RE: CSRe: govt, health and building a new model

2004-04-24 Thread Tony Moody
Deep gravelly voice.  Yeah, moider da bums

On 22 Apr 2004 at 17:46, James Holmes wrote:

 Big Business is attempting to buy up our access to public airwaves
 and limit our access to 'beyond the prescribed conditioning?
 Attempting?  It seems to me to be a done deal.  The UNITED STATES, a
 corporation,  sells the air space to the highest bidders.
 To protect public decency---whatever that is---and to create the
 illusion of acting in the best interest of the people, murder
 fantasies are allowed, but fart noises and sex conversations are
 -Original Message-
 From: Christine Carleton [] 
 Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 3:11 PM
 Subject: Re: CSRe: govt, health and building a new model
 You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change
 something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
 --- R. Buckminster Fuller
 What would happen if we got rid of diagnosis and prognosis and let the
 body make the repairs instead of listening to 'authorities' who seem
 to produce increasing mortality rates?  Outrageous? Is
 political/pharma game a 'stacked' deck? If it is, how would one go
 beyond? What would 'Bucky' do? Have you ever considered the body is
 'divine' and knows all? (This is aligned with any religion!) If it
 was, what could it do?  What potential would one have with cleaning
 things up?
 Big Business is attempting to buy up our access to public airwaves and
 limit our access to 'beyond the prescribed conditioning? programs'. 
 However, there may be a show that you want to watch on PBS Connections
 regarding BodyTalk.  Could this be a new model like 'Bucky' suggests? 
 Why? Because I know someone was downgraded from MS to Lymes and now is
 off all disability insurance and back to work.
 Why watch? Because this was scheduled to be a 30 min segment and has
 already been chopped to 1/4 of that...  PBS Houston has film of a 12
 year old boy diagnosed with autism - typical resistance behaviours and
 not interested in learning. After a number of BodyTalk sessions
 agreeable behaviour and learning to read were of interest to him. 
 Sorry, I don't know what 'Connections' will finally show by May 7th.
 There will be a BodyTalk segment on PBS, the Connections show.
 Dates:  Friday, May 7 at 9 p.m.
    Sunday, May 9 at 5 p.m.
 The segment will be 5-7 minutes long and will be one of several on the
 Connections show. 
 This is not dissimilar to what Coyote was talking about with Slim...
 It's challenging to 'get your head around', but when one starts to see
 clean air that lasts or when one starts to feel better and better. 
 Who cares about Newtonian science standards of proof?  Guidelines in
 the quantum are different.  It's a hard test.  Are you the next
 'sucker'?  Or are you feeling better?  What does it mean - no
 antibiotics?  What are the implications of that?  Healthwise?
 Financially? Social political?  Corporate stock returns? As 'Bucky'
 says, build a new model ...
 Christine Carleton, C.B.P.
 Mike this is not to negate or suggest the CS will not be valuable. All
 truths rise to the top.  I believe it will be and on a far expanded
 level than we currently employ it on the physical levels.  Flu,
 herpes, virus, bacteria are usually gone within 24-48 hours with BT. 
 Bigger issues take longer.  Food quality counts. CS, DMSO, Vit. C,
 etc. count --- you know --- the ones that seem harder and harder to
 In the US most of the diagnostic disease descriptive language is
 legally licensed for use only by a qualified allopathic doctor (MD).
 In pure legal terms and liability I am not licensed MD and cannot say
 the 'C' word unless in the privacy of a private personal conversation
 preferably at home.  Other ailments like arthritis, asthma --- about
 50+ sick goodies cannot be spoken about because under Canadian law
 legally they are 'incurable' - only remission is possible.  An MD can
 loose his right to practice if he prescribes clean water, food or
 vitamins  minerals before a pharmaceutical - (Knop vs College of
 Ontario Physicians and Surgeons (CPSO)- 1999).
 Few of us are MD's, so maybe we do not need to 'buy it and the
 degrading deterioration' if we want to feel better.  Been there, done
 that, moved on.
 :)  :)  :)
  From: William Meyer
  Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 07:09:27 -0400
  Subject: CSRe: goverment and health
  Resent-Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 03:54:06 -0700
  let me mention some specifics. i cannot legally home test my saliva
  here in
 new york for hormone  levels. i tried sending my samples through a
 third party (a friend), but i am  still bein locked out currently.
 this is against my health and freedom. a federal agency recently

Re: CSRE: CSDMSO - other side?

2004-05-03 Thread Tony Moody
Hi James,
Nah, the massive doses of DMSO (10 g/kg of bunny over 3 months 
made them slightly shortsighted but did NOT affect opacity. Also the 
bunnies had been used for a previous experiment involving laxative 
(from memory) which might have distorted the results. I'll find that 
and scan it.

But you are probably right about the rest.

On 2 May 2004 at 21:31, James Holmes wrote:

 There was one study where massive amounts of DMSO were given to
 rabbits. They developed cloudy areas in the lens.  
 No one has been able to make it happen again.
 Most think it is a scam to discredit a cheap and effective substance.
 -Original Message-
 From: sol [] 
 Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 5:26 PM
 Subject: Re: CSDMSO - other side?
   Can you point me to any details about the ocular effects in rabbits?
 use a little DMSO in my nebulizing and ear drop mix for my bunny, and
 sure don't want to hurt his eyes. Were those tests done actually
 putting DMSO into the eyes? My little guy is deaf, so he certainly
 doesn't need his vision impaired. paula
 Garnet wrote:
 (DMSO) It was banned for human use when it was found in the 60's to
 have ocular effects in rabbits, the standard lab model for eyes. Well
  it does not do this to primates or humans.

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Re: CSCleaning Electrodes

2004-05-04 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Linda,
A quick wipe with a clean dry paper towel is usually good enough to 
remove all the loose black or brown stuff. To prevent losing good 
valuable silver I avoid any abrasive cleaning material. 

As a generality, nylon is a tough, smooth, fairly slippery, plastic with 
which holds its shape quite well. Err, you could use a toothbrush or 
something like that if you want to follow those instructions. 

I'd recommend NOT to use steel wool, or 3m or Scotch abrasive 
pads or any of the cleaning liquids or pastes. 


On 3 May 2004 at 22:45, Linda Jones wrote:

 I've read that to clean the electrodes, you should use a nylon scrub
 pad, and then wipe with a plain white paper towel. How do you tell
 what kinds of scrub pads are nylon? I got some Scotch multi-purpose
 pads, that are blue, and some Scotch heavy duty pads that are green.
 But they don't say anywhere on the package what they are made of. I
 looked everywhere, trying to find some sort of scrub pads that were
 labeled as nylon, and couldn't find anything that specified what it is
 made out of.
 Linda Jones

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Re: CSSpider Bite Zapper?

2004-05-13 Thread Tony Moody
Thats probably 25kV output.  Drain on a 9 or 12 v battery would be in 
the region of 350mA but even that is over hefty IMHO. 

On 13 May 2004 at 10:15, M. G. Devour wrote:

 Daddybob asks:
  So does anyone know how to build a homemade Spider
  Bite Zapper circuit with the specs of 25,000 volts and
  350 milliamps? Or is there a particular stun gun that
  can be bought and modified, and if so how to modify?
 Ummm, guys? Before you go running off to build something like this
 would you please check those specs?
 It seems to me that over 1/3 of an amp at 25 kilovolts is a rather
 large amount of energy -- likely lethal. It's certainly enough to stop
 the heart if used in the wrong spot. I don't think that's what the
 designers had in mind. frown
 Did somebody mistake milliamps for microamps, or picoamps?
 Be careful out there...
 Mike D.
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]
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Re: CSCS and fungi

2004-05-15 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Paul,
Are you saying that doing the nasal flooding is not recommended or 
that part of the procedure is not recommended??

I've tried something like that but could not escape getting the CS 
saline into my eyes when rolling over. So the idea of holding my 
nose to stop the leaks until ready to snort out should be good. I 
usually park a chair next to the bath and lie back over the edge of 
the bath.  Also I add a drop or two of lugols iodine to the solution.


On 15 May 2004 at 11:27, Paul Holloway wrote:

 This might be a good place to mention my experiences with fungal
 sinusitis. Four years ago I developed severe sinusitis, with
 incapacitating pain, and other strange symptoms - a burning tingling
 numbness down both arms and legs, dizziness, nausea, and a horrible
 feeling in my head. My memory was shot and I felt extremely ill.
 Conventional doctors said there was no problem with my sinuses and
 suggested antidepressants.
 I started doing nasal rinses with saline and my wife said she could
 smell mold coming from my sinuses. She then started to develop similar
 symptoms. I tried CS as a rinse with some success, but the main
 problem seemed to be above my eyes, in my frontal sinuses. The nasal
 rinsing was great at getting at my maxillaries (behind the cheekbones)
 and ethmoids (behind the top of the nose) but not the frontals. Then I
 came across a sinus flooding technique, which used a CS and saline
 mix. You lie on a bed with your head hanging off it backwards and
 filled the nose with the mix, and left it for 2-3 minutes, then turned
 over with your head hanging down forwards, holding the nose, and
 soaked for a further 2-3 minutes. Then you snorted it all out, waited
 40 minutes and did it again (to remove loosened deposits). PLEASE NOTE
 THIS PROCEDURE IS NOT RECOMMENDED - I think it moves infection around
 the sinuses and into the eustachian tubes, especially the first part
 with the head backwards. This seemed to help a lot with the sinus pain
 and other symptoms.
 Then I had a batch of CS that was left for too long and had turned a
 dark yellow-brownish colour. I didn't want to drink this, but thought
 I would try using it in the sinus flooding procedure. To my horror,
 some clumps of brown fibrous material came out of my nose, about a
 teaspoonful of it in clumps. Luckily I had a small microscope, and
 took a look. It was clearly fungus of some sort, with hyphae, fruiting
 bodies and hundreds of spores clearly visible. After comparing it to
 photos on the internet, the shape of the fruiting bodies and the size
 and shape of the spores, I concluded it was aspergillus fumigatus, a
 common pathogenic fungus. I worked in a pathology lab at the time, and
 sent off some of this material to the fungal lab. They cultured
 aspergillus fumigatus. By this time my wife was also washing similar
 material out of her nose.
 Unfortunately my doctors still did not take this seriously, even
 though aspergillus is know to be a serious problem in some people. We
 continued washing this foul stuff out every day, and doing many
 alternative things to eliminate it, including a magnetic pulser, and
 after several months it seemed to have come to an end. We both have no
 more fungal symptoms but have been left with a susceptibility to
 bacterial infections in our sinuses, and impaired immune response.
 This is gradually resolving.
 Anyway, I am pretty sure that dark CS stains aspergillus a brown
 color, and I suspect it may somehow dislodge the stuff from the
 sinuses. Silver is used as a fungal satin for microscopy, so I think I
 stumbled accidentally on a procedure that would both dislodge the
 stuff, and make it visible.
 I would like to get someone else with aspergillus sinusitis to try
 this. I did join a list for aspergillus sufferers, but none of them
 was interested in trying any of my suggestions. I was constantly
 attacked by a man whose wife had aspergillus, who said that my
 suggestions were dangerous and wouldn't work and that CS would turn
 them all blue. Everyone seemed to believe him and carried on whining
 that their steroids and surgery were not working. Unbelievable.
 Anyway, I hope this is of some help to those who suspect they may have
 a fungal infection. It might even prove useful as a diagnostic
 Best wishes,
 Paul H
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RE: CSCS and fungi

2004-05-17 Thread Tony Moody
I usually make up half a cup for a sinus washing session. About 1/8 
to 1/4 teaspoon table salt in 1/4 cup hot water. Stir to dissolve and add
homemade CS to about 1/2 cup level. Then take a 50ml plastic syringe, fill
that and assume the position lying backwards over the edge of the bath,
and gently flow the solution into one nostril first 'til the drowning
sensation starts, then a bit more cs/salt in the other nostril so it
doesn't feel left out. I lie back as long as I can but gagging starts
fairly soon. Roll over, spit, blow and the disgusting  produce. Do again,
starting with the other nostril etc and repeat until the solution is


On 16 May 2004 at 7:41, Bill Brainerd wrote:

 I assume you use sea salt to make the saline solution, but how much
 salt do you put into the CS?

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Re: CSThe Glass vs Plastic debate..

2004-05-24 Thread Tony Moody
A few points which don't seem quite correct to me: 
They talk of silver solution but NOT of colloidal silver or ionic silver or 
EIS. It would seem to me that silver nitrate or silver protein solutions 
which is maybe what they wer using, would be different from CS .

Pure conjecture on my part here; It is possible that there is 
something in the plastic that is poisoning the Staph!! I wonder if they 
did a control of distilled water in the plastic and glass tubes. 

Also 2.5ppm and 5ppm seem very very high for invitro. I would 
expect an order or two of magnitude less. I wonder why they have to 
use such a strong solution. I understand that a teaspoon or two of 
5ppm CS in a gallon of milk will stop it curdling. That is in the order 
of about 0.01 ppm. Which is about 100 times less than they are 
speaking of. ???

On 24 May 2004 at 1:08, wrote:

  Anyone find these comments to be true? This is an article from ABL
  labs web page. The findings suggest that plastic may be better than
  glass for cs storage. Does ABL use plastic for there ASAP solution?
 Silver in Glass vs. Plastic Containers 
 A great deal of controversy has arisen in the market place on the
 question of whether it is better to store silver solutions in glass
 versus plastic containers.  There is a misconception that has
 prevailed in the market place that glass is better.  The idea that
 glass containers are better for storing products which contain silver
 has never been proven scientifically.  In fact, it has been reported
 in other studies that glass may have a detrimental effect on silver
 Test Work  
 I have been conducting biological studies for 3 years, in the
 laboratory of a major private institution, on the use of silver
 products to kill and inhibit the growth of bacteria.  I have conducted
 thousands of tests on numerous strains of pathogenic bacteria. In the
 testing I have completed, I have used both glass (5 ml glass test
 tubes) and plastic (Falcon 5 ml polypropylene plastic test tubes). In
 some of the test work we found that there was a difference in the
 amount of silver that was needed to kill the bacteria when glass was
 used versus plastic test tubes.  In order to make sure this was the
 case, it was decided that the MIC tests (Minimum Inhibitory
 Concentration) should be replicated by more than one person and a
 direct comparison was made.  The MIC tests were performed in
 triplicate in both 5 ml 13X100mm glass test tubes and 5 ml Falcon
 polypropylene plastic test tubes.  Results of the bacterial (MIC)
 tests showed that Staphylococcus aureus was inhibited at 2.5 ppm!
   when the MIC test was performed in the plastic test tubes.  S.
   aureus was inhibited at 5 ppm when the MIC test was performed in
   glass test tubes.  This suggested that the material with which the
   test tubes were made, specifically glass or plastic, may have
   effected the results of the MIC test.  Numerous other tests were
   also completed using larger concentrations of bacterium and in those
   tests it was found that there was no significant difference at all
   between using the glass test tubes versus plastic test tubes. 
 Other Studies 
 The studies which I performed are not the only tests showing that
 glass, in some circumstances, may have a detrimental effect on silver
 products.  It has been noted in another independent study which has
 been cited by other researchers that silver can adsorb to glass
 (Chambers 1960; Thurman 1989). With this in mind, it may have been
 possible that the silver could have adsorbed to the surface of the
 glass test tubes reducing the concentration of available silver
 interacting with the bacteria which resulted in having to use a higher
 amount of silver to kill the bacteria when the glass test tubes were
 In the test work I have completed as well as in other available
 studies, it was found that glass may, in some cases, have a
 detrimental effect on silver products.  While it can be said that
 glass did not always show the detrimental effect, it can also be
 stated that we found no problems at all with using the plastic instead
 of glass.  Our tests, in conclusion with the other available
 independent study (1Chambers et al. and 2Thurman et al.), would
 suggest, by inference, that silver products should not be stored in
 glass containers which could reduce the available concentration of
 silver, but rather in a high quality plastic container. 
 David A. Revelli, MS  
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2004-06-12 Thread Tony Moody
She Googled it !! :)


On 11 Jun 2004 at 22:14, James Holmes wrote:

 Brooks' group says there is not point in using more than 10%.
 How can you possibly know? 
 -Original Message-
 From: Garnet [] 
 Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 3:02 PM
 To: Silver List
 Subject: Re: CSGold CS
 I would advise him to start with a low DMSO concentration, say 10% and
 work up so that he does not cause irritation. Yeoowwwch!
 On Fri, 2004-06-11 at 12:14, wrote:
  I made up 2 pints of dark gold CS that tested around 35 PPM and used
  them for sinus flushes with my Grossan water pick.  Dark black stuff
  came out after a flush.  I tried regular 10 PPM CS and did not
  notice the black stuff.  Paul may have found that the burnt CS does
  something for sinus problems.
  A friend has cysts on his testicles.  I told him that DMSO works for
  internal cysts and a CS/DMSO spray could maybe reach the cysts.  Any
  ideas? Brickey
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RE: CS Home brewing problems

2004-06-22 Thread Tony Moody
Hallo Dave,
to lower the current:
You could try placing the electrodes further apart. 50 or 60mm
You could use a lower voltage. Like 9v from a battery. Or less.

