RE: VNC connection via browser not working.

2003-10-10 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Schouten, Frits JF [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm a bit new in the VNC thing and need some help .
 I've installed the VNC server on solaris 2.5.1.
 I'm running VNC on the host which was nominated display :6
 I've started an application with it's output to display :6
 On my PC I started VNCviewer which connected fine to 
 http://myhost:5906 and,
 after the password was done, I got the application that was 
 started on the
 So far so good.
 But I don't want to go around to every PC that need's a view 
 and install the
 vncviewer, so I tried to connect using a browser.
 When I type in  http://myhost:5906 in my browser it returns 
 'RFB 003.003'
 and nothing else.
 What am I missing here? Anybody have any ideas?

I think you mix some things:

the rfb protocol runs at port 5906, the webserver runs at port 5806. Hence
browse to http://myhost:5806.

On the other side, the browser is only a single binary that does not need
any customization. Just dump it somewhere (in the path, like
/usr/local/bin/vncviewer), give it execute rights and `vncviewer myhost:6`
boosts you away.

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RE: VNC via web page

2003-10-02 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Richard Histon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Help please.
 I successfully connect to vnc via the internet, using port 
 5900 and the viewer, port 5900 is opened in my router.

Change the display number and add that to 5900 to change the port. It's a
fairly easy hack to find this port. And vnc is not secure in any way. The
encryption you might see is actually compression and wel published.

 I also want to connect using a web browser.

That's by default on the port 100 lower than the vncviewer, (if it is not
disabled). So also open port 5800 to get things going.

Once you've seen it working, keep in mind, this is even less secure since
you now not only provide the access but also the tools to access...

 My router has port 80 open, but I'm redirecting that to a 
 webmail server

If this is a kind of webserver, then peek at the page that is published at
port 5800 and get that one into your other webserver.

The java files can be found in any unix (linux) vnc distribution, in the
.../classes/ directory. Just extract a unix zip (gz, tgz) distribution (with
winzip for example). The *.vnc files in that .../classes/ directory are html
templates that can be used as a template for your html pages.

 So can I reach VNC using a web browser, with another port?

As above, you can use any other webserver on the same machine as the
vncserver (that is a java restriction) as long as you know some html coding.

Otherwise, you also have to open the vnc-webserver at port 5800.

 I don't want to stop reaching vnc remotely with the viewer.

If you are from the internet, keep in mind that vnc has no security. Most
security is added using ssh or variants.

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RE: vnc in linux and vnc w/ ssl

2003-09-29 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 when running vnc in linux, all i can see is the
 console. is there a way to access my linux desktop
 just like in windows which displays and lets me access
 the actual desktop of my machine? are there any
 special permissions in linux that have to be set? 

All vnc-systems are the same except the M$Windows based ones. Origionally,
vnc is developped to provide a windowing system origionating from a server,
showing on a remote (low cost desktop) display. Unfortunatly, this could not
be done for M$Windows machines, hence the design for this platform is
altered to display the console...

Currently most users see the M$Windows design as the default and expect the
same on unix machines. Its possible on a limited set of systems:

There is an module for XFree86 (on Linux) that adds the rfb protocol to the
X11 server.

There is a tool that runs in/with KDE (krfb or such) that should work
wherever kde is available.

There is a tool that runs on some frame-buffer devices.

 is there any way to speed up the applet browser-based
 vnc with ssl? when i try it in windows, it takes up to
 10 minutes before the browser loads.

well, you just describe the worst scenario I can imagine. If you need
something like ssh or any other security, best disable the webserver and
java browser, it strips a lot of unnecessary overhead:
you don't need to open 2 ports, only one (the 59xx one).
you don't need to transfer the applet so ssh does not need to encrypt it.
(it does so on every reload!!!)
If you need the applet because there is no binary viewer for your platform,
then just start it locally.

If speeed is an issue and ssh is required, then disabling the
vnc-compression can boost the performance on the server since there is only
one compressor/encryptor running. ssh can do compression too (does it by

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RE: Monochrome support

2003-09-24 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Murphy Marc SLUK [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: woensdag 24 september 2003 15:00
 We are thinking of using VAC as a remote control tool for an embedded
 application and have managed to get a simulation running 
 under windows using
 rfbcounter.  The problem is that we will be initially using 
 the system using
 a 57k link (COM port) and sending the information as 8 bit per pixel
 increases our transmission requirements 8*, I see in the 
 future that there
 will be 3bit support per pixel has there been any 
 consideration of using 1
 bit per pixel to support monochrome displays ?

I think it's mainly in the rfb protocol. Does that support 1 bit 'displays'
or not. If it does, then best use that. If it does not, then it can be an
idea to extend the protocol to also allow 1 bit displays.

However, if there is no support for 1 bit (or anything below 8 bit) in the
current protocol, then you also need to update the vncviewer.

 A compression algorithm would then be able to be implemented to reduce
 overhead even more.  

If it is to optimize the bandwidth (thats what it should be) you should
carefully select the compression algorithm. I think about the next parts:

Go for run-length encoding. Is the most simple compression (not sending 8,
the same pixels in a line but send '8 of the next pixels').

Use the fact that vnc can update parts of the screen. This can also be a
single pixel.

If you have a selected number of partial pictures you show (like characters
or icons or such) then pre-encode those characters and send them as partial

Keep in mind, specially if it is for display only, that there are more
protocols. I think the streaming-video protocols are way to much overhead so
don't spoil your time on them...

 We are looking at expanding rfbcounter to create a fairly 
 simple embedded
 server and support 1  2 bit pixel modes. As the server processor is
 relatively low power all complex processing can be done by the client.
 What should be done about submitting code for the client so 
 that changes can
 be incorporated into public release ?

As for the public release, to follow the gpl, copy-left license, you are
free to use the rfb protocol and use the rfb-counter code as an example.

If you somehow extend the rfb protocol, it is nice if you upload your ideas
to the public. Specially if you update the default viewer to also view your
extensions. This updated viewer code also needs to be published. And to
explain your update of the protocol, it would be nice if you provide an
example vncserver that shows the usage like the rfb-counter.

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RE: Beginner VNC User - About to have a baby!

2003-09-19 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Ralph Gaboury [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 My wife is about to have a baby (due 9/25), and I've been 
 trying to figure out 
 how to get VNC to work through my office's firewall so that I 
 can work from 
 home once the baby comes.  I've read through several dozen 
 help articles, and 
 postings to this list trying to figure it out, but the 
 network and programming 
 lingo is a little over my head.  Thanks in advance for 
 putting up with my 
 Newbie ignorance.  

Don't bother setting up the vnc connection from home to the office, you do
not get any time to use it once you are a father (as in parent). Best is to
do your job before your wife delivers your child. Once the 'Newbie' is
around, you are also a 'newbie'-father and gonna get a lot of experience on
a totally different job.

Good luck with the new baby,

from an experienced father (my little girl is 5 years already ;-)


btw: if you like to do something with computers while the new baby is
around, get a digital photo camera and dump the pictures on a website on a
daily base and teach the grandparents how to see the pictures on internet
while they are not around your new child...

 Here's my set-up:

not relevant parts are removed

 At home, I have a Macintosh G4 running OS 10.1 (soon to be 10.2).  My 
 Mac is hooked up to the Internet through a router (Netgear 
 Websafe) hooked up 
 to a cable modem (Motorolla Surfboard) -- I use a router 
 because I am also 
 using an Analog Telephone Adapter for the Vonage 
 voice-over-Internet service 
 (which works beautifully by the way - e-mail me with any 
 questions you might 
 have about Vonage).

Slightly change here: the above hardware will serve as a webserver

 Ralph Gaboury

new baby at ;-)

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RE: VNC for embedded systems

2003-09-18 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Blackburn Andrew SLUK [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I am new to VNC, but the RFB protocol appears to be just the 
 kind of thing I
 am looking for.
 I am working on an application with a 16-bit microprocessor 
 running @ 20MHz
 driving an LCD display .  We are attempting provide a feature 
 whereby the
 display can be emulated remotely on a PC.
 RFB looks ideal with the exception that it is designed for 
 thin clients
 (thick servers).  If I understand correctly, the server (our 16-bit
 processor) would be required to have knowledge of all of the encoding

Not necessary, it only needs to know one (raw encoding should do) and
convince the viewer it only supports that one.

For what it's worth, the origional website
( provided a tiny
vnc-server-example to which you can connect a viewer In the viewer, you see
a number (lcd-type display ;-) counting something.

see  for details

It depends on the kind of lcd display but if it is a raster or dot-matrix
one, then you can just map the lcd-pixels to vnc-server-pixels and provide
that once someone is connected.

(i wish my printer had such a display, just run `vncviewer printer` and see
the display from miles away).

 Does anyone know whether it is possible to streamline the RFB 
 protocol for
 execution on a 16-bit processor?  Perhaps by making a 
 concession and just
 adopting a single encoding format.  Code space and processor 
 bandwidth come
 at a premium.

Then best use no compression, skips compression code and compression cpu
usage. I can imagine it is a mode acceptable for all viewers.

 Any ideas and/or comment would be much appreciated.

if the machine is equipped with buttons, you might do something with mapping
keyboard hits to the buttons. If it is a touchabel lcd, you might do
somethign with the mouse events. However, if it is for viewing only, just
ignore the events by providing a view-only server.

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RE: VNC for embedded systems

2003-09-18 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Blackburn Andrew SLUK [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: donderdag 18 september 2003 16:32
 To: 'Beerse, Corni'
 Cc: 'maillist VNC Real'
 Subject: RE: VNC for embedded systems

 Thanks Corni

 Cou or anyone else point me to the rfbcounter server example?
  The web site
 seems to have broken.

I was happy to find the old links working. It's from the origional
suppliers. Unfortunatly, not all is preserved there. Did you do a search on
the old and the new sites?

I know I had a copy of it somewhere but it's most likely that was with a
previous job, hence unreachable for me now.




 -Original Message-
 From: Beerse, Corni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 18 September 2003 14:57
 To: 'Blackburn Andrew SLUK'
 Cc: 'maillist VNC Real'
 Subject: RE: VNC for embedded systems

  -Original Message-
  From: Blackburn Andrew SLUK [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I am new to VNC, but the RFB protocol appears to be just the
  kind of thing I
  am looking for.
  I am working on an application with a 16-bit microprocessor
  running @ 20MHz
  driving an LCD display .  We are attempting provide a feature
  whereby the
  display can be emulated remotely on a PC.
  RFB looks ideal with the exception that it is designed for
  thin clients
  (thick servers).  If I understand correctly, the server (our 16-bit
  processor) would be required to have knowledge of all of
 the encoding

 Not necessary, it only needs to know one (raw encoding should do) and
 convince the viewer it only supports that one.

 For what it's worth, the origional website
 ( provided a tiny
 vnc-server-example to which you can connect a viewer In the
 viewer, you see
 a number (lcd-type display ;-) counting something.

 for details

 It depends on the kind of lcd display but if it is a raster
 or dot-matrix
 one, then you can just map the lcd-pixels to
 vnc-server-pixels and provide
 that once someone is connected.

 (i wish my printer had such a display, just run `vncviewer
 printer` and see
 the display from miles away).

  Does anyone know whether it is possible to streamline the RFB
  protocol for
  execution on a 16-bit processor?  Perhaps by making a
  concession and just
  adopting a single encoding format.  Code space and processor
  bandwidth come
  at a premium.

 Then best use no compression, skips compression code and
 compression cpu
 usage. I can imagine it is a mode acceptable for all viewers.

  Any ideas and/or comment would be much appreciated.

 if the machine is equipped with buttons, you might do
 something with mapping
 keyboard hits to the buttons. If it is a touchabel lcd, you might do
 somethign with the mouse events. However, if it is for
 viewing only, just
 ignore the events by providing a view-only server.

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RE: Can't run Cadence remotelly with VNC

2003-09-15 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Fernando Rangel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: maandag 15 september 2003 11:46
 Subject: Can't run Cadence remotelly with VNC
I just set up may VNC environment. It works with many X 
 but Cadence. I got those messages below:

I think I'm beginning to learn Cadence from the messages in the vnc
maillist. I'm sure it is a bad-behaving X11 application (learned from
previous messages) but this one is new (to me).

 X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does 
 not exist)
   Major opcode of failed request:  45 (X_OpenFont)
   Serial number of failed request:  16
   Current serial number in output stream:  28
 Could someone have a clue about it?

It is an application that asks for a color or a font by its name but where
there is no such thing found in the X11 environment.

I think in your case it is a font that Cadence is asking to use but which is
either not configured in vnc or one that cannot be displayed by vnc.

Run `xset -query` to see the fontpath. Compare that with what you get on a
display where cadence is working properly. If the fontpaths are equal, then
it is most likely a font that Xvnc cannot display. If the fontpaths differ,
update the Xvnc one. you can use `xset` to do it on the fly. Best add
fontdirectories one by one and check carefully if each fontdirectory is
accepted. btw: the order is important here.

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RE: Unable to use VNC --

2003-09-08 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Dave Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Despite lots of help and suggestions from this list, I've been unable to 
 use VNC to communicate from my office XP machine to my home Win ME 
 These programs work just fine across my small LAN at my office, but not 

This lan should be considdered a single network.

 through the internet and the routers at both ends.  Both machines have

Internet is an other network (actually, a network of networks).

 Someone at Earthlink support suggested I install a bridge or a modem 
 instead of a router.  What is that?  Does anyone have any brandnames 
 they'd be willing to suggest?

Those are general terms for devices to make networks or to connect networks.
To list some more of these networking devices:

amplifier, hub, T-pice: parts to make a single network. Machines connected
with those can see all trafic to and from all machines on the same network.
Those stuff have no configuration or such.

bridge, switch: parts to combine single networks to a 'virtual' single
network. broadcasted trafic goes to all machines on all connected networks,
directed trafic, only goes to the proper direction. Those devices most time
can do without configuration, they configure themselves on the fly.

router, gateway, modem: parts to inter-connect networks. Only directed
trafic passes if configured to pass. Need dedicated configuration to operate
properly. Some (most consumer models) can be configured from the network

Hence, to answer your question: the earthlink support is pointing you to
ease of configuration. For brandnames, there are way to many to choose from,
then, I can point you to a device for sale at my side of the globe, but not
available on your side...

To help you, remove all stuff you don't need to get started. Once you have
that going, then add security and routing step by step.

 To top it all off, next week I'm getting a new installation at my office 
 with a different router from Covad instead of QWest (which is leaving 
 the DSL business).
 Would really like to get this working in order to replace, 
 which is costing $20/month for maybe two usages a month.
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RE: Getting Xvnc to work with xinetd

2003-09-03 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Christopher Hogan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: woensdag 3 september 2003 7:55
 Subject: Getting Xvnc to work with xinetd
 I need help getting vnc to work with xinetd. I've followed the
 instructions at:

I use for that. It
focusses on RH7 but can be used on many, if not all, unix and linux

 However, when I connect via vncviewer, all I get is a grey screen with
 an X pointer. How do I get a login screen? I've tried subsituting Xvnc
 with vncserver in xinetd. However, I then get an invalid vnc server
 error, even after assigning a user with the appropriate ~/.vnc folder.

Who's ~/.vnc folder? It should be the one from the account that runs `Xvnc`,
definitly not the one that logs-in. With the setup as on my link, the ~/.vnc
folder is not used.

 I'm using vnc version 3.3.7 and SuSE 8.2. Reading the FAQ at RealVNC, I
 see it's normal to get this grey screen using Xvnc. However, everything
 I've found (including the default settings for xinetd under SuSE) say I
 should get a log-in screen. Help?

If you started at the SuSE 8.2 documentation, you should know that what you
want is already installed and configured out of the box. Hence: if you
installed vnc from an other source, remove it. Start Yast and install vnc
(all vnc parts) and you are set.

