[android-developers] Activity launch timeout even with wakelock

2009-10-20 Thread Kiran

I have the following code in Oncreate of my activity:

   static String linkUrl = http://www.google.com/;;

   protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

   PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService
   PowerManager.WakeLock wl = pm.newWakeLock
(PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK, My Tag);

   try {
   URL connectURL = new URL(linkUrl);
   HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)
   DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream
   byte[] data = new byte[1024];
   int len = dis.read(data, 0, 1024);
   dataText = new String(data, 0, len);
   catch(Exception e)
   Log.e(TAG, Exception);

   TextView bodyText = (EditText) findViewById

I declared the following permissions in manifest:

   uses-permission android:name=android.permission.INTERNET /
   uses-permission android:name=android.permission.WAKE_LOCK/

Here is my xml layout file:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
LinearLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/

   ListView android:id=@+id/android:fetchlist
   TextView android:id=@+id/android:fetchtext

Problem is, application goes to force close with following error:

10-19 22:11:49.404: DEBUG/FetchData(715): Entered OnCreate
10-19 22:11:49.413: DEBUG/FetchData(715): Set URL
10-19 22:11:49.435: DEBUG/FetchData(715): HttpURLConnection
10-19 22:11:49.464: DEBUG/FetchData(715): DIS
10-19 22:11:56.013: DEBUG/FetchData(715): Read

10-19 22:11:59.191: WARN/ActivityManager(574): Launch timeout has
expired, giving up wake lock!
10-19 22:11:59.307: WARN/ActivityManager(574): Activity idle timeout
for HistoryRecord{438d4478 com.android.demo.notepad3/.FetchData}
10-19 22:12:01.455: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(715): Shutting down VM

10-19 22:12:01.455: WARN/dalvikvm(715): threadid=3: thread exiting
with uncaught exception (group=0x4001aa28)
10-19 22:12:01.465: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): Uncaught handler:
thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715):
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): Caused by:

[android-developers] Activity launch timeout even with wakelock

2009-10-20 Thread Kiran

I have the following code in Oncreate of my activity:

   static String linkUrl = http://www.google.com/;;

   protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

   PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService
   PowerManager.WakeLock wl = pm.newWakeLock
(PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK, My Tag);

   try {
   URL connectURL = new URL(linkUrl);
   HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)
   DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream
   byte[] data = new byte[1024];
   int len = dis.read(data, 0, 1024);
   dataText = new String(data, 0, len);
   catch(Exception e)
   Log.e(TAG, Exception);

   TextView bodyText = (EditText) findViewById

I declared the following permissions in manifest:

   uses-permission android:name=android.permission.INTERNET /
   uses-permission android:name=android.permission.WAKE_LOCK/

Here is my xml layout file:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
LinearLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/

   ListView android:id=@+id/android:fetchlist
   TextView android:id=@+id/android:fetchtext

Problem is, application goes to force close with following error:

10-19 22:11:49.404: DEBUG/FetchData(715): Entered OnCreate
10-19 22:11:49.413: DEBUG/FetchData(715): Set URL
10-19 22:11:49.435: DEBUG/FetchData(715): HttpURLConnection
10-19 22:11:49.464: DEBUG/FetchData(715): DIS
10-19 22:11:56.013: DEBUG/FetchData(715): Read

10-19 22:11:59.191: WARN/ActivityManager(574): Launch timeout has
expired, giving up wake lock!
10-19 22:11:59.307: WARN/ActivityManager(574): Activity idle timeout
for HistoryRecord{438d4478 com.android.demo.notepad3/.FetchData}
10-19 22:12:01.455: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(715): Shutting down VM

10-19 22:12:01.455: WARN/dalvikvm(715): threadid=3: thread exiting
with uncaught exception (group=0x4001aa28)
10-19 22:12:01.465: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): Uncaught handler:
thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715):
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): at
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): Caused by:

[android-developers] Re: Activity launch timeout even with wakelock

2009-10-20 Thread Kiran

Experts, Any help here?


On Oct 20, 8:23 am, Kiran kiran.julapa...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have the following code in Oncreate of my activity:

    static String linkUrl = http://www.google.com/;;

        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

                PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService
                PowerManager.WakeLock wl = pm.newWakeLock
 (PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK, My Tag);

        try {
                URL connectURL = new URL(linkUrl);
                HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)
                DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream
                byte[] data = new byte[1024];
                int len = dis.read(data, 0, 1024);
                dataText = new String(data, 0, len);
        catch(Exception e)
            Log.e(TAG, Exception);

        TextView bodyText = (EditText) findViewById

 I declared the following permissions in manifest:
    uses-permission android:name=android.permission.INTERNET /
    uses-permission android:name=android.permission.WAKE_LOCK/
 Here is my xml layout file:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 LinearLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/

    ListView android:id=@+id/android:fetchlist
        TextView android:id=@+id/android:fetchtext

 Problem is, application goes to force close with following error:
 10-19 22:11:49.404: DEBUG/FetchData(715): Entered OnCreate
 10-19 22:11:49.413: DEBUG/FetchData(715): Set URL
 10-19 22:11:49.435: DEBUG/FetchData(715): HttpURLConnection
 10-19 22:11:49.464: DEBUG/FetchData(715): DIS
 10-19 22:11:56.013: DEBUG/FetchData(715): Read
 10-19 22:11:59.191: WARN/ActivityManager(574): Launch timeout has
 expired, giving up wake lock!
 10-19 22:11:59.307: WARN/ActivityManager(574): Activity idle timeout
 for HistoryRecord{438d4478 com.android.demo.notepad3/.FetchData}
 10-19 22:12:01.455: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(715): Shutting down VM

 10-19 22:12:01.455: WARN/dalvikvm(715): threadid=3: thread exiting
 with uncaught exception (group=0x4001aa28)
 10-19 22:12:01.465: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715): Uncaught handler:
 thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
 10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715):
 java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo
 10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715):     at
 10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715):     at
 10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715):     at
 10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715):     at
 10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715):     at
 10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715):     at
 10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715):     at
 10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715):     at
 java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
 10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715):     at
 10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715):     at
 10-19 22:12:01.834: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(715

[android-developers] Re: Activity launch timeout even with wakelock

2009-10-22 Thread Kiran

I updated the code as following. However, now I see that the display
is not updated with the text. Am I missing something?

static String linkUrl = http://www.google.com;;

String dataText;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Log.d(TAG, OnCreate begins);
new HttpConnect1().execute();

private class HttpConnect1 extends AsyncTaskVoid, Void, Void
protected Void doInBackground(Void... nulls)
try {
URL connectURL = new URL(linkUrl);
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream 
byte[] data = new byte[1024];
int len = dis.read(data, 0, 1024);
dataText = new String(data, 0, len);
catch(Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, Exception getting HTTPResponse);
return null;
return null;

protected void onPostExecute(Void nothing)
TextView bodyText = (TextView) findViewById

On Oct 20, 1:16 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 Kiran wrote:
  Experts, Any help here?
     static String linkUrl = http://www.google.com/;;

         protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

                 PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService
                 PowerManager.WakeLock wl = pm.newWakeLock
  (PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK, My Tag);

 Why are you asking for a WakeLock in an Activity's onCreate()?

         try {
                 URL connectURL = new URL(linkUrl);
                 HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)
                 DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream
                 byte[] data = new byte[1024];
                 int len = dis.read(data, 0, 1024);
                 dataText = new String(data, 0, len);
         catch(Exception e)
             Log.e(TAG, Exception);

 Never do HTTP I/O on the UI thread. Use AsyncTask or something to do
 this work on a background thread.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books.html
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[android-developers] Re: Activity launch timeout even with wakelock

2009-10-22 Thread Kiran

I did that.. every statement is properly executed and see that
bodyText.setText(dataText); is called and the value of dataText is
the full html of the google.com

On Oct 22, 4:47 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 Kiran wrote:
  I updated the code as following. However, now I see that the display
  is not updated with the text. Am I missing something?

      static String linkUrl = http://www.google.com;;

      String dataText;

     protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
          Log.d(TAG, OnCreate begins);
          new HttpConnect1().execute();

      private class HttpConnect1 extends AsyncTaskVoid, Void, Void
             protected Void doInBackground(Void... nulls)
                     try {
                             URL connectURL = new URL(linkUrl);
                             HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)
                             DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream 
                             byte[] data = new byte[1024];
                             int len = dis.read(data, 0, 1024);
                             dataText = new String(data, 0, len);
                     catch(Exception e) {
                             Log.e(TAG, Exception getting HTTPResponse);
                             return null;
                     return null;

             protected void onPostExecute(Void nothing)
                     TextView bodyText = (TextView) findViewById

 It is impossible to tell. Use a debugger, or put some Log calls in
 onPostExecute(), and confirm that it is being called. Or, check your
 LogCat to see if you are getting an exception that is being logged by
 your existing code.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books.html
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[android-developers] Re: Activity launch timeout even with wakelock

2009-10-23 Thread Kiran

Hierarchy viewer shows the text view. Also the data contains the html
page. Here is the screenshot of hierarchy viewer:

On Oct 22, 5:21 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 Kiran wrote:
  I did that.. every statement is properly executed and see that
  bodyText.setText(dataText); is called and the value of dataText is
  the full html of the google.com

 OK, try using hierarchyviewer to confirm that your TextView is actually
 on screen, visible, etc.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 _The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_
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[android-developers] Re: Activity launch timeout even with wakelock

2009-10-23 Thread Kiran

Thanks Mark,
Hierachy viewer did help me. The issue is in the xml file. I am not
sure why I had the listview in first place and removing it solved the
problem. But the process exposed to a good toolset that will help me
in future debugging.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
LinearLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/
   ListView android:id=@+id/android:fetchlist
   TextView android:id=@+id/android:fetchtext

On Oct 23, 7:47 am, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 Kiran wrote:
  Hierarchy viewer shows the text view. Also the data contains the html
  page. Here is the screenshot of hierarchy viewer:


 That means your background processing is working just fine. Now all you
 need to do is figure out why the text is not showing up, such as:

 -- The TextView is off-screen
 -- The TextView is hidden behind something else
 -- The TextView has black text on a black background
 -- The TextView has zero height or width
 -- etc.

 hierarchyviewer should be able to help with much of that.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 _Android Programming Tutorials_ Version 1.0 Available!
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[android-developers] Re: How to implement SyncML Device management objects in android

2010-01-26 Thread kiran
Thanks for u r reply.
Can u tell me how to change this DevInfo information.
In SyncML Device management if server sends replace command we need to
change this
DevInfo in our device.
How to acheive this .
Please help me if u know any idea.

On Jan 21, 2:37 pm, Miguel Paraz mpa...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Jan 21, 5:26 pm, saikiran n saikiran@gmail.com wrote:

  Bearer- Type of the bearer(I didn't get information about this)

 TelephonyManager can give you this.

  Oem-original equipment manufaturer((I didn't get information about this)

 I don't think there is a method to get the OEM - even the phone
 doesn't know!

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[android-developers] Re: How to send data along a phone call

2010-01-28 Thread kiran
Thanks kevln for u r reply.
Actually my interest in the data means just to send some string like a
name what u said.
But it is not working.
We can use intents to transfer data between activities so thats why
iam trying in this fashion.
In case of sms also we are using intent to transfer our message.
Can't we use same principle here?
Thank u once again

On Jan 29, 11:22 am, Kevin Duffey andjar...@gmail.com wrote:
 I doubt it. I think the extra is for the intent receiver to make use of.
 That is, the phone call api, if it allowed for some extra data that it could
 use in some way, say a String name value for it to display in the panel
 instead of the phone number, that is what that is for. It's not going to
 send data along with the voice call over the wire to the other end. Unless
 the other end is an app that knows it's coming, it wouldn't know what to do
 with it anyway.

 On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 9:22 PM, saikiran n saikiran@gmail.com wrote:
  I have implemented the application to send and receive calls.
  I am making a call by an intent.
  If we keep some data in this intent shall we receive at receiver side?
  I am doing this but i got the null.
  Where iam wrong my code is

  for making call
   String phoneNumber=5554;  //here i used to emulators for testing
          Uri uri=Uri.fromParts(tel, phoneNumber,null);
          Intent callIntent=new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL,uri);
          //callIntent.putExtra(key, My phone data);
          Intent data=new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
          data.putExtra(kay,this is my data);

  on receiver side
  public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {

      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

      String data=intent.getStringExtra(key);

            Log.d(ur data,u received null;
  In the above case my receiver is invoking upon a incoming call but i didn't
  get the data.
  Please help me

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[android-developers] Content Observer

2010-02-18 Thread Kiran
As per normal content observer, you will just get to know that content
has been changed but not the data.

So how can I exactly find out what changes has been made using Content
Is there any alternative way to obtain the changes done on specific
content URI?

Thanks a lot in advance !!


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[android-developers] Re: How to dynamically modify xml file in android

2010-08-31 Thread kiran
Yes It is available in android 2.2
Thank u

On Aug 30, 10:41 pm, DanH danhi...@ieee.org wrote:
 The Android docs list  javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory as being
 available, though I've never tried it on Android.

