Re: LyX on iPad

2018-11-06 Thread David L. Johnson
On Tue, 6 Nov 2018 15:49:19 + (UTC)
Anders Host-Madsen  wrote:

> Still have not found the proper way to post to thread, so I just hope
> it will show up the right place. First, for the topic of the thread:
> I have now tried 1) and 2) remote access to my Mac from
> iPad (Screens and TeamWiever). is too limited (e.g.,
> shortcuts and arrow keys don't work) and expensive. Remote access is
> too slow and unreliable to be a solution. So, the only solution would
> be some type of native app on iPad. 

These limitations are not surprising.  It would be nice to have a
version that would work --- at least on the front end --- on a tablet
(I prefer Android, but the idea is the same).  I'd like to be able to
write when I only have my tablet with me, rather than have to deal with
my laptop all the time.

I remember this kind of discussion before, when Windows users were
asking for a version of LyX that ran on their computers (Initially LyX
was only available for un*x machines, principally linux but it would
compile on most unix boxes, if you had Motif).  Eventually it happened,
but you need to find a programmer with the proper expertise and

> I do think of LyX as a frontend
> for LaTeX, and not at all irrelevant. In fact, it is the software I
> use the most of all software that I have. It has completely
> revolutionized my workflow, as it's now so easy to write LaTeX. 

I certainly agree.  But, being a mathematician, most of what I write is
impossible to produce decently on Word, et. al.  Also, most of what I
write is still meant for paper, eventually, so e-book formats are not a
big deal for me.

> think the issue is not that LyX is outdated, but that LaTeX is
> outdated. It's made for typesetting on paper, and honestly most
> reading now is done on screens. For that PDF is terrible. It's fixed
> format for printing. Instead, what is needed is mathematical
> typesetting that is free-flowing and adaptable to the screen it's
> read on (including a phone). Is there any work going on on that kind
> of standard?

Again, having a long memory of such things is useful.  Since TeX is
intended primarily for paper output, it took time to get someone
interested in exporting it to pdf, so it could be read on a screen.
Postscript seemed, back then, to be the preferred output (since
printers like that).  But what you are asking for is not a new
component for LyX, but a way to export to e-book formats, which would
be, basically, a dvi-to-(enter your e-book format) utility.  TeX may be
too wedded to page sizes and predetermined font sizes, but that also is
a TeX issue, it never has been a LyX issue.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: LyX on iPad

2018-11-01 Thread David L. Johnson
On Thu, 1 Nov 2018 19:41:54 -0600
Joel Kulesza  wrote:

> >> At one point, I wanted to create a couple of apps for Android.
> >> I've taught Java programming for a university; but, when I saw how
> >> much I would have to invest in learning the peculiarities of the
> >> Android interface, I lost nearly all of my interest in the two
> >> projects.  I assume that the demands of programming for iOS are
> >> similar.  
> > 
That is a disappointment.  Given Android's start as an offshoot of
linux, you would think it would be more straightforward.  This would
also enable (I think) LyX to run on netbooks, since AFAIK they are
Android machines --- and since they have real keyboards they would make
a usable platform.  I do believe TeX is available in some form.  I also
have no idea why porting to the iPad would be significantly harder than
a Mac.  I am, perhaps, too naive.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: \hat{x}_i

2018-06-11 Thread David L. Johnson
On Mon, 11 Jun 2018 03:14:59 -0700
Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan  wrote:

> A _pure_ LyX method is to select the hat box from the frame 
> decorations menu, enter the ‘x’, leave the hat box, then select 
> subscripts, and enter the ‘i’
> But, really, I think that a mix of LaTeX and gooey LyX is a better
> way to go.  I'd probably use the method of Hal Kierstead.  Professor 
> Johnson's second method is fine too.

I would agree that a more LaTeX approach would be easiest, but I
usually find myself needing to add, or remove, an \overline{}
decoration, which is easier for me in the gooey fashion.  The only
problem with using LaTeX directly is that LyX puts you in that box, and
you have to know to get out of it.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: \hat{x}_i

2018-06-08 Thread David L. Johnson
On Fri, 08 Jun 2018 17:49:15 -0400
Neal Becker  wrote:

> How do I enter (without using raw TeX) 
> \hat{x}_i?
> I seem to always end up with \hat{x_i}, which isn't the same (and
> doesn't look correct)

You have to be just a little careful.  You can either enter the x, then
highlight it and add in the \hat from the menu, then get out of that
box and enter the _i, or you can enter the x_i, highlight the x only,
and choose the \hat from the menu.  Since I don't always remember
quickly all of the commands for such decorations, it's easier for me to
do this than to use the keystrokes.  


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Improvements to splitting math equation for multi-line?

2018-05-19 Thread David L. Johnson
On Sat, 19 May 2018 18:35:25 +0200
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes  wrote:

> Le 19/05/2018 à 16:08, David L. Johnson a écrit :
> > I would prefer to have it go into the eqnarry environment rather
> > than AMS align, or at least default to three columns rather than 2,
> > with the = in the middle.  That way, following lines will have the
> > = sign aligned, which IMO is how it should be.  
> I am not sure that I understand the argument. = signs are aligned
> with "align" environment, aren't they? And the extra spacing added by
> eqnarry is gone, which is a good thing IMO.
> Could you give an example of what you do not like?

Attached.  I have two nonsense displayed equations.  The top is with
align, the bottom with eqnarray.  The extra spacing, as you call it,
justifies the two sides of the equation consistently with eqnarray.  I
think it's easier to read.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Description: application/lyx

Re: Improvements to splitting math equation for multi-line?

2018-05-19 Thread David L. Johnson
On Sat, 19 May 2018 11:14:16 -0400
Scott Kostyshak  wrote:

> > I would prefer to have it go into the eqnarry environment rather
> > than AMS align, or at least default to three columns rather than 2,
> > with the = in the middle.  That way, following lines will have the
> > = sign aligned, which IMO is how it should be.  
> If you set amsmath to "Do not Load" in Document > Settings > Math
> Options, the default will be an eqnarray.

Well, I can't do that.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Improvements to splitting math equation for multi-line?

2018-05-19 Thread David L. Johnson
On Sat, 19 May 2018 01:04:31 -0400
Scott Kostyshak  wrote:

> When in a math display equation, if you press "ctrl + return", LyX
> will turn it into a multi-line equation. I think the default is an
> "align" environment. To do this, LyX tries "split" your current
> equation into two parts. For example, if the equation is:
>   y = 3x + 5
> LyX guesses that you want "y" on the left box, and "= 3x + 5" in the
> right box. In other words, it splits on the "=" sign.
> Do you use this feature? Are there any improvements that you can think
> of? 

I would prefer to have it go into the eqnarry environment rather than
AMS align, or at least default to three columns rather than 2, with the
= in the middle.  That way, following lines will have the = sign
aligned, which IMO is how it should be.

 I haven't looked at the code yet, but I'm considering trying to
> improve the algorithm for splitting. My personal use case is that I
> often have expressions of the form
>   P(X < 3) = 2
> Currently LyX splits this on the "<". 

Well, you could prevent that by replacing "P(X<3)=2" with
"P\left(X<3\right)=2", which is easy to do in LyX.  It also looks

 I would like to have
> algorithm prioritize a relation character that is outside of
> delimiters.

But LyX doesn't understand them as delimiters unless they are written
as such.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: \approx with /

2018-05-15 Thread David L. Johnson
On Tue, 15 May 2018 17:09:58 +0200
Wolfgang Engelmann  wrote:

> does anybody know how to produce the \approx (2 waves) with a / sign 
> going through it in LaTeX or LyX
> Wolfgang?
In LyX
\not then hit enter then \approx 


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Change Latex Math Code

2018-03-20 Thread David L. Johnson

On 03/20/2018 03:39 PM, Baris Erkus wrote:


Is there a way to change the latex math code in LyX by editing the code?

For example, if I enter a fraction in math environment using back 
slash  like \frac, is there a way to edit this Latex code and make it 
\dfrac simply by placing “d” in front of “f”?

Baris Erkus

Did you try entering \dfrac while in math mode?  It works for me.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: bbold

2018-01-17 Thread David L. Johnson

On 01/17/2018 07:46 AM, Patrick Dupre wrote:


Lyx offers mathbb
But il looks like that it does not belong to the package
seems this package is not installed.

My problem is that the package bbold gives me the symbol that I want (like 
while, that I get by default with lyx is a bizarre symbol.
The thing to note is that \mathbb{} is only for capital letters. You do 
get strange symbols if you use it on lower-case letters. \mathbb{}, 
usually called "blackboard bold" gives a font similar to what we usually 
use on a chalkboard to indicate a bold letter, with doubled line 
segments.  Try \mathbb{R} for example.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Little Problem

2017-08-31 Thread David L. Johnson

On 08/31/2017 01:23 PM, Carlos Knauer wrote:

Good Afternon

How can I erase númber 6 in front of mqtrix at page 9 ? I am sending 
the file.


Carlos F. Knauer - Brazil

That number 6 is there because the environment for that matrix is 
"Section", which you don't want.  Make it "standard" and it will be fine.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: all-inclusive file format

2017-07-28 Thread David L. Johnson

On 07/28/2017 12:02 PM, Joe wrote:

Please please please don't make LyX more like Word. Please!



David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Issues using lyx

2017-06-23 Thread David L. Johnson

On 06/22/2017 10:12 PM, Mr William Balthes wrote:

A suggestion from the list is that I use linux.

I know nothing about it.  Does it have automatic updates that you 
can't avoid where the system restarts.

No - at least not the version I use.  Each distribution has its own way 
of doing updates, but having the computer automatically update, and then 
re-starting, seems, well, stupid.

Is it more stable and do you avoid the crashes out of the blue and 
when selecting large amounts of text with the mouse.

I don't have any trouble with that.

Does linux still have back-ups and save temp files.

Sure, but everything is configurable.  There are advantages to linux: 
stability, speed (some programs), versatility.  When I started using 
TeX, the windows version was a complete mess.  Under linux, everything 
talked to everything else easily (a unix feature in general) and 
everything worked like it should.  Networking is part of the design, not 
a bunch of nonsense add-ons.  Security is far better.

There are, for some, disadvantages to linux as well: No Word (I regard 
this as a feature, not a problem), not many games.  The big commercial 
programs usually just ignore linux, except for Maple and Mathematica, 
and things like that.  You do kind of have to like fiddling with your 
computer to want linux on it.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Issues using lyx

2017-06-18 Thread David L. Johnson

On 06/17/2017 11:58 PM, Mr William Balthes wrote:

I am using lyx to write my thesis and having major problems.

The program continually crashes and mostly forms an emergency file but 
sometimes not.

The document seems to get messed up regardless.

I have never had any such problems, so let's find out what is going on.

The document class is American Mathematical Society (AMS) Article

Which I use all the time.

I can send a document sample if this helps

I would guess this is a configuration issue.  Are you new to LyX? Send 
me a minimal file that shows the problem.  One way to do that is to take 
the file that is causing problems, cut it in half, and see which half 
continues to be a problem.  Continue until you can isolate the problem 
area (and of course remove anything you want to keep private).  Send 
that to me.

Now, I don't use Windows, and have version 2.2.2 of LyX, but this would 
be a first test to see where the problem is.

David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Business card template

2017-06-02 Thread David L. Johnson

On 06/02/2017 09:23 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:
  A web search tells me there are a few LaTeX templates for business 
If you have experience using any of these in LyX please share your 

with me.

I haven't used this for business cards, but I use glabels to print up 
nametags, placecards, and the like.  It is not TeX-based, but does well 
with graphics, and has a database of standard card formats which in my 
experience works well.  It handles graphics, and elements of text can be 
placed as needed.  In fact, now that I think of it, I think I will make 
up some business cards for myself using it.

David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: glossary sort as

2017-03-31 Thread David L. Johnson

On 03/31/2017 01:11 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am 31.03.2017 um 18:37 schrieb David L. Johnson:

On 03/31/2017 10:53 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

I try to get an item starting with an Umlaut 'Ü' sorted under the 
appropriate place U and not at the end of the glossary. I added in 
this nomenclature item under */sort by/* an *U* hoping that it would 
now be correctly sorted. It does not (see appended lyx file).

