Re: Asian Fonts - I don't want them installed.

2009-04-04 Thread JeffM
>Bob wrote:
>>I want Seamonkey to stop asking if i want it or not.
David E. Ross wrote:
>Me too.  I don't want Chinese or Japanese fonts;
>I don't read either of those languages.  Instead,
>I want an option to suppress the request to install those fonts.

You seem to be in an infinite loop.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Slightly off subject: Question about file posting sites

2009-04-08 Thread JeffM
HeavyDuty wrote:
>Anybody know of an internet file posting site?
>I can use to post and share out an image
>file, but I am wondering about a place to upload to and then
>place a link in an e-mail where others can download a file.

Here's a page with some details:*-*-emphasis-on-free-speech+registration+limit+Last+uncensored+Image.Hosting+Swedish
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Slightly off subject: Question about file posting sites

2009-04-09 Thread JeffM
HeavyDuty wrote:
>After I learned what the search name was for what I wanted
>(file hosting), I searched and tested 15 sites and concluded
>that met my needs best. Very simple interface
>and not much advertising. Also, after a ten second delay,
>very easy to down load.

It doesn't sound like you can **deep-link** to an image
but, instead people have to go to a **page**.
That sucks.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Printing Coupons

2009-04-09 Thread JeffM
BeeNeR wrote:
>[...]no problems at all using IE.
>Although I have installed couponprinter.exe many times
>I still cannot print these coupons.
>Any suggestions?

Stop doing business with corportations that try to dictate
Specifically, stop trying to get ActiveX controls to work with Gecko.

"This requires Windows _ ".
"This requires Internet Explorer" .
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Is cacert not reliable?

2009-04-15 Thread JeffM
P.N. wrote:
>I wonder, why cacert ( isn't installed
>as a certificates issuer - any problems with it?
>Can I trust it, or shouldn't I for some reason?

Starting last Summer, there has been quite a dust-up
over the way Gecko handles certs.*-website-*-using-*-self-signed-*.*.*.*.*-*.*-*.*+*-*-bundle-*-*-*-*-*+migrate-away-*-*.*-*+hey-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*+*-pretending+*-*-little-sense+not-just-*-paying-customers+*-*-*-*-*-*-*.*.*.*.*.*-*.and-no-certificate+*-click-four-times-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*+*-*-almost-useless-*-*-*-*

The Mozilla Foundation has caught Hell for it.
Mostly it's a lot of scaremongering on the part of the Gecko guys.

A number of the **pre-approved** CAs are steaming piles of fraud.
The certificates from many of those (which you accept by default)...*-*-*+*-*-*-*-*-*-throwaway-address+*-*-*-scammer-*-*-*-*+no.difference+verification+supposed+hypothetical+exploited+*-difference-*-*-key-*-*-*+free+*-*-*-*-*-audited-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*+*-nothing+Verisign+rss+actual+gentle+validated-to-your-*-identity+loose+accountability+StartSSL+CACert#24246653

(different spot on the same page)*-*-*+*-*-*-*-*-*-throwaway-address+*-*-*-scammer-*-*-*-*+no.difference+verification+supposed+hypothetical+exploited+*-difference-*-*-key-*-*-*+free+*-*-*-*-*-audited-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*+*-nothing+Verisign+rss+actual+gentle+validated-to-your-*-identity+loose+accountability+StartSSL+CACert#24247037

...are actually WORSE than the ones from CACert.
(another spot on that page)*-*-*+*-*-*-*-*-*-throwaway-address+*-*-*-scammer-*-*-*-*+no.difference+verification+supposed+hypothetical+exploited+*-difference-*-*-key-*-*-*+free+*-*-*-*-*-audited-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*+*-nothing+Verisign+rss+actual+gentle+validated-to-your-*-identity+loose+accountability+StartSSL+CACert#24247167

...and as has been mentioned,
CACert is on the cusp of being included by default.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Downloading pdf files and Adobe Reader

2009-04-18 Thread JeffM
DoctorBill wrote:
>[...]led me to right click and "Save Target as..."[...]
>At least now I can bypass SM having to load
>Adobe Reader up to see the file.

In addition, double-clicking the downloaded file
doesn't add the bulk of the browser's frame to the PDF viewer's frame,
taking up yet more of your screen space.

The *waiting for a pageload to complete* thing
is also less of a pain with more modern browsers
based on WebKit or--$DIETY forbid--Trident (IE8)
which are multi-process engines
in contrast to Gecko's dated multi-thread architecture.

...and yeah, for dialup users
it's important to learn all the little tricks.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: RegularDownloader vs WinGet

2009-04-19 Thread JeffM
DoctorBill wrote:
>I have been using the "Regular" downloader
>that comes with SeaMonkey 1.1 when I download
>(I am on dial-up).
Gecko's "Download Manager" *is* quite pathetic;
a glaring deficiency in the package.
A "Download Manager that won't resume a broken download
shouldn't even be able to call itself by that term.

>Some time ago, I obtained WinGet 1.9 (Indentix.Inc) and use it periodically.

>WinGet apparently opens several "ports?" or "Lines?" to the source
>and downloads via more than one route simultaneously
>and thus faster..or so they say.
Indeed.  This ASSuMEs that the bottleneck is at THAT end.

>My question is - is what they say true?

>I thought that the speed limit for me downloading
>is the phone line's kbps and not the "dump speed" from the source.
You got it in one.  See "cannot magically solve" in the article.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: I think I'll try a reinstall

2009-04-19 Thread JeffM
Rex's Mom wrote:
>Well, nothing I have tried has sorted out my video issue.
If *I* was the one having the problem,
things *I* would have considered are:
1) Continue posting to the thread that described the problem.
2) Linked to the thread with the original problem.
3) Described the original problem again in the new thread,
and finally,
4) Note what among those suggestions you actually tried.

For those in the dark:  (Thanks, Google Groups.)*-*-link-or-*+zzz+*-*-*-fine-in-Firefox*-*-not-necessary

>In looking thru the newsgroup
>I found an earlier mention, tried that one and still no joy.
Again, linking to the referenced item
and/or describing what you actually tried would be nice.

>So, now am thinking I should try a re-install of the software.
Have you twiddled with the User Agent String?
What does that look like now?

Again, if the problem isn't with EVERY site,
the problem is likely at THAT end
and **you** will STILL have to figure out
what those idiot webmasters have done wrong
and compensate for their ignorance/arrogance.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Saving web sites

2009-04-21 Thread JeffM
Philip Chee wrote:
> Here is another alternative.
> First install xSidebar for SeaMonkey:
> Then install Scrapbook for SeaMonkey:
> Scrapbook is a Firefox extension, which helps you to save Web pages and
> easily manage collections. Key features are lightness, speed, accuracy
> and multi-language support. Major features are:
> * Save Web page
> * Save snippet of Web page
> * Save Web site (In-depth Capture)
> * Organize the collection in the same way as Bookmarks tree
> * Highlighter, Eraser and various page editing tools
> * Full text search and quick filtering search
> * Text edit feature resembling Opera's Notes

That's nice, but the things I want to know right away are:
Does it produce a single file per page?
What is the file format?
Are the files compressed?
Can the files be used with other browsers?

In that regard, the author's pages

Here's something I found when investigating
whether Gecko supports Microsoft's *.MHT format
(MHTML or MIME HTML).*-**-single-*-page+Policy+extension
That page says Firefox 3 is supported--but no other browser details.

This thing has supported MHT since at least Oct 13, 2004
(when the old core was used),
so it makes me wonder what engines it currently supports.

The **big** thing is that it can also use
NON-proprietary Mozilla Archive Format
(which are zipped files that **can** be used with ANY browser).
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: locale problem?? : SM + ReminderFox on VISTA -- Help needed

2009-05-04 Thread JeffM
gNeandr wrote:
>[...]SM1.x don't offer a real add-on manager[...]
>Also I know SM2 isn't released,
>is it wise to recommend it right now ...  for such situations??

(Unlike Internet Exploder)
it's possible to keep *multiple* Gecko browsers on your system.
Whether a particular piece of software is apt is a judgement call.
First arm yourself with the facts:*-known-problems#issues
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Must reinstall SM 1.1.16 every time I reboot

2009-05-06 Thread JeffM
Charles Milton Ling wrote:
>[...]after I gave AdBlock Plus another chance[...]
>after I shut down the computer and restart it,
>everything is just fine until I want to start SM.
>All I get is the splash screen.  The only solution
>(which works every time, but is annoying)
>is to kill the process and reinstall SM.  Then everything works.

Thought about nuking your default profile?
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Must reinstall SM 1.1.16 every time I reboot

2009-05-06 Thread JeffM
>>Charles Milton Ling wrote:
>>>[...]after I gave AdBlock Plus another chance[...]
>>>after I shut down the computer and restart it,
>>>everything is just fine until I want to start SM.
>>>All I get is the splash screen.  The only solution
>>>(which works every time, but is annoying)
>>>is to kill the process and reinstall SM.  Then everything works.
>JeffM wrote:
>>Thought about nuking your default profile?
Charles Milton Ling wrote:
>Haven't.  Would you recommend that?
Well, when you overwrite all the executables with a reinstall,
all that is left is the profile(s)--which are in another location.

