Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-26 Thread Paul Osborne
Grampa Bill responds:
>I know of one SP who was a mechanic until his business went bust 
>just before his call, He then sold house trailers for a while but was 
>terminated because of too few sales. After a period of unemployment he 
>want to work as a machinist for the county.
>I know of another who was (and is) an electronic technician.

Gee wiz Grampa, that must have been a long long long time ago before the
unwritten rule was written.


Paul O

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-26 Thread Grampa Bill
Paul Osborne wrote:

I was referring to Stake President and up. They have money and prestige.
There are plenty of talented yet poor High Priests who never get the call because they don't have money. Money is a prerequisite to those callings.

Grampa Bill responds:
   I know of one SP who was a mechanic until his business went bust 
just before his call, He then sold house trailers for a while but was 
terminated because of too few sales. After a period of unemployment he 
want to work as a machinist for the county.
   I know of another who was (and is) an electronic technician.
   As for the importance of being a High Priest, I submit the following 
from the Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson_

Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, p.604
The temple work for the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of 
Independence and other Founding Fathers has been done. All these 
appeared to Wilford Woodruff when he was president of the St. George 
Temple. President George Washington was ordained a high priest at that 
time. You will also be interested to know that, according to Wilford 
Woodruff's journal, John Wesley, Benjamin Franklin, and Christopher 
Columbus were also ordained high priests at that time.

   It is my understang that others of the founding fathers were 
ordained Elders as is common practice today when the dead receive their 
temple work. I'm not sure of the significance of these ordinations but 
thought I'd throw them out there.

"Don't waste the atonement."
Sue Woodbury, Oct. 20, 2002

Love y'all,
Grampa Bill in Savannah

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[ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-25 Thread Gary Smith
Yes, I know that Nibley says it is a free lunch, but he also says we
still must work. What I was meaning, is that there are laws of work
governing worldly wealth. The person who works hard and smart tends to
live a more comfortable life than someone who is sloth or not so wise in
their dealings with money.
For example, all the GAs have paid their tithes, ensuring that the Lord
would open the windows of heaven up to them. Second, they have all worked
hard to live within their means, staying out of debt, ensuring their
moneys were being used in the best ways possible, rather than just to pay
down interest debt.
Third, they have been industrious enough to make for a comfortable
Fourth, they have put the kingdom of God first, and their other worldly
works second, ensuring God's assistance financially and in other matters.
So, they HAVE earned these blessings given of God. Do you think they
would have these same blessings if they weren't paying their tithes? They
wouldn't qualify to be GAs or high priests w/o paying tithes, so there is
a bit of "earning" one has to do. Perhaps the term "qualify" would better
suit you? Either way, it isn't totally a free gift, as there are some
qualifications to receive all from God.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Not so sure I agree, Gary.  Reference Approaching Zion Chapters 4 and 
5.  Not so sure earned is the correct choice of terms here.

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-24 Thread Paul Osborne
>Till, who hopes he hasn't offended

Of course not. I'm the one around here that probably is the most
offensive. When I was a kid I use to through rocks at beehives and shoot
my bee bee gun at the neighbors windows. :-)

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-24 Thread Marc A. Schindler
When I lived in Seattle, when I was 14 I got my patriarchal blessing (this was in
the old Renton ward of the Seattle Stake -- there are now 2 or 3 stakes in the
region that old ward covered, which dates me!). The patriarch asked me if I
wouldn't please try to friendship his son, who was going inactive. I tried but we
didn't have much in common -- his favourite hobby was shooting sparrows with his
BB gun from his bedroom window. Ironically I was pretty good with a BB gun and a
pellet gun, although I never actually owned one. But my cousins had them, also
.22's. They lived on a farm in Saskatchewan and were used to shooting vermin
around the granaries, and they first taught me to shoot. They would put an old
ace of spades card or something like that on a clothesline, and we'd use it for
target practice. They never killed animals needlessly -- not even grasshoppers.
The hardest thing my older cousin Donnie (who's about 4 years older than me) had
to do was about when I was 9 or 10. A chick was born with its head on the front
of its thorax instead of on top, and would die of starvation or asphyxiation. My
uncle told Donnie to kill the chick to put it out of its misery, and I came along
out of curiosity and to lend moral support. We were both crying on the way back
-- Donnie whacked the poor critter against a fence post to kill it.

Paul Osborne wrote:

> >Till, who hopes he hasn't offended
> Of course not. I'm the one around here that probably is the most
> offensive. When I was a kid I use to through rocks at beehives and shoot
> my bee bee gun at the neighbors windows. :-)
> Paul O

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

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solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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RE: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-24 Thread Jeffrey Ross

Paul (from a post in reply to mine regarding the HP money issue):
> That's really odd. But administrators make more money than
> everyone else under the administration so he has the most
> money. I'm right and you're wrong.

> I think that Paul is being deliberately provocative in order 
> to stir up a 
> discussion.  I coached him while he was here. 
> It works pretty good, doesn't it Paul?

Provocative and productive are different (although not necessarily
mutually exclusive).  I think Paul's statement from above: "I'm right
and you're wrong." is the former but not the latter.

