Re: and instead of und in german reference citation

2014-11-15 Thread Julien Rioux

On 15/11/2014 4:20 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

I get in a German document
and instead of und in the german reference citation.
Style file is spbasic.
I am using natbib author/year as the citation style and language German
with encoding default
PS, this really should be more explicit for the Lyx people to document,
since biblatex is a really good package, but requires a lot of tweaking
to work.

I guess I have either to change the bst file from spbasic to a german
spbasic or whatever (which one?),
or to change the and to und (but probably more issues) in the spbasic.
Could I share the bst file with somebody who has already done theses


The file spbasic.bst is a plain text file which you can edit with a 
simple editor. You can locate it on the command line using

kpsewhich spbasic.bst

which will give you its path. Make a local copy of spbasic.bst in the 
same folder as your LyX file (I recommend also giving it a different 
name). Open the file and you will find

FUNCTION {bbl.and}
{ "and"}

followed by many more short functions for "edited by", "chap", etc. The 
part {bbl.and} defines the name of the function, and should be left as 
is. The part { "and"} is the return value of the function, which you 
want to change. Simply replace "and" to "und" and also translate any of 
the other functions as necessary. Use this translated copy in your LyX file.


Re: Weird compilation issue: identical files give different results.

2014-10-05 Thread Julien Rioux

On 05/10/2014 1:38 PM, stefano franchi wrote:

On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 11:42 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller>> wrote:

Am Sonntag 05 Oktober 2014, 10:49:47 schrieb stefano franchi:
> I have no idea what is going on. The only logical answer, in my mind, is
> that there are some cached results still lying somewhere. But where?

I think biber is also caching things.

That may be the case, as I have now solved the problem (but not found an
explanation yet).
So it turns out I had a bunch of auxiliary files related to the failing
document in the document's own directory. But none related to  its
successful twin. (These files were left over from the command line
compilations). Once I deleted those, compilation finally succeeded.

I think the explanation is that you suffered from this issue:


Re: copy and paste of latex insert

2014-10-04 Thread Julien Rioux

On 04/10/2014 4:35 AM, emile lunardon wrote:

I confirm that the bug I observed with LyX 2.1.2 running on Windows 8.1
is not present on the same version of LyX compilled on Linux Mint LMDE
(Debian based distribution).

I've seen similar strange behavior with copy/paste in LyX on Windows 7: 
Copy-pasting insets inserts only the inner text, copy-pasting math would 
paste the latex commands, etc. It seems to happen when I restart from 
hibernation mode, but I never could narrow	it down further to reproduce 
it consistently. The earliest instance dates back to LyX 2.0.x but I 
can't remember if it happened even before.


Re: Failed compilation succeeds from command line: two problems

2014-10-04 Thread Julien Rioux

On 04/10/2014 3:23 PM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

I understand your argument, Stefano. It is a reasonable one and also a
common one. For example, if you have a deadline to meet and a certain
error that you think might not even affect the output of the PDF (and
even if there is a chance, you could proof check the PDF manually),
you just want your PDF and don't have time to think about fixing a
possibly minor error. However, I think this is a feature request and
not a bug. You might want to open a trac ticket because this type of
conversation comes up from time to time and is likely to come up very
often in 2.2 if we start stopping compilation when BibTeX errors occur
(see Input from your side of the
debate is important since we don't have any developer currently
defending that (popular) feature request and it is important to
understand and try to accommodate all workflows.

FWIW I also think we should have a compilation mode which keeps going as 
far as possible. Of course, it would be a opt-in setting (could be a 
dialog asking to continue in the GUI and a --force option on the command 


Re: how to restrict cited authors to 3 in the Bibliography

2014-09-26 Thread Julien Rioux

On 26/09/2014 5:07 PM, Benedict Holland wrote:

Wouldn't that change the default for every document using that
particular style though? If this is only for one journal, modification
of style files would not only be overkill, but would impact future work
in unexpected ways. To get the desired results, it would be best to
limit it to document specific changes. For that, configuring biblatex or
biber or biblatex using biber would be the much more prefered approach.
A philosophy of "don't change more than you need to" is demanded when
using lyx and latex, at least to me. That said, yes. Changing the format
of how bibtex writes out the references in the document would work but
from a technical standpoint, that does far more than just change the
reference output for a single document so would best be avoided.


Your concern is true only if one saves the modified file under the same 
name as the original and somewhere in the tex tree. Good practice 
dictates that if one modifies a style file, then a different name is 
also given to it, as I did. And one can decide whether to have this new 
style available in the tex tree or to keep it local, since it is 
sufficient to have it saved in the current document's directory.

I can understand that bibtex has deep issues which are only really 
addressed by moving on to a different system, but the concern you raise 
does not appear to me to be one of them.


Re: how to restrict cited authors to 3 in the Bibliography

2014-09-26 Thread Julien Rioux

On 26/09/2014 9:38 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am 26.09.2014 um 15:34 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

I use spbasic (Springer Publ) as the bibstyle
(Koma script book)
and get the citations in the text right (Author1, X et al)
However, in the references all Coauthors are cited. How can I resrict
it to 3?
I tried to find an answer in the net, adding
\usepackage{natbib} to the preamble did not help.
Anybody who could help with a pointer?


In the references it should read like
Author1,X, Author2,X Author3,X et al
where X is the prenome abbreviation

To stick to bibtex, you would have to slightly modify the .bst style 
file, namely the format.names function, maybe something like this:

$ diff -u spbasic.bst spbasic3.bst
--- spbasic.bst 2014-09-26 16:17:29.093778700 -0400
+++ spbasic3.bst2014-09-26 16:25:46.120207000 -0400
@@ -490,6 +490,12 @@
   nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
   namesleft #1 - 'namesleft :=
+  nameptr #3 >
+  namesleft #0 >
+  and
+{" " * bbl.etal * #0 'namesleft :=}
+  if$
   } if$

The above says, if 3 names have already been printed, and the number of 
names remaining to be printed is greater than zero, than print " " and 
"et al" and set the number of remaining names to zero.

Attached is spbasic3.bst, a style file based on spbasic.bst with the 
above change.


%% This is file `spbasic.bst',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% merlin.mbs  (with options: 
%% For Springer medical, life sciences, chemistry, geology, engineering and 
%%   computer science publications. 
%% For use with the natbib package (see below). Default is author-year 
citations. %%
%%   When citations are numbered, please use \usepackage[numbers]{natbib}.  
%% A lack of punctuation is the key feature. Springer-Verlag 2004/10/15 
%% Report bugs and improvements to: Joylene Vette-Guillaume or Frank Holzwarth  
%% Copyright 1994-2004 Patrick W Daly
 % ===
 % This bibliographic style (bst) file has been generated from one or
 % more master bibliographic style (mbs) files, listed above.
 % This generated file can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
 % of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
 % archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
 % version 1 of the License, or any later version.
 % ===
 % Name and version information of the main mbs file:
 % \ProvidesFile{merlin.mbs}[2004/02/09 4.13 (PWD, AO, DPC)]
 %   For use with BibTeX version 0.99a or later
 % This bibliography style file is intended for texts in ENGLISH
 % This is an author-year citation style bibliography. As such, it is
 % non-standard LaTeX, and requires a special package file to function properly.
 % Such a package isnatbib.sty   by Patrick W. Daly
 % The form of the \bibitem entries is
 %   \bibitem[Jones et al.(1990)]{key}...
 %   \bibitem[Jones et al.(1990)Jones, Baker, and Smith]{key}...
 % The essential feature is that the label (the part in brackets) consists
 % of the author names, as they should appear in the citation, with the year
 % in parentheses following. There must be no space before the opening
 % parenthesis!
 % With natbib v5.3, a full list of authors may also follow the year.
 % In natbib.sty, it is possible to define the type of enclosures that is
 % really wanted (brackets or parentheses), but in either case, there must
 % be parentheses in the label.
 % The \cite command functions as follows:
 %   \citet{key} ==>>Jones et al. (1990)
 %   \citet*{key} ==>>   Jones, Baker, and Smith (1990)
 %   \citep{key} ==>>(Jones et al., 1990)
 %   \citep*{key} ==>>   (Jones, Baker, and Smith, 1990)
 %   \citep[chap. 2]{key} ==>>   (Jones et al., 1990, chap. 2)
 %   \citep[e.g.][]{key} ==>>(e.g. Jones et al., 1990)
 %   \citep[e.g.][p. 32]{key} ==>>   (e.g. Jones et al., p. 32)
 %   \citeauthor{key} ==>>   Jones et al.
 %   \citeaut

Re: Koma(book) question

2013-12-19 Thread Julien Rioux

On 19/12/2013 6:16 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

On Thursday 19 December 2013 10:53:21 Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

This is what I found and tried:



(or \setkomafont{section}{\normalfont\uppercase})

It does, what it should;

however, the


prevents the crossreference to other sections in the text

and the pdf output shows ?? instead, such as

Cyanobacteria (Section ??),

Using your proposal




gives me for all sec: crossreferences this:

LaTeX Warning: Reference `sec:LIGHT-AND-THE-HUMAN' on page 2 undefined
on input

line 152.

! Undefined control sequence.

\label #1->\@bsphack \begingroup \def \label@name

{#1}\label@hook \protected...

l.158 ...ical Clocks\label{sec:BIOLOGICAL-CLOCKS}}

It looks like you have labels inside the section titles, and now the 
labels are being capitalized. They probably should be moved outside, 
exactly after the section title on a Standard line.


Re: Comment écrire en Quôc Ngu' avec LyX ?

2013-12-18 Thread Julien Rioux

On 17/12/2013 8:31 PM, Robert Adolle wrote:

Merci de m'aider.

Sous Linux, je n'arrive même pas à me servir de X-Unikey, alors que,
hélas, j'y arrive avec cette horreur de Windows.
Normalement, on devrait pouvoir écrire en toutes les langues avec LyX,
et le viêtnamien est une langue alphabétique.

Merci !

Bonjour Robert: Cette liste est en anglais, je traduit pour que tout le 
monde puisse te comprendre et avec chance quelqu'un connait la réponse.

Hi Robert: This list is in English, I'll translate so that everyone can 
understand you and hopefully someone knows the answer.

Robert is asking how to write vietnamese using LyX. He says he doesn't 
succeed in using X-Unikey under Linux, whereas he could use it under 
Windows (but, reading between the lines, he would rather not use Windows 
OS). Normally, one should be able to write in any language with LyX, and 
vietnamese is an alphabetical language.


Re: Missing package lilypond-book->latex

2013-12-06 Thread Julien Rioux

On 06/12/2013 8:42 AM, Maurits Lamers wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to get the LilypondBook module to work under Mac OSX Mountain Lion 
(10.8), but it complains about not being able to find a package named 
I used the Tex Live Utility to find a package with that name, but haven't been 
able to find it, and anything else lilypond-related is already installed.

The Lyx log says:

14:28:45.466: (dialog-show document)Warning: Package not available

The module lilypond requires a package that is not
available in your LaTeX installation, or a converter that
you have not installed. LaTeX output may not be possible.
Missing prerequisites:
See section (Modules) of the User's Guide for more information.

It's missing the converter from the lilypond format to the latex format. 
This converter is a python script called lilypond-book (it might have a 
.py extension or not, depending on the OS) and it comes installed with 

I have tried to put lilypond-book and lilypond in the PATH, checked on 
permissions, but nothing seems to make a conversion to PDF available in the 
Edit menu.
Running TexLive 2013, Lyx 2.0.6, Lilypond 2.16.1.

First thought: Did you reconfigure LyX? (menu Tools > Reconfigure)


Re: fancy footer

2013-12-04 Thread Julien Rioux

On 04/12/2013 10:28 AM, Ignacio Martinez wrote:

Can somebody help me write a fancy footer like the one in this paper

Something like this in your document preamble?

  CEPWC Working Paper Series No. 17. November 2013.\\%
  Available at\\%
  Curry School of Education |
  Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy |
  \textbf{University of Virginia}%


Re: layout for osa-revtex

2013-12-03 Thread Julien Rioux

On 02/12/2013 12:17 PM, Patrick Dupre wrote:


I did not find a layout for osa-revtex style:
Maybe some can tell me if he already built up or how I should
buid up one.


Hi Patrick,

I've made a revtex4-1 layout that you can find at

Class options that are specific to the OSA can be entered in Document 
Settings > Document Class > Class options. Let us know if that works for 


Re: Bibliographies with sections and preambles

2013-10-14 Thread Julien Rioux

On 13/10/2013 1:13 PM, wrote:

Hello List Members,

Please bear with me as I'm a newcomer.

I have a question about sections & preambles in a bibliography to which I just
can't figure out the answer.

I'm working with the Koma Script book class (LyX 2.0.6 on OS X 10.7). At the end
of the book, I have to (1) have a bibliography with 3 different sections. Also,
(2) I have to insert text preambles, preferably after the bibliography section
titles and before the actual references themselves. At the very least, I could
settle for just one text preamble after the main title "Bibliography", and
before the first bibliography section title. (See below for crude examples of
the desired result).

Also—and this seems to be important—I'm doing the bibliography
manually, i.e. I'm not generating it automatically with any external databases.

I discovered the setting "Sectioned Bibliography" in Document Settings /
Bibliography. And I've read the PDF entitled "LyX Extended Features", esp.
§3.1.2., and other messages on this list. However, I just can't figure out how
to implement this manually. Any solutions seem to rely on the use of an external
database, which I don't use. But it doesn't seem as if it should be that
complicated, especially for someone not averse to using ERT.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Regards, and many thanks to anyone who'd have any ideas about this.


