RE: Friday Flashback #413

2020-07-13 Thread Sven Constable
well, at least you're using a proper font ;)



[] On Behalf Of adrian wyer
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:27 PM
To: 'Official Softimage Users Mailing
Subject: RE: Friday Flashback #413


back when software was proper!


i miss soft 3d 


Adrian Wyer
Fluid Pictures
4th Floor
4 Bath Place
Rivington Street
++44(0) 207 684 5575


Fluid Pictures Limited is registered in England and Wales.
Company number:5657815
VAT number: 872 6893 71


[] On Behalf Of Stephen Blair
Sent: 10 July 2020 20:05
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Friday Flashback #413


bump mapping in the old SOFTIMAGE|3D UI


RE: May 30th, 2010: 20th Anniversary of XSI 1.0

2020-06-09 Thread Sven Constable
Hey Luc-Eric,


just because the FXTree was mentioned…  when it was introduced and for some 
years after that, it cached frames on playback correctly. I remember because I 
used it succesfully on several projects).
Years later for some reason, caching of frames didn't work anymore on my side. 
No matter what I tried adjusting the "ImageMemory Size" or "Maximum For Caches" 
in Preferences, it never cached anything. The memory consumption by the xsi.exe 
also stayed the same inside the windows task manager.

I tried it right now with version 2015 SP2 on Win10 and it is still that way. 
Just wondering.  :)

Out of curiosity, was there any incompatibility with the windows memory 
management or something like that?




[] On Behalf Of Luc-Eric Rousseau
Sent: Monday, June 8, 2020 10:16 PM
To:; Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: May 30th, 2010: 20th Anniversary of XSI 1.0


> I went back to Houdini long ago.

> Luc-Eric, thank you for FXtree that was an awesome and under appreciated part 
> of XSI I used frequently.


I did do other things than the fx tree. I was the user interface senior, then 
team leader,  and later the development manager of the product.  I'll probably 
retire someday and make an open-source compositor/painter nobody will use, just 
for the satisfaction to complete that chapter of my lif. Because it does feel 
unfinished and that's annoying.


On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 at 22:20, Graham D. Clark  wrote:


I  normally hate rants, but that was funny.

Agreed, F Autodesk and everyone that shut down XSI. XSI made work, a big part 
of my life, enjoyable.

The only reason I’d use Maya is because Jonas has something like ICE going 
inside of it. 

I went back to Houdini long ago.

Luc-Eric, thank you for FXtree that was an awesome and under appreciated part 
of XSI I used frequently.


On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 4:07 PM skuby  wrote:

Which is why you don't throw people's stuff in the garbage.  New software takes 
a long time to master, I got physically sick trying to go back to Maya.  Thanks 
for nothing


On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 3:36 PM Jordi Bares  wrote:

100% agreed… that period was the best professional adventure. So lucky we had 
the opportunity to live that.




On 4 Jun 2020, at 03:20, Gregor Punchatz  wrote:


That was an exciting time in CGI, it was a blast to be around for the ride.

Gregor Punchatz



On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 1:12 PM Luc-Eric Rousseau  wrote:

We're not getting any younger...


On Mon, 31 May 2010 at 12:35:

did you know... Yesterday  was the anniversary of Softimage|XSI

Softimage Co., a subsidiary of Avid Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ: AVID),
today announced the first shipment of its groundbreaking 3-D animation
SOFTIMAGE(R)|XSI(TM) system. The next-generation of 3-D animation
technology, the SOFTIMAGE|XSI system is a significant breakthrough in
the international digital media industry because it allows animators
in the broadcast, feature films and games industries to take advantage
of a first-of-its-kind, truly non-linear animation system. Within the
first few weeks of availability, Softimage anticipates delivering the
new software to over 17,000 users worldwide.

"SOFTIMAGE|XSI represents a tremendous amount of hard work, talent and
energy from Softimage and we are extremely proud of it," said Marc
Petit, vice president of 3-D products for Softimage. "This project has
been an amazing challenge from day one. The mandate was simple:
completely re-invent[...[

RE: Friday Flashback #408

2020-04-27 Thread Sven Constable
Yeah, the animation is top notch. The weight, the balance was so carefully 



[] On Behalf Of Chris Marshall
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 8:08 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Friday Flashback #408


One of my top 5 movies of all time!! That’s one of the first times I thought, 
they’ve really nailed that look! The bugs were really there. 




On Friday, 24 April 2020, Stephen Blair  wrote:

warrior bugs!



Chris Marshall

Mint Motion Limited

029 20 37 27 57

07730 533 115



RE: rigging XSI IK-finger !!!SOLVED!!!

2020-03-19 Thread Sven Constable
Glad to be of help.
Regarding the unexpected behavior when using zero values in the blending 
parameter…I suspect XSI interprets a zero value as "muted" and does not 
evaluate the blending parameter anymore. I encountered this the first time more 
than 10 years ago. Not sure if it's a bug or just an issue by design. Back then 
I rather stayed away from blending constraints also because it depended on the 
playback and was causing animation jumps sometimes when rendering on the farm. 
But this might be outdated information and no longer applicable.




From: - - [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2020 2:52 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
 ; Sven Constable
Subject: RE: rigging XSI IK-finger !!!SOLVED!!!


oh man! 

Hello Sven, 

super i  also tried rotationkeys!, the final solution is actually the 4th place 
behind the comma, 

Thanks a lot that saves me a lot of work and the rig remains clear. 

Thank you very much and if this "Umbrellamist" is over and we can travel again, 
let me know when you are in Frankfurt all the best, 
Stay healthy all together 



Sven Constable  hat am 19. März 2020 um 14:33 

Hi Walter, 


I think there were two issues with the setup: 


A. The constraint works when blending in but seems to not work when blending 
out (back to zero). That is because there is no value to fade against. Just put 
an initial rotation key on the bones to fix that.  If you are going to use 
forward kinematic with rotating the bones later on, this would have been fixed 
automatically. In the test setup, I put a rotation key on all bones on frame 1 
to make it work. 


B. It can raise funky behavior, when animating the constraint blending to zero. 
I remember having this problem some years ago and I'm not sure whats causing it 
under the hood, but it is  relatively easy to fix. Change the value to just 
above zero. :) 

I changed the animation of the control object (red triangle) to 0.001 instead 
of zero and it seems to work. 


Modified scene file attached. Hope it helps. 




[] On Behalf Of - -
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2020 12:55 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: rigging XSI IK-finger 



I'm not getting anywhere with a rigging problem, 
maybe someone here, and especially in Xsi, has racked his brain. 
I need a rig for one finger that is primarily controlled by ik 
with the possibility to fix the last limb as well (e.g.: push-ups) 
my approach at the moment is that i put a pos.contraint on the last fingerbone. 
so far so good only if i fade this constraint back in the normal IK chain the 
constraint jumps  what i dont want , fading in the constraint works. 
since the rig is already complex i also need a forward version, 
I'd like to avoid another generation of iknormal in ikfix crossfades. 
My solution with the fade is not perfect, the tip slips away a little bit, but 
should meet my requirements 
would be a great help 
enclosed the problem 2015sp2 25frames


I hope the attachment will work one as rar theother where i changen the scn in 


Walter in Homeoffice


Walter Volbers

Senior Animator 
+49 (0) 69.48 000 55.0

Softimage|XSI 20th anniversary

2020-03-17 Thread Sven Constable


today I was reading in an old printed 3D-Magazine about the launch of XSI
1.0 and that was (very coincidentally) yesterday on March 16th 2000 .
According to the article at least. A quick google search showed that the
customer release was two month later on May 30th.


So. happy birthday, XSI.  You're not a teenager anymore:)



Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

RE: Midterm Exam

2020-03-12 Thread Sven Constable
Are you sure you don't have "Enable Transform Manipulators" deactivated? 
(Transform panel). When deactivated the object only rotates in Z in any 
perspective viewport when using View mode. It should use all mouse buttons 


Other than that, I would try:


Deleting the XSI user folder  C:\Users\%username%\Autodesk\Softimage_2015_SP2 
(backup beforehand if necessary, then restart XSI)


Re-register components with "runonce" (open XSI command prompt. Enter 


If it’s a hardware problem or driver issue with the Surface Pro, I'm out of 
ideas. The Nvidia drivers still have a predefined default setting for XSI built 
in, but to my experience it doesn't do  anything at all.

(Nvidia Control Panel--->Manage 3D Setting--->Program Settings) Click Add and 
browse for the xsi.exe




[] On Behalf Of mama sio
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2020 5:15 AM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Midterm Exam


Hello XSI friends...


I'm really sorry to hi-jack this thread.  I never was able to post new topics 
on the softimage mailing list (as I joined way too late. Though I've been using 
XSI since 2004) and I'm looking for some help that I can't scrounge up on the 
internet or face-to-face here in Vancouver.

I've got an issue where everything in a new install of softimage 2015 or 2015 
r2 sp2 works perfectly EXCEPT! the rotation won't work in view space or 
spherically (I'm not sure how to word this). Whenever I switch to rotations it 
always shows that I'm rotating in 'z' and I can only rotate by middle clicking 
in the approximate directions of the axes. I think we all know that form of 
rotation interaction.  Except I cannot click outside the gizmo and rotate in 
view space, or on the sphere and freely rotate it around.


I'm perfectly aware of all the transform options, and that a form of rotation 
interaction is available that I'm stuck in by using the settings (and the 
multiple ways of getting there) but all rotations (gizmo or not) can only be in 
the prime axes. No free form rotation by clicking on the spherical gizmo or 
just rotating around the 'view' angle.


I'm not looking for help with a particular setting or checkbox. Only if anyone 
else has encountered this issue and found a solution.

It only affects the install on my windows surface pro 6 not on any of my other 


Thanks, and a million apologies for the bad etiquette.





On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 9:22 AM Sven Constable  wrote:

When I worked as a tutor for Softimage we had text answers as well. Later the 
school switched to multiple choice, what I didn't like even it meant we had 
less work correcting them. I don't have the exams anymore, but the questions 
for my students were much easier for sure. :) It was a basic Soft 3D/XSI 
training however, not an advanced one.





[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2019 4:05 AM
Subject: Midterm Exam


I used to give this to my students as the midterm exam for an Advanced XSI 
course which focused on the animation mixer and mental ray rendering.  It is a 
closed book exam which means no notes, no books, no computers, no reference 
materials.  You are only allowed a pencil, eraser, and one blank 8.5 x 11 inch 
sheet of scratch paper.


Each question must be answered with complete sentences to receive credit.  No 
points for bonus question until all other questions have been answered to 


Exam duration: 60 minutes.


The best score by my students was a 96.  The average score was 84.  Let’s see 
how you do.


NOTE: This exam was created when XSI v3.5 was the current release (2003).  Some 
behaviors / workflows may be different compared to what you use today.









RE: Softimage mailing list: 2019 by the numbers

2020-01-11 Thread Sven Constable
I'm still using it as the main 3D software and I do it for a living. A few 
years ago, I decided to stay with it. Probably for the rest of my professional 

I'm kinda lucky in a way that I have a solid and quite professional production 
pipeline I can manage entirely by myself. I have the resources  and the 
knowledge to keep it up and running.

It's not in the budget right now but next big thing will be (hopefully) to move 
the farm to redshift. 

A downside is, that projects are not as interesting and challenging as they 
were when I worked as a freelancer at companies. That is not because of XSI 
rather than it is quite hard to get your hands on bigger projects if you're a 
one man show.


I see two concerns may or may not coming in the future that I don't know how to 
handle yet. One might be that we will no longer work with polygons or any 
"surface based" modeling and everything will go point cloud (not seeing it in 
the next ten years). The other thing is a big rise of realtime engines that 
might kill any offline renderer and therefore any software that relies on it. 

Even that second concern seems to be more likely to happen soon, I'd say it 
won't affect me too much. I don't charge for render time anymore, usually I 
don't have tight deadlines, and photo realism is as real as it gets. So what.

But I'm just speculating and it might turn out completely different. :)



[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2020 1:39 AM
Subject: Re: Softimage mailing list: 2019 by the numbers


Most telling statistic is that Stephen Blair is the top poster of the year, and 
he typically only posts the Friday Flashback thread.  I almost tried to avoid 
the list this year and I still ended up in the top ten.


Once support left the product, so did the users.


I'm curious to know how many people are still actively using XSI. I don't mean 
tinker with it, but actually using it regularly for meaningful work.









Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2020 02:33:28 + 

From: Matt Morris  

Subject: Re: Softimage mailing list: 2019 by the numbers 

To: "Official Softimage Users Mailing List.


Feeling a little maudlin at those figures.

Had a quick look back at list activity:

2011 – 2013: holding pretty steady at around 12k posts a year. 2014: 14k posts 
(eol announcement) 2015: 4055 (crazy drop off) 2016: 3282 2017: 2311 2018: 1058 
2019: 657





Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

RE: Last Install of XSI ( I think) Should I use 2014 sp2 or 2015

2020-01-05 Thread Sven Constable
You'r e right about the size, Matt. I should have said "release", not 
installer. That was inaccurately expressed. When I looked at the rar archives 
it was about 460MBs uncompressed but that included documentation as well as the 
Irix version. 


[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Sunday, January 5, 2020 10:02 PM
Subject: RE: Last Install of XSI ( I think) Should I use 2014 sp2 or 2015


As for choice of 2015 vs. 2014.  It depends on your needs.


If stability is important or you work with real time content heavily, you’ll 
want 2014 SP2.  

2015 has more features, but also more bugs including regressions from 2014 in 
the area of authoring content for games and similar workflow.  The known 
limitations list provided with the release is not comprehensive.


I have the XSI v1.0 installer right here at my desk.  It’s 29 Mb, not 460 Mb.  
That’s for software alone, not content databases or documentation.  For 
comparison, Softimage|3D v3.9.2 was released with XSI v1.0, and it’s installer 
was only 86 Mb inclusive of all features.  I wouldn’t call XSI bare metal code 
as anything with a Microsoft COM/OLE core is anything but bare to the metal.  I 
would say it was rather bare on features, however ;-) (e.g. no polygon 


Here’s a breakdown of installer sizes through the years.  I don’t have every 
release, but I have enough to illustrate the trend.  Assume 32 bit unless 
stated otherwise:


XSI 1.0: 29 Mb

XSI 1.53: 31 Mb

XSI 2.01: 83 Mb

XSI 2.03: 82 Mb

XSI 3.01: 103 Mb

XSI 3.5: 118 Mb

XSI 118 Mb

XSI 4.0: 183 Mb

XSI 4.2: 185 Mb

XSI 5.0: 349 Mb

XSI 5.11: 372 Mb

XSI 6.01: 397 Mb

XSI 6.5: 406 Mb

XSI 7.0: 479 Mb

XSI 7.01: 477 Mb

XSI 7.5: 551 Mb

Softimage 2011 SP1: 1.08 Gb

Softimage 2013 SP1: 1.44 Gb

Softimage 2014 SP2: 1.42 Gb (64 bit)

Softimage 2015: 808 Mb (64 bit)

Softimage 2015 SP1: 809 Mb (64 bit)

Softimage 2015 SP2: 809 Mb (64 bit)


Notice some service packs were smaller than the main release.








Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2020 00:07:22 +0100 

From: “Sven Constable” 

Subject: RE: Last Install of XSI ( I think) Should I use 2014 sp2 or 2015

To: "'Official Softimage Users Mailing List.

20 gigs of texture data?

As a sidenode the XSI 1.0 installer had about 460MB, so it roughly doubled in 
size over the years. Yes, very compact compared to 3ds max for example. It was 
never crammed with third party stuff, loads of textures and stuff. Just some 
bare metal, very fine code. ;)


Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

RE: Last Install of XSI ( I think) Should I use 2014 sp2 or 2015

2020-01-04 Thread Sven Constable
20 gigs of texture data?


As a sidenode the XSI 1.0  installer had about 460MB, so it roughly doubled in 
size over the years. Yes, very compact compared to 3ds max for example. It was 
never crammed with third party stuff, loads of textures and stuff. Just some 
bare metal, very fine code. ;)


[] On Behalf Of Pierre Schiller
Sent: Saturday, January 4, 2020 11:11 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Last Install of XSI ( I think) Should I use 2014 sp2 or 2015


OH MY! Almost 800Mb. Even for this time it's a "light weight download".

Could you believe Unreal engine (out of the box install) takes 30 GB?
  - 3D.VFX.Post - Click on socials:



On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 3:55 PM F Sanchez  wrote:

well that just saved me some time. A billion CGI thank you's Sven!!!



On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 5:10 AM Sven Constable  wrote:

Not hard at all. Here you go:



[] On Behalf Of F Sanchez
Sent: Saturday, January 4, 2020 6:05 AM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Last Install of XSI ( I think) Should I use 2014 sp2 or 2015


Looks like 2015 it is.  I will have a hard time finding 2015 sp 2 thought I do 
Have just 2015.   Thank you Sven! I will take a look at the bug fixes.  Hi Phil 

RE: Last Install of XSI ( I think) Should I use 2014 sp2 or 2015

2020-01-04 Thread Sven Constable
Not hard at all. Here you go:



[] On Behalf Of F Sanchez
Sent: Saturday, January 4, 2020 6:05 AM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Last Install of XSI ( I think) Should I use 2014 sp2 or 2015


Looks like 2015 it is.  I will have a hard time finding 2015 sp 2 thought I do 
Have just 2015.   Thank you Sven! I will take a look at the bug fixes.  Hi Phil 
here are my specs

Intel® Core i9-10980XE Enhanced Performance Processor 18 Cores 4.5Ghz - 
Extended Lead Times36 threads

256GB DDR4-2933 MHz (8 - 32GB DIMMS)
2.0TB SSD M.2 PCIe Drive - Extended Lead Time 

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080TI 11GB 

Blu-Ray RW Drive



On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 2:17 PM Pierre Schiller 

Agreed. At this stage of cg industry it would be better to go with 2015. Maybe 
some workgroups will pick it up without an issue. 


On Tue, Dec 31, 2019, 1:31 PM phil harbath  wrote:

I too have just completed a build for use with Softimage (15.2), took a bit of 
time to find the download it has been removed from my active account.  


.Just curious what you have under the hood?  I wound up going with the ryzen 
3900x, I wanted the 3950x but I couldn’t buy it anywhere,  I would have been 
tempted by the 3960 threadripper but it was also not available, probably for 
the best as it is super expensive as well as the motherboards.  I will say 1 
thing it just goes to show how important  the video card is to redshift, as it 
is about as fast at rendering as my older computer from 2015 because the cards 
are pretty comparable.


From: Sven Constable 

Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2019 12:36 PM

To: 'Official Softimage Users Mailing"List.

Subject: RE: Last Install of XSI ( I think) Should I use 2014 sp2 or 2015


Personally I don't see a reason not to use the latest version if you can. I 
attached the official lists of bugfixes and known issues from both versions. 
Both have some more issues than that but it might be of help.