For the sake of healthy discussion and spiritual growth, may I suggest
that we refrain from the provocative when it is not also clearly


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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-24 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 21:46 10/23/2002 -0500, St Paul wrote:

I will admit that I used
to annoyed about it in the past.

Till detects that it is still unresolved

But it is the Lord's church and he can
do whatever he wants, so I have come to accept it.

You're on the right track, though

but I'm sure he had sufficient for his means

Here's the key.

I'm working on it. :-)

Absolutely the best statement  yet.  With this, all things can be accomplished.

Till, who hopes he hasn't offended

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-24 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 21:43 10/23/2002 -0500, Gary wrote:

The Brethren had comfortable lives because they earned a comfortable

Not so sure I agree, Gary.  Reference Approaching Zion Chapters 4 and 
5.  Not so sure earned is the correct choice of terms here.


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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-24 Thread Marc A. Schindler

Paul Osborne wrote:

> And, yes, John gave me some good pointers. I've seen how John operates
> too and have watched him type letters to the list. I've seen his
> computer, chair, book shelves, and table. I can visualize him right now
> in my mind.

Having trouble sleeping, are we?

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>I think that Paul is being deliberately provocative in order to stir up
>discussion.  I coached him while he was here. 
>It works pretty good, doesn't it Paul?

Yep. Your s right John. I like to be provocative and stir things up.
It's fun, but I would feel bad if I hurt someones feelings. 

And, yes, John gave me some good pointers. I've seen how John operates
too and have watched him type letters to the list. I've seen his
computer, chair, book shelves, and table. I can visualize him right now
in my mind. 

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
At 09:43 PM, Wednesday, 10/23/02, Gary Smith wrote:

There is nothing prestigious to these callings. There is some
recognition, but in all reality, the pay isn't that great. Most would
prefer to make it to heaven without the experience of being an apostle or
stake president, but the humble ones accept the call when given.

I think it depends on where you are.  There is little prestige in being a 
bishop or stake president here in this part of Alaska.  But in the 
SLC-Provo area those callings are definitely prestige callings.  You can 
tell by listening to the wives.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Better not take a dog on the space shuttle, because if he
sticks his head out when you're coming home his face
might burn up." --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
At 08:48 PM, Wednesday, 10/23/02, Gary Smith wrote:

I would say that most apostles will have money. There are exceptions,
though fewer and fewer as the Church grows. Even today, many of our
apostles are not wealthy, but are comfortable.

In my family "comfortable" is a euphemism for wealthy.  --JWR

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
I agree with everything you are saying Gary but I'm not thinking that all
the GA's were born with silver spoons. I know they worked hard and got
educated and have fine jobs that pay quite well. That is the nature of
the man who gets the call. I am merely pointing out how the Lord does
business and was not being critical about it. Me personally, it matters
not what the profession of my bishop is. If he has the Spirit and the
mantle that is all that matters. I'm sure you agree with that. But, I can
understand how you would prefer an educated man.

Paul O  

On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 21:43:34 -0500 Gary Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> You make it sound like these jobs were handed to them on a silver
> platter. Not so. They all started at the bottom, with no silver 
> spoon in
> the mouth. Any money the GAs have, they earned it. Any education 
> they
> received was from hard work. 
> Do you think any of them had been wishing and hoping to become an
> apostle? Definitely not. Try reading President Kimball's biography 
> on his
> reaction when called as an apostle. Ask your stake president his 
> thoughts
> on being called a stake president. I'll bet he wasn't jumping for 
> joy.
> Rather, he was humbling submitting to the calling.
> There is nothing prestigious to these callings. There is some
> recognition, but in all reality, the pay isn't that great. Most 
> would
> prefer to make it to heaven without the experience of being an 
> apostle or
> stake president, but the humble ones accept the call when given.
> These men are successful in life because they earned their success. 
> In
> earning that success, they made themselves useful to God and His 
> work. Of
> course God is probably going to call an educated man over a ditch 
> digger.
> If you had a major struggle in your life, would you prefer your 
> bishop be
> a psychiatrist or a day laborer? Educated or illiterate? 
> Financially
> comfortable or standing by the roadside with a sign "will work for 
> food"?
> God uses those who have qualified themselves for the work. Many are
> called, but few chosen. Many aren't chosen because they try and do 
> things
> their way, rather than God's way. They want to use the priesthood 
> for
> their own use, rather than make themselves a useful tool for God to 
> use.
> The Brethren had comfortable lives because they earned a 
> comfortable
> life. The prestige came only because they worked hard and earned it. 
> If
> you or I don't receive prestige, it is probably because we haven't 
> done
> ng prestigious.

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
At 12:03 PM, Wednesday, 10/23/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Will we ever see a janitor, a manual laborer, a machinist, a farmer, a 
rancher, as an apostle? To test this out - what are the current or former 
occupations of the apostles? Its interesting that a carpenter ended up 
saving mankind.

