Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: [Gimp-docs] Wording in German: Toolbox

2004-07-26 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
On Mon, 2004-07-26 at 17:56, Nathan Carl Summers wrote:
> >
> > So, what do you guys think: "Werkzeugfenster" or "Werkzeugkasten"?
> I don't speak German, but Werkzeugfenster sounds cooler than
> Werkzeugkasten.  In fact, I wouldn't mind a "Werkzeugfenster" T-shirt.

Dare I suggest Werkzeugkastenfenster?  ("Toolbox window")


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Read/write plugin

2004-07-04 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
On Sun, 2004-07-04 at 11:23, Soren Hauberg wrote:
> Hi everybody
> This is my first post to this list, so please be gentle :-)
> I'm a student of computer science at the University of Copenhagen (DIKU) 
> working mostly with image processing. At DIKU we have a rather old image 
> C library and hence quite a bit images stored in the image format used 
> in this library.
> I'd like to be able to read and write this kind of images in gimp, but 
> how do I get started?

You didn't say what format the C library uses:  perhaps it's one of the
many for which conversion programs already exist.  If you are running on
a *nix system (Unix, Linux, BSD, Solaris ...) the portable bitmap
package may already have a conversion program.  And then there's always
ImageMagick, which also can convert to and from innumerable image

If the issue is more one of learning how to write a Gimp plug-in, other
messages in this thread will probably be of more help.



Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] File Selection Creating Thumbnails hangs at 255 images

2004-01-23 Thread Jeff Trefftzs

Gimp-2.0pre2:  I had a directory with 906 images in it but no up-to-date
thumbnails, so I selected all (Ctl-A) in the Files list and clicked on
the thumbnail pane to create the thumbs.  It began working away, but
stalled at image 255 or 906.  I continued to hear a lot of disk
activity, but no additional updates to the progress, and it locked my
system up so that it no longer responded to mouse events, keyboard
events, or even Ctl-Alt-Del.  I had to (horrors!) hit the reset button
to force a reboot :(.  From the magic number (255), this looks to me
like a bug in the thumbnail creation code -- possibly an artificial
limit that's getting exceeded without warning.  

Is this known, or should I hit bugzilla?



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Script-Fu Bug Gimp-2.0pre2

2004-01-23 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
On Thu, 2004-01-22 at 16:29, Simon Budig wrote:

> Try the gimp-layer-set-edit-mask function. This seems the function
> of choice in your case (I did not test it though).
> Bye,
> Simon

Thanks, Simon.  That did it.


Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Script-Fu Bug Gimp-2.0pre2

2004-01-22 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
On Thu, 2004-01-22 at 16:29, Simon Budig wrote:
> Jeff Trefftzs ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I've been trying to port one of my scheme scripts to 2.0pre2 and have
> > discovered what I think is a bug.  Before I battle with bugzilla, would
> > someone try to reproduce it?
> Not until you provide the script  :)

;;; pencil-sketch.scm
;;;  Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

;;; Changelog:
;;; 020113 - Version 1.1.  Added multiple choice for edge detection
;;; 020113 - Version 1.01. Fixed mask texture bug.
;;; 020113 - Version 1.0.  Initial Release.

;;; Define the function:

(define (script-fu-pencil-sketch inImage inLayer
   (WhiteLayer (car (gimp-layer-copy inLayer TRUE)))
   (MaskedLayer (car (gimp-layer-copy inLayer TRUE)))
   (EdgeLayer (car (gimp-layer-copy inLayer TRUE)))
   (LayerMask (car (gimp-layer-create-mask MaskedLayer 0)))

(gimp-image-undo-group-start inImage) ; changed for 1.3/2.0

(gimp-image-add-layer inImage WhiteLayer -1)
(gimp-image-add-layer inImage MaskedLayer -1)
(gimp-image-add-layer inImage EdgeLayer -1)

(gimp-drawable-set-name WhiteLayer "Paper Layer") ; changed for
(gimp-drawable-set-name MaskedLayer "Copy with layer mask")
(gimp-drawable-set-name EdgeLayer "Edges from original image")

;; Real work goes in here

(gimp-drawable-fill WhiteLayer WHITE-IMAGE-FILL) ; Fill the white
(if (> inTextToggle 0)
  (gimp-patterns-set-pattern inTexture)
  (gimp-edit-bucket-fill WhiteLayer PATTERN-BUCKET-FILL NORMAL-MODE
100 0 FALSE 0 0) ; changed for 1.3/2.0

;;  Create the layer mask and put the paper pattern in it.

