Re: Is information physical?

2014-02-28 Thread David Nyman
On 27 February 2014 21:35, Russell Standish wrote:

When I last took a look at constructor theory, it wasn't much of a
 theory. I know David's been working on it, when he's not doing the
 chat show circuit, but hadn't heard any major development in it
 announced, so haven't taken another look. Do you have any papers on

This is the most recent, I think:

He says the paper is philosophical rather than technical.


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Re: Is information physical?

2014-02-28 Thread Edgar L. Owen

In the computational theory of reality I present in my book, information is 
not physical, but it is real and is the fundamental component of reality, 
Information is what computes physicality, or more accurately what is 
interpreted as physicality in the minds of organismic beings in their 
personal simulations of reality.

Yet this information does need a substrate in which to manifest. This 
substrate is simply the existence space of reality itself, what I call 
ontological energy, which is not a physical energy, but simply the locus 
(non-dimensional) of the presence of reality, the living happening of 

A good way to visualize this is that ontological energy is like a perfectly 
still sea of water, and the various waves, currents, eddies etc. that can 
arise within the water are all the forms of information that make up and 
compute the universe. They have no substance of their own other than the 
underlying water (existence) in which they arise.

And of course the nature of water determines what forms can arise within it 
just as the underlying nature of existence determines the types of 
information forms that can arise within our universe.

In this theory EVERYTHING without exception is information only. It is only 
abstract computationally interacting forms that continually compute the 
current information state of the universe. 

In fact, if one observes reality with trained eyes, one can actually 
directly observe that the only thing out there is just various kinds of 
information. After all ANYTHING that is observable is by definition 
information. Only information is observable, ONLY information exists... 
It is the fact that this information exists in the actual realm of 
existence that makes it real and actual and enables it to compute a real 
information universe.


On Thursday, February 27, 2014 8:34:32 AM UTC-5, David Nyman wrote:

 I don't recall if the list has discussed these ideas of David Deutsch 
 recently. The link is to an Edge interview in which he discusses his view 
 that mathematicians are mistaken if they believe that information or 
 computation are purely abstract objects. He says that both are in fact 
 physical, but to justify that assertion we may need deeper principles of 
 physics than the existing ones. He proposes constructor theory as a 

 Implications for comp (or anything else for that matter)?


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Re: Alien Hand/Limb Syndrome

2014-02-28 Thread David Nyman
On 27 February 2014 16:43, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 On Thursday, February 27, 2014 9:47:33 AM UTC-5, David Nyman wrote:

 On 27 February 2014 14:02, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 In other words, why, in a functionalist/materialist world would we need a
 breakable program to keep telling us that our hand is not Alien? When
 you start by assuming that I'm always wrong, then it becomes very easy to
 justify that with ad hoc straw man accusations.

 I do not in fact start with that assumption and, if you believe that I
 do, I suggest you should question it. I do find however that I am unable to
 draw the same conclusion as you from the examples you give. They simply
 seem like false inferences to me (and to Stathis, based on his comment).

 You are unable to draw the same conclusion because you aren't considering
 any part of what I have laid out. I'm looking at CTM as if it were true,
 and then proceeding from there to question whether what we observe (AHS,
 blindsight, etc) would be consistent with the idea of consciousness as a

Yes, but functionalism doesn't necessarily force the claim that
consciousness *just is* a function: that is the eliminativist version. More
usually it is understood as the claim that consciousness *supervenes on*
(or co-varies with) function (i.e. the epiphenomenalist or crypto-dualist
versions). But, if we take this latter view, the conundrum is more peculiar
even than you seem to imply by these piecemeal pot-shots. Rather, the
*entire story* of awareness / intention now figures only as a
causally-irrelevant inside interpretation of a complete and
self-sufficient functional history that neither knows nor cares about it.
You remember my analogy of the dramatis personae instantiated by the pixels
of the LCD screen?

However it would be self-defeating if our response to such bafflement
resulted in our misrepresenting its patent successes because it cannot
explain everything. We should rather seek a resolution of the dichotomy
between apparently disparate accounts in a more powerful explanatory
framework; one that could, for example, explain how *just this kind of
infrastructure* might emerge as the mise-en-scène for *just these kinds of
dramatis personae*. Comp is a candidate for that framework if one accepts
at the outset that there is some functional level of substitution for the
brain. If one doesn't, there is certainly space for alternatives, but it is
fair to demand a similar reconciliatory account in all cases, rather than a
distortion of particular facts to suit one's preference.

What I conclude is that since the function of the limb is not interrupted,
 there is no plausible basis for the program which models the limb to add in
 any extra alarm for a condition of 'functional but not 'my' function'. AHS
 is the same as a philosophical zombie, except that it is at the level where
 physiological behavior is exhibited rather than psychological behavior.

  If you have a compelling argument to the contrary, I wish you would find
 a way to give it in a clearer form.

 See above. Hopefully that is clearer.

  I can't see that what you say above fits the bill.

 I don't see that criticism without any details or rebuttals fit the bill
 either. Whenever the criticism is It seems to me that your argument
 fails', it only makes me more suspicious that there is no legitimate
 objection. I can't relate to it, since as far as I know, my objections are
 always in the form of an explanation - what specifically seems wrong to me,
 and how to see it differently so that what I'm objecting to is not

  You seem to regard rhetorical questions beginning why would we need..?
 as compelling arguments against a functional account, but they seem to me
 to be beside the point.

 That's because you are only considering the modus ponens view where since
 functionalism implies that a malfunctioning brain would produce anomalies
 in conscious experience, it would make sense that AHS affirms functionalism
 being true. I'm looking at the modus tollens view where since functionalism
 implies that brain function requires no additional ingredient to make the
 function of conscious machines seem conscious, some extra, non-functional
 ingredient is required to explain why AHS is alarming to those who suffer
 from it. Since the distress of AHS is observed to be real, and that is
 logically inconsistent with the expectations of functionalism, I conclude
 that the AHS example adds to the list of counterfactuals to
 CTM/Functionalism. It should not matter whether a limb feels like it's
 'yours',* functionalism implies that the fact of being able to use a limb
 makes it feel like 'yours' by definition*. This is the entire premise of
 computationalist accounts of qualia; that the mathematical relations simply
 taste like raspberries or feel like pain because that is the implicit
 expression of those relations.

I think if you consider my comments 

Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread Edgar L. Owen

For a computational universe to even exist it must be consistently 
logico-mathematical. If it weren't the inconsistencies would cause it to 
tear itself apart and thus it couldn't exist. This is where the math comes 
from. If a computational universe exists, and ours does, it must be 
structured logico-mathematically. But this does NOT men all human H-math 
exists, it just means that a fundamental logico-mathematical structure I 
call R-math (reality math) exists. Just the minimum that is necessary to 
compute the actual universe is all that is needed. All the rest is H-math, 
and we can't assume that H-math is part of R-math. In fact it is provably 
different. The big mistake Bruno makes is assuming that H-math is R-math. 
It isn't. H-math is a generalized approximation of R-math, which is then 
vastly extended far beyond R-math.

In the computational theory of reality I present in my book, information is 
not physical, but it is real and is the fundamental component of reality, 
Information is what computes physicality, or more accurately what is 
interpreted as physicality in the minds of organismic beings in their 
personal simulations of reality.

Yet this information does need a substrate in which to manifest. This 
substrate is simply the existence space of reality itself, what I call 
ontological energy, which is not a physical energy, but simply the locus 
(non-dimensional) of the presence of reality, the living happening of 

A good way to visualize this is that ontological energy is like a perfectly 
still sea of water, and the various waves, currents, eddies etc. that can 
arise within the water are all the forms of information that make up and 
compute the universe. They have no substance of their own other than the 
underlying water (existence) in which they arise.

And of course the nature of water determines what forms can arise within it 
just as the underlying nature of existence determines the types of 
information forms that can arise within our universe.

In this theory EVERYTHING without exception is information only. It is only 
abstract computationally interacting forms that continually compute the 
current information state of the universe. 

In fact, if one observes reality with trained eyes, one can actually 
directly observe that the only thing out there is just various kinds of 
information. After all ANYTHING that is observable is by definition 
information. Only information is observable, ONLY information exists... 
It is the fact that this information exists in the actual realm of 
existence that makes it real and actual and enables it to compute a real 
information universe.


On Friday, February 28, 2014 2:20:23 AM UTC-5, cdemorsella wrote:

 Personally the notion that all that exists is comp  information – encoded 
 on what though? – Is not especially troubling for me. I understand how some 
 cling to a fundamental material realism; after all it does seem so very 
 real. However when you get right down to it all we have is measured values 
 of things and meters by which we measure other things; we live encapsulated 
 in the experience of our own being and the sensorial stream of life and in 
 the end all that we can say for sure about anything is the value it has 
 when we measure it. 

 I am getting into the interesting part of Tegmark’s book – I read a bit 
 each day when I break for lunch – so this is partly influencing this train 
 of thought. By the way enjoyed his description of quantum computing and how 
 in a sense q-bits are leveraging the Level III multiverse to compute every 
 possible outcome while in quantum superposition; a way of thinking about it 
 that I had never read before.

 Naturally I have been reading some of the discussions here, and the idea 
 of comp is something I also find intuitively possible. The soul is an 
 emergent phenomena given enough depth of complexity and breadth of 
 parallelism and vastness of scale of the information system in which it is 


 Several questions have been re-occurring for me. One of these is: Every 
 information system, at least that I have ever been aware of, requires a 
 substrate medium upon which to encode itself; information seems describable 
 in this sense as the meta-encoding existing on some substrate system. I 
 would like to avoid the infinite regression of stopping at the point of 
 describing systems as existing upon other and requiring other substrate 
 systems that themselves require substrates themselves described as 
 information again requiring some substrate… repeat eternally. 

 It is also true that exquisitely complex information can be encoded in a 
 very simple substrate system given enough replication of elements… a simple 
 binary state machine could suffice, given enough bits.

 But what are the bits encoded on?


 At some point reductionism can no longer reduce…. And then we are back to 
 where we first started…. How did that arise or 

Re: Is information physical?

2014-02-28 Thread David Nyman
On 27 February 2014 22:22, Russell Standish wrote:

Only when interpreted by an observer. An electrical circuit has only
 voltages and currents, not bits. To an observer, a voltage on a data
 line might be interpreted as 1 if it is greater than 3V, and zero if
 it is less than 1V. In between those two thresholds, the voltage might
 be determinate, but the information is not.

AFAICT observers don't seem central to constructor theory - it seems to be
(or aims at being) an objective theory from which everything else of
relevance will be emergent. From what I remember of the topic in FOR, David
isn't an avowed eliminativist on consciousness but on the whole seems
content to sideline it as a subsidiary problem for psychologists. That
said, do you feel that his information-is-physical position, even in the
case that physics-is-construction, is in effect crypto-eliminativism?


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Re: 3-1 views (was: Re: Better Than the Chinese Room)

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 26 Feb 2014, at 03:31, LizR wrote:

On 26 February 2014 15:16, chris peck  

Hi Liz

 In the MWI you do see spin up every time! ,,, if the definition  
of you has been changed to accommodate the fact that you've split.

Well what definition of 'you' do you suggest we use? What is your  
criterion for identity over time?

Assuming comp it appears to be the state(s) that could follow on  
from your current brain state via whatever transitions rules are  
allowed by


- I assume - logical necessity. Perhaps Bruno can explain.

There is no problem of identity. With comp, we can considered both the  
W-person and the M-person genuine H-person, and that is why the 1p- 
identity can be defined by the content of the personal memory, written  
in the diary that the experiencer takes with him/her/it.
But in this case, the transition does not follow logic, as the fact  
that I am in W, or that I am in M is contingent, from the 1p view.  
They know that they could have been the other one. Bt W and M are  
consistent with H. Of course W  M is inconsistent, as comp makes it  
impossible (without further transformations) to make H experiencing  
simultaneously W and M in the 1p view. Again, in the 3-1 view, from an  
outsider, which attribute politely consciousness and 1p subjective  
life to the both copies, H does experience W and M simultanepously,  
yet not from his personal views. He will never open the door of the  
reconstitution telebox and write I see W and M.

In fact, those saying that H = M and H = W, (despite M ≠ W), should  
agree that we experience all the experience of all conscious creature  
simultaneously, wchi might make sense in God's eye, but not in our  
particular eyes. But this identity point is of no use in the reasoning  
presented here.

With regards to Bruno's steps, at this point I actually don't feel I  
need a criterion myself. What I have instead is the yes-doctor  
assumption. In other words, whatever criterion is adopted it must  
satisfy the condition that whenever I am copied, destroyed and  
reconstructed somewhere else, the reconstruction IS me. Otherwise,  
unless suicidal, I would never say yes to the doctor.

This is why I used to argue Bruno was hoist by his own petard  
because its his yes-doctor assumption that forces me to 'accommodate  
the fact that Ive split'.

Indeed. I have mentioned at times that if you accept Yes Doctor  
the rest of comp follows. Which I realise isn't quite true,

? You might elaborate on this. What is the rest, and why do you  
think it does not follow?

Of course I define comp by yes doctor + Church's thesis.


but that's the big leap.

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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Friday, February 28, 2014 8:46:47 AM UTC-5, Edgar L. Owen wrote:


 For a computational universe to even exist it must be consistently 
 logico-mathematical. If it weren't the inconsistencies would cause it to 
 tear itself apart and thus it couldn't exist. 

Unless consistency itself is local. We see this when we wake up from 
dreams. It is shockingly easy for our minds to adopt dream surreality as 
logical and consistent. 

 This is where the math comes from. If a computational universe exists, and 
 ours does, it must be structured logico-mathematically. 

That doesn't mean that logico-mathematical structure itself must be 
primitive, only that the sensory modes which we use to address universal 
conditions use logical and mathematical methods of representation. The 
presence of sense itself, however, and the capacity for sense to be 
channeled into different modes in the first place, is not proscribed by 
logic or mathematics, nor can it be explained adequately (only as a 
skeletal reflection).

 But this does NOT men all human H-math exists, it just means that a 
 fundamental logico-mathematical structure I call R-math (reality math) 

But R-math, and 'existence' require an even more fundamental capacity to 
appreciate and participate in what would later be partially abstracted as 
R-math, which would itself be partially abstracted as H-math.

 Just the minimum that is necessary to compute the actual universe is all 
 that is needed. All the rest is H-math, and we can't assume that H-math is 
 part of R-math. In fact it is provably different. The big mistake Bruno 
 makes is assuming that H-math is R-math. It isn't. H-math is a generalized 
 approximation of R-math, which is then vastly extended far beyond R-math.

If the universe could be reduced to the minimum that is necessary to 
compute, then consciousness would not serve any function. Since the whole 
point of reducing the real universe to a computation is to pursue the 
supremacy of function, we have to decide whether computationalism is wrong 
or whether we are wrong for thinking that there is any such thing as 
conscious experience.

 In the computational theory of reality I present in my book, information 
 is not physical, but it is real and is the fundamental component of 
 reality, Information is what computes physicality, or more accurately what 
 is interpreted as physicality in the minds of organismic beings in their 
 personal simulations of reality.

 Yet this information does need a substrate in which to manifest. This 
 substrate is simply the existence space of reality itself, what I call 
 ontological energy, which is not a physical energy, but simply the locus 
 (non-dimensional) of the presence of reality, the living happening of 

If information needs a substrate, then it is the substrate which is 
actually what the universe is made of. I disagree that it is simply 
anything, and would say that it is not non-dimensional but 
trans-dimensional, as by definition it must include all opportunities to 
discern dimension. This foundation, which I call sense, I suggest is the 
presence not just of reality, but fantasy as well, and not just ontological 
energy, but the sole meta-ontological capacity - the primordial identity of 

 A good way to visualize this is that ontological energy is like a 
 perfectly still sea of water, and the various waves, currents, eddies etc. 
 that can arise within the water are all the forms of information that make 
 up and compute the universe. They have no substance of their own other than 
 the underlying water (existence) in which they arise.

 And of course the nature of water determines what forms can arise within 
 it just as the underlying nature of existence determines the types of 
 information forms that can arise within our universe.

 In this theory EVERYTHING without exception is information only.

I agree that the wave vs water is a fair metaphor for information vs sense, 
but I would say the opposite. Without exception everything is sense only. 
Information is only the refreshment of sense, and it is through information 
that sense is constantly changing. Besides being pure and clear like water, 
sense is also timeless, so that it is full of fish eating each other from 
the past and the hypothetical futures.

 It is only abstract computationally interacting forms that continually 
 compute the current information state of the universe. 

Do computational forms really interact with each other, or do we invest 
their simple inertia with the pathetic fallacy?

 In fact, if one observes reality with trained eyes, one can actually 
 directly observe that the only thing out there is just various kinds of 

Most of my life contains no meaningful information. It is all sensory 
interactions. It is not just about about doing and knowing, but feeling and 

 After all ANYTHING that is observable is by 

Re: 3-1 views (was: Re: Better Than the Chinese Room)

2014-02-28 Thread David Nyman
On 26 February 2014 17:04, Bruno Marchal wrote:

Hi David,

 On 24 Feb 2014, at 17:32, David Nyman wrote:

 On 24 February 2014 15:50, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 24 Feb 2014, at 02:41, David Nyman wrote:

 On 24 February 2014 01:04, chris peck wrote:

 *This is the same as saying that I will experience all possible futures
 in the MWI - but by the time I experience them, of course, the version of
 me in each branch will be different, and it always seems to me,
 retrospectively, as though I only experienced one outcome.*

 Each duplicate will only experience one outcome. I don't think there is
 any disagreement about that. The problems occur when considering what the
 person duplicated will experience and then what probability he should
 assign to each outcome and that seems to me to depend on what identity
 criterion gets imposed. Its a consideration I've gone into at length and
 won't bore you with again. But I will say that where you think that what
 Bruno wants is just recognition that each duplicate sees one outcome, I
 think that he actually wants to show that 3p and 1p probability assignments
 would be asymmetric from the stand point of the person duplicated.
 Certainly for me he doesn't manage that.

 Correct me if I'm misremembering Chris, but I seem to recall proposing to
 you on a previous occasion that Hoyle's pigeon hole analogy can be a useful
 way of tuning intuitions about puzzles of this sort, although I appear to
 be the sole fan of the idea around here. Hoyle's idea is essentially a
 heuristic for collapsing the notions of identity, history and continuation
 onto the perspective of a single, universal observer. From this
 perspective, the situation of being faced with duplication is just a random
 selection from the class of all possible observer moments.

 Well, the just might be not that easy to define.

 If the universal observer is the universal machine, the probability to
 get a computational history involving windows or MacOS might be more
 probable than being me or you.

 But how would you remember that?

 By noting it in my diary, by inquesting my past, and hacking data banks,
 or reading book on my origin.

Well, I'm not sure if it makes sense to say the Hoyle's universal observer
is the universal machine. I don't know to what extent his idea is
compatible with comp. But to be clear, you suggested above that a
computational history involving windows or MacOS might be more probable
than being me or you, so I asked you how Bruno, for example, could remember
that, meaning to suggest that of course you could not. I suppose it would
be some sort of problem for Hoyle's idea if one suspected not simply that
certain classes of non-human observer vastly out-numbered human ones, but
that they were likely to be asking themselves similar sorts of questions.
IOW, what might constitute an appropriate equivalence class for ourselves?

 I am not sure that the notion of observer moment makes sense, without a
 notion of scenario involving a net of computational relative states.

 I think the hypostases describe a universal person, composed from a
 universal (self) scientist ([]p), a universal knower ([]p  p), an observer
 ([]p  p), and a feeler ([]p  p  p)).

 But I would not say that this universal person (which exist in arithmetic
 and is associated with all relatively self-referential correct löbian
 number) will select among all observer moment.

 Well, perhaps eventually it will select all of them, if we can give some
 relevant sense to eventually in this context.

 Is this not done by simple 3p arithmetical realism?

Not, I think, in the 1p sense, without a certain amount of equivocation.

 There is a sense God select them all, but they inter-relations are

Yes, but the inner God cannot select them all simultaneously, without the
equivocation to which I refer.