Jesus was a carpenter.  Peter was a fisherman.  Joseph Smith was a 
farmer.  Brigham Young was a glazier, I believe.  Throughout the history of 
the Church, ancient and modern, the prophets have been not only pencil 
pushers, but also tradesmen.  If there is a temporary abundance of paper 
shufflers in position of leadership, it is because at this time in history 
that is what the Lord needs.  Perhaps it will be different tomorrow.  Isn't 
it wonderful that this is a living Church.  It grows and shifts to meet the 
current situation.

I think that Paul is being deliberately provocative in order to stir up a 
discussion.  I coached him while he was here. 

It works pretty good, doesn't it Paul?

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look
at the word itself: "Mankind".  Basically, it's made up of
two separate words - "mank" and "ind".  What do these
words mean ?  It's a mystery, and that's why so is
mankind."  --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>What is your definition of "money"?  Is it $40,000?  $50,000?  $100,000?


My definition of money is when you have it in the bank and you don't owe
anyone anything except perhaps the mortgage. 

>Most school administrators I know make about $50K. So if that is your
>definition of "money", then you are right, most stake presidents AND
>Priests have money. By the time they get to that age, they have saved up
>enough and worked their way up in their business enough to make $50K or
>more a year.

Point taken. Thanks. 

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
At 08:47 AM, Wednesday, 10/23/02, Paul Osborne wrote:

I was referring to Stake President and up. They have money and prestige.
There are plenty of talented yet poor High Priests who never get the call
because they don't have money. Money is a prerequisite to those callings.
I hope that it doesn't sound like I am faulting the Lord. I'm simply
pointing out how the Lord does business. He depends on money and if you
don't have it you won't get those high callings of Stake President and
up. That's the bottom line. It's always about money.

I had a stake president in southern California who was a manager of a 
college bookstore.  I don't think he made much more than minimum wage.  The 
neighborhood where he lived, the clothes he wore, and the car he drove 
would certainly bear out that out.  Yet he was an excellent stake 
president.  While it is true that most stake presidents are wealthy by my 
standards, that just means they are successful in their work.  Even a truck 
driver or mechanic can be wealthy if he is good enough.  And it stands to 
reason that the Lord would prefer competent men as his bishops and stake 
presidents.  That is probably why I will never have to make that 
sacrifice.  I have no special, demonstrated competence as an administrator.

Teaching jobs are at least as important as bean counting, pencil pushing, 
and paper shuffling anyway.  I would much rather teach Sunday School, a 
priesthood quorum, or seminary than serve in any administrative 
calling.  The pay is just as good, and the work is a lot more fun.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to
laugh at that man." --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler

Gary Smith wrote:

> You make it sound like these jobs were handed to them on a silver
> platter. Not so. They all started at the bottom, with no silver spoon in
> the mouth. Any money the GAs have, they earned it. Any education they
> received was from hard work.
> Do you think any of them had been wishing and hoping to become an
> apostle? Definitely not. Try reading President Kimball's biography on his
> reaction when called as an apostle.

This was precisely what I as thinking of. He really struggled as an insurance
broker when he was a young man.

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

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RE: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread larry . jackson
Paul Osborne:

... to become a GA? The unwritten rule is that he has to 
have money and resources. He almost always has a 
prestigious job and a fine education. That is what the 
Lord is looking for. If you don't have those benefits you 
can't be called to be a GA, let alone a SP. 


Nice thought.  Not true.  And I think you may have a real 
hangup with the word pre$tige.

But, that's just my own personal opinion, and I will have 
another nice day again tomorrow, thank you.  Poor as I 
am in the things of this world.

Larry Jackson

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
Val wrote:
>I must wholly disagree here.  Our former stake president is only
>high school educated and a construction worker.  He was my Bishop when I
>was a little girl, and back then he was managing a health spa.  In fact,
>we had no font in the building, so I was baptized in the pool at the
>They always lived in very modest homes--not luxurious at all.  
>He is also one of the most spiritual men I have ever known.  
>The SP before him lost his job, was supporting a son on a
>mission, AND SP.  They were living out of their food storage for many
>months while he was unemployed.  Again, probably THE most spiritual man
>have ever known.  He spoke at my husband's funeral in March.  I swear,
>still speaks directly to the Lord.

Well. I guess the unwritten rule was broken. I appreciate hearing these
stories. It helps me see just how flexible the Lord can be. 

>I don't know how you can know who the Lord accepts and who He
>doesn't anyway?  You must have some bitter experience to be speaking
>way about the Lord's annointed.  I believe the scriptures are clear when
>we are told we need nothing more that a broken heart and a contrite
>spirit.  I see nothing there about advanced degrees or family money or
>excellent salary.  

I don't understand why you said the above. How have I spoken against the
Lord's anointed? Isn't it so that our beloved leaders have advanced
degrees, family money, excellent salaries, and prestigious careers? I'm
only pointing out the facts as I have noted them from the Church News.
However, I did my little study several years ago. Perhaps I'm out of date
regarding the unwritten rule? I've said nothing against the leaders or
against the Lord for that matter. I'm simply pointing out policy as I
understand it based on my view of the results. I will admit that I used
to annoyed about it in the past. But it is the Lord's church and he can
do whatever he wants, so I have come to accept it. If the Lord wants a
bricklayer for an apostle or a street sweeper--he can do it. But his
policies show otherwise. Obviously hidden talents of blue collar men are
not given the opportunity to serve in the highest leadership positions in
the church. But this is the will of the Lord and so it goes. 

