Re: [OpenXPKI-users] How are IP addresses added as Alternative Subject Names?

2024-05-13 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Does OpenXPKI support IP addresses as a SubjectAlternativename?
> On Fri, May 10, 2024 12:00, James B. Byrne wrote:
> How does one add an IP dotted quad as an alternate subject name when a signing
> certificates?  When added through the webui they appear as 
> I amused to seeing in the SAN in such cases.

In the unlikely case an IP address is actually needed in a certificate a 
profile this SAN type can be referenced via san_ipv4 in a subject style.

Examples are included in the community configuration in the "advanced" subject 
style, aptly named as "Extended naming (expert use only)" in the GUI.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Allow additional Elliptic Curves

2024-05-08 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I have created a csr using the elliptic curve secp256k1. When I copy this csr 
> in the web interface and try to request a certificate, I get this error:
> "Used key parameter is not allowed by policy (curve_name:"
> When I do the exact same thing but using the curve secp512r1, I don't have 
> this problem. 
> Further, I edited a few things in the file democa/profile/default.yaml:
> • I added the curve secp256k1 in the section ec: curve_name:
> • at the end of the file I added the string 
> But, this does not seem to solve the problem.
> Do I have to make some additional changes somewhere else?

Have a look at the comments above the key constraints setting in


# those names are used for validation and to render the
# option lit when server key generation is allowed
# The preset is the recommended list from RFC5480
# The possbile "named" curves are limited by the ones supported
# by Crypt::PKCS10 at the moment. For NIST P-192/256 you can use
# either the secpXXXr1 or primeXXXv1 alias
  - prime256v1
  - secp384r1
  - secp521r1


As mentioned in the comment, only named curves supported by Crypt::PKCS10 are 
accepted here. If you check the documentation of this module you will find that 
the curve secp256k1 is not supported by Crypt::PKCS#10. 
If you feel you need it (and/or possibly others), I suggest you take the time 
to collect a list of OIDs and curve names and submit a pull request via

BTW, adding the string "#I18N_OPENXPKI_UI_KEY_CURVE_NAME_SECP256K1" literally 
does nothing (short of informing the Gnu GetText about a possible translation).



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] EST Endpoint / RFC 7030

2024-05-08 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> For authenticated EST the OpenXPKI documentation says: Use the UI to obtain a 
> TLS Client certificate with the application name *pkiclient*
> I don't understand in which field of the X.509 certficate should the 
> "application name" go.

Our default configuration ships with the following EST endpoint configuration:


label: EST Default Endpoint

# Full DN
subject: CN=.+:pkiclient,.*

This basically means "extract the CN from the subject and check if it ends with 
:pkiclient". This can be used to perform some sort of authorization for the 
"enrollment on behalf" case in which a client certificate is used to obtain 
multiple certificates with different subjects. Basically this feature can be 
used to centralize automatic issuance for certificates of other subscribers 
(and needs a properly configured OpenXPKI EST/SCEP/RPC endpoint).

In order to facilitate issuing a certificate with subject with 
CN=foo:pkiclient, O=... can be created during the request process.

Our default GUI configuration provides a field "Application Name". If this is 
non-empty, the subject rendering rule in the default configuration will append 
":ApplicationName" to the CN value. The purpose of this is to be able to have 
multiple distinct certificates for one single host (for different purposes). 
One of these purposes could be enrollment-on-behalf, in which case you could 
input "pkiclient" as application name, giving you a TLS Client certificate 
which would match above rule.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Cannot generate a new certificate from external csr

2024-05-07 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I generated a new csr from the private key:
> openssl req -new -key 2016002C.key -out 2016002C_20240507.csr

No, you regenerated the same CSR from the same private key.

> When I paste the entire .csr into openxpki webui I get this error:
> The uploaded key was found to be used already by another certificate request
> but it is not allowed to certify the same key twice.
> 1.  What uploaded key does this message refer?

To the public key in the (same) CSR you used before.

> 2.  What specific series of events causes this message to be issued?

The PKI design decision we implemented in OpenXPKI in order to prevent exactly 

> 3.  What am I misapprehending with respect to issuing certificates for 
> existing
> hosts?

One of the reasons of having a NotAfter date in an X.509 Certificate is to 
limit exposure and active use of the associated private key.

By default, OpenXPKI enforces this idea by not allowing reuse of the same 
private key for newly issued certificates. This is a good idea, but you can, of 
course, disable that if you so choose.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] SSL

2024-04-22 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

>  How can the registration officer set the validity?

Well, click on "Edit Validity" on a PENDING request.

>  How could I create a second profile most effectively? I know I need to 
> expand the profile, but how should I configure it best?

Create a copy of the profile's YAML file for which you want to have a variant 
and edit what you would like to change, in this case the certificate validity. 



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] SSL

2024-04-18 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Thank you, but I have found my mistake

Would you mind sharing your experience so others can benefit from your 
resolution in case they are facing a similar problem?

> Another question
> Is there a possibility under "realm/democa/profile/default" to select the 
> validity between 1 year and 6 months. So that the user himself chooses 
> whether he wants to have 1 year or 6 months validity.

The Registration Officer can modify the validity of a pending request before 
approving/issuing the certificate.

Selection of different validities during the request process (by the user) is 
not available in the Community Edition, but this feature exists in the 
Enterprise Edition. 
A simple workaround is to define two different profiles with the desired 
validities and naming them appropriately, so the user can select the validity 
by choosing the profile. It's not a pretty solution but will work.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] How is an OpenXPKI generated private key exported?

2024-04-17 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> My question was imprecise. I had in mind a batch/cli type solution. After
> further research this is what I am attempting to use.

> openxpkicli --realm=hll_ca2016 get_private_key_for_cert \
> --param identifier='Lik1K_AGi-RDqOiNxjmptAh-4-w' \
> --param password='F990NCtO' \
> --param passout='' \
> --param nopassword=TRUE \
> --param format=PKCS8_PEM
> Error: Error while executing API command
>Attribute (identifier) is required

Retry using --arg instead of --param.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] How is an OpenXPKI generated private key exported?

2024-04-15 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I created csr where the option to create a private key was selected.  How is
> the private key created for this csr exported from openxpki?

Click on the Certificate. Choose Action -> "Download private key/keystore 


OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] openxpkicli import_certificate

2024-04-11 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I have successfully imported an existing certificate into the hll_ca2016 
> realm,
> finally.
> openxpkiadm certificate list -v -v --realm hll_ca2016 --all
> Certificates in hll_ca2016:
>  Identifier: 76QCIA3aO9WOjkW6g2SAGQXoATI
>  DC=ca,DC=harte-lyne,DC=hamilton,C=CA,ST=Ontario,L=Hamilton,O=Harte & Lyne
> Limited,OU=Networked Data Systems,
>Issuer DN:
>  DC=ca,DC=harte-lyne,C=CA,ST=Ontario,L=Hamilton,O=Harte & Lyne
> Limited,OU=Networked Data Services,CN=CA_HLL_ISSUER_2016
>  76QCIA3aO9WOjkW6g2SAGQXoATI -> Yh03GEV0ZGEqIGMf-fxZ3lErPmk ->
> CYQ4rXzn4X14_pPNKi8_Pq-Ywg8(complete)
> However, this certificate does not appear in webui, unless it is searched for
> by ID. The certificate is expired.  Nonetheless, I believe that expired
> certificates issued by a CA should continue to be reported.  What is the 
> reason
> that this certificate does not show up in 'my certificates' list or returned
> when a general search for all certificates is preformed?

You asked exactly the same question a few days ago:

And Oliver provided the accurate answer:

Best regards,


OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] openxpkicli import_certificate

2024-04-11 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> For the 'openxpkicli import_certificate' command there is a additional
> parameter named 'profile' which takes a string argument. Is this string a path
> to a file; or just the name of a file; or something else?

Well, it's the profile name...

In terms of the OpenXPKI configuration tree, this value references a leaf node 
below the "profile" node of a realm. In case of our published example YAML 
configuration layout (courtesy of Config::Merge), this also happens to be a 
file name in the profile directory of the realm.

> openxpkicli --realm hll_ca2016 \
>--filearg data=bare_20160001.pem \
>--param pki_realm='hll_ca2016' \
>--param update=1 \
>  import_certificate
> Is the profile parameter significant in placing an imported certificate into a
> specific realm?

I don't understand the question. If you want to associate the imported 
certificate with a profile, you can specify it as an option for the 
import_certificate API function.

> Is the default.yaml a valid profile for the purpose of importing a certificate
> into a specific realm?

No, as the name suggests it contains the common defaults for all other defined 



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Mapping openssl cnf options to openxpki yaml profiles

2024-04-10 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I have been struggling with the yaml profile mapping of certificate extensions
> to openxpki profiles. I need some examples or a profile node key legend to
> assist me in understanding how this works.

I think the example configuration in the configuration repository is pretty 
self explanatory. 

Please take your time to look at it, understand it and map it to your use case. 
You will find it is not that hard.

Also, I recommend to take this as an opportunity to clean up your existing 
certificate profile, you seem to have a lot of unnecessary legacy cruft in your 
existing certificates which I would recommend to get rid of.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Generate and publish a CRL

2024-04-04 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> There is no /var/www/ directory on FreeBSD as shipped.  Instead the html root
> is /usr/local/www/.  I created /usr/local/www/download/
> # ll -d /usr/local/www/download
> drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  2 Apr  4 12:39 /usr/local/www/download


> But still get the same result.
> 2024/04/04 14:05:33 9215 Publication failed for target disk-der, requeuing
> 2024/04/04 14:05:33 9215 Publication failed for target disk-pem, requeuing
> 2024/04/04 14:05:33 9215 Retry exceeded on action capub_publish_cacert
> What needs to be changed?

Check yo staging. Uh, permissions.


OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Unable to load key from datapool;

2024-04-02 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> openxpkicli --realm hll_ca2016 --filearg data=hllcerts/20160001.pem
> import_certificate
> Error: Error while executing API command
>Attribute (data) does not pass the type constraint because: ''Certificate:
>Version: 3 (0x2)
>Serial Number: 538312705 (0x20160001)
>Signature Algorithm: sha512WithRSAEncryption
> I checked the certificate using:
>   openssl x509 -text -noout -in hllcerts/20160001.pem
> and it is a valid pem encoded certificate.  What am I missing?

The file you are trying to import is not a pure PEM cert but contains leading 
text, and thus the input parameter is not passing the input data validation 

openssl x509 parses this just fine, but the API requires a pure PEM block. This 
is not the same.

Verify with cat hllcerts/20160001.pem

If the output is anything more than a pure 



then this is your problem.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] EST renewal/reenrollment

2024-03-26 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> 5- I do get authenticated through basic auth AND through the certificates i'm 
> passing to cURL.
> But I keep getting back the same certificate.
> No workflow is triggered.
> And in EST.log
>   INF authenticated client DN: CN=same cn,DC=Test 
>  Deployment,DC=OpenXPKI,DC=org [pid=91|ep=[undef]]
> 6- I thought it was my authentication stack causing the issue (using http 
> basic), so I reversed it back to the default (anonymous), and I still don't 
> get the renawal mode, just fetching the same certificate.

