[Gimp-user] Editing masks

2002-07-09 Thread Steve Crane

I have recently been making an effort to learn as much about using the
GIMP as I can.  I have been referring to the GIMP User Manual, Grokking
The GIMP and several tutorials that I have downloaded.  These all
suggest that I should be able to use the painting tools to modify layer
masks and selection masks saved in channels.  However these tools have
absolutely no effect and I'm wondering if there is something I am not
doing that is needed to be able to do this.  I am using version 1.2.3,
built from source, and am running it on SuSE Linux 7.2.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Image->Transforms->Bend

2002-07-11 Thread Steve Crane

While running under Windows earlier this evening I was fiddling around
with the Bend tool.  Now I am back in Linux (my usual habitat) and find
that GIMP 1.2.3 under Linux doesn't seem to have this tool.  Under
windows I have the GIMPwin plugin pack installed and tracked it down to
a site mentioned during the install.  Unfortunately it is a compiled
.exe file and I have been unable to find it in source form.  A search in
registry.gimp.org for Bend does not find it.  Does anyone know where I
might find it?

Secondly the GUM discusses this tool as if it is a standard feature of
the program.  If it has been around for long enough to be mentioned
there why has it (and other plugins) not been included in the stable
download of the GIMP?

Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Editing masks

2002-07-11 Thread Steve Crane

Thanks to Jeff and Judy for the advice.  After reading your mails I
tried it again and it just worked.  I'm not too sure why but I suspect I
was trying to use black when I should have used white and vice versa.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Colour Picker question

2002-07-21 Thread Steve Crane

On Sun, Jul 21, 2002 at 06:24:26AM +0300, Nigel Ridley wrote:

> What Distro are you using?
> Using KDE under Mandrake 8.2 (other distros are probably similar) click on
> *K* (left in the Panel) then Multimedia > Graphics > Color Chooser. Click
> on the *Dropper*, click on your target color - away you go...

I am using SuSE 7.2 but I don't use KDE.  It is installed though so if
I know the name of a specific KDE program I can run it.  You wouldn't
happen to know what the name of that color chooser program is, would

Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] sepia

2002-11-25 Thread Steve Crane
On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 04:16:17PM +0100, Andrew Langdon-Davies wrote:
> Anybody know how to imitate a sepia print?

I find this technique[1] by Eric Jescke to produce good results.  Check
out some of his other tutorials too, he has some useful info there.


Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: New Gimp FAQ: Call for questions

2002-12-21 Thread Steve Crane
Here are a few ideas for questions for the new FAQ.

1.  Can I use brushes from other software such as Photo Shop or Paint
Shop Pro with the GIMP?

2.  How can I ensure that certain of the GIMP's windows, for instance
the Levels or Crop and Resize Information windows, always open in
the same position on screen?

Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] More FAQ answers

2002-12-22 Thread Steve Crane
On Sun, Dec 22, 2002 at 04:10:02PM -0600, Michael J. Hammel wrote:

> > 1.  Can I use brushes from other software such as Photo Shop or Paint
> > Shop Pro with the GIMP?
> Not that I'm aware of.  I know you can't drop those brush files into GIMP's
> brush directories and have them "just work."  If a file plug-in exists that
> can read those brush files then you will be able to read them in and then
> save them into GIMP's native brush file format.  But I don't know of any
> brush file plug-ins for other application's brushes.

Actually I know the answer to this one, but thought that it would be a
good question to include in the FAQ.  I was planning to offer the answer
when the call for answers came up.

There is a utility called abr2gbr that can convert the brush files used
by Photoshop and Paintshop Pro to the GIMP brush file format.  There are
two different formats (versions 1 & 2) of Photoshop brush files
(Paintshop Pro brushes match the earlier format) and the utility can
only convert the earlier type.  I think that the version 2 format was
introduced with a later version of Photoshop, possibly 5 or 6 but the
author of abr2gbr says that the format is not known so he has not been
able to cater for it.