You could try to purchase distilled water BP or CP from a Chemist or 
from university physics or chemistry laboratory. 

I'll send you details of my current control CS generator on sale in UK.
Tony Moody

On 22 Jun 2004 at 14:29, Dave Lewis wrote:

 Marv wrote:
 Instant high conductivity indicates that the water is not adequately
 distilled (assuming you have not added salt or other contaminants). 
 As a test, try a batch using Walgreen's Distilled Water with nothing
 Best regards,
   :) Marv
 End quote:
 I live in the UK.  Does anyone know where to buy off the shelf
 distilled water for drinking?  It's not that common here.  That's why
 I tried making my own ;
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Re: CStelephone CS maker

2004-06-25 Thread Tony Moody

I think it is highly irresponsible of you  to be encouraging 
inexperienced people to work with relatively high voltage. You have 
vast experience and are also a major hero in many ways. Most 
people are not in your category. OK? 


On 24 Jun 2004 at 22:17, Wayne Fugitt wrote:

 Evening Marshall,
 No that should not cause a problem unless you are in contact with the
 water or electrodes when it rings.
 Everyone needs to experience this shock a few times.  Most people

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Re: CSDoes oral CS help?

2004-07-02 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Roger,
I tend to take EIS only I when need it. Then I take a lot of it in one 
day, say, for an incipient cold. Or if I happen to eat something that 
shouts back at me. However for anything chronic such as sinus or a 
lung infection or a gut infection I would take it long term. And use  
nasal flooding, nebulizing, enemas etc to get it where it is needed.

So, for me, in general, a short course  of high dosage EIS for acute 
problems and long term low dosage for chronic conditions. Also 
when I have taken EIS long term I have taken a break periodically. 
Like two days on one day off. or seven on 1 off; I listened to my 

On 1 Jul 2004 at 21:58, Roger D Ragain wrote:

 Hello Everyone,
 When people ask about taking cs to help with respriatory or lung
 problems, they are told it's best to use cs with a neulizer or a cool
 mist ultrasonic humidifer. I understand the cs gets there quickly this
 I was wondering why these 2 products are promoted by some list
 members? Are they for those who don't take cs daily and need a rapid
 healing at certain times of the year? I'm not opposed to the products
 just trying to educate myself as I had question about it the last few
 Roger Ragain
 Cahokia, Illinois
 United States of America
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Re: CSCS in Plastic Bottles?

2004-07-09 Thread Tony Moody
There has been discussion of this previously on this list. The hard 
clear plastic should be fine; polycarbonate. Avoid the softer, milky 
coloured plastic because this in general allows chemicals to leach 
into the CS.

On 8 Jul 2004 at 16:22, Heidrun Beer wrote:

Date forwarded: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 07:22:38 -0700
From:   Heidrun Beer
Date sent:  Thu, 08 Jul 2004 16:22:33 +0200
Organization:   The Headquarter
Forwarded by:
Send reply to:
Subject:CSCS in Plastic Bottles?

 Somebody just told me that CS shouldn't be kept
 in plastic bottles.
 Is that true, and if yes, then why?
 I am using used mineral water bottles and never
 observed a problem.
 Heidrun Beer
 Workgroup for Fundamental Spiritual Research and Mental Training
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Re: CSre: mold

2004-07-19 Thread Tony Moody
On 19 Jul 2004 at 6:17, Paul Holloway wrote:

 I'm just suffering a relapse of mold - aspergillus - in my sinuses. I
 was getting sinusitis, and getting other unpleasant symptoms, so I did
 a sinus flooding with CS and washed out lots of fungal hyphae.
 Does anyone know for sure that CS will kill mold, especially
 aspergillus? I'm assuming that I have previously killed any growing
 mold, but that there are spores that are more difficult to kill. I
 have started using pao d'arco as well as CS and DMSO as a nasal rinse,
 but I am wondering if the CS really helps. Any ideas very welcome. I
 thought I had beaten this and am feeling a bit demoralised.
 Paul H
Hi Paul,
I have recently been using lugols iodine diluted 4 drops per glass as 
a nasal irrigation. Alternating with with CS 

I would add a Hulda Clark type zapper to your protocol. Someone on 
this list recommended something like to hold the electrodes in fists 
and place knuckles on either side of nose, pressing the cheek 
bones. Can be done for long periods by leaning on elbows. I hope I 
got this right. It was Chuck or Dean.


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2004-07-27 Thread Tony Moody
Dear Gladys,
If I were going to have surgery, I would start taking huge doses of 
vitamin C immediately. say 1000mg (1 gram) per hour throughout 
my normal awake hours. 
I would also request that vitamin C be adminised IV during the 

On 27 Jul 2004 at 0:21, Gladys Williams wrote:

 Dear List-- If I have ever failed to say thank you in the past
 please forgive me.  You guys always come through and your
 responses are always great.  Thank you so much.
 V is a good friend.  I am supplying her with CS.  She is drinking
 about 3 cups of 10ppm per day.  However, I just can't seem to get the
 DMSO concentration straight in my head.  She bought 70% DMSO/ 30% Aloe
 Vera.  We were doing 3 drops (70%) DMSO and 30 drops CS.  Is that
 correct or should it be the other way around?   I am so lost. 
 This is so important, she is facing surgery on Thursday.  Somebody
 please tell me.
 And should she be drinking the same concenttration???
 Also when we get it straight can I use the same concentration
 on my legs.  I have lower  limb lymphedema that is getting
 worse every day?
 Thanks in advance.  Gladys
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Re: CSAdding peroxide to CS

2004-08-18 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Revonda,
I think you might find that adding more H202 will get it to clear again. 
Either way it should still be OK for consumption. That is assuming 
that the peroxide is pure.

Also I have found that the cloudiness comes back on standing for a 
week or so. As a generality if I add H2O2 it is for the days use, not 
for long term storage.


On 17 Aug 2004 at 1:28, Revonda Henderson wrote:

 After completing a batch of CS I added 5 drops of peroxide (3%) to
 about 30oz of CS. It immediately began turningto acloudy white
 consistency. I had read that by adding the peroxide to the cs it would
 cause the tiny silver particles to break up into even more minute
 particles. Is the cloudy white consistency normal? Thanks, Revonda

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Re: CSsource of silver NZ

2004-09-13 Thread Tony Moody
Dear Elle,
I am in South Africa so we are in a sort of similar situation. I get my 
silver rods from a manufacturing jeweller. Also I could get it from a 
precious metals supplier like Johnson Matthey. Which used to be 
Garrett, Davidson  Matthey (NZ) , 85 Albert St.,  Auckland.

If you like I could give you a quote. Airmail is not too costly and is 
very quick. Please let me know what sizes and quantities you would 
like. I normally supply Fine silver in 2.5mm diameter rods. The 
hassle would be your customs regulations

Best regards,
Tony Moody

On 12 Sep 2004 at 0:15, elle roberts wrote:

 Can anybody provide me with a source of silver obtainable in NZ?
 The shipping costs are so high from USA that I end up paying more for
 the shipping. Cheers elle
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Re: CSoff topic. White noise sound generator

2004-09-18 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Roger,
I can make you one. I'll contact you off list.

On 17 Sep 2004 at 17:39, Roger Barker wrote:

 I've been asked to source a white noise sound generator and am
 wondering if anyone on the list is familiar with these machines? Any
 help greatly appreciated. 
 Cheers,  Roger 

Tony Moody
A I Moody, PO Box 24, Hogsback 5721, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Tel/Fax : 045 962 1131   Cellphone : 073 270 6411 
email :

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Re: CS[List Owner] Politics on the Silver List...

2004-09-20 Thread Tony Moody
excoriates. !! Must remember that one.

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Re: CSStrep virus--why do I still have it?

2004-09-22 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Theresa, 
Strep will often encapsulate itself in mucous. CS doesn't easily make 
its way through fats, oils or mucous. I have fixed my own sore 
throats using CS in the past not sure of exact protocol that I used.  
However gargling with salt water will liquify the mucous and then 
gargling with CS will clear some of the infection. I would also sip 
lemon juice too. Maybe on an hourly gargling cycle. Together with 
taking the CS. Your chiro might be able to tell you if you have a focus 
of infection. I suspect sinuses or a tooth. which may be what is 
stressing you and your system. Try to find that focus and fix that.
Be well,

On 22 Sep 2004 at 0:01, wrote:  

 Hello all--
   A question:  My chiropractor tells me I am carrying a strep virus,
 discovering this during a session of muscle testing. [initial test to
 see if my adrenal glands were working right.]  I have been regularly
 drinking 4 oz. of CS at 8 ppm.  I have upped this to 6 oz.  It's been
 several weeks and I am still testing positive, according to the muscle
 test.  Any thoughts about this?
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Re: CSRE: ParaZapper

2004-10-05 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Gwylynda,
I have made and sold the Parazap in the past, maybe this is what 
you have? This was a basic Hulda Clark Zapper and set to 32kHz . 
Most of those had a built in timer which switched off after about 7 
minutes.  I do not feel anything or even sense whether it was 
switched on or off. If you have a meter to measure dc volts you 
should get about 4.5 to 3.5 volts with a, respectively, fresh and 
nearly depleted 9volt battery. The meter will indicate half the actual 
voltage, because the output is a square wave which is off half the 
time Can you describe the device? It might come from someone 

On 4 Oct 2004 at 13:55, Dave and Gwlynda Irek wrote:

 I was wondering if anyone is using the Para Zapper. I do not feel
 anything when I hold the paddles and was wondering if anyone does feel
 a tingling or something?
Tony Moody
A I Moody, PO Box 24, Hogsback 5721, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Tel/Fax : 045 962 1131   Cellphone : 073 270 6411 
email :

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CSRingers solution

2004-10-05 Thread Tony Moody
Ringers Solution
NaCl9.0 gram/litre
KCl 11.5 gram/litre
CaCl2   12.2 gram/litre

from Medical Microbiology -- Cruikshank


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RE: CSQuestion about coconuts...

2004-10-07 Thread Tony Moody
I think he is suggesting that they are wing nuts .

On 6 Oct 2004 at 19:37, ransley wrote:

 Herx- are you suggesting that coconuts are migratory?
 -Original Message-
 From: herx []
 Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 10:29 AM
 To: eScribe Silver List
 Subject: Re: CSQuestion about coconuts...
 Mike, try using two African Swallows to carry the coconut to you. 
 It s too heavy for one Swallow, and European Swallows are too small!

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Re: CSproblem replying to list

2004-10-08 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Sol,
That happened to me for a while because I was sending from 
another email address; different to the one that I used to sign onto 
the list. I believe that Mike Devour can change to suit your needs. 
But from memeory it was as simple as applying for membership 
from your new email address.

On 7 Oct 2004 at 21:22, sol wrote:

 Hi all,
   I cannot reply to any silverlist message. All my replies get
 Then I have to do a whole cut and paste of everything into a new email
 and that way it goes through, but it is a big inconvenience. This has
 been going on for many days now.
   Any ideas? So far this isn't happening to any of my other email list
 memberships, just the silverlist.
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CS(Fwd) Avoid flu shots, boost immunity

2004-10-14 Thread Tony Moody
This makes a lot of sense to me. 
--- Forwarded message follows ---
To: Newsletter subscriber
Subject:Avoid flu shots, boost immunity 
Date sent:  Wed, 13 Oct 2004 13:08:12 -0700

Scare tactics are being used to promote flu shots, but suddenly there 
aren't enough flu shots to go around. What to do? Why not skip the 
flu shot altogether this year since they haven't been effective against 
circulating strains of the flu in recent years. Health reporter Bill Sardi 
investigates what you can do to beat the common cold and the flu 
this year at

--- End of forwarded message ---

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Re: CSBells Palsy

2004-10-18 Thread Tony Moody
Hi David,
You could tweak your toes, usually on the opposite side to the 
affliction. concentrate your work on the tips and the balls of the toes, 
quite hard; enough to get you to say 'ouch' The work is not so much 
a rub as it is a press in and roll slightly. But also work the neck of 
each toe and and the top and side of each toe too. This should 
cause re-establishment of nerve pathways in your head and face. 
Also you can tweak the fingers in the same manner as above. The 
really sore spots are what need the most work :)  Usually these are 
tiny pinprick areas. 
All the best,

On 17 Oct 2004 at 19:36, David wrote:

 I had scary thing happen to me today... the left side
 of my face stopped working... I can't blink my eye,
 the left side of my mouth kind of droops, and if I
 drink something I better keep it on the right side of
 my mouth or it is dribbled down my shirt. Anyway I
 thought I was having a stroke so I went to the
 emergency room and they did a cat scan and all the
 other things I have never had before and they tell me
 I have bells palsy.  The good news is it that for most
 people it goes away within a couple months or so. They
 don't really know what causes it but some papers they
 gave me says that they think it might be caused by a
 virus. Has anyone in this group experienced Bells
 Palsy or know the best way to treat it in a holistic
 manner?  They gave me steroids and and some other
 poison I really don't want to take. Any help would be
 appreciated.   Thanks in advance!
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Re: CSInquiry

2004-10-20 Thread Tony Moody
Hallo MA,
Ja, Well, No, Maybe.  
If I were really ill with a chronic problem then I would start off with low 
doses, say once a day, and monitor my progress. I stop taking CS 
for a day or two if the going gets tough; but keep at it. In this case of 
chronic problem then taking lots of strong CS at frequent intervals,  
might get me into trouble from massive die-off and not being able to 
detox quickly and easily enough.  

On the other hand . If I am generally healthy and get the signs of a 
cold, 'flu, herpes or effects of bad food etc then I would take massive 
doses of CS and take that often if necessary. 


