Re: [Zope-dev] Location of RelStorage

2013-04-12 Thread Shane Hathaway

On 04/12/2013 11:59 AM, Chris Withers wrote:

On 14/03/2013 08:01, Marius Gedminas wrote:

What's the official location of RelStorage?  I see two source trees:


They have the same commits (~1 year old).

..and one more just for good measure:

Would be good to have an official git repo under Shane's care.

Shane, where are you maintaining relstorage nowadays?

See also:


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Re: [Zope-dev] direction

2011-07-07 Thread Shane Hathaway
On 07/06/2011 10:59 AM, Hanno Schlichting wrote:
> The ZMI is a highly insecure, completely outdated and user-unfriendly 
> interface.

As I read this, I got an idea for a possible way forward.  I haven't 
been reading zope-dev much lately, so forgive me if something like this 
has been mentioned already.

What if we had decorators that let us disable old code by default, yet 
allowed users to enable the old code with configuration?  Something like 

import zope.oldcode

class SomeClass(SimpleObject):

 def manage_edit(self, REQUEST):
 # ...

The idea here is we'll create a zope.oldcode egg and fill it with 
decorators for pervasive features of Zope that need to be removed over 
time, such as the current ZMI.  We'll also create a configuration switch 
for each of those old features so that people can keep using them for a 
reasonable period of time.  When the "zmi" feature is disabled, the code 
above will replace the manage_edit method with a "zope.oldcode.Disabled" 
object that raises a helpful exception if anyone tries to call it.

It would also be good to make these decorators implement __nonzero__ to 
allow conditional attribute definition:

 if zope.oldcode.zmi:
 manage_properties = (...)

I would want to make sure conditional tests are possible as well:

 def test_manage_edit(self):
 # ...

(The zope.oldcode package probably ought to enable all old features by 
default when running tests.)

What do you think?


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Re: [Zope-dev] CSRF protection for z3c.form

2011-04-04 Thread Shane Hathaway
On 04/04/2011 10:22 AM, Roger wrote:
> Just because you can write login forms with
> z3c.form this package has nothing to do with
> authentication. That's just a form framework!
> Authentication is defently not a part
> of our z3c.form framework and should not
> become one.
> Why do you think authentication has something
> to do with the z3c.form library? Did I miss
> something?

This thread is using the word authenticate differently than most other 
Zope-related discussions.  Here, we are authenticating the *form*, not 
the user.  We need to be sure that submitted form data was produced by 
an authentic form.  Otherwise, a crafty site could cause the user's 
browser to invoke some action in the background.

BTW, the CSRF issue has existed as long as HTML forms have existed, but 
for some reason it has only drawn attention in the past year or two.

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Re: [Zope-dev] Non-ZCML config for ZCA. (Was: Anyone want to do Google Summer of code mentoring for PSF?)

2011-03-21 Thread Shane Hathaway
On 03/21/2011 10:59 AM, Chris McDonough wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-03-21 at 15:53 +0100, Lennart Regebro wrote:
>> It's easy and clear, but has the drawback of encouraging that
>> registration is done on import time, while scanning separates the
>> registration from the definition. I'm not sure how important that is.
> It's important to me, at least.  Registration-on-import effectively
> requires that there only be a single component registry for all
> applications in a process.  This is often fine for a given deployment,
> but as a framework strategy it seems very limiting.

+1.  Pyramid has proven (IMHO) that a component registry can be friendly 
to developers without being global.

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Re: [Zope-dev] my take on ZCML's includeOverrides

2010-12-07 Thread Shane Hathaway
On 12/07/2010 12:27 PM, Chris McDonough wrote:
> I *think* I'm of the opinion that libraries (or even "reusable
> applications") probably shouldn't need to use includeOverrides.

+1, I would be very suspicious of any library that uses 
includeOverrides.  Any use of it ought to be highly visible to developers.

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Re: [Zope-dev] zope.i18messageid

2010-07-05 Thread Shane Hathaway
On 07/02/2010 11:49 AM, Tres Seaver wrote:
> Jim has asserted (but not really explained) that the C extension closes
> some kind of security hole.  I don't see any credible attack vector
> myself, but then I no longer believe it worthwhile to devote my own
> energy to defending against malicious TTW programmers.

FWIW, I imagine the problem is that treats 
zope.i18nmessageid as a rock, so if the implementation is in Python, it 
probably allows untrusted code to do this:

 >>> msg.__setattr__.im_func.func_globals['__builtins__']['__import__']

I suggest the bug is in, which should never allow a type 
written in Python to be a rock.

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Re: [Zope-dev] vyshakh krishnan wants to chat

2010-03-08 Thread Shane Hathaway
Christian Theune wrote:
> This is a mailinglist and you probably have dumped your address book to
> the invitation system. I've seen a couple of those talk to Zope
> mailinglists recently. Can you *please* avoid putting mailing list
> addresses into those systems?

Better yet, I wonder if there is some equivalent of robots.txt for 
email.  Domain owners should be able to create and host a file that 
specifies policies for automated email.  Does anyone know of such a 


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Re: [Zope-dev] New Zope 3 name: BlueBream

2010-01-04 Thread Shane Hathaway
Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:
> On 04.01.10 19:23, Baiju M wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>  I am proposing to call "Zope 3 - the web frame work"
>> as "BlueBream".  The main use for name is documentation.
> Coming from marketing I strongly suggest to think twice or better thrice
> before inventing the next new name in Zope world. There are already too
> many of them.

Well, the name "Zope 3" is effectively dead, yet there are still a 
number of developers who want to work on it and improve it.  Those 
developers need to rename and regroup.  BlueBream is a clever name and I 
think it's a great idea.  Once it's released, BlueBream will probably be 
on my short list of preferred platforms.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Zope Toolkit - packages with dependencies

2009-12-29 Thread Shane Hathaway
Lennart Regebro wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 22:54, Martijn Faassen  wrote:
>> Because we have a ton of installed base out there
> Do we? I think the debate is somewhat confused here, or possibly it's
> only me. :)

I agree that the debate is confused.  No one intends to declare that is dead.  However, dropping from ZTK is a declaration 
that newcomers to ZTK will not have to learn anything in in 
order to become productive, which is a big win IMHO.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Zope Toolkit - packages with dependencies

2009-12-26 Thread Shane Hathaway
Hanno Schlichting wrote:
> It has a dependency on Given the central role of
> zope.traversing I allowed it and to stay in the
> ZTK, but moved it to the under-review option.

On the zope.traversing trunk, I have removed the 
dependency.  It was only a testing dependency.

> We have talked about refactoring the traversal and publication story
> in the past, without seeing any consensus on how to move forward with
> it. My feeling tells me, that a pure renaming of
> to zope.publication or similar code reshuffling into other packages
> isn't really helpful in this case.
> ACTION: Until we see further progress on clarifying the semantics of
> traversal and publication, I'd leave in the ZTK.

What other ZTK packages depend on is an extra layer of complexity that most sites 
could probably do without.


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Re: [Zope-dev] the ZCA API decision

2009-12-03 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martin Aspeli wrote:
> Can we all get back to our lives now? :-)

FWIW, I try to participate in discussions like these by reading and 
writing only short emails.  I find that I don't miss much that way. 
Life is more enjoyable without essay-mails.


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Re: [Zope-dev] the ZCA API decision

2009-12-03 Thread Shane Hathaway
Godefroid Chapelle wrote:
> I tried to follow this discussion closely: however, I cannot say that I 
> understand if doing multi-adaptation with IFoo(bar, baz, boo) has been 
> rejected or postponed.

AFAICT, the decision to reject or postpone that has been postponed. :-)


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Re: [Zope-dev] Adapter for class with slots

2009-12-03 Thread Shane Hathaway
Wolfgang Schnerring wrote:
> The minimal reproduction recipe to see the error is this:
> class Slotted(object):
> __slots__ = ('__provides__')
> zope.component.provideAdapter(
> lambda x: True, (Slotted,), zope.interface.Interface)
> Which will raise
>   File 
> "/home/wosc/.python-eggs/zope.component-3.7.1-py2.6.egg/zope/component/",
>   line 419, in _getAdapterRequired
>   elif not ISpecification.providedBy(r):
>   TypeError: 'member_descriptor' object is not callable
> Why is this? Can this be made to work? How would I go about
> investigating that?

It looks to me like a possible bug in zope.interface.  Try deleting to hopefully expand that traceback.

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Re: [Zope-dev] ZCA proposal

2009-12-03 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martin Aspeli wrote:
> Gary Poster wrote:
>> I think I could get fully behind the following proposal that others have 
>> made (Shane I think was one of several?).
>> IFoo.adapt(...)
>> IFoo.utility(...)
> Thinking about it a bit, it strikes me that IFoo.adapt(context) may not 
> be right. This reads "IFoo adapt context", which doesn't make sense. 
> What I really want to hear is "context adapted to IFoo". So maybe it's
> Just thinking out loud.

To me, "myobj.get(x)" reads as "myobj, please get x and give me the 
result", so "IFoo.adapt(y)" reads as "IFoo, please adapt y and give me 
the result".  That statement makes perfect sense to me.

> Thinking out loud further, I think I may actually prefer IFoo.instance() 
> instead of .utility(), but maybe that debate is already passed. 
> .utility() is OK too.

To me, generic names like "instance" and "singleton" suggest we're 
trying to solve some grand problem that would make our brains hurt.  I 
find it more satisfying to solve a more specific problem.

I am participating in this thread because I believe the current 
zope.component API is unnecessarily verbose, hindering readability and 
adoption by Python projects that would benefit.  I think adding adapt() 
and utility() to zope.interface.Interface might improve the situation. 
We could instead add adapt() and utility() functions to the 
zope.component package, but I haven't seen any function signature that 
would turn out as simple as "IFoo.adapt(x)".


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Re: [Zope-dev] implementing zope.component 4.0

2009-11-30 Thread Shane Hathaway
Gary Poster wrote:
> Then to the multiadapter concern I raised, all my real-world examples
> of adapters are to adapt one object so it can be used in a certain
> way (to integrate with another kind of object).  Power adapters, for
> instance, adapt a plug (required interface) so it can plugged in to
> the wall (output interface).  Is there a common real-world example of
> this for "multiadapters"?

I have a Roku player (great device, BTW).  It streams video from Netflix 
and other sources.  It takes two inputs (network and power) and produces 
one output (a video signal).  I could call the device a multi-adapter, 
but the power input is so simple and reliable that I forget about it. 
Most of the time I think of the Roku player as a simple adapter from 
Internet packets to a video signal, but electrically, it's definitely a 

Note that the network signal for a Roku player varies wildly, while the 
power is either ~110VAC or ~220VAC.  Multi-adaptation works best when it 
has similar characteristics, I think.  It's safe to allow one of the 
inputs to multi-adaptation to vary a lot, but to keep developers sane, 
the rest of the inputs should be more predictable.  I think 
getMultiAdapter((context, request)) is OK because most web sites have 
only one or two request types.