For more info and to download the converter see
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] sound apps

2003-01-26 Thread Steve Crane
On Sun, Jan 26, 2003 at 10:04:19PM -0800, Zeus wrote:
> I need a sound apps (runs on GTK or QT), the apps should have the 
> capabilities displaying sound histogram (sonogram). And capable to 
> record sound. reduce noises.

A GIMP forum is probably not the right place to ask this.  However you
should try searching for audacity on freshmeat.  I think it does what
you need.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: New Gimp FAQ: Call for Answers

2003-01-28 Thread Steve Crane
Here is my answer to the question below:

> 53a.Can I use brushes from other software such as Photo Shop or Paint
> Shop Pro with the GIMP?

It seems that there are two versions of brush files that are used by
Photoshop.  The earlier one is also used by Paint Shop Pro but the later
one is used only by Photoshop.

The good news for GIMP users is that there is a utility called abr2gbr
that can convert the earlier Photoshop brush files into GIMP format
brush files.  Unfortunately this utility is available only for Linux and
other Unix-like operating systems, although once the brush files have
been converted they can be used with the GIMP on other operating

One major difference between the Photoshop and GIMP brush files is that
while the Photoshop file can contain more than one brush, the GIMP
utilises a single file for each brush.  abr2gbr caters for this by
outputting multiple GIMP brush files when it converts a Photoshop brush
file that contains more than one brush.

abr2gbr can be downloaded from http://the.sunnyspot.org/gimp/tools.html.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] © ® Symbols

2003-02-18 Thread Steve Crane
On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 01:47:24PM -0500, M Narramore wrote:
> Does anyone know how to insert the (c) and (r) symbols into a Gimp
> image?

I open a text editor (nedit in my case), enter the special character
there, select it and right-click to pste it into the GIMP.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Handling EXIF embedded data in Gimp

2003-06-08 Thread Steve Crane
On Sun, Jun 08, 2003 at 05:38:34PM +0800, William Kenworthy wrote:
> In the meantime, is there anything that could extract the EXIM info,
> then be used to add it back afterwards?

I recently downloaded EXIFutils[1], a collection of console utilities for
working with EXIF information.  They seem very powerful and I have only
used the tiniest fraction of their capabilities.  To do what you need
one simply keeps a copy of the original jpeg form the camera and then
transfers the EXIF information from it to the manipulated image with the


These tools are not free but they do work in a limited way without being
registered.  The command above works fine without registering.  I have
also used the exiflist command to view the EXIF information.

Another utility that you might look at is jhead[2].  It seems less
powerful than EXIFutils but it is free.

[1] http://www.hugsan.com/EXIFutils/
[2] http://www.sentex.net/~mwandel/jhead/
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] how to transform bw image to transparency

2003-06-09 Thread Steve Crane
On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 06:53:26PM +0700, zeus wrote:
> You dont have to use mask.
> Change the layer mode into Multiply.

This is true if the effect you are trying to achieve is "transparency"
over the layer below.  However if you wished to save the image as say a
png with alpha transparency then I think you would need to use the mask.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Noise reduction

2003-09-26 Thread Steve Crane

Are there any built-in functions or scripts for the GIMP that can be
used to remove or reduce noise in digital photographs?  Does anyone have
a set of steps to follow to remove noise?  There are several stand-alone
programs available for Windows that do this but I haven't found any for
Linux yet.  Anyone know of any?

Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Noise reduction

2003-09-26 Thread Steve Crane
On Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 01:16:09PM -0700, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
> Try blurring the R, G, and B channels separately.
> Go into layers->channels, de-select all but one channel, and then run your
> blur.  Do that on each channel.

Thanks. I'll play with that a bit.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Noise reduction

2003-09-27 Thread Steve Crane
On Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 05:09:30PM -0700, Daniel Rogers wrote:

> It depends on what kind of noise you are looking at.  Can you describe the 
> noise more precisely?  Is it "salt and pepper" noise?  Gaussian noise?  If 
> you can show an example image I can help you pick a filter.

