[CTRL] Child abuse ring on Jersey - may be triggering

2008-02-28 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Body found amid fears of child abuse ring on Jersey - Police have more than  
40 suspects as 140 claim they were victims By Sadie Gray  2/24/08 Police  were 
searching the grounds of a former children's home in Jersey yesterday after  
a child's remains were found in the building. Detectives said they expected to 
 discover more bodies at the former Haut de la Garenne home in St Martin. The 
 three-month investigation into child abuse at several government 
institutions on  the island took a harrowing turn with the discovery yesterday 
morning of 
the  partial remains, believed to date from the 1980s. Police were unable to 
say how  long the body had been there, how old the child was or whether the 
skeleton was  male or female. The inquiry into allegations of abuse over a 
40-year period on  the Channel Island officially began in November after a year 
which police  covertly gathered statements. More than 100 people have 
contacted a helpline on  the island with allegations of abuse since the 
began. So far, officers  have spoken to 140 alleged victims and have 40 
suspectsIn January, police  charged Jersey resident Gordon Claude 
Wateridge, 76, in 
with the abuse of three  girls aged under 16 between 1969 and 1979. He was 
also charged with the unlawful  possession of a firearm. Police stressed they 
were not linking him with  yesterday's discovery "at this moment in time". They 
added that further arrests  are expected. The allegations span a period from 
the 1960s to the early 2000s.  Police following up a series of convictions for 
sexual offences involving  officers of Jersey Sea Cadets began noticing links 
between the victims in those  cases and other institutions on the island, 
including Haut de la Garenne. Mr  Harper has said previously that the 
range from "pretty severe  physical and mental abuse, right through to the most 
serious sexual crimes that  you can imagine."  In the course of the inquiry, 
police would examine  whether there were "criminal implications" behind the 
fact that the allegations  had never been brought before the courts, he said. 
Officers dealing with callers  to Jersey police's historic abuse helpline have 
said that many were furious that  their complaints had not been taken seriously 
at the time. ...Haut de la Garenne  opened in 1867 as the Industrial School, 
for "young people of the lower classes  of society and neglected children". It 
was used during the Nazi occupation as a  signalling station, reverting to a 
children's home after the war. It closed as a  children's home in 1987, when 
it catered for some 60 young people from Jersey  with special needs. 
Body found amid fears of child abuse ring on Jersey - Police have more than  
40 suspects as 140 claim they were victims By Sadie Gray  2/24/08 Police  were 
searching the grounds of a former children's home in Jersey yesterday after  
a child's remains were found in the building. Detectives said they expected to 
 discover more bodies at the former Haut de la Garenne home in St Martin. The 
 three-month investigation into child abuse at several government 
institutions on  the island took a harrowing turn with the discovery yesterday 
morning of 
the  partial remains, believed to date from the 1980s. Police were unable to 
say how  long the body had been there, how old the child was or whether the 
skeleton was  male or female. The inquiry into allegations of abuse over a 
40-year period on  the Channel Island officially began in November after a year 
which police  covertly gathered statements. More than 100 people have 
contacted a helpline on  the island with allegations of abuse since the 
began. So far, officers  have spoken to 140 alleged victims and have 40 
suspectsIn January, police  charged Jersey resident Gordon Claude 
Wateridge, 76, in 
with the abuse of three  girls aged under 16 between 1969 and 1979. He was 
also charged with the unlawful  possession of a firearm. Police stressed they 
were not linking him with  yesterday's discovery "at this moment in time". They 
added that further arrests  are expected. The allegations span a period from 
the 1960s to the early 2000s.  Police following up a series of convictions for 
sexual offences involving  officers of Jersey Sea Cadets began noticing links 
between the victims in those  cases and other institutions on the island, 
including Haut de la Garenne. Mr  Harper has said previously that the 
range from "pretty severe  physical and mental abuse, right through to the most 
serious sexual crimes that  you can imagine."  In the course of the inquiry, 
police would examine  whether there were "criminal implications" behind the 
fact that the allega

[CTRL] more on Jersey child abuse - may be triggering

2008-02-27 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

describes abuse  - 'Abuse was anything from rape to torture. It  happened 
every night' Victims call for house to be demolished as they reveal  full scale 
of horror at Haut de la Garenne - By Jonathan Brown and Jerome Taylor  in 
Jersey 2/27/2008 Former residents at a Jersey care home where police are  
for the remains of up to six children described yesterday how they  were 
repeatedly drugged, raped and abused while supposedly under the protection  of 
institution's staff. Testimonies, including one from a leading local  trade 
unionist, painted a horrifying picture of life inside Haut de la Garenne,  
where more than 1,000 children were housed in the decades before it was closed  
downSome 150 people have contacted police since the discovery of human 
 at the care home on Saturday. It also emerged that the notorious paedophile  
Edward Paisnell, known as the Beast of Jersey, visited Haut de la Garenne 
during  the 1960s. The political fallout on the island from the affair 
yesterday. The Chief Minister, Frank Walker, issued a statement conceding 
that  "a cloud hangs over Jersey". However, he sought to calm fears of an 
island-wide  cover up by insisting there was "no hiding place in Jersey for 
who abused  children or, who in any way may have colluded with that abuse and 
stone will  be left unturned to bring them to justice". But the former health 
minister who  was sacked after blowing the whistle on the children's care 
home scandal claimed  senior figures on the island had concealed evidence of an 
earlier sex abuse  scandal at a school. Senator Stuart Syvret handed out copies 
of a confidential  report from 2000 on the activities of Jervis Dykes, a 
teacher at the local  Victoria College, who was jailed for abusing six pupils 
between 1979 and 1996.  Mr Syvret also accused the island's newspaper, the 
Evening Post, of  failing to publish the critical findings, which he had 
leaked to journalists.  The newspaper said the document contained no new 
information and it had decided  not to publish "in deference to the feelings of 
and their  families".  
Jersey 'cover-up faces exposure'  - An ex-minister on Jersey says he  will 
expose a "cover-up culture" as searches continue at a former children's  home 
the island where remains were found. Police investigators at the Haut de  la 
Garenne home in St Martin are focusing their attention on a bricked-up  
cellar.  Former health minister Stuart Syvret told BBC News he will publish  
evidence to show the authorities failed to act on child abuse claims at another 
site.  A statement from Jersey's chief minister is also expected.  The  BBC's 
Sanchia Berg said Mr Syvret's allegations will relate to a school and a  secure 
unit on the island.  It is understood the police inquiry into  allegations of 
historic abuse in Jersey pre-date these claims.  The  senator's allegations 
island authorities ignored evidence of abuse of  children in its care have 
been vehemently denied by Jersey's Chief Minister,  Senator Frank Walker, who 
due to address the island's Assembly later.   He has described Mr Syvet's 
allegations as "deplorable" and said the  ex-minister, who was dismissed from 
post last year over the way he is  alleged to have treated staff and 
colleagues in his ministry, was seeking to  "politicise" the situation.  
describes abuse 
Police excavate bricked-up 'Colditz' cellar at  ex-children's home in Jersey 
amid fears it hides a mass grave 2/27/08 The  bricked-up cellar of the Haut de 
la Garenne children's home was being excavated  last night amid fears it 
could be a mass grave. The basement where youngsters  were once held in 
confinement as punishment may hold the bodies of six  children, police believe. 
Specialist teams using sniffer dogs and ground radar  equipment have 
identified a number of suspicious sites around the cellar.

**Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.  

CTRL is a discuss

[CTRL] child abuse ring on Jersey - 2

2008-02-25 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Six more bodies feared buried in Jersey home 2/25/08 Six more bodies may be  
buried at a former children's home in Jersey where a youngster's remains were  
found by detectives investigating allegations of widespread child abuse on 
the  island, police said yesterday. The remains were found under a thick 
concrete  floor inside the Victorian mansion, beside scraps of fabric, a button 
what  appeared to be a hair clip. It is believed the child's skull was among 
the  remains found. Yesterday Lenny Harper, the senior investigating officer, 
said a  sniffer dog that found the first remains had identified six other 
potential  burial sites in and around the home. Radar equipment had confirmed 
of  interest and Harper said he could not rule out the possibility that "half 
a  dozen" bodies might be foundSince then the police have taken statements 
from  around 140 alleged victims who claim to have been abused while at Haut 
de la  Garenne, as well as 40 suspects. Most of these suspects were "respected 
figures  of the establishment" who worked at the home in "positions of 
responsibility",  Harper said.  When the NSPCC joined the investigation, the 
children's  charity received four times more calls in the first week than it 
had ever 
had  when working on other British operations of this type. Calls came from 
as far  away as Thailand, Germany and Australia, as well as the UK, Guernsey 
and Jersey  itself. Two Jersey police officers are currently in Australia 
interviewing  alleged victims.  The allegations date back to the 1940s and up 
1986,  when the home was closed, but the bulk of complainants claim they were 
abused in  the 1960s, said Harper. "Allegations range from physical assaults 
right through  to rape. It is difficult to envisage more horrific crimes than 
of those  that are alleged to have been carried out here," he said.  So far 
one man  has been charged with three indecent assaults on girls under the age 
of 16,  allegedly committed while he worked at Haut de la Garenne, which 
featured as a  police station in the television detective series Bergerac. 
the police  yesterday stressed that the man was not suspected of any other 
crimes, and was  not linked to the remains discovered at the weekend. Jersey 
senator Stuart  Syvret, 42, told the Guardian he had spoken to two men, now in 
their 50s and  60s, who claim to have been savagely physically abused at the 
"They said  it was standard practice for staff to punch children in their 
heads if they  walked with their shoulders slumped, and children were routinely 
beaten with  birch canes," he said. Syvret, a former health and social services 
minister on  Jersey, claims there was a "culture of cover-up and concealment" 
within the  island's government, the States of Jersey. He said: "There has 
been a  long-running systematic failure of child protection on the island." He 
said  since the police investigation began he had heard of abuse dating back to 
the  end of the second world war and right up to the 1990s at Haut de la 
Garenne and  other homes.   

**Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.  

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] child abuse costs, 'Atomic human guinea pigs'

2008-02-22 Thread Smart News
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Women who suffered child abuse spend more on health care - Middle-aged  women 
who suffered physical or sexual abuse as children spend up to one-third  more 
than average in health-care costs, according to a long-term study of more  
than 3,000 women. Even decades after the abuse ended, these women used health  
services at significantly higher rates than did non-abused women, the research  
found.  “What’s remarkable is that women with an average age in their late  
40s still suffer consequences from abuse that occurred decades ago,” said Amy  
Bonomi, associate professor of human development and family science at Ohio  
State University, who led the study at Group Health in Seattle.  “No other  
study has found that before.”  Women who had no history of abuse spent an  
average of $2,413 a year (in 2004 dollars) on health care costs. Women who were 
sexually abused only paid an average of $382 a year more, those who were  
physically abused spent $502 more, and women who suffered both types of abuse  
$790 a year in additional health care costs. The study appears online in  
advance of the March issue of the Journal of General Internal MedicineThe  
study took into account factors such as age and education that also can affect  
health care use. “We are able to say pretty confidently that it was the abuse  
itself that is driving higher health care use and costs in these women,” she  
said. After accounting for women’s age and education, women who were sexually 
 abused as children faced health care costs 16 percent higher than non-abused 
 women, while physically abused women’s costs were 22 percent higher. For 
women  who suffered both types of abuse, costs rose 36 percent above average.  
The  research examined data from 3,333 women who belonged to Group Health, a 
health  care system in the Pacific Northwest. While other studies had linked 
childhood  abuse to higher adult health care costs, this research provides the 
most  comprehensive and accurate evidence to date, Bonomi said.   

'Atomic human guinea pigs' file suit - Gov't deserted soldiers after  their 
exposure to nuclear tests: lawyer Janet French, The StarPhoenix 2/20/08  Former 
soldiers the Canadian military once sent within a couple kilometres of  
nuclear explosions have launched a class action lawsuit against the Government  
Canada. Regina lawyer Tony Merchant filed the suit in federal court Tuesday  
on behalf of an estimated 1,000 "atomic human guinea pigs," who were sent to 
the  U.S., Australia and islands in the South Pacific between 1946 and 1963. 
There,  soldiers were exposed to huge doses of radiation that caused radiation 
sickness,  then later, cancers and untimely deaths, the suit claims. The 
statement of claim  also alleges the government knew the harmful effects of 
when the  military volunteered its soldiers to be the unwitting test subjects 
of nuclear  blastsAfter an uproar by American soldiers also on site for 
the tests, the  U.S. government in 1990 awarded $75,000 to each exposed 

**Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.  

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[CTRL] Is Ritual Child Abuse Just a Hoax?

2008-02-17 Thread Smart News
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has graphic descriptions of crimes
Is Ritual Child Abuse Just a Hoax? By Victoria Hardy 2/15/08 In 1984, a  
woman accused employees of the McMartin Preschool of molesting her young son  
he came home bleeding from his rectum, a doctor verified that the child had  
been sodomized and thus became the longest criminal trial in American  
historyDuring the investigation, 460 children reported being sexually 
abused  and 
80% showed physical symptoms including vaginal and rectal scarring, anal  
bleeding and sexually transmitted chlamydia infections. The childreńs stories  
were remarkably similar concerning the nature, location and perpetrators of the 
 abuse. Although the media held our attention, the public was never informed 
that  teenagers and twenty-year-olds, former students of McMartińs Preschool, 
had  also come forward confirming the claims of the children, but were not 
allowed to  testify due to the statute of limitations"Neither side is going 
to like what  I have to say," Bynum told a reporter before he died. Bynum 
wanted to know how  his citation books, the official police records kept from 
time as a  detective, had turned up in Ray Buckleýs desk when he was arrested 
for  molestation. And he could corroborate a key point in the childreńs 
testimonies.  The children had stated their attackers killed turtles and other 
small animals  to scare them into silence and Bynum, while retained by the 
defense, found  numerous turtle shells and other small animal bones buried in 
yard of the  preschool. According to the editor of the Los Angeles Times, Noel 
Greenwood, the  widespread media coverage was "a mean-spirited campaign" 
organized to discredit  the kids and their therapists. Besides the ridicule the 
media heaped on Judy  Johnson before her death, they also belittled the 
claims... _http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/52590_ 

**Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.  

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] child abuse epidemic, Only 3% of children will ever tell of their abuse

2008-02-14 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Australia grappling with child abuse 'epidemic' 2/12/08  A child  protection 
organisation says the rate of child abuse in Australia has reached  epidemic 
levels. Child Wise has collated research showing one in four girls and  one in 
seven boys experience some form of sexual abuse. It is launching a  national 
campaign to raise awareness about the problem and help parents and  others who 
work with children recognise the signs. The group's chief executive  
Bernadette McMenamin says the silence about abuse has to be broken. 
Only  3% of children will ever tell of their abuse (Savi Report 2004) The 
overall cost  of 30,009 cases of child sexual abuse to the Australian tax 
could be  estimated at $2.58 billion increasing every year. The cost of 30,009 
cases of  child sexual abuse is: Medical costs at $1 billion, Foster care and 
out of home  care at $613 million, Social and psychological costs at $1.46 
billion, Justice  system costs at $611 million. (The Abused Children’s Trust 
2006) Only 5% of  child sex offenders will have been caught and convicted for 
their crimes. (Dr K  Gelb, Victoria Sentencing Commission) 

**The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy 
Awards. Go to AOL Music.  

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] sexually assaulted children, multiple personality disorder

2008-02-12 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Poll: 100,000 children in Israel have been sexually assaulted By Haaretz  
Service  2/11/08 A national poll reveals that some 100,000 children in  Israel 
have been sexually assaulted, but only 2.5 percent of the incidents are  
reported to the proper authorities.  The poll, presented at a National  Council 
the Child conference in Be'er Sheva on Monday, encompassed 500  polled parents. 
The poll shows that 5 percent o f the parents reported that  their children 
had been sexually harassed, and a quarter of the parents never  told their 
children to avoid contact with strangers.  
Evidence against the iatrogenesis of multiple personality disorder.  
Dissociation, 2, 61–65. Ross, C. A., Norton, G. R., & Fraser, G. A. (1989).  
to hypnosis does not appear to influence the phenomenology of  MPDThere is 
no evidence derived from the study of clinical MPD that the  disorder is 
artifactual. In fact there is not one case of MPD created  artifactually by a 
specialist in dissociation reported in the literature. Given  the absence of 
positive evidence for the artifactual nature of clinical MPD, the  data in the 
present study provide compelling evidence that MPD is a genuine  disorder with 
consistent set of core features. 

**The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy 
Awards. Go to AOL Music.  

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] false memory, Michelle Remembers, Parental Alienation "Syndrome"

2008-02-08 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Planting False Childhood Memories in Children: The Role of Event  
Plausibility - Kathy Pezdek, Danelle Hodge Child Development, Vol. 70, No. 4  
(Jul. - 
Aug., 1999), pp. 887-895  Abstract - This experiment tested and  supported the 
hypothesis that events will be suggestively planted in children's  memory to 
degree that the suggested event is plausible and script-relevant  knowledge 
exists in memory. Nineteen 5- to 7-year-old children and 20 9- to  12-year-old 
children were read descriptions of two true events and two false  events, 
reported to have occurred when they were 4 years old. One false event  
the child lost in a mall while shopping (the plausible false event);  the other 
false event described the child receiving a rectal enema (the  implausible 
false event). The majority of the 39 children (54%) did not remember  either 
false event. However, whereas 14 children recalled the plausible but not  the 
implausible false event, only one child recalled the implausible but not the  
plausible false event; this difference was statistically significant. Three  
additional children (all in the younger age group) recalled both false events.  
Although this pattern of results was consistent for both age groups, the  
differences were significant for the younger children only. A framework is  
specifying the cognitive processes underlying suggestively planting  false 
events in memory. 
“Michelle Remembers” by Michelle Smith and Lawrence Pazder, MD “A NOTE FROM  
THE PUBLISHER” pages xi - xiii” “Dr. Pazder’s credentials are impressive. 
He  obtained his M.D. from the University of Alberta in 1961; his diploma in  
tropical medicine from the University Liverpool in 1962; and in 1968, his  
specialist certificate in psychiatry and his diploma in psychological medicine  
from McGill University. In 1971, he was made a fellow of Canada’s Royal College 
of Physicians and Surgeons. He is a member of three Canadian professional  
associations and of the American Psychiatric Association as well. He practiced  
medicine in West Africa and has participated in medical task forces and health 
 organizations. He has been chairman of the Mental Health Committee of the 
Health  Planning Council for British Columbia. A member of the staff of two 
hospitals in  Victoria, British Columbia–the Royal Jubilee and the Victoria 
–he is in  private practice with a group of five psychiatrists. His 
professional papers  include a study of the long-term effects of stress upon 
concentration-camp  victims. Two experienced interviewers journeyed to Victoria 
talked to Dr.  Pazder’s colleagues, to the priests and the bishop who became 
involved in the  case, to doctors who treated Michelle Smith when she was a 
to relatives  and friends. From local newspaper, clergy, and police sources 
they learned that  reports of Satanism in Victoria are not infrequent and that 
Satanism has  apparently existed there for many years.  Satanism in Western 
Canada  flourished in many areas with activities far more ominous than some of 
the  innocuous groups now found in parts of the United States who claim some  
connection with Satanism. The source material was scrutinized. The many  
thousands of pages of transcript of the tape recordings that Dr. Pazder and  
Smith made of their psychiatric sessions were read and digested; they  became 
the basis of this book. The tapes themselves were listened to in good  
measure, and the videotapes made of some of his sessions were viewed. Both the  
audio and video are powerfully convincing.  It is nearly unthinkable that  the 
protracted agony they record could have been fabricated.” Thomas B. Congdon,  
New York April 22, 1980
Parental Alienation Syndrome: What Professionals Need to Know Part 1 of  2  
Update - Volume 16, Number 6, 2003 By Erika Rivera Ragland & Hope  Fields PAS 
is based primarily upon two notions, neither of which has a  foundation in 
empirical research. 1. PAS Presupposes a High Rate of False  Accusations in 
Custody Cases The theory of PAS is based in part on the notion  that, within 
disputes, there is a high incidence of false abuse  allegations. Dr. Gardner 
theorized that allegations arising within the context  of a custody dispute 
have a “high likelihood of being false,”5 and went so far  as to state that he 
believed “the vast majority of allegations in this category  [divorce cases 
with custody disputes] are false.” To the contrary, the available  research 
suggests that false allegation rates are not significantly high. For  example, 
1990 study by Thoennes and Tjaden evaluated 9,000 divorces in 12  states and 
found that sex

