[announce] ebXML book now available in Chinese.

2003-03-19 Thread David RR Webber - XML ebusiness
We are very pleased to inform everyone that New Riders / Pearson have just published the Chinese version of "ebXML - The New Global Standard". The ISBN is: 7-115-10319-4 and the book is available from: http://www.cnforyou.com/query/bookdetail.asp?viBookCode=6917 http://www.ptpress.com.cn/ an

RE: ACM queue / ebXML + webservices.

2003-02-24 Thread David RR Webber - XML ebusiness
Message text written by "XMLEDI Group" > The new ACM members print magazine - Queue - contains an excellent article on ebXML architecture and components in the context of webservices. < I just also found out that the article is available on-line too: http://www.acmqueue.org/issue/arch1.cfm

ACM queue / ebXML + webservices.

2003-02-24 Thread David RR Webber - XML ebusiness
The new ACM members print magazine - Queue - contains an excellent article on ebXML architecture and components in the context of webservices. Good to see the right exposure - and to an excellent knowledgable audience - the ACM membership. Recommended. I hope that other OASIS TC's will also be

[announce] Article on e-business continuum.

2003-02-13 Thread David RR Webber - XML ebusiness
New article now available online. >"The e-business continuum: Web services, ebXML and EDI," http://www.webservices.org/index.php/article/articleview/479/1/1/ .< Certainly a great term that describes the world we live in. Recommended reading to better understand how the technology path is shapi

ebXML interoperability results and report online

2003-02-04 Thread David RR Webber - XML ebusiness
For those of you involved in messaging technology "under the hood" the Drummond Group has an excellent report available: http://www.ebusinessready.org/ebxmlms_3Q02UCCFinalReport.pdf You can also sign-up to receive update reports from the website. This report highlights the gulf between "saying"

[announce] UCC certification of ebXML Messaging products

2003-01-29 Thread David RR Webber - XML ebusiness
Full story is at: http://webster.disa.org/dailywire/S20030128_01.html Testing service certifies 14 software products for ebXML messaging E Business Standards Today, DISA The Uniform Code Council, Inc. (UCC) and Drummond Group, Inc. (DGI), announce 14 software products from 11 solution providers


2003-01-20 Thread David RR Webber - XML ebusiness
Interesting news item. Strange that people should view this as a "new" business model, when one could argue that this is the premise we've been trying to get people to adopt for the past 5+ years thru XML/edi - the Fusion of Five - and then ebXML. However - this HP incarnation using SQL explicitl

[announce] GoXML Messaging for ebXML and Webservices released.

2003-01-15 Thread David RR Webber - XML ebusiness
- XML Global Introduces Security and Reliability for e-Business Web Services - GoXML Messaging leverages ebXML technologies to provide advanced reliabilit

[announce] ebXML Showcase Call for Papers

2003-01-14 Thread David RR Webber - XML ebusiness
OASIS and UN/CEFACT will cosponsor ebXML Showcase, a special two-day event at XML Europe 2003, 5-6 May 2003 in London. We encourage all organizations that have implemented ebXML to consider taking part in this program. It promises to be a great opportunity for ebXML communities to learn about pl

E-commerce and 3rd World and ebXML?

2003-01-10 Thread David RR Webber - XML ebusiness
An interesting recent article, and shows that provide the means and people will reach to it. Have a good weekend. DW. == Message text written by INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Distributing world wide wealth E-commerce is bring

Web services vision?

2002-12-30 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
An insightful article that begs some bigger questions, so I'll ask them! http://www.webservices.org/index.php/article/articleview/826/1/7/ 2003 looks like this stuff will get much worse before it gets better. The ray of hope is the joint liaison work between W3C/OASIS/CEFACT. If this can grow

RE: Mapping

2002-12-03 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
If you are interested in an approach that blends RosettaNet and ebXML - then Gridnode - http://www.gridnode.com has an interesting solution that I know is deployed in APAC for electronics customers. DW. Message text written by "XMLEDI Group" > What about the Microsoft BizTalk RosettaNet Acceler

RE: Mapping

2002-12-02 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Geoff, You have touched on a central issue that we've been grappling with for the past five+ years here on our group, and then into the ebXML world too. Right now there is no clear way in XML for parties to exactly lay down the business rules for their information exchanges. This makes it diffi