On 19 Oct 2004 at 12:12, wrote:

 A friend of mine joined the list not too long ago, and has been quietly 
 reading your posts.  As a consequence, he brought something to my attention 
 that I 
 must have missed when I was out of town recently -- and that was that someone 
 on this list said that there is a finite amount of CS that will do a person 
 any good and that one must be careful not to take too much CS too fast, or 
 will use up their tolerance in a year's time or so, and it will never do them 
 any good again.  What the heck is THAT about?  I've always heard the opposite 
 -- that neither your body, nor pathogens, can build up a tolerance against 
  Could whoever made this statement please elaborate?MA
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Re: CS Was - Pulsed Electromagnetic; Is - Diet for dogs and humans

2004-10-21 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Nenah,
I have been told that dogs that eat grass do that to get rid of 
parasites. Certainly have seen them do that often. They seem to 
regurgitate some of the grass and let some go through.

I use Lugols iodine plus CS for mouth infections and I feel that they 
are synergistic. I sometimes use weak solution of H2O2 straight.

On 21 Oct 2004 at 11:35, Nenah Sylver wrote:

 Hello Garnet.
 I have thought about that quite a bit, actually, Garnet, both in relation to
 feeding it to myself and to my dogs. I've come to terms with it for the
 following reasons:
 1) I do vary the veggies I feed the dogs; it's often a combination of veggies
 and not only/always broccoli.
 2) Steaming the broccoli first destroys the component that lowers thyroid
 function. Throwing out the water in which the broccoli was lightly cooked gets
 rid of that component. So sometimes, especially during colder weather, I heat
 the broccoli first.
 3) My dogs are, simply put, healthier when they eat broccoli than when they
 don't, even if the brocolli is raw. Animals in the wild -- including wolves 
 go for the stomach and its contents of the prey that they kill. They do this 
 get the greens ingested by the prey animal! I've noticed that when I don't 
 my dogs enough greens, the little one especially will deliberately graze on
 grass, like a goat or a cow, for long periods. I've never seen anything like 
 4) I put nori and other seaweeds into my dogs' food. Sometimes they will take
 roasted nori sheets and eat them plain.
 All this said, I can take the Edgar Cayce iodine I have and give them a drop 
 two, either in their food or in their water bowl, which contains pure 
 silver. Does anyone know if this will negatively react with the silver?

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RE: CSPulsed Electromagnetic Healing Developments

2004-10-22 Thread Tony Moody
Dear Dan,

I have seen one of those running. It was about 1 mouse power, and 
rotated fairly slowly and steadily, like about 100rpm. there was a bit 
of torque but I could easily slow it with finger pressure on the shaft. It 
was basically 4 rotating coils and 4 stationary magnets all in a NSNS 
orientation. The wheel and frame were of wood and a steel shaft in 
bearings.  Had a star shaped brass piece on the end of the shaft 
which was one part of the commutator. the other contact had an 
adjustable advance/retard mechanism for tuning for no sparking. Not 
very impressive power or speed -wise. What was really remarkable 
was that the local taxi drivers brought their dead batteries for 
recharging. Free. there were about a dozen 12volt batteries on the 
floor all connected in parallel. 


On 21 Oct 2004 at 13:05, Dan Nave wrote:

 I should have said that free energy is not here and not well
 It is not here.  It is not developed.  
 If it is, show me something that actually works.
 I haven't been able to find anything, in spite of searching for it.

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Re: CScolloidal silver

2004-10-22 Thread Tony Moody
Hi V.Jean.G.,

I am not a dr. Just a mr fixit engineer. 
A teaspoon a day is a minute dose if you are taking the home made 
variety which concentration is in the order of 5ppm to 20ppm. If what 
you are taking is 100ppm or 500ppm then you are taking a fair sized 
dose per day. 

It is great that you are getting a reaction from the CS. that means 
something is happening. The eyes, sleeplessness and tinnitus would 
seem to indicate that your body is switching on and awakening. 
Which would be a good thing unless it happens too quickly. The 
numbness and imbalance could be because the awakening is 
temporarily taking place more on one side or place than another, 
that the awakening and enlivening is meandering along like a small 
lazy river but will eventually be in full flow, bank to bank.

I suppose it is similar to when a limb goes to sleep due to sleeping 
on it for instance. The pins and needles as it wakes up can be 
excruciatingly uncomfortable for a short while.

If I could tolerate the symptoms then I would carry on with the 1 
teaspoon per day, but monitor what is happening. If the symptoms 
are intolerable I would reduce the dose by half for a few days and if 
still intolerable thenreduce by half again. All the time monitoring 
myself and what is happening. Increasing or decreasing the daily 
dose to stay within the bounds of comfort and progress.

Would love to hear of your experiences and progress, good or bad.

On 21 Oct 2004 at 17:28, V.Jean.G. wrote:

 Since I had no directon other than on the bottle label, I took one
 teaspoon colloidal silver daily and got worse. I have a serious
 neurological disease caused by a virus. Been seeing doctors for forty
 years but still haven't found help. In the past three weeks, symptoms
 increased involving the eyes, sleeplessness, imbalance, tinnitus, and
 numbness. I would appreciate information on colloidal silver for a viral
 Thank you!
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2004-10-22 Thread Tony Moody
Was Subject: RE: CSOxy Life Oxygen

Hallo Garnet,
I think you have put the cart before the horse a bit. ( relax, I'm on 
your side ;-\ )  Yeasts are in the gut and are normally in the round 
egg shaped form which is their unstressed, happy form. Any stress 
upon the host will probably throw a stress on the candida etc., some 
of which which promply change to the long, thin, sharp, unhappy 
form ( for survival?) The thin, sharp cells may now penetrate the gut 
and go places they don't normally go to. ( to avoid the stress?) Of 
course having yeast growing in the wrong places is an additional 
stress on the host and this would most likely lead to a symphony of 
sensitivities and allergies.

For example some sort of stress ( heat , cold, fear, anger etc) 
causes me to be flooded with adrenalin and corticosteroids, OK. 
These and their breakdown products end up in the gut which must 
have an effect on the gut flora. they must have a mechanism for 
surviving these strong chemicals. If this survival mechanism adds to 
my stress load then I become sensitised to any and all stresses.  

This above doesn't change any facts or observations but it does 
change the sequence in that the yeast problem is caused by stress 
in the host in the first place. Not the otherway round : that yeast is 
the prime source of stress. So if the original stress can be found and 
reduced, then the unhappy penetrating yeast will change form to the 
happy round form. ta da ... fairytale ending.

Haven't got to the role of CS yet .

Comments please,

On 21 Oct 2004 at 18:36, Garnet wrote:

 I forgot to mention the role Candida Overgrowth has in chemical
 sensitivity. Many are much improved if not cured by getting rid of the
 dysbiosis in their gut. I know I was. 
 Candida makes the gut wall leaky. When partically digested food enters
 the peritoneal cavity the body regards it as a foreign substance and
 responds with antibody formation and subsequent sensitivity.
 On Thu, 2004-10-21 at 15:58, Sally Khanna wrote:
  Hmmm, this is very interesting.
  Garnet wrote:
  It may not be called the MDR1 or be a single gene but there is
  a proven
  genetic component (Irish, English Native American populations)
  multiple chemical sensitivity which could be said, in a broad
  sense to
  cover this type of sensitivity. MCS is a condition with many
  some of which are the porphyrin enzyme systems or lack there
  of a
  component to be more correct -- this is thought to be genetic,
  could be
  induced and also may be sex linked with women showing greater
  tendencies. Also MCS relates to liver function, total load,
  (sensitivity in brain centers to molecule quantities of VOC
  that access
  the brain directly through the Olfactory and Trigeminal
  cranial nerves
  in the nasal septum, Bell et al). Also complicated by IgE
  mediated Type
  I Allergy, and poorly functioning or sensitized immune
  In the case of the MD! R1 gene it likely involves the ability
  metabolize the agent. We know that sight hounds are very
  sensitive to
  anesthetics, however, this is due to their lack of body fat
  where the
  agents depot from the systemic circulation -- less body fat
  means higher
  blood levels. I am not sure though if they have shown a slower
  metabolism in sight hounds for these agents as well.
  On Thu, 2004-10-21 at 11:26, Sally Khanna wrote:
   Is this gene exclusive to dogs, or is it found in humans
   Garnet wrote:
   On Thu, 2004-10-21 at 00:10, David W Kenney wrote: person did go blind and almost caused DMSO to be
   taken off the
market totally. This all happened when they first learned
properties to relieve inflammation (and pain) in arthritis
   which is how it
was usually used! . People would rub it on sore joints. It
   wasn't rabbits.
However since there have been few if any problems with
   in the last 30
years it suggests that DMSO wasn't the etiology of the
   blindness anyway.
   Rabbits are the medical model for study eye effects of
   agents. Problem is that they are uniquely sensitive to DMSO
   are not
   consider a valid model for humans in this instance. Dogs too
   have been
   reported to have some occular effects with prolonged use. I

CSglass bottles

2004-10-29 Thread Tony Moody
Just to rock the boat a bit. I worked in a brewery and all the bottles 
had a very thin plastic lining melted on inside. This was specified to 
reduce breakages. No i do not know any more that; it was 20 years 

subject was Re: CS 
On 28 Oct 2004 at 10:28, Garnet wrote:

 Me too Sally. I only buy organic juices in glass and most of the time I
 prefer to make my own juices fresh, mostly veggie since the fruit juices
 have too much sugar for my metabolism.
 On Thu, 2004-10-28 at 10:29, Sally Khanna wrote:
  So in effect, you can cure them?  Thanks for that.  It's much more
  convenient to be able to use these bottles than glass, but I won't buy
  organic juices that are in PET plastic.  I no longer consider them
  Marshall Dudley wrote:
  It normally is not solvents. Normally what is outgassed from
  any plastic is either
  the monomer, or plasticizing agents. Soft plastics such as PVC
  will outgas the
  monomer such as vinyl chloride, and hard plastics that have a
  plasticizer added to
  them to make them soft will outgas the plasticizer. They are
  both especially nasty,
  usually both carcinogenic as well as immune suppressive.
  BTW, I have found that putting many plastics in the oven set
  to 150 F for 24 hours
  that is adding any taste to water or EIS will outgas pretty
  well all of it in the
  oven, and not do that after baking.
  Garnet wrote:
   I was unaware of this. I was under the impression that only
   plastics outgassed their solvent. The thermoset plastics
  supposedly do
   not out gas anything.
   If this is true I would not use PET pastic.
8 snippped

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Re: CSStaniless out.

2004-10-30 Thread Tony Moody
I feel much happer using SS than enamel ware. The enamel 
develops tiny cracks in which germs lurk i am sure and also those 
tiny chips of glass have to go into the food. Right? 

Stainless steel in general does not lose surface unless abraded, so 
be gentle with it. I would guess that more nickel/chrome comes off 
the edge of knife and ends of fork tines than is 'cooked' off into the 
food in a stainless pot. 

Why not 'silver plate' the inside of your SS ware after cleaning it. Any 
methods out there?


On 29 Oct 2004 at 15:41, sol wrote:

 So if I get this stuff and use it a couple months a year, do I still 
 have to throw out my brand new set of SS pans?
 And here was me, thinking I was doing good by gradually getting rid of 
 aluminum pans over the years.
 twllLL wrote:
  IP6   This stuff is suppose to chelate heavy metals from your body  
  lots of other stuff.Its made from rice bran extract. You don't need to 
  take it all year long.
  Take it for a couple of months twice a year.
  Hulda Clark says SS gets into womens breast  causes
  breast cancer too.
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Re: CSwhite swollen knuckles

2004-11-01 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Adrienne,
That is intriguing. I have had several reports from people who use 
home made CS for arthritis, specifically for reducing pain and 
swelling. Could you tell us what brand of CS you are using, and also 
the concentration of silver, usually expressed in ppm. And how much 
were you taking?  Are your knuckles painful or uncomfortable in any 

Personally I find that taking CS is generally soothing, cooling and 
has an alkalising effect in the body. 


On 1 Nov 2004 at 11:40, Adrienne Elliott wrote:

 I stopped taking it for 6 mos. and started again and they started
 getting bigger again so I stopped. I have to find the man who told me
 about CS, he knows how to get rid of it. Even my Dr. didn't believe me.
 But it happened. It might have something to do with my being a strict
 vegetarian for 39 years.

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Re: CSwhite swollen knuckles

2004-11-02 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Adrienne,
My guess is that the dose was enough to loosen stuff and get it 
into circulation on its way to elimination from the body. But then, for 
some reason, not duly eliminated and thus circulating and maybe 
partially redepositing near your joints. If so then maybe adding a mild 
chelating agent such as cilantro would tip the process enough to get 
the stuff to move on out.  ???

Do you check for body pH? are you acid or alkaline?

Very interesting.

 On 2 Nov 2004 at 9:46, Adrienne Elliott wrote:

 I was wondering if it was an overdose for me. Maybe I should have
 continued the less powerful one that I started on. My system is very
 sensitive. The main difference between me and the majority of Westerners
 is I have been a strict vegetarian for 39 years. No meat, fish or eggs. 11/2/2004 9:35:32 AM 
 I'm not an expert on CS by any means, but I cannot imagine how CS could
 cause this. It just doesn't deposit in joint tissues like that, as far
 as I am aware to date.
 You might save and send a sample of your Utopia silver to Frank Key for
 testing just to be sure what you have. Here is a link to a previoius 
 test on Utopia Silver 
 I'd still look for something else during that 6 months that could have
 caused the swollen knuckles, if it was me. I'm not saying I know for 
 certain CS can't have caused it, only that I know of no possible 
 mechanism by which CS could cause it. If someone comes up with a 
 plausible method for CS to have this effect, that would be different. 
 But I don't see anyone suggesting any such, and to think CS is the 
 culprit, without very serious investigation as to what else might be 
 going on, might lead you to overlook something important.
 Adrienne Elliott wrote:
 No it was Utopia silvers stronger product. Just the recommended dose.
 didn't happened until I had taken it for almost 6 mos. Maybe my body
 saturated with it? The color is better now but they are still puffy. 11/2/2004 8:13:10 AM 
 Oh, just thought of one thing--what exactly did you take that you are
 calling CS? If it was a mild silver protein product, those can 
 actually be contaminated with bacteria. Or perhaps if it was a silver
 citrate or other silver compound product, who knows?
 Adrienne Elliott wrote:
 I took CS for 6 mos. every day and eventually I got white swollen
 knuckles. Does anyone know how to reverse this? Was I taking the
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Re: CSEar Accupressure Points

2004-11-04 Thread Tony Moody
Silver earrings!! OK now we are on topic again!! 
I was told by a very experienced homeopath that : 
Silver is cooling, shrinking or contracting and follows the moon cycle.
Gold is heating, dilating and is sun cycle.

I sometimes let the receiver of treatment leave their accoutrements 
on; for a very good reason. The belts, rings, bangles and broaches 
seem to form a part of their normal body energy flow, especialliy if 
they are worn often. If treatment is done with them removed, putting 
the bits back on may 'bring back' some of the cleared stuff. I always 
let wedding bands stay on. 

