planing the skeleton plugin (aka utilizing django/turbogear/somethingelse template scripts)

2007-09-11 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

i startet to put some toughts into it - there are different "levels"
of generators, and the frameworks/toolkits support different of them

werkzeug only utilizes basic application building,
django, turbogears and plone got components builders for stuff like
applications, plugins, models
zope is just well - no idea how many things it got

so there is need to be put together with some nice assistant for
running the automated generators

it would be nice to have a list of the various items to be generated

for all builders there is need for something to start an application
(preferably with some way to automaticaly use a vcs

for some of them there is need to plugin/subapplication builders

for others there is lots of odd stuff i dont know yet (zope is

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Re: Let's make better docs together

2008-01-04 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


WOW thats a nice set of good points and clearly something we should do
really soon.

Its nice to get some really useful feedback about documentation

Thank you very much.

Ronny Pfannschmidt

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Re: Let's make better docs together

2008-01-05 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On 5 Jan., 12:09, edream <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh good :-)  I was afraid you might be offended by my suggestions.

PIDA should be fun to use - we love to get good suggestions for
archiving that

Ronny Pfannschmidt
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Re: Filter on file viewer

2008-02-14 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

> Anyway, I think it would be a good idea to advance the show/hide button
> in the file manager with a popdown menu so that the user can show/hide
> sets of files. There would be options like "python compiles", "version
> control", "latex compiles", etc. The menu can also be extended by
> implementing a feature. There should also be a custom entry which
> replaces the preference option because I think a preference option is
> not user friendly (ok, there is the point that such an entry cannot be
> system but only project wide). What do you think about it?

sounds reasonable.

it might be handy, to have a key and a scope for each file hiding

where key is a unique name (like latex-results, object-files or hidden-
files) and "scope" is either Project or Global

the alternative is using the file-ignoring of your favorite scm
pida already hides files your scm ignores

this probably requires some more thought
i prefer using the scm, since it already works
but the key/scope approach is more flexible

comments are appreciated :)

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switch from subversion to mercurial finished

2008-02-24 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


after months of constant pain with subversion we finally switched to

The trac is already updated and main branch is at
Tanks to tito who managed the main conversation and change of the
website in such a short amount of time.

Why not any other vcs?

Mercurial is the personal preference of the core developers.
Its just simple and fast, we love it.


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spam-issues and post-moderation for new users

2008-07-21 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


due to recent spam attacks i enabled moderation for new members
(ie messages from new users need to be approved)

sorry for the inconvenience.

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Re: git support?

2008-08-20 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


The git backend is currently a bit hackish.

The it's located at pida/utils/anyvc/

The plan for the future is to port that to the GitPython lib (i will
give out the url if i fund it again) .
Since i personally don't use git help is welcome as git is very
different from anything else.

The current main development branch is located at

It requires a special vellum from
cause we use vellum for project files now.

Its currently separate cause vellumui (our new proejct file editor) is
still somewhat borked
(see ).

and old project files aren't supported any more.

Regards Ronny

On Aug 19, 5:48 am, Diego Escalante Urrelo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey everyone
> I just installed pida and looks awesome and feels really 'vimmy' :).
> Good work!.
> I was wondering if I can use it with git, everything points like it's
> 'automagic version control' no matter what I use, but still i seem
> unable to do diffs or whatever, I'm using Ubuntu, pida 0.5.1-5.
> Perhaps I'm missing a package or the ubuntu package is buggy? Which
> are the files in charge of the git backend?.
> greetings
> Diego
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Re: bzr-pida?

2008-09-06 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Sep 6, 12:04 am, Javier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [sending again, it seems it didn't show up in ggroups]
> Hi,
> I'm finishing the development of "bzr-gedit", a plugin that integrates
> Bazaar into Gedit, and i'm thinking in doing something similar for
> PIDA now.
> I saw PIDA already has some Bazaar stuff[1], but I don't know how much
> of Bazaar is integrated.
> Does PIDA needs more Bazaar integration?
> It has to be done inside the "anyvc" interface or an isolated plugin
> is ok?

currently there is some simple generic support for workdir operations
any further work on good vcs support for the common vcs's should go
into anyvc

im currently extracting anyvc from pida to be a separate lib, its
still buged and needs tome time to grow better basic hg/bzr backends
and unittests

after that there really is need to enhance general dvcs integration
as the general workflows are semilar and duplicating work sucks

thinks i want to get is pulling projects from bitbucket, launchpad,
managing branches within the same workdir and different workdirs
other weird things i dont know yet

> Thanks!
> [1]

Thanks for your interest

Regards Ronny
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Re: Pida devel: some news ?

2008-09-12 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On 12 Sep., 16:21, Francois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As anybody some news on the current development of pida.
> Looks like the bitbucket repository is very active ...
> In which directions is going Pida, what are the main goal of the
> current developments  ?
We are Hacking on many things that are incompatible to the last
release by now.

We are here:

* Projects are vellum files now
* The plugin system is largely reworked
* rope got integrated , we got dynamic python analysis
* anyvc gets extracted and more unittests
  * native hg support
  * Javier Derderian (author of bzr-gedit) is taking a look into
adding native bzr support
  * finally initial tests for git (it will need tonns of hacks to get
the bastard named git scripted reliably)
  * better subversion support, still non-native tho
* various ui and option enhancements
* initial works on new autocompletion apis
* save start mode where unsave options are replaced by defaults
* kill all options start mode, where pida kills all saved options and
replaces them by defaults
* we are looking into a rich vim api for better integration

We want to finish the following before releasing 0.6

* finalize vellum integration
* finalize anyvc extraction
  * MORE unittests in anyvc
* fixing more bugs from launchpad/trac
* integrate rope refactoring

More things will probably come up.

> Can't wait to have some good news ...
> Anyway keep going, your work is excellent
> Francois

Regards Ronny
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Re: project file

2008-09-12 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On 12 Sep., 17:18, Jeansch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, i've just discovered pida, this project is fantastic !
> I have a question: is it possible to store the "project file" outside
> the project directory.
> Is it "acceptable", i can do the hack if everybody is agrea.
This was planned at some point, in the current development versions
much about project files changed (they are vellum-based now)

it would require some kind of relation between local project file and
project directory.
i guess adding a vellum option to get the real path would work,
patches for a clean integration are welcome

> The goal is to be able to add external projects like after having
> pulling the sources of a project,
> without "modifying it".
Could you explain that more detailed, i don't understand what you

> Aed if the project want explicitly add pida controllers, it could add
> it in another file.
The new Project files don't know controllers any more.
Same goes here, what is that supposed to mean?
> May be just "hide" the file could be an alternative.
> Jean.

Regards Ronny Pfannschmidt
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Re: Pida devel: some news ?

2008-09-12 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On 12 Sep., 19:23, Francois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Ronny,
> Whaooo ! feels sweet ...
> What do you mean by a rich vim api (vim is my editor of choice with
> pida) ?
the current vim api is based on vims remote protocol
its VERY limited

ali is experimenting with the integration of dbus/grpc for better apis

> Any idea of the 0.6 release date ?
since none of us can work on pida full-time we leave it at the usual
'its done when its done'

> Thank you all developers for your amazing work !
> > We are here:
> > * Projects are vellum files now
> > * The plugin system is largely reworked
> > * rope got integrated , we got dynamic python analysis
> > * anyvc gets extracted and more unittests
> >   * native hg support
> >   * Javier Derderian (author of bzr-gedit) is taking a look into
> > adding native bzr support
> >   * finally initial tests for git (it will need tonns of hacks to get
> > the bastard named git scripted reliably)
> >   * better subversion support, still non-native tho
> > * various ui and option enhancements
> > * initial works on new autocompletion apis
> > * save start mode where unsave options are replaced by defaults
> > * kill all options start mode, where pida kills all saved options and
> > replaces them by defaults
> > * we are looking into a rich vim api for better integration
> > We want to finish the following before releasing 0.6
> > * finalize vellum integration
> > * finalize anyvc extraction
> >   * MORE unittests in anyvc
> > * fixing more bugs from launchpad/trac
> > * integrate rope refactoring
> > More things will probably come up.
> > > Can't wait to have some good news ...
> > > Anyway keep going, your work is excellent
> > > Francois
> > Regards Ronny

Regards Ronny
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Re: Cimpoling PIDA under windows XP

2008-09-29 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On 27 Sep., 20:46, khiraly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> I would llike to compile PIDA under windows XP. I looked around, but
> haven't any luck
> to collect all necessary information.
For the current pida version that information is simply not complete.

> I found out that at least one person has successfully compiled pida
> under windows in the past.
That was the 0.4 series, the 0.5 series has depended on various
Thanks to ragloublog thats getting fixed.
> So goal are:
> Compile pida with medit (mooeditor) under windows.
We got ragloublog working on that, try to contact him in the irc
channel #pida on freenode.

