[NTG-context] [***SPAM***] Bug? \getmarking fails under some circumstances

2009-05-12 Thread Oliver Heins

I'm new to ConTeXt, so this is perhaps not a bug but a fault on my side.

Under some circumstances, the living column heads fail to refer to the
subsubject.  As you can see from the attached minimal example

  \getmarking[subject]\ $\cdot$ \getmarking[subsubject]

will yield something like »Mikrotypografie *«, though it should be
»Mikrotypografie * Absatzumbruch«.

If you uncomment the \subsubject-line at the end of the example,
everything works as expected unless you uncomment the former line, too.

A workaround is to add a \vfill\eject just before the next \subject.

Best regards,

You probably can ignore the environments used in the minimal example, they
are copied from the document from which I ran into the problem and are
just dummy text.  I hope I have stripped down the preamble to an
acceptable amount of lines.


% interface=en output=pdftex




  \getmarking[subject]\ $\cdot$ \getmarking[subsubject]


   after=\blank\leftline{\tfa Ein
   Beispieldokument}\blank\leftline{\tfa Oliver Heins



% Text


\title{Mikrotypografie und Interaktivität}

\setupindenting[medium, yes]



Besonderes Augenmerk legt scriptorium adp auf die typografische
Qualität der erzeugten Dokumente.  Die von uns verwendeten
Textsatzsysteme aus der Programmfamilie \TeX{} ermöglichen einen
besonders hochwertigen Satz.


Der Mathematiksatz von \TeX{} ist legendär.  Kein Wunder, wurde \TeX{}
doch vom amerikanischen Informatikprofessor und Turing-Preisträger
Donald Knuth entwickelt, der mit der immer schlechter werdenden
Qualität seiner Buchreihe \quotation{The Art of Computer Programming}
unzufrieden war, seit von Hand- auf Fotosatz umgestellt worden war.

Von 1977 bis 1986 entwickelte Knuth \TeX{}: {\en\quotation{Ever since
those beginnings in 1977, the TeX research project that I embarked
on was driven by two major goals.  The first goal was quality: we
wanted to produce documents that were not just nice, but actually
the best. {\dots} The second major goal was archival: to create
systems that would be independent of changes in printing
technology as much as possible.  When the next generation of
printing devices came along, I wanted to be able to retain the
same quality already achieved, instead of having to solve all the
problems anew.  I wanted to design something that would be still
usable in 100 years.}}\footnote{Donald E. Knuth, {\it Digital
typography.} Stanford, Calif.: CSLI Publications, 1999, S.~559.}

\TeX{} stellt im engeren Sinn lediglich eine Programmiersprache
bereit, mit der sich Textsatzsysteme entwickeln lassen. Knuth
entwickelte ein erstes mit dem sogenannten plain-\TeX-Format, weitere
wie {\LaTeX} oder {\ConTeXt} folgten.  scriptorium adp setzt die
beiden letztgenannten Formate ein.

Hier ein Beispiel für den Mathematiksatz von \TeX{}:

  \startmathalignment[m=2,distance=2em]%Notice distance=2em
   \NC \nabla\cdot \bf E \NC= \frac{\rho}{\varepsilon_0},
   \NC \nabla\times \bf E \NC= -\frac{\partial \bf B}{\partial t}, \NR[+]
   \NC \nabla\cdot \bf B \NC= 0,
   \NC \nabla\times \bf B \NC= \mu_0{\bf j}+\varepsilon_0\mu_0
   \frac{\partial \bf E}{\partial t}. \NR[+]

Auch im Fließtext ist Mathematik problemlos möglich.

  f(x) =
\NC \int_0^x g(y)\,dy,\NC if $x \ge 0$; \NR
\NC \int_{-x}^0 g(y)\,dy, \NC otherwise.\NR


Hervorzuheben ist insbesondere der absatzbasierte {\it
  Total|-|Fit}|-|Umbruchalgorithmus: nach einem raffinierten
Optimierungsverfahren werden alle möglichen Zeilenumbrüche (inklusive
Worttrennung) im Absatz gleichzeitig bestimmt und bewertet.  Der
Umbruch, der den besten optischen Gesamteindruck verspricht, wird dann
vom System benutzt.  Im Vergleich mit dem verbreiteten {\it
  First|-|Fit}|-|Algorithmus, der die Zeilenumbrüche Zeile für 

[NTG-context] Howto add a # sign to a \button URL?

2009-05-12 Thread Oliver Heins

I try to send a message from a pdf to a webserver.  This works fine,
unless the URL has a `#' in it.  Then TeX throws an error:

! Illegal parameter number in definition of \!!stringa

I tried to work around it with \edef'ing a \doublecross macro which
expands to \char35, but this did not work.  I also tried some extensive
use of \noexpand and \expandafter, but it failed, too.  Obviously, there's
some \csname...\endcsname stuff going on when creating the URL.


Here's a minimal example:



\definefield[shorttext] [line] [ShortLine] [] []


\field[shorttext][Bitte geben Sie einen Text ein:]


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Re: [NTG-context] Howto add a # sign to a \button URL?

2009-05-13 Thread Oliver Heins
Hans Hagen  writes:

> Oliver Heins wrote:
>> Hallo,
>> I try to send a message from a pdf to a webserver.  This works fine,
>> unless the URL has a `#' in it.  Then TeX throws an error:
> does \# work?

No, this leads to the following error (which is the same I get when
doing a \noexpand\foochar{}, where \foochar is \edefed as {\char 35}):

| ! Missing \endcsname inserted.
|  ...Form{http://mydomain.test/formular\#
|   fdf,Shortline}
| \dodoexpandreferences ... \specialREFidentifier #1
|   \endcsname \edef 
| \doexpandreferences ...ences #1REF(\relax )\relax 
|   \...@eaeaea 
| \expandreferences ...count \doexpandreferences #1,
|   ],
| \doifreferencefoundelse ... \expandreferences {#1}
|   \egroup 
| ...
| l.17 ...://mydomain.test/formular\#fdf,Shortline}]

Best regards,

Oliver Heins o...@sopos.orgF27A BA8C 1CFB B905 65A8
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wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Re: [NTG-context] Howto add a # sign to a \button URL?

2009-05-13 Thread Oliver Heins
Hallo Wolfgang,

Wolfgang Schuster  writes:

>>> Oliver Heins wrote:
>>>> Hallo,
>>>> I try to send a message from a pdf to a webserver.  This works fine,
>>>> unless the URL has a `#' in it.  Then TeX throws an error:

> Did \letterhash work?