 And I suppose Hoyle's point is that if one imagines a logical
 serialisation of all such moments, its order must be inconsequential
 because of the intrinsic self-ordering of the moments themselves.

 That is the mathematical conception of an order, and there are dualities
 between those ways of considering a structure.

 You can already see that with the modal logic, where properties of
 accessibility will characterize modal formula and theories.

 Essentially he is saying that the panoptic bird view is somehow preserved
 at the frog level, at the price of breaking the simultaneity of the
 momentary views.

 I am not sure I understand.

I think he is saying (as did Schroedinger) that the frog must see every
indexical reality, but cannot see them all simultaneously.

 The hypostatic universal person is more like a universal baby, which
 can split in a much larger spectrum of future 1p histories, but from its
 first person perspective it is like it has still to go through the
 histories to get the right relative statistics on his 

Re: Digital Neurology

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 26 Feb 2014, at 13:08, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

On 26 February 2014 04:51, Bruno Marchal wrote:

The point of this is that if the brain is responsible for
consciousness it is absurd to suppose that the brain's behaviour  

be replaced with a functional analogue while leaving out any
associated qualia. This constitutes a proof of functionalism, and of
its subset computationalism if it is further established that  

is computable.


On the contrary if computationalism is correct the physics cannot be
entirely computable, some observable cannot be computed (but it  
might be no
more that the frequency-operator, like in Graham Preskill. But  
still, we
must explain why physics seems computable, despite it result of FMP  
on non

computable domains).

If you start with the assumption that the physics relevant to brain
function is not computable then computationalism is false: it would be
impossible to make a machine that behaves like a human, either zombie
or conscious.

I agree with you, the physics *relevant* to brain function has to be  
computable, for comp to be true. But the point is that below the  
substitution level, the physical details are not relevant. Then by the  
FPI, they must be undetermined, and this on an infinite non computable  
domain, and so, our computable brain must rely on a non computable  
physics, or a non necessarily computable physics, with some non  
computable aspect. This is what comp predicts, and of course this is  
confirmed by QM. Again, eventually, QM might to much computable for  
comp to be true. That is what remain to be seen.

Also,you are not using functionalism in its standard sense, which  
Putnam names for comp (at a non specified level assumed to be close  


What do you mean by function? If you take all functions (like in set
theory), then it seems to me that functionalism is trivial, and the  

between consciousness and a process, even natural, become ambiguous.

But if you take all functions computable in some topos or category,  
computability on a ring, or that type of structure, then you  
*might* get

genuine generalization of comp.

What I mean by functionalism is that the way the brain processes
information, its I/O behaviour, is what generates mind. This implies
multiple realisability of mental states, insofar as the same
information processing could be done by another machine. If the
machine is a digital computer then functionalism reduces to
computationalism. If the brain utilises non-computable physics then
you won't be able to reproduce its function (and the mind thus
generated) with a digital computer, so computationalism is false.
However, that does not necessarily mean that functionalism is false,
since you may be able to implement the appropriate brain function
through some other means. For example, if it turns out that a digital
implementation of the brain fails because real numbers and not
approximations are necessary, it may still be possible to implement a
brain using analogue devices.

OK, but that functionalism seems to me trivially true. How could such  
functionalism be refuted, if you can invoke arbitrary functions?
(Also, functionalism is used for a stringer (less general) version  
of computationalism, by Putnam, so this use of functionalism is non  
standard and can be confusing.
Last remark, I am not sure that the notion of information processing  
can make sense in a non digital framework. In both quantum and  
classical information theory, information is digital (words like bits  
and qubits come from there).

I don't think we have to settle for Bruno's modest
assertion that comp is a matter of faith.

It has to be, from a theoretical point of view. Assuming you are  
when betting on comp, you cannot prove, even to yourself (but your  
1p does

not need that!) that you did survive a teleportation.

Of course I take proof in a rather strong literal sense. Non comp  
might be
consistent with comp, like PA is inconsistent is consistent with  

What can be proved is that if consciousness is due to the brain then
replicating brain function in some other substrate will also replicate
its consciousness.

OK. What I meant is that we cannot prove that consciousness is due to  
the brain.


Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: Block Universes

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 26 Feb 2014, at 15:32, Edgar L. Owen wrote:


At least we AGREE there is NO empirical evidence for a block universe.

There is no evidence for a universe. (in the usual aristotelian sense  
of the word).

But there is OVERWHELMING evidence for flowing time and a present  

Not 3p evidences, and the relativity theory makes it senseless (as  
Jesse made rather clear here).

Your p-time seems transitive, and this implies p-time is block-time.

The experience of our existence in a present moment is the most  
fundamental empirical observation of our existence.

It is a 1p evidence. It is not sharable. Using that type of evidence  
is not allow in polite conversation.

And all science, all knowledge, is based on empirical observation.

OK. But consciousness and flowing time are not empirical evidence.  
They are complex data top explain, but cannot be taken for granted, or  
even well defined.

So, in the face of this obvious weight of evidence, why do you  
insist on a block universe instead of a universe in which time flows?

Isn't it crazy to reject what there is enormous evidence for and  
accept what there is NO evidence for?

That is what you do. There are no evidence for any universe, and  
indeed, as you assume comp, you could understand that there is no  
universe. The notion is close to inconsistent, and explanatively empty.
Physicists measure numbers, and infer relation among numbers. Then  
even cosmological theories usually avoid metaphysical commitment. This  
is done by physicalist philosophers, and can make sense, but then not  
together with the assumption that the brain functions mechanically at  
some level.

If you doubt this, then you must find a flaw in the UD Argument.



On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 5:39:21 PM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:
On 26 February 2014 08:07, Edgar L. Owen wrote:

 I know that's your point. You are just restating it once again,  
but you are
 completely UNABLE TO DEMONSTRATE IT without using some example in  
which time

 is already FLOWING.

 Since you can't demonstrate it, there is no reason to believe it.  
Belief in
 a block universe becomes a matter of blind faith, rather than a  
 consequence of anything, and it is certainly NOT based on any  

 evidence whatsoever.

I'm not arguing that there is empirical evidence for a block universe,
just that a block universe is consistent with our experience.

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread Edgar L. Owen

Well again, since you have such an anthropomorphized view of reality in 
which everything in the universe seems to be modeled on human functioning, 
I don't see any meaningful way we can discuss these issues


On Friday, February 28, 2014 9:29:14 AM UTC-5, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 On Friday, February 28, 2014 8:46:47 AM UTC-5, Edgar L. Owen wrote:


 For a computational universe to even exist it must be consistently 
 logico-mathematical. If it weren't the inconsistencies would cause it to 
 tear itself apart and thus it couldn't exist. 

 Unless consistency itself is local. We see this when we wake up from 
 dreams. It is shockingly easy for our minds to adopt dream surreality as 
 logical and consistent. 

 This is where the math comes from. If a computational universe exists, 
 and ours does, it must be structured logico-mathematically. 

 That doesn't mean that logico-mathematical structure itself must be 
 primitive, only that the sensory modes which we use to address universal 
 conditions use logical and mathematical methods of representation. The 
 presence of sense itself, however, and the capacity for sense to be 
 channeled into different modes in the first place, is not proscribed by 
 logic or mathematics, nor can it be explained adequately (only as a 
 skeletal reflection).

 But this does NOT men all human H-math exists, it just means that a 
 fundamental logico-mathematical structure I call R-math (reality math) 

 But R-math, and 'existence' require an even more fundamental capacity to 
 appreciate and participate in what would later be partially abstracted as 
 R-math, which would itself be partially abstracted as H-math.

 Just the minimum that is necessary to compute the actual universe is all 
 that is needed. All the rest is H-math, and we can't assume that H-math is 
 part of R-math. In fact it is provably different. The big mistake Bruno 
 makes is assuming that H-math is R-math. It isn't. H-math is a generalized 
 approximation of R-math, which is then vastly extended far beyond R-math.

 If the universe could be reduced to the minimum that is necessary to 
 compute, then consciousness would not serve any function. Since the whole 
 point of reducing the real universe to a computation is to pursue the 
 supremacy of function, we have to decide whether computationalism is wrong 
 or whether we are wrong for thinking that there is any such thing as 
 conscious experience.

 In the computational theory of reality I present in my book, information 
 is not physical, but it is real and is the fundamental component of 
 reality, Information is what computes physicality, or more accurately what 
 is interpreted as physicality in the minds of organismic beings in their 
 personal simulations of reality.

 Yet this information does need a substrate in which to manifest. This 
 substrate is simply the existence space of reality itself, what I call 
 ontological energy, which is not a physical energy, but simply the locus 
 (non-dimensional) of the presence of reality, the living happening of 

 If information needs a substrate, then it is the substrate which is 
 actually what the universe is made of. I disagree that it is simply 
 anything, and would say that it is not non-dimensional but 
 trans-dimensional, as by definition it must include all opportunities to 
 discern dimension. This foundation, which I call sense, I suggest is the 
 presence not just of reality, but fantasy as well, and not just ontological 
 energy, but the sole meta-ontological capacity - the primordial identity of 

 A good way to visualize this is that ontological energy is like a 
 perfectly still sea of water, and the various waves, currents, eddies etc. 
 that can arise within the water are all the forms of information that make 
 up and compute the universe. They have no substance of their own other than 
 the underlying water (existence) in which they arise.

 And of course the nature of water determines what forms can arise within 
 it just as the underlying nature of existence determines the types of 
 information forms that can arise within our universe.

 In this theory EVERYTHING without exception is information only.

 I agree that the wave vs water is a fair metaphor for information vs 
 sense, but I would say the opposite. Without exception everything is sense 
 only. Information is only the refreshment of sense, and it is through 
 information that sense is constantly changing. Besides being pure and clear 
 like water, sense is also timeless, so that it is full of fish eating each 
 other from the past and the hypothetical futures.

 It is only abstract computationally interacting forms that continually 
 compute the current information state of the universe. 

 Do computational forms really interact with each other, or do we invest 
 their simple inertia with the pathetic fallacy?

 In fact, if one observes 

Re: Tegmark and UDA step 3

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 26 Feb 2014, at 16:18, Edgar L. Owen wrote:


This initially interesting post of course exposes fundamental flaws  
in its logic and the way that a lot of people get mislead by  
physically impossible thought experiments such as the whole  
interminable p-clone, p-zombie discussion on this group.

First there is of course no physical mechanism that continually  
produces clones and places them in separate rooms, nor is there any  
MW process that does that, so the whole analysis is moot, and  
frankly childish as it doesn't even take into consideration what  
aspects of reality change randomly and which don't. Specifically  
it's NOT room numbers that seem random, it's quantum level events.

If anyone is looking for the source of quantum randomness I've  
already provided an explanation. It occurs as fragmentary spacetimes  
are created by quantum events and then merged via shared quantum  
events. There can be no deterministic rules for aligning separate  
spacetime fragments thus nature is forced to make those alignments  

But sadly no one on this group is interested in quantum theory, only  
relativity, and far out philosophies such as 'comp'.

This list started from QM and Everett-QM. Then comp generalizes  
Everett embedding of the physicist in the physical reality, to an  
embedding of the mathematicians in arithmetic, with an indeterminacy  
occurring for a similar reason.



If you read carefully it assumes a single real present moment self  
that has the experience of being in one room or the other.

On Wednesday, February 26, 2014 8:49:03 AM UTC-5, Jason wrote:
I came upon an interesting passage in Our Mathematical Universe,  
starting on page 194, which I think members of this list might  

It gradually hit me that this illusion of randomness business  
really wasn't specific to quantum mechanics at all. Suppose that  
some future technology allows you to be cloned while you're  
sleeping, and that your two copies are placed in rooms numbered 0  
and 1 (Figure 8.3). When they wake up, they'll both feel that the  
room number they read is completely unpredictable and random. If in  
the future, it becomes possible for you to upload your mind to a  
computer, then what I'm saying here will feel totally obvious and  
intuitive to you, since cloning yourself will be as easy as making a  
copy of your software. If you repeated the cloning experiment from  
Figure 8.3 many times and wrote down your room number each time,  
you'd in almost all cases find that the sequence of zeros and ones  
you'd written looked random, with zeros occurring about 50% of the  
time. In other words, causal physics will produce the illusion of  
randomness from your subjective viewpoint in any circumstance where  
you're being cloned. The fundamental reason that quantum mechanics  
appears random even though the wave function evolves  
deterministically is that the Schrodinger equation can evolve a  
wavefunction with a single you into one with clones of you in  
parallel universes. So how does it feel when you get cloned? It  
feels random! And every time something fundamentally random appears  
to happen to you, which couldn't have been predicted even in  
principle, it's a sign that you've been cloned.


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Re: Block Universes

2014-02-28 Thread Edgar L. Owen

Your contention that there is no evidence for a universe is simply 
delusional. The very fact you can make any statement absolutely PROVES a 
universe of some kind.

Your contention is so absurd it's laughable..


On Friday, February 28, 2014 10:14:29 AM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 26 Feb 2014, at 15:32, Edgar L. Owen wrote:


 At least we AGREE there is NO empirical evidence for a block universe.

 There is no evidence for a universe. (in the usual aristotelian sense of 
 the word). 

 But there is OVERWHELMING evidence for flowing time and a present moment. 

 Not 3p evidences, and the relativity theory makes it senseless (as Jesse 
 made rather clear here).
 Your p-time seems transitive, and this implies p-time is block-time.

 The experience of our existence in a present moment is the most 
 fundamental empirical observation of our existence. 

 It is a 1p evidence. It is not sharable. Using that type of evidence is 
 not allow in polite conversation.

 And all science, all knowledge, is based on empirical observation.

 OK. But consciousness and flowing time are not empirical evidence. They 
 are complex data top explain, but cannot be taken for granted, or even well 

 So, in the face of this obvious weight of evidence, why do you insist on a 
 block universe instead of a universe in which time flows?

 Isn't it crazy to reject what there is enormous evidence for and accept 
 what there is NO evidence for?

 That is what you do. There are no evidence for any universe, and indeed, 
 as you assume comp, you could understand that there is no universe. The 
 notion is close to inconsistent, and explanatively empty.
 Physicists measure numbers, and infer relation among numbers. Then even 
 cosmological theories usually avoid metaphysical commitment. This is done 
 by physicalist philosophers, and can make sense, but then not together with 
 the assumption that the brain functions mechanically at some level.

 If you doubt this, then you must find a flaw in the UD Argument.



 On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 5:39:21 PM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:

 On 26 February 2014 08:07, Edgar L. Owen wrote: 
  I know that's your point. You are just restating it once again, but you 
  completely UNABLE TO DEMONSTRATE IT without using some example in which 
  is already FLOWING. 
  Since you can't demonstrate it, there is no reason to believe it. Belief 
  a block universe becomes a matter of blind faith, rather t


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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Friday, February 28, 2014 10:14:56 AM UTC-5, Edgar L. Owen wrote:


 Well again, since you have such an anthropomorphized view of reality in 
 which everything in the universe seems to be modeled on human functioning, 
 I don't see any meaningful way we can discuss these issues

I could say that your view is merely mechanemorphized, in which everything 
in the universe seems to be realized in the absence of direct experience. 

My view is intentionally designed to recognize that these two extremes 
define the continuum of sense, which, although is ultimately slightly more 
anthropomorphic than mechanemorphic, it has nothing to do with human 
experience in particular. It is 'reality' which is anthropomorphized - I 
submit that the foundation of the universe transcends realism.



 On Friday, February 28, 2014 9:29:14 AM UTC-5, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 On Friday, February 28, 2014 8:46:47 AM UTC-5, Edgar L. Owen wrote:


 For a computational universe to even exist it must be consistently 
 logico-mathematical. If it weren't the inconsistencies would cause it to 
 tear itself apart and thus it couldn't exist. 

 Unless consistency itself is local. We see this when we wake up from 
 dreams. It is shockingly easy for our minds to adopt dream surreality as 
 logical and consistent. 

 This is where the math comes from. If a computational universe exists, 
 and ours does, it must be structured logico-mathematically. 

 That doesn't mean that logico-mathematical structure itself must be 
 primitive, only that the sensory modes which we use to address universal 
 conditions use logical and mathematical methods of representation. The 
 presence of sense itself, however, and the capacity for sense to be 
 channeled into different modes in the first place, is not proscribed by 
 logic or mathematics, nor can it be explained adequately (only as a 
 skeletal reflection).

 But this does NOT men all human H-math exists, it just means that a 
 fundamental logico-mathematical structure I call R-math (reality math) 

 But R-math, and 'existence' require an even more fundamental capacity to 
 appreciate and participate in what would later be partially abstracted as 
 R-math, which would itself be partially abstracted as H-math.

 Just the minimum that is necessary to compute the actual universe is all 
 that is needed. All the rest is H-math, and we can't assume that H-math is 
 part of R-math. In fact it is provably different. The big mistake Bruno 
 makes is assuming that H-math is R-math. It isn't. H-math is a generalized 
 approximation of R-math, which is then vastly extended far beyond R-math.

 If the universe could be reduced to the minimum that is necessary to 
 compute, then consciousness would not serve any function. Since the whole 
 point of reducing the real universe to a computation is to pursue the 
 supremacy of function, we have to decide whether computationalism is wrong 
 or whether we are wrong for thinking that there is any such thing as 
 conscious experience.

 In the computational theory of reality I present in my book, information 
 is not physical, but it is real and is the fundamental component of 
 reality, Information is what computes physicality, or more accurately what 
 is interpreted as physicality in the minds of organismic beings in their 
 personal simulations of reality.

 Yet this information does need a substrate in which to manifest. This 
 substrate is simply the existence space of reality itself, what I call 
 ontological energy, which is not a physical energy, but simply the locus 
 (non-dimensional) of the presence of reality, the living happening of 

 If information needs a substrate, then it is the substrate which is 
 actually what the universe is made of. I disagree that it is simply 
 anything, and would say that it is not non-dimensional but 
 trans-dimensional, as by definition it must include all opportunities to 
 discern dimension. This foundation, which I call sense, I suggest is the 
 presence not just of reality, but fantasy as well, and not just ontological 
 energy, but the sole meta-ontological capacity - the primordial identity of 

 A good way to visualize this is that ontological energy is like a 
 perfectly still sea of water, and the various waves, currents, eddies etc. 
 that can arise within the water are all the forms of information that make 
 up and compute the universe. They have no substance of their own other than 
 the underlying water (existence) in which they arise.

 And of course the nature of water determines what forms can arise within 
 it just as the underlying nature of existence determines the types of 
 information forms that can arise within our universe.

 In this theory EVERYTHING without exception is information only.

 I agree that the wave vs water is a fair metaphor for information vs 
 sense, but I would say the opposite. 

Re: Is information physical?

2014-02-28 Thread spudboy100

Ok, Thanks. We're back to the Observer again, where all things are decided at 
the quantum. From here on the questions tumble forth as a cascade, on whether 
the Observer is conscious, who is the Observer, what is the Observer? 

-Original Message-
From: Russell Standish
To: everything-list
Sent: Thu, Feb 27, 2014 5:15 pm
Subject: Re: Is information physical?

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 05:01:51PM -0500, wrote:
 Not to be a dick, but is not information or data perforations, and 
in mater and energy? This is how we recognize information from background 
correct? Is there a third state of reality that is not matter or energy?

Only when interpreted by an observer. An electrical circuit has only
voltages and currents, not bits. To an observer, a voltage on a data
line might be interpreted as 1 if it is greater than 3V, and zero if
it is less than 1V. In between those two thresholds, the voltage might
be determinate, but the information is not.

The third state, as you call it, is a semantically different picture
where things are described in terms of whether some physical state is
the same as, or different from, some other physical state, according to
the interpretation of an observer. From that, comes bits, and all the
other information-based quantities.


Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
University of New South Wales

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Re: The solar example of a town in Germany

2014-02-28 Thread spudboy100

It does. You cannot fake electricity. You cannot fake electric current. If you 
are depending on solar power for 20% of your electricity supply, and the rest 
for coal, because coal is reliable on a 7 x 24 basis, you can only rely on 
solar for a slim fraction of electricity. You haven't solved the problem in a 
technical manner, all one is doing is employing solar for a fraction of total 
electricity consumption, to make ones self feel better. This is not 
engineering, it is ideology- a faith movement to make one feel better, 
without providing clean power to power one's civilization. How long must we 
wait for miracle power sources, if the shadow of Climate Change is overwhelming 
us all? It is politics and not health, and not engineering that is driving this 
issue, right?


-Original Message-
From: LizR
To: everything-list
Sent: Thu, Feb 27, 2014 6:17 pm
Subject: Re: The solar example of a town in Germany

Why does it matter if London can produce 4x the energy it uses? This is why we 
have national grids (which would be helped even more by being linked up across 
national borders...oh hang on they already are, aren't they?) This is why there 
are people in power stations keeping an eye on the load and bringing different 
sources online as needed. If you have all rooftops covered in PV then you 
*will* need to burn less fossil fuel, even if you have to fill in the gaps with 
coal or oil or hydro or nuclear.

I can't see the point of this it has to be all or nothing argument.

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Re: Block Universes

2014-02-28 Thread Edgar L. Owen

With regards to your contention in your first paragraph below it may 
express the correct view of frame DEPENDENT simultaneity, but that is NOT 
the point I'm making. I'll try to explain more clearly. This example is 
revised to attempt to conform with your previous objections so please bear 
with me. I'll keep it short...

Take twins who start and finish a trip with the same proper ages.

Define their trips as symmetric in the sense they both experience exactly 
equivalent proper accelerations at the exact same moments by their own 
proper clocks. (This is a new definition of symmetric.) This is why their 
ages must be the same when they meet.

Now first I still maintain that in this case it is simple logic to conclude 
that there is a 1:1 correlation of their proper times during the trip, but 
I think we can now do better than that.

Take the beginnings and ends of every phase of their acceleration changes, 
beginning with the start of the trip, as event markers. Now you, yourself, 
tell us that the proper times between every one of these markers is 

Now the question is whether these two invariant proper time sequences are 
synchronized or not. Whether there is a 1:1 correlation of proper times as 
each twin passes through these event markers that are defined identically 
in terms of each twin's proper acceleration? 

You point out that from the POV of all arbitrary frames they won't be, BUT 
the point is we MUST use a frame that MAINTAINS the real and actual 
symmetry to determine the ACTUAL REALITY of this situation. In any frame 
that PRESERVES that symmetry the observer WILL conclude that the proper 
times of both twins between all markers will be exactly the same, and thus 
the proper times of the twins at every one of these symmetric markers will 
be equal. Thus we do have a natural 1:1 correlation between the proper 
times of the twins that is also consistent with the direct observational 
agreement of proper times at start and finish, which we must account for in 
any accurate analysis.

So my point is that there is a REAL AND ACTUAL SYMMETRY between the trips 
of the twins, and thus to get an accurate view of that real symmetry we 
must analyze it in a frame that preserves that symmetry. And when we do 
this we DO achieve a 1:1 correlation of proper ages during the trip, which 
must obviously be correct if they are to meet with the same ages.

My whole approach depends on recognizing the difference between what is 
REALLY HAPPENING to someone as opposed to how any other observer may VIEW 
what is happening to that OTHER person. It is always what is actually 
happening to someone that is the reality irrespective of other's VIEWS of 
that reality.

You consistently present the correct relativistic analysis of relativistic 
VIEWS without recognizing there is an ACTUAL REALITY involved that can be 
properly analyzed only by frames that recognize and preserve that reality.

Do you agree that if we choose a frame that preserves the real and actual 
symmetry of the trip that we do get EQUAL proper times between all markers 
on the twins respective trips? And thus that we CAN establish a 1:1 
correlation of proper times in this case?


On Thursday, February 27, 2014 7:11:08 PM UTC-5, jessem wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 6:43 PM, Edgar L. Owen edga...@att.netjavascript:


 My understanding of the first part of your reply is though proper time is 
 ONLY one's reading of one's own clock (as I stated) it IS possible for 
 any other observer to calculate that proper time and always come up with 
 the same answer. Is that correct?

 For a given clock C, it is possible for any observer to calculate the 
 proper time between events ON C'S OWN WORLDLINE, and everyone will get the 
 same answer (it is frame-invariant). But what is NOT frame-invariant is the 
 answer to a question like what is the proper time on that distant clock 
 RIGHT NOW, at the same moment that my own clock shows some specific time 
 T--in that case you aren't talking about a specific event on C's 
 worldline, you're talking about a specific event on your worldline (the 
 event of your clock showing time T), and asking which event on C's 
 worldline is simultaneous with that. Since simultaneity is frame-dependent 
 in relativity, there is no frame-invariant answer to this second type of 


 If so that's precisely what I've been claiming all along! That it's always 
 possible for any observer to calculate any other observer's PROPER TIME. 
 Why did I get the strong impression you were claiming that wasn't so from 
 your previous replies? That is precisely the whole crux of my case, and 
 precisely what I've been claiming

 In my view that is exactly what is necessary to establish a 1:1 
 correlation between proper times. If everyone can always calculate 
 everyone's proper times including their own in an UNAMBIGUOUS INVARIANT WAY 
 then why isn't it possible to 

Re: 3-1 views (was: Re: Better Than the Chinese Room)

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 26 Feb 2014, at 19:37, John Clark wrote:

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 1:21 PM, Bruno Marchal  

 provide the algorithm of prediction.

 Why? What does that have to do with the price of eggs? FPI is  
about the feeling of self and prediction has nothing to do with it.

 FPI = first person indeterminacy

Sorry, I was guessing something along the lines of FPI =  first  
person interpretation.


You are the one describing the FPI as a crazy discovery.

You keep seeing ambiguity, but you take not the times to simply focus  
on the point.

Your obscure homemade acronym for something that already has a  
perfectly good name,

uncertainty, has tripped me up yet again.

No one is interested in your personal problem.

And I'm afraid I can't do as you request, I am unable to provide an  
algorithm that can correctly predict all external events that could  
effect me.

 You said that we have to interview all copies and I agree.  
After the interviews this is what we find:

W has not refuted it.
M has not refuted it.
W  M have confirmed it.

 In the 3-1 views.

I guess you're right, after all you invented the 3-1 views so you  
must know what it means. I wish I did.

You, sir, are quite a challenge.

(AUDA shows that all lobian numbers can understand UDA)

You miss this only by confusing the 3-1 view and the 1-view,

 Who's the 1-view?

 Each of them.

Who is this Mr. them who has the 1-view?

We don't need to know that to make the reasoning. We can stay in the  
usual 3p description, where the 1p are defined by the personal content  
of the individual diaries.

Take the iterated WM-self duplication, then, here, at some stage, I  
can interview one of the 2^n copies,  which really means that there  
are 2^n diaries, that is 2^n 1-views. It is an exercise to show that  
most get algorithmically incompressible but has a normal distribution.

The *typical* subjective 1p life of a copy is a WWWMWMMMWMM...M and  
in his diary is a refutation of all previews attempt to predict the  
future of his diary.

Hope this helps.


 John K Clark

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Re: Is information physical?

2014-02-28 Thread Edgar L. Owen

Based on a computational universe all things are just information states. 
Thus computational changes to any information state constitutes a generic 
experience (what I call an Xperience). Thus any information state is in 
effect a generic observer. 

This is a neat and useful definition because then human observers are seen 
as just special cases of a universal phenomenon and we neatly incorporate 
observers as an essential aspect of reality. We can then even view the 
universe as consisting of Xperience only.


On Friday, February 28, 2014 10:51:00 AM UTC-5, wrote:

 Ok, Thanks. We're back to the Observer again, where all things are decided 
 at the quantum. From here on the questions tumble forth as a cascade, on 
 whether the Observer is conscious, who is the Observer, what is the 
  -Original Message-
 From: Russell Standish javascript:
 To: everything-list javascript:
 Sent: Thu, Feb 27, 2014 5:15 pm
 Subject: Re: Is information physical?

  On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 05:01:51PM -0500, javascript: 
  Not to be a dick, but is not information or data perforations, and 
 in mater and energy? This is how we recognize information from background 
 correct? Is there a third state of reality that is not matter or energy?

 Only when interpreted by an observer. An electrical circuit has only
 voltages and currents, not bits. To an observer, a voltage on a data
 line might be interpreted as 1 if it is greater than 3V, and zero if
 it is less than 1V. In between those two thresholds, the voltage might
 be determinate, but the information is not.

 The third state, as you call it, is a semantically different picture
 where things are described in terms of whether some physical state is
 the same as, or different from, some other physical state, according to
 the interpretation of an observer. From that, comes bits, and all the
 other information-based quantities.


 Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
 Principal, High Performance Coders
 Visiting Professor of Mathematics javascript:
 University of New South Wales

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Re: Alien Hand/Limb Syndrome

2014-02-28 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Friday, February 28, 2014 8:29:52 AM UTC-5, David Nyman wrote:

 On 27 February 2014 16:43, Craig Weinberg whats...@gmail.comjavascript:

 On Thursday, February 27, 2014 9:47:33 AM UTC-5, David Nyman wrote:

 On 27 February 2014 14:02, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 In other words, why, in a functionalist/materialist world would we need 
 a breakable program to keep telling us that our hand is not Alien?When you 
 start by assuming that I'm always wrong, then it becomes very easy 
 to justify that with ad hoc straw man accusations.

 I do not in fact start with that assumption and, if you believe that I 
 do, I suggest you should question it. I do find however that I am unable to 
 draw the same conclusion as you from the examples you give. They simply 
 seem like false inferences to me (and to Stathis, based on his comment).

 You are unable to draw the same conclusion because you aren't considering 
 any part of what I have laid out. I'm looking at CTM as if it were true, 
 and then proceeding from there to question whether what we observe (AHS, 
 blindsight, etc) would be consistent with the idea of consciousness as a 

 Yes, but functionalism doesn't necessarily force the claim that 
 consciousness *just is* a function: that is the eliminativist version. More 
 usually it is understood as the claim that consciousness *supervenes on* 
 (or co-varies with) function (i.e. the epiphenomenalist or crypto-dualist 

That's even more eliminativist IMO. To say that consciousness is identical 
to the function of a machine at least acknowledges that phenomenology is 
causally efficacious. To add in supervenience to non-computational 
epiphenomena is not really functionalism or digital functionalism or 
computationalism. What is overlooked is that supervenience and emergence 
both depend themselves on consciousness to provide a perspective in which 
some phenomena appear to 'emerge' from the supervening substrate. From the 
point of view of computation, surely computationalism cannot allow that 
consciousness comes as a surprise. From any comp perspective, we humans can 
define consciousness as emergent or supervenient, but surely arithmetic 
itself would not define its own conscious functionality as 

 But, if we take this latter view, the conundrum is more peculiar even than 
 you seem to imply by these piecemeal pot-shots. Rather, the *entire story* 
 of awareness / intention now figures only as a causally-irrelevant inside 
 interpretation of a complete and self-sufficient functional history that 
 neither knows nor cares about it. 

What self-sufficient functional history do you mean? When I use history I'm 
generally talking about a collection of aesthetic resources which have been 
accumulated through direct experience and remain present implicitly locally 
and explicitly in the absolute sense.

 You remember my analogy of the dramatis personae instantiated by the 
 pixels of the LCD screen?

Semi remember.

 However it would be self-defeating if our response to such bafflement 
 resulted in our misrepresenting its patent successes because it cannot 
 explain everything. We should rather seek a resolution of the dichotomy 
 between apparently disparate accounts in a more powerful explanatory 
 framework; one that could, for example, explain how *just this kind of 
 infrastructure* might emerge as the mise-en-scène for *just these kinds of 
 dramatis personae*. Comp is a candidate for that framework if one accepts 
 at the outset that there is some functional level of substitution for the 
 brain. If one doesn't, there is certainly space for alternatives, but it is 
 fair to demand a similar reconciliatory account in all cases, rather than a 
 distortion of particular facts to suit one's preference.

I agree. Who is calling for facts to be distorted? Once you have 
pansensitivity as the primordial identity, then computation becomes 
explainable as the skeletal reflection of sense through insensitivity 
(pan-entropy (pan-negentropy)). This replaces UDA and places a limit on 
computation to the context of public facing communication/encapsulation and 
leaves some aspect of privacy trans-measurable and locally omnipotent.

 What I conclude is that since the function of the limb is not interrupted, 
 there is no plausible basis for the program which models the limb to add in 
 any extra alarm for a condition of 'functional but not 'my' function'. AHS 
 is the same as a philosophical zombie, except that it is at the level where 
 physiological behavior is exhibited rather than psychological behavior.

  If you have a compelling argument to the contrary, I wish you would 
 find a way to give it in a clearer form.

 See above. Hopefully that is clearer.

  I can't see that what you say above fits the bill.

 I don't see that criticism without any details or rebuttals fit the bill 
 either. Whenever the criticism is It 

Re: Block Universes

2014-02-28 Thread Jesse Mazer
On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 11:18 AM, Edgar L. Owen wrote:

 You point out that from the POV of all arbitrary frames they won't be, BUT
 the point is we MUST use a frame that MAINTAINS the real and actual
 symmetry to determine the ACTUAL REALITY of this situation.

Why? You give no rational justification for why reality should coincide
with the frame where the coordinates assigned to their paths are
symmetrical as opposed to any other frame which makes the same physical
predictions, this just seems like a quasi-aesthetic intuition on your part.
But I also have a more definitive argument against identifying
simultaneity in the frame where their paths look symmetrical with any
sort of absolute simultaneity--because, as I have said over and over, it
leads directly to contradictions when we consider multiple symmetrical
pairs of observers, and the transitive nature of absolute
simultaneity/p-time. If you will just respond to my Feb 24 post at as
you promised to do earlier, then as soon as we are completely settled on
the matter of whether events that have the same space and time coordinates
in an inertial frame must have happened at the same p-time, we can go back
and look at the Alice/Bob/Arlene/Bart example at
PROVES that a contradiction follows from your assumptions, given the
premise that events with the same space and time coordinates in an inertial
frame happened at the same p-time.

 Do you agree that if we choose a frame that preserves the real and actual
 symmetry of the trip that we do get EQUAL proper times between all markers
 on the twins respective trips? And thus that we CAN establish a 1:1
 correlation of proper times in this case?

The real and actual symmetry is that they have symmetrical proper
accelerations as a function of proper time, but ALL frames preserve this
symmetry. I agree that we are free to use a frame where their coordinate
velocities and proper time as a function of coordinate time are ALSO
symmetrical, but these are simply statements about coordinates, I see no
reason to consider them any more real and actual than the coordinates
assigned to their paths in any other frame.


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Re: Block Universes

2014-02-28 Thread Edgar L. Owen

First I would appreciate it if you didn't snip my proximate post that you 
are replying to... 

Anyway we MUST choose a frame that preserves the symmetry because remember 
we are trying to establish a 1:1 proper time correlation BETWEEN THE TWINS 
THEMSELVES (not them and anyone else), and it is only a symmetric frame 
that preserves the facts as EXPERIENCED BY THE TWINS THEMSELVES. ALL we 
need to do in my p-time theory is demonstrate that each twin can correlate 
his OWN proper time with that of the other twin.

All the other frames are the views of OTHER observers, not the views of the 
twins themselves which is all that we need to consider to establish whether 
the TWINS THEMSELVES can establish a 1:1.

Obviously if all observers agreed on an invariant 1:1 correlation we never 
would have to establish the 1:1 on a successive observer pair basis and 
then try to prove it transitive as I've consistently worked on doing. 

MY theory establishes this 1:1 correlation BETWEEN THE ACTUAL TWINS 
THEMSELVES on a pairwise basis, not on the basis of any invariance. 
Therefore it obviously uses a symmetric frame that is consistent with how 
those two twins experience their own and each other's realities and doesn't 
require input from any other frames to do that.

MY theory then attempts to prove these correlations are transitive on a 
pair by pair basis, not by considering all irrelevant frames and trying to 
establish some invariance that I agree is impossible.

Does this make it clear what my theory is trying to do? The theory is based 
on pair wise correlations, not invariance


On Friday, February 28, 2014 11:55:40 AM UTC-5, jessem wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 11:18 AM, Edgar L. Owen edga...@att.netjavascript:

 You point out that from the POV of all arbitrary frames they won't be, BUT 
 the point is we MUST use a frame that MAINTAINS the real and actual 
 symmetry to determine the ACTUAL REALITY of this situation.

 Why? You give no rational justification for why reality should coincide 
 with the frame where the coordinates assigned to their paths are 
 symmetrical as opposed to any other frame which makes the same physical 
 predictions, this just seems like a quasi-aesthetic intuition on your part. 
 But I also have a more definitive argument against identifying 
 simultaneity in the frame where their paths look symmetrical with any 
 sort of absolute simultaneity--because, as I have said over and over, it 
 leads directly to contradictions when we consider multiple symmetrical 
 pairs of observers, and the transitive nature of absolute 
 simultaneity/p-time. If you will just respond to my Feb 24 post at 
 you promised to do earlier, then as soon as we are completely settled on 
 the matter of whether events that have the same space and time coordinates 
 in an inertial frame must have happened at the same p-time, we can go back 
 and look at the Alice/Bob/Arlene/Bart example at 
 PROVES that a contradiction follows from your assumptions, given

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Re: Block Universes

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 27 Feb 2014, at 04:45, Jesse Mazer wrote:

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 8:52 PM, Edgar L. Owen  

Can you agree to this at least?

To repeat what I said in my second-to-last post:

'If you continue to ask me Do you agree? type questions while  
ignoring the similar questions I ask you, I guess I'll have to take  
that as a sign of contempt, in which case as I said I won't be  
responding to further posts of yours. Any response is better than  
just completely ignoring questions, even if it's something like I  
find your questions ambiguous or you've asked too many questions  
and I don't have time for them all right now, please narrow it down  
to one per post.'

If you decide to treat me with the same basic level of respect I  
have treated you, rather than making a show of asking me questions  
while you contemptuously ignore my requests that you address mine,  
then I will keep going with this. If not, I have better things to do.

I think some people does not argue, they fake it only. Edgar does not  
answer the question asked.



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Re: Block Universes

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 28 Feb 2014, at 00:10, LizR wrote:

Any attempt to separate out time from space-time and remain within  
the context of special relativity is bound to fail, because SR is  
the unification of space and time. In Newtonian theory there was  
absolute space and absolute time. In SR there is only absolute space- 
time (in the sense of invariant distances through space-time). In  
SR, time is relative, and lunch time doubly so.


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Re: Alien Hand/Limb Syndrome

2014-02-28 Thread David Nyman
On 28 February 2014 16:44, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 On Friday, February 28, 2014 8:29:52 AM UTC-5, David Nyman wrote:

 On 27 February 2014 16:43, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 On Thursday, February 27, 2014 9:47:33 AM UTC-5, David Nyman wrote:

 On 27 February 2014 14:02, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 In other words, why, in a functionalist/materialist world would we need
 a breakable program to keep telling us that our hand is not Alien?When 
 you start by assuming that I'm always wrong, then it becomes very easy
 to justify that with ad hoc straw man accusations.

 I do not in fact start with that assumption and, if you believe that I
 do, I suggest you should question it. I do find however that I am unable to
 draw the same conclusion as you from the examples you give. They simply
 seem like false inferences to me (and to Stathis, based on his comment).

 You are unable to draw the same conclusion because you aren't
 considering any part of what I have laid out. I'm looking at CTM as if it
 were true, and then proceeding from there to question whether what we
 observe (AHS, blindsight, etc) would be consistent with the idea of
 consciousness as a function.

 Yes, but functionalism doesn't necessarily force the claim that
 consciousness *just is* a function: that is the eliminativist version. More
 usually it is understood as the claim that consciousness *supervenes on*
 (or co-varies with) function (i.e. the epiphenomenalist or crypto-dualist

 That's even more eliminativist IMO.

I wouldn't disagree. You should have read on a bit further.