> I try to share my experience with others, and hope that we together
> can compile in the end pida under windows. So please if you have some
> information just share.
> I have written pygtk application under windows xp. So I have pygtk
> (and python of course) set up under windows xp. So import pygtk works
> in python shell.
> 0. Could some dev provide a link to working (runable) pida version? So
> from which repository should we start? There are multiple repositories
> and multiple version controls (bazaar mercurial, etc). I think its
> really bad decision, because there are few developers working on pida,
> and you are cutter more the developement. Anyway, command to obtain a
> working version would be really appreciated.
We recently started to split stuff up to get it to work more easy with
the subprojects.
I'll create scripts to manage combining it as soon as i'm done with my
current tasks.

Yes, its probably a bad thing we don't have scripts yet to get started
with development instantly.

> 1. Is  cygwin or mingw required to compile pida? Or a regular windows
> shell (cmd.exe) enough to run pida? I ask because call 'pkg-
> config' which are linux/unix specific (or require mingw to run).
> Correct me if it is wrong.
The win32 setup process is kinda hellish, we'll probably provide
binaries later.
ragloublog is working on that, too.
> For a working pygtk environment under windows, it is simply required
> this all-in-one 
> installer:
> I use it on multiple machine without problems.
> I hope you can help me out, and have a working pida under windows.
Its still a work in process, we are hoping to have it working rather

Regards Ronny Pfannschmidt
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Re: Cimpoling PIDA under windows XP

2008-09-30 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On 30 Sep., 19:53, Francois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ronny,
> I'm known as Ragloublog on irc but unfortunately it's not me that
> works on this aspect.
> I wish I can ... but I can't
> Sorry it's not me, perhaps you think of someone else
> Anyway a windows port would be a great addition for PIDA expansion
> Keep going guys !!!

ok, i confused irc nicknames, i'll clarify when i'm not confused
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Re: Cimpoling PIDA under windows XP

2008-10-01 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On 30 Sep., 20:23, RonnyPfannschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 30 Sep., 19:53, Francois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ronny,
> > I'm known as Ragloublog on irc but unfortunately it's not me that
> > works on this aspect.
> > I wish I can ... but I can't
> > Sorry it's not me, perhaps you think of someone else
> > Anyway a windows port would be a great addition for PIDA expansion
> > Keep going guys !!!
> ok, i confused irc nicknames, i'll clarify when i'm not confused
> anymore

The nick is rodfersou , sorry for the confusion
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Re: Copyrights in PIDA source

2008-10-07 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On 7 Okt., 12:09, Ali Afshar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> I am becoming a bit distressed with the individual copyrights and
> licenses in the PIDA source.
> Now I propose that everyone donates their entire codes to All the PIDA
> authors. Ie everyone in AUTHORS file.
> I suggest a copyright notice such as:
> Copyright  PIDA Authors (see AUTHORS).
> The reason for this is that we don't want to get into trouble like
> Mercurial have, where they cannot change their license because they
> cannot contact all individual copyright holders. We need to maintain a
> centralized level of control.
The main trouble is, they kept it explicitly incompatible with the
Thats why i'm for selecting a desirable licensing line (either gpl2 or

Then we decide on the "or any later version" clause and end up with
endless forward compatibility due the automated re-licensing.
to be sure no-one messes with our license all code that goes back into
Pida must have exactly this license.

> In part, this is mostly my fault for letting it happen as developers
> come and go. So, if anyone has strong disagreement with this happening
> to their code, please let me know, and we will come to an arrangement.
I don't like the centralizing of control,
however we should make a centralized agreement on licensing and future

It should be something clear, "simple" and _final_.

Regards Ronny
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pydbusconf - planing gconf replacement for pida (and others)

2008-10-10 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


since gconf is a mess thats pretty unportable im proposing a simple
dbus based store (which may use json/xml/other shit as storage

The basic characteristics will be:

1. config paths will be abstracted via object paths
2. the properties interface will be used for local key-value parings
3. there needs to be some kind of notify signal for tracking changes

please comment, i'll try to hack up something simple later

Regards Ronny
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Re: pydbusconf - planing gconf replacement for pida (and others)

2008-10-10 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On 10 Okt., 15:27, Rodrigo Ferreira de Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> the third characteristic will be the dbus things, ok?
yeah, i'll use dbus signals for tracking changes to options (each
change will notify all clients)

> On 10/10/2008 10:24, RonnyPfannschmidt wrote:
> > Hi,
> > since gconf is a mess thats pretty unportable im proposing a simple
> > dbus based store (which may use json/xml/other shit as storage
> > backend)
> > The basic characteristics will be:
> > 1. config paths will be abstracted via object paths
> > 2. the properties interface will be used for local key-value parings
> > 3. there needs to be some kind of notify signal for tracking changes
> > please comment, i'll try to hack up something simple later
> > Regards Ronny
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Re: freenode net

2008-10-13 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

No problems with freenode,
but you had a large amount of reconnects,
check your client/network.

On 13 Okt., 15:07, Rodrigo Ferreira de Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Is there a problem with freenode irc net? I can't get in..

Regards Ronny
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merge of new-project

2008-10-19 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

For various reasons vellum was deemed unfit for project files.
So ali did build a new base system.

I pushed it into the main development branch.

So all alpha-testers should prepare for possible breakage.

Regards Ronny
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Re: Working on anyvc, some questions

2008-10-30 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On 30 Okt., 12:48, Javier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been working on a native bzr implementation for anyvc and got
> several problems that I present here in the form of questions:
> 1) The add command is called anytime with recursive=True?
yeah, some vcs's support non-recursive add.
We want it recursive in any case
should we make it recursive by default?

> 2) After doing add i get:
can't reproduce yet
> 3) is there any interface for showing errors? I couldn't find it.
Currently there isn't, i'd like to use exceptions in anyvc and catch
them later

> 4) doing diff:
can't reproduce yet
> 5) when are move, rename, status, sync, pull and push called? I don't
> seem to find them called anywhere.

there isn't yet an ui for move/rename

history transfer (sync/pull/push) needs more thought and a really
functional basic api

sync is a foreign concept to anything but monotone - it has to go

the dvcsbase stuff probably has to go on favor of a real history

> 6) remove method has "execute" param, what is it used for?
again monotone inspired - its basically telling to physically remove
the file, too
for hg it would be the opposite of using --after
no idea how it is called for bzr

basically remove works like this::
  if execute:

it really needs a better name, i can't come up with any yet
> Thanks!
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Re: Working on anyvc, some questions

2008-11-06 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


Whats the difference between move and rename ?

push/pull is supposed to be part of the history interface, i will
remove it from the workdir stuff soon

i think we need a "update to latest revision" function
thats pull history + update workdir on dvcs's and just update on
centralized vcs's

All common dbcs should work semilar
as pull/push is an easy abstraction of local repo/branch file path +
remote repo/branch path + revision identifier

i didnt yet get around specifying a history interface (its necessary
for sane update/pull/push/checkout support)
i'll take most ideas from and try to
get something pythonic by saturday

monotone is a hard exception we should *NOT* initially support as pull/
push/sync is based on uni/bidirctional sync of n branches between 2

btw, the options-refactor branch is going to be merged to main and
there was much change in anyvc to make the upcoming history interface
more easy to keep nice and separate.


On 6 Nov., 12:57, Javier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've a couple of more questions, well, actually just one :)
> I need to implement this functions('move', 'pull', 'push', 'rename'
> and 'status').
> They don't have a gui yet, so i probably need to put my hands on that
> too.
> I need to have them (and some other functions more) in order to keep
> track with my roadmap.
> I will add those functions and necessary GUI to bzr and pida in order
> to make them work and then send patches the pida devs, is that ok?
> Javier
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landing options refactor

2008-11-06 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


i just pushed options refactor to the main branch

it replaces gconf by json based config files

all internal change notifications work now, but its not yet
interprocess save (ie don't run pida from hg twice and change its

have fun testing

Regards Ronny
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Re: pIDA or PIDA or pida or Pida ? let's vote :)

2008-12-01 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

i prefer pida
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Re: Collaborative editing in Vim Emacs and Gedit

2008-12-13 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

looks very intresting
definitively something that would be helpfull as integration into pida
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anyvc status update

2008-12-13 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


with a larger refactoring of anyvc
i recently started adding a simple push/pull api.
They are just working for simple use-cases
and lack support for graph based selection of revisions/patches to

The initial api's are basically "all you can get" or "up to rev/patch

The next steps will be to get a graph of incoming/outgoing revs/
patches and allow selection.

Patches/patch-graps are kinda special and only work in darcs/camp
(they are patch-dependencies and very unique).

The rest is just Revision-DAG based (hg, git, bzr, monotone).

There will never be pull/push support for svn, as it just isn't made
for that.

More headaches are created by the quite different relations between
branches, repositories and workdirs each dvcs has.

oversimplified and probably incomplete overview:
* monotone has repos in sqlite databases and related/unrelated
branches in those - workdirs just point to db + rev
* hg has `clone branches`, named branches and recently grew
`bookmarks` (git style) , workdir is set to a rev of the repo
* bzr has standalone branches and repositories with branches as
subdirs, branch:wordir is 1:1
* git has named references and `clone branches`, the workdir is also a
set to a rev of the repo

another undecided issue is dealing with the extensions of the systems
* patch management
  * bzr has loom
  * hg has mq and pbranch
  * git probably has something, i'm clueless
* serving/smart serving
* archiving/snapshoots
* repository management

Also extracting history information (this is needed for incoming/
outgoing graphs as well as for general browsing) is tricky as the
points of view differ and the different systems impose different sets
of features/limits that i'll have to analyze more.

