[tw5] Re: Referencing ~35000 tiddlers - Custom development?

2021-05-06 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Might be worth pointing out that you could also write:

<$macrocall $name=myreference parameter="Chapt01_Sect02_Subsect23"/>

...and that macros can contain arbitrary whitespace between parameters, and 
use different types of quotes:


As long as you're consistent with how you call the macro in your wikitext, 
your method can work fine, but you should be aware that just because you 
have a correctly displayed macro doesn't mean your search method will find 

On Thursday, May 6, 2021 at 2:33:52 PM UTC-5 Cs Molnar wrote:

> As I was thinking my requirements the other day, I realized that I 
> basically need a referencing/searching functionality in TW, which is 
> independent from (works alongside of) the existing referencing/searching 
> functionality for tiddlers. After I had realized this, I came up with a 
> simple solution.
> I created a macro with a syntax like < "Chapt01_Sect02_Subsect23">>. This generates a link to the online version 
> of the book, to the referenced Subsection. If I want to find out in which 
> tiddlers I referenced this Subsection, I simply search for "< "Chapt01_Sect02_Subsect23". This is possible because (as I recently 
> realized), one can search for the invocation of a macro by searching for 
> the text „<>”.
> This solution seems to fit my requirements and it does not require the 
> creating of thousands of empty tiddlers just to enable the referencing of 
> Subsections. It is also easy to add another macro with a different name if 
> I need to reference sections of another huge book I will read.
> Again, thanks for all your kind suggestions and reactions.   
> Mark S. a következőt írta (2021. április 29., csütörtök, 21:12:32 UTC+2):
>> I thought the reference tiddlers had content -- external links to file 
>> system documents ??
>> On Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 11:48:48 AM UTC-7 Cs Molnar wrote:
>>> Thanks for all your suggestions! By „pollution” I meant that, according 
>>> to my understanding, it would be a bad idea to create 35000 „useless” 
>>> tiddlers, which do not have content but only used as references. It would 
>>> make my wiki slow. TW is optimized for the case that tiddlers store content 
>>> and not references. Every time TW or a plugin would run its Javascript 
>>> code, it would have to chew itself through these useless tiddlers, and it 
>>> would happen at almost every content refresh. Also, because I use git to 
>>> version control my .tid files on Node, this would put unnecessary burden on 
>>> my git repository, as well.
>>> That's why I looked for other ways. Not to mention what happens if I 
>>> read 2 other similarly sized books. That would require over 100 000 
>>> tiddlers. It just seems like a really bad idea to me.   
>>> Mark S. a következőt írta (2021. április 27., kedd, 20:52:33 UTC+2):
 I've made a Bible (twice, I think, but I've misplaced one. Possibly on 
 the car roof top). A 6000 entry nutrition database. A 63,000 entry 

 You'll have to explain what you mean exactly by "pollution".

 For your situation, using node.js, there is, as they say "One weird 
 trick." You can create all your reference tiddlers and put them in a 
 plugin. This just means putting them physically in a folder under 
 and including a plugins.info file. Now your references will be 
 essentially invisible until you want to link to them.

 On Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 6:42:12 AM UTC-7 Cs Molnar wrote:

> There is something I want to achieve with TiddlyWiki but I don't know 
> how, so I hope one of you can help me.
> My problem, in a generalized way, is the following: I want to take 
> reading notes from a book in tiddlers. The book has chapters (about 60), 
> every chapter has on average 20 sections, and every section has on 
> average 
> 30 subsections. This makes around a total of 35000 subsections.
> In my tiddlers I will refer to specific subsections. Later I want to 
> be able to list all tiddlers which refer to a certain subsection. Also, I 
> want my references to be links to the content of the subsection on the 
> internet. (The book's subsections cannot be included into my TW, but they 
> are available on the internet.)
> Of course, the easiest solution would be to create one tiddler for 
> every subsection and insert links like [[Chapter4_Section6_Subsection23]] 
> into my notes. This way I could find every reference to a subsection. But 
> this would mean creating 35000 tiddlers (equivalent to 35000 files in my 
> TW 
> on Node.js) to cover all subsections. Even if I didn't create them, I 
> would 
> have 35000 missing tiddlers. This approach would heavily pollute the list 
> of my tiddlers. Every time I would use the $list widget, the 35000 
> existing 
> or missing tiddlers would come up.
> I hope someone 

[tw5] Re: Digital gardening Tools

2021-05-09 Thread Soren Bjornstad
On Friday, May 7, 2021 at 12:31:00 PM UTC-5 Odin wrote:

> It also appears a lot of the public gardens on the list aren´t maintained. 
> Which is ironic considering the name. A garden requires continuous 
> maintenance to be successful and to produce. Maybe the initial craze about 
> Zettelkasten didn´t live up to the hype for some people? 

I wouldn't read too much in to this. Habits are hard. >90% of people who 
start something like this won't keep doing it because they have other stuff 
going on in their lives. I'd bet the continuation ratio is similar for 
daily journaling or blogs or playing music or fitness programs.

I have thought about making my notes public, but by self-hosting, you have 
> to drive traffic to your site.

Eh. I haven't tried to drive traffic to my Zettelkasten, and I still get a 
few hundred visitors a month. Granted, I have a minor presence on the web 
and am able to link it in other places people might stumble upon it. But I 
think people underestimate how much traffic can just *show up* if you 
publish something worthwhile and share it when it makes sense. A few 
hundred visitors a month isn't a lot by web standards of course, but it's 
quite enough to make publishing worthwhile.

> I haven't really seen public gardens that facilitated conversations like 
> how social media can facilitate. But this may also be invisible if it 
> happens via private emails ofcourse. I also have the disadvantage that my 
> native language isn't English.

I haven't dived into this, but Webmention 
 is trying to enable links across 
digital gardens and blogs, which isn't quite the same thing but is pretty 

> How many in this group are still using the Zettelkasten/digital gardening 
> method? For those who publish publically, has published your notes 
> digitally produced value for you so far?

I think it probably takes more than a year to really start seeing all the 
long-term consequences, but I know mine has at the least gotten people 
interested in my other work, and I've gotten a few interesting emails 
pointing me to new research topics. I'd guess I'm also more motivated to 
write and to make the content good when I know it can/will be public.


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Re: [tw5] Is blockchain still not for TW?

2021-05-09 Thread Soren Bjornstad
One blockchain-related thing I do with my TiddlyWiki is stamp the Git repo 
containing the wiki with OpenTimestamps . It 
piggybacks on PGP signing, adding a timestamp on top of the signature. 
Whenever a commit is made, it calculates hashes for all the blobs in the 
commit and (through a Merkle tree calculated by an OpenTimestamps server, 
to reduce the number of blockchain transactions required to a manageable 
level) submits proof of that hash to the Bitcoin blockchain within a couple 
of hours. (Bitcoin only right now, but the protocol is flexible enough to 
support other options.)

This can prove that a particular version of the wiki existed as of a 
specific time in the Git logs. So if I ever had a plagiarism or copyright 
dispute, or ended up in court in a situation where some of my notes were 
relevant, I would be able to prove that I had the notes no later than a 
specific date.

$ git log --show-signature
commit d9aead06217e377ef3e45da3a430566aec2f2d5b 
ots: Got 3 attestation(s) from cache 
ots: Success! Bitcoin block 679274 attests existence as of 2021-04-14 CDT 
ots: Good timestamp 
gpg: Signature made Wed 14 Apr 2021 10:01:08 PM CDT 
gpg:using RSA key 0AFBDCFD915DD0AE5B0FF14D3DE2F7C1129828AC 
gpg: Good signature from "Soren I. Bjornstad (Zettelkasten Signing) 

There's also a *ots git-extract* command that can extract the signature for 
just a particular file (tiddler) at a particular commit – that way you 
don't have to share your whole Git repository with someone who wants to 

I've never had to use this, but it's free, not hard to set up, and could 
come in handy someday. It is definitely something that cannot be done 
without either blockchain or a central authority that all parties trust, 
including parties you may not know about yet.

On Sunday, May 9, 2021 at 4:26:17 AM UTC-5 Mat wrote:

> @inmysocks
> That's a very sober approach - but/and which I don't think anyone has 
> contradicted. My question is; *could *blockchain somehow be of value for 
> TW? I would not be surprised if it could, especially for aspects that we 
> currently disregard or dismiss for TW. After all, TW is very generic so one 
> way of looking at the question is if there are non-TW use cases that where 
> blockchain is advantagous or even critical, and only *then* ask if TW 
> could be incorporated and bring value in that context.
> Interestingly, you question the value of blockchain tech per se and 
> identify a single use case (NFT's for collectable toys). I didn't intend 
> for this thread to go there but I guess it's run its course so:
> I can see many use cases where blockchains make sense: One general area is 
> "traceability". For example a *car blockchain* that tracks ownership of 
> cars, their mileage, repairs etc. Or a housing registry. Makes a lot of 
> sense to me. I can also see how central banks / nations would want full 
> control over their money flows. Here's 
> a use general case for "logistics" 
> and explanation for why blockchain tech supposedly is perfect for it. If 
> nothing else, the article should make it clear (at least to me) that it can 
> be difficult to see the use of blockchain if one doesn't actually know of 
> the needs for the particular business. Other than traceability, blockchains 
> also bring the smart contract aspect that cuts out middle men for 
> transactions. A pretty big deal and potentially an enormous money saver. 
> And, if nothing else, at least the potential for decentralized control of 
> things should resonate with TW folks.
> Disclaimer: I know very little about blockchain tech but it is becoming a 
> mature technology and there's billions USD poured into it... so there has 
> to be *something *to it, I figure...
> <:-)

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[tw5] Re: What is #TiddlyWiki?

2021-05-07 Thread Soren Bjornstad
>From the front page of *Grok TiddlyWiki:*

TiddlyWiki  is a human-shaped tool for organizing 
information and taking notes. It stores and relates information in a 
non-linear but structured way, just like your brain, and it doesn't forget 

On Friday, May 7, 2021 at 7:05:10 AM UTC-5 TiddlyTweeter wrote:

> #TiddlyWiki  is SO feature 
> rich it is almost impossible to describe it. 
>  "Wiki" in particular kinda obscures it is really a VERY sophisticated 
> JavaScript application to dynamically, in real time, change HTML, CSS and 
> content of the web page it IS.
> *How would you describe it?*

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[tw5] Re: First edition of Grok TiddlyWiki (TW textbook) is live

2021-05-17 Thread Soren Bjornstad
David, I do not at the moment, but if Stripe does not work for you for 
whatever reason, shoot me an email and we can arrange a PayPal transaction.

On Monday, May 17, 2021 at 5:08:52 PM UTC-5 David Gifford wrote:

> Curious if you have a Paypal option instead of Stripe. 
> On Monday, May 17, 2021 at 4:19:08 AM UTC-5 Jon wrote:
>> Fabulous work which I'm sure I'll learn a lot from.
>> Thanks!
>> Jon
>> On Sunday, 16 May 2021 at 15:43:44 UTC+1 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>>> I'm excited to announce that the first public edition of my TiddlyWiki 
>>> textbook, *Grok TiddlyWiki*, is live at https://groktiddlywiki.com/read
>>> . *Grok TiddlyWiki* is (from the book) “a textbook that helps you build 
>>> a deep, lasting understanding of and proficiency with TiddlyWiki through a 
>>> combination of detailed explanations, practical exercises, 
>>> and spaced-repetition reviews of prompts called *takeaways*.”
>>> I am hoping this book will fill in many of the gaps in TiddlyWiki's 
>>> documentation / learning ecosystem – right now we have lots of beginner 
>>> tutorials, and mostly good documentation for experts (with a few gaps), but 
>>> almost nothing for people in between. GTW is what I wished I had when I was 
>>> in that position: complete lessons on the features and idioms of TiddlyWiki 
>>> needed to bring someone from beginner to expert.
>>> The book is free to read and CC BY-NC-ND licensed (you can redistribute 
>>> it for noncommercial purposes). I am accepting donations 
>>> <https://groktiddlywiki.com/donate/> to support my continued work on 
>>> GTW and other TiddlyWiki learning resources. I would also appreciate your 
>>> help spreading the word about the book, e.g., on TW links sites, 
>>> notes-related resources, or social media.
>>> A huge thanks to everyone from this community who provided feedback on 
>>> the prerelease (see the acknowledgments section for details). Barring me 
>>> getting run over by a bus, there will be updated editions in the future, so 
>>> please keep the feedback and suggestions coming.

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[tw5] Re: fields inheritance

2021-05-15 Thread Soren Bjornstad
So it's mostly about renaming things? That's an interesting use case. I 
guess I have never had the need to do that on a large scale. I wouldn't 
have expected inheritance to be capable of renaming a field like that, 

I haven't used Tiddler Commander, but renaming a field doesn't really seem 
like it should be difficult, so perhaps something there could be improved 
or a new tool could be created. 

On Friday, May 14, 2021 at 10:43:55 AM UTC-5 damscal wrote:

> On Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 1:53:17 PM UTC+2 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
> > It really would be very helpful if you could give an example use case.
> I'll try to:
> 1. Lets say, for instance, that I need to save some contacts info (like 
> names, email addresses and so on). I'm going to create a tiddler for each 
> person and populate them with fields to store their contacts info. I can 
> use the Clone button to statically inherit field keys. But I'm always in a 
> hurry so I'm not going to figure out a set of fields keys which is going to 
> be future proof. Later at some point I'll have the need to rename some 
> field keys (aka field names, not their values), add some, delete some 
> others.
> 2. Same thing but with tags (relink can be used to rename them, but not to 
> add or delete them)
> atm to fix problems like these ones I'm using tiddler commander, but the 
> whole thing is quite time consuming and prone to errors for me. 
> I think TW and its community are superb, yet I find it difficult to keep 
> my wikis organized and consistent, which it slows down my workflow.
> In contrast I've found Trilium's templates approach more intuitive and 
> quick in this regard (note that templates are not based on hierarchy). 
> Trilium is still not as mature and well referenced as TW though.
> Any tips/useful references?

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[tw5] Re: automatically update field

2021-05-15 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Is there any particular reason you need it to change a field, specifically? 
As Joshua pointed out, the normal way to do this in TiddlyWiki is to use a 
filter at the time you want to display whether the task is urgent. Can you 
explain how you use these task tiddlers? For example, are they in a list, 
and the items should have an "urgent" marker next to them if urgent?

On Friday, May 14, 2021 at 6:37:50 PM UTC-5 mohamed...@hotmail.com wrote:

> Hi Soren,
> .
> ok .all i am really after , is to have a field automatically populate a 
> value "urgent"  once a  previously entered date value  in field B  is 3 
> days away.
> so i am trying to flag task tiddlers that are due, hope this makes sense
> On Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 3:11:50 PM UTC+2 PMario wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If you need spreadsheet-like calculations you may have a closer look at: 
>> https://chronicles.wiki/TiddlyWikiFormula  Especially the "Spreadsheet 
>> Prototype" tiddler
>> -mario

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Re: [tw5] First edition of Grok TiddlyWiki (TW textbook) is live

2021-05-17 Thread Soren Bjornstad

Thanks for the kind words!

I am thinking about possibilities for cover/banner images in a coming 
edition. The screenshot is fine in the meantime.

I've kept the screenshots limited because they're hard to update and I've 
found they can sometimes make people fixate on irrelevant details in the 
screenshot if something is slightly different, largely aiming at including 
live examples and relevant icons within the text instead. I hadn't heard 
about this innerwiki thing though – that could be a neat compromise in some 
places. I'll make sure to put it on my list of things to consider for the 

On Sunday, May 16, 2021 at 10:12:34 AM UTC-5 jeremy...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi Soren,
> I’m delighted to be first to offer my congratulations. GTW is a 
> magnificent piece of work, and you should consider it thoroughly endorsed 
> by me!
> To pick out some particular highlights for praise:
> * Your writing style is fluid and proficient, and gives an authoritative, 
> friendly tone that works really well: it reads like a coherent, 
> professionally written book
> * The graphic design is clean and easy to read. I like the confidence of 
> the wide margins, and general use of whitespace
> * The interactive features are nicely integrated and work well in the flow
> * The exercises are a great touch (my understanding is that such exercises 
> have been proven to be very effective, and so it’s great to see a 
> thoughtful implementation in TW)
> Overall, I’m really in awe, it’s wonderful to see all this hard work, and 
> I think it will make a profound difference to people coming to TiddlyWiki.
> I’d like to add a link panel from the HelloThere tiddler on tiddlywiki.com. 
> Do you have any thoughts about a suitable banner image? I’ll screenshot the 
> title/subtitle for the moment.
> I also wondered if you’d considered including screenshots? A couple of 
> years ago I was working on a TiddlyWiki book with Joe Armstrong before he 
> sadly died. Typically for me, one of the first things I did was coding 
> rather than writing, to make a mechanism to be able to easily regenerate 
> screenshots. The thinking was that we could regenerate the screenshots for 
> each version of TW to keep them up to date. The functionality is in the 
> “innerwiki plugin” under Node.js (it uses Puppeteer to generate the 
> screenshots):
> https://tiddlywiki.com/editions/full/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Ftiddlywiki%2Finnerwiki
> <https://tiddlywiki.com/editions/full/#$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/innerwiki>
> Best wishes
> Jeremy.
> (I’ve included a screenshot for posterity)
> On 16 May 2021, at 15:43, Soren Bjornstad  wrote:
> I'm excited to announce that the first public edition of my TiddlyWiki 
> textbook, *Grok TiddlyWiki*, is live at https://groktiddlywiki.com/read. 
> *Grok 
> TiddlyWiki* is (from the book) “a textbook that helps you build a deep, 
> lasting understanding of and proficiency with TiddlyWiki through a 
> combination of detailed explanations, practical exercises, 
> and spaced-repetition reviews of prompts called *takeaways*.”
> I am hoping this book will fill in many of the gaps in TiddlyWiki's 
> documentation / learning ecosystem – right now we have lots of beginner 
> tutorials, and mostly good documentation for experts (with a few gaps), but 
> almost nothing for people in between. GTW is what I wished I had when I was 
> in that position: complete lessons on the features and idioms of TiddlyWiki 
> needed to bring someone from beginner to expert.
> The book is free to read and CC BY-NC-ND licensed (you can redistribute it 
> for noncommercial purposes). I am accepting donations 
> <https://groktiddlywiki.com/donate/> to support my continued work on GTW 
> and other TiddlyWiki learning resources. I would also appreciate your help 
> spreading the word about the book, e.g., on TW links sites, notes-related 
> resources, or social media.
> A huge thanks to everyone from this community who provided feedback on the 
> prerelease (see the acknowledgments section for details). Barring me 
> getting run over by a bus, there will be updated editions in the future, so 
> please keep the feedback and suggestions coming. 
> -- 
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> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
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[tw5] Re: fields inheritance

2021-05-12 Thread Soren Bjornstad
I'm with PMario – I'm just not sure that this makes much sense in the 
TiddlyWiki idiom. It's like you're used to driving a car, and TiddlyWiki is 
a train, and looking at the train, you go, “But where are the rubber 
tires?” It just doesn't have rubber tires...but it still rolls just as 
well, it just works a different way. TiddlyWiki is almost completely 
non-hierarchical, so inheritance seems like a particularly bad fit.

> I also found Trilium's attributes extra functionalities very useful, esp 
the ability to use them to define custom relations between different Notes, 
which is similar to what tiddlymap does but has several advantages, e.g. to 
query Notes based on their relations.

If I'm understanding the ability to "query Notes based on their relations" 
correctly, this works exactly the same way in TW...just put the name of 
another tiddler or tiddlers in a field, and then use a filter. E.g., for a 
parent/child relationship where the child stores its parent in a 'parent' 

[parent[MyTiddler]] – finds all children of MyTiddler
[parent[MyTiddler]related[MyOtherTiddler]tag[Source]] – finds all sources 
that are children of MyTiddler and related to MyOtherTiddler
[tag[Source]parent[MyTiddler]links[]] – finds all notes linked to by 
sources that are children of MyTiddler

(If you want to allow more than one tiddler to be in the field for 
relations, you would make the field contain a title list 
 and use 'contains:parent` instead of 
just 'parent'.)

For standard inheritance, in TW you would normally just compose your filter 
to look for the parent tiddlers when determining what value a field has. I 
would probably need an example of how you use this to avoid giving you 
something really convoluted, so I'll pass on trying to provide one up 
front, but if there's something you're looking for let me know.

For copy inheritance, as PMario mentioned, you would create a custom button 
on the parent tiddler (or anywhere else you like) that prepopulates the 
fields. In fact this is more flexible because you can set the fields to 
whatever you like. For example, here's a button that would copy the tags 
and description of the current tiddler to the newly created tiddler, set 
the `year` field to the current year, and set the `url` field to the 
contents of some configured tiddler containing a base URL plus the title of 
the current tiddler.

title="New Child"
url={{{ [{MyBaseUrl}addsuffix] }}}
year=<> />
  New Child

On Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 2:59:45 PM UTC-5 damscal wrote:

> Hi Mario, thank you for your reply-
> I haven't thoroughly thought about the possible implementations in TW, but 
> I've found Trilium's approach very intuitive and efficient to work with. I 
> guess a similar approach, being able to dynamically inherit tags and other 
> fields using template tiddlers, would make TW quicker and easier to manage, 
> esp if the user hasn't a well defined mindset yet and need to change things 
> all the time. Arguably I would guess it could actually be coherent to the 
> philosophy of tiddlers ( 
> https://tiddlywiki.com/#Philosophy%20of%20Tiddlers ), and perhaps a new 
> exporting option could be added that would let the user choose whether to 
> export tiddlers as they are, or to copy the inherited referenced 
> information into the tiddlers that are being exported in order to make them 
> self-consistent (kind of the analogue of copying symlinks targets or the 
> symlink themselves when working with filesystems)
> it could be off-topic, but incidentally I also found Trilium's attributes 
> extra functionalities very useful, esp the ability to use them to define 
> custom relations between different Notes, which is similar to what 
> tiddlymap does but has several advantages, e.g. to query Notes based on 
> their relations.
> On Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 8:12:03 PM UTC+2 PMario wrote:
>> On Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 6:42:35 PM UTC+2 damscal wrote:
>>> Trilium  provides quite intuitive 
>>> built-in ways to have Notes (the analogues to Tiddlywiki's tiddlers) 
>>> dynamically and selectively inherit their Attributes from other Notes, as 
>>> described here 
>>>  and here 
>>> . In Trilium, Attributes 
>>>  are similar to 
>>> Tiddlywiki's fields with extra built-in features.
>>> Inheritance is convenient as it saves a lot of time when creating and 
>>> organizing notes, plus it makes maintenance very straightforward.
>>> Can/could Tiddlywiki achieve something similar?
>> Sure, if someone would program it. ... BUT there is absolutely no support 
>> in the core atm. So nothing will work. Especially filtering would have a 

Re: [tw5] A tour through my Zettelkasten

2021-05-12 Thread Soren Bjornstad
I walked through them in the video, but here's a quick summary of what 
they're for:

   - Stubs – ideas that I haven't written about yet, usually with just a 
   title, or a quote, or a sentence or two describing what it will be (items 
   tagged Stub)
   - Missing – same as in stock TW
   - Needing attention – some unspecified work needs to be done on the 
   tiddler, often I don't agree with the contents anymore, or it needs 
   - Needing excision – the tiddler turned into a bunch of confused ideas 
   put together and I need to think about what those are and split it up 
   (items tagged NeedsExcision)
   - To-do items – anywhere I link to TODO, the tiddler is added to the 
   list, along with  the phrase after the link, so I get a nice list of 
   specific things that need to be fixed/added to
   - Open questions – things I don't know the answer to, but would like to 
   review periodically in case I have new experiences that might provide 
   answers (links to OpenQuestion)

Side note: is anyone else experiencing a problem with the new Google Groups 
while editing a post, where sometimes most of the screen will go blank 
after pressing Page Down, leaving only a tiny sliver at the top of the 
screen to display the thread? Super annoying.
On Monday, May 10, 2021 at 10:45:38 PM UTC-5 Mohammad wrote:

> Hi Soren,
> On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 2:45 AM Soren Bjornstad  
> wrote:
>> On Monday, May 10, 2021 at 2:43:34 PM UTC-5 Mohammad wrote:
>>> One question: How do you select the categories in the Write tab? I mean 
>>> for Ztellkasten point of view?
>>> I watch the viedo but not quite understand your philosophy here!
>> I'm not sure I understand the question – are you asking how, technically, 
>> the contents of each tab are aggregated, or why I chose that list of 
>> "looking for attention" conditions?
> No, I do not mean technical implementation! but I ask about names of those 
> categories like "open questions", "stubs"? Are those some recommended 
> categories or names?
>>> Also the Explorer while we have the More Tab!
>> The Explorer is intended to be a simplified version of the More tab for 
>> use in the public wiki. I just haven't bothered to hide it in the private 
>> one because it hasn't gotten in my way, but it would likely make sense to 
>> do so now that I've stopped making changes to it frequently.
> That makes sense: a simple more tab for the public, for those who visit 
> the page but do not know Tiddlywiki. Instead of hiding parts of More tab, 
> create a separate tab!
> Good idea!
>>> I like to adopt the tiddler reference explorer in minimal yet flexible 
>>> form and sidebar extra tabs in a plugin (using a different taste).
>>> I cannot see any license in your wiki, so I want to get permission if I 
>>> am allowed to use both these ideas in a new plugin!
>> MIT license: 
>> https://zettelkasten.sorenbjornstad.com/#PublicHomepage/Copyright
> Ah, yes! I did not see that! System tiddlers under MIT license! 
> Zettelkasten and effective note taking is your area of expertise, so 
> please go ahead!
> Looking forward to seeing more from you!
>> -- 
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[tw5] Re: How to build a transclusion from fields in other tiddlers?