[CTRL] archive on clergy abuse, child porn suspects

2008-02-07 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Vast archive on abuse aids victims, scholars - Database lists 3,000 accused  
priests By Michael Paulson  Globe Staff - 1/29/2008 Waltham - In a drab  
office building on Main Street, Terry McKiernan and Anne Barrett Doyle are  
amassing a vast archive of abuse: thousands and thousands of documents  
chronicling the sprawling crisis that has confronted the Catholic ChurchA  
closet-sized room is lined with file cabinets, filled with 100 boxfuls of 
donated by a Texas lawyer who painstakingly amassed a database of 3,000 
Catholic  priests nationwide accused of abuseThis is the headquarters of  
bishopaccountability.org, a fast-growing website that is fashioning itself as a 
kind of cross between The Smoking Gun and an academ ic archive, aiming to be 
first place to post the most sought-after new documents, as well as a 
repository  of records for historical purposes. The site now has 93,000 files 
on the  
Internet and 647,000 paper files, and the collection is growing. The site has 
 become a resource for journalists, academics, and filmmakers interested in 
the  abuse crisis and a key source of information for abuse victims and their  
families who are seeking more information about their abusers and church  
describes crimes - Officers: Thousands of Child Porn Suspects Not  
Investigated 2/6/08  by Dena Potter Richmond, Va. (AP)Law enforcement  
have identified more than 19,000 individual computers with such  hard-core 
pornography files on them in Virginia, but said they simply do  not have the 
resources to investigate all of the suspected sexual predators.  Members from 
Virginia's two Internet Crimes Against Children task forces were in  Richmond 
on Wednesday to push "Alicia's Law," named after a Pennsylvania teen  who was 
brought to Virginia by an online predator, raped and  torturedVirginia 
ranks eighth per capita nationwide in the number of  transactions of child 
pornography over the Internet, according to software that  tracks peer-to-peer 
transactions. Since 2005, the ICAC task forces have  identified more than 
215,000 folders containing child pornography that  Virginians have shared on 
sites commonly used to share music and other  filesOfficers have identified 
1,956 computers containing child pornography  in Virginia Beach _ the most of 
any Virginia locality. The problem exists even  in the state's small towns, 
with tiny Pound in far southwest Virginia being home  to 53 unique hard drives 
containing child porn. The ICAC team has identified one  computer in Sandston 
near Richmond that has made at least 187 transactions,  sharing pictures and 
videos of infants and young children being brutally raped  and molested.A 
2005 Department of Justice study suggested that 55 percent of  those convicted 
of possessing child pornography admitted to illegal contact with  children. The 
ICAC task forces have found that local children are the victims in  about 30 
percent of the  discovered files. _http://www.wtop.com/?nid=600&sid=1331687_ 

**Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music. 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] pornography

2008-01-28 Thread Smart News
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describes crimes
Packaging abuse of women as entertainment for adults  TheStar.com - living - 
Packaging abuse of women as entertainment for adults -  Cruel, degrading 
scenes `normalized' for generation brought up in dot-com world  1/26/08 Antonia 
Zerbisias Living ColumnistAccording to the Internet Filter  Review, 
porn revenues, including in-room movies at hotels, sex clubs  and the 
ever-expanding E-sex world, topped $97 billion in 2006. That's more than  the 
revenues of the top technology companies combined: Microsoft, Google,  Amazon, 
Yahoo!, Apple, Netflix and EarthLinkEvery second, 28,258  Internet users 
are viewing pornographyThat's a lot of women who, for  whatever their 
reasons, and most likely they are economic, are being  torturedThere's a 
market for the domination of womenRobert Jensen,  a journalism professor at 
the University of Texas at Austin, has been tracking  the trend for years. In 
his new book Getting Off: Pornography and the End of  Masculinity, he writes 
with alarm about how the "cruelty line" in mass-market  pornography is driving 
up. At the same time, the "normalization" line – "the  measure of the 
acceptance of pornography in the mainstream of contemporary  culture" – is also 
sharply. "If pornography is increasingly cruel and  degrading, why is it 
increasingly commonplace instead of more marginalized?" he  writes. "In a 
that purports to be civilized, wouldn't we expect most  people to reject sexual 
material that becomes evermore (sic) dismissive of the  humanity of women? How 
do we explain the simultaneous appearance of more, and  increasingly more 
intense, ways to 
humiliate women sexually and the rising  popularity of the films that present 
those activities?" _http://www.thestar.com/printArticle/296391_ 

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[CTRL] report on sexual abuse

2008-01-27 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Idaho Releases Yearly Report on Sexual Abuse 1/24/2008 The Idaho  Attorney 
General's yearly report on sexual abuse cases is out. It shows one  disturbing 
fact that has not changed in all these years. It's that the abuser is  almost 
always a person known and trusted by the victim and the victim's family,  as 
with the Bonneville County case of Scott Wolfley, now admitting to molesting  a 
young relative.  Of all 430 criminal cases filed in Idaho between July  2006 
and June 2007 against adult and juvenile defendants, there were just three  
cases in which the defendant was a stranger to the victim. Seventy-two percent  
were acquaintances, 8% were natural parents, 6% were step-parents and 9% were  
other relatives. The full report : 
port.pdf)   _http://www.kpvi.com/Global/story.asp?S=7770431_ 

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[CTRL] Herschel Walker, Mayans, Cornwall

2008-01-24 Thread Smart News
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Ex-NFL star Herschel Walker reveals in upcoming book he has multiple  
personalities  - Ex-NFL star Herschel Walker reveals in upcoming book he  has 
multiple personalities 1/18/2008 Atlanta (AP) -- Georgia football great  
Walker has multiple personalities -- a revelation in an upcoming book  that 
surprises the man who coached the 1982 Heisman Trophy winner"Breaking  
will chronicle Walker's life with multiple personality disorder, according  to 
Shida Carr, a publicist at Simon & Schuster. 

article has graphic depictions of abuse Mayans' sacrifices were boys  Reuters 
1/23/08  MEXICO CITY — The victims of human sacrifice by Mexico's  ancient 
Mayans, who threw children into water-filled caverns, were likely boys  and 
young men not virgin girls as previously believed, archeologists said on  
The Maya built soaring temples and elaborate palaces in the jungles of  
Central America and southern Mexico before the Spanish conquest in the early  
1500s. Maya priests in the city of Chichen Itza in the Yucatan peninsula  
sacrificed children to petition the gods for rain and fertile fields by 
throwing  them 
into sacred sinkhole caves, known as "cenotes." 
City cops drove probationers to Ken Seguin's place: van Diepen1/23/08 
Some city cops used to drop probationers off at the home of a probation  
who would later be accused of sexual abuse, a recently retired probation  
officer maintained during his cross-examination at the Cornwall Public Inquiry  
Tuesday. During Jos van Diepen's testimony, he briefly mentioned that he  
remembered hearing his colleague Ken Seguin tell him members of the Cornwall  
used to drop probationers off at his home sometime in the 1970s. Peter  
Manderville, a lawyer for the city police, asked van Diepen if he could recall  
anything more about this practice - like who the cops were that would drop  
probationers off at Seguin's home. The probation officer said it was a  
fact in the Cornwall probation office, and that Seguin would have  talked 
about it before his suicide in 1993. Seguin was never charged with any  abuse, 
was accused of sexually abusing probationers in his charge. (from the  
Cornwall Standard Freeholder) 

**Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music. 

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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[CTRL] Attorneys file to free priest charged with nun's murder

2008-01-19 Thread Smart News
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Attorneys file to free priest charged with nun's  murder  
describes crimes  - Attorneys file to free priest charged with nun's  murder 
- Petition hints deceased cleric had role in her killing  1/16/08 By  David 
Yonke - Blade Staff Writer Attorneys for Gerald Robinson have filed a  court 
petition seeking to overturn the Toledo priest's 2006 murder conviction  and 
raising suspicions about another Catholic cleric, now deceased, who worked  
Robinson as a chaplain at the hospital where the crime occurred in 1980.  The 
petition, filed in Lucas County Common Pleas Court, quotes Sister Dorothy  Mari
e Balabuch, a Sylvania Franciscan nun, as saying she worked as a housekeeper  
for the Rev. Jerome Swiatecki and described the priest as an "immoral man" 
with  "a very bad temper" and a fondness for knives and "hard-core 
The  court document also quotes a security guard, hired two days after the 
murder at  the former Mercy Hospital, saying that "in my youthful zeal and my 
desire to  catch the perpetrator, I accused Father Swiatecki" of murdering 
Margaret  Ann Pahl.Father Swiatecki, a Toledo native whose hobby was wood 
carving, was  ordained a priest in 1941 and died in 1996 at age 83Retired 
Deputy Chief Ray  Vetter said he recalls Father Swiatecki as having had "an 
airtight alibi."  Police reports from 1980 said Father Swiatecki was eating 
breakfast with several  nuns in the hospital's dining room at the time of the 
murder. Robinson, now 69,  was found guilty May 11, 2006, and is serving a 
15-years-to-life sentence at  Hocking Correctional Facility in southern Ohio. 
Margaret Ann, 71, had  been strangled to the verge of death, then stabbed 31 
times in the sacristy of  the Catholic hospital on Holy Saturday, 1980.

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[CTRL] Pitcairn - The Island Paradise With a Dark History

2008-01-18 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

The Island Paradise With a Dark History  By Martin Croucher   Epoch Times UK 
Staff  1/16/08 But hidden beneath the friendly smiles of the  47 inhabitants 
is a dark secret.  In 2004, six men—a third of the island's  adult male 
population, including Pitcairn mayor Steve Christian, a direct  descendant of 
Fletcher Christian's—were been convicted under English law of 33  sexual 
some dating back 40 years.  The trials revealed that for  generations the 
islanders have had a culture of rape, adultery and child-abuse  involving 
as young as five.  As Pitcairn is one of the last  remaining British colonies, 
detectives from Kent launched an 18-month  investigation that would prove to 
be one of the most complex, and costly, in  British legal history. Detectives 
Rob Vinson and Peter George were recently  accorded in the Queen's New Year's 
honours list.  The detectives found  every woman, born and bred on Pitcairn had 
experienced some form of sexual abuse  in their lives. Many said that it 
would be impossible to find a girl over the  age of 12 on the island who had 
been the victim of sexual abuse. But during  the police investigation, 
eyewitnesses on the island said that locals did not  believe what they were 
doing was 
wrong and claimed it was a part of their  cultureHowever, more than 200 
years on and with little contact with the  outside world, the islanders had 
developed a degenerate sexual culture where  rape, adultery and child abuse 
pervasive.  That culture began to  unravel in 1996 when Dennis McGookin and 
Peter George, two detectives from Kent  police, visited the island on the 
allegation that Shawn Christian, one of the  children of Pitcairn governor 
Christian, raped an 11-year-old. The case  collapsed after Shawn claimed 
consensual sex and provided love letters to prove  it. The detectives, who were 
first British officers ever to set foot on the  colony, raised concerns that 
legal system there was at best rudimentary, and  not fit to deal with serious 
crime. At the time Pitcairn barely saw itself as  under British law, having 
never seen an attorney or judgeOne her second  visit, in 1999, Ms Cox was 
confronted with allegations that Shawn and brother,  Randy Christian, had raped 
an 11-year-old girl.   The message went out  to London and the detectives were 
back, although this time Rob Vinson  accompanied Peter George. However the 
investigation was initially frustrated  when the brothers denied the 
and they were not able to find any  leads. Just as they were about to leave 
they decided to interview a friend of  the accused who was living in Auckland, 
New Zealand. She said she knew nothing  about the case but as the detectives 
turned to leave she mentioned almost in  passing that she had been raped when 
she was 10. She later became the main  whistleblower of the case and provided 
the detectives with an almost endless  ream of leads. It was then that the 
culture of abuse unravelled. DCI Vinson  said: "She told us that you wouldn't 
any girl on the island of the age of  12 who hadn't gone through that 
experience. Every Pitcairn girl that we spoke to  who was born and bred on the 
described some kind of abuse. "As we were  questioning witnesses they were 
giving us more and more leads, and it got bigger  and bigger. It just 
snowballed." Aided by a New Zealand policewoman, the Kent  detectives hunted 
down every 
woman who had come of age on Pitcairn in the past  40 years and 24 agreed to 
make statements.  The officials uncovered more  than 100 allegations of sexual 
abuse against 31 men, four of who had since died.  More than 30 of the 
complaints could be defined as rape under English law, all  against girls who 
under-age at the time. A British social worker who  visited the island at the 
time in 2000 described a community deeply shaken by  the inquiry. She dug deep 
into the culture on the island and revealed a way of  life where sex permeated 
everything. She told of a society where childhood sex  games and abuse were 
commonplace, as were teenage pregnancies and abortions. 

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[CTRL] Child porn arrests, dissociation and abuse

2008-01-16 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Two Winnipeggers arrested in sex abuse sting By Chris Kitching, Sun Media  
1/15/08 Two males from Winnipeg have been arrested in an international child  
sexual abuse investigation involving a European website that allowed its  
customers to meet the victims or request tailor-made videos.Police know  
are about 90 other suspects in Canada. Some of them have not been  
identified.Last November, Europol and police agencies across Europe  
announced 100 
people in 19 countries had been arrested in connection with the  child-porn 
network, which centred around an Italian website that had 2,500  paying 
9 Canadians arrested in international child porn probe  Suspects  include men 
from Victoria, Edmonton, the Greater Toronto Area and Montreal  1/15/08 Nine 
Canadians have been arrested as part of an ongoing international  child abuse 
and internet child pornography investigation, the RCMP said on  Tuesday, 
adding that they are looking at another 50 cases. The probe, code-named  
Koala," involved videos of children being abused that were filmed  mainly in 
a Ukraine studio and purchased by customers around the world,  including 
Canada, said RCMP Supt. Earla-Kim McColl, head of the National Child  
Co-ordination Centre, at a news conference in Ottawa  TuesdayMore than 92 
people have been arrested in Europe as part of the  investigationThe 
investigation began when a video depicting the rape of two  young girls was 
on July 12, 2006. That eventually led to the arrest of an  Italian man, Sergio 
Marzola, who allegedly produced more than 150 child abuse  and pornography 
videos — including some that could be custom-filmed for a price  — that he sold 
via the internet. 
Memories of childhood abuse: dissociation, amnesia, and corroboration. Chu  
JA, Frey LM, Ganzel BL, Matthews JA Am J Psychiatry. 1999  
May;156(5):749-55Dissociative Disorders and Trauma Program, McLean 
Hospital,  Belmont, MA 
02478, USAParticipants were 90 female patients admitted to a  unit 
specializing in the treatment of trauma-related disorders. Participants  
instruments that measured dissociative symptoms and elicited details  
childhood physical abuse, sexual abuse, and witnessing abuse.  Participants 
underwent a structured interview that asked about amnesia for  traumatic 
experiences, the circumstances of recovered memory, the role of  suggestion in 
recovered memories, and independent corroboration of the memories.  RESULTS: 
Participants reporting any type of childhood abuse demonstrated  elevated 
levels of 
dissociative symptoms that were significantly higher than  those in subjects 
not reporting abuse. Higher dissociative symptoms were  correlated with early 
age at onset of physical and sexual abuse and more  frequent sexual abuse. A 
substantial proportion of participants with all types  of abuse reported 
partial or complete amnesia for abuse memories. For physical  and sexual abuse, 
early age at onset was correlated with greater levels of  amnesia. Participants 
who reported recovering memories of abuse generally  recalled these experiences 
while at home, alone, or with family or friends.  Although some participants 
were in treatment at the time, very few were in  therapy sessions during their 
first memory recovery. Suggestion was generally  denied as a factor in memory 
recovery. A majority of participants were able to  find strong corroboration 
of their recovered memories. CONCLUSIONS: Childhood  abuse, particularly 
chronic abuse beginning at early ages, is related to the  development of high 
of dissociative symptoms including amnesia for abuse  memories. This study 
strongly suggests that psychotherapy usually is not  associated with memory 
recovery and that independent corroboration of recovered  memories of abuse is 
often present. _http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10327909?dopt=abstractplus_ 
Childhood trauma and perceived parental dysfunction in the etiology of  
dissociative symptoms in psychiatric inpatients. Draijer N, Langeland W.  
Department of Psychiatry, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The  Netherlands.   Am 
Psychiatry. 1999 Mar;156(3):379-85.One hundred  sixty inpatients 
admitted to a general psychiatric hospital were  administered the Dissociative 
Experiences Scale and the Structured Trauma  Interview.The level of 
dissociation was primarily related to reported  overwhelming childhood 
(sexual and physical abuse). When sexual  abuse was severe (involving 
penetration, several perpe

[CTRL] Subject of 'Friedman' Film Loses Appeal

2008-01-14 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Subject of 'Friedman' Film Loses Appeal  1/13/08 Central Islip, N.Y.  (AP) - 
A federal judge has rejected a man's bid for exoneration in a  
child-molestation case explored in a noted documentary film, saying he filed 
his  appeal too 
late.  Jesse Friedman's appeal stemmed from the Oscar-nominated  2003 film, 
"Capturing the Friedmans." His lawyers said the documentary revealed  evidence 
that prosecutors had wrongfully withheld — that at least one of the  children 
who accused Friedman did so under hypnosis arranged by police. A  teenage 
Friedman and his father, Arnold, pleaded guilty in 1988 to molesting  children 
during computer classes in the basement of their home in Great Neck, on  Long 
Island. Jesse Friedman, now 38, was paroled in 2001; his father committed  
in prison in 1995. The son has tried for years to reverse his guilty  plea. 
U.S. District Court Judge Joanna Seybert agreed last year to consider  whether 
his latest appeal was filed within legal time limits, as a first step  toward 
a potential hearing on questions about the hypnosis. She ruled Jan. 4  that 
the June 2006 appeal was "untimely," saying Friedman's lawyers knew in 1988  
that a therapist had worked with the children in eliciting details of the  
alleged sex abuse Under federal law, the appeal had to be filed within a  
after its factual basis "could have been discovered through the exercise of  
due diligence."A prosecutor said Friedman's appeal was meritless, adding  
that the therapist has given sworn testimony denying having hypnotized any of  
Friedman's accusers. "Further review of this issue is simply not warranted,"  
assistant Nassau County district attorney Judith Sternberg said Friday. 
Pressman  said his disappointed client — who is still barred from parks and 
places  children frequent because he is classified as a violent sexual predator 
would  appeal further. 
links about the movie and case:
(http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/1/ctf/bib.html)   Capturing the Friedmans: 
annotated Bibliography from 
the Leadership Council on  Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence
(http://www.theawarenesscenter.org/arnoldandjessefriedman.html)   Case of 
Arnold Friedman 
and Jessie Friedman
(http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/1/ctf/geraldo.html)   Geraldo Rivera's 
interview with Jesse 

Documentary or Whitewash?
Have you seen Andrew Jarecki's  award-winning film? Did it leave you with the 
impression that Jesse Friedman and  maybe his father, Arnold, were victims of 
a witch hunt conducted by an inept and  overzealous investigation team? That 
conclusion is no accident. Jarecki omitted  incriminating evidence that might 
have made you think differently about Jesse  and Arnold. Consider this 
information, and decide for yourself if this  well-reviewed "documentary" can 

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[CTRL] repressed memory, prevalence of child sexual abuse data

2008-01-12 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Child Maltreatment, Vol. 2, No. 2, 91-112 (1997) DOI:  
10.1177/1077559597002002001 Videotaped Discovery of a Reportedly Unrecallable  
Memory of Child 
Sexual Abuse: Comparison with a Childhood Interview Videotaped  11 Years Before 
David L. Corwin...Erna Olafson...This article presents the  history, verbatim 
transcripts, and behavioral observations of a child's  disclosure of sexual 
abuse to Dr. David Corwin in 1984 and the spontaneous  return of that 
unrecallable memory during an interview between the  same individual, now a 
young adult, and Dr. Corwin 11 years later. Both  interviews were videotape 
recorded. The significance, limitations, and clinical  implications of this 
case study are discussed. Five commentaries by  researchers from differing 
empirical perspectives who have reviewed these  videotape-recorded interviews 
follow this article. _http://cmx.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/2/2/91_ 
Child Abuse Negl. 1985;9(4):457-67. Child sexual abuse: a study of  
prevalence in Great Britain. Baker AW, Duncan SP. Of 2019 men and women (aged 
15  years 
and over) interviewed as part of a MORI Survey of a nationally  
representative sample of Great Britain, 10% reported that they had been 
sexually  abused 
before the age of 16 (12% of females; 8% of males). There was no  increased 
associated with specific social class categories or area of  residence. For 
all types of sexual abuse, the mean age of victims when first  abused was 
significantly lower for females. Subjective reports of the effects of  sexual 
indicated that the majority (51%) felt harmed by the experience,  while only 
4% reported that it had improved the quality of their life. We  estimate that 
there are over 4.5 million adults in Great Britain who were  sexually abused 
as children, and that a potential 1,117,000 children will be  sexually abused 
before they are 15 years of age. At least 143,000 of these will  be abused 
within the familyPMID: 4084825 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] alleged Cornwall pedophile ring, Int.Society...Study of Dissociation journal

