Re: The List

2000-12-13 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, you wrote: > * David Cantrell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: > > Mutter mutter fscking substandard perl software. We probably *could* do > > a better job in Postscript. > > > > im starting to like Java > prevert ... -- Robin Szemeti The bo


2000-12-13 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, you wrote: > Save money at TPC5. Present a paper and get in free :) > > <> > .. mmm ... nice ferret. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: The List

2000-12-14 Thread Robin Szemeti
nt and discovery that, after 4 pints, Theakstons Old Peculiar did not have the same alcohol content as four Miller Lites like we told him .. silly mistake .. easily made ... -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

funball ...

2000-12-15 Thread Robin Szemeti
for anyone who cares .. happyfunball apparently is all bouncy again ..they found the duff wotsit and put a less duff one in .. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Fwd: Lazy Dog Christmas Party

2000-12-20 Thread Robin Szemeti
om Tracey Thorn when I was in Hull... -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Donation..

2000-12-20 Thread Robin Szemeti
that out of XXX million people .. purely by chance, the current president is the brother of the one before last ... ooh .. stop it .. its getting all political .. ;)) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Donation..

2000-12-20 Thread Robin Szemeti
> > > > > not even the comic genius jim davidson's adult one? > > I'm sorry, but using the terms "comic genius" and "jim davidson" in the > same sentence[1] can only lead to nonsense. > wodya mean .. he's easily as funny as ... err .. Bernard Manning ?? :) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Donation..

2000-12-20 Thread Robin Szemeti
not in London. but I digress ... :) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Donation [off topic]

2000-12-20 Thread Robin Szemeti
out 30 years younger than him..) was being interviewed on some daytime TV show and was asked ... "so .. what first attracted you to the multi-millionaire Paul Daniels ?" she didn't seem best pleased :o) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Fwd: SPUG: ActivePerl 623

2000-12-21 Thread Robin Szemeti
curious .. Might be missing a obvious point. whatever ... this time tomorow I'll be in Finland .. mmm .. white christmas guaranteed. ;) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Fwd: SPUG: ActivePerl 623

2000-12-21 Thread Robin Szemeti
ward it on to him? naah .. .. its like a pub here innit .. various topics come up but I don;t particularly see the need to keep running over to other peoples tables and telling em what we're talking about. He's welcome to pop over and buy us a beer though :) -- Robin Szemeti The box

Re: Fwd: SPUG: ActivePerl 623

2000-12-21 Thread Robin Szemeti
cluefulness required to do the cpan thing, so I cant see the ease of ppm (which is no easier than the MCPAN thing imho) being a factor . just my 2 penneth. now .. how can I get it onto my lapto tha has no cdrom or network card? ... I see a very long 9600 baud call to demon ... :) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Perl commandments -> index .vs. //

2001-01-15 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, you wrote: > push @ARGV, '/usr/dict/words'; which reminds me .. is there a /usr/dict/words with correct spellings for english out there somwhere??? ... -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: PIMB T-shirts

2001-01-16 Thread Robin Szemeti
g less contraversial .. like semi naked hooters girls or summink?? :)) wouldn't want to upset our corporate overlords now would we ... (err thats a joke by the way before anybody says anything ..) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Feelers for London Open Source Convention

2001-01-16 Thread Robin Szemeti
in peak holiday season IMHO .. Orlando would be a nice alternative tho' .. :) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

RE: Feelers for London Open Source Convention

2001-01-17 Thread Robin Szemeti
s copyright on this original work. he then intends to promote a 'selected excerpt' from his original work after the draw, and sue the football league if they infringe his copyright by publishing an identical list. hes obviously mad, but hey .. he might even win :) -- Robin Szemeti The

Re: Red Hat worm discovered

2001-01-17 Thread Robin Szemeti
ed hosts and that about does it. at least a quick tweak with a rpm or two can make it into a decent install, where as many other OS's are plain incurable. All seem to have a weakness from Solaris to Plan9 .. redhat just got rooted because it was popular .. as a matter of interest what

