Re: renaming unnamed buffer at creation

2006-08-21 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Yakov Lerner wrote:

Now that my attempt to write unnamed buffer under
name /tmp/N failed, I want to autoname empty buffer.
My first attempt does not work. Autoevent is ot invoked.


The autocmd system is always invoked based on the buffer name.
Thus it appears none of the autocmds will fire, including BufWriteCmd,
BufReadCmd, CursorHold, etc. 

The only alternative that I can think of is to use maps, for example, try
to catch a newline in insert mode.

Chip Campbell

Re: using counter prefix in a map/command

2006-08-22 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Rodolfo Borges wrote:

I did the following command to open man pages inside Vim:

nmap K :Man C-RC-WCR
command! -bar -nargs=1 DoMan %!/usr/bin/man -P cat args
command! -bar -nargs=1 Man
\   new
\|  DoMan args
\|  %s/.^H//g
\|  set filetype=man
\|  goto 1
\|  set buftype=nofile

It works nice, but I want also to be able to specify the man section,
mas many C commands are also bash or shell commands,
like exit, stat, and so on.

I'm sure it's written in the extensive online documentation,
but my lazyless is greater then my shame to ask it here. :)

You could also use the manpageview plugin:
which accepts a section argument:

 :Man 3 printf

Chip Campbell

Re: Search all text files in a directory for text

2006-08-22 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Charles E Campbell wrote:


Sigh -- I'm not sure what to do about this one.  Turns out that:

 com! ... -complete=dir Explore ...

causes the E77 with Too many file names.  Simply removing the 

from the command fixes things.

You have  -nargs=?  which means only 0 or 1 arguments are allowed.
Perhaps you want to use  -nargs=* .


Yes -- that works!  I don't mind having Explore ignore any extra 
strings.  Who knows, maybe I'll find a use for it...

Chip Campbell

Re: using counter prefix in a map/command

2006-08-22 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 8/21/06, Rodolfo Borges [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I did the following command to open man pages inside Vim:

nmap K :Man C-RC-WCR
command! -bar -nargs=1 DoMan %!/usr/bin/man -P cat args
command! -bar -nargs=1 Man
\   new
\|  DoMan args
\|  %s/.^H//g
\|  set filetype=man
\|  goto 1
\|  set buftype=nofile

It works nice, but I want also to be able to specify the man section,

Your question is not exactly clear.
If you want to invoke K or :Man with count like
 :3Man ...
where you want to use count as section number, then
look into :help count (this count will be 0 if not supplied).
If you ask something else, please clarify your question.


The following tip provides some examples of how to use count... ,
 Maps, Commands, and Functions - some examples of their interplay

Chip Campbell

Re: How to insert text via script/function call ?

2006-08-22 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Meino Christian Cramer wrote:

No, sorry...I was simply searching for a function call like

 printf( This is my text! )


Hi Tony,

this works so far...with an unwanted sideeffekt:

Instead of

 This is my text!

in my buffer I get

 This is my text!Esc

in my text.

Have you tried

put ='This is my text!'


Chip Campbell

Re: regex replace with match

2006-08-23 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

striker wrote:

I have a large fixed width database file that I would like to delimit  
with commas.  For example here are 2 lines of the file:

210044012123540759F181012004103C14  29847.3741091 4280  5070   
42789 28529 2769  2449  3320   
2948   05121
210044012112140906F091012004101J 2  11048.495609  5559  9973   
5180  9974  5680  94572
5451   06148

length of field1 = 8
length of field2 = 2
length of field3 = 3 and so on through 35 fields.

I was going to use a simple regex replacement like::%s/\(.\{8}\)\ 
(.\{2}\)\(.\{3}\)/\1,\2,\3,/g  This does work when only replacing  
a small number of fields.  I get 2 errors when I source a file with  
the command for all 35 fields.  The errors are:

E51:  Too many \(
E476: Invalid command

Two questions because of all of this:
1) What is the limit of \(   that can be used?
2) Is there a better way of delimiting the file?

Using the vis.vim plugin (available from as Visual 
Block Commands):

  Position cursor, line 1, on a delimiting column.
  ctrl-v$:B s/ /,/

Repeat with other columns.

Chip Campbell

Re: Search all text files in a directory for text

2006-08-24 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Gary Johnson wrote:

On 2006-08-18, Charles E Campbell Jr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gary Johnson wrote:


Thanks.  That removes the error and gives me a list of files, but 
included in that list are non-*.c names such as



:Explore **/*.c  doesn't give a list of just *.c files.  Instead, it 
opens a browser listing of every directory
with *.c files in it.  The cursor will be on the first such .c file; you 
may edit it if you wish.
If its not the one you want, shift-down will move the cursor to the 
next .c file, repeat at will.
One may go back with shiftup .  Directory displays will change as 

OH!  Got it.

I found another problem, though.  Following my previous example and 
proceeding from

   $ vim -N -u NONE

I execute the following commands and the cursor moves to the file 

   | Command | Resulting   |
   | | Cursor Location |
   | :Explore **/*.c | arabic.c|
   | | |
   | :Nexplore   | auto/pathdef.c  |
   | :Nexplore   | buffer.c|
   | :Nexplore   | charset.c   |
   | :Nexplore   | diff.c  |
   | | |
   | :Pexplore   | diff.c  |
   | :Pexplore   | diff.c  |
   | :Pexplore   | auto/pathdef.c  |
   | :Pexplore   | arabic.c|

So there seems to be a pointer traversing an internal list of 
files that is moved by the :Nexplore and :Pexplore commands.  The 
:Nexplore and :Pexplore commands both control this pointer 
correctly, but only the :Nexplore command updates the cursor 
location correctly, unless the directory is changed.

I'm seeing the cursor move to the next/previous matching file for both 
:Nexplore and :Pexplore.
I do see one odd behavior, however:  :Nex doesn't move the cursor, 
instead a vim error gets
issued: E163: There is only one file to edit.  :Nexp (and longer) 
works.  There are two commands
that also begin with :Ne... (:NetUserPass and :NetrwSettings) which I 
assume are causing this

behavior.  Perhaps its a vim bug?

Chip Campbell

Re: The Vim Outliner: \n does not work

2006-08-28 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Meino Christian Cramer wrote:


I have downloaded The Vim Outliner (tvo) version 122 (1.22?) and I
am using it with vim 7.066 on a Gentoo Linux ( vanilla



My question: When using the \x (x := [1-9at]) commands from above,
they do simply nothing. I check with :map wheter there is anoter
maplocalleader defined but it ios not. Furthermore, the commands are

I am sure, the bug is sitting in front of my monitor, but what I am
doing wrong here ???


May I suggest that the best way to get plugins debugged is to contact 
their author.  Usually
the authors put their email in the documentation or sometimes in a 
comment in near the

beginning of the plugin/... file.

Chip Campbell

Re: Running a Set of Commands from a File

2006-08-31 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Mike Blonder wrote:

I have saved a file called 'commands.'  This file has all of the
commands (g /foobar/,/goobar/ d, etc) I need to edit some very large
files.  I want to 'run' this commands file from within each of the large
files that I need to edit.  

1) do I have to chmod 'commands' as an executable?


2) can I invoke the file from within VIM?, if yes, then what is the

:so commands

3) would it be better to run it from the shell? (Linux/SuSE)

Not if its composed of vim commands.

Please be aware that the sourcing of commands is done in command mode; 
if you have
normal mode commands, you'll want to be looking into how to use 
:normal   (:help :normal).

Also, check out   :help -S  , a command line option to vim that allows 
the sourcing of files.

Chip Campbell

Re: Search and replace as per format

2006-09-05 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Srinivas Rao. M wrote:

Hi Vimmers,

I am tasked to replace the pattern

log(module_name, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, The Value of status=%d message,


log(module_name, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, %s:The Value of status=%d
message,__FUNCTION__, status);

This pattern is appearing in hundreds of source files. Does anybody have
a quicker way/script to do this task ?.
I know it is possible through macro substitution by writing another
macro on top of this, But again it is not a cleaner way..

Are those linebreaks really in there?  I doubt it as one of them is in 
the middle of a string.
OK, assuming they're not there, that its just a mailer thinking its 
smarter than you...

:%g/log(module_name,/s/The Value of status=%d 
message,status/LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, %s:The Value of status=%d 

That'll do the trick for one file; then, of course, you'll want to save it:

OK, now let's see how to automate this:
:%g/log(module_name,/s/The Value of status=%d 
message,status/LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, %s:The Value of status=%d 


That will store the command sequence into a register (I picked register 
a).  To use it:

vim PatternForHundredsOfSourceFiles
:%g/log(module_name,/s/The Value of status=%d 
message,status/LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, %s:The Value of status=%d 


Assuming you don't have 10,000 of these, eventually vim will report an 
error.  A PatternForHundredsOfSourceFiles

might be   *.c */*.c */*/*.c   (etc.)

Chip Campbell

Re: Vim BOF session

2006-09-06 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

I'd still like to see Vince Negri's ideas (ownsyntax, conceal) included.

Chip Campbell

Re: Problem with 'lisp' and commented sexps

2006-09-06 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Yang wrote:

There seems to be an 'undocumented feature' when editing Lisp files
with the 'lisp' option set. I can no longer % between matching
s-expressions []{}() if they are in comments and on newlines, e.g. in:

;; myfold {{{
(blah blah)
;; }}}

;; (blah
;; blah)

I can't jump between the {} or the second (). Is this a bug?

Its definitely controlled by the lisp option:  (I put your example
into yank.lsp)

 vim -u NONE -N yang.lsp
 (% key works on all {} and ())
 :syn on
 (% key works on all {} and ())
 :set lisp
 (problems you mentioned appear)

Because of the -u NONE, the matchit plugin doesn't enter into this.
The syntax file has no explicit interaction with matchit or %, so it
appears to be an undocumented vim feature.

