[CTRL] Periodical invasions of aliens

2000-02-11 Thread earthman

This is interesting. We get the 11:11 again, but I am wondering whether UFO 
activity also follows this cycle?


- Original Message - 
From: Pierre Calais 

Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 12:18 PM
Subject: [TheRevelation] Periodical invasions of aliens
From: "Pierre Calais" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Forget those contemporary tales of UFO landings and human contacts 
with their alien navigators. Aliens have been land-ing here and mixing with the 
human populace for centuries. In fact, their traffic peaks about every 11 years, 
just when the solar cycle reaches its maximum. By now, you've probably guessed 
that F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe are again talking about flu pandemics and 
sunspots. You must admit, however, that their correlation is becoming more and 
more convincing. 

Yearly means of daily sunspot numbers correlated with dates of flu 
First, we have their graph covering the past 70 years which speaks 
for itself. You can add the 1990 flu outbreak to the curve yourself! To 
strengthen the correlation Hoyle and Wickramasinghe tabulate flu and sunspot 
data back to 1761. They find that flu pandemics and sunspot maxima have kept in 
step for the last 17 cycles. 
Key to the Hoyle-Wickramasinghe argument is their contention that 
simple life forms (viruses, bacteria, etc.) not only exist in outer space but 
likely evolved there. If so, how do they ride in to afflict us on the peaks of 
the solar cycle? Here's how, in their words: 

"In conclusion, we note that electrical fields associated with 
intense solar winds can rapidly drive charged particles of the size of viruses 
down through the exposed upper atmosphere into the shelter of the lower 
atmosphere, the charging of such particles being due to the photoelectric 
effect. This could define one possible causal link between influenza pandemics 
and solar activity."
(Hoyle, F., and Wickramasinghe, N. C.; "Sunspots and Influenza," 
Nature, 343: 304, 1990.)

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It's time for a change 


2000-02-11 Thread earthman

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Birds of a Feather Publishing
P.O. Box 513
Ft Bragg, CA  95437
(707) 961-6059

January 25th, 2000

We proudly announce the unexpected revelations of the new millenium when
these famous authors come to town..  Speakers will be available for
interviews, signings, or appearances from February 21- 25th, .but
availability is limited.  For more info please visit our website
www.questresearchuk.com or contact me.

Egyptian and Celtic History, Rosicrucians, the Knights Templars, Masonic
Guild, Edgar Cayce, the Legend of the Phoenix, and pushing back ancient
mankind's archeological evidence farther than traditionally accepted will be
hot topics at this year's Alternative History Conferences in the bay area.
All 6 Riveting authors will speak at 3 progressive Conferences, with
expansions of different material at each.

Best selling authors Robert Bauval and Michael Cremo will be joined by noted
researcher Simon Cox, whose "THE MAKERS OF TIME" with David Alan Ritchie
will set the traditional Egyptology community on it's ear, Dr Karen
Ralls-MacLeod- Celtic historian and lecturer, and Michael Mandeville's
"RETURN OF THE PHOENIX" trilogy delves into Edgar Cayce's prophecies. .

Event Venues:
February 19th- Santa Clara Convention Ctr, 5001 Grt Am. Pkwy, S.Clara.-
Keynote Speaker Robert Bauval- lectures on the legendary Hall of Records at
Giza introducing his latest book- "SECRET CHAMBER" and discusses his
information in depth, and will share his latest findings from his visit to
the Pyramids in January.

February  26th- Santa Rosa- The Luther Burbank Center's Merlo Theatre
Keynote Speaker- U. of Edinburgh Professor Dr Karen RallsMacLeod introduces
"MUSIC AND THE CELTIC OTHERWORLD" and lectures on the ancient regalia of the
ancient Mystery Schools and Rosslyn Chapel Museum in Edinburgh where she is
Deputy Director.

February 27th- Oakland- Scottish Rite Ctr, Lk Merrit Dr, 4th flr Auditorium-
Keynote Speaker- Michael Cremo- "HUMAN DEVOLUTION: An Alternative to Darwin'
s Theory" and will discuss humanity's hidden history thoroughly.   Dynamic!
Graham Hancock may also attend if he can clear his schedule in time.. TBA.


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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] French to sue US/Britain over Echelon spy network

2000-02-11 Thread earthman

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- Original Message -
To: Janet Lee Meisinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 11:21 PM
Subject: French to sue US/Britain over Echelon spy network

 February 10 2000 EUROPE
 French to sue US and Britain over network of spies

 THE British and US Governments are to be sued in France after claims
 that they have spied on French companies, diplomats and Cabinet
 ministers. Lawyers are planning a class action after confirmation last
 week that a global anglophone spy network exists.
 Codenamed P-415 Echelon, the world's most powerful electronic spy
 system was revealed in declassified US National Security Agency
 documents published on the Internet, and is capable of intercepting
 telephone conversations, faxes and e-mails.
 The system was established in the 1980s by the UKUSA alliance, which
 unites the British, American, Australian, New Zealand and Canadian
 secret services. In Europe, its listening devices are at Menwith Hill
 defence base in Yorkshire. French MPs claim to have evidence that the
 European Airbus consortium lost a Fr35 billion (£3.5 billion) contract
 in 1995 after its offer was overheard and passed to Boeing. Georges
 Sarre, a left-wing MP, said: "The participation of the United Kingdom
 in spying on its European partners for and with the US raises serious
 and legitimate concerns in that it creates a particularly acute
 conflict of interest within the European Union."
 The European Parliament's Civil Liberties Committee will study a
 report on the Echelon network on February 23. The debate is certain to
 fuel criticism of Britain's role.
 Until this month, the network was an official secret recognised by
 none of the members of the UKUSA alliance. But the documents published
 by the George Washington University prove its existence and its
 capacity to intercept civilian satellite communications.
 Jean-Pierre Millet, a Parisian lawyer, said that Echelon tracked every
 mobile and satellite call, but only decoded those involving a key
 figure. "You can bet that every time a French government minister
 makes a mobile phone call, it is recorded," he said.
 M Millet said that Echelon's system leaves it open to legal challenge
 under French privacy laws. "The simple fact that an attempt has been
 made to intercept a communication is against the law in France,
 however the information is exploited." Yesterday he said that he would
 bring an action on behalf of French civil liberty groups.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] A bit more on new catalyst

2000-02-11 Thread earthman

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We received this info from a respondent, who notes, UNDOUBTEDLY
correctly, that multinational corporations in league with globalist New
World Order power brokers will try to both suppress the information and
most likely buy off, intimidate, or perhaps even terminate the people
responsible for this breakthrough.

NewsHawk® Inc.
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

 Original Message 
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2000 08:07:50 PST
From: "didi feberrus" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The catalyst TiO2RuO2Pt, created in Switerland separates water into fuel
when exposed to sunlight. I just got this and it should be given to your

Big brother is going to try and squash it.

The catalyst is a titanium dioxide ball with ruthenium dioxide and
platinum on the surface. It was made by the Swiss Federal Polytechnic
Institute. The guy is Michael Graetzel. His email is

I got it from Bruce Perreault's free energy list.
(also a major focus of big brother's cyber-squad).

I hope this gets through.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Soya beans may affect foetal development

2000-02-10 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

From: Bill Kingsbury [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Soya beans linked to developmental damage

 Soya beans may affect foetal development

 BBC News Online - Health
 Wednesday, November 3, 1999

 Pregnant women who eat a diet high in soya beans may
 increase the risk of long-term developmental damage in
 their children, researchers have found.

 Soya beans contain compounds called phytoestrogens or
 isoflavones, that have been found to mimic the effects of
 the female sex hormone oestrogen.

 These effects may help to prevent a range of conditions
 including the unpleasant symptoms of the menopause.

 But scientists at the Third International Symposium on the
 Role of Soy in Preventing and Treating Chronic Disease in
 Washington DC were told the impact on foetuses and children
 could be negative.

 A team from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center presented data from
 two studies - one on animals and one on humans - to the

 Organising tissue development

 Dr Claude Hughes, director of the Center for Women's Health
 at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, said sex hormones appeared
 to play an important role in organising the development of
 tissues early in life.

 He said: "These hormones influence the way the brain is
 organised, the way the reproductive organs and cells
 develop, even the way immune function develops.

 "Therefore, if mom is eating something or has in her body
 fat something that can act like sex hormones, it is logical
 to wonder if that could change the baby's development."

 The researchers analysed amniotic fluid samples of 54
 pregnant women from the Los Angeles area.

 They found that about 80% of the foetuses were exposed to
 phytoestrogens at levels up to 180 times the norm.

 The amniotic fluid samples were taken during routine
 amniocentesis between 16 and 20 weeks of gestation - after
 a baby's organs have formed but during a critical stage of

 The researchers tested the impact of exposure to
 phytoestrogen by feeding them to pregnant rats at a similar
 stage of their pregnancy.

 'Masculinising' effect

 The phytoestrogen had a "masculinising" effect on both the
 male and female rat foetuses.

 Male rat pups also experienced early onset of puberty.

 Dr Hughes said the rat experiment was likely to give some
 indication of the effect of phytoestrogens on human

 He said: "There is no reason to assume that there will be
 gross malformations of foetuses but there may be subtle
 changes, such as neurobehavioral attributes, immune
 function, and sex hormone levels."

 "There are many long-term health questions that come about
 when the little clocks in our heads are changed. There may
 be subtle things occurring and we don't know it.

 "Or it could be that humans are much more resistant to
 these effects than are other animals, and this is not an
 issue. We will not know until we get the data."



 Sex drive warning to vegetarians and elderly

 BBC News Online - Health
 Friday, 21 January, 2000

  The decrease in bioavailable testosterone can then
  result in declines in sexual function and red cell
  mass, and contribute to the loss of bone density
  --Dr Christopher Longcope

 Elderly and vegetarian men are being warned about the effect
 of low protein diets on their sex lives in later years.

 Researchers say people who do not eat enough protein are at
 risk of low testosterone levels which can cause a decline in
 sexual function as well as muscle loss, reduced red blood
 cells and damage to bones.

 People who do not eat meat are particularly at risk, because
 animal products are good sources of high biological value

 As well as vegetarians and vegans who choose not to eat
 animal products, the elderly are known to eat less meat
 because of loss of appetite in later years and difficulty
 with chewing.

 Dr Christopher Longcope, of the University of Massachusetts
 medical school, says his latest findings mean the elderly in
 particular should be counselled about the importance of
 eating enough protein.

 He found that low protein diets lead to increases in sex
 hormone-binding globulin in older men, which reduces the
 availability of testosterone.

 Sex hormone levels

 Dr Longcope and colleagues looked at globulin levels in 1,552
 men aged between 40 and 70. Protein and fibre intake levels
 were significant contributors to sex hormone levels, as were
 age and body mass, they said in The Journal of Clinical
 Endocrinology and Metabolism.

 He said: "The decrease in bioavailable testosterone can then
 result in declines in sexual function and red cell mass, and
 contribute to the loss of bone density."

 And high protein diets could increase the available
 testosterone, though further research into this areas was

[CTRL] Building a moon colony on earth

2000-02-10 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
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Building a moon colony on earth

WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 -  The city fathers of a
   California town plan to build the world's first
   lunar colony, but they will skip the tricky part of
   going to the moon to do it.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Bummer

2000-02-10 Thread earthman

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Hi team, (this is going to many lists)
As from next week I will be working an extra 30 hours a week ("follow the
money" um, and my bliss ), and unfortunately I have to unsub  from a lot of
Hey, a BIG thanks to all of you, I have loved the exchanges and the
I have even become very fond of some of you, but I shall miss you all.
Follow your heart, (earth)
because Home is where the hearth (health) is.
And keep those home fires burning.

Love and Light
earthman aka Peter Howearth

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Nasa Confirms Gubmint Mind Control

2000-02-08 Thread earthman

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I'm still seeing them beams of blue



TITLE: Effects of low power microwaves on the local cerebral blood flow of
conscious rats

Document ID: 19810004209 N (81N12720) File Series: NASA Technical Reports

Report Number: AD-A090426

Sales Agency  Price: CASI Hardcopy A02  CASI Microfiche A01

Oscar, K. J. (Army Mobility Equipment Command)

Published: Jun 01, 1980

Corporate Source:
Army Mobility Equipment Command (Fort Belvoir, VA, United States)

Pages: 10

Contract Number: None


A decoy and deception concept presently being considered is to remotely
create the perception of noise in the heads of personnel by exposing them to
low power, pulsed microwaves. When people are illuminated with properly
modulated low power microwaves the sensation is reported as a buzzing,
clicking, or hissing which seems to originate (regardless of the person's
position in the field) within or just behind the head. The phenomena occurs
at average power densities as low as microwatts per square centimeter with
carrier frequencies from 0.4 to 3.0 GHz. By proper choice of pulse
characteristics, intelligible speech may be created. Before this technique
may be extended and used for military applications, an understanding of the
basic principles must be developed. Such an understanding is not only
required to optimize the use of the concept for camouflage, decoy and
deception operations but is required to properly assess safety factors of
such microwave exposure.

Major Subject Terms:

Minor Subject Terms:

Language Note: English

NASA Access Help Desk
Phone: 301-621-0390 FAX: 301-621-0134

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Flesh-Eating Bananas!

2000-02-08 Thread earthman

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Flesh-Eating Bananas!

Guide's note: (Updated 01/31/00) Pure, laughable bunk. Can anybody tell me
where the Manheim Research Institute is located? If so, please drop me a
line, because I haven't been able to find a shred of evidence that it

Necrotizing fasciitis. The name alone is enough to give you the
heebie-jeebies. Also known as "the flesh-eating disease" (much easier to
pronounce than "neck-row-tie-zing fash-ee-eye-tis"), it's a real - but rare
- illness resulting from infection by the Group A streptococcus bacterium,
which also causes strep throat. It attacks the soft tissues under the skin,
resulting in gangrene. Amputation is sometimes required, and it can cause

It's a nasty disease, no question about it. But, while it is possible to
contract Strep A by ingesting food that has been directly contaminated
(e.g., during the preparation of a meal - see sidebar for more about this),
the notion that an entire crop of fruit could be infectious is patently
absurd. The allegation that "the disease has been able to graft itself to
the skin of fruits" is pseudo-scientific twaddle.

According to the Centers for Disease Control:

Group A streptococci are spread by direct contact with secretions from the
nose and throat of infected persons or by contact with infected wounds or
sores on the skin. The risk of spreading the infection is highest when a
person is ill, such as with "strep throat" or an infected wound.

Translation: you can eat Costa Rican bananas without fear of them eating
you. The email warning is a hoax.


Statement from the Centers for Disease Control
"False Internet report about necrotizing fasciitis associated with bananas"

Statement from the International Banana Association
"This rumor is false and has no scientific or medical basis of truth"


Necrotizing Fasciitis. National Institutes of Health. 20 Jan. 2000
Group A Streptococcus. Centers for Disease Control. 20 Jan. 2000

National Necrotizing Fasciitis Foundation. 20 Feb. 2000

Sidebar: A Firsthand Account of Food-Borne Group A Strep. 1 Feb. 2000

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Translators needed

2000-02-08 Thread earthman

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From: "Kim Lambert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Translators needed to decipher several strange, gold plates--one of which is
a seven-pointed "star" (possibly related to the legendary Seven Cities of

PHI = 1.618 = Golden Ratio... Listen to the hypnotic sound of PHI:

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] ATTN.!!! women

2000-02-08 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

I received a similar email months ago but deecided not to forward it. In
fact I still have it in my Drafts, but I figured you may as well be aware of
this anyway. Better safe than sorry.


 Original Message 
Subject: ATTN.!!!  women
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 23:06:57 -0500
From: Bruce Chesley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Begin forwarded message --

Please pass on to as many women as possible . . .

 If you use pads, but especially if you use tampons read this and
pass onto your friends (for the men receiving this email, please
forward it to your friends, significant others, sisters, mothers,
daughters, etc.).

 Have you heard that tampon makers include asbestos in tampons ?
Why would they do this ?  Because asbestos makes you bleed more . . .
if you bleed more, you're going to need to use more.  Why isn't this
against the law since asbestos is so dangerous ?  Because the powers
that be, in all their wisdom (not), did not consider tampons as being
ingested, and therefore wasn't illegal or considered dangerous.

This month's Essence magazine has a small article about this and
they mention two manufacturers of a cotton tampon alternative.  The
companies are Organic Essentials @ 800-765-6491 and Terra Femme
@ 800-755-0212.

A woman getting her Ph.D. at University of Colorado @ Boulder sent
the following: "I am writing this because women are not being informed
about the dangers of something most of us use -tampons.  I am taking a
class this month and I have been learning a lot about biology and woman,
including much about feminine hygiene.

Recently we have learned that tampons are actually dangerous (for
other reasons than TSS).  I'll tell you this, after learning about this
in our class, most of the females wound up feeling angry and upset with the
tampon industry, and I for one, am going to do something about it.  To
start, I want to inform everyone I can, and email is the fastest way
that I know how.

Here is the scoop: Tampons contain two things that are potentially
harmful: Rayon (for absorbency), and dioxin (a chemical used in
bleaching the products).  The tampon industry is convinced that we, as
women, need bleached white products - in order to view the product
as pure and clean.  The problem here is that the dioxin produced in this
bleaching process can lead to very harmful problems for a woman.

Dioxin is potentially carcinogenic (cancer-associated) and is toxic to
the immune and reproductive systems.  It has also been linked to
endometriosis and lower sperm counts for men - for both, it breaks down
the immune system.

Last September the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported
that there really is no set "acceptable" level of exposure to dioxin
given that it is cumulative and slow to disintegrate.  The real danger comes
from repeated contact (Karen Houppert "Pulling the Plug on the Tampon
Industry").  I'd say using about 4-5 tampons a day, five days a month,
for 38 menstruating years is "repeated contact", wouldn't' you?

Rayon contributes to the danger of tampons and dioxin because it is
a highly absorbent substance.  Therefore, when fibers from the tampons
are left behind in the vagina (as it usually occurs), it creates a
breeding ground for the dioxin.  It also stays in a lot longer than
it would with just cotton tampons.  This is also the reason why TSS
(toxic shock syndrome)  occurs.

WHAT ARE THE ALTERNATIVES?  Using feminine hygiene products that
aren't bleached and that are all cotton.  Other feminine hygiene
products ds/napkins) contain dioxin as well, but they are not nearly as
dangerous since they are not in direct contact with the vagina.  The
pads/napkins need to stop being bleached, but obviously tampons are
the most dangerous.

So, what can you do if you can't give up using tampons ?  Use
tampons, that are made from 100% cotton, and that are UNBLEACHED.
Unfortunately, there are very, very few companies that make these safe
tampons.  They are usually only found in health food stores.  Countries
all  over the world (Sweden, Germany, British Columbia, etc.) have
a switch to this safer tampon, while the U.S. has decided to keep us in
the  dark about it. In 1989, activists in England mounted a campaign against
chlorine bleaching.  Six weeks and 50,000 letters later, the makers of
sanitary products switched to oxygen bleaching (one of the green
methods available). (MS magazine, May/June 1995)

WHAT TO DO NOW:  Tell people.  Everyone. Inform them.  We are being
manipulated by this industry and the government, let's do something
about it! Please write to the companies: Tampax (Tambrands), Playtex,
O.B., Kotex.  Call the 800 numbers listed on the boxes.  Let them know
that we demand a safe product - ALL COTTON UNBLEACHED TAMPONS.

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2000-02-08 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

This is from Newshawk
 Original Message 
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2000 08:07:50 PST
From: "didi feberrus" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

the catalyst TiO2RuO2Pt, created in switerland separates water into fuel
when exposed to sunlight. I just got this and it should be given to your
Big brother is going to try and squash it.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Hack attacks hit Web giants

2000-02-08 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Oh quick, Call the net police. Please come and save us.

They were hoping for y2k to crash it for them. WE the sheeple did not become
paranoid and so it did not happen. They will go to plan S349


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

- Original Message -
From: Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Hack attacks hit Web giants

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 This just happens to follow the release of Kevin Mitnick from prison,
 infamous hacker, on Jan. 21

 He said on CNN today the attack might have really been the result of a
 failed router.

 Right, Mitnick. I trust your word about as much as I trust Clinton, Gore,
 Bush.  ;-(


 On 8 Feb 00, at 19:05, i,s,ctrl wrote:

  Hack attacks hit Web giants





 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Within the next eighteen months...the truth about ETs

2000-02-07 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator

Subject: "Within the next eighteen months...the truth about ETs"
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999
From: Susan Ferguson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Extraterrestrials Co-Create Our Future

Dr. Richard Boylan, Ph.D. worked 25 years as a psychotherapist and clinical
psychologist, author of four books, his most recent is Project Epiphany in
which he claims that the Future is now!

Dr. Boylan conveys that sources in the U.S. government have made it clear
to him that we (the human race) do have relationships with

A group of those that are enlightened by this contact have agreed upon a
time table; within the next eighteen months, the truth of extraterrestrial
existence will be undeniable.

At this time it will be announced by the head of the U.N. Security Council
that we will be exchanging ambassadors with the Extraterrestrial Federation
of Planets.

This federation is made up of beings of all types, from Whitley Striber's
greys to non-corpreal, thought essences. From gasbag beings to intelligent
insect races.

This federation is a non-monetary, non-violent, telepathic coalition of
beings from numerous planets.

The Federation has already greatly affected our physical and spiritual
evolution throughout history and even before.

Many great spiritual teachers and leaders, Boylan iterates, were actually
alien in origin. They believe themselves intermediaries between the "God
Force" and ourselves.

They, soon after establishing open contact, will distribute their vast

They intend to give us the knowledge to build free energy machines,
teleportation devices, food replicators and instant education machines that
will be able to download a whole foreign language in a one hour session and
much more.

They will graciously (and speedily) give us the secrets to telepathic
communication, ending disease and aging and enabling time travel.

Dr. Boylan says the Mayans knew this would be taking place. By the end of
the Mayan calendar, 2012, Earth and all of Humanity will be wholly
integrated into this extraterrestrial federation.

We will be a world consisting of real communities built on trust, mutual
caring, and shared common interests. Telepathy will bring an end to
violence, greed and depression. We will be a society that is ready to reach
for the stars, committed to constant self-improvement and artistic
expression with a greatly expanded definition of home and of all other
levels of reality. [This is an encapsulated piece of a more extended,
in-depth interview. More details to appear in next issue of Magical Blend

"See God in Every Eye"

--Inanna, Goddess of Love V.S. Ferguson author, Inanna Returns and Inanna

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.*


A synopsis of extraterrestrial theology is presented, synthesized from
information communicated by extraterrestrials to humans during close
encounters. These are the extraterrestrial races actually visiting the
Earth, and may apply to other member cultures of their interstellar
political-cultural alliance, sometimes labeled the Interstellar Federation.
This synopsis draws from a database constructed from 1989-present by
Richard Boylan, research behavioral scientist and cultural anthropologist
with graduate training in theology and philosophy. This database comes from
in-depth debriefings of more than 180 experiencers. Those data provide the
foundation for this analysis of the extraterrestrials' theological views.

The following theological topics are discussed: the extraterrestrials'
acknowledgment of, and ideas about, God; whether intelligent life is
hierarchical or egalitarian; the ETs' spiritual mission; whether ETs are
spiritual gurus; the ETs' role in human development; the ETs, Avatars and
religious inspiration; ETs' views on death and judgment versus
reincarnation; sin and the existence of evil; Creation and evolution;
whether Redemption is universal; and the ETs' ideas about God's family. The
presentation concludes with an examination of possible human reactions to
the visiting extraterrestrials' spiritual cultures.

(C) 1996

This synopsis is constructed from data from more than 180 in-depth
interview debriefings with experiencers of extraterrestrial contact
(Boylan, 1994). The analysis and synthesis are the author's best
distillation of that data.

It should be borne in mind that it is the nature of extraterrestrial
communications that, in the overwhelming majority of instances,
extraterrestrials communicate with humans by telepathic transfer of mental
images or concepts, rather than by words or speech. Thus, there inherently
is some human interpretation of the mental impressions transmitted by an
extraterrestrial (ET). 


2000-02-07 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

 Structure of Molecular Clusters | Formation of Molecular Clusters | Unique
Electronic Properties  Applications | Interdisciplinary
Research Leads to Results

An interdisciplinary team of researchers at the Georgia Institute of
Technology has isolated a new series of highly stable and
massive gold-cluster molecules that possess a set of "extraordinary" quantum

"With these properties, the molecules are very attractive building blocks
for testing one type of ultra miniaturized architecture
envisioned by some for 21st-century nanoelectronics, as well as for other
chemical and molecular-biological applications," said Dr.
Robert L. Whetten, Professor of Physics and Chemistry at Georgia Tech. Photo
copyright information
 Graduate Students Igor Vezmar and Joseph Khoury use a high-mass
spectrometer to analyze the new series of gold clusters. (200-dpi
JPEG version - 241k)

Supported by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Office of Naval
Research, the Packard Foundation, and the Georgia Tech
Foundation, the work was reported April 16 at the 213th National Meeting of
the American Chemical Society in San Francisco.

Structure of Molecular Clusters
Each molecule in the new series has a compact, crystalline gold core. This
pure metallic core, just one-to-two billionths of a meter
(1-2 nanometers) across, is encapsulated within a shell of tightly packed
hydrocarbon chains linked to the core via sulfur atoms.

The principal members of the series have core-masses of about 14,000; 22,000
and 28,000 protons, corresponding to about 75, 110 and
145 gold atoms, respectively, and are thus in the same mass range as larger
protein molecules, as reported by M. M. Alvarez and
colleagues in a paper published recently in Chemical Physics Letters. These
differ, both in size and the higher yield with which
they are obtained, from their heavier analogs described in 1996 by Whetten
and colleagues in Advanced Materials.

The precise structures of the cores are as yet unknown, but theoretical and
experimental evidence suggests they are faceted with a
particular gem-stone shape, as reported in a forthcoming paper by Whetten,
Dr. Uzi Landman, and their co-workers in the Zeitschrift
fer Physik.

"The surrounding chains can be of any length, and can be modified to confer
particular chemical properties, so that they can be
incorporated into various solid-state and solution structures," Whetten
noted. "Most importantly, each member of the series behaves
as a substance composed of infinitely replicated molecules, which can be
separated from other members of the series to yield pure
substances with precisely defined properties."

Formation of Molecular Clusters
The gold cluster molecules emerge spontaneously during the decomposition of
certain gold-thiolate polymers of the type commonly used
in decorative gold paints and in gold anti-arthritis drugs. With sufficient
control of the decomposition process, this series can be
isolated without concurrent production of larger gold crystals. It is then
relatively easy to separate the principal members of the
series from each other to obtain the necessary homogeneity. Once purified,
the molecules spontaneously assemble into crystalline
thin films, powders, or macrocrystals, while preserving the discrete
properties of the individual gold nanocrystal cores.

