[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-05 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 With all due respect to Rick, who in all likelihood
 really is a nice guy, I wouldn't trust his powers
 of discrimination any further than I could throw him.

/me bites tongue.. OW!

OK, assuming anyone can read this as the blood gushes from my mouth, I just 
gotta say that Unc's willingness to point fingers at everyone else has led me 
to severely damage myself.

You'll be hearing from my lawyer, Barry.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
   This is not a fair fight Curtis.  Cut him some slack.
  That was my mistake last time Steve.  I believed that. 
  I appreciate your balancing comments and genuine affection 
  for the guy though.  I've got a harder climb on that score.  
  My sights are just focused on containment of damage this 
  time around.  
 As long as we've stopped pulling punches, we might
 as well lay the blame for Ravi having once again
 disrupted this forum and brought it down to his
 level where it belongs -- with Rick.
 Rick has now -- possibly in an attempt to be the 
 nice guy he'd like to be perceived as -- allowed
 two people who would be better placed in mental
 hospitals to roam around here free, declaring 
 their Enemies Lists, making actual threats, and
 most important, *getting worse themselves*. 
 Is there any *question* that Ravi has grown more
 insane since returning to FFL, and being placed
 in a position of being able once again to troll 
 for other people's attention? Is there any 
 *question* that Dan Friedman has done the same 
 thing, and is at this point dangerous to
 himself and others.
 All of this because Rick wants to be a nice guy
 rather than actually PAY SOME ATTENTION to 
 what is happening on the forum he created, and 
 what the crazy trolls are doing to it. 
 Alex, you were possibly privy to any agreement
 between Rick and Ravi, and Rick and Dan, trying 
 to get them to keep their shit in their pants and
 not fling it around like monkeys. My bet is that 
 Ravi was allowed to come back on the condition 
 that he not start attacking Curtis and other 
 people again, and that Dan was allowed to stay 
 on the condition that he stop making threats
 of actual, physical violence against people here.
 Do you think either of those things happened?
 It's sad to see this place returned to the snake
 pit it was a few months ago. It's even sadder to
 realize that on some level the reason it has is
 that Rick seems to prefer it that way.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread JohnY

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 Crowds of people are like schools of fish.  They swim by an outside performer 
 with the mentality of a single entity.  The trick for a busker is to break 
 them out of the trance so they will pay attention to me.  Pay is the key 
 word here. I need them to stop their internal dialog long enough to extract 
 something green and crisp from their wallets and purses.
 Bring on the children!  They are perfect for this agenda.  Easily distracted 
 by novel things in the environment (me and my instruments), and lacking the 
 intense internal dialog of having mortgage payments and making it to their 
 car before the meter maid, they are ideal co-conspirators.  I invite them up 
 with maracas so they can join the show.  Parents get it right away, artistic 
 enrichment for the center of their universe.  Now that the stage is set, I 
 have something hidden to show you.
 She was one of those little girls with something extra, the sparkle of 
 magnetic charisma.  I see plenty of them coming out of the good homes in 
 Northern Virginia. The right schools, plenty of vitamin D enriched milk, and 
 tons of confidence to project a beamer of a smile full of orthodontist 
 approved, well-flossed teeth.  She was around eleven.  Her brown hair was 
 pulled into a loose pony tail by some fluorescent pink scrunchy fabric.  The 
 only thing out of the ordinary was that she crowded me a bit after she got 
 her maraca. Younger kids will do this, and as the Mayor of Munchkin Land, it 
 is up to me to get them to back off and give me some performance space.  
 Decking one of the kids with my heavy steel resonator guitar in one of my tip 
 inspiring flourishes, leaving them cold cocked on the boardwalk, would 
 definitely cut into profits.  But a girl this age usually keeps her distance, 
 so it got my attention that she was standing very close to me with one side 
 of her body.
 I swiveled my head and my eyes caught something that instantly put me on red 
 alert.  The arm she was crowding me with was cut off right below the elbow 
 and she was using me to shield it from the audience. Her arm was not this way 
 from birth.  Something sinister and terrible had done this, and it left a 
 fiery red zipper of violated flesh. Our eyes met and I gave her a nod.  We 
 were thick as thieves in an instant and she relaxed into a nervous giggle.  
 Like a Sicilian made-man, I was bonded to her through omerta.  It was a 
 matter of trust, and I felt it in my chest. 
 We began to play close like Sonny and a miniature Cher.  People probably 
 thought she was my niece or something, who else would play together with this 
 familiarity?  Her father was all smiles.  She was a brave kid, this is not 
 easy performing in front of strangers. A crowd formed supporting the cute 
 little girl and the bluesman.  They had no clue to the fierceness of her 
 jagged asymmetry.  She kept herself sideways, showing the world who she 
 wanted to be, and they bought it. At the song's end she shot me a 
 conspiratorial look.  I sensed something gritty in those eyes.  A steeliness 
 forged by the fires of pediatric ward hell.  I wondered about her mom and 
 dad, who had spent the hours in the hospital making the painful decisions 
 that lead to this.  Oh bullshit, I have no idea.  She ran off back to her 
 dad.  His look combined sincere thanks with you have no idea. Or maybe I 
 just read all that in myself, it is so hard to tell sometimes. When our eyes 
 met I forgot to breath for a moment.  I saw people moving in with tips in 
 slow motion.
 Someday I hope she finds a real stand up guy.  A guy who will always take her 
 left side, and wrapping his arm around her far shoulder, will press her 
 close, feeling her arm halfway across his own back, and she will feel safe 
 and brave, facing the world.

Beautifully written . and she will ;) 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread turquoiseb
The fascinating thing from my point of view, Curtis, is that
Nabby (and possibly a few others here) go ballistic and react
as if you had attacked *them* because you were less than guru-
whipped and treated Maharishi just like any other person.

Their level of identification with and attachment to *him* is so
great that they really can't tell the difference any more between
someone criticizing him and someone criticizing them. Let alone
the difference between criticism and attack.

Then there are those who never even *met* Maharishi, or even
learned TM. But some of them may pounce on you and react to
you bitch-slapping Maharishi as if you had slapped them, and
thus challenged them to a duel.

Very strange, if you ask me. I wouldn't be surprised if someone
who has a history of going somewhat crazy when confronted with
people he considers anti-guru will come back from his little
vacation on the Stupid People's Bench and set his sights on you
as well.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

 Thanks for verifying the triplets MMY story Nabbie, I was just
guessing.  What course was that on?

 I am curious about this arbitrary fixation on his deadness.  I thought
you guys believed that he is still with us somewhere between Marley's
ghost and the thought in meditation that inspires the marketing crew to
try some new scheme to get TM into the lives beyond the 687 people who
still practice it exclusively now.

 So you think a guy like Maharishi actually dies?  And how do you
imagine my bashing affects him?  Is it like a disturbance in sleep
like when someone in the bed farts and we almost wake up and then turn
over?   Or does it really get to him, do my words cause him to gnash his
teeth and pound his fist into his hands in a Sienfeldesque CURTIS! 
Does he shake his fist at the sky like Jon Stewart and curse me from
beyond the grave?  Does he try to extract retribution on me in this
world to get me back in some way like moving a chair when I sleep so I
stub my toe during a mid-sleep groggy bathroom run?  Exactly how pissed
do my words make this spirit of Maharishi you imagine?  Should I invest
in a voodoo doll of him to avoid his evil eye?

 Now of course if your point was that when I posted the same
perspective when he was alive he had a chance to challenge what I said
directly, I would agree.  I think we are both glad that he took so many
opportunities to give his side here while he was living, and I do miss
those exchanges.

 And how far does this ban about speaking ill of the dead extend
Nabbie.  Do we include Napoleon, Sun Myng Moon, John Lennon?   What is
the key aspect of the unfairness you seem to resent about it all?

 What if we have a public figure who is so boring that he might as well
be dead like King Tony?  Do I have to include him in the don't speak
about the dead ban.  Should we just ban all histories of famous dead
people if the perspective isn't only positive?

 Or was this whole thing just a protective instinct, misguided though I
believe it to be, to protect the magical illusions he tried to sell us
all about himself during his life?

 Oh shit I have a fleck of dust in my eye...hey wait a minute...wasn't
he a pile of dust the last time we saw him...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues  Who would
wish that on anybody?
  Ravi was right ofcourse, it didn't take long before the
hillbilly-singer was back where he left us last time and where he's
feeling most comfortable: Maharishi-bashing.
  If all else fails in life it's great to have someone to bash,
particularily someone who's dead, don't you think ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread turquoiseb
 Where was I...oh yeah, following gurus makes your dick fall off
 (ladies will have to speak for themselves on what it does to them)
 and  it turns the object of your guru worship into a money grubbing
 sari  chasing butthole, who cries themselves to sleep every night in
 a lonely  pile of hundred dollar bills, while only receiving the
 minimal  consolation of the comfort of the three pairs of perky
 globes of bliss  on the Playboy centerfold TRIPLETS who share
 their beds.

 Who would wish that on anybody?

Speaking of money-grubbing sari-chasing buttholes -- and to
prove that I am an Equal Opportunity Guru Basher :-) -- I thought
you'd enjoy this little anecdote from the Rama days...or daze.

About the time I realized that he was lost in a haze of Valium
abuse and narcissism and exited from the whole org stage left, a
good friend of mine with video talents was asked by him to
produce a music video of one of the songs performed by the
group of musicians he formed, called Zazen. This was a song
from a supposedly enlightened dance album called Techno
Zen Master.

Lawdy, lawdy but I wish I could find a real copy of the video on
the Net to share with you, but it appears that Dead Rama's lawyers
have managed to remove every single copy. And with reason...it is
even more embarrassing in some ways than the way he exited
from this world.

The song was called What is dancing? and Rama's concept for
how to stage this video was to show him dancing around in a kind
of surreal video landscape surrounded by Playboy Playmates.

Really. Since the video was shot in Chicago, home to Playboy Enter-
prises, this was possible. So they called Playboy headquarters and
rented two former Playmates of the Month as models for the shoot.
They danced around on the same stage as Rama, looking attractive
but somewhat uncomfortable with it all.

I later found out why, from my friend who had produced the video.
T'would seem that Rama -- by then used to his students lavishing
him with indiscriminate adoration, fully expected the two Playmates
to do the same thing. He kept flirting with them and making
inappropriate suggestions that they go get it on with him, *fully
expecting this to happen*.

The Playmates reacted pretty much the same way they would have
if the creep making stupid passes at them had been Ravi, and blew
him off. When he didn't get the hint even then, and kept coming
on to them, they blew off the entire shoot and left. My friend the
producer had to use what footage he'd gotten in their first few
minutes in the studio to complete the video.

The kicker or *point* of all of this? Rama's students at the time
just *loved* this video. They thought it was the best music video
they'd ever seen, and fully expected it to go big on MTV (this
was long before YouTube) and bring in hordes of new converts.

As you point out in this thoughtful essay, damage is done on both
sides when narcissism is allowed to spiral out of control in a
supposedly spiritual context. Theoretically rational people looked
at this hideously embarrassing video and thought it was the best
thing since sliced bread. Crazy? Think back...theoretically rational
people listened to Maharishi promoting the insanely dumb idea
of Vedaland and thought *that* was the best thing since sliced
bread, too. Some of them still think so.

Meanwhile the person they put up on such a pedestal of WAY-
Better-Than-We-Are-ness sucked up all the attention, believed it,
and got crazier and crazier and crazier. Rama died sucking down
booze and Valiums and Long Island Sound water. Maharishi
died re-enacting scenes from King Lear, imploring people who
had already given him a million dollars each for the privilege of
being able to wear robes and crowns and call themselves Rajas
to compete with each other for the privilege of giving the most
money to...uh...erect phallic symbols with his name on them
all over the planet.

They're both safely dead, and having to deal with the karma of
long-term attention vampirism in the Bardo or in their next
lives somewhere. But the people who GAVE them that attention?
Some of them are still as lost in their delusional worlds as they
were when they were staring up at the person who they'd placed
on a pedestal the size of the Vampire State Building.

All so sad. And all so unnecessary.

Teachers could be content to just be teachers. Not gurus. Not gods.
Not the best, or even better than other human beings. Just
teachers. Spiritual teaching itself wouldn't have gotten such a
bad rep if more of them had done just that.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:


 This speaks (outside this particular context) of whether or not we
ever are doing someone a favor by conferring on them guru status.  At
first the payoff seems obvious, they get rich, and if they are so
inclined, they get their pick of some high end tail.  But unless they
really have the narcissist or psychopathic tendency strongly, somewhere
there is 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread Robert

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 The fascinating thing from my point of view, Curtis, is that
 Nabby (and possibly a few others here) go ballistic and react
 as if you had attacked *them* because you were less than guru-
 whipped and treated Maharishi just like any other person.
 Their level of identification with and attachment to *him* is so
 great that they really can't tell the difference any more between
 someone criticizing him and someone criticizing them. Let alone
 the difference between criticism and attack.

So, herein lies the answer; you couldn't have stated it more clearly...
Before one is enlightened, there is this thing called 'Indentification'...
It's the small self, the ego, identifying with something, to which it has 
become attached.
Like you are saying, it has little to do with the focus of the attachment, but 
more to do with attachment itself...

This is one thing that The Maharishi left out of the teaching; that is how to 
get out of this thing called attachment...

In a way it is worse than an addiction, because in the case of addiction, at 
least most people know that they are addicted...

Attachment is much more subtle, in that one doesn't even see how attached one 

One actually believes they are being attacked, when no one is being attacked...

It's just the attachment that is being called into question.

I hope this makes some sense, and can help Curtis, because I feel that you are 
a good soul, and putting yourself through stuff that is unnecessary.

Whatever you feel about this word 'Maharishi' and all the feelings it brings up 
for you, if you can see the attachment to this word, within yourself, you will 
be a lot clearer about the whole thing.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread Share Long
Hi Steve, I just looked up ontology.  Already knew what first person means.  I 
think!  So how about:  personal reality.  Maybe not a better way to say, but 
maybe simpler.  Robin?  Some reason to use less familiar phraseology?

As for men and women, I like this insight from an expert:
women need to feel love to have sex; men need to have sex to feel love.

Another one of Life's little jokes, yes?

 From: seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 11:24 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 I subscribe to the idea that one should always sleep with one eye open. 
  But, then again, I lack trust and am a somewhat suspicious woman who's been 
 burned at the stake more than once, so to speak.  I wear a crown of thorns 
 around my heart for protection, mind you and I'm liable to say fuck you as 
 easily as I say love you.  From a man's perspective, don't they both mean 
 the same thing?  Now, I have to get back to responding to Robin...where was 
 I?  Oh yeah, it's all about experienceobjective or subjectively 
 interpreted, conditioned of course by my postmodern upbringing.  

When in doubt, just throw in first person ontology.  I still haven't figured 
out what it is.  I suspect there's a better way of saying.  But it sounds 

 From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 7:35 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  Dear Curtis:
  Love, Emily :)
  P.S.  Don't lose that wicked sense of humor, now.  
 Oh now don't YOU start too!
  From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 6:12 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
   Dear Curtis,
   I'm glad you latched on the arrogantly hating part - it was indeed for
   you and Barry to claim, you two - who are the apt metaphors for the Hindu
   demons - the demons symbolizing ignorance, deception among other things.
  OMG did you just pull an I know you are but what am I on me? Damn that is 
  an old school smackdown.
   I know I can never stop your deception - you will always your captive
  See here is where you kind of roll off the rails. You broke into Nabby's 
  typical you are a hillbilly because you say bad things about Maharishi 
  routine, but you don't know the Maharishi, you were just piling on because 
  you sensed it was negative toward me. So your specific complaint here, what 
  it is you are claiming I am deceptive about is lacking. Do you mean I am a 
  deceiver the way George Bush identifies evil doers? It has a you are a 
  poppy pants flabbiness that doesn't convey much more than I am unhappy 
  and I want you to be too.
   My message was for the others on this list and the lurkers reading this -
   there are lots and lots of cogent, coherent, compelling Maverick free
   passes (not Dallas Mavericks, mind you) - lying around, hidden from your
   sight of course..LOL.. - it's their choice to pick it up or not.
  Right, you are playing to an imaginary crowd who is fascinated by a guy who 
  never knew Maharishi, try to defend him by insulting a stranger while using 
  Sarah Palin's tagline. I'm afraid you missed your chance for an audience 
  unless you appear on a future episode of divorce court. 
   I don't think there's any doubt about the nature of my brazen, outrageous,
   overt grandiosity and narcissism - that's the strength of my belief in my
   self-honesty and integrity.
  No, that hasn't been working for you for a long time Ravi. And now I'll be 
  less flip with you. The qualities you relentlessly ascribe to your self are 
  the things other people would be ascribing to you if they were real. Until 
  they do, why don't you just get off the schtick and join the rest of us on 
  planet no big deal. No one here is a rock star by any measure. We are 
  just a bunch of people chatting. All those groups of people you ruminate 
  over are no group at all, they are just separate people logging in to chat 
  here. There is a more authentic you who has shown up here before you went 
  off the rails last time. Put him on sometime and you might get different 
  results. No one is gunna whip anyone's ass or triumph over anyone here. We 
  are just talk'n past each other right now.
  First step toward authenticity might be to drop the creepy tag line. Our 
  posts are not expressions

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread feste37
Turquoise is right. Sometimes people land at FFL because they need a place to 
act out their pathologies, and they think they can do it here without suffering 
any real-world repercussions. But it does tend to pollute our environment here. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
   This is not a fair fight Curtis.  Cut him some slack.
  That was my mistake last time Steve.  I believed that. 
  I appreciate your balancing comments and genuine affection 
  for the guy though.  I've got a harder climb on that score.  
  My sights are just focused on containment of damage this 
  time around.  
 As long as we've stopped pulling punches, we might
 as well lay the blame for Ravi having once again
 disrupted this forum and brought it down to his
 level where it belongs -- with Rick.
 Rick has now -- possibly in an attempt to be the 
 nice guy he'd like to be perceived as -- allowed
 two people who would be better placed in mental
 hospitals to roam around here free, declaring 
 their Enemies Lists, making actual threats, and
 most important, *getting worse themselves*. 
 Is there any *question* that Ravi has grown more
 insane since returning to FFL, and being placed
 in a position of being able once again to troll 
 for other people's attention? Is there any 
 *question* that Dan Friedman has done the same 
 thing, and is at this point dangerous to
 himself and others.
 All of this because Rick wants to be a nice guy
 rather than actually PAY SOME ATTENTION to 
 what is happening on the forum he created, and 
 what the crazy trolls are doing to it. 
 Alex, you were possibly privy to any agreement
 between Rick and Ravi, and Rick and Dan, trying 
 to get them to keep their shit in their pants and
 not fling it around like monkeys. My bet is that 
 Ravi was allowed to come back on the condition 
 that he not start attacking Curtis and other 
 people again, and that Dan was allowed to stay 
 on the condition that he stop making threats
 of actual, physical violence against people here.
 Do you think either of those things happened?
 It's sad to see this place returned to the snake
 pit it was a few months ago. It's even sadder to
 realize that on some level the reason it has is
 that Rick seems to prefer it that way.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread seventhray1

That's a great (and funny) example.  Thanks.  Yea, I've looked it up and
come to a similiar conclusion about what it means.  It's just that it's
one of those phrases that makes me chuckle.

It lends itself to some funny lines.  Of course they don't make any
sense, but they sound kind of funny.

I saw my first person ontologist yesterday and she said I should really
lose a few pounds

First person ontology was really difficult this semester

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@...

 Hi Steve, I just looked up ontology.  Already knew what first
person means.  I think!  So how about:  personal
reality.  Maybe not a better way to say, but maybe simpler. 
Robin?  Some reason to use less familiar phraseology?

 As for men and women, I like this insight from an expert:
 women need to feel love to have sex; men need to have sex to feel

 Another one of Life's little jokes, yes?

 From: seventhray1 steve.sundur@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 11:24 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  I subscribe to the idea that one should always sleep with one eye
open.  But, then again, I lack trust and am a somewhat suspicious
woman who's been burned at the stake more than once, so to speak.
 I wear a crown of thorns around my heart for protection, mind
you and I'm liable to say fuck you as easily as I say love you.
 From a man's perspective, don't they both mean the same thing?
 Now, I have to get back to responding to Robin...where was I?
 Oh yeah, it's all about experienceobjective or subjectively
interpreted, conditioned of course by my postmodern upbringing. ÂÂ

 When in doubt, just throw in first person ontology.  I still
haven't figured out what it is.  I suspect there's a better way of
saying.  But it sounds important.Â

  From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 7:35 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@
   Dear Curtis:
   Love, Emily :)
   P.S.  Don't lose that wicked sense of humor, now.
  Oh now don't YOU start too!
   From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 6:12 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
Dear Curtis,
I'm glad you latched on the arrogantly hating part - it was
indeed for
you and Barry to claim, you two - who are the apt metaphors for
the Hindu
demons - the demons symbolizing ignorance, deception among other
   OMG did you just pull an I know you are but what am I on me?
Damn that is an old school smackdown.
I know I can never stop your deception - you will always your
   See here is where you kind of roll off the rails. You broke into
Nabby's typical you are a hillbilly because you say bad things about
Maharishi routine, but you don't know the Maharishi, you were just
piling on because you sensed it was negative toward me. So your specific
complaint here, what it is you are claiming I am deceptive about is
lacking. Do you mean I am a deceiver the way George Bush identifies
evil doers? It has a you are a poppy pants flabbiness that doesn't
convey much more than I am unhappy and I want you to be too.
My message was for the others on this list and the lurkers
reading this -
there are lots and lots of cogent, coherent, compelling Maverick
passes (not Dallas Mavericks, mind you) - lying around, hidden
from your
sight of course..LOL.. - it's their choice to pick it up or not.
   Right, you are playing to an imaginary crowd who is fascinated by
a guy who never knew Maharishi, try to defend him by insulting a
stranger while using Sarah Palin's tagline. I'm afraid you missed your
chance for an audience unless you appear on a future episode of divorce
I don't think there's any doubt about the nature of my brazen,
overt grandiosity and narcissism - that's the strength of my
belief in my
self-honesty and integrity.
   No, that hasn't been working for you for a long time Ravi. And now
I'll be less flip with you. The qualities you relentlessly ascribe to
your self are the things other people would be ascribing to you if they
were real. Until they do, why don't you just get off the schtick and
join the rest of us on planet no big deal. No one here is a rock star
by any measure. We are just a bunch of people chatting. All those

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Alex, you were possibly privy to any agreement
 between Rick and Ravi, and Rick and Dan, trying 
 to get them to keep their shit in their pants and
 not fling it around like monkeys. 

The Ravi situation was strictly between Rick and Ravi. I did not get a 
subscription request; all I got was a notice that he was now a subscriber, 
which means Rick sent him an invite. I had no knowledge or involvement.

WRT Dan, he subscribed and posted a string of profanity filled posts, and Rick 
told me to nuke him. When I received an attempted post by the then unsubscribed 
Dan, I wrote back to him with this: After that string of profanity filled 
posts the other day, Rick told me to boot you off FFL. You are no longer 
subscribed, and anything you try to post will not go through. After that, it 
was between Dan and Rick.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread curtisdeltablues
Nice to hear from ya John.  Much appreciated!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, JohnY john_youells@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  Crowds of people are like schools of fish.  They swim by an outside 
  performer with the mentality of a single entity.  The trick for a busker is 
  to break them out of the trance so they will pay attention to me.  Pay is 
  the key word here. I need them to stop their internal dialog long enough to 
  extract something green and crisp from their wallets and purses.
  Bring on the children!  They are perfect for this agenda.  Easily 
  distracted by novel things in the environment (me and my instruments), and 
  lacking the intense internal dialog of having mortgage payments and making 
  it to their car before the meter maid, they are ideal co-conspirators.  I 
  invite them up with maracas so they can join the show.  Parents get it 
  right away, artistic enrichment for the center of their universe.  Now that 
  the stage is set, I have something hidden to show you.
  She was one of those little girls with something extra, the sparkle of 
  magnetic charisma.  I see plenty of them coming out of the good homes in 
  Northern Virginia. The right schools, plenty of vitamin D enriched milk, 
  and tons of confidence to project a beamer of a smile full of orthodontist 
  approved, well-flossed teeth.  She was around eleven.  Her brown hair was 
  pulled into a loose pony tail by some fluorescent pink scrunchy fabric.  
  The only thing out of the ordinary was that she crowded me a bit after she 
  got her maraca. Younger kids will do this, and as the Mayor of Munchkin 
  Land, it is up to me to get them to back off and give me some performance 
  space.  Decking one of the kids with my heavy steel resonator guitar in one 
  of my tip inspiring flourishes, leaving them cold cocked on the boardwalk, 
  would definitely cut into profits.  But a girl this age usually keeps her 
  distance, so it got my attention that she was standing very close to me 
  with one side of her body.
  I swiveled my head and my eyes caught something that instantly put me on 
  red alert.  The arm she was crowding me with was cut off right below the 
  elbow and she was using me to shield it from the audience. Her arm was not 
  this way from birth.  Something sinister and terrible had done this, and it 
  left a fiery red zipper of violated flesh. Our eyes met and I gave her a 
  nod.  We were thick as thieves in an instant and she relaxed into a nervous 
  giggle.  Like a Sicilian made-man, I was bonded to her through omerta.  It 
  was a matter of trust, and I felt it in my chest. 
  We began to play close like Sonny and a miniature Cher.  People probably 
  thought she was my niece or something, who else would play together with 
  this familiarity?  Her father was all smiles.  She was a brave kid, this is 
  not easy performing in front of strangers. A crowd formed supporting the 
  cute little girl and the bluesman.  They had no clue to the fierceness of 
  her jagged asymmetry.  She kept herself sideways, showing the world who she 
  wanted to be, and they bought it. At the song's end she shot me a 
  conspiratorial look.  I sensed something gritty in those eyes.  A 
  steeliness forged by the fires of pediatric ward hell.  I wondered about 
  her mom and dad, who had spent the hours in the hospital making the painful 
  decisions that lead to this.  Oh bullshit, I have no idea.  She ran off 
  back to her dad.  His look combined sincere thanks with you have no idea. 
  Or maybe I just read all that in myself, it is so hard to tell sometimes. 
  When our eyes met I forgot to breath for a moment.  I saw people moving in 
  with tips in slow motion.
  Someday I hope she finds a real stand up guy.  A guy who will always take 
  her left side, and wrapping his arm around her far shoulder, will press her 
  close, feeling her arm halfway across his own back, and she will feel safe 
  and brave, facing the world.
 Beautifully written . and she will ;) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Alex, you were possibly privy to any agreement
  between Rick and Ravi, and Rick and Dan, trying 
  to get them to keep their shit in their pants and
  not fling it around like monkeys. 
 The Ravi situation was strictly between Rick and Ravi. I did not get a 
 subscription request; all I got was a notice that he was now a subscriber, 
 which means Rick sent him an invite. I had no knowledge or involvement.
 WRT Dan, he subscribed and posted a string of profanity filled posts, and 
 Rick told me to nuke him. When I received an attempted post by the then 
 unsubscribed Dan, I wrote back to him with this: After that string of 
 profanity filled posts the other day, Rick told me to boot you off FFL. You 
 are no longer subscribed, and anything you try to post will not go through. 
 After that, it was between Dan and Rick.

I have no ability to read minds but perhaps Rick thought these
guys deserve a second chance, no-one is beyond redemption I think.
We all hope there is such a thing as personal evolution after all

I actually like the variety, the occasional card-carrying nutjob
livens the place up, for a while. Best thing to do is ignore
them and hope they leave to get the attention they crave elsewhere,
but I'm as guilty as the next guy at giving in to the temptation
to commnt even if my remarks are only of the shaking-the-head-
in-astonishment type. But if nothing else it's a good thing to
remember that spiritual evolution can go backwards, the trick is
in realising that has happened and trying something else.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   Alex, you were possibly privy to any agreement
   between Rick and Ravi, and Rick and Dan, trying 
   to get them to keep their shit in their pants and
   not fling it around like monkeys. 
  The Ravi situation was strictly between Rick and Ravi. 
  I did not get a subscription request; all I got was a 
  notice that he was now a subscriber, which means Rick 
  sent him an invite. I had no knowledge or involvement.
  WRT Dan, he subscribed and posted a string of profanity 
  filled posts, and Rick told me to nuke him. When I 
  received an attempted post by the then unsubscribed Dan, 
  I wrote back to him with this: After that string of 
  profanity filled posts the other day, Rick told me to 
  boot you off FFL. You are no longer subscribed, and 
  anything you try to post will not go through. After 
  that, it was between Dan and Rick.
 I have no ability to read minds but perhaps Rick thought 
 these guys deserve a second chance, no-one is beyond 
 redemption I think. We all hope there is such a thing 
 as personal evolution after all

With all due respect to Rick, who in all likelihood
really is a nice guy, I wouldn't trust his powers
of discrimination any further than I could throw him.

With regard to Ravi, when he first encountered him,
who many people here on FFL instantly reacted to as
being in the middle of some kind of nervous break-
down, Rick considered him enlightened or awakened
or self-realized enough to include in his BATGAP
series of interviews. In the time since, Rick doesn't
seem to have considered, when allowing him to return,
that even *courts* have decided that Ravi is too
unstable to allow him access to or even visitation
rights with his own children. He certainly hasn't
noticed that he's up to his old tricks with Curtis
and others here.

With regard to Dan, it is equally disturbing that
in giving him a second chance after a drunken or
insane profanity meltdown that even *Judy* felt
indicated that he was having a nervous breakdown,
Rick allowed him to come back and then left him on
his own remarkably like the Dean of MUM who left
Suvender Sem on his own. As a result, Dan was able
to make threats against several *more* people here. 

I, for one, am not impressed with Rick Archer's
care and feeding of the forum he created. As 
I've said before, I think he's asleep at the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@... wrote:
 I hope this makes some sense, and can help Curtis, because I feel that you 
 are a good soul, and putting yourself through stuff that is unnecessary.
 Whatever you feel about this word 'Maharishi' and all the feelings it brings 
 up for you, if you can see the attachment to this word, within yourself, you 
 will be a lot clearer about the whole thing.

I'm not too sure what you might be referring to.  My piece was about what 
happens to people with too much adulation.  I enjoyed writing it.

As far as my feelings about the word Maharishi, I don't have any.  What I was 
writing about was a real guy, he was my boss for my first important job.  I am 
quite fond of the guy but he could be a real douche too and my writing usually 
reflects both sides of him with a definite bias toward the douchy side because 
that is my perspective on him now as a more mature adult.  Turq's point as I 
understand was that people didn't need to attack me personally because I spoke 
about Maharishi from my own perspective.  But that is FFL and I know that 
before I hit send. Their view of the guy is none of my business unless they 
would like to share it.  (If they do decide to share it I would highly 
recommend the technique of referring at least to a treesome, or if they want to 
follow my lead, a foursome, because that can really spice otherwise lackluster 
writing up.  Try it and see!) 

Now as far as saying I am a good soul, and I hope I am not being too needy 
here, could you amp up the compliment a tad?  I mean only guys like Hitler get 
called a bad soul because the soul by its very nature is good right?  I mean 
the whole concept is that this is the part of us that is eternal and godlike so 
aren't you really saying that the only part of me that is any good is the part 
of me I have no control over?

And this particularly stings because I was really fishing for a compliment on 
how I have been doing my hair lately.  You see I have taken the lead from that 
hunky guy on the mentalist (I don't know his name because I am walking a pretty 
fine gay line here as it is) and have grown my hair out.  This lets me use old 
school hair products like Groom and Clean and the American Crew Pomade they use 
on Madmen.  Anywhoo the sides of my hair are kind of feathery like his and I'm 
really feeling kind of good about the whole thing, but all I get are these 
lukewarm compliments on my soul!  So I a may be enlightened about Maharishi 
with the attachment thing a little but I am kind of attached to my new hair 
style.  But in my defense the style itself is an imitation of a carefree push 
your hair back with your hands style so popular in noir movies (or anything 
with Christian Slater in it if you are not an TCM channel addict like I am).

So if you do sincerely want to help me is it really too much to ask for a 
mention of what a great hair day I'm having?  (Not trying to load the deck or 
anything but it might interest you to know that half way through my day a curl 
escapes in the front of my hair and creeps down my forehead in a way 
reminiscent of that period of Elvis's life between his young hot stage and 
before he looked like he ate himself.  This curl is in no way affected or 
deliberate and happens magically by itself in a most satisfying I am not so 
vain that I did this on purpose manor.) And no it doesn't look like that 
Michal Jackson front curl either and I'm just a little surprised you would 
bring that up.  I only stopped wearing my black grief glove last week and it is 
a little too soon for Michal Jackson references.  His front curl had many curls 
in it like Dianna Ross and is not the most masculine thing in the world if you 
catch my drift...Oh, you didn't (coughspoofter).  Did that help?  No I wasn't 
coughing I was giving you a ...oh neverland, I mean never mind!

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  The fascinating thing from my point of view, Curtis, is that
  Nabby (and possibly a few others here) go ballistic and react
  as if you had attacked *them* because you were less than guru-
  whipped and treated Maharishi just like any other person.
  Their level of identification with and attachment to *him* is so
  great that they really can't tell the difference any more between
  someone criticizing him and someone criticizing them. Let alone
  the difference between criticism and attack.
 So, herein lies the answer; you couldn't have stated it more clearly...
 Before one is enlightened, there is this thing called 'Indentification'...
 It's the small self, the ego, identifying with something, to which it has 
 become attached.
 Like you are saying, it has little to do with the focus of the attachment, 
 but more to do with attachment itself...
 This is one thing that The Maharishi left out of the teaching; that is how to 
 get out of this thing called attachment...
 In a way 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:

Alex, you were possibly privy to any agreement
between Rick and Ravi, and Rick and Dan, trying 
to get them to keep their shit in their pants and
not fling it around like monkeys. 
   The Ravi situation was strictly between Rick and Ravi. 
   I did not get a subscription request; all I got was a 
   notice that he was now a subscriber, which means Rick 
   sent him an invite. I had no knowledge or involvement.
   WRT Dan, he subscribed and posted a string of profanity 
   filled posts, and Rick told me to nuke him. When I 
   received an attempted post by the then unsubscribed Dan, 
   I wrote back to him with this: After that string of 
   profanity filled posts the other day, Rick told me to 
   boot you off FFL. You are no longer subscribed, and 
   anything you try to post will not go through. After 
   that, it was between Dan and Rick.
  I have no ability to read minds but perhaps Rick thought 
  these guys deserve a second chance, no-one is beyond 
  redemption I think. We all hope there is such a thing 
  as personal evolution after all
 With all due respect to Rick, who in all likelihood
 really is a nice guy, I wouldn't trust his powers
 of discrimination any further than I could throw him.
 With regard to Ravi, when he first encountered him,
 who many people here on FFL instantly reacted to as
 being in the middle of some kind of nervous break-
 down, Rick considered him enlightened or awakened
 or self-realized enough to include in his BATGAP
 series of interviews. In the time since, Rick doesn't
 seem to have considered, when allowing him to return,
 that even *courts* have decided that Ravi is too
 unstable to allow him access to or even visitation
 rights with his own children. He certainly hasn't
 noticed that he's up to his old tricks with Curtis
 and others here.

