RE: Travel advice needed

2003-04-02 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Miller, Jeffrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Verzonden: woensdag 2 april 2003 1:23
 Onderwerp: Travel advice needed

 I'm sick of being told what a pinko-commie I am, _and_ I need some time
 by myself to vacation.  I'm thinking of heading to Europe, preferably
 Belgium/Holland/Scandanvia.  Anyone have any advice or things to point

That depends on what you're looking for: historical sites, art festivals,
music festivals (if you're into jazz music, be here this summer for the
world famous North Sea Jazz Festival!), amusement parks, etcetera. If you
can tell me what you're looking for, I'll see what I can dig up.

I'd also recommend buying the most recent edition of the appropriate _Lonely
Planet_ travel guides. Tons of useful information in there (although when
the first edition of their guide to The Netherlands came out some years ago,
our oldest and most famous amusement park (De Efteling) wasn't listed in
it; don't know if that has been fixed yet).

And while I'm at it, consider this an invitation to drop by when you make it
to The Netherlands. Got some very good restaurants here in Eindhoven.   :-)

Jeroen Your friendly neighbourhood travel guide van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: New Computer But Still Not Happy

2003-04-02 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Bryon Daly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Verzonden: woensdag 2 april 2003 1:37
 Aan: Killer Bs Discussion
 Onderwerp: Re: New Computer But Still Not Happy

  Can't compare ADSL vs. cable speed, BTW -- Chello doesn't provide
  information about their connection speed. But hey, if the ADSL package
  I got turns out to be too slow, I can always upgrade.
 Ahh, that's right - ADSL services around me also offer different $ rates
 for more/less speed.  I think my cable internet runs at around 1 Mbps
 download.  If you want to know/verify your transfer rate, there's web
 sites online that can actually determine your transfer rate for you,
 such as this one:

Thanks! I'll check it out and report the results!   :-)

Jeroen Global Citizen van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: christian vultures circling iraq ready to strike

2003-04-02 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: William T Goodall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Verzonden: woensdag 2 april 2003 13:20
 Aan: Killer Bs Discussion
 Onderwerp: Re: christian vultures circling iraq ready to strike

 Isn't religion just so very very evil? I think it should be banned.


As an Evil Overlord, I cannot stress enough the importance of religion for
the populace. Give your subjects religion, then you can tell them their
deity is to blame for their misery, not their local Evil Overperson. For
Evil Overpeople like me and Debbi, religion is of vital importance to the
continuation of our position of power!   EVIL GRIN

Marx was right: religion is opium for the people.

Jeroen Evil Overlord van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: tax cuts for the rich, housing cuts for the poor

2003-03-26 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Jon Gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 25 maart 2003 23:28
 Onderwerp: Re: tax cuts for the rich, housing cuts for the poor

 But seriously, I wouldn't call The Fool's message an anonymous post;
 Really?  What's his RL name, then?   :)

Dunno, but when a message arrives from The Fool you know it's the same
person who has been posting here as The Fool before.

Besides, how can we be sure that Jon Gabriel is *your* RL name?   :-)

Jeroen Who Am I? van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: Israel's Secret Weapon

2003-03-26 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Horn, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 25 maart 2003 23:41
 Aan: 'Killer Bs Discussion'
 Onderwerp: RE: Israel's Secret Weapon

  Building up such an arsenal when you know you'll never be able to use
  it is basically just a huge waste of time, money and other resources.
 It kept the Soviets out of Western Europe for a long time during the
 Cold War.  And eventually brought down the USSR.
 MAD maybe crazy, but it works.

There is one overwhelming difference here. MAD worked because *both* sides
had huge numbers of nuclear weapons aimed at each other; AFAIK, the Arab
nations do not even *have* nuclear weapons, let alone have them pointed at

Hm, maybe we *should* provide them with nukes, just to make sure that Israel
won't use its nuclear weapons. After all, MAD worked before so it could very
well work again.

Jeroen No Nukes van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: Israel's Secret Weapon

2003-03-26 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Damon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Verzonden: woensdag 26 maart 2003 1:16
 Aan: Killer Bs Discussion
 Onderwerp: RE: Israel's Secret Weapon

 Give me *one* good reason why a country should have *undeclared*
 nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, and *no* outside inspections.
 devil's advocate Because Israel's neighbours, both past and present,
 have declared Israel's destruction? /devil's advocate

That is at best* an excuse for having WMD's, but it's not an excuse for
having *undeclared* WMD's and no outside inspections.

Jeroen No Nukes van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: Israel's Secret Weapon

2003-03-26 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Halupovich Ilana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Verzonden: woensdag 26 maart 2003 7:47
 Onderwerp: Re: Israel's Secret Weapon

  When you start working for government in *any* way, you sign
 no-disclosure (sp) forms. You know the punishment.
 He is in solitary confinement. Not different from what any other spy
 Sonja asked
 And that makes it OK?
 I see. You do not punish criminals in your country.

No, Ilana, we *do* punish criminals -- we're just not in the habit of
violating their human rights by keeping them in solitary confinement for 15
years. Unlike Israel (apparently), we actually consider even criminals to be
human beings who have human rights.

 Sonja wrote
 I believe the report mentioned something about chemical agents being
 used on Palestinians civilians. However it wasn't made clear if it was
 an accident or done on purpose.
 Check you resources. It was proven to be mass hysteria.

Can you provide a link to that proof?

Personally, I have a hard time interpreting the sight of people shaking all
over in a hospital bed as mass hysteria. I also have difficulty believing
it *was* mass hysteria, given the BBC's excellent reputation wrt journalism.
If it was later proven to be mass hysteria, I'm sure it would have been
mentioned in the documentary.

 I, probably, should say something about the way *your* country is
 treating Israeli illegals. You are invited to visit *them* in *your*
 jail. The problem is, that while I think that they *do* suffer, I see no
 reason why they should not be punished for knowingly breaking the law.

Can you provide a link to an article that shows that The Netherlands is
keeping Israeli illegals imprisoned and that shows how we treat them? That
would be rather strange, given that we usually don't put illegals in prison,
but either make them legal residents or put them on a plane back to their
country of origin.

But even if there are Israeli illegals in a Dutch prison, they'll be treated
far better than Vanunu. You are invited to come over here to visit them in
prison and see for yourself how we treat our prisoners.

Jeroen Human Being van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: Israel's Secret Weapon

2003-03-26 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Halupovich Ilana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Verzonden: woensdag 26 maart 2003 8:07
 Onderwerp: RE: Israel's Secret Weapon

 He is in solitary confinement (sp). Not different from what any other
 spy got.
 Jeroen wrote
 And that makes it alright? You violate one prisoner's human rights,
 but that's okay because you violate the human rights of several other
 prisoners as well?
 I have a news for you. Prison is not hotel. People are put there to be
 punished for the harm they have done *and* to be prevented from
 continuing doing harm.

So, Israel puts *all* of its prisoners in solitary confinement? Every jailed
criminal (from thieves to burglars to kidnappers to murderers to spies) get
locked up in a cell without daylight* and without being allowed any contact
with the outside world?

If you do, thus violating their basic human rights, why don't you just shoot
them? You'd still be violating human rights, but at least you'll spare
yourself the costs of building and maintaining prisons and feeding your

Knowing you a bit, you'll probably find that an excellent idea...

*If you have been paying attention in Biology class, you will remember that
pretty much all land-based living creatures on this planet *need* sunlight.
You may also remember that for humans, contact with others of their species
is vital to their survival. Humans aren't solitary animals, we're herd

 Personal comment
 A six by nine foot cell. My *bedroom* is bigger than that. My
 mother-in-law's *bathroom* is bigger than that. And both have
 a window.
 /Personal comment
 I wrote
 Last time I looked - you were not jailed criminal. Has it changed?
 Jeroen ignored my question and wrote
 I challenge you to spend one *month* locked up in a six by nine foot
 windowless room, without being allowed contact with others. Then we'll
 talk again.
 *I* am nota criminal.

No, but if you would accept the challenge and go live in those conditions
for a month, you would at least know what you're talking about.

And no, I am not a jailed criminal.

 Do you remember, that I asked you to look at Israel on the world map?
 Do you remember your answer? Because if you don't - I ask you to do this
 again. And *then* tell again, that we can use nuclear weapons without
 committing suicide.
 Jeroen wrote
 If using nuclear weapons would be suicide for Israel, why did it turn
 itself into a country with the world's sixth largest nuclear arsenal?
 Building up such an arsenal when you know you'll never be able to use it
 is basically just a huge waste of time, money and other resources.
 Which I take as no, I don't remember

You didn't answer the question. Why did Israel build up such a huge arsenal
of nuclear weapons, if using them would be suicide?

 Remind me, pls, when Israel threatened *anybody* with non-conventional
 Jeroen wrote
 Israel didn't threaten with them, they *used* them.
 Check your sources (or is it follow ups?) It was proven as mass

Can you provide a link to that proof?

Personally, I have a hard time interpreting the sight of people shaking all
over in a hospital bed as mass hysteria. I also have difficulty believing
it *was* mass hysteria, given the BBC's excellent reputation wrt journalism.
If it was later proven to be mass hysteria, I'm sure it would have been
mentioned in the documentary.

 I wrote
 Anyway, Thanx to Vaanunu and to Klinberg *everybody* knows where
 Israeli research centers are - no real challenge.
 Jeroen wrote
 We know where they are. Now we need to figure out exactly what goes on
 there, where and how large Israel's stockpiles of nuclear, biological
 and chemical weapons are, and then destroy them (the WMD's, not the
 Give me *one* good reason why a country should have *undeclared*
 nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, and *no* outside
 Give me one reason why this is any business of yours.

If Israel decides to use its WMD's, the whole world will feel the
consequences. I live in that world, which *makes* it my business. So, why
should Israel have undeclared WMD's and no outside inspections?

If a country's arsenal of WMD's is nobody else's business, why did the US
consider Iraq's *alleged* arsenal of WMD's a reason to go to war?

Jeroen No Nukes van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: Israel's Secret Weapon

2003-03-26 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Ronn!Blankenship [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Verzonden: woensdag 26 maart 2003 16:53
 Aan: Killer Bs Discussion
 Onderwerp: RE: Israel's Secret Weapon

 This might have been before your time, or it may never have aired on
 Dutch TV, but by any chance do you recall a TV series from the 1970s
 called Baretta, and in particular its opening theme¹?

It was aired on Dutch TV back then, but I only remember the title, nothing

Hey, I was only born in 1967!   :-)

Either my parents didn't think it was suitable for a kid my age, or it was
aired at a time when kids my age were supposed to be in bed. Probably both.