 To say that consciousness is identical to the function of a machine at
 least acknowledges that phenomenology is causally efficacious.

Not really. Only in a crypto-eliminativist sense, which is to say no sense
at all.

 To add in supervenience to non-computational epiphenomena is not really
 functionalism or digital functionalism or computationalism. What is
 overlooked is that supervenience and emergence both depend themselves on
 consciousness to provide a perspective in which some phenomena appear to
 'emerge' from the supervening substrate. From the point of view of
 computation, surely computationalism cannot allow that consciousness comes
 as a surprise. From any comp perspective, we humans can define
 consciousness as emergent or supervenient, but surely arithmetic itself
 would not define its own conscious functionality as non-computational.

Slipping surely into a sentence doesn't make a contention any the more
plausible. It is certainly not obvious how one can begin from arithmetic
and arrive at consciousness. I have already argued that the assumption of a
first-personal reality, transcending any third-personal description of it,
is necessitated from the outset in any theory that purports to take
consciousness seriously (and that includes comp, by definition). The theory
must then show how this reality comes to be discoverable under the
appropriate conditions, but it doesn't thereby pull it out of a hat by
magic. I think it would be foolish to expect that the consequences of any
theory dealing with such fundamental questions would be obvious and
therefore criticisms on the grounds of its failure to meet uninformed
expectation are beside the point.

 But, if we take this latter view, the conundrum is more peculiar even
 than you seem to imply by these piecemeal pot-shots. Rather, the *entire
 story* of awareness / intention now figures only as a causally-irrelevant
 inside interpretation of a complete and self-sufficient functional
 history that neither knows nor cares about it.

 What self-sufficient functional history do you mean?

The physical history of the systems in question, for example.

 When I use history I'm generally talking about a collection of aesthetic
 resources which have been accumulated through direct experience and remain
 present implicitly locally and explicitly in the absolute sense.

You could hardly call that a functional history though.

 You remember my analogy of the dramatis personae instantiated by the
 pixels of the LCD screen?

 Semi remember.

Well, the analogy was that fact that the pixels are an adequate
infrastructure for the portrayal of any possible drama that will fit within
their confines doesn't mean that this provides a sufficient account of
those dramas. Analogously, the fact that we can give a functional account
of the brain doesn't mean that this provides a sufficient account of
consciousness. Since we can't appeal to an external source of
interpretation as we can in the analogy, we must look for a schema that can
make sense of internal interpretation. If comp is correct, that
interpretation requires us to cast our net pretty wide.

 However it would be self-defeating if our response to such bafflement
 resulted in our misrepresenting its patent successes because it cannot
 explain everything. We should rather seek a 

Re: 3-1 views (was: Re: Better Than the Chinese Room)

2014-02-28 Thread John Clark
On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 11:26 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 Sorry, I was guessing something along the lines of FPI =  first person



 You are the one describing the FPI as a crazy discovery.

No, I'm the one who keeps saying that first person indeterminacy (I dislike
homemade acronyms) was discovered not by you but by Mr. Og the caveman.

 AUDA shows that all lobian numbers can understand UDA

Google has more information than any human being but even Google doesn't
know what lobian numbers are. And Google doesn't know what AUDA is. And
Google doesn't know what UDA is. That's 9 words with 4 of them made up
and used by nobody in any language except by you. Well, at least 56% were
real words.

 Who is this Mr. them who has the 1-view?

 We don't need to know that to make the reasoning. We can stay in the
 usual 3p description, where the 1p are defined by the personal content of
 the individual diaries.

There are no diaries there is only a diary and it was written by the
Washington Man AND the Moscow Man.

 The *typical* subjective 1p life of a copy is a WWWMWMMMWMM...M

Finding an infinite regress at the heart of a idea doesn't necessarily mean
it's worthless, but it's never a good sign.

 and in his diary is a refutation of all previews attempt to predict the
 future of his diary.

Two people wrote that diary Mr. Washington and Mr. Moscow, and I don't know
who Mr. his is.

  Hope this helps.

It does not.

  John K Clark

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Re: Block Universes

2014-02-28 Thread Jesse Mazer
On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 12:38 PM, Edgar L. Owen wrote:


 First I would appreciate it if you didn't snip my proximate post that you
 are replying to...

 Anyway we MUST choose a frame that preserves the symmetry because remember
 we are trying to establish a 1:1 proper time correlation BETWEEN THE TWINS
 THEMSELVES (not them and anyone else), and it is only a symmetric frame
 that preserves the facts as EXPERIENCED BY THE TWINS THEMSELVES. ALL we
 need to do in my p-time theory is demonstrate that each twin can correlate
 his OWN proper time with that of the other twin.

But you agreed earlier (in your post at )
that the idea of calling the comoving inertial frame of an observer their
own frame is purely a matter of CONVENTION, not anything imposed on them
by reality. So, we could easily choose a different convention--one in
which each twin defines their own frame, or what they experience
themselves, as the inertial frame in which they have a velocity of 0.99c
along the x-axis. If they both agreed to define the facts as experienced
by the twins themselves in this way, by convention, they could also agree
on a 1:1 correlation between their proper times, one that would be
different from the 1:1 correlation they'd get if they used the comoving

Do you wish to take back your earlier agreement that phrases like their
own frame, their view, what they observe/experience are only by
CONVENTION understood to refer to the comoving inertial frame, that this
isn't something forced on us by reality? If you still agree this is a
matter of convention, then it seems to me that trying to use something
that's merely a matter of human linguistic convention to prove something
absolute about reality is obviously silly, like trying to prove something
about the essential nature of God by noting that according to the spelling
conventions of English, God is dog spelled backwards.

 All the other frames are the views of OTHER observers, not the views of
 the twins themselves which is all that we need to consider to establish
 whether the TWINS THEMSELVES can establish a 1:1.

 Obviously if all observers agreed on an invariant 1:1 correlation we never
 would have to establish the 1:1 on a successive observer pair basis and
 then try to prove it transitive as I've consistently worked on doing.

 MY theory establishes this 1:1 correlation BETWEEN THE ACTUAL TWINS
 THEMSELVES on a pairwise basis, not on the basis of any invariance.
 Therefore it obviously uses a symmetric frame that is consistent with how
 those two twins experience their own and each other's realities and doesn't
 require input from any other frames to do that.

That isn't obvious at all--I don't see how the symmetric frame reflects
their experience in any way that isn't purely a matter of convention,
they certainly don't experience their proper times and velocities being
equal at each coordinate time if they don't CHOOSE to use a particular
coordinate system. All that they directly experience in a way that
doesn't depend on coordinate systems is the way that their proper
acceleration varied as a function of their proper time.

 MY theory then attempts to prove these correlations are transitive on a
 pair by pair basis, not by considering all irrelevant frames and trying to
 establish some invariance that I agree is impossible.

 Does this make it clear what my theory is trying to do? The theory is
 based on pair wise correlations, not invariance

My proof of a contradiction in your ideas about p-time doesn't consider the
other frames you consider irrelevant either, it is based SOLELY on the
following premises:

1. If a pair of inertial observers are at rest relative to one another,
then events (like clock readings) that are simultaneous in their comoving
frame are also simultaneous in p-time

2. Any two events that happen at precisely the same position and time
coordinate in a particular inertial frame must be simultaneous in p-time

3. p-time simultaneity is transitive

Your only response was to dispute premise #2, but subsequent discussion
suggested you were originally misunderstanding what I meant by same
position and time coordinate and that properly understood, you would most
like agree with premise #2 after all. That's why I want you to address my
last few questions about the same position and time coordinate issue at
you promised to address earlier, but have subsequently ignored all my
requests to get back to. Once again, if you continue to just ignore the
requests, that indicates a lack of respect for me and for the two-way
nature of discussions. Here, I'll even repost those questions to save you
the time of going back through your inbox to find the original post to
reply to:

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 6:53 PM, Edgar L. Owen edgaro...@att.netwrote:


 Well, I 

Re: The situation at Fukushima appears to be deteriorating

2014-02-28 Thread John Clark
On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 6:42 PM, LizR wrote:

   Why bother with all these other power sources when you have a fusion
 reactor in the astronomical backyard?

  Because the energy density decreases with the square of the distance
 and the fusion reactor is 93 million miles away, and because the energy
 drops to zero for at least half the time.

  It still delivers thousands of times more energy to earth than human
 civilisation uses.

Yes but economically the total amount of energy, or of anything else for
that matter, is not important, the important thing is the amount per unit
volume. Only 174,000* tons *of gold has been mined in all of human history
and right now in seawater there is 69 thousand times as much, 12 billion
tons. And yet nobody bothers to extract gold from seawater because the
concentration is so dilute (about 5 parts in a trillion) that it would not
be economical to do so.

  John K Clark

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Re: The situation at Fukushima appears to be deteriorating

2014-02-28 Thread John Clark
On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 12:45 AM, Chris de Morsella

 Well if you can store 61 times more energy, that just means there's
 room for improvement in the existing batteries... Good news, if nature was
 able to do it so can we I hope.

 Zinc-air batteries,  offers about twice the gravimetric density

Who gives a damn about

 (Wh/kg) and three times the volumetric density (Wh/L) of Li-ion technology.

 Lithium air has a theoretical specific energy of 11,140 wh/kg (lithium
 metal is around 45 Mj/kg) - you could fly an all-electric turbine jet with
 that kind of energy density.

 Le 28 févr. 2014 00:50, LizR a écrit :

 On 28 February 2014 07:47, John Clark wrote:

 Lithium batteries are the most energy dense batteries in use today and
 also the most expensive, they can store .72 megajoules per kilogram,
 gasoline stores 44 megajoules per kilogram; so gasoline is 61 times more
 energy dense than the best batteries and is far far far cheaper.

 Are you talking about the real costs here or just the cost at the pump
 (which is of course subsidised massively by ignoring its environmental
 effects) ?

 I mean the real cost MAY be cheaper but you have to factor in saving the

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Re: Block Universes

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 28 Feb 2014, at 16:20, Edgar L. Owen wrote:


Your contention that there is no evidence for a universe is simply  

I meant the Aristotelian universe, where physics is supposed to  
describe the fundamental ontology, or what is.
Of course I believe in something, and I take very seriously the  
appearance of some physical reality into account.

The very fact you can make any statement absolutely PROVES a  
universe of some kind.

I agree. And I tend to believe in the arithmetical reality.

The computable is a part of the arithmetical reality, which is larger.  
It happens that the arithmetical computable part can infer and even  
mirror larger and larger part of the non computable.

See the book by Matiyasevich to see how diophantine relations can  
simulate Turing machines.


Your contention is so absurd it's laughable..


On Friday, February 28, 2014 10:14:29 AM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 26 Feb 2014, at 15:32, Edgar L. Owen wrote:


At least we AGREE there is NO empirical evidence for a block universe.

There is no evidence for a universe. (in the usual aristotelian  
sense of the word).

But there is OVERWHELMING evidence for flowing time and a present  

Not 3p evidences, and the relativity theory makes it senseless (as  
Jesse made rather clear here).

Your p-time seems transitive, and this implies p-time is block-time.

The experience of our existence in a present moment is the most  
fundamental empirical observation of our existence.

It is a 1p evidence. It is not sharable. Using that type of evidence  
is not allow in polite conversation.

And all science, all knowledge, is based on empirical observation.

OK. But consciousness and flowing time are not empirical evidence.  
They are complex data top explain, but cannot be taken for granted,  
or even well defined.

So, in the face of this obvious weight of evidence, why do you  
insist on a block universe instead of a universe in which time flows?

Isn't it crazy to reject what there is enormous evidence for and  
accept what there is NO evidence for?

That is what you do. There are no evidence for any universe, and  
indeed, as you assume comp, you could understand that there is no  
universe. The notion is close to inconsistent, and explanatively  
Physicists measure numbers, and infer relation among numbers. Then  
even cosmological theories usually avoid metaphysical commitment.  
This is done by physicalist philosophers, and can make sense, but  
then not together with the assumption that the brain functions  
mechanically at some level.

If you doubt this, then you must find a flaw in the UD Argument.



On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 5:39:21 PM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:
On 26 February 2014 08:07, Edgar L. Owen wrote:

 I know that's your point. You are just restating it once again,  
but you are
 completely UNABLE TO DEMONSTRATE IT without using some example in  
which time

 is already FLOWING.

 Since you can't demonstrate it, there is no reason to believe it.  
Belief in

 a block universe becomes a matter of blind faith, rather t

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Re: Turning the tables on the doctor

2014-02-28 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Thursday, February 27, 2014 7:30:22 PM UTC-5, Liz R wrote:

 On 28 February 2014 12:36, Craig Weinberg whats...@gmail.comjavascript:

 Identity isn't self contained in MSR. All identity is leased within some 
 perspective. The more common the perspective, the longer the lease, and the 
 more 'seems like' or 'has a similar quality' appears stabilized as 'is 

 What is a perspective, and how would I construct or discover or recognise 
 one without using any underlying theory of identity?

A perspective is a perceptual-inertial frame. Everything that we can 
construct, recognize, or discover is filtered through all of the contexts 
of the encounter. I don't see identity as a requirement. Every human 
experience is filtered through their own individual frame which is 
dynamically compounded with each additional experience. The individual 
frame overlaps and underlaps with social frames, anthopological frames, 
zoological, biological, chemical-geological, and astrophysical-quantum 

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Re: Is information physical?

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 28 Feb 2014, at 13:09, David Nyman wrote:

On 27 February 2014 21:35, Russell Standish  

When I last took a look at constructor theory, it wasn't much of a
theory. I know David's been working on it, when he's not doing the
chat show circuit, but hadn't heard any major development in it
announced, so haven't taken another look. Do you have any papers on

This is the most recent, I think:

He says the paper is philosophical rather than technical.

I agree on that. When scientists says this, it means they want to  
abandon rigor and scientific method.

Might take closer look later, but if his point is correct, it should  
be testable, and would probably refute comp or put our level in the  
very very low. Or require a small physical universe, and an error in  



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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 28 Feb 2014, at 08:20, Chris de Morsella wrote:

Personally the notion that all that exists is comp  information -  
encoded on what though? - Is not especially troubling for me. I  
understand how some cling to a fundamental material realism; after  
all it does seem so very real. However when you get right down to it  
all we have is measured values of things and meters by which we  
measure other things; we live encapsulated in the experience of our  
own being and the sensorial stream of life and in the end all that  
we can say for sure about anything is the value it has when we  
measure it.
I am getting into the interesting part of Tegmark's book - I read a  
bit each day when I break for lunch - so this is partly influencing  
this train of thought. By the way enjoyed his description of quantum  
computing and how in a sense q-bits are leveraging the Level III  
multiverse to compute every possible outcome while in quantum  
superposition; a way of thinking about it that I had never read  
Naturally I have been reading some of the discussions here, and the  
idea of comp is something I also find intuitively possible. The soul  
is an emergent phenomena given enough depth of complexity and  
breadth of parallelism and vastness of scale of the information  
system in which it is self-emergent.

Several questions have been re-occurring for me. One of these is:  
Every information system, at least that I have ever been aware of,  
requires a substrate medium upon which to encode itself; information  
seems describable in this sense as the meta-encoding existing on  
some substrate system. I would like to avoid the infinite regression  
of stopping at the point of describing systems as existing upon  
other and requiring other substrate systems that themselves require  
substrates themselves described as information again requiring some  
substrate... repeat eternally.
It is also true that exquisitely complex information can be encoded  
in a very simple substrate system given enough replication of  
elements... a simple binary state machine could suffice, given enough  

But what are the bits encoded on?

At some point reductionism can no longer reduce And then we are  
back to where we first started How did that arise or come to be?  
If for example we say that math is reducible to logic or set theory  
then what of sets and the various set operations? What of  
enumerations? These simplest of simple things. Can you reduce the {}  
null set?

What does it arise from?

Perhaps to try to find some fundamental something upon which  
everything else is tapestried over is unanswerable; it is something  
that keeps coming back to itch my ears.

Am interested in hearing what some of you may have to say about this  
universe of the most simple things: numbers, sets; and the very  
simple base operators -- {+-*/=!^()} etc. that operate on these  
enumerable entities and the logical operators {and, or, xor}

What is a number? Doesn't it only have meaning in the sense that it  
is greater  than the number that is less than it  less than the one  
greater than it? Does the concept of a number actually even have any  
meaning outside of being thought of as being a member of the  
enumerable set {1,2,3,4,... n}?In other words '3' by itself means  
nothing and is nothing; it only means something in terms of the set  
of numbers as in: 234... n-1n

And what of the simple operators. When we say a + b = c   we are  
dealing with two separate kinds of entities, with one {a,b,c} being  
quantities or values and {+,=} being the two operators that relate  
the three values in this simple equation.

The enumerable set is not enough by itself. So even if one could  
explain the enumerable set in some manner the manner in which the  
simple operators come to be is not clear to me. How do the addition,  
assignment and other basic operators arise? This extends similarly  
to the basic logic operators: and, or, xor, not - as well.


Those kind of questions are more less clarified. You cannot prove the  
existence of a universal system, or machine, or language, from  
anything less powerful, but you can prove the existence of all of  
them, from the assumption of only one. I use elementary arithmetic,  
because it is already taught in school, and people are familiar with it.

The TOE extracted from comp assumes we agree on the laws of addition  
and multiplication, and on classical logic. From this you can prove  
the existence of the universal numbers and or all their computations,  
and even interview the Löbian numbers, on what is possible for them,  
in different relative sense.

So, math comes from arithmetic, and arithmetic can explain why it is  
impossible to explain arithmetic from less than arithmetic, making  
arithmetic (or Turing equivalent) a good start.

God created the Integers. All the rest came when God added Add and  




Re: Block Universes

2014-02-28 Thread Edgar L. Owen

Nonsense. You continually ask the exact same questions which I answered 
several times but just ignore my answers and keep asking the same 
questions, and when you rarely do respond to my answers you do so 
incoherently and only in terms of your own very rigid worldview.

Well perhaps that's the way that 1p zombies 1p clones operate?

Anyway I do answer all serious questions...


On Friday, February 28, 2014 12:42:26 PM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 27 Feb 2014, at 04:45, Jesse Mazer wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 8:52 PM, Edgar L. Owen edga...@att.netjavascript:

 Can you agree to this at least?

 To repeat what I said in my second-to-last post:

 'If you continue to ask me Do you agree? type questions while ignoring 
 the similar questions I ask you, I guess I'll have to take that as a sign 
 of contempt, in which case as I said I won't be responding to further posts 
 of yours. Any response is better than just completely ignoring questions, 
 even if it's something like I find your questions ambiguous or you've 
 asked too many questions and I don't have time for them all right now, 
 please narrow it down to one per post.'

 If you decide to treat me with the same basic level of respect I have 
 treated you, rather than making a show of asking me questions while you 
 contemptuously ignore my requests that you address mine, then I will keep 
 going with this. If not, I have better things to do.

 I think some people does not argue, they fake it only. Edgar does not 
 answer the question asked. 



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Re: 3-1 views (was: Re: Better Than the Chinese Room)

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 28 Feb 2014, at 15:28, David Nyman wrote:

On 26 February 2014 17:04, Bruno Marchal wrote:

Hi David,

On 24 Feb 2014, at 17:32, David Nyman wrote:

On 24 February 2014 15:50, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 24 Feb 2014, at 02:41, David Nyman wrote:

On 24 February 2014 01:04, chris peck  

This is the same as saying that I will experience all possible  
futures in the MWI - but by the time I experience them, of course,  
the version of me in each branch will be different, and it always  
seems to me, retrospectively, as though I only experienced one  

Each duplicate will only experience one outcome. I don't think  
there is any disagreement about that. The problems occur when  
considering what the person duplicated will experience and then  
what probability he should assign to each outcome and that seems  
to me to depend on what identity criterion gets imposed. Its a  
consideration I've gone into at length and won't bore you with  
again. But I will say that where you think that what Bruno wants  
is just recognition that each duplicate sees one outcome, I think  
that he actually wants to show that 3p and 1p probability  
assignments would be asymmetric from the stand point of the person  
duplicated. Certainly for me he doesn't manage that.

