Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: SB Player, a software Squeezebox player app for Android.

2016-01-26 Thread mruddo

wt0 wrote: 
> Thank you for doing the tests.  I figured out why it's always 6 times.
> It's a simple typo on my part.  I'm saving the preference as "maxRety"
> and reading it back as "maxRetry".  The default is 5 (that doesn't
> include the first connection).

Glad it helped to identify the issue (and confirm I wasn't going mad).

It's very handy having the debug info so readily available.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: SB Player, a software Squeezebox player app for Android.

2016-02-03 Thread mruddo

It's been up and running completely unattended for a couple of days

Thanks for fixing it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: SB Player, a software Squeezebox player app for Android.

2016-01-25 Thread mruddo

Thanks for getting back to me... I've checked the Wifi settings, and it
should be on all the time - on both the S3 and the Nexus. What I've
noticed is that "infinite" (or indeed any other number for that matter)
shows the same behaviour in the debug log:


It then repeats this 6 times before logging:


Even if I have Max Retries set to 1, it still appears to try 6 times
before giving up.

If I'm watching the main screen of the app, it shows "Cancel Connect"
and the reconnecting messages, and during this time all the Server
settings are greyed out. After the 6th failed attempt "Cancel Connect"
changes to "Connect" and the cursor goes back to the "Current Server"
name where it flashes awaiting input.

I've also since tried the app on my Xperia Z3C, and see exactly the same
behaviour there.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: SB Player, a software Squeezebox player app for Android.

2016-01-24 Thread mruddo

Hi wt0,

I'm trying to use the app in my daughter's bedroom - they key point
there being that I'd like it to be plugged in and out of reach and just
available as and when required.

I've configured it, and it runs perfectly when connected, but if for any
reason the server goes down for any length of time (something quite
likely, as it's running on a PC that's not on 24x7), it often refuses to
reconnect. I've set it to auto connect on start, and also set the max
retries to infinite, but it seems to give up after a while and will only
connect if I manually press the connect button. 

The infinite retries does seem to work for a while i.e. if I reboot the
server, I can see it repeatedly failing to connect, and then eventually
reconnecting, but if the server's down for longer periods (e.g.
overnight, as when it is off), when I go back to the app, the "connect"
button's green again and it's given up trying. When I do press it, it
connects just fine.

I've noticed the same behavior on both a Galaxy S3, and a Nexus 7 - it's
consistent. I did wonder if perhaps Android was stopping the app, so I
even set up a llama profile to automatically restart the app every 5
minutes - but that didn't seem to work either. I've also been running
the app in the foreground (i.e. with Launch in Background disabled).

Do you have any tips for completely unattended operation and automatic
connection when the server's available?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CastBridge = integrate Chromecast players with LMS (squeeze2cast)

2018-12-20 Thread mruddo

Just wanted to add my thanks for this plugin. 

I've just re-organised my Squeezebox setup, and because of space issues,
I switched an SB3 in my living room, with a receiver I had in another
room... Trouble is, that left me without any visible display (aside from
the remote obviously). So, using this plugin, and syncing my Chromecast
with the main player, I now get a nice display of album cover art and
track details on my TV which is great.

With this setup, I'm still listening to the audio output from my
stereo/squeezebox, and just using the plugin's display so show what it
is playing.

The only issue I found is that I have to make sure the plugin's
configured to play FLAC so as not to impact crossfade, but that's fine,
however I'm wondering if it would be possible to effectively configure
the plugin to just not output/decode audio as in my case it's
superfluous? Just a thought - it would effectively then be a meta-data
only display, and have a lot less work to do.

Another nice to have - It would be nice if the display were configurable
too - i.e. so I could add/change the displayed metadata. (e.g. to add
detail like year/genre etc. as preferred.)

Whilst I appreciate this is deviating somewhat from the plugin's
intended use, this setup is by far the best solution I've found to
display what's playing on my TV!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CastBridge = integrate Chromecast players with LMS (squeeze2cast)

2018-12-20 Thread mruddo

d6jg wrote: 
> You can achieve the same (perhaps better) with a Pi3, piCorePlayer, and
> Jivelite via HDMI (and a remote of some kind if you wish). It includes
> Visualisers and will properly sync.

Thanks for the tip - I may look into that when I've some free time.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Music & Artist Information plugin

2021-02-24 Thread mruddo

d6jg wrote: 
> Has anyone else noticed MAI misbehaving lately. I think it’s something
> at Allmusic’s end as nothing has changed with plugin.
> It seems to fail (or timeout?) on things where there are valid entries
> in the Allmusic database.
> Any pointers as to what may be going on? Could it be the very annoying
> cookie thing Allmusic have introduced?

Yes - funnily enough that's why I stopped by.

I noticed earlier today it seemed to be struggling to find artist
details and album reviews for common artists/albums that I'm sure have
worked just fine before. It does not fail in all cases, but I seem to
notice more Album Reviews showing up without Biographies than the other
way around, but sometimes it finds neither.

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] DSTM Comments Mixer Idea

2021-12-01 Thread mruddo

Some years ago I was amazed by the mixes MusicIP gave me, but abandoned
it because analysing my collection took forever and I occasionally ran
into issues etc., but more recently I've been using the LastFM mixer and
these are pretty good on the whole for a ramble through my music

However, I've always been considering what else might be an option - and
this recently lead me to experiment with the Mixed In Key application
which analyses files for their -key-, -energy -and -BPM-. The default
-key -notation there is a Camelot alphanumeric value from 1A/B -> 12A/B,
and the idea there is that mixing adjacent keys (e.g. 1A->1B or 1A->2B)
should providing a pleasing transition. It's also based on the idea of a
wheel - so once you get to 12B that should transition back to 1B.

Of course -key -alone is likely insufficient, but adding -genre -and
-energy -and perhaps -BPM -into that mix should theoretically work quite

So this is the thought... The Mixed In Key software will tag the
*comments *in my flac files with both the -key -and -energy -detail. (It
also writes a BPM tag.) And the big plus with this for me is that i) The
analysis is quite quick and ii) It does not impact any other tags in my

This means my comments on my flac files now look like this:

"2A - Energy: 7" or "9B - Energy 3".

With that alone, I get a pretty reasonable mix if I just select tunes
with a text search for "Energy: 7". I've also experimented a little with
the Use Comment Tag plugin to expose these non-standard tags in the
interface... but I was thinking, if there was a DSTM mixer to say,
search for "Energy: 7", limit to Genre, then that would potentially work
quite well. 

Even better would be to take that detail and limit progression in the
mix - so for example only allow a 3A tune to jump to a 2A, 4A or 3B
one... Or to restrict the mix to high energy tunes e.g. "Energy: 7" to
"Energy 10", or restful ones, "Energy: 1" to "Energy 3".

Not only would it work for the Mixed In Key example, but you could also
use it for your own personal comments - like playing a mix of "Live"
tagged music etc. Basically, pretty much anything people might want to
include in their comments could form the basis of a DSTM mix.


I've not done any plugin development myself so would not have a clue
where to start! :-)

(I've tried the advance search to do this manually, but unfortunately I
don't seem to be able to, for example, look for songs with "Energy: 3"
_and_ keys "1A" _or_ "1B" _or_ "2A" _or_ "12A".)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] DSTM Comments Mixer Idea

2021-12-01 Thread mruddo

mherger wrote: 
> My thoughts? Sounds interesting! That said: I doubt there are many Mixed
> In Key users out there... so unless you do this yourself for your own 
> needs, there's little chance you'll find someone picking up the idea.
> Are you up for the challenge? Willing to learn some Perl, probably some
> SQL, too? Then I'd start looking into some of the other mixer plugins, 
> trying to get an understanding of how things work in LMS. Then get some
> SQLite client (I'm using the open source to get
> an idea of the queries you'd use to get the information out of LMS' 
> database.
> And when you have question, just ask in the dev section of this forum.

Thank you both for your prompt replies...

I might be up for the challenge. I'm a (former) developer myself -
mainly on the analysis side these days, but I do have some reasonable
SQL knowledge. Perl would be new... but never say never! Time is the
real problem these days though - but I might be up for it.

I realise my request here was somewhat bespoke - given the use of Mixed
in Key - but as mentioned, this need not be limited to that alone, and
could be used for any comments users tend to add to their collection.

