[FairfieldLife] Re: Gina Catena's Series on TM Thought Reform

2007-02-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, geezerfreak [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  As it happens, I went through Lifton's eight criteria
  in considerable detail with somebody *else* who came
  along and tried the same nonsense of applying them to
  TM.  So I'm prepared any time.
 Golly, you're one tough sonofabitch, ain't ya?

Now that you mention it, this kind of braggadocio 
*would* sound at home coming from one of those 
WWF wrestlers, wouldn't it? One of the old, fat
ones who doesn't really wrestle any more, and just
shows up so that he can be interviewed by the press
and say shit like:

take on all comers!!! Your puny kung fu is no
match for mine; I will smash a chair over the
head of your lesser dogma and beat you bloody
with my intellect until you come crawling across
the canvas begging for the right to apologize
to me and to all those I represent!!!

[FairfieldLife] Re: The gathering of the Forces of Light

2007-02-27 Thread nablusos108
Master's article
The gathering of the Forces of Light 
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme

Important events are taking place in many parts of the world. People 
everywhere will be astonished by the reports. These will include 
sightings, in unprecedented numbers, of spacecraft from our 
neighbouring planets, Mars and Venus in particular. Nothing like this 
increased activity, over vast areas of the Earth, will have been seen 
before. Those who have steadfastly refused to take seriously the 
reality of this phenomenon will find it difficult to deny. More and 
more accounts of contact with the occupants of the spacecraft will 
add their testimony to the fact of their existence. Miraculous 
happenings of all kinds will continue and multiply in number and 
variety. The minds of men will be baffled and amazed by these 
wonders, and this will cause them to ponder deeply.


Into this wonder-filled, wondering world Maitreya will quietly enter 
and begin His open work. He will be asked to counter their doubts and 
fears, to explain these happenings and He will vouchsafe their 
validity. These extraordinary events will continue unabated and cause 
many to prophesy the ending of the world. Maitreya, however, will 
continue in His simple way and interpret differently these events.
Thus will Maitreya encourage men to see the marvellous breadth and 
scope of life, the many layers of which man knows but little till 
now. Gently He will introduce them bit by bit to the basic truths of 
our existence, the Laws which govern it, and the benefits achieved by 
living within these Laws. He will acquaint man with the vastness of 
our Galaxy and show that, in time, men of Earth will conquer Space 
and Time. He will encourage men to seek within, as well as without, 
for the answers to their problems, and validate their constant 
connection to each other and to Cosmos. He will remind humanity of 
its long history and of the many perils which man has overcome. He 
will sow the seeds of faith in our own illustrious future and 
vouchsafe the eternal divinity of man. He will show that the path of 
life, the evolutionary journey, leads unfailingly upwards as well as 
for ever onwards, and that to make the journey together, as brothers 
and sisters, is the surest way and the way most lit by joy. Look, 
then, for the signs of Maitreya's entrance, make it known, and uplift 
the hope of your brothers.


[FairfieldLife] A Ducky Morning in France

2007-02-27 Thread TurquoiseB
I woke up without an alarm and meditated, then made
some coffee and wandered out to the terrace overlooking
the river with my computer. It's a beautiful morning, 
very Springlike, and down below on the river a guy duck 
-- obviously from another clan and equally obviously 
inspired by the Springlike morning -- leaped upon one 
of the babe ducks and attempted to have...uh...congress 
with her.

Whereupon five other guy ducks flew over and started
beating the shit out of the one who had been so bold as
to want to...uh...infringe upon their territory. They
pecked at him and kicked him with their little webbed
feet and finally sent him flying off, hopefully out
of their lives so that he no longer posed a threat to
their all-important pecking order and illusion of
control. The babe duck actually looked a little sad,
as if she were saying, We were having a good moment
there, and you guys had to go and mess it up!

The whole scene brought a lump to my throat and made
me think fondly of Fairfield Life, so I just thought 
I'd drop in and ask Judy, Sparaig, Peter Klutz, 
Nablusos and Jim how *you're* doing this fine morning. 
Chased off any anti-TM ducks today?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gina Catena's Series on TM Thought Reform

2007-02-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, geezerfreak [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  As it happens, I went through Lifton's eight criteria
  in considerable detail with somebody *else* who came
  along and tried the same nonsense of applying them to
  TM. So I'm prepared any time.

 Golly, you're one tough sonofabitch, ain't ya?

Now that you mention it, this kind of braggadocio
*would* sound at home coming from one of those
WWF wrestlers, wouldn't it? One of the old, fat
ones who doesn't really wrestle any more, and just
shows up so that he can be interviewed by the press
and say shit like:

take on all comers!!! Your puny kung fu is no
match for mine; I will smash a chair over the
head of your lesser dogma and beat you bloody
with my intellect until you come crawling across
the canvas begging for the right to apologize
to me and to all those I represent!!!

[FairfieldLife] More Duck Tales (was Re: Lucifier exposed?)

2007-02-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  On Feb 26, 2007, at 7:08 PM, peterklutz wrote:
   This is: What is your Freemasonic lodge's version of Gnosis?
   It's a simple question.
   Why can't you just answer it? :-)
  In the experience emblematic of light, as the sun rising in
  the east.  Universal Light.
 Translation: Vaj doesn't have a clue.

Remembering my gang of ducks analogy this morning,
doesn't it give you pause sometimes how the desire
to pile on and beat up someone they don't like is
more powerful in some of the quackers here than the 
desire to disassociate themselves from someone that 
even *they* know is crazy?

I mean, in any other circumstance Jim, Sparaig and
Judy wouldn't be caught dead in the same *room* with
Peter Klutz or Nablusos, much less seeming to be
on their side in a discussion. They'd be afraid 
that they were going to get Craziness Cooties from 
them or something like that.

But let Peter Klutz or Nablusos tear into one of 
their enemies, one of the people here they obsess
on as anti-TMers, and all caution is thrown to the
winds. They just can't WAIT to pile on and join
the two crazies in the latest asskicking fest.

Kinda shows you what their integrity is *really* like,
and what their values *really* are, doesn't it?

And again, *not to be forgotten*, one of these pile
on types has no problem announcing himself here as
Self Realized. And then demonstrating the qualities
of Self Realization or enlightenment or however you
want to phrase it by teaming up with someone like
Peter Klutz (who has spent the last day or so agree-
ing with and quoting from the hate-tracts of Jack Chick) 
or Nablusos (who has no problem discussing the various 
levels of alien visitors we're all going to meet in 
the next few months). 

How crazy these two guys are doesn't seem to MATTER to 
the other three pile on ducks. How little they are 
held in regard by most people here doesn't seem to 
MATTER to them. All that matters is that one of the
crazies is giving some shit to someone *they* would 
like to give shit to. So they pile on. It's like
a compulsion...the pile on ducks don't even seem
to have a CHOICE in the matter...when one piles on,
the others seem to HAVE to pile on, too.

And in so doing, as I suggested above, they reveal a 
great deal more about their true nature than I think 
they understand.

If it walks like a crazy duck and quacks like a crazy
duck, chances are it really IS Just Another Crazy Duck.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Gina Catena's Series on TM Thought Reform

2007-02-27 Thread Vaj

On Feb 27, 2007, at 12:53 AM, geezerfreak wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

As it happens, I went through Lifton's eight criteria
in considerable detail with somebody *else* who came
along and tried the same nonsense of applying them to
TM.  So I'm prepared any time.

Golly, you're one tough sonofabitch, ain't ya?

She didn't get the nickname Junkyard Dog for nuttin'.

[FairfieldLife] Lucifier exposed

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[mercy snip]

 If it walks like a crazy duck and quacks like a crazy
 duck, chances are it really IS Just Another Crazy Duck.

You can say that again.


[FairfieldLife] Scientific Study Proposal

2007-02-27 Thread TurquoiseB
Reading through some of the posts to Fairfield Life,
alt.meditation.transcendental, and TM-Free lately, I
have revised my opinion of the new Electricity is
bad for you campaign being promoted by Maharishi and
the TM movement. I'm beginning to think they're onto

I mean, think about it. If you watch these forums, it
would seem that the strong, On The Program TM types
consistently display behavior that one would charac-
terize as agressive, antisocial, rigid, dogmatic, 
insulting, and tending towards mob behavior, if not
downright craziness. By contrast, most of the Off The 
Program types on those forums (those who either no
longer practice TM or who have distanced themselves 
from it and no longer identify with it as their main
spiritual path) often display a great deal of balance 
and equanimity in their posts and in their lives.

So what I'm thinkin' is that maybe John Knapp and Paul
Mason and Sudarsha and Vaj are WRONG in their suggestion
that the negative traits one tends to see in long-term
TMers are somehow caused by TM or the TMSP itself. The
problem may be ELECTRICITY.

What if Maharishi is RIGHT about the negative effects
of exposure to electromagnetic radiation from common
household wiring? And what if he's RIGHT about it, but
only as EMR affects On The Program *TMers*?

I mean, the Off The Program types live in the same
world as the On The Program types, and are exposed to
as much Bad Electricity as the strong TMers are, but
it doesn't seem to affect them. So what if there is 
some oversensitivity to Bad Electricity that is 
*caused* by the TM and TMSP programs, something that
makes the individuals who pursue those programs more
susceptible to the evil influences of EMR all around

Isn't it worth checkin' out? A simple study -- with a 
control group of non-TMers (or former TMers who are 
now safely Off The Program) living their normal lives 
in rooms filled with Bad Electricity being given the 
same battery of psychological and sociological tests 
as a group of strong, On The Program TMers living in
rooms similarly filled with Bad Electricity -- might
settle this whole TM is potentially bad for you 
debate once and for all.

And if it did, and the results of the tests *did* seem
to indicate that TMers exposed to Bad Electricity were
more vulnerable to the bad effects of EMR than non-TMers,
wouldn't it be a kind of win-win situation for all 
concerned? The non-TMers or Off The Program types could
relax, certain now that the negative traits they've been
commenting on are caused *not* by TM, but by Bad Elec-
tricity. That would cut down on the number of posts from
their side. And the strong, diehard On The Program TMers
could *also* rest easier, knowing that it had been finally
established that TM was *not* the culprit. They could
continue their TM program in peace, just taking proper
precautions against the real culprit, Bad Electricity
(precautions like moving into an unelectrified S-V house,
or giving up their Internet addiction). And again, the
volume of posts compulsively defending TM from claims 
that it can have harmful side effects would be at an end.

Give it some thought, any of you researchers out there.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Study Proposal

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Reading through some of the posts to Fairfield Life,
 alt.meditation.transcendental, and TM-Free lately, I
 have revised my opinion of the new Electricity is
 bad for you campaign being promoted by Maharishi and
 the TM movement. I'm beginning to think they're onto
 Give it some thought, any of you researchers out there.

I think the research is already there. 

When I was in the navy (1980s) we were clearly informed to avoid
exposure (i.e. stand to close to) radars on the ships we were on. They
were considered a radiation hazard.

Skip forward twenty years and people are expected to put devices
emitting the same stuff next to their heads.

What is required, it would seem, is not more of time-wasting research
to support our weak spines - but the courage to accept the facts as we
already know them, and do so in the face of well-healed, ruthless and
intellectually dishonest enemies.

Congratulations for working up the courage!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gina Catena's Series on TM Thought Reform

2007-02-27 Thread taskcentered
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Singer was at least as bad, FWIW.  But Markovsky was very
 happy to have been appointed editor of her anticult
 journal, until that whole project fell through.
You should know that Markovsky required editorial independence from the Singer 
Foundation and indicated that he intended to hold the journal to Ihis/I 
understanding of scholarly and scientific rigor.

 If you're going to use the model of brainwashing
 as a metaphor or poetic device, you better be
 damn sure you make that really clear at the outset.
 Of course, brainwashing is a metaphor to begin
 with, but most people understand the term as it
 was originally used and think of prisoners of war
 and the Manchurian Candidate.
 And I rather doubt Gina was using Lifton's criteria
 as nothing more than metaphors.  Curtis certainly

I may have misled you. I didn't mean to say that Gina understands thought 
reform as a 
metaphor. You would have to ask her how she understands thought reform. You 
want to post a comment on the blog.

What I meant to offer was my reaction to her article.

Lifton also didn't talk about thought reform as a metaphor. That was only my 
reaction to the concept of thought reform or brainwashing.


[FairfieldLife] Re: A Ducky Morning in France

2007-02-27 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 



 I woke up without an alarm and meditated, then made
 some coffee and wandered out to the terrace overlooking
 the river with my computer. It's a beautiful morning, 
 very Springlike, and down below on the river a guy duck 
 -- obviously from another clan and equally obviously 
 inspired by the Springlike morning -- leaped upon one 
 of the babe ducks and attempted to have...uh...congress 
 with her.
 Whereupon five other guy ducks flew over and started
 beating the shit out of the one who had been so bold as
 to want to...uh...infringe upon their territory. They
 pecked at him and kicked him with their little webbed
 feet and finally sent him flying off, hopefully out
 of their lives so that he no longer posed a threat to
 their all-important pecking order and illusion of
 control. The babe duck actually looked a little sad,
 as if she were saying, We were having a good moment
 there, and you guys had to go and mess it up!
 The whole scene brought a lump to my throat and made
 me think fondly of Fairfield Life, so I just thought 
 I'd drop in and ask Judy, Sparaig, Peter Klutz, 
 Nablusos and Jim how *you're* doing this fine morning. 
 Chased off any anti-TM ducks today?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gina Catena's Series on TM Thought Reform

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, taskcentered [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Singer was at least as bad, FWIW.  But Markovsky was very
  happy to have been appointed editor of her anticult
  journal, until that whole project fell through.
 You should know that Markovsky required editorial independence
 from the Singer Foundation and indicated that he intended to
 hold the journal to Ihis/I understanding of scholarly and 
 scientific rigor.

Yeah, well, that brings up the issue of how good
his understanding was of scholarly and scientific

Just for example, there was his insistence on 
alt.m.t that TM researchers were unethical because
they didn't obtain informed consent from the 
subjects of their Maharishi Effect studies (i.e.,
the populations to be affected by large-group
practice of TM-Sidhis practitioners).

  If you're going to use the model of brainwashing
  as a metaphor or poetic device, you better be
  damn sure you make that really clear at the outset.
  Of course, brainwashing is a metaphor to begin
  with, but most people understand the term as it
  was originally used and think of prisoners of war
  and the Manchurian Candidate.
  And I rather doubt Gina was using Lifton's criteria
  as nothing more than metaphors.  Curtis certainly
 I may have misled you. I didn't mean to say that Gina 
 understands thought reform as a metaphor.

No, I know that.  I was saying I didn't think she did.
I'm just suggesting that anyone who writes something
for public consumption applying Lifton's criteria to the
TMO metaphorically ought to make it clear that's what
they're doing so as not to, you know, mislead readers.