So, what does a 1970's TV series, and particularly its opening theme, have
to do with Israel's nuclear/biological/chemical arsenal?

Jeroen No Nukes van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: Israel's Secret Weapon

2003-03-26 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Damon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Verzonden: woensdag 26 maart 2003 17:05
 Aan: Killer Bs Discussion
 Onderwerp: RE: Israel's Secret Weapon

 You didn't answer the question. Why did Israel build up such a huge
 arsenal of nuclear weapons, if using them would be suicide?

Before Vanunu went to the press, nobody even knew Israel *had* nuclear
weapons. If your enemies don't *know* you have nuclear weapons, they can't
work as a detterent.

Since then, there have been wars against Israel and a couple of Intifadah's
-- which is a strong indication that Israel's nuclear weapons are not much
of a deterrent...

So, if the reason isn't deterrence, what is it? If and when the Arabs start
a war against Israel, will the Israelis be crazy and suicidal enough to
throw all their WMD's (nuclear, biological and chemical) at their enemies
when they realise they are going to lose the war?

Jeroen No Nukes van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: L3 Re: Your Favorite SciFi/Fantasy Movie Soundtrack?

2003-03-03 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Horn, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Verzonden: maandag 3 maart 2003 3:49
 Aan: Killer Bs Discussion
 Onderwerp: RE: L3 Re: Your Favorite SciFi/Fantasy Movie Soundtrack?

  Not to mention the Holodeck Interactive Edition of the _Kama Sutra_...
 What would Sonja say about this, h???

She would say something like Lemme in! Don't keep it all to yourselves! I
wanna play too!   :-)

Jeroen So many games, so little time van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: Chapter by Chapter summary/discussion of a different Brin book?

2003-02-19 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Jon Gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 18 februari 2003 23:49
 Aan: 'Killer Bs Discussion'
 Onderwerp: RE: Chapter by Chapter summary/discussion of a different Brin

 Julia was kind enough to forward me JDG's first three GS chapter
 reviews.  If Glory Season is chosen, I'd appreciate the rest of them.
 Jeroen, out of curiosity, why did you need to wait until the review was
 completed before posting to the Lurker's Guide?

The idea was to combine the chapter-by-chapter reviews into one big review.
However, as the review of _Glory Season_ was never completed, that one big
review was never created.

I guess I *could* put the chapter-by-chapter reviews of _Glory Season_ up on I could also include the complete chapter-by-chapter review
of _The Practice Effect_ while I'm at it (back then someone (don't remember
who) volunteered to combine the chapter reviews of _The Practice Effect_
into one big review, but he never delivered).

Jeroen Architectus Tabularium van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: EU Warns Iraq It Faces 'Last Chance'

2003-02-19 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 19 februari 2003 0:38
 Aan: Killer Bs Discussion
 Onderwerp: Re: EU Warns Iraq It Faces 'Last Chance'

   You know, we peace lovers think exactly the same thing. The only
   difference is that we see Bush and those who support him as bigots
   and enemies of freedom.
  You're not a peace lover, Jeroen.  You were all gung ho when it
  affected _you_ in the Balkans.  When it affects someone else, hmm, all
  of a sudden peace becomes really important.
 Are you sure you're not conflating his *country's* position with his
 vis-a-vis the Balkans?
 I think the peace-loving position he is espousing is his, and not
 necessarily his government's.

Julia is correct. I'm more peace-loving than my government. I don't know how
much of this has made it into the US media, but as much as it collides with
Gautam's Euro-bashing, the Dutch government is quite happily supporting the
US. They have offered to send troops and equipment (SAM batteries) to
Turkey, they have offered F-16's (an offer which was declined by the US),
and they have allowed the US to transport their troops and equipment through
our country.

 *If* the same was true at the time of the Balkan conflict, then you're
 not being fair to him with that paragraph.  If, however, his position at
 the outbreak of the Balkan conflict was that something had to be done,
 then you're not being so unfair.  I'd want clarification of what his
 position was and when he held that position before I went any further
 with this, one way or the other.

I didn't believe that launching an all-out war against the Serbs would be a
good idea. I favoured the idea of sending in an international UN Peace Force
to keep the fighting parties out of each other's hair, and then go for a
diplomatic solution.

Not that this is relevant here; the situation with the Balkan is completely
different from the situation with Iraq.

Jeroen Make love, not war van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: EU Warns Iraq It Faces 'Last Chance'

2003-02-19 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Dan Minette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 19 februari 2003 1:11
 Aan: Killer Bs Discussion
 Onderwerp: Re: EU Warns Iraq It Faces 'Last Chance'

 When the sactions were sorta lifted in the mid-90s, Hussein sold 3
 million gallons a day.  So, how is this about oil?

For at least half a century the US has been doing its best to present itself
as a country that would like nothing better than to rule the world. The
world economy runs on oil, and Iraq happens to be floating on a substantial
part of the world's oil reserve. Therefore, it makes sense that this is
about oil; control over a substantial part of the world's oil reserve gives
whoever controls it an awful lot of power over the rest of the world.

It wouldn't surprise me if, once the US has gained control over Iraq's oil
reserves, it will use that oil as a weapon (do what we want or we'll cut
off your oil supply).

Jeroen Make love, not war van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:


RE: EU Warns Iraq It Faces 'Last Chance'

2003-02-19 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Dan Minette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 19 februari 2003 16:55
 Aan: Killer Bs Discussion
 Onderwerp: Re: EU Warns Iraq It Faces 'Last Chance' 

 The world economy runs on oil,
 Oil sales are about 1.4% of world GDP, for the average oil price of
 about $24/barrel over the last few years.

I wasn't referring to the influence of the oil price on the world GDP. What
I meant was that oil is of vital importance to keeping the economy up and
running. Think of all the purposes we use oil for (FREX, production of
goods, and transport), and then think what would happen if the needed flow
of oil would suddenly stop -- and think what would happen if that flow would
still not have been restarted by the time you run out of your current stock
of oil.

The effects would be disastrous.

Jeroen Make love, not war van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: Irregulars Question: pop3 for free.... please?

2003-02-18 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Sonja van Baardwijk-Holten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 18 februari 2003 13:02
 Aan: list
 Onderwerp: Irregulars Question: pop3 for free please?

 I just got a notice that softhome is changing allowed amount of e-mail
 and storage maximum from 15 Mb and 500 messages to a miserly 6 Mb and
 150 messages. Now I could live with that. I'd simply kill the Culture.
 ;o) But the bonus in this wretched deal is that I now only get to
 download a maximum of 10Mb a month instead of the original 45 Mb. With
 an average of over 150 messages a day, even the math challenged among us
 can figure out that it simply won't work for me.


 I've already been searching a while now but I really can't find any that
 are pop3 and free. So if anyone has a suggestion

You could do what I did for my backup Internet access: go to
and sign up for a Wanadoo Free account (select Free under Producten in
the menu on the left side of the screen). This will give you two POP3 e-mail
accounts, with 20 MB e-mail storage each. I couldn't find anything about a
limit in MB/month, but I've been using my Wanadoo Free account as a backup
for my Brin-L subscription for almost two months now, and haven't had any
problems with it so far, other than a Mailbox full problem once; but if
you download your e-mail once every few days, that problem shouldn't occur.
As you get *two* e-mail addresses, you can even further reduce the chance of
that happening by using one address for Brin-L, and the other address for
the list-whose-name-shall-not-be-spoken.

Bonus: as their mailserver is physically located in The Netherlands,
downloading your e-mail will also go a lot faster than through your
(US-based) SoftHome account.

This account is only free in the sense that there is no monthly fee to be
paid. Wanadoo want you to access the Internet (and thus, your e-mail) by
using a dial-up connection; part of what you pay to KPN Telecom will then go
to Wanadoo. However, you can download your e-mail using our Cable Internet
access, so it really is a totally free account.   :-)

Okay, there is one possible problem: I haven't yet tried to *send* e-mail
from my Wanadoo Free account through our Cable Internet connection, so I
don't know if that will work. Remind me to try that tonight.

If that works, I'll also check if you can use a different e-mail address
with a Wanadoo Free account. If *that* works as well, you can subscribe to
Brin-L from the address [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- no
extra charge.   :-)

Jeroen Community Service van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: The rapid decline of the Sci-Fi Channel....

2003-02-13 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Miller, Jeffrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 12 februari 2003 23:45
 Aan: Discussions of the writings of science fiction/futurist authors
 David Brin and Gregory Benford.
 Onderwerp: RE: The rapid decline of the Sci-Fi Channel

  You're not allowed to watch? Lemme guess: you're married?   :-)
 Not exactly, but one a clear day, I can see married from where we are.

Oh dear! Not even married yet, and you *already* had to transfer any power
you had to your significant other.

You're doomed...   :-)

Jeroen Run for the hills! van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: POLICY PROPOSAL: The list and copyright

2003-02-13 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Jon Gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: donderdag 13 februari 2003 3:16
 Aan: 'Discussions of the writings of science fiction/futurist authors
 David Brin and Gregory Benford.'
 Onderwerp: RE: POLICY PROPOSAL: The list and copyright

  But what about the alleged possible consequences of posting or
  replying to a message?  The fact that such consequences are even 
  threatened jeopardizes the entire purpose of a mailing list.
  Lemme guess -- you're American, aren't you?
 Let me guess, you're displaying more anti-American attitudes, aren't

Only if you're a member of that intolerant and self-righteous subset of US
citizens who see any and all criticism of the US and her citizens as

Actually, it should be quite obvious why I asked you're American, aren't
you. And no, anti-Americanism has nothing to do with it.

Jeroen Zero tolerance for intolerance van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: POLICY PROPOSAL: The list and copyright

2003-02-13 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Horn, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: donderdag 13 februari 2003 15:56
 Onderwerp: RE: POLICY PROPOSAL: The list and copyright

  Should I? Oh, heck, just because you insist:o) I actually really
  don't care what notice people put at the bottom of their e-mail. I
  usually don't even bother to read them, because legally in the
  Netherlands there is no way to enforce them. I imagine it would be
  equally difficult and unrewarding for anything concerning this list in
  the US.
 Then please go whack your roommate upside the head for all of us about
 this issue!  grin  very big grin

I think it would be more appropriate to whack those people on the head who
are blowing this issue up to gigantic proportions, as if it is going to cost
them loads of money and ruin their lives.

Jeroen Everything is relative van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies 
(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form, 
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative 
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Now I know I am a Netizen!

2003-01-28 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Deborah Harrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: Geen
 Onderwerp: Re: Now I know I am a Netizen!

