Re: [Biofuel] fuel alcohol

2005-05-28 Thread Martin Klingensmith

  Just letting everyone know I am still here, Still trying to complete my 30 
gallon per hour
farm anhydrous ethanol/ plant feed mill, I recently applied for the USDA/ DOE 
but there were 680 applications, I finally hired an engineer to put my package 
I have a very good 50 page plan, The seceret to making smallscale ethanol work
is to produce a complete feed with the distillers grains. Thanks for being 
here. Fred

Hi Fred,
I'd be interested to see your plan and to know what your results are. 
I've always tinkered with distillers and wanted to make fuel alcohol.

Martin Klingensmith

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the full Biofuel list archives (46,000 messages):

Search the Biofuels-biz list archives:

[Biofuel] Problems with the Biofuel list

2005-03-22 Thread Martin Klingensmith

I would like to apologize for the technical problems that have occured
with regard to the biofuel list and the JtF website over the past 2 years,
and the associated consequences that took place as a result. They are all
my fault, however; I would like to say that I "did what I could with what
I had at my disposal" (as much as that may be a cop-out).

If Keith would like to move his services to another facility I would
invite him to respond publicly and let everyone know.

I would not mind continuing to host the services as I have, due to the
generous donations the server has indeed been upgraded, despite the rocky
road everyone travelled to get to this point.

I would also invite everyone to continue their discussions as I feel
personally responsible for the decline in useful discussions. I felt that
I would be doing the Biofuel list community a favor by hosting it on an
alternative location rather than Yahoo site, but I suppose it is once
again not working well. I have undone all of the hard work that Keith has
put into the list trying to make it sustainable.

This message is a result of the recent technical deficiencies that have
occured as a result of my inability to effectively move all of the web
services from one server to another.

Martin K

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Biofuel available in NY City

2005-03-14 Thread Martin Klingensmith

On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 17:54:47 -0500, Busyditch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello list members
> I just got a reply from a local manufacturer of Biodiesel in the NY
> metropolitan area. They are called Environmental Alternatives, and theyre
> located in Brooklyn, NY. I was hoping to buy in 55 gal drums, as I do have a
> secure yard to store them in and all I will need is a drum pump. At the
> price quoted, I will surely be able to afford to end my dependency on fossil
> fuels.
>  Here is the quote from the email
> "we sell B100 in 55 gal drums at $2.50 a gallon + freight...
> Bob Lindenbaum
> Director of Probabilities

That sounds great, considering the price of dino-diesel is very close.
It couldn't hurt to check the quality though:

Martin Klingensmith
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

[Biofuel] testing

2005-03-11 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

[Biofuel] server maintenance

2005-03-11 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Due to upgrades, the mailing lists, websites, and IRC  may not be
available for a short time. I will send another message when
everything is working correctly.
Martin Klingensmith
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Soap & aerated concrete

2005-02-14 Thread Martin Klingensmith

I used Perlite mixed with refractory cement in my aluminum casting 
furnace. The walls saw temperatures surpassing 2000F, it was working 
well. The mixture was 50/50, and the perlite is very light-weight, 
reducing the overall mass of the structure.

Martin K

Keith Addison wrote:

Hi Doug

Nothing to do with soap, but do you know about this?
Rice-husk stoves - Appropriate technology: Journey to Forever

This stuff is great! We're using it to build charcoal-burning stoves, 
it's an excellent insulator. Have a look at this picture:

Those coals are really hot!

Reduced strength, as you say, but we find that a mix of 1:3 up to 1:1 
cement to rice husk ash by weight is pretty strong, and since the RHA is 
much lighter than the cement, in fact you don't use a lot of cement. 
It's a bit like pumice or something. Doesn't weigh very much.

The rice husk burner works very well, but if you want to put it in a 
55-gal/200 litre oil drum, as we did, you'll have to make the cage 
slightly smaller.

I am searching for information on making aerated concrete. For those
interested, basically foam is added to a mortar mix, and the mortar 
can be up

to double the quantity, with reduced strength, but added insulation.
This is achieved with an organic soap (from what I have found), but I was
wondering if anyone had seen info on using home made soap?

 is a site I 
found with

a home made processor

>From my search on the web, protein hydrolisation seems to be the 
that is used for making the foam. I have not found any more info on 
how this

is made though.

Can anyone help me??

regards Doug

(I am interested in making tilt up concrete panels for a building.)

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] re: Bill Clark and Acusorb Beads

2005-02-12 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Your message consisted of a single '?' character, and the entire reply 
(up to 12 replies deep) is 23KB. This means your signal to noise ratio 
was 1/23000, or about  .004% useful information.

Martin K

Andrew Cunningham wrote:



Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

[Biofuel] Donations and down-time

2005-02-06 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Running a web and email server is a tough business because it has to run
all the time (every day, every night ...)
The server running the Journey to Forever website,, and the
Biofuel mailing list froze at about 8PM Saturday night (EST, my time). I
found out at about midnight, and worked (unsuccessfully) until 2:30 to
reboot the machine via an interface I have been trying to setup.
I got someone on the phone at about 1PM today (Sunday) to reboot the
machine. As you can tell, it is working now. Sorry for the down-time.

The server this runs on wouldn't be considered a server by people who know
what a server is, which brings me to the subject of donations.
I have received about $290 in donations which covers the cost of new hard
drives and a RAID controller for the server. (Not installed yet)

I have purchased (with help from Keith) a Soekris Engineering router
device, as well as new RAM for the machine. The RAM has increased the
stability a great amount.

Future improvements would include a new mainboard, processor(s), and power
supply. I don't foresee these happening any time soon though.

I would like to express my thanks to the people who donated money. I would
also like to let you know that I would have no problem paying for all of
the hardware myself if I was able to do so. My status is that I am a Jr in
school for an electrical engineering degree.

So what else is going on to make this thing work better?

Mel Riser has pledged to provide services via his business (,
check it out) to mirror the website and hopefully the mailing list as
well. It is safe to say that his server is much more worthy of being
called a "server".

Malcolm Maclure has pledged to get another mirror through his son in-law
(correct?) Michael, who runs (virtual servers)

Thanks again to everyone who donated, I believe it is a great cause even
though it isn't as tangible as a charity (that's a philosophical
discussion in itself).

Martin Klingensmith

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Wind Turbines

2005-01-19 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Martin Klingensmith

Greg Harbican wrote:

Don't want to rain on your parade, but, perpetual motion machines don't

Greg H.

- Original Message - 
From: "Party of Citizens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 13:32
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Wind Turbines

While all these serious scientists are at work, the imagineering too
tyempting to pass up. We now have a solar-powered non-piloted airplane
which can stay aloft indefinitely. Imagine aircraft like this with wind
turbines built it and rugged enough to stay aloft in the jet stream and
follow its change in course as well.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] question regarding gas fired water heaters?

2005-01-16 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Hi Buck, Ray, Mike and all

its galsss and beat the heack out of it wiaht something like a piece 
of rebar, and why woulddd you want to take it out, as its inert, buck,

its same makeup as old ceramic cookkkpot, glasss over steel, any 
denting poppps the glass o but why would u buck,

Because it's going to get real hot!

I'd say leave the glass there. If it gets hot enough to slump, it will 
slump and separate, but it shouldn't cause any harm if it does so.

Martin K
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Hydrogen Car Discussion on NPR - what about bio?

2005-01-15 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Patrick Campbell wrote:

On Fri, 14 Jan 2005, Phillip Wolfe wrote:

Join Ira and guests in this hour of Science Friday for
a look at environmentally friendly cars. Will a
hydrogen concept car unveiled this week ever hit the
showroom? Plus, the latest on the Huygens space probe,
headed toward Saturn's moon Titan...

Ever notice that on NPR there is ALL talk about hybrid and even hyrodgen 
but NEVER talk about biodiesel?

Send them email and ask them why. I think it is because everyone knows 
about hybrids and everyone knows about hydrogen. Not everyone knows 
about biodiesel or what is being done with it.

Martin Klingensmith
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] "Collapse" was >The Scent of Fear

2005-01-13 Thread Martin Klingensmith

I let Brian's "topic cop" message through so I could point out that it 
is not up to third parties to be the moderator. Please read this message:

Date: 2004-02-26
From: Keith Addison

Discussion on this list is free and OPEN. Biofuels is a broad-ranging
subject. It's an international list with a very diverse membership
from many different cultures and more than a hundred countries, and
their views of what is on- or off-topic vary widely. This is the
majority view here. Those who call for restrictions are a tiny
minority - if we did it their way the majority would be deprived.
Keeping the discussions open deprives nobody and prevents nothing -
directly on-topic biofuels discussions continue unhindered all the
while. If people have problems with clogged email inboxes, they
should learn how to use filters - essential to using any email lists,
not just this one. For more info see:

Some posts are definitely off-topic by any measure, but those posting
them know it and seldom stray too far. List members are mature people
and do not need nannying by topic-cops. Anyway, such digressions
often lead to discussion that's very much on-topic and would not
otherwise have arisen.




These are list rules and they will be enforced.

Finally, regarding the two links at the bottom of every message you
receive, these:

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuels list archives:

The first is the premier source of small-scale  biofuels information
on the Web. The second is a treasure house of  information on all
aspects of biofuels, especially biodiesel - it  contains 33,000
messages over the last for years, many of them from leaders in the
field worldwide. It is an independent archives, not Yahoo's, provided
and  maintained by list member Martin Klingensmith, with powerful,
fast  and efficient searching, and no ads.

If you have biofuels questions, go ahead and ask, if there's
something you want to discuss, nothing's stopping you, if you have
information to offer please do so.

Best wishes

Keith Addison
List owner


Phillip Wolfe wrote:

Good apologies submitted.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

[Biofuel] test

2005-01-03 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Linux box

2005-01-03 Thread Martin Klingensmith

I had to work down at RobotGroup today as we are having to move out of our 
warehouse and had to move the Robot Brain and all the racks.

So I didn't get everything done I wanted to.

But will let you know tomorrow or the next day when the box is up.

Sorry it is taking a little longer.



That's ok Mel, it doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother you that the 
email went to the list.
Besides, the robot stuff is pretty interesting to look at. And Richard 
Stallman came to visit, that's pretty cool.
Don't worry about getting it running immediately, if other things are 
more important that's ok.
For those of you who have no idea what we're talking about, Mel is 
helping out Journey to Forever by setting up a server to mirror the web 

Thanks Mel!
Martin K
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Windows warning

2004-12-28 Thread Martin Klingensmith

that was a smart move by Bill. The Redhat distro is OK but the SUSE distro has 
passed them.

I haven't used either in a long time though I would like to try SuSe again.

If you are wanting security, the BSD varients are the most secure.

I just installed FreeBSD on an old HD on my desktop machine so I can 
stay current with it. I agree that FreeBSD is more secure than Linux. 
(OpenBSD probably being the best?)

but who wants to surf and do word processing on a server platform?

I run Slackware 95% of the time on my desktop machine, though I must 
admit I don't do a lot of "word processing"

the real problem is OS freaks want to turn their OS into a religion.

Use the right tool for the job, as you say.

when the techno nerds quit hatin' the devil and lovin' god, they started 
worshippin' linus and hating Bill.


You lost me, Mel :)
Martin Klingensmith
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Silent Night, Deadly Night

2004-12-21 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Not only did our state department refuse extradition
of Warren Anderson they put an enormous amount of
political pressure on India to drop its suit and

Did you expect anything better?

Martin K
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Supply List

2004-12-18 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Eric & Wendy wrote:

Hi Everyone!