Re: XML Translator for Gentran

2002-11-27 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Gotta love vendor un-bundling of products. Of course you may want to cost compare with standalone XML translator tools - of which there are many good ones. If nothing else - might get you a better deal on that price! Anyway - I think we're done on this thread - we prefer to have less product sp

[announce] Worldwide ebXML Adoption Highlighted

2002-11-15 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
A new report is available detailing how ebXML is building worldwide comprehensive support. To provide insights of that success story, today the OASIS UN/CEFACT Joint Marketing Team for ebXML released their first report in this series aimed at providing executives and implementers clear informat

[announce] Nov 21st - Business Process Integration product Webinar

2002-11-15 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Learn about this new product for BPM implementation from one of the leaders in XML and ebXML technologies. Both conceptual discussion and live product demonstration will be covered. Audience focus is executive and technical management looking to understand emerging standards and technologies tha

[article] Web services objectivity

2002-10-19 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Article out today places some healthy reality around what has been happening with web services. My other favourite quote here is "taking a few grains of sand and building a beach". The win for businesses with technology is always to figure out how to deploy it effectively in tandem with establis

Dvorak debunks Gartner!

2002-10-16 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,4149,633382,00.asp Wonderful stuff! Good to see that the analysts can be analyzed. Clearly Gartner went out on a limb here and it cracked under the weight. Their normal staid appraisals will obviously be emphasized in future - I'd say a 0.999 chance of that with

RE: [announce] Oct 16th - SAP @ Uniboard and XML integration Webc ast.

2002-10-15 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Ed', Thanks for the question. The ebXML Awareness team is indeed working on materials to articulate the need to realize how to use ebXML and WS to maximum advantage. We should have these available within a couple of weeks. In a nutshell though it comes down to maturity of delivery mechanisms

[announce] Oct 16th - SAP @ Uniboard and XML integration Webcast.

2002-10-15 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
XML Global is providing a promotional webcast tomorrow, October 16th at 1:00pm ET (10:00am PT) The topic is integration in the context of SAP systems. Overview: How are you taking advantage of XML and Web Services - these new developments in the world of e-business? How can you apply both to

[ebxml-mktg] ebXML Speaker's Bureau initiative

2002-10-10 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
FYI, Please see the request below. Also note that we will be providing speaker materials and support too to assist in the process and give speakers a jump start. Look forward to participation from our members. You should respond directly to Alexei. Thanks, DW Co-Chair ebXML Awareness TC - O

XML - regaining control?

2002-10-08 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
This recent article is identifying the problem - that the XML/edi Group highlighted almost 6 years ago in defining next generation EDI requirements. Headline: XML's ticking time bomb! :- http://news.com.com/2010-1071-961117.html?tag=fd_nc_1 They are making the right points - but arriving at

Webservices revisited.

2002-10-03 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
I wrote on this topic the other week so I was very gratified to see that my vision of webservices as "Realtime EDI" equivalents has been echoed here. Of course what this gentleman is failing to realize is that ebXML provides robust interchange management already. But then we can educate him!

[ebxml-mktg] ebXML News from Drummond

2002-10-01 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Cross Industry ebXML Interoperability Flourishes: 12 Vendors Participate in ebXML Message Service Testing Drummond Group, Inc. today announced the launch of the second ebXML messaging interoperability test with twelve participating vendors. The test is sponsored under the Uniform Code Council I

[article] Instead of CRM, Why Not Just Ask Them?

2002-09-30 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Huge lesson here IMHO - technology is not a salve for poor business practices. And eBusiness implementations must always go to the business / people rational first - technology second. DW. Message text written by PC Magazine TrendWatch > Instead of CRM, Why Not Just Ask Them? According to res

Re: [article] EDI, ebXML and WS

2002-09-28 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by "XMLEDI Group" > Déjà lu depuis longtemps, David ! Et apprécié ! Claude << Claude, J'évidemment dois me lever beaucoup plus tôt le matin pour voler une marche sur vous les étoiles françaises! Salute, DW. --- You are currently subscribed to xmledi-grou

[article] EDI, ebXML and WS

2002-09-27 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Superb analysis here by Alan. http://www.webservices.org/index.php/article/articleview/447/1/24 Definately recommended for weekend reading. Enjoy, DW. --- You are currently subscribed to xmledi-group as: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ebpml.org / Business Process Central

2002-09-25 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
http://ebpml.org http://www.ebpml.org/bpel4ws.htm Jean-Jacques excells here. Hats off for superb analysis, quotes, comments and site. My question is - when do we get to stop all this running after cats - and get one coherent approach? Is this so tough?? After all we have the one multimedia p

[announce] WebCast Thursday 2pm EST - eBusiness + WS.