2008-01-10 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Ex-cop who alleged Cornwall pedophile ring refuses to testify at  inquiry  
1/9/08 DUNCAN, B.C. - A former police officer credited with  bringing to light 
explosive allegations of widespread child sexual abuse in  eastern Ontario says 
he's convinced the dark stories that have divided the  community are true - 
but he says he won't testify before a public inquiry  because he says the 
justice system hasn't listened to him for 15 years. Perry  Dunlop, a decorated 
former officer from Cornwall, Ont., has been scheduled to  testify but he told 
Canadian Press in an exclusive interview he won't be  there because he's lost 
faith in the justice system. He said he's prepared to  face the consequences 
if he's arrested. Dunlop, 46, was convicted of contempt of  court last 
September for his earlier refusal to testify at the inquiry"I  have a lot 
reasons, but I'm not going to testify," he said. "I'm saying our  judicial 
is broken and they haven't listened to me for 15 years, and I  have no faith. 
Absolutely no faith, none."  The Ontario government inquiry  was launched in F
ebruary 2006 and is scheduled to conduct hearings until August  2008. The 
inquiry is looking into how authorities responded to dozens of  accusations 
men in eastern Ontario had sexually abused children over  decadesDunlop has 
rarely spoken publicly since he first made the allegations  in 1993.  
Prominent members of the Cornwall region's Roman Catholic clergy  were among 
accused of being part of a pedophile ring that some alleged had  existed in 
Cornwall since the early 1960s.  In August 2001, Ontario  Provincial Police 
a four-year probe of the alleged ring, dubbed Project  Truth, concluding the 
allegations were baseless. Project Truth ended after 672  people were 
interviewed and 69 complainants were identified. Some of the  allegations 
stemmed back 
to the 1960s.  As a result of the probe, 15 people  were charged with a total 
of 115 offences ranging from gross indecency to  indecent assault on a male 
and sexual assault on a male.  Many individuals  were later found guilty of 
paying underage boys for sex; two were found guilty  of possessing child 
pornography.  But when all was said and done, courts  and the police could find 
evidence the large group of accused men worked  together as a group.  Dunlop 
raised the child sexual abuse allegations in  1993 after discovering what he 
believed was a cover-up of an abuse case  involving a young boy and a church 
official.  He said he was told not to  pursue the matter, but he couldn't let 
it go 
and it eventually cost him his  job.  Dunlop was once named officer of the year 
in Cornwall.   "Absolutely there was a pedophile ring in Cornwall," he said 
in the interview  this week.  
The official journal of the International Society for the Study of  
Dissociation (ISSD), published between 1988 and 1997. 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Rebuttal to Brain stains article, Jesuits agree to settlement

2008-01-08 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Rebuttal to Brain stains article : November 30, 2007  - Scientific  American, 
Inc. Attn: Editor and Chief 415 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10017 Dear  Editor: 
 Regrettably the authors of the article “Brain stains: Traumatic  therapies 
can have longlasting effects on mental health,” Kelly Lambert and  Scott O. 
Lilienfeld chose to provide a onesided, misleading and unscientific  account of 
the dissociative disorders (DD), including dissociative identity  disorder 
(DID). Although we will not comment on the specific case they present,  we 
like to correct some of their misleading statements and assumptions,  and 
thereby give the reader a more accurate view of this field and of the overt  
hidden family problems that most often contribute to the development of  this 
kind of psychopathology. Readers may get the impression from the article  
that there is no research supporting the validity and reliability of DID when,  
in fact, various studies show that: - DID fulfills the same requirements for  
diagnostic validity as other psychiatric diagnoses (e.g., 1). - The validity of 
 the DID diagnosis is further supported by cognitive (e.g., 2) and 
brainimaging  research (e.g., 3-6). - Epidemiological studies have found DID in 
Western  and non-Western cultures,  thus the suggestion that it is a Western  “
culture bound” syndrome contradicts the evidence (e.g., 7-8). - Dozens of  
studies using various methodologies, retrospective and prospective, support the 
reality of people forgetting and later recovering traumatic memories (e.g., 
 9-10). - Various studies (e.g. 11) have shown independent corroboration (e. 
g.,  through longterm scars, medical archives, etc.) of many DID patient 
accounts of  earlier trauma. - Epidemiological studies show that the 
disorders,  including DID, are not uncommon in both clinical and community 
samples from  various cultures (e.g., 12-13).- Many individuals with DID were 
diagnosed by  therapists who did not use hypnosis or initially believe in the 
diagnosis (e.g.,  14-15). - The authors repeatedly talk about a “recovered 
therapy,” yet  provide no evidence that such a therapy modality exists. We are 
not aware of any  colleagues who have ever been trained in such a therapy, 
nor can we find  evidence for that label in any of the training programs of 
which we are aware.  The authors appear to be engaging in a straw-man argument 
here.  The  preceding is by no means an exhaustive list of the myriad ways in 
which the  article ignores relevant literature. Although it may be true that a 
clinician  could shape or exacerbate an individual’s symptoms, iatrogenic 
effects can occur  in the treatment of any kind of condition, medical or 
psychological. Such a  proposition does not invalidate the existence of 
suffering from true  DID. The finding that many more patients are diagnosed 
with DID 
now than were  decades ago may be consistent with an iatrogenic hypothesis, but 
an alternative  -- and perhaps more compelling -- hypothesis would be that 
valid and reliable  measures of DID have only recently been developed, 
available, and employed in  this and other cultures. The fact that one of the 
of this article is an  Associate Editor of Scientific American Mind makes these 
scholarship-related  infractions especially problematic. The readership 
deserves much better than  partisan, biased tracts. - from the President and  
Executive Council,  International Society for the Study of Trauma and 
Jesuits agree to settlement in abuse case By Janet I. Tu  Seattle  Times 
religion reporter  1/4/08 The Jesuit order in the Northwest has  agreed to pay 
$4.8 million to 16 Native Americans who were sexually and  physically abused 
years ago when they were students at a boarding school near  Omak. The Roman 
Catholic order - formally named the Society of Jesus - and  attorneys for the 
women and one man announced the settlement Thursday. It  comes two months after 
the Jesuits agreed to a record $50 million settlement  stemming from abuses in 
Alaska.  The victims in Thursday's settlement had  all boarded at the St. 
Mary's Mission and School on the Colville Indian  Reservation. They say they 
abused in the late 1960s and early 1970s by a  Jesuit priest and a Jesuit 
brotherIn November, the province agreed to pay  $50 million to 110 Alaska 
Natives - believed to be the largest settlement by a  religious order in the 
Catholic Church abuse cases. Insurance is paying $45  million of that amount. 

**Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape. 

[CTRL] Stopping child abuse, cornwall inquiry

2008-01-06 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Opinion - Take action against childhood sexual abuse - DL-Online -   1/2/08 
Recent news stories about sexual abuse of children in Alexandria and  elsewhere 
should do more than make us disgusted and angry. It should make us  act. 
Consider something that happened in Duluth about a year ago: A 70-year-old  man 
was arrested for sexually abusing a 7-year-old girl who was being cared for  at 
a child care business run by the man and his wife. When an investigator asked  
the man, “Why a child?” The man replied, “Because it’s easy. Sadly, 
statistics  indicate just how “easy” it is: More than 39,000 sexual assaults 
estimated  to be committed each year in Minnesota — the majority against 
children. One in  four girls and one in six boys will have been abused by the 
age of 
18. Some  estimates put the number of childhood sexual abuse survivors in 
America at 39  million. 
Witnesses complain about grilling at Cornwall inquiry Accused need equal  
treatment, lawyer says 2/20/07 CBC News  Witnesses who say they were  sexually 
abused have complained about harsh treatment by lawyers at the Cornwall  public 
inquiry, prompting the commissioner to intervene. Commissioner Normand  Glaude 
was to tell lawyers Tuesday how far they should go when questioning  inquiry 
witnesses who say they were abused, after a witness stormed off the  stand in 
the middle of his testimony and another made a written complaint about  how 
lawyers treated himLawyer Dallas Lee, who represents 50 people who say  
were abused, said several men decided not to testify after David Silmser  
stormed off the stand on Feb. 1 in the midst of aggressive questioning by  
Dominic Lamb, the lawyer representing the priest who allegedly abused Silmser,  
Charles MacDonald. Witnesses who say they were sexually abused have  
complained about harsh treatment by lawyers at the Cornwall public inquiry,  
the commissioner to interveneWitnesses quit - Lawyer Dallas Lee,  who 
represents 50 people who say they were abused, said several men decided not  to 
testify after David Silmser stormed off the stand on Feb. 1 in the midst of  
aggressive questioning by Dominic Lamb, the lawyer representing the priest who  
allegedly abused Silmser, Rev. Charles MacDonald.  Silmser earlier received  
$32,000 from the Alexandria-Cornwall Roman Catholic Diocese in relation to his  
allegations, but MacDonald was never criminally convictedit is important 
to  name both alleged and convicted abusers because of rumours that they were  
connected through an organized pedophile ringIn 1997, a provincial police 
 investigation called Project Truth resulted in 114 charges being laid 
against 15  men, including a doctor, lawyers and three Roman Catholic priests, 
only one  person was ever convicted.  

**Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape. 

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[CTRL] Archiving Dissociation, Questioning Claims of FMSF Epidemic, Recovered Memory

2007-12-29 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

EDITORIAL  - Archiving Dissociation as a Precaution Against  Dissociating 
Dissociation Judith Herman (1992) famously observed, “The knowledge  of 
events periodically intrudes into public awareness but is rarely  retained for 
long. Denial, repression, and dissociation operate on a social as  well as an 
individual level” (p. 2)Herman (1992) goes on to note: “Like  
traumatized people, we have been cut off from the knowledge of our past. Like  
traumatized people, we need to understand the past in order to reclaim the  
present and 
the future. Therefore, an understanding of psychological trauma  begins with 
rediscovering history” (p. 2). We are at risk of forgetting the hard  work and 
lessons learned by our predecessors. Thus, in addition to preserving  our 
current knowledge, it is important to learn and preserve  Journal of  Trauma & 
Dissociation, Vol. 8(3) 2007 Available online at _http://jtd.haworthpress.com_ 
(http://jtd.haworthpress.com)  by The  Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved. 
doi:10.1300/J229v08n03_01 1 
Memory, Abuse, and Science: Questioning Claims about the False Memory  
Syndrome Epidemic - Kenneth S. Pope  ABSTRACT: Careful assessment of  purported 
scientific discoveries and the resulting interpretations is a  responsibility 
every scientist. The area of memory, particularly memory for  abuse, has 
recently seen new, highly publicized claims. These include the  proposal of a 
diagnostic category, the false memory syndrome; claims about  the ease with 
which extensive autobiographical memories can be implanted; and  estimates of 
extent therapists use risky practices likely to cause false  memory syndrome. 
This article suggests questions to evaluate these claims and  the methods used 
to promote them. Implications for clinical standards and  malpractice are 
discussedMemory, Abuse, & Science: Questioning Claims  about the False 
Syndrome Epidemic--is the award address for the American  Psychological 
Association's Award for Distinguished Contributions to Public  Service. It was 
published in American Psychologist, vol. 51, no. 9, pages  957-974. 
Duggal, S., & Sroufe, L. A. (1998). Recovered memory of childhood  sexual 
trauma: A documented case from a longitudinal study. Journal of Traumatic  
Stress, 11(2), 301-321.  This account contains a prospective report of  memory 
in a case in which there is both documented evidence of trauma and  evidence 
of recovery of memory. _http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/1/lg/taus_cr.html_ 

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[CTRL] Hosanna Church ritual abuse case

2007-12-27 Thread Smart News
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describes graphic crimes of abuse - Agents graphically describe abuse   By 
Don Ellzey 11/30/07 In an interview with Bernard at the Tangipahoa Parish  
Sheriff's Office Substation on June 10, 2005, Edwards said he was told by  
that during the diaper changes he began touching his infant daughter.  The 
touching became oral sex and eventually penetration. Edwards said Bernard  
claimed to have been molested as a child, which led him to molest  children.  
Federal prosecutor Lisa Marie Freitas, now with the Child  Exploitation 
Division of 
the U.S. Department of Justice, was a special agent  assigned to the FBI's New 
Orleans office in 2005.  Freitas testified that  she, too, interviewed 
Bernard, who told her that he had done with his daughter  everything a human 
do to the body of another human. Much of the abuse  occurred while his wife, 
Nicole Bernard, was working. She said Bernard told her  that he was the first 
penetrate his daughter and Louis Lamonica was the  second.  She said Bernard 
described the rituals at the church, although the  rituals were not the point 
of the FBI investigation. Freitas said he volunteered  the information. 
According to Bernard, the rituals took place in what was called  “the room,” 
was the church's youth room. He described how six adults would  line up 
shoulder to shoulder and perform sex acts on his daughter or other  children, 
were passed down the line. The rule was that there would be no  penetration or 
injury.  The rituals had a Satanic theme, including a  Pentagram, the use of 
animals and animal parts such as chicken feet and the use  of animal blood. 
Freitas said that according to Bernard, Patricia Pierson and  Robin Lamonica, 
defendants in the case, put animal blood on his daughter  during one of the 
rites. She said Bernard claimed Pierson and Lamonica also  sexually abused his 
daughter. He said animal blood was also put on other  children, Freitas said. 

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[CTRL] Child porn, Iatrogenic DID, Recovered Memory

2007-12-25 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Thousands sought over child porn  - 12/24/07 - German prosecutors  are 
investigating 12,000 suspected members of a child sex abuse network on the  
- the biggest in the country's history. A senior public prosecutor said  the 
suspects were accused of downloading or possessing illegal images of  
children. The investigation, which has been going on for several months, also  
to suspects in about 70 other countries. 
Iatrogenic DID-An Evaluation of the Scientific Evidence: D. Brown, E.  
Frischholz & A. Scheflin" from The fall-winter 1999 issue of "The Journal of  
Psychiatry & Law - "Conclusions...At present the scientific evidence is  
insufficient and inadequate to support plaintiffs' complaints that suggestive  
allegedly operative in psychotherapy can create a major psychiatric  disorder 
like MPD per se...there is virtually no support for the unique  contribution 
of hypnosis to the alleged iatrogenic creation of MPD in  appropriately 
controlled research.alter shaping is not to be confused with  alter 
p. 624
ETHICS & BEHAVIOR, 8(2). 141-160 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.  Consider 
This, Skeptics of Recovered Memory - Ross E. Cheit - Department of  Political 
Science - Brown University - Some self-proclaimed skeptics of  recovered 
memory claim that traumatic childhood events simply cannot be  forgotten at the 
time only to be remembered later in life. This claim has been  made repeatedly 
the Advisory Board members of a prominent advocacy group for  parents accused 
of sexual abuse, the so-called False Memory Syndrome Foundation.  The 
research project described in this article identifies and documents the  
number of cases that have been ignored or distorted by such skeptics. To  date, 
this project has documented 35 cases in which recovered memories of  traumatic 
childhood events were corroborated by clear and convincing evidence.  This 
article concludes with some observations about the politics of the false  
movement, particularly the tendency to conceal or omit evidence of  
corroboration. Several instances of this vanishing facts syndrome are 
documented  and 
analyzed. Abstract is at 
Article can be purchased at 

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[CTRL] Pastor on sex charges - describes crimes

2007-12-23 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

describes graphic crimes 

Trial told of a rape on grave - Pastor on sex charges By Sam Pazzano,  Courts 
Bureau - 12/20/07 - A second woman has taken the stand and told of being  
raped five times by Rev. Frank Lawrence, who she claimed impregnated her in an  
assault on a fresh grave site during a ritual to cleanse her of evil spirits.  
The mother of three, including a 5-year-old son by Lawrence, told the jury  
yesterday the first three times the Toronto pastor raped her was at his home  
during spiritual baths to purge evil spirits.   Lawrence later took  her to a 
fresh grave site for another ritual in the spring of 2001 and raped her  again, 
she testified.  The woman, 45, admitted she forgot about a fifth  rape for 
several years and recalled it while testifying at the preliminary  hearing last 
summerRobbins maintained that she and Lawrence had a consensual  sexual 
relationship that soured after she sought child support.  Lawrence,  59, the 
founder of the Toronto Mount Zion Revival Church of the Apostles, has  pleaded 
guilty to sexually assaulting the two women in 2001 and 2003. 

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[CTRL] Statutes of Limitations of Sex Offenses, ritual abuse conference

2007-12-21 Thread Smart News
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Statutes of Limitations of Sex Offenses by State - Rape, Abuse & Incest  
National Network 
Information on next summer’s ritual abuse conference is at : 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] child pornography, wenatchee case

2007-12-19 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Crackdown on Child Pornography - Federal Action, Focused on Internet, Sets  
Off a Debate By Jerry Markon - Washington Post Staff Writer  12/15/07 Page  A01 
But an increase of Internet-fueled child pornography has triggered a new  
federal crackdown. Cybercrime, the majority of which involves child 
is now the FBI's third-highest priority, behind counterterrorism and  
counterintelligence.  In the past 11 months, federal prosecutors in  Virginia 
Maryland have helped convict or send to prison on child pornography  charges 
former head of the Virginia American Civil Liberties Union, an Ivy  League 
professor, a sheriff's deputy, a Transportation Security Administration  
employee, an Army sergeant, a former Navy cryptologist, a contractor working at 
Ghraib prison in Iraq, a National Institutes of Health researcher and a U.S.  
Capitol Police officer.  "The problem is as bad as it appears," said Arnold  E. 
Bell, unit chief of the FBI's Calverton-based Innocent Images National  
Initiative. "There are not enough badges out there to cover all the people to 
had in terms of offenders."Many defendants obsessively collect huge numbers 
 of images -- the FBI recently seized a computer with 1.5 million images  
suspected to be child pornography -- and many have molested children, officials 
say. People who download the images once or twice, possibly by accident, are  
unlikely to be prosecuted, officials saidMichael Seto, a Canadian  
researcher, said he thinks that an "invisible population of pedophiles" has  
lived in 
society all along but remained mostly hidden until the Internet offered  
relative anonymity and a community of like-minded peopleThe National Center 
for Missing and Exploited Children's CyberTipline received about 4,500 reports  
of children being victimized it its first year, 1998. This year the center,  
which works closely with law enforcement officials, has collected nearly 
100,000  reports, more than 75 percent for online child pornography. But an 
increase in  federal cases -- a 28 percent spike in fiscal 2007 compared with 
year before  -- could partly be due to a rise in the number of agents attacking 
the  problemThe frequency at which people who view child pornography also 
molest  children is a highly controversial issue and has been the subject of 
little  research. The only federal agency that tries to track the correlation, 
the U.S.  Postal Inspection Service, says that about one-third of the 2,713 
people it has  arrested since 1997 on child exploitation charges, primarily for 
trafficking in  child pornography, also committed "contact offenses" against 
children. A recent  study of 155 federal inmates in North Carolina convicted on 
child pornography  charges suggests that the number is higher. It found that 
85 percent admitted  molesting children. The study's co-author, Andres 
Hernandez, told Congress last  year that "these Internet child pornographers 
are far 
more dangerous to society  than we previously thought." But some people who 
treat sex offenders say the  risk is often minimal. "There are a large group of 
individuals whose lives and  families are absolutely being devastated because 
they looked at these images,"  said Fred Berlin, a psychiatrist who runs the 
National Institute for the Study,  Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Trauma, 
affiliated with Johns Hopkins  University. "They had absolutely no idea how 
severe the consequences would be  and had no interest in doing anything other 
viewing images."   
Articles on the Wenatchee Case
Doctor confirms abuse in sex-ring case -  Associated Press - 12/5/96 One girl 
showed definite medical signs of sexual  abuse and it could not be ruled for 
two others, a defense witness testified (Dr  Deborah Harper)...in the child 
rape and molestation trial of a Pentacostal  preacher and his wife ... 
Prosecutors allege unordained pastor Robert "Roby"  Roberson and his wife, 
Connie, has 
sex with children at the East Wenatchee  Pentacostal Church of God House and 
Prayer and at their home. 
Consultant finds no fault in sex ring probe - 2/22/96 - Tri-City  Herald - AP 
- “A consultant hired by the city's insurer to look into the way  Wenatchee 
police conducted child sex-abuse investigations said...the cases were  properly 
handledA Justice Department Investigation...found no evidence of  civil 
rights violations.”  


[CTRL] Prosecutors file brief against overturning conviction of priest

2007-12-17 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

describes crimes

Prosecutors file brief against overturning conviction of priest By  David 
Yonke Blade Religion Editor 12/15/07 The Lucas County Prosecutor's Office  
an 80-page brief yesterday detailing its reasons why Toledo priest Gerald  
Robinson's murder conviction should not be overturned. The document, filed with 
Ohio's 6th District Court of Appeals, makes point-by-point rebuttals to  
arguments Robinson's attorneys made in August claiming the 69-year-old Catholic 
cleric did not receive a fair trial. Robinson was convicted in May, 2006, for  
the 1980 murder of Sister Margaret Ann Pahl, a 71-year-old Catholic nun who was 
 strangled nearly to death, then stabbed 31 times. Her body was found in the  
sacristy, the room next to the chapel, in the former Mercy Hospital early on 
the  morning of April 5, 1980 - Holy Saturday. Robinson was a chaplain at 
Mercy and  lived in an apartment at the hospital at the time. He was arrested 
cold-case  detectives April 23, 2004, more than 24 years after the murder. 
After a  three-week trial in Lucas County Common Pleas Court, the priest was 
convicted of  murder May 11, 2006. He is serving a 15-years-to-life sentence at 
Hocking  Correctional Facility in southern OhioThe prosecutor's office said 
Robinson's appeals attorneys made numerous errors that were either "factually  
untrue," "misleading," "totally unsupported by the record," "fantastical," or 
 "fiction."The prosecutor said though some witnesses have died since the 
1980  murder and were therefore unavailable to testify, Robinson "had every  
opportunity to take the witness stand and tell the jurors anything that he felt 
 was relevant to, contradictory of, or explanatory of any false accusations," 
the  prosecutor's office said. The priest did not testify. The state never 
closed its  investigation of Sister Margaret Ann's death, the prosecutor's 
office said, but  the case gained new interest in 2003 after a Toledo Catholic 
accused  Robinson "of sadomasochistic sexual abuse." 

