Re: [Flightgear-devel] Flightgear first impression

2002-03-03 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

 > We have a lot to thank Bill Gates for, including the way he
 > (especially) and others got under Richard Stallman's (and others)
 > skin with their shrink-wrap revolution.  We owe Bill a debt of
 > gratitude for making sure that open source became a popular idea,
 > even for windows users and developers. :-D

Hmm -- as I recall, it was AT&T and Sun that got under Stallman's
skin, especially when AT&T started requiring a license for the Unix
code.  Microsoft was barely on the radar screen then, any more than,
say, Nintendo is today for computer researchers.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] ancient 'ascii' scenery format

2002-03-03 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > Is anyone still using this ancient file format?  Does anyone have any
 > objections to ending support in flightgear for it?

I think that PPE has support for the old ASCII format but not the new
binary one.  Other than that, chuck it.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Flightgear first impression

2002-03-03 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

 > Yes, originally, that's correct.  Something to do with AT&T and a
 > printer driver, I think.  I was just speaking of Bill...since back
 > in those days the profile for Stallman's project was lower
 > too. That is to mean lower than after the mid eighties, when
 > desktop/workstation unix emerged, not to mention later with linux.
 > The "and others" are significant. If it wasn't for Bill, linux
 > probably would not be where it is today.

Maybe, but I'd give the two Andys more credit than Bill.  In the early
90's, Andy Tannenbaum was uncooperative enough that Linus decided to
fork Linux rather than providing i386 patches to Linux (I was on the
Minix list at the time); by the late 90's, Andy Grove's Intel made
cheap desktop hardware powerful enough to provide a reasonable
alternative to painfully overpriced servers from Sun, IBM, and (once
upon a time) DEC.

Strife with Microsoft gets Linux its press, but they're not really in
competition -- you'd have to be nuts to try to build something like
Google using WinNT or Win2K (heck, even Microsoft knows not to use
Windows for HotMail), and you'd have to be almost as crazy to try to
convince a big company to switch to Linux on the desktop.  Microsoft
may be lusting after the server market with its bigger margins, but
they're not smart enough to get much of it above the workgroup level;
Linux advocates may be lusting after the desktop with its high
visibility and coolness factor, but it's probably too late to grab it,
even if they weren't all bogged down into the KDE vs. Gnome wars.

It's Sun and IBM that Linux is hurting, much more effectively than
Microsoft ever could; IBM is trying an if-we-can't-beat-them-join-them
campaign, but that doesn't change the fact that cheap Intel hardware
running Linux in a cluster beats the stuffing out of any big iron from
Sun or IBM by a couple of orders of magnitude (both in cost and
performance).  Google is a famous public example of this fact, but
there are several private examples I've been involved with that are
even more dramatic.  It does Fortune 50 companies no good to make
public noise about how important Linux is to their operations (they
still need goodwill from the commercial vendors), but trust me, it's
mission critical to at least one I've been involved with, and it's not
Microsoft who's losing the sales.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Cessna 310 Model

2002-03-03 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

 > It's not exporting any properties. :)
 > I was lazy when I did the new XML files, and only did property exports
 > for the aircraft that I could test visually.  All that's necessary is
 > to clone the  tags from the DC-3, which should be
 > identical in all ways.  I'll get a new one put together soon, if you
 > don't want to do it yourself.

I did it today.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Plane above the runway

2002-03-04 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

 >  > Another thing that might be helpful is if the FDM's would report the
 >  > amount of each gear compression to FlightGear so that could be
 >  > animated (and hopefully keep the tires above the ground.)
 > No problems there.  YASim now reports this number in
 > /gear/gears[n]/compression-norm (should be an OK choice, according to
 > our rapidly evolving property conventions).  The remaining problems
 > are only bookkeeping.  We need to make exactly certain that the FDM
 > and the model agree on the placement of the gear and their direction
 > of compression.

Interesting -- I won't promise to integrate this into the 3D models
this week, but it should show up eventually.

How far should this go?  For variable-pitch props, we could something


and you could see where the governor is keeping the blades and whether
they're feathered.  That wouldn't be hard to do from JSBSim (which
actually knows the pitch angle), but it might be trickier from YASim.

I'm worried about how far this will all lead, though.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Plane above the runway

2002-03-04 Thread David Megginson

Martin Dressler writes:

 > I hope you mean this as a joke. 

I'm not sure.  It's no more extreme than animating the elevator trim
tabs, which people _have_ asked for; in fact, the prop blade pitch is
more visible than the trim-tab position, and could have some useful
educational and debugging value.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] view code. was Virtual Cockpit!

2002-03-05 Thread David Megginson

Martin Dressler writes:

 > Thera are a lot of strange things in view code. It is initialized
 > here and there. There is also problem with lat,lon positions. The
 > code is too oriented towards FDM position not to viewer
 > position. It's not problem with current view modes, but it could be
 > problem with tower (or ground :) view.

I agree -- it's a pretty serious mess (but it was useful having it up
to now).  I'm also planning to do some work on the view code, so let's
make sure we don't end up duplicating each-others' work -- send in
your changes frequently rather than saving them all up, and I'll do
the same.

Instead of rewriting from scratch, I'm thinking of trying to
reorganize what we have first.  Norm Vine did some of the work on the
view code, and he knows an awful lot more than I do about how to
write and optimize all the matrix and coordinate transforms.
 >  pilot
 >  chase
 >   25
 >  chase
 >   100
 >  ground

That looks good -- a single, configurable view manager would be better
than a few ad-hoc, hard-coded ones.  You'll need to be able to specify
a few more parameters (i.e. draw the 3D model, look towards the plane,
reverse view direction [for external], etc.).

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: FlightGear/src/Mainmain.cxx,1.245,1.246

2002-03-05 Thread David Megginson

Alex Perry writes:

 > Putting the clip plane at 0.1 is an easy way to stop me doing demos of FGFS.
 > I don't _have_ a machine with better than 16 bit depth buffering, and the
 > notebook that I do most of the demos with cannot of course be upgraded.

I understand.  How does everything look with the change, before I put
it back?

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: FlightGear/src/Main main.cxx,1.245,1.246

2002-03-05 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

 > Or just turn the depth buffer off for the cockpit and sort the
 > geometry; for most cockpit layouts, this should be pretty feasible.
 > It won't work if the cockpit has moving parts (yokes or whatnot) that
 > obscure other pieces.

I don't think this is an easy option, at least not with a true 3D
model wrapped around the viewer.  We'll have to find a more robust
solution.  To start, I can make the depth buffer 0.1 only when the
interior model view is enabled, so no one loses without it; old
hardware probably won't do well with the interior view anyway.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Scenery Strangeness

2002-03-05 Thread David Megginson

Paul Deppe writes:

 > With the latest CVS (1400 EST 3/5/2002) on my Cygwin/Win2k system the
 > textures in mountainous areas seem to "walk" across the ground and appear
 > and disappear in a very strange manner.  I am wondering if anyone else sees
 > this problem.

Mea culpa -- it's from changing the near clip plane to get 3D interior
views working.  I'm fixing it now (the problem doesn't show up on
newer hardware, like the GeForce2).

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Scenery Strangeness

2002-03-05 Thread David Megginson

Paul Deppe writes:

 > No problem, thanks for verifying this.  As far as the hardware goes, though,
 > the problem did show up on my GeForce2 Go 32MB (in a four-month-old Dell
 > 8100 laptop).

Strange -- I didn't see it with a GeForce2 Go 32MB in a Dell 8000.  Oh

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: FlightGear/src/Main main.cxx,1.245,1.246

2002-03-05 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

 > Ummm...why not clear the z-buffer and use a seperate scene graph?  Note that
 > there are *lots* of people using pre-geforce generation hardware.  Probably
 > more than not.

Time -- I don't know if I'll have time to figure all that out this

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] c310u3a

2002-03-07 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

 > Oops forgot the screenshot:

Yes, it's a beauty.  I've already sent private e-mail to John and Curt
suggesting that we make it the default, at least until my 3D model is
textured and better developed.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Changes in raw_ctrls.hxx

2002-03-08 Thread David Megginson

John Wojnaroski writes:

 > Just updated local CVS. Note that some changes where made to
 > raw_ctrls.hxx.  There is a problem trying to get the various
 > platforms to agree on how sizeof() computes the number of bytes in
 > a data structure.

I think this is a good argument for using an ASCII protocol rather
than a binary one.  Unless you're moving a lot of data (i.e. vertices
for scenery or a 3D model), the extra overhead probably isn't
noticable, and all big/little-endian and other problems disappear.
For controls, all of the data should still fit in a single packet in

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] UIUC planes below runway

2002-03-08 Thread David Megginson

John Check writes:

 > I noticed that the UIUC planes are buried under the runway
 > at startup. Is anybody else seeing this? Console output looks like
 > this:
 > FGLaRCsim::set_Altitude: 1.14496
 > (*) Current Altitude = -1.87 < -1.85 forcing to 1.15
 > FGLaRCsim::set_Altitude: 1.14503
 > (*) Current Altitude = -2.09 < -1.85 forcing to 1.15
 > FGLaRCsim::set_Altitude: 1.14519
 > Any Ideas?

It probably has something to do with the UIUC gear code.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] idea ... (?)

2002-03-08 Thread David Megginson

John Wojnaroski writes:

 > > I also think that I know *too much* about the details of the aero
 > > and that pilots who don't have an in-depth understanding of aero
 > > engineering can oftentimes give better feedback than those who
 > > do.
 > >
 > Careful there, are you saying pilots who don't have aero
 > engineering backgrounds can give better feedback than pilots who
 > have aero backgrounds?? Or pilots don't have a in-depth
 > understanding of aero??

The only surviving manuscript of Beowulf was damaged in the Cotton
library fire in 1731, and some parts of it are now unreadable or have
actually crumbled away.  

Fortunately, before the fire there were two transcripts made.  The
first was made by a copyist who did not understand Old English at all
and wasn't familiar with the Insular script: he made lots of stupid
errors, but he also tended to preserve unusual words and spellings
from the original.  The second was made by someone familiar with Old
English: he didn't make too many stupid, obvious mistakes, but he also
tended unconsciously to replace rare words or spellings with more
common ones.

