Re: [Flightgear-devel] static friction patch

2013-04-15 Thread Andy Ross
On 04/14/2013 06:13 PM, Diogo Kastrup wrote:
> A long time ago I started working on a different implementation for
> YASim static friction. With help from Csaba and Mathias Fröhlich the
> patch worked but I never finished polishing it to submit a final
> version.

Vivian poked me about this one, so I got here in time for a change. :)

Can I be a jerk and kick this back for patch formatting reasons?  I
think I get the idea here: it's detecting the "stopped" condition and
replacing the existing friction mechanism with a spring model around a
fixed point.  And that makes sense to me.

But it's really hard to review: there's no commit message explaining
what's happening; lots and lots of the modifications are just
whitespace changes to existing code that I have to prune out to read
the real changes; some things just don't make sense, like the apparent
addition of tmul33() and family to Math.hpp which I swear was there

Would it be too much to ask for Diogo (or anyone else) to do a cleanup
pass on this?


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim and documentation

2012-10-22 Thread Andy Ross
On 10/05/2012 05:53 AM, Vivian Meazza wrote:
> Andy is still around, but inactive. It might be possible to run stuff by him
> once in a while.

He even reads the mailing list (but not the forums) on occasion. :)

Indeed, I'm busy with other things these days, but am still broadly
happy to answer questions if posed (as long as I remember enough to
come up with a meaningful answer).  Just cc: me if you do, because my
latencies here are measured in weeks.

> But I would in general worry about mucking about with such a
> critical part of FG, unless I was very sure about what I was doing.

Bugs can always be fixed.  What YASim needs is a maintainer, not
really expertise per se.  The latter comes from the former.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Yasim static friction?

2012-07-06 Thread Andy Ross
On 07/05/2012 02:41 PM, Viktor Radnai wrote:
> Thanks for that! So just to clarify -- this is a bug in Yasim code (or
> more like a missing feature) and I'm welcome to fix it?:)

I'm just an absentee hacker, so I can't say what is or isn't
acceptable any more.  But it seems like a sane enhancement to me.

But broadly yes: it's free software.  The whole point is to make it do
what you want.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Yasim static friction?

2012-07-05 Thread Andy Ross
(Happened to be browsing in time to see a question)

On 07/05/2012 06:21 AM, Viktor Radnai wrote:
> I don't see any obvious properties to set to take the engine's
> resistance to turning over, or the friction of the wheels into account
> to stop these unrealistic things from happening. How should I go about
> fixing them?

That sounds right to me.  Aircraft parked in gentle winds weren't really
part of the original test regime. :)

For the gear thing, see Gear.cpp:450 or so, and look at clamping the
static friction coefficient to some minimum value (probably tunable).

For the engine, you can likewise add some fixed negative torque value
near PistonEngine.cpp:214 to model internal resistance (currently the
code only models output power).


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Nasal performance

2012-05-23 Thread Andy Ross
On 05/23/2012 12:04 AM, Erik Hofman wrote:
> Hi Andy, how's life?
> I did already search for a new release of Nasal on your site but I
> believe flightgear already uses the latest version.

The most recent code (except for a few modules that were never imported)
is in SimGear.  I threw my copy up on github a while back if there is
any question about variants:


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Nasal performance

2012-05-22 Thread Andy Ross
On 05/20/2012 11:37 AM, Stefan Seifert wrote:
> Generational garbage collection is not that difficult. When you have a working
> mark&  sweep GC, extending it to be generational is rather straight forward
> and can greatly reduce GC runtime

Runtime, yes, but not latency bounds.  You still have to touch the
whole heap eventually.

But you're right: allocating objects into generations and only
mark/reaping from the most recent one on most iterations is a
straightforward optimization and will definitely make things faster.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Nasal performance

2012-05-22 Thread Andy Ross
On 05/20/2012 10:17 AM, James Turner wrote:
> This is interesting - as far as I know, the current GC does not
> include a maximum delay and restart facility. If it did, that would
> entirely satisfy the current issues.  At least by my understanding.
> Equally, I've looked at the current GC code and didn't notice any
> code to support this feature. Does anyone else have any further
> information about this? Since it would be far simpler and more
> robust than any other solution thus suggested.

I was lucky enough to notice this come by.  I wouldn't hold your
breath. :)

This was an experiment, and honestly I have no idea why I put it in
the docs.

The idea was to do the GC normally, check timestamps periodically, and
then longtmp() out of it past some threshold, leaving the intermediate
sweep stuff in place.  But that's not enough, because now you need to
track all mutated reference-storing objects in a separate list so they
can be swept again.  And you need to have some kind of heuristic for
when it's OK to restart the sweep.

I have a vague memory of being sure I'd cleverly solved this, but I
never got it working and at this point, frankly, I suspect I was

In my advancing age, I've come to believe that low-latency GC is just
a pipe dream.  You can have a realtime GC or you can have a production
system, but you can't have both at the same time.  Every managed
runtime in the modern world has latency bugs in some application or
another, every one of them.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Efficient Nasal coding (was: Stuttering at 1 Hz rate)

2011-03-31 Thread Andy Ross
On 03/29/2011 11:31 PM, wrote:
> for (var i =0; i< 30; i=i+1) # number of objects is 30
> is superior to
> var number_of_objects = 30;
> for (var i = 0; i < number_of_objects; i = i+1)

No it isn't.  Variable references aren't garbage (well, they aren't
heap blocks, though they do get traced).  The things they point to are
garbage, and a number isn't a reference in Nasal.  The "30" in the
second example gets stored (as a double) directly in the hash record
in place of the pointer that would be there if it were a reference.

The "var" syntax has no meaning as far as allocation.  It's about scoping,
it says "make this a local variable in the current function no matter what
outer scope it might also be in".

The operations in Nasal that create heap blocks/garbage are:

1. String composition with the "." operator
2. Vector creation with a "[...]" expression
3. Hash creation with a "{...}" expression
4. Function calls (which create a hash for the namespace)
5. Closure binding with a "func ..." expression.

I believe that's all of it, though I may have forgotten something.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Default Aircraft Candidates

2011-02-22 Thread Andy Ross
On 02/22/2011 04:09 PM, Ryan M wrote:
> I am not a 777 pilot in real life, but I certainly agree with Jack that
> the FDM seems unrealistic to the casual pilot.

For those interested (Curt made me look at a YASim file last week for
the first time in over a year, so my head happened to be in the right
place), I took a peek at why this would be:

The 777-200 configuration I see in HEAD on gitorious has an approach
setting that says it can stay in the air with 7 degrees of AoA (about
half of the available lift) at 120 kts with 80% of its fuel and a full
load.  That strikes me as more than a little optimistic.  This is a long haul
jet, its fuel is a big fraction of its maximum weight, and typical
landings for jet like this are made at what, 15% fuel or less?  (It
can stay in the air for 11 hours, and you only need 45 minutes of
reserve fuel, right?)

So some quick math says that if you take this aircraft which can
produce 1G at 120kias and reduce its mass by a factor of 1.74x by
dropping the passengers and using 10% fuel, and pull it up to a stall
AoA, you'll get 3G of acceleration.  Speed up to just 207 kias, and
you can pull 9G in this plane.  Yeah, that's a fighter jet.

I'd suggest 131 kts (which matches the landing speed in the coments)
and 10% fuel and see how that works.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sinking feeling - c172 on gravel runway

2011-02-11 Thread Andy Ross
On 02/11/2011 11:54 AM, Alasdair wrote:
> You will note in all further dicussions that I will refer to "nasal"
> as NASAL (Not Another Scripting Language), which denies its very
> existentence through a lie in its own nomenclature. cf "GNU" which
> makes no such assertion, but was probably dreamed up by a brainy
> recursionist like Csaba.

Yeah.  That guy was a serious egghead.  What happened to him?


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] urgent git help requested

2011-02-09 Thread Andy Ross
On 02/09/2011 12:02 AM, Tim Moore wrote:
> "Backing out" is done with git reset --hard last_good_commit. Often the name 
> of the last good commit is HEAD^, the last commit. However, after a botched 
> merge it is good to verify that with git log or graphically with gitk.

Actually, unless I've misunderstood your point, this won't work: the commit
history following a merge is an interleaved mix of two branches.  You can't
just walk back to "before" the merge.  Doing that gets to to the equivalent of
git merge-base, which is the last version that includes *none* of the changes
in *either* branch.

I don't think that's what Curt wants.  See my comment to Anders about git 
(and yes, I've made exactly this mistake in the past, heh)


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] urgent git help requested

2011-02-09 Thread Andy Ross
On 02/08/2011 11:04 AM, Anders Gidenstam wrote:
> Backing it out might be a bit tricky, but you can rename your messed up 
> branch out of the way easily with git branch -m oldname newname.

It's worth experimenting with "git reflog" in situations like this.
That tracks a list of HEAD references in strict chronological order
(i.e. what has HEAD been in the past, not what commits were done).

In cases where you've completely mucked up the revision history, you
can look at this to see what you were doing before, recover the commit
ID, and do a reset --hard to that.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] git work flow question

2011-01-26 Thread Andy Ross
[saw this in time to de-lurk]

On 01/25/2011 11:22 AM, Anders Gidenstam wrote:
> I suspect the option --local to git clone might be useful.
> I have not tried myself, though.

Yeah, this is the best answer for this kind of problem.

The .git directory ends up being near-zero size (so long as the deltas
between trees are small), and you pay only for the copy of the active
tree.  So resource consumption is more or less the same as having two
"checkouts" of a remote tree.

You do have to manage the extra steps required to push/pull/merge
between the trees though.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FPE in yasim::Atmosphere::calcStdDensity

2010-12-08 Thread Andy Ross
On 12/08/2010 02:14 PM, Roland Haeder wrote:
> And the temperature at EDDL can now really be at 0 deg. Celsius because
> of winter time. :)

Just happened to see this come by.

That function takes temperatures in kelvin.  And the pressure (absolute
also) was likewise passed in as zero.  This is an initialization bug, those
aren't numbers the physics can deal with.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] dumb git question

2010-06-22 Thread Andy Ross
Thought I'd chime in here, as I've been going through the git
transition pains myself recently, and the other answers have been all
about the "what" and not the "why" of the task.

Git adds an extra level of indirection that you're not used to: the
cvs/svn model of the world had only one repository.  So when you
wanted to "forget" a modified file you would just remove it and issue
the command ("update") that copies changes from the repository to your
working directory.  The act of "forgetting" a change was identical
with fetching new changes from upstream, so you used the same command.

With git, those are two different tasks!  The command to pull changes
(not current data, just changes against what you already have) from
another repository is "pull"*.  If it happens that someone else has
pushed a change to the file you want restored, this will actually do
what you want, but only by accident.

The command to copy stored versions in your local (!) repository,
which is what you want to do, is (unfortunately, IMHO**) named
"checkout".  This will by default copy from whatever the head your
current branch is, and you can specify file or directory names.


* Which is really the combination of two lower-level commands: "fetch"
  simply copies in the branch data but doesn't touch your current
  working area, and "merge" which merges changes from another branch
  into your working tree.

** It's only "checking out" of a local repo you control.  Originally
   the term was a metaphor for library borrowing: you checked out a
   SCCS/RCS file the same way you did a book, and gave it back when
   you were done.  The git usage implies that it's touching shared
   data somewhere, when it's not.