RE: Feelers for London Open Source Convention

2001-01-17 Thread Robin Szemeti
d, you > better have your methodolgy documented somewhere. and if I publish all the variants .. and each week Billboard 'copy' one of my 'works of art' can I sue them ? :) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Online Time

2001-01-17 Thread Robin Szemeti
00p -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: [Job] BOFH wanted was: Re: Red Hat worm discovered

2001-01-18 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, you wrote: > There's a difference between what the conslutant gets and what the client > pays! not here at 'Redpoint Consulting' there isn't :) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

RE:Consultancy company was [Job] BOFH wanted was: Re: Red Hat worm discovered

2001-01-18 Thread Robin Szemeti
than I was a year ago ... and I know a Security Guru who would probably be up for it as well .. and hes a proper one too, I believe his wardrobe has all three shades of hat :) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Consultancy company was [Job] BOFH wanted was: Re: Red Hat worm discovered

2001-01-18 Thread Robin Szemeti
;ve done enough project managment to know that it probably is too good to be true) but I shure would like to give it a go. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Hardware Upgrade Fund

2001-01-19 Thread Robin Szemeti
intereset I was offered 133mhz DIMMS of the 256Mb flavour for ~65 + vat the other day .. memory has plummetted now is a very good time to buy. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Consultancy company

2001-01-19 Thread Robin Szemeti
DN is cool .. and from this quarters BT bil I only was connected for a paltry 786 hours too ... :) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Consultancy company

2001-01-19 Thread Robin Szemeti
If you prefer one type of working much over another then do it that way .. both have merit. and I'm still dead keen to be involved in an XP project :)) whatever .. if you lot are going to be in Chinatown on Monday thats as good a reason as any I can see for making a trip to the smoke ... se

Re: Consultancy company

2001-01-19 Thread Robin Szemeti
h it. The true test of team managment is to prevent the different team roles from irritating the hell out of each other ;)) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Consultancy company

2001-01-19 Thread Robin Szemeti
only way to do it all the time. The probelm I have at home is NOT being averly dostracted, but getting carried away and forgetting to eat for too many hours :) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!


2001-01-19 Thread Robin Szemeti
add ntpdate to your root crontab someday too .. :) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Consultancy company

2001-01-20 Thread Robin Szemeti
e time couldnt even get it to run, by the end of the week all they'd done was write some strange "library" code and even that doesn;t seem to do anything' but hey .. next person organising a XP based project that needs a junior perl hacker .. gimme a shout .. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Extreme Programming (was: Re: Consultancy company)

2001-01-20 Thread Robin Szemeti
t would be a fantastic mentoring and mutual improvement system. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Consultancy company

2001-01-20 Thread Robin Szemeti
till [speaking of which its Chamonix again in 2 weeks] just my $1 / (2500^0.5) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Consultancy company

2001-01-20 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Sat, 20 Jan 2001, you wrote: > Same here. I don't think there's any point in arguing which is "best", > life is about balance and adapting to whatever is appropriate at the > time (beware methodolgies ;-). now that makes a whole bucket of sense to me. Y

Re: Big Macs v The Naked Chef -- pitfalls of scaling consultancies

2001-01-20 Thread Robin Szemeti
nline/25/geeks.html much more up to speed with the culture. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Holy War

2001-01-21 Thread Robin Szemeti
rid of the script and run tripwire from crontab once a day at a more useful hour. 'part from that its just fine. I run Dedrat 7.0 on my server at mailbox and having turned off all the dangeroos stuff and set up the IPCHAINS and put SSH on it its been totally reliable and unhacked. -

Re: Perl/MySQL based forums

2001-01-21 Thread Robin Szemeti
alling routine my (%data); $data{text}='Hello World'; my ($result)=Template::test(\%data); print $result; exit 0; package Template; sub test{ my ($data)=shift; return < $data->{text} END } -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Perl/MySQL based forums