I would appreciate a hint what I am doing wrong. I am using lyx 
2.2.0 under Debian. Do I need another package instead of 
nomenclature, which takes care of umlaute?

As a guess, since you probably use a font set that includes the 
Umlaut-U as a character, the glossary is sorting by the order that 
that symbol appears in the font.  You might try replacing that 
character by the TeX equivalent \"{U}  (in ERT) and see whether it is 
then properly alphabetized.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University
Thanks, David, that did it. What about $Q_{10}$? It is sorted 
correctly, but the global


does not turn it into bold, nor does the individual \textbf{$Q_{10}$} 
do it.


I'm glad I guessed right about the umlaut.  But for this I think there 
is a different problem.  \textbf{}  has, I believe, a problem with math 
mode.  Try $\mathbf{Q_{10}}$ instead -- or, equivalently, enter 
math-mode in LyX and type \mathbf (then space), and then Q_10 (space).

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University


2017-03-23 Thread David L. Johnson

On 03/23/2017 11:32 AM, Richard Heck wrote:

On 03/22/2017 02:25 PM, Bozdogan, Hamparsum (Ham) wrote:

I have installed LyX on my new PC laptop Win 10 system. This is the
new version 222.When I use the equation editor and the superscript for
minus (-) sign it gives me left-upward arrow. Do you know why this is

Are you sure you are using superscript? I get that symbol if I use the
script *font* and try to type a minus. How are you getting the superscript?
This problem occurs when the character you put the superscript on is a 
special type.  For example, I often use \mathbb{R}^n and terms like it.  
In LyX, if you type \mathbb  and hit space, or use the menu selection, 
you are put in that blackboard bold mode.  If you don't hit another 
space after the  R to get out of that mode --- there are red corners 
indicating the special mode on-screen --- then you actually are entering 
\mathbb{R^n}, and TeX gets very confused about what that n is.  With the 
tap on the spacebar, the red corners disappear and all works as it 
should.  The same holds for scripted characters like \mathcal{A}  and 
similar things.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: new operators in LyX?

2017-02-24 Thread David L. Johnson

On 02/24/2017 10:07 AM, Bernt Lie wrote:

I use LyX 2.2 on Win10.

I need to typeset the signum function as an operator. I have tried to insert 
"\mathop{sgn}", but this gives "sgn" in italic, and not in roman as it should.

Is there a syntax for this?


\rm{sgn}  ??

David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Menu fonts

2016-09-26 Thread David L. Johnson

On 09/26/2016 09:09 AM, Daniel CLEMENT wrote:

With QT4 (no QT5 yet here) I can manage menu font sizes for QT apps with
the qtconfig-qt4 utility. It works well in XFCE.

However, AFAIK there's no QT5 counterpart (am I wrong?)

I had a bad link to qtconfig, but when I installed qtconfig-qt4 it now 
works.  Excellent, thanks.  I can't imagine why that wasn't a part of 
the qt package in debian.  I can now read the menus.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Menu fonts

2016-09-25 Thread David L. Johnson

I recommend compiling LyX 2.2.0 with Qt 5.6. The latter knows about
high-dpi monitors, and it uses the system settings to select the
appropriate magnification.
And what "system settings" allow me to change the fontsize globally?  I 
use xfce4, and have also been looking for that.

Have you tried
Right click on the menu panel and select Huge icons?

That changes the size of the icons, not the text of menus.

Menu fonts

2016-09-24 Thread David L. Johnson
I just recently got a tablet/laptop, an asus t300 chi.  I have managed 
to install debian testing on it, rather than whatever was there beforehand.

Most things are working great, but some, like LyX, do not make it easy 
to enlarge the menu fonts.  With a standard HD monitor, 1920x1080 in a 
12.6" size (32cm), and my cruddy vision, menu fonts are impossible.  I 
found advice to adjust the Qt fonts with "qtconfig" -- but the program 
does not exist (its a broken symlink).  The suggestions I read were from 
2010.  Does anyone have a more recent experience with this font 
problem?  I want to make all of the menu and related fonts considerably 
larger.  I am using LyX 2.2.0, with Qt 4.8.7, which is standard on 
debian testing.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Strange xxx-lyxformat-474.lyx files

2016-08-02 Thread David L. Johnson

On 08/02/2016 10:40 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Tue, 2 Aug 2016, David L. Johnson wrote:

These are being created since the files were edited by the new 
version of
LyX you installed, which uses a newer format. LyX then auto-saves 
them in

the old format so that you can edit it, if you need to, with an older
version of LyX. This seems to be a reasonable thing to do at the 
start of

a new format, and will not occur when you edit files using LyX-2.2 that
are already in the new format.


  Thanks for the clarification. I don't recall seeing these files when
previous versions (from 1.0 on) were upgraded.

It was certainly not the case with every change of format --- and was 
probably added because someone got caught with a file they could not 
edit after going to a new version of LyX, then backing out of the 
upgrade for some reason.  I am not sure whether this feature had been 
added earlier --- I don't have such backups around except those created 
by lyx 2.2.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Strange xxx-lyxformat-474.lyx files

2016-08-02 Thread David L. Johnson

On 08/02/2016 09:47 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Tue, 2 Aug 2016, Påvel Nicklasson wrote:

I work on several projects in LyX. Lately I have noticed that in the 
folders as my .lyx files there is a second file called 
For instance, if the regular file is called xxx.lyx. The second is 

xxx-lyxformat-474.lyx. The 474.lyx files seems to be old versions of the
regular files.

  I, too, have started to find these apparent backup files left in the
document directory when I exit lyx. It would be nice for them to be 

up when the program exits, but I do it manually.

These are being created since the files were edited by the new version 
of LyX you installed, which uses a newer format.  LyX then auto-saves 
them in the old format so that you can edit it, if you need to, with an 
older version of LyX.  This seems to be a reasonable thing to do at the 
start of a new format, and will not occur when you edit files using 
LyX-2.2 that are already in the new format.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: What happened to "print"?

2016-07-17 Thread David L. Johnson

On 07/17/2016 04:26 PM, David L. Johnson wrote:
When I upgraded to lyx 2.2.0 (which was when debian testing went to 
it) I lost the print menu.  I thought at first it was because my home 
computer uses an old printer, but the same thing is true on my office 
machine.  I could not find out anything about printing on the site, or anywhere else I looked.

Was there a decision to relegate printing (maybe just in linux) to 
programs handling the output files?  I can print fine viewing the 
output (using evince) and then printing from there, but lyx used to 
support printing directly.  Or, perhaps, something happened with the 
configuration, but I did not see anything about printing in the menus, 
or any mention of it.

Never mind, I guess.  I see it now in the release notes.  But it does 
seem odd to dump it entirely.  The argument that most people would want 
to preview the output first is not the way I work with it.  I often have 
a viewing window open, but in the past have opted to print directly from 
lyx.  In fact, on an earlier computer lyx was one of the few programs 
that would work with my legacy printer.

Oh well.  I will adapt, but I'd rather have the option.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

What happened to "print"?

2016-07-17 Thread David L. Johnson
When I upgraded to lyx 2.2.0 (which was when debian testing went to it) 
I lost the print menu.  I thought at first it was because my home 
computer uses an old printer, but the same thing is true on my office 
machine.  I could not find out anything about printing on the site, or anywhere else I looked.

Was there a decision to relegate printing (maybe just in linux) to 
programs handling the output files?  I can print fine viewing the output 
(using evince) and then printing from there, but lyx used to support 
printing directly.  Or, perhaps, something happened with the 
configuration, but I did not see anything about printing in the menus, 
or any mention of it.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: LyX 2.2 for Debian Jessie

2016-07-15 Thread David L. Johnson

On 07/15/2016 11:05 AM, David L. Johnson wrote:

On 07/15/2016 10:31 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

On 15.07.2016 16:10, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

On 15.07.2016 14:57, Guy Rutenberg wrote:
I've backported the LyX 2.2 package from Unstable to Jessie and 
thought it might be useful for others as well. Debs can be found in


Thanks for it. I have installed your lyx-common_2.2.0-2_all.deb
Oh, this is it.  You have to also install lyx_2.2.0-2_amd64.deb. Just 
adding the common package does not force the installation of a 
particular binary.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: LyX 2.2 for Debian Jessie

2016-07-15 Thread David L. Johnson

On 07/15/2016 10:31 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

On 15.07.2016 16:10, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

On 15.07.2016 14:57, Guy Rutenberg wrote:
I've backported the LyX 2.2 package from Unstable to Jessie and 
thought it might be useful for others as well. Debs can be found in


Thanks for it. I have installed your lyx-common_2.2.0-2_all.deb
Question 1: Should I have used lyx-dbg_2.2.0-2_amd64.deb instead (my 
PC is amd64)

Question 2: How do I find the installed lyx and how do I start it?
 lyx & tells me, the command was not found:
[2] 10975
[1]   Exit 127lyx
bash: lyx: Kommando nicht gefunden.
Question 3: Do I need also fonts_lyx and ttf-lyx 2.2.0-2?


To question 2: I found the installed lyx in /usr/share/lyx
but how do I start it?
It should have installed the binary lyx in /usr/bin.  I am jumping into 
this in the middle, but if you installed things the debian way it should 
work properly.  You don't have to use the debugging version.  Let me 
know if I can help, as a long-time debian user.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Inserting blackboard bold 1 in LyX

2016-07-02 Thread David L. Johnson

On 07/02/2016 11:15 PM, Jonathan Horton wrote:

To whom this may concern,

I want to insert a blackboard bold 1 in lyx (For the identity matrix) 
(Unicode: 𝟙), but I can't seem to find anyway to do it. I tried 
changing the encoding to the various unicode types in the document 
settings (Document->Settings->Language-Encoding-Other), but all of the 
encoding types produce errors. In LaTeX, typically dsfont is used, but 
\(\mathds{1}\) produces no result (within lyx).
But it does work on the output, right? At least, once you add 
\usepackage{dsfont} to the preamble.  Worked for me.

I could import the package in the preamble 
(Document>Settings>Preamble) via \usepackage{dsfont} (untested), but I 
would like to avoid the Evil Red Text.
I have never run into this, but I also never tried it.  You could use 
\mathbb{I} instead -- but the blackboard bolds within math mode, as far 
as I know, only apply to capital Roman letters (I use R, C, H, and Z all 
the time).


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Just upgraded to 2.2.0 on debian testing

2016-06-30 Thread David L. Johnson
Debian testing just included the upgrade to lyx 2.2.0.  I want to point 
out one thing:  If you don't see menu icons, you need to add the svg 
versions of the qt library (it may still be linked with qt-4.??, but 
looking for the svg libraries with apt-cache search found what I needed).

I have yet to check it all out, but I am absolutely floored by the 
scrolling ability in math eqnarray finally.  As one who never can keep 
the line length in check during the writing process, it is a blessing to 
be able to see the whole line.  Formerly I have had to either set the 
font really, really small or (more recently) stretch the window over two 
monitors.  This is a great advance; thanks to all who developed it.

I have yet to see what has changed with the beamer layout.  I hope it is 
not too much of a PITA to change old files to the new layout, since I 
have classes on Tuesday that I need it for.  I will find that out 


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: ClassicThesis

2016-06-01 Thread David L. Johnson

On 06/01/2016 11:31 AM, David L. Johnson wrote:

I apologize.  I must have butt-dialed that one.

C.  "  ,  cb.   " Poptropica the driveway


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: ClassicThesis

2016-06-01 Thread David L. Johnson

C.  "  ,  cb.   " Poptropica the driveway

Sent with AquaMail for Android

On June 1, 2016 10:31:14 AM Wolfgang Engelmann  

On 01.06.2016 13:55, PhilipPirrip wrote:

On 05/31/2016 05:17 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

This I do not understand. Classicthesis language is set in English, why
is ngerman demanded? If I do need it, how do I load it?

There's a section in Abstract.lyx marked as German.

