UK: Six days that shook Britain (SAS Iranian Embassy Seige 1980) - Guardian [W

2002-07-25 Thread Stasi


Six days that shook Britain
It was one of the events that defined the 80s - establishing the SAS's
lethal reputation and Margaret Thatcher as a prime minister who refused to
give in to terrorists. But as the nation watched mesmerised on television,
what was going on inside the Iranian embassy where six gunmen held 26 people
captive for almost a week? Now for the first time, key players, including
the policeman held hostage and three of the soldiers, talk to Peter Taylor

Peter Taylor
Wednesday July 24, 2002
The Guardian

Wednesday April 30, 1980 was going to be a special day for PC Trevor Lock of
the Metropolitan police. He had planned a surprise that evening for his
wife, Doreen. It wasn't her birthday or their anniversary; he just thought
that she deserved a treat. He was scheduled for diplomatic protection duty
that day outside the Iranian embassy in Princes Gate, Kensington, and had
planned to meet Doreen after work, buy her some perfume at Harrods and then
take her to dinner and on to a West End show. The weather was lousy but at
least he had something to look forward to. It didn't work out like that.

Just before 11.30am, Lock was drinking a thick Iranian coffee with Abbas,
the embassy concierge, when he saw a face through the glass panel of the
door. He thought it was a student and moved to let him in. The man pulled
out a machine pistol and let off a burst. Lock was hit by flying glass. I
remember a curtain of red coming down and immense pain in my eyes and face,
he says. I thought I'd been shot. Within minutes six gunmen, armed with
automatic weapons and grenades, had seized the embassy and taken 26 people
hostage, including PC Lock.

A hundred and thirty five miles away at SAS headquarters in Hereford, the
regiment's elite counter terrorist team were getting ready for a weekend
exercise. Mac, one of its assault specialists, wasn't happy because he had
been hoping for the weekend off. He was delighted when one of his colleagues
rushed over and told him the exercise was off. Mac thought it meant he could
take a break after all. No, said the soldier. It's for real.

In Whitehall there was a flurry of activity as the government's emergency
plans swung into action. Like the SAS, civil servants had practised the
drills so often that they were second nature. By early afternoon, ministers,
officials and military had gathered in the government's crisis management
centre, the cabinet office briefing room, (Cobra). According to one official
present, Margaret Thatcher, who was then prime minister, bustled about
trying to organise everybody until she was gently and politely escorted to
the door.

Meanwhile, the Met's anti-terrorist squad had set up its operational base in
a building next door to the embassy with trained negotiators in place. At
this stage, no one knew who the gunmen were, where they were from or what
they wanted. When it transpired that they were Arabs who wanted autonomy for
an oil-rich region in southern Iran known as Khuzestan, officials were one
the wiser. We had no idea what it was all about, says Richard
Hastie-Smith, the cabinet office official in charge of Cobra.

At that stage, no one knew that Iraq had trained and armed the gunmen to
embarrass its enemy Iran, and that the drama about to be played out in
Princes Gate was a dramatic prelude to the Iran-Iraq war that was to explode
four months later and send millions of young men to their graves. Soon it
transpired that the gunmen wanted the release of 91 of their comrades held
in Ayatollah Khomeini's gaols. Iran said it was out of the question.

The saga that would unfold over the next six days and its bloody dénouement
was one of the defining events of the 80s. For millions watching television,
snooker players were suddenly replaced by black-clad armed figures leaping
through the windows of the embassy. The SAS raid that ended the siege was
one of the most dramatic things ever seen on live television, a set of
images that would take their place alongside Neil Armstrong's first steps on
the moon and John F Kennedy's assassination. By the time the smoke had
cleared, the audacious raid had established the SAS's reputation as the
world's most effective military unit and Thatcher as a leader who would not
give in to terrorism. Now, for the first time, the full story of the siege
and the devastating operation that ended it has been pieced together from
interviews with several of those involved for a BBC documentary.

Once the kidnappers were in control, the hostages were made to sit in a
circle on the floor, staring down the barrels of guns. Lock sat in the
middle, enthroned on a big Queen Anne chair. That chair became a symbol of
authority in that room, he says. I was 'Mr British policeman' in full
uniform while everyone else sat on the floor. Lock was consumed with guilt
over having been inside drinking coffee instead of outside guarding the
embassy. But he had 

Stratfor: Syria, Israel and U.S. Iraq Strategy [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-25 Thread Stasi



 Syria, Israel and U.S. Iraq Strategy

 The Israeli government has threatened strikes on military targets
 in Syria in response to further cross-border attacks by the
 Hezbollah militant group. Israel is trying to make clear the
 internal risks Syrian President Bashar Assad will face if his
 country's military capabilities are destroyed. This also would
 serve U.S. interests by helping to neutralize the Syrian threat
 before a possible campaign against Iraq.


 Syria is coming under increased pressure over its policy toward
 Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah. A recent U.N. report on
 Syrian policy in Lebanon criticized the Lebanese government's
 unwillingness to assert its authority over the southern part of
 the country, and by default permitting Hezbollah to continue
 cross-border attacks against Israel. Syria's deputy ambassador to
 the United Nations criticized the report as one-sided, daily
 newspaper Al Hayat reported.

 Syria exercises substantial control over the Lebanese government
 and apparently has decided to support Hezbollah operations in
 southern Lebanon. For example, the Sunday Times of London
 reported the weekend of July 20 that Syrian President Bashar
 Assad recently ordered his officers to use the military's arsenal
 to supply Hezbollah directly. This announcement has put the
 Syrians on a collision course with the Israelis.

 The Times also reported that Israel has now delivered three
 warnings to the Syrian government concerning Hezbollah's
 operations. Two were transmitted through the United States, the
 other through Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

 The last warning was the most ominous. The Israeli government
 reportedly told the Syrians that if Hezbollah again attacks a
 target inside Israel, retaliation will be taken against military
 targets in Syria. Specifically, Israel would attack an armored
 brigade in southern Syria from the air, followed by artillery
 fire and perhaps an air-mobile assault. The goal would be the
 complete destruction of a Syrian brigade containing up to 100

 This threat is not trivial. Syria used to be able to rely on the
 Soviet Union for quick military re-supplies, but that is no
 longer possible. Therefore, the loss of a Syrian armored brigade
 would constitute a serious blow to the country's military
 capability. And if Israel can destroy one armored brigade, it can
 destroy more.

 Such a loss would not only pose a strategic challenge to Syria,
 it also could threaten young Assad's government. His credibility
 as a leader still has not been fully tested, and there are those
 in the government who do not take him seriously. Since the
 military is the foundation of Syria's state, if Assad puts the
 country into a situation where its military capability is
 seriously degraded, the consequences could be severe.

 The Israelis clearly feel that Assad does not understand the
 risks he is running. That is why they have signaled to him so
 explicitly, virtually revealing the broad outlines of their
 operational plan. This serves a psychological purpose as well,
 emphasizing the imbalance between the military powers of the two
 countries. Israel is saying that it does not need the element of
 surprise to have its way with Syria's army.

 Israel wants Syria to stop Hezbollah's attacks in order to avoid
 being drawn back into the endless and costly game it tried to
 give up when it withdrew from Lebanon in 2000. The implicit
 understanding between Israel and Syria regarding the Jewish
 state's withdrawal was that Damascus, via the Lebanese
 government, would take responsibility for controlling Hezbollah.

 In return Israel would recognize Lebanon as being in Syria's
 sphere of influence. Israel does not want to open another
 military front in the north and it is genuinely hoping that
 Assad, after looking into the abyss, will assert himself.

 However, possible future U.S. military operations against Iraq
 also must be factored into the situation. As it currently plays
 out, the United States has two geographical platforms from which
 to stage an operation against Baghdad. Turkey is the most
 important but also the most reluctant. Jordan is seemingly more
 willing, but this option poses logistical problems.

 Both also have beef with Syria. At various points in history, the
 Syrians have moved against the Hashemite kingdom in Jordan. The
 Turks, charging Syrian meddling in the affairs of the Kurdish
 ethnic group, threatened war against Syria several years ago.
 Neither country is prepared to play Washington's game unless the
 threat from Syria is neutralized.

 For its part, the United States is engaged in an extensive post-
 Sept. 11 courtship of Syria. There are indications that
 Washington is still trying to lock down an assurance from
 Damascus in the event of a war on Iraq. The U.S. government also
 recently has sent several 

BBC: 'Historic' deal on missile system [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-25 Thread Stasi


Wednesday, 24 July, 2002, 13:42 GMT 14:42 UK 







  The BBC's Tim Fawcett"For EADS, this deal with Boeing is very good 
'Historic' deal on missile 
Political opposition to the project is 


By William Horsley 
  BBC European Affairs 


Top aerospace company executives from the US and Europe have hailed as 
historic a deal to co-operate on a global missile defence system. 
The deal, involving US giant Boeing and the European Aeronautic Defence and 
Space company (EADS), is designed to pave the way for joint US and European 
development of a global system of missile defence. 
That could, in turn, profoundly change the nature of warfare and even the 
foundations of international relations. 


  Many allies of America would like to get 
  involved in the 
projectThere are as yet 
no details about the commercial deal, and no funds from Europe, but the deal 
looks forward to European firms perhaps winning big research contracts and 
making a key contribution to the giant project. 
Other American allies, including Israel and Japan, also have collaborations 
with Boeing which could be developed. Russia also wants to be involved. 
These important business deals are happening now because limits on exchanging 
technology on missile defence have been removed with the scrapping of the 
US-Russia Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty. 

The US is proposing that its planned missile shield would be extended to give 
protection to its allies around the world. 
Boeing, which is receiving massive funds from the US Government to develop 
the missile shield technology, has worked out framework accords with EADS, as 
well as with Britain's BAe Systems and Italy's Finmeccanica. 
American and Danish officials are meeting on Wednesday in Copenhagen to 
discuss possible European participation in the international system. 
Weakened opposition 
When US President George W Bush declared his intention to press ahead with 
the missile defence plan, US allies in Europe were lukewarm or openly hostile. 
Lately, that criticism has been muted. 
Some US allies are still worried about the likely effectiveness of the 
missile shield idea and none has given formal backing. 
But the prospect of big high-technology contracts, as well as worries about 
being left out of such a hugely ambitious project, are likely to weaken 
political opposition to it. 


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Estonia split over Nazi monument - Guardian [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Stasi


Estonia split over Nazi monument
Vahur Lauri in Tallinn
Wednesday July 24, 2002
The Guardian

An organisation representing Estonian soldiers who supported Hitler during
the second world war said yesterday that it would unveil a monument next
week to honour them, reviving painful memories of Estonia's past.

The prime minister, Siim Kallas, condemned the move, which reflects
Estonia's struggle to come to terms with its tragic experience during the
1940s, when the tiny Baltic state was invaded by Germany and the Soviet

Supporters of the monument - featuring a man in an Estonian Waffen SS
uniform - say that it is meant to pay tribute to the soldiers' fight to stop
Stalin's tyranny by taking up arms with the Nazis on the Russian front.

An inscription says it is dedicated to all Estonian servicemen who died in
the second war for the liberation of the fatherland and a free Europe in

The prime minister said that it could tarnish the country's image as it
seeks EU and Nato membership this year.

It is regrettable that a monument with such text and strong expression
emerged, Mr Kallas told a press conference yesterday. It will certainly
cause a lot of trouble in Estonia and abroad. I don't think government
members should attend the opening of this monument.

Estonia hopes that Nato's November summit in Prague will bring an invitation
for the country to become a member. It is also working to complete EU entry
talks by December so that it can join around 2004.

The municipal government of Parnu, the site of the monument, is expected to
meet this week to consider whether to ban it. An SS insignia had originally
been etched into the soldier's helmet, but was subsequently removed.

The Nazis occupied Estonia in 1941 after driving out the Soviets, who had
invaded the Baltic states the year before in a brutal occupation during
which tens of thousands were executed or shipped to Siberian camps.

Many in Estonia and neighbouring Latvia and Lithuania welcomed Germans as
liberators and were shocked when the Nazis began their own repression and
slaughter of Jews.

But Nazi hunters say some local people also helped carry out atrocities.
Earlier this month the Simon Wiesenthal Centre sent a list of alleged war
criminals to Estonian authorities, asking for assistance in tracking them

The Estonian security police announced yesterday they had found no evidence
that the 16 men, former members of a Nazi police battalion, attacked Jews.

The security police have also found that none of the 16 people listed is in
Estonia at present, the police said in a statement.

When the Soviets began pushing back the Germans, many Estonians volunteered
to fight with the Nazis to prevent a second communist occupation. Others
were conscripted.

Jewish groups and several western governments, including the United States,
have urged Estonian officials to investigate Nazi crimes more aggressively
and to try any living suspects.

Of course Europeans will not understand us, said Leo Tammiksaar, a history
enthusiast and private initiator of the monument. We made this monument for
our soldiers and not for Brussels.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002


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Guardian: New archbishop issues warning on Iraq [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Stasi


New archbishop issues warning on Iraq
Stephen Bates, religious affairs correspondent
Wednesday July 24, 2002
The Guardian

Rowan Williams, the man chosen by Tony Blair to head the Church of England,
threw down a challenge to the government within minutes of his appointment
yesterday by making clear that he would not necessarily support any
British-backed military attack on Iraq.

The words of the man who is is to become Archbishop of Canterbury later this
year, in succession to George Carey, are likely to have wide resonance
since, as head of the 70 million-strong worldwide Anglican communion, he
will have oversight of the US Episcopalian church, whose members include
many members of the US political establishment.

Answering questions at his inaugural press conference at Church House in
London, Dr Williams, who has a record as a peace campaigner and was arrested
in 1986 during a peaceful protest at a US airforce base, said: I would only
support military action that the UN had cleared. As far as Iraq is
concerned, I want to contribute to the discussions before decisions are

His measured tone, though officially received in relaxed fashion by Downing
Street, was an early reminder that the man who could head the Church of
England for the next two decades will not be a pushover for the government.

The remarks came as the prime minister ended months of speculation by
confirming yesterday that he had accepted the will of the Church of England
in appointing Dr Williams.

The 52 year-old Welsh theologian, currently archbishop of the disestablished
church in Wales, will succeed Dr Carey as the 104th incumbent of Canterbury,
primate of all England and head of the Anglican communion later this year.
He is expected to be formally enthroned at Canterbury next spring.

Dr Williams represents a radical break from the church's traditions in more
than merely political terms. He is the youngest archbishop for 200 years,
the first since the 19th century to bring young children to Lambeth Palace
and the first since the reign of Bloody Mary in 1556 to be appointed from
outside the bench of bishops of the Church of England.

Many in the church hope he will restore its sense of confidence, inspire the
replenishment of emptying pews and provide the spiritual and moral
leadership and intellectual clarity that Anglicanism has lacked for

Yesterday Dr Williams admitted to shock and being overwhelmed by his
appointment and promised to do more listening than talking as he
acknowledged he had much to learn. I hope with all my heart that I can
serve to nurture confidence and conviction in our church and to help
Christian faith to recapture the imagination of our people and our culture,
he said.

I have to go on being a priest and bishop, that is, to celebrate God and
what God has done in Jesus and to offer in God's name whatever I can discern
of God's perspective on the world around - something which involves both
challenge and comfort.

Downing Street said the prime minister believed the new archbishop's wisdom,
intellectual stature and deep spirituality would be invaluable as he sought
to lead the church through complex and challenging times.

Any hopes though that Mr Blair might consider rescinding his patronage over
appointments within the established church, after a series of rows, leaks
and delays, were quashed. A spokesman said Mr Blair remained an

Dr Williams has in the past admitted to feeling slightly disappointed with
New Labour, urging the government to show a little bit more courage and

His predecessor Dr Carey, currently in the US, who has not always been one
of Dr Williams' most enthusiastic champions, said: I greet the news... with
joy. Rowan will bring to this demanding office great abilities as a

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002


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Guardian: Forces chief who upset US to quit [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Stasi


Forces chief who upset US to 
Norton-TaylorWednesday July 24, 2002The Guardian 
Admiral Sir Michael Boyce, 
Britain's senior military officer who upset Washington with his comments on 
America's war on terrorism, is to retire next spring, the Ministry of Defence 
announced yesterday, in a shake-up at the top of the armed forces. 
He will be replaced by General Sir Michael Walker, now head of the army, who 
will be succeeded by General Sir Mike Jackson, who negotiated the withdrawal of 
Yugoslav forces at the end of the Kosovo war. 
An army source described Sir Mike, head of the land forces, as "the people's 
choice". Sir Mike is known for straight talking. 
He was also adjutant of the battalion of the Parachute Regiment at the time 
when its soldiers killed 14 unarmed marchers on Bloody Sunday in Derry in 
January 1972. 
Sir Michael made it clear in an interview with the Guardian last year that he 
was deeply sceptical about the White House's missile defence plan. He also irked 
Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, by saying the war in Afghanistan 
could last for years. 
He later warned that a US decision to widen its military campaign against 
al-Qaida terrorists could further radicalise Arab opinion. The US was pursuing a 
"single-minded aim" of destroying Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida network, but 
the object should not be simply to get bin Laden in a "hi-tech, wild west" 
operation, Sir Michael said. It was important to rebuild Afghanistan and attack 
the causes of al-Qaida terrorism by mounting a "hearts and minds" campaign 
across the Arab world. 
Sir Michael will have served as chief of the defence staff for a little over 
two years. His predecessors held the job for three years. "Admiral Boyce has 
done a superb job and will be replaced by another superb man," Geoff Hoon, the 
defence secretary, said yesterday. 
General Walker, who will take over in April, made his name when he was 
responsible for sensitive operations in Sierra Leone, Bosnia and Macedonia. 
Commentators have suggested he would be the best choice as the army prepares 
for continuing operations abroad, including an expected invasion of Iraq. 
Sir Mike Jackson, whose appointment was enthusiastically welcomed by the 
army, will be replaced by Lieut General Sir Timothy Granville-Chapman, adjutant 
general responsible for personnel. He in turn will be replaced by Lieutenant 
General Alistair Irwin, the army's commander in Northern Ireland, who will be 
succeeded by Major General Phillip Trousdell. 

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian 
Newspapers Limited 2002 

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Guardian: Drop plans to attack Saddam, Tehran tells US [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Stasi


Drop plans to attack Saddam, Tehran tells US

Simon Tisdall
Wednesday July 24, 2002
The Guardian

Iran's president, Mohammad Khatami, warned the US yesterday to abandon its
plans to attack Iraq and denounced what Tehran believes is a calculated Bush
administration campaign to provoke mass insurrection in Iran.

We wish to caution the great powers against further interference in the
region and against the exacerbation of the flames of war, Mr Khatami said
during a visit to Malaysia. We live in a very frightening situation today.
We have never witnessed war being so much promoted in the US.

Iran's leadership would not bow to US threats and insults, he said.

In a pointed reference to US hopes to depose Saddam Hussein and impose
regime change in Iraq, Mr Khatami said that any such action could
destabilise the entire region, with unpredictable results.

No one has the right to decide for the people of Iraq. The people of Iraq
should decide for themselves, he said. Tehran's own disputes with Baghdad
notwithstanding, we condemn any foreign interference in Iraq.

In a measure of how sharply US-Iranian relations have deteriorated in recent
months, he also accused Washington of colluding with Israel in a policy of
genocide against the Palestinians.

Mr Khatami's remarks raised the possibility that a US military attack on
Iraq could trigger a regional conflagration, drawing in Iran and possibly
even Israel, Iran's sworn enemy.

The reformist Iranian leader, who is engaged in a long-running battle at
home with conservative opponents, spoke as officials in Washington suggested
a significant hardening of US policy on Iran.

The officials indicated that the Bush administration has decided to drop the
policy of engagement supported by Britain, the EU and former US president
Bill Clinton, and instead adopt a more confrontational approach, including
open encouragement of anti-government forces in Iran.

Mr Khatami and his pro-reform supporters in government are too weak,
ineffective and not serious about delivering on their promises, one
official told the Washington Post. We have made a conscious decision to
associate with the aspirations of the Iranian people.

Earlier this month, George Bush appealed to ordinary Iranians, suggesting
that they were, in effect, being held hostage by the country's Shi'ite
clerical establishment. He also accused Iranian leaders of corruption.

In the last two Iranian presidential elections... the vast majority of the
Iranian people voted for political and economic reform, Mr Bush stated.
Yet their voices are not being listened to by the unelected people who are
the real rulers of Iran.

Uncompromising, destructive policies have persisted... Meanwhile, members
of the ruling regime and their families continue to obstruct reform while
reaping unfair benefits. Iran's people... have no better friend than the
United States of America, Mr Bush said.

His statement was conveyed directly to Iran via the government-funded Voice
of America radio station.

Iran's supreme spiritual leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, issued a fierce
response: America has spread the shadow of war and death in the region,
threatening officially to overthrow the people and government of Iran, he
said last week. The great Iranian nation will not retreat.

The US policy shift concludes a process begun last January when Mr Bush
labelled Iran a rogue state linked to terrorism and a part of the axis of
evil that includes Iraq and North Korea. Mr Bush also accuses Tehran of
seeking to acquire weapons of mass destruction.

The tougher US position puts it at odds with Britain and the EU, which
favour critical engagement with Iran, in the hope of encouraging reform,
and have been negotiating a trade pact with Tehran. The foreign secretary,
Jack Straw, has visited Tehran and a German government delegation is due
there next month.

We believe engaging with the reformers is the best way forward and we still
do, a Foreign Office source said last night.

Mr Bush's statement, issued on July 12, caused anger and astonishment inside
Iran, dismaying reformists who have been struggling against a growing
conservative backlash and provoking anti-American demonstrations.

US analysts interpreted Washington's harder line as another setback for the
secretary of state, Colin Powell, and an advance for hawks within the
national security council and the Pentagon.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002


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Stratfor: The Mystery of the Suspected Israeli Traitors [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-23 Thread Stasi



 S T R A T F O R


 The Mystery of the Suspected Israeli Traitors

 Five Israelis were arrested by the Israeli government on July 18,
 charged with selling ammunition to a Palestinian paramilitary
 organization. Four of the five were serving in the Israel Defense
 Forces, in which one was a major. Given the relatively small amounts of
 money that appear to be involved, their alleged actions are difficult
 to understand. This inevitably raises speculation as to whether other
 motives may have been involved.


 On July 18, the Israeli government announced the arrest of five
 Israelis charged with selling about 60,000 rounds of ammunition to a
 representative of Tanzim, a Palestinian paramilitary organization
 linked to Yasser Arafat's Fatah group. According to leaks by Israeli
 police, the sales went substantially beyond just ammunition and
 included weapons and other military equipment.

 Sources quoted by the Israeli press predict these arrests represent
 just the tip of the iceberg and that additional, even more shocking
 evidence will be revealed shortly. The Israelis also reported arresting
 a Palestinian from the nearby Palestinian town of Tarqumiya who acted
 as an intermediary between the Israelis and Tanzim.

 Two of the arrested, brothers Moshe and Nadav Cohen, come from the
 settlement of Telem, on the West Bank, near Hebron. Another two, Roi
 Amar and Oded Mulai, come from the nearby settlement of Adora. All but
 Mulai are active-duty personnel in the Israel Defense Forces, and Amar
 was reported to be a member of an elite unit of the border patrol. A
 fifth detainee, Kobi Uliel, was a reserve major in the IDF and lived in
 southern Israel. A sixth person, Sela Amar, Roi Amar's brother, was
 arrested but released.

 There have been thefts of weapons and munitions in the past, and the
 trend has been intensifying. Thirty-six cases of theft had been
 uncovered in the past six months. However, most of the thefts were
 carried out by Israeli criminals who on occasion sold weapons to
 Palestinian criminals. This was the first case revealed in which
 active-duty soldiers, including officers, stole munitions and sold them
 directly to a Palestinian group. To compound the shock, Adora, a
 settlement of fewer than 200 Israelis and the home of the Amars and
 Mulai, was the target of an attack by Palestinian gunmen on May 27.
 Four Israelis were killed, including a 5-year-old girl.

 There is a double shock to Israel here. First, the idea that residents
 of a settlement might have sold weapons and ammunition that killed
 their neighbors is stunning. Second, the idea that active-duty Israeli
 soldiers had, in effect, collaborated with Fatah's paramilitaries in
 order to make money strikes at the very heart of Israel's self-
 understanding. There have been espionage and smuggling cases in the
 past. About five years ago, an Israeli had been arrested for selling
 chemicals to Iran that could be used for chemical warfare. In the
 1950s, there was a famous case in which an Israeli was found to be
 spying for the Soviets.

 However, such cases are few and far between. Israel sees itself as an
 embattled nation in which the fate of each individual depends on the
 loyalty and sacrifice of other individuals. Almost all Israelis serve
 in the military and are indoctrinated there, and in school, with the
 idea of shared fate. In very large and powerful countries, such
 betrayals are seen as ultimately abstract and impersonal. In Israel,
 they are seen as concrete and personal. A theme repeated by Israelis in
 the wake of this arrest was that the bullets stolen and sold by Amar
 and Mulai might have been the ones that killed their neighbors. The
 intimate connection between betrayal and the fate of loved ones was
 always thought to have made such betrayal impossible.

 If the Israeli police are correct and the charges are proven in court,
 then this sort of betrayal is not only possible, but has been going on
 for several years. Indeed, it may explain some of the operations
 carried out by the Palestinians of late, which involved the use of
 Israeli uniforms and weapons. Tanzim in particular appears to have been
 tasked with these sorts of missions.

 Unlike Hamas and the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Tanzim has not been
 involved in suicide bombings. Rather, it has focused on more
 conventional attacks on Israeli settlements and military targets,
 striking and attempting to withdraw. Tanzim may also have been involved
 in multiple attacks on Israeli armored vehicles using anti-tank mines
 and missiles.

 The question at the time was where the 

Guardian: Western officials 'colluding with people traffickers' [WWW.STOPNATO.O

2002-07-23 Thread Stasi


Western officials 'colluding with people 
Rory Carroll, 
RomeTuesday July 23, 
Some western officials are 
undermining the fight against human trafficking by becoming cronies of Balkan 
pimps and having sex with the prostitutes they are supposed to rescue, according 
to a damning report published yesterday. 
Criminal gangs who earn billions of pounds by trading women and children have 
corrupted elements of the local and international police forces and border 
guards at the forefront of Europe's crackdown. 
The report, commissioned by the United Nations and the Organisation for 
Security and Cooperation in Europe, says trafficking in south-eastern Europe is 
growing worse despite - and in some cases because of - the international 
campaign to end the trade. 
"Stories about local and international police frequenting bars, using the 
services of women and being on good terms with the owners and traffickers are 
legion," the report adds. 
The presence of foreign soldiers in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo, and 
western officials in other eastern European countries, is said to have fuelled 
the industry. 
"The international market for sex services as well as local demand has 
expanded, particularly in countries where there is a large international 
presence," the report says. 
Such an environment deters prostitutes - in many cases teenage girls forced 
into the sex industry - from trying to escape, says the report, citing an 
alleged case in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina, where police handed 
women over to traffickers after arresting them in a brothel. 
"There is also information about Bulgarian border police who first took money 
from women to take them safely back to Bulgaria, only to deliver them back to 
the traffickers for additional money," the report adds. 
Since illegal immigration became an electoral issue EU governments have 
promised improved coordination and resources to combat human trafficking but the 
reality, according to the 270-page report, is a shambles which has left women 
and children more vulnerable to exploitation. 
"The attempts to come to grips with the problem of human trafficking have so 
far been toothless and without much success. Despite increased attention at the 
political level, few states have taken adequate measures to protect individuals 
from trafficking and its related human rights abuses," the report says. 
Not all of the women are abused. Ethnic conflict and economic meltdown have 
shredded incomes and opportunity, especially for women, and many choose to enter 
the west illegally to work as waitresses, nannies and prostitutes, the report 
points out. 
It adds: "They are able to achieve their goals [and] are often able to 
improve the economic condition of their family and their own position within 
But, according to the report, there is a separate category of women and 
children who end up the property of traffickers. It says they should be treated 
as victims of crime, not illegal immigrants and points out that they seldom get 
medical care for possible sexual diseases, or the chance to testify in court 
against the traffickers. 
The criminal gangs are increasingly bolstered by ex-prostitutes who return 
home to recruit girls. Such women have been known to manipulate aid agencies, 
pretending they are fleeing their pimps, to gain a free flight. 
Authorities pressured for results have allegedly distorted statistics. "For 
example, prevention of trafficking is used as an argument for refusing young 
women entry to a country or for refusing to issue them a visa, and then, in the 
police statistics, these cases are relabelled as successful cases of rescuing 
'victims of trafficking'." 
· Two people drowned and dozens were injured after an Italian coastal 
patrol boat hit a motor dinghy packed with suspected illegal immigrants and 
refugees near the Albanian coast, Italian customs officials said yesterday. 

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Xinhua: China condemns Israeli air attack on Gaza neighborhood [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

2002-07-23 Thread Stasi



  China condemns Israeli air attack on Gaza 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-23 


   BEIJING, July 23 (Xinhuanet) -- 
  China is shocked and strongly condemns the Israeli air attack on a 
  Palestinian neighborhood in Gaza City that caused large numbers of 
  civilian deaths and injuries, said Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan in 
  Beijing on Tuesday. 
   In response to a question from the press, Kong said China 
  againcalled on the Israeli and Palestinian sides to stop all forms of 
  violence immediately, and avoid further deterioration of the Middle East 
   Early on Tuesday, Israel's most advanced F-16 warplanes imported 
  from the United States reportedly attacked a neighborhoodin Gaza City, 
  killing 12 Palestinians and wounding 135. 


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Xinhua: Iraq says 1 killed, 22 injured in US-British raids [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-07-23 Thread Stasi


Iraq says 1 killed, 22 injured in US-British raids

Xinhuanet 2002-07-24 02:35:31

BAGHDAD, July 23 (Xinhuanet) -- One Iraqi civilian was killed and 22
others injured when US and British warplanes bombed southern Iraq late
Monday and early Tuesday, an Iraqi military spokesman said.

The spokesman was quoted by the official Iraqi News Agency (INA)as
saying US and British planes bombed the southern provinces of Wassit and
Qadisiya, killing one Iraqi and wounding 22 more.

Wassit and Qadisiya are within the so-called southern no-fly zone, a
similar one to that in northern Iraq.

US and British planes have been patrolling the two no-fly zones since
the 1991 Gulf War with the claimed aim of protecting the Kurds in the north
and Shiite Muslims in the south from the persecution of the Iraqi

On Thursday, five Iraqi citizens were killed and 17 others were injured
in similar airstrikes in Qadisiya launched by US and Britain planes coming
from their bases in Kuwait.

Iraq does not recognize the air exclusion zones and has regularly opened
fire at the Western planes enforcing the two no-fly zones.