2001-01-21 Thread Robin Szemeti
EALLY want to avoid the putting code into the templates and using the various [% FOREACH ...%] cos thats just as bad as putting html inline innit? -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Perl/MySQL based forums

2001-01-21 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Sun, 21 Jan 2001, I wrote: > so while I'm on .. what is wisdom on this then .. my method was going to err hold your answers .. I'm just reading the docs on (the recently discovered) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: ArsDigita working practices (was: Big Macs v The Naked Chef -- )

2001-01-21 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Sun, 21 Jan 2001, you wrote: > Keeping employees 101: Show respect, recognise them, care for > them and provide opportunity for growth. It's all about the > love; that's all anyone really wants. and money ... lots and lots of money ... -- Robin Szemeti The box said &

Re: Consultancy company

2001-01-21 Thread Robin Szemeti
is the very best company to work for AND the very best company to have work done by' A1 bleeding edge code written by the planets happiest programmers ... sounds like a good recipe to me. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Consultancy company

2001-01-21 Thread Robin Szemeti
over from a 12 month period of development with little breaks) ... and this template toolit thing rocks dunnit .. (now I have the hang of it .. sorta) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Consultancy company

2001-01-22 Thread Robin Szemeti
little voice in my head keeps saying 'please let this be true' .. but sometimes when people come up with such abstract ideas as 'a client that understands what they want' I do begin to wonder if its not pushing it a bit far ;)) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Consultancy company- Where do you want to go?

2001-01-22 Thread Robin Szemeti
on't forget the welding gear. good point, well made. .. hey .. say I wanted weld a diesel tank for instance ... -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Consultancy company

2001-01-23 Thread Robin Szemeti
o work that way .. or even the time or inclination to do it. I can see a role of 'architect' being needed on occasion. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Consultancy company

2001-01-23 Thread Robin Szemeti
ut as a template .. it could come in handy :)) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: word processors

2001-01-25 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Wed, 24 Jan 2001, you wrote: > > Much as I love Computer Modern for technical work, using it for fiction > > would just be WRONG WRONG WRONG. If you are interested, I have some technical documents that could also be called fiction .. is it alright to use computer modern then?

Re: Mailing List Archive

2001-01-25 Thread Robin Szemeti
yway .. so i guess it makes no difference.. mean what you say and say what you mean. so .. an archive .. kewl :)' I must admit I don;t particularly like the idea of someone else holding this info though .. I mean .. its like 'ours' innit .. but i have no objection to an archive per-se,

Re: Mailing List Archive

2001-01-25 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, you wrote: > * Robin Szemeti ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: > > > > I must admit I don;t particularly like the idea of someone else holding > > this info though .. I mean .. its like 'ours' innit .. but i have no > > i'm sure you could

Re: Video Tips

2001-01-28 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Sun, 28 Jan 2001, you wrote: > Here's a top tip. Don't try to video two hours of programs on an hour and a > half of video tape. can't you just gzip it? -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Video Tips

2001-01-28 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Sun, 28 Jan 2001, you wrote: > * Robin Szemeti ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: > > On Sun, 28 Jan 2001, you wrote: > > > Here's a top tip. Don't try to video two hours of programs on an hour and a > > > half of video tape. > > > > can't you ju

template toolkit .. one more kwestion

2001-01-29 Thread Robin Szemeti
or guess right each time? -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Video Tips

2001-01-29 Thread Robin Szemeti
he Grail' and summink else .. Get the Grail takes you through a little sequence ' of congratulations youve found the grail .. thanks for playing' and the programme then quits. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: template toolkit .. one more kwestion

2001-01-29 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Mon, 29 Jan 2001, you wrote: > In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, > Robin Szemeti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > this works fine if the function returns a list with more than one thing > > in it .. if there is only one thing in the array I get a 'dont kno

Re: template toolkit .. one more kwestion solved

2001-01-29 Thread Robin Szemeti
array. solved .. it just took me a while to twig what was going on. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Another Template Toolkit Q