Example of the desired result:


All Published Works by An Author
Some text preamble about the published works
Published Work 1
Published Work 2

All Unpublished Works by An Author
Some text preamble about the unpublished works
Unpublished Work 1
Unpublished Work 2

All Other Sources
Source 1
Source 2

At the very least, this would be acceptable:

Some text preamble about the bibliography

All Published Works by An Author
Published Work 1
Published Work 2

All Unpublished Works by An Author
Unpublished Work 1
Unpublished Work 2

All Other Sources
Source 1
Source 2


The bibliography preamble is the content of the macro \bibpreamble. It's 
empty by default, but you can set it using \def\bibpreamble{This text is 
the preamble.} in ERT. Since you are using Koma-Script, you can use 
\setbibpreamble{Text} to achieve the same. Koma-Script additionally 
offers the \BreakBibliography command to insert text fragments (or even 
section titles) between bibliographic entries. See the attached example 
and the Koma-Script documentation (scrguien.pdf) for more.


Description: application/lyx

Re: Formatting Article for PLoS One

2013-09-05 Thread Julien Rioux

On 05/09/2013 5:59 AM, Csikos Bela wrote:

Julien Rioux  írta:

On 05/09/2013 5:08 AM, Csikos Bela wrote:

Jane Shevtsov  írta:


I'm trying to format an article for submission to PLoS One.
I'm using their BiBTeX style sheet (
plos2009.bst) and the bibliography works fine but I get "
(author?)" errors in the text when trying to cite an article as
Author [ID]. Apparently, this is because their style file isn't a
Natbib style,

No, this is not correct. That style is a natbib style. It was made by
custom bib which supports natbib. The beginning  of the bst file indicates


%% This is file `PLoS.bst',

%% generated with the docstrip utility.


%% The original source files were:


%% merlin.mbs  (with options: ..."

Hmm? The fact that it is generated by a tool that /can/ produce fully
compatible natbib styles does not make this style a natbib style. It is
a plain LaTeX style, with no additional packages required, just like
plain.bst or unsrt.bst, so let's not call it something else. Natbib
/will/ be able to use it to produce purely numerical citations, but the
same is true for the standard plain.bst or unsrt.bst, and one wouldn't
call those "natbib" styles.

OK, of course you're right in that sense. I only wanted to emphasize
that this bst works with natbib package. It is a natbib compatible

Let me ask which styles would you call then natib style? Only those
ones which come packed with the natbib package?

Rough answer: those that require \usepackage{natbib} (and nothing else 
will do).

Technical answer: those that produce \bibitem in natbib's syntax:

\bibitem[Author 1 et al.(2013)Author 1, Author 2 and Author 3]{...}

That includes not only the styles shipped with the natbib package, also 
generated ones.

There are many other syntaxes for \bibitem, invented by other packages: 
natbib will understand most of them, but it then might be feature-limited.


Re: Formatting Article for PLoS One

2013-09-05 Thread Julien Rioux

On 05/09/2013 5:08 AM, Csikos Bela wrote:

Jane Shevtsov  írta:


I'm trying to format an article for submission to PLoS One.
I'm using their BiBTeX style sheet (
plos2009.bst) and the bibliography works fine but I get "
(author?)" errors in the text when trying to cite an article as
Author [ID]. Apparently, this is because their style file isn't a
Natbib style,

No, this is not correct. That style is a natbib style. It was made by
custom bib which supports natbib. The beginning  of the bst file indicates


%% This is file `PLoS.bst',

%% generated with the docstrip utility.


%% The original source files were:


%% merlin.mbs  (with options: ..."

Hmm? The fact that it is generated by a tool that /can/ produce fully 
compatible natbib styles does not make this style a natbib style. It is 
a plain LaTeX style, with no additional packages required, just like 
plain.bst or unsrt.bst, so let's not call it something else. Natbib 
/will/ be able to use it to produce purely numerical citations, but the 
same is true for the standard plain.bst or unsrt.bst, and one wouldn't 
call those "natbib" styles.


Re: Formatting Article for PLoS One

2013-09-05 Thread Julien Rioux

On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 11:08 PM, Jane Shevtsov  wrote:

> Hi Julien,
> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Julien Rioux  wrote:
>> On 03/09/2013 11:54 PM, Jane Shevtsov wrote:
>>> Also, PLoS provides a template for LaTeX users.
>>> (**static/plos_template.tex<>)
>>> What do I do with that
>>> thing? I tried just importing the template into LyX and copying my text
>>> into it, but it's not at all clear what to do with the figure legends
>>> and tables. Do I edit the ERT directly?
>> These probably shouldn't come out as ERT. The reason is probably because
>> there is no .layout file for this LaTeX class. Creating a layout file is
>> explained in the Customization manual and might be as simple as copying the
>> standard article.layout. With a layout in place, the import from LaTeX
>> should do a better job.
> The file that PLoS provides is just a template, NOT a class. (Click the
> link.) How do I make a layout from a template?

Sorry, I should have had a look. It i using the article class, so that's
fine. In the template, the LaTeX code for inserting figure and table floats
are commented out with % characters at the beginning of the lines, that's
why it gets imported as ERT. Just insert figure and table floats in the
usual way using the LyX frontend, it will generate the LaTeX code for you.
LyX generates standard LaTeX for this, and the template also uses standard
LaTeX here (as opposed to their formatting for the title and authors), so
this should not be a problem.


> Thanks,
> Jane
> --
> -
> Jane Shevtsov, Ph.D.
> Mathematical Biology Curriculum Writer, UCLA
> co-founder,
> “Those who say it cannot be done should not interfere with those who are
> doing it.” --attributed to Robert Heinlein, George Bernard Shaw and others

Re: FW: error on View [Ctrl-R]: The directory path to the document cannot contain spaces

2013-09-04 Thread Julien Rioux

On 28/08/2013 4:16 AM, Roel Schipper - CITG wrote:

If I export my file to LaTeX and compile it outside of LyX with my MikTeX it 
works, so the problem does not seem to be in the MikTeX installation. Btw, I 
did not change MikTeX during or after updating to LyX 2.0.6. The error also 
occurs *immediately* after pushing the View (CTRL-R) button, apparently even 
before calling MikTeX. Modifying all my path names is not a good solution, 
since all my earlier LyX-work would not be able to find images then.

Can you please add your issue to the bug tracker for LyX, so that we 
don't forget about it. Add a link to this discussion.


Re: alignment of too-wide figures/tables

2013-09-04 Thread Julien Rioux

On 16/08/2013 8:09 AM, Andreas Hilboll wrote:

Hi LyX experts,

I have a twoside document, in which some Figures/Tables are wider than
my \textwidth. Is there a way to have these Tables/Figures automatically
align with the text body on the inner margin? Currently, they are
aligned with the text body on the left, which looks bad on left pages.

Any help is greatly appreciated :)
Cheers, Andreas.

Interesting problem, but it seems like nobody knows. You might have 
better luck on a LaTeX forum.


Re: Cross-reference to subeq. within subequations environ

2013-09-04 Thread Julien Rioux

On 04/09/2013 9:45 AM, Rudi Gaelzer wrote:

Ok, I know I should've first read the whole AMSmath documentation before
asking this but... this is faster...

Say I have a bunch of equations within a labeled subequations
environment. Something like (in LaTeX):











... \ref{eq:eq1} ...

The equations are all labeled with the same number and with the roman
subnumbers from a through d.

As long as I'm aware, I can only \ref{} the main label. I can not make
an automatic reference to a particular subequation unless I label it as

If I don't do it, I have to write the roman subnumber manually. However,
if I later on insert another equation within the subequations, I'll have
to scan the whole document and fix the subnumbers in all cross references...

Does anyone know of a way to automatize this process? Without having to
label individual eqs, I mean. Perhaps there's a package in CTAN that I
don't know of. And does LyX support it?

Why wouldn't you label the subequation that you specifically want to 
reference? That's exactly how you should do it, I think. That's how 
LaTeX handles this problem. Especially if you are worried about perhaps 
inserting or removing subequations before the referenced one.


Re: Formatting Article for PLoS One

2013-09-04 Thread Julien Rioux

On 03/09/2013 11:54 PM, Jane Shevtsov wrote:

I'm trying to format an article for submission to PLoS One. I'm using
their BiBTeX style sheet (
and the bibliography works fine but I get "(author?)" errors in the text
when trying to cite an article as Author [ID]. Apparently, this is
because their style file isn't a Natbib style, but changing the
bibliography style to default or Jurabib doesn't work. Is there anything
I can do short of typing authors' names by hand?

Ask them to provide a natbib-compatible style, or create one yourself. 
As it is, their style is meant to be used with the "default" 
bibliography mode. You can use it with natbib, but you won't be able to 
use natbib's features.

Also, PLoS provides a template for LaTeX users.
( What do I do with that
thing? I tried just importing the template into LyX and copying my text
into it, but it's not at all clear what to do with the figure legends
and tables. Do I edit the ERT directly?

These probably shouldn't come out as ERT. The reason is probably because 
there is no .layout file for this LaTeX class. Creating a layout file is 
explained in the Customization manual and might be as simple as copying 
the standard article.layout. With a layout in place, the import from 
LaTeX should do a better job.



Re: Citation and reference style

2013-08-24 Thread Julien Rioux

On 23/08/2013 3:08 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am Thursday, 22. August 2013, 20:46:14 schrieb Csikos Bela:

 > >So I select under tools>output>latex> Bibliography Processor > bibtex

 > >(or custom? or bibtex8?)


 > It seems you are using an older lyx version. It should work with it,

 > still I suggest upgrading lyx to version 2.x.

###Thanks for your answer.

I am using 2.0.6

May be I should upgrade, but I am always afraid I do something wrong and
can't work with it afterward. There is a deadline for a book chapter


 > Set bibliography processor to bibtex. bibtex8 might work as well, I

 > never tried it. If you select bibtex, make sure those fields in the bib

 > database file that will be in the output do have only ASCII or latin-1

 > encoded characters. Special characters should be replaced by latex

 > commands (eg. ö is \"{o} etc.).


 > >Since I have over 700 citations, I used Jabref for my bibliography and

 > >clicked the references via the lyx-export of jabref to the

 > >corresponding places of my document. If I use \setcitestyle{aysep={}}

 > >instead of your proposed \setcitestyle{round,aysep={}}, and if I put

 > >() around the citation, I get what I need.


 > Do not add manually '(' and ')' around citations. The opening and

 > closing braces (rounded, square, or other) are part of the citation.

 > And it is better to add the citations within lyx.


 > I don't know if jabref can handle the two different types of citations:

 > ' and 'text (Author year) text'. Can it make a

 > difference? If you insert the citations within lyx you can select which

 > type you want. If you look at the source you can see that the latex

 > command for the two types are different, \citet and \citep.


 > Also, if you have several citations in a group, lyx can handle it.

 > Can jabref handle that?

###I do it via lyx (add)


 > Unfortunately you have to go through all the citations and adjust them

 > manually. Or you can work on the .lyx source file directly using a text

 > editor and replacing all cite* command with citep. (Make a backup

 > of the original file before editing!) After this open your edited file

 > in lyx, find the few (I suppose) occasions of 'text Author (year) text'

 > type citations and adjust them manually.


 > The \setcitestyle{round,aysep={}} and \setcitestyle{aysep={}}

 > commands in the preamble have the same effect, as round is the

 > default option in case of author-year citation. Removing or adding it

 > does not make any difference.


 > >But what about eg: (Praschak-Rieder and Willeit 2012) and in case

 > >of three authors and more (Crosthwait et al. 1997)?


 > I don't understand what your question is.

### here I meant the 'et al' after more then 2 authors in a (one!)

author 1

author 1 and author 2

author 1 et all (3 authors or more)

 > Unfortunately latex handles citations in goups. One group is all

 > the citations selected and added at the same time. All these citations

 > will be between the same pair of parentheses. If you add neighboring

 > citations separately, they will be within different parentheses pairs.


 > The source also shows the difference. For example.


 > 3 citations in one group:


 > \citep{citation1,citation2,citaton3}


 > The output will be:


 > (author1 year1, author2 year2, author3 year3)


 > However if you add them separately, like this:


 > \citep{citation1} \citep{citation2} \cite{citaton3}


 > the output will be:


 > (author1 year1) (author2 year2) (author3 year3)


 > You can adjust the opening and closing braces and the seperators

 > between authors etc using \setcitestyle.


 > Read the natbib manual (available at CTAN) section 2.9 Selecting

 > citation punctuation.


 > >Where in the .lyx file (or elsewhere) would I place the authdate.bst

 > >file you kindly supplied?


 > You can put it anywhere you want, but the best place is the directory

 > where your .lyx file is. You select the bst file by clicking 'BibTeX

 > Generated Bibliography' and browse for it.

### I guess there is a 'normal' place? I have it now in .lyx/layouts

The .bst file has to be found by *bibtex*, so .lyx/layouts isn't a 
particularly good choice (unless you additionally tell bibtex to look 
there). The document directory, as suggested by Csikos, works just fine.


Re: Citation and reference style

2013-08-24 Thread Julien Rioux

On 24/08/2013 3:13 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am Friday, 23. August 2013, 20:41:37 schrieb Csikos Bela:

 > Wolfgang Engelmann  írta:


 > I haven't tried 2.1 beta yet. 2.0.6 should work in your case perfectly.


 > >For clarification I include a small lyx file and bib file with which I

 > >tried out your authdate.bst file you had sent, but it did not work (??

 > >instead of citations, no references, no error message.


 > It works perfectly. In your sample lyx file you have loaded natbib

 > twice, probably that was the reason for fail. If you load natbib

 > through lyx GUI you must not load it again in your preamble.


 > I modified your sample lyx file and I attach it here with the output

 > pdf.


