Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-07 Thread jaffacake

pippin;366837 Wrote:
 1:40 or so.
 Looks pretty much the same as the iPeng issue.

He needs to learn how to use it. All he needs to do is tap the volume
bar and it will go up and down as he requires.

Judging by the amount of pressure he's putting on the screen, he'd
never used an Apple Touch before - it's not a pressure sensitive screen
and pressing down harder and harder only makes matters worse.

You simply either need to gently drag the slider, or tap the volume bar
above or below as required.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-12-05 Thread jaffacake

pippin;365884 Wrote: 
 The volume slider is a bit problematic. Just saw a video of the sonos
 app and it seems to have the same issue.

I'm not sure what you saw, but you're wrong.

It worked just fine at release until iPhone 2.2 firmware was released
and then it broke due to Apple changes. Sonos sent a fix to Apple on
the next working day and this resolved the issue again.

You can either drag the volume slider or move it incrementally up/down
as required.


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Re: [slim] Game On: Sonos has an iPhone app

2008-11-12 Thread jaffacake

pippin;359243 Wrote: 
 Didn't really test it on versions before 7.2 but I would expect it to
 run on 7.0+, Alarm (which is what would need 7.2) is not yet in.

That's fine, I can go 7.2.



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Re: [slim] Game On: Sonos has an iPhone app

2008-11-12 Thread jaffacake

pippin;358827 Wrote: 
 Just so much: More than Sonos...

Can't wait for this one...what version of SqueezeCenter will I need?


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Re: [slim] Game On: Sonos has an iPhone app

2008-11-12 Thread jaffacake

Luke Redpath;359269 Wrote: 
 I can also confirm that iSqueeze will no longer be called iSqueeze on
 its final release. I'm still yet to decide on a name although I quite
 like the name Concertina. :)

I thought of a name, you have PM :)


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Re: [slim] Game On: Sonos has an iPhone app

2008-10-31 Thread jaffacake

ajkidle;355371 Wrote: 
 Obviously selling more iPods is not in Logitech's interest, but when I
 use a Touch to control the SBR, it'll be that much easier to rope
 friends  family into the cool world of Squeezebox

Is that because an iPod remote would be better? Cheaper? Or just


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Re: [slim] Game On: Sonos has an iPhone app

2008-10-30 Thread jaffacake

lanierb;354775 Wrote: 
 One reason they don't do it might be that it could undercut controller
 sales.  Not sure if that's it, but it's one reason for Logitech not to
 do it.  

Yes, it's inevitably going to change the sales demographic for Sonos.
People are likely to buy less controllers and also less of the bundles
containing controllers. Sales of CR100 controllers will undoubtedly

But this is a 4 year old product and Sonos have had very good mileage
out of it. All the RD required to develop that original product was
huge. Back in 2004 the components within it were extremely expensive.
Prices of LCD screens, li-ion batteries and wifi components may have
dropped since, but back then they cost a fortune. Take off the cost of
shipping, packaging, dealer margins and tax off the price and it's
clear that it must have taken a considerable time for Sonos to see
return on the investment required in the controller development.

Things moved on considerably before the launch of the SB controller,
meaning it could be produced cheaper and some key components, like the
LCD display, are of a higher quality that the Sonos CR100 for a lower
retail price. Logitech also have the advantage of their extensive
consumer electronics manufacturing background and production facilities
in the far east.

But the SB controller is still new and I doubt any business model had
it producing a true return on investment in the 6 months or so since
it's launch this year. They will need to shift more units of this
product before introducing a free option for iPhone but, saying that, I
doubt it will be that long until they do as they can't afford to be that
far behind in the marketplace.


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Re: [slim] Game On: Sonos has an iPhone app

2008-10-30 Thread jaffacake

peterw;354797 Wrote: 
 There was only one part of the demo video that looked interesting, the
 concept of proportionately related volume control for a group of
 synchronized players.

FYI - This has been a Sonos function since the day of release 4yrs ago
and is available from CR100, PC, Mac and now iPhone controllers.


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Re: [slim] Game On: Sonos has an iPhone app

2008-10-29 Thread jaffacake

I think you guys could argue this point forever, you're all right and
all wrong at the same time...because there are 2 completely different
markets for this kind of product and you're arguing from both camps.

The first market are those who already own an iPhone or iPod touch.
They carry it all the time, especially in the case of the phone, and
it's a convenience to them if they can also control their music system
from this device. An official or unofficial solution is suited to this
market as they didn't buy the device for this purpose and any solution
(even if it wasn't fully functioned or didn't work particularly well)
is a bonus. Battery life, sharing the device etc. isn't a concern as
only they will use it and then only from time to time.

The second market comes from people who want a nice modern touchscreen
controller. As well as being cool the touch interface also adds
benefits in the form of an on-screen keyboard - ideal for artist/track
searches which aren't so easy on a scroll wheel. For these people, this
cool controller starts at $220 for a basic iPod's a great
price. Not only that, it can also be used as a portable media player
with local music/video playback and it's a great little web browser. 

Sonos CR100 controller? $399 - Squeezebox Controller $292.12
( - iPod Touch 8GB $219.94 (

It's obvious to see the attraction here, the iPod option is not only
touch screen, but it can save $$ over the price of the proprietary
controller option. People WILL buy them as dedicated controllers.
People WILL pass them around at parties and people WILL treat them like
any other controller.

You run the Sonos controller on an iPod touch and it works like the
CR100 controller only with a better screen and a touchscreen UI. You
put it on the coffee table, it goes to sleep. You pick it up, the Sonos
controller is still there when it wakes. No need to switch tasks, no
complications, no extra effort. You run that Sonos controller software
and keep it running and that's all it will ever be...the fact that it
has an Apple badge on the backside makes no difference to the end user.
You just use it, and charge it, like any other controller.


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Re: [slim] Game On: Sonos has an iPhone app

2008-10-28 Thread jaffacake

pippin;354239 Wrote: 
 Why does it have to be officially sanctioned?
 Maybe it's enough if it's good?

I don't think it has to be, but there are advantages.

In the case of Sonos, having an official application helps to maintain
feature equivalence between controller options. There were some 3rd
party options, but they were unable to surface all the of the 3rd party
music services like Napster and Rhapsody or browse using Album Art like
the official application does.

Even if they did, on the day of the release of Sonos 2.7 they wouldn't
have supported any of the new additions like and Radiotime with
it's podcasts etc. This would have meant that 3rd party application
users had to wait for the developer to get up to speed on the new
functions and then write/test new code. This can all take time, during
which the iPod owner would be missing core functions.

As it is, Sonos delivered a new iPhone application on the day of
release of 2.7. Going forward there will be concurrent releases and
feature equivalence meaning a Sonos owner can invest in an Apple
controller with the reassurance that it will always support all the
newer features going forward. You just couldn't get that with a 3rd
party plug-in that's not even guaranteed to have another release.


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Re: [slim] Evaluating Both Sonos Squeezebox Before Buying - Your Thoughts

2008-08-03 Thread jaffacake

Nonreality;325491 Wrote: 
 Yes Jaffacake is not to be trusted and I basically got into trouble here
 for saying that early on.  I caught him in every forum there was putting
 down the SB and putting out lies about it.  For some reason I got
 reprimanded for saying as much here. I do tend to call it as I see it
 and too bad if the powers don't see it that way.

You got into trouble for making up false information about me and
accusing me of stuff that simply wasn't true.

Likewise, this thread appears to be going the same way.

I've reported the 2 previous threads accordingly. I am not a liar and
have never been proved to be so.

Please, let's keep this civil and stick to the facts - there is no need
for a personal attack on an individual who highlights weaknesses in a


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Re: [slim] Cover Artwork incorrect only on DUET controller

2008-06-13 Thread jaffacake

oscarg;311400 Wrote: 
 Has anyone else had this problem??

Yes, but I haven't had much chance to find out why.


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Re: [slim] Spent 3 hours with tech support last night...

2008-06-12 Thread jaffacake


Very few people require an internal DNS server, but it's a common
misconception that DHCP is actually makes like
significantly easier.

Without DHCP, one has to manually supply IP address, subnet mask,
default gateway and DNS server IP addresses manually on each device. In
your case I gather this is some 22 devices? Into each you manually
entered all this data.

If, in the future, you want to change any of these details, you have to
go to all 22 devices and change it.

Which DHCP, you buy a new device and turn it on and it will generally
just work. Nearly all devices will come out of the box with DHCP
enabled. Indeed, DHCP is part of the UPNP specification meaning that
UPNP compliant devices *must* support DHCP by default. Otherwise it's
not plug  play, it's plug, configure and pray.

DHCP offers all of this convenience with almost no disadvantage
whatsoever. If you want your device to have a reserved address that
never changes, DHCP can do it. If you want to change the DNS on all
network devices, DHCP can do it. Automatically. Without re-configuring
the host machines.

