[Wikimediach-l] Übersetzungen - Status?

2005-11-27 Thread Michael Bimmler
An die Übersetzer unter euch (Ilja, Emanuel, Patrick):Wir haben ja am Treffen als Deadline Ende Nov ausgemacht, deshalb: Könntet ihr evtl. an diese Liste ein kurzes Feedback geben, wie die Übersetzungen gedeihen? Bitte auch melden, wenn die Deadline nicht einhaltbar ist, das ist halb so tragisch, da wir die Statuten ja jetzt nicht verschicken müssen, sondern die auf dem Web gegengelesen werden.
Gruss und DankeMichael-- An eternity is very, very long, especially towards the end
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Übersetzungen - Status?

2005-11-27 Thread Michael Bimmler
This is certainly true, therefore at the end of november, translations will only be moved to ch.wikimedia.org and posted on this list, so that everybody can comment.About one week after (or even later), bylaws will then be officially presented to the board, with notices on Mailing lists and mails to officers/boards members.
However, in this one week (or more), changes can still be made to the translations.RegardsMichaelAm 27.11.05 schrieb Ilario Valdelli 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:In Wikimedia Italia we had shared all translations through the mailing
lists. In this way anyone had offered his contribution through his skills.It is important the deadline but the most important thing is that in thetranslations there aren't misunderstandings because there are legal
words that are not so easy to translate.If you are late, you can post in the mailing list to correct or completethe translations.IlarioPatrick Kenel wrote: Ich bin schon weit mit der Italienisch-Übersetzung, aber noch nicht
 fertig. Bis zur Deadline wird es trotzdem reichen. Melde mich dann wieder Patrick  From:/Michael Bimmler 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ Reply-To:/Mailing list for Wikimedia Swizerland wikimediach-l@Wikipedia.org/
 To:/Mailing list for Wikimedia Swizerland wikimediach-l@wikipedia.org/ Subject:/[Wikimediach-l] Übersetzungen - Status?/
 Date:/Sun, 27 Nov 2005 10:22:29 +0100/ An die Übersetzer unter euch (Ilja, Emanuel, Patrick): Wir haben ja am Treffen als Deadline Ende Nov ausgemacht, deshalb: Könntet ihr evtl. an diese Liste ein kurzes Feedback geben, wie
 die Übersetzungen gedeihen? Bitte auch melden, wenn die Deadline nicht einhaltbar ist, das ist halb so tragisch, da wir die Statuten ja jetzt nicht verschicken müssen, sondern die auf dem
 Web gegengelesen werden. Gruss und Danke Michael -- An eternity is very, very long, especially towards the end ___
 Wikimediach-l mailing list Wikimediach-l@Wikipedia.org http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediach-l
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Urheberrechtsverletzung durch die Programmzeitschrift Free TV

2005-11-29 Thread Michael Bimmler
Danke für die Mail, aber warum exakt gibts eine Kopie an Wikimediach-l? Ich sehe nicht ganz ein, weshalb das die richtige Liste sein sollte (wikide-l finde ich gut, dort kommen öfters Kopien von Mails). GrussMichael
Am 29.11.05 schrieb Manuel Schneider [Everything Open] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Guten Tag,wir freuen uns, dass Sie sich für Ihre Programmzeitschrift dafür entschieden
haben, Inhalte der Wikipedia [1] zu verwenden. U. a. für solche Zwecke wurdedieses Projekt geschaffen.Leider haben Sie es bisher versäumt, die Lizenzbestimmungen, unter denen Ihnendiese Texte zur Verfügung gestellt wurden, zu beachten. Die GNU Lizenz für
freie Dokumentation (GFDL)[3] erfordert zwingend- die Nennung der fünf an einem Text beteiligten Hauptautoren- einen eindeutigen Hinweis, dass der Text der GFDL unterliegt- eine Kopie des Lizenztexts von 
http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.htmlWir möchten Sie bitten in der nächsten Ausgabe Ihrer Programmzeitschrift diesnachzuholen (auch wenn Sie in Zukunft keine weiteren Artikel der Wikipedia
verwenden wollen).Als Gentlemens Agreement könnten Sie dies zB. in einem Bericht über dieWikipedia realisieren indem Sie ua. beschreiben, dass Sie in derVergangenheit Artikel aus der Wikipedia verwendet haben und dabei die Lizenz
erwähnen. Dafür können Sie auch den Artikel über die Wikipedia selbst [3]verwenden - unter Einhaltung der GFDL. Damit würden beide Seiten profitierenund das Problem rückwirkend aus der Welt schaffen.Vorsorglich weisen wir Sie daraufhin, dass jede Verwendung ohne Einhaltung der
Lizenz einen Verstoß gegen das Urheberrecht darstellt. Vielen Dank für IhreMithilfe.Mit freundlichen Grüßen,Manuel SchneiderEhrenamtlicher MitarbeiterWikipedia - die freie Enzyklopädie
[1] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donna_Leonhttp://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiffany_(Firma)
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natelhttp://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handy[2] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_FDL
[3] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia---All-Things-Open Projektgruppe
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Re: [Wikide-l] Gedruckte Wikipedia aus der dunklen Seite des Universums

2005-11-29 Thread Michael Bimmler
Am 29.11.05 schrieb Manuel Schneider [Everything Open] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Am Dienstag, 29. November 2005 15:41 schrieb Mathias Schindler: In einen Blogs gibt es derzeit Hinweise, daß eine schweizerische
 TV-Zeitschrift Teile ihres Textteiles aus der Wikipedia entliehen hat. http://lismal.ch/text/artikel_du-sollst-nicht-abschreiben-_883.htm
 Hat jemand Lust, mal bei denen anzuklopfen? Ansprechpartner wäre die U1 TV AG.Ich leite das hiermit mal an die schweizer ML weiter.Bitte beachten: Das ist die ML des Schweizer Vereins und IMHO nicht die Schweizer ML persé. Ähnlich wie ja wohl an vereinde-l auch keine solche Mails geschickt werden. Da dies a matter der deutsch'''sprachigen''' bin ich dafür, solche Sachen auf der deutsch'''sprachigen''' ML auszudiskutieren und nicht hier. Aber ich lasse mich mit guten Argumenten umstimmen...
Grüsse,GrussMichaelP.S: Um es nochmals klar zu machen: Your mail to this magazine is highly appreciated, ich denke nur, dass das hier nicht die richtige Diskussionsplattform ist.
Manuel---All-Things-Open Projektgruppe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.all-things-open.org/---
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Zürcher gesucht

2005-12-04 Thread Michael Bimmler
2005/12/3, Manuel Schneider [Everything Open] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Aber wenn ich es nicht vergesse, blättere ich ab und zu mal darin rum. Da es ja gratis ist: Haben die keine Website, wo sie die Artikel auch abdrucken?Ist mir nicht bekannt, auf der Website des Senders ist jedenfalls nichts
vermerkt und ein Original kam mir leider noch nie unter.Wie bereits auf dieser ML beschrieben verwenden die Redakteure (sofern siediesen Namen überhaupt verdienen) WP-Artikel als Inhalt und sind daherverwarnt worden.
Nun liegt es an uns dies zu überwachen und das überlasse ich Dir in diesemFalle Dir da Du als Zürcher Zugang zu dieser Zeitschrift hast. Fallsnämlich keine Reaktion erfolgt (es kam zumindest kein Mail zurück) dann
müssen wir rechtliche Schritte einleiten.Nur so nebenbei: http://www.ignoranz.ch/tag/Gratiszeitung 
http://www.lismal.ch/text/artikel_du-sollst-nicht-abschreiben-_883.htmWenigstens im Web gibt es eine Reaktion. Quote von der zweiten Seite: Leider wird dieser Brief [ein vom Autor geschicktes Mail zu den WP-URVs] die Redaktion kaum erreichen, da die im
Impressum der Zeitung angegebenen Mailadressen nicht existieren. Das erklärt wohl so manches...
Gruss,ManuelGrussMichael ---
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] English (and French) translations, problems?

2005-12-09 Thread Michael Bimmler
Ad french translations: Mea culpa, I forgot, that Emanuel already said on this mailing list, that fr-translations will be ready around Christmas. Sorry! However, we still don't know anything about the English ones...Michael
2005/12/9, Michael Bimmler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Wie ich eben gesehen habe, ist Ilja gar nicht auf dieser Mailinglist, meine Anfragen konnten ihn also gar nicht erreichen. Habe ihm jetzt mal eine private Mail geschrieben.
2005/12/9, Manuel Schneider [Everything Open] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Is there a problem with the English (and the French) translation of the
 bylaws or is it possible to give a date, when they are ready? It's
 absolutely no problem, that the first deadline (end of November) has been missed, but as it's now 10 days later, it would be nice, if you could give a kind of time scale.As I didn't get the english version to review in the first place I'f like to
ask the same question.Manuel---All-Things-Open Projektgruppe
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-- An eternity is very, very long, especially towards the end
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[Wikimediach-l] OSS Roadmap

2006-01-05 Thread Michael Bimmler
Bin per Zufall auf diesen Link gestossen:http://www.ch-open.ch/sigs/ossroadmap/die Swiss Open Systems User Group macht hier zusammen mit IBM Schweiz einen 
Kalender, eine sogenannte OSS Roadmap, in dem alle Veranstaltungen rund
um Freie und Open Source Software aufgeführt werden sollen. Wäre es sinnvoll, allenfalls unsere Gründungsversammlung dann dort einzutragen (sobald Datum bekannt)?Kennt jmd. diesen Verein?GrussmIchael
-- An eternity is very, very long, especially towards the end
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[Wikimediach-l] Fwd: Abwesenheitsnotiz

2006-01-05 Thread Michael Bimmler
Tja, mit der schnellen Antwort wars wohl nichts.Aber vielleicht kommt ja dann noch was.GrussMichael-- Forwarded message --From: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 05.01.2006 19:06Subject: AbwesenheitsnotizTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Guten TagDie Geschäftsstelle vitamin B bleibt wegen Ferien bis am 10. Januar geschlossen.Anmeldungen und Bestellungen werden aber entgegengenommen.Wir wünschen Ihnen frohe Festtage und ein in allen Belangen gutes Neues Jahr.
Christa CamponovoGeschäftsstelle v i t a m i n B-- An eternity is very, very long, especially towards the end
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] Gründung - Formales

2006-01-05 Thread Michael Bimmler
Dieser Link dürfte noch interessant sein:http://www.baselland.ch/docs/jpd/handreg/infos/vereine/gruendung_weg.htmEbenfalls das hier: (Wir sind zwar kein Kampfsportverein, aber ist sehr allgemein gehalten);
http://www.swissbudo-portal.ch/wDeutsch/recht/vereinsrecht/vereinsgruendung.shtmlDas hier ist kurz aber sagt aus, dass wenig formales zu beachten ist.
http://www.staefa.ch/xml_1/Internet/de/application/d11/f188.cfmDas hier als Musterprotokoll:
http://www.advocat.ch/files/Gruendungsprotokoll.pdf(wir können also auch zu dritt in ein Anwaltsbüro...)Alles nur das Resultat von einer kurzen Google-Suche, also mit Vorsicht zu geniessen
-- An eternity is very, very long, especially towards the end
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] einige (eh rgeizige) Gedanken zur Gründung

