[cayugabirds-l] Union Springs: N rough-winged swallow

2015-06-18 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Normal level of Cayuga Lake is 382 ft. but on Mon. I read that it was at 384 ft.. The underside of the docks here at Frontenac Park have been used for yrs. by the rough-wings for nesting. I watched several swallows sitting on, or flying over the docks on Mon. a.m.. Perhaps they were the males w

[cayugabirds-l] Red-headed woodpecker 3.4 mi. from Union Springs

2015-05-20 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Daughter, Becky arrived home from work about 4:30 p.m. to the flash of clearly defined, bright black & white color in her trees on Ridge Rd. out of Union Springs. Grabbing her binox from her car she soon found the bird also had a bright red head! She called me as she was taking pix & listenin

[cayugabirds-l] Kingfisher-gull squabble

2015-05-06 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
At Myers Park, flying down Salmon Creek at 5:30 this evening was a kingfisher with a Ring-billed gull in hot pursuit. The kingfisher flew into a tree where the gull couldn't follow. It took a swift turn & came back towards the tree, joined by another gull. The kingfisher stayed put, well out o

[cayugabirds-l] Chimney swifts in Union Springs!!

2015-04-30 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
4/30/15: Here in Union Springs at 2 p.m. the first 4 chittering "cigars" flew overhead & circled down to the tall chimney on the girl's dorm. Becky was here & suddenly at least a doz. were overhead. :-) I hope I am wrong & that they make the chimney their summer home but somehow I felt the

[cayugabirds-l] Varied Thrush in Irondequoit, NY

2015-04-29 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
On Mon., 4/27/15, Kathy Strickland & I played hookey & journeyed to the Rochester suburb of Irondequoit to look for the female Varied Thrush. After about 15 min., thanks to the quick eye of Jim Tarolli of Baldwinsville, we got to see it, a lifer for the three of us! Several people had been wa

[cayugabirds-l] Loons, no. Cormorants, yes at Mud Lock

2015-04-23 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
John & I went to Frontenac Park about 1 p.m. today. I counted 17 cormorants just south of the island & no fewer than 20 more /within sight/ south towards Carr's Cove. John had seen more fly that way as I counted the ones at the island & they no doubt were hidden behind the point. I came home d

[cayugabirds-l] Osprey and other spring arrival dates

2015-04-03 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
The e-mail below was sent by Matt Medler 7 yrs. ago in response to a question asked by Linda Van Buskirk. With numerous folks mentioning osprey sightings, it seems like an informative e-mail to re-send. For you "newbies" in the hobby, Matt Medler was always someone who would find an answer to a

[cayugabirds-l] Union Springs ... 1st osprey 4/2/15

2015-04-02 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Becky was leaving for home at 3:15 p.m. when she came running back to say an osprey was atop a pole light just below the house. Yaaa Ho YES!!! It was eating a large fish. I didn't see "our" osprey across the field on the platform yet today but now will watch. Also will soon check the o

[cayugabirds-l] Montezuma Wildlife Drive is open.

2015-04-01 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
I received this today because I am a member of Friends of MWC. Figured other birders would like to be updated. Returning from Dryden this afternoon I saw an eagle on the Aurora, NY nest & one in an adjacent tree. Didn't have my scope so couldn't check on the Great Gully farm nest

[cayugabirds-l] Chipping sparrows: Union Springs

2015-03-27 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
On Wed. 25 Mar. 2015 Becky Sewell, my daughter, saw 2 CHIPPING SPARROWS under her feeders. She is 3.5 mi. east of Union Springs, inside "the Basin" & has far more varieties of feeder birds than I do. I've had a SONG SPARROW under my feeders since 26 Mar.. I saw one on 18 Jan. but didn't try to

Re:[cayugabirds-l] Snowy Owl, Location/Correction/ NOT Lake Road, Cayuga

2015-03-23 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Laura Stenzler & my daughter, Becky, are_just south of Pumpkin Hill Bistro_ (/south of Aurora/) looking at the owl sitting atop a snow drift in the field on the_west side of Rte. 90_. The co-ordinates given below are correct BUT the location "Cayuga, NY" is not. Becky said a row of spruce trees

[cayugabirds-l] Along Cayuga west shore & MNWR

2015-03-20 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
20 March 2015 Daughter Becky & I played hooky on Thurs. afternoon after she came from work. Since Gary K. mentioned an outing to MNWR for Sat., I went to see if the situation there had changed in the last wk. NOPE!!! All iced over & snow on top. Visitor'