   From one Evil Overperson to another:
  Join me, oh Evil Overlady! Stand by my side as my Queen, and together
  we shall rule the world![*]   EVIL GRIN
  [*]Or our solar system, or our galaxy, or even the whole universe,
  depending on how ambitious your are.   :-)
 taps a long, red-lacquered fingernail thoughtfully against a cheek
 I should consider your proposition, but for the fact that I know you
 you already have a Queen...although I do not think that she qualifies
 as an Evil One.  smirk

So what? I'll have two Queens then: an Evil One to rule the world / galaxy /
universe with me, and a Benign One to fool our subjects into believing they
have Benign Rulers.   EVIL GRIN

Jeroen Evil Overlord van Baardwijk

By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies
(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Colleges Offer Students Privacy

2003-01-28 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 28 januari 2003 5:22
 Onderwerp: Re: Colleges Offer Students Privacy

 who doesn't want to go into the more negative roommates right now,
 because she's not sure which story would qualify as the worst

Tell us all those stories then, and then we'll vote on it!   :-)

Jeroen Simple Solutions van Baardwijk

By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies
(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: [Listref] Environment

2003-01-28 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Reggie Bautista [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 28 januari 2003 9:38
 Onderwerp: RE: [Listref] Environment

 You can do something completely outrageous and offensive and not get
 kicked, while less offensive behaviour can get you kicked fairly
 How is trying to hack Nick's server less offensive behaviour?

The phrase less offensive indicates a *comparison*. What I am referring to
is that a comparison between my behaviour and that of others will show that
their behaviour is far worse than mine. Yet I already got silenced by Arnett
once (and since then he has repeatedly threatened to do it again) while
those others (such as Giorgis and Crystall) apparently have been granted
immunity from administrative action, given the fact that no action was
ever taken against their gross misbehaviour.

Let's face it: Crystall launched a flame war against me, but no action was
taken against him. Last week he launched a personal attack against Erik
Reuter, and again no action was taken against him. As for Giorgis, well, we
already know that he has a very long track record when it comes to personal
attacks, but no action was ever taken against him either.

 How is being at the center of every list distruption in the past year
 and a half since I've been actively involved in this list less
 offensive behaviour?

If you analyse those disruptions, you will find that it was never *me* who
started them, but that I was fighting back after someone else attacked me.

Jeroen History will prove me right van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
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RE: Whoops!!

2003-01-28 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Gary L. Nunn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 28 januari 2003 13:38
 Onderwerp: RE: Whoops!!

  I think a backup-list through Yahoo is a good idea. I mean it is
  impartial and for short whiles bridging periods of Nick's server being
  down I think we could put up with Yahoos obnoxiousness. I mean they do
  part of the archiving for us already so why not give it a try.
 It looks like all of the Brin-L messages are already being echoed to
 Yahoo Groups.

That doesn't make it a backup list. IIRC, it is simply subscribed to Brin-L
-- so if Arnett's server goes down, no messages will appear at Yahoo!Groups

Jeroen Former co-listowner, wrongfully removed van Baardwijk

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RE: Welcome, Jose

2003-01-28 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Nick Arnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: maandag 27 januari 2003 5:47
 Onderwerp: Welcome, Jose

 Welcome, Jose!  Feel free to tell everyone how we used to hog-tie
 flame-baiters and tickle them into submission.

You *tickled* them? So, what made you throw such a subtle method overboard?
I mean, your method of list-control on this list is anything but subtle.

Quite frankly, it is about as subtle as a sledge hammer...   :-(

Jeroen History will prove me right van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Desktop Icon Utility

2003-01-16 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Jon Gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 januari 2003 17:36
 Onderwerp: RE: Desktop Icon Utility

   Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding
   of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they
   are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of
   patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in
   every country.
   ~ Hermann Goering
 Of course you realise you are going to be flamed for implying that the
 Bush Administration is not unlike the government of Nazi Germany...
 I'm going to assume you're not joking because you didn't include a

I was only half joking.

I know you are not considering the Bush regime to be like the Nazi regime,
but there have been several instances in this list's history where
statements of that type have been misinterpreted. For example (and this is
from personal experience), merely mentioning the Israeli regime and the Nazi
regime in one sentence was enough reason for some people to accuse me of
equating Israel with Nazi Germany, even though that was what I meant.

 Please don't deliberately misconstrue something I write to fit your own

I am not deliberatly misconstruing what you wrote, nor is there a personal
agenda here. I'm just pointing out how easily a statement like yours can be
misinterpreted and have unintended consequences.

Jeroen Casual Observations van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

2003-01-16 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Nick Arnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 januari 2003 20:18
 Onderwerp: RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

 If you're serious about publishing a CD-ROM, you might want to talk to
 an intellectual property lawyer before assuming that you're not exposing
 yourself to liability by doing so.

I don't believe for a second that it would be illegal. The CD-ROM would only
contain material that is already publicly available on-line (and free of
charge), so I would not be violating any copyright. If it would be a
violation of copyright, then putting messages in public archives would also
be a violation of copyright. But as vast public archives such as Yahoogroups
and still have not been shut down by court order, I don't
believe for a second that any judge would convict me.

If you are suddenly so adament about protecting copyrights, why don't I hear
you complaining about people posting entire (copyrighted) articles from
other sources (CNN, BBC etcetera) here? If you want to defend copyrights,
then at least be *consistent* about it!

I really don't understand why you are suddenly making such a fuss over this.
I have mentioned making the Great Brin-L Archive available on CD-ROM before
(on more than one occassion), but nobody ever complained about it before...

Jeroen Architectus Tabularium van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

2003-01-16 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Nick Arnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 januari 2003 21:03
 Onderwerp: RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

  I should mention that I consider you a worthless piece of scum in
  Human form,
 No personal attacks.  By *anybody*!  That was pretty darn personal.

Yup. And given an earlier statement from the list admins that personal
attacks will not be tolerated, and given that the list admins have before
banned a member on charges of personal attacks, I hereby request that the
list admins take immediate administrative action against the offending

Jeroen Zero Tolerance van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

2003-01-16 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Andrew Crystall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 januari 2003 21:34
 Onderwerp: RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

 Kick me off if you want. I'm NOT going to put up with his rubbish.

You are free to leave this list whenever you want. Nobody is forcing you to
stay here...

Don't know how to unsubscribe? The Administrative FAQ on has
the answer.

 I'll treat fairly with anyone who treats fairly with me. He's been 
 abusive, stupid

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

Jeroen Zero Tolerance For Intolerance van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: The United States of America has gone mad

2003-01-16 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Robert Seeberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: donderdag 16 januari 2003 2:59
 Onderwerp: The United States of America has gone mad

 John le Carre

snipped John le Carre's observations

Couldn't have said it better myself...

Jeroen Make love, not war van Baardwijk

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RE: More on Definition of Abortion in English Re: More on North Korea

2003-01-16 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: donderdag 16 januari 2003 4:16
 Onderwerp: More on Definition of Abortion in English Re: More on North

 I have to inform you that you are totally and utterly mistaken. It was
 an abortion in every sense of the word.
 At risk of belaboring the point, however, in the United States the term
 abortion refers to the killing of the fetus while still inside the

But Sonja does not live in the US, now does she?

Besides, Debbi already confirmed that your definition of abortion does not
correspond with the medical definition (termination of pregnancy through
medical intervention).

 To put it simply, your procedure resulted in a legal birth (at least in
 the US.)An abortion, however, would not have had this result.

Yes John. Sure John. Anything you say John.

We are well aware of your black-and-white views on this topic, and you are
not going to change anyone's mind, nor will anyone be able to change your
mind. So drop it and go start a discussion that might actually go somewhere.

Jeroen Painful Memories van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

2003-01-16 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Andrew Crystall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: donderdag 16 januari 2003 4:17
 Onderwerp: RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

 (Actually, it's not me who gets most of the hatemail but I HAVE
 managed to annoy some people, most notable the entire online Fallout

Well, if you behave over there as you behave over here, that doesn't really
come as a surprise...

Jeroen Zero Tolerance For Intolerance van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

2003-01-16 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Andrew Crystall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 januari 2003 20:35
 Onderwerp: RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

  Further, if that message is made available on CD-ROM, it is entirely
  reasonable for the producer of said CD-ROM to charge a certain amount
  of money for it. After all, the producer had to spent money in order
  to create that CD-ROM, and therefore deserves a reasonable
  compensation for it.
 No. Selling it at *cost* will be fine.

Notice that I said the producer had to spent money etc.. I'd say that
being compensated for those expenses would qualify as reasonable

 Try to make ONE PENNY profit,

Let's say I charge USD 9.95 for it (including SH). How are you going to
determine if I am making a profit on it, and how are you going to determine
*how much* profit I am making?

 and there'll be trouble...from MULTIPLE sources. Try us.

I have already shown why no judge would convict me. So, I am as impressed
with your threats now as I was the previous time you threatened me with a
lawsuit -- not impressed at all.

 I should mention that I consider you a worthless piece of scum in 
 Human form, judging you by the way you've deliberately disrupted the 
 list over the past 2 years. Feel REAL lucky I don't have admin 
 rights, or I'd ban you do fast your head would spin.
 If you want to start selling a CD of the list acrives for profit, the 
 gloves come off. ALL the way off. I don't take half-measures. Ever. 
 Yes, I guess that IS a threat.

Again, given the threats and personal attacks by mr. Crystall, I must
request that the list admins take appropriate administrative action against
him. Banning him till he publicly apologises and promises to refrain from
this kind of behaviour in the future doesn't sound unreasonable to me.

Jeroen Zero Tolerance For Intolerance van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Desktop Icon Utility

2003-01-16 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Jon Gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: donderdag 16 januari 2003 6:52
 Onderwerp: RE: Desktop Icon Utility

  It's the kind of thing that can be very easily interpreted the way 
  Jeroen did.  
 Yes, but it's *his* interpretation.  Not mine.

No, it is not my interpretation; I was pointing out how it was likely to be
interpreted, based on this list's history of responding to that kind of

 This should be a surprise to no one.  He's been quite vocally anti-
 american for years now.

I've said it before and I will say it again (although people will probably
just ignore it again): criticism of American policies does not equal

 In Nazi Germany circa the early 1930's the German government created
 fear and loathing of several groups of people by merely accusing them of
 treason against the state and worse without evidence.  Those groups had
 done nothing to the government or its people before being rounded up and
 By contrast, we were physically attacked on September 11th and the proof
 was seen by the entire world.

However, the US was attacked by people from an other region of the world,
but many of the government's measures are directed against its own

I don't think turning the country into one huge police state is going to
prevent terrorist attacks coming from outside the country.