2021-05-12 Thread Soren Bjornstad
If I'm understanding what you want correctly, the easiest way is a filtered 
transclusion  with 
the getindex operator:

{{{ [{ApplicationChoice}getindex{!!idnumber}] }}}

If you don't want the result to show up as a link, you can use the $text 

<$text text={{{ [{ApplicationChoice}getindex{!!idnumber}] }}}/>

As you noted, {{ApplicationChoice##{{!!idnumber doesn't work. 
TiddlyWiki doesn't parse wikitext inside double braces, so once you get 
into the first {{, it's not going to know what to do with {{!!idnumber}}.
On Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 9:49:48 AM UTC-5 markh...@gmail.com wrote:

> I want to build a transclusion from the text of one tiddler and the 
> returned lookup value from a data tiddler. For example. I want to build and 
> evaluate ``{{drill##101}}`` and get ``P01.02.03`` from the following 
> pieces:
> * ``{{AplicationChoice}}`` evaluates to or contains ``drill``, and
> * Data tiddler ``drill`` has an entry ``101:P01.02.03``, and
> * ``{{ID101!!idnumber}}`` is ``101``, and
> * I want to do this transclusion from the ``ID101`` tiddler (or from 
> other ID tiddlers with different ID numbers).
> Conceptually, from tiddler ID101 I'd like to evaluate ``
> {{ApplicationChoice##{{!!idnumber`` and get ``P01.02.03`` ... but 
> that isn't working. I'll admit to not well understanding use of braces, 
> square brackets, angle brackets and spacing to control evaluation of text.
> ***Background
> There are tiddlers for each of the multiple IDs (e.g., ID101, ID102, 
> ID103, ...), and data tiddlers for each of the multiple applications (e.g., 
> drill, saw, hammer, ...). There are multiple Ps (e.g., P01.01.01, P03.01, 
> P03.01.04, ...) but no tiddlers are defined for each P number. I select the 
> current application by using a selection list to put the selected 
> application into tiddler ``ApplicationChoice``. I want the ID number 
> tiddlers to display their associated P number based on the selected 
> application.
> Note that the ID number and the P number are different, separate from each 
> other, and have a many-to-many relationship. The particular relationship to 
> use is based on the application chosen (e.g., drill, or saw, or hammer), so 
> I can't put a constant ID number field in P tiddlers, and I can't put a 
> constant P number field in the ID number tiddlers. This relationship has 
> been provided to me and I can't change it. P numbers are used to navigate 
> an interface (they are the screen name), and ID numbers contain the actual 
> nuggets of information.
> Thanks ahead of time for any suggestions!
> ~Mark Hylton

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Re: [tw5] First edition of Grok TiddlyWiki (TW textbook) is live

2021-05-20 Thread Soren Bjornstad
On Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 9:07:42 AM UTC-5 Cs Molnar wrote:

> I'm still at the beginning but I noticed that the story river is set to 
> zoomin mode by default.

Correct, it's not perfect but the feedback I got after the first edition 
was that it's less confusing than classic for newbies, and I think that's 
probably right.

> However, in this context it might be hard for newcomers to understand what 
> do you mean by „open” and „closed” tiddlers. I think it might be hard for 
> them to differentiate between tiddlers they don't see because they haven't 
> opened them or they don't see because the zoomin mode has hidden them, 
> although they are technically  „open”.

Did you watch the tour or read "Structure and navigation" in "How to Use 
This Book"? I tried to liken it there to the tabs in your browser...you 
can't see them (except in the list of tabs), but they are still clearly 
"open" in some meaningful sense.

Also, can you point me to where I was talking about "open" and "closed" 
tiddlers? I might be able to clarify things there.

> To tell the truth, in zoomin mode it is pretty useless to look at the 
> "open" tab in the sidebar. The tiddlers on this tab are „open” but I can't 
> see them. So for me they are still „closed”.

Why is this useless? It's still by far the fastest way to jump between all 
the stuff you've been looking at recently. 

Thank you for including an „Outline” tiddler and a conventional, 
> hierarchical Table of Contents. The official Tiddlywiki homepage is in dire 
> need of such a feature. I won't rant on about that here but, in short, I'm 
> convinced that Tiddlywiki is not suited for documenting itself. Or, for 
> that matter, any technical product (software, user manuals, etc.).

Well, it does have a *Contents *tab in the sidebar with a hierarchical 
table of contents! I agree that that table is not all that useful, but I 
think that's more because the reference documentation for something like TW 
is challenging to divide into a useful hierarchy. For a textbook, it's much 
easier because I can come up with an opinionated order in which the reader 
can proceed through the book…but that's not so useful for tiddlywiki.com 
where the primary use case is people stopping in to look something up.

> Finally, I'm not sure if it's only me, but the internal links have the 
> same color as the body text. This way I can easily miss that a text 
> contains a link.

I'm guessing this is the fault of your display's color settings. I embedded 
the fonts and used only standard CSS colors and hex codes, so it *shouldn't* 
any different on your machine and it's definitely different on mine in both 
light and dark mode. The contrast between the link color and the text color 
is a little low, though, especially in dark mode, so I can see how if your 
monitor isn't adjusted quite right, it would be hard to see. That's 
something I might look into in the future (that's the fault of the TW 
palette, not my design, but still my problem!).

I'm also red-green colorblind, so might not see things the same…but that 
wouldn't cause any contrast difference between blue and black.

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[tw5] First edition of Grok TiddlyWiki (TW textbook) is live

2021-05-16 Thread Soren Bjornstad
I'm excited to announce that the first public edition of my TiddlyWiki 
textbook, *Grok TiddlyWiki*, is live at https://groktiddlywiki.com/read. *Grok 
TiddlyWiki* is (from the book) “a textbook that helps you build a deep, 
lasting understanding of and proficiency with TiddlyWiki through a 
combination of detailed explanations, practical exercises, 
and spaced-repetition reviews of prompts called *takeaways*.”

I am hoping this book will fill in many of the gaps in TiddlyWiki's 
documentation / learning ecosystem – right now we have lots of beginner 
tutorials, and mostly good documentation for experts (with a few gaps), but 
almost nothing for people in between. GTW is what I wished I had when I was 
in that position: complete lessons on the features and idioms of TiddlyWiki 
needed to bring someone from beginner to expert.

The book is free to read and CC BY-NC-ND licensed (you can redistribute it 
for noncommercial purposes). I am accepting donations 
 to support my continued work on GTW 
and other TiddlyWiki learning resources. I would also appreciate your help 
spreading the word about the book, e.g., on TW links sites, notes-related 
resources, or social media.

A huge thanks to everyone from this community who provided feedback on the 
prerelease (see the acknowledgments section for details). Barring me 
getting run over by a bus, there will be updated editions in the future, so 
please keep the feedback and suggestions coming.

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[tw5] Re: Fully disable (re-)rendering of widgets

2021-05-25 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Refresh throttling  might be 
helpful here.

On Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 10:49:28 AM UTC-5 compa...@gmail.com wrote:

> SQ-Streams  i mean btw.
> compa...@gmail.com schrieb am Dienstag, 25. Mai 2021 um 17:48:27 UTC+2:
>> Hi Mario,
>> currently i'm working with a rather complex Widget Structure (Table-Tree 
>> with Streams rendered within the (large number of) nodes) and i'm not 
>> interested in "possible changes" to the UI - i just want to edit as fast 
>> and as smooth as possible. 
>> Whenever i edit a stream-node (even when typing a single char), the full 
>> widget-tree re-renders, which makes working with it a pain atm. Now i try 
>> to adress this issue somehow...
>> Mirko
>> PMario schrieb am Dienstag, 25. Mai 2021 um 16:55:28 UTC+2:
>>> On Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 9:54:05 AM UTC+2 compa...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> is it possible to (temporarily) disable (re-)rendering of the frontend 
 (widgets etc.)?

>>> No. At the moment it isn't. What would you try to achieve?
>>> -m

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[tw5] Re: Tiddler Templates?

2021-05-23 Thread Soren Bjornstad
You may be getting confused because "template" typically means something 
different in TiddlyWiki. I don't know if there's a better name for this, 
though. :-/

If I'm understanding what you want correctly, the simplest method is with a 
button that sends a *tm-new-tiddler* message. For instance, here's a 
simplified version of one I have for adding a new source to my Zettelkasten:

\define new-source()
title="New Source"

<$button tooltip="New Source" actions=<>>
  New Source

Click on the button and a new tiddler is created with the field values you 
specify in the *new-source* macro.

A little more on this 

from *Grok TiddlyWiki*. And the tm-new-tiddler message documentation 

There are other ways to accomplish this too which may have their own 
advantages...this is just one I often use.
On Sunday, May 23, 2021 at 2:19:29 AM UTC-5 iamdar...@gmail.com wrote:

> I apologize in advance, I feel like I'm being dense in not being able to 
> find the answer to my question. I think I may be overthinking it/using the 
> wrong terminology in my searches. 
> What I'm curious about is if there is a way to create multiple Tiddler 
> Templates so that it will prepopulate a list of questions/content when 
> selected. I'm trying to use TiddlyRoam as an open source alternative to 
> Obsidian, which is a self-hosted alternative to Roam Research.
> I want to use TiddlyRoam as world building software (I already use the 
> base TiddlyWiki) and want to try and have prebuilt "templates" for Tiddler 
> topics such as "Character" or "Town" or "Country" or "Group (IE: guild, 
> venture, etc.)" where the base questions/information are already there for 
> me just to answer/fill-out.
> I thought about Content Types being the answer, but again I think I'm just 
> confusing myself and I don't even know if I can do it.
> Thank you in advance and again my apologies!

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[tw5] Re: [Suggestion] Be your own Way Back Machine ... ?

2021-05-22 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Check out the Rosetta Disk 
which aims to preserve the basics of thousands of languages in a form that 
will survive and remain readable with changing technology, and could be 
widely distributed.

On Saturday, May 22, 2021 at 1:56:26 PM UTC-5 Mark S. wrote:

> So you think we should put all our stuff in a cave in France?
> We were watching a show from S. Korea, and came across something 
> interesting. Apparently they have walk-in kiosks where you can visit the 
> ashes and memorabilia of your ancestors. The walls are lined with 
> terrarium-like glass boxes with the vases, images, etc. inside. Family 
> members (apparently) have keys, so they can open the boxes and update the 
> contents. That seems like the ideal place to store a digital USB stick 
> filled with all your "important" writings. Of course, no one knows how long 
> those USB sticks will last. Technically inscriptions on clay tablets will 
> last for centuries, but it's hard to put a lot on a single tablet.
> That all would allow someone who is really motivated to review your words 
> of wisdom down through the ages. But if you want the rest of the world to 
> find it, then you're stuck with either libraries or the internet. To get 
> into libraries, you need to write a really good book that won't go out of 
> print. Good luck with that. I know books I liked as a kid are no longer 
> available. Oh, even books by classic authors have been banned and pulled 
> from publication.
> A newer idea is to embed your work into etherium or similar NFT .But of 
> course, we have no clue how long these ledgers will continue to be 
> maintained.
> In the future, people will encode information into DNA and slip it into 
> their own genome. Then they really will pass their wisdom down to their 
> children.
> On Saturday, May 22, 2021 at 3:20:44 AM UTC-7 TiddlyTweeter wrote:
>> Ha! that is a great way to convey the issue I was trying to get at in the 
>> OP! 
>> TX! 
>> jonligh...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> TT >>I think it worth adding to my somewhat gnostic post that SO FAR the 
>>> internet is far more fragile than PRINT.
>>> The evidence so far is on your side! :-)
>>> [image: b880e50b5749fd5de2b10ccf5eb592e0.jpg]

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[tw5] Re: First edition of Grok TiddlyWiki (TW textbook) is live

2021-05-22 Thread Soren Bjornstad

Thanks for the report! This will be fixed in the next version. If you don't 
want to wait, you can override the tiddler that controls this by dragging 
and dropping the attached version.

On Saturday, May 22, 2021 at 7:30:26 AM UTC-5 Pak wrote:

> Hello Soren, 
> Thanks for the incredible book! I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, 
> but if you bookmark a few tiddlers and then remove one of them (either from 
> the clicking the star icon or the bookmark tab) then all the bookmarked 
> tiddlers are gone! Is this intentional?
> Thanks
> Pak
> On Saturday, May 22, 2021 at 2:58:04 AM UTC+7 si wrote:
>> Soren this is incredible. I love your implementation of the mnemonic 
>> medium, live editor and exercises. It feels like a genuinely innovative 
>> approach, all while being very well written and accessible.
>> On Sunday, 16 May 2021 at 15:43:44 UTC+1 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>>> I'm excited to announce that the first public edition of my TiddlyWiki 
>>> textbook, *Grok TiddlyWiki*, is live at https://groktiddlywiki.com/read
>>> . *Grok TiddlyWiki* is (from the book) “a textbook that helps you build 
>>> a deep, lasting understanding of and proficiency with TiddlyWiki through a 
>>> combination of detailed explanations, practical exercises, 
>>> and spaced-repetition reviews of prompts called *takeaways*.”
>>> I am hoping this book will fill in many of the gaps in TiddlyWiki's 
>>> documentation / learning ecosystem – right now we have lots of beginner 
>>> tutorials, and mostly good documentation for experts (with a few gaps), but 
>>> almost nothing for people in between. GTW is what I wished I had when I was 
>>> in that position: complete lessons on the features and idioms of TiddlyWiki 
>>> needed to bring someone from beginner to expert.
>>> The book is free to read and CC BY-NC-ND licensed (you can redistribute 
>>> it for noncommercial purposes). I am accepting donations 
>>> <https://groktiddlywiki.com/donate/> to support my continued work on 
>>> GTW and other TiddlyWiki learning resources. I would also appreciate your 
>>> help spreading the word about the book, e.g., on TW links sites, 
>>> notes-related resources, or social media.
>>> A huge thanks to everyone from this community who provided feedback on 
>>> the prerelease (see the acknowledgments section for details). Barring me 
>>> getting run over by a bus, there will be updated editions in the future, so 
>>> please keep the feedback and suggestions coming.

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Description: application/json

[tw5] Re: Can the tag pills in the sidebar be dragged to rearrange them? I am unable to.

2021-05-23 Thread Soren Bjornstad
No, this won't work because dragging and dropping tiddlers to reorder them 
modifies the *list* field of the tiddler tagging them. The tags don't share 
a common tagging tiddler, so there's nowhere to store this information.

That said...there definitely are ways you could customize the tag list to 
influence the sorting of your tags. If you are still interested, can you 
share more about your use case?

On Saturday, May 22, 2021 at 8:41:28 PM UTC-5 kosmo...@gmail.com wrote:

> I can do this with the titles/entries under each tag pill, but the pills 
> themselves won't move in the browser (Firefox or Chrome, latest version of 
> each) - I'm not sure if this is a possibility or not? (The Tiddlywiki.com 
> information page - https://tiddlywiki.com/#Drag%20and%20Drop -  is not 
> clear on this.)

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[tw5] Re: Hard-replace macros at tiddler save

2021-05-21 Thread Soren Bjornstad
In terms of use cases, in MediaWiki similar functionality is called template 
substitution , and 
they've listed some applications at Wikipedia.

On Saturday, May 15, 2021 at 4:51:33 AM UTC-5 Anjar wrote:

> Another use case was just posted (on how to combine the text from several 
> tiddlers into a single tiddler so that the original tiddlers can be 
> deleted): https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/xTCzMIj0uqs Good 
> solutions were suggested, but it would also be very simple to just write 
> <<>> and have it replaced with the 
> text of those tiddlers or  <> if one 
> wants to keep transcluding
> Best,
> Anders
> fredag 14. mai 2021 kl. 16:31:33 UTC+2 skrev PMario:
>> On Friday, May 14, 2021 at 12:04:01 PM UTC+2 Anjar wrote:
>> - You are guaranteed that the output will not change. In the permalink 
>>> case, I think, the example would be to replace <> with 
>>> something like <$button><$list 
>>> filter="[created[..aTitle!!created..]]"><$action-navigate 
>>> $to=<> />aTitle where ..aTitle!!created.. 
>>> is not a reference but the actual value
>>> Thoughts?
>> I think in general this is a sensible idea. ... But I also think it's 
>> "over-engineering" ... 
>> If exporting "connected" tiddler is a problem, we may need to improve the 
>> "export" mechanisms. Which imo would be the right place to tackle this 
>> specific problem. 
>> just a thought.
>> mario

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[tw5] Re: [Comment] My Ongoing Irritations with Google Groups

2021-06-06 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Jeremy's concerns seem to focus around search, but I actually haven't found 
Google Groups search to be that bad (you have to pick "sort by relevance" 
instead of "sort by date" after every search or it is just about useless, 
though – if you think it's bad and you haven't tried that, do). However, 
the editing experience, while it used to be tolerable, has become 
horrendous since the latest UI “upgrade”. I regularly have the screen get 
corrupted or lose data (wtf, how did this become acceptable), and doing 
code formatting is a huge pain now.

In terms of migration difficulty...I've been part of the Anki open-source 
community on and off for many years, and it has moved from Google Groups to 
TenderApp (actually a tech support system, but it worked OK for discussions 
too, and had an awesome API back when that was rare) to Discourse, and 
there don't seem to have been significant problems getting the community to 
come along with. Unless we have a substantial contingent of core members 
who refuse to switch platforms, I'm not convinced this is going to be a 
huge problem. For people who drop in and out, having to learn one new 
platform over another one doesn't seem like much of a change unless the new 
platform is significantly harder to use. How many people are actually 
already familiar with Google Groups nowadays?

I'm not a huge fan of Discourse either, though, FWIW, and a pure TW 
solution would be harder to implement and probably harder for new users to 
use. So not sure I have much of an opinion on whether we should move. If we 
decided to, I'd be willing to chip in for hosting costs.

On Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 7:07:18 PM UTC-5 flohit...@googlemail.com 

> Hey all, 
> this has been annoying for me, too. I thought, discourse isn‘t that old 
> (or other open source hostable solutions), so probably it’s easier to stay 
> here. But GG is crap. 
> I think discourse is a good Solution that can be implemented first on the 
> side, if some „main“ people are willing to commit to do so. I mean mostly 
> Jeremy and people who are actively developing and discussing stuff, the 
> core community. Discourse  can imo be a good discussion forum for people 
> who are already a bit committed to a project and want to discuss it more 
> deeply. The better searchability and more asynchronous, forum–not–feed 
> approach quite naturally allows for deeper accumulation of knowledge which 
> will be accessible for newbies as well. I also often am afraid that if a 
> question of mine won’t be answered fastly, it will just drown in the 
> endless feed...
> so i think a Good first step is moving discussions regarding more specific 
> projects to discourse which are a bit more technical and not so much of 
> concern for newer people. For example the developers group, discussion 
> about next releases, etc. discourse can be helpful bridge between purely 
> technical GitHub and social media, it has some functions that also enhance 
> that afaik. If people register that they can get their deeper questions 
> answered more thoroughly on discourse, because it has a better interface 
> and the more expert people usually hang out there, they will move there, 
> but not out of idealism.
> most discourse forums demand a login, which can be a bit offputting for 
> complete newbies. So outlets on „mainstream“ Networks should be maintained 
> – Reddit, the matrix channel (which is a bit undervalued :( ) , maybe this 
> here... 
> discord channels are also quite popular – in order to provide easy 
> accessibility for people that are less experienced.
> Also I would believe someone in the tiddlycommunity could set up an 
> instance? There are several projects involving servers, right?There also 
> already is a tiddlywiki subgroup on fission, but I don’t think that’s for 
> general purposes (?)
> TiddlyTweeter schrieb am Sonntag, 30. Mai 2021 um 08:34:37 UTC+2:
>> This Google Group is OUR main end-user forum. 
>> There are problems with Google Groups. More recently it was "dumbed-down" 
>> by Google. A lot of tools just disappeared. That just made it worse for OUR 
>> needs.
>> And, long term, it has proved to also have NO DECENT MEMORY. 
>> Search here is the Total Pits.
>> WHAT happens as a result of that?
>> A VERY common pattern that happens daily here is RE-CREATION OF THE 
>> WHEEL. 
>> GG lacks any easy, structured, way to interrogate the VAST knowledge-base 
>> that this GG actually IS. 
>> SO, again and again, you see very similar queries come up and be 
>> patiently RE-answered.
>> I think a much BETTER way would be to leverage off the knowledge 
>> accumulated here and direct users first to already EXTANT solutions.
>> I'm not sure it is possible. 
>> But repetition of the variants on the same question is a waste, I think?
>> Just comments
>> TT

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[tw5] Re: Tiddly Wiki Spaced Repetition Plugin

2021-05-26 Thread Soren Bjornstad
The cool thing about TiddlyRemember (IMHO) is that it supports storing your 
questions however you want – as cards, within other tiddlers, or some other 
way. You just have to make sure you somewhere call the remember* macros 
with appropriate parameters. The $question widget is cool, though; there is 
not a super easy way to hide the questions in TR if that's what you want to 
do. (I did come up with this hack 
 for someone, 
which demonstrates the flexibility of the macro approach but isn't super 

I'm all for getting different approaches out there so we can learn from 
each other.

On Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 3:56:31 AM UTC-5 james.w@gmail.com wrote:

> Was aware of TiddlyRemember before I started, I was looking for something 
> standalone within TW though. 
> I saw the takeaway system in GrokTW once i had finished, which is really 
> nice (as is Grok in general). 
> I guess this is a different attempt at something similar. In my admittedly 
> very basic plugin the tiddlers themselves are the revision cards / or 
> contain the question in addition to the actual content, where as in GrokTW 
> they exist separately to the tiddler they concern.
> Thanks,
> James
> On Wednesday, 26 May 2021 at 08:10:05 UTC+1 R² wrote:
>> Hi James,
>> As a user, it's great seeing so much interest in this space.
>> Are you aware that Soren has done a lot of work integrating SRS with 
>> TiddlyWiki? Tiddly Remember at [[
>> https://sobjornstad.github.io/TiddlyRemember/]] allows writing Anki 
>> notes within a TW, "providing an excellent way of seamlessly producing 
>> relevant notes to memorize via Anki while also providing 
>> context/traceability". You can also find a full-blown SRS solution in his 
>> Grok Tiddlywiki at [[https://groktiddlywiki.com/]].
>> Regards,
>> R²
>> Le mardi 25 mai 2021 à 00:06:15 UTC+2, james.w@gmail.com a écrit :
>>> This is my, first pass, attempt at providing a very basic Anki/Super 
>>> Memo like functionality in Tiddlywiki. From a quick search It seems a few 
>>> people have had similar ideas recently :)
>>> https://github.com/welford/twsr
>>> http://welford.github.io/kanji.html <- basic example
>>> Setup is pretty simple. Tag a tiddler with "$:/tags/twsr" and any other 
>>> tags that match subjects you want to study. That tiddler will then show a 
>>> interface for you to be able to review/add/grade "cards" that match the 
>>> tags you have supplied.
>>> In the example linked to above, i've tagged the example tiddler with 一画, 
>>> 二画, 三画, 四画 & 五画 (1 stroke, 2 strokes, ...5 strokes in english) so any 
>>> Japanese characters  matching these number of stokes are possible 
>>> candidates for revision in this tiddler. They will not be added however 
>>> unless you click the cog icon and select +1,+5,+10 which will  the selected 
>>> number of cards to the scheduler.
>>> lastly, you can add a <$question>... segment to a tiddler 
>>> which will be hidden when viewing the tiddler normally, but when appearing 
>>> in a scheduled card within a twsr tiddler will be shown instead of the main 
>>> contents. When the user clicks "show answer" the main contents will be 
>>> displayed. If there is no question segment the main contents will be 
>>> displayed by default.
>>> [image: 無題.png]
>>> Thanks!
>>> James

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[tw5] Re: Tiddly Remeber: Tutorial

2021-05-26 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Hi Atronoush,

Nothing besides the documentation yet, but this is a great idea and 
something I should do. I'm booked solid this week and on vacation next 
week, so it will probably be a while before I can get to making more 
videos, but I will put this on my list!

On Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 11:30:58 AM UTC-5 Atronoush wrote:

> Sorry for mistyped I mean video in above post!
> On Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 8:52:26 PM UTC+4:30 Atronoush wrote:
>> Hi Soren
>> I am starting to learn Tiddly Remember. I want to know if there is any 
>> view like the one for Zettelkasten out there or any other resources to 
>> shorten the learning curve!
>> Thank you 

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[tw5] Re: TiddlyWiki Documentation - Syntax

2021-05-26 Thread Soren Bjornstad
I'm liking this idea!

Thoughts on this mockup specifically:

   - I'm thinking maybe "required" and "inherited css" should be in 
   parentheses to indicate those are not actually values?
   - Maybe a couple of key examples that demonstrate most of the attributes?
   - I agree on no brackets for required/optional. Please don't use red and 
   green only as the distinguisher, that makes it unnecessarily difficult for 
   color-blind people. You could use red and blue, or better yet also make one 
   of them italic or something. Or maybe go simple and just do *bold* for 
   required attributes and normal font for optional ones?
   - When CLI tools do this, they usually provide a metasyntactic variable 
   for each value to make the syntax complete, rather than just listing the 
   attribute name. So maybe something like:
   <$image source="MyImageTiddler" width=N height=N tooltip="tooltip" 
   alt="alt text" class="my-css-class"/>
  - We could transclude the values from a series of tiddlers that store 
  the "standard" value for each type of attribute or named and reused 
  attribute (e.g., "class"), so that it is consistent across all of them.
  - If there's a default value, it would make sense to list that. Not 
  sure how to distinguish that from a variable...maybe a different 
  - I hadn't even thought of this before, but why are these attributes 
   in the order they are? Would it make more sense to have all required 
   attributes in alphabetical order, then all optional ones in alphabetical 
   - For the part where one of multiple attributes is required, what about 
   <$action-setfield $tiddler="tid" ($field="field" | $index = "index" | 
   *text* field) $value="value" />

On Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 6:48:35 PM UTC-5 Stobot wrote:

> This is a continuation of a conversation Mohammad started here ( Filter 
> operators: Official documentation (google.com) 
>  ). One thing that 
> has always struck me about TiddlyWiki widget documentation as different 
> from most other languages is that usually after a short description of the 
> purpose of the function, there's a syntax example so you can see how it's 
> put together, where the parameters (in our case attributes) go, which are 
> required etc. 
> In that thread I volunteered to at least mock up a POC to gather thoughts. 
> As Jeremy correctly pointed out, it'd be of no use to do just 1 widget, 
> we'd have to do them all. So, I mocked up something flexible here 
> (Documentation 
> — Syntax for Widgets (tiddlyhost.com) 
>  ) for people to give thoughts on. 
> It might make sense to add a Disqus plugin or something if this gets 
> traction, but I haven't put anything there yet. 
> While it seemed pretty cut and dry at first, it turns out there's a need 
> for some subjective thoughts / preferences on how to handle things. For 
> example, I think I'd like to show the full widget, even if the "content" is 
> ignored, to illustrate that fact, but some may disagree and we'd have to 
> think about how to show the "closed" version? like <$link/> rather than 
> <$link>. Next would be how best to distinguish the difference 
> between required attributes and optional ones. Most other documentation 
> seems to use things like square brackets [] or angle brackets <> for this 
> stuff, but that would get confusing in TiddlyWiki, so I'm leaning towards 
> either color (red for required, green for optional) or more gently *bold* for 
> required, *italic* for optional. 
> In the wiki, I've done a couple and have a table that lets you see it 
> side-by-side with current. See below for an example of the ImageWidget (red 
> lines to help you see diff)
> [image: ImageWidget.PNG]
> It'd be a good deal of work to go through this with this, and there are a 
> bunch of decisions to be made I'm realizing after trying to do a few 
> things, like best way to handle when say either tiddler/field/index is 
> required - how to format that? I built the syntax area as a macro and put 
> the data in fields, so we tweak things easily. 
> So, I'm essentially posting this to gauge interest and get ideas. Because 
> it'd be so much work, I don't want to start wasting time at something that 
> either nobody cares much about, or that wouldn't get implemented anyways. 
> Also I'll mention that Mohammad actually brought up filter operators 
> originally and I agree that could use the same treatment, so if this was 
> successful I/we could apply the same effort into those. 

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[tw5] Re: List with tags and links to topics

2021-07-03 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Generally, the only time you should use an  tag in TiddlyWiki is for 
external links. Otherwise, <$link> makes more sense, as this handles some 
functionality for you, like adding the # and applying appropriate styles if 
the tiddler is missing, a shadow tiddler, etc.

As for why what you did didn't work, this is never valid syntax in 


Within attributes, transclusions are not evaluated within quotes. Thus, the 
value of an attribute can be either a constant value in quotes, *or* a 
transclusion (<>, {{field}}, or {{{filtered}}}) -- not both. If 
you need to concatenate several things in the value of an attribute, you 
can use either a macro with text substitution:

\define concat() text$(transclusion)$

<$set transclusion={{transclusion}}>
<$widget attribute=<>/>

Or a filtered transclusion:

<$widget attribute={{{ [[text]addsuffix{transclusion}] }}}/>

On Saturday, July 3, 2021 at 10:18:15 AM UTC-5 miket...@gmail.com wrote:

> I love this kind of list I found in the documentation.
> https://i.imgur.com/4Hh7Rcs.jpg
> *<$list 
> filter="[tag[Features]sort[title]]"><>{{||$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/tags}}*
> But I want to be able to click on the headings to navigate. And it just 
> doesn't work (only Camel case on example).
> I tried to put it inside the HTML but it doesn't work.
> * href="#<>"><> href="#{{!!title}}">{{!!title}}*
> Variables <> {{!!title}} are not readable inside the HTML 
> tag <> and no links are received.
> https://i.imgur.com/QD3MXR1.jpg

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[tw5] Re: How do I clear a text field?

2021-07-03 Thread Soren Bjornstad
I wonder if your shell is trying to interpret the [is[image]] as a glob and 
passing a bad filter to TiddlyWiki – have you tried putting that parameter 
in quotes? (It appears to work right in Bash, but not sure what shell 
you're using.)

Also, can you run other commands against *mynewwiki* successfully?

I use this command line myself in a build script that runs every day and it 
works fine for me, so I don't think the instructions are wrong in the 
general case.

On Friday, July 2, 2021 at 6:30:39 PM UTC-5 miket...@gmail.com wrote:

> In the ExternalImages documentation, I need to enter a command to clear 
> old information.
> *--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain* 
> https://tiddlywiki.com/static/ExternalImages.html
> But this command doesn't work! And it throws an error 
> https://i.imgur.com/UThaiys.jpg
> This is written about the setfield command.
> *templatetitle* - the tiddler to wikify into the specified field. If 
> blank or missing then the specified *field is deleted *
> https://tiddlywiki.com/static/SetFieldCommand.html
> What should be the command to remove old information in this case?

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[tw5] Re: Date In "Title of new tiddlers" Setting

2021-06-29 Thread Soren Bjornstad
*$:/core/ui/Actions/new-journal* contains:

<$wikify name="journalTitle" text="""<$macrocall $name="now" 
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title=<> 
tags=<> text=<>/>

*$:/core/ui/Actions/new-tiddler* contains no such wikify, just:

<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" tags=<>/>

I haven't tried it, but I would think it would be relatively 
straightforward to override this tiddler and add an appropriate wikify 
widget and a *title* parameter to $action-sendmessage.

On Tuesday, June 29, 2021 at 3:37:26 PM UTC-5 iamdar...@gmail.com wrote:

> Is there a way to add a formatted date to the "Title of new tiddlers" 
> field like you can in the "Title of new journal tiddlers" field?
> I'm trying to add *MM/DD -* to the front of each new tiddler based on how 
> I am using it. I can always just delete it if I don't need the MM/DD - in 
> the title but prefer to have it if I did. 
> However, it doesn't seem that the field accepts any time of code so I'm 
> not sure if it is even possible. 
> Thanks!
> DM

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[tw5] Re: Number of conversations by contact

2021-06-30 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Hi JJ,

On Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at 6:18:58 AM UTC-5 JJ wrote:

> Now I'd like to create a table, which shows me the People I talked to with 
> the amount of conversations I had with them. Sometimes, the conversation is 
> with more than one person, so I write two names in the contact-field, like 
> "PersonOne PersonTwo". I understood that separating those, I should use the 
> enlist-operator.

I don't see you using the enlist operator in the snippet above? Anyway, I 
would use contains , not 
*enlist* – it's possible to do it with *enlist*, but makes things 
unnecessarily trickier.

> I tried the following, but I cannot find out, what to write in the space 
> marked with . If I try to enter one Persons name manually, the correct 
> count shows up in all rows, as expected. Somehow, I need to reference the 
> currentTiddler, but I don't know how.

You need to use a *soft parameter* with <> or {} instead of [], which fill 
in the value of a variable or field respectively. So your filter would look 


Or equivalently:


See Filters and Transclusions 
 for more 
on this.

It's worth noting you can take advantage of the $count widget and some 
default parameters of $link to simplify all this:

<$list filter="[tag[Person]sort[caption]]">

  <$link />

(But did you really want the title to display for each person after you 
sorted by the caption? You might prefer:

<$link to={{!!title}}><$transclude 

...which will show the caption if it exists and the title otherwise, 
linking to the title in either case.)

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[tw5] Re: How to make a tree structure of the notes?

2021-06-30 Thread Soren Bjornstad
In TiddlyWiki, you can create a tree structure with tags (TW documentation 
; Grok TiddlyWiki 
). Then you can make a table of 
contents to display them (TW documentation 
Grok TiddlyWiki 


I would caution that trying to organize your whole wiki into a tree 
structure can be limiting. Hierarchies where everything goes in one place 
are nice and orderly, but they make it harder to reuse ideas in different 
contexts. So I tend to prefer linking as a primary means of organizing 
content, and then creating smaller clusters of tree-structured notes within 
the wiki where needed.

On Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at 1:32:08 AM UTC-5 imleg...@gmail.com wrote:

> When I use tiddly I find it is easy to make a small piece of knowledge? 
> But I really need to make a tree structure of the notes, because the notes 
> I took are too scattered which make it hard to build a summary view of the 
> knowledge

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[tw5] Re: template: where is the widget???

2021-06-28 Thread Soren Bjornstad

> I've read in the doc that widgets are the fundamental part of tiddlywiki 
> and that all wiki syntax sugar is finally resolved as a number of widgets.
> Use of template is only described with transclusion as {{||template}} 
> (with tiddler or field or index before ||).
> the transclude widget has no template attribute.
> How then is done the transclusion? Shouldn't the transclude widget have a 
> template attribute?

Actually, the *template *is what's being transcluded during a transclusion, 
not the tiddler. When you transclude a tiddler through a template, the 
current tiddler is set to that tiddler and then the template is transcluded.

{{Tiddler||Template}} evaluates to:

<$tiddler tiddler=Tiddler>
  <$transclude tiddler=Template/>

{{||Template}} doesn't change the current tiddler and so evaluates to 

<$transclude tiddler=Template/>

{{Tiddler1}} is shorthand for {{Tiddler1||Tiddler1}}, and evaluates to:

<$tiddler tiddler=Tiddler1>
  <$transclude tiddler=Tiddler1/>

More on templates and current tiddlers 
my TiddlyWiki textbook.

> Also, I've come across $:/tags/ViewTemplate which is only described as: 
> "The system tag  $:/tags/ViewTemplate 
> marks the view template." which is not very telling.
I've done tenplates tgat work fine. They are not 
> tagged $:/tags/ViewTemplate. If I tag them as scuch, they act aout as if 
> their content was twice included. What does $:/tags/ViewTemplate really do? 
> How should it be used?

Haha, some of those tag explanations could use some work. TiddlyWiki just 
transcludes all the tiddlers with that tag in sequence when it is rendering 
each tiddler:

  <$transclude tiddler=<>/>

So the view template is essentially a list of templates that get 
*automatically* transcluded for every tiddler without mentioning them in 
your wikitext. This includes things like the title, the tags bar, and so on.

More on the view template 

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[tw5] Re: Linking to Field Values

2021-06-26 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Hi Merry,

This isn't valid XML/HTML/wikitext:

<$link to=<$view field=birthcountry/>

You can never nest widgets within attributes of other widgets like this 
(side note: notice that even if this was allowable, you would be missing a 
closing > after the /> to finish the opening $link tag). More generally, it 
might be worth learning now that in an attribute like to=, you can do 
exactly one of four things in TW:

   - to="constant value" [see note 1]
   - to={{field transclusion}}
   - to={{{filtered transclusion}}}
   - to=<>

Any combination of these, or any other content, won't work. Here's a summary 
of the available transclusion syntax 


Fortunately, there's no need to use a $view widget here – you can just 
transclude the field with the double-brace syntax:

<$link to={{!!birthcountry}}/>

[1] There are three other ways you can quote the value: """triple 
quotes""", 'single quotes', and sometimes no quotes at all (if there aren't 
any spaces or special characters in the value).
On Saturday, June 26, 2021 at 6:10:43 PM UTC-5 merry.ma...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hello, I think this is a pretty basic problem, but I've not been able to 
> figure out how to do it. 
> Within tiddlywiki, I have profiles for made-up individuals. I have 
> birthcountry of each individual recorded as a field. I also have 
> wikipedia-style sideboxes with individuals date of birth, date of death, 
> parentage, childrenetc and birthcountry as well.
> All I want to do is have it so that I can use the birthcountry field to 
> supply a value that I can use as both text and a link to another tiddler.
> For example: 
> John Smith
> Born - 04/05/1872 - Fantasyshire, MadeupLand (with "MadeupLand" value 
> drawn from the field and also used link to a tiddler with the title 
> "MadeupLand")
> Currently, I can retrieve the field value:
> <$view field=birthcountry/>
> And I can manually link to 'MadeupLand':
> <$link to="MadeupLand">
> But putting them together like this: 
> <$link to=<$view field=birthcountry/>
> Does not work, I just get "true"
> Any help would be much appreciated!

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[tw5] Refresh tiddler automatically

2021-06-26 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Has anyone found a way to make TiddlyWiki re-render a part of the page 
template periodically? I'd like to have a section in my page template that 
does a calculation based on the current time, and would love if I didn't 
have to click a button all the time to update it. Maybe some kind of event 
that's scheduled in JavaScript and fires every minute?

I did find this interesting thread 
, but it doesn't 
offer any kind of timer-based refresh.

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[tw5] Re: template: where is the widget???

2021-06-28 Thread Soren Bjornstad
On Monday, June 28, 2021 at 6:15:35 PM UTC-5 jn.pierr...@gmail.com wrote:

> Thank you to both of you for your explanation. The information on the 
> system tag was very helpful.
> @Soren: you write tgis in your textbook:
> [...]

I think PMario covered everything you asked very well, let me know if 
there's anything you still wanted to know. :)

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[tw5] Re: Soren Bjornstad’s reading list tutorial

2021-06-27 Thread Soren Bjornstad
And you're very welcome for the tutorial!

On Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 8:28:04 AM UTC-5 Soren Bjornstad wrote:

> Rehali,
> I see two problems here:
> 1. You have a typo in your transclusion syntax – it should be *{!!title}*, 
> not *{!title}*.
> 2. If the author field contains a link in [[double square brackets]] or is 
> a list of several authors, like I did in the video, then you need to use 
> *contains:*, not *field: *– *field: *does an exact match on the text 
> contents of the field, and this won't be an exact match because the field 
> contains extra square brackets. (Alternatively, if you only ever want to 
> have one author, you could just remove the brackets and not treat it as a 
> list.)
> On Saturday, June 26, 2021 at 11:21:13 PM UTC-5 Rehali wrote:
>> Before the question, first of all if you read this Soren then many thanks 
>> for your excellent tutorial on YouTube - it’s what got me started with 
>> tiddlywiki.
>> Now the question. If you’ve seen the tutorial, what I would like to do is 
>> to display a list of the books on the tiddly belonging to their author. The 
>> author field for each book is a link, as in [[Charles Dickens]]
>> I was hoping to use a filter on each Author tiddler like:
>> [tag[Source]field:author{!title}]
>> but I can’t get anything to work.
>> Any help would be much appreciated.

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[tw5] Re: Soren Bjornstad’s reading list tutorial

2021-06-27 Thread Soren Bjornstad

I see two problems here:

1. You have a typo in your transclusion syntax – it should be *{!!title}*, 
not *{!title}*.
2. If the author field contains a link in [[double square brackets]] or is 
a list of several authors, like I did in the video, then you need to use 
*contains:*, not *field: *– *field: *does an exact match on the text 
contents of the field, and this won't be an exact match because the field 
contains extra square brackets. (Alternatively, if you only ever want to 
have one author, you could just remove the brackets and not treat it as a 

On Saturday, June 26, 2021 at 11:21:13 PM UTC-5 Rehali wrote:

> Before the question, first of all if you read this Soren then many thanks 
> for your excellent tutorial on YouTube - it’s what got me started with 
> tiddlywiki.
> Now the question. If you’ve seen the tutorial, what I would like to do is 
> to display a list of the books on the tiddly belonging to their author. The 
> author field for each book is a link, as in [[Charles Dickens]]
> I was hoping to use a filter on each Author tiddler like:
> [tag[Source]field:author{!title}]
> but I can’t get anything to work.
> Any help would be much appreciated.

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[tw5] Re: A tour through my Zettelkasten

2021-06-28 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Probably did, but right now that one is more or less just <> -- there's no special functionality for 
selecting questions out of the tiddlers. That's something I'd like to 
improve in the future.

On Monday, June 28, 2021 at 12:12:30 PM UTC-5 mark.cu...@gmail.com wrote:

> Is there any chance your filter missed the OpenQuestions tiddler as well?
> On Sunday, April 18, 2021 at 11:55:35 AM UTC-4 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>> Looks like my filter missed the TODO tiddler, which should contain:
>> \define todore() \[\[TODO\]\]:
>> \define splitre() [\.\?!]
>> To add a TODO item to this list, simply link to [[TODO]].
>> <$list filter="[[TODO]backlinks[]] -[[TODO]]" variable=outer>
>>   <$list 
>> filter="[get[text]splitregexplast[]splitregexpfirst[]]"
>> variable=inner>
>>   <$link to=<>/>
>> ''TODO:'' <>.
>> On Sunday, April 18, 2021 at 10:23:28 AM UTC-5 ludwa6 wrote:
>>> Good to know, Soren, but first i have to get the basics under control, 
>>> like: TODO items!  
>>> About that, you say in your video at 28'47" 
>>> <https://youtu.be/GjpjE5pMZMI?t=1727> : "*Anywhere that i write the 
>>> word todo in square brackets, so link to the tiddler todo, gets 
>>> automatically pulled in here"* -here being presumably TODO tab of 
>>> "Write" feature, since that is the context.  I have tried this a number of 
>>> ways -with square brackets of both types: single (would have to be by some 
>>> magic i don't see, but since you didn't say "DOUBLE"...) and double 
>>> (creating a missing tiddler, which i then activated, tagged "Stub"), 
>>> whether as TODO uppercase or lower... Nothing shows up as expected in that 
>>> tab, at all.
>>> So what am i missing here, i wonder?
>>> /walt
>>> On Sunday, April 18, 2021 at 3:31:11 PM UTC+1 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>>>> Oh, to convert a single-file wiki to Node.js, all you need is:
>>>> tiddlywiki --load path/to/single/file.html --savewikifolder 
>>>> path/to/output/folder
>>>> You could even do this as a first step in the script above, if you 
>>>> wanted to normally edit in single-file mode but use the automated build.
>>>> On Sunday, April 18, 2021 at 9:02:28 AM UTC-5 ludwa6 wrote:
>>>>> Thank-you Soren, but to be clear: I'm working in single-file mode, 
>>>>> since i was unable to find a way to convert your file to node.js, though 
>>>>> that would probably make for a more elegant solution [*]... But the 
>>>>> "manual" method you propose below (with slight adaptation, see below) is 
>>>>> sufficiently well-automated, it makes my workflow relatively painless, as 
>>>>> follows:
>>>>>1. In TiddlyDesktop (where i am managing a fair mitt-full of TW5 
>>>>>instances), finish my days edits with a review to ensure tag "Public" 
>>>>> is on 
>>>>>all the right tiddlers, and none other;
>>>>>2. In $:/AdvancedSearch, run the filter-  
>>>>>[tag[Public]!is[system]]  -and upload the result set as .json, to...
>>>>>3. Drag & drop that .json file into the my local PUBLIC instance 
>>>>>(subset of the above), which is they synced to...
>>>>>4. My github.io repo <https://ludwa6.github.io/> : pull from there 
>>>>>(just to ensure there are no conflicting edits), then 
>>>>> commit/comment/push 
>>>>>changes online.
>>>>> NB: I'm using Atom text editor (on Mac, b/t/w, not Windows) for the 
>>>>> last step, just because i like its change management workflow, but 
>>>>> there's 
>>>>> a desktop app for Github that is probably the most intuitive GuI app for 
>>>>> this purpose.
>>>>> [*] As to that more elegant solution: if it were a node.js instance i 
>>>>> had in github, then i can see how it might be easier to manage a dataflow 
>>>>> based on individual tiddlers, instead of one big .html file -especially 
>>>>> if 
>>>>> others were to be engaged in collaborative editing (via Github Pull 
>>>>> Request)... But that's a bridge t

[tw5] Re: Refresh tiddler automatically

2021-06-27 Thread Soren Bjornstad
OK, I started having a major problem which took me a good hour to debug…but 
I have a fix. When I tried to use the TiddlyWiki CLI (for instance, with a 
--savewikifolder), it would hang indefinitely, because it is waiting on the 
timer to be torn down before terminating. Fortunately, there is a tag 
invokes the timer setup only when viewing the wiki in the browser. So I 
just removed $:/tags/StartupAction and added that one, and now it's working 
fine again.

On Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 10:45:26 AM UTC-5 Soren Bjornstad wrote:

> Eric,
> This worked perfectly! Thanks for the widget and the instructions.
> On Saturday, June 26, 2021 at 11:57:27 PM UTC-5 Eric Shulman wrote:
>> On Saturday, June 26, 2021 at 8:05:15 PM UTC-7 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>>> Has anyone found a way to make TiddlyWiki re-render a part of the page 
>>> template periodically?
>> I'd like to have a section in my page template that does a calculation 
>>> based on the current time, and would love if I didn't have to click a 
>>> button all the time to update it. 
>> Maybe some kind of event that's scheduled in JavaScript and fires every 
>>> minute?
>> My TiddlyTools Timer functions can do this.
>> 1) Copy the $action-timeout widget from 
>>  http://tiddlytools.com/timer.html#TiddlyTools%2FTime%2Faction-timeout.js 
>> <http://tiddlytools.com/timer.html#TiddlyTools%2FTime%2Faction-timeout.js>
>> 2) Create a "MinuteTickerStartup" tiddler, tagged with 
>> *$:/tags/StartupAction*, containing:
>> \define minute_ticker() <$action-setfield 
>> $tiddler="$:/temp/time/minuteticker" text=<> />
>> <$action-timeout interval=6 actions=<> />
>> 3) In a tiddler tagged with *$:/tags/PageTemplate*, put the content you 
>> want to automatically re-render each minute, like this:
>> <$vars ticker={{$:/temp/time/minuteticker}}>
>>*** content you want to re-render ***
>> Notes:
>> 1) MinuteTickerStartup is invoked *once* when you load your TiddlyWiki 
>> and sets up an javascript "interval" timer that is triggered every minute 
>> (6 milliseconds)
>> 2) The ticker action updates the contents of *$:/temp/time/minuteticker* to 
>> contain the current time (0hh0mm0ss)
>> 3) The $vars "wrapper" in the page template tiddler creates a refresh 
>> dependency associated with the current value in 
>> *$:/temp/time/minuteticker*
>> The result is that whatever content is in your page template will be 
>> re-rendered once per minute.  Q.E.D.
>> enjoy,
>> -e

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[tw5] Re: Refresh tiddler automatically

2021-06-27 Thread Soren Bjornstad

This worked perfectly! Thanks for the widget and the instructions.

On Saturday, June 26, 2021 at 11:57:27 PM UTC-5 Eric Shulman wrote:

> On Saturday, June 26, 2021 at 8:05:15 PM UTC-7 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>> Has anyone found a way to make TiddlyWiki re-render a part of the page 
>> template periodically?
> I'd like to have a section in my page template that does a calculation 
>> based on the current time, and would love if I didn't have to click a 
>> button all the time to update it. 
> Maybe some kind of event that's scheduled in JavaScript and fires every 
>> minute?
> My TiddlyTools Timer functions can do this.
> 1) Copy the $action-timeout widget from 
>  http://tiddlytools.com/timer.html#TiddlyTools%2FTime%2Faction-timeout.js 
> <http://tiddlytools.com/timer.html#TiddlyTools%2FTime%2Faction-timeout.js>
> 2) Create a "MinuteTickerStartup" tiddler, tagged with 
> *$:/tags/StartupAction*, containing:
> \define minute_ticker() <$action-setfield 
> $tiddler="$:/temp/time/minuteticker" text=<> />
> <$action-timeout interval=6 actions=<> />
> 3) In a tiddler tagged with *$:/tags/PageTemplate*, put the content you 
> want to automatically re-render each minute, like this:
> <$vars ticker={{$:/temp/time/minuteticker}}>
>*** content you want to re-render ***
> Notes:
> 1) MinuteTickerStartup is invoked *once* when you load your TiddlyWiki 
> and sets up an javascript "interval" timer that is triggered every minute 
> (6 milliseconds)
> 2) The ticker action updates the contents of *$:/temp/time/minuteticker* to 
> contain the current time (0hh0mm0ss)
> 3) The $vars "wrapper" in the page template tiddler creates a refresh 
> dependency associated with the current value in 
> *$:/temp/time/minuteticker*
> The result is that whatever content is in your page template will be 
> re-rendered once per minute.  Q.E.D.
> enjoy,
> -e

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"TiddlyWiki" group.
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[tw5] Re: Restyling a drop zone

2021-06-27 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Maki, yeah, I had previously tried inline-block along with a bunch of other 
things in that rule. It didn't help because I hadn't targeted the item 
underneath it as well.

Saq, thanks, that was *very* helpful. (For anyone else who comes along, 
that should be "tc-dragover", with a dash, not a dot.)

The selector I had missed targeting was *.tc-droppable.tc-dragover > 
.tc-droppable-placeholder*. (Both the droppable divs and the placeholder 
divs beneath them need to be inline-block.) I also needed this goofy rule:

div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul > div.tc-droppable 
div.tc-droppable-placeholder svg {
height: 0;
width: 1rem;

Yes, that's an *svg*, because TiddlyWiki uses a blank image within a *div* for 
the placeholder after the last *li* in list-links-draggable. I assume there 
is a good reason for this. :-)

Final version for anyone interested:

div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump {
background-color: <>;
position: fixed;
z-index: 850;
display: inline-block;
top: 0;
right: 0;
left: 0;
text-align: center;
height: 30px;
overflow: auto;
border-bottom: 1px solid <>;
padding-bottom: 3px;
padding-top: 3px;
font-size: 12px;

div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump a {
color: <>;

div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump a.tc-tiddlylink-shadow {
font-weight: normal;

div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul {
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

/* Droppable placeholders take up no space until we drag something there. */
div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul li.tc-droppable div.tc-droppable-placeholder {
height: 0;

/* TW inserts this as a placeholder after the last item. We have to resize 
it to match the rest. */
div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul > div.tc-droppable 
div.tc-droppable-placeholder svg {
height: 0;
width: 1rem;

div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump .tc-dropzone.tc-dragover:before {
display: inline-block;

div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul > li.tc-droppable div,
div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul > div.tc-droppable div {
display: inline-block;

div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump .tc-droppable.tc-dragover > 
.tc-droppable-placeholder {
display: inline-block;
background-color: green;
border: 0px;
width: 1rem;
height: 1rem;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 0;
padding-top: 0;

div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul li, div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul > 
div.tc-droppable {
display: inline-block;

.sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul li div:nth-child(2):after {
padding-left: 5px;
content: "·";
padding-right: 5px;

/* not last-child because there's a dropzone after it */
.sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul li:nth-last-child(2) div:after {
content: "";

On Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 4:11:05 AM UTC-5 saq.i...@gmail.com wrote:

> Inspect the dropzone DOM node with the browser dev tools and add the class 
> "tc.dragover". This will allow you see what CSS is active during the drag 
> over and make it easier to arrive at a solution.
> On Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 1:18:07 AM UTC+2 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>> I'm creating a horizontal list of my open tiddlers that runs across the 
>> top of the wiki, like this:
>> [image: Screenshot from 2021-06-26 18-13-01.png]
>> It's based on *list-links-draggable* and works great except for when I 
>> try to drag something to a different position. When I try, the bar scrolls 
>> to fit the dropzone on a separate line, so that I can no longer see where 
>> I'm moving the tiddler to:
>> [image: 2.png]
>> I tried poking through the theme CSS for a bit, but wasn't able to find 
>> anything that worked. It doesn't help that it's impossible to carefully 
>> inspect the DOM with the browser devtools since the mouse is tied up with 
>> the drag. Can someone point me to how I'd make the dropzone end up 
>> horizontally inline with the items, instead of above/below them?
>> Here's the code of the tiddler/CSS that I currently have:
>> <>
>> div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump {
>> background-color: <<color menubar-background>>;
>> position: fixed;
>> z-index: 850;
>> display: inline-block;
>> top: 0;
>> right: 0;
>> left: 0;
>> text-align: center;
>> height: 25px;
>> overflow: auto;
>> border-bottom: 1px solid <<color muted-foreground>>;
>> padding-bottom: 3px;
>> padding-top: 3px;
>> font-size: 12px;
>> }
>> div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump a {
>> color: <<color menubar-foreground>>;
>> }
>> div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump a.tc-tiddlylink-shadow {
>> font-weight: normal;
>> }
>> div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump .tc-dropzone.tc-dragover:before {
>> display: block;
>> position: relative;
>> top: 0;
>> left: 0;
>> right: 0;
>> }
>> div.sib-quick

[tw5] Re: Restyling a drop zone

2021-06-27 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Yes, $:/sib/Templates/Automatic/OpenTopBar 
I tagged it $:/tags/TopLeftBar, but I think one could instead use the 
PageTemplate or several other tags as well since the location on screen is 
fixed via CSS.

<$list filter=<> variable=_>


(ff <https://zettelkasten.sorenbjornstad.com/#%24%3A%2Fsib%2FMacros%2Fff> 
is a *feature flag *conditional, which makes it possible to show and hide 
it on the fly, and separately for the public and private editions. I don't 
have it on in public, but if you search for FeatureFlags and turn the "Open 
top bar" checkbox on, you can see this in action.)

On Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 12:06:14 PM UTC-5 iamdar...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hello Soren!
> As always awesome solution/work!
> I just had a quick question; is it safe to assume that you need a tiddler, 
> with the following code, open in the storylist for your code to work? Or 
> did you add it to a template?
> <>
> Thanks!
> On Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 12:41:25 PM UTC-4 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>> Maki, yeah, I had previously tried inline-block along with a bunch of 
>> other things in that rule. It didn't help because I hadn't targeted the 
>> item underneath it as well.
>> Saq, thanks, that was *very* helpful. (For anyone else who comes along, 
>> that should be "tc-dragover", with a dash, not a dot.)
>> The selector I had missed targeting was *.tc-droppable.tc-dragover > 
>> .tc-droppable-placeholder*. (Both the droppable divs and the placeholder 
>> divs beneath them need to be inline-block.) I also needed this goofy rule:
>> div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul > div.tc-droppable 
>> div.tc-droppable-placeholder svg {
>> height: 0;
>> width: 1rem;
>> }
>> Yes, that's an *svg*, because TiddlyWiki uses a blank image within a 
>> *div* for the placeholder after the last *li* in list-links-draggable. I 
>> assume there is a good reason for this. :-)
>> Final version for anyone interested:
>> div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump {
>> background-color: <>;
>> position: fixed;
>> z-index: 850;
>> display: inline-block;
>> top: 0;
>> right: 0;
>> left: 0;
>> text-align: center;
>> height: 30px;
>> overflow: auto;
>> border-bottom: 1px solid <>;
>> padding-bottom: 3px;
>> padding-top: 3px;
>> font-size: 12px;
>> }
>> div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump a {
>> color: <>;
>> }
>> div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump a.tc-tiddlylink-shadow {
>> font-weight: normal;
>> }
>> div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul {
>> list-style-type: none;
>> margin: 0;
>> padding: 0;
>> }
>> /* Droppable placeholders take up no space until we drag something there. 
>> */
>> div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul li.tc-droppable 
>> div.tc-droppable-placeholder {
>> height: 0;
>> }
>> /* TW inserts this as a placeholder after the last item. We have to 
>> resize it to match the rest. */
>> div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul > div.tc-droppable 
>> div.tc-droppable-placeholder svg {
>> height: 0;
>> width: 1rem;
>> }
>> div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump .tc-dropzone.tc-dragover:before {
>> display: inline-block;
>> }
>> div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul > li.tc-droppable div,
>> div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul > div.tc-droppable div {
>> display: inline-block;
>> }
>> div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump .tc-droppable.tc-dragover > 
>> .tc-droppable-placeholder {
>> display: inline-block;
>> background-color: green;
>> border: 0px;
>> width: 1rem;
>> height: 1rem;
>> margin-bottom: 0;
>> margin-top: 0;
>> padding-bottom: 0;
>> padding-top: 0;
>> }
>> div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul li, div.sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul > 
>> div.tc-droppable {
>> display: inline-block;
>> }
>> .sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul li div:nth-child(2):after {
>> padding-left: 5px;
>> content: "·";
>> padding-right: 5px;
>> }
>> /* not last-child because there's a dropzone after it */
>> .sib-quick-tiddler-jump ul li:nth-last-child(2) div:after {
>> content: "";
>> }
>> On Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 4:11:05 AM UTC-5 saq.i...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Inspect the dropzone DOM node with the browser dev tools and add the 
>>> class "tc.dragover". This will allow you

[tw5] Re: Introducing TiddlyRemember, a tool for integrating TiddlyWiki with Anki spaced-repetition flashcards

2021-07-11 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Haha, no problem. I would have wanted to check anyway.

On Saturday, July 10, 2021 at 5:36:16 PM UTC-5 Si wrote:

> Thanks a lot Soren!
> >>> I was not able to reproduce this with the *rememberq* macro, nor do I 
> see anything in that macro definition that would be able to cause a similar 
> issue, so if you're still seeing problems with that, please provide an 
> example of something that doesn't work. 
> My appologies, I meant to say "I have done something similar with question 
> and answer cards and *do not *seem to experience the same problem". I 
> guess I had a brain-fart. I'm really sorry for wasting your time. 
> On Saturday, 10 July 2021 at 21:47:36 UTC+1 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>> Si,
>> It looks like I have a $list widget that is being used to choose which 
>> macro call variant to use, and I forgot to set the *variable *parameter 
>> to something other than currentTiddler. I'll include a fix for this in the 
>> next version.
>> In the meantime, you can apply the fix yourself by overriding the shadow 
>> tiddler $:/plugins/sobjornstad/TiddlyRemember/macros/remember and adding 
>> the appropriate *variable* parameters -- here's a diff:
>> diff --git a/tw-plugin/macros/remember.tid b/tw-plugin/macros/remember.tid
>> index bfb6359..7dbb052 100644
>> --- a/tw-plugin/macros/remember.tid
>> +++ b/tw-plugin/macros/remember.tid
>> @@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
>>  \end
>>  \define remembercz(id, text, mode: "block", reference: "")
>> *-   <$list filter="[[$mode$]match[inline]]">*
>> *+   <$list filter="[[$mode$]match[inline]]" variable=_>*
>> <$macrocall $name=twRememberClozeInline id=<<__id__>> 
>> text=<<__text__>> reference=<<__reference__>>/>
>> *-   <$list filter="[[$mode$]!match[inline]]">*
>> *+   <$list filter="[[$mode$]!match[inline]]" variable=_>*
>> <$macrocall $name=twRememberClozeBlock id=<<__id__>> 
>> text=<<__text__>> reference=<<__reference__>>/>
>>  \end
>> I was not able to reproduce this with the *rememberq* macro, nor do I 
>> see anything in that macro definition that would be able to cause a similar 
>> issue, so if you're still seeing problems with that, please provide an 
>> example of something that doesn't work.
>> On Saturday, July 10, 2021 at 11:30:27 AM UTC-5 Si wrote:
>>> Hi Soren.
>>> I've run into a bit of trouble trying to create a custom cloze-macro 
>>> using TiddlyRemember. I have tiddlers with the fields cloze and context, 
>>> and am trying to create a global macro that will generate cloze cards based 
>>> on those fields. Here is the code:
>>> \define cloze-text()
>>> {{!!context}}
>>> {{!!cloze}}
>>> \end
>>> \define cloze()
>>> <$macrocall $name=remembercz id={{!!created}} text=<> />
>>> \end
>>> I am finding that the macro is unable to get the current tiddler. If I 
>>> change the code for cloze-text to the following I get the output 
>>> "block":
>>> \define cloze-text()
>>> <
>>> \end
>>> I have done something similar with question and answer cards and seem to 
>>> experience the same problem. Do you know what is going on here?
>>> I hope I have explained myself clearly enough, but that's not always 
>>> easy so please let me know if I'm not making any sense!
>>> On Monday, 25 May 2020 at 03:26:29 UTC+1 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>>>> I'm pleased to announce the release of version 1.0 of TiddlyRemember, a 
>>>> tool to make it easy to remember the most important bits of your notes. 
>>>> You 
>>>> call out specific bits of your tiddlers that you want to remember using 
>>>> TiddlyWiki macros, and an associated Anki <https://apps.ankiweb.net> 
>>>> add-on then pulls these snippets into Anki where you can review them 
>>>> regularly. The Anki cards link back to the tiddler they came from so you 
>>>> can find the context if you need it, and if you edit the content in 
>>>> TiddlyWiki or move it around, your Anki collection gets updated to match 
>>>> on 
>>>> your next sync, maintaining your review history.

[tw5] Re: First edition of Grok TiddlyWiki (TW textbook) is live

2021-07-11 Thread Soren Bjornstad
David and TT, I've made notes of both of these suggestions, thanks!

On Saturday, July 10, 2021 at 11:46:56 AM UTC-5 David Gifford wrote:

> Hi Soren, I am enjoying the Grok! One possible fix: the Miscellaneous 
> Widgets > $radio example doesn't seem to work.
> On Saturday, July 10, 2021 at 4:28:07 AM UTC-5 TiddlyTweeter wrote:
>> Ciao Soren
>> This is an updated comment. Your Grok is *very good*. I learned a lot 
>> from it. 
>> Basically I think it is a go-to resource/reference for learning TW-ese.
>> I have one REQUEST. *Could you include an SVG of this fish icon?* which 
>> is  currently only a bitmap ...
>> [image: Screenshot 2021-07-10 112257.jpg]
>> WHY? Because if I had it I'd use an SVG version in nice  links to 
>> direct readers to precise places your wiki.
>> Very best wishes
>> TT
>> On Sunday, 16 May 2021 at 16:43:44 UTC+2 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>>> I'm excited to announce that the first public edition of my TiddlyWiki 
>>> textbook, *Grok TiddlyWiki*, is live at https://groktiddlywiki.com/read
>>> . *Grok TiddlyWiki* is (from the book) “a textbook that helps you build 
>>> a deep, lasting understanding of and proficiency with TiddlyWiki through a 
>>> combination of detailed explanations, practical exercises, 
>>> and spaced-repetition reviews of prompts called *takeaways*.”
>>> I am hoping this book will fill in many of the gaps in TiddlyWiki's 
>>> documentation / learning ecosystem – right now we have lots of beginner 
>>> tutorials, and mostly good documentation for experts (with a few gaps), but 
>>> almost nothing for people in between. GTW is what I wished I had when I was 
>>> in that position: complete lessons on the features and idioms of TiddlyWiki 
>>> needed to bring someone from beginner to expert.
>>> The book is free to read and CC BY-NC-ND licensed (you can redistribute 
>>> it for noncommercial purposes). I am accepting donations 
>>> <https://groktiddlywiki.com/donate/> to support my continued work on 
>>> GTW and other TiddlyWiki learning resources. I would also appreciate your 
>>> help spreading the word about the book, e.g., on TW links sites, 
>>> notes-related resources, or social media.
>>> A huge thanks to everyone from this community who provided feedback on 
>>> the prerelease (see the acknowledgments section for details). Barring me 
>>> getting run over by a bus, there will be updated editions in the future, so 
>>> please keep the feedback and suggestions coming.

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[tw5] Re: add hour to field

2021-07-05 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Mystery solved! I needed to look up the syntax of compare the other day and 
thought I was just being dense when I couldn't find it in the list.

On Sunday, July 4, 2021 at 6:34:36 PM UTC-5 Eric Shulman wrote:

> <<.group-heading "String Operators">>
> <<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order 
> Operators]!tag[Mathematics Operators]tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag 
> Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
> <<.group-heading "Mathematics Operators">>
> <<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order 
> Operators]tag[Mathematics Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag 
> Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
> On Sunday, July 4, 2021 at 4:22:07 PM UTC-7 Brian Radspinner wrote:
>> The compare operator should be added to the Mathematics section of the 
>> Filter 
>> Operators  table, I had no 
>> idea it existed until I saw Eric's answer above.
> https://tiddlywiki.com/#compare%20Operator works for both numeric and 
> string comparisons, and is thus tagged as both "Mathematics Operator" and 
> "String Operator".  However, in https://tiddlywiki.com/#Filter%20Operators, 
> each of those tag categories excludes the all other categories, so 
> "compare" does not appear in either table
> -e

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[tw5] Re: Introducing TiddlyRemember, a tool for integrating TiddlyWiki with Anki spaced-repetition flashcards

2021-07-10 Thread Soren Bjornstad

It looks like I have a $list widget that is being used to choose which 
macro call variant to use, and I forgot to set the *variable *parameter to 
something other than currentTiddler. I'll include a fix for this in the 
next version.

In the meantime, you can apply the fix yourself by overriding the shadow 
tiddler $:/plugins/sobjornstad/TiddlyRemember/macros/remember and adding 
the appropriate *variable* parameters -- here's a diff:

diff --git a/tw-plugin/macros/remember.tid b/tw-plugin/macros/remember.tid
index bfb6359..7dbb052 100644
--- a/tw-plugin/macros/remember.tid
+++ b/tw-plugin/macros/remember.tid
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
 \define remembercz(id, text, mode: "block", reference: "")
*-   <$list filter="[[$mode$]match[inline]]">*
*+   <$list filter="[[$mode$]match[inline]]" variable=_>*
<$macrocall $name=twRememberClozeInline id=<<__id__>> 
text=<<__text__>> reference=<<__reference__>>/>

*-   <$list filter="[[$mode$]!match[inline]]">*
*+   <$list filter="[[$mode$]!match[inline]]" variable=_>*
<$macrocall $name=twRememberClozeBlock id=<<__id__>> 
text=<<__text__>> reference=<<__reference__>>/>


I was not able to reproduce this with the *rememberq* macro, nor do I see 
anything in that macro definition that would be able to cause a similar 
issue, so if you're still seeing problems with that, please provide an 
example of something that doesn't work.

On Saturday, July 10, 2021 at 11:30:27 AM UTC-5 Si wrote:

> Hi Soren.
> I've run into a bit of trouble trying to create a custom cloze-macro using 
> TiddlyRemember. I have tiddlers with the fields cloze and context, and am 
> trying to create a global macro that will generate cloze cards based on 
> those fields. Here is the code:
> \define cloze-text()
> {{!!context}}
> {{!!cloze}}
> \end
> \define cloze()
> <$macrocall $name=remembercz id={{!!created}} text=<> />
> \end
> I am finding that the macro is unable to get the current tiddler. If I 
> change the code for cloze-text to the following I get the output "block":
> \define cloze-text()
> <
> \end
> I have done something similar with question and answer cards and seem to 
> experience the same problem. Do you know what is going on here?
> I hope I have explained myself clearly enough, but that's not always easy 
> so please let me know if I'm not making any sense!
> On Monday, 25 May 2020 at 03:26:29 UTC+1 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>> I'm pleased to announce the release of version 1.0 of TiddlyRemember, a 
>> tool to make it easy to remember the most important bits of your notes. You 
>> call out specific bits of your tiddlers that you want to remember using 
>> TiddlyWiki macros, and an associated Anki <https://apps.ankiweb.net> 
>> add-on then pulls these snippets into Anki where you can review them 
>> regularly. The Anki cards link back to the tiddler they came from so you 
>> can find the context if you need it, and if you edit the content in 
>> TiddlyWiki or move it around, your Anki collection gets updated to match on 
>> your next sync, maintaining your review history.
>> Here's a little snip of the syntax, the rendering in a TiddlyWiki, and 
>> the card in Anki (permalink to this page in the docs 
>> <https://sobjornstad.github.io/TiddlyRemember/#Question-and-answer%20notes>
>> ):
>> [image: syntax.png]
>> There are cloze deletion cards too (if you're not a memory geek, you 
>> might call these "fill in the blanks cards").
>> Credit for this idea goes to Andy Matuschak, who reported building a 
>> private tool that worked similarly for his notes system 
>> <https://notes.andymatuschak.org/>. I cannot for the life of me find 
>> this note now (if someone knows where it is, please post the link!).
>> Check it out and install from here: 
>> https://sobjornstad.github.io/TiddlyRemember/.
>> I'm hoping this is a reasonably stable and functional version (thus the 
>> 1.0.0 moniker), but I've only been using it myself for a couple of weeks as 
>> I've been developing, and there are definitely improvements possible, so 
>> suggestions and pull requests are welcome! The two biggest areas for 
>> improvement I see that I'm not sure how to attack are:
>>- You have to have TiddlyWiki installed on Node on your system to use 
>>TiddlyRemember. (You can use TiddlyRemember fine with a single-file wiki 

[tw5] Re: How to make a tree structure of the notes?

2021-06-30 Thread Soren Bjornstad
On Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at 11:14:11 AM UTC-5 Mark S. wrote:

>  My current note taking system uses tags for the big "trunk" picture and 
> then uses titles for the finer, "leaf" structure so as not to create excess 
> tags.

This is a really cool idea! I don't think I've seen this one before, I'll 
have to give it a try. 

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[tw5] Re: How can you display a list at the click of a button?

