more and nothing less. I could have used Realspeak Tom
as the TTS output and just because the narrator was male didn't mean
the game character had to be male too.


On 3/8/14, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 Personally I didn't mind the australian voice in the game, albeit was a
 little surprising given that I don't believe Angela carter was planned to be

 an   ozy.

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-08 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

I don't think I have ever heard Alan or Carol. The only Orpheus voices
I have ever heard were pretty robotic and sounded like Robbie the
Robot on drugs.


On 3/8/14, dark wrote:
 Well it depends upon which orphius voice. the default synthetic ones are
 pretty electronic (although I prefer their british accent to eloquence),
 however the human voices alan and carrol are considderably different and
 sound much better.

 All the best,


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-08 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

I  do see your point on tts voices in menus just being the audio equivolent 
of text printed to the screen in a graphical game, rather than the sort of 
sound you'd get in a cut scene, but I actually sort of liked the idea of 
Angela Carter as an Ozy.

The fifth doctor had an asistant called Tegan Gevanka, who was a waitress on 
an airliner that got lost in a wormhole. She was famous for being very loud 
and irritated and not prone to screaming fits, indeed on at least one 
occasion she gave an alien the one two with a steel bar, which is quite 
something for doctor who (particularly with the fifth doctor who was the 
most actively pcifist off all his encarnations).

That's likely why I sort of associate australians with being hard cases 
which would be sort of fitting for a gun toting archaeologist, albeit on the 
occasions I've met australians that isn't exactly true.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2014 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Hi Dark,

Lol. No, Angela Carter wasn't suppose to be Australian, but I didn't
see the voice of the game as being representative of her voice or
nationality. I just considered the voice of the game as the TTS
output. Nothing more and nothing less. I could have used Realspeak Tom
as the TTS output and just because the narrator was male didn't mean
the game character had to be male too.


On 3/8/14, dark wrote:

Hi Tom.

Personally I didn't mind the australian voice in the game, albeit was a
little surprising given that I don't believe Angela carter was planned to 

an   ozy.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-08 Thread dark

Hi tom.

The orphius voice you heard was likely synthetic dave, which is indeed very 
robotic. However, in Supernova version 6 dolphin started shipping the human 
voices as default, and if you hear my podcast about the fighting fatnasy 
project game that I made in 2007, it has that voice. Unfortunately for some 
crazy reason dolphin stopped shippping in version 10, though the human 
voices are still available for download from dolphin's site plus I have them 
backed up on my harddrive and if the orphius synth itself hadn't crashed on 
me I'd likely still be using them, sinse I did always find them the best 
compromise between speed and clarity, albeit vocalizer does seem to have 
sorted the responsivity issue at least.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-08 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

I don't think I have ever heard your Fighting Fantasy podcast, but I'd
like to hear it if you have a link to it. Not just for the voices, but
 I'd be interested in hearing it for its own sake.

As for the Vocalizer voices there are actually three different
versions on the market. Apparently Nuance has a fast and responsive
version which uses less memory but isn't quite as high a quality as
say their Plus or Premium versions. The higher the quality the voice
the less responsive and more laggy it is, but the higher the quality
of the voice. Most screen readers like Jaws and perhaps Supernova are
using the Expressive versions which sound okay, not as good as the
premium voices, but are more responsive and better suited for day to
day use with a screen reader where their higher quality versions is
better for something like Text Aloud which only reads books and other


On 3/8/14, dark wrote:
 Hi tom.

 The orphius voice you heard was likely synthetic dave, which is indeed very

 robotic. However, in Supernova version 6 dolphin started shipping the human

 voices as default, and if you hear my podcast about the fighting fatnasy
 project game that I made in 2007, it has that voice. Unfortunately for some

 crazy reason dolphin stopped shippping in version 10, though the human
 voices are still available for download from dolphin's site plus I have them

 backed up on my harddrive and if the orphius synth itself hadn't crashed on

 me I'd likely still be using them, sinse I did always find them the best
 compromise between speed and clarity, albeit vocalizer does seem to have
 sorted the responsivity issue at least.

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-08 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Lol. I didn't quite see it that way at the time, but now that you
mention it I do like the idea of a badass Australian female with lots
of attitude. For one thing it would be different from the usual
American or English treasure hunter we see in movies and games, and I
do just like the accent. It is certainly worthwhile considering at
some point.


On 3/8/14, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 I  do see your point on tts voices in menus just being the audio equivolent

 of text printed to the screen in a graphical game, rather than the sort of
 sound you'd get in a cut scene, but I actually sort of liked the idea of
 Angela Carter as an Ozy.

 The fifth doctor had an asistant called Tegan Gevanka, who was a waitress on

 an airliner that got lost in a wormhole. She was famous for being very loud

 and irritated and not prone to screaming fits, indeed on at least one
 occasion she gave an alien the one two with a steel bar, which is quite
 something for doctor who (particularly with the fifth doctor who was the
 most actively pcifist off all his encarnations).

 That's likely why I sort of associate australians with being hard cases
 which would be sort of fitting for a gun toting archaeologist, albeit on the

 occasions I've met australians that isn't exactly true.

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-07 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Ah, I understand now. Thanks for clearing that issue up for me.

When it comes to TTS voices one thing I have noticed there is a pretty
big difference in preference, and a lot of it comes down to what a
person is use to. Eloquence came with Jaws and even Window-Eyes for
many versions now, and for various reasons people have grown use to
it, perhaps even like it, and it is for that reason they want to use
it in a game. It is generally faster, more responsive than most TTS
voices, and while robotic it does a decent job of speaking text
clearly and precisely.

On the flip side while the Vocalizer voices are more human sounding
they come with their fair share of hang-ups such as are less
responsive and don't always pronounce words correctly. Nothing is
quite as frustrating to read a document instead of saying m s or
Microsoft to have Vocalizer say manuscript instead.
Point being,while the Vocalizer voices are superior in many ways
Eloquence is still better in other ways. It is for those other reasons
that keep gamers interested in using it as an alternative to speech
synthe to SApi.


On 3/7/14, dark wrote:
 hi tom.

 I'm Afraid I might not have  said what I intended clearly enough.

 I was not claiming that Mike, Mary and Sam were decent voices, or as good as

 vocalizer, only that I personally do not rate eloquence any more than mike
 or sam, and so  find it a little difficult to sunderstand why a person (as
 I've heard some do), would use jaws with eloquence in a game and prefer that

 to  ms mike.

 Vocalizer I agree is superior to any of these, indeed I've got the realspeak

 solo Daniel voice for sapi myself. for that reason, and I'm glad microsoft
 have upgraded their sapi voices on future windows, my comment was just
 about eloquence, which I've heard lots of people use even now as their
 default synth voice whis is odd sinse better alternatives are available even

 in the same program.

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-07 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

I do understand both the responsiveness and dictionary points sinse both are 
reasons I used to like the human voices from orphius although annoyingly 
it's had a nasty habbit of crashing on me recently so I've switched to 
vocalizer full time. At least with the later versions of Supernova I've not 
noticed any responsivess issues, though whether this is due to sn or 
vocalizer or both I'm not sure.  I do however fully well agree vocalizers 
abreviations are a pain in the kneck, especially when playing rpgs and muds 
like alteraeon, being told I have 100 horse power and 60 street instead of 
100 Hp and 50  staminer is quite irritating.

I also used to like Orphius for the fact that it's ability to  pronounce 
various fantasy names was pretty good, it even got names like theoden 
correct. Vocalizer isn't bad and I'm getting a bit more used to it as I play 
fantasy games, but occasionally when it says something like pronouncing the 
mad stuard of Minas Tirith's name in Lotr as den netha, or Frodo as frodd 
dough I still do miss Orphius.