I've yet to decide whether or not Mixed in Key is the way to go (the
software was avaialble at a reduced price on a Black Friday deal, so I
thought I'd give it a go)... but I agree, it's not ideal. As has already
been noted though, there are however a number of other options for
analysing music keys out there that may be an option. From a personal
level though, I think the Energy detail is likely the more important
than the key - I've not yet looked at/for other options in that space.

@michael - I'll take a look at the developer forums, and see what I can
learn there.

@cpd73 - I noted your post on the DSTM mixer and thought being on
Windows that would not be an option for me... Thanks for the links. I've
dabbled in Python in the past, so I'll take a look.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2021-12-30 Thread mruddo

Well, I can't be too sure, but it took about 3 hours to scan those 681
files, and I ended up with 661 in the database. Which confirms it was
just those with accented characters (and variations on the apostrophe)
that were excluded. So as far as I can tell, there were no issues with
the writing of results to the db.

I was also using EAC to extract some CD audio at the time, so the PC was
busy with that too - but all in all, my crude maths suggest that might
take almost 6 days to scan my entire FLAC library, but I think that's
still sounds feasible. (Back in the MusicIP days this seemed like a
never ending task, and my library was much smaller then.) 

I then launched the script and picked a track and got what sounded like
a pretty good mix. I've not had chance to explore in detail, but so far
I've not been using the restrict to genre option. I'm not sure what
balance of key/bpm/energy you're using for the mixes, but when I played
a slower track, the following mix seemed similarly paced, and likewise
with a heavier track.

So so far, so good! This looks like an interesting prospect.

Thank you!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2021-12-31 Thread mruddo

I'm currently mid-way through a second pass analysis of my 681 files,
and so far there's only been the one failure - so it's looking like the
change to allow accented characters has worked successfully.
(Incidentally, I believe the track that failed this time was OK in the
last run.)

I'll update later with info on how long it took this time when my PC
wasn't quite so busy. 

I may re-run later to see if it plugs any gaps from the first pass. In
your README it says:

-If re-run new tracks will be added, and old (non-existent) will be
removed. Pass `--keep-old` to keep these old tracks.-

Does this mean it will actually skip the tracks already there too as
well, or will it re-analyse them? I guess I'll find out soon enough if I
give it a go. ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2021-12-31 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> If you re-run then newly, or un-analysed, tracks will be analysed and
> added. Any tracks that are in the DB but not on disk will be removed
> from the DB. If you want to keep these non-existant tracks in the DB the
> pass "--keep-old"

Thanks for confirming... sure enough, a re-run was very quick - and it
failed to add that file again. This was the one:


I may have been mistaken, and can't be sure it made it in on the
previous (Alpha2) build.

It's not so obvious to me what's wrong with this one. The "-" after
Interlude is actually a ":" that's been substituted in the filename
already, but given there are a number of other similarly named tracks on
that album it does not look obviously different in any way.

Anyway, 680 out of 681 trackes analysed this time in 2 hours 5 mins
so that's not too bad.

I'm tempted to give my whole library a go, but may play around with some
more sample mixes first.

I'm not sure where you are in the world, but Happy New Year!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-01 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> You will need to compile your own Essentia extractor - the pre-built
> ones don't support the models. To be honest, I'm not 100% convinced on
> the need for the filtering with high-level attributes.

I think you may be right...hence I've moved on, to see what sort of
mixes I get on the full library. I also see you've enabled genre group
configuration, so that's something that should enable pretty good
control of how far the mix deviates.

I'm also not so sure about the analysis speed on the smaller box now -
it seems to have slowed down (possibly throttling because of the CPU
temp?!). I'll leave it running though and see how it goes.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-01 Thread mruddo

Sorry, I got distracted trying to get the high-level essentia analysis
working in Windows. (No joy yet with that one.)

cpd73 wrote: 
> Odd. Can you run ffprobe against this file? ffbrobe.exe should be in the
> 'windows' folder - and it should print info such as the track's
> duration. Also, if you edit (in the lib folder) and uncomment
> (remove the '#') lines 71 and 72 (these lines have musly_debug)
> and re-run, then you should have more debug (comming from libmusly).
> This -might- provide more info.

Here's the output from ffprobe:
ffprobe version n4.4.1-2-gcc33e73618-20211215 Copyright (c) 2007-2021
the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 11.2.0 (crosstool-NG
configuration: --prefix=/ffbuild/prefix --pkg-config-flags=--static
--pkg-config=pkg-config --cross-prefix=x86_64-w64-mingw32- --arch=x86_64
--target-os=mingw32 --enable-version3 --disable-debug
--disable-w32threads --enable-pthreads --enable-iconv --enable-libxml2
--enable-zlib --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-gmp
--enable-lzma --enable-fontconfig --enable-libvorbis --enable-opencl
--enable-libvmaf --disable-libxcb --disable-xlib --enable-amf
--enable-libaom --disable-avisynth --enable-libdav1d --disable-libdavs2
--disable-libfdk-aac --enable-ffnvcodec --enable-cuda-llvm
--disable-frei0r --enable-libgme --enable-libass --enable-libbluray
--enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-librist --enable-libtheora
--enable-libvpx --enable-libwebp --enable-lv2 --enable-libmfx
--enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb
--enable-libopenh264 --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopenmpt
--enable-librav1e --disable-librubberband --enable-schannel
--enable-sdl2 --enable-libsoxr --enable-libsrt --enable-libsvtav1
--enable-libtwolame --enable-libuavs3d --disable-libdrm --disable-vaapi
--disable-libvidstab --disable-vulkan --disable-libx264
--disable-libx265 --disable-libxavs2 --disable-libxvid --enable-libzimg
--enable-libzvbi --extra-cflags=-DLIBTWOLAME_STATIC --extra-cxxflags=
--extra-ldflags=-pthread --extra-ldexeflags= --extra-libs=-lgomp
libavutil  56. 70.100 / 56. 70.100
libavcodec 58.134.100 / 58.134.100
libavformat58. 76.100 / 58. 76.100
libavdevice58. 13.100 / 58. 13.100
libavfilter 7.110.100 /  7.110.100
libswscale  5.  9.100 /  5.  9.100
libswresample   3.  9.100 /  3.  9.100
Input #0, flac, from 'M:\TestLibrary\Gorillaz\Humanz
(Deluxe)\09-Interlude- Elevator Going Up.flac':
ALBUM   : Humanz (Deluxe)
album_artist: Gorillaz
ARTIST  : Gorillaz
DATE: 2017
GENRE   : Trip-Hop
TITLE   : Interlude: Elevator Going Up
track   : 9
comment : 10A - Energy 4
BPM : 83
Duration: 00:00:04.85, start: 0.00, bitrate: 531 kb/s
Stream #0:0: Audio: flac, 96000 Hz, stereo, s16
Side data:
replaygain: track gain - -1.36, track peak - 0.22, album
gain - -9.17, album peak - 0.23,

And this is what I get when re-running with those lines commented out:
2022-01-01 13:30:42 D [1/1 100%] Gorillaz/Humanz (Deluxe)/09-Interlude-
Elevator Going Up.flac
DEBUG: Decoding: M:\TestLibrary/Gorillaz\Humanz (Deluxe)\09-Interlude-
Elevator Going Up.flac started.
DEBUG: Running command:ffprobe -hide_banner
"M:\TestLibrary/Gorillaz\Humanz (Deluxe)\09-Interlude- Elevator Going
Up.flac" 2>&1
DEBUG: File duration:4
musly_track_analyze_audiofile failed for M:\TestLibrary/Gorillaz\Humanz
(Deluxe)\09-Interlude- Elevator Going Up.flac

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2021-12-30 Thread mruddo

I'm back, and giving it another go... This time, with Alpha 2, I seem to
be getting further - albeit the main issue with me was I believe an
outdated Python install, so I've upgraded to the latest 3.10.1 64bit

Analysis (of those 681 FLAC files) is under way. 

It's definitely processing, as my CPUs are maxed out at 100% with
multiple "streaming_extractor_music.exe" instances running.

As you've mentioned the database is cached, I'm presuming that's why I'm
not seeing it grow at the moment - but I'll keep an eye on it. Since you
mentioned a possible issue writing to the DB on the first pass, are you
able to advise a tool I could use to simply query the db file for
content to get an idea what's in there? (I'm presuming a mySql command
or something along those lines is available.) I can then check that for
you and report back.

