Re: Synchronizing or merging undo across platforms

2011-11-28 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 28/11/11 06:31, Christian Brabandt wrote:

Hi Bram!

On So, 27 Nov 2011, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Christian Brabandt wrote:

On Wed, November 16, 2011 9:38 pm, Paul wrote:

On Nov 16, 1:42 am, Christian  wrote:

Well, first check that
:echo undofile(@%) points to the same undofile across each platform.

Aha, thanks. That helped me determine that my Vim silently ignores me
when I try to set relative directories for undodir.

:set undodir=. works fine, but no undo file is created when I :set

This seems to be a different behavior than that of backupdir, even
though :help undodir says See |'backupdir'| for details of the
format. Is this expected/documented/fixable?

Hm, setting 'undodir' to a relative directory works for me. I can't
reproduce this. However there is a bug when using rundo with those

When using a separate 'undodir' directory to store the undofiles, Vim
uses the complete path of the file as filename, replacing the path
separators ('/') by '%'. So far this works as documented by :h

Now when using :rundo with a filename, that contains the complete path
and using '%' as directory separators, those '%' will be replaced by
the current file name (as documented by :h filename-modifiers) and
surprise surprise Vim won't be able to read the undofile.

So this is just plain wrong in this case. So here is a patch, that
fixes that. This applies only to :rundo and I am not sure, whether
this should also apply to :wundo (I tend not to apply it there) but
this should be kept in mind.

Bram, please check and apply.

In most places where you can use a file name % is expanded.  And it's
also useful, especially in the form %:h to get the directory.

I don't understand. Using '%' as path separators contradicts the usage
your pointing out. How am I supposed to :rundo an undofile, that
contains the '%'-separator?

The path separator is % in 'undodir' but / in the operand of :rundo (see 
the examples under :help :rundo).

~$ mkdir -p /tmp/undo
~$  vim -u NONE -U NONE -N -i NONE -c ':set undodir=/tmp/undo|set
undofile|exe wundo undofile(@%)|q' ~/.vimrc
~$  vim -u NONE -U NONE -N -i NONE -c ':set undodir=/tmp/undo|set
undofile|exe verbose rundo undofile(@%)' ~/.vimrc
~/.vimrc 438L, 13769C
Reading undo file: /tmp/undo/.vimrchome.vimrcchrisbra.vimrc.vim.vimrcvimrc
Fehler beim Ausführen von command line:
E822: Cannot open undo file for reading: /tmp/undo/.vimrchome.vimrcchrisbra.vim


Best regards,
Burn's Hog Weighing Method:
(1) Get a perfectly symmetrical plank and balance it across a
(2) Put the hog on one end of the plank.
(3) Pile rocks on the other end until the plank is again
perfectly balanced.
(4) Carefully guess the weight of the rocks.
-- Robert Burns

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Re: How to customize CTRL-W CTRL-F?

2011-11-27 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 27/11/11 18:28, Peng Yu wrote:


I want to customize the behavior of CTRL-W CTRL-F. For example, it is
of the pattern #includeheader.h, I will search for C and C++ header
file directories. If it is of the pattern import os, I'll search for
python library directories for file

More generally, it a line match for some pattern, I will call an
external program (the program could be written as a vim function) to
resolve the file to be opened.

:help CTRL-W_f doesn't tell me how to customize it. Could anybody let
me know how to do so? Thanks!


About customizing key bindings (or bindings for key sequences), see 
:help map.txt

About defining a custom function in Vim, see the help section starting 
at :help user-functions

About regular expressions in Vim, see the help section starting at :help 
pattern-overview (or :help rn-ov if you are, like me, a lazy typist) for 
a summary and the rest of the same helpfile for the encyclopaedic 
treatment of the matter.

About calling an external program in order to use its stdout output, see 
:help system()

It's been too long since I've been Linux-only, I don't remember if 
system() is or isn't one of the cases where, on Windows, calling an 
external program requires opening a cmd.exe window which you'll have to 
close by hitting any key after it finishes. I also can't tell if you are 
on Windows or not: if you aren't, this paragraph does not apply to you.

Best regards,
Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
-- H. L. Mencken

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Re: gvim doesn't start from desktop icons or unity launcher but from shell

2011-11-23 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 23/11/11 08:28, punknroll wrote:

I found out that the error exists in the .vimrc file. when i rename it
gvim starts again.

what can prevent the gui from starting here?

Hard to tell by eyeball alone; experimenting is your friend.

Now that you know that the error happens with a vimrc and not without 
it, first try starting Vim as

gvim -u NORC -N

If that alone is enough to prevent the GUI from starting (it shouldn't), 
the 'nocompatible' setting makes a difference.

Otherwise, start commenting (by if 0 ... endif) about half of your 
vimrc, not straddling the boundary of another if- while- for- function- 
or try-range (i.e. none of these or similar multiline statements should 
be partly instide the :if 0 and partly outside it). Then comment or 
uncomment smaller and smaller parts until you have (hopefully) narrowed 
down the problem zone to just one line.

Best regards,
Alexander Graham Bell is alive and well in New York, and still waiting
for a dial tone.

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Re: How do I make vim.exe / gvim.exe use ncftp.exe instead of ftp.exe?

2011-11-21 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 22/11/11 00:35, Haider Raza wrote:

I have tried the 'let g:netrw_ftp_cmd=ncftp' command in vim and in the
_vimrc file. I also edited the netwr.vim file directly and put ncftp
there but when I look at the dos box that comes up when the ftp request
is made to edit a file, I see that vim is using ftp.exe to make the
connection. Please help, I have searched google upside down for an
answer but apparently nobody has had this problem.


Haider Raza

Is ncftp.exe in your PATH ?

Even if it is, if it doesn't work this way, you may want to use a full 
path, and with 8.3 elements to avoid spaces, maybe something like

:let g:netrw_ftp_cmd = 'C:\PROGRA~1\ncftp\ncftp.exe'

(where PROGRA~1 is the 8.3 name of the Program Files folder), or 
similar. (Check first where the ncftp executable is found.)

The normal place for this command is in your vimrc, so that it is 
executed before the various netrw plugins are sourced. The first of 
these (sourced at startup) is $VIMRUNTIME/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim ; there 
are others which are sourced when needed.

The command
will tell you which Vim scripts were sourced, and in which sequence. If 
your vimrc is not (with the correct path) at or near the top of the 
list, you have a problem.

:echo g:netrw_ftp_cmd
or even
:echo ' . g:netrw_ftp_cmd . '
will tell you what the variable is set to at any given time. You could 
also, if nothing else avails, use debug mode (:help debug-mode) to 
interrupt Vim in the middle of what it is doing and see how the value 

Best regards,
Be security conscious -- National defense is at stake.

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Re: can I disable input method in vim normal mode

2011-11-21 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 21/11/11 18:37, jason.桂林 wrote:

I normally input code in vim, it's all ascii chars, but sometime I need
type chinese, for document and comment.

The input method is chinese at insert mode, and I press esc, and then
I type some vim command, but this command can't be execute unless I
switch input method back to english.

I will never use chinese input method at normal mode, and visual mode.
so can I disable input method at these mode?

If I can't, I think it's a big problem.

Best regards,

Jason Green

It should be possible, but you have to make sure that Vim and the 
input-method interface agree on which signals they exchange how and 
when; and first and foremost, you must know that there are two different 
input-method subpackages in Vim, one for Window (called IME or Global 
IME) and one for Unix-like systems with X11 (called XIM).

- for Windows (compiled with +multi_byte_ime or +multi_byte_ime/dyn)
:help mbyte-IME
- for X11 (compiled with +xim)
:help mbyte-XIM
- for all versions (compiled with either of the above)
:help 'imactivatekey'
:help 'imcmdline'
:help 'imdisable'
:help 'iminsert'
:help 'imsearch'

On Windows, if :version says your gvim is compiled with 
+multi_byte_ime/dyn, type

:echo has('multi_byte_ime')

to see if the dynamic library has been found (it should normally have). 
(The possible answers are 1=yes, 0=no.) On X11, +xim in the :version 
text is usually assurance enough.

I recommend that you read the full section relevant for your OS, and 
then the full text of the help for these five options. If after that 
(and some experimenting) you need more help, come back here, but don't 
forget to tell us (1) which OS you are on, and (2) (in full detail) what 
you tried and what happened.

Best regards,
Between 1950 and 1952, a bored weatherman, stationed north of Hudson
Bay, left a monument that neither government nor time can eradicate.
Using a bulldozer abandoned by the Air Force, he spent two years and
great effort pushing boulders into a single word.

It can be seen from 10,000 feet, silhouetted against the snow.
Government officials exchanged memos full of circumlocutions (no Latin
equivalent exists) but failed to word an appropriation bill for the
destruction of this cairn, that wouldn't alert the press and embarrass
both Parliament and Party.

It stands today, a monument to human spirit.  If life exists on other
planets, this may be the first message received from us.
-- The Realist, November, 1964.

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Re: In script always search from start of buffer

2011-11-21 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 21/11/11 14:19, porphyry5 wrote:

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Tony Mechelynck [via VIM]
[hidden email] /user/SendEmail.jtp?type=nodenode=5010492i=0 wrote:

  Yes, and why not use bar-separated commands? You _are_ running in
  'nocompatible' mode aren't you? The following (untested) assumes that
  this mapping definition is part of a script (of your vimrc, maybe):

Essentially I wrote scripts by trying each command individually in the
buffer, then writing the script as a string that exactly mimics what I
did with the individual commands, so normal-mode commands have no
termination, ex mode commands are terminated by a carriage return.
Now I understand that is not reliable. If the resulting script fits
on a single line I put it directly in .vimrc, otherwise I make it a
.vim script and map to that script in .vimrc. And yes, I use set
nocompatible in .vimrc

  map p$
\ :1d Bar
\ while @ !=  Bar
  \ b # Bar
  \ 1call search(@) Bar
  \ s/^/$ / Bar
  \ b # Bar
  \ d Bar
\ endwhileCR

What I find particularly confusing is the lack of correspondence
between command formats in scripts vs their counterparts in the buffer
command line, as above. You are constrained to use :1d in both
places, because 1d does something different in both places, but you
use b# here to switch buffers, which requires :b# at the command line
or you get a completely different result. Analogous to :1d, one would
expect you to use :1/@ to go to line 1 and search for the content of
the register, but you use the far lengthier '1call search(@)'
instead. As far as I can determine the two forms work the same as far
as / goes, but something must have prompted you to use search()

In scripts, I use ex-commands as much as possible, because _every_ line 
of a script must be an ex-command, which could be typed on the 
bottom-line of your Vim screen after hitting : — the whole mapping 
definition above is _one_ command-line, which I recommend to write as 
above in a script, on several lines with continuation lines, for 
legibility. It stores the {rhs} as the following command line:

	:1d | while @ !=  | b # | 1call search(@) | s/^/$ / | b # | d | 

where the ^M at the end means that the mapping will hit the return key 
to execute the ex-command immediately, and the bars at various places in 
the middle allow (with some restrictions) concatenating.several 
ex-commands on one line. In a function, the exact same set of operations 
would be written as

function MarkHeaderLinesInAltFile()
while @ != 
b #
1call search(@)
s/^/$ /
b #

where the initial colons at the start of each line are not written 
simply because every script line is implicitly an ex-command so you 
don't need to repeatedly put Vim into command-line mode. You could then 
define your mapping as

map p$ :call MarkHeaderLinesInAltFile()CR

The difference between :1/@ and :1call search(@) is that the first 
searches for the first at-sign in the file (or the second if the first 
one is the very first character in the file) while the second searches 
for the first match with the pattern in the default register. Adding a 
double quote after :1/@ would change nothing: it would be taken as the 
start of a comment. To use the contents of the default register and 
write it as a naked range in a script, you would have to write

:execute '1/' . @

which to my mind is much less elegant than

:1call search(@)

Since _every_ line of a script is an ex-command, / and ? searches can 
only be used in scripts as part of ex-command ranges.

Ex-commands are explained in detail in the helpfile |cmdline.txt| but 
I'm not sure in which sequence you should read its various sections.

Now please go back, _read_ all the help topics I listed (quoted below), 
try your best to understand them, and I hope it will bring you some 


:help cmdline.txt
:help [range]

  :help 'nocompatible'
  :help :bar
  :help map_bar
  :help line-continuation
  :help :d
  :help :call
  :help search()
  :help :s
  :help :map-buffer
  :help 'runtimepath'
  :help :autocmd
  :help FileType

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
223. You set up a web-cam as your home's security system.

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Re: In script always search from start of buffer

2011-11-21 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 21/11/11 15:23, Graham Lawrence wrote:

On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 4:44 AM, Tim  wrote:

In normal-mode, the number prefixing a search is a count, to find the Nth
match.  In command-line mode (entered when you hit the colon), it's the line
at which to start.

But one thing still puzzles me: in fact, I had tried each of gg, 1G
and cursor with and without a leading:, with and without a trailing
space, with and without a trailingCR; and, as I originally wrote
the script, it read

:map p$ ggdd:while @ != CR:b#CRgg:silent!

in which the first gg works, the second gg fails with E492, and I
would very much like to know why.

Strange things happen when you mix command-line mode and looping.  When you
start the :while, Vim starts a command-entering mode waiting for the
endwhile.  Thus the : before the b# is optional, and the gg is then
treated as an Ex command (triggering the E492).


Thank you very much, that makes it very clear, and also resolves
another thing that had been bugging me.  Somewhere I had got the
notion that:  was optional in scripts, kept encountering situations
where it was not true, and took to colon-izing everything as it would
be in the buffer command line.  But actually the:  is optional only
if the script is implicitly in command mode due to a previous command,
like a loop structure.  So presumably one would also be in the same
situation using a | separated string of commands in the command line;
they could be of the form
:command1 | command2 | command3...CR
and the initial:  would extend to subsequent commands on the same
line.  And presumably any normal mode commands in such string would
fail unless prepended bynormal

Scripts _are_ implicitly in command-line mode everywhere: e.g. view the 
example vimrc by using

:view $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim

and you will notice that none of its lines starts with a colon. However, 
the {rhs} of a mapping is not a full script line, and _it_ is not 
implicitly in command-line mode.

The reason why normal-mode commands must be prefixed by normal in 
scripts is that the :normal command executes its argument as a 
normal-mode command (or set of commands). If you want to execute :normal 
as part of a string of bar-separated concatenated ex-commands (and other 
than at the end) you must wrap it in an :execute because :normal would 
see the bar as part of its arguments:

:cmd1 | cmd2 | exe normal w3li \e | cmd3 | etc...

Best regards,
Travel important today; Internal Revenue men arrive tomorrow.

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Re: In script always search from start of buffer

2011-11-21 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 21/11/11 12:22, porphyry5 wrote:

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 1:25 PM, Gary Johnson-4 [via VIM]
[hidden email] /user/SendEmail.jtp?type=nodenode=5010270i=0 wrote:

  On 2011-11-20, porphyry5 wrote:
  In a script, how can I get repeated searches always to begin at the
  the buffer?
  If I precede the search with gg  or :cursor(1, 1) I get E492, with 1G I
  :map p$ ggdd:while @ != CR:b#CR:cursor (1, 1)CR:silent!
  I haven't looked closely at your mapping, but to use a normal-mode
  command such as gg in a script, that is, as an ex command, you must
  precede it with :normal, as
  :normal gg
  Similarly, to use a function as an ex command, you must precede it
  with :call, as
  :call cursor(1, 1)
  :help :normal
  :help :call
  Another way to move the cursor to the first line of the buffer is to
  simply put the number 1 on a line by itself, or in a mapping like
  yours, as :1CR.

It certainly does help, thank you, particularly with reference to
:help :normal, because it seems that sometimes a normal-mode command
works as-is, other times it doesn't. I originally wrote the script as

:map p$ ggdd:while @ != CR:b#CRgg:silent!

in which the first gg works, the second gg fails.

If you type

:while @ != 

followed by Return, you will notice that Vim does not go back to Normal 
mode: it presents you with a new, empty command-line already prefixed by 
a colon. This is because a :while statement cannot be executed as long 
as everything until and including the :endwhile isn't known. The :b# 
above is OK in this context (a second colon, or even a string of many 
colons, at the start of an ex-command, changes nothing), but the 
following gg is still interpreted in that implicit command-line mode, 
and since there is no :gg:silent ex-command, you get an error. That 
error invalidates the whole incomplete complex command (started by 
:while not yet followed by :endwhile), Vim discards it, and I think the 
exception propagates (making Vim discard the whole mapping) until it is 
ready to read the next command at the keyboard.

OTOH, if you type

:if 0

you will be presented by empty lines in the same way, and if you type 
nonsense in them, there will be no error. Further :if's, :while's, etc. 
will cause additional indentation, and when you come back to indent 
level zero with the _matching_ :endif (with no matching :else or 
:elseif) Vim will come back to Normal mode, do nothing, and still give 
no error for any intervening nonsense line, because they were on the 
false path of the :if.

I find it less confusing, when typing at the command-line (not in a 
script) to type complex commands (:while, :if, etc.) all on one line 
until their :endwhile, :endif, etc., separating intervening commands 
with bars, and taking care that some commands take the | as part of 
their arguments: such commands (listed under :help :bar) need to be 
wrapped in :execute if they are to be part of such a set of concatenated 
commands other than at the end.

Doing it this way (on one line) allows me to come back if, before 
hitting Enter, I notice that I'm made a typo several bars before in 
the line.

Best regards,
No animal should ever jump on the dining room furniture unless
absolutely certain he can hold his own in conversation.
-- Fran Lebowitz

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Re: can I disable input method in vim normal mode

2011-11-21 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 22/11/11 04:23, pansz wrote:

2011/11/22 Tony

- for X11 (compiled with +xim)
:help mbyte-XIM
- for all versions (compiled with either of the above)
:help 'imactivatekey'
:help 'imcmdline'
:help 'imdisable'
:help 'iminsert'
:help 'imsearch'

Does this work for console vim (with +xim present)? I've tried
'imdisable' and it does not seem to work.