Jeroen Casual Observations van Baardwijk

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and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
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RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

2003-01-16 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Nick Arnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 januari 2003 21:59
 Onderwerp: RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

  I frankly don't care. I consider his behavoir infantile and I'll
  treat him that way. If you're looking for an apology, you won't
  get a serious one. I'll just be sarcastic, I'm afraid.
 No apology hoped for or expected.

Indeed. He definitely *should* apologise, but we would be fooling ourselves
if we would believe such an apology would ever come.

Jeroen Zero Tolerance For Intolerance van Baardwijk

By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies
(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

2003-01-16 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Nick Arnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 januari 2003 21:59
 Onderwerp: RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

 I've earned a lot of money from my writings over the years, so I don't
 take this very lightly, either.  My intent is that these messages stay
 in the medium in which I post them.

You mean, that medium where the whole friggin' world can already read all
your messages without ever having to pay you a single penny for it? Sorry to
disappoint you, but for all intents and purposes you gave up copyright to
those messages the moment you hit the Send button.

I think you are overreacting, and I believe (and have shown in a previous
post why) publishing that CD-ROM (either at cost or for profit) would not
constitute violation of copyrights.

So, despite having been shown wrong, are you still going to insist that your
posts not be included on the Great Brin-L Archive CD-ROM?

Jeroen Architectus Tabularium van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
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RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

2003-01-16 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Andrew Crystall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: donderdag 16 januari 2003 16:20
 Onderwerp: RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

  You know, you could save the list admins some work and at the same
  time do this whole list a huge favour: get the fuck off this list and
  never come back. We don't need intolerant hate-spewing assholes like
  you over here.
 Hypocrite. What were you just saying about personal attacks?

Given your behaviour so far, you are hardly in any position to complain
about personal attacks...

  That is complete and utter bullshit. I have never ever deliberately
  disrupted the list. Defended myself against vicious attacks from
  lowlifes like you, yes, but deliberate disruption, no. If anyone is
  deliberately disrupting this list, it is you, with your incessive
  whining, your threats and your hate-spewing.
  Go away.
 You deliberately and persistantly do so *shrug*.

Then PROVE IT! Or, in other words, put up or shut up. And then unsubscribe
from this list, and preferably also unsubscribe from life.

Or, to put it in words you might be able to comprehend: prove those claims
if you don't want to end up on the wrong end of an libel/slander lawsuit.

 Your utter blindness and indifference to what people feel about your
 worlds is frankly astounding.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

 As is the level to which you take your closed mindedness.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

 I hold some VERY strong opinions, but I *try* not to force them down
 peoples throats and I'm allways willing to look at all sides of a

Your behaviour so far proves otherwise. Basically, everyone must agree with
you, and those who don't will be attacked and threatened.'re killfiled as of now. And I intend to take action 
 *grins*. So don't complain to me via E-mail, I won't get it.

Ah yes, the way of the losers and the morally inferior. Attack someone, then
killfile your victim in an attempt to avoid being held accountable for your

Your mother must be proud of you.

And your threat has been noted. It will be added to the Brin-L Hall of

Jeroen Zero Tolerance For Intolerance van Baardwijk

By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies
(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Desktop Icon Utility

2003-01-15 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Horn, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 14 januari 2003 23:09
 Onderwerp: RE: Desktop Icon Utility

 Doesn't tell me much.  And it hasn't been updated in since 12/29/02 even
 though I added a new icon today.  And moved a bunch of things around
 this morning.
 Must be stored somewhere else under Win2K...

Try the following: add another icon, then do a search on all files that have
today as their latest change date. I have no experience with Win2K yet*, so
I don't know if this will work, but it *might* help you find out in which
file the required data is stored.

*But a Win2K Professional CD landed on my desk just this morning, so there
is hope yet...   :-)

Jeroen Tech Support van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
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RE: Alpha Mails

2003-01-15 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Nick Arnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 januari 2003 0:20
 Onderwerp: RE: Alpha Mails

 I think it's quite different from posting the entire subscriber list,
 since the latter would include people who never post, and thus never
 expose their addresses to spam-collectors.  These are the people whose
 addresses are easily gathered from at least three archives; by
 definition, they are the most commonly appearing ones, thus the ones
 that can most easily be gathered.

Bullshit. You posted a list of people's e-mail addresses. Period. You can't
criticise one person for doing that, and then pretend that you have done
nothing wrong when you perform that same act (or one very similar to it)

Claiming that these addresses can also be gathered from on-line archives is
only an attempt to deny responsibility. If you engage in any Internet
activity, you leave traces, so following your reasoning I also did nothing
wrong when I posted (upon request) a subscriber list, as those addresses
could also have been harvested elsewhere.

I lost my list-admin status over it, so the only right thing to do is remove
you from your list-admin position as well. So, does anyone here have the
equipment, time and interest to take over the hosting of Brin-L from Nick?

Jeroen Double Standards van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

2003-01-15 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Nick Arnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 januari 2003 0:25
 Onderwerp: RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

  In other words, there may well be an exchange of data, but not with
  you. Clear enough?
 Phooey... is all I have to say to that.

You didn't really expect me to be nice to someone who has treated me the way
you have, did you?

  But you are welcome to buy the Brin-L Archive CD once it is
 You're planning to publish a compilation that includes my messages, in
 which I hold copyright?  That should be interesting.  I don't recall
 granting you a license to do so.

Your messages appear in the on-line archives at and Have you granted them a license to publish your posts in
their publicly accessible archives? Probably not. So, are you now going to
sue them for copyright violation, as they have obviously published your
posts without your consent?

Of course, if you are going to make a fuss over copyright, you will at least
have to be *consistent*. That means that you will have to ban everyone who
posts articles (or parts thereof) which have been published elsewhere (FREX,
on and report the violation to the copyright holder (it's gonna be
very quiet here, with most of the regulars banned). You will also have to
remove the Etiquette Guidelines from your website, as that page is a direct
copy of the Etiquette Guidelines page on my website (you only changed the
background colour). I hold the copyright to the design, and Jo Anne Bird
holds the copyright to the contents. Further, you will have to limit your
on-line archive to containing only the messages from people who have given
you their explicit permission to publish their posts in said archive.

  By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your
  replies (both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in
  any other form, and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible
  for any negative consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have
  for you.
 By reading and/or replying to this message or participating in the
 discussion forum in which it appears, you understand and agree that all
 previously added Legal Notices are hereby null and void.  And future
 ones, also.  And you may be held responsible for your behavior, as
 unbearable as that might seem under the crushing weight of abuse from

That last sentence is particularly interesting, given that you deny having
done anything wrong by publishing people's e-mail addresses...

By posting to this forum, you waive any and all copyrights to your posts,
and agree to have them made publicly available on-line and on any other
media, including but not limited to commercially available compact disks,
without any compensation to you.

Jeroen Legal Mumbo-Jumbo van Baardwijk

By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies
(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

2003-01-15 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Dan Minette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 januari 2003 0:43
 Onderwerp: Re: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

 By reading this, or even hearing about it, you agree that you will be an
 indentured servant, with me holding your contract.  You will do what I
 tell you to do.  You will agree that any further Legal notices that you
 might write are Null and Void.

Out of curiosity, how are you going to determine if a person has read or
heard about your legal notice, if said person does not mention having read
or hearing about it?   :-)

Jeroen Legal Mumbo-Jumbo van Baardwijk

By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies
(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

2003-01-15 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Jon Gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 januari 2003 1:02
 Onderwerp: RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

 The fabled archive.
 How many moons before it's finished?:)

Many moons, I'm afraid. Work on the Great Brin-L Archive has to be done in
my spare time, which by definition is limited. And I don't have the software
to automate most of the work.

It could probably be available by the end of the year if I could work
full-time on it. However, that would require me to quit my job. I might be
willing to do *that*, but I doubt someone here is willing to pay me EUR
4,000 per month for as long as it takes to finish the Great Brin-L Archive
and then find a new job in my line of work.

Jeroen Architectus Tabularium van Baardwijk

By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies
(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

2003-01-15 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Nick Arnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 januari 2003 1:29
 Onderwerp: RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

 In this case, I there is an implicit license to copy via e-mail clients
 and servers, as well as in other Internet-based media, such as archive
 pages.  But going to another medium, such as CD-ROM, especially if
 offered for sale, thus impacting any potential commercial value of the
 copyrighted expression, crosses the line, IMO.

If a message to this forum has any potential commercial value, then that
value has already been impacted by the fact that said message is already
available for free in at least three publicly accessible on-line archives.
Making it available on CD-ROM only provides yet another source where said
message can be found, and has no significant (if any) further impact on the
potential commercial value of said message.

Further, if that message is made available on CD-ROM, it is entirely
reasonable for the producer of said CD-ROM to charge a certain amount of
money for it. After all, the producer had to spent money in order to create
that CD-ROM, and therefore deserves a reasonable compensation for it.

Jeroen Architectus Tabularium van Baardwijk

By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies
(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Is Anyone Else Offended By This?

2003-01-15 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 januari 2003 3:03
 Onderwerp: RE: Is Anyone Else Offended By This?

 At 02:09 PM 1/14/2003 -0500 Damon wrote:
 I am shocked to see that you apparently believe that women would get
 an abortion simply because they can get it for free. Really John,
 making such a decision is a hell of a lot harder than that.

ATTRIBUTION ERROR: I wrote that, not Damon.

 I think that it is a basic truism that when a service becomes cheaper,
 people demand more of it.

That is correct when a person's *first* concern is money (such as with a
two-for-one deal on, say, food). However, I doubt any woman will get an
abortion simply because she can get it for free. But feel free to provide
evidence to the contrary...

Sorry to disappoint you, John, but capitalist theory does not ALWAYS apply.
The decision to buy two hamburgers for the price of one is wildly different
from deciding to have an abortion.

 Indeed, if provoding the abortions for free isn't providing the service
 to those who would not otherwise ordinarily procure the abortion
 service, then why else would he offer it for free?

According to dr. Tiller's own news release, he hopes to draw attention to
the increasing pressure being placed on abortion from pro-life legislation.

Besides, how do you know for a fact that the women who will make use of his
free service would otherwise not have an abortion?

 I agree. I had a friend who needed to get an abortion. 
 Correction.   She wanted to get an abortion.

Damon provided no details about this. So, unless he either provided you with
the details off-list or if you know his friend personally, you cannot
possibly know if she only *wanted* it or actually *needed* it (like for
medical reasons).