When receiving an enrollment request via any of its enrollment interfaces 
OpenXPKI distinguishes initial enrollment, renewal and enrollment on behalf 
mode and branches into the respective branch of the enrollment workflow. You 
can see which path is chosen by examining the enrollment workflow instance and 
its context.

If you send the same CSR (based on the same private key) to an enrollment 
interface, you will get back the existing certificate if the enrollment 
workflow for this key was previously successfully executed.

If you wish to perform a renewal, you need to generate a new private key and a 
new certificate request based on that new key. In order to qualify as a renewal 
from the viewpoint of OpenXPKI, the renewal request must be authenticated by 
the old, existing certificate and key (and the subject must match). In your 
example this means that you would have to call curl with certificate and key 
option pointing to the old certificate. 
Also, the existing certificate validity is considered by the enrollment 
workflow. Depending on configuration, the request may only be accepted if a 
certain remaining validity of the existing certificate is not exceeded.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] 1 secret groups not available

2024-03-22 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> openxpkiadm alias \
> --realm "hll_ca2016" \
> --token certsign  \
> --file /CA_HLL_ROOT_2016/certs/02.pem  \
> --key /CA_HLL_ROOT_2016/private/keys/02.key.aes256

This command
- imported 02.pem as the first (a "--generation 1" is implicit when you import 
the very first token) signer token in realm hll_ca2016
- also imported 02.key.aes as the corresponding signer key for this token

The system automatically created the signer token ca-signer-1 as one instance 
of the ca-signer token group.
You can import additional signers a few years down the road to perform seamless 
CA rollovers in your realm, if you don't specify --generation they will be 
assigned the token aliases ca-signer-2, ca-signer-3 etc.

> This is what I have in crypto.yaml
> token:
> default:
>   backend: OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL
>   # Template to create key, available vars are
>   # ALIAS (ca-signer-1), GROUP (ca-signer), GENERATION (1)
>   key: /usr/local/etc/openxpki/local/keys/[% PKI_REALM %]/[% ALIAS %].pem
>   # Default value for import, recorded in database, can be overriden
>   secret: default
> ca-signer:
>   inherit:default
>   key_store:  DATAPOOL
>   key:"[% ALIAS %]"
> I infer from this error message:
> OpenXPKI::Crypto::Backend::OpenSSL::Command::pkcs7_sign, __ERRVAL__ =>
> -nosmimecap -outform PEM -nodetach -in /var/tmp/openxpki7068rAhBRK43 -inkey
> /var/tmp/openxpki7068HnLhAvaK/ca-signer-1 -signer 
> /var/tmp/openxpki7068wnbNYH_K
> -out /var/tmp/openxpki7068BT1d_Hs4 -passin env:pwd, __EXIT_STATUS__ => 512
> [pid=7068|sid=IBVP]
> That the issue lies in the configuration of crypto.yaml.

No, it indicates that the secret group "default" does not unlock the CA key for 
ca-signer-1 in the datapool.

> I do not grasp the employment of tokens.  The error message refers to
> ca-signer-1.  Is this a token name?  If so, does it have to be explicitly 
> named
> in crypto.yaml or does the openxpki software look for ca-signer?

See above. ca-signer is the token group. ca-signer-1 is a token instance in 
this token group.

> Assuming that ca-signer is searched for then what is the value returned by "[%
> ALIAS %]"?  Does this reference get used to SEARCH in the RDBMS?  What is
> returned? The key itself or the path to the key file?

Maybe we did not explain this properly in one of the previous posts.
In your config

>   key_store:  DATAPOOL
>   key:"[% ALIAS %]"

tells the system to look in the datapool and retrieve the private key by its 
alias from the datapool. During the import of the private key in the above 
openxpkiadm command the private key was read and stored in the datapool. This 
is not mandatory, if it confuses you it can also be placed in the file system. 
In that case simply don't override key_store in the ca_signer definition, and 
the key will be referenced from the default location specified in token.default.

> When the 'openxpkiadm alias' command receives the '--key
> /CA_HLL_ROOT_2016/private/keys/02.key.aes256' argument are the contents of 
> that
> file stored in the DB or the path to the key file?

Depends on the token configuration. If key_store: DATAPOOL is set, the key is 
stored in the datapool. If key_store: OPENXPKI is set, the key is referenced 
from the file system. You can deposit they key in the file system yourself (and 
leave out --key during import) or have openxpkiadm write the key to the file 



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Unexpected error This workflow was interrupted by an unexpected event

2024-03-13 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Hi James,

> This is the diff between the current config.d and the original before any
> changes were made.
> # git diff -G. hllv1.00  -- --follow config.d
> diff --git a/config.d/realm.tpl/crypto.yaml b/config.d/realm.tpl/crypto.yaml
> index 95614f5..bda48a1 100644
> --- a/config.d/realm.tpl/crypto.yaml
> +++ b/config.d/realm.tpl/crypto.yaml
> @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ token:
># Template to create key, available vars are
># ALIAS (ca-signer-1), GROUP (ca-signer), GENERATION (1)
> -key: /etc/openxpki/local/keys/[% PKI_REALM %]/[% ALIAS %].pem
> +#   key: /etc/openxpki/local/keys/[% PKI_REALM %]/[% ALIAS %].pem
> +key: /usr/local/etc/openxpki/local/keys/[% PKI_REALM %]/[% ALIAS %].pem
># possible values are OpenSSL, nCipher, LunaCA
>engine: OpenSSL
> @@ -42,7 +43,8 @@ token:
>  vault:
>inherit: default
> -key: /etc/openxpki/local/keys/[% ALIAS %].pem
> +#   key: /etc/openxpki/local/keys/[% ALIAS %].pem
> +key: /usr/local/etc/openxpki/local/keys/[% ALIAS %].pem
>  ratoken:
>inherit: default
> @@ -58,6 +60,13 @@ token:
> # Define the secret groups
> secret:
> +
> +ca-signer:
> +label:  Secret group for certsign Token
> +export: 1
> +method: literal
> +value:  "democa"
> +
># this let OpenXPKI use the secret of the same name from system.crypto
># if you do not want to share the secret just replace this line with
> @@ -69,4 +78,4 @@ secret:
>label: Secret group for RA Token
>export: 1
>method: literal
> -value: root
> \ No newline at end of file
> +value: root

Yep, that's the problem. In the original default crypto.yaml we find

# The actual token setup
   # Default value for import, recorded in database, can be overriden
   secret: default

# use ALIAS as key as it makes debug and management easier
   inherit: default
   key_store: DATAPOOL
   key: "[% ALIAS %]"

# Define the secret groups
   # this let OpenXPKI use the secret of the same name from system.crypto
   # if you do not want to share the secret just replace this line with
   # the config found in system.crypto. You can create additional secrets
   # by adding similar blocks with another key
   import: 1

This means that the ca-signer token inherits from the default token 
configuration which references the "default" secret group. This "default" 
secret group is imported from the global configuration in 

There we find:

   label: Global secret group
   export: 0
   method: literal
   value: root

You added a new literal secret group "ca-signer" with the value "democa" to 
your token configuration.
Now, the error in the configuration is that you obviously assumed that by 
defining a secret group with the same name as the signer token will link this. 
This is not the case. Your new secret group was defined but is never used.

In order to make this work as you intend you need to do one of the following:

1. in your default token configuration change the secret definition to the 
correct secret group reference:

   secret: ca-signer


2. change the password in the "default" secret group from "root" to "democa"


3. change the CA key passphrase to "root"


3. enable passphrase entry via the GUI and use the GUI to enter your passphrase 
"democa" after startup



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Unexpected error This workflow was interrupted by an unexpected event

2024-03-13 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Hi James,

> This is the diff between the current config.d and the original before any
> changes were made.
> # git diff -G. hllv1.00  -- --follow config.d
> diff --git a/config.d/realm.tpl/crypto.yaml b/config.d/realm.tpl/crypto.yaml
> index 95614f5..bda48a1 100644
> --- a/config.d/realm.tpl/crypto.yaml
> +++ b/config.d/realm.tpl/crypto.yaml
> @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ token:
> # Template to create key, available vars are
> # ALIAS (ca-signer-1), GROUP (ca-signer), GENERATION (1)
> -key: /etc/openxpki/local/keys/[% PKI_REALM %]/[% ALIAS %].pem
> +#   key: /etc/openxpki/local/keys/[% PKI_REALM %]/[% ALIAS %].pem
> +key: /usr/local/etc/openxpki/local/keys/[% PKI_REALM %]/[% ALIAS %].pem
> # possible values are OpenSSL, nCipher, LunaCA
> engine: OpenSSL
> @@ -42,7 +43,8 @@ token:
>   vault:
> inherit: default
> -key: /etc/openxpki/local/keys/[% ALIAS %].pem
> +#   key: /etc/openxpki/local/keys/[% ALIAS %].pem
> +key: /usr/local/etc/openxpki/local/keys/[% ALIAS %].pem
>   ratoken:
> inherit: default
> @@ -58,6 +60,13 @@ token:
> # Define the secret groups
> secret:
> +
> +ca-signer:
> +label:  Secret group for certsign Token
> +export: 1
> +method: literal
> +value:  "democa"
> +
> default:
> # this let OpenXPKI use the secret of the same name from system.crypto
> # if you do not want to share the secret just replace this line with
> @@ -69,4 +78,4 @@ secret:
> label: Secret group for RA Token
> export: 1
> method: literal
> -value: root
> \ No newline at end of file
> +value: root

Yep, that's the problem. In the original default crypto.yaml we find

# The actual token setup
# Default value for import, recorded in database, can be overriden
secret: default

 # use ALIAS as key as it makes debug and management easier
inherit: default
key_store: DATAPOOL
key: "[% ALIAS %]"

# Define the secret groups
# this let OpenXPKI use the secret of the same name from system.crypto
# if you do not want to share the secret just replace this line with
# the config found in system.crypto. You can create additional secrets
# by adding similar blocks with another key
import: 1

This means that the ca-signer token inherits from the default token 
configuration which references the "default" secret group. This "default" 
secret group is imported from the global configuration in 

There we find:

label: Global secret group
export: 0
method: literal
value: root

You added a new literal secret group "ca-signer" with the value "democa" to 
your token configuration.
Now, the error in the configuration is that you obviously assumed that by 
defining a secret group with the same name as the signer token will link this. 
This is not the case. Your new secret group was defined but is never used.