>(Do I then lose all my bookmarks etc.?)
I did ASSuME you've got all the bits of your profile(s)
backed up to external media.
...and bookmarks.html is the easiest to restore of any of it.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Must reinstall SM 1.1.16 every time I reboot

2009-05-08 Thread JeffM
Michael Gordon wrote:
>This is beginning to look like
>you have a corrupted installation of SeaMonkey.
Beyond that, it appears
the installation file that was downloaded is corrupt.

>[...]Download a fresh copy of SeaMonkey
...and make sure the checksum for the download passes muster.

Luke Pascoe's freeware checksum utility for Windoze:
(Postcardware, actually)
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: C++ runtime error message

2009-05-08 Thread JeffM
John wrote:
>Occasionally when I click on a link or open a page
>I'm seeing this error  message popup:
>Microsoft Visual C++ Runrime Library
>Runtime Error!
>Program C:\Program Files\MOZILLA.ORG\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe
Running System File Checker seems apt.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Playing Videos (was 'I think I'll try a reinstall'

2009-05-10 Thread JeffM
Rex's Mom wrote:
>[...]Before the problem, when I tried to view a video,
>I usually got a circle with a right arrow (triangle on its side)
>and had to click on it to get the video to play.
>Now it plays automatically. Should I be concerned?

If you're using the Adobe product
rather than an alternate Flash rendering app,
you've already surrendered on the security and privacy fronts.

This offers an improvement*-**+Justin+Hovering+Samuel+SeaMonkey.2.0+of.allowed&strip=1
--though the current version is for the new Gecko core.

...but Flash remains a steaming pile of security vulnerabilities*-government-*+2007+*-*-CA-2000-02+Flash+ActionScript+cross-site.scripting-*+*-*-*-detailed-description*-*-*-*-*-*-*-not-support-*+Mellon+Java-*-*-not-provide-*-*-*-*-access-*-*-*+*-send-data-*-*-*-*-back-to-*-site+*-Explorer-*-*-*+modify-*-*-*-forms+*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-dynamic-generation-*-*+*-*-*-*-*-*-*-different-page+before-*-Secure-Socket-Layer-*-*-*-*-*+*-*-allow-*-*-scripting-*+*-Policies-*-*-*+Carnegie+character.sets+malicious-*+*-script-code&strip=1#impact

as well as a privacy invasion.**+and+remote.code.execution&strip=1
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Runtime error!

2009-05-13 Thread JeffM
Ken wrote:
>What do I do about this message: Runtime Error!  Program:
>C:\Program Files\\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe
>It concerns Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library, I gather.

So, find the broken library and replace it.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Runtime error R6034

2009-05-14 Thread JeffM
Ken wrote:
>I am still being told:
>Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
>Runtime Error!
>Program: C:\Program Files\\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe
> R6034
>An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library
>incorrectly.  Please contact the application's support team for more

"The Application" is NOT SeaMonkey.

The OS is screaming error messages at you
which are actually useful
--if you would bother to plug that into a search engine.*-DLL+manifest-*&strip=1*
This group also has a seartchable archive at
which yields*
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Runtime error R6034

2009-05-15 Thread JeffM
NoOp wrote:
>Perhaps you can find a solution here:

The problem with their Gecko plug-in is known:

The solutions for the OP are:
1a) Reinstall VLC--this time without the plug-in
1b) Right-click on video links
 and download them OUTSIDE the browser window
1c) Double-click **the download** to watch the video.

2) Use another media player with a non-broken Gecko plug-in.

3) Use another browser with non-broken VLC support.

Don't forget to add your vote for directed development efforts:
4) Learn to code and fix the problem yourself
on that Open Source Software project
Note to NoOp:
complete=0 is noise
&btnG=Search is noise

&hl=enshould restrict returns to English-only pages
--but that works so poorly, you may as well not bother to include it.
should be at least as effective as your bloated URL.

If you are trying to make a point about how non-rare a problem is
you could even do this:
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Does the Composer program currently, or planned in later release, support PHP?

2009-05-18 Thread JeffM
(I'm not seeing the OP, so I'll respond here.)
Ray_Net replied to:
>Adam Jimerson wrote:
>>when I tried to do a simple page it stripped the PHP code from the page.

As Benoit notes, the state of maintainence
on the Mozilla-bloodline editors is not remarkable
as they're pretty much 1-man operations.

I was poking around just the other day and I found this:*-*-PHP-*-*-*-*-*&strip=1

As KDE4 has been ported to pretty much everything but Win9x,
the *Linux-only* and "Windows...aint gonna fly" statements there
are outdated.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: desktop internet shortcuts

2009-05-19 Thread JeffM
Rick Merrill wrote:
>Seamonkey 1.1.16 & IE 8 (for those sites that require it)
>on Windows xp sp3
>Click on SM address bar and drag link to desktop.
>Link picks up the icon for IE;
>Click on link and IE opens it.
>Uninstall & re-install does not a thing.
Well at least you finally tried something.
What I want to know is
*Why ASK for advice if you won't TAKE the advice?*

NOW the questions are **WHAT** was it that you reinstalled*-*-*-*-*-choice+zz-zz+afraid-*-*-*+Registry.Editor+*-*-live-*-*
and are you **still** being a horse's ass WRT IE8?

>Has anyone else had this happen?
For the THIRD time: Yes, others have the problem.*-*-originated-*-*+zzz+should-*+embedded-into-*-*-*+hazardous

>How can one make "Internet Shortcut" (s) open with SM?
Fix your screwed-up Windoze Registry.

...and your problems with the behavior of Windoze Update
and the behavior of Internet Exploder
are really subjects for a group with MICROSOFT in its name.

In addition, I would think that this far into the 21st Century
people would be aware of the default behavior of M$
and would pay CLOSE attention
to what "critical updates" from those lying bastards might do
and they would approach those with the upmost in caution.*-*-*-*-*-auto-install-*-*-*-*-*-*-*+rss+*-custom-install+*-easy-*+*-*-*-*-*-*-*-blindly-*-*-*-*-*-*-*#27785397
For other views on this, scroll up from that point

...then to find a possible solution, scroll down
and reread JD's previous response to you in this group.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Can't forward emails with pictures

2009-05-21 Thread JeffM
Serge Popper wrote:
>Up until a week or so ago, I was able to forward emails, inline,
>with photos in them.
...clogging up everyone's inbox and using up their bandwidth.

>Now, I am only able to forward emails inline with text in them.
Problem solved.  In the future,
park the pictures on a server and mail ONLY THE LINKS[1];
allow *the reciepients* to DECIDE how they want to use
their bandwidth and their storage space.

Email was never intended to transmit BINARY data.
The overhead necessary to do that
ADDS to the bandwidth burden clueless people impose on others.

...and pass this information on
to the dim bulb who emailed the images to you.
Giving the files USEFUL names helps.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Components

2009-05-25 Thread JeffM
Serge Popper wrote:
>[...]On certain URL's the original design of the page
>is not reproduced faithfully by Seamonkey.
>One of those URL's is American Express.

This issue is addressed here repeatedly.

When corporations stop hiring idiots to mung together sites
and start hiring COMPETENT Web developers to build their sites,
**THEN** you can start making valid comparisons.
Until then, all a browser can do
is GUESS what the codemonkey was trying to do.
343 Errors, 48 warning(s)


If clueless codemonkeys use IE as the measure of their code,
then their pages will "look right" ONLY when using Internet Exploder.
IE is the LEAST standards-compliant of all browsers
--by a HUGE margin:*-Explorer-7.0+Internet.Explorer.6.0+http+Opera.9.63+http+Firefox.3.0+*-Explorer.8.0+reference.rendering+079+100.*.100+012+011+http+085+http+071+020&strip=1

If, OTOH, those developer would make standards-compliant code,
it would render properly in the majority of browsers
and their pages would look differently only in Internet Exploder
--unless IE-speciic tweaks are applied.

David addressed this when he mentioned "sniffing".
The problem is that browser sniffing is often done completely wrong.
When sniffing is done PROPERLY, it is necessary to sniff ONLY for IE;
when any other browser is detected,
only a **standards-compliant** page need be served.
For Internet Exploder, a cascading style sheet should be included
to make the tweaks needed for the LEAST-COMPLIANT browser.

A smart developer will quote a cost to design a **compliant** Web
To get the page to work with ONE version of the M$ browser
doubles[1] the time required and should be quoted accordingly.
Repeat this for EVERY version of IE for which support is desired.
(IE isn't even compliant with itself, version to version.)
[1] Over time, a developer builds up a kit of IE-specific workarounds
and the time required goes down a bit.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Cookie housekeeping proposal

2009-06-18 Thread JeffM
Richard Schaefer wrote:
>In housekeeping, I like to delete cookies not being used.
>Now I have to delete one by one.


Ctrl+click to unmark any that you *don't* want removed.