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim "effectiveness" tag

2010-05-26 Thread Andy Ross
On 05/26/2010 12:44 AM, James Turner wrote:
> This is a wild guess, but from memory (of discussions here), and reinforced 
> by the code snippet above, effectiveness is a hack/tweak to account for 
> surfaces/controls that work better/worse than YASim predicts. So 
> effectiveness of 1.1 makes the flaps 10% more effective. I would assume it's 
> a tweak so you can say, well, the model is basically okay, but it doesn't 
> respond to xyz quite right.

Heh, I actually noticed my name on the list in time to respond this time!

Yes, this is exactly right.  The effectiveness is just a scalar
multiple on all force produced by the component which is otherwise
(mostly) linear with surface area.  It's a useful lever for tuning,
but if you find you need to go beyond a factor of two (i.e. 0.5 - 2.0)
I'd look elsewhere for the problem.



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Nasal alternatives : possible, of course,

2009-03-14 Thread Andy Ross
Oh, man -- giant Nasal flame war and I totally missed it.  Melchior
just now pointed me here.  Sadly (or, well, not at all, actually)
Andy's been doing a lot more of the daddy thing than the hacker thing
recently.  Some quick shots after the fact:

Nicolas Quijano wrote:
> It's also brilliant, smaller (runs on cellphones) and faster than
> nasal (that's an opinion, but I really can't see how anyone says
> Nasal is fast, at least from my experience so far)

While Lua is pleasingly small, it's certainly not smaller than Nasal,
either in code size or size of runtime data (especially at runtime:
Lua lacks anything like the vector type Nasal has and can't represent
packed arrays).  And I also had Nasal running on various phones* back
in 2004/5 when I was doing that stuff for my day job.

[* Not, by the way, that phones are particularly "small" any more.
   Sure they can run Lua and Nasal: also Javascript, one or more JVMs,
   a .NET CLR interpreter, often a flash interpreter, bash, perl,
   python, VB, ...]

As far as speed goes, the last time I was doing any benchmarking Nasal
was about as fast as Perl 5 or Python 2.2 at most things.  It's
garbage collector was faster, its symbol lookup about the same or
slightly faster, and its bytecode interpreter somewhat slower.  I'm
not aware of any FlightGear usage where Nasal's performance is an
issue, but I'm willing to take bug reports.

And I'm amused that you feel free to express an "opinion" about a
quantitative subject.  Either Nasal is or is not faster or smaller
than Lua; I'm not sure what your opinion is coming from if not
measurements. :)

> And I won't mention that is has no adequate documentation and no
> debugger. Period.  (<-- that's very serious)

If you say so.  I've been writing script code in perl and python for a
decade and a half and haven't ever felt the need to use a debugger in
either environment.  That's very much a taste thing.  If you can't
handle the need to call print() or write an if() to inspect or trigger
on runtime state and want to type into a command window instead,
that's cool.  Just don't pretend that everyone feels the same way.

The documentation thing sounds more like a cheap shot than a real
complaint -- is there something you'd like to see documented that
isn't?  We don't have books on Nasal.  We certainly do have docs.

So as far as flames go, some stuff off the top of my head that was, I
think, true at some point in the past.  I'm not 100% confident on all
this, because my Lua knowledge is pretty stale.

+ Nasal is threadsafe. Lua has a global interpreter lock.

+ Nasal is stackless for interpreted code.  Lua recurses on the CPU

+ Nasal is a true functional language, with lexical scoping, runtime
  binding and true closures. Lua has a clunky global namespace.

+ Nasal has complete programmatic control over the runtime namespace
  for any piece of code, making "modules" a question of script coding
  and allowing a bunch of neat metaprogramming tricks along the lines
  of what the Ruby folks do with their monkey patching.  Take a look
  at the (non-FlightGear) Gtk library for some examples.  Lua, again,
  has a clunky global namespace.

+ Nasal's data model matches what you are used to from perl, python
  and javascript.  Lua's is ... odd.

+ Nasal has a true garbage collector.  Lua has a reference counter
  that can't handle circular references.

+ Nasal has syntax that makes sense in the modern world and to
  programmers exposed to other languages like Javascript.  Lua looks
  like PL/1.

But hell, there's really nothing (other than cosmetics) wrong with
Lua.  As you mention, it's grown into a large community with lots of
documentation and libraries and professional-looking trappings.  None
of that was true in 2003/4 when Nasal was in its infancy, but it is
now, and I can see why it would be attractive.  If you want to do the
integration work and maintain it (remember, there's a ton of code
outside the interpreter you need to write to be able to do useful
things inside the simulator), feel free.

> Why was Nasal chosen in the first place ? Wasn't it to supplement a
> fledgling FDM module at the time, yasim, that was lagging behind
> jsbsim and its property system ? Or so I've inferred and been told

Ooh, a YASim flame too.  Bring it on. :)


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Memory corruption in Nasal with MSVC

2008-11-25 Thread Andy Ross
Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> I get memory corruption caused by writing outside an malloc'ated memory
> bloc. I tracked the problem down to the recsize() function ( in hash.c )
> computing a memory size that is not enough for subsequent initialization
> in resize()

Wow, good catch.  This was also reported on the nasal list as a difference
between optimized and non-optimized builds on 32 bit linux.  I tracked it
down as far as recsize() returning the wrong value, but then wrote it off
as a compiler bug and didn't investigate further.  I missed the alignment
issue completely.

Try the following patch, which will force the alignment but still allow the
use of the (IMHO) clever trick to get the memory block size in a single line:

Index: hash.c
RCS file: /home/nasal-cvs/nasal/src/hash.c,v
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -r1.51 hash.c
--- hash.c  26 Sep 2008 17:53:29 -  1.51
+++ hash.c  25 Nov 2008 17:18:02 -
@@ -96,9 +96,12 @@

 static int recsize(int lgsz)
-HashRec hr;
-hr.lgsz = lgsz;
-return (int)((char*)&TAB(&hr)[POW2(lgsz+1)] - (char*)&hr);
+/* Union with the pointer for alignment purposes, to guarantee
+ * that the dummy HashRec has the same alignment as the malloc
+ * block that will eventually contain the real one. */
+union { void* align; HashRec hr; } u; = lgsz;
+return (int)((char*)&TAB(&[POW2(lgsz+1)]) - (char*)&;

 static HashRec* resize(struct naHash* hash)

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] New nasal drop, new syntax

2008-09-26 Thread Andy Ross
Note that a reasonably big Nasal change just went into SimGear.
Melchior had a chance to test it out first, so hopefully not too much
will have broken.  The documentation for the new syntax is below.
There's also been some work done to reduce the memory footprint for
strings (store short strings inside the structure), hashes (about a
60% overhead reduction) and function closure objects (about 100 bytes

As always, let me know what broke.

New syntax:

1. Call-by-name function arguments.  You can specify a hash literal in
place of ordered function arguments, and it will become the local
variable namespace for the called function, making functions with many
arguments more readable.  Ex:

   view_manager.lookat(heading:180, pitch:20, roll:0, x:X0, y:Y0, z:Z0,
   time:now, fov:55);

Declared arguments are checked and defaulted as would be expected:
it's an error if you fail to pass a value for an undefaulted argument,
missing default arguments get assigned, and any rest parameter
(e.g. "func(a,b=2,rest...){}") will be assigned with an empty vector.

2. Vector slicing.  Vectors (lists) can now be created from others
using an ordered list of indexes and ranges.  For example:

   var v1 = ["a","b","c","d","e"]

   var v2 = v1[3,2];   # == ["d","c"];
   var v3 = v1[1:3];   # i.e. range from 1 to 3: ["b","c","d"];
   var v4 = v1[1:];# no value means "to the end": ["b","c","d","e"]
   var i = 2;
   var v5 = v1[i]; # runtime expressions are fine: ["c"]
   var v6 = v1[-2,-1]; # negative indexes are relative to end: ["d","e"]

The range values can be computed at runtime (e.g. i=1; v5=v1[i:]).
Negative indices work the same way the do with the vector functions
(-1 is the last element, -2 is 2nd to last, etc...).

3. Multi-assignment expressions.  You can assign more than one
variable (or lvalue) at a time by putting them in a parenthesized

   (var a, var b) = (1, 2);
   var (a, b) = (1, 2);   # Shorthand for (var a, var b)
   (var a, v[0], obj.field) = (1,2,3) # Any assignable lvalue works

   var color = [1, 1, 0.5];
   var (r, g, b) = color;  # works with runtime vectors too

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] [SECURITY] Nasal: restricted

2008-06-16 Thread Andy Ross
Sven Almgren wrote:
> But is this really needed? How does M$ flightsim extensions do? You
> have to trust the source somewhat, We could sneak in bad code in
> fgfs too, and ppl would run it anyway... Can the addoncreators be
> trustet as much as "we" can?

Sure.  FlightGear is a local program, and software it loads from the
local drive can certainly do local I/O if it wants without breaking
typical security models.  That's the whole idea behind being able to
download software from the internet in the first place. :)

My historical fear has been the interaction with the MP environment:
the MP code can write to the property tree, and arbitrary property
nodes have on various occasions be hooked to execute Nasal code.
Being able to execute arbitrary Nasal code on another machine over the
network would be a security disaster if that code could do I/O or
spawn programs, etc...

What Melchior has done is fine with me, architecturally.  Ideally, I
guess I'd prefer a sandbox on the other side: an architecture that
expressly prevents network data from being executed somehow, probably
by strictly limiting the areas in the property tree it can write to.
But this kind of architecture can work too: it just requires that
every "potentially unsafe" operation be sandboxed in the same way as


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Flying on the EDGE

2008-03-06 Thread Andy Ross
Torsten Dreyer wrote:
> While the YASim engines don't warm up the burned air at all (egt
> equals ambient air temperature)

That's almost certainly because something is wrong in the engine
configuration, probably displacement or compression ratio (which
wouldn't otherwise cause problems if they were wrong).  The clamping
to ambient is done as a safety valve only.  The relevant code is in
PistonEngine.cpp:244 if you want to take a look.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] valgrind diff no 2 and 3

2008-01-22 Thread Andy Ross
till busch wrote:
>   * f_interpolate in NasalSys was leaky (valgrind)

This leak is real, but the patch isn't legal C++, at least as of the
last time I read the standard.  You can't initialize a stack array
with a dynamic value, it has to be known at compile time.  This is a
gcc extension.  Better just to delete the arrays.  Fixed in CVS.

> --- src/Scripting/NasalSys.cxx5 Dec 2007 10:57:51 -   1.97
> +++ src/Scripting/NasalSys.cxx21 Jan 2008 21:30:11 -
> @@ -317,8 +317,8 @@ static naRef f_interpolate(naContext c,
>  naRef curve = argc > 1 ? args[1] : naNil();
>  if(!naIsVector(curve)) return naNil();
>  int nPoints = naVec_size(curve) / 2;
> -double* values = new double[nPoints];
> -double* deltas = new double[nPoints];
> +double values[nPoints];
> +double deltas[nPoints];
>  for(int i=0; i  values[i] = naNumValue(naVec_get(curve, 2*i)).num;
>  deltas[i] = naNumValue(naVec_get(curve, 2*i+1)).num;

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Bug#461399: simgear_1.0.0-1 (alpha/unstable): FTBFS: Unrecognized CPU architecture

2008-01-19 Thread Andy Ross
Ove Kaaven wrote:
> It's not just him being cranky about his own pet issues, it's
> about policy and the pursuit of high software standards.