In order to make this work as you intend you need to do one of the following:

1. in your default token configuration change the secret definition to the 
correct secret group reference:

secret: ca-signer


2. change the password in the "default" secret group from "root" to "democa"


3. change the CA key passphrase to "root"


3. enable passphrase entry via the GUI and use the GUI to enter your passphrase 
"democa" after startup



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Unexpected error This workflow was interrupted by an unexpected event

2024-03-13 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Hi James,

> 2024/03/13 08:16:31 ERROR OpenSSL error: Using configuration from
> /var/tmp/openxpki28821VniVdpfp/openssl.cnf
> unable to load CA private key
> . . .
> I guess that this is the problem: unable to load CA private key


> The realm was created using:
> openxpkiadm alias   \
>  --realm "democa"   \
>  --token certsign\
>  --file
> /root/CLCA/CAS/democa/certs/1A84E8FBE282453D5F22038C58A89786BCD6CCAC.pem  \
>  --key /root/CLCA/CAS/democa_i/private/democa_i_key.pem
> openxpkicli get_token_info --realm=democa --arg alias=vault-1
> {
>   "key_name" : "/usr/local/etc/openxpki/local/keys/vault-1.pem",
>   "key_secret" : 1,
>   "key_store" : "OPENXPKI",
>   "key_usable" : 1
> }
> I have verified that the private key password provided in
> config/realm/democa/crypto.yaml is correct:
> . .
>  ca-signer:
>inherit: default
>key_store: DATAPOOL
>key: "[% ALIAS %]"
> . . .
> secret:
>label:  Secret group for certsign Token
>export: 1
>method: literal
>value:  "democa"

1. the output of openxpkicli get_token_info (file in file system) is not 
consistent with your configuration (key in datapool). I have no idea why, 
because I cannot see more details on your system, but to me it looks like the 
ca-signer token configuration is not the config the system is using

2. the config snippet is missing the definition for "default" in crypto.yaml 
where I assume the secret group is defined. If that does not match the secret 
group you seemingly intend to use for your ca signer tokens (which you named 
"ca-signer") then the passphrase will not be set correctly. Again, without 
being able to see more or your config it is impossible to tell.

2a. a fixed value for a CA key is not a good idea

Bottom line: your system cannot access the private key, and this is either a 
permission problem or a problem with the CA passphrase.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Unexpected error This workflow was interrupted by an unexpected event

2024-03-13 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Hi James,

> __EXIT_STATUS__ => 256  == Searching for Openssl error codes the number 256
> comes up as related to an unsupported cipher. Where is the cypher being
> specified?

The exit status is shifted left by 8 bit by the execution wrapper in OpenXPKI, 
so the actual return code is 256 >> 8 == 1, and 1 is the generic OpenSSL error 

You should get more information about the error in the openxpki.log file. I 
suspect something is wrong with the CSR or the CA key, but the details you 
posted do not contain sufficient detail to tell what exactly went wrong.

Is your CA set up correctly? Are you able to create a CRL?

Best regards,


OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Without AES256

2024-03-05 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Is there also a possibility when I create certificates that the certificates 
> are stored directly on the server on which openxpki is running?

Your question is not specific enough to let us understand what you actually 
want to achieve, and for this reason the answer is a qualified "yes".



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Without AES256

2024-03-05 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Could you tell me in which workflow I cloud define the fixed password?

Well, that's the workflow you are using for requesting the certificate, most 
likely certificate_signing_request_v2

In this workflow you will find an activity which is conveniently called 



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Missing index.html

2024-02-23 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

On a Unix system, a user needs execute permission in order to enter a directory 
(not read).



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Missing index.html

2024-02-22 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I have discovered that my literal reading of and the Quickstart 
> guide
> led me to copy the /usr/local/share/examples/openxpki/htdocs/ directory to
> /var/local/www/openxpki/ whereas it appears that I instead should have copied
> the contents thereof.  This I have now done and I get a different error.
> I now see the openxpki logo on a grey page with the following error message 
> box:
> Application Error
> [
>  "There was an error while processing the data received from the server: ",
>  {}
> ]
> This probably means that I have misconfigured, or failed to configure 
> something
> else.
> Any clues as to what that may be?

Is mod_fcgid enabled in Apache? Check if the fcgi scripts are actually 
executed, if mod_fcgid is not enabled you will see the raw output of the CGI 
script in the development console or your browser.

Check the web server error log file for hints.

If fcgi is enabled, check the web server log files, typically at 
/var/log/openxpki/webui.log, you should see log messages there.
If none are to be seen,

touch /var/log/openxpki/webui.log
chown WEBSERVER-RUNTIME-USER /var/log/openxpki/webui.log
chmod 600 /var/log/openxpki/webui.log

And retry.

While you are at it, also create scep.log, rpc.log, est.log with the same 
owner/permissions there.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] examples of crypto.yaml desired.

2024-02-14 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

Some background information may be useful here:

When importing a certificate into the OpenXPKI database, the system tries to 
build a certificate chain up to a know Root CA certificate. If no chain can be 
built, import is refused (there are ways to override this, though). 
For chain building, the system automatically references Root CA certificates 
from its entire database, from all PKI Realms. For chain building it does not 
matter where (in which realm) the Root CA certificate is actually located.

Typically Root CAs are not managed by OpenXPKI, but rather in an offline 
environment, so normally there is no PKI Realm hosting the (active) Root CA.
In that case Root CA certificates are normally only used to establish a trust 
relationship by relying parties, and they are *technically* not needed for the 
actual operation of a subordinate CA. 
We wanted to make sure that the resulting CA hierarchy is somewhat consistent, 
so when setting up an OpenXPKI PKI Realm as a subordinate Issuing CA, the 
system needs the corresponding Root CA certificate when importing the CA Signer 
token certificate.

The Root CA certificate is - as mentioned - only used for chain building and 
trust management, and it may also be used/referenced by other PKI Realms. So 
the Root CA certificate has to be in the database somewhere. We decided that a 
"Null" PKI Realm is the proper place to import such certificates. Certificates 
in the "Null" Realm can be implicitly referenced by all other realms but do not 
serve an active purpose.

Now some information I seem to get between the lines from your previous 

I may be wrong, but you mentioned the Root CA key in the context of the 
OpenXPKI setup. This sounds a bit strange, as it seems to imply that you also 
run the Root CA as an OpenXPKI PKI Realm. We do not recommend to run a Root CA 
on an online system, but technically this works just fine.

Now, if you actually have an active Root CA PKI Realm in which you issue 
Issuing CA certificates, this Realm also keeps the Root CA certificate.
In this particular case, the Root CA certificate is already in the database, 
and other PKI Realms will automatically be able to reference is for completing 
certificate chains. Listing the signer certs in THIS Root CA realm will then 
show the Root CA certificate.

In other words, in normal setups the Root CA certificates are imported into the 
null realm, because they are passively needed for chain building. In a case 
where an active Root CA realm exists, this is not necessary, as the system 
already knows the Root CA certificate from this realm.

In addition, I noticed that you seem to have a year specification in the name 
of an Issuing CA. This may imply that you intend to add additional Realms for 
future "versions" of this Issuing CA. Although this works, this is not how we 
recommend to set up OpenXPKI, as it contains proper mechanisms to handle a 
seamless CA rollover within the same PKI Realm. You just import new signers to 
the Realm and it can live forever.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Display Names for Custom Profiles

2024-02-02 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Hi Mark,

> I found the display names in "/etc/openxpki/contrib/i18n/en_US/openxpki.po" 
> file and added a new entry for msgid 
> Server (5 years)".

The translations in OpenXPKI are handled by Gnu Gettext.

The following procedure should work:

- leave openxpki.po untouched (it may get updated from upstream)
- add a openxpki.po.local in the same directory, place your local translations 
- if you specify existing translations in openxpki.po.local, they will be 
preferred over the existing ones in openxpki.po by the following procedure

In order to activate the translations run

msgcat --use-first openxpki.po.local openxpki.po | msgfmt -o -

Copy the resulting file to 

Restart Apache (in some cases you also need to restart openxpki), and your new 
translations should be displayed properly.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Web Virtual Host not Working

2024-01-30 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Hi Mark,

> root@certca:/var/www/openxpki# openxpkicmd  --realm certca crl_issuance
> Workflow created (ID: 255), State: SUCCESS
> But When I get to the portion of Adding the Webclient, once again following 
> the instructions, I do not see Apache start listening on port 443.
> root@certca:~# netstat -an | grep 443
> root@certca:~#
> I have created a self signed certificate and put them in the locations 
> specified in the document.
> root@certca:/etc/openxpki/tls# ls -R
> .:
> endentity  private
> ./endentity:
> openxpki.crt
> ./private:
> openxpki.key
> I am not sure what I am missing, I see the openxpki.conf linked from 
> "sites-enabled" to "sites-available" in /etc/apache2 directory.
> Currently, because Apache is not listening on port 443, every connection is 
> understandably refused.

It is quite likely that mod_ssl is not enabled in your Apache.


a2enmod ssl

and restart Apache.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Sscep problem

2024-01-26 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I'm a bit further along now, I installed sscep via Github Link but now I get 
> the error message:
> /sscep# ./sscep getca -c tmp/cacert -u http://domainorip/scep/scep
> ./sscep: cannot open cert file for writing

mkdir tmp

and retry.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] AWS CloudHSM?

2024-01-17 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Thanks it mostly did the trick – but still some issues. It seems token 
> rollover didn’t work. The crl issuance is trying to use casigner-1, but alias 
> with current cert is for casigner-2.
>  I also verified with openssl that crl issuance does work  manually.
>  Maybe this is a novice error, but I gathered from the docs that token 
> rollover is automatic?

Maybe a generic description of the process will help understand what is going 

CA rollover is automatic in OpenXPKI if configured correctly.

The system basically does the following for certificate issuance (rollover):
- the system generates a list of all currently valid certsign tokens have been 
configured for the PKI Realm
- the token with the highest NotBefore date is selected at runtime for 
certificate issuance

For CRL generation, it is slightly different: the system iterates through all 
currently valid certsign tokens and issues CRLs for all of them.

The basis for making this work is that OpenXPKI must be able to associate a 
given certsign token/issuing certificate with the correct private key.

The certsign token is defined by declaring it via openxpkiadm and setting an 
internal database that identifies a particular certificate as "special". This 
is done by assigning an alias to that certificate, normally also a generation 
ID is also assigned which caters for CA generations. If not implicitly 
specified, the generation starts at 1 and is auto-incremented on each 
subsequent import.

The mapping to a private key happens via the configuration in crypto.yaml. 
After the system has figured out (implicitly or explicitly) which certsign 
token it shall use, it looks up how to access the private key for that token. 
The private key that is the result of this inference is then used for the 
private key operation.

This means that the definition in crypto.yaml must be consistent with the 
assignment of certsign tokens via openxpkiadm. 
In practice this primarily means that the PKI admin must make sure that the 
certsign token is set with the correct generation ID, and that the resulting 
token alias (consisting of group name and generation) is resolved to the 
matching private key.

The behavior you observed seems to indicate that the system references an 
incorrect private key for the certsign token. How this did happen in your case 
depends on the administrative actions that happened before and how the private 
keys are referenced and used.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] OpenSSL 1 vs 3 support?

2024-01-16 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I noticed that the community edition has dependency to OpenSSL version 3. I
> was wondering if OpenSSL 1 works as well, or is OpenSSL 3 a hard
> requirement?

OpenXPKI supports both versions. The reason that the debian package depends on 
OpenSSL 3 is that Debian ships this version by default.