Yes, thank you.  I tried to figure out where \letterhash is defined, but
couldn't find it out grepping through the sources.

> __
> If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry
> to the Wiki!

I think so, but don't know where.  The \button function seems not to be
mentioned at all but within the context of hiding layers.

Best regards,

Oliver Heins o...@sopos.orgF27A BA8C 1CFB B905 65A8
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[NTG-context] How do I stretch text in header?

2010-06-27 Thread Oliver Heins
I want to typeset the section title in stretched smallcaps in the
header.  This is what I came up with, but it won't print the section
title, but instead the phrase »section«:


  \hfill {\sc\stretchedlowercase{\getmarking[section]}}\hfill
%  \hfill {\sc\getmarking[section]}\hfill % works, but no stretching


\section{This is a test!}

\input knuth



Oliver Heins he...@sopos.org  http://www.sopos.org/olli
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wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Re: [NTG-context] How do I stretch text in header?

2010-06-29 Thread Oliver Heins
Hello Wolfgang,

Wolfgang Schuster  writes:

> Am 27.06.10 13:02, schrieb Oliver Heins:
>> I want to typeset the section title in stretched smallcaps in the
>> header.  This is what I came up with, but it won't print the section
>> title, but instead the phrase »section«:
> Do you use Mark 2 or Mark 4?

Mark 4.  I found a reasonable working solution:


\hfill {\sc{\lowercased{\getmarking[section]}}}\hfill

Anyway, tex ligatures (e.g. "--") are broken up within the header now,
so I have to use "–" in my input file, which I somehow dislike.  Any
chance to get tlig working here?


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.org  http://www.sopos.org/olli
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Re: [NTG-context] Placing footnotes in right margin en bloc at bottom of page

2010-07-29 Thread Oliver Heins
Hi Elias,

erfreut habe ich gesehen, dass dir mit ConTeXt wohl geholfen werden

Elias Oltmanns  writes:

> Thanks for the snippet. Unfortunately, the footnotes don't seem to make
> it onto the page though. Would this be due to using ConTeXt MKII by any
> chance? If not, I'd rather not change my current texlive installation
> just now.

Ohne direkt auf das Problem eingehen zu können: Wenn du ConTeXt benutzt,
installier am besten die Minimals.  Die Installation ist denkbar einfach
und hier beschrieben:

Abweichend zu dieser Beschreibung habe ich in meiner .zshrc (.bashrc
sollte genauso funktionieren) folgende Zeile geschrieben: 

alias minimals='source ~/context/tex/setuptex'

Damit kann ich bequem in einer Shell mittels Eingabe von 'minimals' zur
ConTeXt-Installation wechseln und habe sonst weiterhin die
TeXLive-Binaries und -Pfade.


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.org  http://www.sopos.org/olli
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Re: [NTG-context] Placing footnotes in right margin en bloc at bottom of page

2010-08-02 Thread Oliver Heins
Sorry for posting a german message to the list, it was intended as a
private mail.  I should check the To-header, next time.


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.org  http://www.sopos.org/olli
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[NTG-context] MkIV doesn't find font

2010-11-08 Thread Oliver Heins
I try to use Minion Pro as main font:


To my irritation, ConTeXt/LuaTeX complains about not finding the font.

define fonts> font with name minionpro-regular is not found
define fonts> unknown font minionpro-regular, loading aborted
define fonts> unable to define minionpro-regular as \*minion12ptrmtf*

However, Minion Pro is installed on the system, running

$ mtxrun --script fonts --list --all --pattern=minionpro*

shows lots of entries.  However, there is no such font as
minionpro-regular, but minionproregular (without the hyphen):

Running "$ mtxrun --script fonts --list --all --pattern=minionproregular"
"minionproregular   minionprocapt   /usr/local/share/fonts/MinionPro_Capt.otf",
while "$ mtxrun --script fonts --list --all --pattern=minionpro-regular"
returns an empty result.

What am I doing wrong?


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.org  http://www.sopos.org/olli
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Re: [NTG-context] MkIV doesn't find font

2010-11-08 Thread Oliver Heins
Hans Hagen  writes:

> On 8-11-2010 7:37, Oliver Heins wrote:
>> I try to use Minion Pro as main font:
>> \usetypescriptfile[type-adobe]
>> \usetypescript[minion]
>> \setupbodyfont[minion]
>> To my irritation, ConTeXt/LuaTeX complains about not finding the font.
> I don't know type-adobe but it probably sets up a type 1 minion.
> Take a look at type-otf.mkiv (at the end) and make yourself a minion
> typescript (one of those 4 liners typescripts)

Thank you Hans, it works now.

Best regards,

PS: For the record: type-minion.mkiv


\starttypescript [serif] [minionpro]
\definefontsynonym [MinionPro-Regular][\s!file:MinionPro_Regular]
\definefontsynonym [MinionPro-Italic] [\s!file:MinionPro_It]
\definefontsynonym [MinionPro-Bold]   [\s!file:MinionPro_Bold]
\definefontsynonym [MinionPro-BoldItalic] [\s!file:MinionPro_BoldIt]

\starttypescript [serif] [minionpro] [name]
\definefontsynonym [\s!Serif]   [MinionPro-Regular]
\definefontsynonym [\s!SerifItalic] [MinionPro-Italic] 
\definefontsynonym [\s!SerifBold]   [MinionPro-Bold]   
\definefontsynonym [\s!SerifBoldItalic] [MinionPro-BoldItalic] 
\definefontsynonym [\s!SerifCaps]   [MinionPro-Regular]

\starttypescript [minionpro]
\definetypeface [minionpro] [rm] [serif] [minionpro] [default]
\definetypeface [minionpro] [tt] [mono]  [default]   [default]


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.org  http://www.sopos.org/olli
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[NTG-context] \startquotation, grid and footnote

2011-01-15 Thread Oliver Heins

I have to typeset paragraphed quotations in a smaller font (and maybe
a smaller baselineskip, but this is not necessary) and with larger
margins.  However, after the quotation, the main text has to be on the
grid again.