Gold is important technically not only for its inertness -- once made, the
clusters are immune to corrosion -- but also for its
highly stable surfaces, which find application as junctions in critical
microelectronic applications.

Unique Electronic Properties  Applications
"The main fascination of very small metal crystals, and the foundation for
their envisioned use in future electronics, arises from
the fact that their conduction electrons are quantized both in their
number -- charge quantization -- and in the states they can
occupy -- energy quantization," Whetten added. "In crystals larger than a
few nanometers, these effects can only be observed and
used at very low temperatures, such as that of liquid helium, near absolute
zero. The new series of nanocrystals are both
sufficiently small that these effects are prominent even at ordinary
temperatures and yet are large enough to have the robust
crystalline properties of the bulk metal."

The electromagnetic and conduction properties of the clusters are extremely
sensitive to charging, and somewhat less so to energy
level. Whetten believes these states can be used in a proposed electronic
circuitry known as "single-electronics."

The new gold cluster materials are the first to exhibit the
charge-quantization effect in a macroscopically obtained material, for
which every cluster behaves identically. The first measurements were
conducted in the laboratory of Dr. Phil First at Georgia Tech
by observing the 

[CTRL] Can the Vacuum be Engineered for Spaceflight applications?

2000-02-07 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


We Are Going To Hear Much More About This In The Next Couple Of Years In
A More Sensational Manner Than One Would Expect.

Paper Hal Puthoff presented at the NASA Breakthrough Propulsion
Physics conference at Lewis Research Center

Overview of Theory and Experiments
 H. E. Puthoff, Ph.D.
 Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin
 4030 W. Braker Lane, Suite 300
 Austin, TX 78759-5329

 Voice (512) 346-9947, Fax (512) 346-3017

Can the Vacuum be Engineered for Spaceflight applications?

Quantum theory predicts, and experiments verify, that empty space (the
vacuum) contains an enormous residual background energy known as
zero-point energy (ZPE).

Originally thought to be of significance only for such esoteric concerns
as small perturbations to atomic emission processes, it is now known to
play a role in large-scale phenomena of interest to technologists as
well, such as the inhibition of spontaneous emission, the generation of
short-range attractive forces (e.g., the Casimir force), and the
possibility of accounting for sonoluminescence phenomena.

ZPE topics of interest for spaceflight applications range from
fundamental issues (where does inertia come from, can it be
controlled?), through laboratory attempts to extract useful energy from
vacuum fluctuations (can the ZPE be "mined" for practical use?), to
scientifically-grounded extrapolations concerning "engineering the
vacuum" (is "warp- drive" space propulsion a scientific possibility?).
Recent advances in research into the physics of the underlying ZPE
indicate the possibility of potential application in all these areas of


The concept "engineering the vacuum" was first introduced by Nobel
Laureate T. D. Lee in his book Particle Physics and Introduction to
Field Theory. As stated there: "The experimental method to alter the
properties of the vacuum may be called vacuum engineering If indeed
we are able to alter the vacuum, then we may encounter some new
phenomena, totally unexpected." Recent experiments have indeed shown
this to be the case.

With regard to space propulsion, the question of engineering the vacuum
can be put succinctly: "Can empty space itself provide the solution?"

Surprisingly enough, there are hints that potential help may in fact
emerge quite literally out of the vacuum of so-called "empty space."
Quantum theory tells us that empty space is not truly empty, but rather
is the seat of myriad energetic quantum processes that could have
profound implications for future space travel. To understand these
implications it will serve us to review briefly the historical
development of the scientific view of what constitutes empty space.

At the time of the Greek philosophers, Democritus argued that empty
space was truly a void, otherwise there would not be room for the motion
of atoms.

Aristotle, on the other hand, argued equally forcefully that what
appeared to be empty space was in fact a plenum (a background filled
with substance), for did not heat and light travel from place to place
as if carried by some kind of medium?

The argument went back and forth through the centuries until finally
codified by Maxwell's theory of the luminiferous ether, a plenum that
carried electromagnetic waves, including light, much as water carries
waves across its surface. Attempts to measure the properties of this
ether, or to measure the Earth's velocity through the ether (as in the
Michelson- Morley experiment), however, met with failure.

With the rise of special relativity which did not require reference to
such an underlying substrate, Einstein in 1905 effectively banished the
ether in favor of the concept that empty space constitutes a true void.
Ten years later, however, Einstein's own development of the general
theory of relativity with its concept of curved space and distorted
geometry forced him to reverse his stand and opt for a richly- endowed
plenum, under the new label spacetime metric.

It was the advent of modern quantum theory, however, that established
the quantum vacuum, so-called empty space, as a very active place, with
particles arising and disappearing, a virtual plasma, and fields
continuously fluctuating about their zero baseline values. The energy
associated with such processes is called zero-point energy (ZPE),
reflecting the fact that such activity remains even at absolute zero.


At its most fundamental level, we now recognize that the quantum vacuum
is an enormous reservoir of untapped energy, with energy densities

[CTRL] NASA Confirms Government Mind Control Technology

2000-02-07 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

I received this today but have trouble accessing the site. Any clever dudes
out there?

From Deuce

Check the following from NASA..

NASA Confirms Government Mind Control Technology

r/80%17043725 2044 N19810004209recon1

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Going Bananas

2000-02-07 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Even if it does appear on Urban Legends, I will be giving bananas a rest for
a while.


From: Dr.  Joseph Puleo [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, February
04, 2000 5:43 PM Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: Bananas...]] Warning:

Several shipments of bananas from Costa Rica have been infected with
necrotizing fasciitis, otherwise known as flesh eating bacteria. Recently
this disease has decimated the monkey population in Costa Rica.  We are now
just learning that the disease has been able to graft itself to the skin of
fruits in the region, most notably the Banana which is Costa Rica's largest

Until this finding scientist were not sure how the infection was being

It is advised not to purchase Bananas for the next three weeks as this is
the period of time for which bananas that have been shipped to the US with
the possibility of carrying this disease.  If you have eaten a banana in the
2-3 days and come down with a fever followed by a skin infection seek
"Medical Attention"!!!

The skin infection from necrotizing fasciitis is very painful and eats two
to three centimeters of flesh per hour.  Amputation is likely, death is

If you are more than an hour from a medical center burning the flesh ahead
of the infected area is advised to help slow the spread of the infection.

The FDA has been reluctant to issue a country wide warning because of fear
of a nationwide panic.  They have secretly admitted that they feel upwards
of 15,000 Americans will be affected by this but that these are acceptable

Please forward this to as many people you care about as possible as we do
not feel 15,000 people is an acceptable number.

Manheim Research Institute

Cynthia Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone:  770-319-0909 Fax:

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Milli Dome

2000-02-07 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


In London England, there has been build a Satanic creation - especially for
the Millennium. This is the "Dome", and it has been largely funded by the
British National Lottery. It is sited at Greenwich on the Meridian Line,
which is on the banks of  the Thames. It has now become the centre for NWO
mind control, for all those who enter.

Happly right now,the Dome has become a financial disaster. The number of
visitors, has been seriously reduced. This has meant, the dismissal of the
head of the "Millennnium Experience Company". She has now been replaced, by
a Walt Disney executive from Paris. He is the man, who has the impossible
task, of trying to salvage something from this failed NWO experiment.

For those who see the massive construction from afar, it seems to be an
alien construction. It stands alone, and does not fit in with the great
building heritage of London.

The Millenium Dome, has been built on the most polluted ground in the world.
As a boy, I went on a school trip to the very same site. This was then the
Greenwich Gasworks, as the people of Britain, once had to make their gas out
of coal. This was before the discovery of North Sea Gas, and that suddenly
made all the old gasworks redundant.

The guide was a friendly old gentleman, who survived the First World War,
and he told us schoolboys a story that I will never forget. During the Blitz
on London, the Lufwaffe bombed the Greenwich Gasworks. They destroyed the
large tanks, which were at the time full of tar and creosote. The contents
seeped into the ground, and polluted it for ever. This is why the whole
area, has been banned for any normal building construction. In fact the
ground pollution is so foul, that the Blackwall Tunnel under the Thames,
really now does have black walls.

So the ground is really bad - and now the gigantic Millennium Dome has been
built on it. The creators of this are Michael Hestletine and Peter
Mandleson, who are from different political parties - but both of whom are

At the end of this year, the Dome will be sold off to private interests.  It
remains to be seen what will come of it, as the negative British press, has
seriously reduced the customers.  Happily people  no longer want to view,
this mind control experiment - even though those who do are unwitting dupes.
Whatever the outcome, it would be foolish for anyone to enter that Dome - as
it is purely reptilian.

Yours in LightPeter Froude


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A Brief History of Space Aliens, Cosmic Vampires and Mad Gods

2000-02-07 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

I like this.

An extract from:
A Brief History of Space Aliens, Cosmic Vampires and Mad Gods.

The inorganic beings are like fishermen; they attract and catch awareness.
-Carlos Castaneda, The Art of Dreaming

There is a kind of net that is as old as Methuselah, as soft as a cobweb and
as full as holes, yet it has retained its
strength to this day. When a demon wearies of chasing after yesterdays or of
going round in circles on a windmill, he
can install himself inside a mirror. There he waits like a spider in its
web, and the fly is certain to be caught."
-Isaac Bashevis Singer, The Mirror

Within the invisible realm, the Imaginal or archetypal world (often called
the "astral plane," which is really only the
first layer of the onion), every act and every word, past, present and
future, leaves its traces, like threads or
pathways in the void, which is why there is no void to speak of.  Scientists
now admit (freely) that 99% of the physical
universe is invisible, even incomprehensible, to our five senses (they call
this "dark matter"), in which case, they
have no choice but to also admit that the question of other-"spiritual" or
"magikal"-dimensions must be left entirely
open, at this time To the paranoid, it seems more sensible by far to assume
that such realms do exist than to dismiss
the possibility outright, convinced as he is that "all things disregard or
deny that which will eventually invade and
destroy them." (Charles Fort) Sooner or later, these Imaginal
"intelligences" must be encountered, at which point they
will be found-paranoid awareness maintains-to be far closer than we could
ever have conceived in our wildest dreams, or
indeed, our deepest, darkest nightmares. In the words of the don of paranoid
awareness, William Burroughs:

This is obviously one aspect of a big picture...what looks like a carefully
worked out blueprint for invasion of the
planetThe "Other Half" is an organism. Word is an organism. The presence
of the "Other Half" a separate organism
attached to your nervous system on an air line of words can now be
demonstrated experimentally. One of the most common
"hallucinations" of subjects during sense withdrawal is the feeling of
another body sprawled through the subject's body
at an angle...The word may once have been a healthy neural cell. It is now a
parasitic organism that invades and damages
the central nervous system. Modern man has lost the option of silence...In
the beginning was the word In the beginning
of what exactly?...What we call history is the history of the word. In the
beginning of THAT history was the word...The
life-line of control addicts is the control word-That is these so-called
Gods can only live without three-dimensional
coordinate points by forcing three-dimensional bodies on others-Their
existence is pure vampirism-They are utterly unfit
to be officers. (The Ticket That Exploded)

What Burroughs implies here is essentially no different from what
esoteric-cum-paranoid lore has always maintained: that
within this Imaginal realm are found "beings" that, for whatever reasons,
are lacking the emotional awareness necessary
to "make the grade" as autonomous agents (officers), hence they are trapped,
as it were, waiting patiently over the
aeons like fishermen with lines cast, for any wayward beings whose
experience, or "life essence," they may poach and
devour.  In order to make such a parasitical program as this imagined by the
paranoid possible, these "beings" (call
them grays, demons, or vampires ) have, over an unimaginably long period of
time, woven an intricate and ingenious web
on the "astral" planes (i.e., about the etheric grid of the Earth), and it
is within this "web" or snare that the human
inhabitants of the planet have-in the dark vision of the paranoid-been
collectively entangled. These beings are busy
greedily hording the awareness which they themselves are lacking, keeping it
from us, and so condemning us to a similar
fate to their own: a honey-comb existence of solitary confinement and
isolation, in the flesh and within the narrow
confines of ego-consciousness, with strictly set expiration dates, and no
possibility of renewal.

Paranoid awareness is fairly unanimous on this point: by way of mythic
engineering at all levels-psychic, social, and
political-we have been rendered as docile livestock to be farmed and
harvested, not only for our flesh and blood, but,
in traditional terminology, for our very souls. Thus fallen into the
clutches of these "beings," the human race has
become the host of an insidious parasite species which is feeding off his
vital essence like a baby at the breast,
slowly sucking away all of his life force. The result has been the collapse
of his own aura (i.e., immune system), and
consequently the rapid decay of his physical body, as it succumbs to the
devastating effects of such close contact with
the alien "body," or virus. This demonic 

[CTRL] Enochian Chess

2000-02-06 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

From: "Colin Frost" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Brothers  Sisters,

My 'job' is hypnotherapy/ psychotherapy. I am active in the UK magickal
community, and also in the posthuman movement  MVT/consciousness research.

Because of my responsibility to the international magickal fraternity as
publisher of Enochian Chess (Board sets, Software, Books  CDROM
Encyclopedia)  it has fallen upon me to start this E-List to facilitate
correspondence, exchange of ideas, and internet play of this incredible
game. http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/000-EnochianChess

Enochian Chess (invented by John Dee, astrologer to Elizabeth I) will
self-initiate and train you through the magickal path to the grade of
Zelator Adeptus Minor (Golden Dawn) and beyond!

ENOCH (who walked with God and was not) is known mainly from the Book of
and I have also obtained a rare copy of the rediscovered Book of the
of Enoch.

You will scarcely ever need any other magickal tool, weapon or implement
the whole of the Enochian Watchtowers are embedded in the flashing Tablet
chessboards that act as talismans to attract and store the elemental

ACTIVE divination is radically more powerful than the fatalistic PASSIVE
systems, such as decanate astrology, tarot, geomancy c. which all are
SUBSUMED within Enochian Chess. Moves in the games can be used for Skrying
in Spirit Vision, Qabbalistic pathworking  or Telesmatic projection,
alongside its normal game-playing and divinatory uses. Because it is
the justified adept can funnel energy back into the astral (thus
events). Your magickal ingenium decides some aspects in the game, as in
 whereas you cannot affect how the stars are scattered at your time of
birth, what lines are on your palm, or interfere with the random fall of
tarot cards (unless you cheat ... and what point would there be in that?).

The four Chessboards (distillations of the Enochian Watchtowers, and Four
Castles of the Wind for pagans) can also function as instant pillars of
your own astral temple. The Egyptian godforms (Moveable Images) represent
archetypes of the human/ posthuman subconscious. Enochian Chess is a
to improving your life, and the destiny of the whole planet no less.
[More information at www.multisell.com  www.multi.co.uk]

So please visit:
and sign up (FREE) to keep up with all that's happening in the magickal
microcosm that is ENOCHIAN CHESS .. game of the Adepti.

Your friend


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Why did the Egyptians cancelled the most dramatic ceremony of the Millennium ?

2000-02-06 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Or maybe they know that the May 5 alignment and Solar peak is the true
stargate. The timeline of the pyramid ends May 5 and I would think that this
would mean something.


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

- Original Message -
From: Alamaine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 3:55 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Why did the Egyptians cancelled the most dramatic
ceremony of the Millennium ?

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 Maybe because they realised the 'millennium' doesn't really start for
 329 days?  Or, so say the Naval Observatory and some other time experts.

  Date sent:Sun, 6 Feb 2000 09:41:02 -0800
  Send reply to:Conspiracy Theory Research List
  From: Ynr Chyldz Wyld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject:  Re: [CTRL] Why did the Egyptians cancelled the
most dramatic
ceremony of the Millennium ?

 Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
 The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
 new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
 "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
 it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
 own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
 It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
 prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
 "Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
 information and ideas through any media and regardless
 of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
 "Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
 teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
 Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
 In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
 is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
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 for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

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 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Microwaving Water to Heat it Up

2000-02-06 Thread earthman

O shucks,thank you Foxter. I have been accused of being crazy, but 
never of lying.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboardhttp://sites.netscape.net/gsussnzl/poleshift

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 5:03 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Microwaving Water to 
  Heat it Up
  I believe Peter would not 
  lie, that is proof enough for me.
- Original Message - 
Ynr Chyldz 
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2000 12:41 
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Microwaving Water 
to Heat it Up
-Caveat Lector- A 
HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"/A -Cui Bono?-Show us the 
proof that this happened.June- Original Message 
-----From: "earthman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: 
Saturday, February 05, 2000 10:08 PMSubject: Re: [CTRL] Microwaving 
Water to Heat it Up -Caveat Lector- A 
HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/" /A -Cui 
Bono?- June, My niece only recently, had a 
microwaved coffee blow up on her. She was lucky that asteroid 
missed. Peter We are about to go on a 
Journey. All Aboard http://sites.netscape.net/gsussnzl/poleshift 
- Original Message - From: Ynr Chyldz Wyld [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2000 6:56 AM Subject: Re: [CTRL] 
Microwaving Water to Heat it Up  -Caveat 
Lector- A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"  
/A -Cui Bono?-   From: "Bill Richer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   -Caveat 
Lector-   "Caveat Lector" indeed 
  If I can dig it up, I'll post the URL which talks about 
this  well-known urban legend...   
Suffice it to say, the chances of getting a scalding bubble  to 
burst in your face after microwaving a mug of water, are  
extremely rare, indeed. You have a better chance of having 
 an asteroid land on you
June ;-)   A 
discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing 
propagandic  screeds are not allowed. Substance-not 
soap-boxing! These are sordid matters  and 
'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and 
outright  frauds-is used politically by different groups with 
major and minor effects  spread throughout the spectrum 
of time and thought. That being said,CTRL  gives no 
endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to 
readers;  be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to 
Holocaust denial and  nazi's need not apply. 
  Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 
 Archives Available at:  http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html 
 To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send 
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  Om  A 
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 DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion  
informational exchange list. Proselytizingpropagandic screeds 
are not allowed. Substance-not soap-boxing! These are 
sordidmatters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, 
misdirections andoutright frauds-is used politically by 
different groups with major and minoreffects spread throughout 
the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL gives no 
endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests 
toreaders; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to 
Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply. Let us 
please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. 
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Substance-not soap-boxing! These are sordid mattersand 'conspiracy 
theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and outrightfrauds-is 
used politically by different groups with major and minor effectsspread 

[CTRL] Europe's Big Melt Underway

2000-02-06 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Ah, something does not add up here. I thought heat rises. More BS from the
Earth man

Europe's Big Melt Underway
[Original headline: Bad news for the Alps . . . melting permafrost]
Researchers have discovered that Europe's permafrost, the frozen bedrock on
which the Alps rest, is melting.
Underground ice temperatures rose by more than a degree in the '90s,
threatening widespread devastation within the next two decades. Foundations
of cable car stations face collapse; mountain slopes, held together by
frozen soil, are likely to be swept down valleys; and rock faces will

Already several recent Alpine disasters, including the avalanches that
killed more than 50 people at the Austrian resort of Galtur last year, are
being blamed on the melting of permafrost, scientists say.

"It is now clear that rises in atmospheric temperatures are producing
significant changes in permafrost levels," said geologist Charles Harris of
Cardiff University. "Global warming is changing the nature of weather
systems and this is having disproportionate effects on temperatures

Atmospheric temperatures round the world rose about 0.2 degrees Celsius last
decade, producing a spate of observations about the effects of warming,
including signs that Europe's glaciers are shrinking.

But now engineers and geologists have discovered a new, alarming effect: air
temperature increases are being magnified fivefold underground. A test bore
hole, dug in Murtel in southern Switzerland, has revealed that frozen
sub-surface soils warmed by 1.2 degrees since 1990.

We are getting earlier falls of snow which provide blankets of insulation
that keep the soil warm," said Harris. "Summers are also warmer and are
heating up the ground more."

To try to predict the worst effects, scientists backed by European Union
funds have launched a program, Permafrost and Climate in Europe (Pace), to
provide a continent-wide survey of threatened permafrost, which is
concentrated in Scandinavia, the Alps, the Pyrenees and the Sierra Nevada in

A series of bore holes is being drilled in these areas, and scientists are
developing techniques for predicting the effects of permafrost loss on
slopes and valleys.

A key, and unexpected, instrument in this work will be the centrifuge.

"When you spin things round and round very quickly, you create very powerful
gravitational fields, and when you place objects in these fields the effects
of gravity are speeded up," said another Pace researcher, civil engineer
Michael Davies of Dundee University. "We are now building model valleys, and
will put them in centrifuges to study what happens when soil is warmed up
and the permafrost, which holds the ground together, is destroyed. We will
simulate landslides and avalanches."

The aim is to find out how to spot early signs of the imminent collapse of
buildings and valleys, he said. "Racks and strains, the first evidence that
cable stations and other buildings are under threat, may be easy to spot.
This gives engineers an opportunity to put things right."

On the other hand, the recent wave of avalanches in the Alps suggests it
will be a trickier job to spot valley walls and rock faces that are about to
crumble and disintegrate.

There is no doubt that there is a real danger to human life, thanks to
permafrost warming," said Harris. "We want to minimize the destruction."

[Source originally published: January 16 2000]

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frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Quake, rattle and roll

2000-02-06 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

I don't know who this guy is, but he gives me the shakes.


Posted by Kev. on January 28, 2000 at 16:45:37:

Some very disturbing figures are coming up.
I hope I am wrong in this, but there could be a major new development
in the Pacific plate, there seems to be a shift in the ocean floor down
through the centre of the plate, it could be that the plate is about to
fracture into two plates, (an east pacific plate and a west pacific
plate), this would be disastrous for the island groups like Hawaii and
Kiribati, just to mention two.
The normal pressure release points around the edges are still showing
intense increases in activity as far as earthquake activity goes but it
will be interesting to watch for increased volcanic activity for the
Hawain group.
A lot of the "traditional" pressure release valves have closed and
become dormant, so new weak spots will rupture with the increasing
pressure, there may be enough water over the central pacific regions to
maintain enough downward force to stop a total split, but we could see
a partial split down to the region of the Cook Islands and the
remainder of the pressure release cause some major shifts on the West
coast USA and the region from Japan to Fiji.
The solar index keeps rising way beyond all predictions, and while the
eggheads tip the peak as March/April this year I am still tipping the
peak will not be reached until August/September.
The next series of three eclpises will be in JULY, and the last of the
present three will be in the begining of Feb.
Remember this set of circumstances for 2011 but look at JUNE, and watch
for the sunspots to exceed 350.

Posted by Kev. on February 01, 2000 at 12:34:22:

Hold on to your partners and get ready to rock, a big week to ten days
of activity.
Watch for shakes in Alaska, Chile/Peru, Pacific Islands and the Japan
areas (I know that's a big score but the Pacific plate is really
feeling the pinch at the moment)
The 'rubber band' effect may give those poor buggers in the nth.
eastern med. area a bit of trouble also.
Oh yes, I forgot to mention, if you live in California it could be a
good time to move ;-)

Pressure will peak on the 5th 6th but the main pull will be into the
southern part of the Indian Ocean, the antipoidal stresses should
manifest in the northern Pacific Plate, centred just below Alaska, the
rubber band effect will smash back into the upper half of the Pacific
plate from about the 8th, the pressures generated may be enough to
start the split in the Pacific plate but I am looking more toward
July/August for that, with the Sun closer to the tropic of Cancer.
All just supposition though, it depends on the area where the pressure
rise will occur, the crust is thick and solid in some places but
relatively thin and pliant in others, let's hope the coming events are
in the former regions.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Microwaving Water to Heat it Up

2000-02-05 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

My niece only recently, had a microwaved coffee blow up on her. She was
lucky that asteroid missed.


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

- Original Message -
From: Ynr Chyldz Wyld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2000 6:56 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Microwaving Water to Heat it Up

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 From: "Bill Richer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  -Caveat Lector-

 "Caveat Lector" indeed

 If I can dig it up, I'll post the URL which talks about this
 well-known urban legend...

 Suffice it to say, the chances of getting a scalding bubble
 to burst in your face after microwaving a mug of water, are
 extremely rare, indeed.  You have a better chance of having
 an asteroid land on you

 June  ;-)

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-02-05 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

- Original Message -
From: nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2000 7:02 AM
Subject: [CTRL] TEDs

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 '(a new knid of High Power Microwave weapon) . . Transient Electromagnetic
 Devices (TED) that could, in the hands of enemies, criminals, pranksters,
 or terrorists pose a significant threat to much of the United States
 infrastructure components that are based on micro-circuits and computer or
 micro-processor control. This includes financial institutions, aircraft,
 security, medical, automotive, and other critical equipment used everyday
 in our society. The systems necessary for the production of this form of
 energy are much easier to construct and use than the earlier and more well
 known conventional HPM narrow-band systems that are currently in
 development for military use.


 In a narrow-band HPM device, high technology vacuum tubes are used that
 are, in some ways, very similar to those used in our highest-powered TV or
 FM stations and radar systems. They are very delicate devices, are
 complex, and very expensive. They require large amounts of primary power
 generally require some type of cooling system, either air blowers or
 liquid types. All of this complexity requires complex engineering and
 development, and the manufacturing time is great and costly. Not for the
 amateur or a low-cost, start-up operation. Generally a highly skilled team
 of various technical experts of numerous engineering specialties is
 required to manage the development and operation of such devices.

 TEDs, on the other hand, are relatively simple devices that generally use
 simple spark-gap switches, either in oil or in pressurized gas pulse
 lines. The power supplies are relatively small in size and much lower in
 average power and cost than for the NB systems. The engineering and
 mechanical issues are small in comparison to the narrow-band devices. The
 technology is well described in the various professional Pulse Power
 references found in good technical libraries. The significant development,
 engineering, and manufacturing costs are small in comparison to narrow
 band. Most of the technology required is available and is an outcrop of
 the various nuclear and flash x-ray work done in the past.

 NB systems operate at some given frequency with a small bandwidth, and you
 will find them at one spot on the radio dial. The TEDs do not even have a
 definable frequency but instead, because of their short time duration,
 they occupy a very large spectrum space, and you will find it everywhere
 on every
 radio dial. When a TED pulse is generated it will have the ability to
 excite responses in systems designed to receive at any frequency from as
 low as 100 MHz up to several GHz, from the FM band up to the lower
 microwave bands. A NB system would excite only those systems that were
 operating at its frequency, say 2.345 GHz, so a narrow band system must be
 "tuned" to a given target's known soft spot but a TED system would go
 after any soft spot of the target platform, back-door or front door.

 So what is the bottom line of this discussion?