Making such assumptions is not exactly beneficial to your credibility, John.
Please refrain from making them if you want to be taken seriously. Thank

Jeroen Painful Memories van Baardwijk

By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies
(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: N Korea threatens to 'destroy world' L3

2003-01-15 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 januari 2003 3:33
 Onderwerp: Re: N Korea threatens to 'destroy world' L3

 The best creative solution to the DPRK crisis I have heard is this.
 Basically, we make it clear to China that if the DPRK holds nuclear
 weapons, then we will equip Japan with defensive nuclear weapons
 against the North Korean threat.

Et voila, another Cold War is born...   :-(

So much for solutions...

Jeroen No Nukes van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

2003-01-15 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Nick Arnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 januari 2003 4:06
 Onderwerp: RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

 I hope you guys realize that I was just poking fun at what I consider

Given the complete absence of anything indicating humour, there was and is
no reason to assume you were just poking fun.

Jeroen Architectus Tabularium van Baardwijk

By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies
(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Child abuse (was: More on North Korea)

2003-01-15 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 januari 2003 5:38
 Onderwerp: Re: Child abuse (was: More on North Korea)

 I'd like to believe that my heart is big enough to care about all of
 those children.

Your *heart* may be big enough, but is your *wallet* big enough to care for
all those children you would save from being murdered?

 Indeed, abuse and death of children at the fetal stage of development
 is already illegal - except, oddly, in cases of deliberate parental
 consent resulting in death.

Yeah, democracy and law sucks when it means you don't get what you want,

Jeroen Painful Memories van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

2003-01-15 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Andrew Crystall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 januari 2003 6:39
 Onderwerp: RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)

 I'm not even much of a Brin fan any more

Heathen! Off with thy head! Guards, take him to the chopping block!   EVIL

Jeroen Public Executions van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Desktop Icon Utility

2003-01-15 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Jon Gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 januari 2003 13:46
 Onderwerp: RE: Desktop Icon Utility

 Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of
 the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are
 being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and
 exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.
 ~ Hermann Goering


Of course you realise you are going to be flamed for implying that the Bush
Administration is not unlike the government of Nazi Germany...

Jeroen Battlestations! van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: More on North Korea

2003-01-14 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 14 januari 2003 3:19
 Onderwerp: Re: More on North Korea

 That's the administration's response to a dilemma that they were
 instrumental in creating: 
 Ahem.The DPRK assembled its two nuclear bombs and began its uranium
 program under the Clinton Administration.
 This, quote, dilemma, was hardly created by the Bush Administration.

But it was created by an *US* Administration nonetheless -- which I think is
the whole point. It was not created by the Democrats or the Republicans,
but by the US government.

Jeroen Casual Observations van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: More on North Korea

2003-01-14 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 14 januari 2003 5:43
 Onderwerp: RE: More on North Korea

 And here I thought that liberals admired principle and diversity of
 Guess not.

Exactly what do you hope to accomplish by making a sneering remark about
people who do not share your political views?

 Either that, or perhaps you thought that George Bush should have
 followed up his conclusion that human life begins at conception, by
 standing idly by while he believes that 1.4 million American children
 are murdered each year?

How nice of you to label thousands of doctors murderers and millions of
other people accessories to murder. So, what do you suggest we do about
them? Send all those millions of people to prison, as the law dicates for
murderers? Execute them, as is not uncommon in most US states?

Having been in that nightmare situation myself, I find it extremely
offending to be labeled accessory to murder, especially by someone who
shows an overwhelming lack of sensitivy with regard to the subject of

I have said it before, and I will say it again: contrary to what you seem to
believe, deciding to have an abortion is NOT some simple decision that
people make over dinner between main course and dessert, and that gets
scheduled between grocery shopping and a visit to the hairdresser. It is
pretty much the most traumatic thing that could happen to a person.

Jeroen You don't know what you're talking about van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
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RE: Is Anyone Else Offended By This?

2003-01-14 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: J.D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: Geen
 Onderwerp: Is Anyone Else Offended By This?

 Late Term Kansas Abortionist to Perform Free Abortions
 Wichita, KS -- George Tiller, the infamous Kansas late-term abortionist,
 will do free abortions on poor women Saturday to mark 30 years since the
 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.
 Tiller said in a news release that he hoped the free abortions would
 draw attention to the increasing pressure being placed on abortion from
 pro-life legislation.
 I can just see the signs now: 1 Day Only, 100% off abortion sale.   Or
 Bring a Friend Day, Buy One Abortion, Get the Second One Free!

John, abortion qualifies as one of the most traumatic events a person can go
through in life. Your comment is extremely insensitive and offensive.

 I think that the above really hits home the ludicrousness of the
 abortion situation

The only ludicrous thing about the abortion situation is that a bunch of
right-wing religious fanatics want to dictate to women what they can and
cannot do with and to their own bodies.

 and to encourage women to have abortions by offering discounts or free
 for a limited time offers, just totally grosses me out.

He is not encouraging women to have abortions, he is helping those who may
have a perfectly valid reason for having an abortion but are unable to pay
for it. IMO, George Tiller deserves a medal for his action.

I am shocked to see that you apparently believe that women would get an
abortion simply because they can get it for free. Really John, making such a
decision is a hell of a lot harder than that.

Jeroen You don't know what you're talking about van Baardwijk

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and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
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RE: N Korea threatens to 'destroy world'

2003-01-08 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Ronn!Blankenship [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 7 januari 2003 20:02
 Onderwerp: RE: N Korea threatens to 'destroy world'

 At 04:28 PM 1/7/03 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I will be nice.  I will be nice.  I will be nice.  I will be nice.

Huh? Was it something I said?

Jeroen No Nukes van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: N Korea threatens to 'destroy world'

2003-01-07 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 7 januari 2003 4:19
 Onderwerp: Re: N Korea threatens to 'destroy world'

 But now you sound like you do indeed predict the Iraq conflict to
 become a world war - and your language suggests a certain eagerness for
 this.  Is that really what you hope happens?  To be blunt, I find that
 attitude dangerous, naive and misguided.  
 Deboarh, my position is this:
 The jet plane was invented in the early 1940's.   60 years later it was
 used to unleash destruction upon American cities.The nuclear bomb
 was invented only a couple of years after the jet plane.

And that is supposed to convince everyone that within a couple of years
there will be a terrorist nuclear attack in the US? Device A was used,
therefore device B will also be used? You will have to do better than

While pretty much every country has jet planes, not every country has
nuclear weapons. Jet planes exist in far greater numbers than nuclear bombs.
And getting access to a jet plane is considerably easier (just buy a plane
ticket!) than getting access to a nuclear weapon. I think you underestimate
the problems involved with obtaining nuclear weapons, smuggling them into
the US, and detonating them.

I don't think a nuclear attack will happen. Using conventional explosives is
much easier and cheaper for terrorist organisations, and no country is going
to launch a nuclear missile against the US because they know the US will
retaliate immediately -- such a strike would only lead to their own
destruction. Dictators like Saddam Hussein may be crazy, but they are not

 September 11th taught us that there existed enemies who would seek to
 destroy us.

There have been enemies of the US who have been advocating the destruction
of the US since decades before the September 11 attacks.

Jeroen No nukes van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Nightmare fish in Brazil.....

2003-01-07 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 7 januari 2003 5:35
 Onderwerp: Re: Nightmare fish in Brazil.

  Okay what's TMI, besides the one I can see out my back window?
 Too Much Information.

Okay, what is that TMI thing you can see out your back window?

Jeroen Insufficient Information van Baardwijk

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RE: A Problem For Conservatives

2003-01-06 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Kevin Tarr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: zondag 5 januari 2003 17:41
 Onderwerp: Re: A Problem For Conservatives

 It's not the job of scientists to prove the Big Bang - it's their job
 to disprove it!
 I don't know why, but your statements look completely wrong.

The statement is, in fact, correct -- at least according to what is taught
in The Netherlands. Proper procedure is not to develop a theory and then try
to prove it, but to develop a theory and then try and *disprove* it. That
way you can prevent scientists from ignoring data that disproves their

Jeroen van Baardwijk

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and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: A Problem For Conservatives

2003-01-06 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Richard Baker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: zondag 5 januari 2003 21:15
 Onderwerp: Re: A Problem For Conservatives

 I wish the likes of Scientific American would stop saying things like
 More proof for the Big Bang when they really mean More evidence for
 the Big Bang

What's the difference?

Jeroen Question on a cosmic scale van Baardwijk

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RE: Going to be scarce for a while...

2002-12-24 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Verzonden: dinsdag 24 december 2002 16:15
 Onderwerp: Going to be scarce for a while...

 Sonja and I are going to be scarce for a while on this list.

Well, whaddaya know, it looks like my Chello Internet connection just got
restored -- and only a few hours after I sent them that fax message. Looks
like someone over there was already experiencing the spirit of XMas.   :-)

Either that, or they were just impressed enough by my threats that, if they
would not reconnect me within three days, I would bill *them* for every
penny this mess has cost me*, file a complaint against them with the
Consumers Union, and switch to an other broadband ISP.   GRIN

Of course, I am still going to do that anyway...   GRIN

*An amount for every day my connection would not be active (roughly EUR 1.58
per day), the costs of the various phone calls (which adds up pretty fast at
10 cents per minute), and the costs of my dial-up connection.

Jeroen Happiness is a working broadband Internet connection van Baardwijk

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RE: br!n: [LINK] What Science Fiction Author Are You?

2002-12-19 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Amanda SubbaRao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: donderdag 19 december 2002 4:45
 Onderwerp: Re: br!n: [LINK] What Science Fiction Author Are You?

 How do people getting the full list deal with the volume?

With great difficulty...   GRIN

(But it helps if you can read Brin-L mail at the office.)

Jeroen Architectus Tabularium van Baardwijk

By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies 
(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form, 
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative 
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Question for JDG (or anyone else with a good answer)

2002-12-19 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Ronn!Blankenship [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: donderdag 19 december 2002 8:03
 Onderwerp: Re: Question for JDG (or anyone else with a good answer)

 Thereby confirming what everybody knows:  that government employees
 don't actually *produce* anything.
 (Produce in this case obviously refers to a positive contribution.)

As a government employee here I am speaking,
of this sound, this deaf'ning creaking.
It's the thin ice on which you are walking,
which makes the sound of which I'm talking.

Even though that great is the temptation,
speak not ill of the servants of the nation.
For it is all of you that they do serve,
it is your praise that they deserve.

Jeroen Poetry On-line van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Brin-L Chat No More?

2002-12-19 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Jon Gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: donderdag 19 december 2002 15:44
 Onderwerp: Re: Brin-L Chat No More?

 But the main advantage a permanent IRC room would have, IMO, is that
 night owls like me would be able to log in at all hours and stand a
 chance of finding company.