[cayugabirds-l] Male Harlequin at Oswego today, 3/9/15

2015-03-09 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
*_THE male __H__arlequin!!_ Our treat for today. Lifers for daughter, Becky & me, tho' 17 yrs. ago I had seen a female at Sodus. Becky was thrilled because she has thought Woodies & Common mergansers are the most colorful of the ducks. Beautiful day to be out. Less snow in Oswego than in Union

[cayugabirds-l] Union Springs: Squirrel Notodric mange

2015-02-26 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
I've found pictures on-line with squirrels, primarily grays, looking like the one I have at my feeders. The*Notodric* mange supposedly is squirrel specific & doesn't seem to cause the misery that Sarcoptic mange does in other animals. Depending on health of the squirrel & if it can survive the

[cayugabirds-l] Union Springs Bluebirds

2015-02-25 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Union Springs, NY Five (5) Bluebirds flew across our back yard yesterday. Eight (8) goldfinches fought over niger feeder perches. "Our" family of 7 crows continues but an extra one was with them this a.m.. They stop by several times each day to see if any morsels of bird seed was missed. Sno

[cayugabirds-l] Factory pond, Union Springs, NY

2015-02-13 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Some of you might want to see Factory pond. Beaver has felled 2 fair sized trees along the south side. One has fallen almost entirely into the water. The other is about 1/2 in the water. Geese & ducks have never been able to swim where they are now. Gets more interesting each day. When at the

[cayugabirds-l] bird feeders and Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

2015-02-08 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Hi Diana, Was the note anonymously hand written or was it an official DEC or Ag Dept. notification? I would be very inclined to call Cornell Co-operative Extension or a local AUTHORITY about birds _in winter_. Birds*ARE* known carriers but so is the wind & so are small & large mammals & rode

[cayugabirds-l] Mill Pond, Union Springs

2015-02-06 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Along with 5 other adults & one juvenile is a neck-banded Tundra Swan on Mill Pond. The band is turned in such a way that I couldn't see the number. Perhaps someone with a good scope can see it & post their findings. The swans have been on the pond for a couple wks.. Gadwall continue on both p

[cayugabirds-l] Song Sparrow

2015-01-19 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Union Springs: 19 Jan. 2015. Confirmed this a.m. that the bird I saw yesterday afternoon in dim light under one of our cedar trees was indeed a SONG SPARROW, my FOY. As I was watching the song sparrow a Cooper's hawk came sweeping by on its way to the stand of spruces where the the little birds

[cayugabirds-l] Union Springs: Bald eagles, ducks, GBH

2015-01-12 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
_At 2 p.m. today._ 12 Jan. 2015. _ Mill pond_: mallards, redheads, buffles & 1 gw teal. _Factory St. pond_; gadwalls, buffles. _Factory St. pond outlet_: mallards & 2 great blue herons. _Frontenac Park views towards the island:_ thousands of ducks ... redheads & ??? Had no scope & foggy

[cayugabirds-l] Union Springs Mill Pond, Scout Project

2014-12-18 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Birding friends, Below is an e-mail from the mother of the Scout about whom I wrote that wanted to make a path along the south side of Mill Pond. I have sent her copies of e-mails I've received. Today I sent her the last of the many I've received over the last few weeks & this is her reply. No

[cayugabirds-l] Large rafts of Redheads off Frontenac Park

2014-12-13 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
The lake was black with several rafts of redheads this a.m. between Frontenac Park & the Island at Union Springs. Yesterday Mill Pond hosted many of them along with mallards, A. wigeons, gadwall & buffleheads. /I parked _across the street_ from the pond/ & immediately, the ducks_/*all*/_ hastil

[cayugabirds-l] Dave Nutter's letter re: Mill Pond ... Union Springs

2014-12-11 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
address is nutter.d...@mac.com, and my phone number is 607-229-2158. Sincerely, David M. Nutter On Dec 01, 2014, at 02:25 PM, John and Fritzie Blizzard wrote: > Thanks to all who have written to me. > > I agree with Donna Scott about personal, paper letters. If necessary, > I can

[cayugabirds-l] Cooper's & Sharp-shinned Hawks

2014-12-07 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Last Thurs. in my Mulberry tree above the feeders sat a gorgeous_Cooper's hawk._ Yesterday in the rain a _Sharpie_ caught what appeared to be a blue jay (light was too poor to see for sure) & proceeded to eat it, tearing off long strips of flesh after slowly plucking off the downy feathers sti