2006-01-09 Thread Michael Bimmler
okay. Und wie spät nach der Gründung (Zeitraum einige Wochen oder ein Jahr?)2006/1/9, Manuel Schneider [Everything Open] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: Weshalb machen wir nicht einen Wikipedia Day, wie es die Deutschen schon
 mal in Dresden gemacht haben ( http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Treffen_der_Wikipedianer/Wikipedia-Tag_Dresden), der den ganzen Tag lang dauert, und in dessen Verlauf dann
 (als Highlight) Wikimedia CH offiziell gegründet wird?So ähnlich habe ich mir das mit dem Tag der offenen Tür vorgestellt und ichfinde die Idee des Wikipedia Days super. Dass es das in Dresden schon mal
gab wusste ich gar nicht, aber umso besser für uns. Contra: - Wir müssen sehr viel organisieren (Ort, Material, Leute die dort sind, Werbung...), also würde es dann vielleicht eher Sommer als Frühling werden
Einer der Gründe, warum ich es von der Gründung trennen wollte (und immer nochwill). - Es müssten Leute bereit sein, halt mal einen Samstag (fände ich spontan der geeignetste Wochentag) oder mind. ein paar Stunden dort zu sein und a)
 am Stand zu stehen, und Informationen zu geben, evtl. auch mit den PCs zu helfen etc. oder b) eben auch Vorträge halten/Kurse leiten. Die Frage ist: Bringen wir genug viele Leute zusammen, 
z.B. auch einen (deutschen) Developer, der über technisches spricht, oder vielleicht auch jmd. von der Foundation (delphine/board) etc.Wenn man einen Verein hat, hat es Mitglieder... und ich wäreselbstverständlich auch dabei.
 - Wo können wir einen Ort finden, der nicht das inexistente Budget sprengt? (Es wird z.B. wohl eher teuer, eine Messehalle einen ganzen Tag lang zu mieten... Manuel, kennst du die Tarife in etwa?)
Ich könnte da evtl. was in Basel an der Abteilung Informatik der FHBBorganisieren. Da hätten wir auch ein paar Supporter. Also, die Idee ist vielleicht ein bisschen gar grössenwahnsinnig, aber es wäre einfach eine Alternative zur Gründungsversammlung mit 9 Leuten im
 Anwaltsbüro/Bahnhofsbuffet.Ich finde es wie gesagt super, würde aber nach wie vor die Gründung lieberschnell und im kleinen, unkomplizierten Rahmen durchführen und auf dieserBasis dann, wenn die ganzen Gründungsschmerzen (Formalitäten etc.)
überstanden sind dann Ende Sommer den Wikipedia Day angehen.Bis dahin hat es Mitglieder, Budget und man hat Zeit die Presse und andereBeziehungen einzuweihen und spielen zu lassen. Ich gebe jetzt mal die Idee zum allgemeinen Abschuss frei... (Die obigen
 Ideen alle zu verwirklichen scheint mir ein bisschen unrealisitisch, das war mehr eine Art Brainstormin)Als Verein sehe ich das durchaus als machbar an. Ich habe schon einigeganztägige Linux-Installparties organisiert, das lief so ähnlich ab (PCs,
Vorführungen, VOrträge, Presse...), eine davon konnte man im ersten DeutschenFernsehen (ARD Ratgeber Technik) betrachten.Grüsse,Manuel---
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] [/ch/open] Information OSS Roadmap] and Wikipedia Day

2006-01-11 Thread Michael Bimmler
The proposed August, 26th (last Saturday of the holidays in Kanton ZH) looks fine to me, doesn't conflict with wikimania neither with soccer wm (afaik), last saturday of holidays in ZH, so people are back again, but still have some free time etc.
Please remark: A lot is now written on http://ch.wikimedia.org/wiki/Events/Wikipedia_Day_2006 so people who think, that they could help (by being there or in preparatory work) should list themselves there.

Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Wikipedia day/Patronage VIS ETH / fix a date

2006-01-24 Thread Michael Bimmler

 Robin Schwab wrote:

 Now it's up to you to decide.

What just crossed my mind: If we want a really prominent person for
a speech (e.g. Jimbo) we would definitely need to ask him first, when
he has time capacity. I mean otherwise we decide on June the xyth
and then Jimbo/the prominent guest  says Oh what a pity, on June xyth
I can't come but it would have been possible one week later.
So as we only have 5 days left, we would need to *very quickly* ask
the relevant people when they would have time.


An eternity is very, very long, especially towards the end
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Wikipedia day/Patronage VIS ETH / fix a date

2006-01-24 Thread Michael Bimmler
2006/1/24, Robin Schwab [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  What just crossed my mind: If we want a really prominent person for
  a speech (e.g. Jimbo) we would definitely need to ask him first, when
  he has time capacity. I mean otherwise we decide on June the xyth
  and then Jimbo/the prominent guest  says Oh what a pity, on June xyth
  I can't come but it would have been possible one week later.
  So as we only have 5 days left, we would need to *very quickly* ask
  the relevant people when they would have time.

 I'm glad you address this topic and you're perfectly right. To me, it's
 not that important to have these really prominent people although it
 would be nice if someone could come. I wouldn't spend 1000 CHF for a
 flight for Jimbo (I hope e forgives me if he sees this). If we try to
 get multiple persons it's impossible fix a date that's fine for everybody.

I don't think that you would need to pay him a flight...
(Angela/Delphine: You can definitely inform us here can't you?)
 Instead I would ask some medium prominent people like Bertrand Meyer
 (and I hope he forgives me this term too) *after* fixing the date. As he
 is in Switzerland (working very close to GEP) he might hold a speech for
 a nice present and some drinks.
Isn't this the man in whose WP-entry somebody announced his death
while he was still living. I'm not so sure whether he likes WIkipedia
so much at the moment.

 Do you know further persons we could invite for a speech?

Hm, question is whether we want people from the Open-Source-Szene
(there Manuel knows maybe a few names) or other people from a

 Wikimediach-l mailing list

An eternity is very, very long, especially towards the end
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[Wikimediach-l] Bug der uns betrifft

2006-01-27 Thread Michael Bimmler
Ich habe mir erlaubt, einen Bug (s.u.) zu öffnen (Stichwort
Interwikilinks Wikipedia-ch.wikimedia), nachdem mir im IRC versichert
wurde, das es momentan nicht geht.
Wenn ihr Kommentare anbringen wollt oder auch einfach voten möchtet,
seid ihr herzlich eingeladen.
An eternity is very, very long, especially towards the end
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] New French speaker in the list

2006-01-30 Thread Michael Bimmler
Hello Frederic

 Dear Swiss Wikipedians,

 after a few weeks of 'lurking', I thought now was a good time to
 introduce myself on this mailing-list. I am mostly active on the
 English Wikipedia, except for the occasional wikilink on fr or de, but
 despite my last name, I am a French speaker, leaving in Suisse
 Romande, and my German is somewhat patchy. I am therefore very
 grateful for the recent discussion that saw English chosen as the
 lingua franca in this list.
Well then. welcome to this list! It's nice to have more Romands here
(are there any yet?).

 Although there are several comments I wanted to make during the last
 discussions, I have finally decided to post here following an
 interesting article in Le Temps today (today being already Mon 30th
 Jan). The text, in French, can be found at

  and  http://www.letemps.ch/template/tempsFort.asp?page=3article=173055

 (they will remain available only for today or a few days). The article
 is not perfect (a few mistakes, as far as I know), but the general
 tone is largely positive.

 Which brings me to a question... Do you still need help for contacts
 with the French-Speaking newspapers/medias in Switzerland ?
As far as I know, yes (?). You might want to get in touch with Nando
(Stöcklin) who is press contact for (german) Switzerland.
 Just like
 everyone, I don't have much free time (Wikipedia editing already eats
 much of it...), but would be happy to help if needed -- with the
 caveats that I am pretty bad when speaking in direct (eg no radio
 for me...), and I don't know the French wikipedia as well as the
 English one (but the article on Le Temps, for example, was mostly
 about the well-publicised reports on en.w.o).

 All the best,

 Wikimediach-l mailing list

An eternity is very, very long, especially towards the end
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] Wikipedia Day - location

2006-02-01 Thread Michael Bimmler
2006/1/31, Manuel Schneider [Everything Open] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Thank you all for your work - I've now listed the Wikipedia Day 2006 in the
 OSS Raodmap which will be available online and printed.

Thanks a lot to you and thanks a lot to Robin for finding the location!


 All-Things-Open Projektgruppe

 Version: 3.1
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Re: [Wikimediach-l] 17. Juni 2006: Wikipedia-Tag?

2006-02-01 Thread Michael Bimmler
Nochmals herzlichen Dank für dein Wirken und auch thanks to
everybody who will join uns in organizing this great event, eine
solche Podiumsdiskussion fände ich auch ein toller Höhepunkt. Nun, da
ja die Raumbuchung bestätigt ist, sollen wir mal eine offizielle
anfrage an Jimbo schicken? (Wenn ja, bitte hier zuerst einen Entwurf
verfassen, damit nachher nicht 3 Mails bei Jimbo auftauchen).
Am 01.02.06 schrieb Schwab  Robin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Die Raumreservation wurde schriftlich bestätigt.



 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] im Auftrag von Robin Schwab
 Gesendet: Di 31.01.2006 21:43
 An: Mailing list for Wikimedia Swizerland
 Betreff: Re: [Wikimediach-l] 17. Juni 2006: Wikipedia-Tag?

 Guten Abend miteinander!

 Die vielen positiven Rückmeldungen haben mich super gefreut! Danke
 Manuel für den Eintrag in die Roadmap, selbstverständlich bist du auch
 herzlich zum mitorganisieren eingeladen, ich hatte bloss die beiden
 Schreibweisen von (E)Manuel am Herbstreffen übersehen.

 Die Reservation des GEP habe ich vorgenommen, eine Bestätigung steht
 allerdings noch aus.

 Dass wir die Wikipedia Academy am selben Datum in Göttingen konkurrieren
 denke ich nicht, schliesslich ist unsere Zielgruppe primär im
 süddeutschen Raum und in der Schweiz lokalisiert. Hingegen besteht
 wirklich die Chance, dass wir Jimbo Wales für einen Auftritt gewinnen
 könnten. Eine Art Podiumsdiskussion zwischen dem Gründer der Wikipedia
 und jemandem, der dadurch Ziel eines sehr üblen Scherzes geworden ist,
 wäre angedacht. Marcus Dapp (den ich übrigens höchstens vom Sehen kenne)
 wäre eine weitere Ergänzung unseres Tages.

 Da ich diese Woche ständig unterwegs bin, kann ich kaum viel beitragen.
 Ich werde am Wochenende eine detailliertere Todo-List aufstellen, wo
 dann jeder interessierte einen Punkt rausgreifen und erledigen kann.

 Ich freu mich auf einen spannenden Tag mit vielen Besuchern!


 Wikimediach-l mailing list

 Wikimediach-l mailing list

An eternity is very, very long, especially towards the end
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[Wikimediach-l] Rhaeto-Romanic (and other) translations

2006-02-03 Thread Michael Bimmler
An offer for a Rhaeto-Romanic translation (by mail to list-owner) was
made by Anita Decurtins-Capaul, a student of romance languages and
literature (and else) at University Zurich, to translate the Wikimedia
CH bylaws into Rumantsch Grischun. She has already translated an
Asterix-comic into Rumantsch Grischun (mentioned as reference).
Matters that need to be discussed include salary and time-frame,
however I do not think that rumantsch-translation ultimatively needs
to be present prior to foundation. Comments on the offer are

By the way: Is there any update on en-translations (Manuel, were you
able to ask your friend?) and french translations (Emanuel?)

An eternity is very, very long, especially towards the end
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[Wikimediach-l] Call for board members

2006-02-03 Thread Michael Bimmler
As the foundation is coming nearer, we make now a call for board members.
Interested people can list themselves/somebody else on
Please read through the introduction at the beginning (and just change
it if sth is badly explained). I have not listed any job
requirements as this could discourage people but I think we can
decide on people also without this.

An eternity is very, very long, especially towards the end
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Rhaeto-Romanic (and other) translations

2006-02-03 Thread Michael Bimmler
2006/2/3, Patrick Kenel [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I think, we would all appreciate a translation into Rhaetoromansh, because
 size doesn't matter. However, I'm quite surprised that this student is
 considering a salary when participation at the Wikimedia projects is
 explicitely voluntary (mentioned in the bylaws). She could use the bylaws
 translation as a further reference for her future jobs but we won't offer
 her a payed job.

This might be a mistake of mine. In her original email, she did not
directly mention a salary, she just wrote ch freue mich darauf, von
Ihnen zu hören und in einem persönlichen
Gespräch weitere Details zu meiner Person und meinen Qualifikationen zu
erörtern. I interpreted this also as discussions about salary but I
may be wrong here.
So don't blame her for this!