For me, one major turn off of Eloquence is the sound of it's attempt at 
British English. I do prefer a British synth sinse obviously  when I'm 
writing anything of my own I want it to sound reasonable with the gramar I 
use, just as I suspect you would prefer an American one for the same reason, 
however Eloquence british english is  rather horrible, it gets vowels wrong 
and ends words in a very unnatural way.

I agree all of this is pretty much down to personal preference. 

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-07 Thread Josh

I think espeak sounds a bit like orpheus or keynote gold.

using windows7 laptop

On 3/7/2014 2:04 PM, dark wrote:

Hi Tom.

I do understand both the responsiveness and dictionary points sinse 
both are reasons I used to like the human voices from orphius although 
annoyingly it's had a nasty habbit of crashing on me recently so I've 
switched to vocalizer full time. At least with the later versions of 
Supernova I've not noticed any responsivess issues, though whether 
this is due to sn or vocalizer or both I'm not sure.  I do however 
fully well agree vocalizers abreviations are a pain in the kneck, 
especially when playing rpgs and muds like alteraeon, being told I 
have 100 horse power and 60 street instead of 100 Hp and 50  staminer 
is quite irritating.

I also used to like Orphius for the fact that it's ability to 
pronounce various fantasy names was pretty good, it even got names 
like theoden correct. Vocalizer isn't bad and I'm getting a bit more 
used to it as I play fantasy games, but occasionally when it says 
something like pronouncing the mad stuard of Minas Tirith's name in 
Lotr as den netha, or Frodo as frodd dough I still do miss Orphius.

For me, one major turn off of Eloquence is the sound of it's attempt 
at British English. I do prefer a British synth sinse obviously  when 
I'm writing anything of my own I want it to sound reasonable with the 
gramar I use, just as I suspect you would prefer an American one for 
the same reason, however Eloquence british english is  rather 
horrible, it gets vowels wrong and ends words in a very unnatural way.

I agree all of this is pretty much down to personal preference.

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-07 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Josh,

I disagree with that statement. I use to own and use Keynote Gold in
the 90's and Espeak doesn't sound anything like Keynote Gold in my
opinion. Yes, they are both robotic, but Espeak doesn't have the same
tone and inflection as Keynote Gold.

On 3/7/14, Josh wrote:
 I think espeak sounds a bit like orpheus or keynote gold.

 using windows7 laptop

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-07 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Yeah, I don't really use Eloquence's British voices much, me being an
American, so I am perfectly fine with Reed. However, I can and do see
your issue with Eloquence because the British English voices sound off
to me as well, and I am use to listening to British voices like
Realspeak Daniel or Ivona Amy and Bryan. So I'm not all that surprised
you don't like Eloquence's British voices.

Of course, as we've said before this is all pretty much personal
preference. I remember when I was using realspeak Caren in a couple of
my games and a few people complained about the voice because it was
Australian English. I can sort of see their point as some of those
accents do sound strange if all a person is use to is American
English, but I personally liked the voice.


On 3/7/14, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 I do understand both the responsiveness and dictionary points sinse both are

 reasons I used to like the human voices from orphius although annoyingly
 it's had a nasty habbit of crashing on me recently so I've switched to
 vocalizer full time. At least with the later versions of Supernova I've not

 noticed any responsivess issues, though whether this is due to sn or
 vocalizer or both I'm not sure.  I do however fully well agree vocalizers
 abreviations are a pain in the kneck, especially when playing rpgs and muds

 like alteraeon, being told I have 100 horse power and 60 street instead of
 100 Hp and 50  staminer is quite irritating.

 I also used to like Orphius for the fact that it's ability to  pronounce
 various fantasy names was pretty good, it even got names like theoden
 correct. Vocalizer isn't bad and I'm getting a bit more used to it as I play

 fantasy games, but occasionally when it says something like pronouncing the

 mad stuard of Minas Tirith's name in Lotr as den netha, or Frodo as frodd
 dough I still do miss Orphius.

 For me, one major turn off of Eloquence is the sound of it's attempt at
 British English. I do prefer a British synth sinse obviously  when I'm
 writing anything of my own I want it to sound reasonable with the gramar I
 use, just as I suspect you would prefer an American one for the same reason,

 however Eloquence british english is  rather horrible, it gets vowels wrong

 and ends words in a very unnatural way.

 I agree all of this is pretty much down to personal preference.

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-07 Thread Bryan Peterson

No kidding. Espeak is worse as far asI'm concerned.

Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
-Original Message- 
From: Thomas Ward

Sent: Friday, March 07, 2014 6:55 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Hi Josh,

I disagree with that statement. I use to own and use Keynote Gold in
the 90's and Espeak doesn't sound anything like Keynote Gold in my
opinion. Yes, they are both robotic, but Espeak doesn't have the same
tone and inflection as Keynote Gold.

On 3/7/14, Josh wrote:

I think espeak sounds a bit like orpheus or keynote gold.

using windows7 laptop

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-07 Thread dark
Well it depends upon which orphius voice. the default synthetic ones are 
pretty electronic (although I prefer their british accent to eloquence), 
however the human voices alan and carrol are considderably different and 
sound much better.

All the best,

- Original Message - 
From: Josh

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2014 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

I think espeak sounds a bit like orpheus or keynote gold.

using windows7 laptop

On 3/7/2014 2:04 PM, dark wrote:

Hi Tom.

I do understand both the responsiveness and dictionary points sinse both 
are reasons I used to like the human voices from orphius although 
annoyingly it's had a nasty habbit of crashing on me recently so I've 
switched to vocalizer full time. At least with the later versions of 
Supernova I've not noticed any responsivess issues, though whether this 
is due to sn or vocalizer or both I'm not sure.  I do however fully well 
agree vocalizers abreviations are a pain in the kneck, especially when 
playing rpgs and muds like alteraeon, being told I have 100 horse power 
and 60 street instead of 100 Hp and 50  staminer is quite irritating.

I also used to like Orphius for the fact that it's ability to pronounce 
various fantasy names was pretty good, it even got names like theoden 
correct. Vocalizer isn't bad and I'm getting a bit more used to it as I 
play fantasy games, but occasionally when it says something like 
pronouncing the mad stuard of Minas Tirith's name in Lotr as den netha, 
or Frodo as frodd dough I still do miss Orphius.

For me, one major turn off of Eloquence is the sound of it's attempt at 
British English. I do prefer a British synth sinse obviously  when I'm 
writing anything of my own I want it to sound reasonable with the gramar 
I use, just as I suspect you would prefer an American one for the same 
reason, however Eloquence british english is  rather horrible, it gets 
vowels wrong and ends words in a very unnatural way.

I agree all of this is pretty much down to personal preference.

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-07 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

Personally I didn't mind the australian voice in the game, albeit was a 
little surprising given that I don't believe Angela carter was planned to be 
an   ozy.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-06 Thread dark
Personally I agree with Josh, I don't see what is wrong with sapi.  Sinse 
dolphin have (up to last year), been so precious about the api for 
supernova, very few games have run with it, but that's not stopped me 
playing Vipmud, alteraeon with Mush Z, Lone wolf etc.

The exception of course is making textual games such as interactive fiction 
accessible, as happened with the choice of cave game I mentioned, however 
these days all the screen readers have working virtual cursers so just 
writing the text to the screen without clutter is fine.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,

Lol. Yeah, I suppose for most people a wrapper is a wrap artist.
However, in programming a wrapper is simply a piece of code that wraps
another piece of code or a program with a different interface in order
to make it easier for a developer to use the API etc in question.


