CAS in LyX!

2005-08-26 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Hi.  I've just noticed that LyX 1.3.6 has now support for some Computer 
Algebra Systems (Octave, Maxima, Mathematica and Maple are the ones listed in 
Edit -> Math -> Use Computer Algebra System.

This is a most awaited feature, and I often wavered between LyX and TeXmacs 
because, although I'm much more used to the first, only the second has been 
providing this resource.  If LyX is now providing support for CAS (specially 
the free ones), it's just great!  That combined with the really cool feature 
of dynamic rendering of printer-quality mathematical symbols could make me 
keep on using LyX till the end of eternity!

Congrats for you guys that are integrating these really useful features into 

However, it seems that there's no reference for the use of CAS in LyX either 
in the User Guide or in the Extended Features guide.  Where can I find a 
tutorial or something like that?


Rudi Gaelzer
Departament of Physics
Physics and Mathematics Institute
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Phone: +55-53-3275-7468
FAX: +55-53-3275-7343
Registered linux user # 153741

Box around system of equations.

2005-09-02 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Has anyone managed to get a box wrapped around a system of equations or a 
multiline equation?

The usual LaTeX and AMSTex commands, \fbox and \boxed only work for 
single-lined equations like \begin{displaymath} of \begin{equation}.

On the other hand, the empheq package is able to render very exquisite boxes, 
but the syntax seems to be incompatible with LyX.  For instance, to generate 
a box around a system of equations I have to use the empheq environment, 
which invokes the AMS mathematical environments, as in the example below:

a &= b \\
b &= c

Lyx does not seem to offer any standard way to do this and even inside an ugly 
ERT box it's not trivial to use the empheq package...
Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Fone: (53) 3275-7468
FAX:  (53) 3275-7343
Usuário de Linux registrado # 153741

How to change size of math screen fonts?

2005-09-06 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Hi.  I'm using LyX 1.3.6 on Fedora 4.
Is to possible to change the size of math screen fonts?
If I go to Edit -> Preferences -> Screen fonts 
I only get something changing the Zoom %.  Changing the Screen DPI has no 
effect.  Moreover, it only changes the text fonts, leaving the math fonts 
always with the same size.
Rudi Gaelzer
Departament of Physics
Physics and Mathematics Institute
Federal University of Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Phone: +55-53-275-7468
FAX: +55-53-275-7343
Registered Linux user # 153741

Re: How to change size of math screen fonts?

2005-09-08 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Roy.  Thank you for your reply.

It does work, indeed. What's confusing me is that the text is scaled as soon 
as you click on the Apply button, but the math gets rescaled only if you Save 
and then restart LyX.

Moreover, after spending some time searching through the messages in this 
list, I've found several discussing Instant Preview issues.  Just then I 
realized that this topic is explained in an article by Angus in the Wiki 
pages, at 

This feature is not discussed in the User Guide, though, and it seems to me 
that the Wiki pages turned out to be the de facto manual pages for LyX, or am 
I wrong?

Since I'm on it, some days ago I posted a message inquiring about boxes around 
systems of equations.  Has anyone been able to do that on LyX?

On Thursday 08 September 2005 02:44, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> _/ On Tue 06 Sep 2005 18:50:50 BST, [Rudi Gaelzer] wrote : \_
> > Hi.  I'm using LyX 1.3.6 on Fedora 4.
> > Is to possible to change the size of math screen fonts?
> > If I go to Edit -> Preferences -> Screen fonts
> > I only get something changing the Zoom %.  Changing the Screen DPI has no
> > effect.  Moreover, it only changes the text fonts, leaving the math fonts
> > always with the same size.
> > --
> > Rudi Gaelzer
> > Departament of Physics
> > Physics and Mathematics Institute
> > Federal University of Pelotas
> > Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
> > 96010-900 Pelotas - RS
> > Phone: +55-53-275-7468
> > FAX: +55-53-275-7343
> > Registered Linux user # 153741
> Rudi,
> I have just tested the above, trying to reproduce this behaviour in LyX
> 1.3.5 under Fedora Core 2. I have inserted some equations to a document and
> then zoomed in. The equations (math mode) were rescaled in accordance with
> the remainder of the document. I suggest you try to:
> * Change screen fonts
> * Re-install(/re-build) LyX
> * Drop back to an earlier version of LyX
> * Change the font size (Layout -> Character) temporarily and revert to
> old size
> when producing the document
> * Make use of the KDE magnifier is none of the above appears to work.
> Hope it helps,
> Roy

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Fone: (53) 3275-7468
FAX:  (53) 3275-7343
Usuário de Linux registrado # 153741

Multline subscript / AMS in LyX

2005-11-11 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Does anyone know if the subarray AMS environment is implemented in LyX (I 
mean, not in ERT mode) and how to use it?

I want a multline subscript with the lines left-aligned.  The command 
\substack is implemented, but the lines are centered.  The subarray 
environment is the way to do this.

Also, where can I find a description of AMS resources supported by LyX?  The 
User Guide seems to be fairly incomplete on the subject.

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Phone: +55-53-3275-7468
FAX:   +55-53-3275-7343
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Multline subscript / AMS in LyX

2005-11-11 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Well, OK, thanks anyway, but this is Lamport-style, standard LaTeX.  One of 
the aims of the AMS package, though, is to provide resources that render 
mathematical display that is aesthetically more appealing than standard 

Just for you to notice the difference between array and subarray environments 
in this case, I'm attaching a small .tex file which compares both instances.


On Friday 11 November 2005 18:04, Helge Hafting wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 11, 2005 at 05:33:39PM -0200, Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
> > Does anyone know if the subarray AMS environment is implemented in LyX (I
> > mean, not in ERT mode) and how to use it?
> >
> > I want a multline subscript with the lines left-aligned.  The command
> > \substack is implemented, but the lines are centered.  The subarray
> > environment is the way to do this.
> How about this way:
> 1. Create the subscript
> 2. Insert a matrix into subscript - (1 column, and as many rows as you
> need) You can specify a left-aligned matrix.
> Helge Hafting

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Phone: +55-53-3275-7468
FAX:   +55-53-3275-7343
Registered linux user # 153741
Tests multline subscripts both with array and subarray environments.
\mbox{With array:}\left.\frac{\partial^2 f(x,y)}{\partial x \partial y}\right|_{%
  x = x_0 \\
  y = y_0
\mbox{With subarray:}\left.\frac{\partial^2 f(x,y)}{\partial x \partial y}\right|_{%
  x = x_0 \\
  y = y_0

Re: Multline subscript / AMS in LyX

2005-11-13 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Saturday 12 November 2005 11:41, Georg Baum wrote:
> It is "semi-supported": It has no GUI entry, and you can't distinguish it
> optically in LyX from a normal array, but you can create a 1x1 subarray if
> you enter \subarray  in math mode. You can then add columns and rows
> or change alignment with the usual tabular commands.
> Every AMS construct I know of is at least supported like subarray.
> Georg

Yep!  It works!  Thanks Georg.
I entered the command \subarray, created the lines and then changed the 
alignment in Edit -> Tabular -> Align Left.

Do you know if the package empheq:
is also implemented in LyX?  Among other stuff it creates a box around a 
system of equations.

Rudi Gaelzer
Departament of Physics
Institute of Physics & Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Phone: +55-53-275-7468
FAX: +55-53-275-7343

Registered Linux user # 153741

Cross-reference accross unrelated files.

2005-11-19 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
I often need to make a reference to an equation (mostly) in another LyX file.  
Now, I know that it's easy to cross-reference between different files if one 
is inputed/included inside the other or both inside a master file.

However, if I want to cross-reference equations between unrelated texts, the 
trick doesn't seem to work.  In a quick search, I was not able to find any 
thread dealing with this neither in the list nor in the wiki pages.

The only way I found to accomplish this is using the xr.sty package in  the 
following manner:
Suppose you want to mention  equation (label: eq1) in document doc1.lyx inside 
document doc2.lyx and they are not inputed/included in any way:

First, export doc1.lyx to LaTex -> doc1.tex -> latex doc1 -> doc1.aux created.
Then, in the preamble of doc2.lyx:


making sure that doc1.aux is in the path determined by the TEXINPUTS 
environment variable.  Now I can reference the labels in doc1.lyx.  The catch 
here is that every time I make new changes in doc1.lyx, I have to go through 
the steps all over again...

Does anyone know of any other way to do this?  If there is no other way, I 
would suggest to developers that they try to implement this resource so that 
LyX can extract automagically this information from other .lyx file, without 
having to go through the .tex and .aux intermediate steps.

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Phone: +55-53-3275-7468
FAX:   +55-53-3275-7343
Registered linux user # 153741

Symbol fonts in Mandriva 2006.

2006-03-02 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
I'm baffled!
I've just installed Paul Smith's rpm package for LyX 1.3.7 in my Mandriva 2006 
LE system.  He developed the package for Mandriva 2005 LE, but the package 
seemed to work for the 2006 release as well.

However, I just noticed that I lost the display of several math symbols like 
Greek letters, \parallel, \perp, etc.  I lost them only on the display; 
LyXPreview shows the symbols all right.

I tried installing the auxiliary packages fonts-ttf-latex-0.1-1mdk.noarch.rpm 
and latex-xft-fonts-0.1-1.noarch.rpm alternatively and also with both 
packages installed and nothing works.  I even uninstalled the 1.3.7 package 
and returned to the 1.3.6 version, but still no symbols on display.

Does anyone has any idea what I'm doing wrong?


Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Phone: +55-53-3275-7416
FAX:   +55-53-3275-7343
Registered Linux User # 153741

Re: Symbol fonts in Mandriva 2006.

2006-03-05 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Saturday 04 March 2006 10:03, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> First of all, I suggest you try to change interface fonts under prefences.
> If this does not help, consider more TrurType fonts, although I suspect it
> it *them* that broke things in the first place. 

I guess you're right there, because I only detected this problem after I 
imported TrueType fonts from the windows partition, using the automatic 
importer that comes with drakconf.  I'm afraid to  simply get rid of the 
TrueType fonts.  I don't have that much knowledge about fonts and from my 
previous experiences Mandrake/Mandriva systems become somewhat unstable when 
you fool around too much with system configuration...

The problem, however, seems to be the way lyx is handling symbol fonts for 
screen display.  The fonts I choose on Edit -> Preferences -> Look and feel 
-> Screen fonts seem to be only text fonts, not math or symbol fonts.  I can 
find no place on the configuration to choose these fonts.

Does anyone else also think that this problem is related to the TrueType 

> Last thing I would consid- 
> er  is trying the same on an adjacent machine, if one is available. See if
> updates  to  Mandriva  or some more font RPM's make a difference.  If  you
> found  a  solution, I would be interested in hearing about it  too.  Fonts
> were  my natural instinct, considering them to be the culprit. However,  I
> would  suggest something more lateral because I haven't yet found a  solu-
> tion.  I wonder if an option exists in LyX somewhere, which controls  this
> behaviour because, as I said, it used to work fine.
> Best wishes,
> Roy

Rudi Gaelzer
Departament of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Phone: +55-53-3275-7416
FAX:   +55-53-3275-7343
Registered Linux User # 153741

Symbol character for Mandriva 2006 (yet).