Thanks to those who replied to my last e-mail. I appreciate the

I¹ve heard some rumors about the upcoming winter in the Northeast‹a huge
blizzard and black outs. I was wondering if someone could suggest the items
I might need to stock up on just in case we are snowed in for a week. Where
does one get a back up generator? Is that used for electrical appliances? I
know that its really common sense items like toilet paper, food, water,
candles, batteries with flashlights, extra bottle of prescription medicines.
But what happens when you can¹t heat your house or you have no electricity?
How do you protect your pipes from exploding?


Wendy Adams
Harrisburg, PA 

Hi Wendy,
You live in Harrisburg I take it?
You aren't going to get "snowed in" for a week, but it can't hurt to 
have things around that you need.
A generator is indeed used for electrical appliances such as the blower 
motors on gas/oil furnaces (You don't have electric heat I hope!)
	If you have electric heat you should replace it with natural gas or 
wood. That's not practical, I know, but you should consider getting a 
wood stove in the lowest level of your house. If the electricity goes 
out you can always burn some wood, no electricity required, no generator 
required, no gasoline required.
	If you decide to buy a generator, consider what your usage would be. 
What would you *have* to run if the electricity was out?
A few lights, the gas/oil furnace, a radio, a freezer? Take this into 
consideration if sizing a generator. Most households wouldn't need more 
than 5kW to run whatever is required. My parents' house in northern New 
York ran the essentials from a 2.5kW generator without much trouble. We 
get blizzards and ice storms up here, and have power outages every few 
years. In 1994 some areas didn't have electricity for over two weeks 
during the winter.

Winter is not bad at all in Harrisburg though, don't be frightened :)

p.s. If your have any heat at all your pipes shouldn't freeze - well, if 
your house has any insulation.

p.p.s. Where I'm from we get 200 inches of snowfall in a season.
Martin Klingensmith

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Martin's Job

2004-12-15 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Gustl Steiner-Zehender wrote:

Hallo Folks,

Wednesday, 15 December, 2004, 09:31:17, you wrote:

BN> i HAVE HAD some bad experiences with paypal and refuse to use them
BN> as well.
BN> rbury

PayPal  has  acquired  a  bad  reputation  among  many and from what I
understand for good reason.

Also,  I  don't know how I managed not to include Keith and Journey To
Forever  in  the  mail.   Chalk  it  down  to lack of sleep and health
concerns at the moment.

I believe there are some two thousand odd members of the list which is
why I proposed a dollar a person but there are not two thousand people
posting.  As  in  the  rest of life some of us will apparently have to
carry  the  others  but  it  is  something  to  which  we  ought to be
accustomed.  There  have  been  many carrying me on and off for a long
time,  Keith  and  Martin not the least among them. It is high time we
lived up to what I at least consider our responsibilities.

As  there  has been no response yet from Martin or Keith I am assuming
this  is  OK  with  them  so anyone wanting to contribute to this very
worthy  effort  could  just  drop  me an email at my own address and I
would  respond  with  my mailing address. I will also keep a list with
the name, email and amount of each donor and give it to both Keith and
Martin  so  if  anyone wants to check up on me they could email either
Keith  or  Martin and would know that their donation had been properly
distributed  and  none kept by me or misappropriated in any way.  And,
if   it   would   be   possible  US  currency would be appreciated.  I
believe  that  would  be  the  easiest and most efficient path, but no
donation would be denied.

If  the  list  is  willing we can proceed.  I am hoping that there are
more  than  half  a dozen or so of us willing to help financially with
the  truly  worthy  effort.  It is such a small thing but with so much

Happy Happy,


Hello Gustl,
Sorry I have not replied earlier I am in the middle of 'finals season' 
here at the university. Finals are end of semester tests, for those who 
may not know.

I have also been hesitant to reply because you did leave out Keith from 
your email. I realize both now and then that it was unintentional. We 
can't forget that Keith and Midori have been doing this a lot longer and 
have put significantly more "hard labor" into JtF than I have.

JtF is their life!

I agree with the generosity of you and the others, I would accept money 
only on the acceptance Keith has for the offer, and I assume the money 
would be split in some ratio between Keith and myself.

Any money received by myself would only be put toward making the 
hardware running the JtF web page and the biofuel mailing list more 
reliable. As a lot of you probably noticed, both the web page and the 
list were down for quite some time over the weekend. The infoarchive 
( has not been updated recently because of the possibility of 
the database causing the server to crash. I will remedy this problem 
over the coming weekend. I sincerely appreciate anyone's generosity.

Martin Klingensmith

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

[Biofuel] IMPORTANT NOTICE TO AOL USERS receiving BIOFUEL messages

2004-11-23 Thread Martin Klingensmith

If you DO NOT wish to be receiving messages from this list, please 


Please DO NOT report this message as JUNK MAIL to AOL as it is EXTREMELY 
DISRESPECTFUL to people who wish to be receiving messages from the 
biofuel list, who use AOL as their service provider.

*capitalization necessary for people who refuse to read whole messages.

Martin Klingensmith
site administrator.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Vertical axis wind turbines Another approach to wind

2004-11-23 Thread Martin Klingensmith

automatic positioning requires "controls" 
be it a cam and a linkage or a motor and electronics.

It doesn't mean an operator is on duty.


--- Martin K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I don't think it has controls, I think they are
automatically. If this is not the case please let me


I believe the 'controls' come down to the fact that the wind positions 
the flaps. There are no controls be they mechanical or electrical.

Martin Klingensmith

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Nuclear vs coal

2004-11-12 Thread Martin Klingensmith

and all we had to do was make special suncatchers, flat pieces of silicon the 
most abundant mineral on the planet, which over time became all the shade 
structures for the plant nurseries.

as more and more these roofs were applied and civilization grew, the people 
became energy independant and no longer needed global energy infrustructure.

soon all covers that gained sunlight all day long became energy absorbtion 

and wars to support the oil and transportation systems became no more.

and the new eden was built and a fathers temple created


It would be nice to know if solar cells are a viable alternative 
considering the mass amount of energy required to purify silicon (not to 
mention the nasty chemicals involved)

Martin K
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] about God

2004-11-11 Thread Martin Klingensmith

See this:
Note, I am not moderating any as that is up to Keith.
Martin Klingensmith
site admin

Gabriel Proulx wrote:

I saw that some people are talking about God.

I just want to express my point of view about God: it's total bullshit!

It's told that God can create and do anything, as he wish.  Following 
the logic of this statement, he could create a rock which is 
impossible to lift even for him because he can do anything he wants.  
But if he can't lift that rock, this mean he can't do anything he 
wants.  Seems that we got a paradox here.  Seems that the Bible is not 
telling the truth.
Some peole will say: it's impossible to create a rock which is 
impossible to lift even God can't do that.  That directly say that god 
can't do anything and that the Bible was not right.  Don't it smell 
like bullshit?

Think about that and tell me if paradox can be true.
Stop wasting your life and energy in this ridiculous story.  It's all 
about collecting beliver's money.  Help the world evolve instead.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Battery chargers

2004-10-19 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Keith Addison wrote:


I can't find my tall black pointed hat and the wild garlic seems to be 
out of season, so I'm completely incapable of figuring out anything 
about electrickery for myself, please excuse. Those among us who're 
better versed in the black arts than I will no doubt find this 
childishly simple, but not me.

Anyway, can you use a battery charger as a transformer? In other words, 
if I wanted to use a car windscreen wiper motor or windscreen washer 
pump or fuel pump or something, could I use a 12V battery charger to run 
it off the mains? Or would I have to use a battery and use the charger 
to keep the battery charged?



You can without issue, so long as the current required by the device 
does not exceed the current rating of the battery charger.
If it does and you don't use the device continuously, you could attach a 
battery to the charger and the battery would handle the load for the 
time that the device is running, and the charger would charge the 
battery back up when removed. Beware that some battery chargers are 
'smart' and may not like powering a device that is not a battery. Also 
the 'dumb' chargers might overcharge a battery if connected all of the tiem.

Martin Klingensmith
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: Was Re: [Biofuel] Changing Government/Now ethanol

2004-10-09 Thread Martin Klingensmith

> Any diesel engine will run on kerosene. Now that
> diesel is $2.15 per gallon in the US I'm running
> kerosene in my Jetta diesel. $1.59 per gallon. It's
> illegal but I don't really care about that.

Do you know how the lubricity compares between the two?

Martin Klingensmith

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] How to read your attachments

2004-10-04 Thread Martin Klingensmith

bmolloy wrote:

A point of information for John Hayes, and anyone interested in sending
attachments. These can indeed be sent through the list. The list is set to
reject them and a notification to that effect will appear. When you receive
a message with such a notification all you need do is open the message in
the usual way then click on "Forward". The attachment will then appear above
the subject line. Click and open as normal. The attachment can then be

Hello Bob,
I'm not sure if you're implying that you can indeed send attachments 
through to the list, but I urge you not to.

Martin Klingensmith (site admin)
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Model fuel

2004-10-03 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Keith Addison wrote:

These are diesels. The glowplug motors (not diesels) run on methanol and 
a brew of other stuff, some of it not very nice. I don't know if you 
could substitute ethanol, but I think you'd need the other stuff anyway.

Best wishes



No, it's not very nice, but you probably could use some ethanol instead 
of the methanol in the mix. Some hobby shops blend their own fuel, it 
may be worthwhile to ask around.

Martin Klingensmith
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Putting O2 to the air input DO NOT TRY IT!!!

2004-09-19 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Jeff wrote:

I have heard of truck drivers talk about getting propane in the air intake of 
their diesel engine. One driver I talk to told me of a time when this other 
truck driver smelled some propane and didn't think nothing of it. He went and 
turn off his engine as quick as he could. The other driver's engine started to 
over rev, without him in the cab. He went in the can and tried to turn the 
motor off. It wouldn't turn off. It continued to over rev and blew up the 
motor. I think that the same thing will happen with Oxygen. I don't think that 
there is any good way you can control it.


I haven't been following this thread closely but propane injection is a 
very common modification. The driver you talked to may have been putting 
liquid propane in, causing much too much fuel at once. Anyway, my point 
is that many people use propane for increased power.

Martin Klingensmith
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-16 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Martin Klingensmith

Steve Spence wrote:

They can have him. Where do we send donations for the plane tickets?

- Original Message - 
From: "wayne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll 

Since most of the world is more socialist than
democratic and does not like the US way of life in the
first place, of course they would want the candidate
that would be most destructive to the US. 

Just my opinion!

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Using an email discussion list

2004-09-11 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Phorum is good software, open source. The 5.07 beta is really powerful.

It allows lists such as this to have a web interface that arranges 
subjects and threads in a visually meaningful manner, yet retains full 
list functionality for those who prefer email. The integration is 
pretty seamless. Users choose what works best for them.

If this were a democracy, i would vote yes to having a web interface. 
Don't forget the many people who only have internet access at the 
library or cyber-cafe.

2 pesos from south of the equator...


Hello Andres,
Making the decision to choose mailman was a difficult one. We did not know 
about Phorum when we made the decision, however; we were very worried about 
security at the time due to the fact that Yahoo! had proved to be very 
unreliable and insecure.
Mailman is use by hundreds of mailing lists and is known to be secure. 
Unfortunately we did not know anything about the security of alternatives that 
were considered.

Martin Klingensmith

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Hurricane

2004-09-11 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Hi Martin and everyone: But yet we hear of polar ice
caps melting... Here in california, the migration of
salmon altered..these are a few modest examples of
weather/environmental patterns changing related to
pollution. Everything is interconnected.