[cayugabirds-l] Mill Pond ... Union Springs

2014-12-01 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Thanks to all who have written to me. I agree with Donna Scott about personal, paper letters. If necessary, I can print letters to present to the mayor. I would like to have copies of whatever is sent to the Mayor. Letters should be addressed to: Mayor Ed Trufant and Board of Trustees, Village

Re:[cayugabirds-l] Jay's report (+ a proposal for Mill Pond)

2014-11-29 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Your update is_MUCH_ appreciated, Jay. I've missed the reports. I was invited 2 wks. ago to the village hall to listen to, & comment about, a proposal by a young lad who wants to "clean up around Mill Pond" /clean up litter & cut brush &/ /_put a path_ _along the south side of the pond_/_

[cayugabirds-l] Purple Sandpiper

2014-10-29 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
To clarify our sighting ... it was Monday evening 27 Oct. 2014 when Becky & I watched the SP until it was almost full dark. Lake was dead calm. What a difference a day makes. Fritzie -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.co

[cayugabirds-l] Union Springs ponds 1 p.m. 26 Oct. '14

2014-10-26 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Mill Pond along Rte. 90 ... Pr. of green-winged teal, pr. buffles + mallards Factory Pond Pr. gadwall +mallards Glory be ... the brush along the Factory St. pond fence has been removed. The murky water & birds can be seen. If only a Screechie would return . Gas station here is still cl

[cayugabirds-l] Union Springs ... 1st Buffleheads

2014-10-20 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Daughter, Becky Sewell, reported seeing a pair of BUFFLEHEADS on the Mill Pond at Union Springs about 4 p.m. today. Fritzie Blizzard Union Springs, NY -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES http://www.Nort

[cayugabirds-l] Kestrals .. Union Springs

2014-07-07 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Today a kestral was hunting from the Spring St. power line near us. Yesterday Becky & I saw 2 youngsters on another power line nearby. Glad to finally see them back in our area. Bluebirds have a 2nd brood in the hollowed out dead tree limb. Wrens are feeding babies. Chimney swifts are obviousl

Re: [cayugabirds-l] Bald Eagle nest in Aurora

2014-07-06 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
*John & I stopped to find the new eagle nest 16 June. It was definitely larger when we went to Ithaca last Thurs.. **Park across the road on the corner to be safe when you look for it.** ** **Fritzie B.* On 7/6/2014 2:01 PM, Gary Kohlenberg wrote: > Hi all, > Everyone may already know about thi

[cayugabirds-l] Birds 'n bees 'n poisons

2014-07-06 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Thanks to all of you who sent your "caring" thoughts in reply to my e-mail of concern & my question, "Who cares?" While the focus of this site is mainly for birds it is also for nature in general. What we do for or against should be of interest something we fight to make better by making/

[cayugabirds-l] Horned larks, C. swifts today 5 July 2014

2014-07-05 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Three horned larks were standing on Dublin Hill Rd. (east of Aurora) between Rte. 34 B & Black St. which goes north as a continuation of Indian Field Rd.. Here in Union Springs we saw 2 soaring ospreys over our house & one on the NYSEG Transfer Station nest on No. One Rd. across the field from

[cayugabirds-l] Destructiveness of chipmunks

2014-06-14 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Somewhere, a few yrs. back, I read that chipmunks are more destructive to birds than are cats. Really, where can the exact proof be of such statistics? Both are exceedingly destructive. Add in red & gray squirrels, racoons, skunks, possums, snakes & turtles as well as other birds. Other sectio

[cayugabirds-l] First blue Damselfly & other firsts

2014-05-27 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
A blue Damselfly was hovering (?) next to my back door Sun. evening, my 1st of the spring.=-O >:o Becky was working in the garden when she saw a Balto. Oriole fly into the ash tree at the end of the garden. Sharp eyes !!! found the new nest amidst a thick clump of leaves. I fear the g

Re: [cayugabirds-l] MNWR Grebe vs Bullhead

2014-05-06 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Good "catch", Dave! Wonder the little guy didn't sink! Fritzie On 5/6/2014 5:36 PM, Dave K wrote: > Today at MNWR auto loop > > https://flic.kr/p/nvXS6w > -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES http://ww

[cayugabirds-l] Dean's Cove correction

2014-04-26 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Meant to say the osprey nest was a smidgeon south of, not north of. Too tired! Fritzie -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsSubscribeConfigurationLeave.htm ARC

[cayugabirds-l] Dean's Cove osprey

2014-04-26 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Returned to Union Springs from Ithaca via Rte 89 today. If someone reported this nest, I failed to see it. *#22* ...*_Dean's__Cove_* a smidgeon north of Dean's Cove on the west side of 89. Bird on the nest & one flying. This nest was there last yr.. */Seneca Falls Country Club entranc

[cayugabirds-l] Snows are still here!!!