2006-03-11 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Some days ago, I posted a message about some symbol characters that are no 
longer correctly displayed (in math mode) in my Mandriva 2006 LE box.  This 
bug still happens in version 1.4.0.

For instance, of all the lowercase greek letters, only \epsilon and \varrho 
are not rendered at the display.  Instant preview works fine.  Of the other 
symbol characters, some are also not correctly displayed, like \partial and 

Now I looked at the /usr/local/share/lyx/symbols file and found that at the 

# symbols generated from fontmath.ltx

at the column charid-in-fallback-Xsymbol-font, \epsilon and \varrho are 
identified by 0 (zero), whereas all other greek letters have some other 

I tried to assign some numbers to \epsilon in this column, but so far was not 
successful, and this is a fairly boring procedure.

Could someone please enlighten me on the meaning of this option and show me 
where I can find a complete table of the greek and symbol characters that 
could help me?

Thank you.
Rudi Gaelzer
Departament of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Phone: +55-53-3275-7416
FAX:   +55-53-3275-7343
Registered Linux User # 153741

Syntax of Symbols file.

2006-03-15 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Could anyone please elucidate me on the syntax of 
the /usr/local/share/lyx/symbols file?  For instance: where can I find the 
tables to which the character codes in the file make reference?

I was not able to find any description in the developers and wiki pages.

Thank you.
Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Fone: (53) 3275 7416
FAX:  (53) 3275 7343
Usuário de Linux Registrado # 153741

Re: Syntax of Symbols file.

2006-03-15 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Thanks for the reply, Georg.

I've already sent a couple of posts complaining that I suddenly lost the 
display of a couple of greek characters (like \epsilon and \varrho) and 
several math symbols (like \int, \partial, \to, etc).  That happens only in 
MathEd mode.  Instant Preview is fine.

The problem appears in all LyX versions I tested (1.3.6 - 1.4.0) in my laptop 
that runs Mandriva LE 2006.  My fedora 4 boxes are ok.

It seems to me that this bug appeared after I imported the TrueType fonts from 
the windows partition using the automatic engine provided by drakkonf, but 
I'm not 100% sure that this is the source of the problem.  I thought that I 
could remedy the problem changing the characters codes in the symbols file, 
but this file has not changed after I imported the TrueType fonts.  In fact, 
this file seems to be exactly the same, irrespective of LyX version and 
target distribution.  So, I think this is really useless.

I'm somewhat at a loss here.  Do you have any suggestion about where I could 
look for the source of the problem?


On Wednesday 15 March 2006 13:17, Georg Baum wrote:
> Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
> > Could anyone please elucidate me on the syntax of
> > the /usr/local/share/lyx/symbols file?  For instance: where can I find
> > the tables to which the character codes in the file make reference?
> Those symbols that have character codes have two numbers. The first one is
> the position in the font (e.g. cmm), the second one is the position in the
> standard "Symbol" font if that symbol is included in that font.
> So if you want to lookup these numbers you have to look at the font files.
> BUT: Unless there is a bug all known symbols of the supported math fonts
> are already in the symbols file. If you want to add new fonts you need to
> change the sources, too, so normally you don't need to know the numbers.
> What are you trying to accomplish?
> > I was not able to find any description in the developers and wiki pages.
> The syntax is undocumented :-( The only documentation available is the
> source code that reads the file (src/mathed/math_factory.C).
> Georg

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Instituto of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Phone: +55-53-3275-7416
FAX:   +55-53-3275-7343
Registered Linux User # 153741

Re: latex export

2006-03-16 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Thursday 16 March 2006 11:38, Nagy Gabor wrote:
> Hi, I use LyX 1.3.6 (from Debian etch).
> I export my file in latex, and then I do this:
> $ latex thesis-komascript.tex
> Is this correct, or shall I use another command line?
> I get some warnings:
> TeX Warning: Citation `key-3' on page 4 undefined on input line 148.
> I don't understand this. I have in line 148 a \cite{key-3}, but I think I
> have a key for it. I have this:
> \begin{thebibliography}{10}
> \bibitem{key-3}
> I have the same with other citations, and similar with cross-references.
> I have skimmed the generated dvi, and it seems that the references are
> generated OK.
> Can I just ignore these warnings, or is there anything I could do to have
> them go away?
> Cheers,
> Gabor

From the warnings you get, there's no error in your .tex file.  What's 
happening here is that the first time you process your source, latex creates 
a number of additional files, depending on the resources you're using.  
Normally, it creates at least a thesis-komascript.aux and a 
thesis-komascript.log.  The second (thesis-komascript.log) is the log file; 
it contains all warning and error messages  you might get during processing.  
It's the first (thesis-komascript.aux) that you'll want.  It contains all 
references to labels you created in your source together with the information 
you'll want to associate with the label, like equation number, section 
number, page number, etc.

Therefore, you'll have to run latex on your file (thesis-komascript.tex) at 
least once more so that it can associate the label reference with the desired 
number.  If you are also bibtex'ing, then you'll have to run latex, then 
bibtex, then latex again, sometimes twice, until it gets all references and 
citations correctly.

Happy latex'ing.  It reminds me of the good ole days when there was no such 
things as LyX, TeXmacs, scientific word to simplify our exciting task of 
writing a thesis...

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Instituto of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Phone: +55-53-3275-7416
FAX:   +55-53-3275-7343
Registered Linux User # 153741

Instant Preview working in LyX 1.4.1?

2006-06-09 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Is Instant Preview working at all in LyX 1.4.1?
I upgraded from 1.3.7 to 1.4.1 on my Fedora 5 box and mathematical expression 
are not rendered with Instant Preview.  Then, I removed 1.4.1 and installed 
1.3.7 back and it worked again...

Rudi Gaelzer

Re: Instant Preview working in LyX 1.4.1?

2006-06-19 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Hi.  Sorry for the delay on the reply...

I installed both packages that are distributed by the fedora core extras 
repository: lyx 1.4.1 and lyx-qt 1.4.1.  The dependencies are automatically 
handled by yum.  Thus, yes, all dependencies are satisfied.

Is there some way to check out on some error messages that might come up when 
lyx tries to execute the instant preview?


On Monday 12 June 2006 04:26, Jose' Matos wrote:
> On Saturday 10 June 2006 00:34, Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
> > Is Instant Preview working at all in LyX 1.4.1?
>   Yes.
> > I upgraded from 1.3.7 to 1.4.1 on my Fedora 5 box and mathematical
> > expression are not rendered with Instant Preview.  Then, I removed 1.4.1
> > and installed 1.3.7 back and it worked again...
>   How did you install the different components? I am running FC-5 and
> everything works as expected.
> $ rpm -q --requires lyx
> ...
> ghostscript
> htmlview
> lyx-frontend = 1.4.1
> mathml-fonts
> tetex-dvipost
> tetex-dvips
> tetex-fonts
> tetex-fonts
> tetex-latex
> tetex-preview
>   I have these packages installed, so it works...
> > Rudi Gaelzer

Re: Instant Preview working in LyX 1.4.1?

2006-06-19 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Funny!  I swear it wasn't working.  I could wait a whole day and nothing...  
Then, I started lyx from the console in debug mode (with lyx -dbg any, as 
suggested) and Instant preview worked.  Then, I quitted and started from the 
kde menu (lyx-qt) and voila! Here I have math preview in lyx 1.4.1.  

Any idea on this funny behaviour?

Thanks for all suggestions.

On Monday 19 June 2006 12:58, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
> > Is there some way to check out on some error messages that might come up
> > when lyx tries to execute the instant preview?
> lyx -dbg any (and brace yourself for the flood of messages).
> /Paul

Lyx 1.5.0beta2 with Fedora 7: No math panel!

2007-06-17 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
I've just upgraded my system to Fedora 7, which comes with LyX 1.5.0beta2.
I'm having a problem I've never had before.  I cannot get the Math Panel to 
open.  When I click on Insert -> Math -> Math Panel, the bottom line shows: 
(dialog-show mathpanel), but the panel itself won't show up.

Is anyone having the same problem?

Besides that, how can I view the math toolbar?  On LyX 1.4.4 I just have to 
right click on the toolbar that I have the option to include the math toolbar 
on the display.
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Boxed graphic

2007-06-18 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Monday 18 June 2007 08:43:44 Hellmut Weber wrote:
> Hi,
> does the graphic include dialog offer a possibility to get the graphic
> boxed (as if it were in a fbox) or do I have to do that myself with ERT?
> Hellmut

Inside any mathematical environment, just type \boxed followed by space that a 
box appears.  You can even box multi-line equations by inserting in the box 
any *ed math environment, like the Aligned, AlignedAt or Gathered 

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: moving to linux...part3: preferred bibtex editor

2007-06-18 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Thursday 14 June 2007 12:50:08 Ares wrote:
> Here I am back with a new, silly question: what is the most favourite
> bibtex editor under GNU/linux? I have been using JabRef under Windows,
> but I realised that it runs under the Java Runtime Environment, and I
> do not want to install new components if I do not really need them...
> So, let's go with the poll!

I use either kbibtex or pybliographic.  The first is pretier and better 
organized, but pybliographic has an interesting import function.

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Powerdot users: how to create pdf?

2007-07-09 Thread Rudi Gaelzer

LaTeX Warning: Unused global option(s):

\openout1 = `powerdot-example.aux'.

LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 22.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 22.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 22.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 22.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 22.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 22.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 22.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 22.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 22.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 22.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 22.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 22.
LaTeX Font Info:Checking defaults for PD1/pdf/m/n on input line 22.
LaTeX Font Info:... okay on input line 22.
LaTeX Font Info:Try loading font information for T1+phv on input line 22.
File: t1phv.fd 2001/06/04 scalable font definitions for T1/phv.
LaTeX Font Info:Font shape `T1/phv/m/n' will be
(Font)  scaled to size 8.6pt on input line 22.

Package hyperref Info: Link coloring OFF on input line 22.

Package: nameref 2003/12/03 v2.21 Cross-referencing by name of section
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@level=\count121
LaTeX Info: Redefining \ref on input line 22.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \pageref on input line 22.

loading : Context Support Macros / Miscellaneous (2004.10.26)
loading : Context Support Macros / PDF (2004.03.26)
) (./ (./
\openout3 = `'.

\openout4 = `powerdot-example.toc'.

! Undefined control sequence.
? x
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 6801 strings out of 94500
 90619 string characters out of 1176766
 173987 words of memory out of 100
 9913 multiletter control sequences out of 1+5
 6139 words of font info for 16 fonts, out of 50 for 2000
 580 hyphenation exceptions out of 1000
 44i,0n,70p,251b,224s stack positions out of 1500i,500n,5000p,20b,5000s
PDF statistics:
 0 PDF objects out of 30
 0 named destinations out of 131072
 1 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 65536
No pages of output.

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Read only as default.

2007-08-08 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Some time ago I learned that I could toggle the read-only option by issuing 
the buffer-toggle-read-only command.