On 3 Nov 2004 at 10:09, Adrienne Elliott wrote:

 I have no idea if the earrings helped. I have yet to try it again on
 someone else with that problem (with and without earrings), she had a
 little row of silver earrings. By the time I noticed she was wearing
 them she was asleep and I couldn't wake her up and tell her to remove
 them. Isn't this how some discoveries are made? If it hadn't been her
 first visit she would have known to remove them first. 11/3/2004 10:56:14 AM 
 I had a massuese tell me to remove earrings, rings and necklaces at
 night because they interfere with energy flow through important
 meridians in that area.
 But you think the earrings helped? Interesting, could it be that the
 metal gold or silver (?) increases the flow or some how helps. I
 accupuncture needles are made of metal, do they use different metals
 different purposes.
 I hope Mike thinks this is a worthy topic!
 On Wed, 2004-11-03 at 11:52, Adrienne Elliott wrote:
  Website is 
  The Dr. who wrote the book on Auriculotherapy is Terry Oleson Phd.
  also made the ear maps (he also has both the Chinese and French
  because it is impossible to get these two to agree on everything).
  his book I helped a lady who was hard of hearing on her first visit.
  When I followed his protocol her ear went pop and her hearing was
  restored to normal and stayed that way for 2 weeks. But she missed
  many appointments and I was never able to duplicate it again.
 However, I
 secret -
  leave the earrings in. 11/3/2004 9:42:55 AM 
  I know I'm off topic, I hate to get yelled at. But that's about all
  can learn online. There's a one day class on ears by the American
  Academy of Reflexology I will get the website. You really need the
  diagram of the masterpoints by Dr. (I forget his name), sorry. I
  his book at home. I'll get it tonight. 11/3/2004 9:33:58 AM 
  WOW!! Tell us more, please!
  I  know that the little I know of acupressure works, the nausea
  in the
  arm has always worked for me, as well as the sinus points on the
   Little children often do what's necessary automatically. Rubbing
   lobe is very relaxing, there are points there for sensual (hence
   lover nibbling on his lovers ear lobe) and also for the brain. I
   front part whenever I have to take a test. The upper triangle
   Shen Men - a very important point in Chinese medicine and
   it's for inner emotional balance. It would be the frontmost corner
   the triangle. And the  lower parts of the  head flap (next to
   Elvis had his sideburns) are good for appetite control and it is
   tranquility point  and INCREASES THE ENDORPHINS in the brain. This
   all true. Find those points.
   Best wishes,
   Adie 11/3/2004 9:52:56 AM 
   Cool tip Adie, I love ear rubs and find that they relieve
   Nice to know that ear tip point is for allergies. I learned about
   rubbing from a horse seminar. Pulling and rubbing their ears gives
   some relief during colic. Interestingly enough my daughter did
   herself when she was a baby if she was colicking -- she had a lot
   colic from a slow to develop pace maker in her ascending colon
   is suppose to be absorbed, hers was not resting and allowing CO2
   absorb so she was passing all that gas with accomnpanying gas
   Went away when she started to crawl but getting it diagnosed was
   difficult. Apparently 15% of new borns have this uncoordinated
   nervous system until they crawl. Runs in both sides of the family
   found out.
   On Wed, 2004-11-03 at 09:41, Adrienne Elliott wrote:
You can gently pinch the apex of the ear (top) hold inside and
both. That is allergy point in Chinese Medicine (acupuncture).
minutes you will be fine. You can do it 3-4 times a day during
Best wishes to all with allergies.
Adie 11/2/2004 

Re: CSNeed for a FAQ page or link

2004-11-06 Thread Tony Moody
Maybe this Desktop Google program will help if it were installed in 
the Eskimo server. But it needs win 2000 or XP


On 5 Nov 2004 at 8:54, Marshall Dudley wrote:

 I could write a search engine if I knew the files to look in for the subject, 
 and body, and the formt of them.
 Dan Nave wrote:
  Mike (Devour),
  Can you not make a FAQ page on the Silver List home page
  or a link which would lead to an informational page somewhere
  where there could be a file on Acronyms and a CS FAQ sheet,
  or post highlights such as Mike Monet's recent remarks about CS and the
  blood brain barrier?
  I know it would be some work, but it may cut down effort in the long
  Also, why not take up Mike's offer to create a better search
  Re: CS CS and the blood-brain barrier
  From: John W (view other messages by this author)
  Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004 17:05:13
  OK, I give up. What is EIS? This forum is getting way to many acronyms,
  type in English for us who are not first letter physics.
  Thanks, John
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Re: CSSilver

2004-11-09 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Boone,
I do not have access to that book. Maybe you could describe the 
method. May I ask a few questions please?

Does your method have a way to control current?
Are you using distilled water?
Are you adding salt or anything else while brewing
What size rods are you using?
How much water per brew?

If you are not using current control and not using pure distilled water 
then the brew time should be in the order of a few minutes per 250ml  
(8oz) .


On 8 Nov 2004 at 18:50, Boone Nittayo wrote:

 I made some colloidal silver today and something funny happen. The negative 
 side of silver rod 
 had residueon the rod that looks like fungus and the positive rodwasgiving 
 out a brown fog that 
 goes to the bottom.Before I started I cleaned the silver rods with nylon 
 cloth andpaper towels 
 with distilled water.I used four nine-volt batteries and brewed it for 30 
 minutes. (I followed the the 
 instructionsfrom the book Colloidal SilverTodayby Warren Jefferson. 

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CSalternatives to IE and OE,

2004-11-13 Thread Tony Moody
I have been using Pegasus for a few years and would not go back to 
any of the others that i tried, ei, netscape, mozilla, eudora, opera, 
and more.  Also there is an online Pegasus Mail discussion group, 
members of which answer questions quickly and easily, even when 
the answer is in the very comprehensive information included. Free 
or donate to help with the development costs from

Among many other features Pegasus has excellent search facilities.
Either finding a single word or phrase or more complex searches like 
I want to select all the messages from David that are older than 15 
days, don't have any colour set on them, and aren't marked as 

On 13 Nov 2004 at 9:34, John Rigby wrote:

 At 02:57 AM 13/11/04, you wrote:
 Does Eudora Pro have good search and organizing functions for email? I 
 haven't tried Eudora for years, and then it was the free version, not the 
 Pro, but I really didn't like it at all back then.
 I'm using Netscape now, because it has very good search options for 
 emails. OE never could find anything.
 I should also correct myself, earlier I posted that some small h andy 
 programs for security recommended to me here were from grisoft, but they 
 are in fact from Steve Gibson's site.
 Hi Sol,
 Yes, very good.  A lot of businesses run their whole customer contact 
 scenario with it.  The only one recognised as better is Pegasus but that 
 *is* for pros.
 BTW: I'm trialling the latest Opera v7  and am very impressed - not with 
 the mail - yet.
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CSRe: FerroFluids

2004-11-15 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Marshall,
Thanks for the very clear explanations in the past few emails under 
this subject. 

Your logic and science make abundant sense to me. I have been at 
this CS for quite a while and was getting awfully confused by the 
recent claims by M Monet which don't seem to make practical sense.

All the best.

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Re: CSSeeking advice re: addition of Hydrogen Peroxide to CS

2004-11-18 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Jim, there was a patent on CS and H2O2 and they quoted ppm of 
both. To get to the same ballpark I used a teaspoon , 5ml, of 6% 
h2o2, or 1 drop of 35% h202 per 250ml , cupful,  of homemade cs , 
about 5ppm. 

That is about what I use.


On 18 Nov 2004 at 9:24, Jim Holmes wrote:

 Hi friends,
 I have posted this once before, and got no response. Surely there is someone 
 who will offer 
 some information. 
 What ratio of H2O2 to CS do you recommend? 
 What are the consequences of more or less H2O2? 
 Does it matter how soon after generation of the Colloid/ionic mix that the 
 addition is made? 
 Can there be any interaction between the CS that has had the Peroxide added 
 and DMSO added 
 I will appreciate anyone™s input. 

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Re: CSMilk Expriment

2004-11-22 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Marshall,
Just recently i read somewhere that raw warm milk will naturally 
clabber very quickly after being milked,  if prevented from cooling. 
Useful for making cheese from raw milk.  Apparently an enzyme 
reaction enhanced by the temperature. It might be a good idea to 
control the milk temperature as a control.

On 22 Nov 2004 at 11:10, Marshall Dudley wrote:

 OK, I have started the milk experiment.  I have some preliminary
 results, but am surprised at the results.

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Re: CSTumor - Desperately seeking an answer

2000-07-07 Thread Tony Moody

Slooshing the CS in your mouth for a while before swallowing. This allows
absorption directly into the whole healing system, bypassing the gut. 

An energy dispersal exercise could also be part of your protocol. 
Basically stroke slowly upwards using one hand from that hip to opposite
shoulder, then stroke with other hand from other hip to its opposite shoulder.
Start with 36 strokes at a time and increase if you want to. 
While stroking, visualize the knots of energy in your body being combed,
unruffled and straightened out. 
Visualize the unwanted stuff leaving your body in whatever way seems
Visualize the unwanted stuff being processed in some safe and ecologically
friendly way, and not just chucked on the ground or flicked away. Maybe see the
waste being zapped with white light and then eventually returning for the good
of all beings.  

Tony wrote:
 I wanted to see if anyone on the list has heard of anyone using Dr.
 Clark's protocol for large uterine Fibroid Tumors.
 I have the new book The Cure for Advanced Cancers (actually I have all of
 them and the Zapper)...but it seems Dr. Clark is mostly referring to
 cancerous tumors.  I have a fibroid tumor larger than a grapefruit...and
 seems to be growing every month.
 The protocols mentioned...the 21 day Cancer Curing Program and the Tumor
 Shrinking Diet.  Do they both have to be done or just the Tumor Shrinking
 Diet...since mine are not cancerous?
 Is it relatively safe to take the high dosage of B2 for such a large
 Does anyone know personally of anyone who has shrunk or totally gotten
 rid of a Fibroid Tumor this large?
 Any help would be appreciated...
 Thanks again,
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Re: CSH2o2

2000-07-09 Thread Tony Moody
Judith Thamm
Tony wrote:
 Dear Listers:
 I am looking for an answer from Judith Thamm, as I have a question about
 H2o2--I was reading one of her posts where she mentions it, but I need to
 know more, in order to consider getting some, as I have Lyme disease.  One of
 the things I know the Lyme Spirochete hates and that definitely will kill it,
 is  more oxygen in the blood.  Can anyone direct me to Juith Thamm's
 e-mailaddress, or, if you can, give her mine, so I can e-mailher directly?
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSFw: CStinnitus--

2001-11-12 Thread Tony Moody
You have very good eyesight.

rusty233 wrote:
 hypnotize him
 - Original Message -
 From: Judith Thamm
 Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 12:21 AM
 Subject: Re: CSFw: CStinnitus--
  Put my foot on it...
   How do you hold the ant still?
   I try to make everyone's day a little more surreal!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDigital Multimeter

2001-11-20 Thread Tony Moody
Here is a picture of how to connect a multimeter into the CS making
circuit. With that sort of voltage, Be Care Full. Switch off before
touching anything. Standby and be prepared to switch off in a hurry in
case you get connections wrong. 

Ed Kasper wrote:
OK I bought one at Radio Shack for $15 a digital one
NOW how do I use?
Do I just put both the positive and negative ends in the water?
- after I unplugged the unit...
I am using  110VAC volts to a bridge rectifier the output I believe is
54 VDC (2) 10 inches of wet silver (total 20 inches of wet silver)  5
inches apart mechanical stirrer in center (cheapest radio shack motor)
one and half gallon distilled water
sorry, I read earlier posts but I'm still confused about it.

Chuck wrote:
Unhook one of your silver rods from the power supply.
Connect the multimeter to the power suppy terminal you unhooked.
Connect the other multimeter lead to the silver wire you unhooked.
Make SURE your multimeter is set to read milliamps.
Don't be surprised if it reads 0 when you turn it on, it should
increase within several minutes.
Go Lemmings Go!inline: silver_current_meter.jpg

Re: CSbaking soda

2001-11-25 Thread Tony Moody
Dr Schallenberger's Alkalising Formula
1  Part sodium citrate
2  parts Potassium bicarbonate
7  parts Sodium bicarbonate

Take in water 1 teaspoon twice per day

Works for me. Tony

Shirley Reed wrote:

So baking soda won't work for alkalizing.  Know
 anything that does work?   pj

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Re: CSRe Carey Reams

2001-11-28 Thread Tony Moody
Hullo Terry,
Yes Please I would like information on this. It strikes me that it is not a
simple thing to judge inter cell pH by urine or saliva sample.

Terry Chamberlin wrote:
 TJ Garland,
 I was trained in Dr. Reams urine/saliva testing
 methods in 1984. I found his approach to determining
 the causes of health problems to be very specific and
 accurate, and his recommendations to be very
 If you would like more information about this, contact
 me off-list and I will send it to you.
 Terry Chamberlin
 Metabolic Solutions Institute
 RR1  314 Carleton Rd
 Lawrencetown, NS B0S 1M0
 902-584-3810 voice
 413-826-7641 fax service

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Re: CSSea Silver

2001-12-06 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Val,
My guess is that the name Sea Silver evolved from C Silver. 

Val Q wrote:
 Has anyone ever heard of Sea Silver?  My sister has just had an anthrax
 scare in an envelope (it appeared as a puff of smoke and then disappeared).
 In conversation with the person who came out to see her, she mentioned I use
 colloidal silver, and he said he uses sea silver.  I have never heard of
 that.  Is there any connection at all?

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Re: CSArthritis?....and Computers?

2001-12-25 Thread Tony Moody
Hullo Lew,
I have been to your site but cannot read much because of the colour.I get a
white background with a light green text. Can anything be done to get a legible

FHLew wrote:
 Greetings Jonathan,
   A fragmented tutorial posting I salvaged from the vicious
 computer virus attack in the recent past, may introduce you to some of the
 basic aspects of Resonant  Field Imaging and its complementary concomitants.
 For you and others who are curious, please point to:
   For all those who have emailed me, ENJOY.
 With regards
 - Original Message -
 From: Jonathan B. Britten
 Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 7:27 AM
 Subject: Re: CSArthritis?and Computers?
  I am interested in almost anything pertaining to resonance effects
  apropos health.   I would be curious to read any info. you have about
  this topic,  esp.  RFI.


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Re: CSArthritis?....and Computers?

2001-12-27 Thread Tony Moody
Dear Lew,
The colours on my pc are good. The monitor does not need degaussing, it is
really OK for other sites and programs. 

I think the problem is with your site. 

As I said, when it arrives here the text is pale on a white background.
Impossible to read. Also will not select. So I never did get to read what you
had to say. Seems to me that the site is too fancy somehow. Pity about that.

My guess is that your page has a dark background to which does not arrive or
does not get switched on.
I hope this is helpful to you.
Thanks anyway,

FHLew wrote:
 Greetings Tony,
 Try to adjust the colours and to degauss your
 monitor if these facilities
 are in-built. Computers can play tricks when there are nearby geomagnetic
 Sometimes, items do not show up where they are intended to be when
 published in the web. Please check whether there is any problem with the
 Display Unit.
 With regards
 - Original Message -
 From: Tony Moody
 Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2001 6:19 PM
 Subject: Re: CSArthritis?and Computers?
  Hullo Lew,
  I have been to your site but cannot read much because of the colour.I get
  white background with a light green text. Can anything be done to get a


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Re: CSRe:Preventative

2001-12-30 Thread Tony Moody
Dear Judith, 
Marshalee is correct. I used to be a 'Planned Preventative Maintenance' person
before she mended my ways. :)
See Fowler's Modern English Usage  prevent(at)ive. The short form is better;
see LONG VARIANTS where he says 'The better the writer the shorter the words'...
broadly true Those who run to long words are mainly the unskilful and
tasteless; they confuse pomposity with dignity, flaccidity with ease, and bulk
with force.