You can log in to the current Brin-L MUD at all hours as well. Or at least,
that has always been the situation; don't know if William turns off the
lights after the last chatter has left.

Jeroen To chat or not to chat, that's the question van Baardwijk

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RE: brin: [LINK] What Science Fiction Author Are You?

2002-12-17 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Reggie Bautista [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 17 december 2002 0:00
 Onderwerp: Re: brin: [LINK] What Science Fiction Author Are You?

 Jeroen wrote:
 That problem has been remedied; as of right now, is back
 in business!   :-)
 Whaddya know, I'm now in the top 50!

That's nothing to get all excited about -- there are 49 other people who are
in the same situation.   :-)

Jeroen Architectus Tabularium van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: br1n: [LINK] What Science Fiction Author Are You?

2002-12-17 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Russell Chapman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 17 december 2002 1:53
 Onderwerp: Re: br1n: [LINK] What Science Fiction Author Are You?

 I'm now well into my seventh year on this list and I still barely scrape
 into the top 50. Some of the people near the top were only here for a
 little while and still managed thousands of posts...

Heck, there are people we have not heard from for a long time, and are
*still* in the top 20!


Pos.   Name Posts   Latest
   --   -   ---
  4Gord Sellar  3,248   Feb. 17, 2002
 11Charlie Bell 2,035   June 22, 2001
 13Nicola Gebendinger   1,949   March 12, 1999
 15Stefan Jones 1,836   June 26, 1999
 17Andrea Leistra   1,434   May 23, 2001
 18Vera Horiuchi1,346   July 5, 2000
 19Kristin Ruhle1,307   August 23, 2001

Quick WinNT Calculator calculation: these 7 people are responsible for
13,155 posts of the approx. 99,500 posts sent to this list (that's approx.

Jeroen Architectus Tabularium van Baardwijk

By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies 
(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form, 
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative 
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Back

2002-12-17 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Damon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 17 december 2002 7:36
 Onderwerp: Back

 Hi all,
 Some of you may remember me, some of you probably don't, so I'll
 re-introduce myself for the benefit of y'all...;)

Damon! Long time no see (since March 22, 2001 to be precise)! Welcome back!

Jeroen Architectus Tabularium van Baardwijk

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(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form,
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Finished

2002-12-16 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Reggie Bautista [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: maandag 16 december 2002 18:25
 Onderwerp: Re: Finished

 Sonja wrote:
 I finally did it. Finished the bathroom late yesterday evening.
 Steve replied:
 Congratulations! :-)
 Ditto!  Now the question becomes, how long will it take for 
 the men in your life to break it?  ;-)

Speaking for both men in the household (not necessarily for any other men in
her life): we wouldn't even *dare* break it. The consequences would be too
horrible...   :-)

Jeroen I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid van Baardwijk

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and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative
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RE: African not black enough?

2002-12-16 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Dan Minette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: maandag 16 december 2002 21:48
 Onderwerp: Re: African not black enough?

  By writing a post that I respond to, you have agreed beforehand to
  transfer the balance in your checking account, your savings account,
  your retirement account, the cash value of your possessions to me at
  my request.
  I must inform you that, should you make such a request to me, you will
  effectively be taking over my EUR 1,453,908.67 debt to various people
  and organisations. Thanks in advance for lifting that burden off my
  shoulders!   :-)
 You gotta read the fine print, son.  Nowhere do I discuss your debt.

Yes you did -- you mentioned the balance in my checking account.   GRIN

As for the rest, I have neither a savings account nor a retirement account,
and strictly speaking all my possessions belong not to me but to the bank.

 My momma didn't raise no fool.

You do realise that a double negative makes a positive, right?   :-)

Jeroen Money makes the world go round van Baardwijk

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RE: Official Statement

2002-12-12 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Marvin Long, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: Geen
 Onderwerp: Re: Official Statement

 IMO, an offlist offense that a) targets the server itself, or b) targets
 the membership of the list via bcc and/or forged headers, etc.,
 constitutes an on-list (or perhaps list-related) offense in the
 sense that it is perpetrated against the list itself (the list being
 congruent with its membership, as facilitated by a given server).  So, 
 off-list cannot be assumed to imply unrelated to the list.

One still needs to consider whether the off-list activity would constitute
an offense. FREX, sending messages off-list because one is not allowed to
post on-list would not necessarily be an offense (IMO, that would depend
more on the content than on the delivery method); it can also be considered
a perfectly justified way to circumvent the blocking.

As for forging headers by changing the Reply-To address, I don't consider
that an offense; the return address is clearly visible in the From: field
of the incoming message as well as in the To: field of the reply, so the
recipient can easily see where his reply will be sent. It may not be *nice*
to change the Reply-To address, but it does not qualify as an offense.

Jeroen Defense lawyer van Baardwijk

By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies 
(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form, 
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative 
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Internet Free Speech struck down by Australian court

2002-12-12 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Jon Gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 11 december 2002 20:24
 Onderwerp: Re: Internet Free Speech struck down by Australian court

 What about posession of child pornography?  Do you think that it should
 be given the same consideration?  I understand that it's a different
 situation, but you can be prosecuted in this country (and entirely,
 completely rightly so) for possessing pornographic materials that were
 neither manufactured by you or in your country of origin.

Does that apply to *all* pornographic material, or only to child

Over here in The Netherlands, possession of child pornography is illegal,
but possession of other pornographic material is legal (and easily
obtainable: you can find sex shops in every city, and they aren't exactly
hidden away in some back alley).

Jeroen Three times a day keeps the doctor away van Baardwijk

By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies 
(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form, 
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative 
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: fibre for the masses

2002-12-11 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Ronn!Blankenship [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 10 december 2002 20:50
 Onderwerp: Re: fibre for the masses

   Yea, well they probably give you a shitty connection.
 Heck, you can get that even if they *don't* run the cables 
 through the sewers.  ;)
 And even with a _good_ connection, still sometimes all you 
 can find on-line is crªp . . .

And even with an expensive broadband connection, the speed is regularly such
that I often wonder if they have the cables running through the shit, or the
shit through the cables...   GRIN

Jeroen I call it e-shit van Baardwijk

By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies 
(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form, 
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative 
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: Server back

2002-12-11 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Nick Arnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 11 december 2002 3:38
 Aan: Brin-L@Mccmedia. Com
 Onderwerp: Server back

 And since it's a painfully slow machine (a Pentium 266 MHz, I was somewhat
 surprised to see), and I have a PII motherboard here, I'm thinking I
 finally upgrade the darn thing

I have an old PC (Pentium 200 MHz, 80 MB RAM) that is dire need of
retirement. Once I have a new one, I want to upgrade the old one (new
processor, perhaps extra memory) and turn it into a webserver. What would
you recommend in terms of processor, memory, operating system and other
software? The webserver will be build primarily just to get familiar with
setting up such a server, and will otherwise only be used to host my
websites, and perhaps for experimenting with running  a mailing list on it.
What would you recommend in terms of processor, memory and operating system?

Jeroen Architectus Websiticum van Baardwijk

By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies 
(both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form, 
and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative 
consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.

RE: moderation is evil, why it must be eradicated

2002-11-27 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Erik Reuter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 27 november 2002 3:41
 Onderwerp: Re: moderation is evil, why it must be eradicated

  You're right.
 I am not right!

Aha -- so you admit to being wrong! Now *that* is what I call making
progress.   :-)

(Attention censors: notice the smiley, which indicates humour).

  I've always thought of you more as a crate kind of guy.
 Can I be a titanium box?



RE: moderation is evil, why it must be eradicated

2002-11-27 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Erik Reuter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 27 november 2002 5:57
 Onderwerp: Re: moderation is evil, why it must be eradicated

 but unfortuantely you were convicted of a crime and put in prison.

Please refrain from making such comments; your statement could seriously
damage Sonja's career. If it is found that her career is indeed damaged (for
example, she does not get the high-pay job she applied for because the
employer found your message and believes your statement to be true), you
might end up facing some very serious legal trouble.


RE: Social Security is Evil and Must Be Eradicated

2002-11-27 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 27 november 2002 6:10
 Onderwerp: Social Security is Evil and Must Be Eradicated

 As opposed to anyone under 40 who's paying into Social Security.
 Which is why I can't consider FDR to be a great President - for saddling
 America's future generations with this disaster.

Why is it a disaster if a government decides to financially help those
members of the population who (for some reason) are unable to generate
income themselves?

Over here, we do not call it a disaster -- we call it solidarity.

Jeroen -- former recipient of Social Security

RE: Lies Aren't Evil Re: Religion is evil (proof)

2002-11-27 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 27 november 2002 6:06
 Onderwerp: Lies Aren't Evil Re: Religion is evil (proof)

  [a] Lies are evil [1]
 If you were living in Belgium circa 1943, and had a Jewish family in
 your basement, and two guys in tacky uniforms ask you Wo sind die
 Juden?   and you say Ich weiss nicht,   your lie was *not* evil.
 QED lies are not evil.

If you saw your neighbour murdering his wife, and then have the police ask
you if you know what happened to her, and you say I have no idea, then
your lie *is* evil.

QED lies are evil.


RE: Social Security is Evil and Must Be Eradicated

2002-11-27 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Robert Seeberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 27 november 2002 6:23
 Onderwerp: Re: Social Security is Evil and Must Be Eradicated

  Which is why I can't consider FDR to be a great President - for
  saddling America's future generations with this disaster.
 Ahh..and what was the situation before the advent of social

Educated guess: poverty, alcohol abuse, violence (domestic and otherwise)
due to alcohol abuse, suicides.


RE: Religion, the good side

2002-11-27 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Ronn!Blankenship
 Verzonden: woensdag 27 november 2002 13:17
 Onderwerp: Re: Religion, the good side

 GSV Those Who Can, Do:  Those Who Can't Do, End Up In Management


There is truth in many things -- and this is definitely one of them.


RE: Religion, the good side

2002-11-27 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Dan Minette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 27 november 2002 2:21
 Onderwerp: Re: Religion, the good side

 So, management wanted them to work properly. Productivity went way

Now *that* sounds familiar. It is happening right now here at work; we are
facing more and more restrictions on what we can and cannot do, and
decisions on how we should do our jobs, thus making it increasingly more
difficult for us to actually do our jobs. Time and time again I get the idea
that the higher-ups who come up with those ideas have no idea what it is
like on the workfloor. (And I have seen this happen in other organisations
as well.)

As a side effect, it does not exactly inspire faith in the higher-ups; those
ideas are spreading the message that they do not really trust the people who
work for them.