 On Aug 30, 6:43 am, saikiran n saikiran@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi ,
   I want to modify an xml file which is in sdcard dynamically.
  How can we acheive this in android. I have seen some java code as follows

  try {  
          File file = new File(connections.xml);

          //Create instance of DocumentBuilderFactory
          DocumentBuilderFactory factory = 

          //Get the DocumentBuilder
          DocumentBuilder docBuilder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();

          //Using existing XML Document
          Document doc = docBuilder.parse(file);

          //create the root element
          Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();

          //create child element
          Element childElement = doc.createElement(number);

          //Add the attribute to the child

          //set up a transformer
          TransformerFactory transfac = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
          Transformer trans = transfac.newTransformer();

          //create string from xml tree
          StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
          StreamResult result = new StreamResult(sw);
          DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
          trans.transform(source, result);
          String xmlString = sw.toString();

          OutputStream f0;
          byte buf[] = xmlString.getBytes();
          f0 = new FileOutputStream(connections.xml);
          for(int i=0;ibuf .length;i++) {
          buf = null;
       catch(SAXException e) {
       catch(IOException e) {
       catch(ParserConfigurationException e) {
       catch(TransformerConfigurationException e) {
       catch(TransformerException e) {

  But The TransformerFactory class is not avalible in android sdk.
  How can we handle above code
  Any help please,
  Thanks in advance

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[android-developers] usb 3g cdma datacard on android

2010-09-05 Thread kiran
Hi All
i am using external usb 3g cdma datacard and Android-2.2 froyo on
non-mobile device platform, But i want to use the cdma network data
connection through usb on Android. Is there anything i  need to modify radio
interface layer and Network Settings connection in Android to make it work


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[android-developers] Re: How to import android.content.IntentReceiver;

2010-09-07 Thread kiran
Thank you

On Sep 7, 6:49 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 9:39 AM, saikiran n saikiran@gmail.com wrote:
  If iam trying to import android.content.IntentReceiver; it shows error
  symbol not found. In which sdk it is available.
  I am trying with 2.2

 IntentReceiver was removed from the Android SDK about two years ago,
 replaced by BroadcastReceiver. You may wish to find newer sample code
 to replace wherever you found the reference to IntentReceiver.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Android Training in London:http://skillsmatter.com/go/os-mobile-server

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[android-developers] Re: how to read database of one application in another application using contentproviders

2010-04-13 Thread kiran
Hi sreehari thanks for your reply.
But i didn't solved my problem.
I will give some more inputs to you
Application1 Manifest file looks like this
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=@string/
activity android:name=.MyTable
action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
 android:authorities=com.android.mytable  //Here i didn't
understand what is this authority time being iam giving package name
of the application one

uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=5 /
In this application iam reading the database
its manifest file is
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=@string/
activity android:name=.MyActivity
action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /


uses-permission android:name=com.android.mytable.Permission.READ /
uses-permission android:name=com.android.mytable.Permission.WRITE /


Where com.android.mytable is the package name of Application One and
MyContentProviders is Class name which extends ContentProvider in
application One

Still iam getting the same problem ie security exception permission
denied to read com.android.mytable.MyContentProviders

Please can you help me if possible

On Apr 12, 10:48 am, SREEHARI sreehari.madhusooda...@wipro.com

    In the manifest file of both applications you have to give
 In the manifest file of application with content provider you have to
 give the following permission

  provider android:name=.
             android:readPermission = /*Package name of Content
             android:writePermission = /*Package name of Content
             android:multiprocess = true android:exported=true

 In the manifest file of application you going to use this provider,
 you havr to give uses permission

 uses-permission android:name=/*Package name of Content
 provider*/.Permission.READ /
      uses-permission android:name=/*package name of Content
 provider*/.Permission.WRITE /

 You have to give the same permissions in both manifests


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[android-developers] Re: how to read database of one application in another application using contentproviders

2010-04-14 Thread kiran
hi Sreehari,
I used the following content URI
as follows
Uri myURI  = Uri.parse(content://com.android.mytable/table1);
The above i used in application one while creating database
The same myURI used in application2 two query the table.
com.android.mytable is the actual package name of the application1 and
i have given same thing as authorites tag in provider in manifestfile
of application one

On Apr 14, 10:44 am, SREEHARI sreehari.madhusooda...@wipro.com
 Hi Kiran,

    I want to know how you are specifying the content uri?? Can u
 pls provide the code snippet of your CONTENT URI..

 I used Uri mUri = Uri.parse(content://com.wipro.FTCProvider.CellInfo/
 profiles);  instead of
     Uri mUri = Uri.parse(CellInfo.CONTENT_URI) ;

 Try to give the complete uri in ur application which u r accessing the
 content provider. Dont use the static variable CONTENT_URI even if u
 assign the complete value to that.


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[android-developers] Re: how to read database of one application in another application using contentproviders

2010-04-14 Thread kiran
hi bobs
i followed u r suggestion. Now i over come exception ie read
permission denied.
But while quering data i got null
Below is my code in reading data in application2

String columns[] = new String[] { _id,roll,name};
Uri myUri = Uri.parse(content://com.example.mytable/table1);
ContentProviderClient cpc =

Cursor cur = cpc.query(myUri, columns, null,null,null);
Toast.makeText(this, Query returned null,
  else {
if (cur.moveToFirst()) {
String id = null;
String roll=null;
String userName = null;
do {
 id = cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(_id));
 userName = cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(name));
 Toast.makeText(this, id +   +roll+  + userName,
} while (cur.moveToNext());


can u give me any suggestion

On Apr 14, 12:53 pm, Bob Kerns r...@acm.org wrote:
 I believe your problem is that you don't declare the permissions with
 the permission/ tag in the Application1 manifest.

 To verify this, I created two apps, with your manifests. I changed the
 package name from 'com.android' to 'com.example', because you
 shouldn't be using com.android, but otherwise used your manifests. I
 wrote a minimal bit of code for each app. I was able to reproduce the

 Once I added the following:

 permission android:name=com.example.mytable.Permission.READ
 android:protectionLevel=normal android:description=@string/hello/
 permission android:name=com.example.mytable.Permission.WRITE
 android:protectionLevel=normal android:description=@string/hello/

 And *redeployed* Application 2, it no longer got the security
 exception. (It started getting other errors, since I didn't really
 implement the provider's cursor, but they're the expected sort of

 Note that it is essential to deploy Application 2 again AFTER fixing
 Application 1, because the decisions about application permissions are
 made at installation time.

 On Apr 13, 4:41 am, kiran saikiran@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi sreehari thanks for your reply.
  But i didn't solved my problem.
  I will give some more inputs to you
  Application1 Manifest file looks like this
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
  manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
      application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=@string/
          activity android:name=.MyTable
                  action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
  android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
       android:authorities=com.android.mytable  //Here i didn't
  understand what is this authority time being iam giving package name
  of the application one

      uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=5 /
  In this application iam reading the database
  its manifest file is
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
  manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
      application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=@string/
          activity android:name=.MyActivity
                  action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
  android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /


  uses-permission android:name=com.android.mytable.Permission.READ /
  uses-permission android:name=com.android.mytable.Permission.WRITE /


  Where com.android.mytable is the package name of Application One and
  MyContentProviders is Class name which extends ContentProvider in
  application One

  Still iam getting the same problem ie security exception permission
  denied to read com.android.mytable.MyContentProviders

  Please can you help me if possible

  On Apr 12, 10:48 am, SREEHARI sreehari.madhusooda...@wipro.com


      In the manifest file of both applications you have to give
   In the manifest file of application

[android-developers] AV sync mismatch after seek in Real media files.

2010-04-28 Thread kiran
I have integrated Real Media (RM) to Eclair. In real media files, the
audio codec can be one of the 2 formats, AAC or G2COOK (also called as
Real Media 8 Low Bit rate, this is a constant bit rate codec, while
AAC is a VBR codec).

During Normal playback, there is AV sync in all real media files
irrespective of the audio format used is AAC or G2COOK, where as if I
seek, there is AV sync in all real media files with AAC as audio but
there is AV sync mismatch in all the real media files with G2COOK as
audio. Most of the times, audio will be heard ahead of video.

One of the differences between AAC and G2COOK formats is, if the audio
format used is AAC, the RM audio packet will have multiple encoded
audio frames and this packet can be decoded by the decoder
independently. Where as if the audio format used is G2COOK, the RM
audio packets are interleaved upto a factor of 30 packets, and the
decoder needs to buffer all the 30 packets before it deinterleves all
the packets and decodes all the encoded frames in each of those
packets.The first of these 30 packets is called a audio key frame.
So, essentially after repositioning (seeking ) the file, I need to
look for the closed audio keyframe as well as video keyframe around
the seeked position and return the PTS of these 2 packets to the
player upon request. One observation on the PTS of AV keyframe packets
after seek is
Audio PTS = 26000 ms
Video PTS = 20500 ms

or something like

Audio PTS = 11000 ms
Video PTS = 17500 ms

where there is a difference of as much as 6-7 secs between the
keyframes of AV streams.

At the OMX_ra_component.cpp, whenever I recieve the audio keyframe, I
just do a memcpy of the packet in decoder's internal memory and give
back input buffer size as totally consumed while output buffer size
decoded as zero. This is done till I recieve the 29 packets, and after
recieving the last frame of this audio block, while I again send the
input buffer size as totally consumed, I will now send the total
decoded samples of the 30 audio packets recieved till now.

While the AV sync mismatch right after the seek, there is the same
constant delay till the EOF between audio and video. Always audio
played ahead. Any pointers to resolve the issue is highly appreciated.


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[android-developers] Re: AV sync mismatch after seek in Real media files.

2010-04-29 Thread kiran
Hello all,
Here is the explaination I got from real media people...regarding the
AV Sync issue

In case of cook audio the timestamp of first packet (audio keyframe)
of the superblock after seek will be
always be ahead of the playback clock, when compared to that of aac
where every packet is a key frame.
Helix player is aware of this and hence after decoding the entire
the client engine will clip the decoded buffer at the begining before
giving it to the renderer.
The number of frames of decoded audio that will be clipped will be
calculated using the sampling
rate of the audio , play duration of the current decoded super block
as well as the difference
between PTS of the first packet of superblock with refrence to the
actual playback clock.

Any of the PV experts , please let me know how can I drop the decoded
audio before giving it to the
renderer in opencore, as at the omx component level, after decoding, I
do not have the information of
playback clock and the hence the diff of audio packet w.r.t the
playback clock.

The issue is high priority and any quick help is appreciated. Thanks.

On Apr 28, 6:28 pm, kiran avndki...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have integrated Real Media (RM) to Eclair. In real media files, the
 audio codec can be one of the 2 formats, AAC or G2COOK (also called as
 Real Media 8 Low Bit rate, this is a constant bit rate codec, while
 AAC is a VBR codec).

 During Normal playback, there is AV sync in all real media files
 irrespective of the audio format used is AAC or G2COOK, where as if I
 seek, there is AV sync in all real media files with AAC as audio but
 there is AV sync mismatch in all the real media files with G2COOK as
 audio. Most of the times, audio will be heard ahead of video.

 One of the differences between AAC and G2COOK formats is, if the audio
 format used is AAC, the RM audio packet will have multiple encoded
 audio frames and this packet can be decoded by the decoder
 independently. Where as if the audio format used is G2COOK, the RM
 audio packets are interleaved upto a factor of 30 packets, and the
 decoder needs to buffer all the 30 packets before it deinterleves all
 the packets and decodes all the encoded frames in each of those
 packets.The first of these 30 packets is called a audio key frame.
 So, essentially after repositioning (seeking ) the file, I need to
 look for the closed audio keyframe as well as video keyframe around
 the seeked position and return the PTS of these 2 packets to the
 player upon request. One observation on the PTS of AV keyframe packets
 after seek is
 Audio PTS = 26000 ms
 Video PTS = 20500 ms

 or something like

 Audio PTS = 11000 ms
 Video PTS = 17500 ms

 where there is a difference of as much as 6-7 secs between the
 keyframes of AV streams.

 At the OMX_ra_component.cpp, whenever I recieve the audio keyframe, I
 just do a memcpy of the packet in decoder's internal memory and give
 back input buffer size as totally consumed while output buffer size
 decoded as zero. This is done till I recieve the 29 packets, and after
 recieving the last frame of this audio block, while I again send the
 input buffer size as totally consumed, I will now send the total
 decoded samples of the 30 audio packets recieved till now.

 While the AV sync mismatch right after the seek, there is the same
 constant delay till the EOF between audio and video. Always audio
 played ahead. Any pointers to resolve the issue is highly appreciated.


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[android-developers] Re: How to execute shell script file from android application

2010-07-28 Thread kiran
Is your code $SETPROP net.if.default rmnet0*  need a root access
If so from android application may be we don't have root previliges

On Jul 28, 3:39 pm, Suchita Sharma suchi.bhard...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I am trying to execute a shell script from application using

 java.lang.Process API.

 The script file is executing properly as i am able to get logs but the line

 *$SETPROP net.if.default rmnet0*
 is not getting executed.

 has anyone able to execute .sh file from application succesfully.

 Code Snippet:
 *Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(str);*
 $LOG -t test++Setting up default iface

 $SETPROP net.if.default rmnet0
 $LOG -t test++Setting done 

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[android-developers] flash audio problems

2010-07-30 Thread kiran
Hi All
  flash audio is repeating twice  in android 2.2. Is this
because of processor limitation or  flash Bug.


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[android-developers] system_server debugging using eclipse.

2010-09-14 Thread kiran
how can  i  debug the android telephony and radio service part  of android
(system_server) using eclipse debugging tool.

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[android-developers] wifi not remembering the access point

2010-09-22 Thread kiran
Hi All
i am using ralink wifi driver in android, i am able to connect to
the access-point using the Wireless Settings provided in the Android, But
once i connect to the network and restart the wifi i have to reconnect
manually by providing the authentication key. Wifi Manager is not
remembering the last access point used . i am using the Settings application
provided by the android.


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[android-developers] webpage zooming on android using the keys

2010-10-01 Thread kiran
Hi All
 we are running  android on  a non touch device, So i need to zoom
the web-pages of the android browser using the Keys.  Is there any way can i
use the existing webkit built-in  zoom features of the android browser to
zoom the webpage using the any keys rather than touch based.

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[android-developers] Re: javax.xml.xpath.XPath For android 2.0.1

2010-12-28 Thread kiran

I gone through the following post


Now the compilation is success. But during run time i got the
following error messages as follows

12-28 16:42:33.096: INFO/dalvikvm(281): Could not find method
javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory.newInstance, referenced from method
12-28 16:42:33.106: WARN/dalvikvm(281): VFY: unable to resolve static
method 1071: Ljavax/xml/xpath/XPathFactory;.newInstance ()Ljavax/xml/
12-28 16:42:33.106: DEBUG/dalvikvm(281): VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at
12-28 16:42:33.106: DEBUG/dalvikvm(281): Making a copy of Lcom/sct/
syncml/dm/client/common/utils/Util;.checkForNode code (210 bytes)
12-28 16:42:33.116: INFO/dalvikvm(281): Could not find method
javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newInstance, referenced from
method com.android.util.saveXml
12-28 16:42:33.126: WARN/dalvikvm(281): VFY: unable to resolve static
method 1061: Ljavax/xml/transform/TransformerFactory;.newInstance
12-28 16:42:33.126: DEBUG/dalvikvm(281): VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at

On Dec 21, 3:30 pm, saikiran n saikiran@gmail.com wrote:
 android is supporting javax.xml.xpath.XPath in api level 8 ie 2.2
 But i am writing some application for 2.0.1  in that there is a need for
 XPath parser.
 I downloaded jar file from findjar.com
 But when i added the jar file to my application i got the following build

 trouble processing javax/xml/XMLConstants.class:
 [2010-12-21 15:49:59 - Client]
 Attempt to include a core class (java.* or javax.*) in something other
 than a core library. It is likely that you have attempted to include
 in an application the core library (or a part thereof) from a desktop
 virtual machine. This will most assuredly not work. At a minimum, it
 jeopardizes the compatibility of your app with future versions of the
 platform. It is also often of questionable legality.

 If you really intend to build a core library -- which is only
 appropriate as part of creating a full virtual machine distribution,
 as opposed to compiling an application -- then use the
 --core-library option to suppress this error message.