Main Text Main Text
Main Text (on grid)
Main Text Main Text
Main Text (on grid)
Main Text Main Text

  quotation  text
  (need not to be
  on  grid, in  a
  smaller   font) 
  quotation text

Main Text Main Text
Main Text (on grid)
Main Text Main Text
Main Text (on grid)
Main Text Main Text

I tried to use contexts quotation-mechanism, but it puts quotationmarks
around the quotation, which is not only unnecessary (as the smaller font
size marks the paragraph as a quotation already), but a problem, because
footnotemarks appear right in front of the ending quotation mark
(»quot¹« instead of »quot«¹, which would be right).

Footnotes seem to be a bigger problem.  When using the linecorrection
mechanism (either with \start|\stoplinecorrection and with
\placeongrid), the footnotetexts don't get typeset at all.  They seem to
get lost within the linecorrection environment.

TIA for your help,




\rightskip=10mm \leftskip=10mm \baselineskip=13pt

  Ein autobiografischer Spielfilm ohne Bekenntnis des Regisseurs und
  ohne dessen Verkörperung einer Figur wird nur als fiktionale
  Biografie verstanden. Ein autobiografischer Spielfilm ohne
  Bekenntnis des Regisseurs, aber mit dessen Verkörperung einer
  fiktionalen Figur wird zumindest selbstreflexiv gedeutet.



\input tufte


\input tufte


\input tufte


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.org  http://www.sopos.org/olli
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wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Re: [NTG-context] \startquotation, grid and footnote

2011-01-15 Thread Oliver Heins
I forgot to say that I use mkiv.

Oliver Heins he...@sopos.org  http://www.sopos.org/olli
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Re: [NTG-context] \startquotation, grid and footnote

2011-01-16 Thread Oliver Heins
Wolfgang Schuster  writes:

>> \mainlanguage[de]
>> \setuplanguage[de][leftquotation=\rightguillemot,rightquotation=\leftguillemot]
> With MkIV you can just write
> \setuplanguage[de][leftquotation=»,rightquotation=«]
>> \setupquotation[
>> before={\startlinecorrection[blank]\noindentation},
>> after={\stoplinecorrection},
>> style=\tfx]
> \setupdelimitedtext
>   [blockquote]
>   [spacebefore=line,
>> […]
>> \startquotation
>>  \getbuffer[quot]\footnote{foobar}
>> \stopquotation
> \startblockquote
> …
> \stopblockquote

Thank you Wolfgang,

it works.

Best regards,

Oliver Heins he...@sopos.org  http://www.sopos.org/olli
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[NTG-context] searchable PDF with MinionPro under mkiv

2011-01-16 Thread Oliver Heins
How can I generate a searchable PDF with mkiv, using a non standard font
like MinionPro?

\definefontfeature [default] [default] [mode=node,script=latn,onum=yes]

fi ff ffi ffl 1234567890

Using pdftotext, I get this:

fi ff ffi ffl 

However, using Adobe Reader this things won't be found.  It should read:

fi ff ffi ffl 1234567890

Using latex, one would use \input glyphtounicode.tex \pdfgentounicode=1,
but this doesn't seem to work with context.  Context used pdfr-def, but
this seems to be mkii-only.


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.org  http://www.sopos.org/olli
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Re: [NTG-context] searchable PDF with MinionPro under mkiv

2011-01-16 Thread Oliver Heins
"Li Yanrui (李延瑞)"  writes:

> Your example works for me with the beta 2011.01.14 and
> pdftotext-0.16.0.
> Which version is your ConTeXt MkIV? Your problem looks like
> "http://www.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-context/2010/052259.html"; but that
> one has been solved by Taco.

Hi Li,

ConTeXt  ver: 2011.01.12 10:20 MKIV  fmt: 2011.1.12

This is a quite recent version, however I updated my minimals, so now I

ConTeXt  ver: 2011.01.14 14:44 MKIV  fmt: 2011.1.17

The result stays the same.

My pdftotext is an older version (0.12.4), but that shouldn't be a
problem.  Adobe reader, evince and xpdf are able to find the ligatures,
but not the numbers.  okular even fails to find the ligatures, but I
would consider this a bug in okular.

Best regards,

Oliver Heins he...@sopos.org  http://www.sopos.org/olli
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[NTG-context] continious entries in table of contents?

2011-01-16 Thread Oliver Heins
Is it possible to set up the table of contents in a way that entries of
some level get typeset continiously?  I want the entries of the
subsubsection level (level 4) to appear in a single block, not as
individual lines:

3 Das Autobiografische in den Filmen der Nouvelle Vague
 3.1 Film als Kunstwerk 61
  3.1.1 Das Autorenkino 61
 3.2 Autobiografie als Kunstwerk 68
  3.2.1 Autobiografie-Theorie in Frankreich und Deutschland im
 historischen Vergleich 81
Frankreich 81  Exkurs: Existenziell reflektierende Autobiografie 83
Deutschland 94
  3.2.2  Das Autor-Subjekt: Nouvelle Vague – Nouveau Roman 87
 3.3  Film und Autobiografie werden Kunst  96

This is my code so far, which works fine except the consecutive lines:

  pagecommand={\hskip1em }]


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.org  http://www.sopos.org/olli
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Re: [NTG-context] continious entries in table of contents?

2011-01-17 Thread Oliver Heins
Cedric Mauclair  writes:

> Try adding "alternative=d" in the options of subsubsection.

Thank you, Cédric, it works perfectly.

Best regards,

Oliver Heins he...@sopos.org  http://www.sopos.org/olli
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Re: [NTG-context] searchable PDF with MinionPro under mkiv

2011-01-17 Thread Oliver Heins
Hi Florian,

Florian Wobbe  writes:

> it works for me with the beta 2011.01.12 and 2011.01.14 and
> poppler-0.14.5/ poppler-0.16.0.
> However, it turns out that pdftotext converts to
> fi ff ffi ffl 1234567890,
> splitting fi ligature while leaving ff, ffi and ffl intact, which is
> strange.
> I did not try with Adobe Reader but the pdf is searchable with Apple
> Preview and the pasted copy is still intact:
> fi ff ffi ffl 1234567890

For me, it still doesn't work.  I get oldstyle numbers in the text, and
neither in Adobe Reader nor in okular, evince or xpdf the numbers are
searchable.  However, I figured out that it is my version of the font
causing the wrong result.

