Re: [Talk-hr] oznacavanje uskih ulica

2010-08-22 Thread Marjan Vrban
On Sun, 22 Aug 2010 08:52:26 +0200, Marjan Vrban wrote:

 On Sat, 21 Aug 2010 22:25:14 + (UTC), Valent Turkovic wrote:
 [7 quoted lines suppressed]
 Možda je ovo već postojeće rješenje za uske ulice, staze...
 valjda ce i pametni rendereri znati koristiti i ovaj key pa sukladno tokmu 
 i renderirati širinu ulice na karti, a ovo je znacajno i za routing 
 (pogotovo za teretna vozila).

Evo i primjera Venecije kako to izgleda kod njih... sve footpath...

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] oznacavanje uskih ulica

2010-08-22 Thread Matija Nalis
On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 10:25:14PM +, Valent Turkovic wrote:
 Što više razmišljam o tagiranju uskih, srednjih i širokih ulica naših 
 primorskih mjesta sve više mislim da bi trebali skoro svi biti pedestrian.

Pa one koje su dovoljno uske da auto ne moze proci kroz njih definitivno ne
bi trebale biti pedestrian nego footway. Za sire ovisi, vidi nize.

ne moze biti nista nego footway :-)

 U opisu pedestrian taga stoji kako je to tag za centar grada, za široke 
 ulice koje su prohodne i za aute (zašto je to uopće bitno nije mi jasno a 
 ni drugima koji pitaju istu stvar na talk stranici wikija).

Pa to je vrlo bitno - naime cijeli smisao highway=pedastrian kako ga ja
shvacam i kako opis i diskusije sugeriraju je da definira pjesacku zonu.
Dakle ono sto se vertikalnom signalizacijom oznacava sa:

Ili alternativno hrpicom na prava mjesta postavljenih znakova:
i sl.

Dakle radi se o cesti po kojoj bi sasvim uredno mogli (i dapace nerijetko i
vrlo htjeli) prolaziti automobili, ali im je to iskljucivom zakonskom odlukom
gradskog prometnog poglavarstva zabranjeno (radi zelje grada da neka
cesta/podrucje bude slobodna od vozila: najcesce radi velikog prometa
pjesaka, nesigurnosti za pjesake ili smanjenjenja zracnog zagadjenja obicno
u uzem centru grada). 

Ponekad je cak po pjesackoj zoni promet dozvoljen za odredjenu klasu vozila,
i/ili u neko vrijeme (recimo dozvoljen promet motornih dostavnih vozila
izmedju 22-06 i sl); takvo sto bi svejedno bilo highway=pedestrian (sa opaskom u
note o iznimkama po mogucnosti).

Dakle zasto se highway=pedestrian stavlja samo na ulice prohodne za aute
bi po meni trebalo biti savrseno jasno: ako nije prohodna za aute, tj. ako
po fizikalnim zakonima nije moguce da se auto pojavi tamo; onda nema niti
neke potrebe donositi zakon/prometne znakove kojima se to proglasava
pjesackom zonom (highway=pedestrian) i zabranjuje autima da budu tamo -- jer
je i tako fizicki nemoguce da se isti tamo pojave!

Dakle, da probam napraviti pseudo-kod koji definira izbor izmedju to dvoje
(first match wins):

1) ako niti jedan auto *fizicki* ne moze proci tim putem (preuska i sl),
   onda je to highway=footway (uvijek i bez greske; bez obzira koliko nam se
   rendering tog taga u t...@h vise svidja od Mapnikovog ili whatever)

2) ako bi auto fizicki mogao proci tim putem, ali mu *prometni znakovi* to
   brane, onda je to highway=pedestrian

3) ako bi auto fizicki mogao proci tim putem kada bi se nasao tamo, ali
   postoje fizicke prepreke (stisnute zgrade, stupici, ograde itd) na svim
   mjestima moguces ulaska da bi uopce mogao *doci do tamo*, onda je to
   vjerojatno isto highway=pedestrian

4) ako nisi matchirao nista iznad, onda je highway=footway

Mislim da je prerekvizit za razmisljanje o tagu (bez skretanja na opasne
stranputice mapping for the renderer) taj da razmisljas uvijek kao da se
*oba taga* izmedju kojih dvojis renderiraju *potpuno isto* svuda (ili jos
bolje, kao da se uopce NE renderiraju u defaultnim renderima).

 Na primjeru jedne od glavnih Rapske ulica (
 apartments-zora/SlikeRab/Grad/RabSrednjaUlica.jpg) se vidi da nije ni 
 uska ni široka, auto bi mogao proći no tamo nema što raditi. Tu ulicu 

Da li netko ima tamo sto raditi ili ne je vrlo diskutabilno (i ne utjece na
rezultat odluke koji tag koristiti). Npr. za primjer gore siguran sam da bi
se naslo preko nekoliko genijalaca kojima bi bilo super (pod uvijetom da
mogu fizicki i da im ne bi nitko naplatio masnu kaznu) autom se odvesti do
te slasticarne na slici jer im se ne da hodati :-)

Pitanje je dakle samo da li im je to fizicki moguce, i da li im je to
zakonom dozvoljeno. Odgovor na ta dva pitanja uvrsti if/then/else
pseudo-program gore i vidi sto ces dobiti (ja nemam pojma kako je po Rabu,
pa ti ne mogu sam odgovoriti na to)

 nikako ne bih označio kao footway već obavezno kao pedestran, no bočne 
 ulice koje se granaju s nje (širine cca 1.5-2m) bih još razmislio kako je 
 pravilnije označiti. 

Kroz 1.5 vjerujem da ni manji auto ne moze fizicki (i mali uski puntac je
preko 1.6m sirine) proci tako da je definitivno footway, a iako bi u 2m
mozda teoretski mogao proci uski auto sa dobrim vozacem i brzinom
stani/kreni do 5km/h to bi u najboljem slucaju bio neki highway=service od
par metara (recimo za ulaz na parking u dvoristu stambene zgrade ako mu je
to namjena ili sl.) a ne cesta po kojoj bi se 

Re: [Talk-hr] oznacavanje uskih ulica

2010-08-22 Thread Matija Nalis
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 08:52:26AM +0200, Marjan Vrban wrote:
 On Sat, 21 Aug 2010 22:25:14 + (UTC), Valent Turkovic wrote:
  m funkciju tih ulica imaju skoro istu kao glavna ulica, i u 
  njima se nalaze trgovine, restorani, kafići, jedino je šira od glavne 
  ulice. Ne vidim razlog da se isključivo i samo zbog širine ulice koristi 
  drugi tag, i koja će to širina biti? 250cm je pedestran dok je ulica 249 
  širine footway? To mi je malo blesavo.
  Nadam se da razumiješ moju dvojbu.
 Možda je ovo već postojeće rješenje za uske ulice, staze...

da, to je tocno ono sto sam govorio. Prvo dodatnim tagovima bolje opisati
postojecu stvar (jer nije highway=footway ista stvar sa width=0.5 i
surface=gravel ili sa width=4.0 i surface=asphalt), a onda lobirati da se
takve razlike drugacije mapiraju u raznim rendererima. 

Ili na kraju krajeva dignuti posebni renderer za hrvatsku pa promovirati
njega (ili cemo i tako i tako prelaziti na razne druge stranice i radi
podataka a ne samo izgleda renderera - ako dodje do toga da se OSM forka,
sto mi ne izgleda tako nemoguce vise sa ovim licencnim kaosom)

E sad kako se ponasa trenutni renderer treba probati pa vidjeti (ili
pogledati u trenutni kod/definicije). Recimo na devel bazi se moze randomli
provlaciti x kombinacija pa vidjeti sto se dobije, ili se mogu upisati
podaci na pravoj bazi pa gledati kako se mijenja (no to je sporije i teze
za pratiti, a i kratkorocno zagadjuje kartu neispravnim podacima).

 valjda ce i pametni rendereri znati koristiti i ovaj key pa sukladno tokmu 
 i renderirati širinu ulice na karti, a ovo je znacajno i za routing 
 (pogotovo za teretna vozila).

poanta je da rendereri to uvijek MOGU uzeti u obzir (ako ne sad, onda mozda
kasnije; ili ce se u buducnosti npr. se pojavitui neki treci tag koji ce se
renderirati drugacije a koji bolje opisuje takvu stvar; tada moze se
pokrenuti bot koji ce npr. highway=footway sa sirinom  3 oznaciti kao taj
novi tip highwaya koji ih bolje opisuje itd). Ali za to je bitno da stvari
budu *ispravno* tagirane. Jer ako su krivo tagirane da bi bile ljepse
renderirane u danasnjem Mapniku onda to znaci da iako ce danas mapnik
izgledati lijepo:

- da ce drugi rendereri to ruzno renderati. Neki koji su mozda i bitniji
  (recimo mobilni uredjaji)
- da ce i sam Mapnik u buducnosti to mozda ruzno renderati jer ce se on
- da ce razni botovi propustiti nadograditi nase tagove na nove
- da ce razni botovi KRIVO nadograditi nase tagove na nesto
- da ce razni drugi programi koji nisu rendereri (routeri su recimo dosta
  popularni, iako tu ima svega) donositi krive odluke 
- raznim ljudima sa raznim potrebama nesto sto ce nama izgledati super ce
  biti uzasno, i obratno.
- i jos hrpa stvari koja meni trenutno nije pala na pamet, ali ne znaci da
  ne postoji.

Opinions above are GNU-copylefted.

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] oznacavanje uskih ulica

2010-08-22 Thread Matija Nalis

On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 03:22:23PM +0200, Janko Mihelić wrote:
 Što se tiče rendera, nemoguće je napraviti da je dobar za aute i
 bicikle/pješake istovremeno. Mapnik očito više pogoduje autima, makar bi
 autima bilo bolje da se highway-pedestrian isto crta crtkano, jer je njima
 svejedno gdje se kako šeće, a ovako ih može i zbuniti. 

da, to je sasvim moguce. Ako je to tako, sasvim je moguc taj rezultat.

No s druge strane, nekako naginjem da bi Mapnik ipak htio imati i malo vise
univerzalnosti u sebi (iako vjerujem da ce u slucaju nedoumica preferirati
automobile pred svima ostalima).

 Jednostavno treba napravit dva odvojena rendera, ovako će stalno biti

Vec je napravljeno: na kada kliknes na plusic
gore desno mozes birati izmedju Mapnik, Osmarender (by ti...@home) i Cycle
Map (koji je bas to, prilagodjen za bicikle. Ili bi trebao biti :)

Po defaultu ti pamti onaj na kojem si zadnje bio...

Opinions above are GNU-copylefted.

Talk-hr mailing list

[Talk-hr] Što je nedozvoljeno kopiranje, a š to nije

2010-08-22 Thread Janko Mihelić
Ne znam kako bih odredio granicu kopiranja informacije. Recimo da imam
knjigu u kojoj imam ucrtane nekakve kote. U knjizi piše Sva prava
pridržana. Recimo da mogu precrtati kote i pravit se grbav, nije da me mogu
uhvatiti. Ali što ako nisam baš siguran u kote, i onda odlučim upisati tag
source:knjigaSaKotama. Jel to legalno?

Hvala. Možemo pričati i o drugim tipovima precrtavanja i kopiranja jer
vjerujem da je to i drugima poprilično mutno područje.
Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Što je nedozvoljeno kopiranje, a š to nije

2010-08-22 Thread Matija Nalis
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 05:11:39PM +0200, Janko Mihelić wrote:
 Ne znam kako bih odredio granicu kopiranja informacije. Recimo da imam
 knjigu u kojoj imam ucrtane nekakve kote. U knjizi piše Sva prava

To bi čak i pravnom laiku trebali biti prilično jasno i nedvosmisleno da ne
smije ništa raditi s time, zar ne? (bar se meni tako čini, ali ja se već
neko vrijeme skroz amaterski motam po pravnim vodama, pa možda griješim)

 Recimo da mogu precrtati kote i pravit se grbav, nije da me mogu

Zapravo mogu. Upravo kako nagađaš niže, namjernim unošenjem neispravnih
podataka (tzv. Copyright Easter Eggs) po kojima vide da je precrtavano. 

 Ali što ako nisam baš siguran u kote, i onda odlučim upisati tag
 source:knjigaSaKotama. Jel to legalno?

Nije legalno. Dapače je izričito protuzakonito.

 Hvala. Možemo pričati i o drugim tipovima precrtavanja i kopiranja jer
 vjerujem da je to i drugima poprilično mutno područje.

Hvala na mailu, napokon me ponukao da umjesto da tebi detaljno odgovorim
direktno na listu da napokon složim stranicu: što se spremam već godinu
dana pa nikako da nađem vremena :-)

Evo sad sam našao vremana i složio to, pa pročitaj što piše na tom linku.
(pa vrati diskusiju ovdje ako treba, da možemo doraditi i poboljšati
stranice). A ako se kome da uljepšavati i dodati dodatne informacije i
primjere - dobro došli također!

Opinions above are GNU-copylefted.

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Što je nedozvoljeno kopiranje, a š to nije

2010-08-22 Thread Matija Nalis
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 10:16:41PM +0200, Ivan Biuklija wrote:
 Dana Sun, 22 Aug 2010 21:30:07 +0200, Marjan Vrban
 Koliko  bi ovakve situacije kršile nečija autorska prava, s obzirom na
 to  da  nisam  iskopirao položaj ulice, a naziv ulice je javni podatak
 koji bi po svim pravilima trebao biti označen?