High "standards" for software you (literally!) can't run?
Please.  This is pedantry and egotism at its worst.  I'm terribly
sorry my software isn't good enough for you, I really am.  But
you can either work with me to fix it or take potshots about
trivial build problems and "Heisenberg bugs" that can't actually
be exhibited.  You and Steve picked the latter.

> I think he already provided the requisite defines, though
> somewhat buried in his mail. Beyond that, perhaps this web page
> would be of interest:

No, someone needs to *run* this and *test* it on those
architectures.* I'm not going to commit blind changes to either
Nasal or SimGear.  Since you can't actually run the code you are
complaining about, someone needs to work with the command line
Nasal interpreter from to do the test.

[* Something, I will point out yet again, that no one has done.
   Do either you or Steve have console access to a s390, Alpha, or
   PA-RISC box with 3D hardware?  Has *anyone* ever run the Debian
   fgfs binary on those architectures?]

And I'd very much prefer the gcc output I asked for to anything
that comes out of a single individual's brain.  This stuff is too
easy to get wrong, and it's literally one command to run.  Just
run it and send me the output.  Or don't, I guess.  Your call.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Bug#461399: simgear_1.0.0-1 (alpha/unstable): FTBFS: Unrecognized CPU architecture

2008-01-18 Thread Andy Ross
Ove Kaaven wrote:
> It looks like there are some portability issues in the current
> code...

On three platforms which don't have the CPU power (or GPU support!) to
actually, y'know, run the software. :)

> Steve Langasek wrote:
> > So this assumes the kernel will never expose more than 48bits of
> > address space to userspace processes -- a short-sighted and
> > groundless assumption, the reason Linux hasn't "documented this
> > rigorously" is because there is no such guarantee.  The NASAL_NAN64
> > option should be thrown out for all Linux variants.

This is in the Nasal interpreter.  Language interpreters routinely
enjoy making some platform assumptions in the name of performance.  In
this case, that union trick chops the size of a naRef (and therefore
the memory footprint of almost everything Nasal does) in half.

I'm more than prepared to pay for this benefit in the form of the
occasional dispeptic rant from uninformed distribution folks who are
more interested in wagging their fingers at developers than they are
in actually running the software [How's that for tone, Steve?  I can
flame with the best of them if you really want to throw down.  Try
a little less presumption next time.]

As explained very clearly in the comments, all known platforms support
this code just fine, and the benefits are very large.  And I'm even
conservative about refusing to compile on platforms on which I can't
test, thus the #error (it's a feature, not a bug!).

I'm happy to take patches, though.  This support is trivially really
easy to add, if Mr. Langasek is actually willing to help out a little.
Just the output of "echo | gcc -dM -E -" on each of the platforms is

> > ... which is a cop-out, and a serious regression because the old code built
> > and ran fine on all architectures.

On all *debian* architectures.  I had a ton of trouble getting the original
stuff to work for everyone who wanted to use it.  Manually enumerating 
was the overwhelmingly simpler choice.  I'm sorry you disagree.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] BUG: FG HEAD fails to compile after recent changes to (reverting fixes it)

2008-01-11 Thread Andy Ross
Curtis Olson wrote:
> I just committed a patch that should fix this problem.
> Guys, it looks like no one tested this patch before committing it

It worked for me.  Probably because my LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set such
that the resulting configure-generated programs can run?

The genesis of the commit was a complaint on the IRC channel by Hans
that the OS X build had been broken for a long time, and that patches
to fix that (the whole point here was to use the Apple-specific
AC_CHECK_FRAMEWORK macro for the OSG libraries on OS X) had been
ignored for weeks.  I read it, nodded, tried it and committed.

IMHO, it's better to have a little grief on the development list than
leave an important user platform broken like that.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear prerelease; RPMs available + PATCH

2007-11-27 Thread Andy Ross
> So it's only missing #include which should
> be in the code. See the attachments.
> [...]
>  #include 
> +#include 
> +#include 

Surely that should be , no?  It's just a style thing, but if
you're modifying code that is already using ANSI C headers, and not
Standard C++ headers, you should stay with the existing convention.
It's especially weird to add one of each. :)


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[Flightgear-devel] Stutter/Nasal issue resolved (was: FlightGear/Plib periodic stutter notes)

2007-10-24 Thread Andy Ross
Csaba Halász wrote:
> Don't know if Melchior and Andy have arrived at anything while I was
> away, but here is what I found.

Yup, that's exactly it.  New nasal objects are added to a temporary
bin when they are created, because further allocation might cause a
garbage collection to happen before the code that created the object
can store a reference to it where the garbage collector can find it.
For performance and simplicity, this list is stored per-context.  When
the context next executes code, it clears this list.

Here's the problem: we do a lot of our naNewXX() calls in FlightGear
using the old "global context" object that is created at startup.  But
this context is no longer used to execute scripts* at runtime, so as
Csaba discovered, it's temporaries are never flushed.  That
essentially causes a resource leak: those allocations (mostly listener
nodes) will never be freed.  And all the extra "reachable" Nasal data
floating around causes the garbage collector to take longer and longer
to do a full collection as time goes on, causing "stutter".  And
scripts that use listeners extensively (the cmdarg() they use was one
of the affected allocations) will see the problem more seriously.

* That's a feature, not a bug.  Once listeners were added, scripts
  could be recursive: (script A sets property X which causes listener
  L to fire and cause script B to run) We need two or more contexts on
  the stack to handle that; a single global one won't work.

I didn't like the fix though.  Exposing the temporary bin as part of
the Nasal public API is ugly; it's an internal design feature, not
something users should tune.  Instead, I just hacked at the FlightGear
code to reinitialize this context every frame, thus cleaning it up.  A
"proper" fix would be to remove the global context entirely, but that
would touch a bunch of code.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] The Release

2007-09-04 Thread Andy Ross
olaf flebbe wrote:
> > If my memory serves, VC8 shipped with a new runtime that won't work
> > on XP without an update, right?
> Wrong.

Can you elaborate?  I'm all but certain that default builds want to
link against MSVCR80.DLL (or whatever) at runtime, no?  Are we set up
to install that in our distributables?  Is such an arrangement GPL
compatible?  I know other projects have had to deal with this issue,
but don't know the details.

It does strike me as simpler to just use the older compiler.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] The Release

2007-09-04 Thread Andy Ross
olaf flebbe wrote:
> Please do not mix the terms "compiles o.k. and works for me" with
> "the code is correct".

I did no such thing.  The issue here is whether or not the code is the
*same* as the one we are shipping on other platforms.  Yours is not,
and therefore really shouldn't be packaged up into a release.

But you're absolutely right: this looks like a plib bug to me too.

You should re-submit that fix to the plib folks, not us. (And not as a
MSVC8 "build patch" -- I wasn't looking for bugs in it, for example,
and missed this one entirely).  We can't fix plib bugs here, and if
this isn't a showstopper for the release (it's not) posting it to a
thread titled "The Release" and demanding that it be applied is
probably going to confuse things more than help.

And I still think that flightgear-devel is an inappropriate forum for
discussion plib problems.  Our goal here should be to get it building
for the release, only.  Note that all of this code has *already* been
obsoleted in the CVS trunk anyway.  After this release, it simply
isn't possible for us to hit this bug, or any other problem with ssg,
ever again.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] The Release

2007-09-04 Thread Andy Ross
olaf flebbe wrote:
> As a side note: The gcc does not enforce const-correctness very
> much.

Sigh, and the flames continue... Your basis for that statement is
what, exactly?  Of course gcc enforces const correctness.  I suspect
what's happening here is that plib, which is using  and not
, is getting the C implementation declared.  I'm not sure
where the C++ standard requires here.  Arbitrary libc headers
obviously need to pass through compatibly, but maybe there are special
requirements for the ANSI headers.

> Unfortunatly they still miss MSVC8.

Is the problem simply that VC8 has trouble?  Isn't the obvious
solution then to build with VC7 instead?  If my memory serves, VC8
shipped with a new runtime that won't work on XP without an update,
right?  We probably want to build with the compatible compiler anyway.

Regardless, you need to fix that patch if you want to see it used.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] formatting in nasal

2007-09-04 Thread Andy Ross
Syd&Sandy wrote:
> No its not a typo , I want a single string property to hold
> groundspeed ,TTG and ET , depending on which mode is selected for
> display on the Primus PFD

OK.  You might want to make that property a string, though, or at
least an integer.  Storing a fracional number there and extracting
things via math is going to cause precision glitches.

As it happens, your example is affected by this: 2.3 is not exactly
representable as an IEEE double.  So you can get different results
depending on code path.  My example of multiplying it 100 actually
doesn't work, because 100*2.3 comes out as 229.9.

But if you really do have more than one value, don't be afraid of
putting them into separate property nodes.  They're cheap.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] The Release

2007-09-04 Thread Andy Ross
Hans Fugal wrote:
> I could be wrong, but I think you missed his point. I don't think he
> was arguing that you couldn't cast a const char* to a char*. The
> argument was that without the cast it doesn't work, and the cast is
> bad form and leads to bugs.

A point, you will note, I never disagreed with.  Nonetheless we use
plib.  And plib's code has "bad form" and even the occasional bug.
Since we use it, we need to build it.  It was remarked at the top of
this thread that plib 1.8.4 required a patch to build.  I noted first
that the patch seemed unnecessary (and only later noticed it was
wrong), and suggested that the problem (in plib's code, not ours)
could be fixed via adjustment of the warning level of the compiler

At which point all you guys in the peanut gallery jumped on me about
"bad form" and I started swinging back.

> I think it's a reasonable argument, not one that needs derision.

It is not a reasonable argument in this context, as it involves
source code we don't control.  And I'd argue the derision started in
John's message, for what it's worth, but I suppose that's an issue of

The goal here, I will point out yet again, isn't to decide how best to
develop plib, but to decide how best to get it built
under windows for a FlightGear release.  I'd argue that
building our released version against an inconsistent library
dependency constitutes significantly *worse* form than tolerating some
const-incorrectness that has already been vetted out on other


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] formatting in nasal

2007-09-04 Thread Andy Ross
Syd&Sandy wrote:
> Hi all , is there a way to format a double and output that to a
> string property with writing the double to a property first . Should
> be doable but it escapes me at the moment ...
> Example :  (double) 2.30 to (string) 2:30

Nasal numbers will convert directly to strings according to fairly
standard representations.  Just use them directly, no conversion is

  var val = 2.3;
  var msg = "The value of 'val' is: " ~ val;

If you need fancy formatting, like for example limiting the output
precision, there is a sprintf() function available that works just
like the ANSI one:

  var msg = sprintf("The value of 'val' is: %.2f", val);

I'm not sure if the colon in "2:30" is a typo or not, but that's
possible too with a bit of work:

  var frac = math.mod(val, 1);
  sprintf("Formatted: %d:%2.2d", val-frac, 100*frac);


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] The Release

2007-09-04 Thread Andy Ross
Csaba Halász wrote:
> Note that literal string constants may be allocated in read-only
> data section, thus causing segmentation fault at runtime. Try
> calling your "foo" function passing a literal string,

What does this have to do with the discussion?  We are talking about
const pointers, not linker segments.  And in any case I already
mentioned (and dismissed) this possibility.  From three posts above:

I wrote:
> Are you maybe trying to say that plib is writing to a static string
> constant?  That would be a pretty serious bug if true, but as far as
> I can see it's not.