(gimp-layer-add-mask MaskedLayer LayerMask) ; changed for 1.3/2.0
(gimp-image-set-active-channel inImage LayerMask)
(gimp-patterns-set-pattern inMaskPat)
(gimp-bucket-fill LayerMask PATTERN-BUCKET-FILL NORMAL-MODE
  100   ; opacity
  0 ; threshold
  FALSE ; no sample-merged
  0 0)  ; X, Y coords
(gimp-image-unset-active-channel inImage) ; finished with it

;;  Now find the edges

(gimp-image-set-active-layer inImage EdgeLayer)

;; Edge Detection Here

(cond ((= inEdges 0); Laplacian edges
   (plug-in-gauss-iir TRUE inImage EdgeLayer inWeight TRUE TRUE)
   (plug-in-laplace TRUE inImage EdgeLayer))

  ((= inEdges 1); Sobel Edges
   (plug-in-sobel TRUE inImage EdgeLayer TRUE TRUE TRUE))

  ;; Synthetic Edges here - Include desaturate if needed

  ((= inEdges 2); Synthetic Edges
   (set! tmplayer (car (gimp-layer-copy EdgeLayer TRUE)))
   (gimp-image-add-layer inImage tmplayer -1)
   (gimp-layer-set-mode tmplayer DIVIDE-MODE)
   (plug-in-gauss-iir TRUE inImage tmplayer inWeight TRUE TRUE)
   (set! EdgeLayer 
 (car (gimp-image-merge-down inImage tmplayer
   (gimp-levels EdgeLayer VALUE-LUT
inDark  ; low input
255 ; high input
1.0 ; gamma
0 255)  ; output 

   ;; Desaturate if needed

   (if (= inMono TRUE)
   (gimp-desaturate EdgeLayer)
  ) ; end cond

(gimp-layer-set-mode EdgeLayer DARKEN-ONLY-MODE) ; in case white bg

(gimp-image-set-active-layer inImage inLayer)
(gimp-undo-push-group-end inImage)


[Gimp-developer] Script-Fu Bug Gimp-2.0pre2

2004-01-22 Thread Jeff Trefftzs

I've been trying to port one of my scheme scripts to 2.0pre2 and have
discovered what I think is a bug.  Before I battle with bugzilla, would
someone try to reproduce it?

Details:  my script adds a layer mask to a layer (this works), but when
I attempt to make the layer mask the active channel, using
gimp-image-set-active-channel I consistently get an error:

ERROR: Procedural database execution failed:
(gimp_image_set_active_channel 2 9)

9 is indeed the right channel number, but somehow it's not getting
registered.  gimp-image-get-channels keeps returning an empty array.

Is this just me, or can someone else duplicate this?



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Tool Dialogs stuck on top

2003-12-11 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
On Mon, 2003-12-08 at 17:00, Sven Neumann wrote:

> See my comments on
> The strange thing is that the session management seems to work
> sometimes, sometimes not. We will have to investigate further why the
> proper placement of the dialog fails sometimes. But I think the tool
> dialogs should remain transient to the image window (and thus will be
> kept on top by most window managers).

Thanks, Sven.  I changed preferences in my window manager (Sawfish) to
place transient windows at random and to allow them to be hidden, so
things are back to more-or-less normal.  The only remaining issue is
that the transient windows do not get listed in the Gnome control panel,
which means they can get hidden under other windows with no indication
that they're there, unlike their earlier behavior.  This is not
necessarily a major issue, but might confuse newbies.

Anyway, thanks for the rapid response and useful suggestions.



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Tool Dialogs stuck on top

2003-12-08 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
On Mon, 2003-12-08 at 17:00, Sven Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
>  But I think the tool
> dialogs should remain transient to the image window (and thus will be
> kept on top by most window managers).

Any chance of at least making this configurable by the user?  Transient
to the image window is something I find truly offensive.  I didn't
realize I would, until I tried it, but it means that I can't look at my
full size image as a whole until I either cancel or accept the results
of using the tool -- when it was so much easier to bring my image window
to the front, examine it, and then call back the tool dialog and change
my curve settings or level adjustments and see it all again.

Of course there is a work-around:  simply accept a set of settings, and
use undo to go back so you can try again, but this is far too
reminiscent of the old batch programming days, rather than the truly
interactive adjustments we've come to know and love.



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Tool Dialogs stuck on top

2003-12-08 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
Hi All -

I've been trying out GIMP-1.3.23 and have discovered some behavior that
I, at least, find terminally annoying.  When I use a tool such as
Crop/Resize, the tool dialog pops up.  Well, this is fine, but (a) it
pops up right over the portion of the image I'm trying to select, hiding
it from my view, and (b) always remains on top of all other windows,
even though I'd like to try to send it to the back.  Same behavior has
shown up for Curves, Levels, etc.  