Judith Thamm wrote:
 Tisk Marshalee, Tisk Tisk!
  (By the way, for the Newbies out there, who missed my rant of several
  ago, the word is preventive, not preventatative,
  ie.what CS is so good at doing!)
  OK, I`ll shut up for now!!! :o)
 My 3 nearest dictionaries [each is a standard doorstop weight ;) ] say :
  DK Illustrated Oxford Dictionary
 lists preventative before preventive
 Reader's Digest Complete Word Finder:
 lists preventative before preventive
 The Macquarie Dictionary: [standard Australian reference]
 preventive [ gives definitions] then  says: Also preventative.
 [I collect dictionaries, just BTW.]
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Re: CSPreventive

2001-12-30 Thread Tony Moody
yes, yes
T wrote:
 Is this web site about Collodial Silver or semantics?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSimple CS brewing -- CAUTION

2001-12-30 Thread Tony Moody
Reid Harvey wrote:
 Your cautions on the making of CS that is HVDC woke me up in the middle
 of the night, and I started mentally designing the finishing touches for
 Terry Chamberlain's approach, especially with the close proximity and
 curiosity of my two sons, five and nine.  They do not need to be

Prevention is preferred to resuscitation. 
Please assume that the warnings will not be understood just prior to the zap.
Firmly and mechanically enclosing the electrodes, and any other voltage
presenting parts is fairly foolproof. I envisioned an enclosure for the
electrodes, made of clear plastic tube, hose, or a plastic bottle, with holes in
it to allow current and/or water flow but not finger probing.  Electrical
interlock cutout switches could also be used, but fiddlefinger ingenuity could
also bypass these.!! Does the house wiring have an earthleakage unit. If the
wiring of the CS unit is set up correctly then the EL unit could save a life as
a final resort.

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Re: CSChronic Renal Kidney Disease CRF

2002-01-13 Thread Tony Moody
The boy cat who lives with me became very thin and gaunt. he is about three
years old. I dosed him per mouth with homemade CS about 5ppm (guess). He
resisted at first but accepted the dosing reluctantly after a few doses; I tried
to give him 5ml 4 times per day. Then by luck found that he would lap up the CS
if it was pored on his food. He gets about 50ml twice per day now (that is about
1.5 oz). He doesn't like it mixed in. In a few weeks he has grown heavy again. I
didnt get a diagnosis but figure that he was chronically dehydrated from eating
mostly patent catfood. Dried and canned. I give them more raw meat in their diet
now too.
Zapping would also help but use short times for a sick cat, Say no more than 1
minute, not more than once an hour. Just place the electrodes in contact with
his fur anywhere on his body. I try to put on on tummy area and one on back of
neck and just hold lightly in place by hand for the time. 
For what it is worth,

Philip Wylie wrote:
 We have a six year old female Persian  (Spanky )who is in
 advanced stages of Chronic renal failure.
 A search by Diagnosis of this condition can be found at
 Colloidal Silver has been suggested to use as possibly efficacious in
 treating this condition. If in fact the claims supporting the
 use of Colloidal silver are true, then surely there must be
 someone on this list who has experience with this specific
 disease and could possibly help us. We cannot afford to
 spend much more money in saving our pets life. Our vet
 has not discouraged us from considering alternative approaches.
 Because we subscribe to Dr. Hulda Clark's protocols for disease
 prevention and healing we have been made aware
 of her references to Colloidal silver and have subscribed
 to this list to learn if there is anyone that can tell us more.
 The issue of Chronic Renal Failure among cats is what I would
 call close to epidemic when I find one list that speaks of some
 2800 members who have this specific concern in common.
 Vaccinations make me terribly suspect as being a prime cause.
 However, we are looking for solution to our problem with great
 urgency as she is failing.
 Our cat's kidney mass  was enlarged to about  4O percent of her
 abdominal cavity. Since having her placed on antibiotics the mass
 of one kidney has subsequently subsided significantly.
 It  is difficult however to keep our cat adequately hydrated
 since both  desire and thirst  seem to be abated.  The cost for
 further diureasis and intravenous is now prohibitive. It is regretful
 we must  put a ceiling on medical costs for our sweet cat, as much as
 we love her.
 If  Colloidal silver is a solution, then what are the recommended
 amounts to administer  for a cat? How often? And what results
 could we  truly expect? Is there cause for hope as we have her
 laying beneath an infra red heat lamp for 20 minutes a day while
 trying to nurse her back to health with antibiotics and a syringe
 of water.
 Philip Wylie
 on 1/13/02 11:43, Terry Chamberlin at wrote:
  Becoming an Alternative Health practitioner was the
  logical and practically unavoidable result of being
  born with significant health issues that the medical
  profession not only couldn't help, but actually
  Over the years, I have found considerable relief from
  some of the issues I was born struggling with, but
  some of the other issues have refused to be resolved.
  This has resulted in my developing a continual search
  mentality, always reading, always searching. This has
  turned out to be a benefit to me, for it has produced
  a Perpetual Student attitude in me. Being very human,
  if I have a string of successes with my clients, it's
  easy to fall prey to an attitude of elitism, a I'm
  one of the Better Practitioners, the Effective Ones.
  But then I have to face my consistent failure at
  finding answers to my own issues, rather humbling
  (though healthy), to say the least.
  Within the limits of finances, family and personal
  flexibility, I have experimented with a lot of
  supplements and therapies that have received high
  praise from others. There is still, in me, a
  subconscious hope that I will finally stumble upon
  that Magic Elixir, that Super Potion, the Cure-all
  that will conquer my and my clients health problems.
  Oh, I know logically that there is no Silver Bullet (I
  had thought I found it in CS, but I was wrong), but
  something in me still hopes, Maybe, Maybe, Maybe.
  When I first came across Noni juice, everyone was
  crying, This is the stuff! (as I have seen with
  many, many other things). I bought 12 bottles of it
  and started drinking. After six bottles, I noticed
  nothing whatsoever. The fellow I bought it from
  suggested inceasing the dosage, so I doubled the
  recommended intake. After 

Re: CStopic for archinves

2002-01-29 Thread Tony Moody
Connie, try a Subject search for dog bites .  I searched for wound in the
body of the files I have saved and found them round about 20 Jan.

Connie wrote:
 I was looking for the posting that came in the last couple weeks on how
 someone had treated a deep cut.
 I was at a loss for what topic to enter in the archives search engine.
 Thought it was even in the last week or so...looked through the messages,
 could not find it, could someone help me out?

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CSHeads up - virus

2002-02-06 Thread Tony Moody
I have just received the following and bets are it IS A VIRUS. So, DO NOT CLICK

Subject: If it is not already
   Date:Wed, 6 Feb 2002 10:37:19 -0200

For more information, please consult the DirectX Setup/Issues section (Section
4) of this Troubleshooting Guide.

Note: It is always a good idea to check and write down what sound and video
hardware you have in your computer before installing DirectX.

Name: system.pif
Type: Shortcut to MS-DOS Program (application/x-unknown-content-type-piffile)
Encoding: base64

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Re: CSRe: CS: dog lump

2002-02-12 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Marshalee,
Your Pug might have had a hydatid cyst. This is from parasitical worms and is a
sort of worm egg store in the body. Try to keep it scrupulously clean and take
care not to get the stuff on you, for fear of infection. Irrigating with CS
should do it.
Do a search on hydatid cysts and scare yourself.

Marshalee Hallett wrote:
 Dear List folks,
 Here`s something weird. My 11 year old Pug dog Willy had a lump on his neck
 for about a year. About the size of the end of my little finger. Well last
 week I was feeling it, and it squished. I squeezed it and it popped open.
 Out came some stuff that looked like fine black sand! I emptied it out over
 about 4 days; it never seemed to hurt him at all.
 I kept it clean with melaleuca oil, and he has CS in his water all the time.
 Seems to be healing up OK. Any idea what it could be?

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Re: CSMalaria

2002-03-06 Thread Tony Moody
Ian, If you do get info on this subject I would be very interested. 
I know of a couple who do not want to use pharmaceuticals and who travel to
malaria infested areas and who use my simple CS generator but do not have
details. I will follow this and report back to you.

Ian Roe wrote:
 I've just talked with a friend who has come down with malaria 8 months after
 returning from overseas.  His liver right now is enlarged.  Does anyone here
 know of a website where malaria is addressed with alternative medicine?  Can
 CS play a role in treatment?  Are there any reservations with taking CS with
 an enlarged liver?  I know that malaria is a parasite - do regular
 antiparasite herbs benefit people specifically with regards to the malaria?

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Re: CSCS/MSM/Lactated Ringers solution

2002-03-16 Thread Tony Moody
Here it is in the archives.
Tony Moody

CSAbsorption Coefficient of CS Solution
 From: Brooks Bradley (view other messages by this author) 
 Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 00:41:27 

James Osbourne, Holmes wrote:
 It is in the archives.
 James-Osbourne: Holmes
  -Original Message-
 From:   Connie []
 Sent:   Friday, March 15, 2002 7:27 AM
 To: silver- list
 Subject:CSCS/MSM/Lactated Ringers solution
  I recall an earlier test that your researchers did with dogs and the 5PPM
  CS/MSM/Lactated Ringers solution  introduced directly into the stomach via
  an esophageal tube.  You reported that the enhanced transport rate through
  the cell wall---attributed to the MSM and Ringers---resulted in
  approximately 4X the blood levels of CS in the same time frame compared
  only CS sol.
 This is something I have missed in the past, could this study and protocol
 be posted again?
 Thanks so much,
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Re: CSiridology

2002-04-02 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Ian ,


 Ian Roe wrote:
 Does anyone here have access to URL's that provide free teaching and
 information about Iridology?  Lots of sites out there selling books and stuff
 but it seems to me that a practice this old should have teaching and
 information sites out there.  In particular, information on how to set up a
 camera to take pictures of the eye for baseline info and progress.

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CSArgyria and Beneficial Bugs

2002-04-17 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Janis,
Below is a pesto recipe that has been posted by various people. I would try that
and also do a mild liver flush every morning until the colour clears away.  

Mild liver flush
first thing in the morning take: 
1 to 3 cloves garlic crushed
1/2 a lemon or more.
1 to 3 tablespoons olive oil
stir and chug. 
Follow this with a glass or two of hot water. 


Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2001 11:57:05 -0500
From: Nina Silver
3) Cilantro. There's a famous pesto recipe containing cilantro that's been
floating around the internet:

a) 1 clove of garlic ½ cup of almonds, cashews, or other nuts
b) 1 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves 2 tablespoons lemon juice
c) 6 tablespoons olive oil
Put the cilantro and olive oil in blender and process until the cilantro is
d) Add the rest of the ingredients and process to a lumpy paste.

(You may need to add a touch of hot water and scrape the sides of the
blender.) You can change the consistency by altering the amount of olive oil
and lemon juice, but keep the 3:1 ratio of oil to juice. (If freezes well,
so you can make several batches at once.) 

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Re: CSOT:Notice of Pc Problems.

2002-05-02 Thread Tony Moody
Try the advert aware program Ad-aware 5 It is very easy to
get and install and use. The program removed 9 things running quietly in the
bacground and gobbling up computer facilities. I now run it once per week.
haven't had any more 'finds' but the pc is whizzing along very well.
Tony Moody

Brooks Bradley wrote:
 To all list members to whom I owe
 email-I may be off the airways for a day or two.  I have some
 strange problem and am unable to resolve it-no detectable viruses;
 slow response and intermittent acknowledgement of browser by the
 ISP..after the ISP has connected (neither Explorer or Netscape are
 recognized by the server connectionvery aggravating);and have
 defraged for perfect cleanup;  128 RAM, 6 gigs of clear hard drive, 450
 Celeron processor, etc., etc.,.  I am at my wits end and am taking it to
 the Professional PC Doctor.  I do not know how long it will
 take.hopefully only a day or two.   He is VERY busy, because he is
 VERY GOOD..meantime everyone is free of me.
 Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley
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Re: CSFor cats?

2002-05-24 Thread Tony Moody
Hullo Janet,
The CS could be any strength, 3pp to 20ppm. whatever you have.
Pour some CS over his food. Maybe mix some of it together. Mine demand more. 

Also add CS to his drinking water. I have a gallon bowl and I toss in a glass
(1/4 litre)of CS once a day. The bowl is cleaned and filled about twice a week. 

At your own risk you could try to give him a dose of CS using a syringe without
needle. I aim at trying to get about 15ml (1/2oz) of CS down the hatch twice per
day at least. This is enough to get him drinking on his own. OK here's what i
do. Cat on carpet so his claws have a grip on something, left hand on scruff and
lift slightly, without detaching feet from carpet, to get him at a slight
disadvantage. Syringe filled with CS in right fist, use syringe to lever his
mouth open gently and then give a slow squirt down side of mouth. Stop if he
doesn't swallow. Let him close his mouth, massage his throat to get him to
finish swallowing. You don't want to drown him. 
Good Luck,

Jan wrote:
 My cat (neutered male) just finished his second set of antibiotics. He
 still pees without much coming out and he licks himself (no delicate way
 to put it)  it seems to be irritated STILL. This has been going on for
 over a month. Anyway I would like to try the CS on him. How much and how
 often do folks recommend and how strong of a solution in PPM?

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CSCS in ear : dizziness

2002-05-24 Thread Tony Moody
Yesterday I woke up with the beginings of a cold so I took CS during the day. I
also poured some CS into one ear while standing with my head tilted. I very soon
became disorientated, dizzy and slightly nauseous. My vision kept on floating
away to one side and then snapping back like a film jumping at the movies
(remember those?). I couldn't stand that for very long so tilted head upright.
The effects went away immediately. A while later I tried it again in the other
ear and no effect at all. 

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? 


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Re: CSRe CS Strange phenomena

2002-06-08 Thread Tony Moody
Well Done Harold for doing the work. 
What are you using as resistance probes? I think that these should
always be the same wetted area, and distance apart for consistent
results. And of course they shouldn't corrode while measuring :) 

The first five Ohms readings look logical. 

I don't understand why the pH should vary with distillation and my guess
is that distilled water would go to normal, 7.0 pH. This looks like a
problem. Ummm 'they' usually try to make the water slightly alkaline in
order to hold more chlorine and to prevent corrosion. Have you checked
calibration of the pH meter? 

The last two readings; are those after you have made CS? Not much sense
here, to my little mind. 