 What I meant to offer was my reaction to her article.
 Lifton also didn't talk about thought reform as a metaphor. That 
was only my personal 
 reaction to the concept of thought reform or brainwashing.

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFO Sightings worldwide.

2007-02-27 Thread nablusos108
UFO sightings worldwide

As Benjamin Creme's Master indicates in His article `The gathering of 
the Forces of Light', it seems that we have now reached a phase in 
which certain activities are being stepped up in frequency and 
intensity. As so vividly illustrated in that article, we may now look 
forward to widespread sightings of spacecraft and other signs of 
Maitreya's emergence. A substantial part of `Signs of the Times' is 
therefore devoted to reports of such sightings from all over the 
world. This is no doubt just the beginning of an inspiring chapter in 
Hierarchical activity. 
London, uk – 
At least 30 people witnessed a squadron of orange lights in the 
skies above Archway, north London, at around 5.30pm on Thursday 2 
February 2007. Drivers stopped their cars to view the mysterious 
lights hovering in the sky. People screamed and police received 
several calls within a few minutes about the sightings. Alix 
McAlister, 34, a local resident and market trader, was picking up his 
son from nursery when he noticed the lights: There was a group of 
them – 10 to 15 of them moving together. My first impression was that 
they reminded me of a squadron of aeroplanes in formation. But they 
didn't have a proper formation and they were moving at the same 
speed…. Bombs and planes crossed my mind. But I realised very quickly 
that they didn't look like any aircraft I'd seen before. McAlister 
described how they kind of stopped and they were hovering. There was 
no sound. They seemed to fade away and I saw more coming and then 
they stopped. It lasted about 10 minutes.
Designer James Zagar, from Crouch End, watched the spectacle from the 
same road. Describing the balls of light in the sky, he said: They 
were all moving together. They stopped and then they came on again 
and there must have been about 12 of these things all moving across 
the sky.
Tom Cull, 27, a vision mixer working in the area, came outside to 
find a crowd of people staring up at the sky. There were at least 30 
people watching, he said. Cars had stopped. It was kind of eerie. 
What I found strange about these things was the way they moved. The 
fact that they were so high would suggest they were quite big. Mr 
Cull said he saw the lights again when he returned home to Fortis 
Green, a few miles away. 
The Ministry of Defence said it had no reports of a security 
incident, while the Meteorological Office ruled out any weather-
related explanation. Less than 30 minutes later, similar strange 
orange lights were seen 160 kilometres away in the town of Kings 
Lynn, Norfolk. (Sources: Islington Gazette, Hornsey and Crouch End 
Journal, UK)
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that the lights were spacecraft 
from Mars.)

Hawaii, usa – 
Witnesses on the southern shore of the Hawaii island of Oahu reported 
seeing unidentified lights in the northeastern sky at about 6.20pm on 
Friday 26 January 2007. Local resident Peter Hollingworth said he saw 
two lights circling in the sky. One was videoed by a local television 
station. These two little fireballs with a stream behind it, said 
Hollingworth, looked kind of like a shooting star but it just kept 
going. They changed directions a few times. 
The US National Weather Service said nothing appeared on their radar 
at the time of the sighting and the US Federal Aviation 
Administration did not report anything unusual. (Source: KHON/WLTX-
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that the sightings were of 
spacecraft from Mars.

southern england – 
On 24 January 2007 more than 35 people called police to report seeing 
UFOs during heavy snow in the West Sussex region of England.
The callers, including a policeman, said 50 orange lights hovered in 
the sky for 15 minutes before drifting into the night. Moira Dawson, 
57, said: We thought they were fireworks but they didn't make any 
noise. They just floated in the snowfall. Another witness near 
Gatwick airport in West Sussex said: We thought it was an invasion. 
(Source: The Mirror, UK)
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that the sightings were of 
spacecrafts from Mars.)

western iran – 
Witnesses in the city of Bouyer Ahmad in western Iran reported two 
sightings of UFOs in a period of two days in January 2007. On 15 
January 2007, people reported seeing a glowing object with a yellow 
ray and a bright reddish colour in the centre hovering at low 
altitude over the city for more than an hour, beginning at about 7pm. 
Two days later, a similar object was seen in the sky in the same area 
and at the same time of day.
About a week prior to the UFO sightings, there were reports of a UFO 
crash in the Barez Mountains in the central Iranian province of 
Kerman. The crash was reportedly witnessed by people in several 
cities, and occurred about 100 kilometres from the provincial capital 
city of Kerman. Witnesses said that a radiant UFO, on fire and 
emitting thick smoke, crashed to the ground, causing an explosion. 
The deputy governor general of 

[FairfieldLife] More Duck Tales (was Re: Lucifier exposed?)

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
   On Feb 26, 2007, at 7:08 PM, peterklutz wrote:
This is: What is your Freemasonic lodge's version of Gnosis?
It's a simple question.
Why can't you just answer it? :-)
   In the experience emblematic of light, as the sun rising in
   the east.  Universal Light.
  Translation: Vaj doesn't have a clue.
 Remembering my gang of ducks analogy this morning,
 doesn't it give you pause sometimes how the desire
 to pile on and beat up someone they don't like is
 more powerful in some of the quackers here than the 
 desire to disassociate themselves from someone that 
 even *they* know is crazy?

Apparently the inference Barry wishes to be drawn
from his rant is that if one holds a particular
opinion, and then discovers that a person with
whom one wouldn't choose to associate onself turns
out to have the same opinion, one should immediately
resolve *never to express* that opinion lest somebody
like Barry attempt to put forward a guilt by
association charge against one.

Sure, Barry, that makes a lot of sense.  I hereby
withdraw every opinion I've ever expressed that
happened to be in tune with one of yours.  I will
never again say anything against George Bush or
the Iraq war, for example.

belly laugh

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Ducky Morning in France

2007-02-27 Thread nablusos108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 
  I'd drop in and ask Judy, Sparaig, Peter Klutz, 
  Nablusos and Jim how *you're* doing this fine morning. 
  Chased off any anti-TM ducks today?

Thanks for your concern. All is well here, thank you, it's snowing and 
very peaceful.

You might not have gotten this point, but I never ever try to chase off 
anyone. What I object to is this neverending campaign by certain 
energies to try to pull serious meditators off their choosen path. They 
want to sow doubt in seekers, doubt in the practice and doubt in 
Maharishi. And it seems to be a coordinated effort. All the hate they 
project must have a source. I will not speculate on from where this 
hate comes.
I brought in carma once because I think they are doing serious damage 
to their own evolution by doing this. They should just let the 
meditators alone and continue on their own choosen path, it being 
Buddhism or whatever.

[FairfieldLife] remote-controlled pigeons a threat to US?

2007-02-27 Thread claudiouk
Imagine if this story came from Iran and not China... visions of
suicidal Hizbula pigeons with explosive collars threatening US forces
in Iraq..


Bird-brained China scientists learn to fly pigeons Tuesday February
27, 05:49 AM  

BEIJING (Reuters) - Scientists in eastern China say they have
succeeded in controlling the flight of pigeons with micro electrodes
planted in their brains, state media reported on Tuesday.

Scientists at the Robot Engineering Technology Research Centre at
Shandong University of Science and Technology said ther electrodes
could command them to fly right or left or up or down, Xinhua news
agency said.

The implants stimulate different areas of the pigeon's brain
according to signals sent by the scientists via computer, and force
the bird to comply with their commands, Xinhua said.

It's the first such successful experiment on a pigeon in the world,
Xinhua quoted the centre's chief scientist, Su Xuecheng, as saying.

Su and his colleagues, who Xinhua said had had similar success with
mice in 2005, were improving the devices used in the experiment and
hoped that the technology could be put into practical use in future.

The report did not specify what practical uses the scientists saw for
the remote-controlled pigeons. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gina Catena's Series on TM Thought Reform

2007-02-27 Thread taskcentered
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I may have misled you. I didn't mean to say that Gina 
  understands thought reform as a metaphor.
 No, I know that.  I was saying I didn't think she did.
 I'm just suggesting that anyone who writes something
 for public consumption applying Lifton's criteria to the
 TMO metaphorically ought to make it clear that's what
 they're doing so as not to, you know, mislead readers.

Well, Judy, I'm pretty confused. Who do you think was applying Lifton's 
criteria to the TM 
Org metaphorically. You've agreed that Gina didn't say she was. She may have, I 
We'd have to ask her.

I didn't write about Lifton's criteria on the blog -- whether metaphorically or 

So who are you concerned about?


[FairfieldLife] Re: remote-controlled pigeons a threat to US?

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, claudiouk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Imagine if this story came from Iran and not China... visions of
 suicidal Hizbula pigeons with explosive collars threatening US forces
 in Iraq..



Hey, here's an even scarier scenario: nuclear armed murder dolphins on
the lam!


[FairfieldLife] Advanced math in medieval Islamic architecture

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
From the NYTimes this morning:

In Medieval Architecture, Signs of Advanced Math

In the beauty and geometric complexity of tile mosaics on walls of 
medieval Islamic buildings, scientists have recognized patterns 
suggesting that the designers had made a conceptual breakthrough in 
mathematics beginning as early as the 13th century.

A new study shows that the Islamic pattern-making process, far more 
intricate than the laying of one's bathroom floor, appears to have 
involved an advanced math of quasi crystals, which was not understood 
by modern scientists until three decades ago.

The findings, reported in the current issue of the journal Science, 
are a reminder of the sophistication of art, architecture and science 
long ago in the Islamic culture. They also challenge the assumption 
that the designers somehow created these elaborate patterns with only 
a ruler and a compass. Instead, experts say, they may have had other 
tools and concepts.

Two years ago, Peter J. Lu, a doctoral student in physics at Harvard 
University, was transfixed by the geometric pattern on a wall in 
Uzbekistan. It reminded him of what mathematicians call quasi-
crystalline designs. These were demonstrated in the early 1970s by 
Roger Penrose, a mathematician and cosmologist at the University of 

Mr. Lu set about examining pictures of other tile mosaics from 
Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Turkey, working with Paul J. Steinhardt, 
a Princeton cosmologist who is an authority on quasi crystals and had 
been Mr. Lu's undergraduate adviser. The research was a bit like 
trying to figure out the design principle of a jigsaw puzzle, Mr. Lu 
said in an interview.

In their journal report, Mr. Lu and Dr. Steinhardt concluded that by 
the 15th century, Islamic designers and artisans had developed 
techniques to construct nearly perfect quasi-crystalline Penrose 
patterns, five centuries before discovery in the West.

Some of the most complex patterns, called girih in Persian, consist 
of sets of contiguous polygons fitted together with little distortion 
and no gaps. Running through each polygon (a decagon, pentagon, 
diamond, bowtie or hexagon) is a decorative line. Mr. Lu found that 
the interlocking tiles were arranged in predictable ways to create a 
pattern that never repeats — that is, quasi crystals.

Read more at:

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFO Sightings worldwide.

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusos108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 UFO sightings worldwide
 As Benjamin Creme's Master indicates in His article `The gathering of 
 the Forces of Light', it seems that we have now reached a phase in 
 which certain activities are being stepped up in frequency and 
 intensity. As so vividly illustrated in that article, we may now look 
 forward to widespread sightings of spacecraft and other signs ...


Maybe we can, but of what kind of Light-forces?

Beautiful, as the thought of benign visitors from other solar systems
is, a more likely explanation is that the bulk of the World's
unexplained UFO sightings since WWII are the result of a covert
military program run by a country controlled by Baphomet worshipers:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Gina Catena's Series on TM Thought Reform

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, taskcentered [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   I may have misled you. I didn't mean to say that Gina 
   understands thought reform as a metaphor.
  No, I know that.  I was saying I didn't think she did.
  I'm just suggesting that anyone who writes something
  for public consumption applying Lifton's criteria to the
  TMO metaphorically ought to make it clear that's what
  they're doing so as not to, you know, mislead readers.
 Well, Judy, I'm pretty confused. Who do you think was applying 
Lifton's criteria to the TM 
 Org metaphorically. You've agreed that Gina didn't say she was. She 
may have, I dunno. 
 We'd have to ask her.
 I didn't write about Lifton's criteria on the blog -- whether 
metaphorically or not.
 So who are you concerned about?

I'm not sure why this was so confusing to you, John.

I didn't say anybody *did* write about Lifton's
criteria this way, rather that if anybody were to
do so, they should make it clear, lest readers be

[FairfieldLife] Re: remote-controlled pigeons a threat to US?

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, peterklutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, claudiouk claudiouk@ 
  Imagine if this story came from Iran and not China... visions of
  suicidal Hizbula pigeons with explosive collars threatening US 
  in Iraq..
 Hey, here's an even scarier scenario: nuclear armed murder dolphins 
 the lam!

Not nuclear-armed.  They're armed with toxic darts
designed to disable terrorists in wet suits.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: UFO Sightings worldwide.

2007-02-27 Thread Lsoma
In a message dated 2/27/2007 9:20:53 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com) 
,  nablusos108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 UFO  sightings worldwide
 As Benjamin Creme's Master indicates in  His article `The gathering of 
 the Forces of Light', it seems that we  have now reached a phase in 
 which certain activities are being  stepped up in frequency and 
 intensity. As so vividly illustrated in  that article, we may now look 
 forward to widespread sightings of  spacecraft and other signs ...


Maybe we can, but of what  kind of Light-forces?

Beautiful, as the thought of benign visitors from  other solar systems
is, a more likely explanation is that the bulk of the  World's
unexplained UFO sightings since WWII are the result of a  covert
military program run by a country controlled by Baphomet  worshipers:



 Yes. I have predicted a UFO increase this year 2007. See predictions  
_Astrological Varieties_ (http://www.yogavisionaries.com/)  . As a  volunteer 
the Intergalactic Confederation it is Lord Ashtar in the upper  sixth dimension 
that is overseeing
this planet. The Pleidians are the most protective of our planet. There is  a 
standby evacuation plan that Sister
Tuella wrote about in her book Project: World Evacuation years back.  
Benjamin Creame loves to take credit
that everything is under the direction of Lord Matreiya but he fails to see  
the team effort and the voices of many others who are involved in this. As far 
 as the abduction cases that has been stopped years ago. The
Zeda Riticulia was the group responsible for planting things in people's  
bodies and impregnating women but
this was stopped over 15 years ago. The secret society that they have  
created is very minimal. But the Ashtar command has millions of ships on 
for a nuclear attack. Mark July 7th of 2007 on your ca landers as this is the  
day the masters from the 7th dimension will  open up more to the world. It  
also may be the time that certain spiritual teachers decide to pass over. It 
not happen on the exact date so give or take 10 days before and after this 
date.  Meditation will be very important on July 7th of 2007.  Lsoma.
BRBRBR**BR AOL now offers free 
email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at 

[FairfieldLife] Re: remote-controlled pigeons a threat to US?