> Turned around, people know the term "singleton" and they do not know
> the terms "adapters" and "utilities".  "singletons" describe the huge
> majority of how we use these things.  It's something less to explain.
> Making comprehension quicker is very valuable to me.

Do you intend to change the API names in zope.component, then?  For 
example, getUtility -> getSingleton?  That might be possible, but no one 
has suggested it before (AFAIK), and I think it's implied by your 

> ``, b)`` is equivalent to getMultiAdapter((a, b), IFoo)

Using "new" for a name could be a problem for Jython and IronPython 
users, since new is a keyword in other languages.


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Re: [Zope-dev] implementing zope.component 4.0

2009-11-30 Thread Shane Hathaway
Lennart Regebro wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 19:16, Shane Hathaway  wrote:
>> If adding lookup() is a good idea
> Possibly, but it sound like you are looking up (a), when in fact you
> are adapting it. :) Maye IFoo.adapt(a) ?

+1, IFoo.adapt() is better, along with IFoo.utility().

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Re: [Zope-dev] implementing zope.component 4.0

2009-11-30 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Given some feedback about backwards compatibility, I'm leaning to the 
> following adjusted scenario:
> * allow IFoo((a, b)) for multi adaptation. This breaks tuple adaptation. 
> It's not as pretty as IFoo(a, b), but it's pretty tolerable and it *is* 
> actually symmetric with registration.
> * deprecate a non-explicit default such as IFoo(a, default), require 
> IFoo(a, default=default)

While this short spelling of component lookup is attractive and sensible 
for Zopistas, I wonder if it ever really was the best idea.  When a 
developer encounters the IFoo() pattern for the first time, what is 
he/she going to type into a search engine to find out what it means?  I 
can't think of any search phrase that is likely to give a good answer.

JQuery has a similar issue, but because JQuery is a smaller framework, 
the JQuery folks simply put that info right near the top of their 
documentation.  I'm not sure we can do that quite as effectively.

For an alternate spelling, consider what happens when component lookup 
fails: you get a ComponentLookupError.  "Lookup" is interesting.  It 
doesn't yet have any meaning in zope.interface, so I think using a 
method named lookup() would make code more comprehensible.  You would 
use it like this:

 >>> IFoo.lookup(a)

 >>> IFoo.lookup(a, b)

 >>> IFoo.lookup(c)
 >>> IFoo.lookup(c, default='missing')
 >>> IMyUtility.lookup()

When developers encounter this for the first time, they might type 
"zope.interface lookup" in a search engine.  That phrase has a 
reasonable chance of hitting good documentation.

What do you think?

If adding lookup() is a good idea, then all we need to do is add 
lookup() to zope.interface 3.x and deprecate the 2nd parameter of 
IFoo().  After that, we can let multi-year evolution dictate whether 
IFoo() should be deprecated altogether.


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Re: [Zope-dev] improving the utility and adapter lookup APIs

2009-11-26 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> But someone needs to think of a feasible upgrade scenario. We could 
> instrument all calls to IFoo and see whether a default argument is in 
> use, but what then? I'd be hard to distinguish a default argument from 
> one we're meant to adapt. I'd also be non-trivial to scan code.

Here is an interface decorator I intend to try out soon.  It adds 
convenient component lookup methods to a particular interface without 
requiring any changes to zope.interface.

--- (snip) ---

from zope.interface.interfaces import IInterface
from zope.component import getAdapter
from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
from zope.component import getUtility
from zope.component import queryAdapter
from zope.component import queryMultiAdapter
from zope.component import queryUtility

def componentlookup(iface):
 """Decorator: adds zope.component lookup methods to an interface.

 Adds utility([default], [name]) and adapt(*args, [default], [name]).
 assert IInterface.providedBy(iface)

 def utility(**kw):
 if 'default' in kw:
 return queryUtility(iface, **kw)
 return getUtility(iface, **kw)
 iface.utility = utility

 def adapt(*args, **kw):
 if len(args) == 1:
 # simple adapter lookup
 arg = args[0]
 if not 'name' in kw and iface.providedBy(arg):
 # The object passed in already provides this interface,
 # and no adapter name was provided, so return the object
 # unchanged.
 return arg
 if 'default' in kw:
 return queryAdapter(arg, iface, **kw)
 return getAdapter(arg, iface, **kw)

 # multi-adapter lookup
 if 'default' in kw:
 return queryMultiAdapter(args, iface, **kw)
 return getMultiAdapter(args, iface, **kw)
 iface.adapt = adapt

 return iface

--- (snip) ---

Example usage:

 class IFoo(Interface):

 class Foo(object):

 IFoo.adapt(Foo(), HTTPRequest(), name='edit')
 IFoo.adapt(Foo(), name='x')
 IFoo.adapt(Foo(), default=None)

I think class decorators were added in Python 2.6, but in earlier 
Pythons you can do this instead:

 class IFoo(Interface):

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Re: [Zope-dev] ZODB Competing read/writes: How to find out which attribute?

2009-10-10 Thread Shane Hathaway
Hermann Himmelbauer wrote:
> That's exactly the problem - it's a read operation and there should not be 
> any 
> write operation involved. However, it's hard to find out where the write 
> operation in my code occurs, I can't find it in the view, maybe there's 
> something in the authentication code, but I'd have to dig deep through my 
> source. So It would be extremely helpful to know a faster way to find out 
> what code triggered this warning.

The code that modifies something will indirectly call the register() 
method of the ZODB.Connection class.  If you arrange for 
Connection.register() to raise an exception when the transaction is not 
supposed to modify anything, you should get a traceback that pinpoints 
what is doing the modification.  Unfortunately, there is no API for 
that, so the easiest thing to do is modify the source code of the 
register() method in ZODB.Connection.  Fortunately, this is Python, so 
modifying someone else's code is usually quite easy. :-)


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Re: [Zope-dev] ZODB Competing read/writes: How to find out which attribute?

2009-10-09 Thread Shane Hathaway
Hermann Himmelbauer wrote:
> Hi,
> I once in the while get the following warning in my Zope 3 log, which I'd 
> like 
> to resolve:
> 2009-10-07T14:35:41 WARNING ZopePublication Competing writes/reads 
> at 
> /BSPSite/act/ 
> database conflict error (oid 0x7a5d, class BTrees.OOBTree.OOBTree, serial 
> this txn started with 0x0381388ca6804966 2009-10-07 12:28:39.023700, serial 
> currently committed 0x03813893b087d0cc 2009-10-07 12:35:41.374343)

That URL looks like it should only be reading the database, but the fact 
that you get a conflict error suggests that the code behind that URL is 
writing to the database.  If I were you, I would first ensure that read 
operations never write to the database.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Zope 2 WebDAV and acquisition

2009-10-05 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martin Aspeli wrote:
>> Can anyone explain why that condition is there? Otherwise, I'll rip it 
>> out. ;-)

As I recall, this code is convoluted because it's hard to tell whether 
an HTTP request is a WebDAV request.  If there is now a way to clearly 
distinguish WebDAV requests, then I imagine this code can be greatly 
simplified.  This code had to deal with Windows 95 and such.

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Re: [Zope-dev] Proposal: refactoring

2009-08-21 Thread Shane Hathaway
Hi Dan,

I'll provide feedback for a few parts of your proposal.

Dan Korostelev wrote:
> xmlprc - move the IXMLRPCView interface and XMLRPCView base class to
> zope.publisher as a counterpart to zope.publisher.browser.BrowserView.
> Move MethodPublisher, MethodTraverser, xmlrpc:view ZCML directive to
> new "zope.xmlrpcview" package. Also I'd merge MethodTraverser with
> MethodPublisher to make it easier to understand and to decrease number
> of entities :)

Few developers care about XML-RPC these days.  Most web developers are 
now working with REST, JSON, and other similar stuff.  It's probably 
best to move all XML-RPC artifacts, including those in zope.publisher, 
to a single package, so that most developers can safely ignore the 
XML-RPC code.

> IXMLRPCPublisher adapters for zope.container - move them to
> zope.container. The IBrowserPublisher adapters that are already there,
> so it won't make things worser. The zope.container package may be
> refactored later to break dependency on zope.publisher though.

You need Jim Fulton's input on this.  I think his latest opinion is that 
zope.container should have nothing to do with publishing.

> IHTTPView and IFTPView interfaces - move that into zope.publisher as a
> counterpart to IBrowserView. (BTW, shouldn't IBrowserView be a
> subclass of IHTTPView?)

In land, sometimes IHTTP* really means INonBrowser*.  In other 
words, sometimes people want to define views just for HTTP ports not 
intended for web browsers.

> IFTPDirectoryPublisher interface - not sure what's this and where is
> it used. Probably should be moved to zope.publisher.interfaces.ftp as
> well.

FTP is in the same boat as XML-RPC.  Today, very few developers care to 
provide a dynamic FTP view of anything.  WebDAV usually wins over FTP 
because adding SSL to WebDAV is easy.  All FTP artifacts should move to 
a separate package.

> That's all for now. I'd like to see some
> comments/propositions/objections before I start. Also, maybe there are
> more beautiful names for new packages?

The names you proposed seem ok.

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Re: [Zope-dev] Simplifying dependencies of

2009-08-06 Thread Shane Hathaway
Fabio Tranchitella wrote:
> My knowledge of the zope.publisher is too limited to do any change in this
> area, but to me it looks like these configurations (both of them) should be
> perfomed by (removing the dependency zope.container ->
> zope.publisher), but conditionally (zcml:condition) only if zope.container
> is installed, (removing the dependency ->
> zope.container).

I'm hoping Jim will soon take charge of zope.publisher, zope.traversing, 
zope.container, and, because he seems to be the only 
one who knows how they are supposed to be related.  For example, which 
packages should be aware of XML-RPC?  I would guess that none of them 
should have any notion of XML-RPC, and that there should be a 
"zope.xmlrpc" package, but my confidence in that guess is very low.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Why does zope.tales explicitly pin versions in buildout.cfg?

2009-08-05 Thread Shane Hathaway
Fabio Tranchitella wrote:
> Is there a specific reason for having the version pinning? Automatic testing 
> of
> zope.tales obviously fails using the KGS, because zope.traversing there is
> 3.7.1.
> Is it possible to remove the "versions" stanza?

