Re: Determine FreeBSD version of binary

2007-11-08 Thread Chuck Robey

John Smith wrote:

I was wondering if it was possible to determine for what version of
FreeBSD a binary was compiled, purely by examining the binary?

As a suggestion, use the 'ldd' command to see what version of the libc 
is linked in with the binary.  You didn['t mention if the binary was 
linked shared or not (if it's statically linked, well, you're out of 
luck with this particular method).Depending on how it's linked, you 
might even have probnlems using ldd, I think, then you'd have to use the 
objdump utility, along with grep, like this:

objdump -x  | grep NEEDED | grep libc

and get the version of libc from there.  It's the version of libc that 
you're after with all this song and dance.  I've been gone from FreeBSD 
for a longish while (more than about 2 years) so I couldn't give you 
exact libc version versus date info, but if you post that to this list, 
most likely someone would have that right to hand.

Any and all help and suggestions are greatly appreciated,


john Smith
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Re: Ports problem

2007-11-09 Thread Chuck Robey

Adam J Richardson wrote:

RW wrote:

On Fri, 09 Nov 2007 13:39:28 +
Adam J Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Desmond Chapman wrote:

/usr/X11R6 exists, but it is not a symlink. Installation cannot
proceed. This looks like an incompletely removed old version of X.
In the current version, /usr/X11R6 must be a symlink if it exists
at all.Please read /usr/ports/UPDATING (entry of 20070519) for the
procedure to upgrade related ports.*** Error code 1

Hi Desmond,

When I was faced with this error I did the obvious thing and created
a symlink, then restarted the install. 

Surely the *obvious* thing was to follow the instructions and read

I didn't read it that way. You're right though. I'll check out, see if it does anything I need.

From what I can see, ports used to respect the settings of X11BASE and 
LOCALBASE, but even though they are still supposed to do that, well, I 
can see from my own attempts here on my box, that they don't do that.  I 
found a bunch of stuff that either assumed /usr/local, or got the 
install path by reading the pkgconfig .pc files.

LONG time back, I showed folks that it was a fairly trivial (two code 
lines) thing that was needed to make the X11 stuff go wherever you 
wanted it to go, but those two lines were in the 'imake' shell wrapper, 
and folks felt that the imake wrapper was holy writ for some reason, and 
would not let me make any changes to it.  Pity.

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Re: Dangers of using a non-base shell

2007-11-09 Thread Chuck Robey

Giorgos Keramidas wrote:

On 2007-11-09 18:55, Andrew Pantyukhin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 01:39:12PM +0200, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:

I've been using the following for some time:

keramida> su -
root# exec env SHELL=/usr/local/bin/bash bash -l

I know it doesn't work on slolaris^W some Unix flavors, but I've
been quite happy with "su -m".

Heh, putting the Solaris bashing (sic) aside, I can see how the -m
option can be useful some times.  After all, it was implemented because
*someone* thought it would be neat to have around :-)

Actually, there's another reason that root should just stay with sh.  On 
a lot of systems, ones I have seen (and Linux is one of those), poor 
programming practices mean that many things will break if the root user 
isn't running sh (or in Linux's case, bash).  Ask folks, they'll claim 
it's untrue, but that's because they themselves run bash, and never saw 
the breakage.  I myself like tcsh, and the breakage is quite real, I 
finally had to give up using tcsh on those systems.  It's not a really 
strong reason for a FreeBSD user, but for those of us who work among a 
lot of OSes, it's better to get used to it, because you just can't fight 
city hall.  Trying to fix every single utility on those systems (which I 
did before I gave up trying) just means nightmares when you have to 
update stuff.

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ps options

2007-11-10 Thread Chuck Robey
I have spent all the time I can stand, going over the ps man page, but I 
can't see any option to get a hierarchical listing.  I mean, where the 
listings are sorted to where parents come before children, and the 
children get indentation, so you can see at a glance what's running more 
easily.  It's a standard thing on many OSes, and I was sorta hoping it'd 
be available on FreeBSD.  Maybe under a different name?

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Re: flash: linux firefox vs linuxpluginwrapper

2007-11-10 Thread Chuck Robey

Boris Samorodov wrote:

On Fri, 9 Nov 2007 17:08:12 -0500 Philip M. Gollucci wrote:

Philip M. Gollucci wrote:

John wrote:

I've been struggling to get a handle on the FreeBSD system.  Making good
progress, but then I ran into the fact that Firefox on FreeBSD can't do
flash.  Definite showstopper, for me.  Ok, then I tried to use the
linuxpluginwrapper approach, and it didn't work.

It made me recall, in reading up on FreeBSD, I did see where somebody
installed both Firefox and Linx-firefox.

So before I do battle with this Linux wrapper approach, I wondered if I
would be better off simply installing the Linux-firefox?

Is that easier?  More likely to work?

> cd /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-fc6 ; make install clean

There is now:
cd /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-f7 ; make install clean
which you should use instead -- its newer :)

Wow, what great timing, I was just starting to look about for a browser 
to give me flash.  Let me ask this again, both for my own use, and for 
those folks (like me) who have googled this without success so far: if I 
wanted, as far as possible, to stay with FreeBSD-native apps (but 
willing to do whatever it takes, IF its the only way to success) how 
does someone get to having a browser run on FreeBSD, with the main 
requirement, that it run Flash.

Oh.  One more qualification (I can get a bit picky, I guess).  I notice 
that there's a port for flashplugin9, not just 7.  Is there ANY setup 
that allows flash9, not just flash7?  The only limitation I keep active 
is, I don't run MS software.  No Windows.  I suppose, if it's the best 
way, I could even choose Wine (does this make me a Wino?)

'Preciate this, I'm anxious to get started.  If I'm forced to it, I have 
a great amount of disk, I would give as much disk as it needs, to get 
this, I just need to overcome old prejudices over using too much disk. 
I guess I can't get used to having gigabytes, not megabytes, to play with.

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Re: cups-base problem

2007-11-10 Thread Chuck Robey

Reko Turja wrote:

Dear all,

Today I saw a security notice:


cat distinfo
MD5 (cups-1.3.3-source.tar.bz2) = d4911e68b6979d16bc7a55f68d16cc53
SHA256 (cups-1.3.3-source.tar.bz2) = 

SIZE (cups-1.3.3-source.tar.bz2) = 4077262

Update your ports and INDEX file as it seems that you are installing a 
vulnerable version of cups-base. The VuXML report says:

cups-base <1.3.4

so the cups-1.3.3 still has the vulnerability mentioned in the report.

Actually, I think the worst security problem I've seen is one I don't 
personally care to fix right now, but I guess I will soon.  It's the 
fact that postscript is actually a language, one that's more general 
purpose in limitations than many people realize.  Isn't that true?  I 
think this means that my postscript interpreter (which is, for me, and I 
think for most, is ghostscript) should have some security controls on 
it, to limit postscript's direct access to local machine capabilities.
I think that the options in gs for security are too little.  It'd be 
pretty easy to write a really nasty worm.  I remember laughing at my 
Windows friends, back when that Philappines worm hit, but we could get 
pretty easily hit on gs, or am I all wet?

I don't much like pdf, but at least its not succeptible to such a thing, 
because pdf's not a general purpose language (not a language at all). 
Nobody's take advantage of it, but it'd be possible to write a general 
purpose docbook interpreter entirely in postscript.  Wonder if modern gs 
 limitations would allow such a big program?  Sure would be convenient.

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Re: ' Openssl.cnf ' and ' .rand ' file

2007-11-10 Thread Chuck Robey

Girish Venkatachalam wrote:

On 11:22:10 Nov 10, White Hat wrote:

openssl 0.9.7e-p1 25 Oct 2004

I have not been able to find an answer to this question on Google, so I figured 
I had better ask it here.
In the '/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf' file, there is an entry for:
RANDFILE= $dir/private/.rand# private random number file
Well, that file does not exist. I cannot find it anywhere on my system and I have not been able to figure out how to create it.
Also, where could I locate some information on the 'openssl.cnf' file. There does not appear to be a 'man' page for it. I would like some more information on what all of the settings mean and possibly how to set them for my particular needs.

Why do you want it?

You can use the openssl rand command for doing what you may be wanting
to do.

$ openssl rand 1

if you want binary output of length 1 bytes or you can use the
-base64 switch for ASCII output.

(You don't need the RANDFILE which is probably a seed or something)

Most parts of OpenSSL are not documented properly and the source code is
immensely hard to follow.

I have worked with the guts of OpenSSL long ago and in spite of working
with it for a long time, I have always found it hard to follow what
happens where. :)

Well, that's a bit of a personal opinion, but have you even used the 
sclient and sserver functions of the openssl command?  Damn, but that's 
a fantastic debugging tool!  Nicely documented in the openssl man page, too.

The code is one of the most intricate uses of the wonderful C language.

Enjoy the fun! :)


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Re: ps options

2007-11-11 Thread Chuck Robey

Dan Nelson wrote:

In the last episode (Nov 10), Chuck Robey said:
I have spent all the time I can stand, going over the ps man page, but I 
can't see any option to get a hierarchical listing.  I mean, where the 
listings are sorted to where parents come before children, and the children 
get indentation, so you can see at a glance what's running more easily.  
It's a standard thing on many OSes, and I was sorta hoping it'd be 
available on FreeBSD.  Maybe under a different name?

It's usually a separate command (ptree on Solaris for example).  Try
the sysutils/pstree port.

I've gotten a lot of replies, so I thought to give a blanket "Thank you" 
because pstree is just what I wanted.  You might actually be as suprised 
as I was when I found that both Solaris and Linux both of them (and some 
others, but I forget which ones) do happen to have an option to ps 
itself, tha gives the same as a pstree listing, which is why I asked 
about options.  Doesn't matter, I'm quite pleased now, so again: Thanks!

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Re: make configure vs first make

2007-11-11 Thread Chuck Robey

[LoN]Kamikaze wrote:

Le Cocq Michel wrote:

Matthew Seaman a écrit :

That's because you need to do:

   make config

which has a very different effect to 'make configure.'


can you explain the != ?



make configure
runs the configure build stage if the port has one.

make config
calls the config dialogue

Use 'make rmconfig' it wipes out the stored options.  Look into the 
Makefile for lines specifying options "OPTIONS="

Oh, yeah, the != (which is documented in the make(7) man page, which is 
a very good document) means, send the text in that defition to the 
shell, and set the variable to whatever the shell returns, like

MYNAME != echo $$USER

(you need the two dollar signs, because you want the dollar sign to get 
to the shell, but Make itself will eat the first one, so send two of 
them to get one out to the shell.)

You know one great way to learn make?  in ports, directory Mk, is a 
bunch of make template files, and the one named is a 
fantastic doument that clearly illustrates just about every good method 
that's available in BSD's make.  BSD's make is a very, very good one, 
too.  Greatly different than the GNU make.

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Re: One Laptop Per Child

2007-11-12 Thread Chuck Robey

Olivier Nicole wrote:

I am usually not the one to bring up these things but I feel very
strongly about this. Starting Monday, November 12 this website is
offering a give one get one deal. I believe the money will be well
invested. YMMV

That is a difficult issue, while this is an opportunity, I doubt this
is the most needed thing to provide education. We are talking giving
laptop to people who do not even have electricity in some cases...

You ought to actually _visit_ one or more of the schools that have 
practical computers for the kids.  At least in my own experience, well, 
it's very disillusioning.  The teachers have only a vague notion about 
what a compuiter is, so basically the students are given some  games to 
waste their time with, and graded on how quiet they are while playing. 
The teachers themselves are usually actually frightened of the machines, 
 so they react negatively to anyone who volunteers to teach computers.

I wish it wasn't this way.  Maybe it's just in the schools I visited? 
If so, anyone have a better experience?  Until I hear of some, I won't 
contribute to any "computers for kids" deal, because  it only benefits 
big computer companies, who sell the machines, not the kids.

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Re: Ports with GUI configs

2007-11-12 Thread Chuck Robey

RW wrote:

On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 08:14:02 -0800
"Mark D. Foster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Vince wrote:

Ashley Moran wrote:


I was just wondering, what is the motivation behind the GUI
configuration for some ports?  Simply put, they drive me up the
wall. I've lost count of the number of times I've come back to a
big install to find it hanging on a config screen.  Possibly I'm
missing something. 

I agree though, I often suffer the same problem, coming back after
a few hours to a build that should have finished to find its
sitting on the first dependency.

Maybe it's been suggested before (in which case I add my vote) but a
timeout mechanism would solve this... give the user 10s to provide a
keypress else bailout and use the "default" options.

That would involve standing-over the build for hours or days in case
you miss a 10-second window - it's just not practical IMO.

Setting the menus is pretty easy to script, and you can also set BATCH
to take the default options

A suggestion I recently made on the ports list would, as a side effect, 
make a better solution.  You see, allowing a default timer does get 
things built, but then it allows no user input to let users avoid 
installing software  that they either have no ise for, or do not want 
for other reasons.  I have enough input now, so I'm going ahead and 
coding up the Makefile mods to allow my system, but it looks somewhat 
like the Gentoo Portage "USE" flags system.  Not identical, and I am 
only proposing to use their USE flags, not the rest (I very much like 
using Makefiles as FreeBSD ports does, and wouldn't change that.)

If you want to see what it is, go look at recent postings on ports list. 
 It'll probably get changed, as I get something for folks to look at 
and discuss.

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Re: [OFFTOPIC] Re: One Laptop Per Child

2007-11-12 Thread Chuck Robey

Pollywog wrote:

On Monday 12 November 2007 19:06:28 Chuck Robey wrote:

I wish it wasn't this way.  Maybe it's just in the schools I visited?
If so, anyone have a better experience?  Until I hear of some, I won't
contribute to any "computers for kids" deal, because  it only benefits
big computer companies, who sell the machines, not the kids.

It is true that the companies that sell computers and software benefit, but 
the same could be said of companies that sell state-approved textbooks to 
schools (if you have seen those textbooks you know what I mean), the 
companies that sell shoes for sports, etc.  There is one large software 
company that gives some software to schools and then gets a tax cut even 
though it benefits down the line when those kids grow up to buy that 
company's software because that is the software they know.

Yeah, but in this case, I know more: a lady friend of mine was an editor 
for a large educational publishing house.  Those places (and more 
specifically the folks that work in them) are rather embarrassed at 
having to put all that garbage into state textbooks, but the state 
boards of education require it.  They don't want to do it, but they have 
to, to be able to sell their product.  The local state officials are at 
fault here, not the companies nor those who work for them.  I used to 
listen by the hour to complaints about the stupidity and cupidity of 
those state officials, from that lady.

I still think it is better for kids to know how to use computers, even if a 
few business people also benefit.

Hmm.  Several of the classes I walked into were disappointing to me, 
where the kids were made to feel good at being able to play computer 
games well.  If you think that's good for kids, it's your money, I 
suppose.  The teachers were given no training whatever in computers, so 
they had no ability to do better.  I would not contribute to such an 
item.  A program that produces better educational software, that I could 
see, but not giving computers to schools, that is very counter-productive.

Let them eat Doom!  I think we should move this to FreeBSD-chat.

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Re: Ports with GUI configs

2007-11-12 Thread Chuck Robey

Garrett Cooper wrote:

If you want to see what it is, go look at recent postings on ports 
list.  It'll probably get changed, as I get something for folks to 
look at and discuss.

   USE flags are a pain in the ass (former Gentoo user of 3 years). 
Introducing that type of complexity into a ports system isn't necessary 
and does unexpected things at times for end-users when developers change 
variable names or behavior, which happened quite often with Gentoo.
   make config-all or something similar to have people fill in their 
desired config info in all of the ncurses config sections would however 
be a much better idea I think..


Good point.  My main drive is to stop asking users to OK dependencies to 
specific pieces of software (which most users haven't the least idea 
about), and also to move the gathering of data out of ports-compile-time 
and into system-install-time (perhaps with an update feature as hardware 
changes).  The way that Gentoo did it, if followed slavishly, yes, I 
agree it would just leaad to more confusion.  I got the feeling that you 
are asking for a ncurses sort of app, that would gather data, and tjhen 
be used to control the setting of dependencies?  Is that right?

I would think that the linkage between the program amd the ports could 
be a list like the Gentoo USE lists, but without any direct interface to 
it, so building and maintaining the list becomes the responsibility of 
the program and not clueless users.  That more what you see?  I could 
live with that quiurte easily.

But, such a system is more than could be written directly either in Make 
or using sh ... I mean, you  _could_ use sh, but the software would be 
too complicated to maintain.  Could I use some tool?  I would not 
exactly love doing it in C, but I guess I could do that (I'd rather use 
something like Python, but it's not available in the base, and I think I 
would want this available at system install time.

Please, comment more, I think I like the way you're driving this, so let 
me see if I have really gotten your idea.

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Re: Ports with GUI configs

2007-11-12 Thread Chuck Robey

Garrett Cooper wrote:

[LoN]Kamikaze wrote:

Garrett Cooper wrote:
   USE flags are a pain in the ass (former Gentoo user of 3 years).

Introducing that type of complexity into a ports system isn't necessary
and does unexpected things at times for end-users when developers change
variable names or behavior, which happened quite often with Gentoo.
   make config-all or something similar to have people fill in their
desired config info in all of the ncurses config sections would however
be a much better idea I think..

Are you talking about make config-recursive?

Yes =\. Lemme guess.. that's already an option :)?

I hope not.  We really need to move this out of being a ports buildtime 
thing.  Currently, to build ports in batch either requires someone to be 
chained to the computer, so as to intercept all those screens, or to 
simply agree to install everything, with no inpput whatever.  These are 
both bad options.

Also, asking users to pick if a particular piece of software, one that 
they most liely have never heard of, can be used, is not a particularly 
good way to get the info either.  Gentoo's idea of a USE list has some 
good points, and some bad points.  The worst part is that keeping that 
USE list corect is too damn difficult.

BUT if we made that list private, so be manipulated solely by a more 
intelligent program, one that could ask better quetions, and let that 
maintain the list, that would stop the ports-build-time interruptions, 
and also make things much much easier for users, even technical users, 
to administer.  Just don't let folks need to maintain that list themselves.

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Re: Ports with GUI configs

2007-11-12 Thread Chuck Robey

Gerard wrote:

On November 12, 2007 at 03:14PM RW wrote:

[ ... ]

Yes, but that doesn't work if you are doing a portupgrade -a, you then
need to wrap the makes in a simple script, which is what I was referring
to. Portmaster has something like this built-in.

From man PORTUPGRADE(1):

and my (twofold) point is that (1) this removes all real choices from 
the user, and (2) there is a perfectly good method that allows one to 
keep their own options, and still get all the good points of batch 

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Re: Ports with GUI configs

2007-11-12 Thread Chuck Robey

RW wrote:

On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 16:10:29 -0500
Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I hope not.  We really need to move this out of being a ports
buildtime thing.  Currently, to build ports in batch either requires
someone to be chained to the computer, so as to intercept all those
screens, or to simply agree to install everything, with no inpput

This discussion has unfortunately jumped out or ports (wjhere I believe 
it should have been) to questions, so I have to re-state stuff I've 
already said.   Darn.

Well. I want to explain one of the most important features.  First 
thing, I have to stress I m talking about my writing a character-based 
tool that carefully guides the user into making the best choice of a 
limited set of words, to describe their chosen machine environment.  I'm 
NOT going to ask (as Gentoo does) the user to select their own set of 
words.  Gentoo expends damn little help on installation in general, and 
more specifically, on the maintenance of their USE lists.  Their concept 
of the USE lists is what's important, not their implementation.

Let me give a real-life example.  In doing a database of users, you 
would normally include a file (or lookup table) of state names & 
abbreviations.  This isn't because you're confused about the spelling of 
Ohio, it's so that, in sorting, you don't jhave to deal with 14 
different ways to abbreviate Missouri.  You want to be able to sort on 
one spelling, and not lose half of your Missourian users because they 
can't agree on a spelling, you want to limit what they use to define 
their state.  OK, you (as programmers) must understand that concept, and 
the machine environment keyword descriptions (I need a good name for 
them, and I don't want to use USE because Gentoo uses it, and I don't 
want to be misunderstood as being the same thing as Gentoo).