 Because of the simplicity of TED systems and the suspicion that they may
 cause disruptive effects to electronic systems that they are aimed at,
 make an attractive approach for RF terrorists to use for various purposes.
 We see hints of this vulnerability in the many warnings that we get each
 month about locations where we should not use radios and electronic
 devices for fear that we will do some damage to something. They make
 passengers on aircraft, during take off and landing, turn off radios,
 games, and other electronic devices. Hospitals regularly place signs that
 electronic devices are not allowed. Many people do not want you using your
 cellular telephones near their computer. Many repair shops require that
 wrist-bands attached to ground be used when opening electronic equipment
 for repair. We have a lot of things out there in the world that either
 have known or suspected vulnerabilities to RF fields or electrostatic
 discharge. A TED system provides both of these conditions, an RF
 electrostatic discharge nature and its output (the number of pulses per
 second) can be adjusted for maximum disruptive effect. Its peak power
 output can be made much higher than those fields ordinarily found in
 everyday systems like cellular radios, radar systems, TV and FM stations,
 and simple ESD effects.

 It clearly appears, based on testing that has been done as well the
 information presented at unclassified technical papers and conferences,
 that the TED would make a good terrorist RF weapon and that, with the
 proliferation of high technology infrastructure systems that are 

[CTRL] Alaska Airlines Flight 261

2000-02-03 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Flight 261, weather, radar, HAARP, runways, EWAR
Kent Steadman

Alaska Airlines Flight 261 MD-83, MD 80 series, Preliminary Data
Full Operating Capability (FOC):
NAWC-WD China Lake and Point Magu
Search above as a phrase in Metacrawler takes us to

Anchorage, Jan. 31- It's now known that at least five Alaskans were on the
Alaska Airlines plane that crashed off the California coast Monday,
a well respected Native leader, along with a former lawmaker's son.

Former Doyon president Morris Thompson, his wife, Thelma, and their daughter
were also among the 83 passengers and five crewmembers onboard. Thompson,
recently retired as head of theInterior regional Native corporation. He was
at the helm of Doyon since 1985.

With the land entitlement of 12.5 million acres, Doyon is the largest
landowner in North America
Rough Map Composite
Look at this composite map at:
looks like HAARP is on the border, slightly inside or outside, yet to be
determined, of Native Doyon land.
2.5 2000/02/01 02:22:46 34.004N 116.310W 0.7 15 km ( 9 mi) S of Joshua Tree,
 00/01/31 22:00:12 34.36N 116.14W 0.6 3.6Ml SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA
2.2 2000/01/31 15:44:53 34.368N 116.144W 0.3 27 km (17 mi) NNW of Twentynine
Palms, CA
3.6 2000/01/31 14:00:12 34.363N 116.136W 0.5 26 km (16 mi) NNW of Twentynine
Palms, CA
(NOTE: depths 0.7, 0.3, 0.6, 0.5, telltale spoor of high energy Physics?
we seen these signs before?)

EMAIL, 2/2/00 2:05:20 PM Pacific Standard Time: Check the frequency of
quakes BEFORE and AFTER the Alaska Airlines reported difficulties  crash.
May be nothing. Just passing it along so it won't get lost in case it is
worth further pondering.

ANOMALOUS IMAGES: Weather Anomaly At Alaska Airlines Crash Site?
WINGATE: This is a GOES-10 satellite image animation I made from images
around the time of the crash, at 00:30 UT when the accident occurred. You
notice a weather anomaly coming from the west, south of Vandenberg AFB. The
crash occurred just east of the three islands, west of Point Mugu.

KASTEN: One of the factors not mentioned in any report - mainstream media or
on-line- is the fact that Point Mugu/Oxnard area is the location of Port
Hueneme which was designated by Pres. Ronald Reagan as a "star wars" base
(none of which is mentioned or located on a map in the news reports). This
the base on which the weaponry of the "future" is supposed to be located.
Point Mugu, of course, is one of the western locations of the technology
which is suppose to protect the western coast of the United States from
in-coming attacks.

Fl. 261 was only several miles away from the runways at Pt. Mugu--in fact,
the runways would have been CLEARLY visible from the jet at 17,000 feet, if
by some incredible lapse of knowledge the pilots were not aware of their

Except at joint airfields, United States Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine
and Coast Guard airfields are available for use by civil aircraft only with
prior permission or in an emergency.

Military instrument approach chart for Point Mugu NAWS which has a 11,100ft
NE/SW main runway. (Chart Date Dec/92 Valid to Jan 93)
Subj: Point Mugu
Date: 2/2/00 8:08:01 PM
Pacific Standard Time
Thought you might be interested in the attached. One of my old approach
plates for Point Mugu. Its main runway (11,100ft) is plenty large enough to
take even the biggest aircraft. FWIW, a trim problem (say runaway trim) is
usually manageable and is a regular scenario for which airline crews are
trained. This may explain why the aircraft initially elected for nearby LAX,
where repairs could be arranged and/or alternate travel arranged for the
passengers. It almost seems that things went to hell-in-a-handbasket shortly
after that for some inexplicable reason. Certainly the crew would have made
for Point Mugu NAWS if the circumstances had then been dire and Pointm Mugu
would have rendered all assistance without a second thought. Note also
another MD-80 just today experienced a trim emergency but landed without
incident. Watch for immediate FAA action re the MD80.

We were also advised as follows by a NewsHawk respondent: 'Alaska Air was
very  forthcoming about their flight upkeep and condition, that is until the
national government types got to their president. Then he clammed up almost
totally.'He DID,however, say one thing upon arriving in Los Angeles: that he
"knew a great deal more about the events surrounding the crash," but
talk about them. 'Sounds like he wanted to.badly.'


[CTRL] Henge, K Arthur, Roswell 2K.

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

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/A -Cui Bono?-

* "Stonehenge 1500BC" Visit our new virtual cyclorama exhibit that will
take you back to a summer solstice when Stonehenge was in its heyday.

* "The Case of the Cottingley Fairies" In 1908 two girls claimed they seen
fairies and even photographed them.  How did they pull off this hoax and
even fool someone a prominent as Sherlock Holmes author Arthur Conan
Doyle? (http://www.unmuseum.org/fairies.htm)

*King Arthur on the Web - The British Library, in conjunction with the
Arthurian Heitage Trust, has put the library's oldest and rarest
manuscripts on the legend of King Arthur on the web. The site,
http://www.kingarthur.co.uk, will display at least eight frail parchments
that were previously only accessible to scholars with the "high
clearance." The legends of King Arthur are thought to be based on a Celtic
king that lived during the fifth century.

Find out if King Arthur's castle, Camelot, really existed!

*Returning to the Mothership - Roswell2K will commence on June 17th 2000
as thousands of pods (really VW beetles) arrive at Roswell, New Mexico to
greet their "mothership." Is this a gathering of people interested in
aliens? Or a flock of VW owners celebrating their strange vehicles? Here's
their website, you can figure it out: http://www.roswell2k.org.

On the Tube
UFO: Then and Now - Look up toward the skies for an examination of our
encounters with the unknown. This four-part world premiere mini-series
runs from January 31st to February 3rd on the History Channel. On January
31st, The Innocent Years; on February 1st Cause of Alarm; on February 2nd,
Nightmare; and on February 3rd Aliens and Contact. Shows air:
Monday-Thursday, January 31-February 3 at 9 pm ET/10 pm PT. Repeats:
Sunday, February 6 from 3 pm-7 pm ET/12 pm-4 pm PT

*NOVA - NOVA itself will have several interesting shows this month: The
Mystery of the First Americans airs on February 15, 2000 at 9 pm ET and
Lost Tribes of Israel will be broadcast on Tuesday, February 22, 2000 at 9
pm ET. Ever since their defeat and banishment by the Assyrians in 722 BC.,
the Lost Tribes fate has inspired countless claims to Jewish ancestry by
groups scattered on every continent. But now, surprisingly, new advances
in genetics are dispelling myth and fantasy, and raising a curtain on the
forgotten reality of the dispersal that happened so many centuries ago.

*The Iceman's World - A frozen male mummy found in 1991 in the Alps has
revolutionized knowledge about Middle Europe some 5,000 years ago. Find
what scientists learned when they examined this most unusual of patients.
On the Discovery Channel Feburary 27th, 8PM ET/PT.

*Africa's Dinosaur Giants - Check out National Geographics Explorer as
this episode looks at the recent discoveries of giant dinosaur fossils in
Africa. On CNBC February 11th at 8PM ET/PT.

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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Free Yahoo Stock?

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

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/A -Cui Bono?-

Just passing this on. Who knows?

Hi Peter,
I have sent this message on to a few friends and contacts to review.

Yahoo is beginning a new Site Called 21Yahoo which is based in China. If I
remember correctly, Yahoo gave out stock in the original company .
Apparently you can get your 10 free Shares of Stock by registering in the
appropriate manner at the site.

Then, you can get 10 more Shares, for each person who signs up under you.

If this interests you then:
1. Click here: http://www.21yahoo.com
2. Select you language. e.g Click on "English" in the upper right corner.
3. Then click on "Free Stock" halfway down the page.
4. When asked, who referred you, click on "Friends".
5.Then enter my Name:-  Nick Freeman
and my email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
6. Apparently you will then get your first 10 free share by clicking on the
bar below the entry form.
7. Note that the form is made out for US residents so you have to fill in a
US state. This may make other foriegn applications void. I do not know, but
it is worth trying as it only takes a few minutes to register anyway.

This might interest you to register or you might want to refer it to USA
friends to register into it. You can replace your name on this form to send
on the email.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 600 helicopters

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

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/A -Cui Bono?-

From: "Roslyn" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Dee  All,
I heard tonight from a good friend who lives in Lakehurst, NJ, where the
Naval Air Station resides.  She told me that the air station looks like a
war zone.  "They" are bringing in 600 helicpoters, 600 tanks all to train
the "National Guard"  Sounds very ominous to me.  Especially after reading
the visions on the Great Dreams page you sent in this AM.  What could be
going on??  Roz

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mysteries Megasite

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

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/A -Cui Bono?-

Acupuncture | Ancient Egypt | Ancient Manuscripts | Ancient Temples | Andes
| Angels | Antarctica | Anti Gravity | Apparitions | Area 51 | Ark of the
Covenant | Armageddon | Astronomy | Atlantis | Aquariums | Aurora Borealis |
Aurora Spy Plane | Ball Lighting | Bermuda Triangle | Bernadette Soubirous |
Bible Mysteries | Bigfoot | Billy The Kid | Black Holes | Butch Cassidy and
the Sundance Kid | Castles | Cattle Mutilations | Caves | Chinese herbs |
Chupacabra | Cleopatra | Cloning | Conspiracies | Coverups | Crop Circles |
Cryptozoology | Cults | Dead Sea Scrolls | Dinosaurs | Earthquakes | Easter
Island | El Nino | Escape Artists | Fatima Apparitions | Folklore | Geysers
| Ghost Towns | Giant Octopus | Giant Squid | Glaciers | Gold Mines | Gold
Rush Towns | Great Wall of China | Great White Sharks | Healers | Helen of
Troy | Historic Sites | Holy Grail | Hot Springs | Houdini | Human
Combustion | Hurricanes | Illuminati | Incas | Japanese Gardens | Joan Of
Arc | Kennedys | Killer Bees | King Arthur | Knights Templar | Kyoto Japan |
Lasers | Lechuguilla | Legends | Levitation | Ley Lines | Life After Death |
Lighthouses | Lost Cities | Lost Treasure | Machu Picchu | Majestic 12 |
Maya | Medjugorje | Melchizedek | Merlin | Miracles | Monasteries | Mount
Everest | Mummies | Museums | Mysteries | Mysterious Places | Myths |
National Monuments | National Parks | Nazca Lines | Near Death Experiences |
Nefertiti | New World Order | Nightmares | Noah's Ark | Nostradamus |
Oceanic | Ogopogo | Oriental massage | Oriental Medicine | Philadelphia
Experiment | Parasites | Petroglyphs | Pirates | Planetariums | Project
Manhattan | Project Montauk | Project Orion | Project Snowbird | Project
Tacit Blue | Prophecy | Pyramids | Quantum Gravity | Queen of Sheba |
Radiation Experiments | Rainforests | Ramses | Roswell | Sasquatch | Sea
Creatures | Shipwrecks | Shroud Of Turin | Stonehenge | Teleportation |
Thrillseekers | Thunderstorms | Time Travel | Titanic | Tornados | UFO'S |
Valley of the Kings | Viruses | Volcanos | Vortices | Waterfalls | Whirling
Dervishes | Yeti | Ying And Yang | Zombies

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Religion-Online

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

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/A -Cui Bono?-

I didn't see the book of Enoch though


Full texts by recognized religious scholars More than 700 articles and
chapters which you can read, download, and print.  Topics include Old and
New Testament, Theology, Ethics, History of Religion, Comparative
Religions, Sociology of Religion, Religion and Communication, Pastoral
Care and Counselling, Homiletics, Liturgy and Worship, Missions and
Religious Education.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Human Computer Interface Parser

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

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/A -Cui Bono?-

A request from another list

How about this for a mystery of life...

I'm installing Win 2k server right, and one of the boot disks says 'Loading
Human Interface Parser'.

what the f**k? not Human Computer Interface Parser, which would be, i guess,
keyboard or mouse driver. No, a human interface parser. To my knowledge a
interface occurs somewhere around my consciousness where i interface with
reality, what the fuck is w2k gonna do to me?

is it gonna read my mind and interpret my instructions before i've made

Anyone know what a human interface parser actually is?

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Cosmic Awareness speaks 1

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

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/A -Cui Bono?-

Whoa, what a read.

Subject: Further News About The Grand Canyon Temple.Feb. 1, 2000.

  In the past I have posted information about the discovery of a temple
in the Grand Canyon.  I also posting items from  a lady called Mysty
Moon who went into this temple a few years ago.  Now there is some
information from an intelligence called The COSMIC AWARENESS that I
will post at this time.  The information it puts out is channeled
material.  Some people hate channeled material.  Some people don't
like for me to make the statement, "This is channeled material so be
careful."  Other people hate the writing of the COSMIC AWARENESS
because it repeats the statement, COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness
indicates."  If one or all of these things upset you then please
don't read this material.



  That is the story that appeared in the Phoenix Gazette, April 5,
1909. Would Awareness comment on that and whether basically the
information is true?

  This Awareness indicates the information is correct. This Awareness
has previously discussed underground caverns that run throughout
the earth. This Awareness indicates that this civilization was a
remnant of that which has been termed Lemurian civilization: The
Lemurian civilization being essentially in the Pacific as its own
origin, and it had some spreading in the direction of the present
area referred to as the Oriental world.
  There is also an opening in these underground caverns in Egypt;
that Atlantis contained an opening into these underground caverns
and that they do connect into Tibet and that which is called
Shamballah. This Awareness indicates that many of these underground
caverns or what may be termed "underground highways" have been blocked
although many areas are open.
  This Awareness indicates that some of these also go down into South
  This Awareness indicates that the entities, the American Indians,
particularly the Hopi, are descendants of entities who once lived in
these underground caverns. This Awareness indicates it has been
theorized that the American Indians have an origin in the China or
Asian continent. This Awareness suggests that the theory is that they
came across the area of Alaska.
  This Awareness wishes to suggest, however, that some of these
entities came through tunnels that went beneath the Pacific to
Lemuria, of which the Hawaiian islands are a part, and on to the
North American continent. This Awareness indicates that these
underground caverns were once part of a great world civilization
that included high technology from extraterrestrial civilizations.

   How the Great Flood Was Created

  The Titans, the Atlans, the Lemurians and many others of the time
did travel underground through these subterranean fields or caverns
and also had space travel. Much of this was destroyed after the
conflicts that occurred in what may be termed a kind of space war or
extraterrestrial war, when the firmament was likewise destroyed and
that great flood was created. The flood was created from the melting
of the polar caps through the use of certain extraterrestrial
  Earth Changes Split Huge Cavern In Two This Awareness indicates
that the Grand Canyon was a schism that occurred from the result of
enormous earth shifts and broke apart a cavern that went through
this area. If one could examine the opposite side of the canyon,
downstream, one could find the continuance of this cavern, except
that the canyon has been sealed from the shifts of the rocks and the
movement of the plates so that it is not directly opposite the wall
of the canyon. This Awareness indicates that it does carry on from the
shearing-off action of the Grand Canyon, where the walls were the
result of a shift and break in the rock that formed the two sides of
the Grand Canyon.
  This Awareness indicates that it appears the government found the
area to be of great significance, too significant to let people know
about it, seeing that there were many potentials for great treasure
and great knowledge and information in keeping the area secret from
the masses, and thus the report in the newspaper was one of the few
reports ever made public.

Teros and Deros Now Inhabit the City

  This Awareness indicates that the whole incident was quieted so
that it was soon forgotten. This Awareness indicates that much was
learned from government exploration of the area. This Awareness
reminds you also that much of Richard Shaver's life was devoted to
his research into underground caverns and people who continue up
to the time of his writings to live in these underground caverns.

The Deros are Demented Zeta Reticuli

  This Awareness has 

[CTRL] Comics Awareness speaks 2

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Part 2 of 2.


This was 85 years ago!. Who would have the right to clamp down on all
that information at that time and keep it from anthropologists and
historians and scientists?

  Admiral Byrd's Journey to Middle Earth was Also Covered Up This
Awareness indicates the United St-tes g--ernment would feel they
have the right, just as they also clamped down on the expedition to
the North Pole in which Admiral Byrd went into that center of the
earth, the opening at the North Pole, wherein the curvature of the
earth brought him around to an inner lip of the opening.
  When Admiral Byrd tried to tell others about his findings on return
to civilization, he was only able to get one brief statement out and
from then on was censored and the information was covered up.

  What is the Status of this Underground City Today?

  Is this vast underground city being used by the governm--t today?

  This Awareness indicates it appears it is part of the underground
network, but is being used by the Zeta Reticuli and the Orion Greys;
that the gov--nment does have some connections with some of the
underground caverns, and this has much to do with their relationship
with the extraterrestrials.
 This Awareness indicates that the --vernment does still have some
control over this particular area, but It does not see governme--
troops or forces in the area.

   Gov--nment has Monitoring Devices to Prevent Intruders

  It is seen that the opening is in such a place that they consider
it inaccessible, but if entities were to be seen attempting to
enter, the gover--ent would be alerted through certain monitoring
devices and would appear on the scene to remove those intruders.

  The entity mentions that the openings at the time appear to be
about level with the river, which would indicate it wasn't entirely
underground at that time, and the river has since worn itself down
a mile or so. Is that valid?

  This Awareness indicates that it appears the opening at the time
was high above the river; that the river is even further down at
present time.

 Why No Animals or Females Were Present?

  He says all these mummies they examined so far proved to be male; no
children or females being there, Also no sign of any animals. Why was

  Animals did not wander into the cave on the side of the cliff.
Animals were not brought into the area. The natives were fed grain
and other nutrients.
  This Awareness indicates that he described it as a kind of military
or male barracks. This Awareness sees that this was likened unto a
place where men assembled for purposes of carrying on duties.
  It appears to have been a kind of work place or gathering place
from which duties were launched. This Awareness indicates that it
did not appear to be a setting that would appeal to women and that
women would have been, by their agenda, too burdensome to care for
in such a setting.
  This Awareness indicates that this does not mean that there had
never been women in the caverns, or in that particular area, but that
all trace of such women had been removed before the latter days of
use, and that no remnants were found when the entity entered. No
remnants or evidence of women's presence was found at the time of
this entity's entrance and discovery of the particular caverns he

What Was the Idol Resembling Buddha?

  This idol or image of the g-d they found sitting cross-legged with
a lotus-flower or lily in each hand; the cast of the face was
Oriental and it was resembling the Buddha. This obviously was
thousands of years before the Buddha.

  This is in the affirmative. This Awareness indicates that this
was an ancient symbol that was used in Lemuria and also in Tibet.
This Awareness indicates that the Tibetan language of Sanskrit is
closely tied with Lemurian language, because there is a connection
between these two great ancient civilizations.

   Were the Hieroglyphics Ever Deciphered?

  He stated that on all the urns, and walls over doorways and
tablets of stone which were found by the image, are mysterious
hieroglyphics, the key to which the Smithsonian Institute hopes yet
to discover. Did anyone ever discover the key to deciphering those

  This Awareness indicates that it does not appear that these
hieroglyphics were really deciphered, although there were some
efforts by entities who came close with a few of the symbols, but
the attempts were mostly focused on trying to read them through
the concept of Egyptian hieroglyphics. It appears they could have
been better deciphered from ancient Tibetan writings and pictographs;
that these would have been better suited to helping decipher the
  This Awareness suggests the term 

[CTRL] Commission Urges Consolidation

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Commission Urges Consolidation
Of Law Enforcement Agencies
7:24 a.m. ET (1224 GMT) February 2, 2000 By Jim Abrams
WASHINGTON - The global dimensions of crime require that the attorney
general and the FBI extend their authority over other law enforcement
agencies such as the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, according to a
congressional report.

The Commission on the Advancement of Federal Law Enforcement recommended
Tuesday that the law enforcement functions of the Treasury Department's ATF
be shifted to the FBI and that the Drug Enforcement Administration become a
separate division of the FBI.

Congress, which created the commission in 1996 in the wake of law
enforcement controversies such as the 1992 Ruby Ridge standoff in Idaho and
the 1993 Branch Davidian siege in Waco, Texas, has failed to act on similar
recommendations in the past.

The departments of Treasury and Justice, in a joint statement, said the
report was "thoughtful and deliberative," but noted that the idea of merging
the ATF and DEA into the FBI was not new and had previously been rejected.

"We believe such a merger would be unnecessary and would be detrimental to
our law enforcement efforts."

But the chairman of the five-member group, former FBI Director William H.
Webster, said better coordination is crucial if the country is to meet the
growing threats of global crime, terrorism and cyber-crime.

"I have serious concerns about the readiness of the federal government to
protect Americans and the national security" without structural changes, he

The report said the attorney general should be responsible for overseeing
all major federal law enforcement policies and practices.

The commission also criticized the recent tendency to "federalize" crimes.
It said 40 percent of federal crimes have been put on the books since 1970
and now total more than 3,000. "This situation threatens to overwhelm
federal law enforcement capacities, just as dramatic and serious new law
enforcement challenges grow in intensity."

Webster acknowledged that others in the past, going back to President Lyndon
Johnson, have attempted to restructure the ATF or consolidate law
enforcement efforts, with limited success.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said his panel
"will study the report and review its recommendations." A hearing on the
findings was scheduled for Thursday.

Webster said that while such events as Ruby Ridge and Waco had become
"metaphors" for some of the recent problems in law enforcement, they were
only part of a larger picture that included some real successes such as law
enforcement coordination after the 1995 bombing of the federal building in
Oklahoma City.

The FBI was deeply involved in both the 1992 Ruby Ridge and 1993 Waco
incidents. At Ruby Ridge, the wife and son of white separatist Randy Weaver
and a deputy U.S. marshall died. At Waco, which began with a botched ATF
raid on the Branch Davidians religious sect's complex, the FBI was in charge
for most of the standoff that ended in the complex's destruction by fire,
with more than 80 people dead.

The commission also recommended that law enforcement and intelligence
communities better coordinate their activities, that global crime be made a
national law enforcement priority and that Congress require that law
enforcement agencies establish new standards for professionalism and

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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Genesis Hypothesis

2000-02-02 Thread earthman

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/A -Cui Bono?-

The Genesis Hypothesis
By Douglas B. Scarborough
Eakin Press, Austin, TX

The Genesis Hypothesis is a non-fiction book which reveals hidden secrets in
the Biblical book of Genesis. It shows the proposed ancient location of the
Garden of Eden around 9,500 BC. It explains where and why the Biblical Flood
of Noah occurred and how Noah knew he must build an Ark to survive. It shows
how God may have shown him the flood schedule seven days in advance through
lunar positions. It reveals that specific Ark grounding dates stated in the
bible are actually intervals exactly equal to low tide cycles caused by
lunar motions. And it exposes that the Ark dimensions are a code pointing to
three cities in Southern Iraq founded by a survivor of the Ark's voyage.

The Genesis Hypothesis shows clearly that there was a hidden code in the
genealogy dates of Genesis. A code which creates a cyclical mathematical
curve based on the Biblical Ancient's age-at-death to age-at-fatherhood
ratios. This cycle has a period of approximately 1,300 years. It is very
strong evidence of a biochemical cause for long life spans such as
Methuselah. "Or" it is a precise, mathematical coding of Biblical data made
intentionally by the Bible's authors-and is an important message from
ancient times. The cycle information is the discovery of The Genesis Curve -
a subject of passionate biochemical and theological debate. The major
Ancient Biblical personalities, from Adam through Joseph, all have age data
that fall on the rhythmical pattern of this newly revealed curve.

The biochemical cause of the Genesis Curve is traced to oxidative chemicals
created by short wavelength ultraviolet light on rain clouds, snow and
glacier ice. Chemicals which found their way into drinking water in isolated
glacier fed river valleys. Some highland valleys of this system still exist.
These are the locations where people with relatively long life span are
still living. Here, there may be people who are still receiving trace amount
of life-span-lengthening chemicals and they may have received much more in
past history. The Genesis Hypothesis reveals that the Spring of Lourdes
contains these chemicals and their source probably comes from the Pyrenees
Mountains-high above Lourdes in Southwestern France.

The old mystery of God's promise of no more world floods evidenced by the
rainbows in the sky is resolved. The disclosure premise is that in ancient
times, by God or by nature or both, incoming light through unique high
altitude clouds was polarized. It caused Pre Flood rainbows to be invisible.
This is why rainbows at one point in history were recognized as "new"
phenomena. The Genesis Hypothesis shows how anyone with a pair of polaroid
sunglasses can easily demonstrate the effect of invisible rainbows. The
Genesis Hypothesis projects a 1,328 year ancient cycle of increasing and
decreasing ultraviolet light-forward in time from Biblical Adam to the
present day. It is the Genesis Curve Cycle. In 2,000 AD we are on a cycle
portion of increasing ultraviolet light. We have several hundred years of
life left to the cycle maximum. A cycle we may never survive. The proposal
is made that we have amplified a hazardous natural trend of increasing
ultraviolet light by releasing ozone depleting chemicals into the
environment at exactly the wrong point in history.

The book gives modern day scientific evidence in support of the historical
evidence for extremely long human life spans. It discusses chemical
experiments which implicate excess iron in shortening longevity, causing
heart attacks, and Alzheimer disease. Hydrogen peroxide is proposed as being
the ultimate cause of cell division. Properly manipulated, to inexpensively
promote plant growth, hydrogen peroxide might thus solve the problem of
world hunger. It's byproduct Superoxide is present in the chemical pathways
of most anti-cancer drug treatments.