You could try testing some samples for change with standing time.
Distilled water is degassed water to  a certain extent and allowing it
to stand will allow absorption of CO2 at least, which will change the

BTW chlorine abbreviation is Cl

Have fun,

 Harold MacDonald wrote:
 Since my last post re Smoky CS using my own distilled water,I have run
 a few tests and here are some of the results.The distiller has put
 through approx 288 Litres[79+ US gallons]of H2O and the one that was
 used to make CS[smoky] was [2 litres  from 75th gallon] .Tap water
 here is highly acidic and is laced heavily at this time of year with
 Chlorine;which can fluctuate from day to day.So I chose a day when Ch
 was higher than normal.For testing I used an Armaco multimeter/fixed
 probes and an Aquarium PH tester.I used a candy Thermometer for temp
   PH   Ohms
 R   Temp
 Tap H2O
 7.0   35k 60 F
 [fresh from tap]
 Ist distill6.6
 70k 64 F
 Double distill
 6.0  130k 
 tap H2O 7.0
 @ room temp
 1st distill treated 7.4
 12K 74 F
 with concentrace
 minerals @ 10
 Single distill[2 litres]
 used for CS
 @ 25VDC,1ma current   7.2 PH  100K resistance   60 F
 4 hrs.,SMOKY colour
 Double distill  for CS @
 25VDC, 1ma for 2 hrs.6.6 PH 80 K resistance   60 F
 I hope there is somebody out there who can make a sensible conclusion
 out of the above.As somebody said earlier,it seems as tho the
 distiller is letting impurities,like Ch come through in the first
 distilling,but,in the second,it's mostly stopped,this is the way I
 read it.If the first stuff is used for CS,what would the compounds be?
 I am not a chemist and didn't do well in that subject in school.
 Many thanx.
 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.362 / Virus Database: 199 - Release Date: 5/7/02

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDMSO cautions and mixtures

2002-06-08 Thread Tony Moody
Hullo Reid,
Pure DMSO is a liquid which freezes at about 15 degrees C . It mixes
very well with water (and with oils) and warms up on dilution. People
with fair, sensitive skin are cautioned to dilute at least 50% because
it may cause irritation. Weaker solutions should not cause any troubles
at all. 10% is very mild. I think the crux word is MAY, they are
covering their butt. I used to use 100% on my skin and at most got a
mild itch which lasted a few minutes, even on the very tender bits. Heh,
Heh, it is the smell ya got to worry about. I lost a very nice girl
friend to experimenting with DMSO, one whiff and she was out of there.
Paint it on your feet and you can smell garlic and clams on your breath
in a few minutes. I never tried it in my eyes and I wouldn't want to,
but in DMSO Natures Healer Dr Morton Walker he talks about putting 1
drop DMSO directly on the eyeball to cure cataracts.   

Adding 10 grams or 10 ml DMSO to 90 ml water is OK. 

Is he going to drink it, paint it on his skin or nebulise with it? All
would work, I'm just interested in his preferred procedure.


Reid Harvey wrote:
 CS Enthusiasts,
 My 86 year old father had drug resistent bronchitis last year, and I
 have convinced him to get his hands on some DMSO, something he has just
 received in the mail.  Fortunately he has since embraced CS and is now
 making it.  I'm suggesting he follow the good advice of several on the
 list if any similar lung ailment ever arises, 90% CS and 10% DMSO, as I
 've seen written up.  But he is telling me he sees the following
 cautions on the DMSO label:
 May cause skin irritation.  Avoid contact with eyes, skin. clothing.
 Wash thoroughly after handling.   In case of
 contact, immediately flush eyes with water.  Call a physician.
 Can someone please tell me the story on the cautions?  Also can someone
 tell me how to mix the CS with the DMSO?  Can I assume this is fine
 particle, 10ppm CS?  And as with other solutions would 10% DMSO suggest,
 for example, that one would mix 90 ml. of the CS with 10 grams of the
 Any advice would be highly appreciated.
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: DMSO cautions and mixture

2002-06-09 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Reid,
Yes, DMSO is a liquid; but it freezes in cool weather. The bottle i have
is CP grade 99.5% pure and has a density of 1.1 (1.0 litre = 1.1 kg
which is the same as 1 ml = 1.1 gram)

MSM is a powder and it is apparently closely related. I have no
experience with MSM.

Reid, I'm up to my eyeballs at the moment, and for some weeks to come,
so I can't do justice to discussing DMSO. The book mentioned would be
good background material and probably all you need. It (DMSO) is really
worth investigating and investing in. 

In USA it apparently can be bought from veterinarian supply shops. In
South Africa the only source I could find at the time was a chemical
supply house, hence the high purity. I was diluting it to 70% and
selling it on to someone who was using it for ozone bagging for all
sorts of illnesses. 
Ummm! Can't really remember what I was using it for specifically. It was
a few years ago. just testing. OK, I tried it in my ears (tinnitus) and
one hurt like crazy. I suspect this ear has some infection or congestion
lurking behind the eardrum. This ear still reacts to plain CS, no pain
but dizziness; worth persevering with. I also used DMSO plus antifungal
footpowder on foot fungus and that seems to have gone. 

Be cautious with the nebuliser the first few times. Take a very small
in-breath from the nebuliser and a few normal breaths to check for
violent coughing reaction. then increase the the depth and number of the
in-breaths. You don't want to clear all the congestion and gunge in one

Reid Harvey wrote:
 Thanks for your very helpful suggestions, which I have sent on to my
 Dad.  I also intend getting the capacity to use this for my family.  A
 few more questions:
 1.  You do say it comes as a liquid, not a powder.  And you say 10 gr.
 or 10 ml. per 90 ml. of CS is okay.  Does this mean that the specific
 gravity (density) is somewhere around 1.0?  i.e. That DMSO would be
 about 1 gram per 1 ml.?  And can we just measure it 1 level tablespoon
 DMSO per 9 tablespoons CS?

 2.  I've suggested to my dad that he use the mix with a nebulizer.  My
 experience is that in drinking CS I can clear up nearly any bug, except
 for those in the lungs.  So we sometimes get these hacking toughs and
 mucous, persisting for weeks, even months.  I think the DMSO/ CS mix
 with nebulizer must clear this up.  I'd love to also hear from you as to
 what is accomplished by drinking the mix or painting it on the skin.
 Thanks again.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCough/Was Empty Stomac

2002-06-15 Thread Tony Moody
Val Q,
That sort of thing could be caused by internal parasites.

Val Q wrote:
 Dear Wayne and Jack,
...  a chronic cough for a
 couple of months (mostly a lying-down-at-night thing)and I need to clear my
 throat a lot (that's been forever, it seems). But the last week it has
 gotten much worse.  Sort of sounds like a bronchial thing.  

   I don't feel sick with this cough; sometimes I just feel exhausted and a
 little crummy but not enough to send me to bed...and this is not all the
 time either.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSWeb site for the Silver List...

2002-06-18 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Mike,
Here are steps to take to filter mail for Netscape 4.7 users. 

Example: to automatically send all incoming email with CS in the
subject line to a Mailbox called Silver List.

1   Create the Silver List mailbox in Local Mail. 
1.1 In Netscape Messenger, Click on Local Mail in the left hand menu.
1.2 Right click and click on New Folder. 
1.3 Type Silver List in the Name window. click OK

2   Instruct incoming email with CS in the subject line to a Mailbox
called Silver List.
2.1 Click Edit in the upper menu and then click Message Filters.
2.2 Click New.
2.3 In the Filter Rule window, change the Filter name to SL, for
instance. Its your choice.
2.3 Type CS in the blank window.
2.4 Scroll down the Move To folder to the Silver List entry. Click OK 

That is it. You can make several filters to make your life easier. 

To edit a filter go Edit/Message Filter/ select the filter to be edited
and click Edit. Make the changes in the Filter Rules panel and click OK. 


M. G. Devour wrote:
 Greetings all!
 Our regulars will probably remember me making a few noises about a web
 site for the Silver List late last year. Well, having had to take the
 time out to set up the new Off Topic List, I figured I could do a
 little work on that project too.
 I'd like some help from you, folks! Test-drive the thing, please, and
 let me know of any inadequacies or flaws you come by. The temporary
 URL is:
 There are a couple of holes in the Mailing List FAQ section.
 Particularly, I need instructions for creating mail filtering or
 sorting rules for AOL and Netscape users. If any of you'd like to help
 me along there, I'd appreciate it.
 I'll be bringing up a domain for the site shortly. Next will be to add
 back in some Information and FAQ's about CS. Maybe in another six
 months... sigh
 Thank you,
 Mike D.
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: Website for Silver List

2002-06-20 Thread Tony Moody
Hi jr ,
What do you have to do to create a new mailbox? It would be great if you
can give us the correct keystrokes.

Mine is Netscape 4.72. I can't imagine that there is a huge difference.

OK, There is another way of doing it!  
From the Help :
Organising your Mail
Creating a Folder

To create a message folder:

 1.Open the File menu and choose New,
then Folder. 

 2.Type the name of the folder. 

Note: Do not use the backslash
character (\) when naming your folder
unless you're creating a hierarchy (that
is, unless the new folder will contain

 3.Click the pop-up menu to choose a folder
location and click OK. 

I hope that this is helpful.
Tony wrote:
 Tony writes:
  Here are steps to take to filter mail for Netscape 4.7 users.
  Example: to automatically send all incoming email with CS in the
  subject line to a Mailbox called Silver List.
  1   Create the Silver List mailbox in Local Mail.
  1.1 In Netscape Messenger, Click on Local Mail in the left hand menu.
  1.2 Right click and click on New Folder. 1.3 Type Silver List in the
  Name window. click OK
 Step 1.2---nothing happens when right-clicking here.  (Netscape 4.77)
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSNina Silver site

2002-07-05 Thread Tony Moody
I pass this on from the Rife list

List Members,
I've just been apprised that Nina Silver has a new URL for her web site with
great info about many alt-health issues including Rife, as well as excerpts from
her fine new Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing, go to Dr. Nina Silver's site

NOT which was the old website.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMilligram question...

2002-07-09 Thread Tony Moody

A teaspoon is about 5ml which is about 5mg of CS. 

CS of 10ppm means 10mg silver per 100mg CS

So a teaspoon contains: (10/1 000 000)x5 = 0.05mg silver 

If Wayne is having 16oz CS per day then this works out to about .0005mg silver
per day. (16 Oz ~ 500ml which is about 100 teaspoons)

I hope this helps.

Mike wrote:
Wayne wrote...
   I think I was getting about  .0005 mg of silver per day.

Maybe I'm way off in my calculations, but using the formula mentioned at this

I was making calculations that for an average batch of ~10ppm (using Herx's
Calculator), I was ending up with
roughly .6mg of silver per teaspoon -- which is obviously many, many times the
amount Wayne mentioned.  If
someone wants some of my numbers to plug into this equasion to see if they come
anywhere close to matching
mine, the batch I made last night was 8oz, cooked for 90 minutes (5400
seconds), at an average of .41mA.  I
plugged my mA reading into the Herx Calculator every 5 minutes and ended up with
it showing 12.09ppm.

Like I said though, I might be way off.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSMilligram question...

2002-07-10 Thread Tony Moody
I'm glad to see you that several of you are awake. My mistake and profound
apologies. Ivan, Dean and Robb are correct.


Ivan Anderson wrote:
 That is correct.
 1ppm = 1mg/L = 0.001mg/mL
 -Original Message-
 From: Robb Allen []
 Sent: Wednesday, 10 July 2002 5:20 p.m.
 Subject: Re: CSMilligram question...
 what I told you is correct1ppm is equal to 1mg per
 500 ml would be .5 mgyou can do the further math to figure out
 smaller ammounts..but I just posted is absolutely

 Um, a teaspoon/5 ml is 5000 mg. 
 -- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS and refusal to use it.

2002-11-08 Thread Tony Moody
Hullo Mary Lou,
Could you let me have a copy of the Prednisone info please. Or point me to a
site where I could get the info. 

I have a very old dog ( nearly 17) and she used to get CS in her water but I
have moved house a few times very recently and have neglected that. She is on
10mg prednisone about three times a week, I also give her several homeopathic
Arthridese pills at the same time. This seems to give her relief. She doesn't
seem to be in pain but is stiff and reluctant to get up sometimes in the

Must dash off and get out the clay waterbowl and fill it with CS.


Mary Lou Borgert wrote:

 I  have tried to help people by giving c/s but they would rather have
 prednizone (drug).
 I help elder people and it is incredible how much of a killer this drug is.
  I found  the side effects and I copied the site and would give it to people
 but they insisted on taking the drug instead of c/s. they all died within 2

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSWhere are we from

2002-11-11 Thread Tony Moody
Tony Moody
South Africa

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Re: CSRE Website Up

2002-11-20 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Swill,
Your site takes a long time to load itself. 
Normally I would have surfed on but you asked for comments. 

There seems to be a bad bug in the site because it crashes. 
I never got to see your Products page. Tried twice. 

Uhmm, 1936 politico/pseudo scientific doesn't interest me very much. 

Tony wrote:
 For those that cannot understand Scientific talk I
 have modifed the website to make it a bit more easier
 to read I hope it is easier to read this time through!
 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your site
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAdding CS to a automobile battery !/where's the beef!

2002-12-07 Thread Tony Moody
What is in the blank messages?

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Re: CSLung Infection

2002-12-10 Thread Tony Moody
There was a long discussion about getting cs into lungs a while ago. 

If you go to the archives and type in 'airbrush' you should get a quite a few
messages, most of which are instructive. 

Also The following email indicates where all the construction details are


Subject: Re: CSMissing parts in the archives/airbrush oxygen nebulizer
Resent-Date:  Sun, 21 Oct 2001 13:35:09 -0700
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2001 14:41:40 -0600
From: Jason / AVRA
  References: 1

Dear interested parties:

Posted at this URL and in standard HTML format are the complete assembly
instructions as originally presented by Brooks Bradley in a four part
message some time ago.

Lynda Wrote:
this has nothing to do with this email , but I have a bad lung infection and
I remember there is a way to get cs into the lungs could someone tell me
how that is
thanks Lynda

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS[List owner] Fancy text formatting...

2002-12-18 Thread Tony Moody
I'm using Netscape 4.72 so earlier and later versions may vary slightly

M. G. Devour wrote:
 Anybody have similar instructions to guide users of Netscape, AOL, or


To turn off fancy formatting and send plain text in Netscape:

Click EditPreferencesMail  NewsgroupsFormatting  Select Use the plain
text editor to compose messages Click OK.

Changes will take place in the next new message.

There is another way if you want to send fancy messages to some recipients and
plain to others. Go through all the cards in the address book. Select or
de-select as applicable, the button marked 'prefers to receive rich text
(HTML) mail' 

Click EditPreferencesMail  NewsgroupsFormatting  Select convert the
message into plain text Click OK.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CScs and h2o2

2002-12-20 Thread Tony Moody
Yeah, Right. I use battery acid, undiluted and heated up to boiling. Three
times a day. The holes grow back in minutes. No Problem.

By the way where do you get 70% H2O2. Cape Canaveral?
 At 08:29 PM 12/19/02 -0500, you wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Dec 2002 20:13:15 -0500, gimpy wrote:
   1 drop of 70% h2o2 on your skin, repeated twice a day
  will create a sore, eat the top loyer of skin off. I would not use
  h2o2 in my eyes with out expert supervision.
  I have done the drop on the skin thing as a demenstration.
 On your skin?
 A demonstration of what?
 I once fell through the trap door.
 They said it was a stage I was going through.
 (Max Headroom)
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Re: CSCS and colds

2002-12-26 Thread Tony Moody
Dear Paula, 
Sometimes a cold is really about crying uncried tears, especially when you
have had to be tough or supportive. In which case the cold will go very
quickly if you can get in to the emotions and feelings which might have caused
the snot and blubs and let them flow for a while. Get some personal space have
a nice hot bath, go to bed in pleasant and safe surroundings; and howl. You
will feel much better in the morning. 

Of course colloidal silver and vitamin C are to be taken too. Lots. 