On 3/6/14, Charles Rivard wrote:
 And all this time I thought that a rapper was a rap artist?  Sheesh.

 Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished,

 you! really! are! finished!

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Yeah, I personally don't get what is wrong with Sapi either. It is a
quick and easy API, works fairly well for what it does, and there are
plenty of voices available for it. However, as a guess I suppose the
voices are precisely the issue people have with it.

A lot of Jaws users, for example, are use to Eloquence. Since
Eloquence is not a Sapi voice they can't just use that with a game
without the developer going through the Jaws API to use the screen
reader directly rather than accessing Eloquence via Sapi. For that
reason I guess some people want Jaws support so they could use
Eloquence and the various Vocalizer voices which aren't available via

Of course, there is probably a cost issue here as well. Anyone who has
a fairly up to date version of Jaws has a number of TTS engines and
voices from Eloquence and several Vocalizer voices. They probably
don't want to turn around and buy more voices from Cereproc, Cepstral,
Nextup, etc given the fact that Jaws already offers them a lot of free

In short, as a guess I think the reason many users want screen reader
support is because of the voices etc their screen reader provides
aren't available for Sapi or are available at extra cost. Some of us
who don't use Jaws, such as myself, aren't missing anything by using
Sapi because we do not have various free TTS voices to miss. I use
NVDA and own a handful of Sapi voices so using Sapi rather than my
screen reader makes sense in my own case.


On 3/6/14, dark wrote:
 Personally I agree with Josh, I don't see what is wrong with sapi.  Sinse
 dolphin have (up to last year), been so precious about the api for
 supernova, very few games have run with it, but that's not stopped me
 playing Vipmud, alteraeon with Mush Z, Lone wolf etc.

 The exception of course is making textual games such as interactive fiction

 accessible, as happened with the choice of cave game I mentioned, however
 these days all the screen readers have working virtual cursers so just
 writing the text to the screen without clutter is fine.

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-06 Thread Sky Mundell

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 8:20 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Hi Dark,

Yeah, I personally don't get what is wrong with Sapi either. It is a quick
and easy API, works fairly well for what it does, and there are plenty of
voices available for it. However, as a guess I suppose the voices are
precisely the issue people have with it.

A lot of Jaws users, for example, are use to Eloquence. Since Eloquence is
not a Sapi voice they can't just use that with a game without the developer
going through the Jaws API to use the screen reader directly rather than
accessing Eloquence via Sapi. For that reason I guess some people want Jaws
support so they could use Eloquence and the various Vocalizer voices which
aren't available via Sapi.

Of course, there is probably a cost issue here as well. Anyone who has a
fairly up to date version of Jaws has a number of TTS engines and voices
from Eloquence and several Vocalizer voices. They probably don't want to
turn around and buy more voices from Cereproc, Cepstral, Nextup, etc given
the fact that Jaws already offers them a lot of free voices.

In short, as a guess I think the reason many users want screen reader
support is because of the voices etc their screen reader provides aren't
available for Sapi or are available at extra cost. Some of us who don't use
Jaws, such as myself, aren't missing anything by using Sapi because we do
not have various free TTS voices to miss. I use NVDA and own a handful of
Sapi voices so using Sapi rather than my screen reader makes sense in my own


On 3/6/14, dark wrote:
 Personally I agree with Josh, I don't see what is wrong with sapi.  
 Sinse dolphin have (up to last year), been so precious about the api 
 for supernova, very few games have run with it, but that's not stopped 
 me playing Vipmud, alteraeon with Mush Z, Lone wolf etc.

 The exception of course is making textual games such as interactive 

 accessible, as happened with the choice of cave game I mentioned, 
 however these days all the screen readers have working virtual cursers 
 so just writing the text to the screen without clutter is fine.

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-06 Thread Sky Mundell
Hi, I do have to agree with you. A lot of people prefer to use the screen
reader of the choice because it gives them the opertunity to use whatever
voice they prefer. I have used SAPI 5 and I find it very easy to use in
games that use it. 

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Sky Mundell
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 8:41 AM
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?


-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 8:20 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Hi Dark,

Yeah, I personally don't get what is wrong with Sapi either. It is a quick
and easy API, works fairly well for what it does, and there are plenty of
voices available for it. However, as a guess I suppose the voices are
precisely the issue people have with it.

A lot of Jaws users, for example, are use to Eloquence. Since Eloquence is
not a Sapi voice they can't just use that with a game without the developer
going through the Jaws API to use the screen reader directly rather than
accessing Eloquence via Sapi. For that reason I guess some people want Jaws
support so they could use Eloquence and the various Vocalizer voices which
aren't available via Sapi.

Of course, there is probably a cost issue here as well. Anyone who has a
fairly up to date version of Jaws has a number of TTS engines and voices
from Eloquence and several Vocalizer voices. They probably don't want to
turn around and buy more voices from Cereproc, Cepstral, Nextup, etc given
the fact that Jaws already offers them a lot of free voices.

In short, as a guess I think the reason many users want screen reader
support is because of the voices etc their screen reader provides aren't
available for Sapi or are available at extra cost. Some of us who don't use
Jaws, such as myself, aren't missing anything by using Sapi because we do
not have various free TTS voices to miss. I use NVDA and own a handful of
Sapi voices so using Sapi rather than my screen reader makes sense in my own


On 3/6/14, dark wrote:
 Personally I agree with Josh, I don't see what is wrong with sapi.  
 Sinse dolphin have (up to last year), been so precious about the api 
 for supernova, very few games have run with it, but that's not stopped 
 me playing Vipmud, alteraeon with Mush Z, Lone wolf etc.

 The exception of course is making textual games such as interactive 

 accessible, as happened with the choice of cave game I mentioned, 
 however these days all the screen readers have working virtual cursers 
 so just writing the text to the screen without clutter is fine.

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-06 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

that is likely true regarding people's feelings, however equaly that 
arguement isn't really a tenable one anymore sinse   the days when a high 
quality voice would cost you 200 quid or so are gone so your not really 
talking sky rocket prices. Plus, on a personal level I'd actually  rather 
have one of the default ms voices such as mike than eloquence anyway, though 
this is likely me.

All the best,


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Well, it is certainly true the cost of most Sapi voices have gone down
in price. Most are reasonably priced about $30 to $45 USD which is
well within a person's budget. At least most of the time.

However, I disagree about Microsoft Mike, Mary, and Sam. In my opinion
those are some of the absolutely worst voices on the market, and I am
personally glad Microsoft finally discontinued them. The voices on
Windows 8 are much more human sounding, and are almost as good as the
Vocalizer voices. Even if someone doesn't want to upgrade to Windows 8
there are much better voices available for XP than the default
Microsoft Sapi voices, and I can't really blame anyone for hating Sapi
if all they have is the garbage voices like Mike, Mary, and Sam. I
think if I were in that situation I'd take Eloquence over something
like Mike or Sam myself.


On 3/6/14, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 that is likely true regarding people's feelings, however equaly that
 arguement isn't really a tenable one anymore sinse   the days when a high
 quality voice would cost you 200 quid or so are gone so your not really
 talking sky rocket prices. Plus, on a personal level I'd actually  rather
 have one of the default ms voices such as mike than eloquence anyway, though

 this is likely me.

 All the best,


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-06 Thread shaun everiss
Windows is still one of the major gaming systems the blind will use 
for a while.
True there are a lot of mainstream accessable games from smart phones 
apple and android devices and some consoles.

