Re: bad greg

2001-06-01 Thread Neil Ford

On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 06:49:58PM -0400, David H. Adler wrote:
> On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 10:17:47AM +0100, Piers Cawley wrote:
> > Neil Ford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > 
> > > 100 x "I must check the spelling of people's surnames before hitting send"
> > 
> > I think you'll find that that only works if you do it the other way
> > around. 
> That depends on what you mean by "works".  It's not, possibly
> surprisingly, an error.
One should also bear in mind that I don't do Perl ;-) So in english it
worked just fine.

:-) <-(for good measure)

Neil C. Ford
Managing Director, Yet Another Computer Solutions Company Limited


2001-06-01 Thread Cross David - dcross

Another gem from Perlmonks. I'm thinking I should post this one to the
Cookwood board :)

>From the POD:


Inline::PERL gives you the power of the PERL programming language from
within your Perl programs. This gives you instant access to hundreds
of pre-coded applications such as bulletin boards, hit counters and
shopping carts.

PERL is a programming language for writing CGI applications. It's main
strength is that it doesn't have any unnecessary warnings or
strictures. It is a direct descendent of Perl, a programming language
which was used mainly by programmers. However, the original language
required too much reading and thinking and so PERL was developed as a
language which was more in tune with the requirements of the Internet


Unfortunately there is no documentation for PERL (believe me I've
looked everywhere). Therefore, the best thing to do is to go straight
to comp.lang.perl.misc and ask your questions there.


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Re: Decompression

2001-06-01 Thread Dean S Wilson

-Original Message-
From: Richard Clamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Umm, *strokes beard* by archive you mean tar file, right?  If so then
>Archive::Tar looks likely, and it even automagically deals with .gz

This does exactly what I wanted, a pint is yours at the next meeting!

>files via Compress::Zlib (or so it says in the readme)
It does as well, this should save a lot of grief.

>No non-core modules though?  Can't you just create a local lib path
>with Archive::Tar in it and say you didn't cheat?

If I can't get the module on the server then I guess I'll have to be
inventive and just add the whole module to my script ;)

And now back to your scheduled Buffy discussion.
Profanity is the one language all programmers understand.
   ---  Anon

Re: Email::Valid

2001-06-01 Thread Peter Haworth

On Wed, 30 May 2001 17:14:15 +0100, Matthew Robinson wrote:
> RFC822 will allow all of the following (taken from CGI Programming with
> Perl) and was designed to accept all the addresses in use in 1982:
> Alfred Neuman 
> ":sysmail"@ Some-Group. Some-Org
> Muhammed.(I am the greatest) Ali @(the)vegas.WBA

Attached is the address parser from my mail client (which I might eventually release). 
It returns an arrayref of hashrefs, containing:
  addr => The actual address (minus comments)
  comment => All the comments
  text => The whole text of the address
  name => The name

If I parse q(Alfred Neuman , ":sysmail"@ Some-Group. Some-Org, 
Muhammed.(I am the greatest) Ali @(the)vegas.WBA) with it, I get this back:

$VAR1 = [
'text' => 'Alfred Neuman ',
'comment' => undef,
'addr' => 'Neuman@BBN-TENEXA',
'name' => 'Alfred Neuman'
'text' => ' ":sysmail"@ Some-Group. Some-Org ',
'comment' => undef,
'addr' => ':[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
'name' => 'Alfred Neuman'
'text' => 'Muhammed.(I am the greatest) Ali @(the)vegas.WBA',
'comment' => ' (I am the greatest) (the)',
'addr' => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
'name' => 'Alfred Neuman'

Oooh, look! It's broken! Oh well, back to the drawing board.

Peter Haworth   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
``Shall we have perl yell if the string "Matt Wright"
  is found in a comment when running under -w too?''
-- Dan Sugalski

# $Revision: 1.8 $

%token tComma tColon tSemi
%token tAngLeft tAngRight
%token tAt tDot
%token tAtom tQuotedString tQuotedPair


{ [ $_[1] ] }
| addresses tComma address
{ [ @{$_[1]},$_[3] ] }

  my $data=$_[0]->YYData;

  my $addr={
addr => $_[1],
comment => $data->{COMMENT},
text => $data->{TEXT},
name => $data->{NAME},
  delete $data->{COMMENT};
  delete $data->{TEXT};

| mailbox

  phrase tColon mailboxes tSemi

| mailboxes tComma mailbox

| opt_phrase route_addr
{ $_[0]->YYData->{NAME}.=" $_[1]"; $_[2] }

  local_part tAt domain
{ "$_[1]$_[2]$_[3]" }

| phrase

| phrase word
{ "$_[1] $_[2]" }

  tAngLeft opt_route addr_spec tAngRight
{ $_[3] } # XXX Ignore route for now

  routes tColon

  routes tAt domain
| tAt domain

  local_part tDot word
{ "$_[1]$_[2]$_[3]" }
| word

  domain tDot sub_domain
{ "$_[1]$_[2]$_[3]" }
| sub_domain

/* | domain_literal */


| tQuotedString


my %tokens=reverse(
  tComma => ',',
  tColon => ':',
  tSemi => ';',
  tAngLeft => '<',
  tAngRight => '>',
  tParLeft => '(',
  tParRight => ')',
  tBraLeft => '[',
  tBraRight => ']',
  tAt => '@',
  tDot => '.',
my $tokens=join '',keys %tokens;

# Remove whitespace and comments
# This is done outside the lexer, since we call it before the first token
sub ParseComments{
  my $data=$parser->YYData;

while(s/^(\s+)// || /^\(/){
my $level=1;
my $ctext='(';
and $ctext.=$1;
and $ctext.=$1;
and $ctext.='(' and ++$level;
last unless --$level;
$data->{COMMENT}.=" $ctext";

# Debugging version
sub __Lexer{
  my @ret=&_Lexer;

  local $"=',';
  warn "Lex returned: (@ret)\n";

sub _Lexer{
  my $data=$parser->YYData;

  # Remove whitespace and comments

  # Determine next token
return ('',undef) if $_ eq '';

  $data->{TEXT}.=$1 unless $1 eq ',';
  return ($tokens{$1},$1);
  my $str;
  return (tQuotedString => $str);
  return (tQuotedString => $str);
  return (tQuotedPair => $1);
  return (tAtom => $1);
return (tUnknown 

Re: Inline::PERL

2001-06-01 Thread Jonathan Peterson

At 09:40 01/06/01 +0100, you wrote:

>Another gem from Perlmonks. I'm thinking I should post this one to the
>Cookwood board :)

It was in the unforgettable episode on 23rd May when bk said:

"Yay! You have now totally redeemed yourself in my mind. I'm sorry... I 
seem to have missed the class on the usage of the different kinds of OR 

Since then Bk and Dave's relationship has got better and better, with 
smiley faces common place and good humour generally prevalent. But does Bk 
harbour underlying resentment? Is he luring Dave into a false sense of 
security? Has his programming actually improved any?

