Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-09 Thread Jeff Wright
> It is called universal or one payer healthcare.
> Nothing socialistic about it.

Then that word does not mean what you think it means.

I'm out of this discussion at this point.  It has devolved into the usual
partisan nonsense.

If leftists have any sense, they'll read and soak in the Paglia piece.  I'm
not holding breath.  She's probably being purged from the community as we
speak for her disloyalty and temerity.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-09 Thread Jeff Wright
>   We ain't govmuent then whats be we? I don't work in a labor camp.
> not forced into an army. Hell I'm not even made to feed the chickens.
> Damn, how did this govment I'm not a part of get so out of control?
>   By the way, next time you feel we aren't all the government, lets
> what happens when no one votes. Then we're talking revolution.

Every year we work longer and longer to pay the guvmint our tax burden and
every year we become less free as more laws are passed that restrict our
freedom just a little bit more than last year.

At this point, you're in the pot and think the water temperature is just
fine.  You won't think anything is wrong until the soup's done.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-09 Thread Jeff Wright
>   Where are you getting this nonsense? What part of "option" won't
> through your head? I'd recommend using a hammer, but then you'd have
> to use your insurance. That is if you have insurance.
>   Option means optional. Wham, wham, wham. Bang your head against the
> wall a few more times and it might sink in.

Yep.  Should have started punching myself in the head.  The end result is
the same.

Go be an ignorant ass on someone else's time.  Buh-bye.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-09 Thread Jeff Wright
>   Once again I have to point out government programs aren't created
> meant to make a profit.

Ya think?  

How about if they break even?  That would be a hoot.


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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-08 Thread Jeff Wright
>   I find it funny that when "liberals" want change its called
> or  pandering to people with hands out. While when neocons call for
> change it's fanatical renegade John Wynism (I just made that up).

Nah, it's pretty much socialism when the Stupid Party does it too.

>   I don't think either are to far apart on what we all want, but we're
> to damn stubborn to say, "hey, I agree with that."

Reinforcing the idea that "there isn't a dime's worth of difference" between
the 2 parties.  If either party had any ideas worth agreeing with, I'd be
all over it.  Still waiting for that.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-08 Thread Jeff Wright
> Whjy are you afraid of a choice between the private insurers and a government
> program? I said: choice.

Private insurers can't print money or tax their customers when times get tight.

You can't "compete" with the govt.  "Choice" with the state is a bug, not a 

If the issue are persons without insurance, then why are we talking about 
making a program for everyone else too?  As I said, it's a stalking horse for 

If it were only to cover the uninsured, then expanding Medicare coverage would 
be the expedient and practical solution.  It's not even on the table.

For a president who said that he didn't want any part in running an auto 
company, he sure seems all fired up to run an insurance company.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-08 Thread Jeff Wright
>   Hmmm, coach healthcare and then first class healthcare if I'm
> to pay for it. What a concept.

Sounds like you're describing the UK's DHS or Canada's Medicare to a T.

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Re: [CGUYS] Insurance and National Security [was: Intensive care unit]

2009-09-08 Thread Jeff Wright
> There's no free market. Never has been. Get over it. Deal with the
> economy as it exists, not in some utopian, fear-inspired fantasy. Good
> health, quality education, a stable economy with manufacturing, and a
> clean environment are as important to our security as diplomacy and our
> military. Who will be healthy and educated well enough to create and run
> our new clean high tech [and other] industries?

I almost saluted the flag as I read this.  **sniff**

Shorter Betty:  Do as you're told by your betters and don't get uppity.  

It's like Paglia used you for a model for her column.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-08 Thread Jeff Wright
>   This is a terrible comparison. But if you must, the airline travel
> industry has also gone to hell. I don't know how much you fly, but
> it's miserable today as compared to 20 years ago

I fly a couple of times a year.  It's OK.

What I do know is that it's no longer only a tool for the businessman or the
wealthy as it was pre-deregulation.  Everyone can afford to fly now, which
in my book, is a great thing.

It's not the state-protected status quo, which again, that's a good thing.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-08 Thread Jeff Wright
>   She said "we", she didn't say you. We aren't including you. So don't
> bother voting next election. It won't be counted. You're not included.
> Oh, we'll still be taking SS out of your paycheck. Probably L&I as
> well, but you aren't part of our government. Wow, how freeing that
> must feel. A man of the world.

Oh!  To the heart!  You big meanie.

Yes, it was a very nice DNC talking points post.  Filled with null data and
misty eyed nostalgic naiveté.

"We" ain't been the guvmint for some time now, but please, don't let me
interrupt the fantasy that any of us still have a role to play other than

I knew I should have just started punching myself in the head, rather than
let myself get dragged into one of these pointless health care arguments.
It always degrades into partisan idiocy.  Life's too short...

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-08 Thread Jeff Wright
> If you encounter someone who is hungry and you don't feed them you are
> not being nice.
> If you encounter someone who is homeless and you don't shelter them
> you are not being nice.
> If you encounter someone who is bleeding to death and you don't help
> them you are a criminal.
> Tell us again that you don't see the difference.

The only thing I'm not seeing here is a point.


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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-08 Thread Jeff Wright
> You mean like when we got rid of the laws that required local banking?
> That worked very well. Didn't it?
> If you look for banks that did not get caught in the sub-prime fiasco
> you will find that these were banks run by local bankers who knew who
> and what was getting the loan. You will also find that such banks that
> are willing to work with their customers when times get tough and did
> not rush to foreclose.

Actually, you will find the banks that survived were the ones who were more
diversified in their holdings.  The one that went tits up were the old
investment houses that only recently started banking businesses.

> And why does the federal government have Medicaid administered by the
> states? You might find the answer above.

And why is Medicare an actuarial mess and lurching towards insolvency?  

I think you'll find your answer somewhere around reality.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-08 Thread Jeff Wright
> Did you see the Time cover story about cheap food? This is another
> issue that Americans will have to face up to. Corporate farmers are
> polluting our world and serving up food from diseased animals. Our
> food is so strongly laced with antibiotics that they are breeding new
> strains of drug-resistant diseases. The corporate farmers are slowly
> killing us. Have a nice day!

S, Tom, the grownups are talking.  Yes, your non-sequitors are very
nice.  Uh-huh, I know, but that has nothing to do with what we're talking
about.  Run along now and go play.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-08 Thread Jeff Wright
> As one with family from Cuba and some friends remaining, I can assure
> you that Jeff W. has no idea about Cuba, considering his comments. It's
> their health care insurance system and outcomes that are better than
> ours, not the high tech gadgets and expensive doctors. The Cuban
> government, thanks to US intervention and unnecessary embargos, is
> oppressive, and the people are suffering from that. Government
> oppression has not affected the affordability and quality of outcomes in
> Cuba, which are more favorable than in the US, with insurance and care
> universally available, unlike here.