2001-01-29 Thread Robin Szemeti
ust pass it a scalar ref my ($stuff); eg $tt->process('prices.tt2', $vars, \$stuff ); and lo .. it ends up in $stuff. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Bad Perl

2001-01-30 Thread Robin Szemeti
programming style' and is way way way away from 'Good Perl' but it was aimed at non programmers and as such the idea of subroutines and lexically scoped variables is probably a bit hard for them. but the code does stink. I have to keep it in a plastic bag just to stop the smell from getting out. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Perl Books

2001-01-31 Thread Robin Szemeti
said (by some famoose newspaper tycoon ISTR) that no one ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of their readership. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Perl Books

2001-01-31 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, you wrote: > Robin Szemeti [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth: > *> > *>no one ever said the buying public were intelligent ... > > Well, people rise to meet expectations too. There is precious little in > the way of good CGI books with a practical slant to th

Re: Perl Books

2001-02-01 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Thu, 01 Feb 2001, you wrote: > Robin Szemeti [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth: > *> > *>i think we get a slanted view on what a 'normal level of intelligence' > *>is, because in general, we work with exceptional people. I spent the last > > I know at least 2 n

Re: Perl Books

2001-02-01 Thread Robin Szemeti
d code is prfessionally written ... and mostly not out there on display .. you have to buy it! > *>I dunno .. I guess there is the 'type this in like this' level and there > *>is the full blown 'buy a copy of Programming Perl' approach I dont see > *>much middl

Testing .. but not as I know it

2001-02-13 Thread Robin Szemeti
ants of modules (flatfile based, MySQL based etc) where as the acceptance tests just work with whatever module is loaded and treat it as a black box ...??? am I making any sense ? .. oh well ... -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: VA?

2001-02-13 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, you wrote: > On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, Struan Donald wrote: > > > > *and* they have blue LEDs :) > > > > ( find blue LEDs on if you dont believe me) > I seldom order from spammers. try -- Robin Szemeti

Re: Testing .. but not as I know it

2001-02-13 Thread Robin Szemeti
then it might be difficult to see exactly where it went worng... hmm the trick seems to be not so much in the semantics of perl (the whole OO thing of method dispatch and inheritance is fairly straightforward really now I get to grips with it ) its mainly down to the design and subtlties of which bits go in where ... ho hum .. back to the codeface. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: trains

2001-02-14 Thread Robin Szemeti
t 3 foot off the > platform, translation: ron was so drunk she thought she could fly! > she basically grabbed the door and swung on it out of the train translation: we had got to the 'maybe I'm a gymnast' stage of drunkeness achh enough :) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: List Weekly Summary 2001-02-12

2001-02-15 Thread Robin Szemeti
use the same name spelt the same way on subsequent uses. surely it would make more sense to change one character each time in a humorous fashion. just my GBP 0.02 worth ( ~ 8.67 EUR at current exchange rates ) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!


2001-02-20 Thread Robin Szemeti
I find my local bookshop happy to match prices and gets then within a week usually. > i think B&N's appeal against them is going well for B&N good oh .. still think theyre a bunch of baskets though. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: t-shirts

2001-02-22 Thread Robin Szemeti
it should be "Muttley is an Arsehole" .. I dunno, such poor grammar these days :)) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: No :-(

2001-02-23 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, you wrote: > Has anyone yet called French a glue language for English? ahh ... but what it boils down to is you are indulging in a little horse play at the expense of our Gallic freinds. it is amusing to make thes little remarks on the hoof is it not? .. -- Ro

Re: The Last Post.....