It's better than enders!

Oh, and I think the thing about readdir returning the first entry of an 
array in scalar context is dumb. That isn't DWIM. Returning the number of 
entries in the directory would be about a million times more sensible 
(especially if it didn't count . and .. as entries).

Jonathan Peterson
Technical Manager, Unified Ltd, 020 7383 6092

General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Cross David - dcross

You'll have noticed, I hope, that next Thursday is both our June meeting and
a General Election. I hope you'll all go and vote before the meeting so you
don't have to dash off before the polling stations close :)

Someone (Paul?) mentioned a couple of weeks ago that it might be nice if we
could all go somewhere after the pub to watch the results come in and...
er... "celebrate" another victory for the christian democrats. If anyone
still thinks this is a good idea, then I'm happy to offer my house as a
venue for this. I suggest we leave the pub at about 9:30pm and get the tube
back to mine, stopping at Threshers en route.

There will, of course, be an entrance test. Anyone who doesn't know the
first verse and chorus of "The Red Flag" will not be admitted :)

Vive la Revolution!

Comrade Dave...


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Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Jonathan Peterson

At 10:32 01/06/01 +0100, you wrote:
>  I suggest we leave the pub at about 9:30pm and get the tube
>back to mine, stopping at Threshers en route.

Can't we just go to another pub that's got Peter Snow on the telly?

>There will, of course, be an entrance test. Anyone who doesn't know the
>first verse and chorus of "The Red Flag" will not be admitted :)

Don't do that Dave. It's bad to drink alone.

>Vive la Revolution!

Sounds like the tag line of a shampoo commercial.

Jonathan Peterson
Technical Manager, Unified Ltd, 020 7383 6092

RE: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Cross David - dcross

From: Jonathan Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 10:51 AM

> At 10:32 01/06/01 +0100, you wrote:
> >  I suggest we leave the pub at about 9:30pm and get the tube
> >back to mine, stopping at Threshers en route.
> Can't we just go to another pub that's got Peter Snow on the telly?

What? Until 3 or 4am?

> >There will, of course, be an entrance test. Anyone who doesn't know the
> >first verse and chorus of "The Red Flag" will not be admitted :)
> Don't do that Dave. It's bad to drink alone.

I really don't believe that it's beyond the capability of anyone to find the
words on the web an learn them in the next six days :)



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Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Greg McCarroll

* Cross David - dcross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> You'll have noticed, I hope, that next Thursday is both our June meeting and
> a General Election. I hope you'll all go and vote before the meeting so you
> don't have to dash off before the polling stations close :)
> Someone (Paul?) mentioned a couple of weeks ago that it might be nice if we
> could all go somewhere after the pub to watch the results come in and...

Ah, its been ages since I had an ``election night party'', COUNT me in!
(geddit, _count_, as in vote count! *lol*, i kill myself ;-) )

> er... "celebrate" another victory for the christian democrats. If anyone
> still thinks this is a good idea, then I'm happy to offer my house as a
> venue for this. I suggest we leave the pub at about 9:30pm and get the tube
> back to mine, stopping at Threshers en route.

Is that so you can pick up some champagne, for labour's particular
brand of socialism ;-)


Greg McCarroll

Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Piers Cawley

"Jonathan Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At 10:32 01/06/01 +0100, you wrote:
> >  I suggest we leave the pub at about 9:30pm and get the tube
> >back to mine, stopping at Threshers en route.
> Can't we just go to another pub that's got Peter Snow on the telly?
> >There will, of course, be an entrance test. Anyone who doesn't know the
> >first verse and chorus of "The Red Flag" will not be admitted :)
> Don't do that Dave. It's bad to drink alone.

I'm not prepared to bet that he'll be allowing himself in.

Does it count if you know all the verses to Raise Your Banner High
instead? Can I blag a bed again, what with the Iterative meeting the
next day...

Piers Cawley

Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Robert Shiels

From: "Cross David - dcross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> You'll have noticed, I hope, that next Thursday is both our June meeting
> a General Election. I hope you'll all go and vote before the meeting so
> don't have to dash off before the polling stations close :)
> Someone (Paul?) mentioned a couple of weeks ago that it might be nice if
> could all go somewhere after the pub to watch the results come in and...
> er... "celebrate" another victory for the christian democrats. If anyone
> still thinks this is a good idea, then I'm happy to offer my house as a
> venue for this. I suggest we leave the pub at about 9:30pm and get the
> back to mine, stopping at Threshers en route.
What! You mean go south of the river after dark. I'm afraid I'm not properly
insured for that kind of excursion :)
Nice offer, though if I took it up my chances of making it home at all would
be very slim. Does anyone know what time the result is usually announced
(and 38 days is not an acceptable answer, this isn't Florida!)


RE: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Cross David - dcross

From: Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 11:04 AM

> "Jonathan Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > At 10:32 01/06/01 +0100, you wrote:
> > >  I suggest we leave the pub at about 9:30pm and get the tube
> > >back to mine, stopping at Threshers en route.
> > 
> > Can't we just go to another pub that's got Peter Snow on the telly?
> > 
> > >There will, of course, be an entrance test. Anyone who doesn't know the
> > >first verse and chorus of "The Red Flag" will not be admitted :)
> > 
> > Don't do that Dave. It's bad to drink alone.
> I'm not prepared to bet that he'll be allowing himself in.

Oh. I know at least the first verse and chorus. And both tunes :)

> Does it count if you know all the verses to Raise Your Banner High
> instead? Can I blag a bed again, what with the Iterative meeting the
> next day...

No. And yes.



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Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Greg McCarroll

* Jonathan Peterson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> At 10:32 01/06/01 +0100, you wrote:
> >  I suggest we leave the pub at about 9:30pm and get the tube
> >back to mine, stopping at Threshers en route.
> Can't we just go to another pub that's got Peter Snow on the telly?

pubs close to early for election night fun!

> >There will, of course, be an entrance test. Anyone who doesn't know the
> >first verse and chorus of "The Red Flag" will not be admitted :)
> Don't do that Dave. It's bad to drink alone.

i'll be with you standing on his doorstep Jonathan, especially as
it was written by a member of the irish republic brotherhood ;-),
and we all know what results are important on thursday night -
thats right the northern irish ones! [1]


[1] disclaimer ... in case anyone doesn't know me, statements i
make about northern irish politics are generally made with tongue
in cheek

Greg McCarroll

RE: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Cross David - dcross

From: Robert Shiels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 11:02 AM

> Does anyone know what time the result is usually announced

Well, it's not official until one party gets a majority of seats, which
might not be until 4 or 5am. It's normally pretty clear what's going to
happen by about 2am tho'.

> (and 38 days is not an acceptable answer, this isn't Florida!)

