On Saturday, January 12, 2019 at 4:23:51 PM UTC-6, Brent wrote:
> On 1/12/2019 3:06 AM, Philip Thrift wrote:
> On Friday, January 11, 2019 at 7:25:55 PM UTC-6, Brent wrote: 
>> On 1/11/2019 2:36 PM, Philip Thrift wrote: 
>> >> Of course there are math professors (Dr. Z at Rutgers) who teach on 
>> >> the evils of Platonism. And "Truth" is like God, as Rorty said. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > That is a good summary of Plato. Hirsschberger sum up Plato by saying 
>> > that the God of Plato is Truth. Not the one we make public, but the 
>> > one we search. 
>> > 
>> > Now, all my life I have got the feeling that Plato is dismissed, and 
>> > badly seen, notably in opposition to Aristotle. But Aristotle did not 
>> > understood Plato, except in a curious passage of the “metaphysics” 
>> > where he seems to suddenly got the point, and seems to come back to 
>> > Plato without saying (but that is an optimistic reading of Aristotle’s 
>> > metaphysics, To be sure I found some scholars who saw that too, like 
>> > Gerson. 
>> > 
>> > That "truth is God" makes sense for a computationalist, because 
>> > “truth” when encompassing the description of a machine at its correct 
>> > substitution level, is no more definable by that machine. Yes, Truth, 
>> > and semantics, is very much like the platonician notion of God. You 
>> > force me to agree with Rorty on this! 
>> > 
>> At the same time Rorty said,"Truth is like God" he was a "strict 
>> atheist".  He was also a pragmatist, meaning he thought the measure of 
>> truth was solely whether it worked.  So I'd gather that Rorty didn't 
>> think that "truth" was very useful idea; which is confirmed by him being 
>> called an "ironist" by his friends. 
>> Brent 
> He was called a  "boring" atheist. 
> By Danny Postel.  But from Habermas:
> * His colleague Jürgen Habermas's obituary for Rorty points out that 
> Rorty's contrasting childhood experiences, such as beautiful orchids versus 
> reading a book in his parents' house that defended Leon Trotsky against 
> Stalin, created an early interest in philosophy. He describes Rorty as an 
> ironist:*
> *"Nothing is sacred to Rorty the ironist. Asked at the end of his life 
> about the 'holy', the strict atheist answered with words reminiscent of the 
> young Hegel: 'My sense of the holy is bound up with the hope that some day 
> my remote descendants will live in a global civilization in which love is 
> pretty much the only law.'[6]"*
> Brent
> http://www.pragmatismtoday.eu/summer2012/Madzia-Richard_Rorty_An_Ethics_for_Today_Finding_Common_Ground_between_Philosophy_and_Religion.pdf
> *Danny Postel once wrote that Richard Rorty can be*
> *probably best described as a "boring atheist.” Now, can*
> *we hear anything interesting about religion from a*
> *boring atheist? In the case of Rorty, we surely can, at*
> *least in two respects: a) by reading his papers on religion*
> *we can get a picture of his opinions on the role of*
> *religious experience in the lives of human beings that is*
> *far from trivial; b) by using "redescription” as Rorty’s*
> *most powerful weapon in advancing our intellectual and*
> *moral standards, we can reformulate some of his ideas*
> *as being able to enter a conversation with the kind of*
> *thinking known as postmodern Christianity (or weak*
> *theology being its instance). Rorty’s atheism definitely*
> *does not fall into the same category as the atheism of*
> *Richard Dawkins or Daniel Dennett. Rorty seems to*
> *perfectly understand the broadness of religious*
> *experience and its various contexts, although, for*
> *himself, religion is not a live option. His growing*
> *willingness to enter into debate with religion, as we saw*
> *it in the last several years of his life, is supposedly an*
> *inevitable conclusion of contentions published in his*
> *earlier papers where he called religion a "conversationstopper.” *
> *It may well be the case that religion sometimes*
> *is a conversation-stopper, but as Rorty himself holds, it is *
> *our (philosophers’) responsibility to maintain the*
> *discussion even with these sometimes "unwilling” forms*
> *of discourse. Since we know that when discussion*
> *ceases, other forms of persuasion come into play, we*
> *must make sure it will carry on. *
> *Rorty: On Truth*
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzynRPP9XkY
> - pt
"*Ironist, *a term coined by Richard Rorty 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Rorty>" (in *Contingency, Irony, and 

[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ironism ]

Rorty was the one saying who the Ironists were!

In *Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contingency,_Irony,_and_Solidarity>*, Rorty 
argues that Proust <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proust>, Nietzsche 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nietzsche>, Foucault 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Foucault>, Heidegger 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heidegger>, Derrida 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derrida>, and Nabokov 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Vladimirovich_Nabokov>, among 
others, all exemplify Ironism to different extents.

- pt

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