The problem with the console is that it intercepts what you type and 
then passes it to the application (Vim), possibly after some 
translation, or maybe doesn't pass it at all. This additional layer 
between the keyboard and the editor means that the _terminal_ may be 
trying to interact with the XIM and pass the cooked keystrokes to Vim.

For such complex keyboard interaction, I recommend gvim, because it has 
much better control over keyboard input, and also over output since you 
can set any suitable font by means of 'guifont' without even leaving 
Vim. With gvim, there is no ambiguity: the application with which the 
XIM interacts can only be Vim, there is no terminal which the XIM could 
see as its opposite number, to which it would be talking.

Best regards,
I have made mistakes but I have never made the mistake of claiming
that I have never made one.
-- James Gordon Bennett

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Re: In script always search from start of buffer

2011-11-20 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 20/11/11 22:24, Gary Johnson wrote:

On 2011-11-20, porphyry5 wrote:

In a script, how can I get repeated searches always to begin at the start of
the buffer?
If I precede the search with gg  or :cursor(1, 1) I get E492, with 1G I get

:map p$ ggdd:while @ != CR:b#CR:cursor (1, 1)CR:silent!

I haven't looked closely at your mapping, but to use a normal-mode
command such as gg in a script, that is, as an ex command, you must
precede it with :normal, as

 :normal gg

Similarly, to use a function as an ex command, you must precede it
with :call, as

 :call cursor(1, 1)


 :help :normal
 :help :call

Another way to move the cursor to the first line of the buffer is to
simply put the number 1 on a line by itself, or in a mapping like
yours, as :1CR.


Yes, and why not use bar-separated commands? You _are_ running in 
'nocompatible' mode aren't you? The following (untested) assumes that 
this mapping definition is part of a script (of your vimrc, maybe):

map p$
  \ :1d Bar
  \ while @ !=  Bar
\ b # Bar
\ 1call search(@) Bar
\ s/^/$ / Bar
\ b # Bar
\ d Bar
  \ endwhileCR

:help 'nocompatible'
:help :bar
:help map_bar
:help line-continuation
:help :d
:help :call
:help search()
:help :s
:help :map-buffer
:help 'runtimepath'
:help :autocmd
:help FileType

This would add a dollar and a space in front of the first line other 
than the first in the alternate file which matches as a pattern any line 
in the current file before the first empty line (or until end-of-file if 
there is no empty line), and remove the matched lines (and the 
terminating empty line, if any) from the current file. Repeated lines 
cause repeated dollar-space insertion. If there is no match, add 
dollar-space to the first line of the alternate file. If there are 
several unmatched lines, add '$ ' that many times to the first line. If 
a line in the current file starts with '$ ', the matching is done after 
the changes for all preceding patterns have been made.

I mention :map-buffer and what I listed after it because if you need 
this mapping for only one filetype (or a small number of them), it 
should be defined with buffer, either in an after-ftplugin, or 
alternatively at the FileType event but still with buffer.

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
222. You send more than 20 personal e-mails a day.

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Re: _vimrc file on Windows with 7.3

2011-11-20 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 21/11/11 01:44, Henry Hertz Hobbit wrote:

I use these function keys on Linux with no problems (the zz
is lower case, not upper case and was done to get rid of some
strange behavior on OpenSuse 11.2 until I altered what caused
it not to come back to where I was at but shoved the line to the
bottom of the window).

map F5 :nCRzz
map F6 :rewCRzz
map F7 :wnCRzz
map F8 :w!CRzz
map F12 :x!CR

These function keys do not work with 7.3 on Windows.

Which patchlevel? (Mine is 7.3.353, on openSUSE 12.1.) See :intro

 I cannot
remember for sure but I think they did work with 7.2.  I have the
_vimrc file in these two locations:


The Wiki mentions $Home for Windows.  You have your choide
of these two environment variables: %UserProfile% and
%HomePath%.  I prefer the former because it has the drive
letter and I am frequently on E:, a FAT32 file system and
F:, a USB FAT32 file system. I also have these environment

Vim=C:\Program Files\Vim
VimRunTime=C:\Program Files\Vim\vim73
(the second had vim72 when I was using GVim 7.2)

Here is the contents of the_vimrc file:

I am normally starting vim via a gvimi.bat file in cmd.exe.
Here is what is in that file:

However, even when I just right click on a file and select edit with
gvim the function keys still don't work.  If anybody knows why it
doesn't work and knows what I am doing wrong please let us all
know the right way to do it.

Cross e-mail me to hhhobbit(gnat) since I
only read the
digest version and may miss the answer.


I think that environment variable names are case-sensitive. Try using 
%USERPROFILE%, VIM and VIMRUNTIME, and check in a running Vim what 
$USERPROFILE, $HOME, $VIM and $VIMRUNTIME (all these in all caps) point 
to. I'm not sure about %ProgramFiles% vs. %PROGRAMFILES%.

Bet regards,
Bare feet magnetize sharp metal objects so they point upward from the
floor -- especially in the dark.

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Re: [HELP]Gvim can't find all the fonts on my system

2011-11-19 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 20/11/11 04:42, zhang listar wrote:

I have installed gvim72 on my system but gvim can't find all the fonts
installed on my system.
How to fix it?

Thanks in advance.

You can't, unless you're using gvim with GTK2 (on X11 which normally 
means Unix-like but not macvim) and even on GTK2 non-monospace fonts 
look ugly, because the fixed characer cell makes thin letters (i, l, 
etc.) look too widely spaced, and it makes thick letters (m etc.) 
appear cramped.

When built with a widget set other than GTK2, gvim will only accept 
monospace fonts. This includes Windows and macvim.

Also, Vim 7.2 is obsolete by now. Vim 7.3 was released on 15 August 
2010, and since then it has already received 353 bug fixes, see

On Windows, I recommend Vim without Cream, the Vim package available 
(separately from Cream) at

On Mac OSX, I recommend macvim, but you should get the details from the 
vim_mac list, I don't know them.

On Linux and other Unix-like systems other than Mac OSX, I recommend 
compiling your own Vim, see

Best regards,
There was an old man of the port
Whose prick was remarkably short.
When he got into bed,
The old woman said,
This isn't a prick; it's a wart!

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Re: Gvim can't find all the fonts on my system

2011-11-19 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 20/11/11 05:29, zhang listar wrote:

在 2011年11月20日 上午11:56,Ben  写道:

On Nov 19, 9:42 pm, zhang  wrote:

I have installed gvim72 on my system but gvim can't find all the fonts
installed on my system.
How to fix it?

Thanks in advance.

You can't. In general, Vim can only use monospace fonts. Most of the
fonts on a given system are normally NOT monospace fonts.

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Thanks for your reply.

But is there any patch that fix the problem?

I want to use YaHei Consolas Hybrid or Bitsteram Vera Mono,
but gvim can't recognize any of them.

- No, there is no fix, Vim is essentially monospace-only. On X11 
systems ONLY, you can use gvim with GTK2, which will accept any font but 
the non-monospaced ones will look ugly.

- Bitsteram Vera Mono doesn't exist. Try Bitstream Vera Sans Mono.
- On some systems you can use :set gfn=* (without the quotes) to see 
all the fonts which gvim knows about.

- See http://vim/ for details.

Best regards,
`Just the place for a Snark!' the Bellman cried,
As he landed his crew with care;
Supporting each man on the top of the tide
By a finger entwined in his hair.

'Just the place for a Snark!  I have said it twice:
That alone should encourage the crew.
Just the place for a Snark!  I have said it thrice:
What I tell you three times is true.'

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Re: Gvim can't find all the fonts on my system

2011-11-19 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 20/11/11 05:41, Tony Mechelynck wrote:

- See http://vim/ for details.


Best regards,

It seems like the less a statesman amounts to, the more he loves the

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Re: gvim doesn't start from desktop icons or unity launcher but from shell

2011-11-18 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 15/11/11 08:20, punknroll wrote:

hi all,

when i  try to start gvim from the desktop icon or the unity launcher
the gvim process shows up for a few seconds when i run top in the
shell but doesn't start. When I enter the same command in the shell
gvim -f %F gvim starts without errors. Any ideas?

Thanx Andi

Any messages on stderr?

I had this recently (gvim wouldn't start from a desktop shortcut) after 
an OS upgrade but console Vim wouldn't start either. stderr messages 
seemed to imply that the perl library could not be found. make 
reconfig followed by make install fixed it (with the make variables 
defined beforehand as environment variables).

Best regards,
Parker's Law:
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.

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Re: What does '* in 'exists(*GetAwkIndent)' mean?

2011-11-18 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 15/11/11 04:38, Tim Chase wrote:

On 11/14/11 21:29, Peng Yu wrote:

I don't know how to search for the usage of * in the
following vim code. Could anybody which keyword I should
search in vim help for its usage?


Reading at

:help exists()

mentions that the * prefix checks for the existence of a built-in


...or a user-defined function. In short: of a function. I would expect 
GetAwkIndent() to be defined (if it is) by a script, not by Vim's C code.

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
221. Your wife melts your keyboard in the oven.

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Re: autocommand to replace special characters into a file.

2011-11-14 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 14/11/11 11:37, Eddine wrote:

At work I have to edit regurlarly files containing special characters
like*^M or ^A*
for the moment Im' at the first stage where I just try to make replace a
string by another one in my autocommand:

*au VimEnter,BufNewFile,BufRead,BufEnter  *.log  s/string1/string2/*

But this doesn't give me good results:
Wehn opeining a .log file, Vim prompts me to know if I want to replace
the first occurence ;
hitting y (yes key) change the first matching one then brings me error
messages :

E488: trailing characters
E486: pattern not found string1

Any mean to make it replace all matching strings whitout prompting and
without error ?
Thanks in adavance for your help.

_Exactly_ what command did you use? s/string1/string2 (where string1 is 
six letters, Sierra Tango Romeo India November Golf, and the digit one) 
will never replace a ^M or a ^A

Best regards,
There was a gay countess of Bray,
And you may think it odd when I say,
That in spite of high station,
Rank and education,
She always spelled cunt with a k.

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Re: autocommand to replace special characters into a file.

2011-11-14 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 14/11/11 12:52, Eddine wrote:

yes I know s/string1/string2 will not replace ^M or ^A ;
I just want to make a first try to replace string1 to string2 first
before replacing string1 by ^M

2011/11/14 Tony Mechelynck

On 14/11/11 11:37, Eddine wrote:

At work I have to edit regurlarly files containing special
like*^M or ^A*

for the moment Im' at the first stage where I just try to make
replace a
string by another one in my autocommand:

*au VimEnter,BufNewFile,BufRead,__BufEnter  *.log

But this doesn't give me good results:
Wehn opeining a .log file, Vim prompts me to know if I want to
the first occurence ;
hitting y (yes key) change the first matching one then brings
me error
messages :

E488: trailing characters
E486: pattern not found string1

Any mean to make it replace all matching strings whitout
prompting and
without error ?
Thanks in adavance for your help.

_Exactly_ what command did you use? s/string1/string2 (where string1
is six letters, Sierra Tango Romeo India November Golf, and the
digit one) will never replace a ^M or a ^A

Best regards,
There was a gay countess of Bray,
And you may think it odd when I say,
That in spite of high station,
Rank and education,
She always spelled cunt with a k.

will replace string1 by string2 in the current line
only, and give an error if there is no match.

:help range
to replace in the whole file
:help :s_flags
to give no error for no match
and near the bottom of the list given at
:help /ordinary-atom
about replacing a special (e.g. non-printable)

Best regards,
Court, n.:
A place where they dispense with justice.
-- Arthur Train

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Re: Combined commands provide wrong result

2011-11-12 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 12/11/11 11:30, Guido Van Hoecke wrote:


I want to edit a csv file with e.g. following content:


I want to get rid of all lines ending on 0,0,0,0,0
I want to replace all ',' by ';'
I want to replace all '.' by ','

With three individual commands, all is ok:


The end result is (as expected):

But I want to combine these three operations in one command:
but this gives following result:

Note that all 0.99 get changed into 0;99 rather than 0,99

Is this an error or do I hit some limitation in combining commands?

I have  hlsearch on, and at the end of this combined command all '.' characters
are highlighted when undoing the change. So the last thing searched was indeed
'.' and I do not understand why it seems to be replaced with ';'
rather than ','

Please advise.



As said under :help :bar, the :g[lobal] command considers the | as 
part of its operands.

You ought to be able to do it with

:exe '%g/0,0,0,0,0/d' | %s/,/;/g | %s/\./,/g

because wrapping the :g command inside :exe (which does not include the 
| in its operands) defines where :g ends and separates it from the |

Best regards,
Two men came before Nasrudin when he was magistrate.  The first man
said, This man has bitten my ear -- I demand compensation.  The
second man said, He bit it himself.  Nasrudin withdrew to his
chambers, and spent an hour trying to bite his own ear.  He succeeded
only in falling over and bruising his forehead.  Returning to the
courtroom, Nasrudin pronounced, Examine the man whose ear was bitten.
If his forehead is bruised, he did it himself and the case is
dismissed.  If his forehead is not bruised, the other man did it and
must pay three silver pieces.

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Re: Setting encoding for a type of file

2011-11-11 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 11/11/11 04:52, Ben Fritz wrote:

On Nov 10, 3:26 pm, Marcio  wrote:

On Nov 10, 6:09 pm, Christian  wrote:

autocmd FileType dosbatch :e! ++enc=cp850

works, but put the syntax highlight off

On Nov 10, 6:16 pm, Tony

au BufReadPre,BufNewFile *.bat,*.btm,*.sys setlocal fenc=cp850

don't works.

On Nov 10, 6:29 pm, Ben  wrote:

autocmd FileType dosbatch e ++enc=cp850

Same as Christian Brabandt's: works, but put the syntax highlight off

Oops, forgot the nested keyword. Try:
autocmd FileType dosbatch nested e ++enc=cp850

See :help autocmd-nested

I actually have something a bit more complex (I've removed some
irrelevant stuff for your immediate problem, if some of this is
confusing as-is). I use a different method, by changing
'fileencodings' prior to loading the file, so that Vim automatically
detects my desired fileencoding:

Don't detect utf-8 without a BOM by default, I don't use UTF-8
and any files in latin1 will detect as UTF. Detect cp1252 rather
latin1 so files are read in correctly. Fall back to latin1 if
system does
not support cp1252 for some reason.
   exec 'set fileencodings=ucs-bom,'.s:windows_enc.',latin1'
   if has('autocmd')
 augroup fenc_detect

batch files need to use the encoding of the cmd.exe prompt in
   if has('win32') || has('win64')
  get the cmd.exe encoding by asking for it
 let g:batcp = substitute(system('chcp'), '^\c\s*Active code
page: \(\d\+\)\s*[^[:print:]]*$', 'cp\1', '')
 if g:batcp =~? '^cp\d\+$'
   autocmd BufReadPre *.bat exec 'set fileencodings='.g:batcp
   autocmd BufNewFile *.bat exec 'setlocal
restore default fileencodings after loading the files that use
a special
value to force specific encodings
   exec 'autocmd BufReadPost *.bat set fileencodings=ucs-
 augroup END

This works only for DOS batch files, other files are also opened in

But in the Cygwin vim don't recognizes the s:windows_enc variable, I
will substitute this for 'cp850'

Oops, that's an artifact of my using the same .vimrc on Unix and
Windows. I do something like this, before the code snippet:

if has('unix')
   let s:windows_enc = '8bit-cp1252'
else  windows
   let s:windows_enc = 'cp1252'

You can also use the value 'Windows-1252' (the official name) which is 
known by iconv and so should work both on Unix Vim statically linked 
with +iconv and on Windows Vim dynamically linked with +iconv/dyn if 
iconv.dll or libiconv.dll can be found.

s:windows_enc doesn't exist by default. Setting it to cp850 means ALL
files will be detected with this encoding, if they don't have a BOM.

This works for me:

exec 'autocmd BufReadPre *.bat set fileencodings=ucs-bom,cp850,latin1'

As Tony says, this will set ALL files to cp850, unless they have a

The point of my script snippet was:

1. For most files, use ucs-bom to use a Unicode encoding if the file
has a BOM, then try windows-1252, but if the system doesn't recognize
windows-1252, try latin1 (I actually have more autocmds to check for
characters specific to windows-1252 and use latin1 if not present).
2. For *.bat files only, override this to ONLY try the cmd.exe
3. Restore option (1) after loading dos files, since the option is
global and the fenc is already set appropriately

Best regards,
Mencken and Nathan's Fifteenth Law of The Average American:
The worst actress in the company is always the manager's wife.

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Re: How to copy strings into system's clipboard on n900 (maemo)?

2011-11-11 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 11/11/11 09:31, Yue Wu wrote:

On Thu, 10 Nov 2011 23:52:44 +0800, Ben Fritz

On Nov 10, 8:21 am, Yue Wu wrote:

Hello list,

Sorry I've posted a same mail on vim_dev then I realized that I've
in a wrong mailing list.

My question is more specific for n900, but I don't know where to get
so I try to seek it here ;p

vim works fine on n900's port, except it doesn't support 'autochdir',
very curious about it.

What's not supported about it? It's there but doesn't work? Or it's
not there at all?

The big question is that, I don't know how to copy strings in system's
clipboard, register * and + doesn't work even vim has compiled to
the feature. In normal way, I can make a selection then click xterm's
then choise copy, but it's too slow. So my question is that if it
to copy strings directly by vim?

I don't know, I am pretty sure if your Vim is compiled for it, it
should work. But then, I don't know what n900 refers to. Maybe you
need an X server running.