US President George W. Bush has branded Iraq as part of an axisof evil
and vowed to topple Iraqi President Saddam Hussein with all the tools at his



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AP/RN: Amid Gaza's ruins [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-23 Thread Stasi



  Phoblacht/Republican News · Thursday 31 January 
Amid Gaza's ruins

Gaza City 8 July

"We were born to suffer. This is our life. Exploited, subjected, 
slaughtered." Rahid is speaking from his Gaza City slum-area flat. The 
missile-riddled spire of a mosque protrudes from a line of white roofs 
broken here and there by gutted gaps of grey rubble. The disfiguration 
is a result of the F-16 bombers that hammered the city all winter. But 
as there is nowhere else to go and this is the largest open prison on 
earth, the people simply go on living here amid the ruins. 
Since last winter, no attempt to occupy the Gaza Strip has been made 
by the Israeli Army, the IDF. While Jenin, Nablus and Ramallah were 
invaded during the April Defensive Shield operation, Gaza remained the 
only area in Palestine not directly in the hands of Israeli military 
Although extensive invasion, in the long term, seems inevitable, for 
the moment there are strong reasons for postponing it. The IDF faced 
(and killed) 500 partisans in Jenin and lost over 40 dead. In the Gaza 
Strip (a Hamas bastion where the first Intifada began in 1987 and where 
the majority of the 300 Palestinian children killed during the present 
insurrection lived) Israel might have to come to terms with an estimated 
4,000-5,000 strong resistance. 
Yet this is not the only reason why the Israelis prefer helicopter, 
artillery and battleship shelling to infantry incursions. As the Gazans 
themselves claim, "conditions have never been so atrocious". The closure 
of the checkpoint and the strangling apartheid imposed by Tel Aviv have 
a very high cost in human terms: in many cases the IDF are killing 
innocent civilians, children and the elderly in particular, without 
firing even a single bullet. 
The hospitals have run out of medical supplies, the local farmers are 
meeting staple demands only in part. The people are often obliged to use 
contaminated water from the open sewage running through the Strip's 
alleyways. Women and children search for leftovers in skips and bins. 
Misery and poverty are transforming Gaza (1.2 million Palestinians, 
of whom 700,000 are refugees - living in a 365 square km area, while 
6,000 Jewish settlers occupy almost 40% of the Strip) into a time bomb 
ready to blow up at any moment. Exasperated, the population has started 
taking to the streets. The people march with dry bread and empty plates, 
women, children, the elderly, their faces emaciated with hunger, full of 
the hatred of those who have been denied everything. They are deprived 
of the right to food and water, work and education, with large families 
to feed. "Victims of Israeli occupation and of Palestinian indifference" 
recites the banner heading the march of the hopeless. 
"Israel's ethnic cleansing created this situation, did its utmost to 
bring us to our knees, starving us through siege and the closure of the 
Strip. And the Palestinian authorities have done nothing to back us. We 
have shared the bloodshed, we deserve to share the bread," declare the 
The Gaza protest is also against Yasser Arafat's PNA, accused of not 
having provided sufficiently for those who survive thanks only to 
humanitarian aid provided by the UNO and the Red Cross. 
The Israeli generals, watching the march on television, must have 
fumed. Sharon's fundamentalist and religious majority is pressing for a 
"permanent reoccupation" of the Palestinian territories. A solution 
which, at first glance, may appear a mere military matter, really 
implies far more. 
The destruction of Palestinian autonomy will be followed, inevitably, 
by a rebirth of the former "civil administrative units" controlled by 
the Israeli military commands which ruled over the Palestinians from 
1967 to the Oslo treaty of 1993. The IDF will thus have to take on over 
3.5 million Palestinians. A population which has lost everything, and of 
which 60%, children and adolescents between ages one and 18 and adults 
who have been unemployed for at least two years, live below the level of 
Meanwhile, military repression continues to reap innocent victims. 
There may have been no military invasion, but killings are a feature of 
everyday life in Gaza. Children throwing stones are killed because they 

FT: Action urged to combat traffic in humans [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-23 Thread Stasi



Action urged to combat traffic in humans
By Frances Williams in Geneva site; Jul 23, 2002

International agencies on Monday called for Europe-wide action to combat
trafficking in humans in south-eastern Europe, the main source of the
estimated 120,000 women and children smuggled into prostitution in the
European Union each year.

Presenting a joint report by the United Nations and the Organisation for
Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Mary Robinson, UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights, said urgent, effective and coherent action
was needed by governments to tackle this subterranean, criminal-dominated.
. . form of modern slavery.

The report calls on European governments to pursue traffickers and to
support victims rather than punishing them while letting traffickers go

In general, trafficking is still viewed as an issue of migration or
national security and not as a human rights violation, the report's
sponsors - the UN human rights office, the UN Children's Fund (Unicef) and
the OSCE - point out.

Gerard Stoudman, director of the OSCE human rights office, said on Monday
there were probably more slaves today in many European capitals than. . .
since the end of the 18th century when slavery was still customary.

Meanwhile, western European governments were salving their consciences with
small-scale projects in south-eastern Europe but doing little to combat the
root causes. Trafficking is fuelled by the failure to tackle the poverty
that impels young women to take a chance with doubtful contracts.

Mr Stoudman also blamed the international presence in Kosovo and Bosnia. If
you have 50 brothels in Pristina, Kosovo, it is not because Albanian
Kosovars are particularly vicious, it is because you have a number of Nato
battalions stationed there, he said. Corruption, for instance of customs
officials, was another problem.

The UN and OSCE are hoping the Council of Europe in Strasbourg will launch
negotiations this September on a Europe-wide convention intended to provide
a framework for combatting trafficking in humans throughout the continent.
The report cites estimates that half a million women are smuggled into
western Europe each year, a large proportion of them from eastern Europe.


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US/Congo: Opening the Secret Files on Lumumba's Murder - Washington Post [WWW.ST

2002-07-23 Thread Stasi


Opening the Secret Files on Lumumba's Murder

By Stephen R. Weissman

Sunday, July 21, 2002

In his latest film, Minority Report, director Steven
Spielberg portrays a policy of preemptive action gone
wild in the year 2054. But we don't have to peer into
the future to see what harm faulty intelligence and the
loss of our moral compass can do. U.S. policies during
the Cold War furnish many tragic examples. One was U.S.
complicity in the overthrow and murder of Congolese
Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba.

Forty-one years ago, Lumumba, the only leader ever
democratically elected in Congo, was delivered to his
enemies, tortured and summarily executed. Since then,
his country has been looted by the U.S.-supported
regime of Mobutu Sese Seko and wracked by regional and
civil war. The conventional explanation of Lumumba's
death has been that he was murdered by Congolese rivals
after earlier U.S. attempts to kill him, including a
plot to inject toxins into his food or toothpaste,

In 1975, the U.S. Senate's Church Committee probed
CIA assassination plots and concluded there was no
evidence of CIA involvement in bringing about the death
of Lumumba.

Not so. I have obtained classified U.S. government
documents, including a chronology of covert actions
approved by a National Security Council (NSC) subgroup,
that reveal U.S. involvement in -- and significant
responsibility for -- the death of Lumumba, who was
mistakenly seen by the Eisenhower administration as an
African Fidel Castro.

The documents show that the key Congolese leaders who
brought about Lumumba's downfall were players in
Project Wizard, a CIA covert action program. Hundreds
of thousands of dollars and military equipment were
channeled to these officials, who informed their CIA
paymasters three days in advance of their plan to send
Lumumba into the clutches of his worst enemies.

Other new details: The U.S. authorized payments to
then-President Joseph Kasavubu four days before he
ousted Lumumba, furnished Army strongman Mobutu with
money and arms to fight pro-Lumumba forces, helped
select and finance an anti-Lumumba government, and
barely three weeks after his death authorized new funds
for the people who arranged Lumumba's murder.

Moreover, these documents show that the plans and
payments were approved by the highest levels of the
Eisenhower administration, either the NSC or its
Special Group, consisting of the national security
adviser, CIA director, undersecretary of state for
political affairs, and deputy defense secretary.

These facts are four decades old, but are worth
unearthing for two reasons. First, Congo (known for
years as Zaire) is still struggling to establish
democracy and stability. By facing up to its past role
in undermining Congo's fledgling democracy, the United
States might yet contribute to Congo's future.

Second, the U.S. performance in Congo is relevant to
our struggle against terrorism. It shows what can
happen when, inthe quest for national security, we
abandon the democratic principles and rule of law we
are fighting to defend.

In February, Belgium, the former colonial power in
Congo, issued a thousand-page report that acknowledged
an irrefutable portion of responsibility in the events
that led to the death of Lumumba.

Unlike Belgium, the United States has admitted no such
moral responsibility. Over the years, scholars
(including myself) and journalists have written that
American policy played a major role in the ouster and
assassination of Lumumba. But the full story remained
hidden in U.S. documents, which, like those I have
examined, are still classified despite the end of the
Cold War, the end of the Mobutu regime and Belgium's
confession. Here's what they tell us that, until now,
we didn't know, or didn't know for certain: In August
1960, the CIA established Project Wizard. Congo had
been independent only a month, and Lumumba, a
passionate nationalist, had become prime minister, with
a plurality of seats in the parliament. But U.S.
presidential candidate John F. Kennedy was vowing to
meet the communist challenge and Eisenhower's NSC was
worried that Lumumba would tilt toward the Soviets. The
U.S. documents show that over the next few months, the
CIA worked with and made payments to eight top
Congolese -- including President Kasavubu, Mobutu (then
army chief of staff), Foreign Minister Justin Bomboko,
top finance aide Albert Ndele, Senate President Joseph
Ileo and labor leader Cyrille Adoula -- who all played
roles in Lumumba's downfall.

The CIA joined Belgium in a plan, detailed in the
Belgian report, for Ileo and Adoula to engineer a
no-confidence vote in Lumumba's government, which would
be followed by union-led demonstrations, the
resignations of cabinet ministers (organized by Ndele)
and Kasavubu's dismissal of Lumumba.

On Sept. 1, the NSC's Special Groupauthorized CIA
payments to Kasavubu, the 

Palestine: Arafat condemns Israel's killing of civilians in Gaza by F-16 - Xinhu

2002-07-23 Thread Stasi


Arafat condemns Israel's killing of civilians in Gaza by F-16

Xinhuanet 2002-07-23 21:45:01

GAZA, July 23 (Xinhuanet) -- Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat condemned
on Tuesday the Israeli F-16 airstrike that targeted on Monday midnight a
civilian building in Gaza City, killing at least 15 people and wounding 150

It is a condemned massacre and an awful crime carried out against our
innocent children, Arafat, who has been confined to his Ramallah
headquarters since December, told reporters in reaction to the Israeli

An Israeli airforce F-16 warplane hit shortly before Monday midnight a
building which consists of three floors, killing at least 15 people,
including Sheikh Salah Shehada, the commander of Islamic Hamas movement's
armed wing Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigade.

Shehada was one of the Palestinians most wanted by Israel and accused of
being behind hundreds of anti-Israel attacks.

This massacre is unbelievable. No human being with a piece of mind,
consciousness or emotions could imagine what had happened, Arafat said
sadly and angrily.

He blasted the world community for the silence on the Israeli crimes
against our people, adding I wonder why the world is silent. Why it does
not move to stop the Israeli awful crimes against our people.

Arafat revealed that the latest Israeli-Palestinian meetings andtalks
held on Saturday had brought positive hope towards ending the occupation
and aggression on our people.

Ahmed Tibi, an Israeli-Arab Knesset (parliament) member, said ina
statement sent to Xinhua that US President George Bush is morally
responsible for the airstrike carried out by US-made F-16 warplane
targeting a civilian building.

He said he does not believe that Bush would condemn the airstrike on
Palestinian civilians, adding that there must be an Arab and world serious
movement to condemn and stop attacks on the Palestinians.

When (Ariel) Sharon saw that Israelis and Palestinian have determined
to achieve progress in their recent talks, Sharon felt so worried and angry,
and therefore he carried out this awful crime, said Tibi.



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Xinhua: China to set up world's biggest military theme park [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-07-22 Thread Stasi



  China to set up world's biggest military theme park 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-22 


  TIANJIN, July 22 (Xinhuanet) -- China will spend 5 billion yuan 
  (some 610 million US dollars) to set up the world's biggest military theme 
  park in Tianjin, a municipality close to Beijing. 
  The 7-square-kilometer park will have such facilities as a man-made 
  sand beach and a 3.3 million-square-meter expanse of water. 
  A former Soviet Union aircraft carrier, the Kiev, will become its 
  main attraction. Measuring 274 meters long, 52 meters wide, 51meters tall 
  and weighing 24,000 tons, the Kiev was once regarded by western countries 
  as "a lion on the sea". 
  Over one million tourists have visited the vessel since it cameto 
  China last year, with a record 10,000 visitors on a single day. 
  A range of weapons used by air, land and marine forces will also be 
  on display, sources said. Enditem 


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US economy fails to recover from terrorist attacks - Xinhua [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-07-22 Thread Stasi


US economy fails to recover from terrorist attacks
Xinhuanet 2002-07-22 14:12:29

HONG KONG, July 22 (Xinhuanet) -- Contrary to the US Federal Reserve's
claim earlier in the year that the US economy would start to pick up in the
middle of the year, the economy is proven to be going downhill, said a Hong
Kong financial news magazine Monday.

Money Times, the weekly magazine that goes with the Hong Kong Economic
Times newspaper, said that the Dow Jones index even fell below the September
11's day low of 8,062 points on Friday.

The cover story of the magazine commented that in spite of the recent
spate of American accounting debacles, the current economicrecession in the
United States is, in fact, a fallout from the September 11 attack in New
York last year.
The September 11 attack denotes that the United States is no longer an
investment haven, as investing in US assets also carriespolitical and
financial risks, it said.

At the time when the Enron debacle was exposed in the beginningof this
year, the Nasdaq index started to soften its climb, while the US dollar also
started to weaken.

Capital flights from the US stock investment funds and stocks amounted
to 19.3 billion US dollars and 18.4 billion dollars respectively during the
week of July 11 to July 17. During the same week, investors also pulled out
as much as 3.9 billion US dollars from bond investment funds, the article

It insinuated that the capital has been reinvested in other regions. In
spite of Japan's and Europe's stagnant economies, their currencies have
turned stronger recently, it said.

Also, consumer confidence in the United States has also declined, as the
positive signs seen early in the year have failedto hold, the report
continued. The leading economic indicators announced Thursday have remained
stagnant, with US enterprises' level of investment failing to achieve any
remarkable rebound, it said.

The scenario indicated that the enterprises there are taking a bearish
view of the US economy, as signs of a double recession are emerging, the
article said.



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Xinhua News analysis: Why US mulls new military strikes against Iraq? [WWW.STO

2002-07-22 Thread Stasi


News analysis: Why US mulls new military strikes against Iraq?
Xinhuanet 2002-07-22 17:17:27

WASHINGTON, July 21 (Xinhuanet) -- The Bush administration has recently
intensified its saber-rattling against Iraq, vowing to seek a regime
change in the country and threatening to use forceif necessary.

Backing up its rhetoric, the administration also stepped up efforts on
the political, diplomatic and military fronts to prepare for an all-out war
designed to topple the Iraqi governmentled by President Saddam Hussein,
triggering widespread concerns and criticism among the international

More than a decade after the 1991 Gulf War, Iraq regained the attention
of the United States in November last year when the Afghan war came to a
turning point last November with the seizure of the capital city of Kabul by
the US-backed Northern Alliance.

Heated debate began within the US over the next target in the phase two
of the US-led global war against terrorism. Iraq, accused by Washington of
developing weapons of mass destruction, has emerged top on the hit-list of
the US.

To make a solid case against Saddam, the Bush administration has not
only doubled its efforts to demonize Iraq by listing the country in the
axis of evil but also formulated a brand-new security doctrine that
supports preemptive attacks against hostilestates or terrorists, in an
apparent attempt to legitimize any future military strikes against the old

The administration also sent Vice President Dick Cheney and topPentagon
officials to the region to seek support from the Arab world for U.S.
military actions and persuade countries like Turkeyto allow Washington to
use its military bases in the event of an all-out war with Iraq.

While U.S. State Department officials are making frequent contacts with
Iraq's opposition to discuss how to join hands in overthrowing President
Saddam, the Pentagon is also working hard at plans aimed at a military
invasion of Iraq.

So, why the U.S. is working so hard to seek a regime change in Iraq?
Analysts believe the foremost reason is that the September 11 terrorist
attacks on New York and Washington have triggered widespread concerns or
even fears among Americans that if terrorists had access to weapons of mass
destruction, they would not hesitate to use them against the US.

In fact, perceiving the nexus between terrorists and weapons ofmass
destruction as the most dangerous threat to the US, the Bush administration
has made non-proliferation the top priority of the U.S. national security

US intelligence agencies have repeatedly warned that Iraq, which may
still hide some chemical and biological weapons from UN inspections, will
have nuclear weapons capability in three to fiveyears.

Although Baghdad has flatly rejected the U.S. allegations, those in the
US who advocate a military invasion of Iraq deliberately stir the nerves of
the American public by presenting the worst-case scenario when a hostile
Iraq transfers such weaponsinto the hands of terrorists.

Secondly, uneasy with Iraq's sympathy to the Palestinians, hard-liners
inside and outside the Bush administration have accused Baghdad of
supporting Islamic militants.

The removal of President Saddam from the Iraqi leadership,
someconservative US analysts say, will not only eliminate a long-running
threat to Israel and US strategic interests in the region but also make the
settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict all the more easier.

So it was by no means coincidental that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon trumpeted a similar argument when he visited Washington in the middle
of last month.

Thirdly, with many of its cabinet members having military backgrounds,
the Bush administration enjoys a cozy relationship with such special
interests groups as the war industry, which onlymake its foreign policy more

It may sound ironical but is true that by dumping its inventories in the
Afghan war, the US war industry is almost the only economic beneficiary in
the aftermath of the September 11 tragedy.

According to US media reports, the employees of the US war industry are
working round-the-clock to keep up inventories of smart weapons, such as
laser-guided bombs, in preparations for a possible U.S. war with Iraq.

Lastly, the Bush administration is facing increasing political pressure
resulting from mishandling crucial intelligence related with the September
11 attacks and financial scandals involving Vice President Cheney.

A hard-line policy towards or even military actions against Iraq will
not only help the besieged administration to divert domestic political
pressure but also increase the chance of Bush'sre-election in the future,
some analysts said.

Although the US is moving towards a military option in the caseof Iraq,
the Bush 

US: Virginia man opens fires on helicopter, thinking occupants are terrorists, p

2002-07-22 Thread Stasi


Virginia man opens fires on helicopter, thinking occupants are terrorists,
police say
Sat Jul 20, 2:53 PM ET

WILLIAMSBURG, Virginia - A man armed with an assault-style rifle opened fire
on a helicopter landing in a residential neighborhood, thinking the chopper
was carrying terrorists, police said.

Helicopter pilot John S. Sutton landed his helicopter July 13 at the home of
businessman John Peters to pick him up, police said.

John Chwaszczewski, a construction worker, became alarmed when he saw the
chopper swoop down over his garage, about a block from Peters' home.

Maybe I overreacted, but I did feel this was terrorism at its utmost,
Chwaszczewski said.

Chwaszczewski told police the shooting was a natural reaction, after
having watched the events of Sept. 11.

A woman who identified herself as Sutton's wife said he would have no

Sutton was charged with recklessly operating an aircraft, a misdemeanor,
Deputy Police Chief Ken Middlebrook said Friday. If convicted, he could face
a month in jail.

Chwaszczewski was charged with interfering with an aircraft, discharging a
firearm, an AR-15 rifle, in a public place, reckless handling of a firearm
and assaulting Sutton. He faces up to eight years in prison and dlrs 10,000
in fines if convicted.


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Xinhua: Iraq suggests special Arab League meeting on US threats [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

2002-07-22 Thread Stasi


Iraq suggests special Arab League meeting on US threats
Xinhuanet 2002-07-23 01:39:16

BAGHDAD, July 22 (Xinhuanet) -- Iraq's head of parliament suggestedon
Monday the Arab League hold an extraordinary meeting to discuss the threats
of the US administration against Iraq, the official Iraqi News Agency
In a letter to Amr Moussa, secretary general of the Arab League,Iraq's
National Assembly Speaker Saadoun Hamadi said the US threatsagainst Iraq
constituted a threat to international security and peace and a flagrant
violation of the United Nations charter and the International law.

US President George W. Bush, who branded Iraq as part of an axis of
evil, has vowed to topple Iraqi President Saddam Hussein by using all the
possible tools he has.

Iraq has remained adamant in the face of US threats.

The National Assembly had sent letters to its Arab counterparts and
called on the Arab parliaments to hold an emergency session forthe Arab
Inter-Parliamentary Union to discuss the US threats against Iraq as soon as
possible, the INA reported on Friday.



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INA: Jordanian tribe denounces US policy, vows support for Iraq. [WWW.STOPNATO.

2002-07-18 Thread Stasi


Jordanian tribe denounces US policy, vows support for Iraq. 
  Text of report by Iraqi news agency INA web site

  Amman, 16 July: The Jordanian tribe of Bani Hasan has denounced
  the hostile policy of the US administration of evil against Iraq. It
  emphasized that it stands with the Iraqi people in the trench of
  honour and dignity in defence of the Arab nation and its future

  During a meeting with Iraqi ambassador to Jordan Dr Sabah Yasin
  yesterday, the tribe pledged to be brandished swords for the
  protection of Iraq and the Arab rights everywhere.

  They also vowed to continue sacrifices until the US-Zionist
  schemes are defeated and splendid victory is achieved by the
  nation, led by Iraq under President Saddam Husayn's leadership.

  During the meeting, the ambassador expressed Iraq's appreciation
  of the Arab brothers' support for Iraq's struggle to end the unjust
  embargo and continue its scientific and cultural development. The
  US administration of evil, he said, is trying to stop the
  development process in every possible way and deprive the Arabs
  of the right to pursue development and regain their historical role.


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Guardian: Spanish troops recapture Parsley island [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-18 Thread Stasi


Spanish troops recapture Parsley 
Giles Tremlett in 
MadridThursday July 
18, 2002The 
The confrontation between Spain and 
Morocco over the islet of Perejil entered a new and dangerous phase yesterday 
after elite Spanish assault troops retook the barren rock, capturing six 
Moroccan soldiers who were immediately returned to their country. 
The dawn assault was carried out by special forces, who stormed the tiny 
island without firing a shot. The Spanish defence minister, Federico Trillo, 
said his government had accepted, before ordering the operation, that both sides 
might suffer casualties. 
Last night Morocco said the Spanish assault amounted to "a declaration of 
war". A spokesman for King Mohammed VI accused Spain of wanting to "turn a 
political problem into a military conflict". Morocco demanded an immediate 
withdrawal of Spanish troops. 
Three Cougar helicopters had swept across the Straits of Gibraltar as dawn 
broke and deposited 28 soldiers from Spain's special operations command on the 
highest point of the islet where Moroccan frontier police had raised their 
country's flag last Thursday. 
From there, they moved down the rocky slopes of the islet and, using 
megaphones, persuaded the six Moroccan soldiers who had replaced the frontier 
police to give up their arms. Two helicopter gunships circled overhead. 
The disarmed Moroccans were taken in launches to the nearby Spanish enclave 
of Ceuta where, looking dejected, they were sent across the land border into 
Morocco yesterday morning. 
The assault troops left Perejil - Spanish for parsley - a few hours later and 
were replaced by members of a special operations unit of the Spanish Legion. Mr 
Trillo said they would remain there, within 200 yards of the coastline of 
Morocco, until "the situation of the island of Perejil is returned to that 
previous to July 11". 
From the hills beside Bel Younech, a Moroccan coastal hamlet close to 
Perejil, two red and gold Spanish flags could be seen flying where, until 
yesterday, the red and green of Morocco had been on display. It was the first 
time a Spanish flag had been seen on the island since it was last used as a 
military observation post in the early 1960s. 
Mr Trillo, visibly pleased at Spain's first military victory for several 
decades, described the surprise assault on the islet as "clean" and said the 
Spanish soldiers had orders to shoot only in self-defence. 
He said the operation had been an act of legitimate defence. "Spain had been 
attacked by the force in a sensitive point of its geography," he said. 
The foreign minister, Ana Palacio, told an emergency session of the Spanish 
parliament the assault was not an attempt "to impose any solution by force" but 
to restore the uninhabited islet to the previous status quo. "Spain has no 
interest in maintaining a permanent military presence," she said. 
But Morocco, which last week feigned surprise at Spanish anger over its 
decision to occupy the islet, demanded the Spaniards abandon it immediately. 
"The kingdom of Morocco protests with force against this unjustified 
aggression at the moment when Morocco and Spain were trying to resolve this 
crisis by diplomatic means," an official statement said. 
"The Moroccan government urges the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of 
Spanish forces. The island is an integral part of Moroccan territory." 
In the northern provincial capital of Tetouan, about 25 miles from the islet 
that Moroccans call Leila, about 200 people demonstrated in front of the Spanish 
consulate. "Out of Leila, out of Ceuta, out of Melilla," they shouted, referring 
to Spain's other north African enclave further east, near the Algerian border. 
Nato officials said yesterday the alliance was "pleased the status quo ante 
has been restored". Morocco said it would take its protest to the UN. 

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Son urges Saddam to brace for war. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-18 Thread Stasi


Son urges Saddam to brace for war. 
  BAGHDAD: President Saddam Hussein's powerful elder son Uday
  has urged his father's regime to prepare the Iraqi population for 
  This comes as US weapons makers have doubled the production rate
  of laser-guided bombs and boosted production at an ammunition
  factory to its highest level in 15 years.

  As the Iraqi Parliament pledged its full support for Saddam and his
  steps to defend the country, Uday recalled the Gulf War.
  The Iraqi population must be ... prepared on the psychological,
  military and national levels to oppose any enemy attack and support
  the burden of the war that risks being more ferocious than that of

  In a document presented to Parliament at a special session to discuss
  the threat of US attack, Uday, himself an MP, called for strict
  security measures and the satisfaction of the basic needs of 
citizens to
  avoid a repeat of the treacherous acts which Iraq witnessed during
  the Gulf War.

  Foreign Minister Naji Sabri also later went on Iraqi television to 
  Baghdad would defend itself against any US attack, and appealed to
  other Arab countries to show their solidarity.

  We will cut off the head of whomever lays their hands on the
  borders of Iraq, Mr Sabri said.

  US President George W. Bush has renewed a pledge to use all tools
  to oust Saddam, whom Washington accuses of developing weapons of
  mass destruction. The prospect of US military action heightened after
  talks between Baghdad and the UN on the return of UN weapons
  inspectors to Iraq broke down.

  (C) 2002 Advertiser Newspapers Limited. 


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Telegraph: Gulf veteran stabbed ex-girlfriend 40 times [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-18 Thread Stasi


Gulf veteran stabbed 
ex-girlfriend 40 timesBy Peter 
Foster(Filed: 18/07/2002) 
A Gulf war veteran who claimed to be suffering from 
post-traumatic stress disorder was jailed for life yesterday for murdering 
his former girlfriend.
Paul Delaney used three knives, including his old double-edged 
Army combat knife, to stab Colleen Chudley, 27, up to 40 times in the chest in 
January last year.



  Paul Delaney
Delaney, 30, a gunner in the Royal Artillery, was diagnosed with 
post-traumatic stress disorder after the war and dishonourably discharged in 
He pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished 
responsibility but was convicted of murder at Exeter Crown Court.
Passing sentence, Mrs Justice Hallett was openly sceptical about 
his attempts to blame his violence on war experiences. "I have no doubt your 
symptoms were added to until you had the full house of what you had read about 
on the Gulf war," she said.
Miss Chudley split up with Delaney seven months before her death 
and moved to Silverton, Devon, with their children Terri-Lee, eight, and 
Harrison, five.
Delaney, of Plymouth, travelled by bus to her home, broke down 
the door and attacked her, leaving the knives embedded to the hilt in her chest 
as the children cowered upstairs.
As Delaney was taken down, yelling an obscenity about his victim, 
her family applauded the verdict.

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Ukraine: Fury over plan to recognise UPA 'bandits' - Telegraph [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-07-18 Thread Stasi


Russian fury over plan to recognise Ukraine 'bandits'
By Askold Krushelnycky in Prague
(Filed: 18/07/2002)

A row has erupted between Russia and Ukraine over a move to recognise
officially as freedom fighters an MI6-backed Ukrainian partisan group which
fought against the communists during the Cold War.

Legislation is to be proposed by the Ukrainian government to enable the
veterans of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) to obtain the pensions and
other benefits former Red Army veterans receive.

Russian newspapers have launched fierce attacks, calling UPA members
bandits and have said that officially acknowledging the UPA as national
heroes would damage relations with Ukraine's Russian population, about 10
per cent of the total.

The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement which made clear the
negative position of Russia in relation to the plans.

The Kremlin admonished the Ukrainian government for apparently taking the
side of the nationalists instead of reining them in.

Anatoly Zlenko, the Ukrainian foreign minister, responded that the question
about rehabilitating UPA fighters is an internal matter for Ukraine.

The partisan army fought against the Nazis occupying Ukraine during the
Second World War and later turned its guns against the communist forces
which it saw as Russian occupiers.

It numbered about 100,000 men and women and mostly operated in the hills and
forests of the western Ukraine, an area dominated by the Carpathian
Mountains. During the Cold War Britain secretly helped the UPA and a sister
group, the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists.

British intelligence helped the guerrillas to maintain contact with
Ukrainian nationalist emigres in the West and with western governments. MI6
also helped to train some of the guerrillas in parachuting and unmarked RAF
planes, taking off from bases in Cyprus and Malta, dropped them into

Unfortunately for the Ukrainians, one MI6 agent with detailed knowledge of
the operation was the traitor Kim Philby.

Working with Anthony Blunt, another of Russia's spies recruited in the 1930s
in Cambridge, Philby alerted Soviet security forces about the planned drops.
Dozens of Ukrainian guerrillas were intercepted and most were executed.

For years, under Roman Shukhevych, the UPA fought against Soviet forces
augmented by communist troops from Poland and the then Czechoslovakia. The
communists admitted the guerrillas inflicted huge losses on them.

Che Guevara, Cuba's revolutionary hero, voiced admiration for the UPA's
organisation and tactics and borrowed their techniques.

Communist forces fought back with vicious reprisals against the civilian
population. Thousands were murdered or sent to the Soviet gulags.

This week, a mass grave was discovered in a monastery in western Ukraine
containing the bodies of around 130 men, women and children who are believed
to have been murdered in 1946 by Stalin's security forces for suspected
connections with the Ukrainian independence movement. Shukhevych was killed
in an attack by Soviet forces on his command bunker in 1950.

Starved of weapons and political support and facing overwhelming odds, the
UPA guerrillas were broken as a fighting force by 1953.

Thousands of UPA members were captured and were either executed or spent
years in Siberian prison camps. Others concealed their past and tried to
blend into Ukrainian society while some managed to escape to the West,
including Britain.

Their deeds passed into folklore and helped to keep alive Ukrainians' desire
for independence.


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==^ - Guardian [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-18 Thread Stasi

How does al-Qaida stay organised when its members are in hiding and
scattered across the world? Easy - it runs a website, says Paul Eedle

Paul Eedle
Wednesday July 17, 2002
The Guardian

For a secret organisation hunted by the intelligence services of the most
powerful nations on earth, al-Qaida has a remarkably public face. It is a
website run by the Centre for Islamic Studies and Research. Since the start
of the war on terrorism, the site has been producing hundreds of pages of
material to rally support among radical Muslims, scare the west and enable
al-Qaida cells to operate independently of Osama bin Laden and other leaders
now in hiding.

The site is entirely in Arabic, which means that tens of millions of people
who hate American policies on the Middle East can read it, but almost nobody
in either the governments or the media of the west can understand a word.

The website is central to al-Qaida's strategy to ensure that its war with
the US will continue even if many of its cells across the world are broken
up and its current leaders are killed or captured. The site's function is to
deepen and broaden worldwide Muslim support, allowing al-Qaida or successor
organisations to fish for recruits, money and political backing.

The whole thrust of the site, from videos glorifying September 11 to Islamic
legal arguments justifying the killing of civilians, and even poetry, is to
convince radical Muslims that, for decades, the US has been waging a war to
destroy Islam, and that they must fight back. America is the cause of every
injustice, every wrong, every tyranny that afflicts Muslims... It is steeped
in the blood of Muslims, wrote Sulaiman Bu Ghaith, an al-Qaida spokesman,
in a series of articles published on the site last month entitled Under the
Shadow of Spears. America does not understand dialogue. Nor peaceful
coexistence. Nor appeals, nor condemnation, nor criticism. America will only
be stopped by blood.