If I make a nice database-like program that helps out a user in choosing 
the best way to describe their system goals, using a limited set of 
standard words, and set it up so this is done as part of installation. 
This makes a little file of descriptor words, but it's not set so a 
regular editor can manipulate it; the special ports program is needed to 
set or reset this list.  All ports query this list in making the 
decision as to whether or whether not to include a particular port as a 

OK, the good things that accrue from this:

1) list items are always presented right alongside the verbal 
definitions of what each word semantically means in context.  People 
could still get it screwed up, but that would certainly happen less often.

2) because the number of choices is limited to those on the list, and 
new items must be filtered thru the ports-management, getting the names 
wrong or confused is under far better control.  There will no longer be 
6 ways to define "Music program with mp3's only".Adding a particular 
option to that music program, say, adding ability to play back AAC 
songs, would just mean adding the correct keyword.  This would allow, 
some time in the future (not something I'm immediately considering) to 
do a global scan, with adding some new keyword, to bring one's entire 
system back up to date.  This is not possible today.

2) Since choices are made one per each machine particular, the number of 
 choices is less that a tenth the size of a list of the peer-port 
dependency choices, setting this up in advance becomes a task that is 
quite reasonable todo in advance of building all ports.  Currently, the 
sheer idea of setting all options in  advance is ridiculous.

3) Choices are made of items that can easily be performed by users 
without extensive documentation.  Trying to inform users of the actual 
meaning of each and every one of the currently used dependency options 
would be too complicated a task to expect all users to be able to do 
this.  Informing them of the setup for their particular machine is a far 
smaller task, one that is small enough to contemplate performing. 
Describing this in another way, the options will be defined by function, 
and no longer by the name of the software.

4) Since dependencies are listed by machine environment, and not by 
port, adding a new port with a correct optioned set of dependencies 
becomes far more reasonable: merely grep out all ports with a particular 
set of keywords, and then a ports-writer knows perfectly well what ports 
they would need to consider as dependency choices.  Doing it now, is 
largely a matter of luck.

I left out one last point> there will be a reject list: a list of port 
names or regular expression patters, of ports that can't be installed 
under any circumstances.

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Re: Ports with GUI configs

2007-11-12 Thread Chuck Robey

RW wrote:

On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 22:54:33 +0100
Tino Engel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

RW schrieb:

On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 16:10:29 -0500
Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I hope not.  We really need to move this out of being a ports
buildtime thing.  Currently, to build ports in batch either
requires someone to be chained to the computer, so as to intercept
all those screens, or to simply agree to install everything, with
no inpput whatever. 

That's not correct, you can run make config-conditional or  make
config-recursive anytime you like.


But not on a portupgrade... I don't want to run config-recursive on
the whole ports tree though

It's not hard to script it though, something like the following would do

for p in `pkg_version -ol'<' |awk '{ print $1 }'`; do
 cd  /usr/ports/${p} && make config-recursive 

I can't believe you actually suggested this.  First thing, it would take 
you HOURS to complete, and you better not make even one mistake, 'cause 
you couldn't even go back far enough to figure out what the name was of 
the port you muffed.  Beyond that, since most ports ask questions formed 
with the name of the target dependency, aznd not asking things like "do 
you want such-and-such capability", so you have to be conversant with 
the names and capabilities of nearly 10,000 ports, to be able to do that 

Were you really seriously suggesting this.  It's so unworkable, its 

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Re: Ports with GUI configs

2007-11-15 Thread Chuck Robey

[LoN]Kamikaze wrote:

Chuck Robey wrote:

RW wrote:

On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 22:54:33 +0100
Tino Engel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

RW schrieb:

On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 16:10:29 -0500
Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I hope not.  We really need to move this out of being a ports
buildtime thing.  Currently, to build ports in batch either
requires someone to be chained to the computer, so as to intercept
all those screens, or to simply agree to install everything, with
no inpput whatever. 

That's not correct, you can run make config-conditional or  make
config-recursive anytime you like.


But not on a portupgrade... I don't want to run config-recursive on
the whole ports tree though

It's not hard to script it though, something like the following would do

for p in `pkg_version -ol'<' |awk '{ print $1 }'`; do
 cd  /usr/ports/${p} && make config-recursive done

I can't believe you actually suggested this.  First thing, it would take
you HOURS to complete, and you better not make even one mistake, 'cause
you couldn't even go back far enough to figure out what the name was of
the port you muffed.  Beyond that, since most ports ask questions formed
with the name of the target dependency, aznd not asking things like "do
you want such-and-such capability", so you have to be conversant with
the names and capabilities of nearly 10,000 ports, to be able to do that

It will only operate on 1 ports if you have 1 ports installed and a
majority of them is outdated.

Are you seriously saying that a decision regarding what ports are to be 
installed should be made after they are installed?  If you have 10,000 
ports installed, you obviously have no need whatever to make any 
decision at all.   Whether or not they are outdated is utterly 
irrelevant, because if they're installed, it may be inferred that you 
wanted them.  It's the decision whether to install them or not that 
we're talking about.

Upgrading has no bearing whatever on this.  Why do you bring that up?

I'm of the impression that you don't really know what the commands do you're
shown here and come to ridiculous conclusions because of this.

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Re: Ports with GUI configs

2007-11-15 Thread Chuck Robey

[LoN]Kamikaze wrote:

Chuck Robey wrote:

Garrett Cooper wrote:

[LoN]Kamikaze wrote:

Garrett Cooper wrote:
   USE flags are a pain in the ass (former Gentoo user of 3 years).

Introducing that type of complexity into a ports system isn't necessary
and does unexpected things at times for end-users when developers
variable names or behavior, which happened quite often with Gentoo.
   make config-all or something similar to have people fill in their
desired config info in all of the ncurses config sections would however
be a much better idea I think..

Are you talking about make config-recursive?

Yes =\. Lemme guess.. that's already an option :)?

I hope not.  We really need to move this out of being a ports buildtime
thing.  Currently, to build ports in batch either requires someone to be
chained to the computer, so as to intercept all those screens, or to
simply agree to install everything, with no inpput whatever.  These are
both bad options.

No, you got it wrong. You run 'make config-recursive' and get all the
configure screens at once. Afterwards you can just run 'make install clean'
and go away. Read the ports(7) manpage.

Oh, (I just erased a bunch, I should never use sarcasm, even when it's 
deserved).  Do you have the 3 weeks it would take, to sit down and run 
thru all the configs for 10,000 ports?  I don't know how many, exactly, 
but you'll have to agree it's huge.  On top of this obviously ridiculous 
task, you would need to do a huge amount of investigation, because most 
of these option questions don't give nearly enough info to have anyone 
excepting 1% of the techies to be able to make reasonable decisions. 
OTOH, a well organized database describing a user's machine environment 
and their personal proclivities IS easily possible, and would cause all 
that decision making to be done automatically.  For the great majority 
of users, it's a far, far better option. The sticky point, the one that 
needs to be done with psychological care, is to make it possible for 
non-technical users to correctly define their wants.

Get that part correct, and then you have a nicely workable system that 
ports writers can use to guide their port's dependency decisions.

If you're using sysutils/bsdadminscripts you can run 'portconfig-recursive -a'
before a 'portupgrade -a' in order to avoid having someone sit in front of the
machine during the portupgrade.

Only if you are choosing some default value, we have no other system in 
place to be able to define what decisions to make.  If you are proposing 
such a system, well, that's precisely what I'm doing.  Otherwise, you 
face users with a gigantic task, answering questions that they are not 
equipped to answer.

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Re: Ports with GUI configs

2007-11-15 Thread Chuck Robey

Chad Perrin wrote:

On Mon, Nov 12, 2007 at 08:23:23PM -0500, Chuck Robey wrote:
This makes a little file of descriptor words, but it's not set so a 
regular editor can manipulate it; the special ports program is needed to 
set or reset this list.  All ports query this list in making the 
decision as to whether or whether not to include a particular port as a 

Ugh.  As far as I'm concerned, everything that pertains to system
configuration should always be human-readable and editable without
special tools.  Trying to insulate things from human ability to directly
manipulate them tends to lead to rapidly increasing difficulty of
debugging configurations.

I might have agreed with this, except, I have lived for a good while 
with the Gentoo "USE" lists, and I can tell you that having insufficent 
control over what goes ontp those lists causes havoc both with the users 
trying to select the proper wording of the lists, and the programmers 
trying to decide how to have a particular USE keyword represent a 
particular ports usage.  You have to make certain that both users and 
programmers have a definite, firm meaning in mind when they use the 
keywords, because (in another's well chosen words) if you don't, USE 
lists are a PITA.  It takes firmer control of meaning to make certain 
that the list doesn't devolve into that.

This is actual experience talking, in this case.

I left out one last point> there will be a reject list: a list of port 
names or regular expression patters, of ports that can't be installed 
under any circumstances.

I *love* this idea!

/me starts cobbling together a list of things that start with 'k' or 'g',
preparing for that future date when this is possible.

Yes, that was my own feeling.

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Re: Ports with GUI configs

2007-11-15 Thread Chuck Robey

RW wrote:

On Thu, 15 Nov 2007 14:55:02 -0500
Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Are you seriously saying that a decision regarding what ports are to
be installed should be made after they are installed?  If you have
10,000 ports installed, you obviously have no need whatever to make
any decision at all.   Whether or not they are outdated is utterly 
irrelevant, because if they're installed, it may be inferred that you 
wanted them.  It's the decision whether to install them or not that 
we're talking about.

What you don't appear to understand is that the Option Framework allows
a user to recursively set options for ports *before* they are installed.
So to configure the whole of Gnome, you can simply do this:

# cd /usr/port/x11/gnome2 && make config-recursive

The reason I mentioned the script is that upgrades are the only part of
the process that isn't directly supported by the ports system, you need
something to catch the ports that have changed options, or you may
waste time. This requires a script, but new installs are completely

I've already deleted the message that kicked me off, but it looked to me 
that you were talking about the 10,000 ports I was talking about, and 
that meant you were referring to new installs, not upgrades.  If it were 
me, I would think that upgrades should probably follow the same path as 
the original install, no?  In some small number of cases, there would be 
brand new options that would not be possible to predict from the 
decisions already taken for the orignal system, but that would be the 
exception, not the rule.

Regardless, as an unintended side effect of the system I'm talking 
about, such items would be automatically taken care of.  The only 
recurring task would be, as new options find themselves required, users 
would be asked to register the setting for a new keyword.  This would 
probably mean something on the order of maybe one or two new words a 
month to decide on, something that would hardly be a worry.

I do agree, the system I'm talking about, if I was trying to justify it 
only on the basis of upgrades alone, would not be justified.  Sort of 
like the tail wagging the dog, too much work for too little gain, but as 
a nice side effect, it's acceptable.

BUT if you were talking only about upgrades, then I kinda think, 
personally, that you probably should instantiated a new thread, not used 
this one.  Hmm?

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Re: Where is pkgdb?

2007-11-15 Thread Chuck Robey

Christopher Cowart wrote:

On Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 09:39:10PM +0100, Tino Engel wrote:

Which port do I have to install to get pkgdb?

$ pkg_info -W `which pkgdb`
/usr/local/sbin/pkgdb was installed by package portupgrade-2.2.2_4,2

I recommend installing ports-mgmt/port-maintenance-tools when building a

Oh, yeah?  I thought that the pkgdb.db that I found in /var/db/pkg was 
installed by ports, but I guess not.

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Re: Where is pkgdb?

2007-11-15 Thread Chuck Robey

Tino Engel wrote:

Which port do I have to install to get pkgdb?
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it's already there in /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db
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Re: Ports with GUI configs

2007-11-15 Thread Chuck Robey

[LoN]Kamikaze wrote:

Upgrading has no bearing whatever on this.  Why do you bring that up?

We're talking about a suggested shell script that calls config-recursive for
outdated ports. I did not bring that up.

I'm out of this. It's a bikeshed after all.

OK, I can agree with that.  I let my mail pile up a little, and finally 
caught the last few of these, but I'm finished.  We'll get back to 
arguing on it when I get something coded up.

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Re: Ports with GUI configs

2007-11-15 Thread Chuck Robey

RW wrote:

On Thu, 15 Nov 2007 16:00:55 -0500
Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've already deleted the message that kicked me off, but it looked to
me that you were talking about the 10,000 ports I was talking about,
and that meant you were referring to new installs, not upgrades.  

Why would anyone want to configure ports they don't want to install? 
BUT if you were talking only about upgrades, then I kinda think, 
personally, that you probably should instantiated a new thread, not

used this one.  Hmm?

Is that supposed to irony, because before you hijacked this thread it
was about preventing options screens being brought up at build-time,
and pausing the build.

Your ideas do absolutely nothing to address this issue because, they
would only reduce the number of options, not eliminate them - unless
you are intending to radically dumb-down the system. As a case in point
take a look at the options for www/squid, I don't believe for a moment
that your scheme could handle more than a small fraction of them.

If people want an easier desktop system, they already have the pc-bsd
and DesktopBSD versions of FreeBSD. 

I need to take exception to that.  My claim (and I have the messages in 
which I made it) is that the setting of options needed these changes:

(1) To move the time that they need to be set, from ports compile time 
to  system install time, and

(2) To always phrase the questions in a form that non-technical users 
can field, without extensive research that they are not equipped for, and

(3) To find a way to urge both ports-writers and ports users to share 
the same notion of what the options refer to.

I think (I may be wrong, correct me if I am) that you were taking 
exception, above, to my first point, right?  You may correct me on that, 
but on whether or not it will actually succeed in this is what all this 
discussion is about.  I did not bring this up without bringing the idea 
past local friends, and defending it there, so I think I can do that. 
Do i need to requote all of my arguments about that here (and really, by 
now, boring folks to sleep) or can you look up the older posts?  If 
you've lost them, I've always had problems myself getting really recent 
posts out of the archives, so write me privately, I will be glad to send 
them to you.  I do believe that it will perfectly accomplish exactly 
what you claim "do absolutely nothing to address this issue", they will 
100% move the work from ports build-time to system install-time.  This 
is pretty simple to prove, so I can't follow your assertion, and one of 
us must have a disconnect here.

My points #2 and #3 are more arguable;  I believe in them, but I guess 
an argument could be made against this.  There was a second part of my 
argument, also (a list of regular-exceptions that ports, if they match, 
would be rejected from), but that part would have somewhat less effect 
(some, but less obvious).  Both parts of my suggestion are things I'm 
pushing, but at this point, I'm only at the point that I am completely 
convinced that enough folks do agree with it to justify my writing the 
Makefile mods.  This isn't to say that the work I do will be approved 
and brought in, you should know the FreeBSD development pattern well 
enough to realize this, so lets not lose our cool.

Save that for the next time it's brought up, ON THE PORTS LIST, not 

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Re: Ports with GUI configs

2007-11-15 Thread Chuck Robey

Chad Perrin wrote:

On Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 03:34:26PM -0500, Chuck Robey wrote:

Chad Perrin wrote:

On Mon, Nov 12, 2007 at 08:23:23PM -0500, Chuck Robey wrote:
This makes a little file of descriptor words, but it's not set so a 
regular editor can manipulate it; the special ports program is needed to 
set or reset this list.  All ports query this list in making the 
decision as to whether or whether not to include a particular port as a 

Ugh.  As far as I'm concerned, everything that pertains to system
configuration should always be human-readable and editable without
special tools.  Trying to insulate things from human ability to directly
manipulate them tends to lead to rapidly increasing difficulty of
debugging configurations.
I might have agreed with this, except, I have lived for a good while 
with the Gentoo "USE" lists, and I can tell you that having insufficent 
control over what goes ontp those lists causes havoc both with the users 
trying to select the proper wording of the lists, and the programmers 
trying to decide how to have a particular USE keyword represent a 
particular ports usage.  You have to make certain that both users and 
programmers have a definite, firm meaning in mind when they use the 
keywords, because (in another's well chosen words) if you don't, USE 
lists are a PITA.  It takes firmer control of meaning to make certain 
that the list doesn't devolve into that.

This is actual experience talking, in this case.

I don't see how that translates into "the user should not be allowed to
view what's going on behind the scenes in a text editor if (s)he wants

I think you're becoming confused about who said what, because that 
particular line (the last paragraph above) isn't anything that I wrote.

Tell you what, let's just let this branch of the argument die, until I 
raise it again after I have the software ready to look at, on the ports 
list.  We should not be bothering the "-questions" llist with this.

At that point, I will prepare, in advance, use cases, all the 
documentation, and the actual code, and everyone will get their chance 
to rant and rave, alrighty?  You can stop me cold, if enough folks don't 
like the idea, that's how the development of FreeBSD goes, and I 
wouldn't change a thing with that.

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Re: unimpressive buildworld time

2007-11-15 Thread Chuck Robey

Jonathan Horne wrote:

On Wednesday 14 November 2007 03:45:07 pm Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

Impressive ;-) My main machine (with an Athlon XP @ 2GHz) takes ~2
hours to build kernel and world (I use a script to do that). My
other box is running -CURRENT and takes ~11 hours to build kernel
and world (Celeron 500...).

Just to supply some numbers that "go the other direction" :-)

With no -j and running gnome and doing other things in the foreground
(watching a avi) 1 hr 3 mins on a e6850 w/ 4 gig (amd64)

p4 540 3.2GHz, 1GB ram:


World build completed on Thu Nov 15 19:15:05 CST 2007


sys 10m44.889s
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/src]#

I have a quad core machine, and I found that (after a bit of checking) 
that about 95% of my improvements could be cotten with a -j4 setting. 
It did keep on improving, but only very little, up to  -j8.

AT -j8 it was about 18 minutes.  I do have more accurate numbers, if 
folks are curious.  I did buildworlds, so no kernel built, and the 
environment was with all the files from a previous build in place.

heh, i have appropriately renamed the thread.  :)  with -j 8


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Re: Ports with GUI configs

2007-11-16 Thread Chuck Robey

Chad Perrin wrote:

I personally felt we'd sufficiently discussed this to death, but now 
there's 2 different folks who want to tear it apart some more.  If 
you're bored of this, tell me, and I will drag these folks either into 
private discussions, or maybe onto the ports list.  Tell me if you've 
heard enough of this .

Read below for my comments.

On Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 10:56:12PM -0500, Chuck Robey wrote:

Chad Perrin wrote:

On Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 03:34:26PM -0500, Chuck Robey wrote:

Chad Perrin wrote:

On Mon, Nov 12, 2007 at 08:23:23PM -0500, Chuck Robey wrote:
This makes a little file of descriptor words, but it's not set so a 
regular editor can manipulate it; the special ports program is needed 
to set or reset this list.  All ports query this list in making the 
decision as to whether or whether not to include a particular port as a 

Ugh.  As far as I'm concerned, everything that pertains to system
configuration should always be human-readable and editable without
special tools.  Trying to insulate things from human ability to directly
manipulate them tends to lead to rapidly increasing difficulty of
debugging configurations.
I might have agreed with this, except, I have lived for a good while 
with the Gentoo "USE" lists, and I can tell you that having insufficent 
control over what goes ontp those lists causes havoc both with the users 
trying to select the proper wording of the lists, and the programmers 
trying to decide how to have a particular USE keyword represent a 
particular ports usage.  You have to make certain that both users and 
programmers have a definite, firm meaning in mind when they use the 
keywords, because (in another's well chosen words) if you don't, USE 
lists are a PITA.  It takes firmer control of meaning to make certain 
that the list doesn't devolve into that.

This is actual experience talking, in this case.

I don't see how that translates into "the user should not be allowed to
view what's going on behind the scenes in a text editor if (s)he wants

I think you're becoming confused about who said what, because that 
particular line (the last paragraph above) isn't anything that I wrote.


  This makes a little file of descriptor words, but it's not set so a 
  regular editor can manipulate it

That's the point I'm addressing.  No more, and no less.  The response I
received to addressing that did not seem to provide much support for that
quoted statement, so I let you know that I don't see how that translates
to "the user should not . . ." et cetera.