Preliminary hydrogen peroxide experiments in rats are reported to almost
double life span. It is explained how hydrogen peroxide can be created in
nature by ultraviolet light on ice. This plus certain minerals in drinking
water may be a breakthrough to extreme life extension. It appears to work by
slowing development or maturation in youth. Examples of monkeys and small
ape development ages vs. life span are given. As a general rule, maximum
life span is longer when development of youth is delayed.

On the more mystical side-the book gives a decoding of several of
Nostradamuses quatrains from his book, The Prophecies. It explains how
Nostradamuses occult quatrains were about the Philosophers Stone and the
elixir of immortality. It details exactly where Nostradamuses pinpointed the
discovery of the philosopher's stone in Biblical verses. And now his occult
verses relate to the coffin of 

[CTRL] re life lorce in food

2000-02-01 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Here is the reply re the kirlian photography of foods cooked in microwaves
etc. It will need a bit of sleuthing around to track down the research

Hi Peter,

I wish I did have the reference to that.  When my sister was studying
nursing at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, she found the research
article in their medical library somewhere.  It must have been back in the
late 80's.  Don't know what happened to it, but she was the one who found it
and told me about it.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Dr Cherry and EMF Bio Effects

2000-02-01 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 10:12:56 -0800
From: Libby Kelley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Neil Cherry radio show transcript!

Dear Friends,

Dr. Neil Cherry held a long conversation with Linda Howe last night,
January 30,  which aired on radio stations all over the United States,
reaching into the homes of more than 35 million regular listeners plus the
uncounted numbers of people who tuned in after being alerted about this
interview.  Linda quoted from Dr. Cherry's June 1998 report on the Effects
of non-ionizing radiation on humans, animal and plant cells:

   "There is strong evidence that extreme low frequency
(ELF) and radio frequency microwaves (RF/MW) are associated with accelerated
(enhanced cell death and cancer) and mood depression, suicide, anger, rage
primarily through alteration of cellular calcium ions and the

- Dr. Neil Cherry, Lincoln University, New Zealand
from his June 1998 report, Actual or potential effects of ELF and RF/MW
on accelerating  aging of human, animal or plant cells.

The complete transcript is below.  It also can be downloaded from Linda
Howe's website:. http://earthfiles.com/earth113.htm

Based on the listener feedback since this show aired (we just learned that
faxes, emails and phone calls have been piling in) we were informed this
morning that The Art Bell Show will continue to cover this story and Linda
Howe will continue to be our champion on this issue in pursuing the story
on this major societal issue as part of her regular weekly contributions to
the Art Bell Dreamland Show.

On the show, Linda referenced Dr. Ross Adey's web site:
Linda also recommended B. Blake Leavitt's book, and called it a "brilliant"
book, a must read for anyone concerned about this issue.  She quoted from
it in the interview. This book may be ordered by going to

We are all very grateful to those who worked with such great persistance to
get this important show aired.

Best Wishes,

Libby Kelley

Prudent Avoidance or Prudent Protection?
Electroshield neutralizes environmental EMF.
Why are you still living at  risk?

More Bans on Cell Phone Use by Drivers

 © 2000 by Linda Moulton Howe

 Microwave Tower.

   January 30, 2000  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - First
an Ohio town banned cell phone use by
   drivers. Now, the borough of Conshohocken west of
Philadelphia has become the second
   community in Pennsylvania to prohibit motor vehicle
drivers from using cell phones while driving.
   Pennsylvania's governor is even considering a
legislative proposal to ban cell phone use by drivers
   throughout the state. Recently a 2-year-old girl was
killed in a collision caused by a driver dialing a
   cell phone. Another child was recently killed by a
distracted cell phone user. Conshohocken Police
   Chief James Dougherty added, "We've had problems
with people driving through town talking on
   cell phones where they've almost hit people. They're
not paying attention."

   Dozens of medical research studies have also
concluded that the microwave frequencies coming
   into the heads of cell phone users are enough to
cause neurological changes in brains that can
   produce fatigue, dizziness and loss of
concentration. Recently I talked with Neil Cherry, Ph.D.,
   Biophysicist at Lincoln University in Christ Church,
New Zealand. Dr. Cherry considers the
   proliferation of cell phones, microwave towers and
microwave pollution to be a serious contributor
   to cancer, brain tumors and increasing neurological
problems among the human population.
   Neil Cherry, Ph.D., Biophysicist, Lincoln University
in Christ Church, New Zealand:  "Cell
   phone users in Sweden - 11,000 Scandinavian cell
phone users were studied and they showed
   significant neurological effects in a dose response


   Such as headaches, fatigue, tiredness and dizziness
and a study in Australia also showed nausea.
   So, neurological effects, hormone effects, show that
all these exposures are damaging cells, are
   changing the cell to cell communication in the brain
causing neurological effects. And we now also


2000-02-01 Thread earthman

  .The massive takeovers and mergers involving the 
  world's biggest media operation, Time Warner, should surprise no-one who has 
  done the most basic research into the Illuminati agenda.The mergers with America Online and the music empire of EMI are 
  merely the public confirmation of what has been happening behind the scenes 
  all along. The same people control almost everything that matters in the 
  media. Time-Warner are also the owners of CNN (Claptrap No News), that 
  purveyor of propaganda to the world, and the "news" magazine, Time. They also 
  own Home Box Office (HBO), the Cartoon Network, New Line Cinema, Warner 
  Brothers pictures and distribution, Comedy Central, TNT, and 33 magazines, 
  including Fortune and People Magazine.Some background. The original 
  Warner Brothers operation was absorbed by a company called Seven Arts which 
  was set up by Louis Chesler, a member of the infamous Meyer Lansky crime 
  syndicate, which was involved in the assassination of President Kennedy. It 
  was used to launder drug money for them. When Seven Arts won control of Warner 
  Studios, major blocks of shares in the company were owned by the Investors 
  Overseas Service of Bernie Cornfield, the frontman for the Rothschilds and 
  Mossad's Tibor Rosenbaum, a funder of Permindex, the British Intelligence 
  operation that organised the assassination of Kennedy.In 1993, one of 
  the great Illuminati families of North America, the Bronfman family in Canada, 
  bought a controlling interest in Time-Warner, which was the result of a merger 
  between Warner and Time-Life. The Bronfmans made their money originally 
  running a gangster network before becoming owners of Seagrams Liquor and 
  Universal Music, the biggest music company in the world,It was Life magazine that ran a vehement campaign against Jim 
  Garrison, the District Attorney who was the only man to bring anyone to court 
  for the Kennedy assassination, the story of which was told in the Oliver Stone 
  film, JFK, which was distributed by Warner! (See And The Truth Shall Set You 
  Free for the detailed background to the Kennedy assassination).The man 
  Garrison put in the dock was Clay Shaw, a board member of Permindex, the 
  assassination front for British Intelligence. Shaw was acquitted because so 
  many key witnesses did not live long enough to testify at the trial. It was 
  also Time-Life who bought the rights to the cine film taken by an onlooker, 
  Abraham Zapruder, the only moving film which shows the fatal shots in detail 
  and in doing so proves that Kennedy was shot from the front, not the 
  back.Time Warner bought the "independent" global TV 
  news operation, CNN, run by Council on Foreign Relations member, Ted Turner, 
  that great benefactor to the United Nations. CNN is the greatest single source 
  today for the Illuminati to sell a global event in the way they wish people to 
  perceive it. The Gulf War and those in Bosnia and Kosovo were classic examples 
  of this.In the last few days they have merged in a $145 billion deal 
  with America Online with it's 20 million subscribers and now comes the $20 
  billion merger with the London-based EMI to form the second biggest music 
  company in the world. The biggest is Universal Music which is owned by 
  Seagrams, which is owned by the Bronfman family, which bought a controlling 
  interest in Time-Warner in 1993!!The Virgin, Priority, Capitol, 
  Atlantic, Elektra, Rhino, Sire, and Warner Brothers record labels all come 
  under the control of the new Warner-EMI company. The global music industry 
  will now be controlled by four companies, all owned by the same people, 
  Universal Music, Warner-EMI, Sony, and Bertelsmann.Dominating the 
  output of music always been an Illuminati goal. Music = vibrations = 
  fundamental affect on the human psyche and energy field. Popular music is also 
  used widely to broadcast mind control "triggers" which constantly re-impose 
  the barriers to memory installed in multi-millions of people worldwide 
  programmed with multiple personality disorder.You can program into 
  someone's mind certain words or phrases to maintain the amnesic "walls" 
  imprisoning memory and every time the person hears these words or phrases, the 
  barrier is strengthened. What better way to ensure that your millions of 
  mind-controlled assets are constantly re-programmed than to use your key words 
  and phrases, and indeed certain tones and voice frequencies also, in popular 
  music played constantly all over the world?Far fetched? If only it 
  was. This is precisely the way it works.The Time-Warner mergers are 
  clearly not only about money. Indeed, at the highest level of these 
  organisations, that is far from the first priority.PLEASE CIRCULATE 

[CTRL] Mystery Aircraft

2000-01-31 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

 Mystery Aircraft page:  http://www.fas.org/irp/mystery/resource/htm

 On a completely different but possibly related topic: There is a good
 article in "New Scientist" magazine (22 January 2000, No , pages
 called "Energy Unlimited" by Henry Bortman.  It is about scientific
 research being done to attempt to tap in to the energy of the vacuum,
 sometimes called zero point energy.  It claims that a scientist called
 Jordan Maclay has got a grant from NASA's "Breakthrough Propulsion
 programme to see if he can design a machine to access and use this energy.
 It is early days yet, but given that this, or something like it, would be
 an ideal way to supply the energy for long distance space travel, it might
 turn out to be how some UFOs are propelled.

 If so then we should keep an eye on this type of research, especially as
 some scientists claim that UFOs could not have got here, from wherever
 might come from, because it would require too much energy.  If you can tap
 into this energy as you move along then that puts an end to that argument.

 The article claims that the amount of zero point energy available is
 staggering.  "Maclay has calculated that a region of the vacuum the size
 a proton could contain as much energy as all the matter in the entire
 Universe" (p.32).  Pity we can't run our cars on the stuff!

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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2000-01-31 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
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Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Subject: WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND? by M Pilkington

Welcome Mick!

CIA has mastered a technology call RHIC-EDOM

This appeared in issue 58. It is difficult to deny that something is
happening to some of the many people claiming to have been abducted by the
Greys; this has lead the more adventurous researchers to seek other
possibilities as to what might be behind the phenomenon. Perhaps the most
startling, frightening, and in many ways convincing of these is the mind
control hypothesis. This is by no means new, Jacques Vallee and others have
been hinting in this direction since the late 1960's; but in the last few
years it has become increasingly evident that the suspicions of researchers
such as Vallee, Walter Bowart and Martin Cannon may be disturbingly close to
the truth.


By Mark Pilkington

Tense nervous headache? Always run down and irritable? Not feeling yourself?
Well maybe that's because you're not yourself, rather, you are being
controlled from somewhere else by someone else.

Last year "Tomorrow's World" (a British Broadcasting Corporation science
programme) featured a man whose Parkinson's Disease symptoms could be
controlled by pressing a switch on a handset which in turn operated a tiny
device implanted into his brain. No more shaking, no more tears. This is the
friendly, caring side of the neural implant, but many people believe that
dark forces are at work, trying to take over the minds of their targeted
subjects via tiny objects inserted into various parts of the body. These
sinister controllers take many forms; some say that it's the CIA or other
shadowy intelligence outfits; others that it's the secret world government,
plotting for world domination; others still that it's malicious aliens, the
Greys, who use implants as tracking devices so that they can abduct their
hapless victims anytime, anyplace and operate on them aboard their
spacecraft. Sometimes the Greys are working for the government, sometimes
the government is working for the Greys, and sometimes the government is
working as the Greys, using remote hypnotic devices to trigger off the
abduction fantasy as a disguise for what's really going on.

Ex-soldier Timothy Mcveigh, prime suspect in last year's Oklahoma City
bombing, has recently announced that he has himself been sporting such an
implant after being witness to many UFO encounters on his farm. One might
expect this to be an elaborate attempt to plea insanity, but knowing the
current climate in much of America, I wouldn't be so sure. But it's not just
"over there".

In a letter sent to John Major in 1992, Lennart Lindqvist, international
secretary for a group dedicated to uncovering illicit mind control
operations, wrote;

"...we have become aware of several victims in Great Britain; reports
received from exploited individuals refer to mental hospitals, police
authorities and prisons as among the state institutions involved in the
implantation of ... electrodes of radio-transmitting crystals in people."

He goes on to quote a letter from a Mr N'Tumba, a British victim;

" Concerning the brain transmitter in my head, it has benn performing
without my knowledge or consent...What's very outrageous is that I am
sharing all my visions, thoughts, images, hearing etc. with people around me
as the security services are engaging in a large scale propaganda drive to
smear my character, background, behaviour, emotions and motives...I have no
privacy at all" (1).

Lindqvist states that X rays of Mr. N'Tumba's brain , analysed by a Dr.
Lindstrom, noted for his pioneering use of ultrasonics in neurosurgery,
clearly show an object implanted into his left nostril as well as others
blocking the oxygen flow to his brain.

You might be excused for dismissing Mr N'Tumba as a paranoid schizophrenic
were it not for the fact that ordinary, respected people, all across America
in all walks of life, are reporting similar things. These are the Abductees,
and according to some researchers there are up to two million of them. One
of these researchers, Dr. David Jacobs, is an associate professor of history
at Temple University in Philedelphia; he writes; " Towards the end of the
examination, the aliens either implant a small, round seemingly metallic
object in the abductee's ear, nose, or sinus cavity, or remove such an
object. The object is...small, it usually is smooth, or has small spikes
sticking out of it, or has holes in it." (2) Jacobs notes that implants are
left near the brain; subjects often wake up with ear or nose bleeds after an
abduction and sometimes small objects will drop out when a person blows
their nose.


Re: [CTRL] life force of food

2000-01-31 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Hi Rob, I have asked the poster for that info and I am awaiting a reply. She
lives in Canada so maybe it was done there. I do not know whether this was
mentioned in the Nexus mag when they did an article on microwaves.
Their addy  http://www.peg.apc.org/~nexus/
I will let you know  if I find anything.


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2000 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] life force of food

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 Peter: Do you have where and who did the study?
 Thanks, Rob

  This is an excerpt from a post I received. I didn't know that!!
  Let me give you an example.  Years ago a study was done to determine
  different methods of cooking affected "life force."

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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2000-01-30 Thread earthman

This article was in this mornings NZ Herald. Accompanying this picture was a
larger one of "Green MP, Rod Donald, taking part in the annual protest
outside the Waihopai eavesdropping base".Behind two sets of barbed wire
fences with spiked gates is a casual gathering of  police. A small American
flag is draped over the  bars of the outer gate. A telling picture pity
it wasn't in colour.


ALIEN INTRUDERS: The science-fiction domes of Waihopai cover the "ears" of
the electronic spying operation. HERALD FILE PICTURE

Electronic ears that never sleep

31.01.2000 - By SIMON HENDERY
In the blend-into-the-background realm of international spying, it is an
ironically distinctive structure.

The Waihopai satellite tapping station sticks out like a sore thumb - or,
rather, the world's largest ping-pong balls - on sun-soaked farmland in a
remote Marlborough valley.

Since it opened in 1989, Waihopai has been a magnet for peace activists who
condemn New Zealand's involvement in a covert international
intelligence-gathering network.

Every January, as they have done for more than a decade, the New Zealand
Anti-Bases Campaign rallied outside the electric perimeter fence to denounce
Government-sanctioned eavesdropping and demand the base's closure.

Among this year's protesters were Rod Donald and Keith Locke. The two Green
MPs called for an inquiry into the base they say invades the privacy of
average New Zealanders.

Do they have a point? Is Waihopai the spherical incarnation of George
Orwell's Big Brother, or a legitimate tool in the Free World's fight for

What happens at Waihopai?

A team of about three dozen technical, security and administrative staff
work round-the-clock shifts monitoring telephone, fax and e-mail
transmissions that are bounced across the globe via communication satellites
above the Pacific.

The vast amount of intercepted data is decoded and trawled for titbits of
security and diplomatic information.

Anything of interest is reported to the highest levels of the New Zealand
Government, and passed to our allies overseas.

Why the ping-pong ball look?

The eye-catching 30m-high spherical "radomes" beside the base's more drab
single-level operations building cover 18m-diameter satellite receiving
dishes - the "ears" of the operation.

Hiding the dishes under the radomes means curious onlookers are unable to
tell which of the 70-odd Pacific satellites is being targeted for

How is information collected?

Peace activist and author Nicky Hager has spent 15 years researching
espionage networks.

In his 1996 tell-all book Secret Power he says Waihopai "is to eavesdropping
what a huge pulp and paper mill is to papermaking ... It is industrial-scale
spying, using high-tech equipment and automation to handle the immense
throughput of intercepted communications."

Hager says the Waihopai computers dredge the satellite feeds looking for
messages containing key words and numbers selected by spy chiefs as most
likely to appear in sensitive communications.

Who, outside the Government, has access to Waihopai information?

Waihopai and the Tangimoana radio interception base southwest of Sanson are
run by New Zealand's largest intelligence agency, the Government
Communications Security Bureau (GCSB).

The bases are part of the global Echelon spy network established under the
1948 UKUSA security pact to which Britain, the United States, Australia,
Canada and New Zealand were signatories.

Under Echelon, New Zealand passes on information intercepted at its spy
bases to the other countries.

The GCSB also uses information gleaned from Waihopai to prepare intelligence
reports for the UKUSA alliance on a number of Pacific Island nations.

What does New Zealand gain by passing

this information on?

In return for its involvement in the spy network, New Zealand is given
access to information gathered at other Echelon bases.

But Hager believes New Zealand is not aware of exactly what information is
being extracted from Waihopai by our allies. He says what they receive could
be used in ways contrary to our best interests.

Is electronic eavesdropping an effective intelligence-gathering tool?

Hager points out two major incidents that went undetected by the UKUSA
network: the French bombing of the Rainbow Warrior and the 1987 Fiji coup.

His book suggests that our allies either failed to pass on information about
the 1985 plan to sink the Greenpeace boat, or missed the information
altogether because of the network's tight focus on other targets, such as

He also quotes a senior public servant as saying Echelon provided no useful
information before, during or after the Fiji coup.

As a taxpayer, how much is the satellite

spy game costing me?

The GCSB has an annual budget of about $20 million.

About the same amount was spent building Waihopai in the late 1980s.

As a phone, fax and e-mail user (with no

[CTRL] Conspire

2000-01-30 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

From: "Colin Frost" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all
For all you conspiracy theorists out there this site is a must for a bit of

By entering some key pieces of information, this conspiracy generator will
come up with conclusive proof that you are not paranoid, but they are really
out to get you.I tried entering our list and this is what came up:

Why can't anyone see that MOL is being watched by Tony Blair? Its all so
that the KGB, hidden in a secret HQ near the Texas School Book Depositary
can fake a mission to Mars.After that Tony Blair will destroy population
centres of the world when the disorder caused by the KGB reaches a peak. The
only thing we can do is let Colin put together a militia to stop them.

Dident like that one so I tried again:

Nostrodamus' works clearly indicate that Tony Blair is trying to stop the
truth.Also, where he says 'the mouse in cyberspace will shy away/the lions
roar is as dust' he means that the KGB is threatening MOL website. The lion
is Peter who is trying to protect Marilyn Manson from Tony Blair with little

Have fun!
My New Years Eve couldn't have been duller if I were Adam

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Genetically modified viruses are being released!

2000-01-30 Thread earthman

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/A -Cui Bono?-

From Obie-Wan

"The death triggered alarm at many medical centers that are testing gene
therapy, because fully 30 percent of all such trials use adenoviruses to
convey a gene into patients' cells... Wild adenoviruses can cause various
illnesses, including colds and conjunctivitis, although infections are
usually mild. The FDA immediately halted two other trials that involved
infusing adenoviruses into patients' livers."

Genetically modified viruses are being released!

See Scientific American:

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] life force of food

2000-01-30 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

This is an excerpt from a post I received. I didn't know that!!


Let me give you an example.  Years ago a study was done to determine whether
different methods of cooking affected "life force."  Foods were cooked in a
wood stove, a gas oven, an electric oven and a microwave.  Each food was
then photographed using Kirlian photography, which is able to photograph the
'aura' or life force surrounding an object or living being.  They found that
there was indeed an impact on the "life force" of the food according to how
it was cooked. Obviously raw was the best, with the most life force, then
came the wood stove, next the gas stove, and then the electric stove.  Each,
in the order mentioned, had the effect of diminshing the food's life force.
Food that was cooked in a microwave had NO aura left.  It was black and
devoid of any 'vital force'. Imagine young babies fed on bottled formula,
heated up in the microwave.  What life force is left in that milk after it
has been cooked in the microwave?

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Humankind's ET Origins

2000-01-30 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Dak huh, And Sitchin called it the gift from the Gods too. LOL


The Theory
Once upon a time, there was a race of beings from the Dog Star Sirius called
the DAK. The DAK were evolved from a dog-like ancestor. When this story
begins, they have achieved space travel, and many scientific advances.

The DAK had the political heirarchy of a Royal Family being in charge. There
were a King and Princes, uncles and nephews, all the normal stuff that goes
along with a Monarchy.

The King (being a smart king) sent his 2 sons, the Princes, to aquire more
territory for the kingdom. (The sons being of an age where they were chafing
for more responsibility.) The younger son (Prince 2) was a genetic engineer.
The older (Prince 1) was being groomed for the Kingship.

There happened to be a solar system right at the edge of a trade route that
looked like it might be promising. There were minerals to be had on some of
the planets, and a beautiful watery world that would make a lovely
Recreation Planet. The two Princes claimed the solar system in the name of
their Father.

After much hardship and work, they started mining the planets for the
minerals. Prince 1 was in charge of the physical aspects of gettting the job
done. Prince 2 was in charge of the labor force.

On the beautiful watery planet there were life forms. One was a monkey-man,
with little if any intellect. But it did have a strong back and was a
perfect candidate for a labor slave. Prince 2 started genetically
engineering the monkey-man, since the DAK warriors who were doing the work
were becoming too exhausted and beaten down by the labor involved in
terraforming and mining.

Prince 2 was successful in designing a slave that was smart enough to take
orders, but not smart enough to disobey them. He called his creation Adama.

In the meantime, Prince 1 was under heavy pressure to get the jobs done. He
drove Adama mercilessly, so that individuals would die from over-work.
Prince 2 was not happy with this, these were after all, his creations. He
went in again and genetically "tweaked" some of the Adama and raised their
sexual DNA to heights unheard of in sentient beings. Prince 2 figured that
even if they were being worked so hard, at least he could give them
something to enjoy while they were off work.

Prince 1 was furious! Now his slaves were just having sex, and not working
anymore. Prince 1 insisted that the Adama were all to be killed, and a new
slave was to be engineered. He called all the DAK back into their huge
spaceship and caused a great flood to kill off all the creatures on the
planet. Prince 2 got word of his brother's plans just prior to taking off,
and he saved some of his creation by setting them deep into a high mountain
where the waters would not get to them.

Upon returning to the planet, after the flood was over, Prince 1 insisted
that his brother make a new slave. This time, Prince 2 used HIS OWN DNA
instead of the DAK warrior's who had been assigned to donate it. As before,
Prince 1 was unmerciful and drove the slaves too hard.

Prince 2 went to a Genetic Enineering conference and told of his plight to
friends of his there. A representative of the Bird People responded to him,
and gave him a precious gift of their DNA. the Bird Person told Prince 2
that the DNA would give his creations "passion" and a yearning for
understanding and adventure. Prince 2 gladly accepted the gift and used it
in his old, hidden Adama as well as the new ones.

So, according to the story, we are made up of at least 3 different beings,
the DAK (from which we have Royal Blood), the Bird People (from whom we get
our "passion"), and the original monkey-man who was an evolved resident of
the planet. And there is evidence that more and varied DNA strains were

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] alien photo gallery

2000-01-29 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

A photo gallery of aliens and crafts including a cool one of the TR-3B
(triangle). Ugly little fellas aren't they?



We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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2000-01-28 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

From Tom Fagan



Well, as you can tell from the new title, it finally happened
National Arena and http://www.electnet.org came to an
understanding and I am now the new Editor-in-Chief of the
ElectNet Journal. Issue #1 is still available at the newly
revamped and relaunched website, as well as are a multiplicity
of new and developing features. Best of all: we're looking for
contributing editors. If you would like to post articles and
opinion for your state, just hit your reply button and tell me
why I should send you a password. As long as you understand
hate, obscenity, and amateur propaganda are unwanted, I'll
probably assign you as many states as you want. Of course, you
can always post your opinion at our Vent section. Last note - we'll
soon have our listserve up, so this will be the last batch sending.



Lawmakers Consider Ballot-Initiative Restriction (from the Anchorage

 State legislators are trying to stem
 the rising flood of citizen petitions by toughening
 the rules for getting initiatives on the ballot.

 Problem is, the First Amendment is getting in their way.

 Two of Alaska's laws that were part of the increased
 regulation on initiatives were deemed unconstitutional by
 a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling, according to the
 state attorney general, and others are ripe for a legal
 challenge, free-speech advocates say.

 While lawmakers today consider a measure to bring state
 law into compliance with the high court's findings,
 they'll also consider adding still new restrictions to
 initiative efforts.

 This has activists from radically different positions
 blending their voices on one point: Don't mess with a
 citizen's ability to participate in the political system.

 Critics of initiatives argue they've become tools of
 special interests, are too easily influenced by money,
 often are poorly written or benefit one narrow philosophy.

 Their use has increased sharply in the 24 states that
 allow them by everyone from large political groups to
 civic-minded individuals.

 In Alaska, the use of initiatives to change or add laws
 has jumped in the past four decades. In the 1960s, only
 seven initiatives were applied for, proposed or added to
 the ballot. In the 1990s, that number jumped to 44.

 In response, legislators enacted laws in recent years
 that target the groups pushing the proposals and tighten
 the requirements for getting the measures on the ballot.

 In Alaska's last legislative session, former state Sen.
 Bert Sharp, R-Fairbanks, successfully sponsored a bill
 that required signature gatherers to reveal, at the
 bottom of each petition page, whether they were being
 paid and by whom.

 The bill also stripped the extra 30 days that groups were
 granted if they came up short on their efforts.

 The state Senate Judiciary Committee will consider
 a proposed constitutional amendment and accompanying bill
 requiring that more signatures be gathered on petitions
 from a larger number of districts.

 State Rep. Bill Williams, R-Saxman, sponsor of the measures,
 argues that most names  are gathered in large
 cities like Anchorage or Fairbanks, while smaller areas
 are not well represented. So his bill requires petitions
 to have signatures amounting to 4% of votes cast in the
 last general election in each of 30 districts to reach
 the required 10% statewide total.