RE: Religion, the good side

2002-11-27 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Erik Reuter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 27 november 2002 6:36
 Onderwerp: Re: Religion, the good side

  Good lord, an innovative technique, including coming up with a
  radically new design, building and testing hardware, all within a
 If they spent 6 hours per day working and it took two years, then yes,
 it is likely it could be done in one year if they spent 12 hours.

Following that reasoning, the job could be done in only six months by
working 24 hours per day. Unfortunately, it is more complicated than that.
Things like the need for rest, recreation and social activities tend to get
in the way.

 Quality has often been sacrificed to meet an unrealistic deadline.

Quality has often been sacrificied even after repeatedly extending the
deadline. I submit the various versions of Micro$oft Windows as evidence...


RE: Social Security is Evil and Must Be Eradicated

2002-11-27 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Verzonden: woensdag 27 november 2002 14:51
 Onderwerp: Re: Social Security is Evil and Must Be Eradicated

  Why is it a disaster if a government decides to financially help
  those members of the population who (for some reason) are unable to
  generate income themselves?
 Governments do not generate income.

Actually, they do. It is called taxes. (My apology for using a dirty

 They can't pull money for entitlements out of thin air.

Correct -- that is why we pay taxes.

 I think the disaster point is when it'll take three workers to pay for
 one retired person.

That is not so much a disaster but a case of real lousy long-term planning.


RE: religion is evil, why it must be eradicated

2002-11-26 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 26 november 2002 6:36
 Onderwerp: Re: religion is evil, why it must be eradicated

 Well, as a statement, I find this particularly unconvincing.  Perhaps
 you should try backing it up.

How odd to see you make that suggestion. First you refuse to back your own
claims because you believe that claims do not have to be backed with data,
and then you go on to suggest that someone do exactly the opposite...

How inconsistent of you.

Jeroen Casual observations van Baardwijk

Corrupted-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: DING! (was Re: NASA)

2002-11-21 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Adam C. Lipscomb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: donderdag 21 november 2002 1:12
 Onderwerp: DING! (was Re: NASA)

 DING! to Jeroen - posting offlist mail to the list.
 DING! to Jeroen - personal attack.

Personal attack? What personal attack?

DING! to Adam for unwarranted dinging.

BTW, what is the Maximum Time Allowed between someone posting something, and
someone else dinging that person for it? 

Jeroen Ding Dong van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: Zebra update

2002-11-21 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Jon Gabriel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: donderdag 21 november 2002 7:39
 Onderwerp: RE: Zebra update

 There used to be plenty of zebras in New York City. Unfortunately, they
 have all been killed in traffic by now; how do you think did all those
 zebra crossings got there, huh?   GRIN
 Never been to New York, have you?  Speaking as a resident, we know that
 the cabs aim for people and not animals. :-)

Maybe those poor zebras were collateral damage?

 Cabbies prefer to run down targets that are more cunning than your
 average equine.

OTOH, it is safer for the cabbie to run down zebras instead of pedestrians:
zebras and/or their relatives are not going to sue the cabbie for millions
of dollars.   :-)

 (On a more serious note, you might wanna leave your bike at home, there
 were over 250 cyclist-related road accidents last year in NYC.)

Let's put that in perspective. How many road accidents were there last year
in NYC that did *not* involve a cyclist? How many people live and/or work in

Sounds like cycling is a relatively safe method of transport.

 GSV Which is why Dodge Ball is a required sport in the NYC school

What, you mean that sub-machine guns are not yet standard equipment on
bicycles in NYC?   GRIN

Jeroen Shoot first, ask questions later van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:


2002-11-21 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: iaamoac [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 20 november 2002 18:58
 Onderwerp: Re: NASA

  By posting entire articles, those people will now have no reason to
  go out and buy a copy of the latest edition; therefore, you may very
  well have deprived the owners and publisher of _The Economist_, as
  well as the owner of the newsstand, of income.
  I have considered this possibility also, and rejected it.
 Why have you rejected this possibility? (This is not a rhetorical
 It is highly unlikely.

Why is it highly unlikely? (This is not a rhetorical question.) I think it
is in fact very likely that people will not go out to buy a magazine if they
have already read it for free on-line. 

  (To take this into extremes: maybe the newsstand owner's wife will
  die because of your actions, because the revenue of those last few
  sales would finally have given her family enough money to pay for her
  life-saving operation.)
  I did not consider this possibility, but I have rejected it also.
 Why have you rejected this possibility? (This is also NOT a rhetorical
 And how can you *reject* a possibility without first *considering* that
 possibility? (This is also not a rhetorical question.)
 Pardon me.  I meant to say: I did not consider this possibility, but
 I have now considered this possibility and rejected it.

So, you are absolutely sure that something like that could not happen?

 I posted the articles, because I have estimated the denied revenue to
 be $0 . Even allowing for the actual denied revenue to be several
 standard deviations from the estimated denied revenue, the actual
 amount of denied revenue simply cannot approach such a level of
 significance, with 99.% confidence.

In other words, nobody has been deprived of income because of your actions,

  And why do you refuse to answer simple questions on-line? (This is
  also not a rhetorical question.)
  Because I love seeing how many times you will violate basic Netiquette
  by reposting my personal e-mail back to the List
 Personally, I think you have a quite different reason for it. But
 anyway, I will take a discussion back on-list whenever and as often as I
 deem necessary.
 So long as you don't care what effect these actions have on other's
 relative impression of you and of other's relative trust of you, then
 I guess that I can't stop you, other than to again remind you that it
 is considered impolite to repost this private message from me in a
 public forum.

Given your history on this list, you are not exactly in a position to
complain about someone else violating Netiquette. Actually, I do not even
think that, given your history, you should have an e-mail address that has
iaamoac in it.

 Finally, I noticed you ignored one of the questions in my previous post,
 so I will repeat it here:
 Why is it wrong if others deprive companies of income, but not wrong if
 *you* do the same thing? (Again, this is not a rhetorical question.)
 I did not answer it because my estimate of the denied revenue is $0, to
 one significant figure, thus the question makes no sense to me.   I do
 not see myself as denying revenue - whereas my estimate of the denied
 revenue from ad-blocking software is $0 to one significant figure.

Please show us the data that supports your claim that companies are denied
revenue because of ad-blocking software.

Jeroen Put up or retract van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: SCOUTED: What Would Jesus Drive

2002-11-21 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Ronn Blankenship
 Verzonden: donderdag 21 november 2002 9:40
 Onderwerp: Re: SCOUTED: What Would Jesus Drive

 Actually, as a carpenter, I suspect Jesus (and Joseph, too) would drive
 either a pickup truck or perhaps a van to carry all His tools and
 supplies to and from the job site . . .
 Next question:  Would He have a Dremel® professional set of His own?

Given that he is also in the Miracles business, I would expect him to not
need any tools, but simply snap his fingers once to get the job done.

As for his transportation: given his high profile and his importance to many
people, he is very likely to be a target for terrorist attacks. So, I expect
that if he would drive a car, it would probably be a high-powered,
armour-clad SUV.

Jeroen Safety first van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: Posting articles, was RE: NASA

2002-11-21 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Ronn Blankenship
 Verzonden: donderdag 21 november 2002 9:09
 Onderwerp: Posting articles, was RE: NASA

 Posting a few articles here will probably not influence someone's
 decision to buy or not to buy a subscription; I will grant you that.
 However, if you had only mentioned those articles (and perhaps had
 given a brief summary) instead of posting the full text, people might
 have decided that the articles were interesting enough to warrant a
 walk to the nearest newsstand to buy a copy of the latest edition of
 _The Economist_.
 And others will feel that the article might be interesting, but because
 of their busy schedules are not able to get to the newsstand for the
 next several days, by which time the issue with the article in question
 is no longer available, so they will utter a curse on you and your
 children for the next ten generations for teasing them and not providing
 the full text of the article . . .

Well, they could send someone else to pick up a copy for them, or, if that
is not possible for some reason, order a copy directly from the publisher.

Jeroen Money makes the world go round van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:


2002-11-21 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: donderdag 21 november 2002 14:04
 Onderwerp: RE: NASA

[JDG claims that it is highly unlikely that by posting entire articles from
_The Economist_ here, he may very well have deprived the owners and
publisher of _The Economist_, as well as the owner of the newsstand, of

 Why is it highly unlikely?
 Because it happens infrequently.

How do you know that? (This is not a rhetorical question.)

[On the extreme-case that the newsstand owner's wife will die because her
family will now not be able to pay for her life-saving operation:]

 So, you are absolutely sure that something like that could not happen?

How can you be absolutely sure that something like that could not happen?
(This is also not a rhetorical question.)

 Given your history on this list, you are not exactly in a position to
 complain about someone else violating Netiquette. Actually, I do not
 even think that, given your history, you should have an e-mail address
 that has iaamoac in it.
 Neglecting of course the fact that you have always opposed the
 Netherlands never support the Netherlands supporting its friends (ie the
 US) in a time of need.

Which is of course (1) not correct and (2) totally irrelevant.

DING! for JDG for personal attack.

 Neglecting also of course that you also have been violating community
 standards of decency with regularity for at least the past few weeks.

Which is also irrelevant, because (1) I am not responsible for your
behaviour and (2) someone else's behaviour does not make it OK for you to

DING! for JDG for personal attack.

 Please show us the data that supports your claim that companies are
 denied revenue because of ad-blocking software.
 I think that you are intelligent enough to figure it out for yourself,
 especially if ad-blocking software becomes widely adopted.

And as usual, JDG tries to take the easy way out...   :-(

Maybe I can figure it out myself, but it is *you* who makes the claim, so it
is *you* who should provide the data. But unless you actually provide that
data (which is highly unlikely), the only conclusion can be that you do not
have that data and are therefore making statements that are not based on
facts (which is not all that unlikely).

Jeroen Shape up or ship out van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: DING! (was Re: NASA)

2002-11-21 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Adam C. Lipscomb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: donderdag 21 november 2002 13:48
 Onderwerp: Re: DING! (was Re: NASA)

 Jeroen wondered:
  Personal attack? What personal attack?
 I quote:
 I find it hilarious that *you*, of all people, should complain about
 someone else violating basic Netiquette.
 In light of your running vendetta against John, this is, IMO, a personal

You are overreacting, good sir. By those standards, even your DING! to
Jeroen could be considered a personal attack...

  DING! to Adam for unwarranted dinging.
 Unwarranted?  Bah!  *waves hand dismissively*

What a terribly Giorgistic reply.   :-)

Jeroen Ding dong van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: Copyrights, etc. (Was: RE: NASA)

2002-11-21 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: donderdag 21 november 2002 14:50
 Onderwerp: Re: Copyrights, etc. (Was: RE: NASA)

 In point of fact, my decision to subscribe to Salon Premium was, in
 fact, due to the quality of articles I saw from the Premium section.
 In other words, the very occasional posting of articles is actually a
 form of free advertising for the publisher in question!