It's because, in actual experience with a system based upon usage of 
keywords (a bit more compllicated than what I'm suggesting, but it IS a 
real-life system, specifically Gentoo Linux.  As someone else (I forget 
who) said (and I fully agreed with him), "USE lists are a PITA.  That's 
true.  I can't point with the same agsolute certainty to the reasons 
it's a PITA, I think I know them, but the facts are as I stated. 
Personally, I believe it's because the meanings of the keywords are 
insufficiently standardized.  That's my own opinion, but the fact that 
maintaining USE lists is a PITA is fairly clear.

I want to move all the work of specifying the dependencies used by ports 
from being done at build time to being done at system install time. 
Further, I want to decouple the choosing of actual ports from 
dependencies also ... I want users to say something like "I have no 
audio", and this statement to be coded as NO_AUDIO, and all ports to be 
guided by the settings of the list keeping this info.  I have no name 
for the lists, but I don't want to call them USE lists, because I'm not 
suggesting we slavishly follow Gentoo on this, and using the same name 
would give that impression.  Maybe MACHINE_DEFS, something like that? 
I'm not particularly good at making names.

A second part of this suggestion was a reject list of regular 
expressions, and any ports matched would be ineligible to be built or 

Lastly, my point about making sure that both the users and the ports 
authors use the exact same meanings is, in my opinion, the detail 
missing from the Gentoo implementation, so I'm proposing that the 
maintenanace of the list be done thru a particular tool, which will 
prominently display the actual meaning of the word being set.  The only 
reason to make the list binary is to force everyone to use the 
(basically database technology) tool to manipulate the keywords, thus 
stopping folks from misconstruing the meanings.  That's my only reason 
for that, and there are certainly other ways to go about it, so as long 
as whatever is suggested requires folks to see the commonly accepted 
definition when they set the list, I don't care how it's done.  The list 

Re: What do I put in fstab to get my DVD/CDROM burner to work?

2007-11-17 Thread Chuck Robey

Joshua Isom wrote:

On Nov 16, 2007, at 10:56 PM, Yeef wrote:

this is work for me  freebsd 6.2-RELEASE

/dev/acd0   /cdrom  cd9660  ro,noauto   0   0

you should use root mount it.

Or set vfs.usermount to 1, if I remember right.  I can't recall what's 
the proper method for setting it at boot, rc.conf or loader.conf.  The 
default is 0, which is what I have it set to, more to annoy me than 
security(personal server behind a buggy router/firewall).

I have a dvd-rw and cd-rw in the same box, and I haven't recalled any 
problems with access(except from dvd speed which I'm hoping for an 
answer or fix for) or writing.

On Nov 17, 2007 12:50 PM, Gary Kline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Fri, Nov 16, 2007 at 10:24:30PM -0500, Chris Hill wrote:

I think I have this page bookmarked; can't find it.  I'll try
"rw" and "ro".   Can either you or David explain why I get a
popup error: Can't mount volume. [?] When I clicked on the
Details, it says:

mount_cd9660: /dev/acd1: Operation not permitted

I click  on "System" (upper left) -> Preferences ->
"Removable Drives and Media Prederences"  and select every
peermissions box.   Nothing.   (I'm using a data disk, not

Gary, I've watched for this to go awhile before i went and jumped in, to 
ask my question ... it's about my cdrom drive, whic is a sony, one 
that's been 100% reliable for me, I used it regularly under linux with 
k3b to burn stuff.  Now, under FreeBSD, k3b won't even recognize it as a 
ro or rw cd drive at all.  I can coax burncd to burn bootable disks 
successfully with it, but after the command completes, all further 
accesses to the drive return "device busy", and I have to reboot FreeBSD 
in order to even eject the cd.  The only way I even knew the disk was ok 
was because afterwards, it tried to boot the machine from the disk image 
of a FreeBSD boot disk (which is what I was burning, for a different 
machine, an AMD64 next to it).  Lucky that this machine is even binarily 
compatible (the Intel box is a 64 bit processor, so it boots AMD64 fine, 
but I didn't install it that way).

Anyhow, how could I either coax k3b to recognize it, or get burncd to 
let the disk go after it's finished with it?

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Re: How to know PID responsible for network connection/listen?

2007-11-17 Thread Chuck Robey

Tino Engel wrote:

Matthias Apitz schrieb:

El día Thursday, November 15, 2007 a las 11:20:30AM -0800, Yuri escribió:

'netstat -a' gives me the listing of network connection/listening 

But there's no link to the process id that opened it.
With lots of processes this can be a significant problem to figure 
out who

opened which connection.

For example, for the port 25 you see it with:

# lsof -P | fgrep :25
sendmail  6462  root3uIPv4 0xc5c3ecb00t0 TCP 
localhost:25 (LISTEN)

i.e. the PID is 6462



ps -Al show the parent PID of each process.

I just moved from Linux, where the netstat does supply the info you're 
asking, and it took me a little time to find out that sockstat is where 
the info is, in FreeBSD.

Try sockstat.

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Re: One Laptop Per Child

2007-11-19 Thread Chuck Robey
Gee, I thought that this had gone away.  PLEASE send this off to 
FreeBSD-chat, it has no business on FreeBSD-questions whatever.

Jonathan McKeown wrote:
[Ted Mittelstaedt's words, heavily edited for brevity. Ted, please shout if I 
haven't caught the sense of what you're saying]

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Re: What's "unknown" about i386-unknown?

2007-11-20 Thread Chuck Robey

Bill Moran wrote:

In response to Tino Engel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Bill Moran schrieb:

In response to "Dan Mahoney, System Admin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


Hey all.

I see i386-unknown as a build target all the time.

So my (possibly silly) question is: what's the unknown variable here?  And 
why isn't it?

I seem to remember a conversation about this, and that the original
spec for that string required a "physical location" after the architecture.

I'm guessing that at the time it was very important to know which of
the few physical machines did the job.

If my memory is reliable, it's not that the information is "unknown", it's
just that nobody cares any more, therefore nobody bothers to enter the
physical location information.

Well, I actually have i386-portbld-7,0-BETA3.
How does that fit?

Don't know.  It's entirely possible that I'm remembering wrong.

Geeze, it's unknown, because the GNU autoconf files say so, and it's one 
heck of a lot easier to just use what they c\say, than to try talking 
all those stubborn linuxers into changing it.  Not all packages that use 
GNU autoconf have this file, but big ones, like maybe gcc, would have 
the file config.guess.  You run that, and it's announce what it thinks 
your machine is.  If it finds nothing, you're going to have to do a heck 
of a lot of autoconf editing (I used to do that a lot in the early days 
of FreeBSD).  Glad to be able to say that's a long lost memory, not 
needed anymore.

I just ran "find / -name config.guess" on both my FreeBSD box and my 
soon to be modified Gentoo box, here's what comes back:

sh-3.2# sh /home/chuckr/pda/scripts/config.guess

:363>sh /usr/local/lib/rpm/config.guess

You probably have some junko config.guess files hanging around 
somewhere, you can try it yourself.  Or ask me, I'll mail you one.

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Re: arbitrary build can't find libs - right way to do this?

2007-11-20 Thread Chuck Robey

Steve Franks wrote:

On Nov 20, 2007 4:16 PM, Roland Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, Nov 20, 2007 at 03:34:29PM -0700, Steve Franks wrote:

I'm trying to compile a non-port application for the first time ever.
The associated library built and installed just fine - I can see them
right in /usr/local/lib and usr/local/include/libnamefoo.h  However,
when I run ./configure for the application, it clearly can't find the
libs.  So my question is, should I be changing my path, is there a
standard variable I need to export, or what?  Obviously for ports this
just works, so I've never had to do it.  I'm sure there's a standard
way, so I thought I'd get in the habit of doing that right from the

The best way would be to write a port makefile and submit it. That way
you only have to figure it out once. Especially if the app needs patches
to work correctly on FreeBSD. And in case of a free software app, others
can use it as well, _and_ help you with bugfixing. :-) For closed source
stuff submitting a port would probably be useless.

I'd love to (submit a port), but how do I make a port if I can't even
get it to work the first time myself?
configure --includedir=/usr/local/include doesn't work;
export CPATH =/usr/local/include doesn't work;
export CPPFLAGS -l/usr/local/include doesn't work;
I've checked the permissions,
and I can see the file right there, but configure/gcc can't.  The
developer swears something must be 'different' about freebsd because
his gcc finds the same file in /usr/local/include.  Appears his system
is gentoo

You don't givec me really enoough for me to go on, but I think really 
you need to know about 3 options to gcc (at least one of which you 
should be using, but you aren't)

-v = means for gcc (which is really a smallish driver program for the 
real compiler) to show all of the subprograms that it kicks off, 
including all of the parameters it uses, and specifically for you, it 
shows the entire lib and include file search path it knows aboout.

You aren't using this, so far as I can see.

The other two are options to add to the default search path.  Above, it 
seems like you are using -l to add an include file path, this is wrong, 
you should use -I, -l is to specify specific libraries to link in, not a 
path to search for the libs in.  To add a library search path, you use -L.


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Using brandelf

2007-11-20 Thread Chuck Robey
Can you use brandelf to read the elf type of a binary?  The man page 
shows a usage that might possibly do this, but doesn't bother to say 
what that usage does.

To be honest, I need to do some work with the linux stuff, and the usage 
of /compat/linux and /usr/compat/linux, well, I don't understand, and I 
haven't seen a good enough explanation yet.  Stuff like the 
file to configure linux's ldconfig, it assumes the /compat/linux prefix. 
 Do all the binaries do that?  I mean, the browser files, they use a sh 
scri[t to kick them off, do they use that prefix, or assume stuff?

I need to know this so I can keep going forward on getting flash to work.
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Re: Desktop printing, a request for your experiences

2007-11-27 Thread Chuck Robey

Kevin Kinsey wrote:

Dominic Marks wrote:


Can anyone give me their experiences of desktop printing
(OpenOffice/KDE/Gnome/Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird, etc) recently?
I haven't tried for a while but it was a pain to setup and maintain 
the last time I looked at it.

If you are using this for "real-work" and you are getting good results 
please let me know what you are using (software and hardware ideally).

The environment I would like to put this into is a family house, very 

setup with 2 PCs and 2 printers. Currently both are Windows PCs but
one is experiencing all of the classic issues with a multi-year Windows
installation and since they are used exclusively for E-Mail and word
processing I am interested in migrating one PC over to FreeBSD.

.. If the solution was a Linux distro (box package, or otherwise) I would
also be interested.
... I am not a subscriber so please keep me CC'ed in the discussion.

Well, I would give you two items, perhaps you could help me as well. 
First, as soon as I get my FreeBSD box completely configured with all 
the tools I now have on my older Gentoo box, I will be retiring the 
Linux box, along with the nicely operating CUPS installation.  That's 
soon but not now, I am too terribly into 3 other projects.  The other 
point is, I didn't find (on Linux) a setting for the Ascii print util I 
like (a2ps, ajnd please don't try to sell me on yours, I like a2ps) to 
print the correct size for HP Deskjets to use.  So, before I had FreeBSD 
back, I experimented, and found the ideal settings to get Gentoo's a2ps 
to print for me.  Well, FreeBSD *does* have a "a2ps-letterdj) to set a 
default a2ps for letterdj printers, but it seems to work very badly for 
me.  I wanted to find anyone who runs an HP Inkjet printer (apparently 
either their DeskJet or OfficeJet) AND a2ps, so I could ask them to try 
my changes to /usr/local/etc/a2ps.cfg, to see if it works for their 
printer as well as it does for mine, so I could feel safe to inflict 
this on other folks.

I got no replies.  Would you possibly be able to do this?  The HP InkJet 
printers have a slightly larger set of edge margins than a Laser printer 
has, and that causes a2ps to clip off the right hand edge of pages.  I 
wasted a large number of pages, doing a binary search type algorithm to 
locate the best settings for my printer, an old 7130.  You can still buy 
them on EBay, and as an honest recommendation, you would be really, 
really well served to buy one or two right away while they're still 
there, because HP got "marketing-smart" and cut the capabilities of 
their more recent "AIO" line of "All-In-One" type machines.

My situation sounds somewhat similar to yours; wifey has a Winbox
in the house, and I print through it to an HP 6100 Multifunction
machine using apsfilter via SMB/samba.  IIRC, apsfilter thinks the
machine is an "HP920" and uses the HP-provided 'hpijs' driver and
GNU ghostscript.

I sure can say, that (at least on FreeBSD) that I think that apsfilter 
was really the best well-supported printer support on FreeBSD, but I 
will be giving at least a real try  on using CUPS, because it's better 
at networking.  Right now, I print to my Linux box by saying:

ssh (mylinuxhostname) lpr < (file to print)

and that works great, sending any possible file type that CUPS 
recognizes, specifically including all ps, pdf, and graphics types.  I'm 
very good at getting ssh to work without passwords, that's obviously a 
requirement, otherwise you'd have to go thru all the password runaround.

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Re: In the spirit of Godwin's law - I propose Beastie's law

2007-11-27 Thread Chuck Robey

Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

Beastie's Law:

  Any demand of a modification of FreeBSD or it's website
using political incorrectness as the justification is automatically

Political Incorrectness is very subjective though.

It doesen't matter.  What constitutes a Nazi comparison is also
very subjective.  However, Godwin's law works anyway.

Man, this leaves me confused as to how to respond.  The notion of 
changing anything for the mere mention of political correctness is 
abhorrent, but OTOH, I do hate anything smelling of Naziism.  And, 
finally, although I don't want to see changes in our web page done for 
PC, I really, really dislike the way our web pages are set up now, it's 
just so much harder to get thengs, so much more unpleasant, but I don't 
think I know enough about human-design to be able to give you a 
reasonable explanation of why I dislike our web page setup.

I just do.  Might that be a data point for you?  I betcha a lot of 
others feel just exactly as I do.

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Re: how to compile and install a new driver

2007-11-27 Thread Chuck Robey

Warren Block wrote:

On Tue, 27 Nov 2007, Steve Franks wrote:

I found this thread
to a driver I need for my system.

(1) The file extension
( is .diff, not .c, so
what exactly do I do with it to compile it?

It's a file produced by diff(1), which shows the differences between 
files.  Normally, the difference is between the old files and what 
someone has changed or added.  Also called a patch file, since you use 
patch(1) to apply it.  patch(1) goes through the diff file and makes all 
the changes shown.

Nice description, but you'd better include enough info so that they 
could make FreeBSD-stype diffs: diff has the unfortunate default of 
making an output that is compatible with ed(1).  This supplies extremely 
little information to use, in case the file you're trying to patch with 
that diff has changed, and is also damned hard for mere humans to 
understand.   There are two other options you can give to diff that 
change the format: -c gives "context" diffs, and -u gives "unified" 
diffs, and the -u is the option that is standard with FreeBSD.  How you 
do this is to copy the file you intend to change BEFORE you edit the 
chantes in to "somefile.orig", and then, when you perform the diff, you 
must give the .orig file first, else you will produce a file that tries 
to remove the patch instead of applying the patch, like this:

diff -u somefile.c.orig somefile.c >patchfile

diffs have a standard header on them, and (although it seems that this 
isn't a FreeBSD standard) you can easily enter in freeform comments 
before your patch's header, describing the reasons for this patch to be 
applied (whatever condition this patch fixes).

To tell you the truth, that idea of sticking comments at the top of 
patch files, I got from the crosscompiler site, and it's a great idea, 
it's how they set up their patches, and we should use  it.

In this case, the diff file has changes to several files.

Looks like it applies to /usr/src/sys.  After untarring the file, and as 

# cd /usr/src/sys
# patch < ucp-0.01.diff

*If* the patch applies successfully, then you can compile.  Easiest 
would probably be to just rebuild the kernel.  Slow, but you know it'll 
get everything.

(2) Assuming I can get it to compile, which I've never done, what do I
do with the object/driver file?

Probably like other ucom(4) devices:

kldload ucp

and then access the serial port through /dev/cuaU0.

This driver is long overdue, the part has been in usb devices for
several years, and support is in OpenBSD and Linux already (so I'm
told by google).  I'll happily document the process if someone holds
my hand.

That is a good case for a PR.  Particularly when you've got a patch, at 
least as a starting point.

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA
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Re: Using brandelf

2007-12-02 Thread Chuck Robey

Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Chuck Robey wrote:

Can you use brandelf to read the elf type of a binary?  The man page
shows a usage that might possibly do this, but doesn't bother to say
what that usage does.

To be honest, I need to do some work with the linux stuff, and the
usage of /compat/linux and /usr/compat/linux, well, I don't
understand, and I haven't seen a good enough explanation yet.  Stuff
like the file to configure linux's ldconfig, it assumes
the /compat/linux prefix.  Do all the binaries do that?  I mean, the
browser files, they use a sh scri[t to kick them off, do they use
that prefix, or assume stuff?

I need to know this so I can keep going forward on getting flash to

If you're attempting to rebrand the linux flash exec (I assume 9 since
I know for a fact 7 works right out of the box [ff, gnome
2.20.1, amd64 8-current]) no amount of hacking will make it like
FreeBSD since it uses some linux specific stuff... your better off
learning compat..

I found a Linux emulation app, one that installed libs, that put it's 
libs into /usr/local/lib, and I guess I wanted some more data, but I 
went ahead, moved them to a place that seemed good to me under 
/compat/linux (I hafe a Gentoo system, I know that Linux premendously 
abuses their /usr/bin and /usr/llib, to stick their packages into, 
mixing their OS and user stuff completely.  Anyhow, I moved the libs, 
used the linux ldconfig, and now the libs user's work fine.  That was a 
couple of weeks ago.  I wanted to know enough to determine if it was 
worth a PR on this.  It seems to me that a whole lot of various ports 
put things where they don't belong, because LOCALBASE and X11BASE seem 
to be disregarded by some ports also.  I found a font port that used a 
search of pkgconfig files to figure out  where to install to,  and I 
couldn't fix it.  I personally don't care for the fact that X11 ports 
now all install into /usr/local, and I found that no amount of 
manipulation of LOCALBASE or X11BASE fixes this.  I just gave up and 
installed (unwillingly) to /usr/local.  At least, it's not like Linux, 
which does largely without any /usr/local.  That much makes separating 
system and packages for Linux just about impossible.

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Re: Building FreeBSD on Linux

2007-12-03 Thread Chuck Robey

Benjamin M. A'Lee wrote:

On Mon, Dec 03, 2007 at 01:15:22AM +0200, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:

On 2007-11-30 16:06, "Saravanan Shanmugham (sarvi)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying to build all of FreeBSD from a Linux Machine and seem to
be running into problems.  We have farm of build machines that we use
to build many other things and my team would look like to use it going
forward for our FreeBSD development.
Has anyone tried this before? 
I have tried GNU Make 3.80 as well as pmake. And I can't seem to find

bmake for Linux.

I don't know of any port of BSD make(1) to Linux, or if that would be
sufficient to cross-build FreeBSD.  I'm trying to build a snapshot of
FreeBSD make(1) which builds with autoconf, for other stuff, but it
may take a while before I have a fully autoconf-ified version and that
may still not be adequate.

Debian has a package 'freebsd5-buildutils', which includes a version of
make that runs on GNU/Linux. I used it for a while when I was too lazy
to port some makefiles to GNU make. I don't know, however, if it'll
build more recent versions of FreeBSD than 5.x.

Besides FreeBSD, I run Gentoo Linux also, so I ssh'ed over to that 
system (to june) and asked 'emerge' is make existed.  I got 2 hits (that 
were BSD makes, I actually got abouot 30 hits of various kinds), they were:

sys-devel/make NetBSD's make
sys-devel/pmakefrom NetBSD also

pmake, that's the root name for our own make.  There's nothing in our 
make that is intrinsically non-portable, but over thje years, step by 
step (and I mouned everyone, I felt them to be distinct mistakes) 
various of make's routines were reorganized into libraries that had 
non-portable parts.  This has made out make distinctly non-portable, 
even though there isn't one single item in it that is iin itself 

Once, for an employer, I ripped all the mini-pieces of code from all 
those single libs, and constructed one single, portable library, which 
made our make portable to anything, even Windows.  There's no reason is 
couldn't happen, except that a lot of folks don't care a whit about 
portability, and like their idea of elegance more.  Me, I like standards 

You could still assemble a libmake, it takes time, but it's in itself 
not all that difficult to do.