[] On Behalf Of F Sanchez
Sent: Tuesda

RE: Last Install of XSI ( I think) Should I use 2014 sp2 or 2015

2019-12-31 Thread Sven Constable
Personally I don't see a reason not to use the latest version if you can. I
attached the official lists of bugfixes and known issues from both versions.
Both have some more issues than that but it might be of help.




[] On Behalf Of F Sanchez
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2019 6:13 PM
To: XSI List to post
Subject: Last Install of XSI ( I think) Should I use 2014 sp2 or 2015


I Just purchased a super PC from Boxx.  An upgrade that has been 10 years to
long.  This may be my last install of XSI I have a  permanent license.  I
remember 2014 sp 2 as being pretty stable. Not sure if 2015 was stable. I
don't think I have sp2.   If you are still working on XSI which version are
you using the most?




XSI 2014 2015 fixes.rar
Description: Binary data
Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

RE: Midterm Exam

2019-12-31 Thread Sven Constable
When I worked as a tutor for Softimage we had text answers as well. Later the 
school switched to multiple choice, what I didn't like even it meant we had 
less work correcting them. I don't have the exams anymore, but the questions 
for my students were much easier for sure. :) It was a basic Soft 3D/XSI 
training however, not an advanced one.





[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2019 4:05 AM
Subject: Midterm Exam


I used to give this to my students as the midterm exam for an Advanced XSI 
course which focused on the animation mixer and mental ray rendering.  It is a 
closed book exam which means no notes, no books, no computers, no reference 
materials.  You are only allowed a pencil, eraser, and one blank 8.5 x 11 inch 
sheet of scratch paper.


Each question must be answered with complete sentences to receive credit.  No 
points for bonus question until all other questions have been answered to 


Exam duration: 60 minutes.


The best score by my students was a 96.  The average score was 84.  Let’s see 
how you do.


NOTE: This exam was created when XSI v3.5 was the current release (2003).  Some 
behaviors / workflows may be different compared to what you use today.









PART I: Animation


1) What requirements must be met for two action clips to be able to blend their 
values within the Animation mixer?


2) Name three advantages XSI constraints have over key frame techniques for 
animating objects:


3) Name three advantages for using the animation mixer to animate scene 
elements (as opposed to setting key frames or applying constraints directly on 
the objects):


4) How does a 'linked parameter' affect an object's animation differently from 
a constraint or FCurve?  What are the advantages of a linked parameter?


5) A sphere is animated via an FCurve from the global origin to roll along the 
X-axis until it reaches X=10 at frame 50.  The key frames are applied to the 
sphere's global position and local orientation parameters.  From frames 51 
through 100, the sphere is animated via a pose constraint from X=10 to another 
arbitrary point in 3D space designated by another object.  The sphere moves 
from X=10 to the designated target via an adjustment of the constraint's 
blending value from 0 to 1 (full off to full on).  If the constraint is then 
stored as a source and instanced onto the animation mixer as an action clip on 
frame 1 (thru 50), what happens to the sphere when the play button is pressed?


6) Name two methods/tools for adjusting influence from one action clip to 
another on the animation mixer (i.e.: transfer full influence from 1st clip to 
the 2nd clip):


7) What is the difference between an action 'source' and an action ‘clip’ in 
the animation mixer?  How can editing data within each affect the rest of the 


8) How do you make an exact copy of an action clip in  the animation mixer 
(including clip effects and other adjustments)?


9) What is an offset map?


10) What are the restrictions of an offset map?  (i.e. pros and cons)


11) Name 3 possible uses of an offset map:


12) What is the difference between a pose clip and an action clip?  Name 3 
reasons why you may need to use a pose clip:



PART II: General tools



13) How does the explorer view differ from the schematic view?


14) Name 3 things that can be performed in the explorer view that cannot be 
performed in the schematic view:


15) What's the difference between the Match translation/rotation/scale tools 
and the position/orientation/scale constraints?


16) What's the difference between a selected parameter and a marked parameter?  
What's the purpose of each?


17) What requirements must be met before a parameter can be marked?


18) Name three possible methods for marking parameter(s) of scene elements:


19) What is a proxy parameter?  What are possible uses of a proxy parameter?


20) What is the Object viewer and what advantage(s) does it have over other 


21) What is a model and why should it be used?





Name as many methods as you can for editing parameter values: (1 point each)








Matt Lind

Animator / Technical Director

Softimage Certified Instructor:




RE: The Softimage mailing list

2019-11-20 Thread Sven Constable
There are no buttons yet because the google group works in archive mode, as I 
understand it.

I never used google groups but I think it will be accessible the same way as a 
regular mail server. So you can use your email client as well? 




[] On Behalf Of Pierre Schiller
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 8:44 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: The Softimage mailing list


Awesome news! I am in for that change. What's the url?

How does a google group with posting? (Where are the buttons?).


What happened to :)


On Mon, Nov 18, 2019, 8:48 PM Francois Lord  wrote:

Well, that day has come.

I am not watching this list as often as I used to. My Softimage days are behind 
me now. I used to open it up to present some example scenes I had for my Arnold 
class at NAD that I did not have the time to convert to Maya. But now all my 
scenes work in Maya so I don't need to open it anymore. 

I still miss Softimage. Maya simply doesn't have the elegant workflow to match. 
Houdini is better but not as simple and intuitive as Soft. I have to admit 
though that I've had a lot of fun learning Solaris in the past few months. It 
reminds me of when I first played with ICE. It reminds me of the sheer power 
that is accessible at your fingertips but you don't know how to harness it yet. 

You guys keep talking about the end of a community. As Luc-Eric said, we just 
need to move over to the google group, which currently server as archive. It's 
been archiving the posts since many years now. It has 1328 registered members. 
I am the owner of that group and I can switch it from an archive to a normal 
group at any time. We just need to decide on a date. 

It could be on January 1st.


On 2019-11-18 2:44 a.m., Enter Reality wrote:

Hi all, 

I would like to thank all of you that contribute to extending my knowledge of 
XSI and showcasing some of the cool stuff I've seen around, so thank you 
beautiful people :D


As for me, I've joined the dark side and switched to Maya, and beside hating 
all the constant crashes and all its fault, I also learned a bit of MEL 
scripting and developed some advanced stuff for character rigging, so this is a 
huge plus in my bookbut still hating every second :D


It'll be nice to still get in contact, say using Linkedin, so that people can 
still see what they're doing and stay in contact.


Has been a really fun ride, my heart is still with XSI, so long fellas!




Il giorno lun 18 nov 2019 alle ore 02:21 Alan Fregtman 
 ha scritto:

Hi all! 👋 


I've barely said a word since the EOL, but I made many friends back in the day. 
I helped many and many helped me back when I was in need. You are a bunch of 
wonderful people and while I don't make a living with XSI anymore, I don't 
regret choosing to start my career with it. <3 


I also have to tip my virtual hat to Raffaele, whom I met here, for his "Python 
for XSI TDs" intro course that was the beginning of my falling in love with the 
Python language. After my professional XSI days ran out, I decided to pivot to 
a fulltime Pipeline Developer role and it's been really fun so far. (You might 
even say.. out of this world.)



On Thu, Nov 14, 2019 at 7:17 AM Mirko Jankovic  

For you still alive SI guys, I'm stil happy to help out when needed with a 
small render farm of mine and redshift. It is idle between my projects so happy 
to help out with some gpu muscles, guess it is hard to find some SI support 
around lately.

Keep SI alive, f AD! ;)



RE: Something to try if FBX files are crashing XSI

2019-10-19 Thread Sven Constable
btw I got help "by" the developer. Maybe "from"? Either way not "of" the
developer. :)


[] On Behalf Of Sven Constable
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2019 7:47 PM
To: 'Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: RE: Something to try if FBX files are crashing XSI


With a little help of the developer, I was able to script it in MOI directly
(what I use for conversion). And because I didn't need to retain the object
names, I could have just renamed it in max to something else. 3dsmax has
auto numbering for multi selections as well. Stupid me.




[] On Behalf Of Steven Caron
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2019 7:01 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Something to try if FBX files are crashing XSI


Odd, I was under the impression unsupported characters would be converted to
underscores. Do you have access to Maya and scripting knowledge there?


On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 3:42 AM Sven Constable 

Hey Fabian,


I currently have the same problem with fbx files having special characters
in it. I can import them in 3dsmax (it complains about the names but will
import it at least). The datasets includes thousands of objects and
unfortunatly my knowledge in 3dsmax is too limited to change their names via
scripting in max.

May I ask how do you managed to get rid of the special characters?








RE: Something to try if FBX files are crashing XSI

2019-10-18 Thread Sven Constable
With a little help of the developer, I was able to script it in MOI directly
(what I use for conversion). And because I didn't need to retain the object
names, I could have just renamed it in max to something else. 3dsmax has
auto numbering for multi selections as well. Stupid me.




[] On Behalf Of Steven Caron
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2019 7:01 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Something to try if FBX files are crashing XSI


Odd, I was under the impression unsupported characters would be converted to
underscores. Do you have access to Maya and scripting knowledge there?


On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 3:42 AM Sven Constable 

Hey Fabian,


I currently have the same problem with fbx files having special characters
in it. I can import them in 3dsmax (it complains about the names but will
import it at least). The datasets includes thousands of objects and
unfortunatly my knowledge in 3dsmax is too limited to change their names via
scripting in max.

May I ask how do you managed to get rid of the special characters?







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RE: Something to try if FBX files are crashing XSI

2019-10-17 Thread Sven Constable
Hey Fabian,


I currently have the same problem with fbx files having special characters in 
it. I can import them in 3dsmax (it complains about the names but will import 
it at least). The datasets includes thousands of objects and unfortunatly my 
knowledge in 3dsmax is too limited to change their names via scripting in max.

May I ask how do you managed to get rid of the special characters?





[] On Behalf Of Fabian Schnuer 
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2018 5:12 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Something to try if FBX files are crashing XSI



not sure if this is general knowledge. I just had some fbx files that were 
tripping up xsi for no reason like so many times before. The issue seems to be 
certain characters in object names (they had : everywhere) or materials(had # 
in them). After making sure it was all kosher with only AaZz09_ everywhere it 
imported just fine. Just in case someone else get tripped up by this.


Best regards,



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RE: Friday Flashback #387

2019-10-15 Thread Sven Constable
That scene with the snow storm? I remember it vaguely from a presentation of 
XSI 2.0. Or perhaps it was version 3 because the FX Tree was also featured. But 
Manta was in it, walking against the snow (old particle system) :)



[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 2:09 AM
Subject: Re: Friday Flashback #387


There’s an outside chance I still have the source data as I had to demo Manta 
for the local reseller back in the day as part of the XSI 2.0 release.  I 
definitely have a work-in-progress animatic.








Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2019 11:49:06 +0200 

From: Stefan Kubicek 

Subject: Re: Friday Flashback #387 

To: Official Softimage Users Mailing “List.”

I remember this one, thanks for posting :-)



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RE: Max freeze objects

2019-09-23 Thread Sven Constable
have you tried selecting the modifiers in the stack and right click ->
Collapse All?


Don't know what it does to the texture projections though.


[] On Behalf Of Chris Marshall
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2019 3:27 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Max freeze objects



Does anyone know what the equivalent to Freeze is in Max? I'm trying to get
a scene into Soft and have tried fbx, I'm getting the geometry in ok but the
materials, specifically textures, aren't right. So I thought I'd try
freezing everything before exporting.







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RE: Friday Flashback #384

2019-09-03 Thread Sven Constable
and… I said something don't made sense instead of doesn't. God,  I'm used to 
make mistakes in almost every mail and realize it afterwards. But that was 
violent. lol


[] On Behalf Of Sven Constable
Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2019 2:05 AM
To: 'Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: RE: Friday Flashback #384


Only the shading mode in the viewports used that feature! Showing what to 
expect of a middle click, even middle click was all around the menues. It 
didn't make sense for other menues to display what was used previously, because 
that would clutter it up.

The viewports (speaking of camera/scene views) were indeed used as kind of a 
boolean switch. Not as a user would switch exclusively between two modes only, 
but switching back an forth between the current and the previous mode.

Other editors didn't use that. You're right, it don't make sense to have the 
schematic view displaying 'f-curve editor' as the label,  just because it was 
used beforehand. It was a feature exclusively to camera (and orthographic 
views) only.



[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Monday, September 2, 2019 10:22 PM
Subject: RE: Friday Flashback #384


The logic is the menu shows the shading mode that will become active when you 
middle click the menu. If no mode had been chosen yet, then it can't be 
anything other than NONE. Therefore NONE would make perfect sense, especially 
if you read the manuals. :)

If you start up the application then immediately middle click the shade mode 
menu, most computers will switch to SHADE mode, but not all computers did that. 
Some stayed in wireframe. Therefore it would be wrong to display WIRE or SHADE 
in the viewport title bar as the initial value. The only acceptable time WIRE 
or SHADE could be the initial value is if the application were programmed to 
ensure one of those modes would be active upon middle click.

Displaying the next mode makes more sense when the menu has only two choices 
such as a boolean value (check box), but even then I would prefer to see the 
current setting. The shade mode menu had many choices depending on what kind of 
view it was. So to show what was next was rather confusing when everything else 
in the UI was displaying the current setting.

In my opinion it should've displayed the current shade mode. Believe it or not, 
there are instances where two different shade modes can produce the same result 
which only makes the displayed value all the more confusing. When you're in a 
collaborative environment working with other people and discussing things, you 
need to keep track of various settings for comparisons / critiques of work so 
you can give constructive criticism and instruction. Can you imagine if every 
menu in the application showed you what would happen under a middle click 
instead of the actual value? You wouldn't be able to figure anything out. It 
could say SCHEMATIC, but you'd be clearly looking at the top view as evidenced 
by the objects in the display. Instead of showing the current frame number, the 
timeline shows the next frame you'll skip to when you set a keyframe (or the 
previous key you already set). Huh???

The only time I'd find it handy is if it could display which click will crash 
the application. There were plenty of those opportunities.


Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2019 00:44:52 +0200 From: “Sven Constable” 
 Subject: RE: Friday Flashback #384 To: "'Official 
Softimage Users Mailing List.

So a consistent, logical solution would have been “NONE” as the default label, 
I agree. But wouldn't it be more confusing especially since it it's only 
displayed once at start and then never again? Every viewport had to display 
something at start (wireframe back then) so its not that disorienting because 
it showed the correct shading mode at first launch.

As soon as the user started to work and switching back and forth between 
shading modes (most likel

RE: Friday Flashback #384

2019-09-03 Thread Sven Constable
Only the shading mode in the viewports used that feature! Showing what to 
expect of a middle click, even middle click was all around the menues. It 
didn't make sense for other menues to display what was used previously, because 
that would clutter it up.

The viewports (speaking of camera/scene views) were indeed used as kind of a 
boolean switch. Not as a user would switch exclusively between two modes only, 
but switching back an forth between the current and the previous mode.

Other editors didn't use that. You're right, it don't make sense to have the 
schematic view displaying 'f-curve editor' as the label,  just because it was 
used beforehand. It was a feature exclusively to camera (and orthographic 
views) only.



[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Monday, September 2, 2019 10:22 PM
Subject: RE: Friday Flashback #384


The logic is the menu shows the shading mode that will become active when you 
middle click the menu. If no mode had been chosen yet, then it can't be 
anything other than NONE. Therefore NONE would make perfect sense, especially 
if you read the manuals. :)

If you start up the application then immediately middle click the shade mode 
menu, most computers will switch to SHADE mode, but not all computers did that. 
Some stayed in wireframe. Therefore it would be wrong to display WIRE or SHADE 
in the viewport title bar as the initial value. The only acceptable time WIRE 
or SHADE could be the initial value is if the application were programmed to 
ensure one of those modes would be active upon middle click.

Displaying the next mode makes more sense when the menu has only two choices 
such as a boolean value (check box), but even then I would prefer to see the 
current setting. The shade mode menu had many choices depending on what kind of 
view it was. So to show what was next was rather confusing when everything else 
in the UI was displaying the current setting.

In my opinion it should've displayed the current shade mode. Believe it or not, 
there are instances where two different shade modes can produce the same result 
which only makes the displayed value all the more confusing. When you're in a 
collaborative environment working with other people and discussing things, you 
need to keep track of various settings for comparisons / critiques of work so 
you can give constructive criticism and instruction. Can you imagine if every 
menu in the application showed you what would happen under a middle click 
instead of the actual value? You wouldn't be able to figure anything out. It 
could say SCHEMATIC, but you'd be clearly looking at the top view as evidenced 
by the objects in the display. Instead of showing the current frame number, the 
timeline shows the next frame you'll skip to when you set a keyframe (or the 
previous key you already set). Huh???

The only time I'd find it handy is if it could display which click will crash 
the application. There were plenty of those opportunities.


Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2019 00:44:52 +0200 From: “Sven Constable” 
 Subject: RE: Friday Flashback #384 To: "'Official 
Softimage Users Mailing List.

So a consistent, logical solution would have been “NONE” as the default label, 
I agree. But wouldn't it be more confusing especially since it it's only 
displayed once at start and then never again? Every viewport had to display 
something at start (wireframe back then) so its not that disorienting because 
it showed the correct shading mode at first launch.

As soon as the user started to work and switching back and forth between 
shading modes (most likely in the camera view only), it switched gears and 
changed to show which mode the user will switch to. Kind of a work mode that 
kicked in as the user changed the view for the very first time.

I might be a quirk somehow but it was useful to me (after I got it) and I think 
it was intended. ;)


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RE: render tree mixer/texture limit

2019-09-03 Thread Sven Constable
On the other hand,  having more than 64 texture/UV sets on a single object
is well. extreme :). I never needed more than a few. A dozen maybe.


[] On Behalf Of Kris Rivel
Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2019 10:19 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: render tree mixer/texture limit


Thanks Sven...yeah I determined that must be in and broke it into pieces.
Stinks cause it was the one great feature that made this project really only
possible in Soft..ha ha. Oh well...still couldn't have done it without Soft
so I can't complain too much.


On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 12:56 PM Sven Constable 

I did some tests and it seems to me that there is a limitation regarding the
maximum amount of texture sets per object which is 64 apparently. More than
64 image clips per objects seemed to be ok as well as a lot of mix8color
nodes (I had  ten of them and 72 image clips on that object). As soon as I
hit the 65th texture set, it rendered incorrectly.


Not sure if there is a workaround except splitting it in several objects.




Heres the scene if someone likes to play with it.



[] On Behalf Of Kris Rivel
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2019 5:19 AM
To: Softimage List
Subject: render tree mixer/texture limit


Hey all...been ages but still here! Weird question but anyone know if the
render tree has a max limit on the number of nodes, 8mixers or textures it
can load beyond any memory issue...just physical "number" limit? I have
about 65+ texture nodes plugged into a stack of mixers and all was working
fantastic but I noticed some are missing and only show up in render if I
unplug a few. So I'm thinking that I've hit some sort of ceiling. I have no
memory issues at all, they're just not there and mysteriously show up if I
cut some out. If there is a limit, anyway to bypass it?





