Re: TCP/IP questions

2007-11-08 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Bram wrote:

Nikos Vassiliadis schreef:

On Wednesday 07 November 2007 18:02:44 Bram wrote:

Hi all,

Can you change the timeout for a tcp connection ?
I need to do the following: start a tcp connection , unplug the network
cable (it's actually wifi but the effect is the same),send some data
over the connection,wait 20 seconds , reinsert the network cable and
just keep working.
When you normally do this the connection will be dead.
Is there a way in freebsd to change this ? are there parameters wich 

can set so that the above would work (20 seconds without network can
happen) ?

TCP using the default FreeBSD settings, can survive
20 secs of inactivity. It can be an application forced
timeout. What application/protocol are talking about?


This is the more full explanation:

I have setup a mobile pc to roam across our building.
By reducing the dwell time and changing the channel list to only the 
channels I use roaming now works within ten seconds en sometimes 
within one or two seconds.
The previous configuration was with fedora and there I was unable to 
get roaming time under 25 seconds.

I do have one very annoying problem however and I have no idea how to 
solve it.
The software uses psycopg (a python postgresql module) wich uses the 
standard system parameters for connections (At least that is what I 
-On fedora if the connection gets lost and it takes 30 seconds to 
remake a new connection operation is not interupted, after the 30 
seconds you get the data you've been waiting for.
-On freebsd however we get it a lot that the connection is "lost", you 
can easily start a new connection wich works fine, but the old 
connection you wore using stops working and the app. hangs (If I had 
to guess I would say that roaming works about 95% of the time and the 
connection is lost about 5% of the time).

I also get a lot of IFDOWN IFUP messages but this seems normal to me.

I am now going to program something in twisted using udp to see if 
this works better.

Did you try to use some RPC library? You can have the psycopg connection 
on the server side, and use it through an object broker. You will 
probably find an object broker that can even survive a TCP reconnect. 
Then you do not need to rewrite the whole program.

Well, it is just an idea, may not be applicable for you.



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How to set maximum disk cache size?

2007-11-15 Thread Laszlo Nagy

 Hi All,

Is there a way (sysctl?) to tell FreeBSD (6.2 RELEASE) how many memory 
can it use for caching file data from disk?

It might be that FreeBSD will use all available RAM, and reduce the 
cache size whenever a program wants to allocate more memory. It is my 
hope, but I could not find the documentation. RTFM is fine with me but 
please give a keyword where I can start. :-)


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Re: How to set maximum disk cache size?

2007-11-16 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Ivan Voras wrote:

Bruce Cran wrote:

Wojciech Puchar wrote:

Laszlo wrote:

Hi All,

Is there a way (sysctl?) to tell FreeBSD (6.2 RELEASE) how many
memory can it use for caching file data from disk?

It might be that FreeBSD will use all available RAM, and reduce the

it already does

It may seem strange since it's generally accepted that you can never
have enough disk cache, but FreeBSD apparently doesn't actually use all
the free memory for caching.  By default it uses up to 256MB for

This is wrong. See

I read this too but I don't understand. Too difficult for me.

So what is the answer? Do I need to set a sysctl or will FreeBSD use all 
available free memory for caching file data from disk?



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Re: How to set maximum disk cache size?

2007-11-16 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Bruce Cran írta:

Wojciech Puchar wrote:
> Laszlo wrote:

Hi All,

Is there a way (sysctl?) to tell FreeBSD (6.2 RELEASE) how many 
memory can it use for caching file data from disk?

It might be that FreeBSD will use all available RAM, and reduce the 

it already does

It may seem strange since it's generally accepted that you can never 
have enough disk cache, but FreeBSD apparently doesn't actually use 
all the free memory for caching.  By default it uses up to 256MB for 
buffering/caching and there's no way it can use all available memory 
on i386 in machines with more than 1GB installed since the 
buffer/cache is allocated from KVM and the default maximum is 1GB.  
You can increase the amount of memory used, but it might not help - 
there's a thread on performance@ from 2004 which describes how it all 
works; see 

The information there is quite old now though so I don't know if 
things are done differently in 6.x.
OK, and how about amd64 arch? The reason I ask this is that we have a 
big postresql database (over 3GB) and PostgreSQL rely on the OS for 
caching files in memory. This database is mostly read-only, so it would 
be nice to use all free memory for caching. Especially that this machine 
is the database server, it does nothing else. Now, it is an i386 but we 
are about to migrate to AMD X2, then we can put in 8GB of memory. But 
only if the OS can use if for caching. Otherwise it would be useless.

Thank you for the link. That thread is quite old - things might have 



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mount -u -o rw / not working on NFS?

2007-11-19 Thread Laszlo Nagy

 Hi All,

I have a system where a diskless FreeBSD 6.3 i386 machine boots with pxeboot 
from a FreeBSD 6.3 amd64 machine. I have lines in /etc/fstab for the diskless 
machine like:

# DeviceMountPoint  FsType  Options DumpPass /usrnfs rw  0   0  /root   nfs rw  0   0

The machine boots from network nicely, then I can login as root and invoke 
these commands:

mount -u -o rw /
mount -u -o rw /usr
mount -u -o rw /root

There is no error message on the console, nor in the system log. However, this 
happens afterwards:

diskless101#mkdir /aaa
mkdir aaa: Read-only file system

Question: if the remount did not succeed, why didn't it throw an error? If 
succeeded, why can't I write on the filesystem?



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Re: permissions for www acting strangely

2007-11-19 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Steve Franks wrote:

Few weeks ago, I installed apache22.  Just wanted to put up some
family photos.  Whenever I tried to connect, got a "apache doesn't
have permisson to acess ~/. on this system or somesuch".  The only way
to get around it appeared to be a chmod 777 on my pic folder (no luck
with 775!).  Now I restored some stuff from a backup over my photos,
and now 777 won't work either.  Is there something fundamental about
permissions I am totally missing?
Look at your apache config file. Most probably, 

Look for "User" and "Group" options - it tells you the user and group 
apache is running under.

Now look at the ownership of your files and directories. Apache needs to 
have rx on directories and r on file to read them.

One common approach for this problem is to set the "set group id" bit on 
your folder containing your photos, and do

chown user1:group1 -R yourfolder


   user1- can be you (?)
   group1 - should be the group apache is running under

Well, it is just a bad example. You need to develop your own strategy 
for security. They key is that you also need to check ownership. It is 
not enough to chmod, sometimes you need to chown.



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Re: mount -u -o rw / not working on NFS?

2007-11-19 Thread Laszlo Nagy

diskless101#mkdir /aaa
mkdir aaa: Read-only file system

Question: if the remount did not succeed, why didn't it throw an error? If 
succeeded, why can't I write on the filesystem?

The answer to the second portion is that you're mounted as a read only
file system, so there's no write access.
You were right. Actually I had /etc/exports file setup correctly, but I 
forgot to invoke "killall -HUP mountd" after the last change. My bad. :-(

But... I'm still interested in the first portion. Why didn't I get an 
error message if the nfs share was read-only?

There's an nfs permissions file you may need to edit, /etc/exports/,
which controls whether NFS shares the file system as read only, read
write, whether root can have root on the file system etc.

The case is solved, but I still have this question. :-)



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gdm-binary: Unable to connect to socket: hostname nor servname provided

2007-11-20 Thread Laszlo Nagy

 Hi All,

Do you have any idea what is the problem with my settings? gdm places 
this message in /var/log/messages:

Nov 20 12:19:05 cassiopeia gdm-binary[1167]: ERROR: Unable to connect to 
socket: hostname nor servname provided, or not known aborting...

The local X server starts, but gdm is not accepting connections on 
TCP/177. This is the problem, because I want many clients connect to 
this computer with xdmcp.

My ports tree was first downloaded via "portsnap fetch" three days ago. 
All ports have been compiled from this ports tree.  My 
/usr/local/etc/gdm/custom.conf file has these modifications:



Here is some more information:

cassiopeia# uname -a
FreeBSD cassiopeia.ronet 6.3-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 6.3-PRERELEASE #1: Thu 
Nov 15 17:19:45 EST 2007 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/CASSIOPEIA  amd64

cassiopeia# hostname
cassiopeia# cat /etc/resolv.conf
search ronet
cassiopeia# host cassiopeia
cassiopeia.ronet has address
cassiopeia# ipfw show
00050 4320 696526 divert 8668 ip4 from any to any via rl0
00100  112   8560 allow ip from any to any via lo0
002000  0 deny ip from any to
003000  0 deny ip from to any
65000 4320 696526 allow ip from any to any
655350  0 deny ip from any to any
cassiopeia# pkg_info | grep gdm
gdm-2.20.1_1GNOME 2 version of xdm display manager
rl0: flags=8843 mtu 1500
   inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
   ether 00:0e:2e:8f:13:03
   media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX )
   status: active
re0: flags=8843 mtu 1500
   inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
   ether 00:1a:4d:7b:cf:d6
   media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX )
   status: active
plip0: flags=108810 mtu 1500
lo0: flags=8049 mtu 16384
   inet netmask 0xff00
cassiopeia# cat /etc/rc.conf


ifconfig_rl0="inet netmask"
ifconfig_re0="inet netmask"




inetd_enable="YES"  # TFTP
named_enable="YES"  # DNS cache, local DNS 

dhcpd_enable="YES"  # dhcpd enabled?
dhcpd_flags="-q"# command option(s)
dhcpd_conf="/usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf"  # configuration file
dhcpd_ifaces="re0"  # ethernet interface(s)
dhcpd_withumask="022"   # file creation mask





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Re: gdm-binary: Unable to connect to socket: hostname nor servname provided

2007-11-21 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Laszlo Nagy wrote:

 Hi All,

Do you have any idea what is the problem with my settings? gdm places 
this message in /var/log/messages:

Here is another test:

cassiopeia# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/gdm start
Starting gdm.
gdm-binary[86504]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse key string: 

cassiopeia# tail -100 /var/log/messages
Nov 21 09:32:37 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86464]: DEBUG: 
gdm_slave_quick_exit: Killed everything from the display
Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86504]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse 
key string: daemon/ServAuthDir=/var/gdm

Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86504]: DEBUG: gdm_main: Here we go...
Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86504]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse 
key string: xdmcp/Enable=false
Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86504]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse 
key string: daemon/ServAuthDir=/var/gdm
Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86504]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse 
key string: daemon/ServAuthDir=/var/gdm
Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86504]: DEBUG: 
gdm_start_first_unborn_local: Starting :0
Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86504]: DEBUG: gdm_display_manage: 
Managing :0
Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86504]: DEBUG: loop check: 
last_start 0, last_loop 0, now: 1195656074, retry_count: 0
Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86504]: DEBUG: Resetting counts 
for loop of death detection

Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86504]: DEBUG: Forking slave process
Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86504]: DEBUG: gdm_display_manage: 
Forked slave: 86505
Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86504]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse 
key string: xdmcp/Enable=false
Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86504]: DEBUG: Accepting XDMCP 
Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86504]: DEBUG: XDMCP: Start up on 
host cassiopeia.ronet, port 177
Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86504]: ERROR: Unable to connect 
to socket: hostname nor servname provided, or not known aborting...
Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse 
key string: xdmcp/PingIntervalSeconds=15
Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: gdm_slave_start: 
Starting slave process for :0
Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: gdm_slave_start: 
Loop Thingie
Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse 
key string: xdmcp/PingIntervalSeconds=15
Nov 21 09:41:14 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: Sending VT_NUM == 
-1 for slave 86505
Nov 21 09:41:24 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: Timeout occurred 
for sending message VT_NUM 86505 -1

Nov 21 09:41:24 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: gdm_server_start: :0
Nov 21 09:41:24 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: 
gdm_auth_secure_display: Setting up access for :0
Nov 21 09:41:24 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse 
key string: daemon/ServAuthDir=/var/gdm
Nov 21 09:41:24 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: 
gdm_auth_secure_display: Setting up access
Nov 21 09:41:24 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse 
key string: debug/Enable=false
Nov 21 09:41:24 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: 
gdm_auth_secure_display: Setting up access for :0 - 1 entries
Nov 21 09:41:24 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse 
key string: debug/Enable=false
Nov 21 09:41:24 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: Sending COOKIE == 
 for slave 86505
Nov 21 09:41:34 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: Timeout occurred 
for sending message COOKIE 86505 2...
Nov 21 09:41:34 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse 
key string: debug/Enable=false
Nov 21 09:41:34 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: Sending AUTHFILE == 
 for slave 86505
Nov 21 09:41:44 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: Timeout occurred 
for sending message AUTHFILE 86505 /var/gdm/:0.Xauth
Nov 21 09:41:44 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse 
key string: daemon/VTAllocation=true
Nov 21 09:41:44 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse 
key string: daemon/FirstVT=7
Nov 21 09:41:44 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse 
key string: security/DisallowTCP=true
Nov 21 09:41:44 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: Forking X server 
Nov 21 09:41:44 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: gdm_server_spawn: 
Forked server on pid 86507
Nov 21 09:41:44 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: do_server_wait: 
Before mainloop waiting for server
Nov 21 09:41:44 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse 
key string: daemon/GdmXserverTimeout=10
Nov 21 09:41:44 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86505]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse 
key string: daemon/GdmXserverTimeout=10
Nov 21 09:41:44 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86507]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse 
key string: daemon/LogDir=/var/log/gdm
Nov 21 09:41:44 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86507]: DEBUG: Attempting to parse 
key string: daemon/LogDir=/var/log/gdm
Nov 21 09:41:44 cassiopeia gdm-binary[86507]: DEBUG: gdm_server_spawn: 

Re: gdm-binary: Unable to connect to socket: hostname nor servname provided (SOLVED)

2007-11-21 Thread Laszlo Nagy
The problem was that gdm was compiled with IPv6 support but the kernel 
wasn't. This should not cause the gdm process to freeze and only exit 
with "kill -9" right?


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xdmcp not working

2007-11-21 Thread Laszlo Nagy


On a client machine I invoke this command:

X -broadcast

On the server side, gdm is runnning with [debug] enabled=true and this is 

Nov 21 13:23:38 cassiopeia gdm-binary[1569]: DEBUG: decode_packet: GIOCondition 
Nov 21 13:23:38 cassiopeia gdm-binary[1569]: DEBUG: XDMCP: Received opcode 
QUERY from client :
Nov 21 13:23:38 cassiopeia gdm-binary[1569]: DEBUG: gdm_xdmcp_host_allow: 
client->hostname is
Nov 21 13:23:38 cassiopeia gdm-binary[1569]: DEBUG: XDMCP: Sending WILLING to
Nov 21 13:23:41 cassiopeia gdm-binary[1569]: DEBUG: decode_packet: GIOCondition 
Nov 21 13:23:41 cassiopeia gdm-binary[1569]: DEBUG: XDMCP: Received opcode 
QUERY from client :
Nov 21 13:23:41 cassiopeia gdm-binary[1569]: DEBUG: gdm_xdmcp_host_allow: 
client->hostname is
Nov 21 13:23:41 cassiopeia gdm-binary[1569]: DEBUG: XDMCP: Sending WILLING to

This is repeating continuously. On the client side, I see the X server with 
gray background, without windows.

ipfw on the server side (running gdm):

00100 624 60642 allow ip from any to any via lo0
00200 0 0 deny ip from any to
00300 0 0 deny ip from to any
65000 79294 34601476 allow ip from any to any
65535 0 0 deny ip from any to any

IPFIREWALL is not enabled on the client (X server) side.