The same problem exists in any field -- when people know what to
expect, they tend to find what they're expecting.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Virtual cockpit notes

2002-03-09 Thread David Megginson

Jim Brennan jjb - writes:

 > The "photorealistic" instruments in some simulators are good to have, but
 > (IMHO) not as importaint as proper flight modeling.
 > I personally see NO need for the nice views of the airplane, and its
 > moving parts as seen from other airplanes except if one is flying
 > formation or shooting at the airplane.

... or replaying a finished flight to study it, or watching a
student's progress in external view on a second monitor, or watching
the propeller from inside the airplane.

More importantly, I think that soon we won't be making the same
distinction between internal and external view -- we might even use
the same 3D model for both.  In that case, the same animation code
that spins the propeller can move the yoke, throttle levers, rudder
pedals, etc. (I imagine that needles on gauges will still be done with
rotating textures).

 > While this is nice to have for some limited purpose, it adds
 > nothing to the realism of the simulator from the perspective of the
 > person flying the sim.

No, but it might be useful for the instructor to watch, or for the
student during a replay of a failed flight.

 > These efforts could better be used in improving the  flight models, and
 > the functionality of the sim to interface to other sims and external
 > programs and more realistic views (such as those for KSJC).

It's not a zero-sum game.  The people who are good at flight models
(Jon, Tony, Andy, etc.) are already spending pretty-much all their
time on flight modelling; contributions to other areas from other
people aren't taking away from that.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Rationalizing view

2002-03-09 Thread David Megginson

As far as I can figure out, there are only three situations we need to
deal with in the viewer code:

1. Looking away from a known position.
2. Looking towards a known position from a known distance and
3. Looking from one known position towards another.

An example of (1) is the view from inside the aircraft; an example of
(2) is a chase view; and an example of (3) is a tower view.  The view
manager class should take care of setting up viewers appropriately for
different situations.

In every case, we want to be able to specify offsets for all six
degrees of freedom.  I think that it makes sense to put all of this in
a single, configurable viewer class, rather than having separater
viewer_lookat, viewer_rph, and (eventually) viewer_tower classes that
duplicate most of each-others' code.

The main required output is the VIEW matrix to pass to ssgSetCamera,
but several parts of FlightGear need vectors and matrices that are
byproducts of calculating VIEW as well (such as the world-up vector);
it would be nice to minimize these dependencies as far as possible.

All of the views can still be managed by the view-manager class (a
proper subsystem), but we should try to remove all hard-coded
dependencies from the rest of the FlightGear codebase.  For example,
the scenery code doesn't need to know which view is in use; it only
needs to know where the coordinates and VIEW matrix for the camera.

Comments?  Volunteers?  I think that the easiest solution is probably
a clean rewrite, but paying close attention to how Norm used the
matrices and vectors in the original.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Virtual cockpit notes

2002-03-09 Thread David Megginson

Wolfram Kuss writes:

 > IMHO the decision for a 3D cockpit is not a decision for bad
 > legibility. Worse than a pure 2D cockpit, hand optimized for the
 > resolution, yes, but not bad.

The optimization is the key.  FLY! uses a 2D cockpit (at least, FLY! 1
does), and the panel is blurry and hard to read on my 1600x1200 LCD
because it's optimized for 1024x768.

 > In a 3D cockpit, this can be chosen via FoV. Actually, when I start a
 > plane and click all the things in the cockpit, I reduce FoV a bit
 > ("zoom in", "move my nose closer to the panel"). OTOH, when I land, I 
 > zoom out very much to see the horizon left and right to judge my angle
 > etc.

With typical user-level technology, we might end up configuring things
like this: in her left hand, the user holds the joystick or yoke to
control the plane (possibly assisted by rudder pedals); in her right
hand, she holds the mouse to control the view direction and zoom
level.  Fancier users can buy things they strap on their heads to
control the view, but my family would laugh at me if I did that (I
don't even have the nerve to buy a yoke).

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Rationalizing view

2002-03-10 Thread David Megginson

Michael Selig writes:

 > With respect to the chase view (2), three potential options come to mind:

These are excellent suggestions, but I think that we'll want them to
end up in the view manager (or elsewhere) rather than in the viewer
proper.  As long as we tell the viewer, for each frame, what its
reference point, orientation, offsets, etc. are, it doesn't need to
know whether we're modelling a control tower, chase view, etc.
Eventually we might even control some of the views through external

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Virtual cockpit notes

2002-03-10 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

 > Fly! uses a 3D cockpit. They use 2D for most of the
 > instrumentation, switches and knobs, and 3D models for the things
 > that really need it like levers.

I have no experience with FLY2K or FLY2, so I cannot comment on those,
but FLY1 definitely uses a 2D cockpit.  Granted that there might be a
couple of small, animated 3D objects, but the panel is a flat picture
projected in its own coordinates that slides in the X/Y axes
independently of the outside scene -- that's exactly the definition of
a 2D panel.

Unlike FlightGear, FLY1 limits the viewing direction to fixed
viewpoints and has a separate 2D picture to project for each one.  The
pictures are beautiful, but there is nothing 3D about it.

 > More than likely the legability problem is your LCD at 1600x1200
 > ;-)

No, it's a 1600x1200 LCD trying to do 1024x768.  Unlike CRTs, LCDs
have a fixed number of pixels, so they have to double or leave out
individual pixels when changing resolutions.  The picture is clearer
in some ways when I change FLY! to 800x600, but now I've lost 75% of
my resolution.  Again, I cannot comment on later FLY! versions, except
that when I go to window mode (and lose 3D acceleration), the panel
becomes clear.

 > In any case we'd be doing great to come up with something as nice
 > and usable as the Fly!  cockpits.

Artistically, I agree -- they're beautifully rendered and pay a lot of
attention to detail.  From a modelling perspective, however, they're
years out of date, and I think we should aim a lot higher than fixed
2D renditions.  Try the Battle of Britain demo to see what a 3D
cockpit is like, and you won't want to go back.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Rationalizing view

2002-03-10 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

 > At first look this doesn't seem all that bad.  The hardest part is
 > going to be cleaning up the hard coded bits out there.

Here are most of the required outputs, from an analysis I did earlier:

- the VIEW matrix, a matrix containing the transformations to put the
  view in the correct position and orientation (as as the argument to

- the UP matrix, rotation matrix to the current notion of up (opposite
  of gravity)

- the current absolute view position in fgfs coordinates

- the current view position in fgfs coordinates, relative to the
  scenery center

- the world-up vector

- the surface-east vector

- the surface-south vector

All of the others are byproducts of the VIEW calculation, used for
convenience by various bits of the code.

 > The routines basically all produce
 > the same thing with different methods which helps.  Right now what I need to
 > do is map out all the calculations that are being applied and will come up
 > with a proposal to post here.  But it should be too bad once I get my head
 > around the whole thing.  Basically what I'm going to look at is modularizing
 > the calculation for each matrix component (camera, center, up) so that new
 > methods like some of what Michael described can be easily added.

Yes, I've been playing with some of that myself.  You'll see that
I've already moved some of the common code into the temporary
FGViewPoint class -- it gets as far as calculating the absolute and
relative view position and the world-up vector.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Virtual cockpit notes

2002-03-10 Thread David Megginson

Jim Brennan jjb - writes:

 > OK, I'll grant you the validity of those two points.
 > > the propeller from inside the airplane.
 > >
 > but not that one !

To start a DC-3 engine, I read that you count 12 blades before you
release the starter.  I'm not sure whether, in an engine-out on a
twin, you're supposed to try to get visual confirmation of which prop
is spinning more slowly.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] ANN: first experimental 3-D cockpit

2002-03-10 Thread David Megginson

Consider this pre-alpha -- I glued together a bunch of existing stuff
to mock up a sort-of functional 3D cockpit for the Cessna 172.  You
can try it out with

  fgfs --aircraft=c172-3d

There are some important caveats:

1. Clicking on the instruments doesn't work (waiting for a fix from

2. The instruments rotate with the 3D cockpit but they don't tilt with
it (also waiting for a fix from Andy) -- that means that you can move
the mouse sideways, but try not to move it up or down unless you want
to see the magic floating gauges.

3. The orientation is incorrect when the view is not straight forward
and the plane is not flying level (waiting for a fix from me, but I
don't understand matrix math well enough) -- that means that when you
look out the side window during a climb or turn, the model will not be
tilted correctly.

4. The 3D interior is fairly ugly right now.

5. This isn't *really* how we'll want to code it -- we'll want to draw
the gauges in the same scene graph as the 3D model (it's all just a
kludge right now).

Still, there is enough here to give a feel for what it will be like
flying FlightGear with a proper 3-D cockpit.  I recommend using it
with the joystick in your left hand and the mouse, in view-mode, in
your right hand -- that way, you can look any way you want quickly
while you're flying.  That doesn't work for people like me with
two-handed gamepad controllers, but that's life.  People with rudder
pedals will be very happy with their purchases now.

A lot of the credit for this (the good parts) goes to Andy Ross for
making the virtual-panel patches.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Virtual cockpit notes

2002-03-10 Thread David Megginson

Tony Peden writes:

 > In a twin, you'll definitely know which engine is out without
 > looking.

I've read several accident reports where the wrong engine was
feathered and shut down.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] ANN: first experimental 3-D cockpit

2002-03-10 Thread David Megginson

David Megginson writes:

 > 3. The orientation is incorrect when the view is not straight forward
 > and the plane is not flying level (waiting for a fix from me, but I
 > don't understand matrix math well enough) -- that means that when you
 > look out the side window during a climb or turn, the model will not be
 > tilted correctly.

Further to this point, could someone who understands matrix math take
a look at src/Main/model.cxx, in the update() method?  Where I have

if (view_number == 0) {
// FIXME: orientation is not applied
// correctly when view is not forward
  sgMakeRotMat4( sgROT, -pilot_view->get_view_offset()
 * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES, pilot_view->get_world_up() );
  sgPreMultMat4( sgTRANS, sgROT );

I'm trying to keep the model from following the view around.
Obviously, I have to do some rotations in other planes as well, but
I'm not quite sure how to do it.