RE: Friday Flashback #384

2019-09-01 Thread Sven Constable
So a consistent, logical solution would have been "NONE" as the default label, 
I agree. But wouldn't it be more confusing especially since it it's only 
displayed once at start and then never again? Every viewport had to display 
something at start (wireframe back then) so its not that disorienting because 
it showed the correct shading mode at first launch.

As soon as the user started to work and switching back and forth between 
shading modes (most likely in the camera view only), it switched gears and 
changed to show which mode the user will switch to. Kind of a work mode that 
kicked in as the user changed the view for the very first time.

I might be a quirk somehow but it was useful to me (after I got it) and I think 
it was intended. ;)




[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Sunday, September 1, 2019 11:40 PM
Subject: RE: Friday Flashback #384 


Yes, it was only the case before the first switch, but that is exactly the 
problem as not all viewports will endure a switch.

It's very common to change shade mode in viewport B as that's the official 
camera view, but less so in the other viewports as they often remain as front, 
right, or top projections with no need to be anything but wireframe. From time 
to time one or more of the other viewports will be converted to a perspective 
view and in those cases shade mode changes are common.

If the desire was to have the previous mode displayed, then the solution is to 
show SHADE not WIRE as the initial value (or show an empty value such as '-'). 
By showing WIRE as the initial value, and have the behavior change upon use, it 
puts the system into a mixed viewing mode where some viewports (front, right, 
top) will show WIRE instead of SHADE because they haven't been manipulated yet, 
but the perspective view will likely show SHADE when it's in wireframe mode.

If you've started a fresh session of Softimage|3D then this is likely not too 
big a deal as you have all your edits at the front of your mind. However, if 
this is a scene loaded from disk that you worked on some time ago, you're not 
going to remember which viewports have had shade mode changes and which 
haven't, in which case seeing WIRE vs. SHADE when two adjacent viewports use 
the same shade mode will be disorienting.


Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2019 14:44:33 +0200 From: “Sven Constable” 
 Subject: RE: Friday Flashback #384 To: "'Official 
Softimage Users Mailing List.

Alright, maybe the word quirk is appropiate, however I'd rather call it 
“unusual but useful”. :) I think the initial value after launch (WIRE) was just 
because there was no preassigned state. I agree it might confuse a user at 
first, having two viewports using different shading modes effectively while 
both having “WIRE"in the header. But that was only the case before the first 
switch. After that, all viewports used the "before rule”, no?


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RE: Friday Flashback #384

2019-09-01 Thread Sven Constable
Alright, maybe the word quirk is appropiate, however I'd rather call it  
"unusual but useful". :) I think the initial value after launch (WIRE) was just 
because there was no preassigned state. I agree it might confuse a user at 
first, having two viewports using different shading modes effectively while 
both having "WIRE"in the header. But that was only the case before the first 
switch. After that, all viewports used the "before rule", no?



[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Sunday, September 1, 2019 10:25 AM
Subject: RE: Friday Flashback #384


It's definitely a quirk.

When you launch the application the title bar shows “WIRE” as the shade mode. 
Which it is. But when you toggle to SHADE mode, it still shows WIRE because 
that's what'll happen if you click it. In other words, the rules changed. A big 
no-no because it'll deceive the user. It isn't until the menu is changed again 
that SHADE or another mode will be displayed.


If you adjust the shade mode of viewport B to be Shaded mode but don't touch 
viewport A, then both will display WIRE as the mode, but for different reasons. 
That's the problem. The bug is the initial value is WIRE when it should be 
something else, OR, change the logic to show the current mode instead of the 
toggled mode.


Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2019 00:46:28 +0200 From: “Sven Constable” 
 Subject: RE: Friday Flashback #384 To: "'Official 
Softimage Users Mailing List.

I don?t think it was a quirk but intendend. :) Even that feature likely felt 
illogical at first, it's intriguing how much thought went into the tiniest bits 
of the GUI. Btw it was the only feature where a “before-state” was displayed, I 

Workwise it made sense because switching to a viewmode like Shaded or Textured 
would took some time. Knowing to which viewmode you'll switch was surely an 

Besides this, its kinda obvious which viewmodeis currently used because the 
viewport is displaying it already. Therefore, having a label that indicates to 
which viewmode you will switch is more useful. Otherwise it would be redundant 

I work that way even today (middle click to switch modes) and to be honest I 
would prefer the old way telling me to which viewmode I'll switch. Rather than 
in which viewmode I am currently in.


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RE: Friday Flashback #384

2019-08-30 Thread Sven Constable
I don’t think it was a quirk but intendend. :) Even that feature likely felt 
illogical at first, it's intriguing how much thought went into the tiniest bits 
of the GUI.
Btw it was the only feature where a "before-state" was displayed, I think.

Workwise it made sense because switching to a viewmode like Shaded or Textured 
would took some time. Knowing to which viewmode you'll switch was surely an 

Besides this, its kinda obvious which viewmodeis currently used because the 
viewport is displaying it already. Therefore, having a label that indicates to 
which viewmode you will switch is more useful. Otherwise it would be redundant 

I work that way even today (middle click to switch modes) and to be honest I 
would prefer the old way telling me to which viewmode I'll switch. Rather than 
in which viewmode I am currently in.





[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2019 11:32 PM
Subject: RE: Friday Flashback #384


I just fired up my copy of SI3D and can confirm. The viewport title bar shows 
the shading mode that will be activated when clicked, not the current shade 

SI3D had a lot of those quirks.


Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2019 14:32:11 +0200 From: “Sven Constable” 
 Subject: RE: Friday Flashback #384 To: "'Official 
Softimage Users Mailing List.

IIRC it was always that way in SI3D and in a few versions of XSI too. 
Indicating which view mode was used before the current mode, so when you middle 
click to switch it will revert to that view mode. Actually quite handy.


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Softimage Mailing List.
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RE: render tree mixer/texture limit

2019-08-30 Thread Sven Constable
I did some tests and it seems to me that there is a limitation regarding the
maximum amount of texture sets per object which is 64 apparently. More than
64 image clips per objects seemed to be ok as well as a lot of mix8color
nodes (I had  ten of them and 72 image clips on that object). As soon as I
hit the 65th texture set, it rendered incorrectly.


Not sure if there is a workaround except splitting it in several objects.




Heres the scene if someone likes to play with it.



[] On Behalf Of Kris Rivel
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2019 5:19 AM
To: Softimage List
Subject: render tree mixer/texture limit


Hey all...been ages but still here! Weird question but anyone know if the
render tree has a max limit on the number of nodes, 8mixers or textures it
can load beyond any memory issue...just physical "number" limit? I have
about 65+ texture nodes plugged into a stack of mixers and all was working
fantastic but I noticed some are missing and only show up in render if I
unplug a few. So I'm thinking that I've hit some sort of ceiling. I have no
memory issues at all, they're just not there and mysteriously show up if I
cut some out. If there is a limit, anyway to bypass it?




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RE: Friday Flashback #384

2019-08-30 Thread Sven Constable
IIRC it was always that way in SI3D and in a few versions of XSI too.
Indicating which view mode was used before the current mode, so when you
middle click to switch it will revert to that view mode. Actually quite




[] On Behalf Of Stephen Blair
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2019 2:06 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Friday Flashback #384


SOFTIMAGE|3D screenshot

Is it just me, or are the view mode labels reversed? The Perspective
viewport title bar says "WIRE" but it's showing SHADE, right?


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RE: Friday Flashback #382

2019-08-16 Thread Sven Constable
used the MR toon shading just yesterday. What a coincidence :)


[] On Behalf Of Stephen Blair
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2019 7:10 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Friday Flashback #382


toonbot screenshot from the XSI 2.0 days


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RE: Friday Flashback #345

2018-07-27 Thread Sven Constable
Nice read. The features were amazing at the time (many of them are still by 
today). However, two features were not accomplished I think :)

User Interface
"Tesselation Control: Display of tesselated geometry used in rendering (e.g. 
for displacement mapping)"

Maybe they referred to subdees. If so, it's kinda correct but didn't include 
displacement mapping by mental ray.


Interactive Rendering

"Refresh Optimization: Re-renders only the pixels affected by tuning"

I don't think so. Mental ray introduced a feature called "incremental echo", to 
speed up scene translation. Was demoed by someone from Softimage and I still 
have the video. But it was several years after Twister was announced. Also that 
feature wasn't per pixel based, to my knowledge. 


Other than that it still amazes me how ahead of it's time Softimage was.




[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Friday, 27 July 2018 23:25
Subject: Re: Friday Flashback #345


Here’s the accompanying Twister sales sheet available at the Softimage booth 
the day the announcement was made:


Message: 1 Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2018 14:20:07 -0400 From: Stephen Blair 
 Subject: Friday Flashback #345 To: "Official 
Softimage Users Mailing List.";


Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Microsoft Press Release: Softimage ?Twister? Enters Beta at SIGGRAPH 1998 "We 
fully expect Twister to set a new benchmark in the industry as the first truly 
interactive renderer.?

-- next part -- An HTML attachment was scrubbed…



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RE: Looking for a 3D-scanner

2018-06-20 Thread Sven Constable
Received the scanner (the SE model) yesterday and already used it for a 
project. With only one day of practice I got acceptable results, so I'm 
satisfied. The software seems to be targeted to home users, as only a very few 
options are available. Overall the GUI looks like a beta version of a software 
from the nineties. Messages and windows popping up in the background instead of 
the foreground, it has a teamviewer option for whatever reason, it doesn't 
remember file pathes and the english translation is the chinese way. The 
cheaper SE model I bought is a bit unsteady because of the plastic parts but 

However, under the hood it puts out good meshes, of course also depending on 
the preparation of the objects. Point cloud computations and meshing uses all 
cores most of the times.

Even if an objects got a perfectly flat und dull surface, if it has different 
areas of brightness (read color) like a logo or letterings, these will come out 
as depth information. Only lightly but visible in the resulting scan.  Since 
the idea of 3d scanning is not capturing perfectly smooth surfaces but uneven 
and complex surfaces, I would not consider it as a contra. Maybe this was also 
because of the cheap crayon spray I used which created tiny sprinkles on the 
surface . I will try developer spray and see how this works.

Besides the poly formats, it can output point cloud data to be meshed later on.


If you're interested, I uploaded an example of a scanned lemon. I used 3-5 scan 
runs I think, with 20 degrees/ 18 steps each. Meshed in high detail with 10 
percent mesh density. Seems to me that the mesh resolution is always much 
higher than the average scan resolution you may achive with an average object. 
In other words you will hit the limits in scanning (due to bad preparation of 
the object or difficult objects) much earlier than what the meshing algorithm 
can put out.




FBX would be nice but is not supported by the scanner. I used STL for direct 
import to XSI. Or OBJ if texture is needed.




[] On Behalf Of Chris Marshall
Sent: Friday, 15 June 2018 17:02
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Looking for a 3D-scanner


Let us know how you get on. i assume photogrammetry is no good? Photoscan.



On 15 June 2018 at 10:37, Sven Constable  wrote:

Well, all kinds of things. Food products for example. Maybe these will not work 
very well, because I probably cannot flip a fancy cake upside down for a second 
scan run :) Also not every object will work with spray crayon.

Currently I need  a packaging that got crumpled aluminum foil on it. I could 
model it but a scan will surely help. Even the scan will not be perfect I can 
use parts of it, clean and model the rest by hand. 

I already ordered the scanner and will see how it works out.


[] On Behalf Of Chris Marshall
Sent: Friday, 15 June 2018 10:12

To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Looking for a 3D-scanner


What type of things are you thinking of scanning?



On 14 June 2018 at 22:55, Sven Constable  wrote:

Thanks Andy for the vids. Nice reviews of the Einscans. I think the SE model 
could be sufficient for my needs.


Regardings that Cappasity tool: That’s not a 3d scanner, it just creates 
turntable movies.


[] On Behalf Of F Sanchez
Sent: Thursday, 14 June 2018 22:46
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.

RE: Friday Flashback #342

2018-06-15 Thread Sven Constable
David Braben has some connections to Softimage? Wow.


[] On Behalf Of Stephen Blair
Sent: Friday, 15 June 2018 14:23
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Friday Flashback #342


Something for the Jurassic Park 25th anniversary



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RE: Looking for a 3D-scanner

2018-06-15 Thread Sven Constable
To be honest, I didn't think about photogrammetry. My limited knowledge about 
that its' great for props which get detail through the scanned texture with a 
semi detailed geometry as an underlying "structure" to give correct depth. The 
packshots I do will not use any textures from the scan in most cases. So the 
detail has to come from the geo itself.


[] On Behalf Of Chris Marshall
Sent: Friday, 15 June 2018 17:02
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Looking for a 3D-scanner


Let us know how you get on. i assume photogrammetry is no good? Photoscan.



On 15 June 2018 at 10:37, Sven Constable  wrote:

Well, all kinds of things. Food products for example. Maybe these will not work 
very well, because I probably cannot flip a fancy cake upside down for a second 
scan run :) Also not every object will work with spray crayon.

Currently I need  a packaging that got crumpled aluminum foil on it. I could 
model it but a scan will surely help. Even the scan will not be perfect I can 
use parts of it, clean and model the rest by hand. 

I already ordered the scanner and will see how it works out.


[] On Behalf Of Chris Marshall
Sent: Friday, 15 June 2018 10:12

To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Looking for a 3D-scanner


What type of things are you thinking of scanning?



On 14 June 2018 at 22:55, Sven Constable  wrote:

Thanks Andy for the vids. Nice reviews of the Einscans. I think the SE model 
could be sufficient for my needs.


Regardings that Cappasity tool: That’s not a 3d scanner, it just creates 
turntable movies.


[] On Behalf Of F Sanchez
Sent: Thursday, 14 June 2018 22:46
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Looking for a 3D-scanner



On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 3:29 PM, Andy Chlupka (Goehler) 

Have you seen these videos?


I’ve been following both YouTubers for a long time and I like their content. 
Maybe these videos help you out. 







On Jun 14, 2018, at 5:51 PM, Sven Constable  wrote:


Hey list,

as I did a lot of product renderings lately, I was thinking about buying a 3D 
scanner to reduce modeling time. Doesn't need to be top notch but should be a 
professional and good scanner so I think in the range of maybe 1 to 2k 
dollars/euros? I checked out a few from low budget (couple hundred bucks, 
disregarded them immediatly) to high budget (several thousands)  and came up 
with th

RE: Looking for a 3D-scanner

2018-06-15 Thread Sven Constable
Well, all kinds of things. Food products for example. Maybe these will not work 
very well, because I probably cannot flip a fancy cake upside down for a second 
scan run :) Also not every object will work with spray crayon.

Currently I need  a packaging that got crumpled aluminum foil on it. I could 
model it but a scan will surely help. Even the scan will not be perfect I can 
use parts of it, clean and model the rest by hand. 

I already ordered the scanner and will see how it works out.


[] On Behalf Of Chris Marshall
Sent: Friday, 15 June 2018 10:12
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Looking for a 3D-scanner


What type of things are you thinking of scanning?



On 14 June 2018 at 22:55, Sven Constable  wrote:

Thanks Andy for the vids. Nice reviews of the Einscans. I think the SE model 
could be sufficient for my needs.


Regardings that Cappasity tool: That’s not a 3d scanner, it just creates 
turntable movies.


[] On Behalf Of F Sanchez
Sent: Thursday, 14 June 2018 22:46
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Looking for a 3D-scanner



On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 3:29 PM, Andy Chlupka (Goehler) 

Have you seen these videos?


I’ve been following both YouTubers for a long time and I like their content. 
Maybe these videos help you out. 







On Jun 14, 2018, at 5:51 PM, Sven Constable  wrote:


Hey list,

as I did a lot of product renderings lately, I was thinking about buying a 3D 
scanner to reduce modeling time. Doesn't need to be top notch but should be a 
professional and good scanner so I think in the range of maybe 1 to 2k 
dollars/euros? I checked out a few from low budget (couple hundred bucks, 
disregarded them immediatly) to high budget (several thousands)  and came up 
with this:

Around 1.500 euros and a point distance of 0.09-0.12mm, what sounds good to me. 
I have no experience with 3D scanning though and maybe you guys have some hints 
or recommendations?

Objects to scan will be no larger than maybe 30x30 cm, in most cases much 


Thanks and regards.



RE: Looking for a 3D-scanner

2018-06-14 Thread Sven Constable
Thanks Andy for the vids. Nice reviews of the Einscans. I think the SE model 
could be sufficient for my needs.


Regardings that Cappasity tool: That’s not a 3d scanner, it just creates 
turntable movies.


[] On Behalf Of F Sanchez
Sent: Thursday, 14 June 2018 22:46
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Looking for a 3D-scanner



On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 3:29 PM, Andy Chlupka (Goehler) 

Have you seen these videos?


I’ve been following both YouTubers for a long time and I like their content. 
Maybe these videos help you out. 







On Jun 14, 2018, at 5:51 PM, Sven Constable  wrote:


Hey list,

as I did a lot of product renderings lately, I was thinking about buying a 3D 
scanner to reduce modeling time. Doesn't need to be top notch but should be a 
professional and good scanner so I think in the range of maybe 1 to 2k 
dollars/euros? I checked out a few from low budget (couple hundred bucks, 
disregarded them immediatly) to high budget (several thousands)  and came up 
with this:

Around 1.500 euros and a point distance of 0.09-0.12mm, what sounds good to me. 
I have no experience with 3D scanning though and maybe you guys have some hints 
or recommendations?

Objects to scan will be no larger than maybe 30x30 cm, in most cases much 


Thanks and regards.



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Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
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Looking for a 3D-scanner

2018-06-14 Thread Sven Constable
Hey list,

as I did a lot of product renderings lately, I was thinking about buying a
3D scanner to reduce modeling time. Doesn't need to be top notch but should
be a professional and good scanner so I think in the range of maybe 1 to 2k
dollars/euros? I checked out a few from low budget (couple hundred bucks,
disregarded them immediatly) to high budget (several thousands)  and came up
with this:

Around 1.500 euros and a point distance of 0.09-0.12mm, what sounds good to
me. I have no experience with 3D scanning though and maybe you guys have
some hints or recommendations?
Objects to scan will be no larger than maybe 30x30 cm, in most cases much

Thanks and regards.
Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

Fix for window border gap in XSI with Win10

2018-06-11 Thread Sven Constable
Hey list,


last week I switched from Win7 to 10 (kinda forced, because the new
workstation has a AMD Ryzen CPU that is incompatible with Windows7). When I
tested Win10 a year or two ago, I noticed a few little issues with XSI. One
thing is that there are small gaps left and right hand side of the XSI
interface. Not sure if this only applies to dual screen layouts, but that's
what I use. Not a big issue but it doesn't look good and you can fix it:

Open run command by pressing Windows-R, then enter "regedit" , hit enter and
go to this entry:

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics\

On the right hand pane, set both "BorderWidth" and "PaddedBorderWidth" to

Log out and back in.