What did I wrong?



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Re: xdmcp not working

2007-11-26 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Laszlo Nagy wrote:

On a client machine I invoke this command:

X -broadcast

On the server side, gdm is runnning with [debug] enabled=true and this 
is logged:

Nov 21 13:23:38 cassiopeia gdm-binary[1569]: DEBUG: decode_packet: 
GIOCondition 1
Nov 21 13:23:38 cassiopeia gdm-binary[1569]: DEBUG: XDMCP: Received 
opcode QUERY from client :
Nov 21 13:23:38 cassiopeia gdm-binary[1569]: DEBUG: 
gdm_xdmcp_host_allow: client->hostname is
Nov 21 13:23:38 cassiopeia gdm-binary[1569]: DEBUG: XDMCP: Sending 
Nov 21 13:23:41 cassiopeia gdm-binary[1569]: DEBUG: decode_packet: 
GIOCondition 1
Nov 21 13:23:41 cassiopeia gdm-binary[1569]: DEBUG: XDMCP: Received 
opcode QUERY from client :
Nov 21 13:23:41 cassiopeia gdm-binary[1569]: DEBUG: 
gdm_xdmcp_host_allow: client->hostname is
Nov 21 13:23:41 cassiopeia gdm-binary[1569]: DEBUG: XDMCP: Sending 

This is repeating continuously. On the client side, I see the X server 
with gray background, without windows.

ipfw on the server side (running gdm):

00100 624 60642 allow ip from any to any via lo0
00200 0 0 deny ip from any to
00300 0 0 deny ip from to any
65000 79294 34601476 allow ip from any to any
65535 0 0 deny ip from any to any

IPFIREWALL is not enabled on the client (X server) side.

What did I wrong?
I posted this 5 days ago, and nobody answered. What can I do? Should I 
re-post after a week? (Nobody knows the answer, or - hopefully - the guy 
who knows the answer did not read the question?)

(I tried to look for a FAQ but I could not find it here: )

Thank you,


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Re: xdmcp not working

2007-11-26 Thread Laszlo Nagy

I read your email about gdm and xdmcp

My setup for 2.20 does not work at all
so I installed the "old"   2.18.3 from the ports,
(I build the package from the ports) and it works
just ok as before...

I think there is a bug in the 2.20/2.21 xdmcp code... I
had no time to fix ...

Thank you for your quick answer. I did this:

cd /usr/ports/x11/gdm
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/gdm stop
make deinstall
pkg_add -r gdm

I got many warning messages, but finally it started to work!

Is this a know bug? Should we report it or is it already reported?

Thank you,


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skype cannot login

2007-11-28 Thread Laszlo Nagy

 Hi All,

My network configuration is a bit odd:

Internet --- SMC Hardware Router  
( --- FreeBSD Gateway --- 
( --- Client computer

- skype is running on the client computer.
- The FreeBSD Gateway is a computer with two NIC cards, running natd, 
and named
- The client computer is 6.3-PRERELEASE i386 using linux compatibility 
mode for skype

I can access everything on the internet from the client. Here are some 
things that I tried:

- ping
- nslookup
- smtp
- imaps
- www

All the above work fine. However, when I try to login with skype, it 
tells me "Logging in failed". When I try to register a new user, it 
tells me "Register failed" with friendly red letters.

Do you have any idea what is the problem with my configuration? It might 
be that skype cannot do NAT traversal through two NATs?

BTW, the client computer uses NFS to mount /, but I hope this is not 
related to the problem.



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Re: remove X11

2007-11-28 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Jeff Maxwell wrote:

I have X11 installed on a server 6.1.

Is there an easy way to remove it all?

Do I have to remove each package individually?
Suppose you have installed the xorg server, you could remove it easily. 
But it also matters how you installed. If you did it from ports, you can 

cd /usr/ports/x11/xorg
make deinstall

I recommend that you read these manual pages:

pkg_deinstall   (might not be on your system)



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Re: skype cannot login

2007-11-28 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Rodolfo Pellegrino wrote:

On Nov 28, 2007 2:29 PM, Laszlo Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


 Hi All,

My network configuration is a bit odd:

Internet --- SMC Hardware Router 
( --- FreeBSD Gateway ---
( --- Client computer

- skype is running on the client computer.
- The FreeBSD Gateway is a computer with two NIC cards, running natd,
and named
- The client computer is 6.3-PRERELEASE i386 using linux compatibility
mode for skype

I can access everything on the internet from the client. Here are some
things that I tried:

- ping
- nslookup
- smtp
- imaps
- www

All the above work fine. However, when I try to login with skype, it
tells me "Logging in failed". When I try to register a new user, it
tells me "Register failed" with friendly red letters.

Do you have any idea what is the problem with my configuration? It might
be that skype cannot do NAT traversal through two NATs?

BTW, the client computer uses NFS to mount /, but I hope this is not
related to the problem.




 I've found a similar problem, but in Skype there are a configuration in
"Tools" that tells Skype the port to use. Try port 80 as I did and worked.
All items in the "tools" menu are greyed out for me, except for "Select 
Language". I see an item called "Options..." but it is not available.

Skype version is:



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Re: remove X11

2007-11-28 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Do I have to remove each package individually?

Suppose you have installed the xorg server, you could remove it
easily. But it also matters how you installed. If you did it from
ports, you can probably

cd /usr/ports/x11/xorg
make deinstall

That just deletes the metaport (which is purely a list of dependencies),


I stand corrected. :-)

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dovecot, maildir, UFS 2 performance

2008-09-23 Thread Laszlo Nagy
I need to install a new server. Primarily it will run apache + PHP + 
PostgreSQL. Its main task is to serve several websites, and provide web 
based admin interface for OLTP. The server will have 2xSAS disks in RAID 
1 for the base system and 10xSATA2 disks in RAID 1+0 for the rest. The 
SAS pair will only have 150GB space. The RAID 1+0 array will be above 
1.5 TB. I already have a good idea about how to tune PostgreSQL: log 
files go to SAS and data dir goes to SATA.

The secondary task for this server is to be an IMAP and mail server. We 
will be using dovecot, and shared maildir folders with ten thousands of 
messages. I'm not sure where to put the maildir folders, and what 
options to use for the filesystem. Dovecot wiki is not talking about 
UFS, only ext3, reiserfs and xfs:

Can you tell me some basic idea about how to configure this? I have some 
ideas but they may be competely wrong:

#1 maildir stores each message in a separate file. I think I need to 
dedicate a separate disk slice for maildirs and decrease block size on 
it. How big should the blocksize be?
#2 searching in messages is a common operation. Possibly read speed is 
very most important. But since there will be thousands of files to open, 
seek operation is also important. On which RAID array should I put mail 
dirs? Small SAS or bigger SATA array?


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Re: Filesystem of choice for a Linux/FreeBSD shared backup disk?

2008-09-23 Thread Laszlo Nagy

For making backups I would probably just use FAT32 and tar, because
practically anything (not just FreeBSD & Linux) will mount FAT32 file
systems, and tar should respect your file attributes (owner, group,
creation timestamp, last modified timestamp, etc).
Except that you cannot create files with >4GB size on FAT32. You might 
be able to use an archiver that is able to split archives into smaller 

This has always been a problem. FreeBSD is open source. So Linux is, but 
they do not have a common filesystem that could be accessed from both 
system, WITHOUT compromises. :-(



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Re: dovecot, maildir, UFS 2 performance

2008-09-24 Thread Laszlo Nagy

#1 maildir stores each message in a separate file. I think I need to 
dedicate a separate disk slice for maildirs and decrease block size 
on it. How big should the blocksize be?

i have everything (/) on single partition on most of my servers, 
including those having lots of mail.
I don't think that is clever. sysinstall creates different partitions 
for / /usr /var and /tmp by default. There must be good reasons for this.
#2 searching in messages is a common operation. Possibly read speed 
is very most important. But since there will be thousands of files to 
open, seek operation is also important. On which RAID array should I 
put mail dirs?

dovecot do make indexes and scans all files only when rebuilding them.
Except when my users search for a text in the "message body". 
Unfortunately, they often do this. :-(
assuming you configured your RAID1+0 properly it will give you MUCH 
more performance from 10 disks, than RAID1 on 2 - a bit faster - drives.

IMHO you wasted money for SAS drives, simply having SATA only system 
could be enough.
This is true for raw read/write speed. But some I/O operations are seek 
intensive. Seek time for a 15 000 rpm SAS disk is lower than it is for a 
10 disk SATA2 RAID. Seek intensive operations should go to SAS. But I'm 
not sure what they are. If you say that dovecot is not seek intensive 
then you answered my question. :-)

just keep your SAS drives for OS, ports, sources, logs, whatever, 
while /home on your big RAID1+0 volume.

Thank you


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Re: dovecot, maildir, UFS 2 performance

2008-09-24 Thread Laszlo Nagy

You can treat UFS as ext2/3 with dir_index enabled by default (not
exactly but that's what dirhash translates to in practice).

UFS by default creates 2k fragments ("sub-blocks"), so in practice any
tuning in this direction won't do much.

More drives=better in this case. Don't forget to tune dirhash_maxmem.

I think this is what I really wanted to know. Thank you!


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VNC server embedded into Xorg server

2008-10-06 Thread Laszlo Nagy

 Hi All,

There was a port called net/vnc that contained a file. That file 
could be loaded into the Xorg server and then I was able to monitor the 
X desktop with VNC.

Now I'm using gnome, and gnome2-fifth-toe installs tightvnc. It 
conflicts with net/vnc. So I cannot install net/vnc. What other options 
I have to run an X server?

The only extra wish is that the X server must be able to start 
automatically, e.g. without logging into gnome. I need this because the 
X server will be located at a distant location and I have to be able to 
use it after a system restart.



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dd piperd

2008-10-07 Thread Laszlo Nagy


Ilyet látok top-ban:

11475 gandalf 1 -8 0 4600K 864K piperd 5 21:41 8.06% cat
11472 gandalf 1 -8 0 4604K 876K piperd 3 21:30 8.06% dd

Tehát összesen 16% procit zabál valami, amiről nem tudom hogy mi! ps ezt 

1001 11472 11471 0 -8 0 4604 876 piperd S ?? 21:24.52 dd bs=1 

ilyet én biztosan nem futtatok magamtól. De akkor ki? Van ötletetek arra 
hogy a cat + dd párost melyik program futtathatja ilyen hülye módon? 
Valami maintenance cron job esetleg? Parázok hogy valaki betört.



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GEOM_JOURNAL: Timeout. Journal gjournal XXXX cannot be completed.

2008-10-08 Thread Laszlo Nagy


I'm trying to add a new disk to my system. I'm ready with labeling the 
disk. It is an SCSI device with and UFS partition and a SWAP partition. 
The swap is turned off, and I would like to use it as journal space. 
There is a screenshot attached showing what happens after entering 
single user mode. swaps are turned off, and the journal cannot be 
initialized. The message says:

GEOM_JOURNAL: Timeout. Journal gjournal 2578807269 cannot be completed.

Why is that?



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php5 segfault

2008-10-08 Thread Laszlo Nagy

uname -a:

6 07:50:31 EDT 2008 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SHOPZEUS  amd64

when compiling /usr/ports/php5 I see messages like:

bin/sh /usr/ports/lang/php5/work/php-5.2.6/libtool --silent 
--preserve-dup-deps --mode=compile cc  -IZend/ 
-I/usr/ports/lang/php5/work/php-5.2.6/Zend/ -DPHP_ATOM_INC 
-I/usr/ports/lang/php5/work/php-5.2.6 -I/usr/local/include/libxml2 
-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/ports/lang/php5/work/php-5.2.6/ext/date/lib 
-I/usr/ports/lang/php5/work/php-5.2.6/Zend-O2 -fno-strict-aliasing 
-pipe   -c /usr/ports/lang/php5/work/php-5.2.6/Zend/zend_API.c -o 

So it is using -O2 and -pipe. Is this something that I can disable? It 
might be because we are using postgresql connections. For pages without 
pgsql connection, there is no segfault.

It must be noted that the segfault happens on cleanup. E.g. all web 
sites are working fine, except that we are getting many many segfault 
messages in the logs all the time.



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Re: GEOM_JOURNAL: Timeout. Journal gjournal XXXX cannot be completed.

2008-10-09 Thread Laszlo Nagy

GEOM_JOURNAL: Timeout. Journal gjournal 2578807269 cannot be completed.

Screenshots will not come through on the list, could you upload them 
somewhere and send a link?

Is the partition you are trying to journal mounted?

Now I figured out that the size of the journal partition was too small. 
I changed it to 40GB and now it is fine.



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Re: php5 segfault

2008-10-09 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Also, you cannot use a threaded Apache (e.g. threaded MPMs) with PHP
since not all extensions support threading.  Your Apache needs to be
built without threads and use a non-thread model (e.g. prefork).  I've
also had success with Apache-ITK-mpm.

This is very true for mod_php, but less so if PHP is run as FastCGI. 
I am

currently running a box at work with the event mpm and mod_fcgid for
testing and it seems to be doing well. YMMV
All right. The problem is that we are getting segfaults with the CLI 
version too. We are running some background PHP programs and they also 
throw segfault.

Here is the interesting part. I wrote a test script that tries to 
connect to the postgresql server.

- if the hostname is wrong for the connection, there is no segfault
- if the hostname is right but the password is wrong (e.g. it cannot 
connect to the server) then there IS segfault.

There are no options to configure in php5-pgsql.

I tried to change the order or module in extensions.ini, no success so far.



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Re: php5 segfault

2008-10-09 Thread Laszlo Nagy

There are no options to configure in php5-pgsql.

I tried to change the order or module in extensions.ini, no success so far.

Then my recommendation is to build PHP with DEBUG enabled (see "make
config"), reproduce the situation, and provide a backtrace here.
Problem solved. I put on top of all other modules and now there 
is no segfault. Thank you!

Although I do not understand why it has not been fixed. The same problem 
existed two years ago, right?


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Re: php5 segfault

2008-10-09 Thread Laszlo Nagy

I thought you said you changed the order and it didn't work?  *confused*
I said no success so far. There are more than 20 modules and there is no 
description about what the good order should be. I had to keep trying...