Barry, how low can you go? Leave Ravi's family out of your personal grudge 
against him. Whether you're lying about him or not, it's none of your damn 
business and certainly none of ours. His private life has no bearing on his 
participation on this forum. Shame on you.

 With regard to Dan, it is equally disturbing that
 in giving him a second chance after a drunken or
 insane profanity meltdown that even *Judy* felt
 indicated that he was having a nervous breakdown,
 Rick allowed him to come back and then left him on
 his own remarkably like the Dean of MUM who left
 Suvender Sem on his own. As a result, Dan was able
 to make threats against several *more* people here. 
 I, for one, am not impressed with Rick Archer's
 care and feeding of the forum he created. As 
 I've said before, I think he's asleep at the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 Barry, how low can you go? Leave Ravi's family out of 
 your personal grudge against him. Whether you're lying 
 about him or not, it's none of your damn business and 
 certainly none of ours. His private life has no bearing 
 on his participation on this forum. Shame on you.

Speaking of asleep at the wheel, Ravi himself
volunteered this information, in the context of
telling people how cool he was to have flirted
with his ex-wife's divorce attorney. 

I have no grudge against Ravi. I have stated
my position with regard to him many times, and
have *followed through on it*. That is, I will
not interact with him or any of the other people
on this forum whom I suspect to be mentally ill,
because I have neither the training nor the
inclination to do so. 

You obviously feel otherwise, and that praising
an unstable person when he acts out is a favor.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread feste37

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
   j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
 Alex, you were possibly privy to any agreement
 between Rick and Ravi, and Rick and Dan, trying 
 to get them to keep their shit in their pants and
 not fling it around like monkeys. 

The Ravi situation was strictly between Rick and Ravi. 
I did not get a subscription request; all I got was a 
notice that he was now a subscriber, which means Rick 
sent him an invite. I had no knowledge or involvement.

WRT Dan, he subscribed and posted a string of profanity 
filled posts, and Rick told me to nuke him. When I 
received an attempted post by the then unsubscribed Dan, 
I wrote back to him with this: After that string of 
profanity filled posts the other day, Rick told me to 
boot you off FFL. You are no longer subscribed, and 
anything you try to post will not go through. After 
that, it was between Dan and Rick.
   I have no ability to read minds but perhaps Rick thought 
   these guys deserve a second chance, no-one is beyond 
   redemption I think. We all hope there is such a thing 
   as personal evolution after all
  With all due respect to Rick, who in all likelihood
  really is a nice guy, I wouldn't trust his powers
  of discrimination any further than I could throw him.
  With regard to Ravi, when he first encountered him,
  who many people here on FFL instantly reacted to as
  being in the middle of some kind of nervous break-
  down, Rick considered him enlightened or awakened
  or self-realized enough to include in his BATGAP
  series of interviews. In the time since, Rick doesn't
  seem to have considered, when allowing him to return,
  that even *courts* have decided that Ravi is too
  unstable to allow him access to or even visitation
  rights with his own children. He certainly hasn't
  noticed that he's up to his old tricks with Curtis
  and others here.
 Barry, how low can you go? Leave Ravi's family out of your personal grudge 
 against him. Whether you're lying about him or not, it's none of your damn 
 business and certainly none of ours. His private life has no bearing on his 
 participation on this forum. Shame on you.

I disagree. Ravi mentioned it. If you post something here, you are sharing it 
with everyone and inviting a response, hostile or otherwise. 

  With regard to Dan, it is equally disturbing that
  in giving him a second chance after a drunken or
  insane profanity meltdown that even *Judy* felt
  indicated that he was having a nervous breakdown,
  Rick allowed him to come back and then left him on
  his own remarkably like the Dean of MUM who left
  Suvender Sem on his own. As a result, Dan was able
  to make threats against several *more* people here. 
  I, for one, am not impressed with Rick Archer's
  care and feeding of the forum he created. As 
  I've said before, I think he's asleep at the

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread Ravi Chivukula
King Baby Barry,

You emotionally stunted, demented, deranged, depraved, needy, drama
queenery, clueless, shameless, paranoid, delusional, narcissistic,
misogynist, homophobic LIAR..LOL

Remember all this chin-envy and envy of the biggest d**k in town is
cracking me up.

How dare you use my name directly? :-) All you have is slander and lies.
Needy, whiny, drama queen ish antics. I thought you and Curtis were the
tough, macho, white, mid-western ole boys club - bullying, taunting women,

Being goaded, insulted and humiliated as I expose, parade your deception
every day publicly must be taking it's toll. But I didn't call you needy
and shameless for nothing right?

Slander and lie with gusto - I don't think anything else helps against

On Sep 4, 2012, at 6:28 AM, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   Alex, you were possibly privy to any agreement
   between Rick and Ravi, and Rick and Dan, trying
   to get them to keep their shit in their pants and
   not fling it around like monkeys.
  The Ravi situation was strictly between Rick and Ravi.
  I did not get a subscription request; all I got was a
  notice that he was now a subscriber, which means Rick
  sent him an invite. I had no knowledge or involvement.
  WRT Dan, he subscribed and posted a string of profanity
  filled posts, and Rick told me to nuke him. When I
  received an attempted post by the then unsubscribed Dan,
  I wrote back to him with this: After that string of
  profanity filled posts the other day, Rick told me to
  boot you off FFL. You are no longer subscribed, and
  anything you try to post will not go through. After
  that, it was between Dan and Rick.

 I have no ability to read minds but perhaps Rick thought
 these guys deserve a second chance, no-one is beyond
 redemption I think. We all hope there is such a thing
 as personal evolution after all

With all due respect to Rick, who in all likelihood
really is a nice guy, I wouldn't trust his powers
of discrimination any further than I could throw him.

With regard to Ravi, when he first encountered him,
who many people here on FFL instantly reacted to as
being in the middle of some kind of nervous break-
down, Rick considered him enlightened or awakened
or self-realized enough to include in his BATGAP
series of interviews. In the time since, Rick doesn't
seem to have considered, when allowing him to return,
that even *courts* have decided that Ravi is too
unstable to allow him access to or even visitation
rights with his own children. He certainly hasn't
noticed that he's up to his old tricks with Curtis
and others here.

With regard to Dan, it is equally disturbing that
in giving him a second chance after a drunken or
insane profanity meltdown that even *Judy* felt
indicated that he was having a nervous breakdown,
Rick allowed him to come back and then left him on
his own remarkably like the Dean of MUM who left
Suvender Sem on his own. As a result, Dan was able
to make threats against several *more* people here.

I, for one, am not impressed with Rick Archer's
care and feeding of the forum he created. As
I've said before, I think he's asleep at the


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 7:20 AM, feste37 fest...@yahoo.com wrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley
 j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@
  Alex, you were possibly privy to any agreement
  between Rick and Ravi, and Rick and Dan, trying
  to get them to keep their shit in their pants and
  not fling it around like monkeys.

 The Ravi situation was strictly between Rick and Ravi.
 I did not get a subscription request; all I got was a
 notice that he was now a subscriber, which means Rick
 sent him an invite. I had no knowledge or involvement.

 WRT Dan, he subscribed and posted a string of profanity
 filled posts, and Rick told me to nuke him. When I
 received an attempted post by the then unsubscribed Dan,
 I wrote back to him with this: After that string of
 profanity filled posts the other day, Rick told me to
 boot you off FFL. You are no longer subscribed, and
 anything you try to post will not go through. After
 that, it was between Dan and Rick.
I have no ability to read minds but perhaps Rick thought
these guys deserve a second chance, no-one is beyond
redemption I think. We all hope there is such a thing
as personal evolution after all
   With all due respect to Rick, who in all likelihood
   really is a nice guy, I wouldn't trust his powers
   of discrimination any further than I could throw him.
   With regard to Ravi, when he first encountered him,
   who many people here on FFL instantly reacted to as
   being in the middle of some kind of nervous break-
   down, Rick considered him enlightened or awakened
   or self-realized enough to include in his BATGAP
   series of interviews. In the time since, Rick doesn't
   seem to have considered, when allowing him to return,
   that even *courts* have decided that Ravi is too
   unstable to allow him access to or even visitation
   rights with his own children. He certainly hasn't
   noticed that he's up to his old tricks with Curtis
   and others here.
  Barry, how low can you go? Leave Ravi's family out of your personal
 grudge against him. Whether you're lying about him or not, it's none of
 your damn business and certainly none of ours. His private life has no
 bearing on his participation on this forum. Shame on you.

 I disagree. Ravi mentioned it. If you post something here, you are sharing
 it with everyone and inviting a response, hostile or otherwise.

Feste - is everything going OK with you? Or are you catching on to the
chin-envy and envy of the big d**k virus that's going on around here?

I will mention my personal details, that's my choice. If I had used by
personal details to attack Barry and Curtis, then it makes sense for them
to use it back against me, but the personal details are part of my other
stories, part of my bigger journey and so they have to naturally creep up
because it's all tied together but I haven't given the entire facts here.

So that doesn't give anyone a right to use it to hit someone low -
especially when Barry so brazenly, outrageously lies about it. Barry and
Curtis cannot objectively attack anything I say about them so they resort
to slander, deception, distorting, and lying. Enthralling, enticing and
entertaining morons like you.

So Feste - you don't understand any of this - you show up here and are
talking with with your foot, ass, god knows what in your mouth and so STFU
- because what you say is not cool and doesn't make any rational, logical
sense - makes you look like a big idiot.

With this message - you have lost any respect I had for you for as an
intelligent, objective person.


   With regard to Dan, it is equally disturbing that
   in giving him a second chance after a drunken or
   insane profanity meltdown that even *Judy* felt
   indicated that he was having a nervous breakdown,
   Rick allowed him to come back and then left him on
   his own remarkably like the Dean of MUM who left
   Suvender Sem on his own. As a result, Dan was able
   to make threats against several *more* people here.
   I, for one, am not impressed with Rick Archer's
   care and feeding of the forum he created. As
   I've said before, I think he's asleep at the


[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

I thought you and Curtis were the
 tough, macho, white, mid-western ole boys club - bullying, taunting women, 

Sorry to see you are falling back into your old habits.  I object to this 
slanderous mischaracterization of my relationship with both women and my gay 
friends.  This person does not know me personally and is an internet troll 
whose past posts where so egregious he was banned from participating on this 
forum.  If you have come across this in a search of my name please understand 
that I am dealing with a difficult situation here and there will always be 
trolls like this on any open internet forum who can maliciously post one more 
slanderous post than I can refute. 

Not only am I not a bully, I professionally perform anti-bullying shows to help 
the efforts in schools to combat this problem.  I am pro gay rights in all 
aspects of their equal lives including their right to marry and am appalled 
that women continue to be limited by their history of oppression in the 
workplace as well as in their treatment under many state's divorce laws. 

 King Baby Barry,
 You emotionally stunted, demented, deranged, depraved, needy, drama
 queenery, clueless, shameless, paranoid, delusional, narcissistic,
 misogynist, homophobic LIAR..LOL
 Remember all this chin-envy and envy of the biggest d**k in town is
 cracking me up.
 How dare you use my name directly? :-) All you have is slander and lies.
 Needy, whiny, drama queen ish antics. I thought you and Curtis were the
 tough, macho, white, mid-western ole boys club - bullying, taunting women,
 Being goaded, insulted and humiliated as I expose, parade your deception
 every day publicly must be taking it's toll. But I didn't call you needy
 and shameless for nothing right?
 Slander and lie with gusto - I don't think anything else helps against
 On Sep 4, 2012, at 6:28 AM, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
Alex, you were possibly privy to any agreement
between Rick and Ravi, and Rick and Dan, trying
to get them to keep their shit in their pants and
not fling it around like monkeys.
   The Ravi situation was strictly between Rick and Ravi.
   I did not get a subscription request; all I got was a
   notice that he was now a subscriber, which means Rick
   sent him an invite. I had no knowledge or involvement.
   WRT Dan, he subscribed and posted a string of profanity
   filled posts, and Rick told me to nuke him. When I
   received an attempted post by the then unsubscribed Dan,
   I wrote back to him with this: After that string of
   profanity filled posts the other day, Rick told me to
   boot you off FFL. You are no longer subscribed, and
   anything you try to post will not go through. After
   that, it was between Dan and Rick.
  I have no ability to read minds but perhaps Rick thought
  these guys deserve a second chance, no-one is beyond
  redemption I think. We all hope there is such a thing
  as personal evolution after all
 With all due respect to Rick, who in all likelihood
 really is a nice guy, I wouldn't trust his powers
 of discrimination any further than I could throw him.
 With regard to Ravi, when he first encountered him,
 who many people here on FFL instantly reacted to as
 being in the middle of some kind of nervous break-
 down, Rick considered him enlightened or awakened
 or self-realized enough to include in his BATGAP
 series of interviews. In the time since, Rick doesn't
 seem to have considered, when allowing him to return,
 that even *courts* have decided that Ravi is too
 unstable to allow him access to or even visitation
 rights with his own children. He certainly hasn't
 noticed that he's up to his old tricks with Curtis
 and others here.
 With regard to Dan, it is equally disturbing that
 in giving him a second chance after a drunken or
 insane profanity meltdown that even *Judy* felt
 indicated that he was having a nervous breakdown,
 Rick allowed him to come back and then left him on
 his own remarkably like the Dean of MUM who left
 Suvender Sem on his own. As a result, Dan was able
 to make threats against several *more* people here.
 I, for one, am not impressed with Rick Archer's
 care and feeding of the forum he created. As
 I've said before, I think he's asleep at the

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Take this deception, distortion, lying, manipulation, twisting elsewhere

Don't parade your white man's burden, guilt wrapped around in a nice set of
beliefs as a proof of anything, you cry wolf one too many times to come
across as a honest, genuine person. Like I said your sickening, disgusting,
pitiful tactics will impress most of the naive, gullible, liberals fooled,
charmed, tricked, enticed, enthralled, entertained by your stories.

You can't resort to any objective response of my earlier messages.

You will try to manipulate the audience, manipulate Rick, you are a sick
and twisted person. Of course demented, deranged and depraved are the other
adjectives I have used as well..:-)

On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 8:16 AM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...

 I thought you and Curtis were the
  tough, macho, white, mid-western ole boys club - bullying, taunting
 women, gays?

 Sorry to see you are falling back into your old habits. I object to this
 slanderous mischaracterization of my relationship with both women and my
 gay friends. This person does not know me personally and is an internet
 troll whose past posts where so egregious he was banned from participating
 on this forum. If you have come across this in a search of my name please
 understand that I am dealing with a difficult situation here and there will
 always be trolls like this on any open internet forum who can maliciously
 post one more slanderous post than I can refute.

 Not only am I not a bully, I professionally perform anti-bullying shows to
 help the efforts in schools to combat this problem. I am pro gay rights in
 all aspects of their equal lives including their right to marry and am
 appalled that women continue to be limited by their history of oppression
 in the workplace as well as in their treatment under many state's divorce

  King Baby Barry,
  You emotionally stunted, demented, deranged, depraved, needy, drama
  queenery, clueless, shameless, paranoid, delusional, narcissistic,
  misogynist, homophobic LIAR..LOL
  Remember all this chin-envy and envy of the biggest d**k in town is
  cracking me up.
  How dare you use my name directly? :-) All you have is slander and lies.
  Needy, whiny, drama queen ish antics. I thought you and Curtis were the
  tough, macho, white, mid-western ole boys club - bullying, taunting
  Being goaded, insulted and humiliated as I expose, parade your deception
  every day publicly must be taking it's toll. But I didn't call you needy
  and shameless for nothing right?
  Slander and lie with gusto - I don't think anything else helps against
  On Sep 4, 2012, at 6:28 AM, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:

 Alex, you were possibly privy to any agreement
 between Rick and Ravi, and Rick and Dan, trying
 to get them to keep their shit in their pants and
 not fling it around like monkeys.
The Ravi situation was strictly between Rick and Ravi.
I did not get a subscription request; all I got was a
notice that he was now a subscriber, which means Rick
sent him an invite. I had no knowledge or involvement.
WRT Dan, he subscribed and posted a string of profanity
filled posts, and Rick told me to nuke him. When I
received an attempted post by the then unsubscribed Dan,
I wrote back to him with this: After that string of
profanity filled posts the other day, Rick told me to
boot you off FFL. You are no longer subscribed, and
anything you try to post will not go through. After
that, it was between Dan and Rick.
   I have no ability to read minds but perhaps Rick thought
   these guys deserve a second chance, no-one is beyond
   redemption I think. We all hope there is such a thing
   as personal evolution after all
  With all due respect to Rick, who in all likelihood
  really is a nice guy, I wouldn't trust his powers
  of discrimination any further than I could throw him.
  With regard to Ravi, when he first encountered him,
  who many people here on FFL instantly reacted to as
  being in the middle of some kind of nervous break-
  down, Rick considered him enlightened or awakened
  or self-realized enough to include in his BATGAP
  series of interviews. In the time since, Rick doesn't
  seem to have considered, when allowing him to return,
  that even *courts* have decided that Ravi is too
  unstable to allow him access to or even visitation
  rights with his own children. He certainly hasn't
  noticed that he's up to his old tricks with Curtis
  and others here.
  With regard to Dan, it is equally 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread salyavin808

Being goaded, insulted and humiliated as I expose, parade your deception every 
day publicly must be taking it's toll

Somehow I doubt it, but there is a similarity in your
insults to everyone, one could hardly call them targeted.
I suspect a bit of the old loathing in others what you
fear in yourself?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 King Baby Barry,
 You emotionally stunted, demented, deranged, depraved, needy, drama
 queenery, clueless, shameless, paranoid, delusional, narcissistic,
 misogynist, homophobic LIAR..LOL
 Remember all this chin-envy and envy of the biggest d**k in town is
 cracking me up.
 How dare you use my name directly? :-) All you have is slander and lies.
 Needy, whiny, drama queen ish antics. I thought you and Curtis were the
 tough, macho, white, mid-western ole boys club - bullying, taunting women,
 Being goaded, insulted and humiliated as I expose, parade your deception
 every day publicly must be taking it's toll. But I didn't call you needy
 and shameless for nothing right?
 Slander and lie with gusto - I don't think anything else helps against
 On Sep 4, 2012, at 6:28 AM, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
Alex, you were possibly privy to any agreement
between Rick and Ravi, and Rick and Dan, trying
to get them to keep their shit in their pants and
not fling it around like monkeys.
   The Ravi situation was strictly between Rick and Ravi.
   I did not get a subscription request; all I got was a
   notice that he was now a subscriber, which means Rick
   sent him an invite. I had no knowledge or involvement.
   WRT Dan, he subscribed and posted a string of profanity
   filled posts, and Rick told me to nuke him. When I
   received an attempted post by the then unsubscribed Dan,
   I wrote back to him with this: After that string of
   profanity filled posts the other day, Rick told me to
   boot you off FFL. You are no longer subscribed, and
   anything you try to post will not go through. After
   that, it was between Dan and Rick.
  I have no ability to read minds but perhaps Rick thought
  these guys deserve a second chance, no-one is beyond
  redemption I think. We all hope there is such a thing
  as personal evolution after all
 With all due respect to Rick, who in all likelihood
 really is a nice guy, I wouldn't trust his powers
 of discrimination any further than I could throw him.
 With regard to Ravi, when he first encountered him,
 who many people here on FFL instantly reacted to as
 being in the middle of some kind of nervous break-
 down, Rick considered him enlightened or awakened
 or self-realized enough to include in his BATGAP
 series of interviews. In the time since, Rick doesn't
 seem to have considered, when allowing him to return,
 that even *courts* have decided that Ravi is too
 unstable to allow him access to or even visitation
 rights with his own children. He certainly hasn't
 noticed that he's up to his old tricks with Curtis
 and others here.
 With regard to Dan, it is equally disturbing that
 in giving him a second chance after a drunken or
 insane profanity meltdown that even *Judy* felt
 indicated that he was having a nervous breakdown,
 Rick allowed him to come back and then left him on
 his own remarkably like the Dean of MUM who left
 Suvender Sem on his own. As a result, Dan was able
 to make threats against several *more* people here.
 I, for one, am not impressed with Rick Archer's
 care and feeding of the forum he created. As
 I've said before, I think he's asleep at the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread Robert
I would have complimented you on your hair, but since I can't see you that 
would have been difficult...

I really liked the piece you wrote about the autistic boy...
I used to work with autisic people and they really touched my heart as I was 
reading in your piece that your heart had been touched also...
That is what I meant by good soul...that you had a heart...

I do remember the times I spent with the Maharishi he seemed to have a big and 
open heart...
But, with many of the meditators I meet there seemes to be a space where a 
heart should be...

I hope I've made your day, dear Curtis!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
  I hope this makes some sense, and can help Curtis, because I feel that you 
  are a good soul, and putting yourself through stuff that is unnecessary.
  Whatever you feel about this word 'Maharishi' and all the feelings it 
  brings up for you, if you can see the attachment to this word, within 
  yourself, you will be a lot clearer about the whole thing.
 I'm not too sure what you might be referring to.  My piece was about what 
 happens to people with too much adulation.  I enjoyed writing it.
 As far as my feelings about the word Maharishi, I don't have any.  What I 
 was writing about was a real guy, he was my boss for my first important job.  
 I am quite fond of the guy but he could be a real douche too and my writing 
 usually reflects both sides of him with a definite bias toward the douchy 
 side because that is my perspective on him now as a more mature adult.  
 Turq's point as I understand was that people didn't need to attack me 
 personally because I spoke about Maharishi from my own perspective.  But that 
 is FFL and I know that before I hit send. Their view of the guy is none of my 
 business unless they would like to share it.  (If they do decide to share it 
 I would highly recommend the technique of referring at least to a treesome, 
 or if they want to follow my lead, a foursome, because that can really spice 
 otherwise lackluster writing up.  Try it and see!) 
 Now as far as saying I am a good soul, and I hope I am not being too needy 
 here, could you amp up the compliment a tad?  I mean only guys like Hitler 
 get called a bad soul because the soul by its very nature is good right?  I 
 mean the whole concept is that this is the part of us that is eternal and 
 godlike so aren't you really saying that the only part of me that is any good 
 is the part of me I have no control over?
 And this particularly stings because I was really fishing for a compliment on 
 how I have been doing my hair lately.  You see I have taken the lead from 
 that hunky guy on the mentalist (I don't know his name because I am walking a 
 pretty fine gay line here as it is) and have grown my hair out.  This lets me 
 use old school hair products like Groom and Clean and the American Crew 
 Pomade they use on Madmen.  Anywhoo the sides of my hair are kind of feathery 
 like his and I'm really feeling kind of good about the whole thing, but all I 
 get are these lukewarm compliments on my soul!  So I a may be enlightened 
 about Maharishi with the attachment thing a little but I am kind of attached 
 to my new hair style.  But in my defense the style itself is an imitation of 
 a carefree push your hair back with your hands style so popular in noir 
 movies (or anything with Christian Slater in it if you are not an TCM channel 
 addict like I am).
 So if you do sincerely want to help me is it really too much to ask for a 
 mention of what a great hair day I'm having?  (Not trying to load the deck or 
 anything but it might interest you to know that half way through my day a 
 curl escapes in the front of my hair and creeps down my forehead in a way 
 reminiscent of that period of Elvis's life between his young hot stage and 
 before he looked like he ate himself.  This curl is in no way affected or 
 deliberate and happens magically by itself in a most satisfying I am not so 
 vain that I did this on purpose manor.) And no it doesn't look like that 
 Michal Jackson front curl either and I'm just a little surprised you would 
 bring that up.  I only stopped wearing my black grief glove last week and it 
 is a little too soon for Michal Jackson references.  His front curl had many 
 curls in it like Dianna Ross and is not the most masculine thing in the world 
 if you catch my drift...Oh, you didn't (coughspoofter).  Did that help?  No I 
 wasn't coughing I was giving you a ...oh neverland, I mean never mind!
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   The fascinating thing from my point of view, Curtis, is that
   Nabby (and possibly a few others here) go ballistic and react
   as if you had attacked *them* because you were less than guru-
   whipped and treated Maharishi just like any other person.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@... wrote:

 I would have complimented you on your hair, but since I can't see you that 
 would have been difficult...
 I really liked the piece you wrote about the autistic boy...
 I used to work with autisic people and they really touched my heart as I was 
 reading in your piece that your heart had been touched also...
 That is what I meant by good soul...that you had a heart...
 I do remember the times I spent with the Maharishi he seemed to have a big 
 and open heart...
 But, with many of the meditators I meet there seemes to be a space where a 
 heart should be...
 I hope I've made your day, dear Curtis!

I can't imagine working day in and day out with people this challenged.  I 
think you are the biggest heart in this exchange.  I do some shows for special 
needs kids.  They are always my most emotionally moving.  But they also put me 
in contact with the kind of people who work there day in and day out and they 
are made of much stouter stuff than I am.

Thanks for the nice response and I'll accept your intention to compliment my 
hair if you had seen it, but I hope you will take my work for its 
fabulousness...oh wait...I seem to be afflicted with some hat hair from my 
spitfire cap.  Damn you hat hair!

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
   I hope this makes some sense, and can help Curtis, because I feel that 
   you are a good soul, and putting yourself through stuff that is 
   Whatever you feel about this word 'Maharishi' and all the feelings it 
   brings up for you, if you can see the attachment to this word, within 
   yourself, you will be a lot clearer about the whole thing.
  I'm not too sure what you might be referring to.  My piece was about what 
  happens to people with too much adulation.  I enjoyed writing it.
  As far as my feelings about the word Maharishi, I don't have any.  What I 
  was writing about was a real guy, he was my boss for my first important 
  job.  I am quite fond of the guy but he could be a real douche too and my 
  writing usually reflects both sides of him with a definite bias toward the 
  douchy side because that is my perspective on him now as a more mature 
  adult.  Turq's point as I understand was that people didn't need to attack 
  me personally because I spoke about Maharishi from my own perspective.  But 
  that is FFL and I know that before I hit send. Their view of the guy is 
  none of my business unless they would like to share it.  (If they do decide 
  to share it I would highly recommend the technique of referring at least to 
  a treesome, or if they want to follow my lead, a foursome, because that can 
  really spice otherwise lackluster writing up.  Try it and see!) 
  Now as far as saying I am a good soul, and I hope I am not being too 
  needy here, could you amp up the compliment a tad?  I mean only guys like 
  Hitler get called a bad soul because the soul by its very nature is good 
  right?  I mean the whole concept is that this is the part of us that is 
  eternal and godlike so aren't you really saying that the only part of me 
  that is any good is the part of me I have no control over?
  And this particularly stings because I was really fishing for a compliment 
  on how I have been doing my hair lately.  You see I have taken the lead 
  from that hunky guy on the mentalist (I don't know his name because I am 
  walking a pretty fine gay line here as it is) and have grown my hair out.  
  This lets me use old school hair products like Groom and Clean and the 
  American Crew Pomade they use on Madmen.  Anywhoo the sides of my hair are 
  kind of feathery like his and I'm really feeling kind of good about the 
  whole thing, but all I get are these lukewarm compliments on my soul!  So I 
  a may be enlightened about Maharishi with the attachment thing a little but 
  I am kind of attached to my new hair style.  But in my defense the style 
  itself is an imitation of a carefree push your hair back with your hands 
  style so popular in noir movies (or anything with Christian Slater in it if 
  you are not an TCM channel addict like I am).
  So if you do sincerely want to help me is it really too much to ask for a 
  mention of what a great hair day I'm having?  (Not trying to load the deck 
  or anything but it might interest you to know that half way through my day 
  a curl escapes in the front of my hair and creeps down my forehead in a way 
  reminiscent of that period of Elvis's life between his young hot stage and 
  before he looked like he ate himself.  This curl is in no way affected or 
  deliberate and happens magically by itself in a most satisfying I am not 
  so vain that I did this on purpose manor.) And no it doesn't look like 
  that Michal Jackson front curl either and I'm just a little 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 8:30 AM, salyavin808 fintlewoodle...@mail.comwrote:


 Being goaded, insulted and humiliated as I expose, parade your deception
 every day publicly must be taking it's toll

 Somehow I doubt it, but there is a similarity in your
 insults to everyone, one could hardly call them targeted.
 I suspect a bit of the old loathing in others what you
 fear in yourself?

 Dear salyavin - yes brilliant analysis - no chin-envy here then
right?..:-). I will go hide now - I mean gotta go to work now.

Love ya - Ravi

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread authfriend
Let's consider some facts for a change.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  Barry, how low can you go? Leave Ravi's family out of 
  your personal grudge against him. Whether you're lying 
  about him or not, it's none of your damn business and 
  certainly none of ours. His private life has no bearing 
  on his participation on this forum. Shame on you.
 Speaking of asleep at the wheel, Ravi himself
 volunteered this information, in the context of
 telling people how cool he was to have flirted
 with his ex-wife's divorce attorney.

Actually, here's what Ravi said:

My ex taunted me at the courthouse as she walked away with everything, the 
kids - the complete physical, legal custody
with no visitation, even her lawyer privately apologized to

And here's what Barry said:

Rick doesn't seem to have considered, when allowing him to
return, that even *courts* have decided that Ravi is too
unstable to allow him access to or even visitation rights
with his own children.

IOW, Ravi did not tell us what Barry claims he told us.
Barry does not know why the court decided what it did.

(Oh, and notice Barry's multiplication tactic: courts
rather than court. Sounds so much more definitive if more
than one court had decided the same thing, doesn't it?)

Let's get real here. It's not as if nobody had ever
succeeded in convincing a court that a former spouse was
Bad News for the kids purely out of spite. It's a very
effective way of getting back at the former spouse for
whatever had gone wrong in the marriage. (And while
fathers occasionally manage to wangle a no-visitation
decision from a divorce court, traditionally courts tend
to favor the mother in such cases.)

From what Ravi has told us about his interactions with
his ex-wife's attorney, it appears the attorney may have
had her doubts about the justice of the court's decision
for her client (also see the quote below from a later
post of Ravi's).

Finally, all this happened years ago. Rick had no basis
*whatsoever* for taking it into consideration when he
decided to allow Ravi to return to FFL.

And for all we know, the legal situation may have changed
in the interim. Is Ravi still forbidden to see his kids?
We don't know. Maybe he'll tell us.

Here's what Ravi went on to say about his wife's attorney
in a subsequent post:

Like I said I was being playful with her lawyer - Kelly, she
was a bit older than me but good looking - drove my ex mad..
LOL..she was like, don't talk to my attorney - not realizing
the stupidity and hilarity of her statement. Anyway her lawyer
starts explaining how she is a nice, honest person, goes to
bed every night peacefully (as in I'm just doing my job) and
I'm like whatever and then she looks me in the eye and says -
look Ravi, you are a really nice guy, I am still being playful
and she repeats with emphasis - No, Ravi listen - you are a
very nice guy and then I finally acknowledged and gave her one
of my patented bows.

 I have no grudge against Ravi. I have stated
 my position with regard to him many times, and
 have *followed through on it*. That is, I will
 not interact with him or any of the other people
 on this forum whom I suspect to be mentally ill,
 because I have neither the training nor the
 inclination to do so.
 You obviously feel otherwise, and that praising
 an unstable person when he acts out is a favor.

But Barry considers himself to have the training to
know when someone is unstable--and rather obviously
has a powerful inclination to repeat that conclusion
over and over, as if it were established fact, in an
attempt to anathematize those he has declared to be
unstable and turn other posters against them.

When considering whether Barry is being candid when
he claims not to have a grudge against Ravi, FFL
readers should perhaps bear in mind that Barry has
pronounced his expert diagnosis of instability--or
worse--virtually exclusively on his critics.

Enough said.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread Share Long
Isn't it a bit ironic that Barry uses FFL to criticize Rick who started FFL?!

As for Barry's reply to Raunchy:  clearly she was not praising Ravi, as Barry 
accused.  She was objecting to using the family topic to criticize Ravi.  For 
all the reasons you mention, Judy, I think that objection was spot on.  

 From: authfriend authfri...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2012 11:16 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

Let's consider some facts for a change.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  Barry, how low can you go? Leave Ravi's family out of 
  your personal grudge against him. Whether you're lying 
  about him or not, it's none of your damn business and 
  certainly none of ours. His private life has no bearing 
  on his participation on this forum. Shame on you.
 Speaking of asleep at the wheel, Ravi himself
 volunteered this information, in the context of
 telling people how cool he was to have flirted
 with his ex-wife's divorce attorney.

Actually, here's what Ravi said:

My ex taunted me at the courthouse as she walked away with everything, the 
kids - the complete physical, legal custody
with no visitation, even her lawyer privately apologized to

And here's what Barry said:

Rick doesn't seem to have considered, when allowing him to
return, that even *courts* have decided that Ravi is too
unstable to allow him access to or even visitation rights
with his own children.

IOW, Ravi did not tell us what Barry claims he told us.
Barry does not know why the court decided what it did.

(Oh, and notice Barry's multiplication tactic: courts
rather than court. Sounds so much more definitive if more
than one court had decided the same thing, doesn't it?)

Let's get real here. It's not as if nobody had ever
succeeded in convincing a court that a former spouse was
Bad News for the kids purely out of spite. It's a very
effective way of getting back at the former spouse for
whatever had gone wrong in the marriage. (And while
fathers occasionally manage to wangle a no-visitation
decision from a divorce court, traditionally courts tend
to favor the mother in such cases.)

From what Ravi has told us about his interactions with
his ex-wife's attorney, it appears the attorney may have
had her doubts about the justice of the court's decision
for her client (also see the quote below from a later
post of Ravi's).

Finally, all this happened years ago. Rick had no basis
*whatsoever* for taking it into consideration when he
decided to allow Ravi to return to FFL.