Chip Campbell

Re: Syntax question regarding \%[

2006-09-06 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Yakov Lerner wrote:

 Even better would be use syn keyword:

syn keyword Error int inte integ intege integer inter interv
 interva interval

 On the other hand, both of your 'syn match'es use same group, so
 why 2nd match taking over would be a problem anyway ?


syn keyword Error inte[ger] inte[rval]

would work just as well as Yakov's; however, his question seems to
me to be pertinent!

Chip Campbell

Re: Modify flag

2006-09-06 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 9/2/06, Shashi Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How can I disable automatic setting of the modified flag or auto 
save option?
I have set some option with which I think VIM is automatically saving 
the file thus changing the timestamp of the file. This poses a 
problem when I open header files especially when the target I need to 
build has a lot of source files. The problem occurs even when I open 
the file using gview.

I use VIM on Windows XP and my _vimrc and _gvimrc are attached.

Do you set 'auwowrite' (aw) option, and/or 'autowriteall'(awa)
option ? Then just unset them.

If you don't set those two options, then see if they are set:

:verbose set aw
:verbose set awa

which will tell you both what they're set to and where they were last 
set (if set).

Chip Campbell

Re: Specifying vim options in the files being edited

2006-09-08 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Russell Bateman wrote:

You can put these modelines at the top of your file or the bottom. 
Also, they can go on other lines, but I think there's a limit there 
and yet another setting to change how tolerant Vim is in looking for 
them, but as this approach suits me, I haven't experimented a lot to 
find any more out. I think the limit may actually allow by default for 
the first two lines, so your own example would work fine. In fact, I 
think I once tried line 2 of my C file and it worked, but I can't 
guarantee it. ..snip..

There's a setting, modelines, that vim uses.   By default, its 5, but 
you can change it in your .vimrc, for example.
Within modelines lines of either the beginning or the end of the file, 
vim will search for modelines.

 :he 'modelines'
 :he modelines

Chip Campbell

Re: Counts for mapping

2006-09-10 Thread Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

Tom Carr wrote:

Let's say I have the following mapping:
nnoremap = 3l
Now if I type =, it moves 3 characters to the right, as expected.
Now if I type 1=, it moves 13 characters to the right instead of 3.
Now if I type 3=, it moves 33 characters to the right instead of 9.


It works correctly just as expected fpo your example. What
do you mean by properly ? Do you mean, use
counter '3' if no counter ig given, otherwise
use the given counter ? Or you mean, move by count*3 ?

Yes, it should move count*3. If there's no count specified it should move 3, as 
I explained in the examples.

I think it'd be more accurate to say that you _want_ the cursor to move 
count*3 spaces to the right; the behavior is correct according to the 

OK, enough of being pedantic (although it is helpful to read the dox and 
understand 'em).  May I point out that the following tip,
helps with solving this problem; in particular, the example on using a 
map  (\gg), a count, a command, and a function.  In particular, here's 
a solution:

map = :RightShiftcr
com! -count=1 RightShift call RightShifter(count)
fun! RightShifter(cnt)
 exe norm! .(3*a:cnt).l

The = map invokes a command.  The command accepts an optional count 
(default=1).  Any count preceding the map will get passed along, too.  
The command passes the count along to the RightShifter function.  The 
function does the requested multiply by 3 and does the shift using exe 
and norm! .

Chip Campbell

Re: Counts for mapping

2006-09-11 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Tom Carr wrote:

In particular, here's a solution:
map = :RightShiftcr
com! -count=1 RightShift call RightShifter(count)
fun! RightShifter(cnt)
 exe norm! .(3*a:cnt).l

That's an interesting hack, but there are a few problems with this solution:
* This only works correctly on the first line of the buffer. If I type 5= it 
will execute :.,.+4RightShift which adds the current line into the count.
* In visual mode with :behave xterm it always moves 3 regardless of the count.
* In visual mode with :behave mswin it loses the visual mode.


Sorry -- misunderstood your first point.  Looks like the count passed to 
the function does get added in.  Compensating for it:

map silent = :RightShiftcr
com! -count=1 RightShift call RightShifter(count)
fun! RightShifter(cnt)
 let cnt= a:cnt - a:firstline + 1
 exe norm! .(3*cnt).l

Chip Campbell

Re: Counts for mapping

2006-09-11 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Tom Carr wrote:

In particular, here's a solution:
map = :RightShiftcr
com! -count=1 RightShift call RightShifter(count)
fun! RightShifter(cnt)
 exe norm! .(3*a:cnt).l

That's an interesting hack, but there are a few problems with this solution:
* This only works correctly on the first line of the buffer. If I type 5= it 
will execute :.,.+4RightShift which adds the current line into the count.
* In visual mode with :behave xterm it always moves 3 regardless of the count.
* In visual mode with :behave mswin it loses the visual mode.


These problems are due to out-of-scope use.  You'd asked how to make a 
nnoremap do something; these problems are all using the command mode to 
which nnoremap doesn't apply.

The command I provided is not intended to take an address range; it 
takes a count.  Address range-using commands and count-using commands 
are mutually exclusive, as the documentation states (:help command , 
then  /Range handling).

Chip Campbell

Re: Vim7: Turn syntax off while diffing

2006-09-11 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 9/10/06, Yakov Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 9/10/06, Sven Brueggemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Vim 7 combines syntax colouring and diff colouring when diffing. This
 often makes the diffs hard to read.

 Is there a way to automagically turn syntax colouring off when 

put this into your ~/.vunrc:
if diff | syntax off | endif


Aww -- I like that invention!  Now what else could we use a .vunrc file 
for? :)

Chip Campbell

Re: Perltidy,VIM for C/C++ visual block cleanup

2006-09-12 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Gundala Viswanath wrote:

Thanks Yakov,


:help =

But it seems to me that works on Global basis strictly.
How can we localize the cleanup within a visual block?

Moreoever how can we customize the indentation, bracing, etc?
Since with Perl this customization is captured within .perltidyrc.

To select a region using visual block:

 V (move) =

Second -- an external tool that does C beautification is called cb.
Used to be on all Unix boxes, but I see that its apparently not on Linux.
I have my own C beautifier (ccb  -- for Chip's C Beautifier) available
at my website: see

No guarantees, warranties, etc, and its use at your own risk.  Use
 ccb ?
to get help.  Also, you'll need to compile it...

Chip Campbell

Re: How does vim recognize file type?

2006-09-18 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Andrea Spadaccini wrote:

I am using tablatex.vim, ftplugin for LaTeX files, and I have a main
latex file and several included .tex files.

Well, vim loads the plugin (and the syntax file) when I'm editing the
main file, while it doesn't when I'm editing the included files.

How can I tell vim that I'm editing a .tex file? And how do I make vim
recognize .tex files without me setting the filetype?

Vim recognizes file types using two files:  (assuming 7.0)


The filetype.vim file recognizes filetypes based on the files' 
extension (ie.  .c is a C file, .lsp is a Lisp file, etc).
The scripts.vim file recognizes filetypes based on the files' contents 
(ie. the first line is /bin/ksh, so its a shell file, etc).

If you wish to customize this process to recognize personal extensions 
as some filetype or to recognize file contents as indicating some 
filetype, make a personal   (wherever)/.vim/filetype.vim  -or-  
(wherever)/.vim/scripts.vim  with appropriate recognition code.  Look at 
the vim70 versions for ideas about how to accomplish this.   Caveat: 
*don't* change the distributed vim70/filetype.vim or 
vim70/scripts.vim.   If you do, your emendations will no longer be 
working and you'll make yourself a lot of irritating work trying to find 
out why.

Chip Campbell

Re: cusor movement

2006-09-18 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Tim Chase wrote:

is it possible to tell vim(7) *not* to jump to the next line
when using object motion (w,b..) such as vim behaves when
using l or h ?

Please give specific example of what you type in normal mode 
involving w or b that jumps to the next line, please.

When I use w or yw vim does not jump to the next line.

If I understand the OP correctly, given the following text

this is line one
this is line two

with the cursor on the l of line #1, pressing w goes to the o in 
one.  Pressing w a second time jumps to the t in this on the 
2nd line as observed here...if it's not happening for you, the 
difference between your settings, Yakov, and our settings is the 
answer to the OP's question.

However, if you are on the e in one, and press ell to go right, it 
does not end up on the t in this on the 2nd line.

It sounds like the OP wants the behavior of w (and its kin) to mimic 
the behavior of ell, such that it doesn't jump to the next line.  I 
run with a fairly stock vimrc, as I suspect the OP does.  Do you have 
any funky settings in your vimrc, Yakov, that might trigger this 
behavior for you and not for us?

I wouldn't know how to easily do what the OP asked; the opposite, that 
of making vim change lines with h or l *is* possible
(see   :help 'ww'  ).  I'm sure that some smart mapping could do the 
trick.  As an example: (untested)

nnoremap b :let curline= line(.)barexe norm! bbarif curline != 
line(.)|exe norm! w|endif

Should be easy to re-write for handling w.

Chip Campbell

Re: vim | replacement question

2006-09-20 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Nikolaos A. Patsopoulos wrote:

Another replacement question:

how can I replace all occurrence of a pattern except a given one, e.g. 
the first or third?

the code for all occurrences I use is:


Thanks in advance,

I see that others have given the answer to the specific question you 
asked, so I won't repeat that.

However, a related capability is to use the c flag (for confirm):


Chip Campbell

Re: Making Autocmd matches buffer's first line

2006-09-20 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 9/20/06, Fabien Meghazi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But I would like these autocmd's to match those files without .py 

My question is :

Is it possible to make an autocmd pattern's to match something in the
first line's buffer with a regexp eg: ( ^#\!.+python  or something
like that )  instead of the filename ?

We typically do it as follows:

   :au BufReadPost * if getline(1) =~ 'pattern' | do something | endif

Also, one is supposed to put such things in

 (or vimfiles\scripts.vim if you're a Windozer)

See :help new-filetype-scripts .