Sure.  Pinned versions are OK for a maintenance branch, but not the trunk.


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Re: [Zope-dev] zope.index 3.5.2 broken

2009-08-03 Thread Shane Hathaway
Chris McDonough wrote:
> On 8/3/09 1:07 PM, Shane Hathaway wrote:
>> How insane were these tests?  Well, the author of the tests noticed that
>> the C optimization produces different scores than the Python version,
>> and compensated for that in a way that dramatically reduced readability.
> /me hangs head in shame.

That was you?  Well, it could have been worse. :-)

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Re: [Zope-dev] zope.index 3.5.2 broken

2009-08-03 Thread Shane Hathaway
Marius Gedminas wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 02, 2009 at 08:48:24PM +0200, Andreas Jung wrote:
>> Hi,
>> the doctests for zope.index 3.5.2 - as used in Zope 2.12  - fail badly:
>> File
>> "/home/ajung/.buildout/eggs/zope.index-3.5.2-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/zope/index/text/tests/../textindex.txt",
>> line 143, in textindex.txt
>> Failed example:
>> [(k, "%.4f" % v) for (k, v) in index2.apply("Zorro").items()] == result
> I'm assuming items() returns a plain Python dictionary with string keys.
> Python's string hashes return different valuesfor half of all the strings
> on 64-bit machines.  This influences the ordering of dictionary keys and
> some other things too (such as the sequence of random numbers you get if
> you use a string as the seed).
> Add a sorted() on both sides and the test should pass.

Actually, those tests were plain insane and I've fixed them on the 
trunk.  I intend to make a new zope.index release today.

How insane were these tests?  Well, the author of the tests noticed that 
the C optimization produces different scores than the Python version, 
and compensated for that in a way that dramatically reduced readability. 
  Furthermore, the C code was producing incorrect results due to an 
unsafe optimization that accidentally took 32 bits of a Python float and 
pretended it was an integer.  The breakage only became obvious when we 
started taking 64 bits instead, leading to completely different results.

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Re: [Zope-dev] Linux x86_64 [Was: Zope Tests: 3 OK, 5 Failed]

2009-07-25 Thread Shane Hathaway
Hanno Schlichting wrote:
> I kind of suspect that we are seeing the results of
> though.

That is very likely.  BTW, that PEP links to a handy tool that reveals 
most 64 bit portability issues in Python-oriented C code.

>>From what I understand we need to change code in C extension modules
> following the instructions in that PEP, to be able to run code
> reliably on 64-bit platforms. To my knowledge nobody changed any C
> code in Zope yet to do so.

We fixed the C portability problems in Zope 3 a while back, but it seems 
we didn't fix the extensions that are specific to Zope 2.

> The other interesting bit to this is, that it seems doable but hard to
> do these changes while preserving compatibility with Python 2.4. These
> changes along with the definition of "Py_ssize_t" were introduced into
> Python 2.5.

Preprocessor macros solve that fairly cleanly, actually:

#ifndef Py_ssize_t
#define Py_ssize_t int

> At this point I think we need to declare 64-bit platforms as
> unsupported. Hopefully people with the right kind of knowledge would
> like to step up and start working on these issues.

I just checked in some code that solves the portability problem in 
zope.index, although I haven't created a release.  It looks like the 
Acquisition module needs some 64 bit TLC.

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Re: [Zope-dev] SVN: Zope/trunk/versions.cfg Revert r101557 and put back version pins for zodbcode and These are actual dependencies of, which in turn is a test d

2009-07-06 Thread Shane Hathaway
Tres Seaver wrote:
> Hanno Schlichting wrote:
>> Log message for revision 101616: Revert r101557 and put back
>> version pins for zodbcode and These are actual
>> dependencies of, which in turn is a test
>> dependency of numerous packages we use. Having a consistent known
>> set of packages for tests is as important as having one for
>> production.
> Shouldn't we just rip zodbcode et al out of a new version of
> zcmlfiles?


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Re: [Zope-dev] RFC: ZTK custom publications,, and zope.traversing

2009-06-23 Thread Shane Hathaway
Jim Fulton wrote:
> On Jun 23, 2009, at 2:36 PM, Shane Hathaway wrote:
>> Jim Fulton wrote:
>>> They wouldn't. They don't use the URL traversal code. Non-URL  
>>> traversal code would move to zope.tales. zope.container would depend  
>>> on zope.tales rather than on zope.traversing.
>> For my own education, I would like to understand why it makes sense 
>> for zope.container to depend on zope.tales.  This dependency suggests 
>> people need to understand ZPT in order to understand container 
>> relationships, which seems wrong to me.
> Because it provides traversal adapters needed soley by zope.tales.

Sorry, you lost me on the first sentence (and the rest doesn't make 
sense yet to me as a result).  You first said that zope.container is 
going to depend on zope.tales.  Now you're saying zope.tales is going to 
depend on zope.container.  If you meant the latter, then I understand. :-)


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Re: [Zope-dev] RFC: ZTK custom publications,, and zope.traversing

2009-06-23 Thread Shane Hathaway
Jim Fulton wrote:
> They wouldn't. They don't use the URL traversal code. Non-URL  
> traversal code would move to zope.tales. zope.container would depend  
> on zope.tales rather than on zope.traversing.

For my own education, I would like to understand why it makes sense for 
zope.container to depend on zope.tales.  This dependency suggests people 
need to understand ZPT in order to understand container relationships, 
which seems wrong to me.


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Re: [Zope-dev] [Checkins] SVN: zope.traversing/trunk/src/zope/traversing/ Moved the publicationtraverse module from and added tests.

2009-06-20 Thread Shane Hathaway
Jim Fulton wrote:
> Why?  traverseName is part of's implementation.   
> Now it's oddly split off in a very separate package.

The publisher traversal code is very similar to the code in
zope.traversing, so I thought the best thing to do is put it in the same
package as zope.traversing, so that traversal would be maintained in one

> Or, better yet, traverseRelativeURL and traversePath should be moved  
> to the browser module and should get traverseName from  
> request.publication.
> I'll go ahead and do this.

That's fine.

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Re: [Zope-dev] HA storage for zope

2009-06-12 Thread Shane Hathaway
Chris Withers wrote:
> It's a shame that the 2 or 3 times I've tried to organise purchase of 
> ZRS for customers, the Zope Corp sales process hasn't succeeded in 
> delivering anything :-(
> (I'm not 100% on the details, but it may just have been that the prices 
> were extortionate...)

I disagree.  The kind of fault tolerance ZRS provides is hard to achieve 
without a lot of either time or money.  I suspect ZRS is less expensive 
than a new replicated Oracle setup, or paying a developer to invent 
something new.

(I only recommend Oracle + RelStorage to people who have already 
invested deeply in Oracle.)


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Re: [Zope-dev] HA storage for zope

2009-06-03 Thread Shane Hathaway
Hanno Schlichting wrote:
> Wichert Akkerman wrote:
>> [lots of great info about RelStorage]

I couldn't have said it better. :-)  Thanks guys.


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Re: [Zope-dev] package dependency refactoring progress report

2009-05-25 Thread Shane Hathaway
Tres Seaver wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Shane Hathaway wrote:
>> Martijn Faassen wrote:
>>> It's interesting to see zope.deprecation is a new dependency. We could 
>>> consider changing these deprecations to simple imports if this is 
>>> possible...
>> Certainly, but what is the right way to deprecate code, then?  I'm not 
>> very happy about including zope.deprecation either, since it uses the 
>> sys.modules trick just like zope.deferredimport, but those deprecation 
>> warnings are important, aren't they?
> Not so much, IMO.  I think we can leave simple BBB imports in place,
> warning-free, forever (with a '#BBB' comment so that people don't delete
> them as unused imports).

Ok, I've replaced all the zope.deprecation imports I added with BBB. 
What does BBB stand for anyway?


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Re: [Zope-dev] package dependency refactoring progress report

2009-05-25 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> I'm not sure about; there's already a which likely 
> does something quite different, and I think a "" package should 
> actually *talk* about REST. What about "zope.httpview" instead?

Well, no, I don't think it's generic enough to call that. 
is almost a webdav implementation, except I'm not sure it implements 
enough to actually work with most webdav clients.

> Another note, I think we should consider splitting off 
>, which looks quite independent from the rest, 
> into its own package. So:
> -> zope.view, zope.xmlrpcview

I've pondered this split before, but AFAICT it would only increase the 
number of dependencies, so I've been waiting for the graph to shrink 
before talking about it.


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Re: [Zope-dev] package dependency refactoring progress report

2009-05-25 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> It's interesting to see zope.deprecation is a new dependency. We could 
> consider changing these deprecations to simple imports if this is 
> possible...

Certainly, but what is the right way to deprecate code, then?  I'm not 
very happy about including zope.deprecation either, since it uses the 
sys.modules trick just like zope.deferredimport, but those deprecation 
warnings are important, aren't they?

> Knowing there are no cycles besides the zope.container one, this graph 
> starts to look comprehensible, that's good. :)

It's still really big though.  Hmph.

Thanks for the new graphs!

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Re: [Zope-dev] package dependency refactoring progress report

2009-05-23 Thread Shane Hathaway
Marius Gedminas wrote:
> On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 08:59:34PM +0200, Martijn Faassen wrote:
>> What about simply calling it zope.view? (I don't like the plural in 
>> package names either generally)
> FWIW at some point I decided that singular is appropriate when a package
> defines a concept, and plural is appropriate when a package provides
> multiple implementations of that concept.
> Thus you have zope.interface but zope.$anything.interfaces.

In this case it's a plural of metaconfiguration.  Maybe "zope.viewzcml"? 
  I think that would express the intent even better.

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Re: [Zope-dev] package dependency refactoring progress report

2009-05-23 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Shane Hathaway wrote:
>> - A library of ZCML directives for configuring 
>> views.  Also provides generic view classes.  A better name for this 
>> package might be "zope.basicviews".  A lot of packages depend on this.
> I'm not sure 'basic' needs to be in there. Do we have anything less basic?
> What about simply calling it zope.view? (I don't like the plural in 
> package names either generally)

Sounds good to me.

>> - Provides IPublication implementations and a 
>> mechanism/registry for choosing a different publication class for each 
>> request.  Most packages should not depend on this.  A better name might 
>> be "zope.publicationregistry".
> I'm fine with this. I was considering 'zope.publication', but we already 
> have 'zope.publisher' so that'd get very confusing again, something we 
> should avoid.


>> - Provides generic views that translate HTTP verbs like 
>> PUT, DELETE, and OPTIONS into map operations.  The idea is clever, but 
>> not everyone needs a REST-style API.  A better name might be 
>> "zope.httpverbs".
> Even though I don't really like the plural, I think 'zope.http' would 
> promise a bit too much, so 'zope.httpverbs' sound better.