If so: it should be obvious why it hasn't been fixed.  It doesn't appear
to affect everyone -- for example, we have never seen this problem in
the 4-5 years we've been using PHP on FreeBSD -- and the solution
doesn't really make much sense anyway.  It smells of a missing symbol
problem (e.g. wants a symbol named "hello_bob", but the symbol
is available in, which has to be loaded first; however,
and dlopen(3) have explicit handling for this scenario (see RTLD_NOW vs.
RTLD_LAZY), so I'm at a loss).
Maybe you are right. But I would think that a missing symbol problem 
should throw an error message telling "missing symbol" instead of making 
a segfault.

That said, if you feel this is a humongous issue, I highly recommend you
mail the PHP port maintainer and express your concerns, or open a PR
We had the same problem on our previous server. I'm going to install 
another box today and test it. If the problem comes out again, I'm going 
to write a PR.

Thank you!


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Re: 7.1 hangs, shutdown terminated

2008-10-10 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Johan Hendriks írta:
If find / -sx is running and is consuming all CPU, what is the value of vfs.ufs.dirhash_mem: 

# sysctl -a | grep dirhash

shopzeus# sysctl -a | grep dirhash
vfs.ufs.dirhash_docheck: 0
vfs.ufs.dirhash_mem: 2095818
vfs.ufs.dirhash_maxmem: 2097152
vfs.ufs.dirhash_minsize: 2560

Make sure vfs.ufs.dirhash_mem: is not close to vfs.ufs.dirhash_maxmem:
All right. It is close to it. Which one should I increase? I put this 
into /etc/sysctl.conf:


Would it be scufficient?



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7.1 hangs, shutdown terminated

2008-10-10 Thread Laszlo Nagy


A computer hangs every day in the morning at a specific time, between 8 
AM and 9 AM. We can ping it. Apparently the console works, also gdm 
works on it, but we are not able to login at all. ssh accepts 
connections, but the authentication does not continue (e.g. ssh client 
waits for the server forever...)

I even cannot login on the console as "root" because it accepts the user 
name, but does not ask for the password!

Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del on the console waits for about one or two minutes, 
then I see this on the screen:

Here is /var/log/messages just before the crash:

Oct 10 01:52:47 shopzeus postgres[81114]: [5-1] WARNING:  nonstandard 
use of escape in a string literal at character 193
Oct 10 01:52:47 shopzeus postgres[81114]: [5-2] HINT:  Use the escape 
string syntax for escapes, e.g., E'\r\n'.
Oct 10 01:57:11 shopzeus postgres[84132]: [5-1] WARNING:  nonstandard 
use of escape in a string literal at character 188
Oct 10 01:57:11 shopzeus postgres[84132]: [5-2] HINT:  Use the escape 
string syntax for escapes, e.g., E'\r\n'.
Oct 10 02:00:01 shopzeus postfix/postfix-script[86167]: fatal: the 
Postfix mail system is already running
Oct 10 02:30:00 shopzeus postfix/postfix-script[7240]: fatal: the 
Postfix mail system is already running
Oct 10 03:00:00 shopzeus postfix/postfix-script[27437]: fatal: the 
Postfix mail system is already running
Oct 10 04:07:54 shopzeus rc.shutdown: 30 second watchdog timeout 
expired. Shutdown terminated.
Oct 10 04:09:16 shopzeus postgres[30455]: [5-1] FATAL:  terminating 
connection due to administrator command

Oct 10 04:09:17 shopzeus syslogd: exiting on signal 15
Oct 10 04:11:31 shopzeus syslogd: kernel boot file is /boot/kernel/kernel
Oct 10 04:11:31 shopzeus kernel: Copyright (c) 1992-2008 The FreeBSD 
Oct 10 04:11:31 shopzeus kernel: Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 
1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994

After rebooting the machine, nothing happens until the next day. Here 
are some possible problems I can think of:

#1. We are using gjournal. It might be that the journal size is too 
small. Although I do not think this is the case, because we have 40GB 
journal space for each journaled partition below (except for /home, it 
has 10GB only, but /home is rarely used)

Filesystem  1G-blocks Used Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/da0s1a 91 714%/
devfs   00 0   100%/dev
/dev/da0s1f.journal   140   12   117 9%/home
/dev/da0s2d.journal   106889 8%/pgdata0
/dev/da0s1d29026 0%/tmp
/dev/da0s2e.journal   585   74   46414%/usr
/dev/da0s1e.journal   145   17   11613%/var
/dev/da1s1d.journal   4160   383 0%/data

Is it possible that gjournal is hanging up the machine?

#2. Yesterday when I logged in in the morning, I saw a process running 
under root, it was something like " find / -sx ..." and then something. 
I don't remember but it was scanning the whole filesystem. It was using 
100% cpu and 100% disk I/O. I wonder if that might be freezing the 
computer. I do not know how to disable this maintenance process but I 
should. After killing this process, the system worked fine. (We have 
zillions of files on the disks, running "find / ..." is a bad idea.)

#3. In the screenshot above, you can see that the IMAP server "dovecot" 
was terminated on signal 11. Can it be the problem? I can't believe that 
dovecot could freeze the whole system.

#4. Hardware error. I don't think this is the case since the computer 
freezes at the same time, every day, so it is more likely a software 

Any thoughts what is causing this?

uname -a:

6 07:50:31 EDT 2008
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SHOPZEUS  amd64

Thank you,


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Re: 7.1 hangs, shutdown terminated

2008-10-10 Thread Laszlo Nagy

This could be a periodic job (since you said this happens daily) which
runs early in the morning (2-3am?) and for some reason isn't finishing
in a timely manner.  You haven't provided any actual ps -auxwww
data, so we can't easily discern if it's a periodic job or something
amiss on your system (for all we know the system could be compromised).

I wanted to, but since I could not log in...

I'm also curious what controller your SCSI disks are attached to.  Can
you provide that information?  

ARECA 1680 ix 12
dmesg would be useful.  

Copyright (c) 1992-2008 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
   The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 7.1-PRERELEASE #3: Mon Oct  6 07:50:31 EDT 2008
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SHOPZEUS
module_register: module g_journal already exists!
Module g_journal failed to register: 17
Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E5420  @ 2.50GHz (2508.72-MHz 
K8-class CPU)

 Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x10676  Stepping = 6

 AMD Features=0x20100800
 AMD Features2=0x1
 Cores per package: 4
usable memory = 8571047936 (8173 MB)
avail memory  = 8260050944 (7877 MB)
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 8 CPUs
cpu0 (BSP): APIC ID:  0
cpu1 (AP): APIC ID:  1
cpu2 (AP): APIC ID:  2
cpu3 (AP): APIC ID:  3
cpu4 (AP): APIC ID:  4
cpu5 (AP): APIC ID:  5
cpu6 (AP): APIC ID:  6
cpu7 (AP): APIC ID:  7
ioapic0  irqs 0-23 on motherboard
ioapic1  irqs 24-47 on motherboard
lapic0: Forcing LINT1 to edge trigger
kbd1 at kbdmux0
ath_hal: (AR5210, AR5211, AR5212, RF5111, RF5112, RF2413, RF5413)
acpi0:  on motherboard
acpi0: [ITHREAD]
acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
acpi0: reservation of 0, a (3) failed
Timecounter "ACPI-fast" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 1000
acpi_timer0: <24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0x408-0x40b on acpi0
acpi_hpet0:  iomem 0xfed0-0xfed003ff on 

Timecounter "HPET" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 900
acpi_button0:  on acpi0
acpi_button1:  on acpi0
pcib0:  port 0xca2,0xca3,0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pci0:  on pcib0
pcib1:  at device 2.0 on pci0
pci1:  on pcib1
pcib2:  irq 16 at device 0.0 on pci1
pci2:  on pcib2
pcib3:  irq 16 at device 0.0 on pci2
pci3:  on pcib3
pcib4:  irq 18 at device 2.0 on pci2
pci4:  on pcib4
em0:  port 0x2020-0x203f mem 
0xb882-0xb883,0xb840-0xb87f irq 18 at device 0.0 on pci4

em0: Using MSI interrupt
em0: [FILTER]
em0: Ethernet address: 00:15:17:81:99:d0
em1:  port 0x2000-0x201f mem 
0xb880-0xb881,0xb800-0xb83f irq 19 at device 0.1 on pci4

em1: Using MSI interrupt
em1: [FILTER]
em1: Ethernet address: 00:15:17:81:99:d1
pcib5:  at device 0.3 on pci1
pci5:  on pcib5
pcib6:  at device 3.0 on pci0
pci6:  on pcib6
pcib7:  at device 4.0 on pci0
pci7:  on pcib7
pcib8:  at device 5.0 on pci0
pci8:  on pcib8
pcib9:  at device 6.0 on pci0
pci9:  on pcib9
pcib10:  at device 7.0 on pci0
pci10:  on pcib10
pci0:  at device 8.0 (no driver attached)
pcib11:  irq 16 at device 28.0 on pci0
pci11:  on pcib11
arcmsr0:  mem 0xb8b0-0xb8b01fff irq 16 at device 0.0 on pci11
ARECA RAID ADAPTER0: Driver Version 2007-10-07
arcmsr0: [ITHREAD]
uhci0:  port 
0x3080-0x309f irq 23 at device 29.0 on pci0

uhci0: [ITHREAD]
usb0:  on uhci0
usb0: USB revision 1.0
uhub0:  on usb0
uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhci1:  port 
0x3060-0x307f irq 22 at device 29.1 on pci0

uhci1: [ITHREAD]
usb1:  on uhci1
usb1: USB revision 1.0
uhub1:  on usb1
uhub1: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhci2:  port 
0x3040-0x305f irq 23 at device 29.2 on pci0

uhci2: [ITHREAD]
usb2:  on uhci2
usb2: USB revision 1.0
uhub2:  on usb2
uhub2: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhci3:  port 
0x3020-0x303f irq 22 at device 29.3 on pci0

uhci3: [ITHREAD]
usb3:  on uhci3
usb3: USB revision 1.0
uhub3:  on usb3
uhub3: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
ehci0:  mem 0xb8c00400-0xb8c007ff irq 
23 at device 29.7 on pci0

ehci0: [ITHREAD]
usb4: EHCI version 1.0
usb4: companion controllers, 2 ports each: usb0 usb1 usb2 usb3
usb4:  on ehci0
usb4: USB revision 2.0
uhub4:  on usb4
uhub4: 8 ports with 8 removable, self powered
pcib12:  at device 30.0 on pci0
pci12:  on pcib12
vgapci0:  port 0x1000-0x10ff mem 
0xb000-0xb7ff,0xb8a0-0xb8a0 irq 17 at device 12.0 on pci12

isab0:  at device 31.0 on pci0
isa0:  on isab0
atapci0:  port 
0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6,0x170-0x177,0x376,0x30b0-0x30bf irq 20 at device 31.1 
on pci0

ata0:  on atapci0
ata0: [ITHREAD]
ata1:  on atapci0
ata1: [ITHREAD]
atapci1:  port 
mem 0xb8c0-0xb8c003ff i

Re: [SOLVED] Re: 7.1 hangs, shutdown terminated

2008-10-10 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Firstly, I see a periodic(8) job that DOES use find -sx, which means
your attempt to track it down was faulty, and your syntax should have
been "find -sx /" not "find / -sx".  See here:

/etc/periodic/security/100.chksetuid:   find -sx $MP /dev/null -type f \
Thanks for clearing that out. :-) I did not remember what it was and 
failed to find it.

$MP == mountpoint, e.g. /, /var, or any other mounted filesystem.

So, what you saw was the periodic check looking for setuid-root

Secondly, the kernel does not spawn userland processes like find(1).

Thirdly, dirmem and dirmem_max are *pure* kernel things.  What they do
is control the amount of memory used for directory structure caching;
rather than continually hit the disk every time and spend all that time
handling directory contents, the kernel can cache previously-fetched
contents in memory

Now it stays this value constantly:

vfs.ufs.dirhash_mem: 44306131

I think it is now caching everything.

Thank you again, and sorry for the dumb questions.


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Re: [SOLVED] Re: 7.1 hangs, shutdown terminated

2008-10-10 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Thank you very much! Probably you are right. Our users use shared IMAP 
folders and sometimes they keep ten thousands of messages in one 
folder. I have increased dirhash_maxmem to 64MB and see what happens.

Unfortunately, I cannot play with the hardware because it is in a 
server park, and it must be up 99.99% on workdays.

I hope dirhash will solve the problem. I'm setting this to [SOLVED] 
and come back if it happens again. (Maybe on monday?)

By the way, there is nothing in /etc/periodic that would execute "find 
/ -sx". Can somebody explain what is this for, and why it was started 
by root? Is it being used instead for enumerating files in a 
directory, when dir hash is full?

I'm starting to believe that this was the problem. Within an hour, I see 

shopzeus# sysctl vfs.ufs
vfs.ufs.dirhash_docheck: 0
vfs.ufs.dirhash_mem: 33708867
vfs.ufs.dirhash_maxmem: 134217728
vfs.ufs.dirhash_minsize: 2560

Went up to 32MB!


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[SOLVED] Re: 7.1 hangs, shutdown terminated

2008-10-10 Thread Laszlo Nagy

If find / -sx is running and is consuming all CPU, what is the value of 

# sysctl -a | grep dirhash

shopzeus# sysctl -a | grep dirhash
vfs.ufs.dirhash_docheck: 0
vfs.ufs.dirhash_mem: 2095818
vfs.ufs.dirhash_maxmem: 2097152
vfs.ufs.dirhash_minsize: 2560

Make sure vfs.ufs.dirhash_mem: is not close to vfs.ufs.dirhash_maxmem:
All right. It is close to it. Which one should I increase? I put this  
into /etc/sysctl.conf:


Would it be scufficient?

We don't know, and can't tell you.  You'll have to monitor
vfs.ufs.dirhash_mem occasionally to see if you start to reach

I have a tendency to use vfs.ufs.dirhash_maxmem=16777216, which is
16384*1024 (16MBytes).

I'm not fully confident this is what's causing your problem, but it's
definitely a recommendation by Johan.
Thank you very much! Probably you are right. Our users use shared IMAP 
folders and sometimes they keep ten thousands of messages in one folder. 
I have increased dirhash_maxmem to 64MB and see what happens.

Unfortunately, I cannot play with the hardware because it is in a server 
park, and it must be up 99.99% on workdays.

I hope dirhash will solve the problem. I'm setting this to [SOLVED] and 
come back if it happens again. (Maybe on monday?)

By the way, there is nothing in /etc/periodic that would execute "find / 
-sx". Can somebody explain what is this for, and why it was started by 
root? Is it being used instead for enumerating files in a directory, 
when dir hash is full?


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Re: gjournal: journaled slices vs. journaled partitions

2008-10-20 Thread Laszlo Nagy

So how do I achieve per-slice journaling instead of per-partition?
The docs only says this: "gjournal only supports UFS2". It does not 
specifically say that you cannot have per-slice journaling. However, 
since you could have other filesystems on your slice, I bet that slice 
based journaling is not supported.