Thanks, and all the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Help with XML and preferences.xml

2002-03-10 Thread David Megginson

Jonathan Polley writes:

 > I have some experience with Tkinter. but my GUIs tend to be a bit
 > "functional" (OK, ugly), and I will be learning XML at the same
 > time.  Any, and all, help will be greatly appreciated.

If you know LISP (CommonLISP, InterLISP, Scheme, E-LISP, or what-have
you), you're most of the way there.

Think of an XML document as a single toplevel LISP list containing any
number of nested sublists.  The top-level list and every sublist are
called 'elements' in XML, and each starts with  and ends with
, where NAME represents the name of the element.  So, what you
might represent in LISP as

  ('person ('name "David Megginson") ('citizenship "Canadian"))

you can represent in XML as

   David Megginson

An element name must begin with an alpha or '_', and may contain only
alphabetic characters (actually, most Unicode ones, including Chinese,
Arabic, etc.), numerals, '_', '-', or '.'.  Technically, they can also
include ':', but that can cause conflicts and should be avoided.

The text inside an element can contain pretty-much all printing
characters, but '&' and '<' (and sometimes '>') must be escaped, like

  & = &
  < = <
  > = >

So in XML text, for "a < b && c > d", you'd have

  a < b && c > d

It's a bit ugly, but it works.

Comments in XML start with ; they may not contain
the string "--" in-between.

You can attach variables, called 'attributes', to each element by
putting a name=value pair in the start tag, like this:";>FlightGear

The attribute name is "href" (follows the same rules as element
names), and the value is "";.  The value must
always be quoted with "..." or '..', and in addition to the special
character escapes I mentioned above, you can also use the following:

  ' '
  " "

To encode 

  He said "it's best to buy AT&T"

in an attribute value, you'd do something like



How elements and attributes are interpreted is almost entirely up to
the application -- XML says how to encode data, but not what the data
means or how it should be processed.  In the property manager, we've
decided to treat the XML document like a file system: the root element
("PropertyList") is the filesystem root, and everything else is a
subdirectory or a file (leaf data).

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Help with XML and preferences.xml

2002-03-10 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

 > Hehe.  Yep.  Didn't notice that one.  Actually I don't know why
 > that would be in the preferences.xml.  Anyone know why that isn't
 > in the panel or at least aircraft-set xmls?

A cleanup and reorg is long overdue; same for keyboard mappings.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Help with XML and preferences.xml

2002-03-11 Thread David Megginson

Wolfram Kuss writes:

 > The XML files get IMVHO more and more confusing.

I think that it would be more accurate to say that FlightGear is
getting more sophisticated -- there's more to learn if you want to
customize things, but that's only because there's so much more that
you can customize.

The config files serve many different purposes; using the XML-based
property-list format for all of them helps a lot, since it allows some
common structure and reusable code among all the formats.  Imagine if
we had one file format for preferences, a different one for panels
(say, with fixed-length fields), a different one for saving a flight
(perhaps a binary format), another one for sound configuration
(perhaps an INI file), a different one for top-level aircraft
configuration (perhaps CSV), yet another one for configuring 3D models
(perhaps embedded data strings in the 3D files themselves), etc. etc.

 > I saw that for example the spelling of z-offset changed twice and I
 > was told to use a third spelling. Also, it is not clear to me, what
 > the different xmls are for (what does -dpm, -set etc mean? "set" as
 > in set options? Don't all xmls set options?) and whether you can
 > use all properties in all XMLs and whether you can use all on the
 > command line.

Yes, we're still in early days with some of this.  Again, these are
config files for totally different purposes, and the fact that they
all use XML is simply a convenience for programmers and customizers.
Here are some of the conventions that we've come up with so far,
partly ad-hoc (all paths relative to $FG_ROOT):

  preferences.xml- the top-level default preferences
  joysticks.xml  - default joystick bindings, included by
  keyboard.xml   - default keyboard bindings, included by
  Aircraft/*-set.xml - aircraft-specific settings, overriding the
   defaults in preferences.xml (and

As far as I can recall, these are the *only* files in the base package
that affect FlightGear's main property tree.  Other files use the
property-file format for convenience to populate various data
structures, but they do not touch the main tree and are not accessible
through the property browser or through the command-line --prop:
option; it's just a coincidence that they also use the property-list

  materials.xml  - define the materials (textures, colour,
   lighting) for use in the scenery
  HUDS/**/*.xml  - configuration files to define the various
   heads-up displays
  Aircraft/*/*-sound.xml - configuration files to define sounds played
   for various aircraft
  Aircraft/*/Panels/*-panel.xml - configuration files to define 2D
   panels for various aircraft.
  Aircraft/*/Instruments/*.xml - configuration files for individual
   instruments included by the 2D panels.
  Aircraft/Instruments/*.xml - ditto

We also use some XML-based formats that do not (yet?) follow the
property-list conventions, including the following:

  Aircraft/*/*.xml- JSBSim aero model config files
  Aircraft/Aircraft-yasim/*.xml - YASim aero model config files
  Engine/*.xml- JSBSim engine and thruster config files

 > So, a UI that showed you what you can do would be very nice.

Agreed.  Since the property-list format is used by most of the config
files, it will be a relatively easy job to write a generic browser for
all of those formats (like the property browser inside FlightGear).
Then all you need is a simple schema format (which can also be
property-list-based) to say what is and isn't allowed in each format,
and the UI will be dynamically reconfigurable.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] keyboard.xml

2002-03-11 Thread David Megginson

Richard Bytheway writes:

 > I was having a fiddle with keyboard.xml to support a UK keyboard, and
 > discovered that the characters £ and ¬ (which are shift-3 and shift- to left of 1>) break the XML parser. Is this intentional?

By default 8-bit XML files use Unicode UTF-8 encoding.  That's the
same as ASCII up to 127, but then it uses 2-, 3-, and 4-byte escape
sequences to model over 60,000 more characters.

For your problem, there are a couple of solutions.  The easiest one
might be just to declare the encoding you're using, such as ISO 8859-1
(Latin 1):


This is *not* guaranteed to be portable to all XML parsers -- some
might not support 8859-1 (though most do).  It will also screw anyone
who wants to bind, say, Han characters from a Chinese keyboard.

Another alternative is to use character entities, similar to \0nnn
sequences in C strings.  The Sterling character is (I think) 163 in
both Latin 1 and Unicode, so you can use

  Here is a £ sign.

and when the XML document is displayed or processed, you should see

  Here is a £ sign.

I don't remember what the value for Euro is.

The final, and most elegant solution, is to configure your text or XML
editor to load and save in UTF-8 format.  I think you can do that with
Emacs+Mule, though I haven't tried it.

Note that most control characters cannot be included in XML documents
at all, even with character references, no matter what the encoding.
It's OK to include tab, space, newline, and carriage return, but ^L
(for example) will always cause a parsing error.

 > Also, in the grand re-organisation of the XML files that appears to be
 > planned, do we need to consider a better way to handle non-US keyboard
 > layouts? UK is not too different, only the punctuation is rearranged,
 > but other european layouts move the letters around as well.

What we need to do is have FlightGear read a local config file in a
user directory after reading the defaults from $FG_ROOT.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Help with XML and preferences.xml

2002-03-11 Thread David Megginson

Cameron Moore writes:

 > [ Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard? ]

Jane, n'est-ce pas?

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Rationalizing view

2002-03-11 Thread David Megginson

Martin Dressler writes:

 > There are some diferents how the viewer is initialized and from
 > where it take new position.  Your viewpoint could be static or
 > change position or (and) up vector in some dependency on FDM or
 > maybe time.

Right, but none of that's the viewer's concern.  As long as something
(probably the view manager) tells each viewer every frame what the
location(s), orientation(s), and offset(s) are, the viewer doesn't
have to know anything else -- it can calculate all of its matrices and
vectors from that.

 > IMHO the view also should control if panel, hud or virtual cockpit
 > is used.  and if it preserve state if you switch to another view
 > and then return back.

I disagree -- the view code gets *very* hard to understand very
easily.  If that information is tracked, it should be tracked
externally (the view manager, again?) and not in the viewer code

The viewer code has to do some very complicated matrix and vector
math, and if we have any hope of being able to maintain the code in
the future, we need to keep it as simple as possible.  The best
arrangement I can think of is isolating all of the actual view
transformation code in the viewer class, and all of the
FlightGear-related stuff in the view manager class.  That way, person
A who knows nothing about matrix math can design new views, etc., and
person B who knows little about the rest of FlightGear, properties,
etc. can optimize the matrix math, etc.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Help with XML and preferences.xml

2002-03-11 Thread David Megginson

Wolfram Kuss writes:

 > BTW, in your list you forgot the *-dpm.xml files, which are of most
 > interest to me and which are currently the only ones that I really use
 > :-). With the little time I currently have, I am glad if I manage to
 > have a nice 3D model at the correct place in fgfs.

Ah, yes -- a file with the same name as a 3D model and the XML
extension is a wrapper file for the 3D model containing animation and
placement information.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] ANN: Property Logging

2002-03-12 Thread David Megginson

FlightGear now has the ability to produce multiple logs, each
recording the value of user-selected properties at a user-defined
interval.  Details are available in docs-mini/README.logging;  Here's
a simple example that logs the rudder and aileron positions to
steering.csv every second or so:


Here's some sample output:


All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Compile failure of latest CVS

2002-03-12 Thread David Megginson

D Luff writes:

 > Cygwin compile of latest CVS fails in logger.cxx, complaining that 
 > an integer constant is out of range in line 101:
 > last_time_ms(-99L)

Apologies -- I'll shrink that.  I *think* it's in range for a signed
64-bit integer, but I'm too lazy to check.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ANN: Property Logging

2002-03-12 Thread David Megginson

Jon S Berndt writes:

 > I like this new capability. I ought to be able to plot the 
 > logged data out of the box with my simplot program. As for 
 > some other formats, I wonder if someone might provide a 
 > couple of perl scripts to do conversions rather than place 
 > that burden on FlightGear.

It's easy enough to make the delimiter user-selectable; beyond that, I
agree that we shouldn't make the logger complicated.  In particular,
I'm not escaping any delimiters that appear in property values, to
avoid too much processing overhead (and because I'm lazy).