 Maybe we have to make an exception concerning the English translation of our
 bylaws when they need to be completed in due time to become accepted by the
 board. Unfortunately, we don't have an expert for juridicial English in our
 rows. I'd love to translate something into English but this text is too much
 and probably too difficult. Anyhow, I've already worked on the Italian



 From:  Ilario Valdelli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To:  Mailing list for Wikimedia Swizerland
 To:  Mailing list for Wikimedia Swizerland wikimediach-l@wikipedia.org
 Subject:  Re: [Wikimediach-l] Rhaeto-Romanic (and other) translations
 Date:  Fri, 3 Feb 2006 12:15:11 +0100

 IMHO the romanic translation could be made if we have a definitive
 bylaw, approved and voted definitevly by the board.
 On 2/3/06, Michael Bimmler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   An offer for a Rhaeto-Romanic translation (by mail to list-owner) was
   made by Anita Decurtins-Capaul, a student of romance languages and
   literature (and else) at University Zurich, to translate the Wikimedia
   CH bylaws into Rumantsch Grischun. She has already translated an
   Asterix-comic into Rumantsch Grischun (mentioned as reference).
   Matters that need to be discussed include salary and time-frame,
   however I do not think that rumantsch-translation ultimatively needs
   to be present prior to foundation. Comments on the offer are
   By the way: Is there any update on en-translations (Manuel, were you
   able to ask your friend?) and french translations (Emanuel?)
   An eternity is very, very long, especially towards the end
   Wikimediach-l mailing list
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

 Wikimediach-l mailing list

An eternity is very, very long, especially towards the end
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] Fwd: Aufklärung: Romanisch übersetzung gegen Bezahlung

2006-02-06 Thread Michael Bimmler
Guten Tag Frau Capaul,
beleidigt wurde sicher niemand, es ist wohl eher ein Fehler
unsererseits, da wir noch keine wirkliche
Einführung/Projektbeschreibung auf der Hauptseite von ch.wikimedia.org
haben, dies auch, da die Seite momentan vor allem für
Diskussion/Koordination gedacht ist und relativ hohe Anforderungen an
das Vorwissen betr. Wikimedia ihrer Leser stellt. Es ist tatsächlich
so, dass Wikimedia CH für einige Zeit ohne Entgelt funktionieren wird,
Ausnahmen wäre höchstens in ferner Zeit ein Sekretariat wenn nötig.
Einen festen Job mit regelmässiger Bezahlung können wir also nicht
anbieten, vor allem auch, da laut Statuten die Kommunikation
innerhalb des Vereins in den Sprachen der Vorstandsmitglieder
[erfolgt]. Solange keine rätoromanische Vertretung im Vorstand
besteht (und bis jetzt hat noch niemand kandidiert, das kann aber
immer noch gemacht werden!) werden wohl auch die meisten Texte aus
Zeit/Kostengründen nicht auf rm übersetzt werden (bzw. erst zu einem
späteren Zeitpunkt).
Es tut mir Leid, dass unser Job wohl nicht ganz Ihren Erwartungen entspricht.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Michael Bimmler

(ad Thomas: wenn du also immer noch Lust hättest...)

-- Forwarded message --
From: Anita  Michel Decurtins-Capaul cun Marius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 05.02.2006 21:09
Subject: Aufkärung: Romanischübersetzung gegen Bezahlung

Sehr geehrter Herr Michael Bimmler und hallo zusammen

es ist Zeit für eine Aufklärung meinerseits: ich habe die Seite von
Wikimedia.ch mit der Suche nach Rätoromanisch-Übersetzungen nur schnell
überflogen und mich daraufhin beworben, da ich momentan einen Nebenjob
Mir ist jetzt klar, dass Wikipedia ohne Entgelt funktioniert.
So ziehe ich meine Bewerbung hiermit zurück, da ich einen festen Job mit
regelmässigem Lohn will.
Ich hoffe sehr, dass ich niemanden irgendwie beleidigt habe und wünsche
euch allen viel Spass und Erfolg auf eurem weiteren Weg.

Mit lieben Grüssen

Anita Decurtins

An eternity is very, very long, especially towards the end
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] a few points to be raised (Wikipedia Day sponsors, Meyer, OTRS, wikimedia.ch)

2006-02-13 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 2/12/06, Robin Schwab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Michael,

 Thank you for sending the letter. I'm a little bit short of time these days.

No problem, I have holidays now...
Now I'd like to raise a few points for discussion:
I think, we'll probably need a few sponsors, at least for things like
leaflets etc. and if we advertise in newspapers and so on. I think
there are two types of potential sponsors/donors:
1. Government(-related) organs. This includes Department of Education
of Canton Zurich, Präsidialdepartement Stadt Zürich, Eidg.
Staatssekretariat für Bildung und Forschung, ETHZ, UNIZH (and students
associations) and others
2. companies, that would like to have a possibility to advertise. From
ZKB to IBM everything possible. (IBM could e.g. provide IT material)
Now the question is: Is it ok for us to ask companies as in 2. as
sponsors? If you compare to Linux Day (linuxtag.org), they have
sponsors as HP, Intel and IBM and, well, quod licet Iovi etiam licet
Anyway, if we want to have any of these sponsors, we'd need to get in
touch with them asap, because internal decision-making can be
2nd point: Has anybody now already invited Prof. Meyer?
3rd point: If we start inviting people, contacting organisations and
media, it might be the time, to get [EMAIL PROTECTED] working, some
things are not really mailinglist-compatible. So Delphine proposed
once, that we could set up a mail adress like [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
make a permanent redirect from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to this adress.
Thierry, would this be a great thing to enable that? Delphine, same
question to you.

[Sorry for this lenghthy and chaotic mail)

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Wikipedia Day news

2006-02-25 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 2/23/06, Robin Schwab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello everybody

 Mr. Meyer is basically willing to join Wikimedia Day. He will give a
 definitive answer end of next week.

 Michael, would you again ask if Jimmy Wales could fix his schedule for
 June 17th?

Hm, actually he already wrote in his last email that he would not be
able to attend (after we made proposal about fixing his schedule. So
I'm not so sure which new arguments we have at the moment that could
persuade him. But I might have missed something (away in holidays last

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Wikipedia Day news

2006-02-26 Thread Michael Bimmler
Well, I was talking about
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2006 12:57:14 -0500 
I don't think, that I have written another mail since.
But if you think, it's worth asking once more, I'm certainly not
against it. However, when he takes the second ICE you mentioned and is
18.15 at HB it might get a bit late (well, we can also expand the
event to the evening if we want...)

On 2/26/06, Robin Schwab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hm, actually he already wrote in his last email that he would not be
  able to attend (after we made proposal about fixing his schedule. So
  I'm not so sure which new arguments we have at the moment that could
  persuade him. But I might have missed something (away in holidays last

 As far as I understand it, we have no reply to your (Michael) mail
 Re: [Wikimediach-l] Re: Swiss Wikipedia Day 2006 - Invitation

 It is not absolutely impossible to hold a speech in Göttingen and in
 Zurich the same day. He could take the ICE in Göttingen at 10:17 and be
 in GEP 16:15.

 If we are flexible even the 12:17 train would work. Jimbo could be in
 GEP by 18:15.

 Maybe it's worth asking a second time.


 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] Bylaws

2006-02-26 Thread Michael Bimmler
Question: As we now have the english version of bylaws online, shall
we send a formal note to Chapters commitee (chaptercommittee-l AT
wikimedia DOT org) to request approval of the bylaws? Are there any

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Bylaws

2006-02-26 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 2/26/06, Ilario Valdelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes ;)

 You should send a formal note and ask (informally) to someone in the
 board to take care about the decision (otherwise it could require 

Hm, I just sent a mail some days ago to Delphine and she told me that
ChapCom can now decide on chapters-bylaws without need for a board
vote -- I think, Delphine will take care of this request. Angela has
subscribed to this ml so in case board would like to make a
Well, then I will now send the mail.

 Michael Bimmler wrote:

 Question: As we now have the english version of bylaws online, shall
 we send a formal note to Chapters commitee (chaptercommittee-l AT
 wikimedia DOT org) to request approval of the bylaws? Are there any
 Michael Bimmler
 Wikimediach-l mailing list
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] Wikimedia CH - Bylaws for Review

2006-02-26 Thread Michael Bimmler
I'd like to call your attention to the bylaws of Wikimedia CH, the
to-be-established Swiss local chapter. The bylaws have now been
translated into English and can be found at
http://ch.wikimedia.org/wiki/Bylaws/En The original german version of
the bylaws has been nominated unanimously by us. The bylaws are now
ready for review by the ChaptersCommittee and we will be glad to hear
your opinion on it.
Michael Bimmler
for the Wikimedia CH preparation team
Wikimediach-l mailing list


2006-03-02 Thread Michael Bimmler
Representing the Preliminiary Board of Wikimedia CH (consisting of
Nando and me, elected/appointed on the meeting in November, first time
in action...) I'd like to notify you of the Resolution 2006/01
(Preliminary Board) (Appointments and IT). It can be read at
This mailinglist replaces the members assembly as mentioned in the
bylaws for the time before the foundation, so you may mention
objections here and if necessary, a vote may take place on the

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] Wikipedia-Day, speakers

2006-03-06 Thread Michael Bimmler
There was still an ongoing discussion here on this list about whom to
invite as speaker. Now as far as I understand, Jimbo won't be
available, as he is in Göttingen at that time. Proposal: We could also
invite another European board member (Angela or Anthere) and ask them,
whether they would want to give a speech. What do you think of that?
BTW: Robin: Have you got a definitive answer from Prof. Meyer?

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Rumantsch Grischun

2006-03-15 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 3/14/06, Gion Hosang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hoi Manuel

  Es hat noch niemand damit angefangen. Wir sammeln alle
  Übersetzungen im Wikimedia CH-Wiki, daher bietet es sich für
  Dich an hier loszulegen:

 Na dann lege ich los. Ich werde die fertige Übersetzung dann ins Netz

Wunderbar, herzlichen Dank. Die Seite ist jetzt verlinkt.


 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] Rumantsch Grischun - summary for non-german-speakers

2006-03-15 Thread Michael Bimmler
just as a summary for the thread Rumantsch Grischun in German: Gion
has mentioned his intention to translate our bylaws into Rumantsch
Grischun and he will post them afterwards at [[Bylaws/Rm]]. By the
way, is there anybody who would translate the bylaws into French, as
Emanuel had to give back the mandate?

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Board resolutions

2006-03-15 Thread Michael Bimmler
 then, because we might want
to correct typing mistakes et al. The other translations are
unprotected at the moment.
c)The resolutions are quite official documents. As they are now under
discussion, I wanted that everybody sees the version we, Nando and I, 
decided on, to ensure that everybody is speaking about the same thing.
d) my vandal paranoia. You will have noticed by now, that I seem to be
a bit paranoid what concerns vandal acts. Well, look at
There are quite a few new users I simply don't know who's behind and
I don't want to doubt them somehow, but you see that new user accounts
can be created easily and as we're now linked on several Wikimedia
pages, people will also find us, and it's probably not so, that we can
say, we can trust everybody from the beginning, who opens a account or
has one. Believe me, I've seen a lot of vandal acts in different wikis
and it might be, that sombody finds it funny to mess up or discretely
change our resolutions a bit...

(ad Security Council: I must admit, that I've never read any
SC-Resolutions, so I didn't copy their terminology. )
Sysopping policy: When the wiki was created, Delphine sysopped Nando
and me, because we were listed as contact persons at meta. As Ilario
is now presidency candidate and quite involved, he is now also listed
as contact person and he's a sysop. But please understand, imho the 10
people regularly contributing on this ml could all get sysops, I have
no problem with that.

So to sum up, I would like to stress that we never intended to make
any top-down action, we invite everybody here in discussing the
necessary resolutions and their form/style of writing etc. but
sometimes some bureaucracy is unfortunately necessary (and believe me,
as gymnasium-student, you're in an age where you're not really in
favour of bureaucracy and formalities etc. so I regret it too, but I'm
convinced, that it'll will help us later, if we have everything in a
proper legal way).

For the ones, who read until here (and I assume, there are not so
many) I will conclude my mail by apologizing for misunderstandings our
resolutions might have caused and by hoping that you understand my
point of view.

Michael Bimmler

On 3/15/06, Frederic Schutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Looking at the latest changes on the CH wiki... is it on purpose that
 the current resolutions look as formal as a UN Security Council
 resolution ?  RESOLVED... AND... FURTHER RESOLVED... so proposed on the
 fifteenth of March 2006. I know it is borderline to hairsplitting, but
 this makes the whole thing look very bureaucratic, especially given that
 there no formal entity yet... Could we do with friendlier texts, please ?

 Also, do we really need to protect the pages ? We all know that even if
 changes are made after a resolution has been accepted, they can be
 reverted. The reason I am asking this (in addition to the general
 principle that we should only protect pages if needed) is that there are
 several typos on the page Board/Resolutions/2006/02 that I was ready to

 Last, but not least... this resolution says that Wikimedia CH shall
 have its seat in Zurich. Does that mean until a President is elected,
 or is there a change to the proposed bylaws ?

 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Board resolutions

2006-03-16 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 3/15/06, Jürg Wolf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm sorry for my recent postings because they were a bit sarcastic a maybe not
 clearly defaced as zynical.
Well, your postings were ok with me...

 My opinion in this whole thing is:
 1) If our preliminary board thinks, we need a special postal address - I'm OK
 with it because I don't have the whole view. And on the meeting last year we
 gave you the mandate and the power to operate towards the swiss chapter. And
 that's what you did.
 As far as I know, we had not a clear consesus about the Vereinsadresse on 
 ML and I wondered, why it popped up out of the blue with nearly fixed details.
 I'm also fine with Zürich, but I couldn't remember a consensus in this
Okay, I mut have misremembered that with the consensus but as Nando
pointed out later, there was a majority for ZH. but we can really
rediscuss that.