Now I'd like to know if it is possible for LyX to open an old file with this 
option set by default.

Does anyone know if this is possible?

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Read only as default.

2007-08-09 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Wednesday 08 August 2007 21:42:31 Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Do want to be unable to edit the document, or only to be unable to
> overwrite the document?  If the latter, just open it with File -> New
>  From Template.  You can edit, but if you try to save you'll be forced
> to go through a file dialog.

The latter, but for an old (existing) document.  Often I want to just read an 
existing document, but sometimes I can inadvertently push some key or paste 
some text residing on the clipboard.  

I was just wondering if LyX could open these documents as read only from the 
start, avoiding such mishaps.  Of course I could always tinker with the file 
attributes, but I'd like to avoid that too, if possible.

Perhaps, the document's LyX source code could contain some locking command, 
one which would not be exported to LaTeX, for instance...

Rudi Gaelzer
Physics Department
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

Re: Read only as default.

2007-08-09 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Thursday 09 August 2007 15:46:11 Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> Emacs also have a "open read only" command. We could do something like
> that and bind it to C-S-o, but not put it in menu.

Something like that is exactly what I was thinking about.  Is that worth of 
putting in some wishlist?

Rudi Gaelzer
Physics Department
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

Beamer presentation mode (?)

2007-08-09 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
This one could be more adequate to some kind of beamer discussion list, but I 
could not find anyone on short notice...

Is it possible to start a pdf presentation prepared with Beamer/LyX already in 
presentation (i.e. full screen) mode?

I know this is possible with prosper, and I'm sure that beamer should do it as 

Rudi Gaelzer
Physics Department
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

Re: Read only as default.

2007-08-17 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Friday 10 August 2007 15:38, Bernhard Roider wrote:
> afaics there is nothing to do in the source code: just add the following
> line to the bind file:
> \bind "C-S-O"   "command-sequence file-open; buffer-toggle-read-only"
> bernhard

Dear Bernhard.

Does this work with LyX 1.4.x?
I copied cua.bind to my local directory and included the bind line as above, 
but when I enter Ctrl-shift-O, the command is still not recognized.

Is that not the correct procedure?
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

S. C. Internacional
Champion of FIFA World Club Cup Japan 2006.,1451,128030,00.html?articleid=128030

Re: [SPAM] Re: Read only as default.

2007-08-18 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
OK.  My bad. 
I copied the cua.bind on the wrong dir.  Now it works as instructed.  Thanks a 
lot for your suggestions.

I also modified the stdmenus.ui file and included a menu line (see attached 
file).  I just wonder why the key combination Alt-f Alt-e won't pop up the 
open dialog as the alt-f alt-o combination does.

On Saturday 18 August 2007 13:30, Bernhard Roider wrote:
> Unfortunally i cnnot test it for 1.4.x. Did you select the cua.bind file
> from your local directory in the preferences?
> There is a drawback with this mathod (we discussed it but it seems that
> the mails didn't show up in the list): if you cancel the file open
> dialog then the current document is set to read only.

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

S. C. Internacional
Champion of FIFA Club World Cup Japan 2006.

Description: application/designer

Re: [SPAM] Re: Read only as default.

2007-08-18 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Saturday 18 August 2007 16:57, Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
> I also modified the stdmenus.ui file and included a menu line (see attached
> file).  I just wonder why the key combination Alt-f Alt-e won't pop up the
> open dialog as the alt-f alt-o combination does.

My bad again...
I mean the (alt-f e) and (alt-f o) key combinations, not (alt-f alt-e)...
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

S. C. Internacional
Champion of FIFA Club World Cup Japan 2006.

Re: [SPAM] Re: Read only as default.

2007-08-20 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Dear Tim.
It does not come out of the box, but you can include a "Toggle read only mode" 
option on the Edit menu by simply following the guidelines in this thread:

For your convenience, I'm including the text below.  Is that what you had in 

On Friday 22 September 2006 18:24, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> (Note:  I have not tested the following.) I think you can edit
> .../Resources/ui/stdmenus.ui and add a new Item to the edit menu,
> something like
> Item "Toggle read-only|Q" "buffer-toggle-read-only"

That works!  I made a copy of /usr/share/lyx/ui/stdmenus.ui to ~/.lyx/ui/ and 
included the Item as you suggested (using "T"  instead of "Q" as shortcut) 
and it works.  Now I can happily toggle to and fro the read-only mode...

Thanks a lot, Paul.
> (perhaps changing Q to a more salubrious hot key, or omitting it).  I
> would save the hacked file in the ui subfolder under your home
> directory, so that it would survive reinstallations and upgrades.
> On the other hand, the path of least resistance might be simply to use
> File->New from template... to open documents you don't want to modify.
> The resulting file is writable, but it gets a default name (e.g.
> newfile1.lyx), so inadvertently saving it will at worst clutter your
> drive a bit.
> /Paul

On Sunday 19 August 2007 17:17, Tim Michelsen wrote:
> Is there any chnace that the developers reconsider to offer a toggle
> read-only /write for the Edit menu?
> I think it could be really useful for opening backed up versions of a
> document in a save manner.

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Fone: (53) 3275-7416
FAX:  (53) 3275-7343
Usuário de Linux registrado # 153741

S. C. Internacional
Campeão da Copa Mundial de Clubes Japão 2006.

Indented paragraph in description list.

2007-08-29 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Returning to this thread:
which concerns the creation of a multi-paragraph description list, the recipe 
works, but the new paragraph is not indented inside the description.

Now, in LaTeX2e, you can set the length of \listparindent to 1\parindent, or 
something else, but you have to set it inside the list_decl field of the list 

Is there no way I can set a paragraph indentation inside a list in LyX?  I 
even tried to issue the command 


on the preamble, but it was solemnly ignored by LyX...


Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Indented paragraph in description list.

2007-08-30 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Wednesday 29 August 2007, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> For a more aesthetically pleasing solution, I think you would need
> either to redefine the itemize environment or create your own (and then
> add you new environment to the layout file).  Specification of a value
> for \listparindent has to be done in an argument to the begin command
> for the list environment, which is why LaTeX turned its nose up at your
> attempts.  (But at least it did so solemnly.)

Thanks for the input, guys.

Paul, if I go and try to do what you're suggesting above, I'd have to edit the file, right?

If I look at "Style Description", I notice several options that have the same 
name as the list parameters like \topsep, \labelsep, etc, though capitalized 
(TopSep, LabelSep, etc).  Am I wrong to think that all I have to do is to 
include the line:

Or is this just absurd?

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: AMS users: vote your preferences!

2007-09-21 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
I know this is far from the subject of the vote, but any chance to implement 
the subequations environment into the layout?  Or this is something that 
needs a deeper programing?

On Friday 21 September 2007 16:17, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm revising the amsart, amsart-plain, amsart-seq and amsbook layouts,
> and there are a few oddities that need to be reconciled.  Mostly I'm
> making choices capriciously :-), but this is something I thought I would
> put to a vote.
> The following numbered environments exist in all but amsart-plain:
> Theorem; Corollary; Lemma; Proposition; Conjecture; Criterion;
> Algorithm; Axiom; Definition; Example; Condition; Problem; Exercise;
> Remark; Note; Notation; Claim; Summary (yes it's numbered, don't ask me
> why); Acknowledgement; Case; Conclusion; Fact; Assumption (I added that
> last one).
> In the standard AMS layout, all these but one are numbered within
> sections, consecutively using a single counter (so that, for instance,
> if a lemma appears in section 3 after theorem 12, it's Lemma 3.13).  The
> oddball is Case, which is not numbered by section, and has its own
> counter separate from the other items (so that if Lemma 3.13 is followed
> by the second case overall, it's Case 2).
> I don't know why Case should be treated differently from everything
> else, so in the absence of votes to the contrary I'll merge it into the
> fold.  Please let me know through the list and/or by direct e-mail if
> you have strong preferences to the contrary.  Also, this is your chance
> to argue for different numbering of other environments (or different
> labeling, different text style, whatever -- within reason).
> Cheers,
> Paul

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

exporting pdflatex vs. lyx->latex->pdflatex

2007-11-21 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Funny.  My presentation, which I wrote using LyX, does not export to PDF 
running pdflatex from File -> Export -> pdflatex.  The PDF it creates is tiny 
and obviously has errors.

However, if I do File -> Export -> LaTeX (pdflatex) and run pdflatex from Kile 
(KDE app), the PDF gets created all right.

I'm just curious: any reason for this behaviour?

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Latex -> LyX -> Latex (trouble with accents)

2008-03-17 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
I'm importing a Latex file that has accented letters written in the old 
encoding scheme (OT1) way: \'{a} \'{e} \'{\i} \c{c} \~{a}, etc.

I want to import this file into LyX, make the necessary changes and then 
export it back to Latex.

The problem is that almost all accented letters are automatically converted to 
the new encoding scheme (T1) (á é í ç ã, etc), but I'd like to have them 
still written in the old way.

What I tried to do is set the TeX encoding in Tools -> Preferences... -> 
Outputs -> Latex to OT1 before importing the .tex file.  When I export the 
modified text back to Latex, the preamble has the following instructions:


as expected, but the accented letters in the text come out in the new 
encoding, insted of the old, as I wished.

Anyone knows of some workaround for this?

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Latex -> LyX -> Latex (trouble with accents)

2008-03-18 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Monday 17 March 2008 20:09:56 Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> Rudi Gaelzer writes:
> > Hi.
> > I'm importing a Latex file that has accented letters written in the old
> > encoding scheme (OT1) way: \'{a} \'{e} \'{\i} \c{c} \~{a}, etc.
> >
> > I want to import this file into LyX, make the necessary changes and then
> > export it back to Latex.
> >
> > The problem is that almost all accented letters are automatically
> > converted to the new encoding scheme (T1) (á é í ç ã, etc), but I'd like
> > to have them still written in the old way.
> >
> > What I tried to do is set the TeX encoding in Tools -> Preferences... ->
> > Outputs -> Latex to OT1 before importing the .tex file.  When I export
> > the modified text back to Latex, the preamble has the following
> > instructions:
> >
> > \usepackage[OT1]{fontenc}
> > \usepackage[latin9]{inputenc}
> >
> > as expected, but the accented letters in the text come out in the new
> > encoding, insted of the old, as I wished.
> >
> > Anyone knows of some workaround for this?
> In Document->Settings->Language uncheck "Use language's default encoding".
> This should enable the "Encoding:" combo box beneath.
> Using the combo, choose "ascii" as the encoding and then try exporting.

Right-o!  That's it.
Thanks, Enrico.

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Possible bug on document encoding.

2008-03-23 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
I want to report this first here.  If you agree that this is a bug, I can file 
a report...

I want to export a LyX file containing figure floats to LaTeX using ASC II 
language encoding.  However, I detected something strange.

If I process (view dvi) and/or export the file using LaTeX default encoding 
(or utf8), everything works fine.  This is the case of the yadas.lyx file 

However, if I change the language encoding at Document -> Settings -> 
Language -> Encoding to ascii, I can neither process nor export the text to 
LaTeX.  This is the case of the yadas_ascii.lyx file attached.