Generally on a network, only 2 types of devices need a static, hard
coded IP address that isn't issued from a DHCP scope. The first are the
DHCP servers themselves. The second are the routers or firewalls,
usually this kind of hardware needs a static assignment.

All other devices, workstations, server, printers etc. can be fully
configured (and reconfigured) by DHCP. A fixed IP reservation can be
used if you want this dynamically assigned address not to change, but
assigning a hard coded address on the device is usually not best

The only time not using DHCP is advantageous is if your DHCP
infrastructure is broken and refuses to issue address to new devices.
In this case, the problem is that specific DHCP deployment, not the
protocol itself.


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Re: [slim] Running SqueezeCenter on *2* Computers

2008-06-12 Thread jaffacake

radish;311183 Wrote: 
 They can't switch automatically, but it's only a few remote presses to
 get from one to the other.

Indeed, I currently have 4 SC servers running in my house.

The controller or player will never switch between them without a push,
even if the active one is shut down.


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Re: [slim] Spent 3 hours with tech support last night...

2008-06-12 Thread jaffacake

maggior;311225 Wrote: 
 My linksys router acts as my DHCP server.  My network consists of 2
 wireless squeezeboxes, 4 PCs, and 2 laptops.  Only my laptops are set
 to use DHCP.  My PCs are static because I have some port forwarding
 configured and the addresses need to remain static.  Perhaps there is a
 way to set that up and still use DHCP, but this was easy for me to set
 up.  My laptops are used elsewhere, so DHCP is perfect for them.

I'd be very surprised if your router doesn't allow you to make an IP
address 'fixed' 'reserved' 'static' or whatever terminology they chose.
It's designed for port forwarding scenarios.

 I went to using static addresses on my squeezeboxes to speed up the
 network connection process.  Often enough I move one of my squeezeboxes
 around to different rooms and I'd rather not have to wait for an IP
 address to be assigned while it initializes on power up.  Perhaps
 running a DHCP server elsewhere would help that, but it's just easier
 for me with this set up.

There should be no wait for an IP address, I'd expect a DHCP response
within a fraction of a second.

Open a command prompt on a windows DHCP configured PC and type:

IPCONFIG /release

then type:


You'll see how long it takes to issue an IP address, it's truly


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Re: [slim] Spent 3 hours with tech support last night...

2008-06-11 Thread jaffacake

iPhone;310846 Wrote: 
 As Pat said, I had mine up and running in 10 minutes and I was sitting
 on the couch taking my time. I have had no real problems with it
 whatsoever. When I set Duets up for friends the average time after
 installing SC to get it up and running is about 6 minutes.

I'm trying to avoid Howard's threads but please keep it real.

Quoting the time it takes to get it up and running *AFTER* you've setup
SqueezeCenter is a little pointless, no? For many beginners, setting up
the SC server is the hardest part by far. You already had a server
setup in your home, so your 10mins is irrelevant. For the other owners,
you discount the setup time.

In my case, just indexing the music took almost 2hours. That doesn't
include the time I spent downloading the installer, getting
SqueezeCenter to start etc. 

10 minutes isn't just unrealistic for a new owner, it's impossible.


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Re: [slim] Syncing Music Services

2008-06-05 Thread jaffacake

Yes and no, it depends on the service.

These services use DRM protection and SB can't sync a DRM protected
signal it needs to be decoded first. Many of the services limit the
number of devices which are allowed to connect to the service, for
example on Rhapsody this is 3 devices.

For various reasons, mainly copy protection, the decoding can only be
done on the hardware...not in the you need to open up one
stream for each player in sync.


You're playing Rhapsody on SB #1. It's downloading the encrpyted data
from Rhapsody to your player, decoding the stream and playing it back.
Then you choose to sync SB #2. As there is no way that SB #1 can share
the decoded stream with SB #2 directly, it too has to start downloading
and decoding the stream from Rhapsody. When it's doing so, the streams
can be synchronised. Add in SB #3 and the same happens again.

But Rhapsody only allow 3 concurrent connections so a 4th player cannot
connect. Also, if you use Rhapsody directly on a PC you may find you're
limited to 2 devices.

This doesn't just apply to sync, but to playback in general.

The ability sync varies a little from service to service. Some work
fine, some don't work at all, some are limited like Rhapsody is.

Obviously to sync 3 players, you'll also need 3 times the bandwidth on
your internet connection.


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Re: [slim] Syncing Music Services

2008-06-05 Thread jaffacake

This post covers the basic info you need

In summary, Pandora SHOULD work. Clearly it's not working for you.

I'd suggest a new thread with a topic such as Problem syncing Pandora
or something. Hopefully you'll get some attention as this thread seems
to have gone fairly unnoticed.

I can't test Pandora hear in the UK since they locked UK IP addresses
out of the service, but I know it used to sync fine on my Sonos. Never
used it on a Squeezebox.


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Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter won't populate album art

2008-06-05 Thread jaffacake

mathewbeall;309035 Wrote: 
 Yes, in fact - all my music is on my readynas, and when I ran SC on
 readynas, it picked up all the album art no problem.  I just installed
 SC on Windows XP (for faster response) and it doesn't see the album
 art!  Exact same data store... :)

I've seen exactly the same issue, I have my music on a ReadyNAS too.
Some art is picked up, some isn't. I switch between the servers and the
result is completely different.

Subscribing to thread in case somebody proposes a solution.


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Re: [slim] Duet - a suggestion for version 2

2008-06-04 Thread jaffacake

Phil Leigh;308252 Wrote: 
 Many active/powered speakers have signal sensing/auto-off.
 Also not sure what you mean by extra power supply?
 the amp (wherever it is located) will need a suitably powerful PSU.

My point was that powered speakers require just that...power. This is
additional to the power supply required for the SBR...2 plugs instead
of one. With US size plugs I guess this isn't a major issue, but UK
plugs are pretty big and less is more for me when it comes to power

Additionally, many regions have some extensive building codes.
Integrating mains powered speakers isn't an easy task, especially if
you want to hide the wires in walls. In the UK this is pretty much
illegal without having the work certified by a qualified electrician -
for reference, we can't even legally change a light fitting here
without certification.

So if, for example, I wanted to connect a receiver to some powered
speakers which were fitted in the wall/ceiling, I would have no end of
legislative hurdles to clear before the installation was legal. A
separate amplifier may be easier but can also add an extra volume
control complicating things again. Likewise, it would be 2 appliances
trying to draw power on standby instead of 1. Even with an auto on/off
for the speakers, there is still going to be a few watts going through
them which I don't feel is ideal for the Green homes of the future.

Hence an integrated amplifier, that powers off with the SBR, I feel is
a good suggestion from the guy who suggested it and would offer people
a good additional option.


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Re: [slim] Big pause in front of every song with sc 7

2008-06-04 Thread jaffacake

I find a significant pause when using SC7 on low performance hardware,
such as my NAS. On a high powered windows server, things are much

I also find the delay increases if 2 or more players are synced.

Could you consider changing all your music over to mp3 to avoid the
need to transcode?


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Re: [slim] Sharing a server

2008-05-10 Thread jaffacake

Thanks Robin, I was kinda looking at out of the box support.


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-09 Thread jaffacake

bobkoure;300265 Wrote: 
 There was something called an -Audiotron-, made by Turtle Beach. It read
 music files from a SMB server (which may or may not count as running
 off a server). Upper limit around 14K tracks.
 I think you might find that a lot of folks here had at least one of
 these beasties in their past.

SMB is not an application server, it's just a file share.


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-09 Thread jaffacake

Nonreality;300347 Wrote: 
 Sorry about the poetry or lack of.  I hope everyone knows Jaffacake by
 now.  He likes to find problems in the Squeezebox and then helps people
 on other sites decide whether to go with the Squeezebox or Sonos.  This
 problem he is now having with his imaginary Squeezebox is brought up so
 he can post elsewhere about the terrible problems of the Squeezebox. He
 likes to read about the older problems, then he brings them up again as
 a user.  We help him and if our help isn't perfect he posts it so that
 he can show how much better the sonos is than a Squeezebox.  He
 reviewed the Duet in the UK before it came out in the UK. He didn't
 have one, but that didn't matter. Of course it was a bad review.   He
 has a web page that he claims is the best in the world, it might be
 (not), and has something big time against the Squeezebox or Logitech.

Report to site staff: Off-topic harassment. This thread started with a
genuine post from a genuine owner that now contains false accusations
and libel. I suggest it is removed.


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Re: [slim] Help with buying decisoin

2008-05-09 Thread jaffacake

If possible, I would suggest you try the product out in a local retail
store first. If a dealer has got one setup, you can see if it has the
right kind of 'feel' for you before committing to an order.

The 30-day money-back is only available online and repacking/shipping
good can be a lot of hassle if you get it out of the box and just don't
like it.


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-09 Thread jaffacake

Nonreality;300360 Wrote: 
 I also have filed a complaint against a non user that makes things up to
 support his love affair with sonos.  So there.

The attached picture shows My Greatest Hits album a few moments ago.
It seems that the album art became Tom Petty during the last index.