$ otfinfo -i /usr/local/share/fonts/MinionPro_Regular.otf   
Family:  Minion Pro
Subfamily:   Regular
Full name:   Minion Pro
PostScript name: MinionPro-Regular
Version: OTF 1.011;PS 001.000;Core 1.0.27;makeotf.lib1.3.1
Unique ID:   1.011;ADBE;MinionPro-Regular
Designer:Robert Slimbach
Vendor URL:  http://www.adobe.com/type/
Trademark:   Minion is either a registered trademark or a
 trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the
 United States and/or other countries. 
Copyright:   © 2000 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights
 Reserved. U.S. Patent Des. 337,604. Other patents
License URL: http://www.adobe.com/type/legal.html

When using the MinionPro fonts shipped with Adobe reader, I get the same
results as you:

$ otfinfo -i /usr/local/share/fonts/MinionPro-Regular.otf 

Family:  Minion Pro
Subfamily:   Regular
Full name:   Minion Pro
PostScript name: MinionPro-Regular
Version: Version 2.068;PS 2.000;hotconv 1.0.57;
Unique ID:   2.068;ADBE;MinionPro-Regular
Designer:Robert Slimbach
Manufacturer:Adobe Systems Incorporated
Vendor URL:  http://www.adobe.com/type/
Trademark:   Minion is either a registered trademark or a
 trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the
 United States and/or other countries. 
Copyright:   © 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2002,
 2004 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. 
License URL: http://www.adobe.com/type/legal.html

Has this to be consired a bug in the font?

Best regards,

Oliver Heins he...@sopos.org  http://www.sopos.org/olli
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[NTG-context] delimitedtext, spacebefore and grid

2011-01-20 Thread Oliver Heins

I want to have both a halfline space before and after blockquotations.
Normally, this works fine; after the quotation the main text snaps
back to the grid (see page 3 of the example file).


However, this fails when the blockquote is the first element on the
page, either because a new blockquote starts on the top of the page
(cf. p. 1) or because a blockquote continues from the last page
(cf. p. 2).  Is it possible to tell ConTeXt to insert a halfline of
space on the top of the page in these cases?






  \input tufte

\dorecurse{2}{\input tufte}

  \input tufte

\dorecurse{3}{\input tufte}

  \input tufte

\input tufte


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.org  http://www.sopos.org/olli
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Re: [NTG-context] delimitedtext, spacebefore and grid

2011-01-20 Thread Oliver Heins
Wolfgang Schuster  writes:

> Am 20.01.2011 um 17:04 schrieb Oliver Heins:
>> Hello,
>> I want to have both a halfline space before and after blockquotations.
>> Normally, this works fine; after the quotation the main text snaps
>> back to the grid (see page 3 of the example file).
>> \setupdelimitedtext
>>  [blockquote]
>>  [spacebefore=halfline]
> spacebefore={force,halfline}

Hello Wolfgang, thank you for your answer.  Sadly, your solution only
works for blockquotes starting at the top of the page.  When blockquotes
are broken up between two pages the main text doesn't find its way back
to the grid (see page 2 of my minimal example).

Another point is: The space inserted at the top of the page is not a
half line big but of one and a half line.

>> […]
>> \setuppapersize[a5][A4]
> \setuppapersize[A5][A4]

Thanks, it was a typo.  I already wondered about how huge an A5-sized
page in ConTeXt is :) However, the setup of my minimal example
illustrates the problems best on A4, so *here* it should read either
\setuppapersize[A4] or nothing (since A4 seems to be the default

Best regards,

Oliver Heins he...@sopos.org  http://www.sopos.org/olli
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[NTG-context] balancing column sets does not work in mark iv

2009-11-09 Thread Oliver Heins
[Resending message:  the first post bounced, because I used a
non-subscriber address.]


the following code does not work with mark iv:

\definecolumnset [example-1] [n=2,balance=yes] 
\starttext \showgrid 
\startcolumnset [example-1] \dorecurse {1}{\input tufte \par} \stopcolumnset 

This is the error I get with latest minimals:

| ! Undefined control sequence.
|  ...etbox 3\vbox {\unvbox \footins 
|   }
| \dodonormaloutput ...lty \the \OTRcommand \output 
|   \outputmessage 
| \invokeoutputroutine ...enalty }\dodonormaloutput 
|   \outputmessage 
|  ...e \everybeforeoutput \the \mainoutput 
|   \the \everyafteroutput }
| \ejectpenalty ->-\plustenthousand 
| \eject ->\par \ifvmode \penalty \ejectpenalty 
|   \fi \resetpagebreak 
| ...
| l.3 ...curse {1}{\input tufte \par} \stopcolumnset

Best regards,

Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
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[NTG-context] balancing column sets does not work in mark iv

2009-11-09 Thread Oliver Heins

the following code does not work with mark iv:

\definecolumnset [example-1] [n=2,balance=yes] 
\starttext \showgrid 
\startcolumnset [example-1] \dorecurse {1}{\input tufte \par} \stopcolumnset 

This is the error I get with latest minimals:

| ! Undefined control sequence.
|  ...etbox 3\vbox {\unvbox \footins 
|   }
| \dodonormaloutput ...lty \the \OTRcommand \output 
|   \outputmessage 
| \invokeoutputroutine ...enalty }\dodonormaloutput 
|   \outputmessage 
|  ...e \everybeforeoutput \the \mainoutput 
|   \the \everyafteroutput }
| \ejectpenalty ->-\plustenthousand 
| \eject ->\par \ifvmode \penalty \ejectpenalty 
|   \fi \resetpagebreak 
| ...
| l.3 ...curse {1}{\input tufte \par} \stopcolumnset

Best regards,

Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
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[NTG-context] enabling pdftex's microtypographic features with variant old style figures

2009-11-12 Thread Oliver Heins
With the help of Patrick's otfinstall I've installed a font for use with
pdftex/mark ii.  this works fine so far, but i want to use the
microtypographic features not only for the base font, but for the old
style figures variant, too.



\definetypeface[corporate][tt][mono][modern]  [default][rscale=1.12]
\definetypeface[corporate][mm][math][iwona]   [default][rscale=1.02]

\usetypescript[sans][hanging][normal]   % this creates the 'handling' synonyms
\usetypescript[serif][hanging][normal]  % this creates the 'handling' synonyms
\usetypescript[sans][hz][quality]   % this creates the 'handling' synonyms
\usetypescript[serif][hz][quality]  % this creates the 'handling' synonyms

This works for normal figures, but when I switch to osf with \Var[osf]
there is no protrusion nor font expansion.