One thing I have noticed is that there seems to be a problem analysing
files with any accented characters. e.g.


Other than that - it's busy doing something, and I'll let you know how
it goes when complete.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-03 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> Ah! Its short length is -probably- why the analysis fails.

Certainly looks like it. I'm still working through the analysis of my
library... several similarly titled "Interlude" tracks have also failed.
Generally though, it's progressing well.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2021-12-28 Thread mruddo

Hi Craig

Have just noticed this, and I'm going to give it a go on my Windows
setup... I'll report back when I can - but I only have a few minutes
this evening, then I'm away for a couple of days - so it may be a slow

First thing I've hit which looks odd, having installed the various
requires Python components is this error when I try an analyse a sample
library file set:


That path looks odd, as it has both mingw32 and minw64 in it - where it
should likely be one -or -the other.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2021-12-28 Thread mruddo

OK, so that got the analysis running, but I've not had much luck with it

I edited config.json to include paths path for the db - but I'm not sure
I've understood local correctly - below it's set to where I installed
the files, 

So I've changed:




When I run the analysis I get this:

2021-12-28 20:51:32 I HAVE 681 FILES TO ANALYZE
2021-12-28 20:51:32 I EXTRACTION LENGTH: 120S EXTRACTION START: -210S
2021-12-28 20:51:32 I ANALYZING WITH MUSLY AND ESSENTIA (HIGH LEVEL) far so good, but then there's just a lot of this:


...for every flac file it finds.

And occasionally this sort of error:


That's about as far as I've got in the brief time I have this evening...
I'll give it another go in due course.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] DSTM Comments Mixer Idea

2021-12-01 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> Ah! Thought it might, I just did not have a system to check. I guess I
> need to add this to my analyzer :) Thanks.

Intersting... The Music In Key harmonic mixing guide is here: i.e. with the equivalent
notes. (For which I think A# major would be B flat major.) 

Maybe something to consider if you can utilise that detail.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] DSTM Comments Mixer Idea

2021-12-01 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> Initial implementation added to music-similarity :)

That was quick..! Looks like I need to see if I can find some time to
enable the Musly analysis on a PC.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] DSTM Comments Mixer Idea

2021-12-02 Thread mruddo

Thanks for the information... much appreciated. I'd love to have a go at
something in this space - just can't commit to any timescales as free
time is short at the moment.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2021-12-10 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> I would use DISCSUBTITLE, but it is not provided by the LMS JSONRPC API
> that Material uses - so cannot access this, if it was then this would
> (obviously) be the best solution. I am not going to write custom SQL
> code for this, and definitely do not want to rely on CustomScan/Browse
> (nothing against those though). LMS does provide access to the comment
> field, hence using that - which works fine for my use case.

However you do it, I thought your suggestion that you qualify the
comment, with something like "TITLE=Disc Title" was a good one. That
would allow for other tags to be embedded or preserved in the comments.
We could then separate the detail in there with a semi-colon, so you
could have a comment of "TITLE=Disc Title;ENERGY=7;BPM=132;KEY=3A

(As you're aware I've been experimenting in this space, albeit with no
significant furhter progress to date!) :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-07 Thread mruddo

So far I'm impressed... It's playing a good mix from most starting
points, and no odd behaviour to report so far. What I like about the
analysis approach is that it seems to pull in a more broad range of
alternative tracks than a simple grouping determined by a website like
LastFM - which is my default DSTM mix source (for local files).

I've not set up any genre groups yet, so I'm still ignoring the genre.
Will give that a go next, as I think it makes sense to have certain
groups to hone in some of those choices.

BTW, I love the idea of excluding Christmas until December! :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-06 Thread mruddo

Just an update on full my library analysis...

As mentioned previously, I was running this on a desktop PC. I use this
to rip CDs/download music etc. then have a robocopy clone job that sends
the files to the mini-PC where I run LMS.

So the plan was to simply analyse on the more powefull PC, then copy the
db across when done. And I started what should have been the final run
of analysis last night, only to find it seemed to have stalled this
morning. i.e. the dubug logging just showed the last track it looked at,
but there was no confirmation of the number of records written to the

As I need to use my desktop for work today, I decided to run the final
bactch of analysis on my mini-PC, and one thing I noticed was that it's
re-analysing some files because of case differences in the filename. So
in one library I might have "08-Catch the Sun.flac" and in the other
"08-Catch The Sun.flac" - and it will then analyse this again on the
second PC ...which is fair enough, and likely a limitation of
robocopy/Windows not being specific with filenames when cloning - so not
really your problem. 

Secondly, regardless of which PC I run the analysis on it seems to
analyse certain files repeatedly - and not report any errors. Now we've
already established that some files are simply too short (< 6 seconds at
a guess, maybe a few more), but these other files it will try to analyse
again and again regardless. This seemed to be happening on some
AudioBook tracks - which are often quite long, so it appears we also
have an issue with analysis of exceptionally long songs... but without
an error. Again though, this is hardly an issue for any mix.

I did wonder though if you could pull the track length from the file and
skip files that were, for example < 10 secs or > 30 minutes?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-06 Thread mruddo

Sigur Rós present another set of interesting characters that seem to
give problems:

2022-01-06 09:19:59 D [ 114/2495   4%] SIGUR RóS/ÁGæTIS
2022-01-06 09:20:59 D [ 115/2495   4%] SIGUR RóS/ÁGæTIS
2022-01-06 09:21:23 D [ 116/2495   4%] SIGUR RóS/ÁGæTIS
2022-01-06 09:24:21 D [ 117/2495   4%] SIGUR RóS/ÁGæTIS
2022-01-06 09:25:12 D [ 118/2495   4%] SIGUR RóS/ÁGæTIS BYRJUN/05-Ný
2022-01-06 09:25:16 D [ 119/2495   4%] SIGUR RóS/ÁGæTIS
2022-01-06 09:26:41 D [ 120/2495   4%] SIGUR RóS/ÁGæTIS BYRJUN/07-VIðRAR
2022-01-06 09:28:40 D [ 121/2495   4%] SIGUR RóS/ÁGæTIS BYRJUN/08-OLSEN
2022-01-06 09:29:13 D [ 122/2495   4%] SIGUR RóS/ÁGæTIS BYRJUN/09-ÁGæTIS
2022-01-06 09:29:41 D [ 123/2495   4%] SIGUR RóS/ÁGæTIS

That's the output... i.e. analysis does not report an issue, but perhaps
there's an issue writing to the db, so each time you re-run they're
picked up again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-09 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> [Edit] I've added code to handle this. See docs/


I've updated my config.json file to add the the exclusions, as below:


  "db":"M:\\My Music\\MusicSimilarity\\db",
  "local":"M:\\My Music\\FLAC"
  "essentia": {
  "enabled": true,
  "highlevel": false,
  "bpm": 50,
  "loudness": 0.5,
  "filterkey": true,
  "filterattrib": true,
  "weight": 0.0
Course","Meditative","Opera","Pronunciation Guide","Vocal","Other"

However, when I re-run the analysis, I can't see any difference - i.e.
no logging of Excluded Genres or anything like that. As such, as there
are still a handful of tracks for which the Essentia analysis fails,
it's difficult for me to be sure if it's had an effect or not. 

(BTW - I just refreshed the *lib *folder again for this - but maybe I
needed more?)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-07 Thread mruddo

Just to reiterate, these failures were _prior_ to your most recent utf-8
change - so they're OK now!

All tracks on this album failed:


  Angel Dream (Songs and Music from The Motion Picture “She's the One”)

And there were a few other 12" remix type names that failed too...

They were just some of the 60 or so additional tracks added on the most
recent analysis pass.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-07 Thread mruddo

That's great - thanks... I got an additional 60 or so tracks added after
those changes (turns out another issue was double quotes - so having 12"
in the name for example was also causing exlcusions prior to this).

Additionally, I see you've also got the check for track length in there
- which is fantastic, as I no longer have to wait for it to analyse
whole audio-book chapters. :)

And the extra logging to differentiate any Essentia vs. Musly failures

I have just short of 31,000 tracks analysed now, so time to listen to
some mixes!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-07 Thread mruddo

I think like apostropes which have both "straight" and cuved (opening
and closing) variations, you can use the curved variation in a

So you have " vs ... and variations on that theme. I can't be too
sure which is actually being used in all cases though, as looking at
charmap in Windows you can see a few similar looking variations.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-10 Thread mruddo

I don't think it's that. I've generally been testing the results, and
did again just now..