And for all we know, the legal situation may have changed
in the interim. Is Ravi still forbidden to see his kids?
We don't know. Maybe he'll tell us.

Here's what Ravi went on to say about his wife's attorney
in a subsequent post:

Like I said I was being playful with her lawyer - Kelly, she
was a bit older than me but good looking - drove my ex mad..
LOL..she was like, don't talk to my attorney - not realizing
the stupidity and hilarity of her statement. Anyway her lawyer
starts explaining how she is a nice, honest person, goes to
bed every night peacefully (as in I'm just doing my job) and
I'm like whatever and then she looks me in the eye and says -
look Ravi, you are a really nice guy, I am still being playful
and she repeats with emphasis - No, Ravi listen - you are a
very nice guy and then I finally acknowledged and gave her one
of my patented bows.

 I have no grudge against Ravi. I have stated
 my position with regard to him many times, and
 have *followed through on it*. That is, I will
 not interact with him or any of the other people
 on this forum whom I suspect to be mentally ill,
 because I have neither the training nor the
 inclination to do so.
 You obviously feel otherwise, and that praising
 an unstable person when he acts out is a favor.

But Barry considers himself to have the training to
know when someone is unstable--and rather obviously
has a powerful inclination to repeat that conclusion
over and over, as if it were established fact, in an
attempt to anathematize those he has declared to be
unstable and turn other posters against them.

When considering whether Barry is being candid when
he claims not to have a grudge against Ravi, FFL
readers should perhaps bear in mind that Barry has
pronounced his expert diagnosis of instability--or
worse--virtually exclusively on his critics.

Enough said.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread Robin Carlsen

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 Let's consider some facts for a change.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
   Barry, how low can you go? Leave Ravi's family out of 
   your personal grudge against him. Whether you're lying 
   about him or not, it's none of your damn business and 
   certainly none of ours. His private life has no bearing 
   on his participation on this forum. Shame on you.
  Speaking of asleep at the wheel, Ravi himself
  volunteered this information, in the context of
  telling people how cool he was to have flirted
  with his ex-wife's divorce attorney.
 Actually, here's what Ravi said:
 My ex taunted me at the courthouse as she walked away with everything, the 
 kids - the complete physical, legal custody
 with no visitation, even her lawyer privately apologized to
 And here's what Barry said:
 Rick doesn't seem to have considered, when allowing him to
 return, that even *courts* have decided that Ravi is too
 unstable to allow him access to or even visitation rights
 with his own children.
 IOW, Ravi did not tell us what Barry claims he told us.
 Barry does not know why the court decided what it did.
 (Oh, and notice Barry's multiplication tactic: courts
 rather than court. Sounds so much more definitive if more
 than one court had decided the same thing, doesn't it?)
 Let's get real here. It's not as if nobody had ever
 succeeded in convincing a court that a former spouse was
 Bad News for the kids purely out of spite. It's a very
 effective way of getting back at the former spouse for
 whatever had gone wrong in the marriage. (And while
 fathers occasionally manage to wangle a no-visitation
 decision from a divorce court, traditionally courts tend
 to favor the mother in such cases.)
 From what Ravi has told us about his interactions with
 his ex-wife's attorney, it appears the attorney may have
 had her doubts about the justice of the court's decision
 for her client (also see the quote below from a later
 post of Ravi's).
 Finally, all this happened years ago. Rick had no basis
 *whatsoever* for taking it into consideration when he
 decided to allow Ravi to return to FFL.
 And for all we know, the legal situation may have changed
 in the interim. Is Ravi still forbidden to see his kids?
 We don't know. Maybe he'll tell us.
 Here's what Ravi went on to say about his wife's attorney
 in a subsequent post:
 Like I said I was being playful with her lawyer - Kelly, she
 was a bit older than me but good looking - drove my ex mad..
 LOL..she was like, don't talk to my attorney - not realizing
 the stupidity and hilarity of her statement. Anyway her lawyer
 starts explaining how she is a nice, honest person, goes to
 bed every night peacefully (as in I'm just doing my job) and
 I'm like whatever and then she looks me in the eye and says -
 look Ravi, you are a really nice guy, I am still being playful
 and she repeats with emphasis - No, Ravi listen - you are a
 very nice guy and then I finally acknowledged and gave her one
 of my patented bows.
  I have no grudge against Ravi. I have stated
  my position with regard to him many times, and
  have *followed through on it*. That is, I will
  not interact with him or any of the other people
  on this forum whom I suspect to be mentally ill,
  because I have neither the training nor the
  inclination to do so.
  You obviously feel otherwise, and that praising
  an unstable person when he acts out is a favor.
 But Barry considers himself to have the training to
 know when someone is unstable--and rather obviously
 has a powerful inclination to repeat that conclusion
 over and over, as if it were established fact, in an
 attempt to anathematize those he has declared to be
 unstable and turn other posters against them.
 When considering whether Barry is being candid when
 he claims not to have a grudge against Ravi, FFL
 readers should perhaps bear in mind that Barry has
 pronounced his expert diagnosis of instability--or
 worse--virtually exclusively on his critics.
 Enough said.

Dear Authfriend,

The proof of Barry Wright's insincerity's and malice is HE WILL NOT DEIGN TO 
ANSWER THIS. But the arguments you have made are serious and persuasive. At the 
very least, if Barry Wright is an honourable person, he will take 
responsibility for what he has said, since you are making an accusation 
here--in refuting his characterization of Ravi Chivukula--which he 
intellectually and morally is obliged to answer. Unless and until I witness an 
act of decency and honesty on the part of Barry Wright I will continue to 
regard him as a brutally invulnerable and cruel human being who has decided 
that his conscience is of not of any use to him.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Isn't it a bit ironic that Barry uses FFL to criticize Rick
 who started FFL?!

Well, he isn't the first to do so, and he won't be the last.
I've done it myself on occasion.

What *is* ironic is that Barry usually fawns all over Rick,
especially for having created this forum as a place where
everyone can feel free to say what they think.

 As for Barry's reply to Raunchy: clearly she was not praising
 Ravi, as Barry accused. She was objecting to using the family
 topic to criticize Ravi.

Right, she wasn't praising him in that post, but from her
other posts, she's obviously friendly toward him. That's
what makes Barry crazy, that other people *like* Ravi.

I actually tend to agree with Barry that whatever someone
has said about their private lives on FFL is fair game 
for comment. (Preferably appreciative or compassionate
comment, but we know there are some here from whom that
cannot be expected.)

What I think is utterly inexcusable is to *misrepresent*
what the person has said and embroider and distort it with
speculations presented as if they were established fact--
which is what Barry did.

  For all the reasons you mention, Judy, I think that objection was spot on.  
  From: authfriend authfriend@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2012 11:16 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret
 Let's consider some facts for a change.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
   Barry, how low can you go? Leave Ravi's family out of 
   your personal grudge against him. Whether you're lying 
   about him or not, it's none of your damn business and 
   certainly none of ours. His private life has no bearing 
   on his participation on this forum. Shame on you.
  Speaking of asleep at the wheel, Ravi himself
  volunteered this information, in the context of
  telling people how cool he was to have flirted
  with his ex-wife's divorce attorney.
 Actually, here's what Ravi said:
 My ex taunted me at the courthouse as she walked away with everything, the 
 kids - the complete physical, legal custody
 with no visitation, even her lawyer privately apologized to
 And here's what Barry said:
 Rick doesn't seem to have considered, when allowing him to
 return, that even *courts* have decided that Ravi is too
 unstable to allow him access to or even visitation rights
 with his own children.
 IOW, Ravi did not tell us what Barry claims he told us.
 Barry does not know why the court decided what it did.
 (Oh, and notice Barry's multiplication tactic: courts
 rather than court. Sounds so much more definitive if more
 than one court had decided the same thing, doesn't it?)
 Let's get real here. It's not as if nobody had ever
 succeeded in convincing a court that a former spouse was
 Bad News for the kids purely out of spite. It's a very
 effective way of getting back at the former spouse for
 whatever had gone wrong in the marriage. (And while
 fathers occasionally manage to wangle a no-visitation
 decision from a divorce court, traditionally courts tend
 to favor the mother in such cases.)
 From what Ravi has told us about his interactions with
 his ex-wife's attorney, it appears the attorney may have
 had her doubts about the justice of the court's decision
 for her client (also see the quote below from a later
 post of Ravi's).
 Finally, all this happened years ago. Rick had no basis
 *whatsoever* for taking it into consideration when he
 decided to allow Ravi to return to FFL.
 And for all we know, the legal situation may have changed
 in the interim. Is Ravi still forbidden to see his kids?
 We don't know. Maybe he'll tell us.
 Here's what Ravi went on to say about his wife's attorney
 in a subsequent post:
 Like I said I was being playful with her lawyer - Kelly, she
 was a bit older than me but good looking - drove my ex mad..
 LOL..she was like, don't talk to my attorney - not realizing
 the stupidity and hilarity of her statement. Anyway her lawyer
 starts explaining how she is a nice, honest person, goes to
 bed every night peacefully (as in I'm just doing my job) and
 I'm like whatever and then she looks me in the eye and says -
 look Ravi, you are a really nice guy, I am still being playful
 and she repeats with emphasis - No, Ravi listen - you are a
 very nice guy and then I finally acknowledged and gave her one
 of my patented bows.
  I have no grudge against Ravi. I have stated
  my position with regard to him many times, and
  have *followed through on it*. That is, I will
  not interact with him or any of the other people
  on this forum whom I suspect to be mentally ill,
  because I have neither the training nor the
  inclination to do so.
  You obviously feel otherwise, and that praising
  an unstable

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  Barry, how low can you go? Leave Ravi's family out of 
  your personal grudge against him. Whether you're lying 
  about him or not, it's none of your damn business and 
  certainly none of ours. His private life has no bearing 
  on his participation on this forum. Shame on you.
 Speaking of asleep at the wheel, Ravi himself
 volunteered this information, in the context of
 telling people how cool he was to have flirted
 with his ex-wife's divorce attorney. 

Raunchy, you might have missed this from months ago, but it is true.  Ravi 
himself disclosed this and more.  Many of us have been very careful to stay 
away and out of all of this, careful not to egg anyone on.
 I have no grudge against Ravi. I have stated
 my position with regard to him many times, and
 have *followed through on it*. That is, I will
 not interact with him or any of the other people
 on this forum whom I suspect to be mentally ill,
 because I have neither the training nor the
 inclination to do so. 

I totally agree, Barry.  I wrote a post similar to this months ago.  My 
feelings were and are that it is unkind to use people who are not well in 
chat rooms, to encourage them in any way.  My reason was that this stuff stays 
around, and employers, attorneys, they all can see it.  It can embarrass 
family, mortify the person themself when they well, and ruin lives, or at least 
compromise them.  Not good to be in any way a part of that.
 You obviously feel otherwise, and that praising
 an unstable person when he acts out is a favor.

Encouraging this type of behavior is not only not a favor, it is using them and 
a form of ridicule.  Just my opinion, I know.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread Ravi Chivukula
I just want to add here something quick - I'm not here to share my personal
stories to titillate, woo some old farts here jaded, wearied, worn down by
their failed spiritual journeys, sold into Maharishi's con, deception - as
Nabby stated it so beautifully - it's in the fine print - what does the
fine print say? Three words - responsibility, accountability
and transparency(self-honesty).

I'm not going to elaborate my personal stories for some factual accuracy,
or to clarify the slander, lies spread by people with chin-envies and small
penis complexes.

I use my personal stories to add a certain context, to add detail, personal
touch, feel to my stories.

Because this is not some dry, intellectual, writing - no nedo-advaitic
puny, pathetic platitudes that I'm indulging in nor is it the passable,
presentable, platitudes that some Gurus deceiving and deluding themselves
as divine mothers, avatars

My writing is a love affair, regardless of who's reading or not, the
audience I'm talking to is not alien, distant to me. As I write I feel lot
of love, oneness with whom I'm communicating, writing in this case. I want
my audience to feel the primary motivation of my writing - which is
ultimately love.

I'm not trying to deceive innocent, naive, gullible audience like Barry and
Curtis do and then turn around and cry wolf, slander, lie, indulging in
their shameless, clueless, whiny, drama queenery.

I try to create a rich tapestry, a stunning mosaic to express my love, my
journey, my thoughts, on my spiritual journey - this tapestry, mosaic with
the beautiful set of English adjectives.

I don't claim to be an omniscient, omnipotent, all-knowing person - just a
simple, vulnerable, helpless, loving, created being at the mercy of this
dynamic, organic, mysterious entity known as the existence, reality or God.
All I have is my brutal-self honesty and integrity.

Of course I also use my writing to create a complex, intricate, maze, den,
web, context to GIS (Goad, insult and slay) my adversaries and cruelly
expose their biases, fears, insecurities, anxieties, their deception.

One can feel the love of my writing and reciprocate my love.

But if you are GIS'd - you can preserve your self-dignity like many others
or be shameless, clueless, manipulative, deceivers like Barry, Curtis.

Either way I strongly believe I can't ultimately touch, taint or tarnish
anyone's consciousness - the purity of their first person ontologies, their
unique expression, manifestation within this organic, dynamic, mysterious

So feel my love or slander me. It makes no difference to me.


On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 10:16 AM, authfriend authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
  Isn't it a bit ironic that Barry uses FFL to criticize Rick
  who started FFL?!

 Well, he isn't the first to do so, and he won't be the last.
 I've done it myself on occasion.

 What *is* ironic is that Barry usually fawns all over Rick,
 especially for having created this forum as a place where
 everyone can feel free to say what they think.

  As for Barry's reply to Raunchy: clearly she was not praising
  Ravi, as Barry accused. She was objecting to using the family
  topic to criticize Ravi.

 Right, she wasn't praising him in that post, but from her
 other posts, she's obviously friendly toward him. That's
 what makes Barry crazy, that other people *like* Ravi.

 I actually tend to agree with Barry that whatever someone
 has said about their private lives on FFL is fair game
 for comment. (Preferably appreciative or compassionate
 comment, but we know there are some here from whom that
 cannot be expected.)

 What I think is utterly inexcusable is to *misrepresent*
 what the person has said and embroider and distort it with
 speculations presented as if they were established fact--
 which is what Barry did.

 Â  For all the reasons you mention, Judy, I think that objection was spot
  From: authfriend authfriend@...

  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2012 11:16 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret
  Let's consider some facts for a change.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@
Barry, how low can you go? Leave Ravi's family out of
your personal grudge against him. Whether you're lying
about him or not, it's none of your damn business and
certainly none of ours. His private life has no bearing
on his participation on this forum. Shame on you.
   Speaking of asleep at the wheel, Ravi himself
   volunteered this information, in the context of
   telling people how cool he was to have flirted
   with his ex-wife's divorce attorney.
  Actually, here's what Ravi said:
  My ex taunted me at the courthouse as she walked away with everything,
 the kids

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Either way I strongly believe I can't ultimately touch, taint or
 anyone's consciousness - the purity of their first person ontologies,
 unique expression, manifestation within this organic, dynamic,

 So feel my love or slander me. It makes no difference to me.

Hey Ravi,
I'm down with all this.  In fact,  I think you are doing a better job of
staying in your lane so to speak.  Well maybe that's not the best
analogy, cause FFL is more like a game of crash cars.
But I think you are making more of a concerted effort to avoid some of
things that got you escorted off the stage in the past, and I hope you
continue you to do so.
I think your presence here adds a dimension we don't really get from
anyone else.  Of course I am only somewhat in your peripheral vision,
and not one of your primary targets.
On the other hand, you have become pretty much one dimensional in type
of postings you make.
Maybe you might want to try to mix it up a bit.
But I gotta say, that in a one on one with Curtis, I think you're coming
out on the short end of the stick.  Is that the same as SPS?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
   Barry, how low can you go? Leave Ravi's family out of 
   your personal grudge against him. Whether you're lying 
   about him or not, it's none of your damn business and 
   certainly none of ours. His private life has no bearing 
   on his participation on this forum. Shame on you.
  Speaking of asleep at the wheel, Ravi himself
  volunteered this information, in the context of
  telling people how cool he was to have flirted
  with his ex-wife's divorce attorney. 
 Raunchy, you might have missed this from months ago, but it
 is true.

Not from months ago, Susan. Barry's referring to
posts Ravi made in the past couple of days.

 Ravi himself disclosed this and more.  Many of us have been
 very careful to stay away and out of all of this, careful
 not to egg anyone on.

Your admirable self-righteousness comes across as
clear as a bell, Susan.

  I have no grudge against Ravi. I have stated
  my position with regard to him many times, and
  have *followed through on it*. That is, I will
  not interact with him or any of the other people
  on this forum whom I suspect to be mentally ill,
  because I have neither the training nor the
  inclination to do so. 
 I totally agree, Barry.  I wrote a post similar to this
 months ago.  My feelings were and are that it is unkind to
 use people who are not well in chat rooms

(Just for the record, FFL is not a chat room, it's a
public forum.)

 to encourage them in any way.  My reason was that this stuff
 stays around, and employers, attorneys, they all can see it.
 It can embarrass family, mortify the person themself when they 
 well, and ruin lives, or at least compromise them.  Not good
 to be in any way a part of that.

Says Susan, quite deliberately making herself a part
of that.

Like Barry, she believes she is able to determine who
is and who is not well, and she wants it known that she
has judged Ravi to be definitely not well.

So much for her reluctance to participate in ruining
(or at least compromising) lives. So much for her
concern about attorneys and family and employers. She
wants them all to know of her conviction that Ravi is
not well.

  You obviously feel otherwise, and that praising
  an unstable person when he acts out is a favor.
 Encouraging this type of behavior is not only not a favor,
 it is using them and a form of ridicule.  Just my opinion,
 I know.

Again, like Barry, Susan assumes her opinion is
held by everyone on FFL. Those of us who like Ravi,
according to Susan, all agree that he is not well
and are just pretending to be friendly when in fact,
in Susan's mind, we are really only using and
ridiculing him.

What terrible people we must be compared to Saintly 
Susan and Blameless Barry, who are doing their level
best to infuriate this person they claim is not well
and unstable, hoping to encourage even more extreme
forms of the behavior they profess to deplore so they
can intensify their public hand-wringing.

Obviously they're seething over what Ravi has said
about them and are intent on striking back. It fails
to occur to them how their anger at him belies their
pious declarations concerning his purportedly delicate
state of his mental health. Why, they're just as
pissed off at him as if he were as sane as they are!

I guess compassion would dictate that one pity people
who are so painfully devoid of self-knowledge. But
I'm afraid I can't muster up those finer feelings.
Their hypocrisy just makes me want to throw up.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
Barry, how low can you go? Leave Ravi's family out of 
your personal grudge against him. Whether you're lying 
about him or not, it's none of your damn business and 
certainly none of ours. His private life has no bearing 
on his participation on this forum. Shame on you.
   Speaking of asleep at the wheel, Ravi himself
   volunteered this information, in the context of
   telling people how cool he was to have flirted
   with his ex-wife's divorce attorney. 
  Raunchy, you might have missed this from months ago, but it
  is true.
 Not from months ago, Susan. Barry's referring to
 posts Ravi made in the past couple of days.
  Ravi himself disclosed this and more.  Many of us have been
  very careful to stay away and out of all of this, careful
  not to egg anyone on.
 Your admirable self-righteousness comes across as
 clear as a bell, Susan.
Oh Judy, I spoke the truth here, not self righteousness. I happen to think Ravi 
is probably  pretty mazing person.  But as you know, it was you in particular i 
was thinking of as not being a good friend to Ravi.  I think  you must know 
that. Maybe that is why this bothered you so?
   I have no grudge against Ravi. I have stated
   my position with regard to him many times, and
   have *followed through on it*. That is, I will
   not interact with him or any of the other people
   on this forum whom I suspect to be mentally ill,
   because I have neither the training nor the
   inclination to do so. 
  I totally agree, Barry.  I wrote a post similar to this
  months ago.  My feelings were and are that it is unkind to
  use people who are not well in chat rooms
 (Just for the record, FFL is not a chat room, it's a
 public forum.)

Thanks for that very significant correction.  I am sure it misled everyone!!
  to encourage them in any way.  My reason was that this stuff
  stays around, and employers, attorneys, they all can see it.
  It can embarrass family, mortify the person themself when they 
  well, and ruin lives, or at least compromise them.  Not good
  to be in any way a part of that.
 Says Susan, quite deliberately making herself a part
 of that.
 Like Barry, she believes she is able to determine who
 is and who is not well, and she wants it known that she
 has judged Ravi to be definitely not well.

Wrong again, Judy.  Ravi himself said he had some troubles, and I believed him. 
Nothing wrong in that, is there? 
 So much for her reluctance to participate in ruining
 (or at least compromising) lives. So much for her
 concern about attorneys and family and employers. She
 wants them all to know of her conviction that Ravi is
 not well.
   You obviously feel otherwise, and that praising
   an unstable person when he acts out is a favor.
  Encouraging this type of behavior is not only not a favor,
  it is using them and a form of ridicule.  Just my opinion,
  I know.
 Again, like Barry, Susan assumes her opinion is
 held by everyone on FFL. Those of us who like Ravi,
 according to Susan, all agree that he is not well
 and are just pretending to be friendly when in fact,
 in Susan's mind, we are really only using and
 ridiculing him.
 What terrible people we must be compared to Saintly 
 Susan and Blameless Barry, who are doing their level
 best to infuriate this person they claim is not well
 and unstable, hoping to encourage even more extreme
 forms of the behavior they profess to deplore so they
 can intensify their public hand-wringing.
 Obviously they're seething over what Ravi has said
 about them and are intent on striking back. It fails
 to occur to them how their anger at him belies their
 pious declarations concerning his purportedly delicate
 state of his mental health. Why, they're just as
 pissed off at him as if he were as sane as they are!
 I guess compassion would dictate that one pity people
 who are so painfully devoid of self-knowledge. But
 I'm afraid I can't muster up those finer feelings.
 Their hypocrisy just makes me want to throw up.

Go ahead.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:

 Barry, how low can you go? Leave Ravi's family out of 
 your personal grudge against him. Whether you're lying 
 about him or not, it's none of your damn business and 
 certainly none of ours. His private life has no bearing 
 on his participation on this forum. Shame on you.

Speaking of asleep at the wheel, Ravi himself
volunteered this information, in the context of
telling people how cool he was to have flirted
with his ex-wife's divorce attorney. 
   Raunchy, you might have missed this from months ago, but it
   is true.
  Not from months ago, Susan. Barry's referring to
  posts Ravi made in the past couple of days.
   Ravi himself disclosed this and more.  Many of us have been
   very careful to stay away and out of all of this, careful
   not to egg anyone on.
  Your admirable self-righteousness comes across as
  clear as a bell, Susan.

 Oh Judy, I spoke the truth here, not self righteousness.

It's self-righteous whether you actually believe what
you're saying or not.

 I happen to think Ravi is probably  pretty mazing person.
 But as you know, it was you in particular i was thinking
 of as not being a good friend to Ravi.  I think you must
 know that. Maybe that is why this bothered you so?

If I had known that, I would have found it hilarious.
You could hardly be any farther off-target. Very highly
selective memory you've got there.

Stick to metaphysical speculation, Susan. Your skills
do not lie in the area of analyzing real live human

I have no grudge against Ravi. I have stated
my position with regard to him many times, and
have *followed through on it*. That is, I will
not interact with him or any of the other people
on this forum whom I suspect to be mentally ill,
because I have neither the training nor the
inclination to do so. 
   I totally agree, Barry.  I wrote a post similar to this
   months ago.  My feelings were and are that it is unkind to
   use people who are not well in chat rooms
  (Just for the record, FFL is not a chat room, it's a
  public forum.)
 Thanks for that very significant correction.  I am sure it
 misled everyone!!

Yes, very significant. That's why I put it in parentheses
and noted that it was just for the record. Susan, are you
really bent on taking over the role of Stupid Sal?

   to encourage them in any way.  My reason was that this stuff
   stays around, and employers, attorneys, they all can see it.
   It can embarrass family, mortify the person themself when they 
   well, and ruin lives, or at least compromise them.  Not good
   to be in any way a part of that.
  Says Susan, quite deliberately making herself a part
  of that.
  Like Barry, she believes she is able to determine who
  is and who is not well, and she wants it known that she
  has judged Ravi to be definitely not well.
 Wrong again, Judy.  Ravi himself said he had some troubles,
 and I believed him. Nothing wrong in that, is there?

*Had* some troubles, Susan. Oddly enough, you didn't go
to the trouble in the post I was responding to to make
it clear you believed he had now overcome those troubles,
if that was in fact what you believe, as you seem to
imply here. Certainly Barry doesn't think he has, but you
failed to challenge him on that point. I totally agree,
you wrote in response to the paragraph from his post I
quoted above, which obviously referred to Ravi in the

Sorry, Susan, but your attempt to make yourself appear
less hypocritical is very far from convincing.

  So much for her reluctance to participate in ruining
  (or at least compromising) lives. So much for her
  concern about attorneys and family and employers. She
  wants them all to know of her conviction that Ravi is
  not well.
You obviously feel otherwise, and that praising
an unstable person when he acts out is a favor.
   Encouraging this type of behavior is not only not a favor,
   it is using them and a form of ridicule.  Just my opinion,
   I know.
  Again, like Barry, Susan assumes her opinion is
  held by everyone on FFL. Those of us who like Ravi,
  according to Susan, all agree that he is not well
  and are just pretending to be friendly when in fact,
  in Susan's mind, we are really only using and
  ridiculing him.
  What terrible people we must be compared to Saintly 
  Susan and Blameless Barry, who are doing their level
  best to infuriate this person they claim is not well
  and unstable, hoping to encourage even more extreme
  forms of the behavior they profess to deplore so they
  can intensify their public 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread Share Long
Ravi, just take good care of yourself, ok?  Maybe get some good rest.  Some 
healthy delicious food and beverage.  Some fun exercise in sunshine and fresh 
air.  Such common sense approaches can help a lot when the old world starts 
shaking us up.  I realize you're a young, strong man, etc.  Nonetheless, very 
wise to take good care of the body mind vehicle.  If only to be an even better 
lover of all that is.  Share

 From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2012 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

I just want to add here something quick - I'm not here to share my personal 
stories to titillate, woo some old farts here jaded, wearied, worn down by 
their failed spiritual journeys, sold into Maharishi's con, deception - as 
Nabby stated it so beautifully - it's in the fine print - what does the fine 
print say? Three words - responsibility, accountability 
and transparency(self-honesty).

I'm not going to elaborate my personal stories for some factual accuracy, or to 
clarify the slander, lies spread by people with chin-envies and small penis 

I use my personal stories to add a certain context, to add detail, personal 
touch, feel to my stories.

Because this is not some dry, intellectual, writing - no nedo-advaitic puny, 
pathetic platitudes that I'm indulging in nor is it the passable, presentable, 
platitudes that some Gurus deceiving and deluding themselves as divine mothers, 

My writing is a love affair, regardless of who's reading or not, the audience 
I'm talking to is not alien, distant to me. As I write I feel lot of love, 
oneness with whom I'm communicating, writing in this case. I want my audience 
to feel the primary motivation of my writing - which is ultimately love.

I'm not trying to deceive innocent, naive, gullible audience like Barry and 
Curtis do and then turn around and cry wolf, slander, lie, indulging in their 
shameless, clueless, whiny, drama queenery.

I try to create a rich tapestry, a stunning mosaic to express my love, my 
journey, my thoughts, on my spiritual journey - this tapestry, mosaic with the 
beautiful set of English adjectives.

I don't claim to be an omniscient, omnipotent, all-knowing person - just a 
simple, vulnerable, helpless, loving, created being at the mercy of this 
dynamic, organic, mysterious entity known as the existence, reality or God. All 
I have is my brutal-self honesty and integrity.

Of course I also use my writing to create a complex, intricate, maze, den, web, 
context to GIS (Goad, insult and slay) my adversaries and cruelly expose their 
biases, fears, insecurities, anxieties, their deception.

One can feel the love of my writing and reciprocate my love.

But if you are GIS'd - you can preserve your self-dignity like many others or 
be shameless, clueless, manipulative, deceivers like Barry, Curtis.

Either way I strongly believe I can't ultimately touch, taint or tarnish 
anyone's consciousness - the purity of their first person ontologies, their 
unique expression, manifestation within this organic, dynamic, mysterious 

So feel my love or slander me. It makes no difference to me.


On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 10:16 AM, authfriend authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Isn't it a bit ironic that Barry uses FFL to criticize Rick
 who started FFL?!

Well, he isn't the first to do so, and he won't be the last.
I've done it myself on occasion.

What *is* ironic is that Barry usually fawns all over Rick,
especially for having created this forum as a place where
everyone can feel free to say what they think.

 As for Barry's reply to Raunchy: clearly she was not praising
 Ravi, as Barry accused. She was objecting to using the family
 topic to criticize Ravi.

Right, she wasn't praising him in that post, but from her
other posts, she's obviously friendly toward him. That's
what makes Barry crazy, that other people *like* Ravi.

I actually tend to agree with Barry that whatever someone
has said about their private lives on FFL is fair game 
for comment. (Preferably appreciative or compassionate
comment, but we know there are some here from whom that
cannot be expected.)

What I think is utterly inexcusable is to *misrepresent*
what the person has said and embroider and distort it with
speculations presented as if they were established fact--
which is what Barry did.

  For all the reasons you mention, Judy, I think that objection was spot 
  From: authfriend authfriend@...

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2012 11:16 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret


 Let's consider some facts for a change.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
  Barry, how low can you go? Leave Ravi's family out of 
  your personal grudge against him. Whether you're lying 
  about him or not, it's none of your damn business and 
  certainly none of ours. His private life has no bearing 
  on his participation on this forum. Shame on you.
 Speaking of asleep at the wheel, Ravi himself
 volunteered this information, in the context of
 telling people how cool he was to have flirted
 with his ex-wife's divorce attorney. 

Raunchy, you might have missed this from months ago, but it
is true.
   Not from months ago, Susan. Barry's referring to
   posts Ravi made in the past couple of days.
Ravi himself disclosed this and more.  Many of us have been
very careful to stay away and out of all of this, careful
not to egg anyone on.
   Your admirable self-righteousness comes across as
   clear as a bell, Susan.
  Oh Judy, I spoke the truth here, not self righteousness.
 It's self-righteous whether you actually believe what
 you're saying or not.

I meant what I wrote  because it is true for me and for others, and if you 
found it self righteous, so be it.  
Since you brought up being self righteous -based on what I have seen,  you do a 
great deal of Correcting of people you do not approve of - whether it is a 
choice of a word, knowledge of a long forgotten post, parsing an irrelevant 
point while missing the gist of what someone says, fussing over details, or 
just stating they are wrong because they don't agree with you and your take on 
things. You seem to do this mostly to those people who don't agree with you or 
who appear to like people that you don't.  Since this is not a courtroom, a 
paid editing job, or a legal brief, it comes across to those you have corrected 
as - well, maybe self righteous.  Now, behind all that it is obvious to 
everyone that you have  great deal to offer  - you are so smart, cultured, have 
great ideas, have a phenomenal memory. And you are a devoted friend to those 
you like. And they love you.  It is just hard to appreciate that when a person 
has been Corrected and recorrected by you, because, correcting is different 
than an exchange of ideas or a discussion.  

  I happen to think Ravi is probably  pretty mazing person.
  But as you know, it was you in particular i was thinking
  of as not being a good friend to Ravi.  I think you must
  know that. Maybe that is why this bothered you so?
 If I had known that, I would have found it hilarious.
 You could hardly be any farther off-target. Very highly
 selective memory you've got there.
 Stick to metaphysical speculation, Susan. Your skills
 do not lie in the area of analyzing real live human

Um, actually my skills lie very much in that area. I could have said the same 
to you, but I don't feel my opinions are facts. 

 I have no grudge against Ravi. I have stated
 my position with regard to him many times, and
 have *followed through on it*. That is, I will
 not interact with him or any of the other people
 on this forum whom I suspect to be mentally ill,
 because I have neither the training nor the
 inclination to do so. 

I totally agree, Barry.  I wrote a post similar to this
months ago.  My feelings were and are that it is unkind to
use people who are not well in chat rooms
   (Just for the record, FFL is not a chat room, it's a
   public forum.)
  Thanks for that very significant correction.  I am sure it
  misled everyone!!
 Yes, very significant. That's why I put it in parentheses
 and noted that it was just for the record. Susan, are you
 really bent on taking over the role of Stupid Sal?

Why not leave your Just for the Record comments out since it served no purpose 
to anyone but your own need to correct?  And what does Sal have to do with this 
conversation? I did not read the interactions you had with her.  Why are you 
trying to muddy the conversation and add an insult?
to encourage them in any way.  My reason was that this stuff
stays around, and employers, attorneys, they all can see it.
It can embarrass family, mortify the person themself when they 
well, and ruin lives, or at least compromise them.  Not good
to be in any way a part of that.
   Says Susan, quite deliberately making herself a part
   of that.
   Like Barry, she believes she is able to determine who
   is and who is not well, and she wants it known that she
   has judged Ravi to be definitely 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Dear Aunt Share - thanks for love, support and concern.

This is what I do, day in and day out - eat well, rest well, work well. I'm
not a masochist like these conster, fraudster Gurus, because I don't need
anything from anyone - the existence provides me and has provided me
everything I need.

In fact I only take care of myself, always true to myself, totally lost in
my beloved Rosathea, always thinking of her, the things I need to do to
impress her, why yesterday I went for labor day shopping and bought a few
Abercrombies, I think of how to win her love, admiration, respect, hoping I
will hear from her soon - the rest of all this is very accidental.


On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 6:01 PM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com wrote:


 Ravi, just take good care of yourself, ok?  Maybe get some good rest.
 Some healthy delicious food and beverage.  Some fun exercise in sunshine
 and fresh air.  Such common sense approaches can help a lot when the old
 world starts shaking us up.  I realize you're a young, strong man, etc.
 Nonetheless, very wise to take good care of the body mind vehicle.  If only
 to be an even better lover of all that is.  Share

 *From:* Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.com
 *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 *Sent:* Tuesday, September 4, 2012 2:59 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

 I just want to add here something quick - I'm not here to share my
 personal stories to titillate, woo some old farts here jaded, wearied, worn
 down by their failed spiritual journeys, sold into Maharishi's con,
 deception - as Nabby stated it so beautifully - it's in the fine print -
 what does the fine print say? Three words - responsibility, accountability
 and transparency(self-honesty).