This flame war might be a whole lot more productive if people would
stop trying to show off about their C knowledge and trying harder to
figure out what the appropriate way to get plib to build under MSVC


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] The Release

2007-09-04 Thread Andy Ross
I wrote:
> Plib's behavior in the lines touched by this patch is platform
> independent.

And this bit of the patch is just flat wrong.  The original version
finds the first "_" in the string and nul-terminates it at that
location.  The "fixed" code it a complete no-op.

-   char *p = strrchr(fname,'_');
+   char *dupfname = strdup( fname);
+   char *p = strrchr( dupfname,'_');
 if (p != 0) {
   *p = '\0';

The confusion seems to be that Microsoft declared strchr() as taking
and returning a const pointer.  Which is broken, because strchr()
returns a pointer into the *same* memory it got.  The constness needs
to be synchronized between the pointers, which is outside the
capabilities of the C language.  So programmers have to choose between
a slightly "unsafe" function that drops const and one that requires a
cast to use with a non-const string.

Instead of adding the cast, you have copied the *whole* string to a
new buffer, terminated that one instead of the original string, and
then dropped it on the floor leaving the original string untouched.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] The Release

2007-09-04 Thread Andy Ross
John Denker wrote:
> 2) It seems vacuous to compare writing via a const char* to
> writing via a non-const char*, because AFAIK there is no such
> thing as writing via a const char*.  No compiler AFAIK will
> generate any CPU instructions for it.

Oh, good grief:

  $ echo 'void foo(const char* p){*(char*)p=0;}' > tmp.c
  $ gcc -S -c -o - tmp.c

Look!  Instructions!  I await your further pedantry about this
not "really" being a const pointer because of the cast, to which
I will reply that casts like this are precicely the subject of
discussion (hint: see olaf's patch)...

If it really concerns you, take it to plib-devel.  It's not our
code.  The question was whether the constness issues in the
released plib code are blocking bugs for a new FlightGear
release.  As far as I can see, they are not.  Plib's behavior in
the lines touched by this patch is platform independent.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] The Release

2007-09-03 Thread Andy Ross
olaf flebbe wrote:
> You may be wrong. They are writing to const char *. I had to strdup().

A "const" char* is exactly the same thing as a regular pointer at
the level of CPU instructions.  Writing to it does exactly the
same thing as writing to a non-const pointer.  The difference
exists at *compile* time only.  If MSVC is complaining about it,
just adjust the warning level.

Are you maybe trying to say that plib is writing to a static
string constant?  That would be a pretty serious bug if true, but
as far as I can see it's not.  Your use of strdup() is just
adding an extra (and needless) step.  Have you tried just adding
a typecast instead?

Again, the point here isn't whether or not plib's code is clean
and will compile without warnings on MSVC.  The point is whether
it works the same as it does on our other platforms.  Build
issues are plib's problem, not ours.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] The Release

2007-09-03 Thread Andy Ross
olaf flebbe wrote:
> Durk Talsma wrote:
> > SimGear require plib-1.8.4, but this version no longer builds on my
> > box
> There is still an patch for MSVC8 waiting to be applied.

Looking at that patch, it seems entirely typecast stuff.  Those are
warning conditions; I don't see any changes that would affect the
generated code.  Sure, it would be good to get plib to fix their
typing conventions, but I can't see why it would stop it from
building, and in for the purpose of our release the distinction is


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] [Bug-Report] Stutterer and pauses withdynamic-view

2007-08-29 Thread Andy Ross
Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> I think stutter comes from the threaded scenery tile
> loader. When you change view direction, you ask the loader to
> load more tiles, and when all required tiles are loaded for a
> given position, the stutter stops.

That seems unlikely.  The tile loader is very old code, and this
is a new symptom.  It's also, as you point out, threaded
precicely for the purpose of *not* blocking the main rendering


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] nasal variables

2007-08-15 Thread Andy Ross
Stewart Andreason wrote:
> If accessing temp1 _is_ faster than .getValue, then at 2 or 3
> accesses, I imagine it becomes faster to do the above?

Yes, it's definitely faster, because there's less work to do.
Evaluating the expression "temp1" requires pushing the symbol value (a
string) onto the stack, and executing OP_LOCAL which does a hash table
lookup to find the value in the namespace list and leave it on the
stack for the next bit of code to use.

Evaluating "node.getValue()" requires:

  Pushing the symbol "node" onto the stack
  Executing OP_LOCAL to look it up
  Pushing the symbol "getValue" onto the stack
  Executing OP_MEMBER to look it up in the object
  Executing OP_CALL to call it as a function
  Finally (!) calling the C++ property node function
  Turn the output node into a Nasal object and leave it on the stack.

That said, you really don't want to be designing your scripts around
raw, low-level performance issues.  Write your code to be readable,
not blazingly fast.  In general "altitude" is more readable than


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] nasal variables

2007-08-13 Thread Andy Ross
Stewart Andreason wrote:
> Is there a preference for how variables are declared and used in nasal?
> between the global type:
>   var some_name = 0;
> which can be accessed and changed from any function,

That's a Nasal variable.  It's not "global" in the sense that all
users will see the same value for "name".  It's part of the namespace
of the executing function (which might be the whole file), and is
visible only to the current function, and other "func" expressions
assigned during that execution.

> and using the nodes
>var name = 
> props.globals.getNode("/sim/model/aircraftName/someDirectory/name",1);
> and accessing with .getValue and .setValue.

That's *also* a Nasal variable, but it holds a reference to a property
node instead of an actual value.  Interestingly, the property node,
unlike the variable above, *is* a global thing (i.e. every part of
FlightGear sees the same node for /sim/model/.../name).

The advantage to Nasal-space data is that it's fast and simple.  If
the only thing that will care about the value is your script, they are
good choices.

The property tree is a inter-subsystem communication thing.  This is
what you want if you want to share data with the C++ world (for
example, YASim  tags write to properties -- they don't
understand Nasal), or read in via configuration files.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] spanning multiple columns in gui layout

2007-07-05 Thread Andy Ross
John Denker wrote:
> 4) I did not snipe.  I did not sneer.  I reported the facts as I
> observed them.  If observations conflict with your expectations,
> what should I do?

John, please.  You asked for a new feature that already exists, and
when corrected immediately reported that it doesn't work and isn't
used, despite the fact that it does and is.  You even hid behind (no
joke) a grammar excuse (as if "colspan" and "rowspan" are so different
that one couldn't possibly be an example of the other, or that you
couldn't think to grep for just "span").  When told that the core of
the "columns too small" problem was your use of an explicit width and
height, you bizarrely claimed that it wasn't, in clear contradiction
to reality.

At any of those steps, an appropriate response might have plausibly
included the phrase "thank you", or at least "OK, but...".  Instead,
it's been one one redirection after another.  I tell you one thing
(*correct* advice, it should be noted) and am immediately hit back
with a counterclaim.  Basically, you've been a jerk from the beginning
to end of this process and frankly I don't really want to work with
you.  Your contributions aren't valuable enough to be worth the
emotional effort.  Some jerks can prosper in collaborative projects
because of the utility of their work (c.f. Melchior, Mathias, maybe me
if I still count as a core developer).  You aren't in that league,
honestly, and you might find that a little humility would produce
better service.

But, all that being said: yes, you found a bug.  The
spans-are-too-wide problem* is caused by a sign bug when calculating
the "extra" amount to distribute between spanned cells.  Fixed in CVS.


* As distinct from the layout-is-too-narrow problem you reported
  earlier, or the "there are no spans" non-problem you originally

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] spanning multiple columns in gui layout

2007-07-05 Thread Andy Ross
John Denker wrote:
> Yes, I tried it.  It looks terrible.
> It still appears to be miscalculating by a factor of 3 the required column
> width.

A factor of 3?  Dunno, it looks fine to me, and I can verify that it
fixes your problem with shrinking columns.  Whether you choose to
believe me or not is, of course, up to you.

I suspect this is a now a new bug report.  Can you explain this
problem for me (maybe with a screenshot or two) so that I can help
you?  Or are you happier to sneer and snipe and make me beg for

Basically: check the ego at the door, John.  Most of us here would
actually like to help you (evening if helping you means encouranging
you to use the layout manager instead of 1984-era hand-drawn dialogs).
Spitting in our faces and playing ridiculous semantic games just isn't


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] spanning multiple columns in gui layout

2007-07-05 Thread Andy Ross
John Denker wrote:
> Andy Ross wrote:
> > Here's the problem.  You're giving your dialog a fixed size, then
> > asking it to display something that doesn't quite fit.
> On my syste, with the default style, it should fit with room left
> over.  The working version makes this particularly clear.
> Why do you say it doesn't quite fit?

Because I ran layout-test and watch it shrinking the size of the
columns, then wondered why and discovered that you are giving the
dialog an explicit size.  That's just plain wrong in a layout dialog,
unless you are attempting to do something fancy.  An explicit width
means "make the dialog exactly this big".  If you happen to give your
table more content than it can fit, it takes the difference and
subtracts it equally from each column.

The "working" version just happens to look better because of the
details of your layout; the extra width gets sunk into columns that
happen not to need it, instead of spread evenly across the colspan
range.  The table code doesn't understand any of that and just shrinks
all columns equally.  Had you picked different strings to put in those
columns, it might have looked equally bad or worse.

Have you actually tried removing those two lines yet?  I promise you
it works.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] spanning multiple columns in gui layout

2007-07-05 Thread Andy Ross
John Denker wrote:
> Compare:
> The difference between them is simple, and is attached below.
> The working file contains a working colspan.  The broken
> file contains a second colspan that significantly distorts
> the table.

Here's the problem.  You're giving your dialog a fixed size, then
asking it to display something that doesn't quite fit.  So it's
shrinking the columns evenly, and things look wrong:

>   weather
>   840
>   570

Putting one word in each column only happens looks better because of
the details of your layout and the length of your strings.  Let the
layout manager pick the size, that's what it's there for.  Just remove
the width and height lines and all will be well.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] spanning multiple columns in gui layout

2007-07-05 Thread Andy Ross
John Denker wrote:
> Yes, the feature is documented, and there is some code to
> implement it (in GUI/layout.cxx) ... but it doesn't work
> reliably.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Can you provide a case where it doesn't?  I can't promise or prove the
lack of bugs, only fix the ones that are reported.

> Grep tells me there are zero instances of it being used in
> CVS/gui/dialogs.

Your grep, apparently, is lying to you.  Check autopilot.xml, it uses
a rowspan for the "Speed with XXX" entries to vertically center the
input field between the two lines.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Programming "Style"

2007-07-05 Thread Andy Ross
Thomas Förster wrote:
> which reminds me of:
> The Zen of Python (by Tim Peters)
> Probably a bunch of good ideas for every language.

Yup, great advice.  Pity python forgot about it:

> There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
> If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.

Read and internalize those, and then teach list comprehensions to a C

The more curmudgeonly I get, the more I think everyone should just be
coding in Nasal...