I was wondering when you would get around to apologizing for tyrants.

The Cuban govt is oppressive because it chooses to be and can be.  The embargo 
is stupid and should have been lifted long ago, but many, many other countries 
have managed to oppress their people without any US embargo.

I thought of you and your talking points post when I read Camille Paglia's 
latest column.

"…affluent middle-class Democrats now seem to be complacently servile toward 
authority and automatically believe everything party leaders tell them. Why? Is 
it because the new professional class is a glossy product of generically 
institutionalized learning? Independent thought and logical analysis of 
argument are no longer taught. Elite education in the U.S. has become a 
frenetic assembly line of competitive college application to schools where 
ideological brainwashing is so pandemic that it’s invisible. The top schools, 
from the Ivy League on down, promote “critical thinking,” which sounds good but 
is in fact just a style of rote regurgitation of hackneyed approved terms 
(”racism, sexism, homophobia”) when confronted with any social issue. The 
Democratic brain has been marinating so long in those cliches that it’s 
positively pickled…

By a proportion of something like 10-to-1, negative articles by conservatives 
were vastly more detailed, specific and practical about the proposals than were 
supportive articles by Democrats, which often made gestures rather than 
arguments and brimmed with emotion and sneers. There was a glaring inability in 
most Democratic commentary to think ahead and forecast what would or could be 
the actual snarled consequences-- in terms of delays, denial of services, 
errors, miscommunications and gross invasions of privacy -- of a massive 
single-payer overhaul of the healthcare system in a nation as large and 
populous as ours. It was as if Democrats live in a utopian dream world, 
divorced from the daily demands and realities of organization and management. "

Read more.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-08 Thread Jeff Wright
> > Sounds like paradise.  Why aren't you living there?
>   I was just waiting for the old "love it or leave it" bullshit to
> start.  Why can't an intelligent and respectful conversation take
> place without descending into the pit of old worn out saws such as
> that?

Really?  You saw love or leave it in there?  I asked you a simple question,
to which you read a great deal into that wasn't there.  If it's that great,
why aren't you living there?  Could there be other reasons you aren't?

>   Why don't you go on the internet, or seek the information anywhere
> you choose to, to discover how abysmal the overall health care in the
> United States really is, especially when viewed in light of our
> extreme financial wealth?

I have, many times.  Yes, we spend more on health care.  We also spend more
on many other things as well things, compared to countries such as France
and Germany.

>   Does our government lie and distort the truth?  Does our current
> administration lie and distort the truth?  Did our most recent
> previous administration lie and distort the truth, or is such the sole
> provence of Cuba or any other nation that is not our own?  Please stop
> this silliness.

Where did I suggest that our own govt doesn’t lie?  Everyone is doing so
that makes it OK? 

I'm being silly?  Please.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-07 Thread Jeff Wright
> I'm behind on my email, but one problem is that anymore
> there are few actual insurance companies.  The big ones keep
> buying the smaller ones to limit competition.

Compare a list of airline companies from 1980, shortly after the airlines
were deregulated, and compare that list to today.  I think you'll see a
significant difference in the list, not to mention the cost to the consumer
to fly.

I don't know why people think that insurance companies, when they aren't
being propped up by the states with laws that limit their competition, don't
have to obey the laws of supply and demand.

I have to say, I'm really stumped by this attitude.

> H, it seems that they are good at dropping people who
> actually need to use their services.  See examples of
> "recision" by the health insurance companies.  If someone
> gets sick and starts costing them money hurting the profit
> potential of the company, the insurance company finds a way
> to ditch the person/company.

See above.  You and the Rev really need to get your heads around the status

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-07 Thread Jeff Wright
> We are the government. We shouldn't be afraid, just because some
> corporations want us to fear.  Fear the corporate databases, not the
> government.

Thanks for the larf, Betty.  Good one!

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-07 Thread Jeff Wright
>   For what it is worth, Cuba has one of the best, if not the overall
> best health care system in the world.  Check out the world's health
> statistics and see for yourself.  Marcio can speak to this issue I am
> sure.
>   Cuba is one poor as hell nation, and the Cuban health care system is
> government run, yet is at the top of the "A" list worldwide.
> Socialist?  Yes.  Works extremely well overall?  Yes.  Far lower child
> death rate than here in the United States?  By far.  All citizens get
> health care?  Absolutely.

Sounds like paradise.  Why aren't you living there?  I'm sure the Cuban
guvmint has no reason to lie to or distort the truth.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-07 Thread Jeff Wright
> This is one subspecialty that is also elective surgery.  Now say the
> same thing about cardiac stints, hernia surgery etc.

Yes, I understand that.  It's one of the better analogs for demonstrating
that the medical industry can deliver quality care with cost awareness.  Why
wouldn't it work for cardiac stents, hernias, tonsils, etc? 

It wouldn't work very well for time-sensitive/emergency care or for critical
care situations such as cancer treatment, but there is a world of medicine
where price can and should matter.

We can reform health care the smart way, as proposed by Mackey and
illustrated in the article you linked with truly innovative ideas, or the
dumb way, with price controls, massive budget deficits and a very high
probability of rationing with nowhere else to turn.

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Re: [CGUYS] Twitter vulnerable - unless you're using IE8

2009-09-07 Thread Jeff Wright
But, how does it fare under the single payer attack?

Have the other browsers mitigated the bitten finger exploit?

> -Original Message-
> I apologize in advance for the computer-related post.
> Security researcher Brian Mastenbrook uncovered a cross-site scripting
> vulnerability in Ruby on Rails and quickly had injected Javascript code
> running in Twitter.
> "One surprise I discovered during the process was that IE8 includes a
> Site Scripting filter which effectively blocked this attack. I'm very
> impressed with the effort that Microsoft's taken to
> mitigate one of the most common web application security issues. Every
> browser vendor needs to add this functionality _yesterday_."

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-07 Thread Jeff Wright
> Not so.. in the political process you have a vote and your representatives.

In a market process, I have much, much more than that.

I have hundreds of development companies to choose from for a home in my area 
and no less than 8 different grocery stores chains/companies, who all want my 
business.  They all compete with one another on price, quality, value and a 
pleasant shopping experience, to one degree or another.  I can choose to use, 
or not to use, any of them.