However most that can afford it are moving to win7 and up now.
Yes eventually we may loose some of the vb6 titles but right now we 
are still going.

At 03:38 AM 3/6/2014, you wrote:

Are games for windows not being produced any more, if so, what games?

Lindsay Cowell.

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-06 Thread shaun everiss

There are a lot more things on the forum to.
I also know for a fact because I am on the teams that mtg, ks and 
reality gaming have games out.

In fact reality gaming have just gone live with their snow boarding beta.
And this morning I did some sound work for at least 2 upcoming titles 
and set up a submition file for sounds for other uses, so things are happening.
So in general things are moving its just no one tells anyone unless 
there is something to release.

At 08:07 AM 3/6/2014, you wrote:

Hi Lindsay,

Yes, there are still accessible games for Windows being developed.
Although, you don't always here about them on this list there are
various new games available that have been written in the last few
months or so.

From Draconis Entertainment we have their Silver Dollar game for
Windows as well as for Mac. Draconis has also released Change Reaction
2.0 for Windows as well.

From Blind Adrenaline we have Rail Racer 2.0 in beta, and should be
made available as a full version sometime in the next few months.

 On the Audio Games Forum someone has recently rewritten Hack by
Daniel Zingaro in BGT and released it as freeware for Windows.

Then, of course, I myself am still developing games, but do to time
and circumstance haven't been able to bring any of my projects to
release just yet. However, I can say there are more games coming from
me hopefully in the not too distant future.

In short, while games for the PC are seemingly few and far between
that doesn't mean nobody is developing them. they are still under
development even if it seems like they aren't.


On 3/5/14, wrote:
 Are games for windows not being produced any more, if so, what games?

 Lindsay Cowell.

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-06 Thread shaun everiss

darrin, to be honest devs can just use sapi.
Compaired to other things windows is probably easy to develop because 
you don't have restrictions on what you  do, I guess the smart phone 
will take over but I have not seen that many blind devs actually make 
games  for the smart phone market and those that are out really 
although good for smart phones are probably crap compaired to their 
windows varients.
I am still a firm believer at least for the short term maybe longer 
that we will have windows.
The big jump is when vb6 dies then we may see more of the games drop 
off and who knows.
However its not all over till the fat lady sings and  even if the 
core devs all died we would still have some of an indie industry 
active so its not an issue really.


At 09:54 AM 3/6/2014, you wrote:

I think though sooner or later a lot more games will be developed for apple
devices over windows because voiceover is built in. which is going to make
it easier for finding the relevant information in order to make it work.
With windows the developer not only has to make it work with the os but also
with third party screen readers and it's the fact that there are multiple
screen readers which is the problem.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Michael Feir
Sent: 05 March 2014 20:06
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

The only game I know of under development for Windows is Three
Monkeys. It's going to be an audio action roleplaying games using
binaural sound. That should be pretty awesome. News of accessible Game
development has always been very slow in coming for numerous reasons.
The only area where I think this has really changed is with games for
the iOS devices like iPAD or iPHONE. Some developers have gotten a lot
more hesitant to post news about games they're working on since people
are inevidably disappointed when things are delayed.

On 3/5/14, Thomas Ward wrote:
 Hi Lindsay,

 Yes, there are still accessible games for Windows being developed.
 Although, you don't always here about them on this list there are
 various new games available that have been written in the last few
 months or so.

 From Draconis Entertainment we have their Silver Dollar game for
 Windows as well as for Mac. Draconis has also released Change Reaction
 2.0 for Windows as well.

 From Blind Adrenaline we have Rail Racer 2.0 in beta, and should be
 made available as a full version sometime in the next few months.

  On the Audio Games Forum someone has recently rewritten Hack by
 Daniel Zingaro in BGT and released it as freeware for Windows.

 Then, of course, I myself am still developing games, but do to time
 and circumstance haven't been able to bring any of my projects to
 release just yet. However, I can say there are more games coming from
 me hopefully in the not too distant future.

 In short, while games for the PC are seemingly few and far between
 that doesn't mean nobody is developing them. they are still under
 development even if it seems like they aren't.


 On 3/5/14, wrote:
 Are games for windows not being produced any more, if so, what games?

 Lindsay Cowell.

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Michael Feir

Disability advocate
Meadowvale Community Christian Reformed Church

Volunteer at The Dam
Twitter: mfeir
Skype: michael-feir
Author of Personal Power:
How Accessible Computers Can Enhance Personal Life For Blind People

A Life of Word and Sound

Creator and former editor of Audyssey Magazine 1996-2004
Check out my blog at:

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

Actually, compared to other operating systems like OSX Windows is more
difficult to develop for not easier. The reason has to do with too
many different configurations, versions, and too many libraries and
languages that makes Windows difficult to support.

For example, right now there are 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows
actively being sold on the market. Well, if I write a program and
compile it for a 64-bit version of Windows it will not run on 32-bit
versions of Windows. Therefore I have to design my game to be 32-bit
in order to support 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows, and by
doing so will have to forgo the advantages of a 64-bit OS and

If I choose something like Microsoft's .NET Framework I first have to
determine which version is present on the machine. As I can't rely on
everyone to be running the latest and greatest that could be cause for
incompatibility right there. Not to mention all the third-party
dependencies I may use with my game such as SlimDX, SDL .NET, OpenAL
.NET, whatever won't come with the system meaning I still have to make
sure they are installed and setup correctly in order to run my game.

Those are just two of several things that makes supporting Windows
something of a nightmare to develop for and support. With Apple's OSX
there is only one target environment, 64-bit, and so the issue of
32-bit compatibility is a non-issue. Although, there is a free .NET
Framework called Mono available for OSX most developers choose to use
Object-C and the native libraries meaning they don't have to worry too
much about which .NET Framework is installed or if x number of
dependencies are installed, because most of what a game developer
needs should already be available on OSX from the get-go.


On 3/6/14, shaun everiss wrote:
 darrin, to be honest devs can just use sapi.
 Compaired to other things windows is probably easy to develop because
 you don't have restrictions on what you  do, I guess the smart phone
 will take over but I have not seen that many blind devs actually make
 games  for the smart phone market and those that are out really
 although good for smart phones are probably crap compaired to their
 windows varients.
 I am still a firm believer at least for the short term maybe longer
 that we will have windows.
 The big jump is when vb6 dies then we may see more of the games drop
 off and who knows.
 However its not all over till the fat lady sings and  even if the
 core devs all died we would still have some of an indie industry
 active so its not an issue really.

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

True enough. I think a lot of developers choose not to say anything
unless they have something of substance to say because a lot of us
have gotten sick of negative feedback from this and other accessible
gaming communities. The minute a developer announces he or she has
something in the works right away people want to know when it will be
released, will want constant updates on how it is going, and if a
developer fails to deliver a game by the expected date then they can
expect a lot of grief from the community wanting to know why it wasn't
released on such and such a day.

Point being if gamers are worried that developers are not developing
games, not making announcements, etc they really have themselves to
blame. there are developers like myself who are working on stuff when
they can, but we do not want to make any big announcements as we know
the general reaction from the community will ultimately come back to
bite us on the butt.


On 3/6/14, shaun everiss wrote:
 There are a lot more things on the forum to.
 I also know for a fact because I am on the teams that mtg, ks and
 reality gaming have games out.
 In fact reality gaming have just gone live with their snow boarding beta.
 And this morning I did some sound work for at least 2 upcoming titles
 and set up a submition file for sounds for other uses, so things are
 So in general things are moving its just no one tells anyone unless
 there is something to release.