Another option is "", because a simple REST interface is what 
the package tries to accomplish.

> So if we get some consensus about this, we need volunteers that can help 
> move the code over to these new packages and leave backwards compatible 
> imports in the old places. Is there anything in these packages we can 
> safely leave behind do you think? (ZMI related, perhaps?)

I haven't come across anything we'd want to leave behind.

Summarizing: -> zope.view -> zope.publicationregistry ->

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Re: [Zope-dev] package dependency refactoring progress report

2009-05-23 Thread Shane Hathaway
Shane Hathaway wrote:
> Martijn Faassen wrote:
>> Shane Hathaway wrote:
>>> In all, I changed 6 packages.  Should I release them now, or should I 
>>> look for other dependencies we might clean up at the same time?  
>> I'm +1 on releasing now. (and thanks for making them feature releases) 
>> Getting these things out there gives everybody who plays with this nicer 
>> dependency graphs and this tends to help improvement.
> Ok, I intend to release them today.

Done.  I look forward to seeing the changes in the dependency graph.


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Re: [Zope-dev] package dependency refactoring progress report

2009-05-23 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Shane Hathaway wrote:
>> - I used zope.deferred to deprecate things I moved from 
>>,, and  Are there 
>> any objections to using zope.deferred in those packages?
> No objection, but what's the reason to use zope.deferred instead of 
> straight imports or zope.deprecation? To break the dependencies?

I had forgotten about zope.deprecation. :-)  I'll switch to that.

>> In all, I changed 6 packages.  Should I release them now, or should I 
>> look for other dependencies we might clean up at the same time?  
> I'm +1 on releasing now. (and thanks for making them feature releases) 
> Getting these things out there gives everybody who plays with this nicer 
> dependency graphs and this tends to help improvement.

Ok, I intend to release them today.


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Re: [Zope-dev] package dependency refactoring progress report

2009-05-23 Thread Shane Hathaway
Shane Hathaway wrote:
> Martijn Faassen wrote:
>> So, the only dependency cycles left in are these:
>> <--> <-->
> I fixed those tonight.  On the trunk, there are no longer any 
> dependencies between,, and 
>, except testing dependencies.

I should take a moment to describe the different purposes of these 
packages as I see them now.  Conceptually, they are really quite 

- A library of ZCML directives for configuring 
views.  Also provides generic view classes.  A better name for this 
package might be "zope.basicviews".  A lot of packages depend on this.

- Provides IPublication implementations and a 
mechanism/registry for choosing a different publication class for each 
request.  Most packages should not depend on this.  A better name might 
be "zope.publicationregistry".

- Provides generic views that translate HTTP verbs like 
PUT, DELETE, and OPTIONS into map operations.  The idea is clever, but 
not everyone needs a REST-style API.  A better name might be 

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Re: [Zope-dev] package dependency refactoring progress report

2009-05-23 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> So, the only dependency cycles left in are these:
> <--> <-->

I fixed those tonight.  On the trunk, there are no longer any 
dependencies between,, and, except testing dependencies.

Here is a summary of what I did:

- Moved the publication traversal code to zope.traversing and simplified 
it from 3 classes to 1.  This did not increase the dependencies of 
zope.traversing at all, since publication traversal is only slightly 
different from the traversal logic already in zope.traversing.  It also 
opens the doors for someday moving the gnarly traversal code in 
zope.publisher to something saner in zope.traversing.

- Moved an XML-RPC view registration from to

- Moved IHTTPException, IMethodNotAllowed, and the MethodNotAllowed 
exception class to zope.publisher.interfaces.http.  This move decoupled from

- Moved getDefaultViewName() and queryDefaultViewName() to 
zope.publisher.defaultview.  If you look at the commit messages, you'll 
see that I first attempted a different move that included the 
 handler, but that move turned out wrong for other 
packages and I reverted it.

- I used zope.deferred to deprecate things I moved from,, and  Are there 
any objections to using zope.deferred in those packages?

In all, I changed 6 packages.  Should I release them now, or should I 
look for other dependencies we might clean up at the same time?  The 
changed packages are:

zope.traversing (3.7.0)
zope.publisher (3.8.0) (3.8.0) (3.7.0) (3.6.0) (3.5.5; bugfix only)


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Re: [Zope-dev] package dependency refactoring progress report

2009-05-22 Thread Shane Hathaway
Chris McDonough wrote:
> On 5/22/09 1:11 PM, Martijn Faassen wrote:
>> After some work we'd gotten it down to this:
>> And by now the main cycles left are these:
>> So, the only dependency cycles left in are these:
> In isolation, it sort of looks like we should just collapse 
> and *into*, given that the relationships 
> between the packages are all cyclical.

Well, and are really completely 
different, despite their similar names. is a 
publisher implementation, while contains publishable 
resources.  IMHO, is more broadly useful than

So I'm working on removing the dependency from to  It's mostly done, but I'm writing tests for the 
code I'm moving, since it never had any tests...

I'm thinking about also removing the reverse dependency 
( ->  I think the default view 
name logic might belong in publication, not publisher.

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Re: [Zope-dev] Zope 2.12.0 beta 1 released

2009-05-20 Thread Shane Hathaway
Andreas Jung wrote:
> I will cut a beta 2 release by tomorrow.
> Objections?

A couple of bugs have been fixed in ZODB, so it might be useful to get 
another ZODB release out first.

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Re: [Zope-dev] dependencies (volunteersneeded!)

2009-05-20 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> It might actually be the best to move these ZCML directives *down* into 
> zope.component. That won't affect the dependencies of zope.component at 
> all in fact; the [zcml] dependencies of zope.component already need all 
> the dependencies that's view and resource directives 
> implement.

I see that zope.component now relies fairly heavily on the setuptools 
"extras_require", which makes the proposed move possible.  At what point 
did we decide extras_require is good?  Just curious.


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Re: [Zope-dev] zope2.12.a04 / relstorage / errors

2009-05-04 Thread Shane Hathaway
Jürgen Herrmann wrote:
> ZConfig.SchemaResourceError: import name does not refer to a package
>   Package name: 'relstorage'
>   File name: 'component.xml'
>   Package path: None

I need to make a new release of RelStorage before this will work. 
RelStorage 1.1.3 does not work with ZODB 3.9, but the current RelStorage 
trunk does.  I intend to package and release a compatible version today 
or tomorrow.

FWIW, I suspect ZConfig is attempting to import relstorage and getting 
an ImportError due to the incompatibility, but then ZConfig is 
converting the ImportError into a strange SchemaResourceError.  It would 
be much better if ZConfig just propagated the ImportError.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Proposal: set __parent__ and __name__ in Zope 2.12 OFS

2009-04-27 Thread Shane Hathaway wrote:
> On 27.04.2009 22:56 Uhr, Shane Hathaway wrote:
>> Lennart Regebro wrote:
>>> Or, we could release 2.12 soon, and then start working on 2.13, a
>> +1.  We need an eggified, Buildout-friendly Zope 2 that's fully 
>> compatible with Zope 2.11.  
> Zope 2.11???

In other words, let's not discuss any more sweeping changes for Zope 
2.12.  I want an eggified Zope 2 release soon so that RelStorage is 
easier to support. :-)

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Re: [Zope-dev] Proposal: set __parent__ and __name__ in Zope 2.12 OFS

2009-04-27 Thread Shane Hathaway
Lennart Regebro wrote:
> Or, we could release 2.12 soon, and then start working on 2.13, a

+1.  We need an eggified, Buildout-friendly Zope 2 that's fully 
compatible with Zope 2.11.  Development after that should be smoother, 
since then we'll all be working with eggs.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Defining Zope 3.

2009-04-20 Thread Shane Hathaway
Lennart Regebro wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 23:32, Shane Hathaway  wrote:
>> Also, it follows the open source tradition of slightly whimsical names.  The
>> logo could be a train engine driven by a Zope fish. :-)
> Done. Does this mailing list accept attachements?

Wowsers.  LOL!


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Re: [Zope-dev] Defining Zope 3.

2009-04-20 Thread Shane Hathaway
Lennart Regebro wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 18:42, Shane Hathaway  wrote:
>> It occurred to me that one simple test of a Zope naming scheme is to
>> consider what employers will write in job descriptions.
> That's a bloody good point.

Thanks.  I take it this point reinforces your proposal that we should 
both create Zope Toolkit as a subset of Zope 3, *and* rename Zope 3 to 
something else.

We could rename Zope 3 to "Zope Toolkit Reference Application for the 
InterNet", or ZTRAIN.  This name expresses several intents:

- Zope 3 is the reference application for building something for the 
Internet on top of Zope Toolkit.

- Not all of the Zope community is using it.  If everyone were using it, 
we would call it simply Zope.  However, someone is using it, otherwise 
we wouldn't bother naming it.

- Zope 3 was derailed (pun, ha ha) a bit and now we're trying to put it 
back on track.

- People who like Ruby on Rails might like this too.

Also, it follows the open source tradition of slightly whimsical names. 
  The logo could be a train engine driven by a Zope fish. :-)


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Re: [Zope-dev] Defining Zope 3.

2009-04-20 Thread Shane Hathaway
Shane Hathaway wrote:
> 1. "Candidate must be have Zope 3 experience."
> 2. "Candidate must be experienced with the Zope Toolkit."

Of course I meant...

1. "Candidate must have Zope 3 experience."

2. "Candidate must have Zope Toolkit experience."


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Re: [Zope-dev] Defining Zope 3.

2009-04-20 Thread Shane Hathaway
Albertas Agejevas wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 08:32:52AM -0600, Shane Hathaway wrote:
>> Given that definition, Zope Toolkit will start relatively small, since
>> much of Zope 3 does not yet qualify.  However, as people refine
>> packages, the packages will be reconsidered for inclusion in the Zope
>> Toolkit, and the Zope Toolkit will hopefully grow into something similar
>> to what we currently know as Zope 3.
>> Zope 3 can't die; people are relying on it and maintaining it.  The
>> maintainers are doing a rather good job too, IMHO.  The checkins list
>> has been active lately.  We don't have to create any more Zope 3
>> tarballs, but we should keep up the KGS.
>> The Zope Toolkit will be the subset that's good for building
>> applications, web sites, and frameworks.  Zope 3 will be designed only
>> for building applications and web sites.
> +1, this sounds like a good way forward.


It occurred to me that one simple test of a Zope naming scheme is to 
consider what employers will write in job descriptions.  Consider these 

1. "Candidate must be have Zope 3 experience."