2021-07-04 Thread Soren Bjornstad

An action cannot directly contain wikitext that should appear -- it can 
generally only contain action widgets (there are a few exceptions, like you 
can use a list widget to create a bunch of actions matching some pattern). 
The general pattern for creating a button that hides/shows content is to 
create a field that contains information about whether or not to show the 
content, then use a $reveal or $list widget to control whether it appears. 
For instance, to use a field called "show-content" on the current tiddler 
to control the display:

\define show-actions() <$action-setfield show-content="yes"/>
\define hide-actions() <$action-setfield show-content="no"/>

<$reveal state="show-content" type="match" text="yes">
  <$list filter="[tag[About]]">
  <$button actions=<>>Hide me again

<$reveal state="!!show-content" type="nomatch" text="yes">
  <$button actions=<>>
Click me!

(Note that unlike in your example, I've included an action and button to 
hide the content again. You can of course take that out if you don't want 
it...but the only way to get the content to go away again will be to go in 
and manually change the field on the current tiddler.)

You might also like to use a temporary tiddler, rather than a field on the 
current tiddler, to store whether the content should be open. If so, you 
would do something like:

\define show-actions() <$action-setfield $tiddler=<> show-content="yes"/>

<$reveal state=<> type="match" 

<> may not be necessary depending on your use case -- it prevents 
name collisions if you use this as a template on multiple tiddlers 
(otherwise, clicking the "show" button on one tiddler that uses the 
template will result in the content showing on all of them).

More information: Hiding and Showing Things 
TiddlyWiki), action widgets  (TW 
docs), $reveal widget  (TW docs), qualify 
macro  (Grok TiddlyWiki).
On Sunday, July 4, 2021 at 7:47:10 AM UTC-5 miket...@gmail.com wrote:

> For the button I want to make an Action. I took the example from the help 
> as a basis, but of course it does not work :)
> *\define my-actions()<$list filter="[tag[About]]"><$link/>   
>  {{||$:/core/templates/static-tiddler}}\end<$button 
> actions=<>>Click me!*

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[tw5] Re: [TW5] Open all the tiddlers with a particular tag

2021-07-04 Thread Soren Bjornstad
This isn't the correct filter syntax for transcluding a field into the 


You probably want:


On Sunday, July 4, 2021 at 8:24:55 AM UTC-5 miket...@gmail.com wrote:

> Please tell me pls why these buttons do not work?
> *\define openByFilter(filter)<$button>open filtered tiddlers $filter$*
> *<$list filter=$filter$><$action-navigate 
> $to={{!!title}}/><$action-sendmessage 
> $message="tm-unfold-all-tiddlers"/>\end*
> *\define closeByFilter(filter)<$button>close filtered tiddlers $filter$*
> *<$list filter=$filter$><$action-sendmessage 
> $message="tm-close-tiddler"/>\end*
> *<$select field="target" default='(none)'> value="null">(none)*
> *<$list filter="[tags[]!is[system]sort[title]]">*
> *>><$view 
> field="title"/>*
> *<>< "[tag[{{!!target}}]]">>*
> пятница, 28 июля 2017 г. в 16:41:14 UTC+3, Andrew: 
>> Check out my button 
>> http://t5a.tiddlyspot.com/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Fajh%2Fopenall plugin that 
>> can be installed from my library 
>> http://t5a.tiddlyspot.com/#Plugin%20Library

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[tw5] Re: Menubar Customization / Sticky Titles

2021-07-04 Thread Soren Bjornstad
I don't use the menubar plugin, but I did add a custom top bar of my own 
and got this working, so I'm guessing the same thing would work here. Edit 
the shadow tiddler $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/sticky. In the rule 
.tc-tiddler-title, change the *top* property to however tall the menu bar 
On Saturday, July 3, 2021 at 5:20:32 PM UTC-5 miket...@gmail.com wrote:

> How did you solve this problem? I also ran into it and I haven’t gotten 
> anything good yet.
> The panel overlaps the buttons I want.
> https://i.imgur.com/86gVY7s.jpg
> понедельник, 1 июня 2020 г. в 13:54:53 UTC+3, Stobot: 
>> Birthe - thanks, the padding setting you suggested worked great. 

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[tw5] Re: What is this weird error in "define"?

2021-07-04 Thread Soren Bjornstad
That's just how macros work in TiddlyWiki. Any pragmas (things beginning 
with a \), including \define, have to come before all non-pragma content in 
a tiddler.

On Sunday, July 4, 2021 at 7:41:42 AM UTC-5 miket...@gmail.com wrote:

> I want to make a list of pictures with an address.
> https://i.imgur.com/zRhtrSo.jpg
> *\define 
> image-picker2(actions,filter:"[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[$:/tags/Image]]",subfilter:"")  
> class="tc-image-chooser"><$vars state-system=< "$:/state/image-picker/system">>><$reveal type="match" text="hide" 
> default="hide" tag="div"><$macrocall $name="image-picker-list" 
> filter="""$filter$""" actions="""$actions$"""/><$reveal 
> state=<> type="nomatch" text="hide" default="hide" 
> tag="div"><$macrocall $name="image-picker-list" filter="""$filter$""" 
> actions="""$actions$"""/>\end<$button 
> message="tm-open-external-window" param={{!!url}}>Источник* 
> {{!!url}}* https://tiddlywiki.com/#image-picker%20Macro 
> <$edit-text 
> tiddler='$:/_MyImage' tag='input' placeholder='(unset)' 
> default=''/><$transclude tiddler={{$:/_MyImage}}/>---<$macrocall 
> $name='image-picker2' actions="<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/_MyImage' 
> $value=<>/>"/>*
> But if you add something to the beginning, then everything breaks down!
> https://i.imgur.com/6zb4df6.jpg
> And even the old code doesn't work anymore. Why? What am I doing wrong?

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[tw5] Re: A tour through my Zettelkasten

2021-04-26 Thread Soren Bjornstad
On Monday, April 26, 2021 at 9:08:31 AM UTC-5 Anjar wrote:

> This is amazing, Soren, thank you for sharing both the technical part and 
> your interesting thoughts! I thought your actual name was Søren Bjørnstad, 
> so I'm happy to have been corrected:)

It probably should be. Too many generations in America by now. :-) 

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[tw5] Re: New Feature Request ?

2021-04-26 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Are you trying to include words and space the chords proportionally , or 
just the sequence of chord symbols? If it's just the chords I think this is 
pretty simple -- you even have the syntax right except that you should have 
a bar at the beginning and end of each line as well.

On Monday, April 26, 2021 at 5:02:18 AM UTC-5 its.mar...@gmail.com wrote:

> I have been using tiddlywiki for years - I Love it
> I Particularly LOVE the way it is easily searchable etc etc.
> Wat I am trying to achieve is using it for music - Chord sequences
> I am struggling getting tables to work nicely.
> What I am after is a way of writing down chord sequences ( as a kind of 
> aide memoir )
> to view on my iphone so when I play piano - i dont have to carry sheet 
> music about.
> so 
> c  |  D7  | Gm7| AbMaj
> C  | Gm7   |Bb | F#maj
> that sort of thing  :)
> However - when i try - the bars are all over the shop
> Anyone ever had any success at formatting the tables nicely - with blank 
> rows to make it clearer?

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[tw5] Re: list ala non system tidlers in drop down

2021-04-29 Thread Soren Bjornstad
That doesn't list all non-system tiddlers, it only lists ones tagged 
*TableOfContents*. You probably want to replace

<$list filter='[tag[TableOfContents]]'>


<$list filter='[!is[system]]'>

Google Groups doesn't have a "close thread" function.

On Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 8:38:59 PM UTC-5 mohamed...@hotmail.com 

> ok its actually in the documentation 
> https://tiddlywiki.com/static/SelectWidget.html
> <$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-state'> <$list 
> filter='[tag[TableOfContents]]'> <$view field='title'/> 
>   <$tiddler tiddler={{$:/generated-list-demo-state}}> 
> <$transclude mode='block'/> 
> how do you close a thread ?
> On Friday, April 30, 2021 at 2:37:57 AM UTC+2 paulgilbert2000 wrote:
>> Hi,
>> is there a way to list all non system tidlers in a drop down?

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[tw5] Re: Modifying the body with ViewTemplate

2021-04-29 Thread Soren Bjornstad
I ran across this situation recently. I wanted tiddlers with a particular 
tag to not use the default template at all. I ended up using the data-tags 
styling functionality 
 to target the 
body as rendered by the standard ViewTemplate and hide it completely. In a 
tiddler tagged $:/tags/Stylesheet:

div[data-tags*="MyTag"] div.tc-tiddler-body {
display: none;

Then I added a new template tagged $:/tags/ViewTemplate that displayed what 
I wanted, and wrapped it in a list widget so it appeared only when tagged 

 <$list filter="[all[current]tag[MyTag]">
   ...your template here...

You might have to play with the CSS selectors if you want something more 
complicated than a single tag, but presumably you can do something similar 
to that.

I'm not sure whether TiddlyWiki bothers rendering things that are behind a 
display: none rule. If it does, the possibility of slightly decreased 
performance might be the one drawback to this approach.

On Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 4:24:54 PM UTC-5 Stobot wrote:

> Thanks Odin - I get most of that and sounds like a promising path, but how 
> do I "Hide the normal $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body conditionally based on 
> tag" without modifying the core?
> On Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 4:43:00 PM UTC-4 Odin wrote:
>> If modifying shadow tiddlers of the core is the issue:
>> Clone the  $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body tiddler and add your 
>> modifications. Add it conditionally based on tag. Hide the normal  
>> $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body conditionally based on tag. This way, you 
>> don't modify the core tiddlers and only add your own tiddlers.
>> Op donderdag 29 april 2021 om 21:56:12 UTC+2 schreef Stobot:
>>> Good thought Anjar - just tested it, doesn't appear to work 
>>> unfortunately... I get the "details" section above the body but expanding 
>>> it doesn't do anything, and and a  text showing down below - 
>>> seemingly indicating that it's not finding it's <$details> match above... 
>>> thanks for responding though.
>>> Any other ideas?
>>> On Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 3:41:23 PM UTC-4 Anjar wrote:
 Maybe it is possible to have  <$details> in one tiddler and  
  in another tiddler and use list-before/after to manipulate the 
 position of the two?


 torsdag 29. april 2021 kl. 20:57:39 UTC+2 skrev Stobot:

> Hello all,
> I'm making sure there's not a better way to do this... I want to have 
> tiddlers with certain tags have their body wrapped with the <$details> 
> widget to keep the tiddlers short. 
> I know I can ADD things to the body by adding ViewTemplate tags as 
> outlined:
> https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/Jg-nmLk-yxs/m/yGricD4sBwAJ
> I know that I can HIDE things in the normal ViewTemplate by using CSS 
> as Eric showed:
> https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/K6uHR4XtJ0o/m/MNxAhRxQAgAJ
> But I can't see how that would help what I want to do. Instead I've 
> just hacked the actual $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body - which I know I 
> don't 
> want to do...
> \define use-details()
> <$details summary="Notes">
> <$transclude>
> <$transclude tiddler="$:/language/MissingTiddler/Hint"/>
> \end
> \define no-details()
> <$transclude>
> <$transclude tiddler="$:/language/MissingTiddler/Hint"/>
> \end
> <$reveal tag="div" class="tc-tiddler-body" type="nomatch" 
> stateTitle=<> text="hide" retain="yes" animate="yes">
> <$list filter="[all[current]!has[plugin-type]!field:hide-body[yes]]">
> <$list filter="[all[current]tag[Tasks]] [all[current]tag[Meetings]] 
> [all[current]tag[Projects]] [all[current]tag[Debriefs]]" 
> emptyMessage=<> variable="X">
> <>

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[tw5] Re: Modifying the body with ViewTemplate

2021-04-29 Thread Soren Bjornstad
On Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 8:51:57 PM UTC-5 Soren Bjornstad wrote:

> I wanted tiddlers with a particular tag to not use the default template at 
> all.

Correction: By this I mean "not to show the text field at all." The only 
thing this approach hides is the content defined 
in $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body -- the other components of the default view 
template are still included.

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[tw5] Re: Modifying the body with ViewTemplate

2021-04-30 Thread Soren Bjornstad
I think you're right that there's no way to avoid repeating the 
div.tc-tiddler-body, but you can still simplify this down to:

[data-tags*="Tasks"] div.tc-tiddler-body,
[data-tags*="Projects"] div.tc-tiddler-body,
[data-tags*="Initiatives"] div.tc-tiddler-body,
[data-tags*="Meetings"] div.tc-tiddler-body,
[data-tags*="Debriefs"] div.tc-tiddler-body {

Then at least you don't have to have the same formatting rule 5 times.

On Friday, April 30, 2021 at 6:12:37 AM UTC-5 Stobot wrote:

> Thanks Soren - that got me what I needed. I do worry a slight bit about 
> the performance myself, as it does seem like I'll be double-rendering, but 
> at least it solves it without modifying the core. I'll have to think about 
> the lesser of evils.
> Note in case anyone else follows this, I got stuck temporarily as I 
> followed Odin's path too literally - cloning the original core 
> $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body which included the tc-tiddler-body class too. 
> When I stripped that out, it worked fine.
> I'd not used data-tag styling before, so that's good learning for me. 
> Because I needed to apply to multiple tags and only one particular chunk, I 
> ended up having to do separate lines (like below) whereas the instructions 
> indicate it may be possible to do all as one with 
> [data-tags*="Tasks"],[data-tags*="Projects],... but the div.tc-tiddler-body 
> thing I couldn't work in. 
> [data-tags*="Tasks"] div.tc-tiddler-body {display:none;}
> [data-tags*="Projects"] div.tc-tiddler-body {display:none;}
> [data-tags*="Initiatives"] div.tc-tiddler-body {display:none;}
> [data-tags*="Meetings"] div.tc-tiddler-body {display:none;}
> [data-tags*="Debriefs"] div.tc-tiddler-body {display:none;}
> On Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 9:57:37 PM UTC-4 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>> On Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 8:51:57 PM UTC-5 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>>> I wanted tiddlers with a particular tag to not use the default template 
>>> at all.
>> Correction: By this I mean "not to show the text field at all." The only 
>> thing this approach hides is the content defined 
>> in $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body -- the other components of the default view 
>> template are still included.

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[tw5] Re: Display parent tiddler's name alongside the child

2021-04-30 Thread Soren Bjornstad
I think you want the tags[] filter operator. How about:

<$list filter="[tag[Task]]">
<$link to=<>/> (part of project <$link to={{{ 
[all[current]tags[]tag[Project]] }}}/>)

This assumes your tasks are tagged Task and your projects are tagged 
Project...you can replace the tag[Task] and tag[Project] bits in the 
filters with whatever criteria you need to determine if something is a task 
or a project.

On Friday, April 30, 2021 at 3:07:15 AM UTC-5 passingby wrote:

> If I have Project tiddlers as parents and Tasks as children tagged by the 
> parent's name:
> Project-1
>   Task1
>   Task2
>   Task3
> Project-2
>  Task4
>  Task5
> How do I create a list like this:
> Task1 - Project1
> Task2 - Project1
> .
> Task4 - Project2
> In other words, when I iterate through the list of Tasks, I wish to 
> display the Project's name alongside. Is it possible? The only link between 
> the project and the task is that the task is tagged with the project's 
> name. So the logic generating the list has to look backwards somehow.

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Re: [tw5] Re: Width of edit-text text areas

2021-05-02 Thread Soren Bjornstad
textarea .wideedit means "all textarea elements that contain an element 
with the wideedit class" ("contain" can be any number of levels deep). 
Similarly, .wideedit textarea means "all elements with the wideedit class 
that contain a textarea element".

Whereas textarea.wideedit, without the space, puts both criteria on the 
same element, so "all textarea elements that have the wideedit class".

On Sunday, May 2, 2021 at 8:03:18 AM UTC-5 David Gifford wrote:

> Yes! Thanks Saw!
> On Sun, May 2, 2021, 7:41 AM Saq Imtiaz  wrote:
>> textarea.wideedit {width:100%;}
>> On Sunday, May 2, 2021 at 2:09:34 PM UTC+2 David Gifford wrote:
>>> Hi all
>>> Any way to make width of edit-text text areas 100%? The instructions at 
>>> tiddlywiki.com only show how to adjust the height, not the width. I 
>>> tried adding class="wideedit", then added the class to a Stylesheet tiddler
>>> input .wideedit {width:100%;}
>>> .wideedit input {width:100%;}
>>> .wideedit textarea {width:100%;}
>>>  textarea  .wideedit {width:100%;}
>>> one at a time, and none of them worked.
>>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the 
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>> To unsubscribe from this topic, visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/GlmyzLM6--4/unsubscribe.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to 
>> tiddlywiki+...@googlegroups.com.
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/bd1211f1-bd7f-4571-a1e3-f5e7795e486fn%40googlegroups.com
>> .

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[tw5] Re: Keyboard shortcut: close tiddler

2021-05-02 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Another possibility is that your browser or a browser extension is 
capturing the keyboard shortcut.

On Sunday, May 2, 2021 at 12:44:50 AM UTC-5 PMario wrote:

> Hi,
> Make sure, that the cursor is in the text area. Then try ctrl-Enter. If it 
> doesn't work check your plugins, if one of them may change the keyboard 
> handling.
> There is no shortcut to delete a tiddler. We try to avoid loosing data 
> accidentally. At the moment there is no mechanism, that selects tiddlers in 
> the story river. If several tiddlers are open, you can't be sure which one 
> will be deleted.
> -m

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Re: [tw5] Re: Tiddlywiki Mobile App with Highlight Feature

2021-04-28 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Just to be clear since it seems there is some confusion, what TiddlyWiki 
plugins are available does not depend at all on what app you are using to 
access your TiddlyWiki. There might be a handful of exceptions if a plugin 
relies on features that are browser-specific, but those situations are 
quite rare.

On Wednesday, April 28, 2021 at 2:28:54 PM UTC-5 si wrote:

> Plugins are installed into TiddlyWiki - check out the demo page for that 
> plugin to see installation instructions. Tiddloid is just for viewing a 
> TiddlyWiki file.
> On Tuesday, 27 April 2021 at 21:03:23 UTC+1 Java Development wrote:
>> How to integrate the plugin 
>> https://github.com/bimlas/tw5-highlight-searched-text/  into Tiddloid 
>>  ???
>> Is it possible to raise a request in Tiddloid 
>>  to integrate the above plugin as it 
>> would be useful for all
>> Thanks
>> On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 1:10 AM si  wrote:
>>> I use Tiddloid , which should work 
>>> fine with that plugin.
>>> On Tuesday, 27 April 2021 at 14:52:10 UTC+1 Java Development wrote:
 Any good one for android with the mentioned plugin??

 Thank you

 On Tue 27 Apr, 2021, 6:21 PM ludwa6,  wrote:

> Yes JavaDev: the Quine2 app makes my several TW instances -including 
> all plugins- available on my iOS devices (phone & pad) via iCloud in 
> fully 
> interactive mode. 
> (NB: i can't speak to Android nor that particular plugin you mention).
> /walt
> On Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 10:53:10 AM UTC+1 Java Development wrote:
>>   Hi,
>> The AndTidWiki is a good mobile app...but doesn't have the following 
>> plugin
>> Below highlight plugin 
>> https://github.com/bimlas/tw5-highlight-searched-text/ is awesome. 
>> Does Any mobile app available for Tiddly Wiki?
>> Does Any Mobile app available for tiddly wiki with above highlight 
>> beautiful plugin?
>> Thanks.
> -- 
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> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/54131f7f-0c4c-4a61-ada2-1ab149a4fc13n%40googlegroups.com
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[tw5] Re: Monospaced block inside a quoted text?

2021-04-27 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Your snippet works for me, too. Can you export the tiddler you create as a 
json file and attach that? It's possible you're getting some kind of weird 
special character in there, and the JSON file will be an exact copy of your 
tiddler without any issues introduced by copying and pasting.

[image: ksnip_20210427-201022.png]

On Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 6:37:48 PM UTC-5 Xabriña wrote:

> Well, I don't know what happens. I also get it correctly in the online 
> version of Tiddlywiki, but in the installation that I have on the laptop it 
> doesn't work. I have to say that I use Bob.exe, I don't know if that will 
> be the problem.
> What I am trying to put is the following:
> <<<
> You can use two nested `$list` widgets, like this:
> ```
> <$vars tagName="howdy" fieldName="special" fieldValue="Yes">
> <$list filter="[taghas]">
><$list filter="[getmatch]" 
> variable="is_match">
> ```
> <<<
> And this is what appears to me:
>  <<<   
> El miércoles, 28 de abril de 2021 a las 0:20:42 UTC+2, mwik...@gmail.com 
> escribió:
>> This seems to work fine unless you have some text in the line 
>> *immediately* above the <<<. Then everything gets mis-parsed (I think that 
>> it has something to do with rendering inline vs block). If you leave and at 
>> least one empty line (with absolutely no spaces) just before <<<, it should 
>> render as a block quote.
>> /Mike
>> On Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 4:22:35 PM UTC-3 Xabriña wrote:
>>> this is the text i'm trying to put
>>> <<<
>>> You can use two nested `$list` widgets, like this:
>>> ```
>>> <$vars tagName="howdy" fieldName="special" fieldValue="Yes">
>>> <$list filter="[taghas]">
>>><$list filter="[getmatch]" 
>>> variable="is_match">
>>> ```
>>> <<<
>>> El martes, 27 de abril de 2021 a las 21:11:19 UTC+2, Xabriña escribió:
 Hello everybody.

 I am trying to do one thing but I am not successful and I am not sure 
 what can be done.
 I try to put a text in monospaced block formating inside a quoted text 
 formating but I can't get it to work. I have just disappeared part of the 
 text of the tiddler. Is there any way that this works or is it that it 
 can't be done?

 Thank you so much.


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[tw5] Re: A tour through my Zettelkasten

2021-04-25 Thread Soren Bjornstad
On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 4:52:26 PM UTC-5 psigu...@gmail.com wrote:

> There's one minor issue with the TiddlyStretch plugin, at least the 
> stretch-links widget. There is an extra line break in the rendering in 
> Firefox (Desktop version in Windows10). Should I report that as an issue on 
> the GitHub page? - For me it's no big deal but I thought you might want to 
> know.

I'm aware of this, but please do create an issue if there isn't one. It 
doesn't appear to be strictly linked to either browser or operating system, 
so I'm not quite sure what's up at the moment.

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Re: [tw5] New magic of $list widget in Tiddlywiki 5.1.24: The index attribute

2021-04-25 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Or perhaps we should make it 0.5-based <https://github.com/osteele/bootle>.

On Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 12:11:21 PM UTC-5 Soren Bjornstad wrote:

> Yeah, I have trouble thinking of a situation in which you would want a 
> zero-based index here. Nobody wants their displayed list to start with 0, 
> and doesn't seem like there is any way to access the contents of the list 
> using a 0-based index. In the rare situation that you actually did want it, 
> seems like you could subtract one.
> On Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 11:52:13 AM UTC-5 Mark S. wrote:
>>>> It seems to me that devising a mechanism to let the user specify 0 or 
>>>> 1-based indexes will result in more complexity than the user simply adding 
>>>> 1 when required. Did you have a mechanism in mind?
>> Shouldn't it be 1-based, since that is what the nth filter requires? The 
>> main filter that uses an index?

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[tw5] Re: A tour through my Zettelkasten

2021-04-25 Thread Soren Bjornstad
On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 12:25:28 PM UTC-5 ludwa6 wrote:

> Building my instance off this template, i'm now trying to develop a few 
> topical Bibliographies, each with a list of Sources, but it's not working 
> the way you show in the video, @Soren.
> When i click the "Sources" tool, it opens up a "New Source" tiddler that 
> contains only the following set of fields by default; the "Bibliography" 
> field that appears at top of the list in your video at min.24'54" does
not show up in mine -neither by default nor in the dropdown list of Field 
> Names with which i might customise the tiddler (tho i suppose this should 
> be done at the level of a View Template, right)?

Just add a field called "bibliography" to the source tiddler with whatever 
value you like -- it doesn't have to show up in the dropdown to use it. I 
think it's not in my default set of fields because plenty of my source 
tiddlers don't use one. Also, you have to create a bibliography tiddler for 
each bibliography, which has the same key in its *bibliography* field as 
the sources you want to include on it, and transcludes the template 

I'm not sure what you're saying about the View Template. 