On the last file, if I remove the figure float and/or the accented letters, 
then I can process/export the file again... this bug seems to occur when I 
have both, the float and the accented letters.

Is anyone detecting the same problem?
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Description: application/lyx

Description: application/lyx

Re: Possible bug on document encoding.

2008-04-02 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Tuesday 25 March 2008 19:21:29 Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> I did it:
> --
> Enrico

Enrico, I noticed that the bug is fixed.
How do I proceed to patch my existing LyX installation (LyX 1.5.4 on Fedora 8)
Or should I simply wait for an update?

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Links for tools for working with PDFs

2006-07-19 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Very interesting, but what about linux?

Is there any tool (or collection of tools) that offer the same options for 

On Wednesday 19 July 2006 06:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Steve Harris sent me this link
> >
> for working with PDFs. I've added it here
> so if people on this list know of other tools that are useful for working
> with PDFs, feel free to add more links to that wiki page.
> cheers
> /Christian
> PS. As PDF seems to be a quite big subtopic, we might want to create a
> separate group for it in the future. (Just like we have one for LaTeX and
> one for BibTeX)

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Math-intensive work in 1.4.x impossible.

2006-08-17 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
I installed the rpm for LyX 1.4.2 distributed in the Fedora 5 extras 

I've found that it's still impossible to work intensively on mathematical 
expressions with LyX 1.4.x.  After I perform a relatively small amount of 
editing, inside and outside math mode, the window simply crashes and then I 
have to recover the document.  That happened to me 3 times in about 10 
minutes of editing...

The same problem occurred with all versions 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 that I tested.  
Every time I have to come back to version 1.3.7, which is fortunately very 

I would like to post a debug report on this.  How can I channel the ouput 
of "lyx -dbg any" into a file?  "lyx -dbg any > lyx_bug.txt" did not work...
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Math-intensive work in 1.4.x impossible.

2006-08-17 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
I don't think this is possible.  I mean, the crash seems to occur at any 
instant.  I can not identify any particular sequence of keystrokes that will 
ignite it...  the only pattern I can see is that the window crashes always 
after a lot of intensive editing in mathed mode, usually when I'm leaving or 
entering a math environment.

I could send the bug report obtained from "lyx -dbg any 2> lyx_bug.txt", as 
Michael Abshoff suggested, but the file, even when compressed with bzip2, is 
above the 6b limit of the mailer-deamon.

Should I create a bug report at bugzilla?

On Thursday 17 August 2006 09:51, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Rudi" == Rudi Gaelzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Rudi> I've found that it's still impossible to work intensively on
> Rudi> mathematical expressions with LyX 1.4.x. After I perform a
> Rudi> relatively small amount of editing, inside and outside math
> Rudi> mode, the window simply crashes and then I have to recover the
> Rudi> document. That happened to me 3 times in about 10 minutes of
> Rudi> editing...
> Try to provide us with repeatable crashes. I am currently working to
> fix some crashes related to sub/superscripts, for example.
> JMarc

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Fone: +55-53-275-7416
FAX:  +55-53-275-7343
Usuário de Linux Registrado Nº 153741

Re: Math-intensive work in 1.4.x impossible.

2006-08-17 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Indeed, I'm running lyx on FC5 with gcc 4.1.x.
Attached is the bug report obtained with  "lyx -dbg mathed,action 2> 

Apparently, the crash really occurs when I exit mathed mode and instant 
preview should kick in...

Could this be the bug related to gcc?


On Thursday 17 August 2006 14:17, Georg Baum wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 17. August 2006 18:27 schrieb Rudi Gaelzer:
> > Jean-Marc,
> > I don't think this is possible.  I mean, the crash seems to occur at any
> > instant.  I can not identify any particular sequence of keystrokes that
> will
> > ignite it...  the only pattern I can see is that the window crashes
> always
> > after a lot of intensive editing in mathed mode, usually when I'm leaving
> or
> > entering a math environment.
> Did you compile LyX yourself? If yes, it would be nice if you could compile
> it with debugging symbols (run configure with --enable-debug). Then run
> LyX in gdb, and when it crashes press bt for a backtrace and send that.
> That might give us useful information.
> > I could send the bug report obtained from "lyx -dbg any 2> lyx_bug.txt",
> as
> > Michael Abshoff suggested, but the file, even when compressed with bzip2,
> is
> > above the 6b limit of the mailer-deamon.
> You could try
> lyx -dbg mathed,action 2> lyx_bug.txt
> instead. If that is still too big then simply send the last 1000 lines.
> > Should I create a bug report at bugzilla?
> You can, but it does not help much if the bug is not reproducible and we
> don't have a backtrace and/or debug output. If you manage to get a
> backtrace or debug output please do.
> The strange thing is that heavy math editing works rather well for me in
> 1.4.3svn. What OS/distribution and what compiler do you use? We have
> reported crashes with gcc 4.1 that might be related to this, see e.g.
> Georg

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Fone: +55-53-275-7416
FAX:  +55-53-275-7343
Usuário de Linux Registrado Nº 153741

Description: BZip2 compressed data

Trouble again with instant preview...

2006-08-30 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
I installed lyx 1.3.7 for the x86_64 architecture  with the rpm packages:

Again, instant preview seems not to be working... 
I got a debug file with "lyx -dbg mathed,action 2> lyx_bug.txt", which I'm 
sending along.  The only information I could get from it was:
"latex failed to compile 0lyxpreview.tex"

Can anyone help me out on this one?  I'm sorry to be bothering you guys again 
with this, but this bug keeps on pestering me...
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Description: BZip2 compressed data

Re: Trouble again with instant preview...

2006-08-31 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Does anyone know if the file 0lyxpreview.tex is a standard file in either lyx 
or texmf packages?  Apparently, the reason why Instant Preview did not work 
was because it didn't find this file to process.

On Wednesday 30 August 2006 19:42, Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
> I installed lyx 1.3.7 for the x86_64 architecture  with the rpm packages:
> lyx-1.3.7-5.fc3.2.x86_64.rpm
> lyx-qt-1.3.7-5.fc3.2.x86_64.rpm
> Again, instant preview seems not to be working...
> I got a debug file with "lyx -dbg mathed,action 2> lyx_bug.txt", which I'm
> sending along.  The only information I could get from it was:
> "latex failed to compile 0lyxpreview.tex"
> Can anyone help me out on this one?  I'm sorry to be bothering you guys
> again with this, but this bug keeps on pestering me...

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Fone: +55-53-275-7416
FAX:  +55-53-275-7343
Usuário de Linux Registrado Nº 153741

Read only mode?

2006-09-22 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Is there a read only mode for lyx?

From a message sent by Jean-Marc in may, I gathered that there is such a 
--- snip --
You can use buffer-readonly-toggle (which can even be added as a menu
item or icon).

--- snip --

I would like to have the possibility to open a lyx document in read-only mode.  
In fact, I would even like to be able to choose it as the default action.

Can I do that with lyx 1.4.3? How?  When I enter "buffer-readonly-toggle" on 
the minibuffer, I got an "Unknown action"...

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Read only mode?

2006-09-22 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Friday 22 September 2006 16:16, José Matos wrote:
>   When I want a document in read only permanently I remove the write flags
> from its properties.
> $ chmod a-w file
> in linux and other unices...

Well, thanks anyway, I know that and it's not what I want...
>   LyX recognises this and acts accordingly. :-)
> > Can I do that with lyx 1.4.3? How?  When I enter "buffer-readonly-toggle"
> > on the minibuffer, I got an "Unknown action"...
> In minibuffer tab is your friend. :-)
> buffer-toggle-read-only
That works.  The syntax is slightly different from what I used.
> > Thanks.

And how can I include a "Toggle Read Only" option in the Edit menu (or as an 
icon on the toolbar)?

Thanks again.
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Read only mode?

2006-09-22 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Friday 22 September 2006 18:24, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> (Note:  I have not tested the following.) I think you can edit
> .../Resources/ui/stdmenus.ui and add a new Item to the edit menu,
> something like
> Item "Toggle read-only|Q" "buffer-toggle-read-only"

That works!  I made a copy of /usr/share/lyx/ui/stdmenus.ui to ~/.lyx/ui/ and 
included the Item as you suggested (using "T"  instead of "Q" as shortcut) 
and it works.  Now I can happily toggle to and fro the read-only mode...

Thanks a lot, Paul.
> (perhaps changing Q to a more salubrious hot key, or omitting it).  I
> would save the hacked file in the ui subfolder under your home
> directory, so that it would survive reinstallations and upgrades.
> On the other hand, the path of least resistance might be simply to use
> File->New from template... to open documents you don't want to modify.
> The resulting file is writable, but it gets a default name (e.g.
> newfile1.lyx), so inadvertently saving it will at worst clutter your
> drive a bit.
> /Paul

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Fone: (53) 3275-7416
FAX:  (53) 3275-7343
Usuário de Linux registrado # 153741

lyx 1.4.3 RPM for Mandriva 2006.

2006-10-10 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
I managed to create a RPM package of lyx 1.4.3 for Mandriva Linux LE 2006.  I 
followed the guidelines originally posted by Paul Smith and Christian 
Ridderström in:

It is not a terribly well-organized rpm package, but it looks like it 
installed in my MDV2006 box all right.

If anyone is interested, I could distribute the package, but I think I have no 
permission to transfer it to any standard lyx mirror...

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: lyx 1.4.3 RPM for Mandriva 2006.

2006-10-11 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Tuesday 10 October 2006 17:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I might have created the page based on Paul's post. The page should
> probably say that LyX is in Fedora Extras (whatever that is).
> Is there a point to having a page describing how to create LyX RPM? If so,
> maybe the page could be called 'LyX on RPM-based Linux'?
> /Christian

Oh, I think this is important. If Paul hadn't scribbled those instructions, I 
would be really hard-pressed to create the rpm...  
Mandriva does have official rpm's for Lyx, but only for the older 1.3.x 
versions.  In fact, updates to Mandriva LE are really slow to come by, as 
compared to fedora, for instance...

Anyway, I got at least one person interested in my package. Is there any 
possibility that I can upload it to an official mirror? I don't have any 
public repository quota available to me, right now...

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: lyx 1.4.3 RPM for Mandriva 2006.

2006-10-12 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Hi, Christian.
On Wednesday 11 October 2006 17:03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Ok, so we'll keep the page. I didn't quite understand if you wanted to
> keep the name of the page, or thought it was ok to rename it to 'LyX on
> RPM-based Linux'?  (Or if you have another suggestion for the name of the
> page).
> cheers
> /Christian

I think that 'LyX on RPM-based Linux' or something like: 'Compiling LyX on 
RPM-based linux' is a good choice, since there are several distros based on 
rpm nowadays.

> I think someone else replied out how you do to upload it.

Rudi Gaelzer
Departament of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

Re: lyx 1.4.3 RPM for Mandriva 2006.

2006-10-12 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Thanks, Georg.

On Wednesday 11 October 2006 12:15, Georg Baum wrote:
> If your package was built from clean sources and it is useful for a wider
> audience, i.e. it does not require anything that is not part of your
> distro, then it would be a good idea to put it on the LyX ftp server. If
> you want to do that, upload it to, and tell
> Jean-Marc that he can move it to the final place (the devel in the address
> above is important).