 Besides further regulating the initiative process, the
 bill must take a step in the other direction, thanks to a
 U.S. Supreme Court ruling last January.

 The ruling in Buckley v. American Constitutional Law
 Foundation found that three provisions in Colorado's law
 regulating voter initiatives were "excessively
 restrictive of political speech."

 The court said states cannot require people who circulate
 petitions to be registered voters or to wear name badges
 that say whether they're being paid. States also can't
 require initiative backers to file monthly reports to the
 state identifying who is gathering signatures and how
 much they're being paid.


(A) Publicity Over Remarks Aids Farmers (from the Arkansas

Rep. Jay Dickey has been on the defensive ever since he
told 100 members of the state chapter of the Black Farmers and
Agriculturalists Association that it will be hard for him to convince
fellow Republicans to work with him on their behalf in Washington
because the farmers have not supported him politically.

The remarks drew rebukes from Dickey's political opponents and
prompted one lawmaker last week to threaten to file a congressional
ethics complaint against Dickey.

But, while announcing his plans to work on black farmer
issues with Oklahoma Rep. J.C. Watts, Congress' only black Republican,
Dickey said the criticism over his remarks has actually helped the
farmers' cause.

Dickey said in a written statement that he and Watts "are exploring
the possibility" of writing 

[CTRL] Conspiracy Journal

2000-01-28 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

A few interesting topics.


* Conspiracy Journal *
The Conspiracy Journal Bookshop

To Subscribe to Conspiracy Journal - Go to this site and enter your email

Your phones been tapped! Someone is reading your mail!  UFOs have been
hovering over your house every night and the Air Force is really mad! And to
top it all off - another exciting issue of Conspiracy Journal has once again
reached your email box creating havoc in the secret board room of the New
World Order!

So sit back and relax ... drink some nice herbal tea and read all the weird
stuff that our newsroom of dedicated reporters has dug up this week.

~ And Now - On With The Show!~

Flu Claims the Life of Martha Brimer - From 'John Bro'

Back in June of 1995, when I first discovered that I could use the light of
the sun to expose some unusual objects -- that were apparently concealed in
light spectrum... I did not own a videocamera to record the events... so a
kindly senior citizen named Martha Brimer allowed me to borrow her camera...
-- thus, my saga began.

It is with deep regret that I have to tell you that the flu that has been
rampaging across the world weakened her to the point that she passed away
last Wednesday.

Martha's passing is also a great loss to the UFO community... as her
archives of fantastic images.. utilizing 'The Technique' was formidable.. to
say the least.  Her family doesn't believe in any of this... so, most
likely.. her library is lost to us forever.

Some of the video stills from those tapes were quite amazing.  I sent one to
Art Bell -- and he found it so intriguing..that he had me come on his show
with Lee and Britt Elders -- and he posted this image on his website.

With Martha's help.. I, myself was subsequently interviewed and featured on
'SIGHTINGS' - 'Hardcopy' - Jaime Masson's 60 'Minutos' KNBC News in Los
Angeles... and Art Bell's - 'Coast to Coast' radio program. The story became
even stranger... as a couple of months after I discovered 'The Technique' -
I was hired as a space alien on a television show - 'SPACE: ABove and
Beyond.' This job lasted approximately one year.

Later, I did a 6-week stint as a fearsome space alien on the popular
television series 'Star Trek: Voyager.'

As you might imagine, my being a space alien on television shows did not
help my credibility in the field of Ufology.  Somehow, I feel that it was
all connected... in some strange way. Martha Brimer was a true pioneer in
the genre' -- holding one of the most awesome libraries of personally
recorded UFO video that there ever was. T.J. Constable was amazed when we
showed it to him.  Now... I fear that her story and contributions to Ufology
will be lost forever.

I felt the need to pass that along to you.  In her passing, the flu bug cost
us all a great deal.

'John Bro'
Hamburg, Germany

P.S. Please see my new website:  http://www.geocities.com/johnbro60/

The CIA Is Our To Get Us - By Ross Raihala  The Fargo Forum

The Discovery Channel recently premiered the fascinating and somewhat
frightening special "On the Inside: The CIA."

The two-hour special - which airs at 5 p.m. today, 8 p.m. Wednesday and 5
p.m. Saturday - has much to scare conspiracy theorists. Take, for example,
this quote from CIA senior operations officer Chase Brandon:

"If you look at our surveillance airplane, the SR-71 Blackbird, we'll now
admit that with 35-year-old aviation technology and 35-year-old cameras,
from 85,000 feet the SR-71 could take pictures of golf balls on a putting
green. And it probably wouldn't be incorrect if you assumed we could also
read whether that (golf ball) was a Titleist or a Wilson. It existed 35
years ago, and you can just imagine the kind of things that are done now."

The documentary was shot with "unprecedented cooperation at the highest
level of the CIA" and was filmed at some locations that have never been seen
before by many CIA employees.

Among the revelations of the show:

*The actual number of CIA employees is classified.

*CIA employee badges show only faces, no names. It is not uncommon for
employees to eat together in the CIA dining room for years and years and not
know each other's real identity or function.

*"Top Secret" is not the highest level of security. The name of even higher
classification levels is . a secret.

*Everyone who works for the CIA, from kitchen workers to covert operations
directors, has a designated security clearance.

[CTRL] Naked with Aliens

2000-01-28 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

- Original Message - From: Mike Farrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, January 29,
2000 12:01 PM Subject: "naked with aliens"

Hmm no wonder they have big eyes..the pervs.


The Keith Basterfield Network Australasia -

By Budd Hopkins

Anyone familiar with the subject is aware that UFO abduction reports almost
always include accounts of physical examinations performed inside the craft.
The abductee usually lies naked and immobile on a flat table while one or
more of a wide variety of physical operations are carried out.  There is,
however, one virtually universal detail in these procedures that has never,
to my knowledge, been commented upon in the literature: the abductee never
seems to feel any degree of shame or embarrassment about his or her nudity.

One woman told me that during an abduction in her very early adolescence -
usually a time of great shyness and confusion about one's body - she felt no
more concern about her nakedness in the occupants' presence than she would
have felt in the presence of her cat or her tropical fish.  This fact is
even more surprising when one considers the many accounts in which several
- sometimes strangers to one another - are naked together in the same craft.
The woman in my example had been abducted along with an older brother and a
younger sister; all three were nude yet none seemed to feel anything at all
about their shared and vulnerable cond

Fear of the UFO occupants alone does not explain this surprising, even
unnatural reaction.  There are a number of photos of Nazi concentration camp
victims who, after having been taken from their inhuman cattle-car
transport, were ordered to strip.  The photographs reveal that even under
these circumstances these sad, weak, doomed men, women and children still
instinctively attempted to cover their nudity with their hands and arms. But
with UFO abductees something else, some kind of tranquilizing factor, seems
to be at work.

One can speculate that the abductees' calmness about their nakedness results
from a combination of quasi-hypnotic trance states, endemic to the abduction
process, and simple conditioning. If one has been abducted regularly since
early childhood and has each time been undressed throughout the experience,
one may come to expect it as a norm.  A male abductee once put it to me this
way: "That's just the way it is.  Your never have your clothes on. You don't
even think about it."

What insights can we derive from the abductees' oddly neutral reaction to
their state of nakedness, a state apparently devoid of any sexual overtones
or embarrassment?  First of all, the consistent appearance of this
unexpected detail virtually destroys a basic argument invented by UFO
debunkers. Many psychological theorists, both professional and amateur, have
attempted to explain away all UFO abduction reports as fantasies of one kind
or another.

The most popular current version of this theory has it that people invent
these accounts to mask such disturbing events as childhood sexual abuse,
incest, molestation at the hands of doctors, nurses or baby sitters, or rape
experiences.  Other theorists posit a questionable borderline abductee type
which they call, grandiloquently, the "fantasy-prone personality," while
still others simply insist that these accounts are nothing more than
disturbing dreams.  If any of these theoretical "explanations" were true for
even half the UFO accounts that have been carefully investigated so far, one
would expect to find strong erotic overtones or outright shame and
embarrassment described by literally hundreds of abductees as they recall
their naked condition. IF an abductee account is nothing more than a fantasy
masking a rape or childhood seduction or molestation, the circumstances of
undressing or being forcibly undressed should provide key traumatic moments
in these narratives.  Such, however, is not the case.

The near-universality of this detail not only eliminates any blanket
psychological "explanation" of UFO abduction accounts, but it also argues
for the hard-edged, precise reality of this bizarre phenomenon.  These
consistent reports of totally unexpected, non-emotional reactions to
enforced nudity clearly provide powerful psychological evidence that
thousands of people have undergone the same externally-caused, trance-like
experience - abduction, control and examination by non-human UFO occupants.

By Budd Hopkins

For centuries, thoughts about our anatomy have centered on one organ above
all others -- the human heart.  Our language speaks of "the heart of the
matter," "heart and soul," "having, taking, or lacking heart." The
ubiquitous, schematized, twin-chambered heart image 

[CTRL] 'Conspiracy Theories'

2000-01-28 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Just passing this on guys. Contact Josh personally if you can help.


Hi! My name is Josh Haydn. Thanks for letting me join your community. I know
I'm a newbie but I need help. I have unconvered evidence of a conspiracy to
mislead conspiracy theorists and I need your help. A book has just been
published in the States (it has been available in the UK since September)
that I have evidence was written by someone closely connected to military
intelligence. It is either part of a conspiracy to put out a host of
confusing information to encourage conspiracy theorists to pursue false
leads or it is an attempt by someone who has been part of a conspiracy to
reveal certain truths. Either way, I want fellow conspiracy theorists to
help me put pressure on its author to come clean.

The book is called 'Conspiracy Theories' (original title!) by David
Southwell and Sean Twist and is published by Carlton. This is how I know one
of its authors is not just a conspiracy researcher - please read the
following and then help me get the truth out of him.

I am a professional environmental campaigner and I come from the county of
Essex in England. I first came across David Southwell when I was
investigating possible low-level radiation pollution caused by a 1950s
Magnox Nuclear Power Reactor on the north Essex coast. At first I took him
as a potential ally because it appeared he was a local freelance journalist
who was also looking at the issue. Aside from discovering that the local
seabird guano was radioactive, I never got the evidence I needed to prove
that there had been a series of contamination incidents at the plant which
had been covered up, but during the course of my investigations I got to
know Southwell fairly well.

I moved around in my work as a professional environmental campaigner I
didn't get back to Essex for a couple of years. When I did I noticed that
Southwell had become features editor for a local group of newspapers.
Meeting up with a local direct action green team, I suggested they may find
some sympathy and coverage if they contacted David. Mick P, one of the
team's old-hands was aghast at this suggestion. "Southwell has strong links
with the military intelligence."

Mick had worked out at Foulness Island - a top UK army weapons research
centre based on an island off of the Essex coast - as an engineer on one of
their missile testing programmes. He didn't know David personally, but had
seen him numerous times in administration office going into the office suite
in the block which was home to a small team of Mil-Int and Naval Sig-Int
personnel who worked out of Foulness. Mick had become very suspicious of
David when he found he was involved in the same UFO research group as Mick
and had links with anarchist organisations. Something didn't add up. Was
David a spy for the intelligence community, using his journalistic
credentials to gain access to local anti-government and anti-military
groups? Why would David and military/naval intelligence be interested in a
local UFO group? Wary and even more cynical about the machinations of
government and the circles within circles that turn the media, I thought
nothing more about David Southwell until 1997.

I was invited to a party to celebrate the release of some direct-green road
protesters who had got a few months in prison for their involvement in a
mini-riot (not reported in the press interestingly) against an East London
road extension that ended up levelling a whole neighbourhood and concerning
over one of East London's few bits of woodland. It was a good party, lots of
beer, Jamaican woodbines and good old-fashioned punk music competing for
turntable space with techno. I was gobsmacked when I saw Southwell there. As
I'd had a few beers, I decided to challenge him. Although it was unlike me I
ended up pushing him around a bit - at which point I was bundled outside and
told I'd get the crap kicked out of me again if I tried doing that again. It
seems that Southwell had some interesting friends in the anarchist/protestor
community who were incredibly loyal to him as he had been their Black Hand
'social worker' when they had been in prison. Black Hand is an anarchist
organisation dedicated to helping out protestors or anarchists in prison. I
told the guys who had taken me outside what I knew about Southwell, but I
don't think it sunk in with them. They only knew one side of Southwell.

Later in 1997, I was co-ordinating international support for a Spain-based
environmental campaign when I came into contact with the Estelle Negre
anarchist organisation - a kind of collective of cultural terrorists,
artists and political radicals - who challenge authority and the power of
the media in a host of effective ways. Talking with one of its senior
members, I mentioned I was from Essex who said: "You might know one of our
members them who comes from Essex, David Southwell." My 

[CTRL] Exploit me, baby

2000-01-28 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Opinion Rules the World. And what influences opinion ?
That's the beast one has to slaughter.



Exploit me, baby, One more time

By Carla A. DeSantis

A recent Rolling Stone cover featured a pedophile's dream photo spread:
suggestive bedroom pics of 17-year-old pop sensation Britney Spears ("Hit Me
Baby, One More Time") posing in underwear and high heels with her little
girl dolls on the shelf behind her. Another equally exploitative shot of the
former Mouseketeer shows her in short shorts with the word "Baby" written in
rhinestones on her butt cheeks. In this one she is holding the handlebars of
a little pink and white girl's banana seat bike. As if she were a
"finger-lickin' good" menu item at KFC, the article begins with a
description of Spears' "honeyed thighs" and quickly works its way up to "her
ample breasts pushing against her T-shirt."

The illustrations and the accompanying piece were not written with the
intention of exploring Britney's impact as a singer or pop phenomenon, but
simply to exploit Britney as nubile and sexual. What was particularly
disturbing to me was the lack of reaction from several people I shared these
pictures with. Although a few were outraged, many others were nonplussed.
"It's a sign of the times," said one. "Her parents must think it's okay,"
said another. "I've seen worse," said yet another.
As a retired fulltime female musician now serving as publisher of ROCKRGRL,
a music trade publication devoted to breaking stereotypes and barriers for
women in the industry, I am acutely aware of the critical eye and constant
media scrutiny that women - especially women in the entertainment realm -
are under. Time and again I've noted that the media prefers to write about a
female musician's looks than her dedication to her craft.

I have nothing against lightweight bubble-gum pop or plastic surgery. What
does bother me, however, is that cultural body obsession means that a whole
lot of remarkably talented female artists may get overlooked because they
are neither 16 years old nor wrapped in a perfect size three package. It's
unlikely that any of my personal musical idols of the '60s and '70s - Patti
Smith, Carole King, Janis Joplin or Joni Mitchell, among them - would ever
have a shot at a record deal today because none of these artists possess
perfect Barbie-doll looks.
Even punk rock's most notorious bad girl, the lipstick-smeared Courtney Love
of the early '90s has little in common with the fashion-conscious Courtney
of today. Not only has she toned down her music but she has also toned up
her body. Today's Malibu Courtney bears a striking resemblance to the blonde
teen doll who owned her own beach house.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Weak signals from Mars Lander

2000-01-27 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Space Science News for January 27, 2000

Never Say Die: After receiving weak signals that might have come from Mars
Polar Lander on December 18, 1999, and January 4, 2000, Stanford radio
astronomers are again searching for faint transmissions from the missing
spacecraft. FULL STORY AT


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Denver Murals to be Removed

2000-01-27 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

27 January 2000
Re: Denver International Airport


 I received a call from Alex Christopher last night, author of
Pandora's Box and the original expose of DIA symbolism.  According to
AC, one lady who bought PB decided to start conducting tours of DIA
using PB as a tour manual. People were flying in from all around the
world. Airport officials, nervous at all the attention, directed that
contracts should be let to rip out all the symbolism -- that's exactly
what has been happening, according to AC. The whole concourse is being
replaced and all the strange pictures and murals are being removed.


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Vortex over Dakota

2000-01-27 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Vortex over Dakota

Kent at Cyberspace has alerted us to the fact that a gigantic
vortex-like pattern--an opening in the cloud cover--is showing up over
the S. Dakota region on (infrared) satellite photos--as opposed to doppler
radar images.

This is truly a rather awesome phenomenon appearing on this satellite
shot. Check it.

NewsHawk® Inc.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 10:36:19 EST

Check this out--satellite images over North Central U.S.(more photographic):


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 60% of Abductees are GAY

2000-01-26 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

- Original Message - From: Mike Farrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc:
recipient list not shown: ; Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 12:02 AM
Subject: 60% of Abductees are GAY!(not that there's anything wrong with

The Keith Basterfield Network Australasia -

___ Greetings Abduction
Researchers and Therapists,

"It has also been noted by a number of researchers that gay men and women
are overwhelmingly represented in the abduction population.  One estimate
suggests that as many as 60 percent of those claiming abduction are also
gay." (pg.292-The Abduction Enigma)

Did that arouse your curiosity?  Then read what follows!

__ "The Abduction Enigma" The Truth behind the mass
alien abductions of the late 20th century. by Kevin D.  Randle, Russ Estes,
and William P.  Cone, PHD.

"This is an important book that everyone concerned with the alien abduction
phenomenon should read.  This book deserves a careful reading by all who are
concerned with abduction research and the victims involved ~ especially
those who are willing to re-examine some of their basic assumptions and put
them to the test.  The skeptical case against the physical reality of alien
abduction has never been made more brilliantly or powerfully." (by Michael
Miley from UFO MAG-USA-Dec'99)

I have to agree with the above recommendation.  I actually found this book
at our modest public library, so look for it at your library first.  This is
the kind of book that "cries out" for someone more qualified and more
knowledgeable than me to review and respond to it.  I can only say that
after collecting and reading just about every book, magazine, article and
video from just about every "alien abduction" researcher, therapist,
abductee and/or experiencer, this new skeptical book challenges just about
everything I thought I knew about the alien abduction phenomena.

Here are a few random quotes that jumped out at me from this new book: (my
comments  questions follow in parenthesis)

1) "Most abduction researchers routinely withhold specific information from
the public as a way of cross-checking the validity of an abduction story.
These 'secret clues', when mentioned by someone claiming abduction, provide
some validation for the new tale." (pg.59)

(for example, I've heard that the "grays" as described by Whitley Strieber
and featured on the cover of his infamous book, "Communion" are not exactly
what they appear to be.  I've heard that those "grays" were not bald, but
had fine wispy white hair. So the popular image of the "big-bald-headed"
alien is not true but has come to be accepted worldwide.  It makes you
wonder how much information published on abductions is either incorrect or
misleading from the researchers we have come to rely on. So how can we in
the public domain ever hope to know what's really going on if every
researcher and witness is hiding "secret clues"?)

2) "The sexual component of the abductions has been reduced to reproductive
experimentation or genetic research, but when examined carefully, it is
little more than sexual intercourse. This is an important aspect that has
been generally ignored by those conducting abduction research.  A very high
percentage of both male and female abductees that we interviewed openly
stated a sexual preference of homosexuality or bisexuality.  An equally high
number were hypersexual and highly promiscuous in their human sex lives.  Of
the remaining abductees at least half of them claimed they had no sex drive
whatsoever.  That leaves us with a very low number of abductees who claim to
have what would be considered a 'normal' sex life.  Beyond that, however, as
many as
90 percent of the abductees have some kind of sexual dysfunction. Their
tales of rape and sexual activity on board the UFO are evidences of these
sexual problems." (pg.97-100)

(The sex issue raises it's ugly head here, but take for example the case of
Jesse Long, as profiled on my "ALIEN UPDATE-DEC'99 videotape, featuring
clips from "Confirmation" and the "Roseanne Files".  This lifelong abductee
has been forced to give up his "precious fluids" to aliens during hundreds
of encounters. And he is also "gay" (not that there's anything wrong with
that!:-) Yet nowhere in the abduction literature or from the accounts of
"gay abductees" like Jesse Long do we find any descriptions of "gay sexual
activity or fantasies" taking place during these alien encounters.  So after
all these years and literally millions of abductions, and subsequent
invasive examinations and mindscans, these single-minded aliens have
seemingly failed to grasp that humans have different sexual orientations.
Why don't these aliens use "gay" imagery and activity to excite and extract
bodily "precious fluids" and emotional bonding from "gay" abductees? I guess
there's no such thing as a "gay alien" or we 

[CTRL] History Channel

2000-01-26 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Bummer, we don't get the History channel here

From: "Kim Lambert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here is a list of shows coming up on the History Channel which may be of
interest to the list.
(Times listed are Eastern)

Wednesday, January 26

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
In Search of..  The Man Who Would Not Die.
The fascinating saga of Count St. Germain, who dazzled the courts of Europe
for over 100 years, leading some to believe he was immortal. Leonard Nimoy
hosts. [TV G]

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
In Search of..  Immortality.
Looks at scientific discoveries of new methods of prolonging human life,
such as cryonics, which can suspend life for centuries. Leonard Nimoy hosts.
[TV G]

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Midnight - 1:00 AM
4:00 AM - 5:00 AM
Lost City of Atlantis
The ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote about the fabled missing
continent. Even South American Indian legend told of a similar tale. Did a
highly civilized and technologically advanced people disappear with their
secrets at the bottom of the sea, or is Atlantis merely myth? (cc) [TV G]

9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
1:00 AM - 2:00 AM
Tales from the Egyptian Crypts, Pt. 3.
Part 3 examines the poetic "sacred carvings" that ancient Egyptians believed
could actually come to life. (cc) [TV G]

Thursday, January 27

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
The Real West
The Trail of Tears.
Their cultures lived and thrived in the Southeast U.S. for thousands of
years before Europeans arrived. But for the "Five Civilized Tribes",
Congress mandated banishment, hardship, and a long walk to death. [TV G]

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
In Search of.. UFO Captives.
Meet people who believe they have been held captive aboard alien
spacecraft--close encounters of the fourth kind! Leonard Nimoy hosts. [TV G]

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
In Search of.. Time and Space Travel.
Soon it will be possible to travel through space faster than the speed of
light and avoid aging. Hosted by Leonard Nimoy. [TV G]

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Midnight - 1:00 AM
4:00 AM - 5:00 AM
The Strange Disappearance of the Anasazi
19th-century explorers in the American southwest encountered the ruins of a
vanished civilization that spread across Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Why
were these spectacular cities abandoned? Where had the inhabitants gone?
Modern anthropologists hint at a disturbing past in contrast with earlier
peaceful perceptions. (cc) [TV G]

9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
1:00 AM - 2:00 AM
Tales from the Egyptian Crypts, Pt. 4.
Part 4 concludes this extensive look at mummies, ancient Egyptian religious
beliefs, the pyramids, and well-known pharaohs. (cc)[TV G]

Friday, January 28

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
20th Century with Mike Wallace
Triumph and Tragedy in Space: Apollo 11 and The Challenger.
A look at triumph and tragedy in space--the first moon landing in 1969, and
the horrifying explosion of the space shuttle Challenger in 1986. Includes
rare footage of the Apollo 11 crew's preparation and training, and Neil
Armstrong's historic walk on the moon. [TV PG]

Next week...

Monday, January 31

9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
1:00 AM - 2:00 AM
UFOs Then and Now?
The Innocent Years. In a comprehensive series investigating the UFO
experience, we begin with a review of surprising imagery from cave paintings
to Medieval frescoes to Renaissance art. But in the late 1940s, the modern
era of UFO sightings took off with the mysterious crash of a flying object
near Roswell, New Mexico. (cc) [TV G]

Tuesday, February 1

9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
1:00 AM - 2:00 AM
UFOs Then and Now?
Cause for Alarm. Studies some of the most disturbing UFO sightings,
including: a 4-day extravaganza in 1952, when UFOs cruised the skies over
the White House; sightings in 1967 near a secret U.S./Canadian submarine
detection base; controversial events at the U.K./U.S. air base at
Bentwaters, England; and the military's Test Area 51 in Nevada. (cc) [TV G]

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Midnight - 1:00 AM
4:00 AM - 5:00 AM
Getting High  A History of LSD.
How did the synthetic form of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, which occurs
naturally in ergot (a rye and wheat fungus), have such an impact on America
in the 1960s? Take a trip back as we explore LSD's role in the cultural
upheavals of the '60s, and trace its roots back to "kykeon", the drug used
in ancient Greek Eleusinian rituals. (cc) [TV PG]

Wednesday, February 2

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
In Search of..  Great Wall of China.
The story of the one of the world's greatest wonders--who built it and why?
Hosted by Leonard Nimoy. [TV G]

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
In Search of..  Mexican Pyramids.
The bloody story of the great pyramids, which were used for daily human
sacrifices. Leonard Nimoy hosts this classic TV series. [TV G]

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Re: [CTRL] Echelon 'Proof' Discovered (fwd)

2000-01-26 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Just to add to this. Here in New Zealand, a new Green MP is taking up the
Echelon issue to Parliament next week. Wish him luck.


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

- Original Message -
From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 8:51 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Echelon 'Proof' Discovered (fwd)

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 10:45:00 -800
 From: Wired News Daily [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Wired News Daily [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Echelon 'Proof' Discovered

 Wired News - a must-read for the latest information and commentary on
 our rapidly changing digital world.

 W I R E D   N E W S  Top Stories -  09:46AM 26.Jan.00.PST
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 - - advertisement
 Get Fit-Stay Healthy @ Onhealth.com. Expert medical advice  resources.

 - - - - - - - - -

  Echelon 'Proof' Discovered (Politics 3:00 a.m. PST)
  NSA documents refer to 'Echelon.' Is it the suspected international
 citizen spying machine or the name of a legal military project? The
 researcher who found them thinks it's the latter. By Chris Oakes.
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  Food Gets Fed With Meds (Technology 9:00 a.m. PST)

  Melbourne researchers have succeeded in inserting measles vaccines
 into genetically modified foods, raising the prospects of delivering
 vaccines without expensive injections. Stewart Taggart reports from
 Sydney, Australia.
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  A Tiny Peep from Mars (Technology 8:50 a.m. PST)

  A mysterious radio signal detected at Stanford University offers hope
 that the Mars Polar Lander may have survived its arduous flight to the
 red planet after all.
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  Campus Porn Imperiled (Politics 3:00 a.m. PST)
  Arizona lawmakers want to prevent students at public universities from
 viewing porn in dorm rooms. So much for sex pix, um, sociology
 research. By Declan McCullagh.
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  This Won't Be a Signature IPO (Business 9:00 a.m. PST)
  John Hancock, the life insurance company, will go public Thursday, and
 investors hoping for a big first-day run-up are likely to be
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  China Clamps Down on Web (Politics 8:05 a.m. PST)
  New controls are placed on the Internet to prevent sites from 'leaking
 state secrets.' Restrictions on news pages are on the way, too.
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  6,000 Jobs Fizzle at Coke (Business 8:05 a.m. PST)
  The softdrink maker's mass layoff is, surprise, part of a cost-cutting
 move. Also: Qualcomm acquisition boosts smart-phone strategy Sprint
 bails out on Global One and more.
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  Music Pirates' Big Bite (Business 7:20 a.m. PST)
  Counterfeit CDs and Internet downloads are costing the music industry
 $4.5 billion a year, according to a copyright watchdog.
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  What We Don't Know May Hurt Us (Technology 3:00 a.m. PST)

  Public interest groups petition the FDA to rethink animal-to-human
 transplant policies. Health advocates say xenotransplantation may
 expose humans to a host of dangerous diseases. By Kristen Philipkoski.
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  Victory for Etoy Is At Hand (Politics 3:00 a.m. PST)
  Etoys, the toy giant, has finally decided to settle its case with the
 upstart artist's group, and the renegade Web site will be back up in a
 matter of days. By Steve Kettmann.
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  British ISPs Crack Down on Hate (Politics Tuesday)
  Web hosts in the United Kingdom will regulate themselves 

[CTRL] Numb ers

2000-01-25 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

This is a couple of posts concerning them numbers again. Fascinating stuff.
Um yeah I will check out the biblical references..Tomorrow.