Regards Ronny
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win32 port status update

2008-12-13 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


i did some debugging and killed most of the issues that stopped even
basic win32 support
however a major problem stays, somehow a background worker thread is
accessing gdk, which works fine in gdk for x11, but is a major killer
on gdk for windows.

I'm hoping to find a proper solution for this issue before Christmas.
There doesn't seem to be any debugger that can handle win32 threads
for python (at least i failed finding one),
so i'll have to resort to debugging by code-review and debug-stepping
on Linux as well as regular testing in my vm.

Regards Ronny

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finally running an "half" pida 0.6 on win32

2008-12-14 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


with some hints from Tobias i managed to run a part of the pida core
services on win32.


Now there are just some major breaks in the not yet working services

We'll also require more libs (gazpacho, librsvg).

Regards Ronny
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win32-port branch hits main

2008-12-22 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


after various experiments and testing the win32 branch was integrated
into the mainline.

All basic functionality on win32 is reached and now we need to

rodfersou started his works on the automated installers that include
various tricky dependencies in order to provide a smooth and easy

We hope to provide automatically build installers for the dev versions

Regards Ronny
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Re: ImportError: No module named kiwi.environ

2009-01-10 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


what kiwi did you install? unfortunately on pypi there is a broken
outdated dead markup lib named kiwi

you need the one from or a
recent python-kiwi package from debian/ubuntu
(its also called something like gtk-kiwi on pypi)

On 10 Jan., 08:11, eliecer  wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I have installed PIDA and I haven't been able to run it for the first
> time because I keep consistently obtaining this error:
> ImportError: No module named kiwi.environ
> I have already reinstalled kiwi but it's been useless so far. What
> should I do?
> Kind regards,
> Eliecer
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pida 0.6beta1 released

2009-03-16 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


I'm pleased to announce the release of pida 0.6beta1.

You can grab the release at
Feel free to aks us in irc://

It took quite some time to get it ready and we did many large changes.

* the project system got a major overhaul

  * currently the main component is puilder,
integration of other build systems is planned

* The plugin system got a major overhaul

  * we made a new config storage since gconf sucks
  * We grew an own package index for plugin's,
the plugin-updater/installer will find published plugins

* we expose all services via dbus (the api is still in flux)

* We got a language service that handles stuff like validation and
outlining ui's

  * we got outstanding dynamic python code-analysis thanks to rope
( see )

* vim is now remote-controlled via dbus

* emacs and medit support got some enhancements

* we are able to actually run pida on win32 now
  (don't try this at home unless you know how to set up gtk)
  we hope to provide usable win32 installer till the next release

* anyvc is a separate lib now

regards Ronny
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misstake on the 0.6beta1 release, downloads taken down again

2009-03-16 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


i had to take the downloads down cause of a few packaging-issues that
broke the setup process

* a necessary file wasn't included cause i break-fixed the
file before the release
* the pida-pyshell executable had a unnoticed bug
  cause i tested with our in-repo development runners instead of the
correct binaries

I'm sorry for the inconvience and will put up a woking release soon.

regards Ronny
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pida 0.6beta2 released

2009-03-17 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


i finally released the beta2, this time no packaging errors
feel free to grab it from pypi

as a result of the mess i reworked sdist part of the

regards Ronny
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Re: hg PIDA hangs when starting

2009-08-04 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

i have a possible fix at
it will get merged later today, i'll have to solve some issues with
csw-gtk first

note that there is a cset on top of that branch that might break
depending on what kiwi version you have

On 4 Aug., 09:51, victor  wrote:
> Starting with changeset:  2086 : de81291f1108
> I am having problems running the hg version of pida
> It shows the following below and then just hangs with the progress bar
> almost complete.
> (I'm not exactly sure where to post this as the pida project seems to
> be spread across about five sites. Should I post a bug in launchpad or
> post a ticket in trac?)
> ---
> ~/source/pida/pida-main$ ./
> /home/vic/source/pida/pida-main/pida/resources/data/gtkrc-2.0:5:
> Unable to locate image file in pixmap_path: "terminal.png"
> /home/vic/source/pida/pida-main/pida/resources/data/gtkrc-2.0:5:
> Unable to locate image file in pixmap_path: "terminal.png"
> /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/zope/ UserWarning:
> Module kiwi was already imported from /home/vic/source/pida/pida-main/
> externals/kiwi/__init__.pyc, but /var/lib/python-support/python2.6 is
> being added to sys.path
>   import pkg_resources
> 15:31:39 dbus.connection      Exception in handler for D-Bus signal:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/dbus/", line
> 214, in maybe_handle_message
>     self._handler(*args, **kwargs)
>   File "/home/vic/source/pida/pida-main/pida/editors/vim/", line
> 52, in vim_VimEnter
>     self.svc._emit_editor_started()
>   File "/home/vic/source/pida/pida-main/pida/editors/vim/", line
> 141, in _emit_editor_started
>     self.boss.get_service('editor').emit('started')
>   File "/home/vic/source/pida/pida-main/pida/core/", line
> 144, in emit
>, **kw)
>   File "/home/vic/source/pida/pida-main/pida/core/", line 21,
> in emit
>     callback(**kw)
>   File "/home/vic/source/pida/pida-main/pida/services/project/
>", line 175, in editor_started
>     self.svc.set_last_project()
>   File "/home/vic/source/pida/pida-main/pida/services/project/
>", line 568, in set_last_project
>     for project in self._projects:
> AttributeError: 'ProjectService' object has no attribute '_projects'
> ^C~/source/pida/pida-main$ Failed to receive messages at
> scim_bridge_client_read_and_dispatch ()
> An IOException at scim_bridge_client_change_focus ()
> An IOException occurred at scim_bridge_client_imcontext_focus_out ()
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Re: hg PIDA hangs when starting

2009-08-04 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

ok, merged and done in my branch will be pushed to main after some
more testing

On 4 Aug., 10:06, RonnyPfannschmidt 
> i have a possible fix 
> at
> it will get merged later today, i'll have to solve some issues with
> csw-gtk first
> note that there is a cset on top of that branch that might break
> depending on what kiwi version you have
> On 4 Aug., 09:51, victor  wrote:
> > Starting with changeset:  2086 : de81291f1108
> > I am having problems running the hg version of pida
> > It shows the following below and then just hangs with the progress bar
> > almost complete.
> > (I'm not exactly sure where to post this as the pida project seems to
> > be spread across about five sites. Should I post a bug in launchpad or
> > post a ticket in trac?)
> > ---
> > ~/source/pida/pida-main$ ./
> > /home/vic/source/pida/pida-main/pida/resources/data/gtkrc-2.0:5:
> > Unable to locate image file in pixmap_path: "terminal.png"
> > /home/vic/source/pida/pida-main/pida/resources/data/gtkrc-2.0:5:
> > Unable to locate image file in pixmap_path: "terminal.png"
> > /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/zope/ UserWarning:
> > Module kiwi was already imported from /home/vic/source/pida/pida-main/
> > externals/kiwi/__init__.pyc, but /var/lib/python-support/python2.6 is
> > being added to sys.path
> >   import pkg_resources
> > 15:31:39 dbus.connection      Exception in handler for D-Bus signal:
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/dbus/", line
> > 214, in maybe_handle_message
> >     self._handler(*args, **kwargs)
> >   File "/home/vic/source/pida/pida-main/pida/editors/vim/", line
> > 52, in vim_VimEnter
> >     self.svc._emit_editor_started()
> >   File "/home/vic/source/pida/pida-main/pida/editors/vim/", line
> > 141, in _emit_editor_started
> >     self.boss.get_service('editor').emit('started')
> >   File "/home/vic/source/pida/pida-main/pida/core/", line
> > 144, in emit
> >, **kw)
> >   File "/home/vic/source/pida/pida-main/pida/core/", line 21,
> > in emit
> >     callback(**kw)
> >   File "/home/vic/source/pida/pida-main/pida/services/project/
> >", line 175, in editor_started
> >     self.svc.set_last_project()
> >   File "/home/vic/source/pida/pida-main/pida/services/project/
> >", line 568, in set_last_project
> >     for project in self._projects:
> > AttributeError: 'ProjectService' object has no attribute '_projects'
> > ^C~/source/pida/pida-main$ Failed to receive messages at
> > scim_bridge_client_read_and_dispatch ()
> > An IOException at scim_bridge_client_change_focus ()
> > An IOException occurred at scim_bridge_client_imcontext_focus_out ()
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pida 0.6beta3 released

2009-08-25 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


i'm happy to announce the release of pida 0.6beta3

Again we implemented a larger amount of fixes and enhancements.