Has anyone else noticed this and found it irritating?  I didn't find
anything in bugzilla, but I'm not really good at searching that



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] gimp-1.3.21, fontconfig-2.2+ configure problems

2003-10-09 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
On Thu, 2003-10-09 at 16:06, Tim Mooney wrote:
> In regard to: Re: [Gimp-developer] gimp-1.3.21, fontconfig-2.2+ configure...:

> You can't really rely on timestamps, since they will likely be preserved
> by RPM (which uses cpio as the internal mechanism for packaging/transport).
> The problem isn't your fontconfig, the problem is freetype.
> FT_Get_BDF_Property is defined in recent FreeType -- looks like
> you need to upgrade that first.

Thanks.  That did it.  Maybe configure should check for freetype >=
2.1.4? My installation was still at 2.1.3, which obviously didn't work.
Anyway, I'm now up to date from rawhide, and busy compiling gimp-1.3.21.



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] gimp-1.3.21, fontconfig-2.2+ configure problems

2003-10-09 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
On Thu, 2003-10-09 at 07:31, Ville Pätsi wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-10-09 at 14:37, Sven Neumann wrote:
> > I have however no idea why you are having these problems when
> > upgrading. Perhaps someone more familiar with RedHat can shed some
> > light on this?
> One can get fontconfig 2.2 from Red Hat Rawhide. It works fine on RH9.

On the off-chance that this would solve the problem, I have just
downloaded and re-installed both the fontconfig-2.2.1-4 and
fontconfig-devel-2.2.1-4 RPMs.  Just to make sure, I also upgraded atk
and atk-devel, and pango and pango-devel to the most recent RPMs from
rawhide.  Everything installs fine except for the fontconfig package,
which fails in the post-install script:

error: %post(fontconfig-2.2.1-4) scriptlet failed, exit status 127

The scriptlet seems to be a simple fc-cache -f command, which fails with
the following error message:

fc-cache: relocation error: /usr/lib/ undefined
symbol: FT_Get_BDF_Property

I checked the state of /usr/lib/, which is a symlink
to /usr/lib/, which hasn't been updated since June.
This makes me think that the fontconfig package isn't really getting
properly installed, or at least not updating the library properly.  

Am I correct in thinking that my shared library isn't getting updated? 
Can someone tell me what the proper version of libfontconfig should be
for fontconfig-2.2.1?  And should I perhaps try to recompile the
fontconfig library from sources and install it manually?  

Baffled in California,


Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] gimp-1.3.21, fontconfig-2.2+ configure problems

2003-10-08 Thread Jeff Trefftzs

On Monday I downloaded the latest gimp-1.3.21, expecting to be able to
have a sparkling new version to play with by sometime that afternoon. 
No such luck.  I'm running into the following problem:

checking PANGOFT2_CFLAGS... -I/usr/include/pango-1.0
-I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0
checking PANGOFT2_LIBS... -Wl,--export-dynamic -lpangoft2-1.0
-lpango-1.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -ldl -lglib-2.0
checking for fontconfig >= 2.2.0... Requested 'fontconfig >= 2.2.0' but
of Fontconfig is 1.0.1
configure: error: Library requirements (fontconfig >= 2.2.0) not met;
consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your
libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.

So far this loks straightforward -- I need a later version of
fontconfig, right?  So I go download the fontconfig-2.2.1-4.i386.rpm and
the fontcnfig-devel-2.2.1-4.i386.rpm from RedHat and try to upgrade. 
Well, the upgrade doesn't quite work: 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] RPMS]# rpm -Uvh --oldpackage fontconfig*2.1-9*.rpm
   1:fontconfig ###
[ 50%]
error: %post(fontconfig-2.1-9) scriptlet failed, exit status 127
   2:fontconfig-devel   ###

But after a little fiddling I seem to have 2.2.1-9 installed.  But then
I cannot get past the gtk+ tests, bacause there's a problem with
FT_Get_BDF_Property being undefined in /usr/lib/

After two days of beating my head against this, I'm asking for help.  I
must be doing something wrong, probably something really simple, but it
feels like I'm looking at the problem from the wrong angle.  

Does gimp-1.3.21 suddenly need fontconfig-2.2.0 or greater, where
gimp-1.3.20 didn't?  Am I somehow screwing up the rpm upgrade from the
original RH9 install (fontconfig-2.1-9)?  If so, how should I try to get
rpm to upgrade when there are dependencies like
fontconfig/fontconfig-devel involved?  Or is my download somehow corrupt
and I should try it again?