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-06 Thread shaun everiss

I agree charles.
And its actually not that hard to multidevelop for screenreaders now, 
with the screen reader api its easy enough if you know how.
Out of all the readers, nvda is the one I'd go for being opensource 
and non restrictive.

And to be honest outputting text on screen is fine to.
there are console apps to.
I don't know where you got that idea from darrin but its not as bad 
as that at least not for a couple years or so.
It costs a lot to get into development of an  i device and the device 
costs a lot.

Android is another thing but still it has its own requirements.
the pc is still the market for now.

At 12:52 PM 3/6/2014, you wrote:
The fact that there are so many screen readers is why most audio 
games either use sapi or have their own voices, isn't it?

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're 
finished, you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - From: Darren Harris

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

I think though sooner or later a lot more games will be developed for apple
devices over windows because voiceover is built in. which is going to make
it easier for finding the relevant information in order to make it work.
With windows the developer not only has to make it work with the os but also
with third party screen readers and it's the fact that there are multiple
screen readers which is the problem.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Michael Feir
Sent: 05 March 2014 20:06
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

The only game I know of under development for Windows is Three
Monkeys. It's going to be an audio action roleplaying games using
binaural sound. That should be pretty awesome. News of accessible Game
development has always been very slow in coming for numerous reasons.
The only area where I think this has really changed is with games for
the iOS devices like iPAD or iPHONE. Some developers have gotten a lot
more hesitant to post news about games they're working on since people
are inevidably disappointed when things are delayed.

On 3/5/14, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Lindsay,

Yes, there are still accessible games for Windows being developed.
Although, you don't always here about them on this list there are
various new games available that have been written in the last few
months or so.

From Draconis Entertainment we have their Silver Dollar game for
Windows as well as for Mac. Draconis has also released Change Reaction
2.0 for Windows as well.

From Blind Adrenaline we have Rail Racer 2.0 in beta, and should be
made available as a full version sometime in the next few months.

 On the Audio Games Forum someone has recently rewritten Hack by
Daniel Zingaro in BGT and released it as freeware for Windows.

Then, of course, I myself am still developing games, but do to time
and circumstance haven't been able to bring any of my projects to
release just yet. However, I can say there are more games coming from
me hopefully in the not too distant future.

In short, while games for the PC are seemingly few and far between
that doesn't mean nobody is developing them. they are still under
development even if it seems like they aren't.


On 3/5/14, wrote:

Are games for windows not being produced any more, if so, what games?

Lindsay Cowell.

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please send E-mail to

Michael Feir

Disability advocate
Meadowvale Community Christian Reformed Church

Volunteer at The Dam
Twitter: mfeir
Skype: michael-feir
Author of Personal Power:
How Accessible Computers Can Enhance Personal Life For Blind People

A Life of Word

Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-06 Thread shaun everiss
thats true and to be honest you are actually paying for the extra 3 
or 4g capabilities sms and general phone.
with a touch, wifi, etc you can use skype easily enough you just 
don't get mobile networking.

At 02:27 PM 3/6/2014, you wrote:
if you can't afford an iphone. get an ipod touch. its an iphone 
without the phone and they are only $223 on amazon. and they have 
nearly all the same apps as iphone and voiceover as well. and a 5mp 
camera also.

using windows7 laptop

On 3/5/2014 4:14 PM, wrote:
I hope not. Apple devices arre more expensive than windows devices. 
I for one can not afford an IPhone.

Lindsay Cowell

-original message-
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?
From: Darren Harris
Date: 05/03/2014 8:54 pm

I think though sooner or later a lot more games will be developed for apple
devices over windows because voiceover is built in. which is going to make
it easier for finding the relevant information in order to make it work.
With windows the developer not only has to make it work with the os but also
with third party screen readers and it's the fact that there are multiple
screen readers which is the problem.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Michael Feir
Sent: 05 March 2014 20:06
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

The only game I know of under development for Windows is Three
Monkeys. It's going to be an audio action roleplaying games using
binaural sound. That should be pretty awesome. News of accessible Game
development has always been very slow in coming for numerous reasons.
The only area where I think this has really changed is with games for
the iOS devices like iPAD or iPHONE. Some developers have gotten a lot
more hesitant to post news about games they're working on since people
are inevidably disappointed when things are delayed.

On 3/5/14, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Lindsay,

Yes, there are still accessible games for Windows being developed.
Although, you don't always here about them on this list there are
various new games available that have been written in the last few
months or so.

 From Draconis Entertainment we have their Silver Dollar game for
Windows as well as for Mac. Draconis has also released Change Reaction
2.0 for Windows as well.

 From Blind Adrenaline we have Rail Racer 2.0 in beta, and should be
made available as a full version sometime in the next few months.

  On the Audio Games Forum someone has recently rewritten Hack by
Daniel Zingaro in BGT and released it as freeware for Windows.

Then, of course, I myself am still developing games, but do to time
and circumstance haven't been able to bring any of my projects to
release just yet. However, I can say there are more games coming from
me hopefully in the not too distant future.

In short, while games for the PC are seemingly few and far between
that doesn't mean nobody is developing them. they are still under
development even if it seems like they aren't.


On 3/5/14, wrote:

Are games for windows not being produced any more, if so, what games?

Lindsay Cowell.

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-06 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

Actually, there are more than one library out there for Windows for
accessing multiple screen readers. There is Accessible Output for
Python, there is Universal Speech which is available for various
languages, and now there is Tolk. So I agree supporting multiple
screen readers isn't all that difficult these days assuming you are
willing to abide by the license agreement for the screen reader API
you are using.

However, regarding iDevices it is very expensive to develop for. At
least if the end user is a Windows user. He or she must purchase a Mac
running OSX, must buy the proper development toolkits for iOS, and
probably have an iPad or iPhone available for testing. Therefore I
don't really see a lot of Windows developers just leaving the Windows
platform to go for iDevices any time soon because they have to have
different hardware, software, and skills to develop for an iDevice.


On 3/6/14, shaun everiss wrote:
 I agree charles.
 And its actually not that hard to multidevelop for screenreaders now,
 with the screen reader api its easy enough if you know how.
 Out of all the readers, nvda is the one I'd go for being opensource
 and non restrictive.
 And to be honest outputting text on screen is fine to.
 there are console apps to.
 I don't know where you got that idea from darrin but its not as bad
 as that at least not for a couple years or so.
 It costs a lot to get into development of an  i device and the device
 costs a lot.
 Android is another thing but still it has its own requirements.
 the pc is still the market for now.

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-06 Thread Charles Rivard
I don't think you could have said it any better, and I hope every list 
member reads this and, more importantly, remembers it.  It should have been 
learned when James North left the scene, but the lesson still did not hit a 
lot of homes.

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished, 
you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Hi Shaun,

True enough. I think a lot of developers choose not to say anything
unless they have something of substance to say because a lot of us
have gotten sick of negative feedback from this and other accessible
gaming communities. The minute a developer announces he or she has
something in the works right away people want to know when it will be
released, will want constant updates on how it is going, and if a
developer fails to deliver a game by the expected date then they can
expect a lot of grief from the community wanting to know why it wasn't
released on such and such a day.

Point being if gamers are worried that developers are not developing
games, not making announcements, etc they really have themselves to
blame. there are developers like myself who are working on stuff when
they can, but we do not want to make any big announcements as we know
the general reaction from the community will ultimately come back to
bite us on the butt.