I'm not sure I know how to describe it.  I was really just asking in
general terms although there is a specific image that prompted my
question.  Take a look at my web site at http://craniac.afraid.org and
look at the very first photo there, the one with the red buildings.  I
used the curves on the sky section to give a similar effect to using a
polarising filter.  This has accentuated noise that isn't too noticeable
in this small, low-res version but is quite noticeable in the full-sized
original and would probably be noticeable on a print.  As this is a
reasonable flat area of colour the Gaussian blur filter could work but
might not be the best thing to use for other images.

I think that what I'm looking for is some ideas/tutorials on different
techniques that would suit different cases.  I don't much care for a
script that is more generic.  After all if I wanted the canned approach
I could just use Windows and Photoshop with it's million and three
filters.  I prefer to understand why the technique works as this will
aid me in applying it to future, slightly different cases.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Brush size

2003-10-18 Thread Steve Crane
Photoshop has the nice feature of showing you an outline of the
currently selected brush and allowing you to quickly change its size by
pressing the [ and ] keys.

I was wondering if GIMP has anything similar.  I'm using version 1.2.3.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: Speeding Up Gimp on WinXP Computer

2004-01-23 Thread Steve Crane
On Fri, Jan 23, 2004 at 01:16:13PM -0800, Carol Spears wrote:
> if you are working on a reasonable size image, i think that TheGIMP will
> render the effect quicker doing things its way with reasonably the same
> number of keystrokes as photoshop.

Some performance issues seem not to have anything to do with the size of
the file being worked on and should be fast, whether the workpiece is
large or small, irrespective of the memory available.  For instance when
I invoke File|Save As under Linux I immediately get the file chooser
dialog.  When I do the same under Windows it takes perhaps 2 or 3
seconds for the file chooser to open.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: Speeding Up Gimp on WinXP Computer

2004-01-25 Thread Steve Crane
On Sun, Jan 25, 2004 at 01:47:47PM +0100, Sven Neumann wrote:
> Please ignore Carol's ramblings. She is talking mainly bullshit here.
> Albeit the fact that she has a gimp.org email address she is not
> talking on the behalf of the GIMP developers. At least when she's in
> this particular mood.

Thanks Sven, I was about to reply to Carol about her message but I won't
bother now.  I must admit that when I first read it I did a double take
and thought "WTF, does Adobe pay this woman?"  I'm sure she is trying to
be helpful in her own way but given the poison pen she writes with this
may not be a good thing.

> Please don't get a wrong impression from Carol's reply. We are
> definitely interested to hear about your in your problems. Even though
> most GIMP developers are using some flavour of UNIX, we are still
> willing to make GIMP work well on the Win32 platform.

I am not at all unhappy with GIMP's performance (using default settings)
on Windows XP other than the fact that I have noticed a lag before the
file chooser opens when using File|Save As.  I am a developer myself and
work on Windows, so I have GIMP on it for the odd occasions when I need
to do something graphical at work.  Because I don't use it much I
haven't bothered trying to optimise it but I will try doing so to see
what difference it makes.

My comment that I didn't think available memory would impact the time to
open the file chooser for Save As, revolves around the way I do this in
my own programs.  I do no processing before displaying the file chooser
and if the GIMP behaves the same there is no reason for there to be a
lag.  If however, some processing is done before displaying the dialog
then some delay might be expected.

Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: Speeding Up Gimp on WinXP Computer

2004-01-25 Thread Steve Crane
On Sun, Jan 25, 2004 at 04:31:51PM +0100, Sven Neumann wrote:
> I don't think GIMP does anything special before opening the file
> selector. It might be the file selector itself that causes the
> delay. Do you observe similar problems with other file selectors
> (for example when exporting a path or loading curves presets)?

