Re: [vchkpw] When I updated user's quota, maildirsize file is not with correct quota

2003-03-27 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > Hi baby_moon,
  > >   A user's quota is 1M, and some mails are in its Inbox, and I was checked
  > > its directory, the maildirsize file is there.
  > >   When I changed this user's quota to 3M, after a mail come in, the
  > > quota's total number is same as before. Who knows how to solve this
  > > problem?
  > It's not a problem; you're simply mixing things up. The maildirsize file
  > doesn't show the quota setting of a user, but the _actual size_ of the
  > Maildir, so changing the quota doesn't affect the maildirsize file in
  > any way.
  > The quota setting of each user is saved in the vpasswd file.
  > Jonas

One more note on this.

vpopmail uses user quotas as specified in the vpopmail
password entry, not the maildirsize file.

courier and other maildir++ quota compliant code uses
the quota as specified in the maildirsize file.

So if you change the quota via qmailadmin or vpopmail utilities,
it will update the quota in the password entry.  This is what
vpopmail uses to enforce the quota, not the one in maildirsize.

If you just "remove" the maildirsize file, it will automatically
be recreated (with the proper quota in it).

So it may be worth a patch to update the utility that updates
the quota to also remove the maildirsize file for that user.


Re: [vchkpw] Domain quotas

2003-03-26 Thread Brian Kolaci
  > > Even the courier readme recommends using system quotas.
  > But since all email files are "owned" by the vpopmail user that doesn't 
  > give you much flexibility if you want to implement quotas on a 
  > per-domain or per-user basis.

When you create the account, use vadddomain -u username
to specify the system username that you want the domain
to be owned by.  It will create a "domains" directory in
the home directory of that user.  You set the system quota
for the username supplied.  This would require one system
account per domain.  You could then impose domain quotas
with system accounts and use the regular user quota for
per user constraints.


Re: [vchkpw] Domain quotas

2003-03-26 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > >I don't believe the "Sent" folder keeps track of any size.
  > >I looked and don't see any "maildirsize" files in "Sent" folders.
  > >So it doesn't look like it counts against either user or domain
  > >quotas.  You'll have to take a look at the spec to be sure.
  > >I don't believe the Trash folder keeps track of size either.
  > It does, I'm sure. You may disable it (for example in sqwebmail and likely 
  > courier), but if you're a provider you're going to control all the space 
  > customers are wasting (specially if they are webmail users), including 
  > "Sent", "Trash" and additional folders.

Take a look.  I have IMAP customers and the "Sent"
folders are full.  No maildirsize files in there.

  > >In any case, you can use system quotas if you want to bypass
  > >any/all of this to make sure everything is accounted for.
  > These problems must be highlighted much more, because people may think this 
  > "vpopmail domain quota" feature could solve all problems transparently, and 
  > this is not true.
  > I think this feature may be a first step, but must be followed by coherent 
  > changes in other packages, before it may be used in an integrated 
  > Ciao,
  > Tonino

I agree.  For one, it doesn't take into account the
overhead with directories, control files, and lots more.
None of the "overhead" space is accounted for.

As stated in the courier distribution, only "soft" quotas
are implemented, meaning that the overhead space is ignored.
Read the README.maildirquotas in the courier distribution.
Anything in the Trash folder, as well as any messages "Marked"
for deletion but not yet deleted do not count in the quota.
Things in a "shared" folder also don't count (but if courier
had a concept of "domain" quotas, that could come into play).
The readme file doesn't mention the "Sent" folder, however
from examining the contents, it doesn't appear to keep track
of the size of that folder, nor impose quota constraints
on that.

I only did the domain quotas due to popular demand.  I did
the best I could with the available documentation and coding
conventions out there implementing the maildir++ quotas.  I
personally recommend using system quotas, but that appears to
be very difficult for some users.  I tested the user/domain
quotas using maildir++ quotas and it works fine, however if
you have system quotas as well, they will kick in before the
domain maildir++ quotas since system quotas take into account
the "overhead", Trash'd, and deleted but not expunged space.
Even the courier readme recommends using system quotas.


Re: [vchkpw] Domain quotas

2003-03-26 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > >When a message arrives and is delivered by vdelivermail,
  > >the quotas are enforced.  It also updates the maildirsize
  > >file (and uses the maildir++ naming conventions) thereby
  > >updating the maildir++ quota usage that is shared amongst
  > >all maildir++ compatible software.
  > >
  > > From what I understand of maildir++, all the programs like
  > >the POP, IMAP, and any maildir++ compatable software should
  > >maintain the maildirsize file(s) for each folder, including
  > >INBOX, so the usage should remain the same when moving messages
  > >between folders.  The usage should be restored when deleting
  > >a message.
  > It's all right when you receive messages because all the check is done in 
  > the receiving phase (vedelivermail). All right the same if you move 
  > messages between folders (sizes don't change).
  > But what happens when you create messages with sqwebmail or squirrelmail & 
  > courier, or copy them to a remote IMAP server from your local folder?
  > When you create a message or upload an attach, and keep them inside your 
  > "Sent" folder, vdelivermail is not used, so single users may create and 
  > store messages until their personal ".maildirsize" let them do it. So they 
  > may overflow domain quota.
  > Tonino
I don't believe the "Sent" folder keeps track of any size.
I looked and don't see any "maildirsize" files in "Sent" folders.
So it doesn't look like it counts against either user or domain
quotas.  You'll have to take a look at the spec to be sure.
I don't believe the Trash folder keeps track of size either.

In any case, you can use system quotas if you want to bypass
any/all of this to make sure everything is accounted for.



Re: [vchkpw] Domain quotas

2003-03-26 Thread Brian Kolaci

When a message arrives and is delivered by vdelivermail,
the quotas are enforced.  It also updates the maildirsize
file (and uses the maildir++ naming conventions) thereby
updating the maildir++ quota usage that is shared amongst
all maildir++ compatible software.

>From what I understand of maildir++, all the programs like
the POP, IMAP, and any maildir++ compatable software should
maintain the maildirsize file(s) for each folder, including
INBOX, so the usage should remain the same when moving messages
between folders.  The usage should be restored when deleting
a message.

So note that vpopmail uses maildir++ quota code (ported by Bill
from courier's implementation).  I just extended Bill's port
to include domain support in addition to user support and
made the code available in the libvpopmail.a library so it
can be shared.  The name clashes with courier were taken
care of so you can still link with the courier code.

So there shouldn't be any issues and should work well with
other software.



  > Brian,
  > when you store a message inside an imap server (like when using 
  > squirrelmail & courier, and keeping your outgoing message in the "Sent" 
  > folder), or when using sqwebmail just keep it in the "Sent" or upload an 
  > attach, which quota computing is done: courier, sqwebmail or vpopmail?
  > I think in such cases courier or sqwebmail quota code is used, not 
  > vpopmail's quota code, so there could be strong computing differences.
  > In such cases, users may overfill domain quota.
  > Tonino
  > At 26/03/03 26/03/03 -0500, Brian Kolaci wrote:
  > >The domain quota code (as well as the user quota code)
  > >is enforced in the vdelivermail program.  It should be
  > >compatible with courier-imap, but not maildrop.  It also
  > >works within qmailadmin.  I'm not familiar with sqwebmail
  > >internals.
  > >
  > >Brian
  > >
  > >   > Please correct me if I'm wrong...
  > >   >
  > >   > As far as I understand, the domain quota code included in the last
  > >   > development version of vpopmail is NOT 100% compatible with other 
  > > programs
  > >   > like sqwebmail, courier, ecc., so you may have some disalignments,
  > >   > depending on the products you're using.
  > >   >
  > >   > Tonino
  > >   >
  > >   > At 26/03/03 26/03/03 +0100, Jonas Pasche wrote:
  > >   > >Hi Rick,
  > >   > >
  > >   > > > Is it possible to set a quota for an entire domain using vpopmail?
  > >   > >
  > >   > >One of the top ten questions on the list. You didn't check the 
  > >   > >didn't you? :)
  > >   > >
  > >   > >In short:
  > >   > >
  > >   > >For the stable version of vpopmail, there is no domain quota support,
  > >   > >but you can create the domain under a dedicated system user and use
  > >   > >system quotas for that user.
  > >   > >
  > >   > >In the latest development version of vpopmail, experimental domain 
  > >   > >support is included.
  > >   > >
  > >   > >Jonas
  > >   >
  > >   >
  > >   > 
  > >   >  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Interazioni di Antonio Nati
  > >   >  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  > >   > 
  > >   >
  > >
  >  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Interazioni di Antonio Nati

Re: [vchkpw] Domain quotas

2003-03-26 Thread Brian Kolaci

The domain quota code (as well as the user quota code)
is enforced in the vdelivermail program.  It should be
compatible with courier-imap, but not maildrop.  It also
works within qmailadmin.  I'm not familiar with sqwebmail


  > Please correct me if I'm wrong...
  > As far as I understand, the domain quota code included in the last 
  > development version of vpopmail is NOT 100% compatible with other programs 
  > like sqwebmail, courier, ecc., so you may have some disalignments, 
  > depending on the products you're using.
  > Tonino
  > At 26/03/03 26/03/03 +0100, Jonas Pasche wrote:
  > >Hi Rick,
  > >
  > > > Is it possible to set a quota for an entire domain using vpopmail?
  > >
  > >One of the top ten questions on the list. You didn't check the archives,
  > >didn't you? :)
  > >
  > >In short:
  > >
  > >For the stable version of vpopmail, there is no domain quota support,
  > >but you can create the domain under a dedicated system user and use
  > >system quotas for that user.
  > >
  > >In the latest development version of vpopmail, experimental domain quota
  > >support is included.
  > >
  > >Jonas
  >  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Interazioni di Antonio Nati

[vchkpw] Re: some info about the various limits needed

2003-03-26 Thread Brian Kolaci

Hi Justin,

  > hi..
  > could you explain some of the vlimits to me?
  > i understand the disable_*
  > and i think i understand diskquota, maxmsgcount, defaultquota and 
  > defaultmaxmsgcount plus the other max* stuff.
  > diskquota = a quota for the full domain, i.e  
  > # du -sh ~vpopmail/domains/  
  > while defaultquota just is the default setting for a useraccount, right?
  > (same for maxmsgcount/defaultmaxmsgcount)
  > what is the "perm_*" all about?

Permissions for non-postmaster admin's.

  > oh.. and i've made several changes for the better integration of vlimits.
  > e.g. vadddomain (), vdeldomain () are calling vset_limits/vdel_limits (with 
  > default set of limits) and i'm writing a vsetdomlimits commandline utility 
  > the moment.

Thats a great thing.

  > furthermore i've removed disable_* and replaced it with 
  > default_permissions_mask (altered vlimits.c/vmysql.c/vlimits.h).


No, don't do this, please.

I understand the concept, but please don't do this.
The disable_* fields would apply to the domain to
disable services for all users of a domain and the
new field would just set the default for new users added.

It really doesn't use as much space as you think.
Its about 0.4 Kb per domain (less than half a kilobyte).

  > the idea is: default_permissions_mask is the default gid mask for every user 
  > of a domain. if it has the NO_IMAP flag set, and you want some user to get 
  > imap support: set the V_USER0 flag for that user and make sure NO_IMAP is 
  > unset in that user's gid.
  > as soon as V_USER0 is set, it completly ignores the 

This I don't understand.  I understood that the field would
contain the default permissions for new users.  If you need
to change the permissions of a single user, then you just
update GID field on the password entry.

  > i'm going to post the diffs later..
  > -- 
  > Mit internetten Grüßen / Best Regards
  > ---
  > Justin Heesemannionium Technologies

Re: [vchkpw] Domain quotas

2003-03-26 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > Is it possible to set a quota for an entire domain using vpopmail?
  >   - Rick

Yes.  You will need vpopmail 5.3.19 or up.
You need to populate the mysql "diskquota"
or the .qmailadmin-limits file attribute "quota"
to the size (in bytes).


Re: [vchkpw] vlimits patch [1/??]

2003-03-26 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > On Tuesday 25 March 2003 18:25, Brian Kolaci wrote:
  > > Do you think we need both domain permissions and
  > > default new user permissions for each type of permission?
  > > (This is the case for quotas, a domain limit and a default
  > > for new users).
  > >
  > > I like the idea of having both (which just generates more
  > > work...).  But we didn't take that into account with the
  > > original design.
  > >
  > > I would say that we should do what you were intending
  > > by using the current values as "domain" permissions, and
  > > add a field for "default_user_permissions" that would
  > > populate the gid field of the user password entry.
  > > What I would also do is encapsulate the code you
  > > wrote into a function (you don't need the #ifdefs)
  > > and have it return the mask which can be AND'd with
  > > the gid field of the password entry.  This masking
  > > function could go into vlimits.c and called in the
  > > vauth_getpw() functions.
  > sounds good to me. I guess a single field added to the mysql table for 
  > default_user_permissions is enough, as it only has to contain the mask. 
  > (Well, we could have done this to the disable_* as well, it wouldn't bloat 
  > the mysql table that much)

There were discussions on this and we determined it
would be best to keep them separated out for those
that read directly from the table (and I happen to have
java EJB's map the attributes to these columns).

Another purpose of separating them out was to allow
search conditions on the elements, which is difficult
with masks.  Since the new field would be just a default
value for the GID field of the password entry, I don't see
any problem for this field being an int.

  > something like enforced_domain_permissions and default_user_permissions .. 
  > if it's to late to change that now, i won't object :)

I don't think it should change.  I actually use it with
the individual fields and find it useful.

  > i'm adding two functions now:
  > vget_limits_default_mask (const char *domain, int *mask)
  > vget_limits_enforced_mask (const char *domain, int *mask)

Don't think you need to do this.  The limits are stored
in a structure.  You would only need to add a single value
(the mask) to the structure, then add the code to parse it
out of the .qmailadmin-limits file (and write it), and add
the field to the mysql table definition and queries.
The API would remain the same (just a get/set of the structure).

  > but I thought about making some changes to vset_limits/vget_limits plus 
  > changing the structure of .qmail-limits/mysql:vpopmail.limits
  > to drop all the disable_* and replace it with the masks.

Please don't.

  > i'll also add an update script which makes the necessary changes to existing 
  > .qmailadmin-limits/mysql:vpopmail.limits
  > only someone would have to alter the qmailadmin for me (i've never touched 
  > that thing :) )
  > (well .. i will only start with the altered tables/.qmailadmin-limits files 
  > you say it's ok.. I don't know how many out there are already using vlimits. 
  > i think the masks help adding future disable flags without having to change 
  > the table structure every time, so yes, we have a incompatible update this 
  > time, but _only_ this time)

Its not hard to add a single field, however I went and added
several (pretty much everything that people suggested months
ago) but haven't integrated all of it into qmailadmin or the
other programs.  I have some in an older version of qmailadmin
that I'm still using (haven't submitted a patch yet).

  > -- 
  > Mit internetten Grüßen / Best Regards
  > ---
  > Justin Heesemannionium Technologies



Re: [vchkpw] Courier-imap not setting open-relay in vpopmail/qmail

2003-03-25 Thread Brian Kolaci

Works for me in 1.6.0.
With the standard distribution, it won't work with authdaemond.
I've patched mine to allow it to work with that.
I don't see any problem if you use the raw authvchkpw way.


  > Very strange. open_smtp_relay works for me in courier-imap
  > We have 1.5.1 version
  > KenJones
  > On Tuesday 25 March 2003 10:45 am, Rob Gridley wrote:
  > > I'm just going to steal your thread for a sec here. ;p
  > >
  > > I saw this in the Courier-IMAP 1.7.1 ChangeLog the other day. It has
  > > stopped me from upgrading.
  > >
  > > * authlib/preauthvchkpw.c (auth_vchkpw_pre): Disable open_smtp_relay()
  > > until fixed by authvchkpw devs.
  > >
  > > Does anyone have any clarification on this?
  > >
  > >
  > > Rob Gridley, System Administrator
  > >
  > > MHz Design Communications Inc.
  > > 10 Four Seasons Place, Suite 900 Toronto, ON M9B 6H7
  > > email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  web:
  > > phone: 416.626.1777 x234  fax: 416.626.7227
  > >
  > >
  > > On 3/25/03 11:35 AM, "David Hubbard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > >
  > > confessed:
  > > > Hello Courier users,
  > > > just wondering if anyone could point
  > > > me in the right direction for what to look
  > > > at.  I am building a new mail server with
  > > > qmail/vpopmail and courier-imap/pop3.  I
  > > > set courier for authvchkpw auth type and
  > > > it works successfully for imap and pop3
  > > > logins.  vpopmail never sets the open-relay
  > > > for the host doing the Courier login.  It
  > > > does set it correctly if I use qmail's pop3
  > > > server and vchkpw to authorize the connection.
  > > >
  > > > Is this a courier or vpopmail issue?  I'm
  > > > running the latest courier-imap devel
  > > > version courier-imap- and vpopmail
  > > > 5.3.19.
  > > >
  > > > Thanks,
  > > >
  > > > David

Re: [vchkpw] vlimits patch [1/??]

2003-03-25 Thread Brian Kolaci

Ahh, I think we had different thoughts on that.
When I originally sent out the request for comments
for the vlimits, I thought the "disable_" routines
were to be the defaults for new users.  This was the
original intent from the responses I got.  This way you
would be able to shut off certain services for users
and you can make an exception for one or two users
by using vmoduser and only enabling some of the
permissions for some of the users.

i.e. allow postmaster IMAP access, but no other users
in the domain.

I guess it could work both ways, however there's no
easy way to set a default for new users (which is what
the original intent was).

Anyone have any comments on this?

Do you think we need both domain permissions and
default new user permissions for each type of permission?
(This is the case for quotas, a domain limit and a default
for new users).

I like the idea of having both (which just generates more
work...).  But we didn't take that into account with the
original design.

I would say that we should do what you were intending
by using the current values as "domain" permissions, and
add a field for "default_user_permissions" that would
populate the gid field of the user password entry.
What I would also do is encapsulate the code you
wrote into a function (you don't need the #ifdefs)
and have it return the mask which can be AND'd with
the gid field of the password entry.  This masking
function could go into vlimits.c and called in the
vauth_getpw() functions.

What do you think?


  > On Tuesday 25 March 2003 17:34, Brian Kolaci wrote:
  > > > i'm going to post (a very similar one) tomorrow for .qmail-limits files.
  > :)
  > i think this should stay in the vauth_getpw function (which is in vauth.c).
  > this way, when you later decide to  disable_imap=1 you won't have to change 
  > for all the users in that domain. also authvchkpw.c (from 
  > courier-imap/authlib) directly calls vauth_getpw.
  > and as i said.. i'm posting a patch vor vcdb.c/vpgsql.c/vsybase.c tomorrow 
  > cover the other auth modules.
  > anyways, i can see that the vpopmail.c:vadduser approach also has a good 
  > point: vlimits would then only serve as a "default" for each domain. one 
  > could still enable _single_ users to access their mail via imap/webmail/ ... 
  > or disable smtp for others. maybe some others post their opinion on this?
  > brian: is this what vlimits was originally indented to be? a default setting 
  > for the users of a domain (well plus some generall max settings..)? 
  > -- 
  > Mit internetten Grüßen / Best Regards
  > ---
  > Justin Heesemannionium Technologies

Re: [vchkpw] vlimits patch [1/??]

2003-03-25 Thread Brian Kolaci

This is very good, however you may want to move this
out of vmysql.c and put it directly in vpopmail.c
for the add_user routine.

vlimits isn't only for mysql.  It also uses the
.qmailadmin-limits file for non-mysql implementations.
So the structure & function vget_limits() is valid
with or without mysql.



  > this enforces the disable_* vlimits:
  > e.g: if vlimits.disable_imap=1 it is the same as if every user has the 
  > gid flag set.
  > i'm going to post (a very similar one) tomorrow for .qmail-limits files.
  > is there vlimit support being added for postgres/sybase/oracle ?
  > --- vpopmail-orig-5.3.19/vmysql.c   2003-03-05 18:09:47.0 +0100
  > +++ vpopmail-new-5.3.19/vmysql.c2003-03-25 16:22:13.0 +0100
  > @@ -327,6 +327,10 @@
  >   uid_t myuid;
  >   uid_t uid;
  >   gid_t gid;
  > + struct vlimits limits;
  > +#endif
  > +
  >  vget_assign(domain,NULL,156,&uid,&gid);
  >  myuid = geteuid();
  > @@ -406,6 +410,35 @@
  >  return(NULL);
  >  }
  >  mysql_free_result(res_read);
  > +if (vget_limits (in_domain,&limits) == 0) {
  > +  int mask = 0;
  > +  if (limits.disable_pop) {
  > +mask += NO_POP;
  > +  }
  > +  if (limits.disable_smtp) {
  > +mask += NO_SMTP;
  > +  }
  > +  if (limits.disable_imap) {
  > +mask += NO_IMAP;
  > +  }
  > +  if (limits.disable_passwordchanging) {
  > +mask += NO_PASSWD_CHNG;
  > +  }
  > +  if (limits.disable_relay) {
  > +mask += NO_RELAY;
  > +  }
  > +  if (limits.disable_webmail) {
  > +mask += NO_WEBMAIL;
  > +  }
  > +  if (limits.disable_dialup) {
  > +mask += NO_DIALUP;
  > +  }
  > +
  > +  vpw.pw_gid = vpw.pw_gid | mask;
  > +}
  > +#endif
  > +
  >  return(&vpw);
  >  }

Re: [vchkpw] About to release new devel version 5.3.20

2003-03-24 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > On Monday 24 March 2003 22:05, you wrote:
  > >   > On Monday 24 March 2003 20:53, Ken Jones wrote:
  > >   > > I'm about to release a new 5.3.20 devel version.
  > >   > >
  > >   > > Does anyone have any patches they  would like to submit?
  > >   > >
  > >   > >
  > >   > > Thta's about it.
  > >   > > If no one submits patches by end of day Tuesday, I'll
  > >   > > release 5.3.20 as is. The plan then is to let Bill
  > >   > > Shupp finish up some things before we release a
  > >   > > new 5.4.0 stable version in association with a new
  > >   > > qmailadmin 1.2.0 release.
  > >   >
  > >   > Fine. I really think we should finish vlimits before 5.4.0. At least 
  > >   > an extent where it actually is doing something.
  > >
  > > Its been working for me since mid last year.  I've submitted
  > > the patches only this year, starting around January.
  > > It essentially wraps the .qmailadmin-limits file access
  > > to an API and also allows the information to be stored
  > > in MySQL.  When I put together the API, I had asked for
  > > other "wishlist" items, which I put into the structures
  > > but haven't implemented such as "permissions".  The quotas,
  > > limits, defaults limits, etc. all work fine and have been
  > > for quite some time.
  > >
  > > So I have no idea what you mean that it should "do something".
  > >
  > > The infrastructure is now there for people to implement the
  > > items they "wished" for.  If I get spare cycles, I'll look
  > > at them, but the areas I use were done a year ago, except for
  > > domain quotas which was completed last month.
  > >
  > > Brian
  > ok, sorry brian :)
  > it is just that i don't use qmailadmin and i don't want to. if i have some 
  > option in my vlimits which denies imap, then why does vchkpw allow me to 
  > login via imap ?? this is what i feel vlimit should do. for limiting some 
  > userfrontend i actually don't need any feature of vpopmail, as i can easily 
  > use my own mysql tables.
  > furthermore there is no single ./vsetlimit utility.
  > this isn't meant to attack you in any way, brian, and i didn't say _you_ 
  > should do all this. you did a great job adding the vlimits, which are able 
  > do more, than they are doing at the moment.

Hi Justin,

There are currently ways to limit IMAP.  One thing you
should remember is that the vlimits API is for full domain
limits, not individual users.  There are permission bits in the GID
field in the password entry for the user.  These I believe
work.  Before actually implementing the API, I sent out a request
for all the additional items people wanted to see over and above
what I wanted.  This way the database schema would only have to be
written once, and filled in later.  Some limit the qmailadmin app,
others go directly into vdelivermail.  Others will go into other

Overall, I think we have a functional system as is, with placeholders
for future features.  The wishlist is high, but only so many things
can make each release.  If you've got the cycles and can crank out
some of it tonight, send in a patch.