2002-09-25 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
http://searchwebservices.techtarget.com/content/0,290959,sid26_gci847819,00.html Topic: Making e-business standards work with Web services. Date: September 26, 2002 When: Sep 26, 2002 at 02:00 PM EDT (18:00 GMT) Speaker: David R.R. Webber Learn how to make e-business standards work with Web s

Today's Tip: Switch Between Open Applications

2002-09-05 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Seems like we've been overlooking something all these years. Could this be what Bill Gates was thinking last month when he talked about switching between business applications?!? This does sound really easy so long as you have Windows installed of course, and ebXML as your underlying application

[announce] Online ebXML course from Drake Certivo

2002-09-04 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
FYI - this is now available. http://www.certivo.net/education/courses/business/ebxml1.htm DW. ebXML: Architecture and Business Processes Drake Certivo's ebXML: Architecture and Business Processes course highlights this emerging standard that enables enterprises worldwide to conduct business

Re: [announce] Article: Registries that make ebusiness happen

2002-08-30 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Jerry, Seems like standards are not so standard (IE. you are using Netscape browser ) Apologies - but if you click this link to register, you can then proceed: http://www.electronicmarkets.org/modules/user/register.php Thanks, DW. Message text written by "XMLEDI Group" > In a message dated

[announce] Article: Registries that make ebusiness happen

2002-08-30 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
I'm very pleased to let everyone know that an article on Registries has just been released by the respected Electronics Markets Journal. It is available online as a PDF download. Registration is required to download the article, but that is free. http://www.electronicmarkets.org/modules/pub/vie

RE: Data Dictionary...

2002-08-30 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Gene, A remarkably strong point! And of course the focus of ebXML. In the past X12 and EDIFACT developed IMPDEF as a neutral means for internally representing message standards. It was moderately successful, but definately pointed the way in the right direction. Now as part of the ebXML work

re: Safe XML Transportation

2002-08-28 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by "XMLEDI Group" > I'm looking to send XML business data across the Internet and just wondered what the safest and most secure way of doing this is?. <<<, Paul, I would have to say that ebXML MS is the right way to go here for a robust infrastructure lo

Re: Data Dictionary...

2002-08-28 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by "XMLEDI Group" > Several organizations have been developing XML repositories to provide a data dictionary for their own internal and external use. Some examples are: < Betty, Since Lisa was specifically mentioning X12 - we should note that the DRIVE registry is

re: Data Dictionary...

2002-08-27 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Lisa, Work on this is indeed underway. The ebXML WG that I am chairing has a draft on assembly mechanisms that details exactly how this can be implemented in a formal way, and we've been doing prototyping on popular industry XML syntax transactions. This draft should be public in a few weeks af

Re: RELAX tutorials on-line

2002-07-16 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Cheryl, RELAX is NOT replacing XML. The RELAX syntax is a schema system just like DTD and W3C Schema - but has been designed to be much easier to do than W3C Schema. All schema live only to describe possible XML content and structure models - so - never fear - the XML itself rules! Thanks,

RELAX tutorials on-line

2002-07-14 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
John Cowan has created an awesome set of tutorials here. He convincingly shows how quickly you can start using the new RELAX compact syntax - which is designed to allow humans to quickly key in schemas. Enjoy, DW. -Forwarded Message- From: John Cowan, INTERNET:[

Re: Small-biz e-biz reflections ...

2002-05-10 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Very very nice. Cheers, DW. --- You are currently subscribed to xmledi-group as: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

XML Activity in Asia-Pacific

2002-05-03 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
David, It's always been the priniciple that you have to create your own activity here! We know that fully 45% of members of the list are outside of N.America, and as Alan noted, the Pacific Rim is a sizable percentage of that. In the past members have posted messages such as : meeting in Jap

[announce] XMLSpy + GoXML Integration Workbench now available

2002-05-02 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
FYI -Forwarded Message- Date: 5/2/2002 12:35 PM RE: XML Global and Altova Launch XML Integration Workbench FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Press Release XML Global and Altova Reduce Data In

OAGIS Canonical Model White Paper now available

2002-05-02 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
FYI, DW. -Forwarded Message- From: David Connelly, INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] RE: OAGIS Canonical Model White Paper now available All, Because many of you have requested it, we have just published a new white paper describing OAGIS as a Canonical Model for

Calculating ROI and more...