 I'm not going to elaborate my personal stories for some factual accuracy,
 or to clarify the slander, lies spread by people with chin-envies and small
 penis complexes.

 I use my personal stories to add a certain context, to add detail,
 personal touch, feel to my stories.

 Because this is not some dry, intellectual, writing - no nedo-advaitic
 puny, pathetic platitudes that I'm indulging in nor is it the passable,
 presentable, platitudes that some Gurus deceiving and deluding themselves
 as divine mothers, avatars

 My writing is a love affair, regardless of who's reading or not, the
 audience I'm talking to is not alien, distant to me. As I write I feel lot
 of love, oneness with whom I'm communicating, writing in this case. I want
 my audience to feel the primary motivation of my writing - which is
 ultimately love.

 I'm not trying to deceive innocent, naive, gullible audience like Barry
 and Curtis do and then turn around and cry wolf, slander, lie, indulging in
 their shameless, clueless, whiny, drama queenery.

 I try to create a rich tapestry, a stunning mosaic to express my love, my
 journey, my thoughts, on my spiritual journey - this tapestry, mosaic with
 the beautiful set of English adjectives.

 I don't claim to be an omniscient, omnipotent, all-knowing person - just a
 simple, vulnerable, helpless, loving, created being at the mercy of this
 dynamic, organic, mysterious entity known as the existence, reality or God.
 All I have is my brutal-self honesty and integrity.

 Of course I also use my writing to create a complex, intricate, maze, den,
 web, context to GIS (Goad, insult and slay) my adversaries and cruelly
 expose their biases, fears, insecurities, anxieties, their deception.

 One can feel the love of my writing and reciprocate my love.

 But if you are GIS'd - you can preserve your self-dignity like many others
 or be shameless, clueless, manipulative, deceivers like Barry, Curtis.

 Either way I strongly believe I can't ultimately touch, taint or tarnish
 anyone's consciousness - the purity of their first person ontologies, their
 unique expression, manifestation within this organic, dynamic, mysterious

 So feel my love or slander me. It makes no difference to me.


 On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 10:16 AM, authfriend authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:


  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
  Isn't it a bit ironic that Barry uses FFL to criticize Rick
  who started FFL?!

 Well, he isn't the first to do so, and he won't be the last.
 I've done it myself on occasion.

 What *is* ironic is that Barry usually fawns all over Rick,
 especially for having created this forum as a place where
 everyone can feel free to say what they think.

  As for Barry's reply to Raunchy: clearly she was not praising
  Ravi, as Barry accused. She was objecting to using the family
  topic to criticize Ravi.

 Right, she wasn't praising him in that post, but from her
 other posts, she's obviously friendly toward him. That's
 what makes Barry crazy, that other people *like* Ravi.

 I actually tend to agree with Barry that whatever someone
 has said about their private lives on FFL

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-04 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@ wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
   Barry, how low can you go? Leave Ravi's family out of 
   your personal grudge against him. Whether you're lying 
   about him or not, it's none of your damn business and 
   certainly none of ours. His private life has no bearing 
   on his participation on this forum. Shame on you.
  Speaking of asleep at the wheel, Ravi himself
  volunteered this information, in the context of
  telling people how cool he was to have flirted
  with his ex-wife's divorce attorney. 
 Raunchy, you might have missed this from months ago, but it
 is true.

Not from months ago, Susan. Barry's referring to
posts Ravi made in the past couple of days.

 Ravi himself disclosed this and more.  Many of us have been
 very careful to stay away and out of all of this, careful
 not to egg anyone on.

Your admirable self-righteousness comes across as
clear as a bell, Susan.
   Oh Judy, I spoke the truth here, not self righteousness.
  It's self-righteous whether you actually believe what
  you're saying or not.
 I meant what I wrote  because it is true for me and for others, and if you 
 found it self righteous, so be it.  
 Since you brought up being self righteous -based on what I have 
 seen,  you do a great deal of Correcting of people you do not 
 approve of - whether it is a choice of a word, knowledge of a
 long forgotten post, parsing an irrelevant point while missing
 the gist of what someone says, fussing over details, or just 
 stating they are wrong because they don't agree with you and
 your take on things. You seem to do this mostly to those people
 who don't agree with you or who appear to like people that
 you don't.  Since this is not a courtroom, a paid editing job,
 or a legal brief, it comes across to those you have corrected
 as - well, maybe self righteous.

Susan, you haven't a *clue* what is meant by self-righteous.

And your litany above is way off-target as well. I'm not
going to bother Correcting you because you don't seem
capable of absorbing anything. You haven't even addressed
what I said in my original post.

   I happen to think Ravi is probably  pretty mazing person.
   But as you know, it was you in particular i was thinking
   of as not being a good friend to Ravi.  I think you must
   know that. Maybe that is why this bothered you so?
  If I had known that, I would have found it hilarious.
  You could hardly be any farther off-target. Very highly
  selective memory you've got there.
  Stick to metaphysical speculation, Susan. Your skills
  do not lie in the area of analyzing real live human
 Um, actually my skills lie very much in that area. I
 could have said the same to you, but I don't feel my
 opinions are facts. 

But as you know, [wrong] it was you in particular i was
thinking of as not being a good friend to Ravi. [wrong]
I think you must know that. [wrong] Maybe that is why
this bothered you so? [wrong]


Have a look at this exchange (read from the bottom up):


You were posting to FFL that week, BTW, so either you
didn't bother to read it, or you've conveniently
forgotten it.

  I have no grudge against Ravi. I have stated
  my position with regard to him many times, and
  have *followed through on it*. That is, I will
  not interact with him or any of the other people
  on this forum whom I suspect to be mentally ill,
  because I have neither the training nor the
  inclination to do so. 
 I totally agree, Barry.  I wrote a post similar to this
 months ago.  My feelings were and are that it is unkind to
 use people who are not well in chat rooms

(Just for the record, FFL is not a chat room, it's a
public forum.)
   Thanks for that very significant correction.  I am sure it
   misled everyone!!
  Yes, very significant. That's why I put it in parentheses
  and noted that it was just for the record. Susan, are you
  really bent on taking over the role of Stupid Sal?
 Why not leave your Just for the Record comments out since it
 served no purpose to anyone but your own need to correct?

Looks like it really bothered you to be corrected. Do
you even know what a chat room is?

 And what does Sal have to do with this conversation? I did
 not read the interactions you had with her.  Why are you
 trying to muddy the conversation and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Ravi Chivukula
I have correct the statement that no one has been able to defeat me - 3
have, 3 women, women that I fell in love with. One of them stands out in
its sheer enormity, the overwhelming way in which she won and transformed
me. But these adversaries remain confidential except for one (my ex) of

On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 10:39 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 Dear Steve,

 I was expecting you to wade in here but your response has left me totally

 It's like a village bumpkin accosting a professor and telling the
 professor he is an adversary to him - what is the professor supposed to? He
 will probably just smile, change the topic and indulge in some silly talk
 with the man - inquire about his well-being, his family, work, activities

 I'm too, faced with this conundrum every time you fantasize that you are
 challenging me.

 Trust me - I haven't met any adversary who has been able to match me since
 Nov 2009. Not because I'm the strongest or the bravest or the smartest or
 the most handsome or the most intelligent, no, because I haven't met anyone
 who can match my brutal self-honesty and integrity. Almost always every one
 is found immobile, stuck in some belief, some emotional investment or the
 other whereas I'm forever mobile, free and soaring.

 Coming to the rest of your message - your opinion places you squarely in
 Barry's clique. If any other reasonable, intelligent person decides to join
 your cause I will go ahead and address it.


 On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 7:51 PM, seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.netwrote:


 I'll confess Ravi, that while you were gone, I asked myself, do I miss
 his presence here?  And I will also admit that the answer was no, I did
 not  It is true that we had become quite adversarial, and yes, there was a
 certain enjoyment it taking on that role.

 But once some time had passed, after you had been booted off, I realized
 how unpleasant it had really been.

 And here you are ramping up that same type behavior.  I guess you can't
 stay away from it.  I mean it looks like you are waging battles on several
 fronts.  In fact,  it seems  you've created web sites from which to wage
 some of these battles.

 At any rate, I find it distasteful, that you see fit to spew some much

 Excuse me if I am not able to respond quickly to anything you might say.
  We are spending part of the weekend here in Chicago, and I don't have
 ready access to a computer.  Sharing it with my wife and daughter.

 It is true that during your last stint, I had gotten deep into a battle
 posture with you.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
  On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 3:04 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@...

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
Dear Barry Baby,
Well I hope your buddy just sticks to his writing on his way to
rehabilitating himself - I don't think there is any dispute on his
I'm watching, I'm sure the old man and Judy are as well. I don't
them but the minute your buddy tries to wade into any kind of
moral, ethical, intelligent voice here, I will methodically,
mercilessly rip him apart assuming he will continue along on his
charade of his past trickery here. No sir - no Mayan Messiah of
Maitreya of Morons getting a free pass from me.
So remember that.
   That perfectly defines the troll agenda doesn't it?
  Baby - I'm down with anything that helps your rehabilitation, I have a
  special kind of love for you. Just don't, don't, you know what..:-).
  Anyway this is all from the Message view that I can't but help notice.
  I was talking to Barry. So, Bzzzt..back off, you are not in my list
  interesting persons. Not Interested. Take your whiny, drama queenery,
  elsewhere - Get it?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Ravi Chivukula
My ex taunted me at the courthouse as she walked away with everything, the
kids - the complete physical, legal custody with no visitation, even her
lawyer privately apologized to me though I was being playful and even
flirting with her, my ex said I was a loser and will always be a loser - I
had to agree for the first time, on that point and on that point alone -
that yes I was indeed a loser and will always be a loser, loser lover - but
wait - oh hello my fantasy beloved Rosathea.

Now watch out Steve - know I can whup your ass, any time, at my fancy, at
my will - except I don't have any satisfaction from you since you are so
dumb, and clueless that you don't even realize it and you deprive me of
this pleasure.

On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 11:16 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 I have correct the statement that no one has been able to defeat me - 3
 have, 3 women, women that I fell in love with. One of them stands out in
 its sheer enormity, the overwhelming way in which she won and transformed
 me. But these adversaries remain confidential except for one (my ex) of

 On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 10:39 PM, Ravi Chivukula 

 Dear Steve,

 I was expecting you to wade in here but your response has left me totally

 It's like a village bumpkin accosting a professor and telling the
 professor he is an adversary to him - what is the professor supposed to? He
 will probably just smile, change the topic and indulge in some silly talk
 with the man - inquire about his well-being, his family, work, activities

 I'm too, faced with this conundrum every time you fantasize that you are
 challenging me.

 Trust me - I haven't met any adversary who has been able to match me
 since Nov 2009. Not because I'm the strongest or the bravest or the
 smartest or the most handsome or the most intelligent, no, because I
 haven't met anyone who can match my brutal self-honesty and integrity.
 Almost always every one is found immobile, stuck in some belief, some
 emotional investment or the other whereas I'm forever mobile, free and

 Coming to the rest of your message - your opinion places you squarely in
 Barry's clique. If any other reasonable, intelligent person decides to join
 your cause I will go ahead and address it.


 On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 7:51 PM, seventhray1 


 I'll confess Ravi, that while you were gone, I asked myself, do I miss
 his presence here?  And I will also admit that the answer was no, I did
 not  It is true that we had become quite adversarial, and yes, there was a
 certain enjoyment it taking on that role.

 But once some time had passed, after you had been booted off, I realized
 how unpleasant it had really been.

 And here you are ramping up that same type behavior.  I guess you can't
 stay away from it.  I mean it looks like you are waging battles on several
 fronts.  In fact,  it seems  you've created web sites from which to wage
 some of these battles.

 At any rate, I find it distasteful, that you see fit to spew some much

 Excuse me if I am not able to respond quickly to anything you might say.
  We are spending part of the weekend here in Chicago, and I don't have
 ready access to a computer.  Sharing it with my wife and daughter.

 It is true that during your last stint, I had gotten deep into a battle
 posture with you.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
  On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 3:04 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@...

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
Dear Barry Baby,
Well I hope your buddy just sticks to his writing on his way to
rehabilitating himself - I don't think there is any dispute on his
I'm watching, I'm sure the old man and Judy are as well. I don't
them but the minute your buddy tries to wade into any kind of
moral, ethical, intelligent voice here, I will methodically,
mercilessly rip him apart assuming he will continue along on his
charade of his past trickery here. No sir - no Mayan Messiah of
Maitreya of Morons getting a free pass from me.
So remember that.
   That perfectly defines the troll agenda doesn't it?
  Baby - I'm down with anything that helps your rehabilitation, I have a
  special kind of love for you. Just don't, don't, you know what..:-).
  Anyway this is all from the Message view that I can't but help notice.
  I was talking to Barry. So, Bzzzt..back off, you are not in my
 list of
  interesting persons. Not Interested. Take your whiny, drama queenery,
  elsewhere - Get it?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 My ex taunted me at the courthouse as she walked away with everything, the
 kids - the complete physical, legal custody with no visitation, even her
 lawyer privately apologized to me though I was being playful and even
 flirting with her, my ex said I was a loser and will always be a loser - I
 had to agree for the first time, on that point and on that point alone -
 that yes I was indeed a loser and will always be a loser, loser lover - but
 wait - oh hello my fantasy beloved Rosathea.
 Now watch out Steve - know I can whup your ass, any time, at my fancy, at
 my will - except I don't have any satisfaction from you since you are so
 dumb, and clueless that you don't even realize it and you deprive me of
 this pleasure.

You've got dribble on your chin again.

 On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 11:16 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...wrote:
  I have correct the statement that no one has been able to defeat me - 3
  have, 3 women, women that I fell in love with. One of them stands out in
  its sheer enormity, the overwhelming way in which she won and transformed
  me. But these adversaries remain confidential except for one (my ex) of
  On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 10:39 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...wrote:
  Dear Steve,
  I was expecting you to wade in here but your response has left me totally
  It's like a village bumpkin accosting a professor and telling the
  professor he is an adversary to him - what is the professor supposed to? He
  will probably just smile, change the topic and indulge in some silly talk
  with the man - inquire about his well-being, his family, work, activities
  I'm too, faced with this conundrum every time you fantasize that you are
  challenging me.
  Trust me - I haven't met any adversary who has been able to match me
  since Nov 2009. Not because I'm the strongest or the bravest or the
  smartest or the most handsome or the most intelligent, no, because I
  haven't met anyone who can match my brutal self-honesty and integrity.
  Almost always every one is found immobile, stuck in some belief, some
  emotional investment or the other whereas I'm forever mobile, free and
  Coming to the rest of your message - your opinion places you squarely in
  Barry's clique. If any other reasonable, intelligent person decides to join
  your cause I will go ahead and address it.
  On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 7:51 PM, seventhray1 steve.sundur@...wrote:
  I'll confess Ravi, that while you were gone, I asked myself, do I miss
  his presence here?  And I will also admit that the answer was no, I did
  not  It is true that we had become quite adversarial, and yes, there was 
  certain enjoyment it taking on that role.
  But once some time had passed, after you had been booted off, I realized
  how unpleasant it had really been.
  And here you are ramping up that same type behavior.  I guess you can't
  stay away from it.  I mean it looks like you are waging battles on several
  fronts.  In fact,  it seems  you've created web sites from which to wage
  some of these battles.
  At any rate, I find it distasteful, that you see fit to spew some much
  Excuse me if I am not able to respond quickly to anything you might say.
   We are spending part of the weekend here in Chicago, and I don't have
  ready access to a computer.  Sharing it with my wife and daughter.
  It is true that during your last stint, I had gotten deep into a battle
  posture with you.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 3:04 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@

 Dear Barry Baby,

 Well I hope your buddy just sticks to his writing on his way to
 rehabilitating himself - I don't think there is any dispute on his

 I'm watching, I'm sure the old man and Judy are as well. I don't
 them but the minute your buddy tries to wade into any kind of
 moral, ethical, intelligent voice here, I will methodically,
 mercilessly rip him apart assuming he will continue along on his
 charade of his past trickery here. No sir - no Mayan Messiah of
 Maitreya of Morons getting a free pass from me.

 So remember that.
That perfectly defines the troll agenda doesn't it?
   Baby - I'm down with anything that helps your rehabilitation, I have a
   special kind of love for you. Just don't, don't, you know what..:-).
   Anyway this is all from the Message view that I can't but help notice.
   I was talking to Barry. So, Bzzzt..back off, you are not in my
  list of
   interesting persons. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread seventhray1
Hey Rav.
Thanks for your reply.  Maybe one day you will be recognized for the
great sage and guru that you are.  I know that you made a concerted
effort to be recognized as Ravi Guru,  the next Western Yogi some
years back, and I know that that attempt fell flat. But, you know Ronald
Reagan had to try several times before he won the presidency, so I would
suggest that you not give up the fight.
And yes, I hope that the personal sacrifices you have had to make have
been worth it, i.e. losing family etc,  But many times great men have
had to endure such sacrifices, and also difficult circumstances growing
up, so maybe all these ingredients will come together and allow you to
be recognized for your greatness.
And we here, can say, that we were at the ground level of this
Love ya like a brother,
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Dear Steve,

 I was expecting you to wade in here but your response has left me

 It's like a village bumpkin accosting a professor and telling the
 he is an adversary to him - what is the professor supposed to? He will
 probably just smile, change the topic and indulge in some silly talk
 the man - inquire about his well-being, his family, work, activities

 I'm too, faced with this conundrum every time you fantasize that you
 challenging me.

 Trust me - I haven't met any adversary who has been able to match me
 Nov 2009. Not because I'm the strongest or the bravest or the smartest
 the most handsome or the most intelligent, no, because I haven't met
 who can match my brutal self-honesty and integrity. Almost always
every one
 is found immobile, stuck in some belief, some emotional investment or
 other whereas I'm forever mobile, free and soaring.

 Coming to the rest of your message - your opinion places you squarely
 Barry's clique. If any other reasonable, intelligent person decides to
 your cause I will go ahead and address it.


 On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 7:51 PM, seventhray1 steve.sundur@...wrote:

  I'll confess Ravi, that while you were gone, I asked myself, do I
  his presence here?  And I will also admit that the answer was no,
I did
  not  It is true that we had become quite adversarial, and yes,
there was a
  certain enjoyment it taking on that role.
  But once some time had passed, after you had been booted off, I
  how unpleasant it had really been.
  And here you are ramping up that same type behavior.  I guess you
  stay away from it.  I mean it looks like you are waging battles on
  fronts.  In fact,  it seems  you've created web sites from which to
  some of these battles.
  At any rate, I find it distasteful, that you see fit to spew some
  Excuse me if I am not able to respond quickly to anything you might
   We are spending part of the weekend here in Chicago, and I don't
  ready access to a computer.  Sharing it with my wife and daughter.
  It is true that during your last stint, I had gotten deep into a
  posture with you.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 3:04 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula

 Dear Barry Baby,

 Well I hope your buddy just sticks to his writing on his way
 rehabilitating himself - I don't think there is any dispute on

 I'm watching, I'm sure the old man and Judy are as well. I
don't know
 them but the minute your buddy tries to wade into any kind of
 moral, ethical, intelligent voice here, I will methodically,
 mercilessly rip him apart assuming he will continue along on
 charade of his past trickery here. No sir - no Mayan Messiah
 Maitreya of Morons getting a free pass from me.

 So remember that.
That perfectly defines the troll agenda doesn't it?
   Baby - I'm down with anything that helps your rehabilitation, I
have a
   special kind of love for you. Just don't, don't, you know
   Anyway this is all from the Message view that I can't but help
   I was talking to Barry. So, Bzzzt..back off, you are not in my
   interesting persons. Not Interested. Take your whiny, drama
   elsewhere - Get it?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Share Long
dear Ravi,
I'm so sorry you had to go through all this with ex.  Must be awful to be 
separated from your children.  Wish I knew the exactly right words to say to 
soothe your heart.  And Rosathea as wonderful as she might be, probably not 
much help in this situation.  
Anyway fwiw, I'm doing my best to practice compassion, what the Buddhists call 
lovingkindness.  Not always easy to do.  Figure if someone is hurtful or snide 
or whatever, probably because they're hurting inside.  Even if it's not 
obvious.  Ann had a good insight about this.

I do love how much of the time you take yourself lightly.  Makes me smile a 

big hug from Auntie

 From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 1:38 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

My ex taunted me at the courthouse as she walked away with everything, the kids 
- the complete physical, legal custody with no visitation, even her lawyer 
privately apologized to me though I was being playful and even flirting with 
her, my ex said I was a loser and will always be a loser - I had to agree for 
the first time, on that point and on that point alone - that yes I was indeed a 
loser and will always be a loser, loser lover - but wait - oh hello my fantasy 
beloved Rosathea.

Now watch out Steve - know I can whup your ass, any time, at my fancy, at my 
will - except I don't have any satisfaction from you since you are so dumb, and 
clueless that you don't even realize it and you deprive me of this pleasure.

On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 11:16 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.com 

I have correct the statement that no one has been able to defeat me - 3 have, 3 
women, women that I fell in love with. One of them stands out in its sheer 
enormity, the overwhelming way in which she won and transformed me. But these 
adversaries remain confidential except for one (my ex) of course.

On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 10:39 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.com 

Dear Steve,

I was expecting you to wade in here but your response has left me totally 

It's like a village bumpkin accosting a professor and telling the professor 
he is an adversary to him - what is the professor supposed to? He will 
probably just smile, change the topic and indulge in some silly talk with the 
man - inquire about his well-being, his family, work, activities etc.

I'm too, faced with this conundrum every time you fantasize that you are 
challenging me.

Trust me - I haven't met any adversary who has been able to match me since 
Nov 2009. Not because I'm the strongest or the bravest or the smartest or the 
most handsome or the most intelligent, no, because I haven't met anyone who 
can match my brutal self-honesty and integrity. Almost always every one is 
found immobile, stuck in some belief, some emotional investment or the other 
whereas I'm forever mobile, free and soaring.

Coming to the rest of your message - your opinion places you squarely in 
Barry's clique. If any other reasonable, intelligent person decides to join 
your cause I will go ahead and address it.


On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 7:51 PM, seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net 

I'll confess Ravi, that while you were gone, I asked myself, do I miss his 
presence here?  And I will also admit that the answer was no, I did not  
It is true that we had become quite adversarial, and yes, there was a 
certain enjoyment it taking on that role.  

But once some time had passed, after you had been booted off, I realized how 
unpleasant it had really been.

And here you are ramping up that same type behavior.  I guess you can't stay 
away from it.  I mean it looks like you are waging battles on several 
fronts.  In fact,  it seems  you've created web sites from which to wage 
some of these battles.

At any rate, I find it distasteful, that you see fit to spew some much venom.

Excuse me if I am not able to respond quickly to anything you might say.  We 
are spending part of the weekend here in Chicago, and I don't have ready 
access to a computer.  Sharing it with my wife and daughter.

It is true that during your last stint, I had gotten deep into a battle 
posture with you.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 

 On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 3:04 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@...

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@

   Dear Barry Baby,
   Well I hope your buddy just sticks to his writing on his way to
   rehabilitating himself - I don't think there is any dispute on his
   I'm watching, I'm sure the old man and Judy are as well. I don't know
   them but the minute your buddy tries to wade into any kind of 
   moral, ethical, intelligent voice here, I will methodically

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 2:25 AM, salyavin808 fintlewoodle...@mail.comwrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
  My ex taunted me at the courthouse as she walked away with everything,
  kids - the complete physical, legal custody with no visitation, even her
  lawyer privately apologized to me though I was being playful and even
  flirting with her, my ex said I was a loser and will always be a loser -
  had to agree for the first time, on that point and on that point alone -
  that yes I was indeed a loser and will always be a loser, loser lover -
  wait - oh hello my fantasy beloved Rosathea.
  Now watch out Steve - know I can whup your ass, any time, at my fancy, at
  my will - except I don't have any satisfaction from you since you are so
  dumb, and clueless that you don't even realize it and you deprive me of
  this pleasure.

 You've got dribble on your chin again.

Dear drooling, salivating, chinless beauty,

This is not the first time I have attracted the attention of someone
feeling the pangs of chin-envy..LOL..

Are you feeling pretty un-petted these days? Look I have to blame you here,
you got sucked in by Barry and I understand how hard it is to get petted by
a paranoid, delusional, narcissistic person, It took me 13 years if that's
any comfort, but unlike you I had other compensating factors - not to
mention how beautiful this person was. Anyway I don't think I'm a really
good looking fellow but for some reason I have always managed to attract
beautiful women and yes your chin-envy gives it away - my chin, jaw seems
to play an important factor.

Now just go and run around baby.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Oh my sweet, kind, gentle Auntie - it's all good, it's an old, old story
now - I just get carried away in my stories :-).

Like I said I was being playful with her lawyer - Kelly, she was a bit
older than me but good looking - drove my ex mad..LOL..she was like, don't
talk to my attorney - not realizing the stupidity and hilarity of her
statement. Anyway her lawyer starts explaining how she is a nice, honest
person, goes to bed every night peacefully (as in I'm just doing my job)
and I'm like whatever and then she looks me in the eye and says - look
Ravi, you are a really nice guy, I am still being playful and she repeats
with emphasis - No, Ravi listen - you are a very nice guy and then I
finally acknowledged and gave her one of my patented bows.

On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 8:20 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com wrote:


 dear Ravi,
 I'm so sorry you had to go through all this with ex.  Must be awful to be
 separated from your children.  Wish I knew the exactly right words to say
 to soothe your heart.  And Rosathea as wonderful as she might be, probably
 not much help in this situation.
 Anyway fwiw, I'm doing my best to practice compassion, what the Buddhists
 call lovingkindness.  Not always easy to do.  Figure if someone is hurtful
 or snide or whatever, probably because they're hurting inside.  Even if
 it's not obvious.  Ann had a good insight about this.
 I do love how much of the time you take yourself lightly.  Makes me smile
 a lot.
 big hug from Auntie

 *From:* Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.com
 *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 *Sent:* Monday, September 3, 2012 1:38 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

 My ex taunted me at the courthouse as she walked away with everything, the
 kids - the complete physical, legal custody with no visitation, even her
 lawyer privately apologized to me though I was being playful and even
 flirting with her, my ex said I was a loser and will always be a loser - I
 had to agree for the first time, on that point and on that point alone -
 that yes I was indeed a loser and will always be a loser, loser lover - but
 wait - oh hello my fantasy beloved Rosathea.

 Now watch out Steve - know I can whup your ass, any time, at my fancy, at
 my will - except I don't have any satisfaction from you since you are so
 dumb, and clueless that you don't even realize it and you deprive me of
 this pleasure.

 On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 11:16 PM, Ravi Chivukula 

 I have correct the statement that no one has been able to defeat me - 3
 have, 3 women, women that I fell in love with. One of them stands out in
 its sheer enormity, the overwhelming way in which she won and transformed
 me. But these adversaries remain confidential except for one (my ex) of

 On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 10:39 PM, Ravi Chivukula 

 Dear Steve,

 I was expecting you to wade in here but your response has left me totally

 It's like a village bumpkin accosting a professor and telling the
 professor he is an adversary to him - what is the professor supposed to? He
 will probably just smile, change the topic and indulge in some silly talk
 with the man - inquire about his well-being, his family, work, activities

 I'm too, faced with this conundrum every time you fantasize that you are
 challenging me.

 Trust me - I haven't met any adversary who has been able to match me since
 Nov 2009. Not because I'm the strongest or the bravest or the smartest or
 the most handsome or the most intelligent, no, because I haven't met anyone
 who can match my brutal self-honesty and integrity. Almost always every one
 is found immobile, stuck in some belief, some emotional investment or the
 other whereas I'm forever mobile, free and soaring.

 Coming to the rest of your message - your opinion places you squarely in
 Barry's clique. If any other reasonable, intelligent person decides to join
 your cause I will go ahead and address it.


 On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 7:51 PM, seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.netwrote:


   I'll confess Ravi, that while you were gone, I asked myself, do I miss
 his presence here?  And I will also admit that the answer was no, I did
 not  It is true that we had become quite adversarial, and yes, there was a
 certain enjoyment it taking on that role.

 But once some time had passed, after you had been booted off, I realized
 how unpleasant it had really been.

 And here you are ramping up that same type behavior.  I guess you can't
 stay away from it.  I mean it looks like you are waging battles on several
 fronts.  In fact,  it seems  you've created web sites from which to wage
 some of these battles.

 At any rate, I find it distasteful, that you see fit to spew some much

 Excuse me if I am not able to respond quickly to anything you might say.
  We are spending part of the weekend here in Chicago, and I don't

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread curtisdeltablues

This speaks (outside this particular context) of whether or not we ever are 
doing someone a favor by conferring on them guru status.  At first the payoff 
seems obvious, they get rich, and if they are so inclined, they get their pick 
of some high end tail.  But unless they really have the narcissist or 
psychopathic tendency strongly, somewhere there is a disconnect between the 
image projected on them and who they know they are inside.

Of course every performer can catch a taste large or small of this tendency for 
people to project qualities on them that the person lacks in themselves.  With 
the fear of public speaking giving a fear of death a run for its money by the 
numbers, whenever a person projects confidence in addressing a group, some apes 
will raise their paws and hoot please be our leader, you are so confident and 
I feel kind of squirrelly.  I have read that one quality in many great actors 
is an unusually high level of personal charisma, they can really put it out 
there.  Even in my world I have grown in my ability to beam at people while 
feeling relaxed.  Practice makes perfect.  It is easy for people to read more 
into this than what it is.

But add the toxic fuel of a disturbed personality and you get...well we all 
know examples of this freak show from history.  But what about the more 
ordinary guy.  I am inclined to put Maharishi in this category. I believe his 
guru cloak was woven over time.  Eventually it overwhelmed his personality.  
That is what makes Judith's book such a revelation in humanizing him.  You can 
see that he didn't seem to come in with a full blown master complex.  Around 
the time of announcing his World Government from his Liberace inspired fantasy 
palace in Seelisberg, it was all guru and very little Mahesh left.  Soon he 
excommunicated those who knew him before, favoring yes men eunuchs whose 
ambiguous sexuality and pasty complexions would never be a challenge to his 
supreme reign.  Checking our penises at the door like guns at an old west 
saloon, we minced into his presence, deferentially, adoringly, and emasculated. 
Certainly no one would stand up and say something like Excuse me Maharishi, 
but what you just said doesn't make sense and contradicts something you said 

I have spent some time on this site analyzing this all from the standpoint of 
how it affected us.  But what was this doing to him?  Most of the time it is 
hard to care about the billionaire guru.
But his disciples project on to them all our insecurities and then drive them 
into a state of assholyness because humans either have to be deranged  to begin 
with to want to be a guru, or the adulation itself twists them into an 
unpleasant kind of human who swings between believing their own kiss-ass press, 
and knowing that at any time someone might stand up and say: the emperor has 
no clothes.

And I know that this swims upstream in the current of people who believe that 
some people are actually more realized than others. however you want to define 
it.  And to some degree I am on board with that except where they drift into 
ontological presumptions about ultimate reality where IMO humans have the worst 
possible track record due to a design flaw that makes it easy for us to believe 
a bunch of shit that isn't true if it is presented with real whipped cream (not 
that plasti-crap sold in spray cans which are only good for sucking the nitrous 
out of if there is nothing good on TV) and a real marinated cherry you have 
soaked in some spirit yourself instead of those horrible faux maraschino 
cherries that blaspheme one of natures most delicious fruits.
Where was I...oh yeah, following gurus makes your dick fall off (ladies will 
have to speak for themselves on what it does to them) and it turns the object 
of your guru worship into a money grubbing sari chasing butthole, who cries 
themselves to sleep every night in a lonely pile of hundred dollar bills, while 
only receiving the minimal consolation of the comfort of the three pairs of 
perky globes of bliss on the Playboy centerfold TRIPLETS who share their beds. 

Who would wish that on anybody?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 Hey Rav.
 Thanks for your reply.  Maybe one day you will be recognized for the
 great sage and guru that you are.  I know that you made a concerted
 effort to be recognized as Ravi Guru,  the next Western Yogi some
 years back, and I know that that attempt fell flat. But, you know Ronald
 Reagan had to try several times before he won the presidency, so I would
 suggest that you not give up the fight.
 And yes, I hope that the personal sacrifices you have had to make have
 been worth it, i.e. losing family etc,  But many times great men have
 had to endure such sacrifices, and also difficult circumstances growing
 up, so maybe all these ingredients will come together and allow you to
 be recognized for your greatness.
 And we here, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Ravi Chivukula
(Shrugs..smiles)..Enjoy your vacation Steve, regards to your family and
remember for you and you alone I will be rooting for Rams in addition to

On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 6:04 AM, seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.netwrote:


 Hey Rav.

 Thanks for your reply.  Maybe one day you will be recognized for the great
 sage and guru that you are.  I know that you made a concerted effort to be
 recognized as Ravi Guru,  the next Western Yogi some years back, and I
 know that that attempt fell flat. But, you know Ronald Reagan had to try
 several times before he won the presidency, so I would suggest that you not
 give up the fight.

 And yes, I hope that the personal sacrifices you have had to make have
 been worth it, i.e. losing family etc,  But many times great men have had
 to endure such sacrifices, and also difficult circumstances growing up, so
 maybe all these ingredients will come together and allow you to be
 recognized for your greatness.

 And we here, can say, that we were at the ground level of this emergence.