Consider this: how would you journal an NTFS file system (and then boot 
windows after an unclean shutdown?) Another tricky question: why would 
you journal a SWAP partition?



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eps to jpg conversion - which program?

2008-11-07 Thread Laszlo Nagy


I need to convert eps files into jpeg files in batch mode. Gimp works 
perfectly, except that I cannot use an X display. I tried eps2png with 
no success:

%file test.eps
test.eps: DOS EPS Binary File Postscript starts at byte 30 length 566887 
TIFF starts at byte 566917 length 4741

%eps2png -jpg -width 1000 -verbose -output test.jpg test.eps
Producing jpg (jpeg) image.
Not EPS file: test.eps, skipped

What port should I use to convert EPS into JPG? I would like to use a 
program that shares the same library with Gimp, because we know that 
Gimp works great for this task.



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Creating a CUPS printer instance from web interface?

2008-11-20 Thread Laszlo Nagy
I would like to create named instances for an Epson printer. We are 
printing invoices on normal A4, photos on glossy photo paper, and draft 
papers (with draft quality). E.g. the paper size, margins and print 
quality changes from time to time.

I have two problems. First, I do not see any way on the CUPS web admin 
interface to add printer instances. I only have 'set printer options' 
but it does not allow me to create instances.

The other problem is that lpoptions lists the options, but I do not know 
their meaning and the possible values. Example:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ lpoptions
media=A4 finishings=3 copies=1 job-hold-until=no-hold job-priority=50 
number-up=1 auth-info-required=none job-sheets=none,none 
printer-info='EPSON Stylus Photo R265' printer-is-accepting-jobs=1 
printer-is-shared=1 printer-location printer-make-and-model='Epson 
Stylus Photo R265 - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.0.2 Simplified' printer-state=5 
printer-state-change-time=1227085737 printer-state-reasons=paused 

Which option is for printing quality? What are its possible values? It 
depends on the driver, and therefore it is not covered in the CUPS 
manual. The drivers themselves does not have a documentation. So where 
can I get this information?



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CUPS: cannot see printer from various program

2008-11-26 Thread Laszlo Nagy
The printer is Epson Stylus Photo R265. I'm using gutenprint 5 and CUPS. 
The test page prints well from CUPS. I can also print images and web 
pages from firefox, because the "CUPS/R265" printer can be selected in 
the print dialog of firefox.

However, when I open an image from eog (eye of gnome), the only printer 
destination I can choose is "LPR". Which is bad, because this is a 
printer server with diskless clients, and the users must be able to 
select print options from the GUI.

The system is FreeBSD 7.0. My girlfriend had the same problem with 
Ubuntu before, but not with kiwi, so it might not be related to FreeBSD.



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Re: CUPS: cannot see printer from various program

2008-11-28 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Hello Laszlo,

You might want to add the following lines to /etc/make.conf


And rebuild the application you want to print from.

(The above was found on the excellent guide at

Thank you! I already have a running system, so I had to

setenv WITH_CUPS
cd /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/gtk20
make deinstall
make install clean

I do not fully understand why it is done this way. Most users - 
including me - are going to install gnome2 first, and most likely CUPS 
is not installed by that time. It is also true that many users who 
install gnome2 will have a printer and want to use it. So I would 
recommend to create a make option "[X] CUPS support" for gtk20, or at 
least for gnome2. It was quite hard to find information about this issue 
on the internet! Should I post a PR for this? (It is not a real bug but 
I think it causes problems for many users.)



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Re: Creating a CUPS printer instance from web interface?

2008-11-28 Thread Laszlo Nagy

The base page for CUPS has a button labeled "Add Printer".
On *my* setup, anyway.

On mine too.

What it really does is add a queue, so you can do it any number of times
for the same physical printer.
I did not know that! But it is not clear in the docs. CUPS talks about 
"printers" and "printer instances". They recommend using lpoptions to 
create instances, and use them. Moreover, "printer instances" the way 
they are created with lpoptions are NOT available from the gtk print 

All right, I'm going to try to add more printers for the same USB 
device. I hope it will work.



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7.0 stable + postfix - how to setup chroot?

2009-10-15 Thread Laszlo Nagy

What I already did:

syslogd_flags="-s -l /var/spool/postfix/var/run/log"   # put into 

Then I changed "n" to "y" for all lines in 
/usr/local/etc/postfix/ in the "chroot" column.

But I don't know how to create chrooted environment under 
/var/spool/postfix. Is there a command that can create it for me? Or is 
there a manual telling what files I need to copy from my root fs?



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jail - beginner questions

2009-11-17 Thread Laszlo Nagy
I'm experimenting with jails. I have installed a 7.2 stable FreeBSD 
inside vmware. Then I have created two jails, using the method written 
in the handbook:

The only thing that didn't work is this:

cd /etc
make distribution DESTDIR=$D

I really think that it should be corrected to:

cd /usr/src
make distribution DESTDIR=$D

After mounting devfs ("mount -t devfs devfs /vm1/dev") I try to start it:

/etc/rc.d/vm1 start vm1

But then I get this error in syslog:

bind: Can't assign requested address

Here is the config from /etc/rc.conf (in the host):

jail_enable="YES"# Set to NO to disable starting of 
any jails
jail_list="vm1 vm2"  # Space separated list of names of 

jail_vm1_rootdir="/vm1"  # jail's root directory
jail_vm1_hostname="vm1.localdomain"  # jail's hostname
jail_vm1_ip=""   # jail's IP address
jail_vm1_devfs_enable="YES"  # mount devfs in the jail
jail_vm1_devfs_ruleset="vm1_ruleset" # devfs ruleset to apply to jail

jail_vm2_rootdir="/vm2"  # jail's root directory
jail_vm2_hostname="vm2.localdomain"  # jail's hostname
jail_vm2_ip=""   # jail's IP address
jail_vm2_devfs_enable="YES"  # mount devfs in the jail
jail_vm2_devfs_ruleset="vm2_ruleset" # devfs ruleset to apply to jail

Please help.

Thank you,


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Re: jail - beginner questions

2009-11-17 Thread Laszlo Nagy

No, I think you added the '/' before 'etc', which isn't in the web page.

Is the problem perhaps in your /etc/rc.d/vm1 script?  
Normally you would use /etc/rc.d/jail.

Yes, I'm. Sorry - it was a typo. I used this:

/etc/rc.d/jail start vm1

Are those addresses already assigned on the host?
Was the jail perhaps already running?

My computer is a windows machine, with address 192.168.0.X
Then the FreeBSD host is actually a guest os running in wvmare. It has 

And finally, the vm1 jail should have

I don't know why is not working for the jail. Anyway, if I 
change the jail's address to then

/etc/rc.d/jail start vm1
Starting jails: vm1.localdomain.

Now the next question: how can I access the hosted (jailed) OS? I know 
it is a dumb question, but I have no idea. I would like to:

a.) run sshd in the jail
b.) login from the host to the jailed (hosted) OS
c.) install programs on the jail, configure them and finally
d.) use NATD to divert some pacakges from the host to the jail and back

Probably this is what everybody does, so if you could point me to a 
tutorial or something, I would appriciate it.



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Re: jail - beginner questions

2009-11-18 Thread Laszlo Nagy

The address must be assigned to a interface in the host FreeBSD.
You can do it before starting the jail, or when the jail is being started.

To assign the address before starting the jail do somthing like this:
# ifconfig lnc0 alias
where lnc0 is the name of nic in the host FreeBSD

Great. Here is what I did:

sorb# mkdir -p /usr/jails/vm1
sorb# cd /usr/src
sorb# setenv D /usr/jails/vm1
sorb# make installworld DESTDIR=$D
sorb# make distribution DESTDIR=$D
sorb# cat >> /etc/rc.conf


sorb#mount -t devfs devfs $D /dev
sorb# /etc/rc.d/jail start vm1
Configuring jails:.
Starting jails:ifconfig: interface lnc0 does not exist

See, I do not understand how this works. If I use a real physical 
interface then it works:

sorb# ifconfig
re0: flags=8843 metric 0 mtu 1500

   ether 00:1a:4d:7b:cf:d6
   inet X.X.X.X netmask 0xff00 broadcast X.X.X.255
   inet netmask 0x broadcast
   media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX )
   status: active

where X.X.X.X is my public internet IP address. But I do not like this. 
I do not want to expose my jail's private IP address to the internet. Am 
I too paranoid? Should I just add rules like

ipfw add 1000 allow all from X.X.X.X to
ipfw add 1001 allow all from to X.X.X.X
ipfw add 1002 deny all from any to
ipfw add 1003 deny all from to any

and be happy? Or would it be better to create a virtual ethernet 
interface for my jails? Somehow?

d.) It requires to use firewall either ipfw or pf. 
For example you can add to your /etc/pf.conf: 
nat on lnc0 from to any -> 

But the firewall requires more lines then this one to work correcly with all 
network traffic.
And you have to know exactly what you want to get for using it. 

I'm using ipfw. I think I'll use natd+divert on the host.

Thank you very much! I feel I'm over the hard part. :-)


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transmission-web settings do not work

2009-11-20 Thread Laszlo Nagy
Basic system, installed these packages:  transmission-daemon és 

Here is rc.conf:

transmission_flags=" -a "

Other settings are the defaults. Then I do this:

vm01# mkdir -p /download
vm01# chown -R transmission:transmission /download
vm01# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/transmission start
Starting transmission.
vm01# ps axww | grep transm
8963  ??  SsJ0:00.00 /usr/local/bin/transmission-daemon -g 
/usr/local/etc/transmission/home -a -w /download

My problem: cannot use web UI from outside. Here is the error I get:

Unauthorized IP Address.

Either disable the IP address whitelist or add your address to it.

If you're editing settings.json, see the 'rpc-whitelist' and 
'rpc-whitelist-enabled' entries.

If you're still using ACLs, use a whitelist instead. See the 
transmission-daemon manpage for details.

However, it is useless to change "rpc-whitelist-enable" to "false" in 
the ~transmission/settings.json file. I can even delete it. It doesn't 
matter. Anytime I start transmission-daemon, it ignores all the 
settings. Then, if I stop it, it dumps out the default settings again to 

régi settings.json-t.

When starting up transmission-daemon, it doesn't tell anything about not 
found config file, cannot read or parse it etc.

What did I wrong?

System info:

vm01# uname -a
FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE #2: Wed 
Nov 18 08:50:04 CET 2009  amd64

vm01# pkg_info | grep trans
transmission-daemon-1.75 A fast and lightweight daemon BitTorrent client
transmission-web-1.75 A fast and lightweight WebUI for Transmission 
BitTorrent cl




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List of active users, logged in with gdm

2008-03-12 Thread Laszlo Nagy


I would like to get the list of the users who are actively logged in 
remotely with gdm, along with their IP address. The commands 'w' and 
'users' does not work. What is the right command to get this list?


FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p7 FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p7 #4: Wed 
Aug 29 14:01:04 CEST 2007 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/DARKSUN  i386

(The computer is an application server, serving applications to diskless 
machines with gdm + gnome.)



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fstat bug?

2011-03-21 Thread Laszlo Nagy

  Hi All,

I have a Python program that goes up to 100% CPU. Just like this (top):

80212 user1   2  440 70520K 16212K select  1   0:30 100.00% 
/usr/local/bin/python -l 10

I have added extra logs and it turns out that there are two threads. One 
thread is calling "time.sleep()" and the other is calling "os.stat" 
call. (Actually it is calling os.path.isfile, but I hunted down the last 
link in the chain.) The most interesting thing is that the process is in 
"SELECT" state. As far as I know, CPU load should be 0% because "select" 
state should block program execution until the I/O completes.

I must also tell you that the os.stat call is taking long because this 
system has about 7 million files on a slow disk under heavy load. It 
would be normal for an os.stat call to return after 10 seconds. I have 
no problem with that. But I think that the 100% CPU is not acceptable. I 
guess that the code is running a system call in kernel mode. I think 
this because I can send a KILL signal to it and the state changes to the 

80212 user1   2  440 70520K 15256K STOP5   1:27 100.00% 
/usr/local/bin/python -l 10

So the state of the process changes to "STOP", but the program does not 
stop until the os.stat call returns back. Sometimes for a minute.

Could it be a problem with the operation system? Is it possible that an 
os.stat call requires 100% CPU power from the OS? (I believe that 
os.stat ends in fstat()). Or is it a problem with the Python implementation?

(Unfortunately I cannot give you an example program. Giving an example 
would require giving you a slow I/O device with millions of files on it.)

OS version: FreeBSD 8.1-STABLE amd64
Python version: 2.6.6



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MySQL 3 needed but how?

2011-03-26 Thread Laszlo Nagy


I have an old backup from a MySQL data directory. It was created with 
MySQL version 3. If I install MySQL 4 then I get this message telling 
that the table was created with a different MySQL version.

So I try to install mysql 3. Here is the problem:

gw# pwd
gw# make
===>  mysql-server-3.23.59.n.20050301_3 obsolete and does not build with 
gcc4.2; use mysql 5 or later.

*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/databases/mysql323-server.

But I really need mysql 3. I usually install everything from the ports 
tree, but in this case this won't work. I need a quick solution. Maybe I 
can install a different OS in a virtual machine. But do you know where 
can I download a BSD OS version that has a binary package of MySQL 
server 3? (I don't know how to search for a BSD OS that has binary 
packages for mysql3...)



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Re: MySQL 3 needed but how?

2011-03-26 Thread Laszlo Nagy

On 2011-03-26 18:41, John Levine wrote:

In article<>  you write:


I have an old backup from a MySQL data directory. It was created with
MySQL version 3. If I install MySQL 4 then I get this message telling
that the table was created with a different MySQL version.

You should be able to restore the individual database directories
under mysql 4 and use ALTER TABLE to upgrade the file formats.  You'll
lose the user access stuff, but that's usually easy enough to

In MySQL, each database is self-describing.  That is, for database
foo, the files in the foo/ directory are both the description of
the tables and the data in them.
Okay, I tried to follow the instruction. So instead of installing 4.1, I 
have installed 4.0. After replacing /var/db/mysql with my archived 

gw# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server start
Starting mysql.
gw# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server status
mysql is not running.

There is nothing in /var/log/messages.

It was working with 4.1 server, but I just uninstalled that (because the 
upgrading faq told me to install 4.0 instead.)

So what now?


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Re: MySQL 3 needed but how?

2011-03-26 Thread Laszlo Nagy

There is nothing in /var/log/messages.

It was working with 4.1 server, but I just uninstalled that (because
the upgrading faq told me to install 4.0 instead.)

Do you have the following in your "/etc/rc.conf" file:

Yes.  I'm in the process of installing FreeBSD 6.4 in a virtual machine. 
Hopefully I'll be able to compile mysql 3.23 and make a backup from there.

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Re: MySQL 3 needed but how?