2001-02-23 Thread Robin Szemeti
a lift lemme know -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

RE: No :-(

2001-02-23 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, you wrote: > > From: Robin Szemeti [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > >> Has anyone yet called French a glue language for English? > > > > ahh ... but what it boils down to is you are indulging in a little > > horse play at the expense of our

Re: Class::DBI + job posting

2001-02-23 Thread Robin Szemeti
elly it looks like an 'anything goes' open combat stuation .. in reallity its very tightly administrated and designed not to let you kill and mutilate the house bots, and make you look good on telly. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Tech reviewing

2001-02-28 Thread Robin Szemeti
eed to know at least a little about the Linux security model then that kinda narrows it down a bit dunnit. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Tech reviewing

2001-02-28 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Thu, 01 Mar 2001, you wrote: > Robin Szemeti [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth: > *> > *>I know in the publishing world people do things for ludicrously samll > *>amounts, but thats because you can usually find a starving author that > *>will do it for pennies, but if you as

h2xs && makemaker

2001-03-11 Thread Robin Szemeti
short of it is: I have bleeding forgotten where the f it is and despite searcing can I find it? .. nope. and its beginning to bug me .. lots. anyone who recognises what I'm talkning about and can give a filename or URI please put me out of my misery and remind me where it was. -- Robin Szemeti

Re: Strange Request

2001-03-12 Thread Robin Szemeti
m-to-email processor." > ^ > > Does that strike you with fear and dread, then? :-) well .. to be fair .. yes its appalling Perl but it works, and it IS the industry standard if only because there is nothing better freely available. -- Robin Szemeti Th

Re: h2xs && makemaker

2001-03-12 Thread Robin Szemeti
of that .. so its probably close enough .. thanks ;) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Strange Request

2001-03-12 Thread Robin Szemeti
gy. Sure it has to work because crappy software costs much more to admin than decent s/w but the drive to keep costs down ahs forced many ISPs to take the open source/free stuff route .. unfortunatley for the planet FormMail is now so standard that if you didn;t have it your punters would ask for it! .

Re: Matt's Scripts

2001-03-14 Thread Robin Szemeti
always have my cgi-bin directory outside my document root .. makes sense to me. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Matt's Scripts

2001-03-14 Thread Robin Szemeti
If they are, fire the sysadmin. never a truer word ... of course if you _did_ want to discover a users password its not that hard .. there are ways ... I believe we have some world renowned experts on the topic at hand ... now where is 'merlin' when you need him :) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Matt's Scripts

2001-03-14 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Wed, 14 Mar 2001, you wrote: > enough people find moving/copying files on windows complex... when > you start introducing a second computer... hmmm I wouldn't place such creatures as far up the food chain as 'people' .. but I know what you mean. -- Robin Szemeti T

Re: Matt's Scripts

2001-03-14 Thread Robin Szemeti
rraterm and TTSSH are what I have on the laptop for those 'emergency' moments. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

RE: Matt's Scripts

2001-03-14 Thread Robin Szemeti
the client really needs to constantly upload > and download files in an encrypted state, setting up a VPN is the way to go, > and then they can use whatever they want, presumably SMB or NFS if the pipe > is at all reliable. ugh .. SMB .. shiver ... -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Matt's Scripts

2001-03-14 Thread Robin Szemeti
the ones who will require the most idiotic handholding and AND want to pay the least for the service ... there is a rather good ISP on Hawaii that plainly states 'the service is not suitable for clueless users' .. ring em up and ask too many docile questions and they pull your account ..

Re: Matt's Scripts

2001-03-15 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Thu, 15 Mar 2001, you wrote: > > now where is > > 'merlin' when you need him :) > > ITYM 'merlyn' (or 'q[merlyn]'). ahh yes .. you have the better of me there. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: New Perl Stuff From O'Reilly

2001-03-15 Thread Robin Szemeti
know' chapter 2 from OO Perl (Conway) cos that one chapter replaces pretty much all of learning perl in 1/10 of the verbosity. .. and ideally the whole book :) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Dimsum Announcement Service

2001-03-16 Thread Robin Szemeti
. apparently the number of $BIG_CORPs with unrestricted phone access at the reception desk makes this very worthwhile. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Makemaker problems

2001-03-16 Thread Robin Szemeti
/Store/SharedMem/ or whtever apart from the base class which you just put in the root ie move ./Apache/Session/Store/ to ./ and make sure it has the full package name. perl and make manifgest again .. and that might work -- Robin Szemeti The box said &quo