On 3/6/14, shaun everiss wrote:

There are a lot more things on the forum to.
I also know for a fact because I am on the teams that mtg, ks and
reality gaming have games out.
In fact reality gaming have just gone live with their snow boarding beta.
And this morning I did some sound work for at least 2 upcoming titles
and set up a submition file for sounds for other uses, so things are
So in general things are moving its just no one tells anyone unless
there is something to release.

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-06 Thread Bryan Peterson

I personally won't be holding my breath. LOL.

Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
-Original Message- 
From: Charles Rivard

Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 7:22 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

I don't think you could have said it any better, and I hope every list
member reads this and, more importantly, remembers it.  It should have been
learned when James North left the scene, but the lesson still did not hit a
lot of homes.

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished,
you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Hi Shaun,

True enough. I think a lot of developers choose not to say anything
unless they have something of substance to say because a lot of us
have gotten sick of negative feedback from this and other accessible
gaming communities. The minute a developer announces he or she has
something in the works right away people want to know when it will be
released, will want constant updates on how it is going, and if a
developer fails to deliver a game by the expected date then they can
expect a lot of grief from the community wanting to know why it wasn't
released on such and such a day.

Point being if gamers are worried that developers are not developing
games, not making announcements, etc they really have themselves to
blame. there are developers like myself who are working on stuff when
they can, but we do not want to make any big announcements as we know
the general reaction from the community will ultimately come back to
bite us on the butt.


On 3/6/14, shaun everiss wrote:

There are a lot more things on the forum to.
I also know for a fact because I am on the teams that mtg, ks and
reality gaming have games out.
In fact reality gaming have just gone live with their snow boarding beta.
And this morning I did some sound work for at least 2 upcoming titles
and set up a submition file for sounds for other uses, so things are
So in general things are moving its just no one tells anyone unless
there is something to release.

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-06 Thread dark

hi tom.

I'm Afraid I might not have  said what I intended clearly enough.

I was not claiming that Mike, Mary and Sam were decent voices, or as good as 
vocalizer, only that I personally do not rate eloquence any more than mike 
or sam, and so  find it a little difficult to sunderstand why a person (as 
I've heard some do), would use jaws with eloquence in a game and prefer that 
to  ms mike.

Vocalizer I agree is superior to any of these, indeed I've got the realspeak 
solo Daniel voice for sapi myself. for that reason, and I'm glad microsoft 
have upgraded their sapi voices on future windows, my comment was just 
about eloquence, which I've heard lots of people use even now as their 
default synth voice whis is odd sinse better alternatives are available even 
in the same program.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Hi Dark,

Well, it is certainly true the cost of most Sapi voices have gone down
in price. Most are reasonably priced about $30 to $45 USD which is
well within a person's budget. At least most of the time.

However, I disagree about Microsoft Mike, Mary, and Sam. In my opinion
those are some of the absolutely worst voices on the market, and I am
personally glad Microsoft finally discontinued them. The voices on
Windows 8 are much more human sounding, and are almost as good as the
Vocalizer voices. Even if someone doesn't want to upgrade to Windows 8
there are much better voices available for XP than the default
Microsoft Sapi voices, and I can't really blame anyone for hating Sapi
if all they have is the garbage voices like Mike, Mary, and Sam. I
think if I were in that situation I'd take Eloquence over something
like Mike or Sam myself.


On 3/6/14, dark wrote:

Hi Tom.

that is likely true regarding people's feelings, however equaly that
arguement isn't really a tenable one anymore sinse   the days when a high
quality voice would cost you 200 quid or so are gone so your not really
talking sky rocket prices. Plus, on a personal level I'd actually  rather
have one of the default ms voices such as mike than eloquence anyway, 

this is likely me.

All the best,


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[Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-05 Thread lindsay . cowell
Are games for windows not being produced any more, if so, what games?

Lindsay Cowell. 

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-05 Thread dark

Hi Lindsay.

People  are still making games for windows,   especially many of the people 
like Spoonbil, Aprone and Gma who always have, plus there are things like 
interactive fiction, browser games, muds, text rpgs and the like (I was beta 
testing a text rpg game for windows just the other day).

That is aside from the japanese games, though etting those to run is 
something of a process and  not something I've attempted as yet myself.

I don't actually think less developement is happening on windows, it's just 
that such a lot is going on on the Iphone there is considderable amount of 
news and discussion about the subject, so the  windows side of things seems 
less than it is.

it is also the case that with access easier to implement on the Iphone, more 
new developers are coming to write for it than new devs  for windows, which 
is  just a consequence of the technology, and obviously a very good one if 
you have an Iphone.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-05 Thread darren_g_harris
Cool what you beta testing for dark? That astro galaxies game?

-original message-
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?
From: dark
Date: 05:03:2014 5.04 pm

Hi Lindsay.

People  are still making games for windows,   especially many of the people 
like Spoonbil, Aprone and Gma who always have, plus there are things like 
interactive fiction, browser games, muds, text rpgs and the like (I was beta 
testing a text rpg game for windows just the other day).

That is aside from the japanese games, though etting those to run is 
something of a process and  not something I've attempted as yet myself.

I don't actually think less developement is happening on windows, it's just 
that such a lot is going on on the Iphone there is considderable amount of 
news and discussion about the subject, so the  windows side of things seems 
less than it is.

it is also the case that with access easier to implement on the Iphone, more 
new developers are coming to write for it than new devs  for windows, which 
is  just a consequence of the technology, and obviously a very good one if 
you have an Iphone.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-05 Thread dark
Sadly not, I've not heard anything else about astro galaxy. I dropped the 
devs another mail but they didn't get back to me which is a shame sinse only 
navigating in the game is a problem, (rather like starbase orion and Star 
traders, accept it just needs some labled images).

I'm not actually beata testing in the formal sense, it's rather someone 
posted a  beta on which I'm trying out, another attempt at a 
roguelike with a standard if type interface ala Kerkerkruip, disconcertingly 
called  choose your own cave (even though it's nothing like a gamebook).

There is a topic in the new releases room about it on

Indeed, lots of people are posting betas and games under development there 
so, from the latest version of the braillemon audio  pokemon game, to some 
bgt  arcade projects, to some japanese type stuff, if anyone wants to try 
stuff out that is the place to go.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Cool what you beta testing for dark? That astro galaxies game?

-original message-
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?
From: dark
Date: 05:03:2014 5.04 pm

Hi Lindsay.

People  are still making games for windows,   especially many of the 

like Spoonbil, Aprone and Gma who always have, plus there are things like
interactive fiction, browser games, muds, text rpgs and the like (I was 

testing a text rpg game for windows just the other day).

That is aside from the japanese games, though etting those to run is
something of a process and  not something I've attempted as yet myself.

I don't actually think less developement is happening on windows, it's 

that such a lot is going on on the Iphone there is considderable amount of
news and discussion about the subject, so the  windows side of things 

less than it is.

it is also the case that with access easier to implement on the Iphone, 
new developers are coming to write for it than new devs  for windows, 

is  just a consequence of the technology, and obviously a very good one if
you have an Iphone.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-05 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Lindsay,

Yes, there are still accessible games for Windows being developed.
Although, you don't always here about them on this list there are
various new games available that have been written in the last few
months or so.

From Draconis Entertainment we have their Silver Dollar game for
Windows as well as for Mac. Draconis has also released Change Reaction
2.0 for Windows as well.

From Blind Adrenaline we have Rail Racer 2.0 in beta, and should be
made available as a full version sometime in the next few months.

 On the Audio Games Forum someone has recently rewritten Hack by
Daniel Zingaro in BGT and released it as freeware for Windows.

Then, of course, I myself am still developing games, but do to time
and circumstance haven't been able to bring any of my projects to
release just yet. However, I can say there are more games coming from
me hopefully in the not too distant future.

