At 07:21 PM 5/5/2004, Ian Wilson wrote:
As I understand John's problem it is in P99SE - he wants to remove/understand the problem before bringing the design into P2004. A cautious and sound idea, IMO. I don't like surprises like this either.

Right. It was not clear to me, however, that he was getting the error messages or conditions *in 99SE*. I don't think he had been explicit about that (though I might have overlooked it). But he has now been explicit.

John - I have been trying to follow this thread but I have had little to offer. Power ports not acting as simple global nets is not something I have ever seen in P99SE.

Nor have I.

Just some random ideas ...
What happens if you do load it into P2004 and then use the Navigator to inspect the netlist and hierarchy? Does it look right?

Debugging the 99SE schematic this way may be helpful. It is not essential that the schematics be fixed in 99SE; what would be very important, however, would be that a net list generated from a fixed schematic match a net list generated from the original *PCB* (preferably created by the 99SE netlist export routine). That is the gold standard of any translation or shift of platform.

Since netlist comparisons may be correctly made without regard to net names, if it turns out that it is necessary to rename some nets, not a serious problem. (Names are for our convenience, they are arbitrary -- except, of course, for Rules applications where the names are specified.)

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