FYI, the OpenXPKI Enterprise Edition packages for Red Hat 8 and SuSE SLES 15 
still reference (and use) OpenSSL 1, because both distributions still ship this 
version of OpenSSL.

OpenSSL is mainly used for the actual certificate and CRL issuance operations 
within OpenXPKI. We are constantly working on reducing dependencies into 
OpenSSL, we have already replaced OpenSSL with a native solution to parse 
certificate requests and process SCEP messages. 



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Help

2024-01-16 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> When I check with "openxpkiadm alias --realm ..." my CA signer, Valut and 
> Root CA are displayed. Is that correct or not? Am I completely wrong or have 
> I overlooked something?

Maybe it is correct, maybe it is not.

It is not possible to help you if you do not provide useful information which 
would allow us to understand what you are doing.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Help

2024-01-16 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I get the message when I want to check "LOAD_NEXT_CA_CRL_GET_NEXT_CA_0" CRL. 
> On the Openxpki WebGui it shows me "No CRL found!" and my CA signer is 
> apparently offline.

local CRL issuance within a PKI Realm only works if the CA signer tokens of 
this Realm are online, so make sure that this is the case before trying to 



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Multiple Private Keys for a single realm

2024-01-02 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Happy New Year everyone!

> We are running a setup with OpenXPKI with a single Root CA (RSA private key) 
> and a couple of intermediate/subordinate CA (all with EC private keys).
> Now we have hit a problem where a 3rd party product should act as a separate 
> CA but still we want to maintain the trust back to our root ca. This is 
> working fine with our subordinate CA on other platforms, but this platform 
> requires the signing key being a RSA key and not a EC key. 
> Now I can perfectly fine create a new realm with a RSA key (tested ok) 
> however, would it be possible to have multiple private keys on a single 
> realm? For example that our Sub CA will sign CSRs based on a RSA private key 
> with a RSA key and EC requests with the EC key?

As you mentioned, OpenXPKI supports certificates with both EC and RSA keys, and 
this is generally true on all "certificate levels": The active Issuing CA 
within a PKI Realm can itself be based on an RSA or an EC key and it can issue 
EC or RSA certificates.

Apart from that, OpenXPKI supports any number of Issuing CAs within one single 
PKI Realm. However, the idea here is that only one of these Issuing CAs is 
active at any given time, so this feature is used to support seamless Issuing 
CA rollovers where a newer Issuing CA completely takes over issuance of 
certificates and the older CAs within the Realm are in passive mode, issuing 
CRLs only.

Now, if I understand you correctly you want to have two distinct Issuing CA 
certificates which are valid and concurrently active at the same time within a 
PKI Realm, with both actively issuing certificates. 

This is not supported with the standard workflows within OpenXPKI, and I don't 
see it as a feature that is useful in general. 
My recommendation is to use two different Realms with different Issuing CAs 
below the same Root CA instead.

It is of course possible to modify/customize the workflows in a way that this 
would work, but this requires analysis, design and implementation to do this 
right (and my gut feeling is that while doing so some nasty gotchas might 



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] OpenxPKI Update

2023-12-22 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Hi Elias,

> After updating our Debian server from version 9 to 11 and also updating the 
> OpenXPKI installation and configuration, I am encountering the following 
> problem:
> openxpkictl[1592]: Please set database schema version! at 
> /usr/share/perl5/OpenXPKI/Server/ line 291.
> Here is the database configuration: 
> (/etc/openxpki/config.d/system/database.yaml)
> main:
> debug: 1
> type: MariaDB
> name: openxpki
> host: localhost
> #port: 3306
> user: openxpki
> passwd: password
>  Can you help me correct the configuration? Best regards, Elias

In version 3.26 we introduced a version indicator which will help us to address 
schema updates in the future more easily.

Please read the file contrib/sql/ in the configuration repository and 
perform the necessary updates on the database:



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Failed Action: csr_notify_pending - ERROR: requested value is not a scalar

2023-12-21 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Hi Maximillian,

> Having some trouble with a new openxpki install using the docker image. I've 
> gotten most everything configured, but when I try to generate a CSR via the 
> webui, I get the following error:
> Unexpected error
> This workflow was interrupted by an unexpected event, it will not continue 
> without a manual interaction. Please contact the support team!
> Last Update
> 2023-12-21 21:18:39 UTC
> Failed Action
> csr_notify_pending
> Exception Message
> requested value is not a scalar at 
> /usr/share/perl5/Connector/Builtin/ line 74. at 
> /usr/share/perl5/OpenXPKI/Server/API2/Plugin/Workflow/ line 318.
> I've tried swapping out the profile I'm using with the tls_server.yaml 
> profile in the democa and that has the same issue. I've also swapped out the 
> default.yaml with the one from the democa and still, same issue. Not sure 
> what else I can set to default configs to get this working, but any help 
> would be appreciated.

>From the GUI error message you posted something is not correctly configured 
>with regard to notification.

Reading between the lines of your post I assume you did a certain amount of 
customization, possibly involving notification or metadata handling. However, 
without additional information such as technical log, log file contents and 
relevant configuration snippets it is unfortunately not possible to provide any 



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] CMC support in OpenXPKI ?

2023-11-23 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Hi Scott, 

> Does OpenXPKI support Certificate Management over Cryptographic Message 
> Syntax (CMC) ?

Yes, it does.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] private key attestation verification for enrollment

2023-11-15 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Hi Jeremy,

> There is a draft RFC which proposes to add the capability to convey private 
> key attestation to an enrollment server:
> This covers all protocols and all attestation sources.  I have been working 
> with Android KeyStore and KeyChain lately and this certainly seems possible 
> on the client end.
> I haven't looked at the other draft(s) mentioned in the above RFC, or for any 
> approved standards, but I hope this is enough to start a conversation.

This is certainly an interesting development (and an official RFC covering this 
would have been really useful in one of my projects a decade ago...)

As of today, this is still an IETF draft, not an RFC. Let's see how this 
develops, I would assume that we will see several years before it makes it to 
an offical RFC (if at all).



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] ACME support

2023-11-09 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Hi  Does openxpki  has or plans to have a support for the ACME protocol ?

We are currently working on a native ACME interface implementation and we plan 
to support ACME in the future. 

Best regards,


OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Run as non-root

2023-09-30 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Has anyone successfully configured OpenXPKI to run as a non-root user? I'm 
> preparing an install for a hardened linux server. One of the requirements is 
> additional packages need to run as non-root. 
> I've made some changes in the openxpkid.service file as well as the 
> system/server.yaml file and keep hitting permissions issues with the 
> or openxpkid.socket files. I've noticed that running as root 
> allows the pid and socket to change ownership when they're created but trying 
> to configure the permissions and directories still causes permission issues 
> whenever the openxpki is started.

The OpenXPKI Daemon needs to be started as root because it needs to properly 
set the configured user and group ownership of the OpenXPKI Unix Domain Socket. 
Like any traditional, well-behaved Unix daemon OpenXPKI drops its privileges 
immediately after the setup and runs as the configured non-privileged runtime 
Proper design of permissions and ownership of this socket is absolutely 
required for a secure setup in which both the Apache frontend can communicate 
with OpenXPKI as well as OpenXPKI can properly communicate with crypto 
hardware. In particular with certain HSMs you will want to set up users, groups 
and permissions properly in order to secure the system.

To summarize: Works as designed. Starting the daemon as non-root does not 
improve security, instead the system would be less secure if it were not 
started as root, because in that case one single user must be used for all 
system components.


Martin ___
OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Looking for an open source PKI software manager

2023-09-29 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Hi Mike,

> Will OpenPKI meet all of our needs?
>  Sempris needs a certificate management system, specifically for:
> 1. AWS Lambdas
> 2. Internal web sites
> 3. Various internal services
>  The first (AWS) is the biggest challenge. We anticipate managing between 
> 100-200 different certificates. The AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) is one 
> option that can work, but we need to consider alternatives.
>  Please, advise. Thank you.

One of the most powerful OpenXPKI features is its flexibility when it comes to 
integration with various infrastructure components. As Nick mentioned, the most 
straightforward approach for automation requirements is via one of the 
enrollment interfaces (SCEP, EST, the OpenXPKI-RPC interface).

Our team has designed and implemented many OpenXPKI setups and integrated 
OpenXPKI in a large number of different environments, many of them with 
specific requirements towards infrastructure integration and certificate 
request process automation. If you are interested in professional cryptographic 
key management consulting and OpenXPKI support please get in touch with



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] OpenXPKI woth YubiHSM2 - Unable to load module yubihsm_pkcs11

2023-09-28 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Am 29.09.2023 um 04:08 schrieb Lixin Liu :
> I am using RHEL system which is not officially supported. But from what I 
> see, there are
> only very minor difference. I have these:

Just to clarify: The Community Edition is available as source code and packaged 
for Debian. However, OpenXPKI Enterprise Edition is available packaged for Red 
Hat Enterprise Linux, SuSE SLES and Ubuntu LTS.

Any HSM that can successfully be used on the command line with OpenSSL via 
PKCS#11 should also work with OpenXPKI. How this exactly works depends on the 
HSM and its PKCS#11 implementation.

Some hints:
- it has already been mentioned, but make sure that any environment variables 
the driver needs is also set in OpenXPKI
- personally, I very much prefer the RFC 7512 URI scheme for specifying PKCS#11 
objects (keys) in the OpenXPKI configuration instead of the traditional (and 
somewhat obscure) slot notation. The GnuTLS p11tool is very useful in getting 
the proper information needed for a particular HSM.

Otherwise the suggestions provided on the list should help get this up and 



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Active/Active Setup

2023-09-28 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

>  we are planning to setup up an active/active system over two geo locations.
> Does anyone have experience with such a scenario and can share some best 
> practices?
> We would otherwise testing db replication or setting up different signing 
> ca’s within the datacenters, but I would rather have this in a way to be able 
> to control duplicated certificates.

Yes, active-active works without any problems with any number of worker nodes.

For an active-active setup you need:

- a redundant database, All OpenXPKI worker node need to access the same 
database instance
- any number of OpenXPKI worker nodes. All worker nodes must have the same 
- the OpenXPKI web interface must be configured to store sessions in the 
database. For a long time this has been the default.
- a load balancer which proxies all the worker nodes' web interfaces. The load 
balancer shall be configured in a way that for a given worker node topology 
queries get routed to the same worker node based on the Source IP (e. g. source 
IP hash).



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Integration Issue with Apache

2023-09-01 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Hi Chris,

> 2023/09/01 16:28:21 ERR Error creating backend client Error while writing to 
> __ERROR__ => Permission denied, __SOCKETFILE__ => 
> /var/openxpki/openxpki.socket [pid=2305|sid=[undef]]

The OpenXPKI Web UI executes within the scope of the Apache server and needs 
read/write access to the OpenXPKI socket file. So, according to the above error 
message, please check permissions and ownership of the socket file. Obviously 
something is configured incorrectly, hence fix the Apache configuration 
(runtime user) and/or OpenXPKI server configuration accordingly.