2- with biblatex_biber I do not get the bibliography in the pdf
What has to be done

Have you checked two simple examples from

Do they work? Do you have biber installed? All three engines (bibtex,
bibtex8, biber) work for me on linux, people had some issues with
biber on other OS.

I checked the examples, both work.
So biber should work.
But classicthesis-LyX-v4.2_biblatex_biber does not produce the
References in the pdf output (the page stays empty) and gives no error
message for it (there is an error "unknown float option 'H' -ignored, p
used - which is unimportant for me).
The classicthesis-LyX-v4.2_biblatex_bibtex example works and produces
the References in the output.
Could you or somebody else kindly check whether
classicthesis-LyX-v4.2_biblatex_biber works?

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-06 Thread David L. Johnson

On 04/06/2016 06:12 PM, Anders Host-Madsen wrote:

Update. If I run

command-sequence buffer-write; buffer-export pdf2; buffer-export pdflatex

It sometimes make LyX hang. If I run

command-sequence buffer-write; buffer-export pdflatex; buffer-export pdf2

sometimes the pdf export doesn't happen. So, neither quite work.

I have a strong feeling it has to do with how long the commands take to run.
On my iMac, which has a slow spinning HD, I get more trouble than on my
MacBook, which has an SSD.

I would think that the second sequence would have the least trouble with 
LyX not waiting for a command to finish, since the first two commands 
are (I thought) internal to LyX itself.  The pdf generation calls 
external programs, LaTeX of course, then something like dvipdf, so once 
it's in the pipeline sometimes the shell might think the command is 
complete and then let LyX run the next process.  That may cause the hang 
you mentioned, but does not explain the problem with the second sequence.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-06 Thread David L. Johnson

On 04/06/2016 10:05 AM, Anders Host-Madsen wrote:

Anders Host-Madsen> writes:

I can only say that so far it works for me. I assigned

command-sequence buffer-write; buffer-export pdflatex; buffer-export pdf2

to a key (control-command-S), and it works as intended. I'm using a mac.

I do have one issue, though. Sometimes the third part is not executed,
so the updated pdf is not saved. I don't see the pattern in when it's
  executed, and when it's not.

I notice that, when I export repeatedly to pdf, the command will 
actually run and the pdf will not update unless the buffer has been 
changed.  So that's probably why your pdf doesn't always run --- you 
have to change the document, then it will all run.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Updating TexLive from Ubuntu/Mint

2016-03-21 Thread David L. Johnson

On 03/21/2016 11:20 AM, UD wrote:
This is not a new topic, and this is probably not the right place to 
ask, but
how do I update TexLive in Ubuntu (15.10) or Mint (17.3)?  When 
TexLive is installed via Ubuntu, there is no package manager, and 
Ubuntu discourages package management that is done outside of its own 
package management.
I don't know that much about Ubuntu, except that it is debian based (as 
is Mint, isn't it?).  I can't imagine why Ubuntu's update path, with or 
without a package management program, would not keep TeXlive fairly well 
up-to-date.  How do you go about updating Ubuntu?  For debian "apt-get 
update; apt-get upgrade" works perfectly well.

You need to find someone (maybe someone on this list) who is 
knowledgeable about Ubuntu, and find out how to upgrade in general. If 
that is not forthcoming then you should find a distribution (such as 
"real" debian) that allows easy updates.

On the other hand, TeXlive (how do they spell/capitalize that, anyway?) 
is quite mature by now, and not much changes between updates.  What is 
it that you can't do with the version you have (and which version is it?)?

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: I can't open old Lyx files

2016-03-02 Thread David L. Johnson

On 03/02/2016 01:39 PM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

On Wed, Mar 02, 2016 at 02:27:14PM +, Aron Toth wrote:


Currently I am using Lyx 2.1 on Windows 7 (Enterprise). I cannot open old Lyx 
files. I can't remember in which Lyx version they were edited last, but the 
last time I edited them was two years ago... I would really need to access 
these files, so your help would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Áron

PS: I am not a techy guy...

Hi Áron,

Thank you

When reporting problems like these, it's always helpful if you are
specific. When you say "I cannot open old Lyx files", that doesn't give
us much information to go off of. Why can't you open old LyX files? LyX
does not open? Or it opens and gives an error? How exactly are you
opening the LyX files from within LyX using File > Open or are you
double-clicking them in your file browser?

Also when giving a bug report, it's useful to say what your operating
system is and what the version of your operating system is. For example,
I'm using Ubuntu 15.04.
He did mention that he was using Windows 7.  However, the suggestion 
that he provide more detail about what happened when he tried to open 
the files is helpful.  BTW, I have no trouble opening 10+ -year old 
files, so there is something amiss.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Insert Tex Code

2015-09-18 Thread David L. Johnson

On 09/18/2015 09:40 AM, Sajjad wrote:

Hello forum,

I am trying to insert TeX code directly from the LyX interface 
Insert->Tex Code . Then I see a box in the editor. Inside the box I 
entered the following:

\sqrt A-B
But that is not correct TeX code.  If you were to write that in an 
editor and tried to run TeX, you would get the same error.  If you 
write, in the box, (as TeX claims it will do in that error message) 
$\sqrt A-B$ you would not get an error, but you would also not get what 
I suspect you want.  The $s put it in math mode for TeX.  To get the 
square root of the difference, write  $\sqrt{A-B}$. Alternately, go to 
Math mode in LyX, rather than TeX mode, and enter \sqrt .  If you then 
hit the space bar, you see a little blue square root sign, with a blue 
box inside, and the cursor in the box. Then enter A-B.  Easier, and you 
see what you will get.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: utopia mathdesign

2015-09-02 Thread David L. Johnson

On 09/02/2015 05:04 PM, Patrick Dupre wrote:


When I compile this piece of lyx, I get an error message:
!pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file texnansi.enc): cannot open encoding file for read
==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

because utopia mathdesign

Can somebody tell me why?
The error message seems to say that TeX did not find texnansi.enc, so I 
would assume that was the problem.  I tired your file and it compiled 
correctly for me.  I also did find texnansi.enc, so it is likely to be a 
problem with your TeX distribution.  I use LyX 2.1.3 with debian, and 

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Poesse era se me form the list

2015-06-17 Thread David L. Johnson

On 06/17/2015 09:02 PM, Itai Shaked wrote:
I actually have the same problem. I have tried this numerous times, 
but I always get the same reply:

"I'm sorry, I've been unable to carry out your request,
since the address <>

was not on the lyx-users mailing list when I received
your request and is not a subscriber of this list."

Which is strange, because I keep getting list messages to the very 
same address. There seems to be something broken with the 
unsubcscribing mechanic.
Or, perhaps, you have more than one e-mail address, or perhaps an alias, 
and you are responding from the other address?  This happens to me quite 
often, since my account has an alias, and I forget which version (dlj0@  
or david.johnson@) I used to sign up.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Compatibility Mac - Linux

2015-05-06 Thread David L. Johnson

On 05/06/2015 02:26 PM, Ygo Kanaki wrote:

The main reason why me and my colleagues switched from  MS-Word to Lyx is the
problems we had with all the different Office versions, and problem we had
opening Word-files in OpenOffice, etcetera. That was why we use Lyx.

Today I get a .lyx file from a colleague with a Mac. I try to open the Lyx
file, and I get this error message:

"/mnt/sda1/Dropbox/lithouse_shared_folder/Offers quotes prospects that we are
working on/Jolly_X/20150506/offer_27.11.2013.lyx is from a newer version of
LyX and the lyx2lyx script failed to convert it."

So I try to update my Lyx on Ubuntu 14.04 to a later version, but there is
nothing to update. I have the most recent version (2.0.6 from April 2013)
while my colleague has from November 2014. I am out of luck.

We're on Openoffice again. :(

There is no reason to do that.  The problem is with Ubuntu --- or your 
version of it.  Certainly they have an updated version of LyX. If not, 
get it from the LyX archive.  If you want to go back to Openoffice, that 
is one thing, but this is not an obstacle.  Just upgrade your LyX 
version, and there are many ways to do that.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Greek characters in Lyx Beamer

2015-01-21 Thread David L. Johnson

On 01/21/2015 12:14 PM, Jacob Bishop wrote:

- Insert>Math>Inline Formula = works, but characters are slanted

As a workaround, you can use \mathrm{} in math mode to make the 
characters upright. This is a hack, but if I understand your plight 
correctly, it should produce the desired output.

Well, this would work for a few isolated Greek letters, but the spacing 
is different, particularly between words, and line lengths can be 
messy.  I real Greek solution would be best.  Unfortunately, I can't 
help with making that work.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Lyx window exceeds screen size

2014-10-30 Thread David L. Johnson

On 10/30/2014 01:42 PM, Atanu Ghosh wrote:


I am a user of Lyx in my netbook for the past one year. But recently I 
noticed that many windows in Lyx launch to a size that is larger than 
my netbook screen. As a result I cannot use the "Ok" button to confirm 
my changes/ customizations. Further these windows does not allow 
You probably had opened that file on a machine with a larger screen 
earlier.  It will often open in that same size the next time it is run.  
But there is a trick to use on your laptop (this may vary with your 
GUI).  Click on the window while holding down the ALT key, then move the 
mouse.  The window should move.  Then you can find the OK button and 
resizing tabs.

I faced it specially with the "preferences " option in "Tool" menu   
and when I want to insert any citation from the "Insert -Citation " 
Ah, these never allow resizing.  Again, ALT+Left click-hold and drag 
should work.

Please suggest me some way so that I can insert citation in the 
documents or can resize that window.

Thanks in advance

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Problem in starting Lyx

2014-10-30 Thread David L. Johnson

On 10/30/2014 07:59 AM, Atanu Ghosh wrote:


I am a user of Lyx ( in Ubuntu 12.04) for a year. My lyx was working 
fine but suddenly it got crashed and when I tried to restart it , the 
program did not respond. I unistalled Lyx and reinstalled it following 
the instructions in

But now when I am attempting to start Lyx, in the terminal it shows 
the following error message:

Warning: Could not read configuration file

Error while reading the configuration file
Please check your installation.
My guess would be that somehow your configuration file got corrupted.  
LyX will generate a new one, though, if you just get rid of, or rename, 
the directory $(HOME)/.lyx  Then it should start and search your system, 
setting up your configuration based on what programs and defaults you have.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: help installing 2.1.x on Debian

2014-10-17 Thread David L. Johnson
The unstable branch now has either 2.1.1 or 2.1.2.  You can just manually 
install that.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Sent with AquaMail for Android

On October 17, 2014 8:22:17 AM renato  wrote:

can someone help me to install lyx 2.1.x on
my Debian Jessie pc?
I saw, that on ubuntu this can be done.
So, I'm looking for repo to use with Debian



Re: Lyx 2.1.2 same prob of other version. What is the problem?

2014-10-08 Thread David L. Johnson

On 10/08/2014 03:55 PM, renato wrote:


updating my source.list (on Debian Jessie), I' ve installed the 
version on object, with apt-get. So, I think the version is really 

I don't understand what you mean here.  In debian Jessie, 2.0.6 is the 
current version of LyX.  They are well shy of 2.1.2.

But, also with this version, I'm unable to create any document.

I think the problem could be on the various path.

You need to provide more information before anyone can help.  What makes 
you think it is a path problem?  Debian is pretty good at getting that 
set up correctly.  What was your first error message.

Can someone help me? I'm soo really discouraged :-(

You can send me questions off list.  I don't use the debian version of 
lyx since it is too outdated, but I have used debian and lyx for a long 

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: compiled lyx 2.1.1 has not spellchecker

2014-09-07 Thread David L. Johnson

On 09/07/2014 10:16 PM, Marcelo Acuña wrote:
I have a computer with a fresh debian 7.6 installed, and I configured 
and compiled lyx 2.1.1 without problems, (I have installed aspell and 

But no spell checker does not appear in the corresponding menu lyx.
How I can get it?
You need to have the aspell development libraries available, or the 
configure script will leave spellchecking out.  I had that problem, as 
well.  But it does say something about that in the INSTALL file that 
comes with the sources.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Opening beamer with Lyx 2.1

2014-09-04 Thread David L. Johnson

On 09/04/2014 03:34 PM, Rudi Gaelzer wrote:

I'm facing the same problem with a beamer presentation created with LyX 2.0 
(\lyxformat 413).
Now, I have version 2.1.1 but I get the same crash message.
I have had several similar incidents, but I have also managed to 
successfully convert dozens of older beamer files to 2.1 --- usually 
with no problems at all.