Some of the more usefull/noticable changes are:

* finally a plash screen with progress bar
* switch from glade to gtkbuilder for the ui files
* initial usefull error error reporting in the editor selection that
detects missing libraries
  (detailed analysis of the installed editor is to follow
   i.e. check for gvim with python support or emacs with dbus

Special thanks go to poelzi for the seemingly unending amount of

The upload of updated plugins will follow.

Happy testing everyone.

Ronny Pfannschmidt
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Re: PIDA 0.5.1 Install issues on Max OS X

2009-08-30 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


i suppose medit is the only editor backend usable on osx itself.

emacs and vim currently require x11 support cause we use X11Embed as
method of integrating them.

None of the core developers owns a mac, so we aren't in a position to
test stuff.

Ronny Pfannschmidt

On 29 Aug., 13:36, "Jon~301"  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> It's been 1 week i'm trying to install PIDA 0.5.1 on Mac OS X.
> I've tried a lot of possibilities :
> source from 
> HG) source from 
> website) via MacPorts)
> But these solutions fail when trying to build the moo_stub extension :
> ld: duplicate symbol __PyGtk_API in build/temp.macosx-10.5-i386-2.5/
> moo/moo-stub.o and build/temp.macosx-10.5-i386-2.5/moo/moo-pygtk.o
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> error: command '/usr/bin/gcc-4.0' failed with exit status 1
> I found at this URL a possible fix for OS X 
> :
> When adding "#define NO_IMPORT_PYGTK", I don't get any errors.
> However when I run PIDA, I get the first screen where I can chose
> between emacs and vim, then I get the spash screen "PIDA is
> starting... and it loves you !", and then NOTHING.
> I have all these logs in the console :
> [jon...@macosx PIDA-0.5.1]$ ./
> Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display "/tmp/launch-2xRpFK/:0".
> ** (pida:3051): WARNING **: expected enumeration type MooPanePosition,
> but got GtkPositionType instead
> ** (pida:3051): WARNING **: expected enumeration type MooPanePosition,
> but got GtkPositionType instead
> ** (pida:3051): WARNING **: expected enumeration type MooPanePosition,
> but got GtkPositionType instead
> VIM - Vi IMproved 7.2 (2008 Aug 9, compiled Aug 18 2009 00:52:42)
> Unknown option argument: "--socketid"
> More info with: "vim -h"
> ** (pida:3051): WARNING **: expected enumeration type MooPanePosition,
> but got GtkPositionType instead
> ** (pida:3051): WARNING **: expected enumeration type MooPanePosition,
> but got GtkPositionType instead
> ** (pida:3051): WARNING **: expected enumeration type MooPanePosition,
> but got GtkPositionType instead
> Thanks for helping !
> Jon
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Re: problem with check editor before starting

2009-09-17 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On 11 Sep., 10:03, Victor Roetman  wrote:
> I'm still not really sure where I should post this kind of report. Is
> this the right place?

a correct place for bugs would be our trac on
> Starting with pida-main changeset:  2161 (e8620f95321f) ("check editor
> before starting")
> when I run from the command line, it works fine
> but when I run from a gnome launcher icon, it pops up the PIDA First Run
> Wizard (while the splash screen is still up)
> The Wizard cannot find gvim python support (or anything else for that
> matter). If I press Quit instead of OK, it quits the wizard, but the
> splash screen stays up, frozen at that location.  Then I have to kill
> the process by hand. Pressing OK seems to actually quit the program.
> So there are two problems: 1) the first run wizard Quit button doesn't
> actually quit things and
> 2) I cannot run pida from the gnome application launcher because it
> launches the first run wizard
> I really don't know why. Probably there is something in the environment
> that is different, but it's a bit strange to me. The previous changeset
> 2160 (3836df4cc637) works fine.
i think we fixed it in the current trunk

please report back if its still messed
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Re: pygtkscintilla

2009-09-23 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


on a sidenode, does scintilla still use hand written parsers in c?
last time i took a look at scintilla that was one of the major
failures that did set it apart from the mature and reasonable editors/
editing components.

Ronny Pfannschmidt
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sprint this weekend

2009-09-24 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt


for this Saturday we'd like to do a small sprint and tackle a few of
the bugs/enhancements that got less attention than they should.

I started creating a milestone for that sprint at and i'm now moving some
of the bugs to it, feel free to suggest others here or in the irc

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seeking a replacement for google groups

2009-11-11 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

since the spam moderation is kinda nasty i'd like to replace google
groups with something sensible sooner or later

anyone got suggestions?

regards Ronny
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Re: seeking a replacement for google groups

2009-11-11 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Nov 11, 3:21 pm, "Eric S. Johansson"  wrote:
> On 11/11/2009 9:12 AM, RonnyPfannschmidt wrote:
> > since the spam moderation is kinda nasty i'd like to replace google
> > groups with something sensible sooner or later
> source forge and launchpad both provide mailing lists as do I  
> (

thanks for the sugestion
i'm toying with various ideas

zed shaw did set up some interesting mailing list stuff, too (using

and well, google wave seems like fun

i'd just like to get it sorted out till the end of the year

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Re: Building 0.6beta3 on fedora

2010-01-09 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Jan 7, 4:20 am, Tim  wrote:
> I would like to try out the new 0.6 beta 3 of pida but I'm having
> trouble getting it to build on Fedora 11. When I follow the
> instructions for cloning from hg on trac (
> InstallationHowto) I get the following error out of
> sphinx not found, skipping user docs
> running build_ext
> gdk-pixbuf-csource --static --build-list        \
>                 MOO_HIDE_ICON hide.png                  \
>                 MOO_CLOSE_ICON close.png                \
>                 MOO_STICKY_ICON sticky.png              \
>                 MOO_DETACH_ICON detach.png              \
>                 MOO_ATTACH_ICON attach.png              \
>                 MOO_KEEP_ON_TOP_ICON keepontop.png      \
>                         > stock-moo.h.tmp && mv stock-moo.h.tmp stock-moo.h
> /bin/sh: gdk-pixbuf-csource: command not found
> make: *** [stock-moo.h] Error 127
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 202, in 
>     data_files=data_files,
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 152, in setup
>     dist.run_commands()
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 975, in
> run_commands
>     self.run_command(cmd)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 995, in
> run_command
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/command/", line 343,
> in run
>     self.build_extensions()
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/command/", line 469,
> in build_extensions
>     self.build_extension(ext)
>   File "", line 94, in build_extension
>     cwd=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'contrib/moo')
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 462, in check_call
>     raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
> subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['make', 'prepare']' returned
> non-zero exit status 2
> I have gdk-pixbuff and gdk-pixbuff-devel installed from the Fedora
> repositories but I can't seem to find a file named gdk-pixbuff-source
> much less anything on the path.
> Does anyone know of a fix or a workaround for this? I'm going to keep
> looking but I figured that I would ask in case someone else runs into
> this.

well, finally a reason to try fedora, i'll set up a vm and take a look
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Re: Building 0.6beta3 on fedora

2010-01-09 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Jan 10, 12:35 am, Tim Flink  wrote:
> On Jan 9, 2010, at 4:28 PM, RonnyPfannschmidt wrote:
> > On Jan 7, 4:20 am, Tim  wrote:
> >> I would like to try out the new 0.6 beta 3 of pida but I'm having
> >> trouble getting it to build on Fedora 11. When I follow the
> >> instructions for cloning from hg on trac (
> >> InstallationHowto) I get the following error out of
> >> sphinx not found, skipping user docs
> >> running build_ext
> >> gdk-pixbuf-csource --static --build-list        \
> >>                 MOO_HIDE_ICON hide.png                  \
> >>                 MOO_CLOSE_ICON close.png                \
> >>                 MOO_STICKY_ICON sticky.png              \
> >>                 MOO_DETACH_ICON detach.png              \
> >>                 MOO_ATTACH_ICON attach.png              \
> >>                 MOO_KEEP_ON_TOP_ICON keepontop.png      \
> >>                         > stock-moo.h.tmp && mv stock-moo.h.tmp  
> >> stock-moo.h
> >> /bin/sh: gdk-pixbuf-csource: command not found
> >> make: *** [stock-moo.h] Error 127
> >> Traceback (most recent call last):
> >>   File "", line 202, in 
> >>     data_files=data_files,
> >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 152, in setup
> >>     dist.run_commands()
> >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 975, in
> >> run_commands
> >>     self.run_command(cmd)
> >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 995, in
> >> run_command
> >>
> >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/command/", line 343,
> >> in run
> >>     self.build_extensions()
> >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/command/", line 469,
> >> in build_extensions
> >>     self.build_extension(ext)
> >>   File "", line 94, in build_extension
> >>     cwd=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'contrib/moo')
> >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 462, in check_call
> >>     raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
> >> subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['make', 'prepare']' returned
> >> non-zero exit status 2
> >> I have gdk-pixbuff and gdk-pixbuff-devel installed from the Fedora
> >> repositories but I can't seem to find a file named gdk-pixbuff-source
> >> much less anything on the path.
> >> Does anyone know of a fix or a workaround for this? I'm going to keep
> >> looking but I figured that I would ask in case someone else runs into
> >> this.
> > well, finally a reason to try fedora, i'll set up a vm and take a look
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
> > Groups "PIDA" group.
> > To post to this group, send an email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> >
> > .
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > at
> > .
> I figured part of it out but have been waiting for this to post to go  
> through before I sent anything else.
> I think that gdk-pixbuff-csource was part of gtk2-devel but I ended up  
> installing that as part of another package. I'm in the process of re-
> installing fedora on my machine so I'll be going through this again  
> soon, probably later today or tomorrow. I'll post fedora build  
> instructions once I have that figured out.
> I was also having some issues installing the beta on Fedora but  
> haven't gotten around to figuring that out yet. 0.5 from the fedora  
> repositories works but for some reason, the beta can't seem to find  
> gvim, emacs or medit. I'll post more as I figure it out.
> Tim

i'm set up for investigation now, hopefully we'll have a working set
of dependencies for fedora in a few moments