2014-03-31 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
At 5:15 this evening, countless 1,000s of snow geese began going over our house here on the hill above Union Springs & as far north as I could see as they headed eastward to the fields to feed. Here & there were blues. Some minutes after the snows had passed, along came the Canadas, f

[cayugabirds-l] Fantastic movement of snows 3.27.14

2014-03-27 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
After the wind died down & came from the south last night, I figured most of the snows would have headed on north but at 3:45 p.m. I was astounded to see the thousands of snows flying eastward from the lake, great nos. right over the house & as far as I could see in all directions. At 4 p.m. eve

[cayugabirds-l] 9 a.m. today ~ ~ Snow geese, Union Springs

2014-03-26 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
>From my bedroom window, at 9 a.m., I could look 1/2 mi. down to the lake & see >thousands of snow geese suddenly rising from the ice, swirling 'round & >'round, higher & higher, many going south, some coming east over our house but >most settling back down onto the ice. Thrilling sight. Last e

[cayugabirds-l] Snows on the ice/Union Springs

2014-03-25 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Thousands of snows & a few Canadas on the ice out from Frontenac Park ... to & beyond, north & south of the island since 10 this a.m. & still there now at 1:30 p.m.. Woodies, etc. on Mill Pond. Fritzie -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.N

[cayugabirds-l] Finally

2014-03-19 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Saw my FOY TV & this a.m. & also saw FOY hundreds of snows & 4 blues coming from the east. When they got to the lake they headed south, bucking the strong south headwinds. Beautiful sight against the blue sky. Fritzie, in Union Springs, NY -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding

[cayugabirds-l] Snow geese hunting season 'til 15 April

2014-03-16 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
For those who have forgotten, snow geese can be taken 'til 15 April 2014. I just watched a couple hundred Canadas spiral down onto Mill Pond. They came in from east of us where they usually spend much of the days in farm fields. I suspect they heard gunshots somewhere or maybe "sporting" snowmobi

[cayugabirds-l] Mill Pond, Union Springs 1:30 p.m.

2014-03-15 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Tucked hard against Mill Pond west shore, sheltered from fierce winds; 5 prs. wood ducks, 4 male hooded megansers, 1 female red-breasted merganser Other: redheads, buffles, mallards, ring-billed ducks, 1 Canada, (?) scaup, gadwall, coot, 2 horned grebes (still!!) No wigeon. A rustic-looking ga

[cayugabirds-l] White against the blue

2014-03-13 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
How beautiful to see 2 flocks of pure white swans flying overhead about 4 p.m with the brilliant blue sky above them. Becky could hear them discussing their plans for their evening rest on the lake, or maybe they were talking about not enough grass poking up through the snow where they had stopp

[cayugabirds-l] Mill Pond Horned Grebes

2014-03-11 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
With the bright sunshine today the grebes were extra beautiful. Along with several Canada geese (please don't call them Canadian geese) were mallards, wigeons, redheads, buffles, a canvasback, one coot & 2 female common mergs. Beavers have begun to thin trees along the north side of Mill pond ..

[cayugabirds-l] Union Springs, Mill Pond

2014-03-08 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Today about 1:15 p.m. John & I had good looks at the 2 horned grebes, one spending a long time grooming. Also saw a pr. of common mergs with the male in his well-dressed "suit," suitable for a suitor ... nothing COMMON about him! Didn't have time to scan much so probably over looked the canvasba

[cayugabirds-l] Mud Lock Eagles on nest

2014-03-08 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Forgot to mention on Thurs., (3.6.14) that Becky & I saw both adult eagles on the nest at Mud Lock. One flew as we stopped so couldn't tell if one had brought food for the other. Seriously doubt eggs have hatched. Saw 2 horned grebes & a red breasted merganser on Mill Pond yesterday along with

[cayugabirds-l] Inebriated robins in FL

2014-03-06 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
My Mother used to tell about when she lived there back in the '70s, how robins became inebriated nearly every yr. in St. Petersburg, FL from eating the fruit of the Florida Holly, a non-native invasive tree known as the Brazilian Pepper, an exotic that can grow to 40 ft.. Newspapers usually prin