I think it's safe to say that the answers to both your questions is yes.

I just don't know if I got the requires list quite right.  As per 
instructions, I ran checkinstall with no extra options.  On the man page, I 
noticed that you can include extra requirements to the final rpm package, but 
I did not do that.  Here's the list from:
rpm -qpR lyx-1.4.3-1mdvLE2006_qt.i586.rpm
rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1
As you can see, tetex, Aiksaurus and other packages are left out.  I don't 
know if this is a big deal or not...

I just uploaded the package to
Rudi Gaelzer
Departament of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

Re: lyx 1.4.3 RPM for Mandriva 2006.

2006-10-12 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Thursday 12 October 2006 11:51, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Rudi" == Rudi Gaelzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What does the LE stand for? Only 2005 was a LE version (because they
> rushed it out, IIRC).

Really?  I didn't pay attention to that... My bad, sorry... perhaps you should 
remove LE from the package name...

> JMarc

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

Re: lyx 1.4.3 RPM for Mandriva 2006.

2006-10-12 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Thursday 12 October 2006 12:05, Georg Baum wrote:
> I did not know that you used checkinstall. I just corrected the wiki page,
> because checkinstall builds suboptimal packages. They should not be
> distributed IMHO. If you use the rpm spec file that is inside the source
> archive then you get better dependencies.
> Georg
Ok.  I recompiled using Georg's new instructions on the wiki page.  The only 
difference is that I had to save a copy of lyx.spec on /usr/src/RPM/SPECS and 
a copy of lyx.xpm on /usr/src/RPM/SOURCES.

The package name is now:
but the requires list seems to be exactly the same:
rpm -qpR lyx-1.4.3-1_qt_mdv2006.i586.rpm
rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1

Jean-Marc: Could you please remove the previous file and substitute for the 
new one?
Thank you.
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

Re: lyx 1.4.3 RPM for Mandriva 2006.

2006-10-13 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Hi, Jean-Marc.

I created a new rpm from Georg's intructions.  Its name is: 

I uploaded it to  The ftp client reported a 
successful transfer, but I could not get the directory listing to confirm.

Could you please verify for me?  
Thank you.

On Friday 13 October 2006 11:04, you wrote:
> >>>>> "Georg" == Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Georg> I did not know that you used checkinstall. I just corrected the
> Georg> wiki page, because checkinstall builds suboptimal packages.
> Georg> They should not be distributed IMHO. If you use the rpm spec
> Georg> file that is inside the source archive then you get better
> Georg> dependencies.
> Rudi, are you able to make a new rpm from our lyx.spec file?
> JMarc

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Fone: (53) 3275-7416
FAX:  (53) 3275-7343
Usuário de Linux registrado # 153741

Re: Lyx-1.4.3 to Mandriva 2006

2006-10-18 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
In fact, neither the 1.4.3 nor the 1.3.7 packages contain lyxrc.dist. If I run 
lyx -dbg 2 in my laptop, it complains that lyxrc.dist was not found, but it 
starts anyway. I don't know if I'm just lucky because the rpm was created in 
the very same laptop and it just runs in there...

Looking in my desktop pc, which runs Fedora core 5, I found lyxrc.dist 
in /usr/share/lyx. I'm sending the file attached, but I don't know if it will 
work for you...

On Wednesday 18 October 2006 06:20, icebna wrote:
> Don't found the file lyxrc.dist, don't make it the installation of the rpm.
> Can you send me the file and where is installed ? Lyx-1.3.7 don't have
> this file to copy.
> I'm sorry the heavy work. Excuse me
> Miguel

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Fone: (53) 3275-7416
FAX:  (53) 3275-7343
Usuário de Linux registrado # 153741
# -*- text -*-

# file lyxrc.dist


# Before defining your own key-bindings, select one of the available default
# binding sets. These are resource files (like this one) that define a
# large set of (keyboard) bindings. These files live in bind directory of
# the LyX system directory and have in general the .bind suffix.
# Currently, you can choose from the following flavors:
# cua.bindfor Windows-, Mac- and Motif-like bindings
# emacs.bind  for Emacs-like bindings.
# The \bind_file command looks in the LyX bind directory for a file
# of the given name, but a full path can also be given. If you have
# a bind file in your ~/.lyx/bind/ directory, it will be preferred
# over a system wide bind file. Default is `cua'.

#\bind_file cua
#\bind_file emacs

# Based on the default, you can now change part or all of it with the
# \bind command. For example, when you want the delete key to do the
# backspace action, uncomment the following line:
#\bind "Delete" "delete-backward"

# However, if you're not at all happy with the default bindings,
# the most logical thing to do would be to use one of the system
# wide bind files as a template and place your own version in
# ~/.lyx/bind/mine_is_best.bind and change the above \bind_file
# to this instead:
#\bind_file mine_is_best

# By default, LyX takes over the handling of the dead keys (or accent
# keys) that may be defined for your keyboard. While this allows you
# to enter characters that would not be normally available, some
# people dislike the different behaviour. You can use raw dead keys by
# just uncommenting the next line
#\override_x_deadkeys false

# Tip: Use "lyx -dbg 4" to survey how LyX interprets your keybindings.


# Set this to false if you don't want the startup banner.
# Default is true.
#\show_banner true

# Set to false if you don't want the current selection to be replaced
# automatically by what you type. Default is true.
#\auto_region_delete false

# This is the time interval between auto-saves (in seconds).
# 0 means no auto-save, default is 300 for five minutes.
#\autosave 600

# LyX asks for a second confirmation to exit if you exit with changed
# documents that you don't want to save.  You can turn this confirmation off
# (LyX will still ask to save changed documents) with the following line.
# We recommend to keep the confirmation, though.
#\exit_confirmation false

# This sets the behaviour if you want to be asked for a filename when
# creating a new document or wait until you save it and be asked then.
# The default for now is ask on save.
# \new_ask_filename false

# LyX continously displays names of last command executed, along with a list
# of defined short-cuts for it in the minibuffer.
# It requires some horsepower to function, so you can turn it off, if LyX
# seems slow to you, by uncommenting this line:
#\display_shortcuts false

# \view_dvi_paper_option allows to specify a paper option to the dvi
# viewer. By default LyX specifies the paper size of the document to
# the dvi viewer via the command line option -paper size, where size
# is one of "us","letter","a3","a4" and so on. The command
# \view_dvi_paper_option allows the user to overwrite the name of the
# command line flag, i.e. replace -paper with something else. If
# specified and left empty, i.e. \view_dvi_paper_option "", LyX does
# not append the -paper option to the dvi command at all. This case is
# especially useful when viewing your documents on Windows with yap,
# because yap does not allow a command line option for the paper size.
#\view_dvi_paper_option ""

# LyX assumes that the default papersize should be usletter.  If this is not
# true for you

Re: lyx-1.4.3 to Mandriva 2006

2006-10-18 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
I don't know what to tell you at this point.

Perhaps you should stick to 1.3.7 for the time being (unfortunately) or try to 
compile the source by yourself.  It was not hard at all for me, I just 
followed the guidelines under Comment 2 in

I'm also gonna ask some buddies of mine that are using mandriva to try and 
install my rpm, and see if it works for them.

I'll report their experience in due time.

Cheer up!

On Wednesday 18 October 2006 12:30, icebna wrote:
> Yes, I have the library, but don't work. I think that can be a problem
> of the interface--- the qt designer, or some problem of my system, but,
> Why work fine the 1.3x version, and don't work nothing 1.4x ?
> I hope better times
> Thanks, thanks
> Miguel

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: lyx-1.4.3

2006-10-23 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
I'd say that if you successfully compiled the source with the qt frontend but 
it won't start, then you have some problem with the KDE desktop on your 
laptop, otherwise you wouldn't be able to compile, to start with.

Perhaps you should consult someone close to you that could give a good look at 
your mandriva/kde configuration and figure out what the problem could be.  
Unless someone else in this list could give some hints...

Another suggestion, which takes time and effort, is to perform a fresh install 
of mandriva 2006... was your /home directory created in its own partition?  
In this case, a fresh install won't delete your personal files...

On Monday 23 October 2006 11:54, icebna wrote:
> Hi Rudi
> I have compiled the tarball in my laptop and neither; don"t start
> I have compiled the tarball to frontend = xforms, and start well and
> work, but the xforms interface, don't like me very much. What do you think
> ?
> Miguel

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Fone: +55-53-275-7416
FAX:  +55-53-275-7343
Usuário de Linux Registrado Nº 153741

Re: Lyx-1.4.3 to Mandriva

2006-11-06 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Caro Miguel.

Felicitaciónes!  After struggling for so long, you finally got it working!


On Friday 03 November 2006 12:38, icebna wrote:
> Hello Rudi :
>  Congratulations !!.  I have installed Mandriva 2007 Free Edition and
> you rpm, work fine  in this distro. The gurus of lyx can rename the rpm,
> for example lyx-1.4.3-1mdv2006-7.i586.rpm
> Thanks other time.
> Miguel

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Strange behaviour of mathed and instant preview.

2006-11-18 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Since I changed to LyX 1.4.3, I've noticed some strange behaviour when editing 
mathematical formulas and using Instant Preview, which was absent in the 
1.3.x versions.

I think you can reproduce some of my woes in the attached file.  Open it, 
enable Instant Preview and wait until it renders all the formulas.  Take the 
first (reasonably long) formula.   Click on it and do some editing, then 
click outside the math environment.  When I do this with my formulas, most of 
the time Instant Preview will not render the modified equation the first 
time; I have to click on it again and then go outside for it to be rendered 

Now, take the second (longer) equation.  This equation takes more than one 
window size in my 800x600 notebook display.  Everytime I click on the 
beginning or the ending part of the equation, the display jumps to the middle 
of it, making any attempt to modify it very annoying.

There are some further issues concerning navigation inside math formulas, but 
I'll leave it to a future message.

Has anyone by any chance noticed this kind of behaviour?

Thank you.
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

Description: application/lyx

Re: Multiple lines in displayed formula

2006-11-19 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Have you tried the "gather"  environment?
Access it in Insert -> Math -> AMS gather Environment
Create a new line with CTRL+Enter

Does this answer your question?

On Sunday 19 November 2006 14:12, Guy Rutenberg wrote:
> I want to enter a multiple lines into a display formula and center each
> line by it's own (I don't won't the lines to aligned together).
> The equivalent tex input for what i ask is:
> $$\displaylines{(x+a)^2 = x^2+2ax+a^2\cr
> (x+a)(x-a) = x^2-a^2\cr}$$
> Can someone please explain to me how do I do it in LyX?
> Regards,
> Guy

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

Re: Strange behaviour of mathed and instant preview.

2006-11-19 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Sunday 19 November 2006 12:51, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > My solution was to switch back to 1.3.7. I am happy with LyX again, ever
> > since.

Thanks, Enrico, but I'm using the linux version.