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Converting old plug-ins to wirk with gimp-1.3.20 (gimp-2)

2003-10-02 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 14:42, Sven Neumann wrote:
> Hi,

> Perhaps you want to contribute a short porting guide. Such a document
> should be included with the 1.3 API reference. Let me know if you are
> interested, I can give you a template that we can include in
> devel-docs/libgimp later.

Now that I've successfully ported a simple plug-in (ellipse.c, the one
that maps an image to a circular or elliptical window, not the
selection), I can make an informed reply of yes, certainly.  Please go
ahead and send or point me to the template.


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Converting old plug-ins to wirk with gimp-1.3.20 (gimp-2)

2003-09-29 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 06:44, Sven Neumann wrote:

> If your plug-in still needs GIMP_ENABLE_COMPAT_CRUFT, it hasn't been
> ported to gimp-1.2 yet. Of course you need to do that first.

Do I need to do anything except replace the old cruft with the new calls
as specified in gimp-1.2.5/libgimp/gimpcompat.h?

> Assuming you have a gimp-1.2 plug-in, here's what you do to port it to
> the 1.3 API:
> (1) Replace all occurances of drawable->id with drawable->drawable_id.
> (2) Include .
> (3) Fix whatever problems remain (if you are lucky, there are none).
> (4) Look at gimpcompat.h and do the changes described there.
> (5) Remove the inclusion of gimpcompat.h again.

Thanks for your prompt and helpful reply.  It looks like I found most of
the required changes. I'll get busy converting and let you know how it
all comes out.



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Converting old plug-ins to wirk with gimp-1.3.20 (gimp-2)

2003-09-29 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
Hi all,

As we are about to move to the next stage of gimpery, I have begun
looking closely at my large collection of plug-ins, many of which I
remember compiling with GIMP_ENABLE_COMPAT_CRUFT, and wondering how to
make them usable again under the new regime.  Can anybody point me to a
porting guide that identifies the changes needed to go from the old
(well, present) api to that used in gimp-1.3.20 and up?

I have already written a quckie decrufter perl script to obviate the
need to use GIMP_ENABLE_COMPAT_CRUFT, and I have found a few changes
between present stable usage and the 1.3.20 version, but I'm still
wondering what else I'm missing.  

All advice and tips will b gratefully appreciated.



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Difference between 1.2 .gih and 1.3 .gih files?

2003-09-23 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
On Tue, 2003-09-23 at 04:10, Michael Natterer wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
> The GIH format has changed shortly before the 1.2 release since it used
> the (now obsolete) special pixmap brush file format (which has been
> merged with the GBR gimp brush format).
> Just open the failing brushes with ->Open and save them again.
> The plug-in is still able to read these files and will save the new
> format.

Thanks to Dave, Simon, and Mitch for the prompt replies.  I'm converting
the old brushes now.



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Layer Combination Modes - what files, please?

2003-09-22 Thread Jeff Trefftzs

I've been rooting through the source for gimp-1.3.20 looking in vain for
the functions that handle the layer combination modes.  Can someone
please point me to the right files?



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Difference between 1.2 .gih and 1.3 .gih files?

2003-09-22 Thread Jeff Trefftzs

I notice that I get lots of complaints about corrupt brush files when I
try to load .gih files from gimp-1.2.x into 1.3.20.  Can somebody please
point me to the right place to discover the difference between the
gimp-1.2 .gih brushes and whatever the
equivalent is in gimp-1.3.20?  I have a whole lot of brushes that I'd
like to convert if only I knew how.



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] gimp-1.3.19 ./configure failure oddity

2003-09-02 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
Greetings Gimp Gurus,

I have run into a baffling problem when trying to compile the gimp
(1.2.5 and 1.3.x) on a RH9 system.  As far as I can tell, it seems
limited to the gimp:  I can configure and compile other tarballs without
any problem.  What makes it weird is the workaround.  Details follow.

When I have /usr/local/lib in my search path (as I usually do, via
/etc/ and /sbin/ldconfig) the gimp configure step hiccups:

config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating config.h
./config.status: line 1332: 29673 Segmentation fault  sed -f
$tmp/undefs.sed $tmp/in >$tmp/out
config.status: executing depfiles commands

and config.h doesn't get built.  Somehow, somewhere, something is
crashing sed.  If I take /usr/local/lib out of my library path, it all
works.  My initial thought was that there were duplicate libraries
between /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib, but I haven't found any.
When I checked configure.log, there was no hint of any trouble.

I have noticed that /sbin/ldconfig complains that a number of files aren't symlinks, but they all seem to be actual
executables.  How this relates I have no idea.