2011-03-26 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Sounds like you'll have to do some debugging.  Try adding --verbose to 
mysql_args in /etc/rc.conf, and see the other advice in

gw# /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe --verbose
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/db/mysql
STOPPING server from pid file /var/db/mysql/
110326 16:44:14  mysqld ended

The data directory is correct. I don't understand why it is stopping 
immediatelly after startup.

Trying the other way around (FreeBSD 6.4 on a virtual machine)

It may be something really simple, like the mysql data directory not 
being where the server expects it to be.

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Re: MySQL 3 needed but how? [SOLVED]

2011-03-27 Thread Laszlo Nagy
I could install FreeBSD 6.4 on a virtual machine, replace the data dir 
and run mysqldump from there.

Thank you for your help!


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2005-08-09 Thread Laszlo Nagy

 Hi All!

I'm trying to use packet writing software on FreeBSD. The FreeBSD 
counterpart of the Linux "udftools" package is the "udfclient" port. 
However, I cannot use it. It does not allow me to create a new 
filesystem, telling me that I need to packet-format first. But I don't 
know how to do that. Can you please help?


uname -a

FreeBSD earth.msnet 5.4-RELEASE-p1 FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p1 #3: Mon Aug  8 
22:17:04 CEST 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/EARTH  i386

cd_sessions /dev/cd0

Opening device /dev/cd0
Device has MMC profile 0x0a
Disc info for disc in device /dev/cd0
   MMC profile: CD-RW rewritable
   sequential :  no
   recordable : yes
   erasable   : yes
   rewritable : yes
   packet writing : yes
   disc state : empty disc
   last session state : empty
   sectorsize : 2048
   Number of sessions 1
   Session 0
   start  at 0
   ends   at 359847
   length for359847
   next writable at  0
   free blocks   359847
   packet size   0

Disc access statistics
   sector reads  0  (0 Kbyte)
   sector written0  (0 Kbyte)
   switches  0

newfs_udf -P test -L test /dev/cd0

Opening device /dev/cd0

   bufcache thread initialising

Disc info for disc in device /dev/cd0
   MMC profile: CD-RW rewritable
   sequential :  no
   recordable : yes
   erasable   : yes
   rewritable : yes
   packet writing : yes
   disc state : empty disc
   last session state : empty
   sectorsize : 2048
   Number of sessions 1
   Session 0
   start  at 0
   ends   at 359847
   length for359847
   next writable at  0
   free blocks   359847
   packet size   0

Closing disc
Dismounting disc
   syncing disc
   wait for syncing disc to idle
   stopping bufcache thread
   bufcache thread joining
   signal disc its finished with writing
   wait for final disc idling
   close device
Disc access statistics
   sector reads  0  (0 Kbyte)
   sector written0  (0 Kbyte)
   switches  0

Disk is empty; please packet-format it before use



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Re: UDF and CD-RW

2005-08-09 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Looking at the port makefile, one of the programs that is installed is
called cdrw_format. Maybe you should try that.


Looks like it is the right program. But it does not work. I have 
ide-scsi emulation enabled on my CDRW drive, so it is named /dev/cd0. I 
have a blank disc in the drive (created with "cdrecord speed=4 -v 

Here are the results:

earth# cdrw_format -D -F /dev/cd0
Opening device /dev/cd0

Device dentifies itself as : SCSI   busnum = 0, target = 0, lun = 0

CD-RW has a capacity of 359847 blocks (736966656 bytes)

Formatting (please be patient (+/- 10 minutes)) ...SCSI command 
error on /dev/cd0: Status=0x8c

Sense data: Key=0x0 () Code=0x0 Qual=0x0
format unit returned : Bad address
Formatting failed because of : Bad address
Disc access statistics
   sector reads  0  (0 Kbyte)
   sector written0  (0 Kbyte)
   switches  0

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Re: UDF and CD-RW

2005-08-09 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Looks like it is the right program. But it does not work. I have 
ide-scsi emulation enabled on my CDRW drive, so it is named /dev/cd0. I 
have a blank disc in the drive (created with "cdrecord speed=4 -v 

Here are the results:


Formatting (please be patient (+/- 10 minutes)) ...SCSI command 
error on /dev/cd0: Status=0x8c

Sense data: Key=0x0 () Code=0x0 Qual=0x0
format unit returned : Bad address
Formatting failed because of : Bad address
Disc access statistics
  sector reads  0  (0 Kbyte)
  sector written0  (0 Kbyte)
  switches  0

When I try it with my -ide-scsi emulation setup I get the same error,
but different sense data:

Formatting (please be patient (+/- 10 minutes)) ...SCSI command 
error on /dev/cd1: Status=0x8c

Sense data: Key=0x6 () Code=0x29 Qual=0x0
format unit returned : Bad address

I've looked at the source for cdrw_format, but couldn't find anything
obviously wrong with it.

I wonder why there is no documentation for this program? Probably there 
are human beings using it but probably they are very special persons 
with special knowledge. I could not find useful postings about this 
topic (CDRW and packet writing) in mailing lists. Very sad. :-( I'm 
totally lost.


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Copy all users between systems

2010-10-29 Thread Laszlo Nagy
I would like to copy all user accounts, including root from an already 
installed 8.0 system to a fresh new 8.1 system.

My plan is to boot into single user mode, then copy these:


then run pwd_mkdb and finally restart the system. (Obviously, I also 
need to copy user home directories)

Will this be enough? Did I miss something?



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What is loading my server so much?

2010-12-09 Thread Laszlo Nagy
System is FreeBSD 8.1-STABLE FreeBSD 8.1-STABLE #0: Sun Oct 
31 02:55:28 EDT 2010 amd64
It has two quad-core Xeon CPUs, 24GB memory, and a RAID 1+0 array with 
10 disks + Areca 1680 controller with 2GB write back cache.

Server is running: mailscanner + apache multihost + PHP + postgresql. 
Main load on the server is usually postgresql.

Today something happened. Number of http processes went up to 200. As a 
result, number of connections to database also went up to 200, and the 
web server is now refusing clients with "Cannot connect to database" 
messages (coming from PHP).

This is a typical output from top:

last pid: 12789;  load averages:  7.77, 10.77, 
up 26+03:00:30  06:22:04

6637 processes: 7 running, 623 sleeping, 7 zombie
CPU: 32.9% user,  0.0% nice,  7.6% system,  0.6% interrupt, 58.9% idle
Mem: 3885M Active, 15G Inact, 3236M Wired, 627M Cache, 2465M Buf, 656M Free
Swap: 12G Total, 12M Used, 12G Free

66834 pgsql1 1180   443M   417M CPU22  16:17 99.46% 
11473 pgsql1  720   441M   242M sbwait  5   0:02  4.59% 
11026 pgsql1  470   439M   249M sbwait  7   0:01  3.17% 
 6642 www  1  480   236M 42928K select  0   0:01  2.29% 
10147 www  1  480   236M 44048K select  6   0:01  2.10% 
 3961 shopzeus29  440   208M 96364K uwait   4  18.4H  1.37% 

Here is what I don't understand. "last pid" is increasing relatively 
slowly, e.g. there are no hidden processes. Only the first one or two 
processes are showing CPU load > 10%.  The "CPU User%" value is about 
50%. We have lots of free memory. I/O load is almost nothing (see iostat 

However, server load is between 7 and 13! In fact sometimes it is above 
16. And everybody complains that the server is too slow.

How can I find out what is causing the problem?

Example gstat output:

dT: 1.006s  w: 1.000s
 L(q)  ops/sr/s   kBps   ms/rw/s   kBps   ms/w   %busy Name
0  0  0  00.0  0  00.00.0| ad4
0  0  0  00.0  0  00.00.0| ad4s1
0  0  0  00.0  0  00.00.0| ad4s1d
0  0  0  00.0  0  00.00.0| da0
0  0  0  00.0  0  00.00.0| da0s1
1304  3 34   14.0301   75220.25.1| da1
0  2  2 32   11.9  0  00.02.4| da2
0  0  0  00.0  0  00.00.0| da3
0  0  0  00.0  0  00.00.0| da4
0  0  0  00.0  0  00.00.0| da0s1a
0  0  0  00.0  0  00.00.0| da0s1b
0  0  0  00.0  0  00.00.0| da0s1d
0  0  0  00.0  0  00.00.0| da0s1e
1304  3 34   14.0301   75220.35.3| da1s1
0  2  2 32   11.9  0  00.02.4| da2s1
0  0  0  00.0  0  00.00.0| da3s1
0  0  0  00.0  0  00.00.0| da4s1
1304  3 34   14.0301   75220.45.4| da1s1d
0  2  2 32   11.9  0  00.02.4| da2s1d
0  0  0  00.0  0  00.00.0| da3s1d

Example iostat output:

   tty ad4  da0  
da1 cpu
 tin  tout  KB/t tps  MB/s   KB/t tps  MB/s   KB/t tps  MB/s  us ni sy 
in id
   0   349 30.81  16  0.49  16.51  11  0.18  22.56 124  2.72  29  0  9  
1 61
   0  9282  0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  16.00   7  0.11  41  0 11  
1 47
   0 12520  0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  18.00   8  0.14  45  0 14  
0 41
   0 12205  0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00   0.00   0  0.00  38  0 15  
0 47

Example systat output:

/0   /1   /2   /3   /4   /5   /6   /7   /8   /9   /10
 Load Average >

/0%  /10  /20  /30  /40  /50  /60  /70  /80  /90  /100
pgsql  postgres X
root   idle XXX
root   idle X
root   idle XX
www   httpd X
root   idle X
root   idle 
root   idle XXX
root   idle XXX
root   idle 
www   httpd XX
pgsql  postgres XXX
pgsql  postgres X
www   httpd X
root   intr X
www   httpd X
www   httpd X
www   httpd X
www   httpd X
shopzeus python X

Re: What is loading my server so much?

2010-12-09 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Step 1, get them to define "server" and "too slow":

If you log in and do shell ops, is the system slow to respond?  Based on
what you've reported, I'd be willing to bet that shell ops are pretty
responsive.  I can't be 100% sure without more information, but I'm
willing to be that what your users are complaining about is your web
application being slow.  Since you don't say what that application is,
I can only provide general advice.
Shell response is fast. The application may be slow, but we should see 
why (high CPU load or high I/O?)

I'm guessing that PostgreSQL is the bottleneck.  I'm going to first make
a few general suggestions, then provide suggestions on how to isolate the
problem more specifically.

First off, you have 24G of RAM available and PostgreSQL only seems to
have access to 400M of it.  Bump shared_buffers up to 2 or 3 G at least,
and bump up work_mem to at least a few hundred meg, and
maintenance_work_mem up to at 1/2G or so.
Good point. Changed shared_buffers to 4G, work_mem to 512M and 
maintenance_work_mem to 2G

If the top and gstat outputs are typical, it looks like PostgreSQL is
doing mostly writes, but is not significantly blocked on writes.  It looks
like individual PostgreSQL processes are simply taking a long time to do
their work.

What's in your PostgreSQL log files?  If there's nothing, then bump up
the logging information in your postgresql.conf.  I particularly like
log_min_duration_statement at 500 ... any query that takes longer than
1/2 second to execute is suspect in the types applications I work with
most frequently.
Thanks for that hint also. We have some programs making huge queries 
(once in a day or so) so I set this to 3000 for now.

If your application is developed in-house, I'd be willing to bet a paycheck
that there are LOTS of indexes missing and that PostgreSQL is doing lots
of seq scans where it could run lots faster if it had indexes.

Check also your autovacuum settings and ensure that tables are not bloating
out of control due to insufficient vacuuming.  You may have to vacuum full/
reindex the entire database to get things back under control, which can take
a long time if it's badly bloated.
Well, we have tables with 5M+ rows (table size over 4G) and we have 500+ 
tables. This is probably something that is out of scope - probably you 
cannot help with that without knowing the structure of the database and 
how it is used, and it would take a long time to understand. But anyway, 
if there is a problem with the database (not having indexes), we see 
heavy I/O or CPU load of the postgresql processes right? I mean, if the 
bottleneck is postgresql, then we should be able to see it at the OS level.

Your application may also be suffering from lock contention if there are
lots of table locks used.  Looking at the pg_locks table while things are
slow can quickly identify if this is the case, and looking at
pg_stat_activity in conjunction with that table will usually narrow down
the problem pretty quickly.
We do not issue "lock" statements directly, but we use database 
transactions. We have a tool for checking the state of those. Most of 
the time, only a few open database transactions are opened, and usually 
we don't have locks that are not granted.

Finally, if you find that PostgreSQL is the bottleneck and you can't
narrow it down enough to fix, join the PostgreSQL general questions
mailing list and ask for help with the same level of detail you did
here.  You'll find that they're an equally helpful community.

I'll do that, but first let me test the new settings.

Yes, thank you very much for you help.


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Re: What is loading my server so much?

2010-12-09 Thread Laszlo Nagy

First off, you have 24G of RAM available and PostgreSQL only seems to
have access to 400M of it.  Bump shared_buffers up to 2 or 3 G at least,
and bump up work_mem to at least a few hundred meg, and
maintenance_work_mem up to at 1/2G or so.

All right. Here is what I did. I setup a new shmmax value this way:

sysctl kern.ipc.shmmax=8589934592

It is 8G.  (By the way I also have kern.ipc.shm_use_phys: 1 ) Then I 
have changed shared_mem to 1024MB in postgresql.conf.

Then I tried to start postgresql I got this message in the log:

Dec  9 17:53:59 shopzeus postgres[27247]: [1-4] The PostgreSQL 
documentation contains more information about shared memory configuration.
Dec  9 17:55:52 shopzeus postgres[27328]: [1-1] FATAL:  could not create 
shared memory segment: Cannot allocate memory
Dec  9 17:55:52 shopzeus postgres[27328]: [1-2] DETAIL:  Failed system 
call was shmget(key=5432001, size=1105051648, 03600).
Dec  9 17:55:52 shopzeus postgres[27328]: [1-3] HINT:  This error 
usually means that PostgreSQL's request for a shared memory segment 
exceeded available memory or swap space. To reduce the request size 
(currently 1105051648 bytes), reduce PostgreSQL's shared_buffers 
parameter (currently 131072) and/or its max_connections parameter 
(currently 203).
Dec  9 17:55:52 shopzeus postgres[27328]: [1-4] The PostgreSQL 
documentation contains more information about shared memory configuration.

I do not understand.

Doc says these:

"max_connections cost ~ 400 bytes of shared memory slot, plus lock space 
(see max_locks_per_transaction)."

Even if I had max_connections = 5000, total shared memory required would 
be way below shmmax=8G.

What am I missing here?



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Re: do i need a dedicated ip address for https?

2010-12-22 Thread Laszlo Nagy

On 2010-12-22 07:53, S Mathias wrote:

"# Set up SSL protection on your website."

is it an inescapable requirement to have a dedicated [not fix] ip address, when 
i want to use ssl on my domain?