You can try some of the suggestions (especially in the comments) here:

After testing again, I find that, register + works fine for English
charactors, but Chinese charactors couldn't be copied at all, after
copied from vim, all Chinese charactors were disappeared.

Strange. I'm tempted to say that it sounds like there's something wrong 
with the Maemo clipboard but I don't know that system well enough. What 
is your system locale (what does Vim answer to the :lang command with no 
arguments)? Is it possible to set it (before starting Vim) to some 
Unicode locale, similar to the en_US.UTF-8 which I use on my desktop 
Linux system? Maybe zh_CN.UTF-8 for Simplified Chinese or zh_TW.UTF-8 
for Traditional Chinese? And of course have Vim compiled with 
+multi_byte and run it with 'encoding' set to utf-8, see

Best regards,
I don't think they could put him in a mental hospital.  On the other
hand, if he were already in, I don't think they'd let him out.

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Re: No 'authochdir' in maemo port of vim[Was: How to copy strings into system's clipboard on n900 (maemo)?]

2011-11-11 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 11/11/11 09:38, Yue Wu wrote:

On Fri, 11 Nov 2011 16:20:42 +0800, Yue Wu wrote:

On Thu, 10 Nov 2011 23:52:44 +0800, Ben Fritz wrote:

On Nov 10, 8:21 am, Yue Wu wrote:

Hello list,

Sorry I've posted a same mail on vim_dev then I realized that I've
in a wrong mailing list.

My question is more specific for n900, but I don't know where to get
so I try to seek it here ;p

vim works fine on n900's port, except it doesn't support
'autochdir', I'm
very curious about it.

What's not supported about it? It's there but doesn't work? Or it's
not there at all?

No the option here, output from :version is:

According to :help 'autochdir' that option can be included or excluded 
at compile-time without a feature known by :version or has() to go for 
it. To detect its presence you have to use exists('+autochdir') which 
will return zero if the option is not both defined and functional.

And I can't find strchars() function here, is it a new feature from 7.3
or it's missing in the version I'm using? Sorry I'm not a programmer,
but I know a little of scripting in vimscript, so if my question is
naive, please forgive me.


strchars() is new in Vim 7.3 so it's normal that you don't yet have it 
on 7.2. In fact it's so new that (through an oversight I suppose) even 
in 7.3.353 (where it exists) it hasn't yet been removed from the TODO list.

Best regards,
Scientists are people who build the Brooklyn Bridge and then buy it.
-- William Buckley

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Re: autowrapping when editing a line

2011-11-11 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 11/11/11 13:08, Eric Smith wrote:

I know that vim does not rewrap lines as you extend them like
many other editors.

What I was wondering is what makes this so difficult to implement in
vim and could it ever be implemented?

(Sorry to ask)

It was already implemented when I met Vim, which was at release 6.1 
then. You just have to :set wrap and each file line will be displayed on 
one or more screen lines (as many as necessary).

See :help 'wrap'

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
215. Your mouse-clicking forearm rivals Popeye's.

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Re: Possible bug with user-defined commands used in autocommands

2011-11-11 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 11/11/11 15:34, Taylor Hedberg wrote:

I'm running into some strange behavior with autocommands, using Vim
7.3.353. I'm not sure whether it's a bug, or just one of those gotchas
that seem to pop up throughout Vim's syntax.

I have a command defined as follows:

 command! WinWidth execute 'vertical resize' (textwidth + 1)

I want the command to be automatically executed when I enter a window in
which w:winwidth is 1. So I wrote:

 autocmd WinEnter * if exists(w:winwidth)  w:winwidth | WinWidth | endif

But whenever the autocommand triggers, I get:

 E488: Trailing characters: WinWidth | endif

This doesn't make sense to me, as WinWidth doesn't take any arguments,
nor am I passing any. Somehow, the `| endif` is being interpreted as
arguments to the command.

But if I rewrite it like this, it works:

 function! s:auto_win_width()
 if exists(w:winwidth)  w:winwidth
 autocmd WinEnter * call s:auto_win_width()

So it seems that there is some problem with using a user-defined command
in a single-line series of commands, separated by '|'s (if I replace the
`WinWidth` with something built-in, like `echo 'foo'`, it works in both
cases). Is this some obscure special case of Vim's syntax or is it just
a bug?

You forgot to set the -bar switch in the definition of WinWidth, 
therefore it cannot be followed by | and another command.

See :help :command-bar

Best regards,
What I want is all of the power and none of the responsibility.

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Re: what should I know if I want to wrote a simple plugin like this

2011-11-11 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 11/11/11 15:36, Jason wrote:

I just need a very simple plugin, I want do it myself, when I press
{enter  , it become

below `I` means cursor


if I press ({enter  it goes to


|(   =  (|)
|{   =  {|}

I don't want to know every thing about plugin development, but I want
to know the most useful things about write a plugins.

I don't think you need a plugin for that. A simple function and an 
expr mapping ought to be enough.

:help :function
:help map.txt
:help :map-expr

Best regards,
Another good night not to sleep in a eucalyptus tree.

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Re: python scripting: get current visual selection

2011-11-11 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 11/11/11 18:16, Gelonida N wrote:


I am rather new to the python scripting module of vim.

I wanted to write a small test script, which
is analyzing all text, that I yanked into named buffers. (not sure if
'named-buffer' is the correct vi term)

Small example

buf_names = 'abcd'
for buf_name in buf_names:
 yank_buffer = vim.?('a') # don't know this command
 yank_buf_len = len(yank_buf) # not sure if len() would be right
 print('yank buffer %s contains %d characters' %
 (buf_name, yank_buf_len))

I found
vim.buffers , but this addresses the edit-buffers and not the 'yank-buffers'

Thanks a lot in advance.

To get what has just been yanked (and is in Vim register 0 ), try

yank_buffer = vim.eval('@0')

Similarly, for the contents of register a

yank_buffer = vim_eval('@a')

:help python-eval
:help expr-register
:help registers

Best regards,
The more we disagree, the more chance there is that at least one of us
is right.

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Re: python scripting: get current visual selection

2011-11-11 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 11/11/11 18:56, AK wrote:

On 11/11/2011 12:49 PM, Gelonida N wrote:

On 11/11/2011 06:39 PM, AK wrote:

On 11/11/2011 12:16 PM, Gelonida N wrote:


I am rather new to the python scripting module of vim.

I wanted to write a small test script, which
is analyzing all text, that I yanked into named buffers. (not sure if
'named-buffer' is the correct vi term)

I think this should work:

text = vim.eval(@a)
print len(text)

They are called registers, not yank buffers, and to get their value in
script, see :h @r


Thanks a lot AK and Tony,

This helps me a lot. (also getting the nominclature right)

Is there a register for the contents of the current visual selection
(before I pressed 'y') or would I have to fetch this contents
differently (force for example a yank to a register ufront)

It might be in + or * register on unix? But a more reliable way is to
yank it into a register, you can then restore selection using gv
command: :h gv


+ is the clipboard (as in Edit = Paste); * is the X11 selection (as in 
MiddleMouse). Vim's visual selection isn't put in a register unless 
you have :set clipboard=autoselect (in console mode) or :set 
guioptions+=a (in gvim) (see :h 'clipboard' and :h guioptions-a ).

Best regards,
Don't change the reason, just change the excuses!
-- Joe Cointment

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Re: How to copy to or paste from clipboard at mac OS X

2011-11-11 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 11/11/11 19:03, jason.桂林 wrote:

I am using MacVim now, copy paste is a very big trouble for me.

If I use Cmd+V to paste, the indent and some auto things will make the
code totally chaos.

If I select and use Cmd+C to copy, the line number will include in the code

I am mess up

Best regards,

Jason Green

I'm not sure what differences there are between the X11 clipboard and 
the Cocoa clipboard: maybe you ought to ask this on the vim_mac list.

In general, Vim sees the clipboard as the + register: I recommend not 
to use mswin.vim, but rather to use

:[range]put +
Edit = Paste
to put (paste)

:[range]y +
Edit = Copy
to yank (copy)

:[range]d +
Edit = Cut
to delete (cut).

If indent behaves weirdly when you paste, then maybe you should toggle 
the 'paste' option (q.v.).

Best regards,
If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.
-- Maslow

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Re: what is vim's printf, as it is in c

2011-11-10 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 10/11/11 05:29, Ben Fritz wrote:

On Nov 8, 11:07 pm, Steve  wrote:

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 12:59 PM, Marc  wrote:

Excerpts from Steve liu's message of Wed Nov 09 05:47:10 +0100 2011:

I finally got it. I don't know your words at all yesterday. So I learn
'register' and 'buffer' the whole morning. And finally got it.
I now know how to redirect output in vim.

It doesn't matter how you did it. It matters that you did it.

Keep in Mind that VimL is nice for scripting tasks but doesn't scale
very well. Thus for larger projects consider interfacing with another
language such as python, perl, ruby, (there are countless others)


Probably Marc is referring to a few things:

1. Vim's internal scripting language (sometimes called either VimL or
vimscript) can be hard to use, because a large number of user settings
can affect script execution
2. VimL is often slower than other interpreted languages such as
python, perl, ruby, tcl, scheme, etc. and almost always slower than
compiled languages like C or C++.
3. Other modern languages have more support/examples/read-made
libraries (though probably not more documentation), more common syntax/
semantics, better debugging support, cleaner object-oriented methods,
4.  All those interpreted languages I mentioned above have an
interface which can be used from within Vim to run a script in this
other language and control Vim functionality. Some very impressive
plugins are written in other languages, e.g. the gundo plugin, written
mostly in python (I believe partially to make it easier to pull in
tree-rendering code from Mercurial's source code).

So Marc is recommending, if you do anything heavy, consider a
different language than Vim's internals.

That said, I've never felt the need to resort to a different language
when hacking Vim.

Neither have I; and it should also be remembered that Vim is often 
compiled without MzScheme, or without Python, etc., but never without 
Vim-script capability — indeed, the latter cannot be left out at 
compile-time. Parts of it can: for instance the stripped-down Vim 
installed as vi on some Linux distros comes with (among others) no 
syntax highlighting, no split windows and no arithmetic evaluation — but 
it will still accept vim-script language (of a kind) in its vimrc.

Best regards,
A chubby man with a white beard and a red suit will approach you soon.
Avoid him.  He's a Commie.

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Re: How to copy strings into system's clipboard on n900 (maemo)?

2011-11-10 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 10/11/11 17:29, Charles Campbell wrote:

Ben Fritz wrote:

I don't know, I am pretty sure if your Vim is compiled for it, it
should work. But then, I don't know what n900 refers to. Maybe you
need an X server running.



A quick google search shows that Nokia makes a smartphone called the
N900; the wiki article mentions Maemo 5 (although I still have no idea
what it is).

Chip Campbell

Maemo is a smartphone operating system. See for details.

Best regards,
BLISS is ignorance

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Re: Setting encoding for a type of file

2011-11-10 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 10/11/11 20:06, Marcio Gil wrote:

When I edit a DOS batch (for example), I always need to put ':e +

Can I add in my _vimrc file a auto command for this? Example:

autocmd FileType dosbatch setlocal fileencoding=cp850
(don't works!)



The FileType autocommand event is too late for setting the 
'fileencoding', because at that point the file has already been read. 
For the same reason it isn't useful to set that option by means of a 

Try (untested)

au BufReadPre,BufNewFile *.bat,*.btm,*.sys setlocal fenc=cp850

Best regards,
The notion of a record is an obsolete remnant of the days of the
80-column card.
-- Dennis M. Ritchie

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Re: Setting encoding for a type of file

2011-11-10 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 10/11/11 22:52, Marcio Gil wrote:

On Nov 10, 7:26 pm, Marcio  wrote:

This works for me:

exec 'autocmd BufReadPre *.bat set fileencodings=ucs-bom,cp850,latin1'

I put this in my _vimrc:

autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPre *.bat,*.sys,*.cmd,*.prg,*.ch set

Thank you all.


This won't work if you edit a batch file and then some non-batch file 
(*.c, *.htm, *.txt, whatever; even if you look at a Vim helpfile) in the 
same Vim session. Since 'fileencodings' is a global-only option, it will 
still be ucs-bom,cp850,latin1 (where the latin1 part will never be 
used, since it is after cp850 which is 8-bit and therefore cannot give a 
fail signal), so Vim will treat that second file (if it has no BOM) as 
if it were in cp850 which is probably not what you want.


au BufNewFile,BufReadPre *
\ set fencs=ucs-bom,utf-8,latin1
au BufNewFile,BufReadPre
\ *.bat,*.sys,*.cmd,*.prg,*.ch
\ set fencs=ucs-bom,cp850

The autocommands will be run in the order they were defined, so that for 
these 5 extensions the second one takes precedence. The first one should 
be set to the defaults you want to use for all other files.

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
214. Your MCI Circle of Friends are all Hayes-compatible.

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Re: Abbreviation with an @

2011-11-06 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 06/11/11 23:51, Quincy Bowers wrote:

I would like to create an abbreviation like the following:

:iabbrev @author @author Author Name

But when I attempt this I get the error 'E474: Invalid argument'.

This works fine though:

:iabbrev @ @author Author Name

Can anyone tell me the right way to write this abbreviation command
without changing the left hand side to something other than @author?


There are three kinds of abbreviations, see :help abbreviations

- full-id
the {lhs} consists of keyword characters only
- end-id
the last character, but none of the others, is a keyword char.
- non-id
	the last character is not a keyword char, the rest can be anything 
except whitespace.

@ is non-id
@a is end-id
@au or @aut or @author are not valid abbreviations.

(letters, but not @, are keyword characters).


:abbrev @author {rhs}

is invalid for any value of {rhs}. The answer to your question is: you 

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
212. Your Internet group window has more icons than your Accessories window.

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Re: Abbreviation with an @

2011-11-06 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 07/11/11 06:37, Bee wrote:

On Nov 6, 9:14 pm, Christian  wrote:

Hi Tim!

On So, 06 Nov 2011, Tim Chase wrote:

On 11/06/11 19:04, Quincy Bowers wrote:

Ah, I wonder if abbreviations can only be defined if they
don't cross keyword boundaries...  And if that is the case is
that intended?

That's why I was confused that

   :iab @a @author Author Name

worked, but

   :iab @author @author Author Name

errored out.

That is explained at :h abbreviation.

| There are three types of abbreviations:
| full-id The full-id type consists entirely of keyword
|   characters (letters and characters from 'iskeyword'
|   option).  This is the most common abbreviation.
| Examples: foo, g3, -1
| end-id  The end-id type ends in a keyword character, but all
|   the other characters are not keyword characters.
| Examples: #i, ..f, $/7
| non-id  The non-id type ends in a non-keyword character, the
|   other characters may be of any type, excluding space
|   and tab.  {this type is not supported by Vi}
| Examples: def#, 4/7$

So while @a is of type end-id @author isn't.


:set isk?

That means @ is a keyword character,
it also means _ is a keyword character,
and both the following SHOULD be full-id.

This fails:
:iab @author @author Author Name

But this seems to be ok:
:iab _author @author Author Name


In the value of 'iskeyword' (whose explanation resends to 'isfname'), @ 
doesn't mean @, it means A-Za-z (plus maybe á, é, etc.). To make the @ 
character a keyword character, use @-@

Best regards,
This test has been designed to evaluate reactions of management
personal to various situations.

You are making a sales presentation to a group of corporate executives
in the plushest office you've ever seen.  The enchillada casserole and
egg salad sandwich you had for lunch react, creating severe pressure.
Your sphincter loses control and you break wind, causing the glass
bookcase doors to shatter and a secretary to pass out.


(a) Offer to come back next week when the smell has gone away.
(b) Point to the Chief Executive and accuse him of the offense.
(c) Challenge anyone in the room to do better.

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Re: copy the output of :%g command to a register

2011-11-06 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 07/11/11 07:16, sinbad wrote:

hi, how to copy the output of :%g command to a register


The :g command produces no output; the output is from the ex-command 
after the second slash in :[range]g/pattern/command.

For the default :p command, see :help :redir

Best regards,
Uncle Ed's Rule of Thumb:
Never use your thumb for a rule.  You'll either hit it with a
hammmer or get a splinter in it.

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Re: mapping ALT-backspace

2011-11-05 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 05/11/11 17:21, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:

On Sat, 5 Nov 2011, Tony Mechelynck wrote:

Well, under Linux each different terminal (Linux console, KDE konsole,
gnome-terminal, xterm, mlterm, ...) can react differently, but gvim
has a better grasp of what you type than any of them, because there's
one fewer layer between Vim and your keyboard. For a similar reason it
also gives you better control of what you display (more colours,
better control of: fonts, multi-language texts, cursor shapes, ...).
IMHO the only job for which console Vim is better than the GUI is when
displaying RTL and LTR scripts together in a single file, in a
full-bidi terminal such as mlterm.

I found mlterm great for just-Arabic, but I could never quite get fonts
set up properly for displaying RTL and LTR simultaneously.

But, you're also leaving out (IMHO the best reason to use console Vim:)
how nice it is to have a consistent UI regardless of whether you're
working locally or on a remote machine. I do most of my work in terminal
emulators, and the fact that Vim behaves exactly the same whether I've
first ssh'ed somewhere else is great. The overhead from X11 over
slightly-unreliable network links is just enough to be irritating.

I guess the reason I left this out is that I never work on a remote machine.

Best regards,
Job Placement, n.:
Telling your boss what he can do with your job.

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Re: Compound search

2011-11-05 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 06/11/11 02:02, Bee wrote:

Is there any way to edit or delete a post?

As long as you're still composing it, you can change anything. Once you 
send it, it's too late. :-P

Best regards,
If that makes any sense to you, you have a big problem.
-- C. Durance, Computer Science 234

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Re: Compound search

2011-11-05 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 06/11/11 04:13, Bee wrote:

On Nov 5, 6:54 pm, Tony

On 06/11/11 02:02, Bee wrote:

Is there any way to edit or delete a post?