Here is what I found:  The files that I had trouble with all had 
hand-built blocks in them (such as adding a Remark block or something 
like that, to the ones that are available by default). The old format 
for blocks does not get translated to the new one.

I could get the files to load by eliminating the old blocks.  There is a 
new block environment, so you could put them back into the format that 
you want.

The old beamer class was quite a hack.  This new one does seem to be 
more reasonable, although it takes some getting used to, and the nesting 
issues could be handled better.  Given the variability of how blocks may 
have been built up on your old files, getting a converter to handle them 
all may be difficult.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: frage

2014-08-20 Thread David L. Johnson
It's  easy to assign any command or keystrokes to, say, function keys or 
Alt-Key combinations.  You only need the \ss, \"{a}, etc., which is not so 
many to deal with.  I would probably set it up within ERT, but you can also 
find the appropriate text-based codes.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Sent with AquaMail for Android

On August 20, 2014 7:30:26 AM Dr Eberhard Lisse  wrote:

I also write on and off German language texts, and though I have a
German Mac keyboard as spare at home and will connect it if I write
something long, I really would like to be able to easily/quickly
type the German Umlaute in lower and Upper case on the standard (US)

Alt-s is helpful, but I can't find the others.

ERT is not only Evil, it also takes 4-5 Keystrokes for the price of
one :-)-O

Any ideas, perhaps for assignments to key combinations?

greetings, el

on 2014-08-19, 21:09 David L. Johnson said the following:
> On 08/19/2014 10:33 AM, Stephan Witt wrote:
>> Am 19.08.2014 um 16:08 schrieb Volker Steinbach
>> :
>>> no joke : i wanted to know if there is a cheap solution tothe
>>> problem : in german, we had a character called 'eszet' or sharp
>>> s.  it looks almost like a greek beta.  i wondered if there is a
>>> latex sign (beginning with \) that prints it.  i remember thirty
>>> years ago i could use \3 for it !  thats it.
>> And you don't have a keyboard with an "ß" ?
>> In case you're using LyX you shouldn't have a problem to get it
>> printed after you successfully typed it.  Ok, there are some
>> problematic languages, but with german I don't know any.
> Try \ss, making it "TeX mode", or what we call ERT.

Re: frage

2014-08-19 Thread David L. Johnson

On 08/19/2014 10:33 AM, Stephan Witt wrote:

Am 19.08.2014 um 16:08 schrieb Volker Steinbach :

no joke : i wanted to know if there is a cheap solution
tothe problem : in german, we had a character called 'eszet'
or sharp s. it looks almost like a greek beta. i wondered if there
is a latex sign (beginning with \) that prints it.
i remember thirty years ago i could use \3 for it !
thats it.

And you don't have a keyboard with an "ß" ?

In case you're using LyX you shouldn't have a problem to get it printed after 
you successfully typed it.
Ok, there are some problematic languages, but with german I don't know any.

Try \ss, making it "TeX mode", or what we call ERT.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Probleme mit Sonderzeichen

2014-06-16 Thread David L. Johnson
In math-mode, enter the F. Highlight that F. Then, look on the menu at the 
bottom of the screen, for a dotted square with a hat on top. It will open 
up a menu with a choice of decorations you can add, including the hat you 
need. There are two types, smaller and larger.



David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Sent with AquaMail for Android

On June 16, 2014 8:54:35 AM "Martin Tamms"  wrote:

Sehr geehrtes Lyx-Team,

ich muss im Rahmen meiner Seminararbeit den Ausdruck „ein großes F mit 
einem Hut drauf“ verwenden in einer Mathe-Umgebung.

Ich finde leider diesen Ausdruck nicht, er ist zwar für die Buchstaben 
A,E,G usw. vorhanden (ÂÊĜ), aber nicht für F.

Können Sie mir weiterhelfen?

Vielen Dank und mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Martin Tamms

Re: Bug in the Math UI

2014-05-13 Thread David L. Johnson

On 05/13/2014 04:48 PM, Julio Rojas wrote:

As you can see, there is "[t]" in the array that is generating the 
problem, i.e., the array was top aligned. Are matrices in Lyx 2.1.0 
set up by default on top alignment instead of middle aligment? I don't 
really remember changing this aligment.
The popup window does seem to come up with top-alignment as the 
default.  Middle would be better, I think.

On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 4:41 PM, Julio Rojas <>> wrote:

Dear all,

I am on Ubuntu 12.02 with Lyx 2.1.0. I wanted to make set the
binomial coefficient for a binomial distribution, so I did as I
alway did, i.e., insert the parenthesis in my equation and a size
2 column vector in the parenthesis.

I was going to respond to this part anyway.  For binomial coefficients, 
use (gee) \binom  instead.  The parentheses are tighter around the 
numbers, and it looks more like a binomial coefficient. Easier as well.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Bug

2014-05-13 Thread David L. Johnson

On 05/13/2014 12:10 PM, Patrick Dupre wrote:


I could propably report as a bug, but let me do it that way.
In versin 2.1.0 on
Linux 3.14.3-200.fc20.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue May 6 19:00:18 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 
x86_64 GNU/Linux
Every time that I have an opne document and that I want to open a new
one (open recent). I get an error:
SIGSEGV signal caught!
Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX, hope you have not lost any data.

Odd, I can't reproduce that here.  My linux version is a bit different:

Linux  3.13-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.13.10-1 (2014-04-15) x86_64 GNU/Linux

but when I have a document open in LyX 2.1.0 and then open a new one 
from recent documents, it works correctly.  I wonder whether it is a bug 
in LyX, or elsewhere.  Are these particularly large or complicated 
documents?  Do you have the same problem no matter which documents you 
have open and opening?

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Beamer in Lyx 2.1.0

2014-05-08 Thread David L. Johnson

On 05/08/2014 09:52 PM, Liviu Andronic wrote:

On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 9:46 PM, Julio Rojas  wrote:

BTW, now I understand what Jurgen meant by "no need" to indent the paragraph
after a frame title for the text to remain within the "Frame". I thought
that by saying it was a "Frame" environment, the text would not behave as a
standard indented standard environment. My mistake. Nevertheless,
indentation gives a clear idea that this text belongs to this "Frame".
Anyways, as I continuously use "Theorems" (and derivatives), I usually found
myself indenting these environments into a "Frame", so indenting standard
text is kind of a natural extension for me.

Thanks for the hard work dudes. I will go back to my never-ending stream of
Beamer slides...

I had been waiting until the end of my semester, and also waiting for 
debian testing to go to 2.1, to upgrade.  But I saw that debian was not 
upgrading until they find a new maintainer (more than I have the time 
for), and classes are done, so I compiled 2.1 today.  I looked at the 
Beamer changes first, since that would likely be the most difficult.

I was pleased to see that my old (fairly simple) Beamer files imported 
automatically.  I see now the issues with the frames.  It could be 
easier to navigate between depths and environments, and it will catch me 
now and again to remember to separate Frame environments, but it isn't 
too awkward for now.  I guess the question is whether to treat the 
beginning of a Frame similarly to the treatment of a Section, or to 
treat it more like a Theorem or quotation environment.  Following LaTeX 
treatment is probably best in the long run.  Getting out of such an 
environment could be easier.  Why does a plain frame have space for a title?

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: repeated bibtex entry on 2.1-rc1

2014-04-16 Thread David L. Johnson

On 04/16/2014 07:46 PM, Pavel Sanda wrote:

- Forwarded message from Xuchen Yao -


I consulted some friends who study Math. We think most of the translations
into simplified Chinese are accurate, except for the term "tableau". We've
only used "tables" and "list of tables" in writing but never "tableau". If
roughly table=tableau, then the existing translation if not accurate.
Well, in English -- mathematical English, anyway, "tableau" is a very 
specialized term for certain ways of arranging information in 
combinatorics.  I don't know any combinatorics, but I've gathered this 
over the years.  "tables" and "list of tables" more correctly refers to 
the more general situation.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Math in LibreOffice/Word exported files: input needed

2014-03-13 Thread David L. Johnson

On 03/13/2014 04:17 PM, stefano franchi wrote:

We can export a math expression to a LibreOffice/ODt file as MathML
(there are still issues, but assume for the moment that the export
will be perfect). However, LIbreOffice's supports only a limited
subset of the MathML standard, and does not even use such MathML
internally (it uses a format  called StarMath that resembles very much
the troff/eqn format but is much less expressive,  for those who are
interested in this kind of things).
Moreover, LibreOffice uses the "Semantic" version of MathML, whereas
the exporter uses the "Presentation" version, which further
complicates issues.
I am not familiar with LibreOffice's math capabilities, but as far as I 
recall Word's version was mostly limited to displayed equations, with 
not much at all inline.  That makes a difference here.  If LO can manage 
significant inline math expressions, then it would be a real problem to 
have them exported as images.  Displayed equations can be at least moved 
around as images, though that still will be limiting.

We are thus faced with a design choice:

1. Leave the exporter as it is and be left with imperfect and
sometimes incomplete but editable math expressions when LaTeX is used
at its fullest

editable is good, IMNSHO.


So the questions are:

1. Are you a potential user of a Word/LibreOffice export converters?

Not really.

2. If so, do you use routinely use mathematical expressions in your documents?

3. Why do you/would you need to export to LibreOffice/Word format? (to
send the documents to publishers, mentors, advisors, colleagues, and
so on)

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Quick question regarding copy/paste and cut/paste

2014-01-15 Thread David L. Johnson

On 01/15/2014 02:25 PM, A Choi wrote:
I am sending this again to include my OS and lyx version. as well as a 
more detailed description of the problem.

Windows 7 and 2.0.6.

If I have a math expression, say, $acb$, and want to change the order 
of them, I select b inside the math environment and do ctrl+x then 
move my cursor to the space between a and c and then press ctrl+v. 
What happens is b gets pasted outside the math environment, in plain 
text, in front of $ac$. so instead of $abc$, i get b$ac$.

*however*, if instead of pressing ctrl+v, i go to edit->paste recent->b

then b gets pasted correctly, right between a and c.

So it seems that my paste shortcut is where the problem lies. In the 
picture below, *none *of those key combinations can achieve what 
edit->paste recent can do.
Ah.  From that menu it seems that some of your settings would be 
unusual.  What about Ctrl+1?  Can these settings be altered?  This seems 
to be Windows-specific, so I can't help further.

Screenshot clipped to save bandwidth.

David L. Johnson
"Business!" cried the Ghost. "Mankind was my business. The common

welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance,  and benevolence,
were, all, my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of
water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!"
--Dickens, "A Christmas Carol"

Re: Maple and Lyx on Ubuntu

2013-12-30 Thread David L. Johnson

On 12/30/2013 10:42 AM, Julio Rojas wrote:

Dear all,

Is there a way on Ubuntu to use the basic features that link Maple and 
Lyx? Even Maxima would be cool to use.

It works for me with debian, maple and lyx, but the last time I tried it 
I found the connection to not be all that useful.  I also don't recall 
any special set-up to get it to work.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: printing

2013-12-04 Thread David L. Johnson

On 12/04/2013 12:43 PM, mike wrote:


Even though I am an old LaTeX user (but a new LyX user) for my current 
purposes I would like to be able to print in a format very similar to 
what I see on the screen in LyX.  I do realise that LyX is not 
intended to be wysiwyg but what I see on the screen (some basic text 
and mathematics and nested itemised lists) is just about perfect for 
what I need if I could just figure out how to print it so that the 
printouts look like what I see on the screen.
I guess I don't understand what you mean.  On the one hand, if you have 
that on the screen, isn't it printed out that way?  Aside from 
re-formatting the text to fit the page width, of course.  What else 
about the way it looks on the screen do you not get on the printout?