Obviously, you cannot have a website without an IP address.
Another strict rule is that you can only use one SSL certificate per IP 
address + PORT. This is determined by the SSL protocol, and you cannot 
do anything to change it.

But there are possibilities. You can use different SSL certificates for 
the same ip address and different port numbers:


etc. (where your_domain_1 and your_domain_2 have the same IP, and you 
have different certificates from them).

You can also use many host names with the same IP address and port 
number, but they will have to share the same SSL certificate. It is not 
a problem, if they are subdomains, and you own a wildcard certificate. 

etc. (where you have a wildcard certificate for *

And finally, it is possible to use different domains and the same port, 
without wildcard certificate or subdomains, but then all connecting 
clients will complain about the problem (e.g. certificate belongs to a 
domain that differs from the one you are connecting to.) For any serious 
projects, this is not recommended. You cannot expect customers sending 
you private information on a website that cannot identify itself...



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portmaster + unknown dependency problem

2012-11-20 Thread Laszlo Nagy
I have a 8.2-STABLE system. Last port upgrade was about a year ago. (I 
know, this is bad.) I was trying to update all ports, by following the 
UPDATING file. As it turned out, some ports has been deprecated/deleted. 
I have a problem in particular with the py-bittornado-core port. I do 
not need it. So I have deleted it:

# pkg_info | grep bittornado

Clearly, it is not installed. However, when I write in this command:

# portmaster -a

Then I get this error:

===>>> The net-p2p/py-bittornado-core port has been deleted: Has 
expired: Depends on the deprecated wx 2.4

===>>> Aborting update

Well, here is the question: why does it want to build a port that does 
not even exist in the ports tree? It was really deleted, there is no 
such thing as /usr/ports/net-p2p/py-bittornado-core . I have also tried 
to do this:

# portmaster -a -x py-bittornado-core

but it has exactly the same problem. Is this a stale dependency to a 
nonexistent port? How can I overcome this problem?



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Share folder over internet

2007-08-16 Thread Laszlo Nagy

 Hi All,

Here is a problem that I cannot solve. I have two offices with two file servers 
(FreeBSD 6.1). Clients are accessing files over samba and nfs (on the local 
server). I would like to share some directory structures between the two 
offices. Originally I was thinking about sshfs (mount_sshfs) but I cannot 
compile fuse from the ports. NFS cannot share subdirectories, only whole 
filesystems and it is not secure to use over the internet.

Security inside the LAN is not important. Most of these folders are "put everything 
into it" type, e.g. anyone can do anything with them. The users usually store doc, 
pdf, xls/gnumeric and txt files in them.

I'm not interested in solutions where the end user needs to use a special 
program to access the files. For example, gftp is not an option. This is 
because these users sometimes does not know what a file is. I need nautilus 
integration, and mounting/mapping so the files can be opened from any program 
using file/open.

What should I use?

Thank you,


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Re: Share folder over internet

2007-08-16 Thread Laszlo Nagy

You need to create a VPN connection between your two offices.  You can 
do this in a variety of ways, but probably the best solution would be 
to have static IP's for both offices and a router that has hardware 
support for VPNs at each office.  You can connect the two offices via 
a VPN connection from router to router.
Well, we do not have static IP addresses, and the routers does not 
support VPN. Also I do not like the idea of VPN because I feel that 
would forward more packets than needed. I may be wrong. :-)

Although we do not have static IP, we have DDNS. Is it possible to do 
VPN from one FreeBSD box to another and then what? Mount nfs? Mount 
smb? I can mount a remote smb volume then share it with another smb 
server, but it looks wreid to me and I'm also concerned about speed. I 
believe smb is not optimized for speed. If I have to use VPN then I 
would like to use the most traffic-efficient method over VPN. Can you 
suggest something?



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Re: Share folder over internet

2007-08-16 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Peter Svec wrote:

Hello Laszlo,

you don't need static IP address if you use hamachi. It is zero 
configuration VPN tool, which creates peer-to-peer tunnel between two 
host (with static or dynamic addresses). The problem is, that hamachi 
isn't in the ports yet. Take a look at and

Sounds great. I'll ask my ISP about the fix IP though. Thank you for 
your answers!


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Re: Share folder over internet

2007-08-16 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Unless I'm very confused, BSD NFS can export directories and directory
trees in addition to filesystems.  See export(5).  Internet security
should be attainable with an appropriate firewall configuration that
allows the servers to only talk to each other.
IMHO you can export directory trees (-alldirs option), but if you do 
that then you can list each file system in /etc/exports only once. So it 
is impossible to export some (different) directories from a filesystem, 
but not others. But again, this is not a big problem when I use a VPN 
connection between the two file servers only.

Coda is looks VERY interesting! :-) Two key features:

"high performance through client side persistent caching"
continued operation during partial network failures in server network

Promising. I'm going to try it and let you know how it goes.



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Re: Share folder over internet

2007-08-16 Thread Laszlo Nagy

I often suggest Coda (ports/net/coda6_server & coda6_client) for this
sort of situation, but it has been so many years since I've used it
myself that I don't know what state it is in these days. I hope the
documentation has improved. Note the client runs on the local file
server, so you don't need to change anything on end-users'
If it really has client side caching then it can be better than NFS. 
However, I just found this on their official website:

There were several sweeping changes in freebsd, and in the case where 
the developers didn't exactly know how to solve it for Coda, they just 
removed the related code. For instance, they don't support vget with a 
device/inode number pair anymore, so they simply removed the complete 
coda_open codepath. As a result it is impossible to open any files or 
directories in /coda with the current fbsd kernel module.

Now I'm starting to loose my enthusiasm about FreeBSD!

- sshfs works for Linux, but not for FreeBSD, although ssh is open 
source and well documented. The guy who developed it says that he could 
not implement fuse very well because the source code of the FreeBSD 
kernel is a mess, can this be true?
- WEB-DAV fs works for Linux but not for FreeBSD, although DAV is well 
documented. Why?
- Coda client does not work correctly because of... lack of kernel 

Most suprisingly, Gnome 2.18 and nautilus CAN use WEB-DAV (both http and 
https), and it can also "mount" sshfs. But this is useless for me 
because I cannot really mount them, they are available in gnome vfs 
only. I see signs... is it really the kernel that prevents me from doing 
what I need to do?

Today I also had trouble with mozilla flashplugin. It simply does not 
work, except with linux-firefox, but then Java stops working. 
Unfortuntely, I need to use both of them together. Skype does not work 
very well with FreeBSD, only in linux compat mode etc.

I like the idea of having only one, consistent distribution, and having 
a ports tree and I see other advantages of FreeBSD but I'm starting to 
think that using it as an application server was a bad idea from my 
part, simply because the lack of working - otherwise widely used - 

Sally... I'm sorry, it is late night here and I failed to solve 5 
problems today. All of them could have been solved with one click on 
Linux or even M$ Windows. :-(


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Re: Share folder over internet

2007-08-17 Thread Laszlo Nagy

It is hardly the freebsd community's fault that Skype / Ebay doesn't create a 
FreeBSD binary. Actually, the linux compatibility layer is one of the great 
things in FreeBSD. Of course, you may be having other issues we can't know 
about until you kindly tell us (on a separate thread pls...)
Yes, I agree. I did not tell it is the fault of the FreeBSD community. 
However, when you need to install an application server for a couple of 
diskless X terminals, you should not use FreeBSD. I'm serious. There are 
some very important applications that just don't work. :-(

::shrug:: each solution needs to be considered for the problem. It is, after 
all, your server, feel free to install linux or pay for MS licenses... (btw, 
have ever actually used windows file sharing over a slow link ? whatever 'ease 
of use' you *may* have gain (and i'm not sure how much of that there really is) 
will probably be lost when you consider other factors...)
Well, yes. You are right about these factors. In my case, it is almost 
too late to migrate to Linux. It would cost too much and there would be 
other disadvantages too. For some things, FreeBSD is definitely better.



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Re: Flash

2007-08-17 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Zbigniew Komarnicki wrote:


can I ask you for help, how to set up flash in Firefox natively, step by step? 
The only native solution I know of is "gnash" but last time I tried it 
it was very unstable and very slow. I would rather try 
linux-flashplugin7 and linuxpluginwrapper instead. Here is a 
step-by-step guide for you:



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Re: Flash

2007-08-17 Thread Laszlo Nagy

The flash-related questions/answers appeared probably >10 or 15 times on
various FreeBSD lists in last 3-4 months. These threads contain
everything related to installation problems, warning messages and other
problems. In total, if Flash7 and Acrobat plugins don't work inside
native browsers _flawlessly_, then user does something wrong.
Oh well, yesterday I had a machine where I installed flash plugin 7 and 
linuxpluginwrapper but it did NOT work until I made symlinks to .so 
files (as given in the aforementioned article). The ports tree was up to 
date, so I'm really not sure what I did wrong. :-)


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Re: Flash

2007-08-19 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Adobe. For example it runs on many platforms where Adobe's Flash
doesn't run. It will also perhaps soon hit the iPhone.
Useless to say Adobe are not so happy about it ;)
We are also not happy about that Adobe ignores other platforms. Blame it 
on them. :-)

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ssh2 login with public key - not working

2007-08-30 Thread Laszlo Nagy


I have to boxes, both are FreeBSD 6.2 -p7. I did this:


ssh-keygen -t dsa
mv ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 640 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
scp ~/.ssh/id_dsa [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.ssh


mkdir .ssh
cat > .ssh/config

host mybox
   hostname box1
   identityfile /home/user2/.ssh/id_dsa
   compression yes
   cipher blowfish
   protocol 2

Then I try this:

ssh -l user1 mybox

but it asks for a password. I also tried this:

ssh -v -v -v -l user1 mybox

This is what I see (just a part of it):

debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY
debug3: check_host_in_hostfile: filename /usr/user2/.ssh/known_hosts
debug3: check_host_in_hostfile: match line 1
debug1: Host 'box1' is known and matches the DSA host key.
debug1: Found key in /usr/user2/.ssh/known_hosts:1
debug2: bits set: 526/1024
debug1: ssh_dss_verify: signature correct
debug2: kex_derive_keys
debug2: set_newkeys: mode 1
debug1: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS sent
debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS
debug2: set_newkeys: mode 0
debug1: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS received
debug2: service_accept: ssh-userauth
debug1: SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT received
debug2: key: /usr/user2/.ssh/id_dsa (0x8032410)
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,keyboard-interactive
debug3: start over, passed a different list publickey,keyboard-interactive
debug3: preferred publickey,keyboard-interactive,password
debug3: authmethod_lookup publickey
debug3: remaining preferred: keyboard-interactive,password
debug3: authmethod_is_enabled publickey
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Offering public key: /usr/user2/.ssh/id_dsa
debug3: send_pubkey_test
debug2: we sent a publickey packet, wait for reply
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,keyboard-interactive
debug2: we did not send a packet, disable method
debug3: authmethod_lookup keyboard-interactive
debug3: remaining preferred: password
debug3: authmethod_is_enabled keyboard-interactive
debug1: Next authentication method: keyboard-interactive
debug2: userauth_kbdint
debug2: we sent a keyboard-interactive packet, wait for reply
debug2: input_userauth_info_req
debug2: input_userauth_info_req: num_prompts 1

What is the problem? I could do the same with other computers/users without 
problem. I'm sure that I do something wrong.



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Re: ssh2 login with public key - not working

2007-08-30 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Hi Laszlo.

Isn't it just a matter of adding "PasswordAuthentication no" to 
/etc/ssh/sshd_config? [At the server end, Captain Obvious prompts me.]

I'll check one of my old systems later but I think that's it...
Well, I have other users using public keys for logging in so the sshd 
config must be correct.
This is the only user that doesn't work. I can login by typing in the 
password but I need to login automatically.



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Re: ssh2 login with public key - not working

2007-08-30 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Have you checked /var/log/auth.log on machine to which you are trying to

It contains nothing except:

Aug 30 13:54:19 box1 sshd[8199]: Accepted publickey for user2 from port 54369 ssh2

Now here is what I did:

1. I deleted user2 with "rmuser user2", but I did not delete its home 

2. I re-created the user

Now it is working! It was so confusing that I tried another thing. Then 
I tried this with [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

rm -fr /root/.ssh
cp ~user2/.ssh /root
chown -R root:wheel /root/.ssh
chmod 700 /root/.ssh
chmod 600 /root/.ssh/*
chmod 700 /root
ssh -l user1 mybox

Same problem - not working.

Unfortunately, auth.log on box1 only prints a line when it accepts a 
public key. There are no auth failures because the problem occurs when 
ssh tries to determine the type of the authentication.

Do you have any idea why the recreation of the user solved the problem? 
And how it is possible that using exactly the same ssh config, the root 
user cannot login with a public key? (Obviously, I cannot recreate the 
root user)



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Re: ssh2 login with public key - not working

2007-08-30 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Laszlo Nagy wrote:

Have you checked /var/log/auth.log on machine to which you are trying to

It contains nothing except:

Aug 30 13:54:19 box1 sshd[8199]: Accepted publickey for user2 from port 54369 ssh2

Sorry it was:

Aug 30 13:54:19 box1 sshd[8199]: Accepted publickey for user1 from port 54369 ssh2

I cannot use real user and host names and I made a mistake here.


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Re: ssh2 login with public key - not working (solved)

2007-08-30 Thread Laszlo Nagy

rm -fr /root/.ssh
cp ~user2/.ssh /root
chown -R root:wheel /root/.ssh
chmod 700 /root/.ssh
chmod 600 /root/.ssh/*
chmod 700 /root
ssh -l user1 mybox

Problem solved. I forgot to edit /root/.ssh/config
I still not sure why user recreation worked, but I don't care anymore. 
Thank you for all your help!


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sshfs - fuse: failed to open fuse device: No such file or directory

2007-08-31 Thread Laszlo Nagy

I have installed fusefs-sshfs. I tried this:

sshfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/fileshare/pub /usr/fileshare/pub
fuse: failed to open fuse device: No such file or directory

sshfs has no manual page, just "sshfs -h" but it did not help.
I could not find useful information in the archives.
I have tried "env FUSE_DEV_NAME=/dev/fuse0" but did not help.
I tried to follow

but I do not have a kernel module for fusefs (why not???), so I cannot 
do this:

kldload fuse_module/fuse.ko
sysctl vfs.usermount=1

Output of uname -a:

FreeBSD neptunus.msnet 6.2-RELEASE-p7 FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p7 #6: Thu Aug 
23 21:03:16 CEST 2007 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/NEPTUNUS  i386

Ports tree was updated a week ago and "portupgrade -a" was completed.
Please help me!