An additional effect that I have noticed only with the gimp, is that
make crashes repeatedly during the compile.  I was wondering if this
meant I was running out of temp disk, but I still have close to 2G left
on the root filesystem, so that isn't it; I have tried compiling with
and without /usr/local/lib in the file and both compiles
crash (segfault) after compiling for a long time.  Note that if I simply
reissue the make command the compile picks up where it left off, and
eventually I get a brand new gimp.

Has anybody seen problems like these, and can you suggest any possible
causes or other places to look?  It's not a show-stopper, but it
certainly has been leaving me baffled.



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] gimp 1.3.18 - Pink backgrounds on GIF's

2003-08-14 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 07:33, Adam D. Moss wrote:
> Adam D. Moss wrote:
> > Okay, in that case I think I must have made a mistake in
> > the forward-port of the 1.2.x fix to 1.3.x, because I can't
> > reproduce this in my 1.2.x tree with the equivilent GIF plugin
> > 4.01.00 fix in it.
> > 
> > I'll try to spot what the forward-port does differently.
> I can't see anything wrong with the forward-port, and still
> can't reproduce this with the same mod on the 1.2.x branch.
> Now I can't afford any more time to look into this in the
> near future.
> Maybe someone who can reproduce this in 1.3.18 can come
> up with some ideas.
> Here's the unpublished 1.2.x gif-save plugin with the same fix
> that went into 1.3.17 (which I'm ASSUMING is the fix that is at
> the root of this problem), for comparison:
> --Adam

Without getting fancy, I just tried this image in gimp-1.3.18 (Linux,
RedHat 9).  It opened with the pink background, but I could repair the
transparency by (a) adding an alpha channel in the Layers and Channels
Dialog and (b) select by color/clear selection.  

Is the problem as simple as losing the alpha channel from the GIF in the
later versions?



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] gimp 1.3.18 - Pink backgrounds on GIF's

2003-08-12 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 08:49, Adam D. Moss wrote:
> Hi.
> Jeff Trefftzs wrote:
> > Without getting fancy, I just tried this image in gimp-1.3.18 (Linux,
> > RedHat 9).  It opened with the pink background
> Wait, it OPENED with the pink background?  You didn't have
> to save it out again first?

Yes indeedy!

I downloaded the GIF from the URL you provided.  When I opened it in
gimp-1.3.17 (yes, 17, not 18, my bad) it showed the pink bg.  Both in
preview and when I opened it.  This duplicates the reported behavior,



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Debugging?

2003-06-15 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 19:35, Douglas Lewan wrote:
> Are there any Scheme debuggers that work with GIMP?  
> Are there any profilers?
> Where's the right place to get documentation for GIMP primitives?
> I've been hunting through the C-code.

The best place I've found for documentation on the GIMP primitives, at
least with respect to scheme and Perl, is in the PDB browser that should
have come with your GIMP.  I use it heavily when I'm writing script-fus.

Debugging:  you might try firing up the script-fu console in the GIMP
and testing code snippets there.  I've found this to work fairly well. 
My main problem is getting my head back into lisp space ...



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] copy-paste: position shift with alpha images

2002-10-31 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
Sven wrote:

> oh, come on. calling perl to resize the layer to the image size is a
> bit of an overkill if it can also be done in one or two lines of
> scheme. The following code is untested, but might actually work: ...

It may be overkill, but it's available from the layers & channels dialog box 
in the right-click menu, so I assumed that's how it was supposed to be done.  
Should we replace the menu entry with a call to your scheme function instead?


Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] script-fu-scheme: Full implementation of Scheme?

2002-10-30 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
I've posted the siod documentation that I use on my website at

It also shows functions that are not available in the Gimp, but fewer than 
your source. I seem to remember that I had to roll my own floor, ceil, and 
round functions.

Good luck.


Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] copy-paste: position shift with alpha images

2002-10-30 Thread Jeff Trefftzs
Hi Martin -

First, your questions would be better directed to the gimp-user (instead of 
gimp-developer) list.  And I can also recommend the script-fu group on yahoo.

To answer your question: you can avoid creating the intermediate variable by 
  (car (gimp-edit-paste target-layer FALSE)))

To ensure that your selection winds up in the same place in the new layer, try 
(if you can)
making sure that the layer from which you get your selection is the same size 
as the image, using (perl-fu-layer-to-image-size 1) .  This works on the 
active layer only, and may not work on windows systems lacking perl-fu support.