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[CTRL] Cornwall Public Inquiry - Transcripts, Greenbaum Speech

2007-12-03 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

The Cornwall Public Inquiry - Transcripts 709 Cotton Mill Street, Cornwall,  
Ontario K6H 7K7 Phone: 613-938-2461 Fax.: 613-938-7463 Email: 
lecture by D.C.Hammond, originally entitled "Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual  Abuse," 
but now usually known as the "Greenbaum Speech," delivered at the Fourth  
Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, Thursday  
June 25, 1992, at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, Mark Center, Alexandria,  Virginia. 
 Sponsored by the Center for Abuse Recovery & Empowerment,  The Psychiatric 
Institute of Washington, D.C. Both a tape and a transcript were  at one time 
available from Audio Transcripts of Alexandria, Virginia  (800-338-2111). 

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Ethics Complaints Filed Against Elizabeth Loftus, Mayor Resigns

2007-11-25 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Ethics Complaints Filed Against Elizabeth Loftus - Journal article by  
Treating Abuse Today - The following article appears in TREATING ABUSE TODAY  
magazine, November-December 1995/January-February 1996  NOTES FROM THE  
DECLINES TO INVESTIGATE In December 1995, two women filed ethics complaints 
the American Psychological Association (APA) against Elizabeth Loftus, PhD,  
regarding her published statements about two legal cases involving delayed  
memories of sexual abuse. Citing procedural considerations, however, the APA 
declined to investigate the women's ethics complaints. Jennifer Hoult (a 
concert  harpist living in New York) and Lynn Crook (a Washington State 
each  filed separate complaints with the APA, alleging that Loftus 
mischaracterized  the facts of their legal cases in published articles. Both 
brought  successful civil suits because of the sexual abuse that the fathers 
the  mother, in Crook's case) perpetrated against them during their childhoods. 
At  their trials, they presented corroborative evidence that met the 
requirements  for judicial proof of their allegations. 

Mayor Resigns, Claims Abduction By Satan Worshippers 11/21/07  CENTERTON, 
Ark. -- The mayor of an Arkansas town resigned on Wednesday, claiming  he was 
abducted and brainwashed by Satan worshippers nearly three decades ago.  
Centerton Mayor Ken Williams said he has been living under an assumed name for  
30 years. He had been mayor since 2001. Williams told authorities he was  
born Don LaRose and that in the mid-1970s, he was a preacher in Indiana. He 
he was abducted and brainwashed into forgetting all about his life as Don  
LaRose. _http://www.4029tv.com/news/14664847/detail.html_ 

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[CTRL] dissociation, Jeffs, Alaska Jesuits

2007-11-19 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Trauma Induced-Dissociation - Anne P DePrince and Jennifer J. Freyd in  “
Handbook of PTSD - Science and Practice” edited by Friedman, Keane and Resick  
Adaptive dissociation: Information processing and response to betrayal by  M. 
Rose Barlow and Jennifer J. Freyd - University of Oregon "This Critical  
Issues column is adapted from a chapter to appear in Dissociation and the  
Dissociative Disorders: DSM-V and Beyond, to be published by Routledge. It  
here with the kind permission of the book’s editors, Paul F.Dell and J.  A. 
McNeil. This column proposes a view of dissociation as a set of  
including information-processing tendencies, that can be  organized into two 
branches of symptoms. A dissociative information processing  style is 
developed as an adaptation to trauma, and is a way to remain unaware of  
that threatens a necessary attachment relationship. ISSTD NEWS 8201  Greensboro 
Drive, 3rd Floor McLean, VA 22102 Phone: (703)610-9000 Vol. 25 No3  may 2007 
5 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  _http://www.isst-d.org_ 
State of Utah vs. Warren Steed Jeffs - Court Filings 
 Jesuits to pay $50M in sex abuse case, plaintiffs' lawyer says  11/18/07 
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- A Roman Catholic religious order has agreed  to pay 
million to more than 100 Alaskans who allege sexual abuse by Jesuit  priests, 
a lawyer for the accusers said Sunday. The settlement with the Oregon  
Province of the Society of Jesus is the largest one yet against a Catholic  
religious order, said Anchorage lawyer Ken Roosa, who called it "a great day"  
for the 
110 victimsThe sexual abuse allegations involved 13 or 14 clerics  and 
spanned nearly 30 years, from 1961 to 1987, Roosa said. The children's ages  
ranged from 5 years to teenage. 

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[CTRL] Ritual Abuse Evidence, Rejected RICO claim

2007-11-09 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Ritual Abuse and Mind Control : Research and Advocacy
presentation at  the Male Survivor Conference - John Jay College, New York, 
NY -10/27/07 
This  is an updated version of the presentation, updated 11/9/07.
This article is  at : _http://members.aol.com/smartnews/ra_proof.htm_ 
3rd Circuit Rejects RICO Claim Against Archdiocese  Shannon P.  Duffy  The 
Legal Intelligencer  November 7, 2007 Fourteen alleged  victims of sexual abuse 
by Catholic priests have lost their bid to revive a  civil anti-racketeering 
suit against the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for its  alleged cover-up of the 
scandal. In its 14-page opinion in Magnum v. Archdiocese  of Philadelphia, a 
unanimous three-judge panel of the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of  Appeals upheld a 
lower court's dismissal of the suit on the grounds that the  plaintiffs cannot 
show they suffered a RICO-style injury that was caused by the  cover-up.  The 
ruling affirms a November 2006 decision by U.S. District  Judge Legrome D. 
Davis who found that the RICO claims suffered from numerous  fatal flaws. Davis 
ruled that the plaintiffs lacked standing to sue because  their alleged damages 
stemmed from personal injury claims, which are not  cognizable under RICO. He 
also found the plaintiffs could not plead proximate  cause and could not 
plead a RICO "enterprise" or "pattern of racketeering  activity." Now the 3rd 
Circuit has rejected the plaintiffs' appeal, finding that  the entire theory of 
the suit was flawed because it was premised solely on the  plaintiffs' alleged 
loss of the opportunity to bring personal injury claims  within the statute of 
limitations.  _http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1194343446106_ 

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[CTRL] 20 suspected pedophiles arrested in France

2007-11-04 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

20 suspected pedophiles arrested in France PARIS, Oct. 31, 2007 (Xinhua) --  
A total of 20 people have been arrested in France as suspected pedophiles 
after  the European Union (EU) launched a massive crackdown on the criminal 
Monday, French police said Wednesday. Among the arrestees, three allegedly  
molested children during trips abroad, and another three were believed to have  
filmed children porno scenes abroad. Police also seized about 1.5 million  
illegal images from one suspect's computer.  The  European-wide raid, 
codenamed "Koala", followed traces discovered in an  operation on suspected 
molesters in Australia in 2006, during which police  found some 3,000 
e-mail addresses. The operation was supervised by  Europe's police agency 
Europol and Eurojust, the EU agency in charge of  coordinating judicial 

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[CTRL] childhood trauma information

2007-11-03 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Monitor on Psychology - Volume 38, No. 3 March 2007 - A new diagnosis for  
childhood trauma? Some push for a new DSM category for children who undergo  
multiple, complex traumas. By Tori DeAngelis Print version: page 32 No one 
how many children are affected, but one gauge is the number of children 
reported  annually to child protection services for abuse and neglect—3 
About 1  million of those cases are substantiated, according to a 2003 report 
the  Administration on Children, Youth and Families.  Yet no one diagnosis  
adequately captures the plight of these youngsters, and that’s why a new  
diagnosis is needed for them, asserts a working group of child psychiatrists 
psychologists developing such a diagnosis for possible inclusion in the 2011  
iteration of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the  
DSM-5, published by the American Psychiatric Association. As it stands now,  
these children are often misdiagnosed and incorrectly treated, working group  
members argue. The team is an interest group of the National Child Traumatic  
Stress Network, a consortium of 70 child mental health centers founded and  
funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration that  
brings together clinicians who work with children who have complex trauma  
histories. To fill the gap, the group is proposing a diagnosis called  
trauma disorder” or DTD, to capture what members see as central  realities of 
life for these children: exposure to multiple, chronic traumas,  usually of an 
interpersonal nature; a unique set of symptoms that differs from  those of 
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and a variety of other labels  often 
applied to such children _http://www.apa.org/monitor/mar07/diagnosis.html_ 

The Trauma Center is a program of Justice Resource Institute (JR1), a  large 
nonprofit organization dedicated to social justice by offering hope and  
promise of fulfillment to children, adults, and families who are at risk of not 
receiving effective services essential to their safety, progress, and/or  
survival. The Executive Director of the Trauma Center is Joseph Spinazzola,  
and the Medical Director and Founder of the Trauma Center is Bessel van  der 
Kolk, MD, who is an internationally recognized leader in the field of  
psychological trauma. _http://www.traumacenter.org/_ 
Robert F.Anda - Vincent J. Felitti - J. Douglas Bremner - John D.Walker -  
Charles Whitfield - Bruce D. Perry - Shanta R.Dube - Wayne H. Giles - The  
enduring effects of abuse and related adverse experiences in childhood - A  
convergence of evidence from neurobiology and epidemiology - Published  
29 November 2005 Abstract - Background Childhood maltreatment has been  linked 
to a variety of changes in brain structure and function and  stress-responsive 
neurobiological systems. Epidemiological studies have  documented the impact 
of childhood maltreatment on health and emotional  well-being. Methods  - 
After a brief review of the neurobiology of  childhood trauma, we use the 
Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study as an  epidemiological case example of the 
convergence between epidemiologic and  neurobiological evidence of the effects 
of childhood trauma. The ACE Study  included 17,337 adult HMO members and 
assessed 8 adverse childhood experiences  (ACEs) including abuse,witnessing 
domestic violence, and serious household  dysfunctionResults Based upon 
regression analysis, the risk of  every outcome in the affective, somatic, 
substance abuse,memory,sexual,and  aggressionrelated domains increased in a 
graded fashion as the ACE score  increased (P<0.001). The mean number of 
outcomes tripled across the  range of the ACE score. Conclusions - The graded 
relationship of the ACE score  to 18 different outcomes in multiple domains 
theoretically parallels the  cumulative exposure of the developing brain to the 
stress response with  resulting impairment in multiple brain structures and 
functions. _http://userwww.service.emory.edu/~jdbremn/papers/anda_abuse.pdf_ 

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[CTRL] Lawsuit against Robinson reinstated; local woman accuses priest of rape, torture

2007-11-02 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Lawsuit against Robinson reinstated; local woman accuses priest of rape,  
torture By David Yonke  - Blade Religion Editor 10/27/2007 An Ohio  appellate 
court yesterday reinstated a 2005 lawsuit filed by a Toledo woman  alleging 
Gerald Robinson, the Toledo priest convicted last year in the 1980  murder of 
a nun, was part of a group that repeatedly tortured and raped her in  satanic 
rituals when she was a child. The 6th District Court of Appeals said the  
statute of limitations does not bar the woman's claims because she did could 
identify her alleged abusers "until she saw their faces/names from the  
television and newspaper reports about them" in 2004 and 2005. 

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[CTRL] Court Reinstates Lawsuit Involving Priests' Satanic Rituals

2007-11-02 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Court Reinstates Lawsuit Involving Priests’ Satanic  Rituals  

describes crimes 

Court Reinstates Lawsuit Involving Priests’ Satanic Rituals 10/27/07  LUCAS 
COUNTY, OHIO—In a decision which will have far reaching effects in clergy  
abuse cases and eerily issued just days before Halloween, the Sixth District  
Court of Appeals in Ohio has reinstated a 2005 lawsuit involving alleged 
rituals against a Toledo priest who was convicted last year in the 1980 murder 
 of a nun. Roman Catholic Gerald Robinson, now 69, was convicted in May, 
2006, of  the murder of a 71-year-old nun and was sentenced to 15 years to 
His  request to remain free pending appeal was denied. Now his attorneys have 
filed a  new motion, asking the appellate court for the convicted murderer to 
be released  on a $250,000 property bond with electronic monitoring while his 
appeal is  pending, saying that the appeal has languished for 19 months. A 
Toledo woman had  brought the civil litigation against Robinson anonymously, 
as Survivor Doe  with her husband, Spouse Doe, claiming that Robinson was 
part of a group that  had repeatedly raped her and tortured her in satanic 
rituals when she was a  child.  The woman is now in her 40’s.  In addition to 
Robinson,  defendants are Gerald Mazuchowski, a former lay minister; the Toledo 
Catholic  Diocese; St. Adalbert Parish where she alleges the abuse occurred and 
the  Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. She alleges that Robinson, Mazuchowski 
 other men dressed in nuns’ habits, used women’s names and engaged in 
bizarre  rituals, victimizing her. A lower court had dismissed her claim, 
saying it 
was  barred under the statute of limitations. The Appellate Court has reversed 
that  decision and reinstated the woman’s claim, saying that her claim isn’t 
time  barred because she couldn’t identify her alleged abusers due to 
repressed memory  “until she saw their faces/names from the television and 
reports about  them” in 2004 and 2005 at the time Robinson was arrested and 
charged with the  nun’s murder. 
(http://www.co.lucas.oh.us/Appeals/DecisionsPDF/3400.pdf)   In 
December 2003, a woman reported to police that she had been sexually abused  by 
group of priests who performed Satanic rituals and held sadomasochistic  
orgies. Following the woman’s allegations in 2003, a cold-case squad began  
reviewing the nun’s murder case again. Three other women also came forward and  
claimed they had been sexually abused in cult-like ceremonies involving altars  
men dressed in robes between the late 1960s and 1986. There have been  
allegations that church officials have tried to cover-up a crime. One of the  
who came forward reached a monetary settlement with the church. The civil  case 
reinstated against Robinson is being brought by the woman who originally  
made the allegations against him. In a letter to the Toledo diocese in 2003, 
alleged victim detailed her allegations, describing being subjected to 
Satanic  ceremonies in which priests placed her in a coffin filled with 
 forced her to eat what she thought was a human eyeball and penetrated her 
with a  snake “to consecrate these orifices to Satan”.She also reportedly 
alleged in the  letter to the diocese that the group of priests killed an 
and a  3-year-old child, performed an abortion on her and chopped up dogs 
the  rituals. The lawsuit alleges that Survivor Doe had been the victim of “
clerical  ritual and sexual abuse” as a child beginning when she was a student 
at St.  Adalbert School by persons she later discovered to be Robinson and 
Mazuchowski  and that the Diocese and others involved aided and abetted or 
covered up the  actions of these priests and protected the priests while 
all such  victims and their families from seeking action against them. 
Survivor Doe  specifically alleges that the crimes began to occur while she was 
attending St.  Adalbert from 1968 through 1972. She alleges she was kidnapped 
against her will  and “held either against her will or by beguilement in the 
basement of St.  Adalbert’s.” While being held there, she was used in 
ritualistic  ceremonies. The people perpetrating the crimes were dressed in nun 
habits and  referred to themselves with the first name of a woman and then 
their own name.  Robinson allegedly called himself “Mary Jerry” and Mazuchowski 
called himself  “Carrie Jerry.” She has recalled suppressed memories of 
another yet unknown man  who was referred to as Sue. After the woman left St. 
Adalbert school, she  alleges the abuse continued in a wooded area. Her mother, 
also allegedly  participated in the ceremonies, took her to them. The 
plaintiff says she was  intimidated from disclosing the events of all of the 
ceremonies at the  time

[CTRL] ritual abuse evidence

2007-11-01 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

ritual abuse  evidence
describes crimes 

13abc is learning disturbing details of a letter, which set the Father  
Robinson case into motion - Father Robinson trial WTVG--October 29, 2007 - 
Father Robinson's attorney works on his appeal, for the first time we are  
learning disturbing details of a letter, which set the cold case into motion.  
Last year, a jury found Gerald Robinson guilty of murdering Sister Margaret Ann 
Pahl in 1980. It was a letter to the Toledo Diocesan review board from June 
2003  that sparked investigators to re-open the case. It is a letter filled 
 bizarre accounts of ritualistic sexual abuse at the hands of members of the  
Catholic Church, including priests. Mark Davis is an attorney representing  
another unknown client who alleges similar abuse by other priests and is suing  
the Toledo Catholic Diocese. Mark Davis says, "The group purposely makes it 
so  bizarre that a child is not believable and they can escape and get away 
with  these activities." In one case, a woman says when she was five she was 
taken to  the Calvary Cemetery and put into a coffin-like pine box with 
cockroaches.  Another time, she describes being taken to an abandoned house on 
Raab Road 
to  take part in satanic activities. The letter also claims much of the 
sexual abuse  took part at St. Pius and the rituals were horrifying and 
COURT OF COMMON PLEAS LUCAS COUNTY, OHIO Survivor Doe ) Case No. a  protected 
identity ) c/o Mark A. Davis ) [Honorable ] The Davis Law Office, LLC  ) 500 
Madison Avenue, Ste 525 ) Toledo, Ohio 43604 ) COMPLAINT; JURY DEMAND; )  
MILITARY AFFIDAVIT; AND and ) PRAECIPE ) Spouse Doe ) a protected identity ) 
Mark A. Davis ) The Davis Law Office, LLC ) 500 Madison Avenue, Ste 525 )  
Toledo, Ohio 43604 ) ) Plaintiffs )) v. )) Gerald Robinson ) 2401 Nebraska )  
Toledo, Ohio 43607 ) and ) ) Mark A. Davis (0070983) ) The Davis Law Office, 
Gerald “Jerry” Mazuchowski ) 500 Madison Avenue, Ste 525 2812 Chestnut ) 
Toledo,  Ohio 43604 Toledo, Ohio 43608-2462 ) Telephone: (419) 297-5088 ) 
Facsimile:  (419) 710-0008 and ) Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  ) Attorney for  Plaintiffs 2 Diocese of Toledo ) 
1933 Spielbusch Avenue ) 
Toledo, Ohio  43620-1616 )) and ) ) St. Adalbert Parish and School ) 3248 
Warsaw St. ) Toledo,  OH 43608 ) ) and ) ) Oblates of St Francis ) De Sales Inc 
c/o statutory agent  James Cryan )  2056 Parkwood Avenue ) Toledo , Oh 
43620-1616 ) ) and ) )  John and Jane Does 1-15 ) ) and ) ) Catholic Entity 
Does 1-5 
) Now comes  Plaintiff, by and through counsel, and for their complaint, 
states and   avers as follows: Parties, Jurisdiction and Venue 1. At all times 
material,  Plaintiffs Survivor Doe and Spouse Doe are husband and wife living 
residing  in Lucas County, Ohio. Survivor Doe is the victim of clerical 
ritual and sexual  abuse which occurred during her years as a minor  
Ritual Abuse Statistics & Research  - NUMBERS OF SURVIVORS A  single survivor 
advocate reports direct contact with more than 3,000 survivors.  [ StarDancer 
as quoted by David McCulley, Satanic Ritual Abuse: A Question of  Memory, 
1993] CORRECTION: During Personal conversation with StarDancer for  update and 
verification, she stated, "I would feel comfortable saying I’ve met  or spoken 
with more than 1,000 people who identify themselves as survivors…Our  estimate 
of the people who have read and used Survivorship is 3,000."  I  talked to one 
of the leaders in the Los Angeles County Task Force on Ritual  Abuse, who 
estimate that there have been more than a hundred California  preschools 
implicated in ritual abuse. [James Friesen, Uncovering the Mystery of  MPD, 
At a 1991 Utah workshop, thirty-two mental health therapists  reported 
treating 360 separate survivors of ritual abuse. By early 1992 the  following 
statement had been signed by sixty-six Utah therapists: "We, the  undersigned 
health professional, have each heard memories of ritual abuse  recounted by 
some patients, as have therapists across the nation. We believe  these 
 allegations to have basis in fact. We are dismayed by  accusations that 
therapists brainwash their patients or collude to create a  mental health 
where none existed. We urge our public officials to take  appropriate actions 
to counter ritual crimes." The names on the signed petition,  affirming the 
above statement, are given in the 1992 report of the Utah  Governor’’s Task 
Force on Ritual Abuse. [A. Horton, B. Harrison & B.  Johnson, editors, 
Confronting Abuse, 199

[CTRL] Wanda Karriker's Amazon Review of "Switching Time."