Re: [vchkpw] About to release new devel version 5.3.20

2003-03-24 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > On Monday 24 March 2003 20:53, Ken Jones wrote:
  > > I'm about to release a new 5.3.20 devel version.
  > >
  > > Does anyone have any patches they  would like to submit?
  > >
  > > Thta's about it.
  > > If no one submits patches by end of day Tuesday, I'll
  > > release 5.3.20 as is. The plan then is to let Bill
  > > Shupp finish up some things before we release a
  > > new 5.4.0 stable version in association with a new
  > > qmailadmin 1.2.0 release.
  > >
  > Fine. I really think we should finish vlimits before 5.4.0. At least to an 
  > extent where it actually is doing something.

Its been working for me since mid last year.  I've submitted
the patches only this year, starting around January.
It essentially wraps the .qmailadmin-limits file access
to an API and also allows the information to be stored
in MySQL.  When I put together the API, I had asked for
other "wishlist" items, which I put into the structures
but haven't implemented such as "permissions".  The quotas,
limits, defaults limits, etc. all work fine and have been
for quite some time.

So I have no idea what you mean that it should "do something".

The infrastructure is now there for people to implement the
items they "wished" for.  If I get spare cycles, I'll look
at them, but the areas I use were done a year ago, except for
domain quotas which was completed last month.


[vchkpw] patch to set default quota in vadd_user()

2003-03-20 Thread Brian Kolaci

This patch uses the vlimits() API to retrieve the
default user quota for their domain.  This is for
cdb and mysql storage.

This should be applied to 5.3.19



diff -c vpopmail-5.3.18/vcdb.c vpopmail-5.3.19/vcdb.c
*** vpopmail-5.3.18/vcdb.c  Thu Feb 20 13:27:49 2003
--- vpopmail-5.3.19/vcdb.c  Thu Mar 20 08:49:29 2003
*** 666,671 
--- 666,673 
   uid_t uid;
   gid_t gid;
   char crypted[100];
+  char quota[30];
+  struct vlimits limits;

if ( vget_assign(domain, Dir, 156, &uid, &gid ) == NULL ) {
strcpy(Dir, VPOPMAILDIR);
*** 699,709 

  #ifdef HARD_QUOTA
! fprintf(fs1, "%s", HARD_QUOTA);
! fprintf(fs1, "NOQUOTA");

  #ifndef CLEAR_PASS
  fprintf(fs1, "\n");
--- 701,715 

  #ifdef HARD_QUOTA
! snprintf(quota, sizeof(quota), "%s", HARD_QUOTA);
! strcpy(quota, "NOQUOTA");
+ if (!vget_limits(domain, &limits))
+ snprintf(quota, sizeof(quota), "%s", limits.defaultquota);
+ fprintf(fs1, quota);
  #ifndef CLEAR_PASS
  fprintf(fs1, "\n");
diff -c vpopmail-5.3.18/vmysql.c vpopmail-5.3.19/vmysql.c
*** vpopmail-5.3.18/vmysql.cMon Jan 27 11:29:15 2003
--- vpopmail-5.3.19/vmysql.cThu Mar 20 08:45:53 2003
*** 250,255 
--- 250,256 
   char quota[30];
   char Crypted[100];
   int err;
+  struct vlimits limits;

  if ( (err=vauth_open_update()) != 0 ) return(err);
  vset_default_domain( domain );
*** 260,265 
--- 261,269 
  strncpy( quota, "NOQUOTA", 30 );

+ if (!vget_limits(domain, &limits))
+ snprintf(quota, sizeof(quota), "%s", limits.defaultquota);
  #ifndef MANY_DOMAINS
  domstr = vauth_munch_domain( domain );

Re: [vchkpw] Change the default quota

2003-03-20 Thread Brian Kolaci

  >   > Hi Luqman,
  >   > 
  >   > > how do i change default quota in vpopmail ? 
  >   > 
  >   > Recompile. It's hard coded at compile time.
  >   > 
  >   > Jonas
  > As of vpopmail-5.3.19 you update the .qmailadmin-limits
  > file or the vlimits mysql table.  The hard coded value
  > is used to initialize the default for the domain.

My mistake, the limits API is used only if you
have the latest patched version of qmailadmin that
this was added in on.  I'll patch vpopmail also...


Re: [vchkpw] Change the default quota

2003-03-20 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > Hi Luqman,
  > > how do i change default quota in vpopmail ? 
  > Recompile. It's hard coded at compile time.
  > Jonas

As of vpopmail-5.3.19 you update the .qmailadmin-limits
file or the vlimits mysql table.  The hard coded value
is used to initialize the default for the domain.


Re: [vchkpw] quotas

2003-03-15 Thread Brian Kolaci

You need vpopmail-5.3.19 for domain quotas.
It may be found at


On Sat, 15 Mar 2003, Payal Rathod wrote:

> Hi,
> I have installed vpopmail-5.2.1 with just enable-roaming-users=y option.
> After that I did make and make install.
> Now I added 2 domains test1 and test2? Do these domains have a default
> quota?
> If no, how do I add that? If I am going to use ./configure again what
> care must I take? Do i use make install clean or something like that?
> Also can I have domain test1 with say 40Mb quota and domain test2 with
> 70Mb quota? How to achieve that?
> I read README.quotas, INSTALL and FAQ but still I am unable to figure a
> proper solution for different quotas for different domains.
> Can someone tell?
> With regards,
> -Payal
> -- 
> "Visit GNU/Linux Success Stories"
> Guest-Book Section Updated.

RE: [vchkpw] domain quota

2003-03-13 Thread Brian Kolaci


You can get it from


  > is it 5.3.19 or 5.3.16?
  > -Original Message-
  > From: Brian Kolaci [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  > Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 8:59 PM
  > Subject: Re: [vchkpw] domain quota
  > domain quotas were implemented in vpopmail 5.3.19.
  > Brian
  >   > Hello,
  >   >
  >   > I've tried playing around with quotas on my qmail+vpopmail+qmailadmin
  > setup.
  >   > User quota works.  But when I try to set domain quota on
  > .qmailadmin-limits
  >   > (default_quota X) in the ~vpopmail/domains/ directory,
  > it
  >   > doesn't work.  I set the default_quota to 100, but I did not changed
  > the
  >   > quota of the user which is 10MB.  I assumed that the system looks first
  > on
  >   > the domain quota.  It seems my assumption was wrong.  Is there something
  > I
  >   > need to do to make it work?  I just installed the programs as described
  > on
  >   > the README/INSTALL files.  By the way, I'm running qmail-1.03 +
  >   > vpopmail-5.2.1 + qmailadmin 1.0.11.  Anybody?
  >   >
  >   > TIA
  >   >
  >   >

Re: [vchkpw] domain quota

2003-03-13 Thread Brian Kolaci

domain quotas were implemented in vpopmail 5.3.19.


  > Hello,
  > I've tried playing around with quotas on my qmail+vpopmail+qmailadmin setup.
  > User quota works.  But when I try to set domain quota on .qmailadmin-limits
  > (default_quota X) in the ~vpopmail/domains/ directory, it
  > doesn't work.  I set the default_quota to 100, but I did not changed the
  > quota of the user which is 10MB.  I assumed that the system looks first on
  > the domain quota.  It seems my assumption was wrong.  Is there something I
  > need to do to make it work?  I just installed the programs as described on
  > the README/INSTALL files.  By the way, I'm running qmail-1.03 +
  > vpopmail-5.2.1 + qmailadmin 1.0.11.  Anybody?
  > TIA

Re: [vchkpw] qmail-smtpd patch

2003-03-12 Thread Brian Kolaci

Check the archives.

There are a few, however they *only* take into account
the vpopmail addresses, not system accounts or aliases or
SMTP relaying.  I've just patched mine to handle all cases
however I don't have a patch.  BTW, VRFY would be the correct
place for this, however most spam programs ignore the return
on the VRFY command and send it anyway.  So in short, you'll
have to write your own custom one to your situation.

At least with the patch, I don't have 10,000 messages in the
outbound queue each day for bounces.  Now I rarely get bounces.


  > Hi,
  > Is anyone aware of a patch for qmail-smtpd that will return a 5xx code if 
  > rcpt to is a non-existent address/alias on a vpopmail system?
  > Thanks,
  > Abdul
  > -- 
  > Tel: +27-31-566-8080
  > Fax: +27-31-566-8010

Re: [vchkpw] new quota support question

2003-03-07 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > OK OK. Brian had me thinking that the quota was stored in a database with 
all of that talk about pw_shell and limits API calls.
  > I now see that (as I originally thought), the quota is actually stored in 
the 'maildirsize' file. (I opened it up and looked at it
  > in my maildir)

It is used from the file *only* if you use maildrop.  If you use vpopmail 
the info is stored either in the password file or the database.

  > SO: Would anyone be opposed to moving the 'domain' quota out of the 
qmailadmin limits file (I'm assuming it's stored there since
  > Brian said it was) and into a separate 'domainquota' file?

Yes.  Many people use other tools in addition to qmailadmin
that manipulate the database directly to control these things.
I know I'm not alone.  There have been several other posts by
others using the database that manipulate the db directly.  Doing
this would require *another* file to be opened and maintained
by the admin tools and again puts a "limit" into the control of
the end user.  I use the limits from the db, and enforce them
with system quotas.

This is for both user quotas and domain quotas.


Re: [vchkpw] new quota support question

2003-03-06 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > If vpopmail stores the actual user quota in a database, and the maildirsize
  > file just stores the current size of the maildir (which IS a file based
  > system, BTW), then doesn't that mean that Maildrop has NEVER been capable
  > of enforcing maildir++ with vpopmail?

I guess I wasn't explicit enough.  I assumed people already
knew how the quota's are stored.  The "user quota" for vpopmail
is stored in the pw_shell attribute of the vqpasswd structure.
Where this information is stored (db, cdb, file) doesn't matter.
You use an API to get at it.  In courier, a different place is used.
The "domain quota" is now currently stored in the qmailadmin limits
information, which is now retrieved using the vget_limits() function.
Again, where it is actually stored doesn't matter.

Now the "usage" of maildir++ quotas is stored in the filename.  There
is a cache file in the Maildir called maildirsize that caches all the
file sizes in one file.

  > All of the docs on the web seem to suggest that maildrop IS compatible with
  > maildir++. Does "compatible" in that sense only mean that maildrop can
  > manipulate the maildirsize file? But that it doesn't actually have a clue
  > when a user's quota is exceeded? I guess I never understood that properly.

I'm sure it is "compatible" in that sense.  I don't know the rules
of how it enforces the quota nor where it gets the user quota from.
I doubt it gets it from vpopmail and the vqpasswd file as vdelivermail 
does, but I may be wrong.

  > Also, I don't see why implementing "soft" quotas with another file inside
  > the maildir would be such a bad idea. The maildirsize file is already
  > vulnerable to user modification, so it ONLY works when the user doesn't
  > have shell access to their own maildir. Also, EMAIL is backed up from the
  > file system, so what's wrong with backing up the quota that applies to that
  > email with it?

The maildirsize file is auto-recreated or re-evaluated when mail
is deleted.  I don't think putting the quotas within the grasp
of the user is a good idea.

  > > I'd say we beat this topic to death though.  Since you're using
  > > maildrop, then why not create a patch for it.  Then the patch itself
  > > could be included in the vpopmail distribution, or kept separate as
  > > its own distribution.
  > Sure, I could do that, but then I'd have to maintain a patch, and that's
  > messy. I'd much rather implement a standard that everyone can work with.

What exactly is "everyone"?  Its just vpopmail & courier.  You just
happen to have a specialized installation that is using both.  It
sounds like for you, the features of courier outweigh the features
of vpopmail, so you should probably just convert to courier
and not use vpopmail.  If you think the features of vpopmail are
more important, then think about putting what you like better in
courier into vpopmail.  You're trying to mix qmail/vpopmail and

  > Please bare with me here. I'm starting to realize that I didn't really
  > understand how these quotas work, and that there is a great possibility
  > that maildrop was never really capable of enforcing maildir++ quotas
  > (because maildir++ doesn't really have much to do with the quota itself,
  > but rather the size of the maildir)

True.  It may enforce it, however I would say with its own user storage
and rules.  You can't just assume when user information is stored in
one place that software developed for another project will use it.

  > I really need a way to filter email on the server side, so unless that
  > functionality makes it's way into vdelivermail in the near future, I'd
  > really like to discuss the possibility of expanding the maildir++
  > specification to include user and domain quotas.

I don't even want to touch that...

  > I'd be willing to write code for this too, so it's not like you're talking
  > to someone who's just mouthing off and whining for functionality. This
  > is how Open Source works: When a developer has an itch, he scratches it,
  > and everyone benefits, right?
  > Lets talk. If you're willing to help me hammer out an idea that works,
  > then I'll pitch it to Mr. Sam. If we do a good job and it makes sense,
  > then I doubt he'll object as long as I do most of the coding and he
  > doesn't have to.

Sorry, but I still don't think you should store limits information
within control of end users.  A quota is just another limit, as
is the other information used by qmailadmin.



Re: [vchkpw] new quota support question

2003-03-06 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > So the domain quotas aren't stored in a file, but rather in whatever 
  > backend you happen to be using?

They are stored in either the .qmailadmin-limits file, or MySQL,
if enabled.

The "user" quota is stored in the "pw_shell" attribute of the
password entry for the user.

  > I'd think that if the domain quotas could be stored in a file, that a 
  > could be made to the maildir++ standard. Perhaps the maildirsize file could 
  > a reference to the location of the domain quota file. This would be quite 
  > I'd think.
  > What do you think?
  > Either way, I think this functionality needs to be implemented in a way
  > that Courier-IMAP and other programs can live with. It should be 
  > otherwise vpopmail will be implementing a feature that no-one else can
  > realistically use without linking vpopmail's libraries into their code
  > (which I mentioned in another thread as being a bit of a pain sometimes).

Yes, but I don't think that courier has a need or
care for domain based quotas, just as Bill said.  Most people
use system quotas.

If you use courier, then you'll wind up using its own SQL
implementation (he doesn't use files either).

BTW, maildir++ quotas isn't really a "standard".  First, there was
courier, where it started.  Bill then updated vpopmail to also
conform since there's no down-side to it, but you can get benefit
from it.

Good luck trying to get everyone to swap to a file based system.
I personally like *everything* in the database rather than filesystem.
All the information (other than message store & cache info) is in the 
database for easy backup/recovery.

I'd say we beat this topic to death though.  Since you're using
maildrop, then why not create a patch for it.  Then the patch itself
could be included in the vpopmail distribution, or kept separate as 
its own distribution.


Re: [vchkpw] new quota support question

2003-03-06 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > > I'd be curious to see if Mr. Sam accepts such patches.  I personally
  > > think that this new non-system domain quota feature is unnecessary,
  > > when system quotas are available, easily implemented, and a better
  > > solution.  But enough people seemed to want it for some reason, and
  > > Brian did a very nice job of implementing it cleanly with his other
  > > vlimits functions, so I included it in my devel version.  Notice that
  > > Ken has not yet signed off on this, so there's no guarantee that it
  > > will make it in the official release, anyway.  So you might hold off on
  > > patching anything else, unless you (or anyone else) are prepared to
  > > maintain it.
  > Noted. I personally hope it makes production. Sounds like a good idea
  > to me, it just seems to require a ratification to the maildir++ standard.

Seems unlikely.  courier has no provision to store "domain" quotas,
only user quotas.  Like I said in my last email, it requires getting
the domain quota from somewhere, and vdelivermail uses the vget_limits()
API out of libvpopmail.a.


Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail 5.3.19

2003-03-06 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > Wednesday March 05 2003 11:47, Bill Shupp wrote to All:
  >  BS> I've posted a new devel version, 5.3.19.  Please help test
  > Still no user expiry feature?

Have you written it yet?  When you write it, then you
should post the patch to the list.  It would be reviewed,
tested, then possibly/probably added to the release.


  >  KS
  >KARICO Business Services
  >Toronto, ON Canada

Re: [vchkpw] new quota support question

2003-03-06 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > >   > Or are they implemented with system quotas?
  > >
  > > You can do that also if you wish, however you'll need to
  > > supply your own scripts for that.
  > So, basically, no? What would I have to supply to use system
  > quotas?

If you wish to use system quota's, you'll need to write a script
to update the system quota.  I'm on solaris, so I use a script
that sends some commands to "edquota".  On linux, it may be different.

  > >   > Will I still be able to use maildrop to filter my mail?
  > >
  > > I'm unsure about maildrop.  If it delivers the mail via
  > > vdelivermail, then yes, but if it writes directly to the
  > > file system, it needs to be patched to enforce the quotas.
  > > I've updated libvpopmail.a to include the quota code, so
  > > you should be able to patch it if needed.
  > Maildrop is maildir++ compatible. I assume that this new code
  > deviates from the maildir++ standard?

Yes, however only for "user" quotas.  There's no concept of "domain"
quotas in courier that I'm aware of.  This code is maildir++ compliant,
but now vdelivermail uses the "limits" API to retrieve the per-domain
limits (disk quota & max msg count) and enforce it by making a check
at the current usage (which calculates usage by summing up the usage
for each mailbox within a domain).

  > >   > When are the quotas recalculated? (If maildrop deletes a message,
  > >   > will it throw the quotas off?)
  > >
  > > The domain quota code recalculates the quota each time on the fly.
  > > One big benefit now is its use of the maildirsize files, if they're
  > > there.  This is a big performance gain.  But if you don't have anything
  > > creating & maintaining these files (and they don't exist), then the
  > > performance would be pretty bad if people "leave mail on server", and
  > > you constantly have to sum up thousands of files.  I haven't used 
  > > and I see the maildirsize files in each user's Maildir so I assume
  > > vdelivermail is maintaining them.  You'll need to try it out and see
  > > what kind of performance you get.  In my copy, I have syslog()'s
  > > logging the clock over these and I typically see about 0.001s
  > > when the cache files are there, and up to 7s when they're not (but
  > > then they suddenly appear, so it must be creating them by default).
  > > The 7 seconds was due to a user with a few thousand messages still in 
  > > and no maildirsize file.
  > OK. So, when vdelivermail delivers a message to the maildir, it just
  > modify's the quota based on the email's size, correct? It doesn't
  > actually recalculate the entire quota?

I believe it checks if the file is there and recalulates the entire
maildir if its missiing.  If its there, it just appends the quota information
to the maildirsize file.

  > What happens when an IMAP or POP server deletes a message from the
  > maildir? Is the quota then incorrect? I use Courier-IMAP.
I use courier-imap as well as the courier pop3 daemon.

I believe the imap server recalculates the quota for the maildir.
I'm not sure whether it recalculates the whole user maildir, or
just removes one entry from the file.  You'll have to check the code.

  > Is there a way to recalculate a user's maildir quota via command line?
  > (For instance, so that all of my user's quotas could be recalculated at
  > 4 AM from scratch via a shell script or Perl script?)

Not that I'm aware of.  I think you automatically get it if its not there
during a delivery.  Since maildrop is part of courier (I assume it is),
then it probably manages the maildirsize files already as vdelivermail does.
It probably enforces "user" quotas, but I'm not sure.  It won't enforce
domain quotas without patching it to retrieve & enforce a domain level
quota.  You'll need the vget_limits() function from the vpopmail library
for that.

  > Thanks for all the info!

No prob.  Good luck.


Re: [vchkpw] new quota support question

2003-03-06 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > Howdy list,
  > I'm just wondering a few things about the new domain wide quotas:
  > Are these quotas implemented in vdelivermail?


  > Or are they implemented with system quotas?

You can do that also if you wish, however you'll need to
supply your own scripts for that.

  > Will I still be able to use maildrop to filter my mail?
I'm unsure about maildrop.  If it delivers the mail via
vdelivermail, then yes, but if it writes directly to the
file system, it needs to be patched to enforce the quotas.
I've updated libvpopmail.a to include the quota code, so
you should be able to patch it if needed.

  > When are the quotas recalculated? (If maildrop deletes a message,
  > will it throw the quotas off?)

The domain quota code recalculates the quota each time on the fly.
One big benefit now is its use of the maildirsize files, if they're
there.  This is a big performance gain.  But if you don't have anything
creating & maintaining these files (and they don't exist), then the
performance would be pretty bad if people "leave mail on server", and
you constantly have to sum up thousands of files.  I haven't used maildrop,
and I see the maildirsize files in each user's Maildir so I assume
vdelivermail is maintaining them.  You'll need to try it out and see
what kind of performance you get.  In my copy, I have syslog()'s
logging the clock over these and I typically see about 0.001s
when the cache files are there, and up to 7s when they're not (but
then they suddenly appear, so it must be creating them by default).
The 7 seconds was due to a user with a few thousand messages still in there
and no maildirsize file.



Re: [vchkpw] Feature request: Usage of SSLREMOTEIP

2003-03-05 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > Hi Anders,
  > > > Does anyone know a workaround until either vpopmail reads SSLREMOTEIP
  > > > or ucspi-ssl sets TCPREMOTEIP?
  > > 
  > > How about something like (untested):
  > > "(env TCPREMOTEIP=$SSLREMOTEIP /home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw)"
  > > in your startup script instead of just "/home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw" ?
  > I tested it, but it doesn't work that way. I have now patched sslserver
  > to set TCPREMOTEIP instead, according to Charles' idea, which works
  > fine.

I recommend that you patch sslserver to set both environment variables, 
rather than just replacing it.


Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail + mysql. Basic question.

2003-02-26 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > On Wednesday 26 February 2003 17:33, Brian Kolaci wrote:
  > > using vadduser not only adds the row to the table, but
  > > creates the directory structure for vdelivermail to put
  > > mail into.  It also encrypts the password field.  So
  > > you should either use the vadduser program or the vpopmail
  > > vadduser() API routine.
  > well.. not really. vchkpw for example creates the maildir, if it's missing, 
  > and so does vdelivermail.
  > so if you just want to _create_ users by adding them to the mysql table, 
  > is just fine.
  > just if you want to delete the users thas way, it will keep their Maildirs 
  > place.

Didn't know the recovery code was there.  That's great.
I've had instances in my old version where it wouldn't deliver
mail because the maildir was missing, but now that I think about it,
I haven't seen that problem for awhile.