2002-05-01 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by PC Magazine Internet Business >The Bottom Line on ROI In these days of shrinking budgets and heightened scrutiny of projects competing for every limited dollar, the return on investment (ROI) calculation is more important than ever. But there's a paradox here: As ROI be

[announce] XML Integration Workbench: THREE powerful tools bundled in ONE

2002-04-09 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
I believe we have all been waiting for XML implementation tools to cross the lower price threshold and offer genuine proven capabilities at a price that smaller businesses can entertain. XML Global is proud to deliver a comprehensive toolset that sets a new benchmark for price / performance toda

re: MISC: XML and GAO Report

2002-04-06 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Rachel, This is very gratifying to see someone make a sensible statement. The W3C "line" is that all you have to do is create a bunch of Schemas and XSLT and all will be sunshine and light. Clearly people have spent $$$ on such "B2B" implementations and realized this comes up way short. The re

Toward an open infrastructure.

2002-03-05 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Peter, Thank you for stating this thumbnail so eloquently. EXACTLY!!! This is right on with what ebXML is moving to achieve - using the Registry to store the central published artifacts. Then the Core Component and Realization work provides a common format to express semantics, and then the

FW: Using XSLT..

2002-03-05 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by "John Evdemon" >Most vendors have defined a canonical XML representation for transforming EDI (since there can be an infinite number of XML2 representations). Once the data is transformed into XML1 format, user-specific requirements for XML2 can be implemented. In othe

RE: Using XSLT..

2002-03-05 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by OLIVOLA Peter > The question I keep asking and that is finally being answered honestly is; how does XML resolve differences in the meaning of "ship date?" Peter, The answer is 'it does not!' and never was designed to. XML is simply markup - what you need is semanti

RE: Re[4]: Using XSLT..

2002-03-05 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by OLIVOLA Peter > Those with XML capability can read either a DTD or schema. This leaves only the mapping. I'm still trying to understand what is so special about the X12 to XML1 to XML2 approach. <<< Peter, Some would argue that once you have all this in XSLT then th

Re: Using XSLT..

2002-03-04 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by "Benoit Marchal (Mailing Lists)" > I do in various forms and shape but, being based in Europe, I work with EDIFACT data. In fact I wrote about that technique in "Applied XML Solutions." We're have other projects where we convert from in-house file (flat files or CSV) to

RE: Looking for an XML Catalog DTD

2002-02-27 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by "Babbit, Kelly B" > Have you tried the WSDL based xCBL 3.5 catalog structure. Kelly, This sounds VERY complicated.Assimulation of multiple technology layers to get it working. Is it? Has anyone got it working? DW. -- XML/edi Group Discussion List -

re: XML Transport Mechanisms

2002-02-27 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by Greg Tsiknas > Can anyone help me find information on simple machine-to-machine transport of XML documents? I thought there was a mechanism that used HTML ports. Thanks, Greg Tsiknas Product Support Specialist < Greg, You can use simple tcp/ip POST as

Automated Marketing Planning tools

2002-02-20 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Planning your next big product marketing campaign??? Why use expensive analysts? This web site can help! http://www.dack.com/web/bullshit.html DW. -- XML/edi Group Discussion List -- Homepage = http://www.XMLedi-Group.org Unsubscribe = send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Leave t

Preparing the enterprise chain for c-commerce

2002-02-19 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Gosh! We've had e- b- a- and now c- : but wait only another 23 letters to go! How many more revolutions can the wheel make before the treads run bare??? Sad thing is all these ideas are not new - just re-packaged and marketed. Everything in America seems to follow hamburgers - how many ways ca

[ANNOUNCE] - Web Services Reality Spring 2002

2002-02-16 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
It Is Now A Reality! A Web Services Reality Conference That Is! It is now a reality that you can enjoy a complete conference environment without leaving your office! Intellor Group's Web Services Reality Spring 2002 Conference will run from April 1 through June 30 and feature the most comp

Sagely words on UML and XML...

2002-02-12 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
http://www.xml.org/xml/newsletter_latest.html Clearly on-the-wire processing of business transactions is going to be founded in XML - and the simpler the better - is my mantra here. UML is useful is architecting complex solutions and managing extended networks of interactions. That is a whole

JAPAN + OAG birds of a feather.