2. "Candidate must be experienced with the Zope Toolkit."

#1 is ambiguous.  If I'm highly experienced with Grok or Repoze, doesn't 
that count?  What if I'm a modern Plone developer?  If the HR department 
does the hiring, they are likely to disqualify good candidates.

#2 should allow developers experienced with Grok, Repoze, modern Plone, 
and possibly even Twisted, but does not allow old-school Zope 2 or 
inexperienced Python developers.  This seems much more like what typical 
employers want to express.

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Re: [Zope-dev] Defining Zope 3.

2009-04-18 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> You're right of course, I apologize for going that way. I have little 
> excuse for that.

You've taken a lot of heat in this thread.  I hope that doesn't bother
you too much, because I think you're an extremely valuable team member.
 This kind of discussion is hard, but it is an important part of any
mature project.

I find it rather encouraging that so many people are participating in
this thread.  Clearly, the Zope project has many dedicated contributors.

I don't know how valuable my opinion about all of this is, but I'll
suggest it in case it's useful.

In my mind, I've been thinking of Zope Toolkit as the subset of Zope 3
that has well-managed dependencies.  Zope 3 already has good code and
excellent test coverage, but what's controversial about it is the mad
package dependency graph as you reach inside

Given that definition, Zope Toolkit will start relatively small, since
much of Zope 3 does not yet qualify.  However, as people refine
packages, the packages will be reconsidered for inclusion in the Zope
Toolkit, and the Zope Toolkit will hopefully grow into something similar
to what we currently know as Zope 3.

Zope 3 can't die; people are relying on it and maintaining it.  The
maintainers are doing a rather good job too, IMHO.  The checkins list
has been active lately.  We don't have to create any more Zope 3
tarballs, but we should keep up the KGS.

The Zope Toolkit will be the subset that's good for building
applications, web sites, and frameworks.  Zope 3 will be designed only
for building applications and web sites.

I'll be able to recommend Zope Toolkit to friends without hesitation.
They will be able to learn the ZTK in small steps because the dependency
graph will be comprehensible.  It will never be necessary to learn all
of ZTK to be productive.  Many will start with the ZTK and eventually
realize they only need a small subset of ZTK.  They will be happy when
they discover how easy it is to use a subset of ZTK.

Zope 3 is the thing I'll still recommend to people who decide they want
to drink all of Zope in at once.  Some people have good reasons to want
that, after all.


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Re: [Zope-dev] uuid.UUID as a rock in

2009-04-10 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Stephan Richter wrote:
>> On Friday 10 April 2009, Jim Fulton wrote:
 Unfortunately these are ZC's use cases.
>>> They are not just ZC's use cases.
>> Keas is relying on that safety heavily too. Anyone who wants to build a 
>> secure 
>> DSL based on Python really wants
> Okay, second case of such usage noticed.
> One thing that worries me is that PyPy folks keep saying it probably 
> isn't really secure, though they refuse to specify why not when Chris 
> Withers tried to find out last year at EuroPython.

I suspect that's because Python allows anything by default; and RestrictedPython only provide a way to close known 
holes.  The security model of Javascript running in a browser is very 
similar, though, and that seems to be good enough for most people.

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Re: [Zope-dev] naming Zope

2009-04-09 Thread Shane Hathaway
Chris McDonough wrote:
> On 4/9/09 4:25 PM, Martijn Faassen wrote:
>> If nobody volunteers to do this (feel free to organize more volunteers),
>> we'll stick with Zope Framework.
>> Let me know if you're going to do this and when you're done.
> All done except for the renaming of the steering group.  I'm not sure where 
> to 
> rename that.

Grr.  Way to end a bikeshed discussion.  Now what are we going to drone 
on about?



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Re: [Zope-dev] naming Zope

2009-04-09 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> If nobody volunteers to do this (feel free to organize more volunteers), 
> we'll stick with Zope Framework.
> Let me know if you're going to do this and when you're done.

FWIW, I think this particular pile of libraries is in fact best 
described by the name "framework", because the code we're discussing 
often calls user code rather than the other way around.  For example, 
looking up and using an adapter is deep in framework territory.

The name framework has earned a bad name just because there are so many 
bad frameworks out there, but there are plenty of good ones too.  Good 
frameworks use library-like patterns where possible, falling back to 
carefully designed framework-like patterns.  Zope Framework will be one 
of the best frameworks.


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Re: [Zope-dev] naming Zope

2009-04-08 Thread Shane Hathaway

Tres Seaver wrote:
> WRT the "Framework" name: "framework" is a misleading name for the
> collection of packages salvaged from the "new Coke" effort:  it is
> actually a *bunch* of frameworks, in the classic software engineering
> sense, along with some "pure" libraries.

Zope Toolkit, perhaps?  (No relationship to Portal Toolkit. :-] )

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Re: [Zope-dev] naming Zope

2009-04-08 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> If we don't call Zope Framework "4.0", we'll be fine. We should call its 
> first release 1.0 and there's no implication of a progression.

+1 on calling it Zope Framework 1.0.  We need the people who have been 
burned by past Zope releases to take another look, because we believe 
Zope is finally getting simpler.  Those people would assume 
Zope-anything 4.0 is just piling on more complexity, while a version 1.0 
release would invalidate that assumption and suggest they take another look.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Constant values defined in interfaces

2009-04-04 Thread Shane Hathaway
Chris McDonough wrote:
> FTR, I do often put
> constants in an "" module at module scope (if there are more than
> one related, sometimes in a dictionary or within a non-interface class
> statement) in order to not feel I need to create some "" module.
> Maybe we could just agree that doing so isn't some sort of violation of 
> intent?



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Re: [Zope-dev] zope.password

2009-03-18 Thread Shane Hathaway
Christian Theune wrote:
> I remember that at the sprint we used to identify packages which are
> "always good". E.g. zope.interface is a declared no-brainer to add to
> your dependencies. The other two that keep popping up that we *might*
> wanna white-list are zope.schema and zope.component.

To whitelist zope.component would be quite interesting.  As I recall, 
there was a time when all packages that depended on zope.component were 
required to be in the namespace.

I don't object to the idea, though.  We're using zope.schema and 
zope.component almost like language features.

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Re: [Zope-dev] setting missing minimum version in

2009-03-17 Thread Shane Hathaway
Roger Ineichen wrote:
> What do you do if version x.y works with d.e.d but not with
> d.e.e (because it's borken) and fixed in d.e.f.
> This means you could use d.e.d or d.e.f. but not d.e.e
> What's your solution then?
> Fix the version to d.e.d or d.e.f or skip fixing versions?

The version requirements in should specify only API 
compatibility.  They have nothing to do with bug fixes; that's the 
domain of the KGS.  How about an example.

Let's say we have zope.schema version 5.2, which requires zope.interface 
version 4.1 because zope.interface version 4.0 has a different API. 
Let's also say that zope.interface version 4.1.5 has a bug that breaks 
zope.schema, but versions 4.1.4 and 4.1.6 are OK.  Since that level of 
detail is burdensome and unnecessary for files, zope.schema 
should require "zope.interface >= 4.1" and let the KGS provide the finer 
detail.  People who don't use a KGS will be fine because they'll get 
4.1.6+ as soon as it's released.

> Note; Not that fixing versions in a package is a bad thing
> in general. But such fixed versions will mess up the KGS
> that's the bad part. And since the KGS solves any kind of
> version conflict problems, there is no way to do it in a
> package anymore.

The KGS is too fine grained for many uses.  I, for example, would like 
to use the latest z3c.form, but I really can't, because it relies on a 
bunch of other packages with revised APIs and the API requirements are 
not written anywhere.  I don't care about bugs; I can fix bugs.  What I 
can't do is read other developer's minds to discover API version 

Note that if I could use the current z3c.form, I would also be able to 
help develop it.  Surely many other developers face similar 
circumstances.  Thus I believe the Zope project is quietly missing 
opportunities for developers to get involved due to the lack of 
coarse-grained version requirements.

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Re: [Zope-dev] Namespace declaration using pkgutil vs pkg_resources

2009-03-11 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martijn Faassen wrote:
>Since ``setuptools`` is a dependency of our packages anyway, we
>can instead do the following::
>Feel free to use that and also feel free to simplify existing
>```` modules. Just make sure ``setuptools`` is a declared
>dependency of the package.

Nit: In this case, two lines are better than one.

   import pkg_resources

There's no need to use the lesser known __import__ function when an 
ordinary import statement will do.


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[Zope-dev] Extras (was zope.password)

2009-03-10 Thread Shane Hathaway
Stephan Richter wrote:
> On Tuesday 10 March 2009, Dan Korostelev wrote:
>>> Either you have a dependency and declare it or you don't have a
>>> dependency. Since we don't want to use "extras" anymore, I think this
>>> calls for another package which depends on zope.password and zope.schema.
>> I still don't like/get the idea of creating and maintaining extra
>> package that merely contains a vocabulary factory for another package.
>> Whatever, I reverted that change. Roger, just exclude
>>'s "password.zcml" file, include
>> "zope.password" explicitly and define your own vocabulary.
> I think we have become dependency paranoid. And we embrace package 
> proliferation instead, which in my opinion is equally bad. If you really hate 
> the dependency, make it an extra requires. I know that goes against the 
> latest guidelines as well...*sigh*
> My big problem here is that we dismiss all solutions but new packages. We 
> want 
> to minimize dependencies and not have extra includes. The only choice left is 
> a separate package. We should, however try to make the number of packages a 
> parameter too.

It seems to me that "extras" are a lot like Gentoo USE flags, except 
that the infrastructure for USE flags is much more complete.  USE flags 
are an essential feature of Gentoo.  Perhaps if the Python packaging 
chain had similar infrastructure, there would no longer be a reason to 
avoid extras and we could solve packaging and dependency problems a lot 
more easily.

Here are a few things you can do with USE flags that you can't yet do 
with extras:

- You can enable or disable a USE flag globally (yet override it 
per-package).  If you don't need X-Windows on your server, just add "-X" 
to /etc/make.conf, and nothing will be built with optional X support. 
If we had this feature, we would just add "-zope.component" to 
buildout.cfg and nothing would be installed with optional component 
architecture support.

- Packagers can specify whether a USE flag should be enabled by default.

- USE flags can cause whole chunks of code to not be compiled or 
installed.  I would love to be able to specify "-coptimizations" to 
build a Zope app without any optional C optimizations.  (That way, 
tracebacks would often be more informative.)

These days I run both a Gentoo and an Ubuntu box.  The Gentoo box has 
more features, but fewer packages, because Gentoo doesn't have to divide 
packages to avoid dependencies.