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, peterklutz peterklutz@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, claudiouk claudiouk@ 
   Imagine if this story came from Iran and not China... visions of
   suicidal Hizbula pigeons with explosive collars threatening US 
   in Iraq..
  Hey, here's an even scarier scenario: nuclear armed murder dolphins 
  the lam!
 Not nuclear-armed.  They're armed with toxic darts
 designed to disable terrorists in wet suits.

They would say that, wouldn't they.

Using trained animals as suicide bombers dates back to at least WWII.

[FairfieldLife] The Illuminati Masterplan (Re: 'Cheney Confronts Pakastan's Pres...')

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz

There's simply no way the Cheney, sorry Bush, administration would
want to see Al-Qaeda defeated - or the civil war in former Iraq ended.

The Cheney-team, it's hidden masters, and the US military-industrial
complex need them to keep the war going in order to realize their
final bid at world domination.

The campaign also has a snowball effect, seen as formerly
conflict-reluctant War-on-bullshit allies, which many now have a
bloodied teeth and governments and industries which have had their
appetites vetted with the power-trip and financial upsides of the US
master plan. 

There is a reason MMY immediately after 911 started to warn the world
about G.W. Bush and his cronies.

Hold on.. wait ... Ok, I better leave - I see men in white lab coats
on my verandah. ... Oh my - they're chiming the bell!


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Well, at least Cheney is good for something?  CIA Evidence Used to
Confront Musharraf; Showdown in Pakistan  February 26, 2007 6:13 PM
   Brian Ross Reports:
In a highly unusual move, the deputy director of the CIA, Stephen
R. Kappes, was flown to Pakistan to personally present President
Pervez Musharraf today with compelling CIA evidence of al Qaeda's
resurgence on Pakistani soil, U.S. officials say.
   Kappes joined Vice President Dick Cheney for the surprise showdown
meeting in Musharraf's office in Pakistan.
   The CIA evidence reportedly included satellite photos and
electronic intercepts of al Qaeda leaders operating in Pakistan.
   President Musharraf is the kind of man who doesn't move until he
sees the hard facts in front of his face, said Mansoor Ijaz, a
counterterrorism analyst who has dealt with Musharraf.
   As ABCNews.com reported earlier this month, al Qaeda training
camps have re-emerged in the Waziristan territory of Pakistan near the
border with Afghanistan.
   We are now seeing the recreation of al Qaeda central, said ABC
News consultant Richard Clarke, the former White House
counterterrorism chief.
   U.S. officials say Musharraf has been in denial about the comeback
of al Qaeda on his soil, ignoring evidence presented to him by NATO
commanders in Afghanistan.
   Musharraf pulled his Army troops out of Waziristan last September
as part of a peace deal with tribal leaders.  In an appearance with
President Bush at the White House on Sept. 22, Musharraf vowed he
would not tolerate al Qaeda activity in our tribal agency or across
the border in Afghanistan.
   Since, then, al Qaeda and Taliban attacks on U.S. and NATO troops
across the border have more than tripled.
 Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate
 in the Yahoo! Answers Food  Drink QA.

[FairfieldLife] The Illuminati Masterplan (Re: 'Cheney Confronts Pakastan's Pres...')

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, peterklutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 There's simply no way the Cheney, sorry Bush, administration would
 want to see Al-Qaeda defeated - or the civil war in former Iraq 
 The Cheney-team, it's hidden masters, and the US military-industrial
 complex need them to keep the war going in order to realize their
 final bid at world domination.
 The campaign also has a snowball effect, seen as formerly
 conflict-reluctant War-on-bullshit allies, which many now have a
 bloodied teeth and governments and industries which have had their
 appetites vetted with the power-trip and financial upsides of the US
 master plan. 
 There is a reason MMY immediately after 911 started to warn the 
 about G.W. Bush and his cronies.
 Hold on.. wait ... Ok, I better leave - I see men in white lab coats
 on my verandah. ... Oh my - they're chiming the bell!

Oh, dear.  Now *Barry* will no longer be able to
make negative comments about the Bush administration
lest he become associated in people's minds with
Peter Klutz.

[FairfieldLife] The Illuminati Masterplan (Re: 'Cheney Confronts Pakastan's Pres...')

2007-02-27 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, peterklutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 There's simply no way the Cheney, sorry Bush, administration would
 want to see Al-Qaeda defeated - or the civil war in former Iraq 
I just heard on the news last night that BushCo is funding Sunni 
groups with ties to Al-Qaeda supposedly to counter the influence of 
Shia dominated Iran.

[FairfieldLife] More Duck Tales (was Re: Lucifier exposed?)

2007-02-27 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
   On Feb 26, 2007, at 7:08 PM, peterklutz wrote:
This is: What is your Freemasonic lodge's version of 
It's a simple question.
Why can't you just answer it? :-)
   In the experience emblematic of light, as the sun rising in
   the east.  Universal Light.
  Translation: Vaj doesn't have a clue.
 Remembering my gang of ducks analogy this morning,
 doesn't it give you pause sometimes how the desire
 to pile on and beat up someone they don't like is
 more powerful in some of the quackers here than the 
 desire to disassociate themselves from someone that 
 even *they* know is crazy?

Kinda changes your sorry ass perspective when the shoe's on the 
other foot, doesn't it? In any case, you seem to need an explanation 
for everything. Why is that? Why do you feel a compulsion to make 
sense of the ever changing dynamics on this forum? Hardly seems 
like the blithe Autumn leaves approach, now doesn't it? What you 
say most of the time is designed more for effect than substance 

This forum was a lot more fun for you when you would just spin your 
BS and draw all sorts of facile conclusions about TMers, calling 
them just about anything. Then, you got called on your spiritual 
Dadaism, and FFL just ain't been the same since for you. Too bad. I 
feel for you, but reality being what it is, you have no choice but 
to just DEAL WITH IT :-) )-:  

[FairfieldLife] The Illuminati Masterplan (Re: 'Cheney Confronts Pakastan's Pres...')

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, peterklutz peterklutz@ 
  There's simply no way the Cheney, sorry Bush, administration would
  want to see Al-Qaeda defeated - or the civil war in former Iraq 
 I just heard on the news last night that BushCo is funding Sunni 
 groups with ties to Al-Qaeda supposedly to counter the influence of 
 Shia dominated Iran.

FWIW, according to former deputy secretary of defense
(in the Reagan administration) Lawrence Korb on MSNBC's
Countdown last night, the money is actually going to
governments that the administration believes will be
helpful against Iran, but the administration has no
control over where the money ends up.

They may have an idea of where some of the money is
going, in other words, but they aren't just handing
it over directly to these groups with ties to al Qaeda.

Minor nuance...

[FairfieldLife] More Duck Tales (was Re: Lucifier exposed?)

2007-02-27 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
On Feb 26, 2007, at 7:08 PM, peterklutz wrote:
 This is: What is your Freemasonic lodge's version of 

 It's a simple question.

 Why can't you just answer it? :-)

In the experience emblematic of light, as the sun rising in
the east.  Universal Light.
   Translation: Vaj doesn't have a clue.
  Remembering my gang of ducks analogy this morning,
  doesn't it give you pause sometimes how the desire
  to pile on and beat up someone they don't like is
  more powerful in some of the quackers here than the 
  desire to disassociate themselves from someone that 
  even *they* know is crazy?
 Apparently the inference Barry wishes to be drawn
 from his rant is that if one holds a particular
 opinion, and then discovers that a person with
 whom one wouldn't choose to associate onself turns
 out to have the same opinion, one should immediately
 resolve *never to express* that opinion lest somebody
 like Barry attempt to put forward a guilt by
 association charge against one.
 Sure, Barry, that makes a lot of sense.  I hereby
 withdraw every opinion I've ever expressed that
 happened to be in tune with one of yours.  I will
 never again say anything against George Bush or
 the Iraq war, for example.
 belly laugh

Barry is just slowly reaching the conclusion that the tide has 
turned here on FFL, and just like his early morning reality that he 
doesn't want to face in France, he doesn't want to face it here 
either. Karma's a bastard, ain't it? :-(

[FairfieldLife] The Illuminati Masterplan (Re: 'Cheney Confronts Pakastan's Pres...')

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, peterklutz peterklutz@ 
   There's simply no way the Cheney, sorry Bush, administration 
   want to see Al-Qaeda defeated - or the civil war in former Iraq 
  I just heard on the news last night that BushCo is funding Sunni 
  groups with ties to Al-Qaeda supposedly to counter the influence 
  Shia dominated Iran.
 FWIW, according to former deputy secretary of defense
 (in the Reagan administration) Lawrence Korb on MSNBC's
 Countdown last night, the money is actually going to
 governments that the administration believes will be
 helpful against Iran, but the administration has no
 control over where the money ends up.
 They may have an idea of where some of the money is
 going, in other words, but they aren't just handing
 it over directly to these groups with ties to al Qaeda.
 Minor nuance...

Meant to add, if Korb is correct, the point is
that this isn't another Iran-contra-type scheme,
which is what it looks like when one says the
administration is funding groups linked to al
Qaeda (although that may be an unintended side

[FairfieldLife] The Illuminati Masterplan (Re: 'Cheney Confronts Pakastan's Pres...')

2007-02-27 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, peterklutz peterklutz@ 
   There's simply no way the Cheney, sorry Bush, administration 
   want to see Al-Qaeda defeated - or the civil war in former 
  I just heard on the news last night that BushCo is funding Sunni 
  groups with ties to Al-Qaeda supposedly to counter the influence 
  Shia dominated Iran.
 FWIW, according to former deputy secretary of defense
 (in the Reagan administration) Lawrence Korb on MSNBC's
 Countdown last night, the money is actually going to
 governments that the administration believes will be
 helpful against Iran, but the administration has no
 control over where the money ends up.
 They may have an idea of where some of the money is
 going, in other words, but they aren't just handing
 it over directly to these groups with ties to al Qaeda.
 Minor nuance...

I was watching the same show, and you are right, the ties to pro-Al-
Qaeda groups was posed as a question or a possibility by KO.

[FairfieldLife] The Illuminati Masterplan (Re: 'Cheney Confronts Pakastan's Pres...')

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, peterklutz 

There's simply no way the Cheney, sorry Bush, administration 
want to see Al-Qaeda defeated - or the civil war in former 

   I just heard on the news last night that BushCo is funding 
   groups with ties to Al-Qaeda supposedly to counter the 
   Shia dominated Iran.
  FWIW, according to former deputy secretary of defense
  (in the Reagan administration) Lawrence Korb on MSNBC's
  Countdown last night, the money is actually going to
  governments that the administration believes will be
  helpful against Iran, but the administration has no
  control over where the money ends up.
  They may have an idea of where some of the money is
  going, in other words, but they aren't just handing
  it over directly to these groups with ties to al Qaeda.
  Minor nuance...
 Meant to add, if Korb is correct, the point is
 that this isn't another Iran-contra-type scheme,
 which is what it looks like when one says the
 administration is funding groups linked to al
 Qaeda (although that may be an unintended side

And for the terminally literal-minded, I am NOT
defending anything about the administration's
Middle East policy.  The whole thing is a tangled,
bloody mess created by folks who haven't the
slightest clue what they're doing.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Ducky Morning in France

2007-02-27 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusos108 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 
 steve.sundur@ wrote:
   I'd drop in and ask Judy, Sparaig, Peter Klutz, 
   Nablusos and Jim how *you're* doing this fine morning. 
   Chased off any anti-TM ducks today?
 Thanks for your concern. All is well here, thank you, it's snowing 
 very peaceful.
 You might not have gotten this point, but I never ever try to 
chase off 
 anyone. What I object to is this neverending campaign by certain 
 energies to try to pull serious meditators off their choosen path. 
 want to sow doubt in seekers, doubt in the practice and doubt in 
 Maharishi. And it seems to be a coordinated effort. All the hate 
 project must have a source. I will not speculate on from where 
 hate comes.
 I brought in carma once because I think they are doing serious 
 to their own evolution by doing this. They should just let the 
 meditators alone and continue on their own choosen path, it being 
 Buddhism or whatever.

I share the same reaction as you do with similar motives. 

However I don't think there is anything bonding for example Vaj and 
Barry save for the fact that they couldn't hack TM and rather than 
deal with that, have taken it upon themselves to point the finger at 
those they see as not doubting their experiences, as if this is a 
sign of naivete, as if not being lost in a spiritual hodge-podge is 
a bad thing, or a sign of immaturity. I don't think there is any 
central conspiracy from which this emanates, except their own fears 
and insecurities.

[FairfieldLife] The Illuminati Masterplan (Re: 'Cheney Confronts Pakastan's Pres...')

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
  They may have an idea of where some of the money is
  going, in other words, but they aren't just handing
  it over directly to these groups with ties to al Qaeda.
  Minor nuance...
 I was watching the same show, and you are right, the ties to pro-Al-
 Qaeda groups was posed as a question or a possibility by KO.

Did you see his special comment demolishing--
heck, *disintegrating*--Rice for her unbelievably
inane remark about World War II?  A tour de force,
if not about the most significant topic in the world...

[FairfieldLife] The Illuminati Masterplan (Re: 'Cheney Confronts Pakastan's Pres...')

2007-02-27 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
   They may have an idea of where some of the money is
   going, in other words, but they aren't just handing
   it over directly to these groups with ties to al Qaeda.
   Minor nuance...
  I was watching the same show, and you are right, the ties to pro-
  Qaeda groups was posed as a question or a possibility by KO.
 Did you see his special comment demolishing--
 heck, *disintegrating*--Rice for her unbelievably
 inane remark about World War II?  A tour de force,
 if not about the most significant topic in the world...

It was good- My desire is now for Congress to act on the mandate to 
which they were elected last November. I sense a dark cynicism in 
many of them, wanting things in Iraq to get worse, in order to 
ensure a Democrat for prez in 2008. That is a cowardly and immoral 
stance. I would rather see them propose legislation to cut off 
funding for the war, placed in the current budget. That would 
demonstrate courage, and reveal the argument that this would not 
support the troops for the toothless drivel that it is. 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Ducky Morning in France

2007-02-27 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of nablusos108
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 7:50 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Ducky Morning in France


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , lurkernomore20002000 
  I'd drop in and ask Judy, Sparaig, Peter Klutz, 
  Nablusos and Jim how *you're* doing this fine morning. 
  Chased off any anti-TM ducks today?

Thanks for your concern. All is well here, thank you, it's snowing and 
very peaceful.

You might not have gotten this point, but I never ever try to chase off 
anyone. What I object to is this neverending campaign by certain 
energies to try to pull serious meditators off their choosen path. They 
want to sow doubt in seekers, doubt in the practice and doubt in 
Maharishi. And it seems to be a coordinated effort. All the hate they 
project must have a source. I will not speculate on from where this 
hate comes.