The way to make this simple is to NOT have it happen in the first
I write-protect my cookies file and
change the permissions ONLY **when I sign up for something**
(I then IMMEDIATELY change the permissions back).

Typically, "new" cookies will exist **only** until I close the
They never get written to the disk.

I rarely have to make the effort to allow a persistant cookie.
I find that I _need_ very few cookies
and that the majority are just a privacy intrusion.

There's someone else (David E. Ross??)
who rewrites cookies.txt from a permanent file
each time he starts the browser.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Microsoft may be Firefox's worst vulnerability

2009-06-21 Thread JeffM
David E. Ross wrote:
>By the way, the latest W3Schools report now indicates that
>more people are now using Gecko browsers than IE.
>Of course, the specialized nature of the W3Schools Web site
>skews their survey so that it really doesn't reflect
>the general audience of Internet users.

Well, the number you get depends on whom you ask
--but the trend is clear: folks are tried of
infection-friendly ecosystems; attempts at vendor lock-in;
poor rendering; browsers that are lagging WRT features[1].
[1] WRT the multi-process thing, WebKit-based browsers
(like Google Chrome) and  Trident-based IE8
are out front of Gecko-based browsers.
...but not being able to BLOCK
bandwidth-hogging/screen-space-wasting junk
is a big negative for those offerings.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Url won't work

2009-07-09 Thread JeffM
>>Barbara Norvell wrote:
>>>I use the Humana website and am having a problem with one page
>>>I get the error message:
>>>This feature is currently unavailable[...]
>>>I can get the page to come up on a PC.
A "PC" is **hardware**; it can run MANY operating systems.
One assumes you mean Windoze.
What browser were you using there?
This sounds like (M$-only) ActiveX.

>David E. Ross wrote:
>>Blue Shield of California[...]
>>had a Web site that could not be viewed properly with SeaMonkey
>>not even when I spoofed Firefox[...]
>>I told them they could shove IE
>>and that I would choose some other coverage.
Avoiding idiots does make life simpler.

Barbara Norvell TOP-POSTED:
>I have called them and they claim it is because I have a Mac,
>but can't give me any answers
>as to why or if they are going to fix it.
So, have you tried to spoof the User Agent string in SeaMonkey?

...Sometimes it's just simpler to surrender to the idiots:
"Never argue with an idiot.
He'll just drag you down to his level and beat you with experience."
  or just
...and I find that a good rule of thumb is:
If previous text isn't significant enough to appear ABOVE my words,
it isn't worth including that in my post.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Shutterfly crashing SeaMonkey?

2009-07-22 Thread JeffM
George Carden wrote:
>My wife tries to use the site
>in SeaMonkey on our computer, and she says it crashes.
>The entire SM application (browser & e-mail) just disappear.
AFTER the team that slopped together that site makes it do this
instead of this
THEN you have a valid complaint against the browser.

>The site works in IE.
...because the ignorant individuals that built the site
*built it* to be used by Internet Exploder.
(**Professional** Web developers DESPISE Internet Exploder.)
support-seamonkey mailing list

Outlook Express-related (was: I hate to have to ask this)

2009-07-30 Thread JeffM
>DoctorBill wrote:
>>The College where I teach uses Outlook Express.
>>It comes into SeaMonkey,
>>but loses some of it's functions apparently.
When you said "It" you lost me.

>>If I go into Internet Explorer (ugh !)
If you mean that you are using the college's computer
and using Outbreaks In Excess on THAT,
*then* what you are saying makes *some* sense.

If OTOH you are using your own box
and someone is sending you something in an M$-Only format
(and those file asociations are set to open OE),
THAT is quite another thing.
You need to clarify/quantify what **exactly** is going on.

>then close it down, am I likely to fall prey to the holes, etc in IE
>and get my computer infected ?
If you don't run Outbreaks In Excess on your box,
you won't get infected by OE-specific problems.
I suggest finding a way to uninstall/cripple Outbreaks In Excess.

>>Or does that happen only when you "surf" the web ?
Martin Feitag wrote:
>It only happens when you surf the web.

Not according to what I'm reading in this post.

I strongly advocate NOT using HTML email.
IMO, a **smart** mail administrator strips off all HTML
and delivers ONLY the *text* contained in emails.

When emails contain HTML, they can contain
markup (unnecessary bloat)
images (unnecessary bloat)
audio (unnecessary bloat)
scripts (unnecessary bloat--and dangerous)
ActiveX (unnecessary bloat--and dangerous)
Browser Helper Objects (unnecessary bloat--and dangerous)

Another (bigger) problem with HTML emails is that
(with Outbreaks In Excess) HTML is handled by Internet Exploder.
We all know about that PoS's legendary security.
The dangerous junk will be executed/installed.
Congratulations.  You are now infected.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Why does everything stop if a pdf file is loading?

2009-07-30 Thread JeffM
DoctorBill wrote:
>Once in a while when I click on some site with info,
>everything stops, a "tab" will form and it turns out
>to be Adobe Reader downloading a pdf file.
>Why does the browser lock up ?
>Can't stop it, can't move out of it - I have to set there and wait.

Browsers that are more modern
--Webkit-based Safari, Konqueror, Google Chrome
and even (yeech) Trident-based Internet Exploder 8[1]--
don't have this problem because they are "multi-process";
the current incarnation of Gecko is only "multi-threaded".

There are rumors that Gecko developers will address this.
Until then, handle these using a download manager.
[1] ...but none of those has the extension infrastructure
that Gecko does.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey gets slower and slower

2009-08-09 Thread JeffM
beebe wrote:
>I've been using SeaMonkey for years now on a Mac, and one
>predictable thing happens when I haven't quit the suite
>for several days--it becomes slower and slower to respond.
As others have mentioned, a big goal of the new Gecko core
was to eliminate many of these in the rendering engine.

>Intuitively, I think it has to do with Java-heavy sites like Amazon,
>but I don't really know.
The problem of crappy plug-ins is well known:*-*-*-*-*+Logo+about.config+*-not-release-*-*-until-*-*-closed+Logo+if-*-Download-history-*-*-*-*+*-*-*-*-*-*-effort-*-*-*-*-*-*-*#Plugins
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: how to add a new helper in SM2 (visio file on Windows)

2009-08-11 Thread JeffM
dominique wrote:
>I'm stuck on my WinXP based SM2 when opening an email attachment
>which is a file.vsd (i.e. a "Visio" file). Currently, I can only "save" it.
A personal preference (with a nod toward non-lock-in standards):
The longer you keep files in proprietary formats,
the less useful the files are. (Think: Export to .DXF.)

>Is there a way to add to the helper the use of the visio.exe program
>when double-clicking it (email attachment) ?
With M$'s track record regarding the 'Net
(first ignoring it then trying to cripple it thru incompatibility),
it's a wonder ANYTHING they produce works in an online mode.
Visio was obiously never meant to work with online apps.

The only vector-based formats I know of that work online
are Flash and .SGV.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Forcing a new Tab - possible

2009-09-07 Thread JeffM
DoctorBill wrote:
>[Some] web pages (college sites) do not bring up a new tab
>when one clicks on a link.
>Right clicking the link does not give the option for a new tab either.

When you encounter something like that,
you can mark the last letter of the text just before the clickable
and make the end of the marked block
the first letter of the text just after the element.
Viewing the source code of the selection will show you
(as Stanimir indicated)
that what you have encountered is a script, not a hyperlink.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Newfox and Seamonkey

2009-09-14 Thread JeffM
denewton wrote:
> Hello,
> I install nexfox in seamonkey 1.1.18. It seems that newfox pertub the
> display of any sites ( for exemple).
> How to desinstall newfox ?
> sincerly
> Bertrand de Pommery

Do not post the same question multiple times.
If you have a doubt whether your post was received,
look at the newsgroup archive at
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Problems with new TVGuide listing

2009-09-14 Thread JeffM
Ant wrote:
>I got a reply:
>From: "TVGOL  Listings" 
>[. . .]
>The TV Listings grid on is optimized
>for use on all versions of the IE, +FireFox, Safari, and Chrome
>[. . .]
>While we are working to make the site +SeaMonkey compliant

Yet another bunch of morons who don't know what they're doing.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Problems with new TVGuide listing

2009-09-14 Thread JeffM
>JeffM wrote:
>>Yet another bunch of morons who don't know what they're doing.
Ant wrote:
>No news to us. Who is surprised?
>We all need to tell them about SeaMonkey support. :P

Actually, before embarking on this vocation,
they should have LEARNED THE BASICS.

1) Build standards-compliant pages:
437 Errors
(It's obvious they don't have the first clue how to do the job.)

2) If you're going to sniff for a browser,
If you feed up special stuff, make that for the special cases
--NOT for the browsers that don't need crutches.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: IE not working ! :-)

2009-09-14 Thread JeffM
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
>[...]This is probably
>one of those noncompliant pages written for IE7 only,
>which IE8 knows how to handle if you tell it it's noncompliant
>but SM doesn't because
>SM's philosophy is to punish the user for the webmaster's mistakes.
I would say the Gecko philosophy is
"Don't interpolate; render what exists."