  M:\My Music\MusicSimilarity>.\music-similarity\ 
--log-level INFO --test
  2022-01-10 09:08:11 I Testing musly
  2022-01-10 09:08:15 I Loaded 30962 tracks
  2022-01-10 09:08:15 I Musly returned 50 different similarities for 50 tracks
  Test ended at  9:08:15.88 on 10/01/2022

I've also just deleted and re-built the Jukebox (by running the test
without one), and I still see the same behaviour.

I'm wondering if it's got something to do with the size of the database
now? I did not notice such issues with the smaller sample library, but
it's almost as if it's now only selecting from a sub-set of any results.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-10 Thread mruddo

Thanks for the info... I'll experiment a little more with exclusions
when I can.

Just an update on mixes though - as a trend I've noticed seems to
indicate a bias towards artists at the tail end of the alphabet. My
music is stored in folders by Artist then Album. So my analysis database
is primarily organized A-Z with with "Various" covering compilations
towards the end. (Not sure if the same applies to the Jukebox.)

What I've noticed is that I'm getting a lot of tracks from the the last
few letters. e.g. if I start a mix from...


Lana Del Rey - W, Z, V, W, W
  Tom Petty - W, V, Y, R, W, b
  ABBA - V, V, Y, V, V
  Chvrches - g, T, Z, W, Y
  DMA's - V, W, Y
  Jenny Lewis - W, V, S, V, W
  Ludwig van Beethoven - J, g, V, V, V
  Manic Street Preachers - W, Y
  Rolling Stones - Y, V, Y, b, W
  Weezer - W, V, Y, Y

Obviously these are just one set of sample mixes - that I just generated
while typing this post, but the trend is apparent in most - as I
especially noticed a number of albums at with Various artists or Z
artists coming up again and again. (I don't have many artists starting
with "Z", so it becomes quite obvious.) 

As it's timbre based, the starting letter of the chosen artist should be
relevant, but I picked a few random ones that demonstrate a reasonable
variety of styles.

In almost all cases above, "V" is "Various". Interestingly the 'g' and
'b' are unusal in that they're both lower case - so that could be a clue
as to any sort being applied to result sets here. Most of my artists are
capitalised, but there are a few exceptions.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-10 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> No, the genre filtering only happens at analysis time - its used to
> discard tracks. It will not affect tracks already in the DB.
> You should not manually remove rows from the DB, this will lead to
> 'gaps' in the row-IDs, and will break the similarity. If you have
> removed things manually, then all the row-IDs need to be recalculated.
> The easiest way would be to move a music fiel out of your music folder,
> rescan with music-similarity, move the track back into the music folder,
> and re-scan again. When music-similarity detects a track has been
> removed, it copies all of the 'tracks' table to 'tracks_tmp' and then
> back-again - this causes al row IDs to be recalculated, and the jukebox
> recreated.

Points noted and understood. I've taken that approach to remove the
tracks from a backed up db before I trimmed it down... All good again
now. Thanks.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-13 Thread mruddo

Something I noticed today that may represent a possible improvement with
respect to not repeating artists/songs.

Below are two lines from my database showing the same track on two
different albums that the mixer correctly defined as being somewhat
similar! :D

These songs came up with only one other between them, despite having the
*Don't repeat artist/album* both set to their defaults of 15 and 25


  Rita Ora/Phoenix (Deluxe Edition)/02-Let You Love Me.flac|Let You Love 
Me|Rita Ora|Phoenix (Deluxe Edition)|Rita 
  Various/Now That's What I Call Music! 101/1.05-Let You Love Me.flac|Let You 
Love Me|Rita Ora|Now That's What I Call Music! 

Of course it's the same artist, but then it's not - because both -Artist
-and -Album Artist- are "Rita Ora" on the first album, and only -Artist
-is set for the compilation album. I suspect this means you're using the
-Album Artist- to compare - which is presumably why it repeated.

Whether this should be changed to check -Artist -rather than -Album
Artist- may be open for debate - but generally, I have compilations
without an -Album Artist- set, but do use that field on single-artist
albums. If not switching completely, then perhaps it would be an option
to check the latter if the former's not there?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-13 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> When filtering song titles, it is *only* the title.

I think ideally, this should really be -artist -*and* -title-. Although
unlikely to be a common issue, there are a number of repeated song
titles out there. Off the top of my head, "The Power of Love" springs to
mind - Huey Lewis, Frankie Goes to Hollywood and few others.

It's not a major issue, but f I get time, I can try and reproduce it and
look at the output.

I'm very much enjoying the variation in the mixes I'm getting - such a
broad range of music, where other mixes tended to merge to the point
they were quite similar after a few hours. 

I may be imagining it, but what I also find interesting is how the
selection of male/female vocalists as a starting point is often
persisted for a long while, as that's not something I really expected to
be quite so prominent. Perhaps it's not unexpected, but I quite like

One issue I have seen however is perhaps an oddity with the Material
Skin now playing list... Sometimes the last track in my playlist is
duplicated. e.g. see here:


vs. the Classic playlist view:


It seems to lose it's way... and as we move on to playing the next
track, I get this:


Closing and re-opening the browser can often leave the current playing
track flagged with the wrong album art. And switching from Chrome to
Edge (both Chromium based these days) the problem persists... seemingly
until I clear the playlist.

(Apologies for digressing on to something that should probably be on
another thread!)

|Filename: material2.JPG|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-12 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> Perhaps this is an issue with the mutagen library that is used to read
> tags.

Could this be related to the issue I had where the meta data was missing
from my database? I did wonder if I'd run the analysis incorrectly or
something, but I'm not sure I did - as I've scripted runs for analysis,
testing, etc. If I recall correctly, when looking at the database, only
the last 3 or four columns were populated - and all the common tags like
title, album, artist, genre, etc. were missing - I just had file paths.

Either way, whatever the issue it's been running great since... And I've
had no issues when adding files to the library, re-analysing and
updating the jukebox. Which for an album or so at a time is remarkably
efficient with the genre exclusions and max/min lengths set.

I don't see huge delays when starting the analysis either, albeit I'm
running it locally on Windows and not utilising Linux for the Essentia

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-10 Thread mruddo

As discussed with @cpd73 It turns out the issue I had was down to my
database file not containing all required meta fields, which was
adversely impacting the matching and causing the majority of tracks to
be disregarded. 

This was likely caused by my use of incorrect parameters when running
the analysis script.

My speculative explanation of the mixing behaviour was that the missing
data meant it was unable to identify the best matches, so instead I
ended up with a selection from the tail end of the database... but
having re-run the analysis to add the missing meta fields, it's back to
working well again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-10 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> I've just tried with:
> > 

  >   > 
  > "excludegenres":["Pop", "Rock"]

> > 
> And I see the following during analysis:
> > 

  >   > 
  > 2022-01-09 21:28:12 E Failed to analyze ABBA - Gold - Greatest Hits/01 
Dancing Queen.mp3 (Excluding genre (Pop))

> > 
> Checked the DB, and no "Pop" tracks. (I tried with a subset of just 2
> albums). So, for me, it's working.

I think in my case it's likely because all the genres I no longer wanted
were already in the database - so perhaps it needs to look for any and
remove them in some cases?

That being the case, I tried to do this manually by deleting them from
the database. This seemingly worked fine, and when re-running the
analysis they were not re-added.

I do however seem to have corrupted an index doing so:


  2022-01-10 17:21:06 D Using subset (1000 of 30500) for setmusicstyle (chosen 
from meta db)
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "M:\My Music\MusicSimilarity\music-similarity\", line 
33, in 
  analysis.analyse_files(cfg, path, not args.keep_old, args.meta_only, 
args.force, jukebox_file)
  File "M:\My Music\MusicSimilarity\music-similarity\lib\", line 
197, in analyse_files
  mus.add_tracks(db_tracks, config['musly']['styletracks'], 
config['musly']['styletracksmethod'], trks_db)
  File "M:\My Music\MusicSimilarity\music-similarity\lib\", line 268, 
in add_tracks
  smtracks[i] = mtracks[style_tracks[i]]
  IndexError: invalid index

I suspect that's because I now have index entries for genres and/or
tracks that no longer exist... but I'm not sure where. I've dropped and
re-created indexes in the db, but no luck yet... Can you provide any
pointers please?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-02-13 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> Perhaps if you could install WSL you could try using bliss instead of
> musly?