 If you go ahead and use --core-library but are in fact building an
 application, then be forewarned that your application will still fail
 to build or run, at some point. Please be prepared for angry customers
 who find, for example, that your application ceases to function once
 they upgrade their operating system. You will be to blame for this

 If you are legitimately using some code that happens to be in a core
 package, then the easiest safe alternative you have is to repackage
 that code. That is, move the classes in question into your own package
 namespace. This means that they will never be in conflict with core
 system classes. If you find that you cannot do this, then that is an
 indication that the path you are on will ultimately lead to pain,
 suffering, grief, and lamentation.

 [2010-12-21 15:49:59 - Client] 1 error; aborting
 [2010-12-21 15:49:59 - Client] Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error

 Any help please,

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[android-developers] Re: javax.xml.xpath.XPath For android 2.0.1

2010-12-30 Thread kiran

I don't have any progress to bring javax.xml.xpath to android 2.0.1
 I am rewriting my application using dom4j. Downloaded the dom4j-
I have seen some tutorial at

Everything is working fine with this api. But i am unable to get
attribute names/values
In this case it is behaving differently

For example my xml file is as follows
Database name=App format=text
Info format=plain level=2Name/Info
I want to get attributes of Info Node
This is my sample code
 String xmlFileName = sample.xml;
  String xPath = //Database/Info;
  Document document = getDocument( xmlFileName );
  ListNode nodes = document.selectNodes( xPath );
  for (Node node : nodes)

 String value = node.valueOf( @format );
   This is giving null value
   If i queering for attribute name it is working fine. I observed
that only the first attribute it is recognizing

The same code is working fine in pure java application
Is any one tested this on android
Any help please

On Dec 28, 4:40 pm, kiran saikiran@gmail.com wrote:
 I gone through the following post


 Now the compilation is success. But during run time i got the
 following error messages as follows

 12-28 16:42:33.096: INFO/dalvikvm(281): Could not find method
 javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory.newInstance, referenced from method
 12-28 16:42:33.106: WARN/dalvikvm(281): VFY: unable to resolve static
 method 1071: Ljavax/xml/xpath/XPathFactory;.newInstance ()Ljavax/xml/
 12-28 16:42:33.106: DEBUG/dalvikvm(281): VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at
 12-28 16:42:33.106: DEBUG/dalvikvm(281): Making a copy of Lcom/sct/
 syncml/dm/client/common/utils/Util;.checkForNode code (210 bytes)
 12-28 16:42:33.116: INFO/dalvikvm(281): Could not find method
 javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newInstance, referenced from
 method com.android.util.saveXml
 12-28 16:42:33.126: WARN/dalvikvm(281): VFY: unable to resolve static
 method 1061: Ljavax/xml/transform/TransformerFactory;.newInstance
 12-28 16:42:33.126: DEBUG/dalvikvm(281): VFY: replacing opcode 0x71 at

 On Dec 21, 3:30 pm, saikiran n saikiran@gmail.com wrote:

  android is supporting javax.xml.xpath.XPath in api level 8 ie 2.2
  But i am writing some application for 2.0.1  in that there is a need for
  XPath parser.
  I downloaded jar file from findjar.com
  But when i added the jar file to my application i got the following build

  trouble processing javax/xml/XMLConstants.class:
  [2010-12-21 15:49:59 - Client]
  Attempt to include a core class (java.* or javax.*) in something other
  than a core library. It is likely that you have attempted to include
  in an application the core library (or a part thereof) from a desktop
  virtual machine. This will most assuredly not work. At a minimum, it
  jeopardizes the compatibility of your app with future versions of the
  platform. It is also often of questionable legality.

  If you really intend to build a core library -- which is only
  appropriate as part of creating a full virtual machine distribution,
  as opposed to compiling an application -- then use the
  --core-library option to suppress this error message.

  If you go ahead and use --core-library but are in fact building an
  application, then be forewarned that your application will still fail
  to build or run, at some point. Please be prepared for angry customers
  who find, for example, that your application ceases to function once
  they upgrade their operating system. You will be to blame for this

  If you are legitimately using some code that happens to be in a core
  package, then the easiest safe alternative you have is to repackage
  that code. That is, move the classes in question into your own package
  namespace. This means that they will never be in conflict with core
  system classes. If you find that you cannot do this, then that is an
  indication that the path you are on will ultimately lead to pain,
  suffering, grief, and lamentation.

  [2010-12-21 15:49:59 - Client] 1 error; aborting
  [2010-12-21 15:49:59 - Client] Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error

  Any help please,

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[android-developers] Re: Listview not supporting if list extends screen size

2010-10-20 Thread kiran

On Oct 20, 7:50 pm, saikiran n saikiran@gmail.com wrote:
 I created a list view in an activity and the list shows some fields.
 When we click a list item a custom dialog should pop up and the user can
 enter some new value to this field.
 The custom dialog contains one edit text and two buttons ok and cancel.
 It is working fine. But when my list is more that means if it exceeds screen
 size it is showing scroll.
 But when we select bottom items which we can select using scroll the dialog
 is appearing in normal fashion. But after entering new value if i am trying
 to save the application is getting crashed.


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[android-developers] Re: Geocoder throwing exception

2010-11-30 Thread kiran
In the same device i run some apk which is showing google maps.
I don't know what code they were using in the apk.
You mean to say that should i test with wifi instead of GPS

On Dec 1, 2:04 am, ip332 iprile...@gmail.com wrote:
 Geocoding has nothing in common with GPS but it requires complete
 map DB (to search cities and streets)
 As we know Google map is stored on the web therefore you must have 3G,
 Edge or WiFi channels enabled in order to use Geocoding.

 On Nov 30, 1:13 am, saikiran n saikiran@gmail.com wrote:

  I am doing some application to check Geocoder functionality
  I am executing the following code snippet
  Geocoder fwdGeocoder = new Geocoder(this, Locale.US);
          String streetAddress = 160 Riverside Drive, New York, New York;
          ListAddress locations = null;
          try {
          locations = fwdGeocoder.getFromLocationName(streetAddress, 10);
          } catch (IOException e) {
              Log.e(TAG, error occured);

  I am testing this app in real device and my apk is build for Google api 2.2
  It is throwing excepion as follows

  01-01 02:27:17.781: WARN/System.err(3186): java.io.IOException: Service not
  01-01 02:27:17.785: WARN/System.err(3186):     at
  01-01 02:27:17.785: WARN/System.err(3186):     at
  01-01 02:27:17.785: WARN/System.err(3186):     at
  01-01 02:27:17.785: WARN/System.err(3186):     at
  01-01 02:27:17.785: WARN/System.err(3186):     at
  01-01 02:27:17.785: WARN/System.err(3186):     at
  01-01 02:27:17.785: WARN/System.err(3186):     at
  01-01 02:27:17.785: WARN/System.err(3186):     at
  01-01 02:27:17.785: WARN/System.err(3186):     at
  01-01 02:27:17.789: WARN/System.err(3186):     at
  01-01 02:27:17.789: WARN/System.err(3186):     at
  java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  01-01 02:27:17.789: WARN/System.err(3186):     at
  01-01 02:27:17.793: WARN/System.err(3186):     at
  01-01 02:27:17.793: WARN/System.err(3186):     at
  01-01 02:27:17.793: WARN/System.err(3186):     at
  dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

  I included the following permissions in manifest file
  My device GPS is turned on
  Any help

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[android-developers] Re: Geocoder throwing exception

2010-11-30 Thread kiran
Can we start Geocoding server through application

On Dec 1, 3:23 am, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 3:04 PM, ip332 iprile...@gmail.com wrote:
  As we know Google map is stored on the web therefore you must have 3G, Edge
  or WiFi channels enabled in order to use Geocoding.

 Also, even if you have a perfect connection, the actual geo-coding server
 has to actually be running.

 TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
 transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Re: Geocoder throwing exception

2010-12-01 Thread kiran
 Do you really need to develop it by yourself when several more or less
No, i am just learning android.

On Dec 2, 6:06 am, ip332 iprile...@gmail.com wrote:
 Off-topic, but 2 important cents:
 Do you really need to develop it by yourself when several more or less
 completed projects are available on the Android market already ?
 For example:http://www.mapdroyd.com/orhttp://www.andnav.org/
 The second one is (or going to be) an open source project.

 On Dec 1, 4:22 pm, XiaoXiong Weng ad...@littlebearz.com wrote:

  I recall there was an openmap where you could just download the area you
  need and store it to SD card and then view it from there, this can be
  beneficial to user who does not have internet. I'm trying to develop this
  software but I need a lot more time.
  Progress can be found athttp://android.littlebearz.com/

  -Original Message-
  From: android-developers@googlegroups.com

  [mailto:android-develop...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of kiran
  Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 9:47 PM
  To: Android Developers
  Subject: [android-developers] Re: Geocoder throwing exception

  Can we start Geocoding server through application

  On Dec 1, 3:23 am, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
   On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 3:04 PM, ip332 iprile...@gmail.com wrote:
As we know Google map is stored on the web therefore you must have 3G,
or WiFi channels enabled in order to use Geocoding.

   Also, even if you have a perfect connection, the actual geo-coding server
   has to actually be running.

   TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
   transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] sms to specific port

2010-05-12 Thread kiran
Hi developers,

I am developing an app, the application needs to be listening to a
particular port for sms  the message for that application should come
to it and handled there programatically specific to app and not in
inbox, and even it should send the text based sms through a particular
port .
How can we do this in android.?

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[android-developers] Droid video player hanging issue

2010-06-15 Thread Kiran

Can anybody please help me on below:

I am facing following issues:

1. I have implemented custom Video Player and Media Controller.
But when I try to fast forward or Back forward the video, it gets

2. When I try to fast forward beyond the end point of progress bar, it
throws error as
06-15 15:41:50.583: ERROR/MediaPlayer(4151): Attempt to perform seekTo
in wrong state: mPlayer=0x4880b0, mCurrentState=0
06-15 15:41:50.583: ERROR/MediaPlayer(4151): error (-38, 0)

Please let me know if we have any solution on this.

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[android-developers] Fwd: mouse on android

2010-06-18 Thread kiran
Can mouse be enabled along with Mouse Pointer in Android.

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[android-developers] android 2.2 source code available

2010-06-21 Thread kiran
Hi All
   When will be the android 2.2 source code available to download, as of now
android 2.2 sdk is only available.


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[android-developers] Youtube Streaming not working on Andriod 2.1

2010-06-21 Thread kiran
Hi All
   When i  click the you-tube video links in the browser, the
Media-player  gives the following error and the Browser say can't play the

D/dalvikvm( 1011): GC freed 7893 objects / 546512 bytes in 112ms
E/PV  (  753):
PVLOG:TID(0xe288):Time=875:PVMFSocketNode::HandleSocketEvent: Error -
Event=3, SockId=0, Mime=download
E/PV  (  753):
PVLOG:TID(0xe288):Time=1040:PVMFSocketNode::HandleSocketEvent: Error -
Event=3, SockId=0, Mime=download
E/PlayerDriver(  753): Command PLAYER_INIT completed with an error or info
W/MediaPlayer( 1011): info/warning (1, 26)
E/MediaPlayer( 1011): error (1, -1)
I/MediaPlayer( 1011): Info (1,26)
E/MediaPlayer( 1011): Error (1,-1)
D/VideoView( 1011): Error: 1,-1
W/PlayerDriver(  753): PVMFInfoErrorHandlingComplete

Why the Initialization of the Player Fails ?


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[android-developers] Implementing Location Provider

2011-02-01 Thread kiran
Hi All
 how do i implement the network Location provider in android, Currently from
the mailing list what i understood is that the network location provider
service is part of google proper-arty and it will provided to the customer
as a binary format, and if you want to implement the network location
provider service then  we have to implement the location Provider in
a separate service using ILocationProvder.aidl interface.
   But i am not able to implement to Location Listener to report the current
location from the mine Network Location Provider Service to the Android
Location Framework.

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[android-developers] Adding Real Media to PV framework

2010-03-18 Thread kiran
I am integrating Real Media( RM Parser, RA adn RV decoders) to PV
framework(opencore 2.02 on cupcake). I integrated both decoders as OMX
components, and integrated the parser node, recogniser. But when I try
to open the gallery application with a .rm file in the external card,
it exits. From the log I observed that node and recogniser was
succesful.But it exits saying Error_insuffcient resources , from
OMX_getHandle. So, guess, I need to do some thing else in adding the
AV decoder components. BTW, the log path shows it is using the PROXY
INTERFACE in getting the decoder component handle. Is this flow right!
ANy pointers...??? I could not get any links on real.

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[android-developers] Regarding C2DM Registration

2011-03-01 Thread Kiran

I have following test case for C2DM.

I want to sign up my application on Google C2DM server AND also
want to register multiple users for same   application. so that
multiple user having their own account id's can receive my

Is it supported by Google C2DM flow? If yes, where I can found
documentation for the same.


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[android-developers] Re: Regarding C2DM Registration

2011-03-01 Thread Kiran
I want to use Multiple Sender IDs for same application and my client
can use any of this id to get registered. Is this possible?

On Mar 1, 2:12 pm, Kiran kiranchowke...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have following test case for C2DM.

     I want to sign up my application on Google C2DM server AND also
 want to register multiple users for same       application. so that
 multiple user having their own account id's can receive my

 Is it supported by Google C2DM flow? If yes, where I can found
 documentation for the same.


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[android-developers] Re: Regarding C2DM Registration

2011-03-01 Thread Kiran
I want to use Multiple Sender IDs for same application and my client
can use any of this id to get registered. Is this possible?

On Mar 1, 2:12 pm, Kiran kiranchowke...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have following test case for C2DM.

     I want to sign up my application on Google C2DM server AND also
 want to register multiple users for same       application. so that
 multiple user having their own account id's can receive my

 Is it supported by Google C2DM flow? If yes, where I can found
 documentation for the same.


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Re: [android-developers] Mount USB pendriveto simulate SD Card functionality

2011-03-08 Thread kiran
if you  want to detect usb as external storage device (sdcard),then you can
use the following configuration in the vold.fstab to mount the usb device.
  dev_mount sdcard /mnt/sdcard auto /devices/platform/musb_hdrc/usb1

and the following configuration in init.rc file
  export EXTERNAL_STORAGE /mnt/sdcard
This will make the usb as external storage device.