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
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[NTG-context] ragged right in a simplecolumns environment

2009-11-12 Thread Oliver Heins
How can I swith to ragged right in a simplecolumns environment?  (I have
to use it for some reasons.)

\startsimplecolumns[n=4,align=right] does not work.


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
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Re: [NTG-context] ragged right in a simplecolumns environment

2009-11-13 Thread Oliver Heins
Wolfgang Schuster  writes:

> Am 12.11.2009 um 18:03 schrieb Oliver Heins:
>> How can I swith to ragged right in a simplecolumns environment?  (I have
>> to use it for some reasons.)
>> \startsimplecolumns[n=4,align=right] does not work.
> \startsimplecolumns[n=4]\setupalign[right]

That was easy, thank you :-)


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
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[NTG-context] shorthands for hyphens with \penalty, \allowbreak, breaking up ligatures etc.

2009-11-13 Thread Oliver Heins
In LaTeX with babel option german there are several shortcuts needed for
typesetting german texts with their large amount of composita.  Some of
them are defined in Context, too, but not all (maybe I didn't find them
yet).  In typesetting german there is the need of breaking up some
ligatures, too.

Here are some examples of what I'm talking about:

composita  | line break | Babel shortcut|  pure TeX-Code
(Kinder-)Armut | (Kinder-)  | (Kinder"~)""Armut | (Kinder\protect1
   | Armut  |   | -)\allowbreak Armut
   ||   |
Bundestag und  | (...) und  | (...) und "~rat   | (...) und \hbox{-rat}
-rat   | -rat   |   | [\protect1000 doesn't
   ||   | seem to work here]
--- breaking up ligatures ---
Auffassung | Auffassung | Auf"|fassung  | ??? (babel code:
   | (not   |   | \textormath{\penal...@m
   | Auffassung) |   | \discretionary{-}{}%
   ||   | {\kern.03em}%
   ||   | \allowhyphens}{}%)

Is there any context way to define these kind of shorthands?  (Babel
has the \decl...@shorthand internal command.)


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
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[NTG-context] |-| broken? (was: shorthands for hyphens with \penalty, \allowbreak, breaking up ligatures etc.)

2009-11-14 Thread Oliver Heins
Taco Hoekwater  writes:

> Oliver Heins wrote:
>> Is there any context way to define these kind of shorthands?  (Babel
>> has the \decl...@shorthand internal command.)
> None are predefined, but you can install your own operations into
> context's || discretionary command.
> Try this, I think it is ok:

Thank you, Taco, it works.

I changed the definition of

> \definetextmodediscretionary {ff}
>   {f\discretionary{-}{}{}\kern.03em\prewordbreak f}


\definetextmodediscretionary {!!}

because the other ligatures (fl, fi, ft, fj etc.) might have to be
broken up, too.

However, I noticed that the |-| discretionary command produces wrong



regardless of your definitions.


\hsize 1em



Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
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[NTG-context] hyphenation problem using |-| in composed words -- bug?

2009-11-25 Thread Oliver Heins

when using |-| in a word as a non exclusive dash, this produces wrong

For example, the word »longer-word-to-be-hyphenated« should be
hyphenated e.g. like this:


but actually it is hyphenated like this:


Using || instead of |-| works like expected, so using it in combination
with \setuphyphenmark[sign=normal] could be considered a workaround.
Sadly, that produces the same bad result. :-(

Here's a minimal example:



\hsize 1em





Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
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Re: [NTG-context] hyphenation problem using |-| in composed words -- bug?

2009-11-25 Thread Oliver Heins
To comment on myself:

Oliver Heins  writes:

> Hi,
> when using |-| in a word as a non exclusive dash, this produces wrong
> hyphenation.


> longer
> -word
> -to
> -be
> -hy-
> phen-
> ated

This is a workaround:

\definetextmodediscretionary {-}

However, \setuphyphenmark[sign=normal] still does not work correctly.


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
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[NTG-context] bleeding columnsetarea

2009-12-08 Thread Oliver Heins

the printing shop wants me to make the columnsetarea bleeding[1] (3mm).
However, the background stops at the edge of the a4paper and doesn't
even fill the margin.

Here's a minimal example:

% \startminimalexample


fill OverlayBox withcolor white ;
fill OverlayBox withcolor transparent(1,.25,red) ;
fill OverlayBox withcolor transparent(1,.25,yellow) ;





\dorecurse{15}{\input tufte\par}



% \stopminimalexample

Thanks in advance,

[1]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bleed_(printing)

Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
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[NTG-context] overprinting backgrounds

2009-12-08 Thread Oliver Heins
I have another question.

The print shop wants the background image to be overprinted.  Is it
sufficiant to set »overprint=yes« once in \setupcolors or does one need
to explicitely tell the region with \startoverprint ... \stopoverprint?

A minimal example:

% \startminimalexample

[x=0mm, y=0mm,
width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight,
\setlayer   [mybg]
[hoffset=5cm, voffset=7cm]


Is this sufficiant for overprinting?

\dorecurse{4}{\input tufte\par}


Or does one need to explicitely tell context the region?

\dorecurse{4}{\input tufte\par}


Thanks again,

Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
http://blog.overheins.net/ F27A BA8C 1CFB B905 65A8
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[NTG-context] Bug with overprinting in Mark II/IV?

2009-12-11 Thread Oliver Heins

with color black overprinting is not working.  You can easily spot this
when you use the »Ausgabevorschau« (sorry, my acrobat is in german
locale, must be something with »preview« in english; located in the
»tools« menu) in acrobat and remove magenta and black from the preview.
Whilst under the region with the magenta colored text the picture gets
shown, in the region with the black colored text the text is cut out of
the picture, leaving white.

I think this is a bug, as overprinting makes most sense with black.  It
happens both in Mark II and IV -- you have to manually copy the
hacker.jpg to your working directory (under linux e.g. with cp
$(kpsewhich hacker.jpg) /path/to/your/working/directory) and change the
path to make the minimal example work under mark iv.

Best regards,


[x=0mm, y=0mm,
width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight,
\setlayer   [mybg]
[hoffset=5cm, voffset=7cm]
{\externalfigure[sample/hacker.jpg][max]} % mark ii
%   {\externalfigure[hacker.jpg][max]} % mark iv


{\bf With foregroundcolor = magenta.}

\input tufte

{\bf With foregroundcolor = black. \color[magenta](Some magenta
  without overprint)}

\input tufte


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
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Re: [NTG-context] Bug with overprinting in Mark II/IV?