2002-01-30 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
For our members in Japan, Mr. Minoru Okochi with NEC would like to contact people interested in or are working with implementing OAG BODs (http://openapplications.org) Please contact Mr. Okochi directly at his email address (CC:d here). Thanks, DW. -- XML/edi Group Discussion List ---

Re: [relax-ng] New article on RELAX NG vs W3C XML Schema

2002-01-24 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >does anyone outside of a small community of SGML/XML gurus really think that RELAX NG has a snowball's chance of success when considered against the mindshare and cachet of W3C schema? < Mike. It is down to vendors providing tools

[relax-ng] New article on RELAX NG vs W3C XML Schema

2002-01-24 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
FYI, XML.com article. Examplotron is also cool technology for defining context within EDI structures...more on that anon!! DW. -Forwarded Message- From: Eric van der Vlist, INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To: , INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: 1/24/2

re: Edifact within an XML envelope

2002-01-23 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by "R + T van Roekel" > Can anyone tell me about the possibilities of putting an edifact message into an XML/SOAP envelope? <<< Ruud, The ebXML Message Handling specifications allow you to do exactly that. For more information on these see http://www.ebxml.org

[announce] Live ebXML classroom session - Friday 1PM EST.

2002-01-17 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Still time to signup and join us for this session. Here is the link to access this to signup for the Friday session at 1PM EST. http://www.intellor.com/education/channels/?aid=22 DW. -- XML/edi Group Discussion List -- Homepage = http://www.XMLedi-Group.org Unsubscribe = sen

[announce] Live ebXML classroom session - Friday 1PM EST.

2002-01-14 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Intellor Inc and XML Global are pleased to offer a live 2002 event. We are as a group always looking at ways to bring the digital revolution to fruition and expanding the ways we can interact together. I'm excited about the opportunities this medium opens up for us, and how this first step m

[announce] eBTWG / ebXML in Seattle.

2002-01-12 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Those interested in participating in the follow-on work on ebXML - here is the agenda for the upcoming technical meetings. This work is focsued on completing the specifications for the second tier components that were began in the first phase ebXML. Looking forward to your contributions. The we

The art of satire is alive and well!

2002-01-06 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2002/01/02/taglines.html Edd Dumbill has excelled himself with this gem. Of course you probably need to be English to appreciate the finer nuances of this art form - but what the heck, ENJOY - and Happy New Year in XML everyone. SAML - Satirical Article Markup Langu


2002-01-04 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Remy, Excellent. I wish you much success with this in 2002. We can all learn from each other here. Some thoughts my side is that some of what you need may already be covered off by the tri-lingual work done for BSR - Alain is the contact there. Alain Chapdaniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] ACTIMUM http:

RE: Free Demo CD for XML and EDI products

2001-12-29 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by "Eck, Jeffery (GXS)" >You can get a free demo CD for the EDI & XML translator< Folks, We've have wandered too far from the original question here! I think I have to ask that this thread not breakdown into a string of 'me too' eval' CD / Website download links. We are we


2001-12-29 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by technews >"Live Human Chat Across Different Languages Due In Europe" The NESPOLE project aims to enable multilingual communications between Web users and live human operators, with the Internet acting as translator. Administered by the European Commission, NESPOLE (Negotia

[announce] XML/edi Group meeting in Baltimore

2001-12-19 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
http://www.nextwareexpo.com/spring2002/attend-specevents.asp Look forward to meeting members during this event. Thanks, DW. -- XML/edi Group Discussion List -- Homepage = http://www.XMLedi-Group.org Unsubscribe = send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Leave the subject and body of

2001 - an interesting year for XML/edi

2001-12-19 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
As we wind out the year here I'd like to share some thoughts on progress made and next steps ahead. My primary focus this year has been ebXML. Landmark achievements abound. The first global initiative on eBusiness with XML, and the first to show that the internet can deliver rapid standards d

re: ebXML book (was: recent AOL XML books posts; spam call by experienced referees)

2001-12-15 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by "Ken North" > > That I haven't here been favored with a review of the manuscript of Alan and > David, 1. http://www.ddj.com/topics/xml/ Scroll to Suggested Reading 2. Excerpts http://b2b.ebizq.net/ http://www.vbxml.com/b2b/articles/ebxml/default.asp And o

ebXML PPT link

2001-12-13 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Ginny, Happy to oblige. Of course you can all also buy the ebXML book Alan and I wrote ; -) http://ebxmlbooks.com but if your budget is tight then try the PPT: http://people.xmlglobal.com/david/ebXML You will need to press F5 and 'run' the slides and use the navigation buttons to jump to c