[vchkpw] patch for vpopmail-5.3.18

2003-02-26 Thread Brian Kolaci
 # of blocks for all messages in
--- 40,59 
time_t *, off_t *, unsigned *);
  static int statcurnew(const char *, time_t *);
  static int statsubdir(const char *, const char *, time_t *);
! static int doaddquota(const char *, int, const char *, long, int, int);
! static int docheckquota(const char *dir, int *maildirsize_fdptr,
!   const char *quota_type, long xtra_size, int xtra_cnt, int *percentage);
  static int docount(const char *, time_t *, off_t *, unsigned *);
! static int maildir_checkquota(const char *dir, int *maildirsize_fdptr,
!   const char *quota_type, long xtra_size, int xtra_cnt);
! static int maildir_addquota(const char *dir, int maildirsize_fd,
!   const char *quota_type, long maildirsize_size, int maildirsize_cnt);
! static int maildir_safeopen(const char *path, int mode, int perm);
! static char *str_pid_t(pid_t t, char *arg);
! static char *str_time_t(time_t t, char *arg);
! static int maildir_parsequota(const char *n, unsigned long *s);
  #define  NUMBUFSIZE  60
  #define   MDQUOTA_SIZE'S' /* Total size of all messages in maildir */
  #define   MDQUOTA_BLOCKS  'B' /* Total # of blocks for all messages in
*** 98,104 
return 0;
/* convert from MB to bytes */
maxsize = limits.diskquota * 1024 * 1024;
maxcnt = limits.maxmsgcount;
--- 101,106 
*** 425,431 
! int maildir_checkquota(const char *dir,
int *maildirsize_fdptr,
const char *quota_type,
long xtra_size,
--- 427,433 
! static int maildir_checkquota(const char *dir,
int *maildirsize_fdptr,
const char *quota_type,
long xtra_size,
*** 437,443 
xtra_size, xtra_cnt, &dummy));
! int maildir_readquota(const char *dir, const char *quota_type)
  int   percentage=0;
  int   fd=-1;
--- 439,445 
xtra_size, xtra_cnt, &dummy));
! int vmaildir_readquota(const char *dir, const char *quota_type)
  int   percentage=0;
  int   fd=-1;
diff -c vpopmail-5.3.18/maildirquota.h
*** vpopmail-5.3.18/maildirquota.h  Sat Apr  6 09:30:35 2002
---  Wed Feb 26 12:23:56 2003
*** 6,12 
--- 6,26 
+ /* I've removed pretty much the whole file execept for
+some public functions so as to not conflict with courier.
+I"ve made the courier functions static.
+- Brian Kolaci
+ */
+ int readdomainquota(const char *dir, long *sizep, int *cntp);
+ int readuserquota(const char* dir, long *sizep, int *cntp);
+ int domain_over_maildirquota(const char *userdir);
+ int user_over_maildirquota(const char *dir, const char *quota);
+ void add_warningsize_to_quota( const char *dir, const char *quota);
+ int vmaildir_readquota(const char *dir,   const char *quota);
+ /* skip the rest... */
+ #if 0
  /* from maildirquota.h */
  #ifndef   maildirquota_h
*** 247,249 
--- 261,264 
+ #endif
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.18/oracle and
diff -c vpopmail-5.3.18/vdelivermail.c
*** vpopmail-5.3.18/vdelivermail.c  Thu Feb 20 16:30:19 2003
---  Wed Feb 26 12:24:48 2003
*** 89,101 
  void checkuser(void);
  void usernotfound(void);
  int is_loop_match( char *dt, char *address);
- /* functions in maildirquota.c */
  int deliver_quota_warning(const char *dir, const char *q);
- int user_over_maildirquota(char *address, char *quota);
- int domain_over_maildirquota(char *userdir);
- void add_warningsize_to_quota( const char *dir, const char *q);
- char *format_maildirquota(const char *q);
  static char local_file[156];
  static char local_file_new[156];
--- 89,95 
*** 488,494 
  if (QUOTA_WARN_PERCENT >= 0 &&
! maildir_readquota(address, format_maildirquota(quota))
  deliver_quota_warning(address, format_maildirquota(quota));
--- 482,488 
  if (QUOTA_WARN_PERCENT >= 0 &&
! vmaildir_readquota(address, format_maildirquota(quota))
  deliver_quota_warning(address, format_maildirquota(quota));
diff -c vpopmail-5.3.18/vmysql.c
*** vpopmail-5.3.18/vmysql.cMon Jan 27 11:29:15 2003
--- Feb 26 09:54:55 2003
*** 60,66 
  static MYSQL_ROW row;

Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail + mysql. Basic question.

2003-02-26 Thread Brian Kolaci

using vadduser not only adds the row to the table, but
creates the directory structure for vdelivermail to put
mail into.  It also encrypts the password field.  So
you should either use the vadduser program or the vpopmail
vadduser() API routine.


  > Sorry for the basic question but i can't figure how they work together.
  > If i add a vpopmail user ( ~vpopmail/bin/vadduser [EMAIL PROTECTED] ), it will 
  > saved in mysql db. All right.
  > But if i add a mysql record will it added to vpopmail users?
  > What's about fields like pw_passwd?
  > Tnx in advance.
  > -- 
  > cris

Re: [vchkpw] How to handle the local domain as virtual.

2003-02-25 Thread Brian Kolaci

qmail is probably not passing them on to vpopmail
for delivery.  Make sure you remove your domainname
from the qmail control/locals file, and add it to
your control/rcpthosts file.


  > Hi.
  > I am running Qmail with vpopmail successfully right now, and qmail-smtpd is
  > able to recieve email from the various domains and route them to the correct
  > vpopmail mailboxes with no problem.
  > Except for one domain.
  > The real domain name of the server itself ( is set as the only
  > LOCAL domain in qmail, and even though I have done
  > vadddomain **,
  > vadduser [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
  > etc.
  > qmail bounces all messages sent to any user I have created in domain
  >, saying that there is no user by that name.
  > (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Sorry, no mailbox here by that name.)
  > How do I make QMail treat incoming mail for as if it was
  > virtual?
  > - For reference, here are some of the files I have -
  > (line numbers are not in file, only here for reference)
  > /var/qmail/users/assign:
  > 1:
  > 2:
  > 3:
  > 4:
  > 5:
  > 6: .
  > (of course, vdom* are actual domain names in the file)
  > /var/qmail/control/me
  > (/var/qmail/control/defaultdomain and plusdoman have the same contents)
  > 1:
  > /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains
  > 1:
  > 2:
  > 3:
  > 4:
  > 5:
  > Thanks in advance.
  > Ben

Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail as a daemon

2003-02-23 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > > Well, I don't see the need.  vpopmail was made for qmail.
  > > Qmail invokes vpopmail using vdelivermail.
  > >
  > > What exactly would you daemonize?
  > Authentication and access to vpopmail control functions. Creating users, 
domains, aliases, etc...
  > Of coarse parts of vpopmail wouldn't run as a daemon because qmail doesn't 
work that way. I suppose I wasn't clear about what I
  > thought might be a candidate for 'daemonization'.

Like I said before, we already have the daemons.  That's
qmail-smtpd, authdaemond, and the POP & IMAP daemons.  The only
thing left is the admin stuff, which is where I worry about security.

  > -
  > OK. I get the feeling that the vpopmail daemon idea isn't very popular. As I 
mentioned before, I just threw it out there to get some
  > feed back, and now that I have, I realize that I haven't thought it through 
all the way yet.
  > A protocol would have to be developed for external apps to talk with 
vpopmail, and while such a protocol could be designed 'for the
  > future', so that current apps wouldn't break with future versions of 
vpopmail, I'm not sure that it would be worth it in the end.
  > As I mentioned before, I strongly dislike NFS. I think a vpopmail specific 
protocol could be engineered that would have a much
  > higher efficiency than vpopmail+NFS, but that's as far as I've thought it 

If you dislike NFS, then why did you go with qmail to begin with?
That was the target for qmail.  To use NFS without file locking.  In
any case, you still can easily get by without NFS, but replace it
with a webserver and/or sshd.

  > Also, I'll note here that I don't yet have need for a cluster, and have 
never implemented/used a vpopmail+NFS cluster. Therefore, I
  > realize that vpopmail+NFS may very well be an excellent solution, and that I 
may just have an incorrect idea in my head regarding
  > the speed and overhead that is required to run NFS.

There have been *many* improvements to NFS.  The latest is very feature
rich, has hooks for security, etc.  NFS is a good thing, especially
if you start looking at the alternatives (i.e. NetBIOS).

  > So... with that in mind, I'm going to conclude that I don't have enough 
experience or knowledge to really debate the pros and cons
  > of a vpopmail daemon.
  > If everyone could shift their attention to the 'vpopmail extension modules' 
thread, I would still like to discuss some things about
  > that idea. (And I DO have enough experience and knowledge to have an 
intelligent discussion about it!)
  > Thanks for the comments!
  > And thanks for reading!
  > Jesse
  > >  You would only want to
  > > make a daemon for things that are used *very* frequently
  > > and you need the extra speed.  The only thing I see is
  > > authentication, for which you can use authdaemond from
  > > courier.  This works very well with vpopmail (and my patched
  > > code works with the IP mapping and open_smtp).
  > >
  > > I've included my comments below:
  > >
  > >
  > >   > Greetings list,
  > >   >
  > >   > I'm sure people have considered this before, but I'd like to collect
  > > everyone's thoughts on the idea I'm about to present:
  > >   >
  > >   > VPopMail as a daemon
  > >   > 
  > >   > What does everyone think about the possibility of turning vpopmail 
into a
  > > daemon? Complete with network ports and the like. It would
  > >   > allow for a much more distributed architecture, IMHO.
  > >   >
  > >   > Currently, if someone wants to run qmailadmin on a separate web 
server, they
  > > have to create an NFS share, right?
  > >
  > > Thats one option, and at least its already secure.  You can
  > > also run an additional webserver on the back-end system and have
  > > your main webserver proxy requests to it.  Still secure.
  > >
  > >   >
  > >   > Wouldn't it make a lot of sense to provide a vpopmail network protocol 
  > > allows connections from remote administrative utilities?
  > >
  > > No.
  > >
  > >   >
  > >   > Possibly even implement support for vpopmail clusters (although I'm 
  > > you'd have to have a crazy amount of users to need a
  > >   > cluster! Vpopmail is pretty darn efficient.)
  > >
  > > You can already do this.
  > >
  > >   >
  > >   > Administrative programs like qmailadmin and vqadmin would benefit by 
  > > having to be run on the primary mail server, but I highly
  > >   > doubt that the majority of web traffic comes from the admin CGIs.
  > >
  > > They don't need to be run from the primary mailserver if you use NFS,
  > > but its better if you do run a secondary webserver on the mailserver
  > > just for qmailadmin.  You can then proxy to it from your primary 
  > > The admin programs may benefit, but I don't think you're buying much
  > > by moving the admin functions to a daemon.  You would, however, be
  > > giving hackers yet another w

Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail as a daemon

2003-02-23 Thread Brian Kolaci


Well, I don't see the need.  vpopmail was made for qmail.
Qmail invokes vpopmail using vdelivermail.

What exactly would you daemonize?  You would only want to
make a daemon for things that are used *very* frequently
and you need the extra speed.  The only thing I see is
authentication, for which you can use authdaemond from
courier.  This works very well with vpopmail (and my patched
code works with the IP mapping and open_smtp).

I've included my comments below:

  > Greetings list,
  > I'm sure people have considered this before, but I'd like to collect 
everyone's thoughts on the idea I'm about to present:
  > VPopMail as a daemon
  > What does everyone think about the possibility of turning vpopmail into a 
daemon? Complete with network ports and the like. It would
  > allow for a much more distributed architecture, IMHO.
  > Currently, if someone wants to run qmailadmin on a separate web server, they 
have to create an NFS share, right?

Thats one option, and at least its already secure.  You can
also run an additional webserver on the back-end system and have
your main webserver proxy requests to it.  Still secure.

  > Wouldn't it make a lot of sense to provide a vpopmail network protocol that 
allows connections from remote administrative utilities?


  > Possibly even implement support for vpopmail clusters (although I'm thinking 
you'd have to have a crazy amount of users to need a
  > cluster! Vpopmail is pretty darn efficient.)

You can already do this.

  > Administrative programs like qmailadmin and vqadmin would benefit by not 
having to be run on the primary mail server, but I highly
  > doubt that the majority of web traffic comes from the admin CGIs.

They don't need to be run from the primary mailserver if you use NFS,
but its better if you do run a secondary webserver on the mailserver
just for qmailadmin.  You can then proxy to it from your primary webserver.
The admin programs may benefit, but I don't think you're buying much
by moving the admin functions to a daemon.  You would, however, be
giving hackers yet another way to cause havoc.

  > Programs like sqwebmail would benefit by not having to be recompiled every 
time vpopmail is upgraded. The port protocol wouldn't
  > change much between versions, and developers could maintain backward 

You typically don't need to update sqwebmail since not much would
change to affect this program.  Same thing for IMP (nothing would
ever have to change as it uses IMAP).

  > Sqwebmail WOULDN'T be able to run on a separate server, as it accesses 
maildirs directly, but at least administration, upgrades, and
  > general package stability would likely improve a bit.

I don't see any improvement.

  > Who knows. One might even be able to implement a maildir access protocol. 
But that would probably just duplicate the functionality
  > of the IMAP protocol.

Right, that would be a waste of time.

  > Can anyone else think of a good reason why vpopmail might benefit from being 
made into a daemon?


  > Can anyone think of a really good reason why it shouldn't? (Other than the 
time it would take to code everything.)

Sure.  Security.  You can implement the security into your webserver
above and beyond the qmailadmin security.
Another is that there would be another point of failure.
If anything, this just adds more lines of code, and to what
benefit?  For the admin interfaces (which is the only place
I can see the daemon doing anything)? 

  > I'm just thinking aloud here, but I'd like to hear everyone's ideas on the 

Sorry, but I think its a pretty bad idea, at least for this
piece of software.  I'm typically for having daemons around, but
for the places they're needed, they're already there.  Vpopmail
is currently just a set of API's in a library plus a delivery
agent.  There's some utility programs that come with it, but still 
its mainly a set of API's.

Now what I'd like to see happen is integrate java API's and
make qmailadmin and vqadmin into webapps.  Its already on my
list of "todo's", but pretty far down...


Re: [vchkpw] vpopmail 5.3.18 with --enable-vlimits

2003-02-22 Thread Brian Kolaci

Ahh, good catch.  I increased limits table structure to about twice 
its original size, (more items added) and since my table already existed, 
I didn't encounter the buffer overflow.

Since the original create failed, you'll need to delete and
add the domain again to get the row added to the table.

I guess another limit we can add would be Rick's request
for a monthly bandwidth limitation per domain (or user?).


  > solved.
  > increasing vmysql.c:   SQL_BUF_SIZE  to 2000 fixed it.
  > however i do get 
  > delivery 6: success: 
  > vnysql:_can't_find_limits_for_domain_''/did_0+0+1/
  > (with a type in it too..   vnysql => vmysql)
  > shouldn't it add some defaults when calling vadddomain ?
  > -- 
  > Best Regards,
  > Justin

[vchkpw] domain quotas (updated)

2003-02-20 Thread Brian Kolaci

I've made one change to the patch below, which is the
same one I posted yesterday.

This patch makes public the following two functions
in maildirquota.c:

int readdomainquota(const char *dir, long *sizep, int *cntp);
int readuserquota(const char* dir, long *sizep, int *cntp);

These two functions read the current Maildir++ quota usage
for a domain/user given the domain or user directory.
It *adds* to the current values pointed to by sizep & cntp
the size/msgcount used by the specified domain/user.

They return 0 on success, -1 on failure.  errno would be
set to EAGAIN if the contents of the directory changed
during the calculation.

In short, the attached patch enforces the quota limits
specified in the qmailadmin-limits file/table in the vdelivermail
program.  I figured it might be better to expose the above
two functions as well, therefore the updated patch.



- Begin Forwarded Message -

Since there's been alot of hype about domain quotas,
I've put my changes in the attached patch file.  This
will patch vpopmail-5.3.16 (maildirquota.c and vdelivermail.c).
There's a new file vqmaillocal.c that apparently doesn't
use Maildir++ quotas, so I didn't touch that.

The CPU usage is negligible (I saw 0-20 ms).  With this patch,
another function is added to maildirquota.c called 
domain_over_maildirquota() that extracts the domain info from
the given end-user Maildir and returns 1 if the domain is already
at/over quota, or the new message would exceed the domains quota.

Note that this patch *only* enforces Maildir++ quotas (both
size and count), and not system quotas.  The diskquota parameter
of the vlimits structure is in MB (NOT BYTES), and the maxmsgcount parameter
specifies the max messages for the whole domain.  If either value
is less than or equal to 0, it is treated as unlimited.

Ken/Bill - I've been running this for about a month now with the
published vlimits API and it seems to work well with little CPU overhead.  
All deliveries still seem to be under 1 second.  I've stripped out the
system quotas implementation and made it simply Maildir++ quota compliant.



- End Forwarded Message -

Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.16/attic and
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.16/cdb and
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.16/contrib and
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.16/convert and
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.16/doc and
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.16/ldap and
diff -c vpopmail-5.3.16/maildirquota.c
*** vpopmail-5.3.16/maildirquota.c  Wed Oct 23 15:53:36 2002
---  Wed Feb 19 17:55:36 2003
*** 29,34 
--- 29,35 
+ #include "vlimits.h"
  #include "maildirquota.h"
  #include "config.h"
*** 46,51 
--- 47,54 
long xtra_size,
int xtra_cnt, int *percentage);
  static int docount(const char *, time_t *, off_t *, unsigned *);
+ int readdomainquota(const char *dir, long *sizep, int *cntp);
+ int readuserquota(const char* dir, long *sizep, int *cntp);
  int deliver_quota_warning(const char *dir);
  #define  NUMBUFSIZE  60
*** 55,60 
--- 58,253 
  #define   MDQUOTA_COUNT   'C' /* Total number of messages in maildir */
+ /* bk: add domain limits functionality */
+ int domain_over_maildirquota(const char *userdir)
+ {
+ struct  statstat_buf;
+ int ret_value = 0;
+ char  *domdir=(char *)malloc(strlen(userdir)+1);
+ char  *p;
+ char  domain[256];
+ unsigned long size = 0;
+ unsigned long maxsize = 0;
+ int   cnt = 0;
+ int   maxcnt = 0;
+ struct vlimits limits;
+ if (fstat(0, &stat_buf) == 0 && S_ISREG(stat_buf.st_mode) &&
+ stat_buf.st_size > 0)
+ {
+   /* locate the domain directory */
+   strcpy(domdir, userdir);
+   if ((p = strstr(domdir, "/Maildir/")) != NULL)
+   {
+   while (*(--p) != '/')
+   ;
+   *(p+1) = '\0';
+   }
+   /* locate the domainname */
+   while (*(--p) != '/')
+   ;
+   strncpy(domain, ++p, sizeof(domain));
+   if ((p = strchr(domain, '/')) != NULL)
+   *p = '\0';
+   /* get the domain quota */
+   if (vget_limits(domain, &limits))
+   {
+   free(domdir);
+   return 0;
+   }
+   /* convert from MB to bytes */
+   maxsize = limits.diskquota * 1024 * 1024;
+   maxcnt = limits.maxmsgcount;
+   /* get the domain usage */

Re: [vchkpw] no mysql tables after Vpopmail install

2003-02-20 Thread Brian Kolaci

As long as the permissions are correct, and you allow CREATE
permission to the id/password you put in vmysql.h, then the
tables will auto-create when you run the system, i.e. create
a domain.



  > I don't have any vpopmail related tables in my Mysql vpopmail database after 
  > I discovered that during the install of vpopmail I typo'd the vpopmail 
password I wanted to use in the mysql db.  I assume that as a result of that 
error that the tables didn't created properly.
  > I've tried rerunning the `make install` and `make install-strip` with all my 
passwords aligned and db access verified, but no soup.  
  > I can't find a schema dump for the vpopmail tables by Googling either.
  > What should I do?  (please be kind with that sort of question ;-) )
  > Dave.

Re: [vchkpw] Postgres in 5.3.16 - I see it, how do I enable it?

2003-02-19 Thread Brian Kolaci

That's good.  Haven't played with postgres lately.  MySQL seemed
easy and quick enough.  I've added a patch that checks the return
code from vopen_smtp_relay().  It used to be void.  I changed the
interpretation such that it needs to return non-zero if the given
IP address wasn't already in the table, and zero on error or the
IP was in the table and just the timestamp was updated.  I don't
know the syntax for postgres.  Would you be able to make that
modification?  I also don't have an oracle Pro C compiler.  I
typically use OCI.  So I don't know how to update the voracle.pc file.
If you or anyone knows how to update that, please send an update.

Also, you don't have to grant DROP privs, just give it CREATE and
it has the auto-create feature built in.  You only need to grant
DROP if you disable the MANY_DOMAINS option, which you probably
don't want to do anyway.

Not sure which database notification daemon you're speaking of.



  > > Anyone?  There must be some developmental work going on with it or it
  > > wouldn't have been in the tarball.  I am willing to help work on it but I
  > > need some help getting over this initial hurdle (cleanly).
  > Nice, responsive list.  :-/
  > Attached is a patch to 5.3.16 which will get vpgsql to actually work (seems 
  > work right for auth and relay, have NOT extensively tested it yet) -- I have 
  > not included the configure script changes since they were really nasty and 
  > I'm sure there is a better way.
  > ATM the database, user and password are all hardcoded, and I did not change 
  > the existing ability to create the database if it doesn't already exist.  
  > That seems like a really nasty thing to allow -- basically you are granting 
  > the vpopmail database user full access to the vpopmail table where it would 
  > seem more prudent to only allow inserts, updates and deletes. (not 
  > create/drop).  Anyway.
  > Another nasty is that the database notification daemon will spit its info 
  > to the network (i.e. anyone accessing vchkpw) -- I will include a fix for 
  > that soon as well as some general cleanups and any other bus I find.
  > I hope to do some more extensive testing, including clear passwords and open 
  > relay in the next few days.  Adding domains/users and authenticating 
  > definately is working though, and the tables seem to be updating correctly 
  > for relay and lastauth.
  > Regards,
  > Andrew

[vchkpw] domain quotas

2003-02-19 Thread Brian Kolaci

Since there's been alot of hype about domain quotas,
I've put my changes in the attached patch file.  This
will patch vpopmail-5.3.16 (maildirquota.c and vdelivermail.c).
There's a new file vqmaillocal.c that apparently doesn't
use Maildir++ quotas, so I didn't touch that.

The CPU usage is negligible (I saw 0-20 ms).  With this patch,
another function is added to maildirquota.c called 
domain_over_maildirquota() that extracts the domain info from
the given end-user Maildir and returns 1 if the domain is already
at/over quota, or the new message would exceed the domains quota.

Note that this patch *only* enforces Maildir++ quotas (both
size and count), and not system quotas.  The diskquota parameter
of the vlimits structure is in MB (NOT BYTES), and the maxmsgcount parameter
specifies the max messages for the whole domain.  If either value
is less than or equal to 0, it is treated as unlimited.

Ken/Bill - I've been running this for about a month now with the
published vlimits API and it seems to work well with little CPU overhead.  
All deliveries still seem to be under 1 second.  I've stripped out the
system quotas implementation and made it simply Maildir++ quota compliant.



Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.16/attic and
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.16/cdb and
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.16/contrib and
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.16/convert and
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.16/doc and
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.16/ldap and
diff -c vpopmail-5.3.16/maildirquota.c
*** vpopmail-5.3.16/maildirquota.c  Wed Oct 23 15:53:36 2002
---  Wed Feb 19 17:55:36 2003
*** 29,34 
--- 29,35 
+ #include "vlimits.h"
  #include "maildirquota.h"
  #include "config.h"
*** 46,51 
--- 47,54 
long xtra_size,
int xtra_cnt, int *percentage);
  static int docount(const char *, time_t *, off_t *, unsigned *);
+ static int domreadquota(const char *dir, long *sizep, int *cntp);
+ static int readuserquota(const char* dir, long *sizep, int *cntp);
  int deliver_quota_warning(const char *dir);
  #define  NUMBUFSIZE  60
*** 55,60 
--- 58,253 
  #define   MDQUOTA_COUNT   'C' /* Total number of messages in maildir */
+ /* bk: add domain limits functionality */
+ int domain_over_maildirquota(const char *userdir)
+ {
+ struct  statstat_buf;
+ int ret_value = 0;
+ char  *domdir=(char *)malloc(strlen(userdir)+1);
+ char  *p;
+ char  domain[256];
+ unsigned long size = 0;
+ unsigned long maxsize = 0;
+ int   cnt = 0;
+ int   maxcnt = 0;
+ struct vlimits limits;
+ if (fstat(0, &stat_buf) == 0 && S_ISREG(stat_buf.st_mode) &&
+ stat_buf.st_size > 0)
+ {
+   /* locate the domain directory */
+   strcpy(domdir, userdir);
+   if ((p = strstr(domdir, "/Maildir/")) != NULL)
+   {
+   while (*(--p) != '/')
+   ;
+   *(p+1) = '\0';
+   }
+   /* locate the domainname */
+   while (*(--p) != '/')
+   ;
+   strncpy(domain, ++p, sizeof(domain));
+   if ((p = strchr(domain, '/')) != NULL)
+   *p = '\0';
+   /* get the domain quota */
+   if (vget_limits(domain, &limits))
+   {
+   free(domdir);
+   return 0;
+   }
+   /* convert from MB to bytes */
+   maxsize = limits.diskquota * 1024 * 1024;
+   maxcnt = limits.maxmsgcount;
+   /* get the domain usage */
+   if (domreadquota(domdir, &size, &cnt))
+   {
+   free(domdir);
+   return -1;
+   }
+   /* check if either quota (size/count) would be exceeded */
+   if (maxsize > 0 && (size + stat_buf.st_size) > maxsize)
+   {
+   ret_value = 1;
+   }
+   else if (maxcnt > 0 && cnt >= maxcnt)
+   {
+   ret_value = 1;
+   }
+ }
+   free(domdir);
+ return(ret_value);
+ }
+ static int domreadquota(const char *dir, long *sizep, int *cntp)
+ {
+ int tries;
+ char  checkdir[256];
+ DIR   *dirp;
+ struct dirent *de;
+   if (dir == NULL || sizep == NULL || cntp == NULL)
+   return -1;
+   *sizep = 0;
+   *cntp = 0;
+   dirp=opendir(dir);
+   while (dirp && (de=readdir(dirp)) != 0)
+   {
+   if (!strcmp(de->d_name

Re: [vchkpw] question re faq

2003-02-11 Thread Brian Kolaci

As far as I know, roaming users doesn't work with
the courier-imap authlib, at least with authdaemond.
I've patched my version and when I get cycles planned
on submitting a patch to Mr. Sam to allow authdaemond
to have it work.  The problem is that vpopmail relies
on environment variables that are set in the couriertcpd
and aren't passed to the daemon.  I've patched my version and
have had it working for over a month now.  Eliminating all
those fork/exec's have reduced CPU dramatically (as well
as my patch to vpopmail vipmap API to only fork/exec tcprules
if a new IP is added to the table).  I used to be at 99% CPU,
now I'm at 98% idle...