Dear "earthman,"

This is quite an assortment of information and a great message.

I like the way all the math is brought into play. The no. 74 and 186 yrs.
B.C. - the speed of light?

Please allow me to join in with a few observations: I notice the year 2000
being compared with the Jewish calendar year 5760 and certain mathmatical
formulas being applied to the numbers. And then - there is the use of
gematria - as well. These particular subjects are more than passing interest
to me, especially when applied to the original Hebrew and Greek Bible text.

It was early in 1999, when the discovery and announcement was made
the existence of a 5000, and 6000 year calendar - each ending in the Jewish
calendar year 5760, which co-incides with Gregorian 2000 C.E. The date and
point of origin beginning with the life of  Adam (4000 B.C.E.).  The
discovery turned into an on-going unveiling, which proved to be
"scientifically" accurate. The calendar is composed of a complete 360 degree
circle divided into 24 numbers i.e.(1 through 24 hours in each day of our
clock and  1-12 and 1-12  = 24 as well). The 24 segments are composed of 240
years and /or 15 degrees each. Thus, 240 years times 24 equals 5760 - the
year Time-Ends!  Showing, therefore that the Jewish year 5760 and the
Gregorian year 2000 are the last year, and that years 5761 and 2001,
respectively,  are indeed the "New - Beginning." This all predicated on
weather or not Adam's date of  geneology is correct i.e. 1-4 yrs., according
to the chronology of  James Ussher (1581 - 1656), and if or not zero years
were taken into consideration.

Some gematria was shown in the message using Greek words for Jesus and
Jesus=IESOUS=888; Christ=CHRISTOS=1480; the sum=2368. If the word Lord is
added to the sum - Lord=KURIOS=800, the total value becomes 3168. This
3168 is significant because it is the number in miles for a square drawn
around a sphere  whose diameter is 7920mi. (mean dimension of the earth),
deleting the zeros.
The little town of Bethlehem is located at 31degrees 68 minutes N. latitude
The combined dimensions of the moon and earth's circumference measures
Thus, showing the signature of the creator in the creation, "All things were
made by Him; and without Him was not anything made taht was made." John 1:3

Furthermore, the combined measurements of the earth and moon, compared with
the earth's measurement alone, denotes the marriage of the circle to the
square and also reveals the mystery of the relationship of the number seven
to eleven and the ratio for Pi , i.e. 22/7.

We then come to some interesting calculations, which if one were to know the
interpretation - would surely see a mystery unfolding  - a prophetic message
written in pure mathmatics;  I leave that for here for now, but I want to
comment on the numbers 576(0) and 1152.  It is stated, the number 576, has
the meaning, "Prophecy and Gospel", and the number twice 576,  1152 has the
meaning "Witness". I have found in some sources the number 576 has the
meaning, "Spirit" and "Trumpet" - as well (see the trumpet(s) in the book of
Revelation, the trumpet speaks, and the trumpet is a message). The number
1.152 ft. is an important number, for it is one of the numbers used as a
cubit in the construction of the tabernacle of Moses, called the Egyptian
foot. The Egyptian cubit is 1.728 and utilized as a second and confirming
cubit in the tabernacle's construction. These numbers have esoteric meaning
when combined and placed in context with particular symbolisms. I believe
time to listen.

For instance the Ark of the Testomony measures 18x18x30=9720. Now take 9720
and subtract the Jewish year 5760 = 3960 = the Radii of the Earth!  Why has
the Ark's symbolism been hidden, "until" now?

Best regards to one and all - happy hunting



Dear Kathleen and Peter

My knowledge of Tarot is almost nil. But, I believe I have a tid-bit to

There is this wonderful book(let) that a sweet lady from Maryland was "led"
to send me (at no cost to me) a few years back. I dont exactly understand
of it, but I do witness (inner-light) to its content. The author T  Byron G
was given a tremendous revelation regarding Tarot's origination and its
occultic (the doctrine and theory of hidden causes - concealed) principles.
The book is titled,  "SYNTHESIS The Hermetic Tarot." In it, he shows how the
Hermetic titles (of cards) co-inside with  Arabic numerals conjoined with
Hebrew and Greek letter for number system and the Vulgar titles of today's
Tarot. He shows the Sephiroth (tree of life) annexe

[CTRL] Brain Waves

2000-01-25 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-



 Intelegen Inc. is offering brain wave
entrainment  tapes and CDs  based on binaural beat
frequency research. Use of these tapes results in brain
wave entrainment and can induce altered states of
consciousness. Some have called it instant meditation.
Unlike mind altering drugs which people use to achieve
altered states, binaural beat brainwave entrainment
technology is legal and non-toxic. Study The science
behind audio based brain wave entrainment and see why
this may become the mind altering pseudo drug of the 21st

Lucid dreams, deep relaxation,
euphoria, increased intuition and
awareness, enhanced creativity,
learning, psychic abilities, elimination
of insomnia and the symptoms of
stress are all things that have been attributed to the use of
binaural beat audio technology. A technology that permits
the control of brainwave frequency patterns allowing the
intentional inducement of altered states. research links

This new technology, is based on  binaural beat
frequencies and their effect on the subcortical auditory
system of the brain.  After five minutes, the resonant
entrainment effect has induced vast areas of the brain to
resonate at the same frequency. The result is a dominant
brain wave at the desired frequency.

How to order. -- Pricing -- Product Descriptions. We also
apply binaural beat, and other special brainwave
entrainment effects to commercial audio and music which
provide a pronounced effect on auditory cognition and
*note-the following are all links--go to the site

The Science Behind The Technology
 Interesting Bits of Testimony and Research Regarding Binaural
 Beat Sound Technology.
 Functions Of Various Brainwaves Beta Alpha Theta Delta
 Inducing Altered States of Consciousness with a Binaural Beat
 Uses and Applications for Binaural Beat Technology
 Memphis State University Research Paper
 Empirical Study of the Effects of Binaural Beat Audio On
 Brain Waves ("40Hz") Research University Of Birmingham -
 Neuroscience Unit
 Monks, Shamans, Drum Beats,  Primitive Cultures, Rhythmic
 Sound  The Brain
 Alpha-theta brainwave training and beta endorphin levels in
 Meditation FAQ
 The Ganzfeld Effect  How To Build Your Own Device
 Usage Notes  Instructions
 Products Description, Pricing and How To Order
 Other Brain/Mind Related Web Sites
 Free Real Time Left Right Brain Analysis/Test - Take it now!
 Brain Portal
 The difference between the Left and Right Hemisphers of the
 Physiology of Ordinary Consciousness
 Theory of consciousness
 Biochemical enhancement of the brain

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] UFO Triangles... Theirs or Ours? Answer: BOTH

2000-01-25 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


Source: Copyrighted by Fouche Media Associates 1998
From: 'Alien Rapture - The Chosen
by Brad Steiger and Edgar Rothschild Fouche
More Excerpts at our Web page: http://www.fouchemedia.com

UFO Triangles... Theirs or Ours? Answer: BOTH

It has been rumored for years that the military's black operations has
perfected incredibly advanced gravity-defying triangular supersecret aerial
platforms at least partially derived from ET technology. It now appears the
proof of such vehicles is to be released in a new book entitled Alien
Rapture - The Chosen By Edgar Rothschild Fouche' and Brad Steiger, due out
in late June, 1998 from Galde Press.

Tonight, the world's most exotic and classified aerospace vehicle could be
stealthily hovering somewhere over Phoenix, Arizona, Gulf Breeze, Florida,
the country of Belgium, or your city. It is known as the TR-3B.

Science fiction or fact, you ask? Alien Rapture - The Chosen by Edgar
Rothschild Fouche and Brad Steiger details the astounding government
cover-up effected by the MJ-12 committee and reveals for the first time
ultra top secret information about alien technology and reverse engineered
technology we have developed as a result of the recovered alien artifacts.

The TR-3B is NOT fiction and was built with technology available in the
mid-1980s or earlier. The triangular shaped nuclear powered aerospace
platform was developed under the Aurora Program with SDI and black budget

The Aurora Program is a top secret development program for advanced
aerospace vehicles and has been responsible for development of the
hypersonic strategic reconnaissance SR-75 Penetrator which replaced the
SR-71 spy plane, and the SR-74 Scramp, which rides piggy-back the SR-75.

The tactical reconnaissance TR-3B's first operational flight was in the
early 90s. Technology assuredly developed from reverse engineering of
recovered alien artifacts and programs such as the SR-74 and SR-75 was used
in the TR-3B. At least three of the billion dollar plus TR-3Bs were flying
by 1994.

The TR-3B vehicle's outer coating is reactive to electrical stimulation and
can change color, reflectiveness, and radar absorptiveness, thus making the
vehicle look like a small aircraft or a flying cylinder--or even tricking
radar receivers into falsely detecting a variety of aircraft, no aircraft,
or several aircraft at various locations.

A circular, plasma filled accelerator ring called the "Magnetic Field
Disrupter" surrounds the rotatable crew compartment and is far ahead of any
imaginable technology. Sandia and Livermore laboratories developed the
reverse engineered MFD technology. The government will go to any lengths to
protect this technology.

The MFD generates a magnetic vortex field that disrupts or neutralizes the
effects of gravity on mass within proximity by 89 percent. This is not
antigravity. Anti-gravity provides a repulsive force that can be used for
propulsion. The MFD creates a disruption of the Earth's gravitational field
upon the mass within the circular accelerator.

The mass of the circular accelerator, and all mass within the accelerator,
such as the crew capsule and the nuclear reactor, are reduced by almost 90%.
This causes the effect of making a vehicle extremely light and able to
outperform and outmaneuver any craft yet constructed--except, of course,
those UFOs we did not build. The TR-3 is a reconnaissance platform with an
indefinite loiter time. "Indefinite" because it uses a nuclear reactor for

Many sightings of triangular UFOs are not alien vehicles but the ultra top
secret TR-3B. The NSA, NRO, CIA, and USAF have been playing a shell game
with aircraft nomenclature - creating the TR-3, modified to the TR-3A, the
TR-3B, and the Teir 2, 3, and 4, with suffixes like 'Plus' or 'Minus' added
on to further confuse the fact that each of these designators is a different
aircraft and not the same aerospace vehicle. A TR-3B is as different from a
Teir 3B as a banana is from a grape. Some of these vehicles are manned and
others are unmanned.

The TR-3B's propulsion is provided by three multimode thrusters mounted at
each bottom corner of the triangular platform. The TR-3 is a sub-Mach 9
vehicle until it reaches altitudes above l00,000 feet--then God knows how
fast it can go!

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what 

[CTRL] Tarot: The Royal Path.

2000-01-24 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

From Kathleen

Food for thought from the book, Beyond the Big Bang by Paul A. LaViolette.

Just finished reading this wonderful book and had to send it back before I
could fully digest it--ordered it through the state library system.  This is
am must have!  Have been studying Tarot for several years and was fascinated
the origins so described by LaViolette.

LaViolette writes that the theory from where Tarot came to Europe
was via ancient Egypt--that gypsies migrated from India to Egypt,acquired
knowledge, and moved on to Europe.   According to LaViolette, this idea was
first suggested by Court de Gebelin in 1781 who indicated that the word
was derived from the Egyptian "tar" meaning "path" and "ro" meaning "royal"
--when put together mean "the royal path".  It has been suggested by others
that Tarot has also gone by the names Rota, traced to "wheel" from Latin and
Thora associated with the Torah, the body of wisdom and law contained in the
Jewish scripture.

LaViolette goes on to say that Alliette, a French Hermeticist, claiming to
know of the Tarot's Egyptian origin, stated that it was a remnant of the
legendary Book of Thoth that conveyed the ancient science of Thoth.  Then
French physician Gerard Encausse, writing under the pen name of Papus,
conjectured that the Egyptian magi may have purposefully created the cards
an alternate way of ensuring the survival of their sacred knowledge.

This idea becomes even more a factor from a treatise attributed to
and which was translated by Paul Christian (the French esoteric scholar
Jean-Baptiste Pitois), and entitled An Egyptian Initiation.  According to
these writings initiation into the Temple of the Mysteries occurred in a
narrow gallery whose walls were adorned by 22 frescoes positioned between
columns, eleven on each side.  The fresco descriptions closely match the
correspondedingly numbered major arcana in the Marseilles Tarot, considered
to be the most exact reproduction of the oldest gypsy Tarot decks.

LaViolette goes on to say that "contrary to the more popularly held view
the Tarot is of ancient orgin, the esoteric scholar Richard Cavendish
speculated that the Tarot may be a product of the intellectual climate of
Renaissance humanism, and that it was invented in the north of Italy as a
means o conveying teachings about the world that could not be easily
expressed using a 52 card deck.  He proposes that the 22 major arcana were
developed separately from the minor arcana, as a later addition, and that
card deck probably got its name from its use in the valley of the Taro
a tributary of the Po between Genoa and Bologna."

LaViolette concludes " This Italian-origin theory seems rather implausible
light of the present discovery that the Tarot portrays an advanced creation
science.  For then one would have to explain how, more than 100 years before
Galileo, Renaissance Italiams could have concocted a science that
20th century nonequilibrium thermodynamics concepts and at the same time
its knowledge secret from the rest of the world.  Since the Tarot's creation
metaphysics so closely parallels that found in ancient creation myths, an
earlier origin seems more likely.  Moreover, Iamblichus's treatise on the
Eqyptian mysteries suggests that the Tarot is of considerable antiquity."

You would have to read the book to understand how LaViolette relates Tarot
nonequilibrium thermodynamics concepts--it would take much more time and
space than I have to relate it here. However LaViolette shows how the order
of Tarot and its concepts join smoothly together to describe a science or
order genesis--from 1-10 showing principles governing the creation of the
physical universe and 11-21 relating to human evolution and spiritual

Many that study the esoterics of Tarot recognize the higher order of
knowledge thus conveyed and are fully aware that the very least of the
original purposes was divination.


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Batheing the planet in microwaves

2000-01-24 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 18:30:13 -0500 Here in Ossining, NY, we have recently
been waging a war with major environmental implications for the entire
planet.  I have previously asked the list, and the party, for help, in this
critical period of our struggle, and still await a response from the party
and the list's members.  Without your help, there will be a cellular
transmission tower on our high school in a few weeks.

First, here's some background information to provide context for the instant

The world is about to be totally bathed by microwave radiation for the first
time in the (known) history of humanity.  This is being done to "enhance the
communications options" of customers of cell-phone providers.
However, there have been numerous allegations made by medical doctors and
other health professionals which claim that serious health consequences,
including leukemia, brain cancer, and/or other serious illnesses, may result
from microwave radiation exposure; hence, the current plans to link the
world with wireless phone networks may have major health implications for
our species.  These allegations warrant close study.

Over the past decade, cell-phone use has exploded in the US and throughout
the world.  The technology rests upon the use of the microwave spectrum as a
carrier, and incorporates new designs into the old wave patterns which now
utilize digital (i.e., "0" or "off" states and "1" or "on" states) means of
encoding the transmitted material.

It is widely known and proved that microwaves can be used to heat the water
molecules in organic materials.  In fact, microwaves have been utilized for
cooking purposes for a long time.

It is also, apparently, acknowledged by all (including the
telecommunications industry, according to published materials) that there
are dangers to living organisms when the tissues of same suffer the thermal
(i.e., heating) effects that can accompany cell-phone usage near the head.

Apparently, there are plans to use satellites over the next couple of years
in order to provide a thorough bath of signal around the planet, in order to
insure complete coverage around the world.  However, at present, towers at a
regular interval are needed to accomplish cellular network installation for
providers of cellphone service.

As it now stands, the FCC gave out licenses to various telecommunications
companies for territories that each would be able to serve.  Among others,
Sprint, apparently, got a license to provide such "service" to the NY
metropolitan area, and, it seems, they need a site in Ossining for thier

One problem that faces telecommunications companies in the construction of
their networks is that people don't want to be near the towers that are
essential to the operation of the networks, for reasons that range from the
aesthectic impact of the tower designs to concerns over the possible health
effects of the constant bombardment by microwave radiation.  Since the
construction of cellular towers is usually within the regulatory purview of
local building or zoning departments and other municipal authorities, our
law provides people an opportunity to discuss the desirability of
installation proposals.  However, recent amendments to Federal law
(Telecommunications Act of 1996) apparently proscribe the consideration of
health comcerns in the municipal or state approval process, so these
regulatory hearings are now generally precluded from considering residents'
health concerns.  I fact, the mere mentioning of such concerns in the
process can result in court-ordered approval of the application.
Consequently, these concerns have not been, and cannot be, in the current
legal environment, adequately addressed in the consideration of cellular
service build-out applications.  This failure to deal with such a
fundamental issue potentially places all people at substantial risk.

Regardless of the limits upon speech that were imposed by the new body of
law, people generally show up, en masse, to object to cell tower proposals
in their neighborhoods at municipal meetings considering such applications.
This is a potentially destabilizing political force in most communities,
since many people are concerned about the potential health dangers of this
technology and, yet, by law, the municipality cannot take those concerns
into account when making a decision on a permit application.

Given this situation, local politicians, seeing their own demise in the
contradiction between the law and the concerns of their own constituents,
have tried to find a way out.  Ossining's Town and Village government were
no exception...

Sprint apparently needs to construct a cell tower in Ossining in order to
adequately build out its cellular network in its very important Weschester
County, NY franchise area (Westchester adjoins 

[CTRL] reptilian humanoid face on artifact

2000-01-24 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 6:08 AM
Subject: [dragonslayers] reptilian humanoid face on artifact


 The man behind this web site used to work with Paramount Pictures.  Here
 a quote from a radio interview:
 "And, again, it goes back to these hauntings and these talking
 throughout history because, in fact, in Oklahoma they were calling him
 Michael.  That was sort of their nickname for this amassing of spirits.
 then, of course, you have the MESSAGES FROM MICHAEL books and - and I
 realized after this experience that Edgar Cayce was channeling the same
 Entity and Madame Blavatsky's famous 'Mahatmas' also was this apparent

 For the fastest and easiest way to backup your files and, access them from
 anywhere. Try @backup Free for 30 days.  Click here for a chance to win a
 digital camera.

 eGroups.com Home: http://www.egroups.com/group/dragonslayers/
 http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications

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frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Help/Antarctica City

2000-01-23 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

And this one

Horlick Mountains are in Antartica
seems to have something to do with a project of JPL.


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

- Original Message -----
From: earthman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2000 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Help/Antarctica City

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 And this one

 Peter... Yes. you want access to the Hefferlin Manuscripts. i think
 connected to ( i have them im trying to find them ) Hapgood? these cities
 are very well described

 We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

 - Original Message -
 From: Gwinn O Nabisco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2000 5:44 AM
 Subject: [CTRL] Help/Antarctica City

  -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
  /A -Cui Bono?-
  I need some advice.  About six months ago, my friend told me that she
 leaving the "powers that be" and going to a libertarian stronghold in
 Antarctica.  I think the name of the place could be Antarctica City.  I
 find no information about this place.  My friend was not the kind of
 who made things up.  I miss her and fear for her safety.  Please provide
 information about Antarctica City that you have heard.  I am tired of
 attempting to utilize traditional sources.  I am not a conspiritorialist,
 but I am to the point that I am desperate for some type of lead.  Please
 not make up bogus information, but also, please provide any information
 about this place that you have heard.  Thanks.
  LYCOShop. Thousands of products!  One location!
  A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
  CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
  screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
  and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and
  frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and minor
  spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
  gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
  be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
  nazi's need not apply.
  Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and

Re: [CTRL] Freemasonry's Occult, Evil Empire Exposed

2000-01-23 Thread earthman

Thanks eagle, I did not realise the Vatican was behind it. Wink wink nudge 
nudge, say no more, say no more.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboardhttp://sites.netscape.net/gsussnzl/poleshift

  - Original Message - 
  Eagle 1 
  Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2000 8:36 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Freemasonry's Occult, 
  Evil Empire Exposed
  Leaving out the books of Enoch and Jasher were 
  done by the Trent Council in 1821...
  The book of Enoch lost the vote by only one 
  and the book of Daniel was cannonized by only one vote... MEN did the 
  voting. Those books were originally apart of the King James that 
  was translated in 1611. 
  The Trent Council was made up mostly of 
  members of the Vatican... need I say more?
  You can examine a portion of the Enoch scroll 
  on my website, 
  eagle 1
- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2000 12:41 
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Freemasonry's 
Occult, Evil Empire Exposed

"Even they claim that they could have made errors"
Yeah like leaving out the books of Enoch Thomas, Jasher 

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Re: [CTRL] One World Govt 10 regions.

2000-01-23 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

OK, Where is Israel on that list then. You mean they forgot about Israel?
I can't see it's Arab neighbours agreeing to have Israel in it's region, can
you? They don't seem to get on very well.

Anyway, I got the info from Stan Deyo's  "The Cosmic Conspiracy".
His list is a bit more extensive, but the basics are the same.
And Oceania is lumped in with NZ, Oz, Sth Africa and Israel.

So you don't think a new world order will happen eh?
I don't see it not happening, unless of course we have a UFO invasion or
pole shift. Mind you, both of these scenarios would probably play right into
their hands.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

- Original Message -
From: Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2000 6:20 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] One World Govt 10 regions.

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 How wrong is this post? Let me count the ways.

 earthman wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
  /A -Cui Bono?-
  I hear that Israel is lumped in with NZ and Oz.
  Hmmm I wonder who will be pulling the strings if this is the case.

 1) What could possibly be the point of lumping Israel with NZ and OZ?
Israel and its neighbors are being forced into phony peace treaties
because the NWO needs to establish THAT REGION as an economic entity.
Israel's capitalist economy will be the anchor economy for the region.
I was told by an ex-Clinton cabinet person that the political elites
have the attitude that "the Arabs are incapable of running a modern

  - Original Message -
  From: Nicky Molloy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2000 12:34 PM
  Subject: [CTRL] One World Govt 10 regions.
   -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
   /A -Cui Bono?-
   Nations Comprising 10 Future "Kingdoms"
   This list is compiled from a map found on page 42 of "En Route to
   Occupation", by Gary H. Kah, published by Huntington House Publishers
   Lafayette, Louisiana, 1991. ( This book is great - He is said to have
   killed for that with quick acting cancer .N)

 One really must laugh at this kind of info. This stuff is Bible based
 " Ten Kingdoms?" When all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look
 a nail. When you are afflicted with the religious disease, everything
 to look like Bible prophesy.

   The data that created the map originates with Mihajlo Mesarovic and
   Pestel, authors of "Mankind at the Turning Point-The Second Report to
   Club of Rome', published by E. P. Dutton  Co., Inc.,/Reader's Digest
   For the uninformed, the Club of Rome is an offsoot of The
   through one Aurelio Peccei (now deceased), a prominent Italian
   with close ties to the Fiat and Olivetti corporations. Like The
   Bildebergers, the COR draws a high percentage of its members from the
   Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The COR has been assigned the task
   overseeing the regionalization and unification of the entire world,
   ALL nations of the world will give up their sovereignty in favor of a

 So far, so good.

   Following are the ten regions and the approximate territories they
   comprise. These regions are synonomous with "kingdoms",

 Only in the minds of the superstitiously aflicted.

  likely, each with
  a head reporting to the world government of the day.
   United States

 1) Mexico is part of NORTH America, and is already a partner in NAFTA with
 US and Canada.

   Western Europe
   British Isles
   Norway, Sweden and Finland

 This is probably correct. My personal guess is that Turkey won't remain in
 the fold once the Turkish people overthrow their elites.

   Pacific Islands

 3) Too limited. Japan's is supposed to be the anchor economy for that

   New Zealand
   South Africa

 4) Not South Africa. More likely the Pacific Islands. SA is the anchor
 for Southern Africa, which is also thought of by the ( American )elites as
 " basket case " incapable of developing a modern economy.

   Eastern Europe

 Never happen!

   Central America (including Mexico)
   South America
   Carribean Islands

 5) This one is all wrong. Mexico is part of NAFTA. Central America and the
 Caribbean would be a separate region from South America. None of these
 will be successful for the NWO, simply beca

[CTRL] psychological aspects of the conspiracy

2000-01-22 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


My name is Nick Sandberg and I'm based in London, England.

I'm currently researching psychological aspects of the conspiracy
theory, notably why people do and don't believe in them, and have a work
in progress on this subject at

Any comments/advice/insights appreciated.

Best wishes


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Why did the chicken cross the road?

2000-01-22 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-


PAT BUCHANAN:  To steal a job from a decent, hard working American.

COLONEL SANDERS:  I missed one?

L.A. POLICE DEPT:  Give us five minutes with the chicken and we'll
find out.

RICHARD M. NIXON:  The chicken did not cross the road.  I repeat, the
chicken did not cross the road.  I do not know any chickens.  I have
never known any chickens.

DR. SEUSS:  Did the chicken cross the road?  Did he cross it with a
toad?  Yes!  The chicken crossed the road.  But why it crossed,
I've not been told!

ERNEST HEMINGWAY:  To die.  In the rain.

MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR:  I envision a world where all chickens will be
free to cross roads without having their motives called into question.

GRANDPA:  In my day, we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road.
Someone told us that the chicken crossed the road, and that was good
enough for us.

ARISTOTLE:  It is the nature of chickens to cross the road.

KARL MARX:  It was a historical inevitability.

SADDAM HUSSEIN:  This was an unprovoked act of rebellion, and we were
quite justified in dropping 50 tons of nerve gas on it.

CAPTAIN JAMES T. KIRK:  To boldly go where no chicken has gone before.

FOX MULDER:  You saw it cross the road with your own eyes.  How many
more chickens have to cross before you believe it?

MACHIAVELLI:  The point is that the chicken crossed the road.  Who cares
why?  The end of crossing the road justifies whatever motive there was.