In short, while games for the PC are seemingly few and far between
that doesn't mean nobody is developing them. they are still under
development even if it seems like they aren't.


On 3/5/14, wrote:
 Are games for windows not being produced any more, if so, what games?

 Lindsay Cowell.

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-05 Thread Michael Feir
The only game I know of under development for Windows is Three
Monkeys. It's going to be an audio action roleplaying games using
binaural sound. That should be pretty awesome. News of accessible Game
development has always been very slow in coming for numerous reasons.
The only area where I think this has really changed is with games for
the iOS devices like iPAD or iPHONE. Some developers have gotten a lot
more hesitant to post news about games they're working on since people
are inevidably disappointed when things are delayed.

On 3/5/14, Thomas Ward wrote:
 Hi Lindsay,

 Yes, there are still accessible games for Windows being developed.
 Although, you don't always here about them on this list there are
 various new games available that have been written in the last few
 months or so.

 From Draconis Entertainment we have their Silver Dollar game for
 Windows as well as for Mac. Draconis has also released Change Reaction
 2.0 for Windows as well.

 From Blind Adrenaline we have Rail Racer 2.0 in beta, and should be
 made available as a full version sometime in the next few months.

  On the Audio Games Forum someone has recently rewritten Hack by
 Daniel Zingaro in BGT and released it as freeware for Windows.

 Then, of course, I myself am still developing games, but do to time
 and circumstance haven't been able to bring any of my projects to
 release just yet. However, I can say there are more games coming from
 me hopefully in the not too distant future.

 In short, while games for the PC are seemingly few and far between
 that doesn't mean nobody is developing them. they are still under
 development even if it seems like they aren't.


 On 3/5/14, wrote:
 Are games for windows not being produced any more, if so, what games?

 Lindsay Cowell.

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Michael Feir

Disability advocate
Meadowvale Community Christian Reformed Church

Volunteer at The Dam
Twitter: mfeir
Skype: michael-feir
Author of Personal Power:
How Accessible Computers Can Enhance Personal Life For Blind People

A Life of Word and Sound

Creator and former editor of Audyssey Magazine 1996-2004
Check out my blog at:

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-05 Thread Darren Harris
I think though sooner or later a lot more games will be developed for apple
devices over windows because voiceover is built in. which is going to make
it easier for finding the relevant information in order to make it work.
With windows the developer not only has to make it work with the os but also
with third party screen readers and it's the fact that there are multiple
screen readers which is the problem. 

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Michael Feir
Sent: 05 March 2014 20:06
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

The only game I know of under development for Windows is Three
Monkeys. It's going to be an audio action roleplaying games using
binaural sound. That should be pretty awesome. News of accessible Game
development has always been very slow in coming for numerous reasons.
The only area where I think this has really changed is with games for
the iOS devices like iPAD or iPHONE. Some developers have gotten a lot
more hesitant to post news about games they're working on since people
are inevidably disappointed when things are delayed.

On 3/5/14, Thomas Ward wrote:
 Hi Lindsay,

 Yes, there are still accessible games for Windows being developed.
 Although, you don't always here about them on this list there are
 various new games available that have been written in the last few
 months or so.

 From Draconis Entertainment we have their Silver Dollar game for
 Windows as well as for Mac. Draconis has also released Change Reaction
 2.0 for Windows as well.

 From Blind Adrenaline we have Rail Racer 2.0 in beta, and should be
 made available as a full version sometime in the next few months.

  On the Audio Games Forum someone has recently rewritten Hack by
 Daniel Zingaro in BGT and released it as freeware for Windows.

 Then, of course, I myself am still developing games, but do to time
 and circumstance haven't been able to bring any of my projects to
 release just yet. However, I can say there are more games coming from
 me hopefully in the not too distant future.

 In short, while games for the PC are seemingly few and far between
 that doesn't mean nobody is developing them. they are still under
 development even if it seems like they aren't.


 On 3/5/14, wrote:
 Are games for windows not being produced any more, if so, what games?

 Lindsay Cowell.

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Michael Feir

Disability advocate
Meadowvale Community Christian Reformed Church

Volunteer at The Dam
Twitter: mfeir
Skype: michael-feir
Author of Personal Power:
How Accessible Computers Can Enhance Personal Life For Blind People

A Life of Word and Sound

Creator and former editor of Audyssey Magazine 1996-2004
Check out my blog at:

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-05 Thread lindsay . cowell
I hope not. Apple devices arre more expensive than windows devices. I for one 
can not afford an IPhone.

Lindsay Cowell

-original message-
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?
From: Darren Harris
Date: 05/03/2014 8:54 pm

I think though sooner or later a lot more games will be developed for apple
devices over windows because voiceover is built in. which is going to make
it easier for finding the relevant information in order to make it work.
With windows the developer not only has to make it work with the os but also
with third party screen readers and it's the fact that there are multiple
screen readers which is the problem. 

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Michael Feir
Sent: 05 March 2014 20:06
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

The only game I know of under development for Windows is Three
Monkeys. It's going to be an audio action roleplaying games using
binaural sound. That should be pretty awesome. News of accessible Game
development has always been very slow in coming for numerous reasons.
The only area where I think this has really changed is with games for
the iOS devices like iPAD or iPHONE. Some developers have gotten a lot
more hesitant to post news about games they're working on since people
are inevidably disappointed when things are delayed.

On 3/5/14, Thomas Ward wrote:
 Hi Lindsay,

 Yes, there are still accessible games for Windows being developed.
 Although, you don't always here about them on this list there are
 various new games available that have been written in the last few
 months or so.

 From Draconis Entertainment we have their Silver Dollar game for
 Windows as well as for Mac. Draconis has also released Change Reaction
 2.0 for Windows as well.

 From Blind Adrenaline we have Rail Racer 2.0 in beta, and should be
 made available as a full version sometime in the next few months.

  On the Audio Games Forum someone has recently rewritten Hack by
 Daniel Zingaro in BGT and released it as freeware for Windows.

 Then, of course, I myself am still developing games, but do to time
 and circumstance haven't been able to bring any of my projects to
 release just yet. However, I can say there are more games coming from
 me hopefully in the not too distant future.

 In short, while games for the PC are seemingly few and far between
 that doesn't mean nobody is developing them. they are still under
 development even if it seems like they aren't.


 On 3/5/14, wrote:
 Are games for windows not being produced any more, if so, what games?

 Lindsay Cowell.

 Gamers mailing list __
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Michael Feir

Disability advocate
Meadowvale Community Christian Reformed Church

Volunteer at The Dam
Twitter: mfeir
Skype: michael-feir
Author of Personal Power:
How Accessible Computers Can Enhance Personal Life For Blind People

A Life of Word and Sound

Creator and former editor of Audyssey Magazine 1996-2004
Check out my blog at:

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[Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-05 Thread Eleanor
Hi, Yes there are still games being produced for Windows.   We just 
released another game in the Inspector Cyndi in Newport series, Dead 
Man's Chest.  It is available on our website

In addition, we also released a kid's game for Windows, Find It - for 
kids 8 and up.

Eleanor Robinson
7-1287 Software

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-05 Thread Charles Rivard
The fact that there are so many screen readers is why most audio games 
either use sapi or have their own voices, isn't it?