Now, please, drop it and stop causing ripples in what I have found is
otherwise a fairly friendly and helpful community.

|Filename: greatesthits.jpg |


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-09 Thread jaffacake

JimC;300370 Wrote: 
 I think you might want to be prepared for these forums to be somewhat
 chilly, in terms of their reception to you, given what our community
 can find by Googling for any of your aliases.
 -= Jim

In honesty, I've experienced much the opposite in general. I've found
some very helpful forum members who have provided valuable information
both on the forums and behind the seens on email/PM.

These are the people who make a community. They put their differences
aside and go out of their way to explain why they love Squeezebox and
what it offers them. They're also explained where I'm going wrong at
times like, as a simple example, I didn't know I could delete a track
from the queue using the controller which I would have highlighted as a
weakpoint otherwise.

They've helped me get a product, which I thought was buggy and unusable
on day 1, to a system that now plays music fairly reliably. You've got a
good community here, it's just a shame that a small handful of
individuals feel the need to spoil it for everybody.


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-09 Thread jaffacake

Nonreality;300376 Wrote: 
 So you win I and get edited.  Tell me why you are using the software
 when you don't have a squeezebox.  Also tell me you haven't
 misrepresented old data to influence people away from the Squeezebox. 
 The ripples are people that are on to you and yes they are very
 friendly and put up with you.  So why are you like this?  I do know
 that you are getting a good laugh out of the company that I'm defending
 supporting you.  Don't laugh too long my friend.

Dude, Jim has already edited your highly inaccurate post to explain
quite clearly that I own a squeezebox. It's a brand new retail unit,
purchased in a store. I took lots of photos of it as I opened the box
so I could show people how nice the packaging is - Sonos by comparison
just ships in a solid printed cardboard box and polystyrene.

I'm half tempted to get home tonight and get Mrs. Jaffa to take a photo
of me with it holding an i love nonreality banner just so you get the

I haven't knowingly misrepresented old data to mislead people away from
the Squeezebox - indeed, I took the feedback from my last review of the
product and realised that maybe the short time I had to play with the
product before it's UK launch was insufficient and I hadn't got the
most out of it; so I went and got a retail Duet for a proper owner

I regularly have visitors to my house who love my Sonos system and
enquire about getting one for themselves. Often the entry costs are
well out of their range and something like the Duet could be ideal for
them. As I'm an IT geek, they look to me for product recommendations;
but if they can't afford them I am no use. For example, if I get this
Duet system functioning as he needs, I may sell it to my brother who is
currently playing back his ripped music using his Archos which doesn't
have a display on the remote control.

Thanks again to those forum members who have helped me remove my Sonos
tinted spectacles and see Squeezebox in it's natural light.

Edit to add: Site moderators, please feel free to lock this thread at
your convenience. The initial problem has been discussed and an outline
solution proposed. There's no more value to come from this thread, I'll
start a new one in the beta section if 7.0.1 doesn't fix my issue.


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Re: [slim] Help with buying decisoin

2008-05-09 Thread jaffacake

One more thought. If/when you do try out the product, don't give up
after a couple of days if you aren't impressed. It took me a good
3-4days to start getting the best from the product and it's now at the
point where I'm highly unlikely to return it.

So, if you can afford the time, give it a week or so before making any


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-09 Thread jaffacake

Nonreality;300386 Wrote: 
 First off, I'm not Dude.  2nd I'm sorry to insult you.  I didn't know
 that you bought one after you reviewed it.  That makes a difference. 
 Funny that you have found that it plays ok music.  You are good at
 making everyone feel sorry for you and thats the sign of good pr.  I
 have nothing against you except that I've just found you in so many
 places putting down the squeezebox.  Now I can't go into all of them
 and you know that but you also know the place you have done this.  I
 really am just curious why?  Did they not give you one to review?  Not
 hire you?  This is a good place and I'm protective of people getting
 set up again, and if you are for real this time then I do apologize. 
 And if you want to get the Mrs. I'll sure take a look. :)

First off, I've avoided any negative opinion of the product on this
forum; but, yes, I have cast some considerable criticism about the
place on various av forums. These were based on a short, but very real,
exposure I had with the product. Usually a short time with the product
is enough to get a general feel for it, indeed it's all many newspaper
or magazine reviewers have time for. They plug it in, play with it a
bit and then copy/paste a few lines from the press pack to fill out
their review. A good Sonos example would be that Guardian review where
they claimed there was a proximity sensor in the handset. There isn't,
it's a motion sensor, but this is what you get from a short term

I inhabit a few different forums and get Google updates on Sonos about
the place. I like to see what people think and what they are saying.
This alerted me to many a post about Duet and how it was better than
Sonos or, to paraphrase just as good, but cheaper. I knew, from my
exposure, this simply wasn't the case and so it's only natural that I
would post a response in an attempt to balance out the thread.

I know where I have made posts and when my, considerably more detailed,
comparitive review is complete I will be posting it in all of those
places as an update for people to consider before purchase. If
possible, without doing crazy thread bumping, I will tag it onto the
end of existing discussions.

I have no axe to grind with Logitech, I've bought their equipment in
the first mouse was a Logitech trackball, and
my latest webcam is also Logitech branded. Likewise, no real problems
with SB or Slim; none at all prior to posting my cnet review.

You want to look at my Mrs? ;)


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-09 Thread jaffacake

MuckleEck;300384 Wrote: 
 I take it from your last reply that you would recommend the Sonos
 system over the Squeezebox system every time if someone had the money?

Most of the time, but certainly not every time.


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-09 Thread jaffacake

JimC;300385 Wrote: 
 If you removed ...which I would have highlighted as a weakpoint
 otherwise. the sentence would have been just as effective in
 communicating your point but wouldn't have contained what I believe is
 your *real* message.

  My point, in all your examples, was to show how I'd contrasted opinion.
  These guys have turned me from being ice cold to the product to being
  warm. The contrast had a deliberate inclusion to show the marked
  change. Clearly removing a track from the queue could never be a
  weakpoint because you CAN remove a track from the queue, my statement
  doesn't change that.


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-09 Thread jaffacake

Nonreality;300398 Wrote: 
 Here is his type of review.  He finds my post in the beta section about
 having freeze ups with the last two beta's.  He then posts here about
 having a freeze up.  Someone posts that they have read that someone
 else had a problem with the same thing.  He then posts at amazon or
 somewhere else:  Even users of the Squeezecenter software keep
 reporting many problems with freeze ups, goto such and such a post
 without saying it's beta software or anything else.  This was exactly
 what he did with the duet review.  Like I said before if he is over
 that kind of stuff then I have no problem with him.  If he isn't then I
 will have a problem.

I really wish you wouldn't keep speculating.

Commenting on beta is a difficult one. If I have a problem and I'm NOT
using beta, I get feedback that I should update to the latest 7.0.1
beta code. They say they know it is beta, but it's better than the
release code and contains less bugs.

If I comment on beta, I get told that I am criticising beta code and
this isn't fair or accurate.

It's going to be a very difficult angle on my review, at least the
hardware isn't beta.


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-09 Thread jaffacake

Nonreality;300404 Wrote: 
 Reporting on your past behavior is not speculation.  Anyway, your
 review?  are you talking about your web page?  No problem there.  Say
 what you will.  It's just your posts at other read websites that  bug
 me with your non facts.

Like I said, my comments around the place were entirely factual based
on a limited time review - I really object to being called a liar.

My mom always told me not to negotiate with bullies. I thought it was
productive at first, but now I'm realising she was right.

Enjoy your day, our discussion is over.


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-09 Thread jaffacake

Sike;300454 Wrote: 
 I had been reading this thread (and others) for a while now and have not
 seen this much passive agressivenes for a while.
 My opinion is: If you like Mac's, go to the Mac forums. If you don't
 like them, leave them alone. It's unlikley that you will make any
 friends on a Linux forum trying to convince them that Vista is
 better... The best thing about it is that everybody is right :)

Nobody has been anti-SB in this forum, that's the point - interesting
link though.

I see in the link that we have the cnet must have gadgets, as judged
by...well, them really.

They appear to be in no particular order whatsoever. If you read
closely, they're alphabetical. I've been comparing the cnet score
with the user score.

Asus Eee PC - cnet: 7.3/10 User: 9.0/10
HP 2133 PC - cnet: 7.5/10 User: 6.9/10
LG Voyager - cnet: 8.3/10 User: 7.5/10
Logitech Harmony One - cnet: 8.7/10 User: 8.7/10
Logitech SB Duet - cnet: 8.7/10 User: 6.4/10
Wii - cnet: 8.0/10 User: 8.2/10
Nokia N95: cnet: 8.0/10 User: 8.5/10
Slingbox AV cnet: 8.0/10 User 7.6/10
Sony NWZ-A818 cnet: 8.0/10 User: 8.5
Sony Walkman cnet8.0/10 User: No reviews

Throughout these score, it's fair to say that cnet were pretty close to
the user rating, except with the Duet which scored significantly less.