My representatives only compete for my vote every 2 years, maximum.  The 
incumbency reelection rate in this country averages around 96%, meaning that 
96% of the incumbents are reelected every time they run.   Even then, I can't 
recall the last time the person I voted for, won.  I'm stuck with the winner 
for better or worse, usually worse.

You call that competition?  Do you honestly think they care what I think?

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-07 Thread Jeff Wright
>   Ok, and you have a problem with this why?

I think I've already explained this very clearly.  

> Do you really hate the poor that much?

Oh yes.  They're easily overcooked and can get very chewy if you don't watch
them carefully.

>   I was mostly talking about the option everyone seems to be against.
> know I hate it when I'm given options, don't you?

I just love it when people volunteer me for something!  Don't you?

>   As for paying for others health care, I really don't mind. We all
> up paying for others sooner or later. 

That's great, such a humanitarian you are.  I'll let you know if I need you
to make any other decisions for me.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread Jeff Wright
> OK on the Mackey thing.  Yes I did read it, and he has some great
> things to say, HOWEVER.
> You must have government mandate minimums.  If they do not many
> companies will try and fly through with a bunch of worthless insurance.
> Instead of removing mandates, make them nation wide.  At present we
> have 50 states that have 50 different standards.  Cant do what Mackey
> wants without mandates.  (By the way at present my health plan comes
> out of Minnesota while I live in Alabama so whose mandates am I covered

Rev, now you miss his point.  If you allow companies to compete over state
lines, removing their captive audience, you won't *need* mandates.  That's
what competition is best at providing: choice.

It's also good at providing lower cost alternatives.

> Mandate all companies of a certain size be required to offer
> insurance and allow like companies (food service, grocery etc.) to
> form co-ops to purchase coverage.

C'mon now, do we need laws mandating what sections a grocery store must
provide (and their size, shape and color) or do you think they do that so
that they can win loyal customers?

> What we need is more health plans like this right

No, what we need are more companies to provide competitive pressure.  Your
company doesn't provide it?  That's OK, these 6 others do.  Let markets do
what they do best: weed out the losers.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread Jeff Wright
>   Roads are a given? And they're constitutionally provided? Where?
> Please post that part of the constitution for me.

Oh fer cryin...You DO know how to use a search engine, right?

5th Amendment, takings clause, US Constitution.

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous
crime, unless on presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases
arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual
service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for
the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be
compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be
deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; **nor
shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.**

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread Jeff Wright
> I was taught many years ago, that the more doctors you have in a
> region the higher the prices.  Doctors do not compete, they judge one
> another on the amount they make.  So if one doctor raises prices, all
> of them will to stay even.
> Could you imagine what would happen if Doctors advertised and
> actually competed?  Come see Dr. X we only charge XX for a regular
> visit.  We also offer a money back guarantee!!

The Lasik and laser eye surgery market is very competitive and you know the
prices going in.  They advertise heavily and compete with one another.  Word
of mouth referrals carry a great deal of weight.

I personally know several people who have had these procedures done and all
were very happy with the price and the results.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread Jeff Wright
> No, you don't. The single payer plan, which is an option. No where
> have I seen it written or said by it's proponents that it would be
> required of everyone.

Jeff, that IS the single defining component of single payer.  NO ONE else is
paying other than the guvmint, which is kinda the point of *single* payer.

Here, let me google that for you.

"Single-payer health care insurance is a public service financing the
delivery of near-universal or universal health care to a given population as
defined by age, citizenship, residency, or any other demographic.

Single-payer health insurance operates by arranging the payment of services
to doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers from a single source
established and managed by government"

First hit, for 'single payer.'

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread Jeff Wright
> I think the right to purchase and get Insurance is a right!

Sorry, but you are inventing rights out of the whole cloth.

Did you read the Mackey op-ed Rev?  Full of ideas that we should be looking
into.  Perhaps then you kids won't have issues of getting insurance.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread Jeff Wright
> But you pay for us (USA) to have a military, public security, wars... roads
> and much more. Are you being coerced? are sharing?...

The military is provided for explicitly in the US Constitution.

Roads are a given and again, are constitutionally provided, and with all due 
respect, *very* different from deciding which treatments will be covered in 
which will not and then, what coverage will be given in what amounts.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread Jeff Wright
>   Why do so many believe this health OPTION would be forced on them?
> What part of the word OPTION do these people not understand?

Do I need to point you to videos of Obama advocating a single payer plan or
to the current proponents who have proposed the same over the years?

This is a stalking horse for single payer.  I don't trust the govt. to keep
it's word.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread Jeff Wright
>   I pay less the $200/mo for food. Never really thought about food
> costs being high. Of course no one is this household is obese. And we
> eat steak twice a week. Chicken, pork and fish make up the other days.

I didn't say that food was expensive.  I said I pay more on the 2 items that
we consider to be essential to living, food and shelter, than to what we
consider the very expensive 3rd leg, medicine.  I do this fairly easily in a
relatively expensive city to live in.

That food, which uses a mixed but largely free market system, is so cheap
and plentiful that even the poor can easily afford it, is lost on the
socialized medicine proponents.

> I agree that housing costs are through the roof. No pun intended. But
> I blame the banks mostly for this.

I too blame the banks, the central banks that is.

Funny how political interference in the housing market to create "affordable
housing" ended up creating a pig-sty free for all that only caused housing
prices to rise out of reach for all but the wealthiest.  To add insult to
injury, we now have a political class that considers these inflated housing
prices to be so sacrosanct that they must be propped up at all costs.

Again, the irony will be lost as to why things cost so damned much.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread Jeff Wright
> The beauty of the Single Payer is that we all will
> share the risks. Isn´t this one of the reasons that we live in society?

That's what insurance is: risk pooling.  It's also something I engage by 
choice, not coercion.

I don't choose to be live in a society to be compelled, by the threat of force, 
to accept a system that offers no choice.  That's not society, but a similar 
word that also begins with 's'.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread Jeff Wright
> Everyone shots themselves in the foot sometimes.
> Sometimes better than others.
> The government is not perfect but neither are we.
> Capitalism is not perfect either.
> There are some things better handle under the capitalist strategy and
> other things not.

I find it odd that people look to a system that has only made things much
less affordable over the years, not the system that has made most things
much more affordable, as the preferred solution to accessible health care.

Under a free market (not capitalist) option you have choices.  

Under the guvmint option, you have none.

That is the critical difference.

I never claimed it to be perfect.  Just much, much better.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread Jeff Wright
> Again very disingenuous.
> You can make a choice in housing very simply.  You either find a
> house within your income bracket or you move.
> Cant afford Steak, buy chicken and ground beef.
> Been there done that.