I don't think Barry, myself, and most others feel hate or are trying to pull
meditators off their chosen path. I still meditate regularly. Our attitude,
at least mine, is that people will be stronger in their spiritual path if
they can learn to look at things honestly without hiding behind unexamined
concepts and beliefs. If people don't want to do that, they shouldn't hang
out on FFL. If this group appeals to them, then they're probably ready to do
that. I say things here that I wouldn't dream of saying to my sister, who
lives on campus and whose husband is on faculty. I believe chicks should
peck their way out of their shells, not have them opened from the outside.
The TMO is an incubator. When you're ready to hatch, you'll know what to do.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Ducky Morning in France

2007-02-27 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of nablusos108
 Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 7:50 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Ducky Morning in France
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , lurkernomore20002000 
 steve.sundur@ wrote:
   I'd drop in and ask Judy, Sparaig, Peter Klutz, 
   Nablusos and Jim how *you're* doing this fine morning. 
   Chased off any anti-TM ducks today?
 Thanks for your concern. All is well here, thank you, it's snowing 
 very peaceful.
 You might not have gotten this point, but I never ever try to 
chase off 
 anyone. What I object to is this neverending campaign by certain 
 energies to try to pull serious meditators off their choosen path. 
 want to sow doubt in seekers, doubt in the practice and doubt in 
 Maharishi. And it seems to be a coordinated effort. All the hate 
 project must have a source. I will not speculate on from where 
 hate comes.
 I don't think Barry, myself, and most others feel hate or are 
trying to pull
 meditators off their chosen path. I still meditate regularly. Our 
 at least mine, is that people will be stronger in their spiritual 
path if
 they can learn to look at things honestly without hiding behind 
 concepts and beliefs. If people don't want to do that, they 
shouldn't hang
 out on FFL. If this group appeals to them, then they're probably 
ready to do
 that. I say things here that I wouldn't dream of saying to my 
sister, who
 lives on campus and whose husband is on faculty. I believe chicks 
 peck their way out of their shells, not have them opened from the 
 The TMO is an incubator. When you're ready to hatch, you'll know 
what to do.

I agree with most of the above, adding one small caveat, that hiding 
behind unexamined concepts and beliefs is not at all limited to 
TMers, as some here apparently see it (though I haven't seen that 
from you Rick). Let's root out any double standards, shall we?

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Ducky Morning in France

2007-02-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't think Barry, myself, and most others feel hate or 
 are trying to pull meditators off their chosen path. I still 
 meditate regularly. Our attitude, at least mine, is that people 
 will be stronger in their spiritual path if they can learn to 
 look at things honestly without hiding behind unexamined
 concepts and beliefs. If people don't want to do that, they 
 shouldn't hang out on FFL. 


about the focus and credo of this discussion group
than he was on its Home page.

There is a concerted effort by a few (and *very*
few) individuals here to portray those who think
critically about TM, Maharishi, the TMO and its
dogma, and other related subjects as being somehow
interlopers here, intruding into their world
and subjecting them to ideas they don't want to


It says things like What is wanted is not the will 
to believe, but the wish to find out, which is the 
exact opposite. It goes on to say, The healthy 
mind challenges its own assumptions, and Believe 
nothing merely because you have been told it. Do not 
believe what your teacher tells you merely out of 
respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after due 
examination and analysis, you find to be kind, 
conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of 
all beings -- that doctrine believe and cling to, 
and take it as your guide.

It does NOT say things like the things that were 
said here today by Nablusos and by Jim, indicating
that they believe that they're under some kind of 
concerted attack here because people discuss the 

So WHO are the interlopers? 

Are they the people who come to this forum attracted
by its free-thinking guidelines, so clearly stated
on its Home page, or could it possibly be the people
who actively try to SUPPRESS the free discussion of
information, the wish to find out, and who devote
a great deal of time and energy to demonizing and
practicing character assassination on those FFL
they are NOT?

 If this group appeals to them, then they're probably ready 
 to do that. I say things here that I wouldn't dream of 
 saying to my sister, who lives on campus and whose husband 
 is on faculty. 

Exactly. If I were on one of the strongly pro-TM forums
on Yahoo, it would be inappropriate for me to discuss
some of the criticisms of TM, the TMO, and Maharishi 
that I freely discuss here. But I'm NOT on one of those
forums. I'm on Fairfield Life, the charter of which is
right there on display on its Home page, and which 
INVITES free discussion and yes, even criticism, of 
TM, the TMO, and Maharishi.

 I believe chicks should peck their way out of their shells, 
 not have them opened from the outside. The TMO is an 
 incubator. When you're ready to hatch, you'll know what to do.

And in the meantime, if you don't like others pecking
at the shell you've erected around yourself to protect
that self from challenging thought, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.
There are forums on Yahoo and other places that are 
DESIGNED for you. Nothing will rock your world or
cause you to think there. And *I*, for one, will not
be there to bother you or intrude into your bliss.

But if you're gonna stay here, on a forum dedicated 
to free thought, try not to whine so much when others
around you actually think, OK?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gina Catena's Series on TM Thought Reform

2007-02-27 Thread taskcentered
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So who are you concerned about?
 I'm not sure why this was so confusing to you, John.
 I didn't say anybody *did* write about Lifton's
 criteria this way, rather that if anybody were to
 do so, they should make it clear, lest readers be

So it seems you are warning readers about a hypothetical. This seems odd in the 
of your posts objecting to Gina's article.

Sorry, I must be obtuse. I just don't get it.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Gina Catena's Series on TM Thought Reform

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, taskcentered [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   So who are you concerned about?
  I'm not sure why this was so confusing to you, John.
  I didn't say anybody *did* write about Lifton's
  criteria this way, rather that if anybody were to
  do so, they should make it clear, lest readers be
 So it seems you are warning readers about a
 hypothetical. This seems odd in the context 
 of your posts objecting to Gina's article.

I'll give it one more try: *You* introduced the
idea of a metaphorical application of Lifton's
criteria to the TMO, in response to my comments
about Gina's article. It's that idea that seems
odd in the context of what I was saying.

But threads take all sorts of different directions,
so rather than pretending confusion, I simply
bounced off your tangent.  I wasn't warning
readers about anything, of course.  I was warning
anyone who might want to write or speak about such
a metaphorical application that the audience could
be misled if it wasn't made clear to start with
that Lifton's criteria were being applied

If you have no plans to use the metaphorical
approach for public consumption, John, then there
is certainly no need for you to take that warning

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Ducky Morning in France

2007-02-27 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But if you're gonna stay here, on a forum dedicated 
 to free thought, try not to whine so much when others
 around you actually think, OK?

double-edged sword, whiner.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Ducky Morning in France

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  I don't think Barry, myself, and most others feel hate or 
  are trying to pull meditators off their chosen path. I still 
  meditate regularly. Our attitude, at least mine, is that people 
  will be stronger in their spiritual path if they can learn to 
  look at things honestly without hiding behind unexamined
  concepts and beliefs. If people don't want to do that, they 
  shouldn't hang out on FFL. 
 about the focus and credo of this discussion group
 than he was on its Home page.
 There is a concerted effort by a few (and *very*
 few) individuals here to portray those who think
 critically about TM, Maharishi, the TMO and its
 dogma, and other related subjects as being somehow
 interlopers here, intruding into their world
 and subjecting them to ideas they don't want to

That would be pretty silly, given that the majority
of posters here are critical of TM, MMY, and the

More often than not, it appears that TM supporters
are the ones treated as interlopers intruding into
the world of the TM critics and subjecting *them*
to ideas they don't want to hear.

 So WHO are the interlopers? 
 Are they the people who come to this forum attracted
 by its free-thinking guidelines, so clearly stated
 on its Home page, or could it possibly be the people
 who actively try to SUPPRESS the free discussion of
 information, the wish to find out, and who devote
 a great deal of time and energy to demonizing and
 practicing character assassination on those FFL
 they are NOT?

You, Barry, are absolutely the *last* person who
should be complaining about demonization and
character assassination.  That is your *stock in
trade*, and it's the substance of far more of
your postings than considered, thoughtful
criticism of the TMO and MMY.  Indeed, that's
exactly what you're doing in the paragraph quoted
immediately above.

  I believe chicks should peck their way out of their shells, 
  not have them opened from the outside. The TMO is an 
  incubator. When you're ready to hatch, you'll know what to do.
 And in the meantime, if you don't like others pecking
 at the shell you've erected around yourself to protect
 that self from challenging thought, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.

No, see, Barry, Jim is saying that it isn't up to you
to peck anybody else's shell.  If they're going to break
out, they'll do it on their own, from the inside.

Voicing your own criticisms of MMY and the TMO is fine.
But you appear to believe that the free discussion
charter means not only freedom for you to criticize but
also freedom from any challenge to that criticism.

That ain't the way it works.  If you don't like it, YOU
go somewhere else.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gina Catena's Series on TM Thought Reform

2007-02-27 Thread taskcentered
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, taskcentered no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:

So who are you concerned about?
   I'm not sure why this was so confusing to you, John.
   I didn't say anybody *did* write about Lifton's
   criteria this way, rather that if anybody were to
   do so, they should make it clear, lest readers be
  So it seems you are warning readers about a
  hypothetical. This seems odd in the context 
  of your posts objecting to Gina's article.
 I'll give it one more try: *You* introduced the
 idea of a metaphorical application of Lifton's
 criteria to the TMO, in response to my comments
 about Gina's article. It's that idea that seems
 odd in the context of what I was saying.

Hardly odd. I brought up my understanding of Lifton as being more metaphorical 
scientific in explaining how I agree with you to an extent. To me, my comment 
seems to 
flow naturally from the discussion.

 But threads take all sorts of different directions,
 so rather than pretending confusion, I simply
 bounced off your tangent.  I wasn't warning
 readers about anything, of course.  I was warning
 anyone who might want to write or speak about such
 a metaphorical application that the audience could
 be misled if it wasn't made clear to start with
 that Lifton's criteria were being applied

Why would you warn about something that had not taken place? Why raise the 

There are so many things you could warn readers about. Why choose this one?

 If you have no plans to use the metaphorical
 approach for public consumption, John, then there
 is certainly no need for you to take that warning

I don't take it personally. I'm not sure why you think I do.

I'm trying to understand your purpose. It seemed you were warning readers about 
something that had not taken place. 

If I didn't know better, it would have seemed that you were misdirecting 
readers to believe 
something had taken place that had not.

You wrote a few posts ago that you understood that I did not pass metaphor off 
research or scientific theory. I was happy with that.

I'm just not sure I understand why you are flogging a hypothetical horse.

What could your purpose be in that?



[FairfieldLife] Re: Gina Catena's Series on TM Thought Reform

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, taskcentered [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to understand your purpose. It seemed you were
 warning readers about something that had not taken place.

Yes, John, warnings are typically about something
that has not yet taken place.  An after-the-fact
warning wouldn't do much good, now, would it?

 I'm just not sure I understand why you are flogging
 a hypothetical horse.

*I'm* flogging it??

I mentioned it once.  You're the one who's been
flogging it, repeatedly attempting to suggest that
I must have some nefarious purpose in mind.

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFO Sightings worldwide.

2007-02-27 Thread nablusos108

 ,  nablusos108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  UFO  sightings worldwide
  As Benjamin Creme's Master indicates in  His article `The 
gathering of 
  the Forces of Light', it seems that we  have now reached a phase 
  which certain activities are being  stepped up in frequency and 
  intensity. As so vividly illustrated in  that article, we may now 
  forward to widespread sightings of  spacecraft and other signs ...

  Yes. I have predicted a UFO increase this year 2007. See 
 _Astrological Varieties_ (http://www.yogavisionaries.com/)  . As a  
volunteer of 
 the Intergalactic Confederation it is Lord Ashtar in the upper  
sixth dimension 
 that is overseeing
 this planet. The Pleidians are the most protective of our planet. 
There is  a 
 standby evacuation plan that Sister
 Tuella wrote about in her book Project: World Evacuation years 
 Benjamin Creame loves to take credit
 that everything is under the direction of Lord Matreiya but he 
fails to see  
 the team effort and the voices of many others who are involved in 

I'm happy to see that some of your predictions now are happening. But 
then, again and again, you are unable to not blurt out your ignorance 
about Benjamin Creme and Maitreya, of whom you apparently know next 
to nothing.

Those interested should check out for themselves at: 

As far 
  as the abduction cases that has been stopped years ago. The
 Zeda Riticulia was the group responsible for planting things in 
 bodies and impregnating women but
 this was stopped over 15 years ago. The secret society that they 
 created is very minimal. But the Ashtar command has millions of 
ships on standby  
 for a nuclear attack. Mark July 7th of 2007 on your ca landers as 
this is the  
 day the masters from the 7th dimension will  open up more to the 
world. It  
 also may be the time that certain spiritual teachers decide to pass 
over. It may  
 not happen on the exact date so give or take 10 days before and 
after this 
 date.  Meditation will be very important on July 7th of 2007.  
offers free 
 email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gina Catena's Series on TM Thought Reform

2007-02-27 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  I am just claiming that it helped me understand my experiences Judy.

 No, you've been claiming a *lot* more than
 that, Curtis.

 For example (just from FFL, not alt.m.t):

 It seems obvious to me that many people here have done this on their
 own given the freedom of thought represented here. If you have a
 discussion with hard-line TMers you don't get the same openness. That
 closed mindedness is a result of a process, studied and described in
 detail by Singer and Lifton.

Me: Right, most people on FFL have a broader mindset then the
hard-line TM people who would never post on such a free forum.  I
think the hard-line mindset is described well by Lifton and Singer. 
Although many posters here may disagree with me on the reasons why
full time TMers can be such butt-heads, I suspect there is a pretty
strong consensus that they often are.

 [LB Shriver says he was told his presence
 in the dome would be disruptive; someone
 else asked, Disruptive of what?]
 What is disrupted is Milieu Control. I'm sure everyone here is hip to
 that Lifton concept.

Me: Milieu Control is the control of information.  People who are not
allowed in the dome because they don't buy the party line are
disruptive to MUM's information control.  I stand by that assessment.

 Lifton and Singer established 8 principles from their work with
 Korean war vets. I don't know Lifton but did know the late Margret
 Singer. She was fascinated by how some modern groups had refined the
 techniques to become less obvious and more subtle. I think this is a
 case of knowledge being power. Knowing the techniques makes it more
 difficult to apply them.

Me: I believe that if people understand how they can be manipulated by
a group they are better equipped to avoid it.  It is great that so
many people with a movement background have looked at Lifton's
perspective,whether they concluded that it fit their own experiences
or not.

 And most recently:

 I do know that Lifton and Singer both believed that his eight mind
 control principles did apply to full time members in the TM group.

Me: This a fact Judy.  They did believe this.  It was a correction of
your erroneous claim below:

Judy from a previous post:
Plus which, it trivializes Robert J. Lifton's
important work about *real* thought control by
pretending it's applicable to the TMO.
Me: This is false.  Lifton did believe that his principles of thought
reform were present in TM facilities.  No one is pretending that
they are applicable and trivializing his work.  Studying people in
groups like TM was part of his work.