JSBSim and YASim may choose to expose more of their internals though
the property tree now, so that they can be logged (especially YASim,
which doesn't already have its own logging feature).  I think that the
internals should be partitioned by FDM, since each FDM does things its
own way; for example, JSBSim could use


and YASim could use


as roots, then use whatever properties and formats they want; for
example, JSBSim might expose coefficients, while YASim has none to
expose.  No negotiation require -- do your own things, guys.  Perhaps
later we might think of common properties for very common stuff like
forces and moments.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Hack for Virtual cockpit problem

2002-03-12 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

 > This seems to pretty much correct the problem.  Part of the problem
 > is that rotations are occuring at the firewall (model origin) which
 > seems a little un-natural inside the cockpit.  The rest of the
 > problem is I am just learning how this stuff works (I know I've
 > been saying this for a couple months now...but hey I'm slow :-)).

Thanks -- the internal cockpit view seems much better.  Now the ball's
in Andy's court to patch up the virtual panel code (and de-quat the
mouse code), and we're flying!

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Hack for Virtual cockpit problem

2002-03-13 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

 > It's still a little weird with a steep roll angle.  Found an
 > article on quarternions.  It seems that they can be used to solve
 > the problem of the rotation being off center.

Actually what we need to know is the center of gravity (CG) for each
plane, or maybe the aero reference point -- I'm not sure which.

The FDMs already know this: if they could publish the offset, in
meters, from each plane's the reference point, we could use that to
get the center point for all rotations.  For example, as you mentioned
earlier, the reference point for a Cessna 172 is on the floor right by
the firewall (i.e. behind the rudder pedals).  The centre of gravity,
according to the JSBSim config file, is 41.0 inches back and 36.5
inches up from that.

We could hardcode it for each model, but I think getting the value
from the FDM is better: the CG can move around, depending on how the
plane is loaded, and eventually the FDMs will model that movement.
For example, if I've been draining all my fuel from the left wing tank
so that it's empty and the right wing tank is full, my CG is no longer
going to be right on the Y-axis.

FDM guys?

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Hack for Virtual cockpit problem

2002-03-13 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

 > David Megginson  writes:
 > >(and de-quat the mouse code)
 > exactly the kind of response that led me to coin the phrase 
 > "MAYDAY MAYDAY  FlightGear has been hijacked"

Actually, that was Andy's idea, but I do agree with it entirely.

I'm not saying to de-quat FlightGear, just to get the code out of the
mouse routines and into the viewer, where it belongs.  We need to be
able to rotate the view with the keyboard or joystick (for example) as
well as the mouse, and that's impractical if some of the code is
hardwired to one input device and cannot be reused.  I don't much care
if the new viewer code ends up using quaternions or regular matrices,
as long as it works.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Hack for Virtual cockpit problem

2002-03-13 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

 > Well the Mouse code certainly could but let's leave that alone
 > as I REALLY don't want the Mouse reading properties :-)

Not read them, but set them.  It wouldn't much matter if the mouse
code called

  globals->get_current_view()->set_orientation_offsets(r, p, h);



as long as the values ended up back in the viewer *and* the property
tree somehow.  In either case, though, I think that we need to throw
out our current view_offset and view_tilt (the latter is my own evil
creation) and replace them with full 6-DOF view offsets:

- x (meters)
- y (meters)
- z (meters)
- roll (degrees)
- pitch (degrees)
- heading (degrees)

These would allow the view to move around inside and outside the 3D
model in any way -- for example, the pilot could sit higher or lower
in the seat, walk back through the cabin, or stick her head out the
window to see where she's taxiing in a taildragger.

On a separate note, some day we'll get around to making the mouse
bindings user-configurable, like the joystick and keyboard bindings.
I have received many e-mails asking why we haven't done that already.
When that happens, properties are going to be hard to avoid.

 > Good enough to get you and many others hooked on FGFS :-)

Absolutely.  It works well and efficiently, and has served the project
very, very well; the only problem is that we cannot easily extend it
as FlightGear becomes more sophisticated.  We all owe Norm an enormous
debt of gratitude for getting all this stuff working in the program's
early days, or there would have been no program for us to work on now.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Hack for Virtual cockpit problem

2002-03-13 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

 > Well the Mouse code certainly could but let's leave that alone
 > as I REALLY don't want the Mouse reading properties :-)

Not read them, but set them.  It wouldn't much matter if the mouse
code called

  globals->get_current_view()->set_orientation_offsets(r, p, h);



as long as the values ended up back in the viewer *and* the property
tree somehow.  In either case, though, I think that we need to throw
out our current view_offset and view_tilt (the latter is my own evil
creation) and replace them with full 6-DOF view offsets:

- x (meters)
- y (meters)
- z (meters)
- roll (degrees)
- pitch (degrees)
- heading (degrees)

These would allow the view to move around inside and outside the 3D
model in any way -- for example, the pilot could sit higher or lower
in the seat, walk back through the cabin, or stick her head out the
window to see where she's taxiing in a taildragger.

On a separate note, some day we'll get around to making the mouse
bindings user-configurable, like the joystick and keyboard bindings.
I have received many e-mails asking why we haven't done that already.
When that happens, properties are going to be hard to avoid.

 > Good enough to get you and many others hooked on FGFS :-)

Absolutely.  It works well and efficiently, and has served the project
very, very well; the only problem is that we cannot easily extend it
as FlightGear becomes more sophisticated.  We all owe Norm an enormous
debt of gratitude for getting all this stuff working in the program's
early days, or there would have been no program for us to work on now.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Douglas DC-3 Dakota

2002-03-13 Thread David Megginson

Danie Heath writes:

 > I work part-time at the South African Air Force Museum, and, seeing
 > as we operate two DC-3's, I can get you any information you need.
 > Tell me what you need, and I can get it.

Thank you again for the offer.  Here's my own wish list:

1. Aerodynamic coefficients

You probably won't be able to find these anywhere, unless your
airforce once did wind-tunnel tests on a DC-3/Dakota, but these are
what JSBSim needs to model a DC-3 correctly.  There will be a lot of
numbers or tables with headings like CLo, CLa, CDo, etc. (or maybe
CX*).  I saw a story that someone once requested this data from
Douglas, and an old engineer at Douglas replied that the DC-3 was
invented before aerodynamic coefficients were (I doubt it, but it
makes a good story all the same).

2. Raw flight data

It is also possible that someone has collected in-flight data from a
Dakota, and we might be able to use that to calculate some of the
coefficients: for example, there might be tables of the engine power
required to maintain altitude at different angles of attack, or the
climb or descent rate at different power settings and altitudes, etc.

3. The DC-3 Pilot Operating Handbook

In an ideal world, a PDF of the whole POH would be very useful to
everyone working on the DC-3, but in reality, copies of the power
tables alone would make a big difference to our modelling efforts.

4. Wright Cyclone Engine Data

Any engine performance or maintenance data for the Wright Cyclone (or
whatever the later DC-3 engine was) would of course be very helpful.

5. Interior and exterior 3-views

I have some low-res 3-views of the DC-3, but any more detailed
drawings would be helpful, especially for the 3-D model.  Detailed
drawings of the cockpit and control panel would be great for the panel

6. Pictures

Lots of digital pictures of details, especially the cockpit interior,
would be very nice.

7. Any unexpected surprises

You'll probably find things we didn't even think of; please let us

In addition to all of the dry archival work, you are more than welcome
to load my DC-3 3-D model into Blender or another modeller and fix it
up, especially if you have access to any real DC-3s/Dakotas for
comparison -- let me know if you'd like the latest version.

Thank you again,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Simplifying the Property Code

2002-03-13 Thread David Megginson

After a year and a half (really!), it's becoming clear how people are
and are not using the property code, and I think that a big
simplification is in order.  As far as I can tell, nearly everyone

(a) leaves the property values in the tree, or

(b) ties them to object methods

I made the property manager flexible enough that you could provide any
back-end retrieval by implementing, and provided default SGRawValue
implementations for internal values, variable pointers, static
functions, and object methods.  I think that I'm the only one using
variable pointers (panel.cxx) static functions (fg_props.cxx), and no
one else has ever created a new SGRawValue type, so I obviously
overdesigned the code a bit.

If I remove SGRawValue completely and leave only internal values and
tied object methods, the property code will become simpler and will
lose a couple of levels of indirection.  This will matter if the C++
code ever runs slower than the framerate (i.e. if 200fps video cards
become common).


All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Hack for Virtual cockpit problem

2002-03-13 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

 > >  globals->get_current_view()->set_orientation_offsets(r, p, h);
 > >
 > >or
 > >
 > >  view_roll_node->setDoubleValue(r);
 > >  view_pitch_node->setDoubleValue(p);
 > >  view_heading_node->setDoubleValue(h);>
 > Here is where I say you are WAY over enamoured with your 'properties'

It might help, then, if you ignore the second example and concentrate
on the first: image that we did not have properties at all in

The issue is code design -- the view code needs to be fully decoupled
from the input code (whether keyboard, mouse, joystick, network, or
some other source) so that we can reuse it cleanly, which we cannot do
right now.  As long as some of the view calculation is performed
inside the mouse code, that code will have to be duplicated for other
input methods that can change the view code.  Even more seriously, it
will be difficult for other subsystems (such as the 3D model) to
determine exactly how the view has changed.

 > IMHO Since the properties can read/set a matrix directly all that
 > is needed are these values stored in a 'globally available place'
 > so that the property manager and its ilk can access them when they
 > want to.  But the internal vector math operators can operate
 > unhindered by reading the values directly.

We're not talking about internal vector math, we're talking about how
input values get from the mouse to the view code -- that's
fundamentally an interface problem, not a mathematical one.  Andy,
Jim, and I have all suggested that we need a generic interface to
represent the view orientation offsets, and that all input should go
through that interface.  We want to be able to say that the user has
requested something like

  roll offset is 5 degrees
  heading offset is 10 degrees
  pitch offset is 0 degrees

and have that work the same way, no matter where the numbers are
coming from.  The mouse code can use the mouse position to calculate
the user-requested offsets then pass them on to the viewer code, and
the viewer code can use matrices or quaternions internally for its

 > Also I believe that all of the what was Viewer_RPH ie the World Positioning
 > code without any 'eye' or other 'local orientations applied' should be moved
 > out of FlightGear and into SimGear making this distinction even clearer.