FREUD:  The fact that you are at all concerned that the chicken crossed
the road reveals your underlying sexual insecurity.

BILL GATES:  I have just released Chicken Coop 99, which will not only
cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents, and
balance your checkbook--and Explorer is an inextricable part of the
operating system.

EINSTEIN:  Did the chicken really cross the road, or did the road move
beneath the chicken?

BILL CLINTON:  I did not cross the road with "THAT" chicken!

The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher inspires.
William Arthur Ward

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-01-22 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

From: "Kim Lambert" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FILE NO. 008

T H E   U N D E R G R O U N D   E M P I R E

 In March of 1980, John J. Williams, a New Mexico "Patriot"
who published the anti-Communist oriented "REBEL MAGAZINE" (at
the time available from: Consumertronics Co., c/o John J.
Williams. Pres., 2011 Crescent Dr., P.O. Drawer 537., Alamogardo,
NM  88310) revealed some incredible details on an alleged
subterranean system which the Navy had been exploring below the
western United States.  The report appeared in issue No. 6 of his
magazine, and was later reproduced in the Fall, 1985 (#164) issue
of SEARCH Magazine, at the time edited by Marjorie Palmer, widow
of the late Ray Palmer.  The article, titled 'CALIFORNIA FLOATS
ON OCEAN?', revealed the following:

Article at:  http://www.rcbbs.com/docs/empire1.txt

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Help/Antarctica City

2000-01-22 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

And this one

Peter... Yes. you want access to the Hefferlin Manuscripts. i think
connected to ( i have them im trying to find them ) Hapgood? these cities
are very well described

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

- Original Message -
From: Gwinn O Nabisco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2000 5:44 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Help/Antarctica City

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-

 I need some advice.  About six months ago, my friend told me that she was
leaving the "powers that be" and going to a libertarian stronghold in
Antarctica.  I think the name of the place could be Antarctica City.  I can
find no information about this place.  My friend was not the kind of person
who made things up.  I miss her and fear for her safety.  Please provide any
information about Antarctica City that you have heard.  I am tired of
attempting to utilize traditional sources.  I am not a conspiritorialist,
but I am to the point that I am desperate for some type of lead.  Please do
not make up bogus information, but also, please provide any information
about this place that you have heard.  Thanks.

 LYCOShop. Thousands of products!  One location!

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] One World Govt 10 regions.

2000-01-22 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

I hear that Israel is lumped in with NZ and Oz.
Hmmm I wonder who will be pulling the strings if this is the case.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

- Original Message -
From: Nicky Molloy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2000 12:34 PM
Subject: [CTRL] One World Govt 10 regions.

 -Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
 /A -Cui Bono?-



 Nations Comprising 10 Future "Kingdoms"
 This list is compiled from a map found on page 42 of "En Route to Global
 Occupation", by Gary H. Kah, published by Huntington House Publishers of
 Lafayette, Louisiana, 1991. ( This book is great - He is said to have been
 killed for that with quick acting cancer .N)

 The data that created the map originates with Mihajlo Mesarovic and Eduard
 Pestel, authors of "Mankind at the Turning Point-The Second Report to the
 Club of Rome', published by E. P. Dutton  Co., Inc.,/Reader's Digest

 For the uninformed, the Club of Rome is an offsoot of The Bildebergers,
 through one Aurelio Peccei (now deceased), a prominent Italian
 with close ties to the Fiat and Olivetti corporations. Like The
 Bildebergers, the COR draws a high percentage of its members from the
 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The COR has been assigned the task of
 overseeing the regionalization and unification of the entire world,
 ALL nations of the world will give up their sovereignty in favor of a

 Following are the ten regions and the approximate territories they will
 comprise. These regions are synonomous with "kingdoms", likely, each with
 head reporting to the world government of the day.

 United States

 Western Europe
 British Isles
 Norway, Sweden and Finland

 Pacific Islands

 New Zealand
 South Africa

 Eastern Europe

 Central America (including Mexico)
 South America
 Carribean Islands

 Saudi Penisula

 Africa (without the above North African countries and South Africa)

 S. E. Asia


 This list is twenty years old. Alignment may vary in final format. The
 primary issue is: a one-world govern- ment has been officially planned and
 shall be fully implemented in the near future.

 For Canada, "her" full participation in the up-coming one-world government
 is guaranteed, regardless of public support or protest.

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 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soap-boxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds-is used politically by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

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frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Freemasonry's Occult, Evil Empire Exposed

2000-01-22 Thread earthman

"Even they claim that they could have made errors"
Yeah like leaving out the books of Enoch Thomas, Jasher (sp)...LOL

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboardhttp://sites.netscape.net/gsussnzl/poleshift

  - Original Message - 
  Eagle 1 
  Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2000 6:13 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Freemasonry's Occult, 
  Evil Empire Exposed
  Foxter wrote:
  Eagle1 did not say Masons 
  as individuals were wicked, just the sect.
  Thank you, Foxter, for reclarifying what 
  I said. Because THAT is exactly what I meant. 
  As far as the Bible as the KJV? Do 
  I believe it is inerrent (without error?) NO. Read the notes that 
  the writers took dilligent time to include with their translation. Even 
  they claim that they could have made errors, and put it in the hands of 
  God and the reader to study enough to find the errors. And truly that is 
  what we are to do, study and determine if what it says is true. 2 
  Timothy 2:15.
  Because to be human is to err. HUMANS 
  wrote the Bible. HUMANS stole some of it and changed it. GOD may 
  have ''inspired'' humans to write it... but he never said it would 
  be without error. As a matter of fact, certain and some error was 
  meant to be, because of "those who say they are Jews but are not but are 
  of the synagogue of Satan... "
  If you don't understand that, my 
  suggestion is that you study the Bible until you find it for yourself, 
  because there isn't enough time or space here to try to explain 
  it. However, you can find a study on my website, IF 
  you are ever inclinated to attempt to try to study it for yourself. http://www.lambsheart.com/fourwinds/ 
  and others... 
  I personally wish to do NOTHING to the 
  unrighteous. I am not God, I am not the one who pronounced the 
  jugment. He did. IF you want to read about it, study your 
  Bible. The best reference of what happens to the unrighteous is in the 
  Revelation ch 20.
  eagle 1
- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2000 2:23 
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Freemasonry's 
Occult, Evil Empire Exposed

Eagle1 did not say 
Masons as individuals were wicked, just the sect.

  - Original Message - 
  Kris Millegan 
  Sent: Friday, January 21, 2000 11:41 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Freemasonry's 
  Occult, Evil Empire Exposed
  -Caveat Lector- A 
  HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"/A -Cui Bono?-In a 
  message dated 1/21/00 1:29:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  writes:The Masons, a faction of Mystery Babylon, 
  are wicked and extremelyunrighteous.Jesus said it 
  best. I've already quoted Him.You don't "hear" those 
  words, nor do you understand my speech..so why repeat 
  them?eagle 1Masons are human beings as 
  yourself. Why do you wish to repond with hate,when the man you quote 
  so often talked about the power of love?Yes, the masonic pyramid 
  can be used by the conspiracy, but I doubt if mostMasons are 
  wicked.And what do you wish to do to the unrighteous?Glad 
  to hear you believe that the earth is very old. So you do not be 
  thatthe Bible is the inerrant word of 

[CTRL] Flu Cure

2000-01-18 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

This came from Planetnews.

Thanks to 'Chuck'  who says:

I'm sending this to all,  hoping you will take heed to a $2.00 cure for
this *@@%# flu going around.  I know some of you think I fell with the
last rainfall (godzirra, LoL),  but this works.  Read the letter from
the skeptical Dr. Below.
You can get this information free by going to http://www.cat007.com
Two treatments of the cold/flu cure and my son and I were 100%,  of
course we caught the symptoms in the early stage and wiped it out real


Dr.s LETTER below.
Message: 9
   Date: 14 Jan 2000 09:10:55 -
Subject: A note of thanks from an old Doc.
Dear Dr. Brooks:
I have practiced (and taught) internal medicine for 40 years.
A patient brought your website to my attention. I was very skeptical
until I tried your 24 hr. remedy for colds/flu. I was astonished. The
sympptoms vanished. It worked. The theory behind why it works seems
radical with no basis in scientific fact. I mentioned the theory to
several of my colleagues in medical school. They laughed. "Rediculous!",

This morning I received a call from Irv, a professor of immunology. "I
can't believe it Don. Tuesday I awakened with the chills, sneezing and a

scratchy throat. I tried that stupid cold cure you mentioned. The $%^
stuff worked!"
It seems a paradox that we physicians haven't a clue how to cure the
flu/cold and yet reject something which works but we can't explain
While my success with your h2o2 cold/flu cure is anectdotal and
meaningless to a scientist, it IS very meaningful to me. I can not
believe the "placebo" effect had anything to do with it because I had no

expectations. On the contrary I was sure it wouldn't work!
Your website is a refreshing revelation. I think this old bird can learn

some new tricks from you.
Don Richards, M.D.

from the web site...
Contrary to what you may think or have been taught about how you catch the
flu or the cold there is only one way that you can catch the two, and that's
via the ear canal not through the eyes or nose or mouth as most have
believed. Keeping your fingers out of your ears will greatly reduce your
chances of catching them, but then again these two are microscopic and can
air-born and may land on or even in your ear. Once they have entered the
inner-ear (middle-ear) there they begin their breeding process, and from
there they have access to every avenue throughout our body to travel to and
to infect and make us sick.

*   For many years people, in the know, have been attacking the Influenza(s)
Virus  Common Cold where they begin their breeding process and not where
they have already have spread to and that's the inner-ear. (middle). It IS
important to begin treatment as soon as symptoms appear.

*   We have found remarkable results in curing the flu  cold within 12 to
hours when administering a few drops of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (hp) into each
infected ear, (sometimes only one ear is infected) The hp starts working
within 2 to 3 minutes in killing the flu or cold; there will be some
and in some cases stinging occurs. Wait until the bubbling  stinging
( 10 to 20 min ) then drain onto tissue and repeat other ear. A bottle of
Hydrogen Peroxide in 3% solution is available at any drug store for a couple
of dollars.

*   Although this method is perfectly safe for infant/children to use, the
loud bubbling and stinging frightens them, they'll need someone they trust
put the hp in their ears. ( don't get hp in the eyes- flush with water )

*   To cure the flu you'll need to repeat this process two or more times at
one or two hours intervals until there is no more bubbling when putting hp

*   The Fason Foundation, a non profit charitable trust, found in their
research that using the above plus taking one One Life tablet every hour,
with an 8 oz. glass of water, was almost 100% effective. One Life is a
powerful antioxidant formula in a base of echinacea and sells for a
remarkable 8-9 dollars for 90 tablets. If your local health food store
doesn't carry it you can get your first bottle free. See article on The
Anatomy of a Miracle for details.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to 

[CTRL] seti signals

2000-01-18 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Jeez, not that I understand it

From EC

Better send this around... As a member of the Art Bell Seti Home team I
decideded to check out the current data and this is what has happened...


Now count the number of signals at the highest strength and note the dates.
The year 2000 is going to be an interesting year...

Allen Furford
Forfjord Supply Inc.
Phone: 206-784-8171
FAX 206-784-1501


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Interderdimensional psychic attacks....

2000-01-18 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Interderdimensional psychic attacks Hands up anyone who has had one of
Actually, I think I can put my hand up to that one.
Now, if the supposed technolgy of the elite is 50 to 100 years ahead of us,
sheeple, then I  think IDPA's  would be within their reach. If HAARP was
meant to correct the wrongs of this world, then I think it is failing.
So the point is not whether these attacks comes from reps or gents,
but that they do  come at all. Someone is playing in there.


Jeff Rense Weekly E-News

1-16-00 thru 1-22-00
Here are some items from this week's email deluge..
Dear Jeff,

Do you know anyone who who has been successful with getting someone out of
trouble from interdimensional psychic attack from reptilian origin but
bringing in other higher dimensional beings than themselves for help when
they are losing?  One of my biggest problems is their constant throwing of
interdimensional possessions into my body at the end of an attack.  When
 happens, it takes a long time to remove it and the body always ends up even
more damaged than it is. About the time the body  starts to come back to
balance,  the next onslaught ensues.
 This has been going on for years.  It has had a disasterous effect on my
life at every level. If you know of any possible
help, please let me know.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Implant Removal

2000-01-18 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

MC discussion issue: Are these reports of mind control implants/removals an
example of: (1) MILAB - military abductions; (2) delusion/fraud; (3)
something off-planet; (4) Other (specify).??
Comments?  alfred

 -  IUFO  Mailing List



 [CNI News thanks Eve Frances Lorgen, M.A. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for permission
 reprint portions of her longer article titled "Alien Implant Removals: Five
 Abductees Discuss Before and After Effects." The entire text of Lorgen's
 article is posted at http://users1.ee.net/pmason/el.html. CNI News also
 thanks Patricia Mason ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for bringing this information to our
 (Sept 1, 1998) -- Several years after the surgical removal of alleged alien
 implants, five individuals agreed to discuss "before and after effects"
 researcher Eve Frances Lorgen. All five surgery subjects, one male and four
 females, have in common the experience of UFO encounters and apparent
 contact with non-human alien beings.

 Background: Dr. Roger Leir, a podiatrist from Thousand Oaks, California and
 co-founder of FIRST (Fund for Interactive Research and Space Technology),
 and Derrel Sims, a certified hypnotherapist , co-founder of FIRST and
 experienced UFO Investigator of over 27 year, together orchestrated the
 successful surgeries with a team of competent medical professionals and

 The first set of "implant" surgeries took place on August 19, 1995 at Dr.
 Roger Leir's podiatry clinic in Thousand Oaks, California. The subjects
 Pat Parrinello, a 47 year old male from Houston, Texas, and Mary Jones (a
 pseudonym) 52, also from Texas. Both individuals were investigated by
 Sims and referred to Dr. Roger Leir for surgery, based on their past UFO
 encounters and X-rays which confirmed anomalous objects in their bodies.
 Pat's object was removed from the back of his left hand, and Mary's objects
 excised from her left big toe. All services were performed free of charge.

 A second set of implant surgeries took place on May 18, 1996. Two women
 this second group came forward for this follow-up study. Dorothy O'Hara, a
 61 year old female from Palm Springs, California, and Alice Leavy, 40, from
 Newberry Park, California, each had similar objects removed from their left
 lower leg. [A man in this second group who had a metallic object removed
 from the tissue below his lower left jaw did not participate in this
 follow-up study. -- ed.]

 Another woman, Licia Davidson, 37, who has had numerous UFO encounters, had
 a crystalline-like object removed from her foot in January of 1997.

 [Laboratory studies of the removed objects are ongoing. Meanwhile, it is
 possible for the surgery subjects to reflect upon changes they have
 in themselves that seem to be related to the implant removals. One subject,
 Pat Parrinello, has previously spoken out on possible changes and
 discomforts associated with implant removal. See "Search CNI News" at
 http://www.cninews.com/CNI_Search.html, keyword Parrinello.]

 In the following text, Eve Frances Lorgen reports on her interviews with
 implant removal subjects:

 Scientific evaluation is our best ally, but the experiences and opinions of
 the courageous individuals involved in these implant surgeries are equally
 important. A series of simple questions were posed to each of the
 participants. When asked how and when their implants might have been
 inserted, Pat Parrinello from Houston, Texas believed his implant could
 been inserted during a UFO encounter he had in 1954, at six years of age.
 Mary Jones recalls two UFO encounters when her metallic objects could have
 been implanted, in 1969. "In the first frightening UFO encounter," Mary
 commented, "I was on a camping trip with my family while pregnant with my
 third child." Oddly enough, one month after Mary's child was born, she had
 another alien encounter while at home during the night.

 Dorothy O'Hara from Palm Springs, California and Licia Davidson from Sierra
 Madre California both replied, "I have no idea when the object was
 inserted." Alice Leavy commented that she first noticed the lump on her leg
 following a UFO encounter involving other witnesses in San Diego, in 1993.
 "I actually noticed the lump," Alice clarified, "when I discovered the
 mark also on my left leg, after the UFO encounter."

 If the alien "abductors" are responsible for implanting objects in the
 bodies of their abductees, then are the aliens cognizant of the fact that
 the implants have been removed? The next question was posed: "Did you
 experience any UFO sightings, alien abductions, odd dreams, missing time or
 paranormal events just prior to, or (within a month) after the implant

 Pat Parrinello revealed, "Yes, an unusual set of events took place with

[CTRL] ID Scrambler

2000-01-16 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

I just extracted this from another post. If you have want to scramble your
digi ID then give this ago LOL


I don't know what state you live in, but I live in Colorado.  They don't
do that here. If you want to buck the system it isn't hard, just rub a
on the magnetic strip on the back of your license.  It scrambles the
information so it cannot be read.  If you don't have  a magnet readily
available just rub it on the magnet on the back of a speaker,it has a magnet
strong enough to do the trick.  I know it works, got pulled over for a bad
headlight about ten months ago.  The officer figured it must have been
erased/scratched over time.  He had only the information on the front of the
card to go by.  I don't figure they have any right to personal information
about me.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Suncruisers and Vatican observatory

2000-01-16 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Just a couple of URL's


This is the Vatican observatory in Arizona

The Suncruiser site.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] On genetic shifting, possibilities and problems

2000-01-13 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

On genetic shifting, possibilities and problems
by Mokele-mbembe

 One of the longest running questions on AHWW has been the origin and cause
of therianthropy. There have been several theories over time, some physical,
some psychological, others spiritual. In this essay I shall address the
former two, as the spiritual is beyond the realm of science. Because of
this, I will be unable to prove anything, due to the fact that spiritual
explanations can rarely be proven or disproven. I can, however, expose the
merits and shortcomings of the other two, primarily the first, on various
topics relating to inheritance and physical shapeshifting.

Part I - Physical shapeshifting.

The ability to physically shapeshift has long been the dream of many a
therianthrope, but, unfortunately, one which has been mostly unattainable. A
few weres report that certain physical characteristics, such a eye color,
will change when they have an exceptional mental shift, but by and large
physical shifting is at the very best extremely difficult, at worst all but

Many facets of perceived physical shifting can be explained by physiological
changes, often hormonal. If indeed hormonal factors did play a part, I would
chiefly suspect adrenaline or other similar hormones. For instance, in a
post to AHWW one were wrote that when he experienced physical shapeshifting
in his dreams, the feelings would last after he woke up. These sensations
included increased body temperature, an unusual feeling in his head, teeth,
and skin. These could be a result of the body pumping out adrenaline during
an exceptionally vivid dream. However I am more inclined to pursue a mental
cause. While in the dream, the individual experienced sensations that were
totally realistic. When awakened, the individual experienced some residual

It is possible that there are biological mechanisms for the production of
such hormones in the level necessary to cause the above listed effects.
Hence, this particular aspect of therianthropy may or may not be genetically

There has been considerable discussion on the possibility of using genetic
engineering and gene therapy to induce an artificial shift. Although this is
possible, it is very unlikely and very complicated. The main complication is
that the shift is artificial in nature, hence the body is not designed to
accommodate the process.

To be direct, it is possible, with current genetic engineering technology,
to induce an artificial shift into a certain phenotype. This is enabled by
the fact that most living things are very similar in genetic structure. A
human has 92% the same DNA as a bacteria, because all this is needed to
maintain life at the biochemical and cellular levels. This is the genetic
template for a living thing, without which no life can exist. Mutations to
this code cause cancer or the death of the mutated cell. The remaining 8% is
what makes a wolf different from a human and a human different from a

The mechanics of the artificial shift are relatively complex but I will
discuss them in brief to contrast them to a natural or biological shift. The
most likely way to induce an artificial shift is to create a RNA retrovirus
to implant the genes necessary for the other phenotype. A RNA retrovirus
works by entering the cell, and releasing a RNA fragment along with the
enzyme reverse transcriptase. Normally messenger RNA, mRNA, is produced in
the nucleus of the cell by transcribing itself from the section of DNA
needed to produce a protein. It is then read by translational RNA, tRNA,
with the aid of ribosomal RNA, rRNA. These work together in the cell
structures known as ribosomes to produce a sequence of amino acids that form
a protein. The viral RNA fragment and reverse transcriptase reverse the
first step, altering the cell's DNA in the nucleus to conform with the code
on the viral RNA. Now the cell will produce the proteins that were coded for
in the viral RNA, rather than the normal cellular proteins. These viri are
present naturally, and include the HIV virus. Modern geneticists are able to
collect or grow RNA retroviri and alter them so they deliver a specialized
genetic payload to replace another section of DNA. This has been tried only
with small sections of RNA, only a few genes at a time. It is usually used
to repair damaged genes that do not produce a certain hormone that they
should. To my knowledge, nobody has ever tried to use gene therapy to induce
a morphological change in an animal.

In contrast, animals like butterflies are able to shapeshift, or, as it is
more commonly called, metamorphose. This is done relatively simply. The
organism contains all the genes for all the proteins of each form, some are
simply "switched off". As the organism grows, the level of certain hormones
increase, and eventually reach the concentration which signals that 

[CTRL] Year of the Dragon

2000-01-13 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

"by way of David Yarrow " wrote:

Quote- Arriving February 5th with the new moon in Aquarius and undulating
across the sky with crackling tongues of fire, the much heralded year 2000
belongs to the Dragon, that most elemental of beasts, kin to both serpents
and kings, whose mysteries are found entwined with creation myths around the

(Feb.  issue of Dell's Horoscope magazine...)

Every 12th year is a Dragon year, but the dragon on our doorstep this year
is METAL DRAGON, a specific sort of fellow whose metallic nature and
temperament deserve a closer look.

We have not experienced a WHITE/METAL DRAGON in 60 years.  The year 2000
will find metal expressing its nature as a yang weapon, because metal, when
combined with dragon, takes on the masculine essence of the dragon.  The
previous metal year 1940 was a year of great turmoil on a global scale.

Risk taking is usually rewarded in dragon years, as energy is on the move
and can be ridden like a dragon to lofty success.
This same energy on the move can result in volcanos, earthquakes, and
tsunami, as the very earth trembles.  In fact the word "hurricane"
is named after HURACAN, the DRAGON of the Caribbean who is also responsible
for earthquakes

"...dragons we are told by those who know have a propensity to hoard and
guard things, and their favorite things to hoard and guard are JEWELS AND
BEAUTIFUL YOUNG GIRLS...  they are unable to make use of either but just
hang on, and so the values in their treasury are unrealized, lost to
themselves and the world.

The dragon would not be doing his duty if he did not exemplify a raging
promiscuity.  The dragon does not disappoint in this regard.  by manifesting
as BOTH male and female, he/she can even have relations with itself.
(ah...the serpent in the garden...is that what happened.
both Eve and Adam 'ate' ?  and the serpent had offspring)

Now it is obvious that when nothing is as yet created, all that a fiery eye
can see is its own reflection.  The sight of this is said to inflame the
dragon with the envious desire to engulf it, which it does both by coupling
with it sexually and devouring it whole.

Scores of beautiful virgins have been sacrificed, both in reality and in
fable, to the DRAGON'S APPETITE.

Oriental cultures identify the dragon with his DESTINATION:
HEAVEN.  Western cultures are more concerned with his place of origin: earth
caves, wells, and watery underground chambers are the classic dwelling
places for European dragons.  In Scandinavia, dragons were reputed to
inhabit death-mounds, protecting the treasures buried in the graves beneath.

The earliest and most extensive dragon story of medieval times is Bewulf, a
highly entertaining epic poem set in northern Europe in the 6th century.
Scholars still debate the meaning and message of this literary artifact,
which survived by word of mouth for 200 years before being written down
fully one thousand years ago!

This archetypal story has served as a model for all hero/dragon battles to
follow including the now classic story by J.R.R.  Tolkien, THE HOBBIT, which
features a properly horrific, abominable creature of repulsive habits and
temperament whose fire belching and stench earn him his inadvertent but
appropriate name of Smaug.

And what are we to think of the sword that is the essential tool for dragon

Dragons in Asia are linked to electricity and an upsurge in the life source.
Until they are awakened they dwell below consciousness and below the earth,
acting as guardians of ancient treasure and ancient wisdom.

On February 5, 2000, the year of the White Dragon begins with a solar
eclipse at 16 degrees 2 minutes of Aquarius.
For a greater understanding of our Dragon year coming one must look at the
only other Metal Dragon year 1940 and in this century and undeniably a
fateful year in world history.

(I'm not going to copy it here as it is quite a downer
and in the light of what is written it is more important than ever it says
the "need for a total mobilization of ENERGY and a deep sense of

It says that our dragon year 2000 while dangerous enough to give us pause,
does not rise to the level of the Armageddon-style conflagration of 1940.
The year 2000 in guard dog disguise seeks only to protect what is rightfully
his, to do his duty and fulfill his function.  Yes he is operating from
instinct and probably cannot be reasoned with, but neither is he an out of
control force of nature capable of infinite expansion, blindly annihilating
every living thing in its path.

The dragon is a complex beast and incredibly powerful bearer of blessings,
but also capable of gripping our hearts with fear.  A cleansing tide of
change is due to sweep across our planet like an indivisible
thunderstorm..We are given another chance to defend the preciousness of
our individuality and the unlimited creative potential of our minds.

[CTRL] Proof of a Mars/Egypt Connection?...

2000-01-12 Thread earthman

-Caveat Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"
/A -Cui Bono?-

Proof of a Mars/Egypt Connection?...01/12/00
by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)
What you are about to see may change your perspective forever. As of
yesterday, I have uploaded a series of unprecedented photos of the face on
Mars and the face of the Sphinx at Giza. Up until now, only those who have
attended my lecture/workshops around the nation have seen this stunning

What you will find (in my humble opinion) is an undeniable connection
between Mars and Egypt. Is it possible we a descendants of our ancestors
from planet Mars? If so, is there a planned return? Will we find evidence of
our relation deep inside the pyramids of Egypt? Has NASA been in contact
with intelligent life on Mars, perhaps for years?

So many questions, to few answers. In the near future, Earth Changes TV will
be able to present to you Streaming Video, Streaming Audio, an Interactive
Symposium room, Networking Station and much more. Perhaps by the end of the
year, I will present my workshop "live" over the internet. As you already
know, there is so much information to get out that will benefit each one of
us in these fast changing times. We are indeed at the cusp of a "new dawn"
of communication.

Go to our special link page and see for yourself, a never before seen web
site presentation of what could perhaps be "the origin from which we came".
You will not be the same again.
Go Here: http://www.earthchangesTV.com/facemars/overlay.htm

Best Wishes To All,
Mitch Battros
Producer - Earth Changes TV

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Guns vs. Doctors

2000-01-10 Thread earthman

-Cavet Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A  -Cui Bono-

From: "DR. C. Ed Copeland" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Original Message 
Subject: Guns vs. Doctors -- succinct version
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 17:59:26 -0700
From: "Angel Shamaya" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A recent article in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer

concerning accidental deaths caused by physicians, from

research of Laura Key USA. This triggered a chain of thought

that resulted in the person cruising the web finding some

statistics and doing a few calculations.