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Re: sshfs - fuse: failed to open fuse device: No such file or directory

2007-08-31 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Make sure your dependencies are correct:
$ ls /var/db/pkg|grep fuse

Same here. :-)

It should have been installed automatically. Not sure why it didn't.
My mistake. I did not add "fusefs_enable=YES" to rc.conf, because I 
installed fusefs-sshfs from the ports tree. The ports system installed 
fusefs-kmod as a dependency for me, and of course I could not read the 
instructions at the end of the installation. In fact I did not even know 
that there is separate package for this. (What a pity that sshfs has no 

After starting the daemon, I get this error:

neptunus# kldstat
Id Refs AddressSize Name
17 0xc040 77e068   kernel
21 0xc0b7f000 15a60geom_mirror.ko
31 0xc0b95000 6810 snd_via8233.ko
42 0xc0b9c000 25828sound.ko
51 0xd0683000 3000 daemon_saver.ko
61 0xd2ffb000 e000 fuse.ko
neptunus# sshfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/fileshare/pub /usr/fileshare/pub
fuse: bad mount point `/usr/fileshare/pub': Bad file descriptor
neptunus# ls -l /usr/fileshare/
ls: pub: Bad file descriptor
total 22
-rw-r--r--  1 fileshare  fileshare  767 Aug 30 19:41 .cshrc
-rw---  1 fileshare  fileshare  214 Aug 30 20:12 .history
-rw-r--r--  1 fileshare  fileshare  248 Aug 30 19:41 .login
-rw-r--r--  1 fileshare  fileshare  158 Aug 30 19:41 .login_conf
-rw---  1 fileshare  fileshare  373 Aug 30 19:41 .mail_aliases
-rw-r--r--  1 fileshare  fileshare  331 Aug 30 19:41 .mailrc
-rw-r--r--  1 fileshare  fileshare  797 Aug 30 19:41 .profile
-rw---  1 fileshare  fileshare  276 Aug 30 19:41 .rhosts
-rw-r--r--  1 fileshare  fileshare  975 Aug 30 19:41 .shrc
drwx--  2 fileshare  fileshare  512 Aug 30 19:43 .ssh

This is interesting. Now I have a special node called "pub" in that 
directory and I cannot delete it. What is wrong? :-)



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Re: sshfs - fuse: failed to open fuse device: No such file or directory

2007-08-31 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Looks like your mount point didn't exist before connecting.

Shouldn't mount_sshfs check it?
No idea how to get rid of that bad descriptor - 

neptunus# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/fusefs stop
Stopping fusefs.
kldunload: can't unload file: Device busy

Neither do I. :-)

but if you:

mkidr /usr/fileshare/mnt
sshfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/fileshare/pub /usr/fileshare/mnt

(assuming /usr/fileshare/pub is a directory on server fileshare) things should 
work correctly.

I do hope fileshare isn't the local machine, cause then you're mounting the 
directory on itself using ssh/fuse..eew, messy.
That is not the case. I used the same user names on both machines with 
the same uid, so I do not need to use uid mapping.

I have to find out how to get rid of that device node, then I'll try again.
Thank you


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Invisible process killing the CPU

2007-02-16 Thread Laszlo Nagy

75% user, 24.2% system, 0.0% idle. Despite those stats, I do not see what is 
eating up 100% cpu time. I already restarted the computer but it is the same. 
This problem started some hours ago. The CPU is hot, I can feel it on the air 
stream pouring out the computer case. There are more people that should work 
with this computer, but they can't. It is terribly slow. Please help me.

The system is FreeBSD 6.1.



# top -S -ocpu
last pid: 62029;  load averages:  1.23,  1.49,  
1.23 up 11+05:54:11  

110 processes: 3 running, 88 sleeping, 1 zombie, 18 waiting
CPU states: 75.0% user,  0.0% nice, 24.2% system,  0.8% interrupt,  0.0% 

Mem: 104M Active, 90M Inact, 99M Wired, 25M Cache, 60M Buf, 174M Free
Swap: 5120M Total, 172K Used, 5120M Free


  11 root   1 171   52 0K 8K RUN226.8H  0.00% idle
  13 root   1 -32 -151 0K 8K WAIT   154:02  0.00% 
swi4: clock sio

 245 root   1  960  3500K  1948K select  57:11  0.00% ppp
  20 root   1 -68 -187 0K 8K WAIT31:23  0.00% 
irq19: rl0
1021 root   2  200  6308K  4208K kserel  30:54  0.00% 
  21 root   1 -64 -183 0K 8K WAIT28:18  0.00% 
irq20: atapci0
  31 root   1 -68 -187 0K 8K WAIT26:59  0.00% 
irq23: vr0
   4 root   1  -80 0K 8K -   20:13  0.00% 
  12 root   1 -44 -163 0K 8K WAIT15:57  0.00% 
swi1: net

   3 root   1  -80 0K 8K -   11:06  0.00% g_up
  39 root   1  200 0K 8K syncer   5:36  0.00% 
  36 root   1  -8 -127 0K 8K pgzero   4:36  0.00% 
  15 root   1 -160 0K 8K -4:17  0.00% 

 718 bind   1  960  4752K  3564K select   3:26  0.00% named
   7 root   1  -80 0K 8K m:w1 2:43  0.00% 
g_mirror gm0
 366 root   1  960  1300K   836K select   2:36  0.00% 
  40 root   1 -160 0K 8K sdflus   1:02  0.00% 
  45 root   1 -160 0K 8K -0:59  0.00% 

17794 root   1  960  8272K  4408K select   0:50  0.00% smbd
  37 root   1 -160 0K 8K psleep   0:44  0.00% 
   2 root   1  -80 0K 8K -0:28  0.00% 

 827 root   1  960  5020K  2008K select   0:26  0.00% nmbd
  38 root   1  -40 0K 8K vlruwt   0:21  0.00% vnlru
1101 dovecot1   40  2540K  1700K kqread   0:18  0.00% 
 953 root   1   40  1396K   972K kqread   0:16  0.00% 
1100 root   1   40  1612K  1036K kqread   0:14  0.00% 

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Re: Invisible process killing the CPU

2007-02-16 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Whats the output of systat -vmstat 1 ?

I have never used this command, so I do not know what it means. :-)

   1 usersLoad  1.08  1.13  1.12  Feb 16 17:16

   Tot   Share  TotShareFree in  out in  out
Act  132968   13828   43505616452  276648 count
All  229824   2154024240645227628 pages
Proc:r  p  d  s  wCsw  Trp  Sys  Int  Sof  Flt910 cow1014 total
1   62  1165 670221721  5154 6425  62152 wire1: 
   61680 act 4: 
18.2%Sys   0.0%Intr 81.8%User  0.0%Nice  0.0%Idl   104784 inact 3 
19: rl0
||||||||||   2224 cache   
20: ata
=>>>   274424 free  5 
23: vr0
 daefr  1006 
cpu0: time

Namei Name-cacheDir-cache4965 prcfr
   Calls hits% hits% react
   6641059487   90   pdwake
4435 zfodpdpgs
Disks   ad4   ad6  18 ozfod   intrn
KB/t   0.00  0.00 %slo-z61456 buf
tps   0 05546 tfree39 dirtybuf
MB/s   0.00  0.00   35656 desiredvnodes
% busy0 04901 numvnodes
1861 freevnodes

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sendmail not working?

2007-03-14 Thread Laszlo Nagy

 Hi All,

Got a problem with FreeBSD 6.2 (upgraded from 6.1): cron is not sending 
out e-mails. However, it is running:

messias# ps ax | grep cron
988  ??  Ss 0:01.86 /usr/sbin/cron -s

But, if I write this into the crontab of root:

* * * * * echo "Test"

then I do not get any e-mail. This machine has an ssh tunnel that 
forwards TCP/25 port to another machine. Postfix is installed on this 
machine, but it is not enabled. I believe that sendmail should work for 
local addresses, even if the SMTP server is not listening locally. At 
least, sendmail(8) tells this:

  With  no  flags, sendmail reads its standard input up to an 
  or a line consisting only of a single dot and sends a copy of 
the  mes-
  sage  found  there  to  all of the addresses listed.  It 
determines the

  network(s) to use based on the syntax and contents of the addresses.

  Local addresses are looked up in  a  file  and  aliased  

Here is a quick test that I did:

messias# sendmail gandalf
messias# mail
Mail version 8.1 6/6/93.  Type ? for help.
"/var/mail/gandalf": 1 message
>   1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fri Nov 10 12:27  13/664   "DON'T DELETE 


I have many scripts that I would like to run from cron. Probably they 
throw errors, but I have no clue what are those errors, because I'm not 
getting mails from cron. What should I do?

Another question: is it possible to setup cron so that it uses a 
different SMTP server for sending e-mails? If so, can I specify this for 
one user only? Well, the obvious solution would be to create a special 
user and create a .forward file, right?

Thanks in advance,


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Xvfb + VNC

2007-03-16 Thread Laszlo Nagy


I could install gdm with Xorg and module loaded. This is fine, 
now I can access that X server with vnc. The problem is that the Xorg 
server needs a video card. So if somebody connects a montior to that 
server while I'm working from home then he/she will see what I'm doing. 
(I cannot restrict physical access to that computer, but I do not want 
others to see my desktop...)

My idea is to create a virtual framebuffer server with Xvfb,  and load module there. Since can be password protected, in theory, 
nobody will have access to that X session, except me. But I cannot do 
this. Xvfb(1) tells me that it has the same options that Xserver(1) has. 
The Xserver(1) does not tell me anything about loadable modules, but X 
is a symlink to Xorg. Well, Xorg has a -config option but Xvfb does not. 
:-( Does it mean that I cannot load "" into the virtual 
framebuffer server?

Is there a better solution?

In my dreams:

1. I would run a virtual X server, that is not visible directly (not 
requiring any video card)

2. I would access this X server with some program remotely (preferrably VNC)
3. This remote access needs to be secure to some extent
4. This remote access should be fast enough to use through a DSL connection

Can my dreams come true?



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2007-03-17 Thread Laszlo Nagy

   Dear List,

I would like to use esddsp to forward sounds from a server to several 
diskless clients. All clients have sound cards, and the esd daemon 
started with

esd -promiscuous -tcp -pubic -port 1500

On the server side, I can play an mp3 file with

esddsp -v -s earth.msnet:1500 mpg123 something.mp3

My problem is that esddsp creates the pseudo device for the given 
process only. In other words, /dev/dsp is not inherited by child 
processes. For example doing

esddsp -v -s earth.msnet:1500 x11amp

will not work, because x11amp uses a different process for decoding. 
What I would like to do is to have all gnome2 system sounds, x11amp, 
firefox/flash sounds etc. working. But of course, it is not a good idea 
to start everything with esddsp, and in many cases it is not possible at 
all. Question is, is there a way to tell esddsp that the created pseudo 
dsp device should be used for all applications?



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Disappearing files, created from /etc/X11/Xclients

2007-03-20 Thread Laszlo Nagy


I'm running several diskless boxes. They connect to the same server with 
xdmpc (gdm). When a user logs in, the WM is started by script 

xmodmap /etc/X11/xmodmap.hun
exec /etc/X11/

You can find the script at the end of this e-mail. Most 
importantly, I wanted to save client IP addresses and the date of the 
login into different files. These files are located under 
/tmp/disklessips/*. Rights for /tmp/diskless is octal 42777:

drwxrwsrwx  2 root users 512 Mar 20 14:41 disklessips

The strange thing is that, if I login with user 'gandalf' who is in 
'wheel', the files are created and saved into 
/tmp/disklessips/gandalf.txt and /tmp/disklessips/gandalf.history.txt. 
But if I login with any other user (they are in group 'users'), no files 
are created, but the window manager IS started. The program 
creates these files BEFORE starting gnome, and it does throw an error. 
So they must have been created, but I do not see them anywhere. They 
simply disappear. Never existed? Any thoughts?



import os
import datetime

WM = """exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session"""

# Extract client IP
display = os.environ['DISPLAY']
idx = display.find(':')
remotehost = display[:idx]
os.environ['REMOTEHOST'] = remotehost

# Save client IP
ddir = '/tmp/disklessips'
fout = file('%s/%s.txt'%(ddir,os.getlogin()),'wb+')
# Save history
fout = file('%s/%s.history.txt'%(ddir,os.getlogin()),'ab+')
fout.write([:19] + '\t' + remotehost 
+ '\n' )



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Re: Disappearing files, created from /etc/X11/Xclients

2007-03-20 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Unfortunately, I cannot debug this way. The error is that no files 
are created by normal users, so I cannot use files for logging. Also 
there is no console because this is the /etcX11/Xclients script, e.g. 
it is executed by gdm after logging in to X window system through 
xdmpc. Well, I might setup an xml rpc server for logging, but hey, if 
I cannot write into a wicked file then I should not start with 
complex protocols and networking.

Humour me.  Try opening a fixed filename in a location which you 
double-check is world-writeable.  E.g. /tmp/FOO and print all your 
relevant variables there.  If it works as gandalf, then delete that 
trace file and try as a non-working user.

If that fails, then try opening the file in the home directory of the 
user who you are testing as.
I tried this before I wrote to this list. It does not work. No 'normal' 
users can create these files  from /etc/X11/Xclients. But after gnome 
starts up, they can create these files. If I login with a normal user 
and I try to re-run /etc/X11/Xclients then the files gets created, and 
finally I get an error message telling that gnome is already running.

If that fails then you can try logging them with syslog.

How can I do that from Python? :-) I tried this:

from syslog import *
syslog(|LOG_INFO | LOG_USER, 'test')

No exception raised but I found nothing under /var/log.|

Are you sure that if say the file() fails, that a window manager won't 
start anyway?  You can test that by making the filename something 
clearly non-existent.
To your request, I changed the ddir variable to '/nonexistent', and 
gnome was started! So you found the problem! Thanks! :-)

It was that gdm started /usr/local/etc/gdm/Xsession. That script started 
/etc/X11/Xclients but ONLY for user gandalf. It is because I selected 
'use system default session' in gdm before logging in. It was months 
ago, and I forgot it. Other users were using the default gnome session, 
e.g. they were NOT executing the Xclients script.

Thank you again!


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gmplayer freezes with esd

2007-03-21 Thread Laszlo Nagy


I tried to send the output of gmplayer to another computer. The other 
computer is running an esd daemon. It works fine except that the volume 
is always at 100%. If I try to change the volume inside gmplayer then it 
freezes immediately. I guess it is because it tries to use /dev/mixer 
but I do not have any sound card installed on the machine where gmplayer 
is running. I also tried to "use software mixer" but it did not work. It 
is a bug in gmplayer, or in esd?

I also tried esddsp with "-m", which SHOULD enable mixer support:

esddsp -m -s 192-168.0.130:1500 mplayer test.wav

but mplayer tells me that it could not "connect" to /dev/dsp. Strange, 
because the same works with mpg123.