On the other hand, why would you want it to look more like the screen 
than the usual TeX output?  TeX adds in ligatures and other fancy font 
details, re-sets the page width and justification, and prints what you 
wrote.  Some fonts are different, but usually better than the on-screen 
appearance.  Why would you want it more like the screen?

David L. Johnson
And what if you track down these men and kill them, what if you killed

all of us?  From every corner of Europe, hundreds, thousands would
rise up to take our places.  Even Nazis can't kill that fast.
-- Paul Henreid (Casablanca).

Re: Package babel Error: Unknow option `ngerman'

2013-11-11 Thread David L. Johnson

On 11/11/2013 01:20 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

On Monday 11 November 2013 11:12:46 Stephan Witt wrote:

> Am 11.11.2013 um 10:03 schrieb Philipp Gröne 

> > Hi!

> >

> > more serious:

> > if I try to export a pdf output from my document, I get

> >

> > ! Package babel Error: Unknow option `ngerman'. Either you misspelled

> > it (babel) or the language definition file ngerman.ldf

> > was not found.

> >

> > and no output.

> >

> > I use lyx 2.0.6-1+b1 and texlive 2013 under Debian

> >

> > I had the same error while compiling documents, I solved it by

> > manually deleting all lines from the document in question which

> > contained "/ngerman". (By opening them in a text editor and using the

> > search feature) This worked like a charm.

> >

> > This can be due to sheer luck, it is possible that this opens a can of

> > worms in other documents. I advice to make backups before editing the

> > source document manually.

> >

> > (By the way, just commenting it out by adding a # to the beginning of

> > the line in question did not work.)

> >

> > If you want to install more packages instead try either

> > "texlive-lang-german" or "texlive-lang-all".


> I guess it's the same problem others mentioned already on this list:

> It looks like the package dependencies of "modern" Linux systems doesn't

> include the language packages of TeX-Live anymore.


> Please check if you have the needed language packs of TeX-Live

> installed.


> Editing the LyX files manually seems like a very fragile option to solve

> this.


> Stephan

I guess I need texlive-lang-all

which is not in the texlive 2013 of synaptic, but in texlive 2012

If I select this for installation, synaptic is going to remove a lot 
of texlive and other stuff, which I hesitate to do.

If I try to install texlive-lang-all by apt-get install,

I get

root@wolfgang:/home/we# apt-get install texlive-lang-all

Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig

Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut.

Statusinformationen werden eingelesen Fertig

Einige Pakete konnten nicht installiert werden. Das kann bedeuten, dass

Sie eine unmögliche Situation angefordert haben oder, wenn Sie die

Unstable-Distribution verwenden, dass einige erforderliche Pakete noch

nicht erstellt wurden oder Incoming noch nicht verlassen haben.

Die folgenden Informationen helfen Ihnen vielleicht, die Situation zu 

Die folgenden Pakete haben unerfüllte Abhängigkeiten:

texlive-lang-all : Hängt ab von: texlive-lang-latvian (>= 
2012.20120516) soll aber nicht installiert werden

and so on in a long list

Perhaps instead of trying to install all languages, just install those 
you want to use.  Install them before you install LyX, maybe.

Actually, though, why you can't install all languages is somehow a fault 
of either the package maintainer, or the archive you are using.  What 
came after where you cut this off?  Did it say why it was not going to 
install the Latvian package?  Maybe the file wasn't found?

David L. Johnson
What is objectionable, and what is dangerous about extremists is not

that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant.
--Robert F. Kennedy

Re: Exporting to

2013-11-07 Thread David L. Johnson

On 11/07/2013 05:59 PM, Michael Manthey wrote:

I'm having trouble exporting LyX output to, who apparently
want some kind of naked version of TeX as input.
I just went through this myself (although my co-authors insisted on 
using TeX directly).  See . But they have 
accepted LyX-generated LaTeX from me in the past. They don't want pdf 
files that have been generated by TeX; they can determine that by 
(usually) the beginning of the pdf file and then dump it back to you.  
This has to do with fonts; some fonts don't display pdf well on all 
possible machines.

  The only LYX output
option that gets through arXiv's automated filter is html, which then
entails hand editing to make presentable.
I would not consider that reasonable.  Try exporting to plain LaTeX.  
That should work.  Submit diagrams as separate files. Submit 
bibliographies generated by bibtex by running latex, then bibtex.  Also, 
make sure all necessary files are found from the same directory.

  Yet I can find only one
mention of this on Google (old and doesn't work any more). Surely some
LyX user must know the magic incantations to make Tex output that will accept!

The easiest is if you don't have a separate bibtex file, and if you have 
no diagrams.  Then the export to plain LaTeX should be all they need.

If it doesn't work, contact me off-list and I will try to help.

David L. Johnson

Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: why people give up on open source software

2013-10-25 Thread David L. Johnson

On 10/25/2013 11:12 AM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:
For me, LyX is in fact a killer app, in the sense that it has killed 
any need or desire to have an affair, a one night stand, or even flirt 
with any other app. I write long, structured papers that contain 
mathematics, figures, cross-references, and bibliographic citations, 
and LyX has been the perfect partner and document processor. It does 
everything I need, produces beautiful pdf's, and it's solid as a rock. 
A heartfelt thank you to JMarc and the other LyX developers. Bruce 



David L. Johnson

And what if you track down these men and kill them, what if you killed
all of us?  From every corner of Europe, hundreds, thousands would
rise up to take our places.  Even Nazis can't kill that fast.
-- Paul Henreid (Casablanca).

Re: why people give up on open source software

2013-10-23 Thread David L. Johnson

On 10/23/2013 12:33 PM, Ken Springer wrote:

The program I filed the bugs with is one that wishes to take on a 
commercial program in the marketplace.  And they add new features, 
some of which are inevitable buggy.  But the attitude exhibited by not 
fixing existing bugs is very unprofessional.  If you are a business, 
with competition, you want tools that work, not tools you spend a lot 
of time finding work arounds.

3.  When the new version comes out, and the developers have broken 
something, they say it's a "regression".  Oh, BS!!  That's just 
political spin for not saying they screwed up and didn't catch it.  I 
would appreciate the pure honesty of admitting a mistake than 
political spin.

4.  My impression is, for most open source software I've tried over a 
period of time, the quality assurance/testing program to look for and 
find bugs is seriously flawed.  Some bugs are blatant, and I ask 
myself, "How did they miss that?"

I look at those complaints, and wonder that you don't see such issues, 
and worse, with commercial software as well.  For me, the difference 
between commercial software and open-source is that, when you do have a 
problem, you have a chance, with open-source software, to actually ask 
for help from the person who wrote it.  For example, this list is 
well-populated by the actual developers of LyX, who are very helpful.  
Commercial support will connect you with a call center full of people 
reading from scripts.


David L. Johnson

Let's be straight here.  If we find something we can't understand we
like to call it something you can't understand, or indeed even
-- Douglas Adams

Re: Lyx not saving words to personal dictionary

2013-09-09 Thread David L. Johnson

On 09/09/2013 10:29 AM, Alfredo Maldonado Guerra wrote:


I'm using LyX 2.0.3 under Ubuntu 13.04. (The 2.0.3 version is the 
latest available in the Ubuntu repositories at the moment).

I'm using the default spellchecker engine (Enchant), language = 
English (UK).

When I add a word not recognised by the spellchecker to my personal 
dictionary LyX stops highlighting it in red, as expected. However, 
when I close the program and open it again, I notice that all of the 
words that I added to the personal dictionary are again highlighted in 
red, making me believe that they were not added to my personal 
dictionary. Of course, adding words every time I start a new LyX 
session is quite cumbersome.

How can I make LyX remember words added to the personal dictionary 
between sessions?

My words are saved under $HOME/.config/enchant/en_US.dic .  My system is 
slightly different (debian testing, lyx-2.0.6 --- which, by the way, you 
can install in Ubuntu since it comes from debian).

Check to make sure those directories are present (well, of course, with 
that other language...), and that they are writable.   Permissions 
problems used to be more common, but still occur occasionally.


David L. Johnson

Some people used to claim that, if enough monkeys sat in front of
enough typewriters and typed long enough, eventually one of them would
reproduce the collected works of Shakespeare.  The internet has
proven this not to be the case.

Re: Beamer in the next Lyx version: a worry?

2013-09-06 Thread David L. Johnson

On 09/06/2013 10:57 AM, Murat Yildizoglu wrote:

I remember having seen posts about the overhaul of Beamer in the Lyx 
beta version. This is very good news. But I have also read some 
incompatibility problems. This is very bad news. Have they been 
solved? I am worried because I have several (more than a hundred, 
probably) Beamer documents in Lyx that I have converted some time ago 
from Latex to Lyx. That has taken considerable time, and I would 
really really not want to have go through a heavy conversion process 
again. Reasonable backward compatibility would be very much appreciated.
Me, too.  I have all of my class presentations on beamer, created 
through lyx in the (admittedly clunky) way we have now.  I would hate to 
have to re-do all of that.


David L. Johnson

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on
no account be allowed to do the job.
-- Douglas Adams

Re: Math-mode previews not showing properly

2013-09-05 Thread David L. Johnson
Hmm.  The file seemed to have no problem for me.  Lyx-2.0.6, linux 
debian testing.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: spellchecker

2013-09-04 Thread David L. Johnson

On 09/04/2013 01:30 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:


I am using lyx 2.0.6 on debian and tried (again), to get the 
spellchecker working; however


is greyed out; therefore I can not select

enchant or other spellchecker, which I have installed on my debian wheezy.

Hmm.  I have essentially the same setup, and it works for me.  Now. the 
spellchecker was greyed out when I did not have a file loaded into LyX, 
but once I did it became available, and enchant (same version) appears.

Maybe there is a problem due to language settings, but other than that 
we should have the same behavior.  Also the same, my configure.log file 
makes no mention of "spell" or "enchant", so that may not be part of 
what is configured, although it seems it should be.


David L. Johnson

When you are up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember that
your initial objective was to drain the swamp.
-- LBJ

Re: Question: Using LyX as your daily word processor

2013-08-25 Thread David L. Johnson

On 08/25/2013 09:01 AM, Wolfgang Keller wrote:
That was a typo and should have been 15, as the original message said. 
I know Lyrix was implemented first using XForms some time late in the 
90s, but it must have been after 1995.

Not exactly.  It began either in 95 or earlier, and the original widget 
library was Motif, not Xforms.  I had a linux box with motif (that I had 
purchased) at the time, and would provide binaries with 
statically-linked Motif for those who did not have their own (most linux 
users did not, since Motif was never open-source.  The "notif" clone was 
not available then, either.

I haven't been able to find 0.7 or older source code for LyX, but 
scanning my directories I found a file written in 0.7, in 1995.  Here is 
the header of that file:

#This file was created by <(null)> Sat Nov 25 02:07:18 1995
#LyX 0.7 (C) 1995 Matthias Ettrich
\lyxformat 2.10

The original versions did not display math at all, but showed any math 
as ERT.  It still was easier to work with (for me, anyway) than plain 
LaTeX.  Once the displayed math came along, it was much, much better.

Way earlier than that. I switched to Lyx after I completed my
dissertation (which I wrote in Framemaker, on a NeXt cube. Boy am I

That's nothing.

Framemaker? NeXt? Pampered upperclass brat.
The NeXt was such a pile.  For the time, great GUI, but the CPU was 
incredibly slow (Motorola 608030 if memory serves), and that r/w optical 

Remember Wordstar (don't know which version) on plain MS DOS?
Oh, yeah.  Plus various technical-writing programs, some more wysiwyg 
than others, but the printout usually was horrible.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Question: Using LyX as your daily word processor

2013-08-22 Thread David L. Johnson

On 08/22/2013 02:42 PM, Steve Litt of Troubleshooters.Com wrote:

Thursday, 22. August 2013, 09:18:09 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:
I give thanks to eternity that LyX wasn't made into a KDE app. My
business has banned all use of all KDE libraries, for stability's sake.
Qt's not bad, as a matter of fact Qt built apps seem easier to
configure, from my point of view, than Gtk built apps.