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery  Photo Gallery 

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] gimp and guile (and scheme)

2002-07-14 Thread Jeff Trefftzs

I have a downloaded copy of the original siod.html documentation from, back when it was still in existence.  it's 
89KB, but I will send it to anyone who wants a copy.  Just ask.  It seems to 
be self-contained enough to be usable for on-line browsing, but I wouldn't 
recommend it as a good tutorial (or even as the world's greatest reference).



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery Photo galleries

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] How many points can be drawn with one call to gimp-paintbrush?

2002-04-24 Thread Jeff Trefftzs

I'm working with L-Systems, using the GIMP as the image visualization engine, 
and doing the actual string rewriting, etc. in perl-fu.  My test images tend 
to get pretty complicated pretty fast - the one running now is interpreting 
88,940 symbols in the l-system.  While the number of lines that gets drawn 
isn't quite this large, we're still talking in terms of tens of thousands of 
calls to gimp_paintbrush.  At the moment I call gimp_paintbrush once for each 
line segment, as it gets processed from the command string (those 88,940 
symbols I mentioned earlier).  I was wondering if there might be a noticeable 
performance improvement if I were to accumulate a large number of line 
segments (saving their coordinates in an array), and making one call to 
gimp_paintbrush with some large number of line segments.   Is there a known 
upper limit to the number of end points that can go into the array passed to 


Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery Photo galleries

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] siod (Script-Fu) string-length limitations

2002-04-12 Thread Jeff Trefftzs

I've been experimenting with building a L-systems script-fu, but have hit a 
seemingly insuperable obstacle.  It seems that there's a built-in limitation 
in siod  that prevents strings from exceeding somewhere between 4050 and  4094 
bytes.  Since L-systems are basically string-rewriting systems, with the 
strings getting longer at each rewrite, this arbitrarily low limit is a real 
PITA.  Indeed, it's a show-stopper.

Despite the known annoyances of trying to do string handling in any lisp-like 
language, I started out using the scheme script-fu instead of perl in hopes of 
making the resulting script usable on windoze machines as well as Linux boxes. 
 But when I finally got things working, the interpreter just dies/hangs when 
the strings start getting too long.  There are no error messages, no core 
dumps, no segfaults -- it just stops, silently.

So my questions are:

(1)  Is the specific version of siod that the GIMP uses documented anywhere?

(2)  Is there a sensible workaround for the (apparently) limited string length?

(3)  Is there a way to extend the GIMP's version of siod's capabilities to 
allow strings of arbitrary (large, very large) length in 1.4? (Or, even 
better, in 1.2.x?)


Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery Photo galleries

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Undo breaks in script-fu (sometimes)

2002-02-19 Thread Jeff Trefftzs

Hi, all -

I have discovered a reproducible way to put the gimp (1.2.3) 
into a tight loop.  Try this:

1.  Open an image
2.  Run the cross-stitch script over it.
3.  Change the active layer to the stitches layer
4.  Undo (Ctl-Z).  Gimp goes into a loop.

I think it has to do with the script flipping between RGB and 
Indexed mode a couple of times - but why undo should get 
confused when a different layer is selected baffles me.

I'd appreciate it if someone would take a quick look at this - 
if it's really a bug, and not something bizarre in my script, 
I'll file this with bugzilla.


Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery Photo galleries

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Attn Sven - Palette Script to Break Gimp

2002-02-03 Thread Jeff Trefftzs

;;;  break-gimp.scm - Crash on big palettes for Sven
;;;  Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it 
and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the 
License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be 
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty 
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public 
;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

;;; Define the function:

(define (script-fu-break-gimp inImage inLayer inPalette)

  (gimp-undo-push-group-start inImage)

;; Real work goes in here

  (gimp-convert-indexed inImage
  0 ; No dithering, since we want pixelized
  CUSTOM-PALETTE ; create our own palette to start
  32; using specified no of colors
  FALSE ; No alpha dither
  FALSE ; Remove unused colors
  inPalette); Ignored this time

  (gimp-image-set-active-layer inImage inLayer)
  (gimp-undo-push-group-end inImage)

 _"/Script-Fu/TEST/Break Gimp with big palette."
 "Makes GIMP segfault."
 "Jeff Trefftzs"
 "Copyright 2002, Jeff Trefftzs"
 "February 3, 2002"
 SF-IMAGE "The Image" 0
 SF-DRAWABLE "The Layer" 0
 SF-FILENAME "The Palette" "Named_Colors"

On a pure white image, it just seemed to go into a loop; on an 
image with a colored gradient it gave multiple segfaults and 
then crashed.