 2) Many thanks to Michael for his very good explanation. You maybe were a bit
 too impressed by the thing, that it must be lawyer-proof. But remember - it
 must be lawyer-proof for swiss lawyers and not for US lawyers... ;-)

Hm, Jean-Baptiste Soufron is actually a French lawyer, anyway, I had
not the time to contact a Swiss lawyer (although knowing quite a few)
 3) So for swiss legal reasons a simple protocol should be enough. So you 
 could use a normal wording such as:
 snip excellent proposal
Yes, that looks fine to me. I will now unlock the second resolution
page (I think, we can leave the first one as it is, otherwise we'll
never get finished) and we can try to discuss this protocol here in
public on the ml. BTW: I remember where I got resolution from: Not
from UNSC but from Wikimedia Foundation board, see
But as said, that US terminology.
 I hope that in board meetings of the elected board a similar wording is used 
 not a US-lawyer wording.

Sure. I really join you in thinking, that too much formalism is not good.


 Zitat von Michael Bimmler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Now there seems to be a big discussion going on here and I would like
  to clarify a few points as the resolutions come from me and Nando:

 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Board resolutions

2006-03-16 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 3/16/06, Frederic Schutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael Bimmler wrote:

 snip the bits about the resolutions which are ok by me

  3. About the formal language.
  I have discussed this matter some days ago in IRC with Jean-Baptiste
  Soufron, the legal coordinator/advisor of the foundation and he told
  me, that some formal requirements need to be there (e.g. when mandates
  are terminated etc.) because of the legal validity. The exact
  terminology like resolved etc. is mostly a product of the moment
  and I have no problem with changing this, as long as the proposed
  alternatives are legally ok.

 Excellent; I like Jürg's example a lot: as you say, we need the
 important things to be said, but we can keep a normal style. There is
 absolutely no worries to have about the legality of this; this is how
 all the associations I know operate; in CH, even board meetings of
 companies use this style (although I can not vouch for the very, very
 big companies...) rather than the UN Security Council style.

See my last point, terminology comes from WMF resolutions (partly).
And as said, I'm ok with Jürg's proposal.
 To finish about this part of the discussion, the main reason why I
 mentioned this problem is because seeing these resolutions would make
 many people believe that they are dealing with a very bureaucratic
 board; I would personaly be rather reluctant to join an association that
 produces such resolutions...

  4. About page protection
  So therefore I blocked the main page.

 Fine with me; en.w.o does the same.

  b) I once thought of blocking en-translation too,
  because they are now reviewed by ChapCom, so there must be a stable
  version too. However I didn't protect them then, because we might want
  to correct typing mistakes et al.

 Which is a good idea, since I did that just 10 minutes ago...

  c)The resolutions are quite official documents. As they are now under
  discussion, I wanted that everybody sees the version we, Nando and I,
  decided on, to ensure that everybody is speaking about the same thing.

 (as a sidenote, don't forget that you can point to a particular version
 of the page).
Yep, right.

 I would not mind if login was only possible after approval, as is done
 on the wikimedia website; my general idea was that it would be good to
 adopt the usual good faith attitude towards contributions, and change
 our minds if needed. Disclaimer: I am an optimist... ;-) And it is not
 really a big issue; I just thought I'd mention it en passant.

Hm, that would be kind of antiwikistyle as well...
 BTW; I still have this couple of typos to correct on the second
 resolution ;-)
Unprotected second resolution now -- if there any doubts look from
now on in the history who made the current version

  (ad Security Council: I must admit, that I've never read any
  SC-Resolutions, so I didn't copy their terminology. )

 You are quite close, believe me, although they have a very large list of
 verbs they can pick from to start their sentences ;-)
Hm, unfortunately I didn't have access to this list ;-)

  Sysopping policy: When the wiki was created, Delphine sysopped Nando
  and me, because we were listed as contact persons at meta. As Ilario
  is now presidency candidate and quite involved, he is now also listed
  as contact person and he's a sysop. But please understand, imho the 10
  people regularly contributing on this ml could all get sysops, I have
  no problem with that.

 I don't think we have much need for (more) sysops at the moment, so
 that's fine...

  So to sum up, I would like to stress that we never intended to make
  any top-down action,

 I did not have this feeling, so no problem here -- my comments were
 really more about the format than the content; which make the whole
 discussion not such a big deal.

  we invite everybody here in discussing the
  necessary resolutions and their form/style of writing etc. but
  sometimes some bureaucracy is unfortunately necessary (and believe me,
  as gymnasium-student, you're in an age where you're not really in
  favour of bureaucracy and formalities etc. so I regret it too, but I'm
  convinced, that it'll will help us later, if we have everything in a
  proper legal way).

 Speaking as someone who has been founding members of several
 associations (and currently treasurer and secretary in 2 different
 associations), the amount of red tape can be kept very low. If is good
 to keep good records of discussions, minutes of meetings, etc, but this
 can done without too much bureaucratic overhead. I'm happy to help with
 anything if needed (I also have access to a specialised accountant in my
 close family...).

That's great.


 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Translation

2006-03-18 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 3/17/06, Frederic Schutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jürg Wolf wrote:

  * active voting right = right to get a job within the corporation / 
  * passive voting right = right to vote for someone
  Even the swiss constitution and the cantonal constitutions make differences
  between these two rights.

 Interesting... I did not know about these terms. There is nothing like
 that in French, at least not litteraly: we say droit de vote (right to
 vote) and éligibilité (the fact that someone can be elected).

 To follow up on Jürg's links:


 I'll translate accordingly.

 It looks to me like these terms are not that common in English either
 (which does not mean that they are incorrect, of course) -- in any case,
 the English Wikipedia does not know about them.

 By the way, could a sysop add the template {{bylaws}} at the top of the
 German bylaws ? It is very convenient when one is switching from one
 version to the other while translating (thanks to Delphine 'Notafish'
 for creating it).


 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] about Resolutions and Templated

2006-03-18 Thread Michael Bimmler
Oh yes, and the subject of this thread should of course be ... and Templates

On 3/18/06, Michael Bimmler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 FYI: I have created two templates: [[Template:Official_document]] and
 [[Template:Proposal]] and inserted them in Board/Resolutions/2006/01
 and /02 respectively.
 Feel free to change the templates...

 Michael Bimmler

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] about Resolutions and Templated

2006-03-19 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 3/19/06, Frederic Schutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael Bimmler wrote:

  FYI: I have created two templates: [[Template:Official_document]] and
  [[Template:Proposal]] and inserted them in Board/Resolutions/2006/01
  and /02 respectively.
  Feel free to change the templates...

 Done; since we don't have a CSS with a messagebox style, I have copied
 the relevant properties from the English Wikipedia. Of course, it would
 be better to create (or copy) the stylesheet, but it is a start (and
 still manageable for 2 templates ;-)

Thanks. I didn't even re-compare it too the english version at the end...

 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] foundation assembly?

2006-03-21 Thread Michael Bimmler
Well, there is a bit of a problem: The ChapCom (or the board, we don't
even know this...) is reviewing our bylaws now. We have no idea how
long this will take (hint delphine/angela/anthere?) and before the
bylaws are approved, we can forget about making a founding assembly. I
mean, we can certainly say, that we make the assembly at April XY but
if the bylaws are not ready yet then, we can again postpone
(BTW: I would certainly be glad with Zurich...)

On 3/21/06, Patrick Kenel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all!

 I'd like to ask Michael or Nando whether they thought about to procede to
 the foundation of our chapter. The bylaws are getting fixed now, we're
 establishing a mail address, technical support is clear and the Wikipedia
 Day is approaching. Back in January, we considered the foundation somewhen
 in February or March. Now that we're already in the second half of March, it
 seems still unclear when this is going to happen. I would favour a meeting
 in Zurich where we already spent a calm Sunday afternoon in November. The
 foundation assembly would (hopefully) also be a welcome opportunity to meet
 people who couldn't attend last time (Ilario, Gatto Nero, Frédéric, Thierry
 Pool, Christian Seidl, Irmgard etc.) or who didn't participate on this ML
 (Voyager, Ilja, Javier).

 Greets, Patrick
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] foundation assembly?

2006-03-21 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 3/21/06, Ilario Valdelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Patrick,
 if Michael and Nando and all members of this ML agreed, I suggest to
 organize a meeting room using the IRC channel. It's a simple solution
 and someone can have an answer to his own questions.

I'm not sure what you mean here. Do you propose that we make the
founding assembly itself on IRC? Because then, to be very frank, we
can forget about this. IANAL but I'm quite sure to have read that
Swiss law requires, that the association is physically founded and
that afterwards a foundation protocol is signed by president + one
board member (usually secretary/aktuar). So it won't work to do this
virtually on IRC.
But if you meant to do the date-and-lieu-fixing on IRC we could
certainly do this, however I think, some people here might be not so
experienced with IRC:
 Best Regards


 On 3/21/06, Patrick Kenel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all!
  I'd like to ask Michael or Nando whether they thought about to procede to
  the foundation of our chapter. The bylaws are getting fixed now, we're
  establishing a mail address, technical support is clear and the Wikipedia
  Day is approaching. Back in January, we considered the foundation somewhen
  in February or March. Now that we're already in the second half of March, it
  seems still unclear when this is going to happen. I would favour a meeting
  in Zurich where we already spent a calm Sunday afternoon in November. The
  foundation assembly would (hopefully) also be a welcome opportunity to meet
  people who couldn't attend last time (Ilario, Gatto Nero, Frédéric, Thierry
  Pool, Christian Seidl, Irmgard etc.) or who didn't participate on this ML
  (Voyager, Ilja, Javier).
  Greets, Patrick
  Wikimediach-l mailing list
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] foundation assembly?

2006-03-21 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 3/21/06, Frederic Schutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael Bimmler wrote:

  I'm not sure what you mean here. Do you propose that we make the
  founding assembly itself on IRC? Because then, to be very frank, we
  can forget about this. IANAL but I'm quite sure to have read that
  Swiss law requires, that the association is physically founded and
  that afterwards a foundation protocol is signed by president + one
  board member (usually secretary/aktuar).

 No, AFAIK. There are very few conditions imposed on associations; most
 of the conditions are imposed by the bylaws (with a set of defaults if
 needed). The only condition that would be slightly related is that the
 bylaws must be on paper, which does not mean anything for the actual
 meeting. But in any case, not having a physical meeting for the founding
 assembly would not be a good idea (to say the least).

I have googled a bit and found the following sources (not legal
sources, but at least...) however they are all in german:

The second point is not so clear on protocol but the first and the
second clearly state, that there needs to be a protocol, stating,
... was founded IN (- a physical lieu must be defined) and needs to
be signed by the protocollist.

 As for the place -- as much as I had no preference for the postal
 address, here I would strongly push for a central location, e.g. Bern.

Well, I'm okay with that as well. Just ad central: Wouldn't Lucerne
be more central? (AFAIK nobody on this list lives in one of these two
cities, so question is how to organise it...)

 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] foundation assembly?

2006-03-21 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 3/21/06, Ilario Valdelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The second reply :)

Ah, I see.
 I means that if someone has some question or we (mailing list) wish we
 had preliminary meeting to have report status, we can made this
 through IRC channel. This is a means used also by other groups like
 developers (for board's meeting I know that the physical presence is a

Hm, I don't think, that for BOARD meetings, physical presence is
necessary (afaik WMF board and WmDE Board both have IRC meetings and
physical meetings are quite extraordinary), but I think that it is
necessary for FOUNDING ASSEMBLY, see other post
 Best Regards


 On 3/21/06, Michael Bimmler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 3/21/06, Ilario Valdelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Patrick,
   if Michael and Nando and all members of this ML agreed, I suggest to
   organize a meeting room using the IRC channel. It's a simple solution
   and someone can have an answer to his own questions.
  I'm not sure what you mean here. Do you propose that we make the
  founding assembly itself on IRC? Because then, to be very frank, we
  can forget about this. IANAL but I'm quite sure to have read that
  Swiss law requires, that the association is physically founded and
  that afterwards a foundation protocol is signed by president + one
  board member (usually secretary/aktuar). So it won't work to do this
  virtually on IRC.
  But if you meant to do the date-and-lieu-fixing on IRC we could
  certainly do this, however I think, some people here might be not so
  experienced with IRC:
   Best Regards
   On 3/21/06, Patrick Kenel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all!
I'd like to ask Michael or Nando whether they thought about to procede 
the foundation of our chapter. The bylaws are getting fixed now, we're
establishing a mail address, technical support is clear and the 
Day is approaching. Back in January, we considered the foundation 
in February or March. Now that we're already in the second half of 
March, it
seems still unclear when this is going to happen. I would favour a 
in Zurich where we already spent a calm Sunday afternoon in November. 
foundation assembly would (hopefully) also be a welcome opportunity to 
people who couldn't attend last time (Ilario, Gatto Nero, Frédéric, 
Pool, Christian Seidl, Irmgard etc.) or who didn't participate on this 
(Voyager, Ilja, Javier).
Greets, Patrick
Wikimediach-l mailing list
   Wikimediach-l mailing list
  Michael Bimmler
  Wikimediach-l mailing list
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] foundation assembly?