2007-10-30 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Wanda Karriker's Amazon Review of "Switching  Time."  
THE WORLD WILL KNOW!!  With the publication of this book, the WORLD  WILL 
KNOW more about the aftereffects of extreme abuse and the resiliency of the  
human spirit. Dr. Baer stands brave and tall and articulate in a field of  
controversy surrounding the reality of satanic ritual abuse, the credibility  
repressed memories, and claims that therapists plant false memories of  abuse 
their patients. Although some of his peers may disagree with his  observation 
that Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly known as Multiple  Personality 
Disorder) is rare, or criticize his way of directing therapy, in the  end it is 
his patient, Karen, (a survivor of extreme abuse including  child  
pornography, child prostitution, and satanic ritual abuse suffered at  the  
hands of her 
father and his buddies), who should judge the effectiveness of her  therapy 
and she does when she writes: "'Switching Time' is an accurate  description of 
what I suffered and experienced"(p.342). In the throws of an  apparently 
organized effort by accused perpetrators and their supporters in  academia and 
media to destroy therapists who work with the Karens of the  world, (which in 
turn demeans survivors and their truths) Dr. Baer presents  exactly what the 
book's subtitle promises. Perhaps the publication of this book  will trigger 
"Switching Time" in responsible journalists and motivate them to  write stories 
and conduct interviews with persons who will expose the truth  about what has 
come to be called "false memory syndrome." Wanda Karriker, Ph.D.  Author: 
Morning, Come Quickly. A novel about horror, hard-struggling, hope, and  
for survivors of extreme abuse. ASIN:0615136699 Morning, Come  Quickly]]  

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[CTRL] ritual abuse, human research

2007-10-28 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

An Empirical Look at the Ritual Abuse Controversy  - Randy Noblitt,  PhD  
Adapted in 2007 from a paper presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of  the 
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Fort Worth, Texas,  March 18,  1998. 
authors argue that there is no substantial legal evidence that the  ritual 
of children actually occurs, and that most cases of ritual abuse  convictions 
are reversed on appeal. Michael Newton (cited in
Noblitt, 1998a)  accumulated data on criminal convictions in the U.S. where 
allegations of ritual  abuse of children were made. He found cases of 145 
defendants who were  sentenced. Seventeen (11.7%) were reversed on appeal. 
argues that these  reversals do not necessarily indicate that the defendants 
were innocent of the  accusations. In some instances the decisions were 
based on legal  technicalities rather than factual matters as to whether the 
abuse occurred or  not.” 
Profile of Ritualistic and Religion-Related Abuse Allegations Reported to  
Clinical Psychologists in the United States - Bette L. Bottoms, Phillip R.  
Shaver, and Gail S. Goodman - State University of New York at Buffalo -  
at the Ninety-Ninth annual convention of the American Psychiatric  
Association, San Francisco, CA August 19, 1991 
article has graphic descriptions of research - Annette John-Hall | Human  
research: Anger, no apologies  By Annette John-Hall  Inquirer  Columnist  
10/26/07 Anthony tells his story of horrific medical subjugation  in Temple 
Allen M. Hornblum's new book, Sentenced to ScienceAnd  most haunting, his 
life as a lab rat while at Holmesburg, from 1964 to 1966. The  period when 
Penn, like other institutions elsewhere, experimented on  prisonersLike 
Anthony, many of the inmates at Holmesburg were functional  illiterates. He 
thought he was getting an easy test. After all, he knew guys who  agreed to be 
injected with cancer cells, radiation, and mind-altering drugs. All  he had to 
was provide skin. 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] MPD, 1.2m children are trafficked

2007-10-23 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

PSYCHOLOGY - Identity Crisis - What is it like to live with 17 alternate  
selves? A survivor of multiple personality disorder discusses the disease and  
the painful integration process that made her whole. By Anne Underwood |  
Newsweek Web Exclusive Oct 22, 2007  Multiple personality disorder is a  
phenomenon to outside observers, believed to be brought on by  persistent 
childhood abuse. What is it like living with MPD? And how does a  sufferer 
function, with so many alternate personalities—or "alters"—some of them  adults 
some children? NEWSWEEK's Anne Underwood spoke with Karen Overhill—a  former 
sufferer and the subject of a new book, "Switching Time," by Dr. Richard  Baer. 
Excerpts: _http://www.newsweek.com/id/57861_ 

Snatched by Fagin 10/19/07 The United Nations estimates 1.2m children  are 
trafficked across the world each year. 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Sexual misconduct in schools, clergy abuse

2007-10-21 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Sexual misconduct plagues US schools: Study finds more than 2,500 teachers  
punished in 5 years By Martha Irvine and Robert Tanner The Associated Press “
The  seven-month investigation found 2,570 educators whose teaching credentials 
were  revoked, denied, voluntarily surrendered or limited from 2001 through 
2005  following allegations of sexual misconduct. Young people were the victims 
in at  least 1,801 of the cases, and more than 80 percent of those were 
students. More  than half the educators who were punished by their states also 
convicted of  crimes related to the misconduct.”  
New R.I. report raises questions on clergy abuse - Diocese says vague cases  
behind rise; AG concerned By Michael Paulson, Globe Staff  |  October  20, 
2007 "Between 1971 and 2007, 125 priests in Rhode Island were accused of  
assault or sexual misconduct, including 95 accused of child molestation  or 
sexual assault of a minor, according to a court document filed by Bishop  
J. Tobin, head of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence.That number is  
higher than the 56 priests that Tobin's predecessor, Bishop Robert E. Mulvee,  
reported in 2004 as having been accused of sexual abuse of a minor between 1950 
 and 2002. The diocese said yesterday that the discrepancy is because the 
number  reported three years ago included only credible allegations, while the 
number in  the more recent court filing included an unspecified number of 
allegations that  were "vague, anonymous, withdrawn, or ultimately found to be 
false." The diocese  also said the higher number, which it said was adjusted to 
after a careful  document review, also includes allegations made after 2002, 
when a large number  of alleged victims came forward as the clergy sexual abuse 
crisis erupted  nationally." 

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[CTRL] reproductive harms survey, clergy abuse

2007-10-19 Thread Smart News
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Describes crimes
Reproductive  Harms Survey - Where were you  harmed? 
Answers Votes Percent 
1.  Canada  29  12%  
2.  United States  157  67%  
3.  Europe  19  8%  
4.  Australia  17  7%  
5.  New Zealand  6  3%  
6.  Israel  2  1%  
7.  Asia  2  1%  
8.  Africa  0  0%  
9.  South America  0  0%  
10. Other  3  1%  

Total Votes:  235

Did you decide not to have a child because you thought it would  be 
impossible to keep a child safe? 

Answers Votes Percent 
1.   yes  87  37%  
2.   no  118  50%  
3. n/a  30  13%  
Total Votes:  235

Have you ever experienced a forced pregnancy by ritual  abuse-torture  

Answers Votes Percent 
1. yes  158  68%  
2.  no  62  27%  
3.  n/a  11  5%  
Total Votes: 231
Have you experienced forced abortions by ritual abuse-torture  perpetrators? 

Answers Votes Percent 
1.yes  150  64%  
2.  no  69  30%  

3. n/a  14  6%  
Total Votes: 233
Have you experienced a live delivery when still enslaved by ritual  
abuse-torture  perpetrators? 

Answers Votes Percent 
1. yes  111  48%  
2.  no  102  45%  
3.  n/a  16  7%  
Total Votes: 229
Did rapes occur during or after an abortion or delivery? 
Answers Votes Percent 
1.  yes  128  56%  
2. no  57  25%  
3. n/a  42  19%  
Total Votes: 227

If a  pregnancy or pregnancies occurred was the infant(s)  killed/sacrificed? 

Answers Votes Percent 
1.   yes  118  51%  
2.   no  53  23%  
3.   n/a  59  26%  
Total Votes: 230
If a pregnancy or pregnancies occurred was the infant(s)  cannibalized? 

Answers Votes Percent 
1.   yes  97  43%  
2.   no  62  27%  
3.   n/a  67  30%  
Total Votes:  226

If a pregnancy or pregnancies occurred did the infant(s)  disappear? 

Answers Votes Percent 
1.   yes  96  42%  
2.   no  65  28%  
3.   n/a  68  30%  
Total Votes: 229
If a pregnancy or pregnancies occurred was the infant(s) kept within the  

Answers Votes Percent 
1.   yes  35  15%  
2.   no  118  51%  
3.   n/a  79  34%  
Total Votes: 232
INTERNATIONAL DIGEST: Mexico cardinal knew about child abuse, group claims  
Posted on Oct 12, 2007 | by Mark Kelly MEXICO CITY (BP)--Mexico's leading Roman 
 Catholic cardinal knew a Mexican priest might be molesting children when he  
transferred him to the United States, a victim's rights group has alleged. To 
 support their claim, the Survivor's Network of Those Abused by Priests 
released  letters written in 1987 between Mexico City Cardinal Norberto Rivera 
Los  Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony, as well as 1986 police report in which 
Nicolas  Aguilar, a priest in Mexico's Puebla state, was accused of molesting 
boys during  overnight stays. The documents had been filed by attorneys 
Rivera  against charges in Los Angeles that he and Mahoney conspired to 
protect Aguilar,  according to the Associated Press. 

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[CTRL] Severe Trauma Affects Kids' Brain Function, Say Researchers

2007-10-17 Thread Smart News
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Severe Trauma Affects Kids' Brain Function, Say Researchers 7/30/07 Science  
Daily — The first study to examine brain activity patterns in severely  
traumatized children showed their brains function differently than those of  
children, say researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine  and 
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital. 

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[CTRL] memory, healing methods for survivors of ritual abuse

2007-10-15 Thread Smart News
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“The hypothesis that  false memories can easily be implanted in psychotherapy 
(Lindsay & Read,  1994; Loftus 1993; Loftus & Ketcham, 1994; Ofshe and 
Watters, 1993, 1994;  Yapko, 1994a) seriously overstates the available data. 
no studies have  been conducted on suggested effects in psychotherapy per se, 
the idea of  iatrogenic suggestion of false memories remains an untested 
hypothesis. (Memory,  Trauma Treatment, And the Law Brown, Scheflin, Hammond) , 
1998, W. W. Norton  0-393-70254-5)
Wanda Karriker, Ph.D. will be presenting results of the "Healing Methods"  
section of the "International Survey for Adult Survivors of Extreme Abuse 
 at the 24th International Fall Conference of the International Society for 
the  Study of Trauma and Dissociation in Philadelphia on November 12, 2007.  
She  will report/display/compare how approximately 900 survivors of ritual 
abuse,  mind control, and/or other forms of extreme abuse from 30+ countries 
the  effectiveness of 53 healing methods.  This paper as well as other papers  
generated by the EAS will soon be available at 
_http://extreme-abuse-survey.net_ (http://extreme-abuse-survey.net) 

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[CTRL] satanic ritual abuse

2007-10-14 Thread Smart News
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Multiple Personality Disorder and Satanic Ritual Abuse: the Issue Of  
Credibility Susan C. Van Benschoten, R.N., M.Ed., M.A. “Day care ritual abuse  
accounts usually implicate multiple non-familial perpetrators and multiple  
Female perpetrators are nearly always reported. Characteristically,  very 
young children and children of both sexes are said to be involved. Extreme  
of coercion and intimidation are typically reported, including threats of  
death and demonstrations that perpetrators possess magical powers. Extended,  
severe, and bizarre types of sexual abuse are frequently described, including  
penetration with objects, and forced sex between children and between children  
and adults. Physical and emotional abuse are reported as well, for example  
threats with weapons and the use of various forms of bondage. Children ' s  
disclosures often cite pornography and drug use as components of the abuse. 
reports allege cruelly to animals, or the mutilation and sacrifice of animals 
or  human beings. Practices linked to satanism are often reported. Children  
frequently describe chanting or singing, the presence of symbols, costumes,  
masks, candles, and the ceremonial use of blood, urine, and feces. Finkelhor- 
et  al. (1988) found the ritualistic cases in their national study of 
substantiated  day care sexual abuse to he the ones "whose allegations seemed 
to most 
strain  public and professional credulity. . (and) in which the children 
appeared to  have suffered the most serious and lasting kind of damage " (p. 
This  impression is supported by the work of Kelley (in press).” 
Sociological Views on the Controversial Issue of Satanic Ritual Abuse:  Three 
Faces of the Devil - Mary deYoung, Ph.D. “It is estimated that 185 people  
were criminally charged in cases alleging satanic ritual abuse between 1983 and 
1995 in this country; 113 of them were convicted, and over fifty of those 
people  remain in prison today (Nathan & Snedeker, 1995). Similar cases were  
discovered in Canada, England, Scotland, Holland, and New Zealand, generating 
much controversy as those in this countryempirical study by Goodman, Qin, 
 Bottoms and Shaver (1994), funded by the National Center on Child Abuse and  
Neglect. The researchers surveyed 6,910 clinical psychologists, social 
workers,  and psychiatrists, and 4,655 agencies, including departments of 
services,  county district attorneys offices, and municipal law enforcement 
agencies.  Respondents reported 12,264 cases of suspected or alleged satanic 
abuse  involving children and adults.”  _http://www.aaets.org/arts/art26.htm_ 

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[CTRL] emotional memory

2007-10-10 Thread Smart News
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Science 13 July 2007: Vol. 317. no. 5835, pp. 215 - 219 DOI:  
10.1126/science.1139560 Research Articles - Prefrontal Regions Orchestrate  
Suppression of 
Emotional Memories via a Two-Phase Process - Brendan E. Depue,  Tim Curran, 
Marie T. Banich Whether memories can be suppressed has been a  controversial 
in psychology and cognitive neuroscience for decades. We  found evidence that 
emotional memories are suppressed via two  time-differentiated neural 
mechanisms: (i) an initial suppression by the right  inferior frontal gyrus 
regions supporting sensory components of the memory  representation (visual 
cortex, thalamus), followed by (ii) right medial frontal  gyrus control over 
supporting multimodal and emotional components of the  memory representation 
(hippocampus, amygdala), both of which are influenced by  fronto-polar 
regions. These results indicate that memory suppression does occur  and, at 
least in 
nonpsychiatric populations, is under the control of prefrontal  
regions.E-mail: depue{at}colorado.edu 

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2007-10-06 Thread Smart News
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Secret  US Endorsement of Severe Interrogations
By Scott Shane,  David Johnston and James Risen
The New York  Times
Thursday 04 October 2007 
Washington - When the Justice Department publicly declared torture 
"abhorrent"  in a legal opinion in December 2004, the Bush administration 
appeared to 
have  abandoned its assertion of nearly unlimited presidential authority to 
order  brutal interrogations.
But soon after Alberto Gonzales's  arrival as attorney general in February 
2005, the Justice Department issued  another opinion, this one in secret. It 
a very different document, according  to officials briefed on it, an 
expansive endorsement of the harshest  interrogation techniques ever used by 
Central Intelligence  Agency.
The new opinion, the officials said, for the first  time provided explicit 
authorization to barrage terror suspects with a  combination of painful 
and psychological tactics, including  head-slapping, simulated drowning and 
frigid  temperatures.

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[CTRL] Settlement of Taus's suit against Loftus

2007-10-06 Thread Smart News
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Settlement of Taus's suit against Loftus
Superior Court of the State of  California - County of SolanoCase No. 
FCS021577IT IS HERBY ORDERED that  Plaintiff NICOLE TAUS have and recover 
judgement on her complaint against  defendant ELIZABETH LOFTUS in the sum of 
$7500 Date Aug 28 2007 Scott L. Kays  Judge of the Superior Court 
The Alleged Ethical Violations of Elizabeth Loftus in the Case of Jane  Doe

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[CTRL] SMART's latest newsletter with information on alleged cults, ritual abuse

2007-10-05 Thread Smart News
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SMART’s latest newsletter with information on alleged cults, ritual abuse  
research and recovered memory is at 

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[CTRL] child abuse articles

2007-10-01 Thread Smart News
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Beyond the Dutroux Affair - The reality of protected child abuse and snuff  
The Darkest Secret - By revealing the painful story of her sexual abuse as  a 
child, actress Teri Hatcher hopes to help other victims. By Teri Hatcher   - 
Newsweek Oct. 8, 2007 issue I tell you this story with trepidation. But my 
 fear is far outweighed by what I know is my obligation to help other victims 
of  sexual abuse to not feel alone. To inspire other victims to realize that 
their  lives do not have to be paralyzed by guilt and shame; they do not have 
to be  defined by victimhood. And to convey to each and every damaged girl or 
woman  that it is not her fault.  Unfortunately, many, many girls are victims 
of  sexual abuse. So even as we fight evil abroad, the evil of this abuse 
lives on  in our neighborhoods. 
(http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21047603/site/newsweek/) _  

Sex predators proliferating in cyberspace, experts say  By Shirley  Ragsdale 
- Register Religion Editor 9/30/07By several measures, the  prevalence of 
online predators is increasing, despite the risk of being  caught.
Court hears about Sirois' mental state TheRecord.com - Local - Court hears  
about Sirois' mental state Dianne Wood - Record Staff - Kitchener  The  
Kitchener man who admitted killing an elderly woman and her longtime boarder in 
practised Satanic rituals and saw demons, a hearing into his mental state  at 
the time of the crime heard yesterday. Michael Sirois, 29, pleaded guilty  
last April to two counts of second-degree murder in the vicious stabbings of  
Verna Bast, 87, and Randy Penner, 47. The pair was killed on Feb. 20, 2004 in  
the Glasgow Street home that Bast, a devout Christian, had shared with Penner  
and another boarder, John Routley, for many years. Although Sirois has 
admitted  to the murder, he hasn't yet been convicted. A hearing has begun in 
Superior  Court to determine whether he should be held criminally 
responsibleThere  will be testimony about a satanic bible found among 
Sirois' possessions, 
satanic  writings found in his room and satanic rituals and ceremonies he 
performed, Gehl  said. "You will hear a lot about Mr. Sirois' adherence to 
beliefs,''  Gehl said. _http://news.therecord.com/printArticle/246604_ 

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[CTRL] An Empirical Look at the Ritual Abuse Controversy

2007-09-28 Thread Smart News
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An Empirical Look at the Ritual Abuse Controversy by Randy Noblitt, PhD is  
at _http://members.aol.com/ritualabuselinks/RA_evidence.htm_ 

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[CTRL] What Can Happen to Abused Children When They Grow Up

2007-09-27 Thread Smart News
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What Can Happen to Abused Children When They Grow Up – If No One Notices,  
Listens or Helps? Some Statistics from the Research - For purposes of this  
document, abuse, and ,trauma, are defined as: interpersonal violence in the 
of sexual abuse, physical abuse, severe neglect, loss, and /or the witnessing 
of  violenceThe mental health system is filled with survivors of 
prolonged,  repeated childhood trauma.  50 to 70% of all women and a 
number of men treated in psychiatric settings have histories of sexual or  
physical abuse, or both. (Carmen et al, 1984; Bryer et al., 1987; Craine et 
1988) As high as 81% of men and women in psychiatric hospitals with a variety  
of major mental illness diagnoses, have experienced physical and/or sexual  
abuse. 67% of these men and women were abused as children. (Jacobson &  
Richardson, 1987) 74% of Maine?s Augusta Mental Health Institute patients,  
interviewed as class members, report histories of sexual and physical abuse.  
BDS, 1998) The majority of adults diagnosed with Borderline Personality  
Disorder (81%) or Dissociative Identity Disorder (90%) were sexually and/or  
physically abused as children. (Herman et al, 1989; Ross et al, 1990) 

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[CTRL] Polygamist leader convicted of sex charges in arranged marriage

2007-09-26 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Polygamist leader convicted of sex charges in arranged marriage By Jennifer  
Dobner - AP 9/25/07 ST. George, Utah - The leader of a polygamous Mormon  
splinter group was convicted today of being an accomplice to rape for forcing a 
14-year-old girl to marry her 19-year-old cousin. Warren Jeffs, 51, could get  
life in prison after a trial that threw a spotlight on a renegade community  
along the Arizona-Utah line where as many as 10,000 of Jeffs' followers 
practice  plural marriage and revere him as a mighty prophet with dominion over 
 salvationThe mainstream Mormon Church, or the Church of Jesus Christ of  
Latter-day Saints, renounced polygamy more than a century ago, excommunicates 
 members who engage in the practice, and disavows any connection to the FLDS  
church. Jeffs is also charged in Arizona with being an accomplice to both 
incest  and sexual misconduct with a minor for arranging marriages between two 
underage  girls and relatives of theirs. In addition, Jeffs is under federal 
indictment in  Utah on charges of fleeing to avoid prosecution. 