Also: the "Bibliography" tab in SideBar appears rather enigmatic for the 
> new user of this skeleton Zettelkasten,

Yeah, that's why I included a "no instructions" disclaimer when I posted 
this. :-)

> who has no Bibliography as of yet, no bibtex entries to "Process," and no 
> clue as to how to make one.  I tried using the Search box in that widget, 
> using pulldown param "Author" to search for the Source i created using the 
> "New Source" tool, but it does not appear... And neither does it appear in 
> the table on SourceList tiddler tho -being created via New Source tool- it 
> is of course properly tagged.

I don't know why that would be. The filter for SourceList is just 
`[tag[Source]]`, so there's not much room for issues here! Perhaps 
something to do with your confusion about the interaction of this with the 
refnotes plugin?

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Re: [tw5] New magic of $list widget in Tiddlywiki 5.1.24: The index attribute

2021-04-25 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Yeah, I have trouble thinking of a situation in which you would want a 
zero-based index here. Nobody wants their displayed list to start with 0, 
and doesn't seem like there is any way to access the contents of the list 
using a 0-based index. In the rare situation that you actually did want it, 
seems like you could subtract one.

On Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 11:52:13 AM UTC-5 Mark S. wrote:

>>> It seems to me that devising a mechanism to let the user specify 0 or 
>>> 1-based indexes will result in more complexity than the user simply adding 
>>> 1 when required. Did you have a mechanism in mind?
> Shouldn't it be 1-based, since that is what the nth filter requires? The 
> main filter that uses an index?

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[tw5] Re: Custom sort order

2021-05-03 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Here's a solution using sortsub, which sorts based on a key obtained by 
running a filter against each input item.  This assumes your prefixes are 
separated from the rest of the tiddler title by a space. If not, you may 
have to change the split character or get a bit more creative:

\define myfilt() [all[current]split[ ]first[]match[SP]then[010] 
[all[current]split[ ]first[]match[SC]then[020]] [all[current]split[ 


The subfilter in myfilt uses a series of runs to convert each prefix into a 
numerical value which sorts in the order you want. You can add as many 
steps to the filter as you need to handle all your prefixes. Any items that 
don't have a prefix listed in the filter will get no sort key and so show 
up at the top of the list.

I am sure you could get creative and figure out how to store the mapping in 
a data tiddler and dynamically build the filter, but I'll let someone else 
figure that out if they're so inclined.

On Monday, May 3, 2021 at 8:05:12 AM UTC-5 PMario wrote:

> On Monday, May 3, 2021 at 11:48:41 AM UTC+2 Max Rozeman wrote:
>> Well it looks like this isn't as simple as I had hoped. Maybe what I need 
>> is a macro, but that's a skill I've yet to learn. For the time being then 
>> I'll just have to sort my titles the easy and messy way by adding prefixes 
>> to my prefixes.
> You are right. My code doesn't work as expected. ... I did very poor 
> testing, so it looked like it would have worked. ... :/ Sorry for that. 
> But the sortby operator needs "matching titles" it doesn't use regexp 
> matches internally, which would have been needed for your usecase. 
> So imo there won't be a "out of the box" solution. ... At least I don't 
> know it. 
> -mario

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[tw5] Re: Custom sort order

2021-05-03 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Sorry, there's a typo in that macro, should be:

\define myfilt() [all[current]split[ ]first[]match[SP]then[010]] 
[all[current]split[ ]first[]match[SC]then[020]] [all[current]split[ 

On Monday, May 3, 2021 at 1:30:56 PM UTC-5 Soren Bjornstad wrote:

> Here's a solution using sortsub, which sorts based on a key obtained by 
> running a filter against each input item.  This assumes your prefixes are 
> separated from the rest of the tiddler title by a space. If not, you may 
> have to change the split character or get a bit more creative:
> \define myfilt() [all[current]split[ ]first[]match[SP]then[010] 
> [all[current]split[ ]first[]match[SC]then[020]] [all[current]split[ 
> ]first[]match[ER]then[030]]
> <]">>
> The subfilter in myfilt uses a series of runs to convert each prefix into 
> a numerical value which sorts in the order you want. You can add as many 
> steps to the filter as you need to handle all your prefixes. Any items that 
> don't have a prefix listed in the filter will get no sort key and so show 
> up at the top of the list.
> I am sure you could get creative and figure out how to store the mapping 
> in a data tiddler and dynamically build the filter, but I'll let someone 
> else figure that out if they're so inclined.
> On Monday, May 3, 2021 at 8:05:12 AM UTC-5 PMario wrote:
>> On Monday, May 3, 2021 at 11:48:41 AM UTC+2 Max Rozeman wrote:
>>> Well it looks like this isn't as simple as I had hoped. Maybe what I 
>>> need is a macro, but that's a skill I've yet to learn. For the time being 
>>> then I'll just have to sort my titles the easy and messy way by adding 
>>> prefixes to my prefixes.
>> You are right. My code doesn't work as expected. ... I did very poor 
>> testing, so it looked like it would have worked. ... :/ Sorry for that. 
>> But the sortby operator needs "matching titles" it doesn't use regexp 
>> matches internally, which would have been needed for your usecase. 
>> So imo there won't be a "out of the box" solution. ... At least I don't 
>> know it. 
>> -mario

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[tw5] Re: Monospaced block inside a quoted text?

2021-05-03 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Are any of the mods able to look into why Xabriña's posts keep getting 

On Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 8:09:09 PM UTC-5 Soren Bjornstad wrote:

> Your snippet works for me, too. Can you export the tiddler you create as a 
> json file and attach that? It's possible you're getting some kind of weird 
> special character in there, and the JSON file will be an exact copy of your 
> tiddler without any issues introduced by copying and pasting.
> [image: ksnip_20210427-201022.png]
> On Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 6:37:48 PM UTC-5 Xabriña wrote:
>> Well, I don't know what happens. I also get it correctly in the online 
>> version of Tiddlywiki, but in the installation that I have on the laptop it 
>> doesn't work. I have to say that I use Bob.exe, I don't know if that will 
>> be the problem.
>> What I am trying to put is the following:
>> <<<
>> You can use two nested `$list` widgets, like this:
>> ```
>> <$vars tagName="howdy" fieldName="special" fieldValue="Yes">
>> <$list filter="[taghas]">
>><$list filter="[getmatch]" 
>> variable="is_match">
>> ```
>> <<<
>> And this is what appears to me:
>>  <<<   
>> El miércoles, 28 de abril de 2021 a las 0:20:42 UTC+2, mwik...@gmail.com 
>> escribió:
>>> This seems to work fine unless you have some text in the line 
>>> *immediately* above the <<<. Then everything gets mis-parsed (I think that 
>>> it has something to do with rendering inline vs block). If you leave and at 
>>> least one empty line (with absolutely no spaces) just before <<<, it should 
>>> render as a block quote.
>>> /Mike
>>> On Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 4:22:35 PM UTC-3 Xabriña wrote:
>>>> this is the text i'm trying to put
>>>> <<<
>>>> You can use two nested `$list` widgets, like this:
>>>> ```
>>>> <$vars tagName="howdy" fieldName="special" fieldValue="Yes">
>>>> <$list filter="[taghas]">
>>>><$list filter="[getmatch]" 
>>>> variable="is_match">
>>>> ```
>>>> <<<
>>>> El martes, 27 de abril de 2021 a las 21:11:19 UTC+2, Xabriña escribió:
>>>>> Hello everybody.
>>>>> I am trying to do one thing but I am not successful and I am not sure 
>>>>> what can be done.
>>>>> I try to put a text in monospaced block formating inside a quoted text 
>>>>> formating but I can't get it to work. I have just disappeared part of the 
>>>>> text of the tiddler. Is there any way that this works or is it that it 
>>>>> can't be done?
>>>>> Thank you so much.

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[tw5] Re: A basket on the sidebar

2021-05-03 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Here's a simple version. Put it in a tiddler called Basket and tag it 

\define apply-tag() <$list filter={{Basket!!list}}><$action-listops 
\define clear-tag() <$list filter="[tag[Basket]]"><$action-listops 
$tags="-Basket"/><$action-setfield $tiddler="Basket" list=""/>
\define export-basket() <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-download-file" 
$param="$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile" exportFilter={{Basket!!list}} 

Basket (drag tiddlers here):


<$button actions=<> tooltip="Add the 'Basket' tag to all items 
in the basket.">Apply tag
<$button actions=<> tooltip="Export all the items in the 
basket to a JSON file.">Export JSON
<$button actions=<> tooltip="Remove the 'Basket' tag from all 
items and clear the basket list.">Empty basket

The list-links-draggable widget allows you to drag and drop tiddlers 
(putting this as a sidebar tab might make it a little hard to source 
tiddlers to drag though -- maybe better to put it somewhere else!). Those 
will be stored in the list field of the Basket tiddler. Then the "Apply 
Tag" button lets you tag each of those tiddlers, if you so desire. You can 
then drag and drop the tag into a different wiki to copy the tiddlers, or 
use the Export JSON button to export a JSON file. The empty button will 
remove the Basket tag from all tiddlers where it's used and clear out the 

Opportunities for improvement:

   - It would be possible to roll something using the $dropzone widget that 
   would automatically add the tag and eliminate the need for the "Apply Tag" 
   step. I was feeling lazy and wanted to use list-links-draggable.
   - You might consider temporarily turning off timestamps while tagging 
   and untagging things so that they don't show up as modified just because 
   you were selecting them (not sure if there's a way to do that with an 
   action tiddler).
   - The interface here leaves something to be desired, but should be 

On Monday, May 3, 2021 at 4:08:06 PM UTC-5 Atronoush wrote:

> Is there any script or plugin with
> - a sidebar tab (I call it basket)
> - drag and drop features! One can drag a tiddler (e.g title) into the 
> basket
> - when finished press a button to export as JSON
> - the button can be dragged and drop into another wiki!
> The last part is what you see in TW-Icons
> -Atro

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[tw5] created field containing repeated NaN's?

2021-02-07 Thread Soren Bjornstad
While trying to create a button that resets the *created* date on a 
tiddler, I absentmindedly tried the following:

\define now-timestamp() <>
<$button set="!!created" setTo=<>>
Created Now

Now, I'm aware this snippet doesn't work and can't be expected to because 
the contents of *now-timestamp* aren't wikified when the macro call is 
being used as a transcluded widget-attribute value. I've since produced a 
correct version. However, I'm still confused about the result of clicking 
the button: the *created* field was set to NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN. I'm 
puzzled by what kind of calculation the *setTo* attribute of the $button 
widget is doing that's able to create a bunch of concatenated NaNs. I would 
have expected to simply get the literal text <> in the field.

Is there something special about the *created* field in this regard?

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[tw5] Re: created field containing repeated NaN's?

2021-02-07 Thread Soren Bjornstad

Thanks for your response, and sorry if I wasn't clear in my original post. 
I have already solved the problem and am not looking for help on that (and 
I agree that this is probably not a good way to use the created field in 
most cases). I am instead wondering why I observed the unusual effect I did.
On Sunday, February 7, 2021 at 5:38:20 PM UTC-6 TW Tones wrote:

> Post script,
> In this case you will be making the created field lie, it will not be 
> created date but button press date, I suggest using another field to store 
> this date or use modified. It all depends on the logic you have behind it 
> but I recommend using modified and created date as the system uses them 
> because that information will always be true.
> Regards
> Tones
> On Monday, 8 February 2021 at 10:33:54 UTC+11 TW Tones wrote:
>> Try this 
>>- No need for the separate macro
>>- Place quotes around the format.
>> <$button set="!!created" setTo=<> >
>> Created Now
>> Tones
>> On Monday, 8 February 2021 at 04:29:43 UTC+11 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>>> While trying to create a button that resets the *created* date on a 
>>> tiddler, I absentmindedly tried the following:
>>> \define now-timestamp() <>
>>> <$button set="!!created" setTo=<>>
>>> Created Now
>>> Now, I'm aware this snippet doesn't work and can't be expected to 
>>> because the contents of *now-timestamp* aren't wikified when the macro 
>>> call is being used as a transcluded widget-attribute value. I've since 
>>> produced a correct version. However, I'm still confused about the result of 
>>> clicking the button: the *created* field was set to 
>>> NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN. I'm puzzled by what kind of calculation the 
>>> *setTo* attribute of the $button widget is doing that's able to create 
>>> a bunch of concatenated NaNs. I would have expected to simply get the 
>>> literal text <> in the field.
>>> Is there something special about the *created* field in this regard?

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[tw5] CodeMirror autocomplete appearing behind tiddlers?

2021-02-04 Thread Soren Bjornstad
I'm at my wits' end on this and hoping someone else might have experienced 
this before. On two of my wikis, CodeMirror autocomplete works fine. On the 
third, the completion popup appears *behind* tiddlers in the story river:

[image: behind.png]

Clearly this is not a general problem with the plugin because it works fine 
in my other two wikis, but I have combed through all my shadow tiddlers and 
custom styles and have not found anything even remotely connected to this. 
I've also tried disabling most of my other plugins.

Maybe I just need to do the same thing over again more carefully, but 
before I spend another frustrating 2 hours doing that, has anyone here had 
a similar problem?

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[tw5] Re: Seeking reviewers for an upcoming TiddlyWiki textbook (both experts and beginners)

2021-02-08 Thread Soren Bjornstad
I have a draft just about ready for review, but it looks like the group as 
configured doesn't allow me to see the contact information of anyone who 
posted. Could everyone who was interested in participating please take 30 
seconds to fill out this Google form with your email address?


I am looking at having this out to you all by the end of the week and would 
love to have your feedback gathered in by early to mid-March. I will email 
you with further details once you have filled out the form.


On Monday, February 1, 2021 at 7:10:44 PM UTC-6 springa...@gmail.com wrote:

> I'm an absolute beginner.  I'd love to help proofread it if you still need 
> volunteers
> On Wednesday, December 30, 2020 at 7:34:13 PM UTC-4 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As the end of the year approaches and I start planning personal goals for 
>> next year, I thought I'd share an early update on a project I'm really 
>> excited about and hope will be a boon for the TiddlyWiki community: a 
>> TiddlyWiki textbook (written in TiddlyWiki, of course).
>> Right now we have (mostly) good technical documentation for advanced 
>> users, a thriving Google group, and plenty of introductions to TiddlyWiki, 
>> but nothing that bridges the gap by helping new users who are serious about 
>> learning the ins and outs of TiddlyWiki to build a complete understanding 
>> of TiddlyWiki concepts. That's what I'm hoping to fix.
>> One of the other things I'm excited about is my included prototype of a 
>> mnemonic 
>> medium 
>> <https://notes.andymatuschak.org/z4rRX3qwSSJRsEkdXKwH2shamgHNeRthrMLiF> in 
>> TiddlyWiki built on top of my TiddlyRemember plugin. This allows simple 
>> prompts to be embedded in the text, then reviewed at regular intervals 
>> controlled by a spaced-repetition algorithm, either with a simple 
>> native-TiddlyWiki reviewer or in Anki <https://apps.ankiweb.net/> via 
>> TiddlyRemember. With this medium, learning and retaining large amounts of 
>> new terminology and syntax is much easier.
>> [image: Screenshot from 2020-12-30 17-08-30.png]
>> I've been working on this off and on for a few months and am hoping that 
>> within the next month or two, I'll have a solid draft. At that point I 
>> would like to send this out to a handful of people for an initial, rigorous 
>> round of private review and feedback. I would like to involve several 
>> expert users and several beginners (I'd love to see 2-3 in each category). 
>> Here's what I'd hope to hear from these reviewers:
>> Experts:
>>- See any outright errors? I'm sure I made a few.
>>- Did I miss any concepts or features that you use all the time or 
>>think are essential?
>>- For the resources at the end: What major resources or plugins would 
>>be worth including that I don't know about or haven't included?
>> Beginners:
>>- Did everything I wrote make sense?
>>- How well did the mnemonic medium work? Were the prompts effective? 
>>Did you understand how to use it?
>>- Did your TiddlyWiki skills improve?
>>- Were the exercises too hard? Too easy? Lacking enough information?
>>- Roughly how long did it take to work through the book?
>> I would be looking for a commitment to read through the whole book, 
>> ideally do most of the exercises, and offer substantive feedback. The book 
>> is currently about 70,000 words and includes plenty of exercises, so 
>> although I have no data on how long it will take to work through the book 
>> at this point, I can't imagine it would be a one-evening task. As 
>> compensation, I can offer early access to the book, your name in the 
>> acknowledgements, a $25 Amazon gift card (maybe more if there are fewer 
>> reviewers or I can cram it into my budget), and a huge thank-you to anyone 
>> who's willing to help out.
>> If you're interested in being involved when the time comes, please let me 
>> know here or by emailing contact at sorenbjornstad.com. If your ability 
>> to help out depends on the timeline, please let me know and I'll see what I 
>> can do.

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[tw5] Re: created field containing repeated NaN's?

2021-02-08 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Tones, you would think, but adding the quotation marks didn't change the 
result, and it does appear that (single) square brackets are OK, for 
instance this is fine:

\define testbrackets(one, two) $one$ | $two$

(Double square brackets makes the  part bleed into the *two* parameter, 
though, because that's one way of quoting a parameter.)

Mark, this was an intriguing possibility, but I opened the tiddler in a 
text editor and it actually says:

created: NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN

So it does appear to actually be the text that TiddlyWiki saved in the 

Maybe the only way to answer this one is by diving into the source code to 
see what special logic happens when the created field is set. Not that it 
really matters a whole lot. Just my overactive drive to understand exactly 
why everything doesn't work speaking here. :-)

On Sunday, February 7, 2021 at 11:00:38 PM UTC-6 Mark S. wrote:

> If you clear the created field in a tiddler, save, and then open it again, 
> you'll see the NaNa... displayed. So this seems to be what the field 
> displays when it is empty or contains text it can't interpret. You can 
> change !!created to !!myfield and then indeed see the literal contents of 
> your macro displayed.
> On Sunday, February 7, 2021 at 9:29:43 AM UTC-8 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>> While trying to create a button that resets the *created* date on a 
>> tiddler, I absentmindedly tried the following:
>> \define now-timestamp() <>
>> <$button set="!!created" setTo=<>>
>> Created Now
>> Now, I'm aware this snippet doesn't work and can't be expected to because 
>> the contents of *now-timestamp* aren't wikified when the macro call is 
>> being used as a transcluded widget-attribute value. I've since produced a 
>> correct version. However, I'm still confused about the result of clicking 
>> the button: the *created* field was set to NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN. I'm 
>> puzzled by what kind of calculation the *setTo* attribute of the $button 
>> widget is doing that's able to create a bunch of concatenated NaNs. I would 
>> have expected to simply get the literal text <> [UTC]0MM0DD0hh0mm0ssXXX>> in the field.
>> Is there something special about the *created* field in this regard?

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[tw5] Re: created field containing repeated NaN's?

2021-02-09 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Aha! That's it for sure. The result of new Date() on the macro string is a 
Date that prints out as "Invalid Date", and the result of retrieving each 
of its component parts is NaN. Then:

// Convert a date into UTC MMDDHHMMSSmmm format
$tw.utils.stringifyDate = function(value) {
return value.getUTCFullYear() +
$tw.utils.pad(value.getUTCMonth() + 1) +
$tw.utils.pad(value.getUTCDate()) +
$tw.utils.pad(value.getUTCHours()) +
$tw.utils.pad(value.getUTCMinutes()) +
$tw.utils.pad(value.getUTCSeconds()) +

As you can see, there are 7 parts retrieved, thus explaining why there are 
7 NaNs.

Thanks everyone for helping me satisfy my curiosity :)

On Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 2:31:55 PM UTC-6 amreus wrote:

> I think the "NaN" string comes from this function when the date string is 
> not valid:
> $tw.utils.stringifyDate(new Date("20201016232045362")); 
> NaN is "Not A Number" in Javascript which I assume is where the result 
> comes from. 
> On Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 3:28:39 PM UTC-5 amreus wrote:
>> $tw.utils.stringifyDate(new Date("20201016232045362")); 
>> On Monday, February 8, 2021 at 10:04:03 PM UTC-5 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>>> Tones, you would think, but adding the quotation marks didn't change the 
>>> result, and it does appear that (single) square brackets are OK, for 
>>> instance this is fine:
>>> \define testbrackets(one, two) $one$ | $two$
>>> <>
>>> (Double square brackets makes the  part bleed into the *two* parameter, 
>>> though, because that's one way of quoting a parameter.)
>>> Mark, this was an intriguing possibility, but I opened the tiddler in a 
>>> text editor and it actually says:
>>> created: NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN
>>> So it does appear to actually be the text that TiddlyWiki saved in the 
>>> field.
>>> Maybe the only way to answer this one is by diving into the source code 
>>> to see what special logic happens when the created field is set. Not that 
>>> it really matters a whole lot. Just my overactive drive to understand 
>>> exactly why everything doesn't work speaking here. :-)
>>> On Sunday, February 7, 2021 at 11:00:38 PM UTC-6 Mark S. wrote:
>>>> If you clear the created field in a tiddler, save, and then open it 
>>>> again, you'll see the NaNa... displayed. So this seems to be what the 
>>>> field 
>>>> displays when it is empty or contains text it can't interpret. You can 
>>>> change !!created to !!myfield and then indeed see the literal contents of 
>>>> your macro displayed.
>>>> On Sunday, February 7, 2021 at 9:29:43 AM UTC-8 Soren Bjornstad wrote:
>>>>> While trying to create a button that resets the *created* date on a 
>>>>> tiddler, I absentmindedly tried the following:
>>>>> \define now-timestamp() <>
>>>>> <$button set="!!created" setTo=<>>
>>>>> Created Now
>>>>> Now, I'm aware this snippet doesn't work and can't be expected to 
>>>>> because the contents of *now-timestamp* aren't wikified when the 
>>>>> macro call is being used as a transcluded widget-attribute value. I've 
>>>>> since produced a correct version. However, I'm still confused about the 
>>>>> result of clicking the button: the *created* field was set to 
>>>>> NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN. I'm puzzled by what kind of calculation the 
>>>>> *setTo* attribute of the $button widget is doing that's able to 
>>>>> create a bunch of concatenated NaNs. I would have expected to simply get 
>>>>> the literal text <> in the field.
>>>>> Is there something special about the *created* field in this regard?

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[tw5] Re: Backlinks: would it be worth asking for this enhancement?

2021-03-24 Thread Soren Bjornstad
There was a thread about this on GitHub a while back:

The consensus that making transclusions discoverable was a good idea but 
needs to be split into two parts so you can distinguish links and 

On Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 10:29:25 PM UTC-5 cj.v...@gmail.com wrote:

> G'day all,
> The "Can we customize internal links? 
> "  got me thinking 
> ...
> Would it be useful for "backlinks" (the operator and the InfoPanel tab) to 
> consider not only links but also consider transclusions as links?
> I can't help but think it would be helpful to use transclusions with 
> templates to create very customized links.
> For highly customizable links: Instead of a link like [[some_tiddler]], 
> one could instead have {{ some_tiddler || some_link_styling_template }}
> I suppose I don't see a distinction between a link to a tiddler and a 
> transclusion of a tiddler in the sense that I consider one being a backlink 
> just as much as the other.
> Any thoughts?  Would this be worth putting in as a formal request?
> Of course, even if something could be done, I always like to pause for a 
> second and wonder: should it?

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[tw5] Re: Making zoomin story view scroll to the top of the tiddler

2021-03-24 Thread Soren Bjornstad
So when I took a look at $:/core/modules/storyviews/zoomin.js, I found that 
seemingly the necessary code was already there, just commented out:

// Scroll the target into view
// $tw.pageScroller.scrollIntoView(targetElement);

I checked the blame view 
it appears this has been commented out since it was first introduced in 
2013. Is this intentional? Not a big deal either way, just curious.

On Saturday, March 20, 2021 at 12:31:36 PM UTC-5 Soren Bjornstad wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been considering using the zoomin story view for *Grok TiddlyWiki *to 
> make life easier for people who aren't used to scrolling through a bunch of 
> different tiddlers, but have noticed that when I click on a link within a 
> tiddler, the browser doesn't scroll to the top of the newly opened tiddler. 
> Given that sections consist of a number of tiddlers transcluded together, 
> they are often larger than the screen, so I suspect this is enough to 
> cancel out any benefit in behavior standardization.
> Is there an easy way to adjust the scroll when using *zoomin*? I'm not in 
> the mood to dive into rendering JavaScript today, but perhaps someone else 
> has done this before.