  Why would I want to argue with you about my own experiences in the
  movement 20 years ago and how I view them?

 I don't know, Curtis, but you brought up our
 past discussions, not me.  And as the quotes
 above show, you don't just refer to Lifton's
 work as useful to understand your own experiences,
 you cite him as an authority on what goes on in
 the TMO.

Me: I believe that Lifton and Singer offer a valuable insight into
what happens to people who are full time in the movement.  It helped
me understand my experience better.  They basically created the study
of thought reform and their opinion was that fulltime TM people are
subjected to it.  I am not interested in your speculations concerning
experiences you have not had in the movement or your opinion of his
work.  I rely on my own discussions with Margret Singer concerning
what Lifton believed about the TM organization, and my own experiences
in it.

   They are obviously
  radically different from your own.  No need to call me dishonest
  because I don't want to fight about it.

 If you don't want to discuss your claims that
 Lifton's criteria apply to the TMO, then STOP

Me: I chose to hear your rude caps in the hysterical voice of Yosemite
Sam.  Yeah, that works for me. I won't stop expressing my opinions, no
need to shout. 

  I don't hold you or you challenges as authoritative on my
  or Lifton's material.  I don't think that this kind of complex
  material, which has had a very important value to me personally, is
  best discussed in a combative context?  Do you?  Do you want to win
  something or prove me wrong is some way?

 Again, *you* barged in with your citation of
 Lifton's belief that his principles applied to
 the TMO.  I hadn't been talking to you, hadn't
 referred to you.  So don't you accuse *me* of
 wanting to be combative.

Me: So now commenting on someone else's post to correct an erroneous
statement is considered barging in?  And this is automatically
considered combative because you had not been talking to me?  Wow,
that is going to be an interesting standard to apply to your writing
here Judy.  I look forward to seeing you conform to your own standard
to avoid hypocrisy.  It is not a standard that I 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFO Sightings worldwide.

2007-02-27 Thread curtisdeltablues
Sometimes exchanges on this forum exceed my highest expectations for
entertainment.  Thank you both for making my day with this one.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusos108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  ,  nablusos108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   UFO  sightings worldwide
   As Benjamin Creme's Master indicates in  His article `The 
 gathering of 
   the Forces of Light', it seems that we  have now reached a phase 
   which certain activities are being  stepped up in frequency and 
   intensity. As so vividly illustrated in  that article, we may now 
   forward to widespread sightings of  spacecraft and other signs ...
   Yes. I have predicted a UFO increase this year 2007. See 
  _Astrological Varieties_ (http://www.yogavisionaries.com/)  . As a  
 volunteer of 
  the Intergalactic Confederation it is Lord Ashtar in the upper  
 sixth dimension 
  that is overseeing
  this planet. The Pleidians are the most protective of our planet. 
 There is  a 
  standby evacuation plan that Sister
  Tuella wrote about in her book Project: World Evacuation years 
  Benjamin Creame loves to take credit
  that everything is under the direction of Lord Matreiya but he 
 fails to see  
  the team effort and the voices of many others who are involved in 
 I'm happy to see that some of your predictions now are happening. But 
 then, again and again, you are unable to not blurt out your ignorance 
 about Benjamin Creme and Maitreya, of whom you apparently know next 
 to nothing.
 Those interested should check out for themselves at: 
 As far 
   as the abduction cases that has been stopped years ago. The
  Zeda Riticulia was the group responsible for planting things in 
  bodies and impregnating women but
  this was stopped over 15 years ago. The secret society that they 
  created is very minimal. But the Ashtar command has millions of 
 ships on standby  
  for a nuclear attack. Mark July 7th of 2007 on your ca landers as 
 this is the  
  day the masters from the 7th dimension will  open up more to the 
 world. It  
  also may be the time that certain spiritual teachers decide to pass 
 over. It may  
  not happen on the exact date so give or take 10 days before and 
 after this 
  date.  Meditation will be very important on July 7th of 2007.  
 offers free 
  email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at 

[FairfieldLife] Re: UFO Sightings worldwide.

2007-02-27 Thread nablusos108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 Sometimes exchanges on this forum exceed my highest expectations for
 entertainment.  Thank you both for making my day with this one.

Only glad to be of help :-)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusos108 nablusos108@
   ,  nablusos108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
UFO  sightings worldwide

As Benjamin Creme's Master indicates in  His article `The 
  gathering of 
the Forces of Light', it seems that we  have now reached a 
which certain activities are being  stepped up in frequency 
intensity. As so vividly illustrated in  that article, we may 
forward to widespread sightings of  spacecraft and other 
signs ...

Yes. I have predicted a UFO increase this year 2007. See 
   _Astrological Varieties_ (http://www.yogavisionaries.com/)  . 
As a  
  volunteer of 
   the Intergalactic Confederation it is Lord Ashtar in the upper  
  sixth dimension 
   that is overseeing
   this planet. The Pleidians are the most protective of our 
  There is  a 
   standby evacuation plan that Sister
   Tuella wrote about in her book Project: World Evacuation years 
   Benjamin Creame loves to take credit
   that everything is under the direction of Lord Matreiya but he 
  fails to see  
   the team effort and the voices of many others who are involved 
  I'm happy to see that some of your predictions now are happening. 
  then, again and again, you are unable to not blurt out your 
  about Benjamin Creme and Maitreya, of whom you apparently know 
  to nothing.
  Those interested should check out for themselves at: 
  As far 
as the abduction cases that has been stopped years ago. The
   Zeda Riticulia was the group responsible for planting things in 
   bodies and impregnating women but
   this was stopped over 15 years ago. The secret society that 
   created is very minimal. But the Ashtar command has millions of 
  ships on standby  
   for a nuclear attack. Mark July 7th of 2007 on your ca landers 
  this is the  
   day the masters from the 7th dimension will  open up more to 
  world. It  
   also may be the time that certain spiritual teachers decide to 
  over. It may  
   not happen on the exact date so give or take 10 days before and 
  after this 
   date.  Meditation will be very important on July 7th of 2007.  
   BRBRBR**BR AOL now 
  offers free 
   email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at 

[FairfieldLife] Poor gullible morons at TM-Free Blog.............

2007-02-27 Thread Mr. Magoo
Fortunately for me, I kept an open mind and NEVER compromised my
objectivity like these morons did! I've read most the great Masters from
the East and the esoteric traditions from the West.

Been meditating now for almost 39 years, (started at 16) I experienced
the bliss MMY and all the Yogis talk about around 1970 in the quietude
of our little potting shed behind our house in Los Angeles.
Quietly repeating the mantra, I momentary lost consciousness and woke up
in the most blissfull state of consciousness I have ever
experienced...exactly what MMY said was available thru this TM

I have continued to expand my knowledge and experience of Sanatana
Dharma, the eternal Religion of the Vedas.  Thanks to MMY, and using my
little God given brain, I have continued to grow thru TMAND, keeping
an open mind!

Is TM the final word or the final teaching.don't know, I'm still
engaged in research!

What a bunch of Morons on TMFreeBlog!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Support this.....whether you are TM or anti -TM

2007-02-27 Thread Patrick Gillam
 --- george_deforest wrote:

 this whole article is very inspiring, and really must be seen
 with accompanying photo's and such. ...
 including this sweet pic of indian pandit boys doing yagya:

Pundits they may be, but I see these kids have bought into American
popular culture and gotten Britney Spears haircuts.

[FairfieldLife] Infinity Chooses

2007-02-27 Thread Rick Archer
Infinity chooses, he said. The art of a warrior-traveler is to have the
ability to move with the slightest insinuation, the art of acquiesing to
every command of Infinity. 


Don Juan Matus

[FairfieldLife] Re: Support this.....whether you are TM or anti -TM

2007-02-27 Thread nablusos108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  --- george_deforest wrote:
  this whole article is very inspiring, and really must be seen
  with accompanying photo's and such. ...
  including this sweet pic of indian pandit boys doing yagya:
Has Farrokh left the Movement, or is it a TMO offspring ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Support this.....whether you are TM or anti -TM

2007-02-27 Thread curtisdeltablues
 Pundits they may be, but I see these kids have bought into American
 popular culture and gotten Britney Spears haircuts.

Excellent, you totally beat me to the rehab joke!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  --- george_deforest wrote:
  this whole article is very inspiring, and really must be seen
  with accompanying photo's and such. ...
  including this sweet pic of indian pandit boys doing yagya:
 Pundits they may be, but I see these kids have bought into American
 popular culture and gotten Britney Spears haircuts.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Poor gullible morons at TM-Free Blog.............

2007-02-27 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mr. Magoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is TM the final word or the final teaching.don't know, I'm still
 engaged in research!

Agreed- that is the beauty of it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Poor gullible morons at TM-Free Blog.............

2007-02-27 Thread taskcentered
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mr. Magoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Fortunately for me, I kept an open mind and NEVER compromised my
 objectivity like these morons did! I've read most the great Masters from
 the East and the esoteric traditions from the West.
 Been meditating now for almost 39 years, (started at 16) I experienced
 the bliss MMY and all the Yogis talk about around 1970 in the quietude
 of our little potting shed behind our house in Los Angeles.
 Quietly repeating the mantra, I momentary lost consciousness and woke up
 in the most blissfull state of consciousness I have ever
 experienced...exactly what MMY said was available thru this TM
 I have continued to expand my knowledge and experience of Sanatana
 Dharma, the eternal Religion of the Vedas.  Thanks to MMY, and using my
 little God given brain, I have continued to grow thru TMAND, keeping
 an open mind!
 Is TM the final word or the final teaching.don't know, I'm still
 engaged in research!
 What a bunch of Morons on TMFreeBlog!

Dear Mr. Magoo,

It's unfortunate, but you prove by your hostility exactly what so many have 
said before, 
that for many TM simply does not lead to spirituality as understood in 
Judaism, Islam, or even Hinduism.

I'm pleased for you that you are pleased with your TM results/experiences. It 
works for you.

That's great!

Why not simply disagree, whether here or in comments on 
http://tmfree.blogspot.com/ -- 
and skip the name calling?

The first 3 sutras that the Maharishi teaches are friendliness, compassion, 
happiness. You 
may not realize it, but calling people morons isn't likely to convince others 
that you are 
experiencing any of the three.

John M. Knapp

[FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Study Proposal

2007-02-27 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, peterklutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Reading through some of the posts to Fairfield Life,
  alt.meditation.transcendental, and TM-Free lately, I
  have revised my opinion of the new Electricity is
  bad for you campaign being promoted by Maharishi and
  the TM movement. I'm beginning to think they're onto
  Give it some thought, any of you researchers out there.
 I think the research is already there. 
 When I was in the navy (1980s) we were clearly informed to avoid
 exposure (i.e. stand to close to) radars on the ships we were on. They
 were considered a radiation hazard.
 Skip forward twenty years and people are expected to put devices
 emitting the same stuff next to their heads.
 What is required, it would seem, is not more of time-wasting research
 to support our weak spines - but the courage to accept the facts as we
 already know them, and do so in the face of well-healed, ruthless and
 intellectually dishonest enemies.
 Congratulations for working up the courage!

There's plenty of research that shows that electromagnetic waves can effect 

There's even a new brain therapy called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) 
some insurance companies will pay for:


The point is that cell phones and other electrical devices give off RANDOM 
signals: random in power and random in frequency so you can't predict what 
effect, if any, 
they will have without a LOT of research.

However, anyone who suggests that they can't possibly  have an effect is pretty 
ignorant, IMHO.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Support this.....whether you are TM or anti -TM

2007-02-27 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of nablusos108
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 1:38 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Support this.whether you are TM or anti -TM


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , Patrick Gillam [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  --- george_deforest wrote:
  this whole article is very inspiring, and really must be seen
  with accompanying photo's and such. ...
  including this sweet pic of indian pandit boys doing yagya:
Has Farrokh left the Movement, or is it a TMO offspring ?

He left the movement. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gina Catena's Series on TM Thought Reform

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   I am just claiming that it helped me understand my experiences 
  No, you've been claiming a *lot* more than
  that, Curtis.
  For example (just from FFL, not alt.m.t):

Curtis, did you understand the point I was making
here?  To avoid a discussion of Lifton's criteria,
you asserted (above) that you were only claiming 
they had helped you understand *your* experiences.

That would have made some sense. If that's all you
were claiming, there wouldn't be much point in such
a discussion.

But that *isn't* all you've claimed.  Your assertion
was not true, as I demonstrated with the quotes from
some of your posts.  You've made much broader claims
for those criteria than just your own experience.

And those types of claims are what I was interested
in discussing, but with specific reference to Lifton's

I'm *not* interested in the kind of discussion you
attempt below, which simply asserts that Lifton's
criteria apply in a general sense.  The only way
to determine if that is, in fact, the case is to
go over the criteria one by one--which you aren't
willing to do.

  [LB Shriver says he was told his presence
  in the dome would be disruptive; someone
  else asked, Disruptive of what?]
  What is disrupted is Milieu Control. I'm sure everyone here
  is hip to that Lifton concept.
 Me: Milieu Control is the control of information.  People who
 are not allowed in the dome because they don't buy the party
 line are disruptive to MUM's information control.  I stand by
 that assessment.

OK, here you *are* dealing with a specific criterion.

Exactly how much communication of information goes on
in the domes?  How much opportunity is there to pass
on information *outside* the domes?  To call this
milieu control is just silly.

If you want to put the dome situation under one of
Lifton's criteria, it would be demand for purity.
Even that doesn't fit very well, but that's another

more broad assertions snipped

  And most recently:
  I do know that Lifton and Singer both believed that his
  eight mind control principles did apply to full time members
  in the TM group.
 Me: This a fact Judy.  They did believe this.  It was a
 correction of your erroneous claim below:
 Judy from a previous post:
 Plus which, it trivializes Robert J. Lifton's
 important work about *real* thought control by
 pretending it's applicable to the TMO.
 Me: This is false.  Lifton did believe that his principles of 
 thought reform were present in TM facilities.  No one 
 is pretending that they are applicable and trivializing
 his work.  Studying people in groups like TM was part of his

I'd need some documentation that Lifton actually
studied TM groups, and what that study consisted of,
as well as a quote of his conclusions and his reasons
for them. I strongly suspect that, with some help
from Singer, he ended up inadvertently trivializing
his own work.

   Why would I want to argue with you about my own experiences
   in the movement 20 years ago and how I view them?
  I don't know, Curtis, but you brought up our
  past discussions, not me.  And as the quotes
  above show, you don't just refer to Lifton's
  work as useful to understand your own experiences,
  you cite him as an authority on what goes on in
  the TMO.
 Me: I believe that Lifton and Singer offer a valuable insight into
 what happens to people who are full time in the movement.

Yes, we know you believe this.  You've asserted it
over and over.  The point is, you refuse to discuss
the specific insights and exactly how you believe
they apply.