Chip Campbell

Re: SR

2006-09-22 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Eric Leenman wrote:

I have a file where I deleted all lines that don't contain a certain 

For example I want to delete all lines that don't contain XXX and YYY.


executes the given command on all lines containing the PATTERN.


executes the given command on all lines _not_ containing the PATTERN.

You can use LogiPat to set up patterns with boolean logic involved:

 :echo LogiPat('XXXYYY')

which yields:


The \%( and trailing ) are not needed in this case, but the pattern will,
nonetheless, work.  You can get LogiPat from either  -- LogiPat

So if you want to delete all patterns not having XXX and YYY, then


would do the trick.

Chip Campbell

Re: LogiPat Problem

2006-09-25 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Bill McCarthy wrote:

Hello Vim List,

Trying out LogiPat (by Charles Campbell) today, I ran into a problem.
I tried to find lines that contain abc or def but didn't contain


Looks like you ran into a bug.  I've loaded LogiPat v3 onto my website 
which handles

:LP (abc|def)!(abcdef))


Chip Campbell

Re: Piping messages from ex commands into a new tab

2006-09-26 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Tom Carr wrote:

I'm trying to pipe messages from ex commands (e.g. :map , :version)  into a new 
I've found, but I was hoping 
for a better way.
Ideally I would type something like  :tabmesages :map  and it would show :map 
in a new tab, without printing it to the screen, without waiting for additional 
keypresses, and without using up registers.


There's Decho.vim, which is intended to support debugging but can 
certainly do this.

 Where to get it:
 -or- , 
see DrC's Vim Debugger

How to use:


then subsequently :Decho strings  such as:

 :Decho here is
 :Decho a message
 :Decho or three.

will show up in the new tab.

Chip Campbell

Re: Piping messages from ex commands into a new tab

2006-09-26 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Tom Carr wrote:

I'm trying to pipe messages from ex commands (e.g. :map , :version)  into a new 
I've found, but I was hoping 
for a better way.
Ideally I would type something like  :tabmesages :map  and it would show :map 
in a new tab, without printing it to the screen, without waiting for additional 
keypresses, and without using up registers.


Also with the Decho plugin:

:Dredir map

will then put the output of the map command into the new tab.

Chip Campbell

Re: --enable-gui argument... no GUI support

2006-09-26 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Akbar wrote:

I have the same problem. Installing vim 7.0 source in Suse 10.1, I 
always get

--enable-gui argument... no GUI support

I have xorg-x11-devel installed. I have installed libgnome-devel. No
luck. Any idea?

I suspect that you do the following after unpacking the vim 7.0 source 

 su (as root)
 make install

Normally that procedure puts the vim executable in /usr/local/bin .
Note that you did not remove any previous versions of vim -- they're 

still there.

So, do the following:

 echo $PATH

Does your path as shown by the preceding command to the shell perhaps show
/usr/bin  or /etc preceding /usr/local/bin?  Try

 whence vim

and, if I'm right, you'll find that the vim you compiled and installed 
isn't the one
being executed.  The solution: either remove the older copies of vim or, 
change the PATH so /usr/local/bin precedes /usr/bin, /bin/, or wherever 
the older

vim was found.

Chip Campbell

Re: copy a word without moving cursor

2006-10-02 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Osho GG wrote:

I am already putting this segment in much larger map that does other
things on a contents. However, the way I currently do it has a
disadvantage that the cursor moves and then it moves back and then the
screen flashes - all for nothing really. ayaw or ayiw doesn't work
for me because it changes cursor position. So, I want a simple way to
find the word at the current cursor position.

Its not 100% clear what you want;  does
 :echo expand(cword)
illustrate something like what you want?

Chip Campbell

Re: vim backspace

2006-10-02 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

cga2000 wrote:

I don't suppose there's any way I can save the current interactively-
modified colorscheme to a file?

will be helpful for what
you want to do.  Interactively adjust the colorscheme using hicolors' 
colorscheme editor, then save it.

Chip Campbell

Re: copy a word without moving cursor

2006-10-08 Thread Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

Osho GG wrote:

Hi All,

I know this mustbe pretty simple but I can't figure this out. I want
to copy a word into a buffer without moving the cursor. Currently I do
something like


to get this effect. But, this seems like such a round about way to do
this. Is there a simpler way to achieve this?

:let @a= expand(cword)

Chip Campbell

Re: Setting up netrw

2006-10-10 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Suresh Govindachar wrote:

 Close ... 
 From inside gvim, I tried both of the following:
   :Nread  scp://


 But the system command they each resulted in was:
   c:/opt/putty/pscp.exe -l user -pw password -q -batch ''

 The preceding system command doesn't work.  Two changes need to be
 made to make it work:
 1) Remove the single quotes '' [unknown host with '']

 2) Add a / after the : in :home/suresh [file does not exist without /]
 I downloaded all sources and built gvim yesterday.

Try using the latest netrw, which is currently up to v107b.  Its been a 
bit smarter about quoting; and its

quoting can be overridden by specifying g:netrw_shq in one's .vimrc.

Chip Campbell

Re: Setting up netrw

2006-10-10 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Suresh Govindachar wrote:

 The version of netrw in the vim sources, on and on your
 web-site all differ. Since netrw is part of the vim runtime-
 sources, could you please coordinate your releases with Bram?

They are already quite coordinated.  Development version appears at my 
an interim release appears at, and the interim release is 
also sent on to Bram.

 Also, there is a note on your web-site about needing to update
 vimball. Is vimball part of vim runtime-sources?

Yes, although it, too, undergoes the same development process.

 If you would prefer people use netrw under vimfiles/ rather than
 under the main vim directory, please have Bram remove netrw from
 the runtime-distribution.

I have no such preference.  However, the runtime-distribution release 
will interfere with
the development release.  This problem will be addressed whenever the 
next vim 7.1 appears.

If you don't wish to use the development version of netrw (or vimball), 
then feel free not to.

Re: vim | editing pdf files with vim

2006-10-10 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Nikolaos A. Patsopoulos wrote:,

is there a way to edit pdf files with vim? If not pdf as is, then eps 
or postscript? I tried with either format but the text kept been 
converted to sthl ike ASCII code.

For purposes of visualization, using netrw's browser and, with the 
cursor on the pdf file, pressing x will (usually) bring up a tool to 
visualize the pdf file.  For editing (as in changing file contents), I'm 
afraid I don't know.

Chip Campbell

Re: bugs in vim scripting highlighting

2006-10-10 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Mikolaj Machowski wrote:

Noticed two bugs in vim script highlighting:

1. xnoremap and snoremap are not fully recognized. Compare highlighting
  of those three lines:

 inoremap buffer silent expr C-C SIDCtrlC()
 xnoremap buffer silent expr C-C SIDCtrlC()
 snoremap buffer silent expr C-C SIDCtrlC()

  Arguments of xnoremap and snoremap aren't highlighted

2. Function element addButton is highlighted as error:

   function! forms#form.addButton(fname, flabel, fvalue, hotkey, listener)

  But it works (as in forms.vim). the same apply to call call.

Problem 1 has been addressed in the latest syntax/vim.vim -- please try 
it out.

I think problem 2 was addressed previously.

syntax/vim.vim is now up to v7.0-55, and you can get it from

You can then select vim.vim syntax.

Chip Campbell

Re: Problem in dos runtime on Vim FTP

2006-10-11 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Bill McCarthy wrote:

On Tue 10-Oct-06 9:26pm -0600, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Bill McCarthy wrote:

Since yesterday, 4 files in the dos/autoload directory
cannot be downloaded - it doesn't appear to matter which FTP
client is used.

The four problem files are:


The URL for the directory of these files is:

Those files have been recently updated.(snip)


We-e-ell, that's strange. Something must have gone wrong on the FTP 

I updated my runtime files a few hours ago from the rsync server; but 
from a long directory listing, I notice that the four files above 
(which are dated 14-Aug-2006) plus netrwSettings.vim (dated 
9-Oct-2006) have permissions -rwr-- : i.e., they are apparently 
readable by everyone except members of the owning group (which is a 
weird set of permissions). I guess the maintainer of the files, or the 
owner of the servers, should run chmod 644 on them. (IIUC, the 
maintainer of all those files is Dr. Chip so I add him on the Cc: list.)


Just so you know; I don't have the access to put files on  I generally send updates to Bram and somehow they 
magically appear there later!   You can always go to my website and get 
the developmental versions thereof 

Chip Campbell

Re: Vim7: Spell checking not working with ft=mail

2006-10-12 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr


On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 02:40:48PM -0500, Tom Purl wrote:


A lot of filetypes have special provisions where they turn
spell-checking off in certain areas that you don't want to

I read about that;  however, mail.vim doesn't seem to do that (I could
be wrong here).


I think that the mail filetype turns off spell checking
if what you're text is after an arrow (, , etc.). Is that what
you're doing?

No, I wasn't quoting anything...


Well, syntax/mail.vim *does* have a lot of NoSpell cluster referrals in 
it.  What part of the email
message are you referring to?  Basically, mail.vim does spell checking 
only in the letter portion,

not the headers (or Subject: ...), etc.

Chip Campbell

Re: bugs in vim scripting highlighting

2006-10-13 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Hari Krishna Dara wrote:

I faced a problem, though it is with netrw, not with vim syntax file. I
tried to open the download link from Vim, and got the below error:

Error detected while processing function netrw#NetRead:
line  275:; E212: Can't open
file for writing
VIG3A4.tmp.gz [+][Not edited] --No lines in buffer--
Error detected while processing function netrw#NetRead..SNR115_NetGetFile:
line   42:
E37: No write since last change (add ! to override); [+][Not edited]
--No lines in buffer--
Error detected while processing function gzip#read:
line   31:
Error: Could not read uncompressed file
VIJ3A7.tmp.gz [Not edited] --No lines in buffer--

I got an empty buffer, and when I reloaded the buffer, it worked fine. I
am on windows.

In addition to the various fixes concerning tmp files and windows, 
another similar problem has been solved;
apparently, having autowrite on caused trouble.  The latest netrw now 
bypasses that option, too.  (v107c).
Its currently available at my website: ,

see Network Oriented Reading, Writing, and Browsing.