My $0.02.

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Re: [Zope-dev] zope.publisher dependencies

2009-03-06 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
> [snip]
>> I'd rather leave zope.publsiher more or less alone, but develop a new  
>> thing that has the basic/core functionality we need and refactor  
>> zope.publisher to use that. 
> I had the impression Shane was doing that; i.e. building zope.pipeline 
> factoring bits out of the publisher but not really changing the 
> publisher very much itself, creating a new structure instead. Shane, is 
> that correct?

Yes.  I think Jim and I are saying the same thing there.  The current 
code in zope.pipeline doesn't reflect that thinking, though, because we 
really need to divide zope.publisher somehow before a project like this 
makes sense.

> +1 on the WebOb compatibility. I imagine it should be possible to 
> reconstruct our request and response interfaces on top of WebOb's. We 
> should also think of ways so that code can get the WebOb request 
> directly instead of having to go through these adapters. I'd also be 
> much in favor of reusing WebOb's implementation, not just the APIs. I 
> think it could help us replace part of the publisher.

That should be a great thing to work on in a sprint.

> Thanks. I'm very much in favor of you guys talking at PyCon if that's 
> the best way to make progress. I'm also looking forward to seeing Shane 
> again at PyCon after meeting him so briefly all these years ago when I 
> was still young and nimble. So I'm glad to hear he's going to make it! 
> I'm also happy I'll get to see you again as well!

I'll be the one who arrives Monday afternoon without much hair on top. :-)

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Re: [Zope-dev] zope.publisher dependencies

2009-03-06 Thread Shane Hathaway
Jim Fulton wrote:
> I'd rather leave zope.publsiher more or less alone, but develop a new 
> thing that has the basic/core functionality we need and refactor 
> zope.publisher to use that.  I'd also like to use or be compatible with 
> WebOb on that. I'd prefer to do this at PyCon where I'll have time to 
> pay attention and where there will be higher bandwidth communication.

I look forward to PyCon! :-)


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Re: [Zope-dev] zope.publisher dependencies

2009-03-05 Thread Shane Hathaway
Jim Fulton wrote:
> - It's not well enough documented.  While I think there's merit in doing 
> some things at the WSGI level, I remain pretty happy with the 
> publication interface for separatating generic publisher functions from 
> application policies.  I which the use of this API was better 
> communicated and understood.

I hope you're not asking me to write documentation for zope.publisher 
:-), because I only understand the mechanics.  The overall scope and 
purpose is cloudy to me.  In particular, I don't understand how the 
publication interface is actually generic.  Does it fit the needs of 
anything other than Zope?

> A less major complaint is some baggage from the past. There are a number 
> of request features that I never use and tend to forget about. The 
> biggest of these is the special form data unmarshalling and url 
> manipulation support. (I was amused to read in your introduction to your 
> pipeline proposal that people wanted to know the answer to the question: 
> "When does Zope respect the :method form variable?". :)

FWIW, that particular functionality has been pulled out twice now, both 
in repoze.monty and zope.httpform.  As a baby step, we could make 
zope.publisher depend on zope.httpform.  (I made zope.httpform without 
knowing repoze.monty already existed, but zope.httpform has more tests 
and interfaces and it's hosted on, so I think zope.httpform 
is worth keeping.)

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Re: [Zope-dev] zope.publisher

2009-03-04 Thread Shane Hathaway
Roger Ineichen wrote:
> Shane,
> Can you review and merge this changes into your 
> zope.pipeline branch?

I'm going to put zope.pipeline on hold until the PyCon sprints.  Jim and 
I need to discuss it in person; hopefully then I can understand his 
opposition and the group can decide on the best direction for 
zope.publisher and

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Re: [Zope-dev] Zope.pipeline proposal

2009-02-25 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martin Aspeli wrote:
> Shane Hathaway wrote:
>> Martin Aspeli wrote:
>>> clean_transaction -- is this not the same as repoze.tm2?
>> No.  To mimic the current Zope publisher, we need to commit the 
>> transaction shortly after the "call" application is finished, but then a 
>> lot of things can still happen before the response leaves the server, so 
>> we need to make sure any open transaction is aborted before letting the 
>> open_root application close the database.
> Why is it desirable to do things in this way? I do find it kind of 
> confusing/error prone that we have two pieces of middleware: one that 
> opens the transaction and another that closes it, with ordering 
> dependencies between the two.

I'm trying to express something different, actually.  The first app, 
"clean_transaction", only exists to cancel accidental writes.  The Zope 
publisher does this today.  The actual transaction management is in the 
second application, which I now realize is misnamed as "end_transaction" 
because it both begins and ends transactions.

> repoze.who seems to be turning into something of a widely used standard. 
> I think it'd be worth looking into whether it can be used 'upstream' and 
> something else could do the IAuthentication stuff based on what 
> repoze.who does.

Ok, that changes my perspective a bit.

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Re: [Zope-dev] Zope.pipeline proposal

2009-02-25 Thread Shane Hathaway
Hanno Schlichting wrote:
> What's the overhead of a WSGI middleware? Is the overhead cost in the
> same order of magnitude as a simple function call with a return value or
> is there something inherently more complex going on?

A WSGI middleware app is simply a callable thing that calls the next 
app, so the overhead is literally the same as a simple function call. 
There won't be security proxies or any other such thing getting in the way.

>>From my current experience I usually classify things into the groups of:
> 1. attribute access
> 2. function calls
> 3. adapter lookups
> Going from one of these groups into the next one has a very noticeable
> performance cost involved, if used on the critical path of the application.

The current publisher is chock full of function calls and adapter 
lookups along the critical path.  I expect the zope.pipeline project to 
open everyone's eyes about just how much we're already doing in the 
critical path.  I think much of it is frequently not needed at all.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Zope.pipeline proposal

2009-02-25 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martin Aspeli wrote:
> I'm used to using Paste Deploy ini files to configure a WSGI pipeline. 
> Is this simply an alternative to that? If so, do we really need our own 
> alternative, or could we try to use the Paste Deploy stuff directly?

Yes, you can just use Paste Deploy instead of the ZCML-based pipeline 
builder.  However, the pipeline you get with Paste Deploy will not vary 
according to the request type, so you won't get the publisher's special 
handling for non-browser methods like PUT and DELETE, nor XML-RPC 
support, etc.

OTOH, I'm sure people can find creative ways to make Paste Deploy vary 
the pipeline according to the request type.

> I am a little worried about the conceptual overhead of having both the 
> ZCA and the WSGI pipeline provide "swappability" services to application 
> builders. It feels like those two things overlap somewhat in scope.

They do overlap, but the ZCA-configured pipeline can easily vary 
according to the request type.  I need to add more info about this to 
the proposal.

> Also, looking at your endware, there are some that seem to overlap with 
> Repoze stuff. Is this on purpose? I think the relationship with Repoze 
> should be made more clear in the proposal.

I don't know what the relationship is yet because I've chosen to only 
get code from Zope, for now, since I'm trying to maintain compatibility.

> virtual_host -- is this the same as repoze.vhm?

Could be.  Not sure.

> retry -- is this the same as repoze.retry?

I think it might be different, because this version of retry resets the 
environment rather than the request.  It has to be in the pipeline 
before the create_request application.  This design makes it possible to 
eliminate the complex retry code from Zope requests.

> create_request -- should this maybe have some compatibility with WebOb 
> requests?

I've looked at WebOb, and my impression is that Zope requests and WebOb 
requests serve completely different purposes.  A Zope request is 
essentially an input decoder and information holder.  A WebOb request is 
a whole framework, AFAICT.

That said, I expect zope.pipeline to give people a greater opportunity 
to prove I'm wrong about things like that.

> switch_pipeline -- could this be made non-Zope specific? It sounds useful.

I need to understand better what you mean by non-Zope specific.  How 
would you use it?

> log -- both repoze and paste have logging middleware, IIRC

Sure.  I haven't bothered to write this app at all since I know lots of 
people have written such things.

> open_root -- I thought repoze had something similar, but I may be wrong

I think this one is significantly different from Repoze.  It would be 
good to communicate about stuff like this at a sprint.

> clean_transaction -- is this not the same as repoze.tm2?

No.  To mimic the current Zope publisher, we need to commit the 
transaction shortly after the "call" application is finished, but then a 
lot of things can still happen before the response leaves the server, so 
we need to make sure any open transaction is aborted before letting the 
open_root application close the database.

This application is very small.  It might make sense to have the 
open_root application do its job instead.

> handle_error -- again, I thought Repoze had something like this

This error handling is very different from Repoze, I think.  It's going 
to handle errors the Zope way, by looking up error handlers in the 
database.  I imagine a lot of people will want to remove or customize it.

> end_transaction -- sounds like the other end of repoze.tm2

This is like repoze.tm2, but it will also annotate the transaction. 
Note that the code in my sandbox does not yet reflect this thinking.

> authenticate -- sounds like repoze.who?

I doubt it.  This does the IAuthentication dance, allowing 
authentication to be added during traversal.

> fix_relative_links -- sounds generally useful outside Zope as well

I wish, but this application depends on Zope's traversal logic to 
determine the canonical URL of an object.  I don't think the same 
traversal information will be present in most frameworks.

OTOH, I imagine fix_relative_links could be rewritten as a more broadly 
useful thing, if someone can figure out how without breaking performance.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Zope.pipeline proposal

2009-02-25 Thread Shane Hathaway
Roger Ineichen wrote:
> Do you know something about the performance of WSGI?
> I whould be happy to see some perfomance tests comparing
> WSGI with other server concepts.

WSGI is extremely lightweight, so WSGI itself isn't going to affect 
performance.  The WSGI servers I know about are reasonably fast.

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Re: [Zope-dev] Zope.pipeline proposal

2009-02-25 Thread Shane Hathaway
Dan Korostelev wrote:
> Also, how easy is to integrate existing non-zopeish WSGI middlewares
> into the zope.pipeline? Like some resource injectors or XHTML slimmers
> and so on. It would be really great to be able to do that with single
> ZCML directive.

You can do that with two ZCML directives.  I probably need to elaborate 
on the directives in the proposal.


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[Zope-dev] Zope.pipeline proposal

2009-02-25 Thread Shane Hathaway
Hi all,

I've put up a draft of a zope.pipeline proposal:

The proposal is intended to explain my thoughts on the subject more 


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Re: [Zope-dev] zope.publisher dependencies

2009-02-24 Thread Shane Hathaway
Stephan Richter wrote:
> On Tuesday 24 February 2009, Shane Hathaway wrote:
>> Brainstorming deeper: we could apply a naming convention where the
>> specification package is named with the suffix "spec", so zope.location
>> would be split into zope.location and zope.locationspec.
> what about zope.ilocation?