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Today's CVS

2007-07-05 Thread Andy Ross
Ralf Gerlich wrote:
> Maybe that's a dumb question (which would be embarassing, because I
> typically think of myself as a good C++ programmer), but why use a
> reference in the return type anyway instead of the "real thing"? If a
> copy is created anyway, the "&" doesn't have any advantage, or am I
> missing something?

References can be lvalues, so it's possible to write functions whose
returned valued can be assigned.  The examples are usually pretty
academic, but consider a sparse 2D array with a method like

  int& element(int x, int y);

You can use this thing as element(3, 4) to get the value, but you can
also use:

  array->element(3, 4) = 12345;

to *set* the value.  Cute, huh?  And utterly worthless.  Sane code
would just use a set_element() function and be done with it instead of
using a design element that even good, productive programmers don't
always recognize.  The older I get, the more C++ looks like a
terrible, terrible mistake.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] spanning multiple columns in gui layout

2007-07-05 Thread Andy Ross

John Denker wrote:
> Here's the scenario: Suppose you have a nice table with rows and
> columns.  Most of the rows have many narrow columns, but one or two
> rows have a lesser number of wider columns.  The existing layout
> manager has no idea how to handle this AFAICT.

Use the "rowspan" and "colspan" properties.  Check Docs/README.layout
for details.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] PATCH: building 0.9.11-pre1 on ppc

2007-05-25 Thread Andy Ross
Ladislav Michnovič wrote:
> 2007/5/24, Andy Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Can you provide more details about your platform?  I was under the
>> impression that OS X on PowerPC used the __ppc__ symbol, but I don't
>> have a box to test against.  If your compiler is gcc, can you post the
>> results of:
>>   echo | gcc -E -dM -
> Yes I can. I'm building RPM on SUSE Linux.

Ah, OK.  Apparently GCC/linux and the OS X folks picked a different set of
architecture symbols.  Should be fixed in CVS (both branches, and in the
Nasal upstream).


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] AN-225 patch

2007-05-24 Thread Andy Ross
Joacim Persson wrote:
> README.yasim says the "semi-deprecated" transition-time is "Time in
> seconds to slew through input range." I'm not quite sure what it is,
> but it's not that. ;)

It's coded to assume that the "input range" is 0-1.  It was really
written for landing gear.  If you want to model hydraulic delays
(which is what I think is happening here) you'd probably be happier
with some Nasal anyway.  Thus the "semi-deprecated" note: this feature
still works as intended, but there are far more robust ways to solve
the same problem in the modern environment.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] PATCH: building 0.9.11-pre1 on ppc

2007-05-24 Thread Andy Ross
Ladislav Michnovič wrote:
> Hello.
> Compilation on ppc machines crashed on unknown CPU in
> simgear/nasal/naref.h file.
> I've changed __ppc__ to uppercase and detection works fine.

Can you provide more details about your platform?  I was under the
impression that OS X on PowerPC used the __ppc__ symbol, but I don't
have a box to test against.  If your compiler is gcc, can you post the
results of:

  echo | gcc -E -dM -


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG yasim-test build error - Possible Solution

2007-04-23 Thread Andy Ross
> Oh, wait a second: I now see you are talking about the header (.hpp) file,
> whereas I was referring to the (.cpp) source file, Gear.cpp. You are right
> that the former (the hpp) contains (only) the SGmaterial reference. The
> latter, the Gear.cpp source file is the one containing the additional SimGear
> include, as shown in the url to the cvs log in my previous mail.

Indeed.  Nonetheless, from a build just completed:

$ ldd ./yasim => /lib/ (0x2ac79e774000) => /usr/lib/ (0x2ac79e878000) => /lib/ (0x2ac79ea78000) => /lib/ (0x2ac79ebf9000) => /lib/ (0x2ac79ed07000)
/lib64/ (0x2ac79e657000)

Those extra SimGear libraries don't require anything from OSG, except
perhaps the compile-time headers.  Are you doing anything fancy like
building SimGear as a shared library?


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG yasim-test build error - Possible Solution

2007-04-23 Thread Andy Ross
Durk Talsma wrote:
> Looking at the CVS browser, it seems like this dependency on SimGear
> was added on January 17, as part of a patch contributed by Maik
> Justus:

Sorry, but I honestly don't know what you're looking at.  There are no
SimGear includes in the HEAD of Gear.hpp in my tree.  There is no
revision 1.8 of that file in the cvs log AT ALL.

When I do:

  cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9 co 

... I get a file with no SimGear headers at all, just a "class
SGMaterial;" declaration at the top.

This is bizarre.  Curt?  Are there separate trees for this stuff?


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG yasim-test build error - Possible Solution

2007-04-23 Thread Andy Ross
Durk Talsma wrote:
> Gear.cpp includes:
> #include 

Not in CVS it doesn't.  It makes a type declaration for "class
SGMaterial" so it can pass a pointer to it only.  Do you have some
local changes or patches from someone else applied?


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG yasim-test build error - Possible Solution

2007-04-23 Thread Andy Ross
Durk Talsma wrote:
> Back in January, right before my Canadian adventure, I reported a
> compile error related to yasim-test. [...] I found that the following
> modification to src/FDM/Yasim/ works:
> [...]
> I basically added the -losg* linker directives to ensure that the correct
> libraries are known to the linker.

This looks wrong to me.  The yasim command line tool doesn't require
anything from the FlightGear tree at all, and only the XML parser from
SimGear.  So far as I can tell, it builds for me without problem.

I think you may have a library pollution issue; maybe a local change
to one of your SimGear libraries is suddenly pulling in OSG code where
before it stood alone?


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] New Nasal in CVS

2007-04-01 Thread Andy Ross
Harald JOHNSEN wrote:
> I've added this to the two file where func is used (seen on the interweb)
> /* Try to get a reasonable __func__ substitute in place. */
> #if defined(_MSC_VER)
> /* MSVC compilers before VC7 don't have __func__ at all; later ones call it
>  * __FUNCTION__. */
> #if _MSC_VER < 1300
> #define __func__ "???"
> #else
> #define __func__ __FUNCTION__
> #endif
> #endif

What version of the toolchain are you using?  I was under the
impression that that had already been vetted against MSVC, but
might be wrong.

> compiles ok, but link fails
> Some functions defined in thread-posix.c (and used) are not defined in
> thread-win32.c
> I've forced the use of thread-posix, compile and link is ok now.

That sounds wrong, a pthreads library shouldn't be required on
windows.  Can you provide the exact linker error you are seeing?


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] nasal iolib & security

2007-03-30 Thread Andy Ross
Stuart Buchanan wrote:
> Functionally, it seems reasonable to force all IO access through a
> wrapper .nas file in $FG_ROOT/Nasal that could attempt to restrict
> dangerous activities.

This is actually possible, albeit obtuse.  In the existing io.nas file
(which currently adds the soft-coded readfile() function to the
module) you can write a loop that inspects all the local variables for
functions (you can get the local variable hash as caller(0)[0]), and
replace each one with a wrapper version that checks the calling file
(again using caller()) against a "blessed" list.  Then the problem
becomes one of maintaining the "blessing" rules such that they are

We can try to handle the issue from the other side too: identify all
the spots where strings come in from outside the $FG_ROOT directory
and audit these to make sure they can never be used as a script.  One
*really* easy way to do this would be to override the compile()
function in globals.nas with a non-functional version.  But compile()
is really useful in practice...

Another option, obviously, would be to just disable the io module
again.  But I enabled it this time because a new release is still
well-off, and this seemed like a good time for experimentation.


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[Flightgear-devel] New Nasal in CVS

2007-03-29 Thread Andy Ross
A big heads up.  I just updated the Nasal interpreter to sync it with
Nasal CVS:

> Sync with Nasal CVS (soon to become Nasal 1.1).  Notable new features:
> Nasal now supports calls to "subcontexts" and errors can be thrown
> across them, leading to complete stack traces when call() is used,
> instead of the truncated ones we now see.
> Vectors can now be concatenated using the ~ operator that used to work
> only for strings.
> Better runtime error messages in general due to a fancier
> naRuntimeError() implementation
> A big data size shrink on 64 bit systems; the size of a naRef dropped
> by a factor of two.
> "Braceless code blocks" have been added to the parser, so you can
> write expressions like "if(a) b();" just like in C.  Note that there's
> still a parser bug in there that fails when you nest a braced block
> within a braceless one.
> Character constants that appear in Nasal source code can now be
> literal multibyte UTF8 characters (this was always supported for
> string literals, but character constants were forced to be a single
> byte).
> New modules: "bits", "thread", "utf8" and (gulp...) "io".  The bits
> library might be useful to FlightGear, the utf8 one probably not as
> Plib does not support wide character text rendering.  The thread
> library will work fine for spawning threads to do Nasal stuff, but
> obviously contact with the rest of FlightGear must be
> hand-synchronized as FlightGear isn't threadsafe.  The io library is
> no doubt the most useful, as it exposes all the basic stdio.h
> facilities; it's also frighteningly dangerous when combined with
> networked code...

This almost certainly broke something, somewhere.  Please be on the
lookout for anything that looks like it might be an interpreter bug or
new behavior.  Likewise, let me know if any platform builds broke --
at the very least, MSVC project files are going to need to be updated
for the new files.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Textranslate Step and Scroll

2007-02-07 Thread Andy Ross
I wrote:
 > The patch itself looks sane and easy.  But I think I agree with
 > John, this is a workaround for a design flaw in the step animation
 > that we should just fix.

Nope, it turns out we really do want truncation.  The reason is that
the input property to the animation, at least in Ron's case, isn't a
single digit, it's the whole value.

So you want to pass in the floating point value 29.92 and a step of 10
and get back 2, and *not* round up to 3.  You want truncation for
everything but the final digit, where rounding is more appropriate and
the bias value is a useful workaround.

So if there's a design flaw here, it's at a higher level.  Maybe
what's really needed is a "digit extractor" animation instead.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Textranslate Step and Scroll

2007-02-07 Thread Andy Ross
John Denker wrote:
 > Ron Jensen wrote:
 > > The  tag effectively truncates the property, 29.9199
 > > becomes 29.91, so a (3D) readout reads off one number.
 > >
 > > I am proposing an new tag, , that will act like  but be
 > > applied before  and 
 > While the  tag seems reasonable enough, the *first* step
 > should be to repair the  feature so that it performs
 > rounding rather than truncation.

This subject came up on the IRC channel (which increasingly seems like
the only contact I have with you guys -- I'm not dead, really!) and
Ron sent me his bias patch for commit.

The patch itself looks sane and easy.  But I think I agree with John,
this is a workaround for a design flaw in the step animation that we
should just fix.  Can someone (ideally people who, unlike me, know
where to look for lots of step animations) try this completely
untested patch to simgear/scene/model/animation.cxx?  It just
rewrites apply_mods() to do rounding (and IMHO to be clearer and

--- simgear/scene/model/animation.cxx   2 Feb 2007 07:00:54 -   1.63
+++ simgear/scene/model/animation.cxx   7 Feb 2007 18:18:32 -
@@ -107,27 +107,14 @@
  static double
  apply_mods(double property, double step, double scroll)
-  double modprop;
-  if(step > 0) {
-double scrollval = 0.0;
-if(scroll > 0) {
-  // calculate scroll amount (for odometer like movement)
-  double remainder  =  step - fmod(fabs(property), step);
-  if (remainder < scroll) {
-scrollval = (scroll - remainder) / scroll * step;
-  }
-  // apply stepping of input value
-  if(property > 0)
- modprop = ((floor(property/step) * step) + scrollval);
-  else
- modprop = ((ceil(property/step) * step) + scrollval);
-  } else {
- modprop = property;
-  }
-  return modprop;
+if(step == 0)
+return property;
+double bias = (property > 0) ? 0.5 : -0.5;
+double result = step * (int)(bias + (property / step));
+double diff = result - property;
+if(fabs(diff) < scroll)
+result = property + step * (diff / scroll);
+return result;

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] small bug in YASim-gears

2006-12-22 Thread Andy Ross
Maik Justus wrote:
 > there is a minor bug in YASim in the gear code. The sfric and dfric
 > tags in the aircrafts .xml are ignored.

I didn't even know those were tunable.  Actual tires have a very
narrow range of friction coefficients, except for special cases like
"knobby" off-road tires or special surfaces like ice or water.  Did I
add this code?  But I agree, taking those lines out looks right to me.

 > Maybe this helps to solve the slipping of parked aircrafts (by
 > adjusting sfric).

Very unlikely.  The slipping is a numerics effect, not a modeling one.
The only way to get the gear jitter to produce a stable solution over
time is to push the coefficients *down*.  But that will produce more
slipping, not less.  The solution to this problem is a rewrite of the
static gear friction to use a damped spring model around a "stuck"
point.  But that's hard for the case of rolling gear.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] nasal hash question

2006-12-07 Thread Andy Ross
Josh Babcock wrote:
 > foreach(light; lights) {
 >  propertyPath = 'some/path/'~light;
 >  # do magic to the hash lightNodes here
 >  # So that a node linked to propertyPath
 >  # with a key of light gets added to lightNodes
 > }

The hash/vector index expression is an lvalue that can be assigned as
well as inspected.  So it's just:

   foreach(light; lights) { lightNodes[light] = propertyPath; }


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] nasal problems on dual core cpu/64 bit linux

2006-12-06 Thread Andy Ross
Torsten Dreyer wrote:
 > Is there an issue with 64 bit linux or dual core/smp that I am not
 > aware of?

Nope, I'm running FlightGear on a x86_64 Ubuntu Edgy on a Core 2 Duo
without problem.  As Melchior pointed out, this was just a plain old
script bug.

Note that FlightGear's main loop (which includes all possible Nasal
paths) is single-threaded.  So whatever synchronization bugs might
live in the interpreter, we wouldn't be able to exercise them under
the current architecture.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] GPL Violation?

2006-11-17 Thread Andy Ross
Arnt Karlsen wrote:
 > ..since "redlinedit"'s eBay site in no way "contains a notice placed
 > by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms
 > of this General Public License."

Here is your confusion: "redlinedit's eBay site" is not FlightGear.
It is copyrighted by redlineedit* not us, and is not licensed under
the GPL.  The GPL covers the software, not the page used to advertise

Your interpretation would make *any* advertisement of GPL software
illegal if it wasn't done by the copyright holder, and that's clearly
non-sensical.  Take a look at the ad banners on Slashdot, for example.


* Except, arguably, for the screenshots.  But even there, I think you
   could make a very valid fair use argument that as long as your
   distribution is licensed, making screenshots for the purpose of
   advertising is fine.

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] GPL Violation?

2006-11-17 Thread Andy Ross
Martin Spott wrote:
 > I'd say this is by far the smartest comment on the topic. Don't get
 > your/our hands dirty and in case of doubt let others take action ;-)

Are you a professional troll?  It seems like every time I post, you
end up coming back with some ridiculous snark.  Stop it, now.  It's
offensive and uncalled for.

I don't care if you want to agree with me or not, but if you can't act
like an adult, then please go somewhere else.  Everyone else here
manages to disagree without acting like a four year old...


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] GPL Violation?

2006-11-17 Thread Andy Ross
Arnt Karlsen wrote:
 > ..moot, he disregards the GPL _completely_ and is hit by copyright
 > law, plus possibly for fraud, in representing himself as a "fully
 > licensed reseller."  Abiding by the GPL, he would have been.

I should jump in here: your logic is flawed.  You might just as
well argue taht he *is* a fully licensed reseller because he in
in 100% compliance with the GPL.  You are taking GPL incompliance
as a postulate and then using that to argue that the "fully
licensed" clause is a violation of copyright law.  But you need
to *prove* that incompliance first, otherwise this argument has
no meaning.

Seriously, folks: this is shady, but it's not illegal.  The only
problem I can see (which isn't itself a GPL violation) is that he
doesn't recognize the copyright holders in the auction.
Likewise, we should be sure that he's distributing the full
source code (or the required written offer) along with the
packages he offers for download.

And relax, everyone: he's certainly not getting rich, and he's
distributing FlightGear to people who might otherwise not have
noticed us.  That's a *good* thing for us, ecologically.  Just
send him a nice note asking that he put a link to
in the auction, and make sure he's distributing the source.

If he refuses, then let eBay know that he is distributing
software without the permission of the copyright holder and
refusing to accept the (very reasonable) terms we ask for.  And
let eBay make the decision as to whether this is legal or not.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] What does control gear/gear[0]/position-norm property in A-10?

2006-11-09 Thread Andy Ross
 > I whish there were more NASAL tutorials around.

This page is a little out of date, but it should be linked to from (where there is lots more good information):

It has reference docs on most of the core interface, but not the more
elaborate nasal extensions; interpolate() is in there, for example.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG Performance on WIndows

2006-11-08 Thread Andy Ross
Frederic Bouvier wrote:
 > Sorry, but I only understood that Mathias is not willing to backport
 > new features. He never said no one should do.

It's possible that I misinterpreted, and maybe Mathias would like to
clarify.  But FWIW I thought he was pretty unambiguous:

  : I would like to restrict that a bit.  For bugfixes and non
  : developers this might be a good idea. But please do not develop new
  : features on the branch. [...] I will port changes that are checked
  : in to the branch to HEAD as long as these are only bugfixes.

And, as I've said, I find this attitude unfair and counterproductive.
And I'm clearly not alone.  It's just not acceptable to break things
and refuse to allow folks to see the fixes on their (working!) branch.
Sure, "someone" could do it if they wanted.  But hiding behind
"collaboration" seems unfair to me, as if you guys are saying "You
want it to work?  Fix it yourself."  The content developers didn't
break it.

Look, this whole argument will go away if OSG starts working for
everyone.  If you want the complaints to stop, then get it fixed.  If
it's not, I can guarantee they're only going to get worse over time.

I'll just say it: the OSG port is, as of today, an unmitigated
disaster that should *never* have been applied to CVS in the state it
is in.  Apologies in advance if that offends someone.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG Performance on WIndows

2006-11-08 Thread Andy Ross
Douglas Campos wrote:
 > but content developers can't just stick with plib branch? afaik
 > we'll only making the "porting work" at trunk, right?

No, they can't; not if (by Mathias's suggestion) new features are
added only to the head and not to the plib branch.  See his post a few
messages up.

That issue is, in fact, exactly what got me into this thread.  I'm
fine with maintaining two branches in parallel while one stabilizes.
But cutting off the working branch when the new one is still
stabilizing is just wrong.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG Performance on WIndows

2006-11-08 Thread Andy Ross
 > People apparently got used to the state that FlightGear typically
 > has a CVS tree that you can compile at the end of a development day
 > and 'fly'.

Remember that people doing aircraft models and scenery are also
"developers", and need to be able to run the development version to do
their work (for example, to pick up bug fixes and new features -- this
kind of back and forth happens every day on the IRC channel).

The CVS head isn't just for code jockeys like us, and treating it like
it is is a sure way to cheese off our content developers, as witnessed
by this thread.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG Performance on WIndows

2006-11-08 Thread Andy Ross
Curtis L. Olson wrote:
 > Andy Ross wrote:
 > > Look, the points wasn't that plib is great.  The point wasn't that
 > > OSG has no advantages.
 > I'll just jump in here with a couple quick comments.  OSG does have
 > advantages that we should be able to realize pretty quickly, it is not
 > completely without advantages.  Let's have a little patience before we
 > jump too far to conclusions.

I, er, don't think you interpreted what I wrote correctly; check the
double negative. :)

And sure, patience is good and panic is bad.  But at the same time:
recognize that patience is limited, and there's a point at which panic
is justified.  It's already been almost two weeks since the OSG code
started going in, and there still remain many issues.  Performance
under windows (but not linux, at least not my box) has suffered a
serious 20-50% regression that can't be ignored.  Several aircraft
look just awful right now due to missing features.  FlightGear can't
be built easily by non-coders (at least those who can apply a patch to
a CVS checkout) and can't be run at all on a system with OSG already
installed (again, by a regular user).

These are all regressions, not just bugs.  They are things (important
things, often) that used to work.  Now, no one understands better than
I do that you can't improve things without breaking stuff sometimes.
But there's a limit.  Stuff that's broken needs to be fixed, and it
needs to be fixed very soon.  The masses are restive out there.

Honestly: I would have suggested putting the OSG code (and not the
plib fallback) into a CVS branch and working on it as an experiment
for a while.  Doing in on the head* was too much breakage to absorb


* And especially then trying to refuse new features on the plib
   branch, which is what got me into this fight.

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG Performance on WIndows

2006-11-08 Thread Andy Ross
Ooh, it's a bona fide flame war.  :)

Look, the points wasn't that plib is great.  The point wasn't that OSG
has no advantages.  The point was that we've taken working software
and regressed its feature set pretty severely, and that's a serious
problem that needs to be fixed now.  Stopping development on other
parts of the system simply because you want to advocate OSG over plib
isn't acceptable IMHO.

If it's not ready yet for public consumption by the other developers
(and, judging especially from the folks on IRC, it isn't) then it
needs to live in a development branch until it *is* ready.  This is
too much, too soon, and with too little warning.

 > > + I don't like the OSG build system at all.
 > Well every one of us should be allowed to have personal preferences,
 > don't we ?  ;-)

Stop flaming.  You cut out all the text where I explained *why* I
don't like the build system.  Building out of tree, en/disabling
shared library support, and installing into a custom prefix aren't
"personal preferences."  They are concrete software features, ones
that I happen to use to build FlightGear, and ones that are lacking
from OSGs makefiles.  There are other nits too, like the fact that it
wants to pass either "-g" or "-O2" to gcc, and not both, or the fact
that "make static" only works for the example programs.

 > Certain things in FlightGear simply don't work with the latest PLIB
 > release

My point was that FlightGear will build and run successfully with a
released version of Plib that you download from  This is
not true of OSG.  There is currently *no* version of OSG you can get
from that will work with FlightGear.

This is especially problematic because OSG ships only as shared
libraries.  If you happen to have a release version already installed
on your system, then you can't build or run FlightGear *at* *all*
without hacking with your runtime linker configuration.

 > I accept that you don't like the move to OSG maybe simply because
 > it's not your invention,

I'll see your ad hominem and raise you three: You just don't like
YASim!  Thbbt! Neener neener poo poo!