Best regards,


OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Integration Issue with Apache

2023-09-01 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Hi Chris,

> Hi, I'm reaching out to the community seeking assistance with an issue I've 
> encountered during an integration process. Having recently upgraded my Apache 
> web server to the latest version from source, I referred to the documentation 
> and adjusted the openxpki.conf settings in alignment with the default Apache2 
> configuration httpd.conf. However, when attempting to access the OpenXPKI web 
> interface, I'm consistently greeted with an "unknown application" error. I've 
> meticulously gone through the logs, and to my surprise, there are no error 
> entries recorded. I'm unable to pinpoint the root cause. As someone 
> relatively new to this endeavor, I'm open to learning from the community's 
> collective wisdom. I would greatly appreciate any insights you could provide. 
> It's possible that I've missed a step or overlooked a crucial configuration, 
> and your guidance could prove instrumental in resolving this matter. 

Without additional information it is very difficult to assess what went wrong. 
Have a look in the Apache error log, I would expect some enlightening 
information there.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] EST - invalid profile

2023-08-25 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Hi Thomas,

>>  Hi Thomas,
>> invalid profile means that the NAME of the profile that the workflow tries 
>> to issue does not exist or is not in the list of the allowed endpoint 
>> profiles.

> Where to find the ‘list of the allowed endpoint profiles’?

In the profile_map section Enrollment Endpoint configuration:

Only profiles listed in this section are accessible via this particular 

The key of this map is the name requested by the client. The corresponding 
value is the OpenXPKI profile within this realm that will be used to issue the 



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] EST and realm

2023-08-14 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> But I have an other question: is it possible to have an EST endpoint per 
> realm?

OpenXPKI supports an arbitrary number of enrollment endpoints (EST, SCEP, RPC) 
per PKI Realm. Each of those can have different enrollment policies.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Issue new certificates for the Realm

2023-08-03 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Hi Gabriel,

> I need to issue new realm certificates, both from ca-signer-1 and vault-1.
> Could you tell me what commands I should execute to issue the certificates.

If I understand you correctly you intend to perform a CA Rollover within your 
PKI Realm, and you also wish to update the datasafe (vault) certificate.

In order to do the former, you need to issue a new CA Certificate which is 
capable of issuing certificates for your PKI Realm. Make the CA private key 
accessible to OpenXPKI, preferably in a way that the system can implicitly 
reference the private key by its base name and the CA generation (the latter is 
set during import of the CA signer certificate).
How to do that depends on your setup (e. g. key storage in database, in the 
file system or as a HSM object). 

Once the CA private key is accessible to the system, import the CA certificate 
via openxpkiadm as a signer token into the PKI Realm. Once this is done, the 
system will immediately be able to use the new CA certificate for issuance of 
new certificate. The old CA certificate remains active and will be used to sign 
CRLs for revoked certificates for the previous CA generation.
Note that these operations can be done without restarting OpenXPKI, during 
regular runtime. Truly continuous CA operation :-)

Importing/activating a new datasafe certifiate is quite similar. Deploy and 
configure the new datasafe private key at its designated location, import the 
vault certificate as a datasafe token. If that certificate is issued by a CA in 
the same PKI Realm, the certificate is already in the database and it is 
sufficient to just set an alias.

The commands for these operations are very similar to the initial setup, please 
refer to 



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] [RPC API] Workflow definition for server-side key generation

2023-07-12 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I'm trying to issue a certificate using the default RPC configuration 
> (RequestCertificate method) but a get :
> {
> "result": {
> "id": 3583,
> "proc_state": "finished",
> "state": "FAILURE",
> "data": {
> "transaction_id": "723c94cd1fba71e96d1a5c240fdebf9801f74a1d",
> "error_code": "Invalid Profile"
> },
> "pid": 3481
> }
> }
> I'm not setting a certificate profile in the request, I guess it's 
> determining the certificate profile from my realm configuration 
> (config.d/realm/df/rpc/enroll.yaml)
> profile:
>   cert_profile: tls_server
>   cert_subject_style: enroll
> # Mapping of names to OpenXPKI profiles to be used with the
> # Microsoft Certificate Template Name Ext. (
> profile_map:
> pc-client: tls_client
> tls-server: tls_server
> tls-client: tls_client
> #renewal-test: renewal_test
> But honestly I don't understand the message "Invalid Profile" 

The system is telling you that it does not know which profile to use: the error 
happens if the enrollment workflow does not have information about the 
certificate profile to use.
Make sure that the profile tls_server (the default profile as per the above 
configuration) exists or specify an existing profile in the RPC request. 
Note that the value you are sending is mapped via profile_map to the actual 
profiles in your PKI Realm.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] openxpki-client socket permission denied at after upgrade from 3.20 to 3.24

2023-05-23 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Thank you very much for the reply, I was wondering because the config did not 
> change and everything worked smooth before the upgrade.

The semantics I posted have been in place and unchanged for a very long time, 
and we did not change the relevant code portions recently, so the cause might 
be something in your runtime environment. 



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] openxpki-client socket permission denied at after upgrade from 3.20 to 3.24

2023-05-23 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> We are using docker containers. At webui.log:
> 2023/05/19 08:34:20 ERR Error creating backend client Error while writing to 
> __ERROR__ => Permission denied, __SOCKETFILE__ => 
> /var/openxpki/openxpki.socket [pid=82|sid=9975]
> srwxrwx--- 1 openxpki openxpki 0 May 19 08:35 /var/openxpki/openxpki.socket
> id www-data
> uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)
> At working server v.3.20 www-data is in group openxpki: 
> id www-data
> uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data),102(openxpki)
> Adding www-data to group openxpki and restarting container fixes the issue.
> Is it a bug or is it configurable somehow?
> P.S. same issue with 3.22

This is expected behavior. You need to properly configure your system with 
respect to Unix user and group setup as well as setting access permissions 

The relevant configuration is located in system/server.yaml

e. g.

# Daemon settings
user: openxpki
socket_file:  /var/openxpki/openxpki.socket
socket_owner: apache
socket_group: apache

socket_owner and socket_group are optional but can be used to fine tune 
ownership and permissions.

You need to configure your system in a way that the web server can read/write 
the socket. Other processes and users not related to OpenXPKI should be 
excluded from accessing the socket.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] WebUI issue with Remote DB Server of OpenXPKI

2023-04-10 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> We deployed the OpenXPKI DB on a separate remote MariaDB server and changed 
> the details in /etc/openxpki/config.d/system/database.yaml
> The server daemon restarts successfully but the UI doesn't work. It is bound 
> to the local DB. How can we change it?

The Web UI has its own separate configuration file which references the backend 
storage for session information.

In /etc/openxpki/webui/default.conf locate the [session_driver] section and 
modify its values accordingly. Restart Apache to activate the changes.


OpenXPKI-users mailing list

[OpenXPKI-users] We're Back! Join Us for an Even Better OpenXPKI User Workshop on June 13th 2023 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

2023-03-12 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Dear OpenXPKI Users,

We are back! After having to cancel our last workshop due to the Covid 19 
pandemic, we are thrilled to announce that the OpenXPKI user workshop is 
finally happening again, and this time, it's going to be even better. We hope 
this email finds you well, and you are just as excited as we are!

White Rabbit Security GmbH is hosting the OpenXPKI user workshop on June 13th, 
2023, in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The workshop is free of charge, but space 
is limited, and attendance is on a first-come, first-served basis. So, don't 
wait too long to reserve your spot by sending an email to

We are also looking for volunteers to present their use cases. How are you 
using OpenXPKI in your environment, how did you integrate it in your 
environment and which use cases did you implement? This is an excellent 
opportunity to showcase your project and share your knowledge with the 
Please note that presentation slots are limited, so apply early by sending an 
email to (Attendees volunteering to present 
their use case may be preferred.)

Here's a preliminary schedule for the day:

- 09:00 Doors open, coffee, tea, snacks, and socializing

- 10:00 Workshop starts (hosted by White Rabbit Security staff, we outline the 
latest development and OpenXPKI roadmap)

- 12:00 Lunch break and socializing

- 13:30 Workshop continues; use case presentations, demos and user talks

- 18:00 Workshop closes officially, socializing, small talk, and drinks

- 20:00 Attendees who would like to spend the evening with us move to a nearby 

More details, exact location and updated agenda to follow soon...

We are looking forward to an exciting and productive day, filled with 
discussions, knowledge sharing, and networking. If you have any questions or 
concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Best regards,

Martin Bartosch

White Rabbit Security GmbH

White Rabbit Security GmbH, Werner-Heisenberg-Straße 8, 85254 Sulzemoos.
Contact: +49 8135 314 000-0,
Register: HRB 246042, München
Director: Martin Bartosch, Scott T. Hardin, Dr. Oliver Welter

OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Error when publishing a cert to local disk

2023-02-26 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I am hitting another error when publishing a cert (to a local file). I see 
> the cert file is written
> to local directory, but with a 777 permission which I think is wrong.

I observed a similar same problem recently, if the file does not exist, it is 
created with the system umask. If it exists, it gets properly written with the 
permissions set in the configuration.

It is probably easy to fix on your side:

Add the configuration setting

mode: "0644"

on the same level as "content:" and "file:", this setting defines the octal 
file mode of the published file. Mind the quote characters and the leading zero.

Once this is done, restart the server and repeat the publication process with 
the target file already in place. Check if the permissions are OK when the file 
is rewritten, it should be OK then.

> Here is the error message right after publishing is finished.
> 2023/02/25 18:19:34 INFO Workflow 2303/certificate_publishing/SUCCESS 
> executed 'certpublish_publish_profile' (autorun) in state 'PUBLISH' 
> [pid=75782|user=ra-liu|role=System|sid=HhEJ|wftype=certificate_publishing|wfid=2303]
> 2023/02/25 18:19:34 INFO Workflow 2303/certificate_publishing/SUCCESS changed 
> from state 'PUBLISH' 
> [pid=75782|user=ra-liu|role=System|sid=HhEJ|wftype=certificate_publishing|wfid=2303]
> 2023/02/25 18:19:53 ERROR 
> error - parse error - input text line 3: unexpected token (END)
>   [% END %], __TEMPLATE__ => [%I IF meta_email %] 
> meta_email %]
> mailto:[% mail %]">[% mail %],
> [% END %][% END %]
> [pid=75725|sid=Av82]
> I am not sure if these are related to the publishing.

The error message indicates that you have an error in your Template code. 

> __TEMPLATE__ => [%I IF meta_email %

The I following the percent sign looks fishy :)



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Questions about publishing CRL and use san_email

2023-02-22 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> My further test shows that CDP works correctly if the director is owned by 
> openxpki user.
> Previous it was owned by apache user/group with group writeable permission. 
> openxpki
> user is a member of apache group. This did not work. I am not sure why, 
> likely because
> the perl module does not honor the supplementary group permission.

This is expected behaviour: the group assignments in /etc/group are ignored by 
the OpenXPKI server process. The reason is that the Net::Server base class we 
use in OpenXPKI requires explicit configuration of the Unix user and group to 
assume when daemonizing the server on startup, and it can also only assume one 
single group membership. 
See user and group in

So you should make sure that you plan a proper user/group/permission scheme for 
your runtime environment and allow write access for the configured Daemon user 
or group.