H. Peter: I followed your thread in the developer's list and it seems that the 
issue with instant preview is being addressed and will be solved in a 
forthcoming version.

However, the second problem I reported is not related to instant preview.  Has 
anyone inspected the file I attached?  I think you'll only notice this 
problem with equations spanning more than one display window, as it happens 
in my notebook.

Thank you. 
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

Re: Strange behaviour of mathed and instant preview.

2006-11-19 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Sunday 19 November 2006 16:53, Georg Baum wrote:
> I noticed that problem too with some long formulas. (if you mean the
> centering on screen). 
Yep! That's it.
> AFAIK nobody is working on that, and I don't know 
> either whether it is already in bugzilla.

Should I post it? I've never done that...

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

Version Control vs. Change Tracking

2006-11-19 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Hi there.

I'd be very thankful if anyone would be kind enough to clarify the main 
differences between Version Control and Change Tracking.

As far as I could gather, Change Tracking is useful when one or more authors 
are submitting changes to the same LyX file and then the principal author can 
accept or reject the changes, as explained in the Wiki pages
According to the wiki, changes appear on the display in red and are recorded 
in the same file as the main text.  Then you can send this only file to 
different authors which can in turn make further changes.

Whereas with Version control, as far as I could understand the explanation in 
the Extended LyX Features manual, a group of different authors submit changes 
to a text, which are recorded in different files.  This means that all the 
files in the project must stay on the same system, and the authors must log 
on this system to propose modifications to the text.

Am I right or did I get it completely wrong?  Please don't RTFM me, some short 
hints can greatly reduce the learning curve for me.  I'm interested on the 
best feature for a group of authors in different institutions to edit a 
manuscript for a paper, for instance.

Any suggestions appreciated.
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

Invisible citations in LyX.

2006-11-30 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
In a LaTeX2e document, if I want an invisible citation, i. e., no reference 
made on text, but still the bibliography entry, I can use the command 

However, in LyX I could find no way to implement this, other than appealing to 
ERT, which is a bit tedious, because I have to manually include the keys into 
the ERT \nocite command.

Does anyone know whether this is really implemented in LyX or not, or if there 
is a better way to do this?

Thank you.
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

Re: Fbox in equations

2006-12-16 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Citando James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I am trying to put a box around equations.  In Latex, you use an \fbox to
> accomplish this.  However, I cannot figure out how to get Lyx to do this
> properly, particularly in the case of a displayed equation.  Any tips?
> James

You can also use the AMS command \boxed{} in math mode.  It works with
single-line equations.  If you want to draw a box around a multi-line equation,
there's the LaTeX fancybox package:
that draws very beautiful boxes, but in this case, you'll have to enter the
commands in ERT.

Rudi Gaelzer
Registered Linux user # 153741

This mail sent through IMP:

Re: BibTeX styles

2006-12-19 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Obs: I'm assuming that you're not using LyX, but latex directly... If you're 
using LyX forget about what's below.

How many times did you compile your .tex file?  In order to arrange all 
cross-references and citations right, LaTeX needs at least 2 (sometimes 3) 

The order of events would be:

latex  (maybe)

Are you doing something like this?

On Tuesday 19 December 2006 17:05, John Hughes wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a little new to this, so please be patient with me. I'm trying to
> use a BibTeX database to organise my references. The database seems to
> work fine and I can insert a BibTeX reference list into my document
> and use it to put citations in my document. However, when I try to
> change the style using a .bst file generated from the custom-bib
> program, the dvi output puts question marks instead of citations and
> there's no reference list at all. The same thing happens when I use
> any .bst file downloaded from the web. I'd like to use natbib to get
> Harvard-style references.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> John

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

S. C. Internacional
Champion of FIFA Club World Cup Japan 2006,1451,128030,00.html

html (oolatex/word) conversions not working. Font problem

2007-05-14 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
I'm trying to convert a lyx file to MS word format.

Trying export directly from lyx gives no output file and no indication about 
what the problem is.

Exporting to tex and then using the ConvTex utility from
crashes with the rather cryptic error message: Premature end of document

Trying oolatex through tex4ht:
mk4ht oolatex file.tex 
gives the error message: --- error --- Can't find/open file `ecti1095.tfm'
and does not create the xml file as supposed. However, latex compiles and 
creates the dvi file without problems.

Any idea how I can address this problem?

Thank you.
P.S.: Using LyX v. 1.4.4.

Rudi Gaelzer
Physics Department
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux User # 153741

Re: [SPAM] Re: subfiles

2007-06-05 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Monday 04 June 2007 09:02, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Trevor" == Trevor Nicholls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Trevor> * The documentation refers to a means of including "external
> Trevor> material", although the available types of external material
> Trevor> do not appear to include "other LyX files".
> This one is to insert image-like objects.
> Trevor> Can I use LyX to create a number of separate (sub-)documents
> Trevor> and then also maintain other LyX documents which combine new
> Trevor> material with one or more of these subdocuments, in such a way
> Trevor> that the content needs only to be edited once?
> Try Insert>file>Child Document.
> JMarc

Yes, there is support if you're working with child documents.  However, I 
often have to cross-reference among unrelated documents.  In order to 
accomplish that, I have to first export the documents to LaTeX, then process 
them to create .aux files and then include in the preamble the xr package and 
point to the documents using the \externaldocument command, also in the 

It would be nice if lyx were able to perform cross-reference among unrelated 
documents, so that the user only has to point to the lyx files and all 
cross-reference task is automagically performed by lyx.
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: [SPAM] Re: Help: Table

2007-06-05 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Tuesday 05 June 2007 11:36, Julio Rojas wrote:
> Oh, you're right. But I believe that's LaTeX and not LyX. Can anyone help?
LyX can do it, as well.

Have you tried this?

Insert -> Table... (choose number of rows and columns).
position cursor in any row of the first column and right click -> 
table: LyX: Table Settings -> Borders (click on the right border).

Your're gonna have 2 vertical lines on the first column.
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: [SPAM] Re: Help: Table

2007-06-05 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Tuesday 05 June 2007 11:36, Julio Rojas wrote:
> Oh, you're right. But I believe that's LaTeX and not LyX. Can anyone help?

Complementing on what I was suggesting, you can completely separate the first 
column by creating a single-column table and then inserting a thin space 
(Insert -> Special Formatting -> Thin Space) between the tables.  Take a look 
at the attached code.
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Description: application/lyx

Status of internationalization of amsthm environs. in LyX

2010-05-27 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
What's the status of the internationalization effort on the theorem 
defined by the amsthm package?
I've found the following bug which seems to be still open:

So, what should I do if I want the captions of the theorem environs. translated 
to Portuguese in LyX?

I've also found the following reply:
where the inc and module files were translated to Spanish.
Should I start from there and translate the same to Portuguese?

Thanks in advance.
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Forced page breaks?

2010-05-31 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
This is sure to be a silly question, but I cannot find the forced page breaks 
entries any longer.
They used to be at Insert -> Formatting -> Page Break/New Page and the User 
Guide (section 3.5.5) still mentions them there, but now none of the remaining 
items at Insert-> Formatting seem to do the deed, not even the Vertical 
entry.  Even if I choose the Custom option, the dialog box does not allow me to 
enter neither the \newpage nor the \pagebreak commands.  It seems to me that 
is the only way to go...
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Change tracking and the fate of deleted text

2010-05-31 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Julien, how do I redefine the \lyxadded and \lyxdeleted from inside the LyX 
editor?  Your suggestion seems very useful.

On Monday 31 May 2010 11:19:04 Julien Rioux wrote:
> Hi,
> It can be done in the LaTeX output by redefining the commands \lyxadded 
> and \lyxdeleted to your liking. But you are right it would be much 
> harder to implement inside the LyX editor.

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Forced page breaks?

2010-05-31 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Thanks, Vincent.  Told you it would be a silly question...
Indeed it is... What happened was that some time ago I modified the 
file in order to incorporate read-only options: 

Item "Open Read Only...|e" "command-sequence file-open; buffer-toggle-read-only"
Item "Toggle Read Only|T" "buffer-toggle-read-only"

and have been using this file ever since...

Is there a way to include the above options without having to copy the file to 
my personal ~/.lyx/ui directory and edit said file there?
I mean something like an file that is loaded after the 

Thanks again

On Monday 31 May 2010 13:11:15 you wrote:
> > This is sure to be a silly question, but I cannot find the forced page
> > breaks entries any longer.
> > They used to be at Insert -> Formatting -> Page Break/New Page.
> And they still are.
> What version of LyX do you use ? Did you recently update your version
> ? Maybe the user or system directories are conflicting now.
> Vincent

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

LyX 2.0x alpha5 in Fedora 14 and modules.

2010-11-19 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
So far, only the alpha5 version of LyX 2.0 has been made available for Fedora 
14.  Anyone knows if the beta1 update will be offered soon in the yum updates 
I'm asking because the alpha5 version is issuing error messages when it tries 
to load the theorem modules.
Thank you.
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: LyX 2.0x alpha5 in Fedora 14 and modules.

2010-11-19 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
When I open the master document, that tries to load the modules, the following 
window pops-up twice:
LyX: Read Error.  Error reading module theorems-ams-bytype.

I forgot to mention that the file was created by LyX 1.6x.

Thank you.

On Friday 19 November 2010 12:42:44 Julien Rioux wrote:
> On 19/11/2010 8:42 AM, Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
> > I'm asking because the alpha5 version is issuing error messages when it
> > tries to load the theorem modules.
> What's the error message?

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Still getting errors with 2.0.0beta1.

2010-12-03 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
The LyX version offered on the Fedora 14 repositories has now upgraded to
When I load a 1.6x multi-document project into the beta version and try to
process it, I get the following error:

Paragraph ended before \gather* was complete.
Missing $ inserted.
Missing \endgroup inserted.
Display math should end with $$.
Misplaced \cr.
Misplaced \noalign.
Misplaced \noalign.
Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.
Missing $ inserted.

Of course, the document processed just fine with LyX 1.6x.
When I backtraced the error line from the exported tex source, I found that
the problem was in a gather* environment that contains an aligned
sub-environment.  It seems that the lyx -> tex conversion is generating an
incorrect source code.
Moreover, LyX stops displaying the equations the moment a sub-environment is
created.  You can verify that very quickly.

Here's the offending cell:

iv_{j}=\frac{q_{\alpha}B_{0}}{c}\left(v_{2}\vu 1-v_{1}\vu 2\right),\\
\begin{aligned}\sen\phi p_{\perp}\frac{d\phi}{dt} &
\cos\phi p_{\perp}\frac{d\phi}{dt} &


Processing the tex source directly, It complained that the paragraph was
ended before \gather* was complete.  I just had to remove the empty line
before \end{gather*} and the document processed all right.

I guess this is a bug...
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux user # 153741

Re: Still getting errors with 2.0.0beta1.

2010-12-08 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Hi.  Has this bug been solved in the beta 2 release?
If not, what's the ticket #, so I can track it?