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Re: Building 0.6beta3 on fedora

2010-01-09 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Jan 10, 1:36 am, RonnyPfannschmidt 
> On Jan 10, 12:35 am, Tim Flink  wrote:
> > On Jan 9, 2010, at 4:28 PM, RonnyPfannschmidt wrote:
> > > On Jan 7, 4:20 am, Tim  wrote:
> > >> I would like to try out the new 0.6 beta 3 of pida but I'm having
> > >> trouble getting it to build on Fedora 11. When I follow the
> > >> instructions for cloning from hg on trac (
> > >> InstallationHowto) I get the following error out of
> > >> sphinx not found, skipping user docs
> > >> running build_ext
> > >> gdk-pixbuf-csource --static --build-list        \
> > >>                 MOO_HIDE_ICON hide.png                  \
> > >>                 MOO_CLOSE_ICON close.png                \
> > >>                 MOO_STICKY_ICON sticky.png              \
> > >>                 MOO_DETACH_ICON detach.png              \
> > >>                 MOO_ATTACH_ICON attach.png              \
> > >>                 MOO_KEEP_ON_TOP_ICON keepontop.png      \
> > >>                         > stock-moo.h.tmp && mv stock-moo.h.tmp  
> > >> stock-moo.h
> > >> /bin/sh: gdk-pixbuf-csource: command not found
> > >> make: *** [stock-moo.h] Error 127
> > >> Traceback (most recent call last):
> > >>   File "", line 202, in 
> > >>     data_files=data_files,
> > >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 152, in setup
> > >>     dist.run_commands()
> > >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 975, in
> > >> run_commands
> > >>     self.run_command(cmd)
> > >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 995, in
> > >> run_command
> > >>
> > >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/command/", line 343,
> > >> in run
> > >>     self.build_extensions()
> > >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/command/", line 469,
> > >> in build_extensions
> > >>     self.build_extension(ext)
> > >>   File "", line 94, in build_extension
> > >>     cwd=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'contrib/moo')
> > >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 462, in check_call
> > >>     raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
> > >> subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['make', 'prepare']' returned
> > >> non-zero exit status 2
> > >> I have gdk-pixbuff and gdk-pixbuff-devel installed from the Fedora
> > >> repositories but I can't seem to find a file named gdk-pixbuff-source
> > >> much less anything on the path.
> > >> Does anyone know of a fix or a workaround for this? I'm going to keep
> > >> looking but I figured that I would ask in case someone else runs into
> > >> this.
> > > well, finally a reason to try fedora, i'll set up a vm and take a look
> > > --
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
> > > Groups "PIDA" group.
> > > To post to this group, send an email to
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> > >
> > > .
> > > For more options, visit this group 
> > > at
> > > .
> > I figured part of it out but have been waiting for this to post to go  
> > through before I sent anything else.
> > I think that gdk-pixbuff-csource was part of gtk2-devel but I ended up  
> > installing that as part of another package. I'm in the process of re-
> > installing fedora on my machine so I'll be going through this again  
> > soon, probably later today or tomorrow. I'll post fedora build  
> > instructions once I have that figured out.
> > I was also having some issues installing the beta on Fedora but  
> > haven't gotten around to figuring that out yet. 0.5 from the fedora  
> > repositories works but for some reason, the beta can't seem to find  
> > gvim, emacs or medit. I'll post more as I figure it out.
> > Tim
> i'm set up for investigation now, hopefully we'll have a working set
> of dependencies for fedora in a few moments
> Ronny

ah, i also needed to install python-dbus-devel

so i guess the basic needs are pygtk-devel, gcc, python-dbus-devel,
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"PIDA" group.
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Re: Building 0.6beta3 on fedora

2010-01-09 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Jan 10, 1:48 am, RonnyPfannschmidt 
> On Jan 10, 1:36 am, RonnyPfannschmidt 
> wrote:
> > On Jan 10, 12:35 am, Tim Flink  wrote:
> > > On Jan 9, 2010, at 4:28 PM, RonnyPfannschmidt wrote:
> > > > On Jan 7, 4:20 am, Tim  wrote:
> > > >> I would like to try out the new 0.6 beta 3 of pida but I'm having
> > > >> trouble getting it to build on Fedora 11. When I follow the
> > > >> instructions for cloning from hg on trac (
> > > >> InstallationHowto) I get the following error out of
> > > >> sphinx not found, skipping user docs
> > > >> running build_ext
> > > >> gdk-pixbuf-csource --static --build-list        \
> > > >>                 MOO_HIDE_ICON hide.png                  \
> > > >>                 MOO_CLOSE_ICON close.png                \
> > > >>                 MOO_STICKY_ICON sticky.png              \
> > > >>                 MOO_DETACH_ICON detach.png              \
> > > >>                 MOO_ATTACH_ICON attach.png              \
> > > >>                 MOO_KEEP_ON_TOP_ICON keepontop.png      \
> > > >>                         > stock-moo.h.tmp && mv stock-moo.h.tmp  
> > > >> stock-moo.h
> > > >> /bin/sh: gdk-pixbuf-csource: command not found
> > > >> make: *** [stock-moo.h] Error 127
> > > >> Traceback (most recent call last):
> > > >>   File "", line 202, in 
> > > >>     data_files=data_files,
> > > >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 152, in setup
> > > >>     dist.run_commands()
> > > >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 975, in
> > > >> run_commands
> > > >>     self.run_command(cmd)
> > > >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 995, in
> > > >> run_command
> > > >>
> > > >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/command/", line 343,
> > > >> in run
> > > >>     self.build_extensions()
> > > >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/command/", line 469,
> > > >> in build_extensions
> > > >>     self.build_extension(ext)
> > > >>   File "", line 94, in build_extension
> > > >>     cwd=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'contrib/moo')
> > > >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 462, in check_call
> > > >>     raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
> > > >> subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['make', 'prepare']' returned
> > > >> non-zero exit status 2
> > > >> I have gdk-pixbuff and gdk-pixbuff-devel installed from the Fedora
> > > >> repositories but I can't seem to find a file named gdk-pixbuff-source
> > > >> much less anything on the path.
> > > >> Does anyone know of a fix or a workaround for this? I'm going to keep
> > > >> looking but I figured that I would ask in case someone else runs into
> > > >> this.
> > > > well, finally a reason to try fedora, i'll set up a vm and take a look
> > > > --
> > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
> > > > Groups "PIDA" group.
> > > > To post to this group, send an email to
> > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> > > >
> > > > .
> > > > For more options, visit this group 
> > > > at
> > > > .
> > > I figured part of it out but have been waiting for this to post to go  
> > > through before I sent anything else.
> > > I think that gdk-pixbuff-csource was part of gtk2-devel but I ended up  
> > > installing that as part of another package. I'm in the process of re-
> > > installing fedora on my machine so I'll be going through this again  
> > > soon, probably later today or tomorrow. I'll post fedora build  
> > > instructions once I have that figured out.
> > > I was also having some issues installing the beta on Fedora but  
> > > haven't gotten around to figuring that out yet. 0.5 from the fedora  
> > > repositories works but for some reason, the beta can't seem to find  
> > > gvim, emacs or medit. I'll post more as I figure it out.
> > > Tim
> > i'm set up for investigation now, hopefully we'll have a working set
> > of dependencies for fedora in a few moments
> > Ronny
> ah, i also needed to install python-dbus-devel
> so i guess the basic needs are pygtk-devel, gcc, python-dbus-devel,
> gvim

ops, its actually called dbus-python-devel
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Re: Building 0.6beta3 on fedora