My opinion is that they didn't know as much about the
TMO as they thought they did.  But to show how that
might be the case, we'd need to discuss their insights
and how they're said to apply, which you refuse to do.

  If you don't want to discuss your claims that
  Lifton's criteria apply to the TMO, then STOP
 Me: I chose to hear your rude caps in the hysterical voice
 of Yosemite Sam.

It's called EMPHASIS, Curtis.  Why a big tough guy
like you should feel threatened by capital letters
is beyond me.  BOO!!

 Yeah, that works for me. I won't stop expressing my opinions,
 no need to shout.

Of course you won't.  My point is that if you refuse
to support those opinions in open discussion, they
aren't worth a whole lot.

   I don't hold you or you challenges as authoritative on my
  experiences or Lifton's material.

How can you tell when you haven't been willing to
discuss my challenges?

  I don't think that this kind of complex
   material, which has had a very important value to me 
personally, is
   best discussed in a combative context?  Do you?  Do you want to 
   something or prove me wrong is some way?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Support this.....whether you are TM or anti -TM

2007-02-27 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  --- george_deforest wrote:
  this whole article is very inspiring, and really must be seen
  with accompanying photo's and such. ...
  including this sweet pic of indian pandit boys doing yagya:
 Pundits they may be, but I see these kids have bought into American
 popular culture and gotten Britney Spears haircuts.

I still want to know why Farokh is down on a few TM rajahs wearing crowns 
because it might 
reflect badly on the conservative supporters of his prison program, and then 
puts photos like 
these up on his website...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Support this.....whether you are TM or anti -TM

2007-02-27 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusos108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam jpgillam@ 
   --- george_deforest wrote:
   this whole article is very inspiring, and really must be seen
   with accompanying photo's and such. ...
   including this sweet pic of indian pandit boys doing yagya:
 Has Farrokh left the Movement, or is it a TMO offspring ?

Someone posted a letter from him refusing to furnish his studies on his project 
to TM 
researchers. He's changed the name of TM to something else to avoid lawsuits.

Since it's pretty obvious that he could get full funding for as many people as 
he wanted to 
learn TM via the David Lynch foundation or some other rich donor, the whole 
thing is just 
an ego trip on his part these days: you don't cut ties with an organization 
that can fully 
fund your project and teach it to  thousands of people in any and every prison 
in the 
country unless you want to call it YOUR project more than you want the people 
to learn.. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Support this.....whether you are TM or anti -TM

2007-02-27 Thread Vaj

On Feb 27, 2007, at 3:04 PM, sparaig wrote:

I still want to know why Farokh is down on a few TM rajahs wearing  
crowns because it might
reflect badly on the conservative supporters of his prison program,  
and then puts photos like

these up on his website...

Obviously because he bought into the whole 'buy a yagya and outsource  
your sadhana for world piece / avert danger before it comes' trip.

Since he couldn't do it via the movement anymore, he decided to do it  
on his own.

It's interesting to see because it helps you see how silly it all is.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: remote-controlled pigeons a threat to US?

2007-02-27 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 2/27/07 9:07:27 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

They  would say that, wouldn't they.

Using trained animals as suicide bombers  dates back to at least WWII.

The  suicide Pigeon defense is a  line of falconers with trained  Peregrine 
BRBRBR**BR AOL now offers free 
email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gina Catena's Series on TM Thought Reform

2007-02-27 Thread curtisdeltablues
I'll think more carefully about what you wrote here.  For now I will
admit that my comment on your caps was a bit dickish of me.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
I am just claiming that it helped me understand my experiences 
   No, you've been claiming a *lot* more than
   that, Curtis.
   For example (just from FFL, not alt.m.t):
 Curtis, did you understand the point I was making
 here?  To avoid a discussion of Lifton's criteria,
 you asserted (above) that you were only claiming 
 they had helped you understand *your* experiences.
 That would have made some sense. If that's all you
 were claiming, there wouldn't be much point in such
 a discussion.
 But that *isn't* all you've claimed.  Your assertion
 was not true, as I demonstrated with the quotes from
 some of your posts.  You've made much broader claims
 for those criteria than just your own experience.
 And those types of claims are what I was interested
 in discussing, but with specific reference to Lifton's
 I'm *not* interested in the kind of discussion you
 attempt below, which simply asserts that Lifton's
 criteria apply in a general sense.  The only way
 to determine if that is, in fact, the case is to
 go over the criteria one by one--which you aren't
 willing to do.
   [LB Shriver says he was told his presence
   in the dome would be disruptive; someone
   else asked, Disruptive of what?]
   What is disrupted is Milieu Control. I'm sure everyone here
   is hip to that Lifton concept.
  Me: Milieu Control is the control of information.  People who
  are not allowed in the dome because they don't buy the party
  line are disruptive to MUM's information control.  I stand by
  that assessment.
 OK, here you *are* dealing with a specific criterion.
 Exactly how much communication of information goes on
 in the domes?  How much opportunity is there to pass
 on information *outside* the domes?  To call this
 milieu control is just silly.
 If you want to put the dome situation under one of
 Lifton's criteria, it would be demand for purity.
 Even that doesn't fit very well, but that's another
 more broad assertions snipped
   And most recently:
   I do know that Lifton and Singer both believed that his
   eight mind control principles did apply to full time members
   in the TM group.
  Me: This a fact Judy.  They did believe this.  It was a
  correction of your erroneous claim below:
  Judy from a previous post:
  Plus which, it trivializes Robert J. Lifton's
  important work about *real* thought control by
  pretending it's applicable to the TMO.
  Me: This is false.  Lifton did believe that his principles of 
  thought reform were present in TM facilities.  No one 
  is pretending that they are applicable and trivializing
  his work.  Studying people in groups like TM was part of his
 I'd need some documentation that Lifton actually
 studied TM groups, and what that study consisted of,
 as well as a quote of his conclusions and his reasons
 for them. I strongly suspect that, with some help
 from Singer, he ended up inadvertently trivializing
 his own work.
Why would I want to argue with you about my own experiences
in the movement 20 years ago and how I view them?
   I don't know, Curtis, but you brought up our
   past discussions, not me.  And as the quotes
   above show, you don't just refer to Lifton's
   work as useful to understand your own experiences,
   you cite him as an authority on what goes on in
   the TMO.
  Me: I believe that Lifton and Singer offer a valuable insight into
  what happens to people who are full time in the movement.
 Yes, we know you believe this.  You've asserted it
 over and over.  The point is, you refuse to discuss
 the specific insights and exactly how you believe
 they apply.
 My opinion is that they didn't know as much about the
 TMO as they thought they did.  But to show how that
 might be the case, we'd need to discuss their insights
 and how they're said to apply, which you refuse to do.
   If you don't want to discuss your claims that
   Lifton's criteria apply to the TMO, then STOP
  Me: I chose to hear your rude caps in the hysterical voice
  of Yosemite Sam.
 It's called EMPHASIS, Curtis.  Why a big tough guy
 like you should feel threatened by capital letters
 is beyond me.  BOO!!
  Yeah, that works for me. I won't stop expressing my opinions,
  no need to shout.
 Of course you won't.  My point is that if you refuse
 to support those opinions in open discussion, they
 aren't worth a whole lot.
I don't hold you or you challenges as authoritative on my

[FairfieldLife] Cell phones and cancer: tip of the iceberg

2007-02-27 Thread sparaig
People should keep in mind that cancer is the least of their worries for this 
kind of thing 
anyway. If something causes cancer, its probably causing a host of other health 
that researchers haven't bothered looking at. For example, not every smoker 
gets lung 
cancer, but just about every smoker has lower lung capacity and many have badly 
skin. Cell phone effects might be subtle: who notices if they're 10% more 
irritable? What 
about if they're gaining enlightenment at a 10% slower pace?


LYON, France, Jan. 25 (UPI) -- A European study suggests people using cell 
phones for 10 
or more years have a higher risk of developing brain tumors than do non-cell 

The five-nation study involving more than 4,500 people found a statistically 
increase in the incidence of tumors on the side of the head where the users 
hold their cell 
phones, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported. 

Although our results overall do not indicate an increased risk of glioma in 
relation to 
mobile phone use, the possible risk in the most heavily exposed part of the 
brain with 
long-term use needs to be explored further before firm conclusions can be 
drawn, the 
researchers said. 

The study covering the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland is 
to be 
published next month in the International Journal of Cancer. 

The research is part of a larger 13-nation research program coordinated by the 
International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France, the newspaper 
Results from all 13 countries are expected to be analyzed and made public later 
this year. 
The United States is not included in the research. // Copyright 2007 by United 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Ducky Morning in France

2007-02-27 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 No, see, Barry, Jim is saying that it isn't up to you
 to peck anybody else's shell.  If they're going to break
 out, they'll do it on their own, from the inside.
 Voicing your own criticisms of MMY and the TMO is fine.
 But you appear to believe that the free discussion
 charter means not only freedom for you to criticize but
 also freedom from any challenge to that criticism.
Yep- Many times the ones who appear unbalanced and self-righteous to 
me are those who are trying to challenge the teaching of TM and 
break boundaries supposedly, without examining their own values. Its 
a knee-jerk reaction, and an immature and thoughtless approach. 

I would not categorize any of the posters here on FFL as mindless 
clones of the TMO. Such thinking wouldn't last two minutes here. And 
personally whatever anyone chooses to believe here I am totally OK 
with, as long as they allow me the same freedom. 

What is galling is this fundamentalist thinking that some here have 
where even the merest acknowledgement of TM's unvarnished benefits 
or a mention of Maharishi's exalted state of conciousness sends them 
into tirades, completely obliterating any consideration of the 
writer's decades of research and reflection on these subjects.

A thoughtful challenge is one thing, but a lack of respect knee-jerk 
reaction will just generate more of the same. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Poor gullible morons at TM-Free Blog.............

2007-02-27 Thread Mr. Magoo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, taskcentered [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Mr. Magoo,
 It's unfortunate, but you prove by your hostility exactly what so
many have said before, 
 that for many TM simply does not lead to spirituality as understood
in Christianity, 
 Judaism, Islam, or even Hinduism.
 I'm pleased for you that you are pleased with your TM
results/experiences. It evidently 
 works for you.

Had it occured to you that if it works for me, perhaps some of your
concluding comments on the blog may be in error?

 That's great!
 Why not simply disagree, whether here or in comments on
http://tmfree.blogspot.com/ -- 
 and skip the name calling?

Maybe I will, didn' know about the posting.
 The first 3 sutras that the Maharishi teaches are friendliness,
compassion, happiness. You 
 may not realize it, but calling people morons isn't likely to
convince others that you are 
 experiencing any of the three.

You just betrayed your integrity again by revealing that which was 
meant to be kept private.
 John M. Knapp

My contention is the fault is with you Mr. Knapp. MMY and the TMorg
just revealed YOU to Yourself, that must be worth something. Are you
suggesting here you have no culpability at all?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Support this.....whether you are TM or anti -TM

2007-02-27 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Feb 27, 2007, at 3:04 PM, sparaig wrote:
  I still want to know why Farokh is down on a few TM rajahs 
  crowns because it might
  reflect badly on the conservative supporters of his prison 
  and then puts photos like
  these up on his website...
 Obviously because he bought into the whole 'buy a yagya and 
 your sadhana for world piece / avert danger before it comes' trip.
 Since he couldn't do it via the movement anymore, he decided to do 
 on his own.
 It's interesting to see because it helps you see how silly it all 

The question is does it help you see how silly y'all is?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Poor gullible morons at TM-Free Blog.............

2007-02-27 Thread curtisdeltablues
Alright Magoo, we have your potting shed surrounded.  Come out with
your hands up.  We know you're in there, don't make us have to kick
this potting shed door down.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mr. Magoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, taskcentered no_reply@ wrote:
  Dear Mr. Magoo,
  It's unfortunate, but you prove by your hostility exactly what so
 many have said before, 
  that for many TM simply does not lead to spirituality as understood
 in Christianity, 
  Judaism, Islam, or even Hinduism.
  I'm pleased for you that you are pleased with your TM
 results/experiences. It evidently 
  works for you.
 Had it occured to you that if it works for me, perhaps some of your
 concluding comments on the blog may be in error?
  That's great!
  Why not simply disagree, whether here or in comments on
 http://tmfree.blogspot.com/ -- 
  and skip the name calling?
 Maybe I will, didn' know about the posting.
  The first 3 sutras that the Maharishi teaches are friendliness,
 compassion, happiness. You 
  may not realize it, but calling people morons isn't likely to
 convince others that you are 
  experiencing any of the three.
 You just betrayed your integrity again by revealing that which was 
 meant to be kept private.
  John M. Knapp
 My contention is the fault is with you Mr. Knapp. MMY and the TMorg
 just revealed YOU to Yourself, that must be worth something. Are you
 suggesting here you have no culpability at all?

[FairfieldLife] Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread Paul Mason
Although I believe that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has used deceptive means 
to spread the teaching of transcendental meditation, I am confident 
that his motives have been well intended. Although I have voiced 
criticism of Maharishi, it should not be construed that I believe him 
to have just been in it for the money or the fame.

This statement should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the man 
or his teachings. Just that I believe him to have intended well by his 
actions. I do not regret learning TM nor practicing it for well over 
three decades.

As it happens I was originally prompted to write his biography as a 
showcase for some his wonderfully original thinking, it was only after 
the first few chapters I came to question some of his methods of 
spreading his beliefs.

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Ducky Morning in France

2007-02-27 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 I woke up without an alarm and meditated, then made
 some coffee and wandered out to the terrace overlooking
 the river with my computer. It's a beautiful morning, 
 very Springlike, and down below on the river a guy duck 
 -- obviously from another clan and equally obviously 
 inspired by the Springlike morning -- leaped upon one 
 of the babe ducks and attempted to have...uh...congress 
 with her.

 Whereupon five other guy ducks flew over and started
 beating the shit out of the one who had been so bold as
 to want to...uh...infringe upon their territory. They
 pecked at him and kicked him with their little webbed
 feet and finally sent him flying off, hopefully out
 of their lives so that he no longer posed a threat to
 their all-important pecking order and illusion of
 control. The babe duck actually looked a little sad,
 as if she were saying, We were having a good moment
 there, and you guys had to go and mess it up!

 The whole scene brought a lump to my throat and made
 me think fondly of Fairfield Life, so I just thought 
 I'd drop in and ask Judy, Sparaig, Peter Klutz, 
 Nablusos and Jim how *you're* doing this fine morning. 
 Chased off any anti-TM ducks today?
So is it t-shirts and shorts weather there or sweaters?

Aren't wild animals fun to watch?  ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Ducky Morning in France

2007-02-27 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 I woke up without an alarm and meditated, then made
 some coffee and wandered out to the terrace overlooking
 the river with my computer. It's a beautiful morning, 
 very Springlike, and down below on the river a guy duck 
 -- obviously from another clan and equally obviously 
 inspired by the Springlike morning -- leaped upon one 
 of the babe ducks and attempted to have...uh...congress 
 with her.