Another way to say it might be
"We're skilled developers; we expect the site builders to be that

Know how you can tell a crap Web Design book?
It doesn't mention the W3C Validator in the first few pages.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: IE not working ! :-)

2009-09-15 Thread JeffM
>JeffM wrote:
> > I would say the Gecko philosophy is
> > "Don't interpolate; render what exists."
> >
> > Another way to say it might be
> > "We're skilled developers; we expect the site builders to be that
> > too."
> >
> > Know how you can tell a crap Web Design book?
> > It doesn't mention the W3C Validator in the first few pages.
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
>[...]for real-world users this comes across as
>uncooperative at best and dysfunctional at worst.
...and, again, Microsoft is allowed to cloud the picture.

>It reminds me of a conversation where someone asks,
>"Do you know the way to San Jose?"
What if he asked "oD yuo kwno teh awy ot anS Jseo?"
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: IE not working ! :-)

2009-09-15 Thread JeffM
>JeffM wrote:
>>...and, again, Microsoft is allowed to cloud the picture.
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
>>This isn't about Microsoft.
Of course it's about M$.
It's about their dominant position in the software marketplace.
It's about M$ drones using M$'s ANTI-compliant tools.
It's about those drones thinking that if M$ does it, it must be right.
It's about those drones
using FrontPage to make NON-compliant pages
and using Internet Exploder to "validate" those.
It's about unnecessarily sniffing for the more-compliant browsers
instead of sniffing for the piece-of-junk browser(s).

>It's about whether Mozilla develops a reputation among end users
>for offering a convenient and efficient way of viewing web pages.
The job of a Mozilla-compatible browser is to render **HTML** pages.
The crap in question IS NOT AN HTML PAGE--in HUNDREDS of places.

>they blame the browser, not the webmaster.
Stupid is as stupid does.  I don't want stupid people on the team.
On the contrary;
I want people on the team who can recognize stupidity
--and I want them to do the right thing when they see that stupidity:
bitch at the guilty party--or even better, at his boss.

>does your first baseman catch only the balls thrown right at him
Is the ball official equipment
--or does the other team get to sneak in some tarballs?
Is the umpire allowed to look the other way when that happens?
Have all the rule books been shreaded for the duration?

You sound like one of those from the
**We can't make them feel bad about themselves,
let's just lower the bar** generation,
or maybe you're even younger--one of those having the bar lowered.

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
>>>It reminds me of a conversation where someone asks,
>>>"Do you know the way to San Jose?"
>>What if he asked "oD yuo kwno teh awy ot anS Jseo?"
>I would still know what he wanted
Apparently, you're smarter than the average bear.
Too bad you don't understand the job of an HTML rending engine.

>software isn't subject to such emotions;
>it does whatever the programmers tell it to do without complaining.
The job of an HTML rendering engine is to render HTML.
What _you_ would like it to do is render NON-HTML
--and do it in the exact way that the junk product does.[1]
What _you_ would like to see is a race to the bottom
where all of the more-compliant browsers
behave like the bottom-of-the-barrel browser.
That's just silly--and it's NOT what's needed.

What's needed is:
1) Get page builders to use the W3C Validator.
2) Get employers to use the Validator
   **BEFORE** they pay for services.
3) Get the Acid4 test page built and _publicize_ that
to show even more what a piece of crap "the dominant player" is.
(If they can't even break 20 percent on Acid3,
what score do you think they'll get on Acid4?)
[1] ...and the junk product isn't even consistant with itself
across versions.  See the Wikimedia page.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: IE not working ! :-)

2009-09-16 Thread JeffM
>>>JeffM wrote:
>>>>...and, again, Microsoft is allowed to cloud the picture.
>>Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
>>>>This isn't about Microsoft.
>JeffM wrote:
>>Of course it's about M$.
>>[. . .]
>>The job of a Mozilla-compatible browser is to render **HTML** pages.
>>The crap in question IS NOT AN HTML PAGE--in HUNDREDS of places.
>That may be your narrow technical definition
The W3C gets to say what is HTML and what isn't.
Over 400 times, they say the page ISN'T HTML.

>How would you feel if you went into an auto dealer
>and he proudly announced that his car only ran
>on straight paved roads in the daytime?
Wrong analogy.
Better analogy:
You take your showroom-stock minivan
--which works just fine as a grocery-getter--
and enter it into the Baja 500.  After you tear it all to hell,
you expect the dealership to fix it under warranty.

Mozilla-compliant browsers work very well rendering HTML.
Again:  Rendering NON-HTML is NOT their job.

>>>they blame the browser, not the webmaster.
>>Stupid is as stupid does.  I don't want stupid people on the team.
>>On the contrary;
>>I want people on the team who can recognize stupidity
>>--and I want them to do the right thing when they see that stupidity:
>>bitch at the guilty party--or even better, at his boss.
>Straw man.
Nope.  Goes to the heart of the issue.

>I'm not saying put stupid people on the development team.
Nor am I.

>But the vast majority of your end users -- like it or not --
>are what you call "stupid people."
The job of Mozilla fanboys is NOT to advocate to break the browser
such that it will render any grade of crap;
it is to **educate** the ignorant as to the existance of that crap.

>This kind of arrogance
>is what got Apple consigned to a 10% niche of the market
Apple has exactly the market they want.
...and by some figures, Linux's share exceeds Apple's.
All of that is a red herring.  More on non-M$ environments below.

>while Microsoft got rich on the other 90%.
M$ got their wealth illicitly,_extend_and_extinguish+*-*-v-Microsoft-*-trial+and.the.Internet+Netscape+*-*-*-*-*-*-*-monopolize-a-*-category+text+*-not-*-*-*-*-*-*-part-of-the-standard+Java+*-*-competitors-that-do-not-*-*-support-the-*-extensions+*-*-Department-*-Justice+*-describe-Microsoft's-strategy
That topic is very much in keeping with this theme.
Unlike your Machiavellian advocacy,
that is NOT a model I want to emulate.

...and if proper application of STANDARDS had been executed
(anti-trust enforcement by
US Congressional commitees, US FTC, US DoJ, EU regulators),
M$ would be just another face in the crowd.

>>You sound like one of those from the
>>**We can't make them feel bad about themselves,
>>let's just lower the bar** generation,
>>or maybe you're even younger--one of those having the bar lowered.
>Insulting me won't solve your problem,
I call 'em like I see 'em.  If you see it as an insult, so be it.

>and it won't get you market share.
I'm not looking for market share at the expense of STANDARDS.
If you look at e.g. Norway and Brazil, you'll see the right approach.

>Pleasing customers is the only thing that will.
"The customer is always right" is crap.
Some customers are idiots.
Idiots especially aren't worth the effort. (See "Apple", above.)

>Insulting customers doesn't get you market share,
See "educate", above.
...and "There are none so blind as those who will not see."
This also applies to *your* insistance on supporting non-standards.

>and designing a product
>that intentionally fails one of their primary criteria won't either.
Regarding "their primary criteria":
See "idiots", above.  See also "educate".

Regarding "fails":
See "STANDARDS", above.  See also "rendering HTML"

>insulting me shows the bankruptcy of your argument.
Once someone ignores the core issue (STANDARDS),
the argument is over.  All that is left at that point is ad hominem.

>If you had a good argument, you wouldn't need to do that.
If you would quit evading the core issue,
I wouldn't need to do that.

>>Too bad you don't understand the job of an HTML rending engine.
>I actually understand the rendering engine's job
>better than you give me credit for.
Not if you keep insisting that everyone does things the M$ way
and ignores W3C.

>I understand how it works in the real world,
>not in the lab where all the tests are perfectly controlled.
Again: Th

Re: IE not working ! :-)

2009-09-16 Thread JeffM
>JeffM wrote:
>>Mozilla-compliant browsers work very well rendering HTML.
>>Again:  Rendering NON-HTML is NOT their job.
Mark Hansen wrote:
>Good grief.
>Why, then, do you think Gecko-based browsers are in the market?
Asked and answered.

>Many, many web sites do not have good HTML.
Specifically, those sites have code built for Internet Exploder.
If you want to access a page *built* for Internet Exploder,
just USE Internet Exploder.

>Perhaps the foundation should take the browsers off the market
>until all the site developers get their act together and start
>writing good HTML code?
>The fact is that if you want to be a browser in today's web,
>you need to be able to work in today's web.
aka "Bend over and take it".
aka "Just surrender to The Borg".

I choose to boycott garbage sites.
If you can't find the content elsewhere, register your complaint
--with those who have the power to change things.
Coming here and complaining isn't going to change anything
about their broken site.

I assure you that the browser developers
aren't interested in making the browser M$-compliant.
That would be stupid.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: IE not working ! :-)

2009-09-16 Thread JeffM
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
>Who on earth is talking about repairs???
You are.  You want Gecko browsers to repair broken sites.

The job of the browser is to render what exists
--not to make weird quesses abut what coulda/shouda/mighta.