Correct me if I'm misremembering Chris, but I seem to recall  
proposing to you on a previous occasion that Hoyle's pigeon hole  
analogy can be a useful way of tuning intuitions about puzzles of  
this sort, although I appear to be the sole fan of the idea around  
here. Hoyle's idea is essentially a heuristic for collapsing the  
notions of identity, history and continuation onto the perspective  
of a single, universal observer. From this perspective, the  
situation of being faced with duplication is just a random  
selection from the class of all possible observer moments.

Well, the just might be not that easy to define.

If the universal observer is the universal machine, the probability  
to get a computational history involving windows or MacOS might be  
more probable than being me or you.

But how would you remember that?

By noting it in my diary, by inquesting my past, and hacking data  
banks, or reading book on my origin.

Well, I'm not sure if it makes sense to say the Hoyle's universal  
observer is the universal machine.

OK, but in this setting, the universal observer was the universal  
machine from the observable points of view. It is not just the  
universal machine.

The point is that if we assume comp, it seems there is room only for  
the indexical self-ordering leading to rational (or over-rational)  
sort of past.

I don't know to what extent his idea is compatible with comp.


But to be clear, you suggested above that a computational history  
involving windows or MacOS might be more probable than being me or  
you, so I asked you how Bruno, for example, could remember that,  
meaning to suggest that of course you could not. I suppose it would  
be some sort of problem for Hoyle's idea if one suspected not simply  
that certain classes of non-human observer vastly out-numbered human  
ones, but that they were likely to be asking themselves similar  
sorts of questions. IOW, what might constitute an appropriate  
equivalence class for ourselves?

It is very complex, and I try to make sense first, then see if it make  
sense in comp, and from which points of view.

I am not sure that the notion of observer moment makes sense,  
without a notion of scenario involving a net of computational  
relative states.

I think the hypostases describe a universal person, composed from a  
universal (self) scientist ([]p), a universal knower ([]p  p), an  
observer ([]p  p), and a feeler ([]p  p  p)).

But I would not say that this universal person (which exist in  
arithmetic and is associated with all relatively self-referential  
correct löbian number) will select among all observer moment.

Well, perhaps eventually it will select all of them, if we can  
give some relevant sense to eventually in this context.

Is this not done by simple 3p arithmetical realism?

Not, I think, in the 1p sense, without a certain amount of  

Ah... this I don't know.

There is a sense God select them all, but they inter-relations are  

Yes, but the inner God cannot select them all simultaneously,  
without the equivocation to which I refer.


And I suppose Hoyle's point is that if one imagines a logical  
serialisation of all such moments, its order must be  
inconsequential because of the intrinsic self-ordering of the  
moments themselves.

That is the mathematical conception of an order, and there are  
dualities between those ways of considering a structure.

You can already see that with the modal logic, where properties of  
accessibility will characterize modal formula and theories.

Essentially he 

Re: The situation at Fukushima appears to be deteriorating

2014-02-28 Thread John Clark
On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 12:45 AM, Chris de Morsella

  Well if you can store 61 times more energy, that just means there's
 room for improvement in the existing batteries... Good news, if nature was
 able to do it so can we I hope.

 Zinc-air batteries, [...]  offers about twice the gravimetric density

Who cares about gravimetric density?

 (Wh/kg) and three times the volumetric density (Wh/L) of Li-ion technology.

And per weight that's  about one thirtieth as much energy as gasoline can
store, and they tend to stop working after about 3 years.

 Lithium air has a theoretical specific energy of 11,140 wh/kg (lithium
 metal is around 45 Mj/kg)

That's about the same as gasoline, and although no machine ever operates at
its theoretical maximum if and when Lithium air batteries ever become
practical and move out of the laboratory it will change the world. But
there are huge technological challenges that must be overcome before that
can happen, larger than what it would take to put a LFTR online although
probably not as large as what it would take to put a fusion reactor online.

 John K Clark

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Re: Alien Hand/Limb Syndrome

2014-02-28 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Friday, February 28, 2014, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 On Thursday, February 27, 2014 7:54:53 PM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:

 On 28 February 2014 01:05, Craig Weinberg wrote:
  On Thursday, February 27, 2014 4:13:22 AM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:
  On 26 February 2014 23:58, Craig Weinberg wrote:
   The alien hand syndrome, as originally defined, was used to
   cases involving anterior corpus callosal lesions producing
   movement and a concomitant inability to distinguish the affected
   an examiner's hand when these were placed in the patient's
   In recent years, acceptable usage of the term has broadened
   and has been defined as involuntary movement occurring in the
   feelings of estrangement from or personification of the affected
   or its
   movements. Three varieties of alien hand syndrome have been
   involving lesions of the corpus callosum alone, the corpus callosum
   dominant medial frontal cortex, and posterior cortical/subcortical
   areas. A
   patient with posterior alien hand syndrome of vascular aetiology is
   and the findings are discussed in the light of a conceptualisation
   posterior alien hand syndrome as a disorder which may be less
   with specific focal neuropathology than are its callosal and
   callosal-frontal counterparts. -
   This kind of alienation from the function of a limb would seem to
   functionalism. If functionalism identifies consciousness with
   it would seem problematic that a functioning limb could be seen as
   from the personal awareness, is it is really no different from a
   which the substitution level is set at the body level. There is no
   damage to
   the arm, no difference between one arm and another, and yet, its is
   be outside of one's control and its sensations are felt not to be
   This would be precisely the kind of estrangement that I would expect
   encounter during a gradual replacement of the brain with any
   substitute. At the level at which food becomes non-food, so too
   brain become non-brain, and any animation of the nervous system
   to be incorporated into personal awareness. The living brain could
   learn to use the prosthetic, and ultimately imbue it with its own
   articulation and familiarity to a surprising extent, but it is a one
   street and the prosthetic has no capacity to find the personal
   merge with it.
  This example shows that if there is a lesion in the neural circuitry
  it affects consciousness. If you fix the lesion such that the
  circuitry works properly but the consciousness is affected (keeping
  the environmental input constant) then that implies that consciousness
  is generated by something other than the brain.
  Paying attention to the circuitry is a red herring. What I'm bringing
 up is
  how dissociation of functions identified with the self does not make
  for the functionalist view of consciousness. How do you give a program
  'alien subroutine syndrome'? Why does the program make a distinction
  the pure function of the subroutine and some feeling of belonging that
  generated by something other than the program?

 I don't know why you distinguish between a function such as moving the
 hand and identifying the hand as your own.

 Because there is nothing that functionalism could allow 'your own' to mean
 other than 'it is available to be used by the system'. The alien hand is
 available to be used, but that is perceived to be irrelevant. That is
 consistent with consciousness being a set of aesthetic qualities and direct
 participation, but not consistent with consciousness being a complex set of
 generic skills.

There must be some difference in the input from the hand or its subsequent
neural  processing for it to be identified as foreign, and this is
consistent with the fact that there is a brain lesion in alien hand

Both of these depend on
 correctly working brain circuitry, which is why a brain lesion can
 cause paralysis but can also cause alien hand syndrome.

 The fact that the circuitry is damaged is irrelevant. The point is that
 functionalism could never allow consciousness to become separated from the
 functions of something else. Dis-ownership of yourself or parts of yourself
 doesn't make sense if the function is still there.

How can you say that the fact that the circuitry is damaged is irrelevant?
It shows that what you consider mysterious consciousness stuff is actually
dependent on well defined physical processes. The alternative which would
have made your point would be if the consciousness changed but the 

Re: Block Universes

2014-02-28 Thread LizR
On 1 March 2014 04:14, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 26 Feb 2014, at 15:32, Edgar L. Owen wrote:


 At least we AGREE there is NO empirical evidence for a block universe.

 There is no evidence for a universe. (in the usual Aristotelian sense of
 the word).

True. If only because evidence isn't for things.

But in any case, Edgar doesn't appear to grasp what a block universe is, as
he proves by his continual meaningless comments about it. He has some weird
idea that has nothing to do with the scientific concept expounded in
relativity, and that's what he's arguing against. So, rather like the
discussion Jesse has been having with him about p-time,  this is a
pointless discussion. As I mentioned (it must have been some weeks ago now)
with regard to Edgar-ism, you can't argue with a religious fanatic who
refuses to consider any opposing viewpoint, and who sees everything you say
through the lens of his own fantasy.

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Re: Block Universes

2014-02-28 Thread LizR
On 1 March 2014 06:42, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 27 Feb 2014, at 04:45, Jesse Mazer wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 8:52 PM, Edgar L. Owen wrote:

 Can you agree to this at least?

 To repeat what I said in my second-to-last post:

 'If you continue to ask me Do you agree? type questions while ignoring
 the similar questions I ask you, I guess I'll have to take that as a sign
 of contempt, in which case as I said I won't be responding to further posts
 of yours. Any response is better than just completely ignoring questions,
 even if it's something like I find your questions ambiguous or you've
 asked too many questions and I don't have time for them all right now,
 please narrow it down to one per post.'

 If you decide to treat me with the same basic level of respect I have
 treated you, rather than making a show of asking me questions while you
 contemptuously ignore my requests that you address mine, then I will keep
 going with this. If not, I have better things to do.

 I think some people does not argue, they fake it only. Edgar does not
 answer the question asked.

On most forums he would have been banned as a troll, because either (a) he
is too stupid to grasp the arguments of his opponents and give a rational
response or (b) he is deliberately refusing to do so. The polite assumption
is (b), which makes him a troll - someone who deliberately tries to provoke
arguments for their own malicious amusement. If this forum wasn't full of
saints, everyone would by now have given up talking to him. Instead,
because we tend to believe that everyone is rational and can be educated if
we try hard enough, we keep trying (I did for quite a while). But of course
a troll is, in game-theoretic terms, a defector in what is mostly a
community of co-operators. Hence they flourish for a while, until everyone
gets tired of hitting their head against a brick wall.

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Re: Is information physical?

2014-02-28 Thread LizR
Surely information is an emergent concept, like entropy? Hence it isn't
physical, because the physical MAY be fundamental - but even if it isn't,
it's at a lower level than information.
It might happen to turn out that information underlies the physical - it
from bit - but that would not be what we normally consider information
(i.e. the stuff that has meaning to us, stored in books and computers and

I think.

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Re: Is information physical?

2014-02-28 Thread John Clark
On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 8:26 AM, Edgar L. Owen wrote:

 information does need a substrate in which to manifest.

That seems to be the case but perhaps not at the very lowest level. The
integers are abstract things that aren't made of anything except other
numbers and once you describe how they interact with other mathematical
objects you've said all there is to say about them. In the same way in
string theory the strings aren't made of anything and they have reality
only in how they interact with other strings; so perhaps at the fundamental
level reality not only can be described mathematically but actually IS

On a completely different subject, are you Edgar Owen the antiquities
dealer? If so you have a pretty cool job.

  John K Clark

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Re: Digital Neurology

2014-02-28 Thread meekerdb

On 2/28/2014 6:40 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

If you start with the assumption that the physics relevant to brain
function is not computable then computationalism is false: it would be
impossible to make a machine that behaves like a human, either zombie
or conscious.

I agree with you, the physics *relevant* to brain function has to be computable, for 
comp to be true. But the point is that below the substitution level, the physical 
details are not relevant. Then by the FPI, they must be undetermined, and this on an 
infinite non computable domain, and so, our computable brain must rely on a non 
computable physics, or a non necessarily computable physics, with some non computable 
aspect. This is what comp predicts, and of course this is confirmed by QM. Again, 
eventually, QM might to much computable for comp to be true. That is what remain to be seen.

If you're going to invoke uncomputable physics at low level isn't that the same as 
assuming inherent randomness at that low level?


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Re: Is information physical?

2014-02-28 Thread Edgar L. Owen

I agree that the substrate that information manifests in is NOT physical, 
it is abstract in the sense of no physicality. But the information that 
constitutes the universe is REAL, so the substrate it exists within is the 
real actual presence of existence itself. That's what brings it to life and 
makes it real and actual...

And yes that's me. Thanks for your kind comment!


On Friday, February 28, 2014 3:54:19 PM UTC-5, John Clark wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 8:26 AM, Edgar L. Owen edga...@att.netjavascript:

  information does need a substrate in which to manifest. 

 That seems to be the case but perhaps not at the very lowest level. The 
 integers are abstract things that aren't made of anything except other 
 numbers and once you describe how they interact with other mathematical 
 objects you've said all there is to say about them. In the same way in 
 string theory the strings aren't made of anything and they have reality 
 only in how they interact with other strings; so perhaps at the fundamental 
 level reality not only can be described mathematically but actually IS 

 On a completely different subject, are you Edgar Owen the antiquities 
 dealer? If so you have a pretty cool job.

   John K Clark


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Re: Is information physical?

2014-02-28 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Friday, February 28, 2014 5:04:29 PM UTC-5, Edgar L. Owen wrote:


 I agree that the substrate that information manifests in is NOT physical, 
 it is abstract in the sense of no physicality. But the information that 
 constitutes the universe is REAL, so the substrate it exists within is the 
 real actual presence of existence itself. That's what brings it to life and 
 makes it real and actual...

If the real actual presence of 'existence' itself is what brings 
information to life and makes it real and actual, why isn't that substrate 
what we call physics and what REALLY constitutes the universe? If 
information cannot be or do anything without the substrate, then how can we 
say that information is the important part?


 And yes that's me. Thanks for your kind comment!


 On Friday, February 28, 2014 3:54:19 PM UTC-5, John Clark wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 8:26 AM, Edgar L. Owen wrote:

  information does need a substrate in which to manifest. 

 That seems to be the case but perhaps not at the very lowest level. The 
 integers are abstract things that aren't made of anything except other 
 numbers and once you describe how they interact with other mathematical 
 objects you've said all there is to say about them. In the same way in 
 string theory the strings aren't made of anything and they have reality 
 only in how they interact with other strings; so perhaps at the fundamental 
 level reality not only can be described mathematically but actually IS 

 On a completely different subject, are you Edgar Owen the antiquities 
 dealer? If so you have a pretty cool job.

   John K Clark


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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread LizR
If it's all math, then where does math come from?

Strange to say, elementary maths just appears to be a fact. That is, it is
a fact that 1+1=2.

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Re: Tegmark and UDA step 3

2014-02-28 Thread LizR
Now on to chapter 2 and it's really good as a popular science book - lively
and informative, and showing just how clever our ancestors were. Science as
a detective story is a very good analogy, of course, so that helps.

On 28 February 2014 12:12, LizR wrote:

 I have just received Max's book from Amazon. I've read the first page or
 two. So far he has been killed by a truck in (I think) 1975. I eagerly
 await developments.

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Re: Tegmark and UDA step 3

2014-02-28 Thread LizR
On 27 February 2014 04:18, Edgar L. Owen wrote:


 This initially interesting post of course exposes fundamental flaws in its
 logic and the way that a lot of people get mislead by physically impossible
 thought experiments such as the whole interminable p-clone, p-zombie
 discussion on this group.

Yeah, stuff starting with p- seems to be bad news.

 First there is of course no physical mechanism that continually produces
 clones and places them in separate rooms, nor is there any MW process that
 does that, so the whole analysis is moot, and frankly childish as it
 doesn't even take into consideration what aspects of reality change
 randomly and which don't. Specifically it's NOT room numbers that seem
 random, it's quantum level events.

This is the point of Schrodinger's cat - if you magnify a quantum event, it
could be used to do macroscopic things, e.g. put people in separate rooms.

 If anyone is looking for the source of quantum randomness I've already
 provided an explanation. It occurs as fragmentary spacetimes are created by
 quantum events and then merged via shared quantum events. There can be no
 deterministic rules for aligning separate spacetime fragments thus nature
 is forced to make those alignments randomly.

OK, I'll bite. Show us the maths and the experts can see how it stacks up
against Everett et al.

 But sadly no one on this group is interested in quantum theory, only
 relativity, and far out philosophies such as 'comp'.

How sad it was that no one discussed QM on this list until you came along.

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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread meekerdb

On 2/28/2014 2:32 PM, LizR wrote:

If it's all math, then where does math come from?

Strange to say, elementary maths just appears to be a fact. That is, it is a fact that 

Or it comes from our conceptualizing the world as consisting of distinct objects and 
counting them, c.f. William S. Cooper The Origin of Reason and Lakoff and Nunez Where 
Mathematics Comes From.


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Re: The solar example of a town in Germany

2014-02-28 Thread LizR
On 1 March 2014 04:59, wrote:

 It does. You cannot fake electricity. You cannot fake electric current. If
 you are depending on solar power for 20% of your electricity supply, and
 the rest for coal, because coal is reliable on a 7 x 24 basis, you can only
 rely on solar for a slim fraction of electricity. You haven't solved the
 problem in a technical manner, all one is doing is employing solar for a
 fraction of total electricity consumption, to make ones self feel better.
 This is not engineering, it is ideology- a faith movement to make one
 feel better, without providing clean power to power one's civilization.
 How long must we wait for miracle power sources, if the shadow of Climate
 Change is overwhelming us all? It is politics and not health, and not
 engineering that is driving this issue, right?

I don't see what you're saying here. Indeed, you appear to be contradicting
yourself. If solar provides 20% of your power, it provides 20% of your
power. There is nothing faith based about that, assuming it's a fact (e.g.
about 70% of New Zealand's power is provided by hydro, on average - that's
not faith, or a miracle, or a conspiracy, it's just a fact).

If solar can provide X% of your power, on average, then that means only
100-X% has to rely on fossil fuels. Hence you can reduce your fossil fuel
usage by that amount, and provide that much more of a distance between
civilisation and any future effects of pollution, climate change, and
resource depletion.

Sorry, what don't you understand here?

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Re: Tegmark and UDA step 3

2014-02-28 Thread meekerdb

On 2/28/2014 2:43 PM, LizR wrote:

If anyone is looking for the source of quantum randomness I've already 
provided an
explanation. It occurs as fragmentary spacetimes are created by quantum 
events and
then merged via shared quantum events. There can be no deterministic rules 
aligning separate spacetime fragments thus nature is forced to make those 

OK, I'll bite. Show us the maths and the experts can see how it stacks up against 
Everett et al.

But sadly no one on this group is interested in quantum theory, only 
relativity, and
far out philosophies such as 'comp'.

On the contrary, I am interested in your theory of quantum randomness IF you can flesh it 
out.  For example how do you describe a Stern-Gerlach experiment, a Vaidman no-interaction 
measurment, an EPR experiment, Bose-Einstein condensate,...?


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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread Richard Ruquist
bruno: God created the Integers. All the rest came when God added Add and
richard: I trhink the multiply mat be redundant. Is that a useful property?

On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 2:36 PM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 28 Feb 2014, at 08:20, Chris de Morsella wrote:

 Personally the notion that all that exists is comp  information - encoded
 on what though? - Is not especially troubling for me. I understand how some
 cling to a fundamental material realism; after all it does seem so very
 real. However when you get right down to it all we have is measured values
 of things and meters by which we measure other things; we live encapsulated
 in the experience of our own being and the sensorial stream of life and in
 the end all that we can say for sure about anything is the value it has
 when we measure it.
 I am getting into the interesting part of Tegmark's book - I read a bit
 each day when I break for lunch - so this is partly influencing this train
 of thought. By the way enjoyed his description of quantum computing and how
 in a sense q-bits are leveraging the Level III multiverse to compute every
 possible outcome while in quantum superposition; a way of thinking about it
 that I had never read before.
 Naturally I have been reading some of the discussions here, and the idea
 of comp is something I also find intuitively possible. The soul is an
 emergent phenomena given enough depth of complexity and breadth of
 parallelism and vastness of scale of the information system in which it is

 Several questions have been re-occurring for me. One of these is: Every
 information system, at least that I have ever been aware of, requires a
 substrate medium upon which to encode itself; information seems describable
 in this sense as the meta-encoding existing on some substrate system. I
 would like to avoid the infinite regression of stopping at the point of
 describing systems as existing upon other and requiring other substrate
 systems that themselves require substrates themselves described as
 information again requiring some substrate... repeat eternally.
 It is also true that exquisitely complex information can be encoded in a
 very simple substrate system given enough replication of elements... a simple
 binary state machine could suffice, given enough bits.
 But what are the bits encoded on?