 Whereupon five other guy ducks flew over and started
 beating the shit out of the one who had been so bold as
 to want to...uh...infringe upon their territory. They
 pecked at him and kicked him with their little webbed
 feet and finally sent him flying off, hopefully out
 of their lives so that he no longer posed a threat to
 their all-important pecking order and illusion of
 control. The babe duck actually looked a little sad,
 as if she were saying, We were having a good moment
 there, and you guys had to go and mess it up!

 The whole scene brought a lump to my throat and made
 me think fondly of Fairfield Life, so I just thought 
 I'd drop in and ask Judy, Sparaig, Peter Klutz, 
 Nablusos and Jim how *you're* doing this fine morning. 
 Chased off any anti-TM ducks today?
So is it t-shirts and shorts weather there or sweaters?

Aren't wild animals fun to watch?  ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Why Yahoo Sucks!

2007-02-27 Thread Bhairitu
I'm sure that many of you have received bounced email messages like this:

Your email account has been bouncing mails.  This means that emails
sent to your account over several days have been returned to us.
This is sometimes because mail boxes are filled up, or because of
configuration problems.

Several days?  Well I was getting emails from this list up through today 
and according to the bounce history the (one) bounce occurred on the 
24th.   The Yahoo programmers must be some of the most incompetent 
(therefore cheap) in the business.

BTW, there is very little email that comes into my account (well may FFL 
might be a bit) and if Earthlink is down momentarily you'd think that 
Yahoo could account for this.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Ducky Morning in France

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  I don't think Barry, myself, and most others feel hate or 
  are trying to pull meditators off their chosen path. I still 
  meditate regularly. Our attitude, at least mine, is that people 
  will be stronger in their spiritual path if they can learn to 
  look at things honestly without hiding behind unexamined
  concepts and beliefs. If people don't want to do that, they 
  shouldn't hang out on FFL. 
[mercy snip 1] 
 And in the meantime, if you don't like others pecking
 at the shell you've erected around yourself to protect
 that self from challenging thought, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.
 There are forums on Yahoo and other places that are 
 DESIGNED for you. Nothing will rock your world or
 cause you to think there. And *I*, for one, will not
 be there to bother you or intrude into your bliss.
[mercy snip 2]

You analogy fails in many respects, most importantly when overlooking
the facts on the ground when with Vaj and his likes. 

You see Vaj is not remotely interested in hacking open anyone's shell.
He wants to infect our discussions with a virus that ensures we will
molt and rot where we are and never break free from Maya.

The big reason he wants to do this is that he doesn't understand the
fundamental truth of TM.

Thus, what should people who do understand this do - remain forever
silent as a sixth-grader in an organized fashion disrupts discussions
or do we allow ourselves the liberty to say: okay, Mr Sixth-grader
(Vaj) - this is how it really is.

Whatever you chose, I think is well within the charter of this forum.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz

Yo, Paulie - why don't you pour some gas over yourself and lighten up?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Although I believe that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has used deceptive means 
 to spread the teaching of transcendental meditation, I am confident 
 that his motives have been well intended. Although I have voiced 
 criticism of Maharishi, it should not be construed that I believe him 
 to have just been in it for the money or the fame.
 This statement should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the man 
 or his teachings. Just that I believe him to have intended well by his 
 actions. I do not regret learning TM nor practicing it for well over 
 three decades.
 As it happens I was originally prompted to write his biography as a 
 showcase for some his wonderfully original thinking, it was only after 
 the first few chapters I came to question some of his methods of 
 spreading his beliefs.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread Mr. Magoo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Although I believe that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has used deceptive means 
 to spread the teaching of transcendental meditation, I am confident 
 that his motives have been well intended. Although I have voiced 
 criticism of Maharishi, it should not be construed that I believe him 
 to have just been in it for the money or the fame.
 This statement should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the man 
 or his teachings. Just that I believe him to have intended well by his 
 actions. I do not regret learning TM nor practicing it for well over 
 three decades.
 As it happens I was originally prompted to write his biography as a 
 showcase for some his wonderfully original thinking, it was only after 
 the first few chapters I came to question some of his methods of 
 spreading his beliefs.

I can appreciate that

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Although I believe that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has used deceptive 
 to spread the teaching of transcendental meditation, I am confident 
 that his motives have been well intended. Although I have voiced 
 criticism of Maharishi, it should not be construed that I believe 
 him to have just been in it for the money or the fame.

From a post by Paul Mason on TMFree:

Q. In conclusion then, isn't it true to say that the Maharishi is 
nothing other than an opportunistic, self-promoting maverick, who 
wilfully misleads his supporters and anyone else who has the time, the 
inclination and the money to listen to him?

A. Some say the TM method is a good one, some say not.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cell phones and cancer: tip of the iceberg

2007-02-27 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 People should keep in mind that cancer is the least of their 
worries for this kind of thing 
 anyway. If something causes cancer, its probably causing a host of 
other health problems 
 that researchers haven't bothered looking at. For example, not 
every smoker gets lung 
 cancer, but just about every smoker has lower lung capacity and 
many have badly aging 
 skin. Cell phone effects might be subtle: who notices if they're 
10% more irritable? What 
 about if they're gaining enlightenment at a 10% slower pace?
 LYON, France, Jan. 25 (UPI) -- A European study suggests people 
using cell phones for 10 
 or more years have a higher risk of developing brain tumors than do 
non-cell phone 


Bluetoothing should be OK for heavy cell users since it's much lower 
power, right? I carry a non-bluetooth cell for 20 hrs/wk, but only 
talk for about 10mins/week, not enough to worry about I believe. I 
would be a lot more concerned about natural hazards like radon (which 
is a big problem in Iowa http://www.cheec.uiowa.edu/misc/radon.html ).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Poor gullible morons at TM-Free Blog.............

2007-02-27 Thread Mr. Magoo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

 Alright Magoo, we have your potting shed surrounded.  Come out with
 your hands up.  We know you're in there, don't make us have to kick
 this potting shed door down.

I swear to God, it wasn't me, it was that nasty MMY and his henchmen,
yeah, that's it!!  And when I get otta here I'm gonna squeal, ya hear,
I'm gonna squeal, I'm tellin' eveybody that'll listen!  (If TMblug is
interested, I'm sellin' my story too!!) :-)

Yuoo...you crackin' me up here!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Yahoo Sucks!

2007-02-27 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm sure that many of you have received bounced email messages like 
 Your email account has been bouncing mails.  This means that emails
 sent to your account over several days have been returned to us.
 This is sometimes because mail boxes are filled up, or because of
 configuration problems.
 Several days?  Well I was getting emails from this list up through 
 and according to the bounce history the (one) bounce occurred on 
 24th.   The Yahoo programmers must be some of the most incompetent 
 (therefore cheap) in the business.
 BTW, there is very little email that comes into my account (well 
may FFL 
 might be a bit) and if Earthlink is down momentarily you'd think 
 Yahoo could account for this.


Yahoo seems to have the best free spam handling -- I rarely get spam 
in my inbox, altho the spam folder has hundreds per week. Got any 
email candidates that are better than yahoo and also free?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread Mr. Magoo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason premanandpaul@ 
  Although I believe that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has used deceptive 
  to spread the teaching of transcendental meditation, I am confident 
  that his motives have been well intended. Although I have voiced 
  criticism of Maharishi, it should not be construed that I believe 
  him to have just been in it for the money or the fame.
 From a post by Paul Mason on TMFree:
 Q. In conclusion then, isn't it true to say that the Maharishi is 
 nothing other than an opportunistic, self-promoting maverick, who 
 wilfully misleads his supporters and anyone else who has the time, the 
 inclination and the money to listen to him?
 A. Some say the TM method is a good one, some say not.

Nice work Judy

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread Paul Mason
 Q. Isn't it true to say that the Maharishi is nothing other than an 
 A. Yup
 Q. self-promoting 
 A. Yup
 Q. maverick, 
 A. Yup
 Q. who wilfully misleads his supporters 
 A. Yup
 Q. and anyone else who has the time, the inclination and the money 
to listen to him?
 A. Yup
 Q. Some say the TM method is a good one, some say not?
 A. Yup
Although I believe that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has used deceptive 
means to spread the teaching of transcendental meditation, I am 
confident that his motives have been well intended. 

Although I have voiced criticism of Maharishi, it should not be 
construed that I believe him to have just been in it for the money or 
the fame.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason premanandpaul@ 
  Although I believe that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has used deceptive 
  to spread the teaching of transcendental meditation, I am 
  that his motives have been well intended. Although I have voiced 
  criticism of Maharishi, it should not be construed that I believe 
  him to have just been in it for the money or the fame.
 From a post by Paul Mason on TMFree:
 Q. In conclusion then, isn't it true to say that the Maharishi is 
 nothing other than an opportunistic, self-promoting maverick, who 
 wilfully misleads his supporters and anyone else who has the time, 
 inclination and the money to listen to him?
 A. Some say the TM method is a good one, some say not.

[FairfieldLife] Fairfield storm

2007-02-27 Thread bob_brigante
In Ottumwa, about 400 homes were without power, down from a peak of 
nearly 10,000 powerless customers over the weekend. In places like 
Eddyville, Hedrick and Floris, an additional 500 residences were 
without power, said Alliant Energy spokesman Ryan Stensland. 

Sigourney had almost 500 customers without power, and in the rural 
areas around the town, 100 additional homes were black. 

It could be several days, perhaps a week before we have everyone's 
power back on, Stensland said. 

Though Fairfield had 32 homes without electricity on Monday, Stockport, 
a town of about 284 people, had nearly 200 residences without power.


[FairfieldLife] Iowa storm dislocation gives Dow worst day in 5 years

2007-02-27 Thread bob_brigante
Due to the disturbance in the Force in Vedic City/Fairfield?
Updated at 12:26 p.m., Tuesday, February 27, 2007 

Global market plunge gives Dow worst day in 5 years

Associated Press 

NEW YORK — Stocks had their worst day of trading since the Sept. 11, 
2001, terrorist attacks today, briefly hurtling the Dow Jones 
industrials down more than 500 points on a worldwide tide of concern 
that the U.S. and Chinese economies are stumbling and that share 
prices have become overinflated.
The steepness of the market's drop, as well as its global breadth, 
signaled a possible correction after a long period of stable and 
steadily rising stock markets, which had not been shaken by such a 
volatile day of trading in several years.

A 9 percent slide in Chinese stocks, which came a day after investors 
sent Shanghai's benchmark index to a record high close, set the tone 
for U.S. trading. The Dow began the day falling sharply, and the 
decline accelerated throughout the course of the session before 
stocks took a huge plunge in late afternoon as computer-driven sell 
programs kicked in.

The Dow fell 546.02, or 4.3 percent, to 12,086.06 before recovering 
some ground in the last hour of trading to close down 416.02, or 3.29 
percent, at 12,216.24, according to preliminary calculations. Because 
the worst of the plunge took place after 2:30 p.m., the New York 
Stock Exchange's trading limits, designed to halt such precipitous 
moves, were not activated.

The decline was the Dow's worst since Sept. 17, 2001, the first 
trading day after the terror attacks, when the blue chips closed down 
684.81, or 7.13 percent.

The drop hit every sector of stocks across the market. Riskier issues 
such as small-cap and technology stocks suffered the biggest declines.

But analysts who have been expecting a pullback after a huge rally 
that began last October and sent the Dow to a series of record highs, 
were unfazed by today's drop.

And some investors also tried to put today's slide into a longer-term 

All who invest should feel grateful that we've had a great run for 
the last 12 to 18 months, said Joel Kleinman, a Washington, D.C. 
attorney, adding that he has learned to not read too much into any 
short-term ups and downs. This is another day in the market.

Still, traders' dwindling confidence was knocked down further by data 
showing that the economy may be decelerating more than anticipated. A 
Commerce Department report that orders for durable goods in January 
dropped by the largest amount in three months exacerbated jitters 
about the direction of the U.S. economy, just a day after former 
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said the United States may be 
headed for a recession.

It looks more and more like the economy is a slow growth economy, 
said Michael Strauss, chief economist at Commonfund. Moderate 
economic growth is good — an abrupt stop in economic growth scares 

The market had been expecting the government on Wednesday to revise 
its estimate of fourth-quarter GDP growth down to an annual rate of 
about 2.3 percent from an initial forecast of 3.5 percent, and grew 
increasingly nervous today that the figure could come in even lower.

The housing market, which the Street had been hoping had bottomed 
out, also looked far from recovery after a Standard  Poor's index 
indicated that single-family home prices across the nation were flat 
in December. A later report from the National Association of Realtors 
said existing home sales climbed in January by the largest amount in 
two years, but the data didn't erase housing-related concerns, as 
median home prices fell for a sixth straight month.

But a growing feeling that Wall Street, which has had a big run-up 
since October, was due for a correction also played into today's 

I think that the market was prepared to pull back. The constellation 
of issues that were worrying the market came to a head, said Quincy 
Krosby, chief investment strategist at The Hartford.

Just a week ago, the Dow had reached new closing and trading highs, 
rising as high as 12,795.92.

The broader Standard  Poor's 500 index was down 50.33, or 3.47 
percent, at 1,399.04, and the tech-dominated Nasdaq composite index 
was off 96.65, or 3.86 percent, at 2,407.87.

A suicide bomber attack on the main U.S. military base in Afghanistan 
where Vice President Dick Cheney was visiting also rattled the market.

China's stock market plummeted today from record highs as investors 
took profits when concerns arose that the Chinese government may try 
to temper its ballooning economy by raising interest rates again or 
reducing more of the money available for lending.

Corrections usually happen because of a catalyst, and this may be 
it, said Ed Peters, chief investment officer at PanAgora Asset 
Management. The move in China was a surprise, and when a major 
market has a shock it ripples through the rest of the market. With 
all the trade that 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Why Yahoo Sucks!

2007-02-27 Thread Vaj
Yeah, I had the same thing happen--a bounced message and Yahoo!  
dropped my messages for about 24 hours, then I had to go thru a re- 
activation routine.

On Feb 27, 2007, at 4:57 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

I'm sure that many of you have received bounced email messages like  

Your email account has been bouncing mails.  This means that emails
sent to your account over several days have been returned to us.
This is sometimes because mail boxes are filled up, or because of
configuration problems.

Several days?  Well I was getting emails from this list up through  

and according to the bounce history the (one) bounce occurred on the
24th.   The Yahoo programmers must be some of the most incompetent
(therefore cheap) in the business.