2006-03-21 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 3/21/06, Frederic Schutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael Bimmler wrote:

  The second point is not so clear on protocol but the first and the
  second clearly state, that there needs to be a protocol, stating,
  ... was founded IN (- a physical lieu must be defined) and needs to
  be signed by the protocollist.

 Fair enough; even if the physical meeting is not prescribed by the
 law, I doubt that many people would have used this option anyway.

 As for the place -- as much as I had no preference for the postal
 address, here I would strongly push for a central location, e.g. Bern.
  Well, I'm okay with that as well. Just ad central: Wouldn't Lucerne
  be more central? (AFAIK nobody on this list lives in one of these two
  cities, so question is how to organise it...)

 Geographically, probably (if I remember well, the exact center of
 Switzerland is somewhere in Nidwald :-), but I was reasonning in terms
 of train connections: there are direct trains to Bern from most big
 cities, definitively not to Luzern (those bloody Alps...)

Um, yes, Ilario will have to cross this bloody alps anyway, whether
we'll go to Berne or Luzern... But I don't care about where to go
myself, from ZH you're quite fast everywhere.

 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] foundation assembly?

2006-03-22 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 3/22/06, Angela [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 3/22/06, Michael Bimmler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well, there is a bit of a problem: The ChapCom (or the board, we don't
  even know this...) is reviewing our bylaws now. We have no idea how
  long this will take (hint delphine/angela/anthere?)

 This isn't currently with the Board, so I'm assuming the chapters
 committee, along with legal support, are looking at them. What I'd
 expect to happen is for them to present a report and recommendation to
 the Foundation Board who would then simply vote whether or not to
 approve the chapter.

Okay, thanks for this update!

 Angela Beesley
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Votes/Seat - ...and the winner is...

2006-03-24 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 3/24/06, Manuel Schneider [Everything Open]
  Just to make things clear... the _seat_ of Wikimedia CH is _not_ Zürich;
  it is where the President lives, according to the bylaws (§1.2) --- the
  vote was only about the postal address.
 ok, you're right.

Yes, I think as well, this should be clarified like that.

 All-Things-Open Projektgruppe

 Version: 3.1
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 PS+ PE- Y+ PGP+ t 5 X R UF !tv b+ DI D+ G+ e h r y++
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] about Wikipedia Day - a proposal

2006-03-27 Thread Michael Bimmler
as our Wikipedia Day will be in less than 3 months and as the
foundation of Wikimedia CH might be a bit delayed still (ChapCom +
board - it might still pass some time until a definitive vote), I
think we should definitely start the planning now.
However I think, that we cannot do all the planning only on this
mailinglist. Why?
1. Not everybody who might be interested in Wikipedia Day is also
interested in Wikimedia CH and not everybody here on this ml is
interested in organizing the Wikipedia Day.
2. If we start thinking about sponsors, public archiving of that is
maybe not so good: Imagine the following think (okay, you really have
to imagine...): Somebody proposes on this list Let's ask Company XY
to sponsor the day [because I know somebody there/ because they have
sponsored similar events etc.]. Now somebody posts a reply No, please
not company XY, they are bad/they have done this and this which was
bad/there CEO is a nasty guy etc.. Now if they find this in the
archive (and as we saw in two cases, people [and probably also
companies] do google for themselves and find them here), we can forget
them as partners. Or a more realistic scenario: They simply won't like
negotiations being archived in public.
3. We don't have a lot of time. If every tiny bit and decision will
first be discussed here for weeks, we will not come through until next
Therefore my proposal:
We could create some teams [which could later be task groups =
Arbeitsgruppen of Wikimedia CH] that deal with particular things and
have a few members (say, 5 or so) and work via private email (you can
send a mail to 5 people...). When they have reached a decision/solved
a problem, they can still report to mailinglist at the end.
Proposed teams: (just jotted down, feel free to add and change):

==Core team== (or: coordination team/lead team/whatever)
This would be the kind of organizing committee as known. They have the
overview over the whole situation, are the ones who'd also finally
sign contracts if necessary with partners, look that the budget is not
exceeded, and so on.

==PR and Media team==
quite an important team:
a) contact to Media, sending invitations to press etc., making press
releases, etc.
b) organising the advertising for the Wikipedia Day (in on-and offline
agendas, newspapers, maybe create flyers and leaflets etc.
c) looking for some kind of Internet site, if possible and time is
there, either we start with www.wikimedia.ch already or we'd use
www.wikipediaday.ch or whatever.

==Technical team==
they do the technical stuff: If we have an internet website/a section
on wikimedia.ch, they do the technical bits around it, i.e. put the
things, PR and Media team wrote on the internet etc.
further, they look, that everything is fine technically at the day
itself, so they have to make sure, that beamers and pcs at ETH are
working and they would help with the technical stuff at the event

==Location team==
They are responsible for the location itself (connections to technical
team), i.e. they decide whether we should have food/catering/snaks
there, they look, that something to drink is available, they make
sure, that we have really an information desk then, that we have a
place, where speakers could prepare themselves, they look that the
chairs etc. are organised nicely and so on

==Partners team==
We have not really discussed this yet, but I think, we might still
consider finding some sponsors (could be IT companies, but also, if
you like better, governmental support or other
foundations/associations/Stiftungen that would support us.) Because
remember, if we want to have some nice flyers/leaflets and so on, and
if we want catering, we might reach a point, where we'd quite like
some money... BTW: I recently read at Chapters FAQ on Metawiki that
Wikimedia Foundation on request also sometimes provides chapters with
some start-up budget, so they could also look at this with Delphine
And, if we decide to go to a company and ask for money, this team
would do the negotiations.

==Maybe Budget team==
If we really get a lot of money (hm...), there might be a need for a
finance and budget team. But that's not so sure yet..

I've also thrown this proposal at

Now, please comment. You can deny the need for every team listed
above, but I think you can't deny, that we need to get active now
somehow, and that we cannot sit here until in some weeks or months
Wikimedia CH will be formally created, because remember, even if we
have final placet of Board, we still need to find a date for a liitle
formal founding assembly etc., that will take time!

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] about Wikipedia Day - a proposal

2006-03-28 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 3/28/06, Ilario Valdelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 this decision is a very good decision. It's important to have a group
 and sub-groups who take responsability upon some problems and becomes
 owner of this problem (if the time is short it's the best solution),
 but in any case the mailing list should have feedbacks frequently to
 create the environment and the waiting time.

 It's important to have a community, a group and not only a name and
 it's important that someone can have a part (also a small part) in
 this organization.

 It's clear that at start the groups are smaller, but when some owners
 has taken decision and the organization becomes more and more
 definite, they can require some help and some volunteers.

 It's normal to have an official communication (through ML) and an
 unofficial communication (through private mail), but it's also
 important (a lot) to share informations and knowledges.

Absolutely. I very much join you in saying that the wiki-like
transparency needs to be one of the most important policies of
Wikimedia CH. I intended to say, that these proposed teams should give
as much as possible updates to the ML, but rather in the style of We,
the Media Committee have designed and texted this flyer, please
comment on it, and rather not that everybody comments on every tiny
bit himself here.


 On 3/27/06, Michael Bimmler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  as our Wikipedia Day will be in less than 3 months and as the
  foundation of Wikimedia CH might be a bit delayed still (ChapCom +
  board - it might still pass some time until a definitive vote), I
  think we should definitely start the planning now.
  However I think, that we cannot do all the planning only on this
  mailinglist. Why?
  Michael Bimmler
  Wikimediach-l mailing list
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Postal Adress created

2006-03-31 Thread Michael Bimmler
Ah yes, and what I wanted to say: Please do not put the adress on the
contact-pages until I have received confirmation of the post (together
with the first 20-francs-per-year-bill) that the adress is up and
running. Then, we can also use the adress for Switch Registry

On 3/31/06, Michael Bimmler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd like to notify you that I have created the Feste Vereinsadresse
 today 1 hour ago (Friday, 11.00) at a small post office in Zurich.
 There is one little problem: He told me that we cannot have 8000
 Zürich, as 8000 is not an official post code, but only used as
 placeholder for all other Zurich post codes (e.g. if you don't know
 the post code of the area/quartier of you friend, you can write 8000).
 He could also not give me 8001 (for reasons I didn't really
 understand, the post office was in the 8001-area), so we agreed on
 8008 as third-best solution (at least symmetric). He had to send the
 form now to the centrale in Berne, it will take about 1 week to be
 processed. The whole business was by the way quite funny:
 I went into the post office (Rämistrasse, quite small, but next to my
 school), and first talked to an elderly employee who had no idea, that
 this service existed. So she called her boss, a quite young, dynamic
 guy, very friendly, but didn't want to believe in the existence of
 Freie Vereinsadresse either. So we used his computer to go to the
 post-homepage and find the leaflet about the Vereinsadresse and he
 admitted that he had never heard of this before (and that it must be
 an extremely new feature). Then he went into his office and started
 looking for the form that was needed. He then came back with a
 2-pages, small-print form and we spent nice 20 minutes filling out
 this form. (We both laughed about it's bureaucracy and both wondered,
 why a couple of the fields were there. Then he remarked that he needed
 a copy of the resolution (I printed it already out at home) and, as
 the Post-customer service had not told me, a copy of the bylaws. So we
 again went into internet and he printed out the bylaws full-length.
 Then the only remaining were about 3 signatures + my ID card, + his
 signature + the postal stamp and we were finally finished.
 So he clipped everything together and now it must be on its way to
 Berne... (However when I look at the lot of fine-print legal stuff on
 the sheet, I would not wonder, if we have forgotten one little
 information, but we both did our best...

 Michael Bimmler

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] [Wikimediafr-l] Travailler avec les autres chapters (was: Demande des statistique s de Médiamétrie)

2006-03-31 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 3/31/06, Delphine Ménard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 3/31/06, Frederic Schutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Je conçois difficilement pourquoi la représentation aux Linux Days à
Genève devrait se faire par le biais de Wikimédia France. As-tu
contacté les Suisses pour ce faire ? Wikimedia CH est en cours de
création et la Suissse dispose d'une communauté quadrilingue
particulièrement active.
  Quadrilingue, oui, mais à ma connaissance, je suis pour l'instant le
  seul francophone qui suive de près ce qui se passe à l'intérieur de
  Wikimedia CH... J'aurais été très intéressé à participer aux Linux Days
  pour parler de Wikipedia, mais je serai à l'étranger ce jour-là.
  François, si tu veux en parler dans la liste Wikimedia CH, c'est une
  bonne idée, mais vu que je ne sais pas si on trouvera beaucoup de
  volontaires locaux pour l'instant, n'hésite pas si tu veux faire cette

 La seule chose qui me chagrinait, ce n'était pas que ce soit François
 qui ai pris l'initiative, et bien sûr il devrait le faire s'il le
 souhaite. Mais je ne vois pas pourquoi cette initiative devrait être
 prise au nom de Wikimedia France. Même sans chapter encore installé
 en Suisse, il me semble logique que cette initiative soit soutenue par
 les suisses plutôt que par les français.

Ben, au moment nous nous concentrons à l'organisation du Wikipedia
Day à Zurich et je ne suis pas sûr si nous serions capables d'agir
comme Wikimedia CH à un autre event. Mais nous pourrions
certainement supporter/patroner etc. quelque chose, si quelqu'un prend
l'initiative. (Si vous voulez vraiment discusser ça avec les gens de
Wikimedia CH, ça serait peut-être mieux de le faire par WikimediaCH-l
car je suis assez sûr qu'il n y a pas beaucoup de Suisses (allemands
et romands) qui lisent ici.
 Wikimediafr-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] about Wikipedia Day - an answer

2006-04-12 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 4/11/06, Robin Schwab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm willing to work in the PR+ media team. Who else is? I'm a little
  concerned that we're running out of time.