2009-12-11 Thread Oliver Heins
Hi Peter,

Peter Rolf  writes:

> Oliver Heins schrieb:
>> Hello,
>> with color black overprinting is not working.  You can easily spot this
>> when you use the »Ausgabevorschau« (sorry, my acrobat is in german
>> locale, must be something with »preview« in english; located in the
>> »tools« menu) in acrobat and remove magenta and black from the preview.
>> Whilst under the region with the magenta colored text the picture gets
>> shown, in the region with the black colored text the text is cut out of
>> the picture, leaving white.
> I think the visible 'knockedout' text on the picture is just another
> acrobat bug. I manually checked the text and the OVP attributes are
> correctly set. If you use the coloring mechanism (Ausgabenvorschau -> 
> Farbwarnungen -> [x] Überdruck anzeigen), you will see that everything
> looks ok.

Yes, I noticed that, too.  But to me it looks like it is first knocked
out in the pdf, and then the overprint flag is set.

I made a document with scribus, which looks alright in acrobats preview:

So I doubt that this is a bug in acrobat, but in context or even in

>> you have to manually copy the hacker.jpg to your working directory
>> (under linux e.g. with cp $(kpsewhich hacker.jpg)
>> /path/to/your/working/directory) and change the path to make the
>> minimal example work under mark iv.
> I noticed this too (no picture with mkiv). BOF = Bug Or Feature :)

Feature, as Taco kindly pointed out :-)


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
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Re: [NTG-context] Bug with overprinting in Mark II/IV?

2009-12-11 Thread Oliver Heins
Hi Luigi,

luigi scarso  writes:

> hm I believed  was
> \color[red]{..}
> and
> \startcolor[red]
> ...
> \stopcolor

You're right, I mixed things up here.  But nontheless, my example was
(unintendedly) syntactically correct, because either \color[black]{\bf
...} and \color[black]\startoverprint ... \stopoverprint define a
block. :-)

> see
> http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Colors

Anyway, thanks for pointing it out, because I really did not know of the
\startcolor-syntax (I'm new to context).


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
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Re: [NTG-context] Bug with overprinting in Mark II/IV?

2009-12-11 Thread Oliver Heins
luigi scarso  writes:

> On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 5:37 PM, Oliver Heins  wrote:
>> Hi Luigi,
>> luigi scarso  writes:
>>> hm I believed  was
>>> \color[red]{..}
>>> and
>>> \startcolor[red]
>>> ...
>>> \stopcolor
>> You're right, I mixed things up here.  But nontheless, my example was
>> (unintendedly) syntactically correct, because either \color[black]{\bf
>> ...} and \color[black]\startoverprint ... \stopoverprint define a
>> block. :-)
> ok, just to be sure : can you rewrite in a correct way ?
> Can be a problem with mkii .

Okay.  But I don't see any difference.



[x=0mm, y=0mm,
width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight,
\setlayer   [mybg]
[hoffset=5cm, voffset=7cm]
%   {\externalfigure[hacker.jpg][max]}


{\bf With foregroundcolor = magenta.}

\input tufte

{\bf With foregroundcolor = black. \color[magenta]{(Some magenta
  without overprint)}}

\input tufte


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
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[NTG-context] Other strange effects with overprinting (Mark II only)

2009-12-11 Thread Oliver Heins
The following code produces strange result with Mark II (Mark IV is

The Text on the first page after the \startoverprint is not visible in
Acrobat (Reader).  Poppler is okay.

Best regards,

\setupcolors[state=start] % Comment this line out to make the example
  % work in Mark II

[x=0mm, y=0mm,
width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight,
\setlayer   [mybg]
[hoffset=5cm, voffset=7cm]
%   {\externalfigure[hacker.jpg][max]}


Text without overprinting

\input tufte

Text without overprinting


Text without overprinting

\input tufte

Text without overprinting


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
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Re: [NTG-context] overprinting backgrounds

2009-12-11 Thread Oliver Heins
Peter Rolf  writes:

> Oliver Heins schrieb:
>> I have another question.
>> The print shop wants the background image to be overprinted.  Is it
>> sufficiant to set »overprint=yes« once in \setupcolors or does one need
>> to explicitely tell the region with \startoverprint ... \stopoverprint?
> simply use \startoverprint ... \stopoverprint for the text
> regions. you may need to add \startknockout ... \stopknockout for
> picture elements in that region. the "overprint=yes" option is for
> document wide setting, so this is not what you want.
> anyhow, if you own a copy of acrobat, you can visualize the
> overprinted elements in the output preview (color warnings).

I managed to get a copy of acrobat.  Now I understand the benefits and
risks of overprinting.  Thank you for pointing out!

Best regards,

Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
http://blog.overheins.net/ F27A BA8C 1CFB B905 65A8
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Re: [NTG-context] Bug with overprinting in Mark II/IV?

2009-12-11 Thread Oliver Heins
Peter Rolf  writes:

> Oliver Heins schrieb:
>> Yes, I noticed that, too.  But to me it looks like it is first knocked
>> out in the pdf, and then the overprint flag is set.
> Good point. In that case the text must be set twice, as knockout and
> overprint can't coexist. I have looked into the uncompressed mkii PDF
> (\nopdfcompression) and I can not see any obvious flaw. The parts are
> clearly separeted by '/GSknockout gs' and '/GSoverprint gs', the black
> text is not set twice.
> Just an idea: the colorspace of the picture is RGB, the text is set in
> CMYK. Maybe the mixed color spaces mess up things here.

But shouldn't the same effect be seen with other colors than black then,
too?  And it only happens with black, and I think it happens even when
you do it within a cmyk-only document:

Can you test the following?  My Acrobat is on a machine without net, and
my usb stick broke within the experiments.  

Best regards,

\setupcolors[state=start, cmyk=yes, rgb=no]





Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
http://blog.overheins.net/ F27A BA8C 1CFB B905 65A8
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wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Re: [NTG-context] Bug with overprinting in Mark II/IV?