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mail problem, using postfix & dovecot

2007-12-03 Thread Chuck Robey
I have my mail system running on my FreeBSD server.  It uses postfix 
outgoing, and dovecot to manage the Imap server, and finally Seamonkey 
either locally or from one of my other machines, to read/write my mail, 
it makes for a very portable mail system, but I am now convinced I have 
one major bug.  It's that I'm getting too darn many duplicate mails.

I didn't complain when that happened on all the FreeBSD posts, because 
we have so daarn many people crossposting, it'd be foolish to try to fix 
that.  BUT I just got dupes on some mail from Usenix, and I know Usenix 
isn't double posting me.

Any  idea of any common sort of mail mistake I might have made?  Mail 
isn't my real forte, so I might well  have bungled something.  Any sort 
of hint, right or wrong, would help, and especially the wrong ones: I'll 
run them down anyhow, and during that running down, I often find the 
real error, so don't think I'll jump upon you for stupid suggestions.
The only sort of thing I won't try is suggestions to change the basic 
method I use: I know Imap *can* be made to work, so I won't switch to 
using something like popmail, I don't want to pop my mail.  Other than 
that, any suggestion will be checked, believe me.

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Re: mail problem, using postfix & dovecot

2007-12-03 Thread Chuck Robey

Erik Cederstrand wrote:

Chuck Robey wrote:
I have my mail system running on my FreeBSD server.  It uses postfix 
outgoing, and dovecot to manage the Imap server, and finally Seamonkey 
either locally or from one of my other machines, to read/write my 
mail, it makes for a very portable mail system, but I am now convinced 
I have one major bug.  It's that I'm getting too darn many duplicate 

I didn't complain when that happened on all the FreeBSD posts, because 
we have so daarn many people crossposting, it'd be foolish to try to 
fix that.  BUT I just got dupes on some mail from Usenix, and I know 
Usenix isn't double posting me.

Any  idea of any common sort of mail mistake I might have made?  Mail 
isn't my real forte, so I might well  have bungled something.  Any 
sort of hint, right or wrong, would help, and especially the wrong 
ones: I'll run them down anyhow, and during that running down, I often 
find the real error, so don't think I'll jump upon you for stupid 
The only sort of thing I won't try is suggestions to change the basic 
method I use: I know Imap *can* be made to work, so I won't switch to 
using something like popmail, I don't want to pop my mail.  Other than 
that, any suggestion will be checked, believe me.

Just to narrow down the problem, take a look at the full headers of the 
duplicate mails and see if the mails are exact copies (i.e. the 
duplication occurs internally) or are in fact recieved py Postfix twice. 
Check the mail logs to see what Postfix, Dovecot and whatever else you 
have in the mix (SpamAssassin? Procmail? Postgrey?) are doing. Also make 
sure you're not just recieving the extra emails from some address you've 
set to forward to your normal address.

Yup, that got it.  Your own message was dup'd to me, and I found out 
what was wrong.  When I got back to my apartment finally, from the 
extended hospital stay, all of my mail subs to [EMAIL PROTECTED] had 
lapsed from non-receipt.  I'd lost my old FreeBSD machine, and while I 
was still pretty disabled, it took me a long while to get the machine 
and all the smoking hardware back in service, and when I did, I 
restarted all my old subs, but because I'd lost the machine, all my old 
ssh keys went up in smoke, and I now couldn't get back into my login (remember I was a committer) so I was forced to 
restart my mail fromm my own hosts at  Well, somehow, all 
the old subs kicked back in finally (they must occaisonally 
test forever, because I was laid up about 6 months).  So, all I need to 
do is to single up my  subs.  Too bad I couldn't get the new mail 
application to do what the old majordomo would do (give me the list of 
all lists a particular login name is subscribed to).

So.thanks for kicking me into doing that testing.
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Re: DVD's and FreeBSD

2007-12-10 Thread Chuck Robey

Gary Kline wrote:

On Fri, Dec 07, 2007 at 04:05:23PM -0700, Predrag Punosevac wrote:

Gary Kline wrote:


Well, totem chokes when trying to play a DVD,
Totem is not good DVD player and that has to do nothing with the 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD or whatever Linux you want to use. You may read
here why is so difficult to use DVDs

I will see why totem just-works {TM} with Ubuntu.  While here it
is missing plugin, etc..
Ogle is by far the best DVD player but VLC and MPlayer are able to play 
stunning number of different proprietary and non-proprietary video and 
audio formats.

I know that comment about ogle certainly used to be correct. but I think 
that may possibly be dated information.  My FreeBSD machine is pretty 
new, squeaky-clean, and all of the following dvd players (ones which I 
have tried so far, doesn't mean they're the only ones either) work just 
great: vlc, xine, ogle.  Even though kmplayer works, I found it's 
interface (which uses mplayer and xine as backends) ssmed a little clunky.

Anyhow, it might be time for taking another looksee.  All 3 of those 
)vlc, ogle, xine) were really sharp and easy to use, good 5.1 audio 
using my optically connected sound system.

I've never  used vlc for DVD; nor ogle; am building.

but kmplayer works
--altho with fewer control flow options.  And after compiling
	in "device atapicam" into my KERNCONF, k3b still chokes.   
K3b works fine or I should say as good as on any of major Linux 
distribution. Something is wrong with your configuration.

Read very carefully

$ make showinfo /usr/ports/sysutils/k3b

Well, y'gotta cd to the k3b directory, but no prob; that I
remembered from before.  I lpr'd it.   It's clearly written
by one of us ( a fellow geek).

	I may have some followups.  I've been reading and re-reading 
	and re-re-reading the info page.

For "toys", Linux; for superior [unbeatable] stability, FreeBSD
is still first rate.

Depends what you mean by playing. Some people use Flash or Java for work 
and FreeBSD is definitely not for them.
For me personally works boot as a professional tool and as life-stile 
OS. But then it doesn't work for my mother in law and probably

it doesn't work for 99% of other casual computer users.

You're right; I shouldn't have been so dismissive about burning
a CD or DVD.  (i'Ve created some data CD's for friends.)

	vlc-devel is still building.  Hopefully more will be working 
	after my reboot.



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Re: results of ports re-engineering survey

2007-12-12 Thread Chuck Robey

Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

Hash: SHA1



For Gods sake, could you PLEASE not have folks reply to the list!  We 
have been sufficiently bombarded with this already.  If you must have 
the replies public, then send them to freebsd-chat, but plesae stop 
polluting the list (as you are clearly asking people to do above).

A few disclaimers:

Neither I or anyone else is asking for FreeBSD to incorparate any
modifications to the current base system and/or ports collection.   If
and when any code is developed from this process it will be committed
using normal commit and review processes.

The following summary of results is based on my eyeballing of
answers and should not be interpreted as being any sort of
mathematically and/or scientifically valid in any manner.

Number of responses: roughly 30

Summary of results:

1. Most respondents stated that both the underlaying OS and the ports
collection are equally important.   When a preference was shown it was
for the underlaying OS in most cases.

2. On average people tend to interact with the port system once or
twice a week

3. The single best aspect of the ports system according to respondents
is dependency tracking when installing new ports

4. The single worst aspect of the ports system according to
respondents is dependency tracking when updating or deleting existing

5. Most respondents would not change there answers tothe survey if
they where new to FreeBSD

6. Almost all respondents would use a new system if it fixed their
personal worst aspect of the current system

7. About 50% of respondents would use a new system if it broke the
best aspect of the ports system but fixed the worst aspect

8. Length of FreeBSD usage: rough avr. of 8 years with roughly 3 year
std. dev.

9. Prefered install method: ports

10. Usage roughly evenly spread among desktop, development and servers

11. Subsystem ratings (rough avr's):

UI: 6
Constancy: 9
Dependancy tracking: 7
Record keeping: 9
Granularity: 9

12. Most users are either sysadmins and/or developers

Orginial Survey:

As has been hashed out in -ports@ over the last few days there is at
least a need to examine weither or not the current ports system should
remain as is or potentially be re-engineered in the future (estimates
if and when needed vary from ASAP to 10-15 years).   I have
volunteered to undertake a feasibility/pilot project to examine what
changes (if any) are needed in the system (for the purposes of this
thread I will not venture any of my own suggestions).   I have the
following broad questions for people:

1. What is more important to your personal use of FreeBSD (the ports
system, the underlaying OS, some other aspect)?

2. How frequently do you interact with the ports systems and what is
the most common interaction you have with it?

3. What is the single best aspect of the current system?

4. What is the single worst aspect of the current system?

5. If you where a new FreeBSD user how would your answers above
change?   If you where brand new to UNIX how whould they change?

6. Assuming that there was no additional work on your behalf would you
use a new system if it corrected your answer to number 4?

7. Same as question 6 but for your answer on question 3?

8. How long have you used FreeBSD and/or UNIX in general?

9.  That is your primary use(s) for your FreeBSD machine(s) (name upto 3)?

10. Assuming there is no functional difference what is your preferred
installation method for 3rd party software?

11. On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the best) please rate the
importance of the following aspects of the ports system?

  a. User Interface
  b. Consistency of behaviors and interactions
  c. Accuracy in dependant port installations
  d. Internal record keeping
  e. Granularity's of the port management system

12. Please rate your personal technical skill level?
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Re: Apparently, csh programming is considered harmful.

2007-12-13 Thread Chuck Robey

Giorgos Keramidas wrote:

On 2007-12-13 18:05, Chad Perrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I ran across this today:

  Csh Programming Considered Harmful

That was written sometime last millenium, I mean, it's REALLY old.  The 
question is sort of flamebait (you ought to go ask it on, say, the Linux 
IRC channel, for well-reasoned, adult discussion (NOT!)  In general, 
it's right, you really wouldn't want to use tcsh as a scripting 
language.  Read it, you'll come out ahead, but understand, that tcsh is 
a heck of a good general purpose command shell for users.

I wonder what responses I might get here, and how much of this applies
to tcsh as well (I'm still not exactly a tcsh expert).

Most of the points made in the FAQ about scripting large `applications'
with csh ring a bell for me.  Now, having said that, /bin/sh is nice for
small to medium-sized scripts, but there is a certain point where even
sh(1) becomes annoying.

Do you have any _particular_ parts of the csh-whynot article that you
would like to discuss, or this is a free for all flame? :)

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Re: Apparently, csh programming is considered harmful.

2007-12-14 Thread Chuck Robey

Jerry McAllister wrote:

On Thu, Dec 13, 2007 at 08:12:32PM -0500, Mike Jeays wrote:

On December 13, 2007 08:05:42 pm Chad Perrin wrote:

I ran across this today:

  Csh Programming Considered Harmful

I wonder what responses I might get here, and how much of this applies to
tcsh as well (I'm still not exactly a tcsh expert).
As you can see, it is 11 years old, but still good advice.  For interactive 
use, tcsh is not too bad, but for writing scripts of any length, sh or bash 
are considered better tools.   For code that will run anywhere, stick to the 
sh subset. 

Bash has all the features one is likely to need for interactive use 
as well, and one could make a good case for it being the 'standard' shell 

Here it is.
I find bash to be ugly and hate it for interactive use.
I would rather just use /bin/sh.

As long as folks don't stop me from running whatever I want, I don't 
care if you use bash, but it really irks me, that most Linux systems are 
broken in that respect: Most of them break badly in random ways, if you 
don't run bash as your shell.  That's poor programming practice, but the 
Linux programmers, since they all run bash themselves, they don't see 
the results of their errors, and they all claim its not a problem.  Try 
running tcsh there, you'll see what I mean reasonably soon, when you 
begin to get random weirdnesses...

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Re: Webmail

2007-12-14 Thread Chuck Robey

Satria Bramana wrote:

Can anyone who had experience running a web-based e-mail give suggestion what 
package to use? I will only use it for study purpose, so I need one that easy 
to configure and help me understand the big picture about mailserver.. Thank 
you very much..

I use postfix and dovecot, and dovecot is in imap4 mode.  This makes it 
possible for me to use seamonkey (or really, any browser that has a mail 
interface) to pick up my mail from any location.  Does good enough 
filtering, although I am investigating adding some extra filtering via 
postfix.  Setting up dovecot/postfix is easier than most mailers (it's a 
PITA, but the others are basically worse) and there are a lot of 
examples on the web for setting the combination of postfix/dovecot up.

For security, I use ssl (openssl) and ssl has a really nice tool, 
"openssl", that has among its different modes, sclient and sserver, 
which allow pretty good testing of your ssl setup, and you can find on 
the web instructions for setting up your keys (lts of examples all over).


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Re: vim Keybindings

2009-10-31 Thread Chuck Robey
Drew Tomlinson wrote:
> I'm experiencing an annoying problem with vim on FBSD 8 that I don't
> have on FBSD 7.  Whenever I start vim, if I press the down arrow as the
> first key, it deletes the first line of my file and enters insert mode. 
> All the other keys work fine and even the down arrow works fine after
> the first press.
> I've searched for help but haven't turned up anything relevant.  Any
> ideas on what I can check?

Hmm.  Don't know if your machine is exactly set up as mine, so 1st, does hitting
the escape key as the first key fix things?  And, on a shell, hit control-V (the
common shell escape key for control keys), then the down arrow, what does it
print?  Not sure I would be able to help, but there is often a timing issue on
special function key decoding (like all of the arrow keys, or the function keys,
etc) and this may tell what your down key is set for in Vim.  Beyond that, Vim's
environment is extremely programmable, so one would really have to look
carefully through all of your environment files, beginning with vim's ~/.vimrc.
 If you are using any of vim's huge store of extensions, your .vimrc probably
has statements to include subdirectories (perhaps of your homedir).  Those files
are also candidates for trouble sources.

Are you having this problem on ttys, or under X11?  Tried both?

It's most likely *something* dealing with Vim, because it's unreported on
FreeBSD (I know, I love vim and been using it on FreeBSD-current for years).
Vim's IRC channel ("vim") is extremely good about helping on problems, like bad
keymapping, they are just as good as we here on this mailing list are, but they
obviously concentrate on vim.  Anyways, if you answer these questions on the
list or channel, folks are far more likely to be able to help you here (or on
the vim channel).

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Re: Eclipse & Java 1.5

2009-11-02 Thread Chuck Robey
Alex Huth wrote:
> Hi!
> I want to change my laptop system from Debian to FreeBSD. After installing 8.0
> RC2 in a virtual machine i have tried to install eclipse and changed the Java
> version in the makefile to 1.5, but it still want to install the 1.6 jdk.
> I need the 1.5 version for several reasons, for example VPN account.

This surprises me a bit, as I'd understood that the differences between 1.5 and
1.6 were strictly limited to bugfixes, and changed the interface not at all.
Reason that this might make some difference to you is that, at least for me
(using FreeBSD-current) the jdk16 port and eclipse, from ports, are absolutely
rock stable.

Do you really have some reports saying that jdk16 doesn't work in your 

> How can i solve the problem? Is java 1.5 also available if i install it on
> AMD64? On debian this is a Problem.
> Thx
> Alex
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X11's tcp port

2009-11-25 Thread Chuck Robey
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I've got to be doing something wierd, for this not to work ... I wanted to kick
off a app on a 2nd machine of mine, and have it display on my main FreeBSD
machine, but it won't work.  I know all the security things, I know I had xhost
and DISPLAY correct, so I went to check netstat for the ip port 6000 being open,
but netstat shows me no  such port.

I usually, to defeat the "nolisten" options usually set on, edit my startx file
to remove any such line.  You just search for "nolisten tcp" or some subset of
that (tcp might get set separately) but as I expected, I'd edited that line out
ages ago, when I last wanted to display a foreign app onto my FreeBSD X11
screen.  However, no matter how I tried to start my X, I can't seem to provoke
netstat to show my ip port 6000.  I tried running my ordinay startxfce4, I tried
kde3, I even tried twm, I just can't get IP port 6000.  You know that without
that port,  you can't run remote X applications.

This used to work.  Any idea why it's stopped working for me?
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Re: X11's tcp port: FIXED

2009-11-25 Thread Chuck Robey
Chuck Robey wrote:
> I've got to be doing something wierd, for this not to work ... I wanted to 
> kick
> off a app on a 2nd machine of mine, and have it display on my main FreeBSD
> machine, but it won't work.  I know all the security things, I know I had 
> xhost
> and DISPLAY correct, so I went to check netstat for the ip port 6000 being 
> open,
> but netstat shows me no  such port.
> I usually, to defeat the "nolisten" options usually set on, edit my startx 
> file
> to remove any such line.  You just search for "nolisten tcp" or some subset of
> that (tcp might get set separately) but as I expected, I'd edited that line 
> out
> ages ago, when I last wanted to display a foreign app onto my FreeBSD X11
> screen.  However, no matter how I tried to start my X, I can't seem to provoke
> netstat to show my ip port 6000.  I tried running my ordinay startxfce4, I 
> tried
> kde3, I even tried twm, I just can't get IP port 6000.  You know that without
> that port,  you can't run remote X applications.
> This used to work.  Any idea why it's stopped working for me?

Can't really say why, but it just began to work, entirely mysteriously.  I would
rather know about these things, but I'll take working over non-working, I guess.
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Re: portupgrade failure

2009-12-16 Thread Chuck Robey
Glen Barber wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Warren Block  wrote:
>> On Wed, 16 Dec 2009, Kevin wrote:
>> [...]
>>> The only other symptoms I can identify right now are related to the
>>> following entries in my crontab:
>>> 0 2 * * 6   /usr/local/sbin/portsclean -DD
>>> 0 2 * * 5   /usr/local/sbin/portsclean -C
>>> The e-mailed results simply say "env: ruby: No such file or
>>> directory". However, these commands seem to run fine from an
>>> interactive shell (while logged in).
>> Paths.  When there's a problem with cron it's (almost) always paths.
>> portsclean is a ruby script that starts with this line:
> Interestingly, my homemade port rebuild script is recently broken with
> similar symptoms, sans the dependencies on ruby.  It's a very simple,
> low-level "for i in `cat list`" type script which recently has begun
> to fail repeatedly on gettext and autoconf dependencies on multiple
> machines, when I specifically have them set to be upon the first ports
> to build.
> More probably unrelated, but I thought I'd throw this out there just in case.
> Regards,

I don't know if it's of any help, but I had a *somewhat* similar experience, I
don't know if this will help, but I'll give it to you for what it's worth: I
found in my environment, I had REINPLACE_CMD defined (seemed to be a good
value), so (in my shell, tcsh) I removed the REINPLACE_CMD setting with
unsetenv, and the problem disappeared.  Use either env or printenv to scan your
environment for anything to do with sed (as REINP"LACE_CMD does) and try
removing it.

Oh, BTW, I can't seem to get the -l  option to portupgrade to work, any
help on that would also be appreciated.  I didn't use -L at all.
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Re: New user - small file server questions and quick GUI question

2009-12-28 Thread Chuck Robey
Adam Vande More wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Kaya Saman > wrote:
>> Hi guys,

>> I attempted an install of 7.2 stable on my laptop and subsequently
>> installed X11also. Now I didn't have any Xorg.conf file but each time I
>> tried to start X from the CLI using the normal startx command (read the
>> documentation through fully beforehand) but I didn't manage to get the mouse
>> or keyboard to even work let alone starting the Gnome2 interface.

> Running with no xorg.conf is fine, but you need to make sure dbus and hal
> are started at boot.  Follow the handbook for best results.

I don't know if I'd be too happy to agree on that ... while the answer IS
correctfrom a narrow point of view, the documentation on both dbus and hal is
very, VERY thin on the ground (and what exists is for Linux only), so if the
setup programmed into the port isn't right for your particular FreeBSD machine,
you can pretty much forget about getting enough info to fix things.  Realize
that both hal and dbus were written for Linux (not a particularly portable
thing), and it was only because of FreeBSD porters that it works at all under
FreeBSD, so the docs that come with them understand Linux only.  You can't even
find out how to fix the config files for FreeBSD.  Trying to fix even the most
minor problem is really climbing mountains.  Much, much easier to fix up an
xorg.conf, which is not only well documented, but has tools to generate you a
good local setup for your particular machine.