 Chris Hogan
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2003-08-29 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: donderdag 28 augustus 2003 21:45
 I have my  setup working on my linux box at work but some of 
 the guys at
 work can't get there setup to work.  I am using gnome-session as my
 window manager and it displays my entire session through vnc, but when
 others at my job try it they get the grey screen and a message saying
 that they already have a gnome-session running.  I even tried it with
 the --display option but it seems to not pay attention.  Any ideas?

This realy asks for the setup as on . Beside this setup,
no user specific setup is required. Every one get a new, fresh vnc session
just as at the console.

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RE: display

2003-08-29 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 after starting vnc and starting an xterm it re- runs my 
 .cshrc and sets
 display variable back to my old home display, how do I stop 
 that so that
 things run from command line with out having to reset the DISPLAY

You make several huge errors:

1: Never, Never just set environment settings in .cshrc; donnot use `setenv`
in .cshrc without proper tests if it realy needs to be altered. you should
use .login for that. If that one is not run (because it is not used as a
login shell) then an other file (.dtlogin for CDE for example) is ther to
set environment variables. Your window manager or display manager has a
suitable file for setting environment variables. Detail: most of these files
use borne-shell syntax: `set variable=value` followed by `export variable`.

2: Never, Never hardcode the setting of $DISPLAY in a login or resource
script. If it needs to be altered, be sure you don't spoil a working value:
use decent tests around it. Be sure to check both the hostname and the
display number separatly. If bad $DISPLAY values are due to remote logins
(telnet, rsh, rlogin and such) there are suitable alternate tools (xrsh and
xon are the ones that come to mind). If the remote logon is `ssh`, that has
an even beter alternate, check the documentation for details.

Hence, your solution is NOT to set the $DISPLAY variable in the .cshrc file.
If you start `xterm -display host:24.7` then xterm will provide the proper
$DISPLAY variable. Expect that to be good.

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RE: Question - RealVNC TightVNC

2003-08-22 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Ted LeBlanc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 What is the difference between Real VNC and TightVNC?

From my point of view:
Origionally, there was an ATT lab in the UK that started developing vnc.
After the lab closed, the development is taken over by Real VNC.
Somewhere on the line, TightVNC split off to do what they want to do with

At this point in time, I see it as follows:
RealVNC sticks to the origional and provides a realy good, rock solid vnc
implementation that works on all platforms, where only the platforms are the

TightVNC is one of the development split-offs. These split-offs develop
stuff like new compression algorithms, some security aditionals. THese kind
of like to all platforms. Then there are also split-offs that develop
aditional features at the cost of support for roughly half the target

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RE: Opening a session in text mode

2003-08-21 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Drakpo2001 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I'm Christian from France. I installed VNC on py PC because the Linux
  that 'im working on is in a very hot room (no clim).
  I'm trying to open a window in command line mode ie without opening a
  X-session window.
  How to do ? I tried to delete or change the file X-startup but without
  any result

Some things that come to mind include:
read the documentation. Roughly it says: `vncserver` and follow the
instructions on screen.

Then, if you have more wishes or just want it an other way:
- to fetch the console (like vncserver on M$Windows) search the archive and
websites for xf4vnc or the kde-equivalent (don't know the name by head)
- to have a M$Terminal server like behavoure, setup as on .
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RE: DISPLAY problem

2003-08-20 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Muzi Nkosi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have a vncserver running on a HP-UX machine (openveview is 
 also running on this machine).

This runs vncserver. It provides openview:1

 I also have another HP-UX machine that is running Nethealth.

This runs vncserver. It provides nethealth:1

 from my windows machine I could  with vncviewer access 
 openview and nethealth.

You access with `vncviewer nethealth:1` or `vncviewer openview:1`.

 Now I can only access openview only , from another terminal 
 seesion when I try to start nethealth
 I ger a error message 
 nethealth exiting 'DISPLAY' environment varibles not set.
 1. I tried export DISPLAY=hostname:0.0

The $DISPLAY can/should be nethealth:1
It can also be openview:1, then it ends up at the openview display...
btw: the numbers are more important than the names. The names can be any
name the machine listens to, including localhost and even non at all.

 also get  a error can't open display: hostname:0.0

That's for the graphical console, I guess it's not available.
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RE: 4.0b3: vncviewer reading password from tty

2003-08-15 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Waugh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Apparently some people liked and used the behaviour of vncviewer
 reading a password from the tty, and would like to see that behaviour
 again in 4.0:
 Although they could switch to using the -passwd=file mechanism, it
 would be nice to provide an option for reading the tty again.
 Here is a patch to do that.  What do you think?

I don't think vnc should do it. vnc provides proper, decent and relatively
save ways to pass the password phrase without having to type the password.

Why use expect if there is no need to do so? I'd regard it as a not needed
usage of expect.
Besides the fact that it is potentially more unsave since the expect way
needs an unencrypted password, where the vnc-password-file contains an
encrypted one.
Then, hackers will first attack expect since they expect to find more
passwords in there than with vnc. (just an other reason to not use

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RE: Want to bypass login prompt

2003-08-15 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 I need to set up a vncserver which will not even prompt for a 

That is possible. For unix, there are 2 ways, starting with the vncserver
script and strip that down to the bone or just starting at the Xvnc binary
and add options until it works.

 I have tried to remove the rfbauth option but the login box is still
 displayed - you just don't have to enter a password

That's the access controll between vncserver and vncviewer.

 If anyone's interested I am trying to set up Oracle reports using a
 vncsession as the DISPLAY setting.  The window is never 
 actually displayed
 but it has to be defined and valid.  At the moment the report 
 just hangs and
 I think it's because of the password prompt.

I don't think it is due to the password prompt. The password prompt is to
gain access with a viewer to a server. That has noting to do with an
application that needs to put its (X11-)windows on a (X11)display.

For your problem, I see the next solutions:
Start an X11 session without X11 security: add the -ac optiosn and don't
use the -auth file option. This removes all X11 access security, just like
`xhost +` does. This should suit your needs.
If you need X11 access security, you have to create a decent X11
authentication file and use that file with the -auth... option (and don't
use the -ac option).

An other solution on this behalf is start the `vncserver` using the same
account as the accout that runs the oracle applications. The first time you
need to do this manually, once setup, it can be run from a script.

 If I manage to achieve connection, I would then want to 
 disable any keyboard
 input to add some security to this server.

You can leave the rfb access controll in tact. Use the -viewonly to
disable the keyboard and mouse. I think you'd better twiggle a little with
the Xvnc options. For a list, see `Xvnc  --help`. You can give those options
to the `vncserver` script too.

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RE: Sending Option Key to OSX Server from Win32 Client

2003-08-14 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Christopher Hickman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Does anyone have any idea how to send a keypress for the Mac Option key 
 to a Mac OS X VNC server from a Windows client?  I've been scratching 
 my head, trying to figure it out.

In the viewer window, the pc-way hard to send keys are in the menu. I have
information that this list of dedicated keys can be changed and/or updated.
(You are right, it should also list the special apple keys...)

Do you happen to have a logo and/or a menu key on your keyboard? Have
you tried them?

In the end, since the server is OS-X, it is an X11 display. For X11, there
is an application `xkeycaps` that can show any keyboard layout (it has
hunderds preconfigured) and you can 'press' every key with your mouse. It
can also aid you to reconfigure your keyboard map.

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RE: constraining Xvnc displays to a user list?

2003-08-14 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: donderdag 14 augustus 2003 17:09
 To: VNC List
 Subject: constraining Xvnc displays to a user list?
 I would like to be able to maintain a list of users with display numbers

If you have more than a view users, better use the setup as on . Only disadvantages,
only one viewer to a session (no more, no less). Major advantage: only setup
as above and no user specific setup. Users can pick their size and geometry
on connecting. (btw: the site focusses on RedHat. COmmercial unixes are even
simpler (only /etc/services and inetd configuration needed). 

 they are allowed to use with Xvnc.  I couldn't rely on users to start
 their Xvnc session with the right display number, so I'd need for Xvnc to
 disallow initiation of sessions with the wrong display value.  Is it
 possible for Xvnc to do this?

No. If you want a live list, see the output of `netstat -a` for a base and
see if you can filter your live sessions from there. However, it might only
list the sessions that have a viewer-server connection, I don't know if it
lists servers without a current viewer.

 If it is not possible without further coding in the source, I would
 recommend that as a possible future direction.  In the 
 meantime, I can use
 a tcsh alias that will call vncserver with the appropriate 
 settings for
 the user...
 vncserver -name $USER \!* :`egrep ^$USER  /etc/vncnums.list 
 | gawk '{print $2}'`
 or something like that.  Then I just won't tell the users about the
 vncserver command so they'll have to use the alias instead.
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RE: VNC 4.0 Beta 3

2003-07-29 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: William Hooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Li, Charles said:
  What is the difference between realvnc and tightvnc?
  Which is better?
 What is the difference between blue and red?
 Which is better?

I, as a user, see the next differences:

RealVNC: the main-stream vnc: prime target to be rock-solid and on all
platforms. New features are only added if rock-solid and realy needed.

TightVNC: (one of) the vnc implementations that focuses on new (internal)
features, like new compressions and such. Also on all platforms.

Other vnc implementations do implement external features like file transfer
but sometimes lack the implementation on all platforms, like M$Windows only.

 Sorry to make the point that way, but that is basically what you are
 asking.  Try both TightVNC and RealVNC and use the one that 
 fits best in your situation.

You are right that both RealVNC and TightVNC are verry stable
implementations for all platforms.

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RE: VNC + multiple monitors

2003-07-28 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 My question is how?
 I use a large and small monitor.  The small one is the main desktop 
 and the large one is graphical layout for databazse design.
 Will these appear as a single larger monitor under VNC or will it 
 support :0, :1 for these two displays (using Windows sorry).  :0 = 
 smaller/main, :1 large graphical.

The :1 and :2 approach is already used to address vnc-sessions to all but
M$Windows vnc-servers and hence should not be used for multi-headed
vnc-sessions. I do know the X11 way to address multiple monitors and hope
vnc does the same/similar: The X11 display name has the next fields:
[hostname[.domainname]]:[displaynumber[.subdisplay]]. Hence,
subsequent monitors can be addressed by remotemachine:0.1, :0.2 and such.

On unix systems, the multi-headed workstations are addressed in both ways
you say, depending on the used hardware. If a workstation is equipped with 2
(or more) video-cards then the video-cards are addressed with their own
display name: :0.0 and :0.1 (and subsequent numbers). If a single
video-card has multiple monitor connectors, then this can be configured as
if 2 different video-cards (with 2 different subdisplay numbers) or as a
single, large window.

For vnc on M$Windows, I think the approach is similar. If the M$Windows
system just sees a sinlge display adapter and spreads its windows over both
displays, the vnc-session most likely provides a large (scrollable) window.
I don't know details but I think this knid of multiple display is already
supported by one or more of the vnc implementations.

If the M$Windows machine sees multiple displays (and cannot spread a window
over multiple displays but just on one or the other) then vnc most likely
provides multile windows (maybe addressble with the subdisplaynumber).

In the end, its just up to the imlementation.

btw: I don't think there is much need for the (default) unix vnc server
(Xvnc) to implement subdisplays and  such. However, now I think of it, it
can be nice if a kind of Xvnc process can be used to implement the
sub-addressing: start it and get display :0.1 (and :0.2, :0.3 and such).

 On 28 Jul 2003 at 12:53, James Weatherall wrote:
  A multi-monitor aware beta release of VNC will be available sometime
  this week.  I'll be particularly interested in feedback from users
  Wez @ RealVNC Ltd.
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RE: (no subject)

2003-07-03 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: O.D.Iberien [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Someone please tell me if I am right or wrong about this:

There is no right and wrong, it's just if what you want matches what you get
by what you do...

 The heart of my problem is that VNC does not resize in 
 response to changes in geometry. A 24-point letter is going 
 to be the same size on the screen whether or not it is in a 
 640x400 window or a 1200x600 window. Although the VNC window 
 changes size, the windows within it do not. For instance, 
 only one-quarter of the OpenOffice window shows up within a 
 full-screen VNC window. Without scrollbars, I have to drag 
 the OpenOffice window around inside the VNC window in order 
 to see all of it. If the scaling function actually worked, 
 then it would be fine. But, it doesn't -- it is painfully out 
 of focus.  I have a 17 monitor, which is pretty standard, so 
 it seems odd to me that VNC seems to be scaled for use on 
 something much larger

For a start, some lines about sizes on vnc:
It starts with the vncserver: that has a size once it is started. On
M$Windows its the size of the console display, on unix, its the size you
give it with -geometry XXXxYYY, the `vncserver` script has some build in
default wich you can change with any text editor, numbers at this point can
be rounded to a multiple of 4. This is all considdered pixel size, nothing
more, nothing less.

Then there is the viewer. That just gets the entire picture in its pixel
size. By default it matches every vnc-server pixel to a local pixel. If the
local display is smaller than the remote, then you should get scrollbars in
the vncviewer window.

Some vnc-viewers can zoom. That just removes pixels or doubles pixels,
depending in what direction you zoom.

Some vnc-viewers can go in full-screen mode. I don't know what they do with
the desktop geometry since I don't use it.

Back to your problem: It is true that a 24 point character is the same size
on the viewer display regardless of the vncserver-side geometry: 24 point is
mapped to a number of (24?) pixels. If the vncviewer does not zoom in any
way, every remote pixel is mapped on a local pixel, hence changing the
remote display size does not alter the local picture size.

If the viewer does not provide scrollbars if the vncsession does not fit in
the desktop window, that is an error/bug (or is it a setting?)

 Is this something that I can correct? Or is this something I 
 just have to wait on? It would be wonderful if it could open 
 a full-featured desktop window manager properly.

Waiting is never a solution, you have to step on the bus to get somewhere.
Asking directions here points you to: Check the settings of the viewer, Try
to find an other viewer with more options or just work with it.

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RE: Multiple vnc instances on a linux machine !

2003-07-03 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Carlito - VNC user - installer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm running vnc at the moment at it works beautifully , however in my
 /etc/rc.local file I've put vncserver  and it starts up !
 I enter the session password and I get my X desktop for root.

That should do for static vnc-servers. If you happen to have a RedHat
distribution (any version of 7.x or up will do) that have several
vnc-packages, including a suitable system to do what you want. It is also
documented on the web somewhere.

 Now how do I retain that functionality but also allow another 
 user ( john )
 to also automatically open up his windows vnc viewer proggie 
 and connect to

The best way for normal users, is to setup as on That avoids the need
to administer anything beyond distributing the vncviewer to desktops.

 his X desktop , without via ssh starting up anything manually 
 via a console
 session ... 

an ssh connection (or any other vpn connection) should be setup before vnc
is started. By default vnc is just a little more secure that telnet since it
is compressed. 

 In simple terms how do I run 2 vnc servers 2 times on one machine for
 different users ?

the setup as on the link just needs John to do a `vncviewer
remotemachien:52` to get a unix login box at which he can work just as if at
the machine itself. Jack can do the same to the same port and gets his own
login box and own session.

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RE: Linux Upgrade Question

2003-07-01 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Bill Cabral [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I am currently running a linux server with VNCServer
 3.3.3, and I am looking to upgrade to 3.3.7.  Im
 fairly new to the game, so I want to ask a couple of
 questions before I kill my server!  Will the upgrade
 automatically overwrite the older version of VNC, or
 do I have to delete/rename the files associated with
 the older version first?  I foresee a scenario where
 it installs the 2 versions side by side, and doesnt
 know which vncserver to use when i issue the command. 
 There was a lovely sentence on that
 referred questions about upgrading XVNC versions to a
 mysterious README file that I cant seem to find in the
 documentation or elsewhere.  Im always a bit
 apprehensive when upgrading programs, especially with
 my modest knowledge of Linux, so I thank you for
 indulging my paranoia.  Any ideas?