 At some point reductionism can no longer reduce And then we are back to
 where we first started How did that arise or come to be? If for example
 we say that math is reducible to logic or set theory then what of sets and
 the various set operations? What of enumerations? These simplest of simple
 things. Can you reduce the {} null set?
 What does it arise from?

 Perhaps to try to find some fundamental something upon which everything
 else is tapestried over is unanswerable; it is something that keeps coming
 back to itch my ears.

 Am interested in hearing what some of you may have to say about this
 universe of the most simple things: numbers, sets; and the very simple base
 operators -- {+-*/=!^()} etc. that operate on these enumerable entities and
 the logical operators {and, or, xor}

 What is a number? Doesn't it only have meaning in the sense that it is
 greater  than the number that is less than it  less than the one greater
 than it? Does the concept of a number actually even have any meaning
 outside of being thought of as being a member of the enumerable set
 {1,2,3,4,... n}?In other words '3' by itself means nothing and is
 nothing; it only means something in terms of the set of numbers as in:
 234... n-1n

 And what of the simple operators. When we say a + b = c   we are dealing
 with two separate kinds of entities, with one {a,b,c} being quantities or
 values and {+,=} being the two operators that relate the three values in
 this simple equation.

 The enumerable set is not enough by itself. So even if one could explain
 the enumerable set in some manner the manner in which the simple operators
 come to be is not clear to me. How do the addition, assignment and other
 basic operators arise? This extends similarly to the basic logic operators:
 and, or, xor, not - as well.


 Those kind of questions are more less clarified. You cannot prove the
 existence of a universal system, or machine, or language, from anything
 less powerful, but you can prove the existence of all of them, from the
 assumption of only one. I use elementary arithmetic, because it is already
 taught in school, and people are familiar with it.

 The TOE extracted from comp assumes we agree on the laws of addition and
 multiplication, and on classical logic. From this you can prove the
 existence of the universal numbers and or all their computations, and even
 interview the Löbian numbers, on what is possible for them, in different
 relative sense.

 So, math comes from arithmetic, and arithmetic can explain why it is
 impossible to explain arithmetic from less than 

Re: Is information physical?

2014-02-28 Thread Edgar L. Owen

I'm not exactly sure what you mean here. The substrate is itself formless 
(somewhat analogous to the concept of Tao). Within that arises all the 
forms whose computational interactions compute the current state of the 
universe. These computations compute on the basis of the laws of nature 
which in this model are just as much a part of reality as the information 
states they compute.

So what we call physics is how humans mentally model and try to understand 
this system in terms of their H-math. Or if you wanted you could say that 
R-computations are the actual R-physics to distinguish that from H-physics. 


On Friday, February 28, 2014 5:34:10 PM UTC-5, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 On Friday, February 28, 2014 5:04:29 PM UTC-5, Edgar L. Owen wrote:


 I agree that the substrate that information manifests in is NOT physical, 
 it is abstract in the sense of no physicality. But the information that 
 constitutes the universe is REAL, so the substrate it exists within is the 
 real actual presence of existence itself. That's what brings it to life and 
 makes it real and actual...

 If the real actual presence of 'existence' itself is what brings 
 information to life and makes it real and actual, why isn't that substrate 
 what we call physics and what REALLY constitutes the universe? If 
 information cannot be or do anything without the substrate, then how can we 
 say that information is the important part?


 And yes that's me. Thanks for your kind comment!


 On Friday, February 28, 2014 3:54:19 PM UTC-5, John Clark wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 8:26 AM, Edgar L. Owen wrote:

  information does need a substrate in which to manifest. 

 That seems to be the case but perhaps not at the very lowest level. The 
 integers are abstract things that aren't made of anything except other 
 numbers and once you describe how they interact with other mathematical 
 objects you've said all there is to say about them. In the same way in 
 string theory the strings aren't made of anything and they have reality 
 only in how they interact with other strings; so perhaps at the fundamental 
 level reality not only can be described mathematically but actually IS 

 On a completely different subject, are you Edgar Owen the antiquities 
 dealer? If so you have a pretty cool job.

   John K Clark


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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread Edgar L. Owen

Yes, that's consistent with the theory I present in my book. Specifically 
that computational reality itself is continuous in the sense that there are 
NO separate individual things. This continuous reality does however contain 
overlapping computational domains based on dynamic computational boundaries 
that emerge naturally at various scales.

However it is very difficult for organisms to compute their functioning on 
this basis so they had to evolve a different method to improve their 
functioning. So part of what organisms do in the mental simulations of 
reality on the basis of which they compute their functioning, is to model 
the actual continuous information of reality into discrete things and their 
relationships. This is done because it is much easier to compute organismic 
functioning on the basis of a small set discrete individual classical scale 
things than a huge dynamic mass of continuous elemental information. The 
computations become many orders of magnitude simpler.

So as Cooper apparently suggests, the notion of a world consisting of 
distinct objects, is how humans model reality rather than reality itself. 
This also alludes to the origin of H-math from R-math.


On Friday, February 28, 2014 5:58:13 PM UTC-5, Brent wrote:

 On 2/28/2014 2:32 PM, LizR wrote: 
  If it's all math, then where does math come from? 
  Strange to say, elementary maths just appears to be a fact. That is, it 
 is a fact that 

 Or it comes from our conceptualizing the world as consisting of distinct 
 objects and 
 counting them, c.f. William S. Cooper The Origin of Reason and Lakoff 
 and Nunez Where 
 Mathematics Comes From. 


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Re: Tegmark and UDA step 3

2014-02-28 Thread Edgar L. Owen

Are you addressing that question to me? You are responding to a post by Liz 
talking about your theory. If so I'll be glad to answer.


On Friday, February 28, 2014 6:14:42 PM UTC-5, Brent wrote:

  On 2/28/2014 2:43 PM, LizR wrote:
  If anyone is looking for the source of quantum randomness I've already 
 provided an explanation. It occurs as fragmentary spacetimes are created by 
 quantum events and then merged via shared quantum events. There can be no 
 deterministic rules for aligning separate spacetime fragments thus nature 
 is forced to make those alignments randomly.

  OK, I'll bite. Show us the maths and the experts can see how it stacks 
 up against Everett et al.

  But sadly no one on this group is interested in quantum theory, only 
 relativity, and far out philosophies such as 'comp'.
 On the contrary, I am interested in your theory of quantum randomness IF 
 you can flesh it out.  For example how do you describe a Stern-Gerlach 
 experiment, a Vaidman no-interaction measurment, an EPR experiment, 
 Bose-Einstein condensate,...?


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Re: 3-1 views (was: Re: Better Than the Chinese Room)

2014-02-28 Thread LizR
On 1 March 2014 03:22, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 26 Feb 2014, at 03:31, LizR wrote:

 Indeed. I have mentioned at times that if you accept Yes Doctor the rest
 of comp follows. Which I realise isn't quite true,

 ? You might elaborate on this. What is the rest, and why do you think it
 does not follow?

I mean the rest as I understand it. Yes Doctor implies that identity
relies on a capsule memory, and hence that H=M and H=W, and also that
H=simulated M / W, H = M+100 years, and so on.

 Of course I define comp by yes doctor + Church's thesis.

That is why I realise it isn't quite true that YD implies everything,
because you need CT and AR. But if you accept the Doctor's offer then you
are committing to a capsule theory of identity which implies most of what
you have said about duplication experiments with delays, VR, and so on.

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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread LizR
On 1 March 2014 11:58, meekerdb wrote:

 On 2/28/2014 2:32 PM, LizR wrote:

 If it's all math, then where does math come from?

 Strange to say, elementary maths just appears to be a fact. That is, it
 is a fact that 1+1=2.

 Or it comes from our conceptualizing the world as consisting of distinct
 objects and counting them, c.f. William S. Cooper The Origin of Reason
 and Lakoff and Nunez Where Mathematics Comes From.

It isn't just us. Subatomic physics indicates that the world consists of
distinct objects, and keeps track of the number of them.

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Re: Block Universes

2014-02-28 Thread Russell Standish
On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 04:14:29PM +0100, Bruno Marchal wrote:
 Isn't it crazy to reject what there is enormous evidence for and
 accept what there is NO evidence for?
 That is what you do. There are no evidence for any universe, and
 indeed, as you assume comp, you could understand that there is no
 universe. The notion is close to inconsistent, and explanatively
 Physicists measure numbers, and infer relation among numbers. Then
 even cosmological theories usually avoid metaphysical commitment.
 This is done by physicalist philosophers, and can make sense, but
 then not together with the assumption that the brain functions
 mechanically at some level.

Sorry to be pernicketty, but if you are working in a theory that makes
no ontologicical commitment (or metaphysical, which I assume is the
same thing), then how does that contradict your reversal result? It is
only a theory _about_ phenomena, not about what's ontologically real.


Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
University of New South Wales

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Re: The situation at Fukushima appears to be deteriorating

2014-02-28 Thread LizR
The great thing is, we don't need to *store* all the energy we use. Quite a
lot of it is generated on the basis of the load being drawn from a grid,
and that energy can be created by any means available, or indeed a mixture,
with the undesirable (polluting/running out) forms being replaced whenever
possible with sustainable sources. So arguing that solar power etc are of
no use because the power can't be stored very efficiently, and that
therefore we shouldn't bother, is as daft as arguing that if solar only
contributed 20% of our power needs it wouldn't be worthwhile.

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The way the future was

2014-02-28 Thread LizR
Dear old Isaac Asimov's predictions for the distant future of 2014.

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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Friday, February 28, 2014 5:32:48 PM UTC-5, Liz R wrote:

 If it's all math, then where does math come from?

 Strange to say, elementary maths just appears to be a fact. That is, it is 
 a fact that 1+1=2.

These shapes appear to be letters and words also, but they aren't. All it 
takes is a small chemical change in your brain and 1+1 could = mustard. 
Even in a completely normative state of mind, 1+1 = 2 doesn't apply to 
everything. Once cloud plus one cloud equals one large cloud, or maybe one 
raining cloud. Math is about a very specific aspect of sense - the sense 
which objects make when we count them. That sense is abstracted into a 
language which extends it beyond literal objects to virtual objects, but no 
matter what you do with math, it has no subjective interior. It's about 
doing and knowing that is desired by what which is already feeling and 
being. Doing and knowing by itself, if such a thing could exist, would be 
information, but it could never feel or be anything. 

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Re: Is information physical?

2014-02-28 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Friday, February 28, 2014 7:30:22 PM UTC-5, Edgar L. Owen wrote:


 I'm not exactly sure what you mean here. The substrate is itself formless 
 (somewhat analogous to the concept of Tao). Within that arises all the 
 forms whose computational interactions compute the current state of the 

Then the substrate is not formless, is all trans-formal. All forms are 
produced, preserved, and dissolved within it, through it, for it, etc. The 
substrate is sense - the capacity for appreciation and participation which 
records itself as form. Information is what sense does and knows, not what 
it is and experiences.

 These computations compute on the basis of the laws of nature which in 
 this model are just as much a part of reality as the information states 
 they compute.

If the substrate is sense, then you don't need to have laws of nature. 
Sense is intrinsically sensible. It acts lawfully as well as spontaneously 
and creatively. It cheats at its own rules and then pretends to forget that 
it cheated.

 So what we call physics is how humans mentally model and try to understand 
 this system in terms of their H-math. Or if you wanted you could say that 
 R-computations are the actual R-physics to distinguish that from H-physics. 

I agree, but I'm saying that what we call information is how humans 
mentally model and try to understand how the system is measured in terms of 
their H-Math. The R is not physics or computation, it is aesthetic 
participation. R-Math is a silhouette of that which we mistake for the 
essence. Math is not the essence of consciousness or presence, it is the 
essence of distance and absence.



 On Friday, February 28, 2014 5:34:10 PM UTC-5, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 On Friday, February 28, 2014 5:04:29 PM UTC-5, Edgar L. Owen wrote:


 I agree that the substrate that information manifests in is NOT 
 physical, it is abstract in the sense of no physicality. But the 
 information that constitutes the universe is REAL, so the substrate it 
 exists within is the real actual presence of existence itself. That's what 
 brings it to life and makes it real and actual...

 If the real actual presence of 'existence' itself is what brings 
 information to life and makes it real and actual, why isn't that substrate 
 what we call physics and what REALLY constitutes the universe? If 
 information cannot be or do anything without the substrate, then how can we 
 say that information is the important part?


 And yes that's me. Thanks for your kind comment!


 On Friday, February 28, 2014 3:54:19 PM UTC-5, John Clark wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 8:26 AM, Edgar L. Owen wrote:

  information does need a substrate in which to manifest. 

 That seems to be the case but perhaps not at the very lowest level. The 
 integers are abstract things that aren't made of anything except other 
 numbers and once you describe how they interact with other mathematical 
 objects you've said all there is to say about them. In the same way in 
 string theory the strings aren't made of anything and they have reality 
 only in how they interact with other strings; so perhaps at the 
 level reality not only can be described mathematically but actually IS 

 On a completely different subject, are you Edgar Owen the antiquities 
 dealer? If so you have a pretty cool job.

   John K Clark


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Re: Is information physical?

2014-02-28 Thread Russell Standish
On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 10:51:00AM -0500, wrote:
 Ok, Thanks. We're back to the Observer again, where all things are decided at 
 the quantum. From here on the questions tumble forth as a cascade, on whether 
 the Observer is conscious, who is the Observer, what is the Observer? 

Interesting questions, to be sure, but all quite irrelevant to
information theory. All an observer needs to do for information theory
is detect a difference (that makes a difference).


 -Original Message-
 From: Russell Standish
 To: everything-list
 Sent: Thu, Feb 27, 2014 5:15 pm
 Subject: Re: Is information physical?
 On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 05:01:51PM -0500, wrote:
  Not to be a dick, but is not information or data perforations, and 
 in mater and energy? This is how we recognize information from background 
 correct? Is there a third state of reality that is not matter or energy?
 Only when interpreted by an observer. An electrical circuit has only
 voltages and currents, not bits. To an observer, a voltage on a data
 line might be interpreted as 1 if it is greater than 3V, and zero if
 it is less than 1V. In between those two thresholds, the voltage might
 be determinate, but the information is not.
 The third state, as you call it, is a semantically different picture
 where things are described in terms of whether some physical state is
 the same as, or different from, some other physical state, according to
 the interpretation of an observer. From that, comes bits, and all the
 other information-based quantities.
 Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
 Principal, High Performance Coders
 Visiting Professor of Mathematics
 University of New South Wales
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Prof Russell Standish  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
University of New South Wales

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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread meekerdb

On 2/28/2014 5:09 PM, LizR wrote:

On 1 March 2014 11:58, meekerdb wrote:

On 2/28/2014 2:32 PM, LizR wrote:

If it's all math, then where does math come from?

Strange to say, elementary maths just appears to be a fact. That is, it 
is a
fact that 1+1=2.

Or it comes from our conceptualizing the world as consisting of distinct 
objects and
counting them, c.f. William S. Cooper The Origin of Reason and Lakoff and 
Where Mathematics Comes From.

It isn't just us. Subatomic physics indicates that the world consists of distinct 
objects, and keeps track of the number of them.

Of course that's *our theory of subatomic physics*.  Naturally we explain the world in 
terms we understand.  But in fact the objects, e.g. the quarks in a nucleus are not really 
that distinct.  And remember how states Boltzmann counted as distinct turned out to need 
Bose-Einstein counting.


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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread Platonist Guitar Cowboy
On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 2:36 AM, Craig Weinberg whatsons...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Friday, February 28, 2014 5:32:48 PM UTC-5, Liz R wrote:

 If it's all math, then where does math come from?

 Strange to say, elementary maths just appears to be a fact. That is, it
 is a fact that 1+1=2.

 These shapes appear to be letters and words also, but they aren't. All it
 takes is a small chemical change in your brain and 1+1 could = mustard.
 Even in a completely normative state of mind, 1+1 = 2 doesn't apply to
 everything. Once cloud plus one cloud equals one large cloud, or maybe one
 raining cloud.

(I'll try to elaborate and clarify in MSR terms; apologies if I get it
wrong or miss the topic, as it is very high level stuff...)

And since every raindrop can in principle be assigned to a cloud, the
number of raindrops equals the number of possible clouds which also equal
one (because normative brain cloud), which equals two (as sense  is
abstracted into a language which extends it beyond literal objects to
virtual objects with no subjective interior, so who cares, right?), which
equals mustard in your sense brain individuality map, which isn't the
territory, as you all know by now.

I just asked my mustard bottle in the fridge, and it confirmed no desire
for a subjective interior feeling of being, with its silence. Why would an
entity be silent if it had subjective interior feeling? You don't think
mustard bottles chat on internet lists about their internal state while
staying silent via some mustard-yellow-spicy-wireless LAN emergent qualia
fridge intelligence, do you? Ha, gottcha! That's where we miss perhaps the
subtleties of MSR.

I really wish this would be the final word and champion MSR as the final
TOE, because the day we can convince our banks of this point, everybody
with a positive balance becomes infinitely rich and everybody with negative
balance gets some fuzzy amount of mustard.

Maybe then I could afford the time to thoroughly understand MSR's main
points, which again, as enumerated and therefore arithmetic points, all
abstract themselves into a language which extend it beyond literal objects
to virtual objects with no subjective interior desire territories, thus
boiling it down to one brain point wherein, to my amazement, Silicon
Valley, MSR, NSA meet, chanting:

the cloud!

The cloud as the mustard of sense.

But I don't know if I have that time to really grasp MSR yet. It's my first
post working with it... so how am I doing, Craig? PGC

 Math is about a very specific aspect of sense - the sense which objects
 make when we count them. That sense is abstracted into a language which
 extends it beyond literal objects to virtual objects, but no matter what
 you do with math, it has no subjective interior. It's about doing and
 knowing that is desired by what which is already feeling and being. Doing
 and knowing by itself, if such a thing could exist, would be information,
 but it could never feel or be anything.

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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread LizR
On 1 March 2014 15:48, meekerdb wrote:

  On 2/28/2014 5:09 PM, LizR wrote:

  On 1 March 2014 11:58, meekerdb wrote:

 On 2/28/2014 2:32 PM, LizR wrote:

 If it's all math, then where does math come from?

 Strange to say, elementary maths just appears to be a fact. That is, it
 is a fact that 1+1=2.

  Or it comes from our conceptualizing the world as consisting of distinct
 objects and counting them, c.f. William S. Cooper The Origin of Reason
 and Lakoff and Nunez Where Mathematics Comes From.

  It isn't just us. Subatomic physics indicates that the world consists of
 distinct objects, and keeps track of the number of them.

 Of course that's *our theory of subatomic physics*.  Naturally we explain
 the world in terms we understand.  But in fact the objects, e.g. the quarks
 in a nucleus are not really that distinct.  And remember how states
 Boltzmann counted as distinct turned out to need Bose-Einstein counting.

Well obviously it could be wrong, like any theory, but it looks to me as
though it contains distinct objects, and does some form of accounting on
them. For example colliding an electron and positron creates a gamma ray of
a specific wavelength, which could be turned back into the particles again
under some circumstances. (Also, you are slightly begging the question.
*Why* do we understand the world in those terms?)

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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread LizR
On 1 March 2014 14:36, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 On Friday, February 28, 2014 5:32:48 PM UTC-5, Liz R wrote:

 If it's all math, then where does math come from?

 Strange to say, elementary maths just appears to be a fact. That is, it
 is a fact that 1+1=2.

 These shapes appear to be letters and words also, but they aren't. All it
 takes is a small chemical change in your brain and 1+1 could = mustard.
 Even in a completely normative state of mind, 1+1 = 2 doesn't apply to

If it's a fact, it's irrelevant whether my brain thinks it's mustard.