Flame on, I guess,

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] OSG Performance on WIndows

2006-11-07 Thread Andy Ross
 > I would like to restrict that a bit.  For bugfixes and non
 > developers this might be a good idea. But please do not develop
 > new features on the branch. I know how many problems this will
 > give.  And to be honest, Olaf I believe You know what I am
 > talking about ...

No offense, but the proper way to prevent people from wanting to
use the Plib branch is to *fix* the OSG code.  Whining about it
is kinda bad form.  People want to use the plib branch because
it works better than the OSG branch, and they shouldn't be denied
features just because it makes developers' jobs harder.

This is a big, disruptive change, and I'm sympathetic to you,
really.  YASim and Nasal were big and disruptive too.  But so
far, OSG has produced literally zero benefit for anyone.
People's experience has been anywhere between "it seems to work
OK" to "everything is slow and ugly" to "I can't get it to

For myself:

+ I don't like the OSG build system at all.  Getting the
   equivalent of --prefix requires 5 non-standard environment
   variables to be set, and it doesn't support building

+ It's freakin' huge!  Takes longer to compile than the rest of
   FlightGear put together.

+ C++ shared libraries (12 of them).  Enough said.  I tried
   the "make static" option, but it didn't install the libraries

And the biggest complaint:

+ No released version of OSG works with FlightGear, nor does
   their CVS head.  Technically, we're porting onto a *fork* of
   OSG right now.  We never did this with plib: if we needed
   features from CVS plib, we'd still have compatibility code in
   place that work work with their releases.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] What does control gear/gear[0]/position-norm property in A-10?

2006-11-07 Thread Andy Ross
 > I'm new to aircraft model animating, I'm trying to understand what does
 > control the gear/gear[0]/position-norm property in the A-10 aircraft ...

This is a property output from the YASim FDM.  In the A-10-yasim.xml
file you will find the following line in the nose gear tag:


This instructs YASim to place the result/output value of the "EXTEND"
axis of the gear object (not the same as the axis input -- it can be
scaled or offset, and interpolated through a transition-time period)
into the specified proprty.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Linking 'fgfs' on FreeBSD

2006-11-07 Thread Andy Ross
Martin Spott wrote:
 > Think of some application that needs - just as a stupid example -
 > only functions from libosgText but none from libosgSim ?

Actually, here's a better explanation: let's call that application
"FlightGear" and say that it requires functions from osgUtil, osgSim
and osgDB, but not osgText.  It should be able to link successfully
without referencing osgText, right?

Except that, as you discovered, it doesn't.  That OSG insists on
shipping C++ shared libraries is dumb enough.  That they broke it down
into 12 inter-dependent parts is just ridiculous.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Linking 'fgfs' on FreeBSD

2006-11-07 Thread Andy Ross
Martin Spott wrote:
 > I guess the intention is to allow developers to link only the libraries
 > whose functions they actually call. Think of some application that
 > needs - just as a stupid example - only functions from libosgText but
 > none from libosgSim ?

What would be the benefit of that if libosgText requires libosgSim
anyway?  It's just dumb, no one else does it, and it implies to me
that the OSG developers don't know much about how to write shared


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Linking 'fgfs' on FreeBSD

2006-11-07 Thread Andy Ross
Martin Spott wrote:
 > I had to make the following change in order to get the 'fgfs' binary
 > linked on FreeBSD. 'libosgSim' apparently references some functions
 > like "osgText::readFontFile" which areimplemented in 'libosgText'

Which begs the question: why on earth does OSG insist on installing
twelve (12!) distinct, inter-dependent shared libraries instead of
just one?  That's a huge waste of runtime linker cycles, and a big
pain for developers.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] flightgear CVS and amd64

2006-11-03 Thread Andy Ross
Didier Fabert wrote:
 > anybody have a runable flightgear CVS with a 64bits processor (linux) ?

Yes, CVS as of yesterday afternoon on Ubuntu Edgy amd64.  The OSG
build was, er, painful to get working in my setup (I like to build
out-of-tree into a custom --prefix).  But it works.

 > i hear that nvidia driver must be on 32bits . is it true?

No.  They have versions for both architectures.  With a little care
(or the appropriate distro package), you can even have them installed
simultaneously to run 32 bit OpenGL apps (Google Earth) on a 64 bit


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] reviews etc.

2006-10-23 Thread Andy Ross
Jim Wilson wrote:
 > Andy Ross wrote:
 > > There's actually nothing wrong with selling free software for money,
 > The first statement there is not exactly true.  Take another look at
 > the GPL.  At the prices he is charging for "shipping and handling"
 > it'd be fair to call that a legitimate distribution fee.

No, it's correct.  The second paragraph of section 1 of the GPL v.2
reads quite plainly:

   You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy

There is no limitation placed on what that "fee" is, it could be
anything.  Obviously it is limited to a fee for a service, as the GPL
precludes selling a "license" or other IP rights.  But there is no
requirement here that the fee be "legitimate".  A fee is a fee, it's a
price that someone charges for something, and the seller gets to set
the price subject only to market demand.

What I think you are confusing it with is this language from section

   You may copy and distribute the Program [...] in object code or
   executable form [...] provided that you also [...]

 b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
 years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
 cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
 machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code

But that languages is specifically for *compiled* distributions.  You
can sell it for whatever you want, but *if* you sell it without the
source code, you need to make sure that the user can get the source
code easily and cheaply.  In this case, the guy says the source code
is in the package.

Really, there is nothing legally wrong with what this guy is doing,
and the only ethical glitch is the ambiguity of not identifying it as
GPL software in the advertisement (which he said he'd fix).

I guess I fail to understand why so many people get upset about this
sort of thing.  If there was significant money to be made selling free
software, wouldn't we all be, y'know, making some? :)

Give him a break; I can all but promise you he's not getting rich on
our work.  Think of it as evangelism: distributing FlightGear to
people (and there are many!) who aren't comfortable with or capable of
downloading (or even discovering) giant software packages from the


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] reviews etc.

2006-10-18 Thread Andy Ross
Lee Elliott wrote:
 > Melchior FRANZ wrote:
 > > Weird:
 > >
 > It is actually FlightGear - this person appears to have
 > re-packaged FG i.e. basic system with most of the more complete
 > aircraft included i.e.
 > I found no mention that this stuff is covered by the GPL or if
 > the source-code is included/available, which I believe is a
 > requirement of the GPL.

This subject came up on IRC a few days ago.  I sent the guy a nice
email explaining the requirements, and pointing out that the easiest
way to do this is to explain in the auction that this is an open
source project hosted at

He replied that he already includes the source code and GPL in the
package, but that he would be happy to add a link to
the auction.  I haven't gone back to check.

There's actually nothing wrong with selling free software for money,
so he's basically fine.  It's just slightly misleading to do so
without explaining that it is also freely available.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Contribute with fixes

2006-10-10 Thread Andy Ross
Trasca Virgil wrote:
 > I am intersted in contributing with some bug fixing to flightgear
 > project. How should I start for that?

To start with, you need to find some bugs you want fixed. :)

If you have a CVS version built and running (this is step one,
obviously), you should have no trouble finds a few misfeatures that
you hate.  Then just start pulling things apart to see how they work,
ask questions here or on the IRC channel, and have fun.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] 3D model for the F-15

2006-10-01 Thread Andy Ross
Martin Spott wrote:
 > Andy Ross wrote:
 > > flying.toaster wrote:
 > > > Is there anywhere a list of work in progress just to avoid duplicates?
 > >
 > > Even if there were, the best advice would be to ignore it. :)
 > Teamwork is not one of your favourites, is it !?  ;-)

In what way is refusing to work on a task in deference to someone
else who will never finish it "teamwork?".  Teamwork requires
that people actual *do* what they claim to be doing.

This point was, I think, fairly well explained in the following
paragraph to which you conveniently did not reply. :)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] 3D model for the F-15

2006-09-29 Thread Andy Ross
flying.toaster wrote:
 > Is there anywhere a list of work in progress just to avoid duplicates?

Even if there were, the best advice would be to ignore it. :)

This is a volunteer project done (mostly) for the enjoyment of the
developers, and as such many of the subprojects that are announced
here end up abandoned or stillborn.  Just do your best, try not to
blatantly step on anyone's toes, let people know what you are doing,
and don't worry too much about duplicated work.  Think of it as a
darwinian development model: the fittest work survives.

 > I want to release the models with a license that would prevent any
 > commercial or military use.
 > I think Creative Commons can do that but if you know anything else
 > better ...

Note that this will preclude shipping it with FlightGear, which is
released under the GNU GPL.  See the COPYING file in your data
directory to see if those terms are acceptable to you.  If not, you
will have to distribute the files yourself, unfortunately.

FWIW, the Creative Commons license (like the GPL) does not prohibit
any particular users of the work either.  It only covers the
restrictions that the recipient can place upon further distribution.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] memory and smp

2006-09-27 Thread Andy Ross
I wrote:
 > Finally, please make sure you remove *all* traces of FlightGear and
 > SimGear from you system before doing a

Sorry, an editor goof pasted the first sentence of this into the wrong
place and dropped the rest of the paragraph.  Should have read:

Finally, please make sure you remove *all* traces of FlightGear and
SimGear from you system before doing a build from CVS.  Version skew
problems are probably the single most reported build error we see. :)


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] memory and smp

2006-09-27 Thread Andy Ross
Finally, please make sure you remove *all* traces of FlightGear and
SimGear from you system before doing a

Durk Talsma wrote:
 > Lou Sanchez-Chopitea wrote:
 > > I have assembled a box based on a Tyan MB with two Athlon MP 2000+
 > > with 2GB of ram, running Fedora Core 5. I get segfaults in both
 > > the yum installed FG and a local version built from sources.  Has
 > > anyone encountered problems (or success) on dual processor
 > > systems?
 > About two weeks ago, I posted a valgrind error log on the list, which you can
 > find here:

Note that both the X11 libraries and NVIDIA libGL implementation
generate a huge stream of (apparently benign) uninitialized memory
reads.  You will need to filter them out if you want to get any use
out of valgrind.  But the general answer to your question is no:
because of FlightGear's interactive nature and the performance hit
from running under valgrind, we don't tend to run it on the fgfs
binary*.  So there are almost certainly some good bugs living in there
for someone with the energy to find them.

* Although some subsystems can be run independently.  I did a valgrind
   round on the YASim solver a while back and plugged a few leaks, for

Also, what video hardware and driver are you using, Lou?  Note that
there is a known issue with the indirect OpenGL drivers that
causes a crash on startup (not that indirect rendering will work
anyway, but if you are seeing the crash you may not know this).

As to SMP, it works fine.  I'm now building and running FlightGear on
a Core 2 Duo in 64 bit mode (Ubuntu Dapper amd64) without problems.
FlightGear makes very poor use of the second CPU (our only extra
thread is just doing I/O), but it runs correctly.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] coding style...

2006-09-19 Thread Andy Ross
Syd wrote:
 > Hi guys , I'm not sure what indentation style you are referring to ,
 > and I have warned everyone it's been a long time since I have done
 > any programming

The purpose behind coding styles is to make the code easy to read.
Melchior wasn't talking about anything specific, just the general
rules that all styles adhere to.