Yes, there's a lot that we should move out into SimGear.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Hack for Virtual cockpit problem

2002-03-13 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

 > However I STRONGLY suggest that the first pass is written in
 > 'pseudo code' and posted to the Net somewhere for Review and
 > Comment before anything is actually implemented.
 > A Wiki would be ideal for this kind of thing :-)

CVS is good for this kind of thing as well.  If Jim is having trouble
writing the code and needs some help or guidance, of course he is
welcome to post pseudo-code, but with CVS, it's normally better just
to check in the changes -- that way everyone can review them and test
them.  If they don't work, we can just roll them back out again (as we
have a few times in the last couple of months).

We might be approaching a point that we'll need separate stable and
development CVS branches.  The stable branch should have bug-fixes
only, while the development branch can have bleeding-edge new code for
people to try out and review.  The question is whether Curt's willing
to put up with the extra headache of maintaining two branches, and
whether people are willing to submit two sets of any bug-fix patches
(I'd guess yes for the latter, at least).

Of course, that also implies keeping two branches of the base
package.  Ouch.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Hack for Virtual cockpit problem

2002-03-13 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

 > What I was volunteering for was something less ambitious.
 > Basically just merging the pilot and lookat viewers, looking at the
 > outputs and combining the ones that are essentially the same kinds
 > of values, and mostly preserving how things work now.

I think that's an excellent start.  The pilot and look-at viewers
contain a very large amount of code repetition, and a merger would
give us a good starting point either for later cleanups or for a later
rewrite.  Another good strategy would be to remove every getter and
setter from viewer.hxx that's not currently used so that we know what
we actually have to support. 

I'll look forward to seeing the patch.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Douglas DC-3 Dakota

2002-03-13 Thread David Megginson

John Check writes:

 > It doesn't have everything you need but incase you haven't seen it:

Yes, it's an excellent source for photos and low-res technical drawings.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Coordinates fact check

2002-03-13 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

 > The scenery center is set out of the main loop, and looks to me
 > like it can be easily replaced with the eyepoint with no loss of
 > function.  This has two nice side effects: the view matrix
 > generation is no longer dependant on data stored in scenery tiles,
 > and the code to calculate the scenery center for each tile can
 > simply go away.

That sounds like an excellent idea.  Are there any hidden gotchas?

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] A viewer interface suggestion

2002-03-13 Thread David Megginson

As I promised to Norm earlier, here's how I think the interface for
the new viewer module should look.  The viewer would be configurable
for three situations:

1. looking from a known position outwards
2. looking at a known position from an offset
3. looking at one known position from another

The main input vectors are as follow:

- geodetic position of viewer (used by 1 and 3)
- geodetic position of target (used by 2 and 3)
- Euler angles for viewer orientation (used by 1, 2, and 3)
- position offsets (distance from viewpoint in 1 and 3 and from target
  in 2)
- Euler angle offsets (used by 1, 2, and 3)

Undoubtedly, I've confused or missed something.  Code speaks louder
than words, so here's a hack-up of the interface:

  class FGViewer : public FGSubsystem

enum Type {

FGViewer ();
virtual ~FGViewer ();

// Part 1: standard FGSubsystem implementation.

virtual void init ();
virtual void bind ();
virtual void unbind ();
virtual void update (int dt);

// Part 2: user settings.

virtual Type getType () const;
virtual void setType (Type type);

 // Reference geodetic position
virtual double getLongitude_deg () const;
virtual double getLatitude_deg () const;
virtual double getAltitude_ft () const;
virtual void setLongitude_deg (double lon);
virtual void setLatitude_deg (double lat);
virtual void setAltitude_ft (double alt);
virtual void setPosition (double lon, double lat, double alt);

 // Reference geodetic target position
virtual double getTargetLongitude_deg () const;
virtual double getTargetLatitude_deg () const;
virtual double getTargetAltitude_ft () const;
virtual void setTargetLongitude_deg (double lon);
virtual void setTargetLatitude_deg (double lat);
virtual void setTargetAltitude_ft (double alt);
virtual void setTargetPosition (double lon, double lat, double alt);

 // Reference orientation
virtual double getRoll_deg () const;
virtual double getPitch_deg () const;
virtual double getHeading_deg () const;
virtual void setRoll_deg (double roll);
virtual void setPitch_deg (double pitch);
virtual void setHeading_deg (double heading);
virtual void setOrientation (double roll, double pitch, double heading);

 // Position offsets from reference
 // (axes rotated by ref orientation)
virtual double getXOffset_m () const;
virtual double getYOffset_m () const;
virtual double getZOffset_m () const;
virtual void setXOffset_m (x_offset);
virtual void setYOffset_m (y_offset);
virtual void setZOffset_m (z_offset);
virtual void setPositionOffsets (double x_offset,
 double y_offset,
 double z_offset);

 // Orientation offsets from reference
virtual double getRollOffset_deg () const; 
virtual double getPitchOffset_deg () const; 
virtual double getHeadingOffset_deg () const;
virtual void setRollOffset_deg (double roll_offset);
virtual void setPitchOffset_deg (double pitch_offset);
virtual void setHeadingOffset_deg (double heading_offset);
virtual void setOrientationOffsets (double roll_offset,
double pitch_offset,
double heading_offset);

// Part 3: output vectors and matrices in FlightGear coordinates.

  // Vectors and positions
virtual const float * get_view_pos () const;
virtual const float * get_absolute_view_pos () const;
virtual const float * get_zero_elev () const;
virtual const float * get_world_up () const;
virtual const float * get_surface_east () const;
virtual const float * get_surface_south () const;

  // Matrices
virtual const sgVec4 * get_VIEW () const;
virtual const sgVec4 * get_VIEW_ROT () const;
virtual const sgVec4 * get_UP () const;


// whatever we decide to put here

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] A viewer interface suggestion

2002-03-13 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > - we have a pilot view point offset from the CG.  Right now this is
 > handled in the view code, but perhaps this would make more sense to
 > move to some code specific to the instance of the current
 > aircraft.

Perhaps, but that will require other modules to do matrix
manipulations, because the offset is relative to the rotated axes, not
the world-up axes.

 > For internal views, a heading and pitch offset to the view makes
 > sense.

And roll, for that matter -- I don't see any good reason to leave out
one degree of freedom.  Think of a tail-gunner view in a bomber for
one example of where we might want a roll offset.

 > For external views, we shouldn't use this heading/pitch offset and we
 > should manage the actual view point as offset from the aircraft CG
 > somewhere else and just feed the view code an eye point and a "lookat"
 > vector.  If we use a pitch/heading offset for the external view, it
 > should pitch/yaw the view away from the aircraft in the center of the
 > screen.

Exactly.  Most of the code will still be the same, so I think that it
makes sense to handle this all in one configurable viewer.

 > The 'position offset' to me seems to make more sense living elsewhere
 > (although we may not have a more appropriate place for it at the
 > moment.)

But remember that the offset is, again, in the rotated axes, not the
world-up ones.  It makes sense to centralize the 3D math in the viewer
class and not spread it around.

The logic for calculating the position offsets may live elsewhere, of
course, but it makes sense to let the viewer calculate the actual
transformation from the reference geodetic position, since it will
already have rotation and transformation matrices set up.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] A viewer interface suggestion

2002-03-13 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

 > This looks really good to me.  


 > A few nits below, based on the way I think about the problem.
 > David Megginson wrote:
 >  > 1. looking from a known position outwards
 >  > 2. looking at a known position from an offset
 >  > 3. looking at one known position from another
 > Heh, cockpit, chase and tower.  I wasn't thinking generally enough. :)

It's not quite that simple.  #3 could also be from another moving
vehicle (perhaps being flown by another user over the network or by AI
code).  From the viewer's perspective, it won't matter whether it's a
tower or a moving vehicle when the position is reset every frame

 >  > // Vectors and positions
 >  > virtual const float * get_view_pos () const;
 >  > virtual const float * get_absolute_view_pos () const;
 >  > virtual const float * get_zero_elev () const;
 >  > virtual const float * get_world_up () const;
 >  > virtual const float * get_surface_east () const;
 >  > virtual const float * get_surface_south () const;
 > It's probably a good idea to specify the coordinate system for each of
 > these in the name.

Yes, I agree.  I just stole these names from the existing viewer.hxx,
and have no attachment to them.  Perhaps something like

  getRelativeViewPos_m ()
  getAbsoluteViewPos_m ()

etc. would be more appropriate.

 > I'd also suggest putting stuff like the surface directions somewhere
 > else.  These are properties of a location, strictly, not a view.

That's also a good idea.  Right now, I'm using a temporary SGViewPoint
class to hold location information -- perhaps we should make something
like it permanent.

 > Nit: those should be sgMat4's, right?  Or are you returning a pointer
 > to an array of four vectors?

Returning sgMat4's seems to cause compiler problems, and this is how
Norm had it before.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] A viewer interface suggestion

2002-03-14 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

 > Why not use an "output" parameter then:
 >void getWhateverMatrix(sgMat4* out);
 > Returning a bunch of vectors seems kinda hackish.

That sounds great to me.  As I mentioned before, I just copied over
what's there now for the vectors and matrices.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] 3D Cockpit, cont'd

2002-03-14 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

 > Nice seats too :-)

I'm probably not going to be able to get away with such low poly
counts for the interior for long, but I don't want to fork the models
quite yet.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Flightgear, FS2K2 and GMAX

2002-03-14 Thread David Megginson

Danie Heath writes:

 > Just a question.  If I create a 3-d model in GMAX, convert it into a .MDL
 > file for FS2K2, is there a way to get it (as well as detail things like
 > rotating wheels, moving control surfaces) into Flightgear ?

Yes.  There's a bit of magic involved in getting the animations
working, but we can help you with that.  If you'd be willing to
release your model under and open-source license (or Public Domain) we
can include it right in the base package, and if it's better than my
DC-3 model (no big challenge there) we can make it the default.

Note that we're starting to model interior as well as exterior views
of 3-D models.  There's not much, yet, but you might want to keep that
in mind.  The most important thing, under all circumstances, is to
keep the polygon count low.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] A viewer interface suggestion

2002-03-14 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

 > Or a full-on 3D version of your jitter code, where the pilot's head
 > tilts to the side due to sudden side forces. :)

Yes, I liked that a lot in Battle of Britain.  A bit of blurring at
high G (or even a red-out) would be nice too, but we can do that in
the future.