The site works to maintain the morale of al-Qaida supporters in the face of
obvious reverses since September 11. In a letter to brother mojahedin
everywhere in late May, Bu Ghaith warned: My dear brothers: the path of
principles and prayers is surrounded by calamities and obstacles, full of
dangers and misfortunes, prison, death, banishment and exile. One day the
believers are victorious over the infidels, the next day the infidels are
victorious over the believers. Victory will never be the ally of either
side, although definitely in the end the believers will triumph.

He repeated the message in an audio recording on the site late last month.
He also warned of new attacks on the US and promised a television appearance
soon by Bin Laden. The story topped world headlines when the satellite TV
channel al-Jazeera broadcast the recording, although it did not mention the
website as the original source. Al-Qaida has also been using the site to
launch diatribes against Muslims who question its strategy of total war with

Although there is deep, broad anger in the Muslim world against US policies,
there has been a surprising amount of criticism of al-Qaida from radicals
who were once its allies and even its religious mentors. Shaykh Salman
al-Oadah, for instance, who was admired by Bin Laden as one of the two
religious leaders of Saudi Arabia's opposition movement in the mid-1990s,
condemned the September 11 attacks for killing civilians. In April, he
coordinated an open letter by 150 Saudi intellectuals entitled How We Can
Coexist, calling for a dialogue with the west. Muntasser al-Zayyat, a lawyer
for Egypt's radical Islamic Group, part of which merged with al-Qaida in the
90s, criticised al-Qaida for releasing a video featuring one of the
September 11 hijackers explaining his motives for martyrdom at a time when
Israeli-Palestinian violence was at its peak in April. He said the video,
broadcast by al-Jazeera, diverted attention from the Palestinian issue and
risked alienating potential supporters of the Palestinian cause in the west.

Al-Qaida reacted furiously with a deluge of polemic on its website defending
the entire conduct of its war against the west and dismissing any approach
to the west other than violence. One statement on the subject of the
legality of the operations in Washington and New York laid out seven
grounds in Islamic law on which it is permissible to kill sacrosanct
infidels - essentially civilians - and six grounds on which it is
permissible to kill Muslims.

These polemics explain why the site is so important to al-Qaida and why the
real action in radical Muslim politics is now in a jungle of websites,
bulletin boards, email lists and chatrooms on the internet. Al-Qaida knows
it has to engage people there if it is to dominate debate.

The Centre for Islamic Studies and Research website is a substantial
undertaking. It has 11 sections, including the centre's own reports of
fighting in 

Stratfor: Syria's Double Game [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-18 Thread Stasi


Syria's Double Game17 July 2002 
SummarySyrian President Bashar Assad met July 17 with a 
senior North Korean official in Damascus. One would expect such a meeting to 
irritate Washington, but rather than a sign that Syria will not support a U.S. 
campaign against Iraq, Syria's gesture may be meant to save face by showing a 
continued alliance with so-called "axis of evil" states. 
AnalysisSyrian President Bashar Assad met July 17 with 
North Korean presidential envoy Kim Jong Nam, the No. 2 official in the 
Pyongyang regime, to discuss developing closer ties. The meeting followed 
Syria's announcement earlier this week that Damascus also seeks closer links 
with Baghdad. Against the backdrop of the war on terrorism and a 
potential U.S. campaign against Iraq, cozying up to North Korea and Iraq -- both 
included in the Bush administration's "axis of evil" -- may seem a disastrous 
move. But back-channel talks between Damascus and Washington have been going on 
for some time, and an agreement to continue working against al Qaeda likely is 
locked down. It even is possible that, despite claims to the contrary, Syria has 
agreed to back Washington's moves against Iraq. By meeting with Kim and publicly 
asserting friendship with Iraq, Damascus may be trying to veil an agreement with 
the United States.Syria would be a frontline state in a U.S. military 
campaign against Iraq, and Washington easily could mistake its talks with North 
Korea and Iraq as siding with the enemy. Syria could not survive a U.S. military 
campaign, if Washington deemed such a move necessary -- but Damascus also needs 
to maintain working ties with countries like Iran, Iraq and North Korea. 
Therefore, its leaders are playing a delicate game.The meeting with Kim 
is not unusual. Syria and North Korea are longtime allies, and Pyongyang has 
been selling Scud-C missiles to Damascus since 1993, according to the 
Washington-based Federation of American Scientists. The meeting with Assad -- 
scheduled well in advance -- was part of a regional tour by Kim, who also 
recently visited Indonesia and Libya. Even so, any events in Damascus just now 
will be noted by planners and policymakers in Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Egypt and 
Saudi Arabia, as well as by the United States and Europe.Syria has been 
cooperating with the United States in the battle against al Qaeda. Citing an 
unnamed U.S. diplomatic source, London-based Arabic daily Al Hayat reported July 
15 that the Bush administration appreciated the support Damascus has lent. 
Nevertheless, demonstrating too much cooperation with Washington could be 
politically dangerous for the young Syrian president. In a time of war, both 
domestic and regional rivals will rise to exploit the opportunities that 
uncertainty creates. Several factions in Damascus might pose a threat to 
Assad once a U.S. attack on Iraq got under way. Although the government recently 
launched a crackdown -- in the guise of an anti-corruption campaign -- to 
neutralize potential rivals, cooperation with Washington, for instance, could be 
used as a pretext to challenge Assad's competence and loyalty to the state. 
During a May interview with Jordanian Arabic daily Al Majd, Assad said 
Syrian-Iraqi cooperation was at its best and that officials were concentrating 
on their political ties. Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz also has visited 
Syria several times in recent months to gauge the government's support and 
remind Damascus of its allegiance. Earlier this month, Assad also met with 
Iranian judicial chief Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi to discuss 
cooperation between their countries, reported July 15. By 
meeting with Kim, touting close ties to Iraq and receiving Iranian dignitaries, 
Damascus keeps everyone guessing: Has it cut a deal with Washington over Iraq or 
not? So far, Syria has denied rumors that it has, and the visits by officials 
from all of the "axis of evil" states could suggest Damascus is solidly in their 
camp.More likely, however, Syria is keeping up appearances while 
continuing back-channel talks with the United States. If officials in Washington 
were worried about Syria buying arms from North Korea or funneling weapons to 
Iraq, Kim's visit would be a point of criticism for U.S. officials, but so far 
Washington has said little about it. The United States might be waiting calmly 
to see what comes of the meeting -- but it also may be sure nothing 

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Iraq is ready for the fight, says defiant Saddam - Daily Telegraph [WWW.STOPNATO

2002-07-18 Thread Stasi


Iraq is ready for the fight, says defiant Saddam

By Anton La Guardia, Diplomatic Editor
(Filed: 18/07/2002)

Saddam Hussein dismissed American plans to topple him yesterday, declaring
that his regime could never be defeated and denouncing his Iraqi opponents
as the greedy stooges of foreign tyrants.

Delivering a defiant, rhetoric-filled speech on the anniversary of the coup
that brought the ruling Ba'ath party to power in Iraq in 1968, he said: The
wind will blow away foreign rattling as the noise of an evil covetous
tyrant, the enemy of Allah.

Saddam's 40-minute televised tirade, laden with references to Islamic
history, came in response to increased moves by America and Britain to
overthrow him. Paul Wolfowitz, the US deputy defence secretary, spent a
second day in Ankara yesterday discussing what Turkey's role would be in any
campaign to unseat Saddam.

On Tuesday, Tony Blair said the world would have to deal with the threat
posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. But in comments to chairmen of
Commons select committees, the Prime Minister insisted that there was still
an open question over how to proceed.

In his speech, Saddam said his regime was ready to defend itself, armed
with its sword, bow, and spear, carrying its shield or gun and cannon,
mounting its tank, or poised in its battle-trench which may, through caution
and alertness, save life from schemes, conspiracies, and perfidy, and
protect all our dear, dear, dear men.

He added: Temmuz [the July revolution] returns to say to all evil tyrants
and oppressors of the world, 'You will never defeat me this time. Never!
Even if you come together from all over the world, and invite all the devils
as well, to stand by you, support or incite you'.

The prospect of a US military offensive has been raised further after talks
between Iraq and the United Nations over the resumption of weapons
inspections broke down this month. At the weekend, a group of about 70
exiled Iraqi military officers met in London to plan ways to foment revolt
within the Iraqi armed forces.

More than a decade after Iraqi troops were forced out of Kuwait, Saddam's
forces are today even less able to resist a US-led military campaign. He is
relying on divisions in the West and the strong anti-US mood in the Arab and
Muslim world to frustrate the plans. He has tried to reconcile with Arab
neighbours, particularly Saudi Arabia, in the hope that they will resist US
attempts to mount operations from their territory.

Saddam has tried to fuel the Palestinian uprising with generous payments to
the families of martyrs, in the belief that the crisis in Israel and the
occupied territories makes it more difficult for America to find Arab

In his speech yesterday, Saddam described foreign-based opposition groups as
lackeys unfit to lead Iraq, while comparing his own regime as halal,
permitted by God. He declared: Anything gained freely, as charity, or from
a foreign source, will yield nothing but vice, and weakness before the
arrogance charity and greed of the foreign source.

He who builds his country with his own hands will be able to defend himself
and his country with his own means.


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Iraq is ready for the fight, says defiant Saddam - 2 Reports [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-07-18 Thread Stasi


1) Iraq is ready for the fight, says defiant Saddam - Daily Telegraph
2) Saddam taunts 'evil tyrants' in 4,000-word tirade - Guardian

1) Iraq is ready for the fight, says defiant Saddam
By Anton La Guardia, Diplomatic Editor
(Filed: 18/07/2002)

Saddam Hussein dismissed American plans to topple him yesterday, declaring
that his regime could never be defeated and denouncing his Iraqi opponents
as the greedy stooges of foreign tyrants.

Delivering a defiant, rhetoric-filled speech on the anniversary of the coup
that brought the ruling Ba'ath party to power in Iraq in 1968, he said: The
wind will blow away foreign rattling as the noise of an evil covetous
tyrant, the enemy of Allah.

Saddam's 40-minute televised tirade, laden with references to Islamic
history, came in response to increased moves by America and Britain to
overthrow him. Paul Wolfowitz, the US deputy defence secretary, spent a
second day in Ankara yesterday discussing what Turkey's role would be in any
campaign to unseat Saddam.

On Tuesday, Tony Blair said the world would have to deal with the threat
posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. But in comments to chairmen of
Commons select committees, the Prime Minister insisted that there was still
an open question over how to proceed.

In his speech, Saddam said his regime was ready to defend itself, armed
with its sword, bow, and spear, carrying its shield or gun and cannon,
mounting its tank, or poised in its battle-trench which may, through caution
and alertness, save life from schemes, conspiracies, and perfidy, and
protect all our dear, dear, dear men.

He added: Temmuz [the July revolution] returns to say to all evil tyrants
and oppressors of the world, 'You will never defeat me this time. Never!
Even if you come together from all over the world, and invite all the devils
as well, to stand by you, support or incite you'.

The prospect of a US military offensive has been raised further after talks
between Iraq and the United Nations over the resumption of weapons
inspections broke down this month. At the weekend, a group of about 70
exiled Iraqi military officers met in London to plan ways to foment revolt
within the Iraqi armed forces.

More than a decade after Iraqi troops were forced out of Kuwait, Saddam's
forces are today even less able to resist a US-led military campaign. He is
relying on divisions in the West and the strong anti-US mood in the Arab and
Muslim world to frustrate the plans. He has tried to reconcile with Arab
neighbours, particularly Saudi Arabia, in the hope that they will resist US
attempts to mount operations from their territory.

Saddam has tried to fuel the Palestinian uprising with generous payments to
the families of martyrs, in the belief that the crisis in Israel and the
occupied territories makes it more difficult for America to find Arab

In his speech yesterday, Saddam described foreign-based opposition groups as
lackeys unfit to lead Iraq, while comparing his own regime as halal,
permitted by God. He declared: Anything gained freely, as charity, or from
a foreign source, will yield nothing but vice, and weakness before the
arrogance charity and greed of the foreign source.

He who builds his country with his own hands will be able to defend himself
and his country with his own means.

2) Saddam taunts 'evil tyrants' in 4,000-word tirade
Brian Whitaker
Thursday July 18, 2002
The Guardian

Even by the extravagant standards of Saddam Hussein, it was the mother of
speeches - a 4,000-word tirade against devils and oppressors, wrapped in
a cloak of religious piety.

Marking the 34th anniversary of the Temmuz (July) revolution - for the last
time if President Bush has his way - the Iraqi leader yesterday predicted
victory in whatever battles lie ahead.

Temmuz returns to say to all evil tyrants and oppressors of the world: you
will never defeat me this time. Never! he said.

It could have been a Freudian slip, but the word me caused ripples of
surprise at the London offices of the opposition Iraqi National Congress.
He's clearly stating that it's a personal conflict, not one between
countries, a spokesman said.

This is what we've been trying to tell people all along.

Saddam went on to predict that the wind will blow away foreign rattling as
the noise of an evil covetous tyrant, the en emy of Allah Iraq will emerge
eventually triumphant.

For once, the Iraqi leader's speech made no direct mention of the United
States but there was a clear warning to the US-backed opposition groups who
are seeking to overthrow him.

He who relies on others to think for him, or provide him with protection
and appoint him as ruler of his people, will always remain [vulnerable] to
the whims of his patrons who can, whenever they so desire, bring his house
down over his head, he said.

Much of the speech - including an appeal 

Telegraph: Recruits 'still ruled by fear at Army base' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-18 Thread Stasi


Recruits 'still ruled 
by fear at Army base'By Sandra 
Laville and Linus Gregoriadis(Filed: 18/07/2002) 
A regime of fear, bullying and predatory sexual behaviour still 
pervades the Surrey barracks where four soldiers have died in mysterious 
circumstances, The Telegraph has learnt.



  Yvonne and Jim Collinson whose son died in suspicious 
  circumstances at the base
In the past few weeks one private has taken an overdose, a 
corporal was caught having sex with a young female soldier and the base was put 
on alert after a stranger with a "handgun" was seen near the perimeter.
The incidents were revealed yesterday as the families of two 
of the soldiers who died at the Royal Logistics Corps headquarters at 
Deepcut - Pte Geoff Gray and Pte James Collinson - met detectives for a briefing 
on the police investigation into their deaths.
Pte Collinson's father Jim, 39, from Perth, Scotland, said later: 
"The Army have tried to sweep this whole affair under the carpet and seem to 
believe they have no one to answer to.
"It is disgraceful. We just want to know the truth and uncover 
what has been happening at Deepcut."
Surrey Police announced two weeks ago that officers had reopened 
investigations into two earlier deaths, that of Pte Cheryl James, 18, who was 
found dead on guard duty in November 1995, and Pte Sean Benton, 20, found 
with five gunshot wounds to the chest in June of the same year.
The Army found that all four had committed suicide, but two 
coroners have recorded open verdicts and a regime of bullying and intimidation 
has been uncovered at the base, where there have been 28 courts martial for 
violent conduct since 1995.
Far from anything changing, bullying and predatory sexual 
behaviour are still going on at Deepcut, The Telegraph has been told.
In the past few weeks a young soldier who "could not take it any 
more" has attempted suicide, according to the source who added: "The pressures 
became too much for him. He took an overdose because he couldn't handle the 
training and the way they treated him.
"They don't give a f about you. Everyone wants to appear 
bigger than they actually are but when it comes down to it some of them can't 
handle the pressure. 
"You can go to the training staff if you have a problem but they 
have no time for you because they are too busy."
Discipline at the camp was described as "excessive" with privates 
being fined £200 for leaving their lockers unlocked. In another incident a 
corporal, who had openly boasted about his predatory sexual behaviour, was 
caught having sex with a young girl soldier on the drill square. 
The Ministry of Defence confirmed that there had been an 
"inappropriate" relationship between a corporal and a private.
The man was being disciplined and an internal investigation was 
taking place, a spokesman said.
According to The Telegraph's source, the corporal boasted about 
his sexual behaviour. "He was always bragging about having sex with different 
women. He was always walking into the female block without knocking. 
"When you are his level you can get away with it. When he was 
caught having sex on the drill square he tried to bribe them with £30 to keep 
their mouths shut. I'm sure they [the Army] were aware of him before he got 
Tensions soared last Monday after a member of the public saw 
someone acting suspiciously around the perimeter of the base, carrying what 
looked like a handgun.
Police eventually tracked down two boys who had been playing with 
a capgun outside the base and a memo was circulated telling soldiers to be extra 
"Morale is at rock bottom," said the source. "All anyone talks 
about is the soldiers who died. Everyone is scared. People believe the most 
recent deaths were murder.
"Lots of people just want to get out. The atmosphere is so bad 
you could cut it with a knife. Soldiers are afraid to go out on patrol and this 
latest incident on the perimeter has just made everyone more worried.
"It's scary doing patrol because you don't know who is behind 
you. There aren't enough people on guard. There are lots of places where you can 
easily get into the camp."
A spokesman for the Ministry of Defence said in the case of the 
corporal, disciplinary action was taking place but the man had not been 
Referring to the overdose of the private, he said: "There may 
have been an incident which is being dealt with by the appropriate people on the 
ground. Most of these things will be investigated by Special Investigations 
Bureau to make sure that bullying is not a factor."
The spokesman defended the Army's record on stamping out bullying 
and added: "We take it extremely seriously and we do everything to ensure that 
any indication of bullying is dealt with.
"The point these incidents show is that we are being vigilant; 
these things are being detected; we have the necessary 

Guardian: Manchester Muslim killed in Chechen war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-18 Thread Stasi


Manchester Muslim killed in Chechen war
'Teacher' who joined jihad and rose through rebel ranks dies in ambush by
Russian special forces

Nick Paton Walsh in Moscow
Thursday July 18, 2002
The Guardian

A man who claimed to be a former PE teacher from Manchester has been killed
fighting in southern Chechnya, in an ambush by Russian special forces,
according to a Chechen separatist website. reported that Amir Assadullah died when Russian forces attacked
the group of rebels he was leading in Vedeno region at the weekend.

Assadullah, a young man of African descent with a thick Mancunian accent,
was the focus of a video apparently aimed at recruiting new fighters from
sympathetic countries. It was released by the Russian government last year
as evidence that foreign mercenaries were acting as international
terrorists in Chechnya.

British officials said last night that they have had no success in proving
Assadullah's nationality, despite lengthy efforts.

Nor have community leaders in Manchester been able to confirm Assadullah's
British past.

The officials added that at the time of the video's release they were
sceptical of Russian claims that several dozen Britons had been recruited by
to fight in Chechnya by an organisation in London called al-Muhajiroun.

The video showed Assadullah holding a Kalashnikov and sitting cross-legged
in the Chechen undergrowth, pleading with fellow British Muslims to join the
jihad against Russian forces in Chechnya.

You tell your family that you might not come back, he said during the
15-minute rant in which he spoke of leaving his family in Manchester to join
the war.

You come here and you burn your bridges.

On Tuesday the Chechen website said: Amir Assadullah has become a shakhid
[a martyr].

He was an ethnic African and a British citizen who came to Chechnya in 1996
as a volunteer. He was the only ethnic African in the Chechen army.

It added that several other fighters in his group were killed in the
confrontation with Russians. The rest fled to the mountains.

The news came as the Russian defence minister, SergeiIvanov, told reporters
in Oslo that Russia would cut back the excess of its troop presence in
Chechnya by the end of the year.

The workload on the armed forces in Chechnya continues to decrease and is
being increasingly shifted on to special and police units, he said.

But Russian forces in the region continue to suffer heavy casualties: three
died in an attack on Tuesday.

Russian officials refused to confirm that Assadullah was killed. We have no
reliable facts proving this rebel leader's death, a military source said.

The Russian newspaper Kommersant reported that Assadullah had been fighting
for several years under the Jordanian born guerrilla leader Khattab, whom
the Russian security service, the FSB, claimed to have assassinated earlier
this year with a poisoned letter.

According to the Chechen website, Assadullah became a Muslim in the mid-90s
and went to Chechnya in 1996, rising quickly through the rebel ranks to
become a field commander.

The video showed him enjoying the violent, rugged life of a rebel in the
Chechen mountains. In recent months Assadullah's group has stationed in the
south, near the regions of Vedeno and Nozhai-Yurt, where much of the recent
heavy fighting has been.

Assadullah's involvement in Chechnya was revealed by Russian officials in
February after a number of videotapes were seized in Chechnya which detailed
the rebels' activities.

FSB officers believe the tapes were made to assure European fundraisers for
the jihad that their money was well spent.

Copies of the tape featuring Assadullah were given to the British
authorities, and the Observer, by Sergei Yastrzhembsky, President Putin's
spokesman on Chechnya.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002


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Xinhua Roundup: Kuwait unwilling to be a launching pad against Iraq, while urgin

2002-07-18 Thread Stasi


Roundup: Kuwait unwilling to be a launching pad against Iraq, while urging
Iraq to implement UN reso

Xinhuanet 2002-07-18 22:09:22

KUWAIT CITY, July 18 (Xinhuanet,by Hong Man) -- The Gulf oil-rich
kingdom Kuwait, a close ally of the United States and an arch-foe of Iraq,
has repeatedly voiced its opposition to serve as a launching pad against
Baghdad, while urging its neighbor to implement relevant UN resolutions.

Last week, Kuwaiti Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammad
Sabah al-Salem Al-Sabah stressed that the state will not accept to serve as
a launching pad for a US attack on Iraq.

The mission of US troops deployed in Kuwait is well known...It is to
defend our land and national sovereignty ... Kuwait does not agree to an
attack on Iraq being launched from its territory, the minister said.

He also denied reports that Washington has concluded intensive
negotiations with Kuwait about using its territory and airspace to carry out
an attack on Iraq and topple Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

Nothing of the sort happened, he said, referring to a news report that
the United States has been in contact with four regional states, including
Kuwait, to use their territories and airspace for an attack on Iraq.

US President George W. Bush has recently renewed a pledge to use all
tools at his disposal to oust Saddam Hussein, whom Washington accuses of
developing weapons of mass destruction, sparking suspicions that a US-led
military action will be launched against Iraq.

The prospect of US military action was even further heightened after
talks between Baghdad and the United Nations on the return ofweapons
inspectors to Iraq broke down earlier this month.

A US-led international coalition of ground forces liberated Kuwait from
Iraqi occupation in February 1991.

Kuwait and the United States signed a defense contract after theGulf
War. Around 8,000 troops are still based in Kuwait, most of them are
stationed in Camp Doha, west to Kuwait City.

The military base is home to about 2,000 US troops with M-1A1 Abrams
tanks, M2-A2 Bradley infantry vehicles, surface-to-surface missiles,
self-propelled cannons, Patriot anti-missile batteries and Apache attack

US F-15E Strike Eagles and F-16 Fighting Falcons use a Kuwaiti air base
to launch patrol missions over the no-fly zone in southernIraq.

The US State Department listed Iraq as a state sponsor of terrorism,
along with Cuba, Libya, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria. Since the
beginning of this year, several top US officials, including Vice President
Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, visited the Gulf region
and Kuwait was one leg of each tour.

Analysts say that the main goal of the US officials' visit is torally
support for a military strike against Iraq.

But all the countries the US officials have visited voiced theirstrong
opposition to any military actions against Iraq.

Meanwhile, Kuwait, although expressing opposition to US militarystrike
against Iraq, repeatedly urged Iraq to implement relevant UNresolutions.

On Monday, Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Khaled Suleyman
Al-Jarallah warned that Iraq would pose a threat to Kuwaitand the region as
long as it fails to implement outstanding UN resolutions.

He reiterated Kuwait's insistence on UN resolutions, particularly the
release of Kuwaitis prisoner and those missing since the 1991 Gulf War, an
issue on which he said Iraq has shown no flexibility.

Also on Wednesday, Al-Jarallh stressed that the state will not
contemplate turning a new page in relations with Iraq until Baghdad
releases Kuwaiti prisoners.

If Iraq releases the Kuwaiti prisoners, then we can talk about a new
page. Otherwise I don't think there is a new page, he said.

Al-Jarallah was reacting to a statement by Saddam Hussein on Tuesday
that Baghdad wanted to turn a new page in the history of our inter-Arab

Relations between Iraq and Kuwait have remained severe and tenseafter
Iraq invaded the small oil-rich neighbor in August, 1990.

Kuwait maintains that Iraq is still holding more than 600 peopleof its
own and other countries' nationals who disappeared during the Iraqi
occupation of Kuwait and 90 percent of them are Kuwaitis.

Iraqi officials have admitted that their country took prisoners,but they
have lost track of them during a Shiite uprising in southern Iraq following
the retreat of Iraqi troops from Kuwait in the 1991 Gulf War.

Baghdad, meanwhile, alleged that Kuwait has withheld informationon the
fate of 1,142 Iraqis missing in the Gulf War.

However, in a final declaration of the Arab Beirut summit held in late
March, Iraq affirmed its respect for Kuwait's independence, sovereignty and
security and pledged to avoid all that could repeat 

Xinhua: Iraq lodges protest against US for refusing to grant visas [WWW.STOPNATO

2002-07-18 Thread Stasi


Iraq lodges protest against US for refusing to grant visas
Xinhuanet 2002-07-19 00:59:42

BAGHDAD, July 18 (Xinhuanet) -- Iraq on Thursday protested to the United
Nations against the United States for refusing to grant visas to an Iraqi
delegation that was supposed to take part in the preparatory meeting of the
International Criminal Court in New Yorkon July 1, the official Iraqi News
Agency (INA) reported.

The US refusal to issue visas to Iraqi delegation members has prevented
them from playing their role in the meetings sponsored bythe United
Nations, Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri Ahmed said in a letter to UN
Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Thursday.

Ahmed urged Annan to intervene and demand the United States to respect
its obligations and commitments to the United Nations and stop from placing
obstacles and preventing Iraqi delegations to attend UN meetings in the
future, the INA said.

Iraq has no foreign relations with the United States and the
twocountries have been sworn enemies since the 1991 Gulf War, during which
the US-led multinational coalition army defeated Iraq and evicted Iraqi
troops out of Kuwait after a seven-month occupation.

The Iraqi foreign minister has complained that the United Statesdelayed
to grant visas for his delegation members to engage in talks with the United
Nations in New York.

Consequently, Iraq requested to have talks with the UN chief in Vienna
instead of New York, where the first two rounds of talks between Iraq and
the United Nations in March and May were held. Thethird round of talks
between the two sides were held in the Austrian capital of Vienna early this



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Xinhua: S.Korean, USFK to cooperate in salvaging navy boat [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-18 Thread Stasi



  S.Korean, USFK to cooperate in salvaging navy 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-18 


  SEOUL, July 18 (Xinhuanet) -- The South Korean government and the 
  US Forces Korea (USFK) Thursday agreed to continue their cooperation on 
  some matters' disposal, South Korean Defense Ministry spokesman Hwang 
  Ui-don said. 
  Under the agreement, South Korea and USFK will cooperate in 
  salvaging the South Korean navy fast boat slated in later July, which sunk 
  in a naval clash between South Korea and Democratic People's Republic of 
  Korea (DPRK) on June 29 in the Yellow Sea. 
  The two parties also will coordinate on the issue of the death of 
  two South Korean girls, who were rolled by a US armored vehicleon June 13. 

  The agreement was reached at a meeting between South Korean Defense 
  Minister Lee Jun and USFK Commander Gen. Leon J. LaPorte at Lee's office, 
  the spokesman was quoted as saying by the national news agency Yonhap 
  Both sides have been under fire from local media and civic 
  activists for the above incidents. Enditem 


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Xinhau: Iraq urges UN to lift sanctions [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-18 Thread Stasi


Iraq urges UN to lift sanctions
Xinhuanet 2002-07-19 02:57:45

LAGOS, July 18 (Xinhuanet) -- The Iraqi government has called on the
United Nations to lift the sanctions imposed on the Arab country, the News
Agency of Nigeria reported Thursday.

The agency quoted Iraqi ambassador to Nigeria Sabah Omran as saying that
it is unjust to retain the sanctions after Iraq has met the conditions the
UN demands.

The UN imposed sanctions on Iraq in 1990 after the Iraqi troopsinvaded
its tiny neighbor Kuwait.

Omran said the sanctions have led to the death of millions of Iraqis,
especially children, and the destruction of Iraq's infrastructure.

The overall economic sanctions have created enormous damage in all
social spheres of life in Iraq, resulting in a blatant violation of the
most basic human rights of the people, the right of life, to health and good
living condition, he said.

The Iraqi ambassador also criticized the imposition of no-fly-zone by
the United States and Britain, saying that action is not backed any UN

The aim of the continuation of the economic sanctions and the imposition
of the no-fly-zone and the continuous military bombardment of Iraq is to
disintegrate Iraq's social infrastructure and partition it, he said.

Iraq is therefore looking forward to seeing or hearing from its friends
and hoping that they would intervene with a view to convincing the
governments of the US and Britain to see the need for the UN to lift its
sanctions, he added.



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Turkey: DHKC Statement 259 denounces UN decision [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-16 Thread Stasi


- Original Message -


   Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Front
Date: July 14, 2002  Statement: 259

The UN Security Council has decided: torture, massacre and rape are crimes:
unless America commits them!

The United Nations Security Council has unanimously decided that, on the
subject of the International Criminal Court which has been under discussion
for a while, it will bow down before the American empire and grant America
legal immunity for the space of one year. This decision is among the most
shameful in the history of the United Nations. An institution purporting to
guarantee law, justice and peace is hereby declaring to the whole world that
the American empire is outside any rules of law and justice.

Hear, o world: The decision of the United Nations is: all countries,
organisations, leaders, armies and police who practice torture, murder and
exploitation are proscribed and guilty. EXCEPT AMERICA!

Hear, o world: The decision of the United Nations is: we, as the UN Security
Council, recognise America's freedom to commit torture, massacres, plunder,
assassinations, rape and to organise coups!

Legal immunity for one year, and then what? Will America conform to the
law later on? No, one year later the American empire will discover another
pretext, another formula, and its freedom to torture, murder and plunder
will continue.

The states that approved this decision prostrate themselves on the floor
before the American dollar. On the subject of the International Criminal
Court, America, if it does not get its way, is in a position to threaten the
UN and the states in the UN Security Council that it will cut the supply of
dollars to UN peacekeeping forces. With this decision of theirs, the United
Nations have announced and approved there being no law in the world or among
states that holds any validity other than the LAW OF THE DOLLAR, and
hitherto known classical legal precepts are invalid. The result: whoever has
many dollars also has a right to commit torture and slaughter. The modern
and civilised world is returning to the laws that held sway under slavery.
Six hundred years before the Christian era, there were the laws of Solon (in
ancient Greece); according to Solon's laws, the rights and duties of
citizens are determined according to how much property they possess in terms
of land...

Whoever had more land or wealth also had correspondingly more rights and
legal protection. The world in which the American empire exercises
sovereignty is a barbarous world. The United Nations have SOLD justice,
rights and the law for dollars! Justice has been sold to America for money.
How will these United Nations then have the nerve to stand up and talk of
terrorism and violence? Do such as these have a right to accuse or
criticise any country or organisation?

Everyone can be judged, but America is exempt! It is clear that those who
took this decision, like those who took decisions against Iraq, Yugoslavia
and Afghanistan, will take decisions in future of a similar character, and
these too will possess no legitimacy whatsoever. This institution has
announced that it is not the United Nations, it is the Organisation of
American States.

Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Cephesi
(Revolutionary People's Liberation Front)

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A people who want to win independence cannot confine themselves to ordinary
methods of warfare. Mass insurrections, revolutionary warfare, guerilla
detachments everywhere - such is the only way.
F Engels

A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a
struggle to the death between the future and the
Fidel Castro

There is no revolution without violence. Those who don't accept violence
can cross out the word revolution from their dictionary.
Malcolm X

Violence is the universal objective law of all thorough national liberation
General Vo Nguyen Giap

Without a Peoples Army the people have nothing
Mao Tse-Tung


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Guardian: Talk of war puts Arabs on same wavelength [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-13 Thread Stasi


Talk of war puts Arabs on same 
As their king plans to meet Bush, Jordanians recoil at the prospect of 
hosting US strikes on Iraq 
Suzanne Goldenberg in 
AmmanSaturday July 
13, 2002The 
The men from Iraq began lining up 
at 6am yesterday, labourers and pedlars waiting their turn for the 12-hour 
bone-shaking ride across the desert to Baghdad. 
Hundreds of Jordanian cars and lorries and orange and white taxis from Iraq 
do the run every day. Four fully booked flights a week from Amman to Baghdad 
serve a merchant class grown prosperous by swapping cheap oil for Jordanian 
goods during the long years of the embargo on Iraq. 
None of the travellers or the businessmen sees Saddam Hussein's Iraq as part 
of the "axis of evil" as President George Bush puts it, but as a Jordan's valued 
Reports this week that Jordan could serve as a staging post for the war 
America wants to wage on Iraq caused consternation in government circles - where 
they were strenuously denied - and led to popular rumblings of anger. 
"This is completely unacceptable. We are a part of the Arab world and the 
Iraqis are our brothers," says Munir Nabulsi, the Jordanian proprietor of a 
fleet of cars which take documents and small parcels to Iraq. 
For the moment most Jordanians find it unimaginable that King Abdullah would 
approve an American request to use Jordanian air bases for a strike on Iraq, 
because public opposition runs so deep. 
"It is inconceivable even to speak of such a thing," says Hashem Gharaybeh, 
who heads the Council of Professional Associations, representing doctors, 
dentists, engineers and others. "It will never happen." 
Two weeks ago, Mr Gharaybe met Jordan's prime minister, Ali Abu Ragheb, and 
other senior officials. He says he received their assurance that the country 
would not allow itself to be used as a staging post for a war on Iraq. 
But that puts the king in a quandary when he visits Washington later this 
month. It will be his sixth meeting with President Bush, and the frequency 
underlines a relationship forged through Jordan's support for America's war on 
In return, America doubled its military and economic aid to Jordan to $500m, 
and there is a request before Congress for a further $100m. 
But the US largesse could require some return, especially these days when 
American military planners are scouting out potential bases for use in commando 
and search-and-rescue operations in a potential war on Iraq: in Qatar, Turkey, 
and reportedly Jordan. 
The Muafa Salti air base in Azraq, which is familiar to the US military from 
the joint exercises they have held with Jordan since the mid-80s, reportedly 
fits the bill. 
But not to ordinary Jordanians: and that underlines the king's predicament 
when he meets President Bush and is briefed on the latest battle plans. 
"Simply put, the Jordanian government does not want to be identified as 'an 
accomplice'," says Adnan Abu-Odeh, who was the political adviser to the late 
King Hussein when America first went to war to topple Saddam Hussein after the 
Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. 
Jordan sat out that war, and King Abdullah faces immense popular pressure to 
do the same this time around. 
On Thursday Mr Ragheb called a press conference to quash reports that Jordan 
would allow US ground troops on its soil or US military flights through its 
The forcefulness of the denial seems to have brought a measure of calm. 
Yesterday Mr Gharaybeh argued that the US would not ask Jordan to undertake a 
role that could prove so destabilising to the country. 
"American aid to Jordan is to promote economic stability and to strengthen 
its role in the region, so if they ask Jordan to do such a thing it will wipe 
out all the value of that aid," he said. 
Even without a direct Jordanian role, there is increasing anger here about 
the prospect of a military strike on Iraq, particularly when America has been 
seen as reluctant to exert its power to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 
"The whole atmosphere is different now from in 1990," Mr Abu-Odeh said 
yesterday. "In 1990 blood was on the ground. The Iraqi army was in Kuwait, and 
the whole world wanted to do something. Now only one country wants to try to do 
something about Iraq." 
"Iraq has been under siege for 12 years, and Arabs are also much more 
disaffected with America than they were in 1990 because of the Palestinian 
More than 60% of Jordan's five million citizens are of Palestinian origin. 
The government has moved carefully in the past two years to subdue protests, 
banning demonstrations and keeping watch on Palestinian refugee camps with 
secret police. 
But tempers have been flaring against since April, when Israeli forces 
invaded and re-occupied the West Bank. 
The country's powerful Islamist movement declared a boycott of US businesses 
in Jordan. In Amman, local branches of 

Guardian: Belgium exhumes its colonial demons [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-13 Thread Stasi


Belgium exhumes its colonial 
Historians vow to unearth truth about allegations of genocide in Congo 

Andrew Osborn in 
July 13, 2002The 
More than a century after King 
Leopold II of Belgium claimed Congo as his personal colony, an unprecedented 
investigation into Belgium's murky colonial past and long-ignored allegations of 
genocide is to be held. 
To the fury, no doubt, of Belgium's dwindling band of "old colonials" the 
state-funded Royal Museum for Central Africa - formerly known as the Museum of 
the Belgian Congo - has commissioned some of the country's most eminent 
historians to give the public the one thing they have been deprived of for so 
long: the truth. 
Shocking claims - often well documented - that 10 million Congolese were 
either murdered or worked to death by Leopold's private army, that women were 
systematically raped, that locals' hands were cut off and that the local 
populace endured kidnapping, looting and village burnings, have never been the 
subject of serious debate in Belgium, let alone an apology. 
Many of these allegations are set out in a book called King Leopold's Ghost 
by the American author Adam Hochschild. When it was published in Belgium in 1999 
it outraged the country's historians but failed to bring about a genuine period 
of reflection. 
Controversially, Hochschild compared the death toll in the 
Belgian-administered Congo to the Holocaust and Stalin's purges. 
"We will look at these claims, we will investigate them and by 2004 we will 
attempt to provide an answer to Hochschild's book," Guido Gryseels, the director 
of the museum, said. 
"We cannot avoid answering these questions. It has become too much of an 
issue. Everyone raises it all the time and we don't know what to say." 
The investigation will force the country to confront its colonial demons and 
tackle a subject which has been taboo ever since the Welsh-born explorer Henry 
Morton Stanley secured the rubber- and ivory-rich colony for Leopold in 1885. 
The investigatory panel, likely to be headed by Professor Jean-Luc Vellut, 
will start work in the next two months and present its findings in 2004 (the 
centenary of Stanley's death) as part of an exhibition at the museum. 
If Congo is Belgium's forgotten skeleton then the museum is its neglected 
cupboard. An imposing palace near Brussels built by Leopold with money he made 
in Congo to showcase a place he never visited, it is crammed with millions of 
objects brought back in dubious circumstances. 
Tatty stuffed animals vie for attention with display cases crammed with 
butterflies, fish and African tribal art, but the museum, like much of Belgium 
itself, is frozen in a colonial time warp. 
It commemorates the Force Publique officers, who are now accused of 
barbarism. And of the cruelty and suffering endured by the Congolese people 
there is no mention. 
It is a desire to modernise the museum and drag it out of its one-sided 
politically incorrect past that has prompted the investigation. 
"The museum hasn't changed for the last 44 years," Mr Gryseels conceded. 
"It has a colonial spirit to it. As you walk in there is a statue [of a black 
boy looking up at a white missionary] with the legend 'Belgium brings 
civilisation to the Congo'. 
"The message of the museum needs to change so that it doesn't only reflect 
the view of Belgium before 1960 [when Congo won its independence]. We need 
African views too so that the visitor can make up their own mind." 
More than a century may have passed since Leopold acquired Congo, embracing 
territory the size of western Europe, but sensitivity about Belgian culpability 
remain acute. 
"It is a reality which touches the deepest part of the Belgian soul," Mr 
Gryseels said. "We really haven't coped with it, and the revelations came as a 
real shock. We were brought up knowing that we brought civilisation and good to 
Africa. [Allegations of brutality] weren't taught in schools." 
The investigation will be only the first step towards coming to terms with 
the past. 
Disbelief about the seriousness of the allegations and a feeling that foreign 
historians are over influenced by works such as Joseph Conrad's Heart of 
Darkness, in which the terrible Kurtz has African heads on spikes in his front 
garden, runs deep - even among the historians invited to investigate the matter. 

"To compare it with the Holocaust or Auschwitz is an insult to the truth," 
Prof Vellut said. "We need to put our history in perspective and be cautious." 
Many of the specific allegations cannot, he conceded, be disputed but he 
argued that discovering the precise scale of the atrocities would be difficult. 
"Statistics for that period are very unreliable. One hardly knew what the 
population was. You can see figures which make the Jewish slaughter pale in 
comparison. Who knows whether 10m or 15m Congolese were killed?" 
King's plunder 

Guardian: Moroccans seize Parsley Island and leave a bitter taste in Spanish mou

2002-07-13 Thread Stasi


Moroccans seize Parsley Island and leave a 
bitter taste in Spanish mouths 
Giles Tremlett in 
MadridSaturday July 
13, 2002The 
It will go down in history as the 
first military invasion of western European soil since the second world war. In 
a secret operation carried out by sea, Moroccan soldiers took the Spanish-owned 
Isla del Perejil late on Thursday, hoisted their country's red and green flag 
from its highest point, set up camp and waited for the Spaniards to try to take 
the land back. 
Yesterday the Moroccan troops waited, arms at the ready, scanning the 
Atlantic horizon and the nearby Strait of Gibraltar for Spanish warships. They 
had successfully invaded a patch of land that, formally, belongs to an area 
protected by Nato. What would happen next? 
The invasion of Perejil, literally "the parsley island", yesterday created an 
international incident that reverberated through Europe and North Africa, but 
its farcical nature meant it was unlikely to spark anything more than a war of 
The invasion force consisted of a dozen poorly armed Moroccan frontier 
guards, equipped with a radio, two flags and a couple of tents. 
The island they invaded, which lies 200 metres off the coast of northern 
Morocco, is populated solely by lizards, bugs and sprigs of wild parsley. No one 
has used it for anything other than sunbathing and snorkelling since the 1960s. 
Even the Spanish government, which maintains that its last occupants 40 years 
ago were Spanish legionnaires, concedes that the islet has no strategic value. 
Nobody knows for sure how the invasion force got there, but a couple of 
rowing boats would have sufficed to get on to this barren rock, whose 
circumference measures less than half a mile and which covers an area barely 
bigger than a football pitch. 
The Moroccans, however, claim they mean business. The farce over an island 
they have renamed Leila is not without real threats and danger. 
When officers from Spain's civil guard police force arrived on a small patrol 
boat from the nearby Spanish North African enclave of Ceuta three miles away and 
to which the islet nominally belongs, they were reportedly persuaded to get back 
on their boat at gunpoint. 
The invasion was greeted with amazement by Moroccans, who were yesterday 
readying themselves for three days of celebrations to mark King Mohammed VI's 
recent marriage. Most had not even realised that the island, so close to the 
popular beaches north of Tangiers, was meant to be Spanish. 
Opposition politicians in the Moroccan capital Rabat backed the official 
government explanation that this has been Moroccan territory since Spain lost 
its North African protectorate in 1956. 
Spanish radio stations, however, were overwhelmed with calls from people 
demanding that the Moroccan invaders be driven back into the sea. An internet 
poll by El Mundo newspaper showed that one in five voters wanted the Isla del 
Perejil stormed by crack Spanish troops. 
El Mundo also called Mohammed VI a "dictator" and raged: "The King of Morocco 
has chosen the path of confrontation with one of the great European democracies 
and this should have a serious cost for him." 
The invasion, which appeared deliberately timed to coincide with the wedding 
celebrations, provoked jitters in the Spanish government and the EU. 
Spain's defence ministry sent three patrol boats armed with small cannon to 
the area. These were yesterday stationed about a mile from the islet, which was 
being "protected" by two small, brightly painted Moroccan fishing boats. 
The government of prime minister Jose Maria Aznar warned of other Moroccan 
naval movements around a number of Spanish-owned rocky outcrops and islands off 
the North African coast and said it had sent reinforcements to some isolated 
military outposts there. 
"A Moroccan patrol boat was seen carrying out manoeuvres close to one of the 
Chafarinas islands and as a result the government has decided to strengthen the 
military which is permanently based in the territories," the deputy prime 
minister, Mariano Rajoy, said after a cabinet meeting in Madrid. 
Foreign ministry officials, undoubtedly aware of an earlier precedent set by 
the appearance of Argentinian flags on South Georgia before the Falklands war, 
described the incident as "grave" but pledged "serenity" in their response. 
"It is a serious situation that we will go to work on rather than just 
talking about it," the foreign minister, Ana Palacio, said on only her second 
day in the job. "Spain must ask for a return to the status quo and that is what 
we are doing." 
The Moroccan government, with its mind on the royal wedding, did not comment 
but senior foreign ministry officials said it had no intention of removing its 
men from the Isla del Perejil. 
"The island is within Moroccan territorial waters," one official said. 
Officials claimed Morocco had simply set up an 

Telegraph: Spain sends in the gunboats [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-13 Thread Stasi


Daily Telegraph
Spain sends in the 
gunboatsBy Isambard Wilkinson and 
Andrew Sparrow(Filed: 13/07/2002) 
Spanish warships headed for north Africa last night after a 
humiliating day for Madrid, with Moroccan troops invading a disputed island and 
Britain effectively shelving 
talks on Gibraltar.
The drama in the western Mediterranean began after the troops 
landed on the uninhabited island of Perejil, which has been regarded as Spanish 
for more than 400 years.
Madrid has long struggled to justify its determination to hold on 
to its colonies while insisting that Britain withdraw from Gibraltar.
As darkness fell, the rocky outcrop was just visible from the 
coast less than half a mile away, where Moroccan gendarmes had sealed off access 
to the roads leading to the shore.
There was no sign of the troops or the flags they had erected at 
each end of the island.
The Moroccan action seemed timed to coincide with yesterday's 
formal celebration in the capital Rabat of the 
wedding of the country's absolute ruler, King Mohammed, and Princess 
Rabat echoed to the sound of fireworks and parades through the 
flower-strewn Mechouar Square, where enormous pictures of the monarch were 
Spain responded furiously to the invasion, implicitly threatening 
military action. Newspapers in Madrid demanded a robust response.
If fighting does break out, Spain's navy is far larger, 
comprising an aircraft carrier equipped with Harriers, eight submarines and 15 
major surface vessels.
Morocco's navy is led by a 20-year-old frigate backed by 27 
patrol craft and gunboats.
Ana Palacio, Spain's 
new foreign minister, described the situation as "very serious" and demanded 
a Moroccan withdrawal.
The EU also expressed concern, saying that the invasion was 
"clearly a violation of Spanish territory".
But Morocco insisted that it had "every right" to occupy Perejil. 
An official in Rabat said the island was Moroccan and that the decision to set 
up an observation post there was "neither a provocation nor a threat towards 
The dispute blew up as Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, tried 
to put a positive gloss on the faltering talks over Gibraltar.
He told MPs that the negotiations, which were intended to lead to 
a deal this month, would not now resume until the autumn.
There were protests in the Commons when he announced that Britain 
and Spain accepted the principle of shared sovereignty for Gibraltar.
This was one of the "many principles" on which they were in broad 
agreement, he said.
The Tories claimed that discussing joint sovereignty, which is 
fiercely opposed by almost all Gibraltarians, was "shabby and 
But Mr Straw's statement implied that the chances of the 
Government striking a deal with Spain were now limited and that the status quo 
could be preserved.
Madrid was more immediately concerned with the possibility of 
further Moroccan action and reinforced its garrison on the Chafarinas, another 
small island group.
Mariano Rajoy, a government spokesman, said in Madrid: "A 
Moroccan patrol boat was seen carrying out manoeuvres close to one of the 
islands and as a result the government has decided to strengthen the military 
which is permanently based in the territories."
Madrid increased the pressure on Morocco, pointedly noting that 
it was the biggest recipient of Spanish foreign aid and was also a major trading 
A government spokesman said that 200,000 Moroccans lived in Spain 
and that this summer some 1.5 million Moroccans would pass through the country 
or take holidays there.
El Mundo, a pro-government newspaper, urged the prime minister, 
Jose Maria Aznar, not to ignore the "hostile act", even if Perejil was not worth 
the fuel needed to send boats to patrol it.
"The King of Morocco has chosen the path of confrontation with 
one of the great European democracies and this should have a serious price for 
him," it said.
Spain has long faced a dilemma over what were known in classical 
times as the Pillars of Hercules.
It owns the southern pillar, Mount Hacho, which dominates its 
Ceuta enclave, which Morocco claims. The northern pillar, Gibraltar, was granted 
to Britain in perpetuity by the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, but it is claimed by 
Morocco says that Ceuta and other Spanish possessions along the 
north African coast belong to it. They include another enclave, Mellila, and 
several groups of small islands.
is a disgrace. The British would not stand for 
it'(Filed: 13/07/2002) 
Residents of a Spanish enclave are seething, 
reports Isambard Wilkinson in Ceuta
The Spanish border guard could not conceal his 
anger. "They should let the Legionnaires at them," he spat, pointing at hundreds 
of Moroccans.
"They would know what to do. I drink with some 
of them and I know they are hungry for a scrap."
Surrounded by an arc of huge, dry, barren 
mountains the border he was manning at the Spanish 

Telegraph: Archbishop attacks Iraq invasion plan [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-13 Thread Stasi


Daily Telegraph
Archbishop attacks Iraq invasion 
planBy Jonathan Petre, Religion 
Correspondent(Filed: 13/07/2002) 
Dr Rowan Williams, who is expected to be named as the next Archbishop of Canterbury within 
weeks, yesterday stepped up his criticism of the 
West's war on terrorism by denouncing plans to attack Iraq as "immoral and 



  Dr Rowan 
In a declaration signed by other peace 
campaigners, Dr Williams, the Archbishop of Wales, deplored any action which 
took innocent lives as fighting "terror with terror".
He added that an assault on Iraq could never be 
justified unless it had invaded another country first, and criticised the 
world's "most powerful nations" for threatening war.
The intervention, which follows his description in January of the Afghanistan conflict as 
"morally tainted" and "embarrassing", will alarm 
Downing Street, which is already concerned about Cabinet splits over the issue.
The comments contrast with the cautious tone 
adopted by the present Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Carey, and they are a 
reminder that Dr Williams could prove a highly outspoken successor.
But they are unlikely to prompt a rethink by 
Tony Blair, who has made clear that he intends to appoint Dr Williams to 
The latest views of Dr Williams, 52, the leading 
liberal contender for the job, are contained in a declaration drawn up by the 
Christian pressure group Pax Christi, published today in The Tablet, the Roman 
Catholic weekly.
Other signatories include the Church of England 
Bishop of Chelmsford, the Rt Rev John Perry, and the Catholic Bishop of 
Brentwood, the Rt Rev Thomas McMahon.
The declaration, which will be presented to 
Downing Street next month, comes as military plans to overthrow Saddam are 
finalised by US central command. A full-scale invasion, possibly involving 
British forces, could take place by the end of the year.
It said: "We deplore any military action that 
regards the deaths of innocent men, women and children as a price worth paying 
in fighting terrorists, since this is to fight terror with terror."
The declaration called on Iraq to allow UN 
inspectors to check whether it had weapons of mass destruction, but said that 
America and Britain should also do the same.
"It is our considered view that an attack on 
Iraq would be both immoral and illegal, and that eradicating the dangers posed 
by malevolent dictators and terrorists can be achieved only by tackling the root 
causes of the disputes.
"It is deplorable that the world's most powerful 
nations continue to regard war and the threat of war as an acceptable instrument 
of foreign policy, in violation of both the United Nations and Christian moral 
Dr Williams was unavailable for comment 

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Telegraph: Iraq's town hall coup plotters meet [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-13 Thread Stasi


Daily Telegraph
Iraq's town hall coup 
plotters meet By Neil 
Tweedie(Filed: 13/07/2002) 
Senior Iraqi officers in exile promised yesterday to install a 
democratic regime in Baghdad if the West helps them overthrow the rule of Saddam 
Some 80 generals and other senior officers, few if any of whom 
could claim a first-hand acquaintance with constitutional government, made the 
promise on the first day of a 
three-day conference in London dedicated to planning the demise of their 
former master.
The event, which opened at Kensington town hall last night, must 
be one of the more public, and publicised, rounds of military plotting ever 
Today the officers were due to meet in closed session to get down 
to the real business of toppling Saddam, with British and American diplomats in 
attendance. Those taking part are members of the Iraqi Military Alliance, the 
military wing of the Iraqi National Coalition, which claims broad support inside 
and outside Iraq, an assertion greeted with scepticism among western observers. 
Some are said to have defected only within the past year.
They claim to be in regular contact with elements of the Iraqi 
military, including the Republican Guard, and say they have been assured by 
their contacts that Saddam's regime is ripe for the plucking.
Albert Yelda, leader of the Assyrian faction within the 
opposition and a co-founder of the coalition, was acting as the group's public 
relations man yesterday. He denied that the event was merely an attempt to 
encourage more finance from the Americans, an issue which has often assumed a 
greater importance in opposition circles than the rather trickier business of 
disposing of the Iraqi president.
Mr Yelda said: "Many of these officers have served almost 30 
years in the army and are in contact with people in Iraq, even in the Republican 
Guard. It is always believed that the regime is very strong, but our sources in 
Iraq say it is at its lowest point of weakness. The security apparatus is 
concentrating on Saddam's personal safety. It is disconnected from the people, 
and they are awaiting a serious signal from the international community."
He added: "The Iraqi National Coalition has not received a single 
penny from the Americans, British or regional powers. This is an Iraqi meeting, 
financed by Iraqi contributions. This is not to say that we do not want American 
support. We need them to support us."
Major Gen Tawfiq Yassiri, who fled Iraq in 1991 following an 
abortive uprising in the south, is the chief organiser of the gathering. Mr 
Yelda said Gen Yassiri was committed to democratic government.
But he added: "In the post-change phase, military action will be 
important in maintaining general discipline and overcoming tension, as well as 
establishing a constitutional and democratic environment in Iraq.
"You cannot ignore the army role, but we will not accept a 
military council at all. We can't replace a dictator with another dictator."
The reality may be that the next leader of Iraq is sitting not in 
a smoke-filled room in London, but in a corps headquarters outside Baghdad, 
biding his time.

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Xinhua: US Islamist Organization leader arrives in Zimbabwe for visit [WWW.STOPN

2002-07-13 Thread Stasi



  US Islamist Organization leader arrives in Zimbabwe for 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-13 


  HARARE, July 13 (Xinhuanet) -- The leader of the Nation of Islam of 
  the United States arrived here Friday for a three-day visit to Zimbabwe, 
  local newspaper Herald reported Saturday. 
  Speaking soon after his arrival from South Africa where he had gone 
  to witness the launch of the African Union, Louis Farrakhan said he was in 
  full support of President Robert Mugabe's policies especially on the land 
  issue as it was aimed at correcting a historical injustice. 
  Farrakhan, who is on a peace mission of the Middle East and Africa, 
  said he respected Mugabe for his stance against the Western maneuvers to 
  undermine the sovereignty of Zimbabwe. 
  Farakhan has been a vocal opponent of the US domestic and foreign 
  policies. Enditem 

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Xinhua: Senior US official to visit Turkey on Iraq [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-13 Thread Stasi



  Senior US official to visit Turkey on 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-13 


  July 12 (Xinhuanet) -- US Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz will 
  visit Turkey next week to discuss how to deal with Iraq, agencies reports 
  said Friday. 
  Wolfowitz, a strong advocate for military actions against Iraq,is 
  expected to meet with Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit and other 
  Turkish political and military leaders. 
  A US State Department official and the top US military commander in 
  the region will also join the No. 2 man in the Pentagon to have talks with 
  Turkish political and military officials, reports said. 
  Turkey, a NATO ally of the United States, has been providing major 
  bases for US and British fighter jets to patrol the no-fly zones imposed 
  on Iraq by Washington and its allies. 
  The Turkish trip by Wolfowitz and other US officials was 
  significant in the context of increasing anti-Iraq rhetorics from 
  Washington over the past week. 
  The Bush administration, accusing Baghdad of developing weaponsof 
  mass destruction. has repeatedly said that it is seeking a regime change 
  in Iraq. 
  US media recently disclosed that the US military had worked outa 
  preliminary plan to launch a massive military strike designed totopple the 
  Iraqi government led by President Saddam Hussein. Enditem 

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Xinhua: Iraqi FM meets outgoing U.N. humanitarian coordinator [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-07-12 Thread Stasi




  Iraqi FM meets outgoing U.N. humanitarian 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-12 


  BAGHDAD, July 11 (Xinhuanet) -- Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri 
  Ahmed on Thursday met Tun Myat, the outgoing United Nations humanitarian 
  coordinator of the oil-for-food program, and expressedappreciation for his 
  work, the official Iraqi News Agency(INA) reported. 
  The Iraqi foreign minister "praised the vocational way" through 
  which Tun Myat has done his job in Iraq, despite the obstacles imposed on 
  the implementation of the U.N. oil-for-food program, theINA said. 
  For his part, Tun Myat thanked the Iraqi government for the 
  cooperation during his tenure, the INA said. 
  Tun Myat, who has been on his Iraqi mission since March 2000, 
  isexpected to be replaced by Ramiro Armando de Oliveira Lopes da Silva 
  later this month. 
  Iraq has often complained that the U.N. oil-for-food program failed 
  to meet the humanitarian needs of its 22-million population. 
  The program, in effect since 1996, allows Iraq to sell oil and use 
  part of the revenues to buy food, medicine and other essentialsto offset 
  the impact of the sanctions, imposed on Iraq for its 1990invasion of 
  Kuwait. Enditem 

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Guardian: US warship 'ordered civil plane to change course' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-07-12 Thread Stasi


US warship 'ordered civil plane to change 
SeenanFriday July 
12, 2002The 
The commander of a US warship has 
been reported to aviation authorities after a British airline claimed he ordered 
one of its planes from its scheduled route. 
Highland Airways says the commander of the warship, which was taking part in 
a Nato exercise off the west coast of Scotland, told one of its pilots he was 
entering a military area and must change course. 
The incident happened on Tuesday when a Highland Airways Jetstream was flying 
between the Hebridean islands of Lewis and Benbecula. 
The 18 seat aircraft was around 10 minutes from Benbecula when it received 
the warning. He heeded it and turned off course, before air traffic controllers 
intervened and brought the aircraft back on its scheduled route. 
A civil aviation authority spokesman said an investigation was under way. 
A spokesman for Highland Airways said: "The aircraft complied with the 
[warship's] request but after consultation with air traffic control discovered 
it was not in any danger and carried on to Benbecula." 
This is the second incident involving the Nato exercise. Also on Tuesday, a 
British frigate taking part in the exercise off the coast of Cape Wrath fired a 
shell into a loch only a mile from the village of Durness. 

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian 
Newspapers Limited 2002 

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Xinhua: France insists on consensus before attack on Iraq [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-12 Thread Stasi




  France insists on consensus before attack on 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-12 


  WASHINGTON, July 11 (Xinhuanet) -- Visiting French Foreign Minister 
  Dominique de Villepin on Thursday urged the United Statesto forge a 
  consensus with its allies before taking military actions to overthrow the 
  Iraqi government led by President Saddam Hussein. 
  "We had a good discussion on Iraq, and the minister made the point 
  that as we examine the situation in Iraq, we should do so ina way of full 
  consultation with our friends and to make sure that the international 
  community is educated with respect to the dangers associated with Iraq, so 
  that a consensus can be developedas to what might be necessary," US 
  Secretary of State Colin Powelltold reporters at a joint appearance with 
  de Villepin. 
  "The minister also made the point that legitimacy with respect to 
  any actions that might be taken was an important factor that should be 
  considered," Powell added. 
  De Villepin, for his part, said that Iraq should respect related UN 
  resolutions and accept the return of UN weapons inspectors. 
  As to the Middle East conflict, the French minister stressed the 
  need for a peace initiative to create a momentum for peace in the region. 
  "The vacuum in the region can be very dangerous. We should not let 
  the terrorists and the people who don't want peace take the initiative," 
  he said, without mentioning a peace proposal put forward by US President 
  George W. Bush last month. 
  Bush has insisted on new Palestinian leadership and institutions 
  before supporting the creation of a provisional Palestinian state and an 
  eventual solution to the Middle East conflict. Enditem 

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Xinhua: Beijing reception marks 41st anniversary of Sino-DPRK treaty [WWW.STOPNA

2002-07-12 Thread Stasi




  Beijing reception marks 41st anniversary of Sino-DPRK treaty 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-11 


  BEIJING, July 11 (Xinhuanet) -- A reception was held in Beijing 
  Thursday to mark the 41st anniversary of the signing of the Treatyof 
  Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between China and the 
  Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). 
  Li Shuzheng, president of the China-DPRK Friendship 
  Association,said in a speech that the treaty has withstood the stark test 
  of vicissitudes in the international situation, and cementing bilateral 
  ties under current circumstances is not only in the basic interests of 
  both peoples, but benefits peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula, 
  northeast Asia and the world at large. 
  DPRK Ambassador to China Choe Jin Su said the treaty has boosted 
  friendly relations between the two nations and DPRK-China ties would make 
  even greater progress in the new century. 
  The event was co-hosted by the Chinese People's Association for 
  Friendship with Foreign Countries and the China-DPRK Friendship 
  Association. Enditem 

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Stratfor: Saudis Scramble To Secure Consensus Among Arab States [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

2002-07-12 Thread Stasi



 S T R A T F O R


 Saudis Scramble To Secure Consensus Among Arab States

 A recent Middle East tour by Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al
 Faisal is part of Riyadh's frantic effort to build an Arab
 consensus to counter U.S. pressure. Although the effort likely
 will not succeed, Saudi Arabia still wants to figure out to what
 degree other Arab states would support a U.S. campaign against


 Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al Faisal traveled to Egypt,
 Syria, Jordan and Yemen July 10 and 11, ostensibly to build
 support for a unified Arab stance on the Israeli-Palestinian
 conflict. The diplomatic push comes ahead of a July 16 meeting in
 New York between the United States, the European Union, Russia
 and the United Nations to discuss the Middle East crisis. Earlier
 in the week, Saud also traveled to Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and the
 United Arab Emirates.

 After earlier trying keep Washington distracted by the Israeli-
 Palestinian issue -- including by hyping its own peace plan --
 Saudi Arabia is now scrambling to develop an alternate strategy
 for dealing with United States. However, the recent round of
 diplomacy isn't likely to give Riyadh much more support from Arab
 countries like Jordan, Egypt and Yemen, nor will it give it much-
 needed leverage against the United States.

 There is a high level of uncertainty in the Middle East right
 now. Washington's belligerence toward Iraq and its recent
 attempts to isolate and disengage itself from the Israeli-
 Palestinian conflict have put the Saudis in a difficult position.
 The ruling House of Saud is afraid it might not be able to
 withstand the domestic pressures that would be created by a U.S.
 offensive against Iraq or, worse, by an effort to root out al
 Qaeda in Saudi Arabia.

 Washington's decision to place prerequisites for future dealings
 with the Palestinians -- such as the reform of Palestinian
 institutions and the election of new leaders -- has given it
 justification for focusing its attention on more important
 issues. This puts increased pressure on Riyadh, which had hoped
 to keep the U.S. government bogged down in the conflict and
 distracted from issues such as Iraq and Saudi Arabia's al Qaeda

 Saud's whirlwind Arab tour is part of Riyadh's effort to
 reformulate its relations with other Middle Eastern governments.
 Besides the diplomatic tour, Saudi Arabia also recently revived
 discussions about building an oil pipeline to Yemen and inked an
 agreement with Jordan to boost bilateral trade. Such dollar
 diplomacy suggests that Riyadh thinks it can still unite its
 neighbors against heightened U.S. military action in the region.