On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 7:25 PM, manish monusa...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi ,
 I am working on a board in which currently SDCARD is not active and
 having 1 usb port.
 So i need to connect the USB hub to connect  the Other USB devices.I
 am working on Froyo 2.2.
 I want to mount USB pendrive to as a SD Card so that Video camera,
 gallery and other apk can be tested.
 I did something but all in vain. When i click on camera.apk it gives
 Insert the SD card

  I will appreciate if some one can help me out

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[android-developers] Re: How to set static ip for wifi configuration

2011-03-23 Thread kiran
I have gone to the link you suggested. But i have less knowledge in
android i don't know exactly
how can i set ip for each profile.
For example if i open wifi settings in my phone. It is automatically
scanning available wifi profiles with several details like(SSID name,
Security type and ip address).
Similarly if i want to see my new profile(Which i am adding through
above code) details where is the place or where can assign ip.

Thank you once again

On Mar 22, 3:00 pm, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:
 See this:


 Go ahead and use them before they are moved under Settings.Secure :)

 -- Kostya

 22.03.2011 12:17, saikiran n ?:


  I have android device and i want to add one wifi configuration with
  static ip.
  I have done this with the following code.

                 WifiManager wifi = (WifiManager)
  WifiConfiguration wc = new WifiConfiguration();
  wc.SSID = \MyWifi\;
  wc.hiddenSSID = true;
  wc.status = WifiConfiguration.Status.DISABLED;
  wc.priority = 40;

  But i don't know where to assign an ip address.

  Thanks in advance

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 Kostya Vasilyev --http://kmansoft.wordpress.com

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[android-developers] Re: Android Application Settings Problems

2011-03-23 Thread kiran
Could you provide log cat error message or some more detailed code
what you are executing.
Because the piece of code you wrote some what confusing me
public SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences(PREFS_NAME,

On Mar 24, 9:19 am, MattClark mrclark32...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am trying to use application preferences in my app, following this

 my code is as follows.

 import android.content.SharedPreferences;

 public String PREFS_NAME = MyAppSettings;
 public SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences(PREFS_NAME,

 the program compiles fine, but when i deploy it to my device it errors
 only if the second line of declarations is in place. I have no idea
 what the problem is. i have tried (PREFS_NAME, 0)(MyAppSettings, 0)
 every time it still errors on the device.
 any and all help is greatly appreciated.

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[android-developers] Re: How to force use only gprs even though wifi is available

2011-04-15 Thread kiran
Yes you are right, But thing is my application itself making wifi on.
Is it not possible to on wifi and gprs at a time?

On Apr 14, 2:34 pm, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:
 You can disable WiFi by calling WifiManager.setWifiEnabled(false).

 Just don't forget to tell the user you're doing this.

 -- Kostya

 14.04.2011 13:18, saikiran n пишет:


  I am using internet in some application. If any wifi configuration is
  available while my application is running it is switching to wifi
  instead gprs.
  How can stop switching. My requirement is i have to use only gprs.
  Thanks in advance

 Kostya Vasilyev --http://kmansoft.wordpress.com

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[android-developers] USB Host hardware requirements?

2012-08-28 Thread Kiran
Hi All,
I have a USB based sensor that would draw about 300mA and would like to use 
it with my Android phone.  I have tried to play around with the API's and 
write a small application that would just list out the devices that were 
connected to the USB bus.  

A small code snippet that I am trying to use to print out the connected 
devices is:

EditText lsusbText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.lsusbTextID);
Log.i(TAG, Querying USB devices);

UsbManager manager = (UsbManager) getSystemService(Context.USB_SERVICE);
HashMapString, UsbDevice deviceList = manager.getDeviceList();
IteratorUsbDevice deviceIterator = deviceList.values().iterator();
UsbDevice device = deviceIterator.next();
//your code

My manifest has:
uses-feature android:name=android.hardware.usb.host /

action android:name=android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED /


I noticed that the results are not showing any devices connected.  After 
researching a bit and poking around in the forums, it seems that only 
specific hardware devices support USB Host mode.  I have a Samsung Nexus S 
phone, and am inclined to believe that this phone does not support the USB 
host mode?  I also tried plugging in a mouse via an OTG adapter, but the 
USB mouse didn't receive power after it was plugged in.  The Android API's 
also suggest this:
Note: Support for USB host and accessory modes are ultimately dependant on 
the device's hardware, regardless of platform level.
Is there a listing of the Android powered devices that support USB host 
mode?  Also, out of curiosity, why is there a hardware requirement for USB 
host?  Is it the specific type of USB connector that the phone has (Micro-A 
vs Micro-B)?  Is it something related to the USB Bus power?  Any 
information regarding the hardware requirements, which devices currently 
support this, etc would be great.  I also found that there is a libusb port 
to Android, which would allow access at a lower level.  However, this would 
potentially still require the hardware to support the USB host mode. 
 Additionally, I have seen things about a kernel mod required.  I'm 
guessing the kernel stuff was for older image releases, and that Android 
4.1 has this kernel mod built in.

I unfortunately found that the documentation for WiFi direct is similarly 
ambiguous in that although WiFi direct is something that is enabled and 
available for use in the API, the hardware may not support it.  However, I 
haven't found any documentation which tells developers which devices 
support/don't support the functionality.  

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [android-developers] Re: how to implement ffmpeg video codec for video player +android

2011-09-22 Thread kiran
Check Rockplayer

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 2:42 PM, Doug beafd...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sep 21, 7:46 am, NAVI NEW navi44...@gmail.com wrote:
  Please give me  a guideline for implementing ffmpeg on android app.

 1. Cross compile FFmpeg for Android
 2. Write a JNI wrapper around the parts that need java access from the
 native layer
 3. Profit

 I don't think you will get any more help from this forum.  You are
 asking something extremely complicated.


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[android-developers] WiFi-Direct hardware question

2012-04-03 Thread Kiran
Hi All,
I've seen quite a few discussions on Wifi-Direct, but haven't found the 
answer to the following question.

In the Android 4.0.x API, it says that *Note:* Not all Android-powered 
devices support Wi-Fi Direct. If your application uses Wi-Fi Direct, 
declare so with a 
in the manifest file:

Is there a list of Android powered devices which support WiFi-Direct 
currently?  Does the Samsung Galaxy Nexus S support it?  What hardware is 
required by the phone in order to support this feature?

Thanks in advance,

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[android-developers] File IO Erros

2012-04-17 Thread Kiran
 22:49:36.722: W/System.err(31530):  at 
*04-17 22:49:36.722: W/System.err(31530):  at 
*04-17 22:49:36.722: W/System.err(31530):  at 
*04-17 22:49:36.722: W/System.err(31530):  at 
*04-17 22:49:36.722: W/System.err(31530):  at 
*04-17 22:49:36.722: W/System.err(31530):  at 
*04-17 22:49:36.722: W/System.err(31530):  at 
*04-17 22:49:36.722: W/System.err(31530):  at 

These errors are popping up occasionally while Jetty is trying to serve a 
specific file but I don't think the error is file specific (i.e. the same 
errors pop up with different files at different times), and I'm thinking 
the errors have something to do with the OS not being able to read these 
files fast enough?

The code I'm using to process execute a HTTP GET is (the relavent portion 
of the code):

BufferedInputStream bis = null;
OutputStream outStream = null;
try {
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet request = new HttpGet();
request.setURI(new URI(getURL));
HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);

bis = new BufferedInputStream(response.getEntity().getContent());
outStream = new FileOutputStream(fullPath);

bytesRead = bis.read(buf1, 0, bufLen);
while (bytesRead != -1) {
outStream.write(buf1, 0, bytesRead);
bytesRead = bis.read(buf1, 0, bufLen);

Thanks in advance,

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[android-developers] Re: File IO Erros

2012-04-18 Thread Kiran
I should add that the errors that I've posted are appearing on the server 
side, not the client side.  I've attached my Webserver and WebserverHandler 

On Tuesday, April 17, 2012 11:56:41 PM UTC-4, Kiran wrote:

 Hi All,

 I was wondering if you had any thoughts to some errors I am getting with 
 Java I/O.

 Here is my setup:  I have 4 Android phones in an Ad-Hoc WIFI network. 
  Each of these Android phones is running a Jetty Webserver (
 http://jetty.codehaus.org/jetty/).  Jetty has an app specifically for 
 Android, but I believe that is not what I want, so what I did was actually 
 just download the Jetty JAR, and put it in the build-path of my Android 
 project.  So.., each of the 4 phones is running a Jetty Webserver.  The 
 Webserver is capable of processing HTTP GET and HTTP POST commands.  The 
 HTTP GET is used by phones to get files from other phones, and the POST is 
 used to POST XML commands that essentially command a phone to do something. 
  So.., this all seems to be working fine.

 Now, I'm starting to transfer a lot of files between phones.  More 
 specifically in my setup, 1 phone is serving 450 image files that the other 
 3 phones are trying to get using the HTTP GET commands.  Each phone that is 
 requesting files basically has a list of URL's that it does HTTP GET on to 
 get files, and there is no delay (like Thread.sleep) between when a HTTP 
 GET ends and the next one is processed.  The reason for stating the point 
 of there being no delay between when the first HTTP GET ends and the next 
 HTTP GET starts is that the phone that is serving the 450 files is getting 
 pegged pretty hard by HTTP GET requests.  

 I've noticed the following JavaI/O errors while doing this:

 *04-17 22:48:59.183: W/System.err(31530): java.io.IOException: Closed
 04-17 22:48:59.183: W/System.err(31530): at 
 04-17 22:48:59.183: W/System.err(31530): at 
 04-17 22:48:59.187: W/System.err(31530): at 
 04-17 22:48:59.187: W/System.err(31530): at 
 04-17 22:48:59.187: W/System.err(31530): at 
 04-17 22:48:59.187: W/System.err(31530): at 
 04-17 22:48:59.187: W/System.err(31530): at 
 04-17 22:48:59.187: W/System.err(31530): at 
 04-17 22:48:59.187: W/System.err(31530): at 
 04-17 22:48:59.187: W/System.err(31530): at 
 04-17 22:48:59.187: W/System.err(31530): at 
 04-17 22:48:59.187: W/System.err(31530): at 
 04-17 22:48:59.187: W/System.err(31530): at 
 04-17 22:48:59.187: W/System.err(31530): at 
 04-17 22:48:59.187: W/System.err(31530): at 
 04-17 22:48:59.187: W/System.err(31530): at 
 04-17 22:48:59.187: W/System.err(31530): at 

 *04-17 22:49:36.722: W/System.err(31530): 
 java.lang.IllegalStateException: State==HEADER*
 *04-17 22:49:36.722: W/System.err(31530):  at 
 *04-17 22:49:36.722: W/System.err(31530):  at 
 *04-17 22:49:36.722: W/System.err(31530):  at 
 *04-17 22:49:36.722: W/System.err(31530):  at 
 *04-17 22:49:36.722: W/System.err(31530):  at 
 *04-17 22:49:36.722: W/System.err(31530):  at 
 *04-17 22:49:36.722: W/System.err(31530):  at 
 *04-17 22:49:36.722: W/System.err(31530):  at 
 *04-17 22:49:36.722: W/System.err(31530

[android-developers] Regarding Web Services Development in Android

2011-12-22 Thread kiran

How to search a record in database using Web Services, while I used
Android as client side application in which i need to enter some text
in edit-text  (as name of records) such that if it match with
that(which we entered) record it has display the all records from the
data base.

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[android-developers] no audio or sound during sip audio call

2011-06-24 Thread kiran
  i am using SipDemo application provided by the android and i am using
ekiga.net sip provider, the sip demo application perfectly logins and
registers with server and perfectly establish call between two device and
after establishing the call i am not able to hear any sound and other person
on the other device  is also not able to hear any sound.
 Is there any problem with codec negotiation of sip or any audio device

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[android-developers] HTTP POST to Web Server running on Android Device

2012-02-28 Thread Kiran
Hi All,

I am trying to send a HTTP POST command from Android Device A to
Android Device B.  Device B is running a simple web server.  The code
that I am using for the webserver is here: 

I am adding functionality to the code for it to process HTTP POST
commands, currently it only supports HTTP GET.

In order to send my HTTP POST command from Device A, I do the

HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(url);

try {
ListNameValuePair pairs = new ArrayListNameValuePair();
pairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair(key1, value1));
pairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair(key2, value2));
httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(pairs));

HttpResponse httpresponse = httpclient.execute(httppost);
catch (IOException e) {

In Device B, I have opened an input stream from a socket in Java.  I
am printing out all the lines that I am receiving via the socket.  The
code looks as follows:

try {
in = new BufferedReader(new

// Receive data
while (true) {
String s = in.readLine().trim();
Log.i(TAG, line= + s);
if(s==null) {

When I run the webserver on Device B and run the snippet of code
posted above on Device A, the only output of the webserver that I get
line=POST / HTTP/1.1
line=Content-Length: 23

I am wondering where the HTTP POST data is?  Shouldn't I be able to
see it in the printout?  It seems like I am only seeing the HTTP

Thanks in advance for your help,

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[android-developers] Nexus 7 USB Host - Not able to enumerate device

2012-10-28 Thread Kiran
Hi All,
I recently bought a Nexus 7 for USB development.  I would like to use the 
USB Host functionality provided by the new Android OS.  I was following the 
USB Host Tutorial at the link: 

My program is very simple, and here are the relevant parts of the code:

*private UsbManager manager;
* *
*public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {*
*Log.i(TAG, in onCreate());*
*manager = (UsbManager) getSystemService(Context.USB_SERVICE);*
*if(manager==null) {*
*Log.i(TAG, USB Manager is NULL);*
*else {*
*Log.i(TAG, USB Manager =  + manager);*
*public void enumerateUSBDevices() {*
*HashMapString, UsbDevice deviceList = manager.getDeviceList();*
*CollectionUsbDevice deviceCollection = deviceList.values();*
*IteratorUsbDevice deviceIterator = deviceCollection.iterator();*
*Log.i(TAG, Number of connected USB Devices =  + 
*UsbDevice device = deviceIterator.next();*
*Log.i(TAG, device.getDeviceName());*

When the enumerateUSBDevices function is called, it reports that the number 
of connected USB Devices = 0.  I am using a USB OTG cable, and I know that 
the Nexus 7 is powering the connected USB Device because I plugged in a USB 
Mouse, and it works properly.  I also plugged in another Android phone, and 
the Nexus 7 was confirmed to be powering the device.  However, in both of 
these instances, the Android program says that there are no USB devices 
connected.  I am unsure what is going wrong in my code.  In my Android 
manifest, I have the following line:

*uses-feature android:name=android.hardware.usb.host /*

My manifest does not have any intent filters associated with any USB 
devices.  My understanding based on reading the tutorials is that the 
intent filters need to be in the Manifest only if you want the APP to be 
notified when the USB device is connected after the App is running?

Can anybody shed light into what I may be doing wrong?  Do I need to root 
my device?