 This is true. I appreciate your engagement very much. We must fix the
 precise content of our Wikipedia day to print flyers and Plakate. A
 friend of mine could create a flyer and print them if we need special
 paper and/or colours. Else www.flyerline.ch offers quite cheap flyers.

That's nice!
 I would suggest to try to distribute flyers in swiss
 Kantonsschulen/Gymnasien , universities, both ETHs and
 Fachhochschulen/höhere Fachschulen.

Yes, this is a good idea. At least from the gymnasium I'm attending I
can say that nearly everybody knows and likes Wikipedia (e.g. for
presentations it's highly popular) and there would be certainly people
I think, we could also give some flyers to bookshops, student shops
(particularly the famous Stula in Zurich) etc.
 Besides something like a Pressemappe would engage press people to
 write about us.

Yes, definitely.
 More ideas appreciated...




 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] about Wikipedia Day - an answer

2006-04-12 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 4/11/06, Jürg Studer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Es fällt mir zu schwer, in Englisch zu kommunizieren. Ich verfolge
 das Geschehen und ich möchte gerne meinen Teil an die Organisation
 beitragen. Dort, wo keine englische Sprache verlangt wird, kann man
 mich einsetzen, sei es zum Schreiben und Gestalten von deutschen
 Zetteln, sei es beim Organisieren usw.
Danke! Um es hier noch einmal zu verdeutlichen: Wir können wirklich
JEDE Hilfe gebrauchen, insbesondere eben auch von Leuten, die nicht
fliessend Englisch sprechen.

 PS: Ich bin über Ostern und vom 22.4. bis 1.5. nicht erreichbar.

 Wikimediach-l mailing list

 Jürg Studer

 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Bylaws

2006-04-14 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 4/14/06, Frederic Schutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jürg Studer wrote:

  The minutes are to be made available to the Association members not
  more than two months after a decision has been made, otherwise the
  committee constitutes itself.
  I understand the general idea, but my dictionaries do not know any
  meaning of the work constitute that would fit this sentence (neither
  does the website http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=constitute).
  maybe this helps: constituer

 Hum... no, it does not really help... Looking at the German text, it may
 also be the word otherwise that confuses me: I don't really see how
 the two parts of the sentence are related.

 Are we saying that the comitee must provide the minutes, but that
 otherwise, it is free to get organised as it wants ?

It's definitely mixed up:
First sentence = Committee (hey, by the way, why are we always using
the term commitee instead of board?) must send its minutes to its
members at the latest 2 months after. (Full stop). Then there comes
another sentence, meaning The Committee does organise it self, i.e.
on the first associations, roles will be distributed (president is
voted separatly by member's association, but roles like treasurer,
secretary, vice-president, PR etc. are chosen by the board/committee
itself). This doesn't have anything to do with the last sentence, I
don't even see why it's in this clause/part of the paragraph, the
german Im übrigen which was translated into Otherwise, was somehow
intended to indicate This last sentence has not so much to do with
the other sentences here but the otherwise does not show this
anymore. My proposal: move the otherwise the committee constitutes
itself (german: Im übrigen etc.) away from §10.3 to §10.1 (The
committee consists of a president and 4 – 6 further members), there it
fits much better.
PS: I hope we have not any more strange things in the bylaws, we may
have to make a final proofreading session at the founding assembly,
because when we have once voted the bylaws, we cannot just fix these
things quickly but have to call together the members assembly each
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Bylaws

2006-04-14 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 4/14/06, Delphine Ménard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 4/14/06, rupert thurner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  i fully agree, i would even give it to some native english speaker
  after the strangenesses are sorted out. i would also agree to change
  it to board instead of comittee, btw :)

 Well, the English translation is really there for us to lok at. And I
 speak the three languages, and I am totally unable to understand fully
 the German sentence (and hence its English translation) to help
 Frédéric with the French. Someone did a funky copy/paste from the
 German bylaws there ;-).

/me pleads for non-guilty but accountable (as nobody here really
checked what has been copied in the very early phase of Bylawswriting)
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Bylaws

2006-04-15 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 4/15/06, Frederic Schutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael Bimmler wrote:

 Thanks to everyone for providing explanations... I must admit of being
 quite surprised about some of the content of the English translations; I
 am not a specialist of English vocabulary about legal matters, but some
 sentences indeed look strange.

  PS: I hope we have not any more strange things in the bylaws, we may
  have to make a final proofreading session at the founding assembly,

 Please, please, pretty please, don't do that. The last time I was
 involved in the founding assembly for an Association (also involved with
 the free software/free content world), we did that, even though the
 proposed bylaws had been thoroughly discussed by email beforehand. We
 spent _hours_ going over every single word of each article, because
 people suddenly got interested in little details they had not noticed
 before, it was a _nightmare_. And this was purely a French-speaking
 association, not a national-level association with translations in 5
 languages of the bylaws... we should really make sure everything is
 correct _before_ we start organising the founding Assembly (and if we
 modify the bylaws, we have to ask the Wikimedia Foundation for approval

 But we shall do more rounds of proofreading before the assembly, for sure.

Okay, this is actually what I wanted to say. Don't even know anymore
why I said during founding assembly, I wanted to say before
founding assembly. Sorry...
  because when we have once voted the bylaws, we cannot just fix these
  things quickly but have to call together the members assembly each

 What happenend for the association mentioned above was that during the
 first 3 years, at each regular annual general meeting, we made some
 changes to the bylaws, to adapt them to the practical experiences we
 made during the year; now, they are quite stabe and well-adapted to the
 real life. This is to be expected, and should not be a problem.

Sure, but we should make them as good as possible...


 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Wikimedia CH approved by Wikimedia Foundation board

2006-04-15 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 4/15/06, Arne Klempert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 4/15/06, Michael Bimmler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks very very much for your reviewing and your statement. We really
  appreciate this!
  We'll now probably be able to advance with the foundation very quickly.
  BTW: There is still an issue called Trademark Agreement pending...
  IANAL, but I thought we couldn't use the word Wikimedia and our nice
  logo before we have signed this contract. So signing this contract
  would actually need to happen immediately after the formal
  establishment and after the election of the board (someone has to sign
  it...). So my question: Is this agreement already ready or could you
  tell us when it will be ready so that we know whether we have to
  postpone foundation until this contract is signable?

 I think we're not in a hurry here. Due to the fact that (afaik) only
 two chapters have written logo/trademark agreements yet and there is
 no standard agreement in place, you shouldn't be too afraid of using
 the name and the logo for your own purposes. The board approval of the
 bylaws implies (at least morally) the right to act under the name
 Wikimedia CH and use the logo, according to the visual identity
 guidelines [1].

Well, if you promise, that you won't sue us, we're fine with that ;-)

 [1] http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Wikimedia_visual_identity_guidelines
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] Bylaws approved - Roadmap, Board

2006-04-16 Thread Michael Bimmler
as our bylaws are now approved officially (notwithstanding the minor
(translation/language) changes that might be still needed), we might
do some roadmap planning now. IMHO we should now schedule the Founding
Assembly quite soon (keyword Wikipedia Day) and on a date that is
working fine for a lot of people. E.g. are now (=the next 2 weeks,
starting at Easter Monday) in Zurich the school holidays, the question
is whether this means A lot of people are here or A lot of people
are not here, otherwise we would need to do it later on probably on a
weekend (I don't suppose anybody has time on Thursday, 10pm...).
Please make time indicatios at
http://ch.wikimedia.org/wiki/Founding_Assembly (yes, the page is not
yet created, feel free to write some nice introduction if you want
What is concerning the board (and I strongly propose to use the term
board instead of committee, as you see at WMF, they use board
for the real leading panel and committee for various small groups
consisting of board and non-board members.):
Bylaws say clearly 1 President and 4-6 additional members.
Situation is at the moment the following:
Nominated as president is Ilario, Robin Schwab has denied his
nomination. -- This is probably clear
As board, we have at the moment 7 people nominated (see below), the
eighth person at the list (Nando) has stroke his nomination due to
lack of time (and I'm really sorry for this...).
To be frank: This leaves us with one board member too much.
The nominated persons:
Jürg Wolf
Jürg Studer
Michael Bimmler
Christian Seidl
Muvon 53 (Emmanuel Clapasson)
Robin Schwab
Frédéric Schutz
As auditors (should be 2, cannot be board members):

As Nando has accepted his auditors nomination but does not want to be
on the board, I think he should be elected auditor anyway. As Pakeha
has accepted his auditor nomination but is not listed for board
membership, I as well think that his nomination should be confirmed,
which leaves us with Frédéric as board member (if he is okay with
that) and I would personally appreciate this (for him being a really
valuable helper in preparation now AND for him being the
representative of Romandie in our team, which would lead to a

So still, there are 7 accepted nominations for 6 board places. Now I'd
like to ask, if there is anybody who wants to retire his candidature
for any reason he should say so now. This would take away the need for
a formal election with 6 winners and 1 loser. I also want to stress
that also non-board-people can help in various ways in Wikimedia CH
(e.g. as non-board-member of committees etc.).


Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] http://ch.wikimedia.org/wiki/About_us -- for guests

2006-04-16 Thread Michael Bimmler
As I've remarked, for a stranger, it might be quite unsatisfying
when visiting www.wikimedia.ch (=ch.wikimedia.org) at the moment.
I started to scribble down a few sentences About us (see Subject of
mail). I know that it's still absolutely unreadable, please help to
amend it, so that we can link it from the main page.
Afterwards, as soon as we have the adress (yes, I've inquired what's
happened to the apply the post, no they haven't reacted yet) and the
domain wikimedia.ch, we will (try to) create a
fully-for-public-website there and we'll have a members.wikimedia.ch
(and a board.wikimedia.ch) section for internal affairs and
So I'll repeat my plea, please help (and translate...)

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] Adress should work now

2006-04-25 Thread Michael Bimmler
I received a phone call and a subsequent email of the Post employee
which assisted me in filling out the form, saying that the adress is
set up now but that I won't receive a formal confirmation and that the
Fr. 20.- are to be paid at the end of the year.
So, if anybody wants to test, just send a postcard/letter etc. to
Wikimedia CH, 8008 Zürich (and please, please, don't spam my post box now...)

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] marketing via emails and homepage

2006-05-01 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 5/1/06, Robin Schwab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  what do you think about including the apropriate wiki page (if it
  exists) in mails to the list? this would allow an easy click to get
  the current status and help beeing more transparent.

 fack. We should start promoting our website as I suggest we put this
 address on the posters and flyers to look up detailed info as exact
 location, schedule of the speeches etc.

 Which address should we promote? ch.wikimedia.org or wikimedia.ch? Here
 we need quick decision!

I think the decision has already been made:
We will use www.wikimedia.ch for the public/press
members.wikimedia.ch as a members-only-wiki
board.wikimedia.ch as a board-only-wiki
We should asap remove all content from ch.wikimedia.org and
meta.wikimedia.org (and replace it with links to the new adress), to
ensure that no Wikimedia CH material lies on foundation servers
(liability etc.). (Of course, there can be entries in [[meta:Wikimedia
chapters]] etc.)  At the moment wikimedia.ch is a permanent redirect
to ch.wikimedia.org, so it's okay to promote this adress.
 It would be glad if somebody could remove the Wikimedia Swizerland
 instead of Wikimedia CH in the from-field of the mails being posted
 here. (-Michael?)

I will (I thought I had already but I see that I forgot)
 On the ch.wikimedia.org-page there are some navigation problems:
 *Wikimedia-Portal refers to the dead meta-page
As a matter of time, I only changed it to A general overview will be
provided here soon., please amend it!
 *aktuelle Ereignisse could be better translated to Veranstaltungen
 and also refer to events in the past.
I'll try to change this.
 *zufälliger Artikel doesn't really make sense in this wiki.
Hm, I don't think this can be disabled. But I'll look into it.
 *Spenden should link to a page of our own saying that donations to
 Wikimedia CH are not possible right now. People should wait another two
 weeks or support Wikimedia Foundation which can be found at ...
Okay. I'll change it.
 *Let's list the contact page and bylaws in the navigation bar
Not sure whether it's possible, will look.

 Is there a setting that German is the default language in the Navigation
 bar and so on? Users could still opt in for other languages. In the
 target group of de.wikipedia.org users (readers only) many will not have
 a sophisticated level of English.

Hm, you can adjust the language in your [[Special:Preferences]], but
yes, we should get multilingual. Start translating...
 If we promote Wikimedia day via website at least the main page and the
 Wikipedia Day description page should be available for non English
 speaking users. How do we do this? I suggest a Hauptseite and
 Veranstaltungen/Wikipedia-Tag 2006

 Last but not least we should introduce our website in as many Homepages
 as possible to increase Pagerank (we don't have any yet!)