But there _will_ be a lot more postal votes this time :)



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Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Greg McCarroll

* Robert Shiels ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> What! You mean go south of the river after dark. I'm afraid I'm not properly
> insured for that kind of excursion :)

what sort of insurance do you need? insurance against culture? insurance
against clearner air? insurance against nice restaurants and bars? insurance
against safer streets?

bah, south london is where its at ;-)

> Nice offer, though if I took it up my chances of making it home at all would
> be very slim. Does anyone know what time the result is usually announced
> (and 38 days is not an acceptable answer, this isn't Florida!)

its not really announced at a specific time IIRC, it is a final result
when one party has enough people to `form a government', i.e. a majority

Greg McCarroll

Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread David Cantrell

On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 10:32:55AM +0100, Cross David - dcross wrote:

> You'll have noticed, I hope, that next Thursday is both our June meeting and
> a General Election. I hope you'll all go and vote before the meeting so you
> don't have to dash off before the polling stations close :)

Vote Early, Vote Often!

> Someone (Paul?) mentioned a couple of weeks ago that it might be nice if we
> could all go somewhere after the pub to watch the results come in and...
> er... "celebrate" another victory for the christian democrats. If anyone
> still thinks this is a good idea, then I'm happy to offer my house as a
> venue for this. I suggest we leave the pub at about 9:30pm and get the tube
> back to mine, stopping at Threshers en route.

Sounds like a cunning plan.

David Cantrell | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

  Rip, Mix, Burn, unless you're using our "most advanced operating system
   in the world" which we decided to release incomplete just for a laugh

RE: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Cross David - dcross

From: Greg McCarroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 11:10 AM

> i'll be with you standing on his doorstep Jonathan, especially as
> it was written by a member of the irish republic brotherhood ;-),
> and we all know what results are important on thursday night -
> thats right the northern irish ones! [1]
> [1] disclaimer ... in case anyone doesn't know me, statements i
> make about northern irish politics are generally made with tongue
> in cheek

In fact, Greg is _such_ an expert on the Northern Ireland[1] electoral
system that he fails to remember that the votes aren't counted until Friday
morning :)


[1] The use of the term "Northern Ireland" is simply a convenient shorthand
and should in no way be taken as a endorsement of the existance of such a


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General Election - additional idea

2001-06-01 Thread Greg McCarroll

If we are at Dave's we could have a little competition, quite simply,
write a CGI script that takes 2 or 3 numbers (cons seats, lab seat and
others) and display some sort of visualisation of the numbers in
classic Peter Snow style. The winner is the one judged coolest by
the people at Dave's house. All scripts must be written in Perl
and URLs should be submitted on the day.

Greg McCarroll

Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Lucy McWilliam

On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Cross David - dcross wrote:

> Someone (Paul?) mentioned a couple of weeks ago that it might be nice if we
> could all go somewhere after the pub to watch the results come in and...

Sounds like an evil flan.  Especially as I'm holding up my end of the
bargain (right, MBM?) and coming to my first ever london-pm meet.  Anyone
offering crash space for a small purple person would be most appreciated.

"Zaphod, this is a very large drink.  Hi..."

Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Greg McCarroll

* Cross David - dcross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> From: Greg McCarroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 11:10 AM
> > i'll be with you standing on his doorstep Jonathan, especially as
> > it was written by a member of the irish republic brotherhood ;-),
> > and we all know what results are important on thursday night -
> > thats right the northern irish ones! [1]
> >
> > [1] disclaimer ... in case anyone doesn't know me, statements i
> > make about northern irish politics are generally made with tongue
> > in cheek
> In fact, Greg is _such_ an expert on the Northern Ireland[1] electoral
> system that he fails to remember that the votes aren't counted until Friday
> morning :)

did i specify a time that i'd be leaving your house? ;-)

Greg McCarroll

Re: Forthcoming Meetings

2001-06-01 Thread Robin Houston

On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 02:09:56PM +0100, Cross David - dcross wrote:
> Technical Meeting: Thursday 21st June
> Need a venue for this please people. And speakers. If any speakers want to
> practise TPC or YAPC::E talks, then this might be a good time to do it.

Since I've already practiced my YAPC::E submission on you lot, it
would be unfair to do it again.

But I could do something about Perl regular expressions and
algorithmic complexity. That would be fun :-)


Re: General Election - additional idea

2001-06-01 Thread Robert Shiels

> If we are at Dave's we could have a little competition, quite simply,
> write a CGI script that takes 2 or 3 numbers (cons seats, lab seat and
> others) and display some sort of visualisation of the numbers in
> classic Peter Snow style. The winner is the one judged coolest by
> the people at Dave's house. All scripts must be written in Perl
> and URLs should be submitted on the day.

I like this idea - is there anywhere that is providing this data in an
easily slurpable format so that the script can actually work without user


Re: Forthcoming Meetings

2001-06-01 Thread Dave Hodgkinson

Robin Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> But I could do something about Perl regular expressions and
> algorithmic complexity. That would be fun :-)

Robin, can we have a whip round and pay you NOT to do it? My head
always hurts after one of your talks...

Dave Hodgkinson,
Editor-in-chief, The Highway Star
  Interim CTO, web server farms, technical strategy

Re: General Election - additional idea

2001-06-01 Thread Greg McCarroll

* Robert Shiels ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >
> > If we are at Dave's we could have a little competition, quite simply,
> > write a CGI script that takes 2 or 3 numbers (cons seats, lab seat and
> > others) and display some sort of visualisation of the numbers in
> > classic Peter Snow style. The winner is the one judged coolest by
> > the people at Dave's house. All scripts must be written in Perl
> > and URLs should be submitted on the day.
> I like this idea - is there anywhere that is providing this data in an
> easily slurpable format so that the script can actually work without user
> intervention?

we could agree that a particular URL would return the data, stick
a CGI in there, returning dummy information and then on the night
change that CGI, that way none of the visualisation scripts would
require changing

Greg McCarroll

Re: General Election - additional idea

2001-06-01 Thread Greg McCarroll

* Greg McCarroll ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > 
> > I like this idea - is there anywhere that is providing this data in an
> > easily slurpable format so that the script can actually work without user
> > intervention?
> > 
> we could agree that a particular URL would return the data, stick
> a CGI in there, returning dummy information and then on the night
> change that CGI, that way none of the visualisation scripts would
> require changing

i should of said, change that CGI to scrape the information from

Greg McCarroll


2001-06-01 Thread Marcel Grunauer

Who is going to be at YAPC::NA in Montreal? I'm going to be there
from June 9-18 and seeing that the conference is from June 13-15,
there are a few days to do sightseeing / hacking / whatever.

Is anyone else there before the conference so we might meet up early?

Also, any tips on what do to in Montreal would be appreciated
(there are city guides, of course, but if someone has first-hand
experience it'd be good).


my int ($x, $y, $z, $n); $x**$n + $y**$n = $z**$n is insoluble if $n > 2;
I have discovered a truly remarkable proof which this signature is too
short to contain.  (20 Aug 2001: Pierre de Fermat's 400th birthday)

Re: Montreal

2001-06-01 Thread jduncan

On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 01:01:06PM +0200, Marcel Grunauer wrote:
> Who is going to be at YAPC::NA in Montreal? I'm going to be there
> from June 9-18 and seeing that the conference is from June 13-15,
> there are a few days to do sightseeing / hacking / whatever.