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[CTRL] Captured: 'King of the Child Exploitation Suspects'

2007-09-24 Thread Smart News
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Captured: 'King of the Child Exploitation Suspects' - Ex-Deputy who  
Allegedly Raped His Daughter and Posted the Video Online Finally Caught in Hong 
By Pierre Thomas, Jack Date and Theresa Cook 5/2/07  The U.S. Marshals  
Service said a law enforcement team had hunted down Kenneth John Freeman -- the 
the director of the Marshals Service called the "king of the child  
exploitation suspects," tracking him to Hong Kong where he was arrested  
MondayAuthorities charge that Freeman raped his daughter over a two-year  
starting when she was 10 years old. He videotaped the scenes and posted  them 
in what, they said, became "one of the most widely downloaded child  
pornography videos" in recent history, seen by millionsBillion-Dollar Black 
Market IndustryChild porn has emerged as a multibillion dollar black market  
industry, though "average people don't believe it," said Ernie Allen, president 
the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.  "The reality  is, 
with the advent of the Internet, the problem of child pornography has  
said Allen. "There are more victims, the victims are younger, there  are 
millions of people who are consuming, who are watching these images."   U.S. 
Marshals Director Clark noted that with technology's advances comes the  
that children like Kylie Freeman can be victimized repeatedly.   "Individuals 
like Mr. Freeman post pictures globally that are downloaded  hundreds of 
thousands of times. [This] means that this image of this innocent  child gets 
replicated and viewed over and over and over again," he  said"There's a 
here," he said, "and that is the myth of the  stranger."  Allen pointed to 
NCMEC's data, which show that most child  sexual exploitation victims know the 
perpetrator of the crime -- at least 35  percent of them are the victim's own 
parents and 70 percent are other family  members or someone close to the child. 
(http://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/story?id=3132195&page=1) _  and 

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[CTRL] Abuse victims complain about grilling at Cornwall inquiry

2007-09-18 Thread Smart News
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Cornwall couple lauded for battling child abuse 5/4/99 A police officer and  
his wife from Cornwall have been formally recognized for their courage in 
trying  to bring pedophiles to justice in their southeastern Ontario community. 
Perry  and Helen Dunlop were given medals of honour Monday by a human rights 
group in  Victoria, B.C.  The Dunlops long pushed for an investigation into 
 against children. Despite their efforts, and the positive attention, the 
case is  far from over -- and the pressure on the Dunlops continues.  Perry 
Dunlop  has been ostracized by his colleagues, charged with offences under the 
Police  Act (he was later cleared) and took stress leave from work -- all 
he  reported a suspected case of child sex abuse to child welfare authorities, 
even  though the police had dropped the matter, even though he'd been told by 
senior  officers to stay out of it. Helen Dunlop says for all the trauma she 
and her  husband have suffered, the award shows people across the country are 
paying  attention.  Perry Dunlop's action has turned into a huge inve
stigation. So  far, 12 men have been charged and at least 50 people have come 
with  claims of abuse. 
Abuse victims complain about grilling at Cornwall inquiry  Accused  need 
equal treatment, lawyer says 2/20/07 Sexual abuse victims have complained  
harsh treatment by lawyers at the Cornwall public inquiry, prompting the  
commissioner to intervene. Commissioner Normand Glaude was to tell lawyers  
how far they should go when questioning the victims at the inquiry,  after 
least one victim stormed off the stand in the middle of his testimony and  
another made a written complaint about how lawyers treated himThe inquiry 
examining how public and private institutions responded after dozens of people  
alleged they were sexually abused by prominent men in the eastern Ontario  
community over several decadesBut Lee, who represents the victims, 
 that the victims' names aren't important because they have no connection to 
each  other. Meanwhile, he said, it is important to name both alleged and 
convicted  abusers because of rumours that they were connected through an 
organized  pedophile ring.  
Key witness stonewalls again at Cornwall sex-abuse inquiry Ottawa (CBC) - A  
former Cornwall police officer whose whistle-blowing sparked a controversial  
sexual-abuse investigation in the eastern Ontario community has refused for 
the  second time in as many days to testify at the inquiry into the scandal. 
Perry  Dunlop was forced by a subpoena to come from his home in British 
to  appear at the inquiry, but both Monday and Tuesday he refused to answer  
questions from the witness stand, even when he was offered independent legal  
advice.  "I lost my first house through legal advice. I don't want legal  
advice," he responded. "I have nothing to say. The inquiry, which opened in  
February 2006, has been examining the response of authorities in the 1990s to  
complaints that prominent members of the Cornwall community sexually abused  
of children over decades starting in the 1950sDunlop's wife, Helen  
Dunlop, who answered a number of questions at the hearing on Tuesday morning  
before her husband was called to the stand, agreed to testify that  afternoon.  
described her husband as a man who loved his job, his  community and his 
friendships with colleagues, but lost it all after he began  his key role in 
sexual-abuse investigation in 1993. That September, Dunlop  walked in on two 
police sergeants while they were discussing the Catholic  Church's agreement to 
pay a former altar boy $32,000. In exchange, the victim  was dropping an abuse 
complaint. Against orders, Dunlop handed the original  complaint to the 
Children's Aid Society, which pursued the case. He was  disciplined for 
out, but his continued work eventually led to four  police investigations and 
charges against 15 people.  Helen Dunlop broke  down several times when she 
described the stress on her husband, his problems in  collecting disability 
payments and the friends who encouraged him to drop the  case. 

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[CTRL] Class-action suit being prepared against GCC

2007-09-17 Thread Smart News
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article describes crimes - Bishop may convene rare ecclesiastical  court  
Michael Valpy - From Saturday's Globe and Mail 9/15/07  The  Anglican priest 
alleged to have abused students through cult practices at an  Eastern Ontario 
elite private school may face a rare ecclesiastical court  convened by the 
who is investigating his behaviour. The judicial  procedure – almost never 
used in the Anglican Church of Canada – would be  triggered by Rev. Charles 
Farnsworth's refusal to accept either a finding by the  bishop that the 
are substantive or a sentence of punishment that the  bishop might impose. It 
has been used perhaps half a dozen times over the past  170 years.  Mr. 
Farnsworth, in a Globe and Mail interview, has denied any  knowledge of 
being abused sexually, psychologically or physically  during the two decades 
ending in 1997 when he was headmaster of Grenville  Christian College near 
Brockville, Ont. He also has denied the specific  allegations against him.  
George Bruce, who heads the diocese in  which the now-closed school is located, 
has interviewed or scheduled interviews  so far with nearly 20 former 
students and will continue his investigation at  least until the end of this 
He has told former students he is taking  their allegations “very seriously” 
and that he will keep his investigation open  until everyone who wants to be 
heard is heardFormer teachers have said all  but one or two of the school's 
staff until at least 1997 were “oblates” of the  Community of Jesus, an 
organization in Massachusetts that has been identified in  the U.S. media as a 
Class-action suit being prepared against GCC By Kim Lunman - A lawyer based  
in Burlington is drafting a class-action lawsuit for hundreds of former  
Grenville Christian College students alleging decades of psychological and  
physical abuse at the now-closed private school east of Brockville. Personal  
lawyer Christopher Haber - who has been soliciting former pupils of the  
boarding school on an Internet message board where the allegations have 
surfaced  - 
said "over 1,000" potential plaintiffs across North America have contacted 
him  over the past several days. "We're currently reviewing and investigating 
the  entire matter with the view to filing a class-action lawsuit on behalf of 
the  victims," he said in a telephone interview. "We've had probably over 1,000 
 inquiries," said Haber. "The magnitude of the response did take us aback.  
...There's all kinds of allegations of cruel and unusual punishment at the  
school."   _http://newsfeed.recorder.ca/cgi-bin/LiveIQue.acgi$rec=23685_ 

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[CTRL] Helping girls flee brothels

2007-09-11 Thread Smart News
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Helping girls flee brothels TheStar.com - News - Helping girls flee  brothels 
6/4/07 Craig and Marc Kielburger - For 40 years Father Shay Cullen  decried 
the treatment of neglected and forgotten children in the Philippines,  but it 
wasn't until he helped smuggle a television camera inside a jail that the  
world started paying attention. The tape showed hundreds of children as young 
5 locked in cages stacked a half-dozen high. Most were child prostitutes, 
caught  in that country's rampant sex tourism trade. Broadcast on CNN, it 
highlighted an  issue the world couldn't ignore, and hit hardest in North 
where many of  the children's regular customers liveMore than 60,000 
girls work as  child prostitutes. They are recruited by pimps in rural areas 
of the country  from unsuspecting, desperately poor families who send their 
daughters to the  city to earn extra money. 

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[CTRL] Research on the Effect of Trauma on Memory

2007-09-11 Thread Smart News
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Research on the Effect of Trauma on Memory - Research has shown that  
traumatized individuals respond by using a variety of psychological mechanisms. 
of the most common means of dealing with the pain is to try and push it out  
of awareness. Some label the phenomenon of the process whereby the mind avoids  
conscious acknowledgment of traumatic experiences as dissociative amnesia  .  
Others use terms such as repression , dissociative state , traumatic  
amnesia, psychogenic shock, or motivated forgetting .  Semantics aside,  there 
near-universal scientific acceptance of the fact that the mind is  capable of 
avoiding conscious recall of traumatic experiences.  
Summary  of Research Examining the Prevalence of Full or Partial  
Dissociative  Amnesia for Traumatic Events  - The most comprehensive review of 
scientific literature on dissociative amnesia has been conducted by Brown,  
Scheflin and Hammond in their book, Memory, Trauma Treatment, and the Law . 
York: Norton, 1998). This book is viewed as setting the standard in the field  
after receiving the American Psychiatric Association's 1999 prestigious Manfred 
S. Guttmacher Award for best book in law and forensic psychiatry. Brown,  
Scheflin and Hammond reviewed 43 studies relevant to the subject of traumatic  
memory and found that every study that examined the question of dissociative  
amnesia in traumatized populations demonstrated that a substantial minority  
partially or completely forget the traumatic event experienced, and later  
recover memories of the event.   Dissociative amnesia can occur after  any type 
traumatic event. _http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/1/tm/prev.html_ 

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[CTRL] Violent sexual abuse, brainwashing and neglect

2007-09-03 Thread Smart News
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Violent sexual abuse, brainwashing and neglect: What it's like to grow up  in 
a religious sect  By Lynne Wallace   9/2/07 Sisters Kristina  and Celeste 
Jones and and their half-sister Juliana Buhring are at Kristina's  house in 
Nottingham, getting ready to go out. Kristina makes up her eyes,  Celeste 
she looks all right as she is and Juliana does her hair. They  could be any 
three carefree young women getting ready for a night out – but up  until now 
their lives have been anything but carefree. They are going to the  signing of 
their new book Not Without My Sister about their experiences growing  up in the 
abusive Children of God (CoG) cult; the book, to their astonishment,  has 
become a best-seller.  

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[CTRL] CBS: 5,100 Boy Scout leaders removed for abuse

2007-08-30 Thread Smart News
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CBS: 5,100 Boy Scout leaders removed for abuse David Edwards and Muriel  Kane 
8/29/07 CBS News reported Tuesday on "disturbing revelations" regarding the  
Boy Scouts, saying that "over the last 60 years, at least 5,100 adult leaders  
were kicked out of the Scouts because of allegations of sexual abuse." 

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[CTRL] Church Abuse Trial Ordered in San Diego

2007-08-25 Thread Smart News
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Church Abuse Trial Ordered in San Diego By Allison Hoffman, AP San Diego  
(AP) 8/24/07 - A federal bankruptcy judge on Friday ordered immediate jury  
trials in more than 40 sex-abuse lawsuits against the Roman Catholic Diocese of 
San Diego. Trials scheduled in San Diego for five cases had been suspended in  
February when the diocese abruptly filed for bankruptcy protection, the night  
before the first trial was slated to begin.  U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Louise  
DeCarl Adler's ruling on the 42 lawsuits is a victory for about 150 people who  
claim they were sexually abused by priests as children.  

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[CTRL] Hosannah Church, Aboriginal Canadians

2007-08-23 Thread Smart News
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Defense: witnesses in church rape cases now deny abuse 8/15/07 - AP Amite -  
Lawyers for church members accused of raping children say one alleged abuse  
victim now says he was never abused and his brother, an alleged witness, backs  
him up, a Baton Rouge newspaper reported Wednesday.  Statements by two boys  
and a girl were the center of allegations that the minister of Hosanna Church, 
 his wife and five members of their now defunct congregation sexually abused  
children from 1999 to 2003. But the boys, now 21 and 17 years old, now say 
there  was no abuse and they were coerced into statements against the adults in 
the  spring of 2005, attorneys for the minister, Louis Lamonica, and for the 
only  defendant whose trial has been scheduled told The Advocate 
Tuesday.The girl,  now 7 years old, still maintains she was sexually 
abused, prosecutors 
and her  mother told The Advocate outside court on Tuesday, when a pretrial 
hearing was  held for Bernard. His trial is scheduled Nov. 26.  Because of her 
age  during the alleged abuse -- infancy until she was 3 years old -- she is 
not  expected to testify, Assistant District Attorney Don Wall saidNine 
church  members were arrested and seven indictedWall said Bernard admitted 
abusing  children, and one of those statements was videotaped. His statements 
mirrored  the children's, the prosecutor said." 
In Depth: Aboriginal Canadians - A timeline of residential schools CBC News  
Online | Dec. 21, 2006 _h

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[CTRL] Non-State Actor Torture in Canada

2007-08-21 Thread Smart News
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Non-State Actor Torture in Canada : A Shadow Report 8/17/07 has  information 
on ritual abuse torture _http://www.ritualabusetorture.org/shadowreport.pdf_ 

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[CTRL] ritual abuse conference presentations - CIA/Nazis

2007-08-17 Thread Smart News
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2007 Ritual Abuse Conference Presentations on the Web 
Samantha Cooper -  Building Bridges - 
Joanne  - Healing a Family Fractured by Harm - 
The CIA and Nazi War Criminals - National Security Archive Posts Secret CIA  
History Released Under Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act - National Security  
Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 146 - Edited by Tamara Feinstein - 2/4/05  
Washington D.C., February 4, 2005 - Today the National Security Archive posted  
the CIA's secret documentary history of the U.S government's relationship 
with  General Reinhard Gehlen, the German army's intelligence chief for the 
Eastern  Front during World War II. At the end of the war, Gehlen established a 
close  relationship with the U.S. and successfully maintained his intelligence 
network  (it ultimately became the West German BND) even though he employed 
numerous  former Nazis and known war criminals. 
describes crimes in detail Former Satanist Convicted of Human Sacrifice -  
Defendant Represented Himself During Trial  8/16/07 Miami - The Miami man  
accused of killing another man in what prosecutors call a satanic human  
has been found guilty of second degree murder. 

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[CTRL] ritual abuse conference transcripts

2007-08-15 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

2007 Neil Brick - Stopping Ritual Abuse - What can we do today
2007 Carol Rutz - The World Will Know: Results of the 2007 International  
Survey For Adult Survivors of Extreme Abuse 

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[CTRL] ritual abuse conference on TV and survey

2007-08-13 Thread Smart News
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Conference Gives Comfort to Victims of Abuse - August 13, 2007 12:00 pm -  
WINDSOR LOCKS, CONNECTICUT (WWLP) - A conference meant to give hope and  
inspiration to survivors of severe child abuse was underway at the Doubletree  
in Windsor Locks, Connecticut Sunday.  Many of the conference  organizers and 
speakers are survivors of child abuse and they hoped the event  would educate 
the public.  Advocating for stricter child welfare policies,  therapist 
Jeanette Westbrook spoke to conference attendees about her personal  story of 
with abuse.  Motivational speaker Kim Kubal, came from  Australia to give 
encouragement and comfort to those struggling with the  memories of abuse. 
Organizers plan to raise awareness of issues facing children  by initiating 
community projects and agencies to help adult and child victims of  abuse. 
Control and Ritual Abuse Exposed as “Hidden Holocaust”
Almost 1500 extreme abuse survivors from more than 30 countries recently  
participated in an online survey (in English and German) designed to explore  
commonalities regarding the nature and extent of the horrible crimes committed  
against them. 
Results of this and other surveys in the series -- one for professionals  who 
have worked with adult survivors and one (currently online) for caregivers  
of child victims -- show the interplay between ritual abuse, traumatic mind  
control, child pornography, clergy abuse, sex trafficking and other forms of  
torture. (_http://extreme-abuse-survey.net_ (http://extreme-abuse-survey.net) )
Presenting some of the preliminary results of the adult survey to a large  
group of her fellow survivors and their advocates at SMART's “Tenth Annual  
Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference” in Windsor  
Locks, CT on August 11, 2007, Carol Rutz challenged the audience: “Imagine for 
moment that you are among this group of respondents and endured only one of  
these things, let alone the gamut of them.
(1) Incest; ( 2) Child pornography and prostitution; (3) Sexual abuse by  
multiple perpetrators: (4) Being caged; (5) Starvation; (6) Bestiality; (7)  
Buried alive; (8) Electroshock; (9) Sensory deprivation; (10) Sleep 
(11) Forced cannibalism, (12) Secret government-sponsored mind control  
experiments performed on you as a child.”
Rutz continued: “Now imagine that no one believes you! This is what it  feels 
like to be an Extreme Abuse Survivor.”
Survey questions reflect some of the most contentious issues to ever engage  
the mental health field and spill over into the public arena: the reality of  
ritual abuse and government-sponsored mind control experiments, the 
credibility  of repressed memories, and claims that therapists implant false 
memories of 
 incest and ritual abuse in their clients’ minds.
Relative to these controversies, of those who responded to the related  
55% reported ritual abuse in a satanic cult.
26% reported that  secret government mind control experiments had been 
performed on them as  children.
64% reported having memories of incest before they sought  therapy.
48% reported having memories of ritual abuse before they sought  therapy.
Of 257 who reported secret mind control experiments used on them as  
children, 67% also reported having been ritually abused in a satanic cult.
Of  53 different healing methods, respondents overwhelmingly chose individual 
 psychotherapy/counseling as the most effective method for helping them 
overcome  the aftereffects of extreme abuse.
“The results of this survey will challenge  many to step out of their comfort 
zones and change their world views,” Rutz said  in her closing remarks. “
Will we allow these heinous types of abuse to lie in  the shadows or do we have 
the courage to bring them into the light and face  them?”
Interview Contact: Wanda Karriker, Ph.D.  (">[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Interview Contact:  Carol Rutz  (">[EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

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[CTRL] Ritual abuse conference tapes and newsletter

2007-08-12 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Ritual Abuse Conference Tapes from this summer’s conference are now for  
sale. Information is at 
SMART Issue #76 - September 2007 issue is now at 
(http://members.aol.com/smartnews/sample-issue-76.htm)   with information on 
clergy abuse, ritual abuse, CIA information and 
suppressed  memories

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[CTRL] National survey highlights child abuse shame

2007-08-08 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

National survey highlights child abuse shame 8/8/07 By Martin  Johnston  One 
in every ten children has been sexually abused, according to  national survey 
which confirms New Zealand's high levels of violence. Six in ten  had 
experienced physical violence and eight in ten emotional violence, the  survey 
of more 
than 2000 children aged 9 to 13 found. Massey University eduction  lecturer 
Dr Janis Carroll-Lind publicised her PhD findings 

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[CTRL] The Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE)

2007-08-05 Thread Smart News
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The Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE), was created  
by President Clinton on January 15, 1994 to investigate and report on the use 
of  human beings as subjects of federally funded research using ionizing 
radiation.  _http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/radiation/_ 

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[CTRL] New Book on Cult Leader, Delaware leads the way on sex abuse

2007-08-01 Thread Smart News
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New Book on Cult Leader Details What Prosecutor Calls His 'Most  Significant' 
Case - R. Robin McDonald - Fulton County Daily Report 7/30/07  “Dwight 
"Malachi" York was a false prophet...and a sexual predator who  headquartered 
religious cult in rural Georgia, then used his position as a  religious leader 
to deflect scrutiny from his criminal activities, a newly  published book 
asserts. York's brazen willingness to attack his skeptics as  racist, while 
portraying himself as a victim of racial and religious  persecution, enabled 
him to 
con politicians, law enforcement authorities, civil  rights organizations, 
academics and journalists, according to Bill Osinski, the  author of "Ungodly: 
True Story of Unprecedented Evil."..."Ungodly" is the  story of York's rise and 
fall and the sordid secret behind his professed dreams  to build a black 
Utopia in Putnam County, Ga., and take global a new religion  with him as its 
self-styled savior. Inside Tama-Re, the faux Egyptian compound  he had built on 
440-acre farm in Putnam County, York turned his female  followers into 
concubines and their children into sex slaves. Today, the man who  set himself 
up as 
The Master Teacher of the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors and  the Pharaoh of 
Tama-Re is in federal prison, serving a 135-year term for  racketeering and 
transporting minors in interstate commerce for unlawful sexual  activity. 
Delaware leads the way on sex abuse 7/31/07 by Maureen Paul Turlish - On  
July 10, a history-making event took place in Delaware when Gov. Ruth Ann 
signed into law what is believed to be the most comprehensive civil 
legislation  concerning the sexual abuse of minors. Delaware residents, over a 
of two  years, worked very hard to make the Child Victims Act (Senate Bill 29) 
a law. It  provides for a two-year moratorium on the statute of limitations on 
lawsuits for  sexual abuse. Victims have until July 10, 2009, to seek damages 
regardless of  when the assaults occurred. 

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[CTRL] Medical experimentation - The Duplessis Orphans - Disasters and Tragedies - CBC

2007-07-30 Thread Smart News
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Medical experimentation - The Duplessis Orphans - Disasters and Tragedies -  
CBC Archives 

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[CTRL] Taus v. Loftus et al. Why is this case important?

2007-07-26 Thread Smart News
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Taus v. Loftus et al. Why is this case important?Although this has been  
framed by the defendants as a lawsuit about scientific freedom and "repressed  
memories", it is actually a suit about the conduct of researchers toward an  
abuse victim and the rights of human subjects. 

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[CTRL] Trusting Memories

2007-07-25 Thread Smart News
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Trusting Memories - Newsweek - July 30, 2007 issue - Recovered memories of  
childhood sexual abuse (CSA) may be as trustworthy as memories that persist 
from  the time of abuse, reports the journal Psychological Science. In a  
first-of-its-kind study, investigators checked out CSA memories of 128  
by interviewing others abused by the same perpetrator, or people who  learned 
about the victim's abuse shortly after it occurred or when the abuser  
confessed. Over a six-month period, they found corroborating evidence for 37  
of memories that had been recovered outside of therapy, nearly matching  the 
45 percent corroboration rate for continuous memories—William Lee Adams  

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[CTRL] Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control

2007-07-23 Thread Smart News
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this may be very heavy for survivors - Project Monarch: Nazi Mind  Control - 
The Evolution of Project MKULTRA by Ron Patton 
Ritual Abuse and Counseling: A Survey - Author: Zoslocki, Linda “Ritual  
abuse consists of mental, physical, sexual, and psychological abuse motivated 
religious reasons, out of anger and stress, or inflicted on victims for 
reasons  unknown. Little is now being done to educate and train school 
counselors on 
 ritual abuse and its signs. This paper offers a literature review of ritual  
abuse and the results of a survey of school counselors conducted in order to  
assess whether they had encountered the signs and symptoms of ritual abuse 
among  school-age children. A 45-item questionnaire was developed and sent to 
200  randomly selected counselors--119 were returned. Since the study was 
conducted  as a blind review, it focused on whether counselors had encountered 
signs  and symptoms of ritual abuse at least one time within the last two 
years, as  opposed to the number of times counselors observed these signs and 
symptoms in  their students during the counseling session. Results indicated 
although  counselors may not be aware of the signs and symptoms of ritual 
abuse, they did  encounter such abuses in the counseling process. 
half of the  respondents stated that their students were either 
self-mutilating or accident  prone and fearful or preoccupied with death.” 