 > bcsikos

Thanks again, Csikos.

I do not quite understand


there are only 3 citation styles:

default (numerical)

Natbib with style Author-year and numerical



How would I modify Natbib with something else besides Author-year (eg
round, comma)? In the preamble, and would this overwrite the
bibliography setting? (eg with your \setcitestyle{comma,aysep={}}?

Why is default only numerical? What if I want Kluwer style or something
else? I can't leave everything unchecked in Bibliography, I have to
check one.

The file kluwer.bst is used with harvard.sty or natbib.sty. If you watn 
to use harvard.sty, select the "default" bibliography and put


in your document preamble. If you want to use natbib.sty instead 
(recommended), select the "natbib author-year" setting. If you need 
additional customization of natbib options, do it in the document 
preamble as Csikos explained.

kluwer.bst supports full author citation, so you're good to use it with 
all the natbib features.


Re: Problem with citations (author?)

2013-08-03 Thread Julien Rioux

On 03/08/2013 9:25 AM, Ignacio Martinez wrote:

Hi everyone,

When I try to add a citation I get see for instance (author?) [1, 3, 5].

How can I fix this?

Thanks a lot

PS: All the files to replicate this problem are available in this
dropbox folder


You are using the bibliography style "plain", which is intended for use 
with the default (and limited) citation capabilities of LaTeX; for full 
natbib support you should use "plainnat" (or any other "...nat" 
variant). This is changed in the settings for the BibTeX bibliography inset.


Re: KOMA Script Letter 2: Continuation Page Headings

2013-07-02 Thread Julien Rioux

On 02/07/2013 11:17 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:

   In multipage business letters here in the US all continuation pages
have a header in the upper left of the page containing

Addressee's Name
Date as shown on page 1
Page number

   While I thought that the KOMA-Script Letter 2 configuration I use had
capability and how to do this was worked out years ago I don't have a
of how to do this in my saved messages and I am not finding the solution in
my Web searches.

   Please point me to a resource that explains how to add this continuation
page header.

Thanks in advance,


Hi Rich,

I could find this thread about it, where it seems that a solution was 


Re: Multiple citations

2013-07-02 Thread Julien Rioux

On 02/07/2013 11:17 AM, Elena Serioli wrote:

Ok, I created a little example, with a general "father" document, a
"Chapter 1" and a Bibliography..

If you create a pdf of the general document I'll see that the second
citation isn't extended..

2013/7/2 Liviu Andronic>>


On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 3:18 PM, Elena>> wrote:
 > Hi everybody,
 > I'm having some troubles with multiple citations in Lyx.
 > When I have to cite more than one bibliographic note per time,
what I see in
 > the PDF is the first citation extended and the other ones just as
the first
 > author's letter..
 > For example, if I cite Me et al, 2000; You et al, 2001; Them and
al, 2009,
 > what I get is (Me and al, 2000, Y, T).
Could you provide us with a very small example of a LyX file and .bib
file that reproduce the issue? This way we can better investigate what
goes wrong.


Thanks for providing a small example. The problem is that you need to 
define the label correctly, according to the natbib style, in exactly 
the form "Authors(2013)". See the attached, corrected and simplified 


example corrected.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Re: psfragfig

2013-07-02 Thread Julien Rioux
On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 2:50 PM, Michael Bach  wrote:

> Hi Julien,
> On 5/19/13 11:55 PM, Julien Rioux wrote:
>> On 28/10/2012 6:01 AM, Michael Bach wrote:
>>> Ok, although I did not solve this in terms of LyX configuration: Just a
>>> quick notice for sake of completeness and in case someone is plagued by
>>> this issue and might be happy to find this.
>>> On 10/26/12 12:29 PM, Michael Bach wrote:
>>>> Now when I try to compile the document, I see the line:
>>>> === pstool: begin processing ===
>>>> Error exporting to format
>>>> pdf2/Users/Shared/LyX/lyx-2.0.**4/src/support/Systemcall.cpp(**273):
>>>> Systemcall: 'pdflatex -synctex=-1 -shell-escape  "skriptum.tex"'
>>>> finished with exit code 1
>>>> in the messages pane and get the error:
>>>> I can't write on file `figures/EulerExplizit-pstool.**tex'.
>>>> Now I assume that the external command from pstool is run inside the
>>>> temporary LyX directory and it thus cannot find the figures/ folder to
>>>> write the .tex file to...
>>>>  AFAIK, LyX does not copy the .eps and .tex psfrag files to the
>>> temporary
>>> directory, because it does not parse the ERT for the psfragfig macro. I
>>> decided to reference the files under figures/ directly with absolute
>>> paths to the source dir. This does work via "openout_any = a" in
>>> texmf.cnf but then compiling foreign documents does not feel secure
>>> anymore...
>>> I read the LyX "Customization" manual under 'Copier' for a better
>>> solution, but could not find a reference to the LyX temporary directory
>>> and have no clue how to best solve this in terms of LyX policy.
>>> Michael
>> The way I use psfrag is to insert the .eps into LyX using the standard
>> way from the Insert menu, and put the psfrag code in ERT in the LyX
>> document. This way, LyX handles the copying of the .eps file correctly.
>> You obviously need the correct \usepackage line added to your preamble
>> in document settings.
> Thanks for your comment. I somehow missed your answer after all this
> time...
Well, it took me quite some time to answer in the first place...

> I get how you mentioned the inclusion of the .eps file - I remember trying
> that initially. I also assume you mean `\usepackage{pstool}' as correct
> preamble line(?). However, I do not know what you mean by 'psfrag code'.
Actually, I just use \usepackage{psfrag} directly (\usepackage{pstool}
isn't necessary for pdf output via ps2pdf). The psfrag code that I refer to
is the content of the .tex file generated by matlabfrag alongside the .eps
file. I would be copy-pasting the content of the .tex file into an ERT, but
you could also input the .tex file via "Insert>File>Child Doc". What this
accomplishes corresponds to what is described at the beginning of section
4.2 of the matlabfrag userguide.pdf manual. If you need to use pdflatex,
you'll need the \usepackage{pstool} instead, but then I don't know how to
help you!

Hope this helps a bit more,

> Am I missing something?
> Michael

Re: hf-tikz.sty on fedora 16

2013-06-16 Thread Julien Rioux

On 06/06/2013 7:37 PM, Patrick Dupre wrote:


I am trying to install hf-tikz.sty and colortbl.sty (from on a 
fedora 16.
Where should I installed them ?
I tried:
but there are not found.

Did you run texhash?

So I put them in a special directory where latex can read them, but
I get:
)) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz.code.tex
Package: tikz 2006/10/17 v1.10 (rcs-revision 1.68)

This version of tikz is very old, and likely incompatible with hf-tikz.sty

File: pgflibraryplothandlers.code.tex 2006/10/16 v1.10 (rcs-revision 1.8)
Normal \dimen register pool exhausted, switching to extended pool.
File: pgflibrarytikztopaths.code.tex 2006/10/16 v1.10 (rcs-revision 1.5)
! I can't find file `pgflibrarytikzshadings.code.tex'.
 ...t pgflibrarytikz\pgf@temp .code.tex
   \catcode `\@ =\csname tikz...
l.22 \usetikzlibrary{shadings}

Please type another input file name
! Emergency stop.
 ...t pgflibrarytikz\pgf@temp .code.tex
   \catcode `\@ =\csname tikz...
l.22 \usetikzlibrary{shadings}

*** (job aborted, file error in nonstop mode)

I cannot find a pgflibrarytikzshadings.code.tex file.

What should I do?

Update your TeX distro.


Re: Document class missing after installation

2013-06-09 Thread Julien Rioux

On 07/06/2013 3:18 PM, Y.A. Sharif wrote:

Dear Rubin
Thank you very much for your quick reply. I am sorry for the delayed
response to your email. I went step by step according to your suggestions.
1. I could not find any configure.log file under
C:\users\...\Roaming\LyX 2.0. There was only one folder named "cache"
and a file outside the folder named "session".
2.I tried to run configuration script in DOS windows: C:\Program
Files(x86)\LyX20\Python\Python.exe , this one did not show any error.
But when I ran the other one with it showed the following
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\LyX 2.0\Resources\", line 11,
in , 
import  sys, os, re , shutil, glob, logging, subprocess
File "C:\python25\lib\", line375, in
import threading
File "C:\python25\lib\", line 13, in 
from collections import deque
Import error: No module named collections

I again apologize for being little late to reply to the group and rubin.

I really appreciate your help and time.

Thank you very much.


*From:* Paul A. Rubin 
*To:* Y.A. Sharif 
*Sent:* Friday, June 7, 2013 9:37 AM
*Subject:* Re: Document class missing after installation


LyX creates a user directory for you, where it stores your preferences
and other "local" files. On my Windows 7 partition, the user directory
is C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Roaming\LyX2.0. If you have trouble finding it,
Help > About LyX should point you to it.

In that directory, there should be a text file named configure.log. (If
not, keep reading, I'll get to that case.) It's generated when the
Python configuration script runs. (This is script is both run at
installation and when you click Tools > Reconfigure in LyX.) In it, you
should see lines like the following:

INFO: checking for a Latex2e program...
INFO: +checking for "latex"...  yes
INFO: checking for a DVI postprocessing program...
INFO: +checking for "pplatex"...  yes

and eventually

INFO: checking for the pdflatex program...
INFO: +checking for "pdflatex"...  yes

If they read "no", it means LyX failed to detect MiKTeX for some reason.
I've seen this happen when the user had Cygwin installed, for instance.
I don't know if it is still true, but Cygwin used to come with a broken
copy of LaTeX, and if Cygwin was in front of MiKTeX on the system
command path, LyX would test the Cygwin version of latex.exe and
conclude that there was no working LaTeX compiler on the system.

If the log shows that LyX found MiKTeX ('yes' responses), go back to a
DOS prompt and run 'kpsewhich article.cls' (if the article class is
"missing" according to LyX) and make sure that MiKTeX finds it. If that
looks correct, or if the log file is missing, then I suggest you cd to
your LyX user directory and run the configuration script in a DOS
window. The command line will look something like the following
(allowing for the possibility that your installation path is different):

"C:\Program Files (x86)\LyX20\Python\python.exe" "C:\Program Files

See if any error messages appear.


On 06/06/2013 06:44 PM, Y.A. Sharif wrote:

Thankk you Paul for your reply.
I have checked according to your suggestion. It shows in DOS prmopt
:"this is pdfTeX, Version 3.14-...-1.40.13
But I could not understand your 2nd paragraph. Do you want me to check
the log generated by lyx ? Little confused, could you explain little more.
Thank you.


*From:* Paul Rubin  
*Sent:* Thursday, June 6, 2013 3:11 PM
*Subject:* Re: Document class missing after installation

Is the MiKTeX bin directory on your system path? Can you run "latex
at a DOS prompt (without supplying a path to MiKTeX) and get a response
with a plausible version date?

If yes, take a look at the log generated by the installer (should be
in your user directory, I think) and see if it found a LaTeX installation.
You might want to publish the log to the list.


This looks to me like again.


Re: using LyX to write AGU journal articles

2013-05-21 Thread Julien Rioux
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 6:34 PM, Kristoffer Walker  wrote:

> Thanks, but I've moved to a different Latex program already.  Your
> response may have been more helpful to me six months ago.
> Kris

Sorry to hear that. All the best in your endeavours!

Re: Remove the automatically added amssymb

2013-05-21 Thread Julien Rioux

On 20/05/2013 7:54 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Am 20.05.2013 03:33, schrieb

Removing the amssymb is the official solution to the conflict problem
between them. You can see it on the web of mtpro2.

I cannot test this because mtpro2 is not part of MiKTeX and TeXLive
because of its license. Seems it is not free.

However, it is a bug that a font package cannot handle the amsmath
packages. amsmath is the de-facto standard for years in the LaTeX world
and that is the first time I heard they cannot be handled. Please report
this as bug to the mtpro2 developers to get this fixed.

As amsmath is standard LyX does not offer a way to remove the amssymb
package. Maybe you can do it via the document preamble that is placed
after the call of amssymb.

As Paul Rubin commented (if you did not see his reply, concider 
subscribing to the list) there is indeed a way to suppress amssymb. You 
can use the module that he provided or directly put the following in 
document settings > local layout:

Format 35
Provides amssymb 1

But then it is up to you to make sure any needed macro is defined.


Re: Remove the automatically added amssymb

2013-05-21 Thread Julien Rioux

On 20/05/2013 7:54 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Am 20.05.2013 03:33, schrieb

Removing the amssymb is the official solution to the conflict problem
between them. You can see it on the web of mtpro2.

I cannot test this because mtpro2 is not part of MiKTeX and TeXLive
because of its license. Seems it is not free.

However, it is a bug that a font package cannot handle the amsmath
packages. amsmath is the de-facto standard for years in the LaTeX world
and that is the first time I heard they cannot be handled. Please report
this as bug to the mtpro2 developers to get this fixed.

As amsmath is standard LyX does not offer a way to remove the amssymb
package. Maybe you can do it via the document preamble that is placed
after the call of amssymb.

As Paul Rubin commented (if you did not see his reply, concider 
subscribing to the list) there is indeed a way to suppress amssymb. You 
can use the module that he provided or directly put the following in 
document settings > local layout:

Format 35
Provides amssymb 1

But then it is up to you to make sure any needed macro is defined.


Re: conflict between LyX and Gimp for the use of python

2013-05-21 Thread Julien Rioux

On 11/05/2012 10:50 AM, Alex Vergara Gil wrote:

Hello LyXers!