As long as you're still composing it, you can change anything. Once you
send it, it's too late. :-P

Best regards,
If that makes any sense to you, you have a big problem.
 -- C. Durance, Computer Science 234

Ha! I did find out how to delete a message.
I see you saw it before I was able to delete.
The 'More options' on the right of a post has delete,
which can be done after posting.

Delete... maybe, but not modify.

I'm getting my Vim-list messages by POP, which means that I'll see 
everything unless the author deletes it either within the 10-minute 
interval before I next poll the mail server, or when I'm not connected 
to the Internet (and even if I leave the modem connected when I go to 
bed or to town, my ISP will disconnect me forcibly whenever I reach 36 
hours ą 1 second continuous connection time).

Best regards,
Always try to do things in chronological order; it's less confusing
that way.

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Re: mapping ALT-backspace

2011-11-04 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 03/11/11 17:07, wrote:

Tony  [11-11-03 17:00]:

On 03/11/11 03:54, wrote:

Tony   [11-11-02 06:40]:

On 02/11/11 03:53, wrote:


the zsh I am using is recoginzing ALT-backspace as delete one
word backward, which is very handy.

Unfortunately I have not found a way to map this in a similiar
way for vim.

How can I map ALT-backspace in vim?

Thank you very much in advance for any help!
Best regards,

In Console Vim, it may depend on your terminal: I'm not sure that
terminal passes something recognizable to Vim when you hit

In gvim, it'sM-BS   and my gvim (with GTK2/Gnome2 GUI) sees it.

To see if Vim gets something when you hit that key combo, open Vim in
Insert mode in an empty buffer and hit Ctrl-V followed by
Alt-Backspace, then Ctrl-K followed by Alt-Backspace. If you don't
anything, Vim hasn't seen the keypress. If it sees something, in gvim
you should see the   equivazlent in both cases; in Console Vim you
should see the bytes passed by the keyboard interface after Ctrl-V,
the   equivalent (here,M-BS, unless the keyboard passes something
else) after Ctrl-K.

In Insert mode, to delete the word before the cursor you can hit
Ctrl-W, see :help i_CTRL-W

In Normal mode, you should be able to use Shift-Left as a modifier to
the d (delete) command, to delete [count] words leftwards, or the
command daw (delete a word) to delete the word under the cursor (on
both sides) and the white space on one side of it. See :help

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
209. Your house stinks because you haven't cleaned it in a week.

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Hi Tony,

Thank you very much for your explanations. Since I am using console
vim most of the time I am trying to get it working there.

The result of the test is, that vim doesn't see any of the keypresses.
You wrote that is due to the terminal.

I dont understand this completly I fear...

The zsh, running under the same terminal adn which was the one startet
vim, does see ALT-nackspace.

What I am doing/inderstanding wrong here?

Best regards,

I don't know. Maybe nothing: Vim in Windows console uses cooked input
IIRC, and that puts it more at the mercy of the DOS-like keyboard
driver than if it used raw input; but OTOH (IIUC), raw input would
read AaZzQqWwMm incorrectly on AZERTY keyboards, YyZz and maybe Ww on
QWERTZ keyboards, and practically everything on Dvorak keyboards, not
to mention non-Latin keyboards. But maybe I don't UC.

See also :help win32-problems (I'm not sure how applicable these are to
Windows NT / XP / Vista / 7).

Best regards,
We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids?
-- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission

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Hi Tony,

I am running Linux, not windows. Sorry for not mention this...

Best regards,

Well, under Linux each different terminal (Linux console, KDE konsole, 
gnome-terminal, xterm, mlterm, ...) can react differently, but gvim has 
a better grasp of what you type than any of them, because there's one 
fewer layer between Vim and your keyboard. For a similar reason it also 
gives you better control of what you display (more colours, better 
control of: fonts, multi-language texts, cursor shapes, ...). IMHO the 
only job for which console Vim is better than the GUI is when displaying 
RTL and LTR scripts together in a single file, in a full-bidi terminal 
such as mlterm.

Best regards,
It's odd, and a little unsettling, to reflect upon the fact that
English is the only major language in which I is capitalized; in many
other languages You is capitalized and the i is lower case.
-- Sydney J. Harris

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Re: Ubuntu packages of latest Vim? (to fix bug)

2011-11-04 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 05/11/11 04:03, John Little wrote:

Does anyone have packages for Ubuntu Oneiric of the latest Vim?

Building your own vim from the Mecurial repository is much easier than
you might expect.  For Ubuntu start with

 sudo apt-get build-dep vim-gnome

then follow Tony's instructions at and

In short, Oneiric's gVim ... doesn't show the menu
bar at all.

Not showing the menu bar is a Unity thing, not vim's fault.  Mousing
over the bar at the top of the screen (not the vim window) might,
depending on the invocation of gvim, show you vim's menu bar there.
There's workarounds, by setting an environment variable before
invoking vim.   (Unless you are keen on Unity, I suggest defecting to

Regards, John

Best regards,
One way to make your old car run better is to look up the price of a
new model.

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Re: mapping ALT-backspace

2011-11-03 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 03/11/11 03:54, wrote:

Tony  [11-11-02 06:40]:

On 02/11/11 03:53, wrote:


the zsh I am using is recoginzing ALT-backspace as delete one
word backward, which is very handy.

Unfortunately I have not found a way to map this in a similiar
way for vim.

How can I map ALT-backspace in vim?

Thank you very much in advance for any help!
Best regards,

In Console Vim, it may depend on your terminal: I'm not sure that every
terminal passes something recognizable to Vim when you hit

In gvim, it'sM-BS  and my gvim (with GTK2/Gnome2 GUI) sees it.

To see if Vim gets something when you hit that key combo, open Vim in
Insert mode in an empty buffer and hit Ctrl-V followed by
Alt-Backspace, then Ctrl-K followed by Alt-Backspace. If you don't get
anything, Vim hasn't seen the keypress. If it sees something, in gvim
you should see the  equivazlent in both cases; in Console Vim you
should see the bytes passed by the keyboard interface after Ctrl-V, or
the  equivalent (here,M-BS, unless the keyboard passes something
else) after Ctrl-K.

In Insert mode, to delete the word before the cursor you can hit
Ctrl-W, see :help i_CTRL-W

In Normal mode, you should be able to use Shift-Left as a modifier to
the d (delete) command, to delete [count] words leftwards, or the
command daw (delete a word) to delete the word under the cursor (on
both sides) and the white space on one side of it. See :help

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
209. Your house stinks because you haven't cleaned it in a week.

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Hi Tony,

Thank you very much for your explanations. Since I am using console
vim most of the time I am trying to get it working there.

The result of the test is, that vim doesn't see any of the keypresses.
You wrote that is due to the terminal.

I dont understand this completly I fear...

The zsh, running under the same terminal adn which was the one startet
vim, does see ALT-nackspace.

What I am doing/inderstanding wrong here?

Best regards,

I don't know. Maybe nothing: Vim in Windows console uses cooked input 
IIRC, and that puts it more at the mercy of the DOS-like keyboard driver 
than if it used raw input; but OTOH (IIUC), raw input would read 
AaZzQqWwMm incorrectly on AZERTY keyboards, YyZz and maybe Ww on QWERTZ 
keyboards, and practically everything on Dvorak keyboards, not to 
mention non-Latin keyboards. But maybe I don't UC.

See also :help win32-problems (I'm not sure how applicable these are to 
Windows NT / XP / Vista / 7).

Best regards,
We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids?
-- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission

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Re: Mapping Problem. Down key have a slow response time.

2011-11-03 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 03/11/11 06:47, ozhan fenerci wrote:

Dear List,

I have remapped up-down-right-left keyboard keys. It is like

Vim Mappings My Mappings

h-move leftk
j-move downb
k-move upn
l-move rightl

I have remapped these keys in the .vimrc file to work in insert mode and
control mode.

Normal Mode
noremap h b
noremap j n
 noremap l l
noremap n k
noremap b j
noremap k h
Insert Mode
imap C-space esc
imap C-l right
imap C-k left
imap C-n up
imap C-b down

It works but in Insert mode C-bdown has a slow response time from
other mappings. It is not as fast as other mappings. I wonder what I am
doing wrong.


Not sure.

The following may or may not help you, it probably won't hinder you:

:set timeout timeoutlen=5000 ttimeoutlen=100

- the times are in milliseconds
- ttimeoutlen should be shorter than the time between two keypresses at 
your fastest typing speed but longer than the time between successive 
bytes sent by the keyboard driver for a multibyte keycode (such as most 
non-printing keys)
- timeoutlen should be longer than the time between the successive 
keypresses in the {lhs} of a mapping (if you have mappings with a 
multikey {lhs}) at your slowest typing speed, but still not too slow so 
you can wait for a mapping to time out if you do _not_ want to trigger it.

:help 'timeout'
:help 'timeoutlen'

Best regards,
The Heineken Uncertainty Principle:
You can never be sure how many beers you had last night.

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Re: replacing all characters in the current line?

2011-11-01 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 02/11/11 05:21, Jose Caballero wrote:


this happened to me today. I had a line like this one
and I wanted to replace all characters by '-', so I could have something

I thought I could do it by combining 'g' and 'r' as I understood 'g' is
good to repeat the same command over all chars in a line (like guu or gUU).
However, I was not able to make it work.
I ended up doing something like  :.s/=/-/g

Is not really possible to replace all chars in the current line with a
combination of 'g' and 'r' commands?


In Normal mode, IIUC g is not a complete command, but the first 
character of quite a number of multikey commands, see :help g

To replace all characters in a line, I would use the :s[ubstitute] 
command, as you ended up doing, or one of its variants:

To underline a (left-justified) heading:




The . range is optional, since the default for the :s command is the 
current line. However the above method wouldn't work if there are hard 
tabs in the line.

Best regards,
Celestial navigation is based on the premise that the Earth is the
center of the universe.  The premise is wrong, but the navigation
works.  An incorrect model can be a useful tool.
-- Kelvin Throop III

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Re: How to enable mouse wheel scrolling in non-gui vim.exe?

2011-11-01 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 02/11/11 05:23, Toddintr wrote:

I meant to say How can I enable mouse scroll WHEEL in non-gui
vim.exe? -- sorry.


AFAICT it depends on the terminal; and I have freed myself from Windows 
some time ago (months? years? Years I think) so I cannot experiment on a 
Windows console.

Here on Linux, every different terminal emulator reacts differently to 
mouse actions: some don't pass them to Vim at all, some can move the 
cursor and open a Select area by dragging but won't react to the mouse 
wheel, some will move the cursor up and down when I roll the wheel but 
won't react to mouse clicks... Apparently I can't get full mouse 
performance in console Vim but only in gvim.

Maybe you can configure your cmd.exe console, maybe by clicking (left or 
right, I'm not sure) the top left icon of the terminal window when Vim 
is running in it?

Best regards,
There was a bluestocking in Florence
Wrote anti-sex pamphlets in torrents,
Till a Spanish grandee,
Got her off with his knee,
And she burned all her works with abhorrence.

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Re: mapping ALT-backspace

2011-11-01 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 02/11/11 03:53, wrote:


the zsh I am using is recoginzing ALT-backspace as delete one
word backward, which is very handy.

Unfortunately I have not found a way to map this in a similiar
way for vim.

How can I map ALT-backspace in vim?

Thank you very much in advance for any help!
Best regards,

In Console Vim, it may depend on your terminal: I'm not sure that every 
terminal passes something recognizable to Vim when you hit Alt-Backspace.

In gvim, it's M-BS and my gvim (with GTK2/Gnome2 GUI) sees it.

To see if Vim gets something when you hit that key combo, open Vim in 
Insert mode in an empty buffer and hit Ctrl-V followed by Alt-Backspace, 
then Ctrl-K followed by Alt-Backspace. If you don't get anything, Vim 
hasn't seen the keypress. If it sees something, in gvim you should see 
the  equivazlent in both cases; in Console Vim you should see the 
bytes passed by the keyboard interface after Ctrl-V, or the  
equivalent (here, M-BS, unless the keyboard passes something else) 
after Ctrl-K.

In Insert mode, to delete the word before the cursor you can hit Ctrl-W, 
see :help i_CTRL-W

In Normal mode, you should be able to use Shift-Left as a modifier to 
the d (delete) command, to delete [count] words leftwards, or the 
command daw (delete a word) to delete the word under the cursor (on 
both sides) and the white space on one side of it. See :help text-objects

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
209. Your house stinks because you haven't cleaned it in a week.

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Re: function to apply multiple whole-file substitutions

2011-11-01 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 02/11/11 03:53, eda wizard wrote:

Greetings all,

I'm trying to craft a function to apply a series of pattern-matching
substitutions to the file. So far I've got this in my .vimrc

function Scrub ()
:%s// /g
map :call Scrub ()

but it's not working, seems to complain about lack of line-endings.
Would someone help me out please?


Still-learning Steve

Like Sven, I'm not sure what you actually want to do — it wouldhave been 
simpler if you had just told us that, in plain English.

If you want to delete all end-of-line spaces, a simple substitute will 
do the trick:


or even


the e flag avoids an error message if there are zero substitutions in 
the whole file (none of your lines ends in whitespace). It is not 
necessary in the first case because that will match on every line, 
matching zero or more whitespace, as many as possible.

Also, what _exact_ error message do you get?

And there seems not to be a {lhs} in your mapping: after correcting your 
function, you should rewrite the mapping as

:map F4 :call Scrub()CR

— with F4 or anything else as the first space-separated aregument, 
meaning what you hit to trigger the mapping, and CR at the end 
meaning the mapping generates an Enter key at the end — the omission 
of the CR at the end might be the reason why Vim complains about a 
missing end-of-line, but I cannot be sure without the exact error message.

Best regards,
Ray's Rule of Precision:
Measure with a micrometer.  Mark with chalk.  Cut with an axe.

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Re: Mapping shortcuts

2011-10-31 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 31/10/11 21:15, Chris Jones wrote:

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 01:06:45PM EDT, George Papanikolaou wrote:

I know this is simple. but I can't figure it out by Googling... so.

Nothing wrong with googling, but there's no guarantee whoever posted his
favorite trick fully understands the problem and that whatever worked in
his case will not have side-effects that may be quite unsuitable in your

Maybe now's the time for you to start working with the complete (and
100% accurate) vim help and lose the Google-search habit...?

Rather than start with the Vim reference manual, where non-specialists
often find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of information
and give up, it's probably more effective to study the Vim user manual
one chapter at a time until you have a fair idea of vim's capabilities
and how to put them to good use.

You can access the user manual via:

:help user-manual

This gives you access to the user manual's table of contents.

In this particular case, you will not find a ‘mappings’ section (this is
why you often need to have at least skimmed through the entire manual
beforehand to find what you are looking for), but there is a very clear
(and authoritative) howto-style discussion of them under:

|usr_40.txt|  Make new commands

Note that there is a very useful introduction to the way the Vim
documentation is organized in:

|usr_01.txt|  About the manuals

You may want to read it even before you read the introduction to
mappings mentioned above.



Also, IMHO there are two must read sections, about searching the help. 
First, hit the F1 key in vim or gvim and read what you find there. 
Later, when you have the time, read the help chapter giving full details 
of how to search the help, at :help online-help

Best regards,
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four.  Unless
there are three other people.
-- Orson Welles

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Re: Mapping shortcuts

2011-10-31 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 31/10/11 22:03, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:

The problem is sometimes that it's too complete, and isn't organized by
the person who's looking for the information (naturally). Google often
cuts through that problem (e.g. by allowing synonyms that the help
writer didn't consider, or terms that aren't fully correct).


Yes, the Vim help is as complete and as accurate as is humanly possible, 
but sometimes it presents a needle-and-haystack problem. This, however, 
has been greatly alleviated, first (in Vim 6.2 IIRC) by the :helpgrep 
command, and later (Vim 7.x) by the helphelp.txt helpfile, which 
centralizes all help on searching help (except the short summary found 
by hitting F1) in a single place. Hence the must read in my previous post.

And I'll add here: even if you do find something which seems relevant 
about Vim by Googling or by searching the Wikipedia, always check it 
afterwards with the online help, where you may find that your Google 
info is perhaps slightly out-of-date, or omits just the corner case 
which is giving you problems now.

Best regards,
A wizard cannot do everything; a fact most magicians are reticent to
admit, let alone discuss with prospective clients.  Still, the fact
remains that there are certain objects, and people, that are, for one
reason or another, completely immune to any direct magical spell.  It
is for this group of beings that the magician learns the subtleties of
using indirect spells.  It also does no harm, in dealing with these
matters, to carry a large club near your person at all times.
-- The Teachings of Ebenezum, Volume VIII

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Re: Filetype error

2011-10-29 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 29/10/11 03:47, Justin Lafferty wrote:

For the longest of times my .vimrc has looked as follows:

Because some options may not be vi compatible
set nocompatible

Turns on filetype plugins
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on

Ignore case when searching
set ignorecase
set smartcase

Highlight searches
set hlsearch

Toggles the highliting off with ctrl+n
:map silent C-n :set invhlsearchCR

Shows matches as they are found
set incsearch

Remove trailing whitespace
autocmd FileType c,cpp,java,php,js,python,ruby autocmd BufWritePre
buffer :call

use spaces instead of tab
set expandtab
set smarttab

Changes tab amount
set shiftwidth=4
set softtabstop=4

Maps jj to esc for faster exit of insert modes
imap jj Esc

Turns on syntax coloring
syntax on

Enable line numbers
set number
set numberwidth=3

Normal backspace operation
set backspace=indent,eol,start

But now for some reason whenever I type the comment character for the
particular language I am using, the character is repeated on the next
line.  For example if i am editing test.cpp if i type:


Then press enter the file now looks as follows:

Through editing out the different options I have boiled the problem down
to the filetype plugin on.  And was wondering if anyone knows a fix for
this.  And if it helps, my .vim/ftplugin directory is empty.