Looking at the individual scores for the Duet, we see:

9, 9, 4, 4, 9, 4, 6, 3, 8, 8, 6

That's some serious variation.

Comparitively, the Sonos Bundle 130 also scored an 8.7 with cnet...yet
strangely no mention in the Top 10.

The Sonos bundle also carries a user review variation, with some
strangely low scores, yet still manages an 8.3/10 from the
readers...again almost on a par with the cnet scores.

I'm not going to draw any conclusions from all this, but it is very
weird that 2 products can have the same score yet the one with the
highest overall rating doesn't make the Top 10.


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[slim] Sharing a server

2008-05-09 Thread jaffacake

Apologies if this has been covered before, I did search the forums
without success.

Is it possible for 2 independent users to share a SqueezeCenter between
them, but not have control over each others players?

For example, if you life in a household with children, you may wish to
give them an SB receiver of their own in their bedroom - but you would
want them to have access to each others receivers or to the main
household ones in the living room or in Mom  Dad's room. 

Is this possible? Or would they each need to run their own server? If
they each ran their own instance of SC on their own PC, assuming they
still share a LAN based network, is it still possible to stop one child
attaching to the other's server using either their SB Controller or
their web browser?

I'm think of the same scenario applying in student houses, who may want
to pool their music onto one box, or in small guesthouses; where the
owner may wish to put a music player in each room but not allows other
guests to accidentally wake each other up!

Thanks in advance,



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Re: [slim] Sharing a server

2008-05-09 Thread jaffacake

Thanks to all for the responses.


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-08 Thread jaffacake

Johnboy169;299977 Wrote: 
 Why not add the name of the performer to the album title e.g. ZZ Top
 Greatest Hits.  I find that this make things easier to manage and
 easier to read/find

Because the album isn't called that.

I'm a bit pedantic.


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-08 Thread jaffacake

Siduhe;34 Wrote: 
 To finish off this discussion, I double-checked my collection last
 night, added Discnumber=1/1 to my Closer albums and rescanned.  Both
 appear separately in the album list with a recent 7.0.1 build, so it
 does appear as if this bug is now fixed.

Thanks for that, hopefully upgrading soon.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Controller - Clock stopped

2008-05-07 Thread jaffacake

Nice one, thanks. I quite like the clock.


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[slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-07 Thread jaffacake

I built a new SqueezeCenter 7.0.0 server, running on Windows 2003 SP2

I configured it purely to import my iTunes library, not look in any
additional music folders.

Now the import is complete, I see some music missing. For example all
of my music by ZZ Top is missing...I'm sure there is more but I haven't
done a direct comparison.

There's nothing special about the ZZ Top rips, they were ripped in
iTunes like the other 11k tracks. They had album art added by Tag 
Rename, like the other 11k tracks. They're in Apple lossless as is 99%
of the 300GB library.

I can still see them and play them in iTunes and on my iPod, but
SqueezeCenter doesn't list them under Artists at all.

There's clearly in my iTunes library and visible in my .xml file.

When I index the music folder directly, the missing tracks are
visible...but not when I index just my iTunes library. If I index both
the iTunes and the folders separately, I end up with most of my tracks

Am I hitting an upper limit on the amount of data that can be imported?
Have I found a bug?

Any input greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-07 Thread jaffacake

MuckleEck;299628 Wrote: 
 Check to see whether they are in a various artists category, there is a
 lot of talk in other  threads about the VA scanning and categorising
 methodology in use.

I should have said I already checked that. I looked under various
artists, not there. (I have no compilation or album artists checked for
this band anyway). I did a search for zz and for zz top no results.

I really don't know where they have gone.


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-07 Thread jaffacake

Siduhe;299641 Wrote: 
 Another easy check to make is to look for the music another way - not by
 ZZ Top, but by album name or song title.  This will rule out the
 possibility that there's a problem with the reading of the artist tag
 of those files (or a stray artist sort tag), and confirm that the music
 is indeed missing from the database.

I'm reindexing right now but will try those suggestions when it's

The tagging is all clean and gone through the same process as the
others but I will double check.

One point to note is that previously, on my ReadyNAS 7.0.0 SC install,
I got incorrect album art for this very same album.

The album is called Greatest Hits and when playing, both SC web and
SB controller showed the album art for the album Greatest Hits by
Bruce Springsteen!

Is there any special treatment of Greatest Hits?


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-07 Thread jaffacake

Siduhe;299647 Wrote: 
 How is the music stored (in terms of folder structure)?  Are all the
 songs in one single folder?  
 I had a similar problem with two albums called Closer (Joy Division
 and Plastikman from memory) and Slimserver (as was) insisting on
 merging them into a single album.  There is specific logic to deal with
 albums with the same name as another album, although I'm not best placed
 to explain it.  You will need to have the tracks in single folder albums
 though (if I recall correctly) and I'm not sure how this would work in
 an Itunes only import situation. 
 However, that bit of info does suggest to me that you music is more
 likely to be indexed incorrectly than entirely missing.

Music folders are managed by iTunes, it does a good job.

-iTunes Music
-Artist A
-Album A
-1. Track
-2. Track
-Album B
-1. Track
-Artist B
-Album A


They're kept completely separate


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-07 Thread jaffacake

Siduhe;299641 Wrote: 
 Another easy check to make is to look for the music another way - not by
 ZZ Top, but by album name or song title.  This will rule out the
 possibility that there's a problem with the reading of the artist tag
 of those files (or a stray artist sort tag), and confirm that the music
 is indeed missing from the database.

You were right, the tracks were in the database just sorted

I took a look under the single album called Greatest Hits that I had

It contains tracks from the albums for Take That, Bruce Springsteen,
Kylie, Kool  The Gang, Simply Red, Tom Petty, Robbie Williams,
Squeeze, The Jam and The Cars...along with ZZ Top!

So I've found my missing tracks, now I need to know why these are all
being sorted together when the album artists are clearly different.


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-07 Thread jaffacake

Siduhe;299663 Wrote: 
 That's the same problem I ran into a while back.  It has been solved
 AFAIK in 7.0.1.  
 You may be able to resolve the issue without upgrading by removing the
 DISCNUMBER tag entirely from the files.  DISCNUMBER=1/1 or similar
 appeared to be a significant cause of this behaviour, presumably
 because it overrode the ALBUMARTIST tags (which I can kind of

I'm not going to change my tags for an indexing bug, although it's nice
to know if there is indeed a workaround. I definitely have the
discnumber tag in use, so I fit the mould.

I don't see how having a disc number value set could cause it to ignore
both Artist and AlbumArtist tags, but if it's a bug fair enough. Fingers
crossed I'll see a solution when I test the 7.0.1 beta later this week.

Thanks to everybody for the input.


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Re: [slim] Missing Music after import

2008-05-07 Thread jaffacake

Siduhe;299670 Wrote: 
 A quick review of the earlier thread suggests this problem is limited to
 DISCNUMBER=1/1, because it makes SC think that there is only one album
 with this name.  People agreed that logic needed to be dealt with so
 that the different ARTIST or ALBUMARTIST values were given priority.
 Any particular reason that you need DISCNUMBER=1/1 (just curious)?  Not
 sure what information that tag gives, I would have thought that
 DISCNUMBER was only relevant for multi disc albums?

What about my Greatest Hits albums that have 2 discs? ;)

The disc number field should only be used for sorting tracks into the
right order, imho. It has no other relevance. I agree that 1/1 adds
minimal value but it does at least confirm that you're missing no other

Currently my album Greatest Hits has 10 different tracks ones, each
are disc 1 of 1 with different artists and different
makes no sense for these to be grouped together at all.

I'll see how it goes in 7.0.1 before I start complaining though :)


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[slim] How do things go out of sync?

2008-05-07 Thread jaffacake

I'm trying to understand the sync process and how it work.

I see options in the SqueezeCenter settings that allow me to configure
how far my playback is allowed to get out of sync before it attempts a
re-sync and how often it should do this. I get this part.

When 2 or more players are synced, there is a slight delay before
playback commences. The units pre-buffer the music data in the chosen
codec and then are all instructed to start playback at the same time.
For the purposes of the discussion, we'll say they all start at the
time time, 0ms.

All the players are playing from the same source, the same bit and
bytes. They're in the same codec and go through the same decoder. The
end result should be exactly the same, for lossless codecs you'd expect
the decoded output to be exactly the same as the original CD.

So I'm trying to understand how 2 adjacent players can become out of
sync when playing back an identical source at the same time. The only
way, that I can figure out, is if one of them was playing at a
different speed to the other. It would either be faster, and skip
ahead...or slower and lag behind.

But with an accurate playback, how can this be?

So I understand why they need to be synced before playback commences. I
understand a re-sync might be necessary if a player is added or removed
from the group. What I don't get is how that sync can be lost at a
later point in time. Surely 23456ms after they start playback, they
should all be 23.456seconds into the track? Why would this not be the

Can anybody explain?