 Love ya like a brother,


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
  Dear Steve,
  I was expecting you to wade in here but your response has left me totally
  It's like a village bumpkin accosting a professor and telling the
  he is an adversary to him - what is the professor supposed to? He will
  probably just smile, change the topic and indulge in some silly talk with
  the man - inquire about his well-being, his family, work, activities etc.
  I'm too, faced with this conundrum every time you fantasize that you are
  challenging me.
  Trust me - I haven't met any adversary who has been able to match me
  Nov 2009. Not because I'm the strongest or the bravest or the smartest or
  the most handsome or the most intelligent, no, because I haven't met
  who can match my brutal self-honesty and integrity. Almost always every
  is found immobile, stuck in some belief, some emotional investment or the
  other whereas I'm forever mobile, free and soaring.
  Coming to the rest of your message - your opinion places you squarely in
  Barry's clique. If any other reasonable, intelligent person decides to
  your cause I will go ahead and address it.
  On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 7:51 PM, seventhray1 steve.sundur@...wrote:

   I'll confess Ravi, that while you were gone, I asked myself, do I miss
   his presence here? And I will also admit that the answer was no, I
   not It is true that we had become quite adversarial, and yes, there
 was a
   certain enjoyment it taking on that role.
   But once some time had passed, after you had been booted off, I
   how unpleasant it had really been.
   And here you are ramping up that same type behavior. I guess you can't
   stay away from it. I mean it looks like you are waging battles on
   fronts. In fact, it seems you've created web sites from which to wage
   some of these battles.
   At any rate, I find it distasteful, that you see fit to spew some much
   Excuse me if I am not able to respond quickly to anything you might
   We are spending part of the weekend here in Chicago, and I don't have
   ready access to a computer. Sharing it with my wife and daughter.
   It is true that during your last stint, I had gotten deep into a battle
   posture with you.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 3:04 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
  Dear Barry Baby,
  Well I hope your buddy just sticks to his writing on his way to
  rehabilitating himself - I don't think there is any dispute on
  I'm watching, I'm sure the old man and Judy are as well. I don't
  them but the minute your buddy tries to wade into any kind of
  moral, ethical, intelligent voice here, I will methodically,
  mercilessly rip him apart assuming he will continue along on his
  charade of his past trickery here. No sir - no Mayan Messiah of
  Maitreya of Morons getting a free pass from me.
  So remember that.

 That perfectly defines the troll agenda doesn't it?

Baby - I'm down with anything that helps your rehabilitation, I have
special kind of love for you. Just don't, don't, you know what..:-).
Anyway this is all from the Message view that I can't but help
I was talking to Barry. So, Bzzzt..back off, you are not in my
interesting persons. Not Interested. Take your whiny, drama queenery,
elsewhere - Get it?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues  Who would wish that 
on anybody?

Ravi was right ofcourse, it didn't take long before the hillbilly-singer was 
back where he left us last time and where he's feeling most comfortable: 
If all else fails in life it's great to have someone to bash, particularily 
someone who's dead, don't you think ?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 11:54 AM, nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues  Who would wish
 that on anybody?

 Ravi was right ofcourse, it didn't take long before the hillbilly-singer
 was back where he left us last time and where he's feeling most
 comfortable: Maharishi-bashing.
 If all else fails in life it's great to have someone to bash,
 particularily someone who's dead, don't you think ?


No worries Nabby, he doesn't have any moral, ethical, spiritual,
intelligent voice until he stops being Maitreya of Morons. He though
Maharishi was his ticket to celebrity and an endless supply of hot, younger
chicks...LOL..no wonder the bastard's still bitter :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
Thanks for verifying the triplets MMY story Nabbie, I was just guessing.  What 
course was that on?

I am curious about this arbitrary fixation on his deadness.  I thought you guys 
believed that he is still with us somewhere between Marley's ghost and the 
thought in meditation that inspires the marketing crew to try some new scheme 
to get TM into the lives beyond the 687 people who still practice it 
exclusively now.

So you think a guy like Maharishi actually dies?  And how do you imagine my 
bashing affects him?  Is it like a disturbance in sleep like when someone in 
the bed farts and we almost wake up and then turn over?   Or does it really get 
to him, do my words cause him to gnash his teeth and pound his fist into his 
hands in a Sienfeldesque CURTIS!  Does he shake his fist at the sky like Jon 
Stewart and curse me from beyond the grave?  Does he try to extract retribution 
on me in this world to get me back in some way like moving a chair when I sleep 
so I stub my toe during a mid-sleep groggy bathroom run?  Exactly how pissed do 
my words make this spirit of Maharishi you imagine?  Should I invest in a 
voodoo doll of him to avoid his evil eye?

Now of course if your point was that when I posted the same perspective when he 
was alive he had a chance to challenge what I said directly, I would agree.  I 
think we are both glad that he took so many opportunities to give his side here 
while he was living, and I do miss those exchanges. 

And how far does this ban about speaking ill of the dead extend Nabbie.  Do we 
include Napoleon, Sun Myng Moon, John Lennon?   What is the key aspect of the 
unfairness you seem to resent about it all?  

What if we have a public figure who is so boring that he might as well be dead 
like King Tony?  Do I have to include him in the don't speak about the dead 
ban.  Should we just ban all histories of famous dead people if the perspective 
isn't only positive?

Or was this whole thing just a protective instinct, misguided though I believe 
it to be, to protect the magical illusions he tried to sell us all about 
himself during his life? 

Oh shit I have a fleck of dust in my eye...hey wait a minute...wasn't he a pile 
of dust the last time we saw him...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues  Who would wish 
 that on anybody?
 Ravi was right ofcourse, it didn't take long before the hillbilly-singer was 
 back where he left us last time and where he's feeling most comfortable: 
 If all else fails in life it's great to have someone to bash, particularily 
 someone who's dead, don't you think ?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Ravi Chivukula
It's not the fact that he is just dead.

You yourself have no honesty and integrity to question him - that man is at
least dead, you are alive.

Just wake up and take care of yourself, rather than your fixation on him.
What moral, ethical, spiritual principles you have - you can continue your
fixations, fantasies on Maharishi but don't expect you not being called on
it every time you do that.

Prove us you are not Maitreya of Morons here, you are rehabilitating, good
we all applaud it. The Morons who parade their emotionally demented,
deranged, depraved misogynist, homophobic nonsense here day in and day out,
abusing and taunting others from posting here, their 17 year old paranoid,
delusional, narcissistic fantasies. You yourself had the the temerity to
brand Judy as being full of malice, of trying to slander you, man the gall,
arrogance and the stupidity.

I feel pity for your ass.

On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 12:26 PM, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com wrote:


 Thanks for verifying the triplets MMY story Nabbie, I was just guessing.
 What course was that on?

 I am curious about this arbitrary fixation on his deadness. I thought you
 guys believed that he is still with us somewhere between Marley's ghost and
 the thought in meditation that inspires the marketing crew to try some new
 scheme to get TM into the lives beyond the 687 people who still practice it
 exclusively now.

 So you think a guy like Maharishi actually dies? And how do you imagine my
 bashing affects him? Is it like a disturbance in sleep like when someone
 in the bed farts and we almost wake up and then turn over? Or does it
 really get to him, do my words cause him to gnash his teeth and pound his
 fist into his hands in a Sienfeldesque CURTIS! Does he shake his fist at
 the sky like Jon Stewart and curse me from beyond the grave? Does he try to
 extract retribution on me in this world to get me back in some way like
 moving a chair when I sleep so I stub my toe during a mid-sleep groggy
 bathroom run? Exactly how pissed do my words make this spirit of Maharishi
 you imagine? Should I invest in a voodoo doll of him to avoid his evil eye?

 Now of course if your point was that when I posted the same perspective
 when he was alive he had a chance to challenge what I said directly, I
 would agree. I think we are both glad that he took so many opportunities to
 give his side here while he was living, and I do miss those exchanges.

 And how far does this ban about speaking ill of the dead extend Nabbie. Do
 we include Napoleon, Sun Myng Moon, John Lennon? What is the key aspect of
 the unfairness you seem to resent about it all?

 What if we have a public figure who is so boring that he might as well be
 dead like King Tony? Do I have to include him in the don't speak about the
 dead ban. Should we just ban all histories of famous dead people if the
 perspective isn't only positive?

 Or was this whole thing just a protective instinct, misguided though I
 believe it to be, to protect the magical illusions he tried to sell us all
 about himself during his life?

 Oh shit I have a fleck of dust in my eye...hey wait a minute...wasn't he a
 pile of dust the last time we saw him...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues  Who would
 wish that on anybody?
  Ravi was right ofcourse, it didn't take long before the hillbilly-singer
 was back where he left us last time and where he's feeling most
 comfortable: Maharishi-bashing.
  If all else fails in life it's great to have someone to bash,
 particularily someone who's dead, don't you think ?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Dear Curtis,

And you will always be morally, spiritually , ethically bankrupt as long as
you support Barry's antics. Your progressive values are always suspect.

Your stories of young African American kids may warm the hearts of naive,
innocent liberals but it doesn't fool me.

It's just white man's guilt, white man's burden nicely wrapped as a set of
beliefs for you to play wolf on others like Ravi Chivukula.

Ravi, who worked in housing projects, smiled, loved even at the age of 23,
not even bothered if he was addressed as a b**ch, motherf**ker, because he
understood the love. I loved their heart, their music - rap, gospel music,
I had experience through a whole cross section of African Americans from
crude, innocent, to educated, sophisticated - Dr. Thompson and the
secretary Mary - I was touched by their love, they treated me like their
own child, their eyes would lit up as I would walk in  - it was like being
back in India. My love for African-Americans, women and gays is unmatched -
not a convenient set of nicely wrapped beliefs to play wolf on others.

So I pity your ass, but any time you try to wade into any kind of moral,
spiritual, ethical voice here - I warn you - I will whup your ass and
parade your dishonesty here for everyone to see.

So please do me a favor - just stick to your writing - it's beautiful.


On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 It's not the fact that he is just dead.

 You yourself have no honesty and integrity to question him - that man is
 at least dead, you are alive.

 Just wake up and take care of yourself, rather than your fixation on him.
 What moral, ethical, spiritual principles you have - you can continue your
 fixations, fantasies on Maharishi but don't expect you not being called on
 it every time you do that.

 Prove us you are not Maitreya of Morons here, you are rehabilitating, good
 we all applaud it. The Morons who parade their emotionally demented,
 deranged, depraved misogynist, homophobic nonsense here day in and day out,
 abusing and taunting others from posting here, their 17 year old paranoid,
 delusional, narcissistic fantasies. You yourself had the the temerity to
 brand Judy as being full of malice, of trying to slander you, man the gall,
 arrogance and the stupidity.

 I feel pity for your ass.

 On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 12:26 PM, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com wrote:


 Thanks for verifying the triplets MMY story Nabbie, I was just guessing.
 What course was that on?

 I am curious about this arbitrary fixation on his deadness. I thought you
 guys believed that he is still with us somewhere between Marley's ghost and
 the thought in meditation that inspires the marketing crew to try some new
 scheme to get TM into the lives beyond the 687 people who still practice it
 exclusively now.

 So you think a guy like Maharishi actually dies? And how do you imagine
 my bashing affects him? Is it like a disturbance in sleep like when
 someone in the bed farts and we almost wake up and then turn over? Or does
 it really get to him, do my words cause him to gnash his teeth and pound
 his fist into his hands in a Sienfeldesque CURTIS! Does he shake his fist
 at the sky like Jon Stewart and curse me from beyond the grave? Does he try
 to extract retribution on me in this world to get me back in some way like
 moving a chair when I sleep so I stub my toe during a mid-sleep groggy
 bathroom run? Exactly how pissed do my words make this spirit of Maharishi
 you imagine? Should I invest in a voodoo doll of him to avoid his evil eye?

 Now of course if your point was that when I posted the same perspective
 when he was alive he had a chance to challenge what I said directly, I
 would agree. I think we are both glad that he took so many opportunities to
 give his side here while he was living, and I do miss those exchanges.

 And how far does this ban about speaking ill of the dead extend Nabbie.
 Do we include Napoleon, Sun Myng Moon, John Lennon? What is the key aspect
 of the unfairness you seem to resent about it all?

 What if we have a public figure who is so boring that he might as well be
 dead like King Tony? Do I have to include him in the don't speak about the
 dead ban. Should we just ban all histories of famous dead people if the
 perspective isn't only positive?

 Or was this whole thing just a protective instinct, misguided though I
 believe it to be, to protect the magical illusions he tried to sell us all
 about himself during his life?

 Oh shit I have a fleck of dust in my eye...hey wait a minute...wasn't he
 a pile of dust the last time we saw him...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues  Who would
 wish that on anybody?
  Ravi was right ofcourse, it didn't take long before the
 hillbilly-singer was back where he left us last time and where he's feeling

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 It's not the fact that he is just dead.

Did Nabbie just change his handle here? 

 You yourself have no honesty and integrity to question him - that man is at 
 least dead, you are alive.

So you were hoping to argue with me about my opinions about a man you didn't 
know did ya?  And you were thinking it might be inappropriate for me to voice 
opinions about him on a board devoted to those issues.

Got it, I'm sure that all makes perfect sense in crazy world.

 Just wake up and take care of yourself, rather than your fixation on him.
 What moral, ethical, spiritual principles you have - you can continue your
 fixations, fantasies on Maharishi but don't expect you not being called on
 it every time you do that.

Yeah, well this is a TM and ex TM focused forum so you are gunna get some talk 
about the guy I would think.  And I wasn't challenged on anything I said, it 
was just a general insult post like yours.  I would welcome someone to 
challenge the meaning of what I wrote.

 Prove us you are not Maitreya of Morons here, you are rehabilitating, good
 we all applaud it. The Morons who parade their emotionally demented,
 deranged, depraved misogynist, homophobic nonsense here day in and day out,
 abusing and taunting others from posting here, their 17 year old paranoid,
 delusional, narcissistic fantasies.

Yeah, the judge got that one right.

 You yourself had the the temerity to
 brand Judy as being full of malice, of trying to slander you, man the gall,
 arrogance and the stupidity.

I get it that this site is a soap opera vehicle for your own personal 
frustrations, but Judy has nothing to do with this exchange.  If you are trying 
to insert yourself into long forgotten exchanges I had with her in the past you 
are being trollish, trying to get two other people to fight who have no current 
beef with each other.

Now I see that with no TM background all you have to do here is shoot spitballs 
and hope they will get you noticed, but you aren't gunna get much traction on 
the train of don't talk about Maharishi here.

 I feel pity for your ass.

No you don't.  You feel resentment for your own personal life and you are 
trying to take that aggression out on strangers here, inserting yourself into 
conversations between people with actual skin in the game.  I may disagree with 
Nabbie but he knew Maharishi and has earned his opinion about him as I have.  
You are just a troll looking for a fight about topics you know nothing about 
while hoping that by interjecting yourself into the personalities of the 
posters here you wont stick out so much.  

You are a tumbleweed of unfocused unpleasantness blowing through this group 
till you completely lose it and get booted off.


 On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 12:26 PM, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@... wrote:
  Thanks for verifying the triplets MMY story Nabbie, I was just guessing.
  What course was that on?
  I am curious about this arbitrary fixation on his deadness. I thought you
  guys believed that he is still with us somewhere between Marley's ghost and
  the thought in meditation that inspires the marketing crew to try some new
  scheme to get TM into the lives beyond the 687 people who still practice it
  exclusively now.
  So you think a guy like Maharishi actually dies? And how do you imagine my
  bashing affects him? Is it like a disturbance in sleep like when someone
  in the bed farts and we almost wake up and then turn over? Or does it
  really get to him, do my words cause him to gnash his teeth and pound his
  fist into his hands in a Sienfeldesque CURTIS! Does he shake his fist at
  the sky like Jon Stewart and curse me from beyond the grave? Does he try to
  extract retribution on me in this world to get me back in some way like
  moving a chair when I sleep so I stub my toe during a mid-sleep groggy
  bathroom run? Exactly how pissed do my words make this spirit of Maharishi
  you imagine? Should I invest in a voodoo doll of him to avoid his evil eye?
  Now of course if your point was that when I posted the same perspective
  when he was alive he had a chance to challenge what I said directly, I
  would agree. I think we are both glad that he took so many opportunities to
  give his side here while he was living, and I do miss those exchanges.
  And how far does this ban about speaking ill of the dead extend Nabbie. Do
  we include Napoleon, Sun Myng Moon, John Lennon? What is the key aspect of
  the unfairness you seem to resent about it all?
  What if we have a public figure who is so boring that he might as well be
  dead like King Tony? Do I have to include him in the don't speak about the
  dead ban. Should we just ban all histories of famous dead people if the
  perspective isn't only positive?
  Or was this whole thing just a protective instinct, misguided though I
  believe it to be, to protect the magical 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Robert
Maybe it was just all about making a little more money, gaining a little more 
fame, a little more power...
Just typcial ego stuff...is all...
Did anyone get enlightened? 
Sure, they did...?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 Thanks for verifying the triplets MMY story Nabbie, I was just guessing.  
 What course was that on?
 I am curious about this arbitrary fixation on his deadness.  I thought you 
 guys believed that he is still with us somewhere between Marley's ghost and 
 the thought in meditation that inspires the marketing crew to try some new 
 scheme to get TM into the lives beyond the 687 people who still practice it 
 exclusively now.
 So you think a guy like Maharishi actually dies?  And how do you imagine my 
 bashing affects him?  Is it like a disturbance in sleep like when someone 
 in the bed farts and we almost wake up and then turn over?   Or does it 
 really get to him, do my words cause him to gnash his teeth and pound his 
 fist into his hands in a Sienfeldesque CURTIS!  Does he shake his fist at 
 the sky like Jon Stewart and curse me from beyond the grave?  Does he try to 
 extract retribution on me in this world to get me back in some way like 
 moving a chair when I sleep so I stub my toe during a mid-sleep groggy 
 bathroom run?  Exactly how pissed do my words make this spirit of Maharishi 
 you imagine?  Should I invest in a voodoo doll of him to avoid his evil eye?
 Now of course if your point was that when I posted the same perspective when 
 he was alive he had a chance to challenge what I said directly, I would 
 agree.  I think we are both glad that he took so many opportunities to give 
 his side here while he was living, and I do miss those exchanges. 
 And how far does this ban about speaking ill of the dead extend Nabbie.  Do 
 we include Napoleon, Sun Myng Moon, John Lennon?   What is the key aspect of 
 the unfairness you seem to resent about it all?  
 What if we have a public figure who is so boring that he might as well be 
 dead like King Tony?  Do I have to include him in the don't speak about the 
 dead ban.  Should we just ban all histories of famous dead people if the 
 perspective isn't only positive?
 Or was this whole thing just a protective instinct, misguided though I 
 believe it to be, to protect the magical illusions he tried to sell us all 
 about himself during his life? 
 Oh shit I have a fleck of dust in my eye...hey wait a minute...wasn't he a 
 pile of dust the last time we saw him...
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues  Who would wish 
  that on anybody?
  Ravi was right ofcourse, it didn't take long before the hillbilly-singer 
  was back where he left us last time and where he's feeling most 
  comfortable: Maharishi-bashing.
  If all else fails in life it's great to have someone to bash, particularily 
  someone who's dead, don't you think ?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Dear Curtis,

You are a sick, sly, SOB - proving you don't even have any semblance of
self-dignity, a masochist..LOL..as Judy once said beautifully put..FOAD, I
have bigger fish to fry.


On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:09 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
  It's not the fact that he is just dead.

 Did Nabbie just change his handle here?

  You yourself have no honesty and integrity to question him - that man is
 at least dead, you are alive.

 So you were hoping to argue with me about my opinions about a man you
 didn't know did ya? And you were thinking it might be inappropriate for me
 to voice opinions about him on a board devoted to those issues.

 Got it, I'm sure that all makes perfect sense in crazy world.

  Just wake up and take care of yourself, rather than your fixation on him.
  What moral, ethical, spiritual principles you have - you can continue
  fixations, fantasies on Maharishi but don't expect you not being called
  it every time you do that.

 Yeah, well this is a TM and ex TM focused forum so you are gunna get some
 talk about the guy I would think. And I wasn't challenged on anything I
 said, it was just a general insult post like yours. I would welcome someone
 to challenge the meaning of what I wrote.

  Prove us you are not Maitreya of Morons here, you are rehabilitating,
  we all applaud it. The Morons who parade their emotionally demented,
  deranged, depraved misogynist, homophobic nonsense here day in and day
  abusing and taunting others from posting here, their 17 year old
  delusional, narcissistic fantasies.

 Yeah, the judge got that one right.

 You yourself had the the temerity to
  brand Judy as being full of malice, of trying to slander you, man the
  arrogance and the stupidity.

 I get it that this site is a soap opera vehicle for your own personal
 frustrations, but Judy has nothing to do with this exchange. If you are
 trying to insert yourself into long forgotten exchanges I had with her in
 the past you are being trollish, trying to get two other people to fight
 who have no current beef with each other.

 Now I see that with no TM background all you have to do here is shoot
 spitballs and hope they will get you noticed, but you aren't gunna get much
 traction on the train of don't talk about Maharishi here.

  I feel pity for your ass.

 No you don't. You feel resentment for your own personal life and you are
 trying to take that aggression out on strangers here, inserting yourself
 into conversations between people with actual skin in the game. I may
 disagree with Nabbie but he knew Maharishi and has earned his opinion about
 him as I have. You are just a troll looking for a fight about topics you
 know nothing about while hoping that by interjecting yourself into the
 personalities of the posters here you wont stick out so much.

 You are a tumbleweed of unfocused unpleasantness blowing through this
 group till you completely lose it and get booted off.


  On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 12:26 PM, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

   Thanks for verifying the triplets MMY story Nabbie, I was just
   What course was that on?
   I am curious about this arbitrary fixation on his deadness. I thought
   guys believed that he is still with us somewhere between Marley's
 ghost and
   the thought in meditation that inspires the marketing crew to try some
   scheme to get TM into the lives beyond the 687 people who still
 practice it
   exclusively now.
   So you think a guy like Maharishi actually dies? And how do you
 imagine my
   bashing affects him? Is it like a disturbance in sleep like when
   in the bed farts and we almost wake up and then turn over? Or does it
   really get to him, do my words cause him to gnash his teeth and pound
   fist into his hands in a Sienfeldesque CURTIS! Does he shake his
 fist at
   the sky like Jon Stewart and curse me from beyond the grave? Does he
 try to
   extract retribution on me in this world to get me back in some way like
   moving a chair when I sleep so I stub my toe during a mid-sleep groggy
   bathroom run? Exactly how pissed do my words make this spirit of
   you imagine? Should I invest in a voodoo doll of him to avoid his evil
   Now of course if your point was that when I posted the same perspective
   when he was alive he had a chance to challenge what I said directly, I
   would agree. I think we are both glad that he took so many
 opportunities to
   give his side here while he was living, and I do miss those exchanges.
   And how far does this ban about speaking ill of the dead extend
 Nabbie. Do
   we include Napoleon, Sun Myng Moon, John Lennon? What is the key
 aspect of
   the unfairness you seem to resent about it all?
   What if we have a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
Hard to really see the purpose in telling strangers on the internet to Fuck off 
and Die. That is kind of dark, even for me.

But it does remind me that you are an ill-wisher and although the depth of your 
malice caught me off guard last time, I am much better prepared for you now. 

I have to disagree with your grandiose claim to some imaginary bigger fish to 
fry.  In this discussion you were able to make a nasty insult to a stranger on 
a forum for people in a group you have no connection with. Making unpleasant 
statements like that IS your purpose for being here.  It is pretty much all you 
have contributed here since you got back. 

Self-aggrandizing personal attacks on people you don't know, loaded with the 
personal charge of your own life's disappointments. There really should be a 
name for this Internet forum phenomenon, perhaps using figurative language that 
implies that one lives under a bridge in darkness, only to pop out with an 
incoherent attack when someone comes across

I'll give it some thought I'm sure I can come up with something. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Dear Curtis,
 You are a sick, sly, SOB - proving you don't even have any semblance of
 self-dignity, a masochist..LOL..as Judy once said beautifully put..FOAD, I
 have bigger fish to fry.
 On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:09 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@...
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   It's not the fact that he is just dead.
  Did Nabbie just change his handle here?
   You yourself have no honesty and integrity to question him - that man is
  at least dead, you are alive.
  So you were hoping to argue with me about my opinions about a man you
  didn't know did ya? And you were thinking it might be inappropriate for me
  to voice opinions about him on a board devoted to those issues.
  Got it, I'm sure that all makes perfect sense in crazy world.
   Just wake up and take care of yourself, rather than your fixation on him.
   What moral, ethical, spiritual principles you have - you can continue
   fixations, fantasies on Maharishi but don't expect you not being called
   it every time you do that.
  Yeah, well this is a TM and ex TM focused forum so you are gunna get some
  talk about the guy I would think. And I wasn't challenged on anything I
  said, it was just a general insult post like yours. I would welcome someone
  to challenge the meaning of what I wrote.
   Prove us you are not Maitreya of Morons here, you are rehabilitating,
   we all applaud it. The Morons who parade their emotionally demented,
   deranged, depraved misogynist, homophobic nonsense here day in and day
   abusing and taunting others from posting here, their 17 year old
   delusional, narcissistic fantasies.
  Yeah, the judge got that one right.
  You yourself had the the temerity to
   brand Judy as being full of malice, of trying to slander you, man the
   arrogance and the stupidity.
  I get it that this site is a soap opera vehicle for your own personal
  frustrations, but Judy has nothing to do with this exchange. If you are
  trying to insert yourself into long forgotten exchanges I had with her in
  the past you are being trollish, trying to get two other people to fight
  who have no current beef with each other.
  Now I see that with no TM background all you have to do here is shoot
  spitballs and hope they will get you noticed, but you aren't gunna get much
  traction on the train of don't talk about Maharishi here.
   I feel pity for your ass.
  No you don't. You feel resentment for your own personal life and you are
  trying to take that aggression out on strangers here, inserting yourself
  into conversations between people with actual skin in the game. I may
  disagree with Nabbie but he knew Maharishi and has earned his opinion about
  him as I have. You are just a troll looking for a fight about topics you
  know nothing about while hoping that by interjecting yourself into the
  personalities of the posters here you wont stick out so much.
  You are a tumbleweed of unfocused unpleasantness blowing through this
  group till you completely lose it and get booted off.
   On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 12:26 PM, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
Thanks for verifying the triplets MMY story Nabbie, I was just
What course was that on?
I am curious about this arbitrary fixation on his deadness. I thought
guys believed that he is still with us somewhere between Marley's
  ghost and
the thought in meditation that inspires the marketing crew to try some
scheme to get TM into the lives beyond the 687 people who still
  practice it
exclusively now.
So you think a guy like Maharishi actually 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 11:54 AM, nablusoss1008 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues  Who would wish
  that on anybody?
  Ravi was right ofcourse, it didn't take long before the hillbilly-singer
  was back where he left us last time and where he's feeling most
  comfortable: Maharishi-bashing.
  If all else fails in life it's great to have someone to bash,
  particularily someone who's dead, don't you think ?

 No worries Nabby, he doesn't have any moral, ethical, spiritual,
 intelligent voice until he stops being Maitreya of Morons. He though
 Maharishi was his ticket to celebrity and an endless supply of hot, younger
 chicks...LOL..no wonder the bastard's still bitter :-)

Bingo :-) 
Maharishi gave him a ticket for a ride to a place he denied himself of going, 
prefferring instead to play for pennies in the streets. No wonder he is bitter.

Maharishi put out a tempting bait and millions thought it would be an easy 
match, ignoring the fine print. Choosing to not see their own foolishness they 
now frown on Maharishi, the TMO, everything Vedic and even India itself.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:
 Bingo :-) 
 Maharishi gave him a ticket for a ride to a place he denied himself of going, 
 prefferring instead to play for pennies in the streets. No wonder he is 

I would be if I were playing for pennies on the street. Sounds like you need a 
better location or might need some more practice. 

 Maharishi put out a tempting bait and millions thought it would be an easy 
 match, ignoring the fine print.

Let me guess what you imagine this fine print said: Please add the word 
'not' to all claims.

 Choosing to not see their own foolishness they now frown on Maharishi, the 
TMO, everything Vedic and even India itself.

Got a little carried away with yourself there for a minute didn't you Nabs?  
India?  WTF!  I see how appealing this fantasy would be for someone like 
yourself living in the land of the ever hopeful.  I'm sorry you can't 
appreciate my nuanced view of the complex person of Maharishi, and prefer to 
see it through the lens of the black and white.  It comes off as more a you're 
either fer us or agin us than what I would expect from someone claiming to 
faithfully practice a techniques that promised more creative intelligence. 
(even with the fine print only you can read)

My conclusion in the end is that TM neither improves anyone or makes them worse 
in any way.  It just provides a platform for people to exhibit their natures, 
and yours is not so appealing.  You attempt to denigrate my art to get back at 
me for disagreeing with you about the holiness of Maharishi.  Even by the 
standards of the street, that is a bogus move. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Ravi Chivukula
All the while perpetuating this clique, this white, mid-western, ole boy

No matter how many times Barry and Curtis get humiliated by me, they are
needy, clueless, shameless -- they will always manage to deceive, con,
attract some innocent naive, gullible liberals, with their deceptive
writing, the Xenos, the Susans, the Steves.

But they will not fool the cogent, coherent, compelling Mavericks of this
list, The Judy Stein's, The Robin Carlsen's, The Bob Price's of this list.

I feel contempt and disgust for these two MF'ers - Curtis and Barry.

I have no need to hide behind any political correctness, any white man's
guilt, burden to call it as I see it and I spare none. My forefathers were
equal opportunity racists, however a true Brahmin first works on his own
biases, fears, insecurities, anxieties before going after others - he
doesn't even spare his own family and I haven't  - other than my sisters
but such is the conditioning, love of an Indian brother.

What's the most that one can do - kill me? I'll mock and laugh at my own
body's frailty, fragility, even as I watch it wringing, writhing, agonizing
in pain. And then the world will celebrate the glory of the only Brahmin of
this world - Ravi Chivukula - his brutal-self honesty and integrity, his
commitment to truth, his fearlessness that even death couldn't touch him.

That's the Hindu metaphor of a Brahmin - nothing you can earn by birth,
it's only accidental that I have been one. The kshatriyas(warriors, kings,
administrators) of the past wouldn't touch such a Brahmin - because they
knew he had conquered death, they would seek their advice, because they
knew he would call it without any bias. Indians talk about a story of how
Alexander the Great met such a Brahmin - it could just be a myth for all we

Such a Brahmin can only be defeated by a woman - he has to be, it has to be
so, so he learns to be ever humble, to be ever watchful, change, modify,
finetune his behavior, his actions, his biases, his motivations - knowing
that the existence - the dynamic, organic, mysterious entity can whup his
ass anytime, at its own will, at its own fancy.

Yours arrogantly, humbly, hatingly, lovingly,
Ravi Chivukula.

On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:06 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 Dear Curtis,

 And you will always be morally, spiritually , ethically bankrupt as long
 as you support Barry's antics. Your progressive values are always suspect.

 Your stories of young African American kids may warm the hearts of naive,
 innocent liberals but it doesn't fool me.

 It's just white man's guilt, white man's burden nicely wrapped as a set of
 beliefs for you to play wolf on others like Ravi Chivukula.

 Ravi, who worked in housing projects, smiled, loved even at the age of 23,
 not even bothered if he was addressed as a b**ch, motherf**ker, because he
 understood the love. I loved their heart, their music - rap, gospel music,
 I had experience through a whole cross section of African Americans from
 crude, innocent, to educated, sophisticated - Dr. Thompson and the
 secretary Mary - I was touched by their love, they treated me like their
 own child, their eyes would lit up as I would walk in  - it was like being
 back in India. My love for African-Americans, women and gays is unmatched -
 not a convenient set of nicely wrapped beliefs to play wolf on others.

 So I pity your ass, but any time you try to wade into any kind of moral,
 spiritual, ethical voice here - I warn you - I will whup your ass and
 parade your dishonesty here for everyone to see.

 So please do me a favor - just stick to your writing - it's beautiful.


 On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Ravi Chivukula 

 It's not the fact that he is just dead.

 You yourself have no honesty and integrity to question him - that man is
 at least dead, you are alive.

 Just wake up and take care of yourself, rather than your fixation on him.
 What moral, ethical, spiritual principles you have - you can continue your
 fixations, fantasies on Maharishi but don't expect you not being called on
 it every time you do that.

 Prove us you are not Maitreya of Morons here, you are rehabilitating,
 good we all applaud it. The Morons who parade their emotionally demented,
 deranged, depraved misogynist, homophobic nonsense here day in and day out,
 abusing and taunting others from posting here, their 17 year old paranoid,
 delusional, narcissistic fantasies. You yourself had the the temerity to
 brand Judy as being full of malice, of trying to slander you, man the gall,
 arrogance and the stupidity.

 I feel pity for your ass.

 On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 12:26 PM, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com wrote:


 Thanks for verifying the triplets MMY story Nabbie, I was just guessing.
 What course was that on?

 I am curious about this arbitrary fixation on his deadness. I thought
 you guys believed that he is still with us somewhere 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Yours arrogantly, humbly, hatingly, lovingly,
 Ravi Chivukula.

Well at least you nailed the arrogantly and hatingly part.  I wonder who it 
was who used to crow so much about being a maverick like you are... similar 
distorted sense of grandiose self-importance too...just can't remember the 

 All the while perpetuating this clique, this white, mid-western, ole boy
 No matter how many times Barry and Curtis get humiliated by me, they are
 needy, clueless, shameless -- they will always manage to deceive, con,
 attract some innocent naive, gullible liberals, with their deceptive
 writing, the Xenos, the Susans, the Steves.
 But they will not fool the cogent, coherent, compelling Mavericks of this
 list, The Judy Stein's, The Robin Carlsen's, The Bob Price's of this list.
 I feel contempt and disgust for these two MF'ers - Curtis and Barry.
 I have no need to hide behind any political correctness, any white man's
 guilt, burden to call it as I see it and I spare none. My forefathers were
 equal opportunity racists, however a true Brahmin first works on his own
 biases, fears, insecurities, anxieties before going after others - he
 doesn't even spare his own family and I haven't  - other than my sisters
 but such is the conditioning, love of an Indian brother.
 What's the most that one can do - kill me? I'll mock and laugh at my own
 body's frailty, fragility, even as I watch it wringing, writhing, agonizing
 in pain. And then the world will celebrate the glory of the only Brahmin of
 this world - Ravi Chivukula - his brutal-self honesty and integrity, his
 commitment to truth, his fearlessness that even death couldn't touch him.
 That's the Hindu metaphor of a Brahmin - nothing you can earn by birth,
 it's only accidental that I have been one. The kshatriyas(warriors, kings,
 administrators) of the past wouldn't touch such a Brahmin - because they
 knew he had conquered death, they would seek their advice, because they
 knew he would call it without any bias. Indians talk about a story of how
 Alexander the Great met such a Brahmin - it could just be a myth for all we
 Such a Brahmin can only be defeated by a woman - he has to be, it has to be
 so, so he learns to be ever humble, to be ever watchful, change, modify,
 finetune his behavior, his actions, his biases, his motivations - knowing
 that the existence - the dynamic, organic, mysterious entity can whup his
 ass anytime, at its own will, at its own fancy.
 Yours arrogantly, humbly, hatingly, lovingly,
 Ravi Chivukula.
 On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:06 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...wrote:
  Dear Curtis,
  And you will always be morally, spiritually , ethically bankrupt as long
  as you support Barry's antics. Your progressive values are always suspect.
  Your stories of young African American kids may warm the hearts of naive,
  innocent liberals but it doesn't fool me.
  It's just white man's guilt, white man's burden nicely wrapped as a set of
  beliefs for you to play wolf on others like Ravi Chivukula.
  Ravi, who worked in housing projects, smiled, loved even at the age of 23,
  not even bothered if he was addressed as a b**ch, motherf**ker, because he
  understood the love. I loved their heart, their music - rap, gospel music,
  I had experience through a whole cross section of African Americans from
  crude, innocent, to educated, sophisticated - Dr. Thompson and the
  secretary Mary - I was touched by their love, they treated me like their
  own child, their eyes would lit up as I would walk in  - it was like being
  back in India. My love for African-Americans, women and gays is unmatched -
  not a convenient set of nicely wrapped beliefs to play wolf on others.
  So I pity your ass, but any time you try to wade into any kind of moral,
  spiritual, ethical voice here - I warn you - I will whup your ass and
  parade your dishonesty here for everyone to see.
  So please do me a favor - just stick to your writing - it's beautiful.
  On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...wrote:
  It's not the fact that he is just dead.
  You yourself have no honesty and integrity to question him - that man is
  at least dead, you are alive.
  Just wake up and take care of yourself, rather than your fixation on him.
  What moral, ethical, spiritual principles you have - you can continue your
  fixations, fantasies on Maharishi but don't expect you not being called on
  it every time you do that.
  Prove us you are not Maitreya of Morons here, you are rehabilitating,
  good we all applaud it. The Morons who parade their emotionally demented,
  deranged, depraved misogynist, homophobic nonsense here day in and day out,
  abusing and taunting others from posting here, their 17 year old paranoid,
  delusional, narcissistic fantasies. You yourself had the the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:
snip Coming to the rest of your message - your opinion places you
squarely in
 Barry's clique. If any other reasonable, intelligent person decides to
 your cause I will go ahead and address it.