Well, start distributing the link...
  a very efficient means of markteting would also be to include a
  maximum of four lines with currently important information we would
  like that other people should be informed of. what do you think?

 If we do this let's remove Wikimediach-l@Wikipedia.org at the bottom of
 the emails. It appears already in the sender field.

Okay, I'll do.
  what is the address of the gep building, so we could put a link to
  gis.zh, or switzerland door to door behind it on our wiki

 Leonhardstrasse 34, but please do not promote this address, because it's
 not known under this address.


 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] Footer test

2006-05-01 Thread Michael Bimmler
testing the footer

Michael Bimmler
www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] marketing via emails and homepage

2006-05-01 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 5/1/06, Frederic Schutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael Bimmler wrote:

 It could be get writing the article Wikimedia CH in more as possible
 wikipedias (like http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_CH).
  I once created a Wikimedia CH article in de: but it was deleted with
  the explanation that we'll only get an article when the chapter

 Such an article would probably be deleted in en: as being non-notable --
 even if the association exists, the fact that is it associated with
 Wiki[pedia|media] will probably not carry much weight compared to the
 fact that it is a small, local, association with a handful of members.

Wm DE has an article on en:, the other chapters not.
 www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler

Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] marketing via emails and homepage

2006-05-01 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 5/1/06, Michael Bimmler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 5/1/06, Frederic Schutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Michael Bimmler wrote:
  It could be get writing the article Wikimedia CH in more as possible
  wikipedias (like http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_CH).
   I once created a Wikimedia CH article in de: but it was deleted with
   the explanation that we'll only get an article when the chapter
  Such an article would probably be deleted in en: as being non-notable --
  even if the association exists, the fact that is it associated with
  Wiki[pedia|media] will probably not carry much weight compared to the
  fact that it is a small, local, association with a handful of members.
 Wm DE has an article on en:, the other chapters not.
Oh, and it's a redirect to German Wikipedia.
So no chapters have an article at en...
  www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
  Wikimediach-l mailing list

 Michael Bimmler

 Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens

Michael Bimmler

Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] wikimedia ch first page - link to wikipedia day

2006-05-03 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 5/3/06, Michael Bimmler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 5/3/06, Frederic Schutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  rupert thurner wrote:
   what do you think about turning the perspective from us to the customer, 
  Since I won't have time to do anything more right now, I have
  unprotected the page (it should be semi-protected, barring any error on
  my side) so that you can go ahead and make the changes.
 um, all pages on ch.wikimedia.org are semiprotected inasmuch as you
 have to be logged in to view any page...
  By the way, there is a spurious bullet in the left navigation menu, just
  under Recent changes; anything knows how to get rid of it ?
 Uh... I think I know where this comes from... A few not so successful
 attempts to alter the navbar by changing MediaWiki messages. In the
 english view it is okay again, I think I forgot to undo it in De-View.
 I'll try to remove it.
Mhm, I think it was already away when I wrote this mail. Does anybody
still see it?
  www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
  Wikimediach-l mailing list

 Michael Bimmler

 Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens

Michael Bimmler

Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] wikimedia ch first page - link to wikipedia day

2006-05-04 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 5/3/06, Frederic Schutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael Bimmler wrote:

  um, all pages on ch.wikimedia.org are semiprotected inasmuch as you
  have to be logged in to view any page...

 Semi-protection is more than this: an account must be old enough (don't
 remember the specifics, it is probably wiki-configurable) before you are
 allowed to modify a page that is semi-protected. This means that a
 vandal can not create an account and use it immediately to deface a face
 -- very handy, but we can re-protect the main page if needed when all
 the changes have been done.

I know. I simplified it too much. Well, anyway, the site is
semiprotected now, and so everything is fine. (BTW: As we are not
Wikipedia and we need not follow any formalistic procedures, if we
discover that somebody has registered an account and afterwards
vandalised with it, we can block it infinitely at once and ask him to
contact us by mail if he has a good reason why he should be unblocked.
Point final.)

 By the way, the bullet is still there in my view (I can get a screenshot
 if it helps)...

Uh. Damned. I didn't see it anymore. Anyway I'll have a look at it.
 www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler

Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] About navigation bar

2006-05-05 Thread Michael Bimmler
Hm, I switched now through several languages and skins, but was not
able to see the famous spot/whatever that was mentioned. Could
somebody who still has this problem quickly state which language and
which skin he is using?

Michael Bimmler

Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] Press coverage

2006-05-09 Thread Michael Bimmler
Listed by Nando at ch.wikimedia.org:
http://www.pctipp.ch/webnews/wn/33192.asp  (German)
Michael Bimmler

Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
Wikimedia CH - Association for the advancement of free knowledge
www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Press coverage

2006-05-09 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 5/9/06, Arne Klempert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 5/9/06, Michael Bimmler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Listed by Nando at ch.wikimedia.org:
  http://www.pctipp.ch/webnews/wn/33192.asp  (German)

 Oha, schon in der ersten Presseberichterstattung ein dicker Klopper:
 Aufgabe von Wikimedia CH ist es, «eine lokale Stelle zu bilden,
 welche die freie Enzyklopädie Wikipedia verwaltet und betreibt.»

Genau das ist mir auch aufgefallen (Nando: siehe meine andere Mail).
Ich bin ganz sicher, dass das nirgends steht (auch der Titel missfällt
mir), auf ChapCom's und Brad's Wunsch haben wir ja sogar das Local
Chapter aus den Statuten rausgenommen (jetzt heisst es nur noch so was
wie teilt die Ziele der Wikimedia Foundation.
Ergo klar durch den Journalisten ausgedacht.
Schade, aber wenigstens kann so ein Artikel ja nicht als Beweis für
einen (Haftungs-)Fall benutzt werden...
 Ist das Zitat ausgedacht oder steht das tatsächlich irgendwo?

 Viele Grüße
 www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler

Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
Wikimedia CH - Association for the advancement of free knowledge
www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] Main page

2006-05-12 Thread Michael Bimmler
As e.g. the german Wikipedia does it, I have now but the whole nice
frame at the Top of the Main page in a template,
This template is unprotected (except the non-logged-in users can't
edit anything), so everybody can change it if needed.
The main page itself is now sysops-only again. If anybody is against
this or has a change for the non-templated part of the page, please
speak up!

Michael Bimmler

Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
Wikimedia CH - Association for the advancement of free knowledge
www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Flyer sind da

2006-06-02 Thread Michael Bimmler
Herzlichen Dank für's taking care of Flyers und Plakate.

On 6/1/06, Robin Schwab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hoi zäme

 Die Flyer für den Wikipedia-Tag auf Deutsch sind da und können bei mir
 bestellt werden. Die Gründungsmitglieder erhalten ungefragt :-)


 www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler

Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
Wikimedia CH - Association for the advancement of free knowledge
www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] polyglot auf wikimedia.ch

2006-06-07 Thread Michael Bimmler
Thanks a lot! Now everybody is invited to rewrite the texts (not only
posts but also pages) in the 4 languages. Some pages exist only in
english, some only in german, and some are a mixture...
If you have time but no account, say so here, you'll get one quicker
than you think...

On 6/7/06, thurner rupert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i activated polyglot on wikimedia.ch, which takes the browser language
 for showing the text. default language is english.

 enter multilingual posts like:

 [lang_en]this is english title[/lang_en][lang_de]deutscher titel[/lang_de]

 this is the english text ...
 this is the english text ...

 if you do not use the tags, the entry is valid for all languages, like
 up to now. if a language version is missing, it is configured to show
 the english version.

 and somehow i did not yet manage to get als, rm ... kommt zeit kommt rat 

 if it should be configured differently pls tell.

 http://wikimedia.ch - 2006-06-17
 zuerst wikipedia day, dann http://caliente.ch 
 www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler

Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
Wikimedia CH - Association for the advancement of free knowledge
www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] Translation needed for PM

2006-06-10 Thread Michael Bimmler
we need translations into en, fr and it for
Please help to do this as quickly as possible, it is not so much
Thanks a lot!

Michael Bimmler

Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
Wikimedia CH - Association for the advancement of free knowledge
www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] Statistics...

2006-06-16 Thread Michael Bimmler
For what it's worth: There are now mailinglist statistics:
Look at http://www.infodisiac.com/Wikipedia/ScanMail/Wikimediach-l.html
for this list...
I am, um, going to reduce my mail output a bit ;)
No, seriously, a lot of things can now be dealt via the
board-email-distributer and the
wikipedia-day-organisation-email-distributer, so this list will get
again less active..

Michael Bimmler

Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
Wikimedia CH - Association for the advancement of free knowledge
www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] sqlledger for accounting

2006-06-18 Thread Michael Bimmler
You know how to use it?

On 6/18/06, thurner rupert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 what do you think of using http://sql-ledger.org/ for accounting?

 www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

Michael Bimmler

Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
Wikimedia CH - Association for the advancement of free knowledge
www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] Bericht im TagesAnzeiger

2006-06-26 Thread Michael Bimmler
Ja, dieser Bericht hat mir heute morgen das Aufstehen versüsst...
Er hat sogar unsere Vereinshomepage angegeben...

On 6/26/06, Jürg Studer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Im TagesAnzeiger von heute Montag, 26.6.2006, Seite 45 (Rubrik
 DIGITAL) ist ein längerer Bericht über den Wikipedia-Tag mit dem
 Schwerpunkt Betrand Meyer von Christian Bütikofer.

 Jürg Studer

 Jürg Studer

 www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimediach-l] tax exemption

2006-07-08 Thread Michael Bimmler
On 7/8/06, thurner rupert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 does already somebody take care of the tax exemption request?

No sir.
 http://wikimedia.ch - once a month an update on achievements of swiss
 wikipedia users
 www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
 Wikimediach-l mailing list

www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
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[Wikimediach-l] Fwd: [VereinDE-l] Neuausgabe von Wikis und Blogs - Planen, Einrichten, Verwalten

2006-11-07 Thread Michael Bimmler

-- Forwarded message --
From: Christoph Lange [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Nov 7, 2006 3:47 PM
Subject: [VereinDE-l] Neuausgabe von Wikis und Blogs - Planen,
Einrichten, Verwalten

Liebe Wikimedianer,

 soeben ist das von mir herausgegebene Buch Wikis und Blogs - Planen,
Einrichten, Verwalten als komplett überarbeitete, aktualisierte und
erweiterte Neuausgabe erschienen; siehe
http://www.cul.de/wikiblog.html. Neue Themen sind:

* Blogs: Anwendung, Software und Blick in die Blogosphäre
* Wiki im Unternehmen
* TWiki und JSPWiki
* Mehr Wiki-Communities
** Geschichte der Wikipedia, kritisch betrachtet: ergänzt und fortgeschrieben
** mehr zu Stadtwikis (von Hauke Löffler, Betreiber des Karlsruher Stadtwikis)
** Wikimedia-Zensur in China und Baidu Baike
* Mehr Wiki-Hosting
* Zukunft der Wikis: Semantische Wikis und neue Benutzerschnittstellen
(WYSIWYG, OpenRecord), von den Entwicklern von Semantic MediaWiki

Wer eine Rezension schreiben möchte, kann bei mir ein Exemplar beantragen :-)

Viele Grüße,

VereinDE-l mailing list
www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] [Fwd: [allmend-newsletter] Netlabelfestival / FAQ / Mitgliederversammlung]

2006-11-12 Thread Michael Bimmler

You might be interested...


Michael Bimmler

Secretary and Member of the Board
Sekretär und Vorstandsmitglied

Wikimedia CH
Association for the Advancement of Free Knowledge
Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
8008 Zürich 

+41 44 912 20 18

Digitale Allmend Newsletter #8/06


1. Netlabelfestival - Fr/Sa 17/18.11.06, Rote Fabrik, Zürich
2. FAQ: SUISA und Creative Commons
3. dorkbotswiss - Do 16.11.06, plug.in Basel
4. Mitgliederversammlung - Mi 22.11.06, dock18, Zürich
5. Nodus - Treff für Netzpolitik
6. upgrading humans - Kevin Warrick Talk - Mi 22.11.06 HGK Zürich

In den nächsten Wochen finden einige interessante Veranstaltungen statt.
Wir möchten euch darauf gerne aufmerksam machen.

Mit freundlichem Gruss

Digitale Allmend

PS: Der Newsletter kann gerne weitergeleitet werden. Neue
InteressentInnen können sich einschreiben unter

1. Netlabel Festival - 17/18.11.06, Rote Fabrik Zürich

Am 17./18. November findet das erste Netlabelfestival in Zürich statt.
Ziel der Netlabels ist es, freie Musik über das Internet anzubieten, zu
distribuieren und Plattformen zu entwickeln, die abseits der
herkömmlichen Distributionskanäle funktionieren. Teilnehmen werden
internationale und lokale Musiker, Künstler und Journalisten.