>I'm sure if we were to do a survey of SP's, and even Area A's you
>would find a majority of them are humble "Laborers".   I think the fact
>that our beloved President Hinckley was a man of fairly meager means
>should be enough.  After all, shouldn't we all be laborers in the Lord's

The statistics say otherwise, Val. I don't think Elder Hinkley was rich
by any means but I'm sure he had sufficient for his means and he rose to
the top of his class. That is the sort of man the Lord looks at before
the call is made. 

>As for resources--we are told, time and time again, to get out of
>debt and to save money.  The men "UP" there have obviously done just
>that.  If you want to be there, then follow the prophet.  Simple

I'm working on it. :-)

Paul O

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[ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Gary Smith
You make it sound like these jobs were handed to them on a silver
platter. Not so. They all started at the bottom, with no silver spoon in
the mouth. Any money the GAs have, they earned it. Any education they
received was from hard work. 

Do you think any of them had been wishing and hoping to become an
apostle? Definitely not. Try reading President Kimball's biography on his
reaction when called as an apostle. Ask your stake president his thoughts
on being called a stake president. I'll bet he wasn't jumping for joy.
Rather, he was humbling submitting to the calling.

There is nothing prestigious to these callings. There is some
recognition, but in all reality, the pay isn't that great. Most would
prefer to make it to heaven without the experience of being an apostle or
stake president, but the humble ones accept the call when given.

These men are successful in life because they earned their success. In
earning that success, they made themselves useful to God and His work. Of
course God is probably going to call an educated man over a ditch digger.
If you had a major struggle in your life, would you prefer your bishop be
a psychiatrist or a day laborer? Educated or illiterate? Financially
comfortable or standing by the roadside with a sign "will work for food"?

God uses those who have qualified themselves for the work. Many are
called, but few chosen. Many aren't chosen because they try and do things
their way, rather than God's way. They want to use the priesthood for
their own use, rather than make themselves a useful tool for God to use.

The Brethren had comfortable lives because they earned a comfortable
life. The prestige came only because they worked hard and earned it. If
you or I don't receive prestige, it is probably because we haven't done
anything prestigious.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

$$$ and prestige
 Need I say more?

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[ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Gary Smith
What is your definition of "money"?  Is it $40,000?  $50,000?  $100,000? 

Most school administrators I know make about $50K. So if that is your
definition of "money", then you are right, most stake presidents AND High
Priests have money. By the time they get to that age, they have saved up
enough and worked their way up in their business enough to make $50K or
more a year.

But in all reality, $50K isn't really that much, depending of course on
where you live in the US. 

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
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[ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Gary Smith
I would say that most apostles will have money. There are exceptions,
though fewer and fewer as the Church grows. Even today, many of our
apostles are not wealthy, but are comfortable. President Monson has
almost always worked in the Church, so basically lives on a stipend given
him, plus revenues from the few books he's written, and salary for being
on a few boards of companies (mostly Church related).  Elder Packer was a
college professor, not a wealth creating job.

Of the earliest apostles, none were rich. Some were not educated (like
Heber C Kimball). 

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Right. And your "ALSO" points out that the money is required in order to
get those high callings of Stake President and up. Thank you for making
my point, Gary.
The Lord will not call a poor man to be an apostle. Poor people are just
not good enough for the job. You have to have money.
Paul O

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Valerie Nielsen Williams

On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 18:09:51 -0500 Paul Osborne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Did I say that a man had to be wealthy to become a GA? The unwritten 
> rule
> is that he has to have money and resources. He almost always has a
> prestigious job and a fine education. That is what the Lord is 
> looking
> for. If you don't have those benefits you can't be called to be a 
> GA, let
> alone a SP. The Lord doesn't accept manual laborers into the 
> apostleship.
Dear Paul:
I must wholly disagree here.  Our former stake president is only
high school educated and a construction worker.  He was my Bishop when I
was a little girl, and back then he was managing a health spa.  In fact,
we had no font in the building, so I was baptized in the pool at the spa.
 They always lived in very modest homes--not luxurious at all.  
He is also one of the most spiritual men I have ever known.  
The SP before him lost his job, was supporting a son on a
mission, AND SP.  They were living out of their food storage for many
months while he was unemployed.  Again, probably THE most spiritual man I
have ever known.  He spoke at my husband's funeral in March.  I swear, he
still speaks directly to the Lord.
I don't know how you can know who the Lord accepts and who He
doesn't anyway?  You must have some bitter experience to be speaking this
way about the Lord's annointed.  I believe the scriptures are clear when
we are told we need nothing more that a broken heart and a contrite
spirit.  I see nothing there about advanced degrees or family money or an
excellent salary.  
I'm sure if we were to do a survey of SP's, and even Area A's you
would find a majority of them are humble "Laborers".   I think the fact
that our beloved President Hinckley was a man of fairly meager means
should be enough.  After all, shouldn't we all be laborers in the Lord's
As for resources--we are told, time and time again, to get out of
debt and to save money.  The men "UP" there have obviously done just
that.  If you want to be there, then follow the prophet.  Simple.