I have a system with windows 7 which have previously installed python
2.6 for the use of GIMP, this sofware do use python for a lot of things
so I cannot remove it from the system. I want to install LyX in this
system but when I do that all goes wrong because all the python scripts
refers to the python 2.6 already installed instead of the correct python
inside LyX. Is there a way to tell LyX that he must use the python
located inside it and not the python of the system? I cannot found
anything such a "python executable location" variable neither in LyX nor
in registry.

My problem goes further than just converters, which behaves wrong in
almost all the cases, it refers to the entire LyX system which use a lot
of python scripts and there are a lot of errors when for example

LyX 2.0.0, GIMP 2.6.11, python 2.6 in the system, windows 7... if you
need anything else to answer let me know.

Alex Vergara Gil
MSc. Física Nuclear
Laboratorio Secundario de Calibración Dosimétrica
Centro de Protección e Higiene de las Radiaciones
Calle 20 No. 4113 e/ 18A y 47 Playa
La Habana, Cuba
A.P.6195 C.P.10600
Telf: (537)6824892, (537)6821803
Fax: (537)2030165


Re: LyX ; look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.)

2013-05-21 Thread Julien Rioux

On 21/05/2013 2:26 PM, John Kane wrote:

Thanks for the explanation.

I've just opened for this issue.


Re: using LyX to write AGU journal articles

2013-05-21 Thread Julien Rioux

On 10/07/2012 7:33 PM, Kristoffer Walker wrote:


I am trying to write an AGU journal article using the AGU document class in 
LyX, a front-end to MacTex.  I have been able to generate a good looking 
manuscript with LyX, with one important caveat: the compiled manuscript fails 
to include the Abstract.  I have determined the problem is that the AGU 
document class expects the following missing statement just after the abstract 


Similarly, a /end{article} is needed at the end of the document, just before 
the /end{document}.

I can of course write in LyX and then ultimately export to *.tex in the end, 
add the lines, recompile, and submit the manuscript, but is there a better way 
to fix this?  For example, can I edit a Layout file or similar to have these 
things done automatically so that the Abstract will show up from a compilation 
within LyX?

Thank you,
Kris Walker

I've just opened for this issue.


Re: LyX ; look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.)

2013-05-21 Thread Julien Rioux

On 28/03/2013 1:58 PM, John Kane wrote:

LyX Ubuntu 12.10

I am trying to import and run a LateX file in LyX. The problem arises
when I have a figure with subfigures.  A single figure processes with no

The file is fine in LaTeX but chokes in Lyx. I have seen a few
references to the problem on the internet but I have not seen any
solution that makes sense to me. The closest thing seems to be
but since it is referring to a LaTeX problem not a LyX problem it does
not help.

The original file produces 14 pages of pdf output with 12 figures both
single and multiple layouts with no problems and so I thought I'd see
how well it imports into LyX

I have attached a stripped-down .tex file and two png files that I am
using as a test case. I imported the .tex file into LyX using File >
Import > Latex(plain)...

The error message is :
Missing number, treated as zero.
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
Missing number, treated as zero.
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
Missing number, treated as zero.
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
Missing number, treated as zero.
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
Missing number, treated as zero.
Missing number, treated as zero.
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).

\centering \begin{subfigure}{[}
b{]}{0.5\textwidth} \centering
A number should have been here; I inserted `0'.
(If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number,
look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.)

When I look at the LaTeX Preamble in LyX I get:
the Toucanite}
\title{The Scholar}

My LaTeX preamble is
\usepackage[margin = 4.0 cm]{geometry}
\author{John the Toucanite}
\title{The Scholar}

I tried pasting the LaTeX preamble into LyX and removed
\usepackage[margin = 4.0 cm]{geometry}
since they were giving me conflicts.

I still get the same error.

Indeed, \begin{subfigure}[h]{0.5\textwidth} isn't parsed correctly by 
tex2lyx: It is put into ERT except that [h] ends up outside of ERT. On 
LaTeX output, LyX tries to protect the square brackets by outputting 
{[}h{]}, but this is incorrect LaTeX.

Just checked and this bug is also in the development version LyX 2.1


Re: disable package

2013-05-21 Thread Julien Rioux

On 21/05/2013 1:20 PM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 12:53 PM, Julien Rioux  wrote:

In document settings:
Edit the local layout to tell LyX that we are providing bm ourself:

Format 35
Provides bm true

Note that (on 2.1git) LyX gives the following warning:
LyX: Bad integer `true' [around line 2 of file
/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.rDYhXLs25464/convert_layout.ELJOAZs25464 current
token: 'true' context: '']

Changing "true" to "1" fixes this for me.
Should the layout validator in Document Settings catch this (it
currently does not)? I know it is not supposed to be too strict but
wanted to check anyway.


That's just me writing this layout snippet from memory. The correct 
documented usage is indeed "1" or "0".

Interestingly, if I replace by "false", I get the same effect as if I 
had typed "1". LyX seems to accept anything different from "0" as true, 
while the script that updates the format from 35 to X seems stricter on 
this (X being, current LyX 2.1git format).


Re: ACM SIGPLAN class and template: problem with terms & keywords

2013-05-21 Thread Julien Rioux

On 21/10/2012 2:51 AM, Gabi Kedma wrote:

I have the following problem:
I am working with the ACM sigplan class and template.
It requires me to specify both 'General Terms' and 'Keywords'.
The template uses:
\begin_layout Terms
\begin_layout Keywords
However, when I convert this to PDF, both appear on the PDF as 'General
(It shows 'General Terms' twice, once with the terms, and once with the
What should I do to solve this problem?

This has been corrected:

Re: Export XHTML and Branches

2013-05-21 Thread Julien Rioux

On 02/05/2013 11:10 AM, Jean-Louis GALLINARI wrote:

I receive this message :

"Signal SIGSEGV perçu"

and I'm asked to send a bug-report then Lyx crashes when I close the
window by clicking "ok"

I also did not have any problem exporting to either HTML (with htlatex) 
or LyXHTML. Which converter are you using?


Re: Specifying a path prefix in a LaTeX macro

2013-05-21 Thread Julien Rioux

On 09/05/2013 1:11 PM, Stephen Brooking wrote:

I've tried the same under Windows (I need this to work with LyX under
Windows), setting an environment variable to point to a path (and
reconfiguring and restarting LyX just in case), and specifying that path as
my \filepath, but I still get the same 'I can't write on file
`/testreq1.tex' error.

Just to add a bit more information, if I try this from a Windows command
prompt I get the same error.
kpsewhich tells me that TEXMFOUTPUT is set to what I think it is set to:

kpsewhich --var-value=TEXMFOUTPUT


! I can't write on file `C:\docs\testreq1.tex'

If I remove the path setting from my test.tex file so I basically have this:

\immediate\write\tempfile{Some text}


and set the -output-directory command line option to pdflatex:

pdflatex -output-directory C:\docs test.tex

It all works, so I know that I can write files to that directory.  (Setting
the -output-directory like this though with LyX has the downside that LyX
then can't find the output PDF file as it isn't in the temp directory that
it expects.)

Also to note, it also works if I set -output-directory to %TEXMFOUTPUT%.

So, any clues as to why this doesn't work when just relying on the
TEXMFOUTPUT variable, without setting -output-directory?

Thanks and regards,


I think you need to set openout_any accordingly. In any case, first make 
sure this works with latex from the command line, only then should you 
try to do the same from within LyX.


Re: disable package

2013-05-21 Thread Julien Rioux

On 21/05/2013 11:21 AM, Patrick Dupre wrote:


lyx (2.0.5) make a
\usepackage{bm} that I am unable to control. Why?

I need to make a
and not

How can I do it?


  Patrick DUPRÉ | | email:
  Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l'Atmosphère | |
  Université du Littoral-Côte d'Opale   | |
  Tel.  (33)-(0)3 28 23 76 12   | | Fax: 03 28 65 82 44
  189A, avenue Maurice Schumann | | 59140 Dunkerque, France

In document settings:
Edit the local layout to tell LyX that we are providing bm ourself:

Format 35
Provides bm true

Edit the preamble to add our packages in the desired order:


See attached :)


Description: application/lyx

Re: siunitx table support

2013-05-20 Thread Julien Rioux

On 10/04/2013 10:10 AM, Andreas Hilboll wrote:


I often use the package siunitx [] for nice
alignment of decimal places / uncertainty separators in tables.

Is there any way I can define the S column type provided by the package
for tables within LyX?

If not, maybe this would be a nice addition -- perhaps even for GSOC?

Cheers, Andreas.

1) Right click on your table column and select More > Settings.
2) In the dialog set the "LaTeX argument" to S.
3) Report back if it works or not. :)


Re: Tutorial - missing sentence about the Letter environment

2013-05-20 Thread Julien Rioux

On 08/04/2013 2:06 PM, ARNOLD STEPHANE wrote:


I think theTutorial misses a sentence in the 2.2.3 section.

I think it should say that pressing Control-Enter in an adress(in a
Letter document) can perform a linebreak. Somehow it should tell it, I

Thanks and kind regards


Thanks for your suggestion, I c.c. our documentation artist. :)


Re: PStricks in LyX

2013-05-20 Thread Julien Rioux

On 15/04/2013 4:56 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

however, LyX needs for
ttctexa.layout file
which does not seem to exist yet (no success in searching in the Internet).

which layout file would come close to it, so that I can use it as a template
to fiddle around with it?


You can inspect the file ttctexa.cls and see that it loads article.cls 


Re: bibliography file question: refetching records automatically

2013-05-20 Thread Julien Rioux

On 20/04/2013 5:51 AM, Csikos Bela wrote:


I have a question regarding bibliography/bibtex databases.
Is there a program or script that can use an existing bibliography database 
(format is not important, can be bibtex, RIS, etc.) and fetch all of its 
records in a complete form again from Pubmed based on the journal name, volume 
and pages fields? Possibly into a new file. I have a bibus database with 
hundreds of records but many of them are incomplete, and don't have DOI, PMID, 
URL fields. Fetching them again one by one would be tedious.



JabRef with the local copy plugin (!code/localcopy) 
has a "Update BibTeX fields from INSPIRE/SPIRES" button. You can select 
all your entries and click the button, although if you didn't set the 
DOI beforehand I have no idea how it might find your articles.


Re: Problems with Undefined control sequence - \newfloat \float \floatstyle

2013-05-20 Thread Julien Rioux

On 14/05/2013 7:21 PM, caio rodrigues wrote:

Hi Stefano,

The Makefile has solved my issues by just ignoring the error and forcing
the compilation by doing : make recompile. The Lyx version is : LyX 2.0.3 .

Actually, maybe LyX should just have an option to keep processing even 
in case of errors, as is possible with many LaTeX editors or by 
compiling yourself.

Here is the latex generated preamble :

In the tex source code I 've seen that : Lyx automatically inserts this

%% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline

Can you please provide a minimal LyX file and the custom layout file you 
are using? Obviously, LyX shouldn't be outputting these empty float 

If I compile by exporting to tex  and doing :   pdflatex
monografia-parcial18.tex  it will give the same errors that are reported
in Lyx.

If I remove this codes in the tex file and compile it , there won't be
any errors reported and any issues.

If I don't remove this trouble code and export to Tex  and do:  pdflatex
  .tex   and hit CR every time and do all others steps like
bibitex,  makeindex and forcing the compilation. It will build the
  target pdf file as expected. That is what the makefile does.

I believe that another benefit of Makefile is more control  and make
more easier to find the errors by viewing the error log file and all the
compilation process.  In addition the user can add more automation like
version control , send to remote repository ...  The makefile is one the
best Unix tools.

I hope this Makefile be useful to someone.


That's great, thanks for sharing!


Re: APA6 vs APA. APA6 includes month in the date e.g. (1999, June)

2013-05-20 Thread Julien Rioux

On 25/04/2013 8:52 AM, John Kane wrote:

Thanks Jacob.

I see what you mean about the article = journal point in the apacite
manual.  I believe that there are some rare times one wants to insert a
month in an article date so this makes  sense.

The thing is that it does not work that way in  APA with apacite. I
don't get a month with it.  With APA6 I get the month.   Argh!

My guess is that the difference comes from apa.cls loading

while apa6.cls loads


Re: Strange Error Messages

2013-05-20 Thread Julien Rioux

On 03/05/2013 10:33 AM, Alok Shukla wrote:

When I try to compile a lyx file (revtex4.1 style) on a machine on which
the latest version of texlive is installed, I get the following error
messages related to a table in which I am using multirow feature:

Undefined control sequence
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted)
Missing number, treated as zero

However, when I compile the same lyx file on a machine on which older
texlive 2007 is installed, the file compiles beautifully, without any
error messages.

I wonder what is going on. I have the latest version of lyx on
both the machines.

Thanks in advance

--Alok Shukla

Could we see an minimal example file that causes trouble?


Re: lyx and natbib, two questions

2013-05-20 Thread Julien Rioux

On 26/04/2013 2:29 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:

Richard Heck  írta:

Provided that I let lyx load natbib with numeric citations, what should go
exactly in the class options line then? To achieve the same effect as
when natbib is loaded manually by


for example?

Put "super,sort&compress" into class options. Or add it to any others
you have.

Indeed, it works. I thought that I have to indicate which packages the options 
are used to.  What if another package has a same option?



I think these options also get activated for the other packages that 
define them, but in practice such option clash hardly happens (and if it 
happens, it is likely that the two packages are incompatible anyway).


Re: graphics preview shows wrong page

2013-05-20 Thread Julien Rioux

On 14/05/2013 2:40 PM, Ross Boylan wrote:

I am using the beamer template to make a presentation and have several
pages of graphics in a pdf file.(*)
I want to include individual pages at different points of the presentation.