Well that was the plan today... I've installed WSL, extracted the latest
music-similarity-master files as required, and used the following



With the idea of music-similarity populating the database in the
music-similarity folder under my home path. I've done nothing with
essentia this time - so as far as I know it should be Bliss only.

But when I attempt to run the analysis I get a total failure of all
files. i.e:


  mruddo@Moet-BL1MBQ1:~/music-similarity-master$ ./ 
--analyse m -l DEBUG
  2022-02-13 14:34:53 D (Defaults) musly.lib set to linux/x86-64/
  2022-02-13 14:34:53 D (Defaults) essentia.extractor set to 
  2022-02-13 14:34:53 D (Defaults) essentia.highlevel set to True
  2022-02-13 14:34:53 D (Defaults) bliss.analyser set to 
  2022-02-13 14:34:53 D Init DB
  2022-02-13 14:34:53 D Analyse /mnt/m/TestLibrary/
  2022-02-13 14:34:53 D Looking for old tracks to remove
  2022-02-13 14:34:53 D Num old tracks: 0
  2022-02-13 14:34:53 I Analysers: ['Bliss']
  2022-02-13 14:34:54 D Num tracks to update: 691
  2022-02-13 14:34:54 I Have 691 files to analyze
  2022-02-13 14:34:54 D [  1/691   0%] Baby Queen/Medicine (EP)/01-Internet 
  2022-02-13 14:34:54 D [  2/691   0%] Baby Queen/Medicine (EP)/02-Pretty Girl 
  2022-02-13 14:34:54 D [  3/691   0%] Baby Queen/Medicine (EP)/03-Want Me.flac
  2022-02-13 14:34:54 D [  4/691   0%] Baby Queen/Medicine (EP)/04-Buzzkill.flac
  2022-02-13 14:34:54 D [  5/691   0%] Baby Queen/Medicine (EP)/05-Medicine.flac
  2022-02-13 14:34:54 D [  6/691   0%] Baby Queen/Medicine (EP)/06-Online 
  2022-02-13 14:34:54 D [  7/691   1%] Baby Queen/The Yearbook/01-Baby 
  2022-02-13 14:34:54 D [  8/691   1%] Baby Queen/The Yearbook/02-Raw 
  2022-02-13 14:34:55 D [  9/691   1%] Baby Queen/The Yearbook/03-You Shaped 
  2022-02-13 14:34:55 E Failed to analyze Baby Queen/Medicine 
(EP)/04-Buzzkill.flac (Bliss)
  2022-02-13 14:34:55 D [ 10/691   1%] Baby Queen/The Yearbook/04-American 
  2022-02-13 14:34:55 E Failed to analyze Baby Queen/Medicine (EP)/03-Want 
Me.flac (Bliss)
  2022-02-13 14:34:55 D [ 11/691   1%] Baby Queen/The 
  2022-02-13 14:34:55 E Failed to analyze Baby Queen/Medicine (EP)/01-Internet 
Religion.flac (Bliss)
  2022-02-13 14:34:55 D [ 12/691   1%] Baby Queen/The Yearbook/06-Dover 
  2022-02-13 14:34:55 E Failed to analyze Baby Queen/Medicine (EP)/06-Online 
Dating.flac (Bliss)
  2022-02-13 14:34:55 D [ 13/691   1%] Baby Queen/The Yearbook/07-Dover Beach 
Pt. 2.flac
  2022-02-13 14:34:55 E Failed to analyze Baby Queen/Medicine 
(EP)/05-Medicine.flac (Bliss)
  2022-02-13 14:34:55 D [ 14/691   2%] Baby Queen/The Yearbook/08-These 
  2022-02-13 14:34:55 E Failed to analyze Baby Queen/Medicine (EP)/02-Pretty 
Girl Lie.flac (Bliss)
  2022-02-13 14:34:55 D [ 15/691   2%] Baby Queen/The Yearbook/09-Fake 
  2022-02-13 14:34:55 E Failed to analyze Baby Queen/The Yearbook/02-Raw 
Thoughts.flac (Bliss)
  2022-02-13 14:34:55 D [ 16/691   2%] Baby Queen/The Yearbook/10-I'm A 
  2022-02-13 14:34:55 E Failed to analyze Baby Queen/The Yearbook/01-Baby 
Kingdom.flac (Bliss)
  2022-02-13 14:37:38 E Failed to analyze Wolf Alice/My Love Is Cool (Deluxe 
Edition)/26-Leaving You.flac (Bliss)
  2022-02-13 14:37:38 D [688/691  99%] Wolf Alice/Visions Of A 
  2022-02-13 14:37:38 E Failed to analyze Wolf Alice/Visions Of A 
Life/01-Heavenward.flac (Bliss)
  2022-02-13 14:37:38 D [689/691  99%] Wolf Alice/Visions Of A Life/10-St. 
Purple & Green.flac
  2022-02-13 14:37:38 E Failed to analyze Wolf Alice/Visions Of A Life/02-Yuk 
Foo.flac (Bliss)
  2022-02-13 14:37:39 D [690/691  99%] Wolf Alice/Visions Of A Life/11-After 
The Zero Hour.flac
  2022-02-13 14:37:39 E Failed to analyze Wolf Alice/Visions Of A 
Life/03-Beautifully Unconventional.flac (Bliss)
  2022-02-13 14:37:39 D [691/691 100%] Wolf Alice/Visions Of A Life/12-Visions 
Of A Life.flac
  2022-02-13 14:37:39 E Failed to analyze Wolf Alice/Visions Of A Life/04-Don't 
Delete The Kisses.flac (Bliss)
  2022-02-13 14:37:39 E Failed to analyze Wolf Alice/Visions Of A 
Life/05-Planet Hunter.flac (Bliss)
  2022-02-13 14:37:39 E Failed to analyze Wolf Alice/Visions Of A Life/06-Sky 
Musings.flac (Bliss)
  2022-02-13 14:37:39 E Failed to analyze Wolf Alice/Visions Of A 
Life/07-Formidable Cool.flac (Bliss)
  2022-02-13 14:37:39 E Faile

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-02-13 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> So, you have been using just Bliss for mixes? If so, are you happy with
> them? I'm leaning more towards just using Bliss. I've even written a
> mixer in Rust with the intention of writing an lms plugin that will
> start the relevant executable for the host OS. This would make
> installation easier - just the LMS plugin required, and another Rust-exe
> to analyse all files (working on this at the moment - but never written
> Rust before!)
> To me, Essentia takes a lot f time and does not add much.

Thanks... That I can do, but I get the following errors now:


/home/mruddo/music-similarity/linux/x86-64/bliss-analyse "~temp-library/Wolf 
Alice/Visions Of A Life/11-After The Zero Hour.flac"
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by 
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.33' not found (required by 
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by 

Have been Googling ways to resolve this... not quite there yet, but did
see this suggestion...


  mruddo@M:~/music-similarity$ apt-cache policy libc6
  Installed: 2.31-0ubuntu9.2
  Candidate: 2.31-0ubuntu9.2
  Version table:
  *** 2.31-0ubuntu9.2 500
  500 focal-updates/main amd64 Packages
  100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
  2.31-0ubuntu9 500
  500 focal/main amd64 Packages

So if I'm reading that correctly, it seems my libc6 libraries are a
little dated.

(-*You'll also note from the above detail that I've experimented and
renamed/moved a few things - also tried copying some flac files locally
in case there was an issue running against the path of the Windows drive
mount. It doesn't look like those were problems for me though.-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Bliss DSTM mixer

2022-03-08 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> So, now you need to find out why. Ah wait... You're running on Windows?
> If so you need to rename "BlissMixer/Bin/windows" to
> "BlissMixer/Bin/MSWin32" You might also need to install vcruntime140.dll
> -- all this is fixed for next release.

Sorry I missed that in the earlier thread - that's fixed it... I'm
getting 10 tracks now so I know it's using Bliss, and I can see the
executable running... and *Create bliss mix* now works too.

So now I'm really up and running ! ;)

Thank you.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Bliss DSTM mixer

2022-03-08 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> Hmmm... This is working for me, but @afriend has noticed that it fails
> the first time for them. The LMS plugin starts bliss-mixer on demand,
> and it stays runnnig for up to 1 hour after the last command. Perhaps
> the start-up time is too slow for you? How many tracks are in your DB?
> Can you log onto the machine running LMS and see if bliss-mixer is
> started when you use "Create mix", and what CPU load its using?