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished, 
you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - 
From: Darren Harris

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

I think though sooner or later a lot more games will be developed for apple
devices over windows because voiceover is built in. which is going to make
it easier for finding the relevant information in order to make it work.
With windows the developer not only has to make it work with the os but 

with third party screen readers and it's the fact that there are multiple
screen readers which is the problem.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Michael 

Sent: 05 March 2014 20:06
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

The only game I know of under development for Windows is Three
Monkeys. It's going to be an audio action roleplaying games using
binaural sound. That should be pretty awesome. News of accessible Game
development has always been very slow in coming for numerous reasons.
The only area where I think this has really changed is with games for
the iOS devices like iPAD or iPHONE. Some developers have gotten a lot
more hesitant to post news about games they're working on since people
are inevidably disappointed when things are delayed.

On 3/5/14, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Lindsay,

Yes, there are still accessible games for Windows being developed.
Although, you don't always here about them on this list there are
various new games available that have been written in the last few
months or so.

From Draconis Entertainment we have their Silver Dollar game for
Windows as well as for Mac. Draconis has also released Change Reaction
2.0 for Windows as well.

From Blind Adrenaline we have Rail Racer 2.0 in beta, and should be
made available as a full version sometime in the next few months.

 On the Audio Games Forum someone has recently rewritten Hack by
Daniel Zingaro in BGT and released it as freeware for Windows.

Then, of course, I myself am still developing games, but do to time
and circumstance haven't been able to bring any of my projects to
release just yet. However, I can say there are more games coming from
me hopefully in the not too distant future.

In short, while games for the PC are seemingly few and far between
that doesn't mean nobody is developing them. they are still under
development even if it seems like they aren't.


On 3/5/14, wrote:

Are games for windows not being produced any more, if so, what games?

Lindsay Cowell.

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please send E-mail to

Michael Feir

Disability advocate
Meadowvale Community Christian Reformed Church

Volunteer at The Dam
Twitter: mfeir
Skype: michael-feir
Author of Personal Power:
How Accessible Computers Can Enhance Personal Life For Blind People

A Life of Word and Sound

Creator and former editor of Audyssey Magazine 1996-2004
Check out my blog at:

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-05 Thread Josh
they don't have to make it work with third party screen readers. they 
could always just make it for sapi5.

using windows7 laptop

On 3/5/2014 3:54 PM, Darren Harris wrote:

I think though sooner or later a lot more games will be developed for apple
devices over windows because voiceover is built in. which is going to make
it easier for finding the relevant information in order to make it work.
With windows the developer not only has to make it work with the os but also
with third party screen readers and it's the fact that there are multiple
screen readers which is the problem.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Michael Feir
Sent: 05 March 2014 20:06
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

The only game I know of under development for Windows is Three
Monkeys. It's going to be an audio action roleplaying games using
binaural sound. That should be pretty awesome. News of accessible Game
development has always been very slow in coming for numerous reasons.
The only area where I think this has really changed is with games for
the iOS devices like iPAD or iPHONE. Some developers have gotten a lot
more hesitant to post news about games they're working on since people
are inevidably disappointed when things are delayed.

On 3/5/14, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Lindsay,

Yes, there are still accessible games for Windows being developed.
Although, you don't always here about them on this list there are
various new games available that have been written in the last few
months or so.

 From Draconis Entertainment we have their Silver Dollar game for
Windows as well as for Mac. Draconis has also released Change Reaction
2.0 for Windows as well.

 From Blind Adrenaline we have Rail Racer 2.0 in beta, and should be
made available as a full version sometime in the next few months.

  On the Audio Games Forum someone has recently rewritten Hack by
Daniel Zingaro in BGT and released it as freeware for Windows.

Then, of course, I myself am still developing games, but do to time
and circumstance haven't been able to bring any of my projects to
release just yet. However, I can say there are more games coming from
me hopefully in the not too distant future.

In short, while games for the PC are seemingly few and far between
that doesn't mean nobody is developing them. they are still under
development even if it seems like they aren't.


On 3/5/14, wrote:

Are games for windows not being produced any more, if so, what games?

Lindsay Cowell.

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-05 Thread Josh
if you can't afford an iphone. get an ipod touch. its an iphone without 
the phone and they are only $223 on amazon. and they have nearly all the 
same apps as iphone and voiceover as well. and a 5mp camera also.

using windows7 laptop

On 3/5/2014 4:14 PM, wrote:

I hope not. Apple devices arre more expensive than windows devices. I for one 
can not afford an IPhone.

Lindsay Cowell

-original message-
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?
From: Darren Harris
Date: 05/03/2014 8:54 pm

I think though sooner or later a lot more games will be developed for apple
devices over windows because voiceover is built in. which is going to make
it easier for finding the relevant information in order to make it work.
With windows the developer not only has to make it work with the os but also
with third party screen readers and it's the fact that there are multiple
screen readers which is the problem.

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Michael Feir
Sent: 05 March 2014 20:06
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

The only game I know of under development for Windows is Three
Monkeys. It's going to be an audio action roleplaying games using
binaural sound. That should be pretty awesome. News of accessible Game
development has always been very slow in coming for numerous reasons.
The only area where I think this has really changed is with games for
the iOS devices like iPAD or iPHONE. Some developers have gotten a lot
more hesitant to post news about games they're working on since people
are inevidably disappointed when things are delayed.

On 3/5/14, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Lindsay,

Yes, there are still accessible games for Windows being developed.
Although, you don't always here about them on this list there are
various new games available that have been written in the last few
months or so.

 From Draconis Entertainment we have their Silver Dollar game for
Windows as well as for Mac. Draconis has also released Change Reaction
2.0 for Windows as well.

 From Blind Adrenaline we have Rail Racer 2.0 in beta, and should be
made available as a full version sometime in the next few months.

  On the Audio Games Forum someone has recently rewritten Hack by
Daniel Zingaro in BGT and released it as freeware for Windows.

Then, of course, I myself am still developing games, but do to time
and circumstance haven't been able to bring any of my projects to
release just yet. However, I can say there are more games coming from
me hopefully in the not too distant future.

In short, while games for the PC are seemingly few and far between
that doesn't mean nobody is developing them. they are still under
development even if it seems like they aren't.


On 3/5/14, wrote:

Are games for windows not being produced any more, if so, what games?

Lindsay Cowell.

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-05 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,

That is certainly part of it. Outputting text to speech is simpler for
a developer to do when there is a standard method for doing it such as
with SAPI which should be installed on every machine from XP on up by
default. With screen readers there are so many and each has its own
method for handling text that it rather complicates the process unless
a person uses something like Universal Speech which is fine for free
games but I haven't looked into using it in commercial projects. In
any case it has always been simpler for me to use SAPI or to just use
prerecorded speech than to develop a wrapper for each and every screen
reader in existence.


On 3/5/14, Charles Rivard wrote:
 The fact that there are so many screen readers is why most audio games
 either use sapi or have their own voices, isn't it?

 Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished,

 you! really! are! finished!

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Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

2014-03-05 Thread Charles Rivard

And all this time I thought that a rapper was a rap artist?  Sheesh.

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished, 
you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 7:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New games for windows not being produced any more?

Hi Charles,

That is certainly part of it. Outputting text to speech is simpler for
a developer to do when there is a standard method for doing it such as
with SAPI which should be installed on every machine from XP on up by
default. With screen readers there are so many and each has its own
method for handling text that it rather complicates the process unless
a person uses something like Universal Speech which is fine for free
games but I haven't looked into using it in commercial projects. In
any case it has always been simpler for me to use SAPI or to just use
prerecorded speech than to develop a wrapper for each and every screen
reader in existence.


On 3/5/14, Charles Rivard wrote:

The fact that there are so many screen readers is why most audio games
either use sapi or have their own voices, isn't it?

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're 

you! really! are! finished!

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