The first systems....lessons learned

2001-12-12 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by CIO Insight Quick Facts >The First Fifty Years Congratulations! You've just been named CIO of J. Lyons & Co., a prosperous British firm with a chain of tea shops and popular brands of baked goods and ice cream. The board of directors expects your department to streamline t

re: ebXML demo during Oracle Open World

2001-12-09 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by "Ken North" > Last week Oracle announced release 2 of Oracle 9i Application Server during a keynote at Oracle Open World. To demonstrate the new functionality included in the product, Oracle ran an e-business scenario based on RosettaNet and ebXML messaging. It's likely e

re: SPAM from AOL user

2001-12-09 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > This is a must KNOW The Sky is the Limit http://www.MintMail.com/?m=1674353 This is SPAM. Please do not post spam to this list. If you have serious business information you wish to present, then you should make those details clear.

[announce] Dec. 11 - 13 WEBINAR Series on "WEB SERVICES" , "GoXML DB" , "GoXML Transform" & " FINANCE"

2001-12-07 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
participating in these around the busy holiday season. Thanks, David RR Webber. VP Business Development, XML Global Technologies. === Participate in any of the following FOUR Webinars hosted by XML Global. -- NEW! GoXML DB 2.0

[announce] OASIS RELAX NG TC Completes Lightweight XML Language Validation Spec

2001-12-03 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
As a member of the RELAX WG team I'm very proud to let everyone know that the first release is now published. Want tools? Go over to the RELAX section of the OASIS web site - http:/www.oasis-open.org and download a selection of converters and validators along with source code samplers. One of

Re: HIPAA compliance delayed.

2001-12-01 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by System_Administration > What is the future for HL7 ? Will it go the way of Homo Erectus? ebXML holds sure promise but still not the answer in total. Michael Mac Beane Electronic Document Proctologist <<< Michael, Give your job description - I was not sure if that wa

RE: HIPAA compliance delayed.

2001-12-01 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >This would not be a pretty picture and has all kinds of potential fall out. I wouldn't make bet on it being passed by both houses and then getting the President's signature. < Rachel, You can bet that someone is lobbying heavily behind this -

RE: HIPAA compliance delayed.

2001-12-01 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by "Chris Thompson" > Another clarification - the $1 tax per claim is only for paper claims submitted to Medicare. Also, could people who set up out-of-office auto-replies please temporarily unsub*scribe from the list? I hate sending mail on this list as I always get twenty

RE: HIPAA compliance delayed.

2001-12-01 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by "Rishel,Wes" >These include a requirement for every covered entity to file a plan, including budget, showing how it will get ready by Oct 2003 and a $1/claim tax on paper claims to help cover regulatory costs.< > Wes, Great to hear from you. This add-on i

HIPAA compliance delayed.

2001-12-01 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
> Yesterday, the U.S. Senate passed S. 1684 by unanimous consent, delaying implementation of the HIPAA transaction and code set standards by one year. The new compliance date for these standards is October 16, 2003. S. 1684 has a specific carve out for the privacy rule. Health care providers, he

UDDI article on-line

2001-11-30 Thread David RR Webber
http://update.internetweek.com/cgi-bin4/flo?y=eFBz0CU7Qk0V30bRT0Az DW. -- XML/edi Group Discussion List -- Homepage = http://www.XMLedi-Group.org Unsubscribe = send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Leave the subject and body of the message blank Questions/requests: [EMAIL PROTECTED

[announce] XML Global Technologies Releases Native XML DB with XQuery Support

2001-11-27 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Press Release XML Global Launches GoXML(tm) DB 2.0 - First Native XML Database Supporting XQuery Vancouver, BC, November 27th, 2001 - XML Global Technologies, Inc. (OTC BB: XMLG), an XML middleware company, today released GoXML(tm) DB 2.0, a Native XML Database Server.