[cayugabirds-l] Mill Pond Union Springs

2014-03-03 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Along with regulars today: More Am. Wigeon than seen thus far this mo.. 1 male Green-winged teal 1 male Red-Breasted Merganser. Flew in just after I arrived at 1:15 p.m. 1 male & female Merganser, a pr. ... slim & trim but mist too thick with sun glare to ID 1 Horned Grebe ... other one may hav

[cayugabirds-l] Carolina wren 2.17.2014

2014-02-17 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
At 3:15 p..m. today we saw our 1st ever Carolina Wren here at our house, in the barn feeder atop the clothesline arm. After pecking at some seeds it inspected inside one of the birdboxes on the next clothesline arm. What a treat on this lovely, sunny, cold day. This a.m. a gray squirrel was agai

[cayugabirds-l] Skunks

2014-02-04 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Thanks to all who responded to my post about skunks. Saw my 1st dead one along the road yesterday. (:>( Nari Mistry mentioned something I forgot to say of the usefulness of our little friends that they have a special taste for yellow jackets & their larvae, & probably for bumble & honey

[cayugabirds-l] Skunk, robins & Spring?

2014-02-01 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Bill McAneny of T'burg said: "As I exited my front door this a.m. the first thing to strike my senses was the pungent aroma of a skunk. How much I have missed it! How often has anyone ever made THAT kind of remark?" Lots of bare ground here in Union Springs with 38 deg. temps since Fri. evenin

[cayugabirds-l] Video of Auburn crows

2014-01-29 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
This video of Auburn crows (click on the word link below) is just a tiny bit of what we see each evening as foraging crows return to Auburn to roost. It's an unbelieveable sight. Think the flights in Ithaca can compare? Fritzie The link to watch it on YouTube. -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http

[cayugabirds-l] ... management proposals re: Mute Swan.

2014-01-25 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
I agree with Dave Nutter. I saw the petition. Wouldn't sign it. EVER. Remember that snow geese were more or less protected for yrs.. They are far more wary than Canadas so the extra hunting season for them doesn't do much to diminish their numbers. Now they are an absolute plague, esp. to rice f

[cayugabirds-l] Great Gully juv. bald eagle 1 p.m.

2014-01-21 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
John & I saw a juv. bald eagle circling over the gully & then flying west towards Cayuga Lake in the general area of where the nest is in the tall trees along the lake. At Aurora on our way to Ithaca at 10:45 a.m., besides Canadas, we saw tight clusters, as well as long "streams", of ducks fro

Re: [cayugabirds-l] more birds Thursday afternoon

2014-01-10 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
In response to Dave's (tongue-in-cheek?) comments about pheasants ... before Thanksgiving, Becky & I went to Aurora one day. On the way we found a dead male pheasant in the road 1 1/2 mi. north of Levanna Rd.. Admiring it, & stroking the beautiful feathers, she lovingly put it in the car. When w

[cayugabirds-l] Mud Lock Canvasbacks, GBH, etc

2014-01-08 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
This afternoon just south of Mud Lock, along with many Canadas, tundra swans & other ducks, I saw 2 Canvasbacks. Without scope I wasn't sure about 3 swans which may have been trumpeters. North of the lock on the river were several common mergs, lots of Canadas & on the shore ice were 2 great b

Re:[cayugabirds-l] Alexis Heinz: snowy owl

2014-01-06 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Such exuberance, such joy from Alexis! Becky, John & I have often felt this way. Yes, we have stood looking up at the geese, waving & crying out a welcome to the returning flocks & then waving good-bye & wishing them a good winter when we see them heading south. Silly? Maybe, but we have long lo

[cayugabirds-l] Duck hunting dates

2013-12-30 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
The DEC list shows the 2nd season for ducks & Canadas in western NY as being 28 Dec. thru 12 Jan.. Bag limits are higher for Snows (25 per day) than for ducks or Canadas. Snow geese season: 1 Oct. thru 15 April. Hunting time begins 1/2 hr. before sunrise & ends at sunset. -- Cayugabirds-L List

Re: [cayugabirds-l] K33 and A21

2013-12-27 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
In reply to: Anne Clark who asked: If the two are sticking together and adults, perhaps they are a pair? Larue St. Clair mentioned that he felt the trumpeters they were a pair. I might mention that the first time he, & we met, was down towards Long Point the winter after his wife died in Oct.