Most important in this case is indentation, your submitted file had
none.  Code in all modern programming languages has a recursive
structure; some code blocks live "inside" other code blocks.  It is a
long-standing tradition that this structure be reflected in the
indentation of each line of code:

   + "Inner" structures should have more whitespace at the beginning of
 the line than their enclosing blocks.

   + Lines that are "siblings" in the structure of the file should have
 exactly the same amount of whitespace.

If you follow no other rule, follow this one.  It's common to every
sane programming style out there.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim feature request

2006-08-31 Thread Andy Ross
Maik Justus wrote:
> You can add more than one control to one gear. If you specify more
> than one, the sum of them is used. Normally used for trimming or for
> the "no-pedals-patch" for the bo, which adds a fraction of the
> collective input to the pedals.

But there's still one STEER input axis per gear, which was the source of
the question, I believe.  Yes, you can obviously sum multiple property
inputs to that axis.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim feature request

2006-08-30 Thread Andy Ross
Lee Elliott wrote:
> The real a/c has steering on both front and rear sets of wheels
> so that it can make a crabbed landing and this is where the
> first aspect of the problem lies - there only seems to be a
> single STEER control axis available.

No, one per gear.  You can map them to different properties.  For
example, map the rear gear to /controls/flight/rudder, but use
the src/dst mapping to invert the sense.

> The second aspect of the problem is that I can't find a
> reference property to use.  Perhaps there's already something
> there and I'm not aware of it but even if there is, how would I
> relate it to the normalised steering control input?

Here, you're off on your own.  The default controls only give you
aileron, elevator, rudder, throttle, mixture and advance as
actual control axes.  You can wire up a key mapping or cockpit
control to drive any other property you want, of course, or you
can modify your personal joystick mappings to redirect an unused
axis (the Saitek robo-sticks tend to have a few rotary dials
available, for example).

Note, by the way, that the STEER input is in radians (1 radian ~=
53 degrees).


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Fuel & Weight dialog changes & docs

2006-08-25 Thread Andy Ross

Jon S. Berndt wrote:
> Hmm. I'm not sure how this interacts with JSBSim weight and balance
> properties. I just got back from Keystone (AIAA Modeling and
> Simulation Conference) and need to take a good look at this more
> closely, but does anyone know how this interacts with all FDMs?

The dialog is currently disabled for JSBSim, but the interface is
really very simple.  The weight interface is trivial: if you can
import a point mass into the FDM from a property named in
configuration file (specifically /sim/weight[n]/weight-lb at the
moment) then you can use this without change.

The fuel stuff is only a little more complicated; the docs are at the
top of Nasal/fuel.nas.  But the essence is that the tank capacity and
current fill need to be settable from "script space" via the
/consumables/fuel/tank[n]/... property trees, and the engines need to
export their consumption (currently YASim sets a fuel-consumed
"accumulator" value, but we could make this work with a flow rate with
some extra nasal).


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[Flightgear-devel] Fuel & Weight dialog changes & docs

2006-08-24 Thread Andy Ross
For those interested, the Fuel & Weight dialog just grew a new
feature.  The new Harrier modifications from shavlir (which are
really, really nice) needed to be able to turn external stores on and
off in order to correctly draw the 3D model.  To do this, he wrote a
nice selector GUI in Nasal and hooked to the tab key.  This seemed to
overlap pretty badly with the existing Fuel & Weight dialog, though,
which was also intended to manage external stores from the GUI.  So I
spent a few hours and added the functionality to the existing dialog.

This feature seems to be pretty underutilized, even for a lot of the
aircraft for which it was intended.  So in case anyone isn't aware of
how it works, here are some docs: The F&W subsystem is entirely
property driven.  In your -set.xml file you add a bunch of
/sim/weight[n] definitions like:

   Left Rear Passenger

This will get you a slider labeled "Left Rear Passenger" that you can
tweak at runtime from the dialog.  The FDM configuration would
obviously read "/sim/weight[0]/weight-lb" to get the weight at

You can also (this is the new feature) include a list of options and a
initial "selected" property under the weight tag.  This will cause the
dialog to show a selectable combo box with only the named options you

Right Wingroot
AIM-9L Sidewinder   155.2
AIM-120 AMRAAM  335  
ALARM Anti-radar Missile590  
500lb Laser Guided Bomb 606  
External Fuel Tank  190  

Each "opt" property has a "name" and "lbs" sub-property.  You set the
selected proprty to the appropriate default (in this case "none") and
the subsystem code ensures that the weight-lb property is filled in
correctly for the selected option.  And now, the model animations can
use the "/sim/weight[5]/selected" property to choose which model
animations to draw at runtime.

Anyway, as always let me know if I broke something or if there's
something that needs to be added for it to be useful.  A bunch of the
existing aircraft could productively use this feature, I think.


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[Flightgear-devel] CVS permissions issue in base package

2006-08-24 Thread Andy Ross
I hit a CVS permissions issue while commiting a new harrier version from
shavlir. These are all new directories; is it possible that the setgid
bit on the archive is missing?


cvs commit: ERROR: cannot write file
Permission denied
cvs commit: ERROR: cannot write file
Permission denied
/var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/data/Aircraft/harrier/Panel/alt/alt.xml,v  <--
new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
cvs [commit aborted]: could not open lock file
Permission denied
cvs commit: saving log message in /tmp/cvsLT83vx

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim feature request

2006-08-21 Thread Andy Ross
alexis bory wrote:
> Well, as not being enough skilled to propose a patch to YASim,
> I humbly ask Andy, and the community, to implement a tap on
> each jet engine fuel arrival and make the starter start the
> stopped engine (it may be allready working :)

If I understand you correctly, it is.  YASim engines honor their
out-of-fuel properties the way you would expect.  The default
behavior, obviously, is to set this from current fuel state in
fuel.nas, but that can be modified in a script.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] 2d PFD?

2006-08-16 Thread Andy Ross
Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> Quick question, I've been looking through existing aircraft with 2d
> panels.  I'm trying to find a reasonably implemented 2d PFD glass
> display.  We have a number of 3d cockpit options, but I need
> something for a 2d cockpit.

Can't you just use a 3D cockpit with an appropriate ortho matrix?


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Heli simulation, new beta

2006-08-12 Thread Andy Ross

Maik Justus wrote:
> I would be very thankful for any review of this version. And I like
> to ask Andy, to review if this version could go into cvs.

This looks much, much better to me.  Here's one spot that I'd like to
see changed, in Model.cpp:

+if (_rotorgear)
+_rotorgear->calcForces(&_rotors,&_rotorparts,&_body); //it adds 
several torques to the body. Therfore it needs the _body as
+  //a parameter

Yes, that's a 131 character line you wrote; I have a 1920x1200 screen
and it takes of 2/3 of my horizontal real estate to read.  There are a
few other much-longer-than-80-column lines in there too.  But that's
the not actual complaint:

The various calcForces() routines are idempotent by design.  They
should *only* calculate forces, never change state.  The solver and
various test code I've written actually relies on that property so it
can (for example) get forces for a Surface in isolation, etc...

The proper mechanism here is to fill in two 3-vectors for force and a
torque which are added to the RigidBody object in the top-level
Model::calcForces().  If you want to use the two-argument version of
RigidBody::addForce() (for at a position), then you will need to
return a slightly more complicated data structure.

Also (and this is really a question about you design than a
requirement to go into CVS) why do the pointers to _rotors and
_rotorparts need to be passed to a method on _rotorgear?  Shouldn't
one of these objects contain the other ones?  See PropEngine for an
example: it's a Thruster object that presents a unified interface, but
contains a Propeller and Engine so that they don't have to be visible
to most of the Model code.  Maybe the real question is: what exactly
is the difference between a "rotor part" a "rotor" and a "rotor gear"?
Shouldn't there just be one object?  What is the abstraction here?


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Question: Is there a big mistake on the Bo

2006-08-11 Thread Andy Ross
Heiko Schulz wrote:
> It should be possible learning to fly a realistic flightmodel of a
> helicopter with the mouse.

If that were true, wouldn't helicopters have, y'know, mice?

Sorry, but there is a natural tension between "realism" and "ease of
use".  For the case of helicopters specifically, it is very tough:
real helicopters are flown (well, hovered at least) with very small
control motions keyed to the pilots sense of balance and acceleration.
PC joysticks and throttles have at most 7-8 bits of accuracy, which
isn't even close to what a real stick/collective will need.  And
needless to say, we have absolutely *no* way of approximating a
pilot's inertial sense.

Maybe the best that could be done would be for someone to write a FCS
script that helped with the stabilization and altitude mainenance for
novice pilots.  But that's clearly tuning *down* the realism setting,
not up.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim Lockup

2006-08-09 Thread Andy Ross
Jim Wilson wrote:
> Using the configuration as in CVS the p51d seems to be hanging on startup.  
> The solver seems to succeed (after 2500+ iterations).  Any suggestions on 
> where to start?

Works for me, unfortunately.  Maybe get a backtrace during the hang from
gdb?  Verify that the solver is using the same file from the same FG_ROOT,
maybe do a rebuild from scratch just to be safe, etc.?


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim fixes from Maik / compatibility warning

2006-08-07 Thread Andy Ross
Maik Justus wrote:
> Andy Ross wrote:
> > As I read the code, you would get 1N of force per fuselage surface
> No, it's 1 multiplied with 0.5f*rho*vel*vel*_c0.

Heh, so it is.  You'd think I'd remember this stuff better.  Well, at
least it's being checked in along with another potentially
aircraft-breaking solver change. :)


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] YASim fixes from Maik / compatibility warning

2006-08-07 Thread Andy Ross
Martin Spott wrote:
> This might be a typical case where someone wanted to avoid
> division-by-zero cases ;-)

I don't understand.  Is that a snipe?  Don't.


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[Flightgear-devel] YASim fixes from Maik / compatibility warning

2006-08-07 Thread Andy Ross
Note to all YASim aircraft authors: the first fix discussed below is
correct and has to be applied, but will (or at least may) have the
effect of modifying the solution results of all YASim aircraft (tails
are likely to be more effective: that means aircraft will be more
stable on the whole, but less able to achieve high AoA's at full
elevator).  I'd be appreciative if everyone could take their favorite
aircraft out for a spin and report changes -- some may need re-tuning.

Maik Justus wrote:
> Andy Ross wrote:
> > Maik Justus wrote:
> > > Therefore for an wing without flap, spoiler and slat [...] no surface
> > > element is generated.
> >
> > Ah, OK.  Yes, this was indeed a bug; I'm kinda shocked that we never
> > noticed this before, it's been there since the code was written.
> Here it (the patch) is.


> But before testing it with any YASim aircraft: I probably found
> another bug in surface.cpp. For "general lift" and "flap-lift" the
> effect of stall is calculated in stallFunc() resp FlapLift().

Yup, that looks correct to me.  Applied.  I'm not sure what the points
was of the extra 1.0 in the return value; maybe a holdover from an
earlier version where this function returned a scalar coefficient, and
not a force?

> If the fuselage is large in comparison to the wing, this amount can
> be rather high.

I don't think that's correct.  As I read the code, you would get 1N of
force per fuselage surface (of which there are maybe a few dozen
across a large aircraft).  The first bug is a whopper.  This one is
pretty much noise unless you're modeling an R/C aircraft; I'm not
surprised it stayed hidden for so long.


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