I've never really noticed.  I'll try tomorrow at the office and let you
know.  Here at home I'm running GIMP on Linux as it should be.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Unable to run Gimp 2.0 on Windows XP due to error

2004-04-04 Thread Steve Crane

I have been trying to get Gimp 2.0 running on Windows XP and have
encountered a problem that I'm not sure how to deal with.  While the
program is starting and the splash screen indicates that fonts are being
loaded, the program crashes after displaying the following error in a
console window.

  (gimp-2.0.exe:3684): GLib-CRITICAL **: file gconvert.c: line 498
  (g_convert): assertion `str != NULL' failed

The OS version is Windows XP Professional with service pack 1a.  I
installed Gimp from gimp-2.0.0-i586-setup.exe and GTK+ from

I have tried to search the list archive but was prevented by an htdig
error.  Any advice on how to resolve this issue would be most

Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] gimp-2.0: Snap to guide changed?

2004-04-07 Thread Steve Crane
I was using gimp-2.0 (on Windows) for the first time last night and
noticed a difference in the snap to guide handling compared to

I often use guides to constrain rectangular selections and when the
selection is across the full width or height of the image I will
increase the size of the window so there is some space around the image.
I will then click and start dragging in the space around the image, move
into and right over the image and to the extent I want to select in the
other dimension.  The selection snaps to the guide and displays its
marching ants outside the image, into the space around it.  When the
mouse button is released the selection shrinks so only the area within
the image itself is selected.

When I did this in gimp-2.0 last night I discovered that the snap to
guide now only works while the mouse pointer is actually over the image.
As I start the drag (outside the image) there is no snapping to the
guide.  When the mouse pointer moves over the image, snapping occurs,
but when the mouse pointer exits the other side of the image the
snapping stops again.  This means the one needs to work more precisely,
and slowly, to ensure that the selection extends right up to the image
without the mouse pointer actually exiting the image.

Is this perhaps something that is controlled by an option or is it a
change in behaviour in gimp-2.0?  If it is an intentional change in
behaviour, is there perhaps another way to make such a selection without
the need for the precision near the edges of the image?

Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Re: Environment settings & big images

2004-04-23 Thread Steve Crane
On Fri, Apr 23, 2004 at 02:26:17PM +1200, Jaco Swart wrote:
> Hm, mine is Gimp 1.2.5 on a 1.8GHz P4, W2K, but just 256M RAM. The Tile 
> Cache is set to 128M.  In the case I described, I did have PS open at 
> first, but no images loaded. After that, I closed PS and Framemaker and 
> tried again - dead slow.

Do you have any variant of Microsoft SQL Server on that machine?  SQL
Server loads as a service (i.e. when the machine starts up) and will
grab as much memory as it can.  If so, stop the SQL services and try
working with the GIMP again.  Might make a difference.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp on Slashdot

2004-05-01 Thread Steve Crane
On Sat, May 01, 2004 at 08:47:36PM +0300, Nonexistent Entity wrote:
>  GIMP has a beautiful flexible UI design (especially when you know about
>  the TAB key :) )

I am not aware of any tricks regarding the TAB key.  Please would you be
so kind as to clue me in.  I just tried it in 1.2.3 (yeah, I know) on
Linux and it doesn't do anything there.  Perhaps it only works in later
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp on Slashdot

2004-05-01 Thread Steve Crane
On Sun, May 02, 2004 at 01:04:36AM +0200, Sven Neumann wrote:
>   If your screen is too cluttered, you can press Tab multiple
>   times in an image window to hide or show the toolbox and other dialogs.
> I strongly suggest reading the "Tips of the Day". There are a lot of
> very important hints in there.

I'll do that.  I think I did once but have probably forgotten a bunch of
useful things that I didn't actually start using.  I found the tip about
the Tab but it doesn't work.  As I said before this is 1.2.3 on Linux
(KDE).  Pressing Tab with the image window focussed does nothing.  I
wonder if KDE is trapping the keystroke, preventing Gimp from receiving
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Web background

2004-05-06 Thread Steve Crane
On Thu, May 06, 2004 at 09:06:30PM +0200, Alf C Stockton wrote:
> I cannot find a way in Gimp 2.0.1 to decrease the file size of an image so that
> I can load it as a background in an HTML file and have acceptable load times.