[announce] Professional ebXML Foundations

2001-11-20 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
I'm pleased to let everyone know that Wrox has just released their ebXML book. http://www.wrox.com/Books/Book_Details.asp?section=1_2&isbn=1861005903 The team that put this together is a who's who of experts that contributed to the original ebXML development work. The book is focused on impleme

Compression of XML

2001-10-19 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-matters13.html good article. Although for me the odd 10% or 20% here is not so significant - but at least the article allows you to assess based on your own needs. Remember V90 modems include builtin on the wire compression using PKZIP / Huff

RE: Core Components eBook

2001-10-07 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by "Blantz, Mary Kay" > How interesting... As one of the co-chairs of ebXML Core Components, I find it curious that this book would have been written without any contact with me. Or without attendance at all of the ebXML Core Components meetings. Maybe those of us who di

Re: IMPORTANT- XML.org Focus Group

2001-10-03 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by System_Administration >> > Name the top 3 reasons why you visit XML.org? > What 3 things do you not like about at XML.org? > What 3 things is XML.org not providing you? > < Well Leo, I guess you pointed out those 3 reasons here! It would be nice if someone from XML.org Zi

VIRUS ALERT!: Transfer Employee process COINS/Consisto GL Integration.

2001-09-28 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
I hope everybody knowns by now NOT to touch anything with a .COM or .EXE extension as an attachment. I'll check with DISA to see if their mailserver can automatically reject these postings. I don;t think Dan even knew this was attaching itself to his email. DW. -- XML/edi Group Discussi

Re: [announce] Landmark ebXML Book published

2001-09-05 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by Alan Kotok >The discussions and documents generated by this list helped define the requirements and important components of a workable e-business architecture in which XML could play a role.< Alan, Excellent points. And unfortunately this begs the question - and what

Re: OASIS Customer Address Format XML TC

2001-09-05 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Message text written by INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > If ALL addresses, for a subexample of CIQ issues, are (further) normalized, the perceived "problems" dissappear< Making your addressing info' into a token - like a quarter - that you can just drop into whatever machine you need to get can

[announce] Landmark ebXML Book published

2001-09-04 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
Alan and I have put our best effort into producing a solid text that can do justice to all the tremendous amount of hardwork that has gone into ebXML todate, and bringing that work to the decision makers that most now determine its forward mommentum. I must especially thank Alan for making this

OASIS Customer Address Format XML TC

2001-09-04 Thread David RR Webber - XMLGlobal
For some reason OASIS choose to call this the "QIC WG". What the heck is that? A good question! I think a large number of people have experience with dealing with addressing information in systems across a broad sector of business applications. CUSTOMER ADDRESS WG - that is much simpler to gra

[announce] Call for Particpation and Contribution for eBTWG Project Teams

2001-08-24 Thread David RR Webber
The eBTWG Executives are happy to announce that the following three Projects have been approved: * Core Component Specification * Business Collaboration Patterns and Monitored Commitments Specification * eBusiness Architecture Specification eBTWG is now initiating the "Call for participation

[announce] Want to INFLUENCE the future of ebXML standards?

2001-08-21 Thread David RR Webber
Many people have been wondering about how CEFACT is proposing to move forward on formalizing the ebXML work. An interim step is the ebtwg. See more info' below. CommerceNet has stepped forward to steward and provide administrative support until the official UN backed work can take over in a few

E-biz building blocks

2001-08-16 Thread David RR Webber
Excellent article on current state of play. Challenge is for ebXML to be able to marry into this world and enable the business process artifacts side of things. DW. === Message text written by INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >E-biz building

re: XML/X12 and HIPAA

2001-07-17 Thread David RR Webber
Message text written by "Costa, Art R S326A" > I'm looking for some assistance on where things stand with standardized XML tags (ANSI/X12). We're trying to determine viability of using these tags but don't want to run into standards issues. thanks! Art Costa< The new

Re: EDI Messages in XML

2001-06-22 Thread David RR Webber
Message text written by "bobcarper" >It is therefore possible to go from any convention to any convention. Trading partners need not be on the same convention, standard, and version. The point I am making is that such an analysis be done prior to any translation or map, particularly in application

ebXML article

2001-06-21 Thread David RR Webber
http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-ebxml/?open&l=272,t=grx,p=ebXML DW. -- XML/edi Group Discussion List -- Homepage = http://www.XMLedi-Group.org Unsubscribe = send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Leave the subject and body of the message blank Questions/requests: [

ebXML Overview from IBM site.

2001-06-08 Thread David RR Webber
Message text written by INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > --- Understanding ebXML --- This overview of ebXML (an XML-based EDI) provides an introduction to the ebXML concept and then looks more specifically at the representation of business processes, an important starting point for ebXML implementati

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