I think that when confronted with this occasional posting, a publisher
will think copyright violation, and not free advertising.

But hey, we can put this to the test. Some of David Brin's more recent
essays and articles are not available at because he asked me to
not post them there, as he intends to sell them to magazines first. You can
post one of those articles on the WWW and then see what happens...

Jeroen Money makes the world go round van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: DING! (was Re: NASA)

2002-11-21 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: donderdag 21 november 2002 14:48
 Onderwerp: Re: DING! (was Re: NASA)

  DING! to Adam for unwarranted dinging.
 Unwarranted?  Bah!  *waves hand dismissively*
 I'll ask you again to please keep it civil, good sir.
 Well, rather than Harumphing at Jeroen, I think that we could also take
 notice that he did not deny the first Ding!

Of course I do not deny it; I readily admit that I posted your off-list
posts here (or more correctly, replied on-list to them). Nevertheless, I
believe the ding for that is unwarranted; I have already posted why I think
there is nothing wrong with replying on-list to your off-list messages.

 So, maybe there is something positive to focus on here as well.   
 and maybe the accumulation of Ding!'s might spur the List into taking
 corrective action.

Such as? Perhaps removing you from this list, as this kind of stuff only
happens after *you* send out e-mails?

Jeroen Shape up or ship out van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:


2002-11-20 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: iaamoac [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 19 november 2002 21:28
 Onderwerp: Re: NASA

 John, have you ever considered the fact that posting articles from The
 Economist here prevent the owners and publisher of The Economist from
 recuperating the costs of publishing said magazine?
 To answer your question - which I know you value so much - Yes, I have
 considered the possibility that posting an occasional article from _The
 Economist_ on Brin-L might cause someone who might have purchased a
 subscription to _The Economist_ to not purchase said subscription, and
 then I rejected that possibility.

Note that I did not explicitly mention subscriptions; surely you are aware
that individual copies of _The Economist_ can be purchased at newsstands
around the world.

Posting a few articles here will probably not influence someone's decision
to buy or not to buy a subscription; I will grant you that. However, if you
had only mentioned those articles (and perhaps had given a brief summary)
instead of posting the full text, people might have decided that the
articles were interesting enough to warrant a walk to the nearest newsstand
to buy a copy of the latest edition of _The Economist_. By posting entire
articles, those people will now have no reason to go out and buy a copy of
the latest edition; therefore, you may very well have deprived the owners
and publisher of _The Economist_, as well as the owner of the newsstand, of

(To take this into extremes: maybe the newsstand owner's wife will die
because of your actions, because the revenue of those last few sales would
finally have given her family enough money to pay for her life-saving

In an earlier post, you claimed that people who use ad-blocking software are
depriving hosting companies of income; that post suggested that you believe
using ad-blocking software is therefore A Wrong Thing. Yet, you see nothing
wrong with depriving the owners and publisher of The Economist of income by
posting articles here.

(I will ignore the obvious copyright violations.)

Why is it wrong if others deprive companies of income, but not wrong if
*you* do the same thing? (This is NOT a rhetorical question.)

And why do you refuse to answer simple questions on-line? (This is also not
a rhetorical question.)

Jeroen Money makes the world go round van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: Scouted: Women prefer HDTV to Diamonds???

2002-11-20 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Sonja van Baardwijk-Holten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 20 november 2002 10:25
 Onderwerp: Re: Scouted: Women prefer HDTV to Diamonds???

 Most of the DIY things I really want to get done are either very messy
 or really very loud.

And sometimes: both...   GRIN

 Rereading this, I guess Jeroen is absolutely right.

Of course -- I am always right...   :-)

Rule #1: I am always right.
Rule #2: Even if I am wrong, Rule #1 still applies.   GRIN

 It'll be ages before he runs out of gift ideas for me hmm. Now I do
 have quite the opposite problem. What do you give a guy that isn't a
 crack-ass DIY-er?

Well, I could provide you with the specs for a brand new state-of-the-art
desktop computer...   :-)

Jeroen Expensive gifts van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:


2002-11-20 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: woensdag 20 november 2002 14:19
 Onderwerp: RE: NASA

  John, have you ever considered the fact that posting articles from
  The Economist here prevent the owners and publisher of The Economist
  from recuperating the costs of publishing said magazine?
  To answer your question - which I know you value so much - Yes, I
  have considered the possibility that posting an occasional article
  from _The Economist_ on Brin-L might cause someone who might have
  purchased a subscription to _The Economist_ to not purchase said
  subscription, and then I rejected that possibility.
 Note that I did not explicitly mention subscriptions; surely you are
 aware that individual copies of _The Economist_ can be purchased at
 newsstands around the world.
 Posting a few articles here will probably not influence someone's
 decision to buy or not to buy a subscription; I will grant you that.
 However, if you had only mentioned those articles (and perhaps had
 given a brief summary) instead of posting the full text, people might
 have decided that the articles were interesting enough to warrant a
 walk to the nearest newsstand to buy a copy of the latest edition of
 _The Economist_. By posting entire articles, those people will now have
 no reason to go out and buy a copy of the latest edition; therefore,
 you may very well have deprived the owners and publisher of _The
 Economist_, as well as the owner of the newsstand, of income.
 I have considered this possibility also, and rejected it.

Why have you rejected this possibility? (This is not a rhetorical question.)

 (To take this into extremes: maybe the newsstand owner's wife will die
 because of your actions, because the revenue of those last few sales
 would finally have given her family enough money to pay for her life-
 saving operation.)
 I did not consider this possibility, but I have rejected it also.

Why have you rejected this possibility? (This is also NOT a rhetorical

And how can you *reject* a possibility without first *considering* that
possibility? (This is also not a rhetorical question.)

 And why do you refuse to answer simple questions on-line? (This is also
 not a rhetorical question.)
 Because I love seeing how many times you will violate basic Netiquette
 by reposting my personal e-mail back to the List

Personally, I think you have a quite different reason for it. But anyway, I
will take a discussion back on-list whenever and as often as I deem

Finally, I noticed you ignored one of the questions in my previous post, so
I will repeat it here:

Why is it wrong if others deprive companies of income, but not wrong if
*you* do the same thing? (Again, this is not a rhetorical question.)

Jeroen Money makes the world go round van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: Litigation running rampant in the US.....

2002-11-19 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Ronn Blankenship
 Verzonden: dinsdag 19 november 2002 5:09
 Aan: Brin Mail List
 Onderwerp: Re: Litigation running rampant in the US.

 What they prove is that Jereon's .sig line from a recent thread is
 correct in such cases:  they go after anyone thought to have deep
 pockets who has the slightest connection with the incident (reasonable
 or not).

Exactly which .sig line was that?

Jeroen So many .sigs, so little time van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: Missile Defense in a New Strategic Environment

2002-11-19 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 19 november 2002 5:36
 Onderwerp: Re: Missile Defense in a New Strategic Environment

 However, some list members rather voiciferously predicted that
 withdrawing from the ABM Treaty would produce an arms race.

And who is to say that it will *not* happen? America's withdrawal was quite
recent; a full-blown arms race does not develop over the course of a mere
few months. Your statement however suggests that because a new full-blown
arms race has not yet developed, it will not develop at all.

Jeroen Incoming!!! van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:


2002-11-19 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: dinsdag 19 november 2002 4:23
 Onderwerp: NASA

 An editorial and accompanying news article from The Economist.

snip article

John, have you ever considered the fact that posting articles from The
Economist here prevent the owners and publisher of The Economist from
recuperating the costs of publishing said magazine?

Jeroen Money makes the world go round van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: Scouted: Women prefer HDTV to Diamonds???

2002-11-19 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Ronn Blankenship
 Verzonden: woensdag 20 november 2002 7:25
 Onderwerp: Re: Scouted: Women prefer HDTV to Diamonds???

 But a real Dremel is the best -- accept no substitutes!
 Agreed.  Of course, the problem is that once you get the original
 tool--even the set with lotsa attachments--you still get to go broke
 accumulating all the other attachments that you find you can't do

The Dremel I gave Sonja came with an awful lot of accessories (and a very
handy hard plastic box to store it all in), but there are still an awful lot
of Dremel accessories she does not have yet. That is good situation for me:
for the next few decades, I never have to wonder what to buy her for XMas
and her birthday and our wedding anniversary...   :-)

Jeroen Tools  Utilities van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: Correcting a slight injustice

2002-11-13 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Robert Seeberger [mailto:rceeberger;]
 Verzonden: woensdag 13 november 2002 3:06
 Onderwerp: Correcting a slight injustice

 I have been given to know, by good authority, that this version of
 history is inaccurate. I am told that Eileen did indeed type the
 commands that kicked Mark Constantino from this list, but that she did
 not do so as a sole authority.

Then who is/are the other authority/authorities?

AFAIK, there was no approval from the list to kick him off, even though it
has been stated repeatedly over the years that such approval is necessary.

But then, Eileen has changed someone's status before, without explicit
approval from the list as a whole...

Jeroen Brin-L Transparancy van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: Correcting a slight injustice

2002-11-13 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Nick Arnett [mailto:narnett;]
 Verzonden: woensdag 13 november 2002 13:53
 Onderwerp: RE: Correcting a slight injustice

  AFAIK, there was no approval from the list to kick him off, even
  though it has been stated repeatedly over the years that such
  approval is necessary.
 On whose authority was this stated?

This matter has been discussed a number of times over the years; each time
the list consensus about this was that kicking someone off the list should
only be done after discussing the matter on-list, and that the actual
removal should only be done when there was a list consensus about it.


Jeroen Remember Kyle van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: Correcting a slight injustice

2002-11-13 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Jon Gabriel [mailto:jonnrobin;]
 Verzonden: woensdag 13 november 2002 16:11
 Onderwerp: RE: Correcting a slight injustice

 Uncalled for.  Please be civil.

Jon, out of curiosity, what do you think RTFA stands for?

Jeroen Abbreviations'R'Us van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

RE: japanimation

2002-11-12 Thread J . v . Baardwijk
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Hector Sosa [mailto:fastalanasa;]
 Verzonden: woensdag 13 november 2002 2:06
 Onderwerp: Re: japanimation

 Has anybody seen the new UltraMan? It airs before I get home from work,
 but I've been dying to see it.

That is why VCR's were invented.

To tape a TV show, that is, not to assist you in dying...   GRIN

Jeroen 30 channels and still nothing interesting van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website: