Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Call for Evergreen translations

2008-11-20 Thread Dan Scott
2008/11/20 Brandon W. Uhlman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Also FYI, Sitka has committed to preparing a Canadian English (en-CA)
 translation. Long live the multilingual library catalog(ue)!

That's great, Brandon. You might want to collaborate on this with John
Fink, who had contributed an early version of en-CA support for the
OPAC last year.

I haven't updated the en-CA strings recently, but could check an
updated version into SVN if you're serious, eh?

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Crashing problem with

2008-11-21 Thread Dan Scott
2008/11/21 Garry Dunn [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 To all,

 We (the Innisfil Public Library) are in need of some help.  We've been
 running Evergreen (for real!) for about 40 days and continue to have
 unpredictable crashes (on average once or twice a day).  It's done it from
 day one (and did it once on the test system before going live), but it's
 difficult to reproduce.  I run a third test system (much smaller in terms of
 memory/CPU) but I and can't make it crash.  I only have 1 or 2 staff clients
 connected at a time so it's much lower volume of activity.  All three
 systems (1 live and 2 test) are loaded with the same data.).  Here are some

 1) to fix the problem, we simply issue the stop_all command, then run the 3
 start commands (start_router/start_perl/start_c) and everything is fine for
 a while.  We never have to touch PostGres or Apache.
 2) the system is running on 1 server
 (memcache/ejabber/apache/opensrf/postgres/...).  Debian Etch OS with
 Evergreen  Postgres 8.1.  4G of RAM on a new Dell PowerEdge server
 (lots of hard drive space on RAID).  The server is not running anything
 else--just Evergreen.
 3) It tends to happen when staff is dealing with a patron who has a lot of
 holds/books out/fines, although that's not a guarantee.  Once the system is
 restarted, staff can go back to the problem patron and do what they'd like
 and it will be fine.

 We've got lots of logs captured from when it happens and I can provide
 snippets of those if interested.  The only thing I see in the logs is a
 message similar to this, approaching each failure:

 In osrfsys.log:

 [2008-11-12 12:15:21] open-ils.circ [ERR] editor[1|11434]
 error starting database transaction
 [2008-11-12 12:15:21] open-ils.circ [ERR] CStoreEditor lost it's

 The logs show quite a few error messages like this leading up to the
 complete crash (sometimes hours before the actual crash).

 We've been thinking it's a performance issue so we've played a bit with
 Dan's tweaks for PostGres (found here:
  It doesn't seem to make a difference (but we've only tried a couple of
 different combinations).

 If anyone can provide some guidance about how to further examine/resolve the
 problem, we'd greatly appreciate it.

Hi Garry:

Wow, that sounds nasty. I should note that for a production system we
would normally recommend running PostgreSQL 8.2 (it's pretty
straightforward to configure and compile it from source), but let's
not jump yet. I haven't seen this kind of an issue before, but I also
haven't been running a system in production like you. That said, here
are a few stabs in the dark:

Can you monitor the processes to see if there is any strange
accumulation over time (like dozens and dozens of postgres backend
processes)? And/or monitor system load in general to see if anything
strange is going on.

Do you have logging turned on at the PostgreSQL level? The PostgreSQL
logs might have some interesting information to poke through.

It also might be worthwhile running a recent version of to give us a sanity check on the versions of all of
the prerequisite Perl modules.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] New fr-CA translations

2008-11-26 Thread Dan Scott
Many thanks for the updated translation, Warren! I also backported the
patch to rel_1_4.

I did notice that a number of the strings have been marked fuzzy,
which means that they won't result in French output when we transform
them. In rel_1_4, I did my best for the obviously correct
translations, but there are still many strings that need an actual
translation; some that need a minor update; and some that might be
okay but for which it's beyond my French capabilities to feel
confident removing the fuzzy flag.

Would you be able to take a look at the fr-CA po files in an editor
like POEdit and flip through the fuzzies? There is also a librarian at
the University of Ottawa who volunteered to help, if time is tight for


2008/11/25 Warren Layton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Attached is a patch (from svn/ILS/trunk) for the new Evergreen fr-CA
 translation strings. Most files are now complete although there are a
 handful of strings for which I'll need to consult a proper translator.

 Warren (on behalf of NRCan)

 Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1

 By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:

 (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
have the right to submit it under the open source license
indicated in the file; or

 (b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source
license and I have the right under that license to submit that
work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part
by me, under the same open source license (unless I am
permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated
in the file; or

 (c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified

 (d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution
are public and that a record of the contribution (including all
personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is
maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with
this project or the open source license(s) involved.

 Signed-off-by: Warren Layton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Yet another function for uescaping UTF-8

2008-11-28 Thread Dan Scott
On Thu, 2008-11-27 at 21:31 -0800, Scott McKellar wrote:
 A few days ago I submitted some experimental code for formatting UTF-8
 characters into JSON.  It was a drop-in replacement for the
 buffer_append_uescape function, and produced almost identical results.
 Now I have a new version of that code.  Since the first version is not
 in the repository trunk, I am attaching a full file rather than a patch.
 The associated header file doesn't need to change.

Very cool, Scott. I'll drop it into a local build and give it a run in
the current OpenSRF / Evergreen trunk environment.

 This new version differs in the following way:
 When it encounters a code point too big to fit into 16 bits (after
 stripping out the packaging bits), it formats it into a surrogate pair
 of four hex digits each, rather than a single set of five or six hex
 In addition, this new version no longer uses buffer_fadd() to format
 hex values.
 The code for constructing surrogate pairs is a slightly simplified version
 of a code snippet found at:
 The code snippet seems to come from a pretty authoritative source. and
 my modifications were minimal, consisting mostly of collecting a couple
 of constant expressions into constant values.
 In the case of the G clef character (U+1D11E), I verified that my code
 translates it to the correct surrogate pair (\uD834\uDD1E).
 Unfortunately that's the only character for which I know both the code
 point and the corresponding surrogate pair.  My Google fu has failed me.
 If someone can provide a sample of code points and the corresponding
 surrogate pairs, I can do some more testing to make sure that I'm getting
 the right answers.

I started generating some examples for you using Python; maybe the
attached script will be helpful to you in generating other ranges, but
here's a snippet of what the script generates for the Ancient Greek
Numbers range ( gives
lots of alternate representations):

65908 \ud800\udd74 

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Upgrading - to

2008-11-29 Thread Dan Scott
Hey Brandon:

2008/11/28 Uhlman, Brandon EDUC:EX [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi, all.

 I'm in the process of completing a hybrid new install/upgrade of Evergreen I release that RC2 is out now, but I had RC1 mostly installed 
 from a while ago, and figured that the 1.2-to-1.4 leap is bigger than the 
 leap within RC2, and that I might as well finish what I started.

 By 'hybrid' installation, I mean that I'm completing a fresh install of 
 Evergreen using the 'new install' instructions on a new server, 
 but I'm pointing at a legacy dataset from Evergreen sitting on a 
 separate server.

 I ran to do the bootstrapping stuff, and ran 
 src/sql/Pg/1.2.3-1.4-upgrade-db.sql, but I notice a (metric) ton(ne) of stuff 
 seems to be still missing from the DB schema - notably, orgunit lassos from 
 005.schema.actors.sql, and all the in-db i18n stuff, from a multitude of 

Yeah. This is one of the reasons we needed RC2 - the upgrade SQL
script in RC1 was not at all ready for upgrades (other than a few of
the minor schema changes that I had introduced). We need to be more
clear when we push out a release candidate whether it's intended to
support migration or just give people a chance to try out new

 Is there an unwritten step that I should be doing?

Go directly to RC2. Do not stop at RC1; do not collect $200.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

[OPEN-ILS-DEV] PostgreSQL 8.3 testing of trunk

2008-11-29 Thread Dan Scott
Over the past few days I've been going through the install and
configure steps with PostgreSQL 8.3 and so far, so good - I used
Vandelay to import a set of records successfully and can retrieve them
via the staff client. Lots more to test out, of course, but just
wanted to say yay so far.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] buffer_chomp()

2008-12-02 Thread Dan Scott
Hi Scott:

2008/12/1 Scott McKellar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 The other day I noticed the new buffer_chomp function.  It removes the
 last character of a growing_buffer, and returns the new length.


 I can incorporate these two changes into my next patch to utils.[ch] --
 which will probably be soon, because I want to get rid of the new
 buffer_append_uescape function in favor of the newer function

Oh, uh - I think I already checked in that change, including the
required change to osrf_json_object.c and the Makefile, as part of
changeset 1516 (

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Client Build Question

2008-12-02 Thread Dan Scott
2008/12/2 Melissa Lefebvre [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I'm new to Evergreen and am trying to get up a test server using
 1_4_0_0-rc2, on Debian Etch.  I've followed the instructions to install EG,
 corrected the errors that I came across when running the,
 am able to srfsh on the server with no errors, the OPAC page loads within a
 browser (although I can't actually do anything like login to My Account – I
 get a javascript void error)

Sounds like hasn't been run. You might as well stop here
and fix this problem first (probably should add a check for that to

but my question is how do I connect my
 Evergreen Staff Client on a Windows machine to the server?  I tried the
 instructions located at

Which staff client did you download or set up on your Windows machine?
What instructions on that page did you follow?

 and it seems to have done something (no errors or warning messages) but when
 I try to connect via the staff client I can't get passed the testing server
 stage (message There was an error testing this hostname).  I am not sure
 what I am missing although I have a feeling it's something really simple and
 obvious.  Does the hostname need to have a particular path listed or just
 the hostname?  I've tried just the hostname and also just the server's IP.

Are you entering http://hostname; or hostname? The latter is what
you need to enter.

Perhaps we should add a check in the client for :// to warn about
invalid hostnames, or to ignore the protocol part.

 As a side note, I can get to the Local System Administration via a browser
 on a windows machine, so I think EG is install correctly.

That's a positive sign, at least.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] problem importing

2008-12-05 Thread Dan Scott
Hi Grant:

What version of XML::LibXML and XML::LibXSLT are reported by There were known problems with XML::LibXML 1.66,
1.69 (the most up to date version from CPAN) is recommended.

And geez, what are you doing importing into


2008/12/5 Grant Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hey all,
 I can't import a set of records in EG
 Works fine in VM.

 # perl  seems to generate the .bre sucessfully ... but I get the 
 following when I run # perl
 Any solutions?


 Couldn't process record: Undefined namespace prefix
 xmlXPathCompiledEval: evaluation failed

 xmlns=\\;leader01357nam  2200325 a 
 4500/leadercontrolfield tag=\001\PM004006/controlfieldcontrolfield 
 tag=\005\20081117132346.0/controlfieldcontrolfield tag=\006\m
 d/controlfieldcontrolfield tag=\007\cr   a m  
 /controlfieldcontrolfield tag=\008\081117s2008vaufs   
 eng d/controlfielddatafield tag=\020\ ind1=\ \ ind2=\ \subfield 
 code=\a\9781570855092 (web)/subfield/datafielddatafield tag=\040\ 
 ind1=\ \ ind2=\ \subfield 
 code=\a\VaCvNLX/subfield/datafielddatafield tag=\041\ ind1=\0\ 
 ind2=\ \subfield code=\a\ger/subfield/datafielddatafield 
 tag=\041\ ind1=\0\ ind2=\ \subfield 
 code=\a\dut/subfield/datafielddatafield tag=\100\ ind1=\1\ 
 ind2=\ \subfield code=\a\Spinoza, Benedictus de,/subfieldsubfield 
 code=\d\1632-1677./subfield/datafielddatafield tag=\245\ ind1=\1\ 
 ind2=\0\subfield code=\a\Benedict de Spinoza, opera 
 /subfieldsubfield code=\h\[electronic 
 resource]./subfield/datafielddatafield tag=\246\ ind1=\1\ ind2=\ 
 \subfield code=\a\Spinoza, opera/subfield/datafielddatafield 
 tag=\260\ ind1=\ \ ind2=\ \subfield code=\a\Charlottesville, 
 Va.:/subfieldsubfield code=\b\InteLex Corporation,/subfieldsubfield 
 code=\c\2008./subfield/datafielddatafield tag=\490\ ind1=\1\ 
 ind2=\ \subfield code=\a\Past masters/subfield/datafielddatafield 
 tag=\506\ ind1=\ \ ind2=\ \subfield code=\a\Access restricted by 
 license agreement./subfield/datafielddatafield tag=\520\ ind1=\2\ 
 ind2=\ \subfield code=\a\The InteLex Past Masters database Benedict de 
 Spinoza is the complete electronic edition of the complete works of Spinoza 
 in Latin and Dutch based on a corrected version of the authoritative edition 
 of Carl Gebhardt./subfield/datafielddatafield tag=\534\ ind1=\ \ 
 ind2=\ \subfield code=\p\Transcribed from:/subfieldsubfield 
 code=\a\Spinoza, Benedictus de/subfieldsubfield code=\t\Opera, im 
 auftrag der Heidelberger akademie der wissenschaften 
 herausgegeben/subfieldsubfield code=\c\Heidelberg: C. Winter, 
 1925./subfield/datafielddatafield tag=\538\ ind1=\ \ ind2=\ 
 \subfield code=\a\Mode of access: World Wide 
 Web./subfield/datafielddatafield tag=\650\ ind1=\ \ 
 ind2=\0\subfield code=\a\Philosophy./subfield/datafielddatafield 
 tag=\650\ ind1=\ \ ind2=\0\subfield 
 code=\a\Ethics./subfield/datafielddatafield tag=\690\ ind1=\ \ 
 ind2=\ \subfield code=\a\Research 
 Database/subfield/datafielddatafield tag=\700\ ind1=\1\ ind2=\ 
 \subfield code=\a\Gebhardt, Carl./subfield/datafielddatafield 
 tag=\830\ ind1=\ \ ind2=\0\subfield code=\a\Past 
 masters/subfield/datafielddatafield tag=\856\ ind1=\4\ 
  code=\z\Access this ebook via InteLex/subfieldsubfield 
 code=\y\Access this ebook via InteLex/subfield/datafielddatafield 
 tag=\901\ ind1=\ \ ind2=\ \subfield 

 F. Grant Johnson
  Systems Coordinator
  Robertson Library
  University of Prince Edward Island

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] problem importing

2008-12-05 Thread Dan Scott
2008/12/5 Grant Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Sorry... in a Open-ILS folder... I think... :-)

 XML::LibXML version 1.66
 XML::LibXML::XPathContext version 1.66
 XML::LibXSLT version 1.59

Yup, install the updated versions from CPAN and you should be a lot
happier. As root:


Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] url syntax

2008-12-07 Thread Dan Scott
On Sun, 2008-12-07 at 20:31 -0400, Grant Johnson wrote:
 I know I've asked before ... and  working with Dan and Godmar we were able to 
 get LibX configured for Evergreen.
 Is there a list of acceptable/required parameters and what they are?
 For example:
 l = level
 t = search text
 rt = search type
 tp = search type
 d = depth ???
 av = 
 f = 

I put the notes from that session on the wiki at:

This could definitely stand to be extended and reformatted (probably
into a table).


[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Translations status (was: Call for Evergreen translations)

2009-01-12 Thread Dan Scott
Hi all:

I'm back after a one-month hiatus and interested in the state of the
various translation efforts. I'm especially interested in submissions
of updated or new translations; we want to have a chance to test
building, bundling, and running Evergreen with your language. We'd
much rather have early access to a partial translation, so we can
catch potential problems with our build process or tools in time to
make a difference for the final release. I should note that we have
updated a handful of strings since the call for translations to fix
some problems that we found; also, we added a few new strings where we
found hardcoded strings that had been missed in the templates.

At this time we have in the repository:

* Armenian - hy-AM (full translation, with the exception of updates
since September)
* English (United States) - en-US (full translation)
* English (Canada) - en-CA (full translation)
* French (Canada) - fr-CA (full translation, with the exception of a
few updates since late November)

People have indicated they are working on the following translations:

* Brazilian Portugese - pt-BR
* Czech - cs-CZ
* Georgian - ka-GE
* Simplified Chinese - zh-CN

If you have run into any problems with the tools or the PO files,
please let me know and I will try to help resolve the problem(s).

If you missed the first call and would like to contribute to a
different language, that's great - just let me and/or the list know!
If you want to help out with one of these languages, I'll be happy to
try to coordinate efforts with the other translators.

When you contribute a translation, partial or full, please include the
Developer's Certificate of Originality
( in your



2008/11/19 Dan Scott
 Evergreen, release candidate 2, was made available for
 download from today. This
 release marks the culmination of a significant effort to enable
 translation in every public and staff interface in Evergreen - and at
 this point, the Evergreen development team plans to minimize any
 further changes to translatable strings before the final

 We would like to invite new translations. Evergreen currently includes
 the following translations:

  * Armenian - hy-AM
  * French (Canadian) - fr-CA

 However, as new interfaces such as the MARC importer/exporter have
 been developed and existing interfaces have been enhanced, these
 translations are in need of an update.

 Evergreen maintains all translatable strings in GNU gettext (POT/PO)
 format. If you would like to contribute a new translation:
  1. Download and extract the files from Evergreen RC2
  2. Create a new set of PO files based on the POT files in the
 build/i18n/en-US/ directory
  3. Use a gettext-aware editor like POEdit (
 for Windows or Linux) to translate the files
  4. Send the translated files to the Evergreen Development mailing
 list ( with a Developer's
 Certificate of Origin (DCO - in the body
 of your email.

 If you just want to translate the public interface (catalogue), you
 only need to translate the files opac.dtd.pot and db.seed.pot.

 If you have any questions about the translation process, or notice
 problems, please send a message to the Evergreen Development mailing
 list and we'll do our best to answer your question or correct our

 Thank you, in advance, for helping Evergreen enter a multilingual world!

 Dan Scott
 Laurentian University

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] more fun with import_demo

2009-01-14 Thread Dan Scott
2009/1/14 Dan Scott

 I would _swear_ there used to be a db_port option in, but
 I'll remove it from That'll fix up your problem (and
 the problem of anyone else running the import demo).

I swore in vain - it was never there. I have now added the db_port
option to in trunk.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] nevermind: re import_demo

2009-01-14 Thread Dan Scott
2009/1/14 John Fink
 Hey folks,

 Judicious removal of the deprecated db_port flag resulted in everything
 going ahead nicely, after Dan knocked some sense into me by letting me know
 that the import demo should be run on the database server directly.  As
 always, Dan saves the day.

 Recommended changes to import_demo trunk -- remove db_port references, make
 explicit the need to run on the db server if db and frontend are on
 different boxes.  I'll submit a new version if it'll help. :)

Heh, right beside you - I added the db_port option to
instead, and did update the import demo README with some words about
loading sample_marc.sql and friends directly on the database server.
I've also updated the tarball for the import demo with the new
versions of all the files.

Thanks a ton for running through this and for helping improve Evergreen!

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Translations status: it_IT

2009-01-16 Thread Dan Scott
2009/1/16 Luca Brivio
 (not replying within the original thread because I've subscribed just now)

 I'm working on an Italian translation. If I can't reach its completion in the
 next few days, I'll send you a partial one to be tested.

Thanks for the heads-up, Luca!

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Apache error

2009-01-21 Thread Dan Scott
Hi George:

2009/1/21 Duimovich, George
 I couldn't find any reference to this but wonder if anybody has any thoughts
 on how to fix.

 Running ver 1.4RC2

 Call up the default search screen and get this Error message: OK The server
 encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete
 your request.  etc.

 Some observations
 - Apache is running ok, able to confirm with other local site (vuFind).
 - reports all is ok
 - some apache error.log snips below

 Snips from error.log
 [Wed Jan 21 11:51:13 2009] [error] [client my ip removed ] XMLENT XML
 Parse Error: syntax error at line 1: parsing
 /openils/var/web/opac/skin/default/xml/index.xml: data [an error occurred
 while processing this directive]

 [Wed Jan 21 11:51:13 2009] [debug] core.c(3748): [client my ip removed ]
 (500)Unknown error 500: default_handler: ap_pass_brigade returned 500

 [Wed Jan 21 11:51:14 2009] [error] [client my ip removed ] XMLENT XML
 Parse Error: mismatched tag at line 1108: parsing
 /openils/var/web/opac/skin/default/xml/home/index_body.xml: data


 I have not made any modifications to index.xml  index_body.xml, etc.

This kind of error usually means that an entity is missing from

If you're looking at the en-US OPAC, then there should be no missing
entities. One tricky source of errors is that when mod_deflate is
enabled, files like the DTD file can be gzip-compressed but mod_xmlent
doesn't know how to decompress the file before substituting the
entities. So I would start by trying to disable mod_deflate, then
force-reload Apache and try again:

As root:

a2dismod deflate
/etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload

You may also need to clear your browser cache.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Problem when running srfsh

2009-01-23 Thread Dan Scott
  Hi All

 I have a clean install on ubuntu 8.04.1.  I had a problem with libdbi,
 which I have re-ran the makefile.  When I run srfsh I get unable to
 bootstrap client error (attached srfsh.log).  When ran, generates no errors ( see attached tester.log).

 Srfsh.log indicated an error from Jabber, but I am at a loss to what my
 next steps would be.

 Any assistance greatly appreciated.

Hi David:

Just looking at the srfsh.log - you can't use as a hostname
or domain name; try localhost instead (or, if you're installing
OpenSRF 1.0.2 / Evergreen 1.4, public.localhost for accessing the
publicly exposed OpenSRF services if you followed the OpenSRF README

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] new opensrf install can't connect

2009-02-03 Thread Dan Scott
2009/2/3 Raymond Norton

 The instructions said to send a post to this list if I was having trouble
 with installation.

 Any ideas?

What version of OpenSRF do you have installed?

Do the users, passwords, and domains that you defined in
opensrf_core.xml match the domains defined in ejabberd.cfg and the
users you registered with ejabberdctl?

As an aside, if someone has some time, an OpenSRF config settings
testing script that walked through each user defined in
opensrf_core.xml and that performed a connection test with the
corresponding credentials would probably save a lot of troubleshooting
grief down the road. There's some code that could be cribbed from the
Evergreen script for this purpose.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] new opensrf install can't connect

2009-02-03 Thread Dan Scott
2009/2/3 Raymond Norton

 What version of OpenSRF do you have installed?

 Do the users, passwords, and domains that you defined in
 opensrf_core.xml match the domains defined in ejabberd.cfg and the
 users you registered with ejabberdctl?

 OpenSRF 1.0.2 on Ubuntu Intreped 8.10

Ah, you need to upgrade to OpenSRF 1.0.3 for multidomain support -
sorry about that. That's probably your problem right there. It sounds
like you've done everything else right.

 Is this info exactly what I should have in /etc/hosts, or should it be public.localhostpublic private.localhost   private

Yep, looks good.

 I went through the docs again, and believe I have everything correct in
 opensrf_core.xml.  I don't see the same info in
 /usr/share/ejabbered/ejabberd.cfg. I am guessing it is somehow supposed to
 be updated with the proper info using ejabberdctl. I ran the following a
 second time, but it said the users are already registered.

Uh - actually, you need to see it in /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg. The
/usr/share/... path is just an example ejabberd.cfg file.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] new opensrf install can't connect

2009-02-04 Thread Dan Scott
2009/2/4 Raymond Norton

 Uh - actually, you need to see it in /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg. The
 /usr/share/... path is just an example ejabberd.cfg file.

 No info in there either. Maybe that will change with the upgrade of opensrf

Hmm. I'm not sure I understand. If you're following the directions at it
pretty clearly tells you to edit /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] new opensrf install can't connect

2009-02-04 Thread Dan Scott
2009/2/4 Raymond Norton

 Hmm. I'm not sure I understand. If you're following the directions at it
 pretty clearly tells you to edit /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg

 I have been going here:

 Then here:

 (because I have intrepid 1.8.10)

Okay, I'll update the server_installation page to point directly to
1.0.3; thanks.

 Then here:

 (But now the instructions are gone, and it says to install 1.0.3)

Right - I changed that when I saw you were installing an old version
of the code.

 I will follow the instructions on the new link. What do I have to undo, so
 the new install works?

You don't have to undo anything. All of the instructions are the same:
shows you what the 1.0.2 instructions had before the edit - and it
included instructions to edit /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg. The only
addition to the 1.0.3 instructions is to add /openils/lib to the
system dynamic library path.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] new opensrf install can't connect

2009-02-04 Thread Dan Scott
2009/2/4 Raymond Norton
 Should I be installing the Hardy Heron release on Intrepid?

If you mean, should I follow the install instructions that say
they're for Hardy Heron on my Intrepid system, the answer is yes, for
the most part. When you install the prerequisites, use
ubuntu-intrepid rather than ubuntu-hardy as your Make target.

I follow these instructions
on my Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex system without any noticeable

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] new opensrf install can't connect

2009-02-04 Thread Dan Scott
2009/2/4 Raymond Norton

 Directing the output into a log file and attaching the log file would
 work for me.

 Here you go.

Hmm. Can't figure out why you're running into that compile problem.
Based on configure for libdbi-drivers here (also Ubuntu 8.10), the
PostgreSQL include file test checks for libpq-fe.h in
/usr/include/postgresql - and libpq-fe.h is supposed to be installed
as part of the libpq-dev package.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Opensrf install question

2009-02-10 Thread Dan Scott
2009/2/10 Dale Arntson
 Could someone take a look at this? I read through the code, and it seems
 like my config files are messed up, in particular the opensrf_core.xml. I am
 attaching these files so that someone more knowledgeable than I can take a
 look at them.

Well, one thing is that mod_offline should be commented out in ejabberd.cfg.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Opensrf install question

2009-02-10 Thread Dan Scott
2009/2/10 Dale Arntson
 Could someone take a look at this? I read through the code, and it seems
 like my config files are messed up, in particular the opensrf_core.xml. I am
 attaching these files so that someone more knowledgeable than I can take a
 look at them.

Also, in opensrf.xml you still have:


in the application setting override section. This shouldn't cause the
problem you're reporting, but it will prevent the opensrf.persist
application from working (except in the unlikely case that
/different/path/to/dbfile/persist.db is a real path on your system).

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] osrf_router error over and over.....

2009-02-10 Thread Dan Scott
2009/2/10 Hunt, Phil

 I have evergreen running, but it seems a bit slow, so I looked and see
 opensrf_router is taking 95%+ on the cpu, and syslogd too.

 So I look at syslog and sure enough it is GIG long, with the following
 error over and over..

 Feb 10 06:50:26 LNXOPNSRC1 router: [DEBG:16990:osrf_router.c:117:] Top
 router socket is active: 4
 Feb 10 06:50:26 LNXOPNSRC1 router: [DEBG:16990:transport_session.c:155:]
 socket_wait returned error code -1
 Feb 10 06:50:26 LNXOPNSRC1 router: [DEBG:16990:transport_client.c:142:]
 session_wait returned failure code -1: setting error=1

This isn't an error, it's the result of having your logging levels set
to DEBUG (which is an insanely verbose logging level).

Adjust the values in /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml to something a bit
more sane (in EG we will set them to 3 (INFO) in the example
config files, I believe) and restart.

While you're at it, you'll probably want to adjust the default logging
levels in /etc/apache2/sites-available/eg.conf from debug to something
like warn instead (this has also been changed in the EG
default config files).

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Opensrf install question

2009-02-10 Thread Dan Scott
2009/2/10 Hunt, Phil

 That's what I thought.

 In the step by step for Ubuntu 8.04 and EG, it states to change
 private and public localhost lines to localhost 'throughout' for a
 single server install.

Hmm, if it did say that somewhere, it certainly doesn't now. Are you
working from a printed (old) set of instructions by any chance?

The most recent (and most correct) instructions are at:


... although they are for the upcoming releases, respectively.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Upgrade 1.2.3 to 1.4 problem

2009-02-10 Thread Dan Scott
2009/2/10 Garry Dunn
 I'm in the process of setting up a new test server using Ubuntu 8.04
 and the instructions on the website.  I can get everything running with
 a blank database (with some minor deviations to get PostGres8.2 compiled
 from source--stow was giving a 'conflict', so I installed without it). the
 staff client and OPAC both work fine (albeit with no data).

Right, stow complains if other stuff is already in conlicting
/usr/local/ directories (/usr/local/man from installing CPAN packages,
for example). It's a nice tool, but not necessary.

 Now I want to get our data from our live system into this
 test system.  Our live system is running PostGres 8.1 (slap me--we
 didn't know we were supposed to run 8.2!).  I've got a PG_DUMP of the
 entire database.  Before importing that, I create a blank database and
 run the 3 'createlang' commands and the tablefunc/tsearch2/pgxml
 contribs.  The PG_DUMP imports into this new PG 8.2/Ubuntu system without
 major problems (the warnings are about the tsearch2 tables existing
 already--which makes sense, I thought it might be wise to have the 8.2
 tsearch2 version, rather than the 8.1 that will get imported).

 Then I try running the upgrade script.  After a bunch of successful
 updates to the database, it fails with:


 ERROR:  syntax error at or near IF LINE 1:
 ...('MAXFINES','LONGOVERDUE') OR stop_fines IS NULL) IF  $4  =...
 QUERY:  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM action.circulation WHERE usr =  $1  AND (
 $2  IS NULL OR ( $2  IS NOT NULL AND circ_lib IN ( SELECT * FROM
 explode_array( $3 ) ))) AND checkin_time IS NULL AND (stop_fines IN
 ('MAXFINES','LONGOVERDUE') OR stop_fines IS NULL) IF  $4  =  $5  THEN
 $6  := 'config.circ_matrix_test.max_items_out'
 CONTEXT:  SQL statement in PL/PgSQL function item_user_circ_test near
 line 105

This is one of the fixes that went into

 I'm wondering if I'm going at this in the right way.  It's probably not the
 normal upgrade path, but we like the idea of having a nice clean install and
 bringing our data into that.

It sounds like a reasonable upgrade path to me. You will need to
switch from a single-domain to a multi-domain OpenSRF configuration,

 Any comments/suggestions?

Get and you should be okay. The upgrade path hasn't been
heavily tested, so we would appreciate any further findings that you
might have.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Evergreen is available

2009-02-10 Thread Dan Scott
After a lengthy period of release candidates through Fall 2008 and
quiet and releases in January 2009, the Evergreen
development team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
Evergreen and OpenSRF 1.0.4 for download from

This release adds functionality, configuration, and usability
improvements including, but not limited to, the following areas:

* Improved administrative interfaces for defining organizations
and permissions
* Internationalization and localization (Armenian (hy-AM),
Canadian French (fr-CA), Canadian English (en-CA), and Czech (cs-CZ))
* Multi-source Z39.50 search for staff
* Pre-overdue (reminder) notices
* SRU/Z39.50 server
* Publication date filtering in advanced search
* Preferred-language setting at both system and organizational
level for search results
* Web-based batch record importer/exporter

Our deepest thanks to everyone in the Evergreen community who
contributes documentation, patches, bug reports, ideas, and lends
their voice to the project. You help make Evergreen a far stronger
library system than it could ever be without you.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Spoke too soon - can't login using srfsh either

2009-02-11 Thread Dan Scott
2009/2/11 Hunt, Phil
 I cannot login to my admin account on the client, or with srfsh.

 Client gives error previously shown

 srfsh says:
 Received Data: {
  desc:User login failed,

 So, how did my admin get hosed?  And better yet, how can I add it back?
 Must be sql to add the admin back

If it's not just a matter of using open-ils as the password and you
really do need to reset your password for the admin user, see the
top entry on

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Translation for pt-BR completed

2009-02-12 Thread Dan Scott
Hi Job!

2009/2/12 Job D R Borges

 Translation for Brazilian Portuguese are finish.

 the compressed directory (pt-BR) with all po files are attached with this

Fabulous! Your translation appears to be almost perfectly clean, at
least from a build perspective. There are just a few things to clean
up in lang.dtd.po; I have attached my build log file for your

If you want to set up your own i18n build environment to test out your
work in the future (at least this far), the required packages for
Debian or Ubuntu are listed at the top of

Here's what I did, starting with a fresh checkout of the Evergreen
rel_1_4_0 branch:

1. Extracted the files to the Evergreen build/i18n/po/ directory to
create a new build/i18n/po/pt-BR directory filled with your .po files.

2. Ran make newpot to ensure that the English version of all of the
files was up to date.

3. Ran make LOCALE=pt-BR install to generate the required output
files. I also captured the output of this command to check for errors,
and found that there were a handful of strings in lang.dtd.po that
contain ampersand characters (). Ampersands have a special meaning in
the generated DTD file - they define entities - so you need to replace
them with amp; instead to mean a literal ampersand.

Before I add your translation to the repository, could you please send
us a Developer's Certificate of Origin (DCO 1.1) as linked to and
described at
? I would like to follow our regular process for code contributions
for translations as well.

Thanks so much for this, Job - it looks great, and I'm looking forward
to having pt-BR as part of Evergreen!

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] no contrib folder to work from

2009-02-13 Thread Dan Scott
2009/2/13 Mike Rylander
 On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 4:38 PM, Raymond Norton wrote:
 I gave up on Intrepid, and  am installing on Hardy now, hoping to get my
 first Evergreen install to work.

 I followed the instructions from the cheat sheet link on installing 8.2
 from source.

 That all went fine, and postgresql is started. I have come to the following
 section in the instructions Issue the following commands on your PostgreSQL

 I do have /usr/share/postgresql/8.2, but all that resides in there is man.

 I searched for the contrib folder, but am not finding it.

 I ran make clean, and started over, but still do not have a contrib folder.

 In the source directory where you built Postgres there will be a
 contrib directory.  cd into that and issue `make all install` to
 install the contrib modules.  You should be set after that.

Right, and if you followed the cheat sheet instructions then you will
already have done this and the contrib modules will be in
/usr/local/share/contrib instead of /usr/share/postgresql/8.2/contrib
- which conflicts with the instructions as they currently stand
because they were written for a packaged version of PostgreSQL. So,
adjust accordingly - when I get a chance, I'll add a qualifier to that
step that says if you followed the PostgreSQL install cheat sheet...

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Update needed for opensrf Makefile.install

2009-02-15 Thread Dan Scott
2009/2/15 Carl T. Miller
 Carl T. Miller wrote:
 After the gunzip command, there is no file named $(EJABBERD_PKG).gz.
 The chmod command should be updated to:
   chmod u+x $(EJABBERD_PKG)

 After making this change, the make command finishes with this output:

 make: *** No rule to make target `install', needed by `centos'.  Stop.

 Is this a problem?

Yep, it's a problem. Just remove that target from the centos: install
target, so the line looks like:

centos: install_centos_rpms install_ejabberd install_libmemcache
install_libxml2 install_libxslt install_centos_perl create_ld_local

I've updated Makefile.install in the source code repository. Sorry for
the problems with the prerequisite installer - I had been trying to
put together Red Hat / CentOS prerequisites some time ago, but when it
became clear that we would be able to proceed with Debian or Ubuntu I
abandoned the effort, and some of the refactoring that I've done since
then has (obviously) gone untested on Red Hat / CentOS.

Thanks for the problem reports, and please keep letting the list know
your findings with CentOS. I know there are other institutions who
have policies of only running Red Hat systems, and it would be great
to make that adoption path nice and smooth.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Evergreen install: Very close!

2009-02-16 Thread Dan Scott
2009/2/16 Dale Arntson
 Hi all,

 My Redhat 5 install is nearly there. But I have one more problem I would
 like to pose to the dev-list. When I login as admin using srfsh, the login
 succeeds, but then immediately times out. Im not sure how to read the logs
 on this one. It seems like there may be a timeout set to 0 somewhere that
 shouldn't be there. But I can't find any such timeout. But maybe some on the
 list could comment?



 srfsh# login admin open-ils

 Received Data: 772300b1de59f02903567d6aa7ae300e

 Request Completed Successfully
 Request Time in seconds: 0.002844

 Received Data: {
  desc: ,

 Request Completed Successfully
 Request Time in seconds: 0.121702
 Login Session: 19422d7157c7fee398eb9aa897a12624.  Session timeout:

Are you interpreting the Session timeout: 420.00 statement as an
indication that your session has timed out? That's actually an
indication that your session will timeout in 420 seconds. It sounds
like you might be able to declare success...

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] OpenSRF error

2009-02-16 Thread Dan Scott
2009/2/16 Carl T. Miller
 Thanks, Dan.  Adding libmemcache was all it needed.

 I'm stuck at another error that I don't understand.
 How do I fix an undefined reference to rpl_malloc?

 Here is the pertinent output from make.

 Making all in libopensrf
 make[2]: Entering directory `/opt/opensrf/OpenSRF-1.0.4/src/libopensrf'
 /bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CC   --mode=link gcc -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE
 -DNDEBUG -pipe -g -Wall -O2 -fPIC -I/opt/opensrf/OpenSRF-1.0.4/include/
 -I/usr/include/libxml2/ -I/usr/include/apache2 -I/usr/include/apr-1.0
 -DASSUME_STATELESS  -DOSRF_STRICT_PARAMS -rdynamic -fno-strict-aliasing
 -DOSRF_JSON_ENABLE_XML_UTILS -g -O2  -R /openils/lib  -o opensrf-c
 opensrf.o -lxml2 -ldl -lmemcache -lopensrf -lxml2 -lreadline -lncurses
 -lmemcache -ldl
 gcc -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -DNDEBUG -pipe -g -Wall -O2 -fPIC
 -I/opt/opensrf/OpenSRF-1.0.4/include/ -I/usr/include/libxml2/
 -I/usr/include/apache2 -I/usr/include/apr-1.0 -DASSUME_STATELESS
 -DOSRF_STRICT_PARAMS -rdynamic -fno-strict-aliasing
 -DOSRF_JSON_ENABLE_XML_UTILS -g -O2 -o .libs/opensrf-c opensrf.o
 /opt/opensrf/OpenSRF-1.0.4/src/libopensrf/.libs/ -lxml2
 -lreadline -lncurses -lmemcache -ldl  -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/openils/lib
 /opt/opensrf/OpenSRF-1.0.4/src/libopensrf/.libs/ undefined
 reference to `rpl_malloc'
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make[2]: *** [opensrf-c] Error 1
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/opensrf/OpenSRF-1.0.4/src/libopensrf'

 Any suggestions?

Ugh. ?

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Errors at end of install

2009-02-17 Thread Dan Scott
2009/2/17 Raymond Norton

 /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
  * Restarting web server apache2  httpd (no pid file) not running
 (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
 no listening sockets available, shutting down
 Unable to open logs

 netstat -an -t | grep 443 Does not return anything.

 Got that part fixed. There was a ports.conf in /etc/apache2, as well as a
 line in eg.conf telling it to listen on 443. The two conflicted.

Right, that's step 7.II of

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

[OPEN-ILS-DEV] ILS-Contrib repository for Project Conifer?

2009-02-24 Thread Dan Scott

Just wondering if Project Conifer could have an ILS-Contrib repository
to store its data migration  tweaking scripts, circulation rules
scripts, etc. We need a central repository for our work anyway, and
thought that future academic institutions might find something of
value in picking through our scraps...

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Thanks UPEI! Google Book Preview patch integrated into trunk

2009-03-08 Thread Dan Scott
2009/3/8 Bill Ott
 Dan Scott wrote:

 I think it'll need more than just I18n, unfortunately.  It's currently
  set up to blow away the excerpt added content that other AC modules

 I don't remember seeing any excerpts provided by Syndetics so far - if
 they do provide excerpts, perhaps they are few and far between for
 academic content at least - which is why I wasn't worried about the
 blowing away behaviour.

 I knew I'd seen at least one.  Had to dig a bit to find one, but yes,
 Syndetics certainly has at least some excerpts.

Cool, good to see. Thanks Bill!

It's not a concern any more, as my most recent commit sets up a
separate Preview tab for Google Book Preview (which is required by
Google Book Search branding guidelines in any case). I apologize for
the ten hours that all libraries running bleeding edge trunk were in
danger of trampling Syndetics excerpts :)

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Using opac_local.dtd

2009-03-09 Thread Dan Scott
Hi George:

2009/3/9 Duimovich, George

 I would like to make some modifications to some of the default strings by
 using *_local.dtd files (eg. I created an opac_local.dtd file), mainly to
 trim some strings to save space as we compress the OPAC to fit our
 institutional common look  feel, plus some other local editing.

 However, I can't seem to make my sample change display display live in my
 local skin, but it does display live when I switch to the relevant language
 in the default skin.

 I am modifying/updating this file: ../opac/locale/fr-CA/opac_local.dtd by
 adding this new entity:
 !ENTITY Effacer

 I have not made any changes to the files int the xml/advanced directory, so
 I can see that the relevant code is intact in our new skin:

 button onclick='clearSearchBoxes();';/button

 Any pointers on what I may be doing wrong? All of my links in the new skin's
 xml directory have been re-pointed to the new directory location.

 We're trying to avoid modifications to the xml, but some mods will be
 necessary to support certain CSS work necessary to make the big squeeze
 into our look  feel.

My guess is that Warren might have taken the approach I have suggested
various times of defining a local DTD that over-rides specific entries
in the general DTD. I'm going to guess that you updated that local
DTD, but are looking at the default skin (or created a new skin since

The trick is to define opac_local.dtd before opac.dtd in the index.xml
file for your particular skin; for example, you could create a new
skin by copying /openils/var/web/opac/skin/default to
/openils/var/web/opac/skin/nrcan, then add your opac_local.dtd to
override entity definitions to
/openils/var/web/opac/skin/nrcan/xml/index.xml like so:

-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN; [
!--#include virtual=/opac/locale/${locale}/opac_local.dtd--
!--#include virtual=/opac/locale/${locale}/opac.dtd--

Should work, in theory.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Queries on the Source Documentation for Translation

2009-03-09 Thread Dan Scott
2009/3/9 Betty Ing

 I am working on a translation for the db.seed.pot file. There is a
 source phrase:

 Allow a user to delete another user container (1)

 There was also another phrase:

 Allow a user to delete another user's title note (2)

 Should (1) read as ... another user's container? If so, what is the
 mechanism for correcting the source doc?

Yes; the source string in Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/ is:

INSERT INTO permission.perm_list VALUES
(49, 'DELETE_CONTAINER', oils_i18n_gettext(49, 'Allow a user to
delete another user container', 'ppl', 'description'));

In the context of the other *_CONTAINER permissions, it looks like it
is talking specifically about containers of items, not containers of

The mechanism for correcting the source doc is to point out the
problem on the list (as you have done). I have checked the correction
into trunk, rel_1_4, and rel_1_4_0; if you update your SVN checkout
and run make newpot  make LOCALE=de-DE updatepo in build/i18n/,
you'll get the updated string in your PO file.

 Also, where are the available translations for this particular file? It
 would be helpful for me to obtain the French translation to assist with
 the German translation.

The translations are visible in the build/i18n/po/locale
subdirectories; for example,

Thanks for noticing the typo, Betty!

Dan Scott
Laurentian University


2009-03-10 Thread Dan Scott
2009/3/10 Mike Rylander
 On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 3:55 PM, Grant Johnson wrote:
 Check this out... Top record.

 This is great but...
 How is Google finding this to crawl?

 I can't explain it, but they always seem to find the SlimPACs... :)
 Could there be any links to shared bookbags floating around?  That's
 always been my pick for most likely bot entry point.  One link to a
 bookbag and Google can effectively crawl the entire bib set via call
 number links and the subsequent call number browse.

I can answer this:

The search in Google for show me all pages that link to our
catalogue shows as the fifth link Island Studies | UPEI Robertson
Library ( which in turn
exposes an RSS feed containing selected books on that subject in the
SlimPac interface. From there (and similar reserves lists), Google
happily crawls through related authors, subjects, etc...

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] OrgTree.js - hardcoded strings?

2009-03-11 Thread Dan Scott
2009/3/11 Duimovich, George
 Ok -- that makes sense. If I recall correctly, changes have to be updated 
 with (RTFM, george!)

Heh, don't beat yourself up. I forget about myself all the time.

Actually, despite your high praise for our I18N work, right now while
the script is locale-aware, I haven't taught
to be locale-aware; so we currently generate a single organization
tree in /openils/var/web/opac/common/js/OrgTree.js - this has been
bugging me for the last little while.

I have a long plane ride this evening, and we need this ourselves real
soon now - so I'll work on this tonight.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] OrgTree.js - hardcoded strings?

2009-03-12 Thread Dan Scott
2009/3/11 Dan Scott
 2009/3/11 Duimovich, George
 Ok -- that makes sense. If I recall correctly, changes have to be updated 
 with (RTFM, george!)

 Heh, don't beat yourself up. I forget about myself all the time.

 Actually, despite your high praise for our I18N work, right now while
 the script is locale-aware, I haven't taught
 to be locale-aware; so we currently generate a single organization
 tree in /openils/var/web/opac/common/js/OrgTree.js - this has been
 bugging me for the last little while.

 I have a long plane ride this evening, and we need this ourselves real
 soon now - so I'll work on this tonight.

So, as mentioned, we weren't generating localized OrgTree.js (for the
dynamic OPAC) or (for the SlimPac) files.

I checked two patches into trunk a few minutes ago; one to fix a bug
in the localization support for requesting the org tree, and one to
build localized versions of the org trees and teach the dynamic OPAC
and SlimPac about them.

We'll need to backport these to 1.4, after which you will have to
rerun I might be able to do that tonight - I'm pretty jet

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] [open-ils-commits] r12510 - in trunk: Open-ILS/web/reports/xul build/i18n/po/en-US (miker)

2009-03-13 Thread Dan Scott
2009/3/13 Mike Rylander
 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Dan Scott wrote:
 Note that you don't / shouldn't update POT files directly; instead,
 you want to update the corresponding native en-US file (
 Open-ILS/web/js/dojo/openils/reports/nls/en/us/reports.js in this

 Unfortunately, no such file exists.  Firebug tells me that
 Open-ILS/web/js/dojo/openils/reports/nls/reports.js does, though, so
 I'll move my updates there and clear out the rest of the strings.

Ah, good catch. That's what I get for firing off a quick email at the
end of a long jet-lagged day. Sorry for leading you astray.

 make newpot generates updated POT files and will overwrite
 these changes based on the contents of reports.js. Similarly, just add
 entity definitions directly to lang.dtd rather than lang.dtd.pot -- or
 in this case hardcoding strings in the XUL -- heh :)

 I believe that at this point you're the only one that knows the best
 practices for all of the moving parts of i18n, so you'll need to bear
 with the me (or point me to the the docs I missed on your dojo-PO

Docs, ah yes... the Dojo-PO piece was the last part I added during the
lead up to 1.4 and has suffered the ignominy of not yet having any
developer-oriented docs written about it, I'm afraid. My apologies!

The Dojo JavaScript property files are nice and simple - they're just
JSON hashes, where the key maps to a translation string, and you can
use variables in the string using ${0} ${1} notation.

 I suppose we could delete the POT files from SVN. I had checked them
 in to make it relatively easy for someone to grab a copy for their own
 translation purposes; but if it's going to cause confusion, I can turf

 It seems to have, yes.  If we leave them in place, what mechanism do
 you suggest for keeping them up to date?  We don't want translators
 translating from what amounts to the previous version's strings, I
 would think.

Well, given that the POT strings will likely be 9x% the same from
release to release, that's not so bad - and it was nice and easy to
point to the Trac instance for translators to download the POT files.
However, I have now removed them from the repository because the last
thing I want to do is slow down development.

One of the sites doing a translation had mentioned they were going to
host a Pootle instance for the Evergreen community, which would
simplify things significantly (provides a nice Web-based translation
interface and automatically generates reports on translation
completion percentages). That has not yet come to pass, though, so
perhaps I'll try running an instance on

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] [open-ils-commits] r12520 - trunk/Open-ILS/xsl (dbs)

2009-03-14 Thread Dan Scott
2009/3/14 Mike Rylander
 Would you mind terribly updating
 Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/ as well, so that
 in-database XML processing (work underway, as you know) will have the
 same behavior as open-ils.supercat and open-ils.ingest?

I don't mind at all; although this is probably one of those areas
where we should just maintain one copy of the pertinent XSL in the
source tree and copy it around (renaming if necessary) at install

For now I'll update 954 accordingly. Thanks for the heads up, Mike!

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Custom entities

2009-03-15 Thread Dan Scott
2009/3/15 Duimovich, George

 Any comments on support for custom entities in, say, the opac ?

 Could I just add a custom entity in my opac_local.dtd file or will this
 break things (i.e. does an entity have to be registered elsewhere, including
 in opac.dtd)?

Nope, just go ahead and define custom entities in your opac_local.dtd file.

 We are using a customized left sidebar menu for certain navigational items,
 and we are also using /locale/ dtd's for Evergreen entities in our bilingual
 environment. I can handle non Evergreen links already (using /locale/ aware
 includes, hardcoding links, etc.) but I was just wondering if I could manage
 some of our  external links using custom entities, and if so, any gotchas to
 look out for?

You have to use amp; for ampersands instead of plain  - that's about
the only gotcha I can think of off the top of my head.

Oh, and this is broader than just entities, but if you end up
customizing some of the JS files, like skin/skin-name/js/rdetail.js,
inside a skin, you'll discover that the corresponding XML file in the
skin hardcodes a call to skin/default/js/rdetail.js - which can be
surprising the first time you make major changes to a JS file in a
skin and wonder why you don't see any changes.

A little sed can take care of that; for example, in the following we
point to the skin/skin-name/js/ directory for all JS files that would
otherwise be loaded from skin/default/js/ in page_rdetail.xml
(although you might want to use a bit more precision than this!):

sed -i -e 's/skin\/default\/js/skin\/skin-name\/js/'

 Step by step our customized opac coming along satisfactorily -- a few things
 to get used to and improve upon (like don't make /any/ xml errors, some
 minor CSS enhancements to be done for finer grain control, etc.), but I'm
 very impressed with the thinking and organization behind the OPAC layout

Good to hear that you're making progress, George! And yep, as usual,
Bill/Mike/Jason's work excels.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] New Skin

2009-03-16 Thread Dan Scott
2009/3/16 Grant Johnson
 Any place we can demo the new OPAC skin to our staff?

Hi Grant:

If you're talking about craftsman, see:

I suppose the landing page could use a blurb about that...

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] SuperCat - adding supported format?

2009-03-16 Thread Dan Scott
Heh, you're about a week and a half behind: - at least in trunk.
Backporting to rel_1_4 would be trivial.

2009/3/16 Duimovich, George

 FWIW - Terry Reese's recent MarcEdit update now includes Creative Commons 
 Zero license headers to the FGDC stylesheets

 If possible, I'd like to see it added as an official supported supercat 
 transform. We're keen to monitor and help support future versions of that 
 format, especially after our phase II migration when we bring on board our 
 map library.


 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of 
 Duimovich, George
 Sent: January 26, 2009 9:22 AM
 To: Evergreen Development Discussion List
 Subject: Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] SuperCat - adding supported format?

 Dan - I saw your post:

 Thanks for that write-up! Very helpful.

 George Duimovich
 NRCan Library / Bibliothèque RNCan

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Dan Scott
 Sent: November 6, 2008 1:06 PM
 To: Evergreen Development Discussion List
 Subject: Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] SuperCat - adding supported format?

 Hi George:

 2008/11/4 Duimovich, George

 I am looking for some feedback on adding support for additional SuperCat 

 We have a large map collection and have some key user communities 
 standardized on the FGDC format [1]. This standard specifies the content of 
 metadata for a set of digital geospatial data.

 I am impressed with the off-the-shelf transformations supported here [2] and 
 I would like to hear from anyone on the process for adding an additional 
 supported format. In particular, we are looking to support FGDC (and related 
 ISO 19115) standard as one of the SuperCat output transformations.

 FYI, a sample crosswalk is available here [2], thanks to the work of Terry 
 Reese. Note the available MARCXML21 = FGDC v.2 XSLT crosswalk.

 Any comments on next steps (getting started by adding it as a local only 
 transformation vs. getting this officially part of SuperCat supported 
 formats), etc.

 I think the first step would be getting a license for the crosswalk; the 
 Oregon State repository that you pointed to simply says Items in 
 ScholarsArchive are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless 
 otherwise indicated. and there is no other indication in either comments in 
 the MARC21XML - FGDC crosswalk or other collateral that the stylesheet is 
 available under any license.

 Assuming that we can get over the licensing hump, it should be a relatively 
 straightforward matter of dropping the transform into 
 Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/Application/ and 
 Open-ILS/src/perlmods/OpenILS/WWW/SuperCat/ (using something like 
 MODS32 as a template).

 Dan Scott
 Laurentian University

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Evergreen translation Web site (beta)

2009-03-19 Thread Dan Scott
I took a few hours yesterday to set up a basic Pootle instance for the
current Evergreen translations that we have.

It's still very barebones, and I haven't set it up to allow direct
commits to the repository, but it can be useful if you register and
then log in - you can very quickly drill down to see the overall
status of each language in the Evergreen project, then the status of
each file per language, and have it show you just the untranslated or
fuzzy strings for a given file. Or, if you prefer translating offline,
you can download the zip file for your language, and later upload
files as you complete their translation.

If there is interest in the community in using this, I can certainly
put some time into refining it and managing the permissions. I suspect
it will make life a lot easier.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Evergreen translation Web site (beta)

2009-03-19 Thread Dan Scott
Gah, I'm a bit too tired: the barebones site is visible at - register and log in
options are at the top right.

2009/3/19 Dan Scott
 I took a few hours yesterday to set up a basic Pootle instance for the
 current Evergreen translations that we have.

 It's still very barebones, and I haven't set it up to allow direct
 commits to the repository, but it can be useful if you register and
 then log in - you can very quickly drill down to see the overall
 status of each language in the Evergreen project, then the status of
 each file per language, and have it show you just the untranslated or
 fuzzy strings for a given file. Or, if you prefer translating offline,
 you can download the zip file for your language, and later upload
 files as you complete their translation.

 If there is interest in the community in using this, I can certainly
 put some time into refining it and managing the permissions. I suspect
 it will make life a lot easier.

 Dan Scott
 Laurentian University

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Staff client and locale specific customizations

2009-03-23 Thread Dan Scott
2009/3/23 Duimovich, George

 Regarding Staff client label string entity customizations.

 1. There are a couple of untranslated strings in the fr-CA version of the
 staff client and we will be working towards updating these in the PO files.
 In the interim, may we proceed with local XUL edits in a manner similar to
 web OPAC DTD custom changes?  For example, we can identify one of the
 untranslated strings in this file:


 Should we proceed with creation of lang_local.dtd in for use in a manner
 similar to customized files created for OPAC entities (e.g. opac_local.dtd)
 or should we just update the lang.dtd directly for a temporary fix?

Advantage of using lang_local.dtd - it will survive upgrades.
Disadvantage of using lang_local.dtd - there are umpteen files that
you have to add it.

I think your best bet would be to modify lang.dtd locally and ensure
that the translations make their way into 1.4.0.x (hopefully the
Pootle web app will help with that) so that at the next upgrade you'll
get the additional translations.

 Also, where can one set / change the default OPAC search to use for the F4
 (search the catalogue) link for /each/ specific locale we want to use?

I've committed a patch for this in trunk, rel_1_4, and rel_1_4_0;
thanks to Jason for the assist.

It will, unfortunately, require the install of a new staff client.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Evergreen and OpenSRF 1.0.6 are available

2009-03-29 Thread Dan Scott
The Evergreen development team is pleased to announce the immediate
availability of
Evergreen and OpenSRF 1.0.6 for download from

These releases are primarily bug fix releases; see for a
complete list of fixed bugs. Some of the highlights are:

  * Improved OPAC support for Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera,
and Safari
  * Fixed a race condition for saving edited bibliographic records
  * Improved I18N support
  * Improved performance in authority lookups

If you want to give Evergreen a test drive, a VirtualBox image
is available for download from

Once again, our deepest thanks to everyone in the Evergreen community who
contributes documentation, patches, bug reports, ideas, and lends
their voice to the project. You help make Evergreen a far stronger
library system than it could ever be without you.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Evergreen and OpenSRF 1.0.6 are available

2009-03-30 Thread Dan Scott
2009/3/30 Job D R Borges
 Hello Dan,

 Great Works in,

 I did the svn co.

 But the  url;,
 used to download the image,
 has permissions problens.

Ah! My apologies - I have fixed the permissions on the image. Thanks
for reporting the problem.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] How to test Evergreen after upgrading to

2009-03-31 Thread Dan Scott
Hi Václav:

2009/3/31 Václav Jansa
 Dear all,
 due to the problem with Czech in the staff client (and without manual repair
 of errors even in the OPAC) I have upgraded Evergreen from version
 to version The Czech localization works in the OPAC but the staff
 client keeps reporting errors (even with the pure installation) as described
 in the previous posts.

The staff client will return a 500 version error if it can't find the
appropriate translation at /openils/var/web/opac/locale/cs-CZ/lang.dtd
- and then will fail with error messages about
after that if the corresponding files are not visible at

If you don't want to do a fresh install, then from the tarball
you could copy the following files:

cp Open-ILS/web/opac/locale/cs-CZ/* /openils/var/web/opac/locale/cs-CZ/.

Staff client (server side):
cp Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/*
cp Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/locale/cs-CZ/*
cp Open-ILS/web/js/dojo/openils/conify/nls/cs/cz/*
cp Open-ILS/web/js/dojo/openils/reports/nls/cs/cz/*

But I think you would be better off just doing a fresh install from
the tarball.

Oh, and you will either need the staff client, or:

cp Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/* C:\Program
Files\Evergreen Staff Client\build\chrome\locale\cs-CZ\. (well, the
equivalent on Windows).

 Is it possible to somehow test the installation so that it could be proved
 that it has been made correctly? Is it possible to test the database
 somehow? (Upgrade scripts were run – approx. three inserts and one index –
 then the database was loaded again, the Czech language switched on, all
 without errors.)

You can delete the existing database strings from the database with:

DELETE FROM config.i18n_core WHERE translation = 'cs-CZ';

... then reload the updated database strings from

 Due to work duties I have not made it yet to finish the pure installation
 and using the current installation I have not made the decision to delete
 the database and redefine it (there are already some data inserted in the

A fresh install of Evergreen doesn't require you to rebuild the entire
database, so hopefully the config.i18n_core tip above works for you.

 The IP address of my installation is, the user is test
 (cataloging permissions), password demo123.

 Thank you in advance for any ideas!

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] PATCH: Z39.50 import broken due to marc_view.html issues

2009-04-02 Thread Dan Scott
The patch looks good to me, Jeff. There were a number of other places
in the code where I have had to make similar changes to protect
against XMLENT's meddlesome ways (/me shakes fist at XMLENT, while
simultaneously being thankful for its existence).

My apologies for introducing the regression via the eg_vhost.conf
change in the first place.

I'll reproduce and commit if it looks good.  Thanks a ton for tracking
this down, Jeff.

2009/4/2 Jeff Godin

 On Thu, 2 Apr 2009, Jeff Godin wrote:

 Patch against trunk is attached. If the patch is acceptable, please
 apply to the 1.4 branches also.

 Since Jason asked (and I forgot) here's a DCO for the patch submitted in
 my previous message, marc_view.patch.


 Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1

 By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:

 (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
    have the right to submit it under the open source license
    indicated in the file; or

 (b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
    of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source
    license and I have the right under that license to submit that
    work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part
    by me, under the same open source license (unless I am
    permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated
    in the file; or

 (c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
    person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified

 (d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution
    are public and that a record of the contribution (including all
    personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is
    maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with
    this project or the open source license(s) involved.

 Signed-off-by: Jeff Godin

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] PATCH: Z39.50 import broken due to marc_view.html issues

2009-04-03 Thread Dan Scott
2009/4/2 Jeff Godin
 On Thu, 2 Apr 2009, Dan Scott wrote:

 The patch looks good to me, Jeff. There were a number of other places
 in the code where I have had to make similar changes to protect
 against XMLENT's meddlesome ways (/me shakes fist at XMLENT, while
 simultaneously being thankful for its existence).

 A number of other places, like the closed dates editor. :)
 (thanks for your help with that one the other night!)

Yeah. If you grep all the files under /xul/ for CDATA, you'll see a
ton there, too; mostly as a result of being broken by turning on
XMLENT in earlier days.

 My apologies for introducing the regression via the eg_vhost.conf
 change in the first place.

 I'll reproduce and commit if it looks good.  Thanks a ton for tracking
 this down, Jeff.

 You're welcome, and don't worry about it! I wasn't trying to point blame
 by citing a changeset (dbs broke it!) -- I was just trying to give
 enough context to explain the reason for the patch. :)

Oh, don't worry I understand and appreciate the intent. Context is good!

 Thanks again for all your help. I really appreciate it.

Aw, shucks :)

Anyway, your patch tested out successfully and has been applied, with
thanks. Keep 'em coming!

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Problems with open-ils.ingest.full.biblio.record_list

2009-04-08 Thread Dan Scott
2009/4/8 Mike Rylander
 On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 12:21 AM, Dan Scott wrote:

 I've fixed these issues in r12816 using a minimalist approach, but
 it's not clear to me why the current implementation is as complex as
 it is. ingest.full.biblio.record_list seems to be a copy of
 ingest.full.biblio.record, with a bit of extra code to iterate over
 the incoming list and to return a count of the records that were
 successfully processed.

 They could certainly be coalesced into a single implementation.  The
 only important difference is null vs 0 on a single (or all) record
 error.  Calling code looks at the return value of both as true/false,
 so returning the bib id from the non-list version isn't needed.  That
 being said, it would not be hard to retain both existing return types
 based on $self-api_name.

Ah, the $self-api_name trick; that would be a good direction to go.
Thanks for the suggestion, Mike.

  Replacing it with an implementation that just
 iterates over ingest.full.biblio.record for each element of the list
 (below) works just as well, and (at least to my eyes) is easier to

 [snip implementation]

 For long lists of record ids, the extra round-tripping of a retrieval
 per record can cause significant slowdown.  There was once a version
 that was much like what you have there, but I rewrote it to do batch
 re-ingests more efficiently.

Oh, that makes perfect sense (of course). If we touch that area of
code again without refactoring it away entirely, we should probably
add a comment to that effect so that when Evergreen developer
archaelogists from the year 3000 dig into the code, they won't run
through the same rediscovery process. :)

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] proper client

2009-04-09 Thread Dan Scott
2009/4/9 Raymond Norton
 I think so.  I don't know off-hand how to configure apache for
 allowing symlinks.  How painful would it be to get a newer Evergreen

 I use vmware from I tried a different image earlier, but it
 wouldn't open. Which image would you suggest?

All of the recent images have been built with VirtualBox
( The nice thing about VirtualBox is that it
will open VMWare images as well.

I would suggest the most recent image, the Evergreen
VirtualBox image, documented at

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Inconsistent description/steps on 1.4 Evg Install Docuwiki page

2009-04-09 Thread Dan Scott
2009/4/9 John Craig
 Page in question is:

     Textual instructions say:

     We start Evergreen using three separate steps (the OpenSRF router, Perl
 services, and C services) to avoid a possible race condition with the
 start_all command.

     Step says (down a few lines): -l -a start_alll

 Which raises another question:

Wait! You didn't ask the first question! Oh well. If you're worried
about the difference between the description and the action, I've
deleted the description. The race condition has (probably) gone away
in 1.4 due to the addition of the --settings-startup-pause flag to; that descriptive text was a hangover from 1.2 days.

 Is the nature of the race condition understood so that the script could be
 improved to check for something (or just pause) to avoid it? I'd be happy to
 fiddle with it if I knew more about what needed to happen--or what needed to
 be prevented.

Short version: Perl services start; C services start; C services
depend on Perl services (settings server in particular); Perl services
aren't ready by the time the C services ping them; C services fail to
initialize; unhappiness.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Searching the catalog

2009-04-13 Thread Dan Scott
2009/4/13 Jason Etheridge
 So what's wrong, you ask?  If I try a basic catalog search (in the OPAC or
 the staff client) I get zero results, regardless of what I search for.

 Garry, did you figure this out?  Have you tried direct lookups by TCN
 or item barcode?

 Any ideas on where to start to correct this problem?

 I'd start looking at the various metabib.* tables, and see if they're
 getting populated.

This is certainly a good idea. If they are indeed populated, I have
another idea...

One change between 1.2 and 1.4 is the staged search, which is much
faster than the regular old 1.2 search. However, staged search is also
much pickier about your org_unit hierarchy; if you have one org_unit
at the wrong depth, or skip a depth in the hierarchy, your search is
going to return nothing.

You can tell if you are using staged search by checking for
use_staged_searchtrue/use_staged_search in opensrf.xml - if
changing it to false makes a difference, this is a pretty strong
clue that you need to double-check actor.org_unit and

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] ***SPAM*** Patch to fix insert subfield shortcut key conflict in Mac client

2009-04-13 Thread Dan Scott
2009/3/26 Alexander O'Neill
 Hi Everyone,

 We encountered a problem with the Evergreen staff client when running on Mac
 OS X. When editing a MARC record, the default shortcut key to add a new
 subfield (Ctrl-d) didn't do anything. We discovered that it was conflicting
 with the default Mac OS system behaviour - delete the character to the right
 of the insertion point.

 Anyway here is a very simple patch that makes Ctrl-i also be a shortcut to
 add a subfield.  This doesn't conflict with anything else since you can't
 use italics in MARC subfields. ;)

 The patch was against version rel_1_2_2_2, and needs to be applied in the
 directory /openils/var/web/xul/[STAFF CLIENT BUILD NUMBER]/server/cat
 because of the staff client build numbers insanity.

 The patch also updates the text box when you hit the Help button on the MARC
 edit screen.

 If you don't want to apply a patch here are the changes:

 marcedit.js - line 230:
                       if (event.charCode == 100  event.ctrlKey) { //
                       // Use Ctrl-I for Mac since Ctrl-D conflicts (UPEI)
                       if ((event.charCode == 100 || event.charCode == 105)
  event.ctrlKey) { // ctrl+d

 marcedit.xul - line 13
               button label=Help accesskey=H oncommand=alert('Add Row:
 CTRL+Enter\nInsert Row: CTRL+Shift+Enter\nAdd Subfield: CTRL+D\nRemove Row:
 CTRL+Del\nRemove Subfield: SHIFT+Del\nCreate/Replace 006:
 CTRL+F6\nCreate/Replace 007: CTRL+F7\nCreate/Replace 008: CTRL+F8\n');/
               button label=Help accesskey=H oncommand=alert('Add Row:
 CTRL+Enter\nInsert Row: CTRL+Shift+Enter\nAdd Subfield: CTRL+D (CTRL+I on
 Mac)\nRemove Row: CTRL+Del\nRemove Subfield: SHIFT+Del\nCreate/Replace 006:
 CTRL+F6\nCreate/Replace 007: CTRL+F7\nCreate/Replace 008: CTRL+F8\n');/

 We aren't running 1.4 yet but looking at the source code I think this bit is
 unchanged from 1.2.

In 1.4 and beyond, the strings are in a separate file for
internationalization purposes - but otherwise, things were indeed
unchanged. Which made it easy for me to apply the patch to trunk in
r12862 - thanks a ton, Alex.

 Hopefully this is useful for people looking to use the Mac client.  If there
 is interest in fixing the other shortcut key problems in the Mac client let
 me know and I'll devote some more time to it.

I don't know what other shortcut key conflicts exist on the Mac, but
I'm sure that your offer is appreciated and will be taken advantage of
as more Mac users adopt Evergreen :)

Thanks again!

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Proximity stuff in seems confused.....

2009-04-15 Thread Dan Scott
Those prototype mismatch warnings are because you're running on
Ubuntu Intrepid and there's a known problem in perl 5.10 on Intrepid
for which I opened a bug and submitted a patch: - it
shouldn't change the results of running /openils/bin/

However, you do have some other problem in your setup that is causing problems:

 Can't call method content on an undefined value at
 /openils/lib/perl5/OpenILS/Utils/ line 324

That's not good. Don't know what the problem is, though.


2009/4/15 Hunt, Phil
 Just finished installing and trying to setup the proximity stuff,
 getting these errors below.  It is also taking A LONG TIME

 (5+ minutes, finished in 15 seconds).

 See below:

 open...@lnxevg1os1:/home/phunt$ cd /openils/bin

 open...@lnxevg1os1:/openils/bin$ ./ -c
 /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -u

 Updating fieldmapper

 Prototype mismatch: sub main::__LONG_MAX__ () vs none at
 /usr/lib/perl/5.10/ line 291.

 Constant subroutine __LONG_MAX__ redefined at
 /usr/lib/perl/5.10/ line 291.

 Updating web_fieldmapper

 Prototype mismatch: sub main::__LONG_MAX__ () vs none at
 /usr/lib/perl/5.10/ line 291.

 Constant subroutine __LONG_MAX__ redefined at
 /usr/lib/perl/5.10/ line 291.

 Updating OrgTree

 Prototype mismatch: sub main::__LONG_MAX__ () vs none at
 /usr/lib/perl/5.10/ line 291.

 Constant subroutine __LONG_MAX__ redefined at
 /usr/lib/perl/5.10/ line 291.

 cp: cannot stat `/openils/var/web/opac/common/js//en-US/OrgTree.js': No such
 file or directory

 Updating OrgTree HTML

 Prototype mismatch: sub main::__LONG_MAX__ () vs none at
 /usr/lib/perl/5.10/ line 291.

 Constant subroutine __LONG_MAX__ redefined at
 /usr/lib/perl/5.10/ line 291.

 Updating locales selection HTML

 Prototype mismatch: sub main::__LONG_MAX__ () vs none at
 /usr/lib/perl/5.10/ line 291.

 Constant subroutine __LONG_MAX__ redefined at
 /usr/lib/perl/5.10/ line 291.

 Updating Search Groups

 Prototype mismatch: sub main::__LONG_MAX__ () vs none at
 /usr/lib/perl/5.10/ line 291.

 Constant subroutine __LONG_MAX__ redefined at
 /usr/lib/perl/5.10/ line 291.

 Can't call method content on an undefined value at
 /openils/lib/perl5/OpenILS/Utils/ line 324.

 Refreshing proximity of org units

 Prototype mismatch: sub main::__LONG_MAX__ () vs none at
 /usr/lib/perl/5.10/ line 291.

 Constant subroutine __LONG_MAX__ redefined at
 /usr/lib/perl/5.10/ line 291.

 Successfully updated the organization proximity



 Phil Hunt

 Program Director, Information Technology


 '   Direct Phone:  (508)597-1924

 '    1.508.460.7700 x1924

 6 FAX (508)460-9455


Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Regarding installation of Evergreen 1.0.4

2009-05-07 Thread Dan Scott
2009/5/7 Dibyendra Hyoju
 Hello everyone,

 I have been trying to install Evergreen 1.4.0 on Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron
 since couple of days ago. I have successfully installed PostgreSQL 8.2
 database system from the source code. Also, installation of the OpenSRF
 1.0.6 was successful. After coming back to the installation of Evergreen
 1.4.0, I have followed the provided 15 steps, as provided on, but couldn't
 succeed in starting Evergreen due to the problem occured in step 4, relating
 to PostgreSQL.

 While issuing the following command, following error occurs, although the
 two configuration files contain correct authentication parameters for

 r...@dibyendra-laptop:/home/opensrf/Evergreen-ILS-  perl
 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/ --update-config --service-all
 --create-schema --create-bootstrap --create-offline --user evergreen
 --password evergreendb --hostname localhost --port 5432 -- database
 Unknown option: service-all

This is one of the keys! The option should be --service all - no
connecting hyphen (-) between the two. This tells the script to update
all of the Evergreen services in opensrf.xml that connect to a
database to use the parameters that you are passing at the command
line; or, if you don't pass a parameter at the command line, to use
the first corresponding value of that it finds in opensrf.xml.

So, when you pass -- database evergreen, the extra space between the
-- and database is enough to confuse the script, and it goes to
lookup the database name from the existing opensrf.xml file. Try
--database evergreen instead.

When you fix those two options in your command, things should be a lot better!

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Z39.50 Server off by one

2009-05-15 Thread Dan Scott
2009/5/13 Warren Layton
 I've managed to set up Evergreen as a Z39.50 server using Simple2Zoom.
 However, I noticed that when I would find N results, I could only retrieve
 N-1 of those results. It sounds like others may be having this problem.

 I poked around a bit in Simple2Zoom and made a quick 1-line fix (attached).
 It seems to have solved this issue for me on my simple Evergreen setup but I
 haven't tested it very much yet.

 I was wondering if anyone had narrowed this problem down to being an
 Evergreen issue or a Simple2Zoom issue. If it's a Simple2Zoom issue, then
 this patch might be helpful.

I'm happy to say that this patch solved our off-by-one problem quite
nicely. And I'm honestly happy to just have a working Z39.50 server,
with the ability to scope searches by org_unit and surface holdings in
a way that makes VDX happy, without worrying too much about whether
the cause of the off-by-one lies in the Evergreen code or the
Simple2ZOOM code.

Thanks a ton, Warren! We should update the SRU/Z39.50 section of the
wiki to reflect the status of the server, it has come a long way in
the last month!

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] ctrl+i for Mac Staff Client

2009-05-25 Thread Dan Scott
Hey Grant:

2009/5/25 Grant Johnson
 Since I had a couple of requests for this here it is.

 To use ctrl+i for Mac Staff clients, AO added the following to marcedit.js on 
 the server.
 This is NOT a patch - just a code snippit for context.

 It enables ctrl+i for ALL OS's cause italics doesn't matter in the EG staff 
 client. :-)

                if (element.nodeKind() == 'attribute') element[0]=box.value;
                else element.setChildren( box.value );

 ++              //Use Ctrl+i for Mac since Ctrl+d conflicts (UPEI)
                if (element.localName() != 'controlfield') {
 --                      if (event.charCode == 100  event.ctrlKey) { // 
 ++                      if ((event.charCode == 100 || event.charCode == 105) 
  event.ctrlKey) { // ctrl+d


Good news, I merged this to Evergreen trunk about a month ago as
(and credited Alexander O'Neill accordingly).

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Patron Search

2009-05-25 Thread Dan Scott
2009/5/25 Grant Johnson
 How much work would it be to add a Search for Patron by username?
 and where would I look first ?

In trunk, on the Search for Patrons interface, there is an OPAC
Login field. Perhaps this is what you're looking for?

Or are you looking for a quick search menu item like Search for
copies by barcode?

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Make craftsman the default catalogue skin in Evergreen 1.6?

2009-05-28 Thread Dan Scott
How crazy would it be to make craftsman the default skin for the 1.6 release?

I think that it would make sense for two reasons:

1) It would put the best face forward for new Evergreen installs.
First impressions matter.
2) It would help us shake out any bugs that might remain in the
craftsman skin at this point.

I would hate to see the investment in this very nice facelift to the
catalogue fall by the wayside. I was happy to see that my serials
display code just works with craftsman, but it's visually jarring
because it uses the legacy skin classes for its styling at the moment.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Fixing the mixed-content warnings in My Account

2009-05-28 Thread Dan Scott
If I understand correctly, some browsers (hello IE!) throw up warnings
when patrons enter My Account in the OPAC because there are some
hard-coded HTTP requests mixed in with the HTTPS session. When patrons
opt to not allow the browser to load mixed content, hilarity (or some
miserable facsimile thereof) ensues. This is bad. Apaprently things
are even worse in IE8.

It looks like the mixed content is due to

setenv.xml:!--#set var=OILS_BASE
setenv.xml:!--#set var=OILS_OPAC_JS_HOST
setenv.xml:!--#set var=OILS_OPAC_CSS_HOST

Setting these to the following alleviates the problem:

setenv.xml:!--#set var=OILS_BASE value=${OILS_OPAC_BASE}--
setenv.xml:!--#set var=OILS_OPAC_JS_HOST value=--
setenv.xml:!--#set var=OILS_OPAC_CSS_HOST value=--

The win from having a non-scary default configuration seems to, in my
mind, outweigh the possible balancing of JS and CSS across different
hosts. Would there be any objection to my merging a commit that resets
each offending var to a non-scary default value, along with a comment
that explains what in the wide world of sports is going on?

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Fixing the mixed-content warnings in My Account

2009-06-02 Thread Dan Scott
2009/5/29 Mike Rylander
 On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 12:38 AM, Dan Scott wrote:
 If I understand correctly, some browsers (hello IE!) throw up warnings
 when patrons enter My Account in the OPAC because there are some
 hard-coded HTTP requests mixed in with the HTTPS session. When patrons
 opt to not allow the browser to load mixed content, hilarity (or some
 miserable facsimile thereof) ensues. This is bad. Apaprently things
 are even worse in IE8.

 It looks like the mixed content is due to

 setenv.xml:!--#set var=OILS_BASE
 setenv.xml:    !--#set var=OILS_OPAC_JS_HOST
 setenv.xml:    !--#set var=OILS_OPAC_CSS_HOST

 Setting these to the following alleviates the problem:

 setenv.xml:!--#set var=OILS_BASE value=${OILS_OPAC_BASE}--
 setenv.xml:    !--#set var=OILS_OPAC_JS_HOST value=--
 setenv.xml:    !--#set var=OILS_OPAC_CSS_HOST value=--

 The win from having a non-scary default configuration seems to, in my
 mind, outweigh the possible balancing of JS and CSS across different
 hosts. Would there be any objection to my merging a commit that resets
 each offending var to a non-scary default value, along with a comment
 that explains what in the wide world of sports is going on?

 How about we do that /AND/ supply https: versions of those three,
 having the code that deals with  (and makes up) the My OPAC stuff use
 those.  Perhaps even make that explicit in the name by putting MYOPAC
 in there:

 setenv.xml:!--#set var=OILS_MYOPAC_BASE
 setenv.xml:!--#set var=OILS_MYOPAC_JS_HOST
 setenv.xml:!--#set var=OILS_MYOPAC_CSS_HOST

 Then My OPAC is happy in tin-foil browsers, and those sites that need
 a separate content server (at least the 2 largest production sites,
 that I recall OTTOMH) don't have to jump through any more hoops than
 anyone else at upgrade time -- it stays as config settings.  Do you
 see any issues with that modification to your plan?

Other than being more work and perhaps more susceptible to slipping in
an error somewhere for the simple case, no, I think it will maintain
the current approach for serving up static content in more complex
configurations. For now, we have adopted the simplistic serve
everything up from a single host approach (recognizing that that's
eating up our Apache backends like crazy, but hey, it's summer and
slow time for the academics).

Rather than trying to solve the problem in the Evergreen application
code, another approach would be to use something like nginx as a proxy
to serve up all known static types (*.js, *.png, *.gif, and the like)
/ locations and to hand off the dynamic requests to Apache. nginx is
apparently able to serve up static content at higher concurrency and
using far less CPU  RAM than Apache requires. This would add one more
moving part to a production configuration, but it would have the
advantage of simplifying the application code (one less set of SSI to
deal with). Each server in a load-balanced cluster could be
responsible for serving up its own static content; or all static
content could be served up from a designated host; or in a simple
non-nginx environment, Apache could still serve up all static +
dynamic content.

There's a good intro to nginx at for those interested in
pursuing this direction.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] By popular demand

2009-06-02 Thread Dan Scott
2009/6/2 Mike Rylander
 I fixed up the major issues that I'm aware of in Craftsman in terms of
 functionality compared to the venerable 'default' (copy location
 display (or lack thereof) which was also causing massive JS fail, and
 added BibTemplate support, which just worked), and made it the default
 in the example Apache config file that will go into 1.6.  I suspect
 we'll find more issues with it (probably 10 minutes after I finally
 wrap a 1.6.0 tarball) but it's in there now.

You rock, Mike. Serials support just works too, but it's currently
pulling in the classes that define styles for the classic default
rather than the craftsman default default skin, which looks pretty
funny. I'll see if there's a simple-ish fix for that this morning.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Z39.50 sru vs marc21

2009-06-10 Thread Dan Scott
2009/6/10 Grant Johnson
 I have SRU returning marcxml records.
 What do I need to do to return marc21?

At Conifer we're just following the steps that Mike and I wrote up at
- although at Conifer we're running something closer to trunk than
1.4, so your mileage may vary slightly.

I spruced up the page a bit to document the options to limit search
scope and expose holdings that are supported as of Evergreen 1.6.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] storing program of study/major information in Evergreen

2009-06-11 Thread Dan Scott
2009/6/11 Robert Soulliere
 Hi guys,

 I have a quick database question:

 We would like to store patron - program of study information in Evergreen.
 Which table should I store this in or is this even possible? From looking at
 the database tables, it looks like the usr_setting table might be a
 candidate. Any suggestions?

This sounds like a perfect use for a patron statistical category
(stat cat), I would think.

You can get to it from Local System Administration - Statistical
Category Editor.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Z39.50 sru vs marc21

2009-06-11 Thread Dan Scott
2009/6/11 Grant Johnson
 OK - I made some changes...
 Thanks Dan.
 SRU still works... I may be really thick but is the issue I'm listening on 
 localhost only?

 islandpines:/openils/conf# simple2zoom -c dgo.conf localhost:2210 -f 
 Found database: evergreen
 09:55:42-11/06 [server] Adding dynamic listener on localhost:2210 id=0
 09:55:42-11/06 [server] Starting server simple2zoom pid=7866

Oh, probably (the localhost thing, not the thick thing!).

When you say localhost:2210, you're saying only respond to a Z
client making requests to localhost:2210. Instead of localhost:2210,
you can specify if you're allowing
external connections to port 2210 on that server, for example.

You can even specify multiple host/port listener combos with a command
line like:

simple2zoom -c dgo.conf -- -f xml2marc-yaz.conf localhost:2210

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Z39.50 sru vs marc21

2009-06-11 Thread Dan Scott
2009/6/11 Grant Johnson
 Can someone try hitting see if they can 
 retrieve marc21 records?
 At least then I'd know if it was just my client or not...

I'm getting the same error that you're getting. Using yaz-client here.
The same query against our server works great.

One note: our server is running yaz-3.0.45, while yours is yaz-3.0.38.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Debugging OpenSRF installation

2009-06-19 Thread Dan Scott
2009/6/19 Victoria Bush
 Well, I took the following text from the installation instructions:

 Copy /openils/conf/srfsh.xml.example to .srfsh.xml in the home directory
 of each user you want to use to run the srfsh command line client for
 testing OpenSRF, and edit .srfsh.xml as follows:

 * domain is the router hostname (following our domain examples,
 private.localhost will give your srfsh access to all OpenSRF services, while
 public.localhost will only give you access to those OpenSRF services that
 are publicly exposed)

 to mean that I needed to test both interfaces to verify they worked. You
 only showed private, but my assumption was that public also needed to be
 tested. If I wasn't supposed to test the public interface, it shouldn't have
 been mentioned. You did say to edit the file.  :D

 -Vicki (who can be rather pendantic, unfortunately)

I'm not trying to blame you, Vicki. You went beyond the defaults and
the concrete instructions to perform a logical extra step, and found a
bug. That's great!

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Error with autogen script

2009-06-24 Thread Dan Scott
2009/6/23 Victoria Bush
 As I recall, if you look at the installation instructions, step 3 under
 starting Evergreen says:

 As the opensrf user, generate the Web files needed by the staff client and
 catalogue and update the organization unit proximity (you need to do this
 each time you change the library hierarchy in config.cgi):

 (emphasis added)
 You have to set up the hierarchy and organization units for your library,
 then regenerate the web pages using the autogen script. In theory, it should
 start up with the generic hiearchy and OUs, but I saw a few problems that
 went away after I set these up via the config.cgi script.
 It's a thought.

That's rather magical. I suspect some other factor was to blame for
your problems.

My fear with directing users to touch the hierarchy before running is that they are much more likely to introduce other
problems (like org units at the wrong depth). I think it's far better
to get the out of the box system up and running, keeping as many
defaults as possible, and then start to carefully tweak one variable
at a time.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Error with autogen script

2009-06-24 Thread Dan Scott
2009/6/24 Ryan Laverdiere
 I also have been running into some problems with a fresh install when I run
 the autogen script I receive this output

 Prototype mismatch: sub main::__LONG_MAX__ () vs none at
 /usr/lib/perl/5.10/ line 291.
 What do these errors indicate and how can they be fixed?

These errors indicate that you're using Ubuntu Intrepid, which
contained a flawed version of Perl. There was a fix posted at

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] open-ils.cstore.json_query and HAVING clauses

2009-06-25 Thread Dan Scott
Just a thought - this would be a perfect case for adding a set of unit
tests to ensure that we get the output expected for the corresponding
input, for all the nooks and crannies of JSON and SQL, as the code
continues to be refined / debugged / extended.

And the test cases could make for good examples, too.

Just saying.

2009/6/25 Scott McKellar

 I found the same glitch a few weeks ago and fixed it.  When I test it in my 
 sandbox, using the test_json_query utility, I get the GROUP BY and HAVING 
 clauses in the right order.  It also works from srfsh.

 I don't know what version you're running, but you can probably grab the 
 current version of oils_cstore.c from trunk and rebuild without refreshing 
 anything else.  Don't forget to restart the C services so that you're running 
 the new version.

 Scott McKellar

 --- On Thu, 6/25/09, Jeff Godin wrote:

 From: Jeff Godin
 Subject: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] open-ils.cstore.json_query and HAVING clauses
 To: Evergreen Development Discussion List
 Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 8:35 AM

 First off, a huge thank you to Scott and whoever else was
 involved in
 the production of JSON Queries: A Tutorial, found in

 I think I've found a bug in cstore when using GROUP BY with
 clause. After a discussion with Mike Rylander, this might
 be less of a
 bug and more a case of incomplete support for HAVING

 Using an example from the tutorial:

         select: {
             aou: [

   parent_ou, {





         having: {
             id: {

    : {




 I execute this in srfsh like so:

 srfsh# request open-ils.cstore
 open-ils.cstore.json_query.atomic {
 select: { aou: [ parent_ou, { column:id,
 transform:count, alias:id_count, aggregate:true
 } ] },
 from:aou, having: { id: {  : {
 value:1 } } } }

 And the result is:

 Received Exception:
 Name: osrfMethodException
 Status: Severe query error -- see error log for more
 Status: 500
 Received Exception:
 Name: osrfMethodException
 Status: An unknown server error occurred
 Status: 404
 Request Completed Successfully
 Request Time in seconds: 0.000476

 Checking logs, it appears that the GROUP BY and HAVING
 clauses are
 reversed in the generated SQL:

 open-ils.cstore 2009-06-25 09:34:03 [ERR
 open-ils.cstore: Error with query [SELECT
 aou.parent_ou AS
 parent_ou, count( ) AS id_count FROM
 actor.org_unit AS
 aou  HAVING count( )   1
 GROUP BY  1;]

 I looked at oils_cstore.c and it seems like things are
 being placed
 into the buffer in the correct order, but it's very
 possible that I'm
 reading this wrong, or missing something:

         string =

         if ( *string  (
 aggregate_found || (flags  SELECT_DISTINCT) ) ) {

 OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf,  GROUP BY  );

 OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, string );


         if( having_buf ) {

 string = buffer_release(having_buf);

 ( *string ) {

         OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, 

         OSRF_BUFFER_ADD( sql_buf, string


 If I take the generated SQL and manually re-order the GROUP
 BY and
 HAVING clauses, the query works.

 Anyone with in-depth knowledge of open-ils.cstore care to
 and let me know if this is a simple fix?



Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Record summary page not available

2009-06-29 Thread Dan Scott
2009/6/29 Catherine Buck Morgan
 Error: missing ) after condition

 Source File:

 Line: 576, Column: 58

 Source Code:

    || ( findOrgType(node.ou_type()).depth==1) {

Hmm, local customizations?

A quick glance at the source suggests you should append a ) right
after .depth==1).

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Release 1.6 - testing notes

2009-07-10 Thread Dan Scott
We're currently testing Evergreen rel_1_6_0 (there's no tarball
release candidate yet) on a Debian Lenny, PostgreSQL 8.3 system and
have noticed the following so far:
  * Reporter interface: sources all appear, but none of the fields for
the sources appear
  * The skin default (not the default skin, that's craftsman) has
display problems in the detailed record page (we have some local fixes
that I can contribute)
  * 1.4 - 1.6 database upgrade script (or needs to
include UPDATE metatada.metarecord SET mods = NULL;
  * 1.4 - 1.6 database upgrade script needs to add VIEW_ORG_SETTINGS
to staff and MFHD permissions to catalogers, and possibly other perms

Confirmation or further reports of regressions or other problems that
need to be fixed before a release candidate would be greatly

The rough 1.4-1.6 database upgrade script that Mike wrote is at; if you're
upgrading, you'll also need to:
  * first, update OpenSRF to trunk (I think)
  * upgrade to dojo 1.3.1
  * cp /openils/conf/oils_web.xml.example /openils/conf/oils_web.xml
  * update the Apache configuration files
  * update opensrf_core.xml and opensrf.xml
  * other stuff, undoubtedly

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Release 1.6 - testing notes

2009-07-10 Thread Dan Scott
2009/7/10 Dan Scott
 We're currently testing Evergreen rel_1_6_0 (there's no tarball
 release candidate yet) on a Debian Lenny, PostgreSQL 8.3 system and
 have noticed the following so far:
  * Reporter interface: sources all appear, but none of the fields for
 the sources appear
  * The skin default (not the default skin, that's craftsman) has
 display problems in the detailed record page (we have some local fixes
 that I can contribute)

A specific problem with the detailed record page is the new subject
display isn't displaying correctly in Internet Explorer 7; I wrestled
with this for about an hour with no joy.

  * 1.4 - 1.6 database upgrade script (or needs to
 include UPDATE metatada.metarecord SET mods = NULL;
  * 1.4 - 1.6 database upgrade script needs to add VIEW_ORG_SETTINGS
 to staff and MFHD permissions to catalogers, and possibly other perms

There seems to be a problem editing MARC records that have
URIs-as-copies (856 $9 SHORTNAME); attempting to reingest the record
generates an SQL error due to a duplicate entry in the database, so
the changes aren't saved; but the staff client claims Record
successfully saved. Two things need fixing here: the record needs to
be able to be saved correctly, and a failed save operation needs to be
reported accurately.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Z39.50 Server off by one

2009-07-10 Thread Dan Scott
2009/5/15 Warren Layton
 On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Dan Scott wrote:
 I'm happy to say that this patch solved our off-by-one problem quite
 nicely. And I'm honestly happy to just have a working Z39.50 server,
 with the ability to scope searches by org_unit and surface holdings in
 a way that makes VDX happy, without worrying too much about whether
 the cause of the off-by-one lies in the Evergreen code or the
 Simple2ZOOM code.

 I'm now pretty sure that the problem is Simple2Zoom. So it looks like
 this patch fixes the cause, and not just the symptom.

Just a follow-up, Simple2ZOOM 1.0.4 was released in June 2009 and it
fixed the off-by-one error (although credit went to Simon jacob at the
National Library of Australia
- at least the credit stayed in the Commonwealth!)

So, new installs of the Evergreen Z39.50 server shouldn't have to
apply any special patches. Thanks again, Warren.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Fix for problems with org trees

2009-07-14 Thread Dan Scott
2009/7/14 James Fournie

 I was having a horrible time getting the hasCommonAncestor() function
 to work in the circ Javascripts.  I eventually discovered that was making a cstore actor.org_unit search with flesh
 = 2, which limited the search to org units above depth 2.  My org
 units were depth 3.  I changed the cstore flesh to -1 and this seems
 to retreive all org units.  I also found an similar problem in

Ah, that would probably explain why hasCommonAncestor() was failing
for us earlier on, when we had a deeper hierarchy than we currently

Good detective work! Your suggested change seems quite rational to me.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Release 1.6 - testing notes

2009-07-16 Thread Dan Scott
2009/7/10 Dan Scott
 2009/7/10 Dan Scott
 There seems to be a problem editing MARC records that have
 URIs-as-copies (856 $9 SHORTNAME); attempting to reingest the record
 generates an SQL error due to a duplicate entry in the database, so
 the changes aren't saved; but the staff client claims Record
 successfully saved. Two things need fixing here: the record needs to
 be able to be saved correctly, and a failed save operation needs to be
 reported accurately.

Thanks to a recent commit from Mike Rylander, the first problem
(record wasn't being saved successfully) is resolved. Many thanks,

The second problem (save operation failed, but success was reported)
probably needs deeper inspection along the error-handling chain, but
that might be outside of the scope for 1.6.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] RIS SuperCat Feed

2009-07-22 Thread Dan Scott
Patch applied to trunk and the rel_1_6 branch. I didn't push this into
rel_1_6_0 because we're trying to finalize the release.

Many thanks once again, Warren!

2009/7/9 Warren Layton
 Sorry, forgot to include a DCO...


 Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1

 By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:

 (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
    have the right to submit it under the open source license
    indicated in the file; or

 (b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
    of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source
    license and I have the right under that license to submit that
    work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part
    by me, under the same open source license (unless I am
    permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated
    in the file; or

 (c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
    person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified

 (d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution
    are public and that a record of the contribution (including all
    personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is
    maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with
    this project or the open source license(s) involved.

 Signed-off-by: Warren Layton

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] OpenSRF and Ubuntu 9.04

2009-07-28 Thread Dan Scott
2009/7/28 Jason Stephenson
 Quoting Bill Erickson

 I've heard some chatter in IRC about newer versions of Ejabberd causing
 problems.  I haven't investigated yet myself, but that could have
 to do with it.

 Newer versions of Ejabberd apparently don't like empty froms in the xmpp
 messages. OpenILS/OpenSRF sends messages with empty froms when it doesn't
 care to get a reply.

 We had to downgrade the Ejabberd by a version on our test box here.
 Unfortunately, my assistant who has the details is out on vacation this
 week. He figured out which version of Ejabberd had the issue and which one
 to downgrade to.

Wiktor Rzeczkowski from McMaster University determined that the most
recent version of ejabberd that works with Evergreen was 2.0.2
due to this change:

We should probably add this to the FAQ, as I keep on digging up these
links. Or better, fix OpenSRF to start sending from messages :)

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] ***SPAM*** Re: Export to RefWorks in Evergreen

2009-07-31 Thread Dan Scott
2009/7/29 Warren Layton
 Here's an extra little patch to add a Export to RefWorks link for
 bookbags (against trunk).

 The link only appears if the user's bookbag is shared (if it's not
 shared, Supercat feeds for the bookbag won't be visible to outside
 world, including RefWorks). It appears under the Shared column
 (right under Yes (View) [RSS]).

Hi Warren:

The logic looks good and the functionality is certainly useful.

One problem in reading the patch: you've introduced a new entity, but
there's no corresponding diff for opac.dtd.

A minor nit is that the existing code in the context of your changes
uses tabs, and you've got spaces.

An aside: at some point, we're going to have to consolidate all of the
per-skin config vars into a single file.

If you resubmit the patch, can you include the DCO as well?

Many thanks, again!

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Duplicating prereqs installed by OpenSRF Makefile.install in Evergreen Makefile.install?

2009-08-13 Thread Dan Scott
Quick note: in a recent set of commits, a number of prereqs (such as
liblog-log4perl-perl) were added to the Evergreen Makefile.install
file, but these are already part of the prereqs installed by the
OpenSRF Makefile.install.

This seems to run counter to the approach of first, install OpenSRF
(and therefore install its prereqs); then, install Evergreen (and its
own additional prereqs) that keeps the prereqs separate and avoids
dual maintenance. Was this intentional (in which case, it would be
useful to know why it is necessary), or just an oversight?

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Duplicating prereqs installed by OpenSRF Makefile.install in Evergreen Makefile.install?

2009-08-14 Thread Dan Scott
2009/8/14 Shawn Boyette
 Dan Scott wrote:

 Quick note: in a recent set of commits, a number of prereqs (such as
 liblog-log4perl-perl) were added to the Evergreen Makefile.install
 file, but these are already part of the prereqs installed by the
 OpenSRF Makefile.install.

 This seems to run counter to the approach of first, install OpenSRF
 (and therefore install its prereqs); then, install Evergreen (and its
 own additional prereqs) that keeps the prereqs separate and avoids
 dual maintenance. Was this intentional (in which case, it would be
 useful to know why it is necessary), or just an oversight?

 Thanks, Dan. No, this wasn't intentional, it was me getting back into
 working on osrf after a really long time, forgetting exactly how it wants to
 be built, and trying to be really aggressive about catching all
 dependencies. I'll get the dupes cleaned out today.

Cool, the dupes don't really hurt, but it could get messy in the long
run. Thanks for that!

 P.S. I don't know exactly how long it's gonna take, but you're getting your
 wish for a (testing | optional sample) database at install time.

Wow, awesome! Just minutes ago I wrote a separate message about that
wish. You make me smile.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Apache conf improvements

2009-09-02 Thread Dan Scott
On 02/09/2009, Joe Atzberger wrote:

 I'm not trying to make the decision whether SSL is required for
 Evergreen or not.  In fact, I explicitly added to the documentation:

 a2enmod ssl# enable mod_ssl

If I recall correctly, that step is already in Makefile.install - and
to date, anything that can be automated easily goes into
Makefile.install and is not part of the distro-specific wiki
directions (

The generic install instructions
are probably wildly out-of-date, and like many pages on the wiki they
need to either be updated or possibly deleted. I could see the generic
install instructions including all of the explicit steps that are
coded into Makefile.install simply to surface all of the implicit
knowledge that is maintained there (we need X because of Y, etc),
but boy howdy that would be a lot of work. Adding in the additional /
dropped requirements for various releases complicates things in the
generic install instructions just a bit more.

On the other hand, it would significantly help people who want to add
support for other distros (RHEL / OpenSUSE) / operating systems (*BSD,
OpenSolaris). I guess it's a question of how much effort we want to
put in that direction, and calculating the return on investment of
that particular effort (versus, say, providing more how to develop
new OpenSRF methods and services type documentation that would
potentially enlarge the size of our development community and welcome
new developers to the project). To date, things have been pretty much
focused on Debian/Ubuntu with Makefile.install because to this point
the primary goal has been to just get people up and running at a basic
level. I'm sure the Documentation Interest Group (DIG) has ideas about
expanding those goals (thankfully!) and there's probably room for a
discussion about what the DIGgers want to do with the wiki.

All that (mostly blather) said, welcome to the Evergreen community
Joe! It's fabulous to have you on board; I'm sure your energy 
attention to detail will be a great boon to the project!

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Problems with Backup

2009-09-02 Thread Dan Scott
2009/9/2 John van Rassel
 I have tried running this, and it still doesn't find anything.  The search 
 just sits and spins.
 I also did do the autogen.

Hmm. Any errors being reported in the PostgresSQL server log or in the
Evergreen logs? It's possible that, if this is a new database server,
some of the required database server dependencies (such as the Perl
module JSON::XS) haven't been installed and the creation of some of
the required functions during the database restore failed.

If no errors are being reported, can you ensure that SQL statements
are being logged and rerun the search queries manually to see if those
return results? That would take the time-out problem out of the

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Apache conf improvements

2009-09-02 Thread Dan Scott
2009/9/2 Joe Atzberger
 Dan Scott wrote:

 On 02/09/2009, Joe Atzberger wrote:

 I'm not trying to make the decision whether SSL is required for
 Evergreen or not.  In fact, I explicitly added to the documentation:

    a2enmod ssl        # enable mod_ssl

 If I recall correctly, that step is already in Makefile.install - and
 to date, anything that can be automated easily goes into
 Makefile.install and is not part of the distro-specific wiki

 Yeah, and if I can get to it, I'll also be touching that to prevent that
 step from crashing on Debian etch, as it did during my initial attempts.

Hmm, strange that no one else has reported that problem. I suspect
most of us are working with Debian Lenny / Ubuntu Hardy these days. It
might be worthwhile discussing how much effort we want to put into the
support of Etch for Evergreen 1.6 / 2.0 given that Lenny has been out
since the spring.

  Among other things, we apparently need to force install of Yaz, at least
 until indexdata fixes or forgoes a dependence on their remote test server
 (and your open firewall allowing access to it).

Argh, not that problem again! I had hoped they would have learned from
the last time.

 More notably, the package
 libuuid-perl isn't available in etch (or in my backports apt source).  I had
 to cpan B/BR/BRAAM/UUID-0.02.tar.gz explicitly.  Lacking that also crashed
 apache, due to the startup script.

Hmm, this explains something... you're trying to complete an
end-to-end install of a development release using an install document
for the stable version of Evergreen.

That said, I think that the contributor community is starting to grow
at the rate that keeping a separate set of install documentation up to
date with trunk would be a good way of avoiding needless
re-discovering of the same new / revised requirements and steps.

 Also need to add a2enmod xmlent, but at a later point after that
 EG-specific piece is compiled and available, before the apache restart.

Hmm. I don't think anyone else has mentioned this as a requirement
before; is that new with trunk?

 In general, I think we need at least one end-to-end install document.  It
 doesn't matter for what platform.  Any distro-specific docs can replicate
 it, or be more of a diff, saying effectively Do steps 1-6 from the main
 doc.  For step 7, do .

Sure, that sounds reasonable. FWIW, there used to be separate Ubuntu
and Debian install pages, but the diffs were so small, and with the
annoyance of making the same changes to each page (or worse, making a
change to one but forgetting the other) I consolidated them back in

Ironically, now that the 'change Apache user to opensrf' section was
struck out and an editorial comment was added that it shouldn't be
necessary, etc, we no longer have an end-to-end install document for
Evergreen 1.4. As distasteful as the 'change Apache user to opensrf'
approach may be, it does work.

To enable new users to continue to complete installs with the stable
version successfully until a different Apache / opensrf approach is
agreed on, a different way of resolving the problem would be to bring
forward discomfort with that approach forward to the list, find out
why that's the approach currently, and based on that understanding
offer suggestions for how to avoid having to make that change (whether
it be fine-grained sets of permissions that need to be changed under
the /openils/var subdirectories or whatever).

 We also need a chart of what OpenSRF versions
 are compatible with what versions of EG.

That makes a lot of sense.

 And the start/stop controls for router and others could be more
 bulletproofy.  I'll stop now

Sounds good! Your fresh eyes are probably going to find all kinds of
rough areas that are invisible to many of us now, and that will
definitely help improve the project.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] making pre-req installs %.001 more automated

2009-09-03 Thread Dan Scott
2009/9/3 Bill Erickson

 Are there any objections to adding the -y and -q flags to aptitude in the
 prerequisite installer makefile for OpenSRF and Evergreen?

No objections here!


Dan Scott
Laurentian University

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] When someone's who's better at Perl than I am is bored....

2009-09-09 Thread Dan Scott
2009/9/9 John Craig

  Hi Folks,

 Just for the heck of it (less important now with the -l flag available on
 the command line), but this Perl one-liner in
 opensrf.xml.example is okay, as far as it goes, but the resulting display is
 confusing (it'd sure be nice to have a newline after it so that the
 following prompt doesn't just neatly join right up with it):

 perl -MNet::Domain -e 'print Net::Domain::hostfqdn();'

 Returns (for example):

 r...@nearly:/home/opensrf# perl -MNet::Domain -e 'print

 I'm not Perlish enough to know what it needs to do this instead:

 r...@nearly:/home/opensrf# perl -MNet::Domain -e 'print

 But it'd be worth it if it's not too difficult.



perl -MNet::Domain -e 'print Net::Domain::hostfqdn() . \n;'

This is actually in
not in the corresponding OpenSRF trunk example.


[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Rethinking the release process: (was: Trac usage, EG Versions)

2009-09-11 Thread Dan Scott
On Fri, 2009-09-11 at 20:24 -0400, Joe Atzberger wrote:
 I'm looking to formally record in Trac the various bugs encountered
 during development and testing.  Right now, the number of EG Versions
 to file against are a small subset of the actual number of available
 versions (plus 2.0 that doesn't yet exist).  So I have a couple
   * How should the 2.0 Version should be used?  
   * What level of granularity do we want: each increment,
 major.minor only, something else?  
   * What about trunk?
 I suggest we probably want each increment, but more important than
 that, I think we need a version for trunk (or HEAD) where the majority
 of bugs and enhancements will be filed... and some hopefully fixed.
 It would be counterproductive to file enhancements against a stable
 version, since all the new features should be going against trunk when
 possible.  And you don't want it against whatever number version
 happens to be current now, because if the ticket sits a while or the
 feature takes more time to develop, it needs to keep up w/ the
 progressing version numbers and not look like a piece of history.
 Any thoughts on this?

Hey Joe:

A simple reply would be that one can and should modify tickets if a
feature targeted for a given release gets bumped to a subsequent

However, I think it would be worth revisiting how releases work in
general; this is just one aspect (but an important one, I would love to
see more formal use of Trac for bugs and features and I think it would
be very healthy for the community).

Our development and release process is a work in progress, as states. I'm going to
suggest a few changes of direction that might help us move towards a
more agile release process (and hopefully get a conversation going about
other changes that we might want to consider).

* Time-based releases: We've seen projected release dates slip because
we were trying to fit a feature into a given release and waiting on that
feature to be finalized. Meanwhile, other enhancements get stuck waiting
on that release. Generating a regular (monthly? weekly? daily?) release
tarball would give us the opportunity to have regular, objective
feedback on the quality of our releases, get new features into the hands
of interested parties with less hassle, and still give us the ability to
anoint a given tarball an official release. But this won't be possible
without a few other wishlist items:

* Automated releases: Right now, the effort required to cut a release
comes down to a whole lot of (rather poorly documented) manual work that
doesn't really encourage a release often approach. If we were to
automate the process of creating a release tarball  corresponding staff
client, we could start pumping out time-based releases that could get
new features into the hands of testers or adopters earlier. This would
require us to be disciplined about maintaining a database upgrade script
each time the database schema is modified, rather than the heroic effort
that miker has put into each and every database upgrade script to date.
We would find out right away if fundamental pieces of the build break
due to dependencies (such as the translations, which frustrated miker a
while back when some of the Python modules used by the build were
updated and broke our existing translation build scripts).

* Automated testing: This is one area where Evergreen, a complex beast,
is currently frighteningly weak - but I hear that there's some work
underway to build a sample database, which would be a great base for a
suite of regression tests (at least at the OpenSRF level; automated
testing of XUL / Dojo interfaces / catalogue is another more complex
kettle of fish, but it has been done by others...) Once we have that
base available to us, I think it should be a condition that each new
feature should come with a suite of tests to ensure that changes in
another part of the stack (whether our code changes, or changes to
external dependencies - hello, PostgreSQL 8.4!) don't unintentionally
affect how this particular feature works. There's loads of room for
adding test coverage of existing functionality, of course. When a bug is
found, a test should be added that triggers the bug (and when the bug is
fixed, the test will start passing).

* Divide and conquer responsibilities: I think there are a number of
responsibilities that could be picked up by more members of the
community. Sharing responsibilities across a broader team should make
everyone more efficient (at the cost of some communication and
coordination overhead). Some ideas about possible roles:
  * Translation management, currently rather poorly done by me, could be
relatively easily picked up by someone else (particularly if Pootle is
adopted as an official tool). 
  * Platform owners - people responsible for testing Evergreen releases
on a particular distribution  maintaining installation documentation /

[OPEN-ILS-DEV] ***SPAM*** Bug reporting (was: Evergreen Release Candidate is available)

2009-09-14 Thread Dan Scott
On Mon, 2009-09-14 at 15:08 -0400, Grace Dunbar wrote:
 The Evergreen development team is pleased to announce the immediate
 availability of  Evergreen

I'm very glad to hear it's out, although as one of the members of the
development team, I'm also a little surprised by the announcement. There
hasn't been any discussion about releasing 1.6 on the dev list for quite
some time. Was there a recent discussion on IRC that I missed in the
logs? is a release candidate and, while we encourage our clients
 and community with test servers download this version to test, we do
 not endorse putting directly into production.  The bug
 reporting window for will open on September 14, 2009 and
 close on October 2, 2009.

Okay, so we are trying out a form of time-based releases then? Cool.

 For general community members reporting bugs, please send them to the
 development mailing list at and
 please include “bug” and “” somewhere in the subject.  If
 you have a support contract with an Evergreen vendor, please submit
 any bug reports through your normal support channels.

I disagree with this suggestion. As the number of support vendors grows,
I think it becomes more important to have bug reporting centrally and
openly visible, rather than dividing the bug reports up between vendor
support channels. Otherwise, there will be a duplication of effort on
the part of testers and bug fixers - and some important but obscure bugs
might be hidden that could otherwise be fixed by the community.
Reporting the problem to a vendor support channel as well is fine, but I
believe the priority channel for bug reporting should be the dev mailing
list (in lieu of any more formal openly accessible bug reporting

The one exception might be security bugs, but those should probably go
to a closed security list rather than only to vendor support channels.

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] database update errors

2009-09-14 Thread Dan Scott
On Mon, 2009-09-14 at 16:31 -0500, Alan Rykhus wrote:
 I had just recently installed Evergreen, had it up and running,
 but had not loaded any data into it yet. I ran the upgrade and I'm on
 the upgrade database step. I see 1 ERROR that doesn't bother me too much
 and 2 that do.

Hi Alan - all of these errors are actually expected and you should be
okay. I'll explain more below, but as an aside to the dev team perhaps
we should consider shipping database upgrade scripts written in Perl so
that we can catch expected errors rather than issuing raw SQL (which
would also be subject to an individual user's ON_ERROR_STOP preferences,
which could cause problems if ON_ERROR_STOP=yes).

 Error 1:
 psql:Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/ ERROR:
 duplicate key violates unique constraint perm_list_code_key
 Which corresponds to:
 INSERT INTO permission.perm_list (code, description) VALUES
 ('DELETE_RECORD', 'Allow a staff member to directly remove a
 bibliographic record');
 Since this entry already exists, the error doesn't seem too bad.

Right, no need to worry about it.

 Errors 2 and 3:
 psql:Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/ ERROR:
 relation auditor.action_hold_request_history does not exist
 psql:Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/ ERROR:
 relation auditor.action_hold_request_history does not exist
 These correspond to:
 ALTER TABLE auditor.action_hold_request_history ADD COLUMN cancel_cause
 ALTER TABLE auditor.action_hold_request_history ADD COLUMN cancel_note
 These tables do not exist in the database, so this seems like an area of

There are apparently sites that have set up auditing of extra tables,
and these lines are directed towards them. We should add at least a
comment to the script telling people not to worry about it when it
throws an error (or, if the DB upgrade was written in Perl, just catch
the error and move on without disturbing the user) - but I wonder
whether it makes sense to have the publicly available release be
internally consistent so that it doesn't throw extraneous errors.

[OPEN-ILS-DEV] 1.6 RC1 browser support for bibtemplate

2009-09-16 Thread Dan Scott
First, a heads-up that Opera doesn't support the bibtemplate structure
at all. I believe that's due to Dojo only officially supporting Opera on
dojo core, not the dojox extensions. Probably not a huge concern with
Opera hovering around 2% of browser market share, but when I'm browsing
the Web on my Wii it would be so nice to have item details displaying
properly... heh.

Second, a slightly more obscure but also more serious bug (based on
browser market share) is that Internet Explorer (6,7,8) don't support
one of the advanced bibtemplate features; check the URL display for
items that have located URIs; in IE, the URLs that are displayed always
come from the bib record, rather than from the asset.uri table.

I don't have a test case ready at hand, unfortunately, as I'm on leave
at the moment, but it should be pretty easily reproducible. The item
details template that we're using can be seen at with the most pertinent source at

An aside, Safari (at least on Windows) and Chrome / Chromium seem to
work with bibtemplate just fine.

Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Suggestion for handling country-specific variations in org_unit.html

2009-09-16 Thread Dan Scott
On Wed, 2009-09-16 at 17:53 -0400, Ben Ostrowsky wrote:
 At the moment, org_unit.html requires a county, which doesn't have a
 whole lot of meaning in Canada, and uses a hardcoded regex for the
 postal code.  For Canada, the regex
 is appropriate.

Good catch!

 Should this be stored in an org_unit_setting?  Should it be an entity
 like; instead?  I leave it
 to y'all to find the most sensible implementation.

Tough question. mod_xmlent is probably the easiest short-term way of
handling sets of regional settings like this - but it would also
introduce more complexity for translators (who shouldn't be expected to
have to maintain regular expressions). 

Raw org_unit settings are a bit unwieldy, if a required boolean and a
validation regex would need to be manually maintained for each
individual field. Perhaps there's a middle ground where one could choose
a region for an org_unit (e.g. Canada) when initially creating it, and
that would set the corresponding org_unit settings - which could then be
subject to a manual override.

[OPEN-ILS-DEV] 1.6 RC1 (and 1.4 and probably before) subject searching

2009-09-17 Thread Dan Scott
The subject search in bibtemplate, interestingly enough, searches
against the keywords index rather than the subject index.

This might just be a fortuitous mistake, but I suspect it is because
the subject index doesn't currently support searches of compound
subjects composed of topic + temporal + geographic headings.

The subject search:
results in 0 hits.

The keyword search:
results in 5 hits. Some of these hits are because the desired keywords
fall outside of the subject fields, but if you take a record (say,
ISBN 041596864X) and remove all of the pertinent keywords from
non-subject fields, reindex the record and resubmit the keyword
search, you'll see that the keyword search using the compound subject
terms does retrieve the desired record. Or just create a minimal
record with the following field: 651 0. ‡aGreat Britain ‡xHistory
‡yWars of the Roses, 1455-1485.

If you peek at the metabib.subject_field_entry table, you'll see that
the subject terms are all there, but broken up across entries.
Presumably, this is why the compound search doesn't find a hit against

One way that I documented back in February
of resolving this problem is to add an additional entry to the subject
search index:

INSERT INTO config.metabib_field (field_class, name, xpath, weight,
format, search_field)
   VALUES ('subject', 'flat', '//mods32:mods/mods32:subject//text()',
1, 'mods32', 't');

Once that has been added, you can reindex all of your records and
compound subject searches will work as expected.

However, I would suggest that it would be better to have this as part
of the default search indexes in 1.6 - and that the bibtemplate
subject search should then be adjusted to search the subject index
accordingly, to avoid false positives that occur when using the
keyword index.

From a migration perpsective, one could conceivably avoid the cost of
reindexing all of the records by iterating over all of the unique
values of source in msfe and populating an additional row containing
the union of the subject terms for each source record. Once that's
complete, insert the new config.metabib_field entry and the system
would be golden.

If there's a better way of solving this problem, that would be great,
as adding the //mods32:mods/mods32:subject//text() xpath means that
we're effectively indexing all subject terms twice if we keep the
existing temporal / topic / geographic subject indexes as well.  Maybe
instead of adding the xpath, we could populate a view or use rules to
maintain an additional row based on a union of all subject terms for a
given record? Just brainstorming in a slightly sick fashion. But in
the short term, that slight additional bloat seems like a small price
to pay for making subject searches work the way that our users appear
to expect them to work.

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