It is not an error, or as the saying goes, T'aint a bug, it's a 
feature. IIUC many standard ftplugins have long set formatoptions+=ro — 
of course, when you create a [NoName] file it still has no filetype 
(even if you give the file a name without reloading it) and therefore no 
ftplugin has set anything special for it. As soon as you name it _and_ 
reload it, the ftplugins apply.

:help 'formatoptions'
:help fo-table

- Flag r means: Automatically insert the current comment leader after 
hitting Enter in Insert mode.
- Flag o means: Automatically insert the current comment leader after 
hitting 'o' or 'O' in Normal mode.

To avoid these in C and C++ files, add the following two-line file as 
$HOME/.vim/after/ftplugin/c.vim (for Unix, Linux or Mac OS X) or 
$HOME/vimfiles/after/ftplugin/c.vim (in Vim notation, for Windows):

 disable comment leader insertion
setlocal fo-=r fo-=o

(the C++ ftplugin does nothing other than invoke the C ftplugin). If the 
directories don't yet exist, create them too.

The above is per-filetype (with the exception that the C ftplugin is 
also used for C++), so if you want the same for, let's say, javascript 
and CSS (which have similar comment structures as C and C++), you'll 
have to drop copies of the same file as javascript.vim and css.vim in 
the same directory: you get the drift. For a blanket disable, you may 
use instead

autocmd FileType * setlocal fo-=r fo-=o

which must be placed _after_ filetype plugin on in your .vimrc or 
_vimrc in order to have an effect; *but* if at any time you use 
:filetype plugin off followed by :filetype plugin on this 
autocommand will lose its effect, which is not the case of the scripts 
in .../after/ftplugin/.

See also the following recent threads on vim_use:
- Permanent disable comment next line
(about 'formatoptions' flags r and o)
- Please fix: make Windows Vim use same files as unix.  No reason not to 
and it's confusing in mixed envirionments.
	(started as: Can't get vim to use custom color in personal folder(finds 
.vimrc/.gvimrc but not .vim/colors/name.vim) )

(about ~/vimfiles/ vs. ~/.vim/)

Best regards,
Blessed are the meek for they shall inhibit the earth.

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Re: how to make 'h,j,k,l' faster ?

2011-10-28 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 28/10/11 17:21, Ben Fritz wrote:

On Oct 28, 6:16 am, Tim  wrote:

On 10/27/11 22:20, gaoqiang wrote:

I feel those keys  slow. and word-move-keys are a little diffcult to
make a accurate move.

While it's a bit of a non-answer, I'd recommend using Vim's many
other movement keys to move faster and more accurately.  I almost
NEVER use h/l to move left/right but rather use f/F/t/T/,/; (and
occasionally in prose, the parens to move by sentence) to move
horizontally.  For vertical movements, it's usually faster to
guess roughly and then fine-tune with j/k to move up/down.  This
can be done with }/{ to jump to blank lines, using / to search
forward, using ]]/[[/]}/]{/[{/[}/[(/]) to jump to code-block
starts/ends, or using H/M/L to jump to the first/middle/last line
on the screen.

Also, don't forget that you can prefix a count on each of these
commands to do it N times (or in the case of H/L, go to the

I find it very nice to set relative line numbers and use a count with
j/k for down/up movement. One would think you could do the same thing
with absolute line numbers and G, but I always find that to be too
much typing. I usually end up typing 4j instead of  or
1546G, much faster. And getting in the habit makes it that much
easier to do things like d4j instead of Vd.

A naked range is also a go to line:

goes to line 1234

goes to 5 lines above the last line (i.e. the 6th line from the end)

goes 10 lines down

goes to the file containing mark 'B, 2 lines after the mark

goes to 2 lines higher than the end of the latest Visual area

You can also use relative line numbers after a search:

goes to the line before the next line containing only zero or more 
whitespace and one closing brace

goes to the first line after the previous empty line


Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
206. You religiously respond immediately to e-mail, while ignoring
 your growing pile of snail mail.

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Re: Pernanent disable comment next line

2011-10-28 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 28/10/11 17:36, Michael D. Berger wrote:

In a previous thread I read that I could disable automatically
commenting of the next line with:

:set formatoptions-=ro

This works, but I have to do it every time I open a file.
So on my Fedora 15_64 system, I added that set line to


but it didn't work.

Any suggestions?

What about adding it to $HOME/.vimrc instead? And if it still doesn't 
work, try

:verbose setlocal fo?

in a problematic file, to see where it was set. If, for instance, it was 
set in /usr/share/vim/vim73/ftplugin/c.vim (i.e. 
$VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/c.vim) then create a file named 
$HOME/.vim/after/ftplugin/c.vim (creating any needed directories in the 
process), with the one-line content:

setlocal fo-=r fo-=o

(Note: unsetting both flags separately works even if they don't follow 
each other immediately in the order given).

Best regards,
There's no easy quick way out, we're gonna have to live through our
whole lives, win, lose, or draw.
-- Walt Kelly

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Re: Please fix: make Windows Vim use same files as unix. No reason not to and it's confusing in mixed envirionments.

2011-10-28 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 28/10/11 22:26, Linda W wrote:

If you put a symlink on linux, windows will see it as a hardlink. That
means any file copies will
go through it.


If you set a symlink on a Linux (ext2, ext3, ext4, reiser, etc.) 
filesystem, Windows won't see it at all because it cannot read those 
filesystems. I was the one who mentioned symlinks, I mentioned them in 
the context of double-boot, not of Cygwin, and I explicitly mentioned 
ext2, ext3, ext4 and reiser filesystems. So who's distorting whose words?

We'll cross out that bridge when we come back to it later.

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Re: printfont doesn't change font only height on Linux

2011-10-27 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 27/10/11 15:23, octoploid wrote:

I'm trying to change the font that vim uses with the
hardcopy command:
set printfont=Consolas:h9

This changes the font height but the font used is still
%%PageResources: font Courier

Is there a way to actually choose a different font?

:help pfn-option is ambiguous: it says it has the same format as 
'guifont' but later on it says on non-Windows systems, only :h11 is 
recognised, where 11 is the font size. However, on X11 systems anything 
that includes :h11 would be invalid for 'guifont'. So what should 
'printfont' be set to in that case? Here are the valid 'guifont' formats 
for the various X11 GUI flavours:

GTK2 (but not GTK1):
:set gfn=Consolas\ 9

kvim (obsolete):
:set gfn=Consolas/9/-1/5/50/0/0/0/1/0

Photon (is that X11 or not, I'm not sure):
:set gfn=Consolas:s9

Other X11 (including GTK1 but not GTK2):
:set gfn=-*-consolas-medium-r-normal-*-*-90-*-*-m-*-*


Best regards,
I've had a perfectly wonderful evening.  But this wasn't it.
-- Groucho Marx

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Re: Please fix: make Windows Vim use same files as unix. No reason not to and it's confusing in mixed envirionments.

2011-10-26 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 13/10/11 01:47, Linda W wrote:

   Jürgen Krämer wrote:

(at least when I launch from explorer...) if it finds my .vim and
why doesn't it find .vim/colors/.vim?

did you change the 'runtimepath' option? On Windows the directory for
user-specific scripts is ~/vimfiles by default, not ~/.vim.

 I don't set a runtime path.   I'd expect it to work the same as on
Why should windows be different?

 IMO, it should look for .vim first, and then any old-style compat
name,  but **not
looking** for   ~/.vim   at all would seem to be a bug.

 Vim also doesn't seem to find

This is one of all those Vim traditions which remain because it is not 
worth breaking upwards compatibility to change them.

On Unix-like systems, there is a tradition to put program config files 
for all programs in a directory with a name starting with a period, 
which would then be hidden by default.

On DOS-like systems, before LongFileNames were invented, you couldn't 
have a file- or directory-name starting with a period. So ~/vimfiles was 
established where ~/.vim was the Unix tradition, and also ~/_vimrc and 
~/_gvimrc where Unix would use ~/.vimrc and ~/.gvimrc.

On systems with LongFileNames, Windows Vim still looks for .vimrc when 
it couldn't find ~/_vimrc, and for ~/.gvimrc when it couldn't find 
~/_gvimrc. Conversely on Unix. This is a courtesy to double-boot etc. 
users. But these are just one file each, and read only once each, at 
startup. Adding an additional 'runtimepath' directory might make every 
runtime script lookup more sluggish, for little advantage.

Platform-hopping Vim users should know (and, like everything else about 
Vim, it is documented, in this case at :help 'runtimepath') that user 
scripts are placed under ~/.vim/ on Unix and under ~/vimfiles/ on 
Windows. Beware though, that _system-wide_ scripts not distributed with 
Vim belong under $VIM/vimfiles on all systems, even on Unix.

On a double-boot system, where soft links are easier to manage from the 
Unix side, and where the Linux kernel can read vfat filesystems but the 
Windows kernel cannot make head or tail of an ext2, ext3, ext4 or reiser 
filesystem, you could have your /etc/fstab mount your vfat partition 
somewhere, and then make ~/.vim on the Unix side a soft link to what 
would be seen as ~/vimfiles when running on the Windows side. In that 
case, don't forget that Windows Vim can source Unix-format scripts (with 
LF-only ends of lines) but Unix vim cannot source Dos-format scripts 
(with CR-LF), so all those common scripts would need to use Unix 

Best regards,
I love this fucking University, and this University loves fucking me.

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Re: Syntax highlighting Problem in for Bash

2011-10-21 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 21/10/11 15:17, Tom Bodine wrote:

I was bitten by the old
unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'
error in bash. Where you start a comment some where in the middle of
your script and forget to place a quote mark at the end. After
searching through the text I could not find any string that matched
this criteria. It was only when I loaded the script into SciTE that I
could see that this text was the problem

# Syntax.: libraryCheck [-test] {executable}
# Parameters : executable - an Executable and Linkable Formated
 : -test : just do the test but don't fail on error
# Return values .: 0 on success, exits if libraries not found


Even though the third line appears as executable text to Bash, to me
it looks like part of the comment in the other lines. Vim did not help
me here since it colors the line starting with the colon the same as
the line starting with the hash mark. In order  to find the problem I
loaded the script into Scite.

Where as Scite treats lines starting with colons correctly and leaves
them colored like regular text, Vim colors them the same as comments
( those lines wich start with hash marks).

How can I change Vim's syntax coloring to treat lines starting with
colons differently from those starting with hash marks?

Thanks and Regards Tom Bodine

In bash (as can be seen with help : without the quotes at the bash 
prompt) : is a do-nothing command. So it can be regarded as legitimate 
to treat it as a comment. Actually, in the current 
$VIMRUNTIME/syntax/sh.vim (version 118 dated Aug 16, 2011 and applying 
to all three of sh, bash and ksh) these colon lines are set to syntax 
group shColon at line 287, then at line 536 the shColon highlight group 
is linked to shComment which is in turn linked to Comment at line 612.

So a colorscheme could highlight colon lines as something else than a 
comment by changing the highlight for the shColon highlight group.

AFAICT from reading :help ft-bash-syntax there is no setting to change 
those default highlights. However the fact that the sh syntax script 
makes no provision for quoted strings extending on more than one line 
can be regarded as a bug (or as a limitation). I'm CC-ing Charles Dr. 
Chip Campbell, the current maintainer of that script.

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
203. You're an active member of more than 20 newsgroups.

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Re: One line without EOL

2011-10-21 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 21/10/11 17:25, wrote:


  is it possible to create a line of text with vim which
  do not contain any \n, \ra ?

  Or in other words: The line should contain nothing
  more than the visible chars.

  I need this to generate test data for testing a VFD...

  How can I accomplish this?

  Thank you very much in advance for any help!

  Best regards,

It is possible but definitely not recommended. You must

:setlocal binary noeol

in the file before writing it, and it must contain only the one line (it 
is of course not possible to have any line other than the last one end 
without an end-of-line mark).

:help 'binary'
:help 'eol'

Best regards,
Behold the warranty ... the bold print giveth and the fine print taketh

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Re: Can change X11 window title after vim started?

2011-10-20 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 20/10/11 16:23, LiaoCaiYuan wrote:

dear all,

in emacs, I can set it by
(set-frame-name NewName)

how can I do it in vim?

Whether or not it is possible at all depends on whether you are using 
gvim or Console Vim (and, in the latter case, in which terminal).

:help 'title'
:help 'titlelen'
:help 'titlestring'

Best regards,
You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a
reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating
the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for
-- Charles A. Beard

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Re: Tracing Vim into a log file.

2011-10-20 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 20/10/11 23:49, Eddine wrote:

Yet another question, I have a strange behavior in my Vim at work.
I often edit logs from process still working and still writing the log
I'm reading in VIm (I have set autoread so it reloads)
and I often have a behavior where my file is like folded ;
All the part from the line 1 to current position of cursor disapears
and let this charcter g`
let says I Have
line6  X --- position of the cursor
I then have
g`line6 X
Entering command :0
bring me back my whole file.
I really don't know what happens.
Is there a way I can trace Vim into a log to know what happens?
Thank you for your attention.

I don't know what happened, just that :0 is supposed to bring you to 
line zero (but since there is no such line, you get to the first line 

Maybe there was a missing refresh?

Try opening your logfile in readonly mode (e.g. with :view rather than 
:edit, :sview rather than :new, gview rather than gvim, view rather than 
vim, etc.) and if you still have the problem, try Ctrl-L to redraw the 

BTW, trying to write a single file from two processes at the same time 
(such as Vim and the log-writing process) is courting disaster. If you 
do, you're bound to get problems sooner rather than later.

Best regards,
Alexander Graham Bell is alive and well in New York, and still waiting
for a dial tone.

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Re: trying to understand my own (very old) vim macros

2011-10-19 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 19/10/11 21:25, oexel wrote:

hello list!

I'm trying to understand the vim macros I wrote with the valuable help
from YOU (perhaps your parents :-) some 10 years ago.

there are a lot of mappings where the rhs is backslash-tilde-letter,
for example:

 map \~O :let @z='q.pck'c-M\~W

and those mappings are then used by other mappings (just as this map
uses \~W);

what does the \~ combination mean?
is it possible to activate such mappings from the keyboard? which keys
should I type?


If ~W represents a single key (you cannot choose to put the cursor on 
one or the other, it is always on the same one of both) then it means 
Alt-uppercase-W (Alt-Shift-w) (assuming that your 'cpoptions' does not 
contain the B flag) and it's recommended to replace it by A-W or M-W 
in the mapping (if your 'cpoptions' does not include the  flag).

In gvim with GTK2/Gnome2 GUI, hitting Alt-Shift-w gives me no result 
(gvim doesn't see the keystroke, not even when preceded by Ctrl-V).

Beware that Alt-Shift-W means 0xD7 which in Latin1 is the multiply by 
sign (looks like a kind of x a pixel or two above the baseline). Vim 
makes no difference between the two so you cannot map в and Alt-Shift-w 
to do different things.

If you can put the cursor on either the tilde or the W then AFAIK \~W is 
just a backslash then a tilde then a W (but you probably should have B 
in 'cpoptions' in that case). The backslash might also mean either of 
the Leaderor the LocalLeader prefixes (q.v.)

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
202. You're amazed to find out Spam is a food.

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Re: winwidth winheight doesn't work here

2011-10-17 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 15/10/11 13:23, Roger wrote:

On Sun, Oct 09, 2011 at 11:37:56PM +0200, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
On 09/10/11 11:08, Roger wrote:

Reading the good book Learning the VIM Editor(s) and see winwidth   winheight
mentioned, but am having trouble getting it working here!

Why, when settings winwidth on vertical split files, it's not automagically
resizing the windows as I toggle between the files?

I have set to noequalalways, also. :-/

With me it does, but remember that these options are desired minimums
for the current window and that the absolute minimums for any window
are set by 'winminwidth' and 'winminheight'. When switching windows, the
new window will not be resized if it already exceeds the desired
minimum, nor will it be made bigger than would allow all other windows
to remain at or above the absolute minimum.

Also, some special window types have their own desired minimums: see
:help 'helpheight'
:help 'cmdwinheight'
:help 'previewheight'

The absolute minimums may be set to zero, the desired minimum for the
current window must be at least 1 since the currentcursor location must
always be visible.

The following should swell the current window to maximum size, squashing
other windows to only a vertical divider on left and right or a status
line above and below:

   :set nowfh   no fixed size
   :set noea eadirection=both   no equal size
   :set wmw=0 wmh=0 squash other windows
   :set wiw= wh=999 hh=999 cwh=999 pvh=999  enlarge current window
   :let netrw_winsize = 100 netrw split to 100% size


nowfh was already default here.

was ea, but I set to noea.

eadirection=both was default too.

set wmw  wmh is set to default 1?

Now the culprit was your wiw, wh, hh, cwh, pvh values!

My default values were set to something like these:


And, once I used your wiw, wh, hh, cwh, pvh values, changing focus of the
windowns and window resizing automagically happens now!

The O'Reilly Learning VIM mentioned something about these values, but gave no
real set values for a reader to try on his/her own VIM session.  With your
values, I'm now rolling on customizing to my liking!

Next, I should be able to do this with CLI VIM(?).

-- Roger

The snippet I proposed above should work equally well in console mode as 
is does in GUI mode, provided that the executable was compiled with 
+windows and (for the :let statement) with +eval.

Note that you can't really test +eval in a script, because in a Vim 
compiled with -eval the :if...:endif construct is a nestable comment. 
This shouldn't matter here since bracketing the whole snippet with :if 
has('windows')...:endif will avoid errors in all cases — and we aren't 
interested in split-windows' relative sizes when in a Vim which can't 
even split windows.

Best regards,
Don't believe everything you hear or anything you say.