>JeffM wrote:
>>The job of Mozilla fanboys is NOT to advocate to break the browser
>>such that it will render any grade of crap;
>>it is to **educate** the ignorant as to the existance of that crap.
>Who's advocating "breaking" it?
Besides un-breaking sites, would you also like it to dance a jig?
It's hard enough to make the damned thing render **HTML** faithfully.
Now you want it to make guess about junk code
**and** do it the same way as M$'s guesses.
Just clueless.

>Not me.

>I'm saying it should be able to handle whatever crap real-world
>webmasters throw at it. That's /toughening/ it, not sabotaging it.
Years ago, I gave a technical document to someone to type.
He was the only guy with a computer--because he was hogging it.
He was not in the mood to be a typist,
so he edited my document for brevity.

This is what you are expecting the browser to do,
to transform something
--rather than to do its job and render what exists.
The only appropriate alternative for handling broken code
would be to display the RAW code--and not try to render it.

>If measures of success are a red herring to you,
>I'm willing to bet you're not very successful.
If success means criminal activity, I'm not interested.
If success means NOT doing the job according to the specification,
I'm not interested.
Again, you seem to be of a generation
where cheats and shortcuts are the norm.
I have already called this Machiavellian.

>>Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
>>>while Microsoft got rich on the other 90%.
>>M$ got their wealth illicitly
>>That topic is very much in keeping with this theme.
>>Unlike your Machiavellian advocacy,
>>that is NOT a model I want to emulate.
>I'm not saying we should connive to take over the world.
It's obvious you would like this browser to to be the same as M$'s;
that is the ONLY way to achieve the goal you have set.
That means following M$'s lead.  Really dumb idea.

>[...]if most of the market is "idiots,"
>the problem is not with the market, it's with your attitude.
The solution for that market of idiots already exists.
It's called Internet Exploder.
The sites were built for that tool; just use that tool
--or boycott the broken site.

>>This also applies to *your* insistance on supporting non-standards.
>I'm not insisting on /supporting/ non-standards.
Again:  Un-breaking bad code is NOT the job of the browser.
You would like to break something that's not broken
in order to make something that IS broken look right.
That is just dumb--but why should I expect different from you;
you don't understand the problem.
You continue to think that THE BOWSER is the problem.

>I don't agree that the network needs to be homogeneous,
There we have it.  You don't understand Point #1about the Internet.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: IE not working ! :-)

2009-09-17 Thread JeffM
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
>In my work I need to monitor local deaths at this site:
Ah. Clerical staff. That explains a lot.

It's hard enough for a technical staff to implement
the specs that the customer's contract list.
When the marketing boys get their fingers into things
and start expanding the *want* list,
things get exponentially more difficult.

   The job of a browser:
Take the HTML code on an HTML page
and translate it into a corresponding display on the screen
(or do whatever is asked by that STANDARD code).

   What you want:
Besides rendering STANDARD code,
make provisions in the browser's codebase
for all 237 ways that a clumsy page builder can screw that up.
Now multiply that by the number of HTML instructions available.

Like I said: exponentially more difficult.
If you had ever done any technical development work,
you would see what a burden that puts on the browser developers
--and it is completely UNNECESSARY.

   A method to resolve this:
Have the browser developers incorporate
the HTML Validator extension into the core code.
When a crap site is encountered, a box pops up.
If the page has <20 errors, the box is small.
If the page has 20 < errors > 100, the box is larger.
If the page has >100 errors, the box covers the screen and says

There.  Problem solved.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: temporary directory?

2009-09-23 Thread JeffM
>Walter wrote:
>>When I attach a .pdf file to an e-mail I SOMETIMES get the following in
>>a box:
>>unable to open temporary file C:\Documents and Settingsetc
>>Check your "Temporary Directory" setting.
>>The attachment is in a folder because I just put it there and I can
>>access it with a double click.  Where ARE the Temporary Directory
>>settings and what do they need to be?
>>Running SeaMonkey 1.1.16
Your issue isn't a Mozilla issue.

Walter wrote:
>Windows XP, on Dell Inspiron 1100
That part is more significant.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Open Composer

2009-09-23 Thread JeffM
mozzi wrote:
>when I go to edit a HTML file,
>it opens the browser which is NOT what I want at all.
What *exactly* have you done to get to that point?
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Printer Problem Only With SeaMonkey 1.1.18

2009-09-27 Thread JeffM
mort wrote:
>[Massive trim of blockquoting]
Blockquoting 4-deep is TERRIBLE form.
Anything you are not referring to *directly*, you should trim.

>P.S. I tried changing my registered e-mail URL in this group.
>I hope that it now works.
Your username and your email address are on separate lines
because they are different things.
Just use some form of your name as your username
--not something with an @ in it.
Otherwise, it looks like crap in the archive of the group:
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: A question about Incoming Mail

2009-10-02 Thread JeffM
>DoctorBill wrote:
>>I am on several people's Joke Lists[...]
>>I strip out all the forwarded addresses everyone leaves in them
>>(nice source of E-Mail addresses for spammers).
You need to refer these ignorant/inconsiderate people to:

DoctorBill wrote:
>How can Outlook Express be used as an editor
>w/o using it to retrieve one's mail ?

You're a real glutton for punishment.
...and, of course, you're asking in the wrong group.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: way to permanently increase text size?

2009-10-12 Thread JeffM
Richard Owlett wrote:
>Years ago there was an active Mozilla newsgroup
>devoted to accessibility issues. Don't know if it still exists.

Still does.  Google even archives it.

If you discount Google's brokenness of late,
it's even searchable:
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Newbie asks

2009-10-30 Thread JeffM
Lou wrote:
>Advantages / Disadvantages to SM?
With all the apps under one roof in SeaMonkey,
the memory footprint is smaller than if you had
Firefox, Thunderbird, ChatZilla, and KompoZer[1]
all installed individually and open at once.

Decide for yourself if you like the UI better than the others.

Migration of profiles is still a bit rough with SM2.0.

>Any problems using SM and FF and TB?
Don't try to use the same profile 2 places at the same time
and you'll be OK.
[1] KompoZer is better than what is currently in the suite;
the developer of that fork
will be working with the SeaMonkey team for 2.1.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Another newbie Q

2009-11-03 Thread JeffM
Lou wrote:
>Does SM identify itself as FF
If the site developer is competent,
the browser SHOULDN'T have to do stupid things like that.

>or something safe to sites that check browsers?
The default feed from a site
should be a standards-compliant page.
The only browser that *should* need to be sniffed for
is the one with the LOUSY standards compliance.

Web developers who do otherwise are morons.
Unfortunately, it's the 99 percent of incompetent Web developers
who make the others look bad.
There is a tool in the suite to deal with this situation:
"Report Broken Websites".
support-seamonkey mailing list


2009-11-05 Thread JeffM
James wrote:
>Which means utterly nothing to me.  Once more, in English please? [ggg]

1) DON"T start a new thread each time you post.

2) DON'T use your Caps Lock key for Subject lines.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: file reading assignment?

2009-11-09 Thread JeffM
>William Morrison wrote:
>>"Open With"
>>"Use this Program to Open This File All of the Time"
Walter wrote:
>No luck there.
Vague statements don't help.
What is the name and extension of the file?
Did the file open?
Did it open but look like crap?
How did you determine the app to use to open it?

This is NOT a Mozilla problem
and should be handled in a group with MICROSOFT in its name.
Your Windoze Registry has been screwed up
--or you never installed an app to use this filetype.
Start there.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: https site problems persist

2009-11-12 Thread JeffM
Cedar wrote:
>Any suggestions as to another firewall to try with AVG?

...and what is this compussion people have to blockquote IN ENTIRETY
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: https site problems persist

2009-11-12 Thread JeffM
Cedar wrote:
>Any suggestions as to another firewall to try with AVG?

Micros~1's firewall is crap.
It doesn't filter OUTBOUND traffic
--ignoring the main reason to have a SOFTWARE firewall.

Get the **OLDEST** versaion of the ZA firewall.

...and what is this compulsion people have
to blockquote IN ENTIRETY *multiple* layers deep?
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: mental block with basic CDATA section?

2009-11-19 Thread JeffM
[1:05 pm re-post of a 12:25 pm post]
Barclay, Daniel wrote:
>[Excuse this if it's a duplicate.  Local evidence suggests that the
>first attempt to sending this didn't make it to the list.]

Bookmark this page.
Google Groups archives everything and has very low latency
--certainly less than 40 minutes.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: 2 problems

2009-11-29 Thread JeffM
scott wrote:
>[...]I see some eml thing and the wmv in the attachments [pane??]
>... but it is useless... his stuff is unforwardable

Both of those are M$'s proprietary crap.
Their whole purpose for existing IS TO BE INCOMPATIBLE.
Previous discussion on this:*-*-as.eml.file+ImportExportTools+*-a-text-representation-*-for-e-mailing+builds+tech+you-loose-*-binary-information+**-*
support-seamonkey mailing list


2009-11-29 Thread JeffM
ST wrote:
>Is anyone else having trouble viewing breitbart pages.