 Once cloud plus one cloud equals one large cloud, or maybe one raining
 cloud. Math is about a very specific

Please don't come out with the cloud example,  I've heard that so many
times but it's never become any more relevant. Surely you know I'm talking
about the abstract concepts?

 aspect of sense - the sense which objects make when we count them. That
 sense is abstracted into a language which extends it beyond literal objects
 to virtual objects, but no matter what you do with math, it has no
 subjective interior. It's about doing and knowing that is desired by what
 which is already feeling and being. Doing and knowing by itself, if such a
 thing could exist, would be information, but it could never feel or be

Well, that's me told. Next time I want to make a point with you is it OK if
I quote I am the Walrus ?

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RE: The situation at Fukushima appears to be deteriorating

2014-02-28 Thread Chris de Morsella


[] On Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: The situation at Fukushima appears to be deteriorating


On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 12:45 AM, Chris de Morsella

 Well if you can store 61 times more energy, that just means there's room
for improvement in the existing batteries... Good news, if nature was able
to do it so can we I hope.

Zinc-air batteries, [...]  offers about twice the gravimetric density

Who cares about gravimetric density? 


Evidently you don't; that much is clear. The automobile companies that are
moving towards electric vehicles care - and care a lot. Just because you
don't give a fig does not mean that your opinion is universally shared.
Increasing the storage potential per unit of mass - say as wh/kg for example
- is critical in order to extend the range of electric vehicles. 

(Wh/kg) and three times the volumetric density (Wh/L) of Li-ion technology.

And per weight that's  about one thirtieth as much energy as gasoline can
store, and they tend to stop working after about 3 years.

Internal combustion (ICE) motors are only between 15% to 25% efficient - so
only a small fraction of the potential energy stored in the gasoline is
transmitted to the wheel as useful work. Electric motors are around 80%
efficient. So to compare the energy in the battery with the potential energy
in the gasoline is an unfair comparison - which I am sure you are aware of
(would hope so at least); but you do it, in any case, because it suits the
point you are arguing.

 Lithium air has a theoretical specific energy of 11,140 wh/kg (lithium
metal is around 45 Mj/kg)


That's about the same as gasoline, and although no machine ever operates at
its theoretical maximum if and when Lithium air batteries ever become
practical and move out of the laboratory it will change the world. But there
are huge technological challenges that must be overcome before that can
happen, larger than what it would take to put a LFTR online although
probably not as large as what it would take to put a fusion reactor online. 

The advanced battery field is moving very fast and the problems are being
solved - often in parallel. Lithium air batteries would store more usable
work per unit of mass than gasoline because of the inefficiency of
combustion engines - even modern gas turbines are around 50% efficient. 

It may surprise you but I wish the US would start up an LFTR program. in
fact, I wish the 8+ billion dollar loan guarantee now earmarked to fund
those nuclear white elephants in Georgia was instead - much more wisely IMO
- being used to kick start an LFTR program. 


 John K Clark



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RE: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread Chris de Morsella

If it's all math, then where does math come from?

Strange to say, elementary maths just appears to be a fact. That is, it is
a fact that 1+1=2.


Somehow I do not find that satisfying; in what way and by what evidence does
this occur? 

Especially - as I had posited if math is the fundamental thing - even more
fundamental than the emergent material universe. I could see this logic in a
pre-existing universe replete with 10 to a very large number of atoms, but
if math is to be the superstructure underlying everything then I - speaking
for myself - am not satisfied by saying it just is a fact.


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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread LizR
Nevertheless, it does seem to be. That is, 17 is a prime number regardless
of whether anyone knows it is, or even knows what numbers are, or indeed
whether anyone is even alive (e.g. it was prime in the first instants of
the big bang - maths has been used to work out what happened in the early
universe, with observable consequences now). There's a lot of hand waving
going on to deny this, but I haven't seen a knock down argument (or even a
suggestion of one) to indicate otherwise.

On 1 March 2014 18:16, Chris de Morsella wrote:

 If it's all math, then where does math come from?

 Strange to say, elementary maths just appears to be a fact. That is, it
 is a fact that 1+1=2.

 Somehow I do not find that satisfying; in what way and by what evidence
 does this occur?

 Especially - as I had posited if math is the fundamental thing - even more
 fundamental than the emergent material universe. I could see this logic in
 a pre-existing universe replete with 10 to a very large number of atoms,
 but if math is to be the superstructure underlying everything then I -
 speaking for myself - am not satisfied by saying it just is a fact.


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RE: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread Chris de Morsella

Or it comes from our conceptualizing the world as consisting of distinct
objects and counting them, c.f. William S. Cooper The Origin of Reason and
Lakoff and Nunez Where Mathematics Comes From.

In that case math would emerge from our conscious minds -- growing out of
our making sense of the world. Is math the fundamental basis of reality, or
is it an emergent phenomena?


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RE: The solar example of a town in Germany

2014-02-28 Thread Chris de Morsella


[] On Behalf Of LizR


On 1 March 2014 04:59, wrote:

It does. You cannot fake electricity. You cannot fake electric current. If
you are depending on solar power for 20% of your electricity supply, and the
rest for coal, because coal is reliable on a 7 x 24 basis, you can only rely
on solar for a slim fraction of electricity. You haven't solved the problem
in a technical manner, all one is doing is employing solar for a fraction of
total electricity consumption, to make ones self feel better. This is not
engineering, it is ideology- a faith movement to make one feel better,
without providing clean power to power one's civilization. How long must we
wait for miracle power sources, if the shadow of Climate Change is
overwhelming us all? It is politics and not health, and not engineering that
is driving this issue, right?


I don't see what you're saying here. Indeed, you appear to be contradicting
yourself. If solar provides 20% of your power, it provides 20% of your
power. There is nothing faith based about that, assuming it's a fact (e.g.
about 70% of New Zealand's power is provided by hydro, on average - that's
not faith, or a miracle, or a conspiracy, it's just a fact).


If solar can provide X% of your power, on average, then that means only
100-X% has to rely on fossil fuels. Hence you can reduce your fossil fuel
usage by that amount, and provide that much more of a distance between
civilisation and any future effects of pollution, climate change, and
resource depletion.


Sorry, what don't you understand here?


Another thing he does not understand is the concept of marginal value. 

If renewables contributed say one third of the power mix the marginal impact
would be very large. It would mean aging, dirty coal fired plants could be
retired more quickly than they could be absent this contribution. They would
provide a resilience and stability to the grid - by lessening the exposure
to interruptions in the supply o fuels from distant regions. Localized roof
top solar especially will also lessen the load that the grid needs to carry.
the grid, in the US and other industrialized nations is already pretty much
at full capacity and it is very hard to increase this capacity. Rooftop
solar provides grid stability services (an important value, ask anyone who
lived through the great blackout of 2003 when NYC went dark); it does so by
offloading demand from the grid by being able to supply a portion of that
demand straight from the rooftop.

Solar power also coincides with peak demand - it maps very nicely onto it.
Some are making much about the need for 24 hours of power a day - but they
neglect to mention that in fact there is very little demand for electric
power in the wee hours of the morn - in fact this is a huge current and
on-going problem, and at night wind power in Europe is on occasion even
driving the spot wholesale price for electricity into negative territory..
Electric producers have to pay to put the power onto the grid. So much for
the argument of this vital necessity that solar power be able to continue
to be able to generate power - to supply the voracious appetite for
electricity prevailing during the wee morning hours. Chris

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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread meekerdb

On 2/28/2014 7:25 PM, LizR wrote:

On 1 March 2014 15:48, meekerdb wrote:

On 2/28/2014 5:09 PM, LizR wrote:

On 1 March 2014 11:58, meekerdb wrote:

On 2/28/2014 2:32 PM, LizR wrote:

If it's all math, then where does math come from?

Strange to say, elementary maths just appears to be a fact. That 
is, it is
a fact that 1+1=2.

Or it comes from our conceptualizing the world as consisting of distinct
objects and counting them, c.f. William S. Cooper The Origin of 
Reason and
Lakoff and Nunez Where Mathematics Comes From.

It isn't just us. Subatomic physics indicates that the world consists of 
objects, and keeps track of the number of them.

Of course that's *our theory of subatomic physics*. Naturally we explain 
the world
in terms we understand. But in fact the objects, e.g. the quarks in a 
nucleus are
not really that distinct.  And remember how states Boltzmann counted as 
turned out to need Bose-Einstein counting.

Well obviously it could be wrong, like any theory, but it looks to me as though it 
contains distinct objects, and does some form of accounting on them. For example 
colliding an electron and positron creates a gamma ray of a specific wavelength, which 
could be turned back into the particles again under some circumstances. (Also, you are 
slightly begging the question. /Why/ do we understand the world in those terms?)

We're big macroscopic things and the stuff important for our survival and reproduction is 
big macroscopic stuff. And big macroscopic stuff tends to keep it's identity over the time 
scales of our reproduction.

If you draw the Feynman diagrams for that electron/positron annihilation you find that 
there are infinitely many of them with all kinds of loops with all kinds of particles 
which are improbable but not impossible; and what our theory really says is that all those 
things happen at once and we're just summing them all up to get the Green's function.


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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread meekerdb

On 2/28/2014 9:22 PM, LizR wrote:
Nevertheless, it does seem to be. That is, 17 is a prime number regardless of whether 
anyone knows it is, or even knows what numbers are, or indeed whether anyone is even 
alive (e.g. it was prime in the first instants of the big bang - maths has been used to 
work out what happened in the early universe, with observable consequences now). There's 
a lot of hand waving going on to deny this, but I haven't seen a knock down argument (or 
even a suggestion of one) to indicate otherwise.

To deny what?  That 17 is prime?  That's a tautology.  It's our theory that the world 
consists of countable things - whether it really is, is questionable.


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Re: Tegmark and UDA step 3

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 26 Feb 2014, at 14:49, Jason Resch wrote:

I came upon an interesting passage in Our Mathematical Universe,  
starting on page 194, which I think members of this list might  

It gradually hit me that this illusion of randomness business  
really wasn't specific to quantum mechanics at all. Suppose that  
some future technology allows you to be cloned while you're  
sleeping, and that your two copies are placed in rooms numbered 0  
and 1 (Figure 8.3). When they wake up, they'll both feel that the  
room number they read is completely unpredictable and random. If in  
the future, it becomes possible for you to upload your mind to a  
computer, then what I'm saying here will feel totally obvious and  
intuitive to you, since cloning yourself will be as easy as making a  
copy of your software. If you repeated the cloning experiment from  
Figure 8.3 many times and wrote down your room number each time,  
you'd in almost all cases find that the sequence of zeros and ones  
you'd written looked random, with zeros occurring about 50% of the  
time. In other words, causal physics will produce the illusion of  
randomness from your subjective viewpoint in any circumstance where  
you're being cloned. The fundamental reason that quantum mechanics  
appears random even though the wave function evolves  
deterministically is that the Schrodinger equation can evolve a  
wavefunction with a single you into one with clones of you in  
parallel universes. So how does it feel when you get cloned? It  
feels random! And every time something fundamentally random appears  
to happen to you, which couldn't have been predicted even in  
principle, it's a sign that you've been cloned.

That's comp. Tegmark refers to my work in a draft of some of its early  
paper, but, I guess, was not allowed to keep the reference for  
publishing, as the publication avoids to refer to it, and I know he  
knows my paper. I have perhaps survived in some acknowledgement, but I  
am not sure. We did talk on all this, and so his I gradually hit  
above is a bit disingenuous.
More young students, in Paris, but also elsewhere,  told me that it  
was impossible to refer to my work, and in one instance that they were  
explicitly asked to refer it to other people!
This confirms my feeling that my academical problem is not related  
to the subject, but to the fact that I am a witness of some very bad  
facts involving some people in some academy, and of course the  
disparition of the price that I got, is of the same kind. Like the  
clergy, academy protects itself in the hiding of scandalous affairs.

At least this shows that Tegmark has no problem with step 3, and the  
FPI. Not sure he has seen the full consequence of computationalism,  



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Re: For John Clark

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 26 Oct 2013, at 19:09, Jason Resch wrote:


I came across this today, which you might find of interest:

In particular section 3 goes to great pains to describe the  
importance of the first person / third person distinction.  From the  

A. It doesn't explain why we perceive randomness

Everett's brilliant insight was that the MWI does
explain why we perceive randomness even though the
Schrodinger equation itself is completely causal. To avoid
linguistic confusion, it is crucial that we distinguish between

* the outside view of the world (the way a mathematical
thinks of it, i.e., as an evolving wavefunction),

* the inside view, the way it is perceived from the
subjective frog perspective of an observer in it.

Therefore, the 1st / 3rd person views are not just some obscure  
aspect of Bruno's theory that is unknown or unused in any other part  
of science, it is critical in other theories of science too.  You  
dismiss it as pee pee and that is what prevents you from arriving  
at the correct conclusion, I think. If you take into account the  
first person inside view or frog perspective, you get a  
different result than when you use only the third person outside  
view or bird perspective.

Your confusion regarding the third step has nothing to do with  
pronouns or personal identity, it is purely due to a focus on only  
the objective perspective when the experiment calls for use of the  
subjective perspective.


Now, to nitpick a little bit, I would not conflate bird/frog and 3p/ 
1p, as bird/frog gives a feeling that it is a question of scaling,  
where in fact it is, arguably in both QM and computationalism, a  
question of entanglement or isolation. In comp, entanglement being  
simply defined by entering, or not, in the telebox. Both in UDA and in  
AUDA, the 1p/3p distinction is precisely defined.



On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 1:59 PM, John Clark  
On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 12:27 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

 In the MWI John Clark doesn't have to worry about who you is  
because however many copies of you there may or may not be they  
will never meet

 What does it have to do with prediction and probability ?

In the MWI if John Clark is asked for a prediction or a probability  
or anything for that matter about you further clarification is not  
needed, in a thought experiment involving people duplicating  
machines it is.

 you refuse to let work your brain while you doesn't do *as you  

You doesn't well speak.

   John K Clark

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RE: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread Chris de Morsella

Personally the notion that all that exists is comp  information - encoded
on what though? - Is not especially troubling for me. I understand how some
cling to a fundamental material realism; after all it does seem so very
real. However when you get right down to it all we have is measured values
of things and meters by which we measure other things; we live encapsulated
in the experience of our own being and the sensorial stream of life and in
the end all that we can say for sure about anything is the value it has when
we measure it.

I am getting into the interesting part of Tegmark's book - I read a bit each
day when I break for lunch - so this is partly influencing this train of
thought. By the way enjoyed his description of quantum computing and how in
a sense q-bits are leveraging the Level III multiverse to compute every
possible outcome while in quantum superposition; a way of thinking about it
that I had never read before.

Naturally I have been reading some of the discussions here, and the idea of
comp is something I also find intuitively possible. The soul is an emergent
phenomena given enough depth of complexity and breadth of parallelism and
vastness of scale of the information system in which it is self-emergent.


Several questions have been re-occurring for me. One of these is: Every
information system, at least that I have ever been aware of, requires a
substrate medium upon which to encode itself; information seems describable
in this sense as the meta-encoding existing on some substrate system. I
would like to avoid the infinite regression of stopping at the point of
describing systems as existing upon other and requiring other substrate
systems that themselves require substrates themselves described as
information again requiring some substrate... repeat eternally.

It is also true that exquisitely complex information can be encoded in a
very simple substrate system given enough replication of elements... a simple
binary state machine could suffice, given enough bits.

But what are the bits encoded on?


At some point reductionism can no longer reduce And then we are back to
where we first started How did that arise or come to be? If for example we
say that math is reducible to logic or set theory then what of sets and the
various set operations? What of enumerations? These simplest of simple
things. Can you reduce the {} null set?

What does it arise from?


Perhaps to try to find some fundamental something upon which everything else
is tapestried over is unanswerable; it is something that keeps coming back
to itch my ears.


Am interested in hearing what some of you may have to say about this
universe of the most simple things: numbers, sets; and the very simple base
operators -- {+-*/=!^()} etc. that operate on these enumerable entities and
the logical operators {and, or, xor}


What is a number? Doesn't it only have meaning in the sense that it is
greater  than the number that is less than it  less than the one greater
than it? Does the concept of a number actually even have any meaning outside
of being thought of as being a member of the enumerable set {1,2,3,4,... n}?
In other words '3' by itself means nothing and is nothing; it only means
something in terms of the set of numbers as in: 234... n-1n


And what of the simple operators. When we say a + b = c   we are dealing
with two separate kinds of entities, with one {a,b,c} being quantities or
values and {+,=} being the two operators that relate the three values in
this simple equation.


The enumerable set is not enough by itself. So even if one could explain the
enumerable set in some manner the manner in which the simple operators come
to be is not clear to me. How do the addition, assignment and other basic
operators arise? This extends similarly to the basic logic operators: and,
or, xor, not - as well.





Those kind of questions are more less clarified. You cannot prove the
existence of a universal system, or machine, or language, from anything less
powerful, but you can prove the existence of all of them, from the
assumption of only one. I use elementary arithmetic, because it is already
taught in school, and people are familiar with it.


Sure. keep it simple; I am all for the KISS principle - an American
programmer's vernacular which stands for keep it simple  stupid or the
more abrasive version keep it simple stupid - either way KISS

I am all for distilling away intervening complexity and orthogonal aspects,
in order to drill down into a problem space and abstract out the essential
qualities of interest.

Even as simple as: 

0, 1

00, 01, 10, 11

000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111


Incredible software is built from this simple base operating with an equally
spare simple set of basic logic gates. 


The TOE extracted from comp assumes we agree on the laws of addition and
multiplication, and on classical logic. From this you can prove the
existence of the 

RE: The situation at Fukushima appears to be deteriorating

2014-02-28 Thread Chris de Morsella


[] On Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: The situation at Fukushima appears to be deteriorating



On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 6:42 PM, LizR wrote:


  Why bother with all these other power sources when you have a fusion
reactor in the astronomical backyard?


 Because the energy density decreases with the square of the distance and
the fusion reactor is 93 million miles away, and because the energy drops to
zero for at least half the time.

 It still delivers thousands of times more energy to earth than human
civilisation uses. 


Yes but economically the total amount of energy, or of anything else for
that matter, is not important, the important thing is the amount per unit
volume. Only 174,000 tons of gold has been mined in all of human history and
right now in seawater there is 69 thousand times as much, 12 billion tons.
And yet nobody bothers to extract gold from seawater because the
concentration is so dilute (about 5 parts in a trillion) that it would not
be economical to do so. 

But plenty of people are bothering to extract electrons from the photons.
diffuse as they may be. 40 to 50 gigawatts are being added just this year.
At some point don't the facts on the ground begin to speak for themselves?


  John K Clark




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Re: Geography

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

Hi Richard,

Sorry for this late answer.

On 09 Jan 2014, at 20:42, Richard Ruquist wrote:

Bruno Marchal:

You might confuse geography and physics. The (sigma_1) arithmetic is  
the same for all, and the laws of physics must be given by the same  
laws for any universal machine. Comp makes physics invariant for all  
machine-observers, and entirely determined by the unique measure on  
all computation, as seen from the 1p view.

Richard Ruquist:

The geography is important.


Do we drive on a unique geography?

In the 1p plural, yes. But in the 3p wave, no geographies is unique,  
they are 2^aleph_0.

Are there some things, some properties like charge, mass and energy  
of electrons and photons that are invariant and essentially do not  
affect their quantum states. If so, the geography we drive on may be  
a constant relative to the scale of drive time.  Geography may never  
split due to quantum state superposition.

I don't see why. If I decide my holidy location with a quantum  
superposition, I will split the geography relatively to me.

Splitting within a constant geography is rather associated with  
life, but not photosynthesis.

The photosynthesis process somehow estimates and selects the best  
photon quantum state for optimal processing into sugar, which is a  
significant constraint on extra worlds in a many world reality.


Perhaps that is a metaphor for how the laws of physics may optimize  
particle interactions.
But there is no experimental evidence for such optimization outside  
of biology.