I didn't say it wasn't interconnected. Unless there is a way to prove 
that something is the cause for a problem, speculation doesn't 
necessarily help. I was referring specifically to hurricanes, not salmon 
or polar ice caps melting. I know there are environmental issues caused 
by humans, for sure there are. Every time there is a weather anomaly, 
someone yells about global warming without knowing the first thing about 
the issue.

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [Biofuel] Hurricane

2004-09-11 Thread Martin Klingensmith

i suspect that lots of Floridians are suddenly paying attention to the
scientists who have been saying for a decade that unless the
world cuts hydrocarbon emissions (think sign the Kyoto Accords
that are being rejected by Bush and Congress) there would be 
increasingly violent, unusual weather. the US citizens who are
4% of the people on earth generate more than a third of the 
world's emissions.   RossCannon

Weather does not follow any specific pattern, occurences are 
interrelated but entirely random as to the frequency of intensity. The 
magnitude of a hurricane is directly related to water temperature where 
the hurricane is. The thing is that water temperatures have not risen 
enough to cause a change in hurricane intensities. Global warming is 
perhaps true, but temperatures have not risen enough [yet] to cause any 
significant weather changes.

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] water purification

2004-09-06 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Hello Peggy,
I am interested in reading about the details of this system, do you have 
any patents or public papers I can read?
Martin Klingensmith

Peggy wrote:
> Hello Keith,
> Our research group has invented a water-cleaning device that repeatedly
> demonstrates a five-log reduction in microbes in a continuous flow of
> water and theoretically should reduce toxic chemicals as well.  We break
> the water molecule into the hydroxyl radical and in the reformation, we
> produce the primary sanitizing elements know to health.  The final
> product is water pure and simple.  Microbes are obliterated and chemical
> bonds are broken.  It's similar to having lightning strike only it's
> within a protected chamber in small doses.  Among our next steps are
> utilizing earth-friendly energy sources to power the apparatus.  Well,
> again, as I was recently discussing with a list member, we need to work
> toward the positive.  There are individuals who are without political
> affiliations or wealth agendas that slowly work toward universal goals.
> Unfortunately we are only limited by time and money.  Enthusiasm,
> creativity, and technology are our assets.
> Peggy
> Peggy G Korth, President
> Water Assurance Technology Energy Resources
> Non-profit research and development for safe water, safe air, and safe
> energy.

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Re: [biofuel] Old propane tanks

2004-09-02 Thread Martin Klingensmith

If you get the tank (and contents!) quite cold, the pressure of the 
propane will reduce dramatically. You may be able to remove the stuck 
valve under this condition and get a new or working valve on the tank. 
Of course I wouldn't want to try it.
Martin Klingensmith

Greg Harbican wrote:
> So I found out yesterday talking to another dealer.  Still I found out that 
> another of the tanks still has propane under pressure ( I finally got the 
> rusty valve covers off with the application of WD-40, ATF, and tapping with a 
> light hammer along the threaded area, to loosen the rusted parts ).  
> I found another source of some more 100 lb tanks ( this time for free ), and 
> these have the covers and the valves already removed so I don't have to mess 
> with propane under pressure.  I figure to use some for BioDiesel production, 
> some for transportation of WVO, and others for BioDiesel Storage.
> Near as I can figure a 100 lb tank will hold just about 23 liquid gallons, 
> can anyone confirm this? 
> Greg H.

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Re: [biofuel] Old propane tanks

2004-08-30 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Adding an over-pressure release valve couldn't hurt I would say.
Labelling the tank as non-propane couldn't hurt either.
Martin Klingensmith

> I have a possible source of propane tanks that have failed certification,
> and, might be able to get one or two at scrap prices.I know to fill
> them with water to force out any propane than may still be in them, so
> they don't explode when I go to cut/drill into them.I figure that if I
> can locate a 40 lb tank, that has failed certification, that it should
> make a processor that can handle about 20 gal at a time.
> Any advice as to converting them to a BioDiesel processor?
> Greg H.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [biofuel] Chemistry of washing

2004-08-18 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Ken Provost wrote:
> on 8/18/04 5:42 AM, Teoman Naskali at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>When I wash my test batch, it creates a vaccum
>>in the container it is washed in. Obviously
>>some kind of chemical reaction takes place. What
>>could it be? And what does it absorb from the
> Interesting -- I've never noticed that. My guess
> is that methanol is vaporizing out of the unwashed
> fuel before you seal the container, displacing air
> out of the headspace, and then dissolving in the
> wash water after the container is sealed.
> Nothing in the air would be taken up by the fuel
> quickly enough to explain it (O2 reacting with
> double bonds in unsaturated fatty acid chains
> would take days, for example). -K

Perhaps the air above the biodiesel is warm at first and cools after 
washing, contracting and creating a vacuum.

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] miscibility of ethanol

2004-08-17 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Larosa Rodolfo wrote:
> Hello Martin,
> Thank you for your reply. 
> But which is the maximun solubility of absolute ethanol in gasoline  and 
> gasoline in absolute ethanol ? Are there graphics or tables  ?
> Thank You
> Rodolfo

They should be miscible at any ratio.

One thing I would like to experiment with is ratios of ethanol (incl. 
some water) + methanol + gasoline. Methanol allows gasoline to absorb 
some water but I don't know how the whole mix would work out.

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Re: Fwd: Homebrew generator from lawnmower

2004-08-17 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Last I heard it was [EMAIL PROTECTED] though he just changed 
providers so he may not have email up and running.

> Isn't the successor to Steve Spence's WebConX 
> site?  Is it 
> still his site?  If so, does anyone know how to contact him?  (I found no 
> contact info on 
> the site, and it appears to be broken in a couple spots.)
> Thanks,
> Terry

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] water injection question

2004-08-17 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Greg Harbican wrote:
> A while back I had the misfortune of having someone who thought that they 
> were going to have a bit of fun, with my Land Cruiser, only to be caught 
> dumping water into the fuel tank.  After calling Gold Eagle, the makers of 
> Heet and Iso Heet ( for Diesel ), and talking to one of the technicians, they 
> said that 12 bottles of Iso Heet for every gallon of water should take care 
> of the problem.  After checking the cost of Iso Heet, and talking to my 
> mechanic, I found than it would be more cost effective for the mechanic to 
> take care of the problem, than to buy 2.5 gal of Iso Heet for aprox 2 Gal of 
> water in the fuel tank.
> Right now I'm cleaning the fuel system, but once I'm done you can bet that 
> I'm going to try some experiments with Isopropanol and water. and if they 
> work then I'll move on to trying it in the fuel.
> Greg H.

Hi Greg,
A mechanic charged you less than $24 to do something to your truck?

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] miscibility of ethanol

2004-08-17 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Larosa Rodolfo wrote:
> [Edited to change subject title, was "Re: [biofuel] What to plant for 
> biodiesel", and to delete irrelevant previous message. KA]
> Please, I need information about miscibility of ethanol - gasoline. If do
> you have this information (trables, graphics, ecc)  is possible send me.
> Thank You
> Rodolfo

Hello Rodolfo,
Ethanol can only be mixed with gasoline if it contains no water - 100% 
alcohol. Otherwise it will not mix without a lot of additives such as 

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: No attack - was Re: [biofuel] who is trying what

2004-08-14 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Hakan, they do require a special code. Have you changed your Yahoo 
password? If not I would do so immediately. It's not hard to fake an 
email from someone [I've sent emails to my friends from "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
as a joke..] but sending the message BACK to a faked address should be 
A good password should contain letters along with a number such as 
"b8Hdh4c3X" it's unguessable and would take a long time for someone to 
figure out. That is, of course, as long as you don't tell everyone like 
I just did.
Martin Klingensmith

Hakan Falk wrote:
> Keith.
> I thought that you had to have a special message in the subject line or 
> message, to unsubscribe from Yahoo lists, this is the normal way it should 
> be done. I did not realize that they allow this only based on an email 
> address, which of course make it very sensitive to viruses. On the other 
> hand, they are quite good on virus scanning of their mail and ought to have 
> checks on this, but it is hard to keep up with the new viruses.

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Re: No attack - was Re: [biofuel] who is trying what

2004-08-14 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Keith Addison wrote:

> There's nothing to be done about it. I've received emails allegedly 
> from myself, [EMAIL PROTECTED], warning me that my address - 
> also [EMAIL PROTECTED] - is being used for spam and my ISP - 
> - will close my account unless I do something 
> about it as explained in the attachment (which is of course a virus). 

> Just lies and false addresses. 

That's what you think, Keith!
*pulls plug*

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] implantable thermoelectric generator

2004-08-12 Thread Martin Klingensmith

tallex2002 wrote:
> implantable thermoelectric generator 
> Power implant aims to run on body heat 
> Just think if these chips become mass produced in a few years
> and the possible applications for thermo electrics outside the body 
> as well. Surely a bunch of these could be connected together to 
> produce usable power for many 
> phones, palm pilots laptops etc. Also could be an 
> effective way of converting exhaust heat.
> regards

Hi tallex,
It appears that they are using Peltier devices. These have been around 
for a long time but don't get used for a lot of things because of their 
horrible efficiency.
Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Ethanol / Methanol mix

2004-08-12 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Hello Greg,
Methanol is CH3O [atomic mass 31 grams per mole] and ethanol C2H6O [46 g/M].
As you can see there is an oxygen atom in each molecule. Ethanol has 
more energy than methanol because it has more bonds than methanol.
Plain old gasoline is just a series of carbon bonds such as C-C-C-C-C-C 
[with hydrogen all around]
MTBE is C5H12O [88 g/M] which, as you can see, is much more massive than 
either ethanol or methanol yet only has 1 oxygen atom.
Since mixtures are done by weight[mass], you could for example have 1kg 
of methanol mixed with 9kg of gasoline (a 10% mixture). The mass of the 
added oxygen would be approximately 500 grams and the oxygen would be 
about 5% in the whole mixture. If you had 1kg of MTBE with 9kg gasoline 
(again 10%) then the mass of the oxygen would be approximately 180 grams 
and the oxygen would be about 1.8% of total mass.
So methanol would be a much better oxygenator according to my "chem 105 
as I remember it" calculations. They very well could be off by +/-90% :)
Ethanol would be slightly less efficient as an oxygen donor.
So basically it doesn't matter what the eth/meth ratio is, any amount 
will help.

Martin Klingensmith

Greg Harbican wrote:
> In the last few days, I have been doing some checking, and I found that in 
> 1990 there was experimentation into Eth / Meth alcohol mixes, that when added 
> to fuel, would increase the O2 content of the fuel up to 3.7% ( better than 
> 11% MTBE with 2% O2 ), decreasing associated pollutants. 
> Does anyone have any information about these experiments and what the 
> Eth/Meth ratio's are?
> Greg H.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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[biofuel] WWIA Server Cooperative

2004-08-11 Thread Martin Klingensmith

This message is for anyone who runs a web site that has a topic of 
biofuels, energy, or almost anything else DIY. If this is you, please 
see this page:
I wish to start a non-profit server sharing scheme in which people with 
similar interests will pool their money together to pay for their web 
hosting costs.

Thank you for your time.

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] SVO automatic switch

2004-08-08 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Austen wrote:
> Has anybody developed or found a thermostat type device that would 
> work to install on the fuel line for the SVO conversion that at say 
> 60 C would automatically switch over to SVO, making this conversion 
> more efficient and less driver involved?  I would then wire an over 
> ride switch into the cab.  Any thoughts?
> thanks,
> austen

Hi austen,
I believe there is not much of a market for it because the people who 
run SVO currently have the desire to have control over what's going on. 
Consider it a hobby. It would be a very easy control system.