That site is a steaming pile.
It doesn't even pass the pre-test:
"...unable to validate this document
because on line 119 it contained
one or more bytes that I cannot interpret as utf-8"

When an Encoding type is manually assigned,
it reveals HUNDREDS of Webmaster-induced problems:
495 Errors

The problem isn't the browser.
The problem is the incompetent Web developer.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey 2.0 is JUNK .

2009-11-30 Thread JeffM
Ray_Net wrote:
>The problem is created by optimist guys
>putting the "Gold" status too early

The KDE team had a similar problem with KDE 4.0.
To get anyone to write apps for the updated codebase,
they had to remove the Beta status.
They, however, noted that 4.0 was a
*This will eat your children* release
(though Fedora ignored that and shipped it anyway.)

With 4.1, the KDE team again stated
*This will STILL eat your children*.

The problems stem from an inadequate numbering system;
the Linux kernel has a solution to this (odd/even).

Now that there has been enough feedback
to weed out the problems,
KDE 4.2 and KDE 4.3 are getting glowing reviews.

If more folks would use and give feedback on
the _pre-release_ versions of SeaMonkey,
perhaps the point-zero release wouldn't be so traumatic.
As it is, apparently eveyone waits till the formal release
then gets their knickers in a knot and can't wait to bitch.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: WISHLIST: A way to make my own blacklist of sites to exclude while doing Google searches?

2009-12-03 Thread JeffM
Devil's Advocate wrote:
>[...]I'd like to have a way of clicking on a site and blacklisting it
>Getting a big muscle bound company like Google to implement it
>may take forever[...]

...or perhaps they've had it for ages and you weren't aware of it.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Have to click 5 - 30 times to get to a web site

2009-12-11 Thread JeffM
Campy wrote:
>[...]I am talking sites such as Yahoo, Google, EBay, etc.
>[...]My wife's computer (XP, SeaMonkey 1.17) and mine
>are connected through a router to coble internet
>and she does not have this problem.
Make your DNS settings the same as hers?
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: off line view of web sites

2009-12-23 Thread JeffM
Danny Kile wrote:
>I use a program called Local Website Archive.

I find it fascinating that the website for a company in that business
doesn't pass muster:
5 Errors

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: off line view of web sites

2009-12-24 Thread JeffM
>Danny Kile wrote:
>>I checked,
M$'s stock in trade is BREAKING the standards of others.
This should come as no surprize to you.
...or are you an M$ fanboi?

>>and thet all had hundreds of errors.
Yes, this bears out my point
that many incompetent people are slopping together sites
--and other ignorant people are paying them for that drek.
My *specific* point was that
a company that is producing a Web-specific product
should know wrong from right in this arena.

>>All their site seem to work just fine,
For today.  Using THAT browser.*-screwed-these-*-up+*-*-broken-links-everywhere+Large-sections-*-*-disappeared+mutual+mutual+*-didn't-support-*-proprietary-*-*-*-*-*+only-includes-Netscape-*+mutual+table-layout-images-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*+it.did.not+*-*-*-*-incorrect-content-type-header#comment-60184

>>so much for validator.
Ah.  Ignorance abounds.
So do low standards among the ignorant.

Mark Hansen wrote:
>If it's not correct, it's not correct. There are no two way about this.

You beat me to it.  I was going to say it as:
It's the difference between right and wrong.

As stated, people in that line of business
should be aware of the proper form for a Web page,
as that impacts the way their product works.
My link goes into the effects of standards
and the persistance of the apparent quality of a page.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Is there a way to change hot keys in SM2?

2009-12-28 Thread JeffM
Ant wrote:
>Is there a way to change/disable these keys?

Edit the source code and recompile it.
(Isn't Open Source Software great?)
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.1, Ubuntu fonts

2010-01-03 Thread JeffM
Christian Mondrup wrote:
>This file is in fact a zip file containing 3 truetype fonts.
>I've stored these fonts in the
> ~/.fonts and /user/share/fonts/truetype directories
>of my Ubuntu 9.10 workstation
>When I point the Konqueror browser to
>I do see the referenced phonetic characters;
>but the display of these fonts fails with SM and firefox.
>I've done some Google searches
>on how to manage fonts for SM under Ubuntu
>but didn't find any useful clues.
Did you use a phrase search with wildcards?*-*-space+*-*.*-*.*-sign-in-front-of-it+are.similar+Stemming+minus.sign+*-*-*-*-is-essential+*-meaning-*-*-*-avoid+Numrange+uppercase.or+tilde+*-specific-website+Cached+variants

I got it as my #1 hit
(string slightly refined from my initial try):*-use-TrueType-fonts

Clicking the *Cached* link (and tweaking that a bit):*-use-TrueType-fonts&strip=1
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Is SM a dying product?

2010-01-09 Thread JeffM
Devils_Advocate wrote:
>I keep getting blank pages at various sites when using Seamonkey,
>then I have to open Internet Explorer or Firefox and try it again.
I note that you didn't give an example URL.
There are a lot of bozos who are putting up "Web pages"
but who have NO IDEA what they are doing.

The next time you encounter this situation, go to this page:
Feed in the URL of the page with problems.

You should see something like this

and not like this
3134 Errors

At that point, you will know where to place the blame.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Is SM a dying product?

2010-01-10 Thread JeffM
>>Phillip Jones wrote:
>>>[...]sites[...]that use[ActiveX].
Site owners who insist on using junk that only *some* folks have
is another case of stupidity that surfers have to deal with.

Webmaster who don't know how to sniff for browsers properly
has also been mentioned.

Folks who go to stupid people's sites,
have to get to be smarter than those stupid people.

>Devils_Advocate wrote:
>>>I've run into a Bunch [of sites] that don't show up right
>>>because they are not written correctly.
Martin's link in news:hice6n$
is the starting point.
Most stupid webmasters don't even realize how stupid they are.

>>Where does that leave me though?
Reading the FAQ / Release Notes
for something you use is a good practice:*-*-a-new-profile+Troubleshooting+via+via+Safe.Mode#troubleshooting

The other part of Martin's post adds a useful detail to that.

>>Sure you may be technically right,
>>but how can I use a browser that gives me so many blank pages?
Start by making sure it's not YOU whose preferences bork things.

NoOp has given a solution
that has been echoed and confirmed multiple times in this thread.

Again, a *smart* webmaster / site builder
would give you AN ERROR MESSAGE stating what is needed.

:Is SM a dying product?
No, but the number of folks who understand
HOW MANY ways a webmaster can screw up a web site
has always been a tiny proportion of users.

...and if a site owner has built a site
in a way that it will ONLY work with ONE browser
and he ISN'T listening to complaints to his email,
the obvious solution is to surrender to his stupidity
and use the browser he prefers.
Welcome to 1997.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Image permissions

2010-01-11 Thread JeffM
Phillip Jones wrote:
>(I find it funny that the Bugzilla page shows 291 warnings
>using the HTML Validator extension)
>I'm finding so far the only two pages that appear to be correct is
>Mozilla's Home Page and my website.
There are plenty of non-bozos out there:
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: invoke composer

2010-01-13 Thread JeffM
>Rick Merrill schrieb:
>>Is there a fix to the registry
>>to make .HTM or .HTML files "edit" with Composer?
Martin Freitag wrote:
>Why registry already?
>Have you tried editing FolderOptions => FileTypes already?
>There you can edit the "Open" and "Edit" commands etc.
Under Windoze,
where is it that you think those settings are stored?
...regardless of *how* they are changed.
support-seamonkey mailing list


2010-01-19 Thread JeffM
>JD wrote:
>>You can report their error to them or change a setting in SM.
William Greenwood wrote:
>Change what setting in SM?

The most commonly asked question in this group:
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 1.1.18 on Puppy Linux, Facebook problem

2010-02-08 Thread JeffM
leigh wrote:
>My post yesterday was very clumsy.
Netiquette 101:
When posting additional details about your issue
post to the SAME thread you started initially.
DON"T start a *new* thread.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Don't start a NEW thread on the SAME issue

2010-02-08 Thread JeffM
leigh wrote:

Topic rerouted by OP to:
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Very stable and well-rounded program

2010-02-10 Thread JeffM
James Greenidge wrote:
>[...]Any cosmetic issues I might have
>pales to my concern that Tiger support continues[...]

For those who are saying "Huh?":
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: New SeaMonkey 2.0.2 won't run

2010-02-11 Thread JeffM
Norm Cohler wrote:
>I just tried twice on 2 different PCs, both running Windows 98SE,
>to install SeaMonkey 2.0.2
This runs on Win98-era machines and will run modern software:
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Can SeaMonkey's Identity be changed to Firefox or IE?

2010-02-12 Thread JeffM
>>James Greenidge wrote:
>>>Some sites require IE or Firefox 2.0+ to log on or do forms.
Well, "require" is the wrong word
--loaded with the developer's ignorant prejudice.