 > This is actually something I want to try once the cockpit stuff
 > stabilizes.  The ability to bounce the viewpoint around (in
 > turbulence, on touchdown) just too cool.  In a 3D cockpit, you can
 > actually watch the aircraft twist around you during yaw oscillations.
 > The pilots head could lag changes in the aircraft orientation a little
 > bit...

That's important.  From what I've read, pilots can feel when they're
in uncoordinated flight -- they don't usually have to watch the ball
much once they have some flying experience.  Moving the head a bit
gives some useful sensory feedback for computer users (Alex has also
suggested some audio feedback from the propeller).

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Flightgear, FS2K2 and GMAX

2002-03-14 Thread David Megginson

David Megginson writes:
 > Danie Heath writes:
 >  > Just a question.  If I create a 3-d model in GMAX, convert it into a .MDL
 >  > file for FS2K2, is there a way to get it (as well as detail things like
 >  > rotating wheels, moving control surfaces) into Flightgear ?
 > Yes.

Or no, according to Wolfram.  I get confused about what MDL formats
plib does and does not support.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: FlightGear/src/Main fg_props.cxx,1.49,1.50

2002-03-14 Thread David Megginson

Tony Peden writes:

 > > Restoring a flight is not
 > > working in a running FlightGear session because of
 > > JSBSim trim-routine
 > > problems, 
 > What is it doing (or not, as the case may be)?

It's not setting body velocities from the save file, even when I set
/sim/startup/trim and /sim/startup/onground to false first.  I'm
experimenting with different combinations to see what I can get.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Model Performance and dc3 donuts

2002-03-14 Thread David Megginson

Arnt Karlsen writes:

 > ...2 proportional joysticks, just like a model airplane radio 
 > control transmitter??

I'm not sure what you mean by proportional, but they look exactly like
regular joysticks to Linux.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] 3D Cockpit, cont'd

2002-03-14 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

 > Apropos of this stuff, David, you might want to look at panel.cxx and
 > investigate parameterizing the panel location.  Right now, the panel
 > is drawn "in front" of the viewer, with the top edge six degrees down
 > from the center of the view and subtending 60 degrees of arc from side
 > to side.  This is fine, as far as it goes, but the real design allows
 > for plastering the panel into 3D space by defining three corner
 > points.

I'd be thrilled for someone to take over the 2D panel code.  I think
that the future lies with the 3D cockpit, and I'm thinking of ways to
carry most of the current panel work over -- we should be able to keep
the current instrument XML files (which represent 99% of the work
invested) and project each instrument individually into 3D space.  I'm
not promising this next week or even next month (or next quarter, for
that matter), but we will need to be able to have different
instruments lying on different planes (i.e. the overhead panel, the
door panels, the center pedestal, etc.).  For bigger things, like
throttles and yokes, we'll probably use animated 3D objects.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] engine sounds with UIUC models

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Tony Peden writes:

 > You need to write the data to the appropriate properties.  You might
 > take a look at JSBSim.[ch]xx and what we're doing with the 
 > /surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm
 > /surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm
 > etc.

For LaRCSim, I just added code to copy the control inputs directly to
these properties.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Flightgear, FS2K2 and GMAX

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Marcio Shimoda writes:

 > Well, this is a problem
 > The current version of ssgLoadMDL just loads the all the information in mdl
 > file. It doesn't know what is loading, if is a wheel or other moving part.

Fortunately, that doesn't matter.  We specify animations externally
using an XML config file; see

for details.  As long as ssgLoadMDL preserves object names inside the
model, we should be able to animate it.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] engine sounds with UIUC models

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Erik Hofman writes:

 > To get it working the UIUC code should populate the property tree with 
 > at least the following properties (for a piston engine driven aeroplane):
 > starting/stoping the sounds:
 > ---
 > /engines/engine/cranking
 > /engines/engine/running
 > /gear/gear[]/wow
 > /surface-positions/flap-pos-norm
 > /sim/aero/alarms/stall-warning

Since UIUC doesn't have any engine start-up code or stall-detection
code, it's probably good enough just to set /engines/engine[0]/running
to true (repeat for additional engines), and to copy the value of the
flap control directly to /surface/positions/flap-pos-norm.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Flightgear, FS2K2 and GMAX

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Per Liedman writes:

 > MDL is not a format used for modellers, it's more like 
 > a "compiled" binary format used for MSFS. This means that 
 > it *does not* contain object names. Hence, ssgLoadMDL does 
 > not "preserve" object names, since there are no names to 
 > preserve. :-)
 > Having said that, ssgLoadMDL *does* know of some special 
 > types of objects in the MDL format (such as gear, flaps, 
 > spoilers, rudder, elevator, ailerons) and names the branch 
 > nodes appropriately when it finds these nodes. 
 > Unfortunately, the detection mechanism might be highly 
 > dependant on which version of MSFS the model was designed 
 > for, so I don't know how well it will work with models 
 > exported from GMAX for MSFS 2002.

Wolfram mentioned that GMAX-exported models don't work with PLIB
anyway.  In other cases, the best bet would probably be to load the
model into PPE, name the appropriate objects, then export it to some
other format for FlightGear to use.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

 > Note for the FDM writers This means that queries for multiple < 3
 > or 4 > gear locations should be quicker then just the single query
 > was before

That's good news -- I'd like to encourge the FDM writers to query
separately for each gear now, at least for the wheels and skids (crash
points aren't as serious).

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Jon S Berndt writes:

 > So, when querying, would we supply the lat/lon/radius of 
 > each bogey of interest, then get the height above ground?

I think so.  We might want to rewrite the interface so that you can
supply offsets in meters, but that would require a bit of thought.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Tony Peden writes:

 > So then, we'd need to convert from our body coordinates to FG's global
 > cartesian?

You already have the absolute position, so you need only to add in the
body coordinates rotated to the body axes, I think.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] engine sounds with UIUC models

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Jon S Berndt writes:

 > The best solution would be for the UIUC guys to bite the 
 > bullet and port their work to use JSBSim. :-)  :-)  :-)

Hmm -- today seems to be a big day for trolls.  I wonder if any of
Jon's NASA contacts are still waiting for him to bite the bullet and
port JSBSim to FORTRAN.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] engine sounds with UIUC models

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > I'm just about to commit a massive series of changes that converts all
 > the .xml files to more standard .ini files.  Oh, shoot, I meant to
 > save that announcement for 4/1/2002. :-)

We have to coordinate better -- I'm just finishing switching them all
to TeX.  FlightTeX will be a new executable that both flies a plane
and generates beautiful documentation simultaneously, but it will
require us all to learn Pascal.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Jon S Berndt writes:

 > I wonder if modeling this as a pure aural cue would be 
 > enough?

Until Linux and PLIB support force-feedback controllers, it might be.
For many surfaces, though, we will want the plane to bounce around

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-15 Thread David Megginson

Tony Peden writes:

 > > And think carefully about the simplification you propose.  Yes, it
 > > works in most case.  But the existing code already works in most cases
 > > -- all of the situations where we can get away with a simplified
 > > per-gear model are *also* fine with the existing code.  There's no
 > > point to doing the per-gear stuff if we're not going to see any
 > > benefit.
 > A significant benefit will be had immediately -- the aircraft will
 > follow the terrain while taxiing and the 3D model will look better.

Also, if we add the ability to get surface attributes, it will be
obvious when one wheel slips off the side of the runway onto the
grass or gravel.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Flightgear, FS2K2 and GMAX

2002-03-16 Thread David Megginson

Marcio Shimoda writes:

 > Does anybody have a tutorial describing how to create the ac
 > models?

You can create ac models with, AC3D (commercial), Blender (commercial
but free [and now unsupported]), PPE (open source), or Innovation3D
(open source); you'll need to pick your modeller than find tutorials
specific to it.

 > I have to separate the animated parts of the model?

Yes, they need to be separate, named objects.  That's the only

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] new_hitlist

2002-03-16 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > I had to copy sgdPointInTriangle() as well as one other routine from
 > the old hitlist.cxx to get things to compile.  We made a decision a
 > while back that we wouldn't require a development version of plib,
 > but require only the most recent 'stable' version.  So, these routines
 > need to be included.

Can we #ifdef them in somehow?

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-16 Thread David Megginson

C. Hotchkiss writes:

 > Should we add good exception handling in the future, then throwing and
 > catching exceptions would make for a more robust way of dealing with a lot
 > of  problems. And, it would probably be more informative.

We have exception support and we use it, but there's a gotcha:
exceptions don't survive passage through a C function, and we use
C-based callbacks both through GLUT and through Expat.  We'll have to
make sure that we catch exceptions in every callback function and do
something with them, so that they don't just crash the program.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Re : DC-3 Info

2002-03-16 Thread David Megginson

Danie Heath writes:

 > FWIW, I'm leaving for the base now.  I'll definitely see the groundcrew
 > today as we're expecting an aircraft to arrive this afternoon.  Will try to
 > get the info, or at least make an appointment for a weekday (Thursday's a
 > public holiday in SA.).

Thanks again -- any information will be enormously helpful.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-16 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

 > I really don't subscribe to the "indirection above all" school of
 > software engineering, where the slightest hint that change might be
 > coming is enough to justify all sorts of contortions in the code.
 > Sometimes, simple things really should be left simple.

Fair enough.  I certainly overengineered props.[ch]xx, in anticipation
of all kinds of sophisticated stuff that people never bothered doing.
I've been learning, slowly, from the XP people to build only for today
(all my training previously was to anticipate future needs, and it's
hard to let that go).

To rewind a bit, Andy rightly pointed out some of the problems with
C++ exceptions, including the fact that they don't include stack
traces and that people usually throw only strings.  Granted, on both
points, but exceptions still have the advantage that they can be
caught at any arbitrary point up the stack and handled.  

For example, let's say that YASim fails to parse its XML config file.
If it throws an exception, perhaps fg_init can catch that, display a
warning dialog, and default to magic carpet mode.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Anyone recognize this problem?