If the image is a photograph choose File | Save As... and save the image
as a JPEG (jpg extension) with a different name than the original (you
probably don't want to overwrite it).  The Save As JPEG dialog will be
displayed.  Make sure that the Preview (in image window) option is
turned on.  This both displays the size the file will be and updates the
image window to show what the resulting image will look like.  Then use
the Quality slider to achieve a balance between the file size and the
image quality.

If it is not a photograph you can use Image | Mode | Indexed... to
convert the image into an indexed file.  Choosing fewer colours will
make the file smaller but there is a trade-off with quality.  Play
around with the number of colours and type of dithering, saving the file
as GIF or PNG, until you are happy with the size and quality.

If the image is a pattern you could also make it a small, tile-able image
that will tile to fill the browser window.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Problem with GIMP or KDE?

2004-06-23 Thread Steve Crane

I'm having a little problem with GIMP 2.0.0 running on KDE.  I know
there is a later version of GIMP but I think that this may just be a
case of GIMP and KDE not interacting well and there may be a setting
(probably in KDE) that will correct it.

I use the rectangular selection tool in fixed aspect ration mode to
select areas for cropping.  After I make the selection I sometimes need
to move it slightly.  As the Alt key appears to be bound to the window
manager I use Alt-Shift to allow me to drag the selection boundary.  I
used to do this before with GIMP 1.2.3 on a previous KDE version with no
trouble.  However it now causes the keyboard to go into a weird state
where key presses cause a beep and do not register.  If you hold the key
depressed for a little longer than usual it does register the key press
and does not trigger key repeat unless you hold it even longer.

Once the keyboard is in this state I have found no way to get out of it
although I'm sure there must be one.  Does anyone know?  The only way I
have been able to reset it is to log off, thereby restarting X.  This is
inconvenient and costs me money as it means I have to drop an reconnect
my dial-up Internet connection for which I have a fixed maximum per call

Does anyone know why this is happening and more importantly if it is due
to some setting in either GIMP or KDE being misconfigured?  Strangely it
does not seem to happen with every use of Alt-Shift but I have not been
able to work out any specific pattern.

Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Print multiple photos

2004-06-23 Thread Steve Crane
On Wed, Jun 23, 2004 at 05:43:42PM -0400, Gary Montalbine wrote:
> I have been searching for a way to print 4 photos at the same time 
> on a sheet of photo paper using gimp and gimp print.

What about creating a new image, the size of a sheet of paper and then
laying the four photos out on it?  You can then print the single image
containing the four photos.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Problem with GIMP or KDE?

2004-06-24 Thread Steve Crane
On Wed, Jun 23, 2004 at 11:30:05PM -0300, Joao S. O. Bueno wrote:
> the way to go is to turn off alt actions on KDE.

Thanks Joao, that was just what I needed.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Slow USM with particular settings

2004-08-14 Thread Steve Crane

I am adapting a workflow from a Photoshop action and there is one step
that does haze removal with USM using radius 60, amount 0.30 and
threshold 1, that is extremely slow.  I just timed it on a 94.4MB 4048x3040
photograph and it took 3 minutes, 50 seconds.  I have a tile cache of
256MB and all other operations that I do are pretty fast.  Is it
expected that USM will be slow with such large radius settings or is
this a problem?  I'm using version 2.0.0 on Linux.  I need to get round
to compiling the latest version but don't know if that would affect this
particular issue.

Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Slow [Unsharp Mask] with particular settings

2004-08-15 Thread Steve Crane
On Sun, Aug 15, 2004 at 08:18:14AM -0700, William Skaggs wrote:

> Does Photoshop do it a lot faster with the same parameters?