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Re: [slim] How do things go out of sync?

2008-05-07 Thread jaffacake

MuckleEck;299710 Wrote: 
 Are you trying to sync two Squeezeboxes/receivers or are you using
 softsqueeze as well?

I've been trying with softsqueeze too.

I know if i start 2 CD players at the same time they will stay in sync
until the end of the track and they aren't even linked.. I'm wondering
why this setup is different.


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Re: [slim] How do things go out of sync?

2008-05-07 Thread jaffacake

andyg;299716 Wrote: 
 Softsqueeze is hit or miss, there are many layers between the hardware
 and the player that can introduce delay.  With hardware players it
 should be perfect, except for WMA radio stations.

It should be perfect or it is perfect?

If it is perfect, why do I have resync configuration settings?


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Re: [slim] How do things go out of sync?

2008-05-07 Thread jaffacake

andyg;299717 Wrote: 
 Sync drift happens because the clocks in different players tick at very
 slightly different rates.  You'll only drift after many minutes, this
 is why long-running radio stations always got out of sync before 7.0.

So does that mean that one player will play faster than the other and
be slightly different from the original source?

Would the clock be more accurate in, for example, Transporter hardware
where owners might expect a more accurate reproduction of the source?


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Re: [slim] How do things go out of sync?

2008-05-07 Thread jaffacake

andyg - Thanks for the responses, much appreciated.


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Re: [slim] How do things go out of sync?

2008-05-07 Thread jaffacake


Thanks a lot, I really appreciate the time you've spent on this reply.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Controller - Clock stopped

2008-05-06 Thread jaffacake

It was in the cradle the whole time.

I'm thinking the time it stopped may have co-incided with the time I
shut down the SC on my laptop. Would a connection to SC be required for
the clock?


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Controller - Clock stopped

2008-05-06 Thread jaffacake

aubuti;299282 Wrote: 
 Yes, it needs to be connected to either SC or SqueezeNetwork. It's a
 slim device, meaning that on its own, it's so dumb that it doesn't even
 know the time of day. If you routinely shut down SC but still want the
 clock, get in the habit of switching over to Squeezenetwork when you
 shut down SC. It's just a few button presses away. Somewhere there's an
 enhancement request to add an option to switch over to SN automatically
 when SC goes down.


On my original post I mentioned that I thought the controller was a
stand-alone Linux powered machine. Surely it has a clock?


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Re: [slim] What Logitech and this forum have forgotten

2008-05-06 Thread jaffacake

radish;299274 Wrote: 
 This seems like a common misconception. This forum is not an official
 tech support channel, and Logitech are not relying on it to replace
 support. If you have a problem feel free to post it here and we'll do
 our best to help but for those trickier issues there's a whole team of
 people waiting to take your call. Use them.

I took delivery of my Duet on Thursday, I work until 6pm.

Here in the UK, Logitech Tech support is only open Monday-Friday
9am-6pm - I'm at work.

They don't open at weeekends at all.

For many owners, myself included, the forum is the only option and I
agree with the OP that it can be frustrating when your forum threads
scroll off page one with zero responses. In fact, I've even been trying
to help some new owners out myself whilst the setup details are fresh in
my mind.

One of the difficult things with Duet ownership is that a lot of forum
and faq searches frequently pull up solutions relating to SlimServer
and SB3, not SqueezeCenter and the SBR e.g. holding down the brightness
button to do a firmware upgrade. It gets confusing at times.


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Re: [slim] Dedicated server solution?

2008-05-06 Thread jaffacake

You have some pretty natural requirements there, but I feel you're going
to have to prioritise them a little to make it easier to make a

For example, a device that uses less electricity is going to have a
smaller power supply because, ultimately, it's a less powerful piece of

A low powered dedicated NAS device may reduce your electricity bill,
but it may not have enough horse-power to drive SqueezeCenter in the
way you are used to. I tried SC on my Infrant ReadyNAS this weekend and
found performance very average compared to a Windows laptop with less

On the other side you have Windows Home Server based devices like the
HP. They're Intel powered and can handle things a bit better...but they
use more electricity in the process. It's basically a normal PC in a
different shaped box and may even use more power than the PC on which
you run SqueezeCenter now.

Additionally you should be very aware that Windows Home Server is NOT
ordinary Windows and does run a bit differently, especially if you
intend to run programs directly on it. This article links to an example
of this failing in a horrible way -

One low power option you could go for might be a cheap laptop with a
big external USB drive on it for storage. It would be near silent and
use much less juice than an equivalent desktop.


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Re: [slim] Squeezecenter with Mcafee Security Software

2008-05-06 Thread jaffacake

rickcindi;299418 Wrote: 
 Thanks for the tip.  What's your suggestion for security software?

Avast or AVG are both highly recommended by IT professionals. They are
also free for personal use.


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[slim] Album Art Confusion

2008-05-05 Thread jaffacake

My Squeezebox Controller is showing the image for Bruce Springsteen
Greatest Hits for the sleeve of my ZZ Top Greatest Hits album.

My music is managed by iTunes and so both albums are stored in
completely different file paths, e.g. iTunes Music  Bruce Springsteen
 Greatest Hits for one and iTunes Music  ZZ Top  Greatest Hits for
the other.

I've double checked and the folder.jpg file within the ZZ Top Greatest
Hits folder is clearly the one for ZZ Top, also the album art has been
embedded within all the music files and is present and correct. I use
Tag  Rename software for this.

Any ideas?


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[slim] Force Controller Bridging Mode

2008-05-05 Thread jaffacake

Is there any way within the software in which I can force the SB
controller to use my SBR as a bridge, instead of my wireless access

Obviously I could just turn off my wifi or change the encryption key,
but I'd like a more formal method if one exists?


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Re: [slim] Duet vs. sonos

2008-05-04 Thread jaffacake

Siduhe;298580 Wrote: 
 *To the OP:* these are the Slim community forums, so (most/everyone)
 here has already considered the question you are asking and plumped for
 the SB/Duet.  To that extent, our feedback isn't unbiased or

I thought I'd touch base on that comment and the word independent
which has also been used earlier in the thread. When I claim to be
independent, I am communicating the fact that I don't have a
financial interest in the discussion. I don't get salaried,
commissioned, bonused or in any way incentivised on the sale of any
hifi or electronic equipment. I have no reason for saying one of these
products has an advantage over another except for if I think it does.

It's fair to say that most of the members of these kinds of forums
except, for example, Logitech staff and their resellers are independent
in a similar way. Most of us act for nobody but ourselves.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] - I was one of those who was extremely critical of the way
 you chose to approach and review the Duet.  Not worth going over in
 detail, but not so much what you said, as the way you chose to respond
 afterwards as rob53ben and jaffacake.
 To that extent, you have to accept a level of background suspicion
 here as to your motives.  I think an acknowledgement that things could
 have been handled better would go a long way to alieviating that

For the purposes of transparency, I'll answer that. Basically,
jaffacake is my nickname. I own the domain names and my best mate calls
me 'jaffa' to my face when we're in the pub - I would turn around if you
shouted it in the street. I write my blog under the pen-name of Jaffa.
On all online forums and other registration based communities,
jaffacake is my first choice login name. When unavailable, I use my
second choice of ro53ben; which is actually my car registration plate
here in the UK - an alphanumeric form of my real name Ben Rose.

So, when I registered on these forums some years ago to research the
product, i registered as jaffacake as the name was available. On CNet,
there was already a user called jaffacake so I was forced to go with
the 2nd choice. If possible, I would happily have posted the review as
jaffacake. My forum nick varies from place to place purely on
availability of the nickname and there's no ulterior motives

 That said, I haven't seen anything recently that suggests to me
 you're trying to do anything other than what you say - review side by
 side and in detail the two systems.
 If these forums are as friendly and helpful as we always hold them out
 to be, people here need to get over it and pitch in to answer your
 questions and help you out.  

Thanks, I am genuinely just the messenger here, whether people choose
to believe it or not and I have in the past made a concerted effort to
keep things on topic. Sincere apologies to the OP of this thread that
things have inadvertently gone off at a tangent on this one.

Thankfully I have managed to touch base with a couple of SqueezeBox
owners offline who are hopefully going to help provide me with
additional 'real world' ownership experiences which I may include
within my review. Likewise, I am sharing my experiences and indeed have
made numerous posts around these forums to help people out with queries
they have raised.

 I think it was Robin that had a conversation with one of the Sonos
 admins when this all kicked off and both of them agreed there's a
 danger in taking this too seriously.  Some of the Sonos people feel
 there's a history of Sim posters Sonos-bashing on their forums - not
 recently but look at the archives and they may have a point.

I think the key here is to recognise that we may have genuine, but
conflicting, opinions about the products. It's critical for us to stay
focussed on the products and not the people, personal attacks don't
help anybody and just drag the community down.