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Re: css3 syntax file

2011-10-15 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 15/10/11 05:09, stardiviner wrote:

If i can  write syntax file, I will do it by myself. But I ask here because I 
can not ...
Maybe I should learn it now. which part should I reference in vim help ?

What about :help syntax.txt ?

Best regards,
Flying saucers on occasion
Show themselves to human eyes.
Aliens fume, put off invasion
While they brand these tales as lies.

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Re: Jump between the beginning and the end of a block of python code (such as function, class)?

2011-10-15 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 15/10/11 05:28, Peng Yu wrote:


I language use {} to denote function, class, etc. I can use % to jump
between the beginning and end of a block of code. But python doesn't
use {}. I'm wondering if there is a way to do so in python?

Python uses indenting, and nothing else, to define code blocks. For some 
it is a blessing, for others a curse, but that's the way of Python.

Maybe you could use 'cursorcolumn' and place your cursor on the first 
nonblank in a line to see which statements are at the same indent level.

Or (assuming a 'foldmethod' of indent which seems about right for 
Python), you could play with folding and unfolding the current block: 
when the containing block is unfolded and the block of interest is 
folded, it's quite obvious where the latter starts and ends.

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
199. You read this entire list of symptoms, looking for something
 that doesn't describe you.

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Re: Tab Stop Colors

2011-10-15 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 15/10/11 23:54, kageska wrote:

How do I change the color of the tab stops in Vim? Everytime I hit tab
to align the text in my code it goes red. Is there a way to turn this

With 'list' off, hard tabs should be coloured the same as whitespace, 
unless they have a special meaning in the filetype in question, e.g. 
as column separators in a tab-separated database or at the left margin 
in a Makefile. The following command may help you determine which 
highlight group(s) apply at the cursor location:

if has(user_commands)
command -nargs=0 -bar WhatSyntax
  \ echomsg synIDattr(synID(line(.),col(.),0),name)
\ synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line(.),col(.),0)),name)
\ synIDattr(synID(line(.),col(.),1),name)
\ synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line(.),col(.),1)),name)

With 'list' on, the ^I representing a hard tab if tab: is not included 
in 'listchars', or the two characters specified after that colon (and 
alternating at a frequency of 'tabstop' with one of the one and between 
zero and (tabstop - 1) of the other) if it is, are highlighted with the 
SpecialKey highlight. How that highlight is displayed depends on your 
colorscheme (if any). By default it uses blue foreground against the 
default background.

:help 'list'
:help 'listchars'

Best regards,
It's Like This

Even the samurai
have teddy bears,
and even the teddy bears
get drunk.

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Re: install vim 7.0.109 on Ubuntu 10.04

2011-10-15 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 15/10/11 23:53, Frederico Cadete wrote:

I had a similar experience when I recompiled Vim, coming from using
vim as packaged by Ubuntu.

The differences in behaviour were annoying, but they were not because
of the compiling options; it was because of the system vimrc (in
this case /usr/share/vim73/debian.vim, if memory does not fail me),
which sets some default vim options.

The system vimrc would of course not be called that on RedHat / Fedora, 
but in any Vim executable you can find out where it looks for a system 
vimrc by looking near the middle of the output of :version (if Vim is 
running) or of vim --version (or gvim --version etc., and without 
the quotes) if it isn't.

By default the system vimrc is at $VIM/vimrc (with no dot) but that can 
be changed at compile-time and one often-used location on Unix-like 
systems is /etc/vimrc

Maybe the difficulties your students are having are not just because
of version but also because of system options.

I hope this helps.


Best regards,
If God had not given us sticky tape, it would have been necessary to
invent it.

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Re: css3 syntax file

2011-10-14 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 14/10/11 06:25, stardiviner wrote:

Is there css3 syntax file which support HTML5 tags ?
I find that onle css2 syntax can be found in linux system.
and I searched plugins on there are two syntax files for css3.
but non of them support *and*
this code:

@media screen and (max-width:1000px) {

if you have a good idea, please tell me , thanks.

I don't. What _I_ would like is to see a Vim syntax file for CSS that 
would support Mozilla extensions, including e.g. the @-moz-document 
at-rule after which there will be two levels of braces, not one. See:

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
197. Your desk collapses under the weight of your computer peripherals.

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Re: Need Syntax file for the Linux

2011-10-13 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 13/10/11 07:36, Dayananda wrote:

Could you please point me to the syntax file /*syntax.vim*/

When I do
*:syntax enable  : *It is not finding the syntax.vim file, and the
syntax is not getting highlighted.

Could you please help me get the syntax file.

Thanks and Regards,

The files syntax.vim, synload.vim and syncolor.vim are in 
$VIMRUNTIME/syntax/ and Vim should find them with no particular action 
of yours, if it is correctly installed. Your Vim executable must be 
compiled with +syntax in order to display syntax highlighting.

On Windows, installing Steve Hall's Vim without Cream by running the 
latest gvim-*.exe self-installer found at installs not only the 
vim.exe and gvim.exe binaries but also the runtime files which go with them.

On Windows, I think that the default Vim 7.3 $VIMRUNTIME is C:\Program 
Files\vim\vim73 but I'm not 100% sure. Executables are installed into 
$VIMRUNTIME itself, you may want to add that folder near the start of 
your $PATH.

On Unix, after make compiles Vim, make install installs it. Any 
settings defined via environment variables must be common to both (and 
to make config and make reconfig if you use them); see

On Unix, $VIMRUNTIME is by default (for Vim 7.3) /usr/local/vim/vim73/ 
but that can be modified at compile-time (Vim packages compiled by Linux 
distributions usually use /usr/share/ etc. instead of /usr/local/share/ 
etc.). Executables are installed into $VIMRUNTIME/../../bin/, which is 
in the standard $PATH.

:help 'runtimepath'

If you install a precompiled Vim from your Linux distribution, at least 
two packages are usually necessary: on openSUSE Linux which I'm using, 
the Vim packages are as follows:

runtime files, always needed
basic files, always needed, and a tiny executable
a normal executable
an executable with Perl, Python, etc. interfaces but no GUI
a full-featured executable usable as GUI or in a terminal
debug symbols, e.g. to debug crashes; from the debug repo

You may install all of them if you want. IIRC, on RedHat or Fedora (at 
least when I used them), the package names were

and the first of these had to be installed together with one or more of 
the other three.

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
196. Your computer costs more than your car.

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Re: Need Syntax file for the Linux

2011-10-13 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 13/10/11 08:34, Dayananda wrote:

Thank you SC and sorry for very short description of the problem. I am
able to find the syntax file in the */usr/share/vim/vim63/syntax*


That's the $VIMRUNTIME directory for Vim 6.3, which is long obsolete by now:
Vim 6.4 was released on 15-Oct-2005
Vim 7.0 was released on  7-May-2006
Vim 7.1 was released on 12-May-2007
Vim 7.2 was released on  6-Sep-2008
Vim 7.3 was released on 15-Aug-2010
The current stable version is Vim 7.3.338 since yesterday.

Best regards,
The Briggs/Chase Law of Program Development:
To determine how long it will take to write and debug a
program, take your best estimate, multiply that by two, add one, and
convert to the next higher units.

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Re: Vim 7.2 on CentOS 6 - set ruler has no effect

2011-10-13 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 08/10/11 05:39, Ismail, Mohd F. wrote:

From: Christian
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2011 20:11:31 +0200
Local: Thurs, Oct 6 2011 1:11 pm
Subject: Re: Vim 7.2 on CentOS 6 - set ruler has no effect
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Hi Ismail,!

On Do, 06 Okt 2011, Ismail, Mohd F. wrote:

Here it is.  I'll compile my own version then.  Is there a guide on what's best 
option to include?


Huge version without GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
+arabic +autocmd -balloon_eval -browse ++builtin_terms +byte_offset +cindent
-clientserver -clipboard +cmdline_compl +cmdline_hist +cmdline_info +comments

Are you sure, this is the same version which has the problem. set ruler
should work just find from this version. Could it be, there is another
vim in your path, may be a tiny vim or you called it vi? Try :version
from within the vim, that has the problem and look for +cmdline_info
(enabled ruler feature) or -cmdline_info (disbaled ruler feature)


Hi Christian,

You're right.  There are /bin/vi and /usr/bin/vim.  vim is the one with set 
ruler that works fine, while vi doesn't show that.  Thank you for pointing that 


On RedHat and similar systems, you may have several Vim executables 

/bin/vi is a minimal version with no arithmetic evaluation, no syntax 
highlighting, no ruler, no split-windows, no multibyte support, etc. Its 
only advantage is that it is guaranteed to be on a filesystem which is 
always mounted even when running the system in single-user 
emergency-repairs mode (runlevel 1 or S) and even if /usr is on 
different filesystem which, in that case, may be left unmounted.

/usr/bin/vim is a normal version with most functionalities but no GUI.

/usr/X11R6/bin/gvim is a full-fledged executable with GUI. It can also 
run in a terminal if the X server is not accessible or if invoked with 
the -v command-line switch or from a vim softlink.

Since they come from distinct packages you may have one, two or all 
three of them installed.

Best regards,
There are times when truth is stranger than fiction and lunch time is
one of them.

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Re: jumping to corresponding syntax element

2011-10-13 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 13/10/11 10:12, Gergely Buday wrote:


the percent sign makes vi jump to the corresponding closing
parenthesis, should I point to the opening one.

How can I program a similar functionality for other classes of
syntactical elements? In Standard ML, there is a let - in - end
construct that can span several pages so it would be useful to jump
from one let to the corresponding end. Of course a let-in-end triple
can be found in another.

Is there a way to program this in vi?

- Gergely

1. Enable the matchit plugin, see :help matchit-install
   1.1 Create the directory $VIM/vimfiles/plugin if it doesn't exist, 
and place in it a one-line file containing just

runtime macros/matchit.vim

You can name it matchit.vim

   1.2 On Unix/Linux, you can enable the matchit help via a softlink:

mkdir -pv $VIM/vimfiles/doc
cd $VIM/vimfiles/doc
ln -sv ../../vim73/macros/matchit.txt
:helptags $VIM/vimfiles/doc

   On Windows, you may have to copy the matchit.txt file from 
$VIMRUNTIME/macros to $VIM/vimfiles/doc/. The :helptags command (as 
above) is still necessary so that the help entries in the file will be 
made part of Vim's help system.

2. If the ftplugin for StandardML doesn't already set the b:match_words 
variable, you can set it in an after-plugin, named (for instance) 
$VIM/vimfiles/after/ftplugin/standardml.vim (if standardml is the 
'filetype' value for those files). For details, see :help 
matchit-newlang (after installing the matchit help as above).

3. In order not to lose the standard function of the % key for files 
which have no specific syntax pairings, I recommend adding the following 
in your vimrc:

augroup vimrclocal
au FileType c,cpp,css,javascript
\ let b:match_words = matchpairs
augroup END

This will also avoid %-jumping from ( or ) in a comment to ) or ( in the 
code or vice-versa (likewise for []{}).

Best regards,
In any world menu, Canada must be considered the vichyssoise of
nations -- it's cold, half-French, and difficult to stir.
-- Stuart Keate

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Re: Can VIM display two files simultaneously?

2011-10-12 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 12/10/11 04:26, wolfv wrote:

I am considering learning VIM (vim-cucumber to be exact).
Can VIM display two files simultaneously (a step definitions file and
it's feature file)?


I don't know what vim-cucumber might be; but Vim itself can display any 
number of files simultaneously in split-windows (well, almost: any 
number within the limits of available screen space), if it was compiled 
with +windows.

See :help windows.txt

Best regards,
Osborn's Law:
Variables won't; constants aren't.

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Re: avoid CursorHoldI causing delay

2011-10-12 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 11/10/11 12:04, Szabolcs wrote:

Dear group member,

I am using CursorHold and CursorHoldI with a delay of 800 ms to
constantly auto-save the LaTeX file that is being edited. (Which in turn
causes it to be automatically recompiled and shown in a PDF reader. I do
this to get real-time preview.). Occasionally, when I'm working on a
large file that takes longer to compile, Vim becomes less a responsive,
and misses a few keystrokes. I.e. sometimes a few characters I type
simply don't show up 'csing bron wors'.

Is there anything I can do to ensure Vim won't miss any keystrokes?
(It's okay if the keystrokes show up with a delay, but I don't want them
to go AWOL)

An 'updatetime' of 800 milliseconds is unusually short: no wonder Vim 
gets sluggish if it saves your file to disk that often. The default is 
4000 (4 seconds) which will still save your work reasonably fast, 
while saving quite a	lot on disk head movement and reducing the risk of 
keyboard buffer overflow.

Best regards,
Don't suspect your friends -- turn them in!
-- Brazil

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Re: what's a conversion error and how do I correct it?

2011-10-07 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 22/05/11 13:00, Christian Brabandt wrote:

Hi eNG1Ne!

On So, 22 Mai 2011, eNG1Ne wrote:

Working on a Linux box (Ubuntu 10.4), I've successfully copy/pasted a
block of text from a Planmaker spreadsheet into a vim file. The text
includes U+2012 dashes, which are correctly displayed in vim … but
when I try to save the vim file, I get the message conversion error.

I guess, your fileencodings setting (notice the plural) does not include
utf-8, so Vim does not try to save it with that encoding. It probably
either tries to save it using plain old ASCII encoding or something like
latin1, which does not include this char and therefore conversion fails.

You should fix your 'fencs' setting to something like
ucs-bom,utf-8,default,latin1 or you can force Vim to save it in utf-8
encoding, by issuing :w ++enc=utf8 filename. (It might be, that this
needs the +multi_byte feature, which is only enabled, when compiling at
least a big version of Vim).

Probably related, but when I used :dig to try and find the code for
the U+2012 dash (so I could use search/replace) I couldn't spot one.
Just out of curiosity, what do the numbers in the digraph reference
page refer to?

The decimal number for that unicode char.


Conversely, when reading, Vim will not give a conversion error message 
if there is an 8-bit encoding at the end of your 'fileencodings', but it 
can still fail to recognize the actual encoding used: for instance, with 
:set fencs=ucs-bom,utf-8,latin1 which is a good setting for people in 
Western countries like I am, try to read a file containing Japanese 
encoded in Shift-JIS, Traditional Chinese in Big5, Simplified Chinese in 
GB18030, or even Russian in KOI8-R, and the text will look like 
gibberish, because Vim saw no BOM, saw correctly that the text wasn't 
UTF-8 on disk, and fell back on Latin1. In that case you need to tell 
Vim the actual encoding of the file (and if you don't know it, maybe try 
several possible ones, proceeding by trial and error), by adding a ++enc 
modifier to your :e or :view command, for instance

:view ++enc=sjis example.txt

and (assuming that 'encoding' is already set to utf-8) Vim will then (if 
compiled with +iconv, or with +iconv/dyn and the iconv or libiconv 
library is available) happily translate the shift-JIS into the UTF-8 
used internally.

About digraphs: 0x2012 == 8210 and I see no digraph for that, but you 
could use Ctrl-V u 2012 (without the spaces, see :help i_CTRL-V_digit 
which also applies in command-line mode) or make your own digraph (but 
try to use something which is not already in use).

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
195. Your cat has its own home page.

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Re: Highlighting for tabline for Tabbed Windows feature

2011-10-07 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 07/10/11 08:21, Roger wrote:

One still unanswered question, is why the tabline scheme is different between
Linux Virtual Terminal, X URXVT Default Color Themed Terminal, and X URXVT User
Customized Color Themed Terminal.

Linux Virtual Terminal (/dev/tty1 to /dev/tty6) has only 8 background 
colors, 16 foreground colors, and its background is usually dark. Try to 
use a yellow background there and you'll get brown, a red background and 
you'll get dark red which is a kind of reddish brown.

The other two I don't know, but they may have a different number of 
available colours (I would expect at least 16, at most 256, for both bg 
and fg) and/or a light background. If a highlight group doesn't set any 
colours, it will default to whatever colours the terminal used at Vim 

Best regards,
Losing your drivers' license is just God's way of saying BOOGA,

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Re: Highlighting for tabline for Tabbed Windows feature

2011-10-06 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 06/10/11 21:52, Roger wrote:

The following scenarios are what I get here for a tabline for Tabbed Windows.
There seems to be inconsistencies for tabline color scheme or theme for my
scenarios, and am wondering how best to fix, or in the case of URXVT default
and my settings, what is hindering tabline highlighting? (See below

1) Virtual Terminal
On virtual terminal, active tab is white font on a black background, while
inactive tabs are cyan/lt blue on a black background.  (I like this, however I
think it would be also preferable to use a bold font, in addition to the blue
font color, so that the active tab is more noticeable.)

2) URXVT using Black Background and White Foreground (Customized)
Within URXVT, fonts are white on black background with underlining for inactive
tabs and no underlining for the active/focused tab.

This tabline color theme is barely functional.  Is there a way to do something
similar to the above font coloring for tabline, in addition, using a bold font?
(I just noticed the default URXVT theme for some reason is better highlighted as
noted below... wondering what causing me to loose this on an inverted color

3) URXVT using Default Theme
Active tab is black font on white background with inactive tabs highlighted
grey with a white font.  I can distinctly tell which window tab I'm working in
with this color scheme.  Although I'd probably still want to use a bold font
for the active tab font!  (I still really dislike using a white background
though! ;-)

See :help setting-tabline for how to set a custom tabline in text mode 
(i.e., either in a terminal, or with the e flag absent from 'guioptions' 
in gvim). The three highlight groups used for the tablilne are mentioned 
there too.

You may want to write your own colorscheme, and possibly check one or 
more of the 'term' setting, the 'background' setting, or the 't_Co' 
setting, to select different colours depending on the terminal you're 
running in.