  > faq item 34 discusses getting courier-imap to use vpopmail's roaming users 
  > functionality. i just noticed in the changelog for courier-imap, it states:
  > 2001-02-08  Chris Seawood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  >  * authlib: Added check for open_smtp_relay in -lvpopmail
  > so, does that mean that faq item 34 is obsolete?
  > Paul Theodoropoulos
  > The Nicest Misanthrope on the Net 

Re: [vchkpw] mysql-limits

2003-02-08 Thread Brian Kolaci

There currently is no conversion program.
The latest rev (.16) enables the use of the new API
to vset, vget and vdel the _limits functions.  They
allow either file or mysql tables depending on the compiled
in version (with the --enable-mysql-limits=y/n).  Currently
the first (and only) program using the limits API is qmailadmin 1.0.9.
The table and row are automatically created when a new domain is added.
Rows are deleted when the domain is deleted.

Want to write the conversion program?  Should be simple.
Just one source file that uses the "file" vget_limits() and
the "mysql" vset_limits() and iterate over the current domains.
Possibly remove the old .qmailadmin-limits file as well.


  > i'm about to compile the latest rev (.16), and was wondering - if i select 
  > --enable-mysql-limits=y in configuration, is there anything that needs to 
  > be done to convert the existing .qmailadmin-limits? or does the system 
  > automatically convert the data during/after installation? and are there any 
  > distinct benefits to making this change in an existing mysql-backend 
  > environment?
  > Paul Theodoropoulos
  > The Nicest Misanthrope on the Net 

Re: [vchkpw] mysql-vlimits

2003-02-03 Thread Brian Kolaci


I've been using the mysql vlimits stuff for over 2 years.
(I supplied the patch for it).  Currently, I don't know of
any migration script, but it couldn't be too difficult to
make.  You need the file version of vget_limits() and the database
version of vset_limits().

I could help if you want to write the migration program.
I just don't have any .qmailadmin-limits files around anymore.
You just need a row per domain for the limits.  Also, make sure
you have the latest for vpopmail (5.3.16 I think).



  > I wanted to find out if anyone is using the "-mysql-vlimits"
  > successfully. If you  are, could you
  > Please post your procedure of getting mysql setup and moving over your
  > qmail-limits files.
  > My mysql/vpopmail setup has been working for 3 years now with no
  > problems, but I cant 
  > seem to get mysql-vlimits setup.
  > Thanks,
  > Clint Simmons
  > Network Administrator
  > KZ Universal

Re: [vchkpw] Re: feature request qmail-smtpd-chkusr

2003-01-30 Thread Brian Kolaci


Its definitely a qmail patch, not vpopmail.  You should contact
the qmail list or homepage to have it listed there instead.

I see from your page that it checks vpopmail users, but what
about regular shell accounts?  Also, does it do the .qmail file
processing for normal accounts, maillists, aliases, etc. for
~user/.qmail and such?  (This is obviously a basic requirement
for almost anyone to be able to use it, but I figured I'd make 
sure its in there before trying it).  I also assume that you're
just filling in the VRFY SMTP command, which would be correct
place to put this code.



  > Hi Eduardo,
  > my patch basically modifies qmail-smtpd.c code, using vpopmail libraries. 
  > So, it may be seen practically in the category "qmail patch", not "vpopmail 
  > patch".
  > As any patch, it may not work if someone applied other patches before, so I 
  > don't think it may be right to include it in vpopmail package. vpopmail 
  > configure must work 100%, and cannot rely on already patched qmail code.
  > No problem if someone wants to make it, or Inter7 decides to include it in 
  > vpopmail, but I see it troublesome (not because of my patch, but because 
  > all the patches that are usually applied on qmail).
  > All could be competely different if inter7 decides to distribute an 
  > extended qmail+vpopmail package. That could help a lot of people, and a lot 
  > of patches could be added easily.
  > Let me know what you think.
  > Ciao,
  > Tonino
  > P.S. Actually, the installation of the patch is extremely easy, and you may 
  > install it also on patched version of qmail (a lot of people asked me and 
  > did it). If you have a plain qmail installation, the patch will work in a 
  > few minutes.
  > The patch has been written in a easy and compact way (with a semplified 
  > version for Bill's megapatch or other complicated patches) just to help 
  > people that use a deeply patched qmail.
  > At 30/01/03 30/01/03 +0100, Eduardo wrote:
  > >Hello,
  > >I want to know your opinion about including this patch like an option
  > >(selecting in configure) on vpopmail code. Spammers generate a lot of 
  > >of emails to unknown users and server could stop it with this. Performance
  > >seems to be normal. Opinions?
  > >
  >  Inter@zioniInterazioni di Antonio Nati

RE: [vchkpw] disk quota per domain

2003-01-29 Thread Brian Kolaci

There is already domain limits from the qmailadmin-limits
file/table.  I don't believe in the concept of 

sum(user limits) == domain limit

Most users will need a small quota, however there are
times when they'll need more just for a once in a blue
time to get a large attachment through, but overall don't
require a large quota.  Making the postmaster rearrange
quotas on a regular basis is not practical, especially
when the quota extention is requested is typically too late.

We already *have* a workable solution.  Use system limits.
For those that want domain limits compiled into vdelivermail,
I already have it written in my 5.2 code.  I just need to
port it to the 5.3.16 code.  The only change is to use
the vget_limits() API.  But due to performance, I believe
99% of the users should still use system quotas due to
the heavy performance hit *on every message delivered*.
I have over 700,000 messages delivered each day.  I had
to take out the extra hit on domain limits.  System quotas
work just fine, especially on systems with over a thousand domains.


  > That actually sounds like it may work.
  > Another solution may be this:
  > Since qmailadmin now allows postmaster to allocate quota per user,  what
  > if we introduce a limit that restricts how much quota the postmaster has
  > to distribute.
  > This would give us the flexibility to allocate quota per domain and the
  > postmaster for that domain can re-allocate to the user.
  > So we can still see how much each user is using whereas your solution
  > will not.
  > What do you say Ken/Bill ?
  > Regards,
  > Lu
  > > -Original Message-
  > > From: tonix (Antonio Nati) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  > > Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 1:54 PM
  > > Subject: RE: [vchkpw] disk quota per domain
  > > 
  > > 
  > > I'm thinking to a new solution, modifying qmailadmin as follows.
  > > 
  > > A unique ".qmailmaildirsize" should be created in the domain, 
  > > and every 
  > > user should have his own "maildirsize" linked by an "ln -sf" to the 
  > > domain's ".qmailmaildirsize".
  > > 
  > >  \domain
  > >  \domain\.qmailmaildirsize 
  > > [global]
  > >  \domain\user1\Maildir\maildirsize --> 
  > > ..\..\.maildirsize[-> global]
  > >  \domain\user2\Maildir\maildirsize --> 
  > > ..\..\.maildirsize[-> global]
  > >  \domain\user3\Maildir\maildirsize --> 
  > > ..\..\.maildirsize[-> global]
  > >  \domain\user4\Maildir\maildirsize 
  > > [alone]
  > >  \domain\user5\Maildir\maildirsize 
  > > [alone]
  > > 
  > > Each user using the domain quota should have the same quota 
  > > (equal to the 
  > > domain quota itself).
  > > 
  > > Users with own quota don't use this mechanism and have their private 
  > > "maildirsize".
  > > 
  > > The only major add should be a routine to recheck the 
  > > "domain's global 
  > > usage" when domain's ".qmailmaildirsize" is created (or 
  > > recreated after 
  > > deletion), counting only users working with global "maildirsize".
  > > 
  > > Main problem I see could be the lock on the global 
  > > ".maildirsize", domains 
  > > (with global quota) with thousands of very active users could 
  > > slow down on 
  > > receiving messages.
  > > 
  > > All that should work with a very few modifications (none in vdeliver, 
  > > vpopmail, etc., only a few in qmailadmin).
  > > 
  > > Tonino
  > > 
  > > At 28/01/03 28/01/03 -0800, Lu wrote:
  > > >Unfortunately adding a unique user per domain is not a 
  > > viable solution 
  > > >for a lot of people especially when there are thousands of domains.
  > > >
  > > >I have implemented domain quota by tweaking old vpopmail code before 
  > > >maildirquota was implemented.  Basically disabling user quota and 
  > > >recalculate quota for the entire domain when new mail arrives.  Then 
  > > >comparing this number to the value MaxQuota inside 
  > > .qmailadmin-limits 
  > > >to determine whether the entire domain is over quota or not.  It is 
  > > >rather inefficient but it mostly works.
  > > >
  > > >Now I want to do the same with new vpopmail but I don't understand 
  > > >enough about the new way in which it calculates quota.
  > > >
  > > >If someone is more well verse and willing to do this, let me 
  > > know and I 
  > > >can help.  Otherwise, I will still attempt it but it will 
  > > take a looong 
  > > >time to study the code.
  > > >
  > > >Thanks.
  > > >
  > > >Lu
  > > >
  > > >
  > > > > -Original Message-
  > > > > From: Claudio Nieder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  > > > > Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 1:53 AM
  > > > > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  > > > > Subject: Re: [vchkpw] disk quota per domain
  > > > >
  > > > >
  > > > > Hi,
  > > > >
  > > > > > Please give the workable answer...
  > > > >
  > > > > Use vaddoains -u option to assign to each domain a different user 
  > >

RE: [vchkpw] disk quota per domain

2003-01-29 Thread Brian Kolaci

I too had put in code to calculate real quota
based on recursively doing stat's.  This seems to
chew up *alot* of resources.  I have over a thousand
domains and its hasn't been an issue to have a username per
domain.  In fact, it works well and better than
when the quota code was in vdelivermail.  I've since
stopped adding my own patch.

I'm seeing that the quota code in there now doesn't
seem to return the correct information.  For several users,
vuserinfo seems to return 100% full all the time (when they
used 1.25 Meg out of 100 Meg).

I'd like to move the get_du() code from the qmailadmin
code to the vpopmail library.  Bill/Ken, is this OK?
This is a platform independent routine that gets the
disk usage for a directory tree.  This can be called
either on the user's directory or the domain's directory
to get the corresponding values.  We can then build
a switch in vdelivermail to use this for the domain
limits.  I'm not sure how to get the maildir quotas
working for per-domain, but in my case I'm seeing that
they haven't been too reliable.  I have customers complaining
that sometimes mail is bouncing when they're only using 1Mb of space.

  > Unfortunately adding a unique user per domain is not a viable solution
  > for a lot of people especially when there are thousands of domains.
  > I have implemented domain quota by tweaking old vpopmail code before
  > maildirquota was implemented.  Basically disabling user quota and
  > recalculate quota for the entire domain when new mail arrives.  Then
  > comparing this number to the value MaxQuota inside .qmailadmin-limits to
  > determine whether the entire domain is over quota or not.  It is rather
  > inefficient but it mostly works.
  > Now I want to do the same with new vpopmail but I don't understand
  > enough about the new way in which it calculates quota.
  > If someone is more well verse and willing to do this, let me know and I
  > can help.  Otherwise, I will still attempt it but it will take a looong
  > time to study the code.
  > Thanks.
  > Lu
  > > -Original Message-
  > > From: Claudio Nieder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  > > Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 1:53 AM
  > > Subject: Re: [vchkpw] disk quota per domain
  > > 
  > > 
  > > Hi,
  > > 
  > > > Please give the workable answer...
  > > 
  > > Use vaddoains -u option to assign to each domain a different 
  > > user and use your OS quota facility to assign each user the 
  > > desired quota.
  > > 
  > >   claudio
  > > -- 
  > > Claudio Nieder, Kanalweg 1, CH-8610 Uster, Tel +41 79 357 
  > > 6743 yahoo messenger: claudionieder aim: claudionieder icq:42315212
  > > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  > > 

Galaxy Networks, Inc.

Re: [vchkpw] 5.3.15

2003-01-27 Thread Brian Kolaci

The file I updated was vpgsql.c and voracle.pc
These need the extra work done to ensure that it only
returns 1 if a new IP was added to the table and not
just replaced.


  > > the proper values if the table was updated.  I've updated oracle
  > > and pgsql to return 1 if the table was updated, 0 on error.  So
  > There's pgsql auth code available?  Whereat?  I thought pgsql on vpopmail 
  > tried once and abandoned.  At the beginning of the year I revisited it and 
  > Bill asked for Charles to send it to him... has it been integrated with 
  > 5.3.15?
  > Regards,
  > Andrew

Re: [vchkpw] 5.3.15

2003-01-27 Thread Brian Kolaci

Ken & Bill,

Here's a patch that's small but has a *big* performance
change in it.  This patches the 5.3.15 distribution.

Over the last few months, I've been seeing my mailserver
incur 90-99% CPU utilization during peak loads.  During
that time, I was seeing between 5 & 10 authentications
per second.  Auth's were taking 2-3 seconds each.

I've updated the courier authdaemon to keep the connections
alive (removing the vclose() in preauthvchkpw) and passing
the environment over the auth socket.  That helped alot,
however my cpu was still at 80-99% (both CPU's).

This patch changes vopen_smtp_relay() from a void to int.
The function should return non-zero only if the ip list changed
and tcprules should be run.  Before, tcprules was fork/exec'd
on every authentication.  With this patch, its only run if
a new IP address was inserted into the relay table.  My cpu's
dramatically changed so that they're 99% idle !!!  I don't
even see them at the top of the process list (ever).  I used
to have 5-15 daemons at the top all the time before this patch.
(And I thought I was going to need more hardware...)  Now
I can process 5 auth's per second with only one or two daemons
running.  Each auth now only takes milliseconds, even at
peak times.

There is a catch...  I've only patched the mysql code to return
the proper values if the table was updated.  I've updated oracle
and pgsql to return 1 if the table was updated, 0 on error.  So
we need someone to update the code for the other databases to
regognize when the replace did an insert vs. a replace (delete/insert).
Mysql returns 1 row affected on insert only, 2 rows affected if
there was a delete/insert (i.e. replace).  We only need to update
tcprules if there was an insert only.

I'll be creating a patch for the courier authlib code so
you can run authdaemon as well soon.



  > Ken, all:
  > I've put together vpopmail 5.3.15 with a few minor fixes for 
  > vdeloldusers and vlimits (from Brian):
  > ChangeLog:
  > Download:
  > Cheers,
  > Bill Shupp

diff -c vpopmail-5.3.15.orig/vmysql.c vpopmail-5.3.15/vmysql.c
*** vpopmail-5.3.15.orig/vmysql.c   Fri Jan 24 03:30:33 2003
--- vpopmail-5.3.15/vmysql.cMon Jan 27 08:43:31 2003
*** 702,717 
! void vopen_smtp_relay()
   char *ipaddr;
   time_t mytime;
   int err;
  mytime = time(NULL);
  ipaddr = getenv("TCPREMOTEIP");
  if ( ipaddr == NULL ) {
! return;
  if ( ipaddr != NULL &&  ipaddr[0] == ':') {
--- 702,718 
! int vopen_smtp_relay()
   char *ipaddr;
   time_t mytime;
   int err;
+  int rows;
  mytime = time(NULL);
  ipaddr = getenv("TCPREMOTEIP");
  if ( ipaddr == NULL ) {
! return 0;
  if ( ipaddr != NULL &&  ipaddr[0] == ':') {
*** 720,726 
! if ( (err=vauth_open_update()) != 0 ) return;
  snprintf( SqlBufUpdate, SQL_BUF_SIZE,
  "replace into relay ( ip_addr, timestamp ) values ( \"%s\", %d )",
--- 721,727 
! if ( (err=vauth_open_update()) != 0 ) return 0;
  snprintf( SqlBufUpdate, SQL_BUF_SIZE,
  "replace into relay ( ip_addr, timestamp ) values ( \"%s\", %d )",
*** 731,739 
  printf("vmysql: sql error[7]: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql_update));
  res_update = mysql_store_result(&mysql_update);
! return;
  void vupdate_rules(int fdm)
--- 732,744 
  printf("vmysql: sql error[7]: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql_update));
+ rows = mysql_affected_rows(&mysql_update);
  res_update = mysql_store_result(&mysql_update);
! /* return true if only INSERT (didn't exist) */
! /* would return 2 if replaced, or -1 if error */
! return rows == 1;
  void vupdate_rules(int fdm)
*** 1493,1499 
  "disable_smtp, perm_account, perm_alias, perm_forward, "
  "perm_autoresponder, perm_maillist, perm_quota, perm_defaultquota) \n"
  "VALUES \n"
! "('%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)",
--- 1498,1504 
  "disable_smtp, perm_account, perm_alias, perm_forward, "
  "perm_autoresponder, perm_maillist, perm_quota, perm_defaultquota) \n"
  "VALUES \n"
! "('%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 
%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)",
diff -c vpopmail-5.3.15.orig/voracle.pc vpopmail-5.3.15/voracle.pc
*** vpopmail-5.3.15.orig/voracle

Re: [vchkpw] vaddaliasdomain inconsistency ?

2003-01-26 Thread Brian Kolaci

There's a feature in vget_alias...() that the domain
parameter is a char *, not a const char * so the domain
is overwritten to the "master" domain when you call it.

The correct behaviour would probably be to return
all the domains and specify whether they're master or
an alias.

  > Hi,
  > when I vaddaliasdomain a domain to another (e.g.
  > as an alias to (main) domain), vdominfo shows two domains
  > with name.
  > Yet, the aliasing works (mail sent to end
  > up in the user's inbox.
  > Is this normal ? How would I make vdominfo return only those domains
  > that are not aliases and whose directories actually exist ?
  > Or would I need to pipe the results through something like uniq(1) ?
  > cheers,
  > Rainer
  > -- 
  > Rainer Duffner   Munich
  > [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Germany
  > http://www.i-duffner.deFreising
  > When shall we three meet again
  >   In thunder, lightning, or in rain?

Galaxy Networks, Inc.

[vchkpw] vlimits patch

2003-01-24 Thread Brian Kolaci

Hi Ken/Bill,

It appears that the last patch I sent through didn't
get applied.  This one contains the several extra
fields as requested.  I'm currently working on
qmailadmin to use the API.  Shall I also update
vdelivermail to enforce the per-domain quotas?
My copy does this with real disk usage rather than
maildir quotas, so I'm not sure how to do this
with the maildir quotas on a per-domain basis.



diff -c vpopmail-5.3.14/vlimits.c vpopmail-5.3.14.old/vlimits.c
*** vpopmail-5.3.14/vlimits.c   Sat Dec  7 20:19:03 2002
--- vpopmail-5.3.14.old/vlimits.c   Thu Jan 23 11:38:43 2003
*** 38,52 
  limits->maxforwards = -1;
  limits->maxautoresponders = -1;
  limits->maxmailinglists = -1;
- limits->diskquota = 0;
- limits->defaultquota = 0; 
- limits->disable_pop = 0;
- limits->disable_imap = 0;
- limits->disable_dialup = 0;
- limits->disable_passwordchanging = 0;
- limits->disable_relay = 0;
- limits->disable_smtp = 0;
- limits->disable_webmail = 0;
  /* get filename */
  vget_assign(domain, dir, sizeof(dir), &uid, &gid);
--- 38,43 
*** 54,139 
  /* open file */
  if ((fs = fopen(dir, "r")) != NULL) {
!   while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fs) != NULL) {
!   if ((s1 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
!   continue;
!   if (!strcmp(s1, "maxpopaccounts")) {
!   if ((s2 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
!   continue;
!   limits->maxpopaccounts = atoi(s2);
!   }
!   if (!strcmp(s1, "maxaliases")) {
!   if ((s2 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
!   continue;
!   limits->maxaliases = atoi(s2);
!   }
!   if (!strcmp(s1, "maxforwards")) {
!   if ((s2 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
!   continue;
!   limits->maxforwards = atoi(s2);
!   }
!   if (!strcmp(s1, "maxautoresponders")) {
!   if ((s2 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
!   continue;
!   limits->maxautoresponders = atoi(s2);
!   }
!   if (!strcmp(s1, "maxmailinglists")) {
!   if ((s2 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
!   continue;
!   limits->maxmailinglists = atoi(s2);
!   }
!   if (!strcmp(s1, "quota")) {
!   if ((s2 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
!   continue;
!   limits->diskquota = atoi(s2);
!   }
!   if (!strcmp(s1, "default_quota")) {
!   if ((s2 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
!   continue;
!   limits->defaultquota = format_maildirquota(s2);
!   }
!   if (!strcmp(s1, "disable_pop")) {
!   limits->disable_pop = 1;
!   }
!   if (!strcmp(s1, "disable_imap")) {
!   limits->disable_imap = 1;
!   }
!   if (!strcmp(s1, "disable_dialup")) {
!   limits->disable_dialup = 1;
!   }
!   if (!strcmp(s1, "disable_password_changing")) {
!   limits->disable_passwordchanging = 1;
!   }
!   if (!strcmp(s1, "disable_external_relay")) {
!   limits->disable_relay = 1;
!   }
!   if (!strcmp(s1, "disable_smtp")) {
!   limits->disable_smtp = 1;
!   }
!   if (!strcmp(s1, "disable_webmail")) {
!   limits->disable_webmail = 1;
!   }
!   }
!   fclose(fs);
!   chown(dir,uid,gid);
!   chmod(dir, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
  } else {
!   fprintf(stderr, "vlimits: failed to open limits file (%d):  %s\n", errno, dir);
!   return -1;
  return 0;
--- 45,190 
  /* open file */
  if ((fs = fopen(dir, "r")) != NULL) {
! while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fs) != NULL) {
! if ((s1 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
! continue;
! if (!strcmp(s1, "maxpopaccounts")) {
! if ((s2 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
! continue;
! limits->maxpopaccounts = atoi(s2);
! }
! if (!strcmp(s1, "maxaliases")) {
! if ((s2 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
! continue;
! limits->maxaliases = atoi(s2);
! }
! if (!strcmp(s1, "maxforwards")) {
! if ((s2 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
! continue;
! limits->maxforwards = atoi(s2);
! }
! if (!strcmp(s1, "maxautoresponders")) {
! if ((s2 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
! continue;
! limits->maxautoresponders = atoi(s2);
! }
! if (!strcmp(s1, "maxmailinglists")) {
! if ((s2 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
! continue;
! limits->maxmailinglists = atoi(s2);
! }
! if (!strcmp(s1, "quota")) {
! if ((s2 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
! continue;
! limits->diskquota = atoi(s2);
! }
! if (!strcmp(s1, "maxmsgco

Re: [vchkpw] Quota per domain

2003-01-24 Thread Brian Kolaci

Try using system quotas instead.  This is what I use.
Put each virtual domain under a separate unix user.
Impose a system quota on that user.  Then set per-user
quotas from qmailadmin.

There's a -u option to vadddomain to set it to the specified
unix userid and setup the "domains" directory under that user's
home directory.