2010-01-09 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Jan 10, 1:49 am, RonnyPfannschmidt 
> On Jan 10, 1:48 am, RonnyPfannschmidt 
> wrote:
> > On Jan 10, 1:36 am, RonnyPfannschmidt 
> > wrote:
> > > On Jan 10, 12:35 am, Tim Flink  wrote:
> > > > On Jan 9, 2010, at 4:28 PM, RonnyPfannschmidt wrote:
> > > > > On Jan 7, 4:20 am, Tim  wrote:
> > > > >> I would like to try out the new 0.6 beta 3 of pida but I'm having
> > > > >> trouble getting it to build on Fedora 11. When I follow the
> > > > >> instructions for cloning from hg on trac (
> > > > >> InstallationHowto) I get the following error out of
> > > > >> sphinx not found, skipping user docs
> > > > >> running build_ext
> > > > >> gdk-pixbuf-csource --static --build-list        \
> > > > >>                 MOO_HIDE_ICON hide.png                  \
> > > > >>                 MOO_CLOSE_ICON close.png                \
> > > > >>                 MOO_STICKY_ICON sticky.png              \
> > > > >>                 MOO_DETACH_ICON detach.png              \
> > > > >>                 MOO_ATTACH_ICON attach.png              \
> > > > >>                 MOO_KEEP_ON_TOP_ICON keepontop.png      \
> > > > >>                         > stock-moo.h.tmp && mv stock-moo.h.tmp  
> > > > >> stock-moo.h
> > > > >> /bin/sh: gdk-pixbuf-csource: command not found
> > > > >> make: *** [stock-moo.h] Error 127
> > > > >> Traceback (most recent call last):
> > > > >>   File "", line 202, in 
> > > > >>     data_files=data_files,
> > > > >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 152, in setup
> > > > >>     dist.run_commands()
> > > > >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 975, in
> > > > >> run_commands
> > > > >>     self.run_command(cmd)
> > > > >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 995, in
> > > > >> run_command
> > > > >>
> > > > >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/command/", line 343,
> > > > >> in run
> > > > >>     self.build_extensions()
> > > > >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/command/", line 469,
> > > > >> in build_extensions
> > > > >>     self.build_extension(ext)
> > > > >>   File "", line 94, in build_extension
> > > > >>     cwd=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'contrib/moo')
> > > > >>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 462, in check_call
> > > > >>     raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
> > > > >> subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['make', 'prepare']' returned
> > > > >> non-zero exit status 2
> > > > >> I have gdk-pixbuff and gdk-pixbuff-devel installed from the Fedora
> > > > >> repositories but I can't seem to find a file named gdk-pixbuff-source
> > > > >> much less anything on the path.
> > > > >> Does anyone know of a fix or a workaround for this? I'm going to keep
> > > > >> looking but I figured that I would ask in case someone else runs into
> > > > >> this.
> > > > > well, finally a reason to try fedora, i'll set up a vm and take a look
> > > > > --
> > > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
> > > > > Groups "PIDA" group.
> > > > > To post to this group, send an email to
> > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> > > > >
> > > > > .
> > > > > For more options, visit this group 
> > > > > at
> > > > > .
> > > > I figured part of it out but have been waiting for this to post to go  
> > > > through before I sent anything else.
> > > > I think that gdk-pixbuff-csource was part of gtk2-devel but I ended up  
> > > > installing that as part of another package. I'

Re: New User of PIDA

2010-01-09 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Jan 10, 12:56 am, gdawg  wrote:
> I recently installed PIDA on Ubuntu and would appreciate some guidance
> on how to use it. Thank you.
i suppose the old handbook might be some help

> Kind regards,
> gdawg
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Re: Building 0.6beta3 on fedora

2010-01-10 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Jan 10, 5:52 am, Tim Flink  wrote:
> On Jan 9, 2010, at 9:46 PM, Tim Flink wrote:
> > On Jan 9, 2010, at 6:16 PM, RonnyPfannschmidt wrote:
> >> On Jan 10, 1:49 am, RonnyPfannschmidt 
> >> wrote:
> >>> On Jan 10, 1:48 am, RonnyPfannschmidt 
> >>> wrote:
> >>>> On Jan 10, 1:36 am, RonnyPfannschmidt  
> >>>> 
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>> On Jan 10, 12:35 am, Tim Flink  wrote:
> >>>>>> On Jan 9, 2010, at 4:28 PM, RonnyPfannschmidt wrote:
> >>>>>>> On Jan 7, 4:20 am, Tim  wrote:
> >>>>>>>> I would like to try out the new 0.6 beta 3 of pida but I'm  
> >>>>>>>> having
> >>>>>>>> trouble getting it to build on Fedora 11. When I follow the
> >>>>>>>> instructions for cloning from hg on trac (
> >>>>>>>> InstallationHowto) I get the following error out of
> >>>>>>>> sphinx not found, skipping user docs
> >>>>>>>> running build_ext
> >>>>>>>> gdk-pixbuf-csource --static --build-list        \
> >>>>>>>>                MOO_HIDE_ICON hide.png                  \
> >>>>>>>>                MOO_CLOSE_ICON close.png                \
> >>>>>>>>                MOO_STICKY_ICON sticky.png              \
> >>>>>>>>                MOO_DETACH_ICON detach.png              \
> >>>>>>>>                MOO_ATTACH_ICON attach.png              \
> >>>>>>>>                MOO_KEEP_ON_TOP_ICON keepontop.png      \
> >>>>>>>>                        > stock-moo.h.tmp && mv stock-moo.h.tmp
> >>>>>>>> stock-moo.h
> >>>>>>>> /bin/sh: gdk-pixbuf-csource: command not found
> >>>>>>>> make: *** [stock-moo.h] Error 127
> >>>>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
> >>>>>>>>  File "", line 202, in 
> >>>>>>>>    data_files=data_files,
> >>>>>>>>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 152, in  
> >>>>>>>> setup
> >>>>>>>>    dist.run_commands()
> >>>>>>>>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 975, in
> >>>>>>>> run_commands
> >>>>>>>>    self.run_command(cmd)
> >>>>>>>>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 995, in
> >>>>>>>> run_command
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/command/",  
> >>>>>>>> line 343,
> >>>>>>>> in run
> >>>>>>>>    self.build_extensions()
> >>>>>>>>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/command/",  
> >>>>>>>> line 469,
> >>>>>>>> in build_extensions
> >>>>>>>>    self.build_extension(ext)
> >>>>>>>>  File "", line 94, in build_extension
> >>>>>>>>    cwd=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'contrib/moo')
> >>>>>>>>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 462, in  
> >>>>>>>> check_call
> >>>>>>>>    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
> >>>>>>>> subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['make', 'prepare']'  
> >>>>>>>> returned
> >>>>>>>> non-zero exit status 2
> >>>>>>>> I have gdk-pixbuff and gdk-pixbuff-devel installed from the  
> >>>>>>>> Fedora
> >>>>>>>> repositories but I can't seem to find a file named gdk-
> >>>>>>>> pixbuff-source
> >>>>>>>> much less anything on the path.
> >>>>>>>> Does anyone know of a fix or a workaround for this? I'm going  
> >>>>>>>> to keep
> >>>>>>>> looking but I figured that I would ask in case someone else  
> >>&g

Re: Questions from exploratory testing

2010-01-14 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Jan 14, 3:41 am, Ryan Freckleton  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I recently discovered PIDA and thought it would be a good candidate to do
> some session based exploratory testing. I just discovered exploratory
> testing as well, so this is mostly an exercise to practice that new skill.
> I spent twenty minutes just trying to survey the GUI. Here are some
> questions that I found:
> * When the splash screen is up, is load time mostly taken up by loading
> python modules?
its module loading + setting up the services
> * What does the "create file" entry in the menu do? I assume it's different
> than the functionality of "new file".
the idea is that create makes a new named buffer that refers to a yet
to be made filename
and new makes a new unnamed buffer

the vim one for that is a bit screwed

> * Is the search functionality extensible through plugins or have any other
> interesting features?
not yet
> * How does the project system work? Is it just additional metadata stored in
> a text file?
its metadata in .pida-meta, any plugin may use it
i think currently only puilder, indexing and rope python analysis use
> * No documentation exists through the help menu. Do I have to do something
> to build the documentation?
no ui integrated help yet
there is a sphinx documentation in ./docs
if anyone figures how to make a devhelp from that i'll happyly

> * What do the various icons on the status bar mean?
> * How do the "Notify" and "FileWatcher" functionality work?
notify uses pynotify or an own fallback to provide notifications

filewatcher is a messy set of fallbacks to use gamin/fam/gio

> Anyone have some quick answers to these? I'll continue exploring this
> awesome piece of software. if there's a place in the documentation I should
> look, please tell me that as well.
> Thanks!
> =
> --Ryan E. Freckleton
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"PIDA" group.
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Re: Java support

2010-01-15 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Jan 15, 5:04 am, Ryan Freckleton  wrote:
> Hello PIDA developers and community,
> One of my coworkers (Tim Flink, who wrote this list earlier) and I are
> interested in developing Java support for PIDA with the goal of using it as
> our primary java IDE.
> If we succeed in adding this support, would you be interested in receiving
> our patches into mainline? We're planning doing our work in public branches
> on bitbucket and keeping them synced with main.
Yup, we are interested

> This assumes that our code is up to par with quality, tests, etc.
Tests is still a big grey area, quality is a moving target we attack
via peer-review.
I'd happy to provide additional review for you, if requested.