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Re: [android-developers] Java (Backend) Developer - San Francisco, CA - 2-3 Months

2018-05-09 Thread Kiran

*Thanks & regards,*


*Sr. Sales Specialist*

*Direct: 972-798-7595*


*ki...@cybersolveit.com <ki...@cybersolveit.com>*

 *IM Google talk: * kiran.cyberso...@gmail.com

On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 3:55 AM, Raghu <raghu@gmail.com> wrote:

> *Hi,*
> Please find the below JOB description.
> *Java Backend developer*
> Location: San Francisco, CA
> Duration: 2-3 Months Only
>  - Strong Senior *Java Backend developer*
>  - Spring, Spring Boot
>  - Strong TDD proponent
>  - Passionate about code quality and driving TDD and code quality culture
> within the teams
>  - WebServices
>  - Microservices architecture
>  - Build systems - Maven, Jenkins
>  - Code Quality - Static code analysis, code coverage
>  - AppServers - Tomcat, JBoss
>  - SCM - Git, GitHub, GitLab
> *Thanks and Regards*
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Please find attached resume and details of our consultant for this position.

Full Name   :  Adithya

Contact number   : 682-514-9560

Email ID :  iamaditya...@gmail.com

Current Location :  Olathe, KS 
Relocation   :  Yes

Visa Status  :  H1Ba

Availability  :  Immediate

Feel free to contact me for further details

Java Full_Stack Resume - updated.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document

[android-developers] subscribe

2008-11-25 Thread kiran raj

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[android-developers] Re: How to write code to uninstall apk from device/emulator?

2009-01-02 Thread kiran raj
Hi ,

   this is the coding for uninstall the apk file.

*adb uninstall apk_filename in command mode
*using emulator
  Go to the dev tools
 go to package browser
  then unistall the package name now ur emulator delelte that package

Thank u

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[android-developers] Re: WebView Behavior on Android

2009-01-02 Thread kiran raj

can u send me ur coding please..

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[android-developers] Re: HttpURLConnection headers

2009-10-06 Thread Kiran Mudiam

Hello Lucas,
Have you been able to solve this problem.

I have tried to use the apache httpclient classes to get my networking
going and that does not seem to help either.

I am interested in the x-up-subno header that ATT adds.

I looked thro the source of the WebView, WebViewCore, BrowserFrame
classes from the android src and noticed that the loading is happening
via a native method

 public void loadData(String baseUrl, String data, String mimeType,
String encoding, String failUrl) {
mLoadInitFromJava = true;
if (failUrl == null) {
failUrl = ;
if (data == null) {
data = ;

// Setup defaults for missing values. These defaults where
taken from
// WebKit's WebFrame.mm
if (baseUrl == null || baseUrl.length() == 0) {
baseUrl = about:blank;
if (mimeType == null || mimeType.length() == 0) {
mimeType = text/html;
nativeLoadData(baseUrl, data, mimeType, encoding, failUrl);
mLoadInitFromJava = false;


On Sep 16, 12:23 pm, Lucas roll...@gmail.com wrote:
 That is not an option. Because also i need some more headers that are
 not being added and that i can't add by hand.

 Indeed once of the headers i need is added by the operator APN, and
 for some reason when connecting by code it is
 not being added.

 Below there is more info about this:

 Here are the headers i get when connecting though 

 And here the ones i get when connecting through 

 The header i need besides the User-Agent is the **x-up-subno*** which
 is a special header that ATT adds and identify the GSM seem card that
 the device is using.

 Do you know why this is not added? How can i force the connection
 though the APN wap setting? Or how can i mimic Webkit connection from



 On Sep 15, 7:37 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

  rollbak wrote:
   Does anyone know we i get different behaviors?

  Because WebKit does not useHttpURLConnection.

   How i can i connect in the same way the browser does?

  Set your own User-Agent header via methods onHttpURLConnection.


  Mark Murphy (a Commons 

  _Beginning Android_ from Apress Now Available!
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[android-developers] Re: Activity launch timeout even with wakelock

2009-10-20 Thread Kiran Julapalli

Thanks Mark,
I am acquiring a wakelock as the error points to giving up a wake
lock. No other specific reason. I am not sure how to use Async task.
Can you give me any pointer?


On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 1:16 PM, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

 Kiran wrote:
 Experts, Any help here?

    static String linkUrl = http://www.google.com/;;

        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

                PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService
                PowerManager.WakeLock wl = pm.newWakeLock
 (PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK, My Tag);

 Why are you asking for a WakeLock in an Activity's onCreate()?

        try {
                URL connectURL = new URL(linkUrl);
                HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)
                DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream
                byte[] data = new byte[1024];
                int len = dis.read(data, 0, 1024);
                dataText = new String(data, 0, len);
        catch(Exception e)
            Log.e(TAG, Exception);

 Never do HTTP I/O on the UI thread. Use AsyncTask or something to do
 this work on a background thread.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
 http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

 Android App Developer Books: http://commonsware.com/books.html


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[android-developers] Switching between activities

2010-02-11 Thread uday kiran
Hi All,

Im new bee to android development..I have a small issue when switching
from one activity to another..
What i want to do is.. in Activity1 which is in Screen1 i have entered
some data like Name,Age (all are in textview) and after i moved to
Activity2 in Screen2 ..when i clicked Previous button in Screen2 the
Activity1 in Screen1 has to be opened and it has to display the
details what i entered previously.

I successfully transfered the information from Screen1 to Screen2 by
using putExtra(),getExtras()
How to display the text entered in Screen1  that was entered

Pls help me out Its very urgent..

Thanks for the information in advance


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[android-developers] Re: Switching between activities

2010-02-14 Thread uday kiran
Hi TreKing..

Thanks for the reply..sorry im using  EditTexts to enter the data..the
information is not retained.
i will send both XML file and .java file and let me know the bug in my

On Feb 11, 11:36 pm, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 2:55 AM, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:
  What i want to do is.. in Activity1 which is in Screen1 i have entered
  some data like Name,Age (all are in textview)

 Are you sure it's TextView you're using and not EditTexts? If you're
 manually entering information I would expect it to be the latter.

  and after i moved to
  Activity2 in Screen2 ..when i clicked Previous button in Screen2 the
  Activity1 in Screen1 has to be opened and it has to display the
  details what i entered previously.

 If you're actually using EditText's, they should retain the information you
 placed in them automatically. If this is not the case you should elaborate
 on how you're filling in this data and / or post some code.

 Pls help me out Its very urgent..

 I doubt that =P

 TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered 

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[android-developers] Re: Switching between activities

2010-02-14 Thread uday kiran
Hi jotobjects

thanks for the reply..
actually im using EditTexts not TextView.. sorry for the wrong

On Feb 13, 1:24 am, jotobjects jotobje...@gmail.com wrote:
 Possibly setting android:freeezesText resolves this issue?


 On Feb 11, 10:36 am, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 2:55 AM, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:
   What i want to do is.. in Activity1 which is in Screen1 i have entered
   some data like Name,Age (all are in textview)

  Are you sure it's TextView you're using and not EditTexts? If you're
  manually entering information I would expect it to be the latter.

   and after i moved to
   Activity2 in Screen2 ..when i clicked Previous button in Screen2 the
   Activity1 in Screen1 has to be opened and it has to display the
   details what i entered previously.

  If you're actually using EditText's, they should retain the information you
  placed in them automatically. If this is not the case you should elaborate
  on how you're filling in this data and / or post some code.

  Pls help me out Its very urgent..

  I doubt that =P

  TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered 

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[android-developers] Screen Orientation in Android

2010-02-16 Thread uday kiran
Hi All..

Im facing some problems on Screen Orientation in android.
In my application one screen contains Name,Age(as EditTexts). When i
click on Name EditText internal Keypad is opening and some of the
buttons are hiding due to that keypad.

I have some questions regarding this.
1) Whether i need to shrink the application screen as per the keypad
2) How much space the keypad will occupy??
3) How to change from Portrait mode to landscape mode dynamically??

So Please help me to resolve the issue.

Any help greatly appreciated...

Thanks in advance

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[android-developers] screen Oroentation

2010-02-17 Thread uday kiran
Hi guys..

In my application i want to do Screen Orientation

public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig)

This is the function that im using in onCreate() method.

But when i use this it is showing an error like

- Syntax error on token ), ; expected
- Syntax error on token (, ; expected
- void is an invalid type for the variable onConfigurationChanged

Its an important task..could anyone please respond to resolve my issue

Any help appreciated

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[android-developers] sending file using HTTPPOST in android1.5

2009-12-16 Thread Raghu Kiran

I want to attach a file as HTTPResponse on Android 1.5. Also the contents of
the file needs to be assigned to some variable.

Does anybody know how to do this.

Raghu Kiran A

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[android-developers] getting CPU usage and memory usage of a particular process

2009-12-22 Thread Raghu Kiran
Hi All,

I need to retrieve the CPU usage and memory usage of a particular running
process in android.

1. Can i retrieve the above mentioned information in android.
2. If yes how to do that.
3. If not what is the alternative for this.

Thanking you...

Raghu Kiran A

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[android-developers] Re: sending file using HTTPPOST in android1.5

2010-01-12 Thread Raghu Kiran

How can i get the RAM size, used RAM size and RAM size free in android.

Raghu Kiran A
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[android-developers] problem in graphics

2010-12-28 Thread kiran choudhary
hi all ,
I m new to android devlopment in my project i want to show some
graphics like progress bar (like draw ellipse )
and in this screen i also show some button and other control means a
single screen show some graphics and controls
i get sucess to create progress bar but when i want to some control in
this activity it does not happen
firstly i prepare a view (Progress bar) onDraw method and this view
is added to linear layout and now i want to add some button in this
linear layout
not getting any sucess so plz help me
if anyone have any idea

kiran kumar choudhary

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[android-developers] Re: Maps with custom tiles

2009-06-09 Thread Kiran Mudiam

AFAIK,  The Android MapView only supports satellite and map view

I did come across a thread on this forum earlier some one asking for
custom tiles, and also noted that a feature request was going to put
in. Not sure if that ever happened ?!!

But I came across this project on google code that is a full/free
replacement for the MapView class.


Look at the code and this may help u get ideas on how to implement
your own tiles as well.


On Jun 8, 8:21 am, CF chrisfurt...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a custom map created using Google My Maps, but am not able to
 replicate the same on Android. Any suggestions?

 On Jun 8, 10:35 am, Saurav Mukherjee to.saurav.mukher...@gmail.com

  do u already have map tiles of ur own??

  On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 7:59 PM, CF chrisfurt...@gmail.com wrote:

   I'm struggling with the same problem. Any pointers or ideas?

   On May 20, 5:20 am, khose marcos.hdez@gmail.com wrote:
C'mon there must be a solution:)

On 14 mayo, 09:52, khose marcos.hdez@gmail.com wrote:


 I've been searching hardly the past two days, looking for a way to
 implement a map view with custom map tiles. I mean; i have to use maps
 tiles different than the ones provided by Google Maps.

 Someone said here that there is a way, but he didn't tell the way to
 do that. I know that you can do that with Google Maps API for Web, but
 i've studied Android's API and i can't find a method to load your map

 I would appreciate any help and/or example to do this. I'm really
 stucked and the client need this feature in the application.

 Thanks in advance!

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[android-developers] Re: Android 1.5 SDK now available

2009-06-26 Thread Kiran Mudiam

Can you post a link to ROM you downloaded for the 1.5 cupcake update
for the G1 Developer phone.

On May 6, 1:32 pm, DJMoran danmo...@blueyonder.co.uk wrote:
 Never mind I've got it from HTC.com now

 On May 6, 9:30 pm, DJMoran danmo...@blueyonder.co.uk wrote:

  I've got a dev phone but I ahven't received the firmware update, nor
  is it available through the system update option

  On May 5, 6:04 pm, Sonert soner...@gmail.com wrote:

   Any idea when the update is going to be pushed to all android phone
   not just Dev models?

   On Apr 27, 11:12 am, Xavier Ducrohet x...@android.com wrote:

Hello developers,

The Android 1.5 SDK, and the 1.5 images for ADP1 are now available for 

More information 

Xavier Ducrohet
Android Developer Tools Engineer
Google Inc.

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[android-developers] how to achieve multiple screen sizes in android 1.5

2010-03-01 Thread kiran kumar

i am new to game development in android.

i am developing a game and i need to use android1.5 only.

i wrote sample application using 1.6 and kept drawable-hdpi,-ldpi ... and
application is working fine in emulator of 1.6.
i made apk and opened an emulator (android 1.5) from command prompt
application is also working fine.

in 1.6 if i change emulator resolutions the application UI is resizing.
but in 1.5 emulators not.

is that mean, the application developed in android 1.6 runs in 1.5 emulator
but multi screen support is not achieved?

...how to achieve multiple screen sizes in android 1.5. multiple screen
support is available from 1.6.

thanks in advance..

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[android-developers] Accessing External Database

2010-03-17 Thread uday kiran
Hi folks,

Im new bie to android.. i want to access external database from my
android application..
I've searched so much time in the internet but could not get exact
idea how to implement??

Please help me If any one is having idea on that and post if u have
any code related to it...

Thanks for the information in advance..


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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-17 Thread uday kiran
Thanks for ur quick reply jim..

I want to access an existing database which is present on some


On Mar 17, 6:51 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Uday

 Is there an existing, specific external database that you wish to access? Or
 do you wish to set up a new database?


 On 17 March 2010 13:32, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi folks,

  Im new bie to android.. i want to access external database from my
  android application..
  I've searched so much time in the internet but could not get exact
  idea how to implement??

  Please help me If any one is having idea on that and post if u have
  any code related to it...

  Thanks for the information in advance..


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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-17 Thread uday kiran
YES..The database is present on the internet only..
The database should be in SQLite..OS is windows..

On Mar 17, 6:59 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
 OK what can you tell us about this database. Is it on the internet? What
 software is it running?

 On 17 March 2010 13:54, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thanks for ur quick reply jim..

  I want to access an existing database which is present on some


  On Mar 17, 6:51 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hi Uday

   Is there an existing, specific external database that you wish to access?
   do you wish to set up a new database?


   On 17 March 2010 13:32, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi folks,

Im new bie to android.. i want to access external database from my
android application..
I've searched so much time in the internet but could not get exact
idea how to implement??

Please help me If any one is having idea on that and post if u have
any code related to it...

Thanks for the information in advance..


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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-17 Thread uday kiran
As of my knowledge in android we use HttpURLConnection to connect to
the database in the internet..
am i right Jim??

On Mar 17, 7:05 pm, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:
 YES..The database is present on the internet only..
 The database should be in SQLite..OS is windows..

 On Mar 17, 6:59 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:

  OK what can you tell us about this database. Is it on the internet? What
  software is it running?

  On 17 March 2010 13:54, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

   Thanks for ur quick reply jim..