June 12-20th

> Also, any tips on what do to in Montreal would be appreciated
> (there are city guides, of course, but if someone has first-hand
> experience it'd be good).

If its a sunny day (ie, clear) go up Mont Royal and admire the view, its
fantastic.  I don't know if its running yet at this time of year, but the
trip up Olympic Stadium's inclined tower is pretty cool (good views). There
are the botanical gardens, and biodome (all touristy).  As far as I'm
concerned though, the best thing to do in Montreal are the bars, cafes and 


 PGP signature

Re: Montreal

2001-06-01 Thread Jonathan Peterson

At 13:12 01/06/01 +0100, you wrote:

>are the botanical gardens, and biodome (all touristy).  As far as I'm
>concerned though, the best thing to do in Montreal are the bars, cafes and 

There's a nice catholic cathedral, the docks are nice, and there's a lovely 
local museum near the docks that talks about the bourgeoisie more than any 
other museum I've ever been in.

Those were the the only things open on Boxing Day in Montreal last year. 
But I didn't look that hard because it was 20 below and windy.

Jonathan Peterson
Technical Manager, Unified Ltd, 020 7383 6092

Re: Forthcoming Meetings

2001-06-01 Thread Robin Houston

On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 11:28:20AM +0100, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
> Robin Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > But I could do something about Perl regular expressions and
> > algorithmic complexity. That would be fun :-)
> Robin, can we have a whip round and pay you NOT to do it? My head
> always hurts after one of your talks...

I *think* that's a compliment ;-)

BTW, I'm going on holiday tonight, for two weeks.
So if you start to wonder why I'm not answering email, that's why :)


select replace(a, CHR(88), replace(a,,'')) from (
select 'select replace(a, CHR(88), replace(a,,)) from (
select ''X'' a from dual)' a from dual)

LCN June

2001-06-01 Thread Dean

Welcome to the London Community News.
Details are for the month of June 2001.

The User Groups:
London Perl Mongers
Home Page:
Contact Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

London PM are a group who are dedicated to the encouragement of all things
Perl-like in London.

London PM have two meetings this month, the usual social meeting and a
technical meeting. The social meeting is on 7th June 2001 from about 6:30.
The location has not been confirmed yet so keep an eye on the web site.

The technical meeting is on the 21/06/01 and you should keep an eye on the
website ( for the venue and details of
the speakers.

Home Page:
Contact Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The aim of Lonix is quite straightforward although it comprises of
many points. The overall aim is to unite many Linux individuals in and
around London. Below is a list of aims, but you as a member may not
agree to all of them. (Hopefully at least one!)

Meet like minded individuals to share ideas and discuss opinions.
To provide a Linux force in London to persuade the industry to opt
for a more Linux friendly approach to their services and products.
To assist users with problems, providing advice and physical help.
Linux advocacy

Date: Wednesday 6th June at 6.00pm.
Place: Los Locos 24/26 Russell Street, Covent Garden, WC2
Nearest Tube: Covent Garden
Contact: 020 8992 7008 - (On the day 07980 160 045)
Web Site: (Tel 020 7379 0220)
Map: on site above  

Also available this month are the new limited edition Lonix polo shirts.
Designed in the new 2 colour logo and are on black. The only run of the
previous design (At the Linux expo last year) sold within hours so now you
have another reason to turn up early.

For more details of the monthly meetings you can look here:

Home Page:

Greater London Linux User Group's (GLLUG) purpose is to bring together
London's Linux users so they can share experiences and expertise (or
revel in their inexperience and quest for expertise), to chat about
the state of the (Linux) world, that sort of thing.

We try to arrange meets so that there is space for users to set up
their equipment, so you are welcome to bring your kit along, either to
go through the problems you are having or just to show off what you
are up to.

There are no formalities to attending a GLLUG meeting, no subscription
or entry fees, you can just turn up on the day. We welcome and
encourage new and inexperienced users, young and old.

Due to the high turnout GLLUG meetings are less frequent than the
other user groups, you can get notification of the next meeting either
on the home page or through this mail :)

This months GLLUG meeting has not had a date confirmed yet so keep an eye
on the website, its the last one for the Summer so you don't want to miss

Home Page:

SAGE-WISE is the System Administrators Guild for Wales, Ireland,
Scotland and England, hence the "-WISE" suffix. Our aim is to form a
professional association for system administrators in the UK and

But what is a system administrator?

Professional system administrators, however, often look after large
numbers of computers and networks - they are the people who keep the
systems running, repair faulty discs, install and debug new software,
upgrade existing systems, and generally take care of the computing
resources needed for their users to perform their tasks effectively. A
shorter definition is "A system administrator is one who manages
computers not solely for his or her own use". If you know the joys and
frustrations of this then feel free to come and visit one of our

The next London meeting will be 7:30pm Tuesday 8th May in the Essai lounge
at UCL. This month's speaker will be Michael Miller, a senior engineer for
a UK ISP. He will be leading a discussion on "Large Websites - how to 
design them and make them work".

Michael Miller will be covering the following topics: capacity planning,
server resources, security architecture, network infrastructure, highly
available configurations, physical set-up, backups and load testing.


The South London Linux Users' Group is a regional LUG that may be of
interest to people that can't make the Central London ones or want to join
another mailing list dedicated to Linux.

For details of the June meeting you should see their website here:

The FreeBSD UKUG is a users' group based in the UK for UK FreeBSD UNIX
Users. No mee

Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Jonathan Stowe

On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:

> * Richard Clamp ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 07:40:46PM +0100, Jonathan Stowe wrote:
> > > I'm still up for organizing it - its just herding you cats up in one place
> > > is the problem.
> >
> > If you book it, they will come.
> >
> i suggest booking it for the saturday on the next bank holiday weekend
> this feels *good*

Well we will all have recovered from Amsterdam by then :)

Sounds like a plan.


Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Greg McCarroll

* Jonathan Stowe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:
> > * Richard Clamp ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > > On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 07:40:46PM +0100, Jonathan Stowe wrote:
> > > > I'm still up for organizing it - its just herding you cats up in one place
> > > > is the problem.
> > >
> > > If you book it, they will come.
> > >
> >
> > i suggest booking it for the saturday on the next bank holiday weekend
> >
> > this feels *good*
> >
> >
> Well we will all have recovered from Amsterdam by then :)
> Sounds like a plan.

so when is the next bang holiday weekend?

Greg McCarroll

Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Paul Mison

On 01/06/2001 at 13:03 +0100, Greg McCarroll wrote:

>so when is the next bang holiday weekend?

2001-08-27. Hence the crazy golf must be on 2001-08-25. (Palm Desktop)++

The next one after that is in December. (Anyone standing on the
platform of reforming bank holidays? I'd buy that for a dollar.)