Hey Ravi,

Driving h0me today from Chicago, it ocurred to me to ask if this comes
with a Certificate of Authenticity, signed by you, of course?  Also, do
you know what rights and priviledges I might be entitled to by being a
member of this clique?  And finally, is this a probationary period, or
am I straight away a full fledged member?

If possible I'd like an answer to these questions.


Your Friend Steve

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 5:17 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...

  Yours arrogantly, humbly, hatingly, lovingly,
  Ravi Chivukula.

 Well at least you nailed the arrogantly and hatingly part. I wonder who
 it was who used to crow so much about being a maverick like you are...
 similar distorted sense of grandiose self-importance too...just can't
 remember the name...

Dear Curtis,

I'm glad you latched on the arrogantly hating part - it was indeed for
you and Barry to claim, you two - who are the apt metaphors for the Hindu
demons - the demons symbolizing ignorance, deception among other things.

I know I can never stop your deception - you will always your captive

My message was for the others on this list and the lurkers reading this -
there are lots and lots of cogent, coherent, compelling Maverick free
passes (not Dallas Mavericks, mind you) -  lying around, hidden from your
sight of course..LOL.. - it's their choice to pick it up or not.

I don't think there's any doubt about the nature of my brazen, outrageous,
overt grandiosity and narcissism - that's the strength of my belief in my
self-honesty and integrity.


  All the while perpetuating this clique, this white, mid-western, ole boy
  No matter how many times Barry and Curtis get humiliated by me, they are
  needy, clueless, shameless -- they will always manage to deceive, con,
  attract some innocent naive, gullible liberals, with their deceptive
  writing, the Xenos, the Susans, the Steves.
  But they will not fool the cogent, coherent, compelling Mavericks of this
  list, The Judy Stein's, The Robin Carlsen's, The Bob Price's of this
  I feel contempt and disgust for these two MF'ers - Curtis and Barry.
  I have no need to hide behind any political correctness, any white man's
  guilt, burden to call it as I see it and I spare none. My forefathers
  equal opportunity racists, however a true Brahmin first works on his own
  biases, fears, insecurities, anxieties before going after others - he
  doesn't even spare his own family and I haven't - other than my sisters
  but such is the conditioning, love of an Indian brother.
  What's the most that one can do - kill me? I'll mock and laugh at my own
  body's frailty, fragility, even as I watch it wringing, writhing,
  in pain. And then the world will celebrate the glory of the only Brahmin
  this world - Ravi Chivukula - his brutal-self honesty and integrity, his
  commitment to truth, his fearlessness that even death couldn't touch him.
  That's the Hindu metaphor of a Brahmin - nothing you can earn by birth,
  it's only accidental that I have been one. The kshatriyas(warriors,
  administrators) of the past wouldn't touch such a Brahmin - because they
  knew he had conquered death, they would seek their advice, because they
  knew he would call it without any bias. Indians talk about a story of how
  Alexander the Great met such a Brahmin - it could just be a myth for all
  Such a Brahmin can only be defeated by a woman - he has to be, it has to
  so, so he learns to be ever humble, to be ever watchful, change, modify,
  finetune his behavior, his actions, his biases, his motivations - knowing
  that the existence - the dynamic, organic, mysterious entity can whup his
  ass anytime, at its own will, at its own fancy.
  Yours arrogantly, humbly, hatingly, lovingly,
  Ravi Chivukula.
  On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:06 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   Dear Curtis,
   And you will always be morally, spiritually , ethically bankrupt as
   as you support Barry's antics. Your progressive values are always
   Your stories of young African American kids may warm the hearts of
   innocent liberals but it doesn't fool me.
   It's just white man's guilt, white man's burden nicely wrapped as a
 set of
   beliefs for you to play wolf on others like Ravi Chivukula.
   Ravi, who worked in housing projects, smiled, loved even at the age of
   not even bothered if he was addressed as a b**ch, motherf**ker,
 because he
   understood the love. I loved their heart, their music - rap, gospel
   I had experience through a whole cross section of African Americans
   crude, innocent, to educated, sophisticated - Dr. Thompson and the
   secretary Mary - I was touched by their love, they treated me like
   own child, their eyes would lit up as I would walk in - it was like
   back in India. My love for African-Americans, women and gays is
 unmatched -
   not a convenient set of nicely wrapped beliefs to play wolf on others.
   So I pity your ass, but any time you try to wade into any kind of
   spiritual, ethical voice here - I warn you - I will whup your ass and
   parade your dishonesty here for everyone to 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 5:31 PM, seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.netwrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
 snip Coming to the rest of your message - your opinion places you
 squarely in
  Barry's clique. If any other reasonable, intelligent person decides to

  your cause I will go ahead and address it.

 Hey Ravi,

 Driving h0me today from Chicago, it ocurred to me to ask if this comes
 with a Certificate of Authenticity, signed by you, of course?  Also, do you
 know what rights and priviledges I might be entitled to by being a member
 of this clique?  And finally, is this a probationary period, or am I
 straight away a full fledged member?

 If possible I'd like an answer to these questions.


 Your Friend Steve


Your choice dear Steve, to remain in this clique or to be a cogent,
coherent, compelling Maverick - refer to my earlier message about these
free passes that can be claimed by anyone. I have told you many times - I
will never forget your phone call in May 2010 and regardless of anything
you do, you will always have my love.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread seventhray1

Glad to get your support for the Rams, Ravi.  As I'm sure you know there
is a possible lock out for hockey.  It doesn't appear that you are a
L.A. Kings fan, yet.  I mean you could have needled me with that,
(The Kings beating the Blues in four straight)  and I confess it would
have hurt more, and likely would have even made me angry as opposed to
what your are throwing at me now.  Something to think about.

And Ravi, I will also confess, that the lady folk who attend hockey
games seem to be a step or two above in attractiveness than those
attending football, and certainly baseball.  So again.  Something to
think about.

However, ticket prices can be a problem.  (-:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 (Shrugs..smiles)..Enjoy your vacation Steve, regards to your family
 remember for you and you alone I will be rooting for Rams in addition

 On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 6:04 AM, seventhray1 steve.sundur@...wrote:

  Hey Rav.
  Thanks for your reply. Maybe one day you will be recognized for the
  sage and guru that you are. I know that you made a concerted effort
to be
  recognized as Ravi Guru, the next Western Yogi some years back,
and I
  know that that attempt fell flat. But, you know Ronald Reagan had to
  several times before he won the presidency, so I would suggest that
you not
  give up the fight.
  And yes, I hope that the personal sacrifices you have had to make
  been worth it, i.e. losing family etc, But many times great men have
  to endure such sacrifices, and also difficult circumstances growing
up, so
  maybe all these ingredients will come together and allow you to be
  recognized for your greatness.
  And we here, can say, that we were at the ground level of this
  Love ya like a brother,
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   Dear Steve,
   I was expecting you to wade in here but your response has left me
   It's like a village bumpkin accosting a professor and telling the
   he is an adversary to him - what is the professor supposed to? He
   probably just smile, change the topic and indulge in some silly
talk with
   the man - inquire about his well-being, his family, work,
activities etc.
   I'm too, faced with this conundrum every time you fantasize that
you are
   challenging me.
   Trust me - I haven't met any adversary who has been able to match
   Nov 2009. Not because I'm the strongest or the bravest or the
smartest or
   the most handsome or the most intelligent, no, because I haven't
   who can match my brutal self-honesty and integrity. Almost always
   is found immobile, stuck in some belief, some emotional investment
or the
   other whereas I'm forever mobile, free and soaring.
   Coming to the rest of your message - your opinion places you
squarely in
   Barry's clique. If any other reasonable, intelligent person
decides to
   your cause I will go ahead and address it.
   On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 7:51 PM, seventhray1 steve.sundur@...:
I'll confess Ravi, that while you were gone, I asked myself, do
I miss
his presence here? And I will also admit that the answer was
no, I
not It is true that we had become quite adversarial, and yes,
  was a
certain enjoyment it taking on that role.
But once some time had passed, after you had been booted off, I
how unpleasant it had really been.
And here you are ramping up that same type behavior. I guess you
stay away from it. I mean it looks like you are waging battles
fronts. In fact, it seems you've created web sites from which to
some of these battles.
At any rate, I find it distasteful, that you see fit to spew
some much
Excuse me if I am not able to respond quickly to anything you
We are spending part of the weekend here in Chicago, and I don't
ready access to a computer. Sharing it with my wife and
It is true that during your last stint, I had gotten deep into a
posture with you.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula

 On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 3:04 PM, curtisdeltablues

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
   Dear Barry Baby,
   Well I hope your buddy just sticks to his writing on his
way to
   rehabilitating himself - I don't think there is any
dispute on
   I'm watching, I'm sure the old man and Judy are as well. I
   them but the minute your buddy tries to wade into any 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 5:31 PM, seventhray1 steve.sundur@...wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
  snip Coming to the rest of your message - your opinion places you
  squarely in
   Barry's clique. If any other reasonable, intelligent person
decides to
   your cause I will go ahead and address it.
  Hey Ravi,
  Driving h0me today from Chicago, it ocurred to me to ask if this
  with a Certificate of Authenticity, signed by you, of course? Also,
do you
  know what rights and priviledges I might be entitled to by being a
  of this clique? And finally, is this a probationary period, or am I
  straight away a full fledged member?
  If possible I'd like an answer to these questions.
  Your Friend Steve

 Your choice dear Steve, to remain in this clique or to be a cogent,
 coherent, compelling Maverick - refer to my earlier message about
 free passes that can be claimed by anyone. I have told you many times
- I
 will never forget your phone call in May 2010 and regardless of
 you do, you will always have my love.


And of course Ravi, that line is always open.  But I am not sure if it
displays the name of my business etc, so I prefer to keep it somewhat
anonymous, but I'd talk anytime.  I enjoyed our conversation back then.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread curtisdeltablues

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Dear Curtis,
 I'm glad you latched on the arrogantly hating part - it was indeed for
 you and Barry to claim, you two - who are the apt metaphors for the Hindu
 demons - the demons symbolizing ignorance, deception among other things.

OMG did you just pull an I know you are but what am I on me?  Damn that is an 
old school smackdown.

 I know I can never stop your deception - you will always your captive

See here is where you kind of roll off the rails.  You broke into Nabby's 
typical you are a hillbilly because you say bad things about Maharishi 
routine, but you don't know the Maharishi, you were just piling on because you 
sensed it was negative toward me.  So your specific complaint here, what it is 
you are claiming I am deceptive about is lacking.  Do you mean I am a 
deceiver the way George Bush identifies evil doers?  It has a you are a 
poppy pants flabbiness that doesn't convey much more than I am unhappy and I 
want you to be too.

 My message was for the others on this list and the lurkers reading this -
 there are lots and lots of cogent, coherent, compelling Maverick free
 passes (not Dallas Mavericks, mind you) -  lying around, hidden from your
 sight of course..LOL.. - it's their choice to pick it up or not.

Right, you are playing to an imaginary crowd who is fascinated by a guy who 
never knew Maharishi, try to defend him by insulting a stranger while using 
Sarah Palin's tagline.  I'm afraid you missed your chance for an audience 
unless you appear on a future episode of divorce court. 

 I don't think there's any doubt about the nature of my brazen, outrageous,
 overt grandiosity and narcissism - that's the strength of my belief in my
 self-honesty and integrity.

No, that hasn't been working for you for a long time Ravi.  And now I'll be 
less flip with you.  The qualities you relentlessly ascribe to your self  are 
the things other people would be ascribing to you if they were real.  Until 
they do, why don't you just get off the schtick and join the rest of us on 
planet no big deal.  No one here is a rock star by any measure.  We are just 
a bunch of people chatting.  All those groups of people you ruminate over are 
no group at all, they are just separate people logging in to chat here.  There 
is a more authentic you who has shown up here before you went off the rails 
last time.  Put him on sometime and you might get different results.  No one is 
gunna whip anyone's ass or triumph over anyone here.  We are just talk'n past 
each other right now.

First step toward authenticity might be to drop the creepy tag line. Our posts 
are not expressions of love.  We have a few overnight hikes to just make it to 

   All the while perpetuating this clique, this white, mid-western, ole boy
   No matter how many times Barry and Curtis get humiliated by me, they are
   needy, clueless, shameless -- they will always manage to deceive, con,
   attract some innocent naive, gullible liberals, with their deceptive
   writing, the Xenos, the Susans, the Steves.
   But they will not fool the cogent, coherent, compelling Mavericks of this
   list, The Judy Stein's, The Robin Carlsen's, The Bob Price's of this
   I feel contempt and disgust for these two MF'ers - Curtis and Barry.
   I have no need to hide behind any political correctness, any white man's
   guilt, burden to call it as I see it and I spare none. My forefathers
   equal opportunity racists, however a true Brahmin first works on his own
   biases, fears, insecurities, anxieties before going after others - he
   doesn't even spare his own family and I haven't - other than my sisters
   but such is the conditioning, love of an Indian brother.
   What's the most that one can do - kill me? I'll mock and laugh at my own
   body's frailty, fragility, even as I watch it wringing, writhing,
   in pain. And then the world will celebrate the glory of the only Brahmin
   this world - Ravi Chivukula - his brutal-self honesty and integrity, his
   commitment to truth, his fearlessness that even death couldn't touch him.
   That's the Hindu metaphor of a Brahmin - nothing you can earn by birth,
   it's only accidental that I have been one. The kshatriyas(warriors,
   administrators) of the past wouldn't touch such a Brahmin - because they
   knew he had conquered death, they would seek their advice, because they
   knew he would call it without any bias. Indians talk about a story of how
   Alexander the Great met such a Brahmin - it could just be a myth for all
   Such a Brahmin can only be defeated by a woman - he has to be, it has to
   so, so he learns to be ever humble, to be ever watchful, change, modify,
   finetune his behavior, his actions, his biases, his motivations - knowing
   that the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@...

 If all else fails in life it's great to have someone to bash,
particularily someone who's dead, don't you think ?

Nab, I only wish your bashing had something creative about it, instead
of the plain old, vile sort.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Dear Curtis,

 And you will always be morally, spiritually , ethically bankrupt as
long as
 you support Barry's antics. Your progressive values are always
Psst. Ravi, you're not in India anymore, and you don't have take on the
role of the British school marm, reprimanding the students, and telling
them how to behave.  India acheived her independence sometime back. You
may feel you had street cred with some of the folks you hung with in the
projects, but I think you're lacking it here, at least with me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

 Hard to really see the purpose in telling strangers on the internet to
Fuck off and Die. That is kind of dark, even for me.

 But it does remind me that you are an ill-wisher and although the
depth of your malice caught me off guard last time, I am much better
prepared for you now.

 I have to disagree with your grandiose claim to some imaginary bigger
fish to fry. In this discussion you were able to make a nasty insult to
a stranger on a forum for people in a group you have no connection with.
Making unpleasant statements like that IS your purpose for being here.
It is pretty much all you have contributed here since you got back.

 Self-aggrandizing personal attacks on people you don't know, loaded
with the personal charge of your own life's disappointments. There
really should be a name for this Internet forum phenomenon, perhaps
using figurative language that implies that one lives under a bridge in
darkness, only to pop out with an incoherent attack when someone comes

 I'll give it some thought I'm sure I can come up with something.

This is not a fair fight Curtis.  Cut him some slack.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
  Dear Curtis,
  You are a sick, sly, SOB - proving you don't even have any semblance
  self-dignity, a masochist..LOL..as Judy once said beautifully
put..FOAD, I
  have bigger fish to fry.
  On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:09 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
It's not the fact that he is just dead.
   Did Nabbie just change his handle here?
You yourself have no honesty and integrity to question him -
that man is
   at least dead, you are alive.
   So you were hoping to argue with me about my opinions about a man
   didn't know did ya? And you were thinking it might be
inappropriate for me
   to voice opinions about him on a board devoted to those issues.
   Got it, I'm sure that all makes perfect sense in crazy world.
Just wake up and take care of yourself, rather than your
fixation on him.
What moral, ethical, spiritual principles you have - you can
fixations, fantasies on Maharishi but don't expect you not being
it every time you do that.
   Yeah, well this is a TM and ex TM focused forum so you are gunna
get some
   talk about the guy I would think. And I wasn't challenged on
anything I
   said, it was just a general insult post like yours. I would
welcome someone
   to challenge the meaning of what I wrote.
Prove us you are not Maitreya of Morons here, you are
we all applaud it. The Morons who parade their emotionally
deranged, depraved misogynist, homophobic nonsense here day in
and day
abusing and taunting others from posting here, their 17 year old
delusional, narcissistic fantasies.
   Yeah, the judge got that one right.
   You yourself had the the temerity to
brand Judy as being full of malice, of trying to slander you,
man the
arrogance and the stupidity.
   I get it that this site is a soap opera vehicle for your own
   frustrations, but Judy has nothing to do with this exchange. If
you are
   trying to insert yourself into long forgotten exchanges I had with
her in
   the past you are being trollish, trying to get two other people to
   who have no current beef with each other.
   Now I see that with no TM background all you have to do here is
   spitballs and hope they will get you noticed, but you aren't gunna
get much
   traction on the train of don't talk about Maharishi here.
I feel pity for your ass.
   No you don't. You feel resentment for your own personal life and
you are
   trying to take that aggression out on strangers here, inserting
   into conversations between people with actual skin in the game. I
   disagree with Nabbie but he knew Maharishi and has earned his
opinion about
   him as I have. You are just a troll looking for a fight about
topics you
   know nothing about while hoping that by interjecting yourself into
   personalities of the posters here you wont stick out so much.
   You are a tumbleweed of unfocused unpleasantness blowing through
   group till you completely lose it and get booted off.
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 12:26 PM, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

 Thanks for verifying the triplets MMY story Nabbie, I was just
 What course was that on?

 I am curious about this arbitrary fixation on his deadness. I
 guys believed that he is still with us somewhere between
   ghost and

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:
 This is not a fair fight Curtis.  Cut him some slack.

That was my mistake last time Steve.  I believed that. 

I appreciate your balancing comments and genuine affection for the guy though.  
I've got a harder climb on that score.  My sights are just focused on 
containment of damage this time around.  

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Hard to really see the purpose in telling strangers on the internet to
 Fuck off and Die. That is kind of dark, even for me.
  But it does remind me that you are an ill-wisher and although the
 depth of your malice caught me off guard last time, I am much better
 prepared for you now.
  I have to disagree with your grandiose claim to some imaginary bigger
 fish to fry. In this discussion you were able to make a nasty insult to
 a stranger on a forum for people in a group you have no connection with.
 Making unpleasant statements like that IS your purpose for being here.
 It is pretty much all you have contributed here since you got back.
  Self-aggrandizing personal attacks on people you don't know, loaded
 with the personal charge of your own life's disappointments. There
 really should be a name for this Internet forum phenomenon, perhaps
 using figurative language that implies that one lives under a bridge in
 darkness, only to pop out with an incoherent attack when someone comes
  I'll give it some thought I'm sure I can come up with something.
 This is not a fair fight Curtis.  Cut him some slack.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   Dear Curtis,
   You are a sick, sly, SOB - proving you don't even have any semblance
   self-dignity, a masochist..LOL..as Judy once said beautifully
 put..FOAD, I
   have bigger fish to fry.
   On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:09 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula

 It's not the fact that he is just dead.
Did Nabbie just change his handle here?

 You yourself have no honesty and integrity to question him -
 that man is
at least dead, you are alive.
So you were hoping to argue with me about my opinions about a man
didn't know did ya? And you were thinking it might be
 inappropriate for me
to voice opinions about him on a board devoted to those issues.
Got it, I'm sure that all makes perfect sense in crazy world.

 Just wake up and take care of yourself, rather than your
 fixation on him.
 What moral, ethical, spiritual principles you have - you can
 fixations, fantasies on Maharishi but don't expect you not being
 it every time you do that.
Yeah, well this is a TM and ex TM focused forum so you are gunna
 get some
talk about the guy I would think. And I wasn't challenged on
 anything I
said, it was just a general insult post like yours. I would
 welcome someone
to challenge the meaning of what I wrote.

 Prove us you are not Maitreya of Morons here, you are
 we all applaud it. The Morons who parade their emotionally
 deranged, depraved misogynist, homophobic nonsense here day in
 and day
 abusing and taunting others from posting here, their 17 year old
 delusional, narcissistic fantasies.
Yeah, the judge got that one right.
You yourself had the the temerity to
 brand Judy as being full of malice, of trying to slander you,
 man the
 arrogance and the stupidity.
I get it that this site is a soap opera vehicle for your own
frustrations, but Judy has nothing to do with this exchange. If
 you are
trying to insert yourself into long forgotten exchanges I had with
 her in
the past you are being trollish, trying to get two other people to
who have no current beef with each other.
Now I see that with no TM background all you have to do here is
spitballs and hope they will get you noticed, but you aren't gunna
 get much
traction on the train of don't talk about Maharishi here.

 I feel pity for your ass.
No you don't. You feel resentment for your own personal life and
 you are
trying to take that aggression out on strangers here, inserting
into conversations between people with actual skin in the game. I
disagree with Nabbie but he knew Maharishi and has earned his
 opinion about
him as I have. You are just a troll looking for a fight about
 topics you
know nothing about while hoping that by interjecting yourself into
personalities of the posters here you wont stick out so much.
You are 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Emily Reyn
Dear Curtis:


Love, Emily :)

P.S.  Don't lose that wicked sense of humor, now.  

 From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 6:12 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Dear Curtis,
 I'm glad you latched on the arrogantly hating part - it was indeed for
 you and Barry to claim, you two - who are the apt metaphors for the Hindu
 demons - the demons symbolizing ignorance, deception among other things.

OMG did you just pull an I know you are but what am I on me?  Damn that is an 
old school smackdown.

 I know I can never stop your deception - you will always your captive

See here is where you kind of roll off the rails.  You broke into Nabby's 
typical you are a hillbilly because you say bad things about Maharishi 
routine, but you don't know the Maharishi, you were just piling on because you 
sensed it was negative toward me.  So your specific complaint here, what it is 
you are claiming I am deceptive about is lacking.  Do you mean I am a 
deceiver the way George Bush identifies evil doers?  It has a you are a 
poppy pants flabbiness that doesn't convey much more than I am unhappy and I 
want you to be too.

 My message was for the others on this list and the lurkers reading this -
 there are lots and lots of cogent, coherent, compelling Maverick free
 passes (not Dallas Mavericks, mind you) -  lying around, hidden from your
 sight of course..LOL.. - it's their choice to pick it up or not.

Right, you are playing to an imaginary crowd who is fascinated by a guy who 
never knew Maharishi, try to defend him by insulting a stranger while using 
Sarah Palin's tagline.  I'm afraid you missed your chance for an audience 
unless you appear on a future episode of divorce court. 

 I don't think there's any doubt about the nature of my brazen, outrageous,
 overt grandiosity and narcissism - that's the strength of my belief in my
 self-honesty and integrity.

No, that hasn't been working for you for a long time Ravi.  And now I'll be 
less flip with you.  The qualities you relentlessly ascribe to your self  are 
the things other people would be ascribing to you if they were real.  Until 
they do, why don't you just get off the schtick and join the rest of us on 
planet no big deal.  No one here is a rock star by any measure.  We are just 
a bunch of people chatting.  All those groups of people you ruminate over are 
no group at all, they are just separate people logging in to chat here.  There 
is a more authentic you who has shown up here before you went off the rails 
last time.  Put him on sometime and you might get different results.  No one is 
gunna whip anyone's ass or triumph over anyone here.  We are just talk'n past 
each other right now.

First step toward authenticity might be to drop the creepy tag line. Our posts 
are not expressions of love.  We have a few overnight hikes to just make it to 

   All the while perpetuating this clique, this white, mid-western, ole boy
   No matter how many times Barry and Curtis get humiliated by me, they are
   needy, clueless, shameless -- they will always manage to deceive, con,
   attract some innocent naive, gullible liberals, with their deceptive
   writing, the Xenos, the Susans, the Steves.
   But they will not fool the cogent, coherent, compelling Mavericks of this
   list, The Judy Stein's, The Robin Carlsen's, The Bob Price's of this
   I feel contempt and disgust for these two MF'ers - Curtis and Barry.
   I have no need to hide behind any political correctness, any white man's
   guilt, burden to call it as I see it and I spare none. My forefathers
   equal opportunity racists, however a true Brahmin first works on his own
   biases, fears, insecurities, anxieties before going after others - he
   doesn't even spare his own family and I haven't - other than my sisters
   but such is the conditioning, love of an Indian brother.
   What's the most that one can do - kill me? I'll mock and laugh at my own
   body's frailty, fragility, even as I watch it wringing, writhing,
   in pain. And then the world will celebrate the glory of the only Brahmin
   this world - Ravi Chivukula - his brutal-self honesty and integrity, his
   commitment to truth, his fearlessness that even death couldn't touch him.
   That's the Hindu metaphor of a Brahmin - nothing you can earn by birth,
   it's only accidental that I have been one. The kshatriyas(warriors,
   administrators) of the past wouldn't touch such a Brahmin - because they
   knew he had conquered death, they would seek their advice, because they
   knew he would call it without any bias. Indians talk about a story of how
   Alexander the Great met such a Brahmin

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
  This is not a fair fight Curtis. Cut him some slack.

 That was my mistake last time Steve. I believed that.

 I appreciate your balancing comments and genuine affection for the guy
though. I've got a harder climb on that score. My sights are just
focused on containment of damage this time around.

Your comment here Curtis to Ravi from a previous post, this puts things
into the right perspective.

  The qualities you relentlessly ascribe to your self are the
things other people would be ascribing to you if they were real. Until
they do,
why don't you just get off the schtick and join the rest of us on planet
no big

And okay, I wasn't going to say this, but I guess I will.  Driving back
from Chicago, (I am glad my wife takes on most of the driving), and in
between napping and eating sour lifesavers, I was thinking about the
goings on on FFL.  And am I crazy or what,  but I was thinking, that as
long as Ravi can follow the few rules we have here,  maybe he can learn
to converse in a more civil and balanced way.  Maybe learn something
about himself, and we can learn something from him. Some of us (I am a
minor figure in this regard) will bear the brunt of his abuse, but maybe
it might be worth the price is we can bring him closer to this end.

Am I crazy or what.  Do you see how easily I was swept into the idealism
of MMY's World Plan.  Jesus, I was all in.

And yes, I do recognize that I am sounding like the British school marm.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Hard to really see the purpose in telling strangers on the
internet to
  Fuck off and Die. That is kind of dark, even for me.
   But it does remind me that you are an ill-wisher and although the
  depth of your malice caught me off guard last time, I am much better
  prepared for you now.
   I have to disagree with your grandiose claim to some imaginary
  fish to fry. In this discussion you were able to make a nasty
insult to
  a stranger on a forum for people in a group you have no connection
  Making unpleasant statements like that IS your purpose for being
  It is pretty much all you have contributed here since you got back.
   Self-aggrandizing personal attacks on people you don't know,
  with the personal charge of your own life's disappointments. There
  really should be a name for this Internet forum phenomenon, perhaps
  using figurative language that implies that one lives under a bridge
  darkness, only to pop out with an incoherent attack when someone
   I'll give it some thought I'm sure I can come up with something.
  This is not a fair fight Curtis. Cut him some slack.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
Dear Curtis,
You are a sick, sly, SOB - proving you don't even have any
self-dignity, a masochist..LOL..as Judy once said beautifully
  put..FOAD, I
have bigger fish to fry.
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:09 PM, curtisdeltablues

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
  It's not the fact that he is just dead.

 Did Nabbie just change his handle here?

  You yourself have no honesty and integrity to question him -
  that man is
 at least dead, you are alive.

 So you were hoping to argue with me about my opinions about a
 didn't know did ya? And you were thinking it might be
  inappropriate for me
 to voice opinions about him on a board devoted to those

 Got it, I'm sure that all makes perfect sense in crazy world.

  Just wake up and take care of yourself, rather than your
  fixation on him.
  What moral, ethical, spiritual principles you have - you can
  fixations, fantasies on Maharishi but don't expect you not
  it every time you do that.

 Yeah, well this is a TM and ex TM focused forum so you are
  get some
 talk about the guy I would think. And I wasn't challenged on
  anything I
 said, it was just a general insult post like yours. I would
  welcome someone
 to challenge the meaning of what I wrote.

  Prove us you are not Maitreya of Morons here, you are
  we all applaud it. The Morons who parade their emotionally
  deranged, depraved misogynist, homophobic nonsense here day
  and day
  abusing and taunting others from posting here, their 17 year
  delusional, narcissistic fantasies.

 Yeah, the judge got that one right.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Ravi Chivukula

On Sep 3, 2012, at 6:46 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:
  This is not a fair fight Curtis. Cut him some slack.
 That was my mistake last time Steve. I believed that. 
 I appreciate your balancing comments and genuine affection for the guy 
 though. I've got a harder climb on that score. My sights are just focused on 
 containment of damage this time around. 

Containment of damage..LOL, a rare peek into your honesty, rather than your 
usual dishonesty and deception - love it 'bro.

This is exactly what you did last time as well, your dishonesty, tricks, 
sleight of hands twisting it are very amusing.

I'm enjoying my stroll on Torrey Pines and your hard breathing is irritating 
me, I for a moment thought it was the rumbling of the ocean or the rumbling of 
the Amtrak Coaster, so just chillax.

P.S. Accusing me of being Bush and Palin is not cutting it 'bro - everyone here 
knows my contempt and hostility for all conservatives - Indian or American, as 
they are dismissed with my polite, playful trickery.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Hard to really see the purpose in telling strangers on the internet to
  Fuck off and Die. That is kind of dark, even for me.
   But it does remind me that you are an ill-wisher and although the
  depth of your malice caught me off guard last time, I am much better
  prepared for you now.
   I have to disagree with your grandiose claim to some imaginary bigger
  fish to fry. In this discussion you were able to make a nasty insult to
  a stranger on a forum for people in a group you have no connection with.
  Making unpleasant statements like that IS your purpose for being here.
  It is pretty much all you have contributed here since you got back.
   Self-aggrandizing personal attacks on people you don't know, loaded
  with the personal charge of your own life's disappointments. There
  really should be a name for this Internet forum phenomenon, perhaps
  using figurative language that implies that one lives under a bridge in
  darkness, only to pop out with an incoherent attack when someone comes
   I'll give it some thought I'm sure I can come up with something.
  This is not a fair fight Curtis. Cut him some slack.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
Dear Curtis,
You are a sick, sly, SOB - proving you don't even have any semblance
self-dignity, a masochist..LOL..as Judy once said beautifully
  put..FOAD, I
have bigger fish to fry.
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:09 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
  It's not the fact that he is just dead.

 Did Nabbie just change his handle here?

  You yourself have no honesty and integrity to question him -
  that man is
 at least dead, you are alive.

 So you were hoping to argue with me about my opinions about a man
 didn't know did ya? And you were thinking it might be
  inappropriate for me
 to voice opinions about him on a board devoted to those issues.

 Got it, I'm sure that all makes perfect sense in crazy world.

  Just wake up and take care of yourself, rather than your
  fixation on him.
  What moral, ethical, spiritual principles you have - you can
  fixations, fantasies on Maharishi but don't expect you not being
  it every time you do that.

 Yeah, well this is a TM and ex TM focused forum so you are gunna
  get some
 talk about the guy I would think. And I wasn't challenged on
  anything I
 said, it was just a general insult post like yours. I would
  welcome someone
 to challenge the meaning of what I wrote.

  Prove us you are not Maitreya of Morons here, you are
  we all applaud it. The Morons who parade their emotionally
  deranged, depraved misogynist, homophobic nonsense here day in
  and day
  abusing and taunting others from posting here, their 17 year old
  delusional, narcissistic fantasies.

 Yeah, the judge got that one right.

 You yourself had the the temerity to
  brand Judy as being full of malice, of trying to slander you,
  man the
  arrogance and the stupidity.

 I get it that this site is a soap opera vehicle for your own
 frustrations, but Judy has nothing to do with this exchange. If
  you are
 trying to insert yourself into long forgotten exchanges I had with
  her in
 the past you are being trollish, trying to get two other 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 I was thinking about the
 goings on on FFL.  And am I crazy or what,  but I was thinking, that as
 long as Ravi can follow the few rules we have here,  maybe he can learn
 to converse in a more civil and balanced way.  Maybe learn something
 about himself, and we can learn something from him. Some of us (I am a
 minor figure in this regard) will bear the brunt of his abuse, but maybe
 it might be worth the price is we can bring him closer to this end.
 Am I crazy or what.  