(It will also reduce the border size of the windows explorer by a few pixel,
what I personally like. I didn't see any issues with other applications so



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"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

RE: Friday Flashback #336

2018-04-06 Thread Sven Constable
I remember the mascot, it was to promote subdees in XSI. :)


[] On Behalf Of Stephen Blair
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2018 10:13 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Friday Flashback #336


this is where it begins


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RE: The Maya Chronicles - or how retarded that software is...

2018-03-29 Thread Sven Constable
Ok, no teeths but decent knowledge of marketing. That guy is so spot on, it's 
kinda terrifiyng. lol


[] On Behalf Of Anto Matkovic
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 10:47 AM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: The Maya Chronicles - or how retarded that software is...


It always been like that. I think my first responsibility in 3d world could be 
described as ''hypershade boy'' :), it was a Maya class where I had to start 
earlier, to launch Mayas and Hypershade windows, so other students would be 
able to use them before end of class (or something like that). More or less, 
that 'position' is possible today.


Anyway I heard great news, there is a new principal developer in Maya team, who 
already have experiences all over industry. While we don't know for details of 
his actual engagement, here's what he did for Microsoft and Valve:






From: Morten Bartholdy 
To: "Userlist, Softimage"  
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 1:25 PM
Subject: The Maya Chronicles - or how retarded that software is...



The Hypershade is slow to update A: when there are many materials (I guess 
updating shaderballs) and even slower when the selected object has many 
polygons. Horrible waste of the users time. WWTT??? (which is short for "What 
Were They Thinking")





Softimage Mailing List.

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"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.


Softimage Mailing List.
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"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

RE: The Maya Chronicles - or how retarded that software is...

2018-03-28 Thread Sven Constable
Hahaha! :)


[] On Behalf Of balazs kiss
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 3:53 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: The Maya Chronicles - or how retarded that software is...


I hear ya! I want to punch through my screen every 5 minutes when I have to do 
shading work in it. It's like a remote desktop to the Moon.


This video sums up my experience so far :







On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 1:25 PM, Morten Bartholdy  wrote:

I am keeping a text document updated with all the annoying, timeconsuming and 
showstopping stuff in Maya in order to A: hopefully find out I was wrong and 
Maya can do something I didn't think it could, B: There is a workaround that is 
not too silly and arduous, or C: confirm I am right and document why I need to 
leave my workstation to breathe deeply several times a day (this is for my 

The name of this document is Maya Crap - which is very to the point. I will 
share some stuff in the hope someone perhaps can offer insight so we may have 
an A or B situation so I learn something.

Todays sliver of insanity in Maya:


The infinitely pathetic relationship editor

Light linking in the Relationship Editor - Objects can not be deselected by 
clicking their parent groups, requiring to expand all(!)

hierarchies to unlink geometry in a scene, in order to only link one object. 

No way to unlink all objects!!! Dooohh


Relationship Editors - UV/Texture linking + Hypershade - slow to update

For some reason the Relationship Editor (RE) is horribly slow to update if the 
object selected has a high polycount, even for something as simple as linking 
UV sets and textures, which is really just list items and simple data. It is 
also really slow to update when selecting a list item, UV set or texture. It 
seems the RE for some reason is associated with all the data associated with 
the geometry in question! WWTT???

- on a related note:

The Hypershade is slow to update A: when there are many materials (I guess 
updating shaderballs) and even slower when the selected object has many 
polygons. Horrible waste of the users time. WWTT??? (which is short for "What 
Were They Thinking")


Sorry for the noise, but the goal is actually to learn here ;)

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"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.


Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

2018-03-26 Thread Sven Constable
its ".ray3hosts"  Sorry, I misspelled it.
But as said, you can also use the "User Tools"
(Startmenue/Autodesk/Softimage/User Tools) and edit it from there.
If there is no ray3hosts file, well then it is probably not the cause of the
delay anyway. :)

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Morten
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 3:19 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

I can't seem to find a .rayhosts file... I even searched for it on C:.


> Den 26. marts 2018 klokken 15:01 skrev Sven Constable
> BTW: any installation above Softimage 2011 did not configure MR 
> distributed rendering within the installation process, like it was 
> with earlier version (thanks to ADSK). But regardless if satellite 
> rendering is working or not, Softimage will look for a rayhost file on 
> startup. Then it reads the machine entries, looks for them on the network
and will try to establish a link.
> That takes a little and even longer if these machines are non-existent 
> or do not respond.
> In short: If you're not using mental rat satellite, you should delete 
> all entries in the rayhosts file, if there are any. Or set a # in 
> front of the machine names.
> Sven
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Sven 
> Constable
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 2:39 PM
> To: 'Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> Subject: RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)
> No, on the workstation you're using. 
> Startmenue/Autodesk/Softimage2015/User
> Tools.
> There is an entry to edit the rayhost file.
> Sven
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Morten 
> Bartholdy
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 2:03 PM
> To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> _forum
> _-23-21forum_xsi-5Flist&d=DwICAg&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9u
> zNzd_2 
> pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=d6w1XCIJRBqnBLsnMcr
> x4CP5q 
> CrsZTCAHLVxbWKr-Qo&s=tIopkdH8Yc3m6o98tqCo8WDrBubhokbOfLIPjgzGbzg&e=
> Subject: RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)
> I am guessing on the server where we run FlexLM!?
> MB
> > Den 26. marts 2018 klokken 13:46 skrev Sven Constable
> :
> > 
> > 
> > just check if there are any entries in the .ray3hosts file (open 
> > with notepad). It's in your user folder ...
> > C:\Users\%user%\Autodesk\Softimage_2015_SP2 or whatever version.
> > Or use the "Softimage User Tools". It's also editable from there.
> >  
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From:
> > [] On Behalf Of Morten 
> > Bartholdy
> > Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 1:17 PM
> > To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> >
> > om
> > _forum_-23-21forum_xsi-5Flist&d=DwICAg&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6I
> > Q7 
> > a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=H6rLQ
> > gY 
> > ZQm6ljY2Ca3KBYnvlG2Tblx01ugBHWQACN8A&s=BRO85m2WMTzKPZ9wLjbD8ZFAAA8XD
> > ER
> > 9XkZ6_7fKOKs&e=
> > Subject: RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)
> > 
> > That is interesting. I honestly don't know about the MR satellite 
> > rendering as I have not used it except for the occasional 
> > texturebaking in years (5+) I have no idea where to set it up nor 
> > unset
> it.
> > 
> > I guess it is time for some doc reading.
> > 
> > Morten
> > 
> > 
> > > Den 26. marts 2018 klokken 13:08 skrev Sven Constable
> > :
> > >

RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

2018-03-26 Thread Sven Constable
BTW: any installation above Softimage 2011 did not configure MR distributed
rendering within the installation process, like it was with earlier version
(thanks to ADSK). But regardless if satellite rendering is working or not,
Softimage will look for a rayhost file on startup. Then it reads the machine
entries, looks for them on the network and will try to establish a link.
That takes a little and even longer if these machines are non-existent or do
not respond.
In short: If you're not using mental rat satellite, you should delete all
entries in the rayhosts file, if there are any. Or set a # in front of the
machine names.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sven Constable
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 2:39 PM
To: 'Official Softimage Users Mailing List.'
Subject: RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

No, on the workstation you're using. Startmenue/Autodesk/Softimage2015/User
There is an entry to edit the rayhost file.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Morten
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 2:03 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

I am guessing on the server where we run FlexLM!?


> Den 26. marts 2018 klokken 13:46 skrev Sven Constable
> just check if there are any entries in the .ray3hosts file (open with 
> notepad). It's in your user folder ...
> C:\Users\%user%\Autodesk\Softimage_2015_SP2 or whatever version.
> Or use the "Softimage User Tools". It's also editable from there.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Morten 
> Bartholdy
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 1:17 PM
> To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> _forum_-23-21forum_xsi-5Flist&d=DwICAg&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7
> a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=H6rLQgY
> 9XkZ6_7fKOKs&e=
> Subject: RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)
> That is interesting. I honestly don't know about the MR satellite 
> rendering as I have not used it except for the occasional 
> texturebaking in years (5+) I have no idea where to set it up nor 
> unset
> I guess it is time for some doc reading.
> Morten
> > Den 26. marts 2018 klokken 13:08 skrev Sven Constable
> :
> > 
> > 
> > Regarding the longer startup times: I moved my licenses to a new 
> > server last week (win srv2016) and also installed the newest version 
> > of flexlm. No delay and same startup times as before. Latest NLM by 
> > Autodesk using flexlm v11.14.1.3.
> > Do you have (accidently) configured MR satellite rendering? This 
> > will cause longer startup times, especially when the machines in the 
> > rayhost file are not accessible.
> > 
> > Sven
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From:
> > [] On Behalf Of Morten 
> > Bartholdy
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 10:12 AM
> > To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> >
> > om
> > _forum_-23-21forum_xsi-5Flist&d=DwICAg&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6I
> > Q7
> > a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=24U6M
> > OI
> > z08V7g2B27jQHY1JGjld2e5-LdOvjvfi80Xg&s=LWfmsS3YbsVK5X7rgvxQs4BCdS0_t
> > lX
> > wGbakAORsv5Q&e=
> > Subject: Re: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)
> > 
> > I have absolutely!! no love for AD but I will chime in on this. We 
> > had stupid issues with getting our new Maya licenses working after 
> > upgrading FlexLM (the pile of crap) which was req

RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

2018-03-26 Thread Sven Constable
No, on the workstation you're using. Startmenue/Autodesk/Softimage2015/User
There is an entry to edit the rayhost file.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Morten
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 2:03 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

I am guessing on the server where we run FlexLM!?


> Den 26. marts 2018 klokken 13:46 skrev Sven Constable
> just check if there are any entries in the .ray3hosts file (open with 
> notepad). It's in your user folder ...
> C:\Users\%user%\Autodesk\Softimage_2015_SP2 or whatever version.
> Or use the "Softimage User Tools". It's also editable from there.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Morten 
> Bartholdy
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 1:17 PM
> To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> _forum_-23-21forum_xsi-5Flist&d=DwICAg&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7
> a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=H6rLQgY
> 9XkZ6_7fKOKs&e=
> Subject: RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)
> That is interesting. I honestly don't know about the MR satellite 
> rendering as I have not used it except for the occasional 
> texturebaking in years (5+) I have no idea where to set it up nor unset
> I guess it is time for some doc reading.
> Morten
> > Den 26. marts 2018 klokken 13:08 skrev Sven Constable
> :
> > 
> > 
> > Regarding the longer startup times: I moved my licenses to a new 
> > server last week (win srv2016) and also installed the newest version 
> > of flexlm. No delay and same startup times as before. Latest NLM by 
> > Autodesk using flexlm v11.14.1.3.
> > Do you have (accidently) configured MR satellite rendering? This 
> > will cause longer startup times, especially when the machines in the 
> > rayhost file are not accessible.
> > 
> > Sven
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From:
> > [] On Behalf Of Morten 
> > Bartholdy
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 10:12 AM
> > To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> >
> > om
> > _forum_-23-21forum_xsi-5Flist&d=DwICAg&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6I
> > Q7 
> > a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=24U6M
> > OI 
> > z08V7g2B27jQHY1JGjld2e5-LdOvjvfi80Xg&s=LWfmsS3YbsVK5X7rgvxQs4BCdS0_t
> > lX
> > wGbakAORsv5Q&e=
> > Subject: Re: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)
> > 
> > I have absolutely!! no love for AD but I will chime in on this. We 
> > had stupid issues with getting our new Maya licenses working after 
> > upgrading FlexLM (the pile of crap) which was required for running 
> > newer Maya versions.
> > 
> > I reported the issue and the next day a AD license support person 
> > actually called me on the phone and resolved the issue via remote
> > 
> > The solution was horribly stupid and involved fixing windows 
> > files(!) but eventually it worked. A negative sideeffect was that 
> > now Softimage takes ages to start up (probably because it takes a 
> > long time to get licens
> > granted) G
> > 
> > I was surprised and pleased about the call, and it goes to show that 
> > not everything is bad at AD. It doesn't change my dislike of their 
> > corporate policies and software offerings though. Maya is still crap.
> > 
> > Morten
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > Den 12. marts 2018 klokken 20:02 skrev Sven Constable
> > :
> > > 
> > > 
> > > just contacted ADSK support about the issue, that an old network 
> > > license (softimage 2011)  was not listed in my account. It was not 
> > > listed for several years btw and I didn't care but since I plan to 
> > > move even the old licenses to a new server, I contac

RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

2018-03-26 Thread Sven Constable
just check if there are any entries in the .ray3hosts file (open with
notepad). It's in your user folder ...
C:\Users\%user%\Autodesk\Softimage_2015_SP2 or whatever version.
Or use the "Softimage User Tools". It's also editable from there.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Morten
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 1:17 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

That is interesting. I honestly don't know about the MR satellite rendering
as I have not used it except for the occasional texturebaking in years (5+)
I have no idea where to set it up nor unset it.

I guess it is time for some doc reading.


> Den 26. marts 2018 klokken 13:08 skrev Sven Constable
> Regarding the longer startup times: I moved my licenses to a new 
> server last week (win srv2016) and also installed the newest version 
> of flexlm. No delay and same startup times as before. Latest NLM by 
> Autodesk using flexlm v11.14.1.3.
> Do you have (accidently) configured MR satellite rendering? This will 
> cause longer startup times, especially when the machines in the 
> rayhost file are not accessible.
> Sven
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Morten 
> Bartholdy
> Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 10:12 AM
> To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> _forum_-23-21forum_xsi-5Flist&d=DwICAg&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7
> a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=24U6MOI
> z08V7g2B27jQHY1JGjld2e5-LdOvjvfi80Xg&s=LWfmsS3YbsVK5X7rgvxQs4BCdS0_tlX
> wGbakAORsv5Q&e=
> Subject: Re: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)
> I have absolutely!! no love for AD but I will chime in on this. We had 
> stupid issues with getting our new Maya licenses working after 
> upgrading FlexLM (the pile of crap) which was required for running 
> newer Maya versions.
> I reported the issue and the next day a AD license support person 
> actually called me on the phone and resolved the issue via remote support.
> The solution was horribly stupid and involved fixing windows files(!) 
> but eventually it worked. A negative sideeffect was that now Softimage 
> takes ages to start up (probably because it takes a long time to get 
> licens
> granted) G
> I was surprised and pleased about the call, and it goes to show that 
> not everything is bad at AD. It doesn't change my dislike of their 
> corporate policies and software offerings though. Maya is still crap.
> Morten
> > Den 12. marts 2018 klokken 20:02 skrev Sven Constable
> :
> > 
> > 
> > just contacted ADSK support about the issue, that an old network 
> > license (softimage 2011)  was not listed in my account. It was not 
> > listed for several years btw and I didn't care but since I plan to 
> > move even the old licenses to a new server, I contacted them via the
> online chat.
> > 
> > Problem solved in minutes. I wouldn't have expect this, really.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Sven
> > 
> >  
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> >
> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to
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RE: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

2018-03-26 Thread Sven Constable
Regarding the longer startup times: I moved my licenses to a new server last
week (win srv2016) and also installed the newest version of flexlm. No delay
and same startup times as before. Latest NLM by Autodesk using flexlm
Do you have (accidently) configured MR satellite rendering? This will cause
longer startup times, especially when the machines in the rayhost file are
not accessible.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Morten
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 10:12 AM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

I have absolutely!! no love for AD but I will chime in on this. We had
stupid issues with getting our new Maya licenses working after upgrading
FlexLM (the pile of crap) which was required for running newer Maya

I reported the issue and the next day a AD license support person actually
called me on the phone and resolved the issue via remote support.

The solution was horribly stupid and involved fixing windows files(!) but
eventually it worked. A negative sideeffect was that now Softimage takes
ages to start up (probably because it takes a long time to get licens
granted) G

I was surprised and pleased about the call, and it goes to show that not
everything is bad at AD. It doesn't change my dislike of their corporate
policies and software offerings though. Maya is still crap.


> Den 12. marts 2018 klokken 20:02 skrev Sven Constable
> just contacted ADSK support about the issue, that an old network 
> license (softimage 2011)  was not listed in my account. It was not 
> listed for several years btw and I didn't care but since I plan to 
> move even the old licenses to a new server, I contacted them via the
online chat.
> Problem solved in minutes. I wouldn't have expect this, really.
> Sven
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to
with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
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ADSK *can* be very helpful :)

2018-03-12 Thread Sven Constable
just contacted ADSK support about the issue, that an old network license
(softimage 2011)  was not listed in my account. It was not listed for
several years btw and I didn't care but since I plan to move even the old
licenses to a new server, I contacted them via the online chat.

Problem solved in minutes. I wouldn't have expect this, really.





Softimage Mailing List.
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"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

RE: OT not so OT: Blender 2.8 (new release) will have Softimage

2018-03-08 Thread Sven Constable
Well,  SP2 was released in 2016. With a bit of whitewash one could say 
development ended only 2 years ago. 


[] On Behalf Of Chris Marshall
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 11:10 AM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: OT not so OT: Blender 2.8 (new release) will have Softimage


Seriously 4 years!!??!


On 5 March 2018 at 20:50, Sven Constable  wrote:

oh, didn't realise this special day. I was thinking my tummy ache was
because of the 250 grams of prunes I had, but maybe it was the date. Or


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2018 9:16 PM
Subject: RE: OT not so OT: Blender 2.8 (new release) will have Softimage

Nice gesture, but that ship has likely sailed.  It's been 4 years (today)
since Autodesk announced the termination of Softimage.  It's not like the
developers haven't found other work yet.


Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2018 13:18:18 -0500
From: Pierre Schiller 
Subject: OT not so OT: Blender 2.8 (new release) will have Softimage coders
on board?
To: "Official Softimage Users Mailing List.

"The best User interface design has been designed by you SOFTIMAGE CODERS".
This is Ton Roosendaal inviting Softimage CODERS to JOIN Blender
2.8 project. THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS! #WhyBlender3D
Click play and celebrate!

Let?s thread this to infinity or until they complete blender 2.8! :D I?ve
been advancing on my own with Blender inside the core code and also over the

RE: Anyone have SI 2015 offline help documentation library they can share?

2018-03-07 Thread Sven Constable
Not gone. Here you can find the online help  and the downloadable offline 




[] On Behalf Of Ed Manning
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2018 8:16 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Anyone have SI 2015 offline help documentation library they can share?


I should've downloaded it, and now the online help is gone.