I know that this is not strictly FreeBSD related but ESD is not under 
active development. The last news on their site is from March 5, 2000. 
Probably many of you are using Esd because it is the default sound 
daemon for gnome, this is why I dare to ask here. Plese write me if you 
have any suggestion, any idea how to replace ESD with something that 
works with gnome and has working mixer support. All I need is to forward 
all sounds from one machine to another.



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Undefined symbol "pthread_create"?

2007-03-21 Thread Laszlo Nagy
I updated my ports tree 3 days ago, and did "portupgrade -a" 
successfuly. I'm trying to play an mp3 file with this command:

%padsp mpg123 test.mp3
High Performance MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 Audio Player for Layer 1, 2 and 3.
Version 0.59r (1999/Jun/15). Written and copyrights by Michael Hipp.
Uses code from various people. See 'README' for more!
/libexec/ /usr/local/lib/ Undefined symbol 

Can it be that audio/pulseaudio is broken? Looks like a missing 
dependency or a missing patch ( -lpthread? ) of the source code.



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Re: Copy/move files between Windows and FreeBSD

2007-03-26 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Ivan Voras írta:

Nagy László Zsolt wrote:


I need to copy,move and delete files across two machines. They are 
located far away from each other. I have other FreeBSD machines and 
we were using SSH2 for this kind of task. Under windows, I could not 
find the right software. This is an automated task, and it is not 
complicated: copy/move all files from one computer to another. I was 
using putty and plink/pscp but it is not reliable. I could not start 
them from a win32 service. I could run them from a scheduled program 
but sometimes they freeze and then I have to kill and restart the 
whole thing. I'm looking for a more reliable tool that can do SCP in 
batch mode. Do you have any suggestions?

Have you tried cygwin?

Thanks, this is the first I'll try. Since I was using pscp, it will be
the less pain to use "scp" from "openssh for windows". I hope it will work.


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interpreting uptime output

2007-03-29 Thread Laszlo Nagy

From the manual:

 uptime -- show how long system has been running


 The uptime utility displays the current time, the length of time 
the sys-
 tem has been up, the number of users, and the load average of the 

 over the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes.

This is great, except that it does not tell me what "0.5" means? Example:

1:41PM  up 5 days,  2:22, 4 users, load averages: 0.36, 0.42, 0.51

The only referenced material in the man page is w(1) which tells this:

> The load average numbers give the number of jobs in the run queue 
averaged over 1, 5 and 15 minutes.

What are those "jobs"? I guess they are not processes. What is that "run 
queue"? Which is better, the lower or the higher number?



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Re: interpreting uptime output

2007-03-29 Thread Laszlo Nagy

A job is a runnable process.  The run queue is a list containing the 
processes which are runnable at a particular time.  Lower numbers 
indicate lower CPU load.  From "man getloadavg":

Hmm. Somebody could modify the man page of uptime and add a reference to 
getloadavg. Do you think this would be a good improvement?

By the way, thank you for the information. Since I have two processors 
now I know that I do not need to worry below 2.0. :-)


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Cannot delete user???

2007-04-13 Thread Laszlo Nagy


I cannot remove the user with 'miller'. pw says it does not exists. 
However, rmuser says that it does exist, but it cannot delete it (I get 
a "no such file or directory" message). I also tried to re-add this 
user, but it also fails. (I have deleted 'miller' from /etc/passwd, but 
it is no use...) Please see below. How can I remove this user?



[EMAIL PROTECTED] userdel miller
pw: user 'miller' does not exist: No such file or directory
Matching password entry:

miller:*:1038:1003::0:0:Thomas Miller:/home/miller:/bin/csh

Is this the entry you wish to remove? y
Remove user's home directory (/home/miller)? y
Removing user (miller): home passwdpw: user 'miller' does not exist: No 
such file or directory

Username: miller
Full name: Thomas Miller
Uid (Leave empty for default):
Login group [miller]: users
Login group is users. Invite miller into other groups? []:
Login class [default]:
Shell (sh csh tcsh scponly nologin) [sh]: csh
Home directory [/home/miller]:
Use password-based authentication? [yes]:
Use an empty password? (yes/no) [no]:
Use a random password? (yes/no) [no]:
Enter password:
Enter password again:
Lock out the account after creation? [no]:
Username   : miller
Password   : *
Full Name  : Thomas Miller
Uid: 1041
Class  :
Groups : users
Home   : /home/miller
Shell  : /bin/csh
Locked : no
OK? (yes/no): yes
pw: login name `miller' already exists
adduser: ERROR: There was an error adding user (miller).
Add another user? (yes/no):

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Re: Cannot delete user???

2007-04-13 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Did you possibly delete it from /etc/passwd before you did everything else?


It's not safe to edit /etc/password directly.  If you issue vipw, does
the user still show up?  if so, delete him there and /etc/passwd should
be regenerated correctly.
I did not know this. Thank you! I deleted them from vipw and now they 
are gone.

Thank you!


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Gnome install - error

2006-11-28 Thread Laszlo Nagy


I updated my ports tree today:

portsnap fetch
portsnap update
pkgdb -F

Then I tried to add gnome2. I get several errors:

cassiopeia# pkg_add -r gnome2
pkg_add: package 'openldap-client-2.2.30' conflicts with 
pkg_add: please use pkg_delete first to remove conflicting package(s) or 
-f to force installation

pkg_add: pkg_add of dependency 'openldap-client-2.2.30' failed!
pkg_add: warning: package 'gnomemimedata-2.4.2' requires 
'freetype2-2.1.10_3', but 'freetype2-2.2.1_1' is installed
pkg_add: warning: package 'gnomemimedata-2.4.2' requires 'libdrm-2.0_1', 
but 'libdrm-2.0.2' is installed
pkg_add: warning: package 'gnomemimedata-2.4.2' requires 
'fontconfig-2.3.2_3,1', but 'fontconfig-2.3.2_6,1' is installed

pkg_add: could not find package openldap-client-2.2.30 !
pkg_add: pkg_add of dependency 'evolution-data-server-' failed!

and so on. Because I have a newer version of openldap-client, I cannot 
install gnome2. Should I just force the installation?

NOTE: I cannot downgrade openldap because I have this dependency:

cassiopeia# pkg_delete openldap-client-2.3.19
pkg_delete: package 'openldap-client-2.3.19' is required by these other 

and may not be deinstalled:

and I really must have openoffice installed.



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skype on diskless machine

2006-11-30 Thread Laszlo Nagy


I have an appserver (6.1-RELEASE-p10) and many diskless clients 
connected to it. I'm using the diskless clients as X terminals (gdm is 
running on the appserver). Any user is able to use any terminal, because 
they run all applications on the appserver. Here is the basic problem: 
users need to use skype. I have two options:

#1 Run skype on the diskless machine. Then it can handle audio I/O 
correctly, but the users cannot save their login names and passwords. 
(This option is also good because the diskless machine can "kldload 
linux" while the appserver does not need to, e.g. the appserver will be 
able to run application in native mode only).
#2 Run skype on the appserver. Then users can save their skype login 
information but they are not able to make calls. Well, I could forward 
the audio output to the client using a sound daemon (e.g. "esd 
-promiscuous -tcp -pubic -port 1500" on the diskless and "esddsp -v -s 
diskless101:1500 skype_bin") but I could not find out how to forward 
digital input.  I see no way to forward digital input through a sound 
daemon, so using a microphone would be impossible.

The question is, how can I solve this problem? Should I use #1 and tell 
my users that they must not save their skype login names and passwords? 
Or should I use #2 in combination with a special sound daemon that is 
able to forward digital input as well? (How?)



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Re: skype on diskless machine

2006-11-30 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Why not just run skype on the diskless PC and have the user's home directory 
mountend over NFS?

That way you can have both things you want.

I thought about this, but the users are never logged into the diskless 
machine. (They do not even have a home directory there. The diskless 
machine has a special rc script that executes "X -query 
" in an infinite loop, so users are not able to 
access anything on the diskless machine.)

You are right, it would be possible to do this with NFS, but first I 
must write a new service for the diskless clients. That service could be 
asked by the appserver to mount the ~/.Skype directory of the given user 
into the home directory of the user who happens to run the X server on 
the diskless machine, and then start skype.

This new service must be called from /etc/Xclients or ~/.xinitrc on the 
appserver. At that time the username and the address of the diskless 
machine will be known.

I imagine this /etc/Xclients:

# Allow the diskless machine to display skype on our screen
xhost +  
# Ask the diskless machine to mount our .Skype directory and launch 

# Start the wm
exec gnome-session

Well, this is the theory. But I would not like to write a new service 
program if possible. But yes, this would work. Is this the only way?



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/usr/ports/x11-toolkits/eel linker error

2006-12-01 Thread Laszlo Nagy

What am I going wrong? Please help!

System: FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE-p10 #4: Thu Nov 30 13:33:49 CET 2006
The ports tree was updated yesterday, then I ran

portupgrade -a

It was completed today. Then I ran "portinstall gnome2" and got this error:

grep: /usr/X11R6/lib/ No such file or directory
sed: /usr/X11R6/lib/ No such file or directory
gnome-libtool: link: `/usr/X11R6/lib/' is not a valid 
libtool archive

gmake[2]: *** [] Error 1
gmake[2]: Leaving directory 

gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/x11-toolkits/eel/work/eel-2.16.3'
gmake: *** [all] Error 2
*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/eel.

NOTE: The correct file is in /usr/local/lib/, but the 
port cannot find it.


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Re: /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/eel linker error

2006-12-04 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Pablo Mora wrote:

On 12/1/06, Laszlo Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What am I going wrong? Please help!

System: FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE-p10 #4: Thu Nov 30 13:33:49 CET 2006
The ports tree was updated yesterday, then I ran

portupgrade -a

It was completed today. Then I ran "portinstall gnome2" and got this 

grep: /usr/X11R6/lib/ No such file or directory
sed: /usr/X11R6/lib/ No such file or directory
gnome-libtool: link: `/usr/X11R6/lib/' is not a valid
libtool archive
gmake[2]: *** [] Error 1
gmake[2]: Leaving directory
gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory 

gmake: *** [all] Error 2
*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/eel.

NOTE: The correct file is in /usr/local/lib/, but the
port cannot find it.

 AFFECTS: All GTK+2 and GNOME users

 GNOME has been updated to 2.16. All GTK+2 and GNOME components have
 been moved from X11BASE (/usr/X11R6) to LOCALBASE (/usr/local). To
 upgrade your GNOME desktop or/and other applications you will need
 to use either sysutils/portupgrade or sysutils/portmaster. To use
 portmaster, make sure you have least 1.9 version to have the
 upgrade succeed.

Portupgrade users:
 pkgdb -Ff
 portupgrade -rf pkg-config\*

I did this, but I still get the same error.

The strange thing is that after running "portupgrade -rf pkg-config\*", 
I tried to run it again and it started to upgrade everything again. I 
think this is bad.


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ppp is broken???

2007-05-07 Thread Laszlo Nagy

 Hi All,

I have a FreeBSD 6.2 RELEASE system that connects to the internet with 
an ADSL connection. (pppoe). After some hours, it gets disconnected and 
reconnected again. Each time it gets a new IP. The interesting part is 
that the old IP address remains assigned. Here is an example:

tun0: flags=8051 mtu 1492
   inet --> netmask 0x
   inet --> netmask 0x
   inet --> netmask 0x
   Opened by PID 241

After the third or fourth connection was made, internet stops working, 
and I have to reboot the computer.  (When there is light traffic on the 
connection, it never gets disconnected.)

This is from /var/log/ppp

May  5 02:05:14 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Connected!
May  5 02:05:14 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: opening -> dial
May  5 02:05:14 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: dial -> carrier
May  5 02:05:15 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: Received NGM_PPPOE_ACNAME 
(hook "adsl")

May  5 02:05:15 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: Received NGM_PPPOE_SESSIONID
May  5 02:05:15 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: Received NGM_PPPOE_SUCCESS
May  5 02:05:15 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: carrier -> login
May  5 02:05:15 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: login -> lcp
May  5 02:05:16 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: bundle: Authenticate
May  5 02:05:16 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: his = PAP, mine 
= none
May  5 02:05:16 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: Pap Output: 

May  5 02:05:16 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: Pap Input: SUCCESS ()
May  5 02:05:16 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: lcp -> open
May  5 02:05:16 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: bundle: Network
May  5 08:04:12 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: ** Too many LQR 
packets lost **

May  5 08:04:12 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: open -> lcp
May  5 08:04:12 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: bundle: Terminate
May  5 08:04:12 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Disconnected!
May  5 08:04:12 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: lcp -> logout
May  5 08:04:12 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Disconnected!
May  5 08:04:12 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: logout -> hangup
May  5 08:04:12 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Connect time: 
21538 secs: 2769865242 octets in, 86030307 octets out
May  5 08:04:12 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: 3691156 packets 
in, 2331858 packets out
May  5 08:04:12 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase:  total 132597 bytes/sec, 
peak 279371 bytes/sec on Sat May  5 05:44:10 2007

May  5 08:04:12 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: hangup -> opening
May  5 08:04:12 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: bundle: Establish
May  5 08:04:12 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Enter pause (3) 
for redialing.

May  5 08:04:15 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: Connected!
May  5 08:04:15 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: opening -> dial
May  5 08:04:15 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: dial -> carrier
May  5 08:04:16 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: Received NGM_PPPOE_ACNAME 
(hook "adsl")

May  5 08:04:16 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: Received NGM_PPPOE_SESSIONID
May  5 08:04:16 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: Received NGM_PPPOE_SUCCESS
May  5 08:04:16 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: carrier -> login
May  5 08:04:16 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: login -> lcp
May  5 08:04:17 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: bundle: Authenticate
May  5 08:04:17 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: his = PAP, mine 
= none
May  5 08:04:17 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: Pap Output: 

May  5 08:04:18 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: Pap Input: SUCCESS ()
May  5 08:04:18 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: lcp -> open
May  5 08:04:18 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: bundle: Network
May  5 11:07:32 messias ppp[242]: tun0: Phase: deflink: ** Too many LQR 
packets lost **

Please help me, this computer needs to be connected continuously.



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rdesktop: segmentation fault under xorg 7.2

2007-06-05 Thread Laszlo Nagy

 Hello All,

I have just upgraded my FreeBSD ports.

uname -a output:

FreeBSD cassiopeia.ronet 6.2-RELEASE-p1 FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p1 #4: Sat 
Feb 17 16:56:53 CET 2007 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/CASSIOPEIA  i386

The ports tree was updated about three days ago. The newly updated 
rdesktop application exits with "segmentation fault (core dumped)". I 
also tried to install an older version from source (rdesktop 1.4.1) and 
had the same result. Finally, I tried to run rdesktop but send its 
output to a different machine (Ubuntu Feisty). It worked perfectly.

So I believe that the problem is with the new xorg version, not 
rdesktop. I'm not 100% sure. Do you have the same problem? Is there a 
solution for this?

BTW, as a workaround, I'm using an open source java based RDP 
implementation and it works.



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