:: paul
:: stay all day
:: if you want to

Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Jonathan Stowe

On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:

> * Jonathan Stowe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:
> >
> > > * Richard Clamp ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > > > On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 07:40:46PM +0100, Jonathan Stowe wrote:
> > > > > I'm still up for organizing it - its just herding you cats up in one place
> > > > > is the problem.
> > > >
> > > > If you book it, they will come.
> > > >
> > >
> > > i suggest booking it for the saturday on the next bank holiday weekend
> > >
> > > this feels *good*
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Well we will all have recovered from Amsterdam by then :)
> >
> > Sounds like a plan.
> >
> so when is the next bang holiday weekend?

The next *bank* holiday is in august.  The bang holiday could be anytime


Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Greg McCarroll

* Greg McCarroll ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> * Jonathan Stowe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:
> > 
> > > * Richard Clamp ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > > > On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 07:40:46PM +0100, Jonathan Stowe wrote:
> > > > > I'm still up for organizing it - its just herding you cats up in one place
> > > > > is the problem.
> > > >
> > > > If you book it, they will come.
> > > >
> > >
> > > i suggest booking it for the saturday on the next bank holiday weekend
> > >
> > > this feels *good*
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > Well we will all have recovered from Amsterdam by then :)
> > 
> > Sounds like a plan.
> > 
> so when is the next bang holiday weekend?

blech has just informed me, its 27/8/2001, which would make
the first annual grand crazy golf open on the 25/8/2001

now what do people want to do? go to hastings and return the
same day? stay over?   

Greg McCarroll

Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Friday, June 1, 2001, at 02:07  PM, Paul Mison wrote:

> On 01/06/2001 at 13:03 +0100, Greg McCarroll wrote:
>> so when is the next bang holiday weekend?
> 2001-08-27. Hence the crazy golf must be on 2001-08-25. (Palm Desktop)++

Cool; I might actually be in London that weekend.


$ perl -we time
Useless use of time in void context at -e line 1.

RE: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Cross David - dcross

From: Greg McCarroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 1:10 PM

> blech has just informed me, its 27/8/2001, which would make
> the first annual grand crazy golf open on the 25/8/2001
> now what do people want to do? go to hastings and return the
> same day? stay over?   

Luckily for you all, I'll be in Edinburgh that weekend. This will make it an
altogether more evenly matched game. Having grown up at the seaside my crazy
golf is pretty shit-hot :)



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RE: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Cross David - dcross

From: Paul Mison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 1:07 PM

> (Anyone standing on the platform of reforming bank holidays? 
> I'd buy that for a dollar.)

Whatever happened to the plan to do away with that nasty socialist holiday
on Mayday and replace with something much more Jingoistic - Trafalgar Day
wasn't it?

[who thinks it's about time we decimalised the calendar]


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Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Dominic Mitchell

On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 01:16:51PM +0100, Cross David - dcross wrote:
> From: Paul Mison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 1:07 PM
> > (Anyone standing on the platform of reforming bank holidays? 
> > I'd buy that for a dollar.)
> Whatever happened to the plan to do away with that nasty socialist holiday
> on Mayday and replace with something much more Jingoistic - Trafalgar Day
> wasn't it?
> Dave...
> [who thinks it's about time we decimalised the calendar]

What a stunningly daft idea!  It might just work!

Actually, I think we should go back to using base60 numbers instead,
so that time and dates just fall out of the wash (I think the ancient
sumerians used them).


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RE: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Paul Mison

On 01/06/2001 at 13:16 +0100, Cross David - dcross wrote:
>From: Paul Mison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 1:07 PM
>> (Anyone standing on the platform of reforming bank holidays?
>> I'd buy that for a dollar.)
>Whatever happened to the plan to do away with that nasty socialist holiday
>on Mayday and replace with something much more Jingoistic - Trafalgar Day
>wasn't it?

Um. Bad example. Unfortunately May Day is at a *really* silly point,
coming just after Easter and just before the 'Early Summer' (aka
Whitsun) Bank Holiday. (Thankfully the same arguments tend to work
against St George's Day as a bank holiday- far too jingoistic).
Unfortunately it's the only one of those three I care about.

Anyway, Trafalgar Day would be in October- that's a shite idea, the
weather's awful. We [0] want June and July holidays how about US
Independence Day? We've imported plenty of other ideas from them. Hmm.
Or make the Queen's Birthday celebrations be on a Monday and make that
a bank holiday, if you have to wrap things up in pageantry. (Isn't
there an extra bank holiday next year for Golden Jubilee shenanigans?)

(Wondering if this shouldn't cross the (void)/london-lists osmosis barrier)

[0] Well, I, but I'm probably not alone here.

:: paul
:: stay all day
:: if you want to

Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Roger Burton West

On or about Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 01:27:44PM +0100, Paul Mison typed:

>there an extra bank holiday next year for Golden Jubilee shenanigans?)

Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Dave Hodgkinson

Paul Mison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  how about US
> Independence Day?

We call that Thanksgiving...

Dave Hodgkinson,
Editor-in-chief, The Highway Star
  Interim CTO, web server farms, technical strategy

Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Barbie

> There will, of course, be an entrance test. Anyone who doesn't know the
> first verse and chorus of "The Red Flag" will not be admitted :)

Is this the modern doctored version or the traditional version?


RE: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Jonathan Peterson

At 13:27 01/06/01 +0100, you wrote:

>weather's awful. We [0] want June and July holidays how about US

Quite the opposite!!! We need more winter holidays to cheer us up during 
those dark rainy months. We should have holidays for all the major Saint's 
days, and get rid of silly artificial things like Mayday. Or we should just 
not work half the time, like the French.

Jonathan Peterson
Technical Manager, Unified Ltd, 020 7383 6092

RE: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Cross David - dcross

From: Barbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 1:46 PM

> > There will, of course, be an entrance test. Anyone who doesn't know the
> > first verse and chorus of "The Red Flag" will not be admitted :)
> Is this the modern doctored version or the traditional version?

The New Labour version starts like this:

"The people's flag is lightest pink,
It's not as red as you might think."

I prefer it sung to the original tune ("The White Cockade") as opposed to
the christmas carol dirge that is most used these days.



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Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Barbie

From: "Paul Mison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> (Isn't
> there an extra bank holiday next year for Golden Jubilee shenanigans?)

Apparently so.

Allegedly there is a move to bring the UK more into line with the rest of
Europe with regards to bank holidays. Several European nations put us to
shame when you compare us with countries like Germany (14 days IIRC). The
Golden Jubilee is the first to be introduced, with another 3 added over the
next few years. I guess the Golden Jubilee one will then be known as
Coronation Day or some such.