Hope this helps,



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] clca vs openxpki

2023-02-12 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Does software
> depend from software
> or does it conflict with the latter, if installed on the same host?

This is not a problem, both projects will work properly on the same system. 



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Duplicate Key Error (Request) while creating cert with CSR

2023-02-07 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I am generating a cert from OpenXPKI UI with CSR but i get "Duplicate Key 
> Error (Request)". Kindly guide me.

You uploaded a CSR which uses a key which has already been seen by your 
OpenXPKI instance, hence "Duplicate Key Error". You need to generate a new 
private key and a new certificate request from this.

Best regards,


OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] OpenXPKI SCEP enrollment for 2 different profiles

2023-02-01 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Is it possible to configure OpenXPKI SCEP enrollment for 2 different profiles 
> e.g. TLS server and TLS client?

Sure it is. See the recent posts related to EST.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] EST using different profiles

2023-02-01 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I have only one CA, but is it possible to configure EST with 2 different 
> profiles?
> I would like to setup one for User certs. and one for TLS server certs.

Within any OpenXPKI PKI Realm you can configure an arbitrary number of EST, 
SCEP and RPC endpoints. 

Each endpoint has its own distinct configuration, making it possible to provide 
endpoints, e. g. specific for a device group. (In terms of long term 
manageability this is an important feature, making it possible to modify the 
enrollment policy e. g. only for your printers while leaving the enrollment 
policy for phones unchanged.)

Each endpoint has a default certificate profile configuration which is selected 
if no other supported profile is requested by the client (and accepted by the 

The client may override the configured default profile by including the 
Microsoft specific extension 
the submitted CSR.

If the profile requested by the client is contained in the profile mapping of 
the endpoint configuration, the mapped profile is used for the incoming 
certificate request, otherwise the default is used.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Renew certificate expired

2023-01-31 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I have very little experience, and my scant use of english and documentation, 
> I can't figure out how to renew an expired certificate, could you tell me how 
> to renew the certificate, please.

The most straightforward way is to generate a new private key, a certificate 
request from the key, raise a request with the PKI, issue the certificate and 
deploy the certificate on the end entity.

If you want to automate things, you could consider using SCEP or EST for 
automatic renewal of the certificate (however, this needs to be done while the 
cert is still valid).



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Default value's in profile templates

2023-01-19 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> ***SNIP***
> I was adding a new certificate profile last week and had to add the new field 
> template.
> For that new use case, the value for the field would always be the same. So 
> I'd like to have this pre-filled when reaching the workflow step but still 
> editable, if it needs to be changed.
> In the sample no "default" value is mentioned, but I'd like to have that 
> available.
> Is there an option available?
> ***SNAP***
> I have the same problem and I am looking for a solution for it. Can anyone 
> help me?

Default field values in templates can be set via "preset". There are quite some 
examples using such a preset in the profile/template/ directory.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] SmartCard-HSM or Nitrokey integration

2022-11-21 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> As I know, openxpki supports PKCS#11 interface via OpenSC
> I'm making a Lab to implement a CA with signer key protected inside HSMs such 
> as SmartCard-HSM or Nitrokey, in documentation there is an example for 
> YubicoHSM but I don't get the full idea and the required steps,
> I tried to adapt the YubicoHSM example with SmartCard-HSM but no luck till 
> now, there is no errors in log, but still no signer,
> Is it enough to set the right token in crypto.yaml file with the matching 
> secret?
> Is there anything to put in the database or some command to execute?
> How to select which signer key within the token to use?

What Oliver said, and some additional background informatino: OpenXPKI natively 
supports PKCS#11 via OpenSSL. 
I suggest to start outside OpenXPKI, set up the HSM so you can use it from the 
command line via OpenSSL. Figure out how tokens and keys are properly 
referenced and which settings are required to make things work with the HSM. 
This is dependent on the hardware's PKCS#11 library.

While you are at it, create a CSR for your CA signing key with your HSM 
protected key via OpenSSL. Issue the CA certificate, import it as a CA token in 
the OpenXPKI realm and make sure that the configuration references the correct 
and matching private key protected by the HSM.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Disabling PKCS10 signature verification

2022-11-15 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Hi Mukilan,

> Does it mean that we can't ignore signature verification for CSR? I will 
> explain the use case. We would like to modify the SubjectDN/SAN as part of 
> our own policy while internal clients (devices, computers and etc) are 
> raising certificate requests. The internal clients will send the CSR to a 
> proxy, then proxy will contact on behalf of client to send CSR and receive 
> certificate. The proxy will do all the policy implementation related to 
> Subject and SAN.
> Since the Subject DN/SAN is modified in proxy, we would like to instruct the 
> OpenXPKI to ignore signature validation for CSR. Is there any 
> way/configuration parameter to instruct the OpenXPKI to ignore the signature 
> validation for CSR.

Well, this is not how it's supposed to work. ;)

I honestly cannot imagine a use case in which it would be necessary to modify 
the CSR itself in order to enforce a naming policy (and I have seen a *lot* of 
really strange requirements).
OpenXPKI itself provides sufficient means to selectively process data provided 
in the CSR to form the desired DN/SANs. Get rid of that proxy and configure 
your policy correctly.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Microsoft Active Directory with OpenXPKI

2022-08-03 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
> I've an Active Directory for my domain users. Can I fetch users list from AD 
> and request certificates on behalf of Active Directory users from OpenXPKI 
> web interface?

You can do a lot of things with OpenXPKI, and the answer is probably yes.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Microsoft Active Directory with OpenXPKI

2022-08-03 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
> Does OpenXPKI support certificate generation from Microsoft Active Directory?

This question does not make any sense.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] key distribution

2022-05-18 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Does OpenXPKI have any feature to distribute public keys over all servers or 
> not?

It eludes me why this might be necessary. In addition, OpenXPKI has no way of 
knowing what "all servers" are. 

However, OpenXPKI provides a configurable publishing operation which is 
executed on every certificate issuance. Certificates can be published to any 
number of configurable publication targets, including a local file, LDAP 
add/modify, scp and more. Publication targets can be defined on a per profile 



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Request for help to configure CRL (certificate revocation list) for EST protocol in openxpki 3.x

2022-05-04 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I want to configure CRL (certificate revocation list) for EST protocol in 
> openxpki 3.x server. I did it for SCEP protocol in openxpki 2.x. Can you 
> please help me with the required steps for EST (e.g. Generating CRL 
> information, Configuring CRL accessibility etc.)
> For your reference, I’m attaching the used steps for SCEP.

I am afraid I do not understand the question/problem.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] How to Configure YubiHSM in CLCA

2022-04-26 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> The CLCA documentation specifies to use the 
> nCipher & Gemalto HSM as follows.
> # Define crypto engine to use. Supported values are
> # openssl   - OpenSSL software only (private keys stored on disk)
> # chil  - nCipher hardware
> # gem   - Gemalto Safenet Luna SA hardware
> How can we configure the CLCA to use YubiHSM?

- determine how the YubiHSM can be used with OpenSSL
- identify the correct engine to use (likely pkcs11 with the YubiHSM2)
- identify the correct key reference to use via PKCS#11 

Craft a proper openssl.cnf file for your setup.
Set ENGINE to the correct engine
Set ROOTKEYNAME to the correct key identifier

> Furthermore, there is no detailed documentation is available for the 
> configuration of CLCA from scratch. Kindly share, please.

The Open Source version of clca is documented in a way that allows skilled IT 
Security professionals to make proper use of the tool in the current form. 
Should you desire a more polished product, detailed user documentation or 
should you need assistance in setting up a proper offline CA environment with 
clca I suggest to get in touch with White Rabbit Security for the clca 
Enterprise Edition.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Bridge CA in OpenXPKI?

2022-03-09 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
> That sounds great. How we can setup BridgeCA in OpenXPKI?

You analyze your requirements, define a resulting PKI architecture and 
implement it properly.

OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Store OpenXPKI CA Key in AWS CloudHSM

2022-03-09 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
> Is it possible to store the CA key in OpenXPKI on AWS CloudHSM?


OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Bridge CA in OpenXPKI?

2022-03-09 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
> Is it possible to create a Bridge CA in OpenXPKI?


OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Cannot autorenew scep requested certificate

2022-02-15 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> You're right, certmonger seems to keep the same private key for renewal.
> So certmonger may not be usefull as I read in the getcert man :
> -r automatically renews the certificate when its expiration date is close if 
> the key pair already exists. This option is used by default.
> Certmonger renewal need to keep the same private key : "if the key pair 
> already exists". Am I wrong ?

You are right. In my opinion this is not very useful. There is a lot of poorly 
implemented crypto out there, and this includes the "big players". 



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Cannot autorenew scep requested certificate

2022-02-15 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I am stuck in testing autorenew of scep requested certificates.
> This is my initial enrollment with certmonger :
> ```
> getcert request -c openxpki -f $certfolder/nginx2.crt -k 
> $keyfolder/nginx2.key -g 4096 -r -N cn=nginx2.domain.lan -v -w -L 
> SecretChallenge
> ```
> On client side, Certmonger is aware that the certificate will not be valid 
> after 2022-02-14 15:03:47.

OpenXPKI supports SCEP enrollment as an initial enrollment (new private key, 
unauthenticated/self-signed request) and as a renewal request (new private key, 
request signed with existing/old certificate and key).
Renewal requests only work as long as the existing certificate is still valid. 
With the default configuration/workflows it is not possible to renew an expired 
certificate. This makes sense, a certificate should be renewed before it 

> On OpenXPKI side. I understand that the SCEP server find the appropriate 
> initial workflow (9983). But is it delevering a new certificate by telling 
> "Delivered certificate via SCEP" ? Am I supposed to see a new workflow ?

Works as designed, this indicates that the client sends an initial enrollment 
request, not a renewal request. If the original private key is used to request 
the certificate, the existing certificate will be delivered.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Support of CMP and 3GPP in OpenXPKI???

2022-01-13 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Does OpenXPKI support CMP and 3GPP standards?

No, it does not.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Problems with setup (democa)

2021-12-23 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

>>> I can find the certificates in the sql dump (BEGIN CERTIFICATE) but I
>>> can't find any string with 'BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY'. Where is the
>>> private key located?
>> The keys are wrapped into a PKCS7 containe - look for something where
>> the namespace column has a value of sys.crypto.keys
> what's the preferred way, store in database or put a keyfile with permission 
> 0400/user openxpki on hdd ?

It's your decision. Back in the day when I designed this initially I 
deliberately chose not to have any key material in the database. (That was at a 
time when the datapool did not exist yet, though.)