2009-12-12 Thread Oliver Heins
Hi Peter,

Peter Rolf  writes:

> I get the same 'kind of knockedout' text as in the other example...
> but the black text is set as /DeviceGray and not /DeviceCMYK
> (k-component). You can make this visible by using
> 'Vorschau: Separiert' with the option 'Einblenden: Nicht-DeviceCMYK'.
> I think this is just a limitation of the previewer. You can define
> your own cmyk black with \definecolor[myblack][k=1]. I bet that the
> knockedout effect will vanish with cmyk black (untested).

You're right.  With k=1, the 'kind of knockedout' vanishes.  Thank you
very much, Peter!

So is it advisable to change all black to cmyk black or can I safely
rely on the DeviceGray black?

>> Can you test the following?  My Acrobat is on a machine without net, and
>> my usb stick broke within the experiments.  
> prepress mess + bad luck => *have a break and enjoy your weekend* :)

Well, due to your kind help, I'm able to do so now :-)

Thanks again,

Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
http://blog.overheins.net/ F27A BA8C 1CFB B905 65A8
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wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Re: [NTG-context] overprinting backgrounds

2009-12-12 Thread Oliver Heins
Hi Martin,

Martin Schröder  writes:

> Am 11. Dezember 2009 18:48 schrieb Oliver Heins :
>> schön von dir zu hören :).  Ich hoffe, dir geht es gut!
> Yep. Und nächstes Jahr komme ich auch mal nach Hannover. :-)

Und ich vielleicht nach Dortmund, schließlich ist da Tagung :)

>>> It's typical for printing houses to set 100% black to overprint in the
>>> preprint workflow (can also be done with Acrobat).
>> Das heißt, dass die Druckerei schwarzen Text, der in meinem PDF auf
>> Knockout steht, noch auf Overprint umschalten kann?
> Sollte sie, weil das ist eine ganz normale Anforderung: Schwarzer Text
> soll überdrucken. Das geht auch im Acrobat (Preflight und dann in den
> Profilen suchen).

Hab ich jetzt gefunden, danke.  War hilfreich, um das Problem zu

>> Mein Problem ist, dass die Druckerei anmeckert, dass ein Bereich mit
>> schwarzem Text vor einem Hintergrundbild eben nicht auf Überdrucken
>> gestellt ist.  Was aber eben nur halb wahr ist: Der Bereich ist sehr
>> wohl auf Überdrucken gestellt (kann man im Acrobat unter
>> Ausgabevorschau->Vorschau->Farbwarnungen->Überdrucken_anzeigen sehen
>> kann), gleichwohl wird schwarzer Text (und nur schwarzer! andere Farben
>> werden korrekt separiert!), wenn man die schwarze Farbe in der Vorschau
>> entfernt, regelrecht aus dem Hintergrundbild herausgeschnitten:
>> http://www.sopos.org/olli/overprinting.jpg
> 403 :-(

Wenn man's nicht jedesmal überprüft... scp erhält offensichtlich die
Dateirechte, und die waren auf 0600 gesetzt :(  Jetzt sollte es

Das Problem scheint allerdings gelöst: ein Fehler in der Anzeige des
Acrobat im Zusammenhang mit der /DeviceGray-Farbpalette.  Wenn man
cmyk-Schwarz benutzt oder das Dokument dahin konvertiert, geht alles.

> Ich bin Montag wieder am Arbeitsplatz und habe dann Zugriff auf einen
> Acrobat.

Ich sende dir Montag mal einen Link zur aktuellen Version der Broschüre.
Wäre toll, wenn du kurz einen Blick drauf werfen könntest, ob dir etwas
auffällt.  Im Prepress-Bereich bin ich blutiger Anfänger :(

Herzlichen Gruß,

Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
http://blog.overheins.net/ F27A BA8C 1CFB B905 65A8
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wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Re: [NTG-context] Bug with overprinting in Mark II/IV?

2009-12-12 Thread Oliver Heins
Hi Hans,

Hans Hagen  writes:

> Oliver Heins wrote:
>> So is it advisable to change all black to cmyk black or can I safely
>> rely on the DeviceGray black?
> if needed i can make that an option at some point (as we already have
> more such auto conversion options)

That would be great. :)


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
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[NTG-context] ConTeXt swallows text

2010-01-19 Thread Oliver Heins

under certain circumstances, ConTeXt swallows text.  This happens with
both MkII and MkIV and a fairly recent minimals distribution.

| ConTeXt  ver: 2009.11.24 10:13 MKII  fmt: 2009.11.25  int: english/english
| ConTeXt  ver: 2009.11.24 10:13 MKIV  fmt: 2009.11.25  int: english/english

Sadly, I noticed not until the booklet was already printed.  (Actually,
it was my customer who noticed.)  :-(

Best regards,

% ---






\dorecurse{10}{\input tufte}


\subject{Victoria Beckham pregnant again!}

Barack Obama is the father! Confronted with this fact, her husband
David Beckham said\,\dots (Actually, this is a very important news the
world should knew about!)

\dorecurse{3}{\input tufte}


% ---

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Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt swallows text

2010-01-19 Thread Oliver Heins
Hi Luigi,

luigi scarso  writes:

> Why nx=6 

Because of the layout of the booklet.  The area should fit over two
pages (= 6 columns).

> and width=1.95\textwidth ?

I played around with the width to see if the problem still happens.  For
some reason, I stuck with 1.95\textwidth.  In my original setup, I had
lines=19 :-)

> What about this ? 

That's a completely different layout.  You can find the relevant pages
of the booklet at http://sopos.org/olli/armut-fail.pdf


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
http://blog.overheins.net/ F27A BA8C 1CFB B905 65A8
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wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt swallows text

2010-01-20 Thread Oliver Heins
Hi Luigi,

luigi scarso  writes:

> On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:05 PM, Oliver Heins  wrote:

>>You can find the relevant pages
>> of the booklet at http://sopos.org/olli/armut-fail.pdf
> If I understand well, you want
> an automatic solution
> instead of a manual solution like this one

No.  I already did that.  I want that the 

| \subject{Victoria Beckham pregnant again!}
| Barack Obama is the father! Confronted with this fact, her husband
| David Beckham said\,\dots (Actually, this is a very important news the
| world should knew about!)

part of my minimal example gets typeset.  By now, it doesn't.  To me
that looks like a pretty big bug in ConTeXt.