You miss my point, Rev.  I expect that of Tom, but you?

We are being told that health care is a "right."  I disagree.  Health care
is paramount, no doubt, but it is no more a right than food or a place to

I have a right to life, if nothing else, but I don't have a right to demand
that someone provide me with food to eat.  I have a right to be sheltered
from the elements, but I don't have the right to demand that I be provided a
home.  If I want these thing, I must provide them for myself or enter into a
charitable arrangement.  Call me old fashioned for still believing in the
work ethic.

If someone must provide you with something of value in order to enjoy a
"right," then it is not a right, but instead a privilege.  For me to enjoy
my right to free speech, no one needs to build me soap box nor provide me
with a megaphone.  I can't even force you to listen.  *That* is a right.

> Health care is not so easy.  Very often people are frozen out of
> health care because they either cannot afford it.  (most of the folks
> who sell cheap insurance are rip off artists) or they cannot get

Then we should get the state out of the health care business and allow real
competition to work, so that it can be affordable for everyone, just as it
is for food and shelter.  Guvmint interference has done far more harm than
good in that regard.

We already have examples of what to expect from guvmint run health care.
Why hasn't anyone talked about reforming Medicare first?  Shouldn't we see
if that much more modest plan, already in existence, can be made sustainable
and workable, before we talk about adding trillions more in spending that we
don't have to begin with?  Medicare is already going to be underwater in the
next few years.  How will O-Care be any different?

I'm sure you've read it by now, but if not, read Whole Foods CEO John
Mackey's op-ed on real reform in health care.  Very good ideas in it and one
of the few honest propositions in this debate.

And I will reiterate for clarity:  I already spend much more on food and
shelter than I do on health care, at any point in time.  I don't consider
myself lacking in any of the three.

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Re: [CGUYS] Do Typographers Despise M$?

2009-09-06 Thread Jeff Wright
> "The 2010 IKEA catalog, now arriving at doorsteps around the world,
> reveals the company's choice to change all typography to the Microsoft
> font..."

Bingo!  We have a winner.

"IKEA spokeswoman Camilla Meiby responds to AP (Aug 31, 2009): 

We're surprised, but I think it's mainly experts who have expressed their
views, people who are interested in fonts. I don't think the broad public is
that interested."

It's like worrying about what the Trekkies will think about the new brand of
toilet paper on all Federation starships in the movies.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread Jeff Wright
> This is standard wing-nut strategy to make government look bad.

Of course.  The guvmint never does anything to look bad.  It's all a vast,
right-wing conspiracy to undermine their natural efficiency.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread Jeff Wright
> DHL is going out of business because it was doing a terrible job. The
> foreign owners seemed unable to put an effective management team in
> place in the USA. Their service was horribly unreliable. Instead of
> working harder at fixing the problem they just decided to give up.
> The German stock holders of the parent company really should give
> their German managers the heave ho. DHL was a huge operation and they
> just pissed it away. Shockingly bad management.

I patiently await for the irony of this situation to dawn on Herr Doctor.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-06 Thread Jeff Wright
> I appreciate your faith. I guess the most distressing part of the
> whole affair is seeing the wing nuts so ready to sell out their
> country for a sack of gold. They support the ultra-rich insurance
> barons, the M$s, the Comcasts, etc. and give the shiv to their fellow
> citizens.

I'm really disappointed in Obama folding so early in the hand.  There's so
much more he could be doing.

No family should ever go broke putting food on their table. No one should
have to go into bankruptcy to put a roof over their heads.  When is Obama
going to force the food barons and the housing dons to provide cheap and
affordable food and shelter?  I pay more for these every year than I do
health care!

Single payer groceries and 3BR/2BA now!

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-05 Thread Jeff Wright
> > Don't bother arguing with this bunch. What they have inflicted on this
> > List in recent months is much like what the USA has had inflicted on it
> > in recent weeks of wild attacks against rational health care. I don't
> > know if you have been following any of this from afar, doctor, but it
> > has been crazy. No rationality, just insults. Very sad. 

I agree.  I know that expect much better from our elected representatives
and their lapdogs in the press.

It's sad that a country that once prided itself on free expression has
rulers and elites who can only look down their noses and spew slurs those
that choose to speak their minds.  Dissent is now treated as treason.

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[CGUYS] Snow Leopard downgrades security and misses opportunity to improve

2009-09-04 Thread Jeff Wright

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ Minions Rush to the Ramparts

2009-09-04 Thread Jeff Wright
> > Mike--You're forgetting Tom's Rule of Social Intercourse #1:
> > Everyone else is quite stupid.
> Definitely not everyone by a long shot, but I think those of you who
> are truly retarded have been plainly identified.
> However, I will not accept that you are hopeless cases and will
> persist in performing good works.

Funny how the only people I saw rushing to the ramparts in that article were
the Mac zealots in the comments rushing in to tell us why we're supposed to
heed to the petulant demands of the 3 percenters.

One commenter said it best:  If there is a legitimate business case for
bringing Macs into an enterprise, then we'll do it.  If not, we won't.
Foaming-at-the-mouth sycophancy isn't a business case.

But, somehow, you know better about their business needs than they do.

Tom's Rule of Social Intercourse #2:  Lather, rinse, repeat.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ Minions Rush to the Ramparts

2009-09-04 Thread Jeff Wright
> Those were your deep conclusions not theirs. I can't help if you can't
> even read the links you post.

Mike--You're forgetting Tom's Rule of Social Intercourse #1: Everyone else
is quite stupid.

Everything flows from that.

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Re: [CGUYS] Guys and GPS

2009-09-04 Thread Jeff Wright
> That claim might have been true when Garmins, Tom Toms and the like were
> a geek toy, but would you care to explain why most GPS units default to
> a female voice?  

I don't know about yours, but my TomTom has Homer Simpson as the voice.

I bought that one, but TomToms have several standard voices to choose from
out of the box, both male and female.  You can even have one with a British
accent, if you're into having a stern nanny correct your naughty, naughty

Also available are John Cleese and Mr. T.

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Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...

2009-09-03 Thread Jeff Wright
> > America has its Dick Cheney. CGUYS has Chris Dunford.
> What an ignorant comment that is...

No, Chris, run with it.  Ask Tom to go hunting.

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Re: [CGUYS] Windows Update i.e. IE 6, 7, 8

2009-08-28 Thread Jeff Wright
Nope, to all 3.

> -Original Message-
> Has anyone had trouble with Windows Update, when using any of those
> versions?