 Slažem se ja naziv ulice javan, ali na koji način doći do naziva ulice, a
 da je legale što se tiče OSM pravila, osim da pogledaš tablu, neznam.

 Gledanje na tablu je naravno, pod uvjetom da je tabla postavljena, da je
 ispisana gramatički ispravno i da se ne radi o (pra)starom nazivu. Ako ta 
 tri uvjeta nisu ispunjena, bez gledanja u više izvora i eventualnog 
 stanovnika te ulice, ne postoji drugi način.

Tako je. To pobrojano su otrpilike svi legalni nacini.

But worry not, dok smo mapirali Trnavu i Borongaj, barem nasa ekipa sa
biciklima je susrela hrpu vrlo susretljivih starijih ljudi koji su u zamjenu
da im kazemo sto to zapravo radimo bili spremni pruziti sve informacije koje
pozelimo... mislim da smo mogli skupiti history svih ulica od 1920 do danas
samo da smo malo dulje ostali procaskati :-)

 Malo mi ne nejasno kako HT može polagati kopirajt na broj telefona i
 adresu, ali čim su se ogradili u dnu, jasno je o čemu se radi.

Da. U Hrvatskoj su copyright, original database copyright, i sui generis
database rights sve skupljeno u jednom zakonu koji se zove Zakon o
autorskom pravu i srodnim pravima. Zakon ti je linkan na
a posebno te zanima Poglavlje 6. PRAVO PROIZVODJACA BAZE PODATAKA

 Pretpostavljam istom logikom da ne bismo smjeli otići na i
 prepisati poštanske brojeve jer je (c) 2005 Hrvatska pošta d.d.

Da, tocno tako. S tim da je yours truly ishodio dozvolu od Hrvatskih Posta
da se postanski brojevi mogu koristiti. Linkovi na ta 3 maila su isto
navedeni na URLu

 To znam. Tko će onda najebati zbog odavanja vojne tajne na

Ako su krivi, oni koji su za to odgovorni. No mozda su dobili dozvolu, mi to
ne znamo. Mozemo ih pitati.

 Ili smo u prekršaju samim gledanjem tih karata?

Nije nemoguce, vidi kako su hapsili one gore ;-)

No to je bilo po clanku kaznenog zakona za odavanje vojne tajne, a ne po
zakonu o autorskom pravu i srodnim pravima (detalji su ti na danom haerbe 

 Dobro, karte su sada službeno negdje 'javno' objavljene, ali ih ne smijemo
 koristiti jer je sada ministarstvo polaže autorska prava na njih?

Otprilike tako. Autorsko pravo ne polaze nuzno ministarstvo (iako je moguce
- no jednako tako je moguce da su samo dobili dozvolu za objavu), no to sto
je nesto objavljeno (na webu ili drugdje) ne znaci da imas pravo
reprodukcije, umnazanja, distribucije i/ili izmjene istog.

Upravo suprotno - ogromna vecina stvari je objavljena negdje pa je copyright
svejedno stiti (zapravo dalo bi se reci da copyright u praksi i stiti samo
stvari koje su objavljene; jer one koje nisu objavljene nego ih samo njihov
autor posjeduje niti ne treba stititi jer ih se nema od cega stititi).

Dakle to sto je nesto na webu ne znaci da imas pravo s tim raditi ista sto
zakon brani (a brani *sve* sto bi nam bilo korisno). Dakle jedini nacin za
dobiti dozvolu je pitati sto se smije i traziti eksplicitnu dozvolu za ono
sto se ne smije. Ima primjer na linku kojeg sam dao kako sam ja to trazio
informacije prvo od Drzavnog zavoda za Intelektulno vlasnistvo oko nedoumica
oko prava, a zatim trazio (i dobio) dozvolu od Hrvatskih Posta - pa ako
netko zeli to iskoristiti za upite drugje, slobodno -- keep us posted sto i
koga ste trazili i koje odgovore ste dobili.

 3. Kad smo kod toga, kakav je uopće pravni status podataka s ili iz katastra?

 ?? 2009 Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, ribarstva i ruralnog razvoja.

 Jasno. A službeni dio Narodnih novina? Kao i na cijelom siteu,
 Copyright ?? Narodne novine d.d. Sva prava pridržana, a radi se o

Da, gdje? Na ja to ne vidim (primjeti da su nesto drugo i gdje ima puno vise raznih sadzaja, a ne samo zakoni
i pravilnici i sl.).

 zakonima, pravilnicima i slično. Mogu li oni uopće polagati autorsko
 pravo na to?

Ne mogu na to. Preciznije, ZAPSPa (NN167/03) kaze:

2) Nisu predmetom autorskog prava:
1. otkrica, sluzbeni tekstovi iz podrucja zakonodavstva, uprave i sudstva
(zakoni, uredbe, odluke, izvjesca, zapisnici, sudske odluke, standardi i
sl.) i druga sluzbena djela, kao i njihove zbirke, koja su objavljena radi
sluzbenog informiranja javnosti

Primjeti takodjer cak i kad bi pisalo takvo sto na jednu bitnu stvar: sva
prava pridrzana samo znaci da se ne odricu niti jednog prava koje imaju; a
ne da i tvrde da neka prava postoje i u kojem obimu. Takodjer taj tekst je
pravno suvisan u RH, jer ako nije nista napisano uvijek se podrazumijeva po
sili zakona da su sva prava pridrzana; odnosno 

Re: [Talk-hr] Što je nedozvoljeno kopiranje, a š to nije

2010-08-22 Thread Ivan Biuklija

Monday, August 23, 2010, 2:00:38 AM, Matija Nalis wrote:

 Ne bih znao, treba ih pitati. Ako se nekome da, mogu vidjeti kako sam ja
 pitao za postanske brojeve na
 pa pitati tako ili slicno i javiti na listu da su to napravili i koje su
 rezultati (ako/kad se pojave rezultati ili prodje par tjedana a da se ne

Ajmo  hipotetski,  da  pošta  nije dala dozvolu za korištenje te baze,
kako  bismo  došli  do  tih  podataka? Iz glave bi ih, pretpostavljam,
smjeli  pisati.  Kakav  bi  status  imali eventualni telefonski pozivi
pošti s upitima?

 4. Smijem  li  koristiti neku kartu sa zaštićenim pravima kako bih pronašao
 i odabrao trasu, primjerice, poljskim putevima i onda ih snimiti GPS-om?

 Da, smijes.

E  sad,  ne  zezam  već  ozbiljno  pitam.  Što ako u proučavanju karte
i odabiru rute namjerno  ili  nenamjerno  zapamtim  nazive  ulica,  a
na   terenu   ne  primijetim samu tablu?

Best regards,

Talk-hr mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Contributor Terms - The Early Years

2010-08-22 Thread Mike Collinson

You asked about the early intent of the Contributor Terms before they were 
re-written by legal counsel.  As promised: or directly


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Is CC-BY-SA is compatible with ODbL?

2010-08-22 Thread Mike Collinson
At 10:46 AM 14/08/2010, Rob Myers wrote:
On 08/14/2010 07:33 AM, Liz wrote:

If you believe, like many data donors, that the attribution must be preserved,
then a licence which incorporates the viral provisions is necessary.

The ODbL does incorporate attribution. From a given work you can find out 
which dataset was used to produce it, and from a given dataset you can find 
out who produced it.

BY-SA already requires less attribution than the GNU FDL, and this was an 
issue for some people when Wikipedia was relicenced -

- Rob.

And section 4 of the Contributor Terms is designed for first-stage attribution 
of data donors irrespective of license used.

Thanks Rob for the article. I was struck by the moderate importance attached in 
the survey result to the wiki(pedia) history page.  It has bothered me that 
though attribution is a good abstract idea , we lacked a similar mechanism in a 
database of highly factual non-immutable data to make it sticky.  It strikes me 
that the work by Matt now gives a practical analogue of that in the history 
planet dump that has now been published.  Speculatively, it is perhaps 
something we should commit to continue publishing as part of our attribution 


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Is CC-BY is compatible with ODbL/CT?

2010-08-22 Thread David Groom

- Original Message - 
From: Mike Collinson
To: Licensing and other legal discussions.; 
Francis Davey

Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2010 2:38 PM
Subject: [OSM-legal-talk] Is CC-BY is compatible with ODbL/CT?

(Was [OSM-legal-talk] Is CC-BY-SA is compatible with ODbL?)
At 10:38 AM 14/08/2010, Francis Davey wrote:

On 14 August 2010 09:22, 80n wrote:

In order to submit CC-BY-SA under the contributor terms you need to give
OSMF rights that you don't possess.

CC-BY-SA does not grant you a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive,
perpetual, irrevocable license to do any act that is restricted by
copyright and so you can't pass that right on to OSMF.  Its as simple 

that isn't it?

That looks right to me. In order to comply with section 2 of the
contributor terms and contributor must be able to grant an extremely
widely drafted licence. If the contributor is merely a licensee under
CC-BY-SA they will not be able to comply with section 2 of the
contributor terms.

I also think its pretty clear that, in context, section 1 would not be
complied with either. It would be impossible for a CC licensee to
agree to You have explicit permission from the rights holder to
submit the Contents and grant the license below. since CC-BY-SA does
not give that permission.

Apologies if this misses the point: I am a lawyer not a mapper.

Francis, thank you. And I am a mapper not a lawyer so this may be a dumb 
question relating to CC-BY (not CC-BY-SA):

If Section 2 of the Contributor Terms [1] were amended from

Rights granted. Subject to Section 3 below, You hereby grant to OSMF a 
worldwide, ...


Rights granted. Subject to Section 3 and 4 below, You hereby grant to OSMF 
a worldwide, ...

do you see at least converging compatibility with CC-BY [2]? Or indeed it 
is implicit now?


(1) Section 4 always was intended to allow and encourage governmental 
organisation imports that require attribution under the standard terms 
without need for derogation.

(2) Maintain maximum flexibility for future choices.  The license used in 
section 3 might vary over the next 100 years due to the freedoms in 
Section 2 but Section 4 remains immutable.  We attribute our sources but 
not necessarily force users further down the chain to do so.

If you say not necessarily force users further down the chain to do so 
isn't that a breach CC-BY  terms which, Under 8b, requires Licensor offers 
to the recipient a licence to the original Work on the same terms and 
conditions as the licence granted to You under this Licence [2 below]. 
Surely if  we use CC-BY data, we have for require (force) users down the 
line to attibute it to the origional authors.


(3) Avoid the attribution chain problem now.  Not get into the situation 
where end users making maps are forced to check whether just possibly they 
are making a map with data from a 100 agencies and have to attribute on 
the map.  This is the real reason I am twisting and turning not to just 
say we will accept any attribution terms required.  We want to migrate 
from CCs license specifically because they are not suited, it would be a 
great shame to bring back all the ambiguity via the back door.



[2] If a specific topical version is useful,

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Is CC-BY is compatible with ODbL/CT?

2010-08-22 Thread Mike Collinson
At 05:50 PM 22/08/2010, David Groom wrote:

(1) Section 4 always was intended to allow and encourage governmental 
organisation imports that require attribution under the standard terms 
without need for derogation.

(2) Maintain maximum flexibility for future choices.  The license used in 
section 3 might vary over the next 100 years due to the freedoms in Section 2 
but Section 4 remains immutable.  We attribute our sources but not 
necessarily force users further down the chain to do so.

If you say not necessarily force users further down the chain to do so isn't 
that a breach CC-BY  terms which, Under 8b, requires Licensor offers to the 
recipient a licence to the original Work on the same terms and conditions as 
the licence granted to You under this Licence [2 below]. Surely if  we use 
CC-BY data, we have for require (force) users down the line to attibute it 
to the origional authors.


Yes, that really is the rub, isn't it?

I do not see much of an issue with sideways attributions where a derivative 
geodata database has been from OSM as the main source. The Deriver copies and uses it appropriately.

Things become difficult when geodata sources really open up and OSM is a major 
but amongst thousands of geospatial resources and folks will be routinely 
creating multiple mixed derived databases and them mixing them too.  
Governments move on to more realistic licensing but we can't. Oops.  But I may 
be being pessimistic.

Then there is upwards attribution. Software generally does not demand that a 
book attribute the word-processor used, the various image packages used to make 
the picture, how field notes were made ... CC-BY is vague on this as, like CC 
BY SA, it is not written for databases. Are we really going to have to force 
any map-maker to acknowledge hundreds of sources because they just might be 
adding to a particular area??

We seem to be dealing with all this at the moment by simply ignoring it.


PS only attributes Australian 
Bureau of Statistics as an Australian source. I've counted at least 6 CC-BY 
licenses in the import catalogue. :-) 

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Is CC-BY-SA is compatible with ODbL - a philosophical point

2010-08-22 Thread David Groom
- Original Message - 
From: 80n

To: Licensing and other legal discussions.
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Is CC-BY-SA is compatible with ODbL - a 
philosophical point

On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 5:44 PM, David Groom 

Why are we changing the licence?  Well [1] states among other things that 

[CC-BY-SA]  is therefore very difficult to interpret,  and we have 

seen this situation occur many times when people have asked what can and
can't be done with OSM data, and no definitive answer could be found.