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery Photo galleries

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Bug in frosty-logo.scm

2002-02-02 Thread Jeff Trefftzs

[jeff@thoth scripts]$ grep "define (min" /usr/local/share/gimp/1.
/usr/local/share/gimp/1.2/scripts/frosty-logo.scm:(define (min a 
b) (if (< a b) a b))

This line redefined the existing (min ... ) scheme function, 
which breaks anything else that wants to use it.  It should be 
removed in future releases.
The real (min ...) takes an arbitrary number of args, and 
returns the minimum in the entire list.


Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery Photo galleries

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Translate Weirdness

2002-02-01 Thread Jeff Trefftzs

Hi Sven -

Code snippet:

 (while (< y height)

 (gimp-rect-select inImage 0 0 width y
   REPLACE FALSE 0) ; select some pixels
 (gimp-edit-copy maskchannel)   ; copy the selection
 (gimp-selection-translate inImage 0 y) ; shift down
   (gimp-edit-paste maskchannel FALSE))) ; and paste back

 (set! y (+ y y))   ; move down by as much as we did

The snippet above no longer has the anomaly at y = 256; instead it's around y = 150.  

The snippet below has the anomaly at y = 2 ^ n:

 (while (< y height)

 (gimp-rect-select inImage 0 0 width y
   REPLACE FALSE 0) ; select some pixels
 (gimp-edit-copy maskchannel)   ; copy the selection
 (gimp-selection-translate inImage 0 y) ; shift down
   (gimp-edit-paste maskchannel TRUE))) ; and paste back

 (set! y (+ y y))   ; move down by as much as we did

The location of the anomaly depends on the second argument to gimp-edit-paste, which I 
don't really understand anyway.

The problem does not arise when the image's y dimension is a power of 2.  (Or maybe 
it's some multiple of the step size:  the initial step I've been using has been 4).

To make life more interesting, I can't find it when the initial step size is 5.

I'll continue to research this and file a bug report when I can figure out what's 
really going on.


Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery Photo galleries

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] plugin-announcement

2002-01-30 Thread Jeff Trefftzs

Hi Frank -

I just downloaded lic2-0.55 and began testing.  There's still 
one problem:  it doesn't undo if you work on an image in place.  
But you'll be pleased to know that the Makefile works out of the 
box on my system (RH 6.1, mostly).  Still, it's a great 
improvement over 0.50.

Keep up the good work!


Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery Photo galleries

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] CVS compiling! (fwd)

2002-01-23 Thread Jeff Trefftzs

--- Forwarded Message

X-Mailer: exmh version 2.2 06/23/2000 with nmh-1.0.4
To: Carol Spears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CVS compiling!
Reply-to: Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 00:01:55 -0800

Hi Carol!

After I left irc I sat down in the relative quiet and did a 
step-by-step work through.  Got into the RPMs and uninstalled 
automake.  Uninstalled the rest of the stuff I had later 
versions of in tarballs.  Compiled and installed new automake 
and libtool.  Then, with only a little fiddling with some 
symlinks in cvs/gnome that now pointed to non-existent files 
(from the RPM -e foo, bar, baz), I got it through the configure 
and into the make.

In the HOWTO you say (regarding the installation of various 
libraries, etc):

If is is not there, be sure to install glib 1.2.x . Next install 
any of the tools: autoconf, automate, libtool and gettext. If 
you install any new tools, be sure to remove the old ones. Make 
sure your manager knows about the changes, or if you installed 
tarballs be sure to ldconfig as root after each new install.

I would change this to read more along the lines of:

If you need to install new versions of tools that were installed 
as part of your Linux distribution, be sure to uninstall those 
that you plan to replace, using your distribution's package 
manager to do so.  Then install any of the autoconf, automake, 
libtool, and gettext programs that you still need.  Make sure 
your package manager knows about the changes (not necessary if 
you used it to uninstall the old ones).  If you installed 
tarballs, be sure to run ldconfig as root after each new install.

Well, it's past my bedtime.  CVS version compiled and started up 
fine.  Now I have a copy of gimp-1.2.3 to play with.

Thanks for your howto and all the assistance on irc today.  Talk 
more later.

- -- 
- --Jeff

Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery Photo galleries

--- End of Forwarded Message

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Raphael's edits, was Re: test this howto now

2002-01-21 Thread Jeff Trefftzs

A good Compiling the GIMP from a Tarball HOW-TO seems like a 
really good idea. I think this outline covers the main points, 
but certainly could use some rearranging.  I hereby offer it up 
for tweaks and adjustments.