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ Google-Bashing Dirty Tricks

2009-08-28 Thread Jeff Wright
> "This is textbook Microsoft," the source adds. "Microsoft has got some
> of the best, highest-priced lobbyists that money can buy in Washington."

Textbook?  Hardly.

MS didn't have any lobbyists until they were sued by the DOJ in the 90's in
collusion with MS competitors whose lobbyists were deep in the system.  Now
MS plays the game.


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Re: [CGUYS] M$ Turns Black to White

2009-08-28 Thread Jeff Wright
> This is true, and, as a Mac user all my computing life, I've noticed this and 
> felt quite uncomfortable about it.  The sense of community is rather skewered 
> toward white reps and users; entertainers of other ethnic origin qualify as 
> emblems only (eg Macy Gray).

Even then, they have problems.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-28 Thread Jeff Wright
> Apple is making a big push on drivers and beefing up its software
> update process to include more drivers. In SL when you add a new
> peripheral, software update will go out and look for drivers.

I guess I don't have to point out that Windows has been doing this since *at
least* 2002 with the release of XP.  It may have done it with 2000, but I
don't recall.

Windows 7 is pretty well chock-full o' drivers from what I can tell.

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ Turns Black to White

2009-08-28 Thread Jeff Wright
> Those miracle workers in Redmond have had a busy day. What will they
> think of next?

Apple will never have to worry about such things, considering how their ads
are unfailingly stuffed with lily-white actors.  It's like a 1950's Newport
yacht club.

MS ads, OTOH, have demonstrated a tremendous amount of ethnic diversity over
the years.

This was a particularly unwise decision on their marketing trolls' part, but
MS has nothing to apologize for on the whole when it comes to ethnic
representation in their advertising.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-28 Thread Jeff Wright
> A client of mine got the 64-bit version of Windows Vista on his new
> computer and was no longer able to use his adaptive Keyboard (which by
> itself costs $395).  I went to the website today and it still does not
> have 64-bit version.

You'd think for a $400 peripheral, he would have made that simple check at
the mfr's web site before committing to 64-bit.

I agree, he shouldn't have to, but that's the reality right now.

Can any of our developers enlighten us as to how hard it is to port a driver
from 32-bit to 64-bit, all other things being equal?

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Re: [CGUYS] One Upmanship

2009-08-27 Thread Jeff Wright
> Windows 7 Ultimate can support up to 192 GB of RAM. Less expensive
> versions of Windows can go fish.
> Snow Leopard can support a staggering 16 Tbytes.

1 TB of 2 GB 1066MHz DDR3 ECC memory modules from Apple will cost you

16 TB will cost $800,000.

The good news is that shipping is free on orders over $50.

You may want to get a good supply of duct tape, and maybe a hammer too, to
get all of that into the open slots.

Have fun.

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Re: [CGUYS] "Postcard" virus

2009-08-27 Thread Jeff Wright
It's an old hoax.  Consider getting a new friend.

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 5:25 PM, Jordan wrote:
> Has anyone gotten a warning or seen anything about the "Postcard" virus? A
> friend of mine forwarded a big panic about not opening anything in an email
> entitled Postcard.
> As a Mac user I guess getting emails like this are the greatest threat.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-27 Thread Jeff Wright
> Vista's problem wasn't 64 or 32bit related it was that drivers were not
> written for vista until it had been out nearly a year.  You can blame this
> on MS only in that they may have not given the code to software writers
> enough.

I don't even blame MS for that.  

The Vista beta's were out over a year before Vista was released; there was
tons of lead time even for the 32-bit drivers.  This is just another
instance of the industry sitting on their hands.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-27 Thread Jeff Wright
> My understanding of the Mess Vista got introduced to was yes it was
> MS not releasing code and not allowing coders access to needed knowledge.
> I remember a few of the antivirus folks complaining quite publicly about
> Seems that they did a lot more work with 7.

The anti-virus folks, most notably Symantec, complained because MS changed
the kernel security and wouldn't let them hook in that level.  MS eventually
caved, which was a mistake.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-27 Thread Jeff Wright
Mark is correct.  4 GB is a physical limitation of 32-bit kernels, which is
the best reason to go 64-bit: no real limitation to the amount of RAM you
can use, other than what the motherboard will support.  However, I can
recall when 32-bit came around in the 90's, "Wow!  4 GB of RAM!  We'll never
see that in our lifetime."

Amiga was 32-bit very early, correct?

PAE is a workaround for datacenter systems.  From Tony's wiki link:

"x86 processor hardware architecture is augmented with additional address
lines used to select the additional memory, so physical address size is
increased from 32 bits to 36 bits. This, theoretically, increases maximum
physical memory size from 4 GB to 64 GB. The 32-bit size of the virtual
address is not changed, so regular application software continues to use
instructions with 32-bit addresses and (in a flat memory model) is limited
to 4 gigabytes of virtual address space. The operating system uses page
tables to map this 4 GB address space into the 64 GB of virtual memory. The
mapping is typically applied differently for each process. In this way, the
extra memory is useful even though no single regular application can access
it all simultaneously. For example, in Windows, x86, 32-bit-versions, the
maximum 4GB of virtual address space (VAS) is separated into two sections of
2GB: 2GB is allocated to kernel processing and the other 2GB is allocated to
user. Regardless of how much physical RAM a Windows, x86, 32-bit-version
computing system has, the VAS is still limited to 4GB.  However, this is not
true for Windows, x64-versions - which incidentally have up to 16TB of VAS."

> -Original Message-
> Do you understand binary numbers, Tony?  A 32-bit binary number cannot
> go beyond 4,294,967,296 (4 gigabytes, 4*1024*1024*1024), so a 32-bit
> system cannot address more than 4 GB.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-27 Thread Jeff Wright
> Now you are being silly just to prove a point. Most people do not dual
> boot and may who try find themselves in a world of pain.

As if you have a point.  Who cares if "most people don't?"  Most people
don't use Macs, but that doesn't stop you from using them.  

You can dual boot between 32 and 64 bit OSes and people I know do already.
Fortunately the Windows ecosystem is much more 64-bit friendly today than it
was only a year ago.

What pain?  It's no different from Boot Camp that you so loudly hooted about
years ago.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-26 Thread Jeff Wright
> Sure is a huge difference. Reinstalling Windows is not quick and will
> probably mess up many installed apps. Not something that is done
> lightly. Definitely not something you would want to switch back and
> forth.

You can dual boot with 32-bit and 64-bit versions.  I know people who do it

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-26 Thread Jeff Wright
> No matter how you slice and dice it, the fact remains that Vista and Win7
> fully 64-bit out of the box, including the kernel. I don't have any
> with Macs, but I do love how you manage to
> claim that defaulting to the 32-bit version of a critical component is
> a big advantage over 64-bit Windows, and a sign of superior engineering.