Chip Campbell

Re: VimL and Exuberant tags - Suggestions please

2006-10-13 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr
hdrtag (available at creates 
tags for *.vim files.

Currently, it supports tags for syntax, match, region, c luster, 
keyword, function, command, and maps.

Chip Campbell

Re: netrw for new extension

2006-10-13 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Hari Krishna Dara wrote:

Netrw comes with a few supported formats, and the format is deduced by
the extension of the file, which is fair, but is there anyway to
configure netrw such that it will recognize new extensions as one of the
supported filetypes? E.g., there are several archives that are
compatible/same as zip archives, except for extra metadata attached
them. The jar, ear, war, and the Flex archives (forgot what the
extension is), they are all zip archives, so I want netrw to treat them
that way.


Are you talking about using netrw's map for the x key?  If so, look for

 :help netrw_filehandler

for a discussion about how to write your own.

Chip Campbell

Re: netrw for new extension

2006-10-13 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Hari Krishna Dara wrote:

Netrw comes with a few supported formats, and the format is deduced by
the extension of the file, which is fair, but is there anyway to
configure netrw such that it will recognize new extensions as one of the
supported filetypes? E.g., there are several archives that are
compatible/same as zip archives, except for extra metadata attached
them. The jar, ear, war, and the Flex archives (forgot what the
extension is), they are all zip archives, so I want netrw to treat them
that way.


If, on the other hand, you're not really talking about netrw, but about 
the zip plugin -- presumably

just include in your .vimrc a line such as:

 au BufReadCmd   *.jar,*.ear,*.warcall 

Chip Campbell

Re: cursor moves back with ESC

2006-10-16 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Lev Lvovsky wrote:

I've never actually figured out why upon after typing in insert mode,  
the cursor moves back one character to the left after pressing  
escape.  What's the reason behind this, and is there any way to turn  
it off?

To best understand this, one needs to use console vim.  There, the 
cursor cannot be between characters; it must lie on a character.  So, 
the insert puts a character before the character the cursor is on; when 
done, the cursor lies on the last inserted character.

Now, try gvim.  Gvim lets the cursor lie between characters, but when 
done, the character again lies on the last inserted character.

Seems a reasonable choice, to me.  Any choice would be arbitrary.

Now, to turn it off: don't use insert.  Use append.

Chip Campbell

Re: split vertically at a tag

2006-10-18 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Kamaraju Kusumanchi wrote:

If I do

   ctrl-W ctrl-]

in normal mode, vim splits the current window horizontally. Is there any way 
to achieve the same functionality but  with window being split vertically 
instead of horizontally?

Here's another solution:

nmap silent F9  :exe 'vert sta '.expand(cword)cr

Chip Campbell

Re: Match something that not in the pattern

2006-10-19 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Peng Yu wrote:


I have the following file segments. I want to concatenate all the
lines with their next lines, except that it ends with }}. I want to
use the pattern \(}}\)[EMAIL PROTECTED]. It seems not working.

Would you please help me to figure out how to match the lineend 
without }}?

This problem is one that LogiPat can help with!

  or, see 

First, let's construct a pattern that matches all lines that don't end 
with }}:

:echo LogiPat('!}}$')

^\%(\%(}}$\)[EMAIL PROTECTED])*$

Now, that has a bit more than is necessary, but it does work.  I'm not 
sure what
you want with that trailing '^' -- was that supposed to mean 

It isn't necessary if that's the case.

So, to do what you ask with LogiPat's result:

:g/^\%(\%(}}$\)[EMAIL PROTECTED])*$/j

Chip Campbell

Re: Problems with

2006-10-20 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Max Dyckhoff wrote:

Re-including the list.

I only have about 30 maps, and none of them start with .

The only thing that I can see which might be affecting anything are these two:

,,b :%s/\(^\t*\):/\1/ecr:%s/\(^\t*\) /\1: /ecr:let @/=cr
,,B :%s/\(^\t*\):/\1/ecr:let @/=cr

Now ,, is the localleader for vo_base, the vimoutliner plugin. This is in a C 
file, so it looks like the mappings have leaked over from a different buffer in 
a different tab. I recently saved a session, quit and sourced that session; 
perhaps something exploded then?

HAH. I just realised that the mapping in vo_base.vim ISN'T buffer. I shall make 
them buffer and see if that fixes it :)

Still, why would  trigger ,,? And yes, I know that  is shift-, :)

Did you ever try

 :verbose map 

and see what popped up?

Also, IMHO, plugins should not be setting the localleader; that's 
inherently a user's choice as to what s/he prefers.

In other words, the map should be

 map LocalLeaderb ...
 map LocalLeaderB ...

Chip Campbell

Re: Problems with Align.vim

2006-10-25 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Diwaker Gupta wrote:

I'm using Vim 7.0.122 on Debian Unstable. I can send output of
:version if needed. I've recently started having problems using

Error detected while processing function AlignWrapperStart:
line   28:
E117: Unknown function: Align#AlignPush

I've tried installing the script from both as well as Dr.
Chip's astro-page. Both of them fail with the same error.

Infact, when I extract the files from the vimball using ':so %', it
generates weird file names:


As both places mention: you need v18 or later of the vimball plugin:

 * remove plugin/vimballPlugin.vim from the distribution
 * remove autoload/vimball.vim from the distribution
 * install new vimball plugin

You then need to extract the files from the Align.vba.gz file.

Chip Campbell

Re: Problems with Align.vim

2006-10-25 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Benji Fisher wrote:

There are a few problems here.  First, it is too easy to miss the


posted on .  Ideally,
all links to recent plugins would redirect to a page line...

Every entry under the #VimFuncs label now has a sentence directing folks 
to the vimball entry,
where improved directions for extracting it may be found.  I've also 
fixed up several links and


Thank you for the feedback!  As you may guess, I seldom download files 
and extract 'em from

my own website...

Chip Campbell

Re: saving and loading views

2006-10-25 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Samuel Wright wrote:

Hi Guys, I used to have this in .vimrc

autocmd BufWinLeave * mkview
autocmd BufWinEnter * silent loadview

to automatically save and load folds. I have recently added it again,
but it does not seem to work in Vim 7 on Win XP.
Have I missed anything obvious?

Well, nothing pops to my mind right off, but I'd suggest ditching that 
silent so
as to let vim forward any complaints it might have to your attention.  
At least

until you've got things working.

Chip Campbell

Re: Anyway to sort scripts by last update date? (bad email address)

2006-10-25 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr


The has a script search feature which can sort by Rating,...snip

Pan Shizhu:  I got this from my attempt to email to you...

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

   SMTP error from remote mailer after MAIL FROM:[EMAIL PROTECTED] SIZE=3181:
   host []: 554 Your host was found in 
DNS blacklist at

Chip Campbell

Re: chasing symlink

2006-10-26 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Yakov Lerner wrote:

Let's say I edit file x (vim x) which is a symlink, x-y.
(Linux). How can I make a script that opens y
instead of x in the buffer (chases the symlinks and opens it)

I guess I don't understand exactly what you're doing here.
Let me explain:

echo junk1  file1
ln -s file1 file2
vim file2

This shows file1's contents; ie. junk1.  So, I'm editing the target
of the symlink file, not the symlink file itself.  In fact, I'm not sure
how to edit that symlink file, but I don't think that's what you're
asking for.

Chip Campbell

Re: Terminating search in function

2006-10-26 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Meino Christian Cramer wrote:

I wrote this snippet:

fun! Ffunchdr()
   let date = strftime( %F )
   put=' * desc'
   put=' *'
   put=' *'
   put=' *'
   put=' * Created: ' . date . '
   put=' *'
   put=' * parameter:
   put=' * parameter:
   put=' * parameter:
   put=' * parameter:
   put=' * parameter:
   put=' *'
   put=' * result 0 - Success, -1 - Failure'
   put=' *'
   put=' */'
command! Funchdr :call Ffunchdr()

This should give nme the header comment for function definitions in C.
My problem seems to be the ?desc command at the end.
It /should/ move the cursor onto the desc keyword right in the
beginning of the comment block.


I suggest using the search() function:

call search(desc,bW)

Chip Campbell

Re: Inline script execution

2006-10-31 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Daryl Lee wrote:

I am working my way through the :help scripting explanation
(usr_41.txt) and I have a question about the :@ command.  I ran the
sample given in the explanation, where the simple example is:

:let i = 1
:while i  5
:  echo count is i
:  let i += 1

And the expected output is

count is 1
count is 2
count is 3
count is 4

What I got was

:^I:let i = 1
:^I:while i  5
:  ^I:  echo count is i
count is 1
:  ^I:  let i += 1
:  ^I:endwhile
count is 2
count is 3
count is 4

Obviously, something is causing the commands to be echoed.  I tried
copying the lines into a separate buffer and deleting the colons, but
that didn't fix the problem.  Is there something that should be set
and isn't?

Hello, Bram!

I thought I'd try to bring this to your attention, as I'm not at all 
sure that you sift through the vim
mailing group as assiduously as you do the vim-dev mailing group.  This 
example comes from
usr_41.txt, lines 44-66.  I get the same output as does Daryl Lee (vim 
7.0 patches 1-153).  Seems that
either the documentation needs changing, the example needs a tweak 
(because the code snippet
does work when saved as a file and then sourced), or something perhaps 
is wrong with :@ .

Chip Campbell

Re: how to make 7.0 behave like 6.4

2006-11-02 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

longraider wrote:

The set autoindent smartindent is the solution, thanks a lot.


You know, vim 7.0 hasn't changed the autoindent/smartindent area (except 
possibly for bug fixes)

from v6.4 insofar as I am aware.  And I do use autoindent (and cindent).