On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 2:00 PM, Richard Heck  wrote:

> On 12/03/2010 08:02 AM, Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
>> The LyX version offered on the Fedora 14 repositories has now upgraded to
>> 2.0.0beta1.
>> When I load a 1.6x multi-document project into the beta version and try to
>> process it, I get the following error:
>> Paragraph ended before \gather* was complete.
>> Missing $ inserted.
>> Missing \endgroup inserted.
>> Display math should end with $$.
>> Misplaced \cr.
>> Misplaced \noalign.
>> Misplaced \noalign.
>> Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.
>> Missing $ inserted.
>> Of course, the document processed just fine with LyX 1.6x.
>> When I backtraced the error line from the exported tex source, I found
>> that the problem was in a gather* environment that contains an aligned
>> sub-environment.  It seems that the lyx -> tex conversion is generating an
>> incorrect source code.
>> Moreover, LyX stops displaying the equations the moment a sub-environment
>> is created.  You can verify that very quickly.
>> Here's the offending cell:
>> \begin{gather*}
>> \frac{d\boldsymbol{p}}{dt}=p_{\perp}\frac{d}{dt}\cos\phi\vu
>> 1+p_{\perp}\frac{d}{dt}\sen\phi\vu
>> 2=\frac{q_{\alpha}B_{0}}{c}\epsilon_{ij3}\vu
>> iv_{j}=\frac{q_{\alpha}B_{0}}{c}\left(v_{2}\vu 1-v_{1}\vu 2\right),\\
>> \begin{aligned}\sen\phi p_{\perp}\frac{d\phi}{dt} &
>> =-\frac{q_{\alpha}B_{0}}{c}v_{2}=-\frac{q_{\alpha}B_{0}}{c}\frac{p_{\perp}\sen\phi}{\gamma
>> m_{\alpha}}\\
>> \cos\phi p_{\perp}\frac{d\phi}{dt} &
>> =-\frac{q_{\alpha}B_{0}}{c}v_{1}=-\frac{q_{\alpha}B_{0}}{c}\frac{p_{\perp}\cos\phi}{\gamma
>> m_{\alpha}},
>> \end{aligned}
>> \end{gather*}
>> Processing the tex source directly, It complained that the paragraph was
>> ended before \gather* was complete.  I just had to remove the empty line
>> before \end{gather*} and the document processed all right.
>> I guess this is a bug...
>>  A known bug. It has been fixed for the next release. Still, thanks for
> the report.
> Richard

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96001-970 Pelotas - RS
Phone: +55-53-275-7468
FAX: +55-53-275-7343

Registered Linux user # 153741

LyX 2.0 beta 2 on Fedora 14?

2010-12-21 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Anyone knows when the beta 2 version will be added to the Fedora 14
Or the idea is to wait for the stable release?

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered Linux user # 153741

Thesis template

2010-12-23 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Seems like there is a small bug in the thesis template.
If I try to process the template, I get the error message:
Undefined control sequence
   {Subtitle (if you have one)}

It seems that the Koma book class does not support the subtitle command.

Rudi Gaelzer
Registered Linux user # 153741

Immediate Apply?

2011-01-06 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
What does the "Immediate Apply" check box really do?
I can find this option in certain pop up boxes, such as the Lyx: line
configuration box, but I could find no explanation in all manuals, nor in
the discussion list.



Rudi Gaelzer

Department of Physics

Institute of Physics and Mathematics

Federal University of Pelotas


Registered linux user # 153741

Re: lyx2.0.0beta3 vs. texlive 2010

2011-03-02 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Can you please tell me what did you do?
Did you first uninstall all the TeXlive 2007 packages that come with F14 and
then force the installation of 2010?
Did you have to remove and reinstall LyX in the process?

How do you find 2010 as compared with 2007?  I'm mainly interested in the
reverse search capabilities offered by the most recent releases.

Thank you.

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 10:12 AM, Neal Becker  wrote:

> Guenter Milde wrote:
> > On 2011-01-31, Neal Becker wrote:
> >> On Monday 31 January 2011, Marcelo Acuña wrote:
> >>> > This is fedora 14 using texlive 2010
> >>> > package from  Jindrich Novy
> >>> > 
> >>> >
> >>> > checking for a Latex2e program...
> >>> > +checking for "latex"...  yes
> >
> >>> texlive 2010 work very well for me, with all 2.0 alphas and betas and
> 1.6.8
> >>> versions. I have debian lenny.
> >
> > Do you run a local TeXLive? Debian comes with texlive 2009 as newest
> > version.
> >
> >> Can you please tell me if you have:
> >> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Jan 16 11:17 /usr/bin/latex -> pdftex
> >
> > Yes, this is the Debian setup. With a recent Debian/testing, it is
> >
> > lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 18. Okt 11:05 /usr/bin/latex -> pdftex
> >
> >
> > Günter
> My texlive was corrupt.  Cleaned out and reinstalled, now it's working.
> One surprise.  Choosing to view my document opened up firefox.  Probably
> not
> what I wanted (usually would use okular).

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96001-970 Pelotas - RS
Phone: +55-53-275-7468
FAX: +55-53-275-7343

Registered Linux user # 153741

Re: lyx2.0.0beta3 vs. texlive 2010

2011-03-05 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Just did as you suggested and everything seems to be working, so far.
Thanks Neal and José for the tips.

On Wednesday 02 March 2011 13:24:38 José Matos wrote:
> On Wednesday 02 March 2011 13:32:33 Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
> > Can you please tell me what did you do?
> > Did you first uninstall all the TeXlive 2007 packages that come with F14
> > and then force the installation of 2010?
> > Did you have to remove and reinstall LyX in the process?
> After installing the repo file and updating the system lyx will work
> normally using the new system latex. There is no need to change lyx.
> Eventually, just to be sure that any new package is detected by lyx, you
> can run Reconfigure and that is it. :-)

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354
96001-970 Pelotas - RS
Fone: (53) 3275-7416
FAX:  (53) 3275-7343
Usuário de Linux registrado # 153741

Forward search w/ okular (KDE).

2011-04-04 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Reverse/Forward search works well with lyx2.0rc2 and texlive 2010.
I've only found a small glitch with Forward search.  On Tools -> Preferences -
> Output, I set the DVI/PDF command: okular --unique "file:$$o#src:$$n $$t"
Now, everytime I execute a forward search, a new okular window opens, at the 
correct position.
Removing the --unique option has no effect.

Is this the expected behaviour?
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Translations of Math environments in LyX output - last call for LyX 2.0

2011-04-06 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
What should be done with this information?
Right now, I don't have time as well, but in a fortnight I could be somewhat 
"freer" and could lend a hand.
Alas, I never did this, so I don't know, for example, if only the files listed 
below need to be modified and how to do it...
Is there any template I could look at?

On Wednesday 06 April 2011 08:29:07 Pavel Sanda wrote:
> Georg Baum wrote:
> > >> Concerning the translation to brazilian portuguese, your structure
> > >> works with your template file (localization_test_1.lyx), which
> > >> employs the Theorems (AMS) and Theorems (AMS-Extended ) modules.
> > >> However, when I try the numbered by type modules, I detect the same
> > > 
> > >> problems I already mentioned in my previous threads:
> > > you attached wrong document, because its identical to the previous
> > > one... anyway i can reproduce your problem. it seems that our
> > > mechanism is not working for all AMS modules. Georg?
> > 
> > These styles are missing the LangPreamble and BabelPreamble tags, since
> > they did not exist yet when those tags were introduced. Somebody should
> > go through all modules that have been added after the initial
> > translation support (Feb. 2009) and add these tags where it makes sense.
> > Unfortunately I have no time do so ATM. Fortunately the mentioned
> > theorems will most probably not produce new strings for
> > lib/layouttranslations.
> this should go before next RC. i have no idea which modules need this
> but for consitency at least the theorem ones? i went through theorems*
> in layout and found those have no LangPreamble string:
> theorems-ams-bytype.module
> theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module
> theorems-ams.module
> theorems-bytype.module
> theorems-chap-bytype.module
> theorems-chap.module
> theorems-named.module
> theorems-sec-bytype.module
> theorems-sec.module
> theorems-starred.module
> theorems-std.module
> pavel

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96001-970 Pelotas - RS
Fone: (53) 3275-7416
FAX:  (53) 3275-7343
Usuário de Linux registrado # 153741

Re: Translations of Math environments in LyX output - last call for LyX 2.0

2011-04-09 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Ok.  Will do, as soon as it goes to the yum repository.

As for the translation I proposed for "Assumption", as I said before, 
"assumpção" no longer appears in modern dictionaries. Besides "suposição", 
other possible translations could be "pressuposto" and "hipótese", but this 
last word would relate better to "hypothesis".

On Friday 08 April 2011 12:35:13 Pavel Sanda wrote:
> Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
> > Moreover, I would like to suggest some different translations that should
> > sound better in brazilian portuguese (in fact, they don't even appear in
> > modern dictionaries of pt_br):
> > 
> > Assumption => Suposiç?o
> > Fact => Fato
> Rudi, please check with RC3 that the output looks like you proposed.
> just committed the changes in .
> pavel

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354
96001-970 Pelotas - RS
Fone: (53) 3275-7416
FAX:  (53) 3275-7343
Usuário de Linux registrado # 153741

Re: Translations of Math environments in LyX output - last call for LyX 2.0

2011-04-13 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Ok, Pavel.
With RC3, everything seems to be working with the translations of theorem 
environments to brazilian portuguese.
I'll let you know should anything untoward happens...
Thanks a lot for your effort!

On Friday 08 April 2011 12:35:13 Pavel Sanda wrote:
> Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
> > Moreover, I would like to suggest some different translations that should
> > sound better in brazilian portuguese (in fact, they don't even appear in
> > modern dictionaries of pt_br):
> > 
> > Assumption => Suposiç?o
> > Fact => Fato
> Rudi, please check with RC3 that the output looks like you proposed.
> just committed the changes in .
> pavel

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: tetex -> texlive

2011-07-20 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
I've been using the texlive 2010 repository since Fedora 14 and had no greater 
problem than having to 
manually install/replace some individual packages, depending on the 
classes/modules employed by the 
The transition F14 -> F15 was also uneventful.

On Sunday, July 17, 2011 02:02:10 PM Rich Shepard wrote:
>I've just replaced the tetex I've used for years with texlive-20100722.
> LyX fires right up. What I want to know is if there are potential gotcha's
> due to the transition. I expect not, but I'd like to be sure before I hit
> one during a critical event (such as a deadline to produce a document).
> Rich

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Phone: +55-53-275-7468
FAX: +55-53-275-7343

Error reading theorem modules.

2011-08-08 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
I've just upgraded my laptop box to Fedora 15, with texlive 2010-fc15.

Since then, when I try to load the Theorem-AMS-Bytype modules (using book 
layout and 
class), I get the error messages:

"Error reading module theorem-ams-bytype"

The strange thing is that the usual Theorems (AMS) module works with no 
troubles.  It's 
just when I try to load instead the Theorems (AMS, Numbered by Type) module 
that I get the 
error messages.

Is it possible that the texlive 2010 version in F15 is lacking the needed 
packages?  I 
have the F14 version of texlive 2010 installed in another workstation and that 
works all 
Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Error reading theorem modules. [SOLVED]

2011-08-10 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
Of course that's the problem!  How silly of me.