If it was unclear if something was allowed under CC-BY-SA then users of 
data were asked to take a cautious approach.  And that seems very 
stance to take, even though it resulted in a lower than hoped for use of 

data. So it was decided that since even the OSM community could not
categorically say how  CC-BY-SA applied to OSM data a licence change was

Move forward a bit and we start to implement the new licence.  Since we
could not reach consensus on how CC-By-SA applied to our data, it seems
reasonable to assume that we can not assume how CC-BY-SA data applies to
other people data, and therefor to be safe I presume we won't simply be
blindly importing  CC-BY-SA data into OSM.  I presume we will be 
providers of data that has a CC-BY-SA licence and asking if we can use 

data in OSM.  So our permission to use the data will stem not from a
CC-BY-SA licence, but from the explicit permission given by the copyright

Or am I missing something?

David, CC-BY-SA licensed content is incompatible with ODbL+CT.

CC-BY-SA derived content would not be allowed in an ODbL version of OSM.

Sorry I should have made it clear that I realise that.  As I titled the 
post, it was more a philosophical point that extended beyond the confines of 
the CT's  ODbL.

I suppose where it ovelaps with the discussion on CT  ODbl is where I asked 
if  we will be approaching providers of data that has a CC-BY-SA licence 
and asking if we can use that data in OSM.  So our permission to use the 
data will stem not from a CC-BY-SA licence, but from the explicit permission 
given by the copyright holder.  As such it then wouldn't  matter if 
CC-BY-SA were incompatible eith the CT  ODbL as we would not be relying on 
the CC-BY-SA licence, but rather on the explicit permisison.



Furthermore if we don't approach CC-BY-SA providers and ask if we can use
their data, then we are using it by virtue of the fact it is CC-BY-SA, 

surely the CC-BY-SA permissions flow though into the OSM data. In which
case nothing has been gained from the licence change process as the same
permissions which were there before (and were difficult to interpret) 


Apologies if this has been discussed before, but I cant see anything 

it on the implementation plan [2]




legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] New license for business: meh

2010-08-22 Thread Frederik Ramm


   I'm sort of sick of allegations that what I say and do in the 
community is somehow tainted by myself doing business in OSM. Here's a 
quote from talk a while ago:

Chris Browet wrote:
The fact that many key players (SteveC, Frederik, Richard(?)) in the 
project also have commercial interests in the OSM data also make me 
nervous and doubtful.

I assure you it does not have to make you nervous. Just because someone 
earns money doesn't automatically make him an asshole with no morals. 
Basically, everyone who writes what you wrote above somehow seems to 
want to say: We must always consider that he might be lying to us 
because he wants to make more money.

This makes me sad; I spend a lot of time with OSM stuff, and I could 
certainly be making a lot more money if I'd take a job in some IT 
consultancy. But I chose to work in OSM because that way I get to do 
what I like. Hear? WHAT I LIKE. I have found a way to earn a living from 
doing what I like, and helping to move the project forward while I'm 
doing that.

Until now, I have had exactly one prospective client who, after I had 
explained the CC-BY-SA to him, want away with a no thank you, and I 
have had exactly one prospective client for whom the CC-BY-SA would have 
been fine but his project wouldn't work with the ODbL (forcing him to 
release a database he would not have wanted to release), so he went away 

So the ODbL isn't really better or worse for business - it depends, or 
at least that's my view.

In a way, of course, I have a business interest in OSM growing and 
becoming better, but can you hold that against me?

You could also say that I have a business interest in the license 
matter being resolved one way or the other becaus that saves me from 
having to explain *two* licenses to every prospective customer which is 
a bit painful sometimes.

And as for me being a key player - I am writing a lot on the lists, I 
am mapping a bit, I have written some software, and I am on the data 
working group. I am not essential to anything OSM does, don't hold an 
OSMF post (nor have I ever sought one)...


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Is CC-BY-SA is compatible with ODbL - a philosophical point

2010-08-22 Thread 80n
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 7:50 PM, David Groom revi...@pacific-rim.netwrote:

 - Original Message - From: 80n
 To: Licensing and other legal discussions.
 Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Is CC-BY-SA is compatible with ODbL - a
 philosophical point

  On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 5:44 PM, David Groom

  Why are we changing the licence?  Well [1] states among other things that
 [CC-BY-SA]  is therefore very difficult to interpret,  and we have
 seen this situation occur many times when people have asked what can and
 can't be done with OSM data, and no definitive answer could be found.

 If it was unclear if something was allowed under CC-BY-SA then users of
 data were asked to take a cautious approach.  And that seems very
 stance to take, even though it resulted in a lower than hoped for use of
 data. So it was decided that since even the OSM community could not
 categorically say how  CC-BY-SA applied to OSM data a licence change was

 Move forward a bit and we start to implement the new licence.  Since we
 could not reach consensus on how CC-By-SA applied to our data, it seems
 reasonable to assume that we can not assume how CC-BY-SA data applies to
 other people data, and therefor to be safe I presume we won't simply be
 blindly importing  CC-BY-SA data into OSM.  I presume we will be
 providers of data that has a CC-BY-SA licence and asking if we can use
 data in OSM.  So our permission to use the data will stem not from a
 CC-BY-SA licence, but from the explicit permission given by the copyright

 Or am I missing something?

 David, CC-BY-SA licensed content is incompatible with ODbL+CT.

 CC-BY-SA derived content would not be allowed in an ODbL version of OSM.

 Sorry I should have made it clear that I realise that.  As I titled the
 post, it was more a philosophical point that extended beyond the confines of
 the CT's  ODbL.

David, I know that you realise that.  I just wanted to clarify this for the
benefit of others reading this thread who may not have the detailed
background knowledge or stumble on this thread out of context.

 I suppose where it ovelaps with the discussion on CT  ODbl is where I
 asked if  we will be approaching providers of data that has a CC-BY-SA
 licence and asking if we can use that data in OSM.  So our permission to use
 the data will stem not from a CC-BY-SA licence, but from the explicit
 permission given by the copyright holder.  As such it then wouldn't  matter
 if CC-BY-SA were incompatible eith the CT  ODbL as we would not be relying
 on the CC-BY-SA licence, but rather on the explicit permisison.



  Furthermore if we don't approach CC-BY-SA providers and ask if we can use
 their data, then we are using it by virtue of the fact it is CC-BY-SA,
 surely the CC-BY-SA permissions flow though into the OSM data. In which
 case nothing has been gained from the licence change process as the same
 permissions which were there before (and were difficult to interpret)

 Apologies if this has been discussed before, but I cant see anything
 it on the implementation plan [2]




 legal-talk mailing list

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] New license for business: meh

2010-08-22 Thread Nic Roets
I can't speak for Chris, but you don't make me nervous because you're quite
open and you don't drive any issues that may have business implications.

On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 9:01 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:


   I'm sort of sick of allegations that what I say and do in the community
 is somehow tainted by myself doing business in OSM. Here's a quote from talk
 a while ago:

 Chris Browet wrote:

 The fact that many key players (SteveC, Frederik, Richard(?)) in the
 project also have commercial interests in the OSM data also make me nervous
 and doubtful.

 I assure you it does not have to make you nervous. Just because someone
 earns money doesn't automatically make him an asshole with no morals.
 Basically, everyone who writes what you wrote above somehow seems to want to
 say: We must always consider that he might be lying to us because he wants
 to make more money.

 This makes me sad; I spend a lot of time with OSM stuff, and I could
 certainly be making a lot more money if I'd take a job in some IT
 consultancy. But I chose to work in OSM because that way I get to do what I
 like. Hear? WHAT I LIKE. I have found a way to earn a living from doing what
 I like, and helping to move the project forward while I'm doing that.

 Until now, I have had exactly one prospective client who, after I had
 explained the CC-BY-SA to him, want away with a no thank you, and I have
 had exactly one prospective client for whom the CC-BY-SA would have been
 fine but his project wouldn't work with the ODbL (forcing him to release a
 database he would not have wanted to release), so he went away too.

 So the ODbL isn't really better or worse for business - it depends, or at
 least that's my view.

 In a way, of course, I have a business interest in OSM growing and
 becoming better, but can you hold that against me?

 You could also say that I have a business interest in the license matter
 being resolved one way or the other becaus that saves me from having to
 explain *two* licenses to every prospective customer which is a bit painful

 And as for me being a key player - I am writing a lot on the lists, I am
 mapping a bit, I have written some software, and I am on the data working
 group. I am not essential to anything OSM does, don't hold an OSMF post (nor
 have I ever sought one)...


 Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

 legal-talk mailing list

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] New license for business: meh

2010-08-22 Thread Anthony
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 3:45 PM, Nic Roets wrote:
 I can't speak for Chris, but you [Frederik] don't make me nervous because 
 you're quite
 open and you don't drive any issues that may have business implications.

He doesn't make me nervous, but I wouldn't want him (or anyone else)
to have any say in the relicensing of my contributions.

On the other hand, who cares?  You make me nervous and doubtful.
You make me sad.  Isn't there a discuss-your-feelings-l for this

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Contributor Terms - The Early Years

2010-08-22 Thread SomeoneElse

 On 22/08/2010 15:27, Mike Collinson wrote: or directly


Thanks Mike.  Any idea how or why the or got lost from para 1 between 
0.2 and 1.0?  Without it para 1 in 1.0 seems self-contradictory to me?


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Contributor Terms - The Early Years

2010-08-22 Thread Richard Weait
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 7:58 PM, SomeoneElse wrote:
  On 22/08/2010 15:27, Mike Collinson wrote: or directly


 Thanks Mike.  Any idea how or why the or got lost from para 1 between 0.2
 and 1.0?  Without it para 1 in 1.0 seems self-contradictory to me?

That's an open question for the lawyer that wrote the CT.  In casual
conversation with one lawyer (casual as in I wasn't paying the
lawyer) I was told that legal-English is not FORTRAN and the or is not
required for legal-English syntax.  This one lawyer does not trump the
OSMF lawyer, this is just one data point.  Perhaps any lawyers on this
list would comment on this matter in general?

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Contributor Terms - The Early Years

2010-08-22 Thread Anthony
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 8:34 PM, Richard Weait wrote:
 That's an open question for the lawyer that wrote the CT.  In casual
 conversation with one lawyer (casual as in I wasn't paying the
 lawyer) I was told that legal-English is not FORTRAN and the or is not
 required for legal-English syntax.  This one lawyer does not trump the
 OSMF lawyer, this is just one data point.

What jurisdiction(s) did that lawyer practice in?

Also, did you get a chance to ask him if the second sentence (*)
applies If You are not the copyright holder of the Contents?

In any case, as a contract of adhesion, the courts are likely to
interpret the contract in favor of the non-OSMF litigant.

(*) You represent and warrant that You are legally entitled to grant
the license in Section 2 below and that such license does not violate
any law, breach any contract, or, to the best of Your knowledge,
infringe any third party’s rights.

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Felix Hartmann
 Instead of just moaning about the Odbl, let's stark working on a 
future without Odbl. So let's do our best to convince as many mappers as 
possible to not accept Odbl, reopen registration to people who want to 
contribute under CCBYSA2.0 terms, and put pressure on OSMF and others to 
tell them that if they decide to go the Odbl way, they will loose us and 
also be faced with a fork.

This is not for legal-talk, because it should not be about why we don't 
want the Odbl, but what WE can do to stop it and continue working under 

This means we have to find a new domain, new servers, and get the 
usernames/passwords copied so people can login to the CCBYSA 2.0 fork 
without new registration.

I put up a wiki page with a few points here, please contribute:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Robert Scott
On Sunday 22 August 2010, Felix Hartmann wrote:
 This means we have to find a new domain, new servers, and get the 
 usernames/passwords copied so people can login to the CCBYSA 2.0 fork 
 without new registration.

How about you start with your own mailing lists?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Felix Hartmann

 On 22.08.2010 12:26, Robert Scott wrote:

On Sunday 22 August 2010, Felix Hartmann wrote:

This means we have to find a new domain, new servers, and get the
usernames/passwords copied so people can login to the CCBYSA 2.0 fork
without new registration.

How about you start with your own mailing lists?


talk mailing list

Why should We?

Is this mailinglist excluding anyone who does not agree to the Odbl? If 
so then clearly state this somewhere and tell everyone else so fuck off.

As I hope this is not the case, currently we should be able to work from 
here too. (besides as I noticed by private mails, there are already 
people working on a fork on a rather private basis for now)...

This list should be for general talk about OSM, and working on how to 
continue OSM as we know it, should be part of it!

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Jenny Campbell
More talk from the folk who would rather brush everyone else's concerns 
under the carpet I see? I seriously look on OSM in despair at the moment 
with comments like that.


On 22/08/2010 11:26, Robert Scott wrote:

How about you start with your own mailing lists?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Frederik Ramm


Felix Hartmann wrote:
Instead of just moaning about the Odbl, let's stark working on a future 
without Odbl. So let's do our best to convince as many mappers as 
possible to not accept Odbl, reopen registration to people who want to 
contribute under CCBYSA2.0 terms, and put pressure on OSMF and others to 
tell them that if they decide to go the Odbl way, they will loose us and 
also be faced with a fork.

I am all for people being constructive, so you have my support if you 
want to create a fork, and I have no reason to tell people that they 
should not support that. There are certainly good uses for a fork.

However, you do not only want to create a fork but *also* do your best 
to harm the rest of the project that goes along with ODbL. You say you 
want to convince as many people as possible not to sign up to ODbL, in 
order to cripple that effort, with the hope of in the end forcing 
everyone to stick with your fork.

These two aspects are separate - you could set up a fork *without* doing 
anti-ODbL propaganda.

I think this is unnecessary. Also, from discussions myself various 
others had with you on the German forum, I still have the impression 
that your opposition to ODbL is based on fear and uncertainty and not on 
fact. I don't think you have understood (or are willing to understand) 
the reasons for changing the license.

(If you feel you need to discuss this further, please make sure to do so 
on legal-talk and not here.)

This is not a good starting position for a fork. I'd rather have somone 
do it who doesn't do it out of blind protest and political propaganda.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread John Smith
On 22 August 2010 20:58, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 This is not a good starting position for a fork. I'd rather have somone do
 it who doesn't do it out of blind protest and political propaganda.

License disputes is one of the more common reasons for forks to occur.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Florian Heer

Felix Hartmann schrieb:
 Instead of just moaning about the Odbl, let's stark working on a 
future without Odbl. So let's do our best to convince as many mappers 
as possible to not accept Odbl, reopen registration to people who want 
to contribute under CCBYSA2.0 terms, and put pressure on OSMF and 
others to tell them that if they decide to go the Odbl way, they will 
loose us and also be faced with a fork.

I think this is quite interesting: if you do not do as I want, YOU will 
be responsible. Isn't there a term for this? I think it's blackmail

This means we have to find a new domain, new servers, and get the 
usernames/passwords copied so people can login to the CCBYSA 2.0 fork 
without new registration.

I think this could be a real problem. Because I for one do not agree to 
have my log in credentials copied to any other server.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Frederik Ramm


John Smith wrote:

This is not a good starting position for a fork. I'd rather have somone do
it who doesn't do it out of blind protest and political propaganda.

License disputes is one of the more common reasons for forks to occur.

Yes, but it can be done clear-headed and without hatred. They want this, 
we want that, ok we do our different ways - what I didn't like about 
Felix's post was that it was *not* really about going forward but about 
ruining it for the others as much as possible.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CC BYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Robert Scott
On Sunday 22 August 2010, Jenny Campbell wrote:
 everyone else's concerns 

You are trying to make it sound like there are a huge number of people that 
agree with you. Perhaps you genuinely believe that. If so I think you are 
tremendously mistaken. It is a very vocal minority. There have been threats of 
a fork for about a year now from what I can remember. They have not gone 
anywhere so far. The only effect they have had is to be disruptive to those of 
us who want to be productive and use the various lists to discuss our 
productive activities. -talk has become near useless for that. I think most 
fork-threateners have no intention of doing anything other than disrupt things 
until they get their way.

On Sunday 22 August 2010, Felix Hartmann wrote:
 Why should We?
 Is this mailinglist excluding anyone who does not agree to the Odbl? If 
 so then clearly state this somewhere and tell everyone else so fuck off.

You are proposing to start your own project. This project would not be OSM. 
This is a list to discuss OSM.

I can't believe I have got sucked in to this, but I've spent so long watching 
this list degenerate.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Felix Hartmann

 On 22.08.2010 12:58, Frederik Ramm wrote:


Felix Hartmann wrote:
Instead of just moaning about the Odbl, let's stark working on a 
future without Odbl. So let's do our best to convince as many mappers 
as possible to not accept Odbl, reopen registration to people who 
want to contribute under CCBYSA2.0 terms, and put pressure on OSMF 
and others to tell them that if they decide to go the Odbl way, they 
will loose us and also be faced with a fork.

I am all for people being constructive, so you have my support if you 
want to create a fork, and I have no reason to tell people that they 
should not support that. There are certainly good uses for a fork.

However, you do not only want to create a fork but *also* do your best 
to harm the rest of the project that goes along with ODbL. You say you 
want to convince as many people as possible not to sign up to ODbL, in 
order to cripple that effort, with the hope of in the end forcing 
everyone to stick with your fork.
As I stated, my goal is to have OSM to continue under CCBYSA2.0 -  and I 
think this will workout best by showing the people that they do not have 
to blindly accept the new Odbl including the strange Contributor Terms. 
If there was a fair decision for the users, than the question would not 
be do you accept the new terms Yes or No, but which license do you 
prefer - (and which additional licenses would you accept to work with).

The current process is simply dictated by people that do everything to 
push through ODbL, in hoping that most users blindly accept without ever 
thinking about it!

It is clear that a fork makes only sense, if enough people participate 
in it, but the same is true for OSM under Odbl. If 80% of people wander 
of to work on the fork instead, than soon the remaining 20% of people 
will be faced to decide how they want to continue.

So yes, I do want to do my best to stop the ODbl by showing everyone 
that it is possible for us, to continue successfully using CCBYSA.

These two aspects are separate - you could set up a fork *without* 
doing anti-ODbL propaganda.

I think this is unnecessary. Also, from discussions myself various 
others had with you on the German forum, I still have the impression 
that your opposition to ODbL is based on fear and uncertainty and not 
on fact. I don't think you have understood (or are willing to 
understand) the reasons for changing the license.

(If you feel you need to discuss this further, please make sure to do 
so on legal-talk and not here.)

This is not a good starting position for a fork. I'd rather have 
somone do it who doesn't do it out of blind protest and political 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread John Smith
On 22 August 2010 21:09, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 Yes, but it can be done clear-headed and without hatred. They want this, we

Considering how heated the debate over the license is, do you
seriously think this won't happen on similar topics as well?

 want that, ok we do our different ways - what I didn't like about Felix's
 post was that it was *not* really about going forward but about ruining it
 for the others as much as possible.

You are just as guilty over using emotive language as any of us.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread John Smith
On 22 August 2010 21:12, Robert Scott wrote:
 On Sunday 22 August 2010, Jenny Campbell wrote:
 everyone else's concerns

 You are trying to make it sound like there are a huge number of people that 
 agree with you. Perhaps you genuinely believe that. If so I think you are 
 tremendously mistaken. It is a very vocal minority. There

You mean like the vocal minority for CTs/ODBL ?

Most won't care either way, but some people might care less if they
don't feel there is an option, at present the CTs/ODBL seem to be
forced upon us or else we won't be able to keep our edits in the
database or edit in future... who is making the ultimatum exactly?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Eugene Alvin Villar
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 6:08 PM, Felix Hartmann wrote:

 This means we have to find a new domain, new servers, and get the
 usernames/passwords copied so people can login to the CCBYSA 2.0 fork
 without new registration.

If you must fork, fork the data (planet.osm), not the user data. I disagree
with having my credentials being carried over to a separate project that I
would not want to be involved in.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le dimanche 22 août 2010 à 13:08, Florian Heer a écrit :
  This means we have to find a new domain, new servers, and get the 
  usernames/passwords copied so people can login to the CCBYSA 2.0 fork 
  without new registration.
 I think this could be a real problem. Because I for one do not agree to 
 have my log in credentials copied to any other server.

I agree with that.
Although my login informations in OSM are not very sensible, I expect them 
to be reasonably confidential and only accessible to a few administrators.
I have no problem if the data I contributed is copied  by [one or multiple] 
fork (that's why a full history dump has been created, cf ), but as those forks 
would be different projects I expect the account I created in OSM to be 
confined in that project.

If, after some though, I decide I prefer to work on a fork, then I will 
create a new account there, possibly using the same user name if it is still 
available, or a new one.

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread John Smith
On 22 August 2010 22:06, Renaud MICHEL wrote:
 Although my login informations in OSM are not very sensible, I expect them
 to be reasonably confidential and only accessible to a few administrators.
 I have no problem if the data I contributed is copied  by [one or multiple]
 fork (that's why a full history dump has been created, cf ), but as those forks
 would be different projects I expect the account I created in OSM to be
 confined in that project.

 If, after some though, I decide I prefer to work on a fork, then I will
 create a new account there, possibly using the same user name if it is still
 available, or a new one.

I don't think making passwords publicly available is a good idea, but
it might be a sign of good faith on OSM(F)'s behalf if it were to
facilitate an easy method for people waiting to claim their
account/edits on a forked database.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Florian Heer

 Am 22.08.2010 14:06, schrieb Renaud MICHEL:

I have no problem if the data I contributed is copied  by [one or multiple]
fork (that's why a full history dump has been created, cf ), but as those forks
would be different projects I expect the account I created in OSM to be
confined in that project.

Full ACK, creating a fork under the same license would be covered by the 
current license anyway.

Regards, Florian Heer

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread
forgive my ignorance, but are the licenses not some how compatible?
I mean the work has been done up to now under ccsa20 and compatible license.
So that means that the new license allows data from ccsa20 to be
ported over, right?
or do you need the permission of the new authors?
if people want to continue without changing the license, would they be
allowed to?

Is this discussed fork really needed?

thanks for filling me in,

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Fabio Alessandro Locati
 I don't think making passwords publicly available is a good idea, but
 it might be a sign of good faith on OSM(F)'s behalf if it were to
 facilitate an easy method for people waiting to claim their
 account/edits on a forked database.
I hope you are kidding... When someone signed-up at OSM there wasn't
written that that data would be public, and - in our society - is
given for granted that these data are not redistribuited in any way. I
think you are abusing of the idea of 'good faith'
Fabio Alessandro Locati

Home: Segrate, Milan, Italy (GMT +1)
Phone: +39-328-3799681

PGP Fingerprint: 5525 8555 213C 19EB 25F2  A047 2AD2 BE67 0F01 CA61

Involved in: KDE, OpenStreetMap, Ubuntu, Wikimedia

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0continuation

2010-08-22 Thread John F. Eldredge
My largest complaint is that, if you click yes, you not only are agreeing to 
the current new license, but you are also agreeing in advance to any future 
license changes, without being able to know what those new license terms will 
be.  It is the equivalent to voting someone into office as President for life.

---Original Email---
Subject :Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0continuation
Date  :Sun Aug 22 06:27:41 America/Chicago 2010

On 22 August 2010 21:12, Robert Scott wrote:
 On Sunday 22 August 2010, Jenny Campbell wrote:
 everyone else's concerns

 You are trying to make it sound like there are a huge number of people that 
 agree with you. Perhaps you genuinely believe that. If so I think you are 
 tremendously mistaken. It is a very vocal minority. There

You mean like the vocal minority for CTs/ODBL ?

Most won't care either way, but some people might care less if they
don't feel there is an option, at present the CTs/ODBL seem to be
forced upon us or else we won't be able to keep our edits in the
database or edit in future... who is making the ultimatum exactly?

talk mailing list

John F. Eldredge --
Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to 
think at all. -- Hypatia of Alexandria
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0continuation

2010-08-22 Thread john whelan
This is also one of my concerns, especially when using imports.  I
don't think this has been discussed at all well.

Cheerio John

On 22 August 2010 09:13, John F. Eldredge wrote:
 My largest complaint is that, if you click yes, you not only are agreeing 
 to the current new license, but you are also agreeing in advance to any 
 future license changes, without being able to know what those new license 
 terms will be.  It is the equivalent to voting someone into office as 
 President for life.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Serge Wroclawski
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 9:13 AM, John F. Eldredge wrote:
 My largest complaint is that, if you click yes, you not only are agreeing 
 to the current new license, but you are also agreeing in advance to any 
 future license changes, without being able to know what those new license 
 terms will be.  It is the equivalent to voting someone into office as 
 President for life.

Except that it's not.

1. There isn't one OSM

The OSMF is a membership driven organization. It's democratic and
membership is open to anyone. The organization took votes for the
current license plan and there's no reason to believe it won't do so
in the future.

2. Much more stringent requirements are put on lots of projects

You may have heard of the GNU project. Are you aware that all
contributors to GNU project must sign over not just license
agreements, but copyright assignments?

Just this week a new project came along called OpenStack, and all
contributors must sign a license agreement to the central body.

This is normal and there are very good reasons these organizations do
what they do.

3. You can always fork later

I've yet to hear many objections to the OBdL other than I don't like change.

The ODbL is a more solid license. It's a better license in pretty much
every way.

But should the OSMF be taken over by green brain-sucking aliens, you
can always fork in the future.

- Serge

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Serge Wroclawski
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 9:22 AM, john whelan wrote:
 This is also one of my concerns, especially when using imports.  I
 don't think this has been discussed at all well.

The issue of imports and data has been discussed at length in places
like the US where imports are a big deal.

The bottom line in those discussions: the ODbL and the contributor
terms simplify the process immensely, now and in the future.

- Serge

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Peteris Krisjanis
2010/8/22 Serge Wroclawski
 On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 9:22 AM, john whelan wrote:
 This is also one of my concerns, especially when using imports.  I
 don't think this has been discussed at all well.

 The issue of imports and data has been discussed at length in places
 like the US where imports are a big deal.

 The bottom line in those discussions: the ODbL and the contributor
 terms simplify the process immensely, now and in the future.

Simplify at what cost? There is just 'CT will make our lifes easier'.
Which lives? How easier? And WHAT IS THE COST?

I simply want core people of OSM come forward and say honestly that
they don't know how big impact will be.

And for those who claim that complainers are minority - it's bullshit
and you know it. Rest of mappers don't care because they don't have
such imput done in OSM. Those who complain are usually those who
drives map forward. Without them, OSM is dead as serious map, period.

And this is WHY I'm against fork. ODbL now sounds like good
compromise. But they still want CT to be attached as Trojan horse.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0continuation

2010-08-22 Thread David Earl

On 22/08/2010 14:13, John F. Eldredge wrote:

My largest complaint is that, if you click yes, you not only are
agreeing to the current new license, but you are also agreeing in
advance to any future license changes, without being able to know
what those new license terms will be.  It is the equivalent to voting
someone into office as President for life.

This is complete nonsense. Any further change would require a 2/3 
majority of active contributors (as well as agreement from OSMF members).

This is considerably higher than most democratic countries require for a 
change of Government, which you might consider a significant event, and 
the same as most organisations set for making constitutional changes.

It stops people like Felix Hartman attempting to hold the majority to 
ransom by requiring a 100% vote and therefore effectively giving 
everyone a veto, while at the same time recognising a simple majority is 
not enough for more fundamental changes.

Are you saying you want a personal veto on any future change? Seems a 
massively selfish attitude for a supposedly co-operative project.

I've yet to find an organisation whose members don't disagree on things, 
but OSM does seem to have more than its fair share of people who set out 
to disagree with anything anyone else says for the sake of it.

Democracy isn't about unanimity. It never can be because it is never 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Robert Kaiser

Felix Hartmann schrieb:

Instead of just moaning about the Odbl, let's stark working on a future
without Odbl.

If you do that, please do it on your own servers, mailing lists, and 
community, and with your own new project name, as a real fork of any 
project should do.

Robert Kaiser

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] To calm some waters - about Section 3

2010-08-22 Thread Peteris Krisjanis
Hi everyone!

As I'm interested in keeping my data within OSM and find a common
ground with rest of you, I'm delighted to see that requests to specify
'free and open license' in CT section 3 has been taken into
account[1]. Huge thanks and sorry for any emotional storm it have



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0continuation

2010-08-22 Thread John F. Eldredge
According to the summaries that have been published thus far, those who click 
yes are licensing data already entered not only under the current new 
license, but are agreeing in advance to any future licenses.  You won't have 
the right to choose not to license the data under those new licenses, even 
though it will take a two-thirds majority to select a new license.

---Original Email---
Subject :Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0continuation
Date  :Sun Aug 22 08:46:20 America/Chicago 2010

On 22/08/2010 14:13, John F. Eldredge wrote:
 My largest complaint is that, if you click yes, you not only are
 agreeing to the current new license, but you are also agreeing in
 advance to any future license changes, without being able to know
 what those new license terms will be.  It is the equivalent to voting
 someone into office as President for life.

This is complete nonsense. Any further change would require a 2/3
majority of active contributors (as well as agreement from OSMF members).

This is considerably higher than most democratic countries require for a
change of Government, which you might consider a significant event, and
the same as most organisations set for making constitutional changes.

It stops people like Felix Hartman attempting to hold the majority to
ransom by requiring a 100% vote and therefore effectively giving
everyone a veto, while at the same time recognising a simple majority is
not enough for more fundamental changes.

Are you saying you want a personal veto on any future change? Seems a
massively selfish attitude for a supposedly co-operative project.

I've yet to find an organisation whose members don't disagree on things,
but OSM does seem to have more than its fair share of people who set out
to disagree with anything anyone else says for the sake of it.

Democracy isn't about unanimity. It never can be because it is never


talk mailing list

John F. Eldredge --
Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to 
think at all. -- Hypatia of Alexandria
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread andrzej zaborowski
On 22 August 2010 13:08, Florian Heer wrote:
 Felix Hartmann schrieb:

  Instead of just moaning about the Odbl, let's stark working on a future
 without Odbl. So let's do our best to convince as many mappers as possible
 to not accept Odbl, reopen registration to people who want to contribute
 under CCBYSA2.0 terms, and put pressure on OSMF and others to tell them that
 if they decide to go the Odbl way, they will loose us and also be faced with
 a fork.

 I think this is quite interesting: if you do not do as I want, YOU will be
 responsible. Isn't there a term for this? I think it's blackmail

Not at all.  There are (oversimplifying things) two sides in this
discussion, each side is telling the other side that they're wrong and
will harm the project if they continue.  If you're on one side you'll
see the other side's arguments as blackmail.  Same goes to Frederik,
the ODbL group is trying to convince people that ODbL is the way to go
and CC-By-SA is harmful, the CC-By-SA tries to convince them of the
contrary.  Both sides try to lobby the OSMF too.  Both sides would
prefer that the other side forks the project and they're left alone to
continue as OpenStreetMap.  If you don't express you opinion and try
to convince others, you've failed, let's not try to censor this
completely normal process of communication in a group project.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Milo van der Linden
I am not against a fork,

but as Frederik already mentioned, there is no to debate about a fork and
spread anti-odbl propaganda. There are other good reasons to fork, for me
one of them is getting a more distributed database instead of everything in
a single farm on a single location.

I would not mind to discuss a fork, but I would prefer to see good arguments
as to the why (keeping the current license being one)

My 2 cents would be:

- Being able to set up a globally distributed database farm
- Changing from mysql to postgresql/postgis as the core database
- Opening up on how to set up the core open-geodata database and creating
your own node

I am aware that this will introduce new issues, but as long as we keep an
open discussion, not excluding any ideas and any group of people, it might
be of benefit to all
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Moderation

2010-08-22 Thread SteveC
talk@ is not the place for acrimonious posts about the license like this

Both sides have had their say in the Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 
2.0continuation thread.

Please, when responding to that thread now move to legal-talk@


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Anthony
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Robert Kaiser wrote:
 Felix Hartmann schrieb:

 Instead of just moaning about the Odbl, let's stark working on a future
 without Odbl.

 If you do that, please do it on your own servers, mailing lists, and
 community, and with your own new project name, as a real fork of any project
 should do.

Isn't the OSMF the one actually doing the fork, though?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] NearMap Community Licence and OSM Contributor Terms

2010-08-22 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Chris Browet wrote[1]:
 The fact that many key players (SteveC, Frederik, Richard(?)) in the 
 project also have commercial interests in the OSM data 


I don't have any commercial interest in OSM, at all. I'm a magazine editor.
We do have maps in our magazine but we (well, I) make them using Ordnance
Survey OpenData, SRTM, and tracings from the New Popular Edition sheets
which I bought, scanned and rectified at my own expense. OSM data is too
fiddly and too uneven to be of any use for small-scale mapping when there's
lovely, consistent Ordnance Survey data available instead.


[1] a week or so ago. I've been on holiday.
View this message in context:
Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le dimanche 22 août 2010 à 14:13, vous avez écrit :
  If, after some though, I decide I prefer to work on a fork, then I will
  create a new account there, possibly using the same user name if it is
  still available, or a new one.
 I don't think making passwords publicly available is a good idea,

Actually, I'm not very concerned about the password (I don't reuse 
passwords), but more about the email I used to create the account at the 
time, which is a more personal email, as it was (and still is) guaranteed 
not to be displayed publicly.

 but it might be a sign of good faith on OSM(F)'s behalf if it were to
 facilitate an easy method for people waiting to claim their
 account/edits on a forked database.

Actually, that would be more a sign that they are not trustworthy.

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le dimanche 22 août 2010 à 16:58, Milo van der Linden a écrit :
 - Changing from mysql to postgresql/postgis as the core database

This one has already been done during the API 0.6 switch, see

So this is actually a reason to fork for the pro-mysql camp ;-)

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Robert Kaiser

Anthony schrieb:

On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Robert  wrote:

Felix Hartmann schrieb:

Instead of just moaning about the Odbl, let's stark working on a future
without Odbl.

If you do that, please do it on your own servers, mailing lists, and
community, and with your own new project name, as a real fork of any project
should do.

Isn't the OSMF the one actually doing the fork, though?

They can't fork away from the current infrastructure, as they are 
providing it, AFAIK.

Robert Kaiser

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Robert Kaiser

John F. Eldredge schrieb:

According to the summaries that have been published thus far, those who click 
yes are licensing data already entered not only under the current new 
license, but are agreeing in advance to any future licenses.  You won't have the right to 
choose not to license the data under those new licenses, even though it will take a 
two-thirds majority to select a new license.

That's right. By the way, this is very similar to what the GNU project 
requires, but they do it with a copyright assignment, so that the FSF 
can change the license at will, while the OSM CTs require 2/3 of the 
active mappers to agree to a license change, so those CTs are stricter 
than the GNU rules. Interesting, right?

Still, this once again is a topic for legal-talk, not the main talk list.

Robert Kaiser

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] NearMap Community Licence and OSM Contributor Terms

2010-08-22 Thread Chris Browet
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 17:21, Richard Fairhurst rich...@systemed.netwrote:

 Chris Browet wrote[1]:
  The fact that many key players (SteveC, Frederik, Richard(?)) in the
  project also have commercial interests in the OSM data


 I don't have any commercial interest in OSM, at all. I'm a magazine editor.

Sorry Richard, wasn't sure (that was the reason of the question mark)
Point noted.

- Chris -
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Stefan de Konink
Hash: SHA512

Op 22-08-10 18:04, Renaud MICHEL schreef:
 Le dimanche 22 août 2010 à 16:58, Milo van der Linden a écrit :
 - Changing from mysql to postgresql/postgis as the core database
 This one has already been done during the API 0.6 switch, see
 So this is actually a reason to fork for the pro-mysql camp ;-)

The database is still not 'spatial' as far as we are informed? But I ack
Milo's points. Distribution is what we need, and maybe even better if we
can do distributed content as well. Hence: data on different layers not
bothering eachother.

Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] To calm some waters - about Section 3

2010-08-22 Thread Łukasz Stelmach
Peteris Krisjanis writes:

 As I'm interested in keeping my data within OSM and find a common
 ground with rest of you, I'm delighted to see that requests to specify
 'free and open license' in CT section 3 has been taken into
 account[1]. Huge thanks and sorry for any emotional storm it have


It's great to read that. When will be the new terms available to accept
them? How much time has left to accept the terms anyway?

Miłego dnia,
Łukasz Stelmach

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Anthony
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 8:13 AM, John Smith wrote:
 I don't think making passwords publicly available is a good idea, but
 it might be a sign of good faith on OSM(F)'s behalf if it were to
 facilitate an easy method for people waiting to claim their
 account/edits on a forked database.

That would be OAuth.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Andrew Ayre

Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 6:08 PM, Felix Hartmann wrote:

This means we have to find a new domain, new servers, and get the
usernames/passwords copied so people can login to the CCBYSA 2.0
fork without new registration.

If you must fork, fork the data (planet.osm), not the user data. I 
disagree with having my credentials being carried over to a separate 
project that I would not want to be involved in.

When I signed up for an account with OSM I didn't realize that my 
account information was going into a database that was also CCBYSA.

Although I accept that this probably was stated somewhere, I would 
prefer to not have my login information copied. Let me choose to create 
an account if I want to.


PGP Key ID: 0xDC1B5864

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Serge Wroclawski
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Andrew Ayre wrote:

 When I signed up for an account with OSM I didn't realize that my account
 information was going into a database that was also CCBYSA.

It's not. This is just the dream of the forkers and then lots of
random commenters.

- Serge

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Anthony
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Andrew Ayre wrote:
 When I signed up for an account with OSM I didn't realize that my account
 information was going into a database that was also CCBYSA.

It wasn't, although arguably, the entire database (including
usernames, passwords, and email addresses) must be offered under
section 4.6 of the ODbL.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread 80n
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 6:43 PM, Andrew Ayre wrote:

 Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:

  On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 6:08 PM, Felix Hartmann

This means we have to find a new domain, new servers, and get the
usernames/passwords copied so people can login to the CCBYSA 2.0
fork without new registration.

 If you must fork, fork the data (planet.osm), not the user data. I
 disagree with having my credentials being carried over to a separate project
 that I would not want to be involved in.

 When I signed up for an account with OSM I didn't realize that my account
 information was going into a database that was also CCBYSA.

 Although I accept that this probably was stated somewhere, I would prefer
 to not have my login information copied. Let me choose to create an account
 if I want to.

If there is a fork then no private account data will be shared with the
fork.  The only data that will be shared is the User ID and User Name both
of which are already public.

There will be a mechanism (oAuth or similar) which will enable users to
transition from the Steve Coast OSM to any OSM fork with about three mouse
clicks.  At no time will private data ever be shared between any OSM forks.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Garmin etrex Vista HCx issue

2010-08-22 Thread Shaun McDonald
 may be relevant.


On 22 Aug 2010, at 21:42, Steve Chilton wrote:

 My new week old Garmin etrex Vista HCx is causing me grief.
 The power on/off button has decided to not function at all.
 Am thinking I will have to go to Garmin to resolve it (it was purchased from 
 Anyone had this issue with theirs?
 Anyone with good (or bad) experiences of going to Garmin Europe with issues 
 such as this?
 Anyone with any advice to cheer me up basically?!!
 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Garmin etrex Vista HCx issue

2010-08-22 Thread Steve Chilton
My new week old Garmin etrex Vista HCx is causing me grief.
The power on/off button has decided to not function at all.
Am thinking I will have to go to Garmin to resolve it (it was purchased from 
Anyone had this issue with theirs?
Anyone with good (or bad) experiences of going to Garmin Europe with issues 
such as this?
Anyone with any advice to cheer me up basically?!!


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Garmin etrex Vista HCx issue

2010-08-22 Thread Graham Jones
My old eTrex Legend packed in completely and Garmin fixed it ok under the
guarantee - pretty quick turn around from what I remember.

The Zoom out button is playing up on my newer one and I am trying to decide
what to do about it because it is well out of guarantee now - I may have to
attempt surgery...

If it is only a week old and you bought it from Amazon, I would just contact
them - i would expect them to exchange it for you rather than getting it


On 22 August 2010 21:42, Steve Chilton wrote:

 My new week old Garmin etrex Vista HCx is causing me grief.
 The power on/off button has decided to not function at all.
 Am thinking I will have to go to Garmin to resolve it (it was purchased
 from Amazon).
 Anyone had this issue with theirs?
 Anyone with good (or bad) experiences of going to Garmin Europe with issues
 such as this?
 Anyone with any advice to cheer me up basically?!!


 talk mailing list

Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Hot to build a marine chart for garmin devices?

2010-08-22 Thread Christian Wagner
Around January someone, I think it was Mark Burton, built a Garmin map
for the Openseamap guys. It covered the southern half of the Baltic Sea.
It had different symbol styles for all the seamarks (buoys etc.), a nice
white background for the sea and a light brown background for the land
areas. To me this map was perfect.

Unfortunately this map generated back then was the only one that used
this style. No updates, no documentation of how to built something like
that yourself- nothing.

Unfortunately the documentation of the mkgmap programm in the wiki is
far from useable to a newbie. All this about style files, options like
--generate-sea:multipolygon or --generate-sea:no mp - I don't even know
what all this is. Could anybody please point me in the right direction?
Is there a proper documentation of the files that I have overlooked?
The page seems
useless to someone who wants to render seamarks and have a white sea
polygon with brown land.

Let's say I downloades the OSM file of the area and I downloades mkgmap-
how would one proceed?

Thank you very much in advance and forgive my ignorance if I missed the
Christian Wagner

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Norbert Hoffmann
Felix Hartmann wrote:

As I stated, my goal is to have OSM to continue under CCBYSA2.0

As I see it CCBYSA is not a goal but a tool. Before asking us to work with
- and to give our new data to - your project, it would be fair to tell us
what your real goals are. Then ask some layers if CCBYSA is the right tool
to achieve this goals.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Liz
On Sun, 22 Aug 2010, Serge Wroclawski wrote:
 2. Much more stringent requirements are put on lots of projects
 You may have heard of the GNU project. Are you aware that all
 contributors to GNU project must sign over not just license
 agreements, but copyright assignments?
 Just this week a new project came along called OpenStack, and all
 contributors must sign a license agreement to the central body.
 This is normal and there are very good reasons these organizations do
 what they do.

However, that its the original agreement which all of these contributors 
signed up using.
Other projects have different ways of handling the copyright issues. 

Both schemes are *normal* but changing between them is not.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Garmin etrex Vista HCx issue

2010-08-22 Thread SomeoneElse

 On 22/08/2010 21:42, Steve Chilton wrote:

My new week old Garmin etrex Vista HCx is causing me grief.
The power on/off button has decided to not function at all.
Am thinking I will have to go to Garmin to resolve it (it was purchased from 
Possibly, but I think that it should be the retailer's problem in the 
first instance (sale of goods act and all that)?

Anyone had this issue with theirs?

No, but the pointer stick on my first one failed after about 11 months 
fairly intensive use.

Anyone with good (or bad) experiences of going to Garmin Europe with issues 
such as this?
Anyone with any advice to cheer me up basically?!!
It went back to to the shop I bought it from*, they leant me a spare, 
sent mine to Garmin got another back within 2-3 weeks, and I've been 
using that since.  Let's just say that they seemed familiar with the 
Garmin returns process, but there were no quibbles from either them or 
Garmin.  It just cost me the petrol.


* Hitch'n'Hike in Bamford.  I'm not on commission, but it's worth 
mentioning good service as well as bad...

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] NearMap Community Licence and OSM Contributor Terms

2010-08-22 Thread Michael Kugelmann

Chris Browet wrote:
The fact that many key players (SteveC, Frederik, Richard(?)) in the 
project also have commercial interests in the OSM data also make me 
nervous and doubtful.
looking at Frederik this statement sounds offending to me! HINT: I don't 
want to comment on the other persons (SteveC, Richard) simpley as I'm 
not in contact with them that much.
@Chris: did you ever check what Frederik or to be more precise the 
Geofabrik (= Frederik + Jochen) is offering to the community? If you 
would have had, you would not give a statement like that:
* look at the talk Frederik gave at the SOTM 2009 (how to earn money 
with OSM) where he requests a fair (!) partnership from commercial 

* they offer processing and free download of data (
* they offer an amount of tools developed by themselves and hosted at 
their servers ( who really help the community
* they generated and printed flyers for the community in Germany ans 
send them out for free (!)
* they generated and printed large maps (e.g. A0 size) for the community 
for use e.g. at conferences in Germany
* they provided sollutions e.g. for imports of data provided by some 
communities in Germany
* they are helpfull and activeley contribute to the project (e.g. 
Frederik in the Data Working Group)
* they give a lot of talks e.g. at trade shows / conferences to attract 
to the project
Of cause they are not sainty [1] but they are more than fair: they could 
give much less back to the community but they don't do as they are a 
real open company from open source persons. I would be happy if we 
would have more people like Frederik and Jochen within the project!

But maybe the whole discussion should go to legal talk.

Best regards,

add [1]: who is sainty? I don't think anybody including myself and you 
is this.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [talk-au] NearMap Community Licence and OSM Contributor Terms

2010-08-22 Thread Steve Bennett
On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 6:09 PM, Ben Last wrote:
 Finally, as ever, I want to make it clear that it's not our place as a
 company to try and direct or influence the direction of OSM.  That's for the
 community and OSMF to debate and decide.

I disagree. NearMap is part of the community, as a source of imagery,
as a consumer of OSM maps, and as the developer of a (forthcoming?)
editor. NearMap's voice counts for a lot more than many of the squeaky
wheels on this list. Not only that, but NearMap represents *here and n
ow* issues around the licenses, rather than potential future issues,
so it's doubly welcome. IMHO.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] moderation going forward

2010-08-22 Thread Steve Bennett
On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 7:52 PM, Chris Browet wrote:
 But every opinions should have a place to voice themselves, shouldn't they?

No. Not all opinions are helpful. And certainly, sheer volume of
opinions is unhelpful.

 If Talk becomes moderated/censured, where would that be?
 Wouldn't it better to create specific, on-topic moderated lists (and
 moderate the existing ones) rather than moderating Talk, whose topic is
 not obvious?

 Then people who don't want the noise can just turn it off, while leaving a
 place of free speech, and topic-focused lists would be sane...

If anything, I would do the opposite: tightly moderate Talk as a
community forum where issues of all nature can be discussed, if done
so constructively and succinctly. Individual specialist lists could be
left unmoderated. Since the numbers of subscribers are lower, they can
form and enforce their own standards more easily.

Btw, once more, this notion of those who don't want the spam don't
have to read it is just plain wrong. The spam overwhelms the valuable
discussion, meaning everyone suffers. It's not a question of if you
don't like the rain, don't stand in it.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Potlatch for Newbies

2010-08-22 Thread Steve Bennett
On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 8:55 PM, NopMap wrote:
 - Why don't we disable that Live edit feature for good? I vaguely remember
 the question has been raised before, but I just can't think of any use case
 where I' need to mess up the data directly with no undo.

I only ever use the Live Edit mode. I don't trust my browser not to
crash, or my internet connection not to fail, between the time I make
the edit and the time I push save. Since there is no way to save data
locally, using the non-live mode makes you very vulnerable to data

I consider Live Edit mode to be much less error-prone, and thus less
harmful, than offline mode.

I note someone below saying Potlatch 2 will only have the offline
mode. Ugh. That's a real pity.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Poller taggen

2010-08-22 Thread Peter de Bruin
Zo'n paaltje is


en wordt dan ook gerenderd op de slippy map.
'bicycle=yes' is dan niet nodig.
Je zou 'motorcycle=yes' er bij kunnen zetten als die toegestaan zijn.
'access=permissive' gaat over toegankelijke prive-wegen en heeft hier dus
niet mee te maken.


Op 21 augustus 2010 11:37 schreef Maarten Deen het

 Hoe taggen we een poller, een paaltje dat voor bepaalde soorten verkeer
 toegang biedt?
 Ik zie op de duitse pagina voor barrier wel iets staan met bicycle=yes,
 maar een poller kan ook voor bepaalde soorten motorvoertuigen toegang
 Iets als access=permissive erbij?


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Poller taggen

2010-08-22 Thread Ben Laenen

Andre Engels wrote:
 Zoals al gemeld, barrier=bollard, en dan eventueel
 voertuigtype=yes/no. Default voor een bollard is access=no, foot=yes,
 bicycle=yes (dus: fietsers en voetgangers kunnen erlangs, andere
 weggebruikers niet).

Niet akkoord: default voor bollard is al het smal verkeer, i.e. alles dat 
per default op een highway=path kan: foot, bicycle, moped, horse.


Talk-nl mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] Mapping party Utrecht geslaagd

2010-08-22 Thread Frank Steggink

Ja, ondanks de dreigende luchten met 14 man. IMO goede opkomst :)
Artikel op blog:

Verder heeft ZMWandelaar ons allen uitgenodigd om, in tegenstelling tot 
de vieze stadsgeuren, frisse boslucht in te snuiven in Putten. Dit gaat 
eind oktober gebeuren, dus mooi op tijd voor de herfstkleuren.

After-kaartje gaat morgen wel worden gemaakt, want nog lang niet alle 
PoI's zitten erin.


Talk-nl mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] Fietsroutes Alblasserwaard

2010-08-22 Thread ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen
Met dit weer heb ik de utrecht party maar laten zitten,
er was daar toch niet zoveel te doen wat ik aardig vindt.

Gister wel wezen fietsen in o.a de albasserwaard.

Wat is het daar een rommeltje met de fietsroutes.
Vroeger was dit een bijna geheel gemapped, tenminste
het westelijk deel bij kinderdijk.
Waar zijn al die routes gebleven ???

Kunnen we ergens zien of er routes verwijderd zijn, en door wie ??

Van wegen en relaties kan je eenvoudig zien wat de history is,
maar van verwijderde data.

De nog aanwezige routes staan op naam avn Gercokees en Cartinus..

Kunnen jullie (als je dit draadje leest tenminste) wat licht laten schijnen ??


Talk-nl mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] Mapping Party Putten

2010-08-22 Thread robert

De 2de MappingParty zal gehouden worden in Putten op de Veluwe.

In een prachtige omgeving heeft de gemeente twee nieuwe wijkjes laten  
bouwen: Husslerveld en Bijsteren.

Op OSM is het een gapend gat die we deze dag gaan opvullen.

We willen toch niet dat G. op dat punt beter is dan OSM?

Ik nodig jullie uit in mijn eigen 'huis cafe'. Gratis Wifi, Free  
Beverage and Beer.

Geef aan welke datum je kunt en komt.

Talk-nl mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] Mapping Party Purmerend Weidevenne - 4 September 2010

2010-08-22 Thread Roeland Douma

Om dan eindelijk de daad bij het word te voegen een mapping party in 
Purmerend. In de Weidevenne [1] wel te verstaan. Een beetje kort dag misschien 
maar anders zou het pas ergens eind Oktober worden.

Wat gaat er gebeuren:

* Mappen nieuwbouwwijk ten noord-oosten van de Laan de Continenten, deze is zo 
goed als af dus dat zou prima moeten lukken
* Mappen paadjes/straatjes/huisnummers in de rest van de Weidevenne
* Eventueel (als er tijd/mankracht is) ontbreken er nog enkele wegen ten 
zuiden van de Zambezilaan.

Eigenlijk heeft niemand een excuus om niet te komen. Per auto is het prima te 
bereiken (afslag 4 op de A7). Er gaan bussen en op station Weidevenne stopt 
ieder half uur een trein!

Komt allen en laat dit ook weten op de wiki [2]



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Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Fietsroutes Alblasserwaard

2010-08-22 Thread Cartinus
On Sunday 22 August 2010 21:15:05 ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen 
 Met dit weer heb ik de utrecht party maar laten zitten,
 er was daar toch niet zoveel te doen wat ik aardig vindt.

Het was heerlijk weer. Lekker op een terras zitten nabuurten.

 Gister wel wezen fietsen in o.a de albasserwaard.

 Wat is het daar een rommeltje met de fietsroutes.
 Vroeger was dit een bijna geheel gemapped, tenminste
 het westelijk deel bij kinderdijk.
 Waar zijn al die routes gebleven ???

 Kunnen we ergens zien of er routes verwijderd zijn, en door wie ??

 Van wegen en relaties kan je eenvoudig zien wat de history is,
 maar van verwijderde data.

 De nog aanwezige routes staan op naam avn Gercokees en Cartinus..

 Kunnen jullie (als je dit draadje leest tenminste) wat licht laten schijnen


Wat er helemaal in het westen is gebeurd weet ik niet. Kinderdijk is een 
beetje te ver fietsen vanuit Utrecht.

Toen ik afgelopen herfst voor het eerst naar het oostelijk deel van de 
Alblasserwaard keek was het al een puinhoop. Hier en daar wat losse stukjes 
route, allemaal in één relatie. Ik heb de stukjes tussen Ameide en Meerkerk 
daar toen uit gehaald en als losse routes gemapped.


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [talk-au] What's going on here? (mysterious street)

2010-08-22 Thread Tom Brennan
In NSW you can often check up unformed roads on council web sites. There 
are oodles of them shown in Google that don't currently exist in 
reality. Compare,150.627912spn=0.006269,0.009645z=17



On 20/08/2010 12:10 PM, Evan Sebire wrote:

I think google and melways obtained their Victorian base maps from landvic,
Then they go about fixing up the street use, that is why melways has a much
better map because they have been modifying it for many more years.

In this case Ward road is still on landvic as a government easement so may get
developed in the future and is not private property (unless we are talking
about something different).
In my neighbourhood which isn't to far away from Kallista a neighbour has
built a shed on government land reserved of a road and erected a fence to
block people.  Directly above his shed are powerlines that run down the
easement beside the land reserved for the road!

This all get back to a discussion on this list about 12 months ago about
mapping non-existing roads/gazetted road,


Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] CrisisCamp Pakistan Floods, Sydney (4-5 Sept)

2010-08-22 Thread Shoaib Burq
Hi all,

Sorry if you have already gotten this via the Aust-NZ OSGeo list.

Thought some of you maybe interested in coming along and helping out
at the CrisisCamp being organized at UNSW Sydney on the weekend of 4-5

An enterprising team of volunteers and organisational supporters such
as Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) and Center for Innovation and
Entrepreneurship (CIE) at the University of New South Wales, and
Drumbeat, an open web initiative of the Mozilla Foundation and the
World Bank  are coming together on the weekend of September 4-5, 2010
in CrisisCamp in Sydney, Australia.

We will help find, organize and share spatial information for relief
agencies in Pakistan via open source platforms such as Sahana,
OpenStreetMap and Ushahidi:

Please come along if you have:
1 mapping experience or
2 can code/program or
3 can research for information on the internet or
4. speak local Pakistani languages or
5. are familiar with the geography of Pakistan or
6. generally understand disaster response
7. can blog about events

More details at

To help us organize the catering please register at:

Feel free to share the event details amongst your contacts. If you
have any further queries please don't hesitate to contact me or Vicky

Shoaib Burq
Skype:   spatialgoat

Vicky Pinpin-Feinstein
Skype:   Pinpinfeinstein

kind regards
Shoaib Burq
Canberra, Australia

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Fwd: [ILUG] ossbarcamp

2010-08-22 Thread Laura Czajkowski

On 22/08/10 19:34, Richard Cantwell wrote:

Now there's an idea.  The area around UCD is pretty well mapped, but
I'm sure there are plenty of POI's etc. that could be added.

The producer of the Phantom FM radio show that I was interviewed about
OSM on (available here: - thanks
Ken) has been in touch with me as she's interested in writing a
magazine article about Mapping Parties. I could mention the barcamp to
her, it might be of interest either as a bigger article or a separate
one entirely.

Well it just migh be an idea to get people learning hands on with people 
so they can be shown things to do and not do and how it's all done.


Skype: lauraczajkowski

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Digest Talk-br, volume 23, assunto 17

2010-08-22 Thread Mauro Borowsky

Sou de Porto Alegre, e gostaria de participar do
  grupo de mapeadores daqui, aprender mais, se existir este

uma abrao
Mauro Borowsky

Em 17/08/2010 08:00, escreveu:

  Send Talk-br mailing list submissions to

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Talk-br digest..."

Tpicos de Hoje:

   1. Re: Ajuda para iniciantes (Flavio Bello Fialho)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2010 15:34:22 -0300
From: Flavio Bello Fialho
To: OSM talk-br
Subject: Re: [Talk-br] Ajuda para iniciantes
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Bem-vindo(a) ao projeto. Eu mapeei uma parte (pequena) de Porto Alegre. 
No moro em Porto, mas estou perto. A melhor forma  usar essa lista 
para tirar dvidas, coordenar esforos, etc. Uma dica  visitar a pgina 
do projeto no Brasil:

O mapeamento da Restinga est bem fraco, por enquanto:

Toda ajuda  bem-vinda.

Em 15-08-2010 20:07, escreveu:

Ol todos e todas mapeadoras.
Estou iniciando o uso do open e gostaria de fazer contato direto com
mapeadores em Porto Alegre. Como seria isso?
Grande abrao da Restinga

Talk-br mailing list



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Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] An die Garmin-Bastler

2010-08-22 Thread malenki
Johann H. Addicks schrieb:

Aber vielleicht kannst Du mal schauen, warum dein Mailclient derzeit
wieder auf Vollquote arbeitet, sogar inklusive der

Das liegt an der Tastatur, genauso wie die prellenden Tasten bei
Ausrufe- und Fragezeichen und das Leerzeichen davor.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Unterscheidung (war Tiefenangabe alsName)

2010-08-22 Thread Christian Wagner
Am Samstag, den 21.08.2010, 03:47 +0200 schrieb Olaf Hannemann:
 Hallo Christian,
   Das ist genau das was FT macht, wenn aus der privaten Datenbank
   gearbeitet wird und das laden in die OSM Daten Bank nur Alibi-Funktion
   hat. Denn sagt ja selbst: Es wird entschieden was zu OSM geschickt
  Das Datenmodell das FT verwendet ist immerhin im Wiki als proposal zur
  Diskussion gestellt worden und ist so wie es aussieht auch
  mehrheitsfähig. Klar taggen wir irgendwann für den Renderer (keiner
  würde statt highway=motorway ...=Autobahn schreiben)- wir wollen ja
  auch irgendwann Mal eine Karte gerendert haben.
 Und genau da ist ein Punkt, der mich damals enorm geärgert hat und eine 
 weitere Zusammenarbeit unmöglich gemacht hat. Um bei deinem highway Beispiel 
 zu bleiben:
 Es wurde über nacht das vorher gemeinsam genutze Modell seitens FT 
 angezweifelt und ein eigenes Datenmodell inclusive Proposal geschaffen. Kurz 
 darauf wurden alle highway=motorway Schlüssel in highway=street + 
 street=motorway umgewandelt. Keine Diskussion möglich.
 Anyway, das ist Schnee von gestern. Die Frage ist wie können wir jetzt mit 
 Situation am besten umgehen.
Ich habe die Diskussion damals nur unvollständig verfolgen können, da
ich erst später darauf aufmerksam wurde. Aber Du hast recht- das ist
Schnee von gestern. Wichtig ist wie wir von der aktuellen Situation aus

  Allerdings ist das, was
  du da FT vorwirfst auch bei OSeaM der Fall. Da wurde der community
  nicht nur der Renderer gebaut (dafür übrigens herzliche Dank- ganz
  ehrlich), sondern auch gleich noch ein unvollständig/schlecht
  dokumentiertes Tagingschema vor den Latz geknallt welches vom gemeinen
  Mapper nicht mehr ohne OSeaM Editoren zu bewältigen ist. Einfach Mal in
  Potlach eine Backbordboje mit Topzeichen reinzuhacken geht de facto
  nicht mit eurem Tagingschema- dafür ist es einfach zu kompliziert.
 seamark:type = buoy_lateral
 + seamark:buoy_lateral:category=starboard
 + seamark:topmark:colour=green (bzw red für IALA B)

Ist schon klar, allerdings ist ein

color=green (falls IALA auf diese weise implementiert wird/ist)

IHMO kürzer, einfacher und von einem normalen Menschen irgendwie
machbarer. Die erste Zeile ist sogar redundant, aber vielleicht als
Signal für den Renderer gar nicht so verkehrt (sowas hat OSeaM ja auch
indem es vor jeden Tag seamark schreibt). Ich finde es eleganter- aber
seis drum- meine Meinung ist hier nicht wirklich maßgeblich. Welches
Tagingschema sich durchsetzt wird über die nächsten Jahre entschieden.

  Schon allein die dauernde Redundanz der einzelnen tags und values (z.
  B.seamark:buoy_lateral:colour_pattern=...) ist komplett am Bedarf eurer
  Datenlieferanten- den Mappern- vorbei entwickelt.
 Und wie möchtest du deutlich machen, dass colour_pattern sich auf den 
 Tonnenkörper und nicht auf das Topzeichen usw. bezieht?

Kenne jetzt kein Topzeichen mit color pattern. Du hattest ja auch Mal
geschrieben dass Ihr die Bedeutung der Seezeichen mappt, und nicht etwa
was sich wirklich dort wirklich befindet (also z. B. ein rotes
Topzeichen das wegen Möwenschiss weiss gesprenkelt ist). Somit ist dann
eigentlich klar dass sich color pattern auf den Seezeichenkörper

  Das ganze führt dann dazu daß Ihr z. B. bei Rügen eine Seekarte
  anbietet die nur einen Bruchteil der vorhandenen Daten zeigt- was daran
  jetzt qualitativ besser sein soll ist mir ehrlich gesagt schleierhaft.
 Da in den Diskussionen immer wieder das Argument der meisten Schlüssel fällt, 
 möchte ich zur Zeit nicht automatisiert zu allen Seezeichen das OpenSeaMap 
 Schema hinzufügen. Dann hätten wir nämlich ein Unentschieden. Es reicht doch, 
 dass im Augenblick wieder massenhaft Schlüssel von einem einzigen User an die 
 bestehenden Knoten herangehängt werden. (siehe z.B. Changeset 5537834, 
 5537760, 5530183)
Das ist genau das Doppeltaging das ich die ganze Zeit anprangere und
im Prinzip eine Folge der Auswertung der Daten (rendern, Konvertierung
in Garminformate etc.) ist. Wenn alle die beiden, aktuell leider
existierenden Schemata, auswerten würden, dann wäre der Drang doppelt zu
tagen sicherlich geringer (ob das bei CBM aktuell der Grund ist sei
dahingestellt...). Wie gesagt, welches Schema sich durchsetzt wir nicht
nächste Woche entschieden (von wem denn), sondern wenn dann über die
nächsten Jahre. Jetzt da per Hand Fakten schaffen zu wollen ist
sicherlich nicht sinnvoll.

Wie schon in einem anderen post verlinkt, die Daten zwischen Rügen und
Hiddensee sind ja prinzipiell vorhanden, werden von OSeaM aber leider
nicht gerendert. Warum soll sich jetzt da einer drüber machen und node
für node nochmal redundante tags drüberlegen.

  Im Prinzip habe ich euch da schon mehrfach drauf angesprochen, aber
  eure ständige Weigerung die Seezeichen die nach dem proposal im wiki
  getaggt sind zu rendern führt dann eben zu diesem Dilemma daß vieles

Re: [Talk-de] Maßstab

2010-08-22 Thread Torsten Rahn

On Sunday 22 August 2010 04:30:32 Tirkon wrote:
 Ich meinte eigentlich eine Lösung für alle - auch ohne Kenntnis von
 Computerchinesisch - auf der Hauptseite des Projektes
 Selbst wenn der Maßstab nicht genau ist. Aber eine Abschätzung, ob
 eine Strecke etwa 100 Meter oder 1 Kilometer lang ist, wäre in fremden
 Gefilden schon hilfreich.

Das machen wir übrigens in Marble ( Natürlich ist 
klar, dass die Angaben im schlimmsten Fall nur als Einschätzung für die 
Größenordnung herhalten können.

Das nehmen wir aber in Kauf, denn der größte Anteil der Zielgruppe erwartet
ohnehin nicht die ultimative Präzision (und macht sich schon gar nicht die Mühe 
mithilfe eines Lineals auf der Grundlage der Maßstabsleiste Wege nachzumessen).
Und diejenigen, die eine hoße Präzision erwarten, sind sich der 
kartentechnischen Problematik ohnehin bewusst.
Selbstverständlich versuchen wir trotzdem im Rahmen der projektionsbedingten 
Grenzen eine Darstellung zu erreichen, die im Durchschnitt (oft ist das die 
Kartenmitte) möglichst genau ist.

Damit sind wir mit Marble in guter Gesellschaft mit den gedruckten Karten, die 
seit eh und je einen grafischen und numerischen Maßstab angeben (und in puncto 
Kartendarstellungsqualität in mancher Hinsicht deutlich höhere Anforderungen 
haben, als so manche Karte für die Benutzung am Bildschirm). Selbst bei 
gedruckten Weltkarten ist die Angabe eines numerischen Maßstabs ja quasi 
- und das selbst dann wenn es projektionsbedingt größere Abweichungen gibt.

Ähnliches gilt übrigens für die Darstellung der Windrose auf einigen Karten, 
der man ebenfalls eine akademisch wertvolle, aber zielgruppenmäßig völlig 
nutzlose Diskussion halten könnte.

In Marble berücksichtigen wir bei der Maßstabs-Zeichnung übrigens die Korrektur 
in Breitengrad-Richtung in der Merkator-Projektion schon seit geraumer Zeit - 
wenn ich mich recht erinnere sogar seit wir diese Projektion eingeführt haben.
Wer mal in Marble hineinzoomt und sich dann in Richtung des sich ändernden 
Breitengrads bewegt wird das schnell feststellen.
Bei der Globus- und der rechteckigen Plattkarten-Darstellung gibt es genau 
Problem natürlich nicht (dafür dann andere ;-).

Wer mag, kann ja mal das Maß-Werkzeug (das natürlich naturgemäß deutlich 
ist) in Marble nehmen und die Ergebnisse mit der Maßstabsleiste vergleichen. 
sind die Abweichungen gering genug, dass man sich fragt, ob man die richtigen 
Pixel überhaupt mit seiner Feinmotorik getroffen hat ;-)

Über Feedback und Bugreports freuen wir uns natürlich auch,


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Fragen zu Grenzen

2010-08-22 Thread Manuel Reimer


die Grenzen unseres Gemeindegebiets wurden von jemandem vor Jahren schon 
grob vereinfacht eingezeichnet. Verständlicherweise, weil Feldwege, an 
denen die Grenze verläuft, gefehlt haben.

Kann ich, sobald die nötigen Wege da sind, die Grenze nach einer 
amtlichen Karte übertragen? Grenzverläufe sind ja wohl hoffentlich nicht 

Andere Frage: Unsere Gemeinde besteht aus drei Ortschaften. Die Grenze 
zwischen den Ortschaften ist auf keiner Karte mehr zu finden. Sind die 
alten Grenzen, sofern ich die Grenzsteine finde, noch relevant und 
können/sollten in die OSM eingetragen werden?



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Unterscheidung (war Tiefenangabe alsName)

2010-08-22 Thread Christian Wagner
Am Samstag, den 21.08.2010, 16:42 +0200 schrieb Olaf Hannemann:
 Hallo Mario,
  das klingt bei dir so, als würdest du auf eine Delegation von
  (gewählten/ernannten?) Entscheidungsträgern warten? Auch  fänds ichs schon
  deine Perspektive des gegenseitig Kaputtmachens erzählt zu bekommen. Klar
  gabs da am Anfang einige Missverständnisse, aber das letzte gute Jahr
  dümpeln doch quasi beide Ideen kontaktfrei nebeneinander durch die Karte.
 Gerade dadurch, dass beide Ideen kontaktfrei durch die Karte dümpeln, geht es 
 ja in 95% aller Fälle gut. Sollten wir aber wieder ein gemeinsames Tagging-
 Schema benutzen, haben die Änderungen des  jeweils Anderen wieder direkten 
 Einfluss auf beide Karten.

Und genau so soll es sein. Wenn ich als mapper die Daten einmal eingebe
oder einmal korrigiere, dann wäre es nett wenn das dann bei beiden
Projekten erscheint. Das doppelte Taging ist aus Sicht der Mapper irre
umständlich. Der Rat sich für ein Schema zu entscheiden wäre ok, wenn es
nur einen Mapper gäbe, aber so lässt sich einfach nicht vermieden dass
es Doppeltaging gibt. 

 Um zu verhindern, dass die eine oder die andere Seite von heute auf morgen 
 ohne Karte da steht, muss einfach definiert werden was z.B. Bots wann und wie 
  ich habe auf meinem Server das Schema hinterlegt und wenn dort etwas 
 geändert wird, werden die Tags in OSM automatisch nachgeführt. Am besten 
 benutzt ihr auch das Schema auf meinem Server ist für mich ein No Go.
 Auch wenn sich dies spezielle Problem aufgrund der inzwischen gewonnen 
 Erfahrung heute bestimmt vermeiden lässt, gibt es noch viele Kleinigkeiten, 
 die nicht das Tagging an sich betreffen, sondern den Umgang mit OSM-Daten im 
Was natürlich nicht sein kann ist, dass ein bot großflächig über die
Daten drüber mäht, wie es wohl in der Vergangenheit Mal geschah.
Mittlerweile haben sich doch beide Tagingschemata sozusagen
stabilisiert, somit müssten jetzt die Anpassungen doch eher auf der
Rendererseite, als auf der  Datenbankseite erfolgen.

Als OSM- Mapper sehe ich FT eher als Editor als als eigenes
Datenbankprojekt (was es natürlich ist). Wenn ich im FT- Editor etwas
ändere dann sollte das auch in der OSM- Datenbank erscheinen. Genauso
wird eine Änderung mit dem OSeaM- Editor auch in der Datenbank
abgebildet. Jetzt aber Mal eben alle Leuchttürme umzutagen nur weil
einem ein neues tag anstattdessen eingefallen ist sollte beim
derzeitigen Verwendungsgrad aller seamark tags tunlichst unterlassen
werden, da stimme ich dir voll und ganz zu.

 Erst wenn dieser allgemeine Umgang mit den Daten geklärt ist, macht es Sinn 
 über ein gemeinsames Schema zu sprechen. Dies sollte dann natürlich nicht am 
 runden Tisch passieren ;-)

Grüßle, Christian

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Unterscheidung (war Tiefenangabe alsName)

2010-08-22 Thread Christian Wagner
Am Sonntag, den 22.08.2010, 03:37 +0200 schrieb Olaf Hannemann:
 Hallo Martin,
 Das Problem ist, dass nicht jeder Leuchturm bei Tage (also als Landmarke) von 
 See aus gut zu erkennen ist. So stehen einige wie z.B. der Leuchtturm Buk zu 
 weit im Landesinneren um noch als Landmarke erkannt zu werden.  Andere wie 
 z.B. das Maritim in Travemünde sind von der eigentlichen Bauform kein 
 Leuchtturm im klassischen Sinne. Das Maritim ist ein Hotelhochhaus mit einem 
 Leuchtfeuer auf dem Dach. Es würde zwar eine Landmarke sein aber eben kein 
 Turm (tower).
 Mein Vorschlag wäre entgegen des Proposals für marine-tagging das seamark 
 weg zulassen und des weiteren wie im Proposal vorgeschlagen ein landmark=* 
 tag mit dem entsprechenden Wert an das wirklich als Landmarke benutzbare 
 Objekt heran zuhängen.


  Evtl. könnte es ggf. sinnvoll sein, aktive und alte Leuchttürme zu
  unterscheiden, indem die aktiven zusätzlich den seamark-tag bekommen
  (wenn Leuchttürme wovon ich als Landratte ausgehe, Seezeichen sind,
  die für die Navigation relevant sind). Üblicherweise in OSM machen wir
  das allerdings sonst über disused.
 Die aktiven Leuchtfeuer sollten sowieso durch die angehängten seamark:light=* 
 tags leicht zu erkennen sein. Dies benötigt keinen extra tag.


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Ideen Sammel, und organisieren eines CCBYSA 2.0 Forks

2010-08-22 Thread Felix Hartmann

Ich hab mal hier ganz kurz ein paar Punkte hingeschrieben, die wir uns 
anschauen sollten, um einen Fork aufzusetzen, und somit Druck auf die 
OSMF auszuueben, die Odbl abzublasen.

Statt nur zu meckern sollten wir Taten folgen lassen um die Odbl 
effektiv den Bach runtergehen zu lassen!

Also arbeiten wir dran, wie wir die Odbl verhindern koennen, und nicht 
warum und wieso, sondern ganz klar, lasst uns einen Fork entstehen 
lassen, um einerseits im Falle des durchgehens der Odbl eine effektive 
Alternative bieten zu koennen, und nicht mit leeren Haenden darzustehen, 
zweitens um denen die nur aus Angst dass OSM ohne Zustimmung nicht mehr 
existiert Sicherheit zu geben, dass es auch ohne odbl weitergeht, und 
drittens und eigentlich als Ziel der Anstrengungen das erreichen das 
obiges eingestampft werden kann, weil die odbl nicht durchgeht!

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[Talk-de] OpenRouteService Beta Fahrradrouting!

2010-08-22 Thread Sven Geggus
Hallo zusammen,

hab gerade das neue Fahrradrouting von ORS ausprobiert und muss
sagen, dass ich beeindruckt bin.

Auf mein Standardweg hier (ca. 10km) wir genau die Route
vorgeschlagen, die ich immer fahre und die auf langjähriger Erfahrung
beruht. Endlich keine zwanghafte Benutzung großer Straßen mehr.



Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety (Benjamin Franklin)

/me is gig...@ircnet, on the Web

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Ideen Sammel, und organisieren eines CCBYSA 2.0 Forks

2010-08-22 Thread Sebastian Masch
Felix Hartmann wrote on 22.08.2010 12:10:
 Ich hab mal hier ganz kurz ein paar Punkte hingeschrieben, die wir uns 
 anschauen sollten, um einen Fork aufzusetzen, und somit Druck auf die 
 OSMF auszuueben, die Odbl abzublasen.

Wo muss ich unterschreiben, daß meine Daten nicht in diesem Fork landen?


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Unterscheidung (war Tiefenangabe alsName)

2010-08-22 Thread Georg Feddern

Moin Olaf,

Olaf Hannemann schrieb:
P.S. Bitte antworte demnächst doch bitte nur an die Mailingliste und nicht 
zusätzlich an mich als pm.

Du resp. Dein Mail-Client fordert den Antwortenden explizit dazu auf, 
beim 'normalen' Antworten zusätzlich eine Mail direkt an Dich zu senden, 
auch ohne 'an alle' zuantworten.
Wenn Du das nicht wünschst, solltest Du das besser direkt in deinem 
Mail-Client einstellen, sonst wird das zwangsläufig immer wieder passieren.

Hier jetzt mit Absicht so gehandhabt, um es zu verdeutlichen.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Ideen Sammel, und organisieren eines CCBYSA 2.0 Forks

2010-08-22 Thread Felix Hartmann

 On 22.08.2010 12:56, Sebastian Masch wrote:

Felix Hartmann wrote on 22.08.2010 12:10:

Ich hab mal hier ganz kurz ein paar Punkte hingeschrieben, die wir uns
anschauen sollten, um einen Fork aufzusetzen, und somit Druck auf die
OSMF auszuueben, die Odbl abzublasen.

Wo muss ich unterschreiben, daß meine Daten nicht in diesem Fork landen?


Dass kannst du nicht, solange der Fork unter CCBYSA steht. Erst zu dem 
Zeitpunkt wenn/falls ein Split kommt, ist es dir moeglich zu bestimmen 
dass NEUE Daten nicht mehr in einem CCBYSA Fork landen.

Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Ideen Sammel, und organisieren eines CCBYSA 2.0 Forks

2010-08-22 Thread Josias Polchau

Am 22.08.2010 13:20, schrieb Felix Hartmann:

Dass kannst du nicht, solange der Fork unter CCBYSA steht.

da Daten von der CC nicht abgedeckt werden, sind meine Daten nach 
Deutschem (EU-) Recht eigentlich garnicht oder nur für OSM lizensiert. ^^

bin gespannt was dabei rauskommt.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Ideen Sammel, und organisieren eines CCBYSA 2.0 Forks

2010-08-22 Thread Sebastian Klein

Felix Hartmann wrote:
Ich hab mal hier ganz kurz ein paar Punkte hingeschrieben, die wir uns 
anschauen sollten, um einen Fork aufzusetzen, und somit Druck auf die 
OSMF auszuueben, die Odbl abzublasen.

Statt nur zu meckern sollten wir Taten folgen lassen um die Odbl 
effektiv den Bach runtergehen zu lassen!

Also arbeiten wir dran, wie wir die Odbl verhindern koennen, und nicht 
warum und wieso, sondern ganz klar, lasst uns einen Fork entstehen 
lassen, um einerseits im Falle des durchgehens der Odbl eine effektive 
Alternative bieten zu koennen, und nicht mit leeren Haenden darzustehen, 
zweitens um denen die nur aus Angst dass OSM ohne Zustimmung nicht mehr 
existiert Sicherheit zu geben, dass es auch ohne odbl weitergeht, und 
drittens und eigentlich als Ziel der Anstrengungen das erreichen das 
obiges eingestampft werden kann, weil die odbl nicht durchgeht!

Vielleicht könnte man ein wenig die politische Schärfe aus der Aktion 
rausnehmen. Ein cc-by-sa Fork könnte in jedem Fall sinnvoll sein - 
unabhängig davon, ob man persönlich die Lizenzumstellung zum Scheitern 
bringen möchte oder nicht.

Ein lauffähiger Fork kann natürlich auch als Druckmittel benutzt werden, 
aber muss man ihn als solchen im Vornherein aufbauschen?

So wie ich es mitbekommen habe, gibt außerdem viele Communitymitglieder, 
die mit der ODbL keine Probleme haben, sondern eher mit den mit der Art, 
wie sie dem Projekt vorgesetzt wurde. Weiterhin die Gruppe, welche den 
Contributor Terms aus verschiedenen Gründen nicht zustimmen möchte, und 
für die aus diesem Grund ein Lizenzwechsel nicht in Frage kommt.

Dies macht einen cc-by-sa Fork nicht weniger sinnvoll, aber man könnte 
ein wenig die Agenda und Projektbeschreibung überdenken.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Fragen zu Grenzen

2010-08-22 Thread bundesrainer
Hash: SHA1

Hallo Manuel

Am 22.08.2010 11:51, schrieb Manuel Reimer:
 Kann ich, sobald die nötigen Wege da sind, die Grenze nach einer
 amtlichen Karte übertragen? Grenzverläufe sind ja wohl hoffentlich
 nicht geschützt...

Die Grenzverläufe selbst sind nicht geschützt, aber in den meisten
Fällen die Karten, die Grenzverläufe enthalten. Nach meinem
Verständnis, darf man die Verläufe nicht direkt von den Karten
abzeichnen, aber man darf sich ruhig an ihnen orientieren (wie von dir
beschrieben: an welchem Weg/Fluss/whatever verläuft die Grenze)

 Andere Frage: Unsere Gemeinde besteht aus drei Ortschaften. Die Grenze
 zwischen den Ortschaften ist auf keiner Karte mehr zu finden. Sind die
 alten Grenzen, sofern ich die Grenzsteine finde, noch relevant und
 können/sollten in die OSM eingetragen werden?

Wenn du weißt, wo die Grenzen verlaufen, trag sie ein. Wenn ich das
richtig sehe, haben diese Ortsteilgrenzen keine administrative
Funktion (mehr)? Dann nimm dafür admin_level=10.
Solche Ortsteilgrenzen sind für Auswertungszwecke gut geeignet. Zum
Beispiel wird in RLP in den Straßenlisten oft nach Ortsteilen

Beste Grüße,
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