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RE: OT not so OT: Blender 2.8 (new release) will have Softimage

2018-03-05 Thread Sven Constable
oh, didn't realise this special day. I was thinking my tummy ache was
because of the 250 grams of prunes I had, but maybe it was the date. Or

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2018 9:16 PM
Subject: RE: OT not so OT: Blender 2.8 (new release) will have Softimage

Nice gesture, but that ship has likely sailed.  It's been 4 years (today)
since Autodesk announced the termination of Softimage.  It's not like the
developers haven't found other work yet.


Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2018 13:18:18 -0500
From: Pierre Schiller 
Subject: OT not so OT: Blender 2.8 (new release) will have Softimage coders
on board?
To: "Official Softimage Users Mailing List.

"The best User interface design has been designed by you SOFTIMAGE CODERS".
This is Ton Roosendaal inviting Softimage CODERS to JOIN Blender
2.8 project. THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS! #WhyBlender3D


Click play and celebrate!

Let?s thread this to infinity or until they complete blender 2.8! :D I?ve
been advancing on my own with Blender inside the core code and also over the
. I tell you it?s very much possible to
make the Blender Foundation take notice on most of the things that can be
improved on Blender. I?m also collecting feedback here:

-David R. 

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RE: Friday Flashback #333

2018-03-03 Thread Sven Constable
in a file cabinet at AD? May I ask if the cabinet was labelled "Dangerous 
technology to us. Do not open!"
Locked with a chain, no?  :)


[] On Behalf Of Stephen Blair
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2018 2:26 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Friday Flashback #333



SOFTIMAGE|XSI 1.5.1 software CDs

The oldest I have, and I didn't get it while at Softimage...I found it in the 
Autodesk offices in a file cabinet.

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"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

RE: old XSI versions (1-3)

2018-03-01 Thread Sven Constable
My hero. Thanks again and may the elders of the archives be with you.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Christoph
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 12:47 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: old XSI versions (1-3)

I *should* have all the original discs, various dongles and most of the
manuals for every version of Softimage|XSI going back to v1.0 (and even 
Softimage|3D 3.7-3.9, Poweranimator 8.5-9.0). I'll try to dig them up..


On 02/26/2018 12:24 PM, Sven Constable wrote:
> The folder was labeled IRIX version. It contains a lot of tarballs, maybe
> is the linux version. On the other hand the installation guide contains
> to install an run "XSI 3.0 on IRIX". It also says how to install the
> and linux version, so I'm not sure anymore what I have here. But it seems
> XSI 3 was indeed available for IRIX.
> Snip:
> Starting XSI on IRIX
> To start XSI on an IRIX system
> Choose Softimage Products > SOFTIMAGE XSI_3.0 from the Toolchest.
> Note
> If you start XSI from the Toolchest, you may want to open a console window
> to monitor any error messages that may occur while you're working with
> To open a console window, choose System > Start New Console from the
> Toolchest.
> Starting from an IRIX Shell
> You can also start from a shell if you want to start XSI using specific
> options.
> 1.From your user account, type source ~/.xsi_3.0
> Note
> You must now source the .xsi_3.0 file manually because the .cshrc file no
> longer sources the environments needed.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
> Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 11:48 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: old XSI versions (1-3)
> You sure about that?  I have v3.x discs, there is no IRIX version, but
> is a Linux version.
> SPM modified the dongle every time you launched the application.
> even if you roll back the clock on your system, SPM will detect the more
> recent / future date on the dongle and abort the application.
> Matt
> Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2018 10:58:35 +0100
> From: "Sven Constable" < <>
> Subject: RE: old XSI versions (1-3)
> To: "'Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> euG5vtJyoHdlXH4A1tA&s=VB4SNqdMrmv8_l_D374jdMYX_8H0Qft5EMUuHdd-0D8&e>
> uG5vtJyoHdlXH4A1tA&s=VB4SNqdMrmv8_l_D374jdMYX_8H0Qft5EMUuHdd-0D8&e='"
> < <>>
> Message-ID: < <mailto:001901d3aee8$5e451df0$1acf59d0$>
> 001901d3aee8$5e451df0$1acf59d0$>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> There were IRIX versions at least up to version 3. Would't have thought
> too and only know it because I have the installer here for that version.
> I think it was definitely the last for IRIX. I think the timebombed old
> versions using SPM can be installed and will most likely work by setting
> date back.  I would love to test it.
> Sven
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to
> <>
> with "unsubscribe" in the subject,
> and reply to confirm.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to
with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
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RE: old XSI versions (1-3)

2018-02-26 Thread Sven Constable
The folder was labeled IRIX version. It contains a lot of tarballs, maybe it
is the linux version. On the other hand the installation guide contains how
to install an run "XSI 3.0 on IRIX". It also says how to install the windows
and linux version, so I'm not sure anymore what I have here. But it seems
XSI 3 was indeed available for IRIX.



Starting XSI on IRIX 

To start XSI on an IRIX system 

Choose Softimage Products > SOFTIMAGE XSI_3.0 from the Toolchest. 


If you start XSI from the Toolchest, you may want to open a console window
to monitor any error messages that may occur while you're working with XSI. 

To open a console window, choose System > Start New Console from the

Starting from an IRIX Shell 

You can also start from a shell if you want to start XSI using specific

1.  From your user account, type source ~/.xsi_3.0


You must now source the .xsi_3.0 file manually because the .cshrc file no
longer sources the environments needed. 



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 11:48 AM
Subject: RE: old XSI versions (1-3)


You sure about that?  I have v3.x discs, there is no IRIX version, but there
is a Linux version.


SPM modified the dongle every time you launched the application.  Therefore,
even if you roll back the clock on your system, SPM will detect the more
recent / future date on the dongle and abort the application.





Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2018 10:58:35 +0100

From: "Sven Constable" < <>>

Subject: RE: old XSI versions (1-3)

To: "'Official Softimage Users Mailing List.


< <>>

Message-ID: < <mailto:001901d3aee8$5e451df0$1acf59d0$>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


There were IRIX versions at least up to version 3. Would't have thought that
too and only know it because I have the installer here for that version. But
I think it was definitely the last for IRIX. I think the timebombed old
versions using SPM can be installed and will most likely work by setting the
date back.  I would love to test it.






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RE: old XSI versions (1-3)

2018-02-26 Thread Sven Constable
There were IRIX versions at least up to version 3. Would't have thought that
too and only know it because I have the installer here for that version. But
I think it was definitely the last for IRIX. I think the timebombed old
versions using SPM can be installed and will most likely work by setting the
date back.  I would love to test it. 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 3:57 AM
Subject: Re: old XSI versions (1-3)

An installer without a license key won't do you any good.

I have some of the original installation CDs.  However, only versions using
FlexLM licensing will function.  SPM versions (XSI v2.0 through v7.01) with
permanent licenses were actually time bombed for 12 years from data of issue
- which have since expired.  So even though you paid for lifetime use, you
only got 12 years...which didn't make me happy.  Only Softimage|3D and XSI
v1.x had an IRIX version.


Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2018 00:35:50 +0100
From: "Sven Constable" 
Subject: old XSI versions (1-3)
To: ""

Message-ID: <01d3adc8$344a8600$9cdf9200$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hey list,

can anyone point me to downloads of XSI versions 1,2 and 3? It's really just
of personal interest. Not talking about pirated software and no cracks. Just
the straight versions of the XSI installer from Softimage at that time.  For
Windows and IRIX. Any versions between these are also welcome.


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old XSI versions (1-3)

2018-02-24 Thread Sven Constable
Hey list,


can anyone point me to downloads of XSI versions 1,2 and 3? It's really just
of personal interest. Not talking about pirated software and no cracks. Just
the straight versions of the XSI installer from Softimage at that time.  For
Windows and IRIX. Any versions between these are also welcome.



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RE: Friday Flashback #330

2018-02-10 Thread Sven Constable
That time was more interesting, wasn't it? We had to fight against technical
limitations and prepare a ground for anything. 3D was so exciting and new,
we had everything under control. Then it became standard and we loose
grounds. I'm kidding. Not loosing grounds :) But 3D is not the same as it
were back then.
Sometimes I miss the old days, when 3D was expensive and rare. 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2018 3:43 AM
Subject: RE: Friday Flashback #330

I meant working in the 'Dot Com' era nearly killed a lot of us too as we
were putting in so many hours with (by today's standards) very primitive
tools in what was the wild west of 3D's uprising as a medium.

Working with stop-motion was a long and grueling process too, but there was
a structure and process to it and your lives had a rhythm which could be

Working in digital was the wild west where everything was an experiment
because few standards had been established yet.  That required lots of trial
and error to figure it all out, and then lots of lobbying to get your
methods accepted and adopted as the way to do it.  Apply all that on top of
back breaking production schedules to get content produced was very hard on
animators.  In the early part of my career, it wasn't unusual for me to
spend 100-120 hours per week at the office.  There was an 14 month stretch
where I almost never saw the sun other than when in transit to get lunch.  A
lot of that was from working for heavily mismanaged studios with large
ambitions and big budgets.  Gave me access to technologies and top tier
programmers I wouldn't have had otherwise, but came at the cost of personal
well being as deadlines were extremely unrealistic, and failure to deliver
meant closure of the studio and loss of job (which eventually happened
anyway).  Back in those days hardware and software were too expensive to
purchase for home use, so if you needed a demo reel, you were likely using
company equipment in the off hours.  So, you either did the work, or you
didn't work at all.


Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2018 02:39:58 +0100
From: "Sven Constable" 
Subject: RE: Friday Flashback #330
To: "'Official Softimage Users Mailing List.

Oh I think I misunderstood you when you said It killed us. You meant killing
in a positive way, right? Sorry, that was lost in translation.

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RE: Friday Flashback #330

2018-02-10 Thread Sven Constable
Oh I think I misunderstood you when you said It killed us. You meant killing
in a positive way, right? Sorry, that was lost in translation.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sven Constable
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2018 2:34 AM
To: 'Official Softimage Users Mailing List.'
Subject: RE: Friday Flashback #330

No, it didn't kill anybody. It gave me a thrill watching the bugs every
second they moved with the gravity and weight. The animations are still

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2018 2:20 AM
Subject: Re: Friday Flashback #330

You can probably say it almost killed many of us too ;-)


Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2018 21:08:43 +0100
From: Olivier Jeannel 
Subject: Re: Friday Flashback #330
To: "Official Softimage Users Mailing List.

Fascinating era ! Phil Tippet said it almost killed him to switch from hand
animated stop motion to CGI.

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RE: Friday Flashback #330

2018-02-10 Thread Sven Constable
No, it didn't kill anybody. It gave me a thrill watching the bugs every
second they moved with the gravity and weight. The animations are still

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2018 2:20 AM
Subject: Re: Friday Flashback #330

You can probably say it almost killed many of us too ;-)


Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2018 21:08:43 +0100
From: Olivier Jeannel 
Subject: Re: Friday Flashback #330
To: "Official Softimage Users Mailing List.

Fascinating era ! Phil Tippet said it almost killed him to switch from hand
animated stop motion to CGI.

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RE: Friday Flashback #330

2018-02-10 Thread Sven Constable
I wonder if they designed the bugs *a bit* with NURBS modeling in mind. I once 
modelled and rigged that bug in XSI as kind of a training session when I 
switched from SI3D to XSI. Except for the lower part of the torso maybe, there 
are no parts with singularities or other patch modeling difficulties. Pretty 
much all parts are rigid with easy UV topology. Ball joints and no enveloping 
for the most parts if not all. Maybe it were just simple parent child 
hirarchies when they rigged it.

I don't know it of course, but I would guess it was relatively fast to animate 
in terms of performance.




[] On Behalf Of Olivier Jeannel
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2018 9:09 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Friday Flashback #330


Fascinating era ! Phil Tippet said it almost killed him to switch from hand 
animated stop motion to CGI.


2018-02-09 20:34 GMT+01:00 Stephen Blair :

Real Troopers, 1997


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RE: grain tickling in render

2018-02-06 Thread Sven Constable
Assuming you're rendering with mental ray.

Open up the render tree. Double click the image node of that texture and turn 
on 'Elliptical Filtering". 




[] On Behalf Of Nicole 
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2018 1:32 AM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: grain tickling in render












can i ask you to view the enclosed doc in the link (better to download it i 


i think the 'grain' on the object surface everywhere is sparkling


can you show me a good way to reduce such noise in softimage ?


thank you for your understanding,

nicole beeckmans 

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RE: Render tokens with hardware renderer

2018-02-01 Thread Sven Constable
Thanks Matt, I thought so. Usually I don't set up shots in passes and
definitely not in animatic stage like in this project. It was a bit of a
twisted workflow since the costumer is well...  twisted.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2018 1:04 AM
Subject: Re: Render tokens with hardware renderer

I don't think there is anything ready to go with a push button.  You'll
likely have to render in two passes (image pass, slate pass) and composite

The only other way to do it is write your own hardware shader so it can be
rendered with the rest of the scene.  Such a shader will likely have to be
written with code, not the existing shader nodes in the render tree library.


Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2018 23:51:13 +0100
From: "Sven Constable" 
Subject: Render tokens with hardware renderer
To: ""

Hi list,

sometimes I have passes already set up, still beeing in animatic stage.
Render tokens seems to not work with hardware rendering. Only with software
rendering or when capturing the viewport directly. Is there any way to use
render tokens with hardware rendering (shaded,hidden line removal, OGL) ?


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RE: OTish - todays Maya rant and Q - selecting items

2018-02-01 Thread Sven Constable
To sum it up: When I look back to all graphics cards I've used over the years 
(quadro to 3dLabs to geforce to ATIFireGL to quadro to geforce), all issues 
like display and selection glitches were with non-workstation cards. With one 
exception, the ATI card was junk even officially certified for XSI back then. 
The Quadro cards never had *any* issues. Slower in shaded mode yes, but more 

The crappiest card I've ever tried to use for work was a GTX 8800. It was so 
bad that I switched to a Quadro2000 after a few month. It's better with the 
gaming cards nowadays, but there is a reason for the higher price on quadros.

They are surely overpriced, no question. If they were at ranges like 10 years 
ago (roughly double the price compared to their geforce counterparts), I would 
buy them every time.



[] On Behalf Of Sven Constable
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2018 6:00 PM
To: 'Official Softimage Users Mailing List.'
Subject: RE: OTish - todays Maya rant and Q - selecting items


If its worth the price is another thing, but I would say quadros are more 
reliable in those cases especially when selecting stuff and all kinds of 2D 
operations. Basically what Matt said.

No idea if the problem here is caused by the geforce card, maya itself, 
drivers, windows version or any combination. All I'm saying is that quadros 
*tend* to not have these kind of issues. They can even perfom faster in some 
regards eg. when using wireframe modes. I think that is because they support it 
more directly in hardware than the geforces.

I'm currently using a geforce card for XSI and it works ok. But I do have 
selection problems in hidden line removal mode and I also noticed that the 
playback performance isn't much faster when switching from shaded to wireframe 
or even to bounding box. I can live with that so I will stay with geforces to 
save a bunch of money though :)




[] On Behalf Of Mirko Jankovic
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2018 4:40 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: OTish - todays Maya rant and Q - selecting items


I don't agree with quadro vs geforce part. Not at all. 

I read issues you were describing but I have never ever in my life had any 
similar things happening. 

And I also used couple different quadros as well and never seen much 
improvement inside 3d aps, at all. 

Not performance wise nor issue wise.

As a matter of fact with some of quadros I had ton of view port issues in maya 
like not being able to select vertices.. yes weird but it happens and misc 
other things. 

Maybe they have some advantage in CAD work but with 3d apps.. they don;t for a 
long time and they especially don't justify 4-5 times price for them. 

And even view ports in 3d apps are more using game like specific display stuff 
then what old view ports did. 

As for maya selection I've noticed that mostly maya using people don;t notice 
crap like that , are they simply used to that and now automatically got some 
work around, but people that used Softimage before notice crap like that non 

I to had ton of issues selecting what I want in maya and maya ends up using 
it;s own selection priority and who knows what as well. 

Yes it is a bit SI rant but it si simple truth, when using maya for a long time 
you simply get used to crap it is serving you and keep eating not noticing 
stink all over it :)



On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 1:35 PM, Morten Bartholdy  wrote:

I have never had issues in XSI, Nuke, Fusion, Blender, Mudbox, Syntheyes, 
Photoshop, Illustrator and others using GeForce cards, so this is clearly a 
Maya issue :)


> Den 1. februar 2018 klokken 12:48 skrev Matt Lind :
> Flakey behavior can be the result of using a gaming graphics card like a
> GeForce instead a workstation graphics card like a Quadro.
> Gaming cards cut many corners to get their speed up, cost down, do one thing
> very well, and mediocre at everything else.  Games tax a few specific
> resources pretty hard, but the number of different resources they tax is
> fairly thin.
> Work

RE: OTish - todays Maya rant and Q - selecting items

2018-02-01 Thread Sven Constable
If its worth the price is another thing, but I would say quadros are more 
reliable in those cases especially when selecting stuff and all kinds of 2D 
operations. Basically what Matt said.

No idea if the problem here is caused by the geforce card, maya itself, 
drivers, windows version or any combination. All I'm saying is that quadros 
*tend* to not have these kind of issues. They can even perfom faster in some 
regards eg. when using wireframe modes. I think that is because they support it 
more directly in hardware than the geforces.

I'm currently using a geforce card for XSI and it works ok. But I do have 
selection problems in hidden line removal mode and I also noticed that the 
playback performance isn't much faster when switching from shaded to wireframe 
or even to bounding box. I can live with that so I will stay with geforces to 
save a bunch of money though :)




[] On Behalf Of Mirko Jankovic
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2018 4:40 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: OTish - todays Maya rant and Q - selecting items


I don't agree with quadro vs geforce part. Not at all. 

I read issues you were describing but I have never ever in my life had any 
similar things happening. 

And I also used couple different quadros as well and never seen much 
improvement inside 3d aps, at all. 

Not performance wise nor issue wise.

As a matter of fact with some of quadros I had ton of view port issues in maya 
like not being able to select vertices.. yes weird but it happens and misc 
other things. 

Maybe they have some advantage in CAD work but with 3d apps.. they don;t for a 
long time and they especially don't justify 4-5 times price for them. 

And even view ports in 3d apps are more using game like specific display stuff 
then what old view ports did. 

As for maya selection I've noticed that mostly maya using people don;t notice 
crap like that , are they simply used to that and now automatically got some 
work around, but people that used Softimage before notice crap like that non 

I to had ton of issues selecting what I want in maya and maya ends up using 
it;s own selection priority and who knows what as well. 