This is a workable approach (I've been using it for years),
and I'm delaying patching vdelivermail to implement it
so I can finish up on qmailadmin.



  > Hi  Brian!
  > I have installed Qmail+vpopmail+swwebmail on Redhat Linux 8.0
  > Now, I want to implement disk quota per virtualdomain.
  > when I add a virtualdomain ./vadddomain -q 200
  > this option works as 
  > -q quota_in_bytes (sets the quota for postmaster account)
  > Sets the quota for postmaster account.
  > But as I have 25 virtualdomains, I want to allocate specified disk quota
  > to each virtualdomain.
  > And the postmaster of that virtualdomain can use that disk space as per
  > his requirement with any number of users.
  > Please give the workable answer...
  > Manish Jain
  > System Admin
  > ERDCI Noida

Galaxy Networks, Inc.

Re: [vchkpw] Re: welcome message

2003-01-08 Thread Brian Kolaci

I run an ISP also.  It would be better to allow
a command line option to the executable.  The reason
I say this is that sometimes you want the letter, sometimes
you don't.  We happen to put a default letter in the
user's home directory Maildir to welcome them, however
the hosting customers are the ones that got annoyed at
getting the welcome letters.  They didn't want each time
they create an email account for their domain to get
any welcome letter.  So the welcome letter would be on
a per domain basis.  It would be nice if qmailadmin could
get a setting that stated if new users get a message, and
allow the postmaster to construct that message on a per-domain
basis.  We just put the letter into the /etc/skel default
home directory so that all new unix users get the welcome


  > It could be a compile option (like --enable-welcomemsg).   We are an ISP and
  > use it for new customers. We have a nice letter typed up that explains all
  > the cool things that we have to offer that they wouldn't know about
  > otherwise. Also, when we are setting up someone's email, it is nice to have
  > an email waiting to be received so that you know it worked.
  > Trey
  > - Original Message -
  > From: "Brian Kolaci" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 9:38 AM
  > Subject: Re: [vchkpw] Re: welcome message
  > >
  > > If you're going to put this in the distribution, make
  > > sure that you have to select an option to have the mail
  > > delivered.  I'm sure many people would *not* want this
  > > message in their INBOX.  We used to do this an about 85%
  > > of our customers complained, so it was removed.
  > >
  > > Brian
  > >
  > >   > Hi Trey,
  > >   >
  > >   > On Wed, 8 Jan 2003 07:56:54 -0600
  > >   > "Trey Nolen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  > >   >
  > >   > >>> Is there a way to set a "welcome" message that is sent when a
  > >   > >>> postmaster creates an e-mail account?
  > >   >
  > >   > >> Modify vpopmail sources for "vadddomain" not only creating
  > "Maildir"
  > >   > >> but copying an e-mail to 'Maildir/new' too.
  > >   >
  > >   > > This sure is a pain to do every time you update vpopmail.  I sure
  > hope
  > >   > > this feature gets accepted into the distribution one day
  > >   >
  > >   > Write the code, write it good, stable and secure, and submit it.
  > >   > Maybe it's merged with vpopmail-core and no "rewrite" will be
  > necessary.
  > >   > --
  > >   > Peter
  > >   >
  > >

Re: [vchkpw] Re: welcome message

2003-01-08 Thread Brian Kolaci

If you're going to put this in the distribution, make
sure that you have to select an option to have the mail
delivered.  I'm sure many people would *not* want this
message in their INBOX.  We used to do this an about 85%
of our customers complained, so it was removed.


  > Hi Trey,
  > On Wed, 8 Jan 2003 07:56:54 -0600
  > "Trey Nolen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  > >>> Is there a way to set a "welcome" message that is sent when a
  > >>> postmaster creates an e-mail account?
  > >> Modify vpopmail sources for "vadddomain" not only creating "Maildir"
  > >> but copying an e-mail to 'Maildir/new' too.
  > > This sure is a pain to do every time you update vpopmail.  I sure hope
  > > this feature gets accepted into the distribution one day
  > Write the code, write it good, stable and secure, and submit it.
  > Maybe it's merged with vpopmail-core and no "rewrite" will be necessary.
  > -- 
  > Peter

Re: [vchkpw] Re: Per domain quota setting

2002-12-13 Thread Brian Kolaci

My scripts are not even near any document root.  There's a whole
separate directory tree (for *all* CGI directories on the server)
that is ScriptAlias'd.  I don't allow CGI for any user within
their doc root otherwise unsuspecting users would enable someone
to break into the server.  The system default CGI directory is
secured that no local user can get there and even look, let alone
make changes.  Others can't even find out if there's a SUID
script in there or not.


  > Hello Brian,
  > On Friday, December 13, 2002 at 2:46:28 PM you wrote:
  > > I know about the per user quota settings. Is there anywhere to do a
  > > per domain quota capping? Eg. Cap the quota for the directory of the
  > > domain.
  >  Make use of system quota.
  >  Create a dedicated user for each domain you want to have an overall
  >  quota and make use of '-u' option in 'vadddomain'.
  > >>> When I had tried a similar thing earlier, qmailadmin refused to work
  > >>> probably due to change of user/group which expects vchkpw:vpopmail
  > >>> Is there any workaround for this problem, other than using a separate
  > >>> qmailadmin binary having identical permissions for every such domain
  > >>> group?
  > >> A theoretically, absolutely untested possibility could be putting all
  > >> domains in different system groups, but with user vpopmail and using
  > >> system-group-quotas, instead of system-user-quotas.
  > > If you use system quotas (as I do), then install qmailadmin setuid
  > > root and it all works fine. It will switch to the userid of the
  > > system account that is specified in the users/assign file.
  > Make sure the access to /cgi-bin/qmailadmin (or whatever your location
  > is) is additionally secured by webserver HTACCESS.
  > Running a cgi suid() to root is a dangerous thing, you _NEVER_ know
  > what exploits are possible.
  > The attacker might not be able to log in into qmailadmin, but he
  > might, for whatever reasons, be able to exploit the CGI and gain
  > root-access this way, BEFORE qmailadmin switches the identity.
  > Me personal would install separate qmailadmin-cgis or give the 'same
  > user, different groups and system group quotas' a try before setting
  > qmailadmin-cgi to SUID() root.
  > -- 
  > Best regards
  > Peter Palmreuther

Re: [vchkpw] Re: Per domain quota setting

2002-12-13 Thread Brian Kolaci

If you use system quotas (as I do), then
install qmailadmin setuid root and it all works fine.
It will switch to the userid of the system account
that is specified in the users/assign file.


  > Hello Ninad,
  > On Friday, December 13, 2002 at 12:37:56 PM you wrote:
  > >>> I know about the per user quota settings. Is there anywhere to do a
  > >>> per domain quota capping? Eg. Cap the quota for the directory of the
  > >>> domain.
  > >> Make use of system quota.
  > >> Create a dedicated user for each domain you want to have an overall
  > >> quota and make use of '-u' option in 'vadddomain'.
  > > When I had tried a similar thing earlier, qmailadmin refused to work
  > > probably due to change of user/group which expects vchkpw:vpopmail
  > > Is there any workaround for this problem, other than using a separate
  > > qmailadmin binary having identical permissions for every such domain
  > > group?
  > A theoretically, absolutely untested possibility could be putting all
  > domains in different system groups, but with user vpopmail and using
  > system-group-quotas, instead of system-user-quotas.
  > -- 
  > Best regards
  > Peter Palmreuther

Re: [vchkpw] relaying not allowed

2002-12-10 Thread Brian Kolaci

Well, it looks like in your case, the problem appears
to be that the tcp.smtp.cdb file isn't being updated.
This is the file that the server uses to allow relaying
or not, and its timestamp is older than your tcp.smtp file.


  > Okay but should the option Accepted local and relay domains be set to Any
  > Domain ?
  > Regards /Tobias
  > - Original Message -----
  > From: "Brian Kolaci" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 9:14 PM
  > Subject: Re: [vchkpw] relaying not allowed
  > Hi Tobias,
  > I've seen a similar thing recently, however I'm using MySQL
  > rather than files and my users have received the same error
  > message.  I checked and found their IP in the table, however
  > they were still not allowed to send/relay mail.
  > I had to resort to manually configure static blocks of IP's in
  > the tcp.stmp file rather than let the roaming feature work.
  > Its strange, it works for 99% of our customers, but then I
  > find that some people get stuck from certain areas.
  > Brian
  >   > Hi! i´m back again : P
  >   >
  >   > Someone who has setup vpopmail with roaming users who have some
  > suggestions
  >   > for a beginner
  >   >
  >   > I have succeded so far that the pop 3 server writes to the file
  > open-smtp
  >   > with correct ip and timestamp but the smtp server
  >   > do not read it or maybe the permisions have been setup wrong. I have
  > looked
  >   > allover for info but havent found any solutions yet
  >   >
  >   > the smtp server says
  >   >
  >   > The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected
  > by
  >   > the server. The rejected e-mail address was x. Subject '',
  > Account:
  >   > , Server: , Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '553 sorry,
  >   > that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)', Port: 25,
  >   > Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 553, Error Number: 0x800CCC79
  >   >
  >   > maybe there is some file owner permision setup failure here´s a ls -la
  > on
  >   > the etc dir of home/vpopmail
  >   >
  >   > drwxr-xr-x2 89   vchkpw   4096 Dec 10 21:01 ./
  >   > drwxr-xr-x8 89   vchkpw   4096 Dec  6 17:23 ../
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 89   vchkpw 25 Dec  6 17:22 inc_deps
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 89   vchkpw 32 Dec  6 17:22 lib_deps
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root   60 Dec 10 21:01 open-smtp
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec 10 21:01 open-smtp.lock
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 12:52
  > open-smtp.tmp.10753
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  8 19:06
  > open-smtp.tmp.10766
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 16:16
  > open-smtp.tmp.11173
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  7 16:03
  > open-smtp.tmp.11200
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 18:46
  > open-smtp.tmp.11281
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 14:46
  > open-smtp.tmp.11880
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 15:05
  > open-smtp.tmp.12481
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 13:42
  > open-smtp.tmp.12500
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 21:46
  > open-smtp.tmp.12663
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  7 21:14
  > open-smtp.tmp.12861
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 15:42
  > open-smtp.tmp.12869
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  8 01:45
  > open-smtp.tmp.13274
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  8 21:27
  > open-smtp.tmp.14119
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  8 00:45
  > open-smtp.tmp.14307
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  8 14:31
  > open-smtp.tmp.14327
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  7 16:03
  > open-smtp.tmp.14825
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 17:46
  > open-smtp.tmp.14895
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  7 18:35
  > open-smtp.tmp.15191
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 19:16
  > open-smtp.tmp.15331
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  7 22:14
  > open-smtp.tmp.15618
  >   > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 16:46
  > open-smtp.tmp.

Re: [vchkpw] relaying not allowed

2002-12-10 Thread Brian Kolaci

Hi Tobias,

I've seen a similar thing recently, however I'm using MySQL
rather than files and my users have received the same error
message.  I checked and found their IP in the table, however
they were still not allowed to send/relay mail.

I had to resort to manually configure static blocks of IP's in
the tcp.stmp file rather than let the roaming feature work.

Its strange, it works for 99% of our customers, but then I
find that some people get stuck from certain areas.


  > Hi! i´m back again : P
  > Someone who has setup vpopmail with roaming users who have some suggestions
  > for a beginner
  > I have succeded so far that the pop 3 server writes to the file open-smtp
  > with correct ip and timestamp but the smtp server
  > do not read it or maybe the permisions have been setup wrong. I have looked
  > allover for info but havent found any solutions yet
  > the smtp server says
  > The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by
  > the server. The rejected e-mail address was x. Subject '', Account:
  > , Server: , Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '553 sorry,
  > that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)', Port: 25,
  > Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 553, Error Number: 0x800CCC79
  > maybe there is some file owner permision setup failure here´s a ls -la on
  > the etc dir of home/vpopmail
  > drwxr-xr-x2 89   vchkpw   4096 Dec 10 21:01 ./
  > drwxr-xr-x8 89   vchkpw   4096 Dec  6 17:23 ../
  > -rw-r--r--1 89   vchkpw 25 Dec  6 17:22 inc_deps
  > -rw-r--r--1 89   vchkpw 32 Dec  6 17:22 lib_deps
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root   60 Dec 10 21:01 open-smtp
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec 10 21:01 open-smtp.lock
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 12:52 open-smtp.tmp.10753
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  8 19:06 open-smtp.tmp.10766
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 16:16 open-smtp.tmp.11173
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  7 16:03 open-smtp.tmp.11200
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 18:46 open-smtp.tmp.11281
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 14:46 open-smtp.tmp.11880
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 15:05 open-smtp.tmp.12481
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 13:42 open-smtp.tmp.12500
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 21:46 open-smtp.tmp.12663
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  7 21:14 open-smtp.tmp.12861
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 15:42 open-smtp.tmp.12869
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  8 01:45 open-smtp.tmp.13274
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  8 21:27 open-smtp.tmp.14119
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  8 00:45 open-smtp.tmp.14307
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  8 14:31 open-smtp.tmp.14327
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  7 16:03 open-smtp.tmp.14825
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 17:46 open-smtp.tmp.14895
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  7 18:35 open-smtp.tmp.15191
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 19:16 open-smtp.tmp.15331
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  7 22:14 open-smtp.tmp.15618
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 16:46 open-smtp.tmp.15881
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 20:16 open-smtp.tmp.16429
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  7 18:36 open-smtp.tmp.16483
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  8 02:16 open-smtp.tmp.1719
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  8 01:15 open-smtp.tmp.17426
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 13:23 open-smtp.tmp.18732
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  8 14:28 open-smtp.tmp.19621
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 19:46 open-smtp.tmp.19655
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  8 23:03 open-smtp.tmp.1983
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  8 17:46 open-smtp.tmp.20357
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  8 04:54 open-smtp.tmp.20512
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 13:49 open-smtp.tmp.21280
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  7 17:04 open-smtp.tmp.21672
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  7 23:45 open-smtp.tmp.21711
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  8 22:14 open-smtp.tmp.21890
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  7 18:39 open-smtp.tmp.22001
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 13:29 open-smtp.tmp.22186
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  7 18:57 open-smtp.tmp.22391
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 Dec  9 14:01 open-smtp.tmp.22793
  > -rw-r--r--1 root root0 D

Re: [vchkpw] courier-imap tends to stop authenticating after awhile

2002-11-25 Thread Brian Kolaci

I have just under 2000 domains.  Not sure of the number
of users per domain.  There's a few thousand local email
addresses also (using pam).  Note that the high load
is only at peak times.  During most of the day I see around
2-4 per second.


  > Just out of curiosity, how many users does 20-25 
  > authentications per second equate to for you?
  > Thanks.
  > On Monday 25 November 2002 12:58, Brian Kolaci 
  > wrote:
  > > You can disable it at runtime also.
  > > Just specify it in the AUTHMODULES variable in
  > > the .../etc/*.config files (mine is at
  > > "authvchkpw authpam") rather than
  > > "authdaemond".  You don't have to go back and
  > > do a fresh compile.
  > >
  > > I was trying to use courier-imap 1.6.0, but I'm
  > > stuck at version 1.4.2.
  > >
  > > Under high loads, you *need* to have a pool of
  > > authentication servers.  I also use MySQL so
  > > the database authentication needs to take place
  > > for every request.  So some work needs to be
  > > done there, however I don't think its high on
  > > Sam's list.  I may have to tackle it in the not
  > > too distant future, but I don't think my work
  > > would get incorporated into his distribution...
  > >  Ken & Bill have been willing to take patches.
  > >
  > > Thanks,
  > >
  > > Brian
  > >
  > >   > Yeah. I ran into the same problem. They/we
  > >   > should really include that in documentation
  > >   > somewhere. In fact, I get that problem with
  > >   > sqwebmail even if
  > >
  > > I
  > >
  > >   > DO disable authdaemon I'm not sure it's
  > >   > the same kind of issue though.
  > >   >
  > >   > But back to the reason I posted in the
  > >   > first place:
  > >   >
  > >   > I've seen plenty of people complain on the
  > >   > sqwebmail list that authdaemon croaks after
  > >   > a short time under high load. Using only
  > >   > the authvchkpw module and disabling
  > >   > authdaemon at compile time always fixed the
  > >   > problem.
  > >   >
  > >   > What versions are you running?
  > >   >
  > >   > On Monday 25 November 2002 12:24, Brian 
  > Kolaci wrote:
  > >   > > authdaemond works for me, however IP
  > >   > > Alias doesn't work since the IP
  > >   > > information is passed via environment
  > >   > > variables.  The authdaemon protocol
  > >   > > doesn't take into account any of the
  > >   > > environment variables set by couriertcpd,
  > >   > > so your missing some of the critical
  > >   > > information.  I've mentioned this on the
  > >   > > courier list as well, however it didn't
  > >   > > appear anyone cared...
  > >   > >
  > >   > > If you disable authdaemond (and have it
  > >   > > fork/exec each login request), then it
  > >   > > works fine.  Its just not scalable (and
  > >   > > I'm getting into that problem now when I
  > >   > > hit about 20-25 authentications per
  > >   > > second).
  > >   > >
  > >   > > Thanks,
  > >   > >
  > >   > > Brian
  > >   > >
  > >   > >   > Are you using authdaemon? I believe
  > >   > >   > disabling auth daemon at compile time
  > >   > >   > fixes the problem too. compile with:
  > >   > >   >
  > >   > >   > --without-authdaemon \
  > >   > >   > --with-vchkpw
  > >   > >   >
  > >   > >   > when compiling courier-imap.
  > >   > >   >
  > >   > >   > I don't use authdaemon, and I don't
  > >   > >   > have any troubles. This is an
  > >   > >   > on-going list discussion.
  > >   > >   >
  > >   > >   > On Monday 25 November 2002 11:11, Dzuy 
  > Nguyen wrote:
  > >   > >   > > There is a bug in vchkpwd in
  > >   > >   > > vpopmail 5.2.1.  Version 5.3.x
  > >   > >   > > seems to fix it.
  > >   > >   > >
  > >   > >   > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  > >   > >   > > >I am using a
  > >   > >   > > > qmail/vpopmail/courier-imap mail
  > >   > >   > > > solution.  After re-installing
  > >   > >   > > > courier-imap, the first few
  > >   > >   > > > times, imap sessions to work
  > >   > >
  > >   > > and
  > >   > >
  > >   > >   > > >authenticate, but after awhile,
  > >   > >   > > > authentication fails and I get
  > >   > >   > > > nothing
  > >   > >
  > >   > > but
  > >   > >
  > >   > >   > > >LOGIN FAILED messages in my
  > >   > >   > > > maillog.  A reboot of the server
  > >   > >   > > > will fix it for a short time;
  > >   > >   > > > however, it keeps happening.  Has
  > >   > >   > > > anyone had this occur before or
  > >   > >   > > > have a possible solution?
  > >   > >   > > >
  > >   > >   > > >I am running these versions:
  > >   > >   > > >FreeBSD 4.5-RELEASE
  > >   > >   > > >Qmail - 1.03_1
  > >   > >   > > >vpopmail - 5.2
  > >   > >   > > >Courier-Imap - 1.5.3
  > >   > >   > > >
  > >   > >   > > >Any suggestions would be helpful.
  > >   > >   > > >
  > >   > >   > > >Thanks,
  > >   > >   > > >
  > >   > >   > > >Taylor Dondich
  > >   > >
  > >   > > Brian
  > >   > > Galaxy Networks, Inc.
  > >
  > > Brian
  > > Galaxy Networks, Inc.

Galaxy Networks, Inc.

Re: [vchkpw] courier-imap tends to stop authenticating after awhile

2002-11-25 Thread Brian Kolaci

You can disable it at runtime also.
Just specify it in the AUTHMODULES variable in the
.../etc/*.config files (mine is at "authvchkpw authpam")
rather than "authdaemond".  You don't have to go back
and do a fresh compile.

I was trying to use courier-imap 1.6.0, but I'm stuck at 
version 1.4.2.

Under high loads, you *need* to have a pool of authentication
servers.  I also use MySQL so the database authentication needs
to take place for every request.  So some work needs to be done
there, however I don't think its high on Sam's list.  I may have
to tackle it in the not too distant future, but I don't think my
work would get incorporated into his distribution...  Ken & Bill
have been willing to take patches.



  > Yeah. I ran into the same problem. They/we should really include that in 
  > documentation somewhere. In fact, I get that problem with sqwebmail even if 
  > DO disable authdaemon I'm not sure it's the same kind of issue though.
  > But back to the reason I posted in the first place:
  > I've seen plenty of people complain on the sqwebmail list that authdaemon 
  > croaks after a short time under high load. Using only the authvchkpw module 
  > and disabling authdaemon at compile time always fixed the problem.
  > What versions are you running?
  > On Monday 25 November 2002 12:24, Brian Kolaci wrote:
  > > authdaemond works for me, however IP Alias doesn't work since
  > > the IP information is passed via environment variables.  The
  > > authdaemon protocol doesn't take into account any of the
  > > environment variables set by couriertcpd, so your missing some
  > > of the critical information.  I've mentioned this on the courier
  > > list as well, however it didn't appear anyone cared...
  > >
  > > If you disable authdaemond (and have it fork/exec each login
  > > request), then it works fine.  Its just not scalable (and I'm
  > > getting into that problem now when I hit about 20-25 authentications
  > > per second).
  > >
  > > Thanks,
  > >
  > > Brian
  > >
  > >   > Are you using authdaemon? I believe disabling auth daemon at compile
  > >   > time fixes the problem too. compile with:
  > >   >
  > >   > --without-authdaemon \
  > >   > --with-vchkpw
  > >   >
  > >   > when compiling courier-imap.
  > >   >
  > >   > I don't use authdaemon, and I don't have any troubles. This is an
  > >   > on-going list discussion.
  > >   >
  > >   > On Monday 25 November 2002 11:11, Dzuy Nguyen wrote:
  > >   > > There is a bug in vchkpwd in vpopmail 5.2.1.  Version 5.3.x seems to
  > >   > > fix it.
  > >   > >
  > >   > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  > >   > > >I am using a qmail/vpopmail/courier-imap mail solution.  After
  > >   > > >re-installing courier-imap, the first few times, imap sessions to
  > >   > > > work
  > >
  > > and
  > >
  > >   > > >authenticate, but after awhile, authentication fails and I get
  > >   > > > nothing
  > >
  > > but
  > >
  > >   > > >LOGIN FAILED messages in my maillog.  A reboot of the server will
  > >   > > > fix it for a short time; however, it keeps happening.  Has anyone
  > >   > > > had this occur before or have a possible solution?
  > >   > > >
  > >   > > >I am running these versions:
  > >   > > >FreeBSD 4.5-RELEASE
  > >   > > >Qmail - 1.03_1
  > >   > > >vpopmail - 5.2
  > >   > > >Courier-Imap - 1.5.3
  > >   > > >
  > >   > > >Any suggestions would be helpful.
  > >   > > >
  > >   > > >Thanks,
  > >   > > >
  > >   > > >Taylor Dondich
  > >
  > > Brian
  > > Galaxy Networks, Inc.

Galaxy Networks, Inc.

Re: [vchkpw] courier-imap tends to stop authenticating after awhile

2002-11-25 Thread Brian Kolaci

authdaemond works for me, however IP Alias doesn't work since
the IP information is passed via environment variables.  The
authdaemon protocol doesn't take into account any of the
environment variables set by couriertcpd, so your missing some
of the critical information.  I've mentioned this on the courier
list as well, however it didn't appear anyone cared...

If you disable authdaemond (and have it fork/exec each login
request), then it works fine.  Its just not scalable (and I'm
getting into that problem now when I hit about 20-25 authentications
per second).