Over the time we found that many users seem to prefer their software keys in 
the database, as this makes cluster setups easier to manage, so we implemented 

Both has its advantages and disadvantages, and we leave the decision 
for/against storing keys in the datapool to the skilled PKI architects who use 
our PKI software.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Fwd: Openxpki workflow could not find token alias

2021-12-14 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I do have a question about the maximum validity.
> As I understand, the CA validity has to be longer or the same as the 
> configured validity in the used profile (which currently is +01, which is 1 
> year as i understand)
> Now my CAs are valid for 1 year, and have a bit of overlap.
> Issuing certificates of this Realm
> Subject not before not after
> CN=Factory CA,OU=Hyva,O=Sioux,ST=Noord Brabant,C=NL 2022-11-14 00:00:00 UTC   
>   2023-11-14 00:00:00 UTC
> CN=Factory CA,OU=Hyva,O=Sioux,ST=Noord Brabant,C=NL 2021-12-09 09:23:55 UTC   
>   2022-12-09 09:23:55 UTC
> But I am still getting the same error.
> Does this mean that the overlap of certificate validity has to be at least 
> the duration of the issued certificate?
> (so that there is always 1 CA that is valid for the full duration of the 
> requested certificate)
> Sorry if this more a generic CA related question instead of an openxpki one.

We are leaving OpenXPKI grounds here...

As mentioned in the previous mail you need to design your PKI properly, in this 
particular case with regard to the CA validities. This means that you need to 
align the CA validity with the maximum required end entity validity. 
Make sure to provide CA certificates which have a sensible/usable usage period 
in which they are fully capable of issuing the maximum required subordinate 
certificate validity. Also make sure to design (and test) the CA rollover 
process properly.

When I design a PKI I typically recommend

CA Validity := 2 * (maximum required subordinate validity) + some slack value



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Openxpki workflow could not find token alias

2021-12-09 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I run into the following error during trying to (automatically) sign a CSR 
> for the factory_ca realm
> 2021/12/09 10:42:36 255 start cert issue for serial 255, workflow 255
> 2021/12/09 10:42:36 255 NICE backend error: Could not find token alias by 
> group; __group__ => ca-signer, __noafter__ => 1670578956, __notbefore__ => 
> 1639042956, __pki_realm__ => factory_ca

> I checked the ca-signer inside openxpki client and it is Online under name 
> ca-signer-1
> Which you can also see in the listing of the realm
> ca-signer (certsign):
>   Alias : ca-signer-1
>   Identifier: m8UxpPiH9ux60PrL3_c0NDkiRDg
>   NotBefore : 2021-12-09 09:23:55
>   NotAfter  : 2022-12-09 09:23:55
> As far As I found in documentation. You dont need to update the -1 -2 etc on 
> rollover.
> What am i missing here?

You are trying to issue a certificate which is valid until Fri, 09 Dec 2022 
09:42:36 GMT, but your Issuing CA is only valid until 2022-12-09 09:23:55.

Hence your CA system can no find a suitable CA certificate which can issue the 
requested certificate validity.

When designing your PKI you should align your CA validities properly with the 
maximum required end entity validity (which does not seem to be the case here). 
And you should also plan for the regular CA rollovers and prepare your system 
by importing the new CA certificate and associating it with the private key. If 
the regular CA rollover is executed properly your PKI will work indefinitely.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Extensions: key usage: how to have only "key usage" asked by the CSR

2021-12-01 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I'm guessing this has been already asked, I searched the archives to no avail.

No, as far as I am concerned I have never seen this requirement before.

> I generate my CSR with key usage information “DigitalSignature” and “Key 
> encipherment” (using OpenSSL API).
> But when I get my enrolled certificate I have a new key usage “key agreement”.
> I saw is configurable in tls_server.yaml, but is it possible to have 
> automatically and only the key usage asked by the CSR?

This is a feature, not a deficiency. By design OpenXPKI ignores most data 
supplied by the client in the CSR (with certain exceptions, such as subject, 
SANs and of course the public key) and strictly enforces the defined 
certificate issuance policy, in this case the profile properties when issuing 
the certificate. 

If certificates with the DigitalSignature and KeyEncipherment key usage bits 
should be generated, the CA designer needs to define a profile which explicitly 
sets these key usage bits and have the client reference this profile.

If a client should be able to request different types of certificates the 
client should either choose the correct profile (when using the manual request 
workflow) or provide profile information with the request when using automated 
enrollment interfaces.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Install OpenXPKI on Debian 11.0.0

2021-11-16 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Can someone on the list update me on when pre-compiled packages for Debian 11 
> Bullseye will be available?
> Regards
> Scotty
> On Wednesday, 20 October 2021, 02:52:29 pm GMT+5, Martin Bartosch 
>  wrote:
> Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

I may have raised false hopes, as in the end Carthage was indeed destroyed. My 

> > Am 20.10.2021 um 06:54 schrieb Scott Thomas via OpenXPKI-users 
> > :
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Any update of OpenXPKI pre-compiled packages on Debian 11.0???
> > 
> > Cheers
> > Scotty
> > 
> > On Monday, 4 October 2021, 02:16:17 pm GMT+5, Scott Thomas via 
> > OpenXPKI-users  wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Bonjour,
> > 
> > When will be OpenXPKI pre-compiled packages available on Debian 11.0?
> > 
> > Regards
> > Scotty


OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Install OpenXPKI on Debian 11.0.0

2021-10-20 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

> Am 20.10.2021 um 06:54 schrieb Scott Thomas via OpenXPKI-users 
> :
> Hi,
> Any update of OpenXPKI pre-compiled packages on Debian 11.0???
> Cheers
> Scotty
> On Monday, 4 October 2021, 02:16:17 pm GMT+5, Scott Thomas via OpenXPKI-users 
>  wrote:
> Bonjour,
> When will be OpenXPKI pre-compiled packages available on Debian 11.0?
> Regards
> Scotty
> On Thursday, 16 September 2021, 09:09:30 am GMT+5, Scott Thomas via 
> OpenXPKI-users  wrote:
> Till when the pre-compiled packages for Debian 11 Bullseye will be available?
> I am waiting anxiously.
> Regards
> Scotty
> On Thursday, 9 September 2021, 03:44:13 pm GMT+5, hvli01538 
>  wrote:
> Hi Scotty,
> Looking at I would say 
> "not yet". There will be a directory "bullseye" once support for the new 
> release is ready. Until then it may or may not work with the currently 
> available packages.
> Regards,
> Andreas
> On 09/09/2021 11:36, Scott Thomas via OpenXPKI-users wrote:
> > Bonjour,
> > 
> > Is it possible to install OpenXPKI latest version on Debian latest 
> > version 11.0.0 using precompiled packages?
> > 
> > Regards
> > Scotty
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > OpenXPKI-users mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> ___
> OpenXPKI-users mailing list
> ___
> OpenXPKI-users mailing list
> ___
> OpenXPKI-users mailing list
> ___
> OpenXPKI-users mailing list

OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] How do I retrieve a Certificates key via RPC-call to http://localhost:8080/rpc/enroll/SearchCertificate

2021-09-24 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Meanwhile I found out, that sending REST-Requests with the right header works 
> fine for me:
> curl -s  -X POST  http://localhost:8080/rpc/enroll/SearchCertificate  -H 
> 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"common_name":"Rob Roberts"}' | python 
> -m json.tool

I don't really know your use case but I assume you would be much better served 
with properly adapting the Enrollment Workflow to your needs.

> PS: To be honest: I am struggeling hard with openXPKI server’s 
> documentation – the software itself seems to be quite promising, but 
> documentation is hard to understand and quite limited (at least from my point 
> of view).

The publicly available documentation of the OpenXPKI Community Edition provides 
an overview and a quickstart guide on the software, covering a simple use case 
of OpenXPKI to get things up and running. 

From my observation most OpenXPKI CE users seem to be able to get their system 
up and running with this documentation, and with help on this mailing list it 
looks like we were also able to support users with some more advanced questions.

OpenXPKI is a very powerful and complex PKI software product - after all it is 
enterprise grade software. So due to the amount of features and functionality 
the CE documentation naturally only covers a tiny fraction of the available 
feature set.
However, we will gladly accept user contributions to improve the quality of the 
OpenXPKI CE documentation. 

Beyond the quickstart guide there is also a significant amount of class 
documentation within the OpenSource code base itself, as most internals are 
properly documented within the class structure of OpenXPKI. A developer or 
designer with more specific goals will have to learn how OpenXPKI works and dig 
into the details. 

Becoming familiar with the features of OpenXPKI takes time, we have found that 
even with extensive mentoring from our OpenXPKI core team a new developer or 
integrator will take a few months to become productive with the system.

That said, I would like to mention that the Enterprise Edition of OpenXPKI is 
available as a commercial product from our company White Rabbit Security GmbH 
which comes with extensive (400+ pages) of configuration, integration, 
operation and development documentation covering all aspects of the system.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] How enable Intermediate certificate CRL.

2021-09-24 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> We are facing the issue while validating the certificate using ocsp. We did a 
> bit of R from our side and we found the following issue when we tried to 
> use the following command.
> screenshot attached.

The OpenXPKI OpenSource edition does not include an OCSP server, this is a 
component of the OpenXPKI Enterprise Edition.

I suggest you raise a support ticket with the vendor of your OCSP responder.

Best regards,


OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] How enable Intermediate certificate CRL.

2021-09-23 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
> We are able to enable .p12 certificate CRL for certificate revocation. But we 
> need to enable CRL for intermediate certificates i.e our requirement.
> Screenshots are attached along with mail for more understanding.

If you are asking where you can configure the CDP in the certificate profile 



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] How enable Intermediate certificate CRL.

2021-09-23 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Please guide us to enable Intermediate certificate CRL in the openxpki 
> environment.We are using openxpki version 3.12 in our environment.

I don't understand this question.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Openxpki login with external ldap users

2021-09-11 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> We have used Openxpki version 3.12 in our environment. Our requirement is 
> that we want to authenticate openxpki with external ldap login from openxpki 
> UI. Please help us, how can we integrate external ldap users with openxpki, 
> so that we can login from openxpki web UI using external ldap users. We don't 
> want anonymous user login from openxpki web UI.

Please read the documentation and search the mailing list archive. This 
question has been covered there only recently.


OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] 4 eyes to approve/issue certificate

2021-09-08 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I mange to enforce policy of 2 approvals required by RA Operators (4 eyes) in 
> order to issue a certificate using WEBUI interface
> Is it possible! Any advice!

(Almost) everything is possible with OpenXPKI ;-)

For the automatic enrollment interfaces the approval policy is located in the 
PKI Realm endpoint configuration (e. g. scep/*.yaml or rpc/*.yaml). There you 
can configure the number of "approval points" which need to be present before a 
request is approved and the certificate is issued.
The setting "approval_points" denotes the number of approvals required to 
proceed. Note that an approval point can be obtained both by an automatic check 
or by a manual approval.