:help setting-tabline
:help 'term'
:help 'background'
:help 't_Co'
:help cterm-colors

Best regards,
U:  There's a U -- a Unicorn!
Run right up and rub its horn.
Look at all those points you're losing!
UMBER HULKS are so confusing.
-- The Roguelet's ABC

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Re: Vim 7.2 on CentOS 6 - set ruler has no effect

2011-10-03 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 03/10/11 06:15, Ismail, Mohd F. wrote:

When I type :verbose set ruler?, I got, at the bottom left corner, in red 
background E519:  Option not supported: ruler?


That's clear enough: the 'ruler' functionality was excluded at compile-time.

But I'm curious: try running

vim --version  vim-version.txt

then pasting the file vim-version.txt in an email. Then we'll have a 
better idea of how you can get a Vim version which includes that 

Best regards,
Do not meddle in the affairs of troff, for it is subtle and quick to

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Re: replace e flag works in command but fails if that command in key mapping

2011-10-02 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 02/10/11 16:04, porphyry5 wrote:

Well, I think I finally have this figured out.  If I'm using sessions,
any session includes its own .vimrc, being that .vimrc in effect when
the session was first begun.  Then changing the actual .vimrc file has
no effect on the session, because it will never reload the
actual .vimrc.  So if I want to change a mapping in .vimrc, and have
the benefit of that change in my session, I must make the new mapping
explicitly in the current session, as well as in .vimrc.

On the contrary, starting Vim with -S will source your vimrc first; but 
then it will proceed with your session file, which may override anything 
your vimrc has set.

You may use sessions without running :mksession -- a session file is 
just a Vim script sourced after your vimrc, usually to set up your 
windows and tabs and such. You can create one by hand, e.g. as

cd ~
e file1.txt
new file2.txt
new /path/to/file3.txt
lcd %:h
tabnew /someotherpathto/file4.txt
tabnew file5.txt
tab help
tabnext   wrap around to first tab
wincmd w  wrap around to first window

You can even name it ~/Session.vim, then vim -S or gvim -S will run 
it; and they will use all the settings of your vimrc too.

Best regards,
There's only one way to have a happy marriage and as soon as I learn
what it is I'll get married again.
-- Clint Eastwood

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Re: Vim 7.2 on CentOS 6 - set ruler has no effect

2011-10-02 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 02/10/11 18:24, Ismail, Mohd F. wrote:

Hi Tony,

When I type that command in vim window, it gives me nothing.  It just returns 
the cursor position to its initial position.  Am I supposed to type it some 
where else?

You should be using Vim in Normal mode, then type

:echo has('cmdline_info')

followed by hitting Enter. A 0 (zero, meaning no) or a 1 (one, meaning 
yes) should appear at bottom left of your Vim screen. Anything you 
type will make it disappear again.

Hi Ben Fritz,

I looked into the vimrc and there is no statusline keyword anywhere in the 
file.  I didn't customize my vi and just use what ever was set up by CentOS 

Aha! Is it ~/.vimrc or $VIM/vimrc or /etc/vimrc or something else? If 
anything but the first of these, Vim will be in 'compatible' mode by 
default. What do you see at the bottom of the screen if (in Normal mode) 
you type

:verbose set ruler?

(with the question mark), followed by hitting the Enter key?


Oh, and BTW, the custom of these lists is to reply below, not above, the 
text you're replying to.

Best regards,
Idiot, n.:
A member of a large and powerful tribe whose influence in human
affairs has always been dominant and controlling.
-- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

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Re: Set gfn based on screen resolution

2011-10-01 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 01/10/11 10:15, philipx wrote:

Is there a way to determine the screen resolution in gVim and act upon
that information, for example to set a different font size?

I seem to find myself working in two different modes: either on my
laptop or on a large screen. Maybe I'm getting old, or maybe the
distance to the screen is different between the two (I suspect I sit
closer to the laptop's screen), but I use Menlo:h11 on my laptop and
I'd like :h12 or even :h13 when I'm connected to the monitor.

Thank you!

I don't think you can ask Vim for the pixel size of your screen, but you 
can do almost as good (after gvim startup, i.e. either in the gvimrc or 
in a GUIEnter autocommand):

1. Set some standard 'guifont'
2. :set lines=999 columns=
(gvim will now set its screen size to within one character cell of your 
monitor size, and adjust the option values accordingly)
3. Compare lines and/or columns with some reference values and 
increase the 'guifont' size if larger.

Note: There are several incompatible platform-dependent 'guifont' 
formats, and each gvim version recognizes only one of them. If someday 
you find yourself on Linux and try to set the 'guifont' you set on 
Windows, it may or may not give you an error but it will almost 
certainly not set the font you expected. See

Here are a few examples:
:set gfn=Courier\ New\ 11
kvim (obsolete):
:set gfn=Courier\ New/11/-1/5/50/0/0/0/1/0
:set gfn=Courier\ New:s11
other X11 (including the now obsolete GTK1):
:set gfn=-*-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-110-*-*-m-*-*
:set gfn=Monaco:h11
:set gfn=Courier_New:h11:cDEFAULT

Best regards,
You have the body of a 19 year old.  Please return it before it gets

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Re: Vim 7.2 on CentOS 6 - set ruler has no effect

2011-10-01 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 02/10/11 02:09, Ismail, Mohd F. wrote:


I'm using CentOS 6, with vim 7.2. For whatever reason, there is no row
and column info at the bottom right corner. I check the /etc/vimrc and
set ruler is enabled. What could be the problem?


What does Vim answer to :echo has('cmdline_info') (without the double 
quotes but with the single ones)? If it's 0 (zero), then the 'ruler' 
feature wasn't included at compile-time.

BTW, Vim 7.2 is obsolete now (though admittedly less than the Vim 5.x I 
saw someone use recently). The current version is 7.3.329. If you're 
interested, see

Best regards,
After a number of decimal places, nobody gives a damn.

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Re: setloclist() doesn't work

2011-09-30 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 30/09/11 08:44, sinbad wrote:


i am trying to store the contents of location list, so as to use
multiple location lists for the same split-window window.
here is what i did. created a location list for some pattern.
now i ran the following commands in vi.

I hope you mean Vim, and in 'nocompatible' mode. Legacy vi has no 
quickfix capabilities.

:let x= getloclist(0)
:call setloclist(0, x, 'r')

location-list is screwed up, i can see some contents in the location
with filename missing. is it the rightway of using get/setloclist()


Does it work if you omit the ,'r' (last argument of setloclist())?

Best regards,
Do what comes naturally now.  Seethe and fume and throw a tantrum.

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Re: Link to part of the same file

2011-09-30 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 30/09/11 19:04, Fernando Basso wrote:

What would be a good way (if possible at all) to have vim link, say, a
table of contents to each section? I use vim for taking all kinds of
notes and that would be terrific.

Thanks in advance.

It depends on the filetype (tables of contents are written very 
differently in Vim helpfiles and in HTML, and they're implicit in 
Wikimedia source) so you would have to code an ad-hoc filetype-dependent 
function. Probably set it up in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/filetype.vim 
(replacing filetype by the filetype, and, on Windows only, .vim by 
vimfiles), possibly with the bulk of the function code in some autoload 

:help after-directory
:help autoload

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
189. You put your e-mail address in the upper left-hand corner of envelopes.

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Re: creating a new location list

2011-09-29 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 29/09/11 07:48, sinbad wrote:


i know that we can have multiple location lists for a window.
i read through the documentation but couldn't find the command
or function that creates a new location list. lexpr doesn't take
nr as argument. so i was wondering how can i create a new location
every time i use lexpr, the old location list will be rewritten. i am
missing some
thing here ?


Most quickfix and location-list commands are documented under :help quickfix

There are various ways to create a new location list:

:lfile [errorfile]
read the errorfile and jump to the first error

:lhelpgrep {pattern}[@xx]
search the help for the pattern (if @xx is given, it's a language code) 
and return the results as a location list for the help window. If the 
current window is not a help window, its location list isn't changed.

:lvimgrep[!] /pattern/[g][j] {file}...
search the named file(s) for the pattern and return the result as a 
location list

similarly :lgrep, :lmake, etc.

Best regards,
Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.
-- Dorothy Parker

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Re: Vim as default email (thunderbird) editor

2011-09-28 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 28/09/11 17:50, Fernando Basso wrote:

On Sep 28, 10:58 am, Quincy  wrote:

Make sure you setup External Editor to call 'gvim --nofork' or it won't work
properly.  Other than that I can't imagine what would be wrong.

It still doesn't work. Even using gvim --nofork.

Try setting your External Editor preferences to call gvim with not only 
--nofork (or -f) but also a full path, i.e., not just

gvim --nofork

but something like

/usr/local/bin/gvim -f
C:\PROGRA~1\vim\vim73\gvim.exe -f

Best regards,
Why isn't there a special name for the tops of your feet?
-- Lily Tomlin

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Re: Stop a libcall loop

2011-09-27 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 27/09/11 08:13, niva wrote:


I have done a dll that go into a while loop.

It freeze gvim interface and I wonder if I can recode this loop in
order to stop it by signal sent or another way ?

Thanks for help

Hm, here are a few ideas:

1. Have you tried Esc or Ctrl-Break? Does it do anything? If neither 
does, maybe you could test for an Esc and/or a Ctrl-Break in the loop in 
order to terminate it early.

2. Maybe you could send Vim a signal that it doesn't use, and intercept 
it in the DLL? Not sure which signal though; under Linux I would have 
suggested SIGUSR2. This requires adding a signal handler to the DLL, 
chaining with any signal handler already installed in the caller.

3. Maybe you could send Vim a signal that it does intercept, but if (1) 
above doesn't work, it might terminate Vim (under Linux I would have 
suggested SIGHUP, or if that doesn't work, SIGTERM).

4. If worst comes to worst, you may have to kill Vim (under Linux: 
SIGKILL; under Windows: open the Task Manager, probably by Ctrl-Alt-Del, 
then select Vim and terminate it).

Best regards,
There once was an old man from Esser,
Who's knowledge grew lesser and lesser.
It at last grew so small,
He knew nothing at all,
And now he's a College Professor.

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Re: Highlight current line number when using set number

2011-09-27 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 26/09/11 16:03, Francesc Salvat-Pujol wrote:

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Ben Fritz wrote:

On Sep 25, 4:04 am, Francesc Salvat-Pujol wrote:
  When using the option set number, is there a way of
highlighting the
  current line number with a color other than LineNr? Using set
cuc cul
  is too much.
  I am aware that the question has been asked before, i.e.
  or with slightly different approach:
  Unfortunately, none of these threads really offer a solution in the
  sense described at the beginning of the mail.
  Any ideas?

That second thread offers a method which will get you closer, but even
using the signs feature, I don't think Vim can highlight a specific
line number in the line number column, and only the line number column
(i.e. not the line text).

Probably your best bet is to just set a cursorline highlight which is
not too distracting and use that.

Uhum... Well, too bad.

Thanks for the replies though.



In gvim (where the Normal background is white) (and in 256-color 
consoles with the CSApprox.vim plugin) I use the following in my 
almost-default colorscheme,

hi clear CursorLine
hi CursorLine guibg=#F4F4F4
hi clear CursorColumn
hi link CursorColumn CursorLine

which give me crosshairs in very light grey (95.7% grey), just enough to 
be visible, not enough to be distracting.

Best regards,
APL is a write-only language.  I can write programs in APL, but I
can't read any of them.
-- Roy Keir

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Re: sort content of a register

2011-09-25 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 25/09/11 02:46, porphyry5 wrote:

One by one I have appended a number of lines to a register (z).  I
need to sort them and then paste them at the start of the document.
Without complaint, vim accepts the command
but the content of z is unchanged.  Is it possible to do this in the
register, or must I paste it into the document and sort it there?

It may be possible to do it in the register, but it is easier to do it 
in the text:

0put z

or maybe

0put z
mark z
1,'z yank z

if you want to yank the sorted lines back into the register.

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
182. You may not know what is happening in the world, but you know
 every bit of net-gossip there is.

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Re: Remembering syntax when moving in and out of buffers

2011-09-25 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 25/09/11 17:35, Spiros Bousbouras wrote:

On Sep 21, 7:38 pm, Benjamin R.  wrote:

On Wed, 21 Sep 2011, Spiros Bousbouras wrote:

On Sep 18, 11:14 pm, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:

Actually I have disabled running the Debian specific stuff in
/etc/vim/vimrc so the explanation even for what I describe in my
opening post must be the same as below. I tried again running what I
describe in the opening post with verbose set to 20 and the only
autocommand executed is the one I set up explicitly , there's no if
!did_filetype() .

Okay.  I really don't understand why you're bent on disabling the
normal Vim filetype mechanisms.  With them disabled, yes, you'll not
see anything related to them (including the BufRead autocmd).  Maybe I'm
missing something.

I wasn't trying to disable the normal filetype detection mechanisms
per se , I was trying to get rid of functionality I found irritating
and which seemed to be the result of filetype detection. It's been
around 4 years so I don't remember for sure but I think that one
thing that annoyed me was that I was writing Scheme code , added a
; in the beginning of some line (which counts as a comment in Scheme)
and then vim started adding a ; at the beginning of all subsequent

That's customizable. I think that

:set fo-=c fo-=r fo-=o fo-=q

will disable all comment formatting and all comment leaderinsertion; 
though youmay want something less drastic, see :help fo-table

I think it also did parenthesis matching which I found
distracting and possibly also syntax highlighting which yet again I
found distracting.

That is also customizable.

Method I: to disable it entirely: add the line

let loaded_matchparen = 1

in your vimrc.

Method II: to disable it by default, but with possibility to re-enable: 
add the line

au VimEnter * NoMatchParen

to your vimrc. You can then use




to enable and disable parenthesis matching respectively, see :help 

(When it comes to syntax highlighting in most
situations I don't want any. What prompted this thread was the
requirement for some very simple highlighting in a file type of my own
for which there won't be any ready made plugins nor will it be useful
to anyone apart from myself.) The fact that the Debian specific stuff
also sets up some autoevent , as you said earlier in the thread ,
which probably wouldn't be useful to me either , confirms in my eyes
the wisdom of my old decision to disable Debian specific stuff.

Compiling your own Vim will by default put the executable in 
/usr/local/bin, equate (if unset) $VIM with /usr/local/share/vim, 
$VIMRUNTIME with /usr/share/vim/vim73, and look for the system vimrc at 
$VIM/vimrc. When compiled by a distro, I'm not 100% sure about Debian, 
but typical settings (as used by openSUSE) are /usr/bin, /usr/share/vim, 
/usr/share/vim/vim73 and /etc/vimrc. Both will look for your own vimrc 
at ~/.vimrc. So if you have both, your own Vim takes precedence (it is 
first in the $PATH) and the distro stuff isn't used.

I wasn't using -u NONE, sorry.  I was explaining what goes wrong
without it.  In the -u NONE case that you present, it gets cleared
because syntax starts fresh prior to loading each new buffer, so that
filetype detection can detect the file and load the proper syntax
without having to worry about clearing out the syntax of whatever
other file or files are open.

Right. This brings us back to what I was saying in the OP namely that
it is a strange design choice. Note in particular that buffer local
variables are remembered yet syntax is not. As I understand it ,
syntax is buffer specific. So why would syntax from other files have
to be cleared and why would proper syntax have to be reloaded ?  I
can't think of a scenario where I'm editing a buffer , set up a syntax
, move away , return to the buffer and now a different syntax has to
be valid.

If you don't set hidden, and use :filetype plugin on and :syntax on, 
the syntax highlights will be loaded once per buffer at buffer load. I'm 
not sure what happens with 'hidden'.

If you use :syntax on followed by :filetype off, you won't by default 
get any highlighting since filetypes won't be detected. You can then set 
syntax for one file by means of

:setlocal syntax=foobar

and by using :setlocal you will avoid changing the syntax settings of 
other present or future buffers.

If you want no highlighting in general but automatic syntax highlighting 
for sompe particular files, you can have

syntax on
filetype off

(in that order) in your vimrc, then a syntax-setting modeline near the 
beginning or the end of the files which interest you. Here are a few 
examples of such modelines:

// vim:ft=cpp:

/* vim: set ft=c :*/

!-- vim: set ft=html :--

# vim:ft=sh:


The second form (with set) is necessary when you need a comment 
trailer (as above for C and 

Re: How to map CTRL + Right Arrow

2011-09-25 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 25/09/11 18:02, Roy Fulbright wrote:

I currently have the following mapping, which works fine, to move to the
next tab in my edit session:

noremap silentLeaderright :tabnextCR

It would be much more convenient to use CTRL + Right Arrow instead of
backslash (my Leader character) + Right Arrow.
I've tried:

noremap silentCright :tabnextCR
noremap silentC-right :tabnextCR

but neither of these work. I've looked at help map, help expr, and help
leader but found no answer.
Can someone show me how to map CTRL + Right Arrow?

Thanks in advance,


1. Maybe Vim doesn't get the Ctrl-Right combination. To determine if 
that is the case, put Vim in Insert mode then hit Ctrl-V (or Ctrl-Q if 
your Ctrl-V is remapped to the paste operation) followed by Ctrl-Right. 
If nothing appears in the buffer (and, assuming that you have 'showcmd' 
on, ^V remains displayed near bottom right of the Vim screen), then Vim 
doesn't get the Ctrl-Right combo and there's nothing to be done, other 
than selecting a different {lhs} for your mapping, or using gvim, which 
should recognise the keystroke correctly.

2. Maybe Vim gets the Ctrl-Right but sees it as no different than 
something else. Still in Insert mode, hit Ctrl-K followed by Ctrl-Right. 
If Vim displays C-Right it has correctly seen the keystroke and you 
should be able to map it (by using C-Right as your {lhs}). If it 
displays Right it has seen the keystroke but as if you hadn't held 
Ctrl down: this means your terminal passes Ctrl-Right as if it were just 
Right. Anything else means the key has been misidentified.