Very much so.  I created a panorama earlier this evening and ran it
through the workflow action I'm porting to GIMP and the haze removal
step took only a few seconds, and this on a 275MB image.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Slow [Unsharp Mask] with particular settings

2004-08-15 Thread Steve Crane
On Sun, Aug 15, 2004 at 01:05:29PM -0700, Carol Spears wrote:

> what did you use for haze removal?

USM with radius 60, amount 0.30 and threshold 1.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Slow [Unsharp Mask] with particular settings

2004-08-16 Thread Steve Crane
On Sun, Aug 15, 2004 at 03:00:01PM -0700, Carol Spears wrote:

> > USM with radius 60, amount 0.30 and threshold 1.
> > 
> without having the chance (or a photo handy) to check this with, are you
> certain that unsharp mask is better than using levels?

As I explained in my original post I am in the progress of converting a
Photoshop action that performs a workflow to process photos from
specific cameras.  This is just one of the steps it uses.  As the step
is quick in Photoshop and very slow in GIMP, I merely wondered if this
was to be expected or the symptom of a problem.  One of the other
replies suggested that the large radius could be expected to make the
USM filter slow as the algorithm had not been revised for some years and
was perhaps not working as well as it could.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Slow [Unsharp Mask] with particular settings

2004-08-17 Thread Steve Crane
On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 10:52:52AM +0200, Sven Neumann wrote:

> Steve, please don't be so ignorant.

This seems a bit rude and uncalled for.

> Carol has a point here. If unsharp
> mask is slow, it makes sense to look for alternatives.

Of course it does.

> There's no
> point in sticking to your workflow if it turns out that the same
> result can be better achieved differently.

I don't intend to, nor did I say I planned to.

> So, are you certain that
> unsharp mask is better than using levels?


The point I was trying to make in my reply to Carol, and maybe I didn't
put it across clearly, was the following.  In general GIMP (in Linux)
performs roughly the same as Photoshop (in Windows) on my machine.  So
when I found this one filter that is so much slower with the same
settings I became curious, wondering if it is to be expected, due to the
way GIMP handles USM.  That is all.  I was not saying I will blindly use
the function because the workflow uses it.  I was not saying that I
won't look for alternatives.  I was not saying that GIMP sucks or has a
bug, merely asking for an opinion from those more knowledgeable than
myself in the workings of the USM filter.

I do appreciate Carol's pointing out an alternative.  I sometimes feel
though, that on mailing lists in general, a lot of friction could be
avoided if we only answer what is asked, not what we think is being
asked by trying to read between the lines.

In response to Alan Horkan, it is the plug-in version that I'm using.

Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Photoshop Brushes

2004-09-21 Thread Steve Crane
On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 02:39:25AM +, Calvin Spealman wrote:
> So, I've embarked on the journey you would think someone would have at least
> made some progress on by now. I'm not complaining that GIMP can't use PS
> brushes, just a little surprised there wasn't enough need for this that
> more work hasn't been done on it so far.

There is a converter written by Marco Lamberto that can convert some,
but not all Photoshop and Paintshop Pro brushes.  See the following posts
from the archive for more info.


Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Fade one edge of photo to trans.

2004-09-29 Thread Steve Crane
On Wed, Sep 29, 2004 at 02:11:55PM -0700, George Farris wrote:
> How do I fade on edge of a photo to transparency?  Given a 4' by 5"
> picture I want to fade slowly fade (gradient) the first inch from
> transparency to the picture.

If your image has more than one layer then flatten it.  Make sure that
the background layer has an alpha channel, use the Add Alpha Channel
commnd if necessary.  Use the rectangular selection tool to select the
inch or so you want to fade.  Add a white (full opacity) lare mask to
the background layer.  Set foreground colour to white and background
colour to black.  Use the gradient tool with a FG to BG gradient and
draw a line from the edge of the selection to the edge of the image.
THis will draw a gradient on the mask, causing the image to be faded to
transparent at the edge, as you require.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Scheme question

2004-10-18 Thread Steve Crane
I have been trying to write some scripts to automate tasks but find that
I have some trouble using scheme.  Although I am experienced in other
languages I find scheme quite difficult to master as I can't seem to
find any language references.  There are lots of tutorials and samples
showing how to create scripts but nothing that I could find that
actually describes the language, functions available, etc.