BTW, there is very little email that comes into my account (well  
may FFL

might be a bit) and if Earthlink is down momentarily you'd think that
Yahoo could account for this.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason 

  Q. Isn't it true to say that the Maharishi is nothing other than 
  A. Yup
  Q. self-promoting 
  A. Yup
  Q. maverick, 
  A. Yup
  Q. who wilfully misleads his supporters 
  A. Yup
  Q. and anyone else who has the time, the inclination and the money 
 to listen to him?
  A. Yup
  Q. Some say the TM method is a good one, some say not?
  A. Yup
 Although I believe that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has used deceptive 
 means to spread the teaching of transcendental meditation, I am 
 confident that his motives have been well intended.
 Although I have voiced criticism of Maharishi, it should not be 
 construed that I believe him to have just been in it for the
 money or the fame.

I guess it's the words Maharishi is nothing other
than... in the question that rather strongly imply
exactly such a construction.

If MMY is NOTHING OTHER THAN an opportunistic, self-
promoting maverick, who wilfully misleads his
supporters and anyone else who has the time, the
inclination and the money to listen to him, that
really doesn't leave a whole lot of room for good

If you'd prefer readers not to draw that inference,
perhaps you might consider a bit of rewriting of
the question.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason 
   Although I believe that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has used 
   to spread the teaching of transcendental meditation, I am 
   that his motives have been well intended. Although I have 
   criticism of Maharishi, it should not be construed that I 
   him to have just been in it for the money or the fame.
  From a post by Paul Mason on TMFree:
  Q. In conclusion then, isn't it true to say that the Maharishi is 
  nothing other than an opportunistic, self-promoting maverick, who 
  wilfully misleads his supporters and anyone else who has the 
  inclination and the money to listen to him?
  A. Some say the TM method is a good one, some say not.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason 

  Q. Isn't it true to say that the Maharishi is nothing other than 
  A. Yup
  Q. self-promoting 
  A. Yup
  Q. maverick, 
  A. Yup
  Q. who wilfully misleads his supporters 
  A. Yup
  Q. and anyone else who has the time, the inclination and the money 
 to listen to him?
  A. Yup
  Q. Some say the TM method is a good one, some say not?
  A. Yup
 Although I believe that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has used deceptive 
 means to spread the teaching of transcendental meditation, I am 
 confident that his motives have been well intended. 
 Although I have voiced criticism of Maharishi, it should not be 
 construed that I believe him to have just been in it for the money 
 the fame.

Suggested rewrite:

Isn't it true to say that the Maharishi isn't in
it just for the fame or money, but is nothing other
than an opportunistic, self-promoting, well-
intentioned maverick, who with the best of motives 
wilfully misleads his supporters and anyone else who
has the time, the inclination and the money to listen
to him?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Poor gullible morons at TM-Free Blog.............

2007-02-27 Thread curtisdeltablues
Yeah the words potting shed just need more story around them! 
Thanks for playing along.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mr. Magoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Alright Magoo, we have your potting shed surrounded.  Come out with
  your hands up.  We know you're in there, don't make us have to kick
  this potting shed door down.
 I swear to God, it wasn't me, it was that nasty MMY and his henchmen,
 yeah, that's it!!  And when I get otta here I'm gonna squeal, ya hear,
 I'm gonna squeal, I'm tellin' eveybody that'll listen!  (If TMblug is
 interested, I'm sellin' my story too!!) :-)
 Yuoo...you crackin' me up here!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread Paul Mason
Quotes from the characters created by playrights are often wrongly 
attributed to the writer himself/herself. Although the question and 
answer was intended to be provocative it was not intended serve as a 
guide to my opinions of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

But I concede, on reflection, that some might see the remarks 
otherwise. So, I have taken this opportunity to ammend the online 
text of this QA, to change the line in question, to bring it more 
into synch with my own opinion:

Q. In conclusion then, isn't it true to say that the Maharishi is 
nothing other than an opportunistic, self-promoting maverick who, 
though probably well-meaning, wilfully misleads his supporters and 
anyone else who has the time, the inclination and the money to listen 
to him?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason 
 premanandpaul@ wrote:
   Q. Isn't it true to say that the Maharishi is nothing other than 
   A. Yup
   Q. self-promoting 
   A. Yup
   Q. maverick, 
   A. Yup
   Q. who wilfully misleads his supporters 
   A. Yup
   Q. and anyone else who has the time, the inclination and the 
  to listen to him?
   A. Yup
   Q. Some say the TM method is a good one, some say not?
   A. Yup
  Although I believe that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has used deceptive 
  means to spread the teaching of transcendental meditation, I am 
  confident that his motives have been well intended. 
  Although I have voiced criticism of Maharishi, it should not be 
  construed that I believe him to have just been in it for the 
  the fame.
 Suggested rewrite:
 Isn't it true to say that the Maharishi isn't in
 it just for the fame or money, but is nothing other
 than an opportunistic, self-promoting, well-
 intentioned maverick, who with the best of motives 
 wilfully misleads his supporters and anyone else who
 has the time, the inclination and the money to listen
 to him?

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Ducky Morning in France

2007-02-27 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, peterklutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ 
   I don't think Barry, myself, and most others feel hate or 
   are trying to pull meditators off their chosen path. I still 
   meditate regularly. Our attitude, at least mine, is that 
   will be stronger in their spiritual path if they can learn to 
   look at things honestly without hiding behind unexamined
   concepts and beliefs. If people don't want to do that, they 
   shouldn't hang out on FFL. 
 [mercy snip 1] 
  And in the meantime, if you don't like others pecking
  at the shell you've erected around yourself to protect
  that self from challenging thought, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.
  There are forums on Yahoo and other places that are 
  DESIGNED for you. Nothing will rock your world or
  cause you to think there. And *I*, for one, will not
  be there to bother you or intrude into your bliss.
 [mercy snip 2]
 You analogy fails in many respects, most importantly when 
 the facts on the ground when with Vaj and his likes. 
 You see Vaj is not remotely interested in hacking open anyone's 
 He wants to infect our discussions with a virus that ensures we 
 molt and rot where we are and never break free from Maya.
 The big reason he wants to do this is that he doesn't understand 
 fundamental truth of TM.
 Thus, what should people who do understand this do - remain forever
 silent as a sixth-grader in an organized fashion disrupts 
 or do we allow ourselves the liberty to say: okay, Mr Sixth-grader
 (Vaj) - this is how it really is.
 Whatever you chose, I think is well within the charter of this 

Or possibility three, laugh at his pompous ass!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason 

 Quotes from the characters created by playrights are often wrongly 
 attributed to the writer himself/herself.

This isn't a playscript, Paul. In a QA, if the
questioner and the respondent aren't explicitly
identified as being two different people, any
viewpoint expressed without attribution to someone
else is assumed to be that of the writer.

Moreover, it's clear from the rest of the questions
that they were written specifically to match the
answers you wanted to give.

 Although the question and 
 answer was intended to be provocative it was not intended serve as
 a guide to my opinions of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Well, but the last question (even as you modified
it below) is clearly an expression of your opinions
of MMY.  In conclusion, then refers to your
answers to the previous questions; it's obvious
that this is the conclusion you believe proceeds
from those answers.

 But I concede, on reflection, that some might see the remarks 
 otherwise. So, I have taken this opportunity to ammend the online 
 text of this QA, to change the line in question, to bring it more 
 into synch with my own opinion:
 Q. In conclusion then, isn't it true to say that the Maharishi is 
 nothing other than an opportunistic, self-promoting maverick who, 
 though probably well-meaning, wilfully misleads his supporters and 
 anyone else who has the time, the inclination and the money to
 listen to him?

That's a little better, but why don't you just
take out nothing other than?  Because if he's
really nothing other than all those other unpleasant
characterizations, he can't also be well meaning.

The words don't add anything, and they flatly 
*contradict* well meaning.  If you feel you
just have to have some kind of intensifier, why
don't you change nothing other than to really?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason 
  premanandpaul@ wrote:
Q. Isn't it true to say that the Maharishi is nothing other 
A. Yup
Q. self-promoting 
A. Yup
Q. maverick, 
A. Yup
Q. who wilfully misleads his supporters 
A. Yup
Q. and anyone else who has the time, the inclination and the 
   to listen to him?
A. Yup
Q. Some say the TM method is a good one, some say not?
A. Yup
   Although I believe that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has used 
   means to spread the teaching of transcendental meditation, I am 
   confident that his motives have been well intended. 
   Although I have voiced criticism of Maharishi, it should not be 
   construed that I believe him to have just been in it for the 
   the fame.
  Suggested rewrite:
  Isn't it true to say that the Maharishi isn't in
  it just for the fame or money, but is nothing other
  than an opportunistic, self-promoting, well-
  intentioned maverick, who with the best of motives 
  wilfully misleads his supporters and anyone else who
  has the time, the inclination and the money to listen
  to him?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread Mr. Magoo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Quotes from the characters created by playrights are often wrongly 
 attributed to the writer himself/herself. Although the question and 
 answer was intended to be provocative it was not intended serve as a 
 guide to my opinions of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
 But I concede, on reflection, that some might see the remarks 
 otherwise. So, I have taken this opportunity to ammend the online 
 text of this QA, to change the line in question, to bring it more 
 into synch with my own opinion:
 Q. In conclusion then, isn't it true to say that the Maharishi is 
 nothing other than an opportunistic, self-promoting maverick who, 
 though probably well-meaning, wilfully misleads his supporters and 
 anyone else who has the time, the inclination and the money to listen 
 to him?

The real question, if your conclusion is right, then is,...why, and do
the ends justify the means.  I think with MMY perhaps so. The only
thing I would take issue with you is 'self-promoting', perhaps you
should use that with a capital 'S' as in Self(God) promoting, isn't
that closer to his real character?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Quotes from the characters created by playrights are often wrongly 
 attributed to the writer himself/herself. Although the question and 
 answer was intended to be provocative it was not intended serve as a 
 guide to my opinions of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Who do you think you are fooling?

Grow a spine. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason 
 premanandpaul@ wrote:
   Q. Isn't it true to say that the Maharishi is nothing other than 
   A. Yup
   Q. self-promoting 
   A. Yup
   Q. maverick, 
   A. Yup
   Q. who wilfully misleads his supporters 
   A. Yup
   Q. and anyone else who has the time, the inclination and the money 
  to listen to him?
   A. Yup
   Q. Some say the TM method is a good one, some say not?
   A. Yup
  Although I believe that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has used deceptive 
  means to spread the teaching of transcendental meditation, I am 
  confident that his motives have been well intended. 
  Although I have voiced criticism of Maharishi, it should not be 
  construed that I believe him to have just been in it for the money 
  the fame.
 Suggested rewrite:
 Isn't it true to say that the Maharishi isn't in
 it just for the fame or money, but is nothing other
 than an opportunistic, self-promoting, well-
 intentioned maverick, who with the best of motives 
 wilfully misleads his supporters and anyone else who
 has the time, the inclination and the money to listen
 to him?

Q: What is the problem with Paul Mason - is it that he is a
closet-hater of all things TMO?

A: Not exactly.

Q: Then what is?

A: The real problem with Paul Mason is that has so far been unable to
work up the spine to come out of the closet with who he is and openly
admit his orientation. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread Paul Mason
Confronted with the prospect of millions of people saying no to the 
religious sounding meditation that he was teaching, one can see why 
he might be tempted to tinker some.
Whether the work he put in (and he has put a lot a lot of work in) 
really worked out, must be a personal evaluation. Meditation, for all 
the hype about changing the world, is fundamentally about sitting 
down, resting and getting a bit more cosmic. No meter or statistic is 
going to answer the question satisfactorilly, only individuals.
As for self-promoting, I don't suppose there can be any real doubt 
that he has lapped up the adulation and praise, hugely. But in his 
defence he has deflected a good deal of the adoration towards his 
deceased master, and that is wise.
Personally, I wouldn't say that modest was one of his middle names, 
but then who cares? 
You either enjoying meditating or not.
That is the bottom line. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mr. Magoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason premanandpaul@
  Quotes from the characters created by playrights are often 
  attributed to the writer himself/herself. Although the question 
  answer was intended to be provocative it was not intended serve 
as a 
  guide to my opinions of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
  But I concede, on reflection, that some might see the remarks 
  otherwise. So, I have taken this opportunity to ammend the online 
  text of this QA, to change the line in question, to bring it 
  into synch with my own opinion:
  Q. In conclusion then, isn't it true to say that the Maharishi is 
  nothing other than an opportunistic, self-promoting maverick who, 
  though probably well-meaning, wilfully misleads his supporters 
  anyone else who has the time, the inclination and the money to 
  to him?
 The real question, if your conclusion is right, then is,...why, and 
 the ends justify the means.  I think with MMY perhaps so. The only
 thing I would take issue with you is 'self-promoting', perhaps you
 should use that with a capital 'S' as in Self(God) promoting, isn't
 that closer to his real character?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
By the way, Paul, if you didn't see it, you might
want to have a look at post #132989, in which I
analyzed a few of your questions and answers with
a view to explaining why I think the whole QA is
a crock.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, peterklutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Q: What is the problem with Paul Mason - is it that he is a
 closet-hater of all things TMO?
 A: Not exactly.
 Q: Then what is?
 A: The real problem with Paul Mason is that has so far
 been unable to work up the spine to come out of the
 closet with who he is and openly admit his orientation.

That's certainly *my* problem with Paul Mason:
not his negative opinions of MMY, but his 
inability to be straightforward about where he

I don't know why that should be the case; perhaps
he fears cutting himself off from some of his
pro-TM sources if he's too open about what he
thinks of MMY?  Maybe he's afraid it would hurt
the sales of his book?

I think he does himself and his credibility a
lot more damage by not saying what he really
thinks.  He can't keep the extreme negativity
out of what he says, but he sort of slips it in
sideways, as innuendo, and as a result comes
across as slimy and hypocritical and cowardly.

[FairfieldLife] Spine donor needed (Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM ... )

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[gargamount mercy snip]

Anyone with a spare spine we could give to Mr Mason?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti-TM or anti-MMY

2007-02-27 Thread Paul Mason
Q. Okay, just what does one do if a complete stranger starts launching 
verbal attacks on you?
A. One can use it as an opportunity to practice tolerance in the face 
of intoleration I suppose. FFL seems to be full of such opportunities 
these days, despite it being against the guidelines of such groups.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, peterklutz [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason premanandpaul@
  Quotes from the characters created by playrights are often wrongly 
  attributed to the writer himself/herself. Although the question and 
  answer was intended to be provocative it was not intended serve as 
  guide to my opinions of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
 Who do you think you are fooling?
 Grow a spine.

[FairfieldLife] Spine donor needed (Re: Just for the record - Paul Mason is not anti ... )

2007-02-27 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Q. Okay, just what does one do if a complete stranger starts launching 
 verbal attacks on you?
 A. One can use it as an opportunity to practice tolerance in the face 
 of intoleration I suppose. FFL seems to be full of such opportunities 
 these days, despite it being against the guidelines of such groups.

A. Accept some sound medical advice. Grow a spine.


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