If dbus/hal happen to work for you right out of the FreeBSD port, well, that's
great, but if you need to adapt things for use outside of Linux, good luck, 

The folks who wrote our FreeBSD dbus and hal implementations did a good job of
translating things which are VERY Linux-centric to FreeBSD, but it's still only
really good for a default FreeBSD setup.  I know that it didn't work for
anything but a  thin slice of default environments, in the FreeBSD-7.x release 

Some day, if & when the Linux developers are ready to admit there are other OSes
and document things more portably, both tools are really, really fine ideas.
Maybe ask again in 6 months to a year?  Or, get ready to read a lot of source
code and figure it out for yourself.  Right now looking at what email I can find
on the web regarding running hal & dbus on 7.2, no one else can find an easy
fund of knowledge either.
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Re: USB printer

2008-03-12 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Gligor Lucian wrote:
> David Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 12:59:38PM 
> -0700, Gligor Lucian >wrote:
>>> Does FreeBSD support a USB printer?
>> Yes.

You know, while there are printing utils that actually work on FreeBSD, I
can't personally recommend CUPS.  I keep on trying to get it to work on
FreeBSD efvery year or so, then I need to go over to one of my other
systems.  Last one I tried was an Epson Stylus C84, but I've also tried HP
officejets, and I just can't get locally attached printers to work with
cups.  I can get them to work with things like apsfilter very well, but
either someone is going to have to fix the Cups port (it builds, but
nothing locally runs) or stop recommending it.

Or, does anyone else have it working on FreeBSD?  Sure would like to hear
about it, but I've been trying for a long time now, with no success.

> Thank you very much for your answer.
>  All the best, Gligor Lucian.
> -
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Re: USB printer

2008-03-12 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Manolis Kiagias wrote:
> Chuck Robey wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Gligor Lucian wrote:
>>> David Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at
>>> 12:59:38PM -0700, Gligor Lucian >wrote:
>>>>> Does FreeBSD support a USB printer?
>>>> Yes.
>> You know, while there are printing utils that actually work on FreeBSD, I
>> can't personally recommend CUPS.  I keep on trying to get it to work on
>> FreeBSD efvery year or so, then I need to go over to one of my other
>> systems.  Last one I tried was an Epson Stylus C84, but I've also
>> tried HP
>> officejets, and I just can't get locally attached printers to work with
>> cups.  I can get them to work with things like apsfilter very well, but
>> either someone is going to have to fix the Cups port (it builds, but
>> nothing locally runs) or stop recommending it.
>> Or, does anyone else have it working on FreeBSD?  Sure would like to hear
>> about it, but I've been trying for a long time now, with no success.
>>> Thank you very much for your answer.
>>>  All the best, Gligor Lucian.
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> I have cups working on my system, printing on locally attached USB
> printers.
> I have followed the instructions in dekstopBSD wiki:
> (though I used ports and not packages)
> I still have some issues if I disconnect / reconnect the printer, the
> permissions are not set correctly (although devfs is running).
> I might be missing some configuration step, but have not researched
> further yet.
> Generally speaking, printing works.
OK, well, maybe I'm wrong, I'll go take a look.  As to that other
respondent, the job of doing non-local printers needs much more trivial
drivers, so yeah, that always has worked.  I had looked about on Google,
followed a ton of differing instructions, and hadn't had it come near
working yet.  But, I will go take another look at this URL, yes.
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Re: USB printer

2008-03-13 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Predrag Punosevac wrote:
> Chuck Robey wrote:
> Gligor Lucian wrote:
>>>> David Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at
>>>> 12:59:38PM -0700, Gligor Lucian >wrote:
>>>>>> Does FreeBSD support a USB printer?
>>>>> Yes.
> You know, while there are printing utils that actually work on FreeBSD, I
> can't personally recommend CUPS.  I keep on trying to get it to work on
> FreeBSD efvery year or so, then I need to go over to one of my other
> systems.  Last one I tried was an Epson Stylus C84, but I've also
> tried HP
> officejets, and I just can't get locally attached printers to work with
> cups.  I can get them to work with things like apsfilter very well, but
> either someone is going to have to fix the Cups port (it builds, but
> nothing locally runs) or stop recommending it.
> Or, does anyone else have it working on FreeBSD?  Sure would like to hear
> about it, but I've been trying for a long time now, with no success.
>> Please do not spread disinformation. Of course CUPS works on FreeBSD as
>> well as thee other spooling systems
>> PDQ, LPD, and LPRng.

Well, YOU might note that I _did_ say that others did work (I even gave an
example, apsfilter, that worked) and I specified that cups itself worked,
just that the job of installing drivers in cups for FreeBSD seemed
undocumented.  Someone since then found for me a wiki (non-FreeBSD- you
note) that gives more help, but it seems that no helkp is forthcoming from
FreeBSD itself.  I specified in the email that non-local printers, which
only use default ps drivers worked fine also, it was only when you tried to
install locally based printers, which  need local drivers, that you end up
in trouble.

If you're going to criticize, at least try to read the post first.

Cups on FreeBSD is still woefully underdocumented, relying 100% on others
sites, when the cups installation has been changed (somewhat) to agree with
hier(7).  I agree that needed to be done, and would have been complaining
if it hadn't,  but then there should have been some small notes detailing
how to install a local driver.  As a general rule in FreeBDS ports, there
is (on most ports that have more than 1 version) insufficient care given to
detailing the differences in ports, when there are more than one version to
choose from.  Example?  the cups and the cups-base port have the same
pkg-descr, so how is anyone to know what the difference is, and under whjat
circumstances should one port be chosen over another.

Don't answer that question, answer why no care is ever given to correct the
woeful state of most multi-option pkg-descr files.

>> Cheers,
>> Predrag
>>>> Thank you very much for your answer.
>>>>  All the best, Gligor Lucian.
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pam problems

2008-03-13 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

My messages file is getting completely blasted by error lines like this:

Mar 13 11:16:03 april sshd[80704]: in openpam_dispatch():
no pam_sm_authenticate()

Anyone got any idea what's causing this?
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Re: C compiler issue perhaps?

2008-03-15 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Derek Ragona wrote:
> At 05:10 PM 3/14/2008, Doug Hardie wrote:
>> I have a program I was testing with gdb.  I was trying to figure out
>> why c.rmonths was always zero when it should have been 6.  Stepped
>> through using the gdb n command.  Here is the output:
>> (gdb)
>> 215 c.rmonths = (edate - tdate) / toMONTHS;
>> (gdb)
>> 223 c.dial_in = u.dial_in[0];
>> (gdb)
>> 224 c.dsl = u.dsl[0];
>> (gdb) p c.rmonths
>> $1 = 0
>> (gdb) p c
>> $2 = {fa = 0, pwp = 0, disp_email = 0, imonths = 0, rmonths = 6,
>>   type = 73 'I', cd = 0 '\0', dial_in = 82 'R', dsl = 0 '\0',
>>   dsl_kit = 0 '\0', ip = 0 '\0', domain = 0 '\0', n_domain = 0 '\0',
>>   renewal = 89 'Y', program = "I\000\000"}
>> (gdb) p c->rmonths
>> $3 = 6
>> (gdb) p c.rmonths
>> $4 = 6
>> Notice, the first time i print it its zero.  The second time its 6.
>> What gives here?  I have seen this before but couldn't pin it down.
>> The program is not compiled with any optimization.  It is in a shared
>> library though.
> It is hard to tell without the code you used.  I would put some printf's
> in the code and see what and when that variable gets set to in actual
> running code.


(1) yes, you are right, without the source code, any guesses are at the
same level as black magic, useless
(2) if the user is learning to use gdb, then it is really bad manners to
suggest that printfs should be used.  While I  have made massive use
of printfs before I got used to gdb, gdb is incredibly more powerful,
can do any and all that any prints might accomplish, and anyone who
is willing to learn to use that debugger should be encouraged, not
given bad habits that really should be a fallback only to environments
where gdb won't work.

> -Derek

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Re: USB printer

2008-03-16 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Chuck Robey
>> Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 9:24 AM
>> To: Predrag Punosevac
>> Cc:; Gligor Lucian
>> Subject: Re: USB printer
>> Cups on FreeBSD is still woefully underdocumented, relying 100% on others
>> sites, when the cups installation has been changed (somewhat) to 
>> agree with
>> hier(7).  I agree that needed to be done, and would have been complaining
>> if it hadn't,  but then there should have been some small notes detailing
>> how to install a local driver.  
> The problem here is that CUPS is really mostly useful if your
> using Gnome for your desktop, because there's a lot of GUI
> configuration software that is written for that desktop that
> makes CUPS configuration a snap.  (and installing foomatic
> drivers and the like)
> If your not a right-clicker or an i-book flipper than it's
> understandable you would wonder why there's so much attention
> paid to CUPS for FreeBSD since it does nothing for the usual
> command line junkie.

Sorry, I hate to differ, but even on my Mac OSX with dual PPC processors, I
use lpr all the time, and I use "ssh (hostname) lpr  
> Ted

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Re: USB printer

2008-03-17 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

>>> If your not a right-clicker or an i-book flipper than it's
>>> understandable you would wonder why there's so much attention
>>> paid to CUPS for FreeBSD since it does nothing for the usual
>>> command line junkie.

There's where you state it hasn't any cli usages

>> Sorry, I hate to differ, but even on my Mac OSX with dual PPC 
>> processors, I
>> use lpr all the time, and I use "ssh (hostname) lpr > FreeBSD to my mac, it works just fine, and the Mac is running Cups.  It
>> does too do stuff for command line people, it's just that no one 
>> installing
>> cups on FreeBSD has done anything to get that definitely established part
>> of Cups working right.
> However, that "definitely established part" of CUPS duplicates
> lpr/lpd functionality, so it's a big waste of time to bother with
> installing it under FreeBSD and ripping out the existing lpr/lpd
> if all your going to do is use the same /etc/printcap config file
> and same filters that you would use under lpr/lpd.

And here you forget what you said, and claim the cups is just stupid to use
under CLI (no backoff from your FUD above, though).  Our own printer system
DOES NOTHING whatever for remote administration, nor organization of
drovers, nor ability to print different type sources, nor the added
security options.

> The real usefulness of CUPS is under a GUI, particularly married
> with a GUI configuration interface.  For example you didn't
> install your printers under MacOS X by hand-editing the CUPS
> configuration files under MacOS X, you used the GUI configurator
> in System Properties, which interfaces with CUPS.  That's why
> Apple had to license CUPS after all, because they modified it
> under MacOS X to allow the Aqua GUI to interface to it, and they
> didn't want to release the mods they made to it into the wild.
> In fact, if you compile ghostscript and compile the foomatic
> software under MacOS X, you can download, compile and using
> the Aqua GUI configurator interface to CUPS, install
> a gigantic number of printer drivers under MacOS X.

With little trouble, you can (and I did) integrate all the foomatic stuff
under MacOS, without recompiling.

> In the FreeBSD world the usual command-line junkies do the Right
> Thing and go buy a Postscript printer.

And that also is FUD.  A long time, I think about 20 years back, before I
knew better, I did exactly that.  It turns out that postscript printers run
about 10 times more slowly than using ghostscript on your system and only
sending the native image to the printer, so using cups is both far, far
more cheap (postscript printers being uniformly more expensive) and far,
far faster (postscript printers mostly being too slow for words, all
excepting the very high end ones).

  If you have one, all
> of the need for these rediculous "winprinter" filters goes
> away and then the only thing that CUPS really adds is the
> ability to speak IPP - and I've yet to come across a hardware
> printer server that spoke IPP that -didn't- speak LPD also.

Again wrong.  Usually, until lately, my printer of choice has been a HP
OfficeJet printer, which uses PCL5 for it's language,  You can only use IPP
if cups happens to be on both machines involved, but there are excellent,
mature things designed for FreeBSD, like apsfilter, which do all the
translation from the original format to postscript then back to whatever is
native, and handle all the spooling and multi-format printing.  The only
negative, really, in cups is that it asks you to use the lpr in
/usr/local/bin instead of /usr/bin. and that (under FreeBSD) it's
installation is execrebly documented and mis/under installed.  It and it
alone allows a nice REMOTE gui interface to administer with, but you sort
of forgot that.  The Foomatic project, a con of CUPS (one that clearly asks
you to install CUPS), with it's GREAT documentation of drivers and
production of ppd files, is by far the best unix effort to organize printer
drivers, that's flatly true.

Even the fine GUI admin isn't forced to be GUI, because they allow you to
use their CLI options also.  None of your arguments hold water.

The only thing wrong with CUPS is that under FreeBSD it's
mis/under-installed, and the rest of your points (I think I've competently
shown) are incorrect).  I don't recognize what bias seems to be fueling
your dislike of it, but I think it's undeniably true that you exhibit one.

> Ted

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Re: How do I add search paths to gcc

2008-03-21 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

mdh wrote:
> --- Eduardo Cerejo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> My gcc is only looking in /usr/lib and /usr/include
>> for libraries and hearders and I added the paths
>> /usr/local/lib/ and /usr/local/include to my .cshrc
>> file:
>> set path = (/sbin /bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/games
>> /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/lib
>> /usr/local/include $HOME/bin)
> PATH in the environment is where your shell searches
> for programs to run from the command line, system(),
> etc.  This allows you to type, say, `sh` instead of
> having to type out `/bin/sh` or risking having
> `/home/somekiddie/sh` run instead when you type it.  
>> but I still have to use gcc with -I and -L switch
>> for a program to compile or else it will fail.  
>> I'm using tcsh.
> There are two ways to set up alternate places to find
> libraries.  The first is ldconfig, and you can see
> ports run this when you install a port containing
> shared libraries for example.  The other is to use the
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to set alternate
> paths at run-time.  

Well, that might be taken as confusing, even though your info is technically
quite correct.  Both those methods WILL get those added dirs searched for
loading the libraries at run time, BUT it will NOT get your compiler to find the
new paths, when linking the program during the build.  I'm fairly sure that's
what the person wanted, don't you think so?

Because, if I'm wrong,  you can delete this email right here and now, read no 

BUT you were quite correct, there are definitely *at least* two methods to set
up your *compiler* library search paths.  In fact, I think I can show you 3
methods right now.

First, you can list the full path of the library on the command line, when you
use your compiler to link your program.
Second, you can (as the person suggested himself) you can use the -l/-L options
to bring in libraries & paths.  The -L should come first, it adds the path, and
the -l afterwards adds the specific library.

The 3rd method is the use the variables LDFLAGS and LDADD.  These variables are
NOT 100% reliable to use, although they are fairly reliable on BSD systems.  The
 LDFLAGS is where  you put your "-LExtraPath" and the LDADD is where you stick
the -lExtraLibrary, like this (from a Makefile example):

If you are using the BSD make util, the you use "+=" to add to your variables,
instead of replacing them, in case they had some values in them to begin with.
"Make" automatically adds in the obvious spaces, so your definitions don't have
a train wreck for you.

> The 'ldconfig(1)' man page has more info for you.  
> Take care, mdh
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Re: How do I add search paths to gcc

2008-03-25 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Eduardo Cerejo wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Mar 2008 18:31:54 -0400
> Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> mdh wrote:
>>> --- Eduardo Cerejo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> My gcc is only looking in /usr/lib and /usr/include
>>>> for libraries and hearders and I added the paths
>>>> /usr/local/lib/ and /usr/local/include to my .cshrc
>>>> file:
>>>> set path = (/sbin /bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/games
>>>> /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/lib
>>>> /usr/local/include $HOME/bin)
>>> PATH in the environment is where your shell searches
>>> for programs to run from the command line, system(),
>>> etc.  This allows you to type, say, `sh` instead of
>>> having to type out `/bin/sh` or risking having
>>> `/home/somekiddie/sh` run instead when you type it.  
>>>> but I still have to use gcc with -I and -L switch
>>>> for a program to compile or else it will fail.  
>>>> I'm using tcsh.
>>> There are two ways to set up alternate places to find
>>> libraries.  The first is ldconfig, and you can see
>>> ports run this when you install a port containing
>>> shared libraries for example.  The other is to use the
>>> LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to set alternate
>>> paths at run-time.  
>> Well, that might be taken as confusing, even though your info is technically
>> quite correct.  Both those methods WILL get those added dirs searched for
>> loading the libraries at run time, BUT it will NOT get your compiler to find 
>> the
>> new paths, when linking the program during the build.  I'm fairly sure that's
>> what the person wanted, don't you think so?
>> Because, if I'm wrong,  you can delete this email right here and now, read 
>> no more.
>> BUT you were quite correct, there are definitely *at least* two methods to 
>> set
>> up your *compiler* library search paths.  In fact, I think I can show you 3
>> methods right now.
>> First, you can list the full path of the library on the command line, when 
>> you
>> use your compiler to link your program.
>> ]
>> Second, you can (as the person suggested himself) you can use the -l/-L 
>> options
>> to bring in libraries & paths.  The -L should come first, it adds the path, 
>> and
>> the -l afterwards adds the specific library.
>> The 3rd method is the use the variables LDFLAGS and LDADD.  These variables 
>> are
>> NOT 100% reliable to use, although they are fairly reliable on BSD systems.  
>> The
>>  LDFLAGS is where  you put your "-LExtraPath" and the LDADD is where you 
>> stick
>> the -lExtraLibrary, like this (from a Makefile example):
>> LDFLAGS+=-L/usr/local
>> LDFLAGS+=-lgtk
>> If you are using the BSD make util, the you use "+=" to add to your 
>> variables,
>> instead of replacing them, in case they had some values in them to begin 
>> with.
>> "Make" automatically adds in the obvious spaces, so your definitions don't 
>> have
>> a train wreck for you.
>>> The 'ldconfig(1)' man page has more info for you.  
>>> Take care, mdh
> Here's what the book I'm reading says:
> The search paths for header files and libraries can also be controlled 
> through environment variables in the shell. These may be set automatically 
> for each session using the appropriate login file, such as 
> \u2018.bash_profile\u2019 in the case of GNU Bash.
> Additional directories can be added to the include path using the environment 
> variable C_INCLUDE_PATH (for C header files) or CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH (for C++ 
> header files). For example, the following commands will add 
> \u2018/opt/gdbm-1.8.3/include\u2019 to the include path when compiling C 
> programs:
> $ C_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/gdbm-1.8.3/include 
> $ export C_INCLUDE_PATH
> and similarly for C++ programs:
> $ CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/gdbm-1.8.3/include 
> This directory will be searched after any directories specified on the 
> command line with the option -I, and before the standard default directories 
> (such as \u2018/usr/local/include\u2019 and \u2018/usr/include\u2019). The 
> shell command export is needed to make the environment variable available to 
> pro

some pam problem?

2008-04-01 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

I can't figure out what this message below means to me:

Mar 31 17:12:02 april sshd[26150]: in openpam_dispatch(): no

I have guessed it meant I had something wrong with my login.access, but I wasn't
able to find anything that looked odd to me.  Anyone know what this message
above might mean?
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Re: some pam problem?

2008-04-02 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Dan Nelson wrote:
> In the last episode (Apr 01), Chuck Robey said:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> I can't figure out what this message below means to me:
>> Mar 31 17:12:02 april sshd[26150]: in openpam_dispatch(): no 
>> pam_sm_authenticate()
>> I have guessed it meant I had something wrong with my login.access,
>> but I wasn't able to find anything that looked odd to me.  Anyone
>> know what this message above might mean?

I had guessed (it was sort of obvious) that it was those files, but I missed
that UPDATING message.  It's a new machine, but the way I got to current was to
boot 6.1 and then to make world.  Anyhow, the error rainstorm has blown itself
out, thanks!

> Is this an old machine that has been upgraded?  From /usr/src/UPDATING:
> 20070610:
> The pam_nologin(8) module ceases to provide an authentication
> function and starts providing an account management function.
> Consequent changes to /etc/pam.d should be brought in using
> mergemaster(8).  Third-party files in /usr/local/etc/pam.d may
> need manual editing as follows.  Locate this line (or similar):
>  no_warn
> and change it according to this example:
> account  no_warn
> That is, the first word needs to be changed from "auth" to
> "account".  The new line can be moved to the account section
> within the file for clarity.  Not updating pam.conf(5) files
> will result in nologin(5) ignored by the respective services.