   I want to access an existing database which is present on some


   On Mar 17, 6:51 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Uday

Is there an existing, specific external database that you wish to 
do you wish to set up a new database?


On 17 March 2010 13:32, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi folks,

 Im new bie to android.. i want to access external database from my
 android application..
 I've searched so much time in the internet but could not get exact
 idea how to implement??

 Please help me If any one is having idea on that and post if u have
 any code related to it...

 Thanks for the information in advance..


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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-17 Thread uday kiran
OK... u have any example code which is used to work on this concept??

On Mar 17, 7:11 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
 Provided the database exposes an HTTP-based API, yes.

 On 17 March 2010 14:09, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

  As of my knowledge in android we use HttpURLConnection to connect to
  the database in the internet..
  am i right Jim??

  On Mar 17, 7:05 pm, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:
   YES..The database is present on the internet only..
   The database should be in SQLite..OS is windows..

   On Mar 17, 6:59 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:

OK what can you tell us about this database. Is it on the internet?
software is it running?

On 17 March 2010 13:54, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks for ur quick reply jim..

 I want to access an existing database which is present on some


 On Mar 17, 6:51 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi Uday

  Is there an existing, specific external database that you wish to
  do you wish to set up a new database?


  On 17 March 2010 13:32, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi folks,

   Im new bie to android.. i want to access external database from
   android application..
   I've searched so much time in the internet but could not get
   idea how to implement??

   Please help me If any one is having idea on that and post if u
   any code related to it...

   Thanks for the information in advance..


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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-17 Thread uday kiran
i may get the quick reference if i go to http://developer.android.com
Where this funtionality is to be added in android code??
in onCreate() method?

On Mar 17, 7:16 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Uday, I have to bow out here because this is too general a question for
 this list really. There are a great many ways to do what you are describing.
 I'd recommend getting a textbook or two on the topic.

 On 17 March 2010 14:13, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

  OK... u have any example code which is used to work on this concept??

  On Mar 17, 7:11 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
   Provided the database exposes an HTTP-based API, yes.

   On 17 March 2010 14:09, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

As of my knowledge in android we use HttpURLConnection to connect to
the database in the internet..
am i right Jim??

On Mar 17, 7:05 pm, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:
 YES..The database is present on the internet only..
 The database should be in SQLite..OS is windows..

 On Mar 17, 6:59 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:

  OK what can you tell us about this database. Is it on the internet?
  software is it running?

  On 17 March 2010 13:54, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

   Thanks for ur quick reply jim..

   I want to access an existing database which is present on some


   On Mar 17, 6:51 pm, Jim Blackler jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Uday

Is there an existing, specific external database that you wish
do you wish to set up a new database?


On 17 March 2010 13:32, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com

 Hi folks,

 Im new bie to android.. i want to access external database
 android application..
 I've searched so much time in the internet but could not get
 idea how to implement??

 Please help me If any one is having idea on that and post if
 any code related to it...

 Thanks for the information in advance..


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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-17 Thread uday kiran
Thanks Bob,
I got very good information from this...
Let me explain thing i want to do..
There is a database present at some IP
I want to access this database from my android application.. for this
im using HttpURLConnection interface..

The way that im accessing the database is fine r not
URL url = new URL(http://www.uploadhub.com/mobile9/
HttpURLConnection conn =
The code above i have given is some sample only..

As u said how to implement RESTful interface instead of doing this??
If u have any idea of code please let me know...

Thanks for the information in advance..


On Mar 18, 4:26 am, Bob Kerns r...@acm.org wrote:
 Please don't do this. You really, really don't want to do this. I've
 written about this before -- it's the wrong way for a lot of reasons
 -- security, interoperability, performance, maintainability,
 upgradability, compatibility with firewalls...

 What you want to do instead, is to build a web service, that exposes
 the proper functionality. I'd suggest a RESTful interface (google it;
 there are lots of examples and documents available), as it's more
 flexible and simpler than SOAP.

 You don't even want to expose yourdatabaseserver to the internet. It
 should be securely behind a firewall.

 And think about what happens when you want to change yourdatabase,
 and you have all these applications out there, expecting to be able to
 use specific SQL queries to get at the data. You cannot force users to
 upgrade. You can just break, of course -- but you'll lose a lot of
 customers, and a lot of them will tell other customers to stay away --
 and they'd be right.

 Actually, I just saw the message that says you're using Sqllite. So
 you CAN'T even do it anyway, even if you wanted to. There is no
 network access to Sqllite.

 I'd saw sqllite isn't a good choice for a server application in any
 event. I'd suggest MySQL as an alternative. To quote the sqllite

 On the other hand, adatabaseengine that uses a server can provide
 better protection from bugs in the client application - stray pointers
 in a client cannot corrupt memory on the server. And because a server
 is a single persistent process, it is able to controldatabaseaccess
 with more precision, allowing for finer grain locking and better

 On Mar 17, 6:32 am, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi folks,

  Im new bie to android.. i want to accessexternaldatabasefrom my
  android application..
  I've searched so much time in the internet but could not get exact
  idea how to implement??

  Please help me If any one is having idea on that and post if u have
  any code related to it...

  Thanks for the information in advance..

  Uday- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-18 Thread uday kiran

On Mar 18, 11:49 am, Bob Kerns r...@acm.org wrote:
 OK, it seems there's several things going on here.

 From your URL, it looks like you can download a copy of a 

 If this is just static content, that you're treating as a document --
 then you don't need any of what I've been talking about so far. At
 this level, you have a file. You just copy it locally, perhaps to your
 SD card, and then access it using Android's built-in sqllite

 You CANNOT access directly over the network this way. Sqllite depends
 on being able to manage concurrency, and update individual pages
 within thedatabasefile. It cannot do these things over an HTTP
 connection -- and shouldn't try to do it over any other kind of
 network connection, either.

So SQlite can't use over networks for accessing database...
I dont want to save this database file into my local folder..i want to
change the contents in the file by online..

 But once you have copied it to a local file, Android's sqllite should
 be able to work on it directly. If you make changes, you can save it
 over the network, treating it like any other docuument.

This is not a good idea to use as a document..

 But that's not really using it as adatabasein the usual sense of
 live shared data. It's a good approach, however, for static data, such
 as historical records. For example, baseball statistics for a specific

 On the other hand, if you want to be able to access the data
 simultaneously from multiple applications, and at least one process
 somewhere is making changes, then you DO need a shareddatabase, and
 you DO want to expose it as a web service. Examples would be contacts
 databases, current sales figures, stock price tickers, etc.

How to expose any database as a webservice??
If u have any example code pls provide me..because im new to android
as well as database concepts..
Thats y i dont have clear idea on this..

 How I'd start, is to identify each logical kind of object, and define
 URL's to refer to each of them, and to each collection of them. These
 can be explicit entities in yourdatabase, or they can be the results
 of queries, where the query is encoded in the URL.

 Then I'd identify the data content of these, and write code to encode
 each entity into this format. I'd pick either JSON or XML as a base
 for my data format, just because they're readily available on most

So for communicating database(On remote server)  from our application
it is compulsory to write a driver like odbc???

 Then I'd define the operations on this data.

 I'm afraid I've been around this stuff to have a good beginning
 reference to suggest. But I will point out that the content: URIs used
 by the provider interface generally follow this pattern, so you can
 look at how the contacts provider has been designed.

 In terms of the actual mechanics, an HTTP-based RESTful interface uses
 regular HTTP connections and operations. The REST pattern is just an
 effective way to use HTTP to build a web application.

 On Mar 17, 9:40 pm, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thanks Bob,
  I got very good information from this...
  Let me explain thing i want to do..
  There is adatabasepresent at some 
  I want to access thisdatabasefrom my android application.. for this
  im using HttpURLConnection interface..

  The way that imaccessingthedatabaseis fine r not
                  URL url = new URL(http://www.uploadhub.com/mobile9/
                  HttpURLConnection conn =
  The code above i have given is some sample only..

  As u said how to implement RESTful interface instead of doing this??
  If u have any idea of code please let me know...

  Thanks for the information in advance..


  On Mar 18, 4:26 am, Bob Kerns r...@acm.org wrote:

   Please don't do this. You really, really don't want to do this. I've
   written about this before -- it's the wrong way for a lot of reasons
   -- security, interoperability, performance, maintainability,
   upgradability, compatibility with firewalls...

   What you want to do instead, is to build a web service, that exposes
   the proper functionality. I'd suggest a RESTful interface (google it;
   there are lots of examples and documents available), as it's more
   flexible and simpler than SOAP.

   You don't even want to expose yourdatabaseserver to the internet. It
   should be securely behind a firewall.

   And think about what happens when you want to change yourdatabase,
   and you have all these applications out there, expecting to be able to
   use specific SQL queries to get at the data. You cannot force users to
   upgrade. You can

[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-19 Thread uday kiran
Hey Bob,,

Tell me one thing...instead of using Webservices,it is easy if we r
using Drivers..
If we know which type of database they r using on server side,then we
can access that database using
related driver...so that the headache willl be reduced am i right???

what is the difference of using driver in place of Webservices

On Mar 19, 1:16 am, Bob Kerns r...@acm.org wrote:
 On Mar 18, 2:37 am, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:
 - So for communicatingdatabase(On remote server)  from our
 - it is compulsory to write a driver like odbc???

 No, ODBC (or JDBC) is at the wrong level. You do not want to be doing
 SQL over the network.

 Instead, you want to create a web server that does the SQL -- and you
 just ask it questions (via HTTP GET) or give it commands (PUT, POST,

 If you already know Java well, a Java Servlet would be the easiest way
 to go -- running in a servlet engine line Tomcat.

 Tools like Ruby on Rails are supposed to make this even easier, but
 will involve learning a new language.

 You're going to have to go and do some studying, and look at a number
 of examples. I'm not going to look for a pointer to an example for
 you, because if you do it yourself, you can chose ones that more
 closely relate to what you're trying to do, or better fit your style
 of learning.

 But you can start on the server side by writing a unit test that
 simply takes a URL, interprets the parameters, and does the
 corresponding SQL query, and returns the result as either XML or JSON.
 Once you have that, it's a simple matter to embed that in the
 appropriate bit of code for your web server technology (e.g. a
 Servlet, in the case of Java). The client side just requests the data
 from that URL and reads it.

 Once you get that far for one kind of data, and the GET operation, the
 next steps will be both easier and more clear to you.  Part of your
 problem right now is you're trying to deal with the entire question at

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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-22 Thread uday kiran
So, if we r using RESTful webservice is it possible to access the
Tables present in the database???
and doing some operations on the database i.e) Adding/Deleting a row/
column into the database table??

I saw one example which uses JSON Object for getting the stream..
So if i want to access databases which class we need to use??

If u have any related code regarding this please let me know...

 Expecting more information regarding example code...

Thanks in advance

Uday Kiran Pichika

On Mar 19, 8:22 pm, Bob Kerns r...@acm.org wrote:
 No, you get a different set of headaches. Drivers (e.g. JDBC drivers)
 are not intended for this sort of application.

 You will have reliability problems, security problems, performance
 problems, problems upgrading your server once you have clients talking
 to it, because you can't upgrade all your clients at once, etc.

 You'll also have the problems getting the drivers to work on the
 Android platform, which lacks support for database drivers. I think
 it's probably possible to do, but since it's not a good thing to do, I
 don't know of anyone who has succeeded. I've seen a lot of messages
 from people who have tried and failed.

 Drivers are much too closely coupled to the database. A competent
 system administrator WILL NOT ALLOW YOU ACCESS to databases from
 outside their firewalls, for security reasons.

 You will normally would use database drivers when implementing the web
 server. Sqlite is an embedded server with its own API, but you could
 consider that a type of driver as well.

 But as I said earlier, a non-Sqlite database, such as MySQL, would be
 a far better choice for performance, scalability, and reliability
 reasons. Unfortunately, that means yet more stuff to learn.
 Fortunately, it's mostly fairly standard stuff, so you'll get to use
 what you learn later in your career -- but it's still something you'll
 need to learn up front.

 None of these things are that hard to learn, but it's a lot to learn
 all at once. Especially if you expected to do things one way, and are
 told you have to do them a different way. It'll be hard to switch your
 way of thinking.

 On Mar 19, 7:03 am, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hey Bob,,

  Tell me one thing...instead of using Webservices,it is easy if we r
  using Drivers..
  If we know which type of database they r using on server side,then we
  can access that database using
  related driver...so that the headache willl be reduced am i right???

  what is the difference of using driver in place of Webservices

  On Mar 19, 1:16 am, Bob Kerns r...@acm.org wrote:

   On Mar 18, 2:37 am, uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com wrote:
   - So for communicatingdatabase(On remote server)  from our
   - it is compulsory to write a driver like odbc???

   No, ODBC (or JDBC) is at the wrong level. You do not want to be doing
   SQL over the network.

   Instead, you want to create a web server that does the SQL -- and you
   just ask it questions (via HTTP GET) or give it commands (PUT, POST,

   If you already know Java well, a Java Servlet would be the easiest way
   to go -- running in a servlet engine line Tomcat.

   Tools like Ruby on Rails are supposed to make this even easier, but
   will involve learning a new language.

   You're going to have to go and do some studying, and look at a number
   of examples. I'm not going to look for a pointer to an example for
   you, because if you do it yourself, you can chose ones that more
   closely relate to what you're trying to do, or better fit your style
   of learning.

   But you can start on the server side by writing a unit test that
   simply takes a URL, interprets the parameters, and does the
   corresponding SQL query, and returns the result as either XML or JSON.
   Once you have that, it's a simple matter to embed that in the
   appropriate bit of code for your web server technology (e.g. a
   Servlet, in the case of Java). The client side just requests the data
   from that URL and reads it.

   Once you get that far for one kind of data, and the GET operation, the
   next steps will be both easier and more clear to you.  Part of your
   problem right now is you're trying to deal with the entire question at

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[android-developers] Re: Accessing External Database

2010-03-25 Thread uday kiran
Thanks for correcting me bob..

I saw so many mails regarding this JDBC drivers in stackoverflow..
I finally decided to use RESTful webservice instead of JDBC drivers..

I've gone through one example code at

In this he used to get the data from a stream..

But wgen i use with database it's not working..

How do i get the table names,column/row names, a particular key from a
row/column present in the database??

Dont get angry for asking again  again the same question..

is it possible by writing like this??


if im giving like this is it going to work properly???

Is it compulsory to use XML files with REST webservice??

Waiting for ur help...

Uday Kiran Pichika

Bob Kerns wrote:
 Brion gave some good suggestions, so let me address this from a more
 architectural standpoint.

 You don't WANT to access the tables direction. A web service acts as
 an intermediary -- it sits between your application and the database.

 This allows more control over how the application can access the
 information. You can limit the application to change only certain
 fields, or apply different security models.

 It also allows you to CHANGE your database. For example, to split a
 table into two linked tables to achieve better normalization. If the
 application could access the database directly, the SQL queries would
 need to change (especially for updates). You would face an impossible
 situation, as you simply cannot force people to upgrade their
 applications. This is perhaps the biggest reason why web services are
 so popular, and direct database connections are almost never used in
 end-user applications these days.

 It also allows better performance -- through caching, connection
 pooling, and other techniques. Database servers are simply not
 designed for huge numbers of connections.

 A web service has direct connections to the database. It has as much
 access to the tables as it needs. It's up to the web service what that
 data looks like to the client application, and how much access the
 client has.

 It can certainly present a model that parallels the database schema.
 With a RESTful interfaice, you could have URIs that denote tables,
 returning a list of URIs denoting primary keys in the table, and those
 URIs in turn would return the content of the rows, etc.

 But usually it makes more sense to operate at a somewhat higher level,
 where the URIs in the interface denote domain entities. For example, a
 music service might have URIs that denote albums, composers, artists,
 tracks, etc. Or, more likely, it would not have 'tracks' at all, and
 asking for an album would return EVERYTHING about the album that the
 application might need, because you can do that in a single step,
 without repeatedly asking the server.

 This allows much better scaling, and much better performance and
 reliability in the application, than asking for the same information
 one piece at a time. This is yet another example of why you want a web
 service, rather than accessing things at the database level. On a
 phone in particular, there is a lot of latency. Each time you ask a
 question, you have to wait for the information to flow both ways, and
 all those delays add up. The web service has very fast connection to
 the database, and can do all that quickly, so you only need to ask ONE
 question, and get a faster answer.

 When designing a web service, it is entirely up to you what form the
 data comes back in. You can construct whatever JSON or XML objects
 that are convenient representations for the data the service provides
 or uses. Whether you use JSONObject or an XML parser is up to you.

  From: uday kiran uday.pic...@gmail.com
  Date: Mar 22, 8:15 am
  Subject: Accessing External Database
  To: Android Developers
  So, if we r using RESTful webservice is it possible to access the
  Tables present in the database???
  and doing some operations on the database i.e) Adding/Deleting a row/
  column into the database table??
  I saw one example which uses JSON Object for getting the stream..
  So if i want to access databases which class we need to use??
  If u have any related code regarding this please let me know...
   Expecting more information regarding example code...
  Thanks in advance
  Uday Kiran Pichika

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[android-developers] uninstalling packages/ APK's in C

2011-03-15 Thread Kiran K
Hello All,

I want to uninstall the some packages / apk's depending some some
condition ( based on my custom version number) . How do I do it at
during system startup in C code ? My plan to create a service and
start it (via init.rc)  to delete the packages. I have created the
template for the service and need know the C functions to uninstall
the packages. Any help is appreciated.


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[android-developers] need wpa_supplicant with adhoc support for Spice Mi-310 Froyo android mobile

2011-06-07 Thread Kiran Patil

Unfortunately I lost my wpa_supplicant which was of version
Below is output of Spice Mi-310 (Froyo) mobile from ubuntu
# ./adb shell wpa_supplicant -v
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
wpa_supplicant v0.6.9
Copyright (c) 2003-2009, Jouni Malinen j...@w1.fi and contributors

now i dont have original wpa_supplicant and I tried to install the
many supplicants provided in web but none worked for me and wifi is

please help me to restore it with adhoc network support.


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Re: [android-developers] User Interface Design Question : Application UI as Overlays

2011-04-20 Thread kiran valsia
I believe fragmentation can be used from Android 3.0 onwards.If currently
the application is running on Android 2.2 , what could be the best way to
manage the complexity in this case?


On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 12:12 PM, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.comwrote:

 On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 12:10 PM, Samuh samuh.va...@gmail.com wrote:
  1. What would be the best way to design the UI for such an app? Should
  we have only one activity and draw everything over it for all the
  flows? This will increase code complexity and Class size.

 I don't think you have a choice but to have a single activity. Use
 fragments for the different tasks to help manage the complexity.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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[android-developers] Need help regarding android app development?

2012-07-26 Thread yuvan kiran
i have a plan of building an android app which takes the serial number..and 
displays the result of that serial number(i have the database of results 
and serial numbers)..but i know basics of android app development..i dont 
know about the linking of database into android app..so if you guys know 
anything regarding this, please help me out here..share your views..

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[android-developers] Ytdandroid usage android

2011-11-03 Thread uday kiran

Am using Ytdandroid to upload videos to youtube account . But i want
to make it as private , so that it will visible to me itself.

If we use gdata, gdata.setPrivate(true) simillar to this.

But i dono how to do with this ytdandroid code,??


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[android-developers] android crash while installing .apk

2012-03-20 Thread kiran nayak
hi all

i have booted android on my beagleboard.. but when i try to install a
simple helloworld.apk android crashes.

logcat says
W/Vold(  992): Ignoring unknown switch 'usb_connected'
W/Vold(  992): Ignoring unknown switch 'usb_connected'
D/Vold(  992): USB connected
D/Vold(  992): Share method ums now available
W/Vold(  992): Ignoring unknown switch 'usb_connected'
I/StorageNotification( 1113): UMS connection changed to true (media
state unmountable)
D/AndroidRuntime( 1318):
D/AndroidRuntime( 1318):  AndroidRuntime START
D/AndroidRuntime( 1318): CheckJNI is ON
D/dalvikvm( 1318): creating instr width table
D/AndroidRuntime( 1318): Calling main entry com.android.commands.pm.Pm
I/ActivityManager( 1041): Start proc com.android.defcontainer for
service com.android.defcontainer/.DefaultContainerService: pid=1326
uid=10011 gids={1015, 2001}
D/dalvikvm( 1326): GC_EXPLICIT freed 321K, 51% free 2715K/5511K,
external 716K/1038K, paused 27ms
W/ActivityManager( 1041): No content provider found for:
E/PackageManager( 1041): Couldn't create temp file for downloaded
package file.
W/dalvikvm( 1041): threadid=12: thread exiting with uncaught exception
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041): java.lang.NullPointerException
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041):at com.android.server.PackageManagerService
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041):at com.android.server.PackageManagerService
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041):at com.android.server.PackageManagerService
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041):at com.android.server.PackageManagerService
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041):at com.android.server.PackageManagerService
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041):at com.android.server.PackageManagerService
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041):at
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041):at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:130)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041):at
I/Process ( 1041): Sending signal. PID: 1041 SIG: 9
I/Zygote  (  995): Exit zygote because system server (1041) has
E/installd(  998): eof
E/installd(  998): failed to read size
I/installd(  998): closing connection
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'isms' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'simphonebook' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'iphonesubinfo' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'phone' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'media.player' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'media.camera' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'SurfaceFlinger' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'audio' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'uimode' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'batteryinfo' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'telephony.registry' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'sensorservice' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'entropy' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'power' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'usagestats' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'content' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'package' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'diskstats' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'backup' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'appwidget' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'account' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'activity' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'meminfo' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'cpuinfo' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'permission' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'usb' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'battery' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'hardware' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'vibrator' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'alarm' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'window' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'device_policy' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'input_method' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'statusbar' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'clipboard' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'bluetooth' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'bluetooth_a2dp' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'bluetooth_Hid' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'netstat' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'network_management' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'wifi' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'connectivity' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'throttle' died

some time i get error like

Failed to install 

[android-developers] android crash while installing .apk

2012-03-20 Thread kiran nayak
hi all

i have booted android on my beagleboard.. but when i try to install a
simple helloworld.apk android crashes.

logcat says
W/Vold(  992): Ignoring unknown switch 'usb_connected'
W/Vold(  992): Ignoring unknown switch 'usb_connected'
D/Vold(  992): USB connected
D/Vold(  992): Share method ums now available
W/Vold(  992): Ignoring unknown switch 'usb_connected'
I/StorageNotification( 1113): UMS connection changed to true (media
state unmountable)
D/AndroidRuntime( 1318):
D/AndroidRuntime( 1318):  AndroidRuntime START
D/AndroidRuntime( 1318): CheckJNI is ON
D/dalvikvm( 1318): creating instr width table
D/AndroidRuntime( 1318): Calling main entry com.android.commands.pm.Pm
I/ActivityManager( 1041): Start proc com.android.defcontainer for
service com.android.defcontainer/.DefaultContainerService: pid=1326
uid=10011 gids={1015, 2001}
D/dalvikvm( 1326): GC_EXPLICIT freed 321K, 51% free 2715K/5511K,
external 716K/1038K, paused 27ms
W/ActivityManager( 1041): No content provider found for:
E/PackageManager( 1041): Couldn't create temp file for downloaded
package file.
W/dalvikvm( 1041): threadid=12: thread exiting with uncaught exception
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041): java.lang.NullPointerException
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041):at com.android.server.PackageManagerService
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041):at com.android.server.PackageManagerService
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041):at com.android.server.PackageManagerService
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041):at com.android.server.PackageManagerService
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041):at com.android.server.PackageManagerService
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041):at com.android.server.PackageManagerService
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041):at
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041):at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:130)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1041):at
I/Process ( 1041): Sending signal. PID: 1041 SIG: 9
I/Zygote  (  995): Exit zygote because system server (1041) has
E/installd(  998): eof
E/installd(  998): failed to read size
I/installd(  998): closing connection
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'isms' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'simphonebook' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'iphonesubinfo' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'phone' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'media.player' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'media.camera' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'SurfaceFlinger' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'audio' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'uimode' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'batteryinfo' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'telephony.registry' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'sensorservice' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'entropy' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'power' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'usagestats' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'content' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'package' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'diskstats' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'backup' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'appwidget' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'account' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'activity' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'meminfo' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'cpuinfo' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'permission' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'usb' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'battery' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'hardware' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'vibrator' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'alarm' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'window' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'device_policy' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'input_method' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'statusbar' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'clipboard' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'bluetooth' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'bluetooth_a2dp' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'bluetooth_Hid' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'netstat' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'network_management' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'wifi' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'connectivity' died
I/ServiceManager(  991): service 'throttle' died

some time i get error like

Failed to install 

[android-developers] Re: android crash while installing .apk

2012-03-21 Thread kiran nayak
thank u very much

On Mar 21, 7:09 pm, Chris Stratton cs07...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wednesday, March 21, 2012 12:47:09 AM UTC-4, kiran nayak wrote:

  hi all

  i have booted android on my beagleboard.. but when i try to install a
  simple helloworld.apk android crashes.

 This question doesn't belong on android-developers since it's a system
 problem with a custom build; it might fit on android-porting or better on
 something beagleboard android specific.


 E/PackageManager( 1041): Couldn't create temp file for downloaded package


 Might be something to look into.  But please take followups to an
 appropriate forum.

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[android-developers] Backporting stagefright and NuPlayer to Android 2.2?

2012-04-25 Thread Kiran Rao

I mistakenly posted this question on the Android-Platform group 
I think it really belongs here in this group. 

My requirement is to be able to play a live video stream in my Android app. 
The stream will be over RTSP/RTP. 
I have no control over the source; and it looks like the RTP payload does 
not meet the requirements outlined in the Developers Guide Video encoding 
Specifically, the following requirement seems to be violated by the video 

For 3GPP and MPEG-4 containers, the moov atom must precede any mdat atoms, 
 but must succeed the ftyp atom

Basically, it looks like we get raw H264 data (not wrapped in a container).


 1. I was *not* able to play this stream using the MediaPlayer class on an 
Android 2.2 Samsung Galaxy Tab.
 2. However, I was able to play it on an Android 2.3 Samsung Galaxy S.
 3. Some third-party apps (MX Player) were able to play the same stream on 
the 2.2 Galaxy Tab as well.

In both cases 2 and 3 above, the DDMS logs pointed to the fact that 
StageFright framework was being used internally, while in case 1, PVP (i.e, 
OpenCore) was being used. All this leads me to conclude that:

 1. My stream cannot be played by OpenCore framework.
 2. My stream can be played using Stagefright - even on Android 2.2

Which brings me to my question:

*What does porting stagefright to Android 2.2 involve? *

Further, I noticed in the AOSP source that the newer NuPlayer is 
responsible for playing RTSP streams now. Question:

   1. Is it possible at all to port NuPlayer back to older versions of 
   Android (2.2 or 2.3)?
   2. If so, what do I need to do to be able to use it in my app?

I am aware that I can check out the sources and use NDK to build 
stagefright and NuPlayer (although I have never worked at the NDK level). 
What I don't know is how my app can then use this NuPlayer.

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[android-developers] Re: Backporting stagefright and NuPlayer to Android 2.2?

2012-04-26 Thread Kiran Rao
Thanks for the response b0b.

I realize MediaPlayer will not do the job for me - at least in 2.2. But, is 
there any framework-level requirement that is stopping me from building the 
newer media framework source and deploying it on 2.2? Perhaps this would 
make my app prohibitively large? Or performance impact? (Since 2 instance 
of media service will always be running) ??

On Thursday, 26 April 2012 16:03:31 UTC+5:30, b0b wrote:

 I wouldn't care about Android 2.2 at this point, as the MediaPlayer is 
 really incomplete and buggy in this version and lower.
 It is a lot better in 2.3.x and above.

 Most third party video players use ffmpeg as the media framework.

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[android-developers] Switch Widget

2012-05-07 Thread kiran g

I am new to Android..
my problem isSwitch button in android generating  an
error.please help me.
LinearLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/
android:layout_height=fill_parent xmlns:android1=http://

android1:text=Switch /


The Error is
Missing styles. Is the correct theme chosen for this layout?
Use the Theme combo box above the layout to choose a different layout,
or fix the theme style references.

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[android-developers] android database remote access

2011-06-27 Thread kiran nayak
hi all
is it possible to access android database (sqlite) form a remote
client such as pc??

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[android-developers] Drawable set on an ImageView ignores setBounds and reverts to original bounds on orientation change.

2012-02-24 Thread Kiran Rao
I've been struggling with this strange problem for quite some time. A
brief summary of the issue is this:

An ImageView's Drawable in portrait orientation with a certain bounds
set on it, on changing orientation and returning to portrait, does not
retain the set bounds. Instead it reverts to its original bounds. This
is in spite of forcefully setting the explicit bounds on orientation
change. Do note that any bounds that you later set on Click etc are

I worked around this by abandoning the ImageView in favor of a custom
View object and setting the Drawable using drawBitmap() within
onDraw(). But could anyone point out what I was doing wrong in the
ImageView approach?

Links describing the issue in detail:
1) StackOverflow thread - http://stackoverflow.com/q/9237932/570930
2) Sample project illustrating the issue, a debug version which logs
in more detail, and my solution involving custom View - Uploaded on
Google Project Hosting -

Thanks in Advance


Kiran Rao.

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[android-developers] Re: Drawable set on an ImageView ignores setBounds and reverts to original bounds on orientation change.

2012-02-26 Thread Kiran Rao
Anyone? I'd appreciate any pointers. I can't even figure out whether
this is a bug or a coding error.

On Feb 24, 10:49 am, Kiran Rao techie.curi...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've been struggling with this strange problem for quite some time. A
 brief summary of the issue is this:

 An ImageView's Drawable in portrait orientation with a certain bounds
 set on it, on changing orientation and returning to portrait, does not
 retain the set bounds. Instead it reverts to its original bounds. This
 is in spite of forcefully setting the explicit bounds on orientation
 change. Do note that any bounds that you later set on Click etc are

 I worked around this by abandoning the ImageView in favor of a custom
 View object and setting the Drawable using drawBitmap() within
 onDraw(). But could anyone point out what I was doing wrong in the
 ImageView approach?

 Links describing the issue in detail:
 1) StackOverflow thread -http://stackoverflow.com/q/9237932/570930
 2) Sample project illustrating the issue, a debug version which logs
 in more detail, and my solution involving custom View - Uploaded on
 Google Project Hosting 

 Thanks in Advance

 Kiran Rao.

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[android-developers] problem in serial port reading through jni

2011-09-05 Thread kiran nayak
hi all
in my android application i need to read data from
serialport(ttyUSB0) .I have written native code for that but it fails
to read in a long run by emitting the below error

pls help me

/DEBUG   (  824): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** ***
I/DEBUG   (  824): Build fingerprint: 'TI/beagleboard/beagleboard:2.3/
I/DEBUG   (  824): pid: 1547, tid: 1547   system 
I/DEBUG   (  824): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault
addr be806000
I/DEBUG   (  824):  r0   r1 be805ffd  r2   r3 0be5
I/DEBUG   (  824):  r4 be805360  r5 be805418  r6 be805418  r7 be805380
I/DEBUG   (  824):  r8 abe0  r9 be805418  10 be805410  fp 0004
I/DEBUG   (  824):  ip 000b  sp be805358  lr 82f00603  pc
82f00646  cpsr 8830
I/DEBUG   (  824):  d0  006442c8  d1  0035003842c8
I/DEBUG   (  824):  d2  00b40074  d3  001dd690
I/DEBUG   (  824):  d4  0001  d5  0064006d0002
I/DEBUG   (  824):  d6  0002  d7  3f80
I/DEBUG   (  824):  d8    d9  
I/DEBUG   (  824):  d10   d11 
I/DEBUG   (  824):  d12   d13 
I/DEBUG   (  824):  d14   d15 
I/DEBUG   (  824):  d16 81d1cbf840012108  d17 c049
I/DEBUG   (  824):  d18   d19 
I/DEBUG   (  824):  d20 3ff0  d21 8000
I/DEBUG   (  824):  d22   d23 
I/DEBUG   (  824):  d24 0003000700020006  d25 0003000700020006
I/DEBUG   (  824):  d26 001f001f001f001f  d27 001f001f001f001f
I/DEBUG   (  824):  d28 003f003f003f003f  d29 3ff0
I/DEBUG   (  824):  d30   d31 3ff0
I/DEBUG   (  824):  scr 6012
I/DEBUG   (  824):
I/DEBUG   (  824):  #00  pc 0646  /data/data/cdac.com/lib/
I/DEBUG   (  824):  #01  lr 82f00603  /data/data/cdac.com/lib/
I/DEBUG   (  824):
I/DEBUG   (  824): code around pc:
I/DEBUG   (  824): 82f00624 d1f32a53 5cf01c8b 785a444b d0552a5a
I/DEBUG   (  824): 82f00634 2300464d e001186e 1c0a1c10 330154e0
I/DEBUG   (  824): 82f00644 78c918f1 d1f72a5a d1f5295a 68324646
I/DEBUG   (  824): 82f00654 009b23a7 58d31c21 47984640 e00c1c04
I/DEBUG   (  824): 82f00664 680a4641 23a74923 4479009b 464058d3
I/DEBUG   (  824):
I/DEBUG   (  824): code around lr:
I/DEBUG   (  824): 82f005e0 1c28ef6c ff8cf7ff 44484658 421e6803
I/DEBUG   (  824): 82f005f0 2298d038 1c1119d2 1c284691 f7ff2232
I/DEBUG   (  824): 82f00600 4684ef68 dd602800 7832464e e0022100
I/DEBUG   (  824): 82f00610 d0504563 1c101c19 464e1c4b 5cf23853
I/DEBUG   (  824): 82f00620 d1f52800 d1f32a53 5cf01c8b 785a444b
I/DEBUG   (  824):
I/DEBUG   (  824): stack:
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805318  be805320
I/DEBUG   (  824): be80531c  be80531c
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805320  0004
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805324  
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805328  08bf
I/DEBUG   (  824): be80532c  
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805330  81d876b4  /system/lib/libdvm.so
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805334  01005380
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805338  be805360
I/DEBUG   (  824): be80533c  be805380
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805340  82f00708  /data/data/cdac.com/lib/
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805344  ed78b92d
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805348  be805360
I/DEBUG   (  824): be80534c  002b
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805350  df002777
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805354  e3a070ad
I/DEBUG   (  824): #00 be805358  be805410
I/DEBUG   (  824): be80535c  
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805360  46363937
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805364  30303030
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805368  54700031
I/DEBUG   (  824): be80536c  ce24be80
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805370  ce10410a
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805374  5368410a
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805378  e2c881da
I/DEBUG   (  824): be80537c  5490afd0
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805380  0003be80  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805384  5530
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805388  ce2cbe80
I/DEBUG   (  824): be80538c  5470410a
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805390  b92dbe80
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805394  5458ed78
I/DEBUG   (  824): be805398  5478be80
I/DEBUG   (  824): be80539c  ce10be80

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[android-developers] Re: ICS don't give you a real multitasking.

2012-05-16 Thread Kiran Rao
Really? User needs to reinput everything?
Let me ask you: have *you* ever programmed an Android app?

On Wednesday, 16 May 2012 19:31:35 UTC+5:30, sblantipodi wrote:

 As the graph I posted explain the app is not restarted, but the latest 
 activity is. 
 If the activity is restarted, user needs to reinput the input it 
 submitted, variables needs to be re-populated, etc. 

 from your talking it seems that in your mind the app needs to store 
 every user's move in database 
 and restore it in every onCreate(), hey, have you every programmed an 
 android app? 

 On May 16, 3:51 pm, Nikolay Elenkov nikolay.elen...@gmail.com wrote: 
  On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 10:43 PM, sblantipodi 
  perini.dav...@dpsoftware.org wrote: 
   don't try to justify a broken system, please. 
   Take a fresh new galaxy nexus, install on it three small apps, choose 
   you the apps and start them, 
   now open two tabs on your browser, choose you the site, now come back 
   at the first apps opened, you will 
   see that the activity has been restarted, now open the other two apps, 
   now return to browser, the page needs a refresh on every tabs. 
  Even if you are right, what is the problem with the apps being 
  If they have been implemented properly it shouldn't matter. If they 
  well, get whoever wrote them to fix them. 
   This is obviously a broken multitasking system. 
  Really? Define a non-broken multitasking system then.

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[android-developers] BroadcastReceiver: Is it safe to use setOrderedHint method in my code?

2012-05-17 Thread Kiran Rao
I am trying to add ordered broadcasting functionality to 
LocalBroadcastReceiver class. I just noticed this method: 

The docs have this to say :

For internal use, sets the hint about whether this BroadcastReceiver is 
 running in ordered mode.

Now, the For internal use part makes me nervous. Is it safe to use this 
method in my code? 

I mean, the method *is* published as part of the API (as opposed to being 
hidden with the @hide annotation in the source).
Secondly, changes to LocalBroadcastReceiver does qualify as internal code!

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Re: [android-developers] BroadcastReceiver: Is it safe to use setOrderedHint method in my code?

2012-05-17 Thread Kiran Rao
Oops .. apologies for the typo, and the ensuing confusion. I did mean 
LocalBroadcastManager in my original post, wherever I referred to 

Mark has summed it all up in his response. My current implementation is 

try to fork BroadcastReceiver and use a forked edition with 
 LocalBroadcastManager and ordered-broadcast support

But I have added my own flag (mConsumed) and added my own methods (
consumeBroadcast(), clearConsumeBroadcast() and isBroadcastConsumed()).

Secondly, my solution still doesn't allow using any of the setResult*methods of 
BroadcastReceiver (since all of these first do a checkSynchronousHint()). 
The way around this is to add another bunch of methods that basically do 
the exact same thing as getResult* and setResult* ; but which do not go 
through the checkSynchronousHint() path.

Using setOrderedHint() which would allow me to avoid all of this pain.All 
my changes would be isolated to LocalBroadcastManager, and I would not need 
to fork BroadcastReceiver (not to mention that code which registers for 
such local ordered broadcasts wouldn't need to deal with yet another forked 
class; and confusing methods like consumeBroadcast() in place of 

On Friday, 18 May 2012 02:18:21 UTC+5:30, Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) wrote:

 On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com 
  No, you should not be using it.  Why would you even *want* to use it?  I 
  only imagine using this to do things that are broken. :) 

 To clarify (and fix a typo in Kiran's post), he is working on adding 
 ordered broadcasts to LocalBroadcastManager from the Android Support 
 package, while maintaining maximum fidelity with the protocol used by 
 regular ordered broadcasts. 

 Most of this can go into (a fork of) LocalBroadcastManager without 
 issue. However, calling abortBroadcast() on a BroadcastReceiver throws 
 a RuntimeException (BroadcastReceiver trying to return result during 
 a non-ordered broadcast) if you try to use abortBroadcast() without 
 having the Intent go through the standard sendOrderedBroadcast(). 

 I have not seen Kiran's code -- I have merely been advising him so far 
 via email, as this is an itch I had been meaning to scratch myself. 
 Off the cuff, the options appear to be: 

 - use setOrderedHint(), despite it being labeled as internal, or 

 - attempt to override the internal checkSynchronousHint() to not raise 
 the RuntimeException, or 

 - try to fork BroadcastReceiver and use a forked edition with 
 LocalBroadcastManager and ordered-broadcast support, or 

 - abandon LocalBroadcastManager entirely and create a workalike that 
 supports ordered pseudocasts or some such 

 Certainly, I am up for other suggestions. 


 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) 
 http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy 
 http://commonsware.com/blog | http://twitter.com/commonsguy 

 Android Training...At Your Office: http://commonsware.com/training 

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Re: [android-developers] BroadcastReceiver: Is it safe to use setOrderedHint method in my code?

2012-05-18 Thread Kiran Rao

I'm not sure I fully understand this phrase in your comment:

using BroadcastReceiver as a separated class not known by the rest of the 

To clarify, my current solution is a fork of the support package's 
LocalBroadcastManager. It does *not* use setOrderedHint(). Because of this, 
I am forced to create a class which is a BroadcastReceiver look-alike; and 
introduce methods like consumeBroadcast(), which mimic the functionality of 
abortBroadcast(). If I go ahead with this approach, components which 
express their interest in my broadcasts will not be able to register 
regular BroadcastReceiver objects; they will have to register instances of 
my custom BroadcastReceiver.

My intention is to alleviate this problem by using setOrderedHint() in my 
fork of LocalBroadcastManager. If I do this, I will be able to use the 
regular android.content.BroadcastReceiver. and do away with the custom 
BroadcastReceiver class. The intention, thus, is to *not* use 
BroadcastRecaiver as a separate class; but rather use the one known to the 

On Friday, 18 May 2012 10:52:49 UTC+5:30, Dianne Hackborn wrote:

 Hm, okay, for that, where basically you are just using BroadcastReceiver 
 as a separated class not known by the rest of the framework, it seems okay.

 On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 7:22 PM, Kiran Rao techie.curi...@gmail.comwrote:

 Oops .. apologies for the typo, and the ensuing confusion. I did mean 
 LocalBroadcastManager in my original post, wherever I referred to 

 Mark has summed it all up in his response. My current implementation is 

 try to fork BroadcastReceiver and use a forked edition with 
 LocalBroadcastManager and ordered-broadcast support

 But I have added my own flag (mConsumed) and added my own methods (
 consumeBroadcast(), clearConsumeBroadcast() and isBroadcastConsumed()).

 Secondly, my solution still doesn't allow using any of the setResult*methods 
 BroadcastReceiver (since all of these first do a checkSynchronousHint()). 
 The way around this is to add another bunch of methods that basically do 
 the exact same thing as getResult* and setResult* ; but which do not go 
 through the checkSynchronousHint() path.

 Using setOrderedHint() which would allow me to avoid all of this 
 pain.All my changes would be isolated to LocalBroadcastManager, and I 
 would not need to fork BroadcastReceiver (not to mention that code which 
 registers for such local ordered broadcasts wouldn't need to deal with yet 
 another forked class; and confusing methods like consumeBroadcast() in 
 place of abortBroadcast())

 On Friday, 18 May 2012 02:18:21 UTC+5:30, Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) 

 On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com 
  No, you should not be using it.  Why would you even *want* to use it? 
  I can 
  only imagine using this to do things that are broken. :) 

 To clarify (and fix a typo in Kiran's post), he is working on adding 
 ordered broadcasts to LocalBroadcastManager from the Android Support 
 package, while maintaining maximum fidelity with the protocol used by 
 regular ordered broadcasts. 

 Most of this can go into (a fork of) LocalBroadcastManager without 
 issue. However, calling abortBroadcast() on a BroadcastReceiver throws 
 a RuntimeException (BroadcastReceiver trying to return result during 
 a non-ordered broadcast) if you try to use abortBroadcast() without 
 having the Intent go through the standard sendOrderedBroadcast(). 

 I have not seen Kiran's code -- I have merely been advising him so far 
 via email, as this is an itch I had been meaning to scratch myself. 
 Off the cuff, the options appear to be: 

 - use setOrderedHint(), despite it being labeled as internal, or 

 - attempt to override the internal checkSynchronousHint() to not raise 
 the RuntimeException, or 

 - try to fork BroadcastReceiver and use a forked edition with 
 LocalBroadcastManager and ordered-broadcast support, or 

 - abandon LocalBroadcastManager entirely and create a workalike that 
 supports ordered pseudocasts or some such 

 Certainly, I am up for other suggestions. 


 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) 
 http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy 
 http://commonsware.com/blog | http://twitter.com/commonsguy 

 Android Training...At Your Office: 

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 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to 
 provide private support, and so won't

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