  > Are you using authdaemon? I believe disabling auth daemon at compile time 
  > fixes the problem too. compile with:
  > --without-authdaemon \
  > --with-vchkpw
  > when compiling courier-imap.
  > I don't use authdaemon, and I don't have any troubles. This is an on-going 
  > list discussion.
  > On Monday 25 November 2002 11:11, Dzuy Nguyen wrote:
  > > There is a bug in vchkpwd in vpopmail 5.2.1.  Version 5.3.x seems to fix
  > > it.
  > >
  > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  > > >I am using a qmail/vpopmail/courier-imap mail solution.  After
  > > >re-installing courier-imap, the first few times, imap sessions to work 
  > > >authenticate, but after awhile, authentication fails and I get nothing 
  > > >LOGIN FAILED messages in my maillog.  A reboot of the server will fix it
  > > >for a short time; however, it keeps happening.  Has anyone had this occur
  > > >before or have a possible solution?
  > > >
  > > >I am running these versions:
  > > >FreeBSD 4.5-RELEASE
  > > >Qmail - 1.03_1
  > > >vpopmail - 5.2
  > > >Courier-Imap - 1.5.3
  > > >
  > > >Any suggestions would be helpful.
  > > >
  > > >Thanks,
  > > >
  > > >Taylor Dondich

Galaxy Networks, Inc.

[vchkpw] domain maildir quotas

2002-11-21 Thread Brian Kolaci


Bill, if your there, you'd probably know this one off
the top of your head...

Is there a maildir function to gather the current usage
for a whole domain?  I know its easy for disk based usage,
but what about maildir quotas?  If not, I'll put one together
to go to the domain directory and loop over all the subdirectories
with Maildirs in them and sum them up.



Re: [vchkpw] domain quotas

2002-11-21 Thread Brian Kolaci

Currently I use a separate system user for each domain,
and I bundle mail & web together with one quota.

I have a patched vdelivermail that enforces both per-user
and per-domain quotas, but not through maildir quotas.

I just submitted the patch for the vlimits data structure
and am currently updating the latest vdelivermail to use 
this API and enforce the quotas.  The new data structure
keeps track of the per-domain information.

I'll put in support for maildir quotas, but I'm wondering if
I should allow a switch or compile time option to enforce
disk based quotas instead/as well.  The only problem I forsee
is what happens if files are written into the area by another
program (i.e. qmail or procmail).  What if they don't support
the maildir quotas?  Then we need the disk based quotas.  Also,
if there are .qmail files or other control/data files there,
should they be included in the disk usage?  Of course the
maildir quotas don't include them, but the disk based does.



  > HI,
  > I was just wondering if creating a separate system user for each domain is 
  > still the only way of having a total quota for a domain rather than quotas 
  > for each user?
  > Is anyone working on adding support to vpopmail for domain based quotas 
  > the the vpopmail.vchkpw user?
  > cheers, Iain.

Re: [vchkpw] .cdb doesn't get compiled for roaming users

2002-11-21 Thread Brian Kolaci

edit cdb/conf-*
and change cc to gcc (assuming you're using gcc).


  > Hello
  > I'm running vpopmail-5.2.1 and courier-imap-1.5.3 with roaming support 
  > enabled.
  > /home/vpopmail/etc/open-smtp gets updated correctly with the ips 
  > fetching mail, but /home/vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb doesn't get compiled. 
  > The error I get in my log is
  > pop3d: tcprules: fatal: unable to create 
  > ~vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtptmp.31382: file does not exist
  > Any help would be appriciated.
  > --niklas

Re: [vchkpw] How to leave a copy of email on the qmail server using pop3 ...

2002-11-20 Thread Brian Kolaci

First of all, the server just does what the client tells it to do.
If the client sends the DELE (delete) command, the server will
delete the message.  If the client doesn't send the DELE (delete)
command, the server will *not* delete any message.

In qmail, when a message is read, it is moved from the "new"
folder to the "cur" folder.  So as long as your mail client
(Outlook Express) doesn't send the DELE command (i.e. the "leave
a copy of messages on server" is checked), then it will remain
on the server in the "cur" folder.


  > Thank you all for the suggestions.
  > I did do the client configuration as you described as below b4, 
  > but no effects.  really  why ?
  > Outlook Express -> Tools -> Accounts -> Mail -> Properties -> Advanced
  > > and tick the box "Leave copy of message on server"
  > If server can keep the copy where does qmail store still 
  > /home/vpopmail/domains/
  >  ?
  > thanks again.
  > Lucy
  > - Original Message - 
  > From: "Michael Bowe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 10:56 AM
  > Subject: RE: [vchkpw] How to leave a copy of email on the qmail server using 
pop3 ...
  > > > -Original Message-
  > > > From: Lucy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  > > > Sent: Thursday, 21 November 2002 1:38 PM
  > > > Subject: [vchkpw] How to leave a copy of email on the qmail
  > > > server using
  > > > pop3 ...
  > > >
  > > >
  > > > Hello all,
  > > >
  > > > I know this probably being asked b4, but I still havn't found
  > > > the answer ...
  > > >
  > > > I am using qmail + vpopmail  once I pop3 my mails from the server
  > > > no matter what the configuration on the client side,  the
  > > > server won't
  > > > leave a copy of those poped emails.
  > > 
  > > That sounds a bit strange
  > > 
  > > > Can POP3 surport leaving copies on server ?
  > > 
  > > Yes
  > > 
  > > > How can I backup ( or leave copies ) on server after I pop my mails?
  > > 
  > > From the headers in your email it looks like you are using Outlook Express
  > > 6
  > > 
  > > So go to :
  > > Outlook Express -> Tools -> Accounts -> Mail -> Properties -> Advanced
  > > and tick the box "Leave copy of message on server"
  > > 
  > > Michael.
  > > 
  > > 
  > > 

Galaxy Networks, Inc.

[vchkpw] POP3 daemon comparison

2002-11-20 Thread Brian Kolaci

I've been using both the imapd and pop3d from the courier
package with my qmail/vpopmail service.

Has anyone done a comparison between these packages?
I know the courier package doesn't implement the LAST
command, which I hacked in, but I wanted to see if there
are any advantages of one over the other with regard to
performance.  I was hoping to use the authdaemon process
to do authentications for both POP and IMAP, however due
to the lack of support of passing the environment variables
(TCPLOCALIP for instance), I cannot use the vipmap() functionality
with it.  Thats more hacking into the courier code, which
I'd rather not have to support.



[vchkpw] qmailadmin-limits update

2002-11-20 Thread Brian Kolaci

OK, I've finally found the time to work on the 
qmailadmin-limits API's for file and MySQL based storage.
I've attached the patch for vpopmail 5.3.11, available

I've augmented the previous implementation to add the
extra features requested and pretty much implemented what
I stated in the email last month.  All the feedback from
the last post was positive, so I went straight from that

The API routines are as follows:

int vget_limits(char *domain, struct vlimits *limits);
int vset_limits(char *domain, struct vlimits *limits);
int vdel_limits(char *domain);

The data structure to manipulate is:

 * permissions for non-postmaster admins


struct vlimits {
  /* max service limits */
  int   maxpopaccounts;
  int   maxaliases;
  int   maxforwards;
  int   maxautoresponders;
  int   maxmailinglists;

  /* quota & message count limits */
  int   diskquota;
  int   maxmsgcount;
  int   defaultquota;
  int   defaultmaxmsgcount;

  /* the following are 0 (false) or 1 (true) */
  short disable_pop;
  short disable_imap;
  short disable_dialup;
  short disable_passwordchanging;
  short disable_webmail;
  short disable_relay;
  short disable_smtp;

  /* the following permissions are for non-postmaster admins */
  short perm_account;
  short perm_alias;
  short perm_forward;
  short perm_autoresponder;
  short perm_maillist;
  short perm_maillist_users;
  short perm_maillist_moderators;
  short perm_quota;
  short perm_defaultquota;

The permissions are a bit field with create, modify and delete permissions.

This just provides the API routines.  I personally have a modifed
vdelivermail and qmailadmin that impose per user and per domain
quotas that implement real disk based quotas, not maildir quotas,
therefore I did not include them.

The API's need to be incorporated into several programs.  A new program
is needed to manipulate the values in this table/file.
Programs to be augmented are at least vqadmin, qmailadmin, vdelivermail
as well as the vpopmail library routines themselves to use the API
rather than hard coded values for quotas.

The API has the disk quota and the max message count values split apart
as two distinct values (for both the domain and the defaults for new
users).  The reason behind this is to quickly use the value as needed
from the API.  When a "new user" is added to the system, a maildir
compliant quota will be constructed into a string containing both numbers.
I felt it was easier to combine 2 numbers into a string rather than
split a string into 2 integers, so why not have it done for you already.

I'll be digging through the latest vdelivermail (my patched binary
is a 5.2 version) to see how to integrate the new API into that
next.  I'll also take a look at qmailadmin right after that.  It looks
like qmailadmin is going to be the biggest to change.

There will be work required to integrate the "disable..." flags into
the various programs such as imap-mail, webmail, pop access, etc.



Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.11/attic and
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.11/cdb and
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.11/contrib and
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.11/convert and
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.11/doc and
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.11/ldap and
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.11/oracle and
diff -rc vpopmail-5.3.11/vlimits.c
*** vpopmail-5.3.11/vlimits.c   Wed Oct 23 17:19:50 2002
---   Wed Nov 20 15:17:50 2002
*** 38,52 
  limits->maxforwards = -1;
  limits->maxautoresponders = -1;
  limits->maxmailinglists = -1;
  limits->diskquota = 0;
! limits->defaultquota = ""; 
! limits->disablepop = 0;
! limits->disableimap = 0;
! limits->disabledialup = 0;
! limits->disablepasswordchanging = 0;
! limits->disablerelay = 0;
! limits->disablesmtp = 0;
! limits->disablewebmail = 0;
  /* get filename */
  vget_assign(domain, dir, sizeof(dir), &uid, &gid);
--- 38,66 
  limits->maxforwards = -1;
  limits->maxautoresponders = -1;
  limits->maxmailinglists = -1;
+ /*
+   already set to zero from memset()
  limits->diskquota = 0;
! limits->maxmsgcount = 0;
! limits->defaultquota = 0; 
! limits->defaultmaxmsgcount = 0; 
! limits->disable_p

Re: [vchkpw] Re: qmailadmin-limits update

2002-10-29 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, John Johnson wrote:
  > > I am not a programmer but from what I can see this
  > > looks like a clean and very efective way to do the
  > > qmailadmin-limits. If you try to bloat things down
  > > for something that MIGHT be added or changed then
  > > we really will not have things really planned, they
  > > will be half planned and still open waiting for the
  > > stuff people might want to add to the tables. I say
  > > we go with this, lock it down and make it happen and
  > > deal with tomarrow when tomarrow happens as far as the
  > > tables.
  > >
  > >  -John
  > >
  > Yeah. This sounds good. I just find out that I need qmailadmin-limits
  > myself too, and it would be nice to store this data in mysql.
  > Brian, do you already have some patches for this?
  > I'm willing to test and maybe spent some time coding this if needed..
  > - Pasi Kärkkäinen

I've had the basic table layouts done since January
and have been running in production with a patched
vdelivermail and qmailadmin since then.  Mine supports
the limits as given, and the quotas (not message counts)
in vdelivermail.  It should take more or less an hour to
get this written - actually just change what I have
to include the additional fields, however you're only
the second person to reply to this.  I was hoping to get
a consensus from people as to what else is needed or
required, or find out if its overkill and to strip some.



  > > Brian Kolaci writes:
  > >
  > > >
  > > > I've done some thinking about the many suggestions about handling
  > > > the limits and wanted to summarize some of the pros & cons.
  > > >
  > > > First was whether to use a generic approach that had a
  > > > table with domain, name, value which has a row for each
  > > > parameter, or to use a single row will all values per domain.
  > > >
  > > > The pros:
  > > >
  > > >  - allows extensability - we can easily add new attributes with a new 
  > > >
  > > > The cons:
  > > >
  > > >  - consumes more space - there's overhead of N-1 times the size of
  > > >the domainname, plus N times the size of the option name, plus
  > > >overhead for the value to be able to hold the largest possible value
  > > >even for smaller items.
  > > >  - updates not atomic - there would have to be N update statements to
  > > >change a value.  We would have to encapsulate the updates within a
  > > >transaction.
  > > >  - performance - there would be more data going back and forth to/from
  > > >the sql server.  We would also have to store all data as strings in
  > > >the database and do conversions.  When we perform updates, there 
  > > >have to be N updates sent to the server, which is N round trips plus
  > > >the transaction overhead.
  > > >
  > > > At first when I saw the suggestion I thought it was a great idea,
  > > > however after thinking it over, I believe performance and reliability
  > > > would suffer just to save an "alter table" if/when the schema needs to
  > > > be extended.
  > > >
  > > > That being said, I'll continue down the path of a single row per domain,
  > > > however if others have arguments to the contrary, please speak up.
  > > >
  > > > The schema needs to be adjusted to accomodate all the requests I've 
  > > > Both the C structure and the database schema needs to change.
  > > >
  > > > I've read the Maildir++ quotas and understand that the concept of a
  > > > "Maildir quota" encapsulates both a maximum size and maximum message 
  > > > It appears to be just a string that contains "#S,#C", which combines
  > > > the Size and the Count into one string, where the #C is optional.  I
  > > > personally would want them separated as two values, since you can't do
  > > > much with the combined string but pass it around.  To actually use it,
  > > > you need to split them up with a parser and convert them to numbers.
  > > > I think the API should keep them as numbers in the structure in C.  Its
  > > > easy enough to combine them with a snprintf(), but more work to parse
  > > > them out to actually use/enforce them.  How they're stored in the 
  > > > and/or file doesn't really matter (but should be discussed).  I believe
  > > > they 

[vchkpw] qmailadmin-limits update

2002-10-24 Thread Brian Kolaci

I've done some thinking about the many suggestions about handling
the limits and wanted to summarize some of the pros & cons.

First was whether to use a generic approach that had a
table with domain, name, value which has a row for each
parameter, or to use a single row will all values per domain.

The pros:

 - allows extensability - we can easily add new attributes with a new row

The cons:

 - consumes more space - there's overhead of N-1 times the size of
   the domainname, plus N times the size of the option name, plus
   overhead for the value to be able to hold the largest possible value
   even for smaller items.
 - updates not atomic - there would have to be N update statements to
   change a value.  We would have to encapsulate the updates within a
 - performance - there would be more data going back and forth to/from
   the sql server.  We would also have to store all data as strings in
   the database and do conversions.  When we perform updates, there would
   have to be N updates sent to the server, which is N round trips plus
   the transaction overhead.

At first when I saw the suggestion I thought it was a great idea,
however after thinking it over, I believe performance and reliability
would suffer just to save an "alter table" if/when the schema needs to
be extended.

That being said, I'll continue down the path of a single row per domain,
however if others have arguments to the contrary, please speak up.

The schema needs to be adjusted to accomodate all the requests I've seen.
Both the C structure and the database schema needs to change.

I've read the Maildir++ quotas and understand that the concept of a
"Maildir quota" encapsulates both a maximum size and maximum message count.
It appears to be just a string that contains "#S,#C", which combines
the Size and the Count into one string, where the #C is optional.  I
personally would want them separated as two values, since you can't do
much with the combined string but pass it around.  To actually use it,
you need to split them up with a parser and convert them to numbers.
I think the API should keep them as numbers in the structure in C.  Its
easy enough to combine them with a snprintf(), but more work to parse
them out to actually use/enforce them.  How they're stored in the database
and/or file doesn't really matter (but should be discussed).  I believe
they were combined due to the old hack to put the quota value into
the "shell" field of a password record.  Being that we're in new
territory here, we don't even have the concept of message count in
.qmailadmin-limits files or the database, so adding a field/column
for the "default per-user message count" or "per-domain message count"
shouldn't be an issue, and would even keep the old fileformat backward
compatible.  In fact, it appears the vqpasswd structure has already
been amended to add a "clear password", so why wasn't it just updated
to add fields for "storage quota" and "max message count" ?  Wouldn't
that be cleaner?  Sorry for going off topic...  I'll stick to the subject

So my suggestion would be to store 4 "quota type" fields to handle
storage/message count for per-domain/per-user.  Any comments?

Here's what I would see as a new C structure:

 * permissions for non-postmaster admins

struct vlimits {
  int   maxpopaccounts;
  int   maxaliases;
  int   maxforwards;
  int   maxautoresponders;
  int   maxmailinglists;
  int   diskquota;
  int   maxmsgcount;
  int   defaultquota;
  int   defaultmaxmsgcount;
  /* the following are 0 (false) or 1 (true) */
  short disable_pop;
  short disable_imap;
  short disable_dialup;
  short disable_passwordchanging;
  short disable_webmail;
  short disable_relay;
  short disable_smtp;
  /* the following permissions are for non-postmaster admins */
  short perm_account;
  short perm_alias;
  short perm_forward;
  short perm_autoresponder;
  short perm_maillist;
  short perm_maillist_users;
  short perm_maillist_moderators;
  short perm_quota;
  short perm_defaultquota;

We need to patch qmailadmin to create another "AdminType"
to distinguish between "postmaster" and user admins.  The
perm_??? items would have the VLIMIT_DISABLE_xxx masks
applied to them.

I'm sure there are other ways to handle this, such as
consolidate the maillist permissions to a single item
and add more bit flags to handle users & moderators.
But this can be done in the API function before it hits
the file or database.

And here's what I would see as a new database schema:

create table vlimits (
  domain   CHAR(64) PRIMARY KEY,
  maxpopaccounts   INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT -1,

Re: [vchkpw] Vpopmail and mysql limits

2002-10-23 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > On Wednesday, October 23, 2002, at 03:28  PM, John Johnson wrote:
  > >  ok to use mysql-limits is there a convert program to convert the 
  > > limits
  > > I have
  > > Or do I have to start over with them and reset them.. I guess I will
  > > also have
  > > To recompile vqadmin and qmailadmin for this as well?
  > Qmailadmin and vqadmin do not support the new vlimits functions yet.  
  > vqadmin has its own code to modify the limits file only (not sql).  
  > Brian, the author of this patch, does have his own patches for 
  > qmailadmin I think.  So you really can't do anything with them until 
  > you have code to use them.  Not sure if Brian is planning to publish 
  > his qmailadmin patch...
  > Regards,
  > Bill

I see there's been alot of traffic on this today.  I've
been out (working) most of the day and haven't been able to
keep up.  It should be easy to put together a utility to convert
the limits, not an issue.

As for several of the other comments, I'd like to take tonight to
think about several of the suggestions and post one myself.  I've
been running with the current patched API since vpopmail 4.9.6 and
its been working well.  I also have a patched qmailadmin-1.0.4
with quotas (I forgot who wrote the quota patch), and a patched
version of vdelivermail.  Both of these use a recursive stat()
to determine usage & quota since it was before the Maildir++ quotas
were in there, so I always had *regular* disk usage quotas enforced
which I believe may differ from the Maildir++ quotas.

My intent was to get the API into the library before updating the
programs/utilities to actually use the API.  I've been sitting on
this for about 10 months now (with a working system), and now finally
got it into the distribution.  Now it seems (from all the traffic on
it today) that nobody can wait for it...  I think it would be best to
get the base correct and sound before actually using it in the utilities
and programs.  I have some pros/cons (and I'd like to extend the list
and send it out to everyone) about the current implementation and want
to get some feedback before moving on it.  (Its waited 10 months already,
another day or two won't hurt).  I'll compile and post some questions 
in a bit to see what people really want/need and make sure this gets
done properly.



RE: [vchkpw] patch for vpopmail 5.3.8 for .qmailadmin-limits

2002-10-22 Thread Brian Kolaci

The layout should have been in vmysql.h.  I must have tested
the wrong directory when I thought I tested 5.3.9.  I see
its missing.

This should be appended to vmysql.h:

  maxpopaccounts  INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, \
  maxaliases  INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, \
  maxforwards INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, \
  maxautoresponders   INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, \
  maxmailinglists INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, \
  diskquota   INT(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, \
  defaultquotaINT(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, \
  disablepop  TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, \
  disableimap TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, \
  disabledialup   TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, \
  disablepasswordchanging TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, \
  disablewebmail  TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, \
  disablerelayTINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"

There's also a potential problem reading the ascii file
and interpreting the "k" or "m" symbols for quotas.  Bill said
he'd like it to use the format_maildirquota() function, however
I've updated my copy to parse out the symbols and multiply by 1024
or 1024*1024, but I'm not sure if this is the vpopmail standard.


Shall I put a patch for these two items ?
I must have sent you the incorrect patch file (I had two, one with
the vmysql.h changes and one without).



  > I can see the new 5.3.9 dev release has this functinality implemented.
  > Only one problem, someone forgot to include the table layout.
  > As I can see, then the patch isn't complete either.
  > example. vmysql.h misses the LIMITS_TABLE_LAYOUT define and I think it goes
  > for the rest of the "sql" files.
  > Has anyone come around making a patch for this ?
  > Or do I just wait for the next dev release ?
  > Jakob Kruse
  > > -Original Message-----
  > > From: Ken Jones [mailto:kbo@;]
  > > Sent: 17. oktober 2002 20:36
  > > To: Brian Kolaci
  > > Subject: Re: [vchkpw] patch for vpopmail 5.3.8 for .qmailadmin-limits
  > >
  > >
  > > Excellent! I've been wanting to add this functionality to vpopmail
  > > for a long time. Nice work, clean api.
  > >
  > > I'll try to get them added to the next devel release.
  > >
  > > Ken Jones
  > >
  > > On Thursday 17 October 2002 01:19 pm, Brian Kolaci wrote:
  > > > Hi,
  > > >
  > > > I mentioned this awhile back, but didn't have the
  > > > cycles to create a diff file.  I finally had the time
  > > > so here it is...  I've been using this in version 5.2
  > > > and even back in 4.9.6.
  > > >
  > > > I've attached a diff file to add the functions
  > > >
  > > > int vget_limits( char *domain, struct vlimits *limits )
  > > > int vset_limits( char *domain, struct vlimits *limits )
  > > > int vdel_limits( char *domain )
  > > >
  > > > to the vpopmail library.  These maintain either the
  > > > raw file .qmailadmin-limits or will maintain the limits
  > > > in a MySQL database.  The items supported are:
  > > >
  > > > struct vlimits {
  > > >   int   maxpopaccounts;
  > > >   int   maxaliases;
  > > >   int   maxforwards;
  > > >   int   maxautoresponders;
  > > >   int   maxmailinglists;
  > > >   int   diskquota;
  > > >   int   defaultquota;
  > > >   short disablepop;
  > > >   short disableimap;
  > > >   short disabledialup;
  > > >   short disablepasswordchanging;
  > > >   short disablewebmail;
  > > >   short disablerelay;
  > > > };
  > > >
  > > > I haven't included the changes to qmailadmin that I use,
  > > > nor the changes to vdelivermail (for domain quota).
  > > >
  > > > diskquota is the current quota for a domain.
  > > > defaultquota is the default quota for new users of this domain.
  > > >
  > > > The other items I believe are self explanatory.
  > > >
  > > > The config is updated so you would call --enable-mysql-limits as
  > > > an option to configure.
  > > >
  > > > Hopefully you'll find this useful.
  > > >
  > > > Thanks,
  > > >
  > > > Brian
  > >
  > >

Re: [vchkpw] vsetuserquota

2002-10-22 Thread Brian Kolaci

I still force users to use their full email address as
the account name rather than map the IP to the domain
for them.  It makes debugging easier, however more of a
hassle for the end users.  One day I'll dig into getting
the IP->domain mapping to work.

Just tell the users to use their "full email address" as
the account name, unless of course you already have hundreds
of domains going with the IP mapping.