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Re: Wake-on-LAN and the em driver (freebsd 7.x)

2008-04-02 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Jerry McAllister [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 2:46 PM
>> To: Ted Mittelstaedt
>> Cc: Walker; Kent Hauser;
>> Subject: Re: Wake-on-LAN and the em driver (freebsd 7.x)
>> On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 02:09:22PM -0800, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Walker
 Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 11:37 AM
 To: Kent Hauser;
 Subject: Re: Wake-on-LAN and the em driver (freebsd 7.x)

 I would like to know of any other easier ways to do this.
>>> Any network admin worth his salt has an old win98 system tucked
>>> away that can be used to create bootable dos cd's.  
>> Don't know much about the value of salt, but the old Win 98 machine
>> I have around has a dead CD and dead floppy as well.   Guess they are
>> replaceable, but is it worth money and bother?

I missed the earlier parts of this thread ... but if you're after bootable cd's,
with old versions of dos, these exist on the web, free for the taking.  I needed
to flash my machine's BIOS about 60 days ago, so I searched it out.  I have the
image at hand, it's not a Windows thing, it's one of those old dos-compatibles,
but it worked just fine, let me mod the autoexec and the config.sys, it has a
cdrom driver (which just any bootable cdrom won't have, meaning you couldn't
swap the cd, after you booted, with a cd loaded with your tool cd, which was a

If this is what you like, let me know and I'll go spelunking a bit and find it,
it'd only be about 15 minutes of looking about in my archives.  For the job of
flashing BIOSes, the cd was ideal, and I (1) like staying legal, and (2) like
even better avoiding having to use any sort of MS tool, I don't require any
others do this, but for myself, I'm philosophically against using any products
of that company.  Also seems like a rather silly reason to keep any machine
sitting on a desk using power.

> You must think so at some level or you would have tossed them ;-)
> Of course it's not worth fixing them unless you need the system -
> but you never know what the future holds.
> I actually have 2 w98 systems running here at the house.  Both
> are used by the kids and run an assortment of kids game software
> that I pick up for a few bucks from the local Goodwill.  Right now
> the youngest's favorite software is "petz 4", it's a virtual dog,
> and the older's is surfing the site.  (needless to
> say, it's done through a FreeBSD proxy server that limits the
> machine to a very strict number of sites)  Runs as
> well as it did a decade ago when it was written.  I just don't
> personally see the point of dropping a grand into a computer
> and shiny new software for it when the primary and secondary
> users are under 10 years old and are perfectly happy with
> older programs.
>> I wouldn't be surprised if there are many like that sitting around.
> Believe it or not we just had an adult bring in a w98 system into
> the ISP today to get it online.  And we even had an old 33.6 
> external modem that we just gave her for it.  She lives in the sticks
> and has zero broadband alternatives (except for satellite which
> is too expensive for her) and is behind multiple D/A conversions
> on her phone line, so 28.8K dialup is what she runs.  It's
> pretty incredible what's still in production out there.
> Ted
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Re: suggestion on a backup utility

2008-05-06 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

David Banning wrote:
> I wonder if anyone can recommend a good backup utility for FreeBSD.
> If it's in the ports, great. I would like to just specify which 
> directories I would like to backup, how often and have it tar or zip 
> the files into a directory - if it has off-site ftp, fine, but I can
> do that part myself via crontab.
> I realize I could just make a script file with some tar commands,
> but I'm looking for something that is quicker to maintain and 
> allows me to organize what I'm backing up.
> I have been using reoback but recently I ran into some problems
> with is duplicating files X 10! - I looked into to solving it but
> it might be easier to just try something else.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but it seems a bit silly to me to waste
any time backing up something that you can completely duplicate rather quickly
via cvsup, anytime you want, error free.  Maybe you're talking about saving work
directories, something like that?  Must be something I'm not seeing here 

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about seamonkey

2008-05-07 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

I was wondering if anyone here knew the answer, I have built seamonkey with
ports, but everytime I start it up, two windows pop up (the browser and the mail
window).  Seeing as I don't want the mailer EVER to pop up (I use thunderbird
for that), anyone know how I can suppress the seamoneky mail windows from
popping up?  I want to use it by default with eclipse, but as it stands now, I
can't do that.
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Re: about seamonkey

2008-05-08 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Christer Hermansson wrote:
> Chuck Robey wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> I was wondering if anyone here knew the answer, I have built seamonkey
>> with
>> ports, but everytime I start it up, two windows pop up (the browser
>> and the mail
>> window).  Seeing as I don't want the mailer EVER to pop up (I use
>> thunderbird
>> for that), anyone know how I can suppress the seamoneky mail windows from
>> popping up?  I want to use it by default with eclipse, but as it
>> stands now, I
>> can't do that.
> Just want to make sure:
> Have you checked the settings ?
> Edit - Preferences... - Appearance - When SeaMonkey starts up, open

That fixed it, Thanks a Lot!!

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about Linux

2008-05-08 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

I am trying to get a problem with my linuxulator working, where all of my items
that came from the linux-blackdown port give an error about a missing  I tried using the Linux ldd, no output at all to see if there are
missing libs (that's wierd) so I tried to go off to the ports, and I was at
first pleasantly surprised to see that there's a Gentoo stage3 port, that's
great UNTIL I looked at the tarballs, they are the 2006.0 ones, which are so out
of date they aren't even on the web anymore.

Do you think it might work just to grab a more recent one, say a 2007.0, and
just unpack that in /usr/compat/linux?

Getting any sort of support on a historically old version of Gentoo is going to
be hard to accomplish, but I don't really know enough about Linux to fake it.
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Re: Belkin F5D9050 ver 4000

2008-05-19 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Steven Friedrich wrote:
 Doing a descriptor dump, and posting the results to freebsd-usb@,
 might find someone who knows how to get that particular device to

>>> Ok, I'll bite.  How do you do a descriptor dump?
>> One way is to use sysutils/udesc_dump, from ports, as recommended here:
> Standard Device Descriptor:

A way that gets you a hex dump is to use Kai Wang's kernel module, avaialble at  Just compile and load it
(it builds trivially easy) and then unplug/plug your device, and out pops a
descriptor dump.  I liked that hex dump so much, I made it the input to my
teaching parser, which I stuck at

>   bLength18
>   bDescriptorType01
>   bcdUSB 0200
>   bDeviceClass   00
>   bDeviceSubClass00
>   bDeviceProtocol00
>   bMaxPacketSize 64
>   idVendor   050d
>   idProduct  905c
>   bcdDevice  0001
>   iManufacturer  1
>   iProduct   2
>   iSerialNumber  0
>   bNumConfigurations 1
> Configuration 0:
> Standard Configuration Descriptor:
>   bLength 9
>   bDescriptorType 02
>   wTotalLength53
>   bNumInterface   1
>   bConfigurationValue 1
>   iConfiguration  0
>   bmAttributes80
>   bMaxPower   150 (300 mA)
> Standard Interface Descriptor:
>   bLength9
>   bDescriptorType04
>   bInterfaceNumber   0
>   bAlternateSetting  0
>   bNumEndpoints  5
>   bInterfaceClassff
>   bInterfaceSubClass ff
>   bInterfaceProtocol ff
>   iInterface 0
> Standard Endpoint Descriptor:
>   bLength  7
>   bDescriptorType  05
>   bEndpointAddress 81 (in)
>   bmAttributes 02 (Bulk)
>   wMaxPacketSize   512
>   bInterval0
> Standard Endpoint Descriptor:
>   bLength  7
>   bDescriptorType  05
>   bEndpointAddress 01 (out)
>   bmAttributes 02 (Bulk)
>   wMaxPacketSize   512
>   bInterval0
> Standard Endpoint Descriptor:
>   bLength  7
>   bDescriptorType  05
>   bEndpointAddress 02 (out)
>   bmAttributes 02 (Bulk)
>   wMaxPacketSize   512
>   bInterval0
> Standard Endpoint Descriptor:
>   bLength  7
>   bDescriptorType  05
>   bEndpointAddress 03 (out)
>   bmAttributes 02 (Bulk)
>   wMaxPacketSize   512
>   bInterval0
> Standard Endpoint Descriptor:
>   bLength  7
>   bDescriptorType  05
>   bEndpointAddress 04 (out)
>   bmAttributes 02 (Bulk)
>   wMaxPacketSize   512
>   bInterval0
> Codes Representing Languages by the Device:
>   bLength  4
>   bDescriptorType  03
>   wLANGID[0]   0409
> String (index 1): Belkin

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Re: Lock down the all-staff email list? sendmail, alias, majordomo?

2008-05-19 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

brad davison wrote:
> Our company has a sendmail server 8.13.8 running on FBSD 6.2 with procmail.  
> We currently have an alias set up for our all-staff email (we only have about 
> 200 users).  Someone recently sent out an email to the all-staff that someone 
> didn't like, so now I have to restrict who can send to it.
> I have disabled the alias, since I didn't know if there was a way to restrict 
> who can send to aliases, but is there a good way to have a list of users that 
> either a) doesn't give the list name in the email, or B) a list program like 
> majordomo or something that I can keep people from using who isn't 'the boss'?
> What is the best way to have a list that only certain users are able to send 
> to?
> I am open to suggestions that will get me out of this situation. 

I don't have your setup, but I could guess what I would do with mine: I wouldn't
try to stop folks from sending to that address, instead, I would block it on the
reception side, so only a given set can get thru to be re-echoed to.  Blocking
on the receive side, that's something that is very well covered in a huge number
of tools, blocking on the sending, that's one heck of a lot more difficult.
Wouldn't it give you the same effect, or does the filtering occur at the wrong
point in your processing, to be able to block the retransmission (time to test 

> Thanks
> _
> Give to a good cause with every e-mail. Join the i’m Initiative from 
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Re: Stick memory USB

2008-05-25 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

nej ALL wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new on FreeBSD not on unix.
> I want to mount automatically an usb-stick memory into my machine ?
> I get some problems.
> Need help.

You're trying with your devfs stuff to create the file, but you have to realize
it's a device representing a filesystem, not just a file.  What you want to read
is the mount and fstab man pages, mount to find out how to mount your memory
stick, and fstab to figure out how to get it to happen automatically.  The devfs
stuff is all mistaken, I think, you want that when you want to change
permissions or make softlinks of devices, not to create them in the first place,
 least that's how I';'ve always used it, and I know very well that the correct
line in /etc/fstab WILL automount your memory stick.

I could give you the exact line, but I think you would rather look that up
yourself (I know I would).

> -> /etc/devfs.rules
> add path 'da*' mode 0660 group operator
> Actions:
> 1) ls -al   /dev/da*
> ls: No match.
> 2) I Plug into the USB port, the ImageMate 12-in-1 Card Reader/Writer
> (SanDisk)
> 3) ls -al   /dev/da*
> crw-rw  1 root  operator0, 136 25 mai 14:11 /dev/da0
> crw-rw  1 root  operator0, 138 25 mai 14:11 /dev/da1
> crw-rw  1 root  operator0, 140 25 mai 14:11 /dev/da2
> crw-rw  1 root  operator0, 141 25 mai 14:11 /dev/da3
> 4) I put the memory stick into the Card reader's slot
> 5) ls -al/dev/da*
> crw-rw  1 root  operator0, 136 25 mai 14:11 /dev/da0
> crw-rw  1 root  operator0, 138 25 mai 14:11 /dev/da1
> crw-rw  1 root  operator0, 140 25 mai 14:11 /dev/da2
> crw-rw  1 root  operator0, 141 25 mai 14:11 /dev/da3
> the /dev/da2s1 isn't here.
> 6) mount_msdosfs   /dev/da2s1/mnt/cleusb/
> mount_msdosfs: /dev/da2s1: No such file or directory
> 7) fdisk/dev/da2
> *** Working on device /dev/da2 ***
> parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are:
> cylinders=30 heads=64 sectors/track=32 (2048 blks/cyl)
> parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are:
> cylinders=30 heads=64 sectors/track=32 (2048 blks/cyl)
> Media sector size is 512
> Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1
> Information from DOS bootblock is:
> The data for partition 1 is:
> sysid 4 (0x04),(Primary DOS with 16 bit FAT (< 32MB))
> start 64, size 62656 (30 Meg), flag 0
> beg: cyl 1/ head 0/ sector 1;
> end: cyl 979/ head 1/ sector 32
> The data for partition 2 is:
> The data for partition 3 is:
> The data for partition 4 is:
> 8) ls -al   /dev/da*
> crw-rw  1 root  operator0, 136 25 mai 14:11 /dev/da0
> crw-rw  1 root  operator0, 138 25 mai 14:11 /dev/da1
> crw-rw  1 root  operator0, 140 25 mai 14:11 /dev/da2
> crw-rw  1 root  operator0, 141 25 mai 14:11 /dev/da3
> 9) mount_msdosfs   /dev/da2/mnt/cleusb
> mount_msdosfs: /dev/da2: Invalid argument
> The command mount_msdosfs terminated abnormally but created in the /dev
> directory  the /dev/da2s1 file.
> 10) ls -al  /dev/da*
> crw-rw  1 root  operator0, 136 25 mai 14:11 /dev/da0
> crw-rw  1 root  operator0, 136 25 mai 14:11 /dev/da0
> crw-rw  1 root  operator0, 138 25 mai 14:11 /dev/da1
> crw-rw  1 root  operator0, 140 25 mai 14:11 /dev/da2
> crw-rw  1 root  operator0, 142 25 mai 14:11 /dev/da2s1
> crw-rw  1 root  operator0, 141 25 mai 14:11 /dev/da3
> 11) And now i can mount and umount the stick memory.
> Please, can someone explain to me why, when i plug the stick memory into the
> slot of the card reader,  the system doesn't create the /dev/da2s1 file in
> the the /dev directory.
> And why i use the mount_msdosfs command, this command creates /dev/da2s1
> file in the /dev directory.
> Thank you for your answers !
> Sorry for my english.
> Best regards
> Nej
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Re: Best nVidia card for Xorg on FreeBSD?

2008-05-25 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Jonathan Chen wrote:
> On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 11:04:40PM +0100, Mark Ovens wrote:
>> Currently using a Radeon 8500LE but since u/g to xorg 7.3 I've had 
>> nothing but trouble with X hanging/crashing/locking-up.
>> From what I've read, the state of the radeon drivers leaves much to be 
>> desired and although some people seem to have trouble with nVidia cards 
>> they appear to be a better choice.
>> So, after over a decade of brand-loyalty to ATI (when I started with 
>> FreeBSD back in the mid-90's ATI cards were the only ones I could find 
>> that would run X at better than VGA resolution) I'm going to switch to 
>> nVidia.
> Heh. I was just thinking about going the other way. One of the main
> problems with the nVidia on X is that the xorg-nvidia driver is very
> basic; this can be demonstrated by going to a Javascript heavy page (eg
> using firefox. The X-server just slows to crawl
> when trying to scroll the site. The behaviour is not exhibited with
> xorg-intel driver, as a counter-example.
> Support for the nVidia on FreeBSD from the vendor is also incomplete:
> The feature request from nVidia appears to have stalled for the time
> being (more correctly: I couldn't locate news on any updates to on the
> 'Net).
> In short, nVidia cards are usable, but performance can be exceptionally
> bad.

'Scuse me, I'm not personally very familiar (yet) with 3D graphics, but I'm
reading OpenGL (I bought the SuperBible) and I'm quite well along in writing my
driver for a cheapy graphics tablet, to get me along with Gimp.  So, could you
tell me, are your comments about the Nvidia card driver performance dealing with
the Nvidia-supplied driver and OpenGL libs they have, as expressed in the
FreeBSD-ports supplied (from Nvidia code) Nvidia driver??  I have them compiled
under FreeBSD-current, because a friend recommended them as the best available,
is that wrong?  Is there better?  I am not aware of any pure-public driver for
those cards, but I just am not very well up on their details, so I want to be
sure of your meaning, making sure I have you right here..

BTW, my card is a Nvidia-compatible (licensed) GeForce 8600 GTS card, if that
means anything to you.  If you think the ATI cards (using FreeBSD available
drivers) are better, let me have that one more time please, there is very little
on the net from even slightly reliable sources on this, so I would guess you
have a attentive audience here.

> Cheers.

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Re: External USB disk won't mount

2008-05-28 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Mark Ovens wrote:
> Bought an external USB HD enclosure but it doesn't work under FreeBSD.
> Under FreeBSD-6.3-STABLE:
> umass0: Super Top USB 2.0  IDE DEVICE, rev 2.00/2.01, addr 2
> da2 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
> da2:  Fixed Direct Access SCSI-0 device
> da2: 40.000MB/s transfers
> da2: 38172MB (78177792 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 4866C)
> # mount /dev/da2s1f /mnt
> # ls /mnt

I saw a mail yesterday about something nearly like this, from nej, except with
him, the umass device wasn't reporting anything at all, no device when he
plugged it in.  I sent him a little piece of usb driver code that resets his usb
buss, just to experiment and see if that got his devices correctly detected, but
he didn't yet reply, I don't know if it worked for him.  I don't have something
like that to experiment with.

With yours, you obviously have a da2 ... that only means you have a
direct-access disk devide #2 being detected.  The next step is to figure oout
what kind of formatting you have.  Hopefully, it's been fdisk'ed to where it has
partitions, so do this (as root): "/sbin/fdisk /dev/da2", and in fdisk, give the
'p' command, this will print out the formatting for any partitions.  Likely it's
either one of the various Microsoft things, or a Linux one, or even a FreeBSD
one.  Depending on what you see, you either directly give a mount command next,
to the right partition, or maybe you use bsdlable to find out what the
disk-labelling is (if it's a FreeBSD disk).

Probably the right thing to do is to reply here with the results of the fdisk,
then whoever jumps on it first can give you the right thing to do next.  I'm not
going to try to tell you all the possible ways to go at this point, not without

> #
> (The disk is from another FreeBSD system so is UFS2 and da2s1f is /usr
> on the other system)
> So although it mounts, nothing is visible.
> After a few minutes this happens:
> umass0: at uhub3 port 1 (addr 2) disconnected
> (da2:umass-sim0:0:0:0): lost device
> (da2:dead_sim0:0:0:0): Synchronize cache failed, status == 0x8, scsi
> status == 0x0
> (da2:dead_sim0:0:0:0): removing device entry
> umass0: detached
> Tried it under 7.0-RELEASE and it's even worse - it crashes the kernel with
> Fatal Trap 12: page fault in kernel mode. (forget the exact wording of
> the message, but it's definitely Fatal Trap 12).
> So is this just a case of the device not complying with USB standards -
> the manufacturer just tests it under Windows and that's good enough - or
> is there a way to solve this?
> I can confirm that the disk is good as I borrowed another enclosure to
> try and that works as expected.
> Regards,
> Mark
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Re: External USB disk won't mount

2008-05-28 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Mark Ovens wrote:
> Chuck Robey wrote:
>> I saw a mail yesterday about something nearly like this, from nej,
>> except with
>> him, the umass device wasn't reporting anything at all, no device when he
>> plugged it in.  I sent him a little piece of usb driver code that
>> resets his usb
>> buss, just to experiment and see if that got his devices correctly
>> detected, but
>> he didn't yet reply, I don't know if it worked for him.  I don't have
>> something
>> like that to experiment with.
>> With yours, you obviously have a da2 ... that only means you have a
>> direct-access disk devide #2 being detected.  The next step is to
>> figure oout
>> what kind of formatting you have.  Hopefully, it's been fdisk'ed to
>> where it has
>> partitions, so do this (as root): "/sbin/fdisk /dev/da2", and in
>> fdisk, give the
>> 'p' command, this will print out the formatting for any partitions. 
>> Likely it's
>> either one of the various Microsoft things, or a Linux one, or even a
>> FreeBSD
>> one.  Depending on what you see, you either directly give a mount
>> command next,
>> to the right partition, or maybe you use bsdlable to find out what the
>> disk-labelling is (if it's a FreeBSD disk).
> Hi Chuck,
> The next line in my post after where you snipped was:
> (The disk is from another FreeBSD system so is UFS2 and da2s1f is /usr
> on the other system)

Yeah, I don't even have a good excuse, that was extremely ill done of me.  I
guess I was trying to do something quickly while I was really thinking of other
USB things, and walked into that.  It's NOT the kind of usb that I've been
working on either, I've been heavily into HID stuff, and that's totally
different than a disk thing.  If it's a device driver level problem, and  it
sure seems that way to me, I can't honestly offer you much, even if I had it
here, I would approach it slowly.  I think I will drop out of this one, Mark,
and contemplate my navel a bit.