On unix, (that includes linux) the vnc package(s) more or less contain 2
binaries: `Xvnc` and `vncviewer`. you can savely move the old ones out of
the way (rename them, remove them, your choice) and put the new ones in
place of the old ones.

Then there are a couple of java files, in the ...vnc/classes directory. All
other files are readable script files which are stable since years.

So if you want to controll the update, to it manually: just update the

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RE: no video update on wmcap.exe

2003-06-30 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Brendan Bergin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Goal is to see high quality video using vnc.

Should be no problem on UNIX machines...

 Server is running vnc 3.3.3 and displaying video on the 
 screen using wmcap.exe.

...naa, don't think it will happen with current implementations on M$Windows
platforms. They use polling and hence

 Client is running realvnc 3.3.7 and does connect, the 
 wmcap.exe window 
 shows but is dark.

Tue, every vnc I know on M$Windows just polls the video memory. Most video
display apps and definitly the ones using video overlaying or direct-draw or
other accelleration (so that'll bee all) do NOT use the vidoe memory. Hence,
vnc can never see the video picture.

 I have changed the windows registry values to 1 for all 
 entries against 
 wmcap.exe - in the server with no success.
 Using netmeeting to display the video the client does connect 
 and display 
 the video.

I think that just degrades teh video and gets the actual picture in the
video memory where vnc can poll it out.

 I have searched the web site for video and wmcap without 
 finding any 
 applicable info.
 Any help?

The current list is setup to reply (by default) to the sender, not to the
list. Hence, answers get to the sender and not to the list. Which leaves the
list archive with questions but no answers. Those who ask questions should
be so kind to send a summary of the answers received and the list should add
a message on this in the signature...

Challenge to those who want/like/need to see a video trough vnc: write a
dedicated vnc-server that just displays the video stream in one of the vnc
formats. Formats are described in the vnc documentation. up to a point, you
can see both vnc and video as streaming video. To make it easy: it can be a
read-only vncserver for a start and I don't ask audio since vnc has no

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RE: DOS and VNC (sounds like a commercial for vmware, sorry for t hat)

2003-06-27 Thread Beerse, Corné

Due to the wat MSDos works and the way VNC works, they are verry hard to
combine, specially with MSDos in full-screen mode. 

Recently I'm doing some tests with vmware ( This is
definitly commercial software, definitly no free software.

With vmware-workstation, you can have jet an other machine (a vmware-guest)
inside your own (linux or M$Windows) workstation. If you can take-over this
workstation with vnc, you can access the display of an ms-dos machine.

With vmware-gsx server (and even more expensive, esx server) you can have
the same vmware-guest even on a remote system with display on your own
desktop. For its accessability, comparable with vnc and even have access to
the power switch.

I'm sorry to point you to commercial software trough the maillist of a free
tool but I'd like to share my experience this way. For commercial business,
it can be a solution.

btw: vmware provides trial licenses to test the stuff for 3 months.


 -Original Message-
 From: Brent B. Sloan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: vrijdag 27 juni 2003 0:25
 Subject: DOS and VNC
 I sometimes need access to the DOS version of a Point of Sale 
 program I use
 at my retail business.  I don9t seem to be able to view DOS 
 based programs I
 try to load remotely via VNC.  Is there an answer?  Thanks in advance.
 Brent B. Sloan
 Wine Works
 133 Saint Paul Street
 Burlington, Vermont 05401
 P 802.951.9463
 F 802.865.9435
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RE: VNC over different subnet mask

2003-06-20 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 We've just run out of IP addresses on our network, so we're 
 moving to a different scope,

Should be a totally different scope, not just an other netmask, also an
other network. Then the routers can do a lot for you, now you only have to
hope your routers can coop with the stuff.

If you use a totally different network, then just connect the same router
with a second port to the same network. configure this new port as one (the
gateway) of the new network and off you go.

 current IPs are running - 255 the

Wild guess: subnet was
That makes the next pre-defined (not for host usable) addresses:

The available host range: -

prefered hosts (not requred, its just most tools provide this as default
values once the address and netmask of the above network is defined):
gateway:, network services (dns, dhcp etc):

 new scope is - 255. and subnet mask

That makes:
The available host range: - with the prefered
hosts on the boundaries as before. It is perfectly acceptable to use other
addresses for the gateway and the network services, 

You see, the network address and the broadcast address of one network are
host addresses on the other network.

 When I try to connect with VNC from my PC (old 
 scope) to a new PC (new
 scope) it fails. I've changed my subnet mask to, but it stills fails. Is there anyway around it?

As long as a machine thinks it is on the old network, all addresses outside
this network are forwarded to the defined gateway. No problem from this

If the gateway is already configured for the new network, bad luck, it just
ignores the call since the message is already on the proper network, no need
to `gateway` the message.

If the gateway is still configured for the old network, it depends on the
routing tables. If the routing tables are still in the old network state,
bad luck, your message goes out to the other networks, but not back to the
network with the double configuration.

Only if the gateway has its network-connection configured for the old
network and has updated routing tables to route messages to the new network
(but not in the old network) back to the old network, then you might get a

Hence, best to do a big-bang update of all machines: proper operating
systems can do that on the fly. Or if you want to do it silently, do it to
an other network addres, not one that includes the old network.

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RE: VNC over different subnet mask

2003-06-20 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Beerse, Corni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: vrijdag 20 juni 2003 14:22
 Subject: RE: VNC over different subnet mask

  -Original Message-
  We've just run out of IP addresses on our network, so we're
  moving to a different scope,

 Should be a totally different scope, not just an other
 netmask, also an
 other network. Then the routers can do a lot for you, now you
 only have to
 hope your routers can coop with the stuff.

 If you use a totally different network, then just connect the
 same router
 with a second port to the same network. configure this new
 port as one (the
 gateway) of the new network and off you go.

BTW: With this other network, I indicated an other IP-Network address, no
new hardware needed!!!

THe IP-Network address is that part of the IP address of any machine in the
network where the netmask is (binary) 1.
The IP-machine address is that part of the IP address of the machine in the
network where the netmask is (binary) 0.

So to complete the example: use for example network
range -

  current IPs are running - 255 the

 Wild guess: subnet was
 That makes the next pre-defined (not for host usable) addresses:

 The available host range: -

 prefered hosts (not requred, its just most tools provide this
 as default
 values once the address and netmask of the above network is defined):
 gateway:, network services (dns, dhcp etc):

  new scope is - 255. and subnet mask

 That makes:
 The available host range: - with
 the prefered
 hosts on the boundaries as before. It is perfectly acceptable
 to use other
 addresses for the gateway and the network services,

 You see, the network address and the broadcast address of one
 network are
 host addresses on the other network.

  When I try to connect with VNC from my PC (old
  scope) to a new PC (new
  scope) it fails. I've changed my subnet mask to, but it stills fails. Is there anyway around it?

 As long as a machine thinks it is on the old network, all
 addresses outside
 this network are forwarded to the defined gateway. No problem
 from this

 If the gateway is already configured for the new network, bad
 luck, it just
 ignores the call since the message is already on the proper
 network, no need
 to `gateway` the message.

 If the gateway is still configured for the old network, it
 depends on the
 routing tables. If the routing tables are still in the old
 network state,
 bad luck, your message goes out to the other networks, but
 not back to the
 network with the double configuration.

 Only if the gateway has its network-connection configured for the old
 network and has updated routing tables to route messages to
 the new network
 (but not in the old network) back to the old network, then
 you might get a

 Hence, best to do a big-bang update of all machines: proper operating
 systems can do that on the fly. Or if you want to do it
 silently, do it to
 an other network addres, not one that includes the old network.

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RE: VNC over different subnet mask

2003-06-20 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: William Hooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: vrijdag 20 juni 2003 14:48
 Subject: RE: VNC over different subnet mask
 Beerse, Corni said:
  -Original Message-
  When I try to connect with VNC from my PC (old
  scope) to a new PC (new
  scope) it fails. I've changed my subnet mask to, but it stills fails. Is there anyway around it?
  As long as a machine thinks it is on the old network, all addresses
  this network are forwarded to the defined gateway.
  Only if the gateway has its network-connection configured 
 for the old
  network and has updated routing tables to route messages to the new
  (but not in the old network) back to the old network, then 
 you might get a
 Nope.  Even if the gateway knows that it is the same wire, 
 the new machine
 doesn't think it needs to use the gateway.  The purpose of 
 subnet masking
 is to avoid using the gateway.

You're right, the way back (from new to old) also has some problems: the old
machine to receive the message might not pick it up since it comes from an
'other' network...

  Hence, best to do a big-bang update of all machines: proper 
  systems can do that on the fly.[snip]
 Agreed.  There is still the question of why it doesn't work 
 after changing
 the subnet mask to be the same.  It is really a TCP/IP 
 problem, not a VNC
 one.  Waiting on the results of the ping as suggested by Dave Warren.

Waiting can do a lot here, the mac-adress-tables in all machines (mostly
routers) must be updated that the mac address has moved to a new ip-network.
This most times goes automatic, specially if the changed machine has send
some stuff over the network, like some pings to some machines in old and new

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RE: Intermittent problem on Solaris x86

2003-06-19 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Joel E. Lieberman, Ph.D. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Yes, please provide any script details that you can.
 I think I have discovered something else that may be 
 relevant.  As long as I
 don't logout of the Unix session where vncserver was invoked, 
 I can come
 back with the viewer (on an external box) and see the CDE desktop
 repeatedly.  Once I logout of the invoking session, however, 
 the grey screen
 appears.  The Xvnc process is still running (I can connect 
 with viewer) but
 the desktop disappears.  I don't understand X enough to know what this
 means, but I bet it is significant.

If this is the case then I think tooltalk is in the way. It's a problem with
many display-managers, the ones that in the end start the window manager and
accompanying tools).

ON cde, tooltalk is used. Both gnome and kde have a similar construction.
One of the things they do is avoid a double startup in a single login
session. You most likely started vncserver from within a graphical login
session and like to start an other one.

The best thing is to somehow fake or arange an other login to start the new
display manager session in the vncserver session. Some sulutions include:

`rsh localhost vncserver` This starts a vncserver from a fresh login. Nice
part: it can be invoked from an other machine or such. Alternates include
rlogin, rexec, telnet and such.

Run vncserver from an `at`, `batch` or `cron` job. Nice thing here: once the
vncsesion gets killed, you only have to wait for an other session to start.
This is not my prefered way but it gets things going.

The best way, is as on This is the intended
(perfect?) way to use the -once (here -inetd wich includes the same
behavoure) and -query localhost  as opposed before. Disadvantage here: no
static sessions. However, I see this as an advantage: no stale sessions 


 -Original Message-
 From: Steve Palocz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 3:54 PM
 To: 'Joel E. Lieberman, Ph.D.'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED] Com'
 Subject: RE: Intermittent problem on Solaris x86
 I was having this problem also. That is when I started looking at
 invoking Xvnc directly with the options (instead of letting the perl
 wrapper script handle it) (this was originally to turn up debuggin to
 find out what was going on, but still couldn't identify).
 I found using the -query localhost, you get the dtlogin and the cde
 desktop, just like on the console. I also use the -once option to kill
 vnc when I click exit on the dtpanel. Then loop the script to start a
 fresh session.
 If you would like the command line I use, let me know.
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Joel E. Lieberman, Ph.D.
 Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 2:08 PM
 Subject: Intermittent problem on Solaris x86
 Hi Folks -
 I am having an intermittent problem with VNC Server on Solaris x86.  I
 the vncserver to start (Xvnc). I have appropriate entries in
 ../.vnc/xstartup to invoke the CDE windows manager.
 The problem is that about 80% of the time, The remote vncviewer will
 to the server and the correct desktop will be displayed, however, at
 times, the grey screen will be displayed instead of the CDE desktop.
 Also, sometimes the first couple of viewer connections will 
 show correct
 desktop, and then after exiting the viewer, the next viewer connection
 up with the grey screen.
 As I said, this is intermittent.  If I go and kill the :1 VNC 
 server and
 restart it, everything will be fine until the next unexpected grey
 I have not had this problem before with Solaris SPARC or Linux.   Does
 anybody have any ideas why this intermittent behavior 
 happens, and what
 do to fix it?  I have searched the archives for grey screen postings
 they generally fall into the category of 'all I get is a grey
 My problem seems to be different in that it is randomly intermittent.
 Thanks -
 Joel Lieberman
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RE: Licensing issues with Microsoft.

2003-06-17 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Nazim Khan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Is there any problem in using VNC on Microsoft OSs  i.e Win95/Win2K/NT/XP.
 Any link or info about the same will be useful for me in making the
 about using the VNC.

From vnc point of view, there is no license problem at all. As far as I
know, vnc is free as in free-speach (and maybe even as in free-beer?)

From M$ point of view, it has been discussed before. What I recall from it
is that if you follow the license to every character, then you need to have
a license for running the os you have at the server side also on the client
side (if you use it or not). If you just follow the spirit of the license,
then I'd say you just have an other kvm-switch. (btw: M$ want you to use
their tools, not vnc and it does everything to nail you to it.)

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RE: Licensing issues with Microsoft.

2003-06-17 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Nazim Khan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: dinsdag 17 juni 2003 12:49
 I came across the following link, they say something like 
 this. So I just
 wanted to verify it.
 Check the Blue column on the right hand side.

If I carefully read it and see my mouse and keyboard as being separate
devices, just hooked up to the workstation, they even may not be used except
if they are permitted by the

Then, on the end, it says: ... unles the Device has a separate license for
the Product.

That indicates that vnc can freely be used between XP-vncserver and

And now I wonder how to get a WXP license for my keyboard, mouse and
monitor. If you say that they don't run software, how about the tools for
the disabled? like braille-tablets and such? How about the presentation
tools like beamers with their own i/o devices?
How about shares and such opened at the WXP machine? If you use them over
the network then services are started like for printers and such.

On the other hand, (try to find holes in the lines):
It says  on the Workstation Computer . I regard the machine
running a vncserver as being a server, not a workstation.
What if you just use vnc to controll the software (keep it running), not to
execute (start) it?

I think if you are using it outside the US, your are quite save. The use of
VNC on windows is to avoid a (long) walk to the machine, hence the usage of
the machine can still be considdered as a PERSONAL computer. And I think
that's the spirit of the license.

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RE: Multiple displays with VNC for Windows

2003-06-10 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Ross Presser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Scott Huber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
  First off, let me say that I am a complete VNC newbie.  We use it in a
  Windows-only environment to remotely administer pc's at our various
  sites around town.  And even at that, we only use the default
  VNCViewer settings. Just the other day I realized there is a
  web-interface to VNC. 
  On to my question... Upon perusing the main VNC website and finding
  this list, I've seen information regarding the ability to access
  multiple displays, but it all seems to be related to xNIX boxes.  I
  have several pc's that have two and even three displays with certain
  applications set to open on respective displays (i.e. Internet
  Explorer opens on the third display). But with the standard VNC
  settings, I can only access the primary display. How can I access the
  other displays? 
 When you refer to pc's with two and even three displays I'm guessing
 you mean multiple monitors.  These are not the same as multiple displays
 the unix sense.  A display in the unix sense refers to the desktop canvas 
 that windows are drawn on, and to the keyboard and mouse inputs that the 
 display accepts.  Usually there is a separate display for each user
 concurrently on a multiuser unix machine.

Well, actually there is something like multiple display and multiple monitor
on unix. If you carefully look to the $DISPLAY setting in X11, you see
something like localhost:0.0 or vncserver:1.0. If you translate this to
(pc-style) hardware, then it is somethign like this: The first number is for
the X11-server, a combination of 1 keyboard, 1 mouse and 1 or more
display-adapters. The second number is to address the 1 or more
display-adapters. If you have a display-adapter with multiple monitors, it
is either configured as 2 (virtual) display-adapters, or configured as a
single large screen spread over the monitors.

In the above, I use the next terms:
$DISPLAYthe address for the windows.
display-adapter the hardware in the (isa/pci/...) slot.
monitor the screen you look at.