In the history of LyX, did anyone campaign for it to be a KDE app, and
if so, how was that (in my opinion mistake) prevented?
Well, Matthais, as you know, started KDE, so this gets to be a delicate 
discussion.  IIRC, at that time LyX depended on the Xforms widgets 
(which was a step up from the original Motif in terms of programming, if 
not appearance).  Matthias did port LyX to the KDE project, as klyx, but 
that died out when lyx went with Qt.  KDE does still seem to be alive.

But LyX has now grown beyond the linux/unix base, and so these 
widget-set/desktop-environment distinctions are no longer important.


David L. Johnson

If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a
-- George Bernard Shaw

Re: Question: Using LyX as your daily word processor

2013-08-22 Thread David L. Johnson

On 08/22/2013 04:43 AM, Liviu Andronic wrote:

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 4:49 AM, David L. Johnson  wrote:

at one time, and used Motif widgets).  It was originally called "LyriX",
but Matthais got a letter from a lawyer about that, so he changed the name.

According to Matthias: "The idea to simply strip the name down to LyX
came from David Johnson."

Was it so? :)

If Matthais says so.  I remember the discussion --- between the two of 
us at the time, as I recall.  I did point out that the extension was 
already ".lyx".  He came up with the original name somehow wanting to 
link in a musical reference, which I suggested would also apply to LyX.


David L. Johnson

If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a
-- George Bernard Shaw

Re: Question: Using LyX as your daily word processor

2013-08-22 Thread David L. Johnson

On 08/22/2013 03:42 AM, Pavel Sanda wrote:

Scott Kostyshak wrote:

Also note that Wikipedia's LyX page [1] lists the following:
 LyX 0.7.0 was released on October 24, 1995.

That's derived from in depth searching I did few years back
and put on the page posted in my previous mail.

BTW David, do you still have somewhere stored any pre 0.7 source code
or announcement messages?

Not that I can find at the moment.  I can look on an older computer 
tonight (but it probably isn't old enough).  Of course, the 
announcements that were posted to usenet might still be findable.

I'll let you know if I find anything.


David L. Johnson

And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries,
and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove
mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. [1 Corinth. 13:2]

Fwd: Re: Question: Using LyX as your daily word processor

2013-08-21 Thread David L. Johnson

 Original Message 
Subject:Re: Question: Using LyX as your daily word processor
Date:   Wed, 21 Aug 2013 12:22:19 -0400
From:   David L. Johnson 
To: Wolfgang Keller 

On 08/21/2013 11:45 AM, Wolfgang Keller wrote:

 And I say this as a LyX-only writer for the past 15 years or so.

 The first public LyX version was when? Can't have been much longer
 than 10 years ago.

I just checked, and found a copy of an old webpage I used to maintain
for it.  (I also used to provide binaries that had Motif statically
linked for those who did not have Motif -- LyX/LyriX was linux/unix only
at one time, and used Motif widgets).  It was originally called "LyriX",
but Matthais got a letter from a lawyer about that, so he changed the name.

The date I have on that old webpage is February, 1999.  But, looking at
that file, by that time things were pretty far along.  Several
developers were working on it, and it was far more advanced than the
first versions.  So, the original versions must have been in the
mid-'90s, believe it or not.

And I have been using it for all of my writing since the first versions.


David L. Johnson

"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by
little statesmen and philosophers and divines."
    --Ralph Waldo Emerson


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Question: Using LyX as your daily word processor

2013-08-18 Thread David L. Johnson

On 08/18/2013 09:26 PM, Ken Springer wrote:

On 8/18/13 5:02 PM, Chris Menzel wrote:

On Aug 18, 2013 5:10 PM, "David L. Johnson">> wrote:
> For my papers it is of course ideal.  Math journals all accept
(prefer) LaTeX source, and they can change margins and other style
tweaks with their own style files --- so I don't have to worry about it.

Two of our best journals in philosophy -- journals that regularly
publish rather technical papers -- require final versions of accepted
papers be submitted in Word. Transcribing a fairly technical 30 page
paper I'd written in LyX into Word for one of these journals was

Just a question...  With the prevalence of the .doc/.docx Word file 
usage, have the folks that create LyX considered adding an 
import/export function for Word files?

The perennial question.  Part of the problem is that, in either 
direction, it is not a 1-1 map.  It might be possible to choose a way to 
import Word files, losing some of the needless formatting, but the other 
way would be a nightmare in terms of preserving any of the LyX/LaTeX 
formats, or equations.  And that is the key, being able to preserve 
something beyond the plain text.  That you can do, since both (well, LyX 
does) allow export to more-or-less plain text.

Another issue is that the "Word file" format is a moving target, even 
worse now with the .docx format that is a zip archive.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Question: Using LyX as your daily word processor

2013-08-18 Thread David L. Johnson

On 08/18/2013 04:24 PM, Wolfgang Keller wrote:

I'm always looking for software that fits me better, giving me the
output I'm looking for.

I'm interested in knowing what users of LyX think of the idea of
using it as a general word processor, instead of MS Word, Libre
Office, Apple's Pages, etc.

Pluses?  Minuses?

I've been surprised by the responses thusfar to this thread.  Of course, 
I am biased, both because I am a long-time LyX user -- probably one of 
the first aside from Matthias -- and because I am a mathematician, so 
equation-formatting is very important to me.

But I do use LyX for all of my writing; letter, class notes, and of 
course technical writing.  I literally cannot use Word or its clones for 
anything other than reading what someone else wrote.  I don't know how 
to make anything look right using Word.  I am amazed by the way people 
use those programs, worrying about fonts, margins, making headers 
larger/smaller/etc.  I just don't worry about that stuff.   That is the 
biggest plus.  You never have to worry about the pure formatting stuff, 
that is all taken care of.  You only have to worry about what you are 
writing.  Sounds good to me.

For my papers it is of course ideal.  Math journals all accept (prefer) 
LaTeX source, and they can change margins and other style tweaks with 
their own style files --- so I don't have to worry about it.  For 
letters I have a file with all my settings, which I just re-use for each 
new letter.  For classroom slides I use beamer -- makes it trivial to do.

I could of course just use raw LaTeX, and sometimes I do.  I am doing 
that now with a paper, because a co-author wrote up the first draft, and 
so we are sticking with the LaTeX rather than translate into LyX.  But 
with LyX I can see what I am doing, with properly typeset equations, so 
I can think while I am writing.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: String is too long ...?

2013-05-25 Thread David L. Johnson

On 05/25/2013 05:08 AM, Rilke Rainer Michael wrote:

Le 25/05/13 08:00, Rainer Michael Rilke a écrit :

Hallo, I am working with a co author on a lyx file. This file is located
in a dropbox folder. Everything worked out fine for the last month. But
recently, although I only changed thing in the text (nothing
substantial) my co author is unable to open the lyx file. He receives an
error message: "exception: string too long..." What could this possibly

This looks really weird. Can we have the complete error message?
As a guess, look for some displayed equation or something similar which 
is accidentally in a "section"-style environment.  Every time I have 
seen a similar message that was the culprit.  Look at those areas where 
you made changes just to be sure everything is in the correct environment.


David L. Johnson

I believe that the motion picture is destined to revolutionize our
educational system and that in a few years it will supplant largely,
if not entirely, the use of textbooks
-- Thomas Edison, 1922

Re: Converting lyx to odt

2013-05-01 Thread David L. Johnson

On 05/01/2013 10:59 PM, Jerry wrote:

On May 1, 2013, at 5:21 AM, ehud.kaplan wrote:

I had tried to convert from a Lyx document (a Ph.D. thesis, ~140 pages) to 
LibreOffice (File/Export/HTML).  Much of it worked, but there were many 
• Equation numbers moved from right to left
• Figures were totally distorted (size scaled up),
• Some equations and algorithms were mangled
• Several sections appeared centered instead of being left justified as 
they were originally.
Using File/Export/LYXHTML produced similar results, although the equation 
numbers were not mangled.
In short, such conversions do a lot, but they also leave a lot for manual 
fixing.  I suspect that if such a path were available, many more people would 
use Lyx.

I agree, as do many others.

A while back I spent a lot of time evaluating the various  ways to convert LyX 
to .odt or .docx and found that none of them work well. (Apologies to those who 
are reading this who have actually worked on the problem and made substantial 
progress.) Some work with certain restricted sets of features but add an 
equation or something else and they break.

One would hope with all the talk on the developers' list recently with the 
Google Summer of Code that this would be at the top of the list of things to do.

I am somewhat confused about this.  I see the need to convert a TeX 
document, or by extension a LyX file, to (or from) Word format to be an 
occasional thing, necessitated by some journal insisting on Word, or a 
collaborator who can't work with anything else.  I don't see this as 
something worth the large amount of effort to make into a single 
button-push.  For one thing, that would probably be unfeasible even in 
the short term, and since the latest Word formats are a moving target it 
would require significant maintenance even if it were possible.

I coauthored a paper that my collaborator typed, in Word.  Not only 
could I not translate that to something I could read --- Ooffice at the 
time could not read the equations he had done in Word, but the journal 
actually re-typeset the whole thing in LaTeX in order to print it.

I would not expect to be able to effortlessly convert a 140-page thesis 
from Word *.docx to html.  Can Word itself really do that in a way that 
does not mangle equations?


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: editing math in lyx

2013-03-20 Thread David L. Johnson

On 03/20/2013 11:43 AM, Alex Vergara Gil wrote:

I would really love to be able to conveniently edit the TeX code 
directly - I'd
be vastly more productive.  I find lyx gui editing - as all other 
math editors -
to be terribly frustrating and unproductive.  I used LaTeX since 
1980s, and the
lack of this is the only thing that makes me think twice before 
deciding to use

LyX instead of just using LaTeX.
I do understand this tendency, since I also came to LyX with a TeX 
background.  Way back when LyX was young, Matthais set up the 
math-insets the way you would want them, and math was just written in 
what we now call ERT (Evil Red Text, a TeX inset.  It's evil mostly 
because you have the usual problems that if your code is wrong, it won't 
produce any output and TeX will yell at you.).  You can still do that if 
you want.  Use a TeX inset rather than a math one, and it will work.

I always just write the TeX out (e.g, \alpha) inside the math inset, and 
it now is instantly changed to display correctly, which I still think is 
cool.  If it doesn't change to a real display of the symbol, I know I 
made a mistake.  Better than a spellchecker.

There are some things I hate to set up in TeX, like tables, matrices.  
Then, I use the menus.  For me this is the best of both worlds.

If there is a way to display the raw TeX of a math inset, I suppose it 
would be useful in some circumstances.  Maybe someone will point out how 
to do that, and then you can set that up to be automatic, maybe.  Or you 
can just use ERT.

Attached there is a MWE of how to produce this forms in LyX (is in 
spanish but the idea remains for every language).

HTH, if anyone is so kind to translate this and upload to the wiki 
please be welcome 
I might be able to take a crack at that, but not until after mid-April.  
If no one else volunteers, send it to me and I will take a look at it to 
see how much work it will be.


David L. Johnson

Accept risk.  Accept responsibility.  Put a lawyer out of business.

Re: [off-topic] LyX as a LaTeX table editor (and other selling advice)

2013-03-13 Thread David L. Johnson

On 03/13/2013 02:07 PM, Liviu Andronic wrote:

LyX doesn't even show a horizontal scrollbar when the table is wider
than the display. Which can result in the cursor being outside the

Yes, that would be nice to fix. But there are workarounds, such as
decreasing the size of the font in LyX.
I have often wished for a horizontal scrollbar also within math mode.  I 
often work with very long lines in multiline equations, and in rough 
drafts don't want to fight through making it fit on a page.  I want to 
see the whole line, as a line.  I often reduce the font to the limit my 
old eyes can endure, along with getting a widescreen monitor, and still 
at times I wish for more.

Of course, this does not mean I want the text spread out over a very 
long line like that, only the math block (or a table, perhaps).


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Two hopefully simple lyx questions

2013-03-12 Thread David L. Johnson

On 03/12/2013 05:24 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Tue, 12 Mar 2013, Regina Anger wrote:

However, for me latex does not hyphenate long function names at all, 
and I

do not want the fuction name to be cut-off in the middle.