David E. Ross wrote:
>For an explanation of what is happening, see "Sniffing" at my
>In the meantime, inform the owners of the affected sites
>that they are sniffing incorrectly.
...and when referring to the Webmaster
try to avoid using the term "an ignorant screwup"
(though that certainly applies).
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: newest version

2010-02-18 Thread JeffM
DonWB wrote:
>Has the newest version of SeaMonkey dealt with the problem
>of some websites not being compatible with 1.1.18,
>[...]Bing Maps is[...]asking me if I'm sure
>I want to use my browser on their site, and when I go ahead
>the page doesn't come up the same as it does with Firefox.
The funny part here is that
you actually expect Micros~1 to know what they are doing.
I'm curious to know what is is about Bung[sic]
that makes it valuable to you (besides M$-slanted results).

Have you done the standard bad-website troubleshooting?*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-unwanted-content+Error.loading.some.websites+spoofer#Error_loading_some_websites

Way down on the list is **compensate for a webmaster
who doesn't know WTF he is doing WRT "sniffing"**.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: newest version

2010-02-18 Thread JeffM
Arne wrote:
>Bing Map[...]
>There is worse examples of sites that do browser sniffing.
There is *no* need to sniff for *standards-compliant* browsers;
(Of couse, this would break M$'s foul business model.)

The ONLY need to sniff is for NON-compliant browsers.
(Guess who builds those.)

The only need to serve up "special" pages
is because junky browsers won't render compliant pages right.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: newest version

2010-02-18 Thread JeffM
>>Arne wrote:
>>>Bing Map[...]
>>>There is worse examples of sites that do browser sniffing.
>JeffM wrote:
>>There is *no* need to sniff for *standards-compliant* browsers;
Arne wrote:
>Agree, was my post in any way defending any browser sniffing?
You're too easy on developers who don't know WFT they're doing.
The *DEFAULT* should be **serve up a compliant page**.

Stupid M$ even treats the W3C Validator like it has 3 heads:
(Look at the "Address:" bar on that page.)

>All I said, was that there is those sites who sniff
>but at least they give the user an option to enter any way,
>other simply throw you out!
So, instead of being rock-head stupid,
they're just bonehead stupid.

If you want to sniff, then sniff for the **broken** browsers
(y'know, the ones Micros~1 builds)
and only treat **those** as "special" (as in "retarted").

BTW, you bunch of dim bulbs who can't seem to get it right
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: newest version

2010-02-19 Thread JeffM
BJ wrote:
>[...]IE will display the page,
>but if the code is not written in "IE standards["]
...and you have to specify **which** "IE standards".
Each *version* of IE renders the same code differently.
IE is a complete botch.
Even the latest IE only gets 20 percent on Acid3
while other browsers achieved in excess of 90--some hit 100.

>Until the market share shifts SUBSTANTIALLY toward FF/SM,
Some (techie) sites are seeing parity with IE (cumulatively)
and Firefox (Gecko, cumulatively, according to their methods).

>developers will be faced with the reality that,
>even though they write W3C compliant code,
>it may not be displayed "properly" via IE.
Pros know that after they have built a compliant page
that looks fine in all other browsers
they have to do specific tests on their pages
to see how they look in IE6/7/8.

*Smart* pros give a price for a compliant site
and a separate price beyond that to make it look right in IE
(actually, a separate price for *each version* of IE).

The old hands have lots of tricks up their sleeves
gathered over years of kludging things up for IE
and they don't give those away for free.

>And even then
>(i.e. if the market share shifts substantially to FF/SM),
>I'm not so sure MS will surrender to W3C compliance.
...and water is wet.  M$, however, doesn't have a choice.
The slower they are to become compliant,
the faster they will lose market share.

After the fiasco, government agencies in
France, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand
advised their residents to stop using *all* versions of IE.
U.S. CERT advised that back in 2004.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: newest version

2010-02-19 Thread JeffM
Phillip Jones wrote:
>Page designers that design pages for w3c [compliance]
>should add a notation.
>/This website was written to World Wide Web Consortium Standards
>and should show properly on the vast Major of Web browsers
There's even a tag for that.
Put this in an HTML file and view that with IE, then Gecko:

>/If not please contact the creator of the browser that does not,
>and please tell them you will discontinue use of
>[their] product until [it] meets specifications/.
...or simply:
This site best viewed with a standards-compliant browser.
When combined with the tag shown above
and using large red text, it grabs the attention.
Using the flash tag would put the icing on the cake.

>The funny thing about w3c is MS is one of the Signatories of W3C
It's easier to do damage when you're one of the Fifth Column
than when you're an overtly declared enemy:,_extend_and_extinguish
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: newest version

2010-02-19 Thread JeffM
>JeffM wrote:
>>IE is a complete botch.
BJ wrote:
>that doesn't stop a lot of noobs from using it
If people were charged for each infection they spread,
the n00bs would fall out of love with IE really fast.
The popularity of M$ would look like it fell off a cliff.

>I think the EU has the best approach.
Well, it's *an* approach--one really slow in coming.
M$ can't produce technology that's worth a damn
but they really know how to play the political/legal game.

Google has had a better approach out for several months.
It allows IE users who are too pitiful to learn a new interface
to keep the one they're used to.
Under the old skin, it rips out M$'s crappy rendering engine
and replaces it with WebKit:
It works for *any* version of Internet Exploder.

>I think we're in basic agreement,
>but you apparently are a strong M$ basher
Does it seem that way?  8-)
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: newest version

2010-02-19 Thread JeffM
Philip Chee wrote:
>Lots of people in the SEO forums complain that
>it takes up to several months before Bing notices
>a new high traffic website they put up
"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck
is probably the day they start making vacuum cleaners."
 --Ernst Jan Plugge

>whereas Google finds new sites in a matter of hours.
In the last few weeks I have noticed a step function
in the discover time for new pages.  I am VERY impressed.
It also used to take 24 hours after discovery
for Google to provide a cache of the page;
now caches appear to be immediate
--unless it's <24 hours from the publishing time of the page.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Turn Composer into a full-fledged word processor?

2010-02-25 Thread JeffM
>>James Greenidge wrote:
>>>Is it possible via special plug-ins
>>>to turn Composer into a full-fledged word processor?
Just use your browser:

Rick Merrill wrote:
>lots of people use MS Word to compose web pages
>since it can output html code[...]
Run some of that "HTML" thru the W3C Validator.
It is the most crapped-up junk you will ever see
trying to pass itself off as valid HTML markup.
**NEVER** use M$ tools to create Web pages.

>If your document is going to "live" as a web page,
>your word processor should produce it.
If you are going to put something on a Port 80 location,
make it **REAL** HTML.

If you have other stuff to upload, do that via Port 21 (FTP).

>I think the OP's question makes a lot of sense,
I don't think you could be more wrong.

>I see the OP's question as correctly portending
>the merger of word processing and web page composition
>until there is no longer a distinction.
Your business address is in Redmond, Washington isn't it?
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Turn Composer into a full-fledged word processor?

2010-02-25 Thread JeffM
Ray_Net wrote:
>Is OpenOffice able to save a "word" page into an html file(s) ?
OOo isn't even able to save an HTML page as HTML.
Try this:
Take a page that passes the W3C Validator,
open it with OOo, and do a Save on it.
Now run *that* thru the Validator.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Turn Composer into a full-fledged word processor?

2010-02-26 Thread JeffM
>JeffM wrote:
>>If you are going to put something on a Port 80 location,
>>make it **REAL** HTML.
Rick Merrill wrote:
>Have you ever tried to get google/yahoo/cnn html code to "validate"?!
I have said here MANY times that
there is a great number of people trying to pass themselves off
as qualified Web developers who have no clue what they are doing.
Large corporations do not have immunity from the scourge.

>There is no agreement on the meaning of "real".
Of course there is.
Just because Ebonics was pushed as legit by misguided people
doesn't mean there isn't a standard for spoken and written English.

W3C==WorldWide Web Consortium.
*Those* are the folks who maintain the Web standards
and who get to say what is proper Web coding
and what is a steaming pile of broken code.
Their tools are readily available and they are free.
You can even select what levels of the standards you use.
There is no excuse for publishing crap code.
The reasons you encounter it are sloth and ignorance.

In some diciplines, standards are enforced
(think: National Electrical Code).  In others, charlatans abound.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Printing Problems with 1.1.18

2010-03-02 Thread JeffM
Tom Pamin wrote:
>I'm having a lot of problems using 1.1.18 to print web pages.
>I'm only getting parts of pages,
>and it sometimes leaves off whole pages.
Running Lightning?

Tried a print-to-PDF operation yet?
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: 50 Tests for Seamonkey css3 implementation

2010-03-03 Thread JeffM
Bill Davidsen wrote:
What a crap link.
A page with 4 instances of unnecessary JavaScript
and not even the actual link to the page
but a shortened link.