At the moment I am trying to work out how to do integer division.  I
want to draw guides mapping the rule of thirds and want to ensure that I
get an integer result when I divide the image height and width by 3.
How would I do this?

Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] GIMP fails to load JPEG

2004-11-20 Thread Steve Crane
I have been using GIMP for several years and just encountered a problem
that I had never seen before.  I just bought a Canon Digital Rebel
(300D) and GIMP 2.0.0 is unable to open the JPEG files that it produces.
The message that it gives is "Plug-In could not open image".  JPEGs from
my Fuji S7000 and other sources load without a problem.

If this is a known issue that has been corrected I will have to download
and build the latest version.  If not, is there anyone that can explain
this and perhaps offer a solution?

Steve Crane
site: http://craniac.afraid.org
blog: http://craniac.antville.org
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP fails to load JPEG

2004-11-21 Thread Steve Crane
On Sun, Nov 21, 2004 at 01:37:33AM +0100, Sven Neumann wrote:

> You need to update libexif and you should also by all means update
> GIMP to version 2.0.6 or at least 2.0.5.

Thanks Sven,  after updating libexif I can load those files.  I will
update GIMP when I have the time, probably next weekend.
Steve Crane
site: http://craniac.afraid.org
blog: http://craniac.antville.org
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Using Photoshop brushes

2002-09-02 Thread craniac (Steve Crane)

Does anyone know if there is a way to convert Photoshop brushes to GIMP
brush format or if there is any other way to use them in the GIMP?

Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

RE: [Gimp-user] Cropping to a selection

2003-04-04 Thread craniac (Steve Crane)
> how do I crop the image to the size of a rectangular
> selection?

Select the crop tool before making the selection.  When you make a selection
with the crop tool it also gives you sizing and moving handles that you can
use to adjust the selection before doing the crop.  To apply the crop either
click inside the selection or click the button on the dialog that is
displayed when you start making the crop selection.

Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

RE: [Gimp-user] Re: Cropping to a selection

2003-04-04 Thread craniac (Steve Crane)
> > how do I crop the image to the size of a rectangular
> > selection?
> Using the 'crop' tool and selecting the 'crop from selection' option??

Neat, I had never used that feature before.

Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

RE: [Gimp-user] how to transform bw image to transparency

2003-06-09 Thread craniac (Steve Crane)
> i have a grayscale image (layer). now i want to add transpary 
> to layer (the 
> black parts are not the be transparent, the white parts are to be 
> transparent, the gray parts are to be 50% transparent. so how 
> can i transform (or add) a black and white image to a kind of 
> transparency mask ??

You can do this by masking (with a layer mask) the image with the inverse of
itself.  In other words make sure that the background has an alpha channel,
copy the image, add a layer mask and paste the copied image into it.
Finally invert the colours of the layer mask.

Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list

RE: [Gimp-user] A nice toy

2003-06-10 Thread craniac (Steve Crane)
> 1. Let's say I have this image I need to rotate precisely by 2.5
> degrees CCW. How I am supposed to do this simple task in Gimp?

Use the transform tool and set its options to rotation, traditional.
Click on the image to initiate a transfrom then type -2.5 into the Angle
field of the Rotation Information dialog before clicking Rotate.

>  2. I still didn't figure out how to quickly create my own patterns
>  (this is a simple procedure in Photoshop).

Save any image you wish to use into your patterns folder with the
extension .pat.  Open the pattern chooser and click Refresh to load the
pattern you have just saved.

> 3. A Distort tool seems to be missing in Gimp. Correct me if I am
> wrong.  Running Gimp 1.2.3 on a Mandrake Linux box.

Take a look at the Filters|Distorts menu, perhaps it contains what you
are looking for.
Steve Crane
Gimp-user mailing list