Re: [cayugabirds-l] K33 and A21

2013-12-27 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Yes, dau. Becky & I have been watching the tagged trumpeter swans on Mill pond for 2 wks. or longer. Larue St. Clair was by there on the 20th & commented in a C'mas note to us that they were trumpeters. I haven't had time to check my records but I think those wing tag nos. may be the same as on

Re:[cayugabirds-l] Lansing Center Trail, Sat 12/21

2013-12-21 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
I also add my thanks to brother harrier this very rainy 60 deg. day! Fritzie Saturday, December 21, 2013 2:18 PM Re: [cayugabirds-l] Lansing Center Trail, Sat., 12/21 Donna Scott wrote: "thank you little un-IDd prey animal, for feeding brother Harrier." Saturday, December 21, 2013 1:51 PM,

[cayugabirds-l] A murder of crows

2013-12-18 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
If you want to see impressive murders of crows, come to Auburn just before dark & watch 'til it's full dark. If you arrive 1/4 to 1/2 hr. before dark you may get to see dozens to a couple hundred Am. robins coming in to roost with the crows. I find it totally fascinating no matter how many times

[cayugabirds-l] Snowy Owls still around Montezuma

2013-12-07 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
I found the lone Snowy about 3:45 p.m. right where Gary saw it, confirmed by Kathy Strickland & my daughter, Becky. I saw it first from the first driveway to the dike next to the muck on the east end. I drove to the potato bldg. where we still saw it but lighting was poor & it was too far away t

[cayugabirds-l] It's official .... LARUE'S LAGOON!!!!

2013-11-03 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
This afternoon John & I attended activities in the MNWR Visitor's Center in which Larue St. Clair was honored for his 20 yrs. as a volunteer at Montezuma. As expected, a gift was presented to him. We all know about Larue listing his counts & in what areas of the refuge birds were seen. (Jackie

[cayugabirds-l] Today-MNWR- Honoring 20 yr. volunteer-Larue St.Clair

2013-11-03 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
National Wildlife Week celebration at Montezuma today. 10a.m to noon: Roving naturalists along Wildlife drive to help ID birds Noon to 3 p.m.: opening reception for the Marsh Birds of Montezuma Art Show at Visitor's Center 1:30 p.m. CEREMONY TO HONOR LARUE ST. CLAIR FOR HIS 20 YRS. VOLUNTEER SE

[cayugabirds-l] Mill pond, Union Springs

2013-11-01 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
With the strong SW winds we have had more ducks on the Mill pond along Rte. 90 sheltering, surprisingly, in the SE corner. Water level is down again. Early last mo. water was up to the bottom of, & maybe into, the metal duck box in the pond. Can't figure what is happening because water flowing

[cayugabirds-l] Benning Ibis 10.18.13

2013-10-18 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
I was at Benning about 4:15 p.m. & had good looks at both ibis. They were about 15 ft. from the road preening in the deep grass, seemingly not perturbed by the 3 cars stopped opposite them. Unlike the clod Gary saw, who hauled out his equipment, the observers I saw were all quiet & even as a car

[cayugabirds-l] Loons .. Union Springs

2013-10-08 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Saw my first loon out from Frontenac Marina yesterday 10.8.13. Here in the yard amongst others are several bluebirds with their accompanying buddies, house finches. Once again, downys are roosting in the birdboxes in which I have put fresh dry grass formed into a deep cup. Fritzie -- Cayugabird

[cayugabirds-l] Replies re: hummingbirds & the dark colored monarch

2013-09-17 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Thank you to all who sent news about hummer sightings. Last yr., I think it was, someone reported a very late hummer in early Oct.. With such a crazy summer it seems that some birds left early. I haven't seen a swallow for several wks. & NONE before that, lined up by the hundreds on power lines

[cayugabirds-l] Monarchs & a Nighthawk

2013-09-17 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Only one monarch all summer & now, within an hr., I've seen 6 They appear to be darker in color than I recall so does that mean they are this summer's hatch? All in a S-SW flight. Beautiful, thrilling, rewarding sight! Need to go to Seneca Meadows! Coming down from the garden a few minutes

[cayugabirds-l] CBC field trip, Sunday Sept 15th - Montezuma, dikes included

2013-09-11 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard

[cayugabirds-l] Mud Lock red headed woodpecker, etc

2013-08-28 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Becky & I got to see the RHWP hawking insects at 4 p.m. on our way to get lucious, ($35 for full bu.) just-picked peaches at Port Bay yesterday. Stopped at Morgan Rd. on the way home. Saw over 30 Woodies on the little pond, to Becky's delight. Also saw 2 kestrals there + many g. w. egrets & gbhs