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

William Earnest writes:

 > In file included from 
 > /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/2.95.2/../../../.
 > ./include/g++-3/iostream.h:31,

This doesn't look good -- somehow, include files from G++ 2.95.2 and
G++ 3.0 seem to be getting mixed up.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Blinking model lights

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

 > If I was going to add blinking lights to the model animation code,
 > how would I do the timing?

This is still on my TODO list, together with LOD and other conditional
hiding and showing.  Were you thinking of blinking by swapping
objects, or by changing colour/texture?

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Redhat (vs debian) / BSD OK?

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Greg Long writes:

 > My question is primarily this: Other that personal preference, is there
 > any major need to install Debian over RedHat Linux 7.2 for FlighGear
 > development?  I notice the gcc issue in the FAQ, but I should be cool on
 > that with 7.2, though I'll check.

I think that we have many RedHat users working with FlightGear, so
there should be no problem.  We'll convert you to Debian some other

 > I have a friend who might join in as well, and he has an OpenBSD setup.
 > If there are any known issues with FlightGear work on that platform
 > please advise.

That's great -- I think we have very few OpenBSD users, and the more
the merrier for hunting down bugs, etc.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] How to define a new airport

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Sergio Roth writes:

 > I'd like to define a new airport. How can I do that ? Is there any paper 
 > talking about it ? Is there any place where we can get coordinates of all 
 > airports around the world ?

The airports are defined in $FG_ROOT/Airports/default.apt.gz, but they
don't appear on the fly -- you have to rebuild your scenery using
TerraGear, and that's non-trivial.  I'd like to add dynamic airport
generation at some point in the future, but it's a big job.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Alex Perry writes:

 > > Fair enough.  I certainly overengineered props.[ch]xx, in anticipation
 > > of all kinds of sophisticated stuff that people never bothered doing.
 > > I've been learning, slowly, from the XP people to build only for today
 > > (all my training previously was to anticipate future needs, and it's
 > > hard to let that go).
 > It's nice to have a concept that can support all that stuff if/when we
 > have an excuse to make use of it.  Put the methods and stuff into the
 > header file, with a comment that they are not implemented yet, and have
 > the implementations break if used.  That makes it easier to have backward
 > compatible code when the snazzy features get added.

Yes, except that I think we're paying a price with a couple of levels
of unnecessary indirection and with code that no one but me can
understand.  I'd like to keep most of the user-level stuff intact, but
to remove the developer-level stuff we're not actually using and
reduce the number of layers.  

One thing that has impressed me about Andy Ross's code over most of
the rest of FlightGear (including any of my own contributions that I
haven't looked at for a few months) is that I was able to understand
most of his code immediately.  Part of that is because he uses good,
clear design patterns, but a lot of it is because he is a good
practitioner of worse-is-better: when in doubt seems to err on the
side of leaving stuff out rather than putting it in.

>From my experience both on open source and on large commercial
projects, I've come to agree entirely with the XP people on certain

1. Never write code that you don't need right now, and never make a
   design more complicated than it needs to be for today.  On average,
   it's cheaper to add one new feature later, when it's needed, than
   to waste time and obfuscate code by adding twenty new features now
   purely on spec.

2. Deleting code is as important as writing code.  Never leave old
   code lying around.  Instead of commenting or #ifdef'ing stuff out,
   delete it.  If no one's using a particular class or method any more,
   delete it.  If only a class or method is used in only a couple of
   places, try refactoring the code to use a different approach then
   delete the class or method.

Curt and I disagree on the second point but try (most of the time) to
respect each-other's opinions.  Personally, I believe that (especially
with CVS and ediff-revision in XEmacs for restoring old stuff) the
cost of leaving in a lot of commented-out old code is painfully high
-- it makes the code hard to understand and maintain, so people tend
not to touch it until either something breaks or the whole development
stalls.  We have to try to write code that a new developer can
understand the first time through, and that means keeping it short and
simple and avoiding indirection and subclassing wherever possible (the
last point shouldn't be controversial, since modern OO design frowns
on excessive subclassing anyway).

For the record, I don't agree with the XP people on team programming
or the unimportance of documentation.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] Norman's change and the PointInTriangle

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Alex Perry writes:

 > Can we patch the sgdPointInTriangle back to PointInTriangle
 > _and_ keep the improvements from Norman in the tree ?

I think we just need to #ifdef for the PLIB version.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

re: [Flightgear-devel] simple tower view

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Michael Selig writes:

 > I am wondering does the view manager work-in-progress support a simple 
 > tower view at this stage?  Having gone from our non-CVS tower view in 0.7.8 
 > to a recent CVS checkout leaves me wishing for more.

Jim Wilson is working on the rewrite.  We do plan to support tower
view (and other interesting views) very soon, but I don't know if it
will be in the first take or not.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] simple tower view

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Michael Selig writes:

 > That would be nice, but even something simple that puts the viewpoint 200 
 > ft above the runway behind the aircraft would be great to start with.  That 
 > view is a help when building and testing the new aircraft models.  It also 
 > makes the sim well-primed for R/C use.

We have a center lon/lat/alt for every airport.  For small airports,
unfortunately, that's often the runway center, but it should still be
useful as a starting tower location until we have better data.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Help with XML and preferences.xml

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Jonathan Polley writes:

 > I have made an attempt to describe the contents of 'preferences.xml.'   
 > Could someone knowledgeable in the properties list and preferences.xml 
 > file let me know if I am understanding things correctly?  Also, is there 
 > any information about what each component of FlightGear needs from the 
 > property list (i.e., the various FDMs, etc.)?

Just to start, the property tree has nothing to do with Metakit -- we
use Metakit only to hold airport and navaid data.

This tells FlightGear where it can find the configuration information for the 
aircraft.  It is the same as using the '--aircraft-dir=' option.

Actually, this is the path to the default instrument panel.
--aircraft-dir is a special option used only by UIUC.

Thanks for starting on this -- it's much needed.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] simple tower view

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Erik Hofman writes:

 > Currently when looking around in the cockpit you turn around a
 > single point (if I recall it correctly). Wouldn't it be nessercary
 > to actually incoorporate the eye distance from the middle of the
 > head into that action (and limit the rotation to about 270
 > degrees). It would seem more "natural" that way (for me at least
 > ;-))

With the viewer rewrite, we will be able to handle things like this
(if we choose to) in the view manager rather than in the viewer
itself.  It's something to think about when our 3D models are better,

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] new_hitlist

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

 > but IMHO what is needed are "imposter tiles"
 > "imposters" are where you use a 'texture only" substitute
 > for the geometry that are computed on the fly 'often enough'
 > This is 'radical' LOD but in our case the tiles out on the 
 > boundary are really just 'little slivers' and there is no need for 
 > anyting else.  I would think that we could easily lump many
 > tiles together into these impostors to form a 2 level ring of
 > 'near' and 'far' "impostors" around our current scenery.  

Yes, I think that's a very good idea; in fact, if you wanted to go to
three layers, the furthest one could be simply untextured, coloured
polys (that's what you'd see from 120,000ft, for example).  For each
tile, we need to sample to find the commonest material and then use it
for the texture (and/or colour) at load-time.

Curt is worried about joining meshed tiles (with irregular terrain) to
flat tiles, but I don't think that will be a big problem if the flat
ones are far enough away.  If we wanted to, we could also sample the
elevation variation for each tile to help us decide how far away it
should be drawn as a full mesh: flat tiles could go to a single poly
much earlier than mountainous ones, for example.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > I know you are making a point by using extereme wording, but if you
 > are running through the woods, it doesn't hurt to look up once in a
 > while.

I preached full interface design in advance through much of the 1990s
-- it seemed like a good idea.  I now freely renounce that view.  Dead
code is just too expensive to keep around; I'm willing to bet that
FlightGear contributors spend more time trying to understand existing
code (including mine) than writing new code.

 > Perhaps you misunderstand my position.  It's one thing to delete
 > crufty old useless code.  However, there may be reasons to keep old
 > code #ifdef'd in.

This is where we disagree -- keeping it in makes the code much harder
for new (and existing) contributors to read and understand, gives
false hits when searching for variables and method calls, etc. etc.
With CVS, it's trivially easy to look at or restore old code later if
we need to; I'm strongly in favour of keeping the onscreen code short,
clean, and uncluttered.  Unlike the XP people, however, I am a big
supporter of explanatory comments.

There are parts of FlightGear that have a single, well-known
maintainer (such as YASim or WeatherCM), but a lot of the dead code is
in the well-trodden public corridors of FlightGear, like fg_init.cxx,
main.cxx, etc.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Help with XML and preferences.xml

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Jonathan Polley writes:

 > Some of the other XML files are rather easy to figure out
 > (i.e,. keyboard.  xml), but others are not (i.e., the FDM specific
 > files).

YASim and JSBSim each uses its own XML format, which is different from
the XML format used by the rest of FlightGear.  For YASim, see
$FG_ROOT/Aircraft-yasim/README.yasim in the base package; for JSBSim,
see the documentation at  UIUC uses a
non-XML config-file format.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Jon Berndt writes:

 > Elimination of dead code (as we all know, CVS is really good for
 > tracking past changes) and better documentation would be really
 > helpful. We'd like to be better in JSBSim too - we all face this.

Absolutely.  While I don't tend to keep #ifdef's around, some of my
code is pretty badly obfuscated right now, so I need to take care of
the beam in my own eye before I do too much more preaching about
everyone else's slivers.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Norman Vine writes:

 > IMHO the biggest obstacle to reading and developing FGFS code is
 > the formatting
 > We really need a mechanical formating means that is acceptable to
 > every one as the CVS standard even if it is not perfect or even
 > close to what one would personally use.

I disagree that this is the biggest obstacle (or even one of the top
10), but then, I use an editor (XEmacs) with syntax highlighting,
brace matching, language-based navigation (jump forward one function),
etc., so those features might be hiding the problem from me.

That said, I do agree that this is a problem.  We probably need a
standard coding style for FlightGear code, preferably one that is
preinstalled in most programmers' editors.  The question is whether we
have anyone with cycles available to lead discussion on this and clean
up the existing code base.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Redhat (vs debian) - DEBIAN ISO's obtained

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Greg Long writes:

 > I might go ahead and give Debian a shot on the install, seems like the
 > distro of choice, and I have a separate Redhat box (233mhz, don't think
 > its S3 Virge supports OpenGL, I'd have to look) but I could use that for
 > testing  Debian seems to be the choice by large, and if it supports
 > rpm's I might as well muck around with it for a bit.