There was a link all about it on the bbc site, but that was earlier in the
year when I was living that other life, blissfully unaware I was about to be
made redundant :)


Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Robert Shiels

From: "Roger Burton West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On or about Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 01:27:44PM +0100, Paul Mison typed:
> >(Isn't
> >there an extra bank holiday next year for Golden Jubilee shenanigans?)
Well, as today is my first day working as a contractor, I want less
holidays, so that I can make more money. Thinking about it again, I'll just
make sure that the system needs some "essential" maintenance those days, and
increase my rate appropriately!


Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread David Cantrell

On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 01:10:22PM +0100, Greg McCarroll wrote:

> blech has just informed me, its 27/8/2001, which would make
> the first annual grand crazy golf open on the 25/8/2001


David Cantrell | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

  Rip, Mix, Burn, unless you're using our "most advanced operating system
   in the world" which we decided to release incomplete just for a laugh

Re: LCN June

2001-06-01 Thread alex

On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Dean wrote:
> Lonix
> Date: Wednesday 6th June at 6.00pm.

hasn't this been postponed?


Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Robin Houston

On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 01:55:20PM +0100, Cross David - dcross wrote:
> The New Labour version starts like this:
> "The people's flag is lightest pink,
> It's not as red as you might think."

How things have changed.

'Mr Heseltine, whose mane of golden hair has given him the nickname
 of Tarzan, apologised for waving the ceremonial mace around his head
 like a mediaeval battle axe. "I was unwarrantably provoked by the
 singing of the Red Flag," he said.',6051,106906,00.html

The internationale is a better song though.


Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Piers Cawley

"Jonathan Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At 13:27 01/06/01 +0100, you wrote:
> >weather's awful. We [0] want June and July holidays how about US
> Quite the opposite!!! We need more winter holidays to cheer us up
> during those dark rainy months. We should have holidays for all the
> major Saint's days, and get rid of silly artificial things like
> Mayday. Or we should just not work half the time, like the French.

Personally I'd rather get rid of the overtly christian holidays and
stick with good old pagan stuff like May day. And not because of the
labour movement, it's a *way* older holiday than that.

Piers Cawley

Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Piers Cawley

"Barbie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > There will, of course, be an entrance test. Anyone who doesn't know the
> > first verse and chorus of "The Red Flag" will not be admitted :)
> Is this the modern doctored version or the traditional version?

How about:

The working class can kiss my arse
I've got the foreman's job at last.

The people's flag is deepest puce
with fleurs de lys in pale chartreuse

Piers Cawley

Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Piers Cawley

Cross David - dcross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> From: Barbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 1:46 PM
> > > There will, of course, be an entrance test. Anyone who doesn't know the
> > > first verse and chorus of "The Red Flag" will not be admitted :)
> > 
> > Is this the modern doctored version or the traditional version?
> The New Labour version starts like this:
> "The people's flag is lightest pink,
> It's not as red as you might think."
> I prefer it sung to the original tune ("The White Cockade") as opposed to
> the christmas carol dirge that is most used these days.

Hmm... how the hell do you fit it to The White Cockade? No matter how
I try it it still sounds bloody ugly.

Piers Cawley

RE: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Cross David - dcross

From: Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 2:27 PM

Cross David - dcross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

[The Red Flag]
> > I prefer it sung to the original tune ("The White Cockade") as opposed
> > the christmas carol dirge that is most used these days.
> Hmm... how the hell do you fit it to The White Cockade? No matter how
> I try it it still sounds bloody ugly.

There's a fine version of it to this tune by Billy Bragg and Dick Gaughn on
BB's mini-album "The Internationale".

If you haven't tracked down an mp3 by next week, remind me and I'll play it
to you.



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Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Jonathan Peterson

At 14:23 01/06/01 +0100, you wrote:
>On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 01:55:20PM +0100, Cross David - dcross wrote:
> > The New Labour version starts like this:
> >
> > "The people's flag is lightest pink,
> > It's not as red as you might think."
>How things have changed.


Changed for the better, apparently. The idea of Prescott getting hold of 
the mace is truly alarming.

Jonathan Peterson
Technical Manager, Unified Ltd, 020 7383 6092

Re: LCN June

2001-06-01 Thread Dean

On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 02:20:56PM +0100, alex wrote:
> > Lonix
> > Date: Wednesday 6th June at 6.00pm.

> hasn't this been postponed?

Oh yes. I got a note last night confirming the date and then today i get one
telling me its moved.[0]

The venue and everything will be the same but the date is changing. I'll do
another LCN later this month when things are a bit firmer for:
PM Tech meeting.
PM Social.

Only one that's done and dusted seems to be SAGE-WISE (Fingers crossed)


[0] This is one of the reasons i stopped doing this. No one knows when
stuffs happening that far in advance... Herding cats spring to mind ;)

Profanity is the one language all programmers understand
   --- Anon

Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread David Cantrell

On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 02:24:57PM +0100, Piers Cawley wrote:

> How about:
> The working class can kiss my arse
> I've got the foreman's job at last.
> Or
> The people's flag is deepest puce
> with fleurs de lys in pale chartreuse


Sing to the Motherland, home of the free,
Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong.
O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people,
To Communism's triumph lead us on!

David Cantrell | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

  Rip, Mix, Burn, unless you're using our "most advanced operating system
   in the world" which we decided to release incomplete just for a laugh

RE: LCN June

2001-06-01 Thread Cross David - dcross

Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 12:31 PM

> London PM have two meetings this month, the usual social meeting and a
> technical meeting. The social meeting is on 7th June 2001 from about 6:30.
> The location has not been confirmed yet so keep an eye on the web site.

The social will be in the cellar bar of the PO. I'll update the web site
over the weekend.



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Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Roger Burton West

On or about Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 02:39:03PM +0100, David Cantrell typed:

>Sing to the Motherland, home of the free,
>Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong.
>O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people,
>To Communism's triumph lead us on!


The people's flag is black as night
>From top to bottom, left to right.
What better symbol for our cause
Then torn umbrellas, old black drawers,
And Guinness, gowns and pirate flags
Darth Vader's cloak and oily rags:
Oh, wave it proudly o'er your head,
The flag that's better dead than red!

Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Greg McCarroll

* David Cantrell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 02:24:57PM +0100, Piers Cawley wrote:
> > How about:
> > 
> > The working class can kiss my arse
> > I've got the foreman's job at last.
> > 
> > Or
> > The people's flag is deepest puce
> > with fleurs de lys in pale chartreuse
> Pah!
> Sing to the Motherland, home of the free,
> Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong.
> O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people,
> To Communism's triumph lead us on!

sing all you want, it will be you lot who have egg on your
faces when a unionist/conservative coalition government is
in power in a few weeks, ohhh yes


Greg McCarroll

Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread David Cantrell

On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 02:47:18PM +0100, Greg McCarroll wrote:

> sing all you want, it will be you lot who have egg on your
> faces when a unionist/conservative coalition government is
> in power in a few weeks, ohhh yes

Hmmmph.   if that happens, I'll leave the country 

David Cantrell | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

  Rip, Mix, Burn, unless you're using our "most advanced operating system
   in the world" which we decided to release incomplete just for a laugh

Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Jonathan Peterson

At 14:23 01/06/01 +0100, you wrote:
>"Jonathan Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Personally I'd rather get rid of the overtly christian holidays and
>stick with good old pagan stuff like May day. And not because of the
>labour movement, it's a *way* older holiday than that.