Yes it is a bit SI rant but it si simple truth, when using maya for a long time 
you simply get used to crap it is serving you and keep eating not noticing 
stink all over it :)



On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 1:35 PM, Morten Bartholdy  wrote:

I have never had issues in XSI, Nuke, Fusion, Blender, Mudbox, Syntheyes, 
Photoshop, Illustrator and others using GeForce cards, so this is clearly a 
Maya issue :)


> Den 1. februar 2018 klokken 12:48 skrev Matt Lind :
> Flakey behavior can be the result of using a gaming graphics card like a
> GeForce instead a workstation graphics card like a Quadro.
> Gaming cards cut many corners to get their speed up, cost down, do one thing
> very well, and mediocre at everything else.  Games tax a few specific
> resources pretty hard, but the number of different resources they tax is
> fairly thin.
> Workstations cards, on the other hand, are designed for a wider array of
> uses providing more depth with extra buffers, overlay planes, and so forth
> because their purpose is to be reliable in most any situation.  Many
> applications lean on these extra buffers to work properly.  If you are using
> a gaming card, you may run into situations where the application either
> takes a performance hit, or makes bad decisions because the buffer does not
> exist.
> When I was at Carbine, we had a mix of graphics cards.  My workstation had a
> midrange Quadro while the artists had top end GeForces.  There were many
> issues where they would run into flakiness that my workstation could not
> reproduce.  For example, if multiple windows occupied the same screen space,
> applications would get confused which one had focus.  If you were using
> photoshop and clicked on a particular part of the screen to paint, the
> application would think you were using the explorer window in XSI because
> the explorer window was in the same 2D screen space, but on a different
> layer.  Likewise, if you were in XSI and did something in a viewport, the
> application would think you were working in your email client if it was open
> in the same screen location.  Quadros did not have this problem.
> In another example, an artist needed to do video capture to demonstrate a
> modeling technique, but each time he did his capture session, the
> application would only capture the active viewport in XSI, not the entire
> screen.  If the schematic view had

Render tokens with hardware renderer

2018-01-29 Thread Sven Constable
Hi list,


sometimes I have passes already set up, still beeing in animatic stage.
Render tokens seems to not work with hardware rendering. Only with software
rendering or when capturing the viewport directly. Is there any way to use
render tokens with hardware rendering (shaded,hidden line removal, OGL) ?



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RE: I am more thinking of the 4k monitor for as an animator's

2018-01-25 Thread Sven Constable
Maybe considering also the screen size and format. Most 4k displays are at
least 16:9 or even wider (21:10?) For my taste far too wide and doesn't
match the way I work. For animating I prefer to have Fcurves/dopesheet/mixer
below my viewport so I'd need more height than width. Of course we can
create own layouts for XSI to make use of any format.
My next monitors will be a pair of Eizos square format monitors. They have
only 1920x1920 pixel but that's enough for me.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2018 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: I am more thinking of the 4k monitor for as an animator's

Yes, there are advantages to any new technology, but the question is whether
those advantages are "needed" at the premium price of being an early
adopter?  If you're trying to control costs and be practical, the answer is
usually no.  Waiting a little bit and buying when the price comes down is
often a better use of money.

I would love to have a new fangled computer with 10 processors each with 100
cores and multiple graphics cards with SLI linkage and VR everything, but do
I need it?  no.  My 10 year old computer still functions just fine for my
purposes.  In some ways, it's better as it exposes bottlenecks in my code
more readily than a faster computer which is so much more efficient it
effectively masks the problems I need to find and eradicate.

Not saying don't buy a 4K monitor.  Just saying it isn't needed for the
purpose given.


Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 12:47:40 +0100
From: Mirko Jankovic 
Subject: Re: I am more thinking of the 4k monitor for as an animator's

Well actually 4k monitor does have it's advantages.
Nice big viewport where you can see all those details better is already a
plus, but having extra space to fire up graph editor and maybe some GUI
controls if they are available.. it helps.
Honestly I wouldn't go back to smaller...
As a matter of fact I'm even thinking about waiting for cintiq 32 inch 4k to
move to that. But need to figure out if it is worth all the cache :)

On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 12:00 PM, Matt Lind  wrote:

> Animators generally don't need 4K monitors as they mostly work in 
> wireframe or shaded mode only care about broad details such as feet 
> penetrating the floor.  Details like that are clearly visible even on 
> 1080p monitors.
> Even
> if they aren't, primitive rig devices can be set up to make it 
> obvious, such as putting a colored plane where penetration may occur, 
> or applying an expression to raise a flag.  Just examples.
> Artists working with color and lighting, on the other hand, may need 
> 4K monitors.
> Matt
> Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2018 14:54:40 -0500
> From: "Leoung O'Young" 
> Subject: Re: Softimage 2015 R1 Redshift and 4K?
> I am more thinking of the 4k monitor for as an animator's workstation.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
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Mirko Jankovic

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Need some help with rendering an Redshift project?
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Message: 3
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 14:37:15 +0100
From: Alex Doss 
Subject: Re: Softimage 2015 R1 Redshift and 4K?
To: "Official Softimage Users Mailing List.


Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

U have to be real quick now.
The "funny" thing is that Nvidia is at least trying to regulate the
Funny, in quotes, coz its just unrea

RE: the end.....again

2018-01-18 Thread Sven Constable
Download works for me. Nevertheless a good idea to grab everything of
interest. I did it a few years ago even with the tutorial videos from
various sources including the AD learning videos. Maybe sometime in the
future I'll need to step into FaceRobot or something what I usually don't
use much. Then all that stuff may become handy. And I like to archive
things. :)




[] On Behalf Of Andres
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 7:05 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: RE: the end.again


Yeah, you can still download them there. The Developer documentation I don't
know - and that one I can't download from there, it seems. I'll have to dig
through my archive to see if I have that one. 





 on behalf of Sven Constable

Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 11:58:26 AM
To: 'Official Softimage Users Mailing List.'
Subject: RE: the end.again 


downloadable and still viewable online here:




[] On Behalf Of Andres
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: the end.again


Ah... damn. I used it just yesterday. Good thing I downloaded the hard copy
of it beforehand. Once again, a Softimage artist becomes that much more


 on behalf of adrian wyer

Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 11:14 AM
Subject: the end.again 


so it would seem the softimage online help has finally gone to the great
internet archive in the sky


ladies and gentlemen, a moment of silence if you wouldn't mind.





Adrian Wyer
Fluid Pictures
4th Floor
4 Bath Place
Rivington Street
++44(0) 207 684 5575 


Fluid Pictures Limited is registered in England and Wales.
Company number:5657815
VAT number: 872 6893 71


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RE: the end.....again

2018-01-18 Thread Sven Constable
downloadable and still viewable online here:




[] On Behalf Of Andres
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: the end.again


Ah... damn. I used it just yesterday. Good thing I downloaded the hard copy
of it beforehand. Once again, a Softimage artist becomes that much more


 on behalf of adrian wyer

Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 11:14 AM
Subject: the end.again 


so it would seem the softimage online help has finally gone to the great
internet archive in the sky


ladies and gentlemen, a moment of silence if you wouldn't mind.





Adrian Wyer
Fluid Pictures
4th Floor
4 Bath Place
Rivington Street
++44(0) 207 684 5575 


Fluid Pictures Limited is registered in England and Wales.
Company number:5657815
VAT number: 872 6893 71


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RE: Friday Flashback #326

2018-01-12 Thread Sven Constable
You're sure? To my knowledge, Twister originally was codename for the 
interactive version of mental ray combined with node-based shader workflow, 
planned for SI|3D as well as Sumatra/XSI. Focused on the latter of course 
because of the shader tree idea, what later became the render tree.

I'm probably wrong. I find this really interesting. Tell me more,please :)




[] On Behalf Of Grahame Fuller
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2018 1:04 AM
Subject: RE: Friday Flashback #326


Twister was the codename for a product that was going to allow you to import 
files from SOFTIMAGE|3D, override/add materials, lights, etc., and then render 
on a farm. It was meant to fill the gap before the release of Rayflex, the 
first codename for SI3D’s replacement.


But Twister stole resources from Rayflex, making it even later. Twister itself 
ran late. At some point, Rayflex morphed into Sumatra (XSI v1). The requirement 
to make Twister compatible with Sumatra too meant that it couldn’t be ready 
before Sumatra itself.


Twister was never released as a product, but bits of it made it into XSI. 
However, the render farm component was never implemented. It was nothing more 
than a UI panel with blinking lights.




[] On Behalf Of Sven Constable
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 6:38 PM
To: 'Official Softimage Users Mailing List.'
Subject: RE: Friday Flashback #326


first friday flashback, I quite didn't understand. Was this somehow related to 
a predecessor to UniversalBatch?


[] On Behalf Of Stephen Blair
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 10:29 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Friday Flashback #326


Graphic rough for the Twister render farm

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RE: Friday Flashback #326

2018-01-12 Thread Sven Constable
first friday flashback, I quite didn't understand. Was this somehow related to 
a predecessor to UniversalBatch?


[] On Behalf Of Stephen Blair
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 10:29 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Friday Flashback #326


Graphic rough for the Twister render farm


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RE: Meshing of large CAD data with MoI now possible (still in beta)

2017-12-31 Thread Sven Constable
I updated my v2 license to v3 just before x-mas to get access to the v4 beta. 
Not much to say except it now eats large step data with ease. Very nice. I can 
recommend the upgrade.





[] On Behalf Of F Sanchez
Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2017 11:29 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Meshing of large CAD data with MoI now possible (still in beta)


Thanks. Havent had to work with cad files in years but when I did Moi was a 
life saver



On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 2:58 PM, Sven Constable  

Hey list,


I was waiting for a 64bit version of MoI for several years and since I know 
other people here used it for converting CAD data, I may spread the info: MoI4 
beta is now 64bit. Finally! :)

…V4 is a major rewrite with changes on many levels so please be on the lookout 
for any bugs.
The main new functionality is that MoI is now a 64-bit program for both Windows 
and Mac and the Mac version is a native build and doesn't use Wineskin anymore. 
Polygon conversion can now use all your system memory instead of running into 
32-bit memory limits.


Happy meshing,



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RE: All MOOTZOID plugins are for free now! Thanks, Eric!

2017-12-21 Thread Sven Constable
Wow, that is one christmas gift. Thanks, Eric.

Im a bit surprised that he also quit the Cinema, Maya, Modo part of the plugin 
development. I would have thought there are some costumers.




[] On Behalf Of Oliver Weingarten
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2017 5:33 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: All MOOTZOID plugins are for free now! Thanks, Eric!


Hey there,

as Eric moves on to something else, he decided to make all his plugins 
available for free!
Read his post here:



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RE: rendering help

2017-12-21 Thread Sven Constable
Usually I do not offer rendering service. We have a small 8 node cpu based 
render farm, not doing work atm. Problem is holiday is around the corner and we 
are having slow internet connection until January. So I'm not sure if this a 
good idea.
You would get a FTP account for uploading the project files and downloading the 
final images. We can render scenes from XSI2011 and 2015 nativly. Everything in 
between will be rendered from within 2015. I can do some tests and tell you if 
I can reach your time frame.

Contact me off list if you are interested. (sven{at}




[] On Behalf Of Chris Marshall
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2017 2:59 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: rendering help


Rebus support not very helpful. Cant get render to connect with the rebus 
manager as it just gives an unspecified error. Just wasted 2 hours.


On 21 December 2017 at 11:32, Chris Marshall  wrote:

OK that looks like it might do the job. I'll let you know how I get on.


On 21 December 2017 at 11:31, Chris Marshall  wrote:

I need a quick solution to basically send a scene file and get some renders 
back asap.


On 21 December 2017 at 11:29, Alex Doss  wrote:

heard good things about:


Not the cheapest but great services.


There is also Amazon and Google services.

They require you to make ur own setup. ie build instances + setup softwares.


Im also interested to hear more about this. 



On 21 December 2017 at 12:20, Chris Marshall  wrote:

Hi All,

I've never used online rendering but need some asap. Can anyone offer advice?

Simple enough scenes with no plugins and using Mental Ray in Soft.




Chris Marshall

Mint Motion Limited

029 20 37 27 57

07730 533 115 




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Alex Doss
Mobile: +31 (0) 6 5437-2515

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Chris Marshall

Mint Motion Limited

029 20 37 27 57

07730 533 115 




Chris Marshall

Mint Motion Limited

029 20 37 27 57

07730 533 115 

Meshing of large CAD data with MoI now possible (still in beta)

2017-12-19 Thread Sven Constable
Hey list,


I was waiting for a 64bit version of MoI for several years and since I know
other people here used it for converting CAD data, I may spread the info:
MoI4 beta is now 64bit. Finally! :)

.V4 is a major rewrite with changes on many levels so please be on the
lookout for any bugs.
The main new functionality is that MoI is now a 64-bit program for both
Windows and Mac and the Mac version is a native build and doesn't use
Wineskin anymore. Polygon conversion can now use all your system memory
instead of running into 32-bit memory limits.



Happy meshing,



Softimage Mailing List.
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"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

RE: Safe to delete the default pass?

2017-12-19 Thread Sven Constable
the answer from Alastair was meant for the list, I think. Forwarded.


From: Alastair Hearsum [] 
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2017 3:51 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.;
 Sven Constable
Subject: Re: Safe to delete the default pass?


If you are in the habit of using overrides in other passes to keep things
the way you want them and safe from the slippery hands of fellow artists,
then you should keep your default pass as a safe zone for playing in and
trying things out.


Alastair Hearsum

Head of 3d


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RE: Safe to delete the default pass?

2017-12-15 Thread Sven Constable
Renaming the scene root? Wow, I never thought of that!

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jason S
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2017 7:04 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Safe to delete the default pass?

Indeed, I too have had issues renaming or deleting the default pass.

That, or also renaming the "Scene_Root".

On 12/15/17 11:54, Sven Constable wrote:
> Thanks guys. I think I'll keep it safe then.
> Sven
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Morten 
> Bartholdy
> Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2017 11:01 AM
> To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
> _forum_-23-21forum_xsi-5Flist&d=DwICAg&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7
> a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=oMhAl7t
> Roq7_EQbHao1djI4aX9t7u-l29TXrros8JQ4&s=X08_OhiaLlGnZKPHOMoI9f0dvg4Dqz2
> w3Hc0SoKdDxo&e=
> Subject: Re: Safe to delete the default pass?
> My experience exactly back when I started using passes. I haven't 
> deleted a Default Pass ever since.
> MB
>> Den 13. december 2017 klokken 20:31 skrev Matt Morris
>> Still use them religiously, if only to by default hide any new 
>> geometry or lights in the scene. Last time I worked with a scene 
>> without the passes would randomly not show any contents, and for lack 
>> of anything else to blame...
>> On 13 Dec 2017 7:28 pm, "Sven Constable" 
>>> Hey List,
>>> back in the days it was troublesome to delete the default pass 
>>> AFAIK. Is it still a problem? Did anyone encounter problems doing it?
>>> Thanks
>>> Sven
>>> --
>>> Softimage Mailing List.
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>>> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
>> --
>> Softimage Mailing List.
>> To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to
with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

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RE: Safe to delete the default pass?

2017-12-15 Thread Sven Constable
Thanks guys. I think I'll keep it safe then.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Morten
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2017 11:01 AM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Safe to delete the default pass?

My experience exactly back when I started using passes. I haven't deleted a
Default Pass ever since.


> Den 13. december 2017 klokken 20:31 skrev Matt Morris :
> Still use them religiously, if only to by default hide any new 
> geometry or lights in the scene. Last time I worked with a scene 
> without the passes would randomly not show any contents, and for lack 
> of anything else to blame...
> On 13 Dec 2017 7:28 pm, "Sven Constable"  wrote:
> > Hey List,
> >
> >
> >
> > back in the days it was troublesome to delete the default pass 
> > AFAIK. Is it still a problem? Did anyone encounter problems doing it?
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Sven
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to 
> >
> > with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> >
> --
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to
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Softimage Mailing List.
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Safe to delete the default pass?

2017-12-13 Thread Sven Constable
Hey List,


back in the days it was troublesome to delete the default pass AFAIK. Is it
still a problem? Did anyone encounter problems doing it?






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RE: Friday Flashback #321

2017-11-24 Thread Sven Constable
I don’t think anyone in the nineties would have expect that graphics cards 
could do complex raytracing. :)


[] On Behalf Of Stephen Davidson
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2017 7:28 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Friday Flashback #321


Such a true statement. He just didn't know about Redshift 3D, at that time. If 
he had, he may have rethought the rendering solution.

Best Regards,
  Stephen P. Davidson 
   (954) 552-7956

3D Animation Magic Facebook page 


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

Arthur C. Clarke




On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 7:09 AM Stephen Blair  wrote:

Even the best animation system is not complete without the extendible 
capabilities of a fully functional, high-quality rendering solution. With 
mental ray, artists can easily create the type of complex, photorealistic and 
innovative imagery that provide a competitive edge in the industry.

–Daniel Langlois, founder of Softimage and senior director at Microsoft.


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Best Regards,


Stephen P. Davidson

3D Animation Magic

7586 Pinewalk Drive South

Margate, FL 33063


(954) 552-7956 


Softimage Mailing List.
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RE: end of another era

2017-11-22 Thread Sven Constable
I agree almost completely, Matt. I know MR became some attention by its
developers lately with the GI-Next stuff and some other things. I also knew
that XSI's implementation of MR wasn't ideal and probably the reason for the
instability in many cases. Whats sad, because once softimage was famous for
its MR integration. But even the integration would have been flawless,
smooth and perfect over all the years, the renderer itself became too old.
Too much of its algorithms and core design had to be rewritten to comply
with modern demands, I would think.
I always liked MR for what it does, but there are definetly scenes that you
cannot render in MR whatever your knowledge is. In theory MR can do it.  It
can handle GI, motionblur,DOF and has some neat optimisations for glossy
reflections. Combine even a few of these advanced features (that's not so
advanced by today) and you will reach render times far beyond reasonable.
I'm talking about the latest version (1.12) in softimage.

Mental ray has serious and painstakingly correct  SSS that is "physically"
correct by using photon mapping and it had it long before other renderers
IIRC, but was hard to use and took decent amount of time. I think no one
used it in production. They came up with the fast-sss shaders and they were
more usable. MR can do path tracing and other cool things. There is a lot
what MR can do on paper but in production you'll need a much bigger render
farm than you would need with most other renderers.
For NPR stuff its quite good an I still like it for the many shaders I have
available inside XSI.

Just today I switched to redshift for an animation, that would have take at
least 2 days on the (small, eight machine) renderfarm, because I needed 3d
motion blur. Sometimes you need it. Even with the rasterizer and unified
sampling (what is btw not useable in v1.12) I hit render times of 10 minutes
per frame. That's not much, but if you need to finish 2500 frames until the
day after tomorrow it becomes a problem. :)
I re-shaded it for redshift and with a few optimisations, a frame took 20
seconds on just the workstation. Of course that's GPU versus CPU and not
comparable. Nevertheless, I would not be able to finish the project by using
MR in this case.

As for the compartmentalisation (love you for those words btw), I wonder if
this is the reason why mental ray volume shaders were never exposed inside
XSIs render tree?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Matt Lind
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2017 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: end of another era

A lot of people don't know this, but mental ray received a HUGE update last
year with acceleration as much as 20x for global illumination and related. 
The version that ships with Softimage didn't receive this update, of course.