So the question in my mind is: why did this change for you when you 
upgraded?  One way that
may have occurred is if you edited the system files and put settings and 
customizations in there.
If that's what you in fact did, then I suggest that its Much Better (tm) 
to use $HOME/.vimrc and
$HOME/.vim/ instead for such things.  You won't lose your customizations 
that way when you


Chip Campbell

Re: Reduce cursor size

2006-11-02 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Billy Patton wrote:

In gvim the mouse cursor dissapears when I begin typing.
Can this be done in vim?


This property is more a function of the xterm/console you're using 
rather than of vim.
Here's an example of how to change color with an xterm (blue on insert, 
yellow else):

 if v:version = 700
  let t_SI=\esc]12;blue\x7
  let t_EI=\esc]12;yellow\x7

I don't think you can change cursor size, but I'm willing for someone to 
show how to do it.
I looked over a list of ansi escape sequences I found on the web but saw 
nothing to change

the cursor size.

Chip Campbell

Re: ':Explore' higlight the results

2006-11-03 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr


Hello Vimmers,

I've seen recently in the mailing list an interesting post/question about 
searching for a list of fies containing a pattern.
The answer was that we could use :Explore or :vimgrep.
For me, the first solution seems the best.

I have a friend of mine that is using emacs, which has the same option as :Explore. However, the files matching the pattern are highlighted. 
Is it possible to do the same with :Explore? I checked the :help :Explore but couldn't find it.

I've uploaded v107g of netrw.vim which supports this to my website:
 see Network Oriented Reading, Writing, and Browsing

First, remove all previous versions of netrw from both your personal 
directories and from the system
directory where netrw was installed (under Linux, that's often 

You'll also need to remove all previous versions of vimball.

You can get the latest vimball from my website, too (see Vimball 
Archiver).  Install it first:

 cd /usr/local/vim/share/vim/vim70
 mv [wherever]/vimball.tar.gz .
 gunzip vimball.tar
 tar xvf vimball.tar

Then you may install netrw:

vim netrw.vba.gz
:so %

should do it.

Chip Campbell

Re: Getting out of netrw

2006-11-03 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Jean-Rene David wrote:

Say I open vim7's new super duper file explorer
netrw to browse some local directory. Say then I
decide I don't want to open any new file and just
want to go back to what I was doing. What would be
the standard way to do that?

I can use C-O to eventually land up where I was
but I need to backtrack all the motion commands I
did in the netrw buffer.

You can use the jumplist to get a listing of locations where you've been:


The left hand column is a count that you can use to precede c-o.
For example:

 jump line  col file/line
   3  10 some text
   2 700 another line
   1  1154   23 end.

and  3c-o will jump to entry #3.

Chip Campbell

Re: Getting out of netrw

2006-11-03 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Marius Roets wrote:

On 11/3/06, Jean-Rene David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I thought of using :q but that closes vim if only
one window is open.

Am I missing something obvious?

Then F2 opens explorer in a new tab, and leaderq closes the tab, and
you should be back where you were before pressing F2.

Or you could use  :Texplore  to open a netrw-browser in a new tab!

Chip Campbell

Re: refreshed mockup

2006-11-07 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Panos Laganakos wrote:

I made a mockup of a refreshed version of, trying to maintain
as much of the original look as possible:

vim tangofied icon by toZth

Well, I don't see any checkerboard pattern, but I do find dark grey text 
on a dark blue background

a bit difficult.  Seems like something isn't being specified in the display.

Chip Campbell

Re: Search all text files in a directory for text

2006-11-07 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Chuck Mason wrote:

Sorry to bring this up again.  Was there every any solution to this?  Do
I just need the latest netrw?  I was trying to get :Explore **/pattern
But as I do see the Match n of N in the lower right, the cursor never
moves in the browse buffer (with S-Down/S-Up) and occasionally I get

Error detected while processing function netrw#Explore:
line 165:
E121: Undefined variable: w:netrw_longlist
E15: Invalid expression: w:netrw_longlist == 0 || w:netrw_longlist == 1

I'm using vim7.0 (2006 may 7), and tried this with -N -u NONE.  Maybe
someone here knows how to get this working?  

netrw is up to v107g (Nov 03, 2006).

I suggest upgrading!

You'll also need an up-to-date version of vimball to extract netrw, 
which is also available at:
see Vimball Archiver

Also, to make these new plugins work, you first need to completely remove
all older vestiges of netrw and vimball from your runtimepath.  Under Linux,
that usually means

   cd /usr/local/share/vim/vim70
   /bin/rm plugin/netrw*.vim   plugin/vimball*.vim
   /bin/rm autolaod/netrw*.vim autoload/vimball*.vim

Under Windows, check your runtimepath to determine where your vim 7.0's
runtime directories are:

   :echo rtp

should give you a clue.

Chip Campbell

Re: refreshed mockup

2006-11-08 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Richard Querin wrote:

On 11/7/06, Brian McKee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It's IE that adds the dark blue I think


Yeah. Just checked. It shows a blue background instead of white in
IE6. I assume it's just a .png support problem.

No, its not IE6; I'm using Mozilla 1.7.12.  Gene K also had problems 
with the background,

in his case some sort of checkerboard pattern showed.

My background is normally dark blue; I believe that the png doesn't 
specify the background



Re: refreshed mockup

2006-11-08 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Dave Land wrote:

According to the tool, the contrast between the grey text and the white
background is too low, as is the contrast between the green navigation
text and its pale yellow background.

I don't think that he specifies the background; instead, its whatever your
browser has for a default.

So, I'm sure that if you fiddle with your background that perhaps the 

could be improved.

Chip Campbell

Re: clearing out an appended-to register

2006-11-09 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Lev Lvovsky wrote:

So I just discovered the wonders of being able to append to named  
registers - how though, do I then clear them out once I'm done with  
their contents?

Let's assume you're wishing to clear register A:

:let @a=

will empty it out.

Chip Campbell

Re: When {rhs} contains a space

2006-11-14 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

(and :nohls will clear the highlighting).  Alternatively,
:set list

will show ~s at the end of lines containing spaces, too.

:set list will replace tabs by ^I (two screen cells) unless 
'listchars' has been set to include a tab: suboption, e.g. with

:set list listchars+=tab:\ \

which also ends in a space.

Sorry 'bout that:  try

set listchars=tab:-,trail:~,eol:$
set list

*that* will show trailing spaces as ~s.

Chip Campbell

Re: Setting Up Debugging

2006-11-14 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Tom Purl wrote:

I'm having a problem with netrw, but before I can properly troubleshoot
it, I need to fix debugging.  What I would basically like to do is use Vim
normally (without having a bunch of debug messages pop up) while all of
the messages are written to a file.

Here's what I have in my ~/.vimrc:

   let verbosefile = /tmp/vim_debug.out
   set viminfo='50,1000,s100
   :verbose set viminfo?

I copied this set of commands a couple of months ago to help troubleshoot
a different problem.  Shouldn't these commands still work, or am I missing

I suggest using the Dfunc/Decho/Dret debugging system already part of 
netrw.  Once you have the

plugin installed,

 vim netrw.vim

The latest version of netrw uses DechoTabOn, which means that debugging 
output will go to a
separate tab.  You can save the resulting output to a file whenever you 
wish, and the display

won't be affected (other than seeing the presence of two tabs).

You can get the Decho plugin from:
   (this latter one is always the most up-to-date)

You'll need an up-to-date version of vimball to extract plugins that
I've generated since August 1, 2006:

see Vimball Archiver (the most up-to-date version is here)

You'll need to completely remove all older vestiges of vimball from your
runtimepath.  Under Linux, that usually means

   cd /usr/local/share/vim/vim70
   /bin/rm plugin/vimball*.vim autoload/vimball*.vim

Under Windows, check your runtimepath to determine where your vim 7.0's
runtime directories are:

   :echo rtp

should give you a clue.

Chip Campbell

Re: using vimball or netrw

2006-11-16 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

J A G P R E E T wrote:

Hi There,
 I work on windows OS and want to access(read/write) to remote
  From the vim site I came to know this is possible, but how to use it is
outa my mind.

I check the two plugins netrw and vimball;

I'm not getting much understanding regarding these two plugins and not much
help available for these two.

Can I get much detailed document to get more understanding on the same.

To get an up-to-date version of netrw, you'll also need to get an 
up-to-date version of vimball.  So:

1) Get an up-to-date version of vimball:
 (the one will be the more recent version)

2) Remove the old vimball plugin and install the new one:

   cd /usr/local/share/vim/vim70
   /bin/rm plugin/vimball*.vim autoload/vimball*.vim doc/pi_vimball.txt
   mv (wherever it was downloaded)/vimball.tar.gz .
   gunzip vimball.tar.gz
   tar -xvf vimball.tar

   Under Windows, check your runtimepath to determine where your 
vim 7.0's runtime directories are:

   :echo rtp

   The first directory is likely your personal plugins directory, 
the second one is your vim system directory.

   cd (to your vim system directory)
   del plugin\vimballPlugin.vim
   del autoload\vimball.vim
   del doc\pi_vimball.txt
   ren (wherever)\vimball.tar.gz vimball.tar.gz
   gunzip vimball.tar.gz
   tar -xvf vimball.tar

3) Remove system version of netrw:

   cd /usr/local/share/vim/vim70
   /bin/rm plugin/netrw*.vim autoload/netrw*.vim doc/pi_netrw.txt

   cd (to your vim system directory)
   del plugin\netrwPlugin.vim
   del autoload\netrw.vim
   del doc\pi_netrw.txt

4) Install an up-to-date version of netrw:
  vim netrw.vba.gz
  :so %

Subsequently, whenever you wish to update netrw, all you'll need to do is to
a) obtain a newer netrw
b) perform step #4

Now, as to documentation:  :help vimball   and :help netrw  have 129 
lines and 1928 lines
of help, respectively.  Using vimball is particularly simple; see step 
#4 above.  Using

netrw is reasonably simple:

vim scp://somehost/path/to/file.ext

would invoke netrw to do the work via scp.  Netrw supports a number of 
protocols, including

scp, rcp, ftp, etc.  I suggest reading  :help netrw-start .