How to Compile GIMP from a Tarball:  a tentative outline 

1.  Introduction
1.1  What's a Tarball?
1.2  Why do I want to compile GIMP?
2.  Getting the Tarball
2.1  Where's the briar patch?  (Where to put the gimp-x.y.tgz 
2.2  Saving the source (source directory tree)
3.  Do I have the right libraries?
3.1  List of required stuff here (with how to get it).
This is starting to look recursive, no?  
4.  ./configure and what it means.
4.1  What's this --prefix= that they keep yammering about?
4.2  Differences between /usr and /usr/local, and why some 
stuff goes
 in one place and some stuff goes in the other.
5.  Why a new GIMP won't play well with an old GIMP and what to 
do about it.
5.1  Library version conflicts
5.2  Include paths
5.3  Library paths
5.4  ldconfig, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and other arcana
5.5  Removing an old version of GIMP - how do I do this?
6.  Compiling on various systems:  /* Maybe this should come 
much earlier */
6.1  Linux and its flavors
6.1.1 Red Hat
6.1.2 Debian
6.1.3 Mandrake
6.1.4 Slackware
6.1.5  etc, etc, ad lib.
6.2  Solaris
6.3  HP-UX
6.4  Other Unices
6.5  Windows
6.6  Mac?
7.  Problems and troubleshooting 
We need to collect at least the most common problems here and 
provide solutions.

Comments welcome,


Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery Photo galleries

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Re: Include plug-in in Gimp distribution

2002-01-11 Thread Jeff Trefftzs

Also sprach GSR:

> How would you handle compilation, btw? There is no binaries provided,
> and the compilation is not unified at all (some work with gimptool,
> others use auto* tools, some do not compile with version x.y, etc). If
> you can convince everyone to use the same methods, it would be
> easier.
> Hint: all those people that complain cos do not know how to compile,
> could use their social skills to politely make requests to coders, and
> also make a status list (who coded what, who is in charge now, what
> mail address is valid now, what webpage...).

A problem I see with gimptool is its requirement that everything 
fit in one file.  While this may not usually be a problem for 
plugins, there are some where it makes sense to break things up 
a little farther, with header files, etc. But YMMV.

The real issue is easing the installation process for newbies 
and non-programmers.  To my mind, that suggests at least a set 
of README and INSTALL files in the plugin tarball, with 
instructions to run either ./config or gimptool as necessary.  
This puts the onus of usability back on the plugin writer, where 
it belongs.  Is there an autoconf tutorial out there anywhere?

> The bottlenecks will be compilation and network, not the logic glue,
> IMO. Also, some plataforms do not include / have easy access to Perl
> or compiler (more things to add to "you need this list of devel
> packages to get this filter running").

I haven't tried installing any plugins from packages (RPMs, DEBs 
etc.), mostly 'coz I prefer to build everyting from source.  The 
plug-in registry is immediately available from the 
/Xtns/Web Browser menu, of course, but this doesn't address the 
newbies' problems.

> A global solution is hard (binaries for everyone or enough logic to
> cope with most problems in a heterogenous environment), and the half
> solution is already there (you can install, you just need to know what
> you are doing or pay / bribe / abuse someone to do the maintenance job
> for you).

And I'm not even sure where to start to approach a "solution". 
Suggestions, anyone?

> Yeah, it looks bad... but many times the topic has appeared, and many
> times the things have followed more or less in the same state. :[


Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery Photo galleries

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] PDB entries for Bezier Select and Intelligent Scissors

2002-01-08 Thread Jeff Trefftzs

I have searched in vain for PDB entries for both the Bezier 
Select and the Intelligent Scissors.  Checking the source 
reveals that there are, indeed, no such entries.  Is this 
intentional?  If not, could someone with a whole lot more 
experience in hacking the GIMP itself make the proper entries?  
I'm using GIMP-1.2.2 on Linux (RH-6.1) GIMP installed from the 


Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery Photo galleries

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Re: Getting information about path length

2001-08-17 Thread Jeff Trefftzs

Oops!  I'm using Gimp-1.2.2, perl 5.6.0.


Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery photo gallery

Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Getting information about path length

2001-08-17 Thread Jeff Trefftzs


I have posted a bug regarding the perl call to gimp_path_get_poin
ts (it doesn't work in perl -- the number of points is not 
returned, and a final array seems to have zero length), but this 
is only a related question.

Is there a way to find out how long the active path is?  I have 
seen people use error catching in script-fu to detect overruns 
when doing gimp-path-get-point-at-dist, but I would really like 
to know how long the path is so that I can place copies of the 
active selection at equal intervals along it.  Depending on 
error conditions seems clumsy (although I am working on a binary 
search to get the length).  Any ideas?



Jeff Trefftzs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Page Gimp Gallery photo gallery

Gimp-developer mailing list