That's a good question... as to whether or not it's running! Silly
question perhaps, but how do I tell if a plugin is running?

This is what I can tell you... 

- I've installed the plugin (and just removed and re-installed it to be
- I've checked that DSTM is set up to use Bliss.
- I've then set it to something other than DSTM, and put it back to
Bliss, while at the same time adjusting the Bliss Mixer settings to Add
10 tracks (as opposed to 5).
- When I play a track DSTM only adds 5 tracks... so maybe it's not
really using Bliss (i.e. perhaps it's not running?)

I performed my analysis independently on my media drive, then copied the
resulting *bliss.db* file to *\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Cache*.

After the fiasco with losing the drive and trying to get things up and
running again this morning, it's quite possible I've missed something or
done something silly.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Bliss DSTM mixer

2022-03-08 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> the plugin starts an executable named "bliss-mixer" - it was this you
> needed to check if it was running. (via "ps -eaf" on Linux)
> If a mix cannot be created, the LMS plugin will fallback to using
> LastMix or Spotty. Perhaps this is what is happening. You would need to
> enable LMS's logging to see if this is the case.

That's definitely the case here then... actually, I was just about to
post that I noticed this comment in your earlier reply.

I also see the "(157) Preference names must be prefixed by "pref_" in
the page template: host (BlissMixer)" error in my server log mentioned
there too.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Bliss DSTM mixer

2022-03-08 Thread mruddo

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I didn't realise "Create Bliss Mix" was there until you mentioned it
> [emoji2]. I got used to not having "Create MusicIP Mix" after removing
> the plugin I didn't think to look.

Happy to (inadvertently) help! Although I probably tend to use DSTM
more, that's my go-to test for, "is it working?".  :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Bliss DSTM mixer

2022-03-08 Thread mruddo

After testing with the MusicSimilarity plugin for some time, I'm a bit
late to the Bliss party, but finally up and running! :)

I've had a number of issues to work around... not least losing my media
drive for a while that caused LMS to reset a number of parameters which
broke a whole host of related things without actually stopping basic
music playback, so some of the issues took time to track down. (Not
ideal any time, but especially not when you're testing new plugins so
there are a number of variables at play!)

Anyway... I'm operational now. I've also encountered both the dodgy ID3
tag issue on my FLAC files (just one album), and noted the same issue
above with the analyser not removing tracks. I'm also running LMS on

Bliss analysis was however fantastically quick by comparison to
Musly/Essentia (never mind MusicIP), so I'll get to testing those mixes

Just one issue I seem to have... Selecting a track in the interface and
requesting *Create bliss mix* does not seem to work for me either -
although DSTM mixes do.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-03-16 Thread mruddo

bakker_be wrote: 
> To me this is actually a tagging issue. This album should not have 1967
> as year
> (,
> nor should the individual tracks. There's a tag specifically for the
> "Original year" (
> Using this for your individual tracks would solve your problem I think
> ...

Perhaps, but isn't this an ID3 tag that we'd not normally expect in
FLAC? If there's an equivalent in FLAC then that might be more
appropriate to label the album - but we'd still have this issue:

mruddo wrote: 
> Interestingly, (something slartibartfast noted) when browsing by year
> you only actually see the years for which you have albums designated to
> that year.
> e.g. In theory, I have no albums for 1961 or 1962, and those years do
> not appear in the list. And yet, I have 26 and 36 tracks respectively
> for them. (I've queried the db, and confirmed the advanced search does
> find them without issue.)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Bliss DSTM mixer

2022-03-16 Thread mruddo

Thanks. The error I was getting from the analyser was caused by an short
album track of complete silence - so nothing to analyse! :)

I decided it was surplus to requirements and deleted it, so analysis
scans are error free now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Bliss DSTM mixer

2022-03-16 Thread mruddo

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Snap. What was the track? Mine was on Tin Planet by Space. I can't
> remember the last time I played the album [emoji1787]
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Silence - on Rilo Kiley's, The Execution of All Things. :D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-03-14 Thread mruddo

kidstypike wrote: 
> If you click the 3 dots alongside the year, "play now".
> Does that suffice?
> 37460

Thanks, but unfortunately not.

If for example I do that for 1967. I get a few albums with all tracks in
that year along with a number of compilations with tracks in a broad
range of years (that happen to include at least one track in that same
year). So it's not the complete list of tracks from that year, and
indeed includes tracks from other years.

What I'd basically like to see in this scenario, is the list of all
tracks - effectively:

SELECT * FROM Tracks WHERE Year = 1967

...which appears to be exactly what "All tracks" does in the default

Perhaps I'm in the minority when it comes to trying to apply the correct
year to tracks on compilation albums wherever possible. :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-03-14 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> 2.9.3 release of Material will have an "All Songs" entry for genres and
> years.

Great! :) Thank you.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-03-14 Thread mruddo

kidstypike wrote: 
> Advanced search > Year equals > does that work for you.
> 37461
> 37462

Yes, that works too... but again, not so convenient as "All Songs". 

I admit it's an occasional use option, I guess I just wondered why it's
not present in the Material skin too? I admit, it's far from essential,
but if I choose a year as the starting point to browse my library, it
would seem reasonably obvious option to have available.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-03-14 Thread mruddo

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Kidstypike's first suggestion would do the same thing. The advanced
> search idea is better though.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

But it doesn't, e.g. for 1967 - it includes all tracks on the following

(In both Material and Default skins.)

But if I chose "All Songs" in the default skin, I'd only get the tracks
on that album where the year was 1967.

|Filename: Capture.JPG  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-03-14 Thread mruddo

Apologies if this question is buried somewhere in this thread, but I
could not find it...

If I want to play all tracks from a given year, and select "My Music",
"Years", "" - then I only see albums deemed to be of that year.  So
let's say I select 1997 for example, I'll see all albums with all tracks
having that date, and some albums (maybe compilations) that LMS has
labelled with the year - possibly based on the first track, or whatever
logic it happens to use.

But in reality there may be other albums with tracks spanning a range of
years that I will never see here. Now that's fair enough, because you
can't easily label an album as multi-year in the interface, but if I
want to play all tracks from that year, in the default skin there's the
"All Tracks" option which does exactly that.

Is it possible to do the same in the Material Skin and play all tracks
from that year?

I seem to be able to achieve the same using Dynamic playlists, but I
think the "All Tracks" option's a lot easier.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-03-14 Thread mruddo

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Doesn't "All Songs" just play the tracks from the albums listed under
> the chosen year? 
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Yes, it does - and it is "All Songs" (not "All Tracks" as I mentioned
above - I will correct), but that's not present in the Material skin.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-03-14 Thread mruddo

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Really. I must admit I didn't check but assumed that All Songs would
> also play all the tracks of that album. So default skin only lists
> tracks from the year the album displays but how would you play other
> tracks from the same album? If other tracks are from a different year
> than the year the album is listed under they will never be playable by
> choosing that year from "Years".
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

But that does not matter...? It's what I'd expect. If I went via the
year option, then I'm generally looking for tracks/albums from that
year. If I wanted the whole album I'd just go from Albums, or Various
Artists route.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Bliss DSTM mixer

2022-03-15 Thread mruddo

Hi @cpd73,

When analysing my tracks, I always get a "1 Failure(s)" message. i.e. if
I add a new album with 10 tracks, it will find 11 and report 1
failure... so all new tracks seem fine, but there's obviously a track
out there it's picking up that it does not like.

Is there any way to log output the file detail so that I may identify it
and investigate further?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Bliss DSTM mixer

2022-03-15 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> The next release will print (up to 100) tracks that fail to analyse - my
> thinking being that 100 is a lot to show, and if you have more than this
> there's a major issue somewhere.

Great, that sounds most reasonable...