Yes, stress does knock the immune system, so any way of destressing will help
to become well. 


sol wrote:
   I have staved off at least one previous cold, but a good friend suffered a
 horrendous tragedy on Dec. 6 that really knocked me for a loop emotionally,
 and I got somewhat depressed, let my eating habits go to hell, had some
 under pressure work to do, and didn't take my CS with the diligence and
 frequency and in the manner I should have when I felt this one coming on.
   Still, this cold I've had for a week now hasn't yet turned into a
 secondary sinus infection, nor am I getting worse with each passing day, I'm
 holding my own, and slowly improving.  Instructions on how to take CS for
 strep really kicked the sore throat part of it. I've always heard that
 stress, grief, and depression kick hell out of the immune system, and I know
 it to be true and have learned the lesson yet again.

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Re: CSpost traumatic injuries/treatments

2002-12-29 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Mic,
Yes I have had very good reports of CS for eczema. If CS is sprayed on it is

Michele Lee wrote:
 Do you use just straight CS?
 My son has eczema... do you think CS rubbed on his skin would make a
 difference, or will it just run off. ? (due to the watery consistency)

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Re: CSre Cats and CS

2003-02-22 Thread Tony Moody
That might be a flea allergy. So,you could make efforts to get rid of the
fleas and spray CS for short term soothing relief.

On the other hand it could be due to too much protien in diet, or too much
fish. Check the diet and spray CS for short term soothing relief.  

 Norman Cameron wrote:
 good morning
 On the subject of cats...a friend has a female 14 year old cat...the hair
 has gradually fell from it's lower back and upper back legs...there doesn't
 seem to be any pain but a lot of licking and seems to be a
 progressive thing over a year or so...any ideas on how to reverse this ...
 thank you

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Re: CSConstant Currant CS

2004-11-24 Thread Tony Moody
Hallo Johannes,
I make and sell the ColSilGen here in South Africa. This is with 
Constant Current control. Please contact me for further details if you 
Best regards,
Tony Moody

On 24 Nov 2004 at 3:58, wrote:

 Can some of you help me to build a Constant Currant Colloidal Silver maker
 (not with Batterie)
 Is it a difficult job?
 I have a very simple CS maker and use it with distilled Water. But the
 quality is not up to standard and I would like to improve.
 Any suggestions?
 Are most of you buying it? Which one?
Tony Moody
A I Moody, PO Box 24, Hogsback 5721, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Tel/Fax : 045 962 1131   Cellphone : 073 270 6411 
email :

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Re: CStea tree oil and ozone

2004-11-24 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Sally,

A few things you could do with your 'strong' ozone generator. 

Mount it up high, a few inches to a foot below the ceiling. Ozone is 
heavier than air and tends to flow naturally downwards, thus mixing 
with the room air. 

Use it when the house is un-occupied and then use a timer to switch 
it off automatically after, say an hour.

Use an on/off timer. Plug that into the wall and plug the ozonator into 
the timer. Set the timer to something like 5 minutes on and 10 
minutes off. 

If you can then let the ozone outlet pass through water either a mist 
spray or bubbled through water. 

Check to see if there is not an adjustment or a connection for 
reducing the output. 

Be Happy,

 On 24 Nov 2004 at 10:25, Sally Khanna wrote:

 I can tell you, I do like sitting next to it, but I think I would need about 
 50 of them to do my whole 
 house.LOL It was a very well-intentioned gift and I appreciate it. But the 
 other purifier, I'm afraid 
 to use.
 Ode Coyote wrote:
 Ionic Breeze® complies with U.S. safety requirements for low ozone 
 (less than 50 parts per billion) as tested by Underwriters Laboratories
 under their UL867 standard for consumer products.
 Electrostatic air filters all produce 'some' ozone, some at very high
 levels. Ozonates the air is not the big selling point it's made out to
 be. [Spin to sell a poorly designed product]
 Obviously, a very big unit will produce more ozone over all. Even if it is
 low per square inch of plate area a large filter has more area. At 50 PPB
 at the outlet of the filter, a small enclosed room can easily go over 
 Sharper Image air purifiers are electrostatic and do not output ozone at
 all. The collection plates do collect dust but I can wipe the same
 amount of dust from my bookshelf every few days. I had fo! ur of them in
 one large room and took them back within the 60 day refund period.
 I asked an Indoor Air Quality Specialist about the Sharper Image units
 when he was here testing my house for mold after a water leak from a
 heavy wind and rain strom. He had tested them and said that the unit
 they sell for a large size room is more appropriate to a small bathroom.
 They really don't do much but they look good.
 On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 00:12, Sally Khanna wrote:
  I have what I consider to be a good air purifier from Sharper Image. 
  I don't smell any ozone.
  Recently, a friend gave me a larger (does the entire house) purifier. 
  It has such a strong odor, neither my husband nor I can stand it, both
  of us ended up coughing from it. We stopped using it after a few
  uses. I strongly suspect the ozone levels aren't acceptable, but how
 ! gt; to find out?
  Garnet wrote:
  Ozone is toxic to plants and animals, including humans. The
  toxic dose
  is higher than most ozone generating air filters. But the
  problem is
  that even at low concentrations it can be adsorbed by sheet
  rock and
  concentrate there, where it can being to out gas and affect
  those in the
  room. Some treatments involve removing plants, animals and
  people from
  the rooms, these involve higher concentration of ozone and
  these are at
  higher risk of adsorping into the sheet rock. 
  As well even in very low concentrations ozone can combine with
  chemicals and form more toxic compounds. It depends on what is
  in the
  air you are breathing with the low concentrations of ozone.
  The bottom line is that ozone is not a safe substance to play
  with if you do not know exactly what is in the air and the
  of ozone in that air.
  Th! is information is not widely acknowledged or even known.
  Most people
  selling ozone generating machines or services just go by what
  manufacturers tell them. They do not have the technical
  training to
  check it out for themselves. Nor do they even know it is
  something that
  needs to be investigated.
  On Tue, 2004-11-23 at 13:07, Betsy Coffey wrote:
   I use a cleaner with tea tree oil that I get from the
   health food store and it doesnt bother my allergies at
   all. I had a question about ozone. Someone posted that
   it is toxic. They use ozone to clean the smells
   alike tobacco in motel rooms now. Is this toxic? Or,
   are you referring to something else? Some doctors are
   now also using it.
   Do you Yahoo!? 
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Re: CStea tree oil and ozone

2004-11-26 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Dave,

Bubbling ozone through water seems to remove a sharpness from 
ozone. If the ozonator does not have sufficient turndown then 
bubbling through water will reduce the immediate ozone content. 
One of Renate Viebahn's books goes into this subject thoroughly, 
scientifically, practically and legally (Europe). 


On 25 Nov 2004 at 21:39, Dan Nave wrote:  

 What is the purpose of bubbling it through water?
 Re: CStea tree oil and ozone
  * From: Tony Moody wrote:
  * Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 23:36:53
 Hi Sally,
 A few things you could do with your 'strong' ozone generator.
 Mount it up high, a few inches to a foot below the ceiling. Ozone is
 heavier than air and tends to flow naturally downwards, thus mixing
 with the room air.
 Use it when the house is un-occupied and then use a timer to switch
 it off automatically after, say an hour.
 Use an on/off timer. Plug that into the wall and plug the ozonator into
 the timer. Set the timer to something like 5 minutes on and 10
 minutes off.
 If you can then let the ozone outlet pass through water either a mist
 spray or bubbled through water.
 Check to see if there is not an adjustment or a connection for
 reducing the output.
 Be Happy,
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CSCS: Re Nausea

2004-11-27 Thread Tony Moody
Hallo Harold,
If I feel queasy,  I have nausea or I feel nausea and therefore I am 
nauseous having been nauseated, possibly by something 
nauseating. :-{

I am sorry to say that your pile is nauseating.


Anyway a dose of CS should sort it out very quickly.


On 26 Nov 2004 at 19:45, Harold MacDonald wrote:

 May I make a small correction here re nauseous?
 When you feel queasy, you are nauseated.
 Now a pile of rotten green slimy putrid liver crawling with icky greasy
 maggots;THAT is Nauseous!!

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2004-12-17 Thread Tony Moody
On 16 Dec 2004 at 20:46, Rene Thurston wrote:

 I thought I would share a silver success story with everyone, especially 
 those who may be like me 
 - overtly skeptical! After this, I'm almost 100% sold on the benefits of CS.
 Ever since my daughter was three or four (she'll be 12 in January), she has 
 had a problem with 
 developing staph infections out of nowhere. 

Hi Rene,
What you describe could be boils. One after another or clusters of 
them. Most of us around here had them as kids. the rule (often 
broken) was not to touch them until they were ripe. If pressed too 
soon they would burst sideways into flesh cause a huge sore and 
consequent scarring. If left until the swelling and heat went down 
they either self absorbed or could be popped out in a neat capsule 
leaving very little scarring. I was put on short course of zinc tablets 
and never had another one. 


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Re: CSlymphoma

2004-12-20 Thread Tony Moody
On 20 Dec 2004 at 11:49, Steve wrote:

 I have been diagnosed with Lymphomaand am putting out to anyone who have had 
 stories re: treating with CS? I'm a bit nervous about receiving too many 
 e-mails so please please 
 please only serious responses regarding Lymphoma only and no sales pitches.
 Thanks to all Steve

Hi Steve,
I trust that you are already on the way to full health. I can't comment 
practically on CS and lymphoma but have thoughts that indicate it 
should work well. So i have already ignored your request. :~)

May i offer you the following based on experience: 
Choose your protocol/s and then don't stop too soon.  Give your 
treatments a reasonable chance of success by deciding before how 
long your first course should be, to test for preliminary positive 

Further to this, as a general rule,  is that if a cure has been effected 
in a certain time then carry on with the treatment for another three 
times longer (maybe at reduced dose). For instance, if taking CS has 
cured your cold in three days; it would be prudent to carry on taking 
the cs for another 9 days, 
a/ to knock the the side infections and opportinists down. 
b/ to allow the immune system time and space to build up stronger.

May you and yours  be blessed and filled with the Power of Peace 
and Joy.

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Re: CSpurification of water

2005-01-07 Thread Tony Moody
You could try a hiking shop for the iodine water treatment crystals.

Uhh. Sodium chloride, is table salt.!!

On 6 Jan 2005 at 11:00, Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

 I read yesterday that 200,000 liters of sodium chloride have been
 distributed in Indonesia;  this is enough to purify water for one
 million persons, the article said.   I am totally unfamiliar with
 sodium chloride,  but this is what is on the scene.
 I still want to get a supply of those resublimated iodine crystals
 mentioned below,  but I have not yet stumbled on a source of them.
 On Thursday, Jan 6, 2005, at 09:43 Asia/Tokyo, himagain wrote:
  Hi folks,
  I clipped this from this very list some unknown time ago - very
  fascinating in the light of the Tsunami tragedy.
  --- From(Principles of
  Pharmacy--Arny-Fischeles). From Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences
  17th edition: Iodine is one of the three best all-around
  antiseptics. It is active against bacteria, fungi, yeasts, protozoa,
  and viruses. Iodine may be used to purify drinking water. 5 to 10
  drops of 2% iodine tincture to a quart of water left for 1 hr. is
  both amebacidal and bactericidal. Some communities use iodine in
  lieu of chlorine for water purification because organic matter has
  little effect to antagonize iodine, as it does chlorine, and
  carcinogenic compounds are not generated.
  Related topic:  I read in a great Reader's Digest hardcover book on
  a back to nature  theme that the best, simplest water purification
  kit for hikers and survivalists is a small, clear screw-top jar with
  five grams of resublimated iodine crystals.   I have never heard the
  term resublimated  and hope our pharmacist Mr. R. Harris can
  enlighten us.
  Bottom line:  one bottle of these crystals can be used ONE THOUSAND
  TIMES.   Fill up the jar with any old water and shake it.   Three
of shaken water can purify a quart in 20 minutes.   Remarkable,  I
  think.Seems to be a modest supply of these crystals would last
  the average family for decades.They are available only from a
  pharmacy I read.  What a
  good idea to use our contacts to get this AND CS information to some
  of the aid agency people? Anyone?
  BTW:   SUBLIMATED: Having passed from the solid to the gaseous state
  (or vice versa) without becoming liquid.  RE-sublimated?
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Re: CSArgyria cure

2005-01-12 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Paul,
There must be more to argyria than just drinking CS made with tap 

I have been making and taking CS made with tap water, roof water, 
river water and well water and bottled around varous parts of South 
Africa for the past 10 or 12 years. No argyria here personally or with 
any of my family or friends. And no complaints as far as I know.

I make and sell the ColSilGen cc which is a colloidal silver generator 
with constant current set at 1mA and using a single 9v battery. Two 
silver rods 2.5mm diameter and 75mm long and clamped at 10mm 
spacing. Basically the advice is two to three minutes per 250ml of 
water or 40 to 60 minutes per 250ml for distilled water. 1 teaspoon 
per day up to 3 tablespoons, three times per day, depending on 
circumstances. That is max of 135ml per day (about 1/2 a cup).  1/3 
to 1/2 the dose to babies or children. 

Is it dose related? I have taken CS as drinking water for a few days, 
(2 to 3 litre per day on a desert hiking trip) with no remarkable 
Is it related to the water treatment?

I would really like to know.

On 11 Jan 2005 at 16:31, Paul Holloway wrote:

 Hi List,
 A man on another list I frequent has drinking CS made with 
 tapwater (yes, I know) and is now developing argyria.
 I have explained to him what he has been drinking, but I know 
 there is a protocol for eliminating it. I am having trouble 
 finding it in the archives. Would someone be so kind as to 
 enlighten me?
 Paul H 
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RE: CSBurns

2005-01-12 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Bob,
Bad luck about the burn. You could add a generous helping of iron 
supplement to help with the replacement of 'cooked' cells. Also 
please stretch your fingers even though it hurts. Else your hand will 
turn into a claw.
all the best,

On 12 Jan 2005 at 8:26, Medwith, Robert wrote:

 I forgot to add besides 2 pain meds a tetanus shot and antibiotics,
 the doctor prescribed Vitamin E and C to promote healing. Never had a
 doctor actually recommend Vitamins for healing. Bob
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Medwith, Robert
 Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 8:00 AM To: 'cs' Subject: CSBurns
 Well I burned my hand with a Plasma Cutter yesterday, it hurt like
 hell. I kept spraying my hand with CS and it stoped the pain as long
 as it was wet. I went for treatment, when I was done and all bandaged
 up pain had stoped. I wonder if the pain stoped because of the early
 use of the CS. Second degree burns between middle and first finger on
 left hand. Did the CS have any thing to do with the pain stoping.

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Re: CSArgyria cure

2005-01-13 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Mike,
If I had to use only good distilled water I wouldn't have any CS. 
Exorbitantly expensive and a round trip of 350km and tastes/smells 
like diesel. If I was selling CS and wanted shelflife then I would go 
the route of making a double or triple distiller. 

Yes, I estimated 2 to 5ppm for 2 to 5 minutes. So we are in the order 
of magnitude there. :-)  If 2 to 5 ppm works and is not harmful in any 
way then why go higher?? And if I am drinking the water anyway, 
can adding some silver to it make it worse? From my point of view 
adding some silver is better than doing nothing.

Using my rig and iv quality distilled water and no stirring, the current 
increased slowly and then accelerated (logrithmic?). With 
intermittent stirring, the current would drop back partway and rise 
again. I probably still have my notes but it was several years ago.