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[CTRL] Conviction List: Ritual Child Abuse

2007-07-19 Thread Smart News
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Conviction List: Ritual Child Abuse - Copyright © 1997. Believe The  Children 
- Many ritual child abuse cases never are prosecuted due to the  disbelief of 
authorities or the unlikelihood that young, severely traumatized  children 
will be able to withstand cross-examination. A 1993 survey by the  American Bar 
Association's Center on Children and Family Law determined that 26  percent of 
prosecutors nationwide have handled cases involving "ritualistic or  sexual 
abuse." (Ross, 1994). The ritualistic aspects of the crimes often are not  
presented in court but are clearly indicated in the victims'  accounts.

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[CTRL] Satanism and Ritual Abuse - Case-by-Case Documentation -

2007-07-18 Thread Smart News
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describe crimes Satanism and Ritual Abuse - Case-by-Case Documentation  - 
Entire families have been implicated in the ritual abuse of children which  
proves the fact that generational Satanism exists. See Parker (1995)  
(1994) and Gallup (1991) Perpetrators have been found to be  professionals who 
work in law enforcement, the military or daycare, and  Christian fronts have 
been used in some instances as a means of hiding the  satanic motivation of 
the perpetrators. See Cannaday (1994) Wright (1992) Gallup  (1991) and Orr 
(1984). In several cases the perpetrators have confessed to the  satanic 
element of 
the crime or participation in prior satanic offenses. - See  Helms (2006) 
Cala (2003) Smith (2003) Delaney (2002) Morris (2001) South (2000)  Page (2000) 
T. Kokoraleis (1999) Bonacci (1999) Brooks (1996) Hughes (1996)  Penick (1995) 
Alvarado (1995) Ingram (1992) Rogers (1992) and Fryman (1988) 

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[CTRL] CIA brainwashing, Bad memories can be suppressed

2007-07-17 Thread Smart News
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fwd from L Moss Sharman - CIA brainwashing to medical breakthroughs:  study 
to look at Cold War research 7/15/07  Dene Moore - Montreal (CP)  Suddenly, 
the human psyche was the new frontier and, thanks to a  now-notorious 
CIA-funded experiment, Montreal found itself an unlikely hub of  activity. At 
McGill's Allen Memorial Institute, Dr. Ewen Cameron believed he  could 
patients - an idea that cost the federal government an  undisclosed amount of 
money this month in an out-of-court settlement with one  former patient. Her 
lawyer said lawsuits involving other people are in the  works. While Cameron's 
work was the most notorious, he was hardly alone. Over  the next few years, 
Andrea Tome, a medical historian at McGill University, will  try to document 
Canada's dubious Cold War psychiatric history. "It was happening  all over," 
said in a recent interview.  "It's a race; not an arms race  but a race for 
science, for technological improvement."  Montreal became a  "medical mecca" of 
sorts, due in no small part to Cameron's work and the  research training 
program he established at McGill. Cameron served at various  times as president 
the Canadian Psychiatric Association and the World  Psychiatric Association. 
His patients were put into drug-induced comas, given  LSD and exposed for days 
or weeks at a time to recorded messages.  Cameron  thought he could "program" 
the patients without flaw, an idea that intrigued the  CIA enough to provide 
funding, along with the Canadian federal government.  Patients like Janine 
Huard, who picked up her settlement cheque from the  Canadian government a few 
weeks ago, suffered lifetime effects.  "I was a  guinea pig," Huard told The 
Canadian Press in an earlier interview. The CIA  previously settled lawsuits 
several of Cameron's former patients, including  Huard. It was unusual, even in 
the context of the times but it's important to  understand that it was the 
1950s," said Dr. Frederick Lowy, who was a junior  colleague of Cameron at the 
institute. There was a lot of research and not a lot  of rules. "Doctors who 
thought they could help a patient by doing something  different and new, just 
did it," said Lowy, who went on to become head of  psychiatry and dean of 
medicine at the University of Toronto With the CIA  financing, Cameron's 
became part of a project code-named MK-Ultra, which  oversaw 149 similar 
experiments. More details about the project surfaced last  month in 
declassified CIA 
documents. Among the 700-plus pages was a memo to the  CIA Management 
Committee acknowledging that the agency accepted experimental  drugs that were 
rejected by commercial manufacturers because of "unfavourable  side-effects."  
drugs were tested on monkeys and mice and, eventually,  armed forces 
"CIA projects weren't just being carried out in  Montreal," Tome said. “
Clearly there was something larger going on than just one  lunatic fringe 
doctor at 
work."  Indeed, the CIA and Cameron were not  alone.  In 1961, 23 inmates at 
the Kingston Prison for Women were given  LSD, one of many studies across the 
country of the drug which was not yet  outlawed. Not all the prisoners 
consented.  Tome said prisons were, at the  time, "the No. 1 source of clinical 
research." While Cameron was  conducting his experiments, Dr. Heinz Lehmann 
was pioneering the use of  anti-psychotic drugs at the Verdun Protestant 
Hospital in Montreal. Like  Cameron, he was doing it without supervision and 
informed patient  consent. Unlike Cameron, his experiments worked. Lehmann 
had read about a  sedative he thought would be effective for psychiatric 
patients. "He thought he  would give it a try on some of his schizophrenic 
Tome said. "Within  weeks, he had these incredible remission rates."  The 
drug was thorazine,  the first anti-psychotic drug to offer any hope for 
psychiatric patients. While  Cameron's experiments were partially funded by the 
Lowy said they were not  performed at the behest of the U.S. spy agency. 
Bad memories can be suppressed - People are able to make themselves forget  
disturbing images. Kerri Smith 7/12/07 People can will themselves to forget  
traumatic or emotional scenes, researchers have found. When the brain conducts  
such deletions, brain regions that process vision and emotion go quiet. 
Knowing  that memories can be consciously suppressed, and the brain areas 
could  point to therapies for people who struggle to forget traumatic 
experiences, such  as those with post-traumatic stress disorder or 
obsessive-compulsive disorder.  Neuroscientist Brendan Depue, of the University 
of Colorado at 
Boulder, wanted  to find out what goes wrong in the brains of sufferers of such 
conditions.   Previous studies have 

[CTRL] Cults, the Occult and Secret Societies Conference 2007

2007-07-17 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Cults, the Occult and Secret Societies Conference 2007 -  September  14-15, 
2007 - Twin Rivers Worship Center, St. Louis MO - We are  pleased to announce 
this informative two-day conference on Cults, the occult and  secret societies 
at the Twin Rivers Worship Center in St. Louis, Missouri. This  conference 
serves as a specialized forum for networking and education for  counselors, 
educators and ministers working with members of these groups. We  have gathered 
variety of speakers throughout the United States that will focus  on the 
proliferation of cults and fringe sects in our society.  Featured  speakers 
from a 
variety of disciplines will provide insight into these groups  from a Christian 
world view. Day two of the conference will give attendees a  choice of 
specialized workshops to choose from. Our focus is to provide a  balanced 
to this phenomena. _http://anthro4law.googlepages.com/home_ 

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[CTRL] LA Church to Pay $600M for Clergy Abuse

2007-07-15 Thread Smart News
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LA Church to Pay $600M for Clergy Abuse  7/14/07 - By Gillian Flaccus  - Los 
Angeles (AP) - The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles will settle  its 
clergy abuse cases for at least $600 million, by far the largest payout in  
the church's sexual abuse scandal, The Associated Press learned Saturday.   
Attorneys for the archdiocese and alleged victims are expected to announce the  
deal Monday, the day the first of more than 500 clergy abuse cases was 
 for jury selection, according to two people with knowledge of the agreement. 
The  sources spoke on condition of anonymity because the settlement had not 
been made  public.  The archdiocese and its insurers will pay between $600 
million and  $650 million to about 500 plaintiffs - an average of $1.2 million 
$1.3  million per person. The settlement also calls for the release of 
confidential  priest personnel files after review by a judge assigned to 
oversee the  
litigation, the sources said. 

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[CTRL] Research reveals anatomy of suppressed memories

2007-07-13 Thread Smart News
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Research reveals anatomy of suppressed memories: study  7/12/07   US 
researchers have identified the parts of the brain that are involved with  
unpleasant memories, a finding that could have implications for  treating 
depression or post traumatic stress disorder, according to a study  released 
ThursdayThe concept of memory suppression has been a controversial  one 
psychologists for a century, but in this study neuroscientists used  brain 
scans to show that volunteers who have been asked to banish disturbing  
show very specific patterns of brain activity. The scans showed that  two 
specific regions of the prefrontal cortex -- what neuroscientists call the  
of cognitive control -- appear to work in tandem to modulate posterior  brain 
regions like the visual cortex, the hippocampus and amygdala. These areas  are 
involved in tasks such as visual recall, memory encoding and retrieval and  
emotional expression. "These results indicate memory suppression does occur,  
and, at least in nonpsychiatric populations, is under the control of the  
prefrontal cortex," the investigators reported in the journal Science. For the  
purpose of the experiment, the 16 volunteers were given 40 pairs of photographs 
to study. In each case, an image of a neutral human face was paired with an  
emotionally disturbing image such as a car crash, a wounded soldier, an 
 chair or a violent crime scene. After memorizing each pair, the volunteers 
were  placed in an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanner. Once inside the 
machine,  they were shown only the neutral face images and instructed to either 
actively  recall the associated image or to actively suppress it. The results 
of the scans  or fMRIs (functional magnetic resonance imaging) indicated that 
the volunteers  were able to "exert some control over their emotional 
memories," said Brendan  Depue, a doctoral student in neuroscience at the 
of Colorado at  Boulder, and lead author of the study. "By essentially shutting 
down specific  portions of the brain, they were able to stop the retrieval 
process of  particular memories," Depue said.
Traumatic Stress Induces Brain Change in Children 3/5/07  Michael  Smith 
Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine,  
University of California, San Francisco Stanford, Calif., March 5 -- Children  
post-traumatic stress disorder, similar to adults, show physical changes in  
brain, according to researchers here. In a pilot study of 15 children,  
higher PTSD scores and higher cortisol levels were significantly (P<0.05)  
correlated with relative decreases over time in the volume of the right  
reported Victor Carrion, M.D., of Stanford, and colleagues,  reported in the 
March issue of Pediatrics.  On the other hand, there was no  correlation with 
changes in the left hippocampal volume, Dr. Carrion and  colleagues found.  In 
adults, PTSD is associated with lower hippocampal  volumes compared with 
adults who do not have stress disorder, Dr. Carrion and  colleagues noted, but 
a relation hasn't been shown in children. 
Science 13 July 2007: Vol. 317. no. 5835, pp. 215 - 219 DOI:  
10.1126/science.1139560 Research Articles - Prefrontal Regions Orchestrate  
Suppression of 
Emotional Memories via a Two-Phase Process Brendan E. Depue,1,2*  Tim 
Curran,1,2,3 Marie T. Banich1,2,3,4 Whether memories can be suppressed has  
been a 
controversial issue in psychology and cognitive neuroscience for decades.  We 
evidence that emotional memories are suppressed via two  time-differentiated 
neural mechanisms: (i) an initial suppression by the right  inferior frontal 
gyrus over regions supporting sensory components of the memory  representation 
(visual cortex, thalamus), followed by (ii) right medial frontal  gyrus 
control over regions supporting multimodal and emotional components of the  
representation (hippocampus, amygdala), both of which are influenced by  
fronto-polar regions. These results indicate that memory suppression does occur 
and, at least in nonpsychiatric populations, is under the control of prefrontal 
regions. _http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/short/317/5835/215_ 

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[CTRL] The CIA, Mind Control & Children

2007-07-10 Thread Smart News
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The CIA, Mind Control & Children - Source: CKLN-FM Mind Control Series  -- 
Part 10  A Talk by John Rappoport  CKLN FM 88.1 Ryerson Polytechnic  University 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada - International Connection 

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[CTRL] Ottawa settles brainwashing class action

2007-07-08 Thread Smart News
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fwd from L Moss Sharman -  - Allan Memorial Institute.  CIA-funded treatments 
included electroshock, experimental medication Max Harrold  - The 
GazettePublished: 7/5/07 Decades after she was unknowingly brainwashed in  a 
funded by the federal government and the U.S. Central Intelligence  Agency, 
Huard has found some peace of mind in a cash settlement. Exactly  how much, 
she can't say, because she agreed to keep the amount secret as part of  her 
deal to drop her class-action lawsuit against the federal governmentOn  and 
off for 15 years, Huard received massive electroshock therapy, experimental  
pills and was forced to listen to repetitive recorded messages for days on end. 
Huard's lawyer, Alan Stein, said the amount she received Tuesday does not 
exceed  the $100,000 the federal government paid to each of 77 other victims of 
the  brainwashing techniques in 1994. Huard also received some interest on the 
money,  he said. She and about 200 other victims of the treatments were denied 
the 1994  offer because they were deemed to have suffered less than those who 
were paid.  In 1989, Huard was one of nine plaintiffs awarded $67,000 U.S. 
from the CIA.  Stein plans to seek permission to launch a new class-action 
lawsuit in Federal  Court "within weeks" with another former brainwashing 
as the central  plaintiff. He knows of about 10 former patients and 20 
relatives of former  patients who may be part of the new lawsuit, he said. They 
have access to  $100,000, plus as much as $50,000 in interest, he 
saidUntil 1964, the  Allan's ex-director, Ewen Cameron, conducted 
experiments at the 
institute, often  without the knowledge or permission of patients. Some 
patients were kept in  drug-induced comas for months. The experiments were part 
of a 
larger CIA program  called MK-ULTRA, which saw LSD administered to U.S. prison 
inmates and patrons  of brothels without their knowledge, according to 
testimony before a 1977 U.S.  Senate committee. Huard entered the Allan in 1957 
after suffering postpartum  depression after the birth of her second child. Her 
newborn had become ill and  Huard was having trouble sleeping.  Cameron used 
experimental  techniques on her, mistakenly believing they could treat 

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[CTRL] CIA Experiments with Mind Control on Children

2007-07-07 Thread Smart News
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CIA Experiments with Mind Control on Children by Jon Rappoport “The CIA  
mind-control apparatus has been well known since 1975, when 10 large boxes of  
documents were released pursuant to Freedom of Information Act requestsNone 
of this prepared people for the explosive testimony made on March 15, 1995, in 
 Washington, D.C., before the President's Committee on Radiation, however.   
In unpublicized sessions, New Orleans therapist Valerie Wolf introduced two of 
 her patients who had uncovered memories of being part of extensive CIA  
brainwashing programs as young children (in one case, starting at age  seven).  
Their brainwashing included torture, rape, electroshock, powerful  drugs, 
hypnosis and death threats. According to their testimony, the CIA then  induced 
amnesia to prevent their recalling these terrifying sessions. Both Wolf  and 
patients stated that they recovered the memories of this CIA program  without 
regression or hypnosis techniques.  In other words, these patients  
spontaneously discovered this information about themselves and their pasts.”  
article appeared in Perceptions Magazine September/October 1995 10734  
Blvd., Suite 502 Culver City, CA  90230 (310) 313-5185 - and -  The Leading 
Edge Research Journal Issue No. 85, September 1995 Leading Edge  Research Group 
POB 7530 Yelm, Washington  98597 _http://www.netti.fi/~makako/mind/child.txt_ 

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[CTRL] 'Family Jewels' reveal CIA altered mind of four-year-old girl

2007-06-28 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

'Family Jewels' reveal CIA altered mind of four-year-old girl By Robert  
Lusetich in Los Angeles 6/28/07 EASILY lost, on page 425, in the mass of the  
CIA's notorious "Family Jewels" files is a short paragraph outlining  
embarrassing Agency activities". "Experiments in influencing human  behaviour 
through the administration of mind- or personality-altering drugs to  
unwitting subjects."  Of all the heinous acts committed by the CIA in the  name 
national security, these experiments, done on the agency's behalf by  prominent 
psychiatrists on innocent victims - including children as young as  four - may 
be the darkestIn 1953, MKULTRA was given six per cent of the  total CIA 
budget without any oversight.  Only the tip of a large iceberg  had been 
previously released by the CIA under Freedom of Information Act  provisions.  
Yesterday's acknowledgments will comfort those who have long  campaigned for 
and restitution. The nature of the experiments, gathered  from government 
documents and testimony in numerous lawsuits brought against the  CIA, is 
from testing LSD on children to implanting electrodes in  victims' brains to 
deliberately poisoning people with uranium. "The CIA bought  my services from 
my grandfather in 1952 starting at the tender age of four,"  wrote Carol Rutz 
of her experiences. "Over the next 12 years, I was tested,  trained, and used 
in various ways. "Electroshock, drugs, hypnosis, sensory  deprivation, and 
other types of trauma were used to make me complain and split  my personality 
create multiple personalities for specific tasks). "Each  alter or 
personality was created to respond to a post-hypnotic trigger, then  perform an 
act and 
(I would) not remember it later. "This Manchurian Candidate  program was just 
one of the operational uses of the mind-control scenario by the  CIA. "Your 
hard-earned tax dollars supported this." The US began these  experiments after 
World War II when it made a grab for hundreds of Nazi  scientists and doctors 
who had been researching mind control in concentration  camps, fearing they 
would fall into Soviet hands. US military intelligence  leaders were paranoid 
that they were falling behind the communist bloc in the  brain-washing race. 
programs, though carefully hidden, continued into the  1970s - when Helms 
ordered much of the documentation to be destroyed. 

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[CTRL] Cults, the Occult and Secret Societies, Cornwall, Satanic crime

2007-06-23 Thread Smart News
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Cults, the Occult and Secret Societies  the 10th Annual Seminar  September 14 
& 15, 2007 Twin Rivers Worship Center 10575 Tesson Ferry Rd.  St. Louis, MO 
63124 Cults, the Occult and Secret Societies is a two-day Seminar  that looks 
at the secret world of beliefs, activities and followers of fringe  religious 
groups in our society.   From ancient Societies to modern  day apocalyptic 
cults, this Seminar will uncover the dangerous truth about the  world of 
destructive cults...To register: Dr. Mary Jo Schneller 314-729-0481  Email: 
this one forwarded from L Moss Sharman Witness says he ferried men to homes  
of alleged abusers; But at least one says the allegations are 'crazy'   Terri 
Saunders  6/21/07 Local News - A number of prominent Cornwall men  spent time 
at homes owned by a probation officer fingered as a child molester  and a 
Crown attorney charged with sexual assault in the 1990s, a witness told  the 
Cornwall Public Inquiry Wednesday. Gerald Renshaw said he personally  observed 
priests, businessmen and police officers at the home of Ken Seguin in  
and at Malcolm MacDonald's cottage on Stanley Island in the 1980s  and 1990s. 
Seguin was a probation officer at the time who has been identified by  a 
number of witnesses at the inquiry as a perpetrator of sexual abuse against  
boys. MacDonald was charged with a number of sex-related offences in March  
1999 by officers with Project Truth, an OPP investigation into child sexual  
abuse in the Cornwall area. MacDonald died in Florida in December 1999 before  
his matter could go to trial and Seguin committed suicide in 1994 before he was 
 charged with any crime. On Wednesday, Renshaw testified he ferried people to 
and  from Seguin's house and MacDonald's cottage and named several people he 
observed  either at one or both locations, including current Crown attorney 
Murray  MacDonald, Rev. Charles MacDonald, former Cornwall Police Chief Claude 
Shaver  and city businessman Andre Pommier.  "How often did you see Charles  
MacDonald there?" asked Peter Engelmann, lead commission counsel. "Once a week, 
twice a week," said Renshaw. "And Malcolm MacDonald?" asked Engelmann."At 
least  that often," said Renshaw.  "Charles MacDonald and Ken Seguin had known  
each other for quite a few years. They were very good friends."
During  cross-examination Wednesday, an attorney for the 
Alexandria-Cornwall Roman  Catholic Diocese questioned Renshaw about the fact 
he had no proof 
any of the  people he says he saw at either location were doing anything 
wrong. "You don't  have any first-hand personal knowledge of any wrongdoing by 
anyone at Ken  Seguin's house or Malcolm MacDonald's cottage other than Ken 
Seguin," said David  Sherriff-Scott.  "Correct," said Renshaw.  
describes crimes
Satanic stabbing links to bank standoff?  AP  6/22/07 A gruesome Chicago 
stabbing scene littered with Satanic symbols could be  linked to the ambush of 
sheriff's deputy and standoff in a rural bank in  central Illinois, Chicago 
police said Friday. 