Number of physicians in the US = 700,000

Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year  = 120,000

Accidental deaths/physician = 0.171

Number of gun owners in the US = 80,000,000

Number of accidental gun deaths/year (all age groups) =


Accidental deaths/gun owner = 0.1875

Ratio 0.171 / 0.1875 = 9120

Therefore, Doctors are approximately 9000 times more

dangerous than gun owners.


Email Updates on Gun Issues
Education  Pro-Gun Links

"Those who give up their guns to make plows will
plow for those who don't."  Thomas Jefferson

"A disarmed populace is easy to control."

"Disarming the people is the most effective
way to enslave them."

Angel Shamaya
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for extended messages.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for 100 character
message to my pager, be concise.

(602) 485-5000 home office,  (602) 315-7654 Mobile
eFax (978) 383-0376
Mailing Address:  3116 E. Shea Blvd., #197  Phoenix, AZ  85028

"Our task of creating a Socialist America can only
succeed when those who would resist us have been
totally disarmed."
  -- Sarah Brady, Chairman, Handgun Control Inc.
  Source: The National Educator, January 1994, Pg.3

"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve
the rights of ordinary Americans..."
  -- Bill Clinton, USA Today, 11 March 1993, pg. 2a

"Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is
only a step.  The prohibition of private firearms
is the goal." -- Janet Reno

"History shows that all conquerors who have allowed
their subjected peoples to carry arms have prepared
their own fall."
  -- Adolph Hitler, Edict of 18 March 1939

"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined,
but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to
maintain a status of independence from any who might
attempt to abuse them, which would include their own
government."  -- George Washington

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase
a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor
safety."   -- Benjamin Franklin

"No free man shall ever be de-barred the use of arms.
The strongest reason for the people to retain their
right to keep and bear arms is as a last resort to
protect themselves against the tyranny of government."
  -- Thomas Jefferson

"The right of the people to keep and bear arms
shall not be infringed."
  -- United States Constitution

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Beams of Blue

2000-01-10 Thread earthman

-Cavet Lector-   A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A  -Cui Bono-

I am reposting this about Blue Beam for new listerios (thanks Ex) and as a
reminder to those who have already read it. Just tick 'em off.


Please read this incredible tale of apparitions and modulated microwave
images and sounds and voices directed into your brain, I was told today by
those in the know that holographic images of tanks and war machinery were
projected over the desert to the Iraqis to scare them into submission during
Desert Storm.  Looks like it worked quite effectively. So there are two
separate weapons. One projects images in the
air while the other projects images into your mind.  Every wonder why Buford
Morrow the day care center killer checked himself into a psycho-hospital
prior to going on his rampage and claimed that he heard voices telling him
to kill people.  They would not listen to him.

This is from the International Free Press in Canada. The International Free
Press network is not a religious group, neither is it a political
organization, but an independent worldwide investigation press agency in the
field of politics, economics, medical and military.

We specialize in investigating and publishing special reports and audio
tapes to expose the underworld of the United Nations conspiracy to implement
a New World Order. Our task is to make the people realize that the agenda of
the New World Order is not a dream or some wild, paranoid theory; it is a
real on-going Satanic project. For what? To abolish all Christian
traditional religions in order to replace them with a one-world religion
based on the cult of man. To abolish all national identity and national
pride in order to
establish a world identity and a world pride.

To abolish the family as known today in order to replace them with
individuals all working for the glory of the new one world government.

To destroy all individual artistic and scientific creativity to implement a
one world government one-mind sight.

And that kind of declaration of war from the United Nations is for the
implementation of a universal, obligatory membership to the United Nations,
a strengthening of the UN by a multi-military and multi-police force, a
world-wide justice department through the UN with an international tribunal,
a worldwide new trade agreement for all nations, the end of cold war and
local wars as they are today, and the obligation for peace by scrapping all
national and state constitutions.

Also, a New World religion and a new culture for all men. If we really wish
to understand the NASA Blue Beam Project, we have to return to the "dawning
of the Age of Aquarius." Remember that song? That song said, "When the moon
is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligned with Mars, then peace will guide
our planet and love will steer the stars." This related with the year 1982
to be, at that time, the opening
for the conspiracy of the age of Aquarius, just before the implementation of
the new world order, supposed to begin sometime in 1983.

I have to say that the Blue Beam Project was set up for the year 1983. It
has been delayed; we don't know exactly why. But, since 1983 (eleven years
before the publication of this report), they have really improved themselves
with new technology and innovations in space hardware and software in which
they are
involved right now to make their systems possible.

So, the goals of the new age movement under which the United Nations
operates right now, is the implementation of a new world "messiah." The
tools of the New World order are,
1. An international army;
2. An international police force;
3. A world bank for the economy;
4. A world government under the United Nations;
5. A world conservatory bank for wilderness preservation around the world.
That means all "green" movements will be melded into the new international
bank or disappear altogether;
6. A world religion where all church doctrines will be destroyed at the
roots to be replaced by the new world religion of the age of Aquarius;
7. The world seven-races classification for all human slaves who will
fulfill predetermined work tasks whether they agree with it or not;
8. The world concentration headquarters at the United Nations for those who
will not accept the new system;
 9. The world agriculture and food supply control which will control food
and vitamin supplies around the world.

The New World order will be an "in-between" government system for USSR,
Great Britain and all its commonwealths, and the United States with its
melting-pot population. This is, at the end, a new spiritual and political
world order, which will replace the old ones under which we live right now.

What are the New World order plans? They plan on the destruction of all
people who believe in the
Bible or worship Jesus Christ, and the complete disappearance of
Christianity. To achieve this plan, the new world order is changing national
laws to assure that Christian 

[CTRL] Jarre's Extravaganza

2000-01-09 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Just got this guys


All of you folks wanting to see Jarre's Extravaganza may do so at
www.osisnet.com/Hermes/  and follow the links to the virtual show inside.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] X drive

2000-01-09 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

I haven't had time to suss this out yet.



In a message dated 01/07/2000 9:35:14 PM Central Standard Time,

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We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 'On Earth as it is in Heaven'

2000-01-08 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: European Knights Templar Heritage
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2000 9:15 AM
Subject: On Earth As It Is In Heaven

You may be interested in the book by Greg Rigby that gives conclusive
evidence that the Knights Templar and the Cistercians were aware of a secret
ground pattern that still exists and that  contains 'The Grail'.

The book is titled 'On Earth as it is in Heaven' and information and reviews
are on the ETHRN web site at

Signed copies of the book can be obtained using a secure online payment form
on the ETHRN website.

Best regards,

Chris Bovey

The European Templar Heritage Research Network (ETHRN) exists to establish
and promote the authentic history of the Knights Templar era (1118 - 1312
AD), provide mechanisms to support the exchange of research results and
encourage the inter-linking, preservation of, and access to, historical
Knights Templar sites across Europe.

For more information see the ETHRN website:

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Lighten-Up Everyone Please -This is just an email-list.

2000-01-07 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Yes and a consensus would be nice too.
The true voice of this list.

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

- Original Message -
From: Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2000 5:09 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Lighten-Up Everyone Please -This is just an email-list.

 -Caveat Lector-

 Please one and all, It is going to take a coalition of folks from many
 different backgrounds and political persuasions to strike any kind of
 meaningful blow to the disgusting treasonous actions by deviant elites
 our republic.

 The enemy of your enemy may be your friend.

 Please  I am sure there is enough provoacateurs without us adding ours.
And I
 am sure there is ENOUGH FRUSTRATION for all of us and then some, BUT
 lets be civil and get something done besides burning bridges.

 Lets us strive for understanding-not grandstanding.


 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Urantia book

2000-01-07 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

This is from another list. The book is available on line.
Oh and that Peter below is not me ok.

If you want to get an unexpurgated version of what Jesus really said check

I have found the writings of the Urantia book to go beyond anything else
I've read. No mortal and especially no reptilian without an emotional body
could have penned such lofty thoughts and ideals or explored and explained
the nature of divinity.  IMHO


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] PS Links Update

2000-01-07 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi Y'all, Just an update on latest Pole Shift links.



Lunation: See the Moon's Wobble
South Pole is Moved
GLOBAL WARMING: Early Warning Signs
Fantastic Picture of Antarctica
RADARSAT Images of Antarctica
The New Atlantean: Time to Wake Up
Dreamscape Prophecy Site
Remoteview.com Manual
Academy of Remote Viewing
Firedoc Remote Viewing Manual
Power Generators
Self Powered Energy
Subliminal Messages on Dutch TV
Toyota to examine 'satanic' TV ad
Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program
Global Seismic Hazard Map
The Great Pyramid and May 5
Silver Bandages
Mind Control of the Masses
1999 Hottest Year in UK
Life found two miles beneath the ice cap
Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula
A planet beyond Pluto
Massive planet may lie beyond Pluto
The Oort Cloud - Long Period Comets
A Magnetic Oracle
New theories about the star of Bethlehem
Ancient American Articles about Burrows Cave
The Institute for New Energy
Enigma TV: Online Programs
Digital Angel: Implantable Tracking Devise
Ancient Celtic New Zealand
Anomolous Rock Carvings
Black Contrails
AUM~Sparky's Mystical Stepping Stones
The Ark of Sirius
Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons
The Way to Immunity and Harmonic Cure
The King of King's Bible
NZ and Oz Heirloom Seed Suppliers
Precession-Time Paradox
NSA Mindcontrol and Psyops
Psyops and Holographic Technolgy
Thule Truth
Skolnick Reports
Gas Masks
The Latest Theories and Opinions on Cosmology
Scientists Challenge Conventional Sea Level Theory
Bonanza of Ice-age Artifacts
Becker / Hagens: The Global Grid Solution
TheTruth about Hemp
The Truth about Nose Rings
The Dome of the Sky Planetarium
Immanuel Velikovsky
Handbook for the New Paradigm
True Origins Discussion
Revelations on the History of Mankind
Geomagnetic Storms
Ballard Power Systems
British Antarctic Survey
Virtual Antarctica
Antarctica's Icy Origins?
Radiofrequency Weapons Controlling the Human Mind
The End of Time: Julian Barbour
Human Cloning
Alfred Wegener: Plate Techtonics
Health Ark
Implanted Biochips
Radar Map of Antarctica
The Stone Pages
The Pyramids of Memphis
H.P. Blavatsky: Theosophical Topics in Depth
Free Energy and Anti-gravity Devices
Changing View of the History of Earth
Map of Wars
Archaeology on the Net
The First Americans were Australians
Almine's Ascension and Healing Techniques
Robots shall inherit the Earth
Megalithic Mysteries
Build your own Zapper
The Occult character of the UN
The Art of Propaganda
Brainwashing Techniques used on the Public
Ritual Abuse Newsletter
What is Mind Control?
Atlas of Wars and Democide of the 20th Century
Historical Atlas of the 20th Century
Weather Modification
SPACECAST 2020 Technical Report
Air and Space Forces
Military Acronyms and Abbreviations
Skull and Bones Club
Echelon: Global Surveillance
Latest News and Views on Volcanoes
Centre for Earthquake Research and Information
Gary's Sacred Merkaba Techniques
Merkaba Education and Research Site
Monoatomic Gold
Christa Resources: Healing Techniques
White Powder Gold
HIgh Spin Monoatomic Research
Etherium Gold Products
Magnetic Pole Reversals
Velikovsky Sites
Space Weather
Future Map of Europe
Wyatt Archaeological Research

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] FDA Attacks The Internet

2000-01-07 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

If this is crap, then no doubt someone will tell us  :)

Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 14:44:04 -0500
From: Matthew Gaylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FDA Attacks Alternative Web Sites
[Note from Matthew Gaylor:  This was sent to me from The Life
Extension Foundation. You can access the Foundation's Website at
http://www.lef.org to obtain additional information about the US Food
and Drug Administrations's [FDA] track record of unlawfully
suppressing life saving information.]

Date: 6 Jan 2000 01:03:20 -
Subject: FDA Attacks The Internet


By William Faloon

 The FDA's history is one of incompetence, fraud, deceit and the
continuous striving for more power. Over the past 25 years, the Food and
Drug Administration has sought to gain authoritarian control that Congress
never intended it to have. In every attempt to seize this kind of power,
the FDA has been beaten back by a swell of public protest.

  The FDA has just launched a disinformation campaign to deceive
Congress into believing that the agency needs to "protect" the public from
health information on the Internet. The FDA is seeking ten million tax
dollars a year to attack alternative health and pharmacy web sites. If the
FDA convinces Congress to give it the power and money to do this, American
consumers will be denied access to innovative therapies, and will be
forced to pay a good deal more for the nutrient and drug therapies the FDA
allows them to buy over the Internet.

  One of the FDA's proposals is to be able to fine Internet
pharmacies $500,000 every time they dispense a drug without a prescription
authorized by the agency. With this kind of excessive fining power, the
FDA will be able to bankrupt any online pharmacy it targets. To make it
easy for them to shut down large numbers of web sites, the FDA wants the
power to issue subpoenas without first obtaining a court order, a
totalitarian tactic the American public revolted against when the agency
proposed it in 1990. Finally, the FDA says it wants to set up "a rapid
response team" to identify, investigate, and prosecute web sites.  In
other words, the FDA is seeking to establish an army of cyberspace
storm-troopers to enable it to shut down large numbers of web sites

  The alleged purpose of these new powers is to "target and
punish those who engage in illegal drug sales over the Internet." This may
sound reasonable to the average person, but as members of The Life
Extension Foundation well know, the FDA's history is one of ineptitude and
corruption that has caused millions of Americans to suffer and die
needlessly. In 1994, the FDA Museum was established to document FDA
malfeasance, and show that the agency hasn't the scientific legitimacy to
be allowed to police the healthcare of the American people.

   A flagrant example of FDA deception can be found in their current
attempt to control the Internet. The FDA has identified one person who
died after obtaining Viagra from a Web pharmacy without a prescription.
The FDA is using this one death as an example of why the FDA needs to
impose dictatorial power over all health Web sites. One problem with this
position is that, as of November 1998, at least 130 Americans died from
taking Viagra legally prescribed by their doctors. (The total number of
Viagra-related deaths for 1999 has not yet been calculated.) The FDA
approved Viagra as being safe, even though many Americans have died when
the drug has been legally prescribed. The FDA failed to detect this lethal
side effect of Viagra, yet it is now seeking gestapo-like power to attack
any Internet health company it wishes to, without due process. It's time
for the public to speak up again to let Congress know that this kind of
FDA tyranny will not be tolerated by tax payers.

Why Internet Regulation is Doomed to Fail

 The powers the FDA is seeking are unconstitutional, and the
agency has neither the competence nor the integrity to police the
Internet, but even if it did, it would be impractical for the agency to do
so. There are currently an estimated 8,000 health sites on the Internet.
If Congress gives the FDA $10 million a year, the best the agency could do
is shut down a couple of hundred sites a year. Within a few years, the FDA
would create a  litigation monster whose appetite would far exceed their
$10 million annual budget. The FDA would be bogged down in a quagmire of
judicial proceedings, while thousands of new health Web sites would be
springing up that the agency would be at an utter loss to control.  The
end result of the FDA's war against the free flow of information on the
Internet would be tens of millions of tax dollars wasted, with less
so-called consumer "protection" than exists today.

The FDA Already Has The Legal Power It Needs

 The charade the FDA is parading before Congress is that they

[CTRL] Fw: [dragonslayers] Nike To Investigate Toxic Shirts

2000-01-07 Thread earthman

Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2000 6:37 PM
Subject: [dragonslayers] Nike To Investigate Toxic 

Thursday January 6 4:24 PM 
Nike To Investigate Toxic Shirts



By TONY CZUCZKA Associate Press Writer 
BERLIN (AP) - Nike said Thursday it is investigating whether some of its 
products are treated with a toxic anti-bacterial chemical that can cause serious 
health problems at high levels in humans. 
The probe by the Oregon-based manufacturer follows a German television report 
that the yellow-and-black jerseys Nike made for a popular German soccer club 
contained tributyltin, a heavy metal compound used in anti-barnacle paint for 
Three German department store chains pulled the shirts off their shelves 
Wednesday and Thursday as a precaution, and the club whose jerseys were tested 
said it had suspended their sale at its official fan store. 
Also used to kill bacteria and quell the smell of sweat, TBT would seem ideal 
for sports shirts. But British and Dutch tests have shown the substance to cause 
mutations in snails, and the World Wildlife Fund is calling for its global ban. 
At high levels in humans, TBT is believed to cause neurological problems, 
damage the immune system and harm the liver, said Juergen Kundke, a scientist 
with a German institute for consumer health. 
``We don't know how much is in the shirts, so we can't analyze the risks,'' 
he said. ``We knew that the substance was still used in coatings for ships, but 
it shouldn't be in textiles that people wear.'' 
Nike's world headquarters in Beaverton, Ore., pledged a quick probe to 
determine whether any of its products contain the substance. 
``We're doing independent tests on our end to ensure there is no risk to the 
public,'' spokesman Vada Manager said. ``We're obviously going to take the step 
of checking on products sold in Germany, but we will check worldwide as well.'' 
``As of right now there's no legitimate reason to believe there's any risk,'' 
he said. 
In its Tuesday broadcast, German public television's consumer show 
``Plusminus'' said a private lab it commissioned found TBT and similar compounds 
in the Nike jerseys and several other products. The items were chosen at random 
in German stores, according to the TV report, which provided no figures on the 
TBT levels. 
The soccer jerseys caused the biggest storm because the club, 1997 European 
champion Borussia Dortmund, has a big national following.  

eGroups.com Home: http://www.egroups.com/group/dragonslayerswww.egroups.com - Simplifying group 


2000-01-07 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/07/2000 7:31:24 PM Central Standard Time, EGYPTNEWS



 First some new domain and address changes that have taken place over the
last couple of months. Moving house is not an easy task but these guys have
managed it with ease.

 Andrew Collins, author of  'Gods of Eden' has a new web site at
http://www.andrewcollins.net/ on offer is information about his latest book
'Gateway to Atlantis', a review of the 1999 Questing Conference, the
forthcoming 'Mysteries of the Past Conference' and Andy's latest
newsletter. Robert Bauval's PE2000 web site has moved to a new domain name
http://www.robertbauval.com/ currently there are no new updates although
there is a note that the site is about to undergo some major changes.
recent change of address is that of Quest Research which is now housed at
http://www.questresearchuk.com/ definitely an improvement over the old site.
Oh nearly forgot, Simon from Quest Research is in the process of building a
web journal so if you have an article for submission contact him at the
address. Adrian Gilbert, author and co-author of many books has a new web
site at http://www.adriangilbert.co.uk/ where you will find links to news,
events, books and the ever-popular forum board. My co-author, Ian Lawton,
set up a new web site http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~lawtoni/ for the
purpose of discussing the issues raised in our book 'GIZA: The Truth'.
Currently on offer are articles/discussions on 'Advanced Machining' and the
'Orion Correlation'. Bookmark this site as we will be publishing further
discussions, papers relating to the age of the Sphinx and much more.


 Here's a bundle of web sites that have either gone through some changes or
simply been updated with interesting articles.

 'Operation Hermes' has a revamped web site, at
http://www.osisnet.com/Hermes/intro.htm that focuses on 'the aims and status
of the Operation Hermes project''. Chris Dunn, author of 'The Giza Power
Plant', has a couple of new articles on his web site
including one about his recent trip to the Petrie Museum in London to
core#7. Project Duat  http://www.projectduat.com/main-index.html run by
resident Amargi Hiller has a plenty of interesting recent and new articles
keep you up till the wee hours of the morning (a nice site which claims to
have 200 megs of data and images about Egypt). The Templar Lodge website at
http://www.templarlodge.com/stargate.html has a wealth of articles and
information from Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, authors of 'The Stargate
Conspiracy'. The site also includes an interesting article, having the
provocative title of, 'The Sirius Lie' by Filip Coppins whose own web site
can be found at http://user.online.be/fsffilco/ Filip is the editor of the
excellent Dutch language publication, 'FRONTIER' magazine, which often
carries articles on ancient and alternative Egypt. Ralph Ellis, author of
'Thoth' and 'Jesus - last of the Pharaohs' has a bundle of articles relating
to the Giza debate. Check out his 'News' link at
http://freespace.virgin.net/kena.edfu/ Last but not least is Greg Taylor's
excellent news site' The Daily Grail' http://www.dailygrail.com/ This has to
be one of the best general news sites on the web. Updated daily, Greg offers
unequalled coverage of subjects that often include Egypt, both modern and
ancient. Greg recently carried out some research on what he saw as
images in the Ancient Near East and their relationship to Orion. He writes:
"I've been meaning to do more work on it, but simply cannot find the
time/resources (particularly Neugebauer and Parker's text) - so I've decided
to 'put it out there' and get some feedback, bad or good, which may help me
in progressing with this thesis." So come on guys check it out and report
back to Greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your thoughts. "The 'God with the
Upraised-Arm' in Near Eastern Mythology: An Astronomical Archetype?"

 Booking that all-important holiday and checking out the travel brochures
be a mind-boggling experience. But if you're planning a trip to Egypt then
perhaps we can help with a few suggestions.

 'Magical Egypt Tours' led by John Anthony West is an excellent way to
experience Egypt from the 'symbolist' point of view. Egyptian guides, who
also accompany the tour, often give their interpretation of the objects or
monuments being discussed, thus giving a healthy balance to the overall
picture. Check out West's 'Magical Egypt Tours' 2000 itinerary at
http://members.aol.com/jawsphinx/schedule.html Bookings are now being taken
for February, March and October 2000 trips. Author and tour leader David
Furlong is offering an 'Ancient Egypt and the Magic of Sinai' tour between 6
May to 20 May 2000. David is the author of 'Keys to the Temple' and founder
of the 'Atlanta Association' whose 


2000-01-06 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi received the following re WPG.





In a message dated 01/06/2000 1:05:45 PM, I wrote:

Natural Monatomic Sources

This data is according to a report obtained from David Hudson and posted
to the WhiteGold forum.

Materials Rich in Monatomic Elements: Rhodium  Iridium

This site says it has monatomic products for sale.



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Choose Powder or Capsules below. If a combination is desired, choose one
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Etherium Red
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Etherium Black - Homeopathic Spray 1 oz.
Normally $14.95. January SALE price is - 12.00

Aulterra - 1 oz. Powder - 29.95
Aulterra - 60 Capsules 300 mg. - 29.95
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Chamae Rose Tea
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Colloidal Formulas
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LifeSource Superfood
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Energy Field Formulations
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Reishi Immune Forte
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Reishi Immune Forte - 120 Vegie Caps 500 mg. - 49.95

Transformational Bath Salts
Transformational Bath Salts - High Vibrations 10 oz. - 12.95
Transformational Bath Salts - Abundance 10 oz. - 12.95
Transformational Bath Salts - Heart Resonance 10 oz. - 12.9
We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Check out Urban Legends Reference Pages: Horrors (KFC)

2000-01-05 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Thanks Robin, mind you, I would rather be naive than ignorant..


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

- Original Message -
From: Robin Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 7:27 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Check out Urban Legends Reference Pages: Horrors (KFC)

 -Caveat Lector-

  A HREF="http://www.snopes.com/horrors/food/kfc.htm"Click here: Urban
 Legends Reference Pages: Horrors (KFC)/A

 I guarantee you, the above link will instruct a lot of you out there about
 how naive you really have been - I thought I'd share the link with you and
 have you read for yourself all about this urban legend.

 What some people won't fall for.

 Robin Peters

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] How to make your own white gold powder.

2000-01-05 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Speak of the devil..Get it while it's hot.


How to make your own white gold powder.


Read carefully and keep reading to fully understand the consequences.

There are three methods discussed.


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Protection

2000-01-04 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Good advice guys. I will save it in my survival files  LOL

- Original Message -
From: nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2000 6:55 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Protection

 -Caveat Lector-

 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
 Gimme some rapid fire armour piercing every time

 When used against flesh, as opposed to armor, armor piercing rounds
 inevitably over penetrate. Even if they strike a couple of very small,
 very specific spots and actually kill him, they pass right through the guy
 who's giving you the trouble. More likely they'll miss the "sweet spots"
 leaving neat, ice pick like wounds that only piss him off. Then they'll
 continue on, right through the wall behind him and into your neighbor's
 house where, if you're lucky, they'll only piss him off too.

 No, what you really want is a big, heavy, slow round that mushrooms and
 tumbles, makes a gawd-awful mess and then stops. A .45 ACP or two will
 drop anything human. For your ten foot long reptiles (mammals too) I
 recommend the .44 magnum. It's the traditional bear hunters insurance
 policy. I've heard that in the old days bwana sahib would hunt tigers from
 the back of an elephant with a couple of single shot .50 caliber back up
 pistols tucked in his belt in case a bit too much gin and tonic spoiled
 his aim and the tiger began climbing up the side of the elephant to
 complain.  It sounds like a real thumb breaker to me, but I guess a busted
 thumb beats having your head ripped off, doesn't it?

 Rapid fire isn't all it's cracked up to be, either. Ones's completely
 natural tendency to "spray and pray" when panic sets in, as it does rather
 quickly in most cases of sudden, potentially lethal assault, must be
 overcome (easier said than done). It doesn't matter how many rounds you
 can put into the air as he closes ground between you. It does matter how
 many you put in him.

 In one famous incident during America's formative years, Wild Bill Hickock
 drew and calmly aimed a single killing shot while his opponent fired four
 (count 'em) shots, none of which struck home. What great, glittering brass
 testicles he must have had.  No wonder he died shot from behind.

 The best weapon for a civilian with little training and less practice is
 the trusty old .12 gauge. When loaded with #9 bird shot it's is very
 unlikely to leave the room or, in most rooms, ricochet. It will divide the
 attacker into two or, with luck, three separate portions, one of them
 gooey and splattered across the far wall. When loaded with buckshot for
 outdoor use, it's the match of any SMG. Alaskans who aren't hunting bear,
 but merely out for a walk in the woods, swear by the .12 gauge as the best
 bear insurance ever. Semi-auto models cycle quicker, but if a pump action
 jams you can unjam it in a single move. If a semi-auto jams you have to
 call a time out while you take it to a qualified gun smith. Few attackers,
 reptiles in particular, can be counted on to comply with the time out. Oh,
 I suppose you could show him the rule book or appeal to his sense of fair
 play, but as for me, I prefer the pump action any day. Trust Allah, but
 tether your camel.

 "Never count on appealing to a man's better  nature. He might not have

  -- R. A. Heinlein

 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

 To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL 

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