And Windows has been 64-bit for several years now.  The problem has been in
driver support and app compatibility, no surprise there.  I understand there
are costs to port things over to 64-bit, but just once I would love one of
the major companies to be ahead of the curve, or at least breaking even,
instead plodding along lethargically and forcing early adopters to suffer
longer than they should have to.

Windows 7 and Server 2008 are also the last Windows OSes that will be
available in 32-bit.  Everything will be 64-bit from here on out.  I plan on
getting the 64-bit version of 7.

Exchange 2007 is 64-bit only and all of my new servers will be 64-bit as

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Transition to 64-Bit

2009-08-25 Thread Jeff Wright
> Nope they don't get paid until it is shipped!  Did not order through
> MS, ordered through merchants who cannot charge until it is shipped.,

"Who's on first?" is very important to Tom.  Humor him and maybe he'll shut
up about it.

"Good show old boy!  Maybe next time is when we catch the weasel in the act
before you do!  Jolly good!"
> Get your facts straight.

Tom uses facts?

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Re: [CGUYS] | Why AT&T Killed Google Voice

2009-08-23 Thread Jeff Wright
> I have at least as much experience with Apple products as your so-called
> tech site. There are NO real inside connections with Apple, except where
> Apple allows. As soon as there are leaks, the leaker[s] is/are fired.
> Industrial espionage is serious business. I still have a cousin who
> works for Apple as an engineer. They're as secretive about their
> projects as the NSA.

No, but they do have connections inside Google and with iPhone developers.  
They solidly rebut Apple's version and Michael Arrington, TechCrunch's founder 
and the story's author, is as fawning over Apple as any first-order MFB.

Yes, this is "he said, she said."  I don't pretend it to be anything else, but 
I also don't pretend that Apple's version is the handed-down-from-God gospel.

I just want to know whom will sell who down the river first, Apple or AT&T?

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Re: [CGUYS] Logmein

2009-08-23 Thread Jeff Wright
> LogMeIn is easy as cake... a great tool.  Web based it takes all the
> tech out of setting up VNC / remote desktop login etc.
> The Free version does most of all you want.  No SFTP or printing to the
> controlling computer that you get with Pro.

I use LogMeIn Free for supporting all of our laptops.  It saves me many schleps 
to the machine.

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Re: [CGUYS] | Why AT&T Killed Google Voice

2009-08-23 Thread Jeff Wright
> Time for a REAL reality check. Apple has rejected many apps that it
> later accepted. They're not lying. They're being cautious. Apple
> developers prefer to delay a questionable app until it will work nicely
> with other apps and the OS. Google Voice does neither. They'll work it
> out like they've done before.

Well, there's a well-known and very good tech site with serious inside 
connections in the industry and then there's...your opinion.  Call me crazy for 
not taking you as seriously.

Apple's criteria for accepting apps isn’t what you would call organized.  Or 
predictable.  Or comprehensible.

It's all about the money and I'm fine with that.  I'm also fine with Apple 
telling Google to pound sand.  The least Apple could do is be honest about it 
instead of hiding behind their lawyer's skirts.

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Re: [CGUYS] | Why AT&T Killed Google Voice

2009-08-23 Thread Jeff Wright
> Fortunately there were many other posts that were
> thoughtful about this very interesting situation. 


Not thoughtful = Objective reality.

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Re: [CGUYS] | Why AT&T Killed Google Voice

2009-08-22 Thread Jeff Wright
> So if you are using Google voice across the data plan as you describe
> does that essentially free you from the expensive daytime minutes
> restriction?

I don't know the specific details.  You'd have to contact TM.

> Can you get a cell phone with a data plan AND WITHOUT a talk plan?

Soon, you won't be able to *not* get a data plan on AT&T with a smartphone.

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Re: [CGUYS] | Why AT&T Killed Google Voice

2009-08-22 Thread Jeff Wright
> It is about profits.  Trust me, the only thing that matters is rhe
> money.

Oh, no question.  I wasn't suggesting otherwise.

> If a product is good it will stand on its own.


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Re: [CGUYS] | Why AT&T Killed Google Voice

2009-08-22 Thread Jeff Wright
> Apple's response to the DOJ inquiry looks a lot more plausible than
> the explanations proffered by the conspiracy theorists. In a
> nutshell, adding Google Voice to an iPhone significantly changes the
> operation of the iPhone. It replaces so many of the iPhone's
> functions that it left Apple wondering if the result was still an
> iPhone.
> Apple claims that it did not reject Google Voice, but that it merely
> delayed its approval and kicked the decision upstairs to a senior
> management committee. They need some time to sort it out.

Time for a reality check:

"Our sources at Google tell us in no uncertain terms that Apple rejected the
application. And we have an independent third party app developer who tells
us that an Apple Exec also told them back in July that the Google Voice
Application was rejected.

In other words, there is strong evidence that Apple is, well, lying."

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Re: [CGUYS] | Why AT&T Killed Google Voice

2009-08-22 Thread Jeff Wright
> I posted two different articles about the same issue. I give very little
> credence to anything on the editorial page of the WSJ, but it's
> certainly provocative--and narrow-minded. Consider the header, using
> "Kill" instead of a more accurate description. AT&T isn't dying, it's
> SBC, an incestuous relationship that is doing just fine. None of this
> would be an issue if the telcos would embrace new technology, and price
> it fairly. No, they prefer to continue to double-charge for cellular
> calls and cry foul when they get slapped by Google and Skype--and FCC.

So get a T-Mobile myTouch, which runs Android, and get all the Google Voice you 
want.  No ideological contortions needed.  T-Mobile's A-Y-C-E 3G plan is $25 
for web and $35 for web and messaging.

You get a great phone with GV on it without waiting and AT&T+Apple get the 
message loud and clear.

Click here for the instructions:

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Re: [CGUYS] | Why AT&T Killed Google Voice

2009-08-22 Thread Jeff Wright
> Apple's response to the DOJ inquiry looks a lot more plausible than
> the explanations proffered by the conspiracy theorists. In a
> nutshell, adding Google Voice to an iPhone significantly changes the
> operation of the iPhone. It replaces so many of the iPhone's
> functions that it left Apple wondering if the result was still an
> iPhone.
> Apple claims that it did not reject Google Voice, but that it merely
> delayed its approval and kicked the decision upstairs to a senior
> management committee. They need some time to sort it out.