Maybe.  I'd lean toward "zope.locationspec" because it would appear 
right after zope.location in a sorted list, making it more apparent that 
they are related.


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Re: [Zope-dev] zope.publisher dependencies

2009-02-24 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Hey,
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:26 PM, Jim Fulton  wrote:
> [snip]
>> The graph only shows direct dependencies on zope.i18n and, but
>> there are many other direct dependencies.
> Ah, agreed, yes, I think this is because of the transitive dependency
> functionality removal somehow, even though it seems to remove more
> than just these. Hanno's now also generating the real graphs, though:

I see in that graph a number of dependencies that are pulled in just for 
specifications.  For instance, zope.publisher doesn't really need the 
Location class, it only needs ILocation.

Just brainstorming, but I wonder if we shouldn't split at least the 
following packages into specification and implementation packages:

   - zope.location
   - zope.i18n
   - zope.publisher
   - zope.component

That way various packages could use i18n interfaces without pulling in 
pytz, or could use location interfaces without pulling in zope.proxy, 
and so on.

Brainstorming deeper: we could apply a naming convention where the 
specification package is named with the suffix "spec", so zope.location 
would be split into zope.location and zope.locationspec.


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Re: [Zope-dev] SVN: New library for OpenID auth in Zope 3

2009-02-24 Thread Shane Hathaway
Dan Korostelev wrote:
> 2009/2/24 Jim Fulton :
>> I agree that it shouldn't go in  I believe I suggested
>> putting this in zc.openid, although I'm fine with zope.openid.
> Why zc? I thought it's only for packages coming from the zope
> corporation. Or does Shane works for ZC? :)

This is for a ZC contract.


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Re: [Zope-dev] SVN: New library for OpenID auth in Zope 3

2009-02-24 Thread Shane Hathaway
Jim Fulton wrote:
> I agree that it shouldn't go in  I believe I suggested  
> putting this in zc.openid, although I'm fine with zope.openid.

I'll rename it to zc.openid.


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Re: [Zope-dev] SVN: New library for OpenID auth in Zope 3

2009-02-24 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> One question: why is this in I think there's a consensus we're 
> trying to pull as much from as possible.

> Is this going to provide a ZMI UI at all? If not, I'd suggest putting it 
> in zope.*

I admit I'm being lazy here.  It seems like is a dumping ground 
for packages with muddy dependencies.  I didn't want to work out the 
dependency list yet. :-)

I do have some justification though: it depends on IAuthentication, 
which is in  Still, I suspect IAuthentication needs 
to be moved out of


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Re: [Zope-dev] zope.publisher dependencies

2009-02-24 Thread Shane Hathaway
Jim Fulton wrote:
> Maybe, but I find that people confuse the machinery in zope.publisher  
> with a bunch of additional and very confusing machinery in various  
> packages.  The publisher itself is pretty simple.  I think  
> this is illustrated by paste.txt in the zope.publisher package.  That  
> isn't to say there might not be better models.

I see what you're saying and I agree that the zope.publisher package by 
itself is fairly simple.  However, zope.publisher by itself isn't very 
useful (except in tests), yet zope.publisher doesn't provide all the 
kinds of extension facilities that other packages require.  This has led 
to messy code, starting with

Furthermore, I'm not sure anyone can foresee all the ways people need to 
extend zope.publisher.  I think we need a more powerful abstraction.

>  Hopefully, I'll find  
> time to study your pipeline ideas. I wish there was a proposal I could  
> read rather than reading code.

I am close to being able to formulate a proposal.  The concept is 
simple: move most publisher functionality into WSGI pipeline stages, 
similar to Repoze.  WSGI pipeline stages are very simple and powerful. 
I had to work out a way to build pipelines with replaceable stages, but 
I think I've almost solved that.


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Re: [Zope-dev] zope.publisher dependencies

2009-02-24 Thread Shane Hathaway
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> The main problem I have with the zope publication machinery is that
> after all these years of using it I *still* get lost in it regularly.
> A more regular architecture that can be traced more easily would not
> only allow better understanding on my part, but might also allow us to
> more easily selectively replace or remove bits of it.

+1.  As I recall, we tried to build a regular architecture in 
zope.publisher using the IPublication interface, but the publisher 
machinery is still painfully difficult to understand without extensive 

I think a pipeline design will make the publisher a lot easier for 
everyone to understand because the pipeline design seems to keep 
concerns closer together.  For example, I've made a "traversal" module 
in zope.pipeline which has nearly all of the traversal logic in one 
place and almost nothing else.  Its code came from at least 4 scattered 
modules.  Now, in theory, when people want to understand traversal, they 
will usually only need to understand one module.


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Re: [Zope-dev] zope.publisher dependencies

2009-02-24 Thread Shane Hathaway
Jim Fulton wrote:
> I disagree strongly with many of the assertions made in these  
> articles. (I can't judge the pipeline proposal, since it is only  
> fleshed out in code.)  While I do think zope.publisher has some  
> problems, they aren't the same problems that shane sees.

What are the problems with zope.publisher as you see it?


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Re: [Zope-dev] zope.publisher dependencies

2009-02-24 Thread Shane Hathaway
Jim Fulton wrote:
> On Feb 24, 2009, at 3:08 AM, Shane Hathaway wrote:
>> I've been working on the dependencies to and from zope.publisher.
>> Refining the dependencies should make it easier to integrate
>> zope.pipeline when it's ready.
> Can you elaborate on this a bit?

I've been discussing zope.pipeline on my blog.  I am attempting to 
rebuild the publisher to make it easier to understand and customize.  I 
think it's working out pretty well.  zope.pipeline is intended to 
replace most of the implementation code in zope.publisher and

To accomplish that, it looks like I ought to separate the 
implementations in zope.publisher from the specifications.  Separating 
the zope.publisher.interfaces package would mostly accomplish that.

After thinking this over last night, I realize that the idea to move
BrowserView, BrowserPage, and TestRequest is driven by the desire to 
clarify the dependency graph.  That's more complex than what I'm trying 
to do and I don't think I need to do that for zope.pipeline, so I'm 
going to withdraw from that part of the discussion for now.

>> I've noticed that nearly all packages that depend on zope.publisher
>> depend only on a few pieces of it:
>>   - zope.publisher.interfaces
>>   - zope.publisher.browser.Browser{View|Page}
>>   - zope.publisher.browser.TestRequest
> I'd like to turn this around a little bit.  Only browser-based code  
> should depend on zope.publisher.  This seems like a very reasonable  
> dependency.  It's like wxwindows UI code depending on wxwindows.   
> Maybe the browser code should be factored out of the packages that  
> depend on zoep.publisher so that only *that* code has the dependency  
> and non-browser code doesn't.

I think things are already pretty well factored in that sense.  Take 
zope.formlib, for example.  It wouldn't make sense to separate 
zope.formlib into an abstract package and a browser package, because 
zope.formlib only makes sense for browsers.


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[Zope-dev] zope.publisher dependencies

2009-02-24 Thread Shane Hathaway
I've been working on the dependencies to and from zope.publisher. 
Refining the dependencies should make it easier to integrate 
zope.pipeline when it's ready.

I've noticed that nearly all packages that depend on zope.publisher 
depend only on a few pieces of it:

   - zope.publisher.interfaces

   - zope.publisher.browser.Browser{View|Page}

   - zope.publisher.browser.TestRequest

One simple, low-risk refactoring I would like to do is move 
zope.publisher.interfaces into its own package, make zope.publisher a 
namespace package, and make zope.publisher depend on 
zope.publisher.interfaces.  The in zope.publisher is already 
empty, so I expect the namespace conversion to be safe.  Then I'd like 
to refine the dependency list of various packages that only require 
zope.publisher.interfaces.  Any objections?

It is less clear what we should do with BrowserView and BrowserPage. 
They depend on zope.location, unlike the rest of zope.publisher, so they 
don't really fit there.  Perhaps those two belong in a new package, 
"zope.publisher.browserbase".  There is also the tiny new "zope.browser" 
package.  Would it make sense to move them there?  (It's hard to tell 
what the intent of the new package is.)  I'd love to hear other suggestions.

As for TestRequest, I could update the of various packages that 
currently depend on zope.publisher just for TestRequest.  I would make 
zope.publisher a test-only requirement.


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Re: [Zope-dev] [Checkins] SVN: New library for OpenID auth in Zope 3

2009-02-23 Thread Shane Hathaway
Dan Korostelev wrote:
> 2009/2/24 Shane Hathaway :
>> Log message for revision 97183:
>>  New library for OpenID auth in Zope 3
>> Changed:
>>  A
> Wow, that's great! Finally an OpenID auth plugin is being developed!
> Thank you :) I thought about publishing this myself many times, but
> now, as you are doing that, I'll be happy to help developing and
> testing this package.

Thanks, though I should warn you that it's not at all ready to try out 
yet.  I imagine it has broken imports and the like.  I'll let you and 
the zope-dev list know when it's in a testable state.

BTW, this is what I'm getting paid to do at the moment. :-)

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Re: [Zope-dev] Coding style clarifications

2009-02-19 Thread Shane Hathaway
Fred Drake wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Jim Fulton  wrote:
>> BTW, I strongly discourage from imports. (I didn't always have this
>> opinion, but have seen the error of my ways. Thanks to Fred Drake for
>> nudging me in this direction.) IMO, this is wildly more important than
>> any of the issues raised in this thread.
> You're welcome.  :-)

You're saying that:

 import zope.interface.Interface

 class IFoo(zope.interface.Interface):

is better than:

 from zope.interface import Interface

 class IFoo(Interface):


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Re: [Zope-dev] Single Sign On

2009-02-18 Thread Shane Hathaway
Marius Gedminas wrote:
> It's my impression that is an OpenID provider only, while
> Shane is trying to figure out how to use the OpenID consumer API in
> AuthKit.

No.  I am going after the more conventional single sign on use case 
where many consumers depend on only one centralized identity provider, 
and I'd like to use a restricted form of OpenID to accomplish it.  It 
turns out that Launchpad's internal authentication system is pretty much 
exactly what I was planning to do, so Gary's info pointed me in the 
right direction.  Launchpad also happens to provide public OpenID 
services, but I don't need to do that.


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[Zope-dev] Proposed Patch for

2009-02-18 Thread Shane Hathaway
Today I ran into an exception masked by Zope 3.  I found the code that 
was masking the exception and fixed it locally, but since this small bit 
of code has no docs or tests, I can't be sure I won't break stuff if I 
check in my change.  What do y'all think I should do?