True enough - but look!

Among the nine saints that are celebrated on 1st may is St Joseph who is 
the patron saint of those who fight against communism. YAY

No, I'm not making this up:

Jonathan Peterson
Technical Manager, Unified Ltd, 020 7383 6092

RE: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Cross David - dcross

From: Paul Mison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 1:28 PM

> On 01/06/2001 at 13:16 +0100, Cross David - dcross wrote:
> >
> >Whatever happened to the plan to do away with that nasty socialist
> >on Mayday and replace with something much more Jingoistic - Trafalgar Day
> >wasn't it?
> Um. Bad example. Unfortunately May Day is at a *really* silly point,
> coming just after Easter and just before the 'Early Summer' (aka
> Whitsun) Bank Holiday. 

No. _Good_ example. Neatly demonstrating the madness of baseing public
holidays around the vagaries of a minority religion. It's not Mayday that's
causing a problem here, but the three xtian dates. Abolish them and replace
them with three other holidays spaced out in a more sensible fashion.

Besides, people have been celebrating Mayday for _far_ longer than Easter.

> Anyway, Trafalgar Day would be in October- that's a shite idea, the
> weather's awful. We [0] want June and July holidays how about US
> Independence Day? We've imported plenty of other ideas from them. Hmm.

I wouldn't mind a holiday in late September or October. Thanks to global
warming that's often a pretty warm part of the year.

Actually, celebrating US Independence Day makes a certain amount of sense.
It's certainly a war _I'd_ have fought to lose :)

> Or make the Queen's Birthday celebrations be on a Monday and make that
> a bank holiday, if you have to wrap things up in pageantry.

Only a very short term solution. What do you do when we become a republic?
(checks - wait a minute, that pledge seems to be missing from my copy of the
Labour Manifesto, shurely shome mishtake)

> (Isn't there an extra bank holiday next year for Golden Jubilee

$deity, don't remind me. As mentioned on the walk on Monday, I think our
best hope is that the QM[1] dies at about the same time and it all cancels
out :)


[1] "But you've got to admit, she does look good for her age." Yeah, well so


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Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Greg McCarroll

* Cross David - dcross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> [1] "But you've got to admit, she does look good for her age." Yeah, well so

Well you don't look that good, and you are a contractor ;-)

Greg McCarroll

Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread David Cantrell

On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 01:40:38PM +0100, Cross David - dcross wrote:

> > Or make the Queen's Birthday celebrations be on a Monday and make that
> > a bank holiday, if you have to wrap things up in pageantry.
> Only a very short term solution. What do you do when we become a republic?

Then we have independence day, to celebrate the overthrowing of N hundred
years of Dutch and German oppression.  Yes, if I were a royalist, I'd be
a Jacobite.
> [1] "But you've got to admit, she does look good for her age." Yeah, well so

So *that's* the secret to your boyish good looks Dave! I knew there had
to be *something* good about contracting :-)

David Cantrell | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

  Rip, Mix, Burn, unless you're using our "most advanced operating system
   in the world" which we decided to release incomplete just for a laugh

Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Dean

On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 03:28:43PM +0100, David Cantrell wrote:
> So *that's* the secret to your boyish good looks Dave! I knew there had
> to be *something* good about contracting :-)

That and getting to drain the life out of the permanent staff ;)

Profanity is the one language all programmers understand
   --- Anon

Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Barbie

From: "Cross David - dcross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> From: Paul Mison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Um. Bad example. Unfortunately May Day is at a *really* silly point,
> > coming just after Easter and just before the 'Early Summer' (aka
> > Whitsun) Bank Holiday.
> Besides, people have been celebrating Mayday for _far_ longer than Easter.

I find it strange that the only surviving English/British religion,
Paganism, is the target for being abolished. Mayday was traditionally the
fertility festival. It would make more sense to embrace the Pagan holidays
seeing as they are celebrated more evenly throughout the year. Plus they
don't glorify death and have a healthy celebration for life.


Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Barbie

From: "Cross David - dcross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 2:30 PM
Subject: RE: General Election

> From: Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 2:27 PM
> Cross David - dcross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [The Red Flag]
> > > I prefer it sung to the original tune ("The White Cockade") as opposed
> to
> > > the christmas carol dirge that is most used these days.
> >
> > Hmm... how the hell do you fit it to The White Cockade? No matter how
> > I try it it still sounds bloody ugly.
> There's a fine version of it to this tune by Billy Bragg and Dick Gaughn
> BB's mini-album "The Internationale".
> If you haven't tracked down an mp3 by next week, remind me and I'll play
> to you.

Have it on virgin vinyl with free limited edition 7" thanks :)


RE: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Cross David - dcross

From: Barbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 3:56 PM

[The Red Flag]

> > There's a fine version of it to this tune by Billy Bragg and Dick Gaughn
> > on BB's mini-album "The Internationale".
> >
> > If you haven't tracked down an mp3 by next week, remind me and I'll play
> > it to you.
> Have it on virgin vinyl with free limited edition 7" thanks :)

Ooh. Shiny! What's on the 7"?



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Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Barbie

From: "Cross David - dcross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > Have it on virgin vinyl with free limited edition 7" thanks :)
> Ooh. Shiny! What's on the 7"?

straight from (cause I couldn't remember seeing as I
haven't played it in several years):

Raglan Road (Live)
May 1990, Utility (7"), USAMP 2
plus Slap Me Shake Me/Clea & McLeod, Sleep With Me/Caroline Trettine And Amy
Grant/The Young Fresh Fellows
Utility Records sampler given free with vinyl copies of The Internationale

I remember now, it was a 4 track, with the other artists all appearing on
other Cooking Vinyl distributed releases from round about the same time.

And for those want the traditional lyrics :


Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Simon Cozens

On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 03:53:53PM +0100, Barbie wrote:
> the only surviving English/British religion, Paganism

Nice try.

diff: usage diff [whatever] etc.
- plan9 has a bad day


2001-06-01 Thread Jonathan Peterson

At 15:53 01/06/01 +0100, you wrote:

>I find it strange that the only surviving English/British religion,
>Paganism, is the target for being abolished.

Is paganism a religion? Isn't it a "none of the above" grouping of 
religions? Or does it refer to "What Northern and central Europe did before 
the Romans"?

>Mayday was traditionally the
>fertility festival. It would make more sense to embrace the Pagan holidays
>seeing as they are celebrated more evenly throughout the year. Plus they
>don't glorify death and have a healthy celebration for life.

This is all true. But Christian festivals are for the most part 
intellectualised versions of the non-christian ones they replaced. Easter 
is a fertility festival. Chistmas is a winter feast. All souls day is the 
same as Halloween (excepting that Halloween is now just a Woolworth's 
marketing mechanism).