3. If the key is seen, but not as itself and not as some recognizable 
key, then there is probably an error in the termcap for the current 
terminal. In that case

:set term?

will tell you which termcap entry Vim is using. If you don't see the 
same 'term' value on a different type of console (which can happen: e.g. 
on my system, KDE konsole and true xterm are both detected as xterm), 
you can try to add the following to your vimrc:

if term == termname
set C-Right=keycode

where termname above should be replaced by the value of 'term' (with 
quotes around it) and keycode by what you get when hitting Ctrl-V 
followed by Ctrl-Right in Insert mode (with nothing around it). 
C-Right should be left as-is (9 characters). Don't forget that in a 
:set command, white space is not allowed between the = sign and the 
value, and any space, double quote, vertical bar or backslash present as 
part of the value must be backslash-escaped.

Best regards,
I have the world's largest collection of seashells.  I keep it
scattered around the beaches of the world ... Perhaps you've seen it.
-- Steven Wright

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Re: Substitutions Triggered by autocmd Are Noisy

2011-09-25 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 25/09/11 18:49, Bastien Dejean wrote:


I'm trying to removed some of the default mutt headers since there's no
facility for doing so inside mutt. Hence the following:

 autocmd FileType mail :%s/^\(Reply-To\|Bcc\): \n//e

The only problem is that I get the Press ENTER or type command to
continue prompt.

Appending 'silent' before the substitution doesn't help.


Try setting 'report' to a high number, as follows:

au FileType mail
\ let s:report = report |
\ set report=99 |
\ %s/^\(Reply-To\|Bcc\%): \n//e |
\ let report = s:report

Best regards,
A novice was trying to fix a broken Lisp machine by turning the power
off and on.  Knight, seeing what the student was doing spoke sternly:
You can not fix a machine by just power-cycling it with no
understanding of what is going wrong.  Knight turned the machine off
and on.  The machine worked.

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Re: How to map CTRL + Right Arrow

2011-09-25 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 25/09/11 20:19, Tony Mechelynck wrote:

On 25/09/11 18:02, Roy Fulbright wrote:

I currently have the following mapping, which works fine, to move to the
next tab in my edit session:

noremap silentLeaderright :tabnextCR

It would be much more convenient to use CTRL + Right Arrow instead of
backslash (my Leader character) + Right Arrow.

Oh, and BTW: Ctrl-PageDown and Ctrl-PageUp (if Vim sees them, see my 
porevious post) should go to the next or previous tab respectively 
without the need for a mapping.

Best regards,
She is descended from a long line that her mother listened to.
-- Gypsy Rose Lee

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Re: Remembering syntax when moving in and out of buffers

2011-09-19 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 19/09/11 01:35, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:

On Mon, 19 Sep 2011, Tony Mechelynck wrote:

On 19/09/11 00:14, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:

= What [the OP was] doing: =

1. in your .vimrc (1 line):

autocmd BufReadPost,BufNewFile *.myfile source ~/myfile.vim

2. in ~/myfile.vim (6 lines of code):

if exists(b:myfile)

let b:myfile = 1
syntax match special /special/
highlight special term=bold cterm=bold

= What [the OP] could be doing (one version): =

1. in your .vimrc (3 lines):

these 3 lines actually belong in ~/.vim/filetype.vim (for Unix) or in
~/vimfiles/filetype.vim (for Windows) or in $VIM/vimfiles/filetype.vim
(for access by any user, on any OS) — in all cases, create missing
directories as you go along. The other version below (replacing
filetype.vim by ftdetect/myfile.vim and doing away with the augroup,
which Vim sets before sourcing everything in the ftdetect directory)
would also work.

Interesting. I didn't know about ~/.vim/filetype.vim.

This way this autocommand will be correctly forgotten and remembered
back if ever you do :filetype off and later :filetype on.

See :help new-filetype.

This wasn't the version I was advocating. But, since the OP implied that
creating the proper directories was more complex (Thanks but if these
are the alternatives then it's simpler to just [keep things as
before]), I was providing a way that would work without having to
create more directories.

For the record, my suggested = What you could be doing (the other
version): = is the one I actually recommend (and is what new-filetype
seems to advocate):

The way I understand it, having one filetype-detection script per 
filetype and dropping them all in a ftdetect subfolder is the way to go 
if you distribute your package (maybe as a vimball containing 
ftdetect/foobarbaz.vim, ftplugin/foobarbaz.vim, syntax/foobarbaz.vim, 
autoload/foobarbazFileHandlers.vim, autoload/foobarbazOptionsMenu.vim,
etc.). When defining filetypes for my own use only, I find it simpler 
(but YMMV) to add just one filetype-detection autocommand per filetype 
in a common ~/.vim/filetype.vim (single-user) and/or 
$VIM/vimfiles/filetype.vim (system-wide), bracketed in both cases by 
:augroup ftdetect ... :augroup END

I did not notice the ftdetect/ possibility immediately when coming to 
Vim, either (not sure which) because it didn't yet exist at the time, or 
because I imitated what Vim already does by means of 
$VIMRUNTIME/filetype.vim (which users should of course not modify 
in-place because, like anything under $VIMRUNTIME, it may be silently 
replaced by any update, thus losing your house changes if you had any).

= What you could be doing (the other version): =

1. in ~/.vim/ftdetect/myfile.vim (1 line):

au BufReadPost,BufNewFile *.myfile setf myfile

2. put the last two lines of ~/myfile.vim into ~/.vim/syntax/myfile.vim
(2 lines):

syn match special /special/
hi special term=bold cterm=bold

Best regards,
It is one of the superstitions of the human mind to have imagined that
virginity could be a virtue.
-- Voltaire

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Re: ctermbg different depending on terminal

2011-09-19 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 19/09/11 17:56, Nathan Neff wrote:


I have two terminals that I use -- xterm and urxvt.

If I open up vim in urxvt, the Visual highlighting is this:
Visual xxx term=reverse ctermbg=7 guibg=LightGrey

If I open up vim in xterm, the Visual highlighting is this:
Visual xxx term=reverse cterm=reverse guibg=LightGrey

If I open up vim in Terminator, it's the same as in Xterm

Where does the ctermbg=7 come from when I'm in urxvt?


The default could come from a different 'background' setting but 
experiment shows that current Vim 7.3 sets the Visual highlight to 
cterm=reverse in both cases (you _are_ using the same Vim version on all 
these terminals aren't you?)

To see where that highlight was last set, use

:verbose hi Visual

Vim will then tell you if that highlight was last set from a script or 
(unlikely) a modeline. If it was set by you typing ex-commands at the 
keyboard, or by Vim factory defaults, it won't tell you where it was 
set, because if it was you you should now, and if factory defaults it 
was never set.

Best regards,
For large values of one, one equals two, for small values of two.

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Re: libcall problem under windows

2011-09-19 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 19/09/11 20:17, niva wrote:


After linking this dll ...

extern C __declspec(dllexport) char * decrease(int * a);

extern C __declspec(dllexport)
char * decrease(int * a)
*a = - *a;
return NULL;

...I call it from gvim with this command
echo libcall(dlltest.dll, decrease, 5)

but I get the E364 error

From :help libcall()

[...] The function must take exactly one parameter, either a character 
pointer or a long integer, and must return a character pointer or NULL. 

So why are you declaring the function with a pointer to an integer, then 
passing it a pointer to a character string? The function, if it did no 
type-checking, would get 0x35 0x00 (5 followed by a null byte on 16 
bits), interpret it as the low word of a 32-bit integer, and change it 
and the following word to their arithmetic opposite, altering the string 
constant to something which is not a proper null-terminated string, and 
altering whatever is found in the next two bytes of memory, with 
unspecified results. If you want to get one less than the argument (as 
suggested by the name decrease) I propose the following (untested) 
which uses libcallnr() rather than libcall() since we want to return a 
numeric value rather than a string:

extern C __declspec(dllexport) int decrease(long a);

extern C __declspec(dllexport)
int decrease(long a)
  return (a-1);

:echo libcallnr('dlltest', 'decrease', 5)

(with no quotes around the 5) which should return 4 if I didn't goof, 
though I'm not sure why libcallnr() should take a long and return an 
int. Maybe I misunderstood.

Or if you want to change the sign in-place of an integer variable (as 
implied by the code you sent), well, you can't, because (the way I 
understand the help) libcall() doesn't take a pointer to an integer but 
either a pointer to a character string, or a long integer passed by 
value. But of course you could do that without libcall() by using simply

:let foo = -foo

or for the decrement case (the example I gave above)

:let foo -= 1

Best regards,
If I kiss you, that is a psychological interaction.

On the other hand, if I hit you over the head with a brick, that is
also a psychological interaction.

The difference is that one is friendly and the other is not so

The crucial point is if you can tell which is which.
-- Dolph Sharp, I'm O.K., You're Not So Hot

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Re: Setting the bold attribute for Normal text

2011-09-18 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 18/09/11 16:40, Spiros Bousbouras wrote:

I start a buffer not belonging to any specific filetype. I type some
random stuff and then do
:highlight Normal ctermfg=green
I get green letters. But if instead I do
:highlight Normal cterm=bold term=bold
I don't get bold text. What am I doing wrong ?

After setting the Normal highlight as above, does hitting Ctrl-L change 
anything? (If it does, there's a missing redraw somewhere).

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
173. You keep tracking down the email addresses of all your friends
 (even childhood friends).

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Re: Remembering syntax when moving in and out of buffers

2011-09-18 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 19/09/11 00:14, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:

On Sun, 18 Sep 2011, Spiros Bousbouras wrote:

On Sep 18, 5:45 pm, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:

On Sun, 18 Sep 2011, Spiros Bousbouras wrote:

The problem is that the filetype is being detected again every time
you switch buffers. Apparently Debian (like most distros) has a bunch
of auto-detection on filetypes. With your:

:let verbose=20

You can see there's an autocmd on BufRead that gets triggered every
time. It's conditioned on:

if !did_filetype()

And, since your filetype isn't set up the way Debian expects it
(which may or may not be the way Vim normally does it),
did_filetype() returns 0.

I'm afraid I don't follow your explanation. Don't the Debian specific
stuff become irrelevant when I do vim -u NONE ? Or do you mean that
Debian have modified the source of vim before compiling so that even
when I start vim with -u NONE some filetype detection stuff still
happens ? In the experiment with vim -u NONE a b I described why is it
that when I return to a then issuing only the syntax command (but not
the highlight command) turns on highlighting ? And I didn't see any
autocommands being executed either , the output was exactly as I
described it.

I wasn't using -u NONE, sorry. I was explaining what goes wrong without
it. In the -u NONE case that you present, it gets cleared because syntax
starts fresh prior to loading each new buffer, so that filetype
detection can detect the file and load the proper syntax without having
to worry about clearing out the syntax of whatever other file or files
are open.

There are a few ways to avoid having Vim load the buffer from scratch
each time you switch to it. One way is to set the 'hidden' option.
Another is to set bufhidden=hide. Both of those alter how buffer
management works slightly. (You can switch away from a buffer that
contains unsaved changes, for example, though Vim will prompt you about
that if you try to exit.)

Here's a version of the problem with no simplifications:
File a contains
This is a special line

File b is empty. I do
vim -u NONE a b
:let verbose=20
:syntax match special /special/
:highlight special term=bold cterm=bold

The word special gets highlighted.
b 0 lines, 0 characters
a 1 line, 23 characters

Now special is no longer highlighted.
No Syntax items defined for this buffer
:syntax match special /special/

The word special gets highlighted again. Note that this time I
didn't have to enter the highlight command to get the highlighting.

I would be especially interested if anyone who runs Debian Lenny would
try the above test.

Is Debian Lenny the same as Debian 6? I don't use Debian, but I have
VM's of Debian 5 and 6 for testing things. Under 6 is where I observed
the BufRead problem.

Debian 6 is squeeze , Debian 5 is lenny.

Works the same on Lenny for me as it did on Squeeze.

I'm not sure which parts of this are necessary, but the following
works for me. Using your example with the 'a' and 'b' files, but
moving 'a' to 'a.myfile' (so it can be detected by extension):

1. Change your autocmd for detection from:

(old:) autocmd BufReadPost,BufNewFile *.myfile source ~/myfile.vim

to, either:

i. if you *really* want to keep it in vimrc (for some reason -- not
recommended, but it worked fine in testing):

aug filetypedetect
autocmd BufReadPost,BufNewFile *.myfile setf myfile
aug END

ii. or just put it in ~/.vim/ftdetect/myfile.vim (where you don't
need the augroup wrapper):

au BufReadPost,BufNewFile *.myfile setf myfile

 au is short for :autocmd
 setf is short for :setfiletype

2. And create a file ~/.vim/syntax/myfile.vim containing just the
following two lines:

syn match special /special/
hi special term=bold cterm=bold

Then it's properly detected for me under Debian 6.

Thanks but if these are the alternatives then it's simpler just to
reexecute the syntax commands every time the buffer is loaded.

Maybe I'm missing something, but my suggestion is simpler than (or at
worst as simple as) what you're already doing. And it has the benefit
of being better-contained: All your Vim-related settings are in your
~/.vimrc file and ~/.vim directory (and its subdirs).

= What you said you were doing: =

1. in your .vimrc (1 line):

autocmd BufReadPost,BufNewFile *.myfile source ~/myfile.vim

2. in ~/myfile.vim (6 lines of code):

if exists(b:myfile)

let b:myfile = 1
syntax match special /special/
highlight special term=bold cterm=bold

= What you could be doing (one version): =

1. in your .vimrc (3 lines):

these 3 lines actually belong in ~/.vim/filetype.vim (for Unix) or in 
~/vimfiles/filetype.vim (for Windows) or in $VIM/vimfiles/filetype.vim 
(for access by any user, on any OS) — in all cases, create missing 
directories as you go along. The other version below (replacing 
filetype.vim by ftdetect/myfile.vim and doing away with the augroup, 
which Vim sets before sourcing everything in the ftdetect directory) 
would also work.

Re: vim and tmux

2011-09-17 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 17/09/11 14:40, Michael Henry wrote:

On 09/15/2011 11:20 PM, wrote:

tmux uses C-b as prefix to its commands.

I don't run tmux, but for use with GNU screen, I use the key
prefix CTRL-@ (CTRL-2 works without the SHIFT key as well),
since that's not used by Vim or anything else that I currently

Michael Henry

Ctrl-@ is NULL, not sure if Vim wouldn't identify it with Ctrl-J (see 
:help NL-used-for-Nul) which might make it problematic as the {lhs} of a 

Just my 0.20€

Best regards,
When the surgeon came to see her on the morning after her
operation, the young woman asked her somewhat hesitantly how long it
would be before she could resume her sex life.  I really haven't
thought about it, gulped the stunned surgeon.  You're the first
patient who's asked me that after a tonsillectomy!

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Re: Interrupt a while as CTRL_C

2011-09-15 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 15/09/11 20:19, niva wrote:


I am running this script and would like to interrupt it from a call
feedkeys(\C-c) but it does not work.

while 1

calll system(myexe)
sleep 1000m


When I type CTRL + C on my keyboard, it works and stop the while loop.

When I click on amenu icon that execute :call feedkeys((\C-c)CR  it
fails and does not stop the current while loop script.

Thanks for help


func s:Sleep(prog)
while 1
call system(a:prog)
sleep 1
if getchar(0) == 3

command -nargs=1 -complete=shellcmd SleepCall call s:Sleep(q-args)

Invoke it at the console or in a script by
:call SleepCall('myexe')

Get out of it (I think) by hitting Ctrl-C or by feedkeys(\C-C). 
Anything else you type before Crtl-C is discarded.

Best regards,
Klein bottle for sale ... inquire within.

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Re: gvim or vim in console...

2011-09-14 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 14/09/11 22:55, Shay wrote:

Just switched. After 8-9 years or so, I went a little deeper into
colorschemes and plugins and found that vim was trashed outside of X. I'm
sure there's a way to call vim from the command line without plugins or
.vimrc, but I wouldn't remember it.


without plugins and vimrc
vim -u NONE

with plugins, without vimrc
vim -u NORC

with vimrc, without plugins
vim --noplugin

see :help --noplugin

If you load Vim with no vimrc, you may want to add the -N command-line 
switch in order to start in 'nocompatible' mode.

see :help -N

Best regards,
Major Premise: Sixty men can do a piece of work sixty times as quickly
as one man.

Minor Premise: One man can dig a posthole in sixty seconds.

Conclusion: Sixty men can dig a posthole in one second.
-- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

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Re: recolor the extra gray pixels around fullscreen gvim.

2011-09-13 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 14/09/11 02:01, Shay wrote:

Looks like gvim maximizes to the greatest number of full lines and columns?
The rest of the screen is filled with pale gray.

Can I recolor the filled area? Changing my gtk theme doesn't seem to help.

If your GTK or KDE (or Windows or Mac) theme doesn't help, then AFAIK 
you can't, other than by changing the C source, maybe, but I don't know 
where; and recompiling. Needless to say, the expected return on 
investment is probably too low to justify making the attempt, possibly 
negative (side-effects, regressions, ...).

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
170. You introduce your wife as my_l...@home.wife and refer to your
 children as forked processes.

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Re: yank inner word

2011-09-12 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 12/09/11 20:24, Spiros Bousbouras wrote:

On Sep 12, 3:40 pm, Ben  wrote:

Yikes! Text-objects are way more useful without using visual mode,

Ok , I'm convinced text objects are wonderful. Is there a way to get
the line range covered by a text object to be used in user defined
commands ? I can see that you can yank the object itself and use the
yanked text in your command but say that for whatever reason you
want the line range or even better the byte range which the object
occupies. Is there a way to get that ?

Getting the line range or the byte range covered by an object into 
user-defined commands is possible: it's what operator-pending mappings 
are all about. But I don't pretend that I really understand it.

Best regards,
It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than forgiveness for
being right.

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