Here is the patch:

Index: src/zope/site/
--- src/zope/site/  (revision 96718)
+++ src/zope/site/  (working copy)
@@ -91,10 +91,7 @@

  def adapter_hook(interface, object, name='', default=None):
-return siteinfo.adapter_hook(interface, object, name, default)
-except zope.component.interfaces.ComponentLookupError:
-return default
+return siteinfo.adapter_hook(interface, object, name, default)

  def setHooks():

Catching ComponentLookupError is a problem when an adapter factory looks 
up another adapter.  If the first adapter lookup succeeds but the second 
fails with a ComponentLookupError, the current code makes it look like 
the first adapter is not registered at all.  Very confusing.  This patch 
exposes the correct traceback.

I think my patch is correct because the 'default' parameter implies to 
me that if 'siteinfo.adapter_hook' can't find an adapter, it will return 
None, not raise ComponentLookupError.  If 'siteinfo.adapter_hook' does 
in fact raise ComponentLookupError, then something else must be wrong 
and we should report the exception.

BTW, until recently, this module lived in  It looks 
like this exception masking originated in Subversion revision 26391.

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Re: [Zope-dev] Single Sign On

2009-02-18 Thread Shane Hathaway
Reinout van Rees wrote:
> So: easiest way is to let some trusted apache plugin handle the hard 
> part and then laugh all the way to the bank with some 100-line 
> authentication plugin.

That would usually work, but in this case, customers will be doing their 
own installation, so we need to keep the number of installation steps down.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Single Sign On

2009-02-18 Thread Shane Hathaway
Gary Poster wrote:
> We use the OpenID 2.0 identifier select URL. This is a special OpenID  
> url that
> basically means: identity using whatever ID you have on that server.
> The OpenID response will contain the actual OpenID identifier of the  
> user at
> the end of the request.
> So sites that we integrate in our SSO simply sends you to Launchpad for
> authentication and then uses the returned identifier to link with  
> their local
> account representation. We also use sreg (Simple Registration) to  
> transfer
> information about the account to the integrated sites, so that they can
> update their local account representation with the central data.

I see now!  Thanks, Francis and Gary.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Single Sign On

2009-02-17 Thread Shane Hathaway
Gary Poster wrote:
> Launchpad uses OpenID.  We don't have that slated for abstraction and 
> open-sourcing immediately. However, most of the Launchpad code 
> (including this bit) is to be open-sourced by this summer, abstracted or 
> not.  Therefore, we should at least be able to give you some idea of 
> what we have done before then.
> I've forwarded your email to the primary implementer/designer of our 
> OpenID integration.  Hopefully he can directly participate, or at least 
> give me some answers to forward to you.

Cool, thanks.

> Generally, we're using python-openid for the Zope code, and an Apache 
> plugin as a front-end for hooking up other bits.

In that case, what do you pass to Consumer.begin()?  It expects a user 
URL and no password, yet accepts a user name and password.


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[Zope-dev] Single Sign On

2009-02-17 Thread Shane Hathaway
I'm working with a customer on a single sign on (SSO) system for Zope. 
We haven't yet chosen which SSO system we want to use.  I would like to 
hear from anyone who has set up SSO with Zope.

We have some definite requirements:

* We can't accept arbitrary identities like OpenID normally does.  We 
need to set up our own identity provider (IDP) and force our servers to 
accept only identities provided by our own IDP.

* The SSO process should be very similar to an ordinary cookie-based 
login process.  I don't want the user to have to enter their username on 
one form and their password on another, but that's the standard OpenID 

* This will be implemented in Zope 3.

We are considering OpenID, Shibboleth, CAS, and any other mature system 
that others might suggest.  Shibboleth seems like the most obvious fit, 
but it's nowhere near as popular as OpenID.  I haven't yet looked at CAS 
in detail.

Alternatively, I have wondered if we actually need full-blown SSO; 
perhaps a carefully constructed domain-wide cookie would do the trick. 
Any experiences with that?

Thanks to anyone who participates.

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Re: [Zope-dev] ZCML implementations: where should they go

2009-02-10 Thread Shane Hathaway
Hanno Schlichting wrote:
> Wichert Akkerman wrote:
>> I'ld rather not see a whole slew of extra packagse appear. I also wonder
>> how the extra number of packages and increasing size of sys.path
>> influence performance and restrictions on environments like GAE.
> For environments like GAE you don't want setuptools and its magic to be
> part of your application. This is were repackaging your entire app into
> one zipped egg or some other flat structure comes in handy.
> Setuptools and eggs are a distribution format from my point of view.
> They are certainly not the best way to deploy your applications. The
> growing sys.path is affecting performance to some degree in all
> deployment environments.

Well, zc.buildout ought to be able to eliminate this concern for GAE 
deployment.  I haven't tried the recipe below, but it certainly seems 
like the right idea.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Zope 3.4.0 Released!

2009-01-31 Thread Shane Hathaway
Stephan Richter wrote:
> It is finally here! Thanks goes to everyone who involved!
> January 29, 2009 - The Zope 3 development team announces the Zope 3.4.0 
> release.


I have to say, though, that the download process is quite confusing. 
Let's say I'm a Pythonista who wants to try out Zope 3.  Google sends me 

After the release overview, the document tells me Zope is now 
distributed as eggs.  I'm familiar with eggs and I like them.

Then it talks about the KGS and my buildout.  It tells me how to modify 
my buildout configuration.  Wait, what's a buildout and how do I 
configure it?  Hmm, none of the links about the KGS tell me much about 
this buildout thing.  I can already tell it's gonna be hard to learn 
about Zope...

Well, I'll skip over the KGS stuff and see what I can figure out anyway. 
  Ok, I can follow the easy_install directions.  I'm really savvy and 
I'll even use virtualenv to do it, even though the document doesn't 
mention that.  I already have the habit of using virtualenv whenever I 
use easy_install.

So, following the directions, I create a project called HelloWorld.  I 
try to fire it up.  Uh-oh...

zope.configuration.config.ConfigurationExecutionError: : Help Topic 
definition [...]/transaction-1.0a1-py2.5.egg/transaction/README.txt does 
not exist

So it breaks before even starting the server.  This is really trying my 
patience, but I study a lot of web pages and discuss the problem with 
other developers over a few days.  Following a friend's recommendation, 
I add the following two lines to the [buildout] section of buildout.cfg 
generated by zopeproject:

   extends =
   versions = versions

After running bin/buildout again, the server finally starts!  Of course, 
what I see when the server starts is opaque and uninviting, but I'll 
leave that for another discussion. :-)

So, my question is: what should the download page *really* say? 
Consider that existing developers of Zope 3 don't actually need this 
page at all since they already use zc.buildout.  This page's audience, 
then, is people who know little about zc.buildout, let alone the KGS. 
Newbies need straightforward directions to follow.


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Re: [Zope-dev] SVN: zope.publisher/trunk/ Fixed LP #322486: setStatus() now allows any int()-able status value.

2009-01-30 Thread Shane Hathaway
Tres Seaver wrote:
> Is there any reason to hide the KeyError behind a 500, rather than
> letting it propagate to the application?   In this implementation, we
> lose the information about the bad 'status' value.

I agree, but I hit a legacy design snag.  The handleException() method 
still calls setStatus(exception_type_name), where we could be handling 
any kind of exception, similar to what Zope has always done.

IMHO, we should change the contract of setStatus() to not do any lookup 
at all and make handleException() do the lookup instead, or something 
along those lines.  But I'm trying to make conservative changes ATM.


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Re: [Zope-dev] [Checkins] SVN: relstorage/trunk/ Corporation -> Foundation

2009-01-25 Thread Shane Hathaway
Benji York wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 9:43 PM, Shane Hathaway  wrote:
>> Log message for revision 94997:
>>  Corporation -> Foundation
> AFAIK, the IP hasn't been transfered yet.  I'm not sure what the
> implications of using "Foundation" are at this point.

Even so, I have no doubt that assigning the copyright to the foundation
is better than assigning to a corporation.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Remove 'Add Product' in Control_Panel

2009-01-23 Thread Shane Hathaway
Hanno Schlichting wrote:
> I just checked in another little change that allows you to disable the
> persistent product registry and have Zope still work. Just specify
> "enable-product-installation off" in your zope.conf before starting Zope
> the first time and watch Zope, CMF and Plone run without any entry in
> that list :)

/me claps!

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Re: [Zope-dev] Plans for Zope 2.12

2009-01-22 Thread Shane Hathaway
Chris Withers wrote:
> I don't think this is such a huge change, it's a change in the style of 
> what RP does already, not a complete re-implementation...

OTOH, with Python 3 now released, it seems unlikely that we'll see any 
new syntax added to Python 2.x.  So RP doesn't really need any sort of 
overhaul until we start switching to Python 3.

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Re: [Zope-dev] Salt-weakness in passwordmanagers?

2009-01-21 Thread Shane Hathaway
Uli Fouquet wrote:
> Do we need a SMD5-manager as well (same as SSHA, only with MD5 instead
> of SHA1 as hash algorithm)?

I doubt it.

> Any reviews by the more competent gurus in the list are highly
> appreciated.

Your implementation and docs look fine to me.  The only comment I have 
is I wonder why this is instead of 
zope.authentication, but that's a different discussion for another day.

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Re: [Zope-dev] Salt-weakness in passwordmanagers?

2009-01-21 Thread Shane Hathaway
Uli Fouquet wrote:
> Ok. I'll put something into the branches for
> review.


> Two remaining questions: I would like to use `os.urandom` instead of
> `random.randint` to create the salt, because this is recommended in
> cryptographic contexts. There was, however, a problem with this module
> in former times: sometimes it stopped until enough entropy was
> available, which could make threads and processes hang. Is this still an
> issue?

Well, the Linux man page for "urandom" says that /dev/urandom never 
blocks, while /dev/random can block if the entropy pool runs out.  I 
assume os.urandom uses /dev/urandom.

> Last question: How should we handle lack of SHA-2 hashes in the Python
> standard lib of 2.4? Self-implementing sounds too error-prone to me
> while existing Python ports of the reference implementation in PyCryto
> etc. are implemented in C which would make `` a
> binary package. Something I would like to avoid. Or is support for
> Python 2.4 running out anyway?

Let's not implement the SHA-2 version yet.  SSHA, based on SHA-1, is 
sufficient for now.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Salt-weakness in passwordmanagers?

2009-01-20 Thread Shane Hathaway
Uli Fouquet wrote:
> Is there some recent documentation about SSHA available? The netscape
> links seems to be down.

I finally found a good source.  Look at the Python code at the bottom of 
this page:


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