  Sometimes TeX cannot determine where a word should be hypenated so it
sticks out into the right margin. We give TeX hints for hyphenating by
entering the ERT \- at places where it is OK to hyphenate the word. 
TeX will

pick one of these and use it. I do this quite frequently.

  The alternative is to re-order the sentence so the long string is 

the line and shorter words surround it. I do this, too, on occasion.

I think the issue is that this is happening in math mode.  There, lines 
are up to the writer entirely.


David L. Johnson

Let's be straight here.  If we find something we can't understand we
like to call it something you can't understand, or indeed even
-- Douglas Adams

Re: Two hopefully simple lyx questions

2013-03-12 Thread David L. Johnson

On 03/12/2013 05:20 PM, Regina Anger wrote:

Hi Liviu,

> > 1. Sometimes I use long non-breakable words, like long function 
names. In
> > those cases lyx/latex do not attemp to break a new line, instead 
the long
> > function name ignores margins and even sometimes is placed outside 
of the

> > printable area.
> > Is this a known problem? Are there workarrounds available?
> >
> LyX_Essentials.pdf
> Section 5.6

Thanks for the pointer.
However, for me latex does not hyphenate long function names at all, 
and I do not want the fuction name to be cut-off in the middle.

Is there any way to specify that in case of hyphenation latex should 
instead put this specific word into the next line completely?

What you are really talking about is a too-long math line.  This happens 
all the time with long expressions, though I have never had a math 
function name so long that it caused trouble.

You can manually break the line by using a multiline math environment.  
LyX will let you choose from a list in the menus.

It might just be that you need to make the math line, where the function 
is, a displayed line rather than inline.  Is the function so long that 
it takes more than a whole line of a page?  TeX sometimes has trouble 
with inline equations.  It will not hyphenate such a line (hyphens would 
be interpreted as minus signs), leaving it for you to do manually.


David L. Johnson

Let's be straight here.  If we find something we can't understand we
like to call it something you can't understand, or indeed even
-- Douglas Adams

Re: editing a matrix

2013-03-07 Thread David L. Johnson

On 03/07/2013 01:26 PM, Bob Alvarez wrote:

Section 4 of the Lyx Detailed Math manual describes how to set a Matrix
characteristics when I create it.

What if I change my mind? Is there any way to edit the Matrix?

In particular, how do I change the horizontal alignment? For example, go
from  to rrcc.
Certainly.  On an individual matrix, click on the column you want to 
change, then go to the Edit menu > Rows & Columns and change from center 
to right for the column where your cursor was.

If you have to do this for several matrices, what I would do would be to 
do a search and replace for the appropriate string on the *.lyx file, 
using an editor.  This is not the "advised" way, but it is quick when it 
works.  Before doing something like this, though, do make a backup copy 
of the file...


David L. Johnson

Let's not escape into mathematics.  Let's stay with reality.
-- Michael Crichton

Re: install lyx 2.0.5-1 linux debian --- was: install lyx 2.0.3-3 linux debian

2013-03-05 Thread David L. Johnson

On 03/05/2013 02:40 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

For reasons I don't understand, debian does not put the lyx2lyx file in
your path.  On my machine (testing, not unstable, but it is the same),
it is in /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/ so /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx
filename filename should work.

Mind you, I compiled and installed lyx 2.0.5-1 in my home/wolfgang/
There are in lyx-
a number of lyx2lyx files:

this is my (negative) result:
wolfgang@wolfgang:/mnt/sda/home/wolfgang/lyx-$ lyx2lyx
bash: lyx2lyx: Kommando nicht gefunden.

because that directory is not in your path.

wolfgang@wolfgang:/mnt/sda/home/wolfgang/lyx-$ ./lyx2lyx

since I did not know what to expect. Does the prg open a kind of menu
in which I can insert the name(s) of the lyx files to be converted to the
lower version
No, it gets the filename as an argument, and then generates the new 
version.  You can actually read that off of the file lyx2lyx itself, 
which is a script:   "usage: %prog [options] [file]".  Options are 
things like --verbose, --quiet, --debug.  Unless you specify an output 
by  the option "-o outputfilename" it will spit the output to stdout.

So, to process a file "oldfile.lyx" and get an updated version 
"newfile.lyx", enter on the command line:

/full/path/to/lyx2lyx -o newfile.lyx oldfile.lyx

it worked for me.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: install lyx 2.0.5-1 linux debian --- was: install lyx 2.0.3-3 linux debian

2013-03-04 Thread David L. Johnson

On 03/04/2013 01:17 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am Montag, 4. März 2013, 15:31:04 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 8:40 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann


Am Montag, 4. März 2013, 14:13:35 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

Am Montag 04 März 2013, 14:09:16 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

This is, what I get by test-running the installed lyx 2.0.5-1
wolfgang@wolfgang:/mnt/sda/home/wolfgang/lyx-$ ./src/lyx&

So configure and make suceeded?

[1] 15863
wolfgang@wolfgang:/mnt/sda/home/wolfgang/lyx-$ LyXRC.cpp
(1130): Ignoring unknown flag `zipped=native' for format `dia'.
LyXRC.cpp (1130): Ignoring unknown flag `zipped=native' for format
`odg'. Warning: Die Konfigurationsdatei konnte nicht gelesen werden
= configuration file could not be read

Do you still have a LyX 2.1 preferences file in your ~/.lyx

the former is .lyx20
don't think it could interfere.


If you remove (or rename so as to backup) your user directory, and
restart LyX, do you get the same errors?

not sure I understand you correctly. Do you mean I should change

wolfgang@wolfgang:/mnt/sda/home/wolfgang  (/lyx-$)



or shall I create a new user and compile lyx there?

Note that I compiled LyX in a directory on my /home/wolfgang
called (and in fact created by the downloaded tar-file)


and the lyx20 used before resides in its own dir on /home/wolfgang and
was installed from there too, so no general installation on the


I was referring to your LyX user dir, usually ~/.lyx. But you said
that it was .lyx20 so the previous preferences were in the .lyx20
folder? Just to test, you could run
./src/lyx -userdir /tmp/tempuserdir
LyX will ask you if you want to create the new directory. Click yes.

Now it works after following your advices. Two questions left:

  former lyx 2.0.5-1 created lyx files which lyx 2.0.3-3 does not take:
Blumenuhr-neu20120302.lyx stammt von einer neueren LyX-Version, aber das
lyx2lyx-Skript konnte das Dokument nicht konvertieren

  I understand, lyx2lyx could take care of it outside lyx, but
bash: lyx2lyx: Kommando nicht gefunden
do I have to get the prg from somewhere else or do I use it incorrectly (a
py file?)
For reasons I don't understand, debian does not put the lyx2lyx file in 
your path.  On my machine (testing, not unstable, but it is the same), 
it is in /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/ so /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx 
filename filename should work.

I use texlive, do I have to give the path to it in the lyx file or
additionally somewhere else?

The postinstall script should find your TeX distribution, and if that 
doesn't, then certainly the setup that lyx does the first time you start 
it should find all related files and programs.


David L. Johnson

Accept risk.  Accept responsibility.  Put a lawyer out of business.

Re: kitr problem after R update.

2013-02-18 Thread David L. Johnson

On 02/18/2013 03:14 PM, John Kane wrote:

*From:* David L. Johnson 
*Sent:* Monday, February 18, 2013 11:06:00 AM
*Subject:* Re: kitr problem after R update.

On 02/18/2013 10:53 AM, John Kane wrote:
That's what I was thinking last night after I had closed down the 
computer.  It does seem rather weird when almost no one uses Imperial 
measurements any more.  Legacy issue I suppose?

Nobody?  Nobody except your neighbors to the South.  Not that we call 
them "Imperial", that would be almost as un-American as using the 
Godless metric system (yes, that really is what many people here 
called it when there was an abortive effort to convert, many years ago).

Well there are a few misguided souls around still and I still have 
cook books in Imperial.  -- What do Americans call their  system anyway?

"English", usually, even though the British have basically switched over.

It is always a pleasure to try and figure out if a gallon is Imperial 
(≈ 4.5 l or US (≈ 3.8 l)
Is an Imperial gallon 5 pints, then?  I think that is the only US use of 
the term "Imperial" with respect to measurements.


David L. Johnson

It is a scientifically proven fact that a mid life crisis can only be
cured by something racy and Italian.  Bianchis and Colnagos are a lot
cheaper than Maserattis and Ferraris.
-- Glenn Davies

Re: kitr problem after R update.

2013-02-18 Thread David L. Johnson

On 02/18/2013 10:53 AM, John Kane wrote:
That's what I was thinking last night after I had closed down the 
computer.  It does seem rather weird when almost no one uses Imperial 
measurements any more.  Legacy issue I suppose?

Nobody?  Nobody except your neighbors to the South.  Not that we call 
them "Imperial", that would be almost as un-American as using the 
Godless metric system (yes, that really is what many people here called 
it when there was an abortive effort to convert, many years ago).


David L. Johnson

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on
no account be allowed to do the job.
-- Douglas Adams

Re: Strange Lyx Beamer error

2013-02-14 Thread David L. Johnson

On 02/14/2013 01:13 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Thu, 14 Feb 2013, Murat Yildizoglu-BX4 wrote:

I am writing a course using the Beamer template in Lyx. I have 
already use
this template to write many documents, but for this chapter, I 
started to

get a strange error :

l.291 \lyxframeend
{}\lyxframe{R?p?ter des instructions}

  Do you have an endframe command at the bottom of the whole document? I
tripped over that early in my use of the beamer class. Each frame, and 

end of the document, needs a \frameend command.

Only the end of the document needs a separate \frameend command, at 
least when you write it with LyX.  I don't know how setting up multiple 
chapters might change that, since I only use Beamer for lectures.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: APA6 class with LyX?

2012-12-10 Thread David L. Johnson

On 12/10/2012 05:51 PM, stefano franchi wrote:


Hullabaloo, caneck, caneck.


David L. Johnson

Become MicroSoft-free forever.  Ask me how.

Re: APA6 class with LyX?

2012-12-10 Thread David L. Johnson

On 12/10/2012 02:01 PM, stefano franchi wrote:

Such programs [Word and Wordstar] (and still are) were usually very 
bad at typesetting complex mathematical formulas unless each single 
formula was tweaked by hand, a very painful and expensive proposition. 
That was prompted D Knuth to invent TeX---the poor quality of 
professional typesetting software for math, not the similar but 
irrelevant problem in word processing program.

Actually, TeX predated Word, and Wordstar (or Wordperfect).  People used 
to run it on DECs.  While there were other math-typsetting (to use the 
phrase loosely) PC programs before TeX became usable on PCs, such as Jim 
Milgram's "Techprint" which he wrote for Radio-Shack computers with 28K 
ram, most of us used a combination of typewriters and hand-written 
symbols.  A respectable journal would typeset the paper from the 
typewritten copy, but a few insisted on "camera-ready" --- literally --- 
proofs, which resulted in published papers and books with handwritten 
symbols.  I suspect that Knuth was reacting to that mess rather than 
equations in Word.  I typed my own Ph.D. thesis on an IBM selectric, 
with those interchangeable golf-ball fonts, going over each line 2 or 3 
times.   A nightmare.

I experienced the full range of mathematical text preparation.  I've 
written papers on the typewriter, using hand-drawn symbols and markups 
for a typesetter, Techprint (another nightmare), 2 or 3 PC-based, 
non-graphical programs that produced half-assed output, a couple of 
WYSIWYG programs, plain AMS-TeX using a text editor with occasional 
previews, to LyX.  Clearly the present situation has been the only 
reasonable one.

The same radical cost-cutting  measures took place  in the Natural 
sciences/Engineering, of course. But since *they* were already using 
Latex/TeX, the quality of their journal and books was only minimally 
With the exception of those journals and texts that were typeset with a 
full array of symbols, the use of TeX has vastly improved the appearance 
of papers (if not the content).  The AMS journals from the 1970s and 
before were works of art, but even most Springer-Verlag monographs were 
truly ugly.


David L. Johnson

The motor car reflects our standard of living and gauges the speed of
our present life. It long ago ran down Simple Living, and never halted
to inquire about the prostrate figure which fell as its victim.
-- Warren G. Harding

Re: APA6 class with LyX?