Das Festivalprogramm setzt sich zusammen aus:

1) Konzerte zeitgenössischer elektronischer Musik
2) Panel Netlabel Short Cuts zur Distribution von Musik im Internet
3) Ausstellung Docking Stations
4) Audiobrunch

Veranstaltungsort: Rote Fabrik, Zürich
Web: http://netlabelfestival.ch
Zeit: Freitag/Samstag 17./18.11.06
Eintritt: 15.- / 25.- (Festivalpass)

Organisation: Atelier anorg
Partner: Verein Digitale Allmend, Wildprovider, Dock18, Rote Fabrik,
Rothaus, u.a.

2. FAQ: Suisa und Creative Commons

Die Digitale Allmend wird immer wieder angefragt, wie es den mit der
gleichzeitigen Nutzung von Creative Commons Lizenzen und der SUISA
steht. Deshalb haben wir die wichtigsten Fragen formuliert und an die
SUISA geschickt. Die SUISA hat uns die Fragen freundlicherweise

Es lohnt sich reinzuschauen!

Unsere Fragen und die SUISA Antworten findet ihr im Blog:

3. dorkbotswiss Basel - 16.11.06, plug.in Basel

Nach dem Spass, den wir bei dorkbotswiss in Zürich hatten, werden wir
auch in Basel wieder präsentieren.

Neben Digitaler Allmend präsentieren auch hans tammen (nyc) und luc
gross (bs)

Datum: Donnerstag, 16.11.06
Ort: Plugin Basel, http://www.weallplugin.org
Zeit: 20:00

Eintritt: frei

Weitere Infos: http://dorkbotswiss.org

4. Mitgliedersitzung - 22.11.06, Dock18, Zürich

Die Mitglieder und aktive Interessierte der Digitalen Allmend treffen
sich am 22.nov. um über die zukünftigen Aktivitäten der Digitalen
Allmend zu sprechen. Interessierte sind auch willkommen. Free Drinks.

Datum: Mittwoch, 22.11.2006
Ort: Dock18, http://www.dock18.ch
Zeit: 19:00

5. Nodus - Treff für Netzpolitik zum Thema Urheberrecht

Am Nodus - Treff für Netzpolitik haben sich Interessierte aus
verschiedenen Vereinen getroffen, um über die Urheberrechtsrevision zu
sprechen. Sie haben beschlossen sich regelmässig zu Treffen und weitere
gemeinsame Aktivitäten in Hinblick auf die Revision zu machen.

Die Aktivitäten und Protokolle der Sitzungen des Nodus - Treff für
Netzpolitik können unter http://blog.nodus.ch nachgelesen werden.

6. Upgrading Humans -- Technical Realities and New Morals

Hat zwar im Moment noch nichts mit Urheberrecht, Politikern und
Verwertern zu tun, aber wir finden einfach Warwick sollte man nicht

Der Studienbereich Neue Medien und dorkbotswiss laden ein:

Prof. Kevin Warwick, Dept. of Cybernetics, Reading University (UK)

The main thrust will be an overview of Kevin's own research which has
led to him receiving a neural implant which linked his nervous system
bi-directionally with the internet. With this in place neural signals
were transmitted to various technological devices to directly control
them, in
some cases via the internet, and feedback to the brain was obtained from
such as the fingertips of a robot hand, ultrasonic (extra) sensory input
and neural signals directly from another human's nervous system.

Datum: Mittwoch, 22.11.06
Ort: Studienbereich Neue Medien, Sihlquai 131, 1. Stock Raum 1.7 , 8005
Zeit: 17:00
zukunftsnetz ~ digitale allmend
Optionen zur diesem Newsletter: 


[Wikimediach-l] 25 members

2006-11-12 Thread Michael Bimmler
for your information: I have just welcomed the 25th member of the 
This said, you're still very welcome to promote Wikimedia CH and to 
actively look out for new members...



Michael Bimmler

Secretary and Member of the Board
Sekretär und Vorstandsmitglied

Wikimedia CH
Association for the Advancement of Free Knowledge
Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
8008 Zürich 
+41 44 912 20 18

www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] [Fwd: [Cc-ch] CC-ch Lizenzen - Second Draft zur Diskussion]

2006-11-14 Thread Michael Bimmler

For your information and comment


Michael Bimmler

Secretary and Member of the Board
Sekretär und Vorstandsmitglied

Wikimedia CH
Association for the Advancement of Free Knowledge
Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
8008 Zürich 

+41 44 912 20 18

Wir haben nach der Publikation des ersten Drafts der Übersetzung der
Creative Commons Public License viele Rückmeldungen erhalten. Diese
haben wir in den nun vorliegenden zweiten Entwurf einfliessen lassen.

Im Anschluss an den ersten Entwurf haben wir sodann das Gespräch mit
den Verwertungsgesellschaften gesucht. Auch die Gespräche mit SUISA,
SUISSIMAGE und Pro Litteris haben gemäss unserer Einschätzung zu einer
Verbesserung des Lizenztextes geführt.

Der nun vorliegende zweite Entwurf ist die Übersetzung zur Version
2.5, der derzeit aktuellen Version der Creative Commons Lizenzen.

Die heutige Mitteilung eröffnet eine kurze, abschliessende Diskussion
zu dieser Übersetzung. Rückmeldungen via Mailingliste oder als
Blogkommentar sind willkommen.

Ausstehend sind die Übersetzungen in die französische und italienische
Sprache, welche nach Abschluss der Bereinigung des Second Draft
erfolgen werden.

- CC-ch by-nc-sa, Second Draft, Version 2.5
  - http://www.creativecommons.ch/media/061113_byncsa.pdf
- CC-ch by-nc-sa, First Draft, Version 1.0
  - http://www.creativecommons.ch/media/translatedlicense.pdf
Cc-ch mailing list

---End Message---
www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] Fwd: [wilhelmtux-discussion] Urheberrecht

2006-11-24 Thread Michael Bimmler


--- Urspruengliche Nachricht ---
Datum: 11/24/2006
Von: Raphael Mack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Betreff: [wilhelmtux-discussion] Urheberrecht

Hallo zusammen,

lese seit einiger Zeit auf diese Liste mit und bin froh, dass ihr euch
für eine freiere Welt einsetzt. Vielleicht habt ihr mal von
TheAlternative gehört, ein studentischer Verein in Zürich, der sich für
freie Alternativen in der digitalen Welt einsetzt. Jedenfalls
organisieren wir am kommenden Mo, 27.11. um 18:30 Uhr im Studicafé bQm
an der ETH Zürich einen Info-Abend zum Urheberrecht. Wer Lust und Zeit
hat ist also herzlich eingeladen. Würde mich auch freuen mal den einen
oder anderen von euch persönlich kennen zu lernen.

(Wie) muss das Urheberrecht an das Digitale Zeitalter angepasst werden?

Nach kurzer Einführung stellen Vertreter verschiedener
Interessensgruppen ihre Meinung zur Revision des Urheberrechts vor.
Hierbei wird unter anderen Herausforderungen der zunehmenden
Digitalisierung auch Digitales Rechte Management (DRM) thematisiert.
Anschliessend werden unter Einbezug des Publikums verschiedene Fragen

For A Sustainable Digital World.

wilhelmtux-discussion mailing list

Michael Bimmler

Secretary and Member of the Board
Sekretär und Vorstandsmitglied

Wikimedia CH
Association for the Advancement of Free Knowledge
Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
8008 Zürich
+41 44 912 20 18
www.wikimedia.ch Wikimedia CH website
Wikimediach-l mailing list

[Wikimediach-l] [Fwd: [wilhelmtux-discussi on] Rückblick 6. OSS-Tagung]

2006-11-28 Thread Michael Bimmler
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Michael Bimmler

Secretary and Member of the Board
Sekretär und Vorstandsmitglied

Wikimedia CH
Association for the Advancement of Free Knowledge
Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
8008 Zürich
+41 44 912 20 18
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Liebe Wilhelm Tux Diskussions-Mitglieder und Kopierte,

Nun sind die Beiträge der 6. OSS-Tagung der Bundesverwaltung als 
PDF-Downloads verfügbar:


Es war eine sehr nette Tagung, massgeblich von /ch/open organisiert und 
von Matthias Stürmer moderiert. Das Niveau der Vorträge und des 
vorhandenen Wissens schien mir hoch. Der Vortrag von Florian Schiessl 
(LiMux) war ein Höhepunkt. Es bestand genug Zeit, um Fragen zu stellen.

ABER: Es wurde nicht kontrovers diskutiert. Niemand stellte kritische 
Fragen. Die Medien schienen weitgehend abwesend, mit Ausnahme des uns 
bekannten Mathias Born der BZ: sein Artikel auf: 

Der Vortrag von Dieter Klemme der ISB war ein Hammer. Einige Auszüge:

Status Quo
• Es gibt fast keine Open Source Software auf dem
  Arbeitsplatz der Bundesverwaltung

Bis 2010
• Es gibt fast keine Open Source Software auf dem
  Arbeitsplatz der Bundesverwaltung
• Weichenstellung für Office 2007 und Vista ist erfolgt
• ODF ist ein (noch offenes) Thema

Strategie ab 2011
• Bis 2011 sind die Voraussetzungen geschaffen, um
  Alternativen (auch Open Source Produkte) zu bisherigen
  Produkten, insbesondere der Büroautomation und des ERP
  einsetzen zu können.

Wann wird die Strategie wirklich
• Wenn Microsoft die Preise erhöht oder
• Wenn es betriebliche Probleme mit den MS Produkten gibt

ts_polemik_modus Sind die vielen Viren und Bot-Spams keine 
betriebliche Probleme? /ts_polemik_modus

• Wenn es auf dem Markt viele erfolgreich abgeschlossene
  Umstellungen gibt
• Wenn es eine vollständige Umgebung von alternativer
  Büroautomations-Software gibt
• Wenn sich alle Fachanwendungen migrieren lassen
• Wenn es genügend externes Know-how gibt
• Wenn sich internes Know-how aufbauen lässt


Hierzu wurde gar nichts diskutiert oder hinterfragt und es gab auch 
keine unmittelbare Gelegenheit dazu. Ich habe zwar viel gefragt, aber 
getraute mich nicht, ein Statement abzugeben. Ich habe in der Pause mit 
Dieter Klemme diskutiert. Er hatte viele einleuchtende sachliche Gründe, 
warum es nicht schneller geht [langsamer, als dies in der OSS-Strategie 
der ISB 2005 suggeriert wird] und warum die Bundesverwaltung enorme 
Resourcen in die Migration von Windows XP und MS Office zu Windows Vista 
und MS Office 2007 steckt, statt mit freien Lösungen vorwärts zu machen.

Fachlich mag vieles einleuchten. Aber auf der emotionellen Ebene bin ich 
wütend. Ich fühle, dass wir über den Tisch gezogen werden. Unsere 
Seite wird zwar ernst genommen und nett behandelt, aber hingehalten. Die 
OSS-Strategie 2005 scheint mir Makulatur, die Geschichte mit der SIK 
undurchsichtig und undemokratisch 
(http://www.symlink.ch/article.pl?sid=06/10/06/0911244mode=nested). Das 
Killerargument ist es, das an einer einheitlichen Plattform festgehalten 
wird. Mit diesem Argument kann man alles auf alle Zeiten verhindern. 
Richtigerweise wird gesagt, dass die User nichts wissen wollen und 
dass ein Mangel an FOSS-tauglichen Informatikern und Firmen herrscht. 
Aber ich spüre einfach keine Leidenschaft. Kein politisches Herz für die 
freie Informationsgesellschaft und die Res Publica, die öffentliche 
Sache. Ich habe nichts gegen die grossen Firmen, die ihrem Profit 
folgen. Aber ihre Ziele sind nicht die Ziele der Öffentlichkeit und 
nicht die Ziele der Kunden. Wie machen wir das unseren Politikerinnen 
und Administratoren klar?

Florian Schiessl ist zwar auch pragmatisch: München hat einen 
pragmatischen Entscheid gefälltWir wollten keine Polemik anzetteln, 
sondern suchten die beste Lösung für unsere Bedürfnisse. Aber München 
hat auch politisch entschieden.

Wie seht ihr das? Sind meine Gefühle falsch? Oder müssen wir polemischer 
werden, um weitere Rückschläge zu vermeiden? Wird sich die Verwaltung 
erst unter politischem Druck weiter bewegen?

Theo Schmidt

wilhelmtux-discussion mailing list

---End Message---
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