For manual enrollment (via the UI) a different workflow is used, hence the 
configuration is at a different place.
If you wish to enforce the independent approval of multiple roles (e. g. two RA 
Operators must approve the request) this can be done by modifying the workflow 
configuration. Try this:

--- a/config.d/realm.tpl/workflow/def/certificate_signing_request_v2.yaml
+++ b/config.d/realm.tpl/workflow/def/certificate_signing_request_v2.yaml
@@ -693,7 +693,9 @@ condition:
 class: OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::Approved
-role: RA Operator
+- RA Operator
+- RA Operator

 class: OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Condition::KeyGenerationMode

I have not checked it myself, but this should do the trick. If it does not 
work, try duplicating the "role: RA Operator" line instead, but I think I got 
it right.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Upgrade from 2.x to 3.12

2021-09-08 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> OK, everything working now.
> The name of the realm in the database deviated from the name in the 
> filesystem. That's why I didn't see existing certificates.
> Thus the SQLs used for upgrading the schema seem to be correct. Only 
> migrating the Sequences was needed an additional "+1" for hitting the correct 
> number like so:
> % sudo mysql openxpki -sNe "show tables" |grep "^seq_" |sudo xargs -n1 -I{} 
> mysql openxpki -sNe 'select concat("DROP TABLE {}; CREATE SEQUENCE {} START 
> WITH ", ifnull(max(seq_number),0)+1, " INCREMENT BY 1 MINVALUE 0 NO MAXVALUE 
> CACHE 1;") from {}' >migration_ddls_part2.sql
> Would it make sense to detail the migration path a little more in
> I could open a Pull Request, if that makes sense.

Glad to hear you got it working. PRs to improve the documentation are always 

Best regards,


OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] directory /etc/openxpki/contrib/local missing

2021-09-08 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> While working through the steps for a productive setup on Debian I came
> across the following instruction in
>> The files are already linked into the configuration layer and must
>> be created before the system can be used. Templates for those files
>> are provided in contrib/local, copy the directory cp -a 
>> /etc/openxpki/contrib/local /etc/openxpki and adjust the files as needed.
> However, the directory "/etc/openxpki/contrib/local" is missing in both
> the package deployed config and the config from GitHub.
> Is this instruction a leftover of an abandoned approach or is the
> directory just missing because of a build error?
> If the latter is true, where can I get the directory from?

We use the local directory in our deployments to store files which may contain 
sensitive information such as the database or LDAP server password. It also may 
contain the CA private keys if you do not use a HSM and choose not to store the 
CA key in the database.
These files are not checked into a revision control system for obvious reason, 
hence they are not in the upstream config repository.

Best regards,


OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Need help in crl

2021-09-08 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> We are using openxpki version 3.12 in our environment. We are able to add 
> revoke certificates in .crl manually using openxpki raop. But we want to run 
> the revoke command using cron jobs per day. Please give us the command which 
> runs the backend for revocation & add .crl list.

please see



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Authenticate RAOP from Active Directory

2021-08-31 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Can we modify openxpki raop role to get authenticated from a Microsoft Active 
> Directory account? If not then what other aternative possible instead of 
> storing the hashes in yaml files???

 contains an example how to authenticate against LDAP/AD.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Multiple DNS entries in subject alternative name

2021-08-31 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> How can we customise the web server profile in OpenXPKI to include multiple 
> DNS entries in subject alternative name?

An arbitrary number of SANs is already supported in the upstream configuration 
sample of the TLS Server profile (and has been there since about 2010 or so).



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Workflow Pause

2021-08-05 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Thank you very much, how always to you Oliver!
> The only error that I detect is the openxpki.log and it is the following:
> 2021/08/05 11:02:13 ERROR Could not find token alias by group; __group__ => 
> ca-signer, __noafter__ => 2101557733, __notbefore__ => 1628172133, 
> __pki_realm__ => XX 
> [pid=22660|sid=PLa1|wftype=certificate_signing_request_v2|wfid=327935]
> 2021/08/05 11:02:13 ERROR Caught exception from action: [Generic exception]; 
> reset workflow to old state 'APPROVED_GLOBAL_PERSIST_CSR_0' 
> [pid=22660|sid=PLa1|wftype=certificate_signing_request_v2|wfid=327935]
> what should I do?

Looks very much like your system cannot find a suitable Issuing CA because the 
remaining validity of the current Issuing CA is not capable of issuing the 
requested end entity certificate validity. You should have prepared for this 
situation by issuing a rollover CA Certificate and configuring it in your 
system. This operation can be done without downtime, and the system will 
seamlessly roll over to the new Issuing CA if this is done properly.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] How to start OpenXPKI with alternative locale?

2021-08-05 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Martin, did you have a fight or some conflict with this Petr Grigoriev 
> ? In the section ru_RU, such nonsense is written ...

Not as far as I can remember. We had a really nice working relationship with 
the team at the time.

I am sorry to hear that the Russian translation is botched. At that time there 
were no good language translation tools available, nowadays we at least perform 
some sanity checks on submitted translation work.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] How to start OpenXPKI with alternative locale?

2021-08-05 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I have set ru_RU-UTF8 and restart apache & system with Russian locale but 
> never see any changes at web interface
> PS Debian 10.10 and OpenXPKI. Successfully started with en locale

The Russian translation files do exist, but the content is largely non-existent 
(almost all translations in the .po file are marked as fuzzy which means they 
are not used). If you need a Russian interface you will have to create the 
translation files yourself, compile the .mo file, deploy it and restart Apache 
as well as OpenXPKI.

We would appreciate a pull request with the translation of course.

Best regards,


OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] How to start OpenXPKI with alternative locale?

2021-08-04 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> I have set ru_RU-UTF8 and restart apache & system with Russian locale but 
> never see any changes at web interface
> PS Debian 10.10 and OpenXPKI. Successfully started with en locale

Please note that the Russian localization is very old and currently 
unmaintained (we do not speak that language, so we have to rely on user 
contributions). It is very likely that a large number of translation tags 
currently used by the system are not contained in the old Russian .po file, 
resulting in the default translation.

Currently the most up-to-date localizations are English and German.

Best regards,


OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] unique certificate subject across all realms

2021-08-02 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Is it possible to check if the certificate subject is unique across all 
> realms on the openxpki server? I am using openxpki community edition.

OpenXPKI is a workflow based system, so literally almost any conceivable 
business logic can be implemented. We distribute a set of default workflows 
which implement some common and sensible assumptions. One of the assumptions is 
that PKI Realms are logically separate name spaces, making it possible to any 
number of distinct and independent CAs on the same OpenXPKI instance. The 
default system hence only considers uniqueness of subjects within the same PKI 
Realm, not across other realms.

I am not sure and have not tested this, but by looking at the code and 
configuration you could try the following:

In the workflow/def/certificate_signing_request_v2.yaml of your desired realm 
change the subject policy test from

   allow_renewal_period: "+0003"


   any_realm: 1
   allow_renewal_period: "+0003"

This should consider the subject test across all realms. This is untested.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Use SHA256 OR SHA512 for RAOP

2021-07-09 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
> Thanks for the support, I have at least switched from SHA1 to ARGON2.
> I am using OpenXPKI Version (core): 3.10.2 but the options of SHA256 and 
> SHA512 are not available to me. I have double checked it again. 

Please upgrade to 3.12.0. The feature you require was introduced in version 



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Use SHA256 OR SHA512 for RAOP

2021-07-08 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
> The SSHA of the raop1 is placed in 
> /etc/openxpki/config.d/realm.tpl/auth/handler.yaml as 
> raop1: "{ssha}zsmRmCaV2+Mg2t49v5hk3znKOL1VbnRz"
> the openxpkiadm hashpwd of OpenXPKI gives the following output 
> Your hashed password is:
> $argon2id$v=19$m=32768,t=3,p=1$OTF5RTA5ZEt5cHM5Qmord1hRSktoQT09$fP5TeBuDgqimXDoCXH+q2g
> How the argon2 will be used in handler.yaml file for raop argon2 password??

That would be

Operator Password:
type: Password
# The passwords can be generated with "openxpkiadm hashpwd"
# or with "openssl passwd -5"
# The password below is "openxpki" for all three users
role: RA Operator


> Furthermore what is the command switch to use SHA512, i am trying the 
> following one but it is not working
> openxpkiadm hashpwd -s sha512
> Unsupported scheme - supported values: sha|ssha|md5|smd5|crypt|argon2

Works for me:

# openxpkiadm hashpwd
Please type your password, end with return: 
Please re-type your password: 
Your hashed password is:
# openxpkiadm hashpwd -s sha256
Please type your password, end with return: 
Please re-type your password: 
Your hashed password is:
# openxpkiadm hashpwd -s sha512
Please type your password, end with return: 
Please re-type your password: 
Your hashed password is:



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Unique Certificate Subject in OpenXPKI

2021-07-07 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
> I had mailed for unique certificate subject in OpenXPKI, so that I can't 
> create a duplicate certificate for same user subject. The communication on 
> the thread
> Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Support of Unique certificate subject in OpenXPKI
> Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Support of Unique certificate subject in OpenXPKI
> was inconclusive. An urgent response will be highly appreciated as the issue 
> is still pending.

This is quite an interesting statement, I must say. 

OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] Use SHA256 OR SHA512 for RAOP

2021-07-07 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
> OpenXPKI uses SSHA salted Sha 1 for raop password authentication via 
> openxpkiadm hashpwd. How can we configure to use a higher version of SHA such 
> as SHA256 OR SHA512?

The OpenXPKI password authentication handler supports salted md5, sha1, sha224, 
sha256, sha384 and sha512, crypt and argon2.
A hashed argon2 password can be generated e. g. via openxpkiadm hashpwd -s 

Most installations I know of delegate user authentication and authorization to 
a suitable authentication backend, e. g. an LDAP directory.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] System Status error

2021-06-14 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users
Hi Gabriel,

> I have a problem with the status of the system, in the OpenXPKI home, the 
> status of the Token Vault does not appear, it does not show data, I attach a 
> link with Image

Just a side note: looking at that screenshot in your post it looks like you did 
a Spanish translation of the OpenXPKI system. If you are willing to share your 
translation efforts we would very much welcome it as a contribution to the 
OpenXPKI OpenSource project.



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

Re: [OpenXPKI-users] SCEP enrolment: problem to reach "Initial enrolment"

2021-05-25 Thread Martin Bartosch via OpenXPKI-users

> Thanks you Oliver, I succeed with SSCEP to sign my client with the PKI#2 
> previously signed by PKI#1 (This post helped me 
> too:
> But I have still two questions:
>   • The quick one; in case where I have 2 signers (e.g.: ca-signer-1 and 
> ca-signer-2) is it possible to set/configure that only ca-signer 1 signs a 
> certificate request? (SCEP enrollment) – because currently the last signer I 
> add, the last signer who signs the request.

 for a very similar question and answer.

>   • The second question arrived because I trying to do the on-behalf – 
> already made with SSCEP – now with Cryptlib.
> The PKI#1 (openxpki with workaround in the workflow) signs my client (START 
> INITIAL is triggered) – this part is OK. Then the PKI#2 trying to sign my 
> client (I trying to reach START ON-BEHALF) but I failing before that, I get 
> lot of errors from LibSCEP:
> I don’t know which ASN1 field(s) have a problem, is it possible to know that?

Sorry, I currently don't have the time for ASN.1 diving...



OpenXPKI-users mailing list

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