I'll be interesting to see what it is. The only issues I had with tracks
not being analysed correctly (when testing Music Similarity) were useful
as they actually identified a few corrupt files in my library that I'd
never have known about otherwise.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Bliss DSTM mixer

2022-03-09 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> @mruddo Following on from the discussion on the Material Skin thread...
> I have, I think, resolved issues on Windows - but I'm not 100% sure, and
> was hoping you could try the version before release? The steps would
> be:
> >   > 
  -  Download bliss-mixer.exe from:
  > This will be
  -  Unzip bliss-mixer.exe and place into
  -  Delete
  - 'windows' folder is now used
  -  Download
  > and place into
  > c:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Cache\InstallPlugins\Plugins\BlissMixer\
  -  Restart LMS
  > > > 
> This will have updated bliss-mixer.exe and the LMS plugin to my dev
> versions. Can you do this and let me know if it now works OK?  (Might
> need vcruntime40.dll as before)
> p.s When I preview this message "Plugins" has a space "Plu gins" - not
> sure why that is, but obviously there should be no space!

I'm on it... Will set things up and report back as soon as I can.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-03-08 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> Were these tracks added by a DSTM mixer? MusicSimilarity, Bliss? If so,
> any errors logged in LMS's log files? Do you see similar issues if the
> tracks are manually added?

DSTM Bliss. I can't see anything obvious in the logs - although there
are a number of errors for missing files with apostrophes in their



  [22-03-08 20:02:23.9265] Slim::Formats::Playlists::M3U::write (270) Error: 
Couldn't retrieve objectForUrl: 
 - skipping!
  [22-03-08 20:02:24.5054] Slim::Formats::readTags (176) File missing: M:\My 
Music\FLAC\Marina and the Diamonds\Froot\07-Can’t Pin Me Down.flac
  [22-03-08 20:11:58.2612] Slim::Player::Protocols::File::open (91) Warning: 
 not bothering opening file with zero size or duration
  [22-03-08 20:11:58.2636] Slim::Player::Song::open (491) Warning: stream 
failed to open 
  [22-03-08 20:12:04.3090] Slim::Player::Protocols::File::open (91) Warning: 
 not bothering opening file with zero size or duration
  [22-03-08 20:12:04.3122] Slim::Player::Song::open (491) Warning: stream 
failed to open 
  [22-03-08 20:13:37.8114] Slim::Player::Protocols::File::open (91) Warning: 
 not bothering opening file with zero size or duration
  [22-03-08 20:13:37.8316] Slim::Player::Song::open (491) Warning: stream 
failed to open 
  [22-03-08 20:16:38.3208] Slim::Player::Protocols::File::open (91) Warning: 
 not bothering opening file with zero size or duration
  [22-03-08 20:16:38.3421] Slim::Player::Song::open (491) Warning: stream 
failed to open 
  [22-03-08 20:43:24.2742] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1341) Warning: 
[20:43:24.2737] Use of uninitialized value $_[0] in hash element at 
/HTTP/ line 130.
  [22-03-08 21:56:14.7043] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1341) Warning: 
[21:56:14.7038] Use of uninitialized value $_[0] in hash element at 
/HTTP/ line 130.
  [22-03-08 21:59:43.3255] Plugins::MusicArtistInfo::Common::__ANON__ (161) 
Failed to call 404 Not Found

Although that file does not appear to be part of any playlist at the
time... and the file does exist, and furthermore DSTM Bliss mixes from
this track without issue... So likely irrelevant?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-03-08 Thread mruddo

Something I've mentioned previously on the Music Similarity thread - a
scenario were you end up with an "extra track" queue - and thereafter,
sometimes that becomes a misaligned track/cover-art image... I'm not
sure if there's anything in this, but I thought the other day that
ampersands in the playlists might be contributing to this problem, and I
just saw the same thing again. i.e. track titles with "&" in them -
like, "The Remains of Rock & Roll" for example.

Just a thought...  I did search for ampersand in this thread, and didn't
find anything.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-03-08 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> This is an LMS issue - as stated before. LMS tells Material there are X
> tracks in the queue, but only provides (e.g.) X-1 tracks in the queue
> listing. Material, therefore, thinks there should be more tracks and
> asks LMS for these, and this is where the duplication occurs. The same
> issue can be seen in SqueezeCtrl (and potentially others). In
> SqueezeCtrl an 'empty' track is added to the end of the queue.

Yes, I appreciate you've mentioned this before - it was more the
observation that it appears to be triggered by the ampersand in a track

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-03-09 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> According to "That's not a valid URL encoded
> string" And its the encoded quotes that are breaking things, if I remove
> them then the URL is accepted.

At the moment, I'm thinking a tag-cleaning exercise may be the way to go
for me.

It's actually fairly easy for me to find these with SQLite (in this case
using the bliss.db file)... 


  select * from tracks where title like '%%'

I have about 4 tracks and one album with this type of single quote in
it... so I can cleanse those... and do the same for the double-quotes...
then, if nothing else, it will confirm the issue if I never see that
anomaly again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-03-09 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> If you could hold off for a few days that'd be appreciated. I'm going to
> change the mixer and plugin so that the path conversion is all done in
> the LMS plugin. This will -hopefully- resolve these issues.
> If you leave your files as is, then when I make the next release you can
> confirm the fix.

Gladly... the double curly quotes clean-up is relatively trivial, but
the single curly quotes are far more prolific! :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-03-09 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> I'm 99% sure this is the reason. Can use use an SQLite UI (e.g.
> SQLiteBrowser) to look for that track in LMS's library.db file. Should
> be in the 'tracks' table. When you find it, can you post the URL entry
> for this here.

These are the two URLs in question for the above examples:



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-02-24 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> Yeah, as stated before I'm writing a new analyser and mixer for Bliss in
> Rust. The code is done, I just need to test some more. I also, thanks to
> some ideas I borrowed from Spotty, have it compiling for Linux, macOS,
> and Windows. I'm creating a new LMS plugin that starts the mixer when
> required - so no systemd service required. Should make the whole process
> easier to install and run. I've written a python script to convert the
> bliss analysis in music-similarity DB to the format used by this new
> plugin, so no need to re-analyse.

Thanks for the update - sounds great. Sorry, but I've not yet had time
to revisit my attempts to get the Bliss analysis working within WSL, and
I'm still running with Essentia/Musly... but from the sounds of your
post, I need not worry too much about prioritising that.

Looking forward to giving the latest version a run when it's available!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2022-01-31 Thread mruddo

FYI, I'm still seeing this issue too... sometimes with the
duplicated/mismatched album covers as per the post in the Music
Similarity thread, but more often now with the flickering in the now
playing queue between the track name/album art that is playing and (I
believe) the next item in the queue.

I've not been able to identify a trigger, but when listening to DSTM
music similarity mixes, it almost inevitably happens eventually.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-02-06 Thread mruddo

I've upgraded the plugin to 0.4 and refreshed the files from the master
of the MusicSimilarity backend.

Now every time I try to start the service I get this:


  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "M:\My Music\MusicSimilarity\music-similarity\", line 
38, in 
  app.start_app(args, cfg, jukebox_file)
  File "M:\My Music\MusicSimilarity\music-similarity\lib\", line 842, in 
  similarity_app.init(args, config, jukebox_path)
  File "M:\My Music\MusicSimilarity\music-similarity\lib\", line 43, in 
  app_config['essentia']['highlevel'] = app_config['essentia']['enabled'] and 
  File "M:\My Music\MusicSimilarity\music-similarity\lib\", line 
330, in files_analysed_with_essentia_highlevel
  self.cursor.execute('SELECT %s FROM tracks WHERE %s is not null LIMIT 1' % 
  sqlite3.OperationalError: no such column: danceable
  Server ended at 11:31:51.51 on 06/02/2022

Seeing as I'm running in Windows, I know I don't have the high-level
analysis fields, so this is likely why... but the config.json file has
"highlevel": false. (Albeit this is under essentia, so may not be
relevant when running the service).

Is there setting I need to exclude the high-level fields in the latest
back end (apologies if I missed it in the docs), or should I just hold
fire and stick to the previous version for now?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-02-06 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> Update music-similarity - I've wrapped these checks in try/except
> blocks, so if a check fails it returns False

That's got me up and running again, thanks. :D

Just one thing to comment, I don't know if there have been any
significant changes in similarity selection, but I seem to be getting
some very odd initial mixes. Queen's "Invisible Man" to Monty Python's
"Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" was not expected...But I've not
looked at the detail.

Too early to say for certain, but I'll keep an eye on things over the
next few days. I only mention it as a few test mixes to confirm things
were working again were not quite as I'd have expected. I know you
mentioned something about "loudness" earlier, so I wondered if that may
have had anything to do with it.