  > Hi,
  > Thanks, I figured as much but haven't been able to find the correct
  > configuration switch to do that.  I'm running it via tcpserver because it
  > doesn't appear to work correctly when using it's own version of tcpserver
  > and ip domains (ie it's not passing the IP address to vpopmail).
  > I'll take a closer look and see what I can find.
  > Regards,
  > Rick
  > - Original Message -
  > From: "Brian Kolaci" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 10:16 AM
  > Subject: Re: [vchkpw] vsetuserquota
  > I run system quotas and use courier-imap.  After a user authenticates,
  > courier switches ID to that user before execing imapd or pop3d.  All new
  > folders created are that of the authenticated user.  If they're created as
  > root (which imapd should *not* be running as root), then there's a
  > problem with your configuration somewhere.  The only processes that run
  > as root are the auth daemons, logger, and couriertcpd.
  > Brian
  >   > Hi,
  >   >
  >   > I've been trying to implement that myself and I've run into the problem
  > of
  >   > running courier-imap as root.  In a normal vpopmail setup, I run
  >   > courier-imap as vpopmail so that new directories etc are created as the
  >   > vpopmail user.  If I have multiple domains under different users I must
  > run
  >   > courier-imap as root so that it has access to read the different user
  > files.
  >   >
  >   > When new subfolders get created, they get created as root and then
  > cannot be
  >   > deleted or moved and maildrop complains about permissions on the
  > subdirs.
  >   >
  >   > Any ideas?
  >   >
  >   > Rick
  >   >
  >   > - Original Message -
  >   > From: "Ken Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  >   > To: "tech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  >   > Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 9:58 AM
  >   > Subject: Re: [vchkpw] vsetuserquota
  >   >
  >   >
  >   > Domain based quotas are not part of vpopmail.
  >   > It is suggested you use file system quotas can
  >   > keep each domain under a separate /etc/passwd user
  >   > home directory. vadddomain -u username domainname.
  >   >
  >   > Ken Jones
  >   >
  >   >
  >   >

Re: [vchkpw] vsetuserquota

2002-10-22 Thread Brian Kolaci

I run system quotas and use courier-imap.  After a user authenticates,
courier switches ID to that user before execing imapd or pop3d.  All new 
folders created are that of the authenticated user.  If they're created as
root (which imapd should *not* be running as root), then there's a
problem with your configuration somewhere.  The only processes that run
as root are the auth daemons, logger, and couriertcpd.


  > Hi,
  > I've been trying to implement that myself and I've run into the problem of
  > running courier-imap as root.  In a normal vpopmail setup, I run
  > courier-imap as vpopmail so that new directories etc are created as the
  > vpopmail user.  If I have multiple domains under different users I must run
  > courier-imap as root so that it has access to read the different user files.
  > When new subfolders get created, they get created as root and then cannot be
  > deleted or moved and maildrop complains about permissions on the subdirs.
  > Any ideas?
  > Rick
  > - Original Message -
  > From: "Ken Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 9:58 AM
  > Subject: Re: [vchkpw] vsetuserquota
  > Domain based quotas are not part of vpopmail.
  > It is suggested you use file system quotas can
  > keep each domain under a separate /etc/passwd user
  > home directory. vadddomain -u username domainname.
  > Ken Jones

Re: [vchkpw] patch for vpopmail 5.3.8 for .qmailadmin-limits

2002-10-20 Thread Brian Kolaci

I didn't know they added a "boolean" type to the C language.
When they do, we can easily make the change.


  > Hi Brian Kolaci,
  > you wrote.
  > BK> to the vpopmail library.  These maintain either the
  > BK> raw file .qmailadmin-limits or will maintain the limits
  > BK> in a MySQL database.  The items supported are:
  > BK> struct vlimits {
  > BK>   int   maxpopaccounts;
  > BK>   int   maxaliases;
  > BK>   int   maxforwards;
  > BK>   int   maxautoresponders;
  > BK>   int   maxmailinglists;
  > BK>   int   diskquota;
  > BK>   int   defaultquota;
  > BK>   short disablepop;
  > BK>   short disableimap;
  > BK>   short disabledialup;
  > BK>   short disablepasswordchanging;
  > BK>   short disablewebmail;
  > BK>   short disablerelay;
  > BK> };
  > Shouldn't the shorts rather be booleans? Or is there something
  > inbetween disabled and enabled?
  > Regards,
  > Gabriel

[vchkpw] patch for vpopmail 5.3.8 for .qmailadmin-limits

2002-10-18 Thread Brian Kolaci
+ ac_help="$ac_help
--enable-clear-passwd=n|y  Turn on (y) or off (y, default) storing clear text 
--enable-users-big-dir=n|y  Turn on (y) or off (y, default) using big dirs for 
*** 1778,1783 
--- 1780,1807 
+ # Check whether --enable-mysql-limits or --disable-mysql-limits was given.
+ if test "${enable_mysql_limits+set}" = set; then
+   enableval="$enable_mysql_limits"
+   ENABLE_MYSQL_LIMITS=$enableval
+ else
+ fi;
+ 1*|y*|Y*)
+   cat >>confdefs.h <>
+   ;;
+ *)
+ echo "  mysql limits = OFF --enable-mysql-limits=n default"
+   ;;
+ esac
  case $CLEAR_PASS in
diff -c vpopmail-5.3.8.orig/ vpopmail-5.3.8/
*** vpopmail-5.3.8.orig/configure.inTue Jul 16 16:57:44 2002
--- vpopmail-5.3.8/ Thu Oct 17 10:50:29 2002
*** 388,393 
--- 388,409 
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(mysql-limits,
+ [  --enable-mysql-limits=y|n   Turn on (y) or off (n, default) mysql 
+handling of .qmailadmin-limits ],
+ [
+ ])
+ 1*|y*|Y*)
+   ;;
+ *)
+   ;;
+ esac
  [  --enable-clear-passwd=n|y  Turn on (y) or off (y, default) storing clear 
text passwords],
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.8.orig/contrib and vpopmail-5.3.8/contrib
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.8.orig/convert and vpopmail-5.3.8/convert
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.8.orig/doc and vpopmail-5.3.8/doc
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.8.orig/ldap and vpopmail-5.3.8/ldap
Common subdirectories: vpopmail-5.3.8.orig/oracle and vpopmail-5.3.8/oracle
diff -c vpopmail-5.3.8.orig/vlimits.c vpopmail-5.3.8/vlimits.c
*** vpopmail-5.3.8.orig/vlimits.c   Thu Oct 17 12:54:30 2002
--- vpopmail-5.3.8/vlimits.cThu Oct 17 12:54:03 2002
*** 0 
--- 1,189 
+ /*
+  * vlimits.c
+  * handle domain limits in both file format
+  * Brian Kolaci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+  */
+ #include 
+ #include 
+ #include 
+ #include 
+ #include 
+ #include 
+ #include "config.h"
+ #include "vlimits.h"
+ #include "vpopmail.h"
+ #define TOKENS " :\t\n\r"
+ /* find/read the .qmailadmin-limits file */
+ int vget_limits( char *domain, struct vlimits *limits )
+ {
+ char buf[256];
+ char dir[MAXPATHLEN];
+ uid_t uid;
+ gid_t gid;
+ char * s1;
+ char * s2;
+ FILE * fs;
+ /* initialize structure */
+ memset(limits, 0, sizeof(*limits));
+ limits->maxpopaccounts = -1;
+ limits->maxaliases = -1;
+ limits->maxforwards = -1;
+ limits->maxautoresponders = -1;
+ limits->maxmailinglists = -1;
+ limits->diskquota = 0;
+ limits->defaultquota =0; 
+ limits->disablepop = 0;
+ limits->disableimap = 0;
+ limits->disabledialup = 0;
+ limits->disablepasswordchanging = 0;
+ limits->disablerelay = 0;
+ limits->disablewebmail = 0;
+ x
+ /* get filename */
+ vget_assign(domain, dir, sizeof(dir), &uid, &gid);
+ strncat(dir, "/.qmailadmin-limits", sizeof(dir));
+ /* open file */
+ if ((fs = fopen(dir, "r")) != NULL) {
+   while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fs) != NULL) {
+   if ((s1 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
+   continue;
+   if (!strcmp(s1, "maxpopaccounts")) {
+   if ((s2 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
+   continue;
+   limits->maxpopaccounts = atoi(s2);
+   }
+   if (!strcmp(s1, "maxaliases")) {
+   if ((s2 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
+   continue;
+   limits->maxaliases = atoi(s2);
+   }
+   if (!strcmp(s1, "maxforwards")) {
+   if ((s2 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
+   continue;
+   limits->maxforwards = atoi(s2);
+   }
+   if (!strcmp(s1, "maxautoresponders")) {
+   if ((s2 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
+   continue;
+   limits->maxautoresponders = atoi(s2);
+   }
+   if (!strcmp(s1, "maxmailinglists")) {
+   if ((s2 = strtok(buf, TOKENS)) == NULL)
+   continue;
+   limits->maxmailinglists = atoi(s2);

procmail with vdelivermail

2001-08-06 Thread Brian Kolaci


I'm using procmail to filter SPAM in qmail
and am using it as my delivery agent.  Has anyone
used procmail with vpopmail?



Re: 4.9.9 (16/03 version) core dump. URGENT.

2001-03-22 Thread Brian Kolaci

Yes, appears to be during delivery.
Take a look at the "default" catch-all mailbox
specified for the domain.  I recall that you would get
a core dump if the catch-all mailbox didn't exist or
was deleted.


  > Please let me know what info i have to post. how about the 2xxKB core file?
  > the following is several lines of the "current" log file. note the domain
  > I think it's core dump during delivery.
  > @40003abab76a1a7fa354 status: local 1/10 remote 1/20
  > @40003abab76b3920c75c starting delivery 5834: msg 26835 to local
  > @40003abab76b39217b0c status: local 2/10 remote 1/20
  > @40003abab76b3af67d74 new msg 27077
  > @40003abab76b3af938ac info msg 27077: bytes 52118 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > qp 29561 uid 804
  > @40003abab76c0b2fd694 delivery 5834: deferral:
  > Segmentation_Fault_-_core_dumped/
  > @40003abab76c0b306334 status: local 1/10 remote 1/20
  > @40003abab76c0b34d004 starting delivery 5835: msg 27077 to local
  > @40003abab76c0b355ca4 status: local 2/10 remote 1/20
  > @40003abab76c0e384434 delivery 5833: success: did_1+1+0/qp_29548/
  >   Chris
  > - Original Message -
  > From: "Bill Shupp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > To: "Chris Chan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 10:35 AM
  > Subject: Re: 4.9.9 (16/03 version) core dump. URGENT.
  > On Thursday, March 22, 2001, at 08:30 PM, Chris Chan wrote:
  > >
  > > we have many domains on the same mail server. only one domain will core
  > dump
  > > every few minutes. and about 30% incoming email to this domain will lost.
  > > This domain have about 150 users. but the other domains are work fine.
  > some
  > > of them have more than 500 pop uses.
  > >
  > > anyone know what problem will core dump.
  > >
  > > -rw---   1 vpopmail vchkpw219256 Mar 23 09:59 core
  > Please provide more information.  When does it core dump?  During delivery,
  > or authentication?  Is there any useful information in the logs?
  > Regards,
  > Bill

Re: e-mail size

2001-03-15 Thread Brian Kolaci

Forgive me.  I may have misunderstood myself...


  > on 3/15/01 4:45 PM, Brian Kolaci at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  > > I implemented a patch (not sure if its in the current
  > > distribution), but it looks for the file ".domainquota"
  > > and reads it in (which is in bytes) which specifies
  > > a per-domain quota.  Look for the string ".domainquota"
  > > in the vdelivermail.c file.  If you see it, then its
  > > in there.  It would also forward a notification of bounced
  > > emails to the postmaster.
  > > 
  > > Another approach (which I now use) is to put quota's on
  > > unix ID's and put each domain on a specific unix account.
  > > Its much more reliable and takes up less CPU in vdelivermail.
  > Perhaps I misunderstood.  I thought the issue was limiting the size of
  > outgoing mail, not user/domain quotas.
  > -Bill

Re: e-mail size

2001-03-15 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > > Other doubt, can i set the e-mail size per domain?
  > > 
  > > Because when i send a big e-mail to someone it is delivered back to me and 
  > > have the same quota as the first user so i don't get the message error, is
  > > there a way to qmail send only an error message instead of delivering all
  > > the big mail?
  > I don't think this is possible.  But as this really is a qmail topic and not
  > vpopmail specific, you might try for more information on the qmail list.

I implemented a patch (not sure if its in the current
distribution), but it looks for the file ".domainquota"
and reads it in (which is in bytes) which specifies
a per-domain quota.  Look for the string ".domainquota"
in the vdelivermail.c file.  If you see it, then its
in there.  It would also forward a notification of bounced
emails to the postmaster.

Another approach (which I now use) is to put quota's on
unix ID's and put each domain on a specific unix account.
Its much more reliable and takes up less CPU in vdelivermail.


Re: Re[2]: function to list domains under vpopmail control

2001-03-14 Thread Brian Kolaci

Yes, but I happen to use scripts that manipulate
and maintain all of the control files, so there
is no one file or table in the stock vpopmail distribution
you can look at to find the domains used by vpopmail.

I have a non-standard install that uses a "limits" table
in the MySQL database (for qmailadmin limits), and I
create a "control/vpopdomains" with the list owned by
vpopmail.  So I already have this file.  I use it by
my scripts to populate the morercpthosts and virtualdomains
files, since I also support the old "alias" approach
to qmail, which is easier to setup to forward all mail
for a domain into a single unix account's mailbox.



  > Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 20:31:55 +0100
  > From: Gabriel Ambuehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > To: Brian Kolaci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > Subject: Re[2]: function to list domains under vpopmail control
  > Hello Brian,
  > Wednesday, March 14, 2001, 8:20:12 PM, you wrote:
  > > Better bet:
  > > look in /var/qmail/users/assign
  > > and look at the lines in the format
  > > ...
  > > otherwise you'll miss any that are set
  > > to use a specific username (for quota purposes).
  > Those aren't necessarily all controlled by vpopmail (although it in
  > general, it is rather improbable that one would use vpopmail and still
  > mess in the config files by hand, but there are odd reasons for
  > everything)...
  > Best regards,
  >  Gabriel
  > Version: PGP 6.0.2i
  > iQEVAwUBOq+5HMZa2WpymlDxAQErnQgAsSikIoG5Pzb57tWhqPMRw2Kai1f56S9Z
  > lwX55knzs2/tee0pboVHnZm+pboV/I5gIT07BH6lpFgDTKnQAUU4knmGiCKvL6XJ
  > KscA0xtEsBDwLGhOW+D/cE/CC8x/N8BfLJqICZrgVASoJHFNiJE6CpkjbiRe4Nyi
  > edoDY2bsLmxMzFLqJuAt7uhbUskVTe+OVizH8M06iZ4AcVQbxjbxkh3dPtAo62AF
  > ZPmkGlRkqVkvYC9S8SuM7pXHzpmdc4ocg+uSCfAMNBNBvvMpb9rRNXwxndlCkgRq
  > /qyI2BdwaGPyu7g8TsSVwxuna/7kKgf3S/fHLe2nmElQRm8ZcYk6mQ==
  > =J4fh

Re: function to list domains under vpopmail control

2001-03-14 Thread Brian Kolaci

Better bet:

look in /var/qmail/users/assign
and look at the lines in the format ...
otherwise you'll miss any that are set
to use a specific username (for quota purposes).


  > Hello Sean,
  > Wednesday, March 14, 2001, 7:42:23 PM, you wrote:
  > > is there an un-documented function that
  > > will return a list of domains that are under vpopmail control?
  > > i looked thru vpopmail.h but saw nothing like this
  > > if there is none, could it be done? I suppose reading thru
  > > qmail/control/virtualdomains might be a good place to start.
  > > I would be willing to write something like, but am not sure there is
  > > a reliable central source of this information.
  > What about just looking at ~/vpopmail/domains (every directory in
  > therein relates to the respective domain and every link to the
  > respective alias to the target domain). Or am I overlooking something?
  > Best regards,
  >  Gabriel
  > Version: PGP 6.0.2i
  > iQEVAwUBOq+188Za2WpymlDxAQGwOAf/ZIWBCo47jZcSdb6MM7GP8nuZ+et6aocC
  > 08yv8Y9x1uMrSv8B6MX60Rwi1EBjIEW6bjA9vlti1LXPTa2OJit4hZ9Bfg5Xh63p
  > mJqphMenRJ7hjBgmcSkgiTsEfLqXqSU0iqsHYWnKe2T4+PCPpUqb4ptdFjNHA/4D
  > Eik59+5ZsNnLKrQqrntPIQvGZyNaKsn/2gXRZfEFLdQ4RflK4gUY4yZjj2crSU5b
  > sviQlYzAS+471Id5e8mVGdj7g/hbBNUtOd5wEhhDkBIldNb6qSmi2OeNt//uIoUg
  > egDYtDzmTdA8zUB7RtfgPSRHDH5gwp93M6++p1AeaWkuGb0X2857Vg==
  > =8ai2

Re: vpopmail fucntions?

2001-02-28 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > i see someone out there has rewritten the vpopmail functions for
  > php(ie; vadduser,vdeluser,and so on.) this got me to thinking, has
  > anyone done the same in a perl module? or is thinking about it?

How about java?  I have a java webapp that administers & does
accounting for ISP's and currently call out to perl scripts
to do manual updates (which call the vpopmail executables).
It'd be nice to have a EJB Session bean that implements the vpopmail


Re: Inter7 introduces new software: vQregister

2001-02-26 Thread Brian Kolaci

With the perl module, its parsed/compiled *once*, and the
executable is cached.  So yes, the first one will be
slower, however all subsequent requests just run
the same pre-compiled, in ram executable, which is
why the perl module is so popular, and why almost
all *real* production sites stopped running CGI.
The best of all worlds would be to implement this
on an application server and allow the webserver to
just serve pages and pass the POST parameters off
to an application.  CGI is good for a quick hack tho...

I can't vouch for PHP, but it has worked well enough in the
past, but I wouldn't want to use that in production system
anyway.  Thats why we have app servers.

  > Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
  > Delivered-To: mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  > Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 06:24:13 -0600
  > Subject: Re: Inter7 introduces new software: vQregister
  > Bzzt.  Incorrect once again.  I can guaruntee you
  > that the parsing of a scripted language, and
  > subsequent call to many functions to handle bundled
  > together scripting functions makes up for the
  > execution of a single external CGI program.
  > On top of the fact that all scripting languages
  > contain these efficiency flaws, PHP is just written
  > poorly.
  > Brian Kolaci wrote:
  > > 
  > >   > On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 11:30:53AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  > >   > > Maybe what I said wasn't as clear as it could
  > >   > > have been.  Exactly what you requested below,
  > >   > > is the feature we will be adding.
  > >   > >
  > >   > > PHP is inefficient BTW. :)
  > > 
  > > I can't believe anyone in web development could
  > > ever be so dim to think that a CGI would be more
  > > efficient than a loadable module.  Wake up...
  > -- 
  > Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
  > - 847-492-0470
  > New prices!

Re: Inter7 introduces new software: vQregister

2001-02-25 Thread Brian Kolaci

PHP is much more efficient than doing a fork/exec
on any box, no matter what language its written in.

It would be most efficient to write an apache module
in C, or use mod_perl (with caching) or PHP.  For
simplicity, PHP is probably the best bet.

  > Port qmailadmin to PHP? Why?
  > Oden Eriksson wrote:
  > > 
  > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  > > 
  > > > vQregister is new web-based signup CGI that
  > > 
  > > Very neat!
  > > 
  > > What about to port qmailadmin to php?
  > > 
  > > --
  > > Kindest regards // Oden Eriksson
  > -- 
  > Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
  > - 847-492-0470
  > New prices!

Re: Inter7 introduces new software: vQregister

2001-02-25 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 11:30:53AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  > > Maybe what I said wasn't as clear as it could
  > > have been.  Exactly what you requested below,
  > > is the feature we will be adding.
  > > 
  > > PHP is inefficient BTW. :)

I can't believe anyone in web development could
ever be so dim to think that a CGI would be more
efficient than a loadable module.  Wake up...

Re: Next 5.0 features

2001-02-02 Thread Brian Kolaci

I'd recommend going one further and allowing
and "admin" admin tool that can be further
protected by the webserver and executed to administer what
the postmaster can do (such as limits on each


  > How about being able to add virtual domains through the mail admin tool??
  > Also, include documentation on upgrading to the newer versions..
  > Thanks
  > >From: Ken Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > >Subject: Next 5.0 features
  > >Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 22:26:51 -0600
  > >
  > >
  > >We are looking at the features to add to the vpopmail 5.0 release.
  > >
  > >Here are the current major changes we are thinking about
  > >
  > >1. vqmail-local support. This means, a new vpopmail program that can
  > >be used to replace qmail-local for sites which are primarily running
  > >vpopmail users/domains. For large volume sites this means one less
  > >fork/exec for email deliveries.
  > >
  > >What this means:
  > >a) Kris's additions to vpopmail for qmail-local type processing.
  > >Integrating his work into the current vpopmail archecture.
  > >
  > >b) new API's to support add/del/modify of dot-qmail type files.
  > >
  > >c) modifications to each authentication module to support dot-qmail
  > >file tile processing
  > >
  > >d) backward compatibility to support standard dot-qmail file
  > >setups on current machines.
  > >
  > >2. qmailadmin support for new vpopmail api's
  > >a) backward compatibility to read the current dot-qmail files
  > >for mailing lists, forwards, aliases and autoresponders
  > >
  > >b) support for the new vpopmail api to get/set dot-qmail information.
  > >
  > >3. Code review for efficency
  > >
  > >These are the things that are important to me. If anyone here
  > >has things that are important to them, please speak up. Perhaps
  > >what you have to say will solve problems that other people are seeing.
  > >
  > >Ken Jones
  > >
  > >PS: I think I've got an idea for modifications to sqwebmail/courier-imap
  > >makefiles to support the ~vpopmail/etc/lib-deps and lib-inc file.
  > >
  > >I would be interested to hear real world experiences from folks
  > >who are running vpopmail(etc). Perhaps we can figure out what
  > >needs to be changed to make it a better package.
  > _
  > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: Next 5.0 features

2001-02-02 Thread Brian Kolaci

I've attached the limits.c file.  It should be more
robust and "create" the table if its not there.


  > Hi Brian
  > > I've updated my copy of qmailadmin that loads
  > > the limits from mysql already, if interested...
  > Yes, I'm, can you send me the source ?
  > > > - I was looking the code to add this feature, too
  > Pablo Murillo
  > ==
  > Internet Solutions
  > ==
  > Paraguay 419 Piso 2 Of.5
  > (C1057AAC) - Capital
  > Buenos Aires - Argentina
  > Tel & Fax:(011)4315-3269
  > ==

 * QmailAdmin 
 * Copyright (C) 1999 Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc. 
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA

#include "config.h"
#include "qmailadmin.h"
#include "qmailadminx.h"

/* bk: */
#define USE_MYSQL
#define MYSQL_SERVER"localhost"
#define MYSQL_USER  "mysqluser"
#define MYSQL_PASSWD"mysqlpass"
#define MYSQL_DATABASE  "vpopmail"


static MYSQL mysql;
static MYSQL_RES * res;
static MYSQL_ROW row;

#ifdef USE_MYSQL
 FILE *fs;
 char *tmpstr;
 char buf[1024];


	/* use database */
	if (!(mysql_real_connect(&mysql,MYSQL_SERVER,MYSQL_USER,MYSQL_PASSWD, MYSQL_DATABASE, 0,NULL,0))) {

		if (!(mysql_real_connect(&mysql,MYSQL_SERVER,MYSQL_USER,MYSQL_PASSWD, NULL, 0,NULL,0))) {
			fprintf(stderr, "could not connect to mysql server\n");
			return -1;

		sprintf(buf, "create database %s", MYSQL_DATABASE);
		if (mysql_query(&mysql, buf)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "could not create %s database\n", MYSQL_DATABASE);
			return -1;

		res = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
		if (mysql_select_db(&mysql,MYSQL_DATABASE)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "could not enter %s database\n", MYSQL_DATABASE);
			return -1;


	sprintf(buf, "SELECT maxpopaccounts, maxaliases, maxforwards, "
		"maxautoresponders, maxmailinglists, diskquota\n"
		"FROM limits\n"
		"WHERE domain = '%s'", Domain);

	if (mysql_query(&mysql, buf)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "mysql query failed for domain %s\n", Domain);
		fprintf(stderr, "query: %s\n", buf);
		return -1;

	if (!(res = mysql_store_result(&mysql))) {
		fprintf(stderr, "mysql store result failed\n");
		return -1;

	if (mysql_num_rows(res) == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "mysql can't find limits for domain %s\n", Domain);
		return -1;

	if ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL) {
		MaxPopAccounts = atoi(row[0]);
		MaxAliases = atoi(row[1]);
		MaxForwards = atoi(row[2]);
		MaxAutoResponders = atoi(row[3]);
		MaxMailingLists = atoi(row[4]);
		MaxDiskQuota = atoi(row[5]);

	return 0;
 FILE *fs;
 char *tmpstr;


	if ( (fs=fopen(".qmailadmin-limits","r"))==NULL) {

	while( fgets(TmpBuf, MAX_BUFF, fs) != NULL ) {
		tmpstr = strtok(TmpBuf," :\t\n");
		if ( tmpstr == NULL ) continue;
		if ( strncmp(tmpstr, "maxpopaccounts", 14 ) == 0 ) {
			tmpstr = strtok(NULL," :\t\n");
			if (tmpstr==NULL) continue;
			MaxPopAccounts = atoi(tmpstr);
		} else if ( strncmp(tmpstr, "maxaliases", 10 ) == 0 ) {
			tmpstr = strtok(NULL," :\t\n");
			if (tmpstr==NULL) continue;
			MaxAliases = atoi(tmpstr);
		} else if ( strncmp(tmpstr, "maxforwards", 11 ) == 0 ) {
			tmpstr = strtok(NULL," :\t\n");
			if (tmpstr==NULL) continue;
			MaxForwards = atoi(tmpstr);
		} else if ( strncmp(tmpstr, "maxautoresponders", 17 ) == 0 ) {
			tmpstr = strtok(NULL," :\t\n");
			if (tmpstr==NULL) continue;
			MaxAutoResponders = atoi(tmpstr);
		} else if ( strncmp(tmpstr, "maxmailinglists", 15 ) == 0 ) {
			tmpstr = strtok(NULL," 

Re: Next 5.0 features

2001-02-02 Thread Brian Kolaci

I've updated my copy of qmailadmin that loads
the limits from mysql already, if interested...