[cayugabirds-l] RH Woodpecker/Mud Lock

2013-08-24 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Becky & I just came back from the Lock. The tree/s in Geo Chiu's pictures are immediately north of the old eagle nest platform where we often saw the eagles sitting. We saw at least 4 holes but NO birds, except starlings, a crow & Northern Rough-winged Swallows. Geo Chiu does not say when he s

[cayugabirds-l] 6 SNOWS north of Mud Lock

2013-06-10 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Took son Jim to the lock about 4 p.m. today. One adult & one juv. eagle were sitting in diff. trees over on the point. No birds left on the nest. One osprey sat in a bare tree west of the old platform. Behind the cottages along River Rd. & just south of where the Seneca R. & the canal come to

[cayugabirds-l] Glossy ibis & great egret Fri. 5.24.13

2013-05-25 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Daughter, Becky, was able to take pictures of the GREAT EGRET we saw in a swampy field along 5 & 20 across from Short Rd. on our way to MNWR. We saw many DUNLIN at Larue's along with many other peeps that didn't stay put long. We saw them in various places across the main pool & at Benning. Of

[cayugabirds-l] Prothonotary Warbler

2013-05-23 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
This report is late but Kathy Strickland & I went to Armitage Rd. Sun. evening (where do the days go???). With her exc. hearing she was able to pinpoint the locality of the warbler & eventually found it almost in her face. We both had wonderful views as the setting sun really highlighted its col

Re:[cayugabirds-l] Common Nighthawk

2013-05-19 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
When we lived in Ith. '61-'71 we always enjoyed seeing & hearing nighthawks over Montgomery Ward & other stores, incl. JC Penney at what is now the west end of the Commons. We weren't often downtown at night between '71 & '91 when we lived in Dryden nor have we been downtown at night except a

[cayugabirds-l] Palmer's Woods - Prof. Lawrence Palmer

2013-05-14 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Our family knew & adored "Eph" Palmer as well as his wonderful wife, Dr. Katherine Van Winkle Palmer, the director of the Paleontological Research Institution (PRI) for many yrs.. The Palmers lived on the corner of Oak Hill Rd. sorta' kitty-corner across Triphammer from the area now known as P

[cayugabirds-l] Request for this listserve ....., etc.

2013-05-02 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Thanks Laura ... I've often thought the same thing. Help others. Also remember, when forwarding someone's post, please delete all the Cayugabirds info at the end as well as non-pertinent info. I side-tracked to Mud Lock this a.m. & saw the ospreys at the former eagle nest. We saw no fewer than

[cayugabirds-l] Mud Lock platform is occupied

2013-04-26 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
About 6:30 p.m. today, 4.26.13, Becky & I stopped to check on the eagles at Mud Lock saw both. One appeared to be feeding chicks but couldn't see clearly in the glare. Atop the former eagle platform at the lock sat an osprey. Another was perched in a nearby tree. Will they or won't they u

[cayugabirds-l] empty feeder

2013-04-19 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Union Springs ... Yesterday evening a hanging feeder was nearly full when I wired it more tightly to keep it from swinging in the relentless wind. This a.m. it was totally empty with not a hint of a seed on the ground. Miserable deer .. all the lucious grass & tree buds & it has to be a gour

[cayugabirds-l] Tree Swallows 10 a.m. today

2013-04-06 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
The thrill of thrills every spring is when the swallows return, swoop over my head & go directly to the bird box on the arm of my clothesline or to the weathervane there & sit atop the tail or head of the horse. I love to watch them as they watch me, making their little chittering noises as I am

[cayugabirds-l] Great Gully & Rte 90 ... Eagle nest

2013-04-04 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Should have put that the eagle nest is seen from Rte. 90 at Great Gully Rd. where I parked & then walked north about 200 ft. to set up my scope. I also parked by the guard rail a bit south of the white farm house for another view. Fritzie -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.