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>Will we ever see a janitor, a manual laborer, a machinist, a farmer, a
rancher, as an >apostle? 

A janitor, a manual laborer, and a machinist are not qualified to become
apostles but a rich rancher and a rich farmer could be considered.

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>Here are some of the former occupations of all the current apostles. 
Neither President >Hinckley nor President Packer could have become
wealthy from their employment, so >Paul's theory fails in those cases
(granted, they may have made money from their >books, investments,
consulting fees, etc.).  All or almost all the Brethren have >university
degrees and several have multiple degrees.  None appear to have been
>mainly manual labourers.

Did I say that a man had to be wealthy to become a GA? The unwritten rule
is that he has to have money and resources. He almost always has a
prestigious job and a fine education. That is what the Lord is looking
for. If you don't have those benefits you can't be called to be a GA, let
alone a SP. The Lord doesn't accept manual laborers into the apostleship.

>President Hinckley: employee of the Church since completing his mission.

Yes, and he worked with the finest men. You can't do that unless your
getting a pretty good salary. He worked his way to the top.

>President Monson: general manager of Deseret Press. 
>President Faust: attorney (lawyer).

$$$ and prestige.

>President Packer: pilot during WWII, supervisor of Seminaries and
Institutes of >Religion.

A pilot is about the most prestiges job in all of the armed forces. I'll
bet he had a fine salary as he worked his way up in the church religious
system which is certainly a prestiges place to be by LDS standards.

>Elder Perry: vice president and treasurer of department store chain in
>Elder Haight: district and regional manager of large retail store chain,
assistant to >president of BYU.

$$$ and prestige

>Elder Maxwell: executive vice president of the University of Utah,
Church >commissioner of education.
>Elder Nelson: Renowned surgeon and medical researcher.

$$$ and prestige

>Elder Oaks: nine years as president of BYU, and three years as Utah
Supreme Court >justice.
>Elder Ballard: various business enterprises, including automotive, real
estate and investments.

$$$ and prestige

>Elder Wirthlin: president of trade association in Utah.
>Elder Scott: Worked 12 years developing military and private nuclear
power reactors; >subsequently consultant to nuclear power industry.

$$$ and prestige

>Elder Hales:  jet fighter pilot; was an executive with four major
national companies.
>Elder Holland: president of Brigham Young University.
>Elder Eyring: president of Ricks College, 1971-77

$$$ and prestige

Need I say more?

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money -- not

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Actually in the 3rd world a larger than proportional share of line authority
callings go to Church/CES employees.  And, as I loved to tease Grant Johnson (I
think that's his name -- the Book of Mormon Answerman who infuriated many LDS by
saying that only those soldiers who fought for the Allies in WWII were righteous)
by pointing out that Elder Uchtdorf used to be a Luftwaffe fighter pilot (mind
you, he was too young to have served during the war). He retired and became a
civilian pilot, for Lufthansa and several of its subsidiaries, iirc, and
eventually came to be the chief training pilot for Lufthansa (that was told to me
by the chief training pilot for Air New Zealand, who had by coincidence contacted
me via email once about something, and found out I was LDS -- he wasn't, but told
me this about Elder Uchtdorf, saying he was widely respected in the industry).

Paul Osborne wrote:

> >I can assure you that money is not a requirement in order to
> >be called as a stake president.
> I followed it for years in the Church News and have clearly seen that the
> money guys get the callings. I can't deny those facts. The guys who get
> called in third world countries are the merchants and they have money
> too. It's one of those unwritten rules.
> ;-)
> >I can further assure you that stake president is not a high
> >calling.
> Well, he is the boss of my Elders Quroum President. And, I look up to him
> too.
> >And while I'm here, I would also add that high priest is not
> >a higher office in the Melchizedek Priesthood, just a different
> >office, with specialized (and temporary) responsibilities.
> Ok. Have a nice day. :-)
> Paul O
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread hkpage seems to me that President Hinckley worked for his entire
professional life for the Church Missionary Department (or some such like
that).  I'm pretty sure that one doesn't get rich working for the Church. 
I'm also sure that these brethren have been faithful in paying 100%
tithing, which opens the windows of heaven to pour out blessings on them. 
I am also sure that paying one's tithing makes one more conscious of where
the money is going and thus more careful of it, and more likely to save a
higher percentage of it.