You first feign outrage over Google Voice and then almost immediately fold
like a cheap chair and spew a "they're just so misunderstood" defense of

Usually at this point in the script there's a lively song and dance number
to bring the audience back.

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Re: [CGUYS] Slow Dell startup

2009-08-21 Thread Jeff Wright
> Yeah, it's not that kind of flashy light. It's the "power on" light in the
> center of the power button. It starts out flashing on and off slowly, then
> ramps up so that it's flashing faster and faster
> until it finally boots. There's no sequence that you could interpret as a
> code.

Interesting.  I'd 2nd the hard drive scenario and also posit that it could
be a faulty power supply that has a component that isn't fully completing a
circuit until it warms up.

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Re: [CGUYS] Slow Dell startup

2009-08-21 Thread Jeff Wright
Chris--What model is it?  The flashy light is likely a trouble code.

> -Original Message-
> I've got an older Dell that hasn't been used much for a year or so, but
now I
> need it. It works fine, but after I hit the power button it takes a couple
> minutes before it starts the boot process.
> It just sits there, its little power light flashing rapidly, for about two
> minutes, then it starts the boot. Once it starts, everything's fine. So
> annoying, but not a big deal.
> Diagnosis?

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-17 Thread Jeff Wright
> You completely ignore the question I asked and substitute a straw-man
> in its stead. Quite intellectually dishonest.

I didn't ignore your idiotic and pointless jingoism.  You should be

> Of course you don't want to discuss if such applications will run in
> the Zune HD.

Go nuts.  Tell us which ones will run on a Zune HD.

Go on.  I'll wait. 

> Why an I I'm not surprised?

So, you *are* going to spend twice as much on GPS software for half the

Let's call that the smug tax.

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Re: [CGUYS] drupal for only 10 million

2009-08-17 Thread Jeff Wright
> John C. Dvorak was going off about this on the No Agenda podcast he does
> with Adam Curry.  Curry is a little too tinfoil hat for my tastes but can
> amusing in his paranoia.  #121 is all about questioning the credentials of
> our nations CIOs.
> officer-cio-vivek-kundra-a-phony/

$700 toilet seats.  $18,000,000 web sites.

Meet the new boss.  Same as the old boss.

That's a fairly damning piece by Dvorak. 

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-17 Thread Jeff Wright
> The old argument "Everybody's doing it so why can't I?"

You saw an argument in there?  You saw a defense of making exaggerated

Not to worry, I'm sure chronic paranoia will be covered under O-Care.

> In truth, reviewers report Apple's estimates to be quite conservative.

I've seen the opposite reported many times by actual users.  Go figure.

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-17 Thread Jeff Wright
> "The comment is derived from a general consensus by analysts that
> Microsoft's portable media player missed its mark, and doesn't look
> to gain any ground in its battle against Apple's iPhone and iPod
> Touch anytime soon." 

We all know that market analysts are *never* wrong, right?  

So, if you won't go in to stamp collecting as a relaxing hobby, how about
butterfly collecting?  I always pictured you as someone at home with a net.

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-17 Thread Jeff Wright
> ""With TomTom for iPhone, millions of iPhone users can now benefit
> from the same easy-to-use and intuitive interface, turn-by-turn
> spoken navigation and unique routing technology that our 30 million
> portable navigation device users rely on every day," said Corinne
> Vigreux, managing director of TomTom."

Seriously?  You're comparing a product with an established ecosystem (thanks
largely to the iPhone, not the Touch) to one that isn't even for sale yet?

Really?  Do tell.  This kind of derangement greatly amuses me.

My refurbed TomTom 130 only cost me $50, BTW.  Will iPhone users get the
safety cameras and map share features that I enjoy at half the price?  

No?  What a bargain.

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-17 Thread Jeff Wright
> Now tell me, doesn't this business sound the least bit suspicious to
> you?

I believe I already stated that both mfrs make exaggerated claims on battery
life, at least that's what I've seen from reports of field testing the
battery life on the Touch.

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-16 Thread Jeff Wright
>   Perhaps so, but radio stations most certainly use the quality thing
> to convince listeners that they should invest in HD radio receivers.
> Whadda ya think HD is an abbreviation for?  Certainly nothing to do
> with content.

The "HD" in HD Radio stands for hybrid digital, not high definition.

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-16 Thread Jeff Wright
> It is expensive to do this.  It is expensive in terms of real estate
> on an Ipod to store uncompressed files.  But it can be done.
> The solutions are far less portable.

Which is why I'm glad that I'm not an audiophile.

What is important to me is that I can take my music and podcasts with me and
it sounds *good enough* to me for consumption.  Portability is of higher
value to me than perfect audio quality.  It also frees up the money I would
spend on a higher-end system and put it towards something that will bring me
greater enjoyment, like a flat-screen TV and a decent Blu-Ray player.

Don't mistake this for criticism of what is important to you.  Different
floatin' for different boats is what makes it all worthwhile.

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-16 Thread Jeff Wright
> Battery life:
> I said *advertised* battery life and I'm sticking with that.  The HD
> numbers you quote comes from something MS reportedly sent
> to engadget.  However, MS's own store as of a few minutes ago
> says 24 hours audio, 4 hours video:

Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-16 Thread Jeff Wright
> I think Sarah Palin joined the List under an assumed name.

The Zune Panel has noted your opinion.  Thank you for participating in this
public forum.

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-15 Thread Jeff Wright
> Note that our WFBs are now manufacturing false posts to further their
> evil disinformation campaign.


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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-15 Thread Jeff Wright
> > Where is the zune HD behind on the touch?
> Well, there's:
> Screen size

(Zune HD) vs. (iPod Touch)

3.3" vs. 3.5" Will you really notice?

> advertised battery life

Music: 33 hours vs. 36 hours
Video: 8.5 hours vs. 6 hours

The OLED tech comes through here.

> Bluetooth

No word either way on Zune.  Assume not.

> apps (by about 64,000 or so)

No contest.  Touch wins.

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-15 Thread Jeff Wright
> -Original Message-
> From: TPiwowar
> I'll stick with my own bigotry, ignorance and confirmation bias.


Mac zealots.  The best free advertising Microsoft can have.

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-15 Thread Jeff Wright
> I know I'm nitpicking...

That's all that really needed to be said.

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Re: [CGUYS] disk tool..can't recall the name

2009-08-15 Thread Jeff Wright
Treesize Pro or WinDirStat.

> -Original Message-
> I've got two drives, identical hardware, one is a direct copy/backup of
> other.  The internal one shows 20 gigs less then the external backup.
> after running the sync, running defrag and error checking the the drives.
> There is a disk tool that is free that shows who/what/when/where your HD
> space has gone and I can't recall the name for anything.