[cayugabirds-l] First C. Loon & Great Gully Eagle nest

2013-04-04 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Off former Union Springs Castelli's Marina I saw our 1st C. LOON for this spring. I also saw the BALD EAGLE nest in a tall tree west of Great Gully Rd. along the lake shore. Saw no bird in that nest but believe an eagle was in a tree farther south near what appears to be another nest. Not certai

[cayugabirds-l] Union Springs OSPREY

2013-03-30 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Saw "our" Union Springs Osprey at 11 A.M. today. We can see the nest across the field from our "upper" back yard. Platform nest is on No. One Road, Center St. Extension at the NYSEG relay station. Last yr. we saw the pr. copulating on 3 April. Fritzie -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www

[cayugabirds-l] Dark adult Ross's (?) with injured wing

2013-03-23 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
John & I were at the north end of Bridgewater across the lake from Cayuga on the Lake Rd. Spur shortly after noon today where is a stretch of lawn between the large brick building & before the 1st cottages to the south. By a large old tree stump on the shore north of the first cottage were 3 ge

[cayugabirds-l] Van Cleef Lake, Seneca Falls

2013-03-18 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Today Becky & I saw a lone SNOW GOOSE on Van Cleef today along with a few mallards & gulls. Fresh blood was evident, running from near the base of the head down to the wings. We assumed it had been shot by a hunter & made it to the lake. It seemed to be alert but not swimming away from the compa

[cayugabirds-l] Sandhill cranes

2013-03-17 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Kathy Strickland & I saw 4 SANDHILL CRANES at Morgan Rd. last evening & one SHORT-EARRED OWL near the river on Carncross Rd.. Saw many ducks, esp. in the May's Pool inlet "canal" along Rte 89. Pintails abound! Still LOTS of snow geese in the air. I drove across the new bridge onto Howlands Isla

[cayugabirds-l] Comet watching & geese

2013-03-15 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Last evening, 3.14.13, watching westward for the comet from my LR window I suddenly saw tremendous flocks of SNOW GEESE heading north over the lake + more over the west shore. I immediately thought of Donna Scott's post earlier in the day about 100s of thousands of Snows on the lake down her way

[cayugabirds-l] Snow geese & the noon siren

2013-03-13 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Have had many large flocks of geese today, nearly all snows, nearly all heading due north & most fairly high. Many were east of Union Springs in extra large flocks. While watching a lower flock of snows going NW that had just passed overhead, the noon siren went off. The snows panicked & scatte

[cayugabirds-l] Byron - WF Goose + 7 Lesser Black-back Gulls (Jerry Lazarczyk)

2013-03-12 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Byron is somewhat NE of Batavia & a few mi. WSW of Rochester. The way the NNW winds were blowing by us here in Union Springs it wouldn't take birds long to make the trip! From: nutter.d...@me.com Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 12:55 PM Interesting coincidence: There was a single Greater W

[cayugabirds-l] Tree swallow & 1,000s of geese on Sun.

2013-03-11 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
David Gooding mentioned seeing a tree swallow yesterday. That confirms what I thought I saw but figured it was too early. Just seems to me there is no confusion about that flight pattern or the bird shape but I didn't want to admit the real possibility. I should go check down by the lake or Mill

[cayugabirds-l] NYSEG Bell Station property as state forest

2013-02-26 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Birders: You may find the following link interesting: http://www.lansingstar.com/news-page/9260-state-forest-land-meeting-notice The meeting is tomorrow (Wed.). This land can serve more people if it is public, not private. -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/Cayug

[cayugabirds-l] Bluebirds checking boxes

2013-02-26 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Two bald eagles flew over the house a few days ago. At first I thought they might be a pair but as I watched I noticed a bit of aggressiveness & watched 'til they disappeared to the east. About 5 min. later one came alone back towards the lake so I guess it succeeded in getting rid of an interl

[cayugabirds-l] Whistling owl found in Indonesia

2013-02-14 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Interesting article. Interesting find. Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 9:35 AM http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/14/rinjani-scops-whistling-owl_n_2685512.html -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRUL

[cayugabirds-l] Frontenac Island/Union Springs

2013-02-13 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
Today Steve & Susie Fast, my daughter Becky & I saw 4 bald eagles in the trees of Frontenac Island. Also saw some swans & vast numbers of ducks: redheads, canvas backs, scaup, gadwall, mallard, buffles, common mergs, Canadas, etc.. Beautiful sunshine & a mild (?) day in which to observe. Beaver

[cayugabirds-l] Owl Call Playback Help

2013-02-09 Thread John and Fritzie Blizzard
From my old files. Dave's hint might help someone. Did anyone ever try it?? Fritzie Original Message - Sent: Friday, December 29, 2006 9:55 PM Here's an easy, cheap, low-tech, Saw-whet call: Get an Irish pennywhistle and repeatedly play a C natural on it. On a D-scale whistle, that mea

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