The basic premise Sounds fine, we might want to investigate on running
java-related things via a execnet->jython bridge.
We currently lack a concept of generic build systems, so currently it
would be necessary to indirect via puilder
(our simple builtin task-based build tool)
At some point i plan to make the Project support build tool agnostic,
so java based Projects could directly use ant/maven.
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Re: Java support

2010-01-15 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Jan 15, 10:57 am, Ali Afshar  wrote:
> Hi, as a user, I would be *really* keen on seeing good Java support,
> or any Java support. In my opinion it is a huge missing link, as
> although Java is not my primary development language, it is hard to
> live without using it occasionally.
> I personally wouldn't get hung up on having the first iteration be
> perfect, using Jython etc..

well, using jython would only be required for reasonable invocation of
java programm parts
the rest whole thing will require a good amount of iterations,
since java support is certainly a complex feature

i'm looking forward to seeing it happen :)

> 2010/1/15 RonnyPfannschmidt :
> > On Jan 15, 5:04 am, Ryan Freckleton  wrote:
> >> Hello PIDA developers and community,
> >> One of my coworkers (Tim Flink, who wrote this list earlier) and I are
> >> interested in developing Java support for PIDA with the goal of using it as
> >> our primary java IDE.
> >> If we succeed in adding this support, would you be interested in receiving
> >> our patches into mainline? We're planning doing our work in public branches
> >> on bitbucket and keeping them synced with main.
> > Yup, we are interested
> >> This assumes that our code is up to par with quality, tests, etc.
> > Tests is still a big grey area, quality is a moving target we attack
> > via peer-review.
> > I'd happy to provide additional review for you, if requested.
> > The basic premise Sounds fine, we might want to investigate on running
> > java-related things via a execnet->jython bridge.
> > We currently lack a concept of generic build systems, so currently it
> > would be necessary to indirect via puilder
> > (our simple builtin task-based build tool)
> > At some point i plan to make the Project support build tool agnostic,
> > so java based Projects could directly use ant/maven.
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "PIDA" group.
> > To post to this group, send an email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> >
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > at
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Re: Java support

2010-01-15 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Jan 15, 5:46 pm, Ali Afshar  wrote:
> I would do exactly what you suggest, rip out some tools from eclipse
> etc, and present them as command line applications, which can
> communicate easily with PIDA over simple standard IO. I am imagining
> some simple data transfer format will be perfectly adequate to pass
> information back and forth from PIDA.

execnet + jython > java + stdio com

> I can't think of any command line tools for doing Java IDE stuff though...
> 2010/1/15 Ryan Freckleton :
> > On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 3:04 AM, RonnyPfannschmidt
> >  wrote:
> >> On Jan 15, 10:57 am, Ali Afshar  wrote:
> >> > Hi, as a user, I would be *really* keen on seeing good Java support,
> >> > or any Java support. In my opinion it is a huge missing link, as
> >> > although Java is not my primary development language, it is hard to
> >> > live without using it occasionally.
> >> > I personally wouldn't get hung up on having the first iteration be
> >> > perfect, using Jython etc..
> >> well, using jython would only be required for reasonable invocation of
> >> java programm parts
> >> the rest whole thing will require a good amount of iterations,
> >> since java support is certainly a complex feature
> >> i'm looking forward to seeing it happen :)
> > Right, we're aiming at implementing the simplest thing that could possibly
> > work. Part of the problem is that there aren't a lot of stand alone java
> > applications to support IDE features. We may end up ripping code out of
> > Eclipse, Netbeans, etc. for refactoring, code checking etc.
> > This is one area where we could use some help. If anyone knows of libraries
> > for doing IDE like things with Java that we could use, that would be
> > fantastic. Otherwise we'll just slowly add features from scratch.
> >> > 2010/1/15 RonnyPfannschmidt :
> >> > > On Jan 15, 5:04 am, Ryan Freckleton  wrote:
> >> > >> Hello PIDA developers and community,
> >> > >> One of my coworkers (Tim Flink, who wrote this list earlier) and I
> >> > >> are
> >> > >> interested in developing Java support for PIDA with the goal of using
> >> > >> it as
> >> > >> our primary java IDE.
> >> > >> If we succeed in adding this support, would you be interested in
> >> > >> receiving
> >> > >> our patches into mainline? We're planning doing our work in public
> >> > >> branches
> >> > >> on bitbucket and keeping them synced with main.
> >> > > Yup, we are interested
> >> > >> This assumes that our code is up to par with quality, tests, etc.
> >> > > Tests is still a big grey area, quality is a moving target we attack
> >> > > via peer-review.
> >> > > I'd happy to provide additional review for you, if requested.
> >> > > The basic premise Sounds fine, we might want to investigate on running
> >> > > java-related things via a execnet->jython bridge.
> >> > > We currently lack a concept of generic build systems, so currently it
> >> > > would be necessary to indirect via puilder
> >> > > (our simple builtin task-based build tool)
> >> > > At some point i plan to make the Project support build tool agnostic,
> >> > > so java based Projects could directly use ant/maven.
> > Glad to hear it! We'll definitely take you up on the offer for additional
> > code reviews once we have some code.
> > Holy cow, execnet is awesome! I didn't know that the PyPy project had
> > created such a thing, most of the bridges I've seen between Java and Python
> > use the shell and are generally dead projects :(. This is something
> > definitely worth looking into.
> > Thanks for the tip. Do you have any design constraints or ideas of how to
> > make the build system more generic? We may end up getting it before you.
> > Based on the level of support we're getting, I think that it would be useful
> > for us to do a "design outline" and share it with the list of what we plan
> > on doing. That way we can get some feedback before we start.
> > Thanks again!
> > =
> > --Ryan E. Freckleton
> > --
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Re: Java support

2010-01-15 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Jan 15, 5:26 pm, Ryan Freckleton  wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 3:04 AM, RonnyPfannschmidt <
>> wrote:
> > On Jan 15, 10:57 am, Ali Afshar  wrote:
> > > Hi, as a user, I would be *really* keen on seeing good Java support,
> > > or any Java support. In my opinion it is a huge missing link, as
> > > although Java is not my primary development language, it is hard to
> > > live without using it occasionally.
> > > I personally wouldn't get hung up on having the first iteration be
> > > perfect, using Jython etc..
> > well, using jython would only be required for reasonable invocation of
> > java programm parts
> > the rest whole thing will require a good amount of iterations,
> > since java support is certainly a complex feature
> > i'm looking forward to seeing it happen :)
> Right, we're aiming at implementing the simplest thing that could possibly
> work. Part of the problem is that there aren't a lot of stand alone java
> applications to support IDE features. We may end up ripping code out of
> Eclipse, Netbeans, etc. for refactoring, code checking etc.
> This is one area where we could use some help. If anyone knows of libraries
> for doing IDE like things with Java that we could use, that would be
> fantastic. Otherwise we'll just slowly add features from scratch.
we might need to have to search the java community for those

> > > 2010/1/15 RonnyPfannschmidt :
> > > > On Jan 15, 5:04 am, Ryan Freckleton  wrote:
> > > >> Hello PIDA developers and community,
> > > >> One of my coworkers (Tim Flink, who wrote this list earlier) and I are
> > > >> interested in developing Java support for PIDA with the goal of using
> > it as
> > > >> our primary java IDE.
> > > >> If we succeed in adding this support, would you be interested in
> > receiving
> > > >> our patches into mainline? We're planning doing our work in public
> > branches
> > > >> on bitbucket and keeping them synced with main.
> > > > Yup, we are interested
> > > >> This assumes that our code is up to par with quality, tests, etc.
> > > > Tests is still a big grey area, quality is a moving target we attack
> > > > via peer-review.
> > > > I'd happy to provide additional review for you, if requested.
> > > > The basic premise Sounds fine, we might want to investigate on running
> > > > java-related things via a execnet->jython bridge.
> > > > We currently lack a concept of generic build systems, so currently it
> > > > would be necessary to indirect via puilder
> > > > (our simple builtin task-based build tool)
> > > > At some point i plan to make the Project support build tool agnostic,
> > > > so java based Projects could directly use ant/maven.
> Glad to hear it! We'll definitely take you up on the offer for additional
> code reviews once we have some code.
> Holy cow, execnet is awesome! I didn't know that the PyPy project had
> created such a thing, most of the bridges I've seen between Java and Python
> use the shell and are generally dead projects :(. This is something
> definitely worth looking into.
> Thanks for the tip. Do you have any design constraints or ideas of how to
> make the build system more generic? We may end up getting it before you.
not yet, thats something for after the exams

> Based on the level of support we're getting, I think that it would be useful
> for us to do a "design outline" and share it with the list of what we plan
> on doing. That way we can get some feedback before we start.
Feel free to abuse our Wiki.

> Thanks again!
> =
> --Ryan E. Freckleton
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toying with the idea of using librelist for hosting the pida ml

2010-01-18 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

i like the ideas behind
the pocoo guys just started to use it for zine
i want to use it for pida/anyvc

so please discuss.