After acquiring mental ray, Nvidia let it rot for a few years before
deciding they should put effort into it after all, then put significant work
into it, but not until after many people went to other options.

As much flak as people put towards mental ray, it's actually a very good
renderer, but it requires you have knowledge of raytracing algorithms to
make best use of it.  The problem is most users only used the interactive
version which was hamstrung by the XSI interface which created most of the
problems related to crashing due to memory constraints and other issues.  If
you ever used mental ray from the command line on it's own, you'd know it
was actually very fast and stable.  If it had continued to be included as a
standalone renderer after XSI v2.x, it would've been more popular as those
serious about rendering would've gone to the command line and/or written
their own scripted UI for it such as with Qt.  Classic case of marketing
ruining a product's profitability.

My only complaint as a shader writer was that mental ray was overly
compartmentalized which sometimes made it difficult to access parts of the
scene to create comprehensive shading effects.  What you could do with a
single uber shader inside another renderer, required teamwork between
multiple smaller shaders in mental ray.  It was also not documented very
well in the advanced areas.  You had to really figure it out on your own. 
While the documentation was accurate, a lot of it didn't make sense until
you already know how the renderer worked.  But once you did, you had a lot
of power at your finger tips.


Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2017 09:01:52 +0100
From: Olivier Jeannel 
Subject: Re: end of another era
To: Anto Matkovic , "Official Softimage Users

MR wasn't heaven, but it's again another widely used abandonned software.
Of course the provider will never tell the user that he has stop its
development, no, instead the users finds out waiting months, then years,
that nothing happen or changed on the platform he thinks everything is fine.

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RE: maya DASH

2017-11-22 Thread Sven Constable
its ok to me when maya catch up to XSI slowly. Apparently with a 15 year delay 
but anyhow, much appreciated. 


[] On Behalf Of Eugene Flormata
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2017 11:09 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: maya DASH


yeah, I think I sent in a request for this from like several channels
the request thing on their site
some email from some lady from the autodesk support team
a survey i saw on the maya mailing list

it takes a while for anything to get noticed in the noise I suppose


On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 1:56 PM, Sven Constable  

I bet this was suggested/demanded by ex softimage users :) When was this 
introduced to XSI btw…. 15 years ago maybe? 


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RE: maya DASH

2017-11-22 Thread Sven Constable
I bet this was suggested/demanded by ex softimage users :) When was this 
introduced to XSI btw…. 15 years ago maybe? 


[] On Behalf Of Eugene Flormata
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2017 9:12 PM
Subject: maya DASH


wow they finally got the in-line math stuff in here, yey
still can't do math in the 'set current time field'
(sometimes I just like jumping a specific number of frames ahead)

so.. hopfully someone from autodesk sees this

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RE: end of another era

2017-11-20 Thread Sven Constable
Really? I would think there is no case that a frame in Arnold tooks this longer 
than MR. Given the same techniques were used and you have the same knowledge of 


[] On Behalf Of Saeed Kalhor
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 1:54 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: end of another era


So sad :(
I've just done a project using this render engine in which each 2k frame with 
film production quality took 6 min to be rendered by a single Intel 4790k CPU. 
But each frame needs more than 1 hour to be rendered by Arnold renderer.


On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 4:09 PM, Jonathan Moore  

The people that will most definitely be missing Mental Ray are those that use 
it's excellent toon shading capabilities. In this new fangled world of 
'physically based rendering', NPR shading has seen no real attention from the 
majority of the new players.


On 20 November 2017 at 12:02, Sven Constable  wrote:

Well, it was a long time. Goodbye my old, slow, buggy, picky, delicate and 
crash prone friend. :) On the other side, I'm working with MR at the moment.


[] On Behalf Of adrian wyer
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 11:49 AM
To: 'Official Softimage Users Mailing 
Subject: end of another era


not with a bang, but with a whimper.




Adrian Wyer
Fluid Pictures
4th Floor
4 Bath Place
Rivington Street
++44(0)   207 684 5575 


Fluid Pictures Limited is registered in England and Wales.
Company number:5657815
VAT number: 872 6893 71



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RE: end of another era

2017-11-20 Thread Sven Constable
Well, it was a long time. Goodbye my old, slow, buggy, picky, delicate and
crash prone friend. :) On the other side, I'm working with MR at the moment.


[] On Behalf Of adrian wyer
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 11:49 AM
To: 'Official Softimage Users Mailing
Subject: end of another era


not with a bang, but with a whimper.




Adrian Wyer
Fluid Pictures
4th Floor
4 Bath Place
Rivington Street
++44(0) 207 684 5575


Fluid Pictures Limited is registered in England and Wales.
Company number:5657815
VAT number: 872 6893 71


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RE: Friday Flashback #319

2017-11-03 Thread Sven Constable
I wonder what that Ctrl Tree button was supposed to do. Well, obviously to 
control a tree, but that means there were shader trees inside ppgs. Unlike the 
later solution with the render tree, unifying the shading from start to end in 
one editor.




[] On Behalf Of Ed Harriss
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2017 4:55 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: RE: Friday Flashback #319


It’s amazing how much the interface changed from concept to product.




(Not dead yet!)



[] On Behalf Of Stephen Blair
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 11:43 AM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Friday Flashback #319


Twister shader balls


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RE: Friday Flashback #319

2017-11-03 Thread Sven Constable
hey, this is confidential! :)


[] On Behalf Of Stephen Blair
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2017 4:43 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Friday Flashback #319


Twister shader balls


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RE: Softimage - not going away...

2017-10-25 Thread Sven Constable
The thing is, you don't have to be freaking amazing to be competitive with XSI. 
In fact you can easily compete, taking a break and playing banjo while doing 
the work. Maybe not in vfx but with usual 3d.


[] On Behalf Of Mathieu Leclaire
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 11:02 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Softimage - not going away...


I hear you, but how will you compete for a job when everyone else is using nail 
guns and you are only using a hammer? If all these new kids can do the job 100x 
faster then you can, why would they hire you instead? I'm not saying you can't 
do a good job with a hammer, but it'll take more time so you'll need to charge 
more money to compensate. You better make sure you're freaking amazing with 
that hammer if you want them to come back to you.

On 25/10/2017 4:47 PM, Andres Stephens wrote:

Though a good analogy... a tool is very different than a relationship with a 

There still are very efficient people building houses out of hammers and nails. 
There still are capable artists using paint and brushes. It’s a tool. Whatever 
gets the job done. And yes, eventually it will be hard comparing a hammer with 
a nail gun – but for the sake of the art and whatever you do, even art can be 
made with the defunct Microsoft Paint. Whatever floats your boat. When it comes 
to productions, whatever gets the job done in time too is valid as anything 
else superior or not. 

Even if it’s about relationships with a software… I think polyamory still is 
the name of the game. A harmonious relationship of many. Sculpting in one, 
rendering in another, animation in another, even cross pollination with fabric 
engine, proceduralism (which isn’t always great for hard hand artistry 
sometimes) in Houdini, or even in Blender with some node base workflows, 
realtime rendering in Unreal, and.. even with that, things fading away, has OBJ 
died yet after all these years? I don’t think SI and the 3D workflow will fade 
so quickly as much as the hammer and nail hasn’t become obsolete today… 

I would, for the hell of it, still make a webseries in trueSpace for it’s 
unique relaxing workflow and still funcioning software, 9 years later, 32bit, 
still has a Yafaray and Vray integration to a degree, with a directX9 viewport, 
updated FBX exporter, and a wysiwyg viewport that handles more polygons than 
Blender at the moment. It’s old, retro, but maybe the near future that will be 
a thing – as much as 8bit games are a thing, like hand brew coffee, 
microbrewery beer and vinly DJ’s. 

Whatever gets the job done, whatever floats your boat. No need to be in an 
industry standard to survive. 

And.. it is relaxing working in something that isn’t always evolving and 
developing (and having to learn over and over again as things revamp, modifies 
and improves) to be free to  focus on the art and story… Just a thought. 



From: Mathieu Leclaire  
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 11:43
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Softimage - not going away...


Hi guys,

I don't want to crash your rant here and hope you guys don't take 
offense to what I have to say. I'm sure you heard this a million times 
by now, but if you would allow me to share my perspective:

I highly recommend you guys move on and learn the other softwares. This 
industry and it's technology is changing so fast. Sure Softimage now 
still feels like the best option, but soon Softimage won't be able to 
handle all the new file formats, new geometry features, latest renderers 
will stop being supported, new hardware and operating systems won't 
support it, etc. It will eventually become impossible to keep up with 
current production needs using that software. If you guys don't evolve, 
you will become dinosaurs and you'll have a long way to catch up before 
you'll be able to get work again. We work in an industry that heavily 
relies on new technologies so we have to evolve with it or you end up on 
the outside looking in.

I understand your frustration. I do. I have gone through it all myself. 
But after going through a hard learning curve to become as comfortable 
with Houdini as I was with Softimage (and I'm still learning), 

RE: Softimage - not going away...

2017-10-25 Thread Sven Constable
Two or three years back I considered another software as a replacement for XSI. 
You can do that and be on the safe side, because everyone else will use 
something else than Softimage. If you have to rely on a career as an employed 
artist you should do it instantly. Don't waste time. No one can compete in a 
jobmarket  with outdated tools. If you are independent, it's an entirely 
different story.

You can work with XSI now, be productive and went further for many years to 
come. The success to use XSI in the future for us ppl will depend strongly how 
we will able to manage our pipeline. Can you fix problems with licensing or OS 
related things without TDs and IT? If you're non-tech, can you fix problems 
without help from developers? I can handle that and I chose to stick with XSI.
I think the difficult part of using it is not to work with something rare or 
exotic like Softimage is nowadays. It's still superior to Maya and 3dsmax, so 
there is no problem in my daily work. But you will need to keep it working 
together: applications, OS, hardware, network, licensing. Those problems will 
perhaps become harder to solve.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mathieu Leclaire
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 6:17 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
Subject: Re: Softimage - not going away...

Hi guys,

I don't want to crash your rant here and hope you guys don't take offense to 
what I have to say. I'm sure you heard this a million times by now, but if you 
would allow me to share my perspective:

I highly recommend you guys move on and learn the other softwares. This 
industry and it's technology is changing so fast. Sure Softimage now still 
feels like the best option, but soon Softimage won't be able to handle all the 
new file formats, new geometry features, latest renderers will stop being 
supported, new hardware and operating systems won't support it, etc. It will 
eventually become impossible to keep up with current production needs using 
that software. If you guys don't evolve, you will become dinosaurs and you'll 
have a long way to catch up before you'll be able to get work again. We work in 
an industry that heavily relies on new technologies so we have to evolve with 
it or you end up on the outside looking in.

I understand your frustration. I do. I have gone through it all myself. 
But after going through a hard learning curve to become as comfortable with 
Houdini as I was with Softimage (and I'm still learning), I now love Houdini 
probably more then I ever loved Softimage.

Trust me, it took me a long time to let it go. We still use Softimage a lot 
here at Hybride, but we are slowly migrating out of it. We have to with all the 
new requirements in our pipeline with other vendors. Now I get pissed off when 
colleagues decide to use Softimage instead of doing it directly in Houdini or 
in Maya. Like yourself, they are frustrated, there's a lot of pressure to 
deliver in short timelines and so they prefer not to get out of their comfort 
zone. But it already comes with a price to pay. For example, we had a scene 
that took an hour to load in Softimage where it loaded in a few seconds in 
Houdini. That means that this artist takes about twice the time allocated per 
shot because he's too hard headed to switch software. Trust me that supervision 
is putting a lot of pressure on that guy to learn Houdini so they don't have to 
overcharge for his shots anymore.

This is just the beginning. It'll get worst and worst in the next few years and 
eventually, you'll become like the guy who still types on an old typewriter 
instead of using a computer. I know that switching feels like taking a few 
steps backwards, but at least you'll be able to eventually move forward where 
you are standing still in Softimage. I hated having to go through all this, but 
eventually Houdini open my eyes to a world of new possibilities that never 
would have been available in Softimage and I couldn't be happier that I finally 
made that move. Don't make the mistake of being too comfortable in your ways of 
working. It'll become obsolete sooner then you think. There's a ton of new toys 
out there waiting to be discovered. Your ex broke up with you. Accept it and 
move on. Sure, you'll date a few girls that will underwhelm you at first, but 
you just might find one that will blow your mind and change your life for the 
better, but you have to take that leap first and give it a fair chance.

That's my rant/recommendation. Now it's on you to decide how you want to manage 
your career.


On 25/10/2017 10:46 A

RE: I'm lost / Which Software fills the void / help!?

2017-10-07 Thread Sven Constable
I heard positive things about Cinema4D from ex-SI users, regarding usability 
and speed. I never used it and never will but as I was told, it has a fast 
learning curve and is very well suited for standard tasks. Especially motion 
graphics and such.

But, if you already have a Softimage license and you are used to work with it 
over the years AND you are a one man show, delivering final animations and 
renderings, I don’t'see a need to change tools.

As other said, the only reason to switch to Maya is when you're planning to 
work as a freelancer at companies again. If you're in the lucky situation to do 
your own productions, you're pretty much free to use whatever you want :)


The only slightly uncomfortable thing using Softimage is, that I'm feeling a 
bit lonely ;) We're using a software that noone will start to learn anymore. 
There are still ppl on this list and a few forums, but they will diminish 
further. I'd feel much better if there would be Softimage Inc. around, even if 
they won't sell or develop the product anymore. 




[] On Behalf Of skuby
Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2017 10:39 AM
Subject: I'm lost / Which Software fills the void / help!?


TLDR = Where do I go/which program?  I’m specifically asking hardcore Softimage 
users who knew all the hotkeys and L/R/MMB clicks/shortcuts, sticky keys, etc.. 
 And wore the software like a custom fit glove.  All aspects 
(modeling/rigging/anim/UV/all of it etc.)  I was a freelancer, not a 
specialist. I won’t be working in the 3D segment of the industry again, but I 
want a professional generalist tool-kit back in my art toolbox.


-Has Maya become use-able out of the box (according to Softimage vets) (w/ 
preferences tweaks)?  Did anyone make a plug-in or hotkey kit for Softimage 
users?  Does it still take 4+ steps/clicks for everything vs. Softimage even 
after learning Maya best practices?


Was there any recent talk of bringing Softimage back, even with limited 
support?  I’d pay $30+ per month for it w/Mudbox in a heartbeat. (I’d pay the 
same for Maya + Mudbox if it was viable for me)  (I’m close to giving up on 
Blender, interface/usability wise it’s still way too far away from Softimage 
and it took A LOT of effort to get to the point where I am with it now, too 
much effort).  


After all this time, how did you solve this problem? Is your solution adequate 
or still frustrating?


About Me: I spent a small fortune training Softimage at Vancouver Film 
School/VFS and then worked as a freelancer for small commercials (before that I 
trained Maya at SVA for 4 years and I hated the Maya software, I was using it 
afterwards at a small film and commercial company).  More recently I swung over 
to websites and now have moved fully into 2D Illustration.  I miss my 3D 
toolset (and have practical commercial uses for it now), and I really need to 
bring it back into my toolbox.  I’d be willing to put in the time to re-learn 
some things that I already know how to do, but I won’t settle for sub-par 
interfaces, I’m sick of banging my head into the wall.  


Please help me, I’m completely lost, frustrated and heart-broken.


Best of luck to all of you.  Thank you for your time.

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RE: mTextureEditor

2017-10-05 Thread Sven Constable
Looks like a very effective and clean gui to work with. Thanks for sharing.


[] On Behalf Of Martin Yara
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2017 12:57 PM
Subject: mTextureEditor


Hi, I just released a custom Texture Editor I hope some of you find it useful.


I started to write this because we have 2 Softimage projects that are going to 
last at least 1 more year (at least one of them), and the UV work is pretty 
heavy so using default tools is a little slow and painful.


I'm using also a modified version of Ahmidou Lyazidi's StampUV. Thanks for the 
code and permission !




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RE: Can the Softimage/Maya from SP2 to SP6

2017-09-21 Thread Sven Constable
I was just referring to regular service packs, that were updates to the
their specific version. I have no idea what is a 'critical' update. 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jason S
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2017 1:52 AM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.!forum/xsi_list
Subject: Re: Can the Softimage/Maya from SP2 to SP6

On 09/21/17 17:15, Sven Constable wrote:
> AFAIK any version always included any updates within its version. It's 
> not an upgrade, its an update.

Aren't you now entitled to only 'critical' updates?  was that the case then?

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RE: Can the Softimage/Maya from SP2 to SP6

2017-09-21 Thread Sven Constable
AFAIK any version always included any updates within its version. It's not
an upgrade, its an update.  

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Leoung O'Young
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2017 11:09 PM
To: xsi
Subject: Can the Softimage/Maya from SP2 to SP6

Can Maya 2015 SP2 be upgraded to SP6 without no subscription?

The version we received when Autodesk EOL Soft.



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RE: Animated booleans now and then

2017-09-12 Thread Sven Constable
Both looking convincing, very nice. And thanks for the hint doing it with ICE. 
I will give it a try. 


[] On Behalf Of Mladen Kevic
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 1:33 AM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.!forum/xsi_list
Subject: Re: Animated booleans now and then


sorry wrong gif i sent, here is animated cutout i want to show



On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 11:26 PM, Mladen Kevic  wrote:

Hi Sven, in my projects i had to do lots of cuts of CADs object, and in XSI i 
used slice PolyMesh in ICE (attach it to null for control), but without 
automatic cap (it flicker too much) and then create poly from border edge. that 
workflow alow me to do animated cut out without flickering and artifacts


several moths ago i switched to Houdini, and i'm impressed how it works, just 
now  making one cutout of animated valve with moving parts and it go like a 
charm, totally recommendation. 


quick example:






On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 7:03 PM, Sven Constable  

FYI: seems to me the standard boolean operator in XSI 2015 creates a memory 
leak. Create a simple animation(sphere cutted by a box, animated as a cycle) do 
a flipbook over a few hundred frames and watch the memory consumption. Even a 
'Delete All' command or creating a new scene does not flush the memory.
The Implosia booleans (tested with 2015) don't have these issues btw. Nor the 
built in booleans in XSI 2011.

How about a google doc or something like that, where we can add bugs and issues 
left in XSI for future reference? Just a thought.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sven Constable
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 10:50 AM
To: 'Official Softimage Users Mailing List.!forum/xsi_list'

Subject: RE: Animated booleans now and then

Thanks for the tips, guys. I may try the Implosia booleans next time.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 1:53 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.!forum/xsi_list
Subject: Re: Animated booleans now and then

Implosia is a good bet. Remember to triangulate your geo before doing complex 
booleans - it will be a lot more stable.