No, you aren't crazy, you are expressing a normal level of compassion for your 
fellow man and I dig it.  Unfortunately this is not a level playing field in 
this regard, so the hope for reciprocity may be ill founded.  But I dig your 
default position and I shared it last time around.  Fool me once, shame on you, 
fool me twice, shame on me. 

My re-frame is that this is the price for freedom and I am willing to pay it.  
But I don't intend for it to spin out of control again with me asleep at the 
wheel waiting for normalcy to reign. I don't see the added value, but others 
do, so as long as he can stay within some pretty liberal rules of propriety, 
him being here is none of my business.  But the old dog has to keep himself 
entertained while he sleeps with one eye opened doesn't he? 

I appreciate that you are getting all this and again, you are a decent 
well-wisher.  Always have been as long as I've known you here.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
   This is not a fair fight Curtis. Cut him some slack.
  That was my mistake last time Steve. I believed that.
  I appreciate your balancing comments and genuine affection for the guy
 though. I've got a harder climb on that score. My sights are just
 focused on containment of damage this time around.
 Your comment here Curtis to Ravi from a previous post, this puts things
 into the right perspective.
   The qualities you relentlessly ascribe to your self are the
 things other people would be ascribing to you if they were real. Until
 they do,
 why don't you just get off the schtick and join the rest of us on planet
 no big
 And okay, I wasn't going to say this, but I guess I will.  Driving back
 from Chicago, (I am glad my wife takes on most of the driving), and in
 between napping and eating sour lifesavers, I was thinking about the
 goings on on FFL.  And am I crazy or what,  but I was thinking, that as
 long as Ravi can follow the few rules we have here,  maybe he can learn
 to converse in a more civil and balanced way.  Maybe learn something
 about himself, and we can learn something from him. Some of us (I am a
 minor figure in this regard) will bear the brunt of his abuse, but maybe
 it might be worth the price is we can bring him closer to this end.
 Am I crazy or what.  Do you see how easily I was swept into the idealism
 of MMY's World Plan.  Jesus, I was all in.
 And yes, I do recognize that I am sounding like the British school marm.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
Hard to really see the purpose in telling strangers on the
 internet to
   Fuck off and Die. That is kind of dark, even for me.
But it does remind me that you are an ill-wisher and although the
   depth of your malice caught me off guard last time, I am much better
   prepared for you now.
I have to disagree with your grandiose claim to some imaginary
   fish to fry. In this discussion you were able to make a nasty
 insult to
   a stranger on a forum for people in a group you have no connection
   Making unpleasant statements like that IS your purpose for being
   It is pretty much all you have contributed here since you got back.
Self-aggrandizing personal attacks on people you don't know,
   with the personal charge of your own life's disappointments. There
   really should be a name for this Internet forum phenomenon, perhaps
   using figurative language that implies that one lives under a bridge
   darkness, only to pop out with an incoherent attack when someone
I'll give it some thought I'm sure I can come up with something.
   This is not a fair fight Curtis. Cut him some slack.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula

 Dear Curtis,

 You are a sick, sly, SOB - proving you don't even have any
 self-dignity, a masochist..LOL..as Judy once said beautifully
   put..FOAD, I
 have bigger fish to fry.


 On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:09 PM, curtisdeltablues

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Dear Curtis:
 Love, Emily :)
 P.S.  Don't lose that wicked sense of humor, now.  

Oh now don't YOU start too!



  From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 6:12 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
  Dear Curtis,
  I'm glad you latched on the arrogantly hating part - it was indeed for
  you and Barry to claim, you two - who are the apt metaphors for the Hindu
  demons - the demons symbolizing ignorance, deception among other things.
 OMG did you just pull an I know you are but what am I on me?  Damn that is 
 an old school smackdown.
  I know I can never stop your deception - you will always your captive
 See here is where you kind of roll off the rails.  You broke into Nabby's 
 typical you are a hillbilly because you say bad things about Maharishi 
 routine, but you don't know the Maharishi, you were just piling on because 
 you sensed it was negative toward me.  So your specific complaint here, what 
 it is you are claiming I am deceptive about is lacking.  Do you mean I am a 
 deceiver the way George Bush identifies evil doers?  It has a you are a 
 poppy pants flabbiness that doesn't convey much more than I am unhappy and 
 I want you to be too.
  My message was for the others on this list and the lurkers reading this -
  there are lots and lots of cogent, coherent, compelling Maverick free
  passes (not Dallas Mavericks, mind you) -  lying around, hidden from your
  sight of course..LOL.. - it's their choice to pick it up or not.
 Right, you are playing to an imaginary crowd who is fascinated by a guy who 
 never knew Maharishi, try to defend him by insulting a stranger while using 
 Sarah Palin's tagline.  I'm afraid you missed your chance for an audience 
 unless you appear on a future episode of divorce court. 
  I don't think there's any doubt about the nature of my brazen, outrageous,
  overt grandiosity and narcissism - that's the strength of my belief in my
  self-honesty and integrity.
 No, that hasn't been working for you for a long time Ravi.  And now I'll be 
 less flip with you.  The qualities you relentlessly ascribe to your self  are 
 the things other people would be ascribing to you if they were real.  Until 
 they do, why don't you just get off the schtick and join the rest of us on 
 planet no big deal.  No one here is a rock star by any measure.  We are 
 just a bunch of people chatting.  All those groups of people you ruminate 
 over are no group at all, they are just separate people logging in to chat 
 here.  There is a more authentic you who has shown up here before you went 
 off the rails last time.  Put him on sometime and you might get different 
 results.  No one is gunna whip anyone's ass or triumph over anyone here.  We 
 are just talk'n past each other right now.
 First step toward authenticity might be to drop the creepy tag line. Our 
 posts are not expressions of love.  We have a few overnight hikes to just 
 make it to respectful. 
All the while perpetuating this clique, this white, mid-western, ole boy
No matter how many times Barry and Curtis get humiliated by me, they are
needy, clueless, shameless -- they will always manage to deceive, con,
attract some innocent naive, gullible liberals, with their deceptive
writing, the Xenos, the Susans, the Steves.
But they will not fool the cogent, coherent, compelling Mavericks of 
list, The Judy Stein's, The Robin Carlsen's, The Bob Price's of this
I feel contempt and disgust for these two MF'ers - Curtis and Barry.
I have no need to hide behind any political correctness, any white man's
guilt, burden to call it as I see it and I spare none. My forefathers
equal opportunity racists, however a true Brahmin first works on his own
biases, fears, insecurities, anxieties before going after others - he
doesn't even spare his own family and I haven't - other than my sisters
but such is the conditioning, love of an Indian brother.
What's the most that one can do - kill me? I'll mock and laugh at my own
body's frailty, fragility, even as I watch it wringing, writhing,
in pain. And then the world will celebrate the glory of the only Brahmin
this world - Ravi Chivukula - his brutal-self honesty and integrity, his
commitment to truth, his fearlessness that even death couldn't touch 
That's the Hindu metaphor of a Brahmin - nothing you can earn by birth,
it's only accidental that I have been one. The kshatriyas(warriors,

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Emily Reyn
I subscribe to the idea that one should always sleep with one eye open.  But, 
then again, I lack trust and am a somewhat suspicious woman who's been burned 
at the stake more than once, so to speak.  I wear a crown of thorns around my 
heart for protection, mind you and I'm liable to say fuck you as easily as I 
say love you.  From a man's perspective, don't they both mean the same thing? 
 Now, I have to get back to responding to Robin...where was I?  Oh yeah, it's 
all about experienceobjective or subjectively interpreted, conditioned of 
course by my postmodern upbringing.  

 From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 7:35 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Dear Curtis:
 Love, Emily :)
 P.S.  Don't lose that wicked sense of humor, now.  

Oh now don't YOU start too!



  From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 6:12 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
  Dear Curtis,
  I'm glad you latched on the arrogantly hating part - it was indeed for
  you and Barry to claim, you two - who are the apt metaphors for the Hindu
  demons - the demons symbolizing ignorance, deception among other things.
 OMG did you just pull an I know you are but what am I on me?  Damn that is 
 an old school smackdown.
  I know I can never stop your deception - you will always your captive
 See here is where you kind of roll off the rails.  You broke into Nabby's 
 typical you are a hillbilly because you say bad things about Maharishi 
 routine, but you don't know the Maharishi, you were just piling on because 
 you sensed it was negative toward me.  So your specific complaint here, what 
 it is you are claiming I am deceptive about is lacking.  Do you mean I am a 
 deceiver the way George Bush identifies evil doers?  It has a you are a 
 poppy pants flabbiness that doesn't convey much more than I am unhappy and 
 I want you to be too.
  My message was for the others on this list and the lurkers reading this -
  there are lots and lots of cogent, coherent, compelling Maverick free
  passes (not Dallas Mavericks, mind you) -  lying around, hidden from your
  sight of course..LOL.. - it's their choice to pick it up or not.
 Right, you are playing to an imaginary crowd who is fascinated by a guy who 
 never knew Maharishi, try to defend him by insulting a stranger while using 
 Sarah Palin's tagline.  I'm afraid you missed your chance for an audience 
 unless you appear on a future episode of divorce court. 
  I don't think there's any doubt about the nature of my brazen, outrageous,
  overt grandiosity and narcissism - that's the strength of my belief in my
  self-honesty and integrity.
 No, that hasn't been working for you for a long time Ravi.  And now I'll be 
 less flip with you.  The qualities you relentlessly ascribe to your self  are 
 the things other people would be ascribing to you if they were real.  Until 
 they do, why don't you just get off the schtick and join the rest of us on 
 planet no big deal.  No one here is a rock star by any measure.  We are 
 just a bunch of people chatting.  All those groups of people you ruminate 
 over are no group at all, they are just separate people logging in to chat 
 here.  There is a more authentic you who has shown up here before you went 
 off the rails last time.  Put him on sometime and you might get different 
 results.  No one is gunna whip anyone's ass or triumph over anyone here.  We 
 are just talk'n past each other right now.
 First step toward authenticity might be to drop the creepy tag line. Our 
 posts are not expressions of love.  We have a few overnight hikes to just 
 make it to respectful. 
All the while perpetuating this clique, this white, mid-western, ole boy
No matter how many times Barry and Curtis get humiliated by me, they are
needy, clueless, shameless -- they will always manage to deceive, con,
attract some innocent naive, gullible liberals, with their deceptive
writing, the Xenos, the Susans, the Steves.
But they will not fool the cogent, coherent, compelling Mavericks of 
list, The Judy Stein's, The Robin Carlsen's, The Bob Price's of this
I feel contempt and disgust for these two MF'ers - Curtis and Barry.
I have no need to hide behind any political correctness, any white man's
guilt, burden to call it as I see it and I spare none. My forefathers
equal opportunity racists, however a true Brahmin first works on his own

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...

 I subscribe to the idea that one should always sleep with one eye
open. Â But, then again, I lack trust and am a somewhat suspicious
woman who's been burned at the stake more than once, so to speak. Â I
wear a crown of thorns around my heart for protection, mind you and I'm
liable to say fuck you as easily as I say love you. Â From a
man's perspective, don't they both mean the same thing? Â Now, I have
to get back to responding to Robin...where was I? Â Oh yeah, it's all
about experienceobjective or subjectively interpreted, conditioned
of course by my postmodern upbringing. Â

When in doubt, just throw in first person ontology.  I still haven't
figured out what it is.  I suspect there's a better way of saying.  But
it sounds important.

 From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 7:35 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  Dear Curtis:
  Love, Emily :)
  P.S.  Don't lose that wicked sense of humor, now. ÂÂ

 Oh now don't YOU start too!



  From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 6:12 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@ wrote:
   Dear Curtis,
   I'm glad you latched on the arrogantly hating part - it was
indeed for
   you and Barry to claim, you two - who are the apt metaphors for
the Hindu
   demons - the demons symbolizing ignorance, deception among other
  OMG did you just pull an I know you are but what am I on me? Damn
that is an old school smackdown.
   I know I can never stop your deception - you will always your
  See here is where you kind of roll off the rails. You broke into
Nabby's typical you are a hillbilly because you say bad things about
Maharishi routine, but you don't know the Maharishi, you were just
piling on because you sensed it was negative toward me. So your specific
complaint here, what it is you are claiming I am deceptive about is
lacking. Do you mean I am a deceiver the way George Bush identifies
evil doers? It has a you are a poppy pants flabbiness that doesn't
convey much more than I am unhappy and I want you to be too.
   My message was for the others on this list and the lurkers reading
this -
   there are lots and lots of cogent, coherent, compelling Maverick
   passes (not Dallas Mavericks, mind you) - lying around, hidden
from your
   sight of course..LOL.. - it's their choice to pick it up or not.
  Right, you are playing to an imaginary crowd who is fascinated by a
guy who never knew Maharishi, try to defend him by insulting a stranger
while using Sarah Palin's tagline. I'm afraid you missed your chance for
an audience unless you appear on a future episode of divorce court.
   I don't think there's any doubt about the nature of my brazen,
   overt grandiosity and narcissism - that's the strength of my
belief in my
   self-honesty and integrity.
  No, that hasn't been working for you for a long time Ravi. And now
I'll be less flip with you. The qualities you relentlessly ascribe to
your self are the things other people would be ascribing to you if they
were real. Until they do, why don't you just get off the schtick and
join the rest of us on planet no big deal. No one here is a rock star
by any measure. We are just a bunch of people chatting. All those groups
of people you ruminate over are no group at all, they are just separate
people logging in to chat here. There is a more authentic you who has
shown up here before you went off the rails last time. Put him on
sometime and you might get different results. No one is gunna whip
anyone's ass or triumph over anyone here. We are just talk'n past each
other right now.
  First step toward authenticity might be to drop the creepy tag line.
Our posts are not expressions of love. We have a few overnight hikes to
just make it to respectful.

 All the while perpetuating this clique, this white,
mid-western, ole boy

 No matter how many times Barry and Curtis get humiliated by
me, they are
 needy, clueless, shameless -- they will always manage to
deceive, con,
 attract some innocent naive, gullible liberals, with their
 writing, the Xenos, the Susans, the Steves.

 But they will not fool the cogent, coherent, compelling
Mavericks of this
 list, The Judy Stein's, The Robin Carlsen's, The Bob Price's
of this

 I feel contempt and disgust for these two MF'ers - Curtis and

 I have no need to hide

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Emily Reyn
Right. Thanks. I agree with you.  I look that up on a regular basis.  (P.S. I'm 
just trying to throw the Intrepid Robin off-track).  

 From: seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 9:24 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 I subscribe to the idea that one should always sleep with one eye open. 
  But, then again, I lack trust and am a somewhat suspicious woman who's been 
 burned at the stake more than once, so to speak.  I wear a crown of thorns 
 around my heart for protection, mind you and I'm liable to say fuck you as 
 easily as I say love you.  From a man's perspective, don't they both mean 
 the same thing?  Now, I have to get back to responding to Robin...where was 
 I?  Oh yeah, it's all about experienceobjective or subjectively 
 interpreted, conditioned of course by my postmodern upbringing.  

When in doubt, just throw in first person ontology.  I still haven't figured 
out what it is.  I suspect there's a better way of saying.  But it sounds 

 From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 7:35 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  Dear Curtis:
  Love, Emily :)
  P.S.  Don't lose that wicked sense of humor, now.  
 Oh now don't YOU start too!
  From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 6:12 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
   Dear Curtis,
   I'm glad you latched on the arrogantly hating part - it was indeed for
   you and Barry to claim, you two - who are the apt metaphors for the Hindu
   demons - the demons symbolizing ignorance, deception among other things.
  OMG did you just pull an I know you are but what am I on me? Damn that is 
  an old school smackdown.
   I know I can never stop your deception - you will always your captive
  See here is where you kind of roll off the rails. You broke into Nabby's 
  typical you are a hillbilly because you say bad things about Maharishi 
  routine, but you don't know the Maharishi, you were just piling on because 
  you sensed it was negative toward me. So your specific complaint here, what 
  it is you are claiming I am deceptive about is lacking. Do you mean I am a 
  deceiver the way George Bush identifies evil doers? It has a you are a 
  poppy pants flabbiness that doesn't convey much more than I am unhappy 
  and I want you to be too.
   My message was for the others on this list and the lurkers reading this -
   there are lots and lots of cogent, coherent, compelling Maverick free
   passes (not Dallas Mavericks, mind you) - lying around, hidden from your
   sight of course..LOL.. - it's their choice to pick it up or not.
  Right, you are playing to an imaginary crowd who is fascinated by a guy who 
  never knew Maharishi, try to defend him by insulting a stranger while using 
  Sarah Palin's tagline. I'm afraid you missed your chance for an audience 
  unless you appear on a future episode of divorce court. 
   I don't think there's any doubt about the nature of my brazen, outrageous,
   overt grandiosity and narcissism - that's the strength of my belief in my
   self-honesty and integrity.
  No, that hasn't been working for you for a long time Ravi. And now I'll be 
  less flip with you. The qualities you relentlessly ascribe to your self are 
  the things other people would be ascribing to you if they were real. Until 
  they do, why don't you just get off the schtick and join the rest of us on 
  planet no big deal. No one here is a rock star by any measure. We are 
  just a bunch of people chatting. All those groups of people you ruminate 
  over are no group at all, they are just separate people logging in to chat 
  here. There is a more authentic you who has shown up here before you went 
  off the rails last time. Put him on sometime and you might get different 
  results. No one is gunna whip anyone's ass or triumph over anyone here. We 
  are just talk'n past each other right now.
  First step toward authenticity might be to drop the creepy tag line. Our 
  posts are not expressions of love. We have a few overnight hikes to just 
  make it to respectful. 

 All the while perpetuating this clique, this white, mid-western, ole 

 No matter how many times Barry and Curtis get humiliated by me

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  This is not a fair fight Curtis.  Cut him some slack.
 That was my mistake last time Steve.  I believed that. 
 I appreciate your balancing comments and genuine affection 
 for the guy though.  I've got a harder climb on that score.  
 My sights are just focused on containment of damage this 
 time around.  

As long as we've stopped pulling punches, we might
as well lay the blame for Ravi having once again
disrupted this forum and brought it down to his
level where it belongs -- with Rick.

Rick has now -- possibly in an attempt to be the 
nice guy he'd like to be perceived as -- allowed
two people who would be better placed in mental
hospitals to roam around here free, declaring 
their Enemies Lists, making actual threats, and
most important, *getting worse themselves*. 

Is there any *question* that Ravi has grown more
insane since returning to FFL, and being placed
in a position of being able once again to troll 
for other people's attention? Is there any 
*question* that Dan Friedman has done the same 
thing, and is at this point dangerous to
himself and others.

All of this because Rick wants to be a nice guy
rather than actually PAY SOME ATTENTION to 
what is happening on the forum he created, and 
what the crazy trolls are doing to it. 

Alex, you were possibly privy to any agreement
between Rick and Ravi, and Rick and Dan, trying 
to get them to keep their shit in their pants and
not fling it around like monkeys. My bet is that 
Ravi was allowed to come back on the condition 
that he not start attacking Curtis and other 
people again, and that Dan was allowed to stay 
on the condition that he stop making threats
of actual, physical violence against people here.

Do you think either of those things happened?

It's sad to see this place returned to the snake
pit it was a few months ago. It's even sadder to
realize that on some level the reason it has is
that Rick seems to prefer it that way.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-03 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Ha ha ha Barry, you are cracking me up.

I'm attacking your hypocrisy, your deception, your cliques, your abuses,
your taunting, your homophobic, misogynist nonsense disguised under your
deceptive writings.

No, Rick and Alex will do no such thing, because nothing has been done
against the rules of this list other than your and Curtis's deception being
exposed. Man you clueless, shameless, needy, drama queens. Disgusting,
sickening, pitiful stuff.

On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 10:19 PM, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
   This is not a fair fight Curtis. Cut him some slack.
  That was my mistake last time Steve. I believed that.
  I appreciate your balancing comments and genuine affection
  for the guy though. I've got a harder climb on that score.
  My sights are just focused on containment of damage this
  time around.

 As long as we've stopped pulling punches, we might
 as well lay the blame for Ravi having once again
 disrupted this forum and brought it down to his
 level where it belongs -- with Rick.

 Rick has now -- possibly in an attempt to be the
 nice guy he'd like to be perceived as -- allowed
 two people who would be better placed in mental
 hospitals to roam around here free, declaring
 their Enemies Lists, making actual threats, and
 most important, *getting worse themselves*.

 Is there any *question* that Ravi has grown more
 insane since returning to FFL, and being placed
 in a position of being able once again to troll
 for other people's attention? Is there any
 *question* that Dan Friedman has done the same
 thing, and is at this point dangerous to
 himself and others.

 All of this because Rick wants to be a nice guy
 rather than actually PAY SOME ATTENTION to
 what is happening on the forum he created, and
 what the crazy trolls are doing to it.

 Alex, you were possibly privy to any agreement
 between Rick and Ravi, and Rick and Dan, trying
 to get them to keep their shit in their pants and
 not fling it around like monkeys. My bet is that
 Ravi was allowed to come back on the condition
 that he not start attacking Curtis and other
 people again, and that Dan was allowed to stay
 on the condition that he stop making threats
 of actual, physical violence against people here.

 Do you think either of those things happened?

 It's sad to see this place returned to the snake
 pit it was a few months ago. It's even sadder to
 realize that on some level the reason it has is
 that Rick seems to prefer it that way.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread turquoiseb
All of this writing just *has* to be a book, Curtis.

The world really needs it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@... wrote:

 Crowds of people are like schools of fish.  They swim by an outside
performer with the mentality of a single entity.  The trick for a busker
is to break them out of the trance so they will pay attention to me. 
Pay is the key word here. I need them to stop their internal dialog
long enough to extract something green and crisp from their wallets and

 Bring on the children!  They are perfect for this agenda.  Easily
distracted by novel things in the environment (me and my instruments),
and lacking the intense internal dialog of having mortgage payments and
making it to their car before the meter maid, they are ideal
co-conspirators.  I invite them up with maracas so they can join the
show.  Parents get it right away, artistic enrichment for the center of
their universe.  Now that the stage is set, I have something hidden to
show you.

 She was one of those little girls with something extra, the sparkle of
magnetic charisma.  I see plenty of them coming out of the good homes in
Northern Virginia. The right schools, plenty of vitamin D enriched milk,
and tons of confidence to project a beamer of a smile full of
orthodontist approved, well-flossed teeth.  She was around eleven.  Her
brown hair was pulled into a loose pony tail by some fluorescent pink
scrunchy fabric.  The only thing out of the ordinary was that she
crowded me a bit after she got her maraca. Younger kids will do this,
and as the Mayor of Munchkin Land, it is up to me to get them to back
off and give me some performance space.  Decking one of the kids with my
heavy steel resonator guitar in one of my tip inspiring flourishes,
leaving them cold cocked on the boardwalk, would definitely cut into
profits.  But a girl this age usually keeps her distance, so it got my
attention that she was standing very close to me with one side of her

 I swiveled my head and my eyes caught something that instantly put me
on red alert.  The arm she was crowding me with was cut off right below
the elbow and she was using me to shield it from the audience. Her arm
was not this way from birth.  Something sinister and terrible had done
this, and it left a fiery red zipper of violated flesh. Our eyes met and
I gave her a nod.  We were thick as thieves in an instant and she
relaxed into a nervous giggle.  Like a Sicilian made-man, I was bonded
to her through omerta.  It was a matter of trust, and I felt it in my

 We began to play close like Sonny and a miniature Cher.  People
probably thought she was my niece or something, who else would play
together with this familiarity?  Her father was all smiles.  She was a
brave kid, this is not easy performing in front of strangers. A crowd
formed supporting the cute little girl and the bluesman.  They had no
clue to the fierceness of her jagged asymmetry.  She kept herself
sideways, showing the world who she wanted to be, and they bought it. At
the song's end she shot me a conspiratorial look.  I sensed something
gritty in those eyes.  A steeliness forged by the fires of pediatric
ward hell.  I wondered about her mom and dad, who had spent the hours in
the hospital making the painful decisions that lead to this.  Oh
bullshit, I have no idea.  She ran off back to her dad.  His look
combined sincere thanks with you have no idea. Or maybe I just read
all that in myself, it is so hard to tell sometimes. When our eyes met I
forgot to breath for a moment.  I saw people moving in with tips in slow

 Someday I hope she finds a real stand up guy.  A guy who will always
take her left side, and wrapping his arm around her far shoulder, will
press her close, feeling her arm halfway across his own back, and she
will feel safe and brave, facing the world.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread doctordumbass
The Good Doctor observes: Another great piece of writing, Curtis!

The world really needs it. -- one slight, but significant, correction here by 
Doctor Dumbass: Your world, Barry, needs it. Not mine. 

My world is not populated by the groups and cliques and false teachers of the 
blind and dumb, as yours is. My world is filled with happy, bright, insightful, 
intelligent, and independent souls, every one.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 All of this writing just *has* to be a book, Curtis.
 The world really needs it.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Crowds of people are like schools of fish.  They swim by an outside
 performer with the mentality of a single entity.  The trick for a busker
 is to break them out of the trance so they will pay attention to me. 
 Pay is the key word here. I need them to stop their internal dialog
 long enough to extract something green and crisp from their wallets and
  Bring on the children!  They are perfect for this agenda.  Easily
 distracted by novel things in the environment (me and my instruments),
 and lacking the intense internal dialog of having mortgage payments and
 making it to their car before the meter maid, they are ideal
 co-conspirators.  I invite them up with maracas so they can join the
 show.  Parents get it right away, artistic enrichment for the center of
 their universe.  Now that the stage is set, I have something hidden to
 show you.
  She was one of those little girls with something extra, the sparkle of
 magnetic charisma.  I see plenty of them coming out of the good homes in
 Northern Virginia. The right schools, plenty of vitamin D enriched milk,
 and tons of confidence to project a beamer of a smile full of
 orthodontist approved, well-flossed teeth.  She was around eleven.  Her
 brown hair was pulled into a loose pony tail by some fluorescent pink
 scrunchy fabric.  The only thing out of the ordinary was that she
 crowded me a bit after she got her maraca. Younger kids will do this,
 and as the Mayor of Munchkin Land, it is up to me to get them to back
 off and give me some performance space.  Decking one of the kids with my
 heavy steel resonator guitar in one of my tip inspiring flourishes,
 leaving them cold cocked on the boardwalk, would definitely cut into
 profits.  But a girl this age usually keeps her distance, so it got my
 attention that she was standing very close to me with one side of her
  I swiveled my head and my eyes caught something that instantly put me
 on red alert.  The arm she was crowding me with was cut off right below
 the elbow and she was using me to shield it from the audience. Her arm
 was not this way from birth.  Something sinister and terrible had done
 this, and it left a fiery red zipper of violated flesh. Our eyes met and
 I gave her a nod.  We were thick as thieves in an instant and she
 relaxed into a nervous giggle.  Like a Sicilian made-man, I was bonded
 to her through omerta.  It was a matter of trust, and I felt it in my
  We began to play close like Sonny and a miniature Cher.  People
 probably thought she was my niece or something, who else would play
 together with this familiarity?  Her father was all smiles.  She was a
 brave kid, this is not easy performing in front of strangers. A crowd
 formed supporting the cute little girl and the bluesman.  They had no
 clue to the fierceness of her jagged asymmetry.  She kept herself
 sideways, showing the world who she wanted to be, and they bought it. At
 the song's end she shot me a conspiratorial look.  I sensed something
 gritty in those eyes.  A steeliness forged by the fires of pediatric
 ward hell.  I wondered about her mom and dad, who had spent the hours in
 the hospital making the painful decisions that lead to this.  Oh
 bullshit, I have no idea.  She ran off back to her dad.  His look
 combined sincere thanks with you have no idea. Or maybe I just read
 all that in myself, it is so hard to tell sometimes. When our eyes met I
 forgot to breath for a moment.  I saw people moving in with tips in slow
  Someday I hope she finds a real stand up guy.  A guy who will always
 take her left side, and wrapping his arm around her far shoulder, will
 press her close, feeling her arm halfway across his own back, and she
 will feel safe and brave, facing the world.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 All of this writing just *has* to be a book, Curtis.
 The world really needs it.

Thanks for the encouragement Barry.  I don't think I have found my market focus 
for a book yet, but it is fun to send these out and I really appreciate the 
positive vibes. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Crowds of people are like schools of fish.  They swim by an outside
 performer with the mentality of a single entity.  The trick for a busker
 is to break them out of the trance so they will pay attention to me. 
 Pay is the key word here. I need them to stop their internal dialog
 long enough to extract something green and crisp from their wallets and
  Bring on the children!  They are perfect for this agenda.  Easily
 distracted by novel things in the environment (me and my instruments),
 and lacking the intense internal dialog of having mortgage payments and
 making it to their car before the meter maid, they are ideal
 co-conspirators.  I invite them up with maracas so they can join the
 show.  Parents get it right away, artistic enrichment for the center of
 their universe.  Now that the stage is set, I have something hidden to
 show you.
  She was one of those little girls with something extra, the sparkle of
 magnetic charisma.  I see plenty of them coming out of the good homes in
 Northern Virginia. The right schools, plenty of vitamin D enriched milk,
 and tons of confidence to project a beamer of a smile full of
 orthodontist approved, well-flossed teeth.  She was around eleven.  Her
 brown hair was pulled into a loose pony tail by some fluorescent pink
 scrunchy fabric.  The only thing out of the ordinary was that she
 crowded me a bit after she got her maraca. Younger kids will do this,
 and as the Mayor of Munchkin Land, it is up to me to get them to back
 off and give me some performance space.  Decking one of the kids with my
 heavy steel resonator guitar in one of my tip inspiring flourishes,
 leaving them cold cocked on the boardwalk, would definitely cut into
 profits.  But a girl this age usually keeps her distance, so it got my
 attention that she was standing very close to me with one side of her
  I swiveled my head and my eyes caught something that instantly put me
 on red alert.  The arm she was crowding me with was cut off right below
 the elbow and she was using me to shield it from the audience. Her arm
 was not this way from birth.  Something sinister and terrible had done
 this, and it left a fiery red zipper of violated flesh. Our eyes met and
 I gave her a nod.  We were thick as thieves in an instant and she
 relaxed into a nervous giggle.  Like a Sicilian made-man, I was bonded
 to her through omerta.  It was a matter of trust, and I felt it in my
  We began to play close like Sonny and a miniature Cher.  People
 probably thought she was my niece or something, who else would play
 together with this familiarity?  Her father was all smiles.  She was a
 brave kid, this is not easy performing in front of strangers. A crowd
 formed supporting the cute little girl and the bluesman.  They had no
 clue to the fierceness of her jagged asymmetry.  She kept herself
 sideways, showing the world who she wanted to be, and they bought it. At
 the song's end she shot me a conspiratorial look.  I sensed something
 gritty in those eyes.  A steeliness forged by the fires of pediatric
 ward hell.  I wondered about her mom and dad, who had spent the hours in
 the hospital making the painful decisions that lead to this.  Oh
 bullshit, I have no idea.  She ran off back to her dad.  His look
 combined sincere thanks with you have no idea. Or maybe I just read
 all that in myself, it is so hard to tell sometimes. When our eyes met I
 forgot to breath for a moment.  I saw people moving in with tips in slow
  Someday I hope she finds a real stand up guy.  A guy who will always
 take her left side, and wrapping his arm around her far shoulder, will
 press her close, feeling her arm halfway across his own back, and she
 will feel safe and brave, facing the world.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  All of this writing just *has* to be a book, Curtis.
  The world really needs it.
 Thanks for the encouragement Barry.  I don't think I 
 have found my market focus for a book yet, but it is 
 fun to send these out and I really appreciate the 
 positive vibes. 

I honestly think that what would make the book 
marketable is that you're writing it *without a 
market in mind*. 

What would appeal to people about it -- with a 
photo of the author and his music setup on the
cover, of course -- is its essential authenticity.
There is a very *real* voice here, one that makes
no concessions to a perceived audience or market,
and one that feels no need to pull punches, 
whether it comes to either the gritty stuff or 
the sublime stuff. 