 But the scheme is unlikely to change the position of Unites
 States' moderate Arab allies and all of Gulf Arab states -- which
 are essentially in Washington's pocket. Egypt and Jordan are both
 dependent on U.S. aid and investment. For instance, Jordan
 received extremely favorable debt restructuring terms from the
 Paris Club of creditors July 11, in part because of its close
 economic ties with the United States.

 Immediately before touring the Levant states, Saud also traveled
 to all of the Gulf countries. But here too the United States has
 the upper hand. Washington has military ties with Bahrain, Qatar,
 the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Oman.

 Washington doesn't even seem to be concerned enough with the
 Saudi diplomatic effort to launch a counteroffensive. But
 American military leaders are still closely watching frontline
 states like Jordan and Kuwait; Gen. Tommy Franks, chief of U.S.
 Central Command, traveled to Yemen in late June and Kuwait in
 April. Yemen in particular is an important ally in the war
 against terrorism and would be doubly vital should relations
 between the United States and Saudi Arabia worsen.

 So given how unlikely it is that Riyadh could woo many of the
 Arab states away from Washington, what did Prince Saud hope to
 achieve? The visits were probably intended to find out how far
 countries like Jordan will support a U.S. military campaign
 against Iraq, as well as where key player Syria will stand.

 Syria could be the spoiler to any U.S. military offensive against
 Iraq. Because of its geographic location -- bordering Iraq,
 Turkey, Jordan, Israel and Lebanon -- it will be a key factor in
 any action against Baghdad. It is not likely to threaten U.S.
 forces directly, but its unwillingness to say whether or not it
 would oppose Washington poses a challenge to military planners
 and leaves the security of Iraq's western flank in doubt.

 Washington has been 

Xinhua: Iraqi foreign minister to visit Brussels [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-12 Thread Stasi




  Iraqi foreign minister to visit 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-12 


  BRUSSELS, July 11 (Xinhuanet) -- Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji 
  Sabriwill visit Brussels within two weeks to discuss the possible return 
  of United Nations (UN) weapons inspectors to Iraq, the Belgian Foreign 
  Ministry said Thursday. 
  In a rare trip to Europe, Sabri will meet Belgian Foreign Minister 
  Louis Michel, who told the Senate on Wednesday he had agreed to the visit 
  "despite dissuasive advice from across the horizon" -- a clear reference 
  to the United States. 
  Michel told senators in testimony published on Thursday he was 
  opposed to mixing up the fight against international terrorism with the 
  situation in Iraq. 
  US President George W. Bush said Monday he would use all available 
  means to oust Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, after branding Iraq a member 
  of an "axis of evil" for allegedly sponsoring terrorism and seeking 
  weapons of mass destruction. 
  Michel said any US strike on Iraq would cause "extremely serious 
  difficulties" to European governments and public opinion, especially in 
  He said he would tell Sabri that Iraq must abide by the UN 
  resolutions and allow inspectors in to search for weapons of mass 
  destruction. Iraq has always said it has no weapons of mass destruction. 
  Sabri said Wednesday Baghdad was ready to resume talks with theUN 
  to resolve the impasse on arms monitors. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan 
  and Sabri had spent two days on intensive talks in Vienna last week, but 
  failed to reach an agreement on the issue. 
  Michel said he would urge European Union states to launch an 
  initiative on Iraq "to try and create a different formal context."He did 
  not elaborate, but said Baghdad might be more receptive to calls to comply 
  with the UN resolutions if they came from Europe. 
  "There exists a political opportunity which the European Union is 
  incapable of seizing today," he said. Enditem 


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Xinhua: China urges US to stop arms sales to Taiwan [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-12 Thread Stasi




  China urges US to stop arms sales to Taiwan 




  Xinhuanet 2002-07-11 


   BEIJING, July 11 (Xinhuanet) -- Chinese 
  Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao Thursday reiterated China's stance 
  on opposing the United States' arms sales to Taiwan and military 
  cooperation between the two sides. 
  Liu expressed China's grave concern over a series of reports and 
  rumors about US weapon sales to Taiwan and military cooperation. 
  There is only one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable 
  part of the Chinese territory, Liu said. The Taiwan issue is China's 
  internal affair which other countries have no right to meddle in. 
  Taiwan is not a dependency of the United States, and the latter's 
  arms sales will severely interfere in China's internal affairs,undermine 
  the Chinese government's efforts to peacefully resolve the Taiwan problem, 
  damage Sino-US relations and wreck peace and stability across the Taiwan 
  Straits, he said. 
  He said China has always opposed to US arms sales to Taiwan, and 
  repeatedly negotiated with the US side on this issue. The US side is very 
  clear about China's position. 
  China urged the United States to be aware of the seriousness ofthe 
  problem, keep its commitments in the three Sino-US joint communiques, 
  especially the one signed on August 17, 1982, to stopselling weapons to 
  Taiwan, and halt military and other official contacts with Taiwan, so as 
  to keep Sino-US relations and the mutual interests of the two countries 
  from being harmed. Enditem 


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Telegraph: 4 Reports On Iraq [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-12 Thread Stasi



British spies in Iraq 
to incite revolt By Toby Harnden 
in Washington(Filed: 12/07/2002) 
British and American 
agents are on the ground in Iraq fomenting revolt among opposition groups and 
potential traitors in Saddam Hussein's inner circle as part of a covert 
campaign to topple him, senior officials disclosed last night.
The admission, on the eve of a conference of Iraqi opposition 
figures in London, is powerful evidence of a renewed 
determination in Washington and London to overthrow 
the Iraqi dictator.



  Click to enlarge
Although the officials conceded that the CIA and MI6 operations 
were unlikely to succeed without direct military action, a senior source in the 
Bush administration said that the world should not be misled by the lack of 
overt military activity.
"American personnel are supporting the Iraqi opposition and 
working with dissatisfied elements within Saddam's regime, even though he has 
killed quite a few of these people. Britain is involved too," the official told 
The Telegraph.
"We could wake up one morning and find regime change in Baghdad 
has happened completely unexpectedly. It would be hard to do but it's not 
British officials sought to play down the significance of the 
operations, saying they were no different in character from what had been 
happening in Iraq since 1991. One diplomat said: "We could get lucky and Saddam 
could be killed or overthrown. But do I think it will happen? No."
Military plans to overthrow Saddam are being drawn up by US 
central command in Florida and should be on President George W Bush's desk this 
summer. A full-scale invasion could take place as early as the end of the 
Senior aides have said that the outside time limit for removing 
Saddam is 2004, the end of Mr Bush's first term of office, but action is likely 
to be taken much earlier.
One said that next January or February was the optimum time to 
The plan gaining most support within the Bush administration involves 
the use of 250,000 troops invading Iraq from Turkey in the north and Kuwait 
and Qatar in the south.
Such an operation could comprise two US Marine Corps divisions 
and 15 wings of US fighters and bombers in addition to as 
many as 25,000 British troops. But the Bush administration official said: 
"The thing people need to remember is in addition to the possibility of another 
Desert Storm there are less visible things we can do."
He said that there were grave fears about how Saddam would react 
to a major attack. "Saddam could well respond with a Hitler's bunker type of 
mentality and hit Israel and Turkey with chemical or biological weapons.
"That is one reason why planning for this has to take fundamental 
account of the prospect of Saddam doing something completely irrational. It's 
also another reason to see if we can do it in a way other than conventional 
military operation."
Saddam did not use weapons of mass destruction during the 1991 
Gulf war because he was explicitly told that if he did so he would be removed 
from power. "This time it's different as regime change is the only aim. He 
already has strategic warning so he's not going to just sit there."
The danger of large numbers of casualties was a primary factor in 
the military planning, which was going on "24 hours a day", he said. "If the 
choice is between doing it too quickly and losing troops and allies and taking 
the time to do it right then the question answers itself."
The official said there was "no disagreement" between the US and 
Britain over the war on terrorism despite 
festering disputes over other areas of policy such as steel tariffs, the 
Middle East and the International Criminal Court. "On weapons of mass 
destruction, we share the same data therefore we share common assessment of 
"The debate is only over tactics. A lot of other European 
countries don't see the same threat because we don't share intelligence with 
He rejected the idea that the Palestinian issue should be dealt 
with before Saddam was tackled, stating that the Iraqis and some Arab states 
were trying to aggravate the conflict between the Palestinians and Israel as a 
deliberate tactic.
"That's always their alternative - getting people diverted and 
saying you can't do anything about Iraq until you've sorted out the Palestinian 
question. But we could be waiting 30 years. The answer is you have to do both at 
the same time."
Tony Blair has urged Mr Bush to wait for calm in the Middle East 
before acting against Iraq. Britain has also stressed that European and Arab 
allies will be needed, although a coalition on the scale of 1991 is not 
The Bush administration has agreed that all diplomatic avenues 
should be seen to have been explored and is awaiting the outcome of talks with 
Iraq about the return of United Nations weapons inspectors.
But one senior 

Xinhua: Sino-Russian military exercise not targeting third country [WWW.STOPNATO

2002-07-12 Thread Stasi



  Sino-Russian military exercise not targeting third 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-10 


  BEIJING, July 11 (Xinhuanet) -- A Sino-Russian joint military 
  exercise scheduled for August aims to test the reliability of bilateral 
  military communications and will not target any third country, Foreign 
  Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said Thursday. 
  The exercise will be held according to a Sino-Russian treaty signed 
  in July 1994 on preventing possible dangerous military actions. Such 
  exercises on the squad scale were staged in the past. 
  Currently, Liu said, China and Russia are consulting on the August 
  joint military exercise, which will be held in the same wayand on the same 
  scale as the previous events. 
  Liu said the reports of some foreign media claiming China and 
  Russia will stage a large-scale army-navy-air force joint military 
  exercise aimed at a third country are inconsistent with the facts. 

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Guardian: 6,000 children smuggled to the west each year for sex [WWW.STOPNATO.O

2002-07-12 Thread Stasi


6,000 children smuggled to the west each 
year for sex 
Philip Willan in 
RomeFriday July 12, 
A growing number of adolescent 
girls from eastern Europe are being sold into sex slavery in the west, 
charitable organisations told an international conference on child trafficking 
in Rome yesterday. 
Every year more than 6,000 children aged between 12 and 16 are smuggled into 
western Europe to work as prostitutes and drug traffickers or to beg, the 
children's charity Terre des Hommes said. 
Around 2 million juveniles worldwide fall victim to people-smugglers every 
year, it said. 
Researchers have identified north-eastern Italy as a key sorting centre for 
girls from eastern Europe who are either sold by their parents, kidnapped by 
organised crime gangs, or lured abroad by the mirage of a better life. 
There is a particularly high concentration of juvenile sex slaves in the area 
between Padua and Venice, with 20% of prostitutes under the age of 18, compared 
to 5% in other Italian cities, the charity said. 
Last year 250 girls managed to escape from their exploiters and seek 
assistance from the Italian state. 
Those falling victim to people-traffickers are becoming younger, and the 
crime gangs are adopting increasingly sophisticated techniques to prevent them 
from coming to the attention of the police, said Barbara Limanowska, the author 
of a Unicef report on the trafficking of women and children in south-eastern 
Some 10-30% of all eastern European sex workers areminors, Ms Limanowska 
said. Save the Children estimates that up to 80% of people trafficked from 
Albania are teenage girls under 18. 
Italy is the people-smugglers' gateway to western Europe, Ms Limanowska said, 
while Turkey is now the staging post for women on their way to the Middle East. 
"The women are kept in apartments and places where police access is not easy, 
and then work in bars, clubs and brothels rather than on the streets," she said. 

"The gangs use mobile phones to organise their activity and move the girls 
from place to place to avoid discovery." 
Ms Limanowska said Albanian gangs, notorious for their ferocity, were taking 
control of the prostitution business throughout Europe. 
Ms Limanowska said there was strong demand for the services of teenage 
prostitutes, and no evidence that western clients were affected by either moral 
scruples or fear of breaking the law. 
"It's not only the traffickers and the clients that don't care that the women 
are under age, but the assisting agencies as well," she said. "That has got to 
For the pimps, "ownership" of an under-18 prostitute can be a source of 
pride, according to another report. The risks and rewards involved confer a form 
of prestige on the underworld bosses. 
Ms Limanowska said it was time that greater emphasis was put on the human 
rights of the victims, rather than focusing attention on the phenomenon as a 
security or migration issue. 
"The Italian model is exceptional in Europe. It's more humane, but also more 
productive. There is better assistance to the victims, but also a lot of work 
done on the prosecution of traffickers. That is important for the safety of the 
women," said Ms Limanowska. 
"It's vital that they stay and testify against their exploiters rather than 
simply being sent back to their country of origin." 
She said that Britain had been slow to recognise the sexual exploitation of 
"There are cases in Britain of women from Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina and 
Romania - but there is not much information about what is really going on. They 
have only woken up to the problem recently." 

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Xinhua: Iraqi FM blames US pressure for failure of talks with UN [WWW.STOPNATO.O

2002-07-11 Thread Stasi




  Iraqi FM blames US pressure for failure of talks with 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-10 


  BAGHDAD, July 9 (Xinhuanet) -- Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri, 
  Tuesday held the United States responsible for the failure of the latest 
  round of talks with United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan in Vienna. 

  "The US pressure on the UN Security Council prevents it from 
  honoring its obligations toward Iraq and this is considered an obvious 
  violations of the UN Charter and international laws," Sabritold the 
  state-run Iraq TV upon his arrival at the Saddam International Airport 
  after talks with Annan. 
  He said during the talks with the UN chief, he stressed the 
  "comprehensive" settlement between Iraq and the United Nations, including 
  the lifting of the decade-old UN embargo and the preserving of Iraq's 
  security, sovereignty and territorial integrity. 
  Sabri and Annan held talks on July 4-5 and the two sides failed to 
  reach an agreement on the return of the UN arms inspectors to Iraq, who 
  withdrew out of the country on the eve of US-British air raid on Baghdad 
  in December 1998. 
  The Iraqi foreign minister has accused the United States of 
  insisting on the return of the arms inspectors "to update the information 
  they provide to their planes and those of Britain to strike the Iraqi 
  However, both Iraq and the United Nations agreed to maintain 
  contact, though the time and venue of the next round of talks are still to 
  be fixed. 
  The two sides held two previous rounds of talks in March and May, 
  and Annan has pressed Iraq to accept the return of the arms inspectors. 
  The embargo on Iraq imposed for its 1990 invasion of Kuwait willnot 
  be lifted until the arms inspectors certify that Iraq is free of weapons 
  of mass destruction. Enditem 


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Xinhua: Jordan opposes U.S. attack on Iraq [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-11 Thread Stasi



  Jordan opposes U.S. attack on Iraq 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-10 


  AMMAN, July 10 (Xinhuanet) -- The Jordanian government has 
  expressed that it would not allow U.S. troops to be stationed on its 
  territory to mount any military attack on Iraq, the English daily Jordan 
  Times reported on Wednesday. 
  "We refused to be a launching pad for any act against our brotherly 
  state Iraq or to use our soil as part of secret military to attack 
  Baghdad," Jordanian Minister of State for political affairs Mohammad Adwan 
  was quoted as saying. 
  Adwan, who is also a cabinet spokesman and minister of information, 
  stressed that "Jordan rejects the principle of interfering in the internal 
  affairs of its brothers under any justification." 
  The official was apparently commenting on foreign press reports 
  that the U.S. has already stationed forward forces in Jordan's military 
  bases for possible attacks against Iraq. 
  U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday renewed his threat to 
  strike Iraq, saying his country would use all means available to oust 
  Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Enditem 


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Xinhua: Russia reiterates opposition to military operation against Iraq [WWW.STO

2002-07-11 Thread Stasi




  Russia reiterates opposition to military operation against 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-10 


  MOSCOW, July 9 (Xinhuanet) -- Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman 
  Alexander Yakovenko on Tuesday reiterated Russia's opposition to any 
  military operation against Iraq. 
  "It is our firm belief that the groundless use of force againstIraq 
  would have disastrous consequences for the entire Middle Eastregion," 
  Yakovenko said in a statement. 
  He made the comments a day after U.S. President George W. Bush 
  vowed to "use all the tools at our disposal" to bring down Iraqi President 
  Saddam Hussein, renewing speculation that the US is preparing for an armed 
  But the spokesman said on the same time that Russia had no specific 
  information on reported U.S. plans to oust Hussein. 
  "We do not get any concrete information on any secret plans of the 
  U.S. leadership to remove Iraqi President Hussein from power, and we are 
  not holding any negotiations on that subject," he said. 
  In response to an U.S. State Department gathering scheduled Tuesday 
  of groups seeking to overthrow Saddam, Yakovenko said Moscow did not 
  maintain contacts with Iraqi opposition groups and believed that 
  negotiations with the current leadership are the only way to solve the 
  crisis there. 
  "We believe that there must be a dialogue with Iraq's lawful 
  leadership, which officially represents that country," he said. 
  Russia has urged a return of international weapons inspectors to 
  Iraq, but also supported Baghdad's push for lifting U.N. economic 
  sanctions, which were imposed after Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990. Enditem 

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Xinhua: DPRK accuses S.Korea of violating territorial waters [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-07-11 Thread Stasi




  DPRK accuses S.Korea of violating territorial waters 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-10 


  PYONGYANG, July 10 (Xinhuanet) -- The Democratic People's 
  Republicof Korea (DPRK) on Wednesday accused South Korea of violating its 
  territorial waters in the disputed west sea of Korea. 
  "The navy of the South Korean army committed a military provocation 
  by infiltrating two combat warships into territorial waters of our side 
  off Dungsan-got and south of Kuwol hill in the Kangryong peninsula at 
  around 10:05 and 10:25 a.m. today," the navy command of the Korean 
  People's Army (KPA) was quoted by the Korea Central News Agency as saying. 

  "This provocation ... is a premeditated provocation to ignite anew 
  armed clash by further aggravating the situation in these waters that has 
  become extremely tense since the armed clash on June 29," the KPA said. 
  The DPRK and South Korea have long been in dispute about the 
  demarcation of the west sea of Korea. The patrol boats of the navies of 
  both sides exchanged fire in the disputed area on June 29, resulting in 
  the sinking of a warship from the south side. 
  On Sunday, the navy of the DPRK accused two warships of South Korea 
  of infiltrating its territorial waters. Enditem 

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SCMP: US soldiers questioned over S.Korea fatal accident [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-11 Thread Stasi


US soldiers questioned over S.Korea fatal accident 






Updated at 5.29pm:Two US 
  soldiers appeared before South Korean prosecutors on Wednesday for 
  questioning over an accident in which two schoolgirls were crushed to 
  death by an armoured vehicle, a South Korean official said. 
  The US army has charged Sergeant Mark Walker and Sergeant Fernando Nino 
  of the 2nd Infantry division with negligent homicide in the deaths of the 
  13-year-old students. 


  Korean) prosecutors investigated them over the accident for about 40 
  minutes in the afternoon,'' said an official at Seoul District Prosecutors 
  Office in Uijongbu. 
  The prosecutors summoned the pair two days ago, but the Americans at 
  first refused to appear, fearing for their safety following local protests 
  over the accident. 
  After completing their investigation, South Korean authorities were 
  expected to decide whether to ask the United States to give jurisdiction 
  over the two soldiers to a local court. 
  Under a bilateral treaty, South Korea can exercise or waive the right 
  to prosecute cases involving US military personnel on its territory. 
  The prosecution official declined to give details of the investigation, 
  and said no date for a trial had been set. 
  The June 13 accident in a village near Uijongbu, north of the capital, 
  prompted apologies from United States Forces Korea (USFK) commanders and 
  anti-US protests by South Koreans who demanded the soldiers be handed over 
  to local police. 
  The United States keeps 37,000 troops in South Korea, a force intended 
  to deter a repeat of the 1950 invasion by North Korea which sparked the 
  three-year Korean War. 
  But pollution, noise and traffic from the American bases and occasional 
  crimes by US troops have been a source of friction with nearby 
  South Korean political groups, and North Korea, have seized upon the 
  disputes to press for a US troop 

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SCMP: Bush warns US will use 'all tools' to oust Saddam [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-11 Thread Stasi


IRAQBush warns US will use 'all tools' to oust Saddam 






In a clear reference to military action, 
  US President George W. Bush has declared America will use "all tools" 
  available to remove President Saddam Hussein in the wake of reports that 
  Iraq was moving to rebuild its arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. 
  Mr Bush reiterated official US policy aimed at ending Saddam's rule in 
  Iraq. "It's a stated policy of this government to have the regime change. 
  And it hasn't changed," he said. The US would "use all tools at our 
  disposal" to effect the change, he added. 
  Mr Bush said he was involved in all aspects of planning Iraq policy. 
  "I'm involved in the military planning, diplomatic planning, financial 
  planning, all aspects of reviewing all the tools at my disposal," he said. 

  Britain's Financial Times newspaper reported yesterday that Iraq was 
  cultivating ties with the former Soviet state of Ukraine in a bid to 
  rebuild an arsenal of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. 
  "For some years there was an intensive defence-technology relationship 
  between Ukraine and Iraq," the paper quoted former UN weapons inspector 
  Timothy McCarthy as saying. 
  Mr McCarthy now works with the Monterey Institute for International 
  "This appears to be re-emerging and we don't want to repeat the 
  mistakes of the past." 
  The newspaper's report concluded that Iraq, Iran and North Korea were 
  actively trying to procure nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. 
  Expectations that Mr Bush would order an attack on Iraq to oust Saddam 
  have risen this year since the US president described Iraq, along with 
  Iran and North Korea, as belonging to an "axis of evil". 
  Several European governments have been concerned about any US military 
  action to oust Saddam, a concern made more acute by a breakdown in talks 
  last week to put United Nations weapons inspectors back in Iraq. 
  Mr Bush declined on Monday to comment on a New York Times report last 
  week that a draft military plan for an invasion of Iraq envisioned a 
  multi-pronged attack with tens of thousands of US marines and soldiers 
  probably invading from Kuwait. 
  "Listen, I recognise there's speculation out there, but people 
  shouldn't speculate about the desire of the government to have a regime 
  change," Mr Bush said. "And there's different ways to do it." 
  Mr Bush also dismissed as "hypothetical" a question on whether he 
  wanted Saddam removed before the end of his four-year term as president, 
  which expires in January 2005. 
  The US has frequently clashed militarily with the Iraqi leader since 
  leading a coalition force in 1991 to expel him from Kuwait. 
  The US said on Monday that the failure of talks between Iraq and the UN 
  last week showed that Washington was right to suspect Iraq was working on 
  weapons of mass destruction. 
  "The fact that Iraq once again failed to take advantage of this 
  opportunity . . . to come clean for the world, I think would have to 
  indicate suspicions about what they're up to," State Department spokesman 
  Richard Boucher told a daily briefing. 


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Guardian: Bush jibe angers black leaders [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-11 Thread Stasi


Bush jibe angers black 
Matthew Engel in 
July 10, 2002The 
Relations between the White House 
and black American leaders slumped to a new low yesterday after President Bush 
gave a dismissive answer when asked why he was not addressing the convention of 
the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured Peoples, the most 
respected black pressure group in the US. 
At his press conference on Monday night, Mr Bush answered: "Let's see. There 
I was sitting around the table with foreign leaders looking at Colin Powell and 
Condi Rice _ " His voice then trailed away, he shook his head and moved on to 
the next question; the implication being that two black people in his inner 
circle was a substitute for outreach to the rest of the community. 
His words were certain to cause outrage, and seemed an uncharacteristic piece 
of political ineptitude. 
"You can't be president of all the people when you only want to be president 
for some of the people," said the NAACP chief executive, Kweisi Mfume. 
Julian Bond, the NAACP chairman, said of Mr Bush: "We knew he was in the oil 
business - we just didn't know it was snake oil." 
Mr Bond said that groups opposed to civil rights now held "unprecedented 
power" in the Bush administration. 
A justice department spokeswoman, Barbara Comstock, said the speeches ignored 
the administration's actual record. 
The Houston Chronicle suggested that the snub had been deliberate: "In search 
of a more receptive audience, Bush is taking his message of home ownership, 
welfare reform and faith-based initiatives directly to the African-American 
churches, service providers and others who may be more likely to embrace it." 
The Chronicle reported that in a recent internal White House memo on 
political strategy African-Americans were the only group listed under "areas for 
At the 2000 election, Mr Bush won just 9% of black votes, and there is 
bitterness that without the effective disenfranchisement of many black voters in 
Florida, Al Gore would be president. 

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Guardian: Jordan refuses to allow launchpad for invasion [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-11 Thread Stasi


Jordan refuses to allow launchpad for 
Ewen MacAskill, 
diplomatic editorWednesday July 10, 2002The Guardian 
Jordan vowed yesterday that it will 
not allow US troops to be stationed on its territory to mount an attack on Iraq. 

Responding to press reports that Washington has secret plans to use Jordan as 
one of its launch-pads, the Jordanian information minister, Mohammad al-Adwan, 
said: "Jordan rejects the principle of interfering in the internal affairs of 
its brothers under any justification. We refuse to be a launching pad or arena 
for any act against our brotherly state Iraq or to use our soil and airspace to 
attain this objective." 
Speculation about a US invasion of Iraq next year has increased since the 
breakdown of talks between the UN and Iraq in Vienna on Friday and the leaking 
to the New York Times of Pentagon plans for an attack. 
The US has been building up its forces in Qatar and has a strong presence in 
Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Turkey would also be a vital staging post for an 
attack. A report in the Observer adding Jordan to the list prompted the 
Jordanian foreign minister, Marwan al-Muasher, to call in the Iraqi ambassador, 
Sabah Yassin, on Sunday to assure him the kingdom respected Iraq's sovereignty. 
Iraq's deputy prime minister, Tariq Aziz, said yesterday the US could not remove 
the Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein, and his country was ready to defend itself 
against American aggression. 
The US state department says no decision has been made on military action 
against Iraq. Mr Bush said on Monday night the US will use all the tools at its 
disposal to remove Saddam. 
Iraq yesterday blamed the US for scuppering the Vienna talks. The UN has been 
trying to get Iraq to accept the return of UN weapons inspectors to check 
whether Saddam has been rebuilding his arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. 

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WDIE: US-China-EU: An exercise in asymmetry [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-11 Thread Stasi



Revolutionary Communist Party Of Britain 
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 10:34 AM

US-China-EU: An exercise in asymmetry

The following article was written by Wang Jian, who is secretary general 
of the Economic Planning Commission, Beijing, and has been translated into 
English. We are reproducing it for the information of our readers as a view from 
China on the balance of the world’s forces and the place of the People’s 
Republic of China within that. It appeared in the on-line edition of "Asia 
Times" of July 5, 2002.
In February 1972, US president Richard Nixon's plane landed in Beijing, 
unveiling a new era in Sino-US relations and signalling the demarcation line in 
the changes of the world strategic structure after World War II. After that trip 
there was a relatively stable situation in international relations that lasted 
for 20 years until the end of the Cold War. Thereafter, a series of changes took 
place in relations among China, the United States and the Soviet Union as well 
as within the Western world. Now, 30 years have elapsed since Nixon's visit to 
China, 10 years have passed since the end of the Cold War, and there have been 
momentous transformations which ought to be the new starting points for China's 
long-term strategies and policies, as they influence not only China but also the 
The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 was the first event that marked a 
qualitative change in world structure. The breakdown of the Soviet Union on 
August 19, 1991, marked the collapse of the Cold War structure that had lasted 
for some 50 years after World War II. Next came the establishment of the 
European Union. Thereafter in 1993, the United States, Canada and Mexico agreed 
to set up the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA), which was officially 
launched in 1994. These two events, establishment of the EU and the NAFTA, took 
place immediately after the end of the Cold War because of the sudden end of the 
main conflict in the world: that between the USSR-headed Eastern camp and the 
US-headed Western camp. Both the United States and the Soviet Union possessed 
vast expanses of land and large populations, and both could achieve long-term 
economic development relying mainly on their domestic resources and markets, 
which completely differed from the capitalist countries that had formed military 
alliances during the two world wars to strive for overseas resources and 
markets. This separation between two economic spheres is the essential reason 
why the world structure before 1991 was called the "Cold War", together with the 
fact that there was no conflict for the same markets or resources that could 
lead to a world war.
During the years of the Cold War, however, there were still imbalances in the 
level of economic and political development in the main capitalist countries, 
and in the Western camp new problems had been building up. In particular, the 
rapid rise of Japan and Germany after the war brought them much closer to the 
United States in economic strength in a few decades. Nonetheless, during the 
Cold War, these countries had been threatened by the military might of the 
former Soviet Union, and they needed the military protection of the United 
States, which consequently became the leading country on the Western front.
With the end of the Cold War and the disappearance of the West's common 
enemy, the relationship between friends began to change at once. The 
contradictions in economic interests that had long been concealed by the 
political and ideological conflict with the Soviet sphere cropped up immediately 
and escalated to a critical level. Some say that the post-Cold War world 
structure is "one super and many great powers", which means that there is only 
one superpower – the United States. But the United States is super only in 
military affairs. As far as economic strength is concerned, the 12 countries in 
the European Union had overcome the United States as early as the mid-1980s, and 
the strength of Japan alone then was 40 percent of the United States'. Therefore 
the EU countries and Japan together have a larger economy than the US, but their 
military muscle is far weaker than their protector's.
Thus the strengths in economic and military affairs of the United States are 
not in balance, which made it possible for the European countries to stand up 
after the end of the Cold War to challenge the United States, so that the 
establishment of the European Union can be seen as the expression of the 
Europeans' will to shake off the long-term control of the United States and seek 
economic, political and perhaps even military independence. The Europeans 
constructed an exclusive common economic area because the boundaries between a 
dozen countries constrained free circulation of production and industrial 
integration. However, in the common zone, 

Robert Fisk: A strange kind of freedom - The Independent [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-11 Thread Stasi


A strange kind of freedom
We all know about the perils of Islamic fanaticism. But, says Robert Fisk, 
the biggest threat to liberty in the US may come from other kinds of 
fundamentalism: Jewish and Christian
09 July 2002
Inside the First Congregational Church of Berkeley, the Californian audience 
had been struck silent. Dennis Bernstein, the Jewish host of KPFA Radio's 
Flashpoint current affairs programme, was reading some recent e-mails 
that he had received from Israel's supporters in America. Each one left the 
people in the church – Muslims, Jews, Christians – in a state of shock. "You 
mother-fucking-asshole-self-hating Jewish piece of shit. Hitler killed the wrong 
Jews. He should have killed your parents, so a piece of Jewish shit like you 
would not have been born. God willing, Arab terrorists will cut you to pieces 
Daniel Pearl-style, AMEN!!!"
Bernstein's sin was to have covered the story of Israel's invasion of Jenin 
in April and to have interviewed journalists who investigated the killings that 
took place there – including Phil Reeves and Justin Huggler of The 
Independent – for his Flashpoint programme. Bernstein's grandfather 
was a revered Orthodox Rabbi of international prominence but neither his family 
history nor his origins spared him. "Read this and weep, you mother-fucker 
self-hating Jew boy!!!" another e-mail told Bernstein. "God willing a 
Palestinian will murder you, rape your wife and slash your kids' throats." Yet 
another: "I hope that you, Barbara Lubin and all other Jewish Marxist Communist 
traitors anti-American cop haters will die a violent and cruel death just like 
the victims of suicide bombers in Israel." Lubin is also Jewish, the executive 
director of the Middle East Children's Alliance, a one-time committed Zionist 
but now one of Israel's fiercest critics. Her e-mails are even worse.
Indeed, you have to come to America to realise just how brave this small but 
vocal Jewish community is. Bernstein is the first to acknowledge that a 
combination of Israeli lobbyists and conservative Christian fundamentalists have 
in effect censored all free discussion of Israel and the Middle East out of the 
public domain in the US. "Everyone else is terrified," Bernstein says. "The only 
ones who begin to open their mouths are the Jews in this country. You know, as a 
kid, I sent money to plant trees in Israel. But now we are horrified by a 
government representing a country that we grew up loving and cherishing. 
Israel's defenders have a special vengeance for Jews who don't fall in line 
behind Sharon's scorched-earth policy because they give the lie to the charge 
that Israel's critics are simply anti-Semite."
Adam Shapiro is among those who have paid a price for their beliefs. He is a 
Jew engaged to an American-born Palestinian, a volunteer with the International 
Solidarity Movement who was trapped in Yasser Arafat's headquarters in the 
spring while administering medical aid. After telling CNN that the Sharon 
government was acting like "terrorists" while receiving $3bn a year in US 
military aid, Shapiro and his family were savaged in the New York Post. 
The paper slandered Shapiro as the "Jewish Taliban" and demeaned his family as 
"traitors". Israeli supporters publicised his family's address and his parents 
were forced to flee their Brooklyn home and seek police protection. Shapiro's 
father, a New York public high-school teacher and a part-time Yeshiva (Jewish 
day school) teacher, was fired from his job. His brother receives regular death 
Israel's supporters have no qualms about their alliance with the Christian 
right. Indeed, the fundamentalists can campaign on their own in Israel's favour, 
as I discovered for myself at Stanford recently when I was about to give a 
lecture on the media and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, part of a series of 
talks arranged largely by Jewish Americans. A right-wing Christian "Free 
Republic" outfit posted my name on its website, and described me as a "PLO 
butt-kisser" and asked its supporters to "freep" my lecture. A few demonstrators 
turned up outside the First United Methodist Church in Sacramento where I was to 
speak, waving American and Israeli flags. "Jew haters!" they screamed at the 
organisers, a dark irony since these were non-Jews shrieking their abuse at 
They were also handing out crudely printed flyers. "Nothing to worry about, 
Bob," one of my Jewish hosts remarked. "They can't even spell your name right." 
True. But also false. "Stop the Lies!" the leaflet read. "There was no massacre 
in Jenin. Fiske [sic] is paid big bucks to spin [lie] for the Arabs..." But the 
real lie was in that last sentence. I never take any payment for lectures – so 
that no one can ever claim that I'm paid to give the views of others. But the 
truth didn't matter to these people. Nor did the content of my talk – which 
began, by chance, with the words 

Afghanistan: The Hunt For Bin Laden (Online Video - Panorama/BBC) [WWW.STOPNATO.

2002-07-11 Thread Stasi

(Online Video - 50 mins approx - 56k 
Modem/Real Player Rqd.)
(Online Interview with Jane Corbin - 30 
mins approx - 56k Modem/Real Player Rqd.)

The Hunt 
for Bin Laden 
The Hunt for Bin Laden
It's a conflict that pits the might of America and its allies against Osama 
Bin Laden's terror network. 
Who is now winning the "war on terror"? 
Since September 11th, Panorama has followed the hunt to destroy Bin 
Laden and his network. 
Billions of dollars have been spent and thousands of soldiers mobilised 
across the globe. 


  Jane visited the old Soviet airbase at Bagram, 
  now the US base for the "war against 
terror"But with Bin Laden and most of his lieutenants still at 
large, what has the war actually achieved? 
The terror network still stalks the west and al-Qaeda threatens new attacks, 
even more deadly than what happened in New York and Washington. 
And US Senator Bob Graham, head of the Senate's Intelligence Committee, has 
told Panorama he is convinced Osama Bin Laden is still alive. 
Trailing the enemy 
We follow the war across its battlefields in Afghanistan: to Tora Bora where 
Bin Laden was allowed to escape, to the valleys of south eastern Afghanistan 
where the US launched a full scale military offensive against the network, and 
to the Pakistan border where the British try in vain to find remnants of the 
As this happens we show how the terror network has responded and learnt from 
its mistakes. 
With attacks on civilians in Tunisia and Pakistan, al-Qaeda has continued to 
bring terror in spite of the war waged on it. 
From the front line 


  The programme follows the "band of brothers" C 
  Company Engineers, 101st 
  airborneThe film has extensive documentary access to US and 
British soldiers in Afghanistan. 
We follow a group of American infantrymen as they locate and destroy al-Qaeda 
caves and develop a new understanding of their foe. 
We show what life is like for them on the new front line. 
And we follow the frustrating efforts of a British helicopter pilot and of 
marines to find traces of their enemy. 
Since 1998 Jane Corbin has made a number of investigative films about Osama 
bin Laden and al-Qaeda for Panorama. In Towards the Zero Hour, a 
one-hour special on BBC One last December, Jane investigated the terror cell, 
led by Mohammed Atta, which planned and executed the World Trade Centre attacks. 

Production Team:Reporter: Jane CorbinProducer: Aidan 
LavertyAssistant Producer: John ThynneEditor: Mike 
Reporter Jane Corbin, who has been following al-Qaeda's 
trail for five years, answered your questions on the hunt for Bin Laden in a 
live forum. 
To watch a recording of the forum select the link below: 

A war has been declared on terror - but is the west any closer to tracking 
down Bin Laden? 
Jane Corbin has spoken to British and American troops in Afghanistan about 
their experiences and their understanding of their enemy. 
She has also met Afghan civilians who have seen their homes destroyed by 
stray US bombs. 
And warlords tell her that the west's action is merely driving the terror 
network deeper underground. 
Is the world any safer, and who's winning the war on terror? Jane answered 
your questions. 


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Stratfor: Many Hurdles Will Delay U.S. Attack on Iraq [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-11 Thread Stasi



 Many Hurdles Will Delay U.S. Attack on Iraq


 Although the Bush administration appears committed to attacking
 Iraq, its ability to do so is limited by several logistical
 problems, such as the availability of precision weaponry and
 aircraft carriers. These issues are temporary, but a great number
 of political problems that could block a campaign will prove much
 more difficult to solve.


 U.S. President George W. Bush vowed July 8 to use all tools at
 his disposal to oust Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Speaking at
 a surprise news conference, Bush said the world would be a safer
 place once Saddam was overthrown and that he personally is
 engaged in all aspects of planning to achieve that goal.

 The speech was not the first time Bush had made it clear that his
 administration is committed to regime change in Iraq. Of the many
 options available to the White House, only large-scale military
 action will guarantee the United States an active hand in Iraq
 once Saddam is gone. However, technical limitations will push
 back the date of an attack until winter at the absolute earliest,
 and a host of political hurdles could delay a campaign

 U.S. strategic planners see two specific reasons to depose
 Saddam. First, Iraq's chemical, biological and nuclear weapons
 programs threaten the balance of power in the Middle East.
 Officials in Washington also fear that those weapons someday
 could find their way into the hands of al Qaeda. This argument is
 based on logic and potentiality rather than evidence, but the
 consequences of such a development would be so terrible that the
 argument must be given credence.

 The second reason involves oil. Iraq has huge reserves of crude,
 and gaining control over those resources would greatly enhance
 U.S. energy security -- and give Washington considerable leverage
 over other oil producers, such as Saudi Arabia and Iran. The
 governments of both countries absolutely depend on oil revenues
 to maintain domestic stability, and both use their reserves as
 leverage when negotiating with the United States and the rest of
 the world. For example, Saudi Arabia's oil reserves are a big
 reason that U.S. military forces are chasing al Qaeda in western
 Pakistan and not in western Saudi Arabia.

 U.S. influence over Iraqi oil reserves would dramatically
 decrease Riyadh's leverage with Washington. And, in a pinch, the
 United States could threaten to increase Iraqi outputs and
 bankrupt the Saudi and Iranian economies.

 But how to get rid of the current regime in Baghdad? The most
 hands-off option would be some sort of covert action to remove
 Saddam -- possibly by assassinating him, capturing him or forcing
 him to flee the country. However, this also is the most difficult
 option and the one least likely to succeed. There also is no
 guarantee that whatever group that replaced Saddam would be any
 better or easier for Washington to control.

 Sparking an internal coup is equally unlikely. For one thing, it
 is an extremely difficult thing to do: Stratfor counts at least
 four unsuccessful coup plots since the end of the Gulf War. Iraq
 is a police state in many respects, and Saddam has an extensive
 internal security apparatus at his disposal, comprising multiple
 agencies that watch each other as well as monitor potential
 unrest. He also manipulates the tribal rivalries that permeate
 Iraq, playing factions against each other until it is unclear who
 is on which side.

 Coups and covert action carry with them the same problem: The
 United States would have relatively little control over the
 successor government. In this particular case, any Iraqi military
 officer with the fortitude to take on Saddam would not likely
 jump eagerly into a role as a U.S. proxy. A new military regime
 may even find it useful to continue Iraq's chemical, biological
 and nuclear weapons programs.

 The only way to ensure the collapse of the current regime and the
 establishment of a suitable replacement is to put U.S. boots on
 the ground in Iraq. The question is, how many boots?

 The Afghan model of warfare certainly offers an appealing
 answer. Using Special Operations forces to link up with local
 militants under U.S. air cover would require relatively few U.S.
 troops, without a months-long buildup.

 But this option has several problems. First, the Iraqi opposition
 is not in the same military class as was the Northern Alliance,
 which had 20,000 hardened fighters under its command. Iraq's
 Kurdish and Shiite groups maintain armed militias -- but fewer,
 and with less experience.

 Second, the Iraqi army is more formidable than were the Taliban,
 at least in conventional conflict. Iraq can field more than
 200,000 troops as well as tanks, artillery, helicopters and anti-
 aircraft systems -- far more effective than the 50,000 lightly
 armed troops commanded by the Taliban. And the 

WSWS: Noose tightens around North Korea following Yellow Sea naval battle [WWW.S

2002-07-11 Thread Stasi


World Socialist Web Site

WSWS : News  
Analysis : Asia : Korea
Noose tightens around North Korea following Yellow Sea naval battle
By James Conachy11 July 2002
Back to screen version | Send this link by 
email | Email the author
The short but bloody naval battle on June 29 between North and South Korean 
warships in the Yellow Sea has been utilised by the Bush administration and the 
South Korean government to intensify the diplomatic and economic isolation of 
North Korea. Washington has cancelled a diplomatic visit to Pyongyang this 
month—the first official talks scheduled since Bush’s installation—on the 
grounds that the incident was an “armed provocation” by North Korea, which “had 
created an unacceptable atmosphere in which to conduct the talks”.
The response in South Korea has been just as belligerent. Politicians and the 
media have launched scathing denunciations of North Korea and also South Korean 
president, Kim Dae-jung, who has pursued a “Sunshine Policy” of opening up 
relations with Pyongyang. Veterans of the Korean War, including retired 
generals, have held anti-North demonstrations and called for military 
retaliation. Under intense pressure, Kim Dae-jung has demanded a full apology 
and authorised a change in the military’s rules of engagement to permit a 
“fire-first” policy if South Korean ships are threatened. A 300,000 tonne 
shipment of food aid to North Korea is likely to be cancelled, and South Korean 
and US military forces have stepped up surveillance activity.
While Washington and Seoul blame North Korea for the naval clash, the 
evidence points in the opposite direction. The incident has the hallmarks of a 
provocation organised by the South Korean military as a means of galvanising 
public opinion behind a more confrontational stance towards the North. While 
there are contradictions between the South and North’s versions of what 
occurred, both sides agree it was preceded by the incursion of South Korean 
fishing boats and naval vessels into waters claimed by North Korea.
North Korea alleges that two of its patrol boats were conducting “routine 
coastal guard duty,” seeking to chase southern fishing boats out of the area, 
when they were confronted by four South Korean naval speedboats, backed by 
several larger warships. A 21-minute exchange of gunfire ensued, during which 
one South Korean boat was sunk and one of the North Korean ships was set ablaze. 
Four South Korean sailors were killed, 19 wounded and one is missing, presumed 
dead. An unknown number of North Koreans were killed or wounded before their 
ships retreated. Both sides have accused the other of firing first.
Regardless of who initiated the firing, it is indisputable that the actions 
of the South Korean navy on June 29 were out-of-the-ordinary and aggressive. The 
battle occurred in an area that has been the subject of a territorial dispute 
since the UN unilaterally imposed a sea-border, known as the Northern Limit Line 
(NLL), at the end of the 1950-53 Korean War. North Korea has never accepted the 
UN line, and declared its own boundary several kilometres further south. To 
prevent conflicts, South Korea established a “no man’s land” buffer in the form 
of 9.6 kilometre “no-fishing zone” south of the NLL. Under normal circumstances, 
both navies prevent fishermen entering the buffer zone.
Over the past month, the North Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) alleges that 
incursions by southern fishermen, shadowed by the South Korean navy, have been 
frequent. On June 29, it was reported in the South Korean media that as many as 
10 South Korean boats were fishing for blue crab—a prized export catch—north of 
the “no fishing zone”. A July 3 report published by the Korea Times 
quoted a South Korean fisherman who stated that boats had crossed several 
kilometres into the zone. One of the wounded South Korean sailors told the 
newspaper his ship had taken part in escorting fishing boats out of the zone 
some 40 to 50 minutes after they entered it.
The fact the incursions were not prevented and that a sizeable South Korean 
naval contingent was lying in wait for the North to send warships into the “no 
fishing zone” provides ample grounds for suspecting that the South was seeking 
some sort of confrontation. In June 1999, a naval battle took place in the same 
area when the South Korean navy launched a massive operation to stop North 
Korean boats fishing for crab in the disputed waters. In that exchange, a North 
Korean torpedo boat was sunk and dozens of its sailors killed. This time, 
however, it appears that the South Korean military were looking to provoke an 

US fuels tensions

The responsibility for creating these tensions rests with Washington. Since 
its installation in January 2001, the Bush administration has diplomatically 
isolated North Korea, accusing it of constructing “weapons of mass destruction,” 

Guardian: Mirror's Bush attack angers US shareholder [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi


Mirror's Bush attack angers US 
July 8, 2002The 
The Daily Mirror editor, Piers 
Morgan, has vowed to go on publishing articles critical of US president George 
Bush despite concern from an American shareholder. 
Last Thursday's paper carried a trenchant article by John Pilger which called 
the United States a "rogue state" guilty of undermining international law. It 
referred to Bush's administration as a criminal gang which had killed twice as 
many people as died at the World Trade Centre. 
Next day one of the major US shareholders in Trinity-Mirror, the group which 
owns the Daily Mirror, phoned chief executive Philip Graf to express 
disappointment at the tone and content of Pilger's polemic. 
Tom Shrager of the New York-based fund manager Tweedy Browne, which owns 4% 
of Trinity, began by stating that he respected the concept of freedom of the 
He did not threaten to sell Trinity stock, but he went on to say, in the most 
forthright terms, that his company was very unhappy with the Mirror for 
publishing Pilger's piece. 
He was not available for comment yesterday, although he was reported in the 
Mail on Sunday as saying: "We made our views known as shareholders. We felt that 
management should know how we view such editorial material." 
Morgan said yesterday: "We will continue to run articles by John Pilger in 
the current climate, but these shouldn't be misconstrued as anti-American." 

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian 
Newspapers Limited 2002 

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Telegraph: Saddam's stepson holds UK certificate [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi



Saddam's stepson holds UK certificate
By Paul Chapman in Wellington
(Filed: 08/07/2002)

Saddam Hussein's stepson, who was arrested by the FBI on the eve of the
Fourth of July after arriving in Florida for a flight training course, holds
a British flight engineer's certificate and was taking the course to keep it

Mohammad Nour al-Din Saffi, 35, a naturalised New Zealand citizen, flew from
Auckland to Los Angeles last week and then on to Miami for a four-day flight
simulator course at the Aeroservice Aviation Centre.

The centre was attended by Ziad Jarrah, one of the September 11 hijackers.

Jimmy Brooks, chief executive of the fledgling American-owned Tiger Lines
Cargo air service based in Auckland, said his company was paying the bill
for Mr Saffi's flight simulator training as he had been offered part-time
work with Tiger.

He wanted to keep his British licence current, Mr Brooks said.

Mr Saffi, who works as an aircraft engineer for Air New Zealand, was
attending the course with two American pilots who will fly the company's
US-registered Boeing 727 airliner on freight-carrying flights linking New
Zealand airports with Tonga and other South Pacific islands

The only American soil it will reach is American Samoa, Mr Brooks, an
American citizen, said.


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Independent: Resue operation underway after Royal Navy destroyer is holed on roc

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi


The Independent

Resue operation underway after Royal Navy destroyer is holed on rocks
08 July 2002

Australian Navy divers arrived on a Pacific island today to assess damage to
a Royal Navy warship and begin pumping out flooded compartments after it
smashed into rocks off Australia's south-eastern coast.

There were no injuries to the 253 crew of the HMS Nottingham, which was
holed below the waterline near Lord Howe Island, 200 miles north-east of

Officials said the vessel had moved away from the rocks and was not in
danger of sinking.

The island's port operations manager, Clive Wilson, said the Australian dive
team would help secure the damaged ship, which was anchored in a sheltered

Island authorities were investigating reports of oil escaping from the

Two New Zealand navy ships, the tanker Endeavour and frigate Te Mana, were
also steaming toward the stricken ship.

The accident happened as the ship moved close to the island to transfer a
sick crew member to shore.

Having conducted that, the ship then turned back to sea and in doing so
grounded on Wolf Rock, said Commander David Heley, a Royal Navy spokesman.

He said some watertight compartments at the front of the ship were flooded
after the collision.

The ship, however, is a destroyer. She is a warship designed to take a fair
degree of action damage, said Cmdr. Heley.

He said the vessel was on a routine trip from Cairns, in Australia's
northeastern state of Queensland, to Wellington in New Zealand.

The vessel left Britain in March and was due back in November or December,
he said.

The Ministry of Defense denied claims by anti-nuclear protesters that the
ship was escorting a consignment of nuclear fuel being transported from
Japan to Britain.


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SCMP: S.Korea summons US soldiers over fatal accident [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi



KOREAS.Korea summons US soldiers over fatal accident 


Story | Next 



Updated at 12.49pm:South 
  Korean prosecutors will interrogate two American soldiers charged with 
  negligent homicide by the US army over an accident in which two local 
  schoolgirls were killed by an armoured vehicle, an official said on 
  The accident in a village near Uijongbu, north of the capital Seoul on 
  June 13 prompted apologies by United States Forces Korea (USFK) commanders 
  and anti-US protests by South Koreans who demanded the soldiers be handed 
  over to local police. 


  summoned the two soldiers to appear in the prosecutors' office by 1pm (HK 
  time) today,'' the official at the Seoul Prosecutors' office told Reuters. 

  The USFK said in a statement last week Sergeant Mark Walker and 
  Sergeant Fernando Nino of the 8th US Army 2nd Infantry division were 
  charged with ''negligent homicide'' in the deaths of 13-year-old students 
  Shim Mi-son and Shin Hyo-sun. 
  Walker was the driver and Nino the track commander of the tank-like 
  minesweeping vehicle, which ran over the girls on a village road during 
  training some 30km south of South Korea's heavily fortified border with 
  communist North Korea. 
  After Monday's interrogation, South Korea will decide whether to ask 
  the US to hand over jurisdiction over the two soldiers to the local court, 
  the official said. 
  The US maintains 37,000 troops in South Korea in a military presence 
  designed to deter a repeat of the 1950 invasion by North Korea which 
  sparked the three-year Korean War. 
  But pollution, noise and traffic from the US bases and occasional 
  crimes by American troops have been a source of friction with nearby 
  Anti-base activists held the latest of more than hald a dozen protests 
  on Monday outside Camp Red Cloud in Uijongbu. 
  The disputes have been seized upon by South Korean political groups and 
  by North Korea to press demands for a withdrawal of US 

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SCMP: South denies it sent warships into N.Korea waters [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi



  denies it sent warships into N.Korea waters 






Updated at 9.59am:South Korea 
  denied on Monday a North Korean report saying Seoul had tried to stoke 
  tensions between the bitterly divided neighbours by infiltrating two 
  warships into the North's territorial waters. 
  Overnight, the North Korean navy said the South had sent the two combat 
  vessels across the disputed maritime border off the North Korean coast not 
  far from where the two navies clashed on June 29 with loss of life on both 


 ''We warn 
  that the infiltration of the combat warships is a dangerous act which may 
  spark a new armed clash,'' the North Korean navy said in statement said 
  published late on Sunday by the North's official KCNA news agency. 
  ''The provocation in the wake of the armed clash on June 29 is a 
  deliberate move to render the situation in the waters more strained,'' 
  Pyongyang's navy command said. 
  But the South Korean navy denied the accusation. 
  ''What the North said is totally fabricated and groundless,'' it said 
  in a statement. 
  It said there was a routine South Korean naval exercise on Sunday but 
  the warships stayed well inside South Korean waters, below a disputed 
  maritime border line. 
  The South Korean navy warned the North not to enter its waters and said 
  the North would be taught a lesson and bear responsibility for any 
  On Sunday, the South Korean Defence Ministry outlined its investigation 
  into the June 29 clash, in which four South Korean sailors were killed and 
  19 wounded. One sailor is missing. An unknown number of North Korean 
  sailors died. 
  The ministry said the North had repeatedly probed the South's defences 
  in the weeks leading up to the 

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SCMP: US troops 'denied treatment for bombing victims' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi



  AFGHANISTANUS troops 'denied treatment for bombing victims' 


FRANCE-PRESSE in Dehrawad, Afghanistan




As a formal US investigation into a 
  botched bombing that claimed civilian lives started, outraged villagers 
  claimed American soldiers stormed their homes and barred them from 
  treating wounded relatives. 
  "First they bombed the women folk, killing them like animals. Then they 
  stormed into the houses and tied the hands of men and women," said 
  Mohammad Anwar at Kakrakai village in central Uruzgan province. "It was 
  cruelty. After bombing the area, the US forces rushed to that house, 
  cordoned it off and refused to let the people help the victims." 


 Mr Anwar 
  pointed to the home of his brother Sharif, who was hosting a huge 
  pre-wedding party for his son on the night of June 30 when United States 
  aircraft strafed Kakrakai and surrounding villages. 
  Sharif, who accompanied Afghan President Hamid Karzai on his daring 
  mission into then Taleban-ruled central Afghanistan last October, was 
  killed. So were Mr Anwar's wife and Sharif's wife and four children. The 
  groom-to-be survived because he was confined in a separate house as local 
  wedding tradition decrees. 
  The US-led coalition commander in Afghanistan, General Dan McNeill, 
  confirmed on Saturday that there were civilian casualties. Afghan 
  officials claim 48 people were killed. 
  Mr Anwar, a senior Karzai-appointed military commander in neighbouring 
  Kandahar province, said the toll would have been less if the troops 
  storming his brother's home had allowed relatives to tend to the victims. 
  "Until seven or eight o'clock in the morning the Americans did not 
  allow anyone to help the injured and to cover the bodies. Most of their 
  clothes had been burnt off. They kept filming and photographing the naked 
  "The people are asking: is this the result of the support we have 
  extended to the Americans? This is humiliation. Our women were disgraced." 

  The US, in Afghanistan seeking remnants of the former hardline Taleban 
  regime and its al-Qaeda allies, has insisted coalition aircraft attacked 
  only after they were fired on. 
  Anti-American rage gripped the nearby villages of Shatoghai, Siasung 
  and Mazar, also hit in the US bombardment. 
  "One day God will give us the strength and we will fight them," said 
  Haji Wali, whose home in Shatoghai was attacked. 
  "Even during the Russian occupation [1979-1989] there was never such a 
  sustained bombing of the area. We are weak and they are oppressing us." 

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Iraq supports Palestinians and keeps American attack at bay - The Times [WWW.STO

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi


Source: THE TIMES 08/07/2002 P15

Iraq supports Palestinians and keeps American attack at bay.

Abed al-Najjar looks surprisingly upbeat for someone who was
shot three times, has lost the use of his left hand, carries a nasty
gash in his right thigh and still has an Israeli bullet in his back.
It could have been worse, said the 21-year-old man from Gaza,
who was propped up on his bed and glued to the television, with
only a portrait of President Saddam Hussein on the wall to keep
him company in his private room. I am lucky to be alive and
lucky to be in Baghdad.

Although Iraq has made much of the impact of United Nations
sanctions on its medical services and its economy, Baghdad is
probably the most generous supporter of the Palestinian cause,
lavishing hundreds of millions of pounds of its overstretched
resources to help Palestinians in their conflict with Israel.

During a visit to the Saddam Medical Centre, the city's best
hospital, the latest group of hundreds of Palestinian wounded
were enjoying specialist medical care unimaginable on the
West Bank or in Gaza and certainly beyond the reach of most
ordinary Iraqis.

President Saddam himself ordered that we give the
Palestinians the best care we can, Abdel Aziz Abdel Hamid, the
hospital's director, said. It is our way of helping them in their

But the Iraqi support goes far beyond medical care. Iraq has
offered to pay all families of the 1,500 martyred Palestinians,
from suicide bombers to innocent victims of the violence, a cash
sum of up to £16,500 and also pledged the same amount to
Palestinian refugees in Jenin whose homes were destroyed in
the recent Israeli incursion.

In protest at the operation, the Iraqi leader also suspended oil
sales for one month and called for other Arab states to follow
suit. None did, but the Iraqi boycott cost the country's economy
about £1 billion in lost revenues.

Diplomats in Baghdad insist that the policy helps Iraq in its
decade-long struggle with the United States. Saddam knows
that as long as the conflict continues unresolved, the Americans
will find it very difficult to take action against Iraq, a diplomat in
Baghdad said.

Washington has been told by all the Arab states that it must first
restore calm to the Middle East before it tries to topple the Iraqi
regime. The Iraqis have an interest in seeing the struggle

Iraqi and Palestinian officials denied this cynical interpretation,
insisting that the tough line from Baghdad is motivated purely by
its longstanding opposition to Israel and its support for the
creation of a Palestinian state.

Naji al-Sabri, the Foreign Minister, accused Israel of trying to
deprive the Palestinians of statehood and said that Iraq would
support the Palestinian intifada as long as necessary.

Naja Abdel Rahman, the Palestinian envoy to Baghdad, was
more direct. He likened Saddam to Saladin, the Iraqi-born
commander who defeated the Crusaders in the 12th century and
restored Palestine to Muslim rule. We hope he will do the same
for us now, he said.


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Xinhua: US president vows to use all tools to remove Saddam Hussein [WWW.STOPNAT

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi




  US president vows to use all tools to remove Saddam 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-09 


  WASHINGTON, July 8 (Xinhuanet) -- US President George W. Bush on 
  Monday vowed to use "all tools" at his disposal to remove Iraqi President 
  Saddam Hussein from power. 
  "It is the stated policy of this government to have regime change," 
  Bush said at a press conference in the White House, noting that people 
  should not speculate on the administration's resolve to pursue such a 
  "We will use all tools at our disposal to do so," Bush said. "There 
  are different ways to do it," he added. 
  The US president refused to comment on a report by The New 
  YorkTimes last week that the US military has worked out a preliminary plan 
  on a massive invasion of Iraq. 
  He also dodged a question whether he sought the removal of Saddam 
  before the end of his four-year term as US president. Enditem 

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Xinhua: Ghaddafi calls on African leaders to build prosperous continent [WWW.STO

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi




  Ghaddafi calls on African leaders to build prosperous 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-08 


   ¡¡DURBAN, July 8 (Xinhuanet) -- Libyan leader Muammar 
  Ghaddafi Monday called upon the African leaders to unite so as to build a 
  prosperous continent in the world. 
  Speaking at the opening ceremony of the 38th summit of Organization 
  of African Unity (OAU) in Durban, Ghaddafi said the African continent is 
  in a "historical movement," and all leaders of African countries gathered 
  here to bring the dream of the African Union (AU) into reality. 
  He also noted that Africa, particularly after the launching of the 
  AU, is on the way of developing an important continent, which is believed 
  to be capable to join the world economic development. 
  A united Africa is the only option for the African countries toface 
  various challenges, he said, adding that African countries should refuse 
  to accept assistance with imposed conditions. 
  Ghaddafi said in his speech that "We are not pupils who need 
  someone to teach us, and if you insult the beggar, he will drive you 
  He also said the rest of the world was welcome to help the 
  continent through the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD). 
  "You cannot drive away those who want to assist... but they should 
  not try to impose their will on us, and we accept assistance and we refuse 
  On the advent of the AU, Ghaddafi said Africa had been waiting with 
  impatience for a union to unite the continent. 
  Also at the ceremony, Amara Essy, OAU secretary general, lauded 
  Ghaddafi for his role in getting the AU off the ground. "He, together with 
  his colleagues, has broken the barriers of restraint," Essy said. 
  Ghaddafi arrived here Saturday evening to attend the final OAU 
  summit and the first assembly of the AU. Enditem 

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Xinhua: More night flying seen in future Philippine-US military exercises [WWW.

2002-07-08 Thread Stasi




  More night flying seen in future Philippine-US military 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-08 


  MANILA, July 8 (Xinhuanet) -- Philippine President Gloria 
  Macapagal-Arroyo said on Monday that the future Philippine-US joint 
  military exercises will have a heavy dose of night flying and other 
  capabilities that will enhance the expertise of the military. 
  In her speech during the celebration of the 55th anniversary ofthe 
  Philippine Air Force (PAF) in a Manila suburb, Arroyo also stressed that 
  the coming exercises, coded Balikatan, will come back to Luzon island in 
  the north. 
  She, however, admitted that there will be still a small component 
  of the exercises in the island province of Sulu in the south, known as a 
  major lair of the Abu Sayyaf kidnap-for-ransom group allegedly linked to 
  the al-Qaeda international terror network. 
  A large part of this year's Balikatan exercises, she said, willbe 
  concentrated on maintenance training and other measures that will ensure 
  the safety of Filipino pilots. Several aircraft accidents during the 
  previous exercises have claimed the lives of the pilots. 
  Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief of Staff General Roy Cimatu 
  said earlier that the next formal joint exercise will startin October. 
  Arroyo also stressed the need for reliable air surveillance 
  equipment as highlighted during the previous Balikatan exercises. Arroyo 
  instructed Cimatu to make sure that the allocation of the 
  10-million-US-dollar military assistance released by the US government 
  will include electronic eyesight equipment. 
  About 1,000 U.S. soldiers are currently deployed in the southern 
  Philippines training local forces in jungle warfare and counter-terrorism 
  skills in the southern Philippines. Small-scale joint counter-terrorist 
  exercises will be conducted in the south after the ongoing exercise 
  officially ends on July 31. Enditem 

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Observer: US 'to attack Iraq via Jordan' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-07 Thread Stasi


US 'to attack Iraq via 
Military planners prepare to use British forces in an allied assault within 
crisis - Observer special 
Jason Burke, Martin Bright and 
Nicolas Pelham in AmmanSunday July 7, 2002The Observer 
American military planners are 
preparing to use Jordan as a base for an assault on Iraq later this year or 
early in 2003, The Observer can reveal. 
Although leaked Pentagon documents appear to show that Turkey, Kuwait and the 
small Gulf state of Qatar would play key roles, it is believed that Jordan will 
be the 'jumping-off' point for an attack that could involve up to 250,000 
American troops and forces from Britain and other key US allies. 
Jordan, with good roads and communications, would be perfect for the launch 
of an American armoured force, military analysts say. Its capital, Amman, is 
linked to Baghdad by a 600-mile motorway that cuts through a virtually 
featureless desert - perfect terrain for US tanks and high-precision 
air-launched munitions. 
Iraqi dissidents in Amman have told The Observer that hundreds of American 
advisers have arrived in Jordan in the past few months. 
The Amman-based Iraqi National Accord (INA), which contains many of the key 
military dissidents, has held talks in Washington about plans for a strike on 
Iraq. They expect the US to begin with intensive bombing and missile raids 
launched from the Gulf and Turkey, leading to a military rebellion within Saddam 
Hussein's elite Republican Guard. 
The INA, they say, could play a military role from Jordan. They envisage a 
military coup, leading to transitional military rule. 
Eye-witnesses claim preparations are under way at the Muafaq Salti air base 
in Azraq, 50 miles east of Amman on the road to Baghdad. 
Ten days ago the Jordanian news agency, Petra, reported that the head of the 
US Central Command, General Tommy Franks, met Jordan's chairman of the Joint 
Chiefs of Staff, Lieutenant-General Khalid Jamil Surayrih. 
The agency said 'the two sides reviewed the general situation in the region 
and areas of co-operation between Jordanian and US armed forces...' Officially, 
Jordan is opposed to a war on Iraq, but informed sources said that there is a 
tacit agreement on the issue between the Jordanian government and Washington. 
The US has apparently given Jordan and other Arab states the freedom to pay 
lip-service to support for Iraq. 
News of a military build-up coincides with a US attempt to wean Jordan from 
its deep economic ties with Iraq, and some observers see a growing military role 
for Jordan in the country once ruled by its Hashemite royal family. 
'Jordan's role will be that of Pakistan in the US-Taliban war,' said a 
prominent Jordanian analyst. Jordan's economy is inter-woven into Iraq's, and 
the kingdom shares a close military and economic alliance with the US. 
Others say Jordan will pay a heavy price for co-operating with an attack. 'A 
US strike against Iraq will increase the influence of radicals [in Jordan],' 
said former Prime Minister Taher al-Masri. 'The feeling that the US is an enemy 
will be enhanced.' 
Although Marwan Moasher, the Jordanian Foreign Minister, denied the presence 
of any American troops in his country, government sources confirmed that major 
manoeuvres involving the American and Jordanian forces took place in March. 
Moasher issued denials after the Lebanese daily Al Safir reported that 2,000 
American forces in Jordan are preparing to carry out military operations against 
Observers point out that President George Bush has met King Abdullah of 
Jordan at least five times since taking office. The US is expected to double its 
aid to Jordan to $500m next year, and Congress is now considering a request by 
the administration to increase it by another $100m. 
The American planners now believe only military force can remove Saddam from 
power. Earlier this year American intelligence operatives were sent to northern 
Iraq to gather information on Iraqi defences and gauge the fighting capability 
of the Kurdish militias. The Americans reconnoitred Iraqi frontline positions 
and requested maps of minefields from demining agencies working in the area. 
They decided the Kurds would be no match for the Republican Guard. 
Some elements in the US administration still hope that disaffected military 
officers in Iraq can stage a coup. Next week about 70 former Iraqi officers will 
gather in London for the biggest dissidents' meeting yet to discuss the 
overthrow of the Iraqi President. 
The US hopes some of them retain links with brother officers still in Iraq. 
The conference is being organised by a former brigadier, Tawfiq al-Yassiri, who 
took part in an uprising in the Babylon region south of Baghdad at the end of 
the Gulf war. The co-organiser of the conference is a former general, Saad 
Ubeidi, who was the Iraqi army's head of psychological operations. 
The three-day 

UK: Scrap British rifle and buy Heckler, say the generals - Sunday Telegraph [WW

2002-07-07 Thread Stasi


Scrap British rifle and buy Heckler, say the generals
By Sean Rayment, Defence Correspondent
(Filed: 07/07/2002)

Senior army officers want the Government to scrap the service's fault-prone
main assault rifle because of fears that it will cost the lives of British
soldiers in battle.

The demands arose after it emerged that several SA80-A2 rifles, the latest
version of the weapon that recently completed a £92 million upgrade, failed
to fire during operations in Afghanistan.

One senior officer told The Telegraph: You can't improve a weapon which is
basically flawed no matter how much you spend on it, and the SA80 is a
flawed weapon. It's not balanced, the optical sight easily gets steamed up
so it can't be used, and it can't be fired in the left-handed position.

Even with all the modifications these basic flaws still exist. The lesson
here is that no amount of testing can replicate conditions in war. The
modifications have made it more reliable and it doesn't jam as much as
before, but it still jams. And a stoppage in combat will cost the life of a
British soldier.

Another senior officer said he believed that troops had lost confidence in
the weapon following the latest failures.

War with Iraq next spring is looming and our troops are equipped with a
weapon which fails to fire in hot, dusty conditions. No one should
underestimate the seriousness of this situation.

The Ministry of Defence is under intense pressure to cut its losses and
scrap the SA80-A2 in favour of a rifle designed by the arms manufacturer,
Heckler and Koch.

The woeful record of the SA80 is just one of a long list of MoD bungles that
have cost the British taxpayer billions of pounds in recent years. The
disclosure is a great embarrassment for Adam Ingram, the Armed Forces
minister, who last October proclaimed that the rifle was the best of its
kind in the world, adding that: The Army has every confidence in this

The gun that the senior officers want, the HK G36, is regarded by many
within the military as possibly the best assault rifle ever built.

Britain's Armed Forces would require about 300,000 new weapons in addition
to magazines, spare parts and training manuals. Although individual weapons
sell for about £300, the cost for a large order would bring down the total
price significantly, possibly to below than the £92 million spent on
refitting the SA80. Versions of the HK G36 are already being tested by the
Special Air Service, which is believed to have used it with great success in
Afghanistan. The German and the Spanish military are also understood to have
signed contracts to equip their armed forces with the G36.

The MoD launched the upgrade of the SA80 in 2000 after years of complaints
by soldiers that it was prone to jam in adverse weather. Heckler and Koch,
once German-owned and now owned by BAe Systems, won the contract and rebuilt
the main firing components of the weapon. Live firing trials in extreme
terrains suggested that the faults had been corrected.

The new version of the rifle had its operational debut in Afghanistan, when
the Second Battalion of the Parachute Regiment became the first unit in the
British Army to fire the weapon in anger after a section of Paras was
attacked while on patrol in Kabul earlier this year.

Although 2 Para encountered few problems with the weapon, The Telegraph
understands that many troops still believe it to be second-rate. The Royal
Marines, however, have claimed that the weapon jammed at least three times
in Afghanistan. The MoD immediately sent a team from the manufacturer to try
to discover what had gone wrong.

Terry Gander, the editor of Jane's Infantry Weapons, said: The SA80 has
been a problem weapon from start to finish and is the product of a weapon
designed by committee. It would have made far more sense to buy American in
the 1980s. Their M16 has its faults but it is a very reliable weapon - far
more so than the SA80. For a long while the M16 was the weapon of choice of
the SAS and that is always a clue.

Last week, Geoff Hoon, the Defence Secretary, said reports of misfiring and
jamming would need to be investigated before any decision was made. He
added, though: We have spent a considerable amount of money upgrading this
rifle and I don't want to accept second-best.

The SA80 is just one of a number of British defence projects that have
failed to live up to expectations. One of the most embarrassing was the
decision in the late 1980s to scrap the Nimrod early-warning aircraft after
£1 billion had already been spent because the GEC radar system failed to
meet the RAF's standards.

Other notable failures include the inability of the Tornado GR-4 to deliver
smart bombs after a £1 billion upgrade.


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World's ticking timebomb: Earth 'will expire by 2050' - Observer [WWW.STOPNATO.O

2002-07-06 Thread Stasi


The world's ticking timebomb

Earth 'will expire by 2050'

Our planet is running out of room and resources. Modern man has plundered so
much, a damning report claims this week, that outer space will have to be

Observer Worldview

Mark Townsend and Jason Burke
Sunday July 7, 2002
The Observer

Earth's population will be forced to colonise two planets within 50 years if
natural resources continue to be exploited at the current rate, according to
a report out this week.
A study by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), to be released on Tuesday, warns
that the human race is plundering the planet at a pace that outstrips its
capacity to support life.

In a damning condemnation of Western society's high consumption levels, it
adds that the extra planets (the equivalent size of Earth) will be required
by the year 2050 as existing resources are exhausted.

The report, based on scientific data from across the world, reveals that
more than a third of the natural world has been destroyed by humans over the
past three decades.

Using the image of the need for mankind to colonise space as a stark
illustration of the problems facing Earth, the report warns that either
consumption rates are dramatically and rapidly lowered or the planet will no
longer be able to sustain its growing population.

Experts say that seas will become emptied of fish while forests - which
absorb carbon dioxide emissions - are completely destroyed and freshwater
supplies become scarce and polluted.

The report offers a vivid warning that either people curb their extravagant
lifestyles or risk leaving the onus on scientists to locate another planet
that can sustain human life. Since this is unlikely to happen, the only
option is to cut consumption now.

Systematic overexploitation of the planet's oceans has meant the North
Atlantic's cod stocks have collapsed from an estimated spawning stock of
264,000 tonnes in 1970 to under 60,000 in 1995.

The study will also reveal a sharp fall in the planet's ecosystems between
1970 and 2002 with the Earth's forest cover shrinking by about 12 per cent,
the ocean's biodiversity by a third and freshwater ecosystems in the region
of 55 per cent.

The Living Planet report uses an index to illustrate the shocking level of
deterioration in the world's forests as well as marine and freshwater
ecosystems. Using 1970 as a baseline year and giving it a value of 100, the
index has dropped to a new low of around 65 in the space of a single

It is not just humans who are at risk. Scientists, who examined data for 350
kinds of mammals, birds, reptiles and fish, also found the numbers of many
species have more than halved.

Martin Jenkins, senior adviser for the World Conservation Monitoring Centre
in Cambridge, which helped compile the report, said: 'It seems things are
getting worse faster than possibly ever before. Never has one single species
had such an overwhelming influence. We are entering uncharted territory.'

Figures from the centre reveal that black rhino numbers have fallen from
65,000 in 1970 to around 3,100 now. Numbers of African elephants have fallen
from around 1.2 million in 1980 to just over half a million while the
population of tigers has fallen by 95 per cent during the past century.

The UK's birdsong population has also seen a drastic fall with the corn
bunting population declining by 92 per cent between 1970 and 2000, the tree
sparrow by 90 per cent and the spotted flycatcher by 70 per cent.

Experts, however, say it is difficult to ascertain how many species have
vanished for ever because a species has to disappear for 50 years before it
can be declared extinct.

Attention is now focused on next month's Earth Summit in Johannesburg, the
most important environmental negotiations for a decade.

However, the talks remain bedevilled with claims that no agreements will be
reached and that US President George W. Bush will fail to attend.

Matthew Spencer, a spokesman for Greenpeace, said: 'There will have to be
concessions from the richer nations to the poorer ones or there will be

The preparatory conference for the summit, held in Bali last month, was
marred by disputes between developed nations and poorer states and
non-governmental organisations (NGOs), despite efforts by British
politicians to broker compromises on key issues.

America, which sent 300 delegates to the conference, is accused of blocking
many of the key initiatives on energy use, biodiversity and corporate

The WWF report shames the US for placing the greatest pressure on the
environment. It found the average US resident consumes almost double the
resources as that of a UK citizen and more than 24 times that of some

Based on factors such as a nation's consumption of grain, fish, wood and
fresh water along with its emissions of carbon dioxide from industry and
cars, the report provides an ecological 

Xinhua: US planning massive attack on Iraq: US newspaper [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-05 Thread Stasi



  US planning massive attack on Iraq: US newspaper 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-05 


  WASHINGTON, July 5 (Xinhuanet) -- The United States is planning a 
  comprehensive attack on Iraq to topple President Saddam Hussein, The New 
  York Times reported Friday. 
  According to the paper, the US military is working on a preliminary 
  planning document which calls for air, land and sea-based forces to attack 
  Iraq from three directions -- the north, south and west. 
  The document projects that tens of thousands of US marines and 
  soldiers would probably be needed to stage an invasion from Kuwait. 
  Meanwhile, hundreds of warplanes based in as many as eight 
  countries, possibly including Turkey and Qatar, would unleash a huge air 
  assault against thousands of targets, including airfields,roadways and 
  fiber-optics communications sites in Iraq. 
  Special operations forces or covert CIA operatives would strikeat 
  depots or laboratories storing or manufacturing Iraq's suspected weapons 
  of mass destruction and the missiles to launch them. 
  The New York Times said that the existence of the document, though 
  preliminary one, indicates an advanced stage of planning inthe US military 
  even though the Bush administration states publicly it has no plan on the 
  table for an immediate invasion of Iraq. 
  It said that the document, entitled "CentCom Courses of Action," 
  was prepared by planners at the Central Command in Tampa, Florida, and has 
  already undergone revisions. 
  "Right now, we're at the stage of conceptual thinking and 
  brainstorming," the newspaper quoted a senior US defense official as 
  saying. Enditem 

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TML Daily: Oppose US In Korea! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-05 Thread Stasi




  July 5, 2002 - No. 
Korea Vigorously Oppose Crimes of U.S. 
On June 13, U.S. troops stationed at the U.S. Second Division base in 
Uijongbu, south Korea drove at armoured vehicle over two 14-year-old 
schoolgirls, Sin Hyo Sun and Sim Mi Son, killing them both on a roadside. Then 
on June 26 more than 10 GIs savagely clubbed and detained two south Korean 
reporters who were covering a demonstration protesting the GIs' killing of the 
schoolgirls. TML Daily vigorously denounces the atrocities committed by 
U.S. aggressor troops stationed in south Korea and demands that they be brought 
to justice. 
On June 29, a mass rally was held in front of the U.S. base in Uijongbu to 
demand an investigation into the killing of the schoolgirls. In a resolution, 
the "All-People Measure Committee of the Murder of Sin Hyo Sun and Sim Mi Son" 
demanded the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from south Korea, the dismantling of 
all U.S. bases on the Korean peninsula, an official apology from U.S. President 
George W. Bush and punishment for those responsible for the killing of the 
Also on June 29, the central committee of the Korean Journalists Union issued 
a statement on behalf of all journalists and other mediapersons in north Korea, 
condemning the U.S. imperialists' ceaseless killings and violence in the south 
and their attempts to block the independent reunification of the Korean nation. 
"The assault made by GIs against the South Korean reporters is a clear reminder 
of their extremely arrogant and high-handed practices. This once again clearly 
proves that the U.S. is, indeed, the real axis of evil and the root cause of 
evils," the union said. "The recent incident clearly shows the master-servant 
relationship between the U.S. and south Korea. It is the height of shame that 
south Korea is still under the yoke of U.S. domination and subjugation, its 
sovereignty wantonly violated. The U.S. should apologize not only to the south 
Korean people but to the whole Korean nation for the aggression, plunder and 
mass killing it has committed for over half a century," the union stated. 

Spring 2002 Sees 
Growing Anti-U.S. Action in South Korea
The April issue of the south Korean monthly magazine Min carried an 
article entitled "Anti-U.S. struggle in the spring of 2002," featuring the 
massive and daily-growing anti-U.S. struggle of the south Korean people. It 
analyzed the mounting anti-U.S. campaign from three perspectives. 
First, an increasing number of people are joining the anti-U.S. campaign. 
Anti-U.S. songs and animated images are now omnipresent on the Internet and 
users hold cyber rallies and protests. The intense anti-U.S. sentiment during 
the Winter Olympics was one of the results of this trend. A group of anti-U.S. 
websites launched a "society for a boycott of U.S. goods," and are working 
closely with each other to carry out their action program. 
Anti-U.S. books are increasingly popular and voices shouting anti-U.S. 
slogans can be heard everywhere in south Korea. The most notable feature of the 
current surge of anti-U.S. feelings is that it was started by teenagers. 
In the past, anti-U.S. slogans were not a rallying cry for all political 
movements, but they have come to the fore with the growing public realization, 
gained through firsthand experience, that the United States is responsible not 
only for the massive lay-offs and structural reform imposed by the IMF but for 
the break-up of their families. The perception of the anti-U.S. struggle, which 
was previously confined to a handful of political groups, has now changed. 
Second, anti-U.S. and anti-Bush sentiments have now penetrated into the 
everyday life of the people. Satirical songs such as "Laudable Pretzel," "Ttorai 
Bush," "Nasty U.S." and "Paper Plane" are re-edited with the addition of various 
animated images on the Internet, and used as a call signal by mobile phone 
users. This shows that anti-U.S. behaviour has now become part of their lives. 
The very mention of the U.S., to say nothing of Bush, on TV or in other places 
naturally invites expletives. Some bars offer refreshment services for anti-U.S. 
Third, the anti-U.S. struggle will develop to a higher stage in the future. 
According to a public opinion poll conducted by the south Korean media, 87 per 
cent of respondents supported the anti-U.S. struggle, 56.1 per cent said "No" to 
the U.S., 71.4 per cent opposed the expansion of the U.S. war on terrorism, and 
62.9 per cent were against Bush's north Korea policy. Even the sponsors 
themselves expressed their shock at the dramatic change in public attitude 
towards the U.S. 
Meanwhile, the anti-U.S. sentiment of the south Korean people is growing 
daily with no sign of abating. The anti-U.S. campaign launched in spring will 
turn this year into a year of a brighter future for Korea. 

Filipino Organizations in Canada: U.S. Troops Out of the Philippines Now! - TML

2002-07-05 Thread Stasi


TML Daily

U.S. Troops Out of the Philippines Now!
- Statement of Filipino Organizations in Canada, June 12, 2002 -

As overseas Filipino workers, women, and youth in Canada, we meet June 12
with a greater resolve to continue the Filipino people's struggle for
genuine independence and democracy. With the Philippines currently under
fire by growing U.S. military aggression on sovereign Philippine soil, there
is an ever urgent need to carry on the people's fight for true independence.

Officially, June 12 is the day designated by the Philippine government to
celebrate the so-called independence that the Philippines is now supposedly
enjoying. For the people, this date marks the Filipino people's victory over
their Spanish colonizers of three centuries. The Philippine Revolution of
1896 was the first-ever successful anti-colonial revolution in Asia. But
soon after the people's victory in 1896, U.S. troops invaded the Philippines
and the U.S. has since imposed its imperialist will on the people -- first
holding the Philippines as its colony and now as its semi-colony.

Today, the nation's cries for genuine independence reverberate more clearly
and loudly among the people.

Under the flimsy pretence of helping the Philippine military quell a handful
of rebels of the Abu Sayaff, ironically a group created by the U.S. Central
Intelligence Agency, over 4,000 U.S. combat troops have stormed into the
Philippines since earlier this year to open up the second front in its
international war against terrorism.

In direct violation of Philippine sovereignty and territorial integrity, the
U.S. military is pushing its way throughout the archipelago. Now U.S.
military aggression is spreading with greater intensity outside of the
original combat zone into other areas of the Philippines, as far north as
Central Luzon. President Bush has even proclaimed that the Philippines will
pay for the death of the American held hostage by the Abu Sayaff who was
recently killed in cross-fire from the Philippine military. Even though the
Filipino people are already experiencing a high degree of militarization and
terror, U.S. imperialism is prepared to launch an even more massive military
campaign against the Filipino people.

President Macapagal-Arroyo has been completely subservient to the interests
of U.S. imperialism by constantly and consistently siding with the U.S. in
its bid to maintain control in the Asia Pacific region by using the
Philippines. Macapagal-Arroyo continues the anti-people economic and
political policies of former regimes, and persists in the practice of
flagrant corruption.

For overseas Filipinos, Macapagal-Arroyo's economic policy to pursue the
continued export of highly-skilled Filipino workers to industrialized
countries has caused greater hardship. In Canada, the Filipino community
experiences greater exploitation and oppression. With the worsening economic
crisis in the Philippines pushing thousands more Filipinos to migrate to
Canada, we face greater desperation.

Clearly, with such a puppet president and the re-occupation of the
Philippines by the U.S. military, genuine independence for the Filipino
people remains unanswered.

Therefore, on this June 12, we, as overseas Filipino workers, women, and
youth are resolved in our commitment to continue the Filipino people's
unfinished fight for genuine national freedom and democracy begun over 100
years ago. We will not stand idly by as Macapagal-Arroyo shamelessly stages
a hollow celebration of Philippine independence while U.S. troops re-occupy
our homeland. We will continue to educate, organize, and mobilize our
community to struggle for our genuine equality and development in Canada and
to forward the struggle for a Philippines free from puppets like
Macapagal-Arroyo, free from feudal exploitation, and free from foreign
rule -- we struggle for a nation with true independence.

U.S. troops out of the Philippines now! Out with Macapagal-Arroyo! Down with
U.S. imperialism! Long live the Filipino people's struggle for genuine
independence, freedom, and a just and lasting peace!

Statement of:
B.C. Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines
Filipino-Canadians Against Racism
Filipino Nurses Support Group
Philippine Women Centre of B.C.
SIKLAB (Overseas Filipino workers' organization)
Ugnayan ng Kabataang Pilipino sa Canada/Filipino-Canadian Youth


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Yellow Sea Clash: Anti-DPRK Bogy to Dampen Growing Anti-Americanism [WWW.STOPNA

2002-07-05 Thread Stasi



  Yellow Sea Clash: An All-Familiar 
  Multi-Purpose Anti-N. Korean Bogy to 
  Torpedo James Kelly Pyongyang Visit and Dampen Growing 
  By Kim Myong 
The June 29 Yellow Sea 
clash, which sank one South Korean navy boat, killed four South Korean sailors 
and wounded twenty others, can be safely characterized as an all-familiar 
Cold-War warrior-type general-purpose anti-North Korean bogy invoked to torpedo 
the intended James Kelly visit to Pyongyang, to dampen the growing anti-American 
sentiments in South Korea, and to divert public attention from the arrests of 
South Korean President Kim Dae Jung’s sons.
This picture emerges from 
a critical look at available facts culled from South Korean, Japanese and 
American mass media: (1) a South Korean fisherman’s eyewitness account of the 
naval shootout, (2) specific details of the shooting incident, (3) its timing 
and (4) its political fallout – who stands to benefit most from the 
Things, however, are a 
far cry from the Cold War period. Such an anachronistic anti-North Korean genie 
has a short-lived life. Pandora’s box has now very few genies left, which are 
capable of doing much mischief.
(1) An Anonymous Young 
fisherman’s Eyewitness Account 
Yesterday the Korea 
WebWeekly posted an English version of an eyewitness account of the June 29 
Yellow Sea battle by an anonymous young crab fisherman based on Yonpyong-do 
Island near the scene of the clash. The Korean original was initially posted on 
a South Korean website and then picked up by the South Korean Yonhap News Agency 
and Digital Mal ( 
The point of the 
eyewitness account is that South Korean crab fishing boats violated the North 
Korean waters and that South Korean navy boats rammed two approaching North 
Korean patrol boats at a high speed. Nothing is more provocative and dangerous 
than the act of ramming North Korean patrol boats by South Korean navy boats in 
North Korean waters. This means that two North Korean navy vessels did not take 
any action against the four hostile South Korean navy boats while allowing them 
to approach to the point where they were rammed by the South Korean ships.
(2) Specific Details of 
the Shootout 
The available specific 
details of the shootout strongly indicate that not so much the North Koreans as 
the South Koreans provoked the battle as the South Korean speedboats began 
firing their automatic 20-mm Vulcan Gatling guns at random at the reluctant 
North Korean boats. The South Korean Defense Department said that one North 
Korean patrol boat began firing at South Korean ships at a distance of about 450 
m. This indicates that the North Korean boats did not begin firing for nearly 
one minute after the South Korean navy vessels rammed them. It was not until 
they moved nearly half a kilometer from the South Korean ships that the North 
Korean ship opened fire on the South Korean ships. In other words, the North 
Korean patrol boats did not anticipate the South Koreans to take such action and 
kept their restraint.
According to South Korean 
news accounts, the two North Korean patrol boats are of the SO-1 type, make 25 
knots per hour, displace 215 tons, each carrying one 85 mm gun which strikes a 
target 15.5 km away, one 37 mm gun with a range of 8 km and two 14.5 mm 
machine-guns with a range of 7 km. The 85 mm gun in question is manually 
operated and has a firing rate of 24 spm. In short, the North Korean boats are 
ill prepared for a close battle. 
On the other hand, the 
four South Korean boats are better equipped for close combat. They are 156-ton 
Chamsuri-class speedboats which cruise at 38 knots per hour and are armed with 
one 76 mm naval gun and two 20 mm Vulcan Gatling guns which have a firing rate 
of 2,000 spm with a range of 3 km. The automatically primed 20 mm Vulcan guns 
are capable of wreaking havoc on enemy ships in a close quarter battle.
The key lesson that the 
North Koreans ought to have learned is that the North Koreans must fire a 
torpedo or long-range guns or an anti-ship missile at a South Korean navy vessel 
when the enemy ship violates territorial waters and comes within an effective 
range. However, again the North Koreans restrained their behavior partly because 
the South Koreas are fellow Koreans, not Americans and partly because the South 
Koreans were hosting the World Cup soccer games. Apparently the South Korean 
navy vessels were escorting South Korean fishing boats operating in North Korean 
waters. The North Koreans had good reason to show tolerance. 
It is quite obvious that 
the South Koreans again took advantage of the compatriotic tolerance and 
self-restraint shown by the North Koreans. The South Koreans expected an easy 
replay of the June1999 battle that began with South Korean boats ramming North 
Korean ships and ended with 

Yonhap: Chief of British Defense Staff to Visit S.Korea July 7-9 [WWW.STOPNATO.

2002-07-05 Thread Stasi


Chief of British Defense Staff to Visit Korea July 

 Seoul, July 5 
(Yonhap) -- Admiral Michael Boyce, chief of Britain's Defense Staff, will 
visit South Korea July 7-9 at the invitation of his Korean counterpart, 
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Lee Nam-shin, officials said 
Friday. Boyce will hold talks with Defense Minister Kim 
Dong-shin and the JCS chairman on military exchanges between the two 
countries, including holding a bilateral military cooperation conference 
on a regular basis, officials said.

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Xinhua: Roundup: DPRK-S.Korea Clash Challenges Sunshine Policy [WWW.STOPNATO.

2002-07-05 Thread Stasi




  Roundup: DPRK-S.Korea Clash Challenges "Sunshine Policy" 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-05 


  SEOUL, July 5 (Xinhuanet) -- The "Sunshine Policy" initiated by 
  South Korean President Kim Dae-jung was once again in trouble owing to the 
  armed clash last week between warships of South Korea and the Democratic 
  People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in the Yellow Sea, analysts here said. 
  The inter-Korean relations were relaxed after the historic summit 
  in Pyongyang between South Korean President Kim Dae-jung and DPRK leader 
  Kim Jong Il, on June 13-15, 2000. The South Korean leader proposed the 
  "Sunshine Policy" to promote dialogue with Pyongyang for settlement of 
  Korean Peninsula issues. 
  But the peace process on the Korean Peninsula has been stalemated 
  since U.S. President George W. Bush took office in January and labeled the 
  DPRK as part of the "axis of evil" in his State of the Union speech. 
  The armed clashes, which occurred on June 29 to the southwest of 
  Yonpyong Island in the Yellow Sea, dealt another blow to the sound 
  development of North-South relations. 
  The DPRK blames South Korea for causing the armed clash, claiming 
  that the South Korean fleet and more than 10 fishing boats intruded into 
  the territorial waters of the DPRK, to the southwest of Yonpyong Island in 
  the Yellow Sea, and fired at the DPRK People's Navy, which was on a 
  regular guard mission. 
  In the wake of the armed clash, the South Korean conservative Grand 
  National Party (GNP) on Wednesday said it would propose a non-confidence 
  motion on Defense Minister Kim Dong-shin and other top military leaders 
  unless President Kim sacks them, claiming the defense minister and his 
  colleagues responded "passively" to last week's naval clash, which left 
  four South Korean servicemen dead, one missing and 19 others injured when 
  the two sides exchanged fire. 
  However, the presidential office of Cheong Wa Dae refused the GNP's 
  call for Kim Dong-shin's dismissal. 
  Moreover, Lee Hoi-chang, GNP's candidate for the coming general 
  elections at the end of this year, urged the government to "re-examine" 
  its "Sunshine Policy" toward the DPRK and halt inter-Korean cooperation 
  The government should cancel financial aid to the DPRK and suspend 
  a set of inter-Korean exchange programs such as the Mountain Geumgang 
  tourism business project, Lee said. 
  The GNP holds 130 seats in South Korea's 260-member 
  parliament,while President Kim's Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) holds 
  111 seats. 
  Some MDP members also challenged Kim's DPRK policy, claiming that 
  the "Sunshine Policy" which favors inter-Korean rapprochement projects 
  should be changed. 
  The government talked back by arguing it was not time to discuss 
  such issues. "If something happens, it is important to resolve the matter 
  with a sense of responsibility," presidential spokeswoman Park Sun-sook 
  Amid complaints of some political groups, President Kim's "Sunshine 
  Policy" seemed to face another drawback when the United States, in 
  response to last week's North-South clash, announced on Wednesday that it 
  would cancel the planned trip of an envoy to the DPRK in the second week 
  of July. 
  The South Korean government, which is worried that the clash could 
  hinder the dialogue process between Pyongyang and Washington, planned to 
  send an envoy to the United States after July 4 Independence Day to 
  persuade Washington to continue its talks with Pyongyang, a senior 
  government official said. 
  In contrast with a chorus of opposition, some South Korean experts 
  on inter-Korean relations voiced their support for the sunshine policy, 
  the country's English-language paper Korea Times reported. 
  "The Inter-Korean project continued in 1999 when a similar naval 
  clash occurred and there is no reason to stop the project," said Lee 
  Jong-seok, a research fellow of the Sejong Institute, a private think 
  "The principle of the sunshine policy within a big framework should 
  be kept intact," said Koh Yu-hwan, a professor from the Dongguk 
  University. "If the policy is suspended now, it would be difficult for 
  South Korea to move forward." 
  "The sunshine policy should, in principle, continue because there 
  is no alternative," said Michael Breen, an expert on Korean affairs. 
   --by Wang Mian 


SCMP: US mulls missile transfer to Taiwan [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-05 Thread Stasi



US mulls missile 
  transfer to Taiwan


Story | Next 




  Updated at 10.19am:The 
Bush administration may let Taiwan take delivery of advanced 
air-to-air missiles originally sold on condition they not be 
delivered straight away for fear of triggering a regional arms race, 
the Pentagon said on Friday (HK time). 
At issue is the AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile, 
or AMRAAM, which could be deployed on Taiwan's US-built F-16 fighter 
fleet. Taiwan contracted for 120 of the combat-proven missiles in 
2000. They are now in production by Raytheon. 





policy requires that these missiles not be released to Taiwan unless 
there is evidence that China has similar missiles as part of its 
operational inventory,'' said Defence Department spokesman Air Force 
Maj. Jay Steuck. 
''Our policy is under review,'' he added. ''No decision has been 
made'' on whether the missiles will be sent. 
Word of the policy review follows China's reported testing last 
week of a similar ''fire-and-forget'' missile, the AA-12 ''Adder'' 
built by Russia. Once fired, such missiles use an active radar on 
board to guide them independently. 
The Washington Times, the first to report the test-firing, cited 
US defence officials as saying two Russian-built Su-30 fighters had 
used the weapons to destroy target drones. 
Any deployment of the AA-12, known as the R-77 in Russia, would 
significantly enhance Chinese combat capabilities against Taiwan's 
air force, defence experts said. 
China considers Taiwan a wayward province that must be united 
with the mainland, by force if necessary. 
In Taipei, Major General Peng Chin-ming, head of Taiwan's air 
force's operations bureau, told reporters on Tuesday that Taiwan was 
ready to take delivery of AMRAAMs and confirmed the Chinese test of 
its Russian equivalent. 
Mr Steuck, the Pentagon spokesman, declined comment on the 
reported Chinese test-firing, citing a policy of not discussing 
intelligence matters. Asked about the release of the AMRAAM to 
Taiwan, he referred a caller to the State Department, which oversees 
government-to-government US military sales. 
The State Department had no immediate comment, said a spokesman, 
Frederick Jones. 
Richard Fisher, an expert on the Taiwan and Chinese militaries at 
the Washington-based Jamestown Federation, a research group, said 
Taiwan needed the AMRAAM to counter Chinese military advances. 
In patrols over the Taiwan Strait, Taiwan fighters already were 
reluctant to approach within the ''envelop range'' of short-range 
air-to-air missiles that can be fired from helmet-sited gear used by 
Su-27 and Su-30 fighters, he said. 
The AMRAAM has scored combat victories over the skies in Iraq, 
Bosnia and Kosovo, according to Raytheon. It can be launched at an 
enemy aircraft day or night regardless of weather 


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US: Calm urged amid chaos of LA airport shooting - Guardian [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-07-05 Thread Stasi


Calm urged amid chaos of LA airport shooting
Oliver Burkeman in New York
Friday July 5, 2002
The Guardian

Intense security was stepped up still further across the United States
yesterday as Americans nervously celebrating Independence Day tried to
absorb what initially seemed to be exactly the kind of news they had been

Three people were killed at Los Angeles airport when a gunman opened fire
near the El Al counter, killing a man and a woman and wounding seven others
before being shot dead by a security guard for the Israeli airline.