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-15 Thread Jeff Wright
> So first you want to compare it to the first gen ipod touch that are
> you want to compare them to unreleased ipod touches...

Those goal posts aren't going to move themselves, you know!

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Re: [CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-15 Thread Jeff Wright
> A thought. They hope to win market share by undercutting Apple's
> current price, but are introducing a model that is technically
> several years behind Apple's current models.

[citation needed]

Notice how my post said nothing at all about iPod's, it simply extolled how
nice the Zune HD was, yet Herr Doctor managed to find a way to Pelosi up the
thread.  When you have nothing showing in your hand, don't forget the

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Re: [CGUYS] M$ Offers to Pay "Buckets" for Zune Apps

2009-08-14 Thread Jeff Wright
> Great justice in that.
> In the 90's MS extorted from Apple the copy write privilege to  sell
> Win95 by threat of dropping Office for the Mac.  Now Apple has MS over a
> barrel.
> I say go fish!

Funny that, even though I have no idea to what exactly you reference above.

Give it a few minutes.  Tom will be along to remind us that MS is a

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[CGUYS] Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket

2009-08-14 Thread Jeff Wright
Pretty friggin awesome.  Very zippy.  Very smooth.


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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-13 Thread Jeff Wright
> > A desperate attempt to get this back on topic.

I thought this would be a terrific way of ending this thread.

That kind of grouping may violate the warranty.

I hope you like Arcade Fire.

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[CGUYS] Google allowing users to opt-out

2009-08-12 Thread Jeff Wright

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[CGUYS] Just try to do this with your precious Airbook

2009-08-12 Thread Jeff Wright
Go ahead, I dare you.

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Re: [CGUYS] price drop?

2009-08-11 Thread Jeff Wright
> Appleinsider is reporting that the 32gig zune could be as much as 100
> dollars less then the 32gig touch.  This could be good news even for MS
> haters like Tom.  Though the zune takes very little market share, this
> be enough to push apple into lowering the price of the touch..good news
> around.

Good to see that someone has beaten some sense into the marketing trolls at
MS finally.

It was a mistake to position the Zune at the same price point as the iPod.
You don't take on the 8000 lb, firmly entrenched gorilla with only an FM
radio and the undefined and untested "social" to differentiate your product.
The "social" was a mega-flop, so at least they'll compete directly with
something near and dear to Apple's heart: profit margins.

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Re: [CGUYS] off topic nonsense

2009-08-11 Thread Jeff Wright
> I've avoided this discussion, but...

Me too.  If I want that kind of needless pain, I'll hit myself in the head
with a hammer.  Repeatedly.

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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-10 Thread Jeff Wright
> Not true at all. They buy guns by the dozen, legally (because it is
> so easy in VA) and then sell them in DC (illegally). Why should they
> bother to do something illegally when it is so easy to do in legally?

I thought we weren't going to have this discussion?

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Re: [CGUYS] Brutal Zune Review..and on to winmo

2009-08-09 Thread Jeff Wright
> If you check the Wild List you will see that there are 100s of
> active, circulating viruses that can attack Windows and we have to
> add anti-virus software to watch for them.

Tom likes this metric because it says what he wants it to say.  It has no
real meaning, but oo, is it scary sounding.  In Tom's world, the only
security threat is a virus.  Listen to that advice and you will soon be

Go to if you want an reality-based source on Mac

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Re: [CGUYS] BOGUS [was: Finally an FCC that earns its keep]

2009-08-08 Thread Jeff Wright
> Being a free-market Capitalist

You owe me a new monitor.  This one has a spit-take all over it.

> I would have to insist that it is a
> management responsibility to navigate through such rough waters.

And they do, but not as the status quo.  Hard choices are made quite often,
to ensure the perpetuation of the organization.

Good management has more than your simplistic options A & B on their menu.

> If
> times have changed and the need being met by the non-profit are no
> longer a priority then it is time for the non-profit to close up
> shop. The Tribe Has Spoken.

That happens too.

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Re: [CGUYS] BOGUS [was: Finally an FCC that earns its keep]

2009-08-08 Thread Jeff Wright
> Yes, bad management tends to be a problem.

Ya think? 

Is this your flow chart?

Bad management? > Yes

Non-profits can have funding issues for all sorts of reasons aside from
management.  Changes in city or state administrations can change funding
priorities.  Economic upheavals can drastically reduce giving or endowments
with little warning.  Boards can become demanding and/or interfering.
Disasters strike.  Unprecedented outside events can stretch resources thin.
Culture changes, interest wanes, tastes migrate.  Funding foundations can
have a change in leadership and direction.  Underwriting companies can go
under or be bought.  Sugar daddies/mommas die with poorly written wills.

But none of that matters.  This is Tom's Rule of Social Intercourse #1 at

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Re: [CGUYS] BOGUS [was: Finally an FCC that earns its keep]

2009-08-08 Thread Jeff Wright
> There are two ways to handle budget problems.

Therein lies your problem: a total and complete lack of vision.

The real world isn't binary.
> I'll leave it to our sad sack WFBs to struggle with doing less with
> less.

We do just fine, since we don't have to pay the Apple tax.

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Re: [CGUYS] Brutal Zune Review..and on to winmo

2009-08-08 Thread Jeff Wright
> It is interesting that in your mind "interface is at worst just fine"
> translates into "matches iPod touch".  To me though, it says that
> the interface is manageable with a connotation that it is not great,
> which matches the impressions I've gathered.  But you are right
> that I should've let Mike speak for himself, and state my own
> opinions.

If it's anything like the current Zune interface, it will be very nice and
easy to navigate.  From the videos that I've seen, it looks very similar,
but with additional options and improved graphics.

> As for the points you made for the Zune HD, I could address
> them, but suffice it to say that it really does seem to me that while
> the Zune HD may have some points in its favor over the current
> generation of iPhones/Touch, they will not be nearly enough to be
> any kind of game changer (even assuming that Apple waits a while
> to update its line, which it won't).

Having owned both, I can say that the Zune is technologically superior and a
better design than the iPod.  The HD model is extending that superiority
even further.  But yeah, the iPod is the 8000 lb gorilla on the block.  No
games will be changed, but you will have another option to use.  You don't
have to depend on the iHegemony.

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Re: [CGUYS] Brutal Zune Review..and on to winmo

2009-08-08 Thread Jeff Wright
> Reviewers are already commenting that "HD" is false advertising. To
> display HD it requires a dock (sold separately) and an HD TV (also
> sold separately). 

There's an app for that.

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