Chip Campbell

Re: autocmd and netrw

2006-11-16 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Ilya Hegai wrote:

Hello, I have such line in my .gvimrc

autocmd BufEnter * :lcd %:p:h

(this is vim tip:

but when I work with remote files via netrw it produces warning every
time, 'cause scp copies remote files to /tmp dir

Is there any way to determine whether file is opening via netrw to
disable that autocmd?

* Check into   :set acd   , although this may not work if your vim 
doesn't support it.

* I believe that BufEnter autocmds fire before BufRead and FileRead events,
  so when your autocmd fires, netrw's remote file handling events haven't
 fired yet.  So you need a smarter event; perhaps something like 

au BufEnter * :if expand(afile) !~ '^\a\+://' | :lcd %:p:h | endif

Chip Campbell

Re: Trouble with syntax highlighting in gvim70

2006-11-16 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Dudley Fox wrote:

I actually did have it as a colorscheme originally, but I was still
calling it from _vimrc. Which lead to the same problem. I checked on
my older machine, still using gvim6x, and it has the highlight
commands directly in the _vimrc file. Obviously something changed
between 6 and 7, because when I ran scriptnames in gvim6x it was
calling _vimrc first as in gvim70, but I never saw a call to

The way one should call a colorscheme:


and, in your .vimrc:

colors NewColorScheme

Is that how you were doing it?

Chip Campbell

Re: search and replace multiple lines

2006-11-16 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

mark wrote:

I want too change the order of three lines globally (there are thousands
of entries that need reordering) and don't seem to be able
to get my head around how to do it with vi.

I want to change the order off these three 




Is this a case of reverse ordering lines?  If so:

go to the 1=red line, type  ma
go to the 3=orange line, type \fr

where you've previously defined \fr as:

nno  silent Leaderfr   :set lzcr'aOescma'':'a+1,.g/^/m 
'acrkdd:set lz!cr

Chip Campbell

Re: Commenting out TeX-text line by line in V-mode

2006-11-17 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Meino Christian Cramer wrote:

From: Charles E Campbell Jr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Commenting out TeX-text line by line in V-mode
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 13:34:16 -0500

How about


which means:  over the selected range (which may be the visual range), 
on all lines that

have some non-white-space character on them, insert a leading %.

OK, here's a more detailed explanation:

:[range]   over the selected lines, which with visual selection 
will appear as ',' .

  Those are marks set by the visual selection.
g/pattern/cmd for any lines which match the given pattern, in this 
case \S , do the specified cmd.
  So, the cmd is performed for any line that has a 
non-whitespace character in it.
  Thus, empty lines and lines with just whitespace 
(tabs and spaces) will not match.

Now, the aforementioned cmd is

 s/^/%/   Substitute a % at the beginning of the current line.

What you asked for was to do something (comment out lines) given a 
condition (that the line must not be empty).   So the :g/pattern/cmd 
allows one to do a command (s/^/%/) only when the line matched a pattern 
(that implied that the line was not empty).

Chip Campbell

Re: yank and put 'over' instead of 'insert'

2006-11-17 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Troy Piggins wrote:

I use 'R' replace mode when doing, for example, ascii art etc
because it allows me to change characters without affecting the
layout of the rest of the window/page.

But if I want to yank a section using visual or visual block, is
there a way to put 'p' that block in without affecting the
layout?  The way I've been doing it, the rest gets pushed along.


The DrawIt plugin supports this sort of thing.  Here's the procedure:

visual-block select some region  and save into register a (ctrl-v move ay)

move cursor (upper left hand corner based) :  \pa
or, move cursor and click shift-leftmouse

Actually, DrawIt supports \pa ... \pz for all 26 marks, and that's a 
space-transparent put.

If you want the spaces to be used, use \ra ... \rz.

To get an up-to-date version of DrawIt, you'll also need to get an 
up-to-date version of vimball.  So:

1) Get an up-to-date version of vimball:
 (the one will be the more recent version)

2) Remove the old vimball plugin and install the new one:

   cd /usr/local/share/vim/vim70
   /bin/rm plugin/vimball*.vim autoload/vimball*.vim doc/pi_vimball.txt
   mv (wherever it was downloaded)/vimball.tar.gz .
   gunzip vimball.tar.gz
   tar -xvf vimball.tar

   Under Windows, check your runtimepath to determine where your 
vim 7.0's runtime directories are:

   :echo rtp

   The first directory is likely your personal plugins directory, 
the second one is your vim system directory.

   cd (to your vim system directory)
   del plugin\vimballPlugin.vim
   del autoload\vimball.vim
   del doc\pi_vimball.txt
   ren (wherever)\vimball.tar.gz vimball.tar.gz
   gunzip vimball.tar.gz
   tar -xvf vimball.tar

3) Get DrawIt:

4) Install an up-to-date version of Drawit:
  vim DrawIt.vba.gz
  :so %

Steps 12 are all about updating vimball; in the future, whenever 7.1 
comes out, that complication will no longer be necessary.

Chip Campbell

Re: Commenting out TeX-text line by line in V-mode

2006-11-17 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

It should be possible (though less obvious) to do it with only a 
substitute. Let's try:

:','s/^.*\S.*$/# \0

i.e. prepend a hash sign and a space wherever we find start-of-line, 
zero or more of anything, one nonblank, zero or more of anything, 
end-of-line (in the range, here shown as a Visual area).

OK, here's another possible but less obvious method, even a bit shorter:


This one uses a concat, and depends on having the last concat be the 
one used for substitution.

What it means:

:','  over the visually selected range
s   substitute the pattern that begins with something but has a 
non-whitespace character,

AND matches the beginning-of-line

with a % in the place of the last concat (ie. the beginning-of-line).

Chip Campbell

Re: Search and delete

2006-11-27 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Krzysztof MaJ wrote:

how to search in the file based on some regex and when it's matched  
delete the whole line automatically?


will delete all lines containing the pattern.  You may also specify a range:


I suggest reading up on

 :help :g

because there's more you can do with that command.

Chip Campbell

Re: I look for make all windows (almost) equally high only. I would not equally wide.

2006-11-30 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

KLEIN Stéphane wrote:

I look for make all windows (almost) equally high only. I would not
equally wide. There is this feature ? I would not CTRL-W_= because
this command make equally high and wide.

Here's what I did to find out:

:he windows

OK, so here's where to look further:

 :help 'ea'
 :help 'eadirection'

Chip Campbell

Re: suggestions for ssh under windows

2006-12-01 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

I have a netrw user using WinXP who wants to use ssh; currently, he 
doesn't have such an executable.
I tend to use cygwin, but that's like asking one to build a home 
instead of new cabinets for the kitchen.

So, where can he get ssh for WinXP?

I'm likely to put a synopsis of any answers in netrw's help.


Thank you for your suggestions -- as I mentioned, I'll be including a 
synopsis in netrw's help.  Looks
like there're four solutions: putty, openssh, gnuwin32, and including a 
couple of files from cygwin
(although for that last case I'm not sure how one would get just the two 
without downloading the

entire distribution).  It'll be netrw-problem #8 (:help netrw-P8).

Chip Campbell

Re: Matching JUST the nth occurence of a text in a line

2006-12-01 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Peter Hodge wrote:



for your reference:

 \{-} makes the '.' match as little as possible
 \zs makes the search match begin at this point in the pattern


To generalize to the n-th occurrence:  (put the qty of skipped matches in N)


So, for the 2nd home: let N=1.

Chip Campbell

Re: Inverse Folding?

2006-12-01 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Vigil wrote:

Because I often want to concentrate on a small section of code in a 
large script, and because my terminal window is large, I wondered if 
it was possible to select some text and have all other text, ie. the 
surrounding text, fade out in colour, or use a darker colour or 
something, so that when I flick away to read another tab and flick 
back, I don't have to manually search out the small block of code again.

I did a search on to see if anyone had already done this, but 
came across a tip that lead me to manually fold away the code that I 
don't want to see, ie. the code above, and the code below, the subject 

Now I'm wondering if it is possible to select a block of text and 
issue a fold command that folds away everything BUT the selected text.

I have the following in my .vimrc:

nnoremap silent space:exe 'silent! normal! 
'.((foldclosed('.')0)? 'zMzx' : 'zc')cr

This map is useful for when you have syntax or marker based folding 
enabled.  Just go someplace, and while in normal mode use the space bar.

Now, if your file isn't already supporting a bunch of folds, then you'll 
want to manually fold code above and below as you have been doing.  To 
simplify the process:

vnoremap silent space:fobar1,'-1fobar'+1,$focr

With these two maps you have a solution!  Just visually select the 
region of interest, then hit your space bar twice.  Plus, each map by 
itself is useful.

Chip Campbell

Re: Matching JUST the nth occurence of a text in a line

2006-12-01 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr


I am puzzled by a slightly more complicated version:
how to match a '%' character following the 2nd occurrence of home?


where N is 1 for the 2nd occurrence (N is 2 for the third occurrence, 

This pattern matches up to and including the 2nd home, extends past a 
minimal amount of anything up to but not including a %, whereupon the 
pattern matching starts.

Chip Campbell

Re: if \xe4==\xe4 failes,why?

2006-12-01 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

mbbill wrote:

I met a very strange problem recently, that is
when I set the following options:
set encoding=utf-8
set ignorecase
then the expression: if \xe4==\xe4 fails.
I test it using:
if \xe4==\xe4
  echo test
but I got nothing output, why ?




set encoding=utf-8
if \xe4 == \xe4
echo equal!
echo not equal

Looks like your message is doing an unwanted disappearing act.

Chip Campbell

Re: if \xe4==\xe4 failes,why?

2006-12-01 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

mbbill wrote:

I met a very strange problem recently, that is
when I set the following options:
set encoding=utf-8
set ignorecase
then the expression: if \xe4==\xe4 fails.
I test it using:
if \xe4==\xe4
  echo test
but I got nothing output, why ?




set encoding=utf-8
if \xe4 == \xe4
echo equal!
echo not equal

Looks like your message is doing an unwanted disappearing act.