In New York, where about 4,000 police officers were joined by fighter jet
patrols with hours to go before a massive firework display along Manhattan's
eastern shore, the shooting in Los Angeles prompted increased police
protection for Israeli locations including the El Al area at JFK
international airport in Queens.

We are going to err on the side of caution here, New York's police
commissioner, Ray Kelly, told CNN. We're going to the El Al facilities...
providing extra coverage at the airport and other high-profile locations we
have covered in the past, we're now putting additional police coverage in
those locations.

Flight restrictions were already in place at altitudes lower than 10,000
feet over Manhattan - an echo of the days immediately after September 11 -
with similar precautions in Washington DC, where people celebrating the
226th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence at the National Mall
were subject to rigorous screening and bag searching.

But with news that the FBI did not have reason to believe the incident was
terrorist-related came a concerted push by law enforcement agencies and
civic leaders for Americans to enjoy themselves as planned.

We want everyone to go on and enjoy the holiday - we'd like people to be
vigilant, though, to be a little bit on guard, on alert, Mr Kelly said. If
anybody sees anything out of the ordinary we would appreciate a call [but]
go out and enjoy - law enforcement is very much on the job.

Speaking at a press conference called after the shooting, James Hahn, the
mayor of Los Angeles, advised a similar watchful calm. I don't know that
there's any reason for the travelling public to shy away this moment from
air travel, he told reporters.

And as news spread of the crash of a small private plane into a crowd
enjoying Fourth of July celebrations in a Los Angeles suburb, killing at
least one person, a spokeswoman for the federal aviation administration,
Laura Brown, urged calm. The crash sounds completely like an accident, she

A certain jitteriness had characterised preparations for events across the
country yesterday - from the famous Boston Pops concert alongside the city's
Charles river, to the notorious hot-dog eating contest on Coney Island.

The day was the first major test for the homeland security coordination
centre, which was reported to be monitoring about 2,100 events nationwide.

The tension on what was a swelteringly hot day - with a high of 38C forecast
in Washington - had been heightened early on when the nation woke to FBI
warnings that people with terrorist ties had downloaded pictures of
stadiums in Indiana and Missouri from the internet. But they had no
information about planned attacks, they said, and both venues were shut for
the holiday.

There was no immediate response from the White House to the Los Angeles
incident. Speaking at a war veterans' memorial in Ripley, Virginia, George
Bush made gratitude the message of the first presidential Independence Day
speech since September 11.

The anniversary of America's independence is a day for gratitude and a day
for celebration, he said. On the Fourth of July we count our blessings.
And there are so many to count: we're thankful for the families we love,
we're thankful for the opportunities in America, we're thankful for our
freedom, the freedom declared by our founding fathers, defended by many
generations, and granted to each one of us by Almighty God.

California's governor, Gray Davis, said: I can assure the people of
California that there are more law enforcement officials on duty in
California tonight than has ever been the case, and that was before the
incident at LA airport... I would encourage them to continue with the

Mr Davis said the shooting did not indicate a failure of the state's
security plans. The law enforcement profession are going to withhold
judgment about what, if any, changes should be made to airport security
until they determine exactly what was going on, he said.

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Guardian: Saddam's stepson sparks anti-terrorist false alarm [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-07-05 Thread Stasi


Saddam's stepson sparks anti-terrorist 
false alarm 
Ewen MacAskill, 
diplomatic editorFriday July 5, 2002The Guardian 
Given the current heightened state 
of alert of US security services, suspicion was aroused when a man of Middle 
Eastern appearance turned up at passport control this week and was discovered to 
be planning to sign up for a Florida flight school. 
Concern grew when investigators found that the school, the Aeroservice 
Aviation Centre, was the same as that attended by one of the September 11 
Suspicion turned to alarm when the man, Mohammed Nour al-Din Saffi, was found 
to be the stepson of one of America's foremost public enemies, Saddam Hussein. 
But the fears appear to be groundless. Although Mr Saffi, 36, is apparently 
related to Saddam, he is now a New Zealand citizen. He has lived there since 
1997 and works as an engineer for a New Zealand airline. 
Intensive investigations by the New Zealand security services after September 
11 found no terrorist links. US security agents have reached the same 
But he is being held at the Krome detention centre in Miami and is to be 
deported to New Zealand because his papers were not in order. 
There has been no history of Iraq sponsoring terrorism overseas for 10 years. 
A suspected Iraqi agent was convicted of the attack on the World Trade Centre in 
1993 and there was an assassination attempt on the then president, George Bush, 
in Kuwait about the same time. 
Ms Orihuela said intelligence agents tracked Mr Saffi after he flew into Los 
Angeles from New Zealand late on Tuesday or early Wednesday. He flew on to Miami 
international airport and was arrested soon after checking into the Comfort Inn. 

James Goldman, assistant director of investigations at the US immigration and 
naturalisation service, said Mr Saffi turned up on a tourist visa and failed to 
tell customs agents of his intention to take the air training course. He had not 
applied for the required student visa. 
Mr Goldman said Mr Saffi, who has a pilot's licence, was seeking 
recertification training at the flight school. 
US papers reported that Mr Saffi is the eldest son of Samira al-Shahbandar, 
Saddam's second wife. 

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian 
Newspapers Limited 2002 

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Guardian - Bush's war is the new Great Game [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-04 Thread Stasi



Bush's war is the new Great 
But it looks a lot less fun when bombs fall from a clear night sky 
TisdallThursday July 
4, 2002The 
How goes the war on terror? 
President George Bush, America's commander-in-chief, is in no doubt it is going 
swimmingly - and will say so today. "Our fine servicemen and women are fighting 
and winning the war on terror," Mr Bush will proclaim in his Independence Day 
address. "They deserve the gratitude of all people who cherish freedom." 
Gratitude will come hard to relatives of the 40 Afghan civilians "liberated" 
from the Taliban yoke only to be killed by the US air force this week north of 
Kandahar. A Pentagon spokesman admitted a bomb had gone astray. But "it's 
unclear whether those [Afghan] casualties were the result of our errant bomb or 
from falling anti-aircraft artillery rounds," he said. In other words, the 
Afghans may have bombed themselves. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has 
meanwhile flatly declined to offer an apology. 
Such cold-hearted prevarication will be familiar to the relatives of four 
Canadian soldiers killed by US forces in April in another "friendly fire" 
incident. The Pentagon finally admitted in late June that this "sad event" was 
caused by "the failure of two pilots to exercise appropriate flight discipline 
which resulted in ... an inappropriate use of lethal force". 
These two incidents, like several similar tragedies in Afghanistan, are 
routinely attributed to the fortunes of war. In time of strife, it is said, 
accidents happen. But if the US were to stop throwing its weight around in an 
increasingly (and literally) aimless way, such horrors might be avoided. 
Many wonder what the US military thinks its objective is. After last winter's 
Tora Bora and Operation Anaconda failures it must be clear even to them that all 
the al-Qaida and Taliban fugitives who matter have long since absconded, to 
Pakistan and beyond. 
With the Afghan front stalemated, Pentagon attempts to extend its "global" 
war into new theatres have proved problematic. US troops on Basilan island in 
the Philippines appear only to have precipitated a shootout that ended in a 
long-held American hostage being killed. On the other hand, there have been 
telling civilian intelligence coups in Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Italy against 
So should the US military in Afghanistan pack up and go home, leaving the 
anti-terror campaign to the spooks and Afghanistan to the peacekeepers? That is 
a difficult proposition for Mr Bush. The Afghan campaign has become a showcase 
for his administration's post-September 11 international coalition. As the US is 
attacked on all sides for arrogant unilateralism, the coalition represents the 
White House's one attempt at multilateralism. US-dominated, deeply unequal, 
arm-twisting multilateralism perhaps, yet multilateralism all the same. But as 
Britain withdraws its combat troops from Afghanistan for want of anything 
meaningful to do, Washington's need to demonstrate global support is verging on 
the desperate. 
A recent Pentagon "fact sheet" noted with pride that Bulgaria had made 
available "two heavy mechanised bridges, two bulldozers and six Zil trucks". 
Plucky Estonia has unleashed "two explosive-detection dog teams" and France has 
come up with a"deployable weather bureau". The German contingent is paying 
special attention to "Afghan war widows" while Norway's contributions include 
"personal items" for a 700-man battalion. 
"Malaysia has provided access to Malaysian intelligence," the Pentagon 
reports mysteriously. While Italy's war effort includes a forklift and some 
road-menders, Russia has chipped in with some second-hand vehicles - one careful 
Red Army lady owner, low mileage, taxed and tested, it's all yours in the cause 
of international solidarity, comrade. Canada's navy, meanwhile, has 
distinguished itself by seizing 4,500lbs of hashish in the north Arabian sea 
valued at $60m. Little has since been heard of the jolly matelots of HMCS 
Looking through the Pentagon "fact sheet", it becomes ever clearer that the 
war on terror in Afghanistan is turning into something quite different from the 
tough, bloody struggle initially envisaged. It is becoming a quasi-permanent, 
multinational military jamboree. Afghanistan is the Pentagon's new playing field 
and parade ground, and everybody who calls himself a friend is joining in. 
Quite what President Hamid Karzai makes of all this, sitting impotently in 
Kabul, is anybody's guess. But who's asking him anyway? In effect, the "Great 
Game" of old empire days has entered a new round, more akin to bingo than 
diplomacy. Everybody has a hand to play; all want a stake. Post-Taliban 
Afghanistan is a fun outing for military top brass. 
Fun, that is, until "errant bombs" fall unannounced from a clear night sky 
and Mr Bush's heroes get bored or frightened and 

Guardian - 'Anti-American' has become a thought-killing smear [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-07-04 Thread Stasi



'Anti-American' has become a 
thought-killing smear 
Independence Day is a good time to defend the necessity of real debate 

Hugo YoungThursday July 4, 2002The Guardian 
Between September 11 and July 4, 
this Independence Day in America, I find I've written 22 Guardian columns 
devoted one way or another to what grew out of that infamous September moment. 
Perhaps it was too many. For sure, these pieces contained their share of 
mis-spoken words and fragile judgments. But here was the big subject. It raised 
so many issues of global concern, from Euro-American relations, through all the 
Blair-Bush encounters, into the Middle East process, on to civil liberties. How 
to forestall and suppress global terrorism is the greatest of all contemporary 
challenges, subsuming many others about economic and territorial justice on a 
grand scale. I've tried to address them as a reporter and analyst, as much as an 
opinionated columnist. 
Independence Day, however, is the moment to note an unhappy trend. Discourse 
and relationships have narrowed not broadened in 10 months. There's a hardening 
of tone between Europe and America. I sense trenches being dug. In particular, 
it becomes ever more difficult to discuss these colossal problems, rife with 
potential for prudent scepticism, in words that don't call forth instant 
labelling as to their categoric loyalty or treason. At the beginning, President 
Bush stared at the world and said you are either with us or against us. Time 
hasn't worked any refinement of his message, rather the reverse. We are all 
anti-Americans now, unless we happen to be pro. 
Each side has made its contribution to this starkness. The Europeans began 
it, with the voices that refused to address what had happened. A seam of 
vindictiveness exposed itself. Anti-American paranoia enjoyed its finest hour, 
in some quarters, at the hands of Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 
This lack of empathy, though no longer so pitiless, is still apparent in 
Europe. Despite the best efforts of some reporters, the European mind - which 
includes the British mind - recoils from what America has embraced. It does not 
understand the enormity of what happened not only to New York and Washington but 
to the psyche of a once invulnerable nation. Most of Europe still tends to take 
its own experience of terrorism as a reason to disdain Americans' over-reaction 
to their own taste of it, and I'm speaking of the citizens at least as much as 
the political leaders. Ultimately, there's a difference of caring and a want of 
This has led Europeans into some amnesiac generalisations. They speak about 
Americans without remembering history, or distinguishing between the people and 
the Bush regime. They overlook American generosity both as a world power - which 
nation was it that saved the world from German and Soviet tyranny? - and as a 
nation of open doors and open hearts. Though the government, even one with a 
mandate as doubtful as George Bush's, can be said to be acting for the people, 
it seems important to be as careful in vaporising about Americans as about, say, 
Jewish or black people. Ethnic monoliths are a curse at every level of humanity. 

But some Americans are moving down the same slope. Europeans too are 
generalised into infamy by the east-coast zeitgeist. Europe has been smeared as 
generally anti-semitic, on the basis of a microscopic number of voters in two or 
three countries. Europe is stigmatised as wimpish if not cowardly, because it 
does not place the same faith as America in the military response to terrorism. 
To some extent, each continent is reacting according to the facts of 
geo-politics. Lesser powers have always sparred with great ones, as jealousies 
collide. No formerly lesser power knows this better than America. In 1795, John 
Adams, on the brink of the presidency of a new country still suffering under the 
transatlantic yoke, wrote to his wife Abigail: "I wish that misfortune and 
adversity could soften the temper and humiliate the insolence of John Bull. But 
he is not yet sufficiently humble. If I mistake not, it is the destiny of 
America one day to beat down his pride." 
Now that the beating is long done, Europeans have a problem that's acutely 
visible at this time. They may never be sufficiently humble, but they should at 
least be clear. Neither the most pro- nor the most anti-American European 
governments, including this one, are unambiguous about what they want America to 
do or be. Sometimes, as in the Middle East and Afghanistan, they want 
intervention of a certain kind. Other times, they rail against American 
interventionism as if it were an ideological disease. There is justice in the 
Pentagon's scorn for a continent that wants America to do the heavy lifting 
against terror, while it dithers on the side. 
Americans also need to consider some unlearned lessons. In power 

Guardian - MPs to investigate four army deaths [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-04 Thread Stasi


MPs to investigate four army 
Nick Hopkins, crime 
correspondentThursday July 4, 2002The Guardian 
MPs yesterday took the unusual step 
of launching their own investigation into the deaths of four soldiers at the 
army's Royal Logistics Corps headquarters at Deepcut, Surrey. 
The chairman of the Commons defence committee, Bruce George, will tell Surrey 
police, which is reinvestigating the shooting of one of the soldiers, Private 
Geoff Gray, that it intends to begin its independent inquiry as soon as 
detectives have concluded their work. 
The committee, which normally confines itself to matters of policy and 
Ministry of Defence expenditure, could recommend a public inquiry. 
Concern over the circumstances surrounding the death of Pte Gray, 17, and 
three other soldiers, has been mounting in recent months with the families of 
the victims maintaining that the army has been involved in a cover-up. 
Private Gray died from two gunshot wounds to the head - either would have 
killed him - during guard duty at the barracks last September. His body was 
found near the perimeter fence at least 50 minutes after shots were fired at a 
spot that had already been searched four times by a team of soldiers. A witness 
saw a man running away from the scene, but the MoD told Private Gray's family 
that their son had committed suicide. 
At an inquest in March, the coroner, Michael Burgess, recorded an open 
verdict and said: "I do not find that he took his own life." 
Since then Surrey police has started reinvestigating Gray's death, and three 
other families have come forward with claim of mysterious "suicides" at the base 
in the last seven years. 
In June 1995, Private Sean Benton, 20, died from five gunshot wounds to the 
chest. Five months later, the body of Private Cheryl James, 18, was discovered 
in woodland 90ft outside the garrison perimeter. Private James Collinson, 17, 
died on March 23 this year from a single gunshot wound to the head just hours 
after seeing his parents. Three of the four bodies were found in the officers' 
com pound to which access is tightly controlled. 
The defence committee agreed yesterday to investigate the circumstances of 
the deaths, and issues relating to training for new recruits. It will also 
consider allegations of drug abuse and bullying at the barracks. 
Mike Hancock, a Liberal Democrat committee member, said the inquiry would be 
robust: "We will visit the camp and encourage soldiers and witnesses to come 
forward to give evidence to us. We want to get to the bottom of what has been 
going on at Deepcut." 
Mr Hancock said that if army claims that some of the soldiers may have had 
psychological problems were true, then it raised important questions relating to 
why the soldiers were being allowed on duty with live ammunition. 
Private Gray's father, who is also called Geoff, welcomed the committee's 
decision: "It's important that MPs have a chance to talk to people and draw 
their own conclusions. We want a public inquiry and this investigation adds 
pressure to our campaign." 

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian 
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scmp- Taiwan and Beijing rush to build up submarine fleets [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-07-04 Thread Stasi


Taiwan and Beijing rush to build up submarine fleets 
Updated at 2.45pm:China and Taiwan are taking 
their military rivalry to new depths _ underwater. 
The two sides have spent billions of dollars on the latest weapons. Taiwan 
has maintained an edge in the air with hundreds of fighter planes made by the 
United States and France. But China is eroding that edge, buying new fighter 
planes and destroyers and, last month, reportedly test-firing an air-to-air 
Russian missile. 
Now China is building up its ability to menace 
trade-dependent Taiwan at sea, acquiring eight new missile-armed Russian 
submarines in a deal that military analysts say strengthens the Chinese as a 
serious maritime force. 
''The enhanced sub operation will definitely provide China the advantage to 
conduct a blockade in the Taiwan Strait. It will shift the balance of power,'' 
said Andrew Yang, secretary general at the Chinese Council of Advanced Policy 
Studies, a Taipei think tank with close ties with Taiwan's Defence Ministry. 
The latest Chinese deal - eight Kilo-class submarines for US$1.5 billion, due 
to be delivered over the next five years - was reported last month by the 
Interfax-Military News Agency. 
The Russian and Chinese governments have refused to comment. 
Taiwan has been trying to strengthen its own underwater ability, lobbying 
Washington since 1982 for help in acquiring submarines that could help the 
island fight any potential naval blockade by China. 
Last week, Taiwan made a rare comment about the issue, saying a potential 
US$6 billion deal for eight subs was ''going very smoothly''. 
The new focus on submarine rivalry highlights the lopsided strategic balance 
between the two sides. 
For decades, the mainland has had a vastly larger military than Taiwan, which 
has countered by spending heavily on keeping ahead technologically. 
Taiwan lies just 150 kilometres off the mainland's coast. But until recently, 
the mainland had only a tiny navy unable either to invade or to threaten the 
ocean-borne economic lifeline of the island, one of the world's biggest trading 
Since the early 1990s, however, China's growing wealth has let it modernise 
militarily, building or buying new weapons - often with Russian help. 
Russia's arms exports to China are believed to total about US$1 billion a 
year. According to Interfax, Russia is building two new destroyers for China 
armed with the latest radar, missiles and anti-submarine weapons. The Chinese 
military already has acquired Russian supersonic Su-27 fighters and the 
technology to build its own. 
Washington, Taiwan's biggest arms supplier, is struggling to fill its 
submarine order because US shipyards make only nuclear subs. The blueprints and 
expertise for making diesel-electric boats would have to come from another 
country, most likely European. 
Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian said in June that while Taiwan is not in an 
arms race with China, ''we should do all we can to gain a substantial 
Washington broke relations with Taiwan in 1979 to form ties with Beijing. But 
the US government has also implicitly promised to help the island by providing 
weapons necessary for its defence. 
Chen Kuo-ming, editor of the magazine Defence International, which covers the 
Taiwanese military, said Russia, eager for sales, is likely to fill China's 
order sooner than promised. 
''By 2005, China will be able to pose a serious air and naval threat,'' Mr 
Chen said. 
According to military analysts, Taiwan probably won't get its boats until 
2010, leaving it more open to an attack or blockade. 
Mr Chen said he doubted that with China's growing economic might, Taiwan will 
be able to keep pace as its arms spending grows. 
''Only big countries can afford an arms race,'' he said. ''In the long run, 
we definitely won't be able to keep up with 

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Xinhua- Chief of PLA General Staff Meets Russian Guests [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-04 Thread Stasi



  Chief of PLA General Staff Meets Russian 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-03 


  BEIJING, July 3 (Xinhuanet) -- Fu Quanyou, chief of General Staff 
  of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, met here Wednesday with Victor. 
  S. Chechevatov, president of the Military Institute of theGeneral Staff of 
  the Russian Armed Forces. 
  Fu, also a member of the Central Military Commission, said thatthe 
  PLA valued its relations with the Russian armed forces, and Sino-Russian 
  military relations had been promoted as relations between the two 
  countries have developed. 
  The Russian military institute was renowned around the world, said 
  Fu, who hoped that the Chinese and Russian military institutes would 
  cooperate closely in research and teaching. 
  Chechevaov said that the Russian military valued relations withthe 
  PLA, and their cooperation had expanded in recent years. 
  He voiced the hope to continue cooperation between the Russian 
  Military Institute and the Chinese University of National Defense to help 
  push forward friendly relations between the two armed forces. Enditem 

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Xinhua- China Backs DPRK to Keep Dialog with ROK, U.S. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-04 Thread Stasi




  ¡¡China Backs DPRK to Keep Dialog with ROK, U.S. 



  Xinhuanet 2002-07-04 


  BEIJING, July 4 (Xinhuanet) -- China backs the Democratic People's 
  Republic of Korea (DPRK) to increase mutual trust and enhance exchanges 
  and relations with the Republic of Korea (POK) and the United States 
  through dialog, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said Thursday. 
  At a regular press conference in Beijing, Liu Jianchao said China 
  has been dedicated to peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula and 
  holds that the north and south should improve their relations so as to 
  eventually achieve peaceful unification. 
  China will continue to keep to this position in the future and play 
  a constructive role in on the Korean Peninsula issue, he added. 
  The present situation on the Korean Peninsula was, on the 
  whole,tending to relax with some steps taken by both sides to improve 
  their relations, Liu said, noting that the recent fire-exchange incident 
  was merely an episode in the course of the on-going relaxation of tension 
  on the Korean Peninsular, he said. The Chinese side hopes that the 
  situation on the peninsula will be able to go on developing toward the 
  direction of relaxation. Enditem 


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BBC- US army colonel charged with bribery [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-04 Thread Stasi


Thursday, 4 July, 2002, 13:01 GMT 14:01 UK 
US army colonel charged with 
A US Army colonel and his wife have been charged in an 
alleged bribery scheme involving South Korean businesses which were seeking US 
Government contracts. 
Colonel Richard James Moran is alleged to have received thousands of dollars 
in bribe money from two South Korean companies. 
The two firms were eventually awarded millions of dollars in contracts, which 
included the construction of military barracks at US bases. 
Army investigators found more than $700,000 in $100 notes hidden in the Moran 
home at Yongsan Army Base, according to the indictment, which was filed in 
"They did it the old fashioned way. They hid it, most of it, under their 
mattress," said Assistant US Attorney Tom McConville. 
Mr Moran and his wife Gina were arrested in South Korea. 
They are due in court on Friday on multiple charges of bribery, money 
laundering and conspiracy, Mr McConville said. 
Three civilians have also been charged. 
Mr Moran was responsible for approving more than $300 million annually in 
government contracts. 


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BBC- Trans-China pipeline deal signed [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-04 Thread Stasi


Thursday, 4 July, 2002, 05:18 GMT 06:18 UK 
Trans-China pipeline deal 
Two oil giants are leading a project to build a pipeline 
across China, in one of the country's largest engineering projects since the 
Great Wall. 
Petrochina, China's top oil company, has signed a deal with a consortium led 
by Anglo-Dutch energy group Shell to build an west-to-east pipeline across the 
The pipeline, which stretches from north western deserts to Shanghai on the 
east coast, represents one of the biggest engineering feats in China's history. 
Only the Three Gorges Dam, which is costing China's government about $25bn, 
constitutes a larger task. 
The companies want to finish building the 4,000km pipeline by 2004, at which 
time 12 billion cubic metres of gas a year should flow from Xinjiang through 
eight intervening provinces and across both the Yangtse and Yellow Rivers all 
the way to Shanghai. 
Huge reserves 
Petrochina, which is part-owned by BP, will take a 50% stake in the project, 
with consortium members Shell, US-based ExxonMobil and Russia's Gazprom taking 
15% each. 
The remaining 5% will go to Sinopec, China's main indigenous oil firm. 
Petrochina has huge gas reserves in the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang, a 
mountainous and on occasion lawless region, and is desperate to make them 
accessible to the rest of the country. 
A collateral advantage would be to help wean Chinese consumers off coal, 
part-responsible for the smog which envelops many Chinese cities. 
The project is likely to cost around $20bn, with pipeline construction, at a 
price tag of $5.5bn, largely paid for by the three foreign firms. 
Upstream spending, the industry term for the cost of exploration and 
development rather than refining and shipping, will cost the companies a further 


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BBC- North Korea moves to ease tensions [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-04 Thread Stasi


Thursday, 4 July, 2002, 08:56 GMT 09:56 UK 
North Korea moves to ease 


  The naval clash has made the South's public 
  furiousNorth Korea has indicated that it wants to reduce the 
escalating tension with South Korea following their deadly naval clash at the 
Pyongyang said in a statement released on Thursday - the 30th anniversary of 
a landmark agreement with the South - that it would push for dialogue with its 
"The North and South of Korea should develop North-South relations into those 
of dialogue and co-operation, not confrontation and war," the statement said, 
according to the North's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). 
The two sides of the divided Korean peninsula have traded blame for starting 
the battle on Saturday, which left four South Koreans and 30 North Koreans dead. 

Peace overtures 
But for the first time on Thursday, North Korea adopted a more conciliatory 
tone towards the South. 
"We will make all our efforts to smoothly promote dialogue and co-operation 
as both sides agreed under the banner of the 4 July joint statement and the 15 
June joint declaration," said North Korea's Committee for Peaceful Reunification 
of the Fatherland - a government agency in charge of relations with the South. 


  More than 30 sailors were killed in the 
The 4 July joint statement was signed in 1972. In it, the two Koreas agreed 
to work toward peaceful reunification of their peninsula. A similar agreement 
was signed on 15 June 2000 after their leaders held a historic summit. 
Thursday's statement did not mention the weekend naval battle, which was the 
worst maritime clash between the two sides for three years. 
The 20-minute battle took place on the border unilaterally imposed by the 
United Nations after the Korean War ended in 1953 and which the North does not 
The clash has created enormous public anger in the South. Several thousand 
South Korean army veterans and their supporters launched a public protest on 
Thursday, burning a picture of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il before marching 
through Seoul. 
But President Kim Dae-jung has said his "sunshine policy" of improving ties 
with the North may be stalled but will not be scrapped. 
Halting shipments of South Korea's rice surplus to the North is being 
considered, as is a delay to a deal to install a mobile phone network in the 
isolationist state. 
The US, for its part, has said that the State Department will no longer be 
sending a special envoy to North Korea in July to resume bilateral talks. 
However a diplomatic source told Reuters news agency on Thursday that North 
Korean Foreign Minister Paek Nam-sun is expected to attend the Asean regional 
forum in July, in which case he may meet his counterparts from the US, South 
Korea and Japan. 

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BBC - Mass drugs bust at US base [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-04 Thread Stasi


Wednesday, 3 July, 2002, 18:24 GMT 19:24 UK 
Mass drugs bust at US 
The US Marines introduced drugs testing last 

More than 80 US Marines and sailors have been convicted in 
one of the largest drug busts in US military history. 
Investigators seized $1.5m of narcotics including Ecstasy, cocaine, LSD and 
methamphetamine at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. 


  Respect for the US military has never been 
  higher in the USOf the 84 charged, 61 were accused of distributing drugs 
and 23 were accused of using them. 
Another 99 civilians have also been charged in connection with similar 
offences following the operation, codenamed Xterminator. 
No details on the type of convictions have been revealed, but the US military 
imposes a maximum sentence of 15 years for dealing drugs and five years for drug 


  It's not an epidemic by any means 

  Major Steve Cox Investigators were alerted two years ago by a large 
number of Marines using nightclubs in Wilmington, 40 miles south of the camp. 
Base spokesman Major Steve Cox said those involved were only a tiny fraction 
of the 60,000 personnel at the coastal base. 
"That's 0.001% of the forces at Camp Lejeune. It's not an epidemic by any 
means," he said. 
"From a Marine Corps perspective, we view drug use as a societal issue. We 
would be naive to think our Marines are not using drugs." 
Although drugs in the military are not rare, they usually involve a smaller 
number of people. 
The US Air Force Academy in Colorado was rocked by a rash of incidents last 
year with one cadet sentenced to three and a half years in a military prison for 
using and dealing drugs such as Ecstasy and LSD. 
Sniffer dogs 
Five cadets at the US Naval Academy in Maryland were court-martialled and 
jailed on drugs charges in 1986 and 15 others were expelled. 
The Marines joined other branches of the US military last December in 
introducing random drugs testing. 
Tests are becoming more sensitive and more are being done at weekends and on 
Mondays because by Tuesday, Ecstasy taken on a Saturday may be undetectable. 
Dogs are also being trained to detect Ecstasy in lockers. 
The case at Camp Lejeune comes at a time when respect for the military has 
never been higher, with Americans ranking it the country's most trustworthy 

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BBC- UN hails 'positive' Iraq talks [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-04 Thread Stasi


Thursday, 4 July, 2002, 15:11 GMT 16:11 UK 



UN hails 'positive' Iraq 
Iraq has refused to allow UN inspectors back 
Talks on whether arms inspectors can return to Iraq have 
been positive, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said on Thursday - but there is 
no sign of a major breakthrough. 
Asked if anything concrete would come of the meeting with Iraqi officials, Mr 
Annan smiled and said: "Inshallah", the Arabic word for "God willing". 


  Annan: 'God willing', progress will be made 
The UN wants to see its arms inspectors return to Baghdad after a ban of more 
than three years. 
But Iraq wants to discuss when the sanctions imposed on it after the 1991 
Gulf War will be lifted - as well as what the UN can do about US threats to 
overthrow Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. 
"I am satisfied by the talks we had this morning and I hope we can resume 
them in the same spirit," Mr Annan told reporters after a morning one-on-one 
meeting with Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri. 
"We had serious talks in an honest manner," Mr Sabri said, echoing Mr Annan's 
positive mood. "I am satisfied with the way it went." 
UN officials have warned not to expect too much from the two-day meeting in 
The UN Security Council sees the return of the arms inspectors as an 
essential step before any talk of lifting the 12-year-old economic sanctions on 
Diplomatic waltz 
This is the third meeting between the Iraqis and the UN since the beginning 
of the year. 
Earlier talks have been something of a diplomatic waltz around the issues 
that have so far prevented Baghdad from agreeing to the return of the weapons 
UN weapons inspectors were pulled out of Iraq just before the United States 
and Britain launched a round of air strikes in December, 1998 to punish Baghdad 
for blocking their work. 
Iraq has not allowed them back in since to search for the chemical, 
biological or nuclear weapons that it has been accused of continuing to develop. 

However, UN diplomats did hail one agreement on Thursday as a "significant" 
Iraq agreed to return 90% of the archives it took when it occupied Kuwait. 
Mr Sabri and Mr Annan held one-on-one talks on Thursday morning, while other 
officials joined them in the afternoon. The talks will continue on Friday. 


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