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Re: [tw5] Announcing the TiddlyWiki Community Links Aggregator

2021-03-25 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Is it reasonable to call something *deprecated* if it hasn't been announced 
as such by the author? That's the best term I can think of, though it is a 
little bit on the technical side.

My concerns with the other suggestions:

   - "Obsolete" sounds like it is no longer necessary, it has been 
   superseded, which isn't necessarily true
   - "Antiquated" seems oddly formal (plus it would seem to have the same 
   negative feeling of "old", to whatever extent that's a problem).
   - "Vintage", as Jeremy said, has a positive connotation that doesn't 
   seem right.
   - "Disused" is closer, but seems like it conveys something about how 
   many people actually use it (which we don't in fact know), rather than 
   whether you *should* use it.

*Deprecated *means it shouldn't be used if you can find another solution, 
and it's about whether people think you should use it, not about its raw 
age or how many people actually do use it. The only issue I'm thinking of 
right now is that it might suggest that it still works, which isn't 
necessarily the case.

On Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 8:49:28 AM UTC-5 Mark S. wrote:

> They all work *in situ*. And they all might be the basis of something 
> rebooted. They just might not be the first choice for immediate use in a 
> modern TW. So, how to gently convey that subtlety?
> On Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 2:44:18 AM UTC-7 TiddlyTweeter wrote:
>> jeremy...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> "Vintage" sounds desirable nowadays! We need to communicate that this 
>>> stuff is no longer usable, so maybe "Obsolete"? The description can explain 
>>> why it's still worth including.
>> TBH, I'm getting CONFUSED! :-) 
>> *Obsolete / Vintage / Oldish.  *REALLY? 
>> GIVE me aggregation of WHAT WORKS out-of-the-box WITHOUT ageism. 
>> That is enough already!
>> TT

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[tw5] Re: Creating custom Tiddler frameworks with fields

2021-03-29 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Hi Florian,

I'm not sure I'm understanding what you're asking for – when you say you 
want to be able to "create custom tiddler templates defined by custom 
fields," do you mean you want TiddlyWiki templates to appear on tiddlers 
depending on the contents of a field? Or that you want an easier way to 
create tiddlers that start with particular fields? Do you need a custom 
interface for editing the different types of tiddlers?

TiddlyWiki can do all of that for sure, but they're very different things!

I recently did a screencast  that 
might clarify some of this if you have an hour to burn.

On Monday, March 29, 2021 at 4:24:57 PM UTC-5 flohit...@googlemail.com 

> *I don't really find how I could do that
> Florian Felix schrieb am Montag, 29. März 2021 um 23:24:20 UTC+2:
>> Hey, 
>> so I am thinking of several usecases where I would like to be able to 
>> create custom Tiddler templates, defined by custom fields, but i don't 
>> really find where i could do that? 
>> For example I want a reference system that could be a bit more complex 
>> with some interdependencies, and i think managing this via links and tags 
>> would clutter the user interface and defining templates could help for 
>> automating this. at least i 
>> I see a quote, scan it via OCR or copy it , then I can open a new "quote" 
>> tiddler (Or I just want to write a note) . It gives me the option to insert 
>> an author/person, and a source. There are multiple options for sources like 
>> website, book ...
>> I have an author/person as well as a "sources" overview where I can add 
>> details to sources or new ones. For author/person the quotes and notes from 
>> different sources are automatically transcluded. the sources overview is 
>> structured into the different types. when I click on a singular source, all 
>> quotes and notes appear, and maybe a review (if its written). if its a 
>> book, I can quickly add image, preferabbly link it to my inventaire.io 
>> account. 
>> If it's a webpage / file document I might want to link it with my zotero 
>> library.  (these integratoins obviously are for the future, but should be 
>> held in mind)
>> How can I approach this? Is this even plausible way? :)

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[tw5] Re: Close sidebar button

2021-03-29 Thread Soren Bjornstad
I think Brian is right about how to get it underneath the search bar, but 
is there a reason you don't just put it on the toolbar with the rest of the 
buttons by tagging it *$:/tags/PageControls*?

On Monday, March 29, 2021 at 1:34:18 PM UTC-5 Brian Radspinner wrote:

> Sorry, to put it in the sidebar, tag it with *$:/tags/SideBarSegment*
> On Monday, March 29, 2021 at 11:32:46 AM UTC-7 Brian Radspinner wrote:
>> Add the tag *$:/tags/TopRightBar* to your button's tiddler
>> On Monday, March 29, 2021 at 11:23:59 AM UTC-7 rika.s...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hey everyone - I stopped seeing the button to close the pinned sidebar. 
>>> Please help! 
>>> I've attached a screenshot of the button's code. It used to be 
>>> underneath the search bar, above the menu bar. Thanks. 

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[tw5] Re: [Plugin] TW5-CodeMirror-Plus - with better formatting and autocompletion

2021-03-29 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Can't speak for how Diego imagined it, but this kind of custom autocomplete 
is a really interesting idea. I would imagine that beginning an 
autocomplete run with a custom prefix would run an arbitrary filter and 
provide (much like the command palette in VSCode et al.) the results of the 
filter as choices. A variable completionText accessible within the filter 
would provide access to the current partial match (with the prefix removed).

It would be *even awesomer* if the current tiddler was also accessible 
within the custom filter, and if the text completed when you accept the 
completion can be something different than what's shown in the list (not 
sure if CodeMirror offers this kind of "snippet"-ish capability; see second 

So e.g., config tiddlers could look like:

title: TagAutocompleter
tags: $:/tags/CodeMirrorAutocomplete
description: Allow tags to be autocompleted
prefix: #
filter: [tagging[]prefix]

title: EmailAutocompleter
tags: $:/tags/CodeMirrorAutocomplete
description: Given part of a contact name, autocomplete the contact's email 
prefix: @
filter: [tag[Contact]search:fullnameget[email]]

Then, say, to find specifically a tag called Test, even with 500 non-tag 
tiddlers beginning with T:

==> Test

And to complete an email address:

==> alice.hac...@gmail.com

On Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 9:15:35 PM UTC-5 bmad...@gmail.com wrote:

> Thanks!
> Diego, it is possible to do custom autocomplete menu-content. Can you give 
> a more specific example of what you hope to see?
> On Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 6:27:12 PM UTC-6 dieg...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Wow this autocomplete is lovely! And this seems more future-facing than 
>> the EditCompText plugin! 
>> Do you know how we can define custom autocomplete triggers and 
>> menu-content? As in, when I type '@' I get a certain filter result, to 
>> choose from, etc. etc.
>> Thank you! 
>> On Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 5:27:46 PM UTC-5 joshua@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Excellent! Mahalo (thanks) for sharing!
>>> -Joshua Fontany
>>> On Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 1:59:11 PM UTC-7 bmad...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Everyone,

 I first released TW5-CodeMirror-plus six months or so back but didnt 
 get time to work on it since then. This is a major update with some nice 

 Checkout it out here: 



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[tw5] Re: [Plugin] TW5-CodeMirror-Plus - with better formatting and autocompletion

2021-03-30 Thread Soren Bjornstad

Small bug in the new autocompletion: if I have a completed link, like 
[[MyLink]], and then with the cursor outside of any brackets later on that 
line I press Ctrl+Space, the text between the beginning of the link and the 
current cursor position changes to "[[Filter error: Syntax error in filter 

On Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 3:59:11 PM UTC-5 bmad...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I first released TW5-CodeMirror-plus six months or so back but didnt get 
> time to work on it since then. This is a major update with some nice 
> additions.
> Checkout it out here: 
> https://adithya-badidey.github.io/TW5-codemirror-plus/
> Cheers
> Adithya

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Re: [tw5] Saving destinations

2021-03-11 Thread Soren Bjornstad

I don't think there's a way to change the open/save path of an existing 
file in TiddlyDesktop, but after moving the file on your hard drive, if you 
click "remove", then "add wiki file" in TiddlyDesktop, you can reselect the 
file in its new location. This won't affect your data at all since all the 
content is stored in the wiki file, not in TiddlyDesktop.

On Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 10:54:54 PM UTC-6 Kate B wrote:

> Javier,
> Thanks so much for your response and suggestions. Actually, I do use 
> dropbox for lots of files I need to have 'here and there' What I'm not sure 
> about is how to go about having my tiddly files back up onto DB? Is that 
> terribly lame? I suppose it may be: I just can't figure it out. 
> Would you be kind enough to give me some bright green newb pointers? When 
> I've tried to move my WIKI folder off the DT - you will not be surprised to 
> know that trying to open them in TWDT shows the files are AWOL. Moving the 
> folder back to the DT, files are open-able again.
> Syncthing - LOL! - love the idea, but 'harder to set up' ... gives me 
> pause (I went and had a quick gander at the link ) . Don't love DB and 
> when feeling brave and/or reckless may give Syncthing a go? Presently it 
> seems a bit of a headscratcher, tho, to be honest. Oooh, just found the 
> second link you posted and it looks like I can get my head around that. 
> Superb! Much appreciated... but I think perhaps the question may remain. 
> How to direct my saving to a particular destination?
> Cheers,
> Kate
> On Thursday, 11 March 2021 at 12:36:53 UTC+9 Javier Rojas wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 09, 2021 at 05:18:48PM -0800, Kate B wrote: 
>> > MBP, 2017, OS Catalina, Chrome & FF, TiddlyDT 
>> > 
>> > TiddlyCats - my backups are stored in a folder I created when I first 
>> > started to use your lovely programme that sits on my DT. I want to move 
>> > this folder - ideally into the cloud, or at least off the DT. Could 
>> anyone 
>> > please tell me how to do this? (I'm afraid I'm just learning your lingo 
>> and 
>> > though I've tried to read all about saving I find, I confess, my eyes 
>> > glazing over ...) 
>> I'll assume your goal here is "have my *backups* somewhere else should my 
>> computer get stolen/go kaput". That said... 
>> Have you considered using dropbox for this? Their basic plan offers you 
>> 2GB, for free (at least according to them): 
>> https://www.dropbox.com/basic ; you could just start using your dropbox 
>> folder as the backup destination. 
>> Or if, besides your MBP, you own/can install programs in a second 
>> computer, 
>> you could try Syncthing, which is a free alternative to dropbox, and 
>> would let you achieve the same thing you'd do with dropbox (get your 
>> backups somewhere else, outside your computer), but which is, 
>> admittedly, harder to setup. If you feel adventurous, check 
>> https://docs.syncthing.net/intro/getting-started.html#getting-started 
>> I hope I helped a bit with your issue. 
>> Cheers, 
>> -- 
>> Javier 
>> Ps: wow, TiddlyCats! Now we only need someone to draw a really cheesy 
>> mix of a tiddler and a ThunderCat! 

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[tw5] Re: A question regarding radio buttons

2021-03-12 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Mario covered how to add the radio button, for the filter I would use 
regexp (regular expression search). So instead of directly checking *status* 
*status{$:/temp/ExampleCodingMode}*, you'd say:


In a regular expression you can then say *.** to match anything, as well as 
just plain *Completed*, so your new radio button would use .* as the value. 
As long as you're just using letters and numbers as the values, you don't 
have to do anything special with the other values, but it's possible to get 
almost arbitrarily complex with JavaScript regular expressions if you want 
to include other combinations.

On Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 5:31:15 PM UTC-6 TheScribe wrote:

> I have been following the instructions giving in Soren’s video to set up a 
> reading list (although mine is a different type of list). I’ve set up radio 
> buttons, in the video they were for “read” and “unread”, which I’ve adapted 
> for my own use. However, I’d like to add a third option to show all, ie 
> show the entire list. How can I do this please?
> Best wishes,
> Karen
> Sent from my iPad

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[tw5] Re: Some more thoughts on linking in TW (aliases, display text, and relationship types: Oh My!)

2021-03-11 Thread Soren Bjornstad
I'm really liking the idea of piggybacking on the existing extended link 
syntax -- better than the versions I suggested off the top of my head in my 
original post. And thanks for the technical background.

On not wanting to put arbitrary text between the [['s: this seems like 
exactly the same issue that we have with filter operators/fields, so could 
we use the same solution? Have a hard-coded string *?* or *type* or 
something that serves as an unambiguous syntax, and then people can choose 
to use that or not (this would also let them call a relationship, e.g., 
*img*). If they use the implicit form and someone else later comes along 
and overloads it to mean something else, then that's on them to go back and 
add the full format to disambiguate it.

Mark, for more on the use case, also see my post 
Diego mentioned in the OP.

On Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 7:41:42 AM UTC-6 PMario wrote:

> On Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 2:14:38 PM UTC+1 PMario wrote:
> title: Jack 
>> [? stepson[Joe]], [? daughter[Jill]] and [? wife[Jane]] 
> Some technical background. At the moment TW builds the "backlink" 
> information at "parsing time", when the parse-tree is created. Parsing the 
> tiddler content is a very "heavy weight" function. .. It need quite some 
> CPU cycles. ... That's why this info is cached and only recreated if a 
> tiddler changes. 
> If someone uses the eg: backlinks[] 
>  operator, the TW core has 
> to touch every tiddler and parse it. Then it internally searches the 
> parse-tree for a pattern like: 
> "type": "link",
> "attributes": {
>   "to": {
>   "type": "string", 
>   "value": "Joe" 
>   } 
> }, 
> and it stores some info in the indexer. ... Since we have to "run" all 
> this code already, it shouldn't be too much of a hassle to add additional 
> info to the link structure. eg:
> "type": "link",
> "attributes": {
>   "to": {
>   "type": "string", 
>   "value": "Joe" 
>   },
>   "relation": {
>   "type": "string", 
>   "value": "stepson" 
>   } 
> }, 
> In a second step, this info can be "indexed" and we can create filter 
> operators for it. 
> -mario

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[tw5] Re: A better way to display those fields/tiddlers?

2021-03-11 Thread Soren Bjornstad
And ignore that last sentence, I revised that part out and forgot to remove 
the sentence. :)

On Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 5:26:14 PM UTC-6 Soren Bjornstad wrote:

> You could add a field on the language tiddler called, e.g., 
> *language_name* containing *english* or whatever the part after 
> *language_* would be in your person tiddlers, then something like:
> <$list 
> filter="[all[current]fields[]prefix[language_]removeprefix[language_]]" 
> variable="lang">
> <$list filter="[tag[languages]language_name]">
> ...insert list item for each language tiddler here
> Obviously you could replace the list-links with whatever logic you want 
> for filtering by fluency.
> On Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 12:46:16 PM UTC-6 dop...@gmail.com wrote:
>> but this wouldn't let me have a linked list (the tiddler would be called 
>> English, not languange_english), not to mention that having 
>> language_english as plain text seems kinda ugly. Or am I missing something?
>> On Thursday, 11 March 2021 at 19:28:52 UTC+1 saq.i...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> What if instead of:
>>> fieldname: language_english
>>> value: English
>>> you used:
>>> fieldname: language_english
>>> value: fluency_level, e.g: 1
>>> So the presence of the language_english field tells you that the person 
>>> speaks english, you get the name of the language from the part of the field 
>>> name after the hyphen.
>>> The value of the field gives you the fluency.
>>> On Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 7:00:26 PM UTC+1 dop...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> My last request for help was immediatly solved, so let me try again! :)
>>>> Let's say I have two kind of tiddlers:
>>>> people: John, Mary, Carl, etc.
>>>> languages: English, Italian, Spanish, etc.
>>>> my goal is that when I see John's tiddler, I have a list of languages 
>>>> he speaks, each linked to its own tiddler. It would be perfect if I could 
>>>> fit in more information (like, filter them by fluency or whatever), but 
>>>> let's not get ahead of ourself.
>>>> my initial tought process was to have prefixed fields in people 
>>>> tiddlers:
>>>> fieldname: language_english
>>>> value: English
>>>> fieldname: language_french
>>>> value: French
>>>> and in a person's tiddler set up a list like:
>>>> <$list filter="[all[current]fields[]prefix[language_]sort[title]]" 
>>>> variable="language">
>>>> <$vars lang={{{ [get] }}}>
>>>> <$link to=<>/>
>>>> Now this works. HOWEVER! It's not flexible at all. And as I said, it 
>>>> won't let me differentiate further, so to filter, let's say, only the 
>>>> languages in which John is fluent.
>>>> My wish would be actually something different that I don't know how to 
>>>> process. That is: list the actual pages and filter them out by a 
>>>> comparison 
>>>> with the current tiddler's fields. Something like:
>>>> each page has a field codename, for example:
>>>> fieldname: codename   value: english
>>>> compare it to John's tiddler's fields:
>>>> fieldname: english   value: 1
>>>> and use this comparison as a filter for [tag[languages]].
>>>> something like: [tag[languages] butonlyif  
>>>> compare:number:gt[0]]
>>>> This way, I could set up other values in John's tiddler (0, 1, 2, etc.) 
>>>> and being able to define and filter even further.
>>>> Thank you again for your time!

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[tw5] Re: A better way to display those fields/tiddlers?

2021-03-11 Thread Soren Bjornstad
You could add a field on the language tiddler called, e.g., *language_name* 
*english* or whatever the part after *language_* would be in your person 
tiddlers, then something like:

<$list filter="[tag[languages]language_name]">
...insert list item for each language tiddler here

Obviously you could replace the list-links with whatever logic you want for 
filtering by fluency.

On Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 12:46:16 PM UTC-6 dop...@gmail.com wrote:

> but this wouldn't let me have a linked list (the tiddler would be called 
> English, not languange_english), not to mention that having 
> language_english as plain text seems kinda ugly. Or am I missing something?
> On Thursday, 11 March 2021 at 19:28:52 UTC+1 saq.i...@gmail.com wrote:
>> What if instead of:
>> fieldname: language_english
>> value: English
>> you used:
>> fieldname: language_english
>> value: fluency_level, e.g: 1
>> So the presence of the language_english field tells you that the person 
>> speaks english, you get the name of the language from the part of the field 
>> name after the hyphen.
>> The value of the field gives you the fluency.
>> On Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 7:00:26 PM UTC+1 dop...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> My last request for help was immediatly solved, so let me try again! :)
>>> Let's say I have two kind of tiddlers:
>>> people: John, Mary, Carl, etc.
>>> languages: English, Italian, Spanish, etc.
>>> my goal is that when I see John's tiddler, I have a list of languages he 
>>> speaks, each linked to its own tiddler. It would be perfect if I could fit 
>>> in more information (like, filter them by fluency or whatever), but let's 
>>> not get ahead of ourself.
>>> my initial tought process was to have prefixed fields in people tiddlers:
>>> fieldname: language_english
>>> value: English
>>> fieldname: language_french
>>> value: French
>>> and in a person's tiddler set up a list like:
>>> <$list filter="[all[current]fields[]prefix[language_]sort[title]]" 
>>> variable="language">
>>> <$vars lang={{{ [get] }}}>
>>> <$link to=<>/>
>>> Now this works. HOWEVER! It's not flexible at all. And as I said, it 
>>> won't let me differentiate further, so to filter, let's say, only the 
>>> languages in which John is fluent.
>>> My wish would be actually something different that I don't know how to 
>>> process. That is: list the actual pages and filter them out by a comparison 
>>> with the current tiddler's fields. Something like:
>>> each page has a field codename, for example:
>>> fieldname: codename   value: english
>>> compare it to John's tiddler's fields:
>>> fieldname: english   value: 1
>>> and use this comparison as a filter for [tag[languages]].
>>> something like: [tag[languages] butonlyif  
>>> compare:number:gt[0]]
>>> This way, I could set up other values in John's tiddler (0, 1, 2, etc.) 
>>> and being able to define and filter even further.
>>> Thank you again for your time!

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[tw5] Re: Drag-and-drop in Vivaldi

2021-03-12 Thread Soren Bjornstad
I've never used Vivaldi with TW because I have other plugins that interfere 
with TW, so I've always done TW in a separate browser – so never noticed 
this before. But on checking, it does not work for me either.

I've found that at least on my machine, you have to drag in an up or down 
direction, rather than a left and right direction, to get Vivaldi to start 
dragging at all...but then it usually does not display the "drop here" item 

On Friday, March 12, 2021 at 9:27:20 AM UTC-6 si wrote:

> I recently went back to the Vivaldi browser , and I 
> noticed that drag-and-drop functions of TiddlyWiki don't work properly. If 
> you go the "Open" tab (or click on a tag pill) and try to drag something, 
> it either doesn't work or creates a new tiddler with some crazy html as the 
> title.
> Does anyone else get this with Vivaldi? It's a shame because it has some 
> nice TW-friendly features, so I wondered if there was a fix out there?

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[tw5] Re: Drag-and-drop in Vivaldi

2021-03-14 Thread Soren Bjornstad
I’ve tested on both Mac (Catalina) and Manjaro Linux.

I seem to be able to reorder things in a drag-and-drop list (e.g., a 
tag pill) as long as I start my drag from the right of the text. If I 
grab the text, then sometimes I get an an HTML dump showing up in the 
list. But I can’t make it happen consistently. Like Stan, I was also 
not able to find a problem with dragging in the open list specifically, but 
I *do* have the horizontal/vertical problem on both machines.

I tested again and this time I was able to copy a tiddler between wikis by 
dragging and dropping into a different tab. I’d thought I wasn’t able to do 
that before either, but evidently that was wrong.

On Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 10:19:44 AM UTC-6 si wrote:

> @Stan OK thanks. I just tried updating the newest Vivaldi but the 
> behaviour I described remains. Hopefully someone else will see this thread 
> and give it a try so we can get more info.
> @Soren What OS did you use to test it?
> On Saturday, 13 March 2021 at 14:21:04 UTC stan...@gmail.com wrote:
>> @si - I did a quickie here.  I am sitting at my MacBook Air (11in, 
>> Mojave).  Followed your instructions and had no problems reordering the 
>> "open" list.  I did not have to be careful about dragging the link - in 
>> fact, I made a point of dragging at an angle and didn't have a problem. 
>> I've been able to do this several times now.   I did not experience the 
>> horizontal/vertical problem that Soren described. 
>> Stan
>> On Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 8:57:02 AM UTC-5 si wrote:
>>> @Stan I don't think its a Windows problem, because IIR Soren doesn't use 
>>> Windows. There's not much to add in the way of instructions:
>>> 1. Open Vivaldi and go to tiddlywiki.com
>>> 2. Click on one of the links in the "open" tab, and try to drag-and-drop 
>>> to reorder them. I find that it only works if I am careful to drag the link 
>>> on a strictly vertical plane. If Idrag it slightly to the side it doesn't 
>>> work. Same is true for other lists, like the ones you get when you click on 
>>> tag pills.
>>> This seems to happen in any wiki that I try.
>>> On Saturday, 13 March 2021 at 13:45:22 UTC stan...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the additional detail, si.  Now I understand your problem 
>>>> better - I thought the issue was drag and drop for installations.   I will 
>>>> have to try out re-ordering a list to see if I can reproduce the behavior. 
>>>>  Can you easily provide example instructions? Maybe we can rule out 
>>>> Windows 
>>>> as being part of the problem. 
>>>> You are right, Vivaldi is based on Chrome, as is Brave.  I dropped 
>>>> Brave as there were too many times when button activation didn't work.   
>>>> Stan
>>>> On Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 8:35:31 AM UTC-5 si wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the replies. I forgot to mention that I'm running Windows 
>>>>> 10 and Timimi.
>>>>> >>> I've found that at least on my machine, you have to drag in an up 
>>>>> or down direction, rather than a left and right direction, to get Vivaldi 
>>>>> to start dragging at all...but then it usually does not display the "drop 
>>>>> here" item anyway. 
>>>>> @Soren I hadn't noticed this but yeah your right. It seems that often 
>>>>> I am dragging slightly to the side, inadvertently highlighting some of 
>>>>> the 
>>>>> text because the mechanism isn't working, then dragging the highlighted 
>>>>> text. This creates a tiddler with a bunch of html in the title (">>>> class=..etc").
>>>>> >>>The peculiar thing is that I have been able to drag and drop many 
>>>>> plugins, *except* that I have not been able to drag and drop the 
>>>>> Kookma library to a Tiddlywiki hosted on Fission.  However, I could drag 
>>>>> and drop the Shiraz plugin to the Fission TW.  I have TW on Gitlab and 
>>>>> Tiddlyhost, with no drag and drop problems.
>>>>> @Stan I don't have any problems with installing plugins via 
>>>>> drag-and-drop, I'm only noticing problems with re-ordering lists (like 
>>>>> when 
>>>>> clicking on a tag pill). I've not run TW on Fission or Tiddlyhost though.