Debian is a bear to install but a dream to maintain.  While Magic
Carpet makes it easier than it used to be to pull in security fixes
and bug patches for a specific version of RedHat, it doesn't help
upgrading from one version to another.  In Debian, when you're ready
to move from, say, potato, to woody or sid, you just update the paths
in /etc/apt/sources.list, then type

  apt-get update
  apt-get dist-upgrade

To move from one RedHat version to another, I usually had to reformat
my hard drive.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] new_hitlist

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > One thing we'd need to think about before we got too far down this
 > path is the texture RAM requirements of such a scheme.

They should be minimal.  For the first tier of imposter tiles, we're
using textures that we already have, and just replacing the tile with
a single quad (or two triangles) that use the most common texture.
For the second tier, we're not using textures at all.  It should work.

 > We would need to do something like put 'long enough' skirts around all
 > the tiles (including the ones with terrain mesh) to hide the gaps.

By skirts do you mean something like these?

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Jim Wilson writes:

 > From where I sit, I'd have to agree more with David.  There should
 > be no cruft left in the code that gets committed.  This doesn't
 > mean individual developers can't keep it around on there local
 > drive, but once something is good enough to commit it should
 > contain working code and nothing else.  Critical information can
 > always be kept in comments, but ifdef'ed or commented out code is
 > very distracting.  For here on out I hereby give anyone permission
 > to hack out any dead, commented out, or useless code that I submit
 > to the project.  You don't need to ask. :-)

We'll keep this on file.  Same goes for me, by the way.

Here's something that might help -- perhaps coders who want to keep
old code around and visible could paste it into a separate file, like
foobar.attic for foobar.cxx.  That way, it would still be visible and
easy to find.  Personally, I think that's overkill, but it's an
alternative for people who don't quite trust CVS to preserve their
thoughts for posterity.

 > On planning ahead: Back when I studied systems analysis 20 years
 > ago, planning ahead was everything.  Hardware price/performance, OO
 > design, and networks have changed all that.  These things are what
 > make requirements so unpredictable these days (and systems so
 > flexible).  How many distribution software designs of the early
 > nineties anticipated web based e-commerce?  But now as the business
 > world becomes increasing internetworked, requirement cycles measure
 > in weeks and months, not years and decades.  It is hard to break
 > old habits though.

On tech projects where I've been involved (ranging from $25K to over
$50M), I figure we lost $10-$100 for every $1 we saved anticipating
future needs.  Jim's right -- people are just too stupid to guess the
future (if you want a laugh, read the analysts' predictions on Yahoo!
finance every morning before the markets open, and compare them with
the market close after 4:15 EST -- it boggles my mind that they
analysts be wrong *more* than 50% of the time).

Planning ahead is OK, but C++ code and interfaces are not the place to
do it.  What you want is a short, 1-3 page roadmap document saying
"here's what we might do in the future and here's how we might do it."
There's no point writing more than a few pages unless you want to give
up any pretence of writing non-fiction.  Perhaps we should stick three
files in every code directory: a README file, explaining what the code
in the directory does, a PLANS file, where we can put ideas for future
interfaces, and an ATTIC file, where we can paste old code we might
need again some day.  When people send patches, they can send updates
to these files as well.

I'll volunteer to start the README files myself, if no one objects.
Don't expect more than ten words each.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ARGGHHH !

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > If you are willing to setup these files and keep them from getting too
 > far out of date, then this sounds like a reasonable proposal to me.

I don't mind setting up the READMEs.  The others will be set up as

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Getting settled in my new "home" / Mars Scenery

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > That's one valid knock against Linux in general ... knowing how to
 > admin one distribution doesn't necessarily help you a bit with other
 > distributions.

That's a bit of an exaggeration.  There are quirks -- Debian uses
/etc/rc?.d while RedHat adds another level, or example -- but the
distros are 99% the same; it's just that we notice the parts that are

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Inlined code harmful?

2002-03-17 Thread David Megginson

I've been running some experiments on the property manager today,
retrieving different kinds of double properties in a tight loop and
timing the results (the worst case was 6.2 seconds for 100M accesses
of a property tied to object methods; the best was 4.3 seconds for
100M accesses of a property tied to a pointer).  I had been concerned
that SGPropertyNode::getDoubleValue was showing up at the top of the
profiling output for JSBSim, but I think that that was masking the
object methods it was invoking in other JSBSim code.

I tried a lot of different combinations to speed things up and have
managed around a 13 per cent improvement so far for internal
properties, but not much for anything else.  The biggest surprise was
that inlining methods made things slower, not faster, in most cases
(there were a couple of exceptions).  That may be a quirk of G++'s
code generation, but it's probably worth considering -- I had inlined
much of the infrastructure to try to speed things up, but then put it
back out of line again piece by piece.

Since inlined code is nasty for other reasons -- it bloats the
executable, makes the header files hard to read, screws up gdb, and
forces a lot of recompilation whenever the implementation changes
(since everything that includes the header has to be recompiled) -- we
might want to consider trying to avoid it.  Does anyone know of any
studies or statistics available on this?

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Inlined code harmful?

2002-03-18 Thread David Megginson

Andy Ross writes:

 > It's probably not a quirk.  Inlining actually helps very little except
 > for VERY small functions.  It used to be that a function call was slow
 > -- you had to spill a bunch of registers and a return value onto the
 > stack, and then clean them up later.  But modern processors can, for
 > the most part, stick all that mess into into a few extra pipeline
 > stages.

Yes, that was my guess, too.  When the method was just a straight
getter, like

  inline double get_foo () const { return _foo; }

inlining didn't seem to hurt much (and in a couple of cases it made a
very tiny speed improvement), but once the inlined code had a couple
of lines, either in itself or indirectly by invoking other inlined
code from the standard library headers, inline caused a significant
slowdown (sometimes >25% in a tight loop).  That happened even in the
inlined code wasn't invoked, i.e.

  inline void foo () 


  bool flag = false;
  if (flag)
  // some other stuff

I was surprised by how much faster things like this ran when I
un-inlined foo().

The build-time problem that Andy mentions has two causes: one is the
code inlining, and the other is the simple fact that so many modules
still include headers from so many other modules.  Curts FGGlobals and
my property stuff is an attempt to get rid of (a lot of) that, but the
cleanup has only started.  It might be some consolation to Andy that
things used to be much worse.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Doc Check

2002-03-18 Thread David Megginson

Cameron Moore writes:

 > I'm not familiar with our XML parser, but could we get away with using
 > this instead?:

In other words, you'd like


to be the equivalent of




I'm not sure if that's a good idea -- I'd be more inclined to default
to 0/false/empty-string.  What do other people think?

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Inlined code harmful?

2002-03-18 Thread David Megginson

Jon Berndt writes:
 > > I had been concerned
 > > that SGPropertyNode::getDoubleValue was showing up at the top of the
 > > profiling output for JSBSim, but I think that that was masking the
 > > object methods it was invoking in other JSBSim code.
 > Could very well be.
 > > properties, but not much for anything else.  The biggest surprise was
 > > that inlining methods made things slower, not faster, in most cases
 > This is certainly interesting. Do you have any statistics on how the
 > property code was changed by un-inlining things?

I'm afraid that my tests were fast and not that scientific, but here's
the most dramatic case, for 100,000,000 accesses of a double property:

  Everything inlined: 3.9sec
  Nothing inlined: 3.2sec
  Only variable-reference getters inlined: 3.15sec

In this test, we paid a 22% time penalty for inlining even 2-3 line
methods (anything that didn't resolve simply to a variable reference).
Perhaps the results would be different under other circumstances.  By
"variable-reference getters" I mean things like

  double get_foo () const { return _foo; }

where the compiler will treat

  double foo = thing.get_foo();


  double foo = _foo;

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Inlined code harmful?

2002-03-18 Thread David Megginson

Tony Peden writes:

 > To get the equivalent of tieing to object methods, a once-per-frame data
 > copy is necessary.  Did your testing take this into account? 

No, I was just testing access time.  I checked in some optimizations
that skip a lot of unnecessary code when the value is held internally,
so the differences are even greater now.

Here are some tests I just ran, for 100,000,000 accesses of a double
property (I ran each on a few times then picked the most typical user
time; there was little variation anyway):

  Tied to object methods: 5.880 sec
  Internal (access only): 2.870 sec
  Internal (1:1 get:set ratio): 3.74 sec
  Internal (10:1 get:set ratio): 3.07 sec

Even when I copy the property value once for every access, it's much
faster than tying to methods.  When I set once for every 10 accesses
(probably typical for the more popular properties), there's almost no
additional overhead.

I am trying to find ways to optimize tied methods, but I haven't found
any way yet to handle them without excessive indirection, because of
the necessity of instantiating a template for each different
class/type combination.  I should be able to get tied pointers working
as fast as internal methods, though, if we decide to keep those.

 > I found only a slight improvement by un-inlining several of the most
 > called object methods in JSBSim.  The profiling did show less time spent
 > in SGPropertyNode::getDoubleValue, but more time in the un-inlined
 > getters.

Yes, that was mainly just a matter of making the profiling report more
accurate.  Remember that my tests were just for the speed of property
accesses (hence the focussed, tight loop).  If we made property
accesses 25% faster, and they accounted for, say, 1% of program
execution time, we'd see only a 0.25% speed improvement.

 > In terms of total execution time, I'd say it came out about the same.
 > A real gain might be had if I un-inlined more tied methods, I don't 
 > know at this point.

Even if uninlining the methods kept the speed the same, it would be a
good idea -- the JSBSim executable will be smaller and GDB will be
able to report the current position more accurately.  The only reason
not to do it would be if uninlining caused a serious performance hit.
As I mentioned before, the only methods that seem to work well inlined
are ones that simply resolve to variables, like

  double get_foo () const { return _foo; }
  void set_foo (double foo) { _foo = foo; }

Even here, the advantages are very slight; anything more complicated
seems to slow things down.

This is all separate from the issue of the property manager, of course.

All the best,


David Megginson

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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