I did Insert | File | External Material and selected PDFPages and
browsed to and selected the pdf file.
On the LatTeX and LyX options tab I entered pages={1}.
Inline I see the last page of the document (page 3).  When I preview
with ctl-R (pdflatex) I see the correct page.

Am I doing something wrong, or is the a bug?

Nothing wrong, LyX doesn't do anything useful with the pages= field 
besides passing it on to LaTeX. So you might consider it a bug, although 
it's probably considered a cosmetic one. Feel free to open a bug report 

I would appreciate being cc'd on the response.

Ross Boylan


Re: Lyx Math Macro Library

2013-05-20 Thread Julien Rioux

On 17/05/2013 5:22 AM, Pavel Bažant wrote:

Dear Lyx users,

is there any public library of LyX macros? Math notation has many widely used
semantic elements that could be abstracted into LyX macros. Things like:

Set builder notation
Sequent calculus notation
Function notation (the fun argument would be the macro argument)
Operator notation (as with functions)
Braket notation
Macros that would take indexed notation in GR and output Penrose notation
(in combination Latex macros to perform the translation and rendering).

I have created a macro that is useful when working with sequent calculi.

One of the goals would be to minimize the need for tweaking the formatting --
things like spacing tweaks would be abstracted away into the macro.

IMHO, an official location to share LyX macros would be great.

Pavel Bažant

I am not aware of anything like that, but feel free to contribute what 
you have to the LyX wiki. :)


Re: adding custom latex class in lyx

2013-05-19 Thread Julien Rioux

On 22/06/2012 11:02 AM, Amjad Usman wrote:

Hello everybody,

I am new to LyX.
I am composing an article for International Journal of Semantic
Computing (IJSC).
They have given .cls file.
I have installed LyX2 with MikeTex 2.9 on my system running Windows 7.
i followed the blogs written for adding custom classes in LyX on windows,
yet i am unable to get it.
My article class doesnot appear in document. as far i know the texhash
command is not properly working.

Can anybody help, how can i do it ?


Hi Amjad,

I'm running through old emails thread that weren't answered and found 
your question. It's a shame nobody answered yet. Anyway, the first thing 
to make sure is that LaTeX can see your document class. To do this try a 
very minimal .tex document with the proper document class

Hello World!

and see if pdflatex can convert it to a pdf. Then let's go from there.


Re: legend separate from figure

2013-05-19 Thread Julien Rioux

On 28/09/2012 4:21 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:


How can I separate the legend from the figure, so that the latter is on one
side of the document and the legend on the next (the figure is too large and
detailed, no way of reducing the size).

Did you figure this out? It's an interesting question. Seems like one 
way would be to use the LaTeX package dpfloat, obviously in ERT since 
LyX has no knowledge of it.

And how can I avoid the page number on this particular figure side (it is
shown inside the figure).



Re: psfragfig

2013-05-19 Thread Julien Rioux

On 28/10/2012 6:01 AM, Michael Bach wrote:

Ok, although I did not solve this in terms of LyX configuration: Just a
quick notice for sake of completeness and in case someone is plagued by
this issue and might be happy to find this.

On 10/26/12 12:29 PM, Michael Bach wrote:

Now when I try to compile the document, I see the line:
=== pstool: begin processing ===
Error exporting to format
Systemcall: 'pdflatex -synctex=-1 -shell-escape  "skriptum.tex"'
finished with exit code 1

in the messages pane and get the error:
I can't write on file `figures/EulerExplizit-pstool.tex'.

Now I assume that the external command from pstool is run inside the
temporary LyX directory and it thus cannot find the figures/ folder to
write the .tex file to...

AFAIK, LyX does not copy the .eps and .tex psfrag files to the temporary
directory, because it does not parse the ERT for the psfragfig macro. I
decided to reference the files under figures/ directly with absolute
paths to the source dir. This does work via "openout_any = a" in
texmf.cnf but then compiling foreign documents does not feel secure

I read the LyX "Customization" manual under 'Copier' for a better
solution, but could not find a reference to the LyX temporary directory
and have no clue how to best solve this in terms of LyX policy.


The way I use psfrag is to insert the .eps into LyX using the standard 
way from the Insert menu, and put the psfrag code in ERT in the LyX 
document. This way, LyX handles the copying of the .eps file correctly. 
You obviously need the correct \usepackage line added to your preamble 
in document settings.

Hope this helps,

Re: Why does "lyx --export pdflatex" results in draft graphics? Or lyx+latexdiff

2013-05-19 Thread Julien Rioux

On 20/11/2012 10:52 PM, Mikhail Titov wrote:


I've noticed that when I export lyx files into pdflatex source using

lyx --export pdflatex mystuff.lyx

I'm getting "draft" option for all my figures. Is there a way to
suppress it? Can the fact that figures are not at expected paths be the
reason for that?

I'm trying to figure out an "easy" way to compare different git
revisions of my document. I thought I could just export both revisions
in working folder and some temporary folder, and just use

latexdiff --flaten old.tex new.tex

I really don't want to feel like Lyx was a bad choice instead of plain
old latex. I really don't want to store Lyx's tracked changes in git.

Hi Mikhail,

Did you figure out your issue? The draft option is normaly not set by 
LyX, maybe it is set by your documentclass or some class option you are 
using. Can you provide a minimal example document reproducing the problem?


Re: textsubscript and textsuperscript bug?

2013-05-19 Thread Julien Rioux

On 04/02/2013 7:47 AM, Csikos Bela wrote:


I guess this is a bug in lyx 2.0.5:
When a subscript (\textsubscript) or superscript (\textsuperscript) character 
is inserted in a text that has different font size than default, the size of 
the sub- or superscript character is incorrect in the output; it has the same 
size as text. This occurs if the sub- or superscript character is inserted in a 
text (that has different font size than default) afterwards. If the text 
including the sub- or superscript character is written in normal size and the 
font size is changed subsequently (by selecting text including the sub- or 
superscript character and changing size), the sizes are correct.
See the attached lyx example and the corresponding pdf output.


Should be fixed in the next LyX version, see for reference.


Re: pdf output disabled for some documents

2013-05-19 Thread Julien Rioux

On 01/02/2013 6:37 AM, Francesco Montorsi wrote:

Hi all,
I'm having a strange problem with LyX,
with latest MikTeX 2.9 packages updated.

Most of the LyX documents I open can be compiled as PDF without troubles.
A LyX file I've got instead may be apparently rendered only as HTML:
when I click on the toolbar button "Show other formats" all items
"Show PDF (...)" are disabled; only "Show LyXHTML" and "Show HTML" are enabled.
Does anybody has a clue about why this happens?
How can I debug it?

The document uses IEEEtran which has been recently updated,
but I don't think that's the problem since I've got other
(smaller) documents that compile just fine
as PDFs with IEEEtran.


Hi Francesco,

Did you figure out your issue? If you can't figure it out, please send a 
small example file that contains the minimum stuff possible to reproduce 
your problem. It guess it has likely something to do with required LaTeX 
packages that are not installed on your system, thus LaTeX export is 
blocked but LyXHTML does not rely on LaTeX and thus it is always 
available as an export option.


Re: vertical distance between \setbibpreamble and reference list not working?

2013-05-19 Thread Julien Rioux

On 08/03/2013 12:17 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Thanks, Richard,
did you mean something like
\setbibpreamble{Die Zahl(en) hinter der Referenz (und auch den Einträgen
der Nomenklatur) beziehen sich auf die Seite(n). Mit einem geeigneten pdf-
Leseprogramm springt man nach einem Mausklick auf die Zahl an die Seite}

The \protect\bigskip part should be inside your call to the 
\setbibpreamble{} macro.

\setbibpreamble{Die Zahl(en) hinter der Referenz (und auch den Einträgen 
der Nomenklatur) beziehen sich auf die Seite(n). Mit einem geeigneten 
pdf-Leseprogramm springt man nach einem Mausklick auf die Zahl an die 

Does it help then?


Re: Sidecap

2013-05-19 Thread Julien Rioux

On 25/02/2013 6:23 PM, EK wrote:

I tried to use the sidecap module, to create a figure with its caption
on the side, rather than below the figure.
I got an error message about missing \end{sidecap}.  I think this used
to work in previous versions--
I am currently using Lyx under Lubuntu 12.10 (64 bit).
Any ideas?

Ehud Kaplan,

Please note that I've updated this layout file to provide a version 
specific to LyX 2.0. As you have experienced, the previous version, for 
LyX 1.6, wasn't really working with 2.0. Please let me know if it works 
for you.

The new version is here:


Re: using RevTex 4.1 for journal formatting

2013-05-19 Thread Julien Rioux

On 08/02/2013 3:50 PM, Chris Goldenstein wrote:


I currently have functional document classes for RevTex 4 and 4.1. I am
using 4.0 version that came with my lyx download and 4.1 version
  provided here:

Please note that I've updated this layout file to provide a version 
specific to LyX 2.0 (the previous version, for LyX 1.6, was also working 
but not using the full features of LyX 2.0).

The new version is here:


Re: CiteFormat and OpenDocument export

2013-03-05 Thread Julien Rioux

On 05/03/2013 1:29 PM, celano wrote:

*book.layout* includes ** which includes **
*I use lyx 2.0.3 under linux-debian-wheezy (testing)

I'm using the book style.
*Exporting from lyx to opendocument, I observe that the CiteFormat from is not respected in the bibliography, and the style
is another one.

I tried with my own module to obtain my own citation style, but it
doesn't work...

Wha should I do?
Thank you

CiteFormat is only used in the LyX citation dialog and in LyXHTML 
export. I don't know what converter path is used for convertion to 
OpenDocument, but chances are that it doesn't use LyXHTML along the way.


Re: Lilypond-Book and Xetex error

2013-02-09 Thread Julien Rioux

On 09/02/2013 8:22 AM, Kale Good wrote:

Hi Julian,
Your file fails here. Saving and reopening also fails. Here is my output,
my output in messages, and my minimum example.


Looks like you're hit by this lilypond bug:


Re: Lilypond-Book and Xetex error

2013-02-08 Thread Julien Rioux

On 08/02/2013 8:36 PM, Kale Good wrote:

I spoke a moment too soon, and possibly misdiagnosed from the get-go. With
default fonts, it works. As soon as I try non-default fonts, it reverts to
the incorrect output. Here's my converter command:

lilypond-book --verbose --pdf --latex-program=xelatex
--lily-output-dir=ly-pdf -I $$r $$i

Oddly, it also takes much longer to compile the document.

Again, works here. Can you please attach the file that fails for you? 
Does the issue resolve itself if you save the file, close it and reopen 
it? I am thinking that maybe something, that prevents compilation, is 
left out in the temporary build directory when you switch font.


Description: application/lyx

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: Lilypond-Book and Xetex error

2013-02-08 Thread Julien Rioux

On 08/02/2013 12:17 PM, Kale Good wrote:

To work around known issues with Lilypond-book, I tried installing the most
recent Lilypond (2.16.2). It solved one problem but created another. When
processing in Xetex, there is a line-break following each measure. There is
no problem when the file is processed with pdflatex.

I'm getting these errors in the messages when processing:

11:43:38.493: lilypond-book: warning: Unable to auto-detect default
11:43:38.495: xetex: /home/kale/lilypond/usr/lib/ no version
information available (required by xetex)
11:43:38.496: xetex: /home/kale/lilypond/usr/lib/ no version
information available (required by xetex)
11:43:38.496: xetex: /home/kale/lilypond/usr/lib/ no version
information available (required by xetex)
11:43:38.496: xetex: /home/kale/lilypond/usr/lib/ no version
information available (required by xetex)
11:43:38.496: xetex: /home/kale/lilypond/usr/lib/ no version
information available (required by xetex)
11:43:38.498: xetex: /home/kale/lilypond/usr/lib/ no version
information available (required by
11:43:38.502: xetex: /home/kale/lilypond/usr/lib/ no version
information available (required by
11:43:38.502: xetex: /home/kale/lilypond/usr/lib/ no version
information available (required by
11:43:38.503: xdvipdfmx: /home/kale/lilypond/usr/lib/ no
version information available (required by xdvipdfmx)

It seemed that lyx wouldn't pick up the install if lilypond wasn't in
/usr/bin, and I couldn't figure out how to get lilypond to install into
/usr/bin/ (that is, without creating a subdirectory /lilypond), so I copied
the lilypond-book into /usr/bin.

  Here is a minimum (I think) .lyx file:



Your file compiles fine here using xelatex and the pdf has only one 
staff line, i.e. no line break. Did you modify or perhaps define the 
converter yourself? I have this for converter from "LilyPond book 
(LaTeX)" to "PDF (XeTeX)":

python "C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\bin\" 
--verbose --pdf --latex-program=xelatex --lily-output-dir=ly-pdf -I $$r $$i

I'm using a slightly older version of lilypond, 2.15.40, on Win7, so 
it's possible that something has changed between versions or that the 
behavior is different between OSes.


Re: Endnote number size/position

2013-02-06 Thread Julien Rioux
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 8:38 AM, Maria Gouskova  wrote:
> Nope, this still doesn't work--I get the following error (ps2pdf):
> LaTeX Error: \makeenmark undefined.
> \renewcommand\makeenmark {\theenmark. }
> Try typing  to proceed.
> If that doesn't work, type X  to quit.

Works perfectly here, see attached pdf (I removed the \newline to fit
everything on one page). \makeenmark is defined when loading
\usepackage{endnotes}---if it's missing, I can think only of a
mismatch in package version---but \makeenmark is mentioned in the
endnotes documentation, in the changelog entry for 12 January 2003!

Good luck figuring this out!