[tw5] Re: When "sameday" seems to mean "yesterday"

2021-03-14 Thread Soren Bjornstad
On Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 1:17:46 PM UTC-6 ja...@baty.net wrote:

> Ah, so *single* curly braces, thanks! 
> I'm not sure I'll ever completely understand when to use which variation. 
> :)

It's probably simpler than you think, there's just currently nowhere that 
summarizes it in an understandable form:

   - [[square brackets]] for links / to refer to the name of a tiddler
   - <> to get the value of variables or macros
   - {{curly braces}} to get the value of fields or tiddlers

Inside a filter expression, you use just *one* of each. Anywhere else, you 
use two.

Macros add slight additional wrinkles to the <>:

   - Inside macros, <<__angle brackets with underscores__>> and $dollar 
   signs$ both refer to a macro parameter, but the dollar signs use text 
   substitution (understanding when to use text substitution and when not to 
   is the only hard part).
   - Inside macros, <> and $(parenthesized dollar signs)$ 
   both refer to a variable, but the dollar signs use text substitution.

And last, {{{ triple curly braces }}} select one or more tiddlers using a 
filter, then transclude them – so you can think of it as the “super” or 
“extra powerful” version of normal double-brace transclusion, since it has 
one extra brace.

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Re: [tw5] Soarin' with Soren

2021-03-10 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Thanks everyone! Once I get *Grok TiddlyWiki *public, I hope to circle back 
around and think about where it could be supplemented with video content 
and what that would look like. If you have other ideas, feel free to keep 
sending them my way.

The primary goal of this video was to give people an idea of what all can 
be done, not to facilitate in-depth learning...of course, if it does that, 
then great, but I think that's my explanation of why I didn't divide it 
into a series of small videos focused on a specific topic each. As Walt 
points out, that's a different thing. But adding timecodes is a win-win, 
and I might try to go make them more precise when I have more time.

On Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 1:24:18 AM UTC-6 ludwa6 wrote:

> That would be one approach, @Mohammed.  Another would be -as @Sai proposed 
> in another thread 
> - to 
> outline sections of the video with timecodes in the "shownotes" (i.e. what 
> shows up when you click "more" dropdown in YouTube UI)- so that one can 
> easily jump to the subtopic of interest.  
> From my perspective, it's about how the content is scoped: the former 
> approach -typically implemented as a Series w/ multiple episodes, or more 
> simply as a playlist- makes sense where scope of each tutorial episode 
> results in a product that is useful unto itself, while the latter approach 
> makes more sense when it's about the steps in building a single product.  
> IMO, it's the latter case that Soren has managed to pull off here (in a 
> single unedited virtuoso performance of >1hr!), so i'm for adding an 
> outline of sections w/ timecodes.  
> In fact i've built that sort of outline for myself, to facilitate 
> returning to the sections i plan on reviewing again (and again and again!), 
> there is so much that calls for more chewing & digesting capacity than i 
> can muster at this point.  This is not an artifact that would make sense to 
> anyone else as it stands, but i'd be interested to assist in developing 
> "shownotes" along such lines, if @Soren be interested.
> /walt
> On Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 4:19:59 AM UTC Mohammad wrote:
>> Hi Dave,
>>  Soren has created some stuff very useful from a pedagogical point of 
>> view!
>>  I think it worth to be indexed in Tiddlywiki toolmap under (Learning 
>> resources)
>> @Soren
>> You got a lot of positive feedback!  So what you have created is really 
>> useful for users.
>> One small point, it is good to divide your videos into small 
>> lecture/talk/example around 5 to 10 mins
>> Also please submit these resources to tw5.com for future references.
>> Just some thoughts
>> Best wishes
>> Mohammad
>> On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 4:40 AM David Gifford  wrote:
>>> Just a note to Soren Bjornstag to thank him for his ZettelKasten TW. I 
>>> just decided to open the All tab and read in order. I am not quite through 
>>> the A's, and have already learned a lot. And in the process I read three of 
>>> his blog posts too. Great stuff. All that in addition to his very helpful 
>>> video walkthrough of TiddlyWiki.
>>> And a note to everyone else to check it out: 
>>> https://zettelkasten.sorenbjornstad.com
>>> -- 
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>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/29f05fb5-f83c-4340-b51a-9e0f7f389602n%40googlegroups.com
>>> .

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[tw5] Re: Breakthrough TW video (new)

2021-03-10 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Thanks, I tweaked this a little bit and put it in!

On Monday, March 8, 2021 at 3:35:51 PM UTC-6 sai.k.r...@gmail.com wrote:

> Thank you for this video, Soren.
> I have tried to create time stamps for various things that Soren demoed in 
> the video.
> [2:36](https://youtu.be/vsdDs7oOLlg?t=156)
> Theme tweaks to change the sidebar size
> [11:20](https://youtu.be/vsdDs7oOLlg?t=680)
> List Macro and Table Widget Creation
> [31:00](https://youtu.be/vsdDs7oOLlg?t=1860)
> Nice Display of Reading List Tiddler
> [34:31](https://youtu.be/vsdDs7oOLlg?t=2071)
> Creating a template
> [38:35](https://youtu.be/vsdDs7oOLlg?t=2315)
> Take Notes on Tiddlers and create Flash cards
> [40:49](https://youtu.be/vsdDs7oOLlg?t=2449)
> Flashcards
> [43:34](https://youtu.be/vsdDs7oOLlg?t=2614)Ratings and Reviews
> Soren, please use this in your description if you think this helps others 
> visitors of the video.
> Best,
> Sai
> On Monday, March 8, 2021 at 7:50:53 AM UTC-6 Sapphireslinger wrote:
>> Learned a LOT from the video. Thanks!
>> On Monday, March 8, 2021 at 5:48:36 AM UTC+8 David Gifford wrote:
>>> Yes, I found this really helpful!
>>> On Sunday, March 7, 2021 at 3:45:59 PM UTC-6 dieg...@gmail.com wrote:
 This video was *shockingly* amazing. Wow...thank you Soren for making 
 it and walt for linking it! 

 On Sunday, March 7, 2021 at 9:32:36 AM UTC-6 ludwa6 wrote:

> While i've learned a lot from some older videos and online docs, and 
> of course via this discussion group, i've got to say: i resonate strongly 
> with the frustration expressed by a fellow n00b somewhere (maybe in that 
> long Roam-envy thread :-) about how fragmentary & scattered are the 
> learning resources one needs to gain any considerable degree of 
> TiddlyWiki-savvy. 
> So it is that i must send a shout-out @SorenBjornstad for this 
> tour-de-force video that he published just a few days ago: Experience 
> TiddlyWiki Fluency: Creating a Reading List 
> . In fact i haven't even 
> finished watching (clocks in at a little over 1hr runtime), it is so 
> chock-full of tutorial tips that i had to take a break and write them all 
> down... And pay due homage to Soren while i'm at it.  Great service the 
> community that you've done here, mate -and moreover: this is *exactly*  
> what the TW world needs to transcend the kinda "Cargo Cult" (not my 
> words; 
> 'twas JeremyR. himself who invoked the term in a recent video) such as it 
> is, and break through to the kind of mainstream adoption that it rightly 
> deserves.
> PS:  Must also celebrate the book- Grok TiddlyWiki 
>  -which is my other most-valued learning 
> resource of late;  in terms of the GUT (Grand Unified Theory) of 
> documentation , it is something of 
> a hybrid i would say... But the video falls squarely in the Tutorial 
> quadrant of GUT, and is a stellar example of the artform, IMHO. 
> /walt

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[tw5] Re: Are there any alternatives to the mermaid.js plugin?

2021-03-19 Thread Soren Bjornstad
What issues are you seeing? The only one I've noticed is the one where text 
is cut off, and I posted a workaround 
 to that on the issue 
tracker (oddly, the user then apparently decided it wasn't an issue anymore 
and closed it).

Several forks also have updated to newer versions of Mermaid.
On Tuesday, October 20, 2020 at 10:19:29 AM UTC-5 si wrote:

> I've been using the mermaid plugin 
>  to draw simple networks/graphs 
> in my wiki. It's nice because it's super quick to use.
> Unfortunately it's pretty buggy and has not been updated to the latest 
> version of mermaid for a while.
> Anyone know of any alternatives options out there?
> Thanks for your help.

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[tw5] Re: Draggable table rows - how?

2021-03-19 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Hey Mat,

Just want to bump this as it's something I've found myself needing lately 
as well. I don't have a good solution, but it seems like having an option 
to not wrap each item in a div would be reasonable.

On Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 1:58:11 PM UTC-6 Mat wrote:

> I want to make tables with DnD rearrangable rows because the content has 
> to be presented in neat columns.
> I am trying to use the list-links-draggable 
>  macro 
> for this: 
> text:
> <>
> list: 
> one two three four
> title: mytemplate
> text: <$link/>
> It does result in a table *but* a lot of extra divs are added, ruining 
> the table. It has this structure:
>...first item..
>...second item..
> ...etc...
> What can I do to prevent this, or do I misunderstand something?
> Is it a reasonable to request a new native macro for this? 
> Thank you!
> <:-)

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[tw5] Re: Are there any alternatives to the mermaid.js plugin?

2021-03-20 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Si, if you have a folder wiki handy, you can clone one of those 
repositories directly into its plugins/ subdirectory and reload the server, 
and it'll show up in the "Plugins" tab. You can then drag it from there 
into whatever wiki you like.

On Saturday, March 20, 2021 at 7:49:29 AM UTC-5 si wrote:

> @flohit I just use it every so often when I need to add a little image of 
> a graph. For example say I had a tiddler on the Konigsber bridge problem 
> ,
> I might use graph-viz to illustrate various related concepts.
> I don't think you can embed links with GraphViz (I don't know for sure 
> though). If I want to map out tiddler relationships I would use TiddlyMap 
> , which is much better suited for this IMO.
> @R^2 See my reply to Soren - it's been a while since I tried the mermaid 
> plugin so I don't remember the exact details. I was going to try out one of 
> those forks, but then I realised that I have no idea how to get a plugin 
> from github into my wiki. Do you know how I can do this?
> On Friday, 19 March 2021 at 19:50:09 UTC flohit...@googlemail.com wrote:
>> I was looking for examples how ppl use it in tiddlywiki, especially in 
>> order to map tiddler relations with links. until now i haven't even been 
>> able to embed links^^
>> for these usecases there is no doc afaik.
>> si schrieb am Freitag, 19. März 2021 um 20:44:28 UTC+1:
>>> @flohit Are you referring to GraphViz? I'm not sure if you are asking 
>>> how to use it, or if you are just curious about how I use it specifically. 
>>> To learn the syntax just look at the usage and readme tabs on the plugin 
>>> page.
>>> @Soren Its been a while since I tried it, but IIR there was a bug where 
>>> graphs would randomly get rendered at the bottom of the screen, outside of 
>>> any tiddler. I can't remember more detail than that though. Thanks for 
>>> sharing your fix for the text-cut-off bug, and maybe I will try out one of 
>>> the updated forks at some point.
>>> On Friday, 19 March 2021 at 18:05:09 UTC flohit...@googlemail.com wrote:
 hey, do you have some examples, how you use it :)

 si schrieb am Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2020 um 17:53:44 UTC+1:

> Thanks Julio, I had not heard of UML before.
> In case anyone else is looking I have found that there is a plugin for 
> graphviz: https://chanilino.github.io/tw5viz/tw5.html
> The syntax is not as streamlined as mermaid, and it is a bit slow to 
> render, but it does the job.
> On Sunday, 25 October 2020 at 19:17:22 UTC julio.c...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Sorry, I just realized that this link is probably more useful:
>> https://tobibeer.github.io/tw5-plugins/#plantuml

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[tw5] Making zoomin story view scroll to the top of the tiddler

2021-03-20 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Hi all,

I've been considering using the zoomin story view for *Grok TiddlyWiki *to 
make life easier for people who aren't used to scrolling through a bunch of 
different tiddlers, but have noticed that when I click on a link within a 
tiddler, the browser doesn't scroll to the top of the newly opened tiddler. 
Given that sections consist of a number of tiddlers transcluded together, 
they are often larger than the screen, so I suspect this is enough to 
cancel out any benefit in behavior standardization.

Is there an easy way to adjust the scroll when using *zoomin*? I'm not in 
the mood to dive into rendering JavaScript today, but perhaps someone else 
has done this before.

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[tw5] Re: Some more thoughts on linking in TW (aliases, display text, and relationship types: Oh My!)

2021-03-13 Thread Soren Bjornstad

I must admit, i am not able to see the advantage of storing information 
> about a person or object in a link instead of in a field. In fields you can 
> store 
> name: Joe
> familiy: Doe
> father: Alfred Doe
> mother: Beatrix Doe
> spouse: Foo Bar
> course-about-hacking: attended

Indeed, and in many cases that may well be a better approach. The primary 
benefit to relationships on the links, to me, is that if you want to have a 
clickable link in the text, you don't have to describe the relationship 
twice, once in the text and once in the field. Don't repeat yourself 
 should apply to 

I appear to have been the one who originally sparked this discussion, and I 
have to admit I'm surprised how much interest it's gotten. :-) I wouldn't 
be terribly disappointed if nobody wanted it, because as you point out 
there are few major advantages to typed links over fields, but I do think 
it could be a marginal improvement in quite a few cases.

Question: how would HTML handle the additional relation information?  Could 
> it be presented to users in a useful and accessible way?

This is a good point! Maybe a tooltip if there isn't already one on the 

> And a short reminder: HTML anchors  (a) already can have *type* and *rel* 
> attributes – both are not supported by the link widget at the moment, but 
> there are indeed some kinds of relations already covered to be aware of. 
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/a

Interesting idea, but if I'm reading the Mozilla docs correctly, both these 
attributes have a specific set of standard values, so it wouldn't work for 
adding arbitrary relationships in TW.

>  One last provocation: How about [[ Joe (stepson) | Joe Doe ]] ?

You can't introspect this using filters, at least not easily, which I think 
was the primary goal of this proposal.

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Re: [tw5] [Introducing] TiddlyJam - new Plugin, CMS and static website generator

2021-03-15 Thread Soren Bjornstad

Just want to say thanks for the CodeMirror plugin -- even as it stands, 
this is awesome!

On Monday, March 15, 2021 at 10:58:32 AM UTC-5 bmad...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi Mohammed, 
> Thanks for your suggestions and code snippets! I have added some to the 
> issue tracker on the repo and will close them in the coming days.
> About the css thing: I didnt want to work on the css for the first version 
> so I gave it over to a CDN. I will add more functionality as you suggested 
> - I am planning to make different themes and each can have its own css 
> which will be exported alongside the build process.
> Hi Mark, Thanks!
> Hi Jeremy,
> Please feel free to use the sitemap.xml.
> About the TW5-codemirror-plus module - I would love to contribute to the 
> core. It is in a functional stage (I have been using it personally), but 
> there is still a lot of work pending on that repo. I intended to start on 
> that once the TiddlyJam project comes upto a stage. How should that work?
> Regards,
> Adithya
> On Monday, March 15, 2021 at 9:19:48 AM UTC-6 jeremy...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi Adithya,
>> Congratulations, TiddlyJam is a terrific piece of work, and I enjoyed 
>> looking at your other work.
>> I am working on this area as part of the work that I’m doing with 
>> Fission, and will publish a PR in the next day or two with a new framework 
>> for publishing static sites. May I borrow your sitemap.xml template for 
>> inclusion?
>> I hadn’t seen your CodeMirror syntax highlighting module before:
>> https://github.com/adithya-badidey/TW5-codemirror-plus/blob/master/tw5.js
>> Would you consider contributing it to the core?
>> Best wishes
>> Jeremy
>> On 14 Mar 2021, at 17:17, Adithya B  wrote:
>> Hi everyone!
>> I have been working on a static website generator/CMS plugin for 
>> TiddlyWiki for my personal use for the past six months or so. Finally, I 
>> feel I am ready to share it!
>>- Have a look at the rendered website at https://tiddlyjam.com
>>- The github repo is at https://github.com/adithya-badidey/tiddlyjam
>>- Actual wiki is at https://tiddlyjam.com/tiddly
>>- Its still in alpha - please share bugs, comments, feedback - either 
>>here or at https://github.com/adithya-badidey/tiddlyjam/discussions
>> Cheers!
>> Adithya
>> -- 
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>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/489f0344-e191-4c29-9167-670e382048c4n%40googlegroups.com
>> .

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[tw5] Re: Athens: a VC backed, open-source Roam competitor

2021-03-03 Thread Soren Bjornstad
My conclusion 
 is that 
backlinks are not necessary, but they're also very helpful in many 
applications (and really not that hard to do right if you're building a 
notes application). I do think that saying the "thing that Roam got right" 
is bidirectional linking is pretty silly, though, especially when they go 
on to talk about this being the core of a "graph-based" system...have they 
ever heard of directed graphs? Evidence that being able to follow the links 
in both directions is the most important key to building good notes seems 
nonexistent to me.

IMO the key to Roam/TW/other powerful notes systems is (1) *modeling* (ability 
to lay out and relate individual notes however makes sense) and (2) *reuse* 
limited to just linking between things and transcluding entire chunks of 
text, but getting smaller pieces of text, using templates, etc.). Linking 
does help with both of those things, but you could imagine other ways to 
achieve them.

On Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 7:54:46 AM UTC-6 si wrote:

> TiddlyTweeter wrote:
>> Right. Sometimes they are useful--basically "going back-and-forth". 
>> But I think the real use cases are quite limited.
> I disagree, this is a very useful application of backlinks in my opinion: 
> https://notes.andymatuschak.org/Backlinks_can_be_used_to_implicitly_define_nodes_in_knowledge_management_systems

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[tw5] Re: Looping through tagging hierarchy to bulk update a field

2021-02-28 Thread Soren Bjornstad
Your first $list widget is resetting the current tiddler, so in your second 
$list widget the all[current] doesn't mean the same thing as it did in the 
first. If I'm understanding your tiddler layout correctly, I think you 
should be closing the first $list widget prior to starting the second one.

As for a better way, the kin filter 
 can be used to merge all the 
levels of a multi-level hierarchy into a single list, which would prevent 
you from having to try to make this recursive to handle an arbitrary number 
of levels. I think you should be able to get that to work here.

(Also, pretty sure you need a $button widget somewhere if you want to 
trigger anything, unless I'm missing something – but maybe you just left 
that out for brevity.)

On Sunday, February 28, 2021 at 3:45:26 PM UTC-6 psigu...@gmail.com wrote:

> Oops, I missed the closing  in both code fragments but that is not 
> the issue.
> On Sunday, February 28, 2021 at 10:27:45 PM UTC+1 Pall Sigurdsson wrote:
>> Hello,
>> This is my first post here. I discovered TiddlyWiki last November and got 
>> hooked by its power and beauty. I challenging myself into programming 
>> something which was supposed to be very simple in the beginning but who 
>> knew that this would become so addictive? Anyhow, I have a question I'm 
>> hoping someone here could help me with.
>> How can one loop through tiddlers which are two levels downstream in the 
>> tag-hierarchy or further? I already figure out how to copy a field value 
>> from the current tiddler to all tiddlers which are tagging it and which 
>> also have the tag 'task' but what I think I need help with is to propagate 
>> the value 2-3 levels further.
>> The following code fragment reads the task_visibility (custom) field of 
>> the current tiddler and applies it to the next level below (only to 
>> tiddlers which are also tagged with 'task').
>> <$set name="taskVisibilityValue" value={{!!task_visibility}}>
>> <$list filter="[tag[task]tag]">
>> <$action-setfield $field="task_visibility" $value=<> 
>> >
>> Note: The filter above can be replaced with 
>> "[all[current]tagging[]tag[task]]" - it works just the same.
>> One of the things I tried for taking this one level further down the task 
>> hierarchy was nesting the lists:
>> <$set name="taskVisibilityValue" value={{!!task_visibility}}>
>> <$list filter="[all[current]tagging[]tag[task]]">
>> <$action-setfield $field="task_visibility" $value=<> 
>> >
>> <$list filter="[all[current]tagging[]tagging[]tag[task]]">
>> <$action-setfield $field="task_visibility" $value=<> 
>> >
>> This code still works only on the first level below the current tiddler. 
>> Does anyone know how to apply this to the next level below the first child 
>> level (and further)?
>> I'm also wondering whether it is a good idea to do this (or how far down 
>> to go), whether there are performance issues to be expected with a loop 
>> like this, when the hierarchy below the current tiddler might contain 
>> dozens of tiddlers.
>> Best regards,
>> Pall
>> - Currently on version 5.1.23

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[tw5] Re: Tidgraph strange behaviour

2021-03-01 Thread Soren Bjornstad
I'm having a problem I think has the same cause -- I tried to make the max 
depth adjustable via a slider, and the slider doesn't work even though my 
filter and underlying logic is completely correct. It appears to me that 
the refresh behavior of the $tidgraph widget is broken and it doesn't 
refresh itself when its parameters change for some reason. If I entirely 
close the tiddler and then re-open it after adjusting the slider, it's 

I imagine this would be fixable, but I can't find any source code that 
isn't minified -- anyone know where that could be found?

On Thursday, January 7, 2021 at 8:54:22 AM UTC-6 ma...@makiaea.org wrote:

> [image: F6DA3EAF-6C73-42C7-ADA2-2F6022D75044.png]
> not sure why it worked this time. maybe it works from scratch (as i did 
> this time) but not for rename from single word root tiddler?
> On Thursday, January 7, 2021 at 2:46:23 PM UTC maki aea wrote:
>> not sure, i tried and got the same result as you but then i saw that 
>> florian has it working 
>> https://fkohrt.gitlab.io/digitale-selbstbestimmung/#Start
>> On Sunday, December 6, 2020 at 12:28:05 AM UTC danraymond wrote:
>>> I have started using Tidgraph 
>>> https://ihm4u.github.io/tw5plugs/#Tidgraph%20-%20Easy%20tiddler%20graphs%20for%20TW5).
>>> It seems to only work for me if the root tiddler is one word, others levels 
>>> work okay if the tidder title is two words.
>>> if I do this : <$tidgraph start=Virtues/> it all works.
>>> if I do this: <$tidgraph start="Virtues" /> no graph appears.
>>> if I rename the root tiddler to "Virtues Sand", say and update all tags 
>>> and the call <$tidgraph start="Virtues Sand"/> no graph appears.
>>> Any thoughts?

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[tw5] Re: Filter to display "subdirectories" of the input tiddler?

2021-03-01 Thread Soren Bjornstad
I think the problem si is having is that the prefix, regexp, etc. macros 
require the base tiddler to be inserted as a *parameter*, whereas the 
Tidgraph plugin needs a filter fragment that can take the base tiddler as 
an *input tiddler*.

I don't think I can think of a solution for this other than changing 

On Monday, March 1, 2021 at 3:21:59 PM UTC-6 Mat wrote:

> si - So you basically want what the tree macro shows but instead of the 
> visual indentation you want it presented with paths. You can maybe try to 
> experiment with the tree macro 
>  and see if it can 
> display it the way you want it?
> <:-)
> On Monday, March 1, 2021 at 7:52:59 PM UTC+1 si wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am trying to figure out if there is a filter expression that will act 
>> on an input tiddler like "root/folder" and return all tiddlers of the form 
>> "root/folder/.*" (i.e. root/folder/subfolder1, root/folder/subfolder2 etc).
>> I can't figure this one out, so any help would be amazing.
>> *My specific use case if you're interested:*
>> I have a directory structure representing in my wiki, which I currently 
>> display with the tree macro . I 
>> was trying to see if I could use Tidgraph 
>>  to display the directory structure, 
>> and I can see that I will need a filter that works as described above.
>> Thanks in advance for your help.

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