-- Ronny
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Re: toying with the idea of using librelist for hosting the pida ml

2010-01-18 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Jan 18, 7:30 pm, Tim Flink  wrote:
> > hi,
> > i like the ideas behind
> > the pocoo guys just started to use it for zine
> > i want to use it for pida/anyvc
> > so please discuss.
> I took a look at the public archives (rest-client was the first one I  
> found that had emails) and my question is whether or not they censor  
> email addresses in those archives. It doesn't look like it and I would  
> guess not as that would go against the idea of a completely open  
> mailing list. As much as I like some of the the ideas behind it, I'm  
> not a huge fan of having my email address scraped by spam bots.

no idea, i'll ask zed later

> If pida goes this route, I'll probably just set up an alias for the  
> list but thought I would bring it up. Would the migration be automatic  
> or would we have to manually subscribe to the new list?

manual subscription by just sending the first mail

> Tim
> > -- Ronny
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
> > Groups "PIDA" group.
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> > .
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Re: toying with the idea of using librelist for hosting the pida ml

2010-01-19 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Jan 18, 10:52 pm, Ryan Freckleton 
> On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 12:00 PM, RonnyPfannschmidt <
>> wrote:
> > On Jan 18, 7:30 pm, Tim Flink  wrote:
> > > > hi,
> > > > i like the ideas behind
> > > > the pocoo guys just started to use it for zine
> > > > i want to use it for pida/anyvc
> > > > so please discuss.
> > > I took a look at the public archives (rest-client was the first one I
> > > found that had emails) and my question is whether or not they censor
> > > email addresses in those archives. It doesn't look like it and I would
> > > guess not as that would go against the idea of a completely open
> > > mailing list. As much as I like some of the the ideas behind it, I'm
> > > not a huge fan of having my email address scraped by spam bots.
> > no idea, i'll ask zed later
> Hmmm. It looks to me that the email header of emails is actually scrapped,
> but not emails in the body of the email. Some people like to put their email
> in their signature block, or use their email address as their sender
> address. These are the addresses I see showing up currently.
> I do agree that it's a problem if uncensored emails get through in email
> bodies, though. But that can be more easily worked around than if you
> display headers with sender addresses in plain text.
> I'm a little disappointed by the archive interface available on librelist,
> but that's nothing that can't be fixed with a bit of Django coding and elbow
> grease :-)
> >

the pocoo guys made one for the rsynced archives, zed likes the idea
of someone making it nice
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Re: Can't load GVim when launched from a launcher

2010-01-31 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Jan 30, 11:57 pm, Victor Roetman  wrote:
> I can repeat this error from the command line out of the hg tree:
> If I run
> ./
> then it works fine. But if I run
> nohup ./
> then it gives me the same error you have below. It must have something
> to do with the environment, but I have no idea what it is.
i figured the actual error - its a vim environment issue
i'll try to fix it

> vic
> Joshua Gardner wrote:
> > I have a really weird error. I installed PIDA this morning from the
> > mercurial trunk. I did it by running using checkinstall in combination
> > with the python distutils. (I ran "sudo checkinstall python
> > intall --prefix /usr", which installed properly and made deb
> > packages.)
> > I use Vim as my preferred editor component. When I launch PIDA from
> > the terminal with the command "pida" it works perfectly fine. But if I
> > launch it from a GNOME launcher, using either the menu or GNOME Do, it
> > insists it can't find the GVim python bindings and gives me only Emacs
> > as an editor choice.
> > This is really weird, and I'm not sure what's the matter. I can't read
> > any console output to show any errors because whenever I launch it
> > from the console it works. Any hints on how to figure out what's wrong
> > would be much appreciated.
> > -Josh

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Re: Can't load GVim when launched from a launcher

2010-01-31 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Jan 31, 10:24 am, RonnyPfannschmidt 
> On Jan 30, 11:57 pm, Victor Roetman  wrote:> I can 
> repeat this error from the command line out of the hg tree:
> > If I run
> > ./
> > then it works fine. But if I run
> > nohup ./
> > then it gives me the same error you have below. It must have something
> > to do with the environment, but I have no idea what it is.
> i figured the actual error - its a vim environment issue
> i'll try to fix it

done, see
> > vic
> > Joshua Gardner wrote:
> > > I have a really weird error. I installed PIDA this morning from the
> > > mercurial trunk. I did it by running using checkinstall in combination
> > > with the python distutils. (I ran "sudo checkinstall python
> > > intall --prefix /usr", which installed properly and made deb
> > > packages.)
> > > I use Vim as my preferred editor component. When I launch PIDA from
> > > the terminal with the command "pida" it works perfectly fine. But if I
> > > launch it from a GNOME launcher, using either the menu or GNOME Do, it
> > > insists it can't find the GVim python bindings and gives me only Emacs
> > > as an editor choice.
> > > This is really weird, and I'm not sure what's the matter. I can't read
> > > any console output to show any errors because whenever I launch it
> > > from the console it works. Any hints on how to figure out what's wrong
> > > would be much appreciated.
> > > -Josh

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Re: Can't load GVim when launched from a launcher

2010-01-31 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Jan 31, 8:48 pm, Joshua Gardner 
> It works, excellent. :)
> Amazing how much difference a single character can make.
the single character was a unrelated bug
the main issue was the pty

 -- ronny
>  wrote:
> > On Jan 31, 10:24 am, RonnyPfannschmidt 
> > wrote:
> >> On Jan 30, 11:57 pm, Victor Roetman  wrote:> I can 
> >> repeat this error from the command line out of the hg tree:
> >> > If I run
> >> > ./
> >> > then it works fine. But if I run
> >> > nohup ./
> >> > then it gives me the same error you have below. It must have something
> >> > to do with the environment, but I have no idea what it is.
> >> i figured the actual error - its a vim environment issue
> >> i'll try to fix it
> > done, see
> >> > vic
> >> > Joshua Gardner wrote:
> >> > > I have a really weird error. I installed PIDA this morning from the
> >> > > mercurial trunk. I did it by running using checkinstall in combination
> >> > > with the python distutils. (I ran "sudo checkinstall python
> >> > > intall --prefix /usr", which installed properly and made deb
> >> > > packages.)
> >> > > I use Vim as my preferred editor component. When I launch PIDA from
> >> > > the terminal with the command "pida" it works perfectly fine. But if I
> >> > > launch it from a GNOME launcher, using either the menu or GNOME Do, it
> >> > > insists it can't find the GVim python bindings and gives me only Emacs
> >> > > as an editor choice.
> >> > > This is really weird, and I'm not sure what's the matter. I can't read
> >> > > any console output to show any errors because whenever I launch it
> >> > > from the console it works. Any hints on how to figure out what's wrong
> >> > > would be much appreciated.
> >> > > -Josh
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> >
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > at
> --
> Society loses the value of things which are uselessly destroyed.
> --Frederick Bastiat
> GCS/B/M d+ s+ a--- C++ UL++ Py+++ L+++ E- W++ w-- M- PS+++ PE+++ Y+>++
> PGP+ t+ R tv- b+ DI++ G e h! r! y-

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Re: Can't load GVim when launched from a launcher

2010-02-01 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Jan 31, 11:45 pm, Ali Afshar  wrote:
> On 31 January 2010 20:59, RonnyPfannschmidt
>  wrote:
> > On Jan 31, 8:48 pm, Joshua Gardner 
> > wrote:
> >> It works, excellent. :)
> >> Amazing how much difference a single character can make.
> > the single character was a unrelated bug
> > the main issue was the pty
> That fix absolutely terrifies me. Not because it is a bad fix, its
> fine. But Vim failing in that situation is genuinely scary.

vim is epic fail

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Re: pida-rst-plugin

2010-02-04 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt

On Feb 4, 9:10 pm, Ryan Freckleton  wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Bernhard Leiner <
>> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > As some of you know, I have been working for a ReStructuredText plugin
> > for pida since a while.
> >
> > It's now pretty stable and I'm fairly sure that it won't eat your data
> > if you try it. It works out of the box for plain rst files and basic
> > Sphinx projects (which includes the PIDA documentation itself).
> > As soon as you like to use Sphinx extensions some work is required:
> > Create a "rst" directory inside the project specific .pida-metadata
> > directory and place a rst.json file inside. It should look like this:
> > {
> >  "sphinx": true,
> >  "basedir": "/path/to/sphinx/project",
> >  "builddir": "_build"
> > }
> > basedir it the directory that contains the Sphinx
> > Some GUI support for creating this config data is on top of my TODO
> > list but I have found no easy way to do this. Suggestions?
> Very nice!
> I don't have any direct thoughts on GUI configuration -- perhaps just a tree
> view of key-value pairs for now? The project that I'm working on (Java
> support for PIDA) will likely eventually need something similar.
> We may want to look into adding a JSON schema for the PIDA conifguration
> file...that may make adding a GUI for configuration data easier...

we have some kind of system already in place for options
currently we are rewriting the data proxy idea and while we are on it
we should integrate per-project options we could configure on the

> An interesting problem that I'll try to chew on some more.
> Cheers,
> =
> --Ryan E. Freckleton

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the end of this list - going to host it at librelist

2010-02-24 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt
ok, since maintaining all the spam here is far more work than
answering the occasional question, i'm moving the mailinglist to

the new target is - simply mail to it to subscribe

note that the first mail is dropped in the subscribe confirmation

-- Ronny

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Re: the end of this list - going to host it at librelist

2010-02-24 Thread RonnyPfannschmidt
pida AT

google - can't manage spam, but cripples links to the competition

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