Here's the actual link:
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: 50 Tests for Seamonkey css3 implementation

2010-03-03 Thread JeffM
>JeffM wrote:
>>What a crap link[...]not even the actual link to the page
Bill Davidsen wrote:
>Would you have neglected to credit
>the person who brought it to your attention?
Wouldn't have bothered me a bit.
There's gratitude and then there's nonsense.
If someone else had linked you to that guy
would you have added yet another useless page to the path
for everyone to traverse?
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Recommend Best Batch Odt To Doc Converter

2010-03-04 Thread JeffM
James Greenidge wrote:
>I've come across several batch odt to doc converter macros
This is NOT a word processor group.
If you want to continue to discuss that topic,
find a group about that topic.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Delays in loading pages

2010-03-06 Thread JeffM
FDVS wrote:
>I find I am waiting for many webpages to load...for 5 seconds plus
>How about disabling some of the ads that load with each page?
The main reason people are still using Gecko browsers
(instead of switching to Google Chrome,
which is faster and is a multi-process app[1])
is the Gecko **extension** infrastructure.
The first thing most folks do after installing a Gecko browser
is install AdBlock Plus and NoScript.

Privoxy has also been mentioned.
I'll add one more notion:
[1] ...but Chrome DOESN'T allow you to *block* anything.
(Google is an **advertising** company.)
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Creating HTML email messages

2010-03-20 Thread JeffM
John Klein wrote:
>I need a way to create several HTML email messages
>for transmission by 3rd party email list owners.

First, tell them that is the stupid way to do things.
Email is a plain text medium.
HTML is for Web pages.
1) Create the HTML page.
2) Upload the page to a server.
3) Email only the link to the Web page.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Creating HTML email messages

2010-03-21 Thread JeffM
Paul wrote:
>I NEVER use html in email though and consider it a security risk.
So far we've covered incompatibility / rendering problems
and embedded exploits.*-outweigh-*-benefits+*-*-*-*-are-not-web-pages+*-*-think-*-message-will-render-*-*-*-*-*-*+*-spamminess-ranking+compatibility.problems+*-*-*-*-security-issues-*-*-*+*-*-doubles-*-size-*-*-*-*+*-increasing-*-*-*-crashes-and-compatibility-problems+wasting-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*+choosing-*-font-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*+*-violation-*-privacy+_in_-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*+*-recommend-*-*-disable-*-*-globally#problem

Strike 3 is the privacy issue:

>Html messages that I get are deleted without viewing.
That's the logical thing to do.  The problem is
in the meantime the idiots clog up your inbox with their crap.
For some folks with tiny inbox limits
this becomes a serious problem.

There are also folks who have limited bandwidth.
Some even have pay-by-the-byte bandwidth.

HTML email is something sent by selfish/ignorant pricks.
At the very least, get overt permission to send somene this crap.
Same deal for attachments.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Creating HTML email messages

2010-03-22 Thread JeffM
>MCBastos wrote:
>>Bold or italics to make meaning clear,
As Ross mentions in his page,
too often people think tricks are a substitue for clearly-written

>>links with the URL and display text separate for clarity.
People who still click links in email deserve what they get.

Bill Davidsen wrote:
>people can diddle the display width
>before printing the message, too.
If you want something to print properly every time,
HTML is *not* the proper format to use.
Portable Document Format (PDF) gives a 100% solution here
--no diddling necessary.

>there are clear benefits to HTML
Not in email.  Way too many variables.

If what you want is that
everyone sees your stuff with the *same* layout,
make the last step in your creation process **Save as PDF**.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Creating HTML email messages

2010-03-23 Thread JeffM
>JeffM wrote:
>>People who still click links in email deserve what they get.
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
>Not so fast. Not all links are bad,
>and there are good practices that help you avoid that.
> not clicking on the links.
If you are going to follow a link in email,
cut it and paste it into your browser.
With URLs now allowed to use e.g. Cyrillic,
things are *not always* what they appear
--even when you hover over links and they look legit,
these days, maybe not.

>For example, if a colleague at ABC Corp,
>whom you already know and trust,
...and whose address book got hijacked yesterday.

>A similar argument can be made for attachments.
The big problem with attachments is that in order to encode them
(so they can be sent via a medium meant for plain text)
they take more bandwidth and storage space than they would
if you used an APPROPRIATE protocol to offer those.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Anybody gotten Nuke Anything Enhanced to work with SeaMonkey 1.x?

2010-03-26 Thread JeffM
First, the name nuke_anything_enhanced-1.0.2-fx+sm.xpi
is a lie--at least, in part.
I get an "Install script not found" error with SM1.

I unzipped it
and edited **install.rdf** so that minVersion is 1.1.
(The page
says it works with Firefox 2.0 (Gecko 1.8) or later;
the copy of the file available from the page
is identical and doesn't make any adjustments
for the SeaMonkey numbering system
while claiming to support SeaMonkey 1.1 or later.)

I zipped it back up and still get the error.
Anybody tried this?
Anybody see something I'm missing?

...or did my app just screw things up zipping the file?
support-seamonkey mailing list

SOLVED -- Anybody gotten Nuke Anything Enhanced to work with SeaMonkey 1.x?

2010-03-27 Thread JeffM
Mark Hansen wrote:
>JeffM wrote:
>>First, the name nuke_anything_enhanced-1.0.2-fx+sm.xpi
>>is a lie--at least, in part.
>>I get an "Install script not found" error with SM1.
>>I unzipped it
>>and edited **install.rdf** so that minVersion is 1.1.
>>(The page
>>says it works with Firefox 2.0 (Gecko 1.8) or later;
>>the copy of the file available from the
>> page
>>is identical and doesn't make any adjustments
>>for the SeaMonkey numbering system
>>while claiming to support SeaMonkey 1.1 or later.)
>>I zipped it back up and still get the error.
>>Anybody tried this?
>>Anybody see something I'm missing?
>>...or did my app just screw things up zipping the file?
>I could be wrong, but I thought that error was because the
>installer expects the Firefox installation tools, which
>Seamonkey 1.X doesn't have. I don't believe it's as simple
>as fixing a version in the installation files.
Searching the archives,
it appears at least one someone got it going.

After a little more work via Google,
I am thoroughly ashamed at my short memory and stupidity.
"Install Nuke Anything Enhanced for Seamonkey"

Thanks for the prod in the right direction.
support-seamonkey mailing list


2010-03-28 Thread JeffM
question wrote:
>Anyone figure how to Stop's Pop unders?
Tried your HOSTS file yet?
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Testing security of SM 1.x and 2.x

2010-03-31 Thread JeffM
Bernard Mercier wrote:
>I have  discussion in the puppy linux forum about SM security.
You use *Puppy* and you're worried about *security*??*-*-not-meant-*-*-*-*-*-*-*.*-*-*+inc+Unix.permissions+running-*-*-root-*+Single.User-Mode+*-*-*-destroy-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-.*.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*.*-*-*-.*-*.*-*.*-*-*-*.*-*-*-*-*+sudo+writable-*+inc+turkey+*.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-separate-*-accounts.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*+inc+*-*-*-*-*-touted-*-*-*-*-*-*-*+*-root-*-account+*-shares-*-*-*-*-Win95+*-*-*-*-*.*-*-*-*-convinced-*-*-*+inc+*-*-*-*-puzzling+Grafpup.a-*-*-*+*-Barnum-*-*&strip=1

At least say you're using the multi-user puplet.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Message: Your browser is not supported at this time.

2010-03-31 Thread JeffM
Phillip Jones wrote:
>doesn't 2.03 use gecko 1.1.8
>and 2.0.4 use 1.1.9 (the same as in the latest FireFox.
Close, but no cigar.
You've either got too few or too many dots and ones in there.
SeaMonkey 1.x -- Gecko 1.8
SeaMonkey 2.0.3 -- Gecko 1.9 (aka
SeaMonkey 2.0.4 -- Gecko 1.9 (aka
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Message: Your browser is not supported at this time.

2010-03-31 Thread JeffM
David E. Ross wrote:
>This is clearly a case of invalid sniffing.
Another case of unqualified people building Web sites.

It's obvious they are building the site for Internet Exploder
and sniffing for other browsers--when what they SHOULD be doing
is building a standards-compliant site
and sniffing ONLY for the least-compliant browsers (M$'s junk).
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: UPLOADING websites

2010-04-01 Thread JeffM
Philip Chee wrote:
>Kaze is currently busy backporting KompoZer
>to comm-central/seamonkey trunk.
>KompoZer uses FireFTP for normal FTP uploads
>and a compiled binary for SFTP uploads.
>Perhaps we'll see what happens
>when Kaze completes his backport.
A good guy to have working with the team.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Testing security of SM 1.x and 2.x

2010-04-02 Thread JeffM
Paul wrote:
>I also don't see why every one is so worried about viruses, zombies, etc.
When you use an OS that has you always running as root
(e.g. the standard version of Puppy),
drive-by infections and the ability of any user to bork the OS
are constant worries.

The logical solution is to get an OS that has proper user levels.
There has been a Puplet with this feature since November 2009.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Exporting mail into outlook (PST)

2010-04-08 Thread JeffM
Yalmez Yazaw wrote:
>How do I export my emails into a format that I can use in outlook?
Start by jabbing an icepick into your eye.
(This will be least-painful part of the process.)
support-seamonkey mailing list

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