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Organic Farming Sequesters Atmospheric Carbon and Nutrients in Soils

2004-07-31 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Keith Addison wrote:

>Organic Farming Sequesters Atmospheric Carbon and Nutrients in Soils
>Paul Hepperly, The New Farm¨ Research Manager
>The Rodale Institute¨
>Executive Summary
>Organic farming may be one of the most powerful tools in the fight 
>against global warming. Findings from The Rodale Institute's 23-year 
>Farming Systems Trial¨ (FST) comparing organic and conventional 
>cropping systems show organic/regenerative agriculture systems reduce 
>carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gases-positioning organic farming 
>as a major player in efforts to slow climate change from runaway 
>greenhouse gases increases.
Hi Keith,
As we both know [others may not] Pimental has been known to put out bad 
data, though this latest information appears to be good if it is true.

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Re: [biofuel] European-American War of 2020

2004-07-28 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Ken Provost wrote:

>A buddy at work (jewish, socialist, New Yorker, so yeah he's
>probly a little AHEAD of the curve) was speculating that U.S.
>would be at war with Europe within 15 years. Another fellow
>asked if that would be just France, but he said he figgered
>all of Europe would be together in it.
>I was thinking at the time that U.S. has already LOST the war
>with  Europe, but what do I know?
>Anyway, since there's some Europeans here, and the putative
>war would probly be about OIL (or paying for it with euros
>instead of dollars), I thought this forum might have some
>light to shed on Fred's idea..  -K
There's too much of a connection with Europe to fight a war with them. 
It would be an awfully hard sell to the American people, one which I 
would never buy. I've never bought the Iraq war either, but what do I know.
Martin K

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Re: [biofuel] How Do You Figure Ethanol Octane?

2004-07-27 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Terry Wilhelm wrote:

>Does anyone know of an equation for figuring the octane levels in different 
>proofs of alcohol?

Not exactly what you wanted, but informative:

"Raises octane 2 to 3 points for 10% addition to gasoline"

"(R+M)/2 varies between 96-113"

I couldn't actually find a formula.
Do I get a Revenoor discount now? ;)
Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Tha' Ballad of Dubya [political humor]

2004-07-23 Thread Martin Klingensmith

rico suavae wrote:
> Pretty good for a couple of Texans.Which one had the crayon?
> Yankee Boy Rico
> Kim & Garth Travis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This thread needs to stop right here. Keith, sorry for playing moderator 
here but I know you will agree that personal attacks are completely 
useless to any discussion group.
"rico", You are allowed to disagree with what Kim/Garth said but you are 
not allowed to make rude comments about them.

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Re: [biofuel] Re: inline glow plug for SVO heating?

2004-07-23 Thread Martin Klingensmith

rob crowley wrote:
> I like the idea of inline heating of the SVO, but...
> The size of the fuse does not regulate the current in a glow plug; it 
> only breaks the circuit once the current exceeds the fuse rating. 

Hi Rob,
I said the current would be somewhat less than whatever fuse he used 
[and if the fuse blew then the current was higher]. Without knowing the 
resistance of the heater I wasn't going to speculate.

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Re: inline glow plug for SVO heating?

2004-07-22 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Joshua wrote:
>>Your typical triac phase-shaping dimmer will not work on DC, this can't 
>>be what they're using.
>>If it turns out that they need a control, I could make a simple one.
> Quite right, we're using an automotive dimmer for a heater... it's
> great, even says HEAT on it.  ;)  We haven't actually tested it yet,
> though, so we're not sure how low it'll get the glow plug.
>>120 watts on the small surface area of a glow plug is probably too much 
>>for oil. I'm guessing about 30 watts would be decent.
> I'm not exactly sure about watts, but we've got it run through a 20
> amp fuse, though we might put a 10 amp on there.
> Cheers,
> Joshua

A 10 amp fuse means the current would have to stay somewhere below 13v * 
  10 amps = 130 watts. 20 amps would be less than 260 watts.
Let us know how it works our for you.

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] inline glow plug for SVO heating?

2004-07-22 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Erik Lane wrote:
> i would be worried about that glow plug getting too
> hot for sure! i think that they draw about 9-12 amps
> per plug, and that's a lot of current to go thru a
> dimmer switch. if it's a dimmer from a house circuit i
> suspect that it wouldn't hold up. that kind of current
> is equivalent to something like 1000-1500 watts load
> on a 120V circuit. (it's the amps that's the problem
> in sizing electrics, in case you don't know.) i doubt
> that a normal dimmer is rated that high.

Your typical triac phase-shaping dimmer will not work on DC, this can't 
be what they're using.
If it turns out that they need a control, I could make a simple one.

> and if you want to see how hot a glow plug will get
> then you can hook a positive wire from the battery to
> the wire terminal and holding it in a pair of pliers
> ground the case to some bare metal on the vehicle. it
> doesn't take long at all for that thing to very
> literally GLOW! they get red and even white hot.
> according to this page:

120 watts on the small surface area of a glow plug is probably too much 
for oil. I'm guessing about 30 watts would be decent.

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Re: Canada - Burying CO2

2004-07-21 Thread Martin Klingensmith

NEIL wrote:
> G'day,
>there's been a bit of the bury the waste going on in our news 
> here in Oz and the fact that our powerstations are all in this state 
> NSW. we supply %65 of australias power. and they were saying about 
> making liquid co2 and putting it in holes in the ground.. trouble is 
> our oil fields are down the bottom of oz in the sea.. no how much 
> does it cost to transport co2?  even if this insane idea went 
> ahead.  the key of course is to stop using polluting energy. we have 
> one lousy wind generator here where there could be a thousand and i 
> havent seen it stopped when driving past the last month.
>   Any how my question was in there ha,  the cost of transporting 
> Co2. is there any mention of that?
> Cheers  Neil.

Hi Neil,
They built a pipeline in this case. ANYTHING to get more oil out of the 
ground! I agree with you, they could have spent a LOT of money on solar 
or wind generation.
On an unrelated note, it's a good idea to trim your quoted message when 
you reply. You quoted the whole article which was several pages. No harm 
done, just try not to do it.

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Re: [biofuel] Drinking rain water [was: Drink Water From Dehumidifier?]

2004-07-20 Thread Martin Klingensmith

> Hi,
> I am looking into building an Earthship, and I was wondering if you could
> tell me if drinking rain water is safe (I mean after it has been
> filtered like described in the Earthship books)?
> Thanks,
> Al

Hi Al,
I think rainwater is fine but in some areas it will be acidic. I'm 
downwind from Detroit, my rainwater is pretty acidic.

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Re: [biofuel] Water Heater Warning

2004-07-19 Thread Martin Klingensmith

bioveging wrote:
> Good day;
> Having just finished installing the electricals on my reactor (water 
> heater) this weekend I thought I would pass along a potential risk 
> when converting these to 120V from their 240V original.
> I don't know about most but the one I got had a square flanged 
> heating element and the 120V conversion element is screw in round. 
> This in and of itself is not a major problem, although a word of 
> warning is in order. The conversion flange can be bought wherever 
> they sell the heaters, just ask. What happems though is that once 
> you have disabled the upper element and installed the conversion 
> flange to be able to screw in your 120V element the lower one now 
> sticks out further than it did originally with the flat square 
> flange so that you are not able to put the metal plate back on the 
> lower part without getting contact of the poles and shorting out the 
> unit. A work around would be to use a ball pean hammer and "dent" 
> out a space for the protruding element or simply not replace the 
> lower plate and cover the lot with insulation, duct tape itin place 
> and then proceed to complete the extra insulation required by this 
> sort of design that enables it to hold in it's heat better for a 
> more complete reaction and settling of the glycerine layer.

A GFCI would be in order here as well. Make sure you ground the tank 
properly. It will shut of the power if something shorts to ground. [Like 
a human finger..]

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Re: [biofuel] Drink Water From Dehumidifier?

2004-07-19 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Gustl Steiner-Zehender wrote:
> Hallo Folks,
> I  don't  know  how  close to "on-topic" this is but I have a question
> which  I  have  been  asking  myself  for  a long while and figured it
> wouldn't hurt to pass it on and see what I get.
> Every  day  I  go  down  in my basement and empty about 2.5 gallons of
> water from the dehumidifier.  Twice a day.  Every day.
> I  have  been wondering if it would be possible to dehimidify with the
> added  benefit of having potable water.  Safe to drink.  What would it
> take?  Closed system with copper or stainless steel coils or...?
> Anyone  have  any ideas on this?  Just a (nagging) thought.  Waste not
> want not.
> Happy Happy,
> Gustl

Hi Gustl,
A rather tame topic, it's more useful than Mich*el M***e rants, IMO.
My girlfriend's house has a dehumidifier in the basement as well. Is 
this a necessity due to bad building practices? I know what would happen 
if you did not have one, but I don't know why the humidity would get too 
high in the cooler space of a basement.
As for drinking the water, I'm sure that you could. On inspection of 
your typical dehumidifier there is a lot of dust, fibers, and lint that 
stay wet on the cold heat exchanger portion on which the water condenses.
Barring this complication, I'm sure that it would be a good source of 
water if the heat exchanger were kept clean, and the water would be 
filtered through activated carbon.
It is inherently distilled water, though it is an open system where any 
other chemicals in the air would just as easily condense on the coils.

There is a place in England I believe, where there is a shortage of 
potable water but they have a lot of fog every morning. They put up 
large land-sails that condense the passing fog to supply drinking water. 
I don't have any details but it seemed to have worked when I saw the report.
Hope that helps a little
"Happy Happy"

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Perendev tooling up for magnetic motor

2004-07-17 Thread Martin Klingensmith

tallex2002 wrote:

>Perendev is Tooling Up for Magnetic Motor Mass Production
>Hi all,
>This will be interesting.
>Perendev is Tooling Up for Magnetic Motor Mass Production in Europe
It won't be interesting, it'll be a scam to get money to invest in it.
It's impossible, illogical, unscientific, and getting very irritating to 
real science.

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Re: [biofuel] engine problem

2004-07-07 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Christopher wrote:
> Hi Martin:
> What could be an indication that water has indeed damaged the bearings? Will
> that still be repairable?
> Thanks a lot.
> Regards,
> chris

If you check the main bearings and the caps are copper colored, they are 
worn and should be replaced. New bearings are babbit [a white metal] on 
top of copper, on top of the steel shell. You can check them by removing 
the oil pan and onbolting one of the bearing caps. Be careful of getting 
any dirt at all in there. If you do replace them, clean the crank well 
and apply a sticky assembly lubricant liberally. Don't be conservative ;)
Bearings rarely actually fail in a small engine so you likely don't have 
a problem. When a head gasket fails it is indicated by a loss of power 
and you may have actually seen gases escaping between the head and 
block. When people don't pay attention to their gauges and this failure 
occurs, it can result in an overheated engine with a warped head, 
cracked block, or other expensive failure.

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Re: [biofuel] How's Come Berkely is the Hot Bed of Forward Thinking.

2004-07-06 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Phil Dodd wrote:
> Sitting here in my south-central pennsylvania funk lamenting the 
> fact that when I talk biodiesel I am looked at like I have 2 heads.  
> Though there is a couple of seminars coming to the Washington D.C. 
> area next week and again in september.  Are there any folks out here 
> in the hinterlands of the Mid-Atlantic states that are actually 
> making, using and spreading the word?  Help save me from this desert 
> of forward thinking before my mind starts to atrophy here in the 
> land of the closed mind.
> Phil

Hello Phil,
I live in northern New York [no, the Catskills are not northern NY]
I have been trying to get people interested for quite some time. It 
isn't easy and it's slow, but I've been letting people know for a couple 
years now that there are alternatives to petro-diesel and gasoline. I've 
also been dispelling the widespread myth that ethanol is bad. Why is it 
common belief that ethanol is a horrible fuel?

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RE: [biofuel] engine problem

2004-07-04 Thread Martin Klingensmith

> Chris,
> Sounds like blown head gasket - if so it should not be too serious, just
> take the head off & replace with a new head gasket. You might want to
> take the opportunity to reseat the valves while the head is off. Make
> sure you follow the recommended tightening sequence & torque settings
> for the head bolts.
> More seriously you might have a cracked block - not much you can do
> there except scrap it.
> Hope that helps
> Malcolm

Hopefully it hasn't overheated or ruined any bearings due to the water.
Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Like to Introduce Myself - Ethanol Maker

2004-06-29 Thread Martin Klingensmith

linux4freaks wrote:
> Hi!  My name is Glenn Wehmeyer and my interest is in making ethanol
> from acquired fermentable materials. I can see that a majority of
> discussions are about biodiesel at the moment but I'm interesting in
> all renewable fuels. 
> Been making ethanol for a few months, next step after brewing beer all
> these years... already know half the process. I'm currently looking
> for ways to remove some of the water post fermentation and before
> distillation. Ideally just trying to reduce the energy costs
> associated with distillation. I will also be trying to get the Ethanol
> closer to 99% in the future for other uses.
> Thanks for having me,
> Glenn

I believe you can use a reverse osmosis machine to reduce the amount of 
water. They are quite expensive though.
See and search under the biofuel, distillers, 
and new_distillers archives.
Glad to have you here.

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Re: Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-06-28 Thread Martin Klingensmith

I hope you're not voting then. The last Michael Moore book I read had 26 
pages regarding works cited. He said himself that his publications 
aren't "fair". At least he doesn't claim to be when he's not. []
Martin Klingensmith

> I hope no voters base their vote on anything that Michael Moore writes or 
> films. All of his premises and arguements are based on skewed data and 
> emotion. He really has a very poor arguement. Its very sad that people would 
> take something, written by someone with severe political motivations and uses 
> human emotions to get a reaction in stead of logic, as truth and fact. Do us 
> all a favor, do your own research, otherwise, don't vote.

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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-06-28 Thread Martin Klingensmith

> Yeah, it is a little slanted isn't it?
> I for one do not care to see the country made over into the
> image that Michael Moore would like to see.  I have
> seen pictures of that punk from his high school days reminds
> me too much of the hell raisers and agitators that are largely
> responsible for doing away with a number of the traditions and
> morals of this country.  He still looks it, just older and uglier
> and fatter.
> Cliff Jobe

You're right, it would be better if there were never any "punks" that 
wanted to change our "traditions" or "morals". And you're right, he's 
"ugly" and "fat" so that makes all the difference!
Thank you for making an excellent contribution to the biofuel list.

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Re: [biofuel] Jet Fuel

2004-06-27 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Mix it with biodiesel and you'll be all set. Just make sure you know why 
it's "Waste" [I don't]
Martin Klingensmith

towcloud9 wrote:
> Hi all, 
>  A local airport often has wast jet fuel. My understanding is 
> that with a lubricity additive, jet fuel can be used as diesel. I can 
> get 30-40 gallons a week. Anyone doing this?

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Re: [biofuel] weights and measures

2004-06-25 Thread Martin Klingensmith

robert luis rabello wrote:
> george meredith wrote:
>>Why can`t everyone use gallons,ouarts,pints,ounces,lbs instead of metrics

>   Unit conversions in the metric system simply involve moving a decimal 
> around, rather than messing with division.  (How many ounces are in a 
> peck?  Better yet, who cares!)  The "rest of the world" is a bit 
> smarter than we Americans when it comes to this!
>   The only problem with the metric system is that the pitch of metric 
> threads is so narrow that bolts don't seem to have the same holding 
> power that SAE threads have.  For most of us, however, this is not a 
> problem.
> robert luis rabello
> "The Edge of Justice"
> Adventure for Your Mind

I am finding that most engineers are using metric these days. I'm the 
electrical variety myself. Have you ever seen non-metric electromagnetic 
units? They are NOT pretty!
The only people still holding on are the general public. I think the 
metric system is great.

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Re: [biofuel] EPA's bad data?

2004-06-25 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Hunt, Adam wrote:

>I just ran across an EPA run website where you can look up the EPA rated 
>mileage and "Air Pollution Score" (pounds of smog forming pollution per 15k 
>miles).  For some reason every recent VW TDI scored markedly worse then their 
>gas counterparts.  In some cases the diesels are shown to produce twice as 
>much smog.  Can anyone comment on this?  I have always been told that diesels 
>are generally cleaner.
>The site in question can be found at 
My car [1999 chevrolet cavalier 2.2l 5spd] is incorrectly rated as 
getting 24 mpg city / 34 hwy. I get 30 and 35. This has been discussed 
quite a bit lately and I have come to the personal conclusion that the 
EPA ratings are calculated by racecar drivers.
Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Raschig rings

2004-06-24 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Hi Ben!
You've asked a good question maybe you should check this out:
many hits including alternatives such as glass beads or steel pot scrubbers.

benjinsl wrote:
> Greetings all,
>   I am planning to build a small ethanol still,
>, and would like to know if 
> anyone can recommend a reputable source of raschig rings, or have any 
> ideas of substitutes? (steel wool?)
> Ben

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Re: [biofuel] New to the group

2004-06-19 Thread Martin Klingensmith

John Woolsey wrote:

>Think about it. Electric cars have the same problem as hydrogen cars. There is 
>no free supply of electricity. The only way to produce relatively polution 
>free vehicles would be to have all electrical power produced by nuclear 
>energy. Right now any increase in electrical energy consumption is generally 
>produced by coal. Net CO2 output from coal after inefficiency of batteries and 
>the like are taken into account is far higher than gas vehicles.
>As my air modeling friend told me. Electric vehicles are just a moving the 
>smoke plume issue.
>- bfn - JAW

Please provide real sources such as those if you wish to make a sweeping 
comment in the future.
Batteries are not inefficient compared to internal combustion engines, 
and large coal fired burners are actually much more efficient than the 
typical hydrocarbon to road custody chain.

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Re: [biofuel] New to the group

2004-06-18 Thread Martin Klingensmith

John Woolsey wrote:

>Things that have been irritating me:
>Electric cars produce more polution and CO2 than gas cars. Remember 
>marginal electricity is produced by Coal in NA.
You said it, now prove it.
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Re: [biofuel] I need large amounts of Biodiesel

2004-06-07 Thread Martin Klingensmith

You could certainly make that much. The hardest part would be collecting 
the WVO to use.
You may want to try running on straight WVO - have a second tank in 
which the return line loops through the secondary WVO tank before 
returning to the diesel tank. The return line would act as a heat 
exchanger warming the WVO. When it gets warm, switch the fuel with a 
solenoid valve. [send/return diesel switched to send/return WVO]

Martin Klingensmith

bustedknuckle71 wrote:
> I am interested in biodiesel for a dump truck. Is it possible to make 
> large quantities of biodiesel? I average about 75 gal. per day 6 days 
> a week. Can this amount be made by a individual? Would this end up 
> being a full time job? 
> Thanks for the info

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Re: [biofuel] Is using a metal propane tank for bio OK?

2004-06-01 Thread Martin Klingensmith

There shouldn't be any problems. A tank that thick should last a long 
time. Be sure the tank has been properly ventilated for a while before 
welding/drilling/tapping. Normal methods call for flushing with 
compressed air [while cutting or drilling] or rinsing with water.
Martin Klingensmith

TJ Ferreira wrote:
> Own a VW Westfalia which has a propane tank on drivers side.  If I
> were to buy a used westie propane tank and mount under passengers side
> (there is a perfect spot where it will fit and has same bolt fittings
> as drivers side does), drill proper hole for filling the tank and
> finding some stopper for it, is there any reason it would not work
> with diesel or biodiesel fuel.  Plan is to use this small 2.25 gallon
> size propane tank as a diesel or biodiesel tank for starting the
> vehicle and then when up to temp switch over to the main 15 gallong
> tank which now has wvo/svo fuel.  Just not sure if propane tanks have
> any issues with running diesel in or not.  
> Thanks
> Thomas

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Re: [biofuel] Ethanol

2004-06-01 Thread Martin Klingensmith

> Regards 
> Nick
> P.S. I love my internal combustion engines and now I know that I can be 
> better for the environment and still play with them. Why push for alternative 
> energy when biofuel is a solution?

Biofuels are alternative energies!

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Re: [biofuel] Biodiesel

2004-06-01 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Please post your results to this list so we can see what you find. I 
have been wondering about cracking biodiesel.
Martin Klingensmith

irshad ahmed wrote:
> Hi, 
> My name is Irshad and i am a new member to this group.I am a graduate student 
> in Chemical Engineering Dept in University of North Dakota.
> I am trying to improve the cold flow properties of Biodiesel so that it can 
> be used in Aviation sector (JP-8).I am trying to improve the cold flow 
> properties by catalytic cracking and thermal cracking.In future we are going 
> to crack soybean oil and bidiesel and then we will compare the results
> I would like to know is someone working on this same topic or they have some 
> idea how i can remove major percentage of glycerol from biodiesel (SME) or 
> from raw feed soybean oil which is our our feed for biodiesel.
> All of you have a great weekend,
> Thank You,
> Irshad

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Re: [biofuel] Bush's Biodiesel Mower

2004-06-01 Thread Martin Klingensmith

murdoch wrote:
> Maybe "Dubya" should consider appointing Ken Englebrecht run the
> Department of Energy. 

He'll probably fire him when he finds out.

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Re: [biofuel] Early 80's Mercedes-Benz turbo diesel fuel tank problem (Flaking and clogging)

2004-05-28 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Steven Pfaff wrote:
> I read  a post a few days ago about a problem with the fuel tanks on the 
> early 80's Benz diesels, and I have some questions regarding this issue.  I 
> am looking at buying two of four Mercedes-Benz 300D's years 1979-1983 (the 
> '79 is a coupe and the others are sedans).  I suspect three of the four have 
> been sitting a year or more.  I remember reading that something inside the 
> fuel tank was flaking off and clogging the fuel system.  Is this the "actual 
> inside of the tank" or buildup of some sort?  Is it uncertain what this 
> material is?  Is it absolutely necessary to replace the fuel tank in this 
> instance?  How long did your vehicle run before the problem arose?  Was the 
> clog (obstruction) in the fuel line/hose, or in the filter?  I also remember 
> reading that the fuel tanks were of some difficulty to obtain, but possibly 
> only for certain models ie; wagons.  How much did you pay for the tank?  
> Where did you get it?  Did you do the repairs yourself or did you go to a 
> mechanic? 

If something was flaking off, it was either rust or a coating on the 
inside. In either case you should change the tank. A tank for an 80s 
Mercedes is [I'm guessing] in the hundreds-of-dollars range, unless you 
find a good source. Changing a fuel tank is a straight-forward 
operation, disconnect everything, undo straps, put in the new one. The 
sending unit may be rusting out if the tank is in bad shape.
I'm not the person you were looking for, but I'm trying to give you some 

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] DVD Issues

2004-05-26 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Solution: make DVDs and dub some VHS tapes as well.
DVDs can ship in the mail for less money than VHS tapes though.
Martin K

Emmerick, Craig wrote:
> Hi Guys and Gals  
> I tend to agree with Steve on this one about making a DVD istead of the old
> video.  DVD players are a lot more leaner burners of the electric bill than
> the video machine.  Skip forward people and take the tech step, you won't be
> sorry.

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Re: [biofuel] great history channel spot on the tzero

2004-05-24 Thread Martin Klingensmith

murdoch wrote:
> The show is "From Tactical To Practical".  This particular show, they
> were examining all sorts of hybrids and alt-fuel vehicles.
> After the Prius-Insight hybrid segment, they did a segment on the
> tzero, where they had it do a 1/4 mile drag against a 500 hp Dodge
> Viper.  The tzero won.  At the end, the Viper was catching up a bit,
> but it was not able to overcome the tzero's advantages in low-end
> torque that manifested themselves at the line.

I saw it too, didn't it look like they were going really slow, perhaps a 
mock race?

> Then there was a segment on a diesel-electric hybrid military vehicle
> and then a diesel-electric 2004 Dodge pickup (Is such a thing actually
> available to consumers, or was this just Daimler-Chrysler vaporware,
> or more military-only who-cares-about-consumers-ware?)

The hybrid dodge pickup is being made available to fleet customers right 
now. It should be available in a year or two for "regular" customers.

> The military hybrid (Hybrid Humvee?) was said to use Lithium-type
> batteries.  Cool.

I think it's mainly for stealth mode. The military rarely cares about 
fuel consumption.

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Re: [biofuel] Re: Received a message from

2004-05-21 Thread Martin Klingensmith

biobenz wrote:

>Of course it is not lost that the fact that you haven't run a virus 
>checker leaves you in the absolute dark as to whether or not your PC 
>is loaded with spyware/adware ect...
>How do you know? You could be the trap door to the mountains of spam 
>that get sent via infected machines every day.
>The only reason we hear more about MS getting hit by hackers so much 
>is because that's what the majority of the world is using. Linux or 
And because they don't fix security holes.

>Mac are NOT immune to infection and should they become more popular 
>they too would see the happy litte bugs showinig up in droves 
>looking for a home.This not to say that they have not been targeted 
>in the past, as they have, sucessfully, so to say that this OS or 
>that is "better" and immune is a false sense of security that could 
>end up costing you big time should one of these little mignons 
>decide that seeing as how Linux and Mac users are so not looking for 
>an attack that that just might be "fun" to hit next.
Linux distributions come with higher security by default. Windows still 
can't get the multi-user security correct.

>The "better" solution is to invest the money the hackers have forced 
>you to dish out and get GOOD anti-virus/anti-hacking software as 
>well as spyware and adware removal software and be happy that you 
>did it BEFORE you lost your hard drive to some "helpful" hacker.
The only antivirus software on my linux machines is to filter out 
windows viruses from email attachments. Ask Keith about this.

>Personally I run Norton's Internet Security combined with Spybot 
>Search and Destroy for spyware and Ad-Aware by Lavasoft for the 
>adware and although many many attempts have been made at gaining 
>access to my Windows XP equiped machine none have yet suceeded in so 
>doing, thank God, although NO system is 100% ironclad shut to 
>hacking we owe it to ourselves to make the job as difficult as 
>possible and then the hackathons will simply find an easier target, 
>such as one who isn't expecting them, like say, a Linux or Mac user 
>who thinks he/she is impervious to them.
My system is impervious to viruses. Why? Because I know what's going on 
in here, and I don't install junk software. I have never had a virus.

>The fact is, if you DO NOT run anti-virus checks then HOW do you 
>know you aren't infected? Answer: you don't.
I'm not. If you're running windows then you don't know.

Martin Klingensmith

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RE: [biofuel] Least Costly Cars To Own.... according to one study's methodology

2004-05-21 Thread Martin Klingensmith

I'm sorry that was a typo, I intended to write '37'
47 would be better though :)

> Martin,
> Is this a diesel or something else - a non-USA model?
> The cavalier, according to yahoo autos, achieves 27-37 mpg.
> tml
> -Original Message-
> From: Martin Klingensmith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 11:42 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [biofuel] Least Costly Cars To Own according to one
> study's
> methodology
> murdoch wrote:
>> According to this study's methodology, fuel efficiency is important,
> though
>> obviously not the only factor.  The top 5 cars include an assortment of
>> approaches, including the Hybrid Prius, the Non-Hybrid Civic and the VW
> TDI.
> I figured out the total cost [with their numbers] for 5 years. Cost to
> own includes insurance, fuel costs, maintenance and repairs and other
> costs + purchase price.
> I am puzzled by the fact that the Chevy Cavalier is not included, with a
> $10k base price and 47MPG highway. It gets better mileage than a Civic
> and costs less.
> Cost  MakeModel
> $28081Toyota  ECHO
> $28259Honda   Civic
> $29552Scion   xA
> $29768Toyota  Corolla
> $30985Dodge   Neon
> $31351Scion   xB
> $32466Toyota  Matrix
> $33301Volkswagen  Golf
> $33366Volkswagen  New Beetle
> $34504Volkswagen  Jetta
> $35195Honda   Civic Hybrid
> $35873Honda   Insight
> $36400Pontiac Vibe
> $36641Toyota  Prius
> $37680Toyota  Celica
> Table for fuel costs [est. 5 year]
> fuel  MakeModel
> $2,406Honda   Insight
> $2,896Toyota  Prius
> $3,112Volkswagen  Golf
> $3,112Volkswagen  Jetta
> $3,112Volkswagen  New Beetle
> $3,122Honda   Civic Hybrid
> $3,746Honda   Civic
> $3,849Toyota  ECHO
> $4,156Toyota  Corolla
> $4,412Scion   xA
> $4,608Pontiac Vibe
> $4,608Toyota  Matrix
> $4,810Scion   xB
> $4,995Dodge   Neon
> $4,995Toyota  Celica
> --
> --
> Martin Klingensmith
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Biofuels list archives:
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> To unsubscribe, send an email to:
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> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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Re: [biofuel] Least Costly Cars To Own.... according to one study's methodology

2004-05-21 Thread Martin Klingensmith

That's the total cost of ownership for 5 years - car, fuel, insurance, etc.

> Martin,
> Yah, well nothing should surprise you when you compare the prices in that
> list vs MSRP.
> $33 - $34 thousand for a Golf?
> Try $18,275 - $19,300 for a 2004, GL, TDI, 1.9 liter, Turbodiesel.
> I guess if they can escalate the value by 80% for their little list, they
> can manipulate anything else they like.
> Todd Swearingen
> - Original Message -
> From: "Martin Klingensmith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 1:41 PM
> Subject: Re: [biofuel] Least Costly Cars To Own according to one
> study's
> methodology
>> murdoch wrote:
>> > According to this study's methodology, fuel efficiency is important,
> though
>> > obviously not the only factor.  The top 5 cars include an assortment
>> of
>> > approaches, including the Hybrid Prius, the Non-Hybrid Civic and the
>> VW
> TDI.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> I figured out the total cost [with their numbers] for 5 years. Cost to
>> own includes insurance, fuel costs, maintenance and repairs and other
>> costs + purchase price.
>> I am puzzled by the fact that the Chevy Cavalier is not included, with a
>> $10k base price and 47MPG highway. It gets better mileage than a Civic
>> and costs less.
>> Cost Make Model
>> $28081 Toyota ECHO
>> $28259 Honda Civic
>> $29552 Scion xA
>> $29768 Toyota Corolla
>> $30985 Dodge Neon
>> $31351 Scion xB
>> $32466 Toyota Matrix
>> $33301 Volkswagen Golf
>> $33366 Volkswagen New Beetle
>> $34504 Volkswagen Jetta
>> $35195 Honda Civic Hybrid
>> $35873 Honda Insight
>> $36400 Pontiac Vibe
>> $36641 Toyota Prius
>> $37680 Toyota Celica
>> Table for fuel costs [est. 5 year]
>> fuel Make Model
>> $2,406 Honda Insight
>> $2,896 Toyota Prius
>> $3,112 Volkswagen Golf
>> $3,112 Volkswagen Jetta
>> $3,112 Volkswagen New Beetle
>> $3,122 Honda Civic Hybrid
>> $3,746 Honda Civic
>> $3,849 Toyota ECHO
>> $4,156 Toyota Corolla
>> $4,412 Scion xA
>> $4,608 Pontiac Vibe
>> $4,608 Toyota Matrix
>> $4,810 Scion xB
>> $4,995 Dodge Neon
>> $4,995 Toyota Celica
>> --
>> --
>> Martin Klingensmith
>> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>> Biofuels list archives:
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>> Yahoo! Groups Links
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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Re: [biofuel] Least Costly Cars To Own.... according to one study's methodology

2004-05-20 Thread Martin Klingensmith

murdoch wrote:
> According to this study's methodology, fuel efficiency is important, though
> obviously not the only factor.  The top 5 cars include an assortment of
> approaches, including the Hybrid Prius, the Non-Hybrid Civic and the VW TDI.

I figured out the total cost [with their numbers] for 5 years. Cost to 
own includes insurance, fuel costs, maintenance and repairs and other 
costs + purchase price.

I am puzzled by the fact that the Chevy Cavalier is not included, with a 
$10k base price and 47MPG highway. It gets better mileage than a Civic 
and costs less.

$28081  Toyota  ECHO
$28259  Honda   Civic
$29552  Scion   xA
$29768  Toyota  Corolla
$30985  Dodge   Neon
$31351  Scion   xB
$32466  Toyota  Matrix
$33301  Volkswagen  Golf
$33366  Volkswagen  New Beetle
$34504  Volkswagen  Jetta
$35195  Honda   Civic Hybrid
$35873  Honda   Insight
$36400  Pontiac Vibe
$36641  Toyota  Prius
$37680  Toyota  Celica

Table for fuel costs [est. 5 year]

$2,406  Honda   Insight
$2,896  Toyota  Prius
$3,112  Volkswagen  Golf
$3,112  Volkswagen  Jetta
$3,112  Volkswagen  New Beetle
$3,122  Honda   Civic Hybrid
$3,746  Honda   Civic
$3,849  Toyota  ECHO
$4,156  Toyota  Corolla
$4,412  Scion   xA
$4,608  Pontiac Vibe
$4,608  Toyota  Matrix
$4,810  Scion   xB
$4,995  Dodge   Neon
$4,995  Toyota      Celica

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] building a biodiesel fuel processor

2004-05-20 Thread Martin Klingensmith

ardis streeter wrote:
> Hi all,, I have been working on a fuel processor now
> for some time. I have the methoxide tank done,it is
> all stainless steel construction.Now I am building the
> reaction tank also stainless. It will have a heating
> coil in it,  that is connected to my wood boiler to
> heat the used veg. oil up for the proper reaction
> temp..Also I am installing 3 240 volt electric heating
> elements in the tank,aprox.225 gallon in size in case
> I want a faster heat up of the oil.Also the temp .
> will be regulated automatically with 4 aquastats, one
> for each element and one for the main hot water coil
> in the tank.The aquastates are then connected to
> relays that power up the heating elements.The
> aquastats then automatically control the temp. in the
> tank..Also I am building a stainless tank for
> washing.Would it be a good idea to put a coil in this
> tank  to control that temp. also or isn"t it
> necessary? Thanks

Hello Ardis,
it is my understanding that you would not need to heat the washing tank, 
as long as temperature would stay above the gelling point of the biodiesel.

Martin Klingensmith

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[biofuel] Nation's Gas Prices High, But Adjusted Prices Not Highest Ever

2004-05-18 Thread Martin Klingensmith

May 7--Prices for gasoline at the pump are higher than ever seen, say 
many in North Dakota. But "real" gas prices have been quite a bit higher 

The Associated Press reported that Pat Gilhooly in Bismarck "clenched 
his teeth and shook his head as he filled up his 1968 Chevelle and gas 
cans for his lawn mower and weed whacker."

The price in Bismarck jumped a nickel Wednesday to just under $1.95 a 
gallon for regular, the same price commonly seen in Grand Forks.

"This is cutting into my beer and fishing money," Gilhooly told AP.

Monica Musich, president of Valley Dairy, which has seven convenience 
stores in Grand Forks and East Grand Forks, five of which sell gasoline, 
said it's about as high as she can remember.

"I'm sure people realize we don't control it," said Musich. "It's better 
for everyone when gas prices are low."

While the nationwide average hit $1.84, in the Twin Cities, several gas 
stations hit $2 a gallon and at one, $2.05, Wednesday, according to AP.

Inflation, inflation But when inflation is taken into account, prices 
now are quite a bit lower than they used to be, in "real," or constant 

Using the common measure of inflation, the Consumer Price Index, for 
example, it takes $1.87 of today's money to match a buck 20 years ago. 
That means, if gas prices in 1984 read $1.50 at the pump, it would take 
$2.80 today to buy the same gallon.

In inflation-adjusted terms, the peak price for gas was in March 1981, 
when the price was nearly $3 a gallon, in 2004 dollars, said Jonathan 
Cogan, energy information specialist for the U.S. Department of Energy.

"Although we are seeing very high prices in nominal dollars, or those 
not adjusted for inflation, when we do take into account the changing 
value of the dollar, we are still quite a ways away from the peak 
price," he said.

"Not that that's any consolation to people who have seen continuing 
increases in the price of gasoline."

Gas prices spiked in 1973 and again in 1979 through 1983 based on Middle 
Eastern politics and wars, Cogan said. From 1986 to 1999, oil prices 
fell to historic lows, but have been rising since, more or less.

Even so, from the long-term view, oil prices remain relatively mild, if 
not low, said Cyrus Bina, economics professor at the University of 
Minnesota-Morris, and author of a book on petroleum and the global 
political economy.

Eighty years ago, for example, a gallon of gasoline cost $2.75 in 
today's dollars, making today's prices seem a bargain.

However, drastic increases over recent months of 50 percent to 75 
percent hit people's pocketbooks hard, Bina said. Demand has roared, as 
China and Japan have revved up their economies, and America has been no 
slacker, now using a fourth of the world's fossil fuel production, Bina 

More immediately, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan has greatly increased 
fuel use by the U.S. military. Meanwhile, refining capacity has lagged 
behind the increased demand, making the supply side slower, pushing up 
prices, Bina said.

And Americans, with little public transportation compared to many 
nations, and lots of spacious skies and amber waves of grain, value low 
gas prices more than many peoples do, Bina said.

Even so, rising gas prices shouldn't affect things now as much as they 
used to, because -- this may surprise you -- the place of energy prices 
overall in the U.S. economy has decreased in the past 20 years.

Energy consumption per dollar of the nation's economy, measured in the 
Gross Domestic Product, is only half of what it was 50 years ago.

That means, Cogan said, that "higher energy prices would have less 
impact on the economy's growth."

That's partly because the service industry -- which uses relatively 
little energy -- has grown to be a much larger part of the economy, 
while the energy-intensive manufacturing sector has become a smaller 
piece of the pie, Cogan said. Energy use also has become more efficient.

That may explain why, despite the steady rise in gas prices for months, 
people still want to buy the big four-wheel-drive stuff, said Ron 
Wilkening, sales manager at Rydell Auto Center in Grand Forks.

"We're a farming community where people need pickups and things like 
that, and there are not a lot of 40- or 50-mile commutes to work and 
back," Wilkening said. "As far as the buying public goes, in Grand Forks 
and the surrounding area, so far gas prices haven't affected their 
buying habits. I'm not saying it's not going to, if prices keep going up."

Farmers are in the hottest swing of spring planting, but the rising fuel 
prices won't change the way they farm, said Willie Huot, agricultural 
extension agent for Grand Forks County. Many farmers buy fuel and other 
supplies in advance, and everyone reading the news knew last fall that 
diesel fuel likely would be higher this spring, Huot said. If prices 
keep rising until next fall, it may change who plants what when

Re: [biofuel] Thanks!

2004-05-18 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Keith Addison wrote:
> ... one and all. Biodiesel schmiodiesel, but I really enjoy this list 
> sometimes. Lots of hassle and we don't really have the time it takes 
> to maintain it, but it's worth it. Thanks to all, posters, lurkers, 
> offlisters, everyone.
> Most sincerely
> Keith Addison
> Journey to Forever
> Biofuel list owner

Keith, is this a random thanks, a farewell, or did I miss something?

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Syngas to methanol

2004-05-18 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Walt Patrick wrote:

>   Currently we're undertaking to install a 100' tower and wind generator 
> in 
> order to produce quantities of H2 and O2. We're planning on using O2 
> (instead of air) to drive the thermodynamics of the conversion, and will 
> use the H2 to adjust the ratio of CO to H2 in the syngas.
>   Hope this helps clarify what we're doing.
> Walt

are there any legal problems in doing this since it is going to be 
patented? I think it's great though, please keep us updated on how it goes.

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Re: alternatives for methanol

2004-05-17 Thread Martin Klingensmith

'diesel' model airplane engines are diesels in the sense that they 
operate in the same principal, but they run on a much lighter fuel so 
that it will ignite. They cannot run on 'dino' diesel, biodiesel, or SVO.
Martin Klingensmith

Bruce Colley wrote:
> There are a number of diesel model airplane engines available, and I don't 
> see why if you heated the SVO, that it wouldn't work.  (In fact I have been 
> wanting to try this and just haven't gotten around to it.)  Bob Boumstein (  
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ) publishes a monthly list of engines that he has for 
> sale, including diesel engines.  If you e-mail him to get on his list, you 
> can see what is available.  I would be very interested in your results.  
> Bruce Colley, Sustainable Energy Project  
> - Original Message - 
>   From: Jeffrey Kumjian 
>   To: 
>   Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 6:04 PM
>   Subject: [biofuel] Re: alternatives for methanol
>   Can you convert a model Airplane engine to run on straight Vegetable 
>   oil and how are you do it? 

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Re: [biofuel] RE: Vacuum Pump for Condenser

2004-05-16 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Tan wrote:
> Fred,
> Actually, I have been contemplating on this for quite a long time. I have
> been studying Dale Scroggin's processor which has a vacuum pump in it.
> ( His schematics
> ( indicate that the vacuum pump is
> connected at the end of the vapor line--process tank, condenser, alcohol
> trap then vacuum pump. But, my concern is since the pump is connected at the
> end of the line, the alcohol trap is also subjected to vacuum and so
> considerable alcohol will be re-vaporized and lost to the atmosphere. To
> minimize alcohol lost, I am thinking that the vacuum pump must be situated
> before the condenser--process tank, vacuum pump, condenser then liquid trap.

I believe the goal may have been to prevent alcohol vapor from going 
through the vacuum pump.

If I were going to build a processor like this, I would add a bubbler 
full of water after the liquid trap, further cleansing the gas stream of 
any alcohol vapors.

> In this setup only the process tank is subjected to vacuum. The condenser
> and the liquid trap would have a higher pressure, which is conducive to
> condensation,  by constricting the liquid trap air outlet. A totally close
> condenser system is, I think, close to impossible since the vapor other than
> alcohol pumped from the processor must go somewhere. 

A closed system is ideal, and like all ideal things - not possible. With 
a good condensor [kept cold] the vacuum pump wouldn't have to pull much 
more than the volume of the alcohol.

> By the time gas reaches
> the outlet, the alcohol should have been condensed due to lowered
> temperature leaving us with just gas (other than alcohol). The velocity of
> the gas will be diminished as it enters the liquid trap due to its bigger
> cavity (Bernoulli's principle), thus there is less possibility that the
> alcohol recovered will be re-vaporized and escape into the air.

The recovered alcohol should be kept as cold as possible while it is 
under the vacuum. If it is kept at the same temperature as the condensor 
only a small amount should evaporate.
I'm sure you know this, I'm just adding comments.

> How does this sound?


Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] SVO and Vehicle Navigation Systems

2004-05-15 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Sounds good, but how many people would remember to set their destination 
point in the computer?
You could, however, arrange it to make it start on dino, switch over 10 
minutes later, cruise for however long, and when the driver goes to shut 
down the car on SVO [oops!] have the computer switch back to dino and 
leave the car on for a minute or three.
I work with microcontrollers all the time. It would be fairly inexpensive.
Martin Klingensmith

Ryan Morgan wrote:
> Here's a brain storm for you:
> I work in GIS, for those of you who aren't yet familiar with that, it stands
> for Geographic Information Systems.  Essentially I make maps and use things
> like aerial photography and GPS to do so.  Hanging out at my local map store
> on a Friday evening (what a dork) I got to talking with another mapper about
> his VW TDI and biodiesel.  He wasn't too clear on what biodiesel was (he
> thought it was just filtered SVO) so I started explaining how SVO required
> two tanks and a switch.  I told him how the driver had to start on
> dino/biodiesel, switch to SVO, and then remember to switch it back before
> turning the motor off.  We both agreed that this was too much to remember
> for the driving masses, and bingo!  It hit me.  Why not hook the switch to
> an in-vehicle navigation system?
> Believe it or not, this would not be difficult to do.  The driver gets in
> the vehicle, sets a route, and the car knows when it's a quarter mile away
> from it's destination and switches back to dino/biodiesel automatically.
> What do you think?
> Cheers,
> Ryan

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[biofuel] poly tanks

2004-05-11 Thread Martin Klingensmith

~500 gallon poly tanks in Northern NY
contain residue from a nontoxic petroleum chemical. A friend of mine 
bought two for $100.
Contact slack chemical
Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] High-Speed Chase

2004-04-27 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Keith Addison wrote:
> High-Speed Chase
> Helen Gonzales is the policy director of USAction's Corporate Truth 
> Squad. USAction is a progressive activist organization, dedicated to 
> winning social, racial and economic justice for all. It represents 
> three million members in 34 affiliates, with statewide organizations 
> in 24 states.
> Police officers don't drive their cars like the rest of us. Even the 
> most casual TV watcher will be familiar with the car chases on 
> California state highways filmed by helicopter, or the hapless 
> drunken joyrides of petty criminals on the TV show Cops.
> These pursuits are very often brought to a close by a police 
> officer's white cruiser ramming the crook off the road. When they are 
> on call, police ignore traffic laws and crash their cars if they have 
> to-it's a part of their job. So it's fair to assume that their 
> vehicles should be outfitted for demolition derby conditions without 
> endangering the lives of the officers who drive them.
> Unfortunately, one of the most popular cruiser models purchased by 
> police departments in America-Ford's Crown Victoria Police 
> Interceptor-is not equipped to withstand rear-end crashes even at 

I have to say this is pretty old news for just being published.
In my home state of New York I am not seeing very many ford police cars 

Martin Klingensmith

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[biofuel] Cellulose Ethanol

2004-04-23 Thread Martin Klingensmith

It has some factual inaccuracies, but what news story doesn't?
It's interesting nonetheless.
Martin Klingensmith


"This is our big Eureka moment, because this is the first time in the 
world that such large quantities of cellulose ethanol have been made," 
said Jeff Passmore, vice president of Iogen on Wednesday, the eve of 
Earth Day.

Until now, the ethanol blend used in commercial gasoline was made from 
the food portion of crops like corn.

Critics said conventional corn and grain-based ethanol requires as much 
energy to produce as it releases when burnt, once the energy for 
tractors and pesticides are taken into account.

Environmentalists prefer cellulose ethanol because it is made from farm 
waste and produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

"Iogen has figured out how to weave gold out of straw," said Elizabeth 
May, executive director of the Sierra Club of Canada, who was among the 
invited guests, including Prime Minister Paul Martin.

The federal government has stressed the importance of alternative fuels 
to meet Kyoto protocol targets. It has invested $21.1 million in the 
company, of which $10 million is repayable.

"The government of Canada will continue to support the development of 
clean energy technologies, technologies that pay not only environmental 
dividends but economic ones as well," said Martin.

The first shipment of 5,000 litres of cellulose ethanol will be blended 
with regular unleaded gasoline at a Petro-Canada refinery in Montreal. 
It will then be shipped to some of the company's gas stations.

Both Petro-Canada and Royal Dutch Shell are supporting the project with 
$24.7 million and $46 million respectively.

Iogen plans to build a full-scale commercial plant next year.

Written by CBC News Online staff

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Re: [biofuel] Response I got from PA Dept. of Environmental Protection

2004-04-01 Thread Martin Klingensmith

The state may know a 'lot' about biodiesel, but the person who responded 
seems to think that biodiesel is soybean oil. Look on or for information on biodiesel emissions.

Martin Klingensmith

Eric & Wendy wrote:
> I recently wrote a letter of inquiry to the PA Department of Environmental
> Protection seeing if the Commonwealth is implementing Bio Diesel. Here is
> the response for anyone on the list who cares about Bio Diesel and
> Pennsylvania! Can anyone on the list address the concern of air pollution
> with B20?
> Thanks!
> Wendy,
> Your e-mail was forwarded to my attention.  I am pleased to inform you that
> the state has extensive knowledge on the use of biofuels, namely biodiesel
> and ethanol. The biofuel in common use is B20 (a blend of 20% soybean oil
> with 80% diesel fuel).  The soybean meets the ASTM (American Society for
> Testing and Materials) standards for quality.   I listed below, some of the
> activities underway in PA:

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Re: [biofuel] (fwd) What's in a Gallon of Gas?

2004-03-29 Thread Martin Klingensmith

I think we've talked about this before. I am skeptical of the value of 
this comparison. For example, in 27 grams of aluminum, there are 
~~600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms. Interesting to know, but only 
useful to a scientist/engineer.
In the biomass -> gasoline comparison, they say that burning that 
gallon releases 20 pounds of carbon dioxide. What about the other 
several tons of matter? Well it was lost at some point in decomposition. 
It's just a 'wow' factor, just to say how inefficient our energy source 
is. It is farily misleading and useless. It could also make the 
uninformed person think that growing any sort of crop for fuel is idiotic.
Martin Klingensmith

murdoch wrote:
> Yes, we've seen this person's research before, but it bears repeating
> for those who might not have seen it.
> Discover Data: What's in a Gallon of Gas?
> By Susan Kruglinski
> DISCOVER Vol. 25 No. 04 | April 2004 | Environment
> What's in a Gallon of Gas?
> Everyone knows fossil fuels come from long-dead plants, but Jeffrey
> Dukes wanted real numbers: How much plant matter does it take to make
> a gallon of gasoline? Dukes, a biologist, ecologist, and dabbler in
> biogeochemistry at the University of Massachusetts, discovered that
> such statistics are hard to find. So he decided to figure them out
> for himself and was surprised by the answers. A gallon of gas
> represents roughly 100 tons of plant matter, the amount that exists
> in 40 acres of wheat. Burning that gallon puts 20 pounds of carbon
> dioxide into the air. The annual consumption of gasoline in the
> United States, about 131 billion gallons of gas, is equivalent to 25
> quadrillion pounds of prehistoric biomass and releases some 2.6
> trillion pounds of carbon dioxide. The numbers are even more sobering
> when you consider all the fossil fuels—coal, natural gas, and oil—
> that people consume. Since 1751, roughly the start of the Industrial
> Revolution, humans have burned the amount of fossil fuel that would
> have come from all the plants on Earth for 13,300 years. "We know
> that fossil-fuel use is not sustainable in the long run," Dukes
> says. "This study will, I hope, encourage people to face up to the
> energy problem now."

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Re: [biofuel] AC vs. DC electricity, was: Electricity storage solutions.

2004-03-21 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Darryl McMahon wrote:

> I know there are motors called brushless DC, but for my purposes these are 
> effectively AC motors.  There are also universal motors, which can run on AC 
> or DC, 
> but in effect, these are AC motors with brushes, and seldom are found in 
> sizes 
> above 1/2 hp.

Hi Darryl, I saw an article in IEEE Spectrum just last week about the 
new US military prototype humvee hybrid. It has a 50kW PM BLDC in each hub.

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Craking

2004-03-21 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Thermally cracking vegetable oil?

Martin Klingensmith

Lee Sheppard wrote:
> Hay Keith you still not in to cracking the oil to make Diesel? Well I'm 
> going set up two processors one to use cracking other using Bio-diesel 
> menthol.  Just to see witch will yield the best product.

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[biofuel] EVs was: Gas Prices Reach Record Highs

2004-03-10 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Picked apart:


>OK, suppose we mandated 1 Million EVs to be built next year.  They would 
>probably have to use lead-acid batteries, as they are the only off-the-shelf 
>technology available.  They are already expensive, but  what will happen to 
>price of lead when GM tries to buy another million tons?  
more will be recycled
nickel-hydride and lithium batteries are becoming used more often. We're 
not talking about rare minerals here.

>How will they get the 
>permission to open new lead mines?  The environmental impact statements would 
>take years to get thrrough the courts.  And the lead smelters?  Worse.  
>recycling?  We already ship automobile batteries offshore for recycling, 
>because of EPA and OSHA.  What will we do with an extra half million tons a 
When there is more money in it, industries will be more willing to deal 
with it.

>How much space will they evacuate when a train hits an EV, spilling toxic 
>materials over a quarter mile or so of track? 
Forget that we're talking about lead or sulfuric acid here, what are you 
talking about? The general trend these days with EVs is going toward 
gel-cell batteries. Most vehicles have the batteries secured so well 
that there isn't any problem. What about a car being hit and spreading 
gasoline all over the place?

> Or the hydrogen explosion, after a 
>traffic accident?  
 From what? Batteries don't pump out enough hydrogen to cause a large 
explosion. I'd be more worried about my gas tank exploding.

>Then there's the infrastructure, more than a million 
>charging stations.  They'll be tearing up half the streets in LA, and the 
>folks in 
>Utah and Nevada will protest the building of new coal-burning (or nuclear) 
>electric generating plants there to charge the million cars.  Who will pay for 
>the huge cost?  
The people driving the cars, who do you think would pay it? What about 
tearing up the ground to put in huge fuel tanks that leak noxious 
hydrocarbons into the ground?

>The poor folks in West Virginia won't like being taxed to pay 
>for toys for Green geeks on the west coast.  Suppose you are running for 
>congress in West VA.  How are you going to sell your "energy plan"?
What about digging up the ground for oil? It's the same thing. Using 
renewable transfer media for energy is the key, not where it originally 
came from (the sun)

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Methanol Hazards - provocative mail

2004-03-05 Thread Martin Klingensmith

> I remember buying an USA made hammer in the 70*s it was hung with labels and
> stuff saying to wear protective glasses, gloves, overalls etc and to keep
> children and pets away, not to leave it unattended and to hide it or lock it
> up from potential thieves - failure to do any of that stuff would void it's
> warranty - it was a hammer for goodness sakes - are you Americans nuts?

Mainly only the litigious variety.

> Anyway, I would really like to know if anyone has died by handling - not
> drinking because that is deathly - methanol, and if so if the poison
> intrudes through the skin or the airways.

"Consumption of a 1/4 oz. or more may be fatal.  At high air 
concentrations (50,000 ppm) for an hour or longer, methanol will cause 
optic nerve damage, central nervous system depression, or death."

So yes, it is deadly, but as people have mentioned many times before - 
we use chemicals every day that are just as toxic or even more.



Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] 1983 Mercedes Conversion...

2004-03-04 Thread Martin Klingensmith

It has been my experience that diesels will not tolerate air in the fuel 
lines. It would be my first guess that the pump is having trouble 
getting the more viscous oil to itself via a vacuum. I would try getting 
all of the air out of the system first of all, and then worry about 
delivery problems.

Martin Klingensmith

crusby2003 wrote:

> There is no lift pump on this model, but is there some sort of vacum line 
> that 
> assists or is the few inch that I may not have sucked oil through the 
> solenoid 
> too much air?  I'm thinking I 'll get an inline heater also just too be sure 
> it is hot 
> oil before it goes into the injectors.  Any suggestions?

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Re: [biofuel] Tanker Carrying 3.5 Million Gallons of Ethanol Sinks

2004-03-01 Thread Martin Klingensmith

murdoch wrote:
> When the Valdez and other Oil Spills have occurred, I had to wonder
> why they couldn't burn much of the Oil off the surface, even if they
> had to temporarily evacuate some towns because of smoke.  In this
> case, also, I wonder if they could have burned some of this fuel off,
> though I guess not immediately if they were worried about possible
> survivors floating in the wreckage.  Also, if the ethanol dissipated
> quickly, maybe this would have made a burn harder, even if the
> faster-than-oil-dissipation would not prevent a kill zone, as you say.
> You'll probably tell me there's plenty wrong or un-doable, with this
> idea of burning off the fuel, but there sure seems to be plenty wrong
> with having it wash up on beaches, kill fish and foul and other
> wildlife, hurt industries, cost billions or dozens of billions, and
> cost jobs, etc.

Hi Murdoch,
Ethanol will disperse and decompose in the water much quicker than would 
oil. In the article they mentioned being most worried about the bunker 
oil used to power the ship.
yes, ethanol is still poisonous, but I'd rather drink ethanol than 
diesel fuel. (I'm sure fish would too)

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] crankcase flush

2004-01-25 Thread Martin Klingensmith

On Sun, 2004-01-25 at 03:37, albert_kwong2 wrote:
> Can I pour Biodiesel or straight diesel into my gasoline engine 
> crankcase before oil change , run for 10 min and drainwill it 
> clean it up and not catch fire or do damage ???
> ak 

When I worked on a farm we had a tractor whose low oil pressure
indicator would come on when I'd lower the plow into the ground (large
The 'oil' was always at the right level, and it actually seemed to be
getting higher. As it turns out, the pump was leaking fuel through a
seal into the engine. When taken apart, it was the cleanest engine I've
ever seen. The bearings were worn, not bad, but they were a couple years
old at that point.
In short, do you want to risk your bearings for a clean engine?
Biodiesel might not hurt anything as it is more viscous than diesel, but
it hasn't been tested by anyone that I know of.
If you're obsessed about a clean engine then change your oil more often,
or [better] install a bypass filter.

Martin Klingensmith

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