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Re: MODAL 5 (was Re: Better Than the Chinese Room)

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 28 Feb 2014, at 01:27, LizR wrote:

On 28 February 2014 05:29, Bruno Marchal wrote:
And Liz-Washington said I don't know if I am the one from  
Washington I drunk to much whisky and I lost the diary!
And Liz-Moscow said I don't know if I am the one from Moscow, I  
drunk too much vodka and I lost the diary.

GASP! How did you know?

I am a scientist. I know nothing, but I can make theories, and my  
theory here is that you lost easily diaries, and might appreciate good  
wine and things like that, which is nice as long as you can moderate  
yourself, and find a way to fix your diary problem, which is needed to  
get a stable first person view ...



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Re: MODAL 5 (was Re: Better Than the Chinese Room)

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 28 Feb 2014, at 02:03, meekerdb wrote:

On 2/27/2014 4:27 PM, LizR wrote:

On 28 February 2014 05:29, Bruno Marchal wrote:
And Liz-Washington said I don't know if I am the one from  
Washington I drunk to much whisky and I lost the diary!
And Liz-Moscow said I don't know if I am the one from Moscow, I  
drunk too much vodka and I lost the diary.

GASP! How did you know?

But losing the diary is no problem, if you're drunk on whisky you're  
from Washington, if you're drunk on vodka you're the one from Moscow.

You felt in my trap. There is good whisky in Moscow, and there is good  
vodka in Washington, today :)


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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread LizR
On 1 March 2014 19:04, meekerdb wrote:

  On 2/28/2014 9:22 PM, LizR wrote:

 Nevertheless, it does seem to be. That is, 17 is a prime number regardless
 of whether anyone knows it is, or even knows what numbers are, or indeed
 whether anyone is even alive (e.g. it was prime in the first instants of
 the big bang - maths has been used to work out what happened in the early
 universe, with observable consequences now). There's a lot of hand waving
 going on to deny this, but I haven't seen a knock down argument (or even a
 suggestion of one) to indicate otherwise.

 To deny what?  That 17 is prime?  That's a tautology.  It's our theory
 that the world consists of countable things - whether it really is, is

 That's a different question. I'm not arguing for the world being based on
maths, I'm trying to answer the question in the thread title - where does
the maths come from? My answer is that it appears to just be a fact, or to
put it another way it comes from the fact that it couldn't be any other way
(17 couldn't be non-prime, for example, because there is no way to arrange
17 objects, abstract or real, that lets them fitt on the intersections of a
grid and exactly fill a rectangle). If you think that 17 being prime is a
tautology (I may have misunderstood what you said about, but *if* you do)
then you appear to agree.

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Re: MODAL 5 (was Re: Better Than the Chinese Room)

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 28 Feb 2014, at 02:10, LizR wrote:

On 28 February 2014 14:03, meekerdb wrote:
On 2/27/2014 4:27 PM, LizR wrote:

On 28 February 2014 05:29, Bruno Marchal wrote:
And Liz-Washington said I don't know if I am the one from  
Washington I drunk to much whisky and I lost the diary!
And Liz-Moscow said I don't know if I am the one from Moscow, I  
drunk too much vodka and I lost the diary.

GASP! How did you know?
But losing the diary is no problem, if you're drunk on whisky you're  
from Washington, if you're drunk on vodka you're the one from Moscow.

Waking up the following morning in Washington or Moscow might be a  
clue, too.


Unless you've been kidnapped by philosophers while drunk and had  
your brain put in a vat, of course.

(I suppose the next question is whether it's a vat of whisky or  

But, we might put this in the default hypotheses. We might also ask  
for sober volunteers, as that is common in scientific experiences  
involving humans. I think.


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Re: Alien Hand/Limb Syndrome

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 28 Feb 2014, at 03:22, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On Thursday, February 27, 2014 8:03:15 PM UTC-5, Liz R wrote:
On 28 February 2014 03:02, Craig Weinberg wrote:

In other words, why, in a functionalist/materialist world would we  
need a breakable program to keep telling us that our hand is not  

Or contrariwise, why do you need a breakable programme to tell you  
that it's your hand?

Sure, that too. It doesn't make sense functionally. What difference  
does it make 'who' the hand 'belongs' to, as long as it performs as  
a hand.

Maybe it isn't always obvious that it's my hand... I believe the  
brain has an internal model of the body. I guess without one it  
wouldn't find it so easy to control it? A body's quite complicated,  
after all...

Why should the model include its own non-functional presence though?

Because the model, the machine is not just confronted with its own  
self-representation, but also with truth, as far as we are. Put  
differently, because the machine can't conflate []p and []p  p. Only  
God can do that.



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Re: Alien Hand/Limb Syndrome

2014-02-28 Thread LizR
On 28 February 2014 15:22, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 On Thursday, February 27, 2014 8:03:15 PM UTC-5, Liz R wrote:

 On 28 February 2014 03:02, Craig Weinberg wrote:

 In other words, why, in a functionalist/materialist world would we need
 a breakable program to keep telling us that our hand is not Alien?

 Or contrariwise, why do you need a breakable programme to tell you that
 it's your hand?

 Sure, that too. It doesn't make sense functionally. What difference does
 it make 'who' the hand 'belongs' to, as long as it performs as a hand.

It's important for an animal to be able to distinguish self from non-self,
as can be seen if two animals are locked in combat - one that can't tell
its own limb from its opponent's is just as likely to bite itself as its
prey. Repeat that often enough and you have a strong evolutionary pressure
to distinguish self from non-self. I would imagine alien hand syndrome is a
breakdown of this system.

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Re: Digital Neurology

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 28 Feb 2014, at 22:11, meekerdb wrote:

On 2/28/2014 6:40 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

If you start with the assumption that the physics relevant to brain
function is not computable then computationalism is false: it  
would be
impossible to make a machine that behaves like a human, either  

or conscious.

I agree with you, the physics *relevant* to brain function has to  
be computable, for comp to be true. But the point is that below the  
substitution level, the physical details are not relevant. Then by  
the FPI, they must be undetermined, and this on an infinite non  
computable domain, and so, our computable brain must rely on a  
non computable physics, or a non necessarily computable physics,  
with some non computable aspect. This is what comp predicts, and of  
course this is confirmed by QM. Again, eventually, QM might to much  
computable for comp to be true. That is what remain to be seen.

If you're going to invoke uncomputable physics at low level isn't  
that the same as assuming inherent randomness at that low level?

It is a randomness or an indeterminacy, yes, but keep in mind that we  
have to take into account the UD, or the arithmetical, very big and  
important redundancy of the computations (notabluy below our  
substitution level).

Post number (the halting number, that is  
0.0001101011010100 , with i = 0 or 1 according to P_i  
halting or not, with P_i the ith program without input), Post number  
is not computable, but not completely random (it is compressible, and  
his compression is the non compressible Chaitin number).
So, OK, it is random, but still compressible. In fact it is deep and  
interesting in Bennet's technical sense. And then, that randomness is  
not assumed here, but a consequence of the comp FPI.



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RE: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread Chris de Morsella


[] On Behalf Of Edgar L. Owen




For a computational universe to even exist it must be consistently 
logico-mathematical. If it weren't the inconsistencies would cause it to tear 
itself apart and thus it couldn't exist. 


However it is a fact that our own human created computational systems, can and 
do incorporate random inputs (in fact sometimes relying on them) and function 
increasingly well in noisy environments. And this is in spite of our 
fundamental computer chip architecture being highly fault intolerant – but the 
fundamental logic is much easier because of this very high signal to noise 

To build a computer with current chip architecture approaching the complexity 
of a human brain you would need a power flux measured in the GWs – the human 
brain is trillions of times more efficient than our modern computers.

This argues for the brain itself as a guiding template for the understanding if 
evolved computational systems. And if there is one thing that pops out when 
studying the brain it is just how very noisy it is…. Continuously crackling 
with neuro-electric activity. We are only beginning to seriously attempt to 
emulate the brain and to understand its error correction routines, to 
understand quorum based algorithms etc.

When I cast around for an example of computationalism in action I am drawn to 
the human brain as an exemplar, template what have you. Human made computers 
are not nearly as evolved; I predict that in time there is going to be a 
radical shift in chip architecture to much lower energy levels  to flip a gate 
(inevitably also vastly lowering signal to noise) that will be based on massive 
parallelism and quorum decisional algorithms to clean the signal up… to discern 
the signal in the forest of noise.

It is what we excel at… the human brain. It is the by far the best exemplar of 
computationalism that we have available to us. 



This is where the math comes from. If a computational universe exists, and ours 
does, it must be structured logico-mathematically. 


You assume that math proceeds from a computational universe, but then how do 
you accomplish computations without math?


But this does NOT men all human H-math exists, it just means that a fundamental 
logico-mathematical structure I call R-math (reality math) exists. Just the 
minimum that is necessary to compute the actual universe is all that is needed.


I prefer to use shared language as much as possible. What exactly do you mean 
by reality math? Define it in a more rigorous manner. What are its fundamental 
elements and operators? Is it simple binary arithmetic operated through relays 
of the seven or so basic logic gates {AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR} ?


If you want to coin a term “R-math” show some rigor and define it in terms of 
math. What subset of math is R-math?

Beyond the fuzzy “minimum that is necessary”, which I get.


All the rest is H-math, and we can't assume that H-math is part of R-math. In 
fact it is provably different. 


Show me your proof then. And please, if you could do so using the language of 


The big mistake Bruno makes is assuming that H-math is R-math. It isn't. H-math 
is a generalized approximation of R-math, which is then vastly extended far 
beyond R-math.


I do not see how you arrive at this conclusion that Bruno assumes that the 
superset of all possible math (which is what I am assuming you are intending by 
your personal jargon H-math) “is”  the minimum necessary set of math (by which 
I suspect you intend to mean when you use this term you have coined -- R-math)


Is, is such a generic word; it is hard to pin it down to any concrete meaning 
in terms of the statement you just made hear. You say Bruno assumes H-math “is” 
R-math (to use your jargon, which I personally find distracting and 
unnecessary)… How so? What exactly, precisely, concretely, in detail do you 
mean when you say “is”?

If your “is” includes “emerges from” in the embrace of its meaning then sure… 
and I do as well in that case. Complex systems emerge from simpler underlying 
systems; or looking at it the other way complex systems are reducible to being 
fully explained in terms of simpler systems.

Look at nature – the untold numbers of molecules all made from just 92 elements 
(leaving trans-uranic elements aside); all elements all baryonic matter is made 
from just six kinds of quarks and two kinds of leptons. All the colors of the 
rainbow all the waves on the radio dial – all photons. The incredible tapestry 
of life – from an alphabet of four letters. All our digital culture based on 

Complexity emerges.

If that is what you mean by “is” then include me as well.

If you mean something else then help me out and substantively define it in 
specific terms. Pin it down to a clear and unambiguously stated proposition.


In the computational 

Re: 3-1 views (was: Re: Better Than the Chinese Room)

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 28 Feb 2014, at 19:14, John Clark wrote:

On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 11:26 AM, Bruno Marchal  
Sorry, I was guessing something along the lines of FPI =  first  
person interpretation.



 You are the one describing the FPI as a crazy discovery.

No, I'm the one who keeps saying that first person indeterminacy (I  
dislike homemade acronyms) was discovered not by you but by Mr. Og  
the caveman.

Then he should have published. But no, it did not discovered it, and  
today, scientists still ignore it, or doesn't take its consequences  
into account.

But all this is not relevant, if you are agree so much with the FPI,  
then you can aboard the 4th step.

 AUDA shows that all lobian numbers can understand UDA

Google has more information than any human being but even Google  
doesn't know what lobian numbers are. And Google doesn't know what  
AUDA is. And Google doesn't know what UDA is. That's 9 words  
with 4 of them made up and used by nobody in any language except by  
you. Well, at least 56% were real words.

If that is your notion of argumenting ...

 Who is this Mr. them who has the 1-view?

 We don't need to know that to make the reasoning. We can stay in  
the usual 3p description, where the 1p are defined by the personal  
content of the individual diaries.

There are no diaries there is only a diary and it was written by  
the Washington Man AND the Moscow Man.

That is close to total nonsense.

 The *typical* subjective 1p life of a copy is a WWWMWMMMWMM...M

Finding an infinite regress at the heart of a idea doesn't  
necessarily mean it's worthless, but it's never a good sign.

Which infinite regress?

 and in his diary is a refutation of all previews attempt to  
predict the future of his diary.

Two people wrote that diary Mr. Washington and Mr. Moscow, and I  
don't know who Mr. his is.

Not two, 2^n.
And in the 3p there are 2^n diaries, and the content of each one  
defined the first person views.

 Hope this helps.

It does not.

I am afraid you are severely limited on this subject.  You seem to be  
unable to count 3p diaries, which means you need to oppose something  
like 1+1=2 to make your point.


  John K Clark

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RE: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread Chris de Morsella


[] On Behalf Of LizR


Nevertheless, it does seem to be. That is, 17 is a prime number regardless
of whether anyone knows it is, or even knows what numbers are, or indeed
whether anyone is even alive (e.g. it was prime in the first instants of the
big bang - maths has been used to work out what happened in the early
universe, with observable consequences now). There's a lot of hand waving
going on to deny this, but I haven't seen a knock down argument (or even a
suggestion of one) to indicate otherwise.


Couldn't one argue that 17 (and all primes) are artifacts of the ontology of
math; that they necessarily arise from and within it. Does the seeming fact
that we cannot have math without primes; therefore imply that math - for
lack of better words - just is?

That is quite a leap - IMO. 


On 1 March 2014 18:16, Chris de Morsella wrote:


If it's all math, then where does math come from?

Strange to say, elementary maths just appears to be a fact. That is, it is
a fact that 1+1=2.


Somehow I do not find that satisfying; in what way and by what evidence does
this occur? 

Especially - as I had posited if math is the fundamental thing - even more
fundamental than the emergent material universe. I could see this logic in a
pre-existing universe replete with 10 to a very large number of atoms, but
if math is to be the superstructure underlying everything then I - speaking
for myself - am not satisfied by saying it just is a fact.


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Re: Block Universes

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 28 Feb 2014, at 21:05, Edgar L. Owen wrote:


Nonsense. You continually ask the exact same questions which I  
answered several times but just ignore my answers and keep asking  
the same questions, and when you rarely do respond to my answers you  
do so incoherently and only in terms of your own very rigid worldview.

Define what you mean by computation. you did not answer this, or  
give me the link. What you did is to repeat things like reality  
computes, which add more mystery to the notion.

You never answered if you are OK with Church thesis.


Well perhaps that's the way that 1p zombies 1p clones operate?

Anyway I do answer all serious questions...


On Friday, February 28, 2014 12:42:26 PM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 27 Feb 2014, at 04:45, Jesse Mazer wrote:

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 8:52 PM, Edgar L. Owen  

Can you agree to this at least?

To repeat what I said in my second-to-last post:

'If you continue to ask me Do you agree? type questions while  
ignoring the similar questions I ask you, I guess I'll have to take  
that as a sign of contempt, in which case as I said I won't be  
responding to further posts of yours. Any response is better than  
just completely ignoring questions, even if it's something like I  
find your questions ambiguous or you've asked too many questions  
and I don't have time for them all right now, please narrow it down  
to one per post.'

If you decide to treat me with the same basic level of respect I  
have treated you, rather than making a show of asking me questions  
while you contemptuously ignore my requests that you address mine,  
then I will keep going with this. If not, I have better things to do.

I think some people does not argue, they fake it only. Edgar does  
not answer the question asked.



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Re: Is information physical?

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 28 Feb 2014, at 21:54, John Clark wrote:

On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 8:26 AM, Edgar L. Owen  

 information does need a substrate in which to manifest.

That seems to be the case but perhaps not at the very lowest level.  
The integers are abstract things that aren't made of anything except  
other numbers and once you describe how they interact with other  
mathematical objects you've said all there is to say about them. In  
the same way in string theory the strings aren't made of anything  
and they have reality only in how they interact with other strings;  
so perhaps at the fundamental level reality not only can be  
described mathematically but actually IS mathematical.

And that is a necessary consequence of computationalism, but this  
leads to the explicit problem of justifying physics from arithmetic or  
Turing equivalent. The math confirms this.


On a completely different subject, are you Edgar Owen the  
antiquities dealer? If so you have a pretty cool job.

  John K Clark

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Re: If it's all math, then where does math come from?

2014-02-28 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 01 Mar 2014, at 00:16, Richard Ruquist wrote:

bruno: God created the Integers. All the rest came when God added  
Add and Multiply.
richard: I trhink the multiply mat be redundant. Is that a useful  

Classical logic + addition is not Turing universal
Classical logic + multiplication is not Turing universal

Classical logic + multiplication + addition IS Turing universal.

Multiplication is not redundant, but exponentiation or any other  
computable functions would be, once we have add and multiply.

This is not so easy to prove, but is well known (by theoretical  
computer scientists)


On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 2:36 PM, Bruno Marchal  

On 28 Feb 2014, at 08:20, Chris de Morsella wrote:

Personally the notion that all that exists is comp  information -  
encoded on what though? - Is not especially troubling for me. I  
understand how some cling to a fundamental material realism; after  
all it does seem so very real. However when you get right down to  
it all we have is measured values of things and meters by which we  
measure other things; we live encapsulated in the experience of our  
own being and the sensorial stream of life and in the end all that  
we can say for sure about anything is the value it has when we  
measure it.
I am getting into the interesting part of Tegmark's book - I read a  
bit each day when I break for lunch - so this is partly influencing  
this train of thought. By the way enjoyed his description of  
quantum computing and how in a sense q-bits are leveraging the  
Level III multiverse to compute every possible outcome while in  
quantum superposition; a way of thinking about it that I had never  
read before.
Naturally I have been reading some of the discussions here, and the  
idea of comp is something I also find intuitively possible. The  
soul is an emergent phenomena given enough depth of complexity and  
breadth of parallelism and vastness of scale of the information  
system in which it is self-emergent.

Several questions have been re-occurring for me. One of these is:  
Every information system, at least that I have ever been aware of,  
requires a substrate medium upon which to encode itself;  
information seems describable in this sense as the meta-encoding  
existing on some substrate system. I would like to avoid the  
infinite regression of stopping at the point of describing systems  
as existing upon other and requiring other substrate systems that  
themselves require substrates themselves described as information  
again requiring some substrate... repeat eternally.
It is also true that exquisitely complex information can be encoded  
in a very simple substrate system given enough replication of  
elements... a simple binary state machine could suffice, given enough  

But what are the bits encoded on?

At some point reductionism can no longer reduce And then we are  
back to where we first started How did that arise or come to be?  
If for example we say that math is reducible to logic or set theory  
then what of sets and the various set operations? What of  
enumerations? These simplest of simple things. Can you reduce the  
{} null set?

What does it arise from?

Perhaps to try to find some fundamental something upon which  
everything else is tapestried over is unanswerable; it is something  
that keeps coming back to itch my ears.

Am interested in hearing what some of you may have to say about  
this universe of the most simple things: numbers, sets; and the  
very simple base operators -- {+-*/=!^()} etc. that operate on  
these enumerable entities and the logical operators {and, or, xor}

What is a number? Doesn't it only have meaning in the sense that it  
is greater  than the number that is less than it  less than the  
one greater than it? Does the concept of a number actually even  
have any meaning outside of being thought of as being a member of  
the enumerable set {1,2,3,4,... n}?In other words '3' by itself  
means nothing and is nothing; it only means something in terms of  
the set of numbers as in: 234... n-1n

And what of the simple operators. When we say a + b = c   we are  
dealing with two separate kinds of entities, with one {a,b,c} being  
quantities or values and {+,=} being the two operators that relate  
the three values in this simple equation.

The enumerable set is not enough by itself. So even if one could  
explain the enumerable set in some manner the manner in which the  
simple operators come to be is not clear to me. How do the  
addition, assignment and other basic operators arise? This extends  
similarly to the basic logic operators: and, or, xor, not - as well.


Those kind of questions are more less clarified. You cannot prove  
the existence of a universal system, or machine, or language, from  
anything less powerful, but you can prove the existence of all of  
them, from the assumption of only one. I use elementary