Other than that, I know it might not help you, but the new boolean engine in 
Houdini 16 looks amazing:

Also Maya has lately gotten a couple of boolean plugins that look promising, 
although I have no idea about stability:


> Den 29. august 2017 klokken 13:09 skrev wavo :
> Hello,
> you can also try Implosia
> <> 
> &t=6373&hilit=m
> omentum its now free, You can create booleans via Icetree or
> sricptedOp vie the PulldownMenu
> Am 8/28/2017 um 11:28 PM schrieb Sven Constable:
> >
> > ,,
> >
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I had several projects lately  that involved animated booleans with
> > CAD data, which is problematic sometimes. I used the old BoolTrace
> > shader by Alan Jones but it has its drawbacks: With many objects,
> > using different materials, it's hard to  keep track of the shaders.
> > Another problem was, that there is a limitation in the shader with
> > reflections. Let's say you have a box and a sphere and the box is
> > cutting the sphere in half. If another objects that is reflective,
> > intersects the cutting volume (the box) it will reflect the box by
> > it's primary rays. I assume that is because the shader interchanges
> > primary and secondary rays under the hood. I could potentially get
> > it solved by using passes/partition trickery or another shader to
> > get selective reflections on object basis. However, this becomes
> > quite complicated with a handful ob objects, all using different materials.
> >
> > On some projects I switched back to real (geo) booleans and fixed
> > the "popping" of meshes by slighty adjusting the fcurves or cleaning
> > the topology a bit, but its a hack. On another project I got away
> > with slightly incorrect reflections using render time booleans. At
> > the end it worked somehow but it was almost never elegant or

RE: Animated booleans now and then

2017-09-11 Thread Sven Constable
FYI: seems to me the standard boolean operator in XSI 2015 creates a memory 
leak. Create a simple animation(sphere cutted by a box, animated as a cycle) do 
a flipbook over a few hundred frames and watch the memory consumption. Even a 
'Delete All' command or creating a new scene does not flush the memory.
The Implosia booleans (tested with 2015) don't have these issues btw. Nor the 
built in booleans in XSI 2011. 

How about a google doc or something like that, where we can add bugs and issues 
left in XSI for future reference? Just a thought. 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sven Constable
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 10:50 AM
To: 'Official Softimage Users Mailing List.!forum/xsi_list'
Subject: RE: Animated booleans now and then

Thanks for the tips, guys. I may try the Implosia booleans next time.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 1:53 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.!forum/xsi_list
Subject: Re: Animated booleans now and then

Implosia is a good bet. Remember to triangulate your geo before doing complex 
booleans - it will be a lot more stable.

Other than that, I know it might not help you, but the new boolean engine in 
Houdini 16 looks amazing:

Also Maya has lately gotten a couple of boolean plugins that look promising, 
although I have no idea about stability:



> Den 29. august 2017 klokken 13:09 skrev wavo :
> Hello,
> you can also try Implosia
> omentum its now free, You can create booleans via Icetree or 
> sricptedOp vie the PulldownMenu
> Am 8/28/2017 um 11:28 PM schrieb Sven Constable:
> >
> > ,,
> >
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I had several projects lately  that involved animated booleans with 
> > CAD data, which is problematic sometimes. I used the old BoolTrace 
> > shader by Alan Jones but it has its drawbacks: With many objects, 
> > using different materials, it's hard to  keep track of the shaders.
> > Another problem was, that there is a limitation in the shader with 
> > reflections. Let's say you have a box and a sphere and the box is 
> > cutting the sphere in half. If another objects that is reflective, 
> > intersects the cutting volume (the box) it will reflect the box by 
> > it's primary rays. I assume that is because the shader interchanges 
> > primary and secondary rays under the hood. I could potentially get 
> > it solved by using passes/partition trickery or another shader to 
> > get selective reflections on object basis. However, this becomes 
> > quite complicated with a handful ob objects, all using different materials.
> >
> > On some projects I switched back to real (geo) booleans and fixed 
> > the "popping" of meshes by slighty adjusting the fcurves or cleaning 
> > the topology a bit, but its a hack. On another project I got away 
> > with slightly incorrect reflections using render time booleans. At 
> > the end it worked somehow but it was almost never elegant or straight 
> > forward.
> >
> > Is there an alternative to the (rather old) booltrace shader for XSI? 
> > Anything for redshift in that area? Last, not least, how do you 
> > approach animated booleans with complicated/heavy meshes nowadays?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Sven
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
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> --
> *Walter Volbers*
> Senior Animator
> Animation & Digital Effects GmbH
> Kontorhaus Osthafen
> Lindleystraße 12
> 60314 Frankfurt am Main
> Germany
> Telefon +49 (0) 69.48 000 55.50
> Telefax +49 (0) 69.48 000 55.15
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> ESC*58*
> Eine Kooperation der escape GmbH und der FIFTYEIGHT3D GmbH
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RE: Animated booleans now and then

2017-08-30 Thread Sven Constable
Thanks for the tips, guys. I may try the Implosia booleans next time.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 1:53 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.!forum/xsi_list
Subject: Re: Animated booleans now and then

Implosia is a good bet. Remember to triangulate your geo before doing complex 
booleans - it will be a lot more stable.

Other than that, I know it might not help you, but the new boolean engine in 
Houdini 16 looks amazing:

Also Maya has lately gotten a couple of boolean plugins that look promising, 
although I have no idea about stability:



> Den 29. august 2017 klokken 13:09 skrev wavo :
> Hello,
> you can also try Implosia
> omentum its now free, You can create booleans via Icetree or 
> sricptedOp vie the PulldownMenu
> Am 8/28/2017 um 11:28 PM schrieb Sven Constable:
> >
> > ,,
> >
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I had several projects lately  that involved animated booleans with 
> > CAD data, which is problematic sometimes. I used the old BoolTrace 
> > shader by Alan Jones but it has its drawbacks: With many objects, 
> > using different materials, it's hard to  keep track of the shaders.
> > Another problem was, that there is a limitation in the shader with 
> > reflections. Let's say you have a box and a sphere and the box is 
> > cutting the sphere in half. If another objects that is reflective, 
> > intersects the cutting volume (the box) it will reflect the box by 
> > it's primary rays. I assume that is because the shader interchanges 
> > primary and secondary rays under the hood. I could potentially get 
> > it solved by using passes/partition trickery or another shader to 
> > get selective reflections on object basis. However, this becomes 
> > quite complicated with a handful ob objects, all using different materials.
> >
> > On some projects I switched back to real (geo) booleans and fixed 
> > the "popping" of meshes by slighty adjusting the fcurves or cleaning 
> > the topology a bit, but its a hack. On another project I got away 
> > with slightly incorrect reflections using render time booleans. At 
> > the end it worked somehow but it was almost never elegant or straight 
> > forward.
> >
> > Is there an alternative to the (rather old) booltrace shader for XSI? 
> > Anything for redshift in that area? Last, not least, how do you 
> > approach animated booleans with complicated/heavy meshes nowadays?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Sven
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Softimage Mailing List.
> > To unsubscribe, send a mail to with 
> > "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.
> --
> *Walter Volbers*
> Senior Animator
> Animation & Digital Effects GmbH
> Kontorhaus Osthafen
> Lindleystraße 12
> 60314 Frankfurt am Main
> Germany
> Telefon +49 (0) 69.48 000 55.50
> Telefax +49 (0) 69.48 000 55.15
> _
> ESC*58*
> Eine Kooperation der escape GmbH und der FIFTYEIGHT3D GmbH
> _
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Animated booleans now and then

2017-08-28 Thread Sven Constable
Hi list,


I had several projects lately  that involved animated booleans with CAD
data, which is problematic sometimes. I used the old BoolTrace shader by
Alan Jones but it has its drawbacks: With many objects, using different
materials, it's hard to  keep track of the shaders. Another problem was,
that there is a limitation in the shader with reflections. Let's say you
have a box and a sphere and the box is cutting the sphere in half. If
another objects that is reflective, intersects the cutting volume (the box)
it will reflect the box by it's primary rays. I assume that is because the
shader interchanges primary and secondary rays under the hood. I could
potentially get it solved by using passes/partition trickery or another
shader to get selective reflections on object basis. However, this becomes
quite complicated with a handful ob objects, all using different materials.


On some projects I switched back to real (geo) booleans and fixed the
"popping" of meshes by slighty adjusting the fcurves or cleaning the
topology a bit, but its a hack. On another project I got away with slightly
incorrect reflections using render time booleans. At the end it worked
somehow but it was almost never elegant or straight forward.


Is there an alternative to the (rather old) booltrace shader for XSI?
Anything for redshift in that area? Last, not least, how do you approach
animated booleans with complicated/heavy meshes nowadays?




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RE: Friday Flashback #311

2017-08-04 Thread Sven Constable
There was also 'Metamesh Extreme'. Can't remember the difference. Was it the
ability to transfer UVs?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Morten
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 10:19 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.!forum/xsi_list
Subject: Re: Friday Flashback #311

I still remember the liberation of Phoenixtools Metamesh after years of
trying to glue NURBS patches :)


> Den 4. august 2017 klokken 21:49 skrev Stephen Blair
> Softimage @ SIGGRAPH 2000
> --
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RE: inevitable misery...

2017-08-04 Thread Sven Constable
its'friday but calm down, dude. :)  Do you really thought, AD would not go the 
rental/subscription way with arnold?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Morten Bartholdy
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 9:50 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.!forum/xsi_list
Subject: Re: inevitable misery...

I just read the terms - fucking assholes!!! I am certain AD has a Trump member 
on the board.


> Den 4. august 2017 klokken 17:32 skrev Andi Farhall :
> Changes in Licensing for Arnold | Search | Autodesk Knowledge 
> Network
> Solid Angle, and the Arnold renderer, were acquired by Autodesk in 2016. As 
> part of our ongoing integration process, Arnold transitions to the Autodesk 
> Licensing Framework on July 25, 2017. This change applies to new licenses of 
> Arnold. The Autodesk Licensing Framework is the same licensing technology we 
> use for many of our other software products including Autodesk® Maya® and 
> Autodesk® 3ds Max®
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RE: test

2017-08-02 Thread Sven Constable
speaking of cubes and jobs.. let's not forget this masterpiece:

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ed Harriss
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 3:57 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.!forum/xsi_list
Subject: RE: test

Yes, "How To Make A Cube" is a true classic

My personal favorite is "How to Get a Job"

I think this test has been a huge success so far.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Morten
Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 5:38 AM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.!forum/xsi_list

Subject: RE: test

You just invoked a timemachine Ed, going straight back to good times :) "How
to make a cube" is an alltime favorite.

> Den 1. august 2017 klokken 20:38 skrev Ed Harriss :
> Porl
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Chris 
> Marshall
> Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 12:06 PM
> To:; Official Softimage Users Mailing List. 
> Subject: Re: test
> pong
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RE: Alembic file from Maya to Softimage 2015

2017-07-27 Thread Sven Constable
XSI considers alembic files not as regular external files. So they are not in 
the External Files manager. The only exception is when there are inside a ref 
model, then the ref model is external an everything in it.

Regarding relative pathes:

Yes , you can do that  using the token [Project Path] in the alembic path. If 
you left it blank its actually the same. XSI will search for the file in the 
projects root directory per default. So if the animator puts it in the projects 
root folder, the path can be left empty and XSI should find it too. But 
probably a subfolder is more suitable. Eg. "[Project 
Path]\Alembic-Files\" should work, even without the token.




[] On Behalf Of Leoung O'Young
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: Alembic file from Maya to Softimage 2015


HI Sven,

The original Alembic file came from Maya 2017, exported using the Autodesk 
Alembic. My animator imported it into 2015 Soft using the Autodesk Alembic and 
put it into his Soft scene. He is able to reopen the scene without problems. He 
sends the Soft scene file and the Alembic file, and I am placing it in the same 
place in the project the animator has it on his computer. When I open the Soft 
scene file, it doesn't know the path to the Alembic file and crashes Soft.
Is there a way of saving the Soft scene so it remembers the relative path to 
the Alembic file? It doesn’t show in the External File manager, which is where 
we’d expect to fix it if it was the link to a texture image or something.

Anyone know if Crate can be use in Maya 2017?


On 7/27/2017 10:11 AM, Sven Constable wrote:

if it only crashes on other workstations it is probably not that XSI can't 
remember the path, because then it would crash on the same workstation on 
re-opening as well.

I suspect a mistake in the file path. The abc file might be accessible from the 
animators workstation but not from yours. Or maybe the animator used the crate 
plugin for the abc import and it's not installed on your workstation? Sorry if 
this sounds obvious.



[] On Behalf Of Leoung O'Young
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: Alembic file from Maya to Softimage 2015


Hi Walter,

Thanks for your reply.
It crashes right after loading, it kicks me right out of Soft.
I don't think it isn't a security problem because I can load the scene if my 
animator remove the link to the Alembic file.
For it to work I had to put the Alembic file in the root directory and re-link 
it. That is a pain. Haven't test it with Royal Render if I re-link it.
Copy All doesn't do the job.


On 7/27/2017 3:52 AM, wavo wrote:

hello Leoung,

when did it crash?! during the loading process or when softimage trys to build 
the scenery
in the viewport?
Did you try to merge the saved scene in a fresh new Scene,
another option mute first the viewport/s and the merge, if this works check the 
Maybe it can also be a security-problem with the files, start softimage on the 
other computer as an administrator and then try to load the scene .
And last i dont no if softimage saves the alembics when Externals Files is set 
to Copy All!

 good luck


Am 7/26/2017 um 5:25 PM schrieb Leoung O'Young:

Sorry, I am probably not putting this correctly.
We can import the ABC file in but when we saved the scene and open it up on 
another workstation it crashes.
It looks like it doesn't remember the path to the ABC file. Is there a way of 
saving the scene so it is in the project file, like how it works with external 




Walter Volbers 
Senior Animator

Animation & Digital Effects GmbH

Kontorhaus Osthafen
Lindleystraße 12
60314 Frankfurt am Main

Telefon +49 (0) 69.48 000 55.50
Telefax +49 (0) 69.48 000 55.15

Eine Kooperation der escape GmbH und der FIFTYEIGHT3D GmbH  <> 

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RE: Alembic file from Maya to Softimage 2015

2017-07-27 Thread Sven Constable
if it only crashes on other workstations it is probably not that XSI can't 
remember the path, because then it would crash on the same workstation on 
re-opening as well.

I suspect a mistake in the file path. The abc file might be accessible from the 
animators workstation but not from yours. Or maybe the animator used the crate 
plugin for the abc import and it's not installed on your workstation? Sorry if 
this sounds obvious.



[] On Behalf Of Leoung O'Young
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: Alembic file from Maya to Softimage 2015


Hi Walter,

Thanks for your reply.
It crashes right after loading, it kicks me right out of Soft.
I don't think it isn't a security problem because I can load the scene if my 
animator remove the link to the Alembic file.
For it to work I had to put the Alembic file in the root directory and re-link 
it. That is a pain. Haven't test it with Royal Render if I re-link it.
Copy All doesn't do the job.


On 7/27/2017 3:52 AM, wavo wrote:

hello Leoung,

when did it crash?! during the loading process or when softimage trys to build 
the scenery
in the viewport?
Did you try to merge the saved scene in a fresh new Scene,
another option mute first the viewport/s and the merge, if this works check the 
Maybe it can also be a security-problem with the files, start softimage on the 
other computer as an administrator and then try to load the scene .
And last i dont no if softimage saves the alembics when Externals Files is set 
to Copy All!

 good luck


Am 7/26/2017 um 5:25 PM schrieb Leoung O'Young:

Sorry, I am probably not putting this correctly.
We can import the ABC file in but when we saved the scene and open it up on 
another workstation it crashes.
It looks like it doesn't remember the path to the ABC file. Is there a way of 
saving the scene so it is in the project file, like how it works with external 




Walter Volbers 
Senior Animator

Animation & Digital Effects GmbH

Kontorhaus Osthafen
Lindleystraße 12
60314 Frankfurt am Main

Telefon +49 (0) 69.48 000 55.50
Telefax +49 (0) 69.48 000 55.15

Eine Kooperation der escape GmbH und der FIFTYEIGHT3D GmbH   

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RE: Alembic file from Maya to Softimage 2015

2017-07-26 Thread Sven Constable
I remember crashes when using the built-in ABC importer or the Exocortex one 
(Exocortex Crate addon). Can't remember which. Did you try both?


[] On Behalf Of Pierre Schiller
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 4:58 AM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.!forum/xsi_list
Subject: Re: Alembic file from Maya to Softimage 2015


Might be a "newer" version of .ABC

Happened to me, yesterday while importing a 2017 .fbx file :(

We need a tool to re-convert to older formats tho´.


On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 8:10 PM, Leoung O'Young  wrote:

We are new in working with Alembic files

We are bringing an alembic file from Maya into Softimage 2015, it works
well but when my animator send me the scene, I tried to open it crashes

Any suggestions are welcome



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RE: OT: Maya 2018 "What's New" Help Page

2017-07-25 Thread Sven Constable
The autokey button got a new color!


[] On Behalf Of Artur W
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2017 12:41 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.!forum/xsi_list
Subject: Re: OT: Maya 2018 "What's New" Help Page


Maya, move along, nothing to see here...






2017-07-25 12:19 GMT+02:00 Ed Schiffer :


I still haven't seen anything particularly brilliant, but hey, Controller's 
Visibility based on cursor position - sweet.


I haven't been using Maya, so not excited at all... see what you guys think.

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RE: Redshift_plugged_into_XSI

2017-07-21 Thread Sven Constable
I don't. But there is the redshift forum. I don’t know what you are trying to 
do, but if you look for a replacement for the mental ray 2D glow shader, there 
is no equivalent in RS. Redshift does it more physical accurate (using lights). 
You can however use a mesh as the light source and get similar results with RS.

But you perhaps won't have the artistic and easy control of the halo. To get a 
look more like an "old fashioned" glow, you may not apply gamma correction.

I did a quick test with a glow using an object. It uses a global volume shader 
in the environment stack of the pass, a light and a mesh.



[] On Behalf Of Nicole 
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 1:55 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.!forum/xsi_list
Subject: Re: Redshift_plugged_into_XSI


do you know by chance a good vimeo on pluralsight or others

on a use of redshift's  volume shaders?



2017-07-11 4:41 GMT+02:00 Sven Constable :

Redshift has very good integration into XSI. Even a lot  of the standard 
(non-redshift) shaders work. Not all of them, eg. the mix2colors node works but 
not the mix8colors node. However, you're not forced to use mental ray shaders. 
RS comes with a lot of replacements for them. Take a look at the documentation 
to RS and there is also the redshift forum.

Regarding volume shaders I meant that it's usually more complex to use volume 
shaders versus simple 2d glows by mental ray. But since RS is very fast it 
might not be the case.

If you managed to learn MR, you should not have problems with RS. Some shaders 
are very similar to MR. You may need a few days to get comfortable with it, 
though.  Render times will compensate it big times.



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