 In this sense, WinVNC does not support more than one display per host.

WinVNC does not support more than one $DISPLAY setting per host since there
can run only one WinVNC server per host.

If you have multiple monitors connected to one display-adapter resulting in
a system where you can have a single window spread over both (all?)
monitors, I think vnc only sees a single-large display and forwards that,
since it just sees the entire screen. 

This is kind of like a laptop/lcd-monitor with a panning display (large
screen with smaller viewport or such) where you cannot see the entire
display at the monitor. VNC just forwards the entire display, not what just
happens to be viewable in the monitor.

If you have multiple monitors connnected to multiple (virtual)
display-adapters resulting in a system whre you can move the mouse and
windows from one monitor to an other but not have a single window spread
over multiple monitors, I'm about sure vnc only forwards the first part
(primary monitor) since it does not see the other ones (as it does not look
for it).

 Perhaps your next question, then, will be How can I get VNC 
 to display 
 windows on other than the primary monitor?  I do think that it is 
 possible, though it is frequently asked.
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RE: How to get Login Screen (like in Windows) ?

2003-06-10 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: ashwani.dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have installed
 Linux : RedHat Advanced Server 2.1
 Sessions  : KDE/GNome
 Installed : VNC Server and able to access from XP-Desktop 
 (through TCP and HTTP)

Looks nice. I hope you used the RedHat rpms (from the distro).

 My query relates to :
 How to get Login Screen (like in Windows) ?

 After Logon, How to get GUI Desktop (like in Windows) ?
 How to grant access to other users i.e. root, xyz (users for 
 admin purpose) ?

This is a unix feature, not to be answered from a vnc perspective. On RedHat
(and other linux  unix)) you should never login with root, always as a
normal user. Give every user his/her own account. Then, there are several
ways to grant users access. Including 'sticky-bit', 's-bin', `su`, `super`,

 How to automate 'vncserver' at boot time and make down at shutdown ?

vncserver package on RedHat does something like this. the setup as on just starts a
vncserver on connect and removes it on disconnect.

 How to restrict vnc users with different level permissions 
 (like in Windows) ?

Not use something like windows, it has a horrible security administration.
Start giving every user his/her own account. Then see tools like `su`,
`super`, `sudo`. There are others too. Only superior sys-admins should have
the root password.

 Ashwani Dave
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RE: Sound Issues with VNC

2003-06-10 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Matt Tharma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hey Guys,
 I have couple of questions regarding VNC client/server setup.
 1) What is the easiest way to play wav a files across a Vnc 
 server - client 

not using vnc. See if there is a streaming audio format between your server
and viewer os and use that.

 2) if  #1 is not possible, how could I generate a continues 
 beep sound on the 
 client side (this beep must be initiated from the server side 

beep is the only sound that appears to be working somethimes. It must be
said, it is only if it is beep, not if it is changed to any other phony

Then, a repeated beep is not the intention of the beep. In fact, the beep is
actually a character (ascii value 8, 0x8, 010). THat is in display on a
terminal. As long as it it visible at that terminal, it is displayed. Since
it takes no space, there can  be bilions on a single line.

So if you use a continues beep, best to send a cr once in a while to the
same termial to flush lines.

 3) I got the bell command (in Tcl/Tk) to work with the above 
 (#2) config, but 
 had no luck playing a beep in a continuous mannor with VNC 
 Server - client 

I think we discussed some of this before. The cr trick is something that
just came up. give it a try.

 4) Is all the VNC Servers are same? (because there is an ATT 
 VNC Version, 
 there is TightVNC  RealVNC?

Well the protocol is. I think if there are a couple of honderd bell-s on
aline, the character-lookup and display can take a while.

 Please help me find an answer for the above questions.

Is there a reason for the continues bell? It might be better to attach a
sirene to the machine ;-)

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RE: lightweight WM for use with Xvnc?

2003-06-10 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm planning on having a bunch of people use VNCviewer to 
 connect to our
 Linux server once we get the server and Xvnc running.  It is important
 with VNC to have minimal complexity in background images so 
 that it won't
 be slowed down by having to update a very complex background.  So we
 really prefer a solid color background.  Also, because of the 
 large number
 of users, we'd prefer something that won't use too much RAM.  Finally,
 because our users are not very sophisticated, a nice 
 clickable interface
 for launching programs would be nice (e.g., like what KDE offers).
 So, which WM will do it all for us?  We need:
 (1) plain backgrounds (maybe all WMs can handle this requirement)
 (2) low memory usage
 (3) clickable toolbar for launching programs

Setup as on . THen
install vncviewer on the desktops. Either save the connection or create a
shortcut to vncviewer linuxbox:52

Best to restrict users to low colordepts and not to huge display sizes. I
don't know how to disable the background (I don't know if `Xvnc` has an
option to do so). Also disable screensavers if you can.

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RE: Help needed in running vncviewer with a very thin X Server.

2003-06-10 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Nazim Khan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I am just trying to use my very old linux based PC, x486, as 
 a display/control unit for servers which are running WinNT/Linux.

Should be possible, provided it has sufficient memory (say 32 MB or more)

 Is it possible to run vncviewer with a very thin X Server.
 I liked the idea about Xvnc which includes 'X Server + VNC Server'.
 Is it possible to have something of similar sort for X 
 Server + vncviewer
 where X Server just has the capabilities to display Graphical Desktop
 imported from the VNC Server.

I don't know details on this but I can tell you a vncviewer process does not
need any window manager, it can do with any X11 server. To be on the save
side, the colordepth should match (be the same or vnc less  than the

 If possible, What could be the basic hardware requirements 
 for running X
 minimum RAM + Processor speed  to have a kind of good display feel.
 I don't want to run Windows Manager.

Just get yourself the Xserer that suits your hardware. At the time XFree86
R3 was hot and new, most you need was enough video memory. On a 1 MByte
video board, you can choose between colordepth and size: on 8 bit colors
(256 colors) you can do 1024 * 768. If you can doo with 16 bit colors,
800*600 should be possible. If you need more colors, you can do only
480*640. (that's for the standardized geometries, others can do as long as
(hight * width * colordept) stays within the video memory.

vncviewer runs happy inside a Xserver, provided it fits in the colordepth
and the geometry. If you don't use a window manager, you don't get a window
border so you don't need to count for that ;-)

 Any help would be appreciated.

From here, it is up to you: just trial-and-error.

btw: Xvnc is just one of those small Xservers, if you use that one to run
vncviewer in, you can take that over once again...

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RE: Problem with -alwaysshared server option

2003-05-29 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Joel E. Lieberman, Ph.D. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I am still not having any success with getting the VNC Server to run in
 alwaysshared mode on Linux.  I start the server with the command:   
 vncserver  -alwaysshared .  The server starts and runs fine - except it
 not enforcing the shared mode for client connections.

You might need to add -donnotdisconnect (check `Xvnc --help` for acurate
option name)

 Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong and post a specific
 line syntax for starting the server in the alwaysshared mode?

How always shared do you want it to be? Share and get double view or share
and kick the other off? My experience (with 3.3.3 hence a long time ago)

For share and double view, all must be in share mode: the server and all

If the server is NOT in -donnotdisconnect mode, then as soon as a not-shared
viewer connects, it disconnects all other viewers

If the server is in -donnotdisconnect mode, then as soon as a not-shared
viewer connects, it cannot connect sicne it cannot get a not-shared

btw: -inetd overrules all shared options.

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RE: Problem with -alwaysshared server option

2003-05-29 Thread Beerse, Corné
My reply was based on my old experience, If the documentation says something
else, then it shoud be like that. If not, it's a bug (in the documentation
or in the tool...) Hence report it as such.


-Original Message-
From: Joel E. Lieberman, Ph.D. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: woensdag 28 mei 2003 17:11
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Com; Beerse, Corni
Subject: RE: Problem with -alwaysshared server option

CBee -

Thanks for your latest reply.  I don't want to be a pain, but your
explanation seems to partially contradict the VNC documentation.  Here is an
excerpt from the docs:
Always treat new clients as shared (i.e. ignore client's shared flag).
Never treat new clients as shared (i.e. ignore client's shared flag).
Don't disconnect existing clients when a new non-shared connection comes
in. Instead the new connection is refused. New shared connections are
still allowed in the normal way.
The reason I am trying to use the -alwaysshared option is so that all users
will be treated as shared and their client settings will be ignored
(overridden) by the server.  I am trying to make it easy for clients to
connect and share without burdening the users with having to define
additional options for their viewers.  Unless I am reading this wrong, the
-alwaysshared option should do just that and force a shared connection for
any number of clients that connect to the server.  Also, based on the above
excerpts, it should not be necessary to use any additional options beyond
the -alwaysshared.

Do you know anyone who has got this stuff to work as indicated in the docs?
I'm not getting very far with it.

Thanks again -


-Original Message-
From: Beerse, Corni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 10:44 AM
To: 'Joel E. Lieberman, Ph.D.'; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Com
Subject: RE: Problem with -alwaysshared server option

 -Original Message-
 From: Joel E. Lieberman, Ph.D. [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am still not having any success with getting the VNC Server to run in
 alwaysshared mode on Linux.  I start the server with the command:   
 vncserver  -alwaysshared .  The server starts and runs fine - except it
 not enforcing the shared mode for client connections.
You might need to add -donnotdisconnect (check `Xvnc --help` for acurate
option name)

 Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong and post a specific
 line syntax for starting the server in the alwaysshared mode?
How always shared do you want it to be? Share and get double view or share
and kick the other off? My experience (with 3.3.3 hence a long time ago)
For share and double view, all must be in share mode: the server and all
If the server is NOT in -donnotdisconnect mode, then as soon as a not-shared
viewer connects, it disconnects all other viewers
If the server is in -donnotdisconnect mode, then as soon as a not-shared
viewer connects, it cannot connect sicne it cannot get a not-shared
btw: -inetd overrules all shared options.

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Xvnc for Sco 5

2003-04-03 Thread Beerse, Corné

I'm looking for a Xvnc binary for Sco 5. In the maillist archive I see
someone has build it somewhere. I don't care what version or variant it is,
as long as it runs on Sco  5 (on intel). I don't like to build it myself (I
don't have any compiler on the sco box).

Can someone either send me a link to a binary or the binary itself?


C. Beerse
VNC-List mailing list

RE: Need file transfer facility in VNC

2003-03-31 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Lotter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi everyone, can someone tell me if they know of a working 
 VNC package (for
 Windows 9x and Windows XP) that contains file transfer capabilities.

If it's between M$Windows machines, best use file-sharing.

Keep in mind: the file-sharing option in M$Windows has no remote-desktop
features, just as vnc has no remote-file features.

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RE: VNC AVI files

2003-03-31 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Giovanni.DeLuca su Libero [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 When in PC with VNCServer (for win) is running an AVI player, in remote PC
 running VNCViewer (for win) and linked at the first, AVI animation is not
 visible. Why?

Most likely, you use some kind of acceleration. That bypasses the
videomemory. To see something of the video, turn off all (hardware-)
acceleration. Detail: the video is updated at a faster rate than the window
is polled for vnc so the picture will be a lot more flickery than on the

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RE: vnc java viewer port change?

2003-03-31 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Tammo Filusch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Is it possible to tell the java viewer that it should connected to a
 port that differs from the standart port?

Yes. If you start the vncserver at a different display, the rfb
communicaiton defaults to 5900+display, the html/java is served at
5800+display and is properly configured to use the rfb communication.

The unix vnc server has options to overrule these defaults. See `Xvnc -help`
for details. I think (but don't know sure) the vncserver on M$Windows has
options too. Try to start the server from the commandprompt with a
phony/fake option, it might list the proper options.

For both unix and M$Windows, you can use your own webserve to serve the java
Get a unix distribution.
Extract the .../classes/* directory and its contents (use winzip on *.tgz
upload the java files (*.classes, *.jar) to the webserver
Rename *.vnc files to *.html files
Update the *.html files: fill out all the vnc-variables
be sure to use the proper port numbers and other options
be sure to be able to fetch the proper *.classes and *.jar files
upload the new *.html files to the webserver

fetch a *.html file with your browser and off you go.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: how can i use the root passwd as the vnc default passwd

2003-03-31 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: wushanyi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 i use realvnc 3.3.7 in RH8
 i need the default connect password  is the root passwd 
 how can i realization this when i first start vnc???

There is no default. If you need an update:
Use `vncpasswd`, it will update the password file in ~/.vnc/.
(This might even work on-the-fly ;-)

You can also just remove the passwordfile and restart `vncviewer.
Both ways will ask you for a new password.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: How many connections?

2003-03-28 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 Thank you.  The answer I was after was to the second question - running
 many viewers on one host.  What I need to do is monitor many PCs from one
 controller PC.  Ideally I would like to be able to view about 10 at once,
 not just connected and minimized.  So this would be 10 simultaneous
 updating display windows.  Does this sound possible?  I guess I'll have to
 try it and see.

You are true, try and see how many you can handle. Top answer here: vnc will
not restrict you, its other resources that restrict you.

If it is for monitoring, have a look at the tumbnail idea from an other
message. Then you can see something changing and by a click open the entire
view (that's my idea on it)

If you have the remote systems on a small geometry (640x480 or 800x600) and
a huge desktop (1280x1024 or more) then you can just create your own mosaic
of displays.

I bet vnc can handle as many connection as pcanywhere or other variants can.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: Multiple machine management console?

2003-03-27 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Shaun Hedges [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 As many of you probably use VNC to control a number of computers, or just
 maintain the ability to connect to these machines on demand, it might be
 time consuming to have to always type the name in, then the password to

If you don't read the documentation, you cannot find the easy way. On unix
desktops, it is easy to create aliasses and such. On M$Windows platforms:
save the connection info to a *.vnc file and click that to reconnect.

 Has anyone made or is making a management interface, where maybe you have
 list of machines you can just click the name and connect automatically, or
 small thumbnail views of all the machines, and then when you want to
 to one you just click it and it maximizes?   Or any other tools that can
 recommened to help manage loads of machines?

It has been reported such a tool is in development.
VNC-List mailing list

RE: How many connections?

2003-03-27 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 I searched through the docs and archive but couldn't find the 
 answer.  How
 many viewer sessions can run at the same time on one PC, each one
 connecting to a different server?

You will never find the answer since there is no answer. vnc allows all you
can get. In the end, it can slow down a bit but that does not stop vnc from

The number of viewers (both M$Windows or unix based) (and/or unix based
vnc-servers) on a system is (a.o.) limited by:
Used operating system
Used hardware architecture
Running other applications
Activiti of other processes
processor speed
available memory
available network bandwidth
available ports
compression settings
polling frequency (for M$Windows servers only)
display activity (for unix/X11 servers only)
geometry of vnc-server
colordepth of vnc-server

For viewers only: the max mumber of viewers is also restricted by:
geometry of local display
colordepth of local display
local video hardware

In general, I'd say the workable number of viewers on a display is about 4
open vncviewer windows. Closed viewer windows only occupy memory, the update
of those sessions is stopped so they don't consume cpu power or network

For M$Windows based vnc-servers, the number of servers is restricted to 1
(one) for the default server on default os-installation.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: Session Management, et. al.

2003-03-25 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Bjvrn Persson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Avery Payne wrote:
  The retain session feature you desire should be possible by removing
  the -once flag from the inetd setup.

 When -inetd is given, XVNC dies when the connection closes. It never
 listens for other connections, and if it did you'd have to check which
 it got and remember to connect to that port next time. People would keep
 forgetting this and filling the system with zombie sessions.

It is even worse:

For the port in use; `Xvnc -inetd` does not use any port, it uses stdio
(stdin and stdout) for communication. Its inetd that hooks this to a port
and it is inetd that controls the communication. inetd will (at least by
default) start new Xvnc processes to handle new calls to the same port.

For the ending of Xvnc, its inetd that starts Xvnc as soon as a connection
is made and it kills Xvnc as soon as the connection is lost.

Hence, the current `Xvnc -inetd` has no control on the port and no controll
on its live.

To pass the port-controll issue, I'd say Xvnc might be extended to be able
to open aditional communication on an other port. Either on the fly or from
the commandline.

To pass the live-contoll issue, I'd say Xvnc should be able to dispatch
itself once necessary. It sounds hard to do but on unix, it is just a `fork`
with proper options. Either do it 'just in time' or do it as 'soon as
necessary'. Both have their pro's and con's: 'just in time' must be catched,
'as soon as necessary' must keep the session shared.

For 'on the fly', the settings (for both above ideas) can include all
options like -shared and -once and in the end maybe even the -geometry or
-depth. It would be nice if those settings can be made with the $DISPLAY
address, like working with Xresources (`xrdb`) or xsettings (`xset`). For a
start, it can be nice if `xrdb -query` or `xset -q` list the current
settings of Xvnc. I think xrdb is the most easy to extend.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: VNC 3.3.7 RH8 install

2003-03-25 Thread Beerse, Corné
If you are new to (one of) RedHat or VNC, best start with the vnc packages
distributed with RedHat. Just install them as any other package, you can
also select them while installing RedHat.

Once you have that up and running, you can considder an upgrade if


C. Beerse

 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Taggart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: dinsdag 25 maart 2003 00:18
 Subject: VNC 3.3.7  RH8 install
 Hello, I'm pretty new to RH/Linux and am having a problem 
 installing the
 VNC rpm package - quite honestly, I have no idea how to 
 install it - and
 I cannot find any directions off of RealVNC's website ... 
 Can anyone please help this newbie?
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VNC-List mailing list

RE: Wish: resizing a VNC desktop.

2003-03-24 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Bjvrn Persson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I wish I could let the VNC viewer tell the server how big the
 desktop should
 be. Imagine being able to resize the remote desktop just by
 dragging the
 edges of the viewer window! I suppose Windows would only
 allow certain
 standard sizes, but what about Unix? Does the X architecture
 allow changing
 the size of a desktop at all?

For a start, it sounds nice but I don't think there are many applications
that can handle this resize properly. Also, at start some memory is
allocated and initialized based on the display size. It is hard to
re-allocate and (even worse) re-initialize this on the fly. You can compare
this with re-sizing a harddisk partition: Yes, you can do it, but you cannot
do it on the fly, at best in a read-only state. Then, it takes some time to

If you have a linux box with XFree86 X11server (the default on most
distributions) it can be configured with multiple sizes. You can walk trough
them with ctrlaltnum + and ctrlaltnum -  (that are the + and -
buttons at the far right of the keyboard). Now you can see if and how
applciations (and the display manager) handels this on-the-fly-resize.

Then, there are various ways to handle a resize in display:
Actually resize: the hight and width of the screen that can be used by
applications actually varies.
Change viewport: the current implementation of a resize: you just see less
of the total screen, as if you view trough some mask or such.
Scale the window: The (still experimental) zoom option of most viewers.

btw: the unix Xvnc can handle virtualy all sizes. I recal the size might be
extended to have nice buffer sizes, like it must an even number or a
multiple of 8 or such.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: vncpasswd

2003-03-24 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: roland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 can someone tell my, why vnc has introduced an extra password for vnc
 authentication ?
 I wonder why I must set it separately - why cant`t Xvnc 
 authenticate my
 session password
 via standard kernel routines aganinst my user-account 
 (/etc/shadow...) ?

With setup as on, the
vnc-password is obsoleted (and removed) and the unix password is used.

 Is it, because password hashing is done on the client side 
 and there is no
 way for Xvnc to
 crypt/md5 that password for comparison against the shadow-password?
 since there is modification for windows vnc server to 
 authenticate against
 NT Domain I wonder if
 there is a similar feature in Xvnc (auth. against unix password) ?

It should be verry easy to implement since the vnc security is based on the
unix security. I think it is just a change of parameter (fetch the password
from the system, not from ~/.vnc/vncpassword) and off you go.

WARNING: if used over public networks, you have your password flying around
with a not so good encryptoin...

VNC-List mailing list

RE: vncpassword - vncviewer

2003-03-24 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: roland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 is there a way to supply the password to the vncviewer 
 without typing it
 into the dialog box and without creating a password file ?
 I would like a commandline option.

See documentation.

For unix viewer: put the (encrypted) password in a file and point the viewer
to that file (the ~/.vnc/vncpasswd file for unixbased servers, or from the
registry of windows-based servers)

For windows based viewer: save the connection information and include the
password with it (this is asked for). 

VNC-List mailing list

RE: session management in vnc like in citrix or sunray ?

2003-03-24 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: roland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 i`m using a setup of xvnc under inetd and kdm control, so 
 each user can
 connect an get`s his own desktop. noone has to fiddle around with
 dedicated port-numbers, which he has to connect to. this 
 makes the linux
 terminal server alterative become somewhat realitiy, but 
 unfortunaly, we
 loose the preserve session state-feature of vnc here, 
 because each time
 the user closes vncviewer, the serving xvnc process dies.
 see very good docs at:
 I wonder, if there is anybody around, thinking of 
 implementing a layer of
 session management into vnc, that users can reconnect to 
 (one of) his
 previously established  and disconnected session(s).
 This would make the roaming desktop possible - without the 
 need, to assign
 dedicated port numbers to users and pre-spawning xnvc 
 processes for ALL of
 It could be done by adding a dispatcher in front (or 
 inside?)  xvnc which
 is able to manage sessions previously established. sure, some sort of
 authentication needs to be done at this level, because the 
 only reasonable
 way to re-establish sessions and to route it to the 
 appropriate client, is
 to get known, WHO is reconnecting.

Come to think of it, I have the next idea, that even has more solutions:
Somehow give Xvnc a call to start talking RFB on an other port. It can have
the same options as the default like 'readonly' or 'once' and even an own
pointer to an (other) password file.

This adds the posibility to have one session that gives both read/write
access (for the user) and readonly access (for viewers). Or even provide
dedicated access.

For the inetd way to start vnc, it adds the posibility of multiple viewers.
It does NOT give a way to have a persistent session since inetd somehow will
kill the session once the initial communication path is stopped. But as long
as the initial viewer stays on, the session is somehow re-entrant.

 I administer citrix servers, which have this feature - when the user
 reconnects he is routed to his old session. if he has more than one
 disconnected session, he can choose, which he wants to 
 re-establish. I also
 have some experience with sunray terminals - which have this 
 feature in 2
 flavours.  The user is able to re-establish a disconnected session by
 entering login/password OR by using a smartcard (whereas the 
 sunray x-server
 process[==xvnc] is bound to a smartcard - so the user inserts his
 smartcard at any terminal and gets back his personal desktop)
 are there any solutions around or is there any work in progress,
 implementing this with vnc ?
 i`m really shure this IS possible with reasonable effort. 
 (unfurtunately i`m
 awful bad programmer, otherwise i would do that myself :)

In the end, it's inetd that ruins your day. I think you only have to write a
deamon that starts Xvnc just like inetd does but then, keep the session
alive and  have some administration to see if the session is running or not.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: Wish: Version Query

2003-03-19 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Steve Bostedor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ya know, it'd be cool if there was a way to connect to the 
 VNC port on a computer, issue a command, and get back the 
 flavor and version that is running on that computer.  If 
 anybody feels like adding new features to VNC, this would be awesome!

To get an idea of the OS running at the remote machine, there is the snmp
protocol. Just query ...system.sysDescr.0 and you get (on unix/linux) the
results of `uname -a`.

On the other hand, most systems like to hide their identification to avoid
exploiting of known leaks of the system. There are even systems that spoof
being an other system for that purpose.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: Certain applications not running with VNC and Gnome on Linux

2003-03-18 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Ganser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I am looking for a solution for schools wishing to use their existing
 snip snip
 exercises.  To demonstrate this I have set up the two servers with VNC
 following the instructions for multiple connections posted by 
 Jeff Vincent . I 
 have created user
 accounts for each student on the servers, each student gets their own
 session and everything works great, except:  on the RedHat 7.3 machine
 certain applications will not launch from a VNC session 
 (including root) but
 will when the user logs on locally.  For example the Printer 
snip snip

several things can go wrong here:
With the change of user, the $DISPLAY must be transfered too. This sometimes
goes right, most times goes wrong. Most apps default to :0.0 hence you will
not notice at the local console. you can avoid this by `su -` (or `su -
user`) and at the prompt verify (and update0 the setting of $DISPLAY.

Then, the new user might not have rights at the used display. You can
manipulate that with `xhost`, see `man xhost` for details. `xhost +` will
remove all security to avoid this problem at all. btw: root cannot use its
power privileges at this level, there is no super-user defined inside X11.

VNC-List mailing list

for Unix too ???...RE: x Virtual Network Control for Win NT 2K XP

2003-03-17 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 Sent: maandag 17 maart 2003 16:58
 Subject: x Virtual Network Control for Win NT 2K XP
 I just ran across this program x Virtual Network Control and it seems like it's 
 pretty cool for quick access to a computer on an NT Domain.  

Funny, xvnc is available for unix as long as there is a vncserver for unix:
The core of the vncserver is called Xvnc (mind the capital X, which comes
from X11).

So to avoid complications, please rename, as it comes in handy if it comes
available on Unix.

 It simply installs VNC on a remote computer, connects to that 
 computer, then when you disconnect, it removes the VNC 
 program, it appears to only take a matter of seconds for it 
 to install/uninstall.  It lacks the ability to control what 
 domain or an IP range, and doesn't have a lot of options, but 
 I thought it might be useful to some. 

With that functionallity, I'd go for Hvnc where H is for Helpdesk (and for

Now I think of it, it must be easy to create a polling tool that mimics the
winvnc-server style: just polling the Xdisplay at the console. It can use
the same entries as used in tools that grab the display or grab a window.
This grabbing can be done remote, using the X11 protcol.

Now I think of it, this can be a nice tool that puts a single window in a

 VNC-List mailing list
VNC-List mailing list

RE: What is Xvnc?

2003-03-13 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-

... Don't know if this is realy you...

 Sent: woensdag 12 maart 2003 21:52
 I'm quite a Linux Newbie, so forgive me my question:
 But what is Xvnc
 The webpages is saying this: Xvnc is a VNC (Virtual Network 
 server. It acts like an X server with a virtual display
 So is it an X-Server? If Yes, why do I need to install 

Yes, Xvnc is an X11-server. Be it, a basic one without much extentions.

 Xfree86 to run it? 

Not for runtime. However, to actualy use it, you need apps that use X11.
They most times need stuff like libraries and so. For linux, they come with
the XFree86 package.

btw: the basic vnc installation and setup uses tools like twm and xterm.
They are (kind of) part of the X11 standard and hence in the XFree86

 If No, what is the advance of Xvnc in manners of size?

Advantages include:
No need for any hardware at all, works on a headless server.
What telnet is compared to terminals, vnc is compared to Xterminals.
(with setup as on ;-)
Lower bandwidth useage as raw X11 over the network
No need to install and configure M$Windows based X11 servers

 I just need some really small X-Server on my Linux Router, to 
 run lMule, 
 nothing big Someone in the forum said, that VNC cuold do this...
 So could someone clear my confusion?

Try the setup as on the above link. Only needs the Xvnc binary from the vnc
distribution. THen put a vnc-viewer on your desktop machine and access the

btw, Linux machines most likely need to run in runlevel 5 which needs to
have an Xserver properly configured. If that is not the case, just fake a
setup and replace the call to the X11 server with Xvnc and it should somehow
work... I don't have experience with this but it should work. (this removes
any X11 from the console of your router but I dont think you need that).

VNC-List mailing list

RE: Can VNC use my NT/AD credentials?

2003-03-13 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Crist, Doug [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 We use pcAnywhere because it allows us to NOT have a password 
 on each of our hundreds of servers.  We use certain global 
 groups from our NT/AD domain. 
 Can I do this with VNC.  I've only seen the option to 
 hard-code a password on each host.

As far as I know, if you hard-code an empty password, it is without a
password. That is true for the unix variants, for M$WIndows based machines,
I don't know how empty the password must be:

- empty password
- empty password field in the registry
- removed password field in the registry

Then, there are more password fields in the registry of NT-based machines:
one for no-one-logged-in and one for each user-logged-in.

Test them and you will see.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: Running Xvnc as daemon at Solaris Boot

2003-03-12 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Scruggs, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I am running Solaris 8 and connecting to it from a Win 2000 machine. It
 works exactly as we need, as long as someone has previously logged in and
 started vncserver as a user, not as root.
 What I want to be able to do is start Xvnc (or vncserver) as a daemon at
 system boot, and log in as the user. Right now, when I log in, it brings
 the Root desktop, not the user desktop. The exact same script brings up
 user desktop when started as the user. 
 I put the start up script in /etc/rc3.d/ and made the user the owner of
 script, plus set the user-id bit on the script permissions as well as on
 the Xvnc application.  Xvnc is running as the user. 

Basically, all stuf from /etc/rc... is started as root. Change to an other
user with  `su - otheruser command`

 Any ideas?

For normal users, setup as on . Most likely, you
need to only edit /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf.

Details for Solaris: read manual on inetd.conf file, use an account for Xvnc
that can create an X11 socket (have write access to /tmp/X11... socket

VNC-List mailing list

RE: LAN problems due to VNC ?

2003-03-12 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Christopher Tesla [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: woensdag 12 maart 2003 16:09
 Subject: RE: LAN problems due to VNC ?
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 4:19 AM
  Subject: LAN problems due to VNC ?
  On one LAN which uses Midpoint as a proxy server, the ADSL 
  router became very hot. Have seen some suggestions about 
  flooding the network - any truth in this? Also what is the 
  between the AT  T VNC, realVNC and TightVNC?
 That reminds me of an old Dilbert cartoon, where the 
 pointy-haired boss asks Dilbert if there is something wrong 
 with the firewall, since his computer is very hot...
 Man I love that strip...*sigh* for the curious among you,
then, also peek at

CBee ;-)
VNC-List mailing list

RE: RE: Meeting trouble when connecting VNC server running on Li nux.

2003-03-11 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 I have read some materials on VNC web site. 
 I learned that there are really some differences 
 between Windows and Linux graphic termial service. 
 For example, on Windows only one graphic login is 
 permitted. And on Windows more than one person can 
 share the same desktop as VNC does. VNC Viewer does not 
 really login but transmit desktop snapshots and events. 
 But on Linux, allowing more than one person graphic 
 mode login is possible but share the same desktop is impossible! 

There are some terms that needs to be specified here:

Console: the terminal (keyboard and display, optionally mouse) where the
boot and system messages are displayed. This one is hooked to the machine or
even build into it.

Desktop: What you see in front of you. M$Windows, this needs to be at the
console, for unix, there is no need, it might even not be possible.

With vnc, on both unix and M$Windows, you get a desktop inside your
vncviewer. SInce M$Windows can only serve one desktop (the one at the
console) it is the desktop of the console you get from these vncservers. On
unix on the other hand, the default is that you get a fresh, new desktop.

 But I do not find any materials about why more than 
 one person can not share the same desktop on Linux. 
 Is it because the kernel of Linux graphic terminal 
 service? I am interested in this topic and want to 
 learn more about it. 

On linux, more than one person can share the same desktop. Thats why you
cannot find any materials why more than one person cannot share the same

If you mixed desktop and console and need to know why you cannot see the
console in a vnc-session, then the major reason is that the origional
development was the other way round: it started the way it is on unix but
that could not be done at M$Windows. Currently, there are many ways to get
to the console with vnc. However, not on all systems.

 Do you have some materials about it? 
 Or some suggestions?

there are more...

VNC-List mailing list

RE: RE: RE: Meeting trouble when connecting VNC server running on Linux.

2003-03-11 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-

 There is one sentence in your reply which makes me

 It is,

 M$Windows, this needs to be at the console,
 for unix, there is no need, it might even not be possible

 Do you mean M$Windows, Desktop needs to be at the console,
 for unix, desktop is no need, desktop might even not be possible?

 Or do you mean M$Windows, Desktop needs to be at the console,
 for unix, desktop at console is no need, desktop
 at console might even not be possible?

The last one. For a more clear picture: a unix server most times does not
have any keyboard or video card build in, it only has a serial port, labeled
'console'. You can hook a serial terminal to this port and see the boot
messages and you can get a text-only login, about the same if you do a
telnet to a unix machine.

With this setup, you can imagine it is verry hard to get a desktop, or
GraphicalUserInterface or such. There is just no hardware to do that.

 The pronouns realy makes me puzzled. Does it mean desktop or
 desktop at console? What means desktop at console on earth?
 When I see desktop, I do not see anything behind it.

In my description, the desktop is what you see in a graphical user
interface. On unix machines provided by display managers or windowmanagers
like KDE, Gnome, CDE and such. On M$Windows machines, it's the windows.

For the vnc part, on unix, vnc provides a software-graphical-user-interface
that can be seen with vncviewer and used as if it is a hardware gui.


 From:Beerse, Corn? [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: RE: Meeting trouble when connecting VNC server
 running on  Li
  -Original Message-
  I have read some materials on VNC web site.
  I learned that there are really some differences
  between Windows and Linux graphic termial service.
  For example, on Windows only one graphic login is
  permitted. And on Windows more than one person can
  share the same desktop as VNC does. VNC Viewer does not
  really login but transmit desktop snapshots and events.
  But on Linux, allowing more than one person graphic
  mode login is possible but share the same desktop is impossible!
 There are some terms that needs to be specified here:
 Console: the terminal (keyboard and display, optionally
 mouse) where the
 boot and system messages are displayed. This one is hooked
 to the machine or
 even build into it.
 Desktop: What you see in front of you. M$Windows, this needs
 to be at the
 console, for unix, there is no need, it might even not be possible.
 With vnc, on both unix and M$Windows, you get a desktop inside your
 vncviewer. SInce M$Windows can only serve one desktop (the one at the
 console) it is the desktop of the console you get from these
 vncservers. On
 unix on the other hand, the default is that you get a fresh,
 new desktop.
  But I do not find any materials about why more than
  one person can not share the same desktop on Linux.
  Is it because the kernel of Linux graphic terminal
  service? I am interested in this topic and want to
  learn more about it.
 On linux, more than one person can share the same desktop.
 Thats why you
 cannot find any materials why more than one person cannot
 share the same
 If you mixed desktop and console and need to know why you
 cannot see the
 console in a vnc-session, then the major reason is that the origional
 development was the other way round: it started the way it
 is on unix but
 that could not be done at M$Windows. Currently, there are
 many ways to get
 to the console with vnc. However, not on all systems.
  Do you have some materials about it?
  Or some suggestions?
 there are more...
VNC-List mailing list

RE: RE: RE: Meeting trouble when connecting VNC server running on Linux.

2003-03-11 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 I find the parameter I am using is

 -inetd -query localhost -once -geometry 800x600 -depth 8

 I have used info Xvnc and man Xvnc but failed to find the
 meaning of paramter once. Then I use Xvnc -h to find that it
 means terminate server after one session. What means
 means terminate server after one session? Can you give me
 some simple explanation? I have tried my best but failed to find
 the answer.

It just indicates that Xvnc will run and accept a vncviewer connection. At
the moment this first vncviewer disconnects from Xvnc, this Xvnc-process
will terminate.



 From:Beerse, Corn? [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: RE: Meeting trouble when connecting VNC server
 running on Lin
 The inetd setup
 cannot reconnect due to the nature of inetd: you connect ot
 a port but inetd
 moves the entire communication to an other port so the port
 is free for new
 If you need more viewers to the same vnc session, you can
 try something like
 this: Start `Xvnc` or `vncserver` with the -query
 localhost but not using
 The redhat distribution has an other setup that also starts
 at boot and give
 multiple access to the same viewer. There is a website for
 this setup but
 I've lost it.
 C. Beerse
  -Original Message-
  Sent: dinsdag 11 maart 2003 03:01
  Subject: Re:RE: Meeting trouble when connecting VNC server
 running on
  Thanks, Beerse buddie!
  Your method is really nice! When I see the beautiful
  girls on my Linux box desktop from another windows
  box, it really makes me exciting!!
  But I meet another trouble. When using Win32 server, more
  than one person can share the same desktop. But each person
  login on my Linux box has a seperate desktop. They can not
  share the same desktop. I think if two gays can edit the
  same article is an exciting thing!
  How to let more than two persons share the same desktop?
  Thanks in advance,
  From:Beerse, Corn? [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE: Meeting trouble when connecting VNC server
  running on Linux.
   -Original Message-
   I have installed vnc server on Red Hat Linux 8.0. When running
   a vnc client from Windows 2000 Professional, all I can see is a
   xterm and a grep screen. I have read from the FAQ that it is
   because the twm is used.
  Congratulations, all works perfect.
  Welcome to the default unix configuration of vnc. There are
  various ways to
  setup vnc to your wishes. Most involve editing a
  ~/.vnc/startup file. Check
  the mail archive or other documentation about editing this
  to get your
  prefered window manager.
  My favorite setup is at
   But I want to see exactly the same on my Windows VNC
 viewer as on
   the Linux box itself. I want to see beautiful girls on desktop,
   the clocks, the startup menu on my Linux box, not a
 grep screen.
  That's an other peace ;-) of cake. To get the linux
  X11-console in a vnc
  session, try one of:
VNC-List mailing list

RE: RealVNC and XF4VNC

2003-03-07 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: John Li [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am wondering if anyone knows how to use RealVNC and XF4VNC
 on Solaris? The reason that I try to use this comb is that RealVNC 3.3.7
 still crashes on Solaris (not very it is hard to 
 reproduce the crashing).

I think you need to give some details on your solaris box (version number or
such, maybe the results of `uname -a`.

Then, the setting is also something to know. What windowmanager do you use?
What's the contents of the ~/.vnc/startup file? Or do you use an inetd
configuration like ?

And finaly (actually the first!) what app are you running?

 So I just want to try if XF4VNC has the same problem. But there is
 no doc about XF4VNC and how to use it with RealVNC.

As far as I know, xf4vnc is something totally different. It gives the
M$Windows way of vnc to unix machines, provided that they use XFree86
version 4 as X11 server. Then, all implementations of xf4vnc I've seen are
linux_intel based. (I've heard about XFree86 for solaris, zo xf4vnc for
solaris should be possible.)

btw: keep messages to the list, I have no solaris around to find more

VNC-List mailing list

RE: add entries Ctrl Esc and Alt Tab ?

2003-03-07 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Bruno SABLON [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I suggerer a improvement:
 Would it be possible to add entries Ctrl Esc and Alt Tab 
 at the menu of 
 Vncviewer to simulate these keys? Indeed, working especially 
 with VNCServer 
 under MSWindows, I miss them often.

I think there is a need for these entries but I think there will be more, if
not now, then in the near future.

I see most of these keys include alt and ctrl. I think the next buttons
can be handsome:

alt for the next key: add the alt keycode to the next keypress.
sticky alt: add the alt keycode to all keys until pressed again.
ctrl for the next key and sticky ctrl the same way.

Then, add the feature that a single alt without any other key does the
alt for the next key or if sticky alt is on, it switches that off.
Again, similar for ctrl.

An alternate (for the ctrl) can be that the right ctrl can be released
from its local usage and used to control the remote ctrl but I don't know
if that will work. I do know it will not work for the alt on international
keyboards since there is already difference between alt-l and alt-r, the
later is frequently labeled as alt-gr and is used for example to give the
Euro sign EUR.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: Help

2003-03-06 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Ling Soon Leh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have a problem refreshing the VNC windows. It is so slow in
 refreshing. Can it operate at a normal window refresh rate?

What's your normal refresh rate? Have you an idea of the number of bits that
need to be send over at that refresh rate? An example with the settings of
the display in save settings, the origional vga mode: 640 x 480 bytes at a
refresh rate of 60 Hz (for the Americans, that's roughly your television
definition: NTSC). The colordepth of this display is 4 bits (16 colors) but
vnc always sends at least a byte per pixel so we calculate with 1 byte per
pixel (256 colors, kind of like what a television set can do).

640 * 480 = 307200 bytes per screen.

307200 * 60 = 18432000 bytes per second; 18 MByte/sec

A 100Mbit network can transmit 10 MByte/sec so you need a dual 100Mbit
connection to keep even this low rate going.

Don't expect your PC to be able to compress that on the fly, the internal
bandwidth of most isa and pci busses cannot coop with that bandwidth either.
Even if they run at 133 MHz, it's a constant brurst and that will congest


btw: If the refresh is not fast enough on M$Windows servers, try twiggeling
with the polling options in the vncserver settings menu.
VNC-List mailing list

RE: VNC 3.3.7 released

2003-03-06 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Jordan Share [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  -Original Message-
  Behalf Of Andy Harter
  Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 10:26 AM
  Subject: VNC 3.3.7 released
  RealVNC is pleased to announce the release of version 3.3.7 of VNC.
  Binaries and source can be downloaded from the RealVNC website at
  This release is completely compatible with previous versions. It is
  primarily a bug-fix release, providing greater reliability and
  stability on
  Windows platforms.
  For full details see
 Does anyone know if:
 Improved reliability of Windows VNC server on 
 multi-processor systems.
 means that the performance doesn't suck on multi-processor 
 systems anymore?
 I'd not had problems with the service crashing on me (which 
 connotes, to me anyway), but it is /dog/ slow.
 I've installed it on our system, but, alas, it requires a 
 reboot to start it
 up again, and it's a production machine, so I can't take it down.

I think if you don't use vnc, you can savely stop and shutdown the vnc
services. Then update vnc and restart the services. That is, on Wnt based

DETAIL: I don't know if the installer does an automatic reboot. Correct me
if I'm wrong but the only reason it can do so is to activate the file
associations and start the services. The first one is already done with the
previous install, the second can be done manually.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: VNC only allowing 1 gnome session

2003-03-06 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Rosborough [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I attempted to search for a solution to this problem, but 
 couldn't find
 anything.  When I have two users running vncserver on a Red Hat 8.0
 computer, the second issued display, :2, does not work.  Here are the
 log files for that display and my xstartup file.

If you have multiple users working with vnc at the same unix box, considder
the inetd setup as on
. It avoids lots of problems with concurrent sessions that influence each


 log removed 
 xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
 xsetroot -solid grey
 #ssjxterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title $VNCDESKTOP desktop 
 #ssj twm 

Here is a problem: If this gnome is started from within an other gnome, they
are hooked by several things. Some updated xstartup files that start gnome,
unset gnome specific variables here. Check for all of them.

To avoid gnome settings from other gnome sessions, best use the inetd setup
as described at the link above. If inetd is not an option, start this
vncsession with `rsh localhost vncserver`, which should disable the gnome
settings. (unless, they are propagated trough rsh...)

 xstartup 9L, 151C   1,1
 If you can see any problem with this please let me know.
 Andrew Rosborough 
 VNC-List mailing list
VNC-List mailing list

RE: Inetd+Solaris 7+VNC 3.3.6 : Not working

2003-03-05 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Francis VIVAT [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 We are trying here to use VNC with -inetd option, but we 
 don't have any response.
 I've read

There is an alternate description at Compare both worlds.

 and add to my /etc/inetd.conf :
 vnc-1024stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/bin/Xvnc.5
 Xvnc.5 -inetd -broadcast -once -geometry 1024x768 -depth 8 -cc 3
 vnc-1280stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/bin/vncserver.inetd

What is `Xvnc.5` As far as I know, that is the manpage! not the

 (one line to try directly, on line to try with a script)
 I've add to /etc/services :
 And last, my vncserver.inetd script :
 /usr/local/bin/Xvnc -depth 8 -cc 3 -inetd -once -broadcast -fp

Exchange '-broadcast' with '-query localhost' or '-query xdmcpmachine'. try
this with `Xvnc :4 -query localhost` and see if you get a login box at
`vncvierer Xvncmachine:4`.

Be verry sure stdio of the script is hotwired to stdio of the script since
that's where inetd will connect the port to.

 After a kill -HUP, I try from my PC :

Not all inetd listens to -HUP. It's save to do (in one line!):

/etc/init.d/inetd stop; /etc/init.d/inetd start

 vncviewer unixbox:50 or 51

This 50 and 51 will connect to vncservices at ports 5950 and 5951. That's
the reason the above (5900, 5901) does not work.

 And nothing occurs.
 If I look on my unixbox what is going on :
 netstat -an | grep 59
   *.5950   *.*0  0 0  
   *.5951   *.*0  0 0  
 So, what's wrong ?

I think you start with exchanging the 'Xvnc.5' to 'Xvnc' in the inetd.conf
file: use the same binary as in the script file.

If you definitly want to call a script from inetd.conf, then be verry sure
you read the documentation since inetd does not 'just execute': Stdin,
stdout and stderr of the binary must be hooked to the stdin, stdout and
stderr of the script. The double name in the inetd.conf file, the first must
be a binary, the second is $0. For scripts, the first must be the
script-engine (/bin/sh, /usr/local/bin/perl or such), the second the
filename of the scipt (which does not need to be executable). Details on
this vary between systems.


VNC-List mailing list

RE: Ctrl + Alt + Del

2003-03-05 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Stewe Lundin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Im having difficulties the Ctrl + Alt + Del combination in 
 VNC, the combination makes my local computer reakt instead of 
 the remote one. Anny ideas or solutions ?

The ctrlaltdel option from the viewer-window menu.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: Linux and VNC off CD

2003-03-04 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Johan Pienaar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I am running VNC server on a RedHat Linux 8.0 server. Does 
 anyone know where I
 clould download some sort of linux and VNC viewer that boots 
 and runs off a
 CD? (Diskless workstation running VNC viewer).

If it needs to be a cd, try if vnc is in knoppix (

For diskless stations that do have a java-enabled browser, use the
java-viewer in the browser at http://machine:5801/ (the 5801 is the port you
give with -httpport to the server, default 5800+display number)

VNC-List mailing list

RE: Scaling the JAVA client

2003-02-26 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 Is there anyway to scale the size of the JAVA VNC client 
 other than by 
 using the screen resolution feature in Windows. I would have 
 thought that 
 this setting would be contained somewhere in the RFBprotocol 
 file within 
 the VNC sources. But has anyone actually managed to get this 
 function to 
 work, i'd really appreciate to hear anyones ideas as to how 
 this may be achieved.

As far as I know:
The vnc server does not know anything about the scale the viewer shows to
the user.
The rfb protocol does not do anything with scaling information
Some vnc viewers have scaling capabilities. They just add or remove lines
and columns of pixels.

If your viewer does not have scaling, try an other one that has scaling. To
install a vncviewer, you don't need to be superuser, administrator or such,
you can download the vncviewer.exe file and just run that. THen you can use
the scaling from that viewer.

If your webbrowser does not support scaling and your java-vncviewer does not
support scaling, have a look at Opera: That has scaling! Unfortunatly, it
does only scale the viewport for java apps, not the java app itself

VNC-List mailing list

RE: Capturing my Unix destop

2003-02-25 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Jerry Westrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 There is another option.  In which you can have your cake and eat it
 If your Console was a vnc session, you could allow multiple
 connections to it, and then you could connect to you Console.

That's not only for the 'console' session as you refer to. It is to all vnc
servers, if they are not configured not to (e.g. -once and/or -inetd and/or
-nevershared options used)

 You'll note the quotes around Console since in Unix/Linux there is
 nothing special about the Concole session, other than it is 
 connected to a (the only?) local graphic card.

It is even worse, most unix servers have a character-termial console. From a
unix point of view, console is just the place to dump the boot messages and
to give access in single-user mode and all such sysadmin stuff. Take a look
at /dev/console, it is a character device. Take a look at the -C option to

 On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 12:28, Beerse, Corni wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: Ashutosh Dutta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I just downloaded 3.3.6 VNC for Linux. I am running vncserver 
   in one Linux
   box and am running vncviewer in another Linux box. Although I 
   try to run
   vncviewer in another Linux box, I can just open another 
   Xterminal. I would
   like to be able to export (grab) the desktop of the server 
   and be able to
   see what is going on in the server. Is there way to achieve 
   that using VNC program?
  On unix (that includes linux) implementations of vnc, you 
 get a fresh X11
  session inside the default vncviewer. You never get the console.
  As far as I know the history of vnc, this unix way of 
 giving a new session
  was the origional goal of all vnc but could not be done 
 (easy) in M$Windows.
  So the M$Windows behavoure alters from the other vnc 
 implementations by
  giving the console.
  If you like to get the console on a unix/linux machine, 
 have a look at the
  next sites, all with their own advantages and disadvantages:
  The are  all alternate vnc-servers with some restrictions 
 and advantages.
  VNC-List mailing list
 VNC-List mailing list
VNC-List mailing list

RE: winXP to sol9 via VNC

2003-02-24 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: stephen gilliss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 read the info on configuring vnc but am still confused about a couple 
 things. hope someone can set me straight.
 1. does vnc support win xp? i believe answer is 'yes'.

I'm a believer too ;-) 

 2. does vnc support solaris 9? again, i believe answer is 'yes'. 

Yep, based on the fact Solaris 9 runs older solaris binaries. You can use
binaries or compile from source. It's up to you.

btw: some general Solaris problems:

The user that runs `Xvnc` (started from `vncserver` script) needs to have
write access to /tmp/.*X11*, the directory where X11 sockets are stored.

My favorite setup:
For Solaris, you only need to edit /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf and
restart the inetd deamon according to the file.

Some general Unix (including Solaris) problems: Use a proper fontpath. Run
`xset -q` at the X11 console of the vncserver machine to see a usable
fontpath. Use the -fp option to set it.

 3. i have sol 9 at work hidden behind firewall(s). i have win xp at 
 home via broadand cable modem. i want to telecommute from 
 home but need 
 the resources attached to my sol9 box. how can vnc help? 

Once you can ping or telnet between the machines, you can use vnc to get a
graphical session. If there is a firewall or some nat-routing inbetween,
this will make your live a little harder. Best ask your sysadmin to give

 4. which box gets vnc server and for what platform? which box 
 gets vnc viewer and for what platform? 

The machine  at your desktop runs the viewer, the remote machine runs the
server. All for the local system.

 5. what are the security (or lack thereof) implacations of 
 using vnc in 
 this manner? is there anyway to increase security using vnc? if so, 
 what, how? 

vnc has not security build in. Best to use vpn, tunneling or ssh or such.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: vncserver on my gateway server

2003-02-17 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Jonathan Linowes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Are there actually unix/linux apps that one would want to use VNC
  for?  I've never really understood the desire to have a GUI on linux.

I know one! I know one!:

vncviewer to access and maintain M$Windows machines...


VNC-List mailing list

RE: Automatic Encryption

2003-02-17 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 On Fri, 14 Feb 2003, Illtud Daniel wrote:
  Mike Miller wrote:
   Here's a simple question:  Why can't VNC server and 
 viewer just use
   established SSH protocols to communicate?  Incorporate 
 OpenSSH code
   into the server and PuTTY (or whatever) code into the 
 viewer.  Isn't
   that workable?
  Then what happens when an exploit for OpenSSH is 
 discovered? That's the
  problem with 'incorporating' OpenSSH into VNC, you've then 
 got to keep
  that code in sync with any security fixes to OpenSSH, and that's
  suddenly more of a job.
 OK, but I would rather have a VNC with a vulnerable OpenSSH 
 than with no SSH at all.  When a security hole was found in OpenSSH a
 while back, I was seeing lots of attempts on port 22.  I get almost
 nothing, ever, on ports in the 59xx range.  Adding a little encryption
 should only improve security, even if it is vulnerable encryption.

If you accept vulnerable OpenSSH, you can also see the currently available
compressions as encryption.

I personally think the average hacker knows more about the vulnerable
OpenSSH than it knows about the vnc protocol.

  Also, *implementing* crypto properly, even if starting from others'
  code, is *damn difficult* - and probably not something you 
 want to be
  dabbling with if it's not your forte.
 I'll hope that someone out there has the skills.  I sure don't.

Thinking about it:
Currently the question is: enable encryption.
Second question: I want it working with the webinterface too..
Third question: Can this be automated...
final question: HELP I'M HACKED...
Final question, US version: I sue VNC for being hacked...

  There are plenty of encrypting windows versions of VNC to 
 be had, but
  unless somebody's got a really good idea about 
 incorporating encryption
  in the RealVNC cross-platform codebase, I'd rather leave it out.
 Maybe we'll get lucky and someone will figure it out.  In the 
 I'll use portforwarding or I'll live without encryption.
VNC-List mailing list

RE: Automatically Starting VNC-server

2003-02-14 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: George Gambill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Correct me if I am wrong or missing a better way.
 It seems that if I start vncserver from root (RH8), I must 
 use the root password to start vncviewer (Windows 2000).
 If I start vncserver from user1 (RH8), I must use the user1 
 password to start vncviewer (Windows 2000).

If a unix user (root or an other) starts `vncserver` for the first time, it
has to type a new password for the session. This password is used for every
`vncserver` started by that user and has to be used from the vncviewer that
connects to it.

 I infer from this that someone needs to be logged in the 
 server to start vncserver.  Did I miss something?

That's the default configuration. With that default configuration, you can
leave the vncserver running forever and connect every time you like. RedHat
comes with some scripts (in the init area) that can be configured to start a
vncserver for selected users. This users must have run `vncserver` at least
once to generate their password.

 Assuming the above is true, is there a way to start vncserver 
 automatically when user1 logs in?

Yes: . It obsoletes
every user specific configuration. You don't need a vnc-password anymore,
use the unix account.

 If the above is not a valid assumption, what is the best way?

I prefer .

VNC-List mailing list

RE: vncsetup - step by setp

2003-02-14 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Jonathan Linowes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Now it does not automatically boot into the gui desktop (I 
 guess that is
 expected? what would I change if I wanted the system to have a gui
 (ctrl-alt-F7) and a vncserver available at boot up?).
 When I run vncviewer from another machine, it comes up nicely 
 and I can run
 the gui apps. However, when I open a console there appears 
 extra tabs or
 spaces between characters on the prompt and anything I type 
 on the command line.

This can be a font problem, then it can also be something else. You say
console, I think you indicate a terminal(-emulator) like `xterm` or such. Or
do you have an app called `console`?

 Also if I su to root and try to run, say , kate, I get the message
 Xlib: connection to SERVER:1.0 refused by server
 Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
 kate: cannot connect to X server SERVER:1.0

That's due to X11 security. See the `xhost` command for some details.
`xhost` will show the current state, `xhost +` will remove all security.

It's also triggered by the -ac command to Xvnc. If you remove that, it
will start as if `xhost +` is one of the start commands.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: Re[2]: Automatic Encryption

2003-02-14 Thread Beerse, Corné
I think the simple answer is: vnc cannot because it cannot code itself. The
developpers willnot/cannot because it is not in the developmentpath.

As far as I'm concerned, the developmentpath for the core vnc development
will not incorporate new features like these as long as the spinoffs like
zvnc, yvnc, xvnc, wvnc, vvnc, uvnc and such have not implemented it
successfully and satisfactory.

Leaves out YOU: Do it yourself or pay someone to do it for you.


C. Beerse

 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: vrijdag 14 februari 2003 16:23
 Subject: Re[2]: Automatic Encryption
 Here's a simple question:  Why can't VNC server and viewer just use
 established SSH protocols to communicate?  Incorporate 
 OpenSSH code into
 the server and PuTTY (or whatever) code into the viewer.  Isn't that
 workable?  The keys wouldn't be encoded in the password, they would be
 handled in the way that SSH normally handles them.
 On Fri, 14 Feb 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You cannot just KISS, not with encryption, this is the point. You
  cannot just apply AES to the stream. How do you plan to agree on the
  keys used for encryption ? Use the VNC password ? I think not, you
  have not enough entropy in a normal password). How do you plan to
  exchange the keys in a safe way (remember this are the keys used to
  encrypt the AES tunnel, so you don't have encryption in place). Now
  let's assume you get one / some random 128 (or more) bits key(s) and
  manage to exchange them somehow securely (let's say you go to each
  host and remote with floppies). How do you plan to make the
  authentication ? Just encrypt the streams and leave the 
  trying to find each other like deaf bats ? What if an 
 attacker records
  and plays back the stream at a later time ? And this is the simple
  part, to put all the pieces together. There are a lot of design
  problems to be solved BEFORE you start writing ONE line of code. But
  it is _very_ hard to write secure code, even if you have a very good
  and complete algorithm. Many
  trusted programs (like apache, openssh) had at least one big remote
  buffer overflow last year. And we are talking about software using
  well known algorithms, not some one week old inventions, with very
  good track record for security. It is _extremely_ unlikely 
 to invent and
  to implement something even remotely secure as openssh (which is not
  bulletproof) in one year, as a plugin for vnc. Sometimes it 
 is better
  to know that you have no security/encryption than to rely on bad
  security/encryption. And you will _not_ have good 
  as an afterthought for vnc (not that I don't trust the vnc
 VNC-List mailing list
VNC-List mailing list

RE: Automatic Encryption

2003-02-13 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Kaplan, Andrew H. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Just a general question: Are there plans for ssh encryption 
 built into the VNC application in any future versions?

Not to my knowledge. For unix it is common to keep separate functions

 One experimental version of VNC, known as ZVNC, does this for 

Ask them for a unix implementation...
VNC-List mailing list

RE: vncserver slightly disprespects -geometry setting

2003-02-13 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Shing-Fat Fred Ma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I'm finding that vncserver doesn't accurately
 respect the -geometry specification.  I'm running
 TightVNC 1.2.7 on Solaris 8.  The command is:
 vncserver -nolisten local -nevershared \
 -geometry 1394x986 -localhost -depth 24
 What I get in the viewer is:
 $$ xdpyinfo | grep dimension
   dimensions:1396x986 pixels (473x334 millimeters)

That's true and documented somewhere in the vnc documentation: Every
geometry is respected but silendly rounded upwards to a proper power of 2.
This is due to internal optimalization.

This is because the compressions need a nice number of squares of some size
to not have to deal with half squares.

 I tried
 vncserver -nolisten local -nevershared \
 -geometry 1394x987 -localhost -depth 24
 and got
 $$ xdpyinfo | grep dimension
   dimensions:1396x988 pixels (473x334 millimeters).
 Weird, eh?

I was in the impression the X size was silently rounded upwards to multiples
of 8 in both ways but you just show me the number I had in mind was wrong,
at least in the y direction.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: camera+audio

2003-02-10 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Giovanni De Luca [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 How may I send video  audio information by my webcam  mic. 
 from my host
 where VNCserver is running to remote hosts where VNCviewer is running?

vnc does not and most likely will not support audio (beyond 'beep').

vnc does support some video as long as it is not accelerated by any means:
vnc reads the video memory hence the video needs to be stored in the video
memory. Then there is such a thing as the video refresh rate. Don't expect a
better refreshrate than once a second.

I don't know details but I'm sure there are better protocols to put audio
and video streams over the network. I expect even free implementations of
such protocols.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: kde desktop

2003-02-10 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Jonathan Linowes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: maandag 10 februari 2003 10:15
 Subject: kde desktop
 hi again,
 I have another machine with RH 8.0 linux running kde desktop.
 I modified the ~/.vnc/xstartup file and replaced the xterm line with

Should have replaced the twm line. Need to remove some environment
variables too. Check teh archive for details. For the best result, dont
start vncserver direct but with a rsh to localhost: `rsh localhost -e

Better jet (my favorite): .

 it's not exactly my normal kde desktop. eg The bar on bottom 
 of the screeen
 has a title bar kicker and when I open an app I need to 
 place the window
 position manually. Am I calling the kde correctly? are there 
 parameters that
 RH uses from the login screen that I'm missing? sorry that I 
 don't know where
 t o look for this info
 VNC-List mailing list
VNC-List mailing list

RE: cut-paste with VNC on linux - 2 proposed changes

2003-02-10 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Jerry McBride [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 On Sat, 08 Feb 2003 20:12:02 -0800 Ron Goldman 
  Hi. I'd like to propose 2 changes to the way that the Linux 
 Xvnc server  
  handles cut  paste to the VNC viewer app. I'd appreciate 
 any feedback  
  from other VNC users/developers.  (Note: This only apply to 
 the Linux  
  version, the Mac  Windows versions are fine as is.)
 Can you clarify that a bit better? I've been cut-n-pasting on 
 linux servers and
 clients without any problems what-so-ever.

I think the problem is at the X11 side: X11 has specified several
clipboards. I recal the app `xclipboard` whith which one can manage the
clipboards. In general, there is a clipboard in which the current selection
is available and a separate one (or more?) for the copy or cut actions. Some
apps don't use the proper one and some apps use both in parallel.

The Xvnc only copies one of the clipboards to the viewer side. For some apps
and window managers, it's the proper one (it works), for some it's the wrong
one (it does not work).

 Are you perhaps running into issues when you mix windows and linux? 

Major problem is pasting from M$Windows to Unix which something else in the
clipboard than text. It will ruin your day...

VNC-List mailing list

vnc session on internet...

2003-01-28 Thread Beerse, Corné
for what it's worth:

I fonund it at the register ( and
it gives a RHLinux session using vnc: (read their
faq, it's true vnc!)


C. Beerse
VNC-List mailing list

RE: Colourmaps (was Re: No write access to /tmp/.x11-unix )

2003-01-22 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Damian Skeeles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Thanks! I'd read a bit about colormaps and pixelmaps, and was 
 starting to think that it was a problem with the pixel maps 
 (as the error implies). I decided to try out all the colormap 
 settings again though, and found out that the app only runs 
 in an 8-bit map (shows how old it is!)

In the X11 area, the colordepths are about same age. The 8 bit has an
advantage over the other colordepths, that is the private colormap and the
ability to alter the colordefinition for a given color number. Its used by
several signalling apps that can change the color scheme of the entire app
in some simple commands to allert the user.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: x0rfbserver for linux.

2003-01-21 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: jay chandra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 i'am using x0rfbserver for linux.
 how can i capture the list of IPaddresses of all clients 
 connected to server.

Try the `netstat` command and see who uses the vnc ports (like `netstat -a`,
it lists all). This will show the actual situation, not who ever has

VNC-List mailing list

RE: Separate Hard Disks

2003-01-20 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Warner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Is it possible to run VNC on separate hard disks on the same machine?
 I have WIN98 on one hard disk and FreeBSD on another, on the same PC.
 I would be great if I could access my WIN98 drive from 
 FreeBSD using VNC.

That's not something for vnc.
Vnc only provides access to a running system. Hence if your processor runs
freebsd, it does not run W98 so the W98-vnc does not run so you cannot use
it for anything.

If it is to access the disks, freebsd should be capable of reading the W98
disks. Since W98 uses the fat filesystem, you should be able to mount those
disks from freebsd. If freebsd cannot access your w98 disks, and you realy
need this access from a unix variant, considder changing to linux, it can
access the disks.

btw: the W98 disk is not known as c: from freebsd, it is most likely called
something like /dev/hda1 or such. You need to mount it as all other disks
before you can access the files, the /dev/hda1 is a presentation of the
entire disk as a sinlge file

If you need access trough W98 while running freebsd, have a look at vmware.
However, I don't think you have the knowledge to successfully use it.