Just a few thoughts...nothing more...
Heidi the fair

> [Original Message]
 > Date: 10/23/2002 2:04:59 PM
> Subject: Re: [ZION] High Priests have money
> Will we ever see a janitor, a manual laborer, a machinist, a farmer, a
rancher, as an apostle? 
> To test this out - what are the current or former occupations of the
> Its interesting that a carpenter ended up saving mankind.
> Vic
> --- Paul Osborne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>Don't condemn the brethren simply because it seems the Lord (or the
> >>people) picks a lot of wealthy people. He does it because they ALSO have
> >>shown other great gifts of service, wisdom, and faithfulness.
> >
> >
> >
> >Right. And your "ALSO" points out that the money is required in order to
> >get those high callings of Stake President and up. Thank you for making
> >my point, Gary.
> >
> >The Lord will not call a poor man to be an apostle. Poor people are just
> >not good enough for the job. You have to have money.
> >
> >Paul O
> >
> >
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Heidi Page

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler

Mark Gregson wrote:

> > To test this out - what are the current or former occupations of the apostles?
> Here are some of the former occupations of all the current apostles.  Neither 
>President Hinckley nor President Packer could have become wealthy from their 
>employment, so Paul's theory fails in those cases (granted, they may have made money 
>from their books, investments, consulting fees, etc.).  All or almost all the 
>Brethren have university degrees and several have multiple degrees.  None appear to 
>have been mainly manual labourers.
> President Hinckley: employee of the Church since completing his mission.

Specifically, most of his later Church career, professionally speaking, was spent in 
either journalism- or public affairs-related positions.

> President Monson: general manager of Deseret Press.

So does he report to Sister Dew now? (who's president and CEO of Deseret Book Co.) 
[just teasing. I know that Pres. Monson is no longer the GM of Deseret News]

> President Faust: attorney (lawyer).
> President Packer: pilot during WWII, supervisor of Seminaries and Institutes of 
> Elder Perry: vice president and treasurer of department store chain in Boston.
> Elder Haight: district and regional manager of large retail store chain, assistant 
>to president of BYU.
> Elder Maxwell: executive vice president of the University of Utah, Church 
>commissioner of education.
> Elder Nelson: Renowned surgeon and medical researcher.
> Elder Oaks: nine years as president of BYU, and three years as Utah Supreme Court 
> Elder Ballard: various business enterprises, including automotive, real estate and 
> Elder Wirthlin: president of trade association in Utah.
> Elder Scott: Worked 12 years developing military and private nuclear power reactors; 
>subsequently consultant to nuclear power industry.
> Elder Hales:  jet fighter pilot; was an executive with four major national companies.
> Elder Holland: president of Brigham Young University.
> Elder Eyring: president of Ricks College, 1971-77.
> =  Mark Gregson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  =

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the worst 
thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly debated…To 
think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was a coward; any 
idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly character; ability to 
understand a question from all sides meant that one was totally unfitted for action.” 
– Pericles
about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author solely; 
its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer, nor those of 
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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Mark Gregson

> To test this out - what are the current or former occupations of the apostles?

Here are some of the former occupations of all the current apostles.  Neither 
President Hinckley nor President Packer could have become wealthy from their 
employment, so Paul's theory fails in those cases (granted, they may have made money 
from their books, investments, consulting fees, etc.).  All or almost all the Brethren 
have university degrees and several have multiple degrees.  None appear to have been 
mainly manual labourers.

President Hinckley: employee of the Church since completing his mission.

President Monson: general manager of Deseret Press. 

President Faust: attorney (lawyer).

President Packer: pilot during WWII, supervisor of Seminaries and Institutes of 

Elder Perry: vice president and treasurer of department store chain in Boston.

Elder Haight: district and regional manager of large retail store chain, assistant to 
president of BYU.

Elder Maxwell: executive vice president of the University of Utah, Church commissioner 
of education.

Elder Nelson: Renowned surgeon and medical researcher.

Elder Oaks: nine years as president of BYU, and three years as Utah Supreme Court 

Elder Ballard: various business enterprises, including automotive, real estate and 

Elder Wirthlin: president of trade association in Utah.

Elder Scott: Worked 12 years developing military and private nuclear power reactors; 
subsequently consultant to nuclear power industry.

Elder Hales:  jet fighter pilot; was an executive with four major national companies.

Elder Holland: president of Brigham Young University.

Elder Eyring: president of Ricks College, 1971-77.

=  Mark Gregson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  =

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RE: [ZION] High Priests have money -- not

2002-10-23 Thread Larry Jackson
Paul Osborne:

>I can assure you that money is not a requirement in order to 
>be called as a stake president.

I followed it for years in the Church News and have clearly seen 
that the money guys get the callings. I can't deny those facts. 
... It's one of those unwritten rules.  ;-)


Glad to note you have a sense of humor, since I have never seen 
any facts in the Church News that tell how much stake presidents 
get paid in their work.

I will agree that many do well.  The same skills of hard work, 
administrative experience, and leadership they have gained in 
Church callings serve to benefit them in their work, as well.

But not all of them are well-paid "money guys".  I know several 
who served while living under the poverty level.

And we know what those unwritten rules are, because they are 
actually written down and posted at John's website.  :-)

Larry Jackson

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread vicgh25
Will we ever see a janitor, a manual laborer, a machinist, a farmer, a rancher, as an 

To test this out - what are the current or former occupations of the apostles?

Its interesting that a carpenter ended up saving mankind.