 We'll all read your review with interest, and my only advice (entirely
 unsolicited) is that you'll catch more flies with honey than with
 vinegar. ;-)

I totally agree, it's just a shame that Apple declined to take part in
a multi-product digital music group test when I approached them about
it a few weeks ago, i wonder why? ;)


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[slim] Squeezebox Controller - Clock stopped

2008-05-04 Thread jaffacake

I'm using the default analogue clock screensaver on my Duet handset, I
actually quite like it. Overnight, however, it stopped and was stuck
somewhere around 4am.

I assumed the system had crashed, locked up or something, but it
hadn't. As soon as I picked up the handset, the screensaver ended and
the UI clearly showed the current time. Back in the charging stand and
it's been fine for the last 30mins.

I understand that the SB controller runs a local linux OS, this must
have a local clock. Is this the one used in the display? I'm wondering
how it could stop and then awaken without crashing the OS. Unless it
was simply just a frozen screensaver process.

Anybody else experienced this?


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Re: [slim] Duet vs. sonos

2008-05-04 Thread jaffacake

stephanm;298697 Wrote: 
 Jaffacake,what was that last comment on apple. Do u think they will
 launch a product?

They already have such a product, have done for some time. They call it
the Airport Express with Airtunes. It allows you to play your iTunes
music in other rooms of the house, wirelessly and also to sync the
rooms together.

It's recently been updated to support 802.11n which offers improved
bandwidth and wireless reception. This brings it into line with AppleTV
and TimeCapsule products which also support 802.11n.

I've never actually used that system so I can't comment much more on
it, I just know it exists.


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Re: [slim] Duet vs. sonos

2008-05-04 Thread jaffacake


I totally appreciate your angle on this. By simply comparing the 2
products side by side in every day situations I can see any obvious
differences or similarities between the two but whether these apply in
the real world is, in many respects, for the reader to decide.

Which is why I'm attempting to consult other Squeezebox owners in the
process. Hopefully they'll be able to overlook some of the results and
offer real-life workarounds to some of the challenges I may experience
as a new owner - like the playback delay you quoted above only applies
on my NAS installed SqueezeCenter, the XP one is just fine. If somebody
hadn't suggested I tried both then I may have been overly critical of
something that only applied in one type of deployment.

By doing that extra bit of research, and installing SC on both, I'm
gathering some really interesting comparitive information. It's this
stuff I would be interested in as a potential buyer.


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Re: [slim] Duet vs. sonos

2008-05-04 Thread jaffacake

pippin;298754 Wrote: 
 May I add (as before) for my own, very subjective and NOT unbiased
 resons that one of the advantages of the SB system is that you are NOT
 bound to a certain controller but that there are quite a few
 alternatives around...

This is certainly an advantage over the Apple option.

As for Sonos, I control mine from a Nokia E90 cellphone, it works well.
People have tried it from numerous internet tablets etc and they all
work without much of an issue...even the iPhone with touchscreen.

There's some screenshots here:


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Re: [slim] Duet vs. sonos

2008-05-04 Thread jaffacake

pippin;298758 Wrote: 
 Interesting. Can you skin that or are you bound to the Web look?
 I expect an iPhone skin to look like this ;-)

It's fully skinnable if you have the artistic talent. Sadly I struggle
to draw a stickman, so I stick with one of the supplied UIs.


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Re: [slim] Duet vs. sonos

2008-05-03 Thread jaffacake

mvalera;298371 Wrote: 
 Here's the story.
 Sonos' initial  setup is easier for the novice for wireless, but if you
 use a wired connection that is a moot point.

Not at all true when we're talking about controller connectivity
issues. These forums are full of such problems and the controllers
can't be wired.

I have both systems in my living room right now, I'm testing them side
by side. I have full retail units, purchased sealed in a store, not
battered old press test kit with old firmware.

I've taken a lot of criticism prior to today on various forums,
including this one. I was accused of delivering Duet criticism based on
a very limited use experience with early code. This lead to many, very
personal, insults which the forum moderators here refused to address.

So, to appease the critics, I've gone back to day zero. I have both
pieces of kit, in my own home, on my own network, with my own music
library. I've got the very latest production release of SqueezeCentre
installed on both a Windows PC and my Infrant ReadyNas NV+ alongside
all the Sonos kit. Ultimately, as requested by Logitech staff, I will
be updating the cNet review I made a little while ago to carry more
facts and accuracy.

Which machine will start playing an internet radio station fastest? Who
has the best sync? Which system can skip tracks backwards and forwards
on demand without a delay? Which system can display album art on screen
whilst browsing? Which system integrates with iTunes the best? Do you
really need a server machine? How do the two controllers compare?

These are the kind of tests I will be running in a review that I intend
to publish shortly.

I don't work for Slim Devices, Logitech, Sonos, or indeed anybody in
the hifi industry. I'm a simple, independent, IT geek who sits in a
cube all day working for a car company. I'm unbiased and come to the
argument presenting only facts from real life experiences from
ownership of BOTH systems.

They both have their advantages and the best solution would have
elements of both systems. I don't intend to draw any direct
conclusions, I will simply let the reader decide which system meets
their requirements best.

cybersus (or any other interested party) - If you have any specific
tests you'd like me to run, then by all means let me know - but I do
recommend you, and any other potential buyers, delay purchase until I
release my results.


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Re: [slim] Duet vs. sonos

2008-05-03 Thread jaffacake

SilverRS8;298415 Wrote: 
 Judging from your posts on your personal site, the sonos forum and the
 SD forum I think it is not fair to say your independent. You are very
 much pro Sonos. Which ofcourse you are entitled to. Maybe the
 synchronization fits your needs best and Sonos is the better choice. If
 you would only once ever admit that Squeeze products are the better
 product of choice in various cases I would believe your 'I'm
 independent' statement. But for now I've only see you review why Sonos
 is so much better than Logitech. Thats not reviewing by facts. Thats
 reviewing by personal opinion. Nothing wrong with that but don't say
 and publish like your independent.

There's a huge difference between having a personal preference and
being biased. You often read reviews on gadget sites and the like that
say that the Duet is good, but they PREFER the Sonos although it costs
more. It doesn't mean they're biased, it just means that they've used
both and have a particular reason for liking Sonos more. Sadly, they
often don't justify this reason or back it up with facts.

My intention is to change this a little. I'm not going to sprinkle
fairy dust and say that I think one sounds better than the other, or
that ones looks better than the other...these things are all
subjective. But if one unit takes less than one second to start
playback of the same file that it takes the other unit three seconds to
cue up, then we have a fact based reason for preference.

Like, for example, the album art appears almost immediately on the
Squeezebox controller screen when scrolling through albums. The Sonos
can take a second or so to display the art and, even then, will only
display one sleeve at a time. These are important facts and could
influence a purchase.

On a contrasting note, the Duet Squeezebox Controller can only be
charged when in the cradle at an almost vertical angle - there's no
separate charger. This makes it almost impossible to use when the
battery is flat, another possible factor.

I have many preferences here, and those for one product might outweigh
another...but don't ever assume that makes me in any way biased.


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Re: [slim] Duet vs. sonos

2008-05-03 Thread jaffacake

mvalera;298438 Wrote: 
 Jaffa, nothing you have said here even comes close to brushing on the
 I have sent you an email, please follow my request.

I see no untruths.

I believe your email went to a redundant address and bounced off my
mail gateway. I've updated my address on the system here now, you may
wish to resend.


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Re: [slim] Duet Wireless Network Problems - Possible Solution?

2008-05-03 Thread jaffacake


Thanks for the feedback. I posted about similar controller issues
earlier today in the Beginners forum. I'll have a play with WPS and see
if things improve a little.

Ultimately I'd expect an active device on a small uncongested LAN not
to drop packets at all but I guess wifi factors in a few variables.

I'm using 7.0.0 here and will try to share my results if I get a
significant change.


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Re: [slim] Albumartist/Compilation Artist behaviour - is this covered in a bug somewhere?

2008-04-06 Thread jaffacake

JJZolx;287952 Wrote: 
 I'd expect that behavior to break some day.  If you mean to hide albums
 on which the artist appears on only some tracks then I don't think that
 was ever intended.  The COMPILATION tag really only has meaning for
 albums, not the tracks.  That it might influence how the artist is
 categorized for individual tracks isn't that surprising, but certainly
 isn't documented or expected.

Technically you could have 2 albums with the same name - one an artist
album and one a compilation various hits album. The tracks would need
to be indexed separately, so the tagging would have to work long term.

I guess everybody's needs are different. I personally exclusively use
the AlbumArtist tag and on various artists albums I apply an
AlbumArtist tag of [Compilations]. On tracks that are performed by
artists elsewhere in my collection, I tag them with that artist as the
AlbumArtist. I effectively use it as a track artist tag.


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Re: [slim] Problem synchronising with duet

2008-04-05 Thread jaffacake

You're not the first report stating that wireless coverage isn't as good
with the SBR than it was with the SB3.