I'm a bit embarrassed about that, could you tell?

> It contains a running FBSD 7.0 system - it's out of a spare box I was
> using for testing and it mounts/reads/writes fine using the other USB
> enclosure I borrowed. There's just something screwy about the enclosure
> I've bought (typical eh?)
> Regards,
> Mark
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Re: Duplex printer advice

2008-06-01 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Gary Kline
> Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2008 12:23 PM
> To: FreeBSD Questions
> Cc: Kurt Buff; Derek Ragona
> Subject: Re: Duplex printer advice
>> I second this suggestion since my Brother HL-5250DN just-worked once it
>> was plugged into my hub.  It was $179 at Costco a few months back, has 
>> all the features that David mentions, and builtin Postscript|clone.
>> It just prints--nothing fancy--but then hey... .
> Just one warning about these.
> The toner empty light blinks use the same pattern as the
> fuser fail.  And, unlike the HP units, you usually can't
> "shake down" the cartridge to get an extra hundred or
> so pages out of it.  Don't jump to conclusions that the
> fuser is bad when it's out of toner.

Man, this is really going to look like I'm never satisfied, which I guess is
actually true, so why am I worried about that?  thanks to this thread, I found
out about the Brother printers ... my own requirements list includes (color
duplex printer scanner).  I don't need it to be a laser, but I do need both
color, multifunc, and duplex printing.   I spotted the Brother the DCP-9045CDN,
but at $700 list, I begin to wonder if I could find one with the same specs
ESCEPTING it was the cheaper technology of inkjet.  Didn't find a Brother like
that, but I'm not finished looking for used 9045's, and I didn;'t get your
comments about it ... please don't spend time trying to talk me out of features
like color, or duplex, I like both too well.  I might be talked out of it being
multifunction, but it's be a fight for sure.

The reasoning behind going to inkjet is because I'm currently on a tight budget.
 I really would like to pay no more than about half that $700.
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Re: Duplex printer advice

2008-06-03 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Wojciech Puchar
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 1:06 AM
>> To: Warren Block
>> Cc: FreeBSD Questions
>> Subject: RE: Duplex printer advice
>>> This depends a lot on your print jobs.  Low quality machine-generated 
>>> PostScript output can be slow.  PCL can also be slow.  The only 
>> way to really 
>>> know is to benchmark with your print jobs.
>> there was no case i found postscript to print faster.
> You won't on an HP printer, at least not an older one. 

??  I had one of the original LaserJet-1's, which derived it's postscript
emulation via a plugin cartridge.  I was  Very happily surprised when I finally
switched to using ghostscript, because my print rate went up on every class of
printing, whether it be the faster text only jobs, or the unbelieveably slow
binary images.  Didn't have color back then.  Text was faster, but FAR faster
with ghostscript.  This was my personal printer, not something told to me by 

> that HP had to pay a very hefty fee to Adobe for licensing
> PostScript for each printer.  HP did everything possible to push
> PCL and discourage customers from selecting PS because they 
> did not want to continue to have to pay Adobe.  HP did not
> dare mess with the PostScript implementation itself for fear
> of a lawsuit - every HP printer that went out the door they
> definitely made sure was completely compliant with PostScript -
> but they did everything else to discourage it.  They told all
> the companies that wrote tutorials to minimize PostScript and
> enhance PCL, they make PostScript models much more expensive,
> they didn't ship models with Postscript with enough ram to
> run the PostScript interpreter reasonably quickly, and they
> made no effort to speed up the PostScript implementation. Still
> another trick was distributing PPD files that didn't have a
> complete definition of all printer accessories so that when
> you printed PostScript from, for example, Windows, you might
> not have a duplexer definition and could only print duplex
> on PCL.
> Ted
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2008-06-03 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Wonder if anyone could tell me why anything I do to run git-pull gives me a
coredump?  The image that gets dumped is git-fetch, if that helps, and I was
just trying to update the xorg source tree.
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Re: Duplex printer advice

2008-06-03 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Gary Kline wrote:
> Agree 100.0%, Ted.   Long run, the inkjet will bleed you like a leech.
> My 1991 [?] DeskJet 500 was > $400, major bux.  But having bought at
> least
> two cadtrides/year until last winter.  Lowball it: $20 per cartridge.
> Well over a kilobuck.  
> I *know* what it's like to be squeezed for cash, Chuck.  It may take you
> weeks 
> of surfing for the best deal, but go laser if you can.
> At the same time, HP's patents are about to expire in the next few
> years.  Anybody 
> know when, to-the-year?

Well, having had both, the only problem I've seen in some of the Inkjets is that
 (and HP is bad at this) the ink tends to dry up and jam both the ink cart. and
(in HP's case) the printheads also.  Least so far, I haven't see this at all
with Epson.  I *have* seen that there's a thriving market in those 3rd party
inks, which are dirt-cheap, but I haven't any experience in inkjets with 3rd
party inks, only the lasers, where they do ok.

I have been looking at the Epson RX680, where it's less than $200 for all the
features (except the postscript emulation) of the Brother $700 printer (I forget
the model I liked, just remembered the list price from the Brother web page).
That's a 350% difference there, Gary.  I'm still making up my mind, but I just
don't print all that often to need a $700 unit, and I did notice that there is
just about no 3rd party market at all for the Brother units (just a huge ink
market) and they are conspicuously missing from ebay also.  Means I'm likely to
actually PAY the full 700, not even slightly true of the Epson model.

Yeah, quality is a very nice thing to have ... if I had a user report on the 3rd
party inks from someone I trusted (and it wasn't too evil) I would probagbly
jump to the Epson, it's just too darn expensive to go quality when you print
once a week.

I do need the fax & scanner features, no matter how seldom I use them, though.
Big help for someone who's disabled.

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Re: git

2008-06-03 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

N.J. Thomas wrote:
> * Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-06-03 14:31:24-0400]:
>> Wonder if anyone could tell me why anything I do to run git-pull gives
>> me a coredump?  The image that gets dumped is git-fetch, if that
>> helps, and I was just trying to update the xorg source tree.
> Have you tried to clone other repositories and see if you can replicate
> this error?
> I built my git from ports and IIRC, it seemed to clone and pull the xorg
> tree fine (but that was about 3 weeks ago).
> Thomas

No, that's the only git repo I have now.  Got a url of one that works for you?
I have extra disk to give it a try.

Beyond that, I just tried purposefully sticking a division by zero in a little
demo C prog of mine, and that one, when I do the gdb -c corefile gives me the
same thing, thousands of empty stack frames and no full ones.  Why should that
be?  I have used gdb very recently to debug static images, they work ok
(although I didn't try the corefiles on those).
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Re: git

2008-06-03 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

N.J. Thomas wrote:
> * Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-06-03 16:46:55-0400]:
>>>> git-pull gives me a coredump
>>> Have you tried to clone other repositories and see if you can
>>> replicate this error?
>> No, that's the only git repo I have now.  Got a url of one that works
>> for you? I have extra disk to give it a try.
> Debian has nice list of git repositories available for cloning:

I'm very new at git, and while I know cvs pretty well, I just don't know git.  I
just tried to do a "git clone" on a Clisp image, worked fine, then I cd'ed into
it until I saw a .git directory (I assume that's something like cvs's CVS dirs)
but when I tried to do a "git pull" (no params here) it gave me a coredump.  Did
I do that right?  I mean, it was a correct test?

Does the git-clone call git-fetch?  Because that's the part that's failing in
the pull, so I wonder if it's getting called in the clone.

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Re: git

2008-06-04 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> On Wed, 04 Jun 2008 04:22:09 +0300, Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
>> On Tue, 03 Jun 2008 14:31:24 -0400, Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Wonder if anyone could tell me why anything I do to run git-pull gives me a
>>> coredump?  The image that gets dumped is git-fetch, if that helps, and I was
>>> just trying to update the xorg source tree.
>> Hi Chuck,
>> Something is obviously broken in Git 1.5.5.  My installation from Ports
>> core dumps pretty fast too:
>>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/keramida/git/erc$ git fetch
>>   Segmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)
>>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/keramida/git/erc$
> [...]
>> Are you also running with option 'J' enabled in `malloc.conf'?
> Verified.  Setting malloc.conf options to 'aj', lets git-fetch run
> without crashing:

I moved the discussion to hackers, take a look over there for more info, I don't
think it's malloc, and I think I've proved at least part of my case.

> : [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc# ln -fs aj malloc.conf
> :
> : [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/keramida/git/erc$ git-fetch
> : [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/keramida/git/erc$
> : [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc# ln -fs AJ malloc.conf
> :
> : [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/keramida/git/erc$ git-fetch
> : Segmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)
> : [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/keramida/git/erc$
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Re: Programming Book(s)

2006-01-05 Thread Chuck Robey

lars wrote:

Martin Cracauer wrote:

Sean wrote on Mon, Jan 02, 2006 at 04:09:27PM -0500:

Looking for recommendations on any Unix programming books.
I have been out of things for a while so I would put my skill level 
back to the beginning.

W. Richard Steven's "Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment",
along with his "Unix Network Programming" are still classics and from
what I have seen best by far.


I also recommend "The Art of UNIX Programming" by Eric S. Raymond
for some cultural information on Unix programming.

It's also available whole online for free at his website.

Oddly, I think I wish this were not so ... I would say, everything I've 
ever gotten that was free, turned out to be worth the price, and I just 
would not want to devalue that man's tremendous contribution, in any 
method whatsoever.  Even if it means that teeners starting out have to 
beg a bit.

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Re: Which is the best open source C/C++ IDE out there?

2006-01-09 Thread Chuck Robey

JD Arnold wrote:

Danial Thom wrote:

--- Vladimir Tsvetkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is obviously a trick question, because


programmers don't use IDEs. Case Closed.

I'm not a real programmer, but UNIX is a great
developer environment.
It's a tool based environment.
Small tools, strong cohesion in what they are
designed for, easy ways
to combine them to form more complex tasks.
Good documentation too.
Actually you don't need anything else, you
don't need a colourfull IDE. But...
Maybe only few, really exceptional people can
benefit and grok the
power of this kind of environments.
To me the ideal "IDE" is actually a toolkit:
- Source Editor, preferably with a object
browser or other kind of a
source browser. An autocomplete functionallity
could increase
productivity too - this could increase quality
if we measure quality
of code by the low number of syntax mistakes,
but this could also be a
threat to quality letting the programmer write
without reading
carefully what is written - code bloating.
- Compiler with a debugger. We must discuss
about the pros. and cons.
of a grafic debugger versus a text-mode
debugger. The things are
getting really messy when it comes up to
debugging multithreading code
and I really don't know what is the ultimate
tool for this task.
- A build tool. Ant or make will suffice.
- Source control tools. CVS, SVN etc.
- Documentation tools. POD, Doxygen, Javadoc or
something else.
- Unit testing framework. This is not always a
tool. This could be a
language extension, or  a testing API.
- Other tools.

You don't need to put everything together in a
single swissknife-tool,
but this could be convenient in some cases.

IDE vs. Toolbased Environments ???

Which is more productive and how to measure

Best Regards,
Vladimir Tsvetkov

Tools, schmools. vi and cc work for me.

I do admit that I wish someone would get make to
accept spaces instead of the (damn) tab. I think
its time for that :)

That's why you should graduate to Emacs - with the makefile syntax 
you'll at least see the differences between tabs and spaces before 
getting into

trouble due to bad whitespacing!-)

you're certainly giving a viewpoint that has a great deal of truth to 
it, but I guess what scares folks is the horrible, horrible emacs 
learning curve,.  At one point in my career (in school, lisp 
programming) I learned/used emacs.  I admit, it's got so much power, 
there isn't even a close competitor.  BUT at that time, I had a genius 
girl programmer at my side, and she helped me with emacs syntax so 
heavily it was funny, and so I could make use of emacs without really 
having to scale the learning curve.

If I'd actually had to scale that learning curve, do you think I would 
have, even COULD have used emacs?  One of the worst things I had happen, 
I needed, one year later, to go back to vi for a job, and just forgot 
enough emacs usages, and never went back.  I'd love to, but I'd have to 
find another genius Lisp girlfriend, before I could do that.

Likely?  That's why emacs isn't the world's most popular editor/IDE.
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Re: logitech cordless mouse w/ freebsd 5.3 stable

2005-03-13 Thread Chuck Robey
On Sun, 13 Mar 2005, Eric wrote:

> My ugly mouse hack:
>  I am sure this question has already been answered, although I couldn't
> find the answer via google.
> Hardware and Software:
> Logitech USB cordless mouse M/N:M-RN67 P/N:851390- w/ ps/2 adapter
> Auravision slimseries ps/2 keyboard /w wire
> a starband kvm switch, 4 port PS/2 for both keyboard and mouse w/ extern
> power source.
> FreeBSD 5.3 stable cpu=2.8 cel
> Using the ps/2 adapter with my mouse, was required to use the kvm.
> dmesg reports this for my mouse by default:
> psm0:  flags 0x24 irq 12 on atkbdc0
> psm0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
> psm0: model IntelliMouse Explorer, device ID 4
> the mouse will not work.
> appending: hint.psm.0.flags="0x204"
> to /boot/device.hints
> I now get this via dmesg:
> psm0:  flags 0x204 irq 12 on atkbdc0
> psm0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
> psm0: model Generic PS/2 mouse, device ID 0
> I then edited /etc/rc.conf and disabled my console mouse (moused) (which
> I would prefere worked)
> moused_enable="NO"
> I then edit the pointer section of  /etc/X11/xorg.conf to:
> Identifier  "Mouse1"
> Driver  "mouse"
> Option "Protocol""Auto"
> Option "Device"  "/dev/bpsm0"

I am running FreeBSD-6.0-current, but I bet it works for you like it works
(just fine) for me.  Try it, what have you got to lose?  However, if it
works, you owe us a usage report, Sirrah!

Anyhow, FreeBSD is not terribly willing to share the mouse.  When it
boots, the stupid thing will start 'moused' processes on both mouses.
Check this with:

ps -ax | grep mouse

if it's like I think it is, one of the lines that come back will report a
device filename of ums0.  You need this process dead, dead, dead.  You
*could*, I suppose, edit /etc/usbd.conf ...

After you do that, the stuff you have above for Xorg isn't enough either,
cause you left out the wheel.  take those lines out and replace them with

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Mouse0"
Driver  "mouse"
Option  "Protocol" "auto"
Option  "Device" "/dev/ums0"
Option "Buttons" "5"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

Don't forget, at the top:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier " Configured"
Screen  0  "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice"Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice"Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Try this, tell me how it works.

> notice that is the "b" psm device that i am using which is for blocking
> mode or bpsm
> At any rate, the mouse now works in X, through the kvm, and through usb
> to ps/2 adapter.
> I hope this helps someone else  :)
> Eric
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Chuck Robey | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | electronics, communications, and SF/Fantasy.

New Year's Resolution:  I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
fictitious words in the dictionary (on the wall at my old fraternity,
Signa Phi Nothing).

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Re: HP LJ 1100 setup

2005-03-13 Thread Chuck Robey
On Sun, 13 Mar 2005, Chris wrote:

> Any ideas on how to setup an HPLJ 1100 using either cups or lpd?

Try Andreas' GREAT printer port, print/apsfilter, which is one of hte best
things in ports.  How come it's so completly unknown?

Heck, he even has a web site for it,  Really, it's THAT

Chuck Robey | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | electronics, communications, and SF/Fantasy.

New Year's Resolution:  I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
fictitious words in the dictionary (on the wall at my old fraternity,
Signa Phi Nothing).

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Re: logitech cordless mouse w/ freebsd 5.3 stable

2005-03-14 Thread Chuck Robey
On Mon, 14 Mar 2005, Eric wrote:

> I removed above this  to save some bandwidth, as bandwidth is not free
> every where in the world :)
> Chuck Robey wrote:
> >>I then edit the pointer section of  /etc/X11/xorg.conf to:
> >>
> >>Identifier  "Mouse1"
> >>Driver  "mouse"
> >>Option "Protocol""Auto"
> >>Option "Device"  "/dev/bpsm0"
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I am running FreeBSD-6.0-current, but I bet it works for you like it works
> >(just fine) for me.  Try it, what have you got to lose?  However, if it
> >works, you owe us a usage report, Sirrah!
> >
> >Anyhow, FreeBSD is not terribly willing to share the mouse.  When it
> >boots, the stupid thing will start 'moused' processes on both mouses.
> >Check this with:
> >
> >ps -ax | grep mouse
> >
> >if it's like I think it is, one of the lines that come back will report a
> >device filename of ums0.  You need this process dead, dead, dead.  You
> >*could*, I suppose, edit /etc/usbd.conf ...
> >
> >After you do that, the stuff you have above for Xorg isn't enough either,
> >cause you left out the wheel.  take those lines out and replace them with
> >
> >Section "InputDevice"
> >Identifier  "Mouse0"
> >Driver  "mouse"
> >Option  "Protocol" "auto"
> >Option  "Device" "/dev/ums0"
> >Option "Buttons" "5"
> >Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
> >EndSection
> >
> >Don't forget, at the top:
> >
> >Section "ServerLayout"
> >Identifier " Configured"
> >Screen  0  "Screen0" 0 0
> >InputDevice"Mouse0" "CorePointer"
> >InputDevice"Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
> >EndSection
> >
> >
> >Try this, tell me how it works.
> >
> >
> >
> Chuck,
>   Setting my mouse driver to "ums0", will make X crash before loading.
> My box never reported the ums0 device/the usb mouse. The usbd is
> running. There is no moused processes running on this box, as it is
> disabled in /etc/rc.conf. I get the scroll wheel to work as a middle
> button, but you are right, the scroll feature does not work.

Just 1 thing I need to confirm: did you kill the moused process BEFORE
starting X?  Because if you didn't, that's exactly what happens to me.  I
need to kill the moused process that is tying up ums0, then I can start up

> Option "Buttons" "5"
> Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
> Setting those two options does not enable the scroll wheel. I think that
> is due to the generic PS/2 driver reported in dmesg. Having a working
> scroll  wheel was never  a issue for  me :) Also note, I never tried
> FreeBSD 6.x .

No, let's fix the mouse first, then we worry about the mouse wheel.

> I am not sure if the following info matters or not:
> This is included as it may give you some hints for fixing the wheel
> feature. This mouse config was a combination of some google hints that
> led me to look at, 'man psm', 'man device.hints', and my experience
> with  Freebsd 4.x. FreeBSD 4.x taught me  that  using  /dev/bpsm0 in
> the  X config would work, with this mouse and this kvm. I  didn't try
> setting up the moused in /etc/rc.conf with FreeBSD 5.x.  In FreeBSD 4.x
> adding the bpsm0 config to /etc/rc.conf just lead to error messages
> getting reported to my shells every so often.
> Here is some additional info:
> %ls /dev
> acd0ata fidopsm0ttyv3
> acpiatkbd0  geom.ctlptyp0   ttyv4
> ad0 audio0.0io  ptyp1   ttyv5
> ad0s1   audio0.1kbd0ptyp2   ttyv6
> ad0s10  bpf0klogptyp3   ttyv7
> ad0s1a  bpsm0   kmemrandom  ttyv8
> ad0s1b  console log sndstat ttyv9
> ad0s1c  consolectl  lpt0stderr  ttyva
> ad0s1d  cttylpt0.ctlstdin   ttyvb
> ad0s1e  cuaa0   mdctl   stdout  ttyvc
> ad0s1f  cuaia0  mem sysmousettyvd
> ad0s2   cuala0  mixer0  ttyd0  

Re: cannot build openoffice

2005-03-17 Thread Chuck Robey
Doug Poland wrote:
On Thu, Mar 17, 2005 at 08:45:25PM +, RW wrote:
On Wednesday 16 March 2005 15:54, Brian John wrote:
When I try to build openoffice I get the following error:
./ && \ echo >& /dev/null
cp: ./ No such file or
dmake:  Error code 1, while making
---* TG_SLO.MK *---
*** Error code 255
Stop in /usr/ports/editors/openoffice-1.1.
It's been discussed in the ports list. You can just wait for it to be
fixed, but if you are in a hurry setting:
should make it work.
Didn't work for me yesterday.  However, I was able to install the
package from:
Anyone know, does the openoffice-2.0 port work?  Is it worth my while 
giving it a test build?