2012-12-09 Thread David L. Johnson

On 12/09/2012 07:23 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
I am opposed to this. What is the benefit of a layout for a journal 
submission class you cannot use for submission to that journal? Why 
should we invest time to write and, more important, to maintain it?

My understanding is that APA is used by a wide range of humanistic and 
social sciences publications.  It is possible that some of them would 
indeed accept Latex (though maybe not likely), and others might well 
accept pdf files, as limiting as that may seem.

OTOH, I don't write for any such publications; those I do write for 
usually insist on Latex.  I also have no idea whether this has any 
relevance outside of the US.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: "Not a readable lyx document"

2012-11-25 Thread David L. Johnson

On 11/25/2012 11:11 AM, Graham Smith wrote:


 so I will just be more cautious in future.

This file is definitley corrupt. Here's the result of "hexdump -c
| head -n 25":

If you've had this problem more than once, you may want to think
about whether you have a hardware problem that is corrupting your

It has happened occasionally before, maybe 3 or 4 times over the same 
number of years. It's difficult to track, as its always the same 
 situation lecture notes or a tutorial than has sat there for 8 to 12 
months untouched, and then I can't open it to revise for the current term.
My students would testify that many of my notes are far, far more than 
8-12 months old when I open and "revise" them for the current term, and 
this has never happened to me [except on very, very old files whose 
format is no longer supported directly by lyx].

Thinking about it the computer that probably produced this file is no 
longer in use, but it wasn't corrupt when last used as I printed out 
the PDF from it, so it has become corrupt sitting on my hard drive.
Well, your hard drive has probably begun to fail, corrupting random 
areas on the disk.  Although disk drives do seem more reliable than they 
used to be, it does still happen.


David L. Johnson

As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not
certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.
-- Albert Einstein

Re: Getting rid of "You cannot type two spaces this way" message?

2012-11-24 Thread David L. Johnson

On 11/24/2012 12:10 PM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Le 24/11/2012 11:17, Trevor Jenkins a écrit :

It is natural to anyone who uses a typewriter. Typists are deliberately
taught to put two spaces after a full stop!

Typist maybe, but in France I know no "dactylo" that would do that.

Not being from France, I was indeed taught to put two spaces after a 
full stop.  I don't see any real reason for the "warning", which is more 
of a chiding, anyway.  Just ignore that second space, send it to the 
file in the TeX-correct way.  Those of us who habitually put that second 
space there (as I am doing writing this message) can continue to do so 
without changing the LyX file at all.  That is the way I treat is now, 
by simply ignoring the message.  Few if any habits will be changed with 
that message.  Putting two spaces after a full stop is a stylistic 
choice, not really an error.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: TeX capacity exceeded

2012-11-05 Thread David L. Johnson

On 11/05/2012 03:49 PM, Robert Adolle wrote:

How to extend this capacity ?
Thank you very much for help.


I am willing to bet that you did not really exceed the TeX capacity.  
What probably happened was that you included, accidentally, a more 
involved part of your document within a heading or something like that.  
I would see these if I stayed within a subheading environment and then 
wrote a displayed equation.
The best way to find this sort of error is to cut up your file (delete 
the last part, then some more, piece by piece) until the error goes 
away, then look at that last part that you cut out.


David L. Johnson

What is objectionable, and what is dangerous about extremists is not
that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant.
--Robert F. Kennedy

Re: Please help!

2012-10-18 Thread David L. Johnson

On 10/18/2012 04:30 AM, jezZiFeR iMap wrote:

Thank you, Les,

yes, I have tried this. After doing so I get the message, that my 
e-mail-address is not an the list, it starts like thies:
Do you perhaps have another e-mail address, or alias, that might be 
subscribed to the list?  I always have to check the address to which the 
lists are sent to know which address to use when changing anything, 
since I use as an alias to my real account name.


David L. Johnson

I believe that the motion picture is destined to revolutionize our
educational system and that in a few years it will supplant largely,
if not entirely, the use of textbooks
-- Thomas Edison, 1922

Re: Change text color in output!

2012-10-02 Thread David L. Johnson

On 10/02/2012 02:17 PM, Bob Merhebi wrote:

Hello there,

I am using the

Text Style > Customized > Color

to change the color text. I am using this to bring attention to 
specific words in the document for further correction.

But counter to what I thought, the colors do not make it to the pdf; i 
believe the colors are for internal lyx editing.
That's odd, the colors work for me in PDF.  I use them to prepare slides 
for classes, with colors for emphasis.  It would also print that way if 
I had a color printer; as it is the colors come out in shades of gray.  
This is probably a pdf viewer issue.  Try it with a postscript or dvi 
viewer, or send a sample file.


David L. Johnson

If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a
-- George Bernard Shaw

Re: math bold revisited

2012-09-23 Thread David L. Johnson

On 09/23/2012 08:03 PM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Have a look at!msg/comp.text.tex/

There was a bug in MiKTeX involving broken font packages. I would have thought
it fixed by now, but perhaps not. The answer back then seemed to be to install
the symbol package (or maybe, if that fails or if it's already installed, the
ly1 package).


That link didn't work, but this is not just a MiKTeX issue.  I use linux 
(debian wheezy), which has texlive, and it has the same issue.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: Viewing Bold Calligraphy characters in pdf

2012-09-23 Thread David L. Johnson

On 09/23/2012 06:27 PM, Brendan Godfrey wrote:

I am using LyX 2.04.  I inserted a bold calligraphy 'J' as an inline equation,
and it looked fine.  [The sourece code is $\mathcal{\boldsymbol{J}}$]
However, when I viewed the file in pdf format, what appeared was a bold
italic 'J' in the default font.  I
I got that as well, but if I entered \boldsymbol{\mathcal {J}}   it 
worked correctly.  That is, in math-mode, first enter \boldsymbol , then 
within that inset enter \mathcal  then J.

Looks like a TeX problem (or at least that the order matters in TeX).  
Both look the same in LyX, but not in the pdf.


David L. Johnson
Department of Mathematics
Lehigh University

Re: LyX andTeX Live: How to find and link a new latex version?

2012-09-05 Thread David L. Johnson

On 09/05/2012 10:40 AM, John Kane wrote:

To David and Rainer,

To continue the saga I renamed my texlive folder in /usr/local to 
oldtexlive and now get :

john@john-K53U:~$ texlive --version
texlive: command not found
john@john-K53U:~$  tlmgr --version
No command 'tlmgr' found, did you mean:
 Command 'vlmgr' from package 'qdbm-util' (universe)
 Command 'rlmgr' from package 'qdbm-util' (universe)
tlmgr: command not found

john@john-K53U:~$ which latex

Interestingly enough when  I do a ls in /bin I no longer seem to see 
anything called latex

Did you before?  I didn't notice that.  My latex executable is 

However much to my surprise LyX is still running happily and  the tex 
information shows

so it looks like LyX has found something, presumabley ver.2012 since 
the old path was usr/local/texlive2011.

Right.  What happened was that the system (not Lyx itself, probably) now 
found the "right" latex, and that gives the paths to support files like 

Now, presumably I can reinstall a version of tlmgr and have another go 
at installing leadpar. Or should I expect it to have installed 
automatically with ver. 2012?

Maybe not.  I have neither tlmgr nor leadpar in my TeXlive 2012.


David L. Johnson

"Business!" cried the Ghost. "Mankind was my business. The common
welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance,  and benevolence,
were, all, my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of
water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!"
--Dickens, "A Christmas Carol"

Re: LyX andTeX Live: How to find and link a new latex version?

2012-09-01 Thread David L. Johnson

On 09/01/2012 08:33 PM, Alan L Tyree wrote:

Sorry for the noise, John. I should have read the whole thread more

I have a machine where I did a new install of Ubuntu 12.04 just a week
ago, so it is pretty clean. I get:

alant@windy:~$ which latex

Further investication shows that this is a symlink to
/usr/bin/pdftex.I'm not sure why you get the full path.

His full path began with /usr/local  -- not somewhere the distro should 
use.  That is for things the user installs, only, in my book.

Looking at the Ubuntu Software Centre shows me only texlive 2009 (rather
old), but no other texlive options. I'm not sure where you got the 2011
or 2012 packages. Have you added a different repository?

Debian testing is currently using 2012, but it took a long time for them 
to update from 2009 to 2011 -- and then quickly went to 2012.  I suspect 
that the version of Ubuntu you are looking at is a stable version, which 
is always pretty old.


David L. Johnson

It is a scientifically proven fact that a mid life crisis can only be
cured by something racy and Italian.  Bianchis and Colnagos are a lot
cheaper than Maserattis and Ferraris.
-- Glenn Davies

Re: LyX andTeX Live: How to find and link a new latex version?

2012-09-01 Thread David L. Johnson

On 09/01/2012 11:22 AM, John Kane wrote:

Sorry to butt in here, but these outputs seem very strange.  This looks 
to me like there is something very amiss with your system.  Now, I use 
debian, not ubuntu, but ubuntu is debian-based, so it should not be all 
that different.

john@john-K53U:~$ find / -path '/proc' -prune -perm /u=x,g=x,a=x ! 
-type d -name latex

find: `/tmp/.esd-104': Permission denied
find: `/tmp/pulse-2L9K88eMlGn7': Permission denied
find: `/tmp/pulse-PKdhtXMmr18n': Permission denied
find: `/etc/ppp/peers': Permission denied
find: `/etc/chatscripts': Permission denied
find: `/etc/cups/ssl': Permission denied
Which seems to tell me nothing. But what do I know?

That seems to say that you don't have access to much of anything in the 
system.  How can that be?  Maybe a regular user shouldn't be able to 
write to some of those directories, but read??


David L. Johnson

Deserves death!  I daresay he does.  Many that live deserve death.
And some that die deserve life.  Can you give it to them?  Then do not
be too eager to deal out death in judgement.
-- J. R. R. Tolkein

Re: Question for euqations

2012-08-31 Thread David L. Johnson

On 08/31/2012 05:13 AM, Jutta Alt wrote:

English version see below


ich habe ein Problem mit nummerierten Formeln in Lyx. Ich möchte gern eine Formel teilen, sodass 
sie auf 4 Zeilen steht. Dabei sollte das "=" immer untereinander stehen. Und die gesamte 
Formel sollte eine "nummer" haben.
Wie kann ich das erreichen?

Vielen Dank

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Jutta Alt



I´m using Lyx and there is a question about numbered formulas. Is it possible to 
write a formula in 4 lines, so that the =" are above and below one another? The 
lines should have the same number, which means, that is only formula. How can I do 

Thanks in advance

Best regards

Jutta Alt
Look for Eqnarray under the Insert>Math menu.  Sorry, but I don't know 
the label for that in the German version.   On my system, it is the 4th 
line in that menu.  Then you can attach a label (a number) to one line 
of that multi-line formula  (you can also attach separate labels to each 
line if needed).


David L. Johnson

What is objectionable, and what is dangerous about extremists is not
that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant.
--Robert F. Kennedy

Re: Margins in LyX

2012-08-05 Thread David L. Johnson

On 08/05/2012 10:37 PM, Eisa Alanazi wrote:

I have asked exactly the same question almost 2 years ago :)
what I got: Inner= left and outer=right

That would be correct for a one-sided document, but not for a two-sided 
document, of course.


David L. Johnson

"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by
little statesmen and philosophers and divines."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Re: Margins in LyX

2012-08-05 Thread David L. Johnson

On 08/05/2012 10:19 PM, Irucka Embry wrote:

Hi, how are you?

How do I properly set different page margins in LyX?

For example, I have to have a specific top, bottom, left, and right 
margin for my Thesis and each margin is different.

Also, what does inner and outer margin mean?

This applies to double-sided documents, where you would want a larger 
"inner" margin to accommodate binding or stapling of the document

Why isn't there an option to have left and right margins for Settings 

Document > Settings > Page Margins???

Uncheck "default margins"

This may depend on the document class.  What class are you using?


David L. Johnson

"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by
little statesmen and philosophers and divines."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

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