Both units contain the same chipset and both have 2 antennas. Some have
said it's the orientation, the upright position of the SB3 helping with
reception - I know the antennas in the Sonos boxes are vertical for the
same reason.

At this point, suggestions are difficult. A common problem with a
common cause, tech support is your best bet.


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Re: [slim] Problem synchronising with duet

2008-04-05 Thread jaffacake

Does your system need to include an SBR?

Could you not, for example, return it and get an SB3 instead? Clearly
the SB3 seems to work for you...where's the big win with the SB3?


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Re: [slim] Problem synchronising with duet

2008-04-05 Thread jaffacake

James_B;287843 Wrote: 
 So the Sonos boxes have the same issue even with a vertical antenna?

No, not in the slightest...I was merely saying that there was more
background noise on the player located in the TV cabinet.

For reference, here's my current measurements in the various areas of
my home. The lower the value, the less noise there is, e.g. -103 is
better than -85.

Noise Floor: -103

Living Room
Noise Floor: -85

Noise Floor: -102

Noise Floor: -101

Noise Floor: -89

Noise Floor: -90

Noise Floor: -95

It's quite variable around the home, the kitchen player is on top of
the fridge and gets additional interferencethe garage unit is on a
bench with all my server kit, NAS, wireless access point etc.

Living room is adjacent to Wii, subwoofer, CRT TV, PVR etc...most
noise...but no playback issues in the slightest.


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Re: [slim] Problem synchronising with duet

2008-04-05 Thread jaffacake

PLynas;287883 Wrote: 
 Well I wanted (and use) the new controller, so for the player itself the
 Duet is cheaper than the SB3. It is also smaller and more discreet so
 fits in my living room better.

The controller is available for purchase separately and, I believe,
will work without an SBR.

The SBR is smaller and more discreet...I guess this is what reduces the
wireless coverage. As you're clearly not bothered about a display, the
SBR doesn't have one, then what about an SB3 hidden behind your TV
cabinet or something? I guess cost is the main concern.

The suggestion of trying a different wireless channel is a good one. If
you have a laptop, do you detect any wireless channels in use by your


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Re: [slim] Albumartist/Compilation Artist behaviour - is this covered in a bug somewhere?

2008-04-05 Thread jaffacake

Have you not considered applying tags per track, instead of per album?

e.g. if i have a 'various artists' album, and it has a track by an
artist already in my collection, I choose to make those track
compilation=0, all the others retain compilation=1.

So all the tracks by that artist appear under their name in the artist
list, all the one track wonders remain hidden.


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Re: [slim] Cannot obtain IP address

2008-04-05 Thread jaffacake

homehubs usually come with wireless encryption enabled.

Ensure you're entering the key correctly during setup.


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Re: [slim] The Guardian reviews Sonos

2008-04-04 Thread jaffacake

danco;287273 Wrote: 
 An individual making a purchase when in the USA would pay local sales
 tax, but no shipping.

Correct, but then they would need to get it shipped.

 An individual ordering from the USA would pay shipping, but usually not
 sales tax.

They would need to find a vendor who would sell directly overseas. Most
vendors won't do this and most have agreements not to do this with

 A distributor (and the retail price would be based on that) would pay
 shipping, which might be quite small per unit when ordering several but
 would not pay local sales tax when ordering from the manufacturer.

An interesting question. I believe for purchases within the UK (it's
been a while since I was in retail) the distributor often pays VAT but
it gets claimed back through a tax return. I don't know how this
applies to overseas import/export.

 And the reviewer was more concerned with the cost compared with other
 products (whatever one thinks of his choice of an alternative) than the
 comparison with US prices.

He was certainly equally concerned with both, he'll likely get no more
Apple kit if he was buying both products in the US though as the
overseas markup is pretty consistent between manufacturers.


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Re: [slim] The Guardian reviews Sonos

2008-04-04 Thread jaffacake

adamslim;287297 Wrote: 
 So there's a 13% premium, which does not seem totally unreasonable to

Thanks for saving me those maths. It does greatly depends on the
customs classification of the product/ I know somebody who imported
Sonos and got stung quite heavily. I finally found the post I was
looking for:

Indeed, and a local 2yr warranty for the extra £33. Let's not forget
that UK retail staff earn a significantly higher wage than those in the
US...and they get paid in £s.


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Re: [slim] Slimserver is woeful on Windows

2008-04-04 Thread jaffacake

Gplouffe;287219 Wrote: 
 Not certain if anything concrete came out of this discussion but I
 recently took a 1.6mhz 500mb ram desktop and went from linux (debian)
 to windows xp sp2. Under linux, performance was great. Note: Music is
 located on a Buffalo Terastation NAS 50K songs. Went to XP because of
 another server need that I could not statisfy with Linux :( and
 performance now is poor when searching library, especially when
 searching through music folder.
 Web performance has also decreased.

People often, rightfully, feel the need to run anti-virus and firewalls
within a Windows environment. These can seriously reduce IO

Are you using either of these?

Additionally, it's likely that with just '500MB' of RAM that you are
paging excessively in Windows...the Linux base would likely use less
RAM. For such an old machine, another 512MB of RAM is likely to cost
peanuts and may make all the difference.


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Re: [slim] Problem synchronising with duet

2008-04-04 Thread jaffacake

What version of server software are you using?

Am I right in that you are playing back FLAC files when the problem

Have you tried any other codecs, e.g. mp3, to compare?


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Re: [slim] Problem synchronising with duet

2008-04-04 Thread jaffacake

bpa;287319 Wrote: 
 If your SB2 is up to date at version 40 then it is really an SB1 and has
 a very small buffer.

But the SB3 fails with the Duet too.

PLynas - Is trying SC 7.0.1 an option?


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Re: [slim] Problem synchronising with duet

2008-04-04 Thread jaffacake

I'm assuming, as this is a new purchase, that the Duet is in a new area
of the house which didn't previously host a player.

Could there be a localised interference issue?

Have you tried swapping them around a bit?


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Re: [slim] Problem synchronising with duet

2008-04-04 Thread jaffacake

The logs tell me I get my interference on my player that's located in my
TV cabinet. I blame it on the CRT, but it could be the Wii, PVR or
anything really.

If it plays when it's not synced though I wouldn't expect synced
behaviour to be any different, it's not like the SBs talk to each other
directly so it would just be traffic to/from the router as usual. Is the
Duet furthest away?

Did you change the firmware on the Receiver/Controller at all or just
upgrade SC? Ideally they should be on versions of a similar age.


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Re: [slim] The Guardian reviews Sonos

2008-04-04 Thread jaffacake

danco;287361 Wrote: 
 I suppose that an individual buying the Sonos on a visit to the USA
 would probably need to ship. For the Squeezebox, this could probably be
 taken in one's personal baggage, so no shipping (I have done this).
 By the way, jaffacake, I liked your latest suggestion in the AVS
 forums. Namely, get a couple of both systems on the thirty-day approval
 and test which you prefer.

You can actually get both in baggage, it's been done. Not delaring to
customs, however, is technically smuggling and your liabilty to HM
Customs  Excise does not end the moment you get to the other end of
the green channel in the airport.

It's simply not reasonable to compare pricing based on smuggling kit
illegally into the country.

One the issues with shipping in hand baggage is with ditching the
packaging. If there is a warranty issue, you'll need to ship it back to
the place of purchase and you no longer have a suitable box in which to
do it. Nothing is as good as the original packaging.

Glad you like my idea, a 30-day home trial need not just apply to one


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Re: [slim] Problem synchronising with duet

2008-04-04 Thread jaffacake

PLynas;287349 Wrote: 
 Kind of perfect timing, I was just checking the settings on
 Squeezecenter and the wireless signal on my Duet suddenly dropped
 dramatically to just 12%. I went into the living room and my wife had
 just switched the TV on. So it seems to me that interference is likely
 to be the problem, unfortunately that could mean a lot of money down
 the drain for me as I cannot locate my Duet at the other end of the
 room from the TV surely it should be shielded from such

Sadly, any wifi device is liable to interference...they have antennas
to pick up this stuff.

That being said, don't conclusively believe this is the case. I'd work
with the Slim techs on this and see if they can confirm. If it plays
perfectly without being synced then clearly the wifi link from receiver
to router is clean...I doubt all the sync/resync traffic would add that
much overhead.

There are alternatives you could consider. You could run a cat 5 cable,
or alternatively a mains relay device like a Devolo homeplug...assuming
these are compatible with Slim kit.

I'd give tech support a call and see if there is any diagnostics they
can use to check into it better.


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Re: [slim] The Guardian reviews Sonos

2008-04-04 Thread jaffacake

danco;287384 Wrote: 
 I said nothing about smuggling or not declaring, I just said one could
 avoid shipping costs.
 In fact, the Squeezebox I bought (NOT the Duet) came within the limit
 that is allowed for purchases. And it was even small enough to carry in
 its packaging.

My apologies for not understanding the full intent of your post.

Indeed, there are duty free limits...I remember importing something
from the US many many years ago...