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Re: cannot build openoffice

2005-03-17 Thread Chuck Robey
Chuck Robey wrote:
Doug Poland wrote:
On Thu, Mar 17, 2005 at 08:45:25PM +, RW wrote:
On Wednesday 16 March 2005 15:54, Brian John wrote:
When I try to build openoffice I get the following error:
./ && \ echo >& 
cp: ./ No such 
file or
dmake:  Error code 1, while making
---* TG_SLO.MK *---
*** Error code 255

Stop in /usr/ports/editors/openoffice-1.1.

It's been discussed in the ports list. You can just wait for it to be
fixed, but if you are in a hurry setting:
should make it work.
Didn't work for me yesterday.  However, I was able to install the
package from: 

Anyone know, does the openoffice-2.0 port work?  Is it worth my while 
giving it a test build?
Holy frijoles, did you see the size of the tarball that this thing 
downloads?  232 Mb!  Probably takes 49 days to build ...

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Re: How to include header files in makefiles

2005-03-18 Thread Chuck Robey
Jonathon McKitrick wrote:
Hi all,
I'm setting up a build system for a small project and I want to use included
makefiles.  I have a that looks like this:
I will answer here, but be aware that you're getting all of my 
prejudices too, so take things with a grain of salt.

First item deals with the .path statements, and more specifically, your 
use of relative addressing.  It's my own experience that, if you use 
relative addressing, you make troubleshooting a broken build much more 
difficult, because

1) relative addressing means you have to be forever translating paths in 
listings, and very often the number of include paths gets to be rather long.
2) all the stuff like "../.." in listings is quite difficult to read
3) with the $(.CURDIR) variable, it's extremely easy to use absolute 
addressing.  You can also make use of $(.OBJDIR), and it's not so hard 
to make makefiles that work off of read-only sources like cdroms.

.PATH.h   : ../ ../include
CFLAGS   = -O -pipe -Wall -g
OBJS = ${SRCS:R:S/$/.o/g}
and a that looks like this:
include ../include/mk/
all: ${BIN}
${BIN}: ${OBJS}
so that a makefile for a specific program looks like this:
BIN = app
SRCS = app.c
LDFLAGS += -pthread
include ../include/mk/
The Make(1) man page doesn't show "include", the advertised command is 
".include".  If you use .include, then you can modify your make, if you 
want, with the -m argument, and so get specific directories to be added 
to the search path for make include files.  I'm not sure, but I think 
that raw "include) is more a gmake item, and it's absolute addressing. 
Don't forget the "-" argument, so that you allow includes to fail if 
they need to, like for generating dependencies.

But I'm having a problem figuring out how to handle header files.  I have
some that are local to this binary, but others are in the project include
How can I include the .h files so the .c files are recompiled when the
header files they require are changed?  GNU make has 'make depend' but I'd
like a better, BSDmake-centric way, if possible.
Well, did you look at the files in /usr/share/mk, and specifically  You can even use the FreeBSD sources to figure out (to use 
as examples) how things should work.

Don't forget the use of -m, because you can use it to add to the include 
directory list, and so be able to add your own include files without 
corrupting the system files.

I honestly keep on switching back and forth, between thinking that the 
best make is bmake, or gmake.  They both have key items that make them 
uniquely better.

Thanks for your help,
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Re: FreeBSD 4.x Opteron Question

2005-03-18 Thread Chuck Robey
Boris Spirialitious wrote:
--- Boris Spirialitious <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
--- Matthew Seaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 08:50:22AM -0800, Boris
Spirialitious wrote:
When opteron support start for Freebsd? I have

is supported? Or 4.11 better? I can't use 5.x.
Well, AMD64 support as a tier-1 platform only came
in with 5.x, so
you're S.O.L. if you have to use a 4.x release

Will a i386 disk boot on opteron system? Can I
use same disk image for intel and amd MBs? Any
big problems?
You can generally run AMD64 machines in IA32 mode
but what would be
the point? All you get then is a machine that
more than an
equivalent IA32 box and that probably performs
That is very curious to say. Isn't the advantage
of Opteron the superior IO architecture? There is
not much advantage with 64 bit computing. What is
faster about it? Pointers are bigger, so it use
more cache for less. NOt much 64bit math in
OS. Why do you say it will perform worse?
Boris, I am sure you realize that a great deal of the 64 bit IO 
architecture is leveraged from the 64 bit instructions set, that allows 
things like 64 bit fetches.  Will there be a gain without using the 64 
bit instruction set?  Yes.  Will it be as large?  No.


I am waiting for your answer.
Do you Yahoo!? 
Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. 
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Re: FreeBSD 4.x Opteron Question

2005-03-18 Thread Chuck Robey
Kenneth Culver wrote:
Quoting Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Boris Spirialitious wrote:
--- Boris Spirialitious <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
--- Matthew Seaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 08:50:22AM -0800, Boris
Spirialitious wrote:
When opteron support start for Freebsd? I have

is supported? Or 4.11 better? I can't use 5.x.

Well, AMD64 support as a tier-1 platform only came
in with 5.x, so
you're S.O.L. if you have to use a 4.x release
Will a i386 disk boot on opteron system? Can I
use same disk image for intel and amd MBs? Any
big problems?

You can generally run AMD64 machines in IA32 mode

but what would be
the point? All you get then is a machine that

more than an
equivalent IA32 box and that probably performs

Actually due to the onboard memory controller it performs significantly 
than like-priced chips from intel.
I completely agree with you, Ken, but I had the feeling that this fellow 
was flamebaiting me, and I didn't want to subject everyone to that.  I 
was right to begin with: there is some gain from having the chip, there 
is more gain if you have the better instruction set.  If folks need to 
know more, like I *know* you have, you read one of the many 
architectural sites on the web.

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Re: Clean install of FreeBSD, many ports wont compile

2005-03-26 Thread Chuck Robey
Matt Juszczak wrote:
Still can't figure out how to get my FreeBSD machine to work properly.  
I've tried everything.

Download the ISO on Wednesday, Mar 23rd, from  standard 
install, cvsup'd the ports, and tried to install 
/usr/ports/editors/pico, /usr/ports/shells/bash2, and a couple other ports.

The output of the bad compile of pico and bash are below:
I tried memtest, a hard drive test, etc.  I don't understand how a clean 
install of freebsd 5.3 - RELEASE could be doing this.
Looking at your listings, you aren't trying to do a clean install, 
you're trying to do a complete rebuild.  If you don't have your system 
completely built ALREADY at this point, it's a bit like trying to buy a 
car by putting one together, armed with a nice screwdriver.

Back up, tell us if you have a system installed.  IF that's true, then 
stop complaining about trying to install a system, because you have 
that, instead begin researching (by using the FreeBSD handbook) how to 
recompile a kernel.  If you aren't at least somewhat of a programmer, 
then you're going to need to get a friend who IS one to help you out ... 
maybe, learn how to use the FreeBSD IRC channel, it's fairly good.

The way it goes is, first yo uget yourself a system installed, then you 
worry about getting a system recompiled.  Along the way you will do a 
whole lot of learning.

BUT stop complaining about not getting your system to "work properly" 
unless that really is your problem, cause all you're going to do is 
confuse and upset people who want to help you.

For the record, I cvsup'd to cvsup2, and I've tried that server on 
another already installed 5.3-RELEASE and it worked fine.  Please, any 
suggestions would be appreciated.  I've never seen anything like this 

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Re: which shell irc client do you like ?

2005-03-27 Thread Chuck Robey
Christopher Nehren wrote:
Hash: SHA1
On 2005-03-27, Gert Cuykens scribbled these
curious markings:
Thx ps how do you do /set | more in irc language ?

Have you tried using the backscroll, accessible (in irssi at least) with
Page Up / Page Down?
Just curious if you folks have tried the mozilla application, available 
only from mozilla (not firefox) called chatzilla?  I have tried nearly 
all of the other IRC clients, it's not a minimal one, but it's very very 

Best Regards,
Christopher Nehren
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (FreeBSD)
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Re: which shell irc client do you like ?

2005-03-27 Thread Chuck Robey
Christopher Nehren wrote:
On 2005-03-27, Chuck Robey scribbled these
curious markings:
Just curious if you folks have tried the mozilla application, available 
only from mozilla (not firefox) called chatzilla?  I have tried nearly 
all of the other IRC clients, it's not a minimal one, but it's very very 

I personally try to keep things as console-based as possible. screen,
irssi, elinks, mutt, slrn and vim are my best friends. I'd be in serious
trouble if ncurses broke. :)
Can't say that I completely disagree, being that I'm a notable vim 
enthusiast, but I always say, if you're going to be honest, you need to 
at least try the one's you don't like, else you are not being honest in 
saying you don't like it.  I spent over a year learning C++, so I could 
be honest in saying I didn't like it.  If you don't give something a 
real try, then you're like the 3 year old who says "I don't like it, 
what is it?"

Best Regards,
Christopher Nehren

Chuck Robey | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | electronics, communications, and SF/Fantasy.
New Year's Resolution:  I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
fictitious words in the dictionary (on the wall at my old fraternity,
Signa Phi Nothing).

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my ethernet to my laptop/getting the tcp/X11 socket up

2005-03-31 Thread Chuck Robey
Well, I need to get two problems off my chest, so to speak, well, really 
3 problems.  May as well hit the easiest first, which is getting the X11 
tcp socket opened up.

BACKGROUND: I want to give the database I wrote to the friend of mine I 
wrote it for.  I got a laptop that sort of fell into my lap, but it 
didn't come with an ethernet, so I had a ethernet card lying around (I 
forget the name of the outboard cards for laptops, this is the very 
first time for me, using a laptop).  I installed it, it worked with the 
rl0 driver.  Sometimes.

Why sometimes?  Smart guy, that's question 1.  The indication I get is, 
I get an error (tcp error) soemthing like this one below (they're not 
all alike):

Mar 30 21:37:52 september kernel: rl0: discard frame w/o leading 
ethernet header (len 2 pkt len 2)

Well, the result is always the same, which is that the rl0 line stops 
dead in it's tracks.  I can do a ifconfig down/ifconfig up and clear it, 
but every time I do that, I take a 1 in 5 chance of getting a kernel 
panic.  It's not something I crave to do a lot, so I can't just dismiss 
it by making a utility to down/up the interface.  I need this fixed.

My kernel is 5.3 stable.  I picked it because it was the only one of all 
of the ones I could pick (and I did try them all) that seemed compatible 
not only with the ethernet card, but also the usb trackball I like (I 
hate mice) and that the available X for that version knows the usb 
drivers.  Too early and it won't work with ums0.

OK, I'd like suggestions from someone who knows the history, is there 
any easy fix for the rl0 driver I'm using, that will allow it to work 
stably?  Anyone know of any problem like what I've described?

Second set of problems is easier to describe: I want to get the tcp 
sockets on X turned on.  I know about the -no-tcp, and there are 
unfortunately too many places that it could be turned off.  On my 
server, running FreeBSD-6.0 (it's an opteron, dual) I am running a very 
 very reent kde (damn but that compiled easily!)  On the other machine, 
well, today it's FreeBSD-5.3 like I said.  Maybe you'll change my mind. 
On neither machine am I running any sort of login daemon, it's just 
startx.  I sure wish that the darned security person who got them to 
bias the options against running that socket would undo his work.  I 
don't mind the option existing, but making it the default was a rotten 
thing to do to me.

I won't listen to anyone who tells me to upgrade my laptop for the hell 
of it, because my app is python/gtk, and needs too many parts to work 
together for me to risk breaking what works today just for the hell of 
it.  Give me a solid reason, and then I'll do it.

I'm quite, *quite* willing to buy another ehternet card.  The one I have 
is a D-Link, the dmesg reports:

miibus0:  on rl0
Mar 30 21:44:23 september kernel: rlphy0:  on miibus0
Mar 30 21:44:23 september kernel: rlphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 
100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
Mar 30 21:44:23 september kernel: rl0: Ethernet address: 00:0d:88:27:c4:38

OK, so I'm looking for advice on the ethernet problem, and maybe

Chuck Robey | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | electronics, communications, and SF/Fantasy.
New Year's Resolution:  I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
fictitious words in the dictionary (on the wall at my old fraternity,
Signa Phi Nothing).

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Re: my ethernet to my laptop/getting the tcp/X11 socket up

2005-03-31 Thread Chuck Robey
wizlayer wrote:
On Thursday 31 March 2005 12:41 pm, Chuck Robey wrote:
I installed it, it worked with the rl0 driver. 

Why sometimes?  Smart guy, that's question 1.  The indication I
get is, I get an error (tcp error) soemthing like this one
below (they're not all alike):
Mar 30 21:37:52 september kernel: rl0: discard frame w/o
leading ethernet header (len 2 pkt len 2)
Well, the result is always the same, which is that the rl0 line
stops dead in it's tracks.  I can do a ifconfig down/ifconfig
up and clear it, but every time I do that, I take a 1 in 5
chance of getting a kernel panic.  It's not something I crave
to do a lot, so I can't just dismiss it by making a utility to
down/up the interface.  I need this fixed.
I'm quite, *quite* willing to buy another ehternet card.  The
one I have is a D-Link, the dmesg reports:
miibus0:  on rl0
Mar 30 21:44:23 september kernel: rlphy0:  on miibus0
Mar 30 21:44:23 september kernel: rlphy0:  10baseT,
10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
Mar 30 21:44:23 september kernel: rl0: Ethernet address:
OK, so I'm looking for advice on the ethernet problem, and
Are you sure the network card itself isn't hosed?
I had a cheapo network card that did something very similar.  In 
fact, I'm pretty sure it had a realtek chipset too (although I'm 
not lifting a finger in their direction)...  Worked fine, then 
weird errors and *lights out*...  Turned out to be the NIC itself 
(why sometimes?  who knows...  temperature, defunct buffer 
After a lot of swimming thru the mail search page, I found that there 
are a LOT of problems that have  in common these items:

1) rl0 interface
2) FreeBSD5.3
3) error messages of the form "rl0: discard oversize frame"
There are a pretty fair number of these, from various sources.  Fact. 
At least one of them claimed it was solved in RELENG_5.  Sure wish I 
could locate the other mails in THAT chain (I spent 20 minutes trying to).

So my fix sounds like it boils down to one of two items: either getting 
someone who knows 5.3 better than I do to recommend a cardbus device 
that would be sound (a vendor) and I would run right out and buy it, or 
I suppose I could get the required sources burnt onto a cdrom, and get 
them on that laptop that way, recompile, and see about reinstalling.

I am loath to try that second method only cause I have all that userland 
software that I mustn't lose compatibiilty with, and it's got all those 
dependencies (sleepycat database, python, gtk, 3 1/2 pounds of my 
coding).  I want to do the minimum necessary to get it working.

So, if one of you folks can recommend a cardbus card that I oughta buy, 
that doesn't use the rl0 driver, that would be nice.  mail me a *.ko for 
it, and I would love you forever.  Skip that last part if you want, 
cause maybe I could do it, but I wasn't joking about wanting to mess 
with this the least I can, it's a fragile stack of software.

my .02,
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Chuck Robey | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | electronics, communications, and SF/Fantasy.
New Year's Resolution:  I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
fictitious words in the dictionary (on the wall at my old fraternity,
Signa Phi Nothing).

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Re: Still trying to get my site up!

2005-06-26 Thread Chuck Robey
Sarath ER wrote:

> Gerard Seibert wrote:
>> Thanks to several individuals, I have almost gotten my Apache2 server
>> working. Almost, but not quite.
>> My ISP blocks port 80; therefore I am using a redirect from
>> to redirect to an alias using port 9545.
>> The '' redirects to ''
>>> From my FreeBSD box, if I type: lynx, I see the 
>> following message: Using The
>> connection is made and the index.htm file is displayed.
>> However, I am unable to reach this site from any other computer.
>> Eventually, the request will time out and I receive an error message
>> telling me that the site is not available.
>> I am not sure what I am doing wrong at this point. I have posted the
>> following files if anyone feels ambitious enough to look them over
>> for me.
Sarath, I will see if I can rephrase some of this, and at least help
*MY* understanding.  If your ISP is blocking port 80, then the fix
absolutely must fall into one of two categories: either you can find out
how your ISP is blocking it, and do a workaround of that, or you must
have someone else perform a service for you, having the required URL
changed to be the correct base port (not 80, and I would myself choose
8080, if your ISP didn't block that also).  Nice thing about that, your
friendly apache-friend isn't going to lose any bigtime bandwidth,
because it's still being served from your machine, your friend is merely
serving to redirect the port, not actually
serve it.

Now, I will make the assumption here that the above paragraph is mostly
right.  You could use ethereal very simply to check and make sure of
it.  One screwup would be to have the redirect be close, but not
actually what it should be, and it's really, really easy to read and
check this.  I'd bet it as either a very likely thing to be, OR while
you do it, you are pretty likely to spot the real problem.  Go give it a
try.  Ethereal is such a great tool that you can't really lose here,
learning how to use it, you're looking at a win-win situation.

>> httpd.conf =
>> hosts=
>> This is the output from ifconfig -a
>> net-card.txt=
>> resolv.conf=
>> The 'hosts' file has a pretty good description of my network in it. I
>> double checked my router, and I believe it is configured correctly to
>> pass port 9545 through.
> Hi,
> Just checked, the connection fails.. Are you sure
> that you have enabled port forwarding in the router?
> - Sarath
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Re: Freebsd 5.4 cannot fetch xfree86?

2005-06-27 Thread Chuck Robey
perikillo wrote:

>  Hi to all.
>I install freebsd 5.4 Release, with xorg i have problems with my
>kbd, and i decide to install the old friend XFree86-4, i read the
>handbook about, the example say:
>test# pkg_add -r XFree86
>   But my system dosent found nothing, the answer is something about
>"Cannot fetch xfree86 packages from
You can use the PACKAGESITE variable to get pkg_add to go where you
want.  This next line can be done a whole  bunch of different ways, but
it's the most general, but I have crafted this for my own system, which
is a amd64, so it points there.  If you don't see this, and change this
to point to your own system's architecture, yu're on your own if you
mess things up:

/usr/sbin/pkg_add -f -r ${PKG_TARGET}

>   There is something else i need to do? or where i can change the
>default URL? OR wich URL have those pakages ? Any help i will
>Thanks to all.
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Re: Linux move to FreeBSD

2005-07-04 Thread Chuck Robey

TvZ wrote:


I am a user of SUSE Linux, and I was thinking of
trying out BSD. After reading as much information
as I could about the three variants of BSD vs.
Linux. On technical merit, I was very impressed.

FreeBSD looks like a good stating place for me,
but one think about FreeBSD makes me uncomfortable
is the symbol/emblem that the OS uses. That is a "devil" !

I would like to know if possible how this came about,
and what thinking was behind it. From experience, I consider
symbols to be very significant, Historically, psychologically
and even spiritually.

Best regards


PS. Please can u e-mail me on this e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
when an answer becomes available.

As I stated earlier...I'm rather new to BSD...but one of the reasons I
changed fromn Linux -> bsd was merly the fact that I thought the penguin was
more evil than Beasty. Then again...that is just me. ;)

I cannot really believe that the above response, with it's obvious 
self-inconsistencies, was done seriously.  On the off chance that 
perhaps it was, ask yourself, would you really WANT a person who 
believes that a Penguin logo in and of itself constitutes a good reason 
to switch, along with us in FreeBSD?  I would be embarrassed to admit 
that such a person is an associate of mine, wouldn't you?.

Tertius van Zyl
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Re: lspci on freebsd

2005-07-14 Thread Chuck Robey

Galdes, Andrew (ERHS) wrote:

Hello all,

I'm new to BSD. In linux i could run "#lspci" to see a list of the attached
hardware. How can i do the same in FreeBSD 5?

scanpci is part of Xorg and XFree86 both, I think.  It'll give you the 
info you're after.

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