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: Lyx integration of lilypond, Windows 7

2013-01-21 Thread Julien Rioux

On 20/01/2013 7:02 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Am 16.01.2013 02:49, schrieb Uwe Stöhr:

One of the 2 current limitations of the LyX for Windows installer is
the missing support for LilyPond.
Implementing this is the current item on my ToDo list.

Today I had again a look and are still suffering from this bug:

The bug is different, it looks like you didn't set up the path.

Therefore Lilypond does not work with LyX on Windows.

regards Uwe

I got it working with lilypond 2.15.40 on windows 7. The instant 
previews in the LyX window do not work, but the pdf output works (and is 
very nice!). I remember for sure that I had to set up the PATH, but I 
cannot remember if more needed to be done. I'll try again with 2.16.2 if 
I can find the time. So it does not work out-of-the-box, and it has 
glitches, but I know that lilypond with LyX on windows does work.


Re: Conversion of pictures: which path is taken?

2013-01-21 Thread Julien Rioux

On 21/01/2013 8:31 AM, Rainer M Krug wrote:


I am using plantuml to create uml charts in a document, defined formats
and converters and it works nicely. Plantuml has different output
formats, among others png, eps and svg.

I have converters from eps to pdf (epstopdf) and from svg to pdf

Both these go through to steps:

 |-> .eps -> .pdf(pstopdf)
..plantuml ->|
 |-> .svg -> .pdf(pstopdf)

Now LyX chooses to go via .svg, which, based on the internals of
plantuml, does not make much sense. I can obviously delete the
conversion plantuml -> svg, and LyX will go the other way, but then the
preview in LyX is of much worse quality (no idea why).

So why does LyX choose to go via svg?

Because it uses .svg in the editor view if possible, otherwise .png or 
something else.

Is there a way to trick it into going via eps?

Given two paths, LyX will choose a path that only goes through vector 
formats if possible, and the shortest path. Given that both your paths 
are equivalent based on these two points, I am not sure what breaks the 
tie in the end. You can probably trick LyX by marking .svg as a 
non-vector format.


Re: Relative path to bib source doesn't work in lyx (but does work when exported as .tex)

2013-01-18 Thread Julien Rioux

On 27/11/2012 6:47 PM, stefano franchi wrote:

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 5:34 PM, Roey Angel  wrote:

So, a bug or a 'feature'?

Feature, p/h? It has a great educational value: it forces you to understand
how lyx uses the latex (and biber, texindy, etc) backends ;-)



There's an enhancement request that might solve this, eventually (don't 
hold your breath, it's 7 year old):


Re: problem with natbib numbering

2013-01-18 Thread Julien Rioux

On 16/06/2012 9:39 AM, julien.babinot wrote:


I am currently writing my PhD thesis on Lyx, and i have one problem with
my bibliography.
I am using multiple bibliography, with a separate bib file for each
chapter (these are included in a main document thesis.lyx).
As advised in the advanced options document, i use \begin{btUnit}and
\end{btUnit}at the beginning and end of my chapter to allow the multiple
I want to use a numbered style, in superscript, and numbered in the
order of citation. But my problem is that references are listed in the
alphabetical order of authors, thus generating numbering like 5, 23, 6
 and not 1,2,3
Here is the Latex code generated by Lyx:

%% LyX 2.0.3 created this file. For more info, see

%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.



















%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.



\DeclareRobustCommand{\textgreek}[1]{\leavevmode{\greektext #1}}



%% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline


%% A simple dot to overcome graphicx limitations


%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.



\par {\raggedright #1




%% User specified LaTeX commands.














\author{\textbf{\large }\\



\Rapporteurs{Rapporteur 1&Université 1\\

Rapporteur 2&Université 2}

\Examinateurs{Examinateur 1&Université 3\\

Examinateur 2&Université 4}

\Directeur{Directeur 1&Université 5}

\Encadrant{Encadrant 1&Université 6}

\Encadrant{Invité 1&Université 7}










\emph{Thèse réalisée au} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{}\tabularnewline

& \multicolumn{2}{l}{}\tabularnewline

& \multicolumn{2}{l}{}\tabularnewline

& \multicolumn{2}{l}{}\tabularnewline

& \multicolumn{2}{l}{}\tabularnewline

& \multicolumn{2}{l}{}\tabularnewline

& \multicolumn{2}{l}{}\tabularnewline

& \multicolumn{2}{l}{}\tabularnewline

& \multicolumn{2}{l}{Web :}\tabularnewline

& \multicolumn{2}{l}{}\tabularnewline

\emph{Sous la direction de } & \tabularnewline

& & \tabularnewline

\emph{Co-encadrement} & \tabularnewline

& & \tabularnewline



























What i don't understand is that my bibliography is actually numbered in
superscript but not sorted by order of citation?! unsrtnat is not
supposed to do so?

I would extremely appreciate any help.



Did you figure it out? Although unsrtnat won't sort, bibtopic might 


Re: References appear with "et" instead of "and" between authors

2013-01-18 Thread Julien Rioux

On 07/05/2012 3:41 PM, ChiPro wrote:

Hi all,

I'm using BibDesk as my reference package in Lyx. I have set the Lyx options
(Documents > Settings) to "Natbib: Author-year" and the citation style to
"[author1] and [author2] ([year])".

Unfortunately, when I produce my PDF file, the reference appears as

[Author1] et [Author2] (2000)

instead of the desired

[Author1] and [Author2] (2000).

Any help would be appreciated.


Which style file (.bst) are you using?


Re: Two Column Article - Text rows vertically misaligned

2013-01-18 Thread Julien Rioux

On 17/12/2012 9:06 PM, TB L wrote:

Hey everyone,

just tried to typeset an article with two-column layout and am now faced
with the problem that the text rows on the right hand are not vertically
aligned to the one on the left hand (probably because of section titles?).

Is there any option to force Lyx / Latex to ensure that the text rows are
correctly aligned on both sides with respect to each other? This would look
a lot more professional. Would be really thankful for your support [image:


Apparently, (la)tex wasn't designed with left- and right-column line 
matching in mind at all, and accomplishing this after the fact is 
challenging. That said, if you find a way to make this work in latex, 
please post your result. We could look how difficult it would be to have 
it implemented in LyX.


Re: Trouble with track changes appearing in pdflatex views

2013-01-18 Thread Julien Rioux

On 28/11/2012 9:19 AM, Richard Heck wrote:

On 11/27/2012 03:01 PM, Allen Wilkinson wrote:

My problem is that if I want to show tracked changes in PDF view or
output I get these errors:

Package xcolor Error: Undefined color `LYXDELETED'.
Package xcolor Error: Undefined color `LYXADDED'.
after a modest finite extent of the document is processed.

If I delete changed and unchanged text from the document such that the
document is small enough, then PDF output with tracked changes works.

This is true whether I use Lyx PDF viewing, or run OS' pdflatex
compiler on exported .tex file.

If I disable 'show changes in output', then PDF output occurs without

Can anyone help me resolve this problem?

Odd that the "undefined color" is in all caps. Is LyX exporting this wrong?

I think we can only answer this with a test file that causes the problem.


The headers from that document class must be all caps. A similar error 
happened with changes in section titles with the revtex document class, 
which use all caps section titles. For some reason latex thinks that it 
should also capitalize the color names. A workaround is to also define 
the colors with capitalized names! c.f.


Re: Endnote number size/position

2013-01-18 Thread Julien Rioux

On 16/12/2012 4:48 PM, Maria Gouskova wrote:

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 2:03 PM, Richard Heck  wrote:

On 10/22/2012 04:19 PM, Maria Gouskova wrote:

Thanks, Richard--example file attached! It works when everything in
the preamble is commented out, but the endnote numbers appear as
superscripts in the Notes section (which is not what I want; I need
them to be on the main line in normal size, followed by periods and
then the note text).

The right command to change is: \@makeenmark, with the @.

(Sorry about the late response!)

I replaced the preamble line

\renewcommand\makeenmark{\theenmark. }


\renewcommand\@makeenmark{\theenmark. }

and the result is an Undefined control sequence error:

A footnote/endnote A footnote/endnote A footnote/endnote A fo...
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.


The attached seems to work for me. Is this what you are after?


Description: application/lyx

Re: Vancouver style options -changed to: almost soved

2013-01-18 Thread Julien Rioux

On 18/01/2013 3:19 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am Dienstag, 15. Januar 2013, 14:39:07 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:


still not done with Vancouver style

I tried for quite some time but can't find the option for references, in
which more than 2 authors are referenced as
author1 et al


I found out how to solve it:

in vancouver.bst
(which is in my case in home/wolfgang/texlive/2012/texmf-dist/bibtex/bst/)

nameptr #6
nameptr #2

numname #6
numname #2

I saved this changed vancouver.bst to vancouver2etal.bst
in order not to interfere with the original file
and added this to document>settings  bibliography style>default style
however, if I changed vancouver2etal.bst to vancouver.bst
(by saving the original vancouver.bst preliminary as vancouverOrig.bst)
namely, only maximally 2 authors in the bibliography, if more: et al after
the second one

My question:
why was vancouver2etal in bibliography style>default style not recognized?
I did a reconfigure before.


This is new in LyX 2.1:
For the Default style defined in document settings to be used, the style 
in the "BibTeX-generated bibliography" dialog must be set to "default". 
Note that this isn't completely ironed out, but the intention behind 
this document-wide setting is for citation engine that define the style 
in the preamble, e.g. biblatex.

For now, I would recommend to use the LyX 2.0 way:
Just set the bibliography style you want from the "BibTeX-generated 
bibliography" dialog.


Re: Lyx integration of lilypond, Windows 7

2013-01-17 Thread Julien Rioux

On 15/01/2013 8:49 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Am 03.01.2013 13:13, schrieb Julien Rioux:

I have a weird problem...
I have install last version of lilypond and lyx, and try to compile
the lilypond
exemple in the LyX exemple folder.

One of the 2 current limitations of the LyX for Windows installer is the
missing support for LilyPond.
Implementing this is the current item on my ToDo list.

LyX will detect lilypond if you set the PATH in LyX and reconfigure, 
although automatic detection at install time would of course be nice. 
Let us know which installer this is, and I'll give it a try.

Note also that the last time I tried to get LilyPond to work with LyX I
encountered a bug in LilyPond that only affects paths on Windows. Maybe
your problem is related. I'll try this as soon as I ind the time.

regards Uwe

I think those bugs have been fixed. I have had good reports from windows 
users using lilypond version 2.16.2.


Re: lilypond

2013-01-17 Thread Julien Rioux

On 16/01/2013 7:50 AM, bb wrote:

I imported a lilypond file with include-external I
checked that file in advance to make sure it will be compiled correctly
with lilypond. If I try a pdf preview in Lyx, I get an error and the
head of the protocol is:

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009/Debian)
(format=pdflatex 2012.7.20) 16 JAN 2013 13:41

entering extended mode

%&-line parsing enabled.



LaTeX2e <2009/09/24>

Babel  and hyphenation patterns for english, usenglishmax,
dumylang, noh

yphenation, loaded.

What is wrong? Any help please?

Regards bllochl


Can you post an example file demonstrating your problem? Maybe also 
provide the full log from Document > LaTeX Log, and specify which error 
you get?


Re: Lyx integration of lilypond, Windows 7

2013-01-03 Thread Julien Rioux

On 21/04/2012 10:51 AM, ewen wrote:

I have a weird problem...
I have install last version of lilypond and lyx, and try to compile the lilypond
exemple in the LyX exemple folder.
The first execution gives me a reaaly pretty pdf. After i close the program i
get an error, and no way for having a pdf-file.

This is the messages that Lyx gives me:

First Execution:

16:12:21.846: Previewing ...
16:12:21.861: (buffer-view pdf2)
16:12:21.904: lilypond-book --safe --pdf --latex-program=pdflatex --lily-output-
dir=ly-pdf "testlily.lytex"
Running: lilypond-book --safe --pdf --latex-program=pdflatex --lily-output-
dir=ly-pdf "testlily.lytex"
16:12:25.483: (GNU LilyPond) 2.15.37
16:12:25.483: Reading testlily.lytex...
16:12:25.488: Running `pdflatex' on file
`c:\users\zao\appdata\local\temp\tmpz4usfg.tex' to detect default page settings.
16:12:25.493: Dissecting...
16:12:25.493: Writing snippets...
16:12:25.498: All snippets are up to date...
16:12:25.498: Compiling
16:12:25.503: Writing
16:12:25.503: pdflatex "testlily.tex"
16:12:25.578: This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-1.40.12 (MiKTeX 2.9)
Running: pdflatex "testlily.tex" > nul
16:12:25.728: entering extended mode
16:12:25.728: LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>
16:12:25.733: Babel  and hyphenation patterns for english, afrikaans,
ancientgreek, ar
16:12:25.733: abic, armenian, assamese, basque, bengali, bokmal, bulgarian,
catalan, coptic,
16:12:25.733: croatian, czech, danish, dutch, esperanto, estonian, farsi,
finnish, french, ga
16:12:25.738: lician, german, german-x-2009-06-19, greek, gujarati, hindi,
hungarian, iceland
16:12:25.738: ic, indonesian, interlingua, irish, italian, kannada, kurmanji,
lao, latin, lat
16:12:25.748: vian, lithuanian, malayalam, marathi, mongolian, mongolianlmc,
monogreek, ngerm
16:12:25.753: an, ngerman-x-2009-06-19, nynorsk, oriya, panjabi, pinyin, polish,
16:12:25.758: romanian, russian, sanskrit, serbian, slovak, slovenian, spanish,
swedish, swis
16:12:25.763: sgerman, tamil, telugu, turkish, turkmen, ukenglish, ukrainian,
uppersorbian, u
16:12:25.768: senglishmax, welsh, loaded.
16:12:26.433: pdflatex "testlily.tex"
16:12:26.504: This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-1.40.12 (MiKTeX 2.9)
16:12:26.508: entering extended mode
16:12:26.538: LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>
16:12:26.542: Babel  and hyphenation patterns for english, afrikaans,
ancientgreek, ar
16:12:26.547: abic, armenian, assamese, basque, bengali, bokmal, bulgarian,
catalan, coptic,
16:12:26.551: croatian, czech, danish, dutch, esperanto, estonian, farsi,
finnish, french, ga
16:12:26.556: lician, german, german-x-2009-06-19, greek, gujarati, hindi,
hungarian, iceland
16:12:26.560: ic, indonesian, interlingua, irish, italian, kannada, kurmanji,
lao, latin, lat
16:12:26.566: vian, lithuanian, malayalam, marathi, mongolian, mongolianlmc,
monogreek, ngerm
16:12:26.570: an, ngerman-x-2009-06-19, nynorsk, oriya, panjabi, pinyin, polish,
16:12:26.575: romanian, russian, sanskrit, serbian, slovak, slovenian, spanish,
swedish, swis
16:12:26.578: sgerman, tamil, telugu, turkish, turkmen, ukenglish, ukrainian,
uppersorbian, u
16:12:26.584: senglishmax, welsh, loaded.
Running: pdflatex "testlily.tex" > nul
16:12:27.074: Successful preview of format: pdf2