It was a CD-ROM DRIVE! Can buy them in the supermarket now.


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Re: [slim] 2 New Questions on Duet Config

2008-04-04 Thread jaffacake

craigf;287405 Wrote: 
 Thanks, but wouldn't that needlessly replicate 20-50 KB of data in every
 single audio file?
 We have 15,000 songs in our collection.  I don't really want to
 inflate my storage needs by half a gig or so if I don't have to.
 Putting cover.jpg in the directory of each album seems to be working
 But thanks again for the suggestion.

If you actually price up the cost of half a GB of storage, you'll
realise that the cost of convenience.

Additionally, if you do it this way, the same artwork will also show up
on iTunes/iPod/iPhone etc.


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Re: [slim] The Guardian reviews Sonos

2008-04-04 Thread jaffacake

cliveb;287394 Wrote: 
 Interesting. I stand corrected. What's confusing is that I've bought
 various items from abroad and have NEVER been charged import duty: just
 VAT at 17.5%. (This was the reasoning behind my previous posting). For
 example, the table in the document you reference says that there's duty
 of 3.5% on audio CDs. I have bought these at various times from the USA
 and only ever been charged VAT. So it seems that the rules are not
 being applied consistently.

Some importers check every item for potential customs charges, others
just randomly check line 1 in 5 packages. It's the senders
responsibility to make a valid customs declaration on the outside of
the package regarding the content.

Gift used to be a popular option amongst CD/DVD retailers when
shipping overseas. I know one vendor that used to include a B'day card
hand written to the buyer, lol.


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Re: [slim] The Guardian reviews Sonos

2008-04-03 Thread jaffacake

The review is fairly flawed in several areas, but not entirely
surprising given the limited research the author often does for his

His US pricing comparisons fail to take into account currency
variations, import duties and local taxes - the Sonos website price in
the US even excludes sales tax. The Apple pricing comparisons I assume
are accurately based on UK pricing, although I haven't checked.

He clearly didn't do any research into standby power consumption of
these devices, 5 watts is green by any reasonable standards. (Source: )

I don't know of any other home audio device with a parental lock, the
Sonos doesn't play pr0n videos lol.

To top it all...the proximity sensor...I can only assume Charles has
very poor floorboards in his homelmao!


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Re: [slim] ALAC and FLAC

2008-04-03 Thread jaffacake

peter;287098 Wrote: 
 bpa wrote:
  This describes the issue and fix.

 I'm no Apple fan, but with their market position it would be nice to 
 have lossless files that work natively on the iPod and the SB range.
 Not if it would mean ditching FLAC though...

I have this debate a lot with my buddy. He has all his music in FLAC,
me in ALAC as I own an iPod.

I personally think ALAC is excellent as, not only is it lossless, it's
very easy to move to another format in the future if required. It also
supported embedded art first, which was a killer feature for me at the

If I need to convert to something else, a couple of clicks in iTunes
and I can convert my entire library to AIFF and onwards to FLAC etc.
Going the other way FROM FLAC isn't so easy at all. 

I recently downloaded a free album that came in FLAC format and
couldn't get it on my iPod without burning it to CD-Audio and


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Re: [slim] The Guardian reviews Sonos

2008-04-03 Thread jaffacake

Robin Bowes;287134 Wrote: 
 Ahem, unlike your totally fair and thoroughly researched cnet reviews,
 eh Ben?
 More FUD from the Sonos fanboy.

Very much unlike. At least everything in my review was accurate and

I fail to see how any of my input in this thread is FUD, you guys do
crack me up.

/still laughing at the proximity sensor.


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Re: [slim] The Guardian reviews Sonos

2008-04-03 Thread jaffacake

smc2911;287156 Wrote: 
 As I read the review, at present exchange rates, plus VAT local taxes
 *are* factored in and for imports to the UK, while VAT would apply US
 sales tax would not. There would not be other local taxes, so I think
 that the article's point on pricing differences is well made. Having
 said that, Squeezeboxes tend to suffer the same fate (although there do
 seem to be more 3rd party distributors prepared to apply a much smaller
 margin). It intrigues me to note that a Sonos fan is just as quick to
 find excuses for regional price mark-ups on the Sonos as many on this
 form are for mark-ups on the Squeezeboxes!

To legally import good from the US, you pay the cost price in the US,
then you add on the local sales tax in the US, then you add on shipping
to the UK. Total that.

Then you add on import duty as a percentage of that total - I believe
it was 10% last time I looked. Note that total.

Then you add on VAT @ 17.5%

Having done this to the retail price of a Sonos in California, adding
on 8% sales tax, then shipping, then duty, then VAT...and converted to
GBP, I found a price not massively different to the UK retail price.
Last time I calculated, the break even was somewhere between 1.6-1.7$
to the £. Currently the £ is stronger, so the import price is cheaper,
I think it was about £50 on a Sonos bundle.

Personally, I think the £50 fully justifies the UK retailer handling
and local warranty. Marketing of the product would cost more here too.

This is why I felt the article totally inaccurate, it's a topic that's
been well covered in many places.


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Re: [slim] The Guardian reviews Sonos

2008-04-03 Thread jaffacake

Robin Bowes;287167 Wrote: 
 Did you write that review [1] based on having actually got your hands on
 a Duet? The whole thing is FUD.
 Would you like to tell us about your involvement with the Sonos user 
 forums, how you were a moderator, but were removed when you tried to 
 throw your weight around?
 By all means give us a fair and objective account of the Sonos gear,
 don't come the I'm a neutral reviewer crap.

I've reported your efforts to the site admins. My report is as

-*Continued personal attacks...becoming tedious.

I'm constantly being attacked with false accusations, inccurate
information and general troll behaviour.

If you check over my posts I've been courteous and helpful in my time
on the forums here, I think it's time the moderators brought these guys
into line.
I'm hoping this isn't standard behaviour from an open source community
with such a respected reputation.


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Re: [slim] The Guardian reviews Sonos

2008-04-03 Thread jaffacake

-= Jim,

I have absolutely no desire to waste my time defending myself against
false accusation and speculation.

Robin Bowes, and others, are attacking me with untruths and guesswork.

This is damaging to my reputation yet you choose to allow it to remain
within your forums. I can only assume that it may be commercially
advantageous to yourself to allow the name of one who posts a negative
review of your product to be tarnished in such an incorrect and
unnecessary manner.

I am a Sonos owner and I have made this more than clear in directly
competitive threads on forums such as

Readers will note that even with this early disclosure on page one of
the thread, I will still attacked by Slim forum users not once, but
twice in that thread questioning my intentions. Whilst you can't be
help responsible for content held in other, 3rd party, forums - it
should be noted that those offensive posts link back to the content
here on these official Slim Devices forums. Content that you clearly
feel is entirely suitable and within your forum guidelines.

Your house, your rules, I'm just very surprised and disappointed.


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Re: [slim] How to avoid the 'click' when a track starts

2008-04-02 Thread jaffacake

Are you using co-ax of SPDIF connections?

Have you tried using the other?


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Re: [slim] Softsqueeze Screen Placement

2008-04-02 Thread jaffacake

This might be of use :)

That one isn't free, but I'm sure there's a free equivalent
somewhere...the settings are actually (usually) stored in the registry
for each application...assuming the software integrates with Windows


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Re: [slim] Empty playlists after music move with iTunes

2008-04-02 Thread jaffacake

As the guy in the other thread did, you should read the support pages.

I clicked the wiki link at the top of this page and found this

Seems to answer your query quite well.


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Re: [slim] Empty playlists after music move with iTunes

2008-04-02 Thread jaffacake

jallison;286663 Wrote: 
 Not so much. Surprisingly, I actually had looked through that
 information and tried those suggestions. They seem more geared to my
 playlists don't show up, which is not actually my problem. My
 playlists show up, but they are empty.

You asked how to point it, the link tells you how.

 I moved the music, but the xml file is in the same old place
 (C:\Documents and Settings\...\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\iTunes
 Music Library.xml). This is the same system and drive where Slimserver
 is running (and has been for years!). I'm sure this is an artifact of
 moving the music and getting the iTunes and SS databases out of sync,
 but I can't figure out how to resync them. 
 Thanks for the inputs.
 - Jeff

How did you move the music? Within iTunes itself? Or by closing iTunes
and moving it manually?


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Re: [slim] ALAC and FLAC

2008-04-01 Thread jaffacake

funkstar;285617 Wrote: 
 Yes in theory ALAC could be decoded in the SB3, but there are several
 issues to that. Memory is limited in the SB3, with MP3, FLAC, Ogg and
 WMA (lossy) already in there there probably isn't enough space for
 anything else (I seem to remember reading that Ogg was the last to go
 in and it was a tight fit). There is also the question of licensing. I
 don't know the ins and outs of the ALAC format, but there would
 probably be legal issues if it was done in the SB3.

Interesting thread, I didn't realise transcoding was required for ALAC

No legal complication, ALAC is in the firmware for Sonos devices
without any issues...they don't use a server.


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