--- Paul Osborne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Don't condemn the brethren simply because it seems the Lord (or the
>>people) picks a lot of wealthy people. He does it because they ALSO have
>>shown other great gifts of service, wisdom, and faithfulness.
>Right. And your "ALSO" points out that the money is required in order to
>get those high callings of Stake President and up. Thank you for making
>my point, Gary.
>The Lord will not call a poor man to be an apostle. Poor people are just
>not good enough for the job. You have to have money.
>Paul O
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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>My former stake president was a public school teacher and later an
>administrator and my current stake president is in a similar income
>bracket.  Both of them are most likely below the 50th percentile with
>regard to income within the stake boundaries.
>How can you justify statements like that, Paul?  The Lord will call whom
>He will call, income notwithstanding.

That's really odd. But administrators make more money than everyone else
under the administration so he has the most money. I'm right and you're
wrong. Where do you live? 

Yes, the Lord calls whoever he wants but they always have money,
resources, and prestige. 

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money -- not

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>I can assure you that money is not a requirement in order to 
>be called as a stake president.

I followed it for years in the Church News and have clearly seen that the
money guys get the callings. I can't deny those facts. The guys who get
called in third world countries are the merchants and they have money
too. It's one of those unwritten rules.

>I can further assure you that stake president is not a high 

Well, he is the boss of my Elders Quroum President. And, I look up to him

>And while I'm here, I would also add that high priest is not 
>a higher office in the Melchizedek Priesthood, just a different 
>office, with specialized (and temporary) responsibilities.

Ok. Have a nice day. :-)

Paul O

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RE: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Jeffrey Ross
> -Original Message-
> From: Paul Osborne [mailto:osborne1962@;] 
> Right. And your "ALSO" points out that the money is required 
> in order to get those high callings of Stake President and 
> up. Thank you for making my point, Gary.

My former stake president was a public school teacher and later an
administrator and my current stake president is in a similar income
bracket.  Both of them are most likely below the 50th percentile with
regard to income within the stake boundaries.

How can you justify statements like that, Paul?  The Lord will call whom
He will call, income notwithstanding.


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RE: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Stephen Beecroft
> The Lord will not call a poor man to be an apostle. Poor people
> are just not good enough for the job. You have to have money.

If I remember correctly, Elder Packer spent his professional life in the 
CES, a job practically guaranteed to keep you dressed in rags.


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RE: [ZION] High Priests have money -- not

2002-10-23 Thread Larry Jackson
Paul Osborne (replying to someone else):

Right. And your "ALSO" points out that the money is required 
in order to get those high callings of Stake President and up. 


I can assure you that money is not a requirement in order to 
be called as a stake president.

I can further assure you that stake president is not a high 

And while I'm here, I would also add that high priest is not 
a higher office in the Melchizedek Priesthood, just a different 
office, with specialized (and temporary) responsibilities.

Larry Jackson

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Jon Spencer
Phew!  Now at least I don't have to worry about dealing with THAT calling!


> The Lord will not call a poor man to be an apostle. Poor people are just
> not good enough for the job. You have to have money.

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
>Don't condemn the brethren simply because it seems the Lord (or the
>people) picks a lot of wealthy people. He does it because they ALSO have
>shown other great gifts of service, wisdom, and faithfulness.

Right. And your "ALSO" points out that the money is required in order to
get those high callings of Stake President and up. Thank you for making
my point, Gary.

The Lord will not call a poor man to be an apostle. Poor people are just
not good enough for the job. You have to have money.

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-23 Thread Paul Osborne
I was referring to Stake President and up. They have money and prestige.
There are plenty of talented yet poor High Priests who never get the call
because they don't have money. Money is a prerequisite to those callings.
I hope that it doesn't sound like I am faulting the Lord. I'm simply
pointing out how the Lord does business. He depends on money and if you
don't have it you won't get those high callings of Stake President and
up. That's the bottom line. It's always about money.

Paul O

On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 00:02:00 -0500 Gary Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have to disagree with Paul on this one. I know several high priests 
> who
> barely eke out a living. I've been one for 14 years, and was only a 
> Buck
> Sergeant in the Air Force when first called. I promise you, they 
> don't
> get the big bucks. 
> My current bishop works as the general carpenter for the YMCAs here. 
> To
> make ends meet, his wife also works (their kids are all big). And I 
> could
> give you many other examples, and not only here in Alabama, either.
> Yes, I think that the Lord has finances as a consideration for who 
> he
> calls to certain callings. Moreso, I think the Lord considers a 
> person's
> talents and capabilities for a certain calling, especially in a
> presidency. Just as the Lord is going to call a healthy brother to 
> be
> bishop, over one that is homebound; The brother who has developed 
> many
> talents is of much more use to the Lord in the work than one who has 
> not
> developed his talents. Such a brother is likely to have become 
> successful
> in business also.
> Next, the Lord uses people who work hard. Imagine a bishop who only 
> gives
> a couple hours a week to the calling. The ward would fall apart! The 
> Lord
> looks for hard workers, dependable people who he knows will 
> sacrifice the
> television programs and leisure time, in order to serve faithfully. 
> This
> type of person also happens to be the type who tends to succeed in
> business.
> Don't condemn the brethren simply because it seems the Lord (or the
> people) picks a lot of wealthy people. He does it because they ALSO 
> have
> shown other great gifts of service, wisdom, and faithfulness.

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[ZION] High Priests have money

2002-10-22 Thread Gary Smith
I have to disagree with Paul on this one. I know several high priests who
barely eke out a living. I've been one for 14 years, and was only a Buck
Sergeant in the Air Force when first called. I promise you, they don't
get the big bucks. 

My current bishop works as the general carpenter for the YMCAs here. To
make ends meet, his wife also works (their kids are all big). And I could
give you many other examples, and not only here in Alabama, either.

Yes, I think that the Lord has finances as a consideration for who he
calls to certain callings. Moreso, I think the Lord considers a person's
talents and capabilities for a certain calling, especially in a
presidency. Just as the Lord is going to call a healthy brother to be
bishop, over one that is homebound; The brother who has developed many
talents is of much more use to the Lord in the work than one who has not
developed his talents. Such a brother is likely to have become successful
in business also.

Next, the Lord uses people who work hard. Imagine a bishop who only gives
a couple hours a week to the calling. The ward would fall apart! The Lord
looks for hard workers, dependable people who he knows will sacrifice the
television programs and leisure time, in order to serve faithfully. This
type of person also happens to be the type who tends to succeed in

Don't condemn the brethren simply because it seems the Lord (or the
people) picks a lot of wealthy people. He does it because they ALSO have
shown other great gifts of service, wisdom, and faithfulness.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Re: [ZION] High priests have money

2002-10-22 Thread Marc A. Schindler
I think I see your point, even past the tongue in your cheek, and hadn't thought
about that. The Lord needs a pool to draw from, and the HP are that pool, so
whether any given HP is or is not eventually called to what I keep calling a
posiiton of line authority (to use a secular term) is irrelevant. Is that what
you're saying? It makes sense to me. In fact, it reminds me in many ways of a
talk BRMcC gave in, iirc, 1975, at a Friday Forum at the U of Utah Institute of
Religion. He said there were more than enough men in the Church who were
spiritually competent to be GAs, but the Church also needs secular skills of
leadership, management and experience (sometimes in specialized areas, and here I
think of 2 of my fellow nationals, Alexander Morrison, an "Africa man" and N.
Eldon Tanner, who is largely credited with saving the Church's finances in the
early 60s. Both of them were "fast-tracked" into GA-hood, if I can put it that

Paul Osborne wrote:

> On Mon, 21 Oct 2002 18:54:03 -0600 "Marc A. Schindler"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Okay, this is all very interesting and very useful (and I mean that
> > sincerely),
> > so let me ask another question: what about those of us who are
> > unlikely, for one
> > reason or another (assuming, of course, that we're reasonably
> > righteous,
> > temple-recommend-holding active members) are highly unlikely to hold
> > a position
> > of line authority. Why are people like that ordained to High
> > Priests.
> >
> > I know there's an implicit assumption here, so I'll make it
> > explicit: I'm
> > assuming that there are people in this set (I think I'm one of
> > them). But I could
> > be wrong -- it's an assumption.
> $$$ High Callings $$$
> It's all about money, Marc. Money attracts and inspires more money and
> that is how it works. If you got money you're much more likely set
> yourself up for one them high positions that come available. People who
> have money are considered to be more successful then others and they are
> the ones that are usually considered by those praying about a new calling
> to be extended. The Lord just can't get his work done without the
> Almighty Buck!  I've heard all the excuses that this isn't so but the
> bottom line is always the dollar. Oh well, the church is still true--aah,
> I think. ;-)
> Paul O
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“We do not think that there is an incompatibility between words and deeds; the
worst thing is to rush into action before the consequences have been properly
debated…To think of the future and wait was merely another way of saying one was
a coward; any idea of moderation was just an attempt to disguise one’s unmanly
character; ability to understand a question from all sides meant that one was
totally unfitted for action.” – Pericles about his fellow-Athenians, as quoted by
Thucydides in “The Peloponessian Wars”

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] High priests have money

2002-10-22 Thread Paul Osborne

On Mon, 21 Oct 2002 18:54:03 -0600 "Marc A. Schindler"
> Okay, this is all very interesting and very useful (and I mean that 
> sincerely),
> so let me ask another question: what about those of us who are 
> unlikely, for one
> reason or another (assuming, of course, that we're reasonably 
> righteous,
> temple-recommend-holding active members) are highly unlikely to hold 
> a position
> of line authority. Why are people like that ordained to High 
> Priests.
> I know there's an implicit assumption here, so I'll make it 
> explicit: I'm
> assuming that there are people in this set (I think I'm one of 
> them). But I could
> be wrong -- it's an assumption.

$$$ High Callings $$$

It's all about money, Marc. Money attracts and inspires more money and
that is how it works. If you got money you're much more likely set
yourself up for one them high positions that come available. People who
have money are considered to be more successful then others and they are
the ones that are usually considered by those praying about a new calling
to be extended. The Lord just can't get his work done without the
Almighty Buck!  I've heard all the excuses that this isn't so but the
bottom line is always the dollar. Oh well, the church is still true--aah,
I think. ;-)

Paul O

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