---Second execution(Bug)

16:13:26.361: Previewing ...
16:13:26.381: (buffer-view pdf2)
16:13:26.421: lilypond-book --safe --pdf --latex-program=pdflatex --lily-output-
dir=ly-pdf "testlily.lytex"
Running: lilypond-book --safe --pdf --latex-program=pdflatex --lily-output-
dir=ly-pdf "testlily.lytex"
16:13:27.727: Usage: lilypond [OPTION]... FILE...
16:13:27.735: Typeset music and/or produce MIDI from FILE.
16:13:27.738: LilyPond produces beautiful music notation.
16:13:27.738: For more information, see
16:13:27.743: Options:
16:13:27.748: -d, --define-default=SYM[=VAL] set Scheme option SYM to VAL
(default: #t).
16:13:27.753: Use -dhelp for help.
16:13:27.753: -e, --evaluate=EXPR evaluate scheme code
16:13:27.758: -f, --formats=FORMATs dump FORMAT,... Also as separate options:
16:13:27.758: --pdf generate PDF (default)
16:13:27.758: --png generate PNG
16:13:27.764: --ps generate PostScript
16:13:27.766: -h, --help show this help and exit
16:13:27.768: -H, --header=FIELD dump header field FIELD to file
16:13:27.770: named BASENAME.FIELD
16:13:27.771: -I, --include=DIR add DIR to search path
16:13:27.772: -i, --init=F

Re: Regenerating Lilypond files

2013-01-03 Thread Julien Rioux

On 17/04/2012 10:09 AM, John McKay wrote:

Yeah, I actually tried things like this.  It doesn't seem to work.  Even if you actually modify the 
file and then change it back, LyX still "knows" that the file hasn't "changed."

So, I don't think whatever decision LyX is making is based on the modification 
timestamp.  That would seem to be the easiest way to implement something like 
this, but LyX seems to use other criteria... anyone know what those criteria 

It is actually lilypond-book making those decisions, not LyX, and the 
decision is based generating a hash from the lilypond code fragments. 
That lilypond-book does not recognize when you modify an included file 
is a bug that should be reported to the LilyPond project.

Or, better yet, a way to just tell LyX to re-run Lilypond for all inset files?

Close and reopen the LyX file. LyX will now work from a fresh temporary 
directory for compilation, and lilypond-book will need to recompile 
every lilypond code fragment.


Re: Strange problem with the LilyPond module

2012-04-05 Thread Julien Rioux

On 05/04/2012 5:52 AM, Tao Cumplido wrote:

Tao Cumplido>  writes:

You may also add the command option "--loglevel=DEBUG" to the
lilypond-book converter.

Where would I do that?

Never mind, I found it. The log below is from the example file lilypond.lyx.

I pasted the log here since gmane didn't allow me to post it.

So lilypond-book complains that a -systems.count file is missing. This 
is either a bug in lilypond (it should generate the -systems.count file 
always) or in lilypond-book (it should know that -systems.count files 
are not always generated). In any case in should probably be 
investigated with the smallest possible example and reported to the 
lilypond project.

In the meantime you may try to get around the bug by adding the 
command-line option "--skip-lily-check" to the lilypond-book converter.


Re: Is it possible to use lilypond-book options with the LilyPond module?

2012-04-04 Thread Julien Rioux

On 04/04/2012 5:58 AM, Tao Cumplido wrote:

I would like to reduce the staff-size of the lilypond output and using #(set-
global-staff-size 16) in the lilypond code doesn't work so I guess I need to
change the lilypond-book options [staffsize=16] but I can't seem to do it from
within Lyx.

You could make your own customized version of the lilypond.module file. 
See Help > Customization, especially read about LatexParam under Section 
5.3.9 Flex insets and InsetLayout. So basically copying lilypond.module 
to your user directory (usually under ~/.lyx/layouts/) and adding the line

LatexParam "staffsize=16"
in the relevant place.


Re: Strange problem with the LilyPond module

2012-04-04 Thread Julien Rioux

On 04/04/2012 7:52 AM, Tao Cumplido wrote:

Ok, one moment it worked fine and the other I get this notice that the
lilypond-book --safe etc. command produced an error.
At first I thought it had something to do with the recent installation of
lilypond 2.15.35 so I tried reinstalling it but to no avail.
Then I tried to just use my laptop instead where I had lilypond 2.15.35 already
installed and it worked perfectly fine the last time I worked with it but now
the same error.
Exporting the lytex and running lilypond-book manually works fine.
I then ran gksu lyx from terminal and suddenly the error didn't appear.
Unfortunately this was only true for the lilypond.lyx example file. With gksu
lyx couldn't find the installed linux libertine font anymore which I am using
for my document. Also lyx looks different with gksu so no idea what's going on
In the lyx-output the only thing hinting for the error is this line:
13:43:55.499: Missing set(['a3/lily-c23c9dee-systems.count'])
.../../../src/support/Systemcall.cpp(270): Systemcall: 'lilypond-book --safe
--pdf --latex-program=pdflatex --lily-output-dir=ly-pdf "lilypond.lytex"'
finished with exit code 1

Is there anything else in View > View Messages that might be useful in 
debugging? You may also add the command option "--loglevel=DEBUG" to the 
lilypond-book converter. When you run lilypond-book manually, what is 
the exact command line that you used?


Re: Silent install

2012-04-03 Thread Julien Rioux

On 27/03/2012 4:37 AM, Indrek Tuula wrote:


Standard way to achieve such requirements are following:

1. Convert .exe to .msi. You can download some tool for internet what
make it done
2. Modify content of .msi with some editor. Microsoft have free tool, it
is called orsa.
3. Install modified msi. For final customization there are command
prompt tool called msiexec available. E.g. option /i install the packet and
option /quiet  provide installation with no UI. Also it provide other
options such as logging and rebooting a client machine.

I also converted lyx.2.0.3. installation exe to msi with free tool. I would
say result is not feature reach. You can compare it for example Google
earth or MS Office corresponding msi packets. Per my experience that mean
  your task is time consuming. Also make clear logic of orsa need extra time
because it have kind of database :)

I suggest on the first point convert exe to msi and install it with msiexec
tool on quiet mode with out no editing content of msi at all. If you have
luck, it solve your problems


On 26 March 2012 17:36, Patrik Simunovic  wrote:

  Hi i'm trying to install LyX 2.0.3-1 silently with the /S command, but
at the end of the installation the package installation window pops up and
asks me if i want to download latex and alot more packages.
Is there a way to skip these steps so the install can finsih silent? i
have installed Miktex 2.9.4407 before LyX 2.0.3.


To those interested to play further with this, the sources for the 
installer are part of the LyX git repository. I am sure that help with 
the Windows installer, including having a silent variant of it, would be 


Re: LyX on Windows with UNC home directories

2012-03-22 Thread Julien Rioux

On 21/03/2012 11:10 AM, Matthias Hunstig wrote:

Dear LyX users and developers,

LyX has a problem with Windows users that have their home directory on a UNC 
path. mentions these problems for Lyx 
1.5 already. (Recent versions do start, but have no classes available.)

I have been struggling with this for a long time. The workaround described in 
the link (saving some steps by running directly from the 
AppData\Lyx2.0 folder) worked for me on Windows XP.

Now, on Windows 7, it does not work anymore. Today, I have done some 
experiments but unfortunately not found a solution yet.
What I have found out is that

-  Under local users, LyX states "~\AppData\Roaming\Lyx2.0" as the user 
directory. I have not seen the tilde on Windows before, but it works.

-  Under network users, it states 
 as the user directory.

-  Running reconfigure from LyX as the network user gives some messages 
in the status line that can be traced back to the fact that cmd.exe does not 
accept UNC folders.

Is there any way to reliably make LyX run as a user with a UNC home directory? 
Could it help to just give LyX a different user directory to work in? If so, 
how can that be done?

I think this issue really needs to be fixed soon - People with home directories 
on serves are not uncommon and LyX is practically unusable for them.



Hi Matthias,

Thanks for the descriptive report of the problem and your investigation 
of it.

Please, could you add a ticket to the bug tracker at with as much information as 
you can. Your email already is very descriptive of your investigation, 
it would help to have this recorded on the bug tracker until someone 
tries to tackle the bug.

I'm also cc'ing the dev list to see if anyone has any immediate ideas.


Re: lyx and hypcap

2012-03-13 Thread Julien Rioux

On 13/03/2012 7:06 PM, mario chiari wrote:


I am trying to use captions defined thanks to \usepackage{hypcap}, as
you may see below.
I get the error
! Package hypcap Error: You have forgotten to use \caption.

Indeed I have not forgot it, and I am not sure what to try.
Note, lyx displays myfile.jpeg.

Any hint is welcome.
Thanks, Regards

\floatstyle{ruled} \newfloat{myfig}{thp}{lop} \floatname{myfig}{Testo}

\begin{myfig} \capstart

\includegraphics[bb=0 0 593 608,scale=1.05]{\lyxdot \lyxdot /\lyxdot
\lyxdot /myfile.jpeg}

\caption{bla bla \cite{aaa}}


Do you get a better result with the \label within the \caption?


Re: Boxes in lyx, difficulty in controlling...

2012-03-13 Thread Julien Rioux
On 13/03/2012 4:35 PM,  Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك 
نورونيا  wrote:

Thanks for that Julien. Could you please give me a clue as to how to do it
with Lyx 1.6.7? Thanks, FN

In the graphics settings dialog, in the Clipping panel, change the Left 
bottom and Top right (x,y) coordinates (you will have to try some values 
and test the output).


Re: Paste not working

2012-03-13 Thread Julien Rioux

On 13/03/2012 6:03 PM, Kortink, Mark A wrote:

When I use "Copy", either via Ctl-C or the menu, it works because I can use the menu item 
"Paste Recent" to paste what I copied. However "Paste", as in Ctl-V or the menu item, 
don't work and the menu item is greyed out. This problem has only started in the last few weeks, everything 
was fine before that and I haven't changed anything.


Which operating system are you using? Are you using any clipboard manager?


Re: Problem with europs.sty

2012-03-13 Thread Julien Rioux

On 12/03/2012 11:24 AM, Christoph Pichler wrote:


I wanted to install the europs.sty Package, but it was not in my Package
Manager. I also dont`t found it in google. Lyx says that I need it for
writing a letter. Can you help me?

Thanks, Christoph Pichler

I think the package's name under MiKTeX is eurofont.


Re: Can't export to DVI

2012-03-13 Thread Julien Rioux

On 25/02/2012 11:18 PM, Anubhav Chattoraj wrote:

Using LyX 2.0.2 on a Windows 7 x64.

I have the exact problem described on this thread:

I tried replacing with the one from LyX 1.6.9, which worked
for the guy who posted that thread. Didn't help; I still get the same

It might be a issue with python. Is there any more information to debug 
this when you look at the "Progress/Debug Messages" panel? (Menu View > 
View Messages)?


Re: Problem compiling a memoir class document

2012-03-13 Thread Julien Rioux

On 16/02/2012 10:46 AM, Eric Weir wrote:

At Stefano's suggestion I'm giving the memoir class a look--or trying to. 
Without any formatting my document compiles to pdflatex fine. When I apply the 
title environment to my title and attempt to compile t get the following error 
message three times:

Undefined control sequence.

and a Case}

The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

Help appreciated.

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. "

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Which version of LyX are you using? I think there was recent changes to 
this document class.


Re: lyx process not closing in vista

2012-03-13 Thread Julien Rioux

On 10/03/2012 3:34 AM, asllearner wrote:

When I close lyx, if I look at my running processes, it appears that cmd.exe and
its underlying processes, e.g. xetex, are not closing and I need to kill the
tree manually. This must be a bug??


Looks like you were trying to produce an output PDF and xetex hung? Does 
it ever recover if you wait 30 minutes? (there's a timeout in the LyX 
source, it will stop the process after a certain time).


Re: Transparency handling

2012-03-13 Thread Julien Rioux

On 03/03/2012 5:32 PM, Diego Queiroz wrote:


I'm not sure if this is an old issue or not, but I was not able to find
some thread about this subject.

When I paste a picture in LyX (from the clipboard), it shows a dialog
asking where to save that picture and automatically inserts it on the
This is OK and very useful, but if the picture has transparency (eg. a PNG
image with transparent background), all the transparency turns black.