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[CTRL] The CIA's torture teachers, Documents offer unflattering view of CIA

2007-06-22 Thread Smart News
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The  CIA's torture teachers
Psychologists helped the CIA exploit a secret military  program to develop 
brutal interrogation tactics -- likely with the approval of  the Bush White 
By Mark Benjamin
There is growing evidence of  high-level coordination between the Central 
Intelligence Agency and the U.S.  military in developing abusive interrogation 
techniques used on terrorist  suspects. After the Sept. 11 attacks, both turned 
to a small cadre of  psychologists linked to the military's secretive 
Survival, Evasion, Resistance  and Escape program to "reverse-engineer" 
originally designed to train  U.S. soldiers to resist torture if captured, by 
exposing them to brutal  treatment. The military's use of SERE training for 
interrogations in the war on  terror was revealed in detail in a recently 
declassified report. But the CIA's  use of such tactics -- working in close 
coordination with the military -- until  now has remained largely unknown. 
According to congressional sources and mental healthcare professionals  
knowledgeable about the secret program who spoke with Salon, two CIA-employed  
psychologists, James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen, were at the center of the  
program, which likely violated the Geneva Conventions on the treatment of  
The two are currently under investigation: Salon has learned that  Daniel 
Dell'Orto, the principal deputy general counsel at the Department of  Defense, 
sent a "document preservation" order on May 15 to the chairman of the  Joint 
Chiefs of Staff and other top Pentagon officials forbidding the  destruction of 
any document mentioning Mitchell and Jessen or their  psychological consulting 
firm, Mitchell, Jessen and Associates, based in  Spokane, Wash. Dell'Orto's 
order was in response to a May 1 request from Sen.  Carl Levin, the Democratic 
chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, who  is investigating the 
abuse of prisoners in U.S. custody.
Documents  offer unflattering view of CIA 
By JENNIFER C. KERR, Associated Press Writer  Fri Jun 22, 5:21 AM ET 
WASHINGTON - Little-known documents now being made  public detail illegal and 
scandalous activities by the CIA more than 30 years  ago: wiretappings of 
journalists, kidnappings, warrantless searches and more.  
The documents provide a glimpse of nearly 700 pages of materials that the  
agency plans to declassify next week. A six-page summary memo that was  
declassified in 2000 and released by The National Security Archive at George  
Washington University on Thursday outlines 18 activities by the CIA that  
legal questions" and were discussed with President Ford in  1975.

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[CTRL] House passes landmark child abuse bill

2007-06-20 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

House passes landmark child abuse bill, 41-0 - Minor amendment sends S.B.  29 
back to Senate; easy confirmation expected By Beth Miller, The News Journal  
Posted Wednesday, 6/20/07 Dover -- Delaware's House of Representatives passed  
what one law professor called "the strongest bill for child sexual abuse 
victims  in the country" by a 41-0 vote Tuesday. Senate Bill 29 eliminates the 
two-year  civil statute of limitations in cases of child sexual abuse. It also 
provides a  two-year window during which claims previously barred by statute 
could be filed  -- opening the courthouse door to victims unable to seek 
because the  statute of limitations had expired. Institutions that allowed the 
abuse to occur  through gross negligence also could be sued. 

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[CTRL] Police Smash Global Pedophile Ring, Ritual Abuse Website

2007-06-18 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-


Police Smash Global Pedophile Ring By D'arcy Doran  AP 6/18/07 London  -- A 
team of international investigators infiltrated an Internet chat room used  by 
pedophiles who streamed live videos of children being raped, rescuing 31  
children and identifying more than 700 suspects worldwide. Undercover officers  
Britain, the U.S., Canada and Australia busted up the pedophile ring using  
surveillance techniques more commonly associated with fighting terrorism and  
organized crime. Police shattered a global Internet pedophile ring,  rescuing 
31 children and rounding up more than 700 suspects worldwide,  authorities said 
Monday. Some 200 suspects are based in the United Kingdom, said  the Child 
Exploitation and Online Protection Center, or CEOP. The ring was  traced to an 
Internet chat room called "Kids the Light of Our Lives" that  featured images 
of children being subjected to horrific sexual abuse including  streaming live 
videos of the abuse. The chat room, which was called "Kids the  Light of Our 
Lives," featured images, including live videos, of children _ some  only months 
old _ being subjected to horrific sexual abuse, said Jim Gamble,  chief 
executive of Britain's Child Exploitation and Online Protection Center. 
Strength To Heal.com! My goal for this website is to give ritual abuse  
survivors hope, inspiration and courage to walk “the many dark nights of the  
 on their journey towards healing and wholeness. It is also to provide  
informative articles and links which will lessen the feelings of isolation as  
heals from ritual abuse . I trust that caregivers to ritual abuse survivors  
will get a sense of knowing they are not alone in giving support and  
encouragement to survivors. Finally, I hope that the healing community will 
gain  a 
better understanding and knowledge of working with ritual abuse survivors who  
are courageous people who have been horrifically assaulted physically,  
emotionally, spiritually and psychically. _http://www.strengthtoheal.com/_ 

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[CTRL] $41 Million Award in Priest Abuse Suit - repressed memory

2007-06-10 Thread Smart News
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$41 Million Award in Priest Abuse Suit By Randall Chase, AP Writer 3/30/07  A 
jury awarded $41 million Friday to a Navy officer who said a Roman Catholic  
priest sexually abused him hundreds of times as a teen. Jurors awarded Cmdr.  
Kenneth Whitwell $6 million in compensatory damages and $35 m illion in 
punitive  damages. Whitwell, 39, claimed the Rev. Edward J. Smith raped and 
sodomized him  more than 230 times over several years at Archmere Academy, and 
church  officials did nothing to stop it. The Catholic Diocese of Wilmington, 
Bishop  Michael Saltarelli and the high school were dismissed from the lawsuit 
last  yearWhitwell, an optometrist stationed at the Marine Corps base in 
Quantico,  Va., said he repressed any memory of his sexual abuse until 2000, 
when it  surfaced unexpectedly during a heated argument with his wife. 

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[CTRL] Survivor's Story of Mind Control, ritual abuse article

2007-06-10 Thread Smart News
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Reflections in the Night: A Survivor's Story of Total Mind Controlled  
Slavery and Torture - A 320 Page Paperback Book is available by going to 
_http://www.reflectionsinthenight.com_ (http://www.reflectionsinthenight.com/) 
describes crimes - Authors: Some assaults bad enough to be called torture -  
Truro nurses say law must recognize severity of some Domestic Abuse 
(http://thechronicleherald.ca/NovaScotia/9003244.html)   Chronicle Herald 
6/8/07 by Cathy von Kintzel - the 
Truro nurses and educators  have had their own chapter added to a new 
Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence. The  thick, 704-page volume was published in 
by Routledge In life and in  their chapter, Ms. Mac-Donald and Ms. Sarson 
strive to show how society and the  law lump so many violent acts under one 
word - assaultThe authors also  brought together other stories they've read 
and those they've heard first-hand  from victims whom they meet through word 
of mouth and through their website, _www.ritualabusetorture.org_ 
(http://www.ritualabusetorture.org/) .   

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[CTRL] CIA Ran Secret Prisons for Detainees in Europe, Says Inquiry

2007-06-08 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

CIA Ran Secret Prisons for Detainees in Europe, Says  Inquiry
By Stephen Grey
The Guardian  UK
Friday 08 June 2007
The CIA  operated secret prisons in Europe where terrorism suspects could be 
interrogated  and were allegedly tortured, an official inquiry will conclude  
Despite denials by their governments, senior Polish  and Romanian security 
officials have confirmed to the Council of Europe that  their countries were 
used to hold some of America's most important prisoners  captured after 9/11 in 
None of the prisoners had  access to the Red Cross and many were subject to 
what George Bush has called the  CIA's "enhanced" interrogation, which critics 
have condemned as torture.  Although suspicions about the secret CIA prisons 
have existed for more than a  year, the council's report, seen by the Guardian, 
appears to offer the first  concrete evidence. It also details the prisons' 
operations and the identities of  some of the prisoners.
The council has also established  that within weeks of the 9/11 attacks, Nato 
signed an agreement with the US that  allowed civilian jets used by the CIA 
during its so-called extraordinary  rendition programme to move across member 
states' airspace. Its report states:  "We have sufficient grounds to declare 
that the highest state authorities were  aware of the CIA's illegal activities 
on their territories." The council's  investigators believe that agreement may 
have been illegal.

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[CTRL] ‘God’s banker’ murder su spects acquitted

2007-06-07 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

‘God’s banker’ murder suspects acquitted By Tony Barber in Rome   6/6/07 All 
five defendants in one of modern Europe’s most mysterious murder  cases were 
acquitted on Wednesday of killing Roberto Calvi, the Italian  financier known 
as ”God’s banker” on account of his illicit work on behalf of  the Vatican’s 
bank. The Rome court where the case had been heard since October  2005 
acquitted four defendants on the grounds that there was ”insufficient  proof” 
they had murdered Calvi. The court fully acquitted the fifth. The  verdict was 
delivered almost exactly 25 years after Calvi’s body was found  hanging from 
Blackfriars Bridge in London, his clothes stuffed with bricks,  stones and 
large amounts of cash in international currenciesAlthough British  police 
1982 treated Calvi’s death as a suicide, the authorities in Rome were  
convinced that it was linked to his connections with the Vatican’s bank, the  
Propaganda Due (P2) masonic lodge and Italian political parties. Calvi,  who 
was chairman of Banco Ambrosiano, a private bank, laundered money through  the 
Vatican’s bank, financed clandestine arms deals and channelled funds  
illegally to Italy’s political parties. Banco Ambrosiano collapsed soon after  
death.  Prosecutors alleged at the trial that Mr Calò and the three  other male 
defendants killed Calvi because they wanted to punish him for  embezzling mafia 
funds, protect the profits from Banco Ambrosiano’s illegal  activities, and 
prevent Calvi from revealing everything he knew about the  Vatican’s bank, P2 
and other sensitive matters. 
Calvi murder: The mystery of God's banker - It was a trial which promised  to 
solve the 25-year old case of Roberto Calvi, who was found hanged under  
Blackfriars Bridge. But yesterday a judge acquitted all five defendants By 
Popham and Philip Willan in Rome and Robert Verkaik  6/7/07   Twenty-five 
years after the event, the trial of the alleged killers of Roberto  Calvi has 
ended with the sensational acquittal of all five defendants: a  Sardinian 
dealer and his mistress, a Mafia accountant already serving  life for other 
offences, a Roman loan shark and the banker's one-time bodyguard,  all are 
absolved. Yet it would be a mistake to say we are back at square one. In  the 
snail-like progress of this case since that day in June 1982 when the  Italian 
banker was found at the end of a rope under Blackfriars Bridge, there  has been 
major step forward. Evidence strong enough to convict the five was  missing, 
decided Judge Mario Lucio d'Andria. But there is no longer much room  for 
doubt that Roberto Calvi was murdered. 

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[CTRL] Chance discovery of abused child reveals bizarre Czech grail cult

2007-06-04 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

Chance discovery of abused child reveals bizarre Czech grail cult  By  Daniel 
McLaughlin in Budapest  6/2/07 When police searched the area on 10  May, 
sisters Klara and Katerina Mauerova allegedly refused to open a locked door  in 
their home. When firemen broke it down, they found Klara's eight-year-old son  
Ondrej inside, bound with duct tape, badly dehydrated and watched over by a  
video camera. Investigators believed Ondrej had been maltreated for six months, 
and he was taken into care with his brother Jakub and a girl called Anna, 
whom a  court had allowed Klara Mauerova to adopt in March. What was just a 
of  child abuse seized the nation's attention, however, when Anna disappeared 
from a  children's home, sparking a search for her in nearby woods and 
villages. Then  came the bizarre revelation that "Anna" was not a 13-year-old 
but a  34-year-old woman in disguise. Police believe "Anna" was actually 
Barbara  Skrlova, a friend of the Mauerova sisters who, like them, belongs to a 
breakaway  faction of an organisation called the Grail Movement.  The Grail 
Movement  follows the teachings of Oskar Ernst Bernhardt, a German also known 
Abd-ru-shin, who from 1923-38 wrote the Grail Message, which depicts man as a  
being whose spirit can return to its source in heaven by performing good deeds  
on Earth. It claims to have at least 10,000 followers worldwide, including  
several hundred in Britain. "We broke with the people involved in this 11 years 
 ago, after they added to the Grail Message with their own imaginings and  
fantasies," said Artur Zaplukal, spokesman of the Grail Movement in the Czech  
Republic, where it has about 1,500 followers. "I sent them a letter telling 
them  they were no longer part of the Grail Movement." 

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[CTRL] ritual abuse newsletter, Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence

2007-06-03 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-


Newsletter with information on ritual abuse, mind control and clergy  abuse
Authors: Some assaults bad enough to be called torture - Truro nurses say  
law must recognize severity of some Domestic Abuse 
(http://thechronicleherald.ca/novascotia/9003244.html)   Chronicle Herald 
6/8/07 by Cathy von Kintzel - the Truro nurses and 
educators  have had their own chapter added to a new Encyclopedia of Domestic 
Violence. The  thick, 704-page volume was published in February by 
Routledge In 
life and in  their chapter, Ms. Mac-Donald and Ms. Sarson strive to show how 
society and the  law lump so many violent acts under one word - assaultThe 
authors also  brought together other stories they've read and those they've 
heard first-hand  from victims whom they meet through word of mouth and through 
their website, _www.ritualabusetorture.org_ 

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] mk-ultra, Mengele on Mount Royal, Bio-electromagnetic Weapons, RFID tags

2007-06-01 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-


Ann Diamond’s MY COLD WAR is a journey into their nightmare, and beyond. It  
also takes readers into the wold of ”remote viewing”, a technique of psychic  
espionage which the military developed for use in warfare.  If governments  
are still funding research aimed at unlocking the secrets of the mind in order  
to use them to enslave human beings, Diamond suggests ordinary people can 
defeat  the frightening scenario. MY COLD WAR is a step toward remembering the 
darker  side of the 1950’s, the Cold War decade which, even today, remains 
shrouded in  secrecy. _http://lulu.com/diamondback_ 
Mengele on Mount Royal  by Kristian Gravenor Diamond believes that  Mengele 
was involved with the Allan experiments. Cameron and Mengele’s timelines  
dovetail: Both were in Bavaria in 1945 (Mengele was hiding, Cameron was at the  
Nuremberg Trials). Cameron was keen on some controversial ideas. For example, 
supported an application in 1956 to explore links between schizophrenia and 
eye  colour, Mengele’s pet obsession.  Diamond has integrated her research into 
 an unpublished 310-page manuscript called My Cold War. You can download it 
for a  few bucks from _www.lulu.com_ (http://www.lulu.com/) , it’s in novel  
form, and since it’s not printed on paper, she can change it at any time. 

Bio-electromagnetic Weapons: The ultimate weapon by Institute of  Science in 
Society Global Research, May 29, 2007 ISIS Press Release A weapon  system that 
operates at the speed of light, that can kill, torture, enslave and  escape 
detection, Harlan Girard  - The ultimate weapon - Electromagnetic  weapons 
operate at the speed of light; they can kill, torture and enslave; but  the 
are largely unaware that they exist, because these weapons operate by  
stealth and leave no physical evidence. Electromagnetic weapons have been 
tested  on 
human beings since 1976. By widely dispersing the involuntary human  
test-subjects, and vehemently attacking their credibility, it has been possible 
the United States to proceed with these human experiments unhindered by  
discussions or criticisms, let alone opposition. 
The world's smallest and thinnest RFID tags were introduced yesterday by  
Hitachi. Tiny miracles of miniaturization, these RFID chips (Radio Frequency  
IDentification chips) measure just 0.05 x 0.05 millimeters 

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[CTRL] Information on Rabbi Horowitz, Rights group sues Boeing unit over CIA transfers

2007-05-30 Thread Smart News
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Background Information - Updated Background Information on Rabbi Alan J.  
Horowitz - "Rabbi Alan J. Horowitz, MD, is a convicted sex offender who is also 
an ordained Orthodox rabbi. As a psychiatrist, Horowitz specialized in working 
 with adolescents.  His resume also includes volunteering time as a Boy  
Scout leader and being a writer for NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love  
Association) publications. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard 
University;  and 
received his Ph.D. and medical degree from Duke University." 
Rights  group sues Boeing unit over CIA transfers 
By Michelle Nichols Wed May 30,  11:46 AM ET 
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The   American Civil Liberties  Union
American Civil Liberties Union is suing a unit of Boeing Co.,  charging that 
it assisted the U.S.   Central Intelligence Agency in  abducting suspect 
foreigners to overseas prisons where it says they were held  and tortured.  The 
ACLU said it would file a lawsuit against Jeppesen  Dataplan Inc. later on 
Wednesday, accusing the company of providing flight and  logistical support to 
least 15 aircraft on 70 so-called "rendition"  flights.

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[CTRL] The Battle for Your Mind

2007-05-28 Thread Smart News
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“THE BATTLE FOR YOUR MIND, by Dick Sutphen -- 22.2 KB Persuasion &  
Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public Today SUMMARY OF CONTENTS   
The Birth 
of Conversion/Brainwashing in Christian Revivalism in  1735. The  Pavlovian 
explanation of the three brain phases. Born-again preachers:  Step-by-Step, how 
they conduct a revival and the expected physiological results.  The "voice 
roll" technique used by preachers, lawyers and hypnotists. New  trance-inducing 
churches. The 6 steps to conversion. The decognition process.  Thought- 
stopping techniques. The "sell it by zealot" technique. True believers  and 
movements. Persuasion techniques: "Yes set," "Imbedded Commands,"  "Shock and 
Confusion," and the "Interspersal  Technique." Subliminals.  Vibrato and ELF 
waves. Inducing trance with vibrational sound. Even professional  observers 
will be 
"possessed" at charismatic gatherings. The "only hope"  technique to attend 
and not be converted. Non-detectable Neurophone programming  through the skin. 
The medium for mass take-over.” 

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[CTRL] Human rights 'eroded worldwide'

2007-05-26 Thread Smart News
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Human  rights 'eroded worldwide'   5/23/07 
Powerful governments and armed  groups have been deliberately fomenting fear 
to erode human rights worldwide, a  report by Amnesty International says. The 
group's annual report on human rights  says policies like those linked to the 
"war on terror" are creating a more  polarised and dangerous world.
Some 24,000  people on death row 
3,861 people sentenced to death
1,591 prisoners  executed
102 nations had cases of torture by state  authorities
1,245 rendition flights in Europe's air space
18,000 people  held without trial by coalition troops in Iraq
400 detainees held at  Guantanamo Bay
Source: Amnesty International  

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[CTRL] Deployment raises abuse risk in military families

2007-05-23 Thread Smart News
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Deployment raises abuse risk in military families 5/14/07  New York  (Reuters 
Health) "Children in military families are at greater risk of  maltreatment 
after a parent is deployed to conflict areas -- and after the  parent returns, 
a new study suggests. The rate of child maltreatment doubled  among Texas 
military families in the nine months after October 2002, when  Congress gave 
President George Bush the go-ahead to send troops to Iraq, the  researchers 
"Both departures to and returns from operational deployment  impose stresses 
on military families and likely increase the rate of child  maltreatment," Dr. 
E. Danielle Rentz of the University of North Carolina in  Chapel Hill and her 
colleagues write in the American Journal of Epidemiology.  "Such increases in 
child maltreatment may also extend to families at risk of  being deployed." 

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[CTRL] Italy row over Church abuse film

2007-05-22 Thread Smart News
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Italy row over Church abuse film - Pope Benedict says sexual abuse by  
priests has created deep wounds 5/21/07 "An Italian politician has sparked a  
by urging state broadcaster Rai to block the transmission of a  controversial 
BBC documentary. The programme, aired in the UK in October,  investigates the 
sexual abuse of children in the Catholic Church. Italian  journalist Michele 
Santoro has asked to purchase the rights to the film to  broadcast it on his 
talk show. But Mario Landolfi, who heads Rai's parliamentary  oversight 
committee, has asked Rai to prevent its transmission. The Panorama  programme, 
Crimes and the Vatican, has been Google Italia's most popular  online video 
choice since a version with translated subtitles was put online."  

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Diocese Liable For Sexual Abuse, Washington, D.C. testimony

2007-05-20 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-


Diocese Liable For Sexual Abuse by Mo Ibrahim 05/18/07 "A Nassau jury  found 
the Diocese of Rockville Center liable for sexual abuse Friday  afternoon.  
The victims – a man and woman who were raped by their youth  minister when they 
were teenagers – were awarded $11.4 million dollars in  damages after the jury 
deliberated over the decision for eight days."  
Survivors and Community Members who live, work or were abused in Washington  
Friday, June 1, 2007 - Washington DC
Barbara Blaine, MSW,  JD
President of SNAP
(312) 399-4747
SNAP (Survivors Network of those  Abused by Priests) is asking everyone who 
is connected to the Washington DC  community to provide both oral and written 
SNAP needs survivors  who were abused in Washington DC, or live in the 
District, or used to live in  the District, or the perpetrator lives, lived or 
worked in the Washington DC.  SNAP is  also looking for experts such as social 
workers, licensed  counselors, psychologists, therapists, psychiatrists, 
prosecutors, police  officers, educators from the District who can testify to 
necessity of the  bill. SNAP needs testimony explaining that survivors need 
time to come  forward, that kids aren’t usually able to tell until well into 
adulthood,  predators usually have sexually victimized multiple children over 
decades and  rarely stop offending on their own.  This bill will help expose 
offenders who lives in the Washington, DC community,  etc.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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