I changed those modules back in the days when the internationalization was not 
and then simply forgot about them...

Sorry for the newbie question...

On Monday 08 August 2011 18:59:55 Paul Rubin wrote:
> Rudi Gaelzer> writes:
> > Is it possible that the texlive 2010 version in F15 is lacking the
> > needed packages?  I
> > have the F14 version of texlive 2010 installed in another workstation
> > and that works all right.
> I don't think so; the only packages "by type" uses are amsmath.sty and
> amsthm.sty, and without those all the AMS theorem modules should be borked.
> I just tried on my laptop (Linux Mint, TeXLive 2010) and got the same error
> you did.  Then I looked in ~/.lyx/layouts and saw that I had old versions
> of some of the .inc files used by the theorem modules.  I deleted those,
> reconfigured LyX and the module is now working.  So you might check there.
> Paul

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: cross-referencing between files

2011-08-19 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
You mean, you're working with a child document only, without opening the master?
I'd think this should work...

I use Richard's suggestion of loading the xr package when the cross-reference 
happens with unrelated 
documents, i. e., outside a master-child structure.  In this case, I have to 
generate and keep the *.aux 
file of the documents for the xr package to be able to pick up the labels.

On Wednesday, August 17, 2011 12:58:49 PM Ramiro Magno wrote:
> Hi
> I've been googling about how to do cross-referencing between two lyx
> documents. None of the solutions I've seen so far worked for me. My
> attempts consisted of having a master lyx file which includes
> (Insert->File->Child document, include type=include) two other lyx files.
> Then I try to refer to a label in one file from the other. This works as
> long as I'm building the whole document, i.e. the master. If I try to
> build only one of them it does not work, I get the double question mark
> (??)... The goal is the writing of a paper which has supplementary
> material which needs referring. But besides the cross-referencing the two
> documents should be pretty much independent (indep. page numbering,
> titles, etc..) so I need to build them separately.
> Thanks.
> Ramiro

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física e Matemática
Fundação Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Caixa Postal 354 - Campus UFPel
96010-900 Pelotas - RS
Phone: +55-53-275-7468
FAX: +55-53-275-7343

Beamer help: nested overprints

2019-04-03 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
I have a problem with Beamer that certainly has a very simple solution, but
I'm not able to find it...

In the attached file, there is a single frame.  The first line appears on
all subframes, but the following lines are inside a main overprint
environment.  The second line should appear only on the second slide, the
third line on the third and fourth slides and it should replace the second
line. There is also a fourth line that is overprinted on the third and
fourth lines.

However, the second line does not appear on the PDF, only the remaining
subframes.  My use of a nested overprint inside a parent overprint is wrong?

Thank you.
Rudi Gaelzer
Registered Linux user # 153741

Description: application/lyx

Re: Beamer help: nested overprints

2019-04-11 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
> I think the use of multiple overprint environments is part of the

> problem, but I also think the use of overprint is incompatible with

> having some text on slide 3 onward and some on just slide 3. The Beamer


> manual says this in the description of overprint environments:

> > The overlay specifications of the \onslide commands must be disjoint.


> Yours are not disjoint. The attached version uses overlayarea rather

> than overprint. See if it does what you want.


> Paul

It does after I made a slight correction.  Notice that in your file the
overlays are actually outside the overlayarea.  You can see it clearly if
you export to LaTeX.

I you then include the onlyenvs inside the overlayarea (see attached), then
the result conforms what I was expecting. The difference between the two
cases is that in the first case, the baseline of the permanent text is
moved upwards as more lines are added to the frame, whereas in the second
case (all onlyenvs inside the overlayarea) the baseline is fixed.  This is
what I wanted.

Thanks for the tip.  I did not try with overlayarea because I was not sure
about the overlay height.  But it seems that setting a total height of 0cm
does the trick.

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre - RS
Phone: +55-51-3308-6472
FAX: +55-51-3308-7286
Registered Linux user # 153741

Description: application/lyx

Configuration of LyXHTML

2019-08-10 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
I have just tested LyXHTML with a complex document (lots of childs, cross-
references, listings, etc) and found that the result is fairly good.
However, all the files that were generated were stored in the same directory 
as the sources.
Is there a way to configure LyXHTML to change the following:
1. Write the files in another directory.
2. Color of the items in TOC.  They are black by default.  Can I change the 
3. Using the "Fancy Colored Boxes" module.  I inserted a Custom Color Box in 
the master document and the configuration of said custom box was rendered at 
the top of the xhtlm page.  That configuration should not have been printed.
4. Also using the "Custom Header/Footerlines" module.  The field titles: "Left 
Header:", "Right Footer:", etc, were also included in the xhtml.  They should 
be invisible.

Any tips?
Rudi Gaelzer
Institute of Physics
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Configuration of LyXHTML

2019-08-14 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
 On Sat, 10 Aug 2019 14:42:40 -0300
> Rudi Gaelzer  wrote:
> > I have just tested LyXHTML with a complex document (lots of childs,
> > cross- references, listings, etc) and found that the result is fairly
> > good. However, all the files that were generated were stored in the
> > same directory as the sources.
> > Is there a way to configure LyXHTML to change the following:
> > 1. Write the files in another directory.
> > 2. Color of the items in TOC.  They are black by default.  Can I
> > change the color?
> > 3. Using the "Fancy Colored Boxes" module.  I inserted a Custom Color
> > Box in the master document and the configuration of said custom box
> > was rendered at the top of the xhtlm page.  That configuration should
> > not have been printed. 4. Also using the "Custom Header/Footerlines"
> > module.  The field titles: "Left Header:", "Right Footer:", etc, were
> > also included in the xhtml.  They should be invisible.
> >
> > Any tips?
> My best tip for rendering HTML or ePub would be to use something
> besides LyX.
> Lately, I've been writing a book in Asciidoctor. Once I scaffolded it
> with a few shellscripts, it converted to *clean* and *styleful*
> (X)HTML5: Much higher quality than anything I remember from LyX
> converters like LyXHTML. Via Pandoc I've also gotten it to write to
> PDF via LaTeX, although the look and quality of the PDF isn't yet good
> enough that I'd sell the PDF version of this book.
> The array of things Asciidoctor can do is breathtaking, and I'll be
> happy to help anyone wanting to get into Asciidoctor.

As I understand, you are creating the document with Asciidoctor before
converting it to HTML (or ePub), correct?

Thank you for the suggestion, but I would rather stick to LyX/LaTeX for
document creation.

Another feature I would like added to LyXHTML is the possibility to split
hypertext in different levels (e.g., chapters) instead of creating a single
large file (order of  MBs).

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre - RS
Phone: +55-51-3308-6472
FAX: +55-51-3308-7286
Registered Linux user # 153741

Export child document to pdf2 from command line

2019-08-23 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
I have a multi-part document with chapters that are included as child
documents.  I can successfully export the whole document to PDF in a
terminal using the standard way given in the ImportExport FAQ in WikiLyX:

lyx --export pdf2 master.lyx

Now, if I want to export only some of the childs to PDF, is there a
standard way to accomplish this?
The only other relevant instruction in the FAQ is related to branches:

lyx -x "command-sequence branch-activate b1; branch-deactivate b2" -E pdf2
outfile.pdf infile.lyx

but I don't think it applies to my case.


Rudi Gaelzer

Institute of Physics

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul


Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Export child document to pdf2 from command line

2019-08-23 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
> Is putting each of your child documents in a separate branch a
> possibility? That way you could use the solution you found. I'm not
> aware of a different approach (maybe someone else knows though).
> Yes, I thought of trying that, although some people reported difficulties
exporting branches.
I've found another solution where the guy edited the .lyx file with sed
first and then exported to PDF.

I just wanted to know if there is a simpler way...

Rudi Gaelzer

Institute of Physics

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul


Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Export child document to pdf2 from command line

2019-08-24 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
> > Is putting each of your child documents in a separate branch a
> > possibility? That way you could use the solution you found. I'm not
> > aware of a different approach (maybe someone else knows though).
> > 
> > Yes, I thought of trying that, although some people reported
> > difficulties exporting branches.
> > I've found another solution where the guy edited the .lyx file with
> > sed first and then exported to PDF.
> > 
> > I just wanted to know if there is a simpler way...
> Not at the moment, but it's a reasonable request. We'd need something
> like "child-in(ex)clude FILE.lyx" as an LFUN.

Another detail came up.  I did a simple test with a document containing 3 
short chapters. 

>From the GUI, in Settings -> Child Documents -> Master Document Output -> 
Include only selected children  I can select only some child documents and 
then create the PDF in File -> Export -> PDF (pdflatex).  The exported PDF 
will contain only the selected child(ren), with all the cross-references.

However, if I export from command line with 
lyx --export pdf2 master.lyx
the PDF will invariably contain the whole document.
I can sen the test files if you wish.

Rudi Gaelzer
Institute of Physics
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Export child document to pdf2 from command line

2019-08-26 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
On Sun, Aug 25, 2019 at 9:11 PM Richard Kimberly Heck 

> > Another detail came up.  I did a simple test with a document containing
> 3
> > short chapters.
> >
> > From the GUI, in Settings -> Child Documents -> Master Document Output
> ->
> > Include only selected children  I can select only some child documents
> and
> > then create the PDF in File -> Export -> PDF (pdflatex).  The exported
> > will contain only the selected child(ren), with all the cross-references.
> >
> > However, if I export from command line with
> > lyx --export pdf2 master.lyx
> > the PDF will invariably contain the whole document.
> > I can sen the test files if you wish.
> Can you file a bug report about this?
> Riki
I can, but I'll need to initiate myself to the process...
If I go to the main page ( and click Bug Tracker, it opens the
LyX Bug Tracker
page in
I believe that's the correct place to report bugs, right?
I will have to register first, in this case.
Rudi Gaelzer
Institute of Physics
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Export child document to pdf2 from command line

2019-09-01 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
OK, registered the issue in the Bug Tracker.

> And of course one also gets notifications when there are questions about
> the bug, or when progress has been made on it, etc.
Rudi Gaelzer
Institute of Physics
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Registered linux user # 153741

Re: Pseuodocode module

2019-09-11 Thread Rudi Gaelzer
> I have a beta version ready for a module for entering pseudocode
> listings (using the algorithmicx LaTeX package). Besides the module
> itself (pseudocode.module), there's a documentation file (pseucode.lyx)
> with some minimal instructions and examples. It's now on GitHub at
> If anyone wants to try it out, please feel free to post questions here
> or add suggestions/bug reports to the issue tracker for the project.

Dear Paul.
I just installed you module in LyX as per instructed. Thank you for your

I may have some questions about it as I'm testing it.
A first question is: does your module support the \algstore and \algrestore
commands?  I have some algorithms that I'd like to break through different

Rudi Gaelzer
Institute of Physics
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Registered linux user # 153741

Rudi Gaelzer
Departamento de Física
Instituto de Física
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre - RS
Phone: +55-51-3308-6472
FAX: +55-51-3308-7286
Registered Linux user # 153741

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