The interesting part is that, if I save the picture somewhere else (without
using LyX), and then load the picture as usual on the document, this
problem doesn't occur. That is, all the transparency is handled as expected.

Is this a bug? Or is there a way to workaround this?

Diego Queiroz

This behavior seems very much like a bug. I don't think it has been 
reported before, so when you have time, could you please enter it into 
the LyX bug tracker:
Please make sure that the problem still occurs with LyX 2.0.3 before 
doing so, and mention your operating system and which installer you used.


Re: tex2lyx fails and does not say why

2012-03-13 Thread Julien Rioux

On 05/03/2012 12:12 PM, Barger, Carla wrote:


Lyx 2.0.3
MS Windows 7 (Ultimate)

I'm trying to import into lyx from tex.   The dialog box says that the tex2lyx 
command failed but did not say anything further.  As it happens, it failed 
because python was not installed.  It would be nice if the dialog box had 
further information.

Carla Barger
Faculty Assistant, Faculty Services
Chicago Booth
5807 South Woodlawn Avenue
Suite 422
Chicago, IL 60637

Voice  773.702.0415 | Email

Visit us at

You can get further information from the "Progress/Debug Messages" panel 
that you can open using the menu View > View Messages.
It is rather strange that the LyX installer for windows would not 
install python, so if you could provide more information here, we could 
perhaps fix a problem in the installer. Which installer did you use?


Re: Problem with using the LilyPond module together with XeTeX

2012-03-08 Thread Julien Rioux

On 08/03/2012 7:55 AM, Tao Cumplido wrote:

If I try to preview a document with XeTeX which uses the LilyPond module I get
the following error log. Apparently the error is caused by fonts which have a
space character in their name, the error doesn't occur when I use another font.
I suppose I'd have to change the font's name but I don't know how to do that, if
it's possible at all.
Using LyX 2.0.3 on Linux Mint 12.

13:42:59.894: Generiere Vorschau ...
13:42:59.901: (buffer-view: Strg+R)
13:42:59.943: lilypond-book --safe --pdf --latex-program=xelatex
--lily-output-dir=ly-pdf "lilypond.lytex"
13:43:00.069: Reading lilypond.lytex...

Running: lilypond-book --safe --pdf --latex-program=xelatex
--lily-output-dir=ly-pdf "lilypond.lytex"
13:43:00.300: This is XeTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-0.9997.5 (TeX Live 2011)
13:43:00.301:  restricted \write18 enabled.
13:43:00.750: entering extended mode
13:43:00.753: (/tmp/tmptV9Xal.tex
13:43:00.754: LaTeX2e<2011/06/27>
13:43:00.755: Babel  and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang,
nohyphenation, ge
13:43:00.756: rman-x-2011-07-01, ngerman-x-2011-07-01, afrikaans, ancientgreek,
ibycus, arabi
13:43:00.757: c, armenian, basque, bulgarian, catalan, pinyin, coptic, croatian,
czech, danis
13:43:00.758: h, dutch, ukenglish, usenglishmax, esperanto, estonian, ethiopic,
farsi, finnis
13:43:00.763: h, french, galician, german, ngerman, swissgerman, monogreek,
greek, hungarian,
13:43:00.764:  icelandic, assamese, bengali, gujarati, hindi, kannada,
malayalam, marathi, or
13:43:00.764: iya, panjabi, tamil, telugu, indonesian, interlingua, irish,
italian, kurmanji,
13:43:00.765:  lao, latin, latvian, lithuanian, mongolian, mongolianlmc, bokmal,
nynorsk, pol
13:43:00.766: ish, portuguese, romanian, russian, sanskrit, serbian, serbianc,
slovak, sloven
13:43:00.766: ian, spanish, swedish, turkish, turkmen, ukrainian, uppersorbian,
welsh, loaded
13:43:00.766: .
13:43:00.998: Running xelatex...Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config 
13:43:05.231: (dialog-toggle progress)
13:43:05.689: kpathsea: Invalid fontname `Linux Biolinum', contains ' '
13:43:05.693: kpathsea: Invalid fontname `Linux Biolinum', contains ' '
13:43:05.694: kpathsea: Invalid fontname `Linux Biolinum', contains ' '
13:43:05.707: kpathsea: Invalid fontname `Linux Biolinum', contains ' '
13:43:05.709: kpathsea: Invalid fontname `Linux Biolinum/B', contains ' '
13:43:05.712: kpathsea: Invalid fontname `Linux Biolinum', contains ' '
13:43:05.714: kpathsea: Invalid fontname `Linux Biolinum/I', contains ' '
13:43:05.716: kpathsea: Invalid fontname `Linux Biolinum', contains ' '
13:43:05.720: kpathsea: Invalid fontname `Linux Biolinum/BI', contains ' '
13:43:05.959: lilypond-book (GNU LilyPond) 2.14.2
13:43:05.963: command failed: xelatex /tmp/tmptV9Xal.tex
13:43:05.967: Child returned 1
.../../../src/support/Systemcall.cpp(270): Systemcall: 'lilypond-book --safe
--pdf --latex-program=xelatex --lily-output-dir=ly-pdf "lilypond.lytex"'
finished with exit code 1
Error: Die Datei kann nicht konvertiert werden

Bei der Ausführung von
lilypond-book --safe --pdf --latex-program=xelatex --lily-output-dir=ly-pdf
ist ein Fehler aufgetreten
13:43:15.855: Fehler bei der Vorschau des Formats pdf4

This looks fixed in newer versions of lilypond, as I just gave 2.15.31 a 
try and it worked flawlessly. I recommend upgrading if you can.


Re: 5 questions from a new user

2012-03-07 Thread Julien Rioux

On 24/02/2012 5:30 PM, Pascal Fischer wrote:

2. Does the bundle-installer that includes all additional software
that is needed, install all programs or does it only include these
programs but I have to install each of them seperately?

It installs them one after the other if I remember correctly. It tries 
to include most additional softwares but might not include all of them, 
e.g. I think gnumeric was only recently added.

3. If I want to update Lyx do I only have to install the not bundled?
But how can I keep Latex, Ghostscript, etc. up to date?

You don't have to use the bundled installer for updates. This makes for 
a much smaller download size. But then, of course, it is up to you to 
upgrade other programs if necessary.

4. I've read on the english download-page that the bundle includes
Cygwin. Is this also needed for Lyx on Windows? Because on the german
download page is the information, that the cygwin-version is another
one. And the bundled version of the english download-page is missing

The bundle does not include cygwin. There exists a version of LyX 
compiled for cygwin, but if you never heard of cygwin before you can 
probably just forget about it.

5. How do I enter em-dashes and en-dashes in Lyxx?

I hope you can help me,


Re: Gource

2012-02-21 Thread Julien Rioux

On 21/02/2012 9:39 AM, Julio Rojas wrote:

Would it be possible to have a Gource movie of Lyx's development? Check
this one for the last 20 years of Python:

Julio Rojas


Re: strange error in Lyx

2012-02-09 Thread Julien Rioux

On 09/02/2012 4:07 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

I am trying now to understand better the math stuff of LyX by reading
Mathlyx in the help of LyX.

Trying to export Mathlyx to pdf I have downloaded the file (since it is
write protected).
For Mathlyx export it says:
To export this document to PDF, PS or DVI the LaTeX-packages braket,
cancel, eurosym, mathdots, mhchem and was should be installed.

I included those in the preamble, but get

! LaTeX Error: File `was.sty' not found.
Type X to quit or  to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)
Enter file name:
! Emergency stop.

l.182 ^^M
*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)

I am using texlife 2011

which has under


as a directory

with the styles
fixmath gensymb icomma and upgreek

should there be in this directory also a was-style?
Is it missing in texlife 2011?
Or should I include the styles
fixmath gensymb icomma and upgreek
as usepackages in the preamble instead?


Try compiling without adding anything to the preamble. To note simply 
states that these packages should be installed on your system. "was" is 
obviously installed, and it consists of the style files "fixmath", 
"gensymb", etc. as you have observed. One of these must be needed by the 
Math manual. But in fact you should not need to edit anything within 
that file in order to get it to compile. (if you do get compile errors, 
please report them of course!)


Re: change backref page number with arrow

2012-02-07 Thread Julien Rioux

On 17/01/2012 5:34 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:


I would like to change the page numbers at the end of bibliography entries 
(created by backref option of hyperref) for clickable  (left or up) arrows.
Clicking the arrow would navigate back to the page where the actual citation
is located. Is this doable? How?



I don't think that's readily doable, but you never know. I would look up 
the backref documentation. If there are no hooks in there to modify how 
the links look, you would have to /hack/ backref, which would require 
you to study its mechanism first and maybe create a forked version. Not 
impossible, if you like programming and know latex.


Re: error: cannot view file

2012-02-07 Thread Julien Rioux

On 01/02/2012 4:01 PM, Marco Beishuizen wrote:

On Wed, 1 Feb 2012, the wise Marco Beishuizen wrote:


When trying to view a document in pdf I get:

Error: Cannot view file

File does not exist: /var/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.J57590/lyx_tmpbuf2/xxx.pdf

A process called pdfetex is started but just hits 100% cpu usage and
nothing happens. I tried changing the tmp directory, reinstalled lyx,
reinstalled tetex, deleted the .lyx directory in /home, but nothing
works. The same thing happens when exporting to pdf or dvi.

I discovered that it has something to do with the Table Of Contents.
When removed it works again, inserting it and it doesn't.

It's good that you narrowed it down to just the table of content. If you 
can create a very minimal example LyX file that reproduces the problem, 
consider posting it to the list so that others can have a look too. 
Also, you may export your problematic file to latex (pdflatex), run 
pdflatex on it from the command line, and see if you get any more 
details in the output.


Re: Problem with bind file

2012-02-07 Thread Julien Rioux

On 27/01/2012 11:26 AM, maha th wrote:

Hello there, I need to write some arabic words with English documents but I 
need your help since I faced some problems.Blow are my two questions? First: I 
Installed the packages arabTeX and arabi using MiKTeX's Package Manager but 
when I am trying to export to pdf  file, the process failed and LYX asked  me 
about Arabic bind file  which I could not find in the Bind folder at all and do 
not know from where can I download it ?

Could you please quote the exact error message? Is this coming from LyX 
or from pdflatex?

Second: I alway come across these statement "~/.lyx/lyxrc" when reading 
instructions but do not know what do they mean by .lyx ? Is it a folder on my 
computercause I went to c:\Program Files\Lyx\ but there is no folder called .lyx or even 
lyxrc ? I am using windows 7.  Hope to find answers through this mailing list. thanks in 

The ~/.lyx is the user directory /for unix users/. There is also a user 
directory for windows users, it will be found for example on XP:

C:/Documents and Settings/username/Application Data/LyX20
and on newer versions of windows it would be something similar.


Re: Copying a text style when adding a row to a table

2012-02-07 Thread Julien Rioux

On 31/01/2012 8:15 AM, Marcin Zajączkowski wrote:


When adding a new row to a table I expected than test style would be
copied from a current row/cell. Generally when I check a text style of a
new cell it seems to be fine (e.g. size as in the source cell), but
written text uses "default" style and I have to reapply style.

Is it intended behavior?

I'm using Lyx 2.0.2 under Fedora 15.


You can copy rows (from memory):
Edit > Rows > Copy row


Re: Table numbering problem

2012-02-07 Thread Julien Rioux

On 26/01/2012 11:21 AM, Emilio Murado wrote:

Hi all.

I have a problem numbering tables. I have a table nested into another, and
both are inside a figure.

When I take a look at the figures inside LyX, they are all ok. But when I
export to DVI or PDF, the figures are counting in +2 increments. The first
figure is 2, the second is 4... I tried to replicate my problem in a simple
file and works OK even in exported files, but when I try my code in another
document, I'm still having this problem.

Can anyone help me?

The tableTest is created from scratch and numbering works OK, but the other
file (realProblem) is copied from my code and it's buggy. Can you help me,

I'm sorry about my english :/

Thanks in advance.


Quick question: why would you nest tables within figures?


Re: strange error in Lyx

2012-02-07 Thread Julien Rioux

On 27/01/2012 4:00 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:


I got a strange error after running LyX
and trying to export it as pdflatex:
pdfTeX error (ext4): \pdendflink ended up in different nesting level than \pd

which I traced to

Lichtflüssen zwischen 0.5
   und 75\thinspace\mathrm{\mu mol/m^{2}/s}
   (siehe Abbildung [fig:Licht-Sharma]). Bei Flüssen bis zu
20\mathrm{\thinspace\mu mol/m^{2}/s}
   änderte sich die Periode nicht

If I take the
20\mathrm{\thinspace\mu mol/m^{2}/s}
out, the error is gone and the pdf output works.

Now if I copy

75\thinspace\mathrm{\mu mol/m^{2}/s}

to the place of
  20\mathrm{\thinspace\mu mol/m^{2}/s}
(replacing it)

I get again the error meaning that it is not the sequence

which caused the error

The strangest finding is, if I put the
Bibtex generated Bibliography
mark at the end of my Koma book (twosided, twocolumn)
in a lyx note thus commenting it out the error vanishs.

This was in fact the way I started the search for the error, because I
thought removing the Bibliography entrance is a fast and effective way to
find out whether a reference is causing the problem.

In the meantime I have experimented a bit more stripping my document to a
few lines and it seems that the upgreek is causing the trouble.
Package upgreek Info: Using Euler Roman for upright Greek on input line 31.
LaTeX Font Info:Overwriting symbol font `ugrf@m' in version `bold'
(Font)  U/eur/m/n -->  U/eur/b/n on input line 38.

but why does the erro occur only if I use the math expression twice?


I don't know but you have \mu inside of \mathrm, maybe this is the issue?


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