Best regards,

Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
http://blog.overheins.net/ F27A BA8C 1CFB B905 65A8
http://scriptorium-adp.de/ 2544 0F07 B675 9A00 D827
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Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt swallows text

2010-01-20 Thread Oliver Heins
luigi scarso  writes:

> On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 10:08 AM, Oliver Heins  wrote:
>> luigi scarso  writes:
>>> On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:05 PM, Oliver Heins  wrote:
>> No.  I already did that.  I want that the
>> | \subject{Victoria Beckham pregnant again!}
>> |
>> | Barack Obama is the father! Confronted with this fact, her husband
>> | David Beckham said\,\dots (Actually, this is a very important news the
>> | world should knew about!)
>> part of my minimal example gets typeset.  By now, it doesn't.  To me
>> that looks like a pretty big bug in ConTeXt.
> For what I understand
> \placegrafik[btlr]{none}{\externalfigure[foo][width=1.95\textwidth]}
> and columnset with n=3 are not compatible.
> I mean
> 1.95\textwidth and n=3 are not compatible

Same is true for lines=19.  I think this is a bug in ConTeXt, and I
wanted to report it, in the hope it will get fixed.

> In mkii your \subject disappear, in mkiv no but things changes with
> 1.92\textwidth
> whiel with 1.0\textwidth things go well.
> I'm not surprised because columnsets must be carefully managed .

Sorry, but I won't consider a »feature working properly only under some
very rare circumstances« a properly working feature, but a broken one. 

> I thought you wanted to place this fig in a span of two columns, but I
> was wrong -- sorry.

No problem.  I should be more precise in my phrases.

Best regards,

Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
http://blog.overheins.net/ F27A BA8C 1CFB B905 65A8
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wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt swallows text

2010-01-20 Thread Oliver Heins
luigi scarso  writes:

> On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 11:06 AM, Oliver Heins  wrote:
>>> For what I understand
>>> \placegrafik[btlr]{none}{\externalfigure[foo][width=1.95\textwidth]}
>>> and columnset with n=3 are not compatible.
>>> I mean
>>> 1.95\textwidth and n=3 are not compatible
>> Same is true for lines=19.  I think this is a bug in ConTeXt, and I
>> wanted to report it, in the hope it will get fixed.
> no surprise here ,as before
>>> In mkii your \subject disappear, in mkiv no but things changes with
>>> 1.92\textwidth
>>> whiel with 1.0\textwidth things go well.
>>> I'm not surprised because columnsets must be carefully managed .
>> Sorry, but I won't consider a »feature working properly only under some
>> very rare circumstances« a properly working feature, but a broken one.
> I disagree here.
> In columnsets I always  exactly specify what  I want to do, to avoid surprise.
> For example in your situation I  use width=1.0\textwidth, because
> \placegrafik[btlr]{none}{\externalfigure[foo][width=1.95\textwidth]}
> is a non-sense for me: I cannot  put a figure large 1.95\textwidth in
> a column large \textwidth.

Yes, but the 1.95\textwidth was just a remainder of my experiments with
the width to see where the problem occurs and where not.  It occurs with
width=2\textwidth, too, as well as with lines=19.  And the latter two
one make sense.

And no, I don't want to put a figure 2 columns wide in a single column.
I want it to spawn over two columns.

> If I need  to do so, then I must reserve a span in a some way.

According to http://www.pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/columns.pdf (page
16ff.) it is perfectly okay to do the way I did.

That's what the directive btlr is for: flush from bottom to top and left
to right.

It's a documented feature, and it's not working properly (at least from
what I see).  I call this a bug.

Best regards,

Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
http://blog.overheins.net/ F27A BA8C 1CFB B905 65A8
http://scriptorium-adp.de/ 2544 0F07 B675 9A00 D827
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wiki : http://contextgarden.net

Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt swallows text

2010-01-20 Thread Oliver Heins
Hi Hans,

Hans Hagen  writes:

>> No.  I already did that.  I want that the
>> | \subject{Victoria Beckham pregnant again!}
>> |
>> | Barack Obama is the father! Confronted with this fact, her husband
>> | David Beckham said\,\dots (Actually, this is a very important news the
>> | world should knew about!)
>> part of my minimal example gets typeset.  By now, it doesn't.  To me
>> that looks like a pretty big bug in ConTeXt.
> columnsets can indeed loose content depending on how you finish them

How can I finish a columnset so that it doesn't loose content?

> this might be improved in future versions depending on (also) luatex
> dev which gives me some more info


Best regards,

Oliver Heins he...@sopos.orghttp://oliverheins.net/
http://blog.overheins.net/ F27A BA8C 1CFB B905 65A8
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Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt swallows text

2010-01-20 Thread Oliver Heins
Hans Hagen  writes:

> On 20-1-2010 13:53, Oliver Heins wrote:
>> How can I finish a columnset so that it doesn't loose content?
> \page after the stopcolumnset

Thanks, I didn't know this.

> also, as luigi remarked, chapter might somehow interfere if it is set
> up to start with a new page
>>> this might be improved in future versions depending on (also) luatex
>>> dev which gives me some more info
>> :-)
> well, keep in mind that tex itself has no concept of columns at all
> and that all heuristics (and unpredictable cases) have to be dealt
> with in macros (and developing that is quite timeconsuming)

I know.  Thanks for doing this job so well and sharing the code, Hans!

Hopefully, things are getting better with luatex.

Best regards,
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Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt swallows text

2010-01-20 Thread Oliver Heins
luigi scarso  writes:

> 3) Are you sure that I don't Indesign instead ?

Guess I'm too much a TeXnician (or a TeXophilian) for that, and besides,
Indesign doesn't run under Linux anyway (I have a kind of windowphobia

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Re: [NTG-context] What do you miss in ConTeXt?

2010-02-08 Thread Oliver Heins
Philipp Gesang  writes:

> Hello Wolfgang!
> On 2010-02-08 <12:25:58>, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
>> ConTeXt has many features but sometimes there is something missing,
>> what feature or package do you miss which is already available in
>> another TeX system or unavailable in any TeX system?
> Most definately: all the details of Philipp Lehman's BibLaTeX package
> which is one of the greatest things LaTeX has to offer: multi-part
> bibliographies, lots of different citation rules, manifold idem/ibidem/
> op. cit. &c handling, authoring new styles -- all solved in one single
> stroke and neatly documented.
> That'd be "nice to have" …

I second this.  Right now, biblatex is the killer feature that I'm at
least partially stuck with LaTeX.

However, I wonder if it would be hard to do a port of biblatex to
context.  I've not looked into the code yet, but I doubt that there is
much LaTeX specific code...

Best regards,
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