The actions and spirit of paganism (say, wearing leaves and dancing round a 
tree in May) are good healthy things to do. The cerebral aspects of 
paganism are daft ("If I wear leaves and dance round a tree the tree spirit 
will make me more fertile"). To the extent Christianity leaves one alone 
and replaces the other, I like it. I agree that at times it hasn't done a 
very good job of leaving alone. But nothing's perfect...

Jon, thinking Paganism and Christianity should co-exist happily as do Art 
and Science.

Jonathan Peterson
Technical Manager, Unified Ltd, 020 7383 6092

Re: Montreal

2001-06-01 Thread David H. Adler

On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 01:01:06PM +0200, Marcel Grunauer wrote:

> Also, any tips on what do to in Montreal would be appreciated
> (there are city guides, of course, but if someone has first-hand
> experience it'd be good).

Apparently there is pie.

David H. Adler - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
"Cracking keys to free the world from web/cgi questions!"
- my contribution to the Perl Mercenaries United motto.

Re: OSCon London

2001-06-01 Thread Lucy McWilliam

On Thu, 31 May 2001, Nathan Torkington wrote:

> Cross David - dcross writes:
> > This one, however, had an advert on the from about the Open Source
> > Convention. Not the San Diego Open Source Convention, but one in London on
> > October 22 - 25. That's currently all I know, but I'll see what else I can
> > find out.
> I tried like hell to make it work (and ate some shit in front of the
> ApacheCon people to try and make it work with them, too) but in the end
> there were just too many things working against it.  Sorry!
> When will there be one?  I don't know.  I'd hope next year if the
> economy improves, but I can't promise it.  As became obvious this
> year, wanting to do a UK conference is completely different from being
> able to.

I'd go to it.

"I'm a bit blase about all this free beer now."

Re: Religion

2001-06-01 Thread Barbie [easynet]

From: "Jonathan Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >I find it strange that the only surviving English/British religion,
> >Paganism, is the target for being abolished.
> Is paganism a religion?

Yes. Just because it isn't an organised religion with official buildings and
the like or a registered charity it is relagated to the "none of the above"
category. However, within the civil service it is the only such religion
that has recognised religious holidays.

> Or does it refer to "What Northern and central Europe did before
> the Romans"?

It was the religion in these here parts several hundreds of years before the
Romans ever discovered this little island.

> >Mayday was traditionally the
> >fertility festival. It would make more sense to embrace the Pagan
> >seeing as they are celebrated more evenly throughout the year. Plus they
> >don't glorify death and have a healthy celebration for life.
> This is all true. But Christian festivals are for the most part
> intellectualised versions of the non-christian ones they replaced. Easter
> is a fertility festival.

Eh? Nope it was an attempt by the Christian faith to remove every possible
existance of any other religion in the provinces they conquered. It has
still been happening in this century within Africa and South America. The
holidays might happen at similar times, but their meanings are far from the

> All souls day is the same as Halloween

All Souls Day is a celebration of all things good. Halloween is the
romantised version of witchcraft being bad and tantamount to devil
worshipping. Again an effort by the church to ridicule other religions.

> The actions and spirit of paganism (say, wearing leaves and dancing round
> tree in May) are good healthy things to do. The cerebral aspects of
> paganism are daft ("If I wear leaves and dance round a tree the tree
> will make me more fertile").

If you read up on it a bit more, you'll see that there's much more to it
than that. And anyway why is that any more daft than someone going to a
church and praying for God to make them fertile. They're just a person's
belief, the fact they you choose to ridicule another's way acting on that
belief only allows the church to perpetuate the ridicule that is placed on
other religions. Faith is a very personal thing, whereas a religion
dictating that other kinds of faith are bad or inferior only serves to
belittle themselves IMO. Perhaps one of the reasons why the Pope is making
such an effort to apologise for past persecutions.

> To the extent Christianity leaves one alone
> and replaces the other, I like it. I agree that at times it hasn't done a
> very good job of leaving alone. But nothing's perfect...

What like the Crusades?

> Jon, thinking Paganism and Christianity should co-exist happily as do Art
> and Science.

One celebrates life, the other glorifies death. Art and Science are not so

BTW I'm not a Pagan, just in case you're wondering.


Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Barbie [easynet]

From: "Simon Cozens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 03:53:53PM +0100, Barbie wrote:
> > the only surviving English/British religion, Paganism
> Nice try.

Are you saying it isn't a religion or there is another one?


RE: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Robin Szemeti

On Fri, 01 Jun 2001, Cross David - dcross wrote:

> There's a fine version of it to this tune by Billy Bragg and Dick Gaughn on
> BB's mini-album "The Internationale".

undef error - Can't locate auto/Billy/Bragg/ in @INC ...
Robin Szemeti   

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Redvers Davies

> I find it strange that the only surviving English/British religion,

Nah, you want an interesting old religion, look at the Celts.  Drinking
blood has gone out of style though...

Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Marcel Grunauer

On Friday, June 1, 2001, at 10:41  PM, Redvers Davies wrote:

>> I find it strange that the only surviving English/British religion,
> Nah, you want an interesting old religion, look at the Celts.  Drinking
> blood has gone out of style though...

Has it? Angel drinks blood; Spike does as well.

Oops, wrong thread...


$ perl -we time
Useless use of time in void context at -e line 1.

Re: crazy golf

2001-06-01 Thread Piers Cawley

Redvers Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > I find it strange that the only surviving English/British religion,
> Nah, you want an interesting old religion, look at the Celts.  Drinking
> blood has gone out of style though...

Assuming you're not a Masai tribesperson. And assuming that the
Romans weren't lying about the Celts (Though why would they want to do

Piers Cawley

Re: General Election

2001-06-01 Thread Piers Cawley

Robin Szemeti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Fri, 01 Jun 2001, Cross David - dcross wrote:
> > There's a fine version of it to this tune by Billy Bragg and Dick Gaughn on
> > BB's mini-album "The Internationale".
> undef error - Can't locate auto/Billy/Bragg/ in @INC ...

Then I suggest you try using your ears.

Piers Cawley


2001-06-01 Thread Greg McCarroll


Well what about last night? Buffy no more? Well I'm pretty sure she
will be back, my reasoning - they played the normal end of show credits/
theme tune, if they had of killed the character off, there would of been
a special ending. Mind you, when I explained this theory to the wife she
used the phrase ``clutching at straws''

Greg McCarroll


2001-06-01 Thread Dave Cross

On Sat, Jun 02, 2001 at 07:47:00AM +0100, Greg McCarroll ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Well what about last night? Buffy no more? Well I'm pretty sure she
> will be back, my reasoning - they played the normal end of show credits/
> theme tune, if they had of killed the character off, there would of been
> a special ending. Mind you, when I explained this theory to the wife she
> used the phrase ``clutching at straws''

Well, how about the argument that SMG has singed up for two more series?