I won't be able to use it much today, but will be running it in over the
working week.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-02-06 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> Well, you are using only Musly for similarity, and nothing has changed
> on that front. Musly *only* analyses a portion of the file - by default
> the middle 2 minutes (starting no later than 3m30 seconds) of a track.
> The mixer gets a certain amount of similar tracks per seed, orders by
> similarity, then takes a random selection from a sub-set.
> Previously the Essentia 'loudness' attribute could be used for
> filtering. But when I read more about what this is, I discovered its not
> loundess but dynamic range. Therefore, I remove the ability to filter on
> that. So, with your current Musly + low-level Essentia, you can only
> filter on BPM range and key.
> Perhaps if you could install WSL you could try using bliss instead of
> musly?

I'm using Musly and Essentia - just not with the high-level attributes.

I do like the idea of giving Bliss a go though, so I will look into
what's required to hook the Windows component with the WSL analysis to
make that work when I have some time. 

I've a definite case of FOMO at the moment with the current setup. ;) 
Although, I'm still very much appreciative of the mixes I get right now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-21 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> Thinking about this some more. Would it make sense to allow creation of
> 'Smart Mixes' that will select a number of tracks, allow this to be
> added to the queue, and then DSTM takes over adding new tracks. DSTM,
> however, would not know about the SmartMix, just that these would be the
> initial songs to create mixes from. If so creating another API that
> returns X songs based upon some attributes should be doable. It then
> requires the plugin to implement a JSONRPC and the creation of a UI to
> create these mixes. Obviously for me the UI would be created in
> Material. I know SlimBrowse would allow some sort of UI creation for
> this, but that's beyond my knowledge level at the mo - and as I -only-
> use Material it's not of major importance to me.
> e.g. I would add a 'Smart Mixes' (or similar) entry to 'My Music' to
> list current mixes, allow editing, etc. The edit dialog would allow you
> to specify which attributes to use, number of tracks, and (perhaps)
> order of tracks (closest to attributes, random, etc.)

This sounds good to me. You could then use these Smart Mixes
with/without DSTM taking over on completion.

I've been listening to MS DSTM mixes for a couple of weeks now, and I'm
still enjoying the varied journey through some long since heard tracks
in my library. No issues to report either. :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-21 Thread mruddo

prabbit wrote: 
> Out of curiosity, what are values for your settings?

I did play with them initially, then think I put them back to the
defaults... I have:


Don't repeat artist for x tracks: 15
  Don't repeat album for x tracks: 25
  Don't repeat track for x tracks: 100
  Min/Max Duration: 0
  Number of mixer tracks: 5
  Restrict Genres: No

prabbit wrote: 
> While it's perhaps to be expected, I've found that using the same seed
> song over and over plays the same group of songs (albeit in different
> orders), including songs I have rated low and would prefer not to hear
> too often, than occurs with Spicefly Sugarcube/MusicIP. This is true
> even though the playlist runs for hours. Sugarcube has a setting to
> exclude tracks below a certain rating, which "protects" me from hearing
> these lowly-rated tracks. My experience with Sugarcube using the same
> seed song repeatedly is different, in that it produces a wider range of
> playlists. I'm still playing with Similarity's settings, which is the
> genesis of my question.
> Curiously, Heart thus far seems to be the (Six Degrees of) Kevin Bacon
> in my collection. I used Stevie Wonder's -Superstition- as a seed track
> and soon enough got to Heart. Used Iron Maiden's -Can I Play with
> Madness?- and shortly thereafter heard Heart. And I played some other
> seed song from the 2000s and landed on Heart within a dozen tracks. This
> is anecdotally interesting because I don't have that many Heart songs in
> my collection.

I've never used ratings on tracks - although I can see why many do, and
it's something I've often considered.

I'm probably using it differently though, as I tend to think of a seed
track, see where that takes me... then often listen to an album I've not
heard recently that comes up... then seed from there etc. I do get what
you're saying about frequently re-occuring items though. For me it seems
to be Sting (I have one compilation, that's all), but I'm often seeing
that appear in the playlist.

However, when I compare the mixes to LastMix, where whatever I'd started
with, that always seemed to tend towards a ninties-indie mix (not least
because I have a reasonable number of such albums in my collection)...
With Music Similarlty, the mixes tend to head off in different
directions which I'm far more appreciative of.

I only have the one Stevie Wonder album (and no -Superstition-), and not
a single Heart track... so I can't test to see if there's any in-built
bias at play! ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-06 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> Can you manually run essentia against these? e.g.
> Does that produce any errors? If not then its Musly which is failing -
> but I'm not sure there is much I can do. Perhaps what I need to do is
> use the windows 'short' filename - e.g. its DOS equivalent.

No errors:


So that looks good. I've attached the JSON FYI. Interestingly, it also
looks like much of the other analysis not expected in Windows is present
in the output... e.g.

*"danceability": 0.955245614052*

|Filename: out.json.txt |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-08 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> Glad to hear is working for someone else. Perhaps I'll formalize the
> release...

That'd be great.

Whilst I can't spend all day listening to music, I'm very impressed with
the mixes I'm getting... 

I did say I would try utilising the Genre groups, but I'm not thinking
that's necessary at the moment as it does not steem to stray to far off
course, and I'd rather not restrict my options for varying playback at
this time. What interesting is that if I go and play what I'd consider a
minority genre, like "Classical",  which I don't have a gread deal of,
it seems to follow with mostly classical tunes, or piano based pop that
flows quite well - which demonstrates a remarkably effective matching
ability in place with your default settings.

I do have a couple of questions in respect of genre though:

i) Will it handle multiple genres on a track? (e.g. if I have a track
with "Rock" and "Soundtrack", would a group with either of these still
potentially pick the track?
ii) In the Server config, you have "Restrice genres", Yes/No. Does this
override the choice of DSTM - "Similarity" or "Similarity (Ignore
Genre)". I'm not to sure if both are required, unless you want different
players utilising different options.

And a couple of thoughts on what may be useful additional options in

i) Can you add a basic genre exclusion option? (e.g. Exclude "Audio
Book", "Language Course" to exclude things you're never realistically
going to want in a mix.) This could also be applied when analysing
ii) What about considering playcount in the selection? I'm thinking this
could be used to prioritise tracks that have not been listened to before
or recently. (Admittedly, "recently" is tricky as there's likely no
"last date played" to work with!)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-24 Thread mruddo

I'm no expert, but I had problems at first with the database missing all
the metadata... i.e. if I looked at the music-similarity.db file most of
the fields were null - hence the line below leads me to suspect it could
be a similar issue that you have:


  metadata:{"title": null, "artist": null, "album": null, "albumartist": null, 
"duration": null...

To quote @cpd76 on this, which resolved the issue for me...
-If your meta-data is null then that's not good. If you pass "-m" when
starting music-similarity for analysis it will re-read the metadata, and
save to DB. This might hlep resolve your issue.-

Might be worth a try.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-25 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> Initial, semi-tested, version in master of lms-musicsimilarity:
> Requires 2.9 branch of Material for user interface. Not sure if I really
> like the range sliders - I'm thinking 'Danceable' / 'Ignore' / 'Not
> danceable' might be simpler to use. with 'Danceable' being 70..100 and
> 'Not danceable' 0..30 ???

I've had a go, but can't get the 2.9 branch of Material to run under
Windows. I've downloaded the zip and installed the folder in the plugins
directory, but trying to view the server with the Material skin just
shows a white window. I can confirm from the legacy interface that the
DEVELOPMENT plugin's installed, but it's not working for me I'm afraid.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Music Similarity DSTM mixer

2022-01-25 Thread mruddo

Of course I rather foolishly forgot that having analysed these with
Essentia in Windows I'm lacking the high-level analysis that'll make
this work anyway! 

Hence, *"sqlite3.OperationalError: no such column: danceable"* when
starting the music-similarity up! :rolleyes:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Bliss DSTM mixer

2022-12-22 Thread mruddo

cpd73 wrote: 
> No, the code will normalize. The default is 100% as its there to reflect
> the current/previous state.

This is interesting, but since the upgrade I feel sure I'm getting
smoother mixes than I recall previously... Which is why I stopped by
here to see if there was any other mention of this. I'm assuming however
that you're saying there was no actual change to the defaults with the
addition of the sliders.

I also note @chourmovs comments on his metric weighting changes - I may
have to give these a go myself and see the difference.

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