 BTW - I searched and searched for related information and 
 couldn't find anything.

There is none.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: vnc over wireless network?

2003-01-17 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Kurt W. Wiseman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I've seen a couple postings in the archives that say it works 
 for 80211.b
 but I've been unable to get my setup here at home (80211.a) 
 to connect.  The
 server is a win2k machine and the client/viewer is win98.

I'd say vnc can run over every network, as long as the network provides
tcp/ip. With respect to the ISO-OSI levels, those 802 protocols are at
level 1 or 2, as ethernet is. TCP/IP is the level 3 protocol. So: yes, it
will work.

 The win98 laptop was connected to our LAN via Ethernet but 
 that slot is now
 filled with the wireless network card.  I can see each 
 computer from the
 other one via Network Neighborhood and we've got file 
 sharing working just
 fine.  What do I need to do in order to connect thru vnc?

Be sure you can use tcp/ip protocols over the network. The M$Windows
protocos you mention don't need tcp/ip, they also can use other network
protocols (iso-osi: level-3 protocols).

If you can ping, telnet, ftp or use other internet protocols, then you
should be able to use vnc too.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: [Feature] Using MS Windows as window manager

2003-01-14 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Don Geddis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Greg Breland [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  just start your application with a -geometry switch set to 
 the resolution you
  are running your vncserver at.  When you connect to the 
 vncserver it will
  appear to just be one application running inside a Windows 
 window.  If your
  app does have multiple windows then you might try a very 
 minimal Window
 I tried out Greg's suggestion, and it works great!  I 
 installed a minimal
 X window manager (SWM: Simple Window Mangaer, smaller than 
 rxvt), and set up
 a separate VNC desktop for each of my applications, sized to 
 the application.

I only like to add to this that you don't need a window manager. Most
applications can perfectly do without, specially if the app listens to its
-geometry option.

 Now I've got a separate Windows XP windows for each of my remote X
 applications.  Awesome!  Thanks, Greg.
VNC-List mailing list

RE: Problems running vncserver on Solaris 2.5

2003-01-14 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Firstname Lastname [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I'm able to run vncserver on my solaris machine and run a viewer
 on my windows NT machine and see a simple X desktop environment.
 But, I would like to be able to see my CDE environment and can't
 figure out what file to point my .vnc/xstartup at.

Yesterday, I answered
to the same question. It avoids the need to configure ~/.vnc/xstartup. On
solaris, only need to configure /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf and
restart inetd.

 Also, when I do:
 % vncserver -kill :1
 the server dies successfully but then my CDE environment is left
 unresponsive to any keystrokes and I have to remotely login and
 reboot the system to wake up my keyboard. Can anybody tell me
 what is going on here?

Thats because if you start cde from within cde, it needs to be hided
perfectly. If not, you get problems like this. TO avoid it, I'd like to
advice the above setup. If you definitly need a vncsession that you can
reconnect to, best to login to the machien without cde (like from a telnet
or an rlogin or even rsh) and start vnc. Detail, you can do telnet, rlogin
or rsh to localhost: `rsh localhost vncserver`. To avoid the password
prompt, add 'localhost' to your ~/.rhosts file.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: Emulation of Sun Keyboard Specific Keys

2003-01-10 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Sean Adam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I'm wondering if there is a way to emulate the Sun
 Keyboard keys (such as COPY PASTE OPEN FIND FRONT)
 when running a vncviewer on the PC (WIN2K

There is an app called `xkeycaps` in which you get a window with a keyboard
of your choice. Then you can press the keys with you mouse to get the
key-event. It also works reverse: press a key and see which key it thinks
you pressed.

If you play around with it, you can totally redefine your keyboard and save
the output. Once you have a proper file, you can load it with `xmodmap`
every time you connect. Like in ~/.vnc/xstartup or such.

With the current viewer, you can somehow define some actions in the menu
(and maybe hook them to keys?)

The major problem is there are more keys on the sun keyboard than you have
available on your pc-keyboard.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: windows manager problem

2003-01-09 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Technology Listserves [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I appreciate your assistance.  With regards to the last log 
 file, I was trying to use KDE.  I would rather have Gnome.  
 So, for this xstartup file:
 xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
 xsetroot -solid grey
 xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title $VNCDESKTOP Desktop 

The lines that start with an x can be removed (they just start other stuff
you don't need if you start gnome).

 I get this log:
 08/01/03 13:27:09 Xvnc version 3.3.6 - built Dec  2 2002 10:54:00
 08/01/03 13:27:09 Copyright (C) 2002 RealVNC Ltd.
 08/01/03 13:27:09 Copyright (C) 1994-2000 ATT Laboratories Cambridge.
 08/01/03 13:27:09 All Rights Reserved.
 08/01/03 13:27:09 See for information on VNC
 08/01/03 13:27:09 Desktop name 'X' (EDILXPS01:2)
 08/01/03 13:27:09 Protocol version supported 3.3
 08/01/03 13:27:09 Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5902
 08/01/03 13:27:09 Listening for HTTP connections on TCP port 5802
 08/01/03 13:27:09   URL http://EDILXPS01:5802
 gnome-session: you're already running a session manager

You are inside a gnome sesision and start vncserver which tries to start an
other gnome session. Gnome cannot run inside gnome. You can avoid that with
one fo the next ways:

setup as on (my

login without gnome. Looks funny but try one of the next: `rsh localhost
vncserver` or `rlogin localhost` `telnet localhost` and start vncserver at
that prompt.

REmove all gnome settings before starting gnome: In the xstartup script,
unset all gnome environment variables.
VNC-List mailing list

RE: cpu utilization query...

2003-01-09 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: jay chandra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 i'm runnung x0rfbserver on linux7.2.
 when a client connects to server it uses 20% of the cpu 
 utilization.When another client connects it increases to 40%.

Wild guess, more users will consume more cpu.

 1)So how many clients can connect to a server simultaneously?

roughly unlimited but once the cpu usage has no free cycles (idle drops
below 10 %) you will experience a serious performance drop.

 2)what are the side effects(with respect to frame refresh 
 rate) seen if 5 clients are connected at the same time?

Local screen refresh is in hardware so no harm there. Screen update will
drop verry fast.

Try using no compression (send raw info). It consumes less cpu (but more
network bandwidth)

VNC-List mailing list

RE: Problems with RedHat 7.3

2003-01-06 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Thomas Norris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: vrijdag 3 januari 2003 18:10
 Subject: Problems with RedHat 7.3
 I am rather new to this using Red Hat, so please bare with 
 me.  I have 
 installed VNC on my Redhat 7.3 machine and I am able to launch the 
 VNCServer and I am successful when trying to connect.  But my problem 
 is that all I get is the command line.  Should there be a GUI display 
 as when I connect to a Windows machine using VNC?  Any help would be 
 greatly appreciated.

Once installed, you need some configuration too. Some startpoints:

If used the RedHat supplied packages, read the RedHat supplied documents to!
Or use one of the next setups:

For a terminal-server like setup:

To get the linux console in a vnc session:

VNC-List mailing list

RE: vnc .. black vnc client screen

2003-01-06 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Bruce Douglas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 A simple question (I hope!!). I can run the vnc browser 
 (java) and I see the unix box (GNOME) as I should)
 In keeping everything simple, I'm trying to fire up a Windows 
 VNC Client to talk to a Linux VNC Server.

Strange... Peek at the HTML code in your browser to see which port is used
for the vnc (RFB) communication. THen subtract 5900 from that portnumber to
get the vncviewer display number. You should see the same contents as in the

 However, When I run the VNC Client (Windows) a black window 
 is displayed.
 This used to work before (I think)!!! I've done a lot of 
 rewiring/etc.. I
 can't really say that everything has actually worked on this box!!

What unix/linux distribution? Did you use the vnc-bundles from the
distribution? Vnc comes with several major linux distributions. Best to
start using that. Once you get it working, you can simply exchange the
binaries (only `Xvnc` and `vncviewer`) to the newest release.

 I run vncserver on the unix box. It appears that I have multiple VNC
 displays running. I'm new to unix, so I don't know how to go 
 about actually
 checking to see which displays are actually running.

My best setup: for
terminal-server like setup of vnc.

To get the console:

 Any help/assistance would be greatly appreciated. Or any 
 pointers to online
VNC-List mailing list

RE: VNC 3.3.3r9 'Enter' Problem

2002-12-19 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Tobias Gogolin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I just discovered it today using matematica trying to prove 
 something to my
 And then
 as you may know Matematica uses the enter key on the numeric 
 pad as the one
 that causes it to (re)calculate
 and the regular enter key as a new line only
 SO no Matematica over VNC !
 There should (needs to) be a solution
 (I was using the same VNC 3.3.3r9 to control Matematica4.1 running on
 Win2000Pro accessing it from WinXP)

It is a known issue (at least for me). I've read the newer (newest) version
somehow solved this issue but I have not had the possibility to test it.

VNC-List mailing list

RE: Still Getting Blank Desktop

2002-12-17 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Milette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: dinsdag 17 december 2002 08:20
 Subject: Re: Still Getting Blank Desktop

I think there is something mixed in here, This unset is needed in
~/.vnc/startup which is not used at all in the used (inetd) setup.

 Did you unset SESSION_MANAGER? Gnome won't let you run two 
 instances of 
 itself unless you issue that command before starting Gnome in VNC. 
 Alternatively you can try using the KDE desktop instead. 
 Apparently it 
 doesn't mind running two instances of itself.
 The fact that you haven't made the changes to autostart at boot might 
 actually be the problem. If the VNC server was to startup on 
 boot, there 
 would not be another instance of Gnome running to interfere.
 Finally, don't forget to check the *.log files in your .vnc 
 directory for 
 hints on what might be causing the problem.
  Michael Milette
 (Gee, I think I am actually starting to sound like I know 
 what I am talking 
 At 01:19 AM 2002-12-17, Rich Lichvar wrote:
 Okay, I followed the documentation from Source Code Corner 
 on setting up VNC
 on Linux so I can actually get to the Gnome (or KDE) desktop.
 1. VNC is installed in its default paths.
 2. xdm-config was edited per doc.
 3. XDMCP on port 177 was enabled in kdmrc
 4. Xaccess was edited to uncomment the *#any host ... line.
 What I get is a blank desktop whereas before at least I got 
 a command window
 and the rest of the desktop was blank. So, what did I do 
 wrong? (Gnome is
 set as the default desktop.)
 I won't do the changes to autostart at boot until I get it work.
 VNC-List mailing list
 VNC-List mailing list
VNC-List mailing list

RE: 3.3.5: Solaris78, cut/paste buffers not working

2002-12-13 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Minney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: vrijdag 13 december 2002 00:30
 To: Grant McDorman; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: 3.3.5: Solaris78, cut/paste buffers not working
 I tried the xstartup I mentioned in my last message but 
 although the cut/paste buffers appeared to be working (using 
 autocutsel06) I had problems with my CDE.
 I tried various combinations along the lines of what Charles 
 Hines suggested in his post to this group on Dec 3rd. The 
 best I could get was with the xstartup looking like this:
 CDE runs but I can no longer access some of the window setup 
 via the buttons on the 'toolbar' at the bottom of the screen 
 (such as the Application manager/desktop controls which I 
 typically use to set the wallpaper to none, to speed up the 
 connection). This isn't a real problem however as I am able 
 to set the desktop controls using the mouse ..
 right click/Tools/Style manager
 The only real problem I have with this setup is that my 
 Backspace and Delete keys are no longer recognized (really 
 annoying). Hitting the BS key just returns '^H', hitting the 
 delete key aborts what you had typed and issues a LF/new line.
 I am hoping this is something really simple, maybe with this 
 new setup (dtsession ) I now need to configure in my 
 .dtprofile, my .login or my .profile,
 do you or anyone else in this group have any suggestions?

Start Xvnc with the next command:
# Xvnc :4 -query localhost

Now connect with vncviewer and login in the vnc session (`vncviewer
Xvncmachine:4`, use your unix login).
Check if your problem exists in this setup. If your problem has gone, edit
/etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf according to and restart inetd.

If this works, the problem is the communication deamon used by the CDE
software: Some apps in your vnc session reuse the communication deamon of
the session from which vncserver is started, other apps use the
communication deamon of the new cde session in the vncserver. I don't know
details but I do know some apps don't use the $DISPLAY variable but an other
way to find the X11 server. Using xdmcp (that's what happens with -query
localhost) starts an entire new login session which is by definition not
connected to any running session.


 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Minney 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 3:10 PM
 To: Grant McDorman; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: 3.3.5: Solaris78, cut/paste buffers not working
 many thanks for looking into this. Here is where I am currently at ..
 using 3.3.5 server on my Unix box (Solaris8, CDE)
 Running autocutsel version 06
 Cut/paste between PC-Unix-PC works perfectly from PC to Unix, 
 but is very intermittent going the other way (Unix - PC). 
 However I can get around this by cut and pasting something 
 from PC to Unix, then cut/paste from Unix works again. Very, 
 very tedious but better than having no cut/paste functionality at all.
 The plan,
 at a convenient point I want to shut down my 3.3.5 server and 
 install 3.3.6. Also I want to switch to using a xstartup 
 configuration I got from a recent email posted by Charles 
 Hines to this mailing list.
 A quick test the other day on another Solaris8 machine 
 suggests this xstartup, with autocutsel may work.
 Here is the xstartup I am planning to use ..
 xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
 xsetroot -solid grey
 #xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title $VNCDESKTOP Desktop 
 I will let you know how I get on. Please don't spend any time 
 modifying a version of 'x2vnc' for me, although it is very 
 kind of you to offer.
 I must say that as great as VNC is, I have been surprised by 
 lack of proper cut/paste support, or at least with my 
 Solaris8/CDE setup. This can't be an uncommon setup for 
 people to use these days can it? I suppose this is why 
 Michael Witrant created autocutsel, unfortunately when I had 
 to migrate from Solaris 2.5 to 2.8 autocustsel stopped 
 working reliably.
 -Original Message-
 From: Grant McDorman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 2:42 PM
 To: Kevin Minney; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: 3.3.5: Solaris78, cut/paste buffers not working
 Hash: SHA1
 I finally got around to looking into this. While I am not 
 running CDE, I did 
 use one of the CDE apps (dtpad) to investigate this.
 To understand what is going on, you need to know that X 
 (including the Xvnc) 
 has two copy and paste mechanisms: the cut buffer, and the selection 
 mechanism. In addition, the selection mechanism can support 
 multiple copy and 
 paste buffers.
 Most modern applications, including CDE and KDE, use only the 
 With VNC, there are two problems:

RE: VNC used for Desktop Sharing KDE 3.1

2002-12-13 Thread Beerse, Corné
 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Milette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: vrijdag 13 december 2002 03:59
 Subject: VNC used for Desktop Sharing KDE 3.1
 I was reading up on the upcoming KDE 3.1 today. One of the 
 new features 
 being introduced is Desktop Sharing.
 Running as a KDE service, it will allow you to share your 
 desktop using the 
 RFB protocol, better known as VNC. This will allow a friend or an 
 administrator to fix problems on your computer. It will also 
 be useful to 
 show your desktop to somebody else at a remote location. It 
 is supposed to 
 be compatible with all regular VNC/RFB clients. The desktop 
 sharing will 
 apparently be based on invitations, most likely similar to 
 the system now 
 included with Windows XP.
 You can read more about it at 
 They even have 
 screen shots if you are interested.

Looks realy nice. I wonder if it can also do vnc sessions started with Would be realy nice.

 It will certainly be a welcome addition. Too bad I am not 
 seeing any such 
 support coming from the gnome team.

If you use XFree86 R4.2, you can use It
lacks the shiny interface but it ends with similar usability.

I wonder how these 2 compare when using kde...


btw: Michael, sorry, I intended to send it to the list but this damn list,
not setting a proper reply address...
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