Your writing strikes me as the literary equivalent
of your music. And I think you know that I mean
that as a high compliment.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread awoelflebater
The dear doctor seems to be operating a little closer to the bone this morning. 
Next, it will be open heart or brain surgery. May I watch?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 The Good Doctor observes: Another great piece of writing, Curtis!
 The world really needs it. -- one slight, but significant, correction here 
 by Doctor Dumbass: Your world, Barry, needs it. Not mine. 
 My world is not populated by the groups and cliques and false teachers of the 
 blind and dumb, as yours is. My world is filled with happy, bright, 
 insightful, intelligent, and independent souls, every one.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  All of this writing just *has* to be a book, Curtis.
  The world really needs it.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Crowds of people are like schools of fish.  They swim by an outside
  performer with the mentality of a single entity.  The trick for a busker
  is to break them out of the trance so they will pay attention to me. 
  Pay is the key word here. I need them to stop their internal dialog
  long enough to extract something green and crisp from their wallets and
   Bring on the children!  They are perfect for this agenda.  Easily
  distracted by novel things in the environment (me and my instruments),
  and lacking the intense internal dialog of having mortgage payments and
  making it to their car before the meter maid, they are ideal
  co-conspirators.  I invite them up with maracas so they can join the
  show.  Parents get it right away, artistic enrichment for the center of
  their universe.  Now that the stage is set, I have something hidden to
  show you.
   She was one of those little girls with something extra, the sparkle of
  magnetic charisma.  I see plenty of them coming out of the good homes in
  Northern Virginia. The right schools, plenty of vitamin D enriched milk,
  and tons of confidence to project a beamer of a smile full of
  orthodontist approved, well-flossed teeth.  She was around eleven.  Her
  brown hair was pulled into a loose pony tail by some fluorescent pink
  scrunchy fabric.  The only thing out of the ordinary was that she
  crowded me a bit after she got her maraca. Younger kids will do this,
  and as the Mayor of Munchkin Land, it is up to me to get them to back
  off and give me some performance space.  Decking one of the kids with my
  heavy steel resonator guitar in one of my tip inspiring flourishes,
  leaving them cold cocked on the boardwalk, would definitely cut into
  profits.  But a girl this age usually keeps her distance, so it got my
  attention that she was standing very close to me with one side of her
   I swiveled my head and my eyes caught something that instantly put me
  on red alert.  The arm she was crowding me with was cut off right below
  the elbow and she was using me to shield it from the audience. Her arm
  was not this way from birth.  Something sinister and terrible had done
  this, and it left a fiery red zipper of violated flesh. Our eyes met and
  I gave her a nod.  We were thick as thieves in an instant and she
  relaxed into a nervous giggle.  Like a Sicilian made-man, I was bonded
  to her through omerta.  It was a matter of trust, and I felt it in my
   We began to play close like Sonny and a miniature Cher.  People
  probably thought she was my niece or something, who else would play
  together with this familiarity?  Her father was all smiles.  She was a
  brave kid, this is not easy performing in front of strangers. A crowd
  formed supporting the cute little girl and the bluesman.  They had no
  clue to the fierceness of her jagged asymmetry.  She kept herself
  sideways, showing the world who she wanted to be, and they bought it. At
  the song's end she shot me a conspiratorial look.  I sensed something
  gritty in those eyes.  A steeliness forged by the fires of pediatric
  ward hell.  I wondered about her mom and dad, who had spent the hours in
  the hospital making the painful decisions that lead to this.  Oh
  bullshit, I have no idea.  She ran off back to her dad.  His look
  combined sincere thanks with you have no idea. Or maybe I just read
  all that in myself, it is so hard to tell sometimes. When our eyes met I
  forgot to breath for a moment.  I saw people moving in with tips in slow
   Someday I hope she finds a real stand up guy.  A guy who will always
  take her left side, and wrapping his arm around her far shoulder, will
  press her close, feeling her arm halfway across his own back, and she
  will feel safe and brave, facing the world.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread curtisdeltablues
Thanks Barry, I appreciate the advice about not trying to be too clever for a 
specific market.  Actually that was excellent advice to just find my own voice 
and let her rip, some will dig it and some will hate it and most wont give a 

Thanks for the useful advice. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   All of this writing just *has* to be a book, Curtis.
   The world really needs it.
  Thanks for the encouragement Barry.  I don't think I 
  have found my market focus for a book yet, but it is 
  fun to send these out and I really appreciate the 
  positive vibes. 
 I honestly think that what would make the book 
 marketable is that you're writing it *without a 
 market in mind*. 
 What would appeal to people about it -- with a 
 photo of the author and his music setup on the
 cover, of course -- is its essential authenticity.
 There is a very *real* voice here, one that makes
 no concessions to a perceived audience or market,
 and one that feels no need to pull punches, 
 whether it comes to either the gritty stuff or 
 the sublime stuff. 
 Your writing strikes me as the literary equivalent
 of your music. And I think you know that I mean
 that as a high compliment.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 As a boy on Nantucket I spent a lot of time picking out 
 sperm whale's teeth to buy.  This was before the ban and 
 they were cheap enough for my thin wallet.  My dad took 
 up the arcane art of scrimshaw and I have a few beautifully 
 etched teeth telling the story of the ill fated Essex where 
 a particularly ambitious whale turned the tables and with 
 whatever is the blow hole equivalent of no, no fuck YOU 
 crashed the boat to splinters.

Curtis, given the wonderful way you describe the early
history of American whaling, I have to think that you'd
really enjoy the new BBC America series Copper. NOT
that there is any whaling in it; it's set in New York
City's Five Points, possibly not the biggest American
whaling port. 

But it's a story told -- both visually and in dialogue --
as vividly as your descriptions of what a Nantucket Sleigh
Ride is, and the whale-sized balls of the men who took
such rides. Copper is about Irish-Americans in the
years following the riots portrayed in Scorcese's Gangs
Of New York. Our heroes are the Good Guys of the NYC
police force, which means that they try to murder only
the people who deserve it, not the ones who don't. 

As I've said here before but you might have missed, being
in lurk mode and all, I compare it favorably with Deadwood.
That is -- coming from me -- a high compliment. *Especially*
because Copper was done on probably a tenth or twentieth of
that show's budget. 

I was never into whaling lore, but for about a year I lived
out on Marblehead Neck, near Boston. It was very near Salem,
MA, home of the Salem witch trials, and a museum to them.
In it you could read -- on the original parchments, written
in the original hands of the people who wrote them -- the
court records of the men who pressed to death quite a few
women for the crime of...uh...not being the kind of women
they were expected to be. Nothing more.

The museum also contained a few implements that these
fine, upstanding men used to extract confessions from the
women in question. Some of them make the whaling tools
you described sound benevolent and compassionate in

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread Susan
Heart of Gold, dear Curtis. And wonderful writer.  I am compelled to read and 
finish each piece.  Enjoy the process, and save them up.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
 So uh...let's see now...mmm...you are making the connection between...uh  
 uh well I guess you could be...no...could the white whale be...that doesn't 
 seem like it could...well maybe if you were looking at it from the 
 perspective of...no that seems unlikely...a whale is not a fish so...
 OK, you got me.
 Funny you should bring up whaling because outside the context of what I wrote 
 it makes so much sense you might be able to claim it was all a psychic vision 
 about me.
 You see I vacationed on Nantucket Island off the coast of Cape Cod for many 
 years and was well infused growing up with the history of what was arguably 
 the most important industry in American History, our own Saudi Arabian liquid 
 gold, whale oil.  It literally lit up our nation.  This week in cleaning out 
 our ancestral house with my siblings I took home whaling harpoons that my 
 father had carefully tied ropes onto, duplicating the complicated knots he 
 studied at the Nantucket whaling museum.  I spent hours there as a ten year 
 old staring at real shrunken heads and thumb screws and other devices 
 designed to bring discipline to the motley eclectic crew on a whaling ship 
 that could spend up to three years to find and process whales, before 
 returning home to their opium addicted wives on Nantucket.  These ships were 
 a model of multiracial and multicultural society way before their time.  
 There is a great movie on streaming Netflix telling the story of this history 
 that I recommend:  American Experience, Into the Deep
 As a boy on Nantucket I spent a lot of time picking out sperm whale's teeth 
 to buy.  This was before the ban and they were cheap enough for my thin 
 wallet.  My dad took up the arcane art of scrimshaw and I have a few 
 beautifully etched teeth telling the story of the ill fated Essex where a 
 particularly ambitious whale turned the tables and with whatever is the blow 
 hole equivalent of no, no fuck YOU crashed the boat to splinters.
 Nantucket was the whaling hub, the center of the universe long before it 
 became a place where the hoity and the toity could stock up on highball 
 glasses etched with sailing ships.  What that promo showed very well was how 
 audacious it was to spear one of these massive creatures and go on a 
 Nantucket sleigh ride until it tired enough for them to get close in their 
 tiny boat.  What they got wrong was how many spears they threw into it as if 
 that was supposed to kill the whale.  What really happened was that after the 
 whale got tired pulling the boat along and they got close, they used a long 
 lance that was plunged over five feet into the whale to hit its heart.  I 
 have one of those now too.  I am hoping to use it on a home intruder some day 
 as a distraction while I dispatch him with my Walther. 
 I also have a Masey Toggle Iron which was the height of whale technology.  It 
 was a spear that once inside the whale toggled outward to set the lance with 
 a wider pivoting head to make sure it wouldn't pull out during the ride.  All 
 modern sensitives to these magnificent creatures aside, it was a ballsy thing 
 to do taking them on in their element.  
 So I may have missed your intent but thanks for the nostalgic writing prompt 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Crowds of people are like schools of fish.  They swim by an outside 
   performer with the mentality of a single entity.  The trick for a busker 
   is to break them out of the trance so they will pay attention to me.  
   Pay is the key word here. I need them to stop their internal dialog 
   long enough to extract something green and crisp from their wallets and 
   Bring on the children!  They are perfect for this agenda.  Easily 
   distracted by novel things in the environment (me and my instruments), 
   and lacking the intense internal dialog of having mortgage payments and 
   making it to their car before the meter maid, they are ideal 
   co-conspirators.  I invite them up with maracas so they can join the 
   show.  Parents get it right away, artistic enrichment for the center of 
   their universe.  Now that the stage is set, I have something hidden to 
   show you.
   She was one of those little girls with something extra, the sparkle of 
   magnetic charisma.  I see plenty of them coming out of the good homes in 
   Northern Virginia. The right schools, plenty of vitamin D 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread curtisdeltablues
Isn't it funny as we sink deeper into our codgerhood how fascinating history 
becomes!  Thanks for the heads up, that sounds like exactly the kind of history 
I would dig, especially since one quarter of me is Irish.  (Not the quarter of 
me that I refer to as Moby because I still maintain that quarter of me is 
pure African American.)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  As a boy on Nantucket I spent a lot of time picking out 
  sperm whale's teeth to buy.  This was before the ban and 
  they were cheap enough for my thin wallet.  My dad took 
  up the arcane art of scrimshaw and I have a few beautifully 
  etched teeth telling the story of the ill fated Essex where 
  a particularly ambitious whale turned the tables and with 
  whatever is the blow hole equivalent of no, no fuck YOU 
  crashed the boat to splinters.
 Curtis, given the wonderful way you describe the early
 history of American whaling, I have to think that you'd
 really enjoy the new BBC America series Copper. NOT
 that there is any whaling in it; it's set in New York
 City's Five Points, possibly not the biggest American
 whaling port. 
 But it's a story told -- both visually and in dialogue --
 as vividly as your descriptions of what a Nantucket Sleigh
 Ride is, and the whale-sized balls of the men who took
 such rides. Copper is about Irish-Americans in the
 years following the riots portrayed in Scorcese's Gangs
 Of New York. Our heroes are the Good Guys of the NYC
 police force, which means that they try to murder only
 the people who deserve it, not the ones who don't. 
 As I've said here before but you might have missed, being
 in lurk mode and all, I compare it favorably with Deadwood.
 That is -- coming from me -- a high compliment. *Especially*
 because Copper was done on probably a tenth or twentieth of
 that show's budget. 
 I was never into whaling lore, but for about a year I lived
 out on Marblehead Neck, near Boston. It was very near Salem,
 MA, home of the Salem witch trials, and a museum to them.
 In it you could read -- on the original parchments, written
 in the original hands of the people who wrote them -- the
 court records of the men who pressed to death quite a few
 women for the crime of...uh...not being the kind of women
 they were expected to be. Nothing more.
 The museum also contained a few implements that these
 fine, upstanding men used to extract confessions from the
 women in question. Some of them make the whaling tools
 you described sound benevolent and compassionate in

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread curtisdeltablues
Hi Susan,

Thanks for the second post full of kind words for my efforts here.  It means a 
lot and thank you.

Finnish?  You have me intrigued. I would love to read them.  These are all 
still in the shitty first draft stages so any suggestions would be welcome.  Or 
even just to see how you would shift it to suit your own interests.

Anyway, thanks for saying you enjoyed what I wrote.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:

 Heart of Gold, dear Curtis. And wonderful writer.  I am compelled to read and 
 finish each piece.  Enjoy the process, and save them up.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
  So uh...let's see now...mmm...you are making the connection between...uh 
   uh well I guess you could be...no...could the white whale be...that 
  doesn't seem like it could...well maybe if you were looking at it from the 
  perspective of...no that seems unlikely...a whale is not a fish so...
  OK, you got me.
  Funny you should bring up whaling because outside the context of what I 
  wrote it makes so much sense you might be able to claim it was all a 
  psychic vision about me.
  You see I vacationed on Nantucket Island off the coast of Cape Cod for many 
  years and was well infused growing up with the history of what was arguably 
  the most important industry in American History, our own Saudi Arabian 
  liquid gold, whale oil.  It literally lit up our nation.  This week in 
  cleaning out our ancestral house with my siblings I took home whaling 
  harpoons that my father had carefully tied ropes onto, duplicating the 
  complicated knots he studied at the Nantucket whaling museum.  I spent 
  hours there as a ten year old staring at real shrunken heads and thumb 
  screws and other devices designed to bring discipline to the motley 
  eclectic crew on a whaling ship that could spend up to three years to find 
  and process whales, before returning home to their opium addicted wives on 
  Nantucket.  These ships were a model of multiracial and multicultural 
  society way before their time.  There is a great movie on streaming Netflix 
  telling the story of this history that I recommend:  American Experience, 
  Into the Deep
  As a boy on Nantucket I spent a lot of time picking out sperm whale's teeth 
  to buy.  This was before the ban and they were cheap enough for my thin 
  wallet.  My dad took up the arcane art of scrimshaw and I have a few 
  beautifully etched teeth telling the story of the ill fated Essex where a 
  particularly ambitious whale turned the tables and with whatever is the 
  blow hole equivalent of no, no fuck YOU crashed the boat to splinters.
  Nantucket was the whaling hub, the center of the universe long before it 
  became a place where the hoity and the toity could stock up on highball 
  glasses etched with sailing ships.  What that promo showed very well was 
  how audacious it was to spear one of these massive creatures and go on a 
  Nantucket sleigh ride until it tired enough for them to get close in 
  their tiny boat.  What they got wrong was how many spears they threw into 
  it as if that was supposed to kill the whale.  What really happened was 
  that after the whale got tired pulling the boat along and they got close, 
  they used a long lance that was plunged over five feet into the whale to 
  hit its heart.  I have one of those now too.  I am hoping to use it on a 
  home intruder some day as a distraction while I dispatch him with my 
  I also have a Masey Toggle Iron which was the height of whale technology.  
  It was a spear that once inside the whale toggled outward to set the lance 
  with a wider pivoting head to make sure it wouldn't pull out during the 
  ride.  All modern sensitives to these magnificent creatures aside, it was a 
  ballsy thing to do taking them on in their element.  
  So I may have missed your intent but thanks for the nostalgic writing 
  prompt Robin. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
Crowds of people are like schools of fish.  They swim by an outside 
performer with the mentality of a single entity.  The trick for a 
busker is to break them out of the trance so they will pay attention to 
me.  Pay is the key word here. I need them to stop their internal 
dialog long enough to extract something green and crisp from their 
wallets and purses.

Bring on the children!  They are perfect for this agenda.  Easily 
distracted by novel things in the environment (me and my instruments), 
and lacking the intense internal dialog of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread curtisdeltablues
Thanks Emily.  The picture looks a bit as if he ate me, but I see we both go to 
Satan's facial hair stylist.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Curtis: Your writing reminds me a bit of Joel Stein, who writes a commentary 
 column for Time magazine.  That's not a negative thing, btw - he is a pretty 
 amusing fellow.    And, of course, in your parallel life, you may be the 
 ever-satirical Ron Judd, who writes for the Seattle Times, albeit better 
 looking of course.  Tee Hee.
  From: curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, September 2, 2012 7:31 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Our Little Secret
 Crowds of people are like schools of fish.  They swim by an outside performer 
 with the mentality of a single entity.  The trick for a busker is to break 
 them out of the trance so they will pay attention to me.  Pay is the key 
 word here. I need them to stop their internal dialog long enough to extract 
 something green and crisp from their wallets and purses.
 Bring on the children!  They are perfect for this agenda.  Easily distracted 
 by novel things in the environment (me and my instruments), and lacking the 
 intense internal dialog of having mortgage payments and making it to their 
 car before the meter maid, they are ideal co-conspirators.  I invite them up 
 with maracas so they can join the show.  Parents get it right away, artistic 
 enrichment for the center of their universe.  Now that the stage is set, I 
 have something hidden to show you.
 She was one of those little girls with something extra, the sparkle of 
 magnetic charisma.  I see plenty of them coming out of the good homes in 
 Northern Virginia. The right schools, plenty of vitamin D enriched milk, and 
 tons of confidence to project a beamer of a smile full of orthodontist 
 approved, well-flossed teeth.  She was around eleven.  Her brown hair was 
 pulled into a loose pony tail by some fluorescent pink scrunchy fabric.  The 
 only thing out of the ordinary was that she crowded me a bit after she got 
 her maraca. Younger kids will do this, and as the Mayor of Munchkin Land, it 
 is up to me to get them to back off and give me some performance space.  
 Decking one of the kids with my heavy steel resonator guitar in one of my tip 
 inspiring flourishes, leaving them cold cocked on the boardwalk, would 
 definitely cut into profits.  But a girl this age usually keeps her distance, 
 so it got my attention that she was standing very close to me with one
  side of her body.
 I swiveled my head and my eyes caught something that instantly put me on red 
 alert.  The arm she was crowding me with was cut off right below the elbow 
 and she was using me to shield it from the audience. Her arm was not this way 
 from birth.  Something sinister and terrible had done this, and it left a 
 fiery red zipper of violated flesh. Our eyes met and I gave her a nod.  We 
 were thick as thieves in an instant and she relaxed into a nervous giggle.  
 Like a Sicilian made-man, I was bonded to her through omerta.  It was a 
 matter of trust, and I felt it in my chest. 
 We began to play close like Sonny and a miniature Cher.  People probably 
 thought she was my niece or something, who else would play together with this 
 familiarity?  Her father was all smiles.  She was a brave kid, this is not 
 easy performing in front of strangers. A crowd formed supporting the cute 
 little girl and the bluesman.  They had no clue to the fierceness of her 
 jagged asymmetry.  She kept herself sideways, showing the world who she 
 wanted to be, and they bought it. At the song's end she shot me a 
 conspiratorial look.  I sensed something gritty in those eyes.  A steeliness 
 forged by the fires of pediatric ward hell.  I wondered about her mom and 
 dad, who had spent the hours in the hospital making the painful decisions 
 that lead to this.  Oh bullshit, I have no idea.  She ran off back to her 
 dad.  His look combined sincere thanks with you have no idea. Or maybe I 
 just read all that in myself, it is so hard to tell sometimes. When our eyes 
 met I
  forgot to breath for a moment.  I saw people moving in with tips in slow 
 Someday I hope she finds a real stand up guy.  A guy who will always take her 
 left side, and wrapping his arm around her far shoulder, will press her 
 close, feeling her arm halfway across his own back, and she will feel safe 
 and brave, facing the world.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread doctordumbass
Doc sez: Sure, but sometimes intention is enough (grin).

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:

 The dear doctor seems to be operating a little closer to the bone this 
 morning. Next, it will be open heart or brain surgery. May I watch?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
  The Good Doctor observes: Another great piece of writing, Curtis!
  The world really needs it. -- one slight, but significant, correction 
  here by Doctor Dumbass: Your world, Barry, needs it. Not mine. 
  My world is not populated by the groups and cliques and false teachers of 
  the blind and dumb, as yours is. My world is filled with happy, bright, 
  insightful, intelligent, and independent souls, every one.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   All of this writing just *has* to be a book, Curtis.
   The world really needs it.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
Crowds of people are like schools of fish.  They swim by an outside
   performer with the mentality of a single entity.  The trick for a busker
   is to break them out of the trance so they will pay attention to me. 
   Pay is the key word here. I need them to stop their internal dialog
   long enough to extract something green and crisp from their wallets and
Bring on the children!  They are perfect for this agenda.  Easily
   distracted by novel things in the environment (me and my instruments),
   and lacking the intense internal dialog of having mortgage payments and
   making it to their car before the meter maid, they are ideal
   co-conspirators.  I invite them up with maracas so they can join the
   show.  Parents get it right away, artistic enrichment for the center of
   their universe.  Now that the stage is set, I have something hidden to
   show you.
She was one of those little girls with something extra, the sparkle of
   magnetic charisma.  I see plenty of them coming out of the good homes in
   Northern Virginia. The right schools, plenty of vitamin D enriched milk,
   and tons of confidence to project a beamer of a smile full of
   orthodontist approved, well-flossed teeth.  She was around eleven.  Her
   brown hair was pulled into a loose pony tail by some fluorescent pink
   scrunchy fabric.  The only thing out of the ordinary was that she
   crowded me a bit after she got her maraca. Younger kids will do this,
   and as the Mayor of Munchkin Land, it is up to me to get them to back
   off and give me some performance space.  Decking one of the kids with my
   heavy steel resonator guitar in one of my tip inspiring flourishes,
   leaving them cold cocked on the boardwalk, would definitely cut into
   profits.  But a girl this age usually keeps her distance, so it got my
   attention that she was standing very close to me with one side of her
I swiveled my head and my eyes caught something that instantly put me
   on red alert.  The arm she was crowding me with was cut off right below
   the elbow and she was using me to shield it from the audience. Her arm
   was not this way from birth.  Something sinister and terrible had done
   this, and it left a fiery red zipper of violated flesh. Our eyes met and
   I gave her a nod.  We were thick as thieves in an instant and she
   relaxed into a nervous giggle.  Like a Sicilian made-man, I was bonded
   to her through omerta.  It was a matter of trust, and I felt it in my
We began to play close like Sonny and a miniature Cher.  People
   probably thought she was my niece or something, who else would play
   together with this familiarity?  Her father was all smiles.  She was a
   brave kid, this is not easy performing in front of strangers. A crowd
   formed supporting the cute little girl and the bluesman.  They had no
   clue to the fierceness of her jagged asymmetry.  She kept herself
   sideways, showing the world who she wanted to be, and they bought it. At
   the song's end she shot me a conspiratorial look.  I sensed something
   gritty in those eyes.  A steeliness forged by the fires of pediatric
   ward hell.  I wondered about her mom and dad, who had spent the hours in
   the hospital making the painful decisions that lead to this.  Oh
   bullshit, I have no idea.  She ran off back to her dad.  His look
   combined sincere thanks with you have no idea. Or maybe I just read
   all that in myself, it is so hard to tell sometimes. When our eyes met I
   forgot to breath for a moment.  I saw people moving in with tips in slow
Someday I hope she finds a real stand up guy.  A guy who will always
   take her left side, and wrapping his arm around her far shoulder, will
   press her close, feeling her arm halfway across his own back, and she
   will feel safe and brave, facing the world.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Dear Barry Baby,

Well I hope your buddy just sticks to his writing on his way to
rehabilitating himself - I don't think there is any dispute on his writing

I'm watching, I'm sure the old man and Judy are as well. I don't know about
them but the minute your buddy tries to wade into any kind of spiritual,
moral, ethical, intelligent voice here, I will methodically, ruthlessly,
mercilessly rip him apart assuming he will continue along on his clueless,
charade of his past trickery here. No sir - no Mayan Messiah of Morons, no
Maitreya of Morons getting a free pass from me.

So remember that.


On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 7:55 AM, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:


 All of this writing just *has* to be a book, Curtis.

 The world really needs it.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

 curtisdeltablues@... wrote:
  Crowds of people are like schools of fish. They swim by an outside
 performer with the mentality of a single entity. The trick for a busker
 is to break them out of the trance so they will pay attention to me.
 Pay is the key word here. I need them to stop their internal dialog
 long enough to extract something green and crisp from their wallets and
  Bring on the children! They are perfect for this agenda. Easily
 distracted by novel things in the environment (me and my instruments),
 and lacking the intense internal dialog of having mortgage payments and
 making it to their car before the meter maid, they are ideal
 co-conspirators. I invite them up with maracas so they can join the
 show. Parents get it right away, artistic enrichment for the center of
 their universe. Now that the stage is set, I have something hidden to
 show you.
  She was one of those little girls with something extra, the sparkle of
 magnetic charisma. I see plenty of them coming out of the good homes in
 Northern Virginia. The right schools, plenty of vitamin D enriched milk,
 and tons of confidence to project a beamer of a smile full of
 orthodontist approved, well-flossed teeth. She was around eleven. Her
 brown hair was pulled into a loose pony tail by some fluorescent pink
 scrunchy fabric. The only thing out of the ordinary was that she
 crowded me a bit after she got her maraca. Younger kids will do this,
 and as the Mayor of Munchkin Land, it is up to me to get them to back
 off and give me some performance space. Decking one of the kids with my
 heavy steel resonator guitar in one of my tip inspiring flourishes,
 leaving them cold cocked on the boardwalk, would definitely cut into
 profits. But a girl this age usually keeps her distance, so it got my
 attention that she was standing very close to me with one side of her
  I swiveled my head and my eyes caught something that instantly put me
 on red alert. The arm she was crowding me with was cut off right below
 the elbow and she was using me to shield it from the audience. Her arm
 was not this way from birth. Something sinister and terrible had done
 this, and it left a fiery red zipper of violated flesh. Our eyes met and
 I gave her a nod. We were thick as thieves in an instant and she
 relaxed into a nervous giggle. Like a Sicilian made-man, I was bonded
 to her through omerta. It was a matter of trust, and I felt it in my
  We began to play close like Sonny and a miniature Cher. People
 probably thought she was my niece or something, who else would play
 together with this familiarity? Her father was all smiles. She was a
 brave kid, this is not easy performing in front of strangers. A crowd
 formed supporting the cute little girl and the bluesman. They had no
 clue to the fierceness of her jagged asymmetry. She kept herself
 sideways, showing the world who she wanted to be, and they bought it. At
 the song's end she shot me a conspiratorial look. I sensed something
 gritty in those eyes. A steeliness forged by the fires of pediatric
 ward hell. I wondered about her mom and dad, who had spent the hours in
 the hospital making the painful decisions that lead to this. Oh
 bullshit, I have no idea. She ran off back to her dad. His look
 combined sincere thanks with you have no idea. Or maybe I just read
 all that in myself, it is so hard to tell sometimes. When our eyes met I
 forgot to breath for a moment. I saw people moving in with tips in slow
  Someday I hope she finds a real stand up guy. A guy who will always
 take her left side, and wrapping his arm around her far shoulder, will
 press her close, feeling her arm halfway across his own back, and she
 will feel safe and brave, facing the world.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread curtisdeltablues

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Dear Barry Baby,
 Well I hope your buddy just sticks to his writing on his way to
 rehabilitating himself - I don't think there is any dispute on his writing
 I'm watching, I'm sure the old man and Judy are as well. I don't know about
 them but the minute your buddy tries to wade into any kind of spiritual,
 moral, ethical, intelligent voice here, I will methodically, ruthlessly,
 mercilessly rip him apart assuming he will continue along on his clueless,
 charade of his past trickery here. No sir - no Mayan Messiah of Morons, no
 Maitreya of Morons getting a free pass from me.
 So remember that.

That perfectly defines the troll agenda doesn't it?  

 On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 7:55 AM, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
  All of this writing just *has* to be a book, Curtis.
  The world really needs it.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Crowds of people are like schools of fish. They swim by an outside
  performer with the mentality of a single entity. The trick for a busker
  is to break them out of the trance so they will pay attention to me.
  Pay is the key word here. I need them to stop their internal dialog
  long enough to extract something green and crisp from their wallets and
   Bring on the children! They are perfect for this agenda. Easily
  distracted by novel things in the environment (me and my instruments),
  and lacking the intense internal dialog of having mortgage payments and
  making it to their car before the meter maid, they are ideal
  co-conspirators. I invite them up with maracas so they can join the
  show. Parents get it right away, artistic enrichment for the center of
  their universe. Now that the stage is set, I have something hidden to
  show you.
   She was one of those little girls with something extra, the sparkle of
  magnetic charisma. I see plenty of them coming out of the good homes in
  Northern Virginia. The right schools, plenty of vitamin D enriched milk,
  and tons of confidence to project a beamer of a smile full of
  orthodontist approved, well-flossed teeth. She was around eleven. Her
  brown hair was pulled into a loose pony tail by some fluorescent pink
  scrunchy fabric. The only thing out of the ordinary was that she
  crowded me a bit after she got her maraca. Younger kids will do this,
  and as the Mayor of Munchkin Land, it is up to me to get them to back
  off and give me some performance space. Decking one of the kids with my
  heavy steel resonator guitar in one of my tip inspiring flourishes,
  leaving them cold cocked on the boardwalk, would definitely cut into
  profits. But a girl this age usually keeps her distance, so it got my
  attention that she was standing very close to me with one side of her
   I swiveled my head and my eyes caught something that instantly put me
  on red alert. The arm she was crowding me with was cut off right below
  the elbow and she was using me to shield it from the audience. Her arm
  was not this way from birth. Something sinister and terrible had done
  this, and it left a fiery red zipper of violated flesh. Our eyes met and
  I gave her a nod. We were thick as thieves in an instant and she
  relaxed into a nervous giggle. Like a Sicilian made-man, I was bonded
  to her through omerta. It was a matter of trust, and I felt it in my
   We began to play close like Sonny and a miniature Cher. People
  probably thought she was my niece or something, who else would play
  together with this familiarity? Her father was all smiles. She was a
  brave kid, this is not easy performing in front of strangers. A crowd
  formed supporting the cute little girl and the bluesman. They had no
  clue to the fierceness of her jagged asymmetry. She kept herself
  sideways, showing the world who she wanted to be, and they bought it. At
  the song's end she shot me a conspiratorial look. I sensed something
  gritty in those eyes. A steeliness forged by the fires of pediatric
  ward hell. I wondered about her mom and dad, who had spent the hours in
  the hospital making the painful decisions that lead to this. Oh
  bullshit, I have no idea. She ran off back to her dad. His look
  combined sincere thanks with you have no idea. Or maybe I just read
  all that in myself, it is so hard to tell sometimes. When our eyes met I
  forgot to breath for a moment. I saw people moving in with tips in slow
   Someday I hope she finds a real stand up guy. A guy who will always
  take her left side, and wrapping his arm around her far shoulder, will
  press her close, feeling her arm halfway across his own back, and she
  will feel safe and brave, facing the world.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 3:04 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
  Dear Barry Baby,
  Well I hope your buddy just sticks to his writing on his way to
  rehabilitating himself - I don't think there is any dispute on his
  I'm watching, I'm sure the old man and Judy are as well. I don't know
  them but the minute your buddy tries to wade into any kind of spiritual,
  moral, ethical, intelligent voice here, I will methodically, ruthlessly,
  mercilessly rip him apart assuming he will continue along on his
  charade of his past trickery here. No sir - no Mayan Messiah of Morons,
  Maitreya of Morons getting a free pass from me.
  So remember that.

 That perfectly defines the troll agenda doesn't it?

Baby - I'm down with anything that helps your rehabilitation, I have a
special kind of love for you. Just don't, don't, you know what..:-).

Anyway this is all from the Message view that I can't but help notice. Plus
I was talking to Barry. So, Bzzzt..back off, you are not in my list of
interesting persons. Not Interested. Take your whiny, drama queenery,
elsewhere - Get it?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 3:12 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 3:04 PM, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com wrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
  Dear Barry Baby,
  Well I hope your buddy just sticks to his writing on his way to
  rehabilitating himself - I don't think there is any dispute on his
  I'm watching, I'm sure the old man and Judy are as well. I don't know
  them but the minute your buddy tries to wade into any kind of spiritual,
  moral, ethical, intelligent voice here, I will methodically, ruthlessly,
  mercilessly rip him apart assuming he will continue along on his
  charade of his past trickery here. No sir - no Mayan Messiah of Morons,
  Maitreya of Morons getting a free pass from me.
  So remember that.

 That perfectly defines the troll agenda doesn't it?

 Baby - I'm down with anything that helps your rehabilitation, I have a
 special kind of love for you. Just don't, don't, you know what..:-).

 Anyway this is all from the Message view that I can't but help notice.
 Plus I was talking to Barry. So, Bzzzt..back off, you are not in my
 list of interesting persons. Not Interested. Take your whiny, drama
 queenery, elsewhere - Get it?



Ravinder Singh

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread seventhray1
I'll confess Ravi, that while you were gone, I asked myself, do I miss
his presence here?  And I will also admit that the answer was no, I
did not  It is true that we had become quite adversarial, and yes,
there was a certain enjoyment it taking on that role.
But once some time had passed, after you had been booted off, I realized
how unpleasant it had really been.
And here you are ramping up that same type behavior.  I guess you can't
stay away from it.  I mean it looks like you are waging battles on
several fronts.  In fact,  it seems  you've created web sites from which
to wage some of these battles.
At any rate, I find it distasteful, that you see fit to spew some much
Excuse me if I am not able to respond quickly to anything you might say.
We are spending part of the weekend here in Chicago, and I don't have
ready access to a computer.  Sharing it with my wife and daughter.

It is true that during your last stint, I had gotten deep into a battle
posture with you.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 3:04 PM, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@...

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   Dear Barry Baby,
   Well I hope your buddy just sticks to his writing on his way to
   rehabilitating himself - I don't think there is any dispute on his
   I'm watching, I'm sure the old man and Judy are as well. I don't
   them but the minute your buddy tries to wade into any kind of
   moral, ethical, intelligent voice here, I will methodically,
   mercilessly rip him apart assuming he will continue along on his
   charade of his past trickery here. No sir - no Mayan Messiah of
   Maitreya of Morons getting a free pass from me.
   So remember that.
  That perfectly defines the troll agenda doesn't it?
 Baby - I'm down with anything that helps your rehabilitation, I have a
 special kind of love for you. Just don't, don't, you know what..:-).

 Anyway this is all from the Message view that I can't but help notice.
 I was talking to Barry. So, Bzzzt..back off, you are not in my
list of
 interesting persons. Not Interested. Take your whiny, drama queenery,
 elsewhere - Get it?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
 I was never into whaling lore, but for about a year I lived
 out on Marblehead Neck, near Boston. It was very near Salem,
 MA, home of the Salem witch trials, and a museum to them.
 In it you could read -- on the original parchments, written
 in the original hands of the people who wrote them -- the
 court records of the men who pressed to death quite a few
 women for the crime of...uh...not being the kind of women
 they were expected to be. Nothing more.

FWIW, those convicted in the Salem witch trials were
hanged, not pressed to death, except for one man who
refused to enter a plea at trial. This was not an
execution method but a torture technique designed to
extort a guilty plea. Giles Corey (the Salem man)
seems to have been the only person in the U.S. who is
known to have been subjected to this method. He died
after refusing to plead guilty for three days.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Our Little Secret

2012-09-02 Thread Robert

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend authfriend@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  I was never into whaling lore, but for about a year I lived
  out on Marblehead Neck, near Boston. It was very near Salem,
  MA, home of the Salem witch trials, and a museum to them.
  In it you could read -- on the original parchments, written
  in the original hands of the people who wrote them -- the
  court records of the men who pressed to death quite a few
  women for the crime of...uh...not being the kind of women
  they were expected to be. Nothing more.
 FWIW, those convicted in the Salem witch trials were
 hanged, not pressed to death, except for one man who
 refused to enter a plea at trial. This was not an
 execution method but a torture technique designed to
 extort a guilty plea. Giles Corey (the Salem man)
 seems to have been the only person in the U.S. who is
 known to have been subjected to this method. He died
 after refusing to plead guilty for three days.

Pretty much psychopathic behavior...must have got off on this type of thing...
After a proper day of torturing and murder,
went home had a few drinks, screwed their obedient wife and fell into a drunken 
stupor...of sleep...

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