  > > I recommend updating the "load_limits()" function of qmailadmin
  > > to load/maintain the "limits" from a mysql table rather than
  > > a file.  Also, an interface to maintain this table would
  > > be nice.
  > I think the same
  > >  While in the limits, maybe add a domain quota to
  > > the limits table too...
  > I'm on this too
  > - I was looking the code to add this feature, too
  > - I'm making the translation of qmailadmin to spanish, when I finish the
  > translation I will send it to Inter7
  > Pablo Murillo
  > ==
  > Internet Solutions
  > ==
  > Paraguay 419 Piso 2 Of.5
  > (C1057AAC) - Capital
  > Buenos Aires - Argentina
  > Tel & Fax:(011)4315-3269
  > ==

Re: Next 5.0 features

2001-02-02 Thread Brian Kolaci

How about online documentation on how to use
qmailadmin for end-users?  The current way for
people to learn is trial & error.

  > We are looking at the features to add to the vpopmail 5.0 release.
  > Here are the current major changes we are thinking about
  > 1. vqmail-local support. This means, a new vpopmail program that can
  > be used to replace qmail-local for sites which are primarily running
  > vpopmail users/domains. For large volume sites this means one less
  > fork/exec for email deliveries.
  > What this means:
  > a) Kris's additions to vpopmail for qmail-local type processing.
  > Integrating his work into the current vpopmail archecture.
  > b) new API's to support add/del/modify of dot-qmail type files.
  > c) modifications to each authentication module to support dot-qmail
  > file tile processing
  > d) backward compatibility to support standard dot-qmail file
  > setups on current machines.
  > 2. qmailadmin support for new vpopmail api's
  > a) backward compatibility to read the current dot-qmail files
  > for mailing lists, forwards, aliases and autoresponders
  > b) support for the new vpopmail api to get/set dot-qmail information.
  > 3. Code review for efficency
  > These are the things that are important to me. If anyone here
  > has things that are important to them, please speak up. Perhaps
  > what you have to say will solve problems that other people are seeing.
  > Ken Jones
  > PS: I think I've got an idea for modifications to sqwebmail/courier-imap
  > makefiles to support the ~vpopmail/etc/lib-deps and lib-inc file.
  > I would be interested to hear real world experiences from folks
  > who are running vpopmail(etc). Perhaps we can figure out what
  > needs to be changed to make it a better package.

Re: Next 5.0 features

2001-02-01 Thread Brian Kolaci

I recommend updating the "load_limits()" function of qmailadmin
to load/maintain the "limits" from a mysql table rather than
a file.  Also, an interface to maintain this table would
be nice.  While in the limits, maybe add a domain quota to
the limits table too...



On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, Ken Jones wrote:

> We are looking at the features to add to the vpopmail 5.0 release.
> Here are the current major changes we are thinking about
> 1. vqmail-local support. This means, a new vpopmail program that can
> be used to replace qmail-local for sites which are primarily running
> vpopmail users/domains. For large volume sites this means one less
> fork/exec for email deliveries.
> What this means:
> a) Kris's additions to vpopmail for qmail-local type processing.
> Integrating his work into the current vpopmail archecture.
> b) new API's to support add/del/modify of dot-qmail type files.
> c) modifications to each authentication module to support dot-qmail
> file tile processing
> d) backward compatibility to support standard dot-qmail file
> setups on current machines.
> 2. qmailadmin support for new vpopmail api's
> a) backward compatibility to read the current dot-qmail files
> for mailing lists, forwards, aliases and autoresponders
> b) support for the new vpopmail api to get/set dot-qmail information.
> 3. Code review for efficency
> These are the things that are important to me. If anyone here
> has things that are important to them, please speak up. Perhaps
> what you have to say will solve problems that other people are seeing.
> Ken Jones
> PS: I think I've got an idea for modifications to sqwebmail/courier-imap
> makefiles to support the ~vpopmail/etc/lib-deps and lib-inc file.
> I would be interested to hear real world experiences from folks
> who are running vpopmail(etc). Perhaps we can figure out what
> needs to be changed to make it a better package.


2000-12-14 Thread Brian Kolaci


A feature missing from qmailadmin is the ability
to set the "catch all" box to an alias or forward
rather than just the pop accounts.  Many customers
want their catch all to go to an external account
like aol.  



Re: vpopmail system user feature breaks mail users ability to change passwords

2000-11-30 Thread Brian Kolaci

I fixed this in my copy last week...

in vmysql.c and vcdb.c, you'll need
to look for the lines:

myuid = geteuid();
if ( myuid != VPOPMAILUID && myuid != 0 ) {

and change them to:

vget_assign(domain, NULL, 156, &uid, &gid );

myuid = geteuid();
if ( myuid != VPOPMAILUID && myuid != 0 && myuid != uid) {

In one of the functions, you'll also need
to declare uid & gid.

I just haven't gotten around to submitting the patch...



  > Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
  > Delivered-To: mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  > X-Server-Uuid: 6b1d535a-5b27-11d3-bf09-00902786a6a3
  > From: "Matt Simerson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > Subject: vpopmail system user feature breaks mail users ability to change 
  > Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 20:01:49 -0700
  > X-WSS-ID: 1639CB3D204190-01-01
  > Using vpopmail 4.9.6, qmailadmin 0.39, sqwebmail 1.0.3, and courier-imap
  > 1.2.2. 
  > Sqwebmail and Courier-IMAP are both compiled using the new preauthvchkpw.c
  > file. 
  > I'm using vpopmail's feature so that each domain is created under a unique
  > system user name. So, is owned by sytem user "domain" and
  > is owned by the system user "domain2", etc...
  > Nearly everything works just great with just one notable exception. Nobody
  > whose account exists under an account other than vpopmail.vchkpw is able to
  > change their passwords. :-(  They authenticate just fine, everything works,
  > but when they log in via the qmailadmin interface or the sqwebmail interface
  > and attempt to change the password for mailboxes, it fails. 
  > Sqwebmail fails silently, qmailadmin produces a -22 error.
  > Matt

Re: problem with mysqlclient

2000-11-22 Thread Brian Kolaci

To get around this (in both courier & vpopmail)
you should preceed your "configure" command with

LIBS="-R/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql -L/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql" ./configure ...

(or substitute the path to your mysql libraries).



  > Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
  > Delivered-To: mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  > From: "Arman Fitrawan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > Subject: problem with mysqlclient
  > Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 11:36:57 +0700
  > Dear All,
  > I have problem with mysqlclient, when I try to adddomain like below :
  > /home/vpopmail/bin/vadddomain: error in loading shared libraries:
  > cannot open shared object file: No such file or
  > directory
  > the configure that i have like this
  > ./configure --enable-tcpserver-file=/home/vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp  --enable-ip
  > -ali
  > as-domains=y --enable-roaming-users=y --enable-mysql=y --enable-sqllibs=/hom
  > e/mysql/lib/mysql/ --enable-sqllibdir=/home/mysql/lib/mysql/ --enable-sqlinc
  > dir=/home/mysql/include/mysql --enable-large-site=y --enable-large-site=y --
  > --enable-logging=y
  > Can you help me ?.
  > regards,
  > Arman

Re: quota question on 4.9.5

2000-11-13 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > Sounds good. I was hoping to stay away from domain based 
  > quotas outside of the file system controls, and just let
  > the file system handle that for us. 
  > I like the bounce message idea of coming from the virtual
  > domain. That's a good one ;)
  > When it's ready, send it over and I'll start the process
  > of adding it into the next development version, 4.9.7
  > Ken
  > PS: good work man!

There's a problem with quota handling in courier-IMAP.
If you've gone over quota, courier will not allow you
in to cleanup or delete your mail.  It wants to create
a cache file.  This is a problem with uid/filesystem
based quotas, if you use courier-imap.

I've been running with this for about 2 weeks now
so it appears to be OK.  I've labeled where my
changes are with a "/* bk */" right next to the change.

You just need to put the file ".domainquota" in the
domains/ directory.  If it doesn't exist,
the domain quotas are unlimited.

There's more stuff that should be cleaned up, such as
the filter code, and more.  I just didn't have a chance
to do this yet, since I don't use or plan to use filters
implemented this way.

Another suggestion: the information that is domain
related should actually go into a database table.  This
would include things like domain quota, bounce message,
and limits (such as those in .qmailadmin-limits).

I've implemented a patch to courier-imap so I can use
filesystem quotas, but I don't know if Sam is going to
take it.  I essentially made cache file creation a "soft"
error and its ignored.  Bad for performance (if your over
quota), but it doesn't fail, which is what I consider to
be more critical.



** $Id: vdelivermail.c,v 1.1 1998/06/16 21:00:49 chris Exp $
** Deliver a mail to a virtual POP user - called from the .qmail-default file
** pointed to by users/assign
** Chris Johnson, Copyright (C) Jan '98
**This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
**it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
**the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
**(at your option) any later version.
**This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
**but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
**GNU General Public License for more details.
**You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
**along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
**Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include "config.h"
#include "vdelivermail.h"
#include "safestring.h"
#include "vpopmail.h"
#include "vauth.h"


#define BOUNCE_ALL "bounce-no-mailbox"
#define DELETE_ALL "delete"

#define TMP_BUF_SIZE 1024
#define MAX_SMALL_BUF 100
#define MAX_BUFF 512

char curdir[256];
char tmp_file[256];
char tmp_buf[TMP_BUF_SIZE];
char msgbuf[32768];

off_t msg_size;
 off_t cur_msg_bytes;
 off_t per_user_limit;
 /* bk */
 off_t cur_domain_bytes;
 off_t per_domain_limit = 0;
 int CurrentDomainQuotaSizeFd = -1;
/* bk */
int bounce_mail(char* message);
int bounce_quota(char* filename);
int bounce_nouser();
int bounce_writefail(int mailfile, size_t wrote, char* msgbuf, off_t size);
int notify_postmaster();

char *return_path_field = "Return-Path: ";
char *from_field = "From: ";
char *subject_field = "Subject: ";

char TheUser[MAX_BUFF];
char TheDomain[MAX_BUFF];
int CurrentQuotaSizeFd;

void do_filter_delivery( char *tmp_file );

/* filter vaiables */

char tmp_file_f[256];

#define MAX_SSTRING_LEN		256
#define MAX_TARGET_LEN		256
#define MAX_FOLDER_SIZE		512

#define FLOC_T			1
#define FLOC_F			2
#define FLOC_S			3
#define FLOC_C			4
#define FLOC_R			5
#define FLOC_AH			6
#define FLOC_AR			7
#define FLOC_B			8
#define FLOC_UNDEF		999

typedef struct  _flc {
char	*loc;
int	tag;
} flc;

static flc filter_locs[] = {
	{"To",			FLOC_T	},
	{"From",		FLOC_F	},
	{"Subject",		FLOC_S	},
	{"Cc",			FLOC_C	},
	{"Reply-To",		FLOC_R	},
	{"AnyHeaders",		FLOC_AH	},
	{"AnyRecipents",	FLOC_AR	},
	{"Body",		FLOC_B	},
	{0,			0	}

typedef struct _filter_rule {
	char operator;
	char location[MAX_LOCATION_LEN];
	char loctag;
	char sstring[MAX_SSTRING_LEN];
	char target[MAX_TARGET_LEN];
	char action;
	char hit;
	struct _filter_rule *next;
} filter_rule;

filter_rule *filter_chain = (filter_rule *)NULL;

int run_filter = 0, hit_filter 

Re: RBL, ORBs etc filtering

2000-11-06 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > > I use it -- I know how it works.  However, I only block RBL hosts this
  > > way -- I allow the other messages through because of poor listings on
  > > the RSS, etc. and would appreciate a tool that just added such a mail
  > > header as I suggested.
  > I don't want to start one of the infamous NANOG-like blackhole list wars
  > here, so, everyone, please set all flames to stun.  I am legitimately
  > curious about why you chose RBL over RSS.  You mentioned 'poor
  > listings'.  Would you mind elaborating a bit?
  > I ask only because I wish to obtain more information about the relative
  > quality of the various lists.  I am currently using DUL and RSS and am
  > quite pleased but would be very open to other logical, reasoned
  > suggestions.  Again, I'm a bit paranoid about this because when it was
  > mentioned on NANOG, the flames lasted for eons.

I have to agree that RBL is much better than RSS.
RBL is typically hosts that generate spam.  RSS lists
hosts that are open relays, and spam has gotten through.
The problem (which hopefully will get around
to fixing) is that the servers that get listed on RSS
don't even get informed that they've been put on the list.
In a matter of 2 weeks, I had hundreds of complaints that
legitimate email wasn't getting through.  The people that
were getting blocked didn't even know it.  I was able to
get a few of them fixed so they can send email to my customers,
but I got tired of being the "email police", so I dropped
the RSS.  The DUL list is good and bad.  I have several dialup
customers, some ISDN, that run mailservers and have static IP's,
which are listed in the DUL.  Granted they can just forward
their mail through me, but they don't like that.  They're pretty
pissed about it.  So they do things direct except in a few cases
where they need to get somewhere that they're blocked from.

So its unfortunate that the DUL doesn't just take the dynamic
allocation pools, but they take all dialups, including ISDN,
even with static addressing.



Re: RBL, ORBs etc filtering

2000-11-06 Thread Brian Kolaci

  > > It appears you assume that there is mail received
  > > to attach headers to.
  > There is mail, if you use rblcheck instead (which is what I suggested).

Ahh, but I would like to stop the spammers before they
even get the mail through and chew up resources (memory,
disk, etc.).

  > > rblsmtpd uses the lists which contain IP addresses
  > > of SMTP servers.  It rejects them before *anything*
  > > happens.  This is the intended behaviour of most
  > > of this spam prevention, to limit the amount of
  > > resources used.
  > I use it -- I know how it works.  However, I only block RBL hosts this
  > way -- I allow the other messages through because of poor listings on
  > the RSS, etc. and would appreciate a tool that just added such a mail
  > header as I suggested.
I agree.  Most if not all of my users don't know
or want to know about putting in filters.  Its typically
a yes/no thing, either they want all mail or have it filtered.

  > > I was only thinking of allowing a recipient check
  > > also to see if a user and/or virtual domain would
  > > like to allow SPAM to be recieved also.  If not,
  > > drop the connection right then & there.
  > This requires maintaining the list of virtual domains / users that want
  > specific options.

Exactly.  For me, I just wanted to set a default, and list
the exceptions to the rule.  More complicated rules can
be setup, but I don't need it.



Re: RBL, ORBs etc filtering

2000-11-06 Thread Brian Kolaci

It appears you assume that there is mail received
to attache headers to.

rblsmtpd uses the lists which contain IP addresses
of SMTP servers.  It rejects them before *anything*
happens.  This is the intended behaviour of most
of this spam prevention, to limit the amount of
resources used.

I was only thinking of allowing a recipient check
also to see if a user and/or virtual domain would
like to allow SPAM to be recieved also.  If not,
drop the connection right then & there.



  > Why not set a header value instead, like:
  > x-spamcheck: rbl,rss
  > ... that the user can filter on ...
  > Brian Kolaci wrote:
  > > I've had the request to allow on a per-user, per-domain
  > > basis to either bounce or allow spam through.  This may
  > > be an underlying request he had.
  > >
  > > I've started this, but found that I just dumped the RSS & ORBS
  > > list and only went for RBL.  That was simpler.
  > >
  > > My approach was to update rblsmtbd.c to instead of bounce
  > > the mail, set an environment variable.  Then in qmail-smtpd,
  > > you can check the envelope and selectivly bounce it or not,
  > > depending on the contents in a new control file.
  > --
  > Michael T. Babcock, C.T.O. FibreSpeed

Re: RBL, ORBs etc filtering

2000-11-06 Thread Brian Kolaci


I've had the request to allow on a per-user, per-domain
basis to either bounce or allow spam through.  This may
be an underlying request he had.

I've started this, but found that I just dumped the RSS & ORBS
list and only went for RBL.  That was simpler.

My approach was to update rblsmtbd.c to instead of bounce
the mail, set an environment variable.  Then in qmail-smtpd,
you can check the envelope and selectivly bounce it or not,
depending on the contents in a new control file.



- Original Message -
From: "Brian Clare" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: RBL, ORBs etc filtering

> That would be a great addition I guess, but once setup in qmail, isn't
> it working for all domains?
> Robert J Adams wrote:
> >
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I was thinking about hacking in the ability to bounce spam based on RBL,
> > ORBs etc into vpopmail.. Is anyone working on this? The idea is to have
> > user selectable.. anyone else interested in this?
> >
> > -Jason
> --
> Brian Clare
> 312-961-2401

Re: Bug in vchkpw

2000-11-03 Thread Brian Kolaci

make it static to be safe...

  > Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
  > Delivered-To: mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  > Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000 18:25:16 -0600
  > From: Ken Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > To: Rick Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > Subject: Re: Bug in vchkpw
  > I wonder if the memory needs to be malloc'd or if the stack variables
  > in main() are okay.
  > Ken Jones
  > Rick Morris wrote:
  > > 
  > > Hello all.
  > > 
  > > I've found a bug in vchkpw. It tries to add 3 new environment
  > > variables, but uses the same buf for each one, which overwrites the
  > > previous values.
  > > 
  > > >From the putenv() man page:
  > > 
  > >The string pointed to by string becomes
  > >part  of  the  environment, so altering the string changes
  > >the environment.
  > > 
  > > Here's a small quick & dirty diff for a fix.
  > > Yes, I know, not optimal, but it works. I'm using the mysql version, so
  > > I also added a line to get the host name into the USER environment 
  > > for when I log client's new/cur directory spool sizes when they check 
  > > mail.
  > > 
  > > diff  ../../vpopmail-4.9.4/vchkpw.c vchkpw.c
  > > 240,242d239
  > > <   char envbuf1[128];
  > > <   char envbuf2[128];
  > > <   char envbuf3[128];
  > > 352,356c349,351
  > > <   scopy(envbuf1,"USER=",sizeof(envbuf1));
  > > <   scat(envbuf1,pwent->pw_name,sizeof(envbuf1));
  > > <   scat(envbuf1,"@",sizeof(envbuf1));
  > > <   scat(envbuf1,GLhost,sizeof(envbuf1));
  > > <   if (putenv(envbuf1) == -1)
  > > ---
  > > >   scopy(buf,"USER=",sizeof(buf));
  > > >   scat(buf,pwent->pw_name,sizeof(buf));
  > > >   if (putenv(buf) == -1)
  > > 360,362c355,357
  > > <   scopy(envbuf2,"HOME=",sizeof(envbuf2));
  > > <   scat(envbuf2,pwent->pw_dir,sizeof(envbuf2));
  > > <   if (putenv(envbuf2) == -1)
  > > ---
  > > >   scopy(buf,"HOME=",sizeof(buf));
  > > >   scat(buf,pwent->pw_dir,sizeof(buf));
  > > >   if (putenv(buf) == -1)
  > > 366,367c361,362
  > > <   scopy(envbuf3,"SHELL=NOLOGIN",sizeof(envbuf3));
  > > <   if (putenv(envbuf3) == -1)
  > > ---
  > > >   scopy(buf,"SHELL=NOLOGIN",sizeof(buf));
  > > >   if (putenv(buf) == -1)
  > > 
  > > --
  > > Rick Morris
  > > VP Network Administration
  > > Wamco Technologies Group
  > > 
  > > Phone: (250) 386-5535
  > > Fax:   (250) 386-5520

leaks in vchkpw.c

2000-10-27 Thread Brian Kolaci

In the file vchkpw.c:

around line 386, in the function "host_in_locals(domain)"

There's a memory and file pointer leak.


int host_in_locals(domain)
 char *domain;
 int i;
char *tmpbuf;
FILE *fs;

tmpbuf = malloc(slen(QMAILDIR) + 18 );

sprintf(tmpbuf, "%s/control/locals", QMAILDIR);
fs = fopen(tmpbuf,"r");
if ( fs == NULL ) {

while( fgets(tmpbuf,200,fs) != NULL ) {
for(i=0;tmpbuf[i]!=0;++i) if (tmpbuf[i]=='\n') tmpbuf[i]=0;
if ( sstrcmp( domain, tmpbuf ) == 0 ) {
if ( sstrcmp(domain, "localhost") == 0 &&
 strstr(domain,"localhost") != NULL ) {



int host_in_locals(domain)
 char *domain;
 int i;
char *tmpbuf;
FILE *fs;

tmpbuf = malloc(slen(QMAILDIR) + 18 );

sprintf(tmpbuf, "%s/control/locals", QMAILDIR);
fs = fopen(tmpbuf,"r");
if ( fs == NULL ) {

while( fgets(tmpbuf,200,fs) != NULL ) {
for(i=0;tmpbuf[i]!=0;++i) if (tmpbuf[i]=='\n') tmpbuf[i]=0;
if ( sstrcmp( domain, tmpbuf ) == 0 ) {
if ( sstrcmp(domain, "localhost") == 0 &&
 strstr(domain,"localhost") != NULL ) {


Re: quota question on 4.9.5

2000-10-14 Thread Brian Kolaci

I don't mind doing some coding, but there seems to
be more missing.  I'll need to dig through the code
some more.  It would be nice if we can have the
postmaster get an unlimited quota so they can be
informed that their domain is over quota and that
they should get the quota increased or have their
people start cleaning up their mail.  The postmaster
may need to get mail on each bounce (not the message,
but that a message from so-and-so bounced), and possibly
which ID's are using up the space so it can be cleaned

Before putting some code together, we may want to put
together a real design first and try to think it through.

The domain per unix ID is good, but we may want to put
the postmaster in a different place so they can still
get notifications.

What are your thoughts?  What else did I miss?  (I'm sure
I've missed alot).



  > Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
  > Delivered-To: mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  > Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 17:08:08 -0500
  > From: Ken Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > To: Brian Kolaci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  > Subject: Re: quota question on 4.9.5
  > Brian Kolaci wrote:
  > > 
  > > Hi,
  > > 
  > > I have a quota question...
  > > I'd like to put "per domain" quotas using
  > > the O/S disk quotas, and use a separate uid/gid.
  > > I noticed in vdelivermail.c that each of
  > > the write() calls check for failure and return
  > > a temporary failure.  Shouldn't there be a check
  > > for EDQUOT and bounce the message if the user
  > > exceeded their quota?
  > > 
  > > Thanks,
  > > 
  > > Brian
  > Good point. Feel like putting together some code for that?
  > Ken Jones

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