Chip Campbell

It's not as simple as that, Dr. Chip: I get 0 (zero) as reply to

:echo (\xe4 == \xe4)

when 'encoding' is UTF-8. However, the byte 0xE4 by itself is not a 
valid character in UTF-8. I also get 1 (one) in reply to

:echo (ä == \xc3\xa4)

where ä (a-umlaut) is Unicode codepoint U+00E4, represented in UTF-8 
by the two bytes 0xC3 0xA4.

That's peculiar; I get (when I source the script):

with the following emendation to the script:

set encoding=utf-8
if \xe4 == \xe4
echo equal!
echo not equal
echo (\xe4 == \xe4)

But, without those redraws, I get no message.

Chip Campbell

Re: Matching JUST the nth occurence of a text in a line

2006-12-01 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr


On Fri, Dec 01, 2006 at 10:34:14AM -0500, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:



I am puzzled by a slightly more complicated version:
how to match a '%' character following the 2nd occurrence of home?



This pattern doesn't work. Try it on this line:
home home home home home home% home

It should match nothing on that line, because the '%' doesn't follow the
2nd occurrence as desired.

But it *does* work!  You didn't specify avoiding the % if matches to the 
home pattern intervened.

 :set hls
and the following two lines:

home % home home home home home% home
home home %home home home% home

and you'll only see %s match after the 2nd home, exactly as specified.  
Now, if you change

the requirement, a different regex is needed.

Chip Campbell

Re: :Nread errors

2006-12-05 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

striker wrote:

My OS is Mac OS X 10.4.8, so yes, it is Unix/Linux based.
After I sent my original e-mail, I did think to check where  
$VIMRUNTIME was located.  I removed all instances of anything vim*  

I then attempted the :Nread command and got what I expected... E492:  
Not an editor command: Nread...

I then :so % the vimball and checked the runtime location for any  
netrw files.  None were there.

Is there a way to make direct the installation where to install?
Is there a way to see where the source is installing?  or a manual  

Do you have an up-to-date vimball?  There's the same sort of issue with 
vimball as netrw; you'll need to remove
all vestiges of the vim 7.0 vimball before installing the new one.  
However, vimball comes as a gzipped tarball
so as to avoid requiring vimball to install vimball.  You can get the 
latest version from my website
(  You may 
install vimball in your distribution directories

or in your $HOME/.vim/ directories.  Then
 vim netrw.vba.gz
 :so %
should install netrw in your $HOME/.vim/ directories.  After performing 
the steps above, you can

 cd $HOME/.vim
 ls */netrw*.*

and you should see a number of netrw plugin components.

vim .

should open netrw and show v107l (if you've gotten the latest netrw from 
my website).

Chip Campbell

Re: Manpageviewer problem

2006-12-07 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Guido Van Hoecke wrote:


I recently started using Dr.Chips Manpageviewer

There's one problem, though. It has problems to display certain
characters (in vim as well as gvim, on ubuntu 6.10) and displays their
hex code, such as: 80, 8098, 89 ...

Is this something about my setup? There's no problem with viewing the
affected man pages in a gnome-terminal, nor with the default man.vim man
page viewer.

I already mentionned this problem in another thread, but it probably got
lost in it.

Any help would be appreciated. I like this Manpageviewer, a.o. for its
optimised use of screen real estate. But this little display hickup is a

Please try some of the suggestions mentioned with g:manpageview_options
(see  :help manpageview_options  ).

Chip Campbell

Re: regexp substitution problem

2006-12-12 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Bram Kuijper wrote:

I am quite new to vim and just started to use regular expressions to 
replace certain amounts of text. For example, in the following piece 
of text I would like to keep only the first column and delete the rest:

 optimal_value_viability   | real| default 0.0
 number_generations| integer | default 0
 output_per_number_generations | integer | default 0
 number_trait_loci | integer | default 0
 number_pref_loci  | integer | default 0
 number_viability_loci | integer | default 0
 random_seed   | bigint  | default 0

so I execute the following regexp as a vim command:


however, to my surprise all text is gone, instead of just anything 
besides the first column.

(comments about perl deleted)

Let's look at what you've asked vim to do:

:%  -- range, all lines
 s/   -- substitute
   \s+  -- a single whitespace character followed by a + sign
   \|  --  OR (as in   regexp OR regexp  )
  .*  --  anything
 //  --  replace with nothing

So, your first pattern \s+ , doesn't match any line at all, and hence is 
wasted effort.

Your second pattern, .* , says to greedily match any character, and so 
matches the entirety of all lines.

The replace with nothing seems to be understood.

OK, presumably this isn't what you had in mind!  Vim doesn't accept Perl 
regexps, it accepts Vim regexps.

I suggest reading   :help regexp  .

So, let's construct a pattern that will do what I think you want:


which says:  any amount of whitespaces, followed by a minimal amount of 
anything up to a |, followed by any amount of whitespace, replace it 
with nothing.  Since whitespace is clearly matched by ., in fact


will also do the trick.

That said; if I were doing this, I'd use visual-blocks:

move cursor to upper left hand corner
move cursor to bottom right hand corner of region to be removed

Chip Campbell

Re: regexp substitution problem

2006-12-12 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Bram Kuijper wrote:

I am quite new to vim and just started to use regular expressions to 
replace certain amounts of text. For example, in the following piece 
of text I ...

Whoops!  Looks like I removed the first column, but you wanted to keep 
just the first column.



which matches any amount of whitespace followed by a bar, followed by 
anything to end-of-line.  Replace with nothing.

Chip Campbell

Re: grep and regular expression

2006-12-14 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Dan Mergens wrote:

Vim does not use strict regular expressions and grep does not use regular 
expressions for pattern matching.

I find this comment about Vim curious.  Do you perhaps mean that Vim 
does not use Perl's regular expressions?
Grep also uses regular expressions, BTW, although not the same set as 
Vim or Perl uses.

Chip Campbell

Re: grep and regular expression

2006-12-14 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Dan Mergens wrote:

I would have to defer to the regular expression experts, but VIM does not use 
the standard regular expressions that work on the command line, in say, Linux. 
Specifically, in the example cited, '/s' was used for whitespace matching, 
which is not available in standard regular expressions (c.f. GNU regular 
expression implementation).

Regular expression
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search
In computing, a *regular 
expression* (abbreviated as *regexp* or *regex*, with plural forms 
*regexps*, *regexes*, or *regexen*) is a string that 
describes or matches a set of 
strings, according to certain syntax rules. Regular expressions are 
used by many text editors 
and utilities to search and manipulate bodies of text based on certain 
patterns. Many programming languages support regular expressions for 
string manipulation. For example, Perl and Tcl have a powerful regular expression 
engine built directly into their syntax. The set of utilities 
(including the editor sed and the 
filter grep provided by Unix distributions were the first to 
popularize the concept of regular expressions.

OK: the term regular expression is somewhat loose; there is no strict 
regular expression.   As Wikipedia mentions, sed and grep were the 
first to come up with the concept, and Vim is an extended version of 
their concept.   Perl, tcl, bash/ksh/zsh/etc, all have their own 
variants.  None of these are the defining authority, BTW.  Vim and 
Perl's regular expressions are amongst the most powerful, although they 
differ from one another.

Chip Campbell

Re: Remember where I left off

2006-12-20 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Jason Morehouse wrote:

I recall at one point, Vim would remember where I left off in a file, 
and place me back there when I started.  I don't think it's worked 
since I switch to 7, and don't recall the vimrc setting.  Any ideas?

Check out tip Restore cursor to file position in previous editing 
session at

Chip Campbell

Re: Using vim to as a pager for manual pages.

2006-12-29 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Zvi Har'El wrote:

I am using Linux in a UTF-8 locale, and I have a problem with using less
as a pager for manual pages: I cannot search for options, since they use
a dash instead of a minus sign, and I don't have an easy way to type the
hyphen (I have put some xterm definitions for various dashes in
.Xdefaults, using ctrl-minus, alt-minus, etc, but I always forget which
is which :'( ). I thought I could use vim's as a replacement for
less, but it has a problem with the vt100 escape sequences which are
used in the man page for emboldening and underlining. Is there a vim
macro file which can be used instead of less.vim, or in addition to it,
which can handle escape sequences, and not show the raw data?

Have you tried manpageview.vim?

Manpageview is available at:

 * from

 * latest version from my website:

You'll need the new vimball plugin to extract it, too.  You can get 
vimball from either


Chip Campbell

Re: Questions about syntax highlight script.

2007-01-04 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr


Hi vimmers, I've got some question when writing my syntax highlight script.

The language requires a ^M character as a keyword. The ^M character is by
default highlighted but I want to highlight it to some other color, at
least it should be different from ^L and ^N...

It seems impossible to match the ^M by
:syn match Testgroup ^M
(Note the ^M is obtained by press C-K, release, then press C-M, release,
then press Enter)
:hi def link Testgroup Number
does not highlight it as desired. It seems always highlighted to some other

Looks like you've got a problem; the SpecialKey highlighting (see :he 
hl-SpecialKey) currently can't be
overridden with syntax highlighting.  It does appear that the :match 
(and friends :2match and :3match)
can override the SpecialKey highlighting for a specific control 
character.  This problem is mentioned
in :help todo  , line#1482 (using vim 7.0's help).  As an example for 
how to use :3match:

:3match Testgroup /\%x0d/

The string for the script language can be as long as 50-100 lines, when I
write a :syn region for string, it works but sometimes when I go page
down and page up, the lines of the string are highlighted as Normal
instead of String, seems that the context are not concerned. Any work

:help syn-sync

The first occurence of colon and the following occurences in a line have
different meanings.
So, if there are text: :::;
I want to highlight the first colon as GroupA, and highlight all following
occurences of colon in the same line as GroupB. Is that possible?