Dedrat 7.0 and PGP

2001-03-17 Thread Robin Szemeti
OK .. I'm getting desperate now :) Anyone out there running Redhat 7.0? managed to build PGP from source on it? ... or if not found a binary of PGP that works with PGP::Sign ?? . .poxy things giving me grief .. of course it builds fine on 6.2. -- Robin Szemeti The box said &quo

Re: Dedrat 7.0 and PGP

2001-03-17 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Sat, 17 Mar 2001, you wrote: > > On Sat, Mar 17, 2001 at 12:25:28PM +, Robin Szemeti wrote: > > OK .. I'm getting desperate now :) > > > > Anyone out there running Redhat 7.0? > > > > managed to build PGP from source on it? ... or if not foun

Re: Dedrat 7.0 and PGP

2001-03-17 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Sat, 17 Mar 2001, you wrote: > Robin Szemeti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > > OK .. I'm getting desperate now :) > > > > Anyone out there running Redhat 7.0? > > > > managed to build PGP from source on it? ... or if not found a binary of >

Re: Dedrat 7.0 and PGP

2001-03-18 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Sat, 17 Mar 2001, you wrote: > On Sat, Mar 17, 2001 at 02:01:11PM +0000, Robin Szemeti wrote: > > >I haven't considered the GPG option yet .. its going to be for a user > >thing .. and PGP is more common .. I am right in thinking that GPG and > >PGP ar

Re: Matt's Scripts Projects

2001-03-20 Thread Robin Szemeti
u can .. works best for both sides. The costs of setup are small, the costs (in terms of time to admin it) is small (1 hour a week max, plus a couple of days at some poin tduring hte year to get it all together and hassle the accountant) but the benfits, financially are significant. -- Robin Szem

Re: Matt's Scripts Projects

2001-03-20 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, you wrote: > - Original Message - > From: "Robin Szemeti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 3:06 PM > Subject: Re: Matt's Scripts Projects > > > > On Tue, 20 Mar 2001,

Re: Matt's Scripts Projects

2001-03-20 Thread Robin Szemeti
.. which if you take a lot of holidays or find it difficult to get a contract could be advantageous to be able to do that sort of thing from time to time. -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Matt's Scripts Projects

2001-03-20 Thread Robin Szemeti
l files from the specified ZIP archive. A companion program, zip(1), creates ZIP archives; both programs are compatible with archives created by PKWARE's PKZIP and PKUNZIP for MS-DOS, but in many cases the program options or default behaviors differ. -- Robin Szemeti The box said &q

Re: ISO8601 [was] Re: Pointless, Badly-Written Module.

2001-03-21 Thread Robin Szemeti
ggest introducing the concept of a large blank form field and allowing the address to be in an appropriate local format ;) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: ISO8601 [was] Re: Pointless, Badly-Written Module.

2001-03-21 Thread Robin Szemeti
h the postmen can't even deliver it with the correct address on including post code .. so they must be martian postmen you are talking about ... -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Perl Training Courses

2001-03-22 Thread Robin Szemeti
.. nahh .. you just chip in whenever you feel like it. If its vaguely relevant we'll soon let you know so you can avoid that mistake in future ;)) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: Perl Training Courses

2001-03-22 Thread Robin Szemeti
or Perl .. and although perl -d is great its not as good as something like Borland TurboDebugger. Whether I actually need it is a different question .. if its much too hard with a print statement then that probably tells you something about the code :) .. [I should add something about caller(

RE: That book

2001-03-22 Thread Robin Szemeti
ht diffreneces of opinion but total polarity .. and 28 out of 31 found the great review helpful .. bet he got his mate to write it :) -- Robin Szemeti The box said "requires windows 95 or better" So I installed Linux!

Re: That book

2001-03-22 Thread Robin Szemeti
On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, you wrote: > Robin Szemeti sent the following bits through the ether: > > > bet he got his mate to write it :) > > I noticed that. For a moment I thought it was a rigged review by the > author / his friend / the publisher. But we know that respectable

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