I notice that you have no parameter for electrode spacing; nor for 
agitation or flowrate past the electrodes. Both are very important 
practical considerations in my view. As important as current density, 
which also does not seem to appear in your calcs either.


On 12 Jan 2005 at 16:57, Mike Monett wrote:  

   Hi Tony,
   Silver electrolysis should only be done with pure distilled water.


   For plain water, and assuming your constant current source goes into
   full limiting as soon as current is applied, a current of 1mA  for 3
   minutes  in   250ml   will   liberate   1.609ppm   of   silver ions.
   (Calculations provided at the end.)

   This is an insignificant amount of silver, and most of the ions will
   probably combine with various contaminants in the water.

What do you mean by insignificant? Works for me and others. 
Heh! What are contaminants to you are what make delicious 
mountain spring water for me. 

   If you  are  relying  on this  to  protect  you  against water-borne
   disease, I'd  recommend boiling, or any of the other  proven methods
   for purifying water.
   It is  not possible to calculate the amount of  silver  liberated in
   your distilled  water example, since the voltage across the  cell is
   too low.  The initial resistance of the dw will allow  only  a small
   current to  flow.  The  current  will build  up  slowly,  but  it is
   doubtful the  current limiter will go into full limiting  during the
   brew cycle.
   Since we  do not know the average current, we  cannot  calculate the
   amount of silver liberated.

 Best Regards,
 Mike Monett

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Re: CSMarshall--sinus bleeding

2005-01-14 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Marshall,
Are you still chelating? If so, that could be stripping some of your 
blood clotting minerals too. 

On 14 Jan 2005 at 14:13, Marshall Dudley wrote:

 Thanks, I may try that. The bleeding has tapered off, so I am getting
 very little now. I think it will likely stop in the next few days by
 Shirley Reed wrote:
 Marshall, you have probably already thought of

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Re: CSCo-Q-10

2005-01-19 Thread Tony Moody
If you want more coQ10 why not eat a ripe fresh apple or two per 

On 18 Jan 2005 at 12:20, Dan Nave wrote:

 I can't support this with references at this time, but it is my
 that some people were selling CoQ10 in an oil base and claiming that
 was about 3 times more effective than the regular (dry) CoQ10 since it
 was only oil soluble.  So they were selling less mg for a higher
 I felt that it was possible that one could get a better bang for the
 buck by dissolving in oil or mixing the CoQ10 with an edible oil
 before ingesting.  Perhaps it could also be taken together with some
 From: SJY (view other messages by this author) 
 Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 18:01:57 
 My wife  I have been taking Co-Q-10 for so long that we have
 forgotten why we do it!  It is getting more expensive, and we are
 wondering why we should continue with it, or if there are other less
 expensive products that do the equivalent thing.  I do remember that
 the body naturally produces this, and the amount it produces tapers
 off as we get older.  Are their techniques to utilize more of the
 supplemental Co-Q-10, similar to mixing Gatorade with EIS?  Yes, this
 is off-topic, so just a quick answer  we can drop the thread.
 --Steve Y.
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Re: CSArgyria cure

2005-01-20 Thread Tony Moody
On 17 Jan 2005 at 15:13, Mike Monett wrote:

 Re: CSArgyria cure
 From: Tony Moody
 Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 10:12:58
Hi Mike,
If I had to use only good distilled water I wouldn't have  any CS.
Exorbitantly expensive and a round trip of 350km and tastes/smells
like diesel. If I was selling CS and wanted shelflife then I would
go the route of making a double or triple distiller.
   You mentioned  using  dw  in  your  first  post.  Strange  it  is so
   difficult to  get.  Are  there  any  power  plants  nearby  that use
   deionized water for their boilers? How about hospitals? Can you have
   it shipped to you?

Yes that was many years ago while I lived in a city. Not so strange 
really; this is South Africa. The nearest operating powerplant is about 
1200km and is nuclear, so I'll skip that. The other one is about 
2000km the other way and those are coalfired. Anyway I wouldn't 
touch boiler condensate because it has all sorts of stuff including 
chloramines in it. Hospitals; I try not to go near them. 
Yes, I  estimated 2 to 5ppm for 2 to 5 minutes. So we  are  in the
order of  magnitude  there.  :-) If 2 to 5 ppm  works  and  is not
harmful in any way then why go higher??
   How do  you  know  it  works?  Probably  most  of  it  combines with
   contaminants in the water and is not available to kill bugs.

Well it really works very well topically on wounds, scalds and zits. 
and fairly well on herpes infections ( I think it needs to be applied 
often to work to completion.)  It is an excellent underarm deodorant 
but doesn't last long enough for me. It stops BO immediately. It is 
really good and quick for settling upset stomach due to bad food. It 
works on colds if taken soon enough and often enough.   

   You seem  to be strong and healthy, and have not  yet  experienced a
   life-threatening infection.  So  you are not yet aware  of  your own

I'm offended by your judgements and assumptions. I'm certainly not 
going to get into a little pissing contest comparing wounds and 
diseases with you.

   I used  to  be  like you, but things  change  as  we  have different
   experiences and  grow  older.  You begin to see  what  can  go wrong
   instead of expecting everything will work fine.

Umm, I'll just ignore this.

And if  I am drinking the water anyway, can adding some  silver to
it make  it  worse? From my point of view  adding  some  silver is
better than doing nothing.
   Do a  google  search on purifying water for hikers.  There  are some
   extremely dangerous  bugs out there. The small amount of  silver you
   are adding won't have any effect on them. You are deluding yourself.
I notice that you have no parameter for electrode spacing; nor for
agitation or flowrate past the electrodes. Both are very important
practical considerations  in  my  view.  As  important  as current
density, which also does not seem to appear in your calcs either.
   I was  the  one who alerted the list to  the  importance  of current
   density in  my  ULVDC posts several years ago. I  have  included the
   full conversion factors at the end for your use. However, I  did not
   feel it would be worth the time to convert your metric dimensions to
   inches. Electrode spacing is of no concern in your system  since you
   use water with unknown conductivity. Current flow has no  effect  on
   the maximum available ppm.

Mike, I think you are deluding yourself. There was a heated debate 
involving many able people and all parameters many years before 
you made an appearance on this list. I saw use less than 
10.7uA/mm^2 in an email from Ole Bob well before the end of 1999.

   Your system  is out of control. You have no idea  what  your initial
   current is,  and it will change every time you dip your  glass  in a
   stream. You  have no tests to confirm it is working, or  if  you are
   actually getting any useful silver ions from the brew. You should at
   least do a milk test to see the effect of your cs.

Mike, You do not know what you are talking about. I remain offended 
by your assumptions.


On 12 Jan 2005 at 16:57, Mike Monett wrote:
Hi Tony,
Silver electrolysis  should  only  be  done  with  pure distilled
   You don't know what contaminants are in the water that  will combine
   with the  silver ions and render them useless. Even  distilled water
   needs constant  monitoring  to ensure your process  is  working. You
   have no controls on your process at all, and you don't know if it is
   working or not.
For plain  water, and assuming your constant current  source goes
into full  limiting as soon as current is applied,  a  current of
1mA for 3 minutes in 250ml will liberate 1.609ppm of silver ions.
(Calculations provided at the end.)
This is  an insignificant amount of silver

CScold feet

2005-01-22 Thread Tony Moody
On 21 Jan 2005 at 17:16, Denise Rollheiser wrote:


 Isuffered from cold feet (internal core cold NOT cold to touch) in
 1998 after the radioactive isotope drink to deal with my overactive
 thyroid; this symptom went away when my thyroid counts were better
 under control. I have again been living with 'core cold feet' since my
 Thank you.

 Saskatoon, Sk Canada

Hi Denise,

Some other suggestions:
Working your toes might re-establish pathways. A Reflexologist or 
Polarity Therapist near you could do this for you and teach you how 
to do it at home. If you want some details then I could write it up for 
you. But the touch is so very important.

Also leg rubs, walking, warm foot baths, walking barefoot, lymph 

You could look at magnesium supplementation, probably in 
conjuction with calcium. 

Ozone by bagging the leg (or legs) 

I think that this could be caused (among other things) by stress 
chemicals which have not had a chance to be eliminated. So almost 
anything that helps to improve elimination! Skin brushing is very 
useful. And anything that helps to cope and deal with stress! 

Watching your CS making process is a great soothing, calming 

Be very well.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS)T: Possible Response to Codex A. Effects

2005-01-29 Thread Tony Moody
On 28 Jan 2005 at 16:21, Brooks Bradley wrote:

Dear Brooks,
Welcome back. I do hope that you and yours are well.

Could you also elaborate on how to extract the vit C. Here it is early 
autumn and there are hips on some of the wild rosebushes. Does 
one make a jam? or dry and crush the hips to be used as a tea? 

So glad you are back,

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRequested: advice on water from chemistry-minded folks

2005-02-06 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Nenah,
May you be very happy in your new home.

Have you tried connecting well water straight into the Ionizer? To test 
whether the filter is the culprit. 

I can think of two potential problems.
1/ Something has got into the ionizer causing a problem, possibly 
blocking a port or covering an electrode or sensor.
2/ The new filter is functionally different so that the water leaving the 
filter is now strongly buffered by passing through the filter.

I can only imagine that slowing the water flow would cause the 
electrolysis process to be 'better' or 'stronger' 


On 6 Feb 2005 at 19:57, Nenah Sylver wrote:

 Dear People,
 I have a challenge with my water system and would like your input,
 especially from the chemistry-minded folk of this list.
 In November I moved my home and office 6 miles to an even more remote
 country location. The house's water supply is fed by a well. The
 water's pH tests at around 6.2, much too acidic to drink (it should be
 at least a neutral 7.0).
 As with my prior location, the water purification setup at my new
 locale consists of two countertop water treatment units. The first is
 a simple filter with coconut shell, to remove the particulate matter
 -- and save wear and tear on the second water unit. The second water
 unit is a Singer Ionizer Plus, which electrolizes the water and sends
 the acid and alkaline fluids to separate chambers. You drink the
 alkaline water and use the acidic water externally (the skin is acidic
 and really benefits from the acid water). At my new location, the
 electrolyzed water initially tested from about 7.2 to 8.6, depending
 on the low or high settings of the Singer electrolysis system. The
 alkaline water tasted sweet and felt smooth.
 However, then we needed to replace the cartridge in Unit #1. The
 company that makes the first unit redesigned the cartridge and now
 we're having water problems. The mouth on both ends of the cartridge
 is much narrower than before. Presumably, this has lowered the
 pressure of the water flowing into the Singer. So now, even with the
 Singer unit on the highest setting, the water's pH doesn't get much
 higher than 6.6.
 The manufacturer of Unit #1 (the one that changed the cartridge)
 doesn't want to talk to us because we're not a large account. But
 someone at the Singer dealership did talk to us. We were told that
 well water is tricky to test for pH, because often there's carbonic
 acid (dissolved carbon dioxide) in the water. The remedy, the company
 rep continued, is to let the water sit overnight so the carbon dioxide
 can dissipate -- and THEN test the water the next morning.
 So I followed their advice. I electrolyzed the water at the second
 setting and the highest setting, let the two containers of water sit
 overnight, and then retested the pH the next morning. There was no
 difference between the night before and the next morning. The highest
 pH was still about 6.6.
 Here are the mysteries:
 1) Why would changing the water pressure (narrowing the mouth of the
 cartridge on Machine #1) create a difference in pH?
 2) Why didn't the carbon dioxide escape from the open water?
 3) If the carbon dioxide didn't escape from the open water, it's
 possible that the acidic readings weren't the result of carbonic acid.
 If not, what was creating the acid?
 All this leads to yet another issue:
 Obviously, we're going to filter our water to get rid of sediment and
 chemicals. But drinking acidic water is out of the question. What can
 we put into the water to raise the pH?
 I experimented with putting 50% concentrated pharmaceutical grade
 potassium hydroxide into the acidic water. I had to use at least four
 drops to get the water to an acceptably alkaline level (it only gets
 to about 7.2)..But now there is an unpleasant taste to the water.
 I really liked using the Singer when the results were working.
 Alkaline water is wonderfully sweet and has great energy. But any
 water electrolysis unit produces results that are only as good as the
 water that feeds it.
 My only other option is to make distilled water, and add minerals to
 it for drinking. Technically, distilled water has a pH of 7.0 because
 it doesn't contain minerals. However, in reality this rarely is the
 case, because as soon as distilled water is exposed to the air it
 violently reacts with carbon dioxide and becomes acidic. For instance,
 I once tested the pH of distilled water that was freshly made with a
 friend's distiller, and the pH was only 6.2.
 Nevertheless, I ordered a distiller and expect it next week. I don't
 know what pH this unit will create. Hopefully, the pH will be closer
 to 7.0 than not. Even if the pH is 6.8, it's exponentially *much*
 better than even 6.6 -- and I'll be able to add *less* potassium
 hydroxide to get it to the pH I want.
 However, I don't know the ramifications of drinking potassium
 hydroxide on a regular basis. I figure that if the water tastes bad,
 that's an 

Re: CSPyro-Energyn

2005-02-19 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Steve, 
There is the Molecular Enhancer made by Dan Dial which may be similar. Good reports with that.
He makes and sells them but I should have the plans somewhere if you want to 
make your own. 
Almost fling yourself on an electric fence treatment. Gives you quite a buzz. 
But rows of people 
wait to use it in the dr's rooms. 

The major trouble with it is that it eats the building. Some of the voltage 
gets out and goes across 
the floor under the device and causes blackening and burning of the flooring 


On 18 Feb 2005 at 21:30, SJY wrote:

 I looked through the website to try to determine how the pyro-energyn
 device works.  It appears to produce some sort of high voltage very
 low current output coupled to the body via bare feet on the device. 
 Whether it is DC, AC, constant or variable frequency, pulsed, etc. I
 could not tell.  How it can produce the seemingly miraculous claimed
 results is also not specified.
 The claim is that it works with negative static electricity.  Taken
 literally, static means DC.  Perhaps it is just a current limited
 negative high voltage supply of several thousand volts?  In that case
 then perhaps the surface of the user becomes a large negative ion
 generator?  If so, how in the world can that affect us internally,
 except through the inhalation of negatively charged air?  But there
 are plenty of air ionizers used throughout the world with no
 significant attendant reduction in viral diseases.
 So, can anyone shed some details on the device?   How and why does it
 work? Is it for real or another quack device to rob you of about $800
 dollars? Seems like one could build a similar unit for considerably
 less cost, if one knew the electrical specifications of the output.
 --Steve Y.
 - Original Message -
 From: bbanever
 Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 8:14 AM
 Subject: Re: CSRE: Cancer Alternative treatments
   You must look into getting this machine, the Pyro-energen.  It
 discovered by a Japanese MD and is now being manufactured in the US
 and Phillipines.  It works through negative static electricity...
 absolutely no side effects but kills any and all virus in the body. 
 It does not kill bacteria but most Leukemia is virus induced (even if
 ultimately caused by chemical exposure or radiation, this damages the
 cells/immune system that allows the virus to infect cellular DNA). 
 One case cited cured his leukemia in ONE WEEK.
  Best of luck.
   - Original Message -
   From: Laurie Bartlett
   Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 6:40 AM
   Subject: CSRE: Cancer Alternative treatments
   Hi Mike,
   I am sorry for your loss.
   My dad has Leukemia that is in remission. Can you direct me to the
 for alternative treatments? I would like to start now and hopefully be
 prepared if needed. Thanks so much.
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