Sure!  Here's an example summarizing the above:

syn clear
syn sync fromstart

syn region Colons matchgroup=FirstColon start=':' end='$' 

syn match MoreColons ':' contained

hi link Ctrlm  Red
hi link FirstColon Magenta
hi link MoreColons Yellow

3match Ctrlm /\%x0d/

Chip Campbell

Re: g?vim and bizarre font request.

2007-01-04 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Hugh Sasse wrote:

I am interested in exploring Lisp before too long.  However, I 
have a physical problem with the parentheses.

You may find rainbow.vim helpful; see

It colorizes brackets [] {} () based on nesting level.

Chip Campbell

Re: g?vim and bizarre font request.

2007-01-04 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Hugh Sasse wrote:

I am interested in exploring Lisp before too long.  However, I 
have a physical problem with the parentheses.  My nystagmus

means that just outside the subitizing range my time to count
parentheses increases dramatically.  According to wikipedia
it should increase at roughly 100ms below 4 and 250 milliseconds for
every item above 4.  So this code from Wikipedia:

(defun factorial (n)
 (if (= n 1)
   (* n (factorial (- n 1)

should mean it takes about 650ms for someone to see there are 5
close parentheses at the end.

You can also simply try putting

:let g:lisp_rainbow= 1

in your .vimrc .  The lisp highlighting syntax file (syntax/lisp.vim) 
already supports colorizing

()s based on nesting level.

Chip Campbell

Re: dictionary fun makes gvim crash

2007-01-04 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Kim Schulz wrote:

I get gvim to crash every time I try the following:

let mynumbers = {0:'zero',1:'one',2:'two',3:'three',4:'four',
function mynumbers.convert(number) dict
  return join(map(split(a:number,'\zs'), 'get(self,

echo mynumbers.convert(12345)

cannot get the same code to crash in the console version of vim.

another weird thing is that if I call this function (in console vim)
and uses the argument 123123123123 then it returns as if approx. half
of the digits are unknown. is it Vim's number-string conversion
mechanism that fails or? 

As for the first problem, I don't see it with gvim (using Fedora Core 5, 
gvim 7.0.1-178,huge).

As for the second, I doubt that the number 123123123123 fits inside the 
number of bits in a long integer on your machine.

Is your machine a 32-bit machine?

Chip Campbell

Re: g?vim and bizarre font request.

2007-01-04 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Hugh Sasse wrote:

On Thu, 4 Jan 2007, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:


Hugh Sasse wrote:


I am interested in exploring Lisp before too long.  However, I have a
physical problem with the parentheses.


You may find rainbow.vim helpful; see

that looks interesting.  Done the vimball bit then I try to install
rainbow.vba (having gunzipped it);

vim rainbow.vba gives:
***vimball***  Source this file to extract it! (:so %)
Error detected while processing BufEnter Auto commands for *.vba:
E119: Not enough arguments for function: vimball#ShowMesg
Press ENTER or type command to continue

So I try to extract it anyway:
Vimball Archive
extracted after/syntax/c/rainbow.vim: 100 lines
wrote /home/hgs/.vim/after/syntax/c/rainbow.vim

Press ENTER or type command to continue

So that means it only applies to C files out of the box?

Its been awhile since I wrote the rainbow stuff; I'd forgotten that I'd 
already included it with vim 7.0's syntax/lisp.vim.

Just put

  let g:lisp_rainbow= 1

in your .vimrc and it'll be enabled for Lisp.

I think it would be more useful it it were setup as a plugin
one could use for Perl, Ruby, (your later message covers lisp), etc

The rainbow highlighting needs to be attuned to the specific syntax 
highlighting files for each language.
Its done by assigning a region which begins with ( and ends with ).  To 
retain normal highlighting inside
such syntax highlighting regions, the region must contain 
language-specific highlighting regions.

So, Perl and Ruby would need specialized versions of rainbow.vim.  I use 
Perl but seldom, and don't know Ruby,
and yours is the first request for rainbow highlighting for those 
languages I've received.

I don't consider myself fluent in vim internals, so maybe I've
missed something with this paragraph.

Your web page has:

brlia href=vbafiles/RunView.vba.gzRndm/a a name=RUNVIEW/a !-- 
{{{2 --
table bgcolor=#005533 border=0 cellspacing=0tbodytrtdfont size=-1font 
color=#aaemUpdated Dec 15, 2005 (v1e)/em

Yep!  Definitely a mistake.  Thank you for catching it!

Chip Campbell

Re: HTML files don't auto indent, everything else does

2007-01-04 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

thesheep wrote:

For some reason the auto-indent features aren't working with HTML source
files (and I want them to).

I've tried these:

:filetype indent on
:set autoindent

I've also tried all these kinds of things:

:set shiftwidth=2
:set softtabstop=2

And then doing 'gg=G' to auto indent.

It indents my javascript nicely, but all the HTML is just pushed hard left
without any indentation.

HTML syntax is highlighted OK, so I guess the filetype thing is working.

My .vimrc file is pretty much emtpy: just says 'syntax on'.

Syntax highlighting is separate from indenting.

What does

 vim abc.html
 :echo b:did_indent

show?  If 0, indicates that indent/html.vim (or any indenting script) 
was not loaded.
Unfortunately, if its 1, that means that some indenting script was 
loaded (just not which one).

Continuing: what does

 :echo indentexpr

show?  That should be:  HtmlIndentGet(v:lnum)  if html indenting was loaded.

Chip Campbell

Re: How to open multiple files in split windows?

2007-01-05 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Peng Yu wrote:

gvim a b

The above command will open a and b. But only one file will be show at
one time. How to show them in to split windows?

Tim already showed how to open the two files in split windows by 
modifying the command above.

However, if one has already typed  gvim a b and then wants them all in 
separate split windows:


will do the trick.  This produces horizontally split windows.  If you 
want vertically split ones:

 :vert sba

is what you want.

Chip Campbell

Re: Find and replace in visual area.

2007-01-08 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Silva, Paulo wrote:

I'm trying to do a replace in a selection.
After selecting the area, with v, directional keys, v again (or not -
both give the same result).

Then I type

and I get:
E71: Invalid character after \%

This works the same with any caracter that I put after the \% even with
no character.

Am I doing something wrong?

I don't know why you're having problems with \%anything ; it sounds 
like something in your options
(ie. settings in your .vimrc): completion (:echo cpt), magic (:echo 
magic), cpoptions (:echo cpo-- is l in it?),

compatible (:echo cp), etc.

Chip Campbell

Re: % jumping over {} in c-files in the midst of {{{ folds

2007-01-08 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Suresh Govindachar wrote:
 Enter following text:

   /* --- {{{3 */

 Now try to jump between { using %. 
 Bug:  The { in the manual fold-markers interferes with %-jumping.

 [comments on using the matchit plugin]

 % is a feature of Vim -- I am not trying to use % in any
 fancy way, only in the way it is supposed to work under
 regular Vim.  I am reporting a bug in vim (and not looking
 for a work-around based on a plugin).  The bug is that % is
 not ignoring { within c-comments in a c-file.

Jürgen Krämer wrote:
 what did lead you to the conclusion that the behaviour of % -- to
 not ignore matching parentheses inside comments -- is a bug?

 In my past experience, % always ignored { inside c-comments
 for c-files (turns out my cpoptions does not include %).
 I don't see a place in the help files where % is documented to

 skip comments. You can only force it to skip strings by removing
 % from cpoptions (see :help cpo-%).

Suresh Govindachar wrote:
In the steps I gave to reproduce the bug, adding the following:
 :set cpo-=%
does not make %-jumping skip the { inside comments.  So it is a
bug in Vim.

Jürgen Krämer wrote:
 IMHO ignoring comments while searching for a matching parenthesis might
 be considered a missing feature, but this can easily -- as Tony wrote --
 be implemented by sourcing the matchit plugin.

Suresh Govindachar wrote:
  After adding :set cpo-=% to the steps given in OP to reproduce the bug,
  one sees that there is a bug in Vim.

Its not a bug.  Vi compatible behavior governs this, with one exception: 
if a %

is missing from cpoptions, the %-brace matching will skip the innards of

Vim's documentation doesn't state anything about skipping braces/parentheses
inside of comments.  As Jürgen said, it may be nice to ask for a new feature
supporting the skipping of braces inside comments, especially in light 
of the
default folding pattern.  However, the documentation doesn't claim that 
% will
skip over comments but rather that vi-compatible behavior will occur, 
hence the

behavior is not a bug.

Perhaps you should ask Bram for a '{' option in cpoptions to support 
this idea

for a new feature.

C Campbell

Re: Find and replace in visual area.

2007-01-09 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Silva, Paulo wrote:

Nope, that didn't helped much.
But no worries, the simple replace when visual is still selected works
I gess I'll never know why, but then again it dosen't matter really if I
can do it some other way.

In that case, you may wish to consider vis.vim -- it allows you to 
perform command mode operations

on a visual block/character/line selected region, including substitutes:

 :B s/abc/def/g

as an example.

You can get the latest vis.vim from

or a more stable version from:

Chip Campbell

Re: Reformat in visual area - vmap question

2007-01-09 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

John Cordes wrote:

I have *very* little experience writing 'map' commands for my
.vimrc (Linux). For some years I've had the following two
commands for reformatting with the par utility.

 reformat paragraph with no arguments:
map ** {!}par^M}

 reformat paragraph with arguments:
map *^V  {!}par

They both work well, but I frequently would like to run par
on a visual selection. I naively tried

vmap *^V  {!}par

but this fails with the message (when I try * 55 on a
selected area)

:','!}par 55
shell returned 127

I would appreciate a suggestion here.

Well, I don't appear to have par on my FC5 box; so my suggestion will 
have been untested.

However, here it is anyway:

1. Get vis.vim from:

or a more stable version from:

2. Select your block of text
 :B !par

The vis.vim plugin provides the :B command, which allows visual 
